#I love to think about my blorbos in kitchens
signanothername · 16 hours
i need need neeeed your opinions on In case I Make It plz plz plzzz💥💥💥 (only if you wanna ofc :P)
like even vaguely do you think any songs could relate to and of the broskis™️
also also unrelated but i love how shapes your drawings are‼️‼️💥‼️💥
Aaaaaa thank you!!! <3333
I especially adore it cause of how much of a different approach Will took with it, his songs on there are so calm all while still having the same unique feel with all his songs ugh it’s so good <3333333
And omg yes I can give you some songs from it that make me immediately think of my blorbos
Tomcat disposals - Killer song (something something about how it connects with Killer being stuck with Nightmare all while wishing for a better life)
Becoming the last names - Color spectrum song
Euthanasia - Apple twins song, also see it as a Killer song >:)
Falling up - Killer song
That’s enough, let’s get you home. - Color spectrum duo song
Vampire reference in a minor key - ngl see it as both a color spectrum song and a Killer and Nightmare song zhxhxbbx
You liked this (okay, computer!) - either Killer and Chara or Killer and Nightmare song
Against the kitchen floor - Color spectrum duo song
Willard! - i see it both as a Dream song and as a passive Nightmare song >:)
White noise - Killer song
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stardustandash · 1 year
Thinking about the Mantis crew and cooking and here are my headcanons:
Cere: we know she can’t cook. Greez has banned her from coming within three feet of the cooker. She thinks ration bars are adequate meal replacements but does insist Cal and Merrin get vegetables with their meals. She can make the best cup of tea out of all of them though.
Cal: not a disaster, but doesn’t always remember that he’s cooking if he gets distracted by something else, which has resulted in more than a few burned meals. Has the most basic palate of the crew, this boy would only eat nerf nuggets and turbo dogs if left to his own devices, and that’s why the spices haven’t been touched in Survivor. Like Cere he thinks ration bars are adequate meal replacements. Greez has tried to teach him but Cal’s more interested in taking his lightsaber apart for the 1000th time than learning Great-Aunt Mildred’s special stuffed pasta recipe.
Merrin: She can cook a well-balanced meal, but does like to be theatric about it. Greez does most of the cooking because he can’t stand hearing Merrin tell the vegetables that she is “going to dismember them piece by piece to survive off their life force”. Also she loves spicy food, and while a bit of heat is fine by all of them, Merrin’s level of spice is not tolerated by anyone else on the ship.
Greez: makes up a lot of his own recipes but likes to claim they were from various family members. It makes it feel more homey that way. He can and will pack lunches for everybody going off the ship on a mission, and when he starts cooking at Pyloon’s he always makes sure he has the ingredients for everyone’s favourite meals at the ready. Just in case.
BD-1: he’s a droid made for collecting information, of course he knows how to cook. He’s just a little guy though, so he only uses his wealth of information to bother Greez, or tell him when something in the kitchen is inedible for one of the others.
Bonus Kata: She is the only one who’s both normal about the kitchen and happy to learn. Greez loves to teach her new recipes every night for dinner and helps her plant an herb garden with herbs from around the galaxy on the rooftop. 
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ciitrinitas · 9 months
i am putting other games on the top shelf until forever because i am annoyed to go into the wotr tag and just have it be a quarter comparisons to bg3 even if they favor wotr and i agree with them.
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cherry-shipping · 2 years
watching star trek with sans soooofun^________^
#this means im watching star trek and im clutching onto my sans stuffie for dear life#because. well you see im watching the episode where spock gets drugged by sex pollen and gets all giggly and cute like a highschool girl#and puts on silly overalls and fucking climbs trees and stuff#and talks about how much he loves the creepy girl sorry i immediately forgot her name even though ive seen this episode before#and well you see. that does stuff to me#ive talked abt spock on here before hes everything to me hes my 2nd biggest blorbo after U Know Who#if he wasnt gay and in love with kirk id be in love with him is the thing#so anyway whenever spock is being cute i go insane because hes my babygirl and stuff and i need my sans stuffie to hold onto#and im also simultaneously daydreaming about watching star trek with sans for realsies#you know how you do that with your fave f/os. like you just imagine youre doing whatever it is youre doing with them#like ill be in the kitchen getting milk or on my way to school or something and my brain is like#ok now pretend sans is there too#and without thinking im like ok sir yes sir. hey sans do you wanna hold hands#its the same now i think wed both have a lot of fun with star trek bc we both love science fiction (''ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS REAL!'')#and ive posted this before but i like imagining my f/os getting either very silently flustered when i gush about my favorite characters#(i.e. f/o sitting next to me getting silently worked up because i just spout pet names about my favorite character)#or that same exact thing except they get a little itsy bitsy teeny tiny jealous about it instead#OR they just think im cute when i get super excited about stuff#i like thinking about all of those like simultaneously with sans#cherry chats#bf (bone friend)#i kinda forgot what i was talking about near the end there somethings been wrong with my head lately i keep getting dizzy all the time#like every 30 seconds i just get hit with this intense wave of dizziness and lightheadedness and then after 1 second it goes back to normal#its like migranes except it doesnt hurt its just like my brain is a fish tryig to get enough momentum to jump out of the water (my cranium)#i thought it was low blood sugar but...... no matter what i eat or how much nothing changes#and it happens all the time too even when im just laying down#its sort of annoying and just a little bit unsettling but anyway as you can imagine it gets worse when im super excited like i am right now#so if im not making a lot of sense thats probably why. um. i forgot what i was doing#GOING BACK TO STAR TREK NOW BYE LOL!!!!!!!!!! sans is with me and were having soooo much fun
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goldensunset · 1 year
advice i think we should tell children is that when adults say stuff like ‘now that i’m an adult i get really excited about stuff like coffee tables and bathrooms and rugs etc’ they don’t mean ‘and now i don’t care about blorbo and squimbus from my childhood tv shows anymore’ bc your average adult still loves all the same pop culture stuff they always did; they just have a greater appreciation for the mundane as well. growing up just means you can enjoy life twice as much now. you can get really excited about a new stuffed animal AND about a new kitchen sponge. peace and love
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hardly-an-escape · 8 months
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Stormy Weather, or: Outside, the Wind (Inside, the Light) | Dream/Hob | 1600 words | Rated T
tags: I recently spent an evening without power therefore I must put the blorbos in a Situation, love confessions, first kiss, getting together, power outages, Hob Gadling throughout history, gratuitious use of mildly accurate Middle English
The wind tears around London like a living thing, a wild animal, a predator, intent on the hunt. It chases birds into their nests and people into their homes, moans around corners and rattles shutters, sending piles of leaves whirling into miniature hurricanes and whipping branches into a frenzy, sharpening its claws on roof tiles and telephone poles.
Except in Hob Gadling’s flat.
The New Inn, and the cozy home above it, is in one of those old buildings that’s actually been loved and maintained – thanks in no small part to Hob’s own care and attention. The walls are thick and strong, the roof is solid. The shutters may rattle, but the windows are double-pane; the curtains and carpets are warm and soft, and no drafts encroach on the sanctity of his living room, where Hob and Lord Morpheus, King of Dreams, are having a movie night.
It’s part of Hob’s concerted effort to introduce the Prince of Stories to the stories he’d missed during his imprisonment. Tonight it’s Blade Runner – the final cut, of course – which isn’t necessarily one of Hob’s personal favorites, but seemed to fit the stormy, rainy vibes of the weather. They’re installed on the couch, with hot chocolate and wine and snacks, which Dream has deigned to pick at. Harrison Ford is eating noodles and wandering through wet, moodily-lit streets. The wind is howling outside, but they’re safe and warm and surrounded by soft things and life is about as good, Hob thinks, as it ever gets these days.
And then his lights flicker. Once, twice; there is the impression of a sort of electrical last gasp, and the room is plunged into darkness.
