#I love answering these but some of the more goal focused ones I'm like
piipaw · 6 months
10 + 19 + 30 for gum :D
10. What would your Tav consider to be their greatest skill? Is this accurate?
Oh man this is a fun question bc it depends like at what point in his life you ask.
Pre-game living at the crèche he'd say his physical strength- and that is because a lot of his worth and survival comes from that. I'd say this stays true until about mid game where he starts growing with the others and realizes that like maybe his feats of strength aren't seen the same (ex. Laezel flirting w feats of strength is close to his values taught from his upbringing, but the others don't value that in the same way which cause misunderstandings and cause him to re-think how he's viewed.)
Post game I think he'd still say physical strength- but less for survival now and more because it helps him protect what he values.
As his parent/creator (lol) id say his greatest strength is his adaptability or willingness to learn.
19. What is your Tav’s greatest desire?
Honestly I think his biggest desire is to just kinda find some sort of inner peace/find himself. So much of his upbringing was untruthful and it's hard to untangle all those teachings. He comes a long way from pre-to-end game but it doesn't end there for him.
Living in a very aggressive/competitive environment fed easily into the camping lifestyle bc the goal was to just survive. So having an established plot of land to live in with people he cares for gives security and I'm not sure how long it would take to FULLY accept that.
30. What are your Tav’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
Being that he's kinda still finding himself I don't think he'd have a set goal other than "survive/keep my close ones safe" but...
...OH BOY HOWDY do I have so so so much end game lore for my character but here are notable bullet points in a timeline:
-returning the crown (Mystra) and sword of the astral planes (Voss/Orpheus)
-gets married 🎉
-falls into a routine helping local churches and monasteries, occasionally traveling to nearby places (sometimes he'll have to leave for a week at a time, the others make due without him)
-rewarded by Mystra with a small (but important to him) boon/blessing
-possible Githyanki egg/ withers and Morena shenanigans (undecided)
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ohnopoteito · 26 days
"something about you" ellie x reader
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Reader entering a convenience store and falling in love with cashier Ellie;
a/n: Hello everyone, I'd like to give you guys some warnings before reading my very first fanfic bc I just want to create a good space for everyone 😭 English is not my native language so I'd be very glad if you contact me if you find any grammar mistake bc not only that but I also wear glasses and now everything is blurring pls send help (jk) so pls be nice!!!
c/w: It's just loser!ellie and loser!reader bc I know what you are... only a fluff fanfic to warm your hearts, cursing? reader pronouns are she/her so I hope this is not a problem, I also avoided giving reader some appearance description bc i wanted everyone to feel included, but i'll tell you if i change something, but reader wears glasses bc i wear it too but i promise this is not a self insert fanfic pls. That's all i guess... enjoy :)
♡ chapter one!
A cold wind fell apart on your figure as you climbed the street to reach your usual route to your classes. You could start feeling your throat drying by that whole awful climbing, wondering how old people living nearby could walk on that climb in such an easy path, but you also wondered with your own thoughts:
"Maybe I'm the old one..." As you tried to find in your memory the last time you stepped into a gym and lightened up a nervous grin, "I've never stepped into a gym." Your voice echoed in your head, so disappointed... with your own choices.
The dry throath was scratching and begging for the smallest water particle. Fortunately, you were always carrying your thermos in your bag, but unfortunately, you forgot it that day. "Amazing, really." you muttured while a deep breath let out of your nostrils.
Your feet walked you until a convenience store nearby, speding the whole walk wondering if buying a bottle of water was really necessary, but the guilt of your annual goal of drinking more water was knocking at the door.
"Not everything is lost, I still have time before my classes." You thought with yourself, observing the convenience store facade was you were getting closer.
You opened the door and went straight to look for a display refrigerator, almost nonchalant. It was just an ordinary store, after all, just like every convenience store. Organized at least, but you couldn't ignore a random dinosaur sticker on one of the shopping baskets your eyes laid on for a quick second. Shaking your head to push away useless worries, your figure followed to the checkout counter.
You weren't really paying attention to the cashier before, as your actions kept focused on finding your wallet in your bag. But in a very ridiculous way, you caught yourself pathetically static when you heard a voice completely different from anything you had ever heard before.
"Hello?" A mixture of annoyance and tiredness could be felt. You raised your head to meet the owner of such an attractive voice, furrowing your eyebrows lightly as your eyes seemed to shine clearly when that figure filled up your vision. Your breath was stuck in your throat due to the thirst but also for that uncomfortable piercing green eyes looking at you, dark circles around the eyes and ironically highlighting those green iris.
"What?" You asked in weak voice tone, almost scared, intimidated by that figure... a very attractive figure. You could feel your face heat up lightly.
"I asked how you preferred to pay." The cashier asked calmly, tilting slightly to the side. You stutterd a bit your answer before finally paying for the stupid bottle of water.
You found yourself leaning against the wall, finally outside the store questioning all your life choices and personality traits. Your eyes darted on the empty bottle you had drunk all the water compulsively to not think about the cute cashier and her cute freckles and the small scar on her right eyebrow, and right arm tattoo.
"Oh my god, her tattoo." You whispered as your hands covered your studipdly flushed face. "What am I doing, stop, stop." You patted your cheeks and tried to recompose your posture, your less loser posture.
The rest of your morning included you stuck in a classroom for hours with a bunch of new information and contents you'll have to learn by the end of the month, graduation stress always gets you no matter how hard you try to not get caught by it. But somehow you almost couldn't feel that stress increasing in your mind, because the only thing you could think was the awkard moment between you and the cashier earlier.
Despite her sleepy expression and almost annoyed voice tone, her freckles decreased that intimidating aurea by your conception, the sloopy half-up and half-down hairstyle; you couldn't help but remember all those face details and smile lightly.
"What." Your jaw dropped, wide opening your eyes. You were so stupid you could even feel your head ache a little.
Trying to calm your messed up mind, overthinking about the college tasks and exams, there it was, an extra corner about that auburn hair cashier. Was that a really big deal? Why are your heart beating faster every time you remember those green eyes? Maybe you were being too emotional, of course you are being too emotional.
Too much emotional. You found yourself in front of the convenience store once again, asking yourself if your mind was now tricking you. Those bright lights caused your pupils to sting. It was already night and the stars were shy in the sky, and for a blessing thing, your home path was safe enough to walk around alone during the night.
You couldn't tell how much time you spent stading in front of the store facade, but you were considering the idea of entering the place only to see her once again, and you felt like a loser. You shouldn't do this.
But you did, you entered the convenience store with the eyes of yours examining everything around the place, and another spot could be seen a dinosaur sticker, right on one of the shelves. "The manager might have a kid?" You supposed with yourself as your nervous pace reached a section next to the checkout counter, your anxious eyes trying to spot the cashier from earlier, wondering with your thoughts if it was only a part-time job of hers.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, it seemed to be a full-time job. You could see that figure once again, and for some reason, your mind was silent miraculously. It was... good and almost comforting, to look at her, minding her business and being focused on something. Enchanting.
"Can I help you?" Her voice echoed, snapping you out of your trance. Was she annoyed? Of course, you were staring at her until she could feel that;
With a pair of flushed cheeks, you answered her ungainly, "What, well, hum..." You couldn't just run away like a freak.
"Oh, god." You said in a breath, "What a day." You smiled embarrassed of yourself, feeling so small in compare to her, you could shrink until she couldn't see you anymore. "I was just looking at a blind spot, I got distracted, sorry." It was almost inaudible, the poor eyes of yours staring at random different types of razors.
"fuck it, shit is already in the fan." You thought as your hand grabbed a pack of q-tips, which you don't really need at the moment but you felt like you shouldn't leave empty-handed.
Appearing again in front of her, your eyes met for a quick second before you gave up looking at her, "I'll take this, and I'm paying with cash, please." You spoke up, your voice almost dissipating.
You handed her your last paper notes.
She was so alluring it was almost a sin to dare looking at her. You felt almost criminal being this observing about her, and her... dinosaur sticker on a black cover notebook.
In a second of response, you tilted your head slisghtly to the side, finding undeniably curious all of that. The notebook was resting in the edge of the counter, and it seemed old plus well used, with stars and dinosaurs stickers all over the cover and a small spaceship drawing in the corner. "Is that yours?" You asked out loud what should be only to you and the voices of your head. Panicking eyes searching for the auburn girl.
"What? Oh, shit." Her hand grabbed the notebook in a blink of an eye and stuffed it into an old backpack placed on the chair behind her.
"No, It's nice!" You responded quickly, raising your hand lightly and resting it on the cash register. "I liked it. Dinosaurs are... cool?" Your voice tone decreased as she was now turning all her attention to your eyes. Deep, you should add on it.
"Do you like dinosaurs?" She just seemed like a little kid. The deep gaze of before was now only like a pair of puppy eyes, a wary puppy.
And now you couldn't screw things up.
"Hum, well. There're so much stuff about them, right? Movies and content to study, I can say that's quite interesting, so... I'm not a hater? I mean, I've already watched Jurrasic Park, so I think it counts as something?" You did your best to sound sincere in your response. You weren't a hater, indeed, but it wasn't really something it makes you want to spend time consuming.
Her expression was hard to read, but you felt there wasn't an awkward atmosphere like before. Certainly, you still felt yourself small, but her posture seemed slightly welcoming now.
"Yeah, it's something." She said in a low tone, her voice tearing slightly through her throat, slightly hoarse. She examined you for a couple of seconds, but you were too distracted by her captivating intense eyes. You could just get lost there, and you wouldn't even mind. "Here."
She handed you your shop bag with a single pack of "Excuse to talk to her" and started brushing her fingers on the counter, "You should go home." She said to you, a neutral expression as she avoided your eyes. Your face almost dropped by her sudden sentence.
"I mean, it's late and you shouldn't stay out this late." Her head turned to the monitor next to both of you, pointing to the time. Her right hand scracthing the back of her neck, the tattoo exposed. "I'm not kicking you out, it's just that... I don't know. I'ts just the way I..."
"Show that you don't hate me?" You interrupted her. Your voice sounded so natural, you were now feeling natural, no fear of speaking or behaving.
She looked at you as her eyes blinked for some quick seconds. You still couldn't read her, but you knew she was almost feeling just like you.
"Yeah, something like that." She whispered between a light smirk, her arms crossed as her eyes laid on your eyes once again.
You couldn't help but press your lips tightly so a silly smile of yours wouldn't come out, eyes turning to the store entrance. "I think I should go, yeah." You said almost breathslessly.
One day crush never hit you so hard before.
Yeah... that's all i got 😭 hope you enjoyed :) god i'm exhausted sorry
A shout out to my friend @yourelliewillms bc she really encouraged to post this 💋💋 mi gente latino
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> SUN IN THA HOUSE < and whY yoU Be like dat
Sun is our focal point, its our brightest star > you force others to look at you and look at themselves by your star quality <
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Sun in the First - Everyone knows them, and they make it a fact that if you don't see them then your the one who is blind. They have a confident swagger, but arrogance to them that begs for the attention of all around them, and everyone is locked in on how or why they have such a powerful presence. Their smiles are contagious too. Also somehow always in the perfect place to say some funny ass shit and keep their style points that they been racking up over the years "You know. You all know exactly who I am. Say my name" - W.W 'breaking bad'
Sun in the Second - Did I stutter? Im talking about what I need not what I want. These guys are possessed by themselves and everyone loves it. So focused so self contained, they don't want nothing to do with you if you can't help them achieve their goals, and that attitude is sticky and everyone wanna be glued to em because they are destined for success. So they are constantly deciding who they want to share their gifts with, because they know they got it, what you got? "Money, money, money, money, money ain't the motive, What's your name again? Nobody knows it, Don't speak to me n***a, you not important, Im focused" - Tyler, the creator 'smuckers'
Sun in the Third - The whizz kid who didn't study, but stole the test papers and told everyone the wrong answers and kept all the right ones to himself. They are smart and they dont need you to tell them this they just want some more god damn answers. And thats what frustrates everyone, because they know so much already, why they still searching? Well thats how they got so smart dummy "That's why they put my lyrics up under this microscope Searching with a fine tooth comb, it's like this rope Waiting to choke, tightening around my throat Watching me while I write this, like, "I don't like this note" - Eminem 'white america'
Sun in the Fourth - The sentimental cry baby that everyone loves to cuddle. Emotional but people find it adorable. They are the rock you can cry on if you want a rock to cry on. Nah but if you need a safe place to cry, you can cry to them, they'll protect you from the harsh waves of others emotional projections, because they get it, even when everyone else refuses to. But don't use em because that'll force them to block you out, and this decision will cause a emotional rollercoaster for the both of you and they'll blame you for it even if it was their decision "And I am done changing words, Just so my songs sound prettier, I just don't care if it hurts, 'Cause it hurts me too" - Faye Webster 'hurts me too'
Sun in the Fifth - The walking confetti explosion, always turnt up and if you trynna lower the volume then they'll oblige ya just so when the volume inevitably goes up again, they'll make it a point that its always more fun with the party up then down. Charming chameleons that are cheesin about the colours they managed to pull off. Watch em dance, watch em sing, watch em do a funny, they can do it all and laugh while doing it, the vibe is them and they are so good at inviting people in on the little big party they got going on "Man I just wanna go flex, Gold on my teeth and on my neck, And I'm stone cold with the flex, With my squad and I'm smokin' up a check" - Post Malone 'go flex'
Sun in the Sixth - Typeracer.com - nah but seriously they always working on themselves and comparing themselves just to make sure their progress is more than what they expected and way more than what others expected of them. Because they here for a reason, and they will never let a opportunity slip, because if they do, they'll stay awake over it for years, and they done wasting their good years. Basically Peggy Olsen "And when your album sales wasn't doing too good, Who's the Doctor they told you to go see? Y'all better listen up closely, All you n***s that said that I turned pop, Or The Firm flopped. Y'all are the reason that Dre ain't been getting no sleep" - Dr Dre 'forgot about dre'
Sun in the Seventh - I gotchu what you need? true homies always putting others before them, and i know this gets a bad rap these days but if you ever get one of these friends. Do yourself a favour and stop telling them to stand up for themselves, because they still standing with the weight of everyone else on they shoulders. This way they show others the power of communication. And they still sticking it to everyone who tell em otherwise, so please tell me how they not standing up for themselves? They the loyalist, you got no idea how many people rely on em and thats their pride "Every step I take, every move I make (ohh, I'll miss you), Every single day, every time I pray, I'll be missing you (yeah, yeah, yeah), Thinkin' of the day, when you went away, What a life to take, what a bond to break, I'll be missing you" - Diddy 'missing you'
Sun in the Eighth - Who went to hell and back? Well they went to a version of it. And they are done hearing whatever you done, because what they did beats your hell tenfold. They don't even wanna put you in your place because they don't wanna hear your attempts to disapprove of them because they've overcome more than some bullshit shit talking. Just put some respect on their name thats all they want. And if not it's easy pickens because think they worse than you, and if you done worse, they don't mind going badder, so be careful, they'll do it. They careful about not being careful so be careful "No I don't worry, I tell you, I'm a man who believes that I died twenty years ago, And I live like a man who is dead already, I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything" - Skepta 'no security'
Sun in the Ninth - I WOKE UP IN NEW BUGgATTI is how they live their lives, except miss the bugatti but keep the caps lock on. They live by a set of moral philosophies to help them get by and to find excitement/ enjoyment outta life, because they refuse to be a follower, they've seen how sad everyone else is and they just trynna make sure it don't work out that way for them. Educated idiots; making up the rules as they learn the rules to live by their own rules. They lead their own life and it rubs off on everyone on how you should live your own life > teetering the edge of danger and fortune. Also someone who'll give it to you the realest despite being the biggest clown "Black kid get shot, white man get tazed, Media spread lies, politicians get paid, Doctors wanna drug you up so you can reach an early grave, Prisons wanna lock you up so they can fill up every cage Make fifty cents an hour, they gon' work you like a slave, Government gon' play dumb but they know everythin' " - Meechy Darko 'kill us all'
Sun in the Tenth - "Who speaking about me? oh. he ain't shit" - they acting better than everyone, and its fake until it isnt. No one knows when they made it because they always acted like they did. They dont brag they let the audience speak their volumes, hum their symphonies, play their drums, tickle their balls, and they just the orchestrator of it all. Because they doin the most, and they know everyone gonna talk about it so no need to even speak on it. Classy about it too. They on the top and they don't wanna leave so they acting humble but everyone know they really feelin themselves, but hey who wouldn't "I might be too strung out on compliments, Overdosed on confidence, Started not to give a fuck and stopped fearing the consequence, Drinkin' every night because we drink to my accomplishments" - Drake 'headlights'
Sun in the Eleventh - Trend setters who leave their shit stains on every social setting they enter. They got this influence about them thats hard not to notice, because they have at least three people fawning over em, and they not doing shit. Always trying to spread their influence, so if you want someone to back you its them, because their word is worth more due to their connections. And the easiest way to connect is technology and they all up in the software and getting a hard drive about it. They say some outta pocket shit, but thats where the influenza comes from I guess. They somehow everywhere and no where at the same damn time "It's ironic you talk jail time, But you ain't never seen no central booking (yeah) It's ironic you hang with a n***a that beat women And have the nerve to call yourself "Girl Pusher" Wow! You ain't real, I'm gonna show you how I really feel - JPEGMAFIA 'baby im bleeding'
Sun in the Twelfth - Lonely introspective dreamy creative types. Is what you could say if you wanna sum them up. But there is much more to them, but they are so afraid of letting anyone in because they are so sensitive. Their empathy and ability to look at things from different perspectives is what sets them apart, and they want to be set apart, because they feel alone, and don't wanna pretend they your friend if they ain't. They are extremely creative to a fault, and a lot of people would rather make fun of their works then celebrate how special it is. Until it is widely acknowledged how gifted they are, then everyone will switch up around them. But they will never forget who said what, because they above the whats; aint got time for someone who thought they were just a what "'Cause I'm out there, Tried to tell you that I'm out here on my own, I told you I was out there, Tried to tell you that I'm out here on my own,I fell down to Earth, From a hundred miles away and somehow I still make it work, But it's overrated and somehow played out" - Oliver Tree 'alien boy'
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buddiebeginz · 1 month
Okay everyone listen to me Tim posting a B/T video (if he even did because his FB is private and people are saying he posted it but took it down) does not mean he’s saying Buddie is a no go and T*mmy is Buck’s endgame.
