#I love being given a chance to ramble about ocs
crispy-art-on-fire · 1 year
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Day 6: My man Henry who accidentally is the root of a lot of ocs I have. He's my SCP oc who has the power to make other SCPs obsessed with him. This is very bad because while he's the source of the obsession he can't control it at all.
Day 7: Sarah is my Dnd oc (the elf specifically) who's demi romantic asexual. Her view of love was basically "Sounds fake but ok" and assumed everyone loved her bc she thinks she's the best ever. Doesn't help her when she actually falls for someone. The person I've drawn with her is Cade another PC. They are two very awkward teenagers.
Day 8: Mahirr also my Dnd oc who is now married to a rabbitfolk with a kid. Ex-murderhobo though aer doesn't actually do much murder mostly aer tried and got stopped and then later learned forgiveness and controlling aers anger issues.
Day 9: I did this like 30min before midnight this is my secret backstory oc: Candlelight. Which got an official character form for Tails of Equestria game where they were a Game master PC. They're just me but a pony and sillier.
Day 10: Beru-ti is my League of Legends oc! He also got a very messy situation with his love life so currently he's single and fighting against the void while slowly being corrupted by it. But he's surprisingly hanging in there despite the oppressing isolation.
Day 11: Fenrir my disaster gay VtM npc Sire (the one with yellow eyes). He's got a crush on his childe (not actual child just the person he made vampire) and wants the dude to grow strong enough to kill him. Incredibly amused by his himbo ways.
Day 12: Danganronpa ocs without names. Basically Gardener is a super fan of Author's books and they bond over it. They don't get much time to truly fall in love and be together bc Danganronpa. Where Gardener comes up with a plan to try to get Author out bc Author's books saved her when she was in her darkest place and so want Author to escape and continue to write for her.
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✨ let’s do a twst trade ✨
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Hello ^^;;
This might be coming out of the blue. I’m typically a very private person and tend to stick with social circles I’m already familiar with.
Recently, I’ve been thinking that it would be nice to put myself out there and interact more! I can get easily overwhelmed, so I thought a good way to go about this is to do a handful of art/writing trades. This keeps the number low and conversation approachable, and I think that’d help slowly ease me into being more comfortable interacting and participating in community events.
***UPDATE: Trades now closed, thank you all for the interest!***
Here are the parameters and other important notes (setting these for my own comfort and lifestyle):
This will be a Twisted Wonderland themed trade because that’s the one thing we can guarantee to have in common.
I’ll write a fic for you! Minimum 1-2k words (but I tend to ramble so it could easily go higher than that), starring at least 2 characters (I can write more, but let’s not go too crazy and ask for all 22 NRC students in one fic).
I CAN write platonic, romantic, angst, fluff, yandere, AUs, etc.
I’m okay with writing any and all TWST characters, including staff, RSA students, family members, and other NPCs.
Of course, OCs are also welcome! I’d love to learn more about yours.
Be prepared with references for your OC(s) if applicable. This could include illustrations, but at the bare minimum should include a written explanation of who the character is, their personality, likes/dislikes, and relationships with canon characters.
There are limits to what I will write, as I am uncomfortable with some subject matters. For example, I’m not willing to write anything pregnancy-related. We can discuss my “no goes” in more detail if we decide to trade!
Upon request, I can do a simple digital piece of art OR a washi tape illustration (you won’t receive the physical piece, just a picture of it) for you. I believe most people know me more for my writing, but I wanted to keep these options on the table!
You trade me a fic of your own OR an artwork of roughly the same quantity/quality. As the saying goes, “what you give is what you get.”
We will talk and agree before we start on our pieces what each of us will generally provide at the end. (For example, a 5k word fic for a full color waist up illustration, 1k word fic for a black-white doodle, etc.)
You have to be okay with receiving a vague prompt. I like to be surprised, so I’ll probably just give you a list of general themes, ideas, and characters I like, then set you loose to see what you come up with.
You can be as specific as you like with your own prompt for me though—I’m flexible. Let me know what you don’t like as well so I can avoid including those elements.
To keep things fair, we’ll both hold onto our pieces and exchange them at the same time.
Regarding my written piece, it will be in a Google Doc for you to access.
This is NOT first come, first serve. I can only realistically take on 3-5 trades at this time depending on interest and complexity. If I turn you down, it’s nothing personal!
Priority will be given to mutuals (chances are that there’s more likely to be common ground if we’re already following each other).
Preference will be given to those indicated as adults in their blog intros/profiles (this is just what vibes the best with my personal communication style)
Be patient!! It may take me a few weeks or more to complete my part.
Be aware that doing a trade with me does NOT necessarily mean we will become best friends, and nor should this be the expectation 😅
If you’re okay with the above and are interested in a trade, please DM me! In your DM, you should indicate some prompts/ideas for what you’d like me to write. Please wait for me to respond; do NOT assume that I’ve accepted the trade request just because you’ve messaged me.
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mymreaderlibrary · 10 months
Hey buddy, gotta say, fucking LOVE your old man yaoi post with price and reader. It's also one of my favorite things and shit if you'd like could you write more about them? Like I need these two old men to finally own up and kiss damnit 😭
I wanted to get this out way earlier but ANYWAYS IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT AAAAGHHGH I honestly wanted to write about it a lil more but I wasn’t sure. I hope this is good, no beta cause I’m a looney toons of a writer who’s stubborn as hell.
[old friends to lovers, slight angst, injury ment, laswell is so fuckin annoyed by being the only smart person, use of y/n though they’re kinda treated more like an oc sorry, the ramblings continue]
[length: 1324 words]
They didn't speak of the night before, but they honestly didn't have to. Y/n and Price could tell their feelings were mutual, or at least stronger than a typical friendship, but instead they chose to be stopped by an invisible road block.
For y/n it was the feeling of lost time. They weren't young anymore, they didn't have the energy nor time for things like relationships and... well he wasn't sure if Price would want to be stuck with an old fart like himself. Price aged in a way that'd make any man jealous meanwhile y/n? Not so much. He was greying, his bones ached more often than not, he spent half of his time drinking shitty liquor that made his teeth reek, and, as much as he hates to admit it, he's just not handsome anymore. Price deserved to be with someone who still had life to them. Maybe a spunky military gal who could keep him on his toes or private operative with an infinite list of missions to complete. What he didn't need, however, was someone who already had their chance and wasted it. Y/n should've told him just how much Price meant to him, how much he envied the people who got to stay by his side. He should've searched for him, got on his hands and knees and begged to come with. Convince whoever had them separated to change their mind. He didn't care if he still went through the same pain he did when he was alone, if he had to amputate his own damn leg again, or deal with the loss of his parents one more time. As long as he could've done it by Price's side he would've been happy or at the very least satisfied. But that was the past and the current y/n could never catch up to the man Price had become.
However for Price it was guilt. He remembered the days that y/n and him felt invincible. Like every little thing was just a stepping stone in their grand journey to glory. No matter the pain they persevered, found solutions where others would've given up, made names for themselves amongst crowds of soldiers all baring the same purpose. Too bad those names couldn't stop them from being split up, from losing their friends, their families, from being sent all across the world with no way of knowing if the other was even alive. Those names couldn't stop y/n from losing his entire calf... (Price hated that he only knew of his friends injury due a rumor involved with y/n's discharge). Y/n shouldn't even be here, his time in the military was over, he paid his penance, he should be at home watching tv on a leather couch with a beer in hand. Nothing on the mind but whatever sore loser couldn't figure out tonight's Jeopardy categories. But no, Price had to go and drag him out from retirement, right back onto the front lines. Straight back into trouble. Even if he wasn't on the field that didn't mean he was away from risk. His mere association with the 141 planted a target on his back that wouldn’t be removed by simply walking away. Price didn't feel he deserved y/n's affection not when all he ever did was put him in danger.
So they both stayed like that, infinitely stubborn, hellishly avoidant, and not nearly as sly as they thought. The 141 didn't have a full understanding of what was going on between the two, but they could tell there was some unfinished business. Gaz thought maybe one of them slighted the other and neither have taken the step to apologize for it. Soap thought y/n perhaps betrayed Price and that's why he's missing part of his leg. Ghost had... almost the right idea, thinking there was a strange tinge of romantic tension between the two though he assumed it was from something like a love triangle. Maybe y/n and Price loved the same woman and had some unfinished rivalry? Regardless, it was not his problem so much as it didn’t effect the mission.
Laswell however, she knew. She wouldn't have the position she did if information like this just flew past her radar. She knew of their history, she saw how they reacted to one another. Laswell wasn't blind for god's sake, in fact she felt like the only one with eyes at the moment. She wasn't so crass as to demand them to make up and get it over with, but having no one to complain to was definitely testing her patience. Instead she stuck to subtly, casually chatting with Price about y/n and dropping questions in regards to their past missions together and how close they were, hoping to make some wheels turn in his rusted head. She wasn't gonna do more than that however, they were two grown men and if they couldn’t figure it out that was their problem. Could they just be a little more subtle though?
It took until a, quite literally, explosive scenario for them to finally get it together. A bullet had gotten lodged into Price's shoulder after an enemy made a lucky shot. It was far from the worst thing the Captain had faced but it still wasn't great, hurt like a bitch for one. And secondly it seemed to send y/n into a spiral. He was practically fuming when Price got back, going on some sort of rant about hygiene and wound care. Y/n demanded to be the one to dress Price's shoulder with a tone that had the others knowing they were not invited to watch unless they wanted to join in on the incoming lecture. And lecture he did, through the whole process Price could barely get a word in. Y/n paced and raved, threw his arms in the air and even knocked over supplies on accident. He was a complete mess and it wasn't until y/n was literally out breath that the Captain could finally speak.
An explanation of what happened was given, it was just luck (bad luck in regards to Price) that he got hit. This wasn’t overly common and the team knew how to deal with these wounds. Everything was okay, it was going to be fine. This just came with the job, risks were inevitable.
They were quiet, looking at each other and letting the silence permeate the room. Price reached his hand out to touch y/n’s but was caught off guard as the other man suddenly leaned it. Knocking his head against Price’s good shoulder and breathing heavily, y/n shuddered a silent cry. A plead for Price to be safe. Whatever false version of safety he could promise, just please don’t die out there.
The Captain raised his outstretched hand to cup the back of y/n’s head, running a thumb over the stubbled hair. Letting his hand slide to his face and pushing him back just an inch.
Another moment of silence. Hearts beating like rabbits.
“You gonna actually do something or do I-“
Price shut him up as quickly as he could. It was clumsy, a bit shaky, and definitely desperate, but the moment their lips touched it felt like pure ecstatic relief. Relief that this was finally happening, relief that the invisible barrier they built around each other was so weak, but mostly relief that those moments, all those touches and lingering stares weren’t for nothing.
They breathed in each others scent, something they’ve come to know so well and yet in this moment it felt brand new, and infinitely stronger. The spice of a cigar, the sting of sweat, and- oh right, sterile wipes. Price was left to chuckle awkwardly and y/n backed away. Any childish excitement felt would have to wait but at the very least they had this.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 month
FSR rambles 23
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Oh boy. We're here!
This page was basically EXCLUSIVLY made to be a cover art page. XDDD
It was really fun figuring out the environment and capturing the vibe of the OOT Water Temple boss fight room with Dark Link.
This is a direct inspiration of that.
I'm STILL salty we NEVER got a proper manga adaptation of that fight.
I could go on a huge rant about how Dark Link's utilization was AWFUL in OOT's manga...like AWFUL especially knowing what it could have been with my own exploration into Dark Link's character (I say with the huge note that Dark Link is very OC coded in FSR...)
The Dark Link Fight is an isolating PERSONAL fight and the OOT manga turned it into a fucking display for the entire Kakariko village for them to kiss Link's ass for and it didn't feel properly introspective or deep or...anything. Relegating Dark to just a random demon that wore Link's face to fuck with him and not a reflection of his own darkness and insecurities, his flaws. His sins.
The reveal for Dark Link is PERFECT in the OG game, you lacking a reflection as soon as you pass the tree with a split branches. He's literally your reflected mirror image.
The fact we were robbed of seeing just how personal and frightening and introspective that could have been is just mnghghghg.
Wasted potential is the phrase that comes to mind with that adaptation of Dark Link.
