#I may have found my new weakness
ryuki-draws · 1 year
I hope it’s not too weird to use asks to say this but- your art brought me unbelievable amount of happiness, I’m stimming and making ridiculous noises as I’m looking at Astrotrain and Grease, they are adorable, and the size difference and all the adorable interactions just make me so happy, thank you for your art, they are so so so cute and your artstyle is so nice. I’ve been staring at em on Insta for two days opening ur acc throughout the day and giggling bcs of them and then here I am on ur tumblr doing that all over again. Thank you thank you thank you your art is just wonderful!!?!??
Oh my gosh, no, not weird at all! It makes me all happy and giddy you're enjoying these two so much! There'll be more of them ready soon, I live for the soft and silly shenanigans and drawing them fills me with serotonin :D Thank you for such a nice message and kind words, my day has been made! :') ♥
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lexicog · 2 months
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traitor to the cause forgets national holiday every year KILL HIM
#just realized i wrote may instead of marsh lmao. fuck it#trans day of visibility#trans day of eating food#tdov#tdov 2024#transgender day of visibility#trans#transgender#lgbt#gay#my art#another year eh#still in pretransition purgatory (get me tf out!!!)#idk man past year's been bad. last time i showered was july i'm goin 9 months strong 9 months weak 9 months decrepit#i manage to go through the motions with not much else in the way of progress. eat sleap shit piss rinse reuse recycle#trans day of eating food is shaky too this year. just found out yesterday i can't eat a snack anymore that i've liked since i was a kid#discovered a new love for green beans though. everything in balance#with my living situation getting more unsafe i've been thinking a lot about asking my neighbor if i can stay with him and his family#cause i don't like... see people other than them anymore so i don't know anyone else i can ask lol#and maybe i can get my shit together and start transitioning if i get out..... it's the least i need to do anyways#at least i gotta ask if he would be willing to oversee my funeral in the event of it cause i do nnnnot trust my next of kin with that shit#go watch youtube “Protecting Trans Bodies in Death” by Caitlin Doughty. contains important info for anyone really but#especially so for the titular transengendered individual#write your will... OK?#it doesn't have to be a bummer do it with a friend make it a girls night boys night hotties sleepover#death mention cw#wish i had more to say on the topic this year that wasn't a downer. i'll see what the next year holds#and hey... if a guy like me isn't giving up a motherfucker like you sure as hell shouldn't... adios & bon voyage my compatriots. SALUTE
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redweasel · 2 years
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signedkoko · 4 months
Hello koko! I was summoned by your open requests, and I just had an idea, how about headcanons/one shot for Alastor and Vox (separately) with a reader who has powers a bit like Toge Inumaki in JJK?( I saw that you were watching JJK so I assume you know how his powers works) like what do they think about it? how do they react when reader uses her powers? How they communicate with her?
Alastor | Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which your speech causes action, so you can't speak unless you wish to control others. Reader is female.
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When you first came to the hotel, Alastor was not impressed
You were certainly a gorgeous sight, but it was ruined by the device in your hands that you had your nose buried in, screen lighting ruining your face
It took him quite a while when he heard strings of words emanating from the device to realize you were speaking through it, your fingers pressing on keys faster than he could follow
You introduced yourself to everyone that day, as a new hire for the hotel, and how you couldn't speak but hoped it wouldn't get in the way
He was certainly irked by the device in your hands, but it was funny to see someone so weak that they had to rely on a flimsy device made by an even flimsier overlord
Truly a shame
You learn the hard way not to get too close to him while using your device, or else it starts to act up and get damaged
Alastor still spoke to you; of course he did! Because he was amused knowing you couldn't retort
But eventually, without noticing, he would talk more and more, filling every aspect of the silence between you
You were the best listener, both since you had no choice and because you didn't give any shitty advice
The only thing that weirded him out was the weird clicking he started to hear around you
Something about it was so familiar
When he looked down at your hand and saw a clicker in your hand, he realized what you were doing
Of course he knew morse code by heart! He studied all sorts of things, but he wasn't sure why you'd do things that way when you had a much easier device
Unless you did it just for him?
" And who are we calling names, my voiceless companion? "
Still, it's very touching to see you go from using your phone to putting it away when you come to him to talk
And not much changes since you can't get out too many words with your morse method
One evening, while on a walk together, Alastor was reciting to you how he'd come to work for Charlie and how she sang on the news for so many to see! When a group of assassins surrounded the two of you, angel steel weapons were on full display
Before Alastor handled them—which, let's be fair, would be no issue to him—you pulled quicker on the draw
You yelled it with your hands clamped over Alastors ears, and the instant the word came out, they all dropped, beyond unconcious
Alastor laughs, because wow, that was quite the display!
But he's already dragging you over them to continue talking, now teasing you for treating him like a helpless damsel
He was certainly glad that he hadn't made an enemy of you when he first saw you, because you may stand a chance against him with an ability like that
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Most sinners had some kind of ability that grew with their power, often souls under contract or training enhancing them
Vox himself had plenty of tricks under his sleeves, and he'd seen the most pathetic of abilities to those worth cowering before
But he'd never heard of something like yours
Overlords loved showing off their resources, which could include people who became very useful in battle
You were a 'friend' of Zestial, though, while most jumped at the opportunity to introduce themselves to other overlords, you only waved
Of course you piqued his interest, because when he ran his servers over you, he found little to nothing beyond pictures
After several days of stalking video feeds, he caught you and Zestial together when—oh fuck! You sign!
While he could have just waited for the next opportunity, Vox was far too invested in your story and opted to pay Zestial a visit, if it meant he could see you
From what he could tell, you were using ASL, so once he bumped into you he began signing his typical introduction
Something about his heart sparked when he saw you smile, the way those curious eyes sparkled
He was immediately embarrassed when you revealed he didn't have to sign because you could hear
But he was all healed when you signed that you were very glad to have met someone else you could talk with
Vox is used to the overstimulation of noises from news, music, footage, all of it always beaming into his head so much that the silence around you is eerie and takes him awhile to get used to
Zestial certainly has an ace; one Vox is jealous of
Since you got along so well, you and Vox schedule meet-ups so you can interact, seeing as he and Zestial are almost exact opposites
The first time he witnesses your powers is when Alastor shows up at one of your meetings, and he was certainly trying to embarrass Vox in front of you
But Vox was your friend, and you had no tolerance for Alastors threats
" Silence. "
From your lips poured a thick fog, which whisped its way over Alastor's mouth, forming a seal that prevented him from speaking
The radio demon wasn't pleased, but he wasn't about to act up a scene right now, so he turned and left
Vox immediately fanboys because, oh my FUCKING GOD, you showed him!!!
Wait, you can talk? You sound like that?
He is about to waste your evening asking all kinds of things, you probably can't sign as fast as he can ask, too
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Author's Note - Conch anon gets only the BEST of the BEST!!! I did like writing these anyways though, because i adore Inumaki...thank you for requesting!
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softbeej · 4 months
Hii! Can I request an Alastor smut fic that reader has a praise kink please?
Thank you😭💖
hehe of course!!!! reqs open!!
Good Little Girl (Alastor x Reader)
You didn’t expect things to go this way when you woke up this morning. Alastor woke you up too early, perching himself beside you on your bed, a mug of steaming hot sweetened tea in hand. Your eyes fluttered open and you smiled at him, albeit confused. 
“Morning, Alastor.” You said groggily, yawning and sitting up. “Everything okay?”
He handed you the tea, and although you did not appreciate being woken up so early, the tea kind of made up for it.
“Right as rain! I just have one small little favor to ask, but it’s nothing really...”
You nodded, urging him to continue as you sipped the lemon honey tea. Though, you already had an idea what it’d be.
“It’s this paperwork, you see...”
Alastor had a habit of letting paperwork build up until it became unmanageable piles of non discernible pages scattered around the office. He didn’t like doing it, so he never did. Simple as that. Lucky for him, you had a knack of keeping things like this organised and even found monotonous tasks such as this rather therapeutic. 
“No problem, Alastor. I’ll do it all today.”
“Oh, thank you my dear! I’m eternally grateful, I’m sure you already know.” He tousled your already messy hair and stood up, whistling on his way out.
You rubbed your eyes before getting comfy again and going back to sleep.
Oh, are there any better feelings than stamping and stapling that last bit of paperwork? You didn’t think so, not after you’d spent the last three hours in the cramped hotel office. All the paperwork (even the pile he’d shoved under the cupboard) had been completed and filed away alphabetically in heavy ring binder folders. You let out a sigh of relief as you tucked it away neatly on the shelf. This was when Alastor sauntered in.
“Oh my! How tidy! My, I can see the carpet again!”
You smiled, “It’s nothing, Al!”
“Thank you, dear! You really are a good little girl after all, hm?”
Oh. What? Oh?!
Your brain couldn’t even comprehend what to say to that, so you didn’t say anything. You just blushed and stuttered as you continued pointing out how the files were organized. This was definitely new. Sure, you’d done favors for Alastor before. He always thanked you, usually by buying you fancy pastries and tea, but never had he called you a good little girl. Your mouth was moving quicker than your brain, finding yourself babbling at the man. 
He raised his eyebrows at you.
“What?” You said.
“Oh, nothing...” He replied in an irringtatingly teasing way, “I just felt your heart rate increase, that’s all. I have an inkling you liked something I said a little bit too much...”
You shook your head, “Pfft, no!”
“Interesting... Because I’m not usually wrong. I think you rather liked being called a good girl, don’t you?”
You shook your head again.
He tutted, “Lying isn’t good girl behavior now, is it?”
You gave in, finally.
“No, Alastor. It’s not.”
“And I think you do want to be a good girl, don’t you?” Alastor asked  condescendingly, now sat on the desk chair.
“I do...”
“Come on then.” He said very matter-of-factly, and patted his thighs.
You did as told, sitting on his lap with your back pressing up against his chest. He wasted no time in snaking his hands up your skirt and thighs, daringly close to the hem of your panties. 
“May I?”
“Yes, please...” You almost whined.
He rubbed you over the panties, “Okay, darling...”
You shivered against him, feeling his claws pushing your panties aside and slowly tease his way inside.
“You’re doing a good job, aren’t you?”
Another weak nod. You craned your neck to nuzzle up into Alastor’s neck, closing your eyes and breathing in his smell; musky and expensive but comforting all the same. You focused on steadying these breaths as he continued to play and toy with you.
“You’re close, aren’t you?”
“Yeah...” You mewled out breathlessly.
“Then cum, sweetheart, you’ve been so well behaved, I think you deserve it...”
You twitched around his fingers as you came with angelic squeals. All throughout it he mumbled sweet praises, nipping your ear.
As you caught your breath he held you tightly, almost as if he thought you were about to collapse over him. Maybe you were.
When you found your breathing steadying and heart rate returning back to non-heart attack territory, you turned to see Alastor, that everlasting shit eating grin looking a little more proud than usual, he muttered out, “Seems we’ve both learned something new today, hm?”
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8siangemini · 1 year
I’d Choose Her (Earth 42 Miles Morales x Spiderwoman!Reader)
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Summary: After continuing both you and Miles’ duties as the Prowler and Spider-Woman and keeping everything balanced between you two Miles gets an employer that already has a trap set in stone to trap in the person who he has to kill. All he has to do is commit the murder. But his employer did not tell him who their victim is to prevent any biases the Prowler may have. He did not have any biases except when it came to his lady.
Word Count: 1.8K
Author’s Note: I still have Earth 42 Miles brain rot in my brain so here is some more stuff to scratch at that lol
You were laying in Miles’ bed on your phone with Miles’ arms wrapped around your waist with his chest pressed against your back. He was lightly snoring into your neck but you tried your best not to laugh due to his breath tickling your neck. After taking multiple videos of him peacefully asleep you check the time and it is almost 9 at night.