First of all let’s remember that Tim wanted to do Buck’s bi storyline years ago particularly back in season 4 and this was likely going to lead to Buddie (look at how the shooting arc was handled).
Second so much of this season has been geared towards Buddie. We had a lot of joint interviews with Ryan and Oliver (more than ever before). We’ve had Buddie talked about in pretty much every interview Oliver and Ryan have done both together and separately this season. This is not something that happened (to this extent) previously, it’s clear Fox did not really want them talking about Buddie. Also remember that if Buddie wasn’t happening and if Tim and ABC didn’t want them talking about Buddie they wouldn’t be allowing these kinds of questions over and over again. They would answer the Buddie question once or twice and that would be the end of it. Everyone knows how much people ship Buddie especially Tim. I'm positive he knows it would be really stupid to keep bringing it up if he wanted the subject to die down.
More importantly let’s look at how this season has gone we’ve had Buck and Eddie together more than ever. Tim even explicitly stated he was trying to put Buddie scenes in almost every episode. Look at how he answered that person about the karaoke scene. Tim basically said he was a Buddie shipper too.
Also think about this Tim knew he was going to have Buck come out and naturally it stands to reason that when it happened people were going to speculate more than ever about Buddie. If Tim has no intention of making Buddie happen and if his long term goal has been to put Buck with T*mmy as Buck's forever love interest (Like Bathena and Madney) wouldn't he have handled this season differently?
I'm not saying Buck and Eddie wouldn't have scenes together if the plan is never for them to be a couple, obviously not they're best friends but I do think Tim would have been extra careful with this being the first season Buck is out as as a bi character. Yet like I said we've had Buddie together more than ever. We've had them talking about sexual tension, dressing in couples costumes (when the actual pair that is dating didn't), singing karaoke together (even if most of it got cut), Buck talking about Eddie's cologne, Buck being a parental figure to Chris, Buck coming out to Eddie in a private quiet scene (when he only had two coming out talks this season), a buddie hug when we haven't had one for years, Buck talking about how he wished he could help Eddie when Eddie was talking about being sexually frustrated.
Most importantly though and what really seals the deal for me on why I think Buddie is happening is that Buck's entire bi awakening episode was focused very heavily on Eddie. Buck was NOT jealous that Eddie was getting to spend time with T*mmy in that episode (i.e. jealous because he wanted to spend time with T*mmy) he was jealous because Eddie was spending so much time and sharing parts of himself with someone else. He was jealous of T*mmy getting to spend time with Eddie and felt like he was being replaced. He thought him and Eddie had something special but then he sees the connection Eddie so easily formed with T*mmy and it hurt him.
We just haven't (as of yet) seen Buck really be willing to dig deeper to understand what he was truly feeling during all of that. How it was all about Eddie and not T*mmy. At this point all Buck knows is that T*mmy kissed him and Buck realized oh I like guys and he's reveling in the newness of all of that. At some point though he's going to realize none of this was ever about T*mmy and that even the main things drawing him to T*mmy were because of his similarities to Eddie. (I wrote a whole post about this episode btw)
But back to my point and that's why would Tim make a whole episode about how Buck obviously has feelings for Eddie and make it in the same episode where the audience (especially the general audience) realizes that Buck isn't straight? Why do that if Buddie isn't in the plans? If Tim's goal is B/T he still could have had something with Buck being jealous. What if T*mmy was hanging out with Chim and the rest of the 118 and he started being friends with all of them. They could have had it where Buck felt threatened kind of like he did in season 2 with Eddie but what it really was about was that Buck liked T*mmy and didn't know how to express that. What I'm saying is that Tim wasn't backed into a corner with this bi Buck storyline and T*mmy there were so many different ways he could have told it. He chose to tell it where it revolved very heavily around Eddie. Buck was even talking about Eddie right before and after he kissed T*mmy what exactly are we supposed to take away from that?
I know B/T stans like to say we just see what we want to see but decisions like having Eddie feature so heavily in Buck's coming out ep aren't made on a whim these are very deliberate especially when the powers that be know how much people ship these characters. Very specific choices have been made to tell a story with Buck and Eddie this season that is leading them towards the same goal and that's eventually together. If you're not seeing that it's because you don't want to.
There's also the fact that if B/T is the ship we're supposed to be rooting for if it's the ship that's going to be as big to 911 as Bathena and Madney (at least according to B/T fans) why has there been so little focus on them? I know some people might say it's a shorter season and they already have so much to fit. Or that they're trying to go slow with B/T's story but here's the thing they rushed into having Buck come out to the audience in one episode and then rushed into having him come out to all the other characters a couple of episodes after that. If Tim wanted more focus on B/T there would be. They also wouldn't even have to do much with them. We've barely even seen them have an actual conversation and the few times we have most of it has been when there has been some kind of uncomfortableness or annoyance between them. Like when Buck was full of anxiety during the date (and then T*mmy made that closet joke) or when Buck was upset about T*mmy not dressing up and T*mmy seemed annoyed.
I don't know I've watched a ton of different shows and to me this doesn't feel like how you build a ship you want the audience to root for. And I'm not saying that you can't have two people at odds and then have them get together. I love a good enemies to lovers thing but that's not what this is. To me the show is trying to tell us that Buck and T*mmy have an attraction but they really aren't on the same wavelength in other areas. Plus the show is always having Buck either talking about Eddie or having Eddie show up. Like when Buck came out to Maddie and was more concerned about lying to Eddie than his date going bad. We had Maddie literally Telling Buck if he had something to tell Eddie he'd tell him in his own time. What am I supposed to think about a line like that? Or when you had Eddie there during the whole scene with B/T at the karaoke bar or how the scene immediately cut from the B/T hospital kiss to Eddie. Plus we haven't even had a mention of T*mmy since 7x06 and now we're going into the finale. You'd think that they would have at least had Buck mention T*mmy during that date night scene where Buck was watching Chris for Eddie but no instead we had Buck being rather flirty with Eddie talking about his cologne and throwing popcorn into his mouth.
Now let's look at this video. There’s a high probability Tim didn’t even watch it. It’s long and not good in my opinion (I saw it before today). B/T stans call us delusional but they’re yelling about how Tim must believe in this bs invisible string theory they came up with and because it’s mentioned in that video. But here’s what the cover looks like
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And this is why I think Tim posted it (if he even did) because it’s not about what’s in the video it’s about the title.
Has 911 found Buck’s perfect match?
This is what Tim wants us thinking about going into the finale. Is T*mmy the perfect match for Buck? Some like to think so but we know there is someone better and Buck is going to realize that.
No matter what happens with Buck and T*mmy at the end of this season and even if they're still together going into season 8 I 100% don't believe that T*mmy is meant to be Buck's endgame. Buck is for all intents and purposes the shows main character. We were basically introduced to the show through him we've watched him have the most growth, tim is not going to give him some lackluster love story.
Most primetime shows have a couple that the audience can root for. A couple where the audience isn't sure if they're going to get together but everything happening with them makes you want to see it happen so it keeps the audience tuning in waiting for the day it finally does. 911 had that for a long time with Madney before they got together and then later when they broke up and got back together. But now that they and all the main couples are happily married and rather settled 911 has no main couple like that not one that will garner media and audience attention, except oh wait they do it's Buddie. If B/T were going to be the couple they were betting on we would have had at least one Oliver and Lou on screen interview by now talking about them and we haven't. We definitely would have had more press promoting the couple but we haven't. The focus like I said before is on Buddie. The focus in the episodes is towards Buddie, the focus in the media, it's all a bright neon flashing sign that says BUDDIE. Nothing is pointing towards B/T in actuality I think Buck and Taylor may have even had more press than B/T has gotten so do with that information what you will.
I know a lot of you will hear about Tim posting this and think that's it Buddie is dead in the water but it's just not true. We are closer than ever to Buddie happening I promise you. We just have to be patient and let the story play out. Please don't pay attention to all the negativity coming from that other ship in fandom. Block as much as you need to so you can keep your peace. The best thing you can do right now is to show your love for Buddie as much as possible. Make sure you're tweeting about Buddie, leaving comments about Buddie on 911's official accounts (on ig YT tiktok etc), making new posts and graphics about Buddie on tumblr. We need to continue to be a loud (respectful) presence online and to remind everyone that we won't give up on Buddie.
Sending love to all of you ❤️
And remember:
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eimids · 2 months
It's not a big deal (18+)
Leah makes sure Alessia knows how proud of her she is (with a bit of smut ofc;) This is very fluffy and cute and soft hehee
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"Are you ready soon love?" Leah asked from the door as Alessia was hustling around the house trying to do the rest of her makeup and hair while also packing the rest of her stuff.
"Umm just a minute" Alessia answered quickly. Leah was used to her girlfriend being late often. Luckily the two made in in time to Meadow Park to meet the team.
The game was against Bristol City so it was most likely going to be a win for the gooners and both of the girls knew it. Still Alessia was nervous because she could only focus on the fact that it had been six games already without her scoring and she was getting critic from some of the fans for that. As a forward she had a lot of pressure on her. Tiniest mistakes could have a huge impact and she just wanted to see the ball in the back of the net.
Leah could sense the nervousness on her girlfriend but decided to not bring it up because she also know that the blonde would not wanna talk about it. She just took Alessias hand in hers and gave it a squeeze as they were listening to Jonas talking about the game. That squeeze meant more to Alessia than Leah even knew. Just the contact of her girlfriend made her mind melt.
Everything went smoothly, there wasn't any problems with socks etc. Soon enough they were warming up on the pitch. Alessia had a good warm up and Leah was watching proudly her while also focusing on her own warm up. They were both in the starting line up which was good.
Right before the game Alessia and Leah didn't really talk to each other. They both wanted to get into game mode and both knew that they could be distraction to the other one. They were a couple but they also knew how to be professional. Just like the other couples on the team.
Kim gave them the pep talk right before getting to the tunnel and heading to the pitch again. Alessia did her little pre-match ritual, jumping seven times before the whistle.
The first half of the game started strong with Beth scoring twice and Steph making also a goal. Alessia did have good chances but none of them hit the back of the net, she was getting a little nervous but tried to not let it show. When the half time whistle blew, she was happy that they were in a clear lead, but bit disappointed on her own performance.
Back in the locker room Jonas gave them a talk about how to improve in the second half, although they were already playing amazingly but there was always room to be better.
"Less I know your nervous" Leah whispered to her girlfriend after Jonas was done talking.
"Just know that if you score or not, you have played amazingly my love and I couldn't be more proud of you" Leah continued. Really meaning every word.
