#I love her but her desire to be underneath my feet at all times is not cute lmao
cookinguptales · 8 months
having a cat is just like "please excuse me, my dove... keep walking, baby... geist, move. FUCKING--" as the red-hot container in my hands begins to burn me
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angelsfat3 · 10 days
ⓘㅤ 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 ⠀⠀(让我们逃离她吧。)
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͏summary “ ✉. Sunghoon, your coach, decided to surprise you for winning the national ice skating olympics—inside the van where they would be waiting for the others and going to eat.
⠀،،⠀Genre. ’ Smut, suggestive.
( 𝒄/𝒘. )───Cheating, manipulation, teacher's pet, hidden relationship, swearing, impregnation, fingering, fogged windows, torn/ripped clothing, rough, unprotected.
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Time passed strangely, as if each day blended into the next, filled with emotions that never quite dissipated.
After that day in the locker room, nothing seemed to have changed on the outside. The sex continued, the training grew more intense, and Sunghoon still demanded the best from you. But underneath it all, something was different.
You knew what was happening wasn’t normal; the boundaries between coach and student had completely vanished. Sunghoon always found a way to get too close, to slide his hands over your body under the guise of correcting your posture or adjusting a movement. And every time he did, the weight of guilt and arousal crushed you, leaving you trapped between desire and reality.
One afternoon, while practicing a new routine, you felt his hands on your waist, adjusting the way you moved.
His touch, as always, was firm but laden with hidden intentions. At first, you tried to ignore it, focusing on the movements, on the ice beneath your feet, but you knew where this was heading. Sunghoon was slowly leading you to the same place as always: to those moments after every practice when it was no longer just about skating.
On one such occasion, while sitting on the bench, still breathing heavily from the physical exertion, Sunghoon approached you again. His hands were quick and long, moving over your body as if he knew exactly what you needed, as if it was his right to push you to the limit.
You were caught in that swing between pleasure and fear. Sunghoon was so close, his body pressing yours against the wall as you felt his hot breath on your neck and his cock brushing against your sweet spot.
Just as his lips brushed yours and the heat increased, the sound of a phone interrupted the moment.
Panic surged through you like lightning as you saw him pull out his phone. It was his wife. You heard him answer calmly, his voice firm and full of affection as he spoke with her. “Yes, my love… I’m finishing up training… I’ll see you soon, I love you.”
Your mind was clouded with fear. Sunghoon’s movements didn’t stop. His hands continued to touch you, moving with precision inside you while he continued talking to his wife on the phone.
Sunghoon knew exactly what he was doing. The power he had over you was undeniable, and you felt like prey caught under the gaze of a predator. He relished that control, the way he could manipulate every situation to his advantage. Even while sweetly talking to his wife, his fingers kept working, pushing you beyond your limits, caressing and pressing your sweet spot in a circular motion.
When he hung up, his sly smile made it clear he had enjoyed every second. “You’re the best, you know?” he whispered in your ear, his voice deep and laden with intent. “And all of this is so you keep improving. To be the best, you have to learn to work under pressure, beautiful.”
You felt torn. You knew it was wrong, that every encounter pushed you further into an abyss you couldn’t escape. But the pleasure was undeniable, as was the fear of being discovered.
And after every training session, each time you left the locker room with your body trembling, filled with him and your mind in chaos, your thoughts revolved around one thing: you couldn’t stop this.
Every training session ended the same way.
A touch here, a whisper there, and suddenly, you found yourself wanting more, even though you knew you shouldn’t. Your thoughts overflowed, a mix of pleasure and guilt that kept you awake at night.
You wondered if anyone suspected, if others noticed the glances, the times Sunghoon touched you more than necessary. And, above all, you wondered how you had ended up here, where the line between desire and submission was growing thinner.
But he always knew what to do, how to handle you, how to make you forget everything, at least for a while.
You were trapped, and Sunghoon knew it.
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You were in the locker room, adjusting your suit over and over, as if nervousness clung to your feet. The fabric fit perfectly on your body, but you couldn’t avoid feeling the sweat accumulating at the base of your neck, mingling with the anticipation of the moment.
Your hands trembled slightly as you mentally reviewed each jump, each spin, each pose you had practiced repeatedly.
You knew you could do it; you had worked so hard to get here, but something inside you kept wavering. It wasn’t just the weight of the competition; it was everything else. The emotions you had accumulated over the past month, the fear that someone might discover what you and Sunghoon shared.
Suddenly, the sound of the door opening made you turn, and there he was. Sunghoon, with his relaxed posture and that mischievous smile that always made you shiver. Without saying a word, he approached you, his hand reaching for yours, intertwining his fingers with yours as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
He drew you close, and before you could react, his lips captured yours in a slow, soft kiss, completely different from any other he had given you before. You felt your body relax, although the nerves still fluttered in your chest.
“Calm down…” he assured you, bringing his face closer to yours. “Everything will be fine,” he whispered against your lips, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes searching yours.
It was as if with those words, all the noise around you faded away. Sunghoon pulled back just a millimeter, leaving one last kiss on your lips, softer than you had ever felt before. It was the first real gesture of affection, the first that didn’t feel like part of a power game or a challenge. It was the first time his words didn’t sound like an order but like comfort.
“Go and give them a reason to applaud you,” he whispered against your lips before pulling away, leaving only the warmth of his skin as a memory.
With his support giving you the final push, you took a deep breath and headed to the rink.
When you finally stepped onto the ice, the lights dimmed around you, leaving you in the spotlight. The silence was deafening as the whole world awaited your start. You breathed deeply, your legs trembling at first, but as soon as you glided your first foot onto the rink, everything else disappeared.
And then the music began.
You glided with strength and precision across the ice, letting the rhythm guide you. Each jump, each spin was executed with a perfection you had practiced to exhaustion. You moved with a fluidity achieved after years of training.
The spins were precise, the jumps perfect, your arms extended in the air as if you were flying, and every time you touched the ice, you felt your movements leaving an invisible mark on the rink. The audience held their breath with each daring move, but all you thought about was impressing Sunghoon, winning his approval.
The applause from the audience was barely a murmur compared to the deafening beat of your heart. You moved with agility, your feet cutting the ice smoothly, but there was a fierceness behind every movement.
The key moment came with the triple axel, a sequence you had failed countless times during practice but now executed flawlessly. Your body soared into the air, spinning with speed and precision, and when you landed smoothly, one arm raised, eyes fixed on the horizon, it was as if at that moment you had conquered the whole world.
The lights bathed you in a golden glow. The stadium erupted in applause, cheers echoing around you, but you didn’t hear any of it. It wasn’t the audience that mattered. It wasn’t victory you were after.
You turned, scanning the crowd, and saw him. Sunghoon was standing, eyes shining, jumping with excitement. Your heart skipped a beat, filling you with a pride that no medal could give.
But then, reality hit.
Next to him was her, his wife, with her hand resting on her growing belly. He turned to her and, before you could process it, hugged her tightly and gave her a quick, brief kiss that hurt more than you wanted to admit. They both looked radiant, sharing the joy of your victory as if it were their own.
And you, frozen in the center of the rink, felt a wave of sadness wash over you. You had given everything, achieved your biggest dream, but it still wasn’t enough. Sunghoon gave his first hug to her, not to you. His happiness, his celebration, it all was with her.
The crowd continued cheering, the lights enveloped you, and your name echoed throughout the stadium. You had accomplished the unthinkable. You had won. But inside, the only validation you truly wanted was his. And he… was giving it to someone else.
You clenched your fists, trying to bury that feeling deep within yourself. You knew it was unfair, that you had no right to feel this way, but you couldn’t help it.
“Stop thinking about it, [...]” you told yourself, but the pain was already lodged in your chest. Despite everything, all you wanted was for him to look at you, for his happiness to be about you, for him to share it only with you and no one else. You had won, but deep down, all you wanted was for Sunghoon to see you. Only you.
The lights continued to illuminate the rink as you glided toward the center, no longer worried about maneuvers or jumps. You had won. You knew it. The entire stadium was telling you, from the thunderous applause to the admiring gazes that followed you.
You stopped at the center of the rink and stood there, breathing deeply as the sound of the crowd enveloped you. The moment felt unreal, yet you had worked your whole life to be here.
Hands helped you off the ice. Your team’s staff was there, waiting at the edge of the rink. Smiles and hugs came one after another. You felt a surge of emotions: pride, relief, happiness, but also something deeper, more confusing. Among the crowd, you glimpsed Sunghoon.
He was smiling, one of those smiles only he could give you, but he did it right after kissing his wife, who was embraced with him. That kiss, though brief, remained etched in your mind. However, you focused on the present.
“You did it!” shouted one of the coaches, giving you a pat on the back. The hugs were warm, the congratulations sincere, but what you really wanted was to hear from him. To see his expression without barriers, without the mask of happiness he wore in front of others.
They placed you on the podium, the first, the highest. Flags waved, and the anthem played loudly. And then the moment came. They draped the gold medal around your neck, a shiny and heavy piece symbolizing everything you had fought for. Flowers, a beautiful bouquet, were handed to you as the crowd applauded non-stop.
The roar was deafening. Everything felt like it was in slow motion, as if time had stopped just for you. Even though you tried to keep your composure, a small tear rolled down your cheek. It was the biggest moment of your life, hitting you with all its intensity.
When you finally descended from the podium, your team greeted you with more hugs and congratulations. Everyone wanted to touch the medal, see the gleaming gold. But amid all the excitement, your eyes kept searching for him.
Sunghoon approached you, with his characteristic calm, and for a moment, everything else stopped mattering. He extended his hand, as if to congratulate you formally, but the moment you shook his hand, his thumb traced a small circle on your palm. A subtle caress, but one that ignited something inside you. No one else noticed, but it was enough for you.
“Good job,” he said, his voice low, serious, and serene, though his eyes spoke of something more. But just when you thought he might say something more personal, his wife’s hand slid down his arm, and they looked at each other with a complicity you couldn’t ignore. You pressed your lips together, trying to control the emotions welling up in your chest.
The rest of the team surrounded you before you could think more about it. Cameras pointed at you, journalists surged forward, eager for an interview. Questions began to fly from all sides: “How do you feel?”, “What was the most difficult moment of your routine?”, “What does this victory mean to you?”
“It’s incredible…” you replied, smiling, trying to make your words coherent while emotions continued to overflow. The happiness was there, of course. You had won. You had achieved what you set out to do, but there was a cloud still hovering over you.
“It was a lot of effort... my team was always there, supporting me, helping me practice to be the best…” you continued in the interviews, your answers interrupted by camera flashes and the din of the crowd.
In the distance, you could see Sunghoon chatting with other staff members, and although part of you wanted to focus on the excitement of the moment, you couldn’t help but notice how comfortable he looked, maintaining that perfect coach facade, approaching his wife, sharing with her a smile, a hug, while you were on the verge of emotional collapse.
Some questions turned personal:
“Is there someone in particular you’d like to dedicate this victory to?”
That question made your thoughts stop for a second. Could you tell the truth? Tell the world that all you wanted to dedicate each of your achievements to was your coach? That you wanted Sunghoon to recognize you beyond being his student? No, of course you couldn’t.
“… To my team and everyone who has supported me on this journey,” you answered with a firm voice, kissing the medal while looking at the camera with a smile, hiding the true emotions bubbling beneath the surface.
After the interviews, you finally had a breather, though the emotions still weighed on your chest. The medal hung around your neck, cold and heavy, but it wasn’t its weight that overwhelmed you. It was that strange mix of satisfaction for having won and the sense of emptiness knowing that, despite everything, what you truly longed for was out of your reach.
The rest of the day passed in a sort of haze. The celebrations continued, and although you tried to enjoy the moment, your mind kept drifting back to Sunghoon.
You had stepped away from the award ceremony’s commotion and were now in the locker room, changing into more comfortable clothes. The tension of the competition began to dissipate, replaced by a weariness that was felt in every muscle.
As you removed your competition outfit and put on something more relaxed, you allowed yourself to bask in the satisfaction of victory, but also in the melancholy that it wasn’t quite complete without the attention you truly desired.
You put on a cotton t-shirt and a pair of comfortable pants. You were trying to calm yourself, enjoying the moment of peace, when you heard the sound of the door opening. You turned around, a wide smile on your face, expecting to see Sunghoon. But, to your surprise, it was another staff member who entered.
“Hello, [...]” said the staff girl. “I just wanted to let you know that, in honor of your victory, some sponsors are organizing a dinner tonight. Congratulations!”
It was just a silly dinner where you had to pretend to be happy, only—“That’s great, thanks for letting me know and thank you very much!” you said as you nodded with a smile, grateful for the news as you adjusted your clothes.
Before the girl could close the door, you saw Sunghoon standing in the doorway, with his imposing presence and a smile that seemed to hide something. His hands were in the pockets of his pants, and his watch glinted slightly under the light of the locker room. You couldn’t help but feel a tingle of anticipation seeing him there, waiting for you.
The door was closing when his hand managed to stop it, and he walked in with an agility that made your heart race.
“Sunghoon...” you whispered, smiling widely upon seeing him.
Sunghoon crossed the door with determined steps. His hands were extended towards you as if he was about to touch something precious.
Finally, he approached, and before you could say anything, he wrapped his arms around you, his head nestling into the curve of your neck and his hands caressing your waist, giving it a slight squeeze. The contact was warm, and you could feel his breath mingling with yours, his breath warm and light against your skin, and the scent of his cologne blending with your sweat, creating a feeling of intimacy that surprised you.
“You did amazing,” he whispered close to your ear, his voice a husky murmur that made you feel even more special. “I’m so proud of you.”
His words were accompanied by a gentle kiss on the neck, a gesture that sent a wave of warmth throughout your body. You clung to him, wrapping your hands around his neck as he lifted you off the ground with a surprisingly agile and tender movement.
His lips met yours in a kiss full of emotion, and as he spun you around, the outside world seemed to disappear for a moment. Your heart was pounding, both from the euphoria of victory and from the unexpected and meaningful contact between you both.
When he set you back on the ground, his hand caressed your cheek with a tenderness that contrasted with his usual professional demeanor. He looked at you with those intense eyes that used to intimidate you, but now filled you with a warm satisfaction.
“Listen,” he said, leaning towards your ear and whispering. “I need you in the parking lot as soon as I get out of here. I have... something for you, and I want you to be there to see it.”
His words were a promise in themselves, and the kiss he left on your neck before leaving the locker room made that promise seem even more urgent.
You were left alone in the locker room, with the echo of his words resonating in your mind. The physical contact and sincere gesture you had just experienced made you feel special, as if the bond between you had gone beyond the simple coach-student relationship.
As soon as Sunghoon left the locker room, you hurried to follow him. The buzz continued around you as you made your way to the parking lot. You paused briefly to look around, some members of your team were still chatting, sharing laughs and comments about the event. Others were busy putting away the stuffed animals and gifts that your fans had thrown onto the ice after your triumph, with smiles on their faces.
For a moment, you wondered if it was really worth going, fearing that whatever he had for you might embarrass you for the rest of your career. On the other hand, you wanted to be with him, you wanted to have him close again.
Without wanting to draw too much attention, you made sure no one was paying too much attention to you before walking toward the truck, pulling the hood of your jacket over your head, making your way quickly to where Sunghoon was.
When you reached the vehicle, your eyes caught something strange; Sunghoon was standing by the truck, putting something into his jacket, a small box of some sort. The way he did it, quickly and discreetly, made you wonder what he was hiding.
But before you could think too much about it, you approached and greeted him with a slight smile, feeling that nervousness in your stomach again.
“What did you need me here for, Sunghoon?” you asked lightly, trying to break the tension you felt.
Sunghoon didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he approached you with slow steps, a look that seemed to pierce you and made you feel small under his presence.
Without saying a word, he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close in a swift but controlled move. Your hands instinctively rested on his chest. His touch was firm, and the warmth of his body enveloped you, almost as if he was claiming you in some way.
“You know I’ve been watching you all the time, right?” he whispered with a low, possessive tone, his warm breath against your ear. There was a small shiver that ran down your spine at the deep tone of his voice. “Every move you made on that rink was for me, that suit highlighting everything that drives me crazy. And now... you’re mine, completely mine.”
Before you could process his words, Sunghoon tilted his head towards yours, capturing your lips in a slow, soft kiss, but filled with a latent desire. There was no rush, just the intensity of every brush of his lips against yours.
His hands tightened around your waist, as if he wanted to make sure you wouldn’t escape from him. Your hands instinctively sought to cling to his jacket, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds that seemed eternal. When he finally pulled away, his dark eyes met yours, and in that moment you knew there was no turning back. Sunghoon moved away just enough to look you in the eyes, his lips still so close they could almost touch again.
“Get in,” he ordered, his intense and serious gaze, but without losing that spark of possession and need that made you feel special. It was the kind of look that made you understand that, at that moment, there was no one else in his world but you.
He gestured with his eyes for you to get in first. Sunghoon opened the truck door with almost indifferent ease, gave you a nod, and without hesitation, you got into the back seat. The inside of the truck was warm and cozy, but the air felt heavy with the tension between you.
Sunghoon entered behind you, closing the door with a soft click that resonated louder in your ears. Without wasting time, he locked all the doors.
The cabin was silent, the sound of your ragged breathing the only thing breaking the stillness. Sunghoon turned to you, one of his hands resting on the back of the seat while his eyes locked onto yours, smiling as he looked you up and down.
“Finally, I can give you your gift,” he said, his tone firm, almost like a promise, and at the same time, a warning.
The shiver that ran down your spine wasn’t from fear but from anticipation.
Without warning, Sunghoon quickly shrugged off his jacket, tossing it carelessly into the front seat. He approached you with decisive movements, never taking his eyes off you.
Suddenly, he buried his face in the curve of your neck with an almost feral need. His breathing was heavy, and the heat of his body against yours felt scorching. The brush of his lips barely touched you as his hands began to move, firm and determined.
“You looked amazing out there...” he whispered between soft bites on your skin, his lips grazing the sensitive spot between your neck and shoulder. “Every time you moved, I couldn’t stop imagining how your body looked under that tight clothing... How you shone under the lights...”
His tongue traced a slow path over your skin, letting the warmth of his mouth envelop you. His voice was a mix of admiration and desire, but there was a dangerous edge to it, something he could no longer control.
“That outfit...” he continued, his hands starting to explore your body, moving from your sides down to your thighs, squeezing them tightly, as if claiming every part of you. “Tight... Showing how beautiful you look. God, what I would give to have you for myself, but of course...”
His voice faltered slightly as his hands continued to move up your thighs, getting closer to your crotch. You could feel the heat rising through your body, your breathing becoming heavier, and your thoughts turning confused and dirty.
“My wife...” he growled through clenched teeth, his voice filled with frustration as his lips left a trail of kisses and bites on your skin. “If it weren’t for her, I’d have you in my hands all the time, kissing you and filling you...”
The bitterness in his tone was evident, but you could only focus on the heat of his hands on your thighs, moving up and down as if he couldn’t decide where to start. His fingers sunk softly into your flesh, as if claiming every part of you. He bit your neck with more force, leaving a visible mark.
You remained there, sighing, feeling each bite, each possessive touch, letting him do as he pleased. There was no resistance in your body, only the silent surrender you had always offered him.
His words echoed in your head, filling you with a mix of internal pride and vulnerability. You felt the weight of his full attention finally falling on you, intensifying every touch, every brush of his lips. Your fingers gripped his arms tighter, but it wasn’t enough; you wanted more, needed more.
The tension in the air was palpable, Sunghoon’s gaze was filled with intense emotions that made you feel small, yet desired at the same time.
His body still pressed against yours, his hands marking your skin firmly through the clothes, and his words resonated in your head like a sweet torture. The silence in the truck made every small touch, every sigh, seem amplified.
“It’s frustrating... having to share you with everyone, acting like you’re not mine...” he said with a mix of possessiveness and contained rage before leaving one last kiss on your collarbone. His breathing was heavy, and his lips were red and swollen from repressed desire.
“Although...” Sunghoon leaned in a bit more, his lips barely grazing yours as a provocation, leaving the kiss hanging in the air before whispering: “Tonight, you are all mine.”
The heat of his voice struck you like lightning, making a shiver run down your spine. Your hands trembled, unsure whether to push him away or cling to him. His breathing was heavy, as if the very air you shared was not enough to quench the fire burning between you. He kept his hands firmly on your hips, and with a slight pull, guided you even closer to him.
You felt the heat of his body seeping through your clothes, and his dark gaze, fixed on you, made you shiver. The silence between you became deafening, and your mind struggled to process what was happening.
“Get on top,” he ordered with that deep voice that always completely disarmed you.
Confusion and nervousness swirled in your stomach, and in a desperate attempt to find an escape, you murmured weakly.
“B-but hyung...” you hesitated, your hands trembling slightly as you touched his chest for support, your voice barely a whisper. “What if someone c-comes? They might see... see us... here, moving...”
Your words barely escaped coherently, but Sunghoon didn’t seem fazed. On the contrary, his lips curled into a smile filled with malice, an expression that was both tender and dangerous.
At first, he said nothing, just looked at you with those eyes that always seemed to see beyond your words, beyond what you tried to hide, and before you could finish your sentence, his hands rose from your waist to your hips, then up your back, making every inch of your skin feel aflame.
And then, without warning, he kissed you again. This time the kiss was not gentle or slow like before; it was intense, claiming you with every brush of his lips against yours. Wanting to silence you, fed up with your damned tendency to think of others before yourself.
The kiss grew wilder as you let him press against you, rougher. Sunghoon wasted no time taking control, crushing your lips with his with an intensity that stole your breath away. His tongue forced its way without delicacy, attacking yours in a battle for dominance he was clearly winning. The sound of both of you breathing heavily filled the cabin, your gasps caught between the clash of his lips and the intrusion of his tongue, which explored every corner of your mouth with hunger.
