#I may be a bone baby but I love pretty colors
6th-for-truth · 1 year
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Sorry not sorry that I need this quote on as many pieces of merch as possible.
Smaller font great for a subtle nod on a vehicle or a big bold one on a water bottle like this 😍
Available here on my Etsy!
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kissitbttr · 7 months
“my baby” you murmur softly against his skin. hands cradling both side of his face gently. “my sweet, sweet baby”
toji hates to admit how that makes his heart tremble with pure love, and how the simple act is the sole reason for the crimson color risen within his cheeks,
“that, i am” he mutters with a small smile playing on his lips, tugging you close by the waist. “you love me?”
a small gasp escapes your lips, as if you’re offended by that question. “i can’t believe you have to ask! of course i do” another kiss presses against his temple and down to his cheek bone,
he suppresses a cute giggle from it, not wanting to be embarrassed if you ever caught him letting out such sound. it’s quite fascinating how you are the only person who has a way to make him feeling flustered. as if you’re looking at a teenage boy who finally scored a date with his first high school crush,
“just making sure” toji finds comfort against your naked chest, feeling himself melt under your touch while your fingers toy with his raven haired. he frowns and lets out a boyish groan when you pull away,
“noo, noo” he whines, taking your hand before plopping it back down on top of his hair. “don’t stop. keep playing it”
a confused yet amused frown make its way towards your face, a small giggle heaves out of your mouth,
“look at you. my big boy” the nickname just sends shivers down his spine, causing his grip around your waist to tighten. he loves it when you call him that. “touchy today aren’t you?”
he responds with a hum, letting his eyes close for a while as you continue to play with his loose strands of hair. he’s so comfortable like this. being with you is his favorite place. no large house nor king sized bed could ever compare if there’s no you in it.
he’s dreamed of this for far too long. when his wife was taken away from him years ago, he didn’t think that he could find a solace in someone else’s arm anymore. he had given up on love and pour his frustrations out in a very toxic way. drowning himself in alcohol and getting into fights was his way of coping.
then you came a long,
with your pretty smile, pretty aura, pretty hair, pretty voice… pretty everything. knocked the wind out of the man, he couldn’t even form the right words when you stood in front of him.
‘s-shit—wh-what were you saying?’ he laughed nervously when he realized he was staring at you for far too long,
it was an adorable sight. you really did have some sort of power to make men weak in their knees
his heart bloomed when he heard you giggle, ‘i said… did you come here with someone?’
‘oh! n-no! not at all’ he scratched the back of his neck while looking down on his drink, ‘all alone’
‘oh—well then’ you took a seat beside him at the bar, his eyes didn’t move an inch from you. ‘guess we can be alone together’
“my sweet big boy—wouldn’t even dreamed about leaving you”
and that’s enough to make him feel at ease. to let go of the fears he had been holding back. to let go of the past that had corrupted him in more ways than one. to finally say goodbye to his long gone wife and say thank you to you instead for being here. for being so patient. for being so stubborn despite the times he had pushed you away. for not backing down because he knew how much he needed you, he just didn’t have the guts to tell you.
what’s that saying about the song you had shown him? if life is a movie, then you’re the best part?
yeah. that’s the one. but he knows deep down that you’re better than a movie.
because after all these years, toji fushiguro had finally found you peace,
and may lord helps anyone to those who will try to take you away from him,
maybe toji will remove fushiguro from his last name and take yours instead in the near future
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loveemagicpeace · 10 months
⭐️Venus and your beauty
☁️Let's talk about Venus signs and appearance. Because Venus also shows through beauty and your beautiful body or how people see your beauty or how they find you beautiful. ☁️
💘Venus in Sagittarius- ruler of sag is jupiter. These people have a blessing with their bodies and appearance usually all of people find them beautiful and attractive. They also have a lot of nice accessories or jewelries. They have a well-shaped body. People appreciate their energy, optimism, growth, wisdom&how they can give life to everything they touch. They like to dress to stand out or to be special. There is usually always some meaning behind how they dress.
💙Venus in Scorpio- have some secretive beauty. People find them mysterious but very beautiful and a lot of people find them sexual attractive. I also noticed that a lot of people have very dark and big eyes or when you look at them you see this mystery in them. They have a high cheekbones and pointy chins. People appreciate trust, secrets, honesty on them. They usually dress very seductively.
💋Venus in Pisces- these people usually look like Angels or have this unusual but very pretty body like fairy tales. They have huge puppy eyes. They often look like someone from a cartoon. Very sweet and nice people. Also very artistic. People appreciate their way of understanding and how open and soft they are.
🧊Venus in Capricorn-these people have emphasized bones on their body. Many times Saturn can take away the beauty they desire. The eyes are big, the jaw is pointy and V-shaped. Their way of dressing is usually business-like. People appreciate how responsible and independent they are.
🧁Venus in Virgo- they usually have very nice body and very nice skin -like glowy skin or oil skin. I always see those people have very nice body especially around the waist. But they can be very insecure about their body and appearance actually. For some reason I noticed that they usually don’t like to show their body and they can be very critical about how they look like. Many times they dress in a way that the colors of the clothes match.
☕️Venus in Taurus- many times they have a more muscular body and many times they are stronger. They have a nice neck. They tend to look beautiful in natural colors or without make up. Earth tones like nude, and natural shades of pink and soft flesh tones suit them beautifully. They also could have specific way of how they dress and usually they have the same style always. They don't like to change it.
🥤Venus in Gemini- Their beauty preferences may lean towards trendy and versatile styles. Usually they have long eyes which are lifted upwards and lined with fluttery lashes. They often have thin, heart-shaped faces, rounded brows, and pointy-tipped noses. They change a lot of how they dress.
🌸Venus in Cancer- they usually have baby face. I always notice that they have big eyes, many times hypnotic & blue. Many times they look more gentle or have gentle features. They usually dress like a mom or have mom clothes or more parental. They like comfortable clothes and many times also shirts with cartoon characters on them. People appreciate their kindness and nurturing energy.
🪴Venus in Aquarius- usually they have strange beauty or unusual. People either love it or not. Many times I notice that they have an unusual style that is completely their own. People like how free they are and how open they are.
🪁Venus in Aries- usually are known for their strong, arched brows. Many times you can see their energy, which is playful. They have a much more masculine or athletic figure. They could dress in like very fiery and outstanding way. Actually don't care what people think about their styles. Because they have their own style and they are proud of it. People appreciate their fire ,Independence and fearlessness.
🏹Venus in Leo- Their hair is many times the size of a lion's mane. They usually have a strong jaw. Many times I also notice that they have cat eyes. I don't know why, but men often look like they have enhanced eyes. They also have a very fiery and outstanding way of styling their clothes. Also a lot of times they have cartoon t-shirts or t-shirts with description of it. But also usually they like to wear black clothes or styling a lot with black color.
🛼Venus in Libra- have a large and wide forehead, wide-set eyes, and a dazzling smile. Many times I notice that they like a simple style of dressing. Usually they have a lot of cosmetic surgeries. Usually they wear pink clothes or more brighter clothes. People value their kindness, honesty, and sociability.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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storiesoflilies · 2 months
based on this request for @ichore <3
satoru gojo was acutely attuned to the air of melancholy.
more specifically, when it was hers.
although he exuded flashiness and a sort of fashionable confidence, made from all shades of purples and reds, there was an underlying natural blue to tie it all together. above all, satoru understood that particular color and all of its woes. it haunted his eyes, slowly seeped through the fabric of all his clothes, and stained his nails with a cold bite of loneliness when everything became too much for him to bear.
and because he knew exactly how it weaved its toxic web of sadness, satoru knew exactly what he needed to do to stop it from getting any worse.
unfortunately, his love wasn’t so good at it.
it would start with a long, aching sort of sigh and a slow stretching of her limbs still heavy from sleep. she wouldn’t say a word, sitting at the edge of the bed like she’d lived through a thousand years and more. satoru quirked an eyebrow at her, reading glasses balanced on the tip of his nose, and winced as her bones snapped and crackled like the bent spine of his book.
“you alright there?” he broached, although he knew already that she wasn’t really.
of course he knew.
you see, there was that red ribbon tying them together in a pretty bow. satoru would always know.
she only hummed once, blinked twice, then sighed again before pulling herself out of bed and clicking the bathroom door shut on him and the whole world. satoru pinched the side of his glasses to take them off, tiredly rubbed some life back into his dry eyes, before purposely getting up with a single-minded mission on his mind.
make his love smile again.
to polish the sole ardor of his heart into a sparkling diamond, brighter than the sun, brighter than everything in the whole world.
but the sight of her all crumpled up on the cold tiles made his heart split and crack.
satoru cooed, “oh, my pretty girl. what’s happened to you?”
his knees creaked as he squatted down to her, and she sniffled, “i think i’m not doing so well.”