Alessia murmured a thanks and gave a quick peck to her girlfriends lips before they had to get back to the pitch. The second half started slowly, nothing major happening. Chances every now and then but they never upgraded to a goal.
14 minutes into the second half of the match Alessia was in a good spot with the ball and succeeded to put the ball in the net. Leah was smiling ear to ear as she watched her girlfriend putting the ball to the back of the net. Alessia was also buzzing with excitement as she celebrated the goal.
"I'm so proud of you" Leah yelled as she went in for a hug with her girl. They tried to not hug for too long.
The game continued steadily, some substitutes were made and soon enough another great chance came to Lessi when the ball came from McCabe. Once again it hit the back of the net and this time Leah couldn't hold back with her excitement and took her girlfriends head in her hands and caressed it. Going in for a hug with a proud smile on her face. She didn't want to let go of her girlfriend and was just so proud of her for scoring the two goals.
"I love you Leah" Alessia whispered to Leah ear in the hug.
The game continued and some more substitutes were made, Laura finally having her comeback and Katie Reid making her first senior debut. The athmosphere was amazing when the final whistle was heard. Celebrating together with the team in the locker room was always fun.
Soon Leah and Alessia were back in their car on their way to their shared apartment.
"I told you that you would play amazingly love'' Leah gently said to the taller blonde.
"It's not a big deal tho, we would have won either way" Alessia answered, always being critic about herself.
"It is a big deal love, I know how nervous you have been about scoring after a while so you absolutely should be proud of yourself" Leah assured. "Oh and buzzing" She teased. It was a known thing that Alessia overused the word and Leah loved to tease her for that.
"Oh okay I see how it is Miss Comfy" Alessia laughed, teasing her girlfriend back. "But thank you tho, it means a lot" She continued and felt Leah's hand coming to her thigh.
The drive was nice and fast and it didn't take long for them to be back in their apartment. They luckily had showered earlier after the game so they could just get comfortable on the couch together. Leah was sitting and Alessia was pretty much laying on top of her, just wanting to be close to her girlfriend. Leah's hands somehow found their way to Alessia's ass. Kneading the muscles there and eventually dipping lower and closer to Alessia's core.
"Mhmm Leah" Alessia just moaned tiredly.
"Is there something you want?" Leah started to tease but knew her girlfriend was just tired and needy and was pretty much just needing anything Leah had to give.
"Please" Alessia pleaded against her girlfriend's lips, just wanting to feel and be close to Leah.
"How about you get rid of all those clothes and get comfortable on the couch, I will be right back." Leah said and left the couch leaving Alessia pouting. She still started to get rid of her clothing just like her girlfriend asked.
She found a comfortable place on the sofa and laid back down. Soon she heard her girlfriend coming back and was not surprised when she saw her wearing a strap. It wasn't necessarily big but Alessia loved to have it inside her.
"Are you ready for this love? Oh what am I even asking I can see your wet pussy from here" Leah teased the blonde on the sofa.
"Mhmm please Lee I need it so badly" Alessia was already so vulnerable and needy.
"Don't worry love I will give you everything you want baby, you have been so good today I'm so proud of your sweetie" Leah whispered as she straddled on top of her girlfriend.
She was kissing Alessia's body and lips. Leaving little marks all along her body. All the kisses were making Alessia even wetter and needier. Little moans were finding their way out of Alessia's lips when Leah gently took one of her hardened nipples in her mouth, swirling it and sucking it just the way Alessia loved it.
One of Leah's hands made it's way to closer to their cores and lined the tip of the strap to Alessia's pussy. Just that made Alessia moan out loudly. After lining the tip to her girlfriend's dripping hole, she pushed just the tip inside to get a reaction out of her girlfriend.
"Fuck, more" Alessia pleaded. Her head getting all fuzzy with the pleasure and anticipation. Leah was happy to serve her girlfriend. Giving her what she wanted, pushing the strap deeper into her girl.
"I'm so proud of you love, you did so well today, I'm so so proud baby" Leah whispered as she started to move the strap in and out of her girlfriend in a steady slow pace.
"Leah I love you" Alessia moaned in her sex hazed voice. Leah just smiled at her antics. She loved nothing more than to be close to her girlfriend, making her feel good, feel loved and just enjoy every second with her.
Leah's thrusts were getting stronger and faster. She knew that in this state Alessia wouldn't last long but wanted still to take her sweet time. She didn't bring her fingers to Alessia's clit because she knew that would throw the younger girl over the edge way too soon for her liking.
The night was filled with lots of sex, loving whispers and sweet nothingness. The two girls just didn't want to let go of each other, not that they had to. At the very end of the day they fell asleep just curled naked around each other. Feeling loved, feeling like winners.
Sorry this was supposed to be longer but my motivation was just running out lol
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Rejecting you was my first mistake
→ Masterlist
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Summary: They harshly reject you before realizing later on that they had feelings for you all along... only that you have already turned over a new leaf.
Pairings: Ayato, Kaeya, Xiao, Alhaitham x (gn!) Reader - [separate]
Tags: Angst, Hurt/no comfort
A/N: Hi peeps! I'm back with a new fic. Perfect for the gloomy fall season I deliver you some angst that a nonnie requested. I also added Alhaitham despite not being in the request. This is my first time writing for him (and it's angst, haha! He'll also get some fluff soon, I promise!)
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You looked below yourself and started drawing circles in the sand on the beach you were sitting on with Ayato. Your heart painfully clenched in your chest as you were unsure whether or not now was the right time to pour your heart out to the man by your side. Would he feel the same or would it end up ruining the friendship you’ve had since your childhood days?
“What is troubling you?” There really was nothing you could hide from him, was there?
“Nothing.”, you attempted to reassure him but he didn't seem convinced and raised an eyebrow with worry flaring up in his lavender eyes. You sighed deeply, your mind and heart starting to race one hundred miles per hour, while trying to gather all your courage.
“Ayato, I… I think I have feelings for you.”
A small frown played around his lips that looked more like he was pitying you and you could feel how your heart shattered into a million pieces. A mind numbing silence followed your confession that almost drove you insane.
“Oh? That is all you have to say?”
“I’m sorry... I won’t be able to give you the reply you’re hoping for... I do not reciprocate your feelings, I see you more as a part of my family. I've actually been meaning to tell you today, that I’m going to be wed soon”
“... a wedding?”, you asked in disbelief with a quivering voice.
“It has not been officially announced yet, but she is from an allied clan and it was my father’s dying wish that I’d marry her.”
You turned your face away from him, not wanting him to see how his words had crushed even the last bit of hope you've ever had. You could feel tears stinging at the corners of your eyes and a painful lump forming in your throat. You got up from where you were sitting, kicking off the sand that stuck to your clothes and sighed silently in defeat.
“Do you love her?”, you asked with a shaky voice, waiting for his answer.
“I will.”, he replied after a short moment of hesitation, as if he was looking for the right words in order to not wound you more than he already had, oblivious to the fact that your heart was already broken beyond repair.
You nodded in acceptance before you started to walk away without looking back, feeling his pitying stare burn into the back of your head.
Weeks turned into months and months soon turned into years but he never saw you again since that day on the beach. You didn’t attend his wedding, that he had attempted to invite you to again via numerous letters, either. But every letter he sent to you or spontaneous visits to your home, stayed unanswered, until he ultimately decided to leave you alone to allow your broken heart to heal at its own pace. 
It wasn’t until he found a letter addressed to him on his desk one day, that made reality suddenly crash down on him.
Dear Lord Kamisato,
I am truly sorry that I did neither reach out for a long time nor that I could deliver this message to you in person. Shortly after our talk at the beach back then I realized that I needed to change something about my life and decided to leave Inazuma for good. By the time you will receive this letter I am already long gone.
I had realized that I needed to stop chasing impossible dreams and start focusing on my own goals in life and I knew that wouldn’t have been possible, if my feelings for you kept being an obstacle. It felt like I was drowning in a deep ocean, trying to reach the surface in order to be able to breathe again, but no matter how hard I struggled, it felt like it kept moving further and further away from me. Thus I took the next ship to Liyue and started to build a new life there. You’ll be happy to hear that I even met a lovely man that I married not too long ago.
I’m sorry I could not attend your wedding and I often miss the days where we hung out to talk or played chess together. I hope that things have gone well on your end and that you’re happy and doing well where you’re at now.
With Love,
Your old friend
He gingerly put the letter back on the table in front of him, tracing your penmanship with his finger as if he intended to feel your presence through it under his fingertips for one last time. He harshly bit his lip and felt a single tear rolling down his cheek. He wondered why your words caused him such intense grief all of a sudden.
It wasn’t until his eyes landed on the photo of him and his wife on his wedding day that he began to realize and a tidal wave of regret surged over him.
Back on that day on the beach he told you he would get married, he told you he would love her and he told you he doesn’t love you the same way you loved him. So why was it that only now he realized that it was you, that it had always been you, who he had been in love with all along? He had been a coward and pushed you away. Now you are gone, building a family of your own, far away from him, while he is trapped in a loveless marriage with a woman he has nothing in common with.
He had lied to himself all these years, convincing himself that he was happy with the way things were now - but the cold hard truth was, that he could not be happy if it wasn’t with you.
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“And I won, again!”, Kaeya snickered, throwing his playing cards on the table triumphantly before downing the rest of his wine in one sip. It had been a cheerful evening that you and him spent together at the Tavern after work and you’d feel great, if only it wasn’t for your crush on the Cavalry Captain, which increasingly pushed itself in the foreground on your mind.
“I give up, you beat me! Drinks are on me tonight”, you chuckled and lifted your hands up in defeat before going to order another round of drinks for you. 
Kaeya watched as you walked over to the bar, conversing with the familiar bard who seemed to be quite fond of the wine as well and often kept hanging around the Tavern. He watched as the young bard threw a quick glance over his way before leaning in closer to you and whispering something in your ear that seemed to fluster you quite a bit, making you shake your head quickly.
“Got a love confession from the little bard over there, sweetheart?”, Kaeya teased as you arrived back at the table with the drinks.
“No, no, nothing like that. Nothing important.”, you reassured him, but deep down you hoped that what Kaeya had just asked was a small sign that he was interested in you as well.
As the evening drew to a close, Kaeya and you walked home together until you stood in front of your door. The moment you took the doorknob in your hand you suddenly turned around again with newfound courage, determined to spill your hearts content out to Kaeya.
“Alright, here we are. See you tomorrow! We can–”
“Kaeya, wait…”, you interrupted him and grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Remember when the bard told me something earlier?”
“Yeah, I do. Need any love advice from yours truly?”, Kaeya teased.
“Kaeya, please. This is not about him… but about something he told me, or rather about something he told me to do.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Tch, that’s one way to put it… Kaeya, listen, I think – no, I’ve realized you’re more to me than just a friend. I–I I have feelings for you.”
A long silence followed your confession. His expression remained unreadable until he eventually pulled his hand out of yours again, placing it over his stomach and starting to laugh. Your heart painfully clenched at the sound of his bellowing laughter echoing in your ears.
“Hahaha, sweetheart. I think you had a bit too much to drink tonight, hm?” He remarked and patted your cheek with an amused expression, wiping a tear out of the corner of his eye.
“I only drank grape juice, Kaeya!”, you exclaimed, slapping his hand away in frustration. “I meant what I said.”
“Oh.”, he paused, his amused expression replaced with one that essentially told you everything you needed to know. He did not feel the same way about you.
“You actually like me?”
“I do… quite ironic, huh? The first time I ever fall in love, it’s with the only person who doesn’t love me back.”, you directed your gaze at the ground, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you desperately tried to swallow them down.
“I-I guess I’ll leave you be… goodnight. See you tomorrow, maybe…” He turned around, quickly waving you goodbye and leaving you heartbroken.
In the following weeks he noticed that you were purposefully avoiding him but he couldn’t blame you for it. He tried to act as he normally would when he ran into you, in the hopes that things would go back to how they were before that night, but they never did. In fact the more he tried to act normal, the more he felt like you were pushing him away, until you ultimately came to his office, handing him your letter of resignation telling him that you couldn’t keep going as if nothing happened.
It wasn’t until he saw you walking around the Dawn Winery’s vineyard hand in hand with Diluc, when he was there for some official business on the Knights' behalf, that he felt something inside of him die. At first he shrugged it off as jealousy, until he wondered why he was jealous in the first place. He had told you he had no feelings for you, so why did he feel the way he did when he saw you so happy and in love with Diluc? Why was it only now that he realized that he was in love with you?
To shield himself, he had always been so used to lying and keeping his heart locked, even to the ones he loved, that he had become numb to its desires - running away from his own feelings, until it was too late.
In the end all he could do was ruin things and push people away. It’s what he was best at, it seems.
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Xiao and you had hung out at Wangshu Inn but as soon as you had gone home he found your backpack sitting on one of the chairs on the balcony. Surely you must’ve forgotten it.
He picked your backpack up before it slipped out of his grasp, spilling its contents on the floor. Among it was your diary, which flipped open and landed face down on the ground.
Xiao let out an annoyed sigh as he picked up the things scattered across the floor, until he picked up your diary and caught a glimpse of a page where you had stuck a picture of you and him together with some doodled hearts and a small note reading "One day I will tell him..." below it.
What did that have to mean?
As if prompted, out of the corner of his eyes he spotted how your familiar figure appeared at the entrance to the balcony again. You halted the minute you saw him stand there, backpack on the floor with all your things scattered around it and your diary in his hand - opened. You could feel panic well up inside of your chest and your heart dropped heavily.
“What are you doing there, Xiao?”, you asked with unease in your voice. Had he seen the picture with your notes?
“I wanted to bring you your backpack, you’ve forgotten it. I accidentally dropped it… what does this have to mean? What will you tell me one day?”
He turned around, stretching his arm out, showing you the opened book in his hand and your worst fears had become reality the moment you saw which page he had been looking at. 
“Xiao, I–, archons why did you have to see this… I like you Xiao – a lot actually.”
He eyed you cautiously with an indecipherable expression in his eyes. Was it confusion, was it anger or maybe even lack of understanding? You couldn’t tell and the silence that followed your confession made your heart painfully contract in your chest.
“What do you mean, why?” 
“Why would you want to tell me this? What made you think I’d ever feel the same way? I’m not capable of feeling this way towards you, or anyone.”
“It’s not like I chose to.” Your voice was nothing but a mere whisper at this point and the lump in your throat became more painful by the minute. You took your last bit of strength to rip your diary out of his hands and quickly gathered your things together, that were still lying on the ground and stuffed them into your backpack. You flung it over your shoulder and left the adeptus without looking back once. 