The wind whips and the shutters rattle. A volley of rain spits itself against the windows.
“Bugger,” says Hob.
Dream says nothing, merely brings his wineglass – which had already been cradled in one elegant hand – to his lips.
“Hang on,” says Hob. “I’ve got some candles around here somewhere.”
He gropes his way to the kitchen. In one drawer he unearths some beeswax tapers and several tea lights, which he arranges on a plate. He rummages in one of the deeper cabinets and makes a triumphant noise as he discovers his prize behind disused mugs and a fondue set from the 1980s: a pair of old-fashioned brass candlesticks equipped with round reflectors, highly polished to catch the light and bounce it back out into the darkness.
“You are remarkably well-prepared for an event such as this,” says Dream, as Hob lights his various prizes and returns to the living room with his hands full of flickering flames.
“Well, you know,” Hob demurs. “When it comes down to it, I’ve lived a lot more of my life without electricity than with it.” He arranges the tea lights on the coffee table and sets the brass candlesticks on a nearby bookshelf. “You never really get out of the habit of preparing for the worst. Although I will say, these beeswax ones beat the hell out of the old tallow jobbies we had when I was young. Got ‘em from a local bloke who keeps bees not half a mile away, isn’t that cool? A beekeeper in the middle of London. There, now,” he says, and having arranged the lights to his satisfaction he plops himself back down on the sofa.
Outside, the wind wails. The lack of lamps on the empty street below and the gentle candlelight within make the night seem even darker, and turn Hob’s living room into something even softer and cozier than it already is.
Dream’s face, in the flickering candles, seems even more otherworldly than usual; and Hob, for his part, truly looks as though he belongs in another century. The very shape of his face has changed, somehow, into something older; taking on a new appearance in the candlelight the way a man’s tongue might curl differently around the syllables of another language.
“I miss it, sometimes,” he says lowly. “This kind of world. Before the wires and the phones and the cars. It was… quieter.”
“You speak often of your delight in change and progress. Do you truly long for your past lives?” asks Dream.
“Yes and no,” answers Hob. “Some things are better now, no question. Antibiotics, wouldn’t want to live without those again. Vaccines and X-rays and chemotherapy and antidepressants – almost all the medical stuff. Mass transportation. Cars and planes have never been safer. Honestly, I’ve never understood the people who moan about the olden days and oh, life was simpler back then. Don’t they know how many people died? How many kids? Because they caught a cold or fell out of a tree or had a case of the runs that lasted a little too long?”
He leans forward to adjust one of the candles, which is dripping unevenly, and when he sags back into the couch there is just the hint of a frown between his strong brows.
“And yet…” he says, staring into the flames, voice quiet. “Nights like this. I do sometimes think…”
Hob trails off for a long moment.
“There was a rhythm to life, back then,” he says finally. “You counted hours by the church bells and days by the tasks that needed done. And there was so much that needed to be done… cows milked and fields planted and clothes knitted or mended. And it was all so important, so… necessary. Regimented. But in the in between time – Christ! your time wast thine.” As he speaks, his voice has slipped into an older register: his Rs grown rounder, his vowels longer, curling from his mouth to mingle with the candlesmoke hovering over his coffee table. “I remember fair hours as a lad, even into my manhood, of which I spent lyende in th’ fields, watching ants in th’ grass. And later, too, we’d hie us to bed with the sonne, the fire banked in the hearth. An’ it happen that if we awakened before dawn, ’twas a simple thing to pass the time in simple ways, be it in prayer or in pleasure…”
The innuendo in his words is clear, but Hob is not looking at Dream; his eyes are unfocused as he stares into the middle distance, revisiting the past via candlelight. Until one of the wicks lets out a small pop, and flares, and he shakes himself, coming back to the present.
“God, sorry,” he says, voice back in the 21st century. “Woolgathering. I’ll go on for an age, me. More wine?”
But Dream’s eyes have also gone unfocused, his lips parted slightly, chest rising and falling with unnecessary breaths as he stares – no, gazes – at Hob. He, too, must shake himself into the present moment at Hob’s offer of more wine. He silently holds out his glass.
“May I ask you a personal question?” Dream says.
“Anything. You know that.”
Dream pauses. Sips. Outside, the sound of the wind has not abated; has grown, if anything, even more dramatic. There is the muffled sound of branches scraping against the side of the building.
“Why,” asks Dream finally, “do you pretend to yourself that you do not want me?”
Hob chokes. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Why do you pretend thus to me?” Dream pursues. “Who has known you longer than any being on this planet or any other; who can know your innermost dreams?”
“What do you mean, other planets?” Hob demands. And then: “Have you been peeking at my dreams?”
“I need not peek, as you put it, to see the truth of the matter. It is writ plain on your face and in your every word and deed. I merely wonder why this truth has hovered before us for over six hundred years and you have yet to press your suit. Do you doubt, after all this time, my affection for you? Do you find me – unworthy?”
Dream sounds, impossibly, almost uncertain. Even vulnerable. Hob sighs heavily and leans forward, elbows on his knees and face in his hands.
“I – God. Dream,” he stammers. “Yes, Christ, I am full of doubts. You stormed away from me when I implied you might be lonely, I… I have never, once, thought I had a suit to press at all. What on earth has brought this on? Now, of all times?”
“I do not know,” Dream murmurs. “Perhaps… this darkness is working on me, as well. Perhaps I am as susceptible to candlelight and nostalgia as the next anthropomorphic personification.”
He smiles, a little quirk of the mouth that contains worlds, and Hob leans over, listing helplessly into Dream’s space as the tapers flicker.
“Fuck,” he whispers, pressing their foreheads together, turning his head to butt his cheekbone against the sharp line of Dream’s nose. “Art thou rēal? Speak you treue?”
“Aye, my Hob,” answers Dream. “Min herte is treue and bilongeth to you.”
A sob catches in the back of Hob’s throat at the words. “Fuck,” he whispers again, “Dream, I’m yours. I am. I always have been. My Dream, min sweven, my leof. Alwei, allesweis…”
Their mouths find each other, then, finally, lip against lip and breath against breath. They kiss for a long, long moment, desperate and hungry and soft all at once, as outside the wind howls coldly around the corners of the New Inn, and inside the light cast by Hob’s candles bathes their whole little world in a cozy glow.
“Take me to bed,” murmurs Dream against Hob’s mouth. “Make me your lover. Show me how you pass the time by candlelight, and in darkness.”
“Oh, darling. Dearheart,” Hob answers. “Nothing in this world or any world past could make me happier.”
And he suits his actions to his words.
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Dating Jack HCs
I've gotta do some more writing for my fav because I love him so much and he deserves more, just in general. NSFW included, because I would do THINGS to this man and I know some people would too, so Minors DNI.
Big appetite, but he's not picky. He'll eat pretty much anything you give him with little to no hesitation. Trying to do some baking and you're not sure if you added too much sugar? Just give him a spoonful of the batter and he'll tell you, flat out. He is partial to foods that he grew up familiar with, since it's what he knows best, so making him a good hearty meal. Steak and vegetables are a popular choice for him, but a nice chicken pot pie with bread is something that will have him melting.
He's not entirely helpless in the kitchen himself, but he's not really good at doing much. He can cook something the way he likes, and he can make basic things, but more advanced meals usually wind up either a bit burnt or a little undercooked. He's got an odd affinity for pancakes and waffles though. Get him to make you some and they're the softest, fluffiest pancakes and waffles you've ever tasted.
He's not really a movie or book guy, if he's bored, he'll go work out or exercise, but he does push things too far sometimes and give in to letting himself relax for a bit to let his body recover before he starts pushing himself again. This is your chance to make him enjoy your favourite pieces of media with you. You matter a lot to him, so he'll pay attention, actively participating by asking questions. He'll look at you with all the love in the world in his eyes, when you're talking about it.