Sunghoon frowned, his jaw tense as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss even more, his movements almost brusque. His hands moved down to your lower hips, gripping you firmly as if to make it clear that you weren’t going anywhere. His fingers dug into your skin through the fabric, and a shiver ran through you as he pulled you closer, leaving no space for resistance.
The sounds of your breathing and his soft growls filled the air, making the atmosphere even more suffocating. His tongue moved with urgency, seeking more, demanding more from you and your gasps, your lips responding with sharp, broken moans. Every time you tried to take a breath, he took your lips again, nibbling them, making you feel the burn of his desire.
His hands did not stop gripping you, moving from your hips to your thighs, squeezing them as he kept you under his control, his body radiating heat and need. Sunghoon devoured you with every movement, his lips firm, his tongue relentless, as you sank deeper into the ecstasy of that rough and passionate kiss that made you feel completely his.
When he finally pulled away, both of you breathed heavily, the air between you charged with desire. Sunghoon slid a hand down your cheek, caressing your skin with a tenderness that contrasted with the fire in his gaze.
“So, are you going to disobey me?” he whispered, his deep tone carrying a subtle hidden threat. “Won’t you accept the gift I have for you?”
His voice was soft, almost sweet, but the words were laden with a weight that made it hard to refuse. Your thoughts tangled, and although you knew you should say no, that it wasn’t the time or place, your trembling lips could barely form the right words.
“It’s what you deserve…” his voice was lower, more controlled, but filled with that possessiveness that always made you shiver. His hand began to slide slowly down your neck, his fingers barely grazing your skin, as if savoring every second of contact. “For being such an obedient boy, always doing everything so well…” he added, his lips dangerously close to your ear, letting his breath envelop you.
His hand continued down, passing your collarbone and tracing the contour of your chest, his fingers grazing your nipple with a calculated slowness that made you feel every inch of his touch. Finally, he stopped at the lower part of your back, his fingers gripping your clothing lightly, applying a gentle but insistent pressure, pulling you closer, almost rubbing your leg against his erection.
“And you wouldn’t want to disappoint me now, would you?” he murmured against your skin, his lips barely brushing your neck, as his words seemed to envelop your mind, manipulating your thoughts. “After all… it’s what you earned. My gift… for being so perfect in everything you do.”
With a firm movement, he pulled you closer, his eyes locked on yours, waiting for a response. “So, are you going to rudely reject what you deserve?” His voice became deeper, almost a challenge, as his other hand slowly moved up your thigh, marking his territory with every touch.
“I wouldn’t do that to you, would I?” he hinted, his lips finally seeking yours with a barely perceptible smile, the one he used when he knew he had absolute control. “Get on top, where you belong…”
Sunghoon held you firmly, his fingers pressing into your hips as if claiming you for himself. The intensity of his gaze pierced through you, dark, dominant, and filled with contained desire. There was no room for doubt, only for the submission he expected and knew he would get from you, as he always did.
"Still trying to resist?" he murmured, his tone dripping with control but also warmth, almost comforting, making it hard for you to think of anything else. "You know I want you for myself, you always have."
His hands guided you firmly onto his lap, placing you exactly where he wanted, where he felt you belonged. The heat of his body mixed with yours, and for a moment, the fear of being discovered was a distant echo.
"Come on, sweetheart… don’t make me wait any longer," his voice was low, whispers vibrating against your skin as you settled on top of him. Each word was calculated, designed to bend you to his will. His hands gripped your hips, moving you with that blend of delicacy and control only he could achieve.
"Are you afraid someone will see us?" he whispered, his mouth brushing the line of your jaw before moving to your ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. "You should worry more about what I'll do if you keep moving on top of me."
He tightened his grip on your hips, his breath heavy, his tone full of possession. "I know you like it… how it makes you feel. Don’t deny it now."
His lips found yours, this time with no room for softness. It was a demanding kiss, filled with hunger, his tongue invading your mouth without asking permission, seeking your submission. As he did, one of his hands slid down your back, pressing firmly on the lower part, pushing you against him.
"Don’t try to stop me, [...]. Not today," he murmured between kisses, his voice deep and filled with promises he always fulfilled, because he always did.
Sunghoon’s touch on your skin was scorching, his hands exploring every inch of your body with precision, but filled with a desire that pulsed strongly. He kept you trapped between his fingers, each caress transmitting an unbreakable dominance, and although he wasn’t cruel, his control over you was complete. There was no room for resistance. Every touch was a silent command, enveloping you in his power.
"You look so perfect like this…" he murmured, his voice low, saturated with contained lust as he leaned closer to your ear, his warm breath making your skin prickle. "This is how you should always be. Just mine. Just for me."
His words were sharp, each one pulling you further away from any rational thought. There was no escape, only submission. His mouth slid down your neck, leaving marks with each kiss, bite, and press, as if he was reclaiming every part of you, over and over.
Your soft moans were music to him, a confirmation that you were surrendering completely to his will.
"Do you know what you do to me?" he murmured, his voice now deeper, filled with possession as his hands moved with more determination, sliding slowly to your ass. Squeezing it firmly, leaning closer, his lips brushing the curve of your jaw before lightly biting your earlobe, just enough to make a moan escape your lips.
"If someone comes..." he whispered, his fingers now firmly on your buttocks, pressing and marking his territory. "They won’t have to know anything... Not if you stay still, being the good boy you always are for me."
He moved his hands with more insistence, guiding you at his pace, lifting your hips slightly as if molding you to his desire. The seriousness in his tone, combined with the need to please you his way, made it impossible for you to resist. "I know you like it… I know what you need. Are you going to deny me just because of fear?"
Sunghoon kept you pinned against him, that mix of desire and unbreakable control always disarming you. You bit your lip, trying to find some sanity in the situation, while his hands continued to explore every inch of your body, his fingers leaving a trail of fiery warmth.
"Hyung... the truck is going to move a lot..." you murmured, barely audible, clinging to his shoulders in an attempt to reason with him, though the desire in your voice betrayed you, his hands continued to move, molding you at his rhythm.
"Shh..." he cut you off, placing a finger over your lips, his smile sly and dangerous. "That’s the point, pretty boy." He didn’t give you time to respond before replacing his finger with his lips, in a kiss that, though gentle at first, quickly became demanding, filled with promises of what was to come. His tongue forced its way into your mouth, dominating yours with a ferocity that left you breathless.
As his lips devoured yours, his hands began to move again, this time more intensely, more insistently. He lifted and lowered you on his lap, making you feel every inch of his erect member as he smiled against your skin. He couldn’t help but chuckle softly at how you reacted to each of his movements.
"Do you feel that?" he murmured against your neck, his lips leaving a series of kisses mixed with gentle bites. "Look at you... moving as if you were made for this." His words, combined with the way he made you move against him, made any resistance crumble completely.
With every chuckle of his, every firm touch on your skin, you knew there was no turning back; you were barely unwrapping your gift.
Sunghoon kept you on his lap, his hands firmly gripping your ass. As he pretended to give you a kiss, he chuckled softly at the frustration on your face. "What’s wrong, hmm?" he asked, his tone mocking. "Is it too hard not to have me now?"
Your body quivered with each of his movements, and with a frustrated moan, you managed to say, "Hyung... this... in the truck... I can't believe we're..."
Sunghoon didn’t wait any longer, rolling his eyes in frustration. His lips crashed against yours in an intense, dominating kiss. His tongue moved eagerly in your mouth, exploring every corner with an insatiable need. His lips were scorching, and every caress of his tongue made you moan more intensely.
As your moans mingled with his, Sunghoon pulled back briefly, his eyes locked on yours, filled with desire and authority. "Do you really care about what’s happening here?" he asked in a deep voice. "Don’t you realize this is what we both need?"
Without warning, he ripped the fabric of your pants with a quick tug, causing you to gasp in surprise and panic. "Can’t you feel what I’m doing for you?" he murmured, his voice filled with desire. "All of this is just for you. So you can feel what it’s really like to be proud of yourself."
Your hands clung to his shoulders as he moved you with a mix of possession and need. Desperate, you moaned, "Hyung... Yes, I love it... when you move me like this... on top of you... I can’t resist..."
Sunghoon smiled with satisfaction, his hands squeezing your ass as he moved you more intensely. "Tell me more..." he whispered, his hot breath against your skin. "Tell me how much you like it... how much you need me."
The heat between you was almost unbearable, and every movement of his only intensified the sense of submission and desire that enveloped you. Sunghoon continued to be a master at manipulating your body and emotions, leaving you with no choice but to yield to his absolute control.
"I love it too much... I need you to touch me, please... Hyung... Make me yours..." you whispered, gasping and moaning softly, his erection growing as he moved you.
Sunghoon’s deep laugh resonated against your skin as he heard you.
"That’s what I wanted to know," he whispered. Without stopping his movements on you, he leaned in slowly, gently licking your upper lip before letting his lower lip rub against yours, tempting and provoking you.
You were so needy, so trapped by the control he had over you, that you couldn’t help it. A whisper escaped your lips. "Please... kiss me."
"Does it hurt so much not to have me?" he murmured, his voice low, thick with a mix of mockery and a desire to make you suffer. He knew exactly what he was doing, playing with your desire, controlling you at his whim. He knew that with just this kind of provocation, he could make you beg.
A shiver ran through your body, and you couldn’t stop it. You were desperate, craving more. Unable to resist, a plea escaped your lips, weaker than you intended: "Hyung... please..."
That small plea was enough for Sunghoon to take complete control, his smile widening with triumph. You didn’t need to ask twice.
The kiss Sunghoon gave you was dirty in every possible sense. As his lips melded with yours in a fierce and desperate way, he didn’t stay still. He lifted and moved you over his cock, making you grind against him, your ass in constant friction against his length, each movement sending waves of pleasure through your body. His hips rose in rhythm, controlling every motion, making you feel every inch of him beneath you.
It was almost a war, a battle he was clearly winning, each thrust of his tongue making you lose more control over yourself. Your moans were uncontrollable, filled with need and desperation, barely able to believe what was happening in the truck.
Your hands, almost instinctively, rose to his shoulders, gripping tightly as you sought something to hold onto, something to help you process everything he was making you feel. Your fingers dug into his hair, pulling it slightly as you moved in circles over his cock, desperate for more of that friction, more of that contact.
Your thoughts were a whirlwind of disbelief and uncontrollable desire, and just when you thought it couldn’t get any more intense, he pulled away abruptly. Your lips still trembled from the contact, swollen and hot, as he looked directly into your eyes, not letting you escape his dominance.
Without waiting for you to complain or beg, he slid two of his fingers into your mouth, filling it easily. He moved them slowly at first, watching how your tongue reacted to their presence, eagerly licking them, his long, strong fingers moving with a skill you knew all too well.
He spread them apart inside your mouth, pushing and twisting, forcing you to savor them. Your tongue automatically wrapped around them, sucking them with a fervor you hadn’t planned but seemed to arise from that part of you he always managed to control.
Without warning, Sunghoon pushed his fingers deeper into your mouth, his movements slow yet firm, calculated to make you feel every inch of him. Your lips adjusted around his fingers as he watched you with that intensity that always disarmed you completely.
“Suck them well, don’t stop,” he whispered in his dominant tone, his breath brushing your skin as you obeyed.
Your eyes were already closed, and the sensation of having his fingers in your mouth began to transform into something more. Each time you sucked, you moved with more eagerness, your tongue sliding along them, eliciting a satisfied groan from Sunghoon.
“Do you know something, slut?” Sunghoon murmured with a tone filled with desire and control. “Every time you suck my fingers, I know you’re thinking about my dick. Aren’t you? You’re so desperate to feel me inside you that you’re filling my fingers and hand with saliva.”
Your mind reeled at that moment, and your response was a desperate moan mixed with the constant suction of his fingers.
“Yes...” you gasped mid-action, your words barely audible but charged with burning need.
Sunghoon smiled with satisfaction at your response, watching how your lips stretched around his fingers and how your body moved with a desire he had ignited. “That’s right,” he said, his voice a whisper of absolute control. “Keep thinking about me. Keep thinking about how my cock feels inside your mouth.”
He began to move faster, his fingers pushing you deeper, intensifying your moans as your tongue licked with greater urgency. After a few minutes, he slowly withdrew his fingers from your mouth, letting them slip out with a soft pop as you continued to gasp, feeling the absence almost immediately.
His free hand quickly slid to your hips, pressing his slender fingers against the thin fabric of your boxers, and with a precise, unannounced yank, he tore them apart with the same ease he had shown with your pants. The sound of the fabric ripping filled the truck, echoing between the two of you, and you instinctively lifted yourself slightly to facilitate his task.
Sunghoon didn’t waste a second after tearing your clothes. His free hand moved, spreading one of your cheeks as you, almost unconsciously, lifted yourself a bit more over him, making contact easier.
His fingers, now coated in saliva from the desperate attention you had given them, found your entrance with ease. What started as a simple touch quickly turned into a tease, tracing slow circles around your ring without entering, leaving you on the edge of the most intense desire.
“Do you like this?” Sunghoon murmured, a rough tone. “Do you want me to come in, baby? I can feel how your body is begging for more.” As he spoke, he continued to caress your entrance delicately, barely inserting the tip of his fingers, not rushing. He knew exactly what he was doing, enjoying your growing frustration.
You moaned, your body trembling at the tantalizing yet insufficient contact. “Sunghoon… please...” you whispered, your voice barely audible but laden with need.
Sunghoon smiled with that mix of satisfaction and control that drove you crazy. “Please what?” His finger traced another circle, this time pressing slightly, just enough for you to feel it sliding a bit inside you before retreating. “Are you going to tell me what you want, or should I make you beg for it?”
“I want to feel you… I can’t take it anymore…” you gasped, your hips moving instinctively towards him, seeking for his fingers to sink deeper, but he remained in absolute control, giving you just enough to ignite your desperation further.
Sunghoon, still looking at you with those dark, desire-filled eyes, pushed the tip of one of his fingers in again, enough to make you moan sharply. “Like this? Is this what you want?” he asked in a low, dominant tone, moving his finger in and out with a frustrating calm. “I thought you didn’t want to do it here because someone might come.”
Without waiting for you to respond, Sunghoon thrust his fingers into you with a force that made you arch your back, your loud moan echoing through the truck. Your hands clung to his neck, your nails scratching his skin gently as you buried your face against his shoulder, trying to muffle the cry that threatened to escape.
“That’s it…” he murmured, his voice deep, his fingers moving mercilessly inside you, entering and exiting at a pace that left you breathless. “Tell me how much you like it. I know you love it.” His fingers spread in a scissor motion, stretching you, preparing you, as his middle finger brushed your sweet spot precisely, causing your whole body to tremble.
“G-God… Sunghoon…” you gasped against his neck, your lips brushing his skin, your tongue finding its way to his collarbone as your hips instinctively moved against his fingers. Each thrust made you lose control, each calculated move bringing you closer to the edge. “I-I like it… so much…” you murmured between moans, kissing his skin with desperation, not leaving marks but licking him as if his taste was the only thing that could calm the fire burning inside you.
“I know…” he replied, his voice so calm it almost seemed cruel. His other hand slid down your hips, holding you firmly, forcing you to stay exactly where he needed you while he continued moving his fingers in scissor motions, caressing and pressing your spot with a precision only he had. “You love how I make you feel… you love obeying me.”
Without realizing it, you started moving on your own, bouncing up and down on his fingers, seeking more of that friction, more of that pressure that left you breathless. Your moans grew deeper, your groans more desperate, as you clung to his neck, unable to control the wave of pleasure coursing through your body. “Hyung… more… please…”
Sunghoon pressed his lips into a smile full of pride, feeling your body give in completely under his control, your walls and ring stretching more. “Look how you move… so eager. I knew you’d love this.” His fingers moved faster, deeper, hitting every right spot inside you, provoking growls of pleasure from his throat as he felt how you reacted to his touch. “Like this, huh? Right there, isn’t it?”
Every word that left his mouth, every touch of his fingers inside you, pushed you further and further into the abyss of pleasure.
You knew he was enjoying seeing you like this, at his feet, unable to do anything but beg for more, for him, for everything he could do to you. And as your hips continued to move, your moans intertwined with his, tangled in that space where only pleasure and the need Sunghoon always knew how to unleash in you existed.
Sunghoon growled low, his eyes fixed on how you moved desperately over his fingers. Your hand gripped his tightly, guiding his movements, pushing his fingers deeper inside you.
"You can't wait, can you? Always so eager for more..." he murmured, his voice low and laden with desire, as he loosened his grip on your hip. He watched with a mix of fascination and need as your hips kept searching for more, how your body responded so exquisitely to his fingers. “Look at how you beg me… you don’t even need to say it. You’re such a slut.”
The control he so enjoyed having over you seemed to crack with every thrust you made on your own, causing him to lose his composure. Inside you, his fingers constantly caressed your sweet spot, his fingertips brushing against your limit.
With a sudden movement, he withdrew his fingers, leaving you in a moment of pure agony, barely breathing as the desire built up.
“What the hell’s wrong with you now?” His voice, deep and challenging, slid into your ear like a whisper. His eyes remained fixed on you, relentless and dominant. “Not long ago you were crying like a damn faggot because you didn’t want to do it here... and now, look at you, begging for my cock like the damn whore you always were and will be.”
The speed with which he unzipped his pants was almost cruel in its precision. The metallic sound echoed in the truck, marking the prelude to the inevitable. The frustration was evident on his face as he prepared his member, which was already clearly eager to penetrate you. The windows began to fog with the heat of the situation, the atmosphere charged with palpable tension.
“Do you see what you do to me? Not even my fingers are enough for you... or for me.”
Your body trembled with anticipation, and seeing the tip of his member pressing against your entrance, your moans intensified. “Give me… my gift. I can’t wait any longer, Sunghoon… please…” Your desperation was evident in your words.
The pressure of his member against your entrance was a delicious torture, and the determination on his face left no doubt about his intention. Every movement of his was painful, every gesture loaded with an intensity that demonstrated his absolute control, the way you tried to sit on him and Sunghoon simply lifted your hips to prevent you from sitting.
“I’m going to give it to you,” he said with a deep and authoritative voice, “but first, show me how much you want me. And when you do, you’ll be mine, completely.”
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The atmosphere in the truck had turned into a sauna of desire and lust. Sweat poured in streams over both of your bodies, and the air was saturated with the aroma of your unrestrained passion. The windows were completely fogged up, the steam creating an opaque curtain that partially concealed the frantic scene unfolding inside.
Sunghoon was lost in a state of controlled brutality. His hands gripped and slapped your ass firmly, always holding onto your skin, never seeming to get enough; his strength was relentless and dominant. Each strike and caress was charged with a desire that seemed to consume him entirely.
His gaze was fixed on you, his dark eyes reflecting a mix of satisfaction and control. “Is this how you like it, huh?” Sunghoon roared, his voice a low growl resonating with authority inside the truck. “Keep moving, you bastard!”
Your body moved with desperation, bouncing and rubbing against him with frantic energy. Your hands were firmly gripping the sides of the seats, looking for something to hold onto as your hips moved in a desperate, wild rhythm.
Each bounce you made on him caused you to moan loudly, your pleasure building into an unending climax. “Sunghoon, please… I can’t take it anymore!” you begged between moans, your words lost in the noise of your own desire and his brutal thrusting.
The heat inside and the way his veined cock buried itself inside you constantly, his tip hitting repeatedly and wildly against your spot. His thrusts were hard, and more than once you felt your skin burning from the way his balls and hips pounded against your ass.
Sunghoon growled in response, his face showing an expression of pure lust. “Yes, you can!” he said with a tone loaded with satisfaction and control. His hands continued to grip and slap your ass, his absolute control over you evident in every movement you made. “Don’t stop… show me how you move, show me how much you love your gift…”
The heat was stifling and the sweat mixed in a wet dance over the skin. At one point, Sunghoon changed his approach. With a decisive movement, he stopped touching you, stopped gripping you, and stopped moving, allowing you to move freely over him.
“Do whatever you want,” he said in a deep, authoritative voice. “I want to see you give yourself completely.”
With that freedom, you threw yourself onto him with renewed fervor. Your movements became wilder, each bounce an expression of your desperation and need.
You tilted your head back, letting yourself be swept away by the wave of pleasure that enveloped you every time you bounced on him, needing to make his cock seek more inside you, then looked back at him.
Sunghoon watched you with a smile, that smile that always melted you and made your legs tremble, the dark smile on his face, his eyes filled with filth as he watched you move desperately over him. Every time your hips descended, his length sank deeper inside you, making your moans resonate in the confined space of the truck. Sweat dripped down your forehead, sliding down your chest as you continued bouncing on him, completely surrendered to the passion you both shared.
His eyes narrowed as he watched you move on top of him, enjoying every second, every sigh that escaped your lips.
But even in that moment, he had control.
Suddenly, Sunghoon let out a deep grunt and threw his head back, his breath ragged from pleasure. His hands, which had been at the sides, rose again to grip your hips firmly, slightly controlling your movements while still giving you most of the action. His smile widened as he looked into your eyes, reflecting a mix of satisfaction and desire. His long lashes fluttered with each blink.
“You’re moving so beautifully…” he murmured in a deep voice, his tone resonating in your ears like an order disguised as a compliment. “But I want more. I want to feel myself deeper, more inside.”
His fingers tightened against your skin, urging you to keep going as he let out a soft groan. His burning gaze was fixed on you, observing every one of your movements. “Come on… bounce harder,” he urged, his words laden with an almost uncontrollable desire. “I want to feel every damn second that I’m fucking you.”