There's another level of him being in the water temple because water shows your reflection. (Also...Deadhand's creepy ass getting completely cut from that manga...WHY. We could have had it all. 😭)
And it makes me so sad because Shadow is such a GOOD adaptation of an evil Link from the same artists. 😭 Giving Shadow SO MUCH that wasn't there in the og game.
Dark in Twilight princess is a huge upgrade and was a huge inspiration to FSR Dark Link's character of reflection (Seriously read his scenes in TP, you will see FSR Dark Link's inspiration X'DDD)
I really like Legend of Zelda... And I've always loved Dark Link as a character if you couldn't tell from me utilizing him a LOT in FSR given the chance.
Anyway smth stupid about this page: hur de duur Dark is looking up Blue's skirt.
I remember just layering and layering effects onto this page. The fog and Dark's rippling visage in the water are some of my favorites.
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Blue's in his cozy lil headspace.
Far away from people trying to keep him in what is to him: A torturous experience.
Blue made it VERY CLEAR he hates being Link and it's stressful and suffocating for him.
Just the thought of being Link again is deeply anxiety inducing for him. So he's retreated into a place of complete isolation.
He just wants to be alone right now.
Dark's boss room felt like a nice way to show that. ^w^
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Blue in a lot of ways feels utterly LIED TO.
Splitting up with the sword was a promise they were going to be OKAY and safe. Because being Link is a DEATH SENTANCE to him.
So the prospect of going back is terrifying.
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Peek a boo. Hi Dark Link. XD
That creepy ass grin as he slinks out of the water is very Ben drowned inspired haha.
There's a few pieces of Ben Drowned Fan art I've seen over the years that I thought of when drawing this one.
Like, the idea he's been walking underwater for WHO KNOWS HOW LONG just to follow Blue is very creepy.
Like, he doesn't seem the need to breathe. (He doesn't)
The lonely dirt or sand hilltop was an oasis from people but Dark pursued anyway. Dark got to him across this vacuous empty space of nothing but water.
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Dark takes a moment to just stare at Blue and the situation.
And approaches slowly and carefully at first, before declaring himself and his intentions.
He gets a certain type of way when he gets no response.
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Blue continues not to notice him. Green had a better handle on his own head and managed to decipher someone was up to something pretty quickly but Blue is shuts him out entirely.
He gets upset enough to clench his fist in anger but doesn't swing or do anything particularly violent yet. He just gives up and sits alongside Blue muttering he didn't really EXPECT Blue to respond but just wanted him too.
Dark Link is very used to disappointment at this point in the story. He's also the kind of person to only give as much effort as required of him.
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Lifting his head back up he's in a blizzard...HUH.
He comes across a door and...just breaks the lock.
"That's not how the game is played-"
Instead of trying to get a key he just breaks it. X'D
Dark really doesn't play around.
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Looking around, he gets attacked by...a blonde Blue-
Apparently this phantom is a "Faker" and "not the real blue" according to Dark.
...Care to elaborate on what that thing IS Dark- Nope okay...
If you want my stupid thoughts: It's a representation of Blue pushing people away and wanting privacy rn.
Since literally locking himself up didn't work he's lashing out.
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When defeated this thing just turns into a puff of smoke that's the same shades as Dark's hair when he mimics Blue.
Dark Link doing his usual thing, which is tearing people down.
I refer to this as "The bisexual lighting Dark Link panel" because that's what it ended up being and it's hilarious.
Dark Link is the bisexual representation yall deserve-
...I'll let myself out-
Okay though seriously I do love this panel because it's so over dramatic.
Dark Link's crazy faces are fun as hell and he has a way with being a perfect muse. 🖤
The blue bleeding into red with Dark's mania and typical color scheme taking over the cold freezing blue with red hot anger and annoyance on Dark's end.
This is also a detail so small I don't think anyone would care or notice otherwise: Dark Link is drawn with Blue's nose. X'D
Him mimicking people's facial features doesn't pop up too often but originally I did want him to do it more often.
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Dark has to drag himself out of his literal purpose and uhh, safe to say he's getting pissed off.
When Dark Link gets particularly angry across the "Darkblue" interaction he copes by clenching his fist in anger to try and dispel it. This dude would love stress balls X'D
Trying to keep a cheery attitude about something he WAS excited about, while faced with a task that's just infuriating him is getting to him.
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he's not gloomy for long because he finds Blue hiding from him in a giant ice hide away.
Stupid art detail: I just like when Dark has gloves that are tinted red. It's cute.
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Dark acknowledges he could brute force his way into the ice block if he wanted too but is just too lazy. XD
Dark just spilling his own opinions everywhere when given a captive audience.
he's just a lil guy with his heart on his sleeve, just wants to share his opinions on stuff like what color is he prefers and trying to relate to the other party.
He liked the blue fire he saw in SOMEONE's memories (Haha BOTW reference hello)
Blue's preference for green also being a reference to him trying to steal Green's clothing in the original FS. Though...there's also the question to be had if the colors would actually HAVE different likes and dislikes when it comes to things such as favorite colors or food...? Personality wise they're very different but would that change something like that?
Anyway, Blue finally starts to realize SOMEONE is talking to him.
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LOL So this is the first time Dark Link's gender has been called into question by someone.
...Funny thing about that: Dark Link doesn't really understand gender. X'D
I head cannon him with an...interesting voice. Most of the time I see him sounding like Blue diamond from Steven universe.
When he's screaming though, Invader Zim. X'D (Think Zim screaming "YOU'RE LYING!!!!" and you got what I think he sounds like when he screams)
Sometimes when he's broody Legoshi from Beastars.
Basically: if someone voiced him, they'd either have to have insane range or he'd have to be voiced by multiple people.
Anyway back to Dark's gender.
he mimics people.
He's only been around MEN outside of Zelda (And her gender is less than straight in FSR lmfao, think back to when Link referred to her with they/them)
So...He's only mimicking men for the most part.
Link didn't have a maternal figure in his life, so Dark's understanding of women is super limited.
He also just uses his own name as a pronoun.
Dark Link's third person speak is very particularly written...I'm very particular about it.
Example of how I'd write a sentence and what I'd avoid if it makes sense:
Correct O "Dark Link would NEVER do that!? Do you think I'm stupid!?"
Incorrect X "Dark Link would NEVER do that!? Do you think he's stupid!?"
...I hate the idea Dark would refer to himself in complete third person. It would sound childish vs him just using his own name as a pronoun like "I/me/Myself"
Cause...if you've noticed only OTHER characters refer to Dark link with gendered pronouns. Dark Link only refers to himself as "I/Me/Dark Link"
Usually Dark Link refers to himself when he's distancing himself from his actions or just when I think it'd be funny/fitting.
So yeah, the curse doesn't really have a gender and everyone so far has just assumed he's a dude. XD Dark Link himself doesn't correct anyone because...why would he?
I don't think Dark would understand that he/she/they aren't universal pronouns for every person. XD
If you're wondering for future/current readers: This is also why he doesn't care Vio calls him an "it" or a "Thing".
Those are just descriptors of what he is.
he knows everyone calls Zelda a "She" and has called Zelda as such but I doubt he'd know why or when to use it otherwise. he'd just follow everyone else's lead.
So like...I've mentioned it before SOMEWHERE but in FS they just...straight up have telepathy??? Like Vio uses it to get Blue and Red to come to the Shadow temple AND Green (Imo) is woken up by Vio calling out to him when he wakes up from the massage.
So like...it's just cannon they can use telepathy with each other so here's blue referencing he'd know what the others sound like X'D
Cause of his curiosity the ice melts because...well he wants to know who's talking to him.
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Dark's really happy about being let in. Announcing "Found you!" like he won a game of hide and seek.
Blue continues to push the fact he wants to be alone right now but Dark's too busy being weird.
Dark...buddy...Don't touch people's face like that.
Just seeing if Blue's lips are kissable I guess. XDDD
Blue's not fully in the headspace mindset yet so he's having a hard time visualizing Dark Link atm.
But he KNOWS that voice.
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So Dark tries to appeal to Blue's emotions to get him to go back home...instead of just tearing him down.
Nice use of your powers buddy.
We get a nice POV shot of the blurred mess Blue sees of Dark's silhouette.
Dark's words in the first panel really do seem like sympathy...but it's hard to tell with him.
Blue gets frustrated enough he drags himself into the headspace to confront this mystery guy.
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We're back in the boss room.
You know what that means.
Blue fully recognizing and talking to Dark surprises Dark since he was SHOCKED Green fully noticed him.
Though this time...he seems...not happy.
Ngl, Dark's pissed off face sends me.
He's SO PISSED that Blue's pulling this crap on him.
I think Blue's phrasing specifically is what did it for Dark to snap.
"WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET A DAMN BREAK!?" - Blue shouted...at the disgruntled worker who can't take a break.
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Dark even points out as much he could echo the sentiment.
Dark's just full of anger at this point at how this "Mission" has gone and has divulged into childish as hell insults.
Dark saying Blue's face is "hideous" and Blue immediately making an unattractive face is one of those things I just find so stupidly funny. (Dark ALSO making an unattractive face while saying it lmfao)
Just hits the funny bone just right. It's so stupid.
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Dark Link proceeds to throw a piss baby tantrum.
ya know what pal, if I had to deal with BLUE I'd be at my limit too. XDDD
He's really just reflecting and taking out the rage that's been building and only getting worse since he's around Blue.
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...Okay so I don't repeat myself, this entire fight is hilarious to me.
The eyebrow comment is so stupidly childish and it's funny DARK is the first one to point out Blue's MASSIVE EYEBROWS.
Dark is pissed off enough to actually fight somewhat competently to knock Blue onto his ass.
Dark's main method of attack is disarming his enemy. He knocked Shadow on his ass too and kept Vaati pinned when they fought after cutting his tentacles.
Dark's just loves breaking down your defences. ;)
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Blue accurately accesses Dark is shorter than him. (Blue's the tallest of the four colors in FSR.)
Even touching a sore spot with Dark being compared to Shadow Link.
Dark doesn't take that comparison well at ALL causing him to cut his own hand off just to win the fight.
And since the readers got hindsight: Dark Link's steaks in this fight are WAAAAY bigger than Blue's.
Dark gets chronic pain after he gets hurt by the Four Sword. (Granted timeline wise it's still the same day comic wise. 💀) Him holding the blade of his sword to avoid Blue getting him in the face and cutting his own hand off to avoid it was in a lot of ways the ONLY way out of that...Well if he was human.
I think there's a lot to be said about Dark literally harming himself to win this fight
He doesn't value himself much.
And that's a perpetual theme with him.
Dark just doesn't care about his own safety much.
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Again, Dark already cut off his own hand and then GRABES THE BLADE OUCH DUDE.
These panels are pretty quick paced but dude's eyes have been the "Rage" eyes for awhile.
I usually draw Dark with these eyes when he's at his peak anger or manic.
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Dark's cute lil horns popped out and his hat has a lil tail to it's end looking a LOT like vaati's.
Blue is SHOCKCED this guy would do something so drastic just to win.
Like reguardless of it growing back, I think most of us would have hesitation to CUTTING OFF YOUR OWN HAND.
Originally: Dark was meant to cut off his fingers, but ahh. Changed it because someone I know doesn't like finger/hand trauma. (There's a reason why there's a "mildly censored" of these pages.
Also the blood: Dark's blood dripping into Blue's eye literally clouding his vision and representing him being blinded by red/rage. XD
Hehe literal stuff.
It's also the eye that ends up glitching into Link's eye so...Hmmm wonder if there's a connection there.
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Reasonable question from Blue. His shaky word bubble shows he's kinda afraid of that outcome.
Dark's downright offended by the suggestion though before laughing in Blue's face.
The "Are you stupid?" face is so silly. I'm sure a lot of you can tell it's inspired by the Excalibur face. XD
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You can't "The writer's barely disguised fetish" me here, I added Dark pulling Blue's hair for someone else XDDD
FSR is nothing if not horny as hell.
The mention of Green snaps Blue out of having his hair yanked by this weirdo.
Stupid cut content rant:
Originally Dark Link was going to meet ALL the Links spare Green and Shadow all together (Vio/Blue/Red) and his rabbit dog line was actually in reference to Blue being PISSED about Dark.
La de daaa rewrites and ba boom they met here and Darkblue happened so.
Eh if you were interested. A lot of ideas end up being reused.