You carefully turn around to face Miles and begin planting light kisses around his face. With each kiss his face contorts and changes until his eyes blink slowly open. His eyes stayed slender and slim as you stared at him until you planted a kiss onto his lips. You pull away a little bit until he comes up to you and kisses you again with a light smile.
“Hola mami.” He said in a lowly raspy voice which always made you weak at the knees.
“Hola mi amor.” You respond with a smile which he returns until he plops his head back onto the pillow, still keeping eye contact with you. “It’s almost 9.” You say.
He groans until he brings you in closer so his face is nuzzled into your chest which caused you to chuckle.
“Come on I have to do patrol and you have that thing with your new employer.” You say as you kiss the top of his braids.
He groans into your chest until he finally sits upright and turns his head back and forth to crack his neck. You stared at his bare toned back for awhile as you laid down and began rubbing his back with your palms and tracing his back muscles with your nails. He relaxed to your touch until you began getting up too.
You walked over to your overnight bag you brought and started taking off your hoodie and sweatpants to reveal your black and white Spider-Woman suit. Miles began getting up from the bed to stand behind you and place his hands on your waist to give you a kiss on the nape of your neck.
He began putting on his Prowler suit and you had to admit you found him really good looking in the suit. You could stare at him all day if you could. You snap out of your daydream as you begin putting on your all black Jordan 12’s.
“Is it a little weird how your employer dude said he already has a trap set in place for your victim yet he hasn’t told you how it works or who the victim is until the day of your kill?” You ask Miles as he puts on his back gear.
“I was thinkin’ the same thing ma.” Miles replied. “Like since I’m the one that actually doing the killing shouldn’t I know the plan?”
“Exactly.” You reply.
You begin heading towards the window and begin opening it up. You turn around and see that Miles is all ready to go. You two quickly kiss each other on the lips, smile, and put your guys’ mask on.
“Be safe, yo te amo.” (I love you) You say.
“I’ll try and make this thing quick but be back by 11:30 or else I’m gonna be looking for you.” Miles says through the distorted voice. “Yo te amo mas.”
You head towards the window, looking back and forth to make sure no one is around, and shoot your web to the building across the street. While mid air you scan the empty street and give Miles a quick thumbs up before you turn around and see Miles dropping down to the ground with no sound.
You are almost at the end of your patrol route which is a quick check of the alleys in the more sketchy area of Brooklyn. You always tried to make this last part of your patrols quick because you wanted to make it out alive from your nightly patrols.
You swing through the last alleyway on the area which you know by the back of your hand but then you did not realize until you were already in it that there was a clear netting in front of you. The momentum of your swinging and the collision of the netting had caused you to get tangled in the large net as you fell from about 20 feet.
“Fuck.” You say under your breath.
Your spidey senses begin to tingle and you quickly turn around and see someone coming closer towards you. You tried to tear through the net but the man had already threw you over your shoulder like you were toys in Santa’s bag. You kept on trying to squirm out of the grip of the man but he began walking over to a car parked around the corner and threw you into the trunk.
“You son of a-” You began to yell until the man held a piece of cloth over your nose and mouth and soon you fell asleep.
Your eyes blink open and you feel a blanket thrown over your whole body. You tried not to move as much because you could feel that there were people in the room watching your every move. Just one sign of disobidience and your life could be taken away, you knew you had to be careful with what you do.
“Here she is.” Two new people came into the room. The man spoke in a low raspy voice, slightly sounding like a creep.
The cool air finally hit your body when the blanket was pulled off of you. There were three body guards behind you but your eyes widened and heart dropped when you realized who was in front of your, the Prowler, Miles. You knew Miles’ eyes widened underneath the mask. You were Miles’ unknown victim. But you knew how strong the connection and loyalty you and Miles had so in the end you were confident that you would make it out of here alive, you were even cocky.
The three bodyguards left the room and closed the door behind them, leaving you, the Prowler, and the employer alone. The employer next to Miles rubbed his hands together and laughed softly.
“I’ve finally done it.” He congratulated himself. “I’m going to get my 900k.” He snickered. To be honest you had forgotten there was still a bounty on your head especially after Miles completely abandoned that mission once he found out your identity.
You slouched down in your seat and let out a loud and clear yawn through your mask. The employer guy looked at you in confusion and disgust. You did feel cocky in this situation but you were very confident in what Miles’ choice was.
“What are you yawning about?” The man’s ego was bruised. “You are about to be killed! There’s no way out of here!” The man came closer to you and placed his hand on the back of the chair and leaned it back a little so you were looking up at him.
“Aww was your ego bruised just by my yawning?” You teased which was pissing him off. “But nah I’m pretty sure I’ll make it out of here alive, I feel safe even!” You say in a preppy tone.
The man turned to look at the Prowler as he went around you to stand behind you. He gripped onto both of your shoulder tightly causing you to wince. Miles looked at the two of you with nothing to say.
“Go on!” The man yelled into your ear. “KILL HER!” He roughly gripped onto your face to point towards Miles.
That was the last straw for him. He quickly dashed towards you two and gave a hard punch to the man next to your face, knocking him down to his ass. He held his face as he looked up at Miles in anger.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He yelled. “Kill her!”
“You touched her.” Miles distorted voice said as he slowly walked closer and closer to the man.
“What?” The man asked in anger. “If you let her live you won’t get that 400k I promised you.” The man said cockily, thinking Miles was going to choose money over you.
Miles grabs the man’s face by his clawed hand and held him up. His feet began to dangle as he held onto Miles’ hand trying to prevent him from choking.
“I’d choose her.” Miles said until he looked over at you. “Turn away mi amor.” He instructed. You turned your head away from the scene and heard a loud thud from behind you, the body dropping.
Miles came into your line of sight and his mask started to unveil his handsome face. He gently lifted your mask to reveal your mouth and nose and a smile came to your face. He bent down to you and began untying you from the ropes.
“Don’t turn around.” He reaffirmed. 
No matter how violent your duty as Spider-Woman can get Miles always tried his best to keep anything violent from his job away from you. You loved how even though his job was violent he never would let you see the things he had seen. He did not want you to be scared and traumatized by something so gruesome, he wanted to protect you from anything and everything even if you had seen some stuff from your duty as Spider-Woman. 
He offers his hand to you and you take it has he helps you up from your seat.
“I’d always choose you.” He said as he gave you a a deep kiss on the lips with his left hand on your waist. 
Once you two drew away you pulled down your mask and his mask began to hide his face again. You two were about to exit the room until you remember there are still the bodyguards outside. You stop Miles by placing a hand on his chest and he stops all of his movements. You turn to him with a smile underneath your mask.
“Now let me do this part.” You say and he backs away with a hand extended towards the door, allowing you to go first.
You walk backwards away from the door and shoot two webs at the top of the door. You swing through, breaking the door, causing the three bodyguards to duck down quickly. You plant yourself on the top corner of the hallway and shoot webs at one of the guard’s shoulders and plant a hard kick to their face, knocking them out. You’re on the ground sitting on your heels back near the open door and you shoot one web at one of the bodyguards and another on the other.
You yank them together as the headbutt each other, knocking each other out. All three bodyguards knocked down in a pile as you turn around to face Miles again. You stick out your hand to him.
“Ready to go?” You ask him and he nods, taking your hand in his.
As Miles walks out of the room you walk on top of the pile of men while Miles guides you two out of the abandonded building. You two walk out of the building hand in hand. Ironic, Brooklyn’s most feared villain saving Brooklyn’s hero and walking out hand in hand.
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thisthatpinkvenom · 9 months
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⤏ Synopsis: What Bibi said in "Automatic" but make it domestic.
⤏ Genre(s): drabble*, smut smut smuttity smut but I think it's kinda cute(?) 😗
⤏ Content: rich married couple!au, established relationship!au, non-idol!au, housewife!fem reader who knows how to cook (sorry to anyone who's not a MasterChef)
⤏ NSFW Warning(s): just straight up fucking, unprotected, breeding kink but it's more than a kink, creampie, light choking, light dirty talk, soft dom!San (my knees are weak), lots of swearing left and right, lots of yearning and pet names and it's kinda lovey-dovey but hey, what else do you expect from me at this point
⤏ Note*: this content is completely fictional.
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"Ngh...l-let me make you feel g-good."
"Trust me; you already are..."
Earlier that evening, the familiar jingling of keys as the elevator doors opened and signaled San's arrival. His bag dropped to the floor with a thud before he stripped himself of his coat and undid his tie with a grimace on his face. He looked irritable, though the lines on his forehead ceased to be visible when he'd heard your feet padding across the floor to carry you into his embrace. A sequence of small and innocent pecks progressed into longing kisses and relieved sighs. And before you knew it, you were in the nude and on your bed, getting the pounding you'd been daydreaming of all day.
The bed never ceased its squeaking as your husband fucked you from behind. With your hand's iron grip on the headboard—that further continued to dig the dent in the wall deeper—your thighs trembled under all the weight you stressed onto your knees. Your back was flush against his abdomen, skin sticking with his through sheens of sweat. You were fortunate to live in a penthouse that offered you more privacy and freedom to fuck like rabbits, or else you would've received a very heated complaint for the incessant banging on your wall alone.
"This bed's f-fucking annoying," he grunted, frustration communicated through his hand which squeezed your breast in its clutch. "Need a new one, for fuck's s-sake."
You'd never voiced your complaints about the bed frame before, its sensitivity to any movement you made becoming a nuisance to your ears. You wanted to discuss going out and buying a new one but the right time hadn't come yet. Frankly, San had too much packed into his schedule, and you didn't want to pile any more things on his to-do list.
"I-I've been—ah—wanting t-to talk to you about t-that…"
Gradually, his thrusts became tamer until he stopped. The hand on your breast fell to your hip as he sat back on his heels, pulling you with him in the process. Your heart's drumming in your ears and you're trying to catch up with your own breath.
You didn't need to see to know the frown that made its way to his face. "Sannie—"
"And why am I only hearing this now?"
"You're so busy, and I didn't want to bother you. It wasn't a big deal, anyway," you reasoned.
His nose brushed the nape of your neck before he placed an open-mouthed kiss on your collarbone. "Mm, that's silly. Your concerns are my concerns. You should know that already, Baby."
Thank God, you were sitting. Otherwise, you would've melted to your knees if he kept this up. Fuck.
"I'll always try to make room for you," he continued, "no matter how hard it may be." His words melted under the soft sucks his lips made on your neck, his fingers having found your clit to toy with. "How about we go get a new one, this weekend? Then I can fuck you without all the noise."
Your walls clenched around his cock, earning a hiss and a chuckle vibrating on your skin.
"Ride me."
You set a steady pace when you began to work yourself on his lap, the squeaking commencing once again with every bounce you made on his cock. Despite the very vocal bed frame, the squelching from between your thighs couldn't be ignored either—the wet, little mess that your husband liked to play around with so much.
His other hand made its way up to your neck, his thumb and fingers gently pressing themselves into either side. The pressure had your eyes seeing black while your hands searched for his wrists, nimble fingers enclosing around them for any sense of stability. You really needed release, the flesh of your ass and thighs rippling with each hard smack against him.
"One day, I'll make time to put a baby in you. My baby," he rasped, the grip on your neck stiffening for a brief moment. "Ah, fuck…how does that s-sound, Honey?"
You clenched your teeth, eyes squeezed shut at the mention of being knocked up. And when you thought you couldn't be any more wetter, he'd proven you wrong.
"Oh, my God…d-don't say things you don't mean, Baby," you whined.
