#I mean he mentions the ‘Hills genes’ but like
octopus-in-disguise · 5 months
American Arcadia spoilers underneath the cut!
So what exactly are the implications of the baby farm Angela discovers in the Hexagon? Like, are *all* the Arcadia born citizens raised this way? Surely some must be the natural product of relationships between citizens, right? Or are they all just raised by Walton Media until a certain point and then injected into Arcadian society? Like maybe I’m overthinking it but I really can’t wrap my head around this. Is there something obvious I’m overlooking?
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For you @mayjor-lochardt as a little treat just the fact that you came up with this amazing AU, and also the way Raphael is described reminds me so much of Gaston. Hope you like it enjoy!
Raphael: As you probably know, the reason for your creation was to help populate the Earth.
Adam: Uh, it has been mentioned to me once or twice before.
Raphael: Good, because I have very good news for you indeed. One that will I'm sure have you screaming to the Heaven's in thanks. For they were the ones who helped arrange it.
Adam: Arrange what exactly?
Raphael grabs Adam and pulls him into his arms harshly. Adam looks up at the archangel's face to see a cocky smirk on his lips. and eyes that held an emotion Adam just couldn't describe. However, he knew it wasn't a positive one.
Raphael: Our marriage my dear you are to be the mother of humanity.
Adam's face falls
Adam: Oh no
Raphael: I think you mean, oh yes! You've been dreaming, just one dream, nearly all your life, hoping scheming just one dream, will you be a wife! Will you be some Alpha's property?
Raphael twirls Adam unexpectedly in a form of dance as he dips him. Causing Adam to become dizzy. Raphael then forces Adam to move along in a form of a slow dance.
Raphael: Good news, that Alpha is me! This equation Omega plus Alpha doesn't help just you! On occasion, if possible, Omega's have their uses too! Mainly to extend the family tree! Baby you're going to expand with me!
Adam felt himself go green.
Raphael: You'll be raising Alphas with pride.
Adam: Inconceivable
Raphael: each will be eight feet five.
Adam: Unbelievable
Raphael: every one of them is stuffed with my best genes!
Adam: I'm not hearing this!
Raphael: You'll always be by my side!
Adam: Just incredible
Raphael: I'll make sure that your belly is always full!
Raphael stops their awkward dance and Adam breathes a sigh of relief until Raph's hands begin to wander. Adam felt like he was ready to puke up his lunch when Raphael started to rub his flat stomach. Adam just stays quiet as Raphael continues.
Raphael: just picture it, Adam, a beautiful mansion up in Heaven, my latest awards for all my achievements placed in a nice sunroom. I sit by the fireplace as my wife who is pregnant with our forty-seventh litter massages my aching feet, while our little ones are playing on the floor. And we will have many, many, many little one's all over the place.
Adam felt vomit rise to his throat, but he managed to swallow it back down.
Adam: heh imagine that.
Raphael: I can see that we make the greatest pair as history will define! Not unlike my eyes!
Raphael turned Adam to face him and gives the omega a serious hard look.
Raphael: You are face-to-face with your destiny! All roads lead to this! The best thing for you is me! Escape me? there's no way! For you are Mr. Raphael!
Raphael lets go of Adam but before the poor human-turned-angel can run away Raphael begins to advance toward him and uses his wings to keep him caged. Adam keeps backing away until his bare back hits the bark of a tree. Raphael slams both his arms on either side of Adam making him trapped. As Adam's fear-filled eyes stare into Raphael's he finally knows what to call the emotion that is clear as day, lust, and pride. Because Adam knows that all he is to Raph is a prize and the archangel is about to collect his prize. He needed a plan to escape and quick.
Raphael: So, what do you say Mr. Raphael? Ready to begin your duties?
He says with a smirk licking his lips before puckering them up and inching them toward Adam with closed eye lids.
Adam: I'm very sorry Raphael, but I just don't deserve you.
Raphael: Who does? Now pucker up and spread those legs wide for AHHHH!!!
Raph yelled when he was pushed away by a strong gust of wind. He lost his balance and fell off the hill he and Adam were on and landed on a large mud puddle. Adam stood with a proud smirk of his own golden wings outstretched as turned and flew away from the Alpha calling back to him one more time
Adam: But hey thanks for asking Raph!
