#I love gentle dennis is with Charlie
likealittleprayer · 1 year
Cute charden moment I haven’t seen on here <3
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just-alittle-spooky · 2 years
Pairing: Charlie Kelly x fem!reader Summary: Charlie decided to stay in Ireland with his father Shelly, and he happens to meet the cute new coffee shop waitress down the road from their house. Completely by chance, he wasn't stalking her or anything. Warnings: Not really anything, it's VERY tame. Side warning though, I'm not from Ireland but I do attempt to use some Irish slang so if I use it wrong I'm very sorry.
Charlie didn't get out much. Back when he lived in Philly, it wasn't like he was a shut-in. But he had always tended to keep to himself and only interact with new people when absolutely necessary. His four best friends were generally the only people he'd talk to for weeks, sometimes months, not including the various innocent bystanders that would get wrapped up in their hair-brained schemes. The only woman he'd had strong feelings for since highschool didn't show him the time of day for decades, and once she did, he realized that they simply weren't meant to be. Every minute he spent in Philadelphia since then seemed to drone on and on. Like there was no purpose or meaning to life anymore. All the enthusiasm had drained out of him, Charlie had been drifting for so long, he wasn't sure when it had started.
Which was why the normally travel-shy janitor had jumped at the chance to get out of their usual routine once Ireland was on the table. He wanted to see the country he supposedly hailed from (if his last name were any indication), experience a new place, and give life another shot. It was only coincidence that he ended up finding his father, an old pen pal that he hadn't thought twice about in years. But as they began to reconnect—or rather, connect for the first time—he started to feel a passion that had left him long ago. It was startling when he realized that he wanted to stay, to leave behind his old life, old friends, old apartment, old city, hell, his whole home country. As the days went on in his new home, he found that those things were all beginning to be easily replaced. He found a new house in staying with his father, a new city in the quaint Irish countryside village, a new life as a cheese mongrel or whatever it was they were doing. And even the old love of his life slowly but surely slipped away, and was quickly being replaced by a new one.
Alright, maybe it was a little soon to say she was the love of his life. They'd only know each other a few weeks—well, he'd known her. Without her knowing at all—but that had never stopped him before.
Besides, who could blame him? She was everything Charlie had ever wanted in a girl. Sweet as honey, pretty as the morning dew, gentle as a doe, and did he mention how pretty she was? He'd never met eyes with her, but he was sure that it he did, they would sparkle at him like diamonds. From a distance, her hair looked soft and he could only bet that it smelled as sweet as the glimpses he'd get of her perfume on the few occasions she'd walk past him. Charlie had listened in on her conversations—it was what any good potential suitor would do—and her voice had this musical quality to it. It made him want to write her a million love songs to play along to her everyday conversation. In Charlie's eyes, this girl was absolutely perfect. And moreover, she was perfect for him.
But he couldn't escape the nagging voices in his head. The ones that belonged to his old friends, his old life. Dennis criticizing his every decision, moving in on the girl and capturing her away before Charlie could even introduce himself. Dee shrieking in his ears that no girl would ever want him the way he was. That he was dirty and gross and that he couldn't read, that anyone with half a brain would see what a mess he was and run in the opposite direction. Frank telling him he was better off alone, that he should just stay in the apartment with him and make Grilled Charlies all day long. And what stung the most, was the voice of The Waitress in his head. Every time she'd ever rejected him, every nasty word she'd ever spoken in his direction, all the times she tore him down and told him that there wasn't a chance in hell they'd ever be together. It was all just one great big reminder that he wasn't worth the trouble. That he should cut his losses and stick to staring at her when he was sure she wasn't looking. It had always worked for him, before. Usually. Sometimes. It had worked once or twice. Regardless, that was what he resolved to do.
Unfortunately, he didn't count on Shelly being so observant.
"Well, you've a glad eye for that one, haven't you?" the words were lighthearted, and accompanied by a gentle push on the shoulder.
"I don't have a glass eye," Charlie replied, voice steeped thick in confusion. Not uncommon for him.
"No, Charlie, a glad eye. It means you've got a crush," Shelly explained himself, giving his son a sly grin.
"What? No! No, I– I don't have like a..." he trailed off, losing his train of thought when the pretty girl appeared in his peripheral once more. Charlie and Shelly had been after a quick bite to eat that morning—one could only eat so much cheese in a day—and Charlie had innocently suggested this little coffee shop on the edge of town. It was close to their house and came, of course, with the added bonus of Coffee Girl.
"You should talk to her, Charlie," Shelly suggested, nudging his son lightly yet again. "Ask her on a date."
"No," Charlie shook his head immediately. There was just no way. "I can't, she'd just say no and then I'd keep asking and it would turn into a whole thing for like ten years and I don't wanna go through that again."
Shelly, despite his obvious bewilderment, filed all his new questions away for a different time and place and tried instead to encourage the boy. "You can't know that for sure, son. Listen here, I'm going to find the jacks. She'll be headed your way in a minute, why don't you talk to her?" Shelly hauled himself out of his seat and landed a heavy hand on Charlie's shoulder before he left.
Charlie, unsure of who exactly Jack was and why Shelly needed to find multiple of him, shook it off and began to mentally prepare himself. He'd never actually been a customer at this coffee shop before, always having hung around outside or snuck in to get a look at Coffee Girl before he chickened out and ran back home. There was no way he could handle another rejection from a dream girl. Having taken enough rejection to last most men a lifetime every other week, Charlie wondered if it was worth it to try at all anymore. Things had ended so badly with The Waitress, and after all the time he'd put into her, all the love he'd given over all those years. He wasn't sure if he could take that kind of rejection ever again. But there was just something about Coffee Girl, he couldn't describe it. Something deep inside of him just told him that she was the one for him. That little voice in the pit of his chest always fighting all the other, much louder, much meaner voices in his brain telling him that she'd only hurt him like The Waitress. Or that he wasn't good enough for her, or that he'd already screwed it up somehow, or that–
"Hello? Sir?"
How long had she been standing there? How long was he staring off into space like a maniac? She had to hate his guts now, of course she did, why wouldn't she? He was a creep and now she knew it, too.
"H..." Charlie made to say hello back, but the word got caught in his throat. It just came out as a throaty, breathy sound, and the crazed look in his eye only served to make him look all the more deranged. Nevertheless, he pushed through, remembering Shelly's encouragement and listening to the little voice in his heart for once. "Hello."
And then she did something that made him think that somewhere along the way, he'd died and gone to heaven.
She smiled at him. So beaming and bright and full of warmth that he thought he might never be cold again. It caught him so off guard he couldn't speak. In all the years he'd spent loving The Waitress, he could count the number of times she'd smiled at him on one hand. And at least three of them had been cruel and at his expense.
"Hi!" Coffee Girl greeted him, overly chipper to have received his full attention. "How are you, this morning?"
"Good! I'm," he laughed nervously, that had been too loud, "I'm good. How are you?" So far so good, even though he was sweating through his shirt. Oh well, the army jacket would hold off the pit stains from being visible hopefully until the end of this interaction.
"I'm great, thank you for asking," she replied and smiled down at him once again with a certain twinkle in her eye (he was right, they really did sparkle). Charlie had seen it before, usually directed at Dennis from some drunk, helpless girl, but he knew what it meant all the same. She liked him. Maybe just barely, but she did.
Coffee Girl looked at him a little too long, smile faded but still soft on her lips. She couldn't help it, he was just so cute. Obviously, he was also quite nervous to be talking to her, which only made him that much more endearing. He just held that eye contact with her for so long that she almost forgot she was supposed to ask him his order.
"Sorry," she shook her head with a light, embarrassed laugh, cheeks turning the slightest pink shade. Charlie felt his heart leap at the sight. "Can I get you anything?"
"Date?" he asked, suddenly. So suddenly, he caught even himself by surprise. The way her eyebrows jumped up just a little sent his heart right back into his stomach, and he stumbled to explain himself. "No! Not a date, sorry– like a, um, y'know, like–"
"Are you asking me on a date?" Coffee Girl interrupted him, if only to stop him spiralling.
Here it comes. Dammit, Charlie. He should've known better. Now, she was going to laugh, tell him that was ridiculous and walk away. Or glare at him and snarl that she'd rather do literally anything else in the world. His brain voices were right and he should've just listened to them in the first place. Now, he had to brace himself for the inevitable, painful rejection. The only thing he could do was apologize and hope he never saw her again.
It was only when she kept talking that he realized he'd never actually answered her question of whether or not he was asking her on a date. It probably didn't matter, anyway.
"Cause if you are, I'd– well, I'd like that, a lot," she spoke. This was out of character for her, she didn't usually do this sort of thing. But something told her that Charlie didn't either, and if she didn't make some kind of move, they'd stay right there staring at each other until they were both grey and old. "But I don't know your name."
Charlie was frozen. He knew he should respond. He wanted to, more than anything. But he just couldn't believe his own ears. She had said yes. Had she said yes? He thought she did.
"Yes," he blurted out, saying the first word that came to mind. Shaking his head and starting over, he said, "sorry, I mean, I'm Charlie." With that, he gave her a toothy grin that made her heart melt into a puddle.
"It's okay, Charlie, you don't have to be sorry." There was that warm smile again, and that sweetness that he loved. Charlie supposed that he shouldn't have been so surprised. He knew she was sweet, that was why he liked her in the first place. For whatever reason, he just expected her to be sweet to everyone else but him. Most girls usually were.
His smile faded down into one that was a little more natural. Gentle, kind, and overall surprised at her good nature. It was a very pretty smile, she noticed. And while she would've loved to stare at it until her shift ended at eight o'clock, she could see her manager beginning to poke his head out of his office.
"Could I get you something to drink?" she asked him in a voice that made him wonder if she'd dipped her tongue in honey while he wasn't looking.
He grinned sheepishly and asked, "you don't have any beer, do you?"
Coffee Girl grinned back, pride swelling her. "It's your lucky day, Charlie," she teased him good-naturedly.