“no? my poor baby, but you need to tell me why.”
she stifled a sob, wiping a tear with the back of her hand. satoru instinctively sat down and curved his body over her like a gentle weeping willow. he hushed her softly, hoping it would be a soothing wind easing through the leaves of her mind.
and she did tell him, in a sopping mess of salt and crisscrossed lines of blue doubt. she told him how she felt lost, floating around in a giant hot air balloon that wasn’t going anywhere. how she didn’t understand why someone like him was with a silly girl like her. how it was so hard for her to just say how she was felt, because the words were just so heavy and difficult to even push past her lips.
“it’s not your fault, toru,” she said quietly, a shameful whisper. “but i just don’t understand how to tell you sometimes.”
“well… i think you did perfectly there, baby,” satoru smiled, his hand brushing featherlight touches on her forearm.
she perked up a little at that. “you think so?”
“i know so.”
the ghost of a puppy smile made her lip quirk upwards, and satoru affectionately tapped her nose. “let me run you a bath.”
she nodded wordlessly and let him guide her as always, allowing him to delicately peel her clothes from her skin. she melted into his hands as he lowered her into the gentle embrace of the pearly bubbles floating atop the warm water, letting him carefully wash away the blue melancholy of her soul.
the sheer amount of trust she had in satoru made him seriously swoon sometimes.
and while he may not always be able to scrub away all the stains of his own blues.
satoru would always wash out it all out.
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©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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cheolism · 4 months
hello my beloved jupiter i would like to peek at the kinkiest jun thots inside ur brain pretty please 🤓
✰ wen junhui x reader ✷ wc is approx 1.5k ✰ warnings: nsfw! salirophilia and olfactophilia (attraction to the state of being dirty; attraction to body odor/scent). ✷ notes: based off of that one thing napoleon allegedly wrote to his wife asking her not to bathe before he came home. thank you mars (@onlymingyus) and junie for helping me w the names of the kinks!!
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jun wakes up to the uncomfortable feeling of being terribly warm.
the summer sun blazes through the bedroom windows, peering through the blinds and casting its light. the aircon kicks on in the next room, the box fan -- set on top of a dining room chair jun had dragged into the room -- whirling gently, casting a slight breeze onto jun's face.
he's still unbearably hot.
the two of you had gone to bed at midnight, the temperature dropping considerably compared to what it had been that afternoon. you turned the aircon to the perfect temperature; jun switched on the fan. he tucked the duvet around your figure, giggling alongside you as you wiggled your toes underneath. and then he had ducked underneath the covers, pressing his body to yours and tucking his face into your neck.
naturally, cursedly, time crawled on as the two of you slept and eventually the sun rose into the sky, coloring it a lovely blue. the room had heated up, despite the aircon doing its best, and so jun woke with his shirt sticking uncomfortably to his arms and his mind hazy with heat.
irritated, he throws off the duvet and swings his feet over the edge of the bed. he had stopped cuddling you sometime in the night, and perhaps that is why he's truly pissed.
he checks the temperature outside -- eighty-seven fahrenheit, what the fuck -- and then adjusts the thermostat. the aircon kicks back on, and he stumbles back into the bedroom.
you're frowning at him from the bed, lips in a pout and brow pinched. "why'd you leave?"
jun jumps back into the bed, throwing the duvet back over his figure and latching onto you. "was hot," he explains, and then he's ducking his face to press it against your neck.
his nose nuzzles into the baby hairs at the back of your neck, breathing. his hand settles onto your hip, and then he's sliding his fingers underneath the waistband of your boxers. jun doesn't do anything more, just keeps his fingers against your skin, warm from your body.
he presses his face against you, lips skimming over your warm skin. you're wearing a tank top, and he thinks, faintly, that just like the boxers the tank top is his.
you sigh as his mouth dips to your collar. he presses his lips against your skin, pushing his tongue out and feeling the hard bone hidden beneath.
he moves again. jun presses his face into the valley between your tits, concealed by the tank top. it's hot there, heat radiating off of your tits and trapped beneath the tank top, which in turn was covered by the duvet.
you're hot there, and when jun noses along the gentle curve of one of your tits he can smell you.
it's the smell that comes from sleep and heat. it's a smell that is so inherently, distinctly you. it's the smell of your soul, he thinks, his dick beginning to swell in his boxers and his fingers twitching down down down, until the tips of them are touching the hairs of your cunt.
"junnie," you hum, reaching out and looping an arm around him. he catches a whiff of that gentle scent of sleep and heat, and then he's mouthing at your tits through the fabric and settling his hand against your pussy.
"i'll be home late," you murmur into your phone. he can hear the noise of the conference through his phone speaker. you had told him, before you left, to prepare for as much; had, optimistically, said that it would be over at four but seungkwan had booked a room with a karaoke machine so you may end up staying longer.
"are you having fun?" jun asks, bracing against the counter with his free hand and glancing over the ingredients he had set out. he'll have to put the pork back into the fridge, package the chopped veggies and hope they'll be as fresh tomorrow. really, though, it's for the best; he's low on egg roll wrappers and doesn't know if he'll have enough for a full meal.
"yeah," you say, and he can hear the smile in your voice. it's like bottled sunshine, the way it seems to settle within him and lighten his soul. "we got free pens."
"holy shit," jun says, and you laugh. eventually, though, you hang up; he can hear seungkwan scolding you for being on your phone during a company conference before you manage to end the call.
jun packs away the veggies and pork, snapping the lids onto the plastic container and stacking them in color order in the fridge.
he throws two packets of ramen on the counter; checks on the rice in the cooker. with thirty minutes left for the rice to be done, he leaves the kitchen and begins wandering about the apartment.
there's a sock in the hall. he swoops down, grabbing it and balling it into his fist. he rounds into the bedroom, and he begins picking up your discarded sleep clothes.
he throws your shirt over the crook of his arm — it once belonged to choi seungcheol, but the man had left it in jun's gym bag when he borrowed it once and so it had been put into rotation as a sleep shirt for the both of you. you wore your own panties and shorts to bed, and he picks up those, too.
they're one of your favorite pairs. they’re on the side of nearly too-raggedy, the elastic loose around your hips. jun remembers the first time he saw you wear them, nearly two years ago; remembers how he had pulled them down your thighs; how they had been soaking wet from your cunt, how he hadn’t been able to resist the urge to bring them up to his nose and —
jun presses his thumb into the flat seat of your panties, stretching them. whatever wetness that may have been there from your cunt had long dried. he can see the faint bleaching from your fluids on your panties. 
he lifts your panties up to his nose; breathes in. he smells you, still, hours later. jun can smell yoru essence, the very fabric of your being. slowly jun slides his hand down his stomach, fingers gliding over the veins of his hips and following down down down. 
you look, jun thinks, absolutely destroyed. 
the half-assembled desk still takes up a majority of the second bedroom, metals bars sticking straight up and wooden surface flat against the floor. you’ve paused the music you had been blaring for the past hour, staggering into the living room with your phone in hand and a scowl on your face. 
“you want help?” jun calls, setting his own phone flat onto his bare stomach and stretching. 
“i can do it,” you snap, dropping your phone onto the lazyboy. your hair is pulled up off of your neck, strands escaping and flying about. your face gleams from sweat and your natural oils. you’re wearing a baggy shirt and pants, and when you lift an arm to grab at the ceiling fan string, he can see a patch of sweat on the armpit of your shirt. 
you are destroyed; you had attempted to build the desk and came out of it sweaty and ruined, pissed and unsatisfied. 
jun pats his thighs, sitting up a bit. you huff, and then you’re waddling over to him. you throw your leg over him, knee digging into the cushions as you settle back on him. 
your jaw drops, and you reach back and slap his thigh. “what the fuck are you hard about?”
“you’re beautiful,” jun says, taking you in once more. you’re messy and sweaty, and he wants you. 
his hands go to your thighs, settling. he smoothes his hands over your sweatpants, grabbing, groping, feeling you. 
you roll your eyes. jun moves up, wrapping his arms around your body to keep you in his lap. he presses his face into your neck, and you groan something out about being too hot for this. he can smell your sweat, your stink; he can feel his dick swell in his pants, can feel it strain and want. 
“wen junhui —”
jun pushes his tongue out, sliding it against your skin and tasting the salt of you. you let your head fall to the side, and jun slides a hand into your hair, feeling how hot and sweaty they are at the very start of them. it takes some shifting to get your sweatpants down your thighs, to tuck them under your knees and give him some space, but he does. 
and then jun is shoving his hand against your cunt. it’s hot and sweaty here, too, just like he had hoped. he can feel, through your underwear, how wet you are. the cloth near the elastic, damp from sweat; the cloth covering your cunt wet from your juice. 
jun pushes back again, and then your shoulders are against the cushions and he’s between your thighs. he pulls your sweats and underwear the rest of the way down your legs, discarding them next to the couch. jun lowers himself, pressing his face against your hot, sweaty cunt and breathing in. 