The idea of Dark reflecting Blue's toxic and overwhelming anger was used to a much better affect here than in the og brainstorming I think.
If you want another freaky cut detail:
Back when Dark had a bigger antagonist role. He went WAAAY deeper into his mental torture on Blue.
(Ya know. usual villain things like cosplaying vio's corpse)
Dark was less of a character in the older drafts and more of a HORROR creepy pasta character haha. more of what we saw Vio going through less of a hopeless romantic. XD
But the fact they had a boss fight has been around in the drafts since Dark's inception pretty much. Though the OG Darkblue fight had WAY more steaks and was towards the end of the og script draft of FSR.
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Art wise I'm not completely happy with this page. Dark...buddy where's your eye shines. And MAN I wish I made the water more than JUST a gradient but ahh what can ya do. I release these daily sometimes with 6 page updates.
Can't always be bangers.
Dark expresses his "This is why you don't meet your heroes" rant because he's having an autistic meltdown shit didn't go the way he wanted. (Ya know what. Same sometimes pal)
Just throwing Blue back his sword in anger, to which Blue reaches for.
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Dark is reasonably tired of this and expresses how HE feels about his situation.
This is more fucked up when you consider the four sword leaves Dark with serious pain.
Dude just offered to become Blue's punching bag "if it'll make him happy".
Dark's self worth is in the toilet and it's even worse because some part of him MUST think Blue might take him up on that offer.
Whatever fulfils his promise to Green.
Having this slung at his face Blue doesn't exactly take it well.
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I've touched on it before but I really do feel like blue didn't ACTUALLY get much growth in his anger department. his anger just stopped being used as a punchline when he physically hurt the other 3.
Like...that's not character growth???
I really feel like we could have used a scene where characters REALLY touched on "hey, when you hurt people that isn't fucking cool" To blue but idk.
Like we got a very watered down idea of that where the fairy tells blue to stop being so mean but it's so soft and underplayed idk.
I really wanna touch on how I'd rewrite Blue's arc whenever I make a video dissecting the FS manga because I feel like blue has a LOT of potential to show someone coping with anger issues better.
Dark calling him out here forces him to recognize the gravity of his abuse towards the others.
And it'll be touched on again when Blue talks about how Vaati treats Dark Link, and how that pisses him off.
I just personally like how in realizing how his actions come off and how they hurt others (Specifically Dark Link here) Blue chooses to try and be better going forward.
Blue's defences kick in at first when Dark sugjests he take his anger out on him, and it's "Just something he needs to get used to" because he's bitter over what Vaati's been putting him through, what Shadow put him through even and the fight Blue and him JUST HAD.
Almost ALL of Dark's interactions, aside from Green's have been physical violence and that finally caught up with him and by proxy got him angry enough to confront blue on his behavior.
It's enough to make Blue think for a second like "No I'm not like that" so he immediately jumps to "Why would you say that!?".
Then to blaming Dark Link as he tries to rationalize before defaulting to wreck less anger just shouting for Dark Link to die as his terror at his own actions consume him.
The paneling reflecting how the darkness and his horror spread further and further.
We reached the 30 page limit sooooo we'll hop into this again soon. XD
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emiplayzmc · 2 months
Hooo boy, time for the ref sheets of two more Pink Addi OCs!
(Image text and IDs in the ALT text!"
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Introducing Click Velvet and their Trojan (or 'Copycat'), Clickbait Page!
Some extra info about the both of 'em under the cut because I have far too much info about my babies :D.
(Jsyk there is. A lotta rambling under the cut. Most of the longer stuff is under Clickbait :,) )
Click Velvet:
-Click is a loner Addison, which - in my AU - basically he worked his way to 'sentience' on his own rather than having anybody else helping him through that process. 'Sentience' is the Addison equivalent of reaching maturity, since when they first spawn all they can really think and do is working and advertising, but they slowly start gaining their own thoughts and personalities over time as they mature.
-Click is the S/O of my main Orange Addi, Banner! I've made ship art of the two of them before ^-^
-Click is an EXTREME lover of stuffed animals, his favourite being a small duck plush he named 'Tap,' which became a third joking 'mascot' of his and Banner's catering service 'Click or Tap the Banner.'
-Their leg is partially malfunctional because of a car crash - the leg is mostly fine now, but there are days where the wiring goes slightly off and it glitches or has a slower response time than normal, so he always keeps a cane on hand in his inventory just in case he needs it.
-He's a very sweet individual, and a very talented baker - he and Banner even have a catering service for parties! Click knows how to make just about any sweet treat you cam think of, and even makes his own root beer (although he doesn't sell this, despite Banner's gentle nudging. He prefers to have it as a drink for himself). He also happens to live above his bakery in the attic. I'll have to draw his room someday!
-He can be a bit of a neat freak / germophobe at times :,) Not as much as Target, but all Pink Addisons have a tendency to want things to be tidy - Click is no exception. Every part of his bakery needs to be SPOTLESS before the open hours of the next day, or else he frets about if something will be too dirty.
-Red velvet is his favourite flavour of just about anything he can work it into, so that's what he made his middle name! Click Velvet :D
-Click's a great photographer! Since his whole purpose is to generate 'clicks' on his store / website, he photographs all of the products in his advertisements to make them look as appealing as possible to customers.
Clickbait Page:
-Clickbait spawned in when Click was 19 and had wandered into the Dark Web on accident - Trojan Addisons are essentially 'virus copies' of a normal Addi's code, with some of their personality traits being shared between them, while any and all natural physical traits are shared (looks, glitches, et cetera). They have a chance of spawning in whenever a normal Addison wanders into the Dark Web.
-Trojan Addis all have a mark inside their mouths that indicates they're a Trojan, which is a small Web logo in a glowing bluish-green colour.
-Clickbait doesn't share Click's malfunctional leg, but he does share his farsightedness - he wears contacts over his camera lenses for that, but only when he's writing. He also shares Click's asexuality, adoration of anything sweet, skill in a kitchen (although Clickbait's pertains to making drinks rather than food), germophobia, and love of plushies.
-Clickbait is the youngest overall of my Addis, and also the youngest in his family! Clickbait wasn't a loner when he spawned - he was taken in by two other Addis who eventually became his 'sister' and 'father,' they'll get ref sheets later. Even though he's technically the youngest, only having been around for 16 years, he has the same mental maturity as Click, most of which was gained after he became 'sentient.'
-His given job is writing 'clickbait' articles. Given jobs are basically the first jobs that an Addison is assigned to once they're created, Trojan or not, that relate to their purpose. As a result, he's a bit of a pathological liar, making him very skilled at making up pretty believable lies on the spot for the articles he writes in newspapers (basically the type of ads and articles you see that are like 'You WON'T BELIEVE what happens to [So-and-So Celebrity] after they used this product!!').
-His second job was given to him by his dad - working alongside his sister as a bartender in their dad's casino, the Sapphire Retire. His father is... also really strict, and doesn't really like the idea of Clickbait or his sister having other jobs beside the casino and their given jobs. Because of that, Clickbait keeps his third job - working at Cyber Shoes II as a supervisor - a secret from both of them. Although this does stretch him quite thin at times, between working at Cyber Shoes by day, the casino by night, and writing his articles in between both jobs - the casino, Cyber Shoes, and the newspaper printing house all being pretty far away from each other in Cyber City doesn't help either.
-Clickbait acts VERY differently between the casino and Cyber Shoes II - at the casino, he's more of his natural self, which is rather awkward, quiet, and a little dorky. At Cyber Shoes, however, he's... not exactly the nicest to be around. He acts like a cold, sarcastic jerk around his co-workers to keep them from questioning about his actual life, since he doesn't want to get too attached to the job in case his father finds out. He doesn't actually DISLIKE anyone there, he's merely trying to keep them out of his personal life by discouraging people from interacting.
-Clickbait adores taking pictures of his Tasque, Bread, and dressing it up in cute little outfits - he also spoils Bread to no end, treating him like a little prince.
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
can you write something with the Megara oc?
You're in luck! My Megara inspired Yuu actually has lots of lore!
Here's an illustration of her dynamic with Idia Shroud provided by the lovely @cozymochi
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My fic is under read more, but you can also read it on AO3!
“Why do you want me to talk to this boy so badly?” Katerina asked, reclining on her dormitory couch, long ponytail hanging off the end. 
Idia sat awkwardly at the seat across from her, all scrunched up yet still finding room to be baffled at her inquiry. 
“Look at me!” He gestured to himself as if it was obvious. 
When all he got was a raised eyebrow, he reiterated, “I’m not great with face-to-face confrontations. Last I talked to him, he threatened me with a baton. But, Kat, you have to see him. He’s an entirely different person once you get past the ‘scary guard’ thing.”
“You sure he’s not trying to lull you into a false sense of security so he can whack you with his baton?” Katerina teased sarcastically.
“No, but don’t put that in the universe!” Idia retorted, “I’m not asking for anything complicated. Just scope him out! Maybe you can get an online game account out of him; he says his dad plays.” 
“Send your brother to do it.” 
“Ortho is a good boy! And I don’t want to set him up for what is basically super personal info-gathering. It’d be too obvious if it was him anyway.” Idia snapped. 
Ortho was much more of the mischievous prying type than Idia seemed aware of, or at least wanted to acknowledge. Still, seeing him this perturbed over some boy she’s never heard of before must mean something. 
“I hooked you up with all of the lasted Twisted Wonderland consoles, visual novels, and anime. You owe me two grand in favors.” Idia got strangely threatening, pointing an accusatory finger in her direction. 
“Hey, you chose to do that!” Katerina snapped back at him, rising up from her lounging position. “You were begging me to check all those things out!”
“Doesn’t matter; you’ll change your mind when you see him. “He’s easy to find. Usually somewhere on campus, silver hair, beautiful eyes,” Idia replied. “I’ll throw in whatever extra perks you want. You want Pay-Per-Routes? You got it.”
“You just threatened me with that. Look, fine, I’ll meet this guy, but don’t expect the conversation to be very long.” Kat gave in, heaving herself up and throwing on her jacket from the side. 
“You’re a smooth-talker, much more endearing than I can manage. You’ll do fine.” Idia told her.
“By the way, I probably wouldn’t stay in that seat too long. As soon as Grim wakes up and sees you in his spot, he won’t shut up about it.” Kat warned, or rather teased, with a flip of her hair. 
It didn’t do much. Idia loved Grim just for being a cat, so chances were he would stick around until she finished her task. 
She wasn’t sure exactly how easy this person was to find. His description sounded more like lovestruck rambling than anything actually concrete. 
A quick walk across campus to the hall of mirrors was terrible when she was alone because when she didn’t have her friend at either side of her, people stared. 
Granted, they always stared, but they did so more noticeably when she was alone. 
They would turn their heads to look at her each time. They’d whip around and gawk in place. She was the only girl on campus, and they were both in awe and shocked by her being there, and she hated all of it. 
If this person hadn’t heard of her sudden arrival to this school, then they’d be just as surprised. She’d have to do the whole song and dance all over again. He would dumbly declare her as a girl, then be bothered by her mere presence or try to ask her out. 
A soft vocalization caught her ears, followed by the most tender lyrics. 
‘No way,’ Kat thought, ‘there’s no way that’s the guy.’
She followed the voice out of curiosity, and if she saw any of the vague physical description given to her, she would never question Idia’s weirdness ever again…Or rather, she wouldn’t question it too harshly. 
“I wonder, I wonder…I wonder why each little bird has a someone~” 
A boy with strikingly silver hair stretched his arms and legs with ease, seemingly going through some workout routine while singing gently. 
Perching on the tips of his fingers were small little blue birds. They twittered along with his melodic humming. It was unbelievable; she was literally at a loss for words. 
“To sing to, sweet things to…A gay little love melody~” he continued, bringing the hand with the birds closer to his face. 
Almost comedically, Kat stepped forward and conveniently broke a twig under her boot. A loud snap interrupted the boy’s song, and he quickly drew a baton out from under him and pointed it in her direction. 
She threw her hands up to show that she meant no harm, and the boy dropped his defenses immediately. 
“Oh, hello, I’m sorry about that. You startled me.” The boy apologized. 
“No problem. What, uh, what are you doing?” She asked, stepping closer. 