As Charlie felt another flutter in his chest, he spotted Shelly coming back over out of the corner of his eye. Here he was, Charlie Kelly, sitting in a coffee shop, arranging a date with the cutest coffee shop waitress he'd ever laid his eyes on, his father only a few steps away, a beer with his name on it, and even the sun peeking out from behind the clouds. He almost couldn't believe it. Maybe he really had died and gone to heaven. Maybe that cruise ship really was purgatory, and everything between then and now was hell. Maybe getting away from The Gang was the one thing he needed to do in order to get into heaven. Whatever the case, he was sure it didn't matter.
Delicate smile still perched upon his lips, Charlie locked eyes with Coffee Girl once more. He spoke softly, "yeah, I think it is."
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angrymac · 1 year
16.03 spoilery thoughts
I love how gentle Dennis is being with Mac this season
DENNIS FORGETTING WORDS? Like Mac in MADBU? And Mac trying to get the Gang to be normal then storming off? Ooh boy this is an interesting swap in their roles
the trophy is so funny
the vibe of the flashbacks in this episode kind of reminds me of The Janitor Always Mops Twice and the twist at the end reminds me of The Gang Gets Quarantined. Also loved all of the callbacks
Dennis wishes on candles. This is such a lovely and precious piece of canon to me now
the cat being named Maureen oh my gosh she’s been reincarnated
Mac’s Victorian Child voice is so funny but also breaks my heart
Charlie :(
very funny that Chase stole the monkey’s paw and I hope later on they show him getting bad luck as the classic tale goes
just a fun episode, definitely for the real fans with all of the references
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Aye I actually got to watch the episode tonight
Random 16x07 Notes I took while watching before scrolling my dash:
-Mac playing pool just like he plays hockey and bowls I see <3 something something putting too much power/pressure on things/being too forceful when you gotta guide the hockey puck like a little bowl of cream, or throw the bowling ball with gentle precision and finesse... something something previous years him putting too much pressure/force on Dennis but now...
-On a less conspiracy take note, I rewatched Mac’s Big Break recently and I find it fun how Charlie is just like better and knows more about sports and stuff like that and tells Mac what he has to do to play better. Also plays into this season’s theme of Charlie recurringly being the straight man, able to point out and notice things others don’t, but still being a bit of a helpless observer for the most part.
-Great Sharp title cut today, I should make a list of all the best ones/ones with best timing, I know one of the most iconic will always be Frank Sets Sweet Dee on Fire.
-The cackles and Charlie trying to mirror them <3 love that
-The horror sound effects when the McPoyles turn around and in the next few scenes are on point.
-Following that “Too many ideas, just stick with one” theme again just like in Celebrity Booze... interesting, very interesting. And what’s the main uniting idea that they want to stick it out with huh 👀 (or is it about the blend of ideas, the chili the cheese the fries.)
-Mac touches Den’s arm so much in this ep, they’re both very touchy, it’s nice to see them comfortable with that again.
-First time I’ve been able to watch the rip with commercials, Danny Devito Jersey Mike’s jump scare, how can I connect this to sunny he’s hiding behind the painting with the eyes cut out just like Dennis was in s15 and—*Jersey Mike himself drags me away*
-Dennis saying “it’s too sexually charged” while side eyeing Mac right next to him in frame like that, I don’t even need to comment
-Let’s go, Frank, slow and steady wins the race... slow like the structure, like 16 years wait.
-Artemis saying “hoor” like Frank does, okay, work it.
-Really interesting to me Charlie gets a strike without even needing to focus, something I wanted to say there but I don’t remember. We saw everyone else with their initial strategy and then psychologically affected to fail though and I wish we got to see Dennis in that context as well?
-Mac’s finesse ramble 🤝 Anya in Buffy “I have finesse coming out of my bottom!”
-“Just play the game and we’re gonna win, don’t spin, don’t do it.” This line I like because it feels very much in line with I’ve always been Dennis and you’re you you’ve always been you, and big mo again and just play the game and we’re gonna win, don’t spin, don’t do it, just be yourself, just be, just play.
-I can’t believe they cut off my man on his scream, the injustice! Anyway, gonna need more angst and pain from him, stat.
-omg the McPoyle bowling scene was so much better than I expected, that was so funny. Also, Liam wants Dennis so bad.
-They should have trash twin telepathy stuff in this show more, let’s goo, they’re in each other’s heads, they’ve never been apart almost their whole life, we need Dee to figure out how to mess with Dennis’ head next.
-The cgi pin faces will haunt me, they also crashed my computer multiple times like the ep simply would not play beyond that scene.
Bonus: DTAMHD trailer thoughts
-Dennis having a new car when the old one is so inherently tied to his identity/the past, iCarly interesting.jpeg, trying to reconcile the new with the old and him not having control of it, a theme of control this season, who is in control? Charlie or Frank in the world of business? Dennis as Johnny? Aaron or Bryan... is it all an act? Is Mac...?
-Putting things under pressure so they become diamonds subplot to putting Dennis under pressure, I see you, I see you.
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lesbomacdennis · 1 year
i love charden so much i think about them and genuinely smile so hard it hurts!!! charden is so sweetie pie coded. them getting high together, dennis knowing how to calm charlie.. dennis cant ever stay mad at charlie. i am a firm believer in that dennis loves hanging out with charlie the most. he enjoys how non judgemental charlie is!! also. dennis being soft with charlie makes me go so fucking insane. HE CAN BE SO GENTLE SOMETIMES UGHHHH IM SICK. the scene in home makeover where dennis hugs charlie plays on repeat in my mind
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royjamierot · 1 year
I couldn’t be more interested in ur fight club/sunny thoughts if u have any more please share
okay so in my original post i didn't exactly share a lot about the "club" aspect of it mainly because i mean this to be more of a thing between the three guys, but i think there is a way to incorporate the club part of it. i think that maybe they feel this sort of ritual between them is sacred, and when one of them (maybe dennis?) starts doing it with someone else it loses something, or feels different.
i think it feels akin to cheating for them,, like i genuinely think this is the closest thing any of them had had to a real relationship at this point (this takes place during s2 in my head). i think that they beat the shit out of each other just so they can feel each other's hands on one another without it being gay. that way at the end of it mac can cup charlies face and wipe blood off of it, or charlie can run his hands through dennis' hair and fix it so he looks presentable again. they are so deprived of touch and so desperate for one another that it comes out in the only way they know how: violence. they can allow themselves to be gentle after the fact, almost like it's aftercare, but it's not gay because they're just helping a friend out after a fight. even though their touch is so much more tender than friends would ever be in this situation. it's all light touches and shaky hands and bruises and blood, and it pulls them closer each week. this ritual they engage in makes them so vulnerable to each other, and it feels so freeing for them. they can let go of most of their repression while keeping the one thing that matters most to them at that point, the sanctity of their "straight" identity. i think it really drives home how bad their relationship with their emotions are, because they all are because they'd rather be hurt over and over again just to feel a little bit of gentle touch than admit that's something they want. i think there are blood stains on the bar basement floor and i think there are scars on their bodies and they're all from good memories because regardless how much they hurt each other each one of them knows separately that the person who gave them the scars loves them. the all know the fighting is more than just an excuse to get emotions out, but no one says anything for a while, because it might break the tentative security they've set up with each other, and it might ruin the nicest thing any of them have ever had.
(im aware that this is not really the metaphor in fight club but in my head fight club is a metaphor for gay sex)
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of James Garner who Died: July 19, 2014  in Los Angeles, California
Garner was born James Scott Bumgarner on April 7, 1928 in Denver, Oklahoma (now a part of Norman, Oklahoma). His parents were Weldon Warren Bumgarner, a widower, and Mildred Scott (Meek), who died five years after his birth. His older brothers were Jack Garner (1926–2011) and Charles Bumgarner (1924-1984), a school administrator. His family was Methodist. After their mother's death, Garner and his brothers were sent to live with relatives. Garner was reunited with his family in 1934, when Weldon remarried.
Garner's father remarried several times. Garner came to hate one of his stepmothers, Wilma, who beat all three boys (especially him). He said that his stepmother also punished him by forcing him to wear a dress in public. When he was 14 years old, he fought with her, knocking her down and choking her to keep her from killing him in retaliation. She left the family and never returned. His brother Jack later commented, "She was a damn no-good woman". Garner's last stepmother was Grace, whom he said he loved and called "Mama Grace", and felt that she was more of a mother to him than anyone else had been.
After the war, Garner joined his father in Los Angeles and enrolled at Hollywood High School, where he was voted the most popular student. A high school gym teacher recommended him for a job modeling Jantzen bathing suits. It paid well ($25 an hour), but in his first interview for the Archives of American Television, he said he hated modeling; he soon quit and returned to Norman. He played football and basketball at Norman High School, and competed on the track and golf teams. However, he dropped out in his senior year. In a 1976 Good Housekeeping magazine interview, he admitted, "I was a terrible student and I never actually graduated from high school, but I got my diploma in the Army."
Shortly after his father's marriage to Wilma broke up, his father moved to Los Angeles, leaving Garner and his brothers in Norman. After working at several jobs he disliked, Garner worked as a merchant mariner in the United States Merchant Marine at age 16 near the end of World War II. He liked the work and his shipmates, but he suffered from chronic seasickness.
Garner enlisted in the California Army National Guard, serving his first 7 months in California. He then went to Korea for 14 months, as a rifleman in the 5th Regimental Combat Team during the Korean War, then part of the 24th Infantry Division. He was wounded twice, first in the face and hand by shrapnel from a mortar round, and the second time in the buttocks from friendly fire from U.S. fighter jets as he dived into a foxhole. Garner received the Purple Heart in Korea for the first wound. He qualified for a second Purple Heart (eligibility requirement: "As the result of friendly fire while actively engaging the enemy"), but he did not actually receive it until 1983, 32 years after the event.