Even though he had given you the freedom to move at will, Sunghoon’s words had a power over you that you couldn’t ignore. Every time he asked, you felt the urge to please him, to give him what he wanted.
So, obediently, you began to move faster, deeper. Each bounce was an explosion of sensations that traveled from head to toe. Your hands gripped his firm torso, your fingers digging into his skin as you tried to keep up with the frantic pace he demanded.
"Yes, just like that… God," he grunted through clenched teeth, his eyes locked on how your body moved over his, savoring every second of your surrender. "Keep going, make me feel more of you. Don’t stop… make it harder."
Your body responded to his words, and even though you felt your strength waning, the desire to make him proud kept you moving.
Your moans grew louder, echoing within the walls of the truck fogged by the heat of your actions. Each time your hips descended on him, you felt him sink deeper inside you, making your head fall back from the overwhelming pleasure. You were close, about to explode over him again.
When you looked back at him, you found Sunghoon watching you, biting his lower lip while groaning softly, enjoying every moment. His gaze from head to toe made you feel completely exposed and desired, as if you were his most precious possession—you were, you are.
His hands gave you space to move again, but his words still reverberated in your ears.
"I love how you move…" he murmured, his voice low and full of desire. "You’re perfect for me. Do it more… keep showing me how much you love me."
The rhythm of your movements over him continued to increase, following Sunghoon’s demands, as if his orders were the only thing your body wanted to obey. Each time your hips descended, his deep moans encouraged you to keep going, his gaze fixed on you, never satisfied with your slowness.
You were losing yourself in the pleasure, in how he looked at you, in the way his length filled every corner of your insides. You could almost feel a small bulge on your stomach from how he was sinking into you.
But just when you thought the control was yours, you felt his strong hands digging into your ass, his fingers pressing into your skin with a firmness that almost hurt, and suddenly, everything changed.
Sunghoon gave you no time to react. With a deep growl, he squeezed and pushed your hips toward him, holding you in that position, and without warning, began thrusting into you with a brutality that took your breath away.
Each thrust was harder, faster, deeper, the sound of your bodies colliding filling the confined space of the truck. Your body shook with every movement, moans escaping your lips uncontrollably. The pleasure was so overwhelming that you found yourself biting your lip hard, trying to contain the screams that seemed ready to burst from your chest.
"Is this what you wanted, huh?" Sunghoon murmured through gritted teeth, his words muffled by desire. His voice was low, filled with power, his growls becoming more prominent as he pounded into you relentlessly, over and over. "Look at you, so desperate… so in need of me."
With a fierce thrust, you felt him sink even deeper, his hips finding the perfect angle to hit your spot without rest. The pleasure exploded in waves that made your eyes roll back, control over your body slipping through your fingers as he claimed it all.
Your moans were the only response you could give him, your mind clouded by the intensity of his movements. In a burst of need, you leaned into him, your hands gripping his neck, and kissed him with all the strength you had left. The kiss was wild, desperate, a clash of lips and tongues reflecting the passion you were both sharing. Your tongues fought in a frantic battle, each of you seeking more from the other, savoring the sweat and desire that filled the air.
Sunghoon responded to the kiss with equal intensity, his hands still gripping your ass as he continued to thrust into you, each thrust more powerful than the last. His tongue invaded your mouth with an aggressiveness that left you breathless, and the sound of his ragged breathing mixed with the moans he tried to stifle against your lips drove you to the edge of madness.
"Do you feel that?" he murmured between kisses, his voice rough and filled with lust. "You’re mine… completely." And with every word, he pushed harder, deeper, leaving you with no escape, only the intense pleasure he offered you mercilessly.
Your legs trembled as you tried to keep up with the rhythm Sunghoon imposed. Your hips moved in circles, seeking friction against his skin, desperately rubbing your member, as if you couldn’t satisfy yourself enough.
Each time you slid over him, you felt his cock sliding deeply, reaching places that made you moan with a mix of pleasure and pain. You were completely surrendered, your hands gripping his shoulders.
Sunghoon, for his part, watched you with a gaze, knowing you were entirely under his control.
Without warning, he straightened up, dragging you with him, sitting on the back seat, wrapping his arm around your waist, squeezing you tightly to prevent you from moving.
“No more,” he murmured with a smile, his words laden with lust. “Now it’s me who moves.”
The change was brutal. Sunghoon kept you completely still as he began to thrust into you with a wild force. His control over you was absolute, each of his thrusts resonating inside you, bringing you to the edge of orgasm with every movement.
His chest pressed against yours, his lips brushing your neck as deep growls and moans escaped his throat, filling the air with unrestrained lust.
"God, look at yourself," he whispered against your neck, his voice laden with desire as his thrusts grew faster, more intense. "You like it like this, don’t you? I love how you react every time I give you more. You enjoy it when I treat you like the fucking slut you are, when I use your goddamn hole for my release."
The heat of his breath against your skin made each word feel like a fire tracing down your spine.
You bit your lip, trying to maintain control of your moans, but it was useless. Each time Sunghoon drove into you, your eyes rolled back, and a new moan escaped your lips, louder, more desperate.
His hands gripped your waist with such force it almost hurt; you felt like you were wearing a corset, but the pain only intensified the pleasure coursing through your body. Each of his thrusts was accompanied by filthy words, whispers in your ear that made you shiver, while his teeth grazed your neck, almost marking you.
"You’re mine," he growled in your ear, his voice rough, barely a whisper amid gasps. "I’m going to make sure you can’t forget how I’m taking you now. You can’t escape this."
Sunghoon never stopped moving, each thrust deeper than the last, more intense, relentlessly hitting your most sensitive spot. The truck was filled with the sound of bodies colliding, his moans, and the constant dirty talk in your ear. You sunk deeper into the seat, completely lost in the sensation of being possessed by him, every fiber of your body responding to his thrusts.
Your body was on edge, each of Sunghoon’s thrusts bringing you closer to the limit. You clung tightly to his shoulders, feeling every movement of his penetrate you, filling you with an overwhelming pleasure that almost made it hard to think.
Your lips trembled, and amid the uncontrollable moans, you uttered something you would never have said at another time, but now, with him inside you, you felt possessed, having held back your jealousy for over a month, more than you should have.
"I want you to take me only…" you gasped, your voice breaking with the intensity of the moment. "I can’t stand the thought of her always having you, that you might touch her after being with me. I want you to belong to me completely, Sunghoon... I want to be the only one that matters to you."
He groaned against your neck, feeling an electric jolt over his member with every word you said, but this was different, he liked it. Every word you spoke seemed to ignite something more inside him, as if your total surrender made him lose the little control he had left.
"Is that what you want, huh?" he murmured, his voice low and rough. "You want to be the only one? How stupid you are..." The arrogance and possession in his voice were unmistakable. "You already are. She means nothing. Even if she were here, right in front of us, I’d still fuck you mercilessly, I’d still lose myself inside you... because it’s you who drives me crazy, not her."
The words struck your mind like lightning, a mix of jealousy and pride flooding your body. Each word from his mouth made you feel more assured, more desperate to have him all to yourself.
"Do you know what I’d do if she were here?" he continued, his tone now laden with a perversion that made you shiver. "I’d make her sit and watch as I take you again and again. I’d force her to see how well you receive me, how desperate you are for me. And she wouldn’t be able to do anything... because she knows she doesn’t have control over me like you do."
Your eyes met his, and in his gaze, there was a wild darkness that took your breath away.
Sunghoon wasn’t just taking you; he was claiming you, making it clear that it would always be you, always.
"Tell me," he demanded, his thrusts going deeper, searching as far inside you as he could reach. "Tell me you belong to me. Tell me you’d do anything to stay with me, for me to be the only one who takes you like this."
You bit your lip, your moans mixing with the words you could barely form. "I’m yours... Completely yours, Sunghoon... only yours. I’d do anything for you, because I don’t want anyone else... only you."
The smile that formed on his face was the response you received, and with one final growl, he buried himself against your body, giving you everything you had desired, everything he knew only you could handle.
You felt it before it happened, Sunghoon’s rhythm changing, his movements becoming erratic, more desperate, deeper. His body trembled against yours as he sank even further into you, with a force that seemed like it wanted to break you, and just then, you heard it.
"I’m going to fill you up, my love," he growled against your ear, his hot breath trailing across your skin. "You’re going to take everything I give you, every fucking drop… you’re my cum bank, understand? Everything of mine goes inside you."
The heat inside you overflowed as you felt his release, his essence filling you completely. Your eyes rolled back as the climax hit you with an intensity you hadn’t expected. Your own release fell onto his shirt and parts of his neck, the pleasure of still feeling him move made your back arch as your moans echoed throughout the space.
"Shit, shit, shit!" you gasped, feeling your own pleasure explode alongside Sunghoon’s. Every cell in your body tensed in that final moment of connection, and before your body collapsed onto him, the words escaped your lips. "So… fuck, hyung… so fucking good."
Your hands gripped his body tightly while he continued buried inside you, filling you relentlessly, enjoying the sensation of absolute control over you.
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Sunghoon, with his jacket draped over your buttocks, helped you out of the truck as you tried to compose yourself, moving with difficulty. Both of you were drenched in sweat, the heat in the air almost palpable. His hands still held you firmly as you walked toward the exit.
As you stepped out of the truck, your legs still trembling and your body covered by Sunghoon’s jacket, you tried to catch your breath. Sunghoon, with his usual satisfied smile, gave you one last look, as if he were still savoring the dominance he had over you. The silence of the place felt overwhelming after the moans and gasps that had filled the air moments before.
“Let’s leave before someone comes,” he said, his tone low but authoritative, leaning in to give one last kiss to your forehead.
“Yes... that’s true... someone from the staff might come,” you said, trying to regain your composure, straightening up and adjusting your clothes as best you could.
Sunghoon let out a small laugh and added, “They’re already in the truck, waiting for us.”
Your heart stopped for a second. “What?! So, where are we?” you asked, your eyes wide, looking around, not knowing how to respond.
Sunghoon shrugged, nonchalant. “I don’t know, I just took the first keys I found.”
“Seriously?... You really don’t know which truck we were in?” you asked, still surprised, trying to look around while maintaining your balance.
Sunghoon smiled with a mix of amusement and disdain. “As I said, I just took the first keys I found. I’m not too worried about the place as long as we’re alone,” he replied with a casual attitude, but his tone carried a clear note of flirtation.
But as you tried to process the response, something in the air changed. There was a palpable discomfort, as if someone else had been there. And indeed, the truth began to form in your mind when you noticed something strange.
Sunghoon’s wife had been there.
Intrigued by her husband’s absence upon seeing that he wasn’t inside the stadium, she had decided to follow him after seeing him leave the locker room. Silently, she watched as both of you got into the truck, and a torrent of emotions overwhelmed her: suspicion, jealousy, sadness... and a bit of arousal.
She had stayed outside, near the truck, waiting for something calm to happen, perhaps a conversation, but when the sounds inside began to become clearer, first a moan, then another. Sunghoon’s interrupted words, his deep and possessive voice as he told you what he would do with you, filled her with a sensation she had never dared to admit.
The pain of betrayal mixed with something dirtier. And without knowing exactly how it happened, her hand slowly descended to her cunt as she listened to each moan, gasp, and skin-on-skin slap resonating from inside.
Sunghoon’s wife’s eyes closed tightly as her body responded in a way she couldn’t control. She masturbated, feeling her own need growing with every dirty word he said to you, with every moan you emitted in response to his thrusts. Although her mind screamed at her to stop, her body didn’t listen. The shame hit her, but at the same time, desire consumed her completely.
Her fingers caressed her clit in circles, and her other hand squeezed each of her breasts, playing with her nipples as she listened to him fill you, to you pleading for more.
She heard when he ordered you to take it all, when his words became cruder, telling you to be his cum bank. On the edge of her own orgasm, she moved desperately, her fingers now inside her, touching her spot, listening to both of you lose yourselves in that frenzy of passion.
In a final whisper, Sunghoon said something so dirty that it made her burst into a silent orgasm, covering her mouth to avoid being discovered while her body trembled.
Just as she heard that both of you were about to leave, she quickly straightened up, fixing her clothes and escaping the place before being seen. Remorse and confusion overwhelmed her, but she couldn’t deny what she had just done, what she had felt.
Back in the present, you and Sunghoon were walking toward the exit of the parking area when a strange sensation ran down your spine. Although he acted as if nothing had happened, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something else had occurred, something you still didn’t fully understand.
As you both walked away, a small part of you wondered if someone had really been there, listening to everything... Or maybe it was just your nerves thinking that some staff member might have passed by.
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⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ݁⠀⠀،،⠀⠀메모 ! ㅤ⸻ㅤ I don't know how to feel after this. I'm a whore. Adding to that, I didn't update ANYTHING in a week (I was finishing my second year of college).︐⠀📍⠀
⠀𝒊. ⠀─⠀ All credits to @angelsfat3 / @foschiamara⠀𝄒
. . . ₍⠀아이디어 !ㅤ⸻ㅤI'm very short of ideas lately, so feel free to leave me any requests! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>⠀₎⠀ ִֶָ
˖⠀⠀ ݁⠀©⠀،،⠀If you liked it you can like, follow me or reblog!!
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sl33paholics · 5 months
Could you write smut of Alucard from Castlevania. Maybe light praise kink and telling the reader how well she's taking him. Definitely have Alucard eat her out and grinding against the mattress while giving head.
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You taste incredible
Alucard x fem!reader
Warning(s): smut (eating out), kinks involved (praise kink)
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"Just like that, my dear, you're taking me so well."
The long white blonde hair man would say. With a pillow that was placed under your hips, Alucard tilts your pelvis so your feet are resting comfortably on his shoulder blades. Alucard gently pushes up on your abdomen, helping himself expose the clitoris from underneath the clitoral hood. Your legs tighten around him as he lowers himself to kiss down your thigh and slowly inch your knees higher up to make sure the friction is right. Alucard works in silence for a while, then breaks into a grin when he hears you moan. His tongue traces the outer edge of your thighs, before finding your clit again and circling it. You gasp at the jolting sensation.
Alucard is gentle with everything he does. From when you first meet him. From when you first touch his bare skin as you walk around. From when you first kiss. The man's hands move smoothly and easily, as though they've done this before and he knows exactly what to do. The vampire prince wanted to award his princess for being an amazing woman with a fantastic body. Alucard wasn't very good at giving gifts, but he did want to make you happy. So he decided he could show you how much he loved you. Not just through a physical relationship, but by showing the love in your eyes every time you look at him.
You run one of your hands through his hair, feeling the silky strands against your palm. A small groan escapes your lips, and you feel yourself getting wetter with desire.
"Do you like that?" Alucard asks in between nips on your inner thigh, his intoxicating gaze looking up at you as he watched your face contort into a blissful expression, quickly nodding as he went back to work. "You're such a treasure, my love."
Your body tingles all over, goosebumps erupting all over your skin as you let out a low moan and Alucard squeezing your legs tighter, you cohuld feel his fingers work wonders on your swollen clit. Throwing your head back and letting out a loud groan, "You're doing so good, baby, I know you can pull through." You bite your lip when Alucard removes his finger from your clit, giving it gentle kisses. His breath is hot against your skin as he moves back to sucking on your clit, your moans turning louder as Alucard continues to massage your pussy. You writhe under him, "Who’s my beautiful girl?"
"M...m...me~" You moan and clutch onto the bedsheets as you watch Alucard continuing to work on you, his tongue flicking across the tip of your clit as he sucks gently. He doesn't miss a beat. It feels like you're losing your mind. Alucard was driving you crazy with pleasure. All you could think about were his fingertips moving inside of you, and the way he sucked your clit like he owned it, even when he knew it would get hard. It felt too good not to enjoy. You needed more. More stimulation. You needed him.
The rough movements you felt against yourself made you slowly come back to reality, your cloudy thoughts fading away until you realized your fiancé grinding against the bed, his eyes glazed with lust. It was only reasonable for him to pleasure himself while doing the same to his darling.
You squeal and try to sit up straight, pushing away his head, your pussy now drenched and a throbbing mess. You watched as Alucard's pupils dilate, he watches you with hungry eyes, the muscles in his jaw clenching, and the bulge in his boxers making you squirm. It looked like Alucard was ready to explode, but he couldn't restrain himself for any longer.
He moved in front of you, leaning down to capture your mouth in a heated kiss. You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck as your hands caress his shoulders. This was it. This was it all you've been waiting for. You both finally had your moment after months of not being able to. "Mmh, Alucard, please… please…"
Alucard didn't even need to position yourself on the bed. Your pussy soaked and exposed, legs high up and bent, an exhausted expression on your face was all he needed.
"Take it for me, I know you can. I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're mine~"
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l0vergrlll · 3 months
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: ̗̀ 𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲
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Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Inspo: Thursday - The Weeknd
Summary: Y/N has obvious feelings for Matt, who is cold-hearted with only one goal in mind. The two agree to see each other on Thursdays, the one day of the week which Matt reserves for her.
Warnings: toxic!Matt, no established relationship, smut, angst, smoking, mentions of drug and alcohol consumption, p in v, unprotected sex, use of y/n
Note: This ones for all my XO's out there. ya'll i know its been ages since i last posted LMAOO but hey life happens. Enjoyyyy!
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I love her today…
Because it was their designated day for each other. The day Matt had committed solely to “loving” Y/N. 
Any other day, she was nothing to him. A cold-hearted truth she forced herself to endure. Anything to be able to see him, even if just one day of the week.
Her desperate words from that evening lingered within his dazed mind. 
“When can I see you again, Matt?” She cried, her delicately coated crimson nails clung to his shirt. He gazed stone-faced down into her glossy eyes, her face contorted with drunken sorrow. His brows furrowed as he took in her state; her shaky breaths and her flushed tear streaked cheeks. The way she practically transferred all her balance onto him, her torso flush against him. He stood, fully-cloathed as this naked woman he had just fucked pathetically clung to him, refusing to let him walk out without an answer. 
“I’ll be here every Thursday,” His voice was as low as a whisper, gruff and stern as his face remained emotionless. Her eyes glistened with hope. He internally mused at the way these words satisfied her. He thought her desperation to be incredibly naive. 
“Only Thursday. No other day. Be ready, I’ll be here next week,” And with that being said, he left no room for further conversation. Matt maneuvered away from her grasp, causing her to stumble. His tall figure stocked down the hall towards the front door, not once looking back. She watched his silhouette disappear into the shadows, leaving her to bring her arms around herself in a hug. Her heart fluttered in anticipation for their next acquaintance. For next Thursday.
“I’ll be ready,” She whispered to herself, as a singular tear slid down her cheek, her cherry red lips curving upwards into a smile. 
He was hers on Thursday.
What she refused to accept was the fact that every other day was reserved for another woman.
Matt exhaled a cloud of smoke as he let that night replay in his head. The night which led him to be present on her doorstep once again. It was Thursday. He let the cigarette fall to his feet, letting him crush it as he stood facing the door. 
Despite appearing outwardly dispassionate towards Y/N, he knew deep down that he too had been anticipating this night. For he couldn’t forget the way she melted in his presence the week before. The way she begged for his touch, for his love. Matt had been with a lot of women. Yet none possessed the same tireless desire Y/N showed for him. She didn’t care how it looked, she just wanted to make it clear just how much she needed him. 
To Matt’s annoyance, she had a way of infiltrating his stone cold heart with her affection. 
With that, he knocked three times on her door. Another thing he was sure of in this ambiguous relationship with Y/N was the fact that their sex was unbelievably good. Thus, he wasted no more time delaying the night. 
The door clicked open, and Matt looked down to meet Y/N’s awaiting gaze. She had on an emerald green satin robe which draped intricately along the curvature of her small figure. It was clear to Matt that she had nothing else underneath. 
Y/N’s mouth was agape as she stared longingly into his penetrative blue eyes. His towering presence caused her to stand staring at a loss for words, any inhibitions she may have had dissolving in the moment. 
“Happy Thursday,” Matt broke the silence, remaining nonchalant as he entered her home while shutting the door behind him. Without uttering a word Y/N jumped into his arms, locking her lips with his in a heated kiss. 
Matt reciprocated the passionate kiss as he moved his lips along hers. He let his hands instinctively wrap around her waist as he brought her body to his, deepening the two of them in the kiss. Y/N grabbed hold of his hair, intertwining her fingers with his dark locks. Matt brought one of his hands up to her jaw, gripping it in an effort to bring her face impossibly close. The kiss was loud and sloppy, their exasperated moans ringing through the air. No further words were exchanged as the two stumbled towards her bedroom.
The night commenced into a dreamlike event of passion and lust. 
Matt pulled his shirt over his head with one hand, revealing his bare torso. Tattoos decorated his tanned skin, traveling up his left arm. His silver necklace dangled as he hovered above her body, the metal catching the light which illuminated from the dimmed bedside lamp. 
Y/N sat up slightly so that he could remove the robe from her body. He let his fingers hook beneath the rich green fabric, sliding it down her body. Her exposed breasts perked up, and Matt gazed ravenously at her body. Once she was fully naked beneath him, he tossed the robe aside.
Y/N sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth as she admired Matt’s movements. The way he unbuckled his belt, sliding his jeans and boxers down simultaneously. 
His cock protruded free from the fabric, the tip making contact with his abdomen as the slit oozed with precum. Y/N’s core leaked with desire for him. She rubbed her thighs together as she ached for his love. 
Matt descended back down, crashing his swollen lips against hers. He grinded his bare body against hers as they tilted their heads in a deep makeout. His rock solid dick twitched as it rubbed against her. Y/N brought her legs up and around his waist, tightening them around him as she brought him closer. Her arms hugged his neck, and she moaned into his mouth as the longing for him painfully intensified. 