On the other hand, if you take an interest in his past, in Goudou, he'll fall for you and fall for you HARD. You want him to teach you how to do something he cares about? He's putty in your hands for the entire duration. He doesn't expect you to push yourself as hard as he pushes himself, but he will push you to do your best. It stops when you say that you're done, or until he thinks you're not able to keep going.
He's not really one for physical intimacy, but with you, that starts to change. He likes holding your hand while the two of you are walking. He likes putting his hands on your shoulders while you're just standing around doing something, be it waiting in line or just standing around. After the first year of being together, he'll do whatever you want him to. Need him to pick you up so you can look at something on a top shelf? Absolutely, no hesitation, you let him know if you want to come down because he'll just assume you want to be up there for the rest of the time you're there.
He's rough and clumsy about affection at first simply because he's not sure of what you're wanting. His jaw is stiff when you kiss him, his hugs are a bit too firm or too loose, he doesn't really hold your hand, more like cupping it. Until he gets more comfortable, his affection remains lukewarm. You know the second that it just clicks for him, because all of a sudden he's just there, his hugs are tight and warm, he hold your hands properly. He's just so warm with his affection.
Please remember that this man is both blonde and pasty, because he won't put on sunscreen unless you ask, and he WILL get burnt. Will he complain about it? No, but you'll know he's miserable because he'll be moving very carefully, like everything hurts (because it does). Get some aloe and make this man sit down, he'll fall asleep before you get even half way done.
Holding his hands is a fantastic thing. His entire hand engulfs yours, you can feel all the little scars and calluses on his palms and fingers, and if you really pay attention you can feel his pulse. Laying on his chest is something else entirely, because all you can hear is his breathing and his pulse.
NSFW upcoming, if you're a minor then get lost??? We don't want you here?? Annoying ass kid, goddamn.
I love my man, my sweet little blorbo, I'm going to chew on him in a sexy way.
You can't really tie him up, because sometimes he'll get a bit too excited, either the restraints or the furniture you've tied him to will break, but he encourages you to try. If you're not one to take the risk on that, then just tell him to grab the headboard. He'll grab it and he won't let go until you're done.
RIDE! 👏HIM! 👏 RIDE HIM! He teases you when he's on top, but when you're riding him, he just goes dumb, it's like his brain leaks out of his ears, he'll lay there and watch you like you're an actual diety as you use him for your pleasure, and he encourages you to do so, because then he's assured that whatever is done is something that you want.
He doesn't really have any specific fetishes beyond biting and a strong breeding kink, so he's happy to try out whatever you like. The only think he is staunchly against is a daddy kink. Don't call him daddy, that will immediately kill the mood. The only other thing he has a problem with is him being the bottom. He's big, and him letting himself being that vulnerable takes a lot of trust.
Biting him while having sex just drives him fucking WILD, even if it's just a nibble. The second your teeth touch his skin it's game on, he'll have you pinned to the mattress faster than you can blink, though you're not really going to be processing much more than that until he finishes with you.
He makes it painfully obvious when he's thinking about getting you in bed, he'll stare right through your soul (before he fucks it out of you) and hover around you. The best way to get him to say fuck it and fuck you is to wear one of his sweaters... And not much else. Laying on the couch reading a book? Not anymore, he's got your legs over his shoulders, and you're seeing white.
Everything about this man is big. Big hands, big arms, big tits, and a big dick. He's got a girthy thirteen incher, and it is veiny, curves upwards at just the right angle to make you go insane. He knows he's big, and he's not the kind of guy to force something to fit, so he won't even try to push his cock into you until he knows you're ready.
This man is incredibly pliant to what you want to do. Something you can do is just walk up to him while he's laying down, push his head back and ride his face. He won't complain, he'll just get to work on you. Fuck his throat or his tongue, he won't care, he'll be in bliss. That mouth may be intimidating, but it works wonders.
He's got such big, thick fingers, they're perfect to ride. Just reach over and grab his hand, he'll let you use them, anything for his love. If you need him, you can have him, subtle or not. Grind on his thigh to take the edge off, or drag him off to a bathroom to have him take the edge off.
He's got that really big scar right across his front, and it cuts really close to one of his nipples. You'll find that one is a lot more sensitive than the other, and trust me, they are sensitive. There's not much you can do to phase him, but playing with his chest is one way to get him riled up.
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lale-txt · 2 years
what gets their heart pounding... ♡ [partly ns.fw] ↳ w/ Zoro, Sanji, Smoker, Rayleigh, Roger, Shakky
♁ pt. 1 w/ Kid, Killer, Law, Mihawk, Shanks, Benn
a/n: when i tell you this prompt hasn't left my mind... so of course there's a part 2! still so many blorbos to explore with this. it's a mix of fluff and smut again, so be aware before reading. reader is gn! small cw for use of "daddy" on Shakky's part (i have no explanation for this except that i'm weak and on my knees for her)
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you helping him with the clasp of one of his earrings, your face awfully close to his while your fingers brush over his skin, careful not to hurt him
the same fingers tracing the scar over his eye when you think he’s asleep in your lap, his heart about to jump out of his chest from your touch
your soft chuckle when you notice his blushing cheeks, however he’s not hiding it because it would mean he’d have to give up resting his head on your thighs 
when he finds out that it’s even better to rest his face between your thighs, making them shake with his skilled tongue
the way you pull his hair when the stimulation gets too much, forcing him up to your lips for a kiss, giving you a taste of yourself before he goes down on you again, drunk on you 
feeling your tight entrance being stretched little by little as his cock slides inside you, your chest heaving as you mewl out his name, sucking greedily on his fingers while you take him so, so well
your happy face after taking the first bite of something he cooked just for you, a smile so wide for him in return; he still sees it like a photograph when he closes his eyes
how you roll up the sleeves of his shirt for him when he doesn’t have a hand free, your fingertips brushing over his skin, giving him goosebumps
the way you pronounce his name, as if you’re blowing a kiss for him with the second syllable, dripping from your lips like honey
your hand in his hair as you guide him to the aching arousal between your thighs, asking him to be a good boy for you
your sweet praise when he looks at you love-drunk as you pull him up by his hair, his lips glistening with your juices
him trying not to cum immediately from the way your tight hole twitches around him when he enters you in one go, filling you up completely 
you on all fours and your cries, begging him to go harder, as his hands dig in the flesh of your hips, watching his cock glide in and out of you in a broken rhythm
the mischievous twinkle in your eyes when you reply “yes, sir” to his orders
your silhouette at night when you’re waiting for him at the same spot as always, an unlit cigarette dangling from your lips 
the way your faces almost touch when you lean in close to light your cigarette at his cigar, how you take your time and gaze upon him through long lashes
his gloved hand around your neck as he takes the other glove off with his teeth, spitting it to the side before his bare hand slides into your pants for the first time 
your fingers clinging onto his jacket, watching you crumble as he wrecks your body with pleasure from a few strokes alone
the tears in the corner of your eyes as you sob out another broken “yes, sir” every time he asks you if you’ll be good for him, his fingers rubbing that one sweet spot inside of you 
your face resting against his chest, breathing heavily as you come down from your high, while your curious hands already unbuckle his belt, being nothing but greedy for him
the quiet mornings in the ship’s kitchen when it’s just the two of you, sharing the newspaper like an old married couple, no words needed
how you touch his arm gently when you want his attention, as if his thoughts weren’t radiating around you only all the time already
Roger and Gaban patting his back and encouraging him to be honest about his feelings after watching you two exchange longing gazes across the room for months, both of you hesitant to take the first step
your lips finally crashing against each other, a hungry kiss to make up for all the times he only thought about it but never dared to tilt your chin up
the way you moan his name when he fingers you, feeling your tight hole twitch around him, your eyes rolling back when he makes you cum for the third time, getting you close to overstimulation
your pretty little mewls when he fucks you bent over the kitchen table in the morning, not caring about the newspaper anymore, only the lews sounds of flesh on flesh as he fills you up with his thick hot load, moments before your crewmates approach