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Okay so I'm about to be real annoying about autism and biology(specifically genetics) real quick-
So first off, just because Ty has autism doesn't necessarily mean that Livvy does. Yes they are twins but they are fraternal twins, ie two eggs and two sperm, which means they only share about 50% of their DNA like regular siblings. Because that's what they are canonically, regular siblings who just so happened to both be conceived in a roughly 2 week window of each other and born at the same time.
Same with Mark and Helen. Only they share about 25% of their DNA with the other Blackthorn siblings.
Now autism is genetic, this is scientifically proven to be true, and as of 2023 1 out of 100 children has autism. Those chances increase if a sibling or a parent has autism because they share genes, and if one person has the gene then it's likely to assume that someone else in the family does as well.
Take my family as an example: my grandfather is autistic, so was his brother, and his sister's daughters(identical twins) were both autistic(because they share 100% DNA so if one is autistic likely the other is too), and so were their kids. So even though my great aunt is NOT autistic, both her brothers are, which meant she carried the gene for it, and it passed down to her kids and grandkids. Now none of my grandfather's kids got the gene, but all of us grandkids did. Because even though our moms weren't autistic, they carried the gene.
Now, there's not too much proven scientific evidence for how autism works genetically other than it is passed down and can even skip a generation or two. But because of how society is, especially how afab people are raised in society, there could genuinely be a significant amount of people who just haven't realized that they are autistic, not to mention the over a million people who aren't able to get a diagnosis. So please take what I've said above with a grain of salt.
NOW onto my personal headcanons with the Blackthorns-
I truly believe that Lucie Herondale is autistic and I will die on this hill. Which means that the gene could carry all the way down the Blackthorn line, all the way to present day. And since we know almost nothing about Andrew and Eleanor, we don't know if either one of them had the traits or if they just carried the gene.
Let's start with the oldest(s) and work our way down, shall we:
Mark: the nature audhd, he loves everything plants earth related and spend almost too much times researching flowers and berries that can be grown in California. He much prefers a date to the botanical gardens rather than to a movie theater(too loud) or a library(too quiet). But he loves concerts(jumping up and down bass boosted music).
Helen: the coffee autistic, she loves everything in the world of coffee, and if she wasn't so debilitated by her enhanced hearing making her uneasy out in public she would open her own coffee shop just so she could make coffees all day everyday. Aline gifts her different coffee scented candles for anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays.
Julian: the art autistic, he loves the feeling of paint on his fingers, and has spent an hour rubbing a new and soft brush over his palms and face(much to Emma's amusement). His go-to stimming behavior is sketching something either on scrap paper or with his fingers on the table or on his thigh. He loves drawing over his arms and hands with pen, and he also loves drawing all over his families' hands and arms as well.
(Ty is canon, so I'll skip him)
Livvy: the theater audhd kid, she loves reading Shakespeare and obscure off-Broadway plays. Once a week she puts on a one woman show for her siblings(mostly Dru and Tavvy) entertainment. She collects playbills, cds, records, merch, and autographs from shows she sees(she goes with Jocelyn or Tessa at least once a week) and covers her room with them.
Dru: the thriller audhd, she loves everything that gives her a fright and makes her adrenaline and blood pressure skyrocket. Her favorite "dates" are amusement parks with Thaís and Jaime, she makes them go on every terrifying ride. She, Livvy, and Emma have movie nights where they binge vintage horror movies and play indie horror games. She went bungee jumping for her 18th birthday.
Tavvy: the music autistic, he loves everything in the music realm: instruments, songs on the radio, Broadway musicals, and Julian humming while he cooks. He learns to play over 16 different instruments and uses each one to stim depending on what environment he's in(if he's at Cirenworth then it's violin or piano, but if he's at the NYC Institute then it's drums or guitar, his favorite is playing the pan flute on the LA Institute rooftop with Mark and Kieran).
I also hc that Livvy is trans that her and Ty ARE actually identical but apparently it's weird to say that😒
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense I just woke up from a nap😅-
dude. this is such a detailed ask. shaking screaming silently in excitement that i get to answer this!! all of this detail for me!! this is such a fascination of mine! anyway ANYWAY SO
I love your hc's about the blackthorns especially tavvy, idk why i see him as a musician as well but it just FITS. and hey, they are in LA right?? he def spends his teens sneaking out to see live music and he def gets SUPER into like a handful of artists and spends hours just playing around with their songs, remixing them or whatever (do i do this? am i talking from experience? do i have a sideblog dedicated to it?) and dru is absolutely that kind of adrenaline junkie. so am i! i say she gets really into lead climbing (rock climbing, but the rope is below you instead of above and when you fall it's TERRIFYING) and it helps her get really comfortable with her body esp when she goes with mundanes and downworlders and shadowhunters all mixed up. and i love theatre livvy, i really do, but her canon thing is computers and maths isn't it? maybe she's both. i can see that, different sides of her personality: she's into STEM a lot as a kid but realises she also likes to act when she's a bit older. you're dead right with julian, tbh what he was going through in the tda era makes it hard for me to see his neurodivergence clearly but yeah i can see it, and he's a cassandra clare male protagonist after all, he's gonna remind me of a bunch of people i know irl who are--slowly realising their neurodivergence, shall i say. mark and helen are dead right too. i see it. never did they come across as neurotypical to me.