Matt parted from the kiss, bringing his head up as his dark eyes penetrated into hers once again, dark with lust. 
“Say the words, Y/N. And I’m all yours for the night,” He spoke in a raspy tone, panting from the kiss. 
“I need you Matt,” Her voice was high pitched in desperation. “Please… I need you inside me. I need you to fuck me”
That’s all he needed, and he was palming his throbbing cock, aligning it with her swollen entrance. Matt glided his cock along her slit, coating it in her lubricating juices. 
Without wasting another second, he was pushing his cock inside her, slowly entering deeper inside as he maintained eye contact with her. Matt watched Y/N gasp at his overwhelming size, her face twisting in pleasure. She bit her lip as he began to rock his hips, thrusting at a slow pace to allow her to adjust. 
Matt grunted as he watched Y/N’s eyes roll back, pornographic moans escaping her pretty lips. With this, he increased the speed of his thrusts, pounding against her core mercilessly. Y/N yelped in pleasure, bringing her hands to his hair once again in search of something to grip onto. This brought Matt’s forehead down to hers, and they remained this way as he fucked her at an unforgiving pace. His hands clawed at her waist, his pelvis crashing against her core again and again. 
Matt brought one hand up to her throat, gripping it hard enough to have her choke out her moans. Tears threatened to escape Y/N’s eyes as she whimpered and cried, the pleasure escalating to unbearable amounts. She felt her walls tighten around his cock, his length rutting against her g-spot repeatedly. Y/n’s mind was clouded in pure ecstasy. 
A moan escaped Matt’s mouth as his cock spasmed inside her, threatening to release. He glared down at Y/N, her expression dazed and euphoric. 
“No one’s ever fucked you this good, huh?” He spat, his voice wavering as he began to reach his high. He chuckled at her struggle to respond.
“You’re mine, Y/N. Tell me only I can make you feel this good,” He brought his mouth down to her ear as he spoke, kissing her earlobe and panting against her skin as he continued fucking her. He began sucking the skin underneath her ear, prompting her whimpering to intensify.
“You… y-” She stuttered, a loud moan intercepting her sentence as the pleasure grew impossibly unbearable. She was about to cum, he could tell. And so was he.
“Do you fuck all your other girls as good as this, Matt?” She choked out, louder than she intended.
Suddenly, Matt’s movements halted. His hips remained still, and his cock slid out of Y/N’s pussy, not allowing either of them to reach their release. He hovered over her body for a moment, his chest rapidly rising and falling as he struggled to gain his breath. His jaw clenched as he let her words register.
Finally, he pushed up off of her with his arms, his muscles contracting as he held himself up staring down at her once again with his piercing blue eyes. Y/N’s heart pounded, both from the heat of the sex and from the sudden anxiety which washed over her from his profound gaze. She’d never seen him like this before, breathing rapidly and jaw clenched with sudden rage.
“What’s wrong?” She was finally able to utter, her voice small and unconfident. “I don’t know why you’re acting shocked, it’s the truth isn’t it? You do fuck other girls-” She flinched as he instantly moved out of his still state, fully crawling off her body and moving to a sitting position at the edge of the bed. 
“You just killed the mood,” He finally spoke in a chillingly grim tone. He stayed seated, refusing to look back and face Y/N who still lay shaking slightly on the bed. She hugged herself again, it became an instinct which often occurred when Matt was around. 
She watched Matt dig out a flattened pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his jeans which lay disregarded on the floor. He plucked a cigarette from it along with his lighter, placing it in his mouth and sighing as he lit it. 
Y/N felt tears roll down her flushed cheeks, her breathing increasing as a sudden ripple of anger overcame her. She sat up, holding back the sobs which threatened to escape her throat.
“Did I lie, Matt? Can you imagine how I feel? Getting you one day of the week while you see some other girl every other day? What the fuck is this?!” She cried, wrapping her arms around herself in a pathetic attempt to cover her nudity. 
Matt snapped his head back to face her while standing up off the bed. His expression was coloured with rage.
“Well you should have fucking thought of that before agreeing to this then!” He roared, his sudden harsh tone causing her to flinch. 
Matt grabbed for his boxers and swiftly put them on, cigarette still sitting between his lips. The tears fell from Y/N’s eyes, yet she didn’t make a sound. She simply watched him pull his jeans on, buckling his belt, then searching for his shirt. A serious expression remained evident in his face, his brows knit together and nostrils flaring. His dark eyes met her without warning, and her heart jumped.
“I can’t believe you expected any more from me. You know how I am. I’m sorry you were too caught up in your own naivety to realize exactly how much you mean to me.” He wasn’t yelling, but his words were loud, cutting through her heart without mercy. 
Y/N’s mouth fell open, but no words were spoken. Matt watched her break down silently, her heart shattered. She was no longer the beacon of warmth she once was. 
“Fine,” She whispered, not bearing to look him in the eyes. Her head hung down, tears falling, painting the sheets.
“I don’t care what I mean to you. I’ll wait for you next Thursday.”
The soft words pierced through Matt’s own heart. She would still wait. He stood speechless, staring at her small figure hugging itself on the bed, not able to face him. Was that how little she respected herself? She let him speak to her like that, yet still openly stated that she would wait for him. That she expected to see him again next Thursday.
He scoffed at her foolishness, unable to find a response. Because what Matt couldn’t admit to himself was that he was subconsciously thankful to hear those words. He couldn’t help the fact that he still wanted to see her too. Despite everything. 
His mind turned blank. Finally, he was able to move again and quickly grabbed his shirt off the ground. He grinded the cigarette into the ashtray sitting on the bedside table. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t bear to be in the room with her anymore. Her words, her lingering affection for him, it was almost painful for him. It caused guilt to well up within him. If he stayed any longer, he knew he would give into his urges and rush to hold her, comfort her and plant kisses into her hair. But he couldn’t do that, he refused to let that vulnerability win the battle which constantly persisted within his mind.
“Yeah… next Thursday. Be ready,” Was all he could say in response. And then he was out the door, not wanting to stay long enough to hear any response from her. He feared it might crush whatever remained of his pride. 
Y/N sat thoughtlessly on the bed. Her mind was still fogged up from the intensity of the events which had occurred. Being with him always ended up being so overwhelming. Her eyes darted to the discarded cigarette which lay in the ashtray. A thin line of smoke still rose from the lit end. Similar to how Matt’s presence still lingered in the room after he had left. 
It was Wednesday, almost a week after that unpleasant acquaintance. However, Matt was quick to get over his emotions and occupy his mind with other things. Like this new girl he was in bed with. The two lay sprawled across the motel bed, stupefied under the affects of the drugs they had taken. 
They were in the middle of a lazy makeout session, when Matt took notice of her nails which pawed at his clothed dick. Crimson red.
The girl’s brow furrowed, confused as Matt pulled away without warning, showing no signs of wanting to continue with her. 
“What are you doing?” She questioned, her tone irritatingly loud. Matt thought her voice was quite annoying. Nothing like that of Y/N’s, a softer trill which transcended his thoughts, softening his heart. 
Matt leapt off the bed without saying a word. He palmed his belongings and stumbled out of the room, leaving the girl who’s name he didn’t even remember sitting dumbfounded on the bed. He was still intoxicated, but with a newfound determination. He wanted to see Y/N.
It wasn’t Thursday. But he wanted her. Needed her. 
Matt staggered to his car, jumping in and breathing heavily as he relaxed into the seat. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, and sat confused as to what his next move would be. God, he wanted to call her, to hear her pretty voice. 
Thus, he fished in his pocket for his phone, his drugged conscience not allowing for any second thoughts. He searched the sea of contacts for her name. He dialed it. It rang.
Three times.
His heart sank as he waited for her. Until she picked up. His breath hitched, his ears growing warm as he anticipated her voice. He didn’t know what to say. He’d never found himself in such a desperate state before. 
Y/N’s hand shook as she held the phone to her ear. Her heart fluttered as she listened to his breath persist shakily on the other end. Neither of them could say anything.
He had only ever called her on Thursday.
But it’s not Thursday, baby why you calling?
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facelesswoman666 · 5 months
The Beast Blade - Feyd Rautha x Fem! Reader
Hello lovelies, I am back and i have brought to you the product of my many nights spent reading Feyd Rautha smut. I thought i would have a go at it myself. This is part one of a 4 part series. So please enjoy xoxo
Synopsis - There are enemies in every territory. At the request of the emperor, the House Harkonnen and Atreides have been asked to discuss the conditions of a peace treaty, that could subside years of futile conflict. Poised at the centre of this conflict are the young heirs of each house. Na-Baron Rautha and the young Duke Paul Atreides. Under the machinations of their guardians, they must navigate their own claims to leadership and the claims of their newfound allies. Although Rautha is developing a taste for the young Duke’s sister, and he will stop at nothing to claim what he covets. Regardless of the outcome of his desires.
18+ MINORS DNI. Sexual contact warnings
This part is short, sorry xo
Part 1 - A dove and a dog
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He was Harkonnen, the perversities of his nature knew no human bounds and yet his composure was impeccable. The lone blade, they called him, hushed in opulent halls and whispered around feasting tables too grand for proper representation. Better translated to ‘Beast Blade’ in the native tongue. His character was primal, unfiltered, raw, and those who were favoured enough to appear in his presence frequently, knew of his interests.
A select few suffered them recurrently.
Na-Baron Feyd Rautha was a petulant man. Yet desirable in the traditions of the House Harkonnen. His body an expanse of heavily built muscle tissue and sheer skin, with a hue of spectre white. The rotated assortment of precious things that followed, nipping at his heels and fawning over his body were ever lingering in his presence. Although not today.
Feyd found himself, today, in an unfamiliar setting, an uncomfortable one at that. Traipsing soft footed around the halls of the Arrakeen castle, now under the jurisdiction of House Atreides. Thieving bastards he thought, and imagined his blade studying the soft pale skin of the eldest atreides child. Weak as a crib bound babe was Paul. His rumination’s shifted to the youngest atreides daughter, a girl of 18 and whether it would be pleasant to ruin her in the short time he would spend here.
The ruining of the princess was far from possibility, considering the minute truth that was she despised his bloodline, along with him. The complexities of this sand wrought cavernous abode was not lost on him, seeing as his former years as a youth had been spent causing deviltry about these halls. His hand slid over the walls; it reminded him of the past.
A servant girl began to cross his path, hurriedly skipping on tapping feet to an unknown destination. It was decided.
The Na-Baron expressed his internal sentiments ‘A dove has entered the dog’s pit’ Her chin rotated in his direction and she replied ‘And does the dove not have wings?’ Her overt defiance to a superior amused him ‘The dove has wings and the dog has teeth’ He gave in to her rebuttal. Her smile stretched small against her pretty face ‘The dove is slight’ Feyd studied the girl with intense curiosity.
‘Dogs eat birds’ The words dripped from his poison lips; he did not indulge in their recreation of the folk tale. His boredom grew within him.
She stepped closer, bringing forth the beauty of a youthful face into a light which did not shadow the most adored features. What a strange specimen, he noted, allowing her momentary pauses from his scrutiny. His eyed lowered to the tunic she wore, draped lazily over her skin and the perfect tits that hung on her chest underneath it. She noticed Rautha’s eyes darting from peak to peak across her chest. His tongue subsequently sliding over his bottom lip. He spoke ‘Do all caladan women have such perky tits? Or is it primarily you?’ Rautha smirked
The girl was not accustomed to such a word and she imagined it held its own brutality for this man. Her mother had always referred to them as breasts. The Na-Baron suppressed the urge to reach out, to skim them with his fingers. The pretty little servants on his home-world would have welcomed his hands to their chest but little did he care for those white mounds of flesh. These things were delicate, flush from exertion and begging to be touched. She, taken aback by his statement, breathed a gasp and stumbled back a pace. Was he truly so bold?
The girl stood in puzzlement of the living statue positioned before her. Slithers of yellow light filtering through the windows, washing over him as though a wave of ocean cascading. It illuminated his form for brief bursts of remark “I asked you a question” he repeated simply “And by what means do you expect me to provide an answer” She clipped her tone, speaking candidly. Feyd stilled himself, the initial spouts of rage fighting their way to heat the skin of his arms. He presented his smile, blackened teeth, gums writhing over them like tar and pressed her further “Are all caladan women blessed with perky tits? Or and i repeat, is it primarily you?”
She would not play pawn in this righteous amusement of power and lust. Her mouth kept in a hard line, to the Na-Baron’s annoyance. He reached his fingers to her in an untamed prediction of violence. The thumb and forefinger of this looming figure came to rest on her neck, pressuring the area. His other hand grasping the flesh of her ass in it claws, he craned his neck, and stretched downwards to whisper against the shell of her ear ‘I will take these tits in my mouth until they ache with pleasure and the distortions of lust cloud your feeble mind. There is no one you can run to that will affirm this ever happened. Do you understand?”
The girl nodded slowly, heaving breaths racking her lungs. Hips bucking in a childish display of discomposure, into where his pelvic bone struck against hers.
Duncan idaho rounded the corner, spotting the pair immediately and his eyed betrayed cause for concern. She sensed his presence to her side although Feyd Rautha did not conclude his oppression of her even under the eyes of the Duke Leto’s most trusted adviser. “My lady” The firm query of Idaho concealed layers only known to the girl and her family. Feyd released her at the realisation of the name Idaho gave to her. Lady, he pondered, interesting. The Na-Baron watched keenly as the little creature before him wandered off, tailed by Idaho.
The Na-Baron revelled in the accusing glance Duncan speared him with upon departure.
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leqonsluv3r · 6 months
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—your boyfriend leon supports you after you start your new job, a drabble
masterlist taglist
an: this is so self indulgent because i just started my new job. i needed to write this though, to get it out of my system and to stay somewhat active. imagine whatever leon you desire, used re2 for aesthetic purposes <33
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you were tired.
so very tired after your first day. you just wanted to crawl under the sheets and let your cramping legs wither away.
you kept running through the day with images encompassing your mind, like snapshots of the day passing through a slideshow. you had been up since 5:30 am, it was now 4:30 pm and you had just gotten home from your shift.
you were beat, worn out and just wanted to wither underneath the sheets. to just relax and not move a singular muscle. even reading, your favorite pastime, sounded tedious and the idea made your head throb.
serving senior citizens, the breakfast and lunch shift. it was rewarding but grueling, so tiring and your back ached. the coworker that you shadowed just smiled, saying; “you’ll get used to it after a while.” and you hoped, you really fucking did.
because how you would do this five days out of the week, you had no idea. you had no clue. you knew that you needed the money, that you needed the stability even though leon, your boyfriend, lived with you.
you had been financially unstable as a kid, could count on both hands how many times you’ve had to move. because rent was just too much for your single mother, or the neighbors picked a fight, or your moms terrible ex boyfriend knew you & your mothers current address.
that was enough to push you to work yourself to the bone, even leon, saying that it wasn’t a good idea. and he was a cop, he had been for two years. he’d seen shit, worked himself overtime. and if they didn’t live together, they’d never see each other. hence, them living in a one bedroom apartment together.
but if leon was telling her to slow down, to take it easy, you knew it was going to be tough. it was going to take all of you to have the life you dreamed of. going back to school in august, seemed like a pipe dream after your first day at your new job.
because how would you ever have time?
and you feared this, you feared the loss of the future that was so close in your reach but…just not within shot of your fingertips.
but you were grateful for leon, for him and just…how he made things so much better. he just loved you, supported you and knew how stubborn you were to prove yourself, despite the reassurances that you would be fine. that things would just work out, he had been in the trenches too once, as a child, he had made it out.
but you couldn’t compare your childhood to his, it was awful in different ways, it wasn’t worse. wasn’t something that could be measured. it just was. it was the past though. and you were desperate to prove yourself to leon, to your kid self deep inside of you and to the others that have told you that you wouldn’t, couldn’t do it.
because you could. and you would.
just to prove them all wrong.
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you were beat.
only your second shift shadowing someone and you were a goner, your back was killing you and your feet ached. you wish you could just win the lottery sometimes so you didn’t have to work yourself to the bone just for some money.
leon was helpful, he rubbed your feet, massaged your back and pressed kisses everywhere he needed to. he was supporting you, the thought and idea alone made you want to cry. because you didn’t feel appreciated, no one had showed it up until this point. but leon had, he’d cheered you on despite his skepticism of you taking on a larger workload. 
you loved him so much, so much that it hurt.
and that was maybe all worth it in some sense, to have him to come home too. it made things easier, made you feel cherished and loved, even considered in the sense that he knew what you were sacrificing.
what he sacrificed everyday he went to work and put on his uniform.
you couldn’t imagine a world without leon, in any timeline, any universe he didn’t exist, was an unlucky one. a very unfortunate one. one that you never wanted to be a part of.
in the weeks that followed as you continued your new job, he just kept saying sweet things, buying you flowers and books from your TBR list and cheering you on. “your doing great, baby. i’m so fucking proud of you.” or “i’m so grateful for you, your so appreciated.” or your personal favorite, “i love you so much, beautiful. so strong, so kind and sweet.”
and that was enough, it was enough.
even though your hands were dry from washing copious amounts of dishes, your back hurt from standing for so long or your feet were killing you, or your mind was swirled with exhaustion. it pushed you, it made you want to push forward, it was hard. but with leon loving and supporting you, holding your hand and kissing your exhaustion and stress away…it was enough.
you didn’t think that without him you would’ve made it this far, that you would’ve pushed past the boundaries that you did. but you were thankful for him, for everything he did for you.
you wouldn’t be able to push forward alone, you’d likely fall. and leon would be there to catch you…
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an: this isn’t the update i promised, i know. but i just needed to write something. to deal with this change in my life and what better way to do that then with writing something about leon??? but anyways, pls like, reblog and interact with my masterlist linked at the beginning. let me know if you wanna join my taglist (also linked). i’ll have a oneshot up soon, pinky promise. i love you all, kisses. xx
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talesofesther · 2 years
golden ballads
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: On a normal day, you had trouble reading Wednesday's emotions; on a night like this, where she was holding your hand and standing so close that her perfume was all you could feel, it was ultimately impossible.
Requested by multiple anons for my Christmas Special event.
A/N: First of all, I just wanted to say thank you so much for 7k followers, ily. Second, this prompt was requested by a lot of people, and I won't be answering each individual ask, so if you requested prompt 18 or 13 with her, this is for you. Lastly, I changed the setting a little bit to fit the story better. <3
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"Would you give me this honor?"
Classical music played in the background as you spoke, stretching a hand towards Wednesday. A couple of other students — mostly their parents honestly — had already gathered the courage to dance in the middle of the big ballroom.
It was the school's yearly end-of-the-year party. Attendance wasn't mandatory, but when you asked Wednesday to be your partner for the night, she didn't have it in herself to say no.
There was a huge Christmas tree shining obnoxiously behind you, its ornaments almost covering the green leaves completely, but it did give you a warm yellow glow that was hard to call anything other than enchanting.
"Only because it would be too sad to reject you in front of these many people," Wednesday told you as she grabbed your hand and got up from her seat.
"Sure thing," you smirked, finding utmost adorable the way she refused to give in to her own desires.
The ballroom was gorgeous, an elegant contrast to when it housed the Rave'n party. All chandeliers had their lights on for a change, there were a few Christmas lights attached to the walls, and the tables had white and golden ornaments on them as they framed the round dancefloor, and of course, the main attraction was the ten feet tall Christmas tree on the center.
You led Wednesday to one of the most secluded spots of the ballroom, your heels clicking against the polished floor.
"Step on my feet and I will kick you." She warned.
"Wouldn't dream of it." You turned to face Wednesday with a smirk, raising your joined hands so you could press your palms together, your fingers intertwining with hers in a loving yet timid gesture.
Wednesday didn't hesitate on placing her free hand on your shoulder, silently giving you permission to hold her waist. You did so with a tender touch, your palm sliding along her hip bone until your fingertips traced her spine.
You watched the way her eyes traveled over your face, focusing first on your lips before she met your gaze with a slow blink.
The soft melody playing in the background set an easy rhythm for you to follow, swaying in tandem with Wednesday as her body stayed glued to yours; so close you became aware of every little movement she made. It brought goosebumps to your exposed skin.
After a few notes, you dared to take her hand and let go of her waist to twirl her around and then right back into your arms. The bold move pulled the tiniest smile from Wednesday, the blinking lights turning her pale skin a soft golden and highlighting the freckles of her cheeks.
Wednesday's black dress hugged her body beautifully, flowing with each of her steps and complimenting the few wisps of hair that got loose from her braids. Her lips had a burgundy paint to them; it got you wondering how many times you'd have to kiss her for it to wear off.
There was a strategically placed mistletoe near the back doors, undoubtedly the act of some students trying to get lucky. And when the music ended, you and Wednesday just so happened to be standing almost directly underneath it.
The last notes of your song faded just as another began in its place, people were chatting and drinking champagne around you, a few students laughing loudly near the Christmas tree only to receive a glare from Principal Weems. In some ways, it felt like you and Wednesday were detached from the real world and belonged only in this little moment.
She didn't say anything as she removed her hand from your shoulder, her black nails grazing the skin of your arm as she did so. You followed suit by dropping the hand you had on her waist.
But when Wednesday made no effort to let go of your intertwined hands, a tiny grin crept into your lips.
She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at you, indirectly asking what was so amusing.
"We're uh," you started, glancing up at the small thing, "we're right under a mistletoe, it means-"
"I know what it means." Wednesday cut you off, her chin angled a tad up as she pursed her dark lips.
"If you care about tradition, yeah," you chuckled nervously. On a normal day, you had trouble reading Wednesday's emotions; on a night like this, where she was holding your hand and standing so close that her perfume was all you could feel, it was ultimately impossible.