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mothytheycallmommy · 8 months
Rafayel Relationship Head Canons
Have some more head canons because I can't fall asleep.
Keep in mind that I haven't gone down his story line very much yet but this is what I've taken away from what I have experienced so far <3
When you two both start being romantic I think that he doesn't change that much either. I think he is more touchy feely than Zayne or Xavier would be.
He would hold your hand all the time or maybe have an arm wrapped around your waist if you're in pubic or at his or your home.
I think he would use you as his muse for some of his paintings. Maybe not portraits of you that he would sell, but instead sights that the two of you have been to together or abstract things of colors that remind him of you.
He obviously still has the fish he won for you at that game, he takes incredibly good care of him because that was his first meeting with you.
When he has new gallery events he would want you to be there with him to help him relax and celebrate easier, even if you are away on a mission he'll find a way to call you just so he can hear your voice because it helps calm him down.
When you cuddle he is a giant teddy bear. He would 100% lay his entire body weight on you just to hear you laugh and whine playfully that you can't move or breathe.
Eventually he will relent and move just enough that he's still mostly touching you but not all of his weight is on you. He will bury his face in your neck and just let out these sighs of relief that you're with him and willingly spending your free time with him.
His favorite places to kiss you are definitely the hand/knuckles, the cheek, your lips, and of course your collar bones when he's laying on you.
His favorite places you kiss him are his cheek, lips, forehead, and probably his arm if he's painting and can't give you his full undivided attention .
His pet names for you are, My muse, seashell, love, beautiful/handsome, and pretty girl/boy.
Your pet names for him My Picasso, fishy, baby, and honey.
I hope you all enjoy let me know if I got something wrong or any ideas you may have for other head canons :> love you lots <3
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC Deep Dive
Thanks to @illarian-rambling here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and @the-golden-comet here!
Rules: answer the questions about an OC!
I'll do Lexi, Maddie, Ash, and Gwen!
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Lexi - has haphephobia, the fear of touch; other fears include abandonment and being taken advantage of
Maddie - hates feeling trapped, metaphorically and literally
Ash - hates the idea of flying, also doesn't like being physically confined or trapped
Gwen - terrified of the idea of evil or finality of death
Do they have any pet peeves?
Lexi - not being listened to or trusted
Maddie - people who don't follow through with what they promised
Ash - when someone tries to control her life
Gwen - if someone is disrespectful or ignores her plans
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Alright, I won't be sarcastic with this one and say "bed, pillow, blanket"
Lexi - colorful floral decor/stickers, framed pictures, nature themed calendar
Maddie - unopened LEGO sets she's slowly going through, an extra table shoved against her desk, and sci-fi posters around the room
Ash - (shares room with sister, this is her side) puzzles underneath the bed, box of rings on her nightstand, small shelf with some favorite books
Gwen - shelves with books all around the room, beanbags and pillows in a corner for reading, mini drum set
What do they notice first in a person?
Lexi - height Maddie - age Ash - outfit or psychic vibe Gwen - also age
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Since this is tolerance I assume 10/10 means all the tolerance and 1/10 is no tolerance
Lexi - 4/10 - she can tolerate it long enough to let people know she's okay but she's probably crying
Maddie - 9/10 - she shakes off a terrible injury like it's nithing
Ash - 10/10 - what pain???
Gwen - 6/10 - pretty normal about it but slightly above average caused she's been hurt on runs and hikes many times in the span of doing it with her family all the time
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Lexi - fight if someone is in danger, otherwise flight
Maddie - fight
Ash - fight
Gwen - flight but she may have to fight to get there
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Lexi - it's just her, her parents, and Maddie! She's a big family person and considers friends extended family, and she has many
Maddie - see above for family size; the only friend she considers to be her family is Kelsey; she loves her family, but she doesn't seem as much of a Family Person if that makes sense?
Ash - big step family; she lives with her mom, sister, dad, stepmother, and half-brother from her mom's second marriage; her stepmother Mary has a huge family, and Mary is now pregnant; again, loves her family, but there are a lot of people who want a foothold in her life
Gwen - big family and loves it; she has a younger sister and two brothers, and her mom is expecting another baby!
What animal represents them best?
Lexi - golden retriever
Maddie - tiger
Ash - monkey
Gwen - tabby cat
What is a smell that they dislike?
Lexi - gasoline
Maddie - broccoli
Ash - cinnamon
Gwen - vinegar
Have they broken any bones?
Lexi - no
Maddie - yes
Ash - yes
Gwen - yes
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Lexi - very bubbly and talkative, almost rambly, and a bit high-strung
Maddie - weirdly blunt for a child her age
Ash - too curious and has a strange vibe where it's like she knows too much about me
Gwen - quiet, soft spoken, and seems kind
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Lexi - morning bird
Maddie - night owl
Ash - night owl
Gwen - morning bird but stays up too late reading sometimes
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Lexi - hates olives, loves strawberry
Maddie - hates flavorless stuff like lettuce, loves pistachios
Ash - hates honey and other too-sweet stuff, loves weird combos of flavor like ketchup and vanilla
Gwen - hates the taste of seafood, loves coffee and tea
Do they have any hobbies?
Lexi - gardening, biking
Maddie - Legos, robotics
Ash - robotics, puzzles, board games
Gwen - reading, journaling, drumming, going down a research rabbit hole
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Lexi - it depends; if it aligns with her plans, oh my God surprises are the best thing ever!!!! But if it's not she's gonna be stressed. Surprise birthday party? She'd sense it coming a mile away and would be fine with it. It's her birthday! It's time for a surprise party!
Maddie - would rather be the one surprising; surprise birthday party is something she'd have mixed feelings on because she'd rather do what she wants
Ash - same as Maddie, honestly, since she hates having people control her life, even if it is well meaning
Gwen - eh, she's not huge on surprises, either. If people are planning a birthday party for her, of course she'd be happy! It's the thought that counts if she doesn't like it, though depending on how well they know her, she may like it and adapt.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Lexi - I imagine her with piercings she got when she was five and a simple necklace
Maddie - nope
Ash - fingers covered in rings
Gwen - just one necklace is fine
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Lexi - neat
Maddie - messy
Ash - messy
Gwen - neat
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
This is hard because they're complicated. This is what I get from Part One.
Lexi - excitement and anxiety
Maddie - impatience and ambition
Ash - curiosity and anticipation
Gwen - compassion and
Do they have a favorite fabric?
I'm awful with fabrics!!!
Lexi - cotton?
Maddie - denim
Ash - flannel
Gwen - whatever cable knit sweaters are made out of
What kind of accent do they have?
All four are from the surrounding Houston area. Texan accents are present, but not as prominent as they'd be if they weren't in a suburban area. It's worth noting that it's possible they may have picked up some of the varying Alii accents from their parents, although Gwen's mother actually is of Mexican descent and it not from Alium.
Other Lexi: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, bag, facts, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo, unusual associations
Other Maddie: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, bag, facts, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
Other Ash: OC in three, interview, picrew, bag, facts, two truths and a lie, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, bingo
Other Gwen: OC in three, OC in fifteen, interview, Picrew, two truths and a lie, bag, facts, origins, questionnaire one, questionnaire two, kiss
Tagging @dyrewrites @sarahlizziewrites @winterandwords @writeouswriter @writernopal
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
Black questions under the cut!
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry?Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric?What kind of accent do they have?
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leonenjoyer69 · 3 months
Wanted to ask something about your bbg Elias, s there any difference between his face shape to Robert's the way Edward is different from Henry?👀
Been a while since I've last read your fic about Elias (two weeks in total but MAN those were some ling weeks-) so I might be forgetting stuff or small details about it cmdbcjbdksbxksbd
Don't worry, I forget things about my own fics very quickly 💀 I need to reread it and pump out the next chapter already, no matter how much I may dislike it. Also, honestly I've rambled and come up with so much stuff seperately from the story that I don't even remember what lore has been included in it! I just know there's really not much at all 💀 But!!! Yes there are differences! Uh, more below the cut cuz I'm gonna include art and stuff lmao
Okay, so, first of all, Elias's face is less round than Lanyon's, and a bit shorter. basically, his jaw is a bit more refined and also less chubby than Lanyon's, I guess. You know how hyde's face is shorter and chubbier/rounder than Jekyll's? Yeah, well, since Lanyon's already got his cute chubby cheeks, I figured Elias could lose some of that, he's still got very squishable cheeks tho, lil fella :3
otherwise, other facial differences include:
-lighter freckles, but still definitely visible, and he may have more than Lanyon
-lighter(?), less saturated skin
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-usually has more of a flush on his cheeks
-less round eyes, generally have a more squinted look, since he's more sensitive to light (blue and green eyed gang with a sensitivity to light, rise up!)