This was the last time Xiao talked to you. He convinced himself that he didn’t need anyone around anyway, he’d been alone for centuries already, he could do a couple more. That was until the Lantern Rite came around a year later.
He never had been the person to hang around big crowds and this year would be no different. He sat atop one of the buildings in the city, overlooking the harbor and watching the lanterns float into the night sky.
Suddenly his gaze found you in the large crowd at the pier and he watched you as you let your own lantern rise into the sky, but you weren’t alone. There was a man with you who kissed you tenderly as you stood there hand in hand, looking after your lantern with a big smile on your face.
Something inside of him stirred at the sight of you looking at another man with the same adoration you’ve had in your eyes for him back then. How often had you asked him if he had wanted to visit the Lantern Rite together with you as well and how often did you skip going because he refused to go?
The scene where you had left him on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, when he had found your diary, played in front of his inner eye again, evident hurt in your eyes, inflicted by his vicious words, when all you had ever shown and given to him was your time and love. He had yet again been too stubborn to realize what his heart wanted and fell back into old patterns of pushing anyone away who got too close to him. Maybe he had been scared of what it would mean if he had admitted he had felt the same for you – in fact, he still felt the same. But you no longer did.
He had pushed you away and you found happiness with someone else. Someone more deserving of your love and he had no one to blame but himself for that.
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The day you found out you and Alhaitham had been assigned to the same research trip for the Akademiya, you had felt your heart do a little jump for joy in your chest. Both of you had started studying together at the Haravatat and occasionally had been working on group projects.
The trip itself started well, you had been sent to research and gather information on some carvings found in one of the ruins of King Deshret in the desert. You had set up camp at the oasis nearby and working with him was going smoothly so far, as it always did.
On the second day you decided to venture deeper into the ruins together, to see if you'd find more inscriptions. As you took the lead, you suddenly felt one of the tiles below your feet sink down and before you could react you felt a strong arm snatch around your waist, pulling you to the side. Once you came to again you found yourself lying atop of Alhaitham, your back pressed against his chest and his arm still around your waist, in front of you a pile of rubble that had fallen down from the ceiling.
"Careful, there are traps here.", he rationally explained. Maybe a bit too rational considering you could have died. But you didn't give it too much thought, also because you were way too distracted by the pounding of your heart in your chest, and you knew it wasn't because of the triggered trap that it was beating so loudly.
"Right…", you huffed breathlessly, before slowly trying to wiggle out of his grasp again. Had the placement of his arm been intentional or did you interpret too much into it? As your thoughts spiraled off, you felt your cheeks heat up, looking down to the ground in an attempt to hide your flustered face from him.
"Are you hurt?"
"No. No, I'm fine. Thank you… for pulling me out of the way."
He looked at you with a stern expression, nodding in acknowledgement before brushing some sand off his clothes and returning to his studies wordlessly. He sat down on a huge stone in front of a mural, continuing to scribble notes in his notebook. 
"Alhaitham?", you rasped with evident nervousness in your voice, gathering all your courage for what you were planning to say.
“Hm?”, he hummed, just briefly flicking his gaze up to you. You deeply inhaled beginning to feel your heartbeat pulsate in your temples.
"I think you're really great and–"
"Do you intend to ask me for help with your paper?"
"N-no, no that's not what I was going to say… uhm, I've been meaning to say that I really really like you.", you stammered, gesturing about wildly with your hands.
"I like you too, you're a great research partner and have great academic potential."
Ouch. Either he was completely oblivious or playing dumb, no matter the case, the lump in your throat became so big it started to hurt and at that moment you wanted nothing more than to cry and run away. Your confession had backfired even worse than anything you had imagined.
"I-I don't mean academically… or even as a friend. I like you… romantically, Alhaitham.", you coaxed out, using up all your strength in order to not start crying.
He looked up from his notes and put his pencil down, eyes now fully trained on you while furrowing his eyebrows.
"What made you think I have feelings for you?", he asked with an annoyed undertone in his voice. He slightly shook his head and devoted himself to his notes again.
He did not speak to you for the entire rest of trip afterwards, outside of the strictly necessary communication. Practically acting as if you didn't exist. Leaving you even more embarassed and heartbroken than you had already been from his original rejection.
Back at the Akademiya you immediately enrolled to change subjects and joined the Amurta for a short while, before deciding to quit your academic career entirely to become a Forest Ranger in Avidya Forest.
Alhaitham would lie if he had said he immediately noticed that you had quit, it had only occurred to him several weeks after you had been gone. It had gotten rather quiet recently and while he usually didn't mind being on his own and studying alone, he did miss your input on certain matters.
It wasn't until one day where he was tasked to bring an important document to Tighnari in Avidya Forest on the Akademiya's behalf, that he realized his grave mistake. It was then he saw you again for the first time. You stood on the gravel path in front of Tighnari's hut, both your hands interlocked with his, pressing a fleeting kiss on his lips. A smile brighter than the sun gracing your beautiful features before waving Tighnari goodbye and heading for the forest, together with a girl with green hair and purple eyes.
At that moment Alhaitham felt a wave of emotions wash over him, ones he, at first, couldn't quite place. You had never smiled at him like this. Was what he witnessed, what he could have had with you? He tried to ignore the painful knot in his stomach but no matter how often he told himself that he didn’t care what you were doing with your life now and who you were with, he had to admit that in reality he wanted nothing more than to turn back time to tell you he felt the same for you. It finally dawned on him that he had been blind about his feelings for you the entire time.
Why did he only realize it now? Only Archons knew.
He had learned the hard way that academic success wasn’t everything that was desirable in life. A realization that unfortunately came too late - you had already found happiness in someone else.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated <3
Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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@irethepotato @euphierosyne @x-zho @stygianoir @polalcee
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waynewifey · 11 months
dear mr. wayne — b.w
part one: dear mr. wayne
part two: aftermath
part three: aporia
summary: it’s not easy being a politician’s wife. it’s even harder to love a vigilante. months of negligence make you an easy target to his enemies.
pairing: bruce wayne/battinson x reader
genre: angst romance & dark action
warnings: swearing; smoking; kidnapping; violence; a bit of gore; “you” is she/her; bruce is the worst husband ever btw
word count: 2.8k
A/N: i wrote this back in january 2022 when the batman movie had just premiered, so kinda off the hype here. i hope you enjoy it anyway. already working on part 2, let me know if you guys would like it! also, this has taken a path way darker than i had in mind so i’m sorry if it’s too much. comments are appreciated!
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gotham city, USA.
it's late.
you have no clock nearby, but you feel it in your bones. in your muscles too. it's too late and bruce should be home already. laying in the sofa, only half conscious, you regret telling alfred to go to bed. at least you wouldn't be alone. of course, being married to the batman you knew he would patrol at night often. you were okay with it. but lately bruce had been too focused on his other, and recent, goal: running for mayor. at first it seemed out of character, he was never good with the public or the press. but he stared at thomas wayne's painting in the hall in such painful façade, it made sense all off sudden. you were supportive of it. you showed up to every event just to stay by his side, to show the people the lovable man he was. the man you loved. the man who couldn't even be home for dinner.
the penthouse's elevator dings, opening its doors at the end of the hallway you see perfectly from your seat. your head doesn't lift instantly, like in the first week. instead, a long sigh escapes from your lips as bruce reaches the living room.
"hello, darling." he says, still in motion as he walks the stairway up to the room you shared. not a single kiss, or a hug. you follow him, because what else is there to do? you need to go to bed anyway. by the time you get there, slowly, his suit is already on the floor and he's taking a shower.
"how was the meeting?" you ask, knowing he usually did his Wayne Enterprising meetings — which consisted of hanging out long hours in bars with business men — at night. recently, he started a complicated relationship with a real estate company he wanted to invest in.
"the usual." he stopped fully answering these questions three weeks ago, making the only time you ever talked even shorter. the city has gotten more violent than ever since his batman duties were put on standby.
"any closer to sealing the deal?" you sit on the bed, watching the open bathroom door.
"probably." it's not like he's being rude. well, maybe a little bit. he just doesn't want to talk any more, it's clear on his tone. but it's 2am and you brain isn't working too well.
"when is this gonna end, bruce?" you finally say, as he puts his boxers on. "when are we ever having dinner again? or going on a date? when are you gonna stop treating me like i'm some sort of home decor?" you almost vomit out the words that have been stuck on your throat for days. surprisingly, the heartache doesn't softens. instead, it gets worse. it's like admitting your abandonment.
six months ago, you started trying to get pregnant. it hadn't always been a dream of yours, but the idea of having an heir to all you've spent your life building is charming. you realised you were in the right time to do so, you had just turned 28, bruce was 32, and both had stable careers. a month later, bruce announced his candidacy. and so soon you gave up. you told yourself once he won the election everything would be fine. you would try again. but, realistically, being a mayor was already a lot of work on itself. he wouldn't want a pregnant wife or a child to take care of. after the four years, who knows? he might as well have a new life project. and your family would always stand on the side.
"i don't know what you're talking about..." he doesn't look into your eyes. hell, he barely looks at you. that feeling, the negligence, is enough to trigger the tears. you take a deep breath, making an effort to look composed.
"don't you, though?" your voice is shaken. look at me. look at me. look at me. look at me. he doesn't. "bruce." you call, finally getting his attention. however, the boredom on his face knocks you off your feet, legs trembling in pain and anger. "i just want you to make an effort on us..."
"really? cause that's all i ever done." he's leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed in a way you would find attractive in other circumstances. but now he's yelling and you fight back the urge to shrink into the mattress. "do you think i wanna have a kid on this fucked up town? i'm tryna fix this. fix everything!" his faces turns red-ish. something inside of you makes you want to leave the room. you've always been an avoider, that is one of the reasons you hadn't really had couple fights. so, basically, this is very new. "i've got the weight of the fucking world on my back."
"let's leave then" you manage to say, replacing the you chose this. it was true, however, that he was the one to put himself in this position. bruce wayne could've gotten his entire life without working if he wanted to. but he always needed to save everyone, to suffer for other's happiness. he was a giver. sometimes you wondered if he needed to be saved instead.
"you know i can't do that." he mumbles, in a defeated tone. a sigh escapes from his lips, suddenly the tiredness takes over his face. it's almost enough to make you let it go, to internalise your distress again. he really can't, you know that. he feels that the city is his liability, because it was the only thing he had since he became an orphan. but he had you, too. he just didn't acknowledge that.
"and i can't stay like this." it sounds like an whisper, but it's a plead. choose me. please. he seems to read it in your eyes, face contorting in agony when he realises what you're asking for. me or gotham? it's stupid to think he would ever choose you. but you hoped, so desperately, because you would choose him. always.
"let's not do this tonight, okay? i have to be in the office by the morning." tears instantly fall as he turns off the lights and lays on the bed, turning his back to where you slept. for a moment, you're static. his words were final. were you ever in control of something in your life? why were all of these decisions being made for you? mechanically, you stand on both feet and walk to the door. you don't even notice your movement until you're on the elevator. your husband didn't intervene either. this neighbourhood is one of the safest in town, which honestly isn't much but you had to get out. anyway, nowhere is totally safe at 3am.
you walk two blocks, clinging to the fluffy sweater you wore. the depressing air of gotham slows your pace, to a point you start wondering if it was really necessary to be aware. you could feel the city devouring you, starting with your hope. the blue 24h sign lights up the street, in a way that isn't welcoming, but you know the place well enough to not be scared to get in. a bell sounds over the door and wakes up the male behind the counter. he's got long black hair and seems to haven't seen a good night of sleep in weeks. same,you think.
"hi. can i get the blue one?" you point at the camel's behind the man. he nods, quickly putting a pack on the wooden board. the prices pops up on the cashier's display. you pay and go outside. smoking was an bad habit from your college days, when pressure got too excruciating. every now and then you would treat yourself to some cigarettes, for the confidence it gave you. the sense of control to be the one, for once, ruining yourself. the smoke burns your throat on the first inhale and you hold back a cough. you're too entertained by the cigar to notice the black van approaching. it stops right in front of you, and everything happens too quickly for your brain to process. it's all dark.
he's in a meeting, the boring kind.
the kind that has him seated in silence while a representative talks to his employees, who never get to listen to their actual boss. there's a chart being shown on a large tv on the other side of the room. he's not listening, though. he's writing down ideas for a thanksgiving speech. a head pops into the conference room.
"mr. wayne." it's one of the new assistants, hired especially for the election season. he didn't care to memorise her name, because temps usually don't last long. if she hadn't called him, he might've not even looked up. but the room is silent, expecting eyes on him. the girl at the door looks terrified. "you're urgently required outside, please."
he sighs as he gets up from his leather chair. the second the door closed behind him, chatter is heard again. in the corridor, the woman conducts him to his office and they get in. there's a bit of a commotion, four men lounge around his table, all their faces tense.
"mr. wayne, i'm afraid we don't have good news." the head of the marketing team speaks, a man called robert vance. he's probably said the same phrase to bruce about seven times this month, so that doesn't do much. the assistant approaches with an ipad, unpausing a video. "we received this from an anonymous email about forty minutes ago. we weren't able to get the ip address just yet."
the video starts with a black screen, zooming out to show a woman with a bag over her head. she has her hands on her back and is kneeling on the ground. bruce's heart skips a beat noticing the hair falling down her shoulders.
"bruce wayne..." an eerie voice whispers from behind the camera, breathing heavily. "i've robbed an egg from your basket, and you haven't even noticed!" there's a disturbing chuckle and the video shakes a bit. bruce doesn't move, eyes stuck on the screen. no one in the room has done anything other than breathing. someone gulps. "it's been long hours, but we're having fun, aren't we, darling?" a gloved hand reaches for the bag, pulling it out. her face - your face - is dripping blood. you're biting on a fabric, still in your home clothes. bruce's jaw clenches. you're crying, face beaten, in this degrading situation. your eyes pierce the screen right into his. suddenly, a gun is tapped on your forehead and you close your eyes into a sob. your lips mouth please. "i'm running out of patience here, you're running out of time. let's do business, shall we?" he laughs, knocking the pistol on the side of your head, making you fall laying on the floor, unconscious. the spot bleeds. "here's my proposal: you come clean about your father's deal with carmine falcone and maybe i don't shoot little mrs. wayne... or i do both. it's your choice, really. the clock is ticking. tick tock, wayne."
the video stops, the sight of a gun pointed at your unresponsive body burns into his mind. bruce is panting, the adrenaline rushes into his brain. there's a million of plans being built, but none of them seem viable.