Though there was a softness to the way she held herself that was quite hard to miss. "Ones that are meaningless and childish shouldn't even be called traditions." She stated before taking a breath.
The tip of her shoes bumped yours and only then you noticed that she took a step closer to you.
"Right," you mumbled, trapped in the spell that was her.
"Maybe just opportunities," Wednesday finished before she leaned in, capturing your lips in a gentle peck.
She kissed you like the first flakes of snow do when they fall from the sky, gentle and tender yet steady with their intent; falling, falling, and falling until they melt.
Your lower lip was trapped between Wednesday's ones, your hands just about managing to close around the fabric of her dress before she was pulling back. Her nose bumped yours and you wanted to trap this moment in time like the snap of a picture.
Wednesday didn't go far, she was still breathing the same air as you when she pressed her lips together in a feeble attempt to correct her lipstick. She then raised a thumb to the corner of your lips, brushing away the smudged color there.
Oh, she had you wrapped around her cold fingers and she knew it. But it was in the way that her nails traced the skin of your jaw as she prolonged her touch on you as much as possible, that you knew she'd take good care of your heart.
"Now come," Wednesday tugged on your hand, "we still have a few more songs to make this night count."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @witchyhs-blog @tobylikesfire @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest
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fantasydreamland · 2 months
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Unspoken Love
Rhaenyra x Alicent
Summary: Rhaenyra is betrothed to Laenor with their agreement for freedom to pursue their own love interests. (Alicent never married Viserys). Unspoken feelings are revealed while Rhaenyra is fitting for her wedding dress.
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! I felt robbed of their love story so here’s what I wish would’ve happened, smut, fluff, wlw
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It was days before the royal wedding between Rhaenyra and Laenor. Rhaenyra spent the entire evening fitting for her wedding dress. Once the seamstress was finished with the last touches she leaves the room. Rhaenyra turns around to look at herself in the mirror.
“It really is beautiful.” Alicent speaks behind her.
Their eyes meet in the mirror and Rhaenyra gives a small smile which quickly turns into a frown as she looks down.
“What’s wrong?” Alicent asks with concern in her voice.
Rhaenyra sighs. “It’s just- This is not how I imagined this would be, I suppose.”
“Well, what did you imagine?”
“Well. Firstly… I imagined I would be desired by my husband.” She lightly chuckles.
Alicent nods and gives her a small hug from behind as Rhaenyra places her hands on hers. Alicent was well aware of the whispers about Laenor Velaryon and his preferred type.
“I guess I just imagined I would marry for love.” Rhaenyra continues.
“I always imagined I’d marry you.” Alicent laughs to herself before Rhaenyra turns around to face her. Alicent blushes, realizing what she said.
“In a perfect world, I would make a fine husband for you.” Rhaenyra says jokingly, lightening Alicent’s mood.
“I think so too.” Alicent smirks bashfully.
They hold eachother gaze for a long moment, causing a strange tension between them.
“You know…” Rhaenyra looks to her feet. “Laenor and I… We have an understanding.”
“Understanding?” Alicent arches her brow.
“Well, I have given him permission to pursue his own romantic interests. To not deprive him of whomever he loves. And in turn…” She meets Alicents eyes again. “He has allowed me to do the same.”
“Ok…” Alicent nods her head and pauses. “I do not think I understand?”
Every time Rhaenyra tries to open her mouth to respond she hesitates and can’t get any words out. The short silent moment felt like an eternity.
“I… I love you Alicent.” She finally says, reaching out to lightly brush Alicent’s hand.
Alicent’s face turns to shock as she now struggles to get her own words out. Instead she reaches out and gently takes Rhaenyra’s hand in hers. Rhaenyra’s face softens.
“I love you, Rhaenyra.” She says so softly, almost inaudible. “I… always have…”
Their eyes meet and their serious expressions break into warm smiles. They wrap their arms around one another in a strong hug, holding eachother tightly. All the emotions they have ever had for eachother are felt in this one long embrace. They finally part, arms still connected. They touch their foreheads together with their eyes closed and just stand there appreciating eachothers presence. Rhaenyra brings a hand to cup Alicent’s cheek and Alicent leans into the touch with a soft sigh.
Theirs eyes meet again, this time in a heated gaze. Rhaenyra slowly brings her lips to Alicent’s who doesn’t hesitate to kiss back. They both place their hands on eachothers cheeks as they kiss hard for a long drawn out moment. They hold their faces to eachother like they are worried the other will simply slip away. They break away to take a breath before leaning back in. This time Rhaenyra gently snakes her tongue into Alicent mouths and the passion quickly turns into fire. Alicent moves to leave kisses and light marks along Rhaenyra’s neck.
Between kisses they make their way toward the large canopy bed. Rhaenyra turns her back and without needing words Alicent understands and begins to remove her dress. Once Rhaenyra is left standing in nothing but her shift she helps Alicent out of her dress. Their eyes light up as they take eachother in. The thin fabric did nothing to hide their bodies underneath.
With their hearts racing, they crawl into the bed and connect their lips again. The air gets hotter as they begin exploring all over eachothers bodies with their hands. It was all too overwhelming but neither had any desire to stop. They caress every inch of eachother they could reach. Their hands wander under eachothers thin dresses until they finally find their most intimate spot. They gasp into eachothers mouths as they begin to move their fingers slowly.
The air is filled with electricity mixed with loud gasps and whimpers. Rhaenyra slips one of her fingers into Alicent causing her to moan louder than she intended. Rhaenyra sits up and leans over Alicent to observe every face and noise she makes as they both get closer to the peak. Their gaze meets and there is nothing but pure fire in their eyes. As they work faster on eachother they both begin to see stars. Rhaenyra leans down and kisses Alicent in a rough throw of passion, until they both moan loudly against eachother mouths. Fireworks explode within both of them. It’s more intense than they ever could have imagined. Their unspoken fantasies they have always had of one another did not compare to the real thing. All of the unspoken love between them was finally out in the open.
They collapse onto the bed and lay there panting trying to catch their breaths. They both turn their heads and break into a giggle when their eyes meet.
“I cannot believe we have just done that.” Rhaenyra pants.
“Neither can I.” Alicent says, still out of breath.
“I am glad of it.” Rhaenyra smirks.
“So am I.” Alicent gives a shy smile.
“Will you stay with me?” Rhaenyra asks softly.
Alicent smiles and gives a nod. Rhaenyra smiles back at her and leans in to place a kiss on her forehead. Alicent takes Rhaenyra’s hand in hers and they intertwine their fingers before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
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rolankisser · 3 months
Ache Within
hii everyone! this is my first boothill oneshot so enjoy. I never wrote him nor posted smut sooo….any feedback is blessed. This was a oneshot i made for a friend bc she’s a boothill lover LMAOO, hope you like him as much as her cause it’s gonna hurt!
Mature Content:
Boothill x F!Reader, shameless smut, little to no plot, unrequited feelings (not really), give this cowboy a hug please, metal cock, P in V Sex, Edging, no kissing, overstimulation.
You can also find it on my AO3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57066385?view_adult=true
“You and Boothill never had anything there. Perhaps passing glances and light touches, nothing more you can do when you are constantly on the run from the IPC. But sometimes when you can pay the fee for a room, you may find yourself underneath the man who has been invading everything--especially love.”
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So a pretty gal like you is truly waitin' for me?"
That smoky voice you came to relish in at any chance swells your heart big, just hearing his voice with its casual, rough accent that wasn't common on Penacony or any planet you have run to. It may be why it always brought warmth between your thighs and lower belly. He was different. The creaking on the cheap wooden floor signals his movement toward you, a classic motel with the smell of bourbon and cigarette ash. You could have gotten something more excellent, maybe a lavish hotel room on the main street of the bustling planet, but that's never been the case for you two, and that can't be the case for you two. Something secluded and secret was the atmosphere you two ravished in the most. At least the bed you sit on is comfortable; you wear your undergarments, and a soft breeze emanating from the small balcony in the room causes goosebumps on your body.
You can help but let a grin fall over your face as you turn to face the man who has haunted you every corner you go, every alley, every time you go to sleep. Sleep has always been where you can find him, waiting for you.
"Surely I would not be waiting for anyone else; only you ever find me." You hum out cheekily, lifting your head to meet the figure that towered over you.
Your feet lightly touched the roughness of his boots as you sat at the edge of the bed. His arms caged your figure, each hand meeting the plush of your thighs; they immediately squeezed together from the light and cold touch of his metal palms. Your eyes met his, the onyx-colored shade staring directly into yours. Of course, he could only find you. Leaving a trail, he could only see why this little rendezvous had happened more to your liking, Boothill's toothy grin plastered on his pale skin. If you could, you would worship him; his facial structure could go on par with the gods that haunted this galaxy; it's why you find your hand cupping the side of his cheek, the only part of him that kept human warmth. Thumb gliding on his plush skin, and he leans towards your palm the slightest bit, a gesture that makes you swallow back.
"No wonder you wear just these. Surely you ain't want anyone just to see—" Boothill whispers as he leans towards your ear. Ever so gently, his rigged breath touches it. Gods, did it make you shiver and squirm, but his grip stands firm on your thighs. "only lil ole' me." He finishes as his hand slowly travels up your thigh, going under the thin fabric that lightly covers his destination. You sigh softly before taking your hand off his face, stealing that lovely cowboy hat he always wore and placing it next to you on the bed. "You're the only one who can get me like this- the only cowboy in all of Penacony." Airly, you spoke as you felt his sharp teeth nip at the corner of your ear as a reaction to your admission to him. Boothills hand immediately follows and pushes you back against the bed as he crawls almost entirely over you. He lifts his head back towards you, facing you directly; his eyes blow wide, filled with a hint of desire but seemingly Nothing more. He waits momentarily before you nod your head, a silent agreement you two are only aware of. Most of this arrangement did not use many words, the most being the snappy, quick back and forth, and dirty talk. That's what Boothill played the most in this game of lust and passion. His metal hands curled at the edges of the fabric before pulling down your panties, the partially soaked material thrown somewhere in the room. His hand finally palmed your desire; the cold yet smooth fingers were ready to enter. You whimper out in a plea; Boothill's smile played once more on his face before he leaned down and nipped at the skin above your breast; they perk up at the feeling of his teeth leaving a purple mark in his wake as he traveled up to your collarbone then neck where he stayed leaving more marks. Your hands immediately reached towards his leather belt, fiddling over the buckle before it fell abruptly along with his holster.
"Not yet, always so greedy." Boothill teased as his fingers slowly entered your slick slit, the sounds of your wetness taking up the room as you let out a pitched moan from the invasion of his fingers. The cold mixed with your warm walls was almost heavenly. His cyborg appearance made a difference compared to a human one; it was so different. So much pleasure for you, something new. The edge of his palm, finding your perky clit rubbed it roughly as he found a rhythm and trusted his two fingers. The dexterity of his hands is one you admire; no wonder he could handle a gun so well and invade the IPC for so long with a large bounty compared to your own. Your mind grew fuzzy as the pace of his fingers finally found the spot of all your pleasure; it was as if that area in your body was crafted just for his fingers. The sounds of your pants mixed with the gushing sounds of his hands continuously plunging and stretching you, his groans reaching your ears. Opening your tear-filled eyes, you saw his half-lidded ones and a look of determination to finish and please you. "Fuck- Boothill-" You moaned loudly as your back arched into his metal chest; the cold plates of his body touching your nipples brought new pleasure that shot to your apex. His fingers started going faster, almost knowingly. Your reaching your climax was halted quickly, and his hands retrieved promptly out of you, leaving a new empty sensation; a whine left you almost immediately.
"Perfect." He mumbled into your skin, leaving another nip into your bruised neck. He looks into your eyes before cupping your chin as you bite your bottom lip. A sharp breath left your nose as your legs quickly found a place around his hips. A harsh grunt and laugh left him, "I swear to god- don't tease me." You cried out, your hands moving from gripping the sheets under you and finding his hair that lay messily over his shoulders. "What? I can't leave a girl waiting, and I wanna give her something more." Boothill replied with pride as he moved his hands covered in your slick; he licked it clean in slow agony. You couldn't help but push yourself towards his hips; you felt the hard metal touch your warm core. Soon, his hands found the inside of your thighs, pushing them achingly apart as he watched your minor reactions. The way your body reacted just for him. It left him always a little surprised yet cocky.
One thing was this never went further than just your pleasure; he made sure you got the attention you wanted. It never went further than him splitting your and milking you for hours as you wanted with just his hands and mouth. But tonight, he wanted to try something new, one that he wanted to see how you reacted. Mostly, he never felt anything when you two finally touched the lines of lust that spurred out of you, but only light lingered from him. Maybe the cheeky and cocky attitude he held is what you liked. Boothill enjoyed the gaze you gave him and how you challenged him, but he couldn't desire more; of course, he wanted to relieve himself like he did to you. But what would it do for him? He pulled his pants down slightly, enough so that his noticeably missing bulge was meant to leave your eyes staring in one of confusion. Until, with a push of his hand on it, it grew into a metal cock almost instantly; his cyborg body didn't allow him to feel what he wanted to, not ever since he came to be this. But he never used this mechanic it came with; it almost pulsated like a Well-flesh one. It caused him to shudder even within the metal. His eyes met yours as he saw how blown wide they were with lust. He hadn't noticed one of your hands leave his hair and return to your face as you bit the tip of your thumb, getting an itch of arousal out of him. How your skin lightly glowed from the sweat of getting to the most of your pleasure only to be edged wanting even more.
"Hells, it's as if you want me to fill you.." Boothill mumbled as he glided a finger from your slit to your clit, making you moan loudly. Your free hand slid from this silky hair down his smooth chest to his newly freed cock. He groaned almost instantly, causing the grip of his hand on your inner thigh to get tighter. "If you want your reward, I wanna hear it." You felt your throat go dry as your watched his hand leave your needy hole and move to grip is metal cock, slowly moving so the tip sat nicely between the two slits, not going fully in. It's just a light tease to leave you wanting it. You almost need it. No, you wanted it. But god, he had that classic cocky grin on his face.
"If you don't, just, Boothill, please.." You whined a bit, the pressure of his cock readily waiting to split you open. It was just babble talk. Boothill grinded his hips a bit, giving a slight dip into you and sending an almost vibration. Vibration? Boothill's eyes widened before Boothill instantly started laughing, gods his cock was vibrating when he moved his hips. "Hells, please just fuck me." You begged, and he hummed in reply. Slowly sinking himself into you, and your legs instinctively shudder and try to clamp him in. Instead, Boothill takes one of his hands and lifts your leg more, hooking it to his shoulder, allowing him to reach a new angle that leaves you like putty in his arms. The dirty yet beautiful sounds you sang made him push even harder until he was hip to hip and deep in you. You felt him stretch you; it left a slight, sharp feeling that had you taking a deep breath as he sunk. Yet just him sinking into you had you seeing stars, and the new angle has you praising the gods above. You feel his hand push lightly on your lower belly, causing you to let out the breath you were holding in; you whimper from the pleasure. His cock fits so well that it vibrates lightly, making you constantly squirm, feeling almost overstimulated from the feeling of it at that specific spot inside of you.
"You ready to ride a cowboy, sweetheart?"
Boothill announces as he removes his jacket, just keeping his pants on that leaves his cock out. As soon as his jacket landed on the wooden floor, one hand went back to the thigh of the leg on his shoulder and the other on the hill over your breast, painfully slow his fingers landed on your nipples as he rubbed the nub in a circling as he finally thrusts in you. It's almost as frantic and hard as he does as if he is chasing a high. But it was hitting your high. Boothill watches his eyes constantly watch how your ass hits his hips with each thrust into your warm and gushy cunt. He feels every single hit of your spot as if your pleasure is echoing back to him, causing him to let out a string of groans. His hand that was playing with your previously neglected breasts landed on the side of your head; he leaned more over you. Almost the position you were both in was similar to a mating press, sending immense pleasure into you. You moaned, whined, cried. Pretty tears wet your lashes as you glanced at him.
His pretty face was covered his sweat, and the birthmark under his eye highlighted the intense focus he had to make sure of fucking you so nicely. Something new, something that almost awakened you to something. Something like love, fuck, you loved this man. All those sly glances, the small touches as you two flew by each other when attacking the common enemy you shared and wanted justice for the wrongs they had done to you, even if this- whatever you can call these gatherings for you two. You desired for this man, Boothill was ultimately another thing you were fighting for every day other than for your wishes. His white hair intertwined with black strands now sticking to his face and the rest behind him and moving with him as he thrusts his hips in the same rapid rhythm in you. The way his hand continued to grip your thigh once he let go, you see the imprint of his metal hand on your plush skin; soon, it found its way back to your lower tummy. Boothill pressed pressure once more. Every time his tip hit your cervix, he made sure to press down, giving sparks of pleasure.
More, more, and more until you spilled. You finally feel your climax hit you with a storm, one leg that is hugged into his waist tightened on him. The other was shaking on his shoulder when he noticed the sudden spark. "Boothill!" You exclaimed as your spilled out cum on his metal vibrating cock. But he only hushed you as he continued going; one thing was obvious he couldn't spill into you; he couldn't cum. He could just keep going for as long as he wanted to, and for you, it made you crazy. Boothill watched as your milky substances covered his metal cock, pulling out almost all the way to get a look at the sight. He couldn't help but look into your fucked out eyes and the way your hair stuck to your body, and the bit of salvia on your chin.
Boothill knew what he felt deep down; he felt a feeling of appreciation and some romantic desire for you. But he wouldn't act on that, yet Boothill was fucking you through your orgasm; now moving the position in ease as he moved your leg from his shoulder back to his him and turning to his back, you now onto of him. Warming his cock that's stuffed in you as he holds you by your hips directly.
Now, you were really riding the cowboy.
Yet that's all you will do, as the round went again. With Boothill helping you bounce on his cock, his groans and dirty sounds mixed with the sounds of yours, the new sounds you never heard from him. He Vibrated almost even faster than before. Boothill would want more, but why form these attachments? Honestly, it was the fear of losing and loving someone. His thoughts clouded him as he seemingly thrust as you bounced. He was a cowboy as free as the wind. They used to say back on his planet. No one could ever catch him. Love couldn't catch him no matter how much he wanted it to; he had a mission, and you knew that. Yet he knew you felt something more. Boothill can see it even now, the way your fucked out eyes still held a flame of yearning and love for him, and it made his heartache as he fucked you. The way your hands caressed his metal chest so lovingly, the small touches he can only feel so lightly compared to the pleasure he feels on his cock from you. Soon, his hands moved from your hips to your lower tummy. He pressed down once more, and you took him so well. The way you squirmed even more as you bounced on him.
"You take me so well, dont'cha?" He groaned out with his husky laugh. And all you could do was nod lightly as your eyes rolled back, and you panted and moaned so sweetly for him. You were seeing stars, even brighter than the ones out in the sky. The night went by as the sound of skin and metal slapping against each other. The sounds of love making echoing the room the air was thick and hot of ecstasy, you don't know how long its been, but you had orgasmed more then twice already. Your ass was sore from the constant hit of metal from riding the man in front of you, now thighs caging Boothills as he nipped and left love marks between the valley of your breasts. Your throat was dried, and your thighs were sticky from your own slick and cum. And as you hit your peak once more, you buried your head into his metal shoulder. You felt the wave of your orgasm came to the end you panted, Boothills hands came to caress your back before he stopped and only rested it on your hips. He blew away some of your hair from you. "Too good, I think I'm out.." You whimpered, and Boothill could only laugh.
"Alright, sweetheart, up you go." He said sweetly in your ear as he helped you off of him with shaky thighs. Once you lay next to him, you both looked up at the wooden ceiling decorated with tiny fairy lights that highlighted the sweat covering you and him. You were trying to catch your breath as you felt soft fabric brush against your thighs; Boothill turned to your gaze and smirked. "Ain't no way I'm leaving a girl in her mess." it was a tease, yet it squeezed your heart. Once he finished cleaning you up, he sat back up, his metal back turning against you. You felt a tugging feeling. You wanted to touch him, yet not something sexual. A touch that was filled with its softness and care. You heard the sound of gears and the buckle of his pants. You watched once more as he leaned down and reached for something. Laying back down and staring up, your brows furrowed as you sighed, hands covering your face. Boothills steps, though, made you jump up. You didn't want him to go so quickly as he usually did. Instead, you catch him leaning over the balcony in the room corner.
He held a cigarette against his lips and lit a match and put it towards it, lighting it up before putting out the match's flame. He breathed in before letting out a circular puff of smoke. The moonlight shined off him as if the gods were crying the moonlight out. He was the only thing that shined on you in the moment. He looked so beautiful. You thought he looked like those tales of beings made by god, like he was almost hand-crafted to be this breathtaking.
"Boothill.." You called out, reaching a hand out partially.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
He turned his head over his shoulder before taking another puff of his cigarette. 'sweetheart,' you knew there wasn't anything inquiring about romantic interest. You bit your tongue.
"You are beautiful." You replied softly before putting your hand down and looking towards him in his eyes. Yet he turned away, and you heard the tiniest sigh.
He didn't reply. Something worse than him leaving as soon as he came. Boothill wanted to meet your gaze, brush his hands on your pretty lips, and give you the kiss he knew you desired- the genuine care you wanted. Yet he couldn't. He couldn't attach, he did love you yet. As the wind called him out in the moonlight, he stood under this night. The warm smoke entered his mechanical lungs and came once he blew out. He pressed his hand on his head.
"Fuck." He cursed lightly, praying you didn't hear him.
He was a cowboy, after all, free as the wind. Nothing could get him, Nothing could have him.