-eyebags/sunken eyes
-hair is a pretty obvious one, they have completely different hair types (what those types are I couldn't tell you tho) and colors (and lengths, obviously)
-more scrunched up nose, basically always has that line between his eyes on his nose. kinda gives a small feeling that he's always a little disgusted, though people kinda got used to it as his usual appearance.
-funky lil eyebrows! They kinda end like Jekyll's do, with the little squiggle, but way less extreme and more up than down, if that makes sense? (pic of him bald for ref lmao) this is something that usually doesn't get noticed I feel because of how his hair covers them
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-when front facing, he has the same lil nose thing that Lanyon has, that goes over the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. He's also just inherently got this insanely sad look I suppose 💀
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And then there's,,,, this one. Uh, his body is far more lithe than Lanyon's, and his ribs show a bit. His freckles also span his chest and back and shoulders like Lanyon's do. His collar bones and such are also more present
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OTHERWISE, for comparisons, this is,,,, one of the 3 times (basically) I've drawn Lanyon, and I don't really like it ngl, messed up the eyes too much, but some of the differences should kinda be visible.
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Otherwise, there's also this piece--
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Where I like how Lanyon looks and kinda,,, don't like how Elias looks, bc I kept messing up HIS eyes and mouth 💀 literally the best Lanyon I've drawn tho, shout out to this Lanyon specifically 🗣️🗣️
Anyways!!! Yeah!!! They certainly have their differences, as well as their similarities, I love my babies so much and I really really need to update my fic... Once the English language returns to me. Thank you for the ask, and I'm glad you enjoy my story and characters :D
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dcbbw · 2 years
Hey, I wonder what it would look like if Liam gave Riley permission to hook up with someone one last time at their party in Las Vegas, and Riley asked Liam to sleep together. It would be very interesting, because PB does not have that option.
Thank you so much for this ask @busywoman! Fun fact: when I first joined the fandom, there was a story of the Vegas fling taking place between MC and her chosen LI (Drake).
*Sighs nostalgically* That was a good story.
This one, probably not so much but here’s hoping you enjoy it! Using my Timing Liam x Riley (The Otters/Baby Riam) for this drabble and including an answer to your previous ask regarding a lighter, happier proposal for them.
Also using @choicesflashfics Week #20 prompt #1: “The word ‘love’ doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what I feel for you.” It will appear in bold.
No one’s eyes but mine have looked this over, so pretty please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this story as 99% error free.
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Song Inspo: Love You, flowerovlove
Word Count: 1,346
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Rating T for Teen (No triggers, just a couple of curse words and if you sniff really long and very deeply, you may catch a whiff of lemon)
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Las Vegas, Nevada
“Is there anything else you desire, my love?” King Liam of Cordonia loudly asked over the blaring music as he helped his fiancée down from the tabletop they had just danced upon.
Riley Brooks did not answer as she concentrated on placing her foot, shod in strappy sandals with too-high heels, firmly on the ground.
“Food? Drink?” The royal persisted.
“Damnit, Liam! I am trying NOT to die here!” Riley snapped, annoyance and fear lacing her voice.
The King’s fiancée was scared of heights, but more than that, she had a fear of falling. Both were a very real possibility when the tables were a good four feet tall. The last thing Riley needed was to faceplant  and suffer a head injury, broken bones, or worse.
The couple were in Las Vegas with their friends and members of Court to celebrate their engagement. Liam had insisted they have a stag and doe party because he could not bear another moment not being by Riley’s side.
Riley didn’t mind; she had tagged along with Madeleine on her bachelorette party and had crashed Liam’s bachelor party during the Engagement Tour. With none other than Drake Walker aka Agent Marshmallow. She had been so disappointed when Drake didn’t beat the hell out of Bertrand, but even more regretful at having to leave behind a plate of steaks.
During their stay, the couple had taken in the sights of Las Vegas, gambled at a casino where Riley lost $2,000 dollars but won $89 dollars and a coupon to the gaming house’s early bird lunch special, valid only Sundays through Thursdays. There had been a magic show, a scavenger hunt, and a night at the hottest club in town. Tonight was the last of festivities; the entourage was flying back to Cordonia in the morning.
Liam pulled her into a protective embrace once she was safely on solid ground, pressing a wet kiss against her temple. “You’re safe, love. I’m here to protect you.”
Riley briefly closed her eyes as she laid her forehead against the crook of his shoulder. The touch of Lim’s strong arms around her never failed to fill her very being with a feeling of safety, of warmth.
“There is one more thing that would make this entire trip absolutely perfect.” She pulled away from Liam ever-so-slightly so she could look him in his eyes.
“And what would that be?” he asked with a tipsy smile.
“I wanna have a fling!” she said excitedly.
Liam’s arms dropped quickly away from her body; his face was ashen-colored, and his expression was one of stupefied disbelief.
“WHAT?” he yelled.
“What? This is MY party! You’ve already had one! Besides, we’re in Sin City. Debauchery is expected, Liam!”
“With WHO?”
“Whom,” Riley corrected as her eyes scanned the hotel rooftop.
Liam stared at the woman he loved more than life itself. This had to be a joke. Why accept his proposal if she still wanted another?
“Lady Riley Brooks, would you make me the happiest man in the world and do me the honor of being my wife?” Liam asked as he knelt on one knee.
Riley looked down at Liam and the diamond ring nestled in the crushed black velvet box, then up at the Statue of Liberty before answering.
Liam’s brow knitted, and confusion filled his eyes. “That … is not quite the reaction I was expecting.”
Riley stared at him, realization dawning on her face. “Oh … OOOHHHH. Hold on!”
She batted her lashes and pressed one of her palms over her heart. In a simpering, affected voice, she threw her head back and shouted, “YES, LIAM! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES, YES!”
She looked down at Liam when she was finished. “Better?”
The King rolled his eyes. “Let me just put the ring on your finger, please.”
Perhaps it was revenge of some sort because of the Coronation night disaster which resulted in him betrothed to Countess Madeleine. Riley’s hurt and anger had been palatable; the therapy he had suggested they both take part in had exacerbated the emotions.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Swallowing heavily over the sudden lump in his throat, Liam spoke softly. “I promised to never deny you anything. You can have your fling. All I ask is that you never mention it to me. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And tomorrow morning, you are MINE. ALL MINE for all eternity.”
His lips snatched hers in a searingly passionate kiss before he turned away, disappearing into the crowd. Riley watched him walk away; his gait was stiff and his shoulders slightly slumped. She shrugged before turning in the opposite direction.
Liam made his way to the bar where he ordered a double scotch on the rocks. He swiveled his chair seat around so he could have a better look at which one of his “friends” would soon be fucking his fiancée. Jealousy, frustration, sadness, and hurt flowed through his body.
She said she had forgiven him.
She said his was the greatest love she had ever known.
His dark brown eyes traveled slowly over the crowd: Drake, Leo, Max, Rashad were still in attendance; they were surrounded by Duchess Olivia and Countess Madeleine. They all had drinks in hand, and guffawing loudly at a story Leo was telling.
Penelope and Kiara were holding plates of food, eating while swaying to the DJ’s remix of an American rap song.
He did not see Riley.
Liam turned at feeling a tapping on his shoulder. His eyes widened at seeing Riley. She had a plate filled with buffalo wings and engagement cake.
“Hey!” she greeted as if she hadn’t just asked her intended for permission to have sex with someone else.
“No one took you up on you offer?” he huffed as he turned away from her.
Riley looked confused. “What offer?”
Riley bit into a wing, crossing her eyes at how delicious it was.
“Yeah, I asked YOU, idiot! I don’t need your permission to have sex with someone else, and I certainly wouldn’t tell you. Too much transparency is not a good thing.”
Liam faced his fiancée. “Do you want someone else?” he asked as he reached for a piece of chicken.
Riley slapped his hand away. “No. I’m in love with you, Liam. The word ‘love’ doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what I feel for you.”  
She turned to face him, red dots of sauce speckling her lips. “You’re more than enough.”
The relief Liam felt filled his face. “Thank God.”
He tried again to snatch a wing; Riley let him have one.
“But why all the cloak and dagger? You know you need only say what you want.”
He bit into the chicken, his eyes widening in surprise. “These are good!” He attempted to snag another piece but pulled his hand away upon seeing Riley’s arched eyebrow.
“Because I wanted food first! If I told you the fling was with you, I would’ve missed out on these wings! And I may want some pancakes when I get back to my room. A girl gotta eat, Liam!”
Liam leaned into her, his lips brushing against the skin of her neck. “I have a much better way of satisfying your appetites, love.”
Riley giggled when his breath tickled her flesh. “Does it involve pancakes?”