“I was about to train. I was doing some stretches first.” He explained 
“While singing to a bunch of birds?” She questioned bluntly, hands on her hips. 
The boy fell silent and looked blankly back at her. Apparently he was in thought because he gave her a half-hearted answer when he spoke up again. “Yes, I suppose so.” 
“You suppose so…” she repeated. 
‘Is this wonderboy for real?’ She thought to herself, ‘this has to be an act. No guy, especially at this school, sings to animals like he’s some kind of fairytale princess.’  
“You wouldn’t happen to be named Silver, would you?” 
“That is my name!” Silver exclaimed with innocent surprise, “What’s yours?”
“Katerina Vallis. My friends call me Kat, though.” She held her hand out to shake. 
Silver looked at it like he didn’t know what she was doing, so she met him halfway and grabbed his hand in a tight shake. 
“Would you prefer if I call you Kat, then?” He asked permission. 
His entire demeanor endlessly confused her, and she fought hard against herself to find it endearing. 
“Sure, wonderboy, knock yourself out.” 
The birds that fled when she surprised him flew back, handing on his shoulders and head. “I don’t believe I’ve met you before until now…Or,” Silver narrowed his eyes at her as if inspecting her all over, Katerina crossed her arms, “Have I?”
“We’ve never met,” Katerina explained, it seemed obvious, but somehow this was the strangest boy she’s come across so far. “A little bird told me about you.”
Silver looked inquisitively at his bird friends. He brought a hand out and the birds obediently landed on his wrist and fingers. “Have you, now?”
“Not a literal bird- Ah, whatever,” Katerina replied, “Do you play video games…Or something?”
“I do; I’m not very good at them though,” Silver answered. It was extremely easy, no strings attached. 
Silver didn’t seem to notice that Kat was very clearly an outsider at this school. Kat was beginning to think that he couldn’t even tell she was a ‘she.’ But it was a nice change of pace to talk without having to deal with the usual reactions and questions. 
“Mind exchanging account info? For the little bird?” She asked. 
“Of course, though, I don’t know if a bird would be very good at playing video games either.” Silver agreed, still misguided, but he had the spirit. “I only really play games with my father, and even then, I usually fall asleep before I can finish. Do you play games?”
“Yeah, I dabble,” Kat said. 
She lied. She was knee-deep in inter-dimensional visual novels that she’s never seen before until getting trapped here. Without her parents there to chide her for not focusing more on sports and photoshoots, she could indulge in all of her fantasies. She could become the girl who has friends and falls in love in all of these games Idia supplied her with. 
Those fantasies came with a cost. Now she had to act as a gopher. 
“If only I had a pen and paper…” Silver mused. 
“You can just tell me, and I’ll type it on my phone.” She offered. 
Suddenly, a little rabbit and squirrel hopped up to them, one holding a pen and one holding a paper. How the hell those animals even got those items that fast and how they knew exactly what Silver wanted? Katerina didn’t know. She had a hard time believing what she was seeing. 
“Thank you,” Silver patted their little heads and took their items. 
He wrote down his online name and handed it to her. He wrote in very neat cursive, “here you are.”
He had a very creative name…Silver515. 
“Thanks…” she said, and that was that, “I’ll see you around.” 
Silver yawned and covered his mouth with his hand before giving her a friendly goodbye. He pulled his baton back up and swung it around with clear precision. It reminded her of her fencing practice, where she would fight some invisible enemy with all of her might. 
She lingered there, silently wondering why she hadn’t left. Then, she spoke up. 
“Do you have a second baton?” She asked. 
“Oh, yes, actually. Sebek was here with me earlier, but he left to chase after our liege. Guard duties and all.” Silver explained, pulling out his spare baton hidden underneath a group of spectating animals.
He handed it to her, and she took it. She expected him to toss it, but it was a gentle handoff. 
“But not you?” Katerina questioned. 
“Malleus enjoys taking walks alone. I prefer to leave him be if he wants it.” Silver responded as a matter of fact. 
“That’s very considerate.” Katerina complemented before getting into position. 
The baton was shorter and stockier than the fencing sword she used, but he held it with as much grace as possible and prepared Silver for her first move, “En-garde!” 
Silver copied her motion as if he too had been fencing his whole life, and the two tried to jab each other’s chest. 
They had to get closer to each other to nail the hit. 
Katerina got an up-close look at Silver’s unique eyes. Idia was not kidding when he described them as beautiful. They were a mix of blue, purple, and pink, all swirled together like a sunrise. It was enough to distract her and leave her open, Silver jabbed the baton into her, and she staggered backward. 
It was a momentary stumble, however, as she leaped back up and returned the jab. By the rule of fencing, there was one turn left, and Katerina backed up to dodge the hits before trying to jab again. 
Silver overpowered her easily. It was enthralling to meet a match after years of her being used as her fencing team’s secret weapon back in her original dimension. His form was a lot more offensive than Katerina’s strategic one. 
If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve guessed he was trained to fight for real instead of for sport. 
Eventually, they both felt satisfied with their spar and dropped to the grass. Despite all the energy he displayed before, his head swayed, and his body lay slack with drowsiness against a tree beside her. 
“Your form is excellent. You have quite a talent.” Silver complimented, speech slow but sincere. 
“Thanks. I’ve been fencing since I was a kid, along with other imposed hobbies.” She replied. 
“That’s quite a coincidence because I’ve trained with the sword since I was a child too.” Silver added. “Would you be interested in training with me again?”
Katerina was about to say ‘yes’ when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out and took a quick look at the text. 
Idia: WHERE R U?? Did u find him? Sometimes he sleeps on the ground on campus, but that could be anywhere-
Katerina rolled her eyes and put the phone down. She’d get to him in a minute. 
“Yeah, I’d love- I mean-“ Katerina fumbled, but thankfully it wasn’t noticed at all. “Oh.”
In only a matter of seconds, Silver was fast asleep. 
All of the quirks that Idia had described to her were a reality. It was stranger than anything she had experienced so far in this strange world, and even stranger than befriending a talking cat monster, was this boy who came straight out of a fairytale. 
She had his gaming account info…So she could give him her answer there. 
Katerina left to her self-proclaimed master to report what she had found. She definitely found a lot more than what she expected to find. 
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calciferous-kelpie · 11 months
Hey btw if your ever in need of ranting about a blorbo/oc, this is an ask that tells your to do so. What is the most interesting thing about them? Do they have any symbolism to them and if so what is it about? Favorite ideal situation to put them in? Any romance ideas?
Anon, I want to start off by apologizing for taking EXACTLY A YEAR to reply to this! Happy One Year Anniversary! 💀😭 Obviously, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, trying to decide who I wanted to talk about and trying to put my thoughts into words. And, of course, it took even longer because I wanted to include drawings of the characters… 🤦‍♂️Anyway…
I’ve decided to talk about multiple characters of mine, since they are important for my upcoming comics: Boxman’s mother, father, and sister! I have some New™, Fresh™ information to share about all of them today! Hope you enjoy my ramblings!
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MEREDITH (Boxman's Mother)
Most interesting thing: Hmm, well… the things I find most interesting about Meredith are kind of spoilers for my comics, but an interesting thing about her is her special ability! (“Every proper siren has one, darling.” 💅) It’s called Eye of the Storm, and it allows her to summon and control a raging thunderstorm at will. Obviously, this sort of thing takes a lot of energy to maintain, so this ability actually comes with a secondary feature: Meredith can occasionally choose a victim to steal the energy from, and all she has to do to steal said energy is to make direct eye contact with them. The lady’s got a mean glare as it is, but with this power on top of that? Wowza. Watch out.
Symbolism: Given my answer to the previous question, you won’t be surprised to know that I associate Meredith with storms! She is a passionate character with a wild side, and when she truly gets going, she will step aside for no one.
Favorite situation to put them in: Meredith is a complex character with a lot going on, and I don’t want to reduce her to just an antagonist… but MAN, does she make a good antagonist! 😆 I love to put her into situations in which she terrifies/intimidates other characters, and trust me, she will have a lot of chances to do that in the comics!
Romance ideas: Meredith isn’t much for romance. At least not anymore. Heron was her first love, and after her relationship with him went south, her trust in men was destroyed. (To be fair, it was shaky to begin with.) She has, however, made an attempt at another relationship or two for monetary reasons. If that even counts lol
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HERON (Boxman's Father)
Most interesting thing: Heron has had a wide variety of experiences across his lifetime, and during that time, he has developed many, many skills. These skills include (but are not limited to): farming, fishing, sailing, cooking, baking, sewing, crochet, whittling, building, juggling, and playing the banjo! Just… don’t ask him to sing, okay?
Symbolism: Heron’s symbolism is… probably pretty obvious, huh? I mean… he’s got an anchor… tattooed… on his back… *ahem* Anyway. The anchor is connected to a lot of Heron’s positive attributes—loyalty and sturdiness being the main ones. But it is also connected to some of his character flaws and the way he views himself. In a way, Heron himself is an anchor, for all the good and bad that entails. ⚓
Favorite situation to put them in: Despite the immense amount of comic outlining and scriptwriting I’ve been doing for Siren Theory, I can say pretty confidently that any scene in which Heron interacts with Professor Venomous is one of my favorites. It’s partly due to the “meet the parents” trope, but the other part of it is that Heron is just an unusual guy who does unusual things, and having a stranger witness that firsthand is hilarious.
Romance ideas: While Heron has had his share of crushes in his youth, he has never been in a serious relationship with anyone but Meredith… and he would like to keep it that way. He still feels like he’s putting the pieces of himself back together after their messy separation.
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REBECCA/SIRENA (Boxman's Sister)
Most interesting thing: I think the thing that I enjoy most about Rebecca is the duality in her personality. She is very charismatic and graceful onstage as Sirena, but offstage, when she’s just Rebecca, she can be pretty socially awkward and kind of a klutz.
Symbolism: Some of you may have made the connection already, but Sirena’s real name, Rebecca, is a nod to Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe and the spouse of Ian Jones-Quartey (creator of OK KO). This name was actually a suggestion by my sister (Thanks, girlie!) because she knew Sugar sang the end credit song of OK KO, and that little song was one of my inspirations for creating Sirena in the first place. Since then, the name has really proven itself to be a perfect fit for my little superstar siren! The meaning of the name Rebecca is “to tie/bind,” and Rebecca really is the character that ties her family—and the narrative of a lot of the comics—together!
Favorite situation to put them in: My favorite moments for Rebecca are the ones in which she is emotionally vulnerable. It isn’t always easy for her, but there are some things that will happen in the comics that will force her to wear her heart on her sleeve. I’m excited for that!
Romance ideas: Honestly, I’ve come up with so many ideas for OK KO that I won’t have space for all of them in the narrative, even though I’m planning to create, like, 19 comics! 😂 One of those things that won’t get a lot of time in the spotlight is Rebecca’s developing romance with a certain someone. That being said, it wouldn’t be a big spoiler for me to say… Plazecca! 🎵
Thank you so much for asking, Anon! Truly, you have enriched my enclosure. 💖
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
where would Dysnomia fit in jarble
JARBLE GARGLE TIME!!! (That’s what a friend told me to call it when I talk about JarbleAU things. It sounds gross and I hate them for it (love you BabyGirl) )
Dysnomia IS in JarbleAU, he is one of Goddess’ main guys in the Hend Family!!
He just… doesn’t have a design yet because I just haven’t done it lmaO. He’s a leafeon in JarbleAU though!! Since the reason that Dysnomia is a Sylveon in canon, are not present in Jarble.
They aren’t related by blood but Dysnomia is one of the few who actually got his last name changed to Hend like Goddess. He also acts as a donor for Goddess kids when she has issues getting it done for when she wanted children.
(there is no romantic or sexual things between them in JarbleAU, he was just a donor because she was having issues)
Although he does not see himself as the kids father (neither does Goddess) he still cares about them and gets Fun Uncle Rights™️
He’s a bit lazy in the sense of… he doesn’t really want to do a lot of the technical or “”political”” aspects of what the Hend Family does. Despite basically being Goddess’ successor (if anything were to happen to her). He likes working on the main and rather large family ranch and tending to that general large segment of land.
He’s a cowboy…,,, big ol gruff cowboy man. Arthur Morgan but leafeon /joking /silly
He’s lazy in that aspect of his job, he half asses a lot of it or has others do it for him. He Primarily has Ryan (from ask-Scrafty, he’s in jarble as well!) or Solo do a lot of that stuff on his behalf. He just doesn’t find much interest in that aspect of things. Goddess still forces him to do stuff, to the point that he at least understands/knows what he’s doing.