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matchavellichor · 11 months
Warm Blood on Cool Marble
dark!Sebastian Sallow x f!MC - Angst - 2.2k words - ao3
A/N: I saw this lovely artwork by @tamayula-hl SO long ago and it's been living in my head rent-free ever since. Enjoy the terribly dark word vomit!!!
Summary: Casting an Unforgivable on his friend one fateful night in Slytherin's Scriptorium awakens something ravenous inside of Sebastian.
Tags: !!Violence!!, Sadism, Cruelty, Sebastian is not Nice, Dark Magic, Blood Rituals, Rough Kissing, Deliberate Use of Crucio, Minor NSFW
Pain spreads in tendrils under her skin. White-hot. Burning scorch marks into her bones, then underneath—into the very marrow, until it seems as much a part of her as the fibers of her soul. It swallows her whole with the intention to devour. 
Time easily escapes her under the influence of the curse, seemingly eternal. Only when it abruptly lets up is she distantly aware that it must have only been a few seconds. 
Despite this, her nerves ache with the memory—muscles twitching, breath coming in heavy pants against the flagstone floor she’s bracing herself against. 
Ominis has just enough time to kneel beside her before she’s retching onto the stone, agony still a broiling mess in her stomach. He holds her hair back and she can feel the anxiety in his clammy hands, in his hushed words she can barely make out over the ringing in her ears.
Sebastian is deadly silent.
She composes herself enough to blink back the stars dancing behind her vision and glances up to find he’s deadly still, as well. Frozen in place. Staring.
His wand is held loosely in his hand, his lips parted just enough to suggest surprise, as if a revelation of some sort has been made. A revelation of what she isn’t sure, as she’s certain it isn’t his first time experimenting with this specific Unforgivable.
Ominis is still fretting over her condition right beside her, his hands squeezing hers as if he can wring the trembling out of them, siphon the pain out. Her focus is drawn elsewhere. Magnetized to the expression Sebastian’s features are pulled into.
There’s a glint in his eyes, dark and pooling like warm blood on cool marble. A look that’s somehow familiar, that she tries to press down on with her thumb. Keep still long enough to decipher.
He takes a sharp breath, his irises catching the dim light of the wall torches, and it’s like they flash scarlet for a brief moment. Amber morphs into garnet right before her very eyes, gone as quick as she catches it. 
She does catch it though.
Right there, is a vicious kind of yearning. Violent, greedy desire. Something grasping, clawing, gnawing. Avarice, in all its sheer, ugly inhumanity. 
It burns bright in his eyes and knocks all of the wind out of her lungs. She staggers back and dry heaves and Ominis is on her again, blanched with worry. 
“I’m taking her back,” he says as helps her to her feet, and his tone is clipped, angry. Infuriated with Sebastian’s apparent indifference. “Explore your dearly coveted scriptorium alone. I hope it was worth it.” 
She wishes she could tell him that Sebastian is anything but indifferent at the moment, but her throat can’t get any words out. The clarification wouldn’t do him any good, anyway. She knows that apathy would be worlds more comforting than the rapacity that burns in his eyes now.  
She lets Ominis sling her arm around his neck and help her out of the chamber. When she glances over her shoulder, Sebastian has moved already, disappearing into the opened vault. He doesn’t turn to look back at her. 
She isn’t sure who is avoiding who. If it’s the simmering fear inside her that instinctively keeps her away from him or if it’s he who intentionally hides himself. His absence shouldn’t eat away at her as much as it does, and yet it tears her apart from the inside out, swallows her whole.
Ominis is more livid than she is, holding a bitterness that causes him to push Sebastian away just as ardently as the brunette isolates himself. It’s unhealthy, especially as she considers what he must be spending his time doing now that he’s had access to Salazar’s writings. Either Ominis lacks the foresight or simply the energy to try to dissuade him any further.
Concern wracks her nerves. Despite her efforts, she’s only afforded brief glimpses. Any time she approaches him working in the desolate corners of the library, he tucks his notes away quickly, refuses to meet her eyes. 
She wishes she could pretend his aversion to her is a product of remorse. She can’t. Rejection digs sharply in her chest, until it hurts more than the fear she still subconsciously harbors for him. 
Only then, does she follow him.
The Feldcroft Catacombs are dark and frigid. She stumbles through scattered bones with the faint light of her lumos, picks her way through cobwebs and corridors. Nearly impales herself with a snapped femur she falls on top of. She wipes off her scraped palms and continues on, determined. 
Eventually, pain-stakingly, she reaches the chamber he’s in. It’s barren, save for the glowing light of his wand and the stone dolmen in the center of the room. 
The stench of dark magic is so heavy she nearly gags from it. It permeates her senses and she can almost feel it sink into her very being, wear down her soul just from proximity. He stands hunched over the stone table, back turned to her, working fervently. 
Her shoes scuff against the stone floor and he turns quick as lightning, wand outstretched, a curse on the tip of his tongue.
His eyes burn when he catches sight of her. She ignores the instinctive, primal, screaming urge inside of her to run. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” There’s more desperation in his voice than she would’ve anticipated, and if she stretches it, hazes her perception, she could almost pretend he sounds remorseful.
Her eyes comb over the runes drawn in scarlet on the table, the glowing artifact in his hands. There’s blood dripping down his forearm, oozing from the cut on his palm. Blood magic, she catalogs briefly. Something obscure and archaic.
Her heart seizes violently in her chest when she lets her eyes drift up to meet his again. “What have you done?”
“What I had to,” he whispers, and his tone is resigned. “There’s no use in trying to stop me. It’s already completed.” 
She takes a step closer and he reciprocates a step back, presses himself against the stone mantle. It’s ironic, how he almost seems scared of her. Jarring. She tilts her head and studies him. 
“Leave,” he seethes, so vicious it’s startling. The words bitten out through clenched teeth. Still, she notices the lilt buried deep beneath it. The waver in his voice. The tremor in his hands. She’s never seen Sebastian so terrified.  
“You know I won’t,” she says, and takes another step closer. He tries to inch away again, but there’s nowhere for him to go so he only glares at her, tightens his grip around his wand, stiffens his position. 
She stalks towards him until his wand digs into her chest and he’s staring down at her with widened eyes. She turns her gaze to the artifact in his hands. 
“Let it go, Sebastian,” she says, gentle, like she’s cornering a scared animal. With blood dripping down his palm and his eyes round saucers, he truly looks like something savage. Unfettered. “Can’t you see what it’s doing to you? Please. We’ll destroy it together.”
He shakes his head fervently and holds it farther out of her reach. “Don’t you dare. Don’t come near it.”
There’s a moment frozen in the air between them. Caught in the live-wire tension, swirling in their shared panting breaths. She isn’t certain of anything other than the fact that she needs to put an end to this.
She lunges for the relic. 
It tumbles out of his hand with a dull clatter, and she immediately dives for it, sinking to the floor. He doesn’t follow her down. 
Her fingers are barely able to brush the jagged edge of it before debilitating pain sears up her nerves and white explodes behind her eyes. 
Immediately, she jerks back sharply, her body curling into itself as she writhes. She’s distantly aware of the fact she’s screaming herself hoarse. 
This… this is different than before. 
Infinitely more intense, more intentional. If she had ever known passion before—by any definition of the word—it pales miserably in comparison to the zealous onslaught she feels now.
She can feel the way the darkness around them feeds into it, entwines itself with his magic, stokes the flickering flames of his cruelty until it’s all-consuming. Until she’s certain she’ll be reduced to ash when he’s done with her. 
When he finally relents, he’s hovering over her. His eyes are fixed on her face, and she catches that glint there again. How voracious he is, utterly starved. She tries to move her muscles but they feel like they’ve been flayed, tendons and sinew cut away for him to prod and gawk at.
“How did it feel?” he whispers, voice feverish with fascination. There’s an unrestrained quality to it, something deranged seeping through the cracks. 
He moves over her when she tries to squirm away, straddles her hips. His eyes are still drinking in every drop of her, trained on her face, on the faint twitching in her arms. She takes too long to blink back to full lucidity and he squeezes her cheeks in his hand, gives her a shake. Blood streaks her chin and she nearly becomes sick from it.
“Get yourself together,” he grits, tone dripping with appetent impatience. “Tell me. Tell me how it felt. Or has it already escaped you? Do you need a reminder?”
“No, no, please—”
He grins then, teeth bone-white and all knives.
“You don’t have a clue, do you?” he murmurs. “How beautiful you sounded screaming for me. Writhing under my wand. My magic.”
He’s close. She feels his breath on her lips and it smells like copper, makes her gut twist violently.
“It was even better than in the scriptorium. God, how I despised myself for enjoying it so much then,” he leans in until his lips ghost the shell of her ear, voice lowered to a whisper. “For touching myself to the thought afterward.”
He shifts his hips against hers and she feels it— the stiffness pressed to her stomach, equal parts dizzying as it is nauseating. His hunger for her is in every possible meaning of the word, wolfish, insatiable. 
His breath is hot at her temples, words scorching. “Tell me, did you feel me then? Feel me inside of you, as strongly as you did just now?” The fervor in his voice is thick, palpable, so much so it’s a miracle she doesn’t choke on all the vigor of it. “Through the searing pain, did you feel nothing but me?”
Tears burn a path down her cheeks before she can stop herself, but she’s too sore to feel properly mortified by them. Just as quickly as they marr her skin, they’re swiped away. 
Replaced with the wet drag of a tongue. 
She whimpers, squirms away, but he holds her steadfast. Rambles more insanities, voice scathing against heat-flushed, saliva-slick skin.
“You know, I thought that once I saved Anne, I would be done. I would leave this all behind. But now,” he chuckles, rasping deep in his chest, something maniacal. “There’s so much overwhelming beauty in it all. So much rapture. How could I ever give it up? How could I ever let this go?”
She forces herself to blink away the stickiness in her lashes, to meet his eyes, see him for what he really is. The glowing relic fallen just out of reach casts his face in an incandescent indigo, portent and foreboding. 
Through the deep blue, his eyes glint blood-red. 
Not a flicker, but something permanently changed, something intrinsic to him now. The sight nerves her to her core, sends a shudder up her spine. 
He surges forward and swallows whatever gasp she intended to let out.
His lips on hers are vicious, punishing—and she wonders if he’ll ever be able to be anything but. He licks into her mouth with long, hungry strokes, runs his tongue along her teeth, bites mercilessly until he tastes metal. Her mouth pools with scarlet and he doesn’t bother soothing it, instead groaning deeply in triumph. 
The shock of it all dislocates something in her, makes it so easy for her to offer up whimpers against his mouth, for her to let him brutalize her so wholly. He takes it as permission to tear her open, grope bruises into her skin with his wandering hands.
He squeezes her chest so roughly she chokes on a sob, rakes her nails down his forearms. He sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth as if the sound makes something heavy inside of him twist. Ache. 
When he finally breaks away from her he’s grinning. Lips kiss-bruised and swollen, pink-tinged saliva on his chin. He stares for a drawn out moment, as if committing the way she looks to memory. 
As he unmolds his body from hers, she struggles desperately to catch her breath. She’s still dizzy, even after he’s collected himself, even after he’s on his feet tucking his notes back into his satchel and the relic’s safely back in his hands. 
He watches her for another long moment and she’d almost mistake the look in his eyes for fondness. She catches herself. There’s too much voracity behind his gaze for it to be anything remotely tender. 
His breaths are just as ragged as hers as he leaves her there, on the floor, tremors still wracking her body. Before he slips out of the chamber, he stills. Turns to look back at her one last time. 
Strangely enough, it doesn’t feel like a goodbye. 
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Burning up
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Word Count: 2,412
Trigger Warnings: none really, mostly fluff. Some swear words.
Summary: the reader is sick and Dean takes care of her. Lots of fluff.
Requested: yes, by anonymous. Hey =) just wanted to thank you for writing and sharing your stories 🤍🙏🏻💐Absolutely in love with them. Are u up for a sick/hurt and comfort fic? Love 🤍
A/N:this was so much fun to write! I went with the sick side of things, I’m sure I’ll write another hurt one soon. Requests are still open. :)
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I groan, opening my eyes, my head beginning to throb immediately, causing me to close them again. Nope. Getting up early is not happening today. I shut off my alarms for the morning and return to sleep.
I wake up a couple hours later, soaked in sweat, every muscle in my body aching and fever raging through my body. It’s already ten o’clock in the morning, yet the desire to get out of bed is none existent. I drift off again, my restless sleep filled with awful dreams. I’m slightly disturbed from my rest, when my door creaks open, one of the boys checking on me as I’m normally awake hours before. However, they don’t say anything, just quietly back out of my room in the bunker and shut the door behind them. I fall back asleep once again, praying that I feel better the next time I awake.
“Hey, sweetheart, you okay?” I hear Dean ask, sitting down next to me on my bed. His hand coming to rest in the middle of my back. I open my eyes and peer at him, wincing from the bright light filling the room.
I groan in response, turning my head away from him and squeezing my eyes shut.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, I can hear the concern in his voice even though I can’t see his face. He reaches over, and brushes my sweat soaked hair out of my face, his fingers glancing over my forehead quickly. Before he places a full hand over my forehead, I hear him let out a sharp sigh.
“Y/N, you’re burning up. We gotta get your fever down sweetheart.” He says quietly, pulling back the layers of blanket I’m buried under. I groan, fighting him and trying to pull the blankets back up. I hear him chuckle slightly, his hands rubbing my back gently. An unintentional moan leaves my lips, embracing his touch easing my stiff muscles.
“I’m going to go get you some Tylenol and water, stay put. I’ll be right back.” He says, leaving the room quietly. I try not to miss the way his hands felt on my body, the ease that he worked the kinks out of my muscles. The fire it ignited inside of me. Dean and I had slept together a handful times, mainly in moments of desperation and weakness, but never anything serious or exclusive, although that’s all I wanted, everything I could ever want. I ease my body into a sitting position, pulling my sweatshirt off my sweaty body, leaving on the tank top underneath. I push myself over to the edge of the bed, moving to stand up, a wave of dizziness overtaking me. I stand up, but only make it a couple of steps towards the bathroom before I’m reaching for the nearest object to steady myself. Which happens to be the dresser, I put my back against it and slide down to the floor. I rest my head on my knees, hoping that the wave of dizziness and nausea will soon subside, and stop crashing down on me like a damn tsunami. Dean renters the room and I hear him turn around when he realizes in no longer in bed.
“What’re you doing, sweetheart? I told you to stay put.” He says, placing the water glass and medicine bottle down on my side table.
“Wanted a shower, body hurts.” I say, my head still buried in my knees, unsure if he heard or understood me. He then crosses the room to my side, crouching down in front of me. He places his hands under my armpits and gently lifts me to my feet, keeping a firm grasp on my waist, helping me walk towards the bathroom. He sits me down on the lid of the toilet, making sure I’m not going to fall over.
“How about a bath instead? I’ll help you, don’t want you slipping and hitting your head.” He says, his hand cupping my chin and making me look at him.
“No, I don’t need help. I’ll be okay.” I protest, trying to shoo him towards the door but he doesn’t budge.
“Dean, I don’t want you to see me like this.” I say, rolling my eyes at his stubbornness.
“Y/N, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before if that’s what this is about..” he says, chuckling slightly before he sees the look on my face telling him silently to shut up.
“I’m just a fuck buddy, I don’t need you taking care of me and seeing me in this moment of weakness.” I mutter, my tone bitter a sentiment that I never would’ve confided in him, if I wasn’t half out of my mind with sickness. Or so I told myself.
His face falls, momentarily, confusion then taking over his features. His takes my hand in his own, stroking it gently with his thumb.
“Y/N, sweetheart. You’re not just a fuck buddy, you’re my best friend and I care about you a lot. Taking care of you while you’re sick doesn’t make you weak, it’s something you’d do for me. Something you have done for me.” He says, while his words are true, his use of best friend stings a bit. I knew it would never be anything more than that. I resign myself to accepting his help, nodding silently. He takes a step towards the bath and turns the water on, checking the temperature with his hand before filling the tub. He turns the light off in the bathroom, lighting the candle that I keep on the counter to provide a small source of less harsh light. An action that I appreciate and quietly thank him for doing. He nods, reaching to help me stand in order to take what little remaining clothing I have on, off.
His hands steady me gently, his fingers barely applying pressure to my skin, and helps me clamber into the tub. The warm water engulfs me and immediately begins to soothe my sore muscles. He tucks a folded towel behind my neck, giving me something to rest my head on and again, I thank him for his gentleness.
The ache in my muscles is improving, thanks to his actions. Yet the ache in my heart is growing, insatiable, the need for something more with this man unquenchable. I’ve had these feelings for him since we were teenagers, which I convinced myself that they would go away before adulthood. Yet they didn’t. The first time we slept together was after I got hurt on a hunt, emotions running extremely high. That’s what we chalked it up to, a bad choice in a moment of emotional weakness, Ouch.
The second time was after Sam died, before Deans deal with the crossroads demon. Another moment of emotional turmoil and weakness. Ouch, again.
The third time, was the night before the hellhounds came for him. My heart so empty and terrified for him, that I craved any kind of physical affection from him which he partially satisfied. The next day he was gone, I watched the hell hounds tear him to shreds, soul shatteringly devastating.
The fourth time and most recent, was after Dean came back from hell. We hadn’t talked about that one, but I chalked it up to me being the first woman he saw this side of hell. The first piece of ass he could get his hands on, and I was more than willing. My heart still broken from the time of him being gone. Sam had left me too, going off to try and bring Dean back but not wanting me to come along as I would “slow him down.”. Being with Dean after he came back from hell, felt different. But once again, my hopes were dashed when he apologized the morning after, telling me it shouldn’t have happened. Ouch.
I’m snapped out of my chain of thoughts by a cold wash cloth being pressed to my forehead, a straw held to my lips and two little red pills offered to me. I take the pills from him, accepting a sip of water to wash them down with before closing my eyes once more. I know Dean is near, but he’s quiet. I open one eye, glancing towards him and he’s sitting respectfully, with his back against the edge of the tub. Watching out for me, but respecting my privacy as much as he can. A gesture that pulls at my heart just that much more.
The words that leave my mouth next can only be explained by one thing, confusion and insanity caused by my fever. Or that’s what I’m telling myself, anyways.
“Dean?” I ask, lowering myself into the water a little more attempting to calm the chills racking my body. He hums in response, assuring me he’s still near.
“Why can’t you see how much I love you?” I ask him, my voice small. Almost quiet enough that I could convince myself I didn’t actually say it out loud for him to hear. That I didn’t just expose my heart completely on my sleeve for him to reject.
I can tell I’ve caught him off guard because he stiffens, his body language screaming run, flee, she’s insane. All of these things happen simultaneously and quickly. Yet the fear and anxiety of a ruined friendship is bubbling up inside of me.
“Forget it. Can you leave? I’ll be fine.” I say, closing off and moving to pull the shower curtain closed.
“What-wait Y/N.” He says, turning around to grab my wrist stopping me in my tracks. His eyes are locked on mine, questions swimming through his eyes but he’s not verbalizing them.
“Y/N, sweetheart,” he says, taking a breath to compose himself, I look away from him and staring at my knees, that I’ve pulled up to my chest. Here it is, the great let down. The I love you, but not like that. It’s me not you speech. The one I’ve had in my head a million times, convinced that I had no chance with him. But that’s not what leaves his mouth. “Stop that, look at me.” He reaches out, gently turning my face to look at him once again. His eyes never leaving my face, never wandering, his gaze unfaltering.
“I saw the way you act towards me, but I couldn’t get my hopes up to believe that it was love for me Y/N. I couldn’t bear losing our friendship by mistaking friendship for more than that. God, sweetheart, I love you more than I thought possible.” He says, his voice faltering towards the end, barely a whisper. I blink once, twice, three times before his words finally hit me. He loves me.
“When I came back from hell, you were the first person I wanted to see. You were the first thought on my mind, not Sammy. Maybe that makes me a terrible brother, but when I told him that he asked me why I hadn’t grown a pair and just told you. Y/N, you were never just a fuck buddy. It breaks my heart to hear you say that. I’ve wanted more since we were teenagers, but I was too much of a coward to seek that out. So I threw myself at other women, but none of them ever compared to you. Shit, please don’t cry sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He wipes away a tear from my face, a tear I didn’t realize had started to fall. I look back at him, watching him closely before I start laughing. He looks taken aback and concerned, unsure where my reaction is coming from.
“You’re- you’re telling me we could’ve been together for years by now? Why couldn’t I have had a fever induced feelings confession years ago? Hell, this is comical.” I say, still laughing softly. He laughs too, rolling his eyes, yet the smile forming on his face bringing a smile to my own.
“I love you, Dean, more than anything.” I say, resting my head on my knees once more, keeping it turned towards him so I can watch his expression. I shiver slightly, the water having cooled off since I got in. He notices and quickly drains the tub, helping me stand up and wrapping me in a towel. He lifts me out of the bath, his hands under my arms, before he pulls me straight into his chest. His arms wrapping tightly around me, holding me pressed against him. I melt into his embrace, hugging him back with all the strength I have at the moment.
“I love you, too, Y/N. More than anything.” He mimics, pressing a kiss to my temple before he tucks his finger beneath my chin and raises it, leaning down to press the most passionate kiss to my lips. My eyes fluttering closed, leaning into him and kissing him back. Conveying every hidden emotion I possibly can into this kiss.
“Dean, I’d love to stand here forever, I really would. But ‘m freezing here.” I mutter, beginning to shiver more violently. He chuckles, and begins to help me get dressed into the clothes that he had, unknown to me, laid out when I had first gotten into the tub.