“What about syrup?” he questioned in a husky whisper against her earlobe as his fingers walked up her fabric-covered thigh.
The tip of Riley’s tongue licked her upper lip. “You’re gonna have to do better than that. I’m giving up buffalo wings, cake, and pancakes!” she moaned.
She felt his hand pushing to get between her legs, and she shifted slightly in her seat to allow him access.
“Chocolate syrup,” Liam clarified while his fingertip rubbed slowly against the crotch of her panties.  
“Let’s go! The night isn’t getting any younger!” Riley was out of her chair and halfway to the elevator with Liam close on her heels.
A/N: Not sure if anyone will see this because it is 3:16am and tags are super wonky, not formatting, and I have a head cold; so giving up the ghost here. If you see it and read it, hope you enjoy it!
@jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmett @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys @choicesficwriterscreations @burnsoslow
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Who are the most dangerous countries?
Danger is pretty subjective when it comes to nations. After all they hunt their targets fairly often. But here is my list, but it could change as I flesh out more nations.  
England ~ To strangers Oliver is as sweet as his cupcakes, but to those that really know him, they see the bright toxins hidden in his colorful eyes.
This strategy works best on those he eliminates for minor offenses, it’s easier for him to get closer and gather information. Once officially snagged, Oliver takes his time. Slowly slipping them laced cupcakes and watching them go mad. Before finishing them off with a satisfying hunt.
While those that get classified as major offenses suffer a much worse fate. Oliver firstly sends his rabbits out, having them report and creating paranoia. Slowly Oliver will invite himself into their life. Destroying the pillars that made it stable and turning into a face that disappears during high times and reappears like a smiling shadow at their downfall. At some point the cycle becomes too much and the victim seeks out the tormentor.
The chase leads the offender to Oliver’s cottage. The baby blue door creaks open, showing a dim hall speckled with a rainbow of pastels, calling to them. Once inside, the door closes with the softest click and the end begins with a hunt and finishes within the flames of his gas oven.
This mix of physical, spiritual, and mental games send them spiraling into Oliver’s bloodstained jaw. Which makes him one of the most dangerous of all.
Italy ~ This savvy mafioso’s charm hides his snake like cunning. Many that have fallen for his tricks don’t see the warning rattle, until the final strike of a blade’s hilt stuck in their breastbone.
Luciano enjoys the attention that comes from the smitten and gets sadistic pleasure when it comes from those that would rather see him burn. It doesn’t matter if your offense is major or minor, he will get rid of them all the same.
He will stroll into their favorite haunts, ensuring that they see him. Sitting or walking in their periphery, just enough to ensure that they look to him. Luciano will smirk as he feels their eyes rake over him like hot claws. The type of heat will affect the speed and final process.
If it is the green flame of jealousy, Luciano will drag on the peacocking while having his men undermining their plans. As the flames burn higher, it becomes a dark dance that leads the two to exchange blows. Yet, the offender can never hit and much watch as Luciano takes it all. Only when their knees have been scraped to the bloody bone by the rough concrete, chains cutting circles into their flesh does Luciano offer a ‘deal’. Swear loyalty to him and country through suicide or face a torturous death.
Should they pick the first, Luciano’s eyes will blow wide like a hunting shark as he watches them not only swear but also beg. Plead for a life that may only last a few more years. Just finish it, he will coo. But if they wait too long, then he’ll resort to the former. A long torturous death that involves not only many knives but devices that haven’t been spoken of since the days of the first pope.
Luciano will enjoy how the blue wildfire of lust destroys them from the inside. The game of hot and cold will last for weeks as Luciano tangles them into his piano wire web. Once he is sure their stuck within their obsession, they become a tool in Luciano’s arsenal. Used to blow off steam, information, altering plans to take down other traitors, and so much more.
Until one day something changes; out of use, a failure, betrayal, or he grew bored. On that day, Luciano will have end it all. A simple snap of his fingers, their dragged down to the basement. Tortured often until finally they give out. Death freeing them from their sinful pleasure.
The last fire is Luciano’s favorite, love. Its gentle warmth is easy to manipulate and cooks the most delicious emotions. This chase causes Luciano to become more direct. Sweeping them off their feet and treating them like the sweetest lover. The deeper the offender falls the easier it is for Luciano to reveal red flags. He will see how far he can take it before they fight back. Once they do it’s the end. Though, unlike the others Luciano gives them a quick death. The only reason for that is the raw emotions in that moment. The mix of betrayal and devastation are the purest in that moment he can’t stand to waste it over weeks.
So, should you meet a strange Italian man with magenta eyes. Beware and don’t give into your passions.
The North American Brothers ~ Unlike the others on this list, Allen and Matt are most dangerous as a duo. Like a pair of bachelor lions they not only cooperate well, but are quick to sabotage the other to fulfill their dreams.
When these two work together its usually the result of boredom. One is without much action and has exhausted all their other means of entertainment that lie within their borders. Thus, they help the other. Working as wolves the twins stalk their target, watching for weaknesses, learning behaviors, and leaving threats.
Those threats range from the typical cryptic letters, painted rocks thrown through windows to strangely rearranged homes and sudden solo encounters that leave the target terrified. Allen and Matt happily feast on the terror and tears as their offender struggles to hasten their plans.
The torture ends in one of two ways. First is their target’s plan is almost to the point of fruition or they become bored. No matter how it happens, the ending is the same.
The men disrupt their prey via an ambush. Any attempts of retaliation are quickly squished via the twins rampage. Their prey scuttles and squeals as it dashes off. Yet, there is no hope, even if armed. For like the bison in Yellowstone, the twins chase like wolves ready to let exhaustion weaken their prey before they go in for the kill.
When Allen and Matt work against each other it becomes a competition rather than a simple game. Points are based on a couple different categories; the damage done, amount of people taken out, and the fear struck. Each point is marked with schadenfreude as a red tally on the old, cracked, chalkboard that they have hanging in each of their homes.
This is the only situation where the target can flip the script. If they can convince the twins to focus more on sabotaging the other, then there is a chance of a temporary escape. That shared hatred of the trash human turns them into cooperation. Which spells out someone’s doom.
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nfumbewalk · 7 days
A Santa Muerte Post 💀
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I'm kind of weird. I don't pray for me or anyone else, I focus. My focus is stronger than my prayer. Even for Rodolfo, I may say elevation prayer, but I mean focus.
Anyway...even Santa Muerte knows this and accepts. But she will require a Tributa occasionally if I need to do work with her. Don't know what a Tributa is? It's not online, as far as I know, and my student -- well, she looked pretty hard.
The Tributa --This is a ritual from a book, I added *one* thing - the totem. Feel free to leave it out if you wish. It adds to the ritual, I think. If you want to be really private, don't include the totem.
This is done before you do a ritual to her, asking for assistance. You will need:
Depending on your need, the right color of Roses. Seven of them. Take the remaining five for her home altar. Red or white roses are good choices for any work.
The following items that you need:
Unglazed vase that is wide enough to put the roses & other items in - Note: It will leak water, be careful. Unglazed vases aren't waterproof. Do NOT used a glazed or finished vase.
Seven dimes or other small coin that's silver of your country's origin
Spring water
A totem (small statue, coin, etc) of Santa Muerte
A semi-private graveyard
Take these to your graveyard & find a good spot. I like the baby section because it's very peaceful at one of my graveyards. Sit if you can and take all the items and place them one by one, water first, then roses & dimes & little representation of Santa in the vase. Tell Santa about what you need. Be honest with her because she can detect falsity in your voice & heart. If you want to pray, then do so. I focus and say a few words. Now, place the Tributa where you want to, but not on stones or pathways, etc. In the grass is fine. Immediately, leave & do NOT look back. Seriously, do NOT glance even once.
Don't worry about the vase. The ppl in the graveyard think it's a gift or memory item. They will pick it up, usually within a month. This doesn't affect anything regarding Santa Muerte or your planned spell/ritual.
So, you may wonder, what's the point of the Tributa? You're giving a gift, an offering to Santa Muerte in her place, her territory - the graveyard. You are going on equal ground with her, bringing her something & hoping that she will return the favor & grant your request, or prayer. The Tributa, every time I've done it, my request was favorably granted by her. It works.
I would say the roses represent her beauty, the coins, her material wealth (she has much!), the unglazed vase, her frail bones (even though she's very strong in spirit, her bones are still disintegrating); the spring water, quenches her thirst and obviously the totem represents her image as we see her. Underneath her robes, she's bony just like we are & that's part of how we relate. Frailty, disintegration, shedding our skin but so much love for Abuela. She is US. She is love, just seen by people differently. I love Abuela. 💖 That's grandma in Spanish. Yes, her energy feels like a grandmother to me, not some young spritely thing.