the absence of fear in your eyes when the ship docks at a new island and he grabs your hand to run off exploring it with you
the way you’re not letting go off his hand, ever, and realizing how perfectly it fits into his, almost disappearing in it
you mumbling out his name in your sleep when you dozed off on deck and he carries you to bed
feeling your piercing gaze on him through the hazy dark of your cabin, your tired but pleading voice asking him to stay, making it impossible for him to refuse
you climbing on top of him the moment he lays down beside you; your hands, your lips, all of you exploring every inch of him
your tongue swirling around the tip of his cock, licking up salty drops of pleasure before you take him down your throat until sounds of gagging and muffled moans fill the room 
his fingernails digging crescent-shaped marks in your thighs as you straddle him and sink down on his length slowly, struggling from the girth of it but unable to stop your hips from rolling, until you finally take him all in and cum from the sensation of it alone
you taking her hand over the bar counter when you learn her husband is gone often and playfully proposing to her, promising her with a loud laugh you’ll treat her better
Rayleigh smiling and winking at her after your drunk confession many nights later, you hiding your face in embarrassment while you can’t stop stuttering out all the things you like about her
your shy kisses after you helped her close the bar and your weak knees after the confession falls from her lips
your kisses getting braver once you’ve invited her over in the safety of your own home, your hands lingering on the bare skin between her pants and her shirt before she guides you where she wants to feel you
hearing you call her “daddy” accidentally and feeling something awaken in her, making you repeat what you just said with a mischievous grin 
the sounds of you gagging on her strap as you take her so greedily despite her telling you to slow down, your pleading eyes seeking her gaze before you take her down your throat again
your shaking legs on her shoulders as she kisses and bites the insides of your thighs, her strap stretching you so deliciously as she makes a mess out of you
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shveris · 24 days
incorrect quotes collection, part 3
today i bring you: things that definitely happened in the canon (trust me i'm gege's pc)
part 1 part 2
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megumi: any room can be a panic room if you’d just give me a fucking second
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sukuna, during the heian period: i was born for politics. i have great hair and i love lying
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noritoshi: poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses
miwa: this katana is actually a magic wand
momo: meet me in the inageya parking lot for a wizard duel
mai: *cocks gun* magic missile
kokichi: what the fuck is wrong with you people
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yuuji: do you guys hear something?
sukuna: i hear the sound of you shutting the fuck up
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satoru: what does 'take out' mean?
shoko: murder
haibara: dating
nanami: food
suguru: it can mean all three if you’re not a coward
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shoko, on the phone with suguru: they’re in the kitchen again
satoru, in the background: “beat 3 eggs”… in what? hand to hand combat?
haibara, in the background: must be since nanami banned technique usage in the kitchen last thursday, remember?
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megumi: goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out yuuji’s birthday invitations
maki: well, what are they supposed to say
megumi: “yuuji’s birthday”
panda: what do they say instead?
megumi: “yuuji's bi”
nobara: works out either way
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sukuna: do you prefer gendered terms?
yuuji: i guess so
sukuna: fuck you
yuuji: where was the gendered term?
sukuna: in your mom
yuuji: my mom got dicked down by your twin which you ate in the womb
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satoru: goodness me, it’s the perfect day for our hiking trip! bless mother nature
megumi, out of breath: mother nature is a WHORE
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yuuji: what’s up guys? i’m back
megumi: what the- you can’t be here. you’re dead. i literally saw you die
sukuna: death is a social construct
satoru: died and came back as a cowboy, i call that reintarnation
nobara: wow, i don’t even get the joke but it sounds funny
megumi: that’s nOT. THE. FUCKING. POINT.
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nobara: what the fuck yuuji, what are you doing here!?
yuuji: i missed you guys!
megumi: you just survived a car crash
nobara: the doctors said you have internal bleeding
yuuji: yeah, and? isn’t that where blood’s supposed to be?
megumi: i need to sit down…
these two are how yuuji's comeback should've went...
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shoko: yeah, i'll smoke a joint tonight, but let's not get too crazy
*4 hours forward to shoko, suguru and satoru getting arrested for blocking the main road in large traffic cone costumes*
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nobara: the only thing i'm guilty of is being gorgeous… and also assault with a hammer
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satoru, on the night of the war delcaration: suguru, i’m sorry. i can’t keep seeing you anymore
suguru: no shit, you’re always wearing that blindfold
satoru: suguru… no…
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nanami: gojo, we have a problem
satoru: what, the fire?
nanami: no, the- wait, what fire?
satoru: oh forget about it, this sounds more interesting
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shoko: that was a joke. say ha
nanami: ha
shoko: now do it again
nanami: ha
shoko: congratulations, you are officially the life of the party
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satoru: i would let you ruin my life
suguru: sorry, i’m busy ruining my own. you’ll have to wait
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satoru, turning to suguru: my dick stopped breathing. it’s in desperate need of cpr
suguru: you’re in desperate need of a beating
shoko: or a lobotomy
suguru: both
shoko: if the beating is hard enough, it’ll count as a lobotomy
satoru: i always knew you guys were homophobic
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satoru: none of those words are in the bible
shoko: psalm 119:105. “and jesus said unto his followers, should a manlet incel attempt to mansplain the blockchain to a girlboss, may she waste his time and yassify his blorbos”
suguru: he did not fucking say that
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megumi: i taught my dog a new trick *throws ball* fetch!
dog: *just stands there*
noabara: he didn’t do it
megumi: that's because i taught him to ignore social conventions and think for himself
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suguru: i’d kill someone if you asked me to
satoru: i’m pretty sure you’d kill someone even if i didn’t ask you to
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megumi: if bees can be fish and boys can be girls, then why did my dad sell me to the zen'in clan?
nobara: i thought i was going to have to yell at you, but now i think i should hug you
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sukuna, on yuuji's cheek: the real secret to immortality? not dying. you want to be immortal? okay, that’s easy. just don’t die. that’s it. refuse to die. there you go.
yuuji: but how-
sukuna, ignoring him: “but how” you may ask. well, easy. just don’t do it. refuse to. say “no, fuck you”
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nobara: i'm not creepy
nobara: i'm petty
nobara: there's a difference, ya know
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waiter: what would you like?
yuuji: a milkshake with two straws
megumi: *blushes*
yuuji: *puts both straws in his mouth* watch how fast i can drink this!
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haibara: ieri-san, is that my mug you’re drinking out of?
shoko: no, it’s mine
haibara: it… looks just like the one i have…
shoko: you don’t have one like this anymore
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megumi: i'm a witch. i mixed some herbs and crystals together and now all my shikigami know the f-word
nobara: which one?
megumi: what do you mean?
nobara: there's more than one f-word
yuuji, entring the room: you talkin' 'bout faggots?
megumi: why would we talk about cigarettes?
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sukuna: i'll offer you some friendly advice-
yuuji: i don't want your advice
sukuna: well, then consider it unfriendly advice
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jjk manga ends in 30 days which means i'm gonna nap on the highway after that last chapter drops :muscle:
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msmargaretmurry · 4 months
Mini fic 13. things you said at the kitchen table would be fun for matthew and leon, because another pair of my blorbos have several Important Scenes in the kitchen, so seeing how that setting is used for others is nice!
as i'm sure everyone has forgotten by now, eons ago i was doing this writing meme, and so many lovely folks left me prompts that i never got to because grad school destroyed my ability to write. but i am trying to get back in a creative groove so we're resurrecting it. so thank you for your patience/sorry about the wait i guess?? 😂 anway —
13. things you said at the kitchen table
“There you are.”