On the ranch however! He is a extremely hard worker. Like he goes hard and puts his all into working there or doing other aspects like that!
He hates going into the inner city or attending more diplomatic events. It means he has to clean up and get his hair combed properly and has to wear something other than his dirty ass jeans and shirt that’s torn to shreds. DONT GET ME WRONG he does like. Shower n stuff!! Trust me the man DOES touch soap, he just doesn’t like having to make a spectacle of himself or “pretty himself up” just to impress others.
He also just HATES being around the Mayor and the Farefell family. He finds the Mayor annoying as shit and then just the family issues between the Farefell family, but that’s a given. It’s Hend VS Farefell that’s the whole thang!! He finds Wem particularly disgusting and abhorrent (he’s correct) and doesn’t want to be around him or anyone Wem associates with by default.
HOWEVER… in Jarble. Dysnomia and Eden end up in a bit of a situationship. They hate each other at first but then Eden in this AU is well.. how he is. They end up messing around with one another without anyone knowing (minus those closest to them/those who figure it out over time). They don’t really see each other in any sort of romantic sense, Dysnomia tries to once or twice to appear more civil but it always just ends the same way.
There’s more to that aspect/how it ends up but I’ll avoid rambling about that for now lmaO
BUT YEAH!!! There is more to him, he’s one of the major “POV” characters for Jarble. I just haven’t had a chance to design him properly yet! I’ve tried a few times but generally ended up disliking how it turned out, so it hasn’t been done yet.
I don’t talk about him much BECAUSE he doesn’t have a set design yet. It’s easier for me to talk about OCs once they have a design, that way I can make silly comics or at least slap their face onto something
There are several characters I need to design for it but just.. havent yet lmao
But YEAH big ranch cowboy leafeon man!! He’s less dramatic and moody than he is in canon.. Jarble Dysnomia has no reason to walk around brooding or put on a fake intimidating face or be full of various hate fueled anxieties. He’s a man on a ranch and he likes rodeos and being outside, what more could a leafeon dream of /silly
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z0mbiebitchb0y · 5 months
Dumb rambles about my paper please oc/hcs about Elisa and sergiu because am bored
Ok so I honestly don't have a name for her yet😭 but I like to think she keeps her name a secret from everyone they either call her by her last name(Volda) or they just call her "Vee" or "Vivi"
Planning on drawing him soon but am also giving her a little brother (who is named after the inspector)
The inspector is 100% a godfather or an uncle in some way to her, she gives him the most respect, Also I think her and the inspector son would be very close, people always think they have a crush on each other but I'm all reality she body slams him any chance given (lovingly)
Elisa and sergiu do what ever they can do make you feel comfortable in there home, the absolute best people ever.
Sergiu cannot cook.. He can cook basic stuff but please never leave this man alone in the kitchen something WILL burn. Elisa on the other hand is a GREAT cook. Give her anything and she can somehow turn it into a meal
Also like to imagine that when Elisa got pregnant sergiu was literally YAPPING to everyone that she was pregnant and he was so excited to be a dad, I also think he yaps anyone ears off, he talks about Elisa, his family, etc he just a talkative guy!
Elisa I see as a quiet but fun person. She likely is very patient and doesn't get upset easily, but can be pushes to her limits about family.
I also think when sergiu was all hyped about Elisa being pregnant everyone joked and tolded him "damn you just couldn't wait??" Iykyk
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vidjausers-fable · 8 months
Pen Pals(Veneer X OC)Chapter 7
Author’s Note: This would have been posted earlier but with the storms my power went out for a few hours. I had attempted to drive my friend home and a tree had fallen down near her home, knocking the power lines down. We turned around immediately and went back to my home. Stay safe and stay warm out there! I want to give thanks to my bestie and beta reader, @tinalbion <3
Previous chapter
Veneer settled in the chair across the table. The atmosphere was uncomfortable, and his brain kept telling him that he wanted to run away from the situation. He could feel Avery’s eyes staring at him, and it didn’t make him feel any better. When he shifted in his chair and made himself as comfortable as he could in this type of situation, he looked up and read Avery’s grim expression. Her face was that of disapproval. He knew this wouldn’t work out. None of it would. 
“So yeah…I guess you know who I am then if you’re looking at me like that…” He drummed his fingers nervously into his lap. “And I guess you’re not very happy about it.”
Avery couldn’t believe it. Veneer couldn’t recognize her? Of course he wouldn’t…Why would he memorize a single fan over the thousands he had back then? Had Avery been the same as she was before that night, then maybe she would feel more disappointed than she felt right now. But also…Veneer was a fraud and had scammed everyone. He had fooled everyone in Mount Rageous along with his sister into believing that they could sing because of a Troll they very nearly killed in the process. Avery remembered seeing the speech where Veneer had exposed themselves at their own concert, but also remembered that she was at work that night and didn’t care too much about what happened to the two. 
“Yeah, uh…I remember who you are. I’m just a little speechless seeing you right now. You’re not a Samson. You’re Veneer, ex superstar. This isn’t a joke, is it?”
Veneer raised his hands defensively. “No! No! I swear. I’m Samson. I just used a pseudonym so I wouldn’t be rejected because of my name…But I regret it so much.” He rambled, “I didn’t lie about anything else, just my name. I swear it, Avery.” He held a hand over his chest.
He still couldn’t tell who she was. 
“So everything else you told me was real?” Avery questioned suspiciously, unsure if she should believe him. “Every single thing that you sent me in those letters was absolutely one hundred percent true?”
Veneer nodded. “Yeah…So the interest in fashion, the sketchbooks, doing good here…That’s all real. I made a huge mistake listening to my sister and I’ve been working really hard to right the wrongs I committed against Mount Rageous. I’ve been learning a lot here, and Dr. Graham thought it would be good for me to join the Pen Pal Program to help me get back into the real world. I fell in love talking to you, and the last thing I’ve ever wanted to do was disappoint you. That’s why I wanted to confront you in person and let you see me before I told you my real name. I was feeling really guilty about using a fake name in the first place. I hope you can give me a chance, Avery…I have been loving to get to know someone as a person again and be myself…” He rubbed his hand. 
Avery saw the remorse on his face and how truly he meant these words as he said them. If he was a man of lies, he wouldn’t have exposed himself and his sister to the world and would keep manipulating people. She thought hard and realized that she…she didn’t feel manipulated at all. Sure, she would have loved to know the person she had been talking to in the first place, but she understood why he had done what he did. She knew that if she saw she was writing to Veneer in the first place, then she probably wouldn’t have given him the second chance he had been craving. He didn’t deserve that.
“...I think I still need a moment to process this…” Avery pressed her fingers against her temples. “But I can see why you didn’t tell me right away. It must be scary being on the other side of things.” She slowly began to unwrap the food she had brought for the two of them, Veneer watching her closely. “I think I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes. I want to give you—Veneer—a chance, but you have to promise me that you’ve got to tell me things from now on. I fell in love with talking to Samson too, not because of his name but his personality and actions. Samson is you, and I think that maybe you do deserve a chance.” She slid the sandwich over to Veneer and smiled warmly at him. “But I don’t want to be lied to anymore. OK?”
Veneer couldn’t believe his ears. Avery…Avery didn’t reject him! He gratefully took a bite out of his sandwich, which tasted a little like freedom, making him want to cry. “I really appreciate that, Avery…More than you think.”
“Can…Can I ask you something though? If you don’t mind?”
Veneer nodded. “Yeah, you can ask me anything. I think I owe that to you at least.”
“You probably don’t but…do you recognize me? We met a while back when you were—uh famous? I was at one of your concerts at the Boom Box and I met you personally when I caught your t-shirt in the crowd. You had been so nice to me, and that’s why I really admired you. You always seemed nicer than your sister. I can see why you’re doing so well here.”
Veneer blinked once and then twice. He took a long look at her face before he noticed the features and realized they had been familiar. “Oh yeah! I remember you…But I had never caught your name. I remember looking out in the hallway for you but you had already gone…You never sent me those pictures, though.” He slowly ate at the chips Avery brought him. He got chips here, but it was the cheap healthy kind. 
Avery nodded solemnly, trying to push those memories out of her mind. “Yeah, I had accidentally forgotten my phone when I took a last trip to the bar. I think someone stole it. It was long gone when I went back to look for it.” Avery felt a small pang of guilt. She was technically lying to Veneer, as if she hadn’t just made him promise to never lie to her again. Then again, she didn’t want to get in trouble with Rivers if a little rumor about her lip syncing made its way around. She knew that the fraud would come after her first and she dreaded having to deal with her again. Maybe that’s also why she was okay with jumping on and taking another chance with Veneer, too…It’s not like she was perfect either. 
“Are you alright?” Veneer waved a hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts. “You look like you’re far away in thought right now.”
Avery nodded. “Yeah, a lot happened that night and I wish I hadn’t lost my phone.” She smiled, but it was a sad smile. “Otherwise I would have sent you those photos. Despite what happened with you and Velvet—I think we looked cute in those.”
Veneer blushed. “How do you…feel about all of that? Knowing what I did?”
“I wouldn’t say I was exactly happy. I did spend a lot of money going to those concerts.” As she said those words, she hated the sad expression that came across Veneer’s face, even if what she said needed to be brought up, “But there had been a huge refund to everyone who had proof of old concert tickets, and I eventually got mine. I’m just glad that you owned up to your mistake, even if it was a huge one. You said your sister was here with you, didn’t you? Velvet’s here in this facility?”
“Uh huh.” Veneer groaned and leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed, “And she drives me absolutely INSANE, I’ll be honest. She was really bad coming here at first. She destroyed stuff, and made others feel like crap, me included. She was a full-on entitled brat. I was totally embarrassed to be her twin, especially since I’m basically the female equivalent of her. We’re the total opposites.”
“What’s she up to now?” Avery leaned back in her chair, comfortable though wishing they were sitting in bean bags right now. That would be peak comfort. “Has she been behaving better than when you guys were first sent here?”
“Actually, yeah. But I can’t tell if it’s an act or not. She pretty much forced me to be in on her therapy appointments with my counselor by saying she’d only do it if I was there. It’s been not fun lately.” Avery noticed as his hands made silly gestures as he talked, pretty much expressive with his body as he spoke, “And now she’s in Anger Management class. But I think she’s doing better at least. She doesn’t yell as much as she used to.” 
Avery had no clue Velvet would be acting the way she was. There was a pang of empathy in her chest, and she felt for the male even more. He probably dealt with a lot with himself alone, but also to carry the burdens of his sister. That sounded like a lot…
“Well, I hope that you’re putting yourself first.” Reaching across the table, she linked her fingers with Veneers. The male’s eyes widened and his cheeks blushed as he saw how perfectly their fingers linked together on the table. It had been a long time since he had felt a kind touch and this…It was perfect. He loved it. Secretly. 
Veneer stuttered as he responded, “I, well, uh…I am. I’m trying at least. It gets hard some days, but my journal is my best friend. The one you got me! I draft my letters there and also my thoughts. It helps me collect myself so I can feel better.”
“That’s great, Veneer!” Avery cheered for him, her free hand raised confidently, “I should do the same thing. Sometimes it just gets hard. When I’m feeling things in the moment, I just get more frustrated and tear the pages out…” 
“Have you tried to breathe first? I know those breathing exercises sound stupid and cheesy, but Dr. Graham tells me that they help regulate your nervous system, enough to calm down and think properly. Or even chewing on ice. When you’re calmed down, that’s when you should start writing your thoughts. It’s helped me a lot when I learned about that, especially at my lowest…What’s that…look for?” He saw how wide her eyes were on him. 
“Not-Nothing!” Avery pulled both her hands away, waving them defensively as she did so, “Sorry I was just…amazed because I would have never thought of that. I’m just admiring you. That’s all. Sorry if it came off as rude.” She rubbed the back of her neck. 
The two of them were blushing messes. Avery looked at Veneer first and smiled. “Speaking of journals…Did you bring your sketchbook, like promised?” She bounced excitedly, scooting closer to the table. The way she leaned both her hands on her cheeks and eyed him in wonder made Veneer aware of how really cute this woman was. 