I tried for many years to use traditional prayers with Santa Muerte and it never felt right. I never was a Christian, but thought prayers were fine. I tried SO hard! I realized rather recently that prayer wasn't necessary for me & my practice - Santa agreed. We have an understanding and it works. Vast respect - came with time, love, patience & a skin sacrifice (tattoo).
I don't claim to be an expert on Santa Muerte. And we've had a bumpy road, but we are at one and in peace. My real life near death experiences with Santa at age 8, 24, and 32 have proven her love of me enough so I never question her. Ever.
We stand together, her skeletal hand in my flesh hand. Abuela.
M.M. 💖💀💖
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chaosandcrimson · 2 months
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no way is that CORNELIA BELMONT.. they’re a 32-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being COLD  &  INFLEXIBLE but there are some people who have seen them being POISED  &  RELIABLE.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of platinum blonde hair in a tight bun, Louboutins clacking against marble floors, and secret tattoos in hidden places, but that could just be because they’re considered the GIRL FRIDAY around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
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My boredom's bone deep This cage was once just fine Am I allowed to cry?
Name: Cornelia Magdalene Belmont
Nickname(s): Nelly (only by family), Corny (by Tanner)
DOB: May 16, 2092
Age: 32
FC: Sasha Luss
Height: 5'10"
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Personal Assistant to Alexander Drake
Relationship Status: In an undefined thing with Tanner Drake
[+] articulate, poised, reliable [–] argumentative, inflexible, cold
tw: kidnapping, assorted violent crimes, ptsd, death
Cornelia's family, or rather her stepfather's family, has worked for the Drake family for generations. She grew up in close proximity to Tanner, whom she can rarely go one interaction with without the two of them disagreeing at least twice.
Her mother married her stepdad when she was still a baby. Her biological father, a member of the mob, spent her entire childhood in and out of prison; but in spite of that, they stayed in touch with each other and remained close.
When she was 15 years old, she got “kidnapped” by her bio dad which ended up triggering a statewide search for her. In reality, it was a little more complicated than that. She had asked him to come and get her, but he showed up without warning, beat the crap out of the boy that she was on a date with, and made her leave with him immediately without saying goodbye to her mom or stepdad.
Things became even more tense between them when, to evade capture, her dad killed at least two people—one murder which she witnessed firsthand.
The authorities eventually caught up to them close to the Mexican border. There was a standoff during which he held a gun to her head before realising what he was doing and letting her go. He was set on suicide by cop, but after she begged him to stay in her life she managed to convince him to turn himself in.
The experience left her with pretty severe PTSD when she returned home. She has since been in therapy and been medicated on and off. She is mostly fine, but her anxiety becomes unmanageable when she's under too much stress.
Since then, she has become much closer to her stepdad, to the point that she sees him as her actual dad and calls him her dad. However, she does still stay in touch with her biological father and visits him in prison whenever she can.
After graduating from business school, she became one of several personal assistants to Alexander Drake. Because of her close ties to the family, she was often the one trusted with tasks of a secretive or sensitive nature.
When Yag died, she took it incredibly hard, and being one of the few people who knows what really happened wears on her constantly; especially since it's now her full-time job to keep an eye on him and make sure that he never finds out the truth. She loves him to the ends of the earth, and she hates the fact that she has to lie to his face about who he is every single day. But it's her job to do what Alexander tells her to do regardless of if she agrees with it or not.
Despite how much he frustrates her, Tanner is the only person in the world she can actually confide in. He lives to antagonise her, but he is somehow also her closest friend and the only one she feels can fully understand her experiences.
She has three small tattoos: one on her ribcage, one above her hip, and one on her inner thigh.
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lovelyrocker · 1 year
Like Me Part Ten
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Bones & All (AU)
Warnings: Language, Angst, Anxiety, Talk of “biting”
Pairings: Lee X Reader(unofficial)
Characters: Lee, Reader, Liam(OMC)
Word Count: 1,669
She knew that smell from anywhere. Fresh soap and sandalwood. A light scent of Irish Spring that he has been using since he was a kid. She blinked her eyes open and saw the disheveled curls spread over the pillow next to her. Her eyes followed the milky, smooth skin of his bare back as his spine dipped into the curve of his back right before his ass. She smiled into her pillow. 
“I can feel you staring at me, woman.” Said the deep voice muffled by the pillow. 
“I’m not staring.”
He turned his head, looking over at her. “Then what are you doing?”
Lee smiled and rolled over onto his back. “Admiring, huh?” He placed an arm behind his head. “Well, I can feel you admiring.” He smirked. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good.”
“Even though you kept getting up to check on Liam?”
“I couldn’t help it. This big house is new to us. I’m used to a little apartment with him right next door. He is all the way down the hall now.”
“It’s only been a few weeks, baby. Give yourself time to adjust.” He reached a hand to hers.
“We need to figure out how we are going to do this with Liam being home and both of us looking to work. He can’t exactly go to daycare.”
“Well, Since it's a family home we don't have to worry about rent. Just utilities. I can keep us afloat for now. With my job at the slaughterhouse.” 
“Mommy!” The door flew open and Liam charged at the two of them. “Lee!”  Liam landed on Lee's stomach.
“Oh God!” Lee doubled over. “Those were my nuts!” He grunted and she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. 
“Sorry!” Liam shouted, lying next to Lee. “He Lee,” Liam crawled on top of Lee and grabbed his face with his little hands. “You have the same color eyes as me!”
“I know I do.” Lee smiled up at him.
“And you have speckles, too!” 
“Freckles, not speckles!” She corrected, pulling the boy from his position on Lee. “Come on! Let’s get you some breakfast.”
“Cheerios!” Lee heard Liam shout from down the hall and he couldn't help but laugh.
By the time Lee made it down the stairs the coffee maker was making the gurgling noise that lets you know it's just about done. He poured himself a cup and leaned against the counter as he watched Liam coloring, his Cheerios long gone. Y/N grabbed the bowl as she passed by him, pressing a kiss to the top of his dark curls on the way to the sink. She looked back at Lee who was looking at her with a dreamy look on his face.
“What?” She asked, placing the bowl in the drain board after washing it, then wiping her hands on the towel. 
Lee shook his head slowly. “Nothing.” He smiled, sipping his coffee. “Admiring.”
“Smart ass.” She mumbled. ‘You better get moving or you’ll be late.” Pressing a kiss to Lee’s cheek. “I’ll get your lunch ready.”
“Lee, can we go to the park after you get home?!”
“Baby, Lee may be too tired after work.” She tells him and he pouts.
“Are you kidding?” Lee looks over to Liam. “I’m never too tired for the park!”
“You spoil him.” She points to Lee. 
Lee found it quite easy to fall into the domestic lifestyle. To his surprise he rather enjoyed it. Having a bed, the same bed, everynight to sleep in. A steady job with money that kept the three of them fed and comfortable. Seeing his sister and mother regularly. The looks in town bothered him less and less. Having Y/N next to him in bed, that was something he never realized he needed. Even though they were both still unsure what they were at the moment. He loved the feeling of waking up with her body next to him. And the loudness of that little boy that he loved more than he ever thought it was possible to love someone.
Y/N worked at a local diner a few nights a week. On those nights when it was just the men at home Lee would take Liam for ice cream after dinner and then to run off his sugar at the park next to the Tastee Freeze. 
Hee would sit back and watch him, thinking how things would have been different if he would have stuck around. If he wouldn’t have gotten scared and ran. Lee notices things about Liam. How he stands in the exact same way he does when he is thinking. The way he scrunches his nose when he sees something he doesn’t like, the exact same way Lee does. Or the way he snores ever so slightly when in a deep sleep. Y/N says he gets that from him. The way he shakes his leg and the way he taps his fingers in concentration. They way he is staring very intently at the other child on the playground.
Lee is quick to notice how focused Liam suddenly is with the little boy on the money bars. Liam had followed him from the slide to the sandbox. He watches the toddler’s eyes zero in on the little blond headed boy's neck. 
Without hesitation Lee stands from the bench, making his way across the pool of kids to Liam. Just as Liam leans in closer to the other boy Lee swoops him up. “Hey, buddy!” He holds him close, giving a pat on his back. “I think it’s time we get going. It’s getting late.”
“That boy smelled good.” Liam mumbled, looking back at the boy over Lee’s shoulder.
“I know, buddy.” Lee walked him to the truck. “I know he did.” Lee buckles him into his seat. “We need to have a talk, bud.” He tells him as he climbs into the cab of the truck. 
“Did I do something bad?” Liam looks up at Lee with the same puppy dog eyes he knows he gets from him. 
“No.” He pats the boy's leg. “No, buddy, you didn’t.” He takes a breath. “But you came close.” 
“I wanted to bite him.” Liam looked down, ashamed. 