The kitchen had been so quiet that Leon jumps, looking up from his phone to see Matthew leaning in the doorway, eyebrows knit together with a frown. He’s bare-chested, barefoot, wearing the gray sweatpants that had been folded on top of Leon’s hamper, worn once but not dirty enough to put through the wash yet. There’s an array of teeth marks and mouth-shaped bruises down his torso, just starting to bloom with color. If he turned around, Leon knows, there would be a matching constellation on the back of his hip, disappearing under the waistband.
Leon tends to lose himself in the moment. Sometimes it’s a little embarrassing to see what he’s done afterwards.
Matthew tilts his head. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Leon looks at his phone again, somewhere in the middle of a mindless scroll through Instagram, then sets it aside. “Yeah, just couldn’t sleep.”
“Coulda woken me up,” Matthew says, that cocky little grin of his tugging at one corner of his mouth. “I woulda tired you back out.” He’s crossing the room as he says this, ignoring Leon’s eye-roll, pulling out a chair to sit down across from him. Elbows on the table, eyebrows raised. The only time he’s stopped looking smug all night is when Leon had him gasping and panting and moaning too hard to look anything but desperate. Which is stupid, because his team kind of got destroyed earlier, but maybe his face is just kind of stuck that way.
Leon doesn’t really get Matthew at all. He likes him well enough — a surprising enough thing on its own, and one that Leon is still reluctant to cop to sometimes. But there’s something impenetrable about him. He always leaves Leon feeling off-balance. Something about the way he walks into every room like there’s no reason he wouldn’t belong there, including Leon’s kitchen. 
The sex is great, though.
Matthew hasn’t spent the night before, but not for any real reason. Just lack of opportunity. Leon usually likes sharing a bed when he has the chance. 
Matthew nudges his foot under the table. “Hey.”
Leon blinks at him. “What?”
“You sure you’re awake?”
“Yeah, I’m fuckin’ awake,” Leon says, and kicks him back.
“Well then act like it,” Matthew says, catching Leon’s ankle briefly between his feet. “Is everything okay?”
Leon opens his mouth to say yes, but then he takes a moment to consider the situation, and instead he says, “This is a little weird, isn’t it? You and me at the kitchen table?”
“Well, it’s not my fault we’re not still in bed.”
“Shut up, you know what I mean.”
“I think it’s mostly weird because it’s the middle of the night.” The way that Matthew’s curls fall in his face is distracting. Makes Leon think about how they feel tangled in his fingers. He’d be disappointed if Matthew ever cut his hair short. “You know I’m leaving at the end of the season, right?”
This startles Leon more than Matthew’s sudden appearance two minutes ago. “What?”
“Contract’s up. Bye-bye Calgary.” Matthew shrugs with an extremely measured amount of awkwardness. That— that’s why he’s so fucking confusing. Even his sincerity feels like an act sometimes. But even more than that—
“It’s too fucking cold, I’m homesick, and my coach hates me.”
“No, mean— really, he does?”
Another shrug. So helpful.
“I mean, why are you telling me this?”
“I’m trying to make you pay attention to me,” Matthew says. “Geez, why do you think I’m here?”
Leon raises his eyebrows. “You didn’t get enough attention earlier?”
A tiny grin. “No.”
“So where are you going?”
“Dunno yet.”
“Is that true or are you just not telling me?”
Another shrug. A slightly larger, smugger grin.
“You think I’ll miss you?”
“Nah. You’ve got Davo to keep you warm.”
“We’re not—” Leon ignores Matthew’s dancing eyebrows. “Seriously, why are you telling me this?”
Matthew kicks his foot under the table again. “Come back to bed. We’ve got, what, two games left this season? I’m trying to get the fuckin’ in while I still can.”
“So you’re going somewhere far away,” Leon says.
“Dude, you’re in Edmonton,” Matthew says. “Everywhere is far away.”
“I meant, like, out of the conference.”
Shrug. The temptation to reach across and hold Matthew’s shoulders still is so strong. Instead Leon just meets his gaze, trying for the umpteenth time to figure him out. It doesn’t work, so he looks again at the collage of bruises spilling over his collar bone. He’s changed, in the couple of years they’ve been doing this. His body used to be wirier, but now he’s starting to fill out like a grown man. Leon can feel it on the ice, when he hits him, and in bed when he fucks him. He used to be wilder, more immature, more willing to sacrifice the play to be annoying, but he’s honed that down to an art. Whatever team gets him is going to be blown away by what they find behind his reputation. And Leon— well. It’s strange to feel so acutely that in the grand scheme of things he’ll just be an anecdote in Matthew’s life. It doesn’t bother him, exactly. It’s just a strange little moment. He’d thought, maybe stupidly, that they’d be doing this for years to come. Battles of Alberta and all that. But somehow it makes a lot more sense this way.
“Come on,” he says, standing abruptly. He catches Matthew by the arm on his way around the table, pulling him along back toward the bedroom. Matthew shakes the grip off, but catches his hand instead. In bed, he kisses Leon like he means it, but there are a lot of ways to mean something.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Some more supplementary material for the Frat Boy! Au, this time starring blorbo of the hour: Kento Nanami
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Because he’s been heavy on my mind. Starting with his basic info!
Nanami grew up very middle class, not as poor as Suguru or Ryomen, but nowhere near as well off as Satoru.
He’s a business major not because he wants to, but because he feels he has too. If he had it his way, he would be a culinary student. But according to his father, there's no money in being a line cook, so accounting it is. 
Still, he hopes to use his degree to open his own restaurant one day. His father would never approve of a line cook for a son, but maybe Nanami could sell him on a business owner for a son. 
He says the main reason he joined the ABO frat was to try and make business connections, he knew that some people would hire one applicant over another just because they were alumni of the same fraternity. In reality though, he’d have more room in the frat and unlimited access to the kitchen. 
His room is full of plants. Plants of all kinds everywhere, including some herbs. It used to kinda annoy Ryomen (his roommate) but, he’s grown to actually kinda appreciate it. It makes the room feel less dead. 
Phenomenal cook who can not bake to save his life. Cooking is an art but baking is a science and somewhere along the way he fucks it up every time. Be it mixing the batter too much or too little, not letting it sit long enough or letting it sit too long- he doesn't know. He can handle box cake mix that’s about it. 
Now if you want a steak cooked to perfection with perfectly roasted veggies and the creamiest mashed potatoes you've ever put in your mouth on the side he’s you’re guy. If you want an authentic lasagna with homemade everything including the noodles and sauce, he can do that for you. Do not ask him to make bread. 
He’s also insanely good at fighting games. Every version of Nanami in my heart is a God when it comes to fighting games, there is not a universe in which Nanami exists where he doesn’t dominate at Tekken, argue with the wall if you don’t agree.
Adding to that, he’s also in love with D&D. He’s a forever DM that spends hours of time planning campaigns, hours he should be spending on his school work but shhhh. If you really want to make him swoon, offer to let him be a player in a campaign. He’d pull out a ring on the spot. 
That being said, I think it’s time to get into some relationship headcanons ;)
HE’S A TSUNDERE! Look at that man, he has such big Tsundere energy.
Out of all his frat brothers, Nanami is probably the one that gets laid the least. Not from a lack of opportunity, nay nay, women (and men) throw themselves at him all the time. He’s just picky and not a fan of being touched by stragers. 
You though? You’re different (of course you are, you’re the main character!) The two of you really started to click after you had to work on a pretty big project together. Little things you did softened his heart for you.
Small things like asking him more about his D&D campaign plans, excitedly showing him pictures of the plants that you kept in your dorm, and offering to help him out in the kitchen. Little moments of quality time and tenderness while you were working on this project together nurtured his small crush into full blown butterflies when you were around.