"don't let media get this." he managed to say. one of the men in suits says it's too late. the tv flicks on showing a news report on the video. he kicks the side of his table, the contents being thrown across the room. "FUCK! you bastards wait forty fucking minutes to show me this?" he screams, no one can look him in the eyes. a hand runs through his black hair. "meanwhile my wife is out there with a gun on her head! and what have you done? i swear to god, if i don't find her alive and well i'm killing everyone in this goddamned room with my bare hands."
he storms out of there, reaching to his phone to call alfred and noticing the multiple missed calls. fucking silent mode. the sun is setting.
"i got the address." the butler says, instead of hello. a 'ding' sounds in his ear.
there has been pain for so long. you try to remember before the pain. but all is pain. he has to make it stop.
the floor is cold cement and you feel so small in this huge warehouse. the man in the mask knows you can't run. not only you're tied up, but the will had left you long before getting dragged into that van. he sees it in your eyes. so he strolls around, always in that ridiculous dark green overall. then he beats you up for fun. no cameras. just you and the devil himself. you find yourself praying, after all these years. you don't pray to get out, no. you pray so that it ends soon. you pray that the stab wound in your abdomen will get you an infection. you pray that when you close your eyes, you never have to open them again. but the divine has left you in the cold cement.
there's an explosion. your eyes open. there's smoke and dust taking over one of the walls. you're seeing everything horizontally, cheek on the floor. the man in green is just as scared as you were.
bruce wayne busted that fucking wall down. he expected a full team of psychopaths and maybe some more security. there was just one coward in the warehouse. the thing stares at him coming out of the smoke, fingers fidgeting. the batman steps forward. the freak steps back. then turns around, runs to a half broken wardrobe and grabs a gun from it. bruce walks slowly. there's a struggle loading the gun. he takes the opportunity to run and throw the thing on the floor. he bangs his head on it. the vermin screams. he takes one punch. two. tries to reach for the fallen gun. bruce steps on his hand and the loud crack echoes in the room. he screams again. three punches. the mask is taken off. his nose is bleeding. more punches. he holds the neck. the head is turning purple. oh how he wants to kill this little shit. bruce wayne will kill him. it will just take a few more seconds...
"baby, no" at first he thinks he's imagining it. it's so soft, so weak. but he looks up and there she is. his hands loose. right on the corner, chains on her legs. her face is ruined from blood and dirt. her wrists bleed too. the motherfucker chained her. hell is too good for this thing.
bang. on his shoulder. he looks down and the blood is dripping on the freak's face. he’s pushed to the side, holding the wound. tiny white dots obstruct his vision. he grunts through the pain. the man gets up and runs towards you. bruce can’t move. he arches his back, trying to roll and lay on his chest. it feels like he can’t move his arm anymore, like his bones had detached. when he finally does so, the man is escaping through a window. his hand searches for the adrenaline-boost in his belt, grabs it and quickly injects on his leg. it takes a second to get his blood rushing again. he crawls up and jumps through the window, which leads him to a metal balcony.
you’re almost standing, but he holds your chains and a gun to your face. the shooting sound had scared you awake. you can’t believe how close to bruce you finally are, but the conditions couldn’t be worse. you can hear water running below your feet, you don’t need daylight to show you the violent river you’re standing above. this is not good.
bruce has his hands up in the air and is holding himself back to not do anything stupid. the man’s face is contorting into the creepiest smile. no.
everything happens so slowly, yet he’s not quick enough to grab you in time. you’re falling in the air and he jumped after you. for a moment, the world is air. you can’t hold out your hand. your hair is flying in your face, he does not want to die without seeing you one last time. his cape holds him back and the distance between you only increases. you’re gone. the impact comes.
part two
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twitteringthings · 3 months
Fresh Thoughts Chapter 57
After reading spoilers on twitter (no spoilers here though^^)
The way Yoneda uses bl stereotypes as a tool while also rejecting some aspects of the genre is so interesting to read. In most bl I've read, sex is seen as the epitome of love - the culmination of two characters' pining and is seen as the end goal that suddenly fixes everything. The dick and brain are one and suddenly everything magically makes sense. But in Saezuru, Yoneda uses sex to unravel the characters while twisting them up even more-so. I believe that sex has never been and will never be the answer for Doumeki or Yashiro, and I think that is what she’s getting at. That is the point of all these sexual encounters that yield no real progress. You need more than three words and some head, ding dongs!
Doumeki thinks that all he has to do is give Yashiro passionate and gentle sex to make him realize that he loves him and imo he has it all wrong. It’s almost like Doumeki doesn’t truly hear Yashiro when he speaks. There's a pause and then a kiss or a continuing of sex as we've seen. I really wish he would’ve probed even further with the questioning instead of giving into desire and kissing Y. To me, it looked like Y was ready to talk more or hear what Doumeki had to say in response to his ‘confession.’
I don’t think D realizes that this is about Y and his view of himself. It doesn’t matter if Doumeki treats him kindly and calls him beautiful. Every person in Yashiro’s life has had an agenda against him or a plan to use him for something (nana excluded). There are always, always strings attached and his heart cannot accept anyone having no intention at all, except to love him purely. I do think D is on the right track though, making Yashiro chase him in a way. Not giving anything away as to make Y either trust his intentions or distrust him, Y needs to choose for himself.
It’s so interesting how the relationship between the two of them is outwardly focused on the physical aspect (which is definitely important), but the story is about the hearts of men. Twisted and broken men. Men with baggage and secrets and deep wounds. Men who seem to be the upmost composed but in reality, the soft touch of a feather can send their entire fortress crashing down. That's what we have here.
Yashiro’s coping mechanism protects him but is also the cause of his continuous pain. Saezuru is about choosing the right pain, the pain that will numb you and have you walk through life as a ghost, or the excruciating discomfort in accepting a foreign act of kindness that you know will save you. And for Yashiro, being saved means there was something wrong done to him in the first place - which I don't think he completely realizes yet. This would mean everything he ever told himself was a lie, and that he deserved none of the cruelty. The truth that would destroy him the most if he truly chose and accepted kindness, is that he is a good person and that he deserves to love himself and to be loved. With Doumeki, this has always been Yashiro’s battle.
Vile actions accompanied by cursed words are what has held Y back all his life from the moment he was raped by his stepfather and throughout the continued abuse, even up to the most recent events post-timeskip. And I think the exact opposite is needed from both sides to finally free both of them from their mental prisons. They just need to hold out and to talk to each other for more than five minutes. I hope they'll get there soon.
Lastly, I'm sure it wasn't her intention to make such an impactful story that subverts a genre and goes against the grain - in a wonderful way. I saw something another person posted that said this story and these characters are just a result of good storytelling and great care and I could not agree more.
I haven't posted anything of actual substance in a while (stupid work is stopping me from my true passion - alas!). These are some messy thoughts; I can't wait to read the actual chapter for true understanding! I need to analyze every pen stroke, blush, and body placement. I just had to get this out of my head, now back to my essay that's due at 11:59 *sobs*
Edit 1:55 am: Still have not started essay
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ariesmoontarot · 4 months
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What Are You Manifesting?
The Piles:
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𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘈 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘦
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Pile One:
Song: Love On The Brain -Rihanna; I Gotta Find Peace Of Mind (Live) -Ms. Lauryn Hill; Let Me Go -Daniel Caesar
Side Note: Man, this pile is heavy on the emotions. I almost cried channeling these songs for you. I hope you manifest all the love and healing you need, take care my love <3.
Angel Number: 7, 77, 777
Channeled Words: Critical, horoscope, behead, flourish, hip, ghostwriter, attract, pipe, replace, difficulty.
Channeled Names: Naila, Yeseniya, Fadhili, Korneli, Göstav, Klara, Hyeon-Ju, Irene, Feidhelm, Kazuhiko, Domingo, Viola, Violetta, Olivia.
So, what I'm getting from your energy is that you're manifesting openness, vulnerability, and honesty. Of course that isn't the only thing you're manifesting, there is a very exciting, passionate, and confident energy you're going to be embracing. I feel like for some of you, you could be manifesting a union with someone you feel very strongly about. They may not come off as socially appropriate or acceptable. I feel like they have a bit of a bad reputation and people have judged them harshly because of it. I feel like this is someone you know from your past and maybe you guys used to link up and casually have sex or don't necessarily intend to have sex, but it happens. I feel like you have a lot of self-control and know when to limit yourself. Sexually, financially, lustfully, even when it comes to fun, drinking, smoking, anything that could potentially turn into a bad habit or addiction. You also know when to limit distractions and set boundaries and I feel like the person who could be from your past, doesn't know how to balance out their time and energy with their responsibilities. They may let their fears, addictions, bad habits, and desires control them more than their heart and mind. I feel like you're manifesting something long term and serious. You aren't playing games and I'm hearing you can "get it" anytime you want it, but you don't care to accept the bare minimum. You've had your fun and fair share of escapism and I feel like now you're ready to build abundance in all aspects. That goes for financial stability, success, a happy family, and wealth. I feel like you're someone who will hold it down for a person you really love and value. This could be how you feel towards someone you may or may not be talking to right now. I feel like loving them brought you happiness and pulled you out of a dark place. I feel like you loved this person a lot and wanted to build a home with them. It pushed you to mature and heal because you knew you had to be a better you in order to be focused and determined on the goals you have. I feel like this person feels like they lose their self-control around you. They're very attracted to you, and they fear how they feel for you because they know if they let you too close to them, you have the ability to hurt them, reject them, or make them feel less of themselves, but you wouldn't do that. They're just afraid of intimacy. Loving them has been a challenge for you, but you said, "challenge accepted". I feel like you didn't take no for an answer, you're persistent, confident, patient, & I'm seeing you've put in hard work and effort into this situation. But not only in this situation, you've worked on yourself, your family, and your priorities. You aren't chasing them or even focused on the negatives. I'm seeing you've manifested so much that you don't even realize. You've manifested clarity, peace, stability, strength, wisdom, & even a new mentality. That's not all spirit is saying, you also manifested a very big opportunity that will bring balance to every part of your life. You may not see this now, but you will very soon. You're in this period of realizing who you are, what you believe in, what you want out of life, & more. It's like things have been moving slow and at a very steady pace for you. It's like this saying, "It's slow to get rich, and fast to go broke". I feel like that applies in many ways. Good things take time. You can't rush success or progress; you build it and watch it grow. This person can have extremely high standards and boundaries. I feel like it's been so hard for you to get close to their heart and get them to open up to you. One of the most important things you are manifesting is freedom and release from this relationship that's held you back emotionally. You've been holding on emotionally and maybe even mentally and physically for others, but spirit is saying to let go. Let the inevitable happen. When a situation is falling apart over and over and just not working, that is a big sign you're resisting change.
It's important to control what you can control and that's you. You have power over yourself and nothing else. You create the life you want by treating yourself the way you want to be treated and not allowing others to dismiss you and influence you negatively. You do not have to tolerate people who do not want to love you the way you deserve to be loved. You are manifesting so much love in your life and I feel like even if this situation didn't work out as planned, you are manifesting a long term relationship with someone who really compliments you and helps bring in balance just as you do for them. I see you pushing each other to be your best selves, supporting each other, nurturing, providing, teaching, healing, all that good stuff. This is someone you can create a family with.
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Pile Two:
Song: One More Night -Maroon 5; Higher -Tems; A Change Is Gonna Come -Sam Cooke
Angel Number: 6, 66, 666
Channeled Words: Crack, disco, microphone, tissue, latest, ally, influence, chauvinist, kidnap, slot.
Channeled Names: Parris, Svetlana, Carlotta, Marcus, Ayan, Samyukatha, Miklo, Fernando, Jason, Olivia, Nazar, Dema, Ahriman, Alijah.
You're manifesting growth, possibilities, answers, awareness, love, & so much more. Right now, things aren't as tangible as you would like them to be. Your manifestations may not be appearing on the surface or showing up right on your door step, but the energy is there. I feel like you're learning very important lessons. There is something you are being called to do and I feel like you've been hesitant about making a decision or a choice. Your emotions were clouding your perception in the recent past and I feel like it's made you feel very confused and indecisive. There's been a lot of temporary situations and I feel like you've made the choice of investing your time and love into the wrong things. I'm seeing you learning from this and managing your ego in a much healthier way. You may have made choices impulsively without thinking of the consequences and this is because you acted on a feeling. You're learning that not every feeling needs to be acted upon. We must know what is right for us and what isn't. Sometimes are own feelings can deceive us, which is why we must learn to be more mindful and trust our intuition when we're feeling a certain way about something. I feel like there was a situation you had a hard time trying to understand, and you may have continuously questioned yourself trying to figure out the truth about why it is you feel the way you do about something or someone. For some of you, you kept going back to a person you had an unstable relationship with even though you felt in your body you shouldn't have. You may have ignored your intuition and allowed this person to come in and be emotionally deceptive and manipulative to you. For others of you, I feel like you just had a hard time making the smartest decisions because of your emotions. You haven't had a peace of mind for a while, but I see you manifesting this energy within yourself. It's like a whole new you. This phase of your life is coming to an end and you're changing in ways you probably didn't think you would. I feel like for the most part, you knew change was inevitable and nothing stays the same forever. I see you getting a wish fulfillment and feeling really inspired by these new lessons you're learning. When I say inspired by them, I mean you're ready to use the knowledge you've gained and apply it to your life. This is a powerful change even if it may seem small to you. I see you releasing your fears of the past and embracing the good times you had. You may be fearful of intimacy and opening up to people because you've been betrayed, deceived, and hurt. It's hard sometimes to learn how to trust in love again. I feel like you will be overcoming the things that hold you back from being your best self and stepping into a more disciplined, stable, hardworking, and passionate energy. You know when to use your logic and when to set boundaries. It took you some time to gain the self-control you have now, but you manifested this for yourself and because of that you will be able to create long term success, relationships, and build a home for you and your family. People from your past will try and pop back up into your life but use your discernment. For those of you with someone you are struggling with romantically, I feel like this person tries to be very kind, lighthearted, and maybe even flirts with you. I feel like they really like you they just have a hard time being confident, secure, and in their best energy. They've been feeling really insecure and doubtful about themselves because they've hurt you and disappointed you because of their ego. I know you might be upset with them, but spirit is saying to have compassion and understanding. We all make mistakes as humans and we shouldn't change ourselves because someone else hurt us. Even though pain can change us, it doesn't have to be negatively. I feel like this person was very depressed and pessimistic about love. They had a bad attitude when it came to seeing the bigger picture.