The pads of his fingers pressed deeper on your clit as they continued to draw circles on the nub.
"I fucking mean it. I always keep my promises."
Everything was just too much for you, your senses were stimulated to oblivion and you couldn't handle it any longer. The inevitable tension of your aroused pussy gave his cock a vice-like grip as you began to see speckles of noise behind your heavy eyes.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum—Sannie, I-I'm gonna fucking cum," you cried. Salt laid on your tongue from the tears that flowed freely down your cheeks, while the hand on your neck moved to your jaw.
He turned your face to his and shoved his tongue between your lips, pausing briefly to murmur, "I know, Baby. I know."
A trembling, soaked pile of mush was all you were at that moment. Putty under his touch, while you let him fuck your sensitive walls until he spurted a warm, white mess inside you. Your hips rocked slower until they settled to a halt, and your wet kisses had become tender. Nothing about this was funny, but you couldn't help but giggle, your teeth knocking against San's while the bliss was still clouding your mind.
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"Lunch was really delicious as usual, by the way. Thank you, Honey."
Your thumbs declared a half-hearted war with each other, fiddling with no serious direction. You faced him, lying on your sides with lopsided smiles shared just between the two of you. The soft whirring of the air conditioner filled the room. Otherwise, you were undisturbed.
"You're welcome," you responded dreamily.
He shuffled closer to you, the bed squeaking once again.
"So, what's for tomorrow?"
You grinned, a playful glint in your narrowed eyes. "It's a secret. You can't open it until lunchtime. And don't even try, I know everything."
"Didn't I say your concerns were mine?"
"This one's an exception."
He smirked. "What if I gave you that baby in exchange for knowing what's for lunch tomorrow? Starting right now."
Your cheeks grew warm when the tip of his nose kissed yours.
"You play a really hard bargain."
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storiesfromgaza · 7 months
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"Mom, does it hurt when we get bombarded? Do we feel the pain, or do we just die at once?"
These are the questions that Reporter Youmna El Sayed began with in her interview conducted by the AJ+ network to document her struggles with her children and the suffering of all the people of Gaza
When my kids ask me, 'Mom, does it hurt when we get bombarded? Do we feel the pain, or do we just die at once?' and I have to tell them, 'No, don't worry. It's not going to hurt.' Their father reassures them, saying, 'Don't worry. It just happens once, and that's it.' In the past, we would comfort our children, saying, 'Don't worry. It's going to be okay. It's going to end soon. You'll be fine. We'll be fine.' Everything is shaking—constantly. But now, every night, we tell them, 'Don't worry. We're together, sticking together. If we die, we die together.' Death has become a looming reality since the Israeli army encircled Gaza city. The bombardments have been relentless—from the land, air, and sea. Our building is in a perpetual state of tremor. Three days ago, we awoke to the smoke of nearby fires filling our homes. We sought refuge in the basement, the best option with the least smoke, but it was still overwhelming. The kids were coughing, suffocating, and their eyes were itching. But when it comes to my children, it just hits me so hard, Dina, and I just feel that I can't control it anymore. I can't be that strong, brave woman who's able to control things or get things under control because they're my weak part. I feel a loss of control, unable to maintain the facade of strength and bravery. Judy, usually full of life, now appears quiet and terrified
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She doesn't eat much. She doesn't feel like doing anything. I tried to speak to her about things, you know, bring back some happy memories, and I said, as usual, 'What would you like to do the first thing after this war ends?' She told me, 'Mommy, I don't want to do anything except for this war to end. I just want these bombardments to end, everything—the destruction, the despair, the loss.'
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I think they tell you that now—we're just hearing news of people dying every now and then—people that we know, friends, colleagues, everyone around us. And it just, you know, really, like, 'May he rest in peace,' and that's it. I just—we just go on because we were just waiting for our turn. You mentioned to me that food is scarce and supplies are low. What is the water situation? We can starve, right? We can go on without food, even as adults. But without water, I'd rather die from bombardments than die from thirst. I don't want my kids at the end to die from thirst. Are you still thinking to move south, and what would that look like? The last attempt was a couple of days ago, and we found out that to move south, we need to walk for at least 6 to 7 km on foot and not carry anything at all with us—none of our belongings. Basically, walk this distance while we raise our hands to show that we surrender, just holding our IDs in one hand and raising the other. And I think that's just extremely humiliating. And it's not just that, you know?
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You remember the massacre that everyone saw on TV screens for the civilians that were bombarded on the road? They're still lying there. Until this day, lying there in the streets, their bodies. The crows and the birds are eating from them, and no one has been able to pick them up. The Israeli army has not allowed anyone or ambulances or any medical teams to come to pick these people up and to bury them. How can I let my kids go through a street while they see other children and other people killed and thrown just like that, lying in the street like that, while birds are eating from them? I think that this is just inhumane and more cruel than anything. This is not to worry about fighting Hamas or Palestinian fighters. This war began by eliminating and wiping out the Palestinian people in Gaza. This isn't a war against Palestinian fighters nor Hamas; it's a genocide against Gaza.
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padawan/atoc era anakin x reader, they're in love with each other (both jedi) but obviously can't come forward. Anakin confides in Padmé, reader becomes convinced/jealous that anakin is with padme
(bonus points if you can make it angsty and fluffy)
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As Easy As Breathing
Hi nonnie! Thank you so, so, so much for this rec! It’s my first one on this account and it’s really quite the christening. Hope its okay, I’m not the best at angst! 
Pairing: Padawan!Anakin Skywalker x Padawan!Reader (Star Wars) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: none!! Should be all good, let me know if you caught anything I may have missed. Not beta read! 
Words: 1.8k
Author’s Notes: Anakin is canonically 19 in AOTC, reader is the same, maybe a year younger. Clone Wars have not yet started in this fic, I’m just assuming Padmé and Anakin stayed besties after the whole nonsense in Phantom Menace.
The warm sun filtering through the windows fell upon Anakin’s face, in a soft moment of solitude, the sounds of the Coruscant cityscape provided him with a brief reprieve to Padmé’s chastising. He often thought that his ability to talk to Padmé about anything was his strength, but in this moment he couldn’t help to think of it as a weakness. Anakin cringed as Padmé continued to berate him; On a rare afternoon off the nineteen-year-old padawan found himself lounging on the senator’s couch. 
“Seriously Anakin, you should just-” Padmé stilled, her slender hands finding her hips, huffing, she continued, “Are you even listening to me, Ani?” The forceful tone on his nickname got Anakin’s attention once again. 
“I am!” Anakin raised his eyebrows in addition to his hands, in mock surrender. “I swear Padmé!” 
The senator found it easy to roll her eyes at his antics, like always. But she could see the change in Anakin, could see how his emotions for his fellow padawan learner have caused conflict in him. Her friend wasn’t sleeping, he wasn’t eating. Padmé knew Anakin was an intense person, a strong personality, everyone knew that about him. But this, this was different. He seemed lost, like he was missing something he needed to operate. Padmé found her way to the couch, sitting beside Anakin, grabbing his tanned, calloused hands in her own. 
“Anakin, if you do truely care this strongly for her, you must tell her.” Anakin’s eyes found Padmé’s own. “It would be cruel, to withhold this love.” There was a time in Anakin’s life where this is all he wanted, being with Padmé and he knew his nine-year-old self would be so excited by innocent hand holding. But his nineteen-year-old self was happier to have such a strong, nonjudgemental friend. 
“How did you know that you loved Sabé?” Anakin asked gently, knowing how the senator safeguarded her relationship with her handmaiden fiercely. 
Anakin noted how Padmé seemed to glow at the mention of her lover. A warm smile graced her pink lips, eyes crinkling at the sides, a faraway glaze coated her sparkling eyes. Her signature in the force felt warm, it wrapped around Anakin’s brain, made him feel safe. Padmé’s love for Sabé was so tangible it extended outside herself, adjusting her force signature. 
“I realised I loved Sabé when being around her became a necessity, an honesty, a truth that I did not know I was constantly seeking out.” Padmé gushed, a light trail of pink lit itself over her high cheekbones and freckled nose. “I felt as if Sabé had breathed new life into me everytime I saw her, it was natural, it was right.” 
Anakin was quiet for a moment, Padmé became worried that she had overstepped somehow, projected to far onto Anakin’s feelings. 
“Loving y/n is as natural as breathing.” He replied. 
Anakin rolled over on his hard, standard issue, Jedi temple bed. A sleepless night was not uncommon for him, but this felt inherently different. Padmé’s words from earlier in the day rattled around his brain, demanding to be dealt with. Anakin never saw love as a weakness, never saw attachment as weakness. How could he? Love was the basis of the light, the well of Jedi power that Anakin drew from was a labour of love, was purity, was peace, was built with empathy and centered by knowing himself. His love for you did not make him a bad person. 
But he knew it would make him seem like a bad Jedi. 
Not knowing your stance on him, on the rule of attachment was slowly eating away at Anakin’s peace. 
Groaning aloud, Anakin ran his hands down his face. 
Your head whipped around, anxiously. You knew it was embarrassing that you always looked for him in a crowded room, but you could not help it, you felt as if the force was electric until he calmed it. His signature singlehandedly smothering anything else it came in contact with. Being around Anakin, to you, felt as natural as breathing. 
“Looking for young Skywalker, are you?” Your master, Mace Windu asks, a small smirk whispers across his face, lightly nudging you in the shoulder. The two of you stood in one of the reception rooms of the Republic building. The Senate was hosting a charity gala with the invite extending to the Jedi temple. So, there you stood, in your best robes, breaking your neck to catch a glimpse of The Chosen One. 
“No Master.” You said, quietly. Turning your head away from the powerful Jedi Master to not embarrass yourself further with the luxury of him catching your furious blush. Your master excused himself, laughing, finding Master Plo Kloon. 
So, you stood there, alone, foolishly searching the room for your fellow padawan, the one that consumed your mind and soul. 
It wasn’t completely unlikely, you reasoned with yourself. You and Anakin were friends, were very well matched, sparring partners. But, Anakin was a good Jedi. A strong Jedi. Following orders wasn’t Anakin’s strongest suit, you’d admit. Pondering whether he would disregard the rules of attachment for you, however, was different. 
Nonetheless, like a junkie craving death sticks, you craved Anakin’s presence, his force signature was all you needed to feel right. The anxiety of the gala was too much. Closing your eyes, tightly, you reached out into the force to find him. Anakin’s signature, golden like it always was flocked to your senses, like always. 
Opening your eyes, you began to weave through the bustling crowd as quickly as one could who was masquerading as casual. 
“I’m not going to say anything to her now, Padmé.” Anakin huffed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms across his chest, defensively. “Not in front of all these people, you’ve got to be joking.” He scoffed. 
Sabé giggled quietly, the two women joined their arms at the elbow. Padmé just rolled her eyes at Anakin’s supposed insoclence. 
Your frame weaving through the crowd in his direction caught Anakin’s eye. He smiled, quikly raised a hand, and was delighted when your devastating smile echoed back. 
“Anakin.” You greeted him, with a small bow of the head. His name sounded heavenly whenever you deigned to let it fall from your lips. Anakin was convinced he could breathe easier with you around, like he had been purged of something suffocating him. 
“Y/N, this is Sen-” You quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear the name of your rival come from his beautiful mouth. Your jealousy that you held for Padmé reared its ugly head, and you couldn’t help to feel shame burn deep inside the space between ribs. 
“Senator Amidala, a pleasure it is to finally meet you,” You stuck your hand out, awkwardly hoping for a handshake. “Anakin has told me so much.” Cordial. It was a good tactic. You were a good person, a good jedi. You would not succumb to jealousy. Besides, Padmé had other qualities you were far more jealous of than just her nonexistent romantic relationship that you deludedly conjured up in your mind when you tried to sleep at night. 