In 1954, Paul Gregory, a friend whom Garner had met while attending Hollywood High School, persuaded Garner to take a nonspeaking role in the Broadway production of The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, where he was able to study Henry Fonda night after night. During the week of Garner's death, TCM broadcast most of his movies, introduced by Robert Osborne, who said that Fonda's gentle, sincere persona rubbed off on Garner, greatly to Garner's benefit.
Garner subsequently moved to television commercials and eventually to television roles. In 1955, Garner was considered for the lead role in the Western series Cheyenne, but that role went to Clint Walker because the casting director could not reach Garner in time (according to Garner's autobiography). Garner wound up playing an Army officer in the 1955 Cheyenne pilot titled "Mountain Fortress." His first film appearances were in The Girl He Left Behind and Toward the Unknown in 1956.
In 1957, he had a supporting role in the TV anthology series episode on Conflict entitled "Man from 1997," portraying Maureen (Gloria Talbott)'s brother "Red"; the show stars Jacques Sernas as Johnny Vlakos and Charlie Ruggles as elderly Mr. Boyne, a librarian from 1997, and involved a 1997 Almanac that was mistakenly left in the past by Boyne and found by Johnny in a bookstore. The series' producer Roy Huggins noted in his Archive of American Television interview that he subsequently cast Garner as the lead in Maverick due to his comedic facial expressions while playing scenes in "Man from 1997" that were not originally written to be comical. He changed his last name from Bumgarner to Garner after the studio had credited him as "James Garner" without permission. He then legally changed it upon the birth of his first child, when he decided she had too many names.
Nominated for 15 Emmy Awards during his television career, Garner received the award in 1977 as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series (The Rockford Files) and in 1987 as executive producer of Promise. For his contribution to the film and television industry, Garner received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In 1990, he was inducted into the Western Performers Hall of Fame at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was also inducted into the Television Hall of Fame that same year. In February 2005, he received the Screen Actors Guild's Lifetime Achievement Award. He was also nominated for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role that year, for The Notebook. When Morgan Freeman won that prize for his work in Million Dollar Baby, Freeman led the audience in a sing-along of the original Maverick theme song, written by David Buttolph and Paul Francis Webster.
Garner was a strong Democratic Party supporter. From 1982, Garner gave at least $29,000 to Federal campaigns, of which over $24,000 was to Democratic Party candidates, including Dennis Kucinich (for Congress in 2002), Dick Gephardt, John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, and various Democratic committees and groups.
On August 28, 1963, Garner was one of several celebrities to join Martin Luther King Jr. in the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom". In his autobiography, Garner recalled sitting in the third row listening to King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
For his role in the 1985 CBS miniseries Space, the character's party affiliation was changed from Republican as in the book to reflect Garner's personal views. Garner said, "My wife would leave me if I played a Republican."
There was an effort by California Democratic party leaders, led by state Senator Herschel Rosenthal, to persuade Garner to seek the Democratic nomination for Governor of California in the 1990 election. However, future United States Senator and former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein received the nomination instead, losing to Republican Pete Wilson in the election
Garner was married to Lois Josephine Fleischman Clarke, whom he met at a party in 1956. They married 14 days later on August 17, 1956. "We went to dinner every night for 14 nights. I was just absolutely nuts about her. I spent $77 on our honeymoon, and it about broke me." According to Garner, "Marriage is like the Army; everyone complains, but you'd be surprised at the large number of people who re-enlist." His wife was Jewish.
When Garner and Clarke married, her daughter Kim from a previous marriage was seven years old and recovering from polio. Garner had one daughter with Lois: Greta "Gigi" Garner. In an interview in Good Housekeeping with Garner, his wife, and two daughters, conducted at their home, and published in March 1976, Gigi's age was given as 18 and Kim's as 27.
In 1970, Garner and his wife briefly lived separately for three months. In late 1979, Garner again separated from his wife (around the time The Rockford Files stopped filming), splitting his time between living in Canada and "a rented house in the Valley". The two resumed living together in September 1981, and remained married for the rest of his life. Garner said that the separations were not caused by marital problems, instead stating that he simply needed to spend time alone in order to recover from the stress of acting. Garner died less than a month before their 58th wedding anniversary.
Garner's knees became a chronic problem during the filming of The Rockford Files in the 1970s, with "six or seven knee operations during that time". In 2000, he underwent knee replacement surgery for both of them.
On April 22, 1988, Garner had quintuple bypass heart surgery. Though he recovered rapidly, he was advised to stop smoking. Garner quit smoking 17 years later.
Garner underwent surgery on May 11, 2008, following a severe stroke he had suffered two days earlier. His prognosis was reported to be "very positive". Garner was a private and introverted man, according to family and friends, On July 19, 2014, police and rescue personnel were summoned to Garner's Los Angeles-area home, where they found the actor dead at the age of 86. He had suffered a "massive" heart attack caused by coronary artery disease. He had been in poor health since his stroke in 2008.
Longtime friends Tom Selleck (who worked with Garner on The Rockford Files), Sally Field (who worked with Garner in Murphy's Romance) and Clint Eastwood (who guest-starred with Garner on Maverick and starred in Space Cowboys) reflected on his death. Selleck said, "Jim was a mentor to me and a friend, and I will miss him." Field said, "My heart just broke. There are few people on this planet I have adored as much as Jimmy Garner. I cherish every moment I spent with him and relive them over and over in my head. He was a diamond." Eastwood said, "Garner opened the door for people like Steve McQueen and myself."
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dreamties · 3 years
18, 24, 25? I love your blog btw!!
for the end of the year fic asks !! feel free to send in more even though ii accidentally answered these half way through january 2022 :3 also hehe thank uu, I am glad you like the blog <3
Long Post Ahead !!
18. current # of wips
oh geez. maybe about 50 or so?
I am the absolute worst with keeping track of all that stuff, cause i've got a bunch of requests saved in my drafts on here but then i've got like 2 sentence ideas on my phone and then things i've written sleep deprived at 4am on google docs. it's quite frankly a....mess lol
24. favorite fic you read this year:
a lot of my favorites this year are 18+ or sunny (aka NOT horror related) 😭 so who knows how much of this will really appeal to y'all lol Tell Me I'm Not Crazy - Monsieur_Grenouille
Fandom, Pairing: IASIP, Charlie Kelly/Dennis Reynolds
I've read this so many times and it's like...I find such an odd sense of comfort in it? Charlie is a character I relate to a lot and seeing him written as having violent intrusive thoughts but also having someone in his life that would take him willingly and with care into his arms.
It made me feel...seen. And I keep a bit of hope with me all the time because of it. Warning- it made me cry so it might affect you in such way as well !!
i want to be well - rustedspire
Fandom, Pairing: Riverdale, Archie Andrews/Jughead Jones
Y'all are gonna start noticin' a trend here- this is story made me cry like a motherfucker.
But more importantly, it handled the Archie/Grundy relationship so much better than the series ever did, and even though the bulk of the trauma is placed on Arch...how it effects even his friends. The author actually treats them like teenagers. Like kids. It shows their mistakes and actions but not in an reprehensible light or they could do nothing wrong- but just kids who didn't quite know what they were doing and didn't have the resources to deal with all of it and yet? Kept trying anyways.
18+ Needing and Getting - @feralgecko
Fandom, Pairing: Saw, Adam Faulkner-Stanheight/Reader
best part of 2021 was definitely finding Ky's work! this one's weird but like??? really sweet and cute as well.
WARNING THOUGH- this is an NSFW/kink fic so any minor followers...do not fucking read that.
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
again. I read a lot less horror this year than previous ones. However, for my fellow age regressors- or just people who like a bit of sweetness in their life- I would highly recommend checking out CyberToddler's work!
Oh my gosh, they have so many good fics surrounding our favorite Ghostface boys taking care of their partner. But it's done in a such a natural way that works so well with the characters and even still references horror stuff without it being too triggering if you're small while reading.
One in particular really caught my attention and I think is a brilliant way to get acquainted with her work.
Movie Night- pretty much how the title sounds. It goes through the intricate and gentle details of the relationship and how the typical movie night will go with their young one. Also, did I mention these stories are all gender neutral?
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Hottest Spot South of Havana (Part 2)
A/N #1: Part 2 is here! It’s finally time for the beach! Inspired by the B prompt of this challenge. The song that inspired part of this fic is “Itsi bitsi, petit bikini” by Dalida. You can find Alice’s outfit HERE. (Part 1 is HERE.)
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The next morning, the group sat together at the hotel’s restaurant for breakfast. Charlie was sitting next to Alice and giving his cereal bowl all of his attention.
“What’s up with Charlie?” whispered Penny to Andre.
“Eh, he’s angry because I told Diego what he did with Alice last summer. Well, more like confirmed than told, since Charlie’s red face was a pretty big giveaway. Was Alice angry that you talked about it?”
“Mostly embarrassed. Didn’t have time to get angry as we had to figure out who would sleep where. We didn’t want Tulip and Tonks sleeping in the same room, but neither of us wanted to sleep with Tonks because we still have nightmares of that time she transformed into Filch while asleep.”
“What did you do then?”
“Confiscated Tulip’s dungbombs, told them if they did anything stupid, we would send them back to London, and Alice and I took the bedroom.”
“Lucky you, Charlie…” started saying Andre.
“Who gave Tonks coffee?!” said Alice, staring at the pink-haired girl in front of her.
“I ordered it myself,” said Tonks, raising an eyebrow from behind her cup.
“Great. We’ll be dealing with hyper Tonks,” said Penny, letting out a sigh as she rolled her eyes.
“Well, it’s a good thing we are going to the beach today, then,” said Diego, wrapping an arm around Penny’s shoulders.
“Oh! Alice! You can wear that swimsuit I made for you!” exclaimed Andre, clapping his hands together as Penny pushed Diego off his chair.
“I… hum… sure,” said Alice, staring at her pão de queijo crumbs, her cheeks becoming a light shade of pink.
“Andre made you a swimsuit? Oh! I can’t wait to see it! Come on, let’s go and get changed!” exclaimed Penny, dragging her friend by the arm.
“I didn’t have time to finish my orange juice!” Alice was heard saying.