They may have lied to you, didn't express how they felt emotionally, played games with you, and maybe even rude towards you when you didn't do anything. I feel like you've been doing your best to understand them, have compassion, patience, and be supportive but they still weren't satisfied. Conversations with this person may have turned into disagreements, conflict, arguments, and them just wanting to be right. They didn't even understand how they felt and why they acted the way they did because I feel like they were acting from a place of insecurity and fear. They let their ego get the best of them and I feel like they're realizing it within themselves, but this isn't something they talk to you about often. I do see you that you guys have discussed it before, but not in a healthy way. They may have come off very rude about it and hurt your feelings without any consideration of how they made you feel. It's like they use honesty to be malicious. They act like if they are honest with you, then it's okay for them to be prideful and arrogant. Anyways, they know your worth. They know the type of person you are and they see you in a positive light, they just don't feel like way about themselves. They could be jealous. Jealous because they don't feel as good about themselves as you do. You're loving, compassionate, nurturing, healing, smart, patient, abundant, self-reliant, and to them you have it all together. Even though they have all of these qualities, they compare themselves to you. I'm seeing that right now you're feeling this energy of very deep emotion and love. You could feeling particularly empathetic and intuitive. It's a heightened sense of spiritual awareness. Spirit is saying that mentally you haven't come to this awareness of how you feel. It's like you don't understand the lesson or message you're supposed to be receiving through your mind. It could be that all the hard work and effort you've been putting into your manifestations are coming to fruition and it has to do with love as well. You're healing and overcoming hard times you thought you'd never get over. I see someone from your past that took advantage of your time and energy wanting to communicate with you about how they've been feeling. I see them bringing up old memories and past moments you've shared when times were good between you and wanting to move forward with you in some way. I see you feeling stuck in your head about this person and not really knowing why you feel the way you do and it's because there is an opportunity you manifested with this person to be able to start something long term together. You're having a difficult time letting go of the past memories and experiences that hurt you and that's why you aren't seeing this opportunity, but you will. I see them speaking their mind to you and helping you get clarity over how you feel. Right now, is a good time to listen to how you feel and trust your intuition. Don't listen to your fear. Open yourself up to love and opportunities coming your way.
Pile Three:
Song: November Rain -Guns N' Roses; Here Comes The Sun -The Beatles
Angel Number: 4, 44, 444
Channeled Words: Soft, sofa, flexible, X-ray, single, spit, flush, condition, flood, extort, pain, carnival, octopus, sing, candy, tattoos.
Channeled Names: Polya, Simon, Raheim, Bhaskar, Achaikos, Krastyu, Gabriella, Alicia, Nathan, Eva, Gabriele, Alejandro.
I see you coming out of a period of solitude. You've been spending time alone trying to calm your mind and connect with yourself. I feel like you've also been using this time alone to heal and overcome this heartache you felt. It made you feel insecure and unworthy of happiness, and I feel like you're manifesting many opportunities to create abundance and happiness for your life. You've grown self-reliant and emotionally content with yourself and where you are in life. If you don't feel this way, I see this coming in for you. You're going to be starting something new and venturing off into new horizons, seeking adventure and fun. I feel like your life has been a bit mundane and routine and you're wanting to do things differently and open yourself up to joy and feeling more of a free-spirited energy. Something very unexpected is going to happen very quickly is what I'm hearing, and I feel like intuitively you may have felt it coming or just had this inner knowing, but whatever it is it's going to be an outcome that you are happy with. It is divine intervention and I feel like God is doing things behind the scenes to help a situation come into fruition for you. For some of you, it is a long-term relationship with someone you know or been with and have shared very deep sentimental experiences together. For others of you, you're deepening your spiritual beliefs and your faith. I'm seeing that God is going to do something that will help strengthen your faith even more. Continue being generous and giving to those in need. Whether it be words of wisdom, love, time, money, whatever it is you're doing to help someone else. In terms of love, I see you or someone else making a decision to communicate. There has been distance emotionally, physically, maybe even all together and I see that for some of you, you're going to see this person face to face, for others maybe over text or the phone, it could even be at a social event. Some type of apology will be made, and I feel like it'll have something to do with how you guys' left things or treated each other in the past. I see there is a very good chance you two can end up together for a long time. Don't rush anything or be impulsive. Take your time and be patient with the way things progress. In general, I see you've manifested this whole entire spiritual rebirth and a lot of things in your life are going to be changing. I see that when you get to this place in your life when you're financially and/or materially abundant, spirit is saying to be wise on how you spend your blessings. This goes for your time, energy, money, love, all that stuff. Don't be impulsive and let bad habits put you in a place where you may lose your abundance or take it for granted. I feel like it could go good or it could go bad. It'll be different for everyone, but the chances of things going well are really high as long as you allow them to be. Take care of yourself. Manage your time, energy, and resources in a practical and diligent way.
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wonjnz · 11 months
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love, like it always has been
₊˚⊹ summary: gyuvin sets out to defeat some old white man's quora answer about love.
₊˚⊹ genre: fluff, best friend!gyuvin, high school!au | wc: 1k
₊˚⊹ warning(s): some swearing | inspo: —
₊˚⊹ a/n: very random slice of life moments with bsf!gyuvin so the timeline is kinda.. 😭😭 got the idea when i got sm quora emails today
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whenever gyuvin wonders what love is, he thinks the amount of "expert" answers in a random quora thread about it doesn't seem to click with him.
he didn't feel some sort of fireworks when he saw you, so some doctor specializing in 'love' is automatically eliminated. and his world certainly didn't slow down when you walk in, so now a random old, white man talking about his wife of 25 years is also eliminated (though gyuvin admits it's cute).
gyuvin sighs and puts his phone down, placing his hands on both cheeks; god, this is so stupid, he thinks. if only his friends weren't the loudest speakers in school, he'd probably be ranting to them about this, but he remains determined to find out what love means to him.
ever since that night, gyuvin made it his goal that one day, he'll have the most upvotes on his quora answer and everyone will reply this is exactly what love feels like.
old white man be damned, gyuvin is going to have a more relatable answer. just watch, he thinks.
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gyuvin swears he felt love when he watched you introduce yourself on the first day of school, he found it hilarious. after school, you almost cut him off from how much he teased you about it. only did he redeem himself when he willingly became your servant for 2 months, to his friends surprise (and ultimately gyuvin’s embarrassment).
and he feels it once more while you're slowly losing your mind over a chemistry assignment. the way your hair sticks out in all directions from all the times your hands kept running through in frustration, the way your eyebrows furrow when you finally get a logical answer after five grueling minutes, that's when gyuvin confirms it.
“what?” you ask, noticing how gyuvin has been awfully quiet and smiling to himself. “is my answer wrong or something?” you worry, looking back and forth from your paper to his.
he's in love.
gyuvin immediately comes back to his senses and waves you off, “it's nothing. just thought of something.” he says. to be fair, what he said wasn't much of a lie. he was thinking of you after all.
you scoff at his half-assed answer, "whatever. i'm going back to number 6." mumbling as you look back at your paper. "yeah, i'll go back too." gyuvin says, smiling amusingly at his answers (he's only done 4 questions).
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“seriously, gyuvin. you're disgusting.” you laugh, pointing at the dried-up ice cream stains at the corner of his lips. "you look like you drooled or something."
gyuvin rolls his eyes, “at least wipe it off for me. both my hands are occupied.” he says while holding up his ice cream and a small plastic spoon, obviously finding a reason for you to do it. “what a loser..” you mumble before trying to find a few pieces of tissue in your backpack, putting it up to his lips to wipe the remnants off.
and gyuvin fights the urge to say “i'm in love with you,” at that moment. opting to share a few details about his day instead since he knows how you're always invested in whatever drama he manages to dig out.
damn his demons are hard to beat today, he curses to himself.
as he looks at you, eyes purely focused on his as if you're anticipating more, gyuvin's heart feels lighter than ever. he feels the slight click one quora user said in his answer, albeit very softly, to the point he might've missed it.
“that's all i have today.” gyuvin shrugs, in his defense, you were always his highlight of the day, not some random drama he heard from gunwook every lunchtime, but he can't tell you that just yet. “boring.”
he smiles amusingly, “i might have something else cool in mind though. but i don't know if you'd wanna hear it.” mentally preparing on the spot is something gyuvin wouldn't wish even on his worst enemy.
you look at him incredulously, mouth slightly agape. “what? of course i'd wanna hear it.” setting your cup of ice cream down just to show gyuvin how interested you were.
“well, i’ve liked you for quite some time and —”
"so ricky was right!"
gyuvin feels his inner demons creep up on him right after, he swears he could hear them laughing at this very moment. “..so, you knew all this time? because of ricky?” you chuckle at how quiet his voice became.
“he told me last night since he thought you were being kinda weird lately, and he knew we always go out after school, so he warned me you might confess or something.” gyuvin puts his head in his hands, whining at his now spoiled confession, “i wanted this to be cute..”
it's an understatement to say ricky and gyuvin were on bad terms for a while, though you couldn’t stand the amount of shade they kept throwing at the other, so you forced them to make up on gyuvin’s fifth day of his villain origin story against ricky.
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“you know i can't kiss you right now if your breath smells like the cheeseburger you ate, gyuvin.” you point out, snickering at gyuvin's exaggerated pursed lips and dramatic reaction to your words.
“the cheeseburger you bought for me. so technically it's not my fault.” he shrugs nonchalantly, a stark contrast to how he kept whining about wanting even a small peck a minute ago.
you watch gyuvin, who's on the verge of losing his mind at the thought of at least 10 minutes with no affection, “okay, fine. i'll drink something to get that burger taste out.” he surrenders quickly to your amusement.
laughing at his defeated walk to his fridge, “not my fault you wanted takeout after studying.” you heard him mumble under his breath.
“you agreed to it!” you retort, gyuvin comes back with the iced tea he ordered along. “of course i would, why would i say no to you?” he says before drinking.
“plus, if i didn’t confess to you on a whim last week, i’d probably kiss you right now and i wouldn’t know you hate cheese breath. imagine how horrifying that would be for me.”
once he makes sure any trace of cheese in his breath is gone, he smirks at you expectingly but in reality, it's his usual goofy smile. “can you give me a kiss now?” he says, paper cup still in his hand as if it was some cliche house party scene.
“now that i think of it, cheeseburger and iced tea breath is even more disgusting.”
“oh fuck you.”
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
01/27/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Adopt Our Crew - Adopt Our Quiz!; Queerties Reminder; Cast & Crew Sightings; How to Help W/New Stuff; Hunt for The Pirate Home Twitter Watch Party; Articles; OurFlagMakesADifference; Love Notes; Goofy Shit For Morale
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Had some fun stuff going on across the platforms today with Adopt Our Quiz hosted by @adoptourcrew! You can still go do them! I'm including them here for those who don't have the platforms. Ordered from left to right 1, 2, 3. You can see the answers here on twitter (which have cool animations)
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Answers below in picture form:
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Twitter Thread Instagram Story
== Queerties ==
Just a reminder to vote for the Queerties if you're up for it!
TV Comedy Best TV Performance Wanna help another Taika/Rhys verse Queertie? Vote for Kaimana for Best Film Performance in Next Goal Wins!
== Cast And Crew Sightings ==
It's the weekend so as you can imagine there aren't many sightings. Definitely some personal stuff posted but nothing campaign related so I'll leave it out. Couple things I didn't know you could do was look at peoples likes on twitter, and now I know how to be a proper stalker if I ever wanna get into that kinda thing, which I don't, let me tell you. That being said, these are to make people feel warm fuzzies so here we are! Alex Sherman is out here liking our tweets all over the place! He's been doing it for days, just sweet to see the support.
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Kristian Nairn sending love and support to fans on their art!
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== How To Help ==
How To Help Save OFMD Task List - US
How to Help Save OFMD Task List - Outside US
Some new stuff added to our usual How to Help Lists, feel free to check them out!
== Talking About the shows Creativity ==
If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, referencing some of the awesome show-crew like Ra Vincent, Production Designer for OFMD can be great! Here's Ra Vincent's site Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks. Please be sure to credit them just like anything else you're using. Other great crew members for inspiration: Gypsy Taylor Costume Designer/Stylist!
== RADIO! ==
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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== Reminder - Twitter Watch Party ==
HuntForThePirateHome Watch Party Starts Sunday Jan 28 at 3 PM EST, 12 PT, 8 PM GMT. Hashtags for that event are:
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== Petition Update ==
We hit 82,000!! Definitely things slowing down, but I think in generally we're focusing more on going after specific platforms (not saying more signatures isn't good, just saying we seem to have shifted priorities)
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== Articles ==
I didn't see any new articles today, but I did see one I didn't notice the other day so I'm including it now:
Why Our Flag Means Death’s Cancellation Should Make You Angry
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I had a couple people ask about what's going on with some fan led Palestine Efforts so I'm linking the current thread from Our Flag Makes A Differences Resource thread on Twitter. I know there is a great tumblr thread but tumblr search sucks so please share it with me if you have it!
== Love Notes ==
Just a little reminder for tonight--- you deserve happiness. You deserve kindness, and grace and you deserve a break from all the stressors that bug you on a day to day basis. Sometimes it's other people who can give you that break, and sometimes the only person who can give it to you is you. If you can, talk a little nicer to yourself today, give yourself a little extra time curled up in bed, or watch an extra episode of your favorite show. Remember to give yourself some love too, lovelies. You deserve it. You're gonna be okay.
== Goofy Shit for Morale ==
So I'm gonna combine a couple things tonight and end tonight with some fun goofy shit also feat. Rhys, Samba, and Taika
@buckrogers2491's post
Alright, night lovelies! Let me know if I missed something or made any mistakes! (I think I double checked everything this time!)
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
The Perfect Fit
Overview: Levi Ackerman begrudgingly finds himself falling in love with the Survey Corps’ seamstress. Will they be able to own up to their feelings for each other? Or is their love doomed to fail before they discover the truths of each other’s hearts? This slow burn reader insert story will be filled with angst, yearning, and a bit of mystery as we slowly unravel the truths behind Y/N’s past… and explore her and Levi’s future!
Chapter 11
Chapter 10 linked here
Chapter 12 linked here
Levi Ackerman x female reader
Warnings: cussing
You looked at Levi expectantly. "What do you say, Captain? Ready to run away with me?"
Levi couldn't deny that he was craving a change of scenery as well. With his injuries, he couldn't participate in training and the four bland walls of his office combined with never ending paperwork was enough to make even the most sane man mad. He also really liked the way those words sounded coming from your mouth. He knew he had a duty to humanity and could never drop his responsibilities to run away from it all and live a more peaceful life, but boy, he'd enjoy playing pretend with you for a little while, focusing on humanitarian duties rather than fighting for once.