He finally admitted to himself he was in love with you when you beat him in Street Fighter. He wasn’t used to losing at fighting games. You bragged about using his tips against him (you listened to what he said) and laughed about the weeks you spent training to destroy him (otherwise known as taking a genuine interest in his hobbies.) 
He asked you out on a date that night and you were taken completely off guard! You had no idea the fool even liked you! He was cold on the best of days, spending more time scowling at his notebooks than listening to what you said (or so you thought.) He never contacted you unless it was in regards to your project, and most of the time you spent hanging out outside of it was just because you had become friends with his frat brothers and happened to be at the house. You mean he liked you?! 
Of course you said yes, if for no other reason than to see where the hell this goes. You were 40% sure it was a prank, but hey- a free meal was a free meal. It helped he was hot as hell, what was the harm in one date?
You saw a whole new side of Kento Nanami that night. He was warm and attentive, and fucking hilarious when he wasn’t just keeping all of his jokes to himself. 
It was a simple date. A moonlit picnic in the nearby park, one where he brought his laptop and used his phone hotspot so the two of you could watch movies together. 
That was the night when you found out Kento Nanami considered himself to be a hopeless romantic. 
When he took you back to your dorm, he walked you to the door and actually asked if he could kiss you goodnight. 
And now you’re both smitten! 
Once you’re officially his girlfriend, You’re gonna find out he’s genuinely pretty chill. Happy to give you your space and recognize you’re a person outside of your relationship. That being said, let some asshole start getting a little too comfortable with you at a part and he’s quick to throw hands.
You would think nerdy little Nanami wasn’t that good in a fight, but nay nay, he was forced to play football in highschool and will leave a bastard concussed. 
He says he’s not a cuddler, but every time you sleep in his bed you wake up with him cuddled close to you. 
Nanami loves kisses, and is always planting them on you when you’re in kissing range. Your lips, cheeks, forehead, everything is fair game. 
You’re the only person in the world other than like, his parents that can call him Kento. He’s always gone by his last name, to the point that his first name makes him feel like he’s in trouble. Only authority figures use it when they’re pissed off at him. But it hits him different when it comes from your lips. When you say it, it feels tender and intimate. It’s the closest he gets to liking his name.
He always tries to make time for you and your relationship. Even if that sometimes means that your date nights are just study dates, he always strives to make you feel like a priority. 
He’s a soft guy that falls in love easily. You may not know it yet, but he has full intentions to marry you after graduation. A fact his frat brothers are quick to tease him about, while also making him promise to make them groomsmen. 
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oh-theatre · 1 year
I wamna hear about timbart
Why thank u I have so much about them I love them bart is my blorbo
Tim always notices when Bart is getting quiet or overstimulated in conversation or other such situations. He offers comfort or grounding, whether it’s a distraction, fidget or removing him from the conversation
Tim is Barts lightning rod, when part gets really in his head and is speeding around or talking too fast or blurring and he’s not really there Tim can ground him (he offers physical touch, if Bart needs/wants it)
Counter: sometimes bart needs to run or pace around and just exhaust himself but tim never leaves, he will sit and watch and wait he’s there for bart
Tim calls Bart goose and lightning bug and Bart calls him Timmy
Bart has a lot of nicknames for Tim actually, most of them funny (Timtam, Timbit, Timothy Chalamet)
Bart is just about the only person who can get tim away from his work, and he’s got a sense for it.
Every time they get spotted in public they make up a different role for Bart in Tim’s life.
personal assistant, chauffeur (does not have a car, should not drive), his chef, bag carrier, etc.
Bart mindlessly fidgets with Tim’s hands and fingers, Tim let’s him
Tim frequently falls asleep on Bart and he does not move, he also makes a point to make sure no one else disturbs Tim
Tim stocks his utility belt with new snacks for Bart every week
Tim will flirt incessantly with Bart on missions and he just short circuits
They!! Wear !! Each others!! clothes!! “Isn’t that Tim’s hoodie?” “Not anymore”
Bart will go all around the world to bring Tim food and when asked about it he lies and says it was just a restaurant in central, Tim knows he’s lying
Bart thinks alot more then he says things out loud, Tim notices this and coaxes his thoughts out
Tim loves Barts hair, he will consistently put his hands in Barts hair sometimes without knowing and Bart just lets him, sometimes he’ll find tiny braids that must have come from tim
Tim gets really quiet after a mission gone badly, he’ll isolate himself or pour himself into work. Bart will sit in silence with him, he can sit still for this, for tim. He waits as long as he needs until Tim reaches out he always doea
They are so smart and often on the same wavelength and on missions rarely do they need to talk they just know what the other is thinking.
Bart is one of the few people who can boss tim around or challenge him without fallout
They listen to eachother ramble and rant fully invested and offering questions. They are autistic and adhd <3
I think it takes a really long time before they kiss. It’s a lot of “we don’t like each other we’re just really close besties, pals even” but then they almost lose each other on a mission or one gets badly hurt and oh no they are so much more then best friends, this is their person, the mere thought of losing the other person makes them completely break
Bart is the type of person to come up with a wild solution to something and Tim lets him try it
They like to be in each other’s presence even if they aren’t talking, sometimes they can’t talk but they want to be in eachothers space. Tim will be reading or studying while Bart lays on him playing a video game
Bart has a warped sense of life and death, and he doesn’t see death as a bad thing but more of an escape (he has trauma from his past (time in the future)) but the thought of losing Tim will send him into a spiral
whenever Tim gets sick or injured (like needs bed rest) bart will stay with him at the manor or in his room at the tower the entire time
bart speaks so many languages and loves to call tim petnames in other languages, tim melts everytime.
they love to cook for eachother and together, alfred has banned them both from the kitchen however
bart loves forehead kisses tim wil cradle his face and its so gentle, tim can feel when bart speeds by him and gives him a kiss it tickles but hes gotten used to the feeling and loves it
Tim hates when Bart gets stuck in the speedforce but hes always the one to bring him back (lightning rod!!!!!!!)
Bart, on multiple occasions, has stood up to Bruce after him and tim have a confrontation.
With that, hes always there to combat everything Bruce has said and uplift tim and reassure him in very plain blunt words that he is enough, and he is a person worth the world
i have so much please keep talking to me about bart allen, timbart, bart allen **bart allen**
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Fluffy bakugou brainrot:
So I’m in a classic soft sad semi crybaby kinda mood rn- did anything happen? Nope. Am I just like this? Yup.
Anyways, I like to think number one blorbo bakugo lowkey lives for this shit. NOT BECAUSE YOURE SAD. But because it means he just kinda ??? Gets a koala for a little bit??? All pliable and shit.
And you know he just goes along with whatever too. You wanna just hide your face in his neck on the couch? Bakugo’s got a blanket pulled up around you with a hand rubbing up and down your back while the other gives occasional head pats.
You wanna chill and play switch games? Bakugo’s there, sitting prolly behind you against the headboard so you’re in between his legs askin questions and paying ATTENTION goddamnit. WITH bonus !! Forehead smooches frequently. (I’m on a Zelda totk kick rn and I like to think bro gets all smarmy and cocky when bosses show up because “sweetheart I could totally beat it for you don’t worry” and then he dies not a minute in)
In general: soft bakugo who adores having koala hours with his baby when he can just plop around with them and call them the sweetest, cavity inducing nicknames on the planet to get them to laugh a lil
Bonus!!! Bakugo finding out you haven’t eaten the Proper Amount of Food™️ so he puts your ass on the kitchen counter and makes your ultimate favorite. Gets you water too in a lil cup with a straw
PLS this will live in my head rent free for the next two weeks ‼️‼️
but nooo I get it!!!! like it’s not necessarily about you being sad as it is about how clingy and mellow you get that he absolutely adores!!!! loves being able to just decompress after a long day, hide his face in your neck and breathe in your scent while you read on your phone.
and omg the switch part he gets sooo cocky about being able to beat everything and dies after the first punch skdjdkd I can imagine him bragging about beating the boss even if you’re playing something easy like cooking mama or animal crossing LOL what a dork
he calls you the most sickening nicknames that he would absolutely kill his friends over if they ever heard it!!!!! all sweethearts, and my love, and honey bunny that you can’t help but laugh at bc it sounds a little funny coming from him !! but you love every name anyway, because it came from him and he’s so comfortable around you that he doesn’t mind being a little corny if he gets to see you smile at the name he gives you 🥺
also definitely is ready to throw hands if you don’t eat or drink enough >_> scolds you the whole time he’s fixing you food, keeps shoving individual ingredients in your mouth and hands in between seasoning the food and stirring/chopping. “why do you always do this—how the hell do you even forget to eat?” as he slices up a cucumber or piece of fruit and taps it on your bottom lip for you to open wide so he can feed you !!