“Wait… If we are going to the beach, that means we’ll get to see the guys in their swim trunks,” said Tulip, wiggling her eyebrows as she looked at the guys around the table.
“Meh, I’ve seen most of them at the Burrows. Not that impressive,” said Tonks, shrugging as she got up. “At least you’ll be able to take Dennis out for a walk.”
Tulip shot up from her chair, “Oh! You’re right!”
The last two girls having left the table, the guys quickly finished eating and headed to their room to change.
About thirty minutes later, they were on the beach of Copacabana, in an area reserved for hotel guests. Charlie and Barnaby were wearing trunks in their house colours, while Andre was wearing a purple one. Diego, on the other hand, was wearing bright yellow Speedo swim briefs.
“Why is Diego in his underwear?” asked Barnaby.
“No, it’s a… style of swimsuit. Doesn’t suit everyone, but Diego pulls it off. Kinda. Anyway, he’s clearly not the only one wearing that kind of swimwear,” explained Andre, looking over his sunglasses at all the men on the beach wearing swim briefs like Diego. 
“Not surprising Diego would leave little to the imagination,” said Tonks as she arrived with Tulip, who was carrying her toad in her hands.
“Hey! Took you long enough,” said Andre, turning around as Tonks and Tulip placed their towels on the sand.
“Not our fault we share a room with the Headgirl and her enforcer,” said Tulip as she carefully placed Dennis on the sand. “They made sure we had put on sunscreen, that we were wearing some clothes over our swimsuits to get to the beach, that I didn’t have any dungbombs… The only reason we were able to get out is that Penny turned her attention to Alice and her bikini.”
“Wait… Alice will be wearing a bikini?” asked Charlie, his eyes wide.
“Don’t make that face, Dragon Boy. You’ve seen her in way less,” said Tonks, smirking as she removed the shorts over her yellow one-piece swimsuit.
“I hate my life,” grumbled Charlie, holding his head.
“Aw, come one, we’re only teasing, mate,” said Andre, patting his friend’s back. “But we’ll stop. It’s a moment that should remain between you and Alice.”
“Thanks,” said Charlie, looking gratefully at Andre.
“Oh! I think I see Penny and Alice!” said Barnaby as he sat on the sand, building a sandcastle.
Penny and Alice made their way to the group. Penny was wearing an orange bandeau bikini, jean shorts hiding the bottom half. She held a t-shirt in one hand, and a beach bag in the other. Following behind her was Alice, wearing denim overall shorts covering her swimsuit, the only part visible being the pastel puff sleeves.
“Wow, Alice really doesn’t want us to see her bikini. She’s wearing a puff-sleeved top over it,” said Tonks.
“Oh, no. Those puff sleeves are part of the swimsuit. It was how I got her to accept to wear a bikini. She told me she would not wear, and I quote, ‘an itsy bitsy teenie weenie tout petit, petit bikini,’” explained Andre as the two girls arrived next to them.
“What is Diego doing?” asked Penny, raising her sunglasses to the top of her head to look at Diego, who was now flexing in front of giggling local girls. 
“He’s just being Diego,” said Alice as she sat next to Charlie on his beach towel, placing her towel, as well as her bag, on it.
“So, are we going to see that bikini of yours? Or are you planning to go swim with your denim overalls?” asked Tonks.
“She looks absolutely adorable in it,” gushed Penny.
“Ugh, fine,” grumbled Alice, undoing the buckle loops holding the straps as she stood up. 
Her overalls pooled at her feet, revealing her bikini. It was made of a fabric with a pastel scenic tropical print. The top was a bandeau with puff sleeves and a tie at the back. The briefs were between low-rise and high-rise. 
“Alice… you look stunning,” said Charlie as he looked up at his girlfriend.
“You really think so?” she asked, lowering her white oval-framed sunglasses down her nose, to which Charlie nodded.
“Ok, you two lovebirds. Cut it out,” said Tulip, holding a little leash. “Unless you want us to remind you that we know what you did last summer.”
“Tulip,” said Andre through gritted teeth.
“I know, I know. But they are so sickenly sweet, I feel like we’re all third-wheeling on their honeymoon or something,” replied Tulip.
“Coming here for your honeymoon would be so romantic,” said Penny, sighing as she laid down on her towel. “Maybe these two will honeymoon here someday.”
At these words, Alice and Charlie stared at Penny before staring at each other. 
“Barnaby, need any help with your sandcastle?” said Charlie as he scooted toward his Slytherin friend.
“Tulip, Tonks, want to take a walk on the beach with Dennis?” suggested Alice as she linked her arms with her two friends’ arms.
“What the hell did I say?” asked Penny as she watched Alice walking away.
“You talked about marriage to two seventeen-year-olds,” said Andre as he laid down next to her.
“Charlie is eighteen and come on! As if Charlie won’t propose by the end of the year.”
“They are teenagers. It’s a bit young to settle into wedded bliss. Not to mention they’ve only been dating for like a year and a half.”
“So? These two are perfect for each other. And even if they don’t marry straight after Hogwarts, they’ll still probably end up marrying each other.”
“Maybe,” said Andre, glancing between Charlie and Alice. “But we don’t know what the future holds.”
“Look at you, being all philosophical.”
“Meh, it’s just the reaction they had tells me they are clearly not at that stage in their relationship. Now, stop meddling in other people’s love life, and look at all the guys in Speedos.”
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An hour later, Alice, Tonks, and Tulip returned from their walk. Barnaby and Charlie had completed their sandcastle, which included what looked like a dragon next to it. 
“You were gone for a while,” pointed out Barnaby.
“We went all the way to Leme Beach. Dennis was so happy to breathe in some fresh air finally,” said Tulip.
“I’m starving,” whispered Alice, holding her stomach. “I’m thirsty.”
“I think they sell some food in the kiosks over there,” said Charlie pointing at the kiosks close to the street.
“We can go get lunch for everyone,” suggested Barnaby.
“That would be really nice of you,” said Alice with a gentle smile.
Barnaby blushed before grabbing Charlie by the wrist, “Let’s get the food!”
Alice looked at the two boys walking away, her eyebrows raised, but Diego appeared before she could say anything. “Where the hell were you?”
“Flirting with some chicas,” replied Diego, grinning.
“I will put dungbombs in your shampoo if you say ‘chica’ again,” said Tonks, shivering.
“Sorry, I mean, ladies.”
“You manage even to make that word sound creepy,” replied Tonks.
“Wait, you speak Portuguese now?” asked Alice.
“Hmmm? No, no. The girls were tourists from Argentina. Very charming ladies. They even told me of a place we could eat dinner. An Italian restaurant not too far from the hotel. They also gave me an idea of a place to visit tomorrow. By the way, where’s Charlie?” asked Diego, looking around.
“He went with Barnaby to buy us lunch, why?” replied Alice, pointing toward the kiosk where Barnaby and Charlie could be seen standing in line.
“I’ll go and help them,” simply replied Diego before walking away.
Alice stood there, watching the Hufflepuff boy with her brows furrowed. “Curiouser and curiouser, ” she said, removing her straw fedora to fan herself. “Good grief, it’s hot.”
“Hey, Alice?” said Tulip.
“Did Penny forget to put sunscreen on her face?”
Alice looked at Penny and Andre, who had fallen asleep on their towels. Penny’s face was a bright shade of red. 
“It does seem like it. I think she was so gung ho about getting me to wear my bikini, she forgot,” said Alice, before kneeling next to Penny. “Oi! Penny!”
Penny’s eyes flickered open before her face contorted into a grimace. “Ow! My face hurts!”
“You got a big sunburn on your face,” pointed out Andre as he woke up.
“Here, take this,” said Alice, handing her a small jar. “It’s an ointment my grandmother makes. It works against sunburns.”
“Thanks,” said Penny as she started to apply the ointment to her face.
A few moments later, Diego, Charlie, and Barnaby returned with food and water.
“What happened to Penny’s face?” asked Barnaby, holding water bottles, as he saw Penny’s face covered in a white cream.
“The sun made her blush,” said Tulip.
“Huh?” said Barnaby, confused.
“Sunburn. She got a sunburn, and I gave her something to treat it,” explained Alice. “Now, can we eat?”
“Here, I got us a beach umbrella,” said Andre as he planted said umbrella in the sand. “They have some available for hotel guests.”
“We should have thought of that sooner,” said Penny, before taking a bite.
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After eating, they picked up their trash and disposed of it in the available trash cans. Alice and Charlie wanted to go straight in the water afterwards but were reminded by Penny that they should wait thirty minutes if they didn’t want to have any cramps. Alice decided to help Tulip cover Tonks in the sand while Charlie joined Barnaby and Andre, who were playing with a beach ball. Penny made sure she remained in the shadow of the umbrella, while Diego had gone back to flirting. Once the thirty minutes had passed, they all ran toward the sea, except for Penny, who refused to leave the safety of the umbrella’s shadow, and Diego. 
Charlie went behind Alice and took her in his arms bridal style and started to run further away from the group. Alice had her arm around his neck as to not fall, but it was in vain. Charlie tripped in the sand and dropped her in the water. 
“Alice?” said Charlie as he looked around, the Ravenclaw still underwater.
Alice emerged behind Charlie, a mischievous grin on her face. She wiggled her bum a bit to gain momentum before jumping on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Charlie stumbled a bit but managed to maintain his balance just as Alice gave him a small peck on his temple.
“Oi! Get a room, you two!” shouted Tonks as their friends caught up to them.
“You’re just jealous,” said Alice, sticking her tongue out from behind Charlie.
“I repeat: I feel like we are a bunch of third-wheels on your couple’s vacation,” said Tulip as Alice got off Charlie’s back.
“Aww, come on. We’re all here because Alanza invited us,” replied Alice, splashing some water in Tulip’s direction.
“Speaking of Alanza, when are we going to see her?” asked Barnaby.
“Ooooh, Barnaby wants to see Alanza!” said Tonks in a sing-song voice.
“Barnaby and Alanza sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” sang Tulip.