"I'm ready to leave right now if you are."
You broke out in a smile, relieved that he still wanted to help you give away blankets and clothes to people in the unfortunate areas of the interior.
"Good. I am too, but the paperwork that allows us to take leave and horses isn't. I have to talk to Erwin and see when we can go. I'm thinking as long as you're cleared by the doctor, we can head out in 3 days' time. Is that alright?"
Levi nodded yes and you told him to get some rest before leaving to find your oldest friend, the commander. When you knocked on the door, he granted you entry and you closed the door behind you.
"How's my dearest friend been holding up lately?" Erwin asked you as you two shared a hug before taking a seat.
"Oh, I've been alright, nothing too crazy," you answered. "How about yourself? You've got a lot more going on than I ever have or hope to."
He took a sip of the drink on his desk and you wouldn't be surprised if it was some sort of alcohol.
"It's as much to be expected for the man in charge." His blue eyes danced around the room, not meeting your own. "It's nothing I can't handle. It's... a lot sometimes, though. I become afraid that no matter how much I try to do, it's all futile. I have so many goals that I can't-" He cut himself off as he swallowed another drink and you took notice of the deep eye bags he was sporting. You knew he had a lot riding on him, but he usually handled (or hid) it so well. You reached out to grip his hand as a sign of affection.
"I know you're in charge, but you're not the only one who should be held accountable for any failings, so stop blaming yourself. What you guys do is a thankless job but you're not without so many accomplishments. It seems like it's always one step forward, three steps back working here, but if there's anything I learned from you, it's that you have to keep walking. So Erwin." He looked up at you. "You have to keep moving forward. You're the heart of the Scouts. You're the only one who's faith has never wavered. We all believe in you."
Erwin let out a deep sigh and squeezed your hand back. "Thank you. I needed that. This is why I keep you around."
You chuckled, happy that you were able to lift his spirits a little bit.
"I know you didn't come here to see me wallow in pity, so what is it I can do to help?" he inquired.
"I'm planning on leaving for Wall Sina to do my charity work in a few days and I was wondering if I could borrow a cart and horse. I'd be gone about 10 days, 4 days traveling each way, 1 day passing everything out, and an extra in case something goes wrong. I was also coming to put in my request for leave, as well as Captain Levi's since he'll be accompanying me."
Erwin's eyebrows raised at the sound of his close friend's name. "Levi, huh? I've noticed that you two have gotten pretty close but he wouldn't leave work with just anybody, you know. He must think you're pretty special."
You felt embarrassment worm its way up your body as Erwin tried to contain his teasing smile. The commander's two closest friends couldn't fool him--Levi hadn't been this outwardly affectionate since he had shown up with Isabelle and Furlan all those years ago and you hadn't been this smiley with anyone, ever-- but he found the whole thing endearing.
"I'm not trying to embarrass you, y/n. I think it's nice that he's found something with you, whatever it is. I haven't seen either of you this happy in many years, or ever. This trip of yours will be good for the both of you to get out and do something for the betterment of humanity. It would bring some much needed positivity to you and the captain, I'm sure. I'll process the papers and send you on your way in no time."
You thanked him as you heard a knock at the door. Another soldier had told Erwin it was time for a meeting so you thanked him for his help and waved goodbye. You were held up at the door by the sound of his voice once more.
"Hey, y/n. Where exactly in Wall Sina are you going?"
You tilted your head in confusion. "There's the shelters in the capital that house citizens from the Underground until they can safely leave for Wall Rose. They're the same ones you and I usually go to. Why?"
He halted for a second, choosing his words carefully. "Well, with Levi there, I don't want... Just try to avoid the Underground. I don't want you two getting hurt."
You didn't understand what he was trying to get at, but you figured it wasn't the time for you to probe him. If the chance arrived, you would have to ask Levi exactly what Erwin meant. You thanked him for his warning and left, wracking your brain on what that enigma of a man was going on about.
Several days after your meeting with Erwin, he had told you everything got approved and Levi told you of his clearance from the doctor. You were to leave in a few hours so you began packing, your stomach fluttering with anxiety. You always got nervous before a trip but this one was stressful because of its unknowns. You had never traveled between walls without Erwin and his words hadn't left your mind. Why did he mention you getting hurt? You'd been there plenty of times prior with the blonde man, none of which had gone wrong, so why was he being cryptic about Levi? You tried to shake it from your head. Erwin had been under tons of stress lately so you chalked it up to him still reeling from the losses of the expedition. You had just thrown the last of your shirts in a bag when you heard a knock at your door. Levi was there, a duffel on his arm and a surprisingly pleasant look on his face.
"I'm ready if you are."
You were. You had already brought outside the bags of donation items so all that was left was your personal bag. You went to pick it up from the bed but Levi beat you to it.
"Aren't you still nursing broken ribs?" you asked, watching him in amusement as he shuffled down the hallway with both of your belongings.
"The doctor cleared me for all activity. I would be training shitty cadets to be less shitty right now if it weren't for you."
"Should I be saying you're welcome that you're not?"
Levi pondered for a second. "Four eyes is always saying I need a vacation."
"Their wish is now granted. So you're welcome," you replied, giggling a bit. When you stepped outside, you were expecting to be greeted by an open air cart, but instead, you were face to face with a fancy contained carriage. You thought maybe it was for someone else, but when Levi started loading your things inside, you knew it was for you.
"Did you know about this?" you asked him, flabbergasted. He put away the last of the bags as he answered you.
"The weather's supposed to be bad in a few days. I didn't want you catching a cold on our trip so I made Erwin reserve this instead."
Levi never failed to surprise you. He was so kind the way he thought about you and made your life so much easier. You nearly kissed him on the spot but didn't want him to keel over and die before you could get anywhere. The raven haired man wouldn't look you in the eye as you climbed inside the carriage, presumably shy about his caring so much about your wellbeing. The carriage driver took off and you two left the castle walls. You kept your eyes pointed out the window, not wanting to miss the opportunity to watch the foliage pass you by. It was your favorite part about riding in a cart or on a horse while holding onto someone else. Seeing the trees fly by you in this area almost reminded you of Levi taking you home that one day all those months ago. This carriage should have brought up that same feeling of freedom, but this time you were heading toward a place that had held you in its wretched confines for far too long. As you rode further and further away from your home and closer to your family in Mitras, you felt like you were starting to drown in a deep ocean of melancholy and stress. As you were lost in your own world, you didn't notice Levi staring at you from his bench across from yours. He was thankful that you were day dreaming because it meant he could observe you without hesitation. You normally looked very beautiful to him, but today, in your civilian clothes and more relaxed hairstyle than usual, you looked absolutely stunning. Even though this trip certainly wasn't just for pleasure, he was looking forward to a short break from the woes of every day life. He was hoping you were, too, but he saw your eyebrows furrow and you had a sad glint in your eye.
"Wanna talk about it?"
Levi's voice brought you out of your daze.
"Hmm? Oh. No, I just-- I get nervous on trips, that's all," you said. If Levi could tell you weren't giving him the whole truth, he didn't say anything.
You sighed, opting to speak your mind a bit more. "When I leave my home and head into the city, I get hit with this indescribable sadness. I think it's because I see people who have literally nothing and I can't help but think I'm not doing enough for them when I have so much."
"Don't be stupid. The fact that you're going out of your way to show kindness when others don't is a testament to your character. What you're doing will be appreciated by those who need it most. Trust me."
He spoke with such conviction that you wondered if he was ever one of those people who needed help. You didn't give it much thought since it was rude to make assumptions about someone's past.
"You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better, Levi. Thank you."
He scoffed. "I think you're the only person that's ever said that."
"That makes it all the more special then, doesn't it?" you asked, making him roll his eyes but you knew he agreed.
The carriage continued on its fast pace while you two sat in silence, both reading books. You kept peeking your eyes over the pages, taking the time to appreciate how Levi looked today. He never looked anything less than handsome to you, but him out of a uniform made your heart beat faster. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt with black pants and both items highlighted his frame perfectly. You loved the way he looked with the cravat but you were mesmerized with the graceful way his neck craned without something covering it up. He shifted in his seat and you quickly averted your eyes, hoping he hadn't seen you checking him out.
"Is your book that boring you'd rather look at me?" he asked, his gaze staying on his own unturned pages.
"Boring, no. Rather look at you, definitely," you said, taking the fact that you got caught in stride.
"Tch. Have some shame, brat," he chided, a faint blush showing up on his cheeks. You found it fun to tease Levi here and there. You wanted to keep showing him that you found him desirable so he wasn't left wondering if you still liked him romantically or not. Not that physical looks mattered to you two anyway, but you figured it didn't hurt to flirt with him every once in awhile to keep him on his toes. Afternoon turned to night and it got too dark to read, opting to leave the gas lamp off for now to conserve it in case of emergencies. The carriage slowed to a halt and the driver let you know that you were stopping for the night at a local inn. You and Levi exited the carriage, Levi taking your bag once again, and made a plan with the driver to meet up in the morning to set off. A room wasn't ready yet when you checked in so you and Levi went to the restaurant to partake in a nice warm meal. Conversation flowed easily between you two as you tore into the bread and meat you were served. When you finally got a key to your room, you opened the door and immediately frowned. You were supposed to get a room with two beds, but there was only one. You looked at Levi who didn't even seem to notice as he was already inside and discarded the bags in the corner of the room. You followed him in, confusion taking over you.
"There's only one bed," you said, stating the obvious.
"It's fine. I'll sleep on the floor," he replied, grabbing the extra blanket from the bed and laying it out. You stomped over to him, grabbing the soft textile.
"No way, especially not when you're still healing. I can go downstairs and talk to the owner, there has to be another room."
There wasn't. You and Levi had booked the last available room and the one with two beds that you had requested when you had gotten there was previously reserved. When you got back to your room, Levi had already laid down on the floor in an attempt to rest for a little while. You stood over him, your arms crossed.
"Get up, idiot. You're not sleeping on the floor."
"I don't sleep much anyway, idiot. Go to bed."
"If you don't get up, I'm sleeping on the ground, too."
That got Levi's attention, prompting him to sit up. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard and I'm around teenagers all day."
"Look," you said, defeated, "the bed is more than big enough for the two of us. You'll have your personal space and I promise I won't invade it on purpose."
Levi took his sweet time thinking about what he was going to do while you were loving life on the plush mattress, your pajamas on, and cozy under the covers. You heard the mattress creak as his body took up the spot next to yours.
"Finally decided to join me, loverboy?" You were joking with him to cover up the fact that you were nervous about sharing an entire sleeping space with the love of your life. Normally, sharing a bed with someone wouldn't be a huge deal, especially when that someone was a person who you trusted with your life, but Levi was a special case. You never wanted to push him into doing anything too fast or make him uncomfortable and you knew that relationship things like this could easily freak him out.
"I will not hesitate to snuff out your life with this pillow."
Well, at least he was acting like his normal self. He was, up until you heard shuffling under the sheets and felt the mattress dip down closer to you. It was nearly pitch black in the room so you couldn't see anything, but you felt your breath hitch in your throat as Levi scooted close enough to your face where you caught a glimpse of the faintest reflection of moonlight in his eyes. His breath was barely fanning over your arm that was lying next to your cheek on your pillow. All of a sudden you felt his hand on yours as he interlaced your fingers. It was a good thing that the room had no light because you were both flustered messes.
"Is this okay?" he whispered.
"Very," you whispered back, brushing your lips over the back of his hand like a kiss from a fleeting ghost. Even though Levi barely slept that night because of his ever present insomnia rearing its ugly head, lying next to you, with your bodies eventually intertwining, he found himself more rested than he ever knew could be possible.
Chapter 12
Taglist: @blueeclipsepaperstudent @raginginferno267 @come-away-with-me87
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morverenmaybewrites · 4 months
Hi! I'm so glad you're back, new chapter of Pizza girl was amazing as always, for me it's absolutely the best dc fic ever!
I especially love how the relationship between Jason and other characters feels heartbreakingly natural, how it isn't a case of "love magically cured trauma" but rather slowly and messyly opening up, and trying to heal with the help of right people at right time.
And as much as I cannot wait for Jason and pizza girl to have more straight up romantic shenanigans, I love how they started with gaining each other trust and building their friendship, I adore them as domestic buddies.
I have a question, if it isn't some kind of spoiler of course, at this point of the story, does Jason have (or wants to have) a life outside of his Red Hood persona? And I mean it half psychologically half practically (similarly to pizza girl, how does he earn money if being a vigilante isn't a source of income?)
But seriously, I find it heartbreaking that as much as he yearns for home, he still lives in safe houses, and I was so happy when he thought about asking Babs for help in looking for something more permanent for himself. And it fits into his fear of being traced of course, but got me thinking, in a more personal sense, does he have a motivations for living other than trying to make up for his mistakes as Arkham Knight?
Something like: does he realise that there's Red Hood who fights for those who can't do it for themselves, but there's also Jason who likes the smell of new books, has his favorite mug and favorite way of drinking coffee, has his favorite chair at the local library, who maybe has quiet and innocent dream to get a degree or his dream job and be loved and needed by someone?
Does he realise the second one exists and deserves to be cherished by him?
(Sorry if this ask is too much, I just now realised how long it got 😭 I will absolutely understand if you don't have time to answer this)
Anyway thank you for writing this amazing and captivating work, I can't wait for next chapters, whenever they'll be ready❤
In the meantime I hope you get time to rest and have fun! Stay safe!