“All good things I should hope.” She smiled, her soft hand finding your own, a small shake. You could empathise with Anakin for falling in love with someone like her. Someone so intelligent, powerful, beautiful. 
It was not lost on you, the way the senator’s hand quickly found the one of the woman she stood beside. 
“This is Sabé.” Anakin started, introducing Padmé’s guest. “Padmé’s hand-” For the second time tonight, but surely not the last, Anakin was cut off. 
“My partner.” Senitor Amidala said firmly, though her eyes twinkled with pride. Sabé’s own shock manifested itself into a wide smile. The two looked eachother in the eyes and you couldn’t help but feel silly. Of course. Of course. 
For whatever reason, the words you thought you had died swiftly in your mouth,  “Oh.” was all you managed to get out. “A pleasure to meet you too, Sabé.” You tried quickly to save the situation, to save embarrassment. But Padmé’s slight smile, Sabé’s coy smirk. You felt like the two Naboo women knew you, saw you. They somehow, in this embarrassing blunder of a meeting had already clocked that you harboured feelings for Anakin Skywalker. It made you feel foolish, moreso than what you already did. 
“If you’d excuse us, Jedi, we have futher business to attend to.” Sabé quipped strongly, leading her senator lover to the next group of politicians. The art of smalltalk was something else you could add to the list of Padmé’s items you were jealous of. 
Anakin turned to you, chuckling. His standard-issue Jedi robes moving effortlessly with his chest. Running a hand through his cropped hair, you felt his eyes scanning your face. You knew your blood would betray you, like it so often did around your friend, rising to the surface of your cheeks, splattering down your neck and chest. Embarrassment clung to you like a rash. 
“Don’t mind them, they like setting me up.” Anakin scoffed, shaking his head. 
“Setting you up for what?” You asked, eyeing him micheviously. Chatting with Anakin felt natural; He was quick witted and liked challenging you, he was a tease. 
And, more often than not, a flirt. 
This was different though, Anakin had an air of nervousness about him. You noticed as your fellow padawan’s large, veiny hands found the way to the back of his neck, rubbing sheepishly. 
“Oh you know…” He trailed off, looking everywhere except for your eyes, his own blue ones scanning the ornate ceiling of the reception room. “Setting us up to be alone together.” He admitted, squinting as if the words bought him some kind of physical pain. 
You quirked a brow, your arms quickly crossing your chest - a defensive stance. “Would that be so bad? Being alone together?” The words meant to be teasing, non-serious. But it was too late, the seed was planted in Anakin’s brain. 
To him, that felt like an admission of sorts, an admission that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. Well, if he squinted it seemed like that. 
In a tender moment, something rare for Anakin, he reached out. Tucking stray hairs behind your ear, gently following your padawan braid around the cusp of it. 
“You know, y/n, that I want nothing more,” He smiled. It was pure, and real. You felt the sincerity in the force, the truth within him. Moreso, you felt your ear burn from the brief contact, felt your heart swell in your chest at the mere thought of being alone in close quarters with him. “I want nothing more than to be alone with you.” 
He retracted his hand, but you still felt alight with his closeness. His force signature felt palpable, you were enraptured in his warmth. He was golden. Your golden boy. 
“Why don’t we go get lost then?” You whispered, scared anything too loud would betray your eagerness. Anakin’s smile split across his face, eyes crinkling and dimples showing. Smirking he placed a strategic hand at the low of your back. He was so incredibly tall, bending over you to whisper back, 
“After you, my lady.”
AN: Hehe all done! Left it open for more if you wanted, but teasing enough to be left as it is! Hope it’s alright and I hope you could enjoy at least some of it <3 
P.S This is a side account, my main is @mayhemories, so I will be answering any comments with that account but rest assured it is still me :) <3
Much love, El. 
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loveinhawkins · 11 months
“Still super jealous as hell by the way,” Eddie says; Steve laughs, elbows him in the chest—disguising a want to touch by shoving him away.
There’s a brief flash of warmth against his skin before Eddie teeters back.
He stays close though, dances in and out of Steve’s space as they walk, almost close enough to…
“D’you know what’s adding an extra layer of, uh…” Eddie clicks his fingers then says with relish, “Of batshit insanity to everything?”
“No,” Steve says, and he feels a smile growing; he couldn’t fight it even if he tried. He doesn’t want to. “But I’m sure you’re gonna tell me.”
“My, uh. One of my favourite games as a kid was… uh well, it didn’t really have a name, it was more—”
“No jump rope for you?” Steve asks in mock surprise.
Eddie snorts. “Nah, nothing as normal as that, Harrington, honestly. Kid me was a visionary.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Steve says.
The words hover in the space between teasing and genuine; he means both, of course.
“At, um. When I was at my dad’s.”
Eddie’s smile flickers, and Steve tries to fill in the gaps: has vague memories of middle school halfway through one year, of murmured interest, you seen the new kid? He just moved here.
“Our place backed onto some woods, and I’d just… kinda wander.”
Eddie scoffs—his foot makes an aborted motion as he walks, like he’d gone to absentmindedly kick a twig and thought better of it.
Better safe than sorry, Steve thinks. Hive mind and all that.
“So your favourite game was wandering?” he prompts when Eddie goes quiet.
A tease again. Softer. Really means you can tell me. I want to know.
He wonders if Eddie can hear it.
“Well, when you put it like that, it sounds shit. And it was more, like, active up in…” Eddie taps his temple. “I’d just… uh. Pretend the woods were haunted, stuff like that.”
“Oh,” Steve says, amusement growing. “So all this,” he gestures to the vines and trees, to the fog creeping along the forest floor, “is real immersive for you, then. Got it.”
“Um, no,” Eddie says, and his voice is going up into that wobbly tone that only comes from suppressing genuine, ugly laughter. “The stuff in my head was gothic, Harrington. It had class.”
“God, man, I’m sorry. Is the alternate dimension not living up to your expectations?”
“I’m gonna make a complaint.”
“Yeah, do it in writing. Make it professional.”
“To whom it may concern,” Eddie starts, all comically snooty.
Steve laughs.
And Eddie’s up close again, grinning, and Steve presses the side of his forearm up against his chest; the moment lingers, until Eddie moves back, until Steve drops his arm a fraction too late.
“I’ve found the experience provided—”
Steve snorts. “Experience?”
“—thoroughly lacking in both atmosphere and charm. I expect appropriate compensation as soon as possible.”
“Tell you what,” Steve says, “show me a picture of your haunted woods when we’re outta here. I wanna see how they compare.”
“Um,” Eddie says through the tail end of a chuckle. He sounds embarrassed. “I don’t have… My dad, uh, he wasn’t exactly the kinda guy to take a lot of pictures, y’know?”
And Steve doesn’t know—or at least, he thinks he doesn’t.
What he does know is that in the back of a cabinet there’s an old baby book: he can tell exactly when his grandma first began to get sick—and when everything else went to shit—because the milestone entries stop a third of the way through.
He doesn’t mention it. He can’t find the words, not here, not now—even if he could, he’s worried it’d sound a clumsy, weak comparison at best, self-centred at worst.
So he waits. Feels when the abrupt silence becomes less heavy.
“Did you, like, do speeches to yourself in the game, too?”
Eddie gives him a sideways, bemused look. “Maybe.”
Steve pretends to mull it over. Nods. “Yeah, figures.”
A pause.
“Uh, hold on,” Eddie says, chuckling again, like he’s been surprised into it. “You can’t just leave it there, man, you—”
“Nah, it’s just.” Steve smothers a grin. “Just fits you, that’s all. Like, you would’ve dramatically narrated your own birth if you could, I know it.”
Eddie laughs hard; he nearly drops his flashlight.
“You’re funny,” he says eventually, still smiling.
“Oh, sorry,” Steve quips back, “was I not supposed to be? Ruined your doctrine again?”
“No, just—” Eddie laughs again. Sighs. “Just timing, man. Wish I was finding out in a more, uh, low stakes kinda way. Like…”
His eyes go a little far-off, and for a second Steve can see that kid in him, the one who kept himself company in his own imagination.
“Like we’re just walking past the lockers, or something.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, with probably more feeling than it strictly calls for. “Anything beats these goddamn vines.”
He could add that there is no ideal timing, really: that if there’s one thing he’s learned throughout all this, it’s that there’s hardly ever time to dwell on things. It’s more do or die.
Besides, he thinks, you could wait all your life for a perfect moment, and it still passes you—
The earth trembles.
Eddie sways; Steve lunges to the side so Eddie falls backwards, away from a nearby vine. He tries to plant his feet, realises he’s inevitably going down, too, and course corrects.
Feels the rise and fall of Eddie’s chest against his hand.
“M’definitely filing that complaint,” Eddie says breathlessly.
He turns so he’s facing Steve. Stays close.
They’ve both dropped their flashlights. The effect is dazzling—Eddie’s face is illuminated, eyes bright.
No atmosphere, my ass, Steve thinks.
“You okay?” he murmurs.
“Y-yeah,” Eddie says—gasps, really. Steve feels how his breathing shakes.
There’s barely a disguise now; they’re both leaning in.
And for a moment, they’re not here at all; they’re just at school, hiding by the lockers.
Then again…
Maybe it could only happen here.
Maybe wandering—maybe everything—has been leading up to this: the moment before a chance taken.
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allfearstofallto · 3 months
Dandelion Wine
Yandere! Scaramouche x Fem! Reader x Yandere(?) Childe
Forced Marriage AU
Word Count: 4.1k
Synopsis: No crush is simply harmless when married to Scaramouche, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him. And what he doesn't see won't affect him, so what's the harm in putting on a little show?
TW: Yandere, obsessive themes, forced marriage, mentions of abuse/violence/punishment, reader mentions dissociating during sex, dub-con, unprotected sex, finishing inside, voyeurism, infidelity, masturbation (m. & f.)
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Scaramouche believed that dinner should be eaten in silence with only the sound of the silverware and plates clattering. Hence why he rarely spoke at the table. He also believed that the same morals he applied to himself, were for you as well. Your sweet, plump lips that he kissed and sucked constantly, were to be shut and devoid of noises, only eating during meal times. The food that was prepared was meant to be savored, every bite of it tasted and appreciated. Because of that, dinners felt long, quiet, and worst of all, extremely tense.
The only times things were different, was when Childe came to visit. Number eleven as your husband called him, and Ajax as the orange haired man insisted he wanted you to refer to him as. His cheeky smile and big, blue eyes practically lit up the room, he was practically the epitome of visual charisma. And there was his incessant chatter, Scaramouche would say, his non stop talking about something or other. You never had the heart to tell the man you married that Childe actually talked a normal amount and that he was abnormally quiet.
“Have you ever seen a piece of mora straight from Liyue,” he asked rather loudly while holding up the coin, “Shiniest you'll ever see one. Man, those Liyue natives have no idea how lucky they are!”
You smiled alongside the man, also finding the topic interesting. The coin was indeed shiny, the only impurities on it being the fingerprints from Childe's hands. Other than that, it glimmered, making you realize how old and dirty the mora you must've had before was. Scaramouche wasn't impressed at all. He wasn't even paying attention. Quietly sipping his miso soup at the head of the table, his eyes only focused on his meal.
“Want it?” Childe asked you and you tried not to perk up too much, but your excitement was palpable. Seldom did Scaramouche entertain you with conversation or fun gifts. The only thing he'd bring you back from his travels was a single flower and maybe a regional tea to try together, but nothing you typically enjoyed.
“May I take it, my lord?” Pleading eyes looked at your husband who seemed more irritated than usual.