“Back to bed with you.” He says, gently guiding me towards my disheveled sheets. Once I climb in, he shuts the curtains and turns off the lights in my room. He then walks towards my bed once again, shedding his jeans and T-shirt and climbs in next to me. His hands quickly find me, pulling me into his chest, tucking my head beneath his chin. His hands quickly coming to rest on different points of my body. One at the nape of my neck, working it’s way into my hair. The other, on my hip rubbing circles into my exposed skin. The feeling of closeness that this brings, is indescribable. The peace that over takes me, the relief that floods my thoughts. The emptiness this fills.
“‘M tired De. But I’m scared that this was just a fever dream, I don’t want it to be over when I wake up.” I mutter, my eyes already mostly closed. His touch lulling me into a sleep, much more peaceful that I thought possible with a fever running it’s course.
“Sleep, sweetheart. It’s not a dream, I’ll be here, I promise.” He whispers, pressing one more kiss to my forehead before I doze off, fully embracing the open arms of sleep.
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her-penetrating-soul · 6 months
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🤍 ‿⚘Stroking the keys of my piano, losing into each note of my lyrics. Feeling the keys beneath the keys of my frailness, my feet underneath feeling the hymns beneath me. I am whirling deeply within my oceanic soul. Did you know that I started writing for you? I had put my pen down many years ago. Did you know I started writing lyrics for you? I hadn't written lyrics. Did you know I would sing to the top of my lungs for you? You became my muse. My inspiration. My sonnets. I hadn't played my piano in so long I didn't think I'd remember. Yet when you walked into my life. I felt a lightning strike my chest when our souls merged together as one. I felt liberated through all my passions I had left a long time ago. I began to pick up those things I had so long ago left that I'm the mist of times. I began to live in you. You woke me up from the numbness I had been feeling for more than decades. I was lost in her frailness of the light. I felt for so long like I was drowning. Till my inner light brought your stillness of darkness into my world. I saw before glimpses of who I was once. A singer, a poet, a dancer, a writer. My passions that I had left so long ago. These are the things I love with an enormous passion. They are my entire definition of my entire oceanic soul. That yes, at times I whirl, I am tormented at times by all that I'm feeling. You pierced yourself into my crevices. I never knew how dead I was till you caressed your darkly moonlight into my wilted light. I knew then I had to start singing again because my voice had to be heard. I am a singer of my own frails. I elope into my words that I feel when I gaze into one of my frails. It takes me into the notion that those frails are feeling. I picked up my pen to write once more for I was born to write, to be a poet of life, love light, darkness, vulnerability, passions, purity, impurity, of those hidden desires I have as a woman. I started dancing for music flows throughout my veins. "Music for my Soul," I became again. You showed me the way to come alive again with the gentleness of your dark soul. I realized you awoke my soul, which was faintly from my pains from long ago. Yes, I have loved & lost. They tainted my oceanic soul. Of being afraid of being seen. Yet you with your words that pierced my oceanic soul. Brought me back to life. Pouring out everything I have held for more then twenty three years. I am singing again, I am playing again, I am writing again.
Tis this I owe you for bringing me to my everlasting essences of beauty, art, & poetry. I will dive into my abyss. I will raise hell to the heavens gleam even if I am viewed differently. I don't care anymore because yes, I am. "Light yet I am Darkness to at the same time. I am not afraid to be heard, seen. If I am judged. All I can say is that if you haven't walked in my footprints, then keep your thoughts to yourself. I am a strong woman resilient. The trials in life made me this beautiful woman standing before you. Only I know my own tale. I have lived in love, light, sorrow, and vulnerability. I express muse through my writings, my music, life is beautiful. I may not be loved and adored by many. Yet I am not here to appease no one! I am here to please myself. My desires are from the innocence of live to the darkest desires. This is who I am. I can be painted in the light as well as her frailness of the moonlight. I am not bewildered anymore. This is me take it or leave it. I am distinctive. I will love fiercely. This is how I love. Take me as I am. Or leave me me be. I will love life the way I see fit. Whether those around don't see my inner beauty. I was born into the Light. I walk into the Light, I am Light. Yet I was also born into the darkness, I walked into the darkness, caressing her gentleness, and I was born into the darkness. I am a distinctive soul that roars to the beauty of the constallions. Light cab bever runs fast enough to see light. Light will always encounter the darkness. Two worlds apart, yet two souls subdued into one. I am a romantic at heart. I can pierce your soul with my words. Yet my words carry meaningful feelings. You'll never be loved like I can love you. No one knows, europhia untill you've caressed the depth of my oceanic soul. You'll never experience a love so pure yet impure like mime. I'm the absent colors of White & Black and all the colors that make the rainbow. I am firece into the storms into my oceanic roaring soul for you.
The shimmer of your darkly soul captivated mine. Not all the wines can drunken my soul. Not all the nicotine in the world can surpass all of what I'm feeling in the depth of my crevices. I feel more alive in her frailness. Even if it's a world that doesn't exist. I will make my own world of my light & darkness delights. I'll be echoed into the twilight delights. I will flourish in my own beauty. I a world full of sorrow. I am that raduate light that embarks your life's journey. I will disturb your darkness. I will raise hell. I will caress both heaven & hell. Blast this emotion I am feeling. Yes, you loom at yourself. I'm the mirror you captivated this heart of mine. I will make our own palace of endearing love. Take me as I am. For the heavens don't want me for I'd be a loud melody never heard before. Hell wouldn't want me since I'd be restricted, for I'd raise on earth just to get a glimpse of your shimmering moonlight bestowed upon me. I am fire, draped upon the firey dragons. I'm a cat gentle, mischievous, playful, and loving. I am embedded into all these emotions that roar from my inner depth. I'm not here for validation. I am here for my own bliss. My own paleness of the stillness of both the skies delights and the moonlight delights. Take me as I am for when I love. I live with an intensity. I am a hungry oceanic soul waiting to fed. To lose myself into you. Take ke as I am or leave be. I will not settle for crumbs. I tesrn for all of you. Or nothing at all. I will not be a red roses for someone who craves the attention of weeds. I solely will ge a ved of roses for the one who will only want, crave, yearn for me. Only me. If I'm not enough for your thirst, then leave me be. For the right one will hunger for only me. I will not settle for pieces of your shoes. I long to dive into your seas. Slash your seas upon the waves of my oceanic soul awaiting to he loved by you. I will wait in the mist. Till you choose me. Until then, I will rise, I will flourish, I will blossom into a mesmerizing masterpiece never heard or seen, and then, I'll be waiting for you! Ready to be loved unconditionally solely by ME!⚘⁀🤍
Written: April 6th, 2024
©Copyright Rights Reserved:
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Be Mine, Please! | Yandere Yor Forger
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“Uh hi, Miss. Forger uhm I didn’t realize you were staying with us today.”
The candid question had no effect on Yor, who was still smiling at you with her hands folded underneath her chin. When you arrived at the Forger residence you were under the impression that Anya would be home alone as per the usual schedule. But Yor didn’t follow after Loid in any capacity. Not in a delayed exit or an appointment midday…she never changed out of her casual clothes. 
“Nope! I get to spend the day with you and miss Anya!” 
This was fine. You collected the remaining plates on the table, making your way to the sink. Perhaps she just wanted some help…who were you kidding Mrs. Forger wasn’t one to hide her desires about spending more time with you. You just wished she hadn’t paid you to do so. She seemed like a lovely woman and you wouldn’t have minded going out for a drink or two. But as the morning went on she sipped on her drink while watching you and Anya play. 
It was harder to play spies that morning; you didn’t mind Bond as an audience but not another adult. You couldn’t help your eyes wandering to the reflection of her crimson eyes in the window, watching you with a smile on her face.
“(Y/n)! Why aren’t you doing the sync-up dance? How will we release our powers to complete the mission?”
“Uh, Anya…can we not do the whole dance today?”
“What, why?! You said it’s important we do it every time, with all our hearts!”
“Y-yes but…Yor…is here…”
Anya doesn’t understand your plight, or rather she ignores it demanding you do the dance with her. Reluctantly you did the dance looking away when Yor smiled and giggles at your dancing form. With Anya down for a nap, you were left to deal with Yor without the distraction of Anya. 
“Ah (Y/n) you’re so lively with Anya! Do you have children of your own?”
You continued washing the dishes, watching her rise from the table to lean on the kitchen counter. 
“No b-but I had plenty of experience with young kids…uh y’know family friends and all.”
You were quick to respond, hoping your answer was sufficient enough to satisfy her. 
“Mmmm? Wow, then do you have a partner?”
You didn’t know what this had to do with your prowess with child care but you guessed this might have just been her way of making small talk.
“Uh no not right now…”
She did a little jump-twirling with her cup as she made her way to your side making moves to wash the cup alongside you. Hip to hip she moves to lean her face as close as possible to yours, you back away trying to avoid the waves of heat coming off her body. She only seems to move closer to you, oddly snuggling into you as you finished the dishes. 
“That’s a shame,” she didn’t sound sorry.” But you're such a catch! It's crazy to think no one’s snatched you up yet!”  
“W-well th-thanks Miss Forger.” 
You backed away from the sink to put the dishes away all with Yor in tow. 
Finally closing the cupboard you turned to leave facing Yor as she moves her hand upside down holding your chin with the pad of her pointer finger.
“It’s Yor.”
You nodded your head, backing away to walk to Anya’s room. Hardly making any space between you two as she follows you down the little hallway. It was like that for the rest of the day even when Anya woke once more you were forced to include Yor who seemed more than eager to be pressed into your side for as long as possible. 
Finally, your timer went off, and right on time, Loid walked into the home. Yor and Anya ran over to greet him, letting you relax for the first time today as you packed up the ‘gear’ you used for your spy games.
“Well, I best be on my w–”
“Won’t you stay (Y/n)? Please I’ve been dying to let you try my stew! It actually tastes delicious!”
Her excitement rivaled Anya’s as she turned back to you shuffling her feet up and down as she awaited your answer. You tried to restrain your grimace, having fallen for the trap of Yor’s cooking before. For assurance, you looked to Loid who chuckled hanging his hat and suit on the coat rack.
“It actually is really good.”
“Yeah! Even Anya didn’t die this time!” 
You chuckled feeling your heart sway as you tried to think about your choice. You stop when you remember the chores you had to do; so you made your case. Fully prepared for the wobbling bottom lips and tearful eyes of Anya, Bond, and Yor. It’s Loid who puts the nail in the coffin when you feel his ungloved hands wrap around your shoulders, giving a comforting squeeze. When you turn your head you’re met with the sky-blue eyes of Loid who smiles at you. 
“We’d love it if you did stay… I’d be sure to make it up to you.”
You didn’t know if it was the implication of money or the manly cologne that was fragrant around Loid: a beautiful man who made just about anyone weak in the knees–you included. You sighed exasperated as you held your hands out in defeat.
“Fine but I-”
“Yay!” “Ahhh~!”
Grabbing your hands and holding them close Yor nuzzled her nose against yours before pulling you along with her into the kitchen with Anya pushing you from behind. Loid let his eyes become half-lidded as he watched you be engulfed in his family’s chaos. He watched you fluster and give in as you let your silliness be released; he makes a note to himself.
“Well a family that sticks together, stays forever.”
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tsunami-of-tears · 7 months
A Court of Shadows and Sunshine — Part Ten
Azriel x Aurora (OC)
Summary: Cassian puts his foot in it again, Aurora opens up to Azriel, and our new mates finally get some action. 
A/N: SMUT. WE HAVE SMUT!! Resisting the urge to write ‘their tongues battled for dominance’ like the fanfics from the good ol’ days.
Wordcount: 1.5K
Warnings: smut (Azriel gets to third base), angst, mention of SA
Part Nine
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Aurora emerges from the bedroom, ready to attend their first family dinner as mates. She’s not dressed in anything too fancy and yet Azriel’s breath catches, he’s lost for words at her sheer beauty. He runs a shaky hand through his hair as he exhales. 
His eyes fall to Aurora’s exposed collarbones, and the blue pendant once again strung daintily around her neck. Curiosity gets the better of him tonight, and he asks, “That necklace, where is it from?”
Aurora smiles softly and lowers her gaze as she reaches up to touch the sapphire stone. “It was my mother’s. My father gifted it to her when the mating bond first snapped for them. He couldn’t be with her physically at that time, so it was a promise. A promise that he’d come back for her. I wear it to honour their love, and all they sacrificed for it.” Aurora looks back up at Azriel with silver-lined eyes, he has to fight his own tears from spilling over the edge. 
Reaching to touch the pendant, Azriel asks, “But the colour, that blue, why did he pick that?” 
“Ah, only the Cauldron knows that.”
Following behind Rhys, Azriel and Aurora enter the sitting room of the River House. Nesta immediately pulls Aurora into a tight embrace. 
Cassian stands and gives Azriel a friendly clap on the back. “I’m glad you could take a break from your activities to join us tonight, brother.”
Aurora’s face falls and guilt pours down the bond. She shifts on her feet, awkwardly fidgeting with her hands and avoids everyone’s gaze.
Azriel shakes his head as Cassian looks between him and Aurora with furrowed brows. 
Azriel takes Aurora’s hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “We haven’t done that yet,” he says bluntly. 
Choking back tears, Aurora slips from Azriel’s fingers and hastily exits the room. 
“Great, thanks for that,” Azriel mutters, chasing after Aurora.
He closes the door behind him, cutting off the sounds of Rhys and Nesta laying into Cassian. “You’re an idiot.” “Brother, you could have some more tact.”
Azriel finds Aurora curled up on the stairs, crying softly. Her makeup streaked down her cheeks. 
Azriel sits beside her, wrapping his arms around her, “Shhh, it’s okay. 
Aurora looks up at him, her teary eyes make his heart pang. 
“I’m sorry for making you wait,” she sobs. “Any female would jump at the chance to be your mate. I’m probably not at all what you expected, I understand if you need to see to your needs elsewhere…”
“Hey hey, stop,” Azriel interrupts her rambling. “I do not desire anyone else. I’m a very patient male, I’ll wait as long as you need.” He rubs his scared fingers over hers, bringing her hand to his lips. “Can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer.” 
Aurora nods. 
“Have you bedded someone before?”
Aurora’s cheeks flush a bright pink underneath the smears of black, but she answers quite bluntly. “Yes, I’ve been with males before. It just didn’t always have much of a choice.”
Azriel freezes at her words, a cold rage simmering under his skin.
“My first time was really special, it was with a human male from the continent. We were both teenagers. The other times, they weren't always so great.” Aurora lets out a shaky breath. “Where I come from, females are considered property. Often sold to the highest bidder. Those of us who were sullied, well we were fair game.”
It takes everything in Azriel to remain calm, to hold himself back from burning the entire continent with his fury. Aurora strokes his arm, pulling his attention back to her
“Hey, it was a long time ago now. I’ve healed, and it's made me stronger.”
Azriel willed himself to be calm. Aurora’s steady touch on his arm grounds him, keeps him in the present. 
“Good evening,” Feyre’s cheery voice calls from the top of the stairs. “I hoped we’d see you both tonight.” 
Azriel and Aurora stand from their perch on the stairs as Feyre makes her way down with Elain in tow. 
“Aurora, have you met my other sister, Elain?” Feyre asks. 
“No, pleasure to meet you,” Aurora beams, any trace of their previous conversation gone. 
Elain looks between Azriel and Aurora with a distant expression. She acknowledges Aurora with with a nod, walking past her and down the hall. 
 “Sorry about her,” Feyre says. “She’s not been herself lately.” 
Aurora takes Azriel’s hand in hers, “That’s okay, I understand how that feels. We were just going to join the others.” 
The rest of the evening went much smoother. Azriel’s steady hand was a constant presence on you - on your knee, the small of your back or holding onto your hand. It helped keep you calm as your mind raced and you felt stressed over messing up social etiquette. 
Though it was lovely to spend time with your friends, it was a huge relief when you walked in your door with Azriel in tow. 
You roll your shoulders and rub the base of your neck, not noticing how tense you’d been all night. Azriel grabs your hand and leads you over to your lounge, motioning for you to sit between his legs.
You let out a soft moan as he starts to rub your sore muscles, “Oh your hands are magic.”
Azriel laughs but you sense a hesitancy in him.
“I mean it,” you say, shifting to face him. You grab both his hands and bring each one to your lips in turn. “I love them.” 
Looking at your mate, his vulnerability, something sparks inside you. You lurch towards Azriel, kissing him like you’ve never kissed anyone before, like it’s the very thing giving you life. Your tongues dance together, kindling the growing fire inside you. 
You pause briefly to move up the couch and pull Azriel on top of you. You wrap your legs around his waist, bringing his body flush against yours as you resume exploring his mouth. 
Fingers tangle in his hair and you buck your hips, wrapping your legs even tighter. Azriel bites your lip in response and a moan slips between your lips. 
Azriel’s body tenses at the sound. “Do you, ah, do you want to stop?”
“Oh gods no.” 
Azriel kisses you again, softly but full of desire, before working along your jaw, and down your throat, sucking and nipping as he goes. “Is this okay?”
“Mmmmmm, yes Azriel” 
He looks at you with raised brows as he fingers the top button of your blouse. 
“Go on,” you smile playfully, biting your lower lip.
Azriel slowly unbuttons your shirt. He kisses along your collar bones before reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. He groans at the sight of your exposed breasts.
The look he gives you is pure sin, but his words are a prayer, “Mother above, what did I do to deserve such a beautiful mate?” 
Your cheeks heat, deepening the growing flush to your face and chest.
Azriel smirks and leans down to take your nipple in his mouth. He flicks his tongue over the sensitive skin before moving to the other side. Your hips buck involuntarily, your sensitive parts begging for some attention too.
“Shall I keep going?” Azriel asks you, his smirk growing.
“Yessss,” you moan as your hips buck underneath him again.
Azriel makes quick work of removing your pants, leaving you in only your panties beneath him. Usually, you’d feel uncomfortable to be so bare, but Azriel already saw your soul, and you his. With him, everything felt right.
Azriel hooks his fingers around each side of your underwear, pulling them down and exposing your sex. 
“Perfection,” Azriel murmurs, lowering himself closer until you can feel his hot breath against you. You roll your hips and whine, overcome with need. 
Azriel doesn’t hesitate any longer, licking a stripe up your slit before circling around your aching clit. He groans as he laps you up, tasting you. 
He alternates between firm pressure and lighter strokes. You moan and grind against his face as he finds a rhythm you particularly enjoy. 
He doubles down, unyielding, as you come undone at his touch. 
As you reach your peak, your entire body starts to glow - radiating euphoria. 
You climax, hard. Azriel doesn’t stop as you ride out the high on his tongue. 
Azriel rises, his chin glistening with your essence as he gives you a wolfish grin, “I think we can do better than that.” 
He was right. 
You lost track of how many orgasms he gave you that night. 
With his fingers, with his tongue again, and with combinations of both. About halfway through, he carried you to your bedroom where you did it all again, and again, and again. 
He never once asked for anything in return, not that you would’ve objected. Still, you appreciated him taking his time. 
When he was done with pleasuring you, he slides beside you on the bed and wraps his arms around you. You relax into his broad frame, utterly exhausted but feeling at peace. 
Your eyelids feel heavy and you start to drift off. 
A whispered “I love you” is the last thing you hear before you black out. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧
Tags ♡ @mis-lil-red
Part Eleven
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socialistmary · 1 year
Pairing: Reader x Joel Miller
Warning: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, smut with very little plot, age gap (Joel's in his 50s & Reader's in her late 20s), cheating, delicious catholic guilt, afab!reader, pet names (no use of Y/N), no outbreak!AU, unprotected sex (no one said adults are responsible, but you should be), p in v steamy car sex, bit of angst?, very minimally proofread, sorry about that bby
Summary: fun times after Sunday service, forgive me mum, pastor Craig (😉);
Word count: 2.2k
Author's Note: this is part of my 'Devil on my back' series, where lovely Reader is a lonely little married Christian woman; not really sure where this sits on the timeline yet, will see when more parts come out. 👁️👄👁️🌸✨ in the meantime, lemme know what you think and if there's anything you'd like to see in this series (or outside of it), i am very easily influenced
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That dainty golden cross nestled just over your cleavage sparkled and shone in the sun, almost blinding Joel with every thrust upwards into your wet pussy, squelching sounds of your bodies meshing together, filthy and delicious, almost enough to drive him over the edge.
He wasn’t entirely sure how you got here today, in the back of his truck after a particularly boring Sunday service, tits spilled out of your dress, panties pushed to the side as you grind deeper onto his cock, mouth slack and eyebrows furrowed in pleasure, riding him for all he’s got. Christ, he hadn’t been to church in ages.
This wasn’t supposed to happen, he thought, reaching out to take a pebbled nipple into his mouth, and relishing in the way you arched your back into him, leaning further into his touch. Just last night he’d decided to take a break from you and your good girl charms, finding it increasingly difficult to justify all the attention he’d been giving you.
“Joel,” he heard you whisper in your raspy, fucked out voice, followed by a loud squeal as his palm came down with a loud SMACK! on your right ass cheek, thick fingers digging into the skin hard enough to feel but not hard enough to leave bruises Dax might question later at home.
You felt him shift underneath you, feet planted firmly on the floor of his truck, left hand moving up to the grab handle, mouth releasing your nipple with a pop and a string of saliva, the sight of which had your face blushing and your pussy throbbing around his cock.
“Hold on, baby,” you heard him say, and before you could think about it, Joel was slamming himself into you, hard and deep, cock barely out of your pussy with each thrust, hips rolling into yours at an angle that had you screaming with white-hot pleasure. He smiled up at you, brown eyes half-lidded and pupils blown, still thrusting with unrelenting fervour. He groaned and sucked a breath of air into his mouth as he felt your wet pussy contracting around him, juices dripping further down, mixing into his pubic hair and making for a downright pornographic image he was sure to file away in the dark corners of his mind and remember for a long time.