This is a wonderful breakdown of Jason's character! To answer your question, does Jason have a life outside of his Red Hood persona? No. Does he want one? Unconsciously, the answer is yes, but I don't think he can acknowledge it right now. For years following the Joker's torture, he's pretty much been in survival mode, keeping himself alive by being obsessed with a singular goal. First, it was to kill the Joker and Batman, and then when he found out the Joker was dead, it was to kill Batman. Now, it's to seek redemption as the Red Hood. While he may have (somewhat) progressed from his days as the Arkham Knight, he's still clinging to the same unhealthy coping mechanisms. It's a little (or a lot) like depression. He's so focused on getting through today and the next day and the next day that there's little room for anything else. Hobbies and friends and a place to feel at home in sound nice, but they also sound absolutely unattainable. And he's lived with that mindset for so long that he's all but forgotten that there are different ways to live. That's where Jason's head is right now. Maybe one day, he'll progress enough that he'll be able to look around his safehouse, so sparse that it's no different from a prison cell, and he'll think to himself that he wants something more. And it doesn't have to be anything big. Nothing so grand as the Wayne Manor. Just a small place, maybe above a bookstore. Maybe in the beginning, it's not so different from his safehouses. Just a mattress on the floor and a bathroom. But then one day, he'll add something small. Some secondhand book he bought from the store for the change he had in his pocket. It's from an author he's never heard of before. The writing is a little clunky, but it's enough to pass the time while he's waiting for updates on his cases. Maybe he reads it next to his window, by the light of the flickering street lamps, trying not to grimace at the way the hard wood is digging into his back. Maybe one of his siblings or even the reader notices. She takes him to one of her favorite flea markets under the guise of buying a new rug. And he ends up taking back an armchair, so old that the stuffing is coming out in places. But he makes do, the way he always has, he washes away the accumulated dust and dirt, he patches up the holes, and he places it next to his window. Where the street lamp shines just enough light to read by, even if it often flickers. He opens his book, written by an author he's never heard of before. The writing is a little clunky in places. But for now, he thinks, it's enough. (And maybe he'll read until morning. And maybe he'll realize, or maybe not: that the Jason Todd who used to spend hours in the Wayne Manor library, who had a favorite armchair by the fire, is still in there, somewhere. And perhaps, he'll think--or perhaps not--that the Joker hasn't killed everything that he used to be. Perhaps there's still a little bit of Robin left in him.)
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hiiiii for your jukebox roulette I was thinking about a fic for Obi Wan based off the song Come What May sung by Obi Wan himself and Nicole Kidman. Maybe it can be an angsty one please
Hello Anon!
Thank you for this request, how could I not love it!
First it's Obi-wan, then the song is sung by Obi-wan, 'Come What May'. It's just all sooo Obi-wan and I'm here for it. I hope it's angsty enough for you.
Thank you for the request.
Love oo.
Come What May
Warnings: Held hostage, death, mentions of blood, regret, feelings of guilt, dead bodies, passing out, angst, some fluff, crying, anger, frustration. I think that's all of it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
This wasn’t supposed to be you, this wasn’t what you had wanted or what you had planned. You didn’t want to be an Ambassador or a Senator. Your goal, your dream, had always been to have a small plot of land, something you could grow herbs and vegetables, something out of the way and secluded. 
It wasn’t … this wasn’t supposed to be your life. 
You closed your eyes, unable to keep seeing the blood of the handmaidens who’d been by your side since you were forced into office, slaughtered before your very eyes by none other than General Grievous. Doing everything he could to get you to reveal your planetary defences. 
“You’re a monster!”
“And yet, you could’ve saved them,” he chuckled, coughing as he stepped around you, “tell me, Senator, who’s really the monster?”
The truth of his words hit you like a ton of bricks, your eyes focused on each of your ex-handmaidens faces, their sheer terror still imprinted on their cold faces. You killed them, you could’ve lied, given him some false information, kept them alive long enough for someone to rescue you, even if no one did. But you didn’t, you just simply refused to answer, and turned your head as he executed them one by one. 
Before you could even respond, the ship jolted as one of the engines exploded.
“Sir, we’re being boarded.” A B1 unit reported, Grievous was annoyed, destroying the B1 droid whose only fault was to have been the one to inform the General.
“Hello there,” a smooth Coruscanti accent filled the bridge, it filled you with hope, as you tried to focus on the man who held your heart. 
However, before you could see him,  you were knocked out, when debris fell from the ceiling, hitting a droid which subsequently collapsed on you, smacking your head on the way down. Making you fall to the ground, unconscious.
When you finally came to there were hushed whispers being traded back and forth.
“Master, you should really be stepping up to stay?”
“What? Isn’t the Senator your girlfriend?”
“That’s… we are friends. Have been for a long time.”
“Right. ‘Friends,’ because I always look at my friends the way you do.”
“What? Did I get it wrong? Would it be so wrong?” 
“Anakin …” Obi-wan rubbed his forehead, ”attachment is forbidden.”
“How can you deny what is clearly in your heart?” Anakin was more annoyed with his Master. 
“Because it is what I must do.”
You cleared your throat as you looked at the two of them. They both froze slowly, turning to look at you. Your eyes locked with the older Jedi of the pair, his cerulean eyes burrowing into your own. You wanted to push away the pain that you had felt in that moment, overhearing the conversation between the two. 
“It was you that breached the bridge, Obi-wan? Right?”
“Yes, Senator.” Obi-wan bowed, “It is a pleasure to see you again. You may remember my padawan, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.” He pointed to the taller young man. You simply nodded.
“Did…” you fought back the tears, “Did any of my … handmaidens survive?” The look on their faces told you all you needed to know. You were the monster. Grievous was right. “Thank you, for … rescuing … me.” You cleared your throat, “Neither of you need to stay here. I’d prefer to be alone right now.”
Obi-wan and Anakin bowed and left you alone, as soon as the door closed Obi-wan turned back to the door, stroking his beard. Concerned over the emotions he was feeling from the Senator. 
“Alright, Anakin, you win. I’ll guard the Senator, you go and do what needs to be done. Update the Council on our progress, I will stay by the Senator’s side to gather more intelligence and report back as soon as you can.”
“Yes, Master.” Anakin bowed and headed to the bridge, grateful his Master decided to finally be honest to himself.  
Obi-wan waited outside of your med room, he could sense your grief, your guilt, and your utter feelings of hatred. His heart clenched in pain, he wanted to comfort you, to wrap you up in his arms, to let you know, none of this was your fault, but his feet kept him grounded. He always told you, come what may, he’d be there by your side, yet now, here he was on the other side of the door trying to stay as close as you’d allow him to, maybe he’d hoped for too much. 
Even if you didn’t want his presence near you, the very least he could do at the moment was stand by, ready to be of service to you. He settled against the wall as time ticked by, when he sensed her will to live absolutely crumple. 
The door opened as Obi-wan peaked his head through, you glanced over to him as you wiped your tears.
“Can I come in darling?”
You shrugged, annoyed not necessarily with him, but with everything.
He was careful about coming over and took a seat at the end of the bed keeping his distance, “Would you like to talk, my dear?”
“I … I …” it was all you were able to get out before you broke down crying. It was all too much, the kidnapping, the deaths, the fear, the adrenaline, why was this your life?
Obi-wan didn’t hesitate, he pulled you into a hug, picking you up, cradling you to his chest as he moved closer to you, and sitting back down on your med bed. 
“Shhh, it’s alright my dear.”
“No. It’s not.” You let out through broken sobs.
“What’s not?”
You sat up and moved out of his arms, although truthfully it felt rather nice to be in them. “None of this is all right! I hate this job! I hate this life! I’m responsible for the deaths of seven people. SEVEN. And because I represent our people in the Senate, I have to deal with assassination attempts. NONE OF THIS IS ALL RIGHT! I WISH I COULD DIE!”
He pushed off the bed, his heart breaking into a million pieces as the person he admired and loved for so long was falling apart in front of him. The only thing he could do for you, was to wrap you in a tight hug and never let you go.
“Don’t say that. Please.” His voice trembled, fear gripped his heart, “I need you alive, my dear. I need you alive. Please don’t say that.”
Your voice was muffled as you responded to him, your face buried in his chest, “Why? You … you can’t be by my side… we both know ….”
“Come what may. Remember? I always said come what may, I’ll be there, I will …” he couldn’t finish that sentence. The minute he did he was making a decision he couldn’t back away from, “Until my dying days, I’ll be here.”
He pulled back to look at your face, gently brushing the tears out of your eyes, he didn’t know if it was because you were at your wits end, if because you clearly hadn’t wanted this life but were doing the best you could, or maybe it had to do with the fact that you looked absolutely beautiful in this moment, but all he could think about was how gorgeous your lips looked and how tempting they were.
He slowly leaned forward, tilting your head to meet his, his breath mixing with yours as you both stared into each other’s eyes. You leaned in closer, only to hear the door slide open, you pulled away from Obi-wan wiping your tears, as Anakin stepped with news to share. 
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swallowtailcherry · 6 months
Perfect to me {Loki x Child of Nyx!Reader}
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Just something I thought I'd do because I haven't written any fanfics with Loki in a while.
Nyx deserves some justice, so I'm making her protective and loving, like in the myths!
Contains one spoiler from chapter 85, so yeah 👍
I also include stuff not mentioned in the manga, so don't be confused!
You love being near Loki.
He was one of the few deities you know that can make you laugh. He never failed to do so, even if it was unintentional. You always stuck by his side. You don't just love being near him.
You love him for who he is.
Unfortunately, your mother, Nyx, personification of the night itself, didn't exactly approve of him because he caused a lot of trouble for others and she didn't want you to get hurt by him.
"If he hurts you, just tell me and I will take care of him." That was what she always says to you. You knew how protective she is of you and your many siblings, but sometimes, you think it isn't necessary because you can take care of yourself.
Anytime a deity hurt you, Nyx would come and just her mere presence would strike fear into the deity. Including Zeus when he tried to seduce you in the form of a duck. You knew she was close to roasting him alive when she found out.
She already intimidated Loki with her sharp gaze alone when one of his tricks hurt you by accident. Loki got the signal and never involved you in any of his tricks, so he won't invoke your mother's wrath.
Years later, Loki grew very comfortable around you, seeing you as someone to go to for comfort and whenever he wanted to tell you anything he wanted.
It pained you a lot whenever he talked about the person he grew to love.
Brunhilde. The eldest of the Valkyries. That was who he loves.
You never tried to do anything about it. You respected his choice. And you hoped it'll go well one day...
But you were wrong.
You opened the door to his room slowly, peeking in to see his back. He clearly heard you, because he turned his head to the door and relaxed once he realised it was just you. Loki didn't feel like seeing anyone, but since it was you, he allowed it.
"Come in..." He spoke quietly, turning back around. You came in, closing the door behind you. You saw many objects on the floor, including fake eyes and fake limbs. You slowly approached him, seeing a doll that resembled Brunhilde sitting on the chair Infront of him, with the exception of her wing hairclip. Loki was brushing the doll's hair, just staring at it with sulking eyes.
Gods, just seeing him so sad made your heart crack.
Loki asked something under his breath, but you couldn't hear it.
"What?" You asked quietly, getting closer so you can hear him. You saw a few drops of tears coming from him.
"(Y/n)... Am I doing something wrong?" Loki asked a bit louder, looking at you with tear filled eyes. You felt the urge to cry from the sight.
"Not at all." You answered straight away. Loki used his thumb to wipe away his tears, but it was proven to be useless.
"Then why did she walk away?" Loki asked again, gripping the hairbrush in his hand. You knew he talked to Brunhilde, and you had a feeling she gave him the cold shoulder and walked away from him. You both knew how she is. You won't lie, you expected her to reject him.
"She's more focused on her goals. She may come around, just not now." You whispered to him, doing your best to comfort him, just like the other times.
"I doubt that... There has to be something wrong with me. I should change-" Loki was cut off by your arms wrapped around his waist, your head on his shoulder. The hairbrush slipped out of his hand, landing near his feet.
"There's nothing wrong with you. You're fine the way you are." You said, hugging him tighter. Loki just stared at you with wide eyes. He didn't make any attempt to push you away. He continued to stare at you, looking at the clear love in your eyes.
You clearly love him, despite his troublesome self. He's always knew you had feelings for someone since you told him so, but he never knew those feelings were for him.
How did he not realise this sooner?
He hugged you back, bringing you in closer to his body. You let out a quiet and content hum, moving your head to his chest. He's hugged you many times, but this one... This one felt different.
"You're perfect to me." That sentence alone made him cry more. He let the tears fall out, burying his head in your neck. You smiled lovingly, rubbing his back gently.
He knew it won't be easy to move on, but he knows he will...
So that he can love you.
Nyx sighed in relief as one of her sons, Hypnos had shown her what happened.
"See? Nothing to worry about, mother. Little sis is fine!" Hypnos spoke, letting out a yawn. Nyx chuckled and ruffled her son's hair.
"I suppose you're right... But I will still show him the consequences of hurting my children." Nyx said with a small smile on her face. Hypnos shook his head in agreement, letting himself doze off while Nyx lets him sleep beside her.
"My shining star... Never change."
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naffeclipse · 6 months
hi! sorry to bug you, but I has a question on how you make aus and stuff! (pls direct me to a post if you’ve already answered my questions :>)
how do you come up with your au concepts? and how do you not get burnt out on them super quick? does writing ever get really hard when making your fics? and how do you usually combat that? (as a writer I struggle with focusing on one project and hopping onto the next thing). I could use some tips on how you go about developing and going through the process of making fic and ideas without giving up in the beginning ^-^’
ty for your time, if you’re reading this! have a good day!
Heya! Okay, I'll answer these as best as I can!
how do you come up with your au concepts?
Mostly from inspiration, things I like, and things I would like to see cobbled together in a fic. It's just whatever strikes me! Keep creating and keep creating—it's like working out a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger you are at it. Though you should know that not all the au concepts I have are good or shareable, but all that matters is that I keep creating things I like and playing around with fun concepts.
how do you not get burnt out on them super quick?
Mostly by taking it slow and easy. I think it's simple to get burnt out on creative projects if you hit them too hard or fast like you're guzzling water—of course, you're gonna get sick of it super fast. If you sip at it slowly, bit by bit, it's easier to digest. I suppose I do that by stretching it out so it's much more manageable.
does writing ever get really hard when making your fics?
Absolutely. Writing is the hardest thing I've ever done and the most rewarding. Of course, I get discouraged, insecure, stuck, and lost in my writing. Sometimes I don't know what to do. I just keep going though, and don't stop.
and how do you usually combat that?
Mostly by taking a breather, stepping away, and asking for a second opinion. Usually, that hard place I'm stuck in isn't actually as bad as I thought it was the next day or after getting some feedback on it.
(as a writer I struggle with focusing on one project and hopping onto the next thing)
Something that helps is making sure the fic is something you're passionate about—make sure you're creating for yourself, out of your enjoyment. Also, having a set goal and outline is really helpful with completing projects, especially if it's a big fic. It keeps you on track and helps guide you when you get stuck or lost. Another thing is reminding yourself why you're writing it, whether it's for a specific scene at the end, you want to tell this story or any other motivation. Keep falling in love with it and keep working on it, bit by bit. I should also say it's okay if your attention slips. Usually, when I feel like I'm getting antsy and my focus is shifting to something else, I'll write a drabble or put that idea down on paper to get it out of my system, then return to whatever I need to complete. Stay dedicated and disciplined. You'll make it.
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