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Santi +/x AuDHD!reader headcanons
(could be platonic or romantic - but written as not co-habiting)
Author’s note: maybe this is too niche, idk, but sometimes I like to think about the blorbos and how they’d interact with an AuDHD reader (because that’s me, so for obvious reasons). I headcanon that Santi is particularly compatible with a neurodivergent reader, maybe because I’m being self-indulgent… but also because why on earth would he not be? So here are a few poorly written / cobbled together thoughts which have been rattling around in my brain.
PLEASE NOTE: These are written in as general a way as I could manage (which may make it slightly less fulfilling, sorry, as it’s therefore lost specificity) but please note: since everyone who is AuDHD is so completely and vastly different, I couldn’t possibly have made this “fit” everyone’s experiences. Sorry if there are things you don’t relate to, but I tried to include a few more common experiences in there so hopefully there’s at least something.
Also! If you have any hcs of your own (for any Oscar/Pedro characters) PLEASE share them because I want more ND!reader content out there! 😀🧡 (Will also consider ND!reader requests if you have them, provided I think I can do it justice!)
Warnings: brief mention of panic attacks / anxiety (Santi). Geared towards ways that Santi helps reader out - that’s where my head was at, so it is what it is. Broadly neuro-affirming, I’m not putting anyone down for any traits ofc, even if they do cause challenges sometimes! Hope that makes sense!
Santi is so organised and tidy. He can make a plan and execute it with great attention to detail (have you seen that storage locker?!). If you struggle to stay organised and keep the house tidy etc., Santiago will have no issue helping you out, whether it’s coming up with a routine, creating a system, or simply doing a quick blitz anytime he’s over at your house. He finds it sorta therapeutic anyway, and you never feel like he’s doing it because he judges you or the condition of your place. It’s just wired into him to find order. Hell, sometimes if you lose something around the place you call him to see if HE can remember where he last saw it, and usually he can. That military routine never really left him, even all those years later, so he’s a great constant for modelling structure!
Santi will FaceTime you to body-double whatever chores you want to complete. For example; you have a Wednesday evening tradition to call each other while you each fold the laundry, or do whatever else you need to get done. You do get things done, and he makes you laugh the whole time too. He sticks to this routine as much as he can, no matter what else he has going on, or which country he is in. He loves this quality time with you, and to him it’s just a bonus that it helps you out.
Running late to meet him? He’s learned to bring a book and a flask of coffee along. He’ll wait, you’re worth it.
Sensitive to noise? Santi can’t relate fully, but he knows what it’s like for some sounds to instil negative effects. (See how this veteran is feeling around the fireworks at 4th July and you’ll get it.) He will respect your need for quiet when you need it. Besides, he’s slowed down a lot since his younger years and more and more enjoys the little things like curling up and reading a book. That said, if you want some stimulation and fancy hitting a dive bar with blasting music, or wanna dance in the kitchen, he can also be convinced. He has the range to accommodate all of your sensory preferences, your routines and your impulsive ideas, and he’ll gladly follow your flow.
He’s a magician at regulating you. This man is observant and can read people like nobody’s business, so he knows when you’re getting overstimulated or overwhelmed - often before anyone else does. When he sees it happen he’s happy to help you calm your nervous system however you need. Whether that’s a soft / firm hug, distracting you by talking to you in his soothing voice, working-out with you, letting you fidget with him - his hands, bracelets, whatever - or borrowing a texture of his, like playing with his soft curls.
Better believe this guy sends you texts throughout the day to check that you’ve eaten / drank water.
If you’re running late to an appointment and he’s free he will 100% drive you.
He loves to cook and always “accidentally” makes extra, so that you always have a stock of tasty “emergency” meals in your freezer for days when you don’t have the energy / functioning to cook.
Don’t wanna make the phone call? Santi will do it for you. Besides, he can charm the socks off of anyone so it’s probably best he deals with it anyway.
Santi is charming but he also has the ability to be straight down the line in his communication, especially with you as he trusts you so much. That means you rarely have to guess what he’s thinking or feeling about any particular thing. He lays it out for you and that’s super helpful. Of course, he can be closed off about his more complex, deeper emotions, but that’s something you seem to bring out of him - at least, in ways that no-one else has managed. You’ve had plenty of deep heart-to-hearts with the man and you know you can count on each other in a pinch, whether you need comfort or to vent about something you have going on.
Santi experiences panic attacks and anxiety and can relate to some of the ways you also struggle. He gets that people’s brains work in different ways and he’s far from judgemental about that. You’ve never once made him feel lesser when he’s been struggling and he will NEVER do that to you either.
Your sense of humour cracks him up no end.
He loves that you can be “blunt” / direct / a little “too honest”. He always knows where he stands with you, and for someone as (secretly) insecure as Santi that’s no small thing.
If you indicate you are burnt-out… he BELIEVES you. No questions asked - except for what you need, of course.
Forgotten something? Santi has started carrying spares. This man is nothing if not prepared, and now that simply extends to you. Whatever day-to-day items you carry (or often lose) he makes a mental note of the item and brand and buys multiple - for his place, his truck, wherever.
This man has social skills galore, so you can lean on him at parties, or in whatever situation if you’re feeling uncomfy or want a “way in” to a conversation. You can even leave him to do all the talking if you like, though of course he will enable you to have the floor if he can see that you want it. On the flip side, if you talk a lot, he is absolutely listening and rapt with whatever you are coming out with.
Don’t always look him in the eye? That’s okay. The man is so beautiful he’s used to people not being able to stare directly at him 😝 Besides, he finds you and your mannerisms completely charming.
He’s deadly, sure, but overall he’s actually quite a calm and not hugely reactive person - especially in a crisis. That can be so helpful in balancing you out on some occasions where you may react in a heightened way, or be emotional or worried / catastrophising about something. Despite his ability to skip town at the drop of a hat - before deciding to stick around - he does have the ability to be pretty steady and stable and sometimes that’s what you need.
He appreciates you and everything you do for him. He helps you out sometimes but you never feel “in his debt”. He is endlessly praising all of your amazing strengths and attributes (amidst some fond teasing ofc) and appreciates all that you are as well as all you do for him, and he couldn’t ask for a better person to have in his corner.