“I know.” He takes the boy's hand. “But you have to be strong. You will have times when they smell so good and you want to, but you can’t.” He glances over at him. “Do you understand?” Liam nods, staring at the floor. “If you bite then people will freak out. They don’t understand. Then we will have to move. We’ll get in trouble. Everyone will know our secret.” 
“I’ll try to not bite.” He leans his head on Lee’s arm. “I promise.”
“Another thing is you can’t just bite people. Good people. Only bad people.”
“Bad people?” Liam tilted his little head and looked over at Lee. 
“Yes.” Lee cleared his throat. “See when I bite someone I make sure they don’t have a family first. Make sure no one will really notice if they go away. Then I see if they are mean. If they hurt people.”
“Only then can we bite them?”
“Yes!” Lee says, happy that he is explaining it in a way Liam is understanding. “But you can’t bite first. Not till you’re older. For now only let me do the first bite. I’ll teach you so when you are older you will know. It’ll be our special way of hunting.”
“Hunting.” Liam repeated.
“Yeah, we’ll call it hunting so no one other than you, me and mommy know what we really mean.”
“Okay!” Liam agreed. “So can we go hunting?”
“Now?” Lee looked over at him.
“Uh huh.” Liam nodded enthusiastically. 
“Tell you what,” Lee told him as he turned into the drive. “If you can wait till the weekend, you, mommy and me can go camping. We’ll hunt then.”
“Okay!” Liam said excitedly as he jumped from his seat after Lee unbuckled him. 
When Y/N walked into the house later that night to her surprise there was no Lee sitting on the couch with a mindless wrestling match playing on the TV. No Liam running around like an overly sugared bandit. 
She called once or twice and heard nothing. Going up the stairs she peeped into Liam's room and saw the toddler fast asleep in his bed, Lee sitting on the floor next to the bed. “Lee?” Y/N walked into the room. “Everything okay?”
“Hey,” He turned, looking at her as she sat next to Lee on the floor. “I didn’t hear you get in.”
“What are you doing in here?”
Lee slowly shook his head. “Just watching him sleep.”
“I do that sometimes.” She tells him, leaning her chin on his arm. “Kind of surreal. Knowing you took part in making a whole other person.”
“Yeah,” He chuckled.
She watches his eyes as they go over her son then back again. “Lee,” She swallows. “Are you having second thoughts about this whole thing? Because if you are-”
“No! No,” He smiles. “Nothing like that.” He takes her hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. “Just realizing how lucky I am.” He stands and walks out the room.
“What?” She says, standing following Lee, pausing to gently shut the door. “Hold up.” She grabs his arm. “Lee,” She softly caresses his face. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“I’m just realizing how lucky I am. To have you and him. Being what I am-”
“Stop,” She tells him, stepping closer to him. “Lee, you aren’t-”
“I’m gonna make sure I never do to him what my dad did to me.” He looks dead into her eyes. “I’ll do better. I’ll give him better.”
“I know.” She pulls him close. “I know you will.”
Lee wraps his arms around her and buries his face in the crook of her neck, holding her close. He breathes deeply, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. “You smell good.”
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katenewmanwrites · 4 months
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
Thank you for the tag @drchenquill
Cats (particularly how my poor adopted baby was breed to look cute but it has fudged up the cartilage in her whole body; poor scottish fold cats)
Scottish Fold cats are known for their distinctive folded ears, which give them an adorable, owl-like appearance. This unique trait is caused by a genetic mutation that affects the cartilage throughout their body, not just in their ears. Unfortunately, this mutation can lead to a host of health issues, including osteochondrodysplasia, a condition that causes painful cartilage and bone deformities. These cats often suffer from arthritis and joint pain from a young age, leading to a significantly reduced quality of life. It's a poignant reminder of the ethical considerations in breeding practices, where aesthetic traits are sometimes prioritized over the well-being of the animals.
2. Peonies (Cat safe, pretty and they need a frost or really cold temperatures to germinate)
Peonies are a popular choice for gardens due to their large, lush blooms and vibrant colors. They are also cat-safe, making them a great option for pet owners. Peonies are perennial plants that require a period of cold dormancy to thrive. This means they need to be exposed to frost or very cold temperatures to germinate and produce flowers. Typically, they are planted in the fall so they can establish roots before winter and then emerge in the spring with vigorous growth. Their blooming period is relatively short but spectacular.
3. Taylor Swift (As a writer I'm obbsessed with her lyrics)
Taylor excels at using analogies to create vivid and relatable imagery in her songs. For example, in "Red," she uses color to describe the intensity and complexity of a past relationship: "Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street." This analogy captures the exhilarating yet ultimately doomed nature of the romance, allowing listeners to viscerally feel the highs and lows she experienced. One of her strongest skills is her storytelling ability. She often constructs songs that read like short stories, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. In "The Last Great American Dynasty," she narrates the life of Rebekah Harkness, the former owner of her Rhode Island home, weaving historical details with personal reflection. Additionally, she often includes Easter eggs in her lyrics, inviting fans to decode hidden messages and connect the dots across her discography.
4. Colour season analysis (I'm a deep winter)
Color season analysis is a system used to determine which colors are most flattering to an individual based on their skin tone, hair color, and eye color. As a "Deep Winter," I fall into a category characterized by high contrast and cool, deep hues. Deep Winters typically have dark hair, dark eyes, and cool undertones in their skin. The colors that complement this season include rich, bold shades such as black, navy, emerald green, and deep purples. These colors enhance the natural contrast and coolness of a Deep Winter's complexion, making them appear more vibrant and balanced.
5. Autsim (and it's conection to mental health issues in high masking indeviduals)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. High masking individuals with autism often learn to hide their autistic traits to fit in with societal expectations, a behavior known as "masking." While masking can help individuals navigate social situations, it often comes at a significant mental health cost. The effort to constantly mask can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and burnout. High masking individuals may struggle with a sense of identity and feel isolated due to the disconnection between their authentic self and the persona they present to the world. Understanding and addressing the mental health needs of high masking individuals is crucial for their overall well-being. I'm a high masking individual. Unmasking is hard.
Tagging @IllarianRambling @the-golden-comet @caffeineaddict980
Open tag
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ducktracy · 4 months
Cumia reticulata is a real type of sea snail that drinks the blood of fish at night while they’re asleep using a long proboscis that can grow thrice as long as their bodies :) it’s a pale-type gastropod too! So if you ever needed a halloween-type ‘cat’…
SEA FACT ANON!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS. i am so sorry for metaphorically having left you on read for many months. i'm actually sticking to my word for once and am going to clear out my inbox by answering anything that's still relevant because i want to be social again! i want to interact with my followers and that INCLUDES YOU! i haven't had a chance to respond to these facts, but i swear they have made me so happy to read and look at. which is why i'm making this post and slapping every single sea life fact you've sent! THE SEA CREATURE INDEX! so THANK YOU!!! THIS IS SO CUTE. i love the work that you are doing.
without further ado: SEA CREATURE FACTS
Sea creature fact of the day! Dermechinus horridus is an odd looking urchin that resembles a potted cactus, being much taller than it is wide. Because of this, it is sometimes called "the cactus urchin", though looking that up gets a cactus called "the urchin cactus", so be wary. Unusually among sea urchins, they are believed to be filter feeders!
Today's sea life fact : the queen eider may look like a normal duck, but her male counterpart (the king eider) has a square shaped, flat, colorful head!
Sealife fact of the day!: There are no maggots or beetles in the ocean, unfortunately, but the bone-eating worms play an important role in decomposition in their stead! They live on and bore into whale bones to eat the sweet, tasty lipids inside :) They're an annelid, like earthworms and leeches, making them pretty much a 'true worm' (if such a thing exists).
I almost forgot—bone-eating worms don't have a gut or a mouth. They digest with bacteria on their 'roots'! :)
SEALIFE FACT of the day: There are actually two living species of coelacanth, the more well-known African coelacanth and the Indonesian coelacanth. The African coelacanth is noted for being a beautiful blue, while the Indonesian coelacanth is a drab brown, and both have spots :) Despite being called coelacanths, they do not belong to the namesake genus of Coelacanthus (which went extinct in the Early Triassic), though they are ironically well-known And despite their fame, both species are under threat...with the African coelacanth in particular being critically endangered ):
SEA LIFE FAFT to celebrate Sponge Bob: There are many kinds of jellyfish! The main groups are the platonic, passive jellyfish you see often in aquariums, the more aggressive box jellyfish which are active predators with over 200 eyes, and the stalked jellyfish. Stalked jellyfish are weird–rather than swimming freely like their counterparts, they stay in a fixed place for basically ever! Then there's the immortal jellyfish...this one can live theoretically forever, since it can just bring itself back to polyp (the baby form of a jellyfish) when threatened. Of course, this is not counting for things like sickness or being eaten anyway. Then there are jellyfish that don't sting...like the deep-sea Stygiomedusa, which uses its long, dark, cloak-like tentacles to strangle prey to death instead :)
SEA LIFE FACT OF THE DAY: in the SpongeBob episode "Feral Friends", SpongeBob is depicted as crawling, though sea sponges at the time were believed to be entirely sessile. Of course, it wouldn't really be appealing to have the main character transform into basically a houseplant with pores, so it was an understandable change and did not negatively impact the quality of the episode. BUT! In the following years, there actually was discovered to be sea sponges that crawled!
and lastly:
Do you think Bikini Bottomites would make horror movies about the dreaded "tongue-eating lice"?