Veneer swallowed the lump in his throat. He reached beside him and picked his sketchbook up from next to his foot and put it on the table. He laid his hands on top of the cover of the sketchbook defensively. “I…I’ve been drawing a lot. It’s clothes, but also sometimes I go back and sketch the photos you sent to me. It really helps me feel better and it’s a great distraction for me here. I’m not the best—”
Avery interrupted him, “Are you KIDDING me?” She huffed, “I’ve seen your artwork before and I’m so in love with it. Every sketch just gets better and your passion is just blinding.” Avery smiled at him, reaching her hand back out to him, her palm facing up this time. Veneer blushed when his hand touched hers again, sending jitters down his spine. Avery led his hand away from the sketchbook, his other one opening to the first page, which he used to test out different supplies directly onto the paper. It helped him with the first-page perfectionism. He closed his hand around hers, holding her hand once again. 
The two of them held hands as he flipped through the pages and explained each one. Avery started memorizing the sketches of clothes and imagined what they would look like on real-life models. The man clearly didn’t recognize his own skill or potential. She wished she could do something to help him realize that potential.
“Oh Veneer, these are so good! Can I see them closer?” She asked for his consent before she took the sketchbook into her hands, flipping back through the pages he had shown her. The smile on her face was infectious. “They’re amazing and it’s like I can actually see these being made.”
“Real…Really?” he asked and copied her smile, “I told you once, but I hope that somewhere will accept me into fashion school…I always loved picking the outfits for Velvet and me when we were famous, but I didn’t realize how much deeper it was than that.” He smiled and took the sketchbook when Avery gave it back. 
“I think I should get you some colored pencils. These would look so much better with color.”
“Sometimes, I get to color them, but I don’t have my own colored pencils to take back to my cell. Depending on who’s out in the rec room, we’re not allowed to have sharp objects. So, if you could, I wouldn’t say no, but I won’t ask you.”
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to ask! Colored pencils can be cheap. I don’t mind getting you some.”
“I’ll draw you lots of things then.” Veneer grinned.
The door cracked open and Veneer’s guard poked his body in. There was a surge of fear in his stomach, thinking that their time together was up, until the guard said, “You have thirty more minutes, just to warn you.” Then he left. 
Avery’s shoulders slumped. Had that much time passed already? “Damn…The time really flew by…I don’t want to go.”
“Trust me, girl, I want you to take me with you.” Veneer laughed nervously, “But I would rather not ruin this good streak I’ve been on. I get out faster that way.”
“How much longer do you have here? Is there any way to get out on good behavior?” Avery took the sandwich leftovers and put them into her back, wiping crumbs off her black shirt. 
Veneer nodded. “Actually, yeah, but it can still take a bit. There’s a rule though: You have to have a home lined up for you before you. I…I haven’t heard from my parents, and I don’t blame them, so I’m not sure where I’ll go. I have some money, but not a lot. I could get a small apartment.”
As if there was a draft in the room, Avery shuddered. The night she had been kicked out by Rivers, it had been so cold. Avery couldn’t imagine Veneer leaving this place, cold and unsure of what to do. She didn’t want that to happen. So, there was an idea in her head: would it be weird to offer Veneer her own home? There she went again, thinking too far ahead. Veneer still had some things to prove to her before she could even think about letting him move in with her. So, she chose to not bring it up for now.
“Awh, well you’ll let me know if they contact you back, will you? I would hate for you to be stuck here just because you don’t have somewhere to go.”
“Yeah, I have maybe two months, especially if I don’t screw up. I don’t imagine that happening though. I just hope to hear back from my parents sometime soon…We’ve talked A LOT about me today though, I want to hear a bit about you before you have to go.”
“Well, I think it’s because I’ve already told you so much about me in the letters. I did bring these for you.” She smiled as she slid pictures of her babies across the table.
“Awe, the big hammies…Are these photos for me?”
“Yeah! To keep. I wish you could see them in real life though. They’re so cute and fluffy. When they beg for treats, they’re just adorable.”
“I can’t wait to sketch some of these photos. Did you bring any photos of the place you work at?” 
Avery shook her head. “No, but I can’t bring some for next time…” She offered. 
The two spent the rest of the time talking, laughing, and generally enjoying each other’s presence. For the first time in a long time, Veneer felt normal, and that things would be alright. That he would be able to make it out of the facility alive, and maybe even be happy. Thanks to Avery. 
Veneer stood. “Hey, is it okay if I hug you?” He opened his arms, in case she wanted to. When she stood from her chair, he didn’t realize how short she really was. She only reached his chest as she stepped forward and hugged him. He wrapped his long arms around her, not wanting to let go of her for a single second. This visit far exceeded his expectations and he was glad he followed through and didn’t chicken out. 
“Thanks for being my friend…” he whispered to Avery, his cheek pressed against her hair. 
Avery smiled as she pulled away from him. Her hands were still wrapped around him, her hands resting against his sides. “And thank you for being my friend. I was wondering if maybe we can make a small arrangement—?”
“An arrangement? Like what?”
“Like…” Her nose wrinkled as she took a moment to think about it, “I still want to send letters, but I want to be able to SEE you and talk to you too. So, we send letters with art and pictures now and then, and maybe every week if we can, and then visit now and then?”
Oh, Veneer wanted to cry hearing that. “I would LOVE that, Avery. I think I can do it every week, as long as you can.” He smiled down at her, finally pulling away when the door opened again, showing the guard from earlier. Both of them felt disappointed and didn’t want to leave. 
“Time’s up, kids. I hope the meeting went well.” He looked the two of them up and down, then stepped out of the way, allowing for them to step out, “Veneer, you first.” 
Veneer stepped out and gave a final look at Avery, “Oh, and Avery…I just wanted to let you know…I want to pay you back, no matter what. I don’t care if they gave you all your money back, but I want to do it too. Mark my words, I’ll give you back everything…”
“Oh Veneer…”
Avery watched as the guard put his hand on Veneer’s shoulder and guided him away from the door. Avery poked her head out the door and watched as they turned the corner and out of sight. She didn’t know where to go, so she waited for someone to come fetch her. That same guard returned and guided her out the door. Stacie was still at the desk and read a magazine now, not giving the young woman a glance as she left. 
Avery’s heart was pumping wildly, and there was adrenaline going through her. She took out her phone and her first instinct was to call Rivers. She shrugged that thought away and pulled up Gracie, texting her instead. 
Girl! Something interesting just happened. Can I come to talk to you?
Veneer was taken back to his cell, where the guard led him back in. He was breathless as he dropped onto his bed, flopping onto his back. He stared up at the stripped mattress above him, his cheeks redder than tomatoes. He still memorized Avery’s scent. It was strange, but it wasn’t that he hated it. It was the smell of a floral presume covering up the scent of grease and pizza. He wished he could play the lunch over, not to change anything but to experience it for a second time. Avery was making him go through these feelings that he had never experienced before. Suddenly, he felt as though he needed to talk to someone—anyone. Maybe he could catch his sister at dinner. 
Veneer had a few hours to kill before dinner, so he sat at his desk, looking through the latest magazine Avery had bought for him, just filled to the brim with inspiration as he sketched away, not realizing he was planning matching outfits for himself and her. As he looked at his sketches, he realized that yes—she was right. He needed more colors in his drawings! Maybe he wouldn’t feel so bad about letting Avery buy him the colored pencils as a gift, though wanted to make sure that she didn’t feel obligated to buy him anything ever. 
Many thoughts circulated in his mind. He couldn’t believe that she had been the one who wanted to call and visit him now. Since they had met and probably felt more comfortable with each other, he wouldn’t hesitate to ask her if she wanted to join him on his supervised outing. It wasn’t required for her to be there, but he wanted to have the experience with her, and now he felt confident that she would say yes. With their next visit or call, he would ask her. Dr. Graham would be thrilled to hear the news, and he wondered if his sister would too, or if she would blow up at him. If her anger management classes were working correctly, then maybe he didn’t have much to worry about. 
When it was closer to time for dinner, Veneer held onto the bars of the cell, waiting for the guard to come back up the hallway with the others to take them all the dinner. He leaned his head against the bars to angle himself and see down the hallway better, trying to catch a glimpse of the guard. Sure enough, he caught a glimpse and stepped back so he wouldn’t appear desperate to get out that day, even though he really was. 
Veneer contained his excitement all the way to the cafeteria. He grabbed a tray of some sort of processed salisbury steak meal and scanned the room for his sister. He always looked toward the back at the window. His sister liked to sit there the most because she enjoyed looking out the window. It was her way of tasting freedom. She was alone, per usual, and he came to sit across from her. 
Velvet barely glanced at him for five seconds, eating some cheesy mashed potatoes on her plate, hardly touching the obviously fake meat. “So, did you get rejected or not? Go on, tell me.”
Veneer squirmed excitedly and anxiously. He held his hands together, trying to contain the excitement to avoid getting his sister all flustered. “It actually…WENT REALLY WELL! Of course, Avery was very disappointed at first, but I think she warmed right up to me! She brought me these delicious sandwiches, and we talked the whole two hours though it didn’t really feel that long. She promised to stay in contact and try to visit me more.” He waited and watched his sister closely, ready but also not ready for whatever reaction she was about to display. 
Velvet put her spork down and slowly looked up to her brother. At first, Veneer was unable to gauge her reaction and worried she was about to have a meltdown. Velvet instead glumly leaned on her fist, casting her eyes down at the table. “Is there a way…you can help me get to that point?” 
Veneer was taken aback. “Point…? What point?’ he asked. 
“That I can have someone to talk to as well. This dump is annoying and I don’t have anyone else but you to talk to.” 
Blinking in shock, Veneer’s mouth hung ajar slightly. “I mean…Yeah, I can try. I got mine with good behavior.” He smiled fondly at his sister, watching as she pushed around the food on her plate as though she was trying to hide her true feelings. “But I know you’ll get there, Velvet. I’ll help you through it, I promise.” For the first time since they had been arrested, Veneer truly felt connected to his sister.
Finally, Velvet met his gaze. “Do you still want to watch Desperate Housewives with me after dinner?”
Veneer reached across the table and put his hand over his sister’s. “Of course! I love watching that with you, Velvet…”
The siblings shared the last few bites of their food together. Something felt different for the two of them that day, and it was a good and welcoming sensation. 
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stagefourlovenote · 6 months
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; for those that don’t know, i have my own universe set around for the pastas / slenderverse ! i just labeled it the pavlove au due to the fact that it’s the name of the story i’ve been writing for my oc, but this is just what i’m titling any au information over all. now, i should’ve written about the entire setting / operator information, but i asked on my instagram who i should talk about first and someone said nina so! NINA! and i’m not complaining. a reminder : this is just my headcanon !! please do not be disrespectful !!
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; dominican ! she moved to the states at a young age, spanish is her first language !
; scene , honestly i just love the scene and emo style. it’s just her favorite way to express herself, and she’s confident in the way she dresses, do not expect her to just dwindle under any criticism towards the fashion — just prepare for any direct critique you receive in return.
; plus sized, mostly because i just love seeing the representation, especially when it’s on such a confident character.
; her relationship with jeff wasn’t romantic, she mostly looked up to him due to her finding that she was in the same situation as him — before his accidents. she wanted to find some comfort in the isolation she dealt with, unfortunately it lead her down the rabbit hole of thinking there was only one way out. needing to seek out jeff and to find some sort of friendship / almost a mentorship. it turned ugly, he obviously didn’t take any kindness to a sort of ‘copycat’.
; though, the operator decided there might be something left to salvage from her actions. it sealed the deal for her life, she felt remorseful for her brother’s death and she spiraled. the admiration she had for jeff turned to hatred, and she had to learn to deal with it after being recruited.
; she wasn’t really angry towards anyone but him — and herself — but there were times where she was snarky, where she wanted to blame everyone. it wasn’t until natalie was recruited that she found solace, seeing that the other was similar to her. it was nice to not feel stuck, and alone again.
; even if she’s doing better and knows she has someone else to find better company in, there’s times where it just slips up on her. times of self deprecation that contrasts her usual confidence, it’s jarring for the others to see. usually, it’s best to just reassure her or maybe coax her into coming out of her hideouts to just surround her with comfort.