“Cut it out, you two,” said Alice, splashing her two friends as Barnaby’s cheek turned pink. “Anyway, she’s supposed to meet up with us tomorrow.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll stop talking about Barnanza,” said Tonks, raising her hands in defeat.
“Barnanza?” asked Andre.
“Couple’s name we gave Barnaby and Alanza,” explained Tulip.
“We are not even a couple,” protested Barnaby.
“Oh, but, you will…” started saying Tonks before being interrupted by a beach ball thrown at her face. “Beaumont! That’s a declaration of war!”
“Bring it on, Nymphadora!”
And so, they started throwing the ball at each other as hard as they could, trying to make the others lose their balance. It lasted for some time until the girls decided to climb on the guys’ shoulders to fight each other: Alice on Charlie, Tulip on Barnaby, and Tonks on Andre. The Ravenclaw-Slytherin pair fell pretty quickly, probably because the other two teams ganged up on them. Tulip and Barnaby stood in the water, watching their friends face off.
“I’m gonna take you down like I took down your Mario,” said Tonks, arms raised, preparing to strike.
“So you admit it! You killed my Mario on purpose! Murderer! I will avenge him,” exclaimed Alice, reflecting Tonk’s position.
“What are they talking about?” asked Charlie, glancing up at the two girls.
“No idea, but let's see if you are as hot in the water as you are on a broom,” said Andre, tightening his grip on Tonks’ legs.
“Oh! It’s on Egwu!” said Charlie, holding on to Alice’s legs.
The two teams stared at each other, slowly turning as if waiting for the right moment to attack. Tulip observed with excitement, biting her lower lip, while Barnaby hid his face behind his hands, peeking between his fingers.
“Tickle attack!” exclaimed Tonks as her hands quickly reached Alice’s waist and started tickling her.
Alice started to wiggle and kick her legs as she laughed, making Charlie lose his balance. They fell backward into the water with a big splash.
“Cheater!” exclaimed Alice as she emerged.
“Not my fault you’re ticklish, and I know it,” said Tonks as she shook her hands in victory above her head.
“Turns out, you’re not good at everything,” said Andre as he watched Charlie comb back his wet hair.
“I ask for a rematch,” said Charlie as he helped Alice get back on her feet.
“As the song says, ‘We are the champions, no time for losers,’” said Tulip as she followed Barnaby, Tonks, and Andre out of the water.
“I’m pretty sure some seawater went up my nose,” said Alice as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand.
“Same. Let’s get dried up before we have to head back to the hotel,” said Charlie, holding her hand as they slowly walked to join the others.
Tonks was walking around Penny, flexing and saying how she was invincible for defeating the Curse-Breaker. Tulip accompanied Tonks’ exaggerated tale with well placed oohs and aahs, while Andre frowned every time Tonks referred to him as “her noble steed.”
Alice sat between Charlie’s legs as he wrapped them in a beach towel while listening to Tonks’ story.
“Who knew she could come up with such an elaborate story for something that lasted like five seconds. She makes it sound like she slew a dragon,” said Alice.
“Well, you can be just as fearsome as a dragon,” replied Charlie before kissing the back of her head. 
“Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said, smirking as she leaned back so that her head would rest on his chest.
Andre, who had stopped listening to Tonks’ tall tale, saw someone coming over that made his eyes go wide. “Does Diego have a girl on each arm, or am I having a heatstroke?”
“He does seem to have two girls with him,” said Barnaby, who was back at making a sandcastle.
“And they are holding onto his arms,” observed Tulip.
“Welp, there’s no denying Diego’s got game,” said Penny.
“He still creeps me out,” grumbled Tonks.
“Should we tell him we’re about to head back to the hotel to change before dinner?” asked Charlie.
“Nah, let him enjoy his moment,” said Alice as they all looked at Diego walking past them, proud as a peacock.
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A/N #2: Fic #1 of the Brazilian series is done! Hope you liked it! Where is the gang going to go next? Find out in fic #2 (that I still need to write...)! Feel free to leave comments.
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i didn’t see this before so i’m sending a prompt now i don’t care : denny, falling in love
ily!!!! got a bit long so i'm adding a read more
these things take courage
Benny likes to ride a bike to the diner.
Not a motorcycle, even though there’s one in the garage that Dean would kill to see him on, a bicycle. With a wicker basket and a bell and everything. A bike. Dean definitely teases Benny about being a centuries-old former vampire pirate dinging that little bell attached to his handlebars to greet the sleepy streets of early morning Lebanon. But Benny loves that bike. And Dean loves...well, Dean loves what the bike does for Benny’s already muscular legs.
It’s early when Benny slips out of bed and smooths the covers back over Dean, the hair away from his forehead. There’s no way of telling exactly how early, with the lack of windows and Dean’s out-and-out refusal to open his eyes before his alarm goes off. Still, it’s too early to function, so Dean grumbles into his pillow when Benny presses a kiss to the nape of his neck. He waits for Benny’s quiet laugh, the soft click of the door opening, then closing behind him. And slides over to Benny’s side of the bed.
Dean isn’t sure when exactly this started. But it’s their routine now, whether Benny knows about this part or not. He probably does, what with his super vamp senses. He can probably hear the mattress shifting from the hallway. He can almost definitely smell Dean on his pillow. He doesn’t say anything. So Dean just keeps burying his face in Benny’s pillow morning after morning, settling in the space Benny left behind. Because whether or not Benny can smell Dean, Dean can smell Benny there and Dean loves the gentle scent of Benny’s old-timey aftershave.
There isn’t anything special about this morning. Dean eventually rolls out of bed when his alarm goes off, makes the bed, shuffles to the kitchen where there’s a pot of coffee waiting that Benny made before he left for his shift, smiles a little at that. Sam comes back from his run and shakes out a little rainwater from his hair. They eat breakfast together, make their way through a stack of newspapers looking for cases, put some other hunters on them. After a while, Sam wanders into the library and Dean heads to the garage. It’s wash day, so he gets to work on Baby, gaze slipping over to the motorcycle occasionally. A few times. Okay, often. Benny wouldn’t even need to ride it or anything, just perch there, maybe in a leather jacket with a helmet tucked under his arm -
“Hey,” Sam says from the doorway. “Need a hand?”
Dean doesn’t knock over the bucket of soapy water in front of him, but it’s a close call. “Hey,” he says in what is definitely not a squeak, clears his throat, tries again. “Hey. Is that lunch?”
Sam trades him a clean, dry towel and a sandwich for a wash mitt. “Did Benny ride to work today?”
“Yeah,” Dean says around a mouthful of sandwich. “You know how he is about that bike.” They’ve smoothed things over, Sam and Benny. Dean doesn’t know how it happened, but one morning he walked into the kitchen and Sam was laughing at something and Benny was cracking a smile and the tension between them was broken. He’s grateful, even when the two of them argue about Latin translation for what feels like hours. Especially then, really. He settles back in his chair, just watching them until Benny looks up and winks and Dean pretends he wasn’t staring.
“Not supposed to clear up until tomorrow,” Sam says, which doesn’t make any sense, but must be related to something Dean wasn’t paying attention to.
“The rain, Dean.”
“Oh.” Dean polishes off the rest of his sandwich, wipes his hands on the towel. “Oh! Benny rode to work and it’s raining.” Sam raises an eyebrow. “I’ll pick him up.”
Sam just rolls his eyes and tosses the wash mitt back to him. “There’s an idea.”
A few hours later, Dean pulls out of the garage. “Rain” is an understatement. It’s pouring, hard enough that he goes the actual speed limit with the wipers going full-speed. Still, it doesn’t take long to pull up to the curb in front of the diner. He can just make out Benny at the door, turned to wave at someone inside.
Charlie told him it would be more romantic as a surprise. “I’m just picking him up from work,” Dean said, but (quickly) let himself be talked into grabbing an umbrella and not texting Benny a heads up.
It turns out Charlie is right, of course. Dean dashes out into the rain to meet Benny at the door with the umbrella and Benny just. Smiles.
He smiles and his eyes crinkle up at the corners and Dean drops his umbrella because he realizes that oh, “I love you,” he blurts out.
And then they’re kissing in the rain in front of the diner and their umbrella gets blown away at some point and they both get completely soaked, but it doesn’t matter.
Benny said it first, of course. He said it first, a while ago, and then told Dean to take his time. It wasn’t that Dean didn’t, exactly. He just - these things take time. These things take courage. Or maybe these things just take Benny, who’s whispering je t’aime into Dean’s ear, barely audible over the whoosh of the wind and the rain.
When they finally make it back to the bunker (they might have had to pull off the road and...wait out the storm for a while), Dean’s tugging at the collar of his shirt to cover the base of his neck and they’re both dripping on the floor. And Sam takes one look at them, rolls his eyes, and says, “You owe me a new umbrella.”
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
the next chapter
No, I don’t have a name for this chapter. Yes, this is a wedding. Yes, this kind of serves as an “epilogue” to 09/01/1998. If you haven’t read those yet, please do so before reading this!
This wedding occurred on 09/03/1998, two days after the events of the last story.
Part 1 || Part 2
“Just one last touch of glitter over here,” Chiara murmured, waving the can of hairspray once more over Clara’s hair as Badeea and Tulip secured the bun on the top of her head. “And done!”
The three girls stepped back to admire the bride in the mirror, and it was a sight to behold. Donned in a red dress that embraced both vintage and oriental styles, corset shimmering like a ruby and skirt wrapped in silk and layers of tulle, she looked like a phoenix rising through a furious flame, a crimson rose fresh in full bloom--a beauty descended from the early sunrise. Her glasses were removed for the special occasion; she wore her contact lenses from her days at the Task Force in their place. Dark grey eye shadow with red and gold accents highlighted her brown eyes, and with a hint of crimson blush and a coat of magenta lipstick, what once was a warrior was turned into an elegant princess.
“Andre did a brilliant job with the dress,” Tulip said in awe. “I mean, he did a brilliant job with everyone’s clothes--and in such a short span of time, too!”