He let out a sigh, dropping his chopsticks in frustration, “Will it make the both of you shut up?”
Harsh words were nothing new to you, but you had to admit that those eyes of his made you freeze up like stone. No matter how many days you spent married to him, you never grew less afraid of your husband. And you definitely never found yourself coming to love him.
“Yes, my lord,”
He nodded to Childe and the coin was dropped into your hand. You held it as if it were fragile, not wanting to stain the shiny metal anymore than it already was. Your lips formed into a weak smile that you gave to Childe, then another one to Scaramouche who merely nodded at your display of joy, seemingly disinterested.
His chopsticks were picked up, a sign that he wished for dinner to continue on. You picked up yours as well. Your months of living with your spouse meant you had plenty of time to practice. Little leeway was given to you when it came to what you ate with, and despite the fact that you were originally from Mondstadt, you were given chopsticks with every meal. Time and practice made you grow accustomed to them, that and the fact that Scaramouche wouldn't allow you to eat with anything else. Learn to eat with them or starve, he told you. And you did grow terribly hungry.
Childe was more of a special case. He apparently lacked dexterity in hands. You saw it in the way he struggled to use the bow he was hell bent on learning and in the way he struggled to use chopsticks. Throughout the course of the meal, he'd already dropped three pairs, fumbling them dramatically like a character in a comedy play. Each time he'd lose a pair to gravity, leaving the wooden sticks on the floor, he'd look at his barely touched meal. The tragic, almost hopeless look on his face would elicit a laugh from you, followed by Scaramouche shooting you a very knowing glare. He'd sent you to your room without dinner many times before and for much less. Those glares were a good warning to shut up.
“Man! I can't seem to figure out how you eat with these things,” the orange haired male was holding one stick in either hand, instead using them to stab through the food and bring it to his lips. You held back your laughter again, instead forcing yourself to swallow more of your meal.
You had a crush on Childe. Maybe it was because of how kind he actually was or maybe it was because he was the only man you'd seen outside of your lawful husband in a year, but you did like him. He was funny, strong, and most importantly very attractive. Blue eyes and orange hair, a smile that could make a girl swoon with perfectly straight, white teeth. His voice was sultry, smooth like fine dark liquor, but he also knew when to be funny. His sense of humor was more comical to you than Scaramouche's dry humor or snide remarks. You liked Childe. Way more than you wanted to admit.
After dinner was a free time for you. From the time the plates were clean, until it was time for you to go to bed, you were allowed to wander the manor and do what you want. During this period, Scaramouche would be off doing what he pleased. Typically leaving the house to enjoy his night walks, where he'd be gone for hours. It was truly your only time of peace in hell he called home. It was also the only time you could talk to Childe when he came to visit. The two of you would spend the hours just telling each other whatever, it was mostly just you listening to him tell of his travels across all seven nations as you longed for the perceived freedom he had.
Much to your dismay he was nowhere to be found after dinner. You felt stupid searching the house looking for him. The interest towards him was likely one sided and on the slim chance it wasn't, you knew that nothing would happen between the two of you. Yet you looked for him. He was still good for conversation.
Find him you did, at the end of the second floor hallway, but not in the way you thought you would. Steam clouded around the door as he exited the bathroom, a towel was wrapped around his hips, orange pubic hair peeking out from it. His bare chest was covered in scarring, some old and healed, some visibly fresh. His skin was still moist with bathwater, his hair clinging to his face and dripping more down on him. He looked like a piece of art, a statue standing at the end of the hall, toweling his hair with his eyes closed. But then they opened.
You tried to turn on your heels and walk away before he spotted you gawking at him, but quick reflexes were expected of a harbinger. He saw you before you could even manage to take one step back.
“Oi! I was looking for you!” He called, stopping you in your tracks. You did everything in your power to avoid looking at him. That toned, firm body of his was practically begging you to gaze upon it.
“Please find me again when you're more decent, Lord Childe,”
He immediately recognized the forced stiffness of your words and scoffed, a look of disbelief forming on his features, “Since when do you refer to me as Lord, huh?” he was still smiling. Despite his undress, he wasn't the least bit shy.
Your mind shifted to your husband. Unwilling of a bride as you might have been, he made sure you were fully committed to him. He once commented on how much you smiled at his fellow harbinger and your blood went cold. Of course he noticed. Scaramouche was nonchalant, quietly observing everything around him, but he wasn't stupid. You know better than to think your little crush was well hidden, he was just giving you a warning in advance.
“I think we should start being more professional around each other,” you strained the words out, watching his face fall from his normal smile. It felt painful saying these things to him, but it was better for your safety and his.
“So we're not having our talks anymore?” He whined cutely, even pouting his lips a little, “I was looking forward to telling you about my stay in Mondstadt,” it was as if he knew exactly how to hold your attention. Lingering on every single syllable to make sure you knew he was speaking of your home, convincing your already weak will to falter, “and the wine I brought with me.” If he had you on his hook by mentioning Mondstadt, then the notion that he'd brought wine with you was all he needed to reel you in.
Hailing from the city of freedom, you were no stranger to a good drink. You remembered your first glass better than you remembered most things in your first kiss. Your first drink was like a rite of passage for Mondstadt and typically, the first liquor you tasted, became your vice. You were no different than your mother or your grandmother, the drink handed down from generation to generation, and your fondness was felt for dandelion wine. A sweet delicacy only found in the city of freedom, an unassuming drink that'd knock you flat on your ass if you didn't take it seriously enough.
But Scaramouche wasn't a fan of sweet things. He wasn't a fan of much, seeing as very little could even get a smile from him, but he had a special hatred in his heart for anything sugary. His taste leaned more towards the bitter, which was like hell for you.
Sake was never your drink of choice. There was plenty of it in Mondstadt, if there was one thing that your city could do right, it was import drinks from all over Teyvat. But just because it was there, didn't mean you ever drank it. Sake was a drink that tasted wrong to you. The harsh, bitter flavor left a terrible feeling inside your mouth that wouldn't leave no matter how much you tried. So of course, it was the favorite of Scaramouche. The disgusting taste matched his disgusting personality. And when you were permitted to drink, which was rare, you were given sake.
“Dandelion?” You questioned hopefully.
“Dandelion,” he affirmed. He was still using his hands to hold his towels, instead using his head to gesture to his room door, telling you to follow him inside. And you did.
You were tense as you sat down on his bed. Tense when you were handed a cup and told to hold it while you waited for him. Tense as he stepped into his closet to dress himself, still coming out in only pants, but no shirt, telling you that his hair was still wet to wear one. But all that tension melted away when he pulled that familiar green bottle from his bag, pouring you a glass of that rich, yellow wine.
The first sip took you back to your family's home. To a festival in Mondstadt, which was just one of the city's many excuses to drink more. The second took you back to a bar you favored, drinking competitions were held through the night, you always won. There was a part of you that just wanted to down the whole glass, drink it all as you'd done before and request another glass before that sweet taste ever left your tongue. But you saw that he'd only brought one bottle, you had to savor this glass.
“It's yours, if you want it,” Childe spoke softly while holding the wine up, he hadn't even poured himself a singular glass of it, “You just have to do one thing for me.”
Big, doe eyes looked up at him as you practically pleaded with him, “What?”
“Tell me how you really feel about me,”
He could've asked you to do a handstand on the roof of the house during a thunderstorm and that would've been much easier. For so long, your feelings for Childe were just thoughts. You could push them to the back of your mind and pretend they didn't exist. If they weren't real, your husband wouldn't hurt you. He wouldn't punish you. And knowing Scara's jealousy, if he knew you had feelings for another and not him, no one would be safe.
“I won't tell,” he spoke again, a gentle hand coming down and stroking his cheek. His fingers were still warm from his bath, still slightly damp to the touch, the way they cling to your face was assuring.
“I'm married,” you said, “Not just to anyone, but your superior. He's nobody that we should be toying with like this.”
“Who says I'm ‘toying’ with anyone? I wouldn't be asking if I didn't have feelings for you as well,”
Your quick beating heart stilled in your chest for a moment, you lingered on every word. Did you make it up? Did he really say what you thought he did? Silence fell over the room as you contemplated what he said. If he liked you as well, he never showed it. Yet, he'd have no way to. Scaramouche seemed to be around every corner.
“I…like you,” saying the words solidified it. His hair, his smile, his voice, even the way he smelled, you liked it all.
You liked him so much you let him place the bottle of wine in your hands. You let him lean over and place a hand on your shoulder, so close to your face his still dripping hair was wetting your forehead. You let his nose brush against yours, you let him sigh against your lips, you let him close the distance between the two of you and sink into a kiss.
Your mind was a blank, empty room as you kissed Childe. You really kissed him. Kisses with Scaramouche felt like he was trying to swallow you whole, trying to own you, not cherish you. But Childe's admittedly cold, chapped lips were caressing yours. His hand that managed to slither around your waist, holding you like he didn't want to let you go, his other hand squeezing your chest. You wondered if he could feel your heart beating. If he could, you wanted his to be beating the same way.
A bell made you break away from the kiss with a gasp like you were about to be killed. Because you were. That wasn't just any bell. It was the chime of the bell above the main door. The one that signified that it was opening. The one that meant Scaramouche was home.
Biting back the urge to throw up, you tossed the wine on his bed and raced from the room. You didn't want to look back at Childe once. Not after the mistake you'd made with him. Lust was clouding your mind, it had to be keeping you from thinking properly. That was the only excuse you could make while you cursed yourself mentally, simultaneously begging that he wasn't aware of what you'd done.
At the foot of the stairs, his large hat still on his head and a grimace on his face, was Scaramouche. His indigo eyes looked you up and down, noticing the way you trembled and panted like you’d run a marathon.
“Where were you?” He asked, tossing his hat to the side. It fell to the floor with a clatter and was easily ignored by him, “Have you forgotten your duties? You know when I'm supposed to be home.”
“I apologize, my lord!” You tried to stop your voice from shaking.
You looked at him dumbfounded as he walked past you up the stairs.
“Aren't you going to tell me why you were late and huffing like a fool at that?”
“I fell asleep, my lord. And once I noticed I was behind, I raced to try to meet you at the door, but it appears I was too late,”
A mere hum from him was your response. Which was good enough, it meant he had nothing harsh to say. As the two of you entered the privacy of your room together, you felt him hug you from behind. Little did he touch you meaninglessly, which meant he wanted to go farther, his soft lips kissing the back of your neck told you enough.
“I'm only so hard on you because I care about you,” he whispered into your ear. Him being sweet you felt worse knowing what you did with Childe just a few short moments earlier.
But still, you ended up lying back on the bed, naked and nestled in the mountain of pillows. Scaramouche thrusting into your hole above you, eyes clenched shut in pleasure. He was fucking you into a mating press, your knees against your chest, causing you to only take shallow breaths. It was a personal favorite of his since it meant he could sink every inch of his cock into you, while still watching your face.
You kept silent as he fucked you, only letting out a few gasps or whines as he hit particularly sensitive spots inside you or thrusted too deep. You didn't enjoy sex with him, it was always something you didn't want, and he wasn't going to make you pretend. Scaramouche was going to do it with you regardless, it was about his own pleasure.
During the act you'd normally be lost in your own world, trying to pay attention to anything, but the way he was rutting his hips into you, it made the time go by quicker. The closet, the clock on the way, the way the bed squeaked, the crack in the door. The crack in the door where Childe stood, watching in the darkness of the hallway.
It took you a moment to realize what you were seeing and you had to convince yourself still that you weren't imagining it. Orange hair, deep, blue eyes, shirtless and strangely with a tent growing in his pants. Childe stood in the doorway watching, out of view of Scaramouche who either has his eyes closed or stayed focusing on your face.