; after a while of trying to convince jeff she was just worthy of some sort of friendship, and it ultimately being shot down, she didn’t want to look anything like him. no association! which meant the scars in her face, for some reason she decided that the stitches would be the best option. natalie helped her, using multicolored string just to make sure it adds to nina’s style. every few months or so, nat will restring them for her.
; if you’re nice to her first, then she’s the best person to befriend as a new recruit. new interactions mean new ties, she loves being social! it stems from her lack of socialization growing up, so now she tries to make up for it by making a light and joking environment for new people , but that’s only if you’re giving a good impression.
; her parents weren’t as present, much like jeff’s. she was often left to rely on the company of her younger brother, or just her own. in school, it was worse, people didn’t know how to respond to her hyperactivity when actually given the chance to speak — so they opted not to respond to her at all. even now she has little doubts about talking, but she can’t stop herself from rambling on. it’s like word vomit.
; she wanted to be an alternative cosmetologist, she wanted to create her own brand for alt communities. she’s lucky if the others will even let her put eyeliner on them.
; she doesn’t drink energy drinks, but she thrives on faygo. you’ll catch her chugging at least 3 a day. pair that with those gummy peach rings and she’s set.
; knows how to give piercings, and if she doesn’t know how to do one? she’ll just guess, give her a chance <3
; her thoughts on killing others really aren’t that guilt lead, she only feels immediate remorse for her brother. she’s grown into the lifestyle and doesn’t plan on really living, she only struggled accepting it in the beginning. she was around 18 after all.
; this is all i can think of for now — BUT MORE WILL BE ADDED IF I THINK OF IT !
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aerkame · 7 months
Is it okay to ask if we could lean more about your OCs in the Finfolk AU? Like, what’s their work life, the roles they’ll play, what are their hobbies, and what was the inspiration when creating them? Oh, and will we see your butterfly OC by any chance? I love butterfly characters because of the unique and mesmerizing wing patterns.And fun fact, some butterflies are actually attracted to blood.
Sorry for the rambling.
I don't mind at all! Though I've never been one to make many OCs. It was only until after Welcome Home did I consider making any at all so they aren't really finished. Also I am an indecisive person on personal creative projects like this.
Both Ankor and the butterfly OC are works in progresses since I could not decide on their appearance and backgrounds, but I do have a general idea of what I want them to be so I'll share!
Ankor, who might be renamed to something more fitting, is supposed to be a shark-like dog similar to Barnaby but his features are much more sharp and he gives off an aura of strength. I got this inspiration from seeing funny videos of sharks acting like puppies around some divers because they wanted pets on the head (they were literally pushing each other out of the way for a good scratch it was so cute).
Ankor's character is that of someone who loathes injustice so he often goes about setting things right. Or well, making the scales even. He's not a "good guy", but he's not really a villain at heart. He cares about others but he does things in a violent and lethal way. More often than not, he'll be wearing silk-like furs that are really just selkie furs. No, Ankor isn't hunting them or anything like poachers do, it's actually just a good way to try and find the coat's owner because he usually does concerts near coastal regions (Side explanation: I personally think in a world of magical creatures and normal ones there would absolutely be people sick enough to hunt others for their magical qualities so I added poachers in this universe because it adds a bit more depth and danger to anyone with magic in them). He has a giant audience which means there will be lots of eyes that will see the coat so someone is bound to come forward later and get it back. He repeats this over and over whenever a new coat is found and given back to the owner. Oh, but do not lie to him. He will absolutely know when someone is lying, and he does no take well to others lying straight to his face.
As for the music he does? I'm still deciding on that.
During his free time, Ankor sometimes visits the island to see Barnaby and just hang out. The island is very quiet, there's no chance of him being tracked there, and the finfolk that Barnaby lives with all have useful items that he often buys from them. It's a win win honestly.
Onto the butterfly OC. That one I almost got rid of.
Bit of a rant sort of, it's still a touchy subject to me
At the time last year, I don't remember around what month, but it was when Welcome Home was booming, I ended up getting lots of messages from people on X about my OC and if I could draw NSFW art of her or draw Wally. The fandom seems to have this pattern of wanting NSFW from artists of either the WH characters or their OCs. It is very concerning behavior and I decided to drop anything that could possibly be NSFW or leaning towards it in any way even though I wanted my OC to be sexy or drop dead gorgeous (she's a butterfly, of course she needs to be that). But it appears that adults on X and in this fandom are too immature for that.
Her whole design was something I wanted to be alluring because of her nature. I actually did take in the fact that butterflies drink blood, sweat, and tears literally, purposefully irritating the eyes of animals to make them cry, or eating dead flesh off of reptiles. I was thinking of making her a beautiful vampire but decided against that because it felt too generic.
I think, if butterflies could truly gain higher sentience and they became giant they would not be kind at all, but flesh-eating monsters that used their pretty looks to lure others in or take advantage of others. Also, my gods, their wings would probably get massive if they became even human-sized. Gorgeous, but massive enough to cause damage.
I didn't really take the chance to flesh out her character, but I did with her personality. She has a deep French accent and a gentle but elegant aura to her and with every step she takes she looks like royalty. And she'll still keep that act up when she's drinking away at her victim's life force and blood. I wanted this OC to be as cold as ice, but lovelier than the brightest star.
If she did have a job, I could only imagine it would be modeling at fashion shows, being a designer herself, being in ballet shows, or some sort of famous singer.
As for personal non-fandom OCs? I have very few, barely even two. In fact, these two are just a mere idea of a story I want to make, but I'm not sure how.
I'll share it some other time because I really have no idea of how I can possibly express these ideas other than imagine Swan Lake, but the guy she's in love with is an evil dark lord that wants to take over the world and she's a rogue knight from an opposing kingdom that's trying to kill him and they have no idea who each other are they just want each other dead but they find each other so pretty they can't do anything about it. 😭
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lightning-skyyy · 7 months
fancuries fyc!!
hello all i hope im not too late to promote my fanseries here~ i admit im not all that active on tumblr (which is why my post formatting may look funky) but i heard i got some nominations from a friend so here goes! btw if you want to read sweet nature precure for yourself, you can read it on ao3 and wattpad!
for fanseries of the year… Sweet Nature Precure! i recently finished writing and publishing it as of november 2023 so why not nominate it after the three years it took to complete? this series is my precious precious baby and these girls have been with me for nearly 10 years now. writing their story has been so amazing and i can’t even begin to put into words how much this story means to me 🥹
for best lead cure… Sora/Cure Lightning! she’s the blue cure in case you weren’t sure. anyways Sora is just such a fun leader to write imo. she’s kinda your average protag being not very smart and also having a lot of energy but she also has another side to her… an insecure side that deeply fears failure and letting others down. Lightning wants the others to believe in her as leader and sometimes her insecurities get in the way of that. but in the end, she really knows how to step up and bring everyone together as a leader.
and for best supporting cure… Suzuko/Cure Thunder! the red member of the group, Suzuko by far has the darkest and most tragic backstory of the crew. her life has been incredibly difficult from being kidnapped at a young age to being brutally tortured and beaten through her training to become one of Pollution’s best soldiers. of course she all goes along with it in hopes of getting the chance to finally return home, but unexpected things happen. she decides to pretend to become friends with Sora and Emiri in hopes of defeating the Precure, but instead she ends up loving them and when she risks getting killed for failing to complete her mission to defeat them, instead Suzuko is saved and given the chance to redeem herself by becoming Cure Thunder and fighting alongside the same friends who saved her life. and while changing sides doesn’t erase the years of pain and loss she experienced, Suzuko is determined to heal and move forward as best as she can. (can you tell who my favorite is lol)
anyways, i hope my silly rambling and artwork (most of which is kinda old lol) is enough for you to consider voting for my series and characters in the fancuries! and maybe this is also a sign that i need to start posting about my ocs here more haha. anyways, i appreciate the support that i may get!
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Pre!4.0 Fontaine Thoughts & Musings
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While I do plan on dropping my Fontaine theories pre!4.0 at some point, this is just more of my thoughts surrounding the nation as a whole based on the teasers and summaries of some leaked items. So this is most definitely your chance to back away now if you end up being one of the few people that read my ramblings and find them amusing in some way.
But yeah if you were here way back during 2.1, you’ll have seen this post of mine talking about how excited I was for Sumeru and Fontaine. I started playing the game in 1.1 and these were the nations I looked most forward to after seeing the Teyvat Travail trailer. My interest in these nations only grew further with the various NPCs we’ve run into talking about these countriesー and now both of my preferred nations are finally about to be on the ‘released nations’ list.
I’ve enjoyed Sumeru’s deserts and forests, the struggles of the desertfolk and the Eremites and seeing Cyno and Collei again, as well as some new friends made along the way. Now it’s time for Fontaine.
(Fingers crossed for some Afro-Fontainians since rock n roll was in real life was made by African Americans evolved through several genres of our music like Blues, Jazz, R&B and gospel among other genres but because this is Hoyoverse and we all saw how ‘well’ they did with Sumeru, I highly doubt there will be any despite France’s diversity. Welp, nothing the power of making OCs and edits can’t fix. Maybe I’ll use that time to finally relearn French like I’ve been planning, which I took for a year in high school because Creole runs in both sides of the family but then I forgot it all.)
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Fontaine had me in a death clutch a while back during the Tatara Tales questline when Xavier had a small little monologue about his homeland in 2.0:
"For instance, I could tell you of the majestic waterfall that made a deep impression on my soul as I worked in my study in Petrichor. Or perhaps I could sing the praises of the countless gorgeous maidens in the Court of Fontaine, ethereal as the clouds themselves... Or the mesmerizing lake that held the reflections of the stars and the moon, such that walking along its banks was like treading amid the celestial skies..."
It sounded so beautiful that I wanted the remote from click to just fast forward to the point in time in which we’d finally be there. Every NPC from Fontaine until that point had talked about Fontaine being pretty, but none of them ever went into that much detail before.
I ate up the Dew of Repudiation Petrichor crumbs "Even if it were to flow into the surpassingly pure waters of Petrichor, this drop of water will likely resist assimilation as strongly as mercury."
Pocketed every trinket of info given by event NPCs about Fontaine’s energy crisis and how 
Noted the lore on the Lochfolk/Oceanids from Rhodeia to Endora to the Spring Fairy and the information about the Lord of Amrita.
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And now we have Idyia in that lineup with the new summer event going on right now in 3.8! It has long-since been stated since 1.4 that the Lochfolk were followers of the previous Hydro Archon, now known as the Lord of Amrita aka Egeria (according to leaks). They were tasked with spreading out across Fontaine as her spies, but they note it wasn’t because she was plotting war or anything of the sort on the other nations, but she wanted to do so as a way to connect everyone similar to how water is connected (or like how the Lochfolk come together in water to quote Endora:
Want to grow quickly. Want to find Rhodeia. A child. New life, like Endora. A child's mission is to grow. To grow? I thought it was to see the world. Love. For Oceanids, this is to meld together as one. There will be no division then. That is why Oceanids need no learning or thoughts of their own. All that is needed is love. It seems that Oceanids cannot love others, for others will only drown in the embrace of pure waters. So they disguise themselves as the dreams of young children, and withdraw from the lives of all other people. Every day, a child takes a stumbling step forward. Every day, a stream flows into the sea. Love, that is our destiny. But I still have a whole world left to see.).
But once the Lord of Amrita died, most Lochfolk went on a self-imposed exile from Fontaine, not getting along with the current Hydro Archon, Focalors, the God of Justice.
In 3.8, we got some more information on that from Idyia:
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According to her, the waters of Fontaine changed when Focalors came into power, the water now full of pain and hatred and for those who left fleeing seemed like the best choice “if we wanted to live.” But as shown in 1.4′s Wishful Drop event with Endora and Rhodeia’s line at the beginning of a fight (and with some leaks stating that wild Oceanids can be fought in Fontaine’s overworld), line at the beginning of a battle, there are some Lochfolk that still remain in Fontaine for some reason unexplained.
According to the descriptions of the Water-Splitting and Water-Spouting Phantasms, new enemies in Fontaine, with most of the Oceanids having left Fontaine, new strange elemental lifeforms have taken their place after the cataclysm.
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According to the Water-Splitting Phantasm description, while the water have long since been diluted and cleansed, Fontaine’s waters will never naturally birth Oceanids again until there are containers of pure water somewhere.