“And the choice of makeup he put on you as well--it looks stunning!” Badeea added with a nod. “Then again, he was the Style Wizard of Hogwarts. He could use his trendsetting talents anywhere.”
“I’m so lucky to be a bridesmaid for this wedding, at least,” Chiara remarked, twirling around slowly to admire the cream-coloured full-length dress Andre made for all the girls. “I never thought that I’d see the day when my closest friend ties the knot with her loved one.”
“Hey, we’re all here together, and that’s what matters!” Tulip reassured her with a huge smile. “And I’m laying off the pranks today, too. I promise I took off Dennis’ Dungbomb for the occasion.”
“Careful we don’t ruin the flower crowns little Em made for us,” Badeea warned, straightening the wreaths of daisies and sunflowers on their heads and fixing her own as well over her hijab. “Here’s hoping the others get the wedding pavilion set up on time.”
Just then, in came little Em with several bouquets of fresh flowers in hand--and she, too, was wearing a cream-coloured dress, the hem already beginning to gather grass and dirt stains from working in the garden.
“Everything’s just about set,” little Em announced with a broad grin as she handed the bunches to the girls in the changing tent. “The boys did a great job with the marquee--I had dad bring in some bamboo shoots for the pedestal for the minister, and the whole place is decorated with flowers and branches from the Wiggentrees. The Bowtruckles weren’t too happy about that, so I had to bribe them with a bunch of woodlice so they wouldn’t disturb the wedding. And everyone’s in their seats as well--they’re all waiting for you.”
“Is dad coming by as well?” Clara asked, turning around from the mirror.
“Yup--both mum and dad just arrived not too long ago,” little Em confirmed. “Dad said he had to make sure the Screechsnaps and the Fanged Geraniums had enough dragon dung to keep them satiated. And the Bouncing Bulbs he recently potted were a rather exciting bunch.”
“Ah, I remember those days in the greenhouses,” Chiara reminisced with a laugh. “Well, at least your parents are here, Clara.”
“And another man named Cecil Lee has come around too. He introduced himself as Barnaby’s uncle,” little Em added. “I’m actually kind of glad Barnaby has some decent family.”
“Indeed.” Clara nodded, marvelling at how smart the response sounded--maybe Barnaby was right after all. Everything did sound more intelligent with the word “indeed”.
Tulip then turned to Clara and gave her a hug. “We’ll be outside waiting for you, alright?”
“Can’t wait.” Clara nodded as she hugged Tulip back, and the three girls exited the changing tent. Little Em then walked over to Clara and looked at their reflections in the mirror, a frown settling over her face as she twirled the bouquet in her hands.
“So...how are you feeling?” little Em finally asked her sister. “You know, since the bonfire and all. I know you’ve been trying to keep busy with the wedding plans, but…”
She trailed off, unsure of how she could phrase the question without coming off insensitive.
“I still miss them,” Clara admitted with a wistful sigh. “There’s never a day when I don’t think about them, and even now with the ritual done I still think about them. But I know they’re happy. They lived a fulfilling life, each and every one. And we honoured them well with the lanterns and everything--I know that they’ll always be watching us from afar now.”
“Even if you didn’t like them at the start?” little Em inquired now.
“Merula...Merula I can forgive,” Clara reassured her with a laugh. “Besides, she died defying her parents in the war. I call that seriously brave. Reckless, maybe, but brave. And Talbott at least managed to take down the murderer who took his parents’ lives in cold blood. Ben...he took down so many Death Eaters on his own, too. Tonks even went to the battle to support her husband. So many things we do out of love, even if...some of us didn’t know it.”
“At least what you did, you did out of love, too.” Little Em smiled and squeezed Clara’s hand. “Just like you’ve always done, what with the danger of the Cursed Vaults and Rakepick and R and the Japanese dark forces. You have so much love in your heart, and I’m sure everyone else you know knows it too. Never forget that as you walk down the aisle and seal your union with Barnaby. What you do, and all that you do, you do out of love.”
For a moment, Clara nodded, her face pensive as she let the words sink in. Then she smirked playfully at her sister. “Remind me to give you the same lecture when you get married to Diego.”
“Oi! I don’t like him like that!” little Em protested now, scrunching her nose in disbelief. “We only kissed once before the battle but that’s it!”
“It’s still something!” Clara remarked. “Alright, fine, I’ll stop teasing if it makes you feel better.”
“Clara? Little Em? You in there?”
Jacob finally arrived into the changing tent, accompanied by their father wearing a matching black tux with his eldest son.
“It’s time, isn’t it?” little Em asked.
“Everything is in order, and the minister has arrived,” Jacob said with a nod. “It’s time.”
Clara’s father, Sueh-Yen, gave her eldest daughter a quick glance-over and smiled, the edges bringing up the wrinkles near his eyes. “You look wonderful, little star--so grown up.”
“I’ll always be your little girl, dad,” Clara reassured him. “Now come on. We can’t keep everyone waiting.”
And with a chuckle, she took her father’s arm and walked out of the tent, Jacob and little Em following close behind.
“Nervous, Barnaby?”
Charlie glanced over at the groom with a worried look in his eyes, reaching over to help him straighten the gold dragon lapel in Barnaby’s dark green suit.
“Very,” Barnaby nodded. “I just hope that this wasn’t a mistake. It’s been almost 5 years since we got engaged, and now...I can’t believe this is happening.”
“You don’t need me to pinch you to know it’s real, Barnaby. And besides, I’m sure Clara would love this more than anything,” Charlie said with a gentle pat on his shoulder. “Your love withstood almost three years across the globe. If that doesn’t say something, I don’t know what does.”
“I guess you’re right.” Barnaby exhaled and nodded at his best friend. “Thanks for being my best man, by the way. I really owe it to you.”
“Of course.” Charlie smiled and nodded at Barnaby’s confidence.
From the other side of the altar, Penny smiled at the two--she was Clara’s maid of honour, after all, ensuring that all the other bridesmaids were in line. “Barnaby, you and Clara have always been the cutest couple at school, and you’ve been together through so much. I can see there’s nothing you won’t do for each other. Just hold on to that for all that life is worth.”
“Shh!” Jae whispered now. “Here she comes!”
Everyone turned around now to see Clara enter the wedding marquee with her father, taking careful steps as Badeea conducted a small group of girls in a wedding chorus. Her eyes immediately locked on Barnaby at the end of the aisle, and it took everything in her not to run towards him and embrace him. All the memories from their time at Hogwarts and beyond flooded her mind, and in that very moment she had never felt more love for this man than she ever had. They withstood so much together and apart, it was a miracle that at the end of the day they haven’t cracked from all the pressure.
Jacob and Em eventually took their seats with their mother, and once Clara reached the altar, her father passed her off with a teary smile. She then passed the bouquet to Penny and took Barnaby’s hands, facing her soon-to-be husband with a small smile of her own. Perhaps it was the fact that she had her glasses off for the occasion, or that she was so close to crying again, because then Barnaby lifted a hand and gently touched her cheek, his thumb gently stroking her face.
“My star,” he managed to whisper, emerald eyes gleaming with happiness and love as he looked at her.
Clara couldn’t help but grin at the compliment, heat blooming in her cheeks like they always had with every compliment. “My hero,” she whispered back.
Soon, the chorus ended, the entire vicinity fell quiet, and the minister officiating the wedding at the altar cleared his throat. Clara couldn’t help but notice that it was the same man who spoke at Dumbledore’s funeral--the only time she had returned to the UK in her time at the Chinese Wizarding Task Force.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered today to celebrate the union of two very faithful souls…” the wizard commenced, nodding at Clara and Barnaby whose smiles were so wide they felt they could literally radiate with light.
How quickly time had flown, Clara thought, leaning against Barnaby’s hand still against her cheek. The intolerance she once felt for him had long since dissipated when he jumped in front of her to block her from Ismelda’s curse...and now here they stood, clad in not only glamour but in warmth and love. She felt Barnaby’s thumb rub over her knuckles, and she squeezed his hand in response.
All they had lived for came down to this very moment now.
“Do you, Barnaby Lee, take this woman, Clara Xing-Hui Lin, to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?” the wizard finally asked Barnaby.
“I do,” Barnaby responded almost immediately, a gentle smile on his face as he faced his wife-to-be.
“And do you, Clara Xing-Hui Lin, take this man--”
“Yes!” Clara blurted out before the minister could finish. “Um, I mean, I do, yes, sorry--”
Barnaby only chuckled and leaned forward, their foreheads touching. The simple gesture was enough to calm her, and she quietly breathed out a sigh of relief, her face relaxing in a smile.
“Then I declare you both bonded for life.”
The minister clapped his hands and raised his wand--a shower of silver stars descended upon the couple still holding hands. Barnaby gently locked his fingers under Clara’s chin, and pulled her into a kiss, the moment so warm and sweet it felt like they were suspended in time.
And soon the reception went underway as family and friends both greeted the new couple and wished them well. Food and drink were served, the Weird Sisters struck up a tune, and everyone danced the night away.
As the night slowly wound down from the whirlwind that preceded it, Clara couldn’t help but let out a tired, grateful smile. Tonight was about more than just a union--tonight was about penning the last chapter and starting a new one. Together, everyone came to terms with the losses they suffered. And together, they all came to see the new chapter unfold.
Together, they would make new marks in the enigma of time.
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godlessmurdock · 5 years
How would Mac and Den react to the other getting hurt either real bad or minor... or both? Not dying though, I just love whump for the soft worried, gentle and caring moments.
okay i’m finally doing this ily laura sm
okay so first off i want to... hc the scenario we just had in the discord server SO
-when mac and den are doing the dishes they’ll wind up the tea towels when they’re wet and whip the other with them (y’know, like you did with your siblings when you were kids or... with your man children coworkers.)