You went to cover yourself, but realized that that would draw your husband's attention to the other man. You couldn't say anything, not without fear of Childe getting hurt in the process. You felt scared, neverous, a little violated, but when you saw him slide a large hand down and palm his growing length through the fabric of his pants, you began to feel almost aroused.
Sick. Sick in the head, you called yourself mentally as your eyes stayed focused on the man watching from the hallway. But you still placed your hands on your breasts, tweaking your nipples and mewling out softly. You didn't know what came over you to make you do such a thing, but knowing that Childe could see you made you want to do more than just lie there. Scaramouche was immediately surprised by you making any noise of pleasure at all and quickened his already brutal pace. But it felt good for once. It felt nice. You could feel yourself growing wetter, your cunt finally sucking him in and welcoming him.
“You're rather receptive tonight,” he grunted out with a smirk and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes at his confidence.
“I…I suppose it feels better than usual, my lord,” you locked eyes with him, until he clenched his shut from the pleasure once more. Then you looked back at Childe. He'd long since freed his cock from his pants, stroking his long thick length. It was big. That was all you could think as you watched him, how you wished that it was his big cock inside of you, but you could pretend. Pretend that it was him on top of you instead of your husband.
Mewling and moaning louder than you ever had before, making noises you didn't even know you could, your legs were pressed harder against your chest, opening yourself up for him to go even deeper. You were dripping at this point, your wetness sliding down to your ass. But Childe was dripping as well. His cock was leaking precum, coating his hand in a lube that he was using to stroke himself at the same pace that Scara was going inside you.
“Ah! Yes….yes! Fuck me harder!” You'd never begged for more like this before, but who was he to question it, he'd never know that your cries were for another. He was enjoying how wet you felt around him, how you were moving your hips to match his pace inside you. He merely panted and did as he was told, his cock thrusting into you in deep, long, hard, strokes, each one having you see stars.
“I'm finishing inside, my love,” he cooed, pressing a kiss against your lips. You nodded, locking your legs around his hips. A move you'd never done in all the times he'd slept with you and something that made him gasp out in pleasure.
It only took a few more thrusts before he held his cock balls deep inside you, you could feel the length twitching as he filled you with seed. Each shot of his hot ejaculate hitting your walls and making your whimper. Light kisses were pressed against your forehead as the two of you were locked together. His cum and your honeyed wetness dripping from your hole.
When he pulled out, you kept your legs up a little longer, making sure Ajax saw every drop of his cum dripping from you. Your still needy twitching cunt, filled with a load, your delicate fingers rubbing your clit in slow circles while he watched. Your soft gasps and pants, trying not to draw Scara's attention while he was cleaning himself up in the connected bathroom. Both of you, putting on a show for each other. Him stroking his length from the base to the tip slowly, extenuating every inch and you dipping your fingers into your filled hole.
He continued jerking his cock while he watched you, nothing was said or spoken between you two, but your eyes conversated enough. This was pure desire. It was need. And when you came, it was for him. Your hips stuttered and bucked off the bed, toes curling almost painfully.
Childe came with you. Watching you finish while looking at him was more than enough. His hand was pressed against the door, scratching at the wood, begging to be let in so he could finish inside you as well, like he knew you wanted him to. But he didn't. His cock sprayed rope after rope of cum onto the floor of the hallway in front of him. His toned chest heaving as he watched himself make this mess.
You longed to lick it up, not just the cum, but his still aching cock. You wanted to clean it with your mouth, to suck it the way your husband made you. You knew he wanted more. But Scaramouche was already out of the bathroom, a towel in hand. He began cleaning you up between your legs, eyes seeming a little softer than normal while he did. A look that wasn't normal for him.
“You did well tonight,” he praised you. Fond words you'd never heard from him before, but likely because he had no idea why you were putting on such a show.
“Thank you, my lord,” you replied sheepishly, looking back up to the crack in the doorway, Childe was gone. It was better this way though. Better that he leave now than accidentally get the attention of your husband.
“I'll think of a reward for you tomorrow, but rest for now,” the candles were blown out and he laid next to you. A protective arm was wrapped around your waist as you lay on your back, trying to regulate your heartbeat.
Realization hit you like a truck, forming a sickening pit in your stomach. It was only now that you'd realized what you'd done and fear and worry were taking over. If Scara were to find out, he'd kill you. He'd do worse than kill you you supposed, ending your life would be much too easy
And you could only imagine what'd happen to Childe next.
You lay on your back in that inky black, pitch darkness, eyes trying to adjust to the light. You were feeling regretful, but you'd also never felt such a thrill in your entire life. Not since you got married.
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animeshotsh · 4 months
The day i got a new uncle!! | Vox x Kid!Reader
Vox claiming that yes, kid!reader its totally his.
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Warnings: HH violence-cursing- Kid!Reader bites Valentino - Everybody freaks out - Lucifer snaps - Charlie snaps - Alastor its all for the drama - Vox has a crush on Alastor - Protective!Alastor - Protective!Angel Dust - grammar mistakes
Note: its edited, now Kid!reader does bite Valentino
The hotel was for once quiet. Like, extremely quiet. Too quiet.
"as much as i hate seeing your face, is (Y/N) with you? They have their piano lesson today" Lucifer said towards Alastor who in return smiled to hide is now nervous self.
"I tought they were with you?" The demon said turning his head to the side then sending all his shadows to look for you.
Lucifer gave him his own nervous look and went to ask the others, his wings carring him in the halls.
"Charlie? CHARLIE? PLEASE TELL ME (Y/N) ITS THERE WITH YOU" Lucifer called from outside her daugther's room only for it to open with a very nervous Charlie.
"Dad, what do you mean? (Y/N) was supposed to be out with Angel Dust for today"
"And they havent returned...?" The king asked in a worried tone.
Before Charlie could respond Alastor appear in his hand was a beaten up lamb from Lucifer.
"My shadows found your spider friend on the side of the street, and they took this back with them" Alastor trow the lamb to Lucifer who looked at it asking where you were.
"They took them, the sinner tried to fight them off but could not..."
"its Angel hurt? And (Y/N)?" Charlie asked now getting desesperated.
"I knew he was weak" Alastor said in a low voice getting a pissed look from Charlie.
"Alastor, does your shadows know where the sinner is?" Alastor nodded in return "and you, can you tell me what they looked like?"
"A big insect and a tv" the lamb said. In reaponse Alastor voice turned into static taking the lamb by its collar.
"And you did something to prevent this?" Radio deals now in his eyes "you are a creation from the king of hell but left them take (Y/N)?"
"Alastor stop!" Charlie pleaded getting the lamb back.
"They did this to get back to me" Alastor said turning to leave "i must put them in their place"
"Wait a dam minute, it may be your fault"
"But im (Y/N) father and i should have prevented this. So im going to settle these sinner down myself"
"Not if i get to them first" Alastor responded baci giving out a siniter smile.
"Im coming too, we need to check on Angel"
A few hours earlier
Angel, the lamb and you were outside doing some quick errands. You rarely got to go outside so this was an experience. Being with Angel (who you loved like a big brother) was a plus, specially when he could toss you up and get you with his four arms.
"Are you having fun?" Angel asked after stopping to get some ice cream
"Yes!! This is amazing, you are amazing, sugar its amazing" Angel could only laught at you, he was sure you were going to be running up and down the hotel later.
"Well, what do we have here? I thought you would be hiding with that princess now"
Angel froze slowly turning around, his face getting hit with red smoke, besides him a tv radio demon kept looking past him towards you.
"My, thats must be Alastor's kid"
(In some part of hell, Lucifer felt a change in the force).
"And just happened to fall right into our arms, be a good employee and give them to us Angel"
"Over my dead body"
"If thats what you want"
The others found Angel all bloody but not dead with a note besides him. He was tied up and had cuts all over him.
"Im sorry, i tried to stop them. (Y/N) tried to help me but got elecoshocked" Angel lamented his hands covering his eyes.
"Angel its not your fault, im sure you did the best you could to protect (Y/N)".
Angel smiled at Charlie's words, images of you biting his Boss arms and legs going to his mind. "(Y/N) has fire on them, they were biting Valentino's so much to even draw blood" Angel comments with a fond smile getting a creepy smile from Alastor who is just proud of you.
"If you want your kid back Alastor, meet me in the V's tower" Alastor read out loud getting everybodys attention.
"Thats a trap and wait a fucking minute" Lucifer took the note, he conjured some reading glasses (that he does not need) to read the bullshit he just hear.
"IM GOING TO KILL THESE SINNERS" A very demonic Lucifer said, flamed came from his mouth at the same time Charlie tried to calm him down.
"Dont worry dad, im sure (Y/N) and manage, we need to go to the V's first"
Turns out you did manage.
At first you opened your eyes seeing lots of lights from tvs, different sinners where showing on them. A small claw came out from your hand cutting your robes. As you were going to go outside a door opened and a demon with a ....tv as a head? Enter the room.
"Well, arent you sneaky" the tv said getting you up and inspecting you. The missmatched eye trying to get you under his influence but you just gave him a confused look.
"Did a tv fall over you to end like this?" You asked getting back an angry scowl from the demon.
"Oh im sure your father taught you that one, im right?" Vox asked moving himself to his chair getting acomodate with you on him.
"My dad does not like tvs, says its makes our brain go off"
"Yeah that sounds like him" Vox said thinking about Alastor, getting the most dreamy look on his face.
"You....you like my father?" You asked imagining Lucifer seeing this demon. If it was a demon that resembled a duck then it may have a chance but not this one.
"W-what?" Vox asked his face giving out an error signal "of coruse not, i dispise him, why do you think i kindapped you?
"....to have a chance to see him? But i believe this approach its a bit agressive"
"....kid, you have no sense of self preservation"
"...well you have no idea how love works!!"
Silence fell over both of you. Vox really needed to re think his life choices. You kept staring at him and it made him uncomfortable.
"But I support you, my Sis says love its love no matter your gender or lack of it"
"....thanks?" Does Alastor have another kid? Vox wondered then saw as you turned to face his monitors "are you stalking the streets?"
"What? No. Im just...collecting information" Vox simple said ignoring the sudden feeling of guilt.
"You have lots of monitos, and no one has a kid's show" you noted.
"There are not kid's show in hell"
"Of course, thats why this is hell. I got so angry when Barney was not here. It was said it was from the devil but Barney its not here"
Vox looked a bit confused at you then went to look for old record till he found a show, he sent the record to one monitor.
"BARNEY!!, thank you demon tv"
"Its Vox..."
"Thank you Vox!! Im sure my dad will love this, do you have ice cream?"
"...what flavor" Vox asked giving out to your big eyes.
Turns out Vox and You bonded well over ice cream and Barney. You kept giving him hints on how to get with your dad and Vox took notes on his screen.
He later almost breaks when you started to run avoiding objects and staff that went in and out.
"You cant help if you are dead!!" Vox screamed getting a laught from you.
Veelvet appeared in front of both of you, like a mother stopping the fun two siblings where having.
"Mmm, i dont follow?" Vox said taking you back to his arms.
"Wait...this is not Lucifer's kid this is Alastor's...."
But he could not end talking when the doors busted open, a very pissed Lucifer, a demonic Alastor, an equal demonic Charlie and Angel with guns ready enter the room.
"YOU BETTER GIVE ME BACK MY KID YOU LOWLIFE SINNER" the disoriented voice from Lucifer caused Vox to tremble in fear.
"Wait!! This must be a missunderstanding, this is Alastor's kid"
Lucifer sent Vox flying to one of his monitors.
For once Alastor liked what the king said, however he was quicker to catch up on what must likely happened.