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And if you look at the description of the Water-Spouting Phantasm, it states that: It is said that in Egeria's era, the Oceanids often lived alongside humans, and lived in the springs of clear waters dotted across the lands, and through this, they connected the waters of the world. But most died with their god, and for the survivors, the world no longer has any god they recognize. That unrecognized god obviously being Focalors. 
I’ll expand on it in an actual theory post, but I do believe part of the Fontaine AQ will be restoring the waters of Fontaine to how they once were, allowing new Oceanids to be born from Fontaine’s water and bringing the Oceanids back to the regionー maybe even get them on better terms with Furina.
Speaking of Fontaine’s water, ever since 3.0, I am fascinated with it.
If you go to Port Ormos, specifically the port close with all the porters and the Eremite guards, you’ll run into an adventurer NPC named Vasco. If you talk to him, he goes on a bit of a tirade about sea monsters, but he starts off the dialogue with something very interesting. “Should I go to Fontaine and get a diving certificate?”
Even more interesting was the follow up: “To prevent myself from the cook's fate, I'm considering getting a diving certificate from Fontaine before adventuring again. But I heard the water in Fontaine is different from here, so it won't be a useful endeavor.”
Fontaine had me in a chokehold just by being the Hydro nation to start with, but the idea that Fontaine’s water is different from the rest of Teyvat’s? How is it different? What are the unique properties that separate from Fontainian water from regular Teyvat water? What do Fontainians living in/visiting other nations think of regular Teyvat water? What do people from other nations think of Fontanian water? I’ve got to know.
Part of “The Terrestial Sea, Origin of All Waters” description mentions that Fontaine where all waters of the world originate. It’s further elaborated on in the description of the set of drops from the Fontemer Abberant enemies (I will not be fighting the Puffbeast. Fuck everything else though lmao, those crabs and seahorses can catch these hands).
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From left to right:
Transoceanic Pearl: A small crystal obtained from a defeated Fontemer Aberrant. Fontemer Aberrants arise from Fontaine's seas. They are believed to be a unique life form born from the mysterious energy in the water.
Transoceanic Chunk: A crystal obtained from a defeated Fontemer Aberrant. It gives off a somewhat mysterious energy. Although many legends speak of great life forms residing in remote seas beyond human reach, ordinary oceans can hardly compare to the vibrant seas of Fontaine.
Kaleidoscopic Crystal: A large crystal obtained from a defeated Fontemer Aberrant.It contains a mysterious energy. All rivers and seas originate in Fontaine, but the water loses all its unique properties once it flows outside Fontaine's borders.
Back to back, each description mentions that Fontaine’s water has a certain energy to it, that ordinary oceans cannot compare. But most interestingly enough, it reaffirms that all rivers and seas in the world of Teyvat originate in Fontaine but the moment it leaves Fontaine’s borders, it immediately loses all its unique properties.
I don’t doubt that the uniqueness of Fontaine’s water will be mentioned in Fontaine’s storyline. A good chunk in the AQ, considering Furina coming into power led to the Lochfolk leaving the country. But I also think a good chunk of it will come from WQ’s and likely from the Melusines, a race of seafolk unique to Fontaine that still live there. Which begs the question as to why they haven’t left Fontaine when nearly all of the Oceanids have.
According to one Melusine NPC from a leaked video that’s been removed, Melusines originate from a creature called the Elynas and if I remember correctly they come from its flesh or bones. And the Primuses came after the cataclysm and can be found near the Elynas, but I’m not sure if that’s the same for the Melusines since there isn’t more elaboration on it but I hope to find out more once Fontaine’s initial WQs start dropping.
And of course, I’m excited for the lore potential of the upcoming character.
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Lyney, Lynette and Freminet all seem to have a connection to Arlecchino and the House of the Hearth and may even be working for her now as Fatui agents who possibly hope to one day live peaceful lives.
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Neuvillette was once speculated to possibly be an Oceanid who remained in Fontaine, but it now looks like he is the Hydro Dragon. It sucks that it isn’t Kokomi but either way it doesn’t change the fact that the Hydro Dragon IS living among humans and even working closely with an Archon, when it has been shown through Apep that dragons from the time before the Seven hate Celestia, Archons and humans alike in this new era of Teyvat. So why live peacefully with them? I’m curious to know!
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But by far, the character with some of the most interesting lore potential is of course going to be the Archon especially with what we know about her.
She’s a reason the Oceanids left Fontaine, according to Neuvillette she’s prone to hysterics and in a leaked clip of the AQ she even liquefies a man. Like, she is truly prepared to be the best worst Archon and I am here for it, she’s getting my guaranteed pull and maybe even her signature weapon if I can get it without pushing myself back too far on my Clorinde pulls.
And if we look at the Hydro gemstone for the Archon quote that gives more insight into their character, Furina’s says:
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And according to Dainsleif in the Fontaine portion of the Teyvat trailer: “The God of Justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the divine.”
If we look at some more leaks about her, we get some more interesting tidbits.
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More specifically in this dialogue exchange with some NPCs:
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In other words, it is looking like Furina is going to be a Chaotic Neutral character. She’s nonsensical, she’s a wild card, she welcomes being judged by even her own subjects she holds dominion over yet she considers herself pure and magnificent. If you’re able to win some sort of trial she places you in, she’ll be thrilled. Hell one might even get a medal. Sure that could all just be hyperbole from the locals, but even hyperbolic statements have some truth to it and with how long she has been in power, there have probably been instances such as the ones those NPCs described.
Yet even Furina fears Celestia because she knows the sort of damage they are capable of delivering if they ever deem her an enemy or a liability.
And with the concept that she may have two personalities, one can’t help wondering how that will come into play if it was kept as something final for Fontaine’s story and her design. I can’t help wondering about how she came into power as well. I don’t want it to be another ‘family’-based story.
Ei and Makoto were twins, Rukkhadevata and Nahida are avatars of Irminsul with Rukkha essentially being her mother plant so to speak.
I would like for Furina and Egeria to be unrelated. Maybe Furina was once a nymph that resided in Fontaine who later on ascended or I would find it cool if she ascended to Celestia as a regular mortal years ago and was given Fontaine to govern. And I would also like it if Fontaine didn’t have a new Archon for a while after Egeria’s death.
Both Ei and Nahida were able to immediately step in for their respective predecessors after they died. It would be interesting if for Fontaine, it took a while for someone else to step in which lead to a civil unrest. That could be used to even tie into Zhongli’s hesitance in retiring from being an Archon, siting Fontaine’s period of Archon-less complications as a reason to stay until he was otherwise reassured that Liyue would be fine without him.
There’s just a lot of potential with Furina and Fontaine’s story and I’m hoping they stick the landing considering how poorly Inazuma’s storyline was completed.
Anyway, this is getting long enough so I’ll stop now. This is mostly to just look back on my hype for Fontaine in the future when it’s been a while since its release and Natlan is on its way out of the basement.
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c0rvidbones · 9 months
Pinned Post
because apparently thats a thing now. i promise im at least dimly aware of whats going on <3
- my art blog is @c0rvidbones-art pls check there for any writing or art you wish to see!
— call me corvid, obsidian, or observatory! its the general names for our online presence. this is a did system, but we tend to not talk about it because we prefer to keep much info about ourselves to close/irl friends only. we also dont often use we/us often, only when actively referring to the entire system. pronouns!
— i have like a metric ton of ocs that i will never shut up about if given the chance. if youd like to get to know them youre EXTREMELY welcome to send an ask, ill eventually be adding a link to a masterlist carrd to this post that gives a quick image, name, and snippet of info about them all. or at least all the ones that have art lmao. for now, heres my toyhou.se
— i dont actively participate in fandom things, but i do have a List of interests that will be added to as i think of them:
cult of the lamb
dnd (taz, bg3, i also just Play Dnd)
greek mythology (actual mythology but also a long list of video games)
percy jackson (most of rick riordans series but im sorry kane chronicles sadie is too infuriating)
old gods of appalachia
cosmere / general brandon sanderson novels
cosplay crafting (current fixation: chainmail)
good omens
house md (i promise im normal about it)
loz (especially the latest two but ive loved the series as a whole for a long time)
this fucking post
trigun (98 and 23!)
— tags to find me under are #c0rvidspeaks, #c0rvidanimates, and #c0rviddraws for the occasional times i actually make an original post or share my art
— that being said i dont post my own stuff often, usually because i dont think i have anything interesting to say. im working through this so bear with me (and if you want to encourage me to talk on here then the #ask me about my ocs tag is exactly where you can start) (this is not me fishing i just tend to keep to myself) (but i like to ramble in the tags)
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serenpedac · 1 year
OCs as planets
I’ve seen this uquiz go around and obviously had to do it for my OCs. Because I won’t miss a chance to talk about astronomy, I also added the first thing that each planet made me think about.
Putting it under a cut and not tagging anyone, because I doubt astronomy ramblings are what anyone is following me for and I don't want people to feel obligated to read this, but if you want do the quiz, please feel free to tag me <3
passionate. romantic. loving to be loved. courtship. adoration and taste. you are your own personal aesthetic. you are hand written love letters in copper ink. you are "let me show you just how much i can love you." you are royalty and class. love has no bounds with you. your heart is wrapped in chocolate tin foil. you attract what you manifest so keep believing in love. it is you and you, it.
I swear this didn’t come to mind just because I started watching the Bridgerton prequel series last weekend, haha, but the Venus transit, the phenomenon of Venus passing between the Earth and the Sun, has been key in determining the  distance between Earth and the Sun. Before the 18th century, Kepler’s laws had given an idea of the relative scales within the solar system, but actual distances were very hard to measure. However, astronomers realised they would be able to derive the Earth-Sun distance (the “astronomical unit”, au) if they had measurements of the duration of the transit from different places across the globe. I won’t go into the maths, but the idea is that Venus crosses a different part of the Sun if seen from different locations. With some trigonometry (simplified example here, since it has images that explain this better than words can), distances can be calculated.
In order to get these measurements, entire expeditions were coordinated in the 17th and 18th century! They eventually ended up with a value that was only about 3% off from the value we know it to be today, which is pretty impressive.
patient. stable. reliable. preserving and diligent. your capacity to hold focus on something you choose to is unmatched by all other planets. you were made for hard work that you love and that you know is rewarding. you are the shoulder that everyone wants to cry on, so remember you can lean on yourself when it seems there is no one else. there is nothing wrong with being self sufficient. you are justice and evenly balanced scales.
While I love this answer for Gabi, nothing really came to mind at first, other than the obvious rings. But then I started thinking about planetary migration, which is very cool. There’s this theory called the Grand tack hypothesis that says Jupiter formed a lot closer to the Sun than where it is now. It then started moving even closer to the Sun, until it got caught into a gravitational resonance with Saturn, and both migrated farther out, eventually ending up in their current positions. 
innovative. unpredictable. resourceful. imaginative. creativity in science and disruption. oh, uranus. you were dealt the cards that don't have much to offer, but luckily you can always make them work. you are acrylic paint that has been plastered over the same canvas so many times that it is starting to have those little grooves of texture. you are ever-changing and suddenly it stops. and starts again. keep moving. nothing is wrong with not wanting to sit still.
This is a fun one! While the rotational axes of the other planets in our solar system are more or less perpendicular to their orbital plane, for Uranus, it’s tilted some 90 degrees. Basically, Uranus is lying on its side and is “rolling” along its orbit around the Sun. This means it are its poles that are pointed at the Sun—one at a time, of course — and not just its equator. Several theories exist to explain this odd orientation of the rotational axis, for example collisions with other objects.
mercy. kindness. sweet. forgiving and compassionate. you are second chances and sometimes third. you are "its ok because everyone makes mistakes." you are "i forgive you as long as you are learning." you are not held down by the demands of your ego. you believe and right and fair. open mindedness and friendship. you are mystical and magical, observant and the smell of warm bread in the morning.
Neptune is interesting, because it wasn’t discovered as a planet by observations like the other major planets, but through a comparison between models and real-life measurements of the orbit of Uranus. A discrepancy between the two was found, which was postulated to be cause by the gravitational influence of another planet: Neptune. Indeed, some years later, Neptune was “discovered”. I say “discovered”, because the planet had already been observed several centuries before by Galileo Galilei, but he thought it was a star. The thing I like about this is how it shows how theories and observations can complement each other!
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