-maybe one night they get too into it
-long story short mac whips dennis in the face by accident
-it was actually the first time mac had ever seen dennis cry- not because it hurt, because he could feel it bruising and dennis is VERY precious about his face
-“oh my god i’m so sorry den-“
-pressing a bag of ice to his cheek whilst he’s slumped against the freezer with his arms crossed
-when all of the ice has melted and mac still feels bad, dennis just... leans his head on mac’s shoulder.
-they don’t finish the dishes, they just sit there for a while, in silence.
-and of course, for the funny- charlie thinks dennis got that bruise from... intercoursing
-“charlie, how exactly do you think people bang?”
maybe a more serious injury now....
-surprisingly it’s usually mac that gets injured the most because he wildly overestimates his abilities.
-mac tried to backflip off of a wall and he CANNOT BACKFLIP. dennis KEEPS telling him this but he doesn’t listen.
-“jesus christ mac, are you an idiot? you’re gonna break your fucking arm!!” he’s angry but he’s still doing his whole mother hen routine of cleaning up mac’s face...
-he’s gently dabbing at the gash above mac’s eyebrow and picking out the gravel that had created dents in mac’s face
-“i really wonder how the fuck you’re still alive sometimes, man.”
-mac is just staring up at him, eyes soft, not processing a single word he’s saying because his tone sounds concerned and that’s all mac needs
-“and you’re gonna- are you even listening to me?”
-“not even one bit.”
-dabbing at his bloody face a little more aggressively until mac apologises for being an asshole
-“you gotta stop getting hurt.”
-“why? because you can’t die, mac, i need you.”
-maybe he doesn’t actually say that but... he’s thinking it. and mac knows he is...
anyway i love the iasip server they deserve rights
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alwayssunnyprompts · 6 years
Always Sunny Prompt - Mac is the only person allowed to take care of Dennis. Dennis gets sick or injured, and he whines for Mac the entire time. Of course, Mac shows up and makes everything better.
I absolutely loved writing this! It broke my heart a little bit, but I loved it. This also turned out so much more emotional and serious (and longer) than I thought it would be. Enjoy injured, delirious Dennis and Mac helping him through it.
There’s a sickening, wet crunch as Dennis’s ankle twists and slips off the corner of the bar before he hits the floor, unable to even attempt to regain his balance before crumpling there unceremoniously. Dee runs from the back office at the noise, confusion and worry coloring her face.
“What the hell, Dennis? Are you okay?”
He’s struggling to sit up, his face white as a sheet and a small cut on his forehead leaking blood. He cries out when he tries to move, his breathing getting frantic as he lifts the hem of his jeans to look at his ankle. Dee can already see that his foot is bent at a weird angle, so it’s probably broken. His eyes close and for a second, he looks like he’s about to black out. Her heart is galloping in her chest.
“Shit, Dennis, that looks bad. Does it hurt?” She inches closer, like she’s approaching a wounded animal, her hands out in front of her so he doesn’t get more anxious.
“Of course it hurts, you stupid bitch!” He yells, but it’s hysteria in his voice, not anger.
“Goddamn you, Dee, I told you that Charlie wasn’t cleaning up there, but you didn’t give a shit, so I have to do everything my goddamn self. And now—” he gestures wildly toward his leg, really getting a good look at it for the first time. He looks like he’s going to be sick.
All the color has drains from his face and his hand clutches at his leg. His breathing is labored and heavy. He’s starting to space out, his eyes going glassy.
Dee can tell he’s about to cry.
“I’m sorry, Dennis, but you have to try and breathe, okay?” She crouches in front of him, rests a measured hand on his shoulder, rubbing gently.
“I can’t,” he chokes out, “Dee, it hurts. Shit. Oh god—” he gasps, coughing as he struggles to breathe through the pain and panic. His rage leaves as quickly as it came, and she can see him realizing how bad it is, starting to spiral. Shit.
“I can’t breathe,” a heave turns into a shuddering sob, and tears start pouring down his face as he hyperventilates.
Dee sits down on the floor next to him, running her hand over his back. She’s used to doing this for him, but it’s been a long time since she’s had to try and calm a panic attack, and she’s definitely never had to do it while he had a broken ankle.
“Dee, I can’t breathe,” he’s staring ahead at nothing, wheezing.
“You can. I’m telling you it’s just a panic attack. We know how to deal with this, right?”
Well, maybe not this exact situation, but she decides that if there was ever a time to sugarcoat things it’s right goddamn now.
“Where’s Mac?” He whimpers, grabbing clumsily at Dee’s arm.
“Dennis, you know where Mac is. He’s out filming his stupid videos, remember? He’ll be back soon, okay? Look at me.”
He doesn’t.
“Oh Jesus,” she grabs his face and turns it to look up at her, “Dennis. Listen to my voice. Try to match my breathing, okay? In and out, you know the drill.”
She takes deep, measured breaths, exaggerating how loud they are so he can hear through the crying.
“Dennis, I know you’re scared, but Mac will be back soon. Okay? I think we have to take you to the hospital, that ankle looks pretty screwed up.”
His eyes widen, and he rips her hand away from his face, trying and failing to move away from her. The movement jostles his leg and he stifles a scream by bringing his hand to his mouth, more tears pouring from his eyes.
“Dennis, you’re a grown man. This is serious.” She tries to reason with him, but she can tell that he’s too delirious with pain and fear to act rationally.
“I’m cold.”
“Dee, I’m cold.”
She can see him shivering through the tension in his muscles and goes and grabs the blanket Charlie keeps behind the bar. She wraps it around him, careful of his leg, and sits back down.
“Where’s Mac?” He says again, suddenly, like Mac is somehow just going to appear if he keeps asking about him. She can’t tell if he genuinely forgot their conversation from a few minutes ago, or if he’s just so out of his mind with pain and shock that all he can think about is wanting Mac. Either way, the confusion and cloudiness in his eyes worries her. Maybe he’s more hurt than she thought.
Her eyes move to the cut on his forehead, still bleeding sluggishly.
“Dennis, he’s out. Filming videos. We just talked about this, you remember?”
She speaks slowly and clearly, looking him straight in the eye.
“I… don’t know. Dee, I don’t know. Maybe? I, I don’t—” his breath hitches again, and he looks terrified.
“Dennis,” she says his name clearly and evenly, even though she’s sure some of his anxiety is rubbing off on her, “It’s okay. I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m gonna call him, okay?”
He whimpers again, nodding. His chest is rising desperately as he tries to get some air into his lungs. His hand is still firmly white-knuckling his leg.
She pulls her phone out of her pocket, hastily pressing Mac’s name on speed dial. She’s almost starting to think he won’t answer when he picks up on the fifth ring.
“What do you want, Dee?” His voice is tinny, and his reception is shit. “I’m busy.”
“First of all, screw you, Mac. But this is serious, okay?”
He gets quiet.
“I’m listening,” he responds, quieter and more focused, “what is it?”
Her eyes stay locked on her brother.
“Dennis, um…fell off the bar. And he hurt himself. It’s bad, Mac. His ankle is definitely broken, and I think he might have a concussion too,” she lowers her voice, “and he’s absolutely terrified. He’s having a panic attack and he keeps asking for you. I can’t calm him down because he’s so damn delirious, and I can’t move him on my own anyway. I think you should come back here.”
She doesn’t realize how stressful the situation is until she says it, and her hands are shaking as she tries to keep the phone steady.
“Goddamnit,” Mac breathes, all traces of humor gone from his voice, “let me talk to him?”
“Sure.” She takes the phone from her ear and presses the button.
“Dennis, Mac’s on the phone. I’ll hold it for you.”
“Den, can you hear me?”
“Mac,” he whispers again, and Dee can tell that just hearing his voice is enough to put some part of Dennis at ease.
“Can you hear me?” Mac tries again, his voice even.
“Yeah,” he whispers, his voice shot.
“Good. Try to breathe, buddy. Come on, with me. In, and out.”
Dennis’s breath stutters as he tries, interrupted by a frustrated sob.
“It’s okay, you’re doing so good. Keep trying for me and Dee. It’s gonna be okay, I promise. I’m on my way there right now.”
“Mac, it hurts.”
“I know, Den, I know. I’m so sorry. But I’ll be there soon, and we’ll get you some help, okay?”
“Yeah, honey?”
Dee freezes for a minute, forgetting the situation. That’s a new one.
“I’m scared.”
“I know. But you’re gonna be okay. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes and we’ll figure it out. Sound good?”
His voice is more gentle and sincere than Dee’s ever heard it sound before.
“Okay.” Dennis still sounds horrible; his eyes are bloodshot, and his face is gray-white, and his jaw is clench with pain as he tries to stifle his crying. But his voice comes a little easier, less choked.
“Dennis, I love you,” he says sincerely.
Dee feels her eyes widen at the shock of the emotional whiplash as she struggles to keep her facial expression neutral.
Dennis takes a shuddering breath and clears his throat, still trying to calm down.
“I love you, too, Mac. Hurry?”
“I’m already on my way. I’ve got to drive. Give the phone back to Dee?”
Dennis looks at her, gesturing at the phone with a knowing expression. She takes the phone off speaker and lifts it to her hear, still trying to process what she just witnessed, and the fact that Dennis doesn’t seem embarrassed at all. Maybe it’s the shock.
“Mac?” She forces her tone to be neutral.
“Dee, I’ll be there in twenty. I told him fifteen, so he’d calm down, but there’s traffic downtown. I’m driving like a goddamn maniac though. Be there as soon as I can.”
“Okay,” she responds, “Thanks, Mac. Don’t drive too crazy though, I’ve dealt with enough bullshit injuries today. Be safe.”
“Don’t thank me, and I will be.” He hangs up.
She lets her phone drop to the floor.
Dennis looks a little calmer. She hopes that it’s because of the panic attack calming down and not because of the shock. She decides to keep him talking.
“Hey, Den?”
“Hm?” He sounds distracted, but his breathing is still shallow.
She starts rubbing his back again, a little more forcefully than before, trying to keep him grounded.
“So…what’s up with you and Mac?”
As far as conversation topics went, it was probably the worst choice she could have made at that moment, but if anything would get him talking, it’d be this.