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funky-fairy · 11 months
Lily, Remus and Pandora Headcanons (ridiculously long list)
they're my blorbos i would give my life for them. i project a lot onto remus and lily, so if anything is wildly out of character it's probably that
very kindhearted but also sarcasm queen
burnt out
Academic validation > real sense of self worth
needs external validation (no this is not healthy she's working on it)
better at potions than snivellus and he hates it hehehe
average at „regular“ magic (spells etc) but exceptional at „scienc-y magic“ (potions, arithmancy, astronomy, herbology etc) bc she's just that cool
plant mom (also green plants > flowers)
actually a rulebreaker, she’s just too smart to get caught
struggles to feel like she belongs: witch in the muggle world, muggle in the wizard world
study buddies to best friends with Remus
fav colours sage green and lavender
sorting hat couldn’t decide between gryffindor and ravenclaw at first
never involved in any drama but knows all about it
everyone is very surprised whenever she swears but she actually swears a lot
tells Pandora about the greek pandora myth and thinks that that's flirting
lotssssss of freckles
she is so sleep deprived
sneaks into the library at night (oh wherever could the sleep deprivation come from i have no idea)
loves christmas season (decorating, baking, cheesy movies, music, buying gifts for friends etc., not the christian part)
stress-bakes but can't even cook spaghetti without burning down the kitchen (baking is just different than cooking for her)
constantly apologizes for everything
smokes occasionally and always swears it's the last time (it’s not)
actually not that short but looks very short next to remus and pandora
abba fan (unironically) and always tries to get sirius to dress up as abba with her, remus and pandora (she already coerced persuaded them) for halloween
soft but wouldn't hesitate to kill for the ppl she loves
would love penelope scott if she was a modern teen bc i say so
first one to notice remus has a crush on sirius and vice versa
last one to notice she has a crush on pandora and vice versa
reminds others to drink/eat/sleep/dress warm enough but often doesn't herself bc she feels like she 'doesn't deserve it' :((
kind of a people-pleaser but remus is helping her to stop
so afraid of failure she sometimes doesn’t even try
doesn't cry (not on purpose he just suppressed his emotions for so long he literally can't cry anymore unless he has a full on mental breakdown)
caffeine addiction
won’t drink anything that isn't hot (eg coffee and tea, but also just hot water)
covers up his intense self hatred with jokes (not self deprecating but like joking about being perfect and stuff, idk how to explain it it's mostly me projecting bc i do that lmao)
very sarcastic and can come off as harsh
actually very nice and non-judgmental
chocolate >>>>>
never involved in any drama but wants to know all about it (Lily is his main source of information)
swears a lot
teachers think he’s very responsible but he just doesn’t get caught being irresponsible
smokes too much
thought the sorting head made a mistake by sorting him into gryffindor at first and still feels insecure about it all through his hogwarts years
patronus is a big black dog(sdfghjk)
very very tall but like kind of lanky
lots of scars obv
Sirius had to ask him out (and later propose to him sdfghjdfs) bc he had too much self doubt/hatred and thought Sirius would never want to be with him :(( (He did. Sirius very much wanted to be with him. Very much.)
top tier insomniac (lily makes sleep droughts for him tho)
lily taught him how to bake and now he loves it and is getting quite good at it
corrects people's grammar
knows every single abba lyric bc of lily
david bowie fan
constantly third-wheeling pandora and lily
hits/breaks things when angry, sometimes hits himself but never others
so afraid of rejection he ends up pushing ppl away (they can’t leave you if you don’t let them close in the first place) (his only close friends still are James, Sirius, Peter and Lily, but it took so long for him to let especially Lily close. Pandora still isn’t quite there even tho they are def very good friends)
very smart but only does anything at all if she likes the class/thinks it makes sense to have the class
only follows rules she thinks make sense and most teachers just gave up trying to do something about it
experiments with magic a lot
has scars from said experiments
also random bruises and scratches of unknown origin
wears large quantities of jewellery (piercings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, beads etc in her butterfly locs)
homemade jewellery >>>>>
cannot flirt to save her life
absolutely in love with lily’s brain
doesn’t drink caffeine
her maiden name is lovegood and both lily and her become lovegood-evans later bc in my brain they marry
just wanders around sometimes (excuses it with saying she sleepwalks if she gets caught past curfew)
t a l l
the sorting head barely touched her head before sorting her into ravenclaw
patronus is an octopus bc it's very intelligent but often seen as 'weird'
fav flower is the lily of the valley (sfdghjk)
knits (she knits sweaters and scarfs for lily <3)
is like the only one in this trio that actually feels pretty good about herself
although she does realize ppl tend to see her as 'weird' she just kind of accepted it? like, yeah, other ppl can be close-minded but she knows that and doesn't let it define her; as long as she's happy and doesn't hurt ppl it's all good for her
exclusively drinks sparkling water and jasmine tea
hates the feeling of brushing her teeth and is always working on spells/potions(with lily sdfghjdfs) that clean her teeth for her
would definitely also love penelope scott if she was a modern teen
loves pastries and other little baked goods
literally doesn't get cold
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doveshovel · 4 months
can we get more Hunter lore? 👉👈 niche little blorbo
!! Can't believe my little guy has gained niche blorbo status. I am honored, thank you anon <3
Feels it's important to mention that I'm not a very good writer, and Hunter's entire deal is essentially just me trying to make a character whose backstory is wildly out of place in the girl power sparkly horsie game but still sort of works with the cannon actions of the player character. This is just a hastily thrown together summary of how he winds up in Jorvik. That said, of course you can get more Hunter lore! :^D Sorry this took so long but I had to do some art to go with it :'))
Everything's tucked below since there ended up being a lot more than expected :') I think it's all fairly mild but
Content Warnings: Image 1: Some mild blood
Image 2: (dressed) head injury
Hunter's pre-jorvik summary contains: patricide, improper body disposal, vehicle theft (x5), unlawful operation of motor vehicles, crossing state lines with stolen property, trespassing, breaking and entering, evading arrest, speeding, and other minor crimes. Also some mention of drowning, concussion, and brain damage.
When an attempt to slip away from his childhood home in the dead of night goes awry, Hunter accidentally hits and subsequently kills his father with a stolen car, then does some sloppy short-notice body disposal. It's nowhere near enough to make sure he's not a suspect, but it does ensure that the body isn't found for another week (until the neighbors come by to ask why his father wasn't at church, only to find that the front door's been left wide open and a small family of raccoons have made their home in the kitchen). He makes his way from his old house in rural North Carolina (U.S.) northwards through eight states under cover of night, switching cars three times along the way (once in Virginia, once in Pennsylvania, and again in New Jersey) until he arrives at the coast of Massachusetts.
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^Hunter, age 19, 5 hours after hiding the body of his father
It's here that (not knowing shit about sailing, boats, or oceanic navigation) he chooses an old pontoon in a private dock to hotwire and sail across the Atlantic with the hope of evading prosecution. Three days into the so-far shockingly successful voyage, rough seas capsize his little vessel, leaving Hunter stranded half-conscious and about two-thirds drowned on some debris until the North Atlantic Current carries him into Jorvegian fishing territory. Five days after accidentally murdering his father, he's spotted drifting on some debris by the crew of a Jorvik fishing vessel and brought back to Cape West where he gets some bearings and starts life anew. :^)
The little pontoon isn't so lucky, and its remains wash up along the coast of Maine nearly three weeks later. By then, it's been connected to Hunter's murder + string of vehicle thefts, and he's presumed to have died at sea in an unsuccessful getaway. In some ways, he did.
Most memories of life before the storm have been wiped clear from his brain, and what little that returns in brief flashes is usually just as quickly forgotten again. Some foggy details of events in early childhood remain, but his entire personality is altered by damage and Hunter becomes someone else entirely, often feeling that he's living in a borrowed body.
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^old doodle of Hunter, age 19, a week after landing in Cape West
Hunter spends about two weeks recovering from a concussion and anoxic brain damage at the fishing club's Cape West bunkhouse before he's well enough to start learning the ropes and work doing some slightly less intensive odd-jobs around the village (fixing nets, processing fish, delivering mail, a little stablehand work at Goldenleaf, etc.). He attends a riding camp in Moorland towards the end of his first year in Jorvik at the suggestion of Mr.Trout, who believes it'll be a good way to get some better ideas of what the horse-loving isle of Jorvik has to offer and find some sense of self beyond Goldenhills Valley.
From here, its essentially the main storyline with some minor changes and seasonings thrown in :^)
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