“Eyes on me, sweetheart,” he coaxed, hand leaving its place on your hip to brush the hair off your wet and sticky forehead. You didn’t even realise your eyes were so tightly closed until you opened them, glancing down to see Joel looking better than you’ve ever seen him, hair dishevelled and tanned skin glistening with sweat. “Good girl, that’s it,” he whispered, voice roughed up, eyes cloudy and glossed over with desire.
You were the picture-perfect modern Stepford wife as you stepped into church that Sunday morning, hair done up, modest summer dress chosen for the occasion, and golden cross resting daintily on your chest. A far cry from the scene Joel had in front of him now, and which made his insides swell with pride at being the one who gets to ruin you this way. His good little Christian girl, a drooling, moaning mess on top of him. Joel groaned, strong arms digging into your middle to bring you even closer, face pressing in the curves of your breasts, peppering soft kisses over your burning skin. You still smelled faintly of the coffee you had that morning, and the sweet and tangy blueberry muffins you had baked for church. Soothing and smooth, and so fucking tempting at the same time.  
He could feel you were close, pussy clenching around his cock, moans getting more breathless and needier with each hard thrust.
“Joel…” he heard you say again in a heady voice, heavy with desire, that he’d never heard from you before. It made him want to lose control, to grab you by the meat of your hips and fuck you into oblivion, until you only remembered his name. Somehow, surprising himself, he managed to slow down, smiling when he heard you whine softly in disapproval. “Please…”
“‘Please’ what, darlin’? Use your words, pretty girl,” he teased in a slightly condescending tone, rolling his hips slowly and deeply into yours, thick cock brushing that soft spongy area inside you with every thrust, leaving you unable to form words coherently. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, greedily drinking in the smell of your skin, sun lotion and blueberry muffins, with a thick layer of just the most unbiblical sex, that selfishly made him hope Dax would happen about to see what’s going on.
But this really wasn’t supposed to happen. He’d really promised himself last night that he’d stay off you in some way, try to see you a little less often, leave for work only after you finished your daily morning coffee on the porch – hell, anything – just to get this sweet cunt and angel face out of his head, and get one good night’s sleep. Wasn’t really helping how you had also started to seep into his waking thoughts with your clothes on, and in really mundane scenarios too. Most of all, he found he really wished you spent the night in his arms sometimes.
“Please make me cum, Joel.”
That was all he needed to hear. He grabbed your thighs with both hands and shifted slightly upwards to get in a steadier position, not missing the way your face scrunched up in the cutest way at the feeling of his cock dragging inside your sopping pussy. You were a sight, skin flushed red, lips puffy and swollen, and your up-do now sprawled across your shoulders, golden cross stuck to the warm skin of your neck in an upwards position that made all of this just so ironic. He swallowed hard before looking deeply into eyes and rising a warm hand to your face, which you leaned onto in such a familiar way, a thousand tiny aches filled his lower belly, travelling up.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as Joel’s thumb travelled lightly across your cheek, moving towards your mouth and across your bottom lip, sending a wave of warmth through your body. You lean further in, breath mingling with his, air charged with electricity.
When your lips finally meet, your kiss is slower, more tender than either of you expected, seemingly a dance of vulnerability and desire. Joel’s lips are gentle yet possessive, exploring yours with a deepening hunger that mirrors your own longing for him.
Your fingers find their way to the back of his neck, grabbing into his hair and pulling him closer, your body instinctively pressing further against his, all this friction eliciting a load groan from each of you. Joel left hand grabs your thigh roughly, causing a new hot flash of arousal to flow through your core, his other hand interrupting your kiss. He doesn’t have to say anything before you take his thumb into your mouth, sucking softly and running your tongue around it, looking into his eyes with that fucked-out look you know he loves.
You release his thumb with a pop! and lick your lips at the loss, savouring the way he’s looking at you right now, like you’re some sort of goddess, intense and unwavering, with a sense of awe, reverence, and a hint of uncertainty.
Joel can barely control himself from snapping his hips into yours and taking you fast and hard across your threshold. Instead, he gazed into your eyes more lovingly than you ever remember him doing and placed a strong hand flat across your chest, gently lowering you back until your shoulders are pressed to the driver’s seat. One knee on each side of him, you watch Joel suck in a sharp breath. This new angle, dress ridden up above your hips to give him a better view of your glistening pussy, fat cock inside and stretching you out, the head of it nudging that soft spongy place inside of you that makes you see stars, and he can tell.
“Joel, I can’t –“
“Shh…” he cuts you off with a gentle whisper. “Have I ever left you hanging, darlin’?” he starts rolling his hips into your own, smiling to himself, seeing your eyes defocus and your pouty lips form a most delicious “o”. Your moans are sweet and quiet, always trying to keep the volume down when he fucks you somewhere outside. So considerate, he thinks to himself, running his tongue over the same thumb that was just in your mouth, before bringing it down where your bodies meet and running slow, tight circles around your clit, all the while starting to pump his cock in and out of your sopping hole.
By this point, you’re a heady, moaning mess on top of him, skin sleek and shiny with sweat, face beautifully contorted in pleasure, your fingers pressing against your lips in a self-soothing, agonizingly charming little gesture. Joel can feel your cunt tightening around him with every push upwards, and waves of arousal pooling out of you to coat his cock with every stroke downwards.
He knows you’re close, he can feel you starting to grind a little harder into him, mouth open and panting, your tits bouncing slightly in his dazed face as you mindlessly try to chase your orgasm. He’ll help you through, and he’ll help himself too. Joel grabs your hips hard, lifting you off his cock and dragging you back down with ardour, revelling in your loud, breathless moans and the way your pussy has him in a vice-like grip, sucking him back in, dripping and squelching with your cum as you let him fuck into you like a man starved.
“FUCK, Joel!” you cry out in a hushed whisper, feeling that coil inside you snap and your insides pulsing around his cock. You stand up a little straighter with him still inside and grab his face with both hands to kiss him deeply, taking control of all movement between the two of you. Too surprised to fight back for it, Joel leans into your kiss, hands kneading the soft skin of your hips, fingers digging in firmly, no longer that worried about leaving visible marks.
You smile sweetly against his soft lips and Joel could swear he felt his hear skip a beat. The tenderness of your touch, the warmth of your embrace, this is why he can’t stay away from you. Joel moans a little louder when you start grinding down on him in a particularly delicious way, hands flying from your hips to your tits, kneading and pinching and alternating wet kisses between your hardened nipples. “Just like that, baby – fuck,” he pants, going to loudly slap both your ass cheeks, fingertips grabbing firmly to spread you even further apart on his cock. He loses it when he feels your warm breath on the shell of his ear, softly moaning, coming undone on top of him. Joel snaps his hips upwards, thrusting in and out of you at a pace you’re somehow always surprised by, his face buried in your neck, showering you with sloppy open mouthed kisses, nibbling the little golden necklace and feeling sinfully proud of himself.
You can feel his movements becoming more erratic underneath you, hips snapping up hard, fast, and haphazardly to meet yours. “Fuck, sweetheart, always takin’ me so well,” Joel groans breathlessly, thrusting his hips upwards a few more times, before his hot, sticky cum is filling your pussy, some of it spilling out and around his cock. A minute later, when he feels your soft arms going around him in an embrace, nimble fingers playing through his wet and sticky hair, he lifts his face towards yours to capture your lips in a gentle kiss.
The air inside Joel’s truck was heavy with the remnants of your hot, steamy fucking, alongside a thick atmosphere of unspoken feelings that never seemed to weigh as much as it did now. You and Joel sat side by side, still catching your breaths and trying to regain your composure.
Your heart felt like a battlefield, torn between the exhilaration you felt with Joel and the deep guilt and shame you felt for betraying your wedding vows and Dax. Oh, Dax, you worried, hand going automatically to smooth down your hair and dress. You knew this couldn’t continue and yet you somehow always ended up in the same place, not even sure exactly what triggered all these intimate moments between you.
Joel swallowed hard. He could tell you were just running around in your brain guilt tripping yourself over what had happened yet again, and he remembered with a sigh this was one of the reasons he’d decided to get out of your way initially. And no matter how hard he tried to resist, he found himself drawn back to you every time. Your entire being was intoxicating to him, and as much as he tried to be the voice of reason and protect you from the consequences of your actions, he couldn’t that easily deny his own desire and longing for you.
You broke the silence first, voice trembling slightly as you spoke. “I should go,” you said, eyes turning towards Joel’s, searching for some form of reassurance.
He nodded, knuckles turning white from the grip he had on the steering wheel. “Yeah, you should,” he replied softly, hoping either one of you would gather the strength to walk out first and stay the hell out of the other’s way.
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xxcherrydevilxx · 2 months
“For Her” 1/3 
— Karlach x Fem!reader
— Warning: Angst, so much angst, some spoilers? Idk not really but just in case
— Summary: You would do anything for your beloved Karlach not to die from her infernal engine. She deserved the world, to be free, and gods you would give it to her. Selling your soul to a devil in exchange for her is nothing, you would do it every time for her, always for her. — Author's Note: This was supposed to be a one-shot, I have decided while writing that there is no way in hell that I could do all I want to do in one story. I am splitting it up into three parts! This is the first, the second being fluffy smut, and the third is the crescendo with you getting taken to the hells! I don’t know when those other two will be out, it could take a few weeks or more to get em just right! But fear not, they will happen.
— Word Count: 2.7k 
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The blood from Grotash’s corpse soaked into your robes, the sticky confirmation of the man’s death gave you a somber sense of accomplishment. However, for Karlach, it seemed only to ignite more rage and fear in her. Her ragged breathing drew you out of your dead stare at the mutilated body at your feet. 
“My love?” you hesitantly called, noting the lashing of her tail and your companions moving a step back. You had never seen her so… angry before. 
“So Gortash is nothing more than a pile of flesh?” she asked no one in particular. The toe of her boot kicked his head, as if willing for him to get back up, to make this mean something more.
You moved to lay a hand on her shoulder, to offer her some form of consolement, but she lurched from your grasp. The fire underneath her skin began to light and cast cruel shadows across her face, the temperature rising a degree.
“There's nothing, is there? I killed the bastard who ruined my life, and now my prize is to crawl into a corner and die.” her breathing hitched and the engine inside her flared with power as she let out a loud cry, her hands balling into fists. 
“Am I fucking missing something?” she called, her lips pulling into a snarl to bare her fangs at you. 
Your heart, the warmth to your cold, the being who smiled at you with such adoration. The one you would do anything for, the one who was dealt a cruel fate. 
“-I'm dying, I’m going to die,” her voice echoed off the palace walls. The flames curled and licked up her form, growing more intense as the seconds passed with tense stillness from everyone but Karlach.
“It’s- you won't, I refuse to allow it,” You immediately answered. Your voice caught and broke as you watched her feral eyes turn to you. The anger, the pain...
The eyes you stared into when you desired her compassion and love. 
All of that was gone now, she was fully engrossed in her rage and suffering, and you couldn’t hate her for it. 
“You can deny it all you want, soldier, but I'm dying, and you get to live.” Her lips turned up into a cruel smile, “And you- you get to watch the stars, warming your hands on the fire, dancing, eating, making fucking love- all of it, all of it,” she threw her hands up as if in defeat. The fire roared and her screams of anguish echoed off the walls. You gave her a helpless look, what could you do? What can you do to save her- to give her more time? Gods anything and you would do it, anything-
A deal. Karlach had finished her long, well deserved, tirade and told you that you could find her in camp later, once she had time to process. Your companions gave the both of you pitiful sad looks, some clasping their hand on your back as if a sign of moral support.
Your throat felt dry and scratchy, your eyes hot as if tears were about to overspill them. Your hands, still sticky with blood, clutched and let go of your robes as your mind worked frantically. Wyll was still by your side, waiting for you to speak, to ask for anything. That was always like him, caring for you and Karlach. 
Your voice sounded pathetic in your ears. “Can you- can you keep an eye on her for me, I have to… I just-” You cut yourself off, taking in a ragged breath as you felt the tears slip down your face that must have been covered in gore. 
“Of course, anything for you,” Wyll responded softly. Rubbing his calloused hand across your back. You felt more tears roll down your face and a guttural sound slip past your lips. It sounded so broken, you half thought it couldn’t have been your voice making such a sound. But when you felt Wyll pull you into a hug, a tight desperate hug, the sound which could only be described as heartbreak incarnate wretched itself from you yet again. You clung to Wyll, wailing like that until you could no longer produce tears, your fingers digging into his armor as if you could ground yourself with just action. 
You didn’t tell Wyll where you were going, you knew he and the rest of your party would try to stop you... But they couldn’t stop you from doing this. No god, tadpole, or what-have-you could stop your feet from moving towards the only cure for your beloved you knew of. If she knew what you would do for her, the lengths you were willing to go to for her, she would yell at your idiocy, say it wasn’t worth it. To you she was all you had, were you not supposed to try everything in your power to save her? If only for her to live longer, even if it meant without you.
The door that you stood in front of seemed to whisper your deepest desires. Was it because you were at Sharess' Caress? Or because a devil who probably knew of your arrival was waiting ever so patiently for you to knock. 
You rubbed your arm over your face, trying in a desperate attempt to seem more presentable. However, with the blood you tracked up the stairs and your puffy red eyes, all it did was further make you look desperate. Just what Raphael was hoping for. 
You brought your hand up to knock, the door opening after one tentative hit on the oak wood. He waited there, a devilish smile as he leaned languidly on the door.
“Well, pet, this is a welcome surprise.” he purred, opening the door more to allow you inside. The luxury of the room still astounds you, the plush bedding, and the intricate rugs that soften your step. 
“I see you are in dire need of counsel.” His eyes watched, and a brow quirked as he saw no one else follow you inside. “And you've come alone, my pet.” he smiled, flicking a wrist and making the door shut snugly behind you. 
You stood in the middle of the extravagant room numbly, the blood on your shoes soaking the carpet. You watched the blood expand across the floors as prayers flashed through your mind, gods knew this was the only way, and yet… 
“Even without that fiery tiefling of Zariel’s… How interesting,” He hummed, his voice almost beckoning you to spill your desires. You found your eyes looking at him, he had found himself a plush chair to lounge in while he waited for you to do what he had been wishing for. His long nails tapped on the arm of the chair, a knowing look in his eyes. The mention of Karlach made your heart constrict. 
“Tell me, small pup, what you need to ask of me without your companion's knowledge..”
You bit the inside of your mouth, your eyes skirting away from the man who sat in front of you like a king waiting for a peasant to speak, to beg. 
“I think you know,” Your voice, rough from sobbing, still held traces of venom. A click of the tongue from Raphael made you hunch your shoulders. 
“I am here to make a deal, my soul- whatever you desire- for Karlach’s freedom,” you willed your stern glare to find its way back up to Raphael. He stared at you with a knowing gaze, the hint of a smirk curling his lips. His eyes found their way to his nails, examining them as if bored. 
“Ah, love, how precious,” He cooed mockingly, his nails reflecting their sharp edge in the light. “Kneel,” he ordered, one long claw-like nail pointing to the ground for you to follow suit. Your knees buckled and you hit the blood-stained rugs, half aware of the small tendrils of pain shooting up your knees, you would have bruises come next sunrise.
If you saw the next sunrise.
But, if all things go well, Karlach would. She would see the next sunrise and the next for years to come. Warming herself in the rays. Safe, from Zariel… from her infernal engine… never alone again. If this is what it takes, kneeling in front of a devil and selling your soul to him, you would. You would do it a thousand times over. 
“Zariel wouldn’t be happy with me, you know, I would be taking away her prized fighting dog.” Raphael talked, his tone dripping with the same condescending attitude you would expect of him. You had to press your palms into the ground to steady yourself. You wished you could jump him, dig your nails into his eyes, and hear the pop, to bite his neck out. Using you this way, using your love this way. But you were too tired, so tired…
So, so tired.
You wanted to sink into a bed, soft and filled with feathers. To hear the hum of your beloved, happy and content and safe, gods you wanted her to be safe. To be cherished, if not by you then someone else… But who were you fooling anyway? you didn’t deserve her… Not for a second. She was good, kind, beautiful - despite her years in literal hell. The only good thing to come from this cursed tadpole and doomed savior mission was meeting her, rescuing her, and getting to love her for all you were worth.
So you painted a smile on your face, your eyes as big as moons as you looked up at Raphael with what you expected would make him stutter in his condescension. There, you saw it, a flicker across his eyes, the stilling of the tapping. 
“Why would Zariel mind if you brought her the crown?” You asked, a coyness edging itself into your voice. A lie, ruse, whatever you would call it. Yet Raphael didn’t know that if you played this right, and you would, gods you would. 
A darkness shuddered past his eyes, and with it the candlelight flickered all around you, causing you to flinch. 
“The crown is mine,” He hissed. Standing from his chair and stalking over to you, looking down at you with disdain. Your eyes widened, this time not in pleading but in panic. You brought up your hands, swaying on your knees as you bowed your head. 
“Of course, I was foolish. my soul then?” you begged, cowering. He let out a sharp laugh pressing the toe of his boot underneath your chin, bringing your face harshly up to look at him where he stood above you.
“Not enough, pet, try again,” he commanded, his eyes boring into yours. You swore you could see the licks of flames in them, the hells itself reflecting. Perhaps even all the souls he stole before, screaming at you to flee. 
But you couldn’t. Not now. Not ever. 
“Use me as a dog, and I will do your bidding, bring you the crown, Zariel couldn’t lay a finger on you then,” you babbled, your voice high-pitched and wobbly. Were you losing in this battle of wits? How could you gain the upper hand? His foot had left your chin and was now digging itself into your upper thigh, making you hiss in pain as you looked down. Not a soul, not a crown…
“Gift me to her once I slay the absolute, a better fighter to trade,” You blurted, and the pain from his heel digging into you let up, ever so slightly. 
“Think of it, she wouldn’t need Karlach if she had me,” you continued, sweat dripping down the side of your face. An idea flashed through your mind, so sick it wanted to make you gag. Horrible. Something you would regret ever speaking aloud. 
Yet, if it promised her freedom…
“Gift her lover to Zariel, think of the everlasting pain it would put onto her, her cost of freedom being her first love at the mercy of Zariel,” It felt like bile on your tongue. The only saving grace was that you hoped she would find another, forget your love, and be happy again. Nevertheless, you hated the words that spewed from your mouth. You hated more the look of delight that washed over Raphael as he sauntered away from you to sit back down. 
“Promising, very promising, my little pup,” you hung your head in shame, your vision cloudy as you pressed your hands hard into the floor to stop yourself from falling over in defeat. 
Gods, what have you done? 
“A deal, my pet, sign here.” fiery paper appeared in front of you, a quill dipped in blood-red ink- you hoped- alongside it. You shuddered, shaking your head ever so slightly. 
“Do you not have to converse with Zariel?” you whimpered. Wishing to stall for time, if only to have a few more seconds of freedom. You wanted to run back to your camp, your home. To cling to Karlach, to cover her in kisses, thread your fingers through her hair, touch every bit of her. Sear it into your memory. 
“Ah, no, I think this will suffice her…” he paused, licking his lips as he gave you another devilish smile “Only, and only if you do kill the absolute, the contract will then be activated. Her engine fixed, you whisked away to the hells.” he ran a hand through his hair, you could tell he felt smug about his idea, which was just your idea with extra padding. 
But this gave you time, sweet precious time with Karlach. Before your lives were both broken by your decision… yet, the benefits far outweighed the cons. With a cringe, as you picked up the quill, you signed the dotted line. Your soul and body now belonged to Raphael, you just hoped you could keep your promise.
“Wonderful little mouse!” he clapped, whisking the contract through the air to bring it to him. He licked his lips as if this was the most tasty meal he had ever devoured, and you wanted to rip the contract to shreds, quick and fast. 
“You can run along to your sweet if you would like,” he continued, bored of you already. He snapped his fingers and the contract and quill both disappeared. You were free to go now, yet as you left the far too beautiful devil’s den you swore you felt two axes hover over your neck. One, the ability to actually do the deal you signed on for… if you couldn’t make good on your promise, what then? There had to be loopholes, the contract wouldn’t be voided, and he would never allow that.
And the second, far more scarier, was if you made good on the promise. You could already feel the swift breeze of the proverbial ax as it loomed overhead. You ran a hand along your neck, feeling the sweat and grime build up. Your body was so tired, your mind had been pushed to its limit during the tense negotiation with Raphael, having to use every advantage you could think of. Now, you were signed off to one of the most notorious demons that lurked in the hell…
You shook slightly as you continued to stumble back to camp, holding yourself up by leaning into walls when you could. You felt sick, every part of you ached and you had hot flashes and chills a-plenty as you stumbled into camp. You wanted to curl up and wait for your freedom to slip. 
“Ah, soldier, where have you- gods are you alright?” her voice…it sounded like church bells, a lover calling you inside, a harp being played in the heavens. Her arms encircled you, worry etching itself across her face the longer she gazes down at you. She smelt of brimstone, sweat, and a hint of sweetness.
She smelt like home.
Her arms, her lips, her beautiful eyes. Gods, you never would stare into those eyes again. You would never feel her strong assured arms- 
“H-hey Karlach!” you let out a startled gasp. She had lifted you up, princess style, to carry your tired frame to her tent. 
“Let me take care of you for tonight, you look like you've seen the hells,” she mumbled into your ear, brushing her lips across your temple before dipping the both of you into her closed-off tent. 
You didn’t have the heart to tell her, you would see the hells soon enough. Because you traded yourself for her, groveled at the feet of a devil. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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