“W-what do you mean? We’re fine.”
“I don’t mean you’re arguing. I mean you seem very…close…these days.”
“He’s my best friend.” Dennis says softly, “Of course we’re close, you dumb bitch.” There isn’t any venom in his words. He sounds spaced out, but honest.
It’s almost endearing.
She nods at him, trying to encourage him to keep talking.
“I think I’m in love with him, Dee.”
He says it with such delirious sincerity that it would’ve been absolutely hilarious if she wasn’t trying to keep him from passing out from shock.
“Dennis you just told him you loved him on the phone, did you forget that I heard that?”
“Oh. I didn’t even think about that.” He chuckles softly.
“I mean, Dennis, to be honest, it’s sort of obvious to everyone except you and—oh shit—”
She catches him as he starts to slump forward, his eyes nearly rolling shut.
“Dennis. Come on buddy.” She taps his cheek.
He blinks sluggishly.
“Sorry,” he says sincerely.
“It’s fine,” she feels her heart rate returning to normal. She vaguely hopes Dennis won’t remember this later.
They sit, dazed, on the floor of the bar until they hear the doorknob turn, and suddenly Mac is there, full of nervous energy. It snaps Dee out of the funk, and she feels the anxiety returning and her heart pounds in her chest as she looks at Dennis’s purple, swollen ankle.
Mac is on top of Dennis in a heartbeat. He crouches down next to him, wraps his arms around him in a careful embrace. Dennis melts into it, but Mac quickly detaches Dennis from him, sitting down and joining Dee in rubbing his back. He gingerly lifts his pant leg to see the full extent of the injury. Dennis starts at the contact, his eyes welling up as the ankle gets jostled.
“Shit. Dennis, I’m sorry,” his hands are on Dennis’s face, wiping the tears away, “How are you feeling?”
“I don’t know. It hurts so bad, but I can’t…feel it? As much, anymore…I don’t know.” He sounds out of it.
“Okay,” Mac shoots Dee a concerned look, “Dee and I are going to move you to the car and get you to the hospital.”
At the word “move,” Dennis freezes like a cornered animal.
“No, no, please. Please, Mac. I can’t. I can’t walk,” he gasps.
“Hey, no, don’t get all worked up. It won’t even touch the floor. We’ll hold you steady and all you have to do is keep that leg off the ground. Right, Dee?”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course.”
They lift on three, and Dee cringes when Dennis cries out as they get him vertical. All the way, Mac is whispering soothing words to him.
“You’re doing so good, Den.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“You’ll feel better soon.”
Dennis doesn’t acknowledge them, but she thinks she feels the slightest bit of tension leave his body.
Getting him to the car goes surprisingly smoothly. Of course, having to ride in a car with an unsupported broken ankle is an absolute nightmare, but they don’t have money for an ambulance.
Dennis starts crying again and buries his face in Mac’s shoulder in the back seat. Mac strokes his hair.
“I know, Den, I know,” he says, loud enough for Dee to hear, “It’ll all be okay soon.”
Dennis whimpers in acknowledgment.
The hospital waiting room is a goddamn zoo, but there’s a few chairs next to each other so that Dennis can stretch out and Mac can sit with him.
He leans heavily on Mac, their hands interlocked tightly, and Dee can’t believe that the dumbasses took so long to realize they were in love.
She rests a quick, comforting hand on Mac’s shoulder, and he turns to her with a small smile, tired and worried. She lifts the corners of her mouth in return, hoping she can convey how grateful she is without having to say it.
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ao3feed-iasip · 6 years
Let it rest, all you can't change. Let it rest and be done.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2z8HP3E
by Masterofkarate
Charlie's been in his Bad Room all day and the gang gets a bit worried. Mac goes to check on him and comforts his best friend. --------- "Know it will never be easy or simple Know I will dig in my claws when you stray So let us rest here like we used to In a line of late afternoon sun Let it rest, all you can't change Let it rest and be done" - Virtue At Rest, John K. Samson
Words: 2202, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Charlie Kelly, Mac (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), the rest of the gang makes appearances in the beginning
Relationships: Charlie Kelly/Mac
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, uncle jack tw, nightman shit, Trauma, suicide (mention), dennis being manipulative (but it works out well), mac is nurturing and gentle and he loves charlie, charlie had a hard day :(, mac's the dayman
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2z8HP3E
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chacmar · 6 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Charlie Kelly/Dennis Reynolds Characters: Charlie Kelly, Dennis Reynolds Additional Tags: Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, tagged rape/non-con b/c dennis is minorly coercive in the first chapter, but like honestly it’s pretty damn consensual, Innocence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, also like canon-typical drunkenness Summary:
“You were hot and bothered by me today, weren’t you? You haven’t been able to get the images of me stripping out of your head since that first gig, were you? And since we’ve been rehearsing, I’m sure that was driving you crazy. You loved it, the whole bit when I praised you. Called you my boy. You loved that, didn’t you?”
“No, that’s gross,” Charlie said quietly.
“Don’t lie to me,” Dennis said sternly. “Be my good boy, tell me the truth. It drove you wild, didn’t it?”
“Dennis, shut-”
“Daddy,” Dennis corrected, clearing his throat. He didn’t want to sound too harsh, that would scare Charlie away. He knew when to be gentle, how to be gentle. He glanced down at Charlie’s pants and smirked, “I can tell you’re lying, you’ve got a dead give away hidden in your pants.”
Hey, i’m absolute fucking trash, enjoy!!
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maccymacdonald · 7 years
requested prompt - “I needed you and you weren’t there”
"What the fuck dude?!"
Mac burst through the door of the bar, crashing it against the wall, silencing everyone inside. He stood with his arms out, his face awash with disbelief and pure rage. Dennis eyed him quickly before ducking his head, taking a deep breath before moving round the bar to face him.
“Please, don’t be mad.” His voice was steady and for once he seemed sincere, genuine even, but Mac’s heart was beating so loud he couldn’t concentrate on anything but the overwhelming urge to punch him in the face. Dee and Charlie exchanged a nervous glance before awkwardly grabbing Frank’s arm and shuffling past the both of them before bolting out the door, letting it slam behind them.
“Where the hell where you, man?” Mac took a step closer, and Dennis could sense the tension radiating from his body. His face was red and his throat was burning and holy shit, Dennis thought he might kill him.
“I know I fucked up, but Ma-”
“I called you 46 times. 46 fucking times dude, but you didn’t show.” Dennis ran a hand through his hair and looked away, picking a spot on the grimey wall to focus on. This was one of those rare, stupid occasions where he didn’t have an out. He couldn’t lie, or joke, or run, and it was honestly terrifying. The bar was completely empty, yet panic still rose in his throat as Mac was screaming at him, struggling to even listen to a word he was saying. He hated it.
“-and when I came by here to pick you up, Charlie and Dee said they hadn’t heard from you all day. I can’t believe this, I really can’t man, you let me down! Actually no, I should have expected this. You’re never there when someone needs you, only when it suits yourself. And I’m sick of it Dennis! Shit, would it kill you to just make an effort for once in your goddamn lif-”
“I know, God dammit! I know!”
He lurched forward and grabbed Mac’s shoulders, causing him stumble back with the force. Mac’s entire demeanour switched in a second, from pure hatred to total confusion. He eyed Dennis carefully, partly undeniably terrifyied of his unpredictability and partly a little pissed off that even now Dennis always has to be in control.
“Just, dammit. Hear me out. Okay?” Dennis realised the pressure with which he was digging his nails into him, and dropped his arms hastily, a desperate look in his eyes that surprised Mac more than anything.
“I didn’t come, because I couldn’t.”
A million thoughts flooded Mac’s mind as he struggled to comprehend what was happening.
“I couldn’t risk them finding out.”
Mac was utterly dumbfounded. His fists shook, jaw aching from grinding his teeth in a pathetic attempt to hold back. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, ready to explode at any second.
“I finally come out to my mom, after years of being alone in this shit, and you’re worried about yourself? Seriously? How god damn selfish are you?” The volume increased with every word, filling Dennis with a familiar anxious feeling.
“If I went with you it would have been obvious we’re a couple, Mac. I don’t want anyone to know, I’ve told you this.”
Mac drew in a breath and slowly closed his eyes, holding it for what seemed like eternity. When his eyes finally fluttered open, the heat and wetness was too hard to ignore. Dennis thought he looked utterly defeated, and it would have broke his heart if he thought he had one.
“I needed you, and you weren’t there.” His voice cracked miserably, as he bit his lip and willed himself to not get so fucking emotional.
“I know, babe I know. And I’m so fucking sorry.” Dennis cupped his face in his hands, stoking his hair the way he always does to calm him down. Mac’s heartbeat slowed a little and he drew some shaky breaths before resting his forehead lazily against the other man’s.
“The truth is… Ah fuck. The truth is I’m not ready, Mac. You might be, and that’s great, but I’m not. Yeah it starts with your parents, but then it’ll be Frank, or Dee, or Charlie, and soon everything will change. I want to be with you, but I just need more time before people know.” Mac lay his hand on top of Dennis’s. The intamcy freaked them both out internally, but truth be told neither could bring themselves to let go.
“I should have been there with you today, when you told her. I know that, and I made a mistake. If I’m totally honest, I just assumed she wouldn’t give a shit anyway.” A small smirk spread across his lips, his cocky attitude seeping back into the conversation.
“She didn’t. But that’s not the point, Den.” Mac’s voice was softer now, more gentle. He felt exhausted, wanting more than anything to go home and fall asleep in the arms of the man he loved, and just forget about this whole fucking ordeal.
“I know. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll get better at this, I-I’ll be a better boyfriend.”
Both of them snapped opened their eyes to look at eachother before grimacing wildly.
“That sounds weird.”
“Yeah. It does. I hate it.”
“Me too. You don’t have to worry about it, though. Until your ready, no one’s gonna know. I swear. We’ll figure this shit out.”
“Yeah, I know we will.” They looked at one another, certain words bursting in their chest neither could say. But they knew. They’d always known.
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