"And i tought you watched every move i made old pald" Alastor said returning to his usual form to take you towards Charlie who hugged you and kissed your head.
"I- i have other things to do than look at-for- THAN YOU" Vox said error flashing.
"Oh hell no"
"(Y/N) are you hurt anywhere? Did this sinner do something to you?" Lucifer asked with worry.
"No! We saw Barney together and ate ice cream, we were playing tag before you all crushed the door"
All of them turned to Vox who gave a small grind "Hey, im not that low to hurt a kid"
"I dont believe you sinner, you were given free will and ended here" Lucifer responded making Vox shiver.
"Dad!! Wait, he has Barney and can show ducks on his monitor"
"...ok and?"
"And you like ducks right?" You said louder looking at Vox to see if he got the hint, however Vox just blushed now realising that all this time you were talking about Lucifer and not Alastor.
Fuck my life.
"Alright, since you did not hurt (Y/N)...besides that shock you gave them earlier" Lucifer snapped his fingers getting the Power of the V's off. "I believe two weeks without your program, social media out of service and you wont be able to record....adult things its enough for a greedy soul as you and the other two"
"But Sir-"
Vox nodded, getting a nod back from Lucifer who left with you on his arms.
Uncle? Nono, Alastor was your only uncle. He turned to Vox and broke off all his monitors.
"Dont even think on getting used to be called that, only I get called uncle from them"
After all of them left Vox fell down onto the floor.
Why does the king of hell look lowkey hot and why does a real treat from Alastor get him all funny inside?
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dollymaniac · 5 months
Room Service
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Leon Kennedy x Maid! Fem reader (AFAB)
Tags: NSFW MINORS DON'T INTERACT, Smut, Slight Dubcon, unprotected PnV, Degradation kink, Sir kink, Praise Kink, Creampie, OOC LEON.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: dividers by @/CafeKitsune.
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Leon had become a regular in your hotel, every time he came on vacation, which was maybe a week, maybe the entire 4, every 6 months, if he was lucky at that.
And as always he ordered room 607 on the last floor, your floor. So it was only natural every time he came you would be the one providing meals cleaning his room while he went out to do god knows what and bring anything he may ask for.
You got a light for his room and quickly made your way to it, pushing along the cart full of anything you thought Leon may need. Once there, you knocked "Room service!".
The door opened to find The blonde meeting you there, blue eyes staring directly into you "is it casualty that you're always the one serving me? Or do you go out of your way to do so sweet cheeks?" He bent slightly to be at your same height.
"You keep rooms on my floor sir" you replied shy.
"I see" he returned to his position, just to raise an eyebrow at the cart you had, it had blankets, a new pillow, snacks, even a kettle "cute."
"You requested me for?" You tried to divert your eyes from his half open shirt, revealing his chest, just keeping your head down.
"I need you to explain to me something sweetness" he said, stepping out of the way to let you in.
As you did, your eyes explored the room trying to find any issue you may have forgotten to fix. But instead, you found a pair of warm hands around your waist.
"Can you explain why your eyes are always on my chest?" He asked "eyes are up here dear" , his face right beside yours.
"i— i apologize sir" your voice a trembly mess as his thumbs slowly rubbing up and down on your waist "i didn't mean to—"
"You know, it's impolite to stare at people" he kept on. "Maybe i should teach you a lesson"
Your faced flushed red as you tried to move, to pull away from his warmth, trying to tell yourself you can't be doing this, much less with a patron. 
"I— am... Really apologetic for my behavior sir, i- i will not do it again" you tried again, but it was useless against Leon's snaking arm, while he still held you in place, his other hand reached down to them hem your skirt.
"Don't you think this is a bit too short dear? Don't see your lil friends going around with a skirt so short I can see their panties" you could feel the vibrations of his throat on your shoulder "then again, you're really just a stupid slut that thinks its ok to oggle a patron."
He lifted up your dress, making you yelp slightly. "Of coursed is laced" he grunted, dropping the skirt, his eyes going back to look at you "Bend over"
"Sir— i don't really think this is-"
"I said Bend over" he repeated sternly.
Against the better judgement of your gut telling you to 'get the fuck out' you simply obeyed, your hand going on your thighs for balance.
"Atta girl" Leon smiled. His hands reaching to the back of your uniform, quickly lifting it up to your lower back, leaving you exposed.
His hands squeezing you, and playing with your cheeks, making you make a trembly complaint that was met with a hard slap.
He was telling you something that your mind couldn't register, too focused on the stinging pain that his swats brought to your behind, while your mind rushed telling you that you shouldn't be doing this.
What brought you back to from your weak attempt at a resolve to leave was the sudden feeling of the cold air in the room against your cunt. Looking down to she his hands sliding your panties down to your ankles.
"You really are a dumb whore, aren't you sweetheart?" His voice taunting as two of his digits ran up and down your slit "already dripping wet and i just spanked you."
You tried to protest, but were met with one his fingers inside you, gasping at the feeling, Leon hummed at the way you squeeze his middle finger " gon' be a tight fit" he commented, starting to thrust and curl his finger inside you, cupping your cunt with the rest of his hand.
You tried to stay stable but slightly stumbled, finally voicing out a pathetic "this... isn't allowed—" with struggling breath.
"Really? That's a shame" his voice mocking you as his other arm grapped around you once he noticed your struggles to stay standing "doesn't mean im stopping when that pretty hole is begging for my cock"
He sped up his hand before he paused just to slip another finger inside, the sorry sound of your moans filling the room as you squirmed, upper body trying to break from his mind breaking touch, while your hips stupidly rolled into his hands.
"No, non of that" he grunted "be a good girl and stay still" his voice was in a tone that just made you feel stupid every time.
You complied as he started to scissor your cunt open just to go back to curling fingers inside you, making you tremble as spit drooled from your open mouth.
"Think you can handle my cock sweetie?" He asked, almost implying he knows you're not going to be able.
"S-sir this isn't—"
"Did i ask if this is appropriate or did i ask if you can handle me?" He cut you off immediately.
You stayed as quiet as possible, counting your heavy breathing, and Leon grew impatient, he went even faster, curling up his fingers, making you scream and squirm.
"Mmm i think you can handle it"
You felt like you could explode any moment as the pressure build up inside you, but just as you were about to cum he pulled his fingers out.
"Lay on the bed" he barked.
You barely were able to, hearing his belt snap open and fall to the floor, you slightly looked back to see him free his cock, before he grabbed your head, pushing it against the matress.
All you could do was roll back your eyes as he pushed his length inside you, not caring for your time to adjust before he started pounding you.
It hurt slightly as he split you open, but fuck did it hurt so good.
To hell went any thought of rules, all you could focus on was how good it felt as he filled you up, hands gripping into the covers.
"Already cock drunk? Must've needed my cock since the first time i came here" he laughed cruelly as he thrusted with abandon, grunting slightly as you squeezed his cock.
The muffled moans became louder as he gripped you hair, pulling your face off the matress.
"Fuck— you're tight" he hissed.
"S-sir—" you whined.
"Want more doll?" His head tilted once you nodded, making his smirk.
You didn't think he could go deeper, nor harder, but he somehow did, his tip kissing your cervix every thrust until you felt your mind go absolutely blank.
Leon grunted as your walls started to flutter.
"Gonna be good and let me fill you up, right princess?" He huffed out.
"Uh-huh" you drooled out.
Feeling yourself come undone on his cock, twitching as you did, Leon giving you some final thrusts before making a sound that almost resembled a moan, spilling inside you.
The was a moment of silence where only your heavy breathing could be heard, Leon releasing your hair and pulling out slowly.
As he adjusted his boxers and pants with one hand, the other one went to go slowly up and down your ass.
"There's a good girl, did so good for me" his voice filled with a new found warmth.
He saw the mess he made of you and reached to fix you up himself, pulling your panties up and smoothing over your hair.
He smiled gently at your dazed face, giving you a kiss and handing you a card “if anything happens to your job, call me.”
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Self indulgent Adam x reader...that man....he's got one strong grip on me and idc atp :3
Adam x winged!sinner!reader
Takes place after the final episode, he gets judged again and is now a sinner in hell, new member of the hazbin hotel!
Sometimes you wish you didn't bend to Charlie's will so easily when she used her puppy eyes, she knew you had a weakness for cute things despite your colder demeanor, it was this weakness that had led you to taking care of the first human, dick master as he wanted you to call him, Adam. Who nifty had swiftly killed and now lives in the hazbin hotel after being re-judged as a sinner, though still injured.
You begrudgingly walk into his room where he is admiring himself in the mirror....again. he doesn't look that much different from when he was an angel, just more demonish, kinda human in a way? His wings are now a charcoal black from being disgraced from heaven. You groan and cross your arms, your own wings tucked in since you didn't have the power to just magically retract them....that would be nice though.
"Adam. You should still be in bed, resting." You say with an annoyed tone, he just looks at you before starting to flirt with you again for the millionth time, although with more backhanded compliments and insults thrown in this time. "C'mon cold tits, you sure you wanna hide this body? I may be one of you shitheads now but I say this dick is still holy~"
....yeah no. You go over and force him back onto the bed, having forced him back into bed countless times before since he doesn't seem to grasp the fact that his wounds aren't fully healed, he grasps your wrist, quickly dragging you down successfully this time, he had tried before but never succeeded...
You land on top of him, eyes slightly wide as you keep your arms propped up so you're not on your hands and knees on top of him....what an embarrassing position, you had to get off him quick, but he was quicker. Without thinking he wrapped his arm around your back in an attempt to make you stay, smirking and winking at you as you look down with slight uncomfortableness apparent on your face. Your wings move so that he's not touching them, you never liked anyone touching your wings because their a little sensitive in some spots, although Adam had tried to disregard that boundary in favor of trying to tease me by attempting to touch my wings which earned him a slap across the face once.
His hand slipped up your back, causing you to flinch slightly, it felt weird. You thought about punching Adam, not caring about his healing wounds, until that thought was tossed out your brains window when his hand grazed the base of your wing which caused you to gasp and flinch. Dear God cock, when was the last time someone massaged there? probably no one but it felt nice, like you had just found a comfy spot on your bed, your ears slightly brushed as you felt embarrassed being this kind of vulnerable in front of him.
He instantly noticed your reaction, his smirk turning into a full blown grin as he realized he found a delicate spot on the infamously cold (name), his rough hand then pressed and moved slightly at the base of your wing which made you flinch and sigh somewhat contently.
He continued moving around the base of your wing before you full on collapsed on him, laying against his chest looking like you're about to fall asleep, he chuckles and finally says something "looks like you're not so difficult to deal with after all, cold tits"
It sounds somewhat like mockery, but he honestly has grown some feelings for you, he enjoyed a challenge anyways! Now that he's seeing you like this, all sleepy and laying against him he can't deny that he wouldn't mind being like this with you, even if you glare at him yet don't stop him as he ends up massaging the base of your wings as you lay completely flat against him.
This feels like complete bliss, even if it's by someone you don't really like, you can't deny that it's lulling you to sleep. Maybe it's because he has his own pair of wings that he knows how to maneuver his hands against your back, now under your shirt that's surprisingly, not in a sexual way. It's quite nice, actually.
....he looks down again after spacing out for a second, seeing you asleep against him. Honestly, he thinks that you and him can maybe become more than just cocky asshole and a cold sinner...just maybe.
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mooshywrites · 5 months
Could I request headcanons of poly! Astarion, and Halsin with gn human crush genuinely asking them if they're willing to be with them despite their shorter lifespan?
I’ll Love You Forever
Poly!Reader x Astarion x Halsin
Art commissions
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A/N - I knowwwww this was a headcannon request, but It was just so incredibly sweet that I couldn’t help writing a longer fic for it. It’s still bite sized though! Hope you still like it, your requests are always top tier ;) <3
Word count - 1.2k
Warnings - sfw, angst, mentions of dying/growing old, fluff
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“Not even the Gods themselves could make me stop loving you.”