and i do know, genetics of fraternal twins--if you're referring to the 'twin thing' or whatever i said i was meaning the bond between them and how they communicate so naturally! which is in part due to their proximity being together since the womb, but also because they are naturally so similar and also complimentary and actually, the fact that they both 'adopt' kit into their group is just another neurodivergents unite moment. like, it just works. so naturally.
and i 100% agree with you that yeah, sure maybe they're not ALL autistic in the family but with underdiagnosis and stuff and genetics it does make sense. Also irl i do think that 1% is a MASSIVE understatement (idk what the actual number could be, but the way i go out in public and in community with people i've known for years even when we're not brought together by things in common, and i just get the vibe of people, i'm pretty sure a lot more than 1% are autistic). now, with lucie. i never was quite sure with her, she's very much a could-never-have-been-neurotypical-herondale but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. it's really interesting to see her and james interact as siblings bc they're SO different but there's this common thread of likely being autistic, in fact a specific genre of autistic that clearly runs in their family (and i could say the same of anna and christopher, but that's for another post). anyway. just for fun. I reckon we can trace it back up both sides of their family to Linette Owens on the Herondale side and to Aloysius Starkweather on Tessa's side. and cassie invented genetics again.
but seriously, i fondly summarise tlh as 'bunch of neurodivergents adopt biracial traveller who doesn't fit in anywhere'. like SO MUCH of the cast is autistic coded, trust cassie to do that, there's also a heap of rep of adhd and cptsd and bipolar in the mix and then. there's cordelia
I also have to say I do love your trans livvy hc!! the more i think about it the more i'm like, oh, that could make sense. in the way she presents her femininity (which trans women don't have to!! I know!) and imagine her bonding with diana over it! anyway that's all i have to say. slightly differently coloured features to ty--that's just a technicality right? no, this could definitely work.
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Naga! Doyle AU masterpost
because the original is four years old, I'm back in the building again, and I will die on this hill.
tw: human experimentation, mentions of violence
In this AU Epsilon and his people are more into the cryptid field of work than they already are. This AU kind of stems from the fact that they wanted to be able to have Kur in their corner as a well trained, well contained asset, which expanded into 'how can we use cryptids as assets' but they start building their own cryptids, honey island style. During the season 1 timeline in this AU the Greymen have been doing their own cryptid research and using the efficiency for gene splicing/cloning they have to try and make cryptid human hybrids. The aim of which being supersoldiers that are more intelligent/able to follow instructions whilst not being as succeptible to Kur's control.
(Kur has not been revealed yet, so they want to beat everyone to the punch and have their own controllable cryptid army that can be used for a range of means, including taking down Kur.)
However all of the test subjects die, with particularly heavy losses in the Naga-human hybrid line they are attempting to create. However after recovering some of the research from Honey Island and some of the blueprints for Munya in Weird World's remains (in the cases that this AU starts post season 2) they have a stable working formula. They lure in a new batch of test subject (choosing criminals they lure in with cash or snatch off the street as there is less concern for them going MIA).
One of said test subjects is Doyle (both because I like to creaturify my blorbos and I'm addicted to the 'people who physically lose their humanity are supported by their loving family' trope). He ends up the sole survivor of these experiments due to his previous exposure to the naga relic/dark mysticism, which allowed his DNA to mesh better with those of the unwilling naga/serpent cryptid donors.
The fam find out what is going on when either he escapes on his own after tearing through wherever he's being kept, or Francis turns on Epsilon and leaks the project files to Zak, who along with Wadi and Ulraj work to shut down the whole thing.
From there the AU becomes a mix of angst and fluff as the family have to adapt to living with a giant serpent man, who is dangerous at first but then just becomes a moody freeloading serpent that causes the