^ I ABSOLUTELY HOPE SO. i would most certainly watch a movie about this. instead of "don't let the bed bugs bite" do they say 'don't let the tongue-eating lice" bite? much to consider...
THANK YOU SEA CREATURE ANON! i know this isn't the most ideal way to answer this but i sincrely appreciate and admire your dedication and checking in with these fascinating factoids!!!! i love learning new things and love sharing the wealth, so i'm just VERY THANKFUL FOR YOU THIS IS FUN AND SWEET :') so thank you! sorry for having left you on hold for so long! but now everyone can indulge in your wisdom. AND A DUCK FACT HERE TOO!! you get me!
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gothsuguru · 6 months
hi hi! you can ignore this but i was really curious about your writing process?? you just write so well and i’m curious to see how your work starts from an idea all the way to the finished product!!!
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the way my jaw DROPPED rn like omfg are you talking to ME??? I’M SHOOK PLEASE YOU ARE WAY TOO KIND AND SO GENEROUS 😭 my writing sucks ASS but thank you SO much you’re so sweet <333 i can try & let you know my process but tbh baby i do NOT have one 😭 but i’ll try to think of something 😭 also i’ll try to be as thorough/concise as possible but i’m sorry if i tangent! ALSO this’ll be long bc i’m a yapper so forgive me <3
1) everyone is different but in my case i have a tendency to ALWAYS think of new ideas for writing (at least for geto!) find a character that you can consistently think of ideas for bc they’ll serve as practice! also i JUST started writing a month or two ago so i, myself, am STILL practicing with every fic & i am always willing to learn!
most importantly, i write based off my whim! whatever idea has me in its clutches is the idea i’m writing for, even if that means i’m leaving other fic ideas in the dust at the moment! i recommend creating a list of fic ideas and save it as a draft (can be a wip list or literally just a random list depending on how many ideas you have!) — for those i tend to jot down random dialogue, vibes i wanna express, plot points i really wanna show, the personality of geto or reader, & whatever randomly comes to mind pertaining to that fic! i write it all down!
2) it honestly changes between fic to fic but i recommend asking for requests in the beginning — even writing just ONE thing will give you practice/an idea! so here are some examples of what i’ve written so far:
- the first thing i wrote was a request for suguru being obsessed w satoru’s girlfriend. the way i started that fic was thinking of the feeling that suguru would ultimately feel which was “guilt, shame, & desire.” and then i… personified? each thing! at first i personified guilt as an arachnid crawling in suguru’s throat but it didn’t work as well for me… and then i thought, “how about a serpent?” and it flowed much better -> slithering down his throat, embedding his fangs into his flesh leaving it raw, mangled, & bloody -> roaming across his heart/ribcage. and for that, and this may sound silly but i SWEAR by it, look up SYNONYMS for words on google! “dances along his bones -> pirouetting across his bones” i think little nods like that can help you not sound too similar all the time or like you’re constantly repeating yourself! shame was expressed in alcohol (amber whiskey ties into his amber eyes as well) & desire was expressed within the flicker of a lighter reader gave him which he holds in his hands (he imagines the cold metal as reader’s hands, which he ends up holding in his warm ones at the end)
- second fic “black is the color of my true love’s hair” was my first time writing a fic and that was because i wanted to write something for v-day & i really love this song! music can be a great inspiration — same w song lyrics! but for that one i had a few ideas i KNEW i wanted to use (knuckle kisses, stargazing, depressive suguru who reader gives a bath to/has a heart to heart with, and reader making a scrapbook for suguru!) he may be ooc but also i’m not afraid of making suguru be soft and quirky, i think that makes him fun! have FUN w different facets of your favorite characters personalities! also personally, i hate when readers don’t have personality/are always too shy/can’t banter/are too serious so i try to make my readers have a personality that align w the fic!
now for the knuckle kisses i knew what i wanted to do and i think that part came pretty easy! just a bit of revising as i was writing so i could be more descriptive in certain areas, change my wording around so it’d be less clunky in others! stargazing idea was incredibly hard & so was the scrapbook… so here’s advice i have for you that SAVED my ass. now. if you just wrote random writing in your drafts, whether it was just stream of consciousness that has nothing to do with the fic or was just a random piece of dialogue you jotted down — DO NOT DELETE IT. two parts of my fics were from RANDOM writing i wrote that had NOTHING to do w a romance fic and with a BIT of tweaking it gave so many ideas/serviced my story perfectly!
ex: i had zero idea of how to start the stargazing part so i just wrote the part i knew i wanted, which would’ve been in the middle of the story! aka reader buying the star for suguru and him being Shook To The Core. i was wondering how the hell i think of the events leading up to that, and one day i randomly just wrote “you zig-zag around the counter like a bumbling fawn” bc i was brainstorming ideas for the fic but was like… this has no place in my story BUT i didn’t delete it i just kept the draft. THEN i was like… wait this can work… so i used it as my beginning to the stargazing section and it flowed wonderfully! same w the scrapbook section! i wrote a series of dialogue that i ACTUALLY intended to use in an angst where reader despises suguru in their relationship, but with a bit of tweaking and deleting parts of reader being apathetic and suguru being toxic, it ended up being a great series of showing suguru’s overthinking nature/his genuine love for reader!
also maybe i do this unintentionally but i usually have a focus into suguru’s thought processes more in my fics… maybe bc i’m just curious abt him more than anything LMAO so that can be useful i think! if you’re like wow i have no idea how to write for my reader, write for suguru!
- third story was a request (shoutout bestie rem 🤝🤭) who gave such a cool idea of twisted suguru watching reader grieve him for leaving. now it wasn’t an actual haunting bc reader & geto are both alive, but i still used words of that nature to express them haunting e/o’s thoughts (mourning, ghost, corporeal phantom, living rigor-mortis etc…) the first thing i wrote for this fic was “prostrate yourself” — a tie-in to cult leader geto & also his confusing feelings about/towards reader. i also wanted to show bleakness so i mentioned suguru likening himself to a plague & a calamity. also don’t be afraid to show the ugly parts of a character — suguru is a bit callous in this but he’s still human and has a push & pull w/in himself! this fic i really tried my hardest to do a “show not tell” for certain paragraphs (bc i personally have trouble with that/dialogue/imagery/descriptions/engaging writing) — so i would constantly go into my “writing tips” tag and try and heed the advice they give!
sorry i don’t think i was of much help bc honestly i do NOT have a process 😭 even when writing my current fic about curator!geto — i just outlined OOOOOH WAIT OKAY HOLD ON YUP MIDTHOUGHT AND NOW I’M JUST PROPERLY ANSWERING YOUR QUESTION 😭
curator!geto is the FIRST time i’m PROPERLY outlining a fic (so actually i didn’t do anything wrong pleek don’t beat my ass for yapping 😪) so basically since this is the first time i’m outlining i made sure to write the premise of the fic, characters & their jobs, their personalities, their place of work/interactions/relationships there and then also how they would meet! so i wrote how i wanted suguru & reader to meet, a few pieces of random dialogue, and then i also wrote about how they would later on be more romantic (in what way). i’m currently trying to think of a conflict and just now thought of an idea that i may or may not use but i wrote it down anyways! and this is the first fic where i’m properly paying attention to “show not tell” and trying to describe words/paragraphs with more imagery! (esp since it’s an artsy/visual fic!) tbh the “writing tips” tag on my blog will help you more than anything i can say 😭
also! i recommend looking up writing tips and also reading a bunch of fics that you like! my mutuals have some of the BEST fics i have EVER read and reading them is honestly a masterclass in itself of amazing writing/prose/how to flow a story wonderfully! i’m just a beginner so i have lots to learn still about fic-writing BUT just think of each fic as a stepping stone to getting better! write, post, but don’t overwhelm yourself/force yourself to finish a fic you have no ideas for. it’s okay if it takes time but also remember that it won’t ever be perfect so don’t let “perfectionism” stop you from posting your fics! someone will always read it — whether they rb, like, comment, or are a silent reader — someone will take the time out of their day to read your fic! and honestly don’t get caught up on numbers! i’m soooooo thankful that people read my fics & leave tags even if i think my writing sucks! it’s all in good fun at the end of the day! enjoy it however you can and i’m sure you yourself are an amazing writer! good luck bestie! <3
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