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Astarion’s eyebrows furrowed as he slipped the needle in and out of the silk fabric. He cursed, sighing as he pulled the thread from the needle, tearing out the last few stitches in his work. The small green leaves he had been embroidering were now a mess of jumbled lines and he had only you to blame.
You had been acting quite… odd today.
Usually you were a bundle of smiles, greeting Astarion and Halsin with kisses and teases in the morning, sleepy eyes and clinginess galore. But this morning, after you had brushed your hair out in the mirror, something had changed. You had found a single grey hair, plucked it out and glared at it like it had personally attacked you. Since then, you’d been quiet, distant.
And Astarion hated it.
Though he acted aloof and annoyed when both you and Halsin would shower him with love and affection, deep down he adored it. Craved it even. All day, the most you had given was a quick peck to Astarion’s cheek before leaving to gather herbs.
Astarion found it hard to admit that your change in behavior had rattled him so. He was still so new to this ‘caring about other people’ thing. But his stomach twisted uncomfortably at the thought of you out there picking plants without a smile on your face.
”Get it together, Astarion.” He murmured, threading the twine back through the eye of the needle.
The door of your little cabin swung open, Halsin bumbling in. He was carrying a large basket stuffed full of various cooking ingredients, his own face looking rather forlorn. He set everything on the table as Astarion continued his stitching, finally coming over to see what the Vampire was up to.
“Done with my shirt?” Halsin gruffed, leaning down to leave a gentle kiss on Astarion’s forehead.
”Obviously not.” Astarion scoffed, setting the work down and rubbing his eyes. “I’ve had to restart twice.”
Halsin’s forehead creased with worry, “What frets you, my heart?” He reached down to run the pale elf’s shoulders gently.
”You know what frets me.” Astarion quipped. “They went out this morning all doom and gloom and still haven’t come back. How long does it take to find a bloody herb or two?”
“I noticed it too.” Halsin said grimly. “That’s why I went to get ingredients for their favorite meal.”
Astarion thought for a moment, glancing back at the basket filled with food. “You know, you may be on to something.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
You brushed off your pants, annoyed. Your basket was practically stuffed with medicinal herbs, so much so that not even another leaf would fit in amongst the others.
In truth, you were avoiding returning home.
It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal when you found the grey hair that morning. Everyone gets them eventually, but to you, that little strand held too much meaning for your heart to handle.
You were getting older.
You didn’t notice it at first, the way your laugh lines deepened, the way your eyes crinkled a little more when you smiled. You had never been afraid of growing old before Astarion and Halsin, in fact, the thought of immortality seemed suffocating to your human mind. But the thought of passing on and leaving them here? That truly stung.
Not to mention, you were afraid.
Afraid the two men wouldn’t love you any more. Not when your limbs grew feeble and your mind grew weak. Would Halsin still sweep you into his arms and kiss you when he came home? Would Astarion still tease you and make it all up with lis lips when you pouted?
Would they still love you as you grew old?
The thought stung your eyes, your vision growing blurry through tears. You wiped them away quickly, deciding it was time to return home. Your boys were probably worried about you, and you didn’t want them to see your puffy face like this.
Instead you thought of other things on the walk home. Chores, future plans for the house, adventures you might take. Anything to distract from your world imploding around you.
As soon as you walked through the front door, a wave of delicious smell hit you. Your mouth watered as you recognized the savory scent. You set down your basket of herbs, seeing Astarion and Halsin talking in hushed voices before the stove. Apparently, they hadn’t noticed your homecoming.
You padded up behind them, clearing your throat, “What are you making?”
Astarion practically jumped out of his skin, turning to look at you. He sighed with relief and then gave you a glare “You scared me, pet. Don’t you know it’s bad form to sneak up on a loved one?”
Halsin just chuckled, pulling you into a warm hug. You melted into the touch, inhaling his pine and honey scent. You didn’t linger too long, afraid the embrace would make you tear up again.
“Sorry,” You offered, pulling away from Halsin, “I guess old habits die hard.”
The room fell silent again as you watched the men cook, working together perfectly to mold together your favorite dish.
“My heart, is something bothering you?” Halsin gently asked, looking up at you as he finished his prep work.
You shook your head, looking down to avoid his concerned gaze. “No. Just tired, I suppose.”
“Might as well come out with it.” Astarion huffed. “We know something is wrong.”
You clamped your mouth shut, afraid you’d lash out at the men if you opened it. It wasn’t their fault they wanted to know. They just simply cared. You would be acting the same if one of them had disappeared, looking upset.
You were about to change the subject when you felt a strange tickling sensation in your mind.
As if someone were trying to peer into your thoughts.
Your head jerked up, glaring at Halsin angrily, “Get out of my head.” You seethed, crossing your arms.
Astarion glanced at Halsin, apparently surprised at his boldness. “Well, what did you see?” He asked, turning to the both of you.
Halsin kept his eyes on yours, his expression tinged with embarrassment, apologies, and… sadness?
“They were thinking of growing old.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Halsin’s heart clenched tightly, the images in your mind replaying in his own head over and over. He saw your fear, saw your heartache at the thought of withering away from the life the three of you had built.
He couldn’t even begin to make himself feel sorry for the intrusion of detecting your thoughts, the overwhelming feeling of your sadness choking the Druid’s mind.
Astarion’s expression became unreadable, the room taking on a quiet air.
“I don’t want you to stop loving me.” You whispered sadly.
Halsin’s eyebrows furrowed, his gaze switching to Astarion with confusion. He couldn’t fathom the sentence you had said. Couldn’t imagine a world where that would be true. With Halsin’s long life, he’d never had to think about his mortality before. Sure, there were a few run ins and battles where he’d been faced with the thought of death. But the idea of aging had never hit him the way it was apparently hitting you now.
How terrifying it must be to be a human. To fit such experiences and growth in so few years.
Halsin shook his head decisively, turning back to you. “Not even the Gods above could make me stop loving you.”
“Unfortunately, I agree with the big lout.” Astarion smiled, pulling you close against him. Halsin joined, his frame wrapping both you and Astarion up perfectly.
Halsin heard you sniffle, tears staining your voice when you spoke. “But what about when I’m elderly?” You wailed. “What about when my joints are stiff and my face all… wrinkled?”
“You will always be the most beautiful thing nature has to offer.” Halsin murmured, petting your hair gently.
“Wrinkles? Oh, darling, not to worry.” Astarion grinned, “There’s always the option of the three of us going out in a dramatic blaze of glory. Perhaps cliff jumping?”
Halsin smacked his shoulder, earning a small laugh from you.
“Fine.” Astarion sighed, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “I suppose I can be swayed to love an old bat if its you.”
“Promise?” Your voice asked, feather light and muffled in the hug.
“Promise, darling.” Astarion assured, rubbing the curve of your back in small soothing circles.
“I promise as well, my heart.” Halsin swore, planting a kiss on the top of you and Astarion’s heads.
As he held you both tightly, the smell of your favorite meal wafting through the air, Halsin only had one final thought on the matter. It wasn’t the fear of you growing old that addled him, you would be just as perfect to him if hobbled over and grey, it was the thought of life after you had passed. The loneliness that would leave both himself and Astarion in. Not to mention… how would Astarion feel when the both of you were gone? No… there had to be something to ease this heartache. He had made up his mind
I’m going to need to talk to Jaheira about that immortality ritual.
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fatuismooches · 11 months
a lesson in napping.
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It was a beautiful day in Inazuma. The sun was shining brilliantly, not too hot either, just the perfect temperature, with a slight breeze to keep you cool. Perfect for doing nothing, best for relaxing and enjoying life. It was on days like these when your eyes began to droop much earlier than they should be. There was nothing wrong with that, of course. But Kabukimono was questioning why you were already slipping into the futon when it was so early into the day.
“[Name], what are you doing? Are you sick?” Kabukimono worried over your early retirement to bed.
“No, don’t worry, Kabukimono. I’m just going to sleep for a bit.”
“But… it’s not ‘bedtime’, yet, isn’t it?” You chuckled at his use of the new term you taught him.
“You’re right, it may not be bedtime… but it is naptime,” you replied, having to stifle a yawn, wanting nothing more than to just drag your lover under the sheets and just sleep already. “I’m feeling sleepy, so I’m just going to sleep for a little while. A nap,” you explained.
“Ah, ‘naptime’...” Kabukimono repeated. “So a lot of humans not only sleep during the night but during the day too?” The puppet was still learning about the concept of sleep. He did not need to sleep and found the idea of it fascinating. But before, when you left him to sleep by himself, you would be awoken by quiet sobs, and him curled into a ball. You wondered what he dreamed about that made him cry so much, but you never pushed for answers. But now that he lay on your chest whenever he dozed, it seemed that he was no longer plagued by those frightful dreams, at least not so frequently.
“Of course, Kabukimono,” you giggled. “Though most people here sleep during the night, there’s no set time on when a person should sleep. You can sleep whenever you want.” With that, you held your arms out, inviting him to come join you.
“Come here, my love. Why don’t you try it? Won’t you take a nap with me?” Immediately a smile grew on his face, happy to be invited to the activity. Kabukimono shyly slid under the blankets with you and then looked up at you with puppy eyes, hands close to his chest.
“Can you… can you hold me, please?” His cheeks grew to a faint red as he asked. The puppet loved affection but sometimes was scared to ask for it. He’d even get nervous while asking you to accompany him for simple things, leaning from foot to foot with hands behind his back. As if he thought you did not want to be in his presence.
Perhaps he had been rejected in the past, and that hurt his fragile heart.
But no matter, you were here to relieve all of his worries and make him feel wanted. You smiled in response and watched as Kabukimono’s face lit up. “Of course, dearest. Here, turn around,” the boy eagerly followed your instruction and softly giggled as his back pressed against your chest. He really loved being the little spoon.
You briefly thought back to the time when you first spooned him. It was a lovely experience, and he was a joy to hold. But you had felt playful at the time, and what better way to surprise him by tickling him? Your arms were in the best position for tickles too - snug around his middle.
Unfortunately, Kabukimono was not ticklish. The only thing you got out of it was a hot, embarrassed face while Kabukimono looked at you with a confused expression as to why your fingers were dancing around his tummy. It seemed like the puppet really didn’t have any weaknesses. At least not physical ones.
Quickly snapping out of that little memory, you took pleasure in the way Kabukimono was practically glowing in happiness. You wouldn’t have it any other way. It really felt like only the two of you existed in the world right now. Nothing else mattered.
“Good night, [Name]! Oh, I actually shouldn’t be saying that, right? Since it’s still daytime-” The puppet began to correct himself but you kissed him before he could continue, catching him off guard but he quickly reciprocated.
“How about ‘sweet dreams’?”
“Sweet dreams… I like that. Sweet dreams, [Name].”
“Sweet dreams to you as well, Kabukimono. Maybe we’ll have connected dreams, too.”
“Connected dreams? Is something like that even possible?”
“Sure is! Dreams are very, very powerful, love. Don’t forget that. Now hurry to dreamland, before we lose our sleepiness,” you finished, pecking him on the cheek for good measure. Kabukimono settled into the comfortable position once more at your words, comforted by the calm in and outs of your chest. His eyes fluttered shut, as his body succumbed to the surrounding warmth.
The deeply loved puppet soon drifted off, dreaming of a happy and beautiful future with you. You two even adopted a cat! It was a bit grumpy, but that was okay. It would come true, right? After all, if dreams were so powerful, they should become reality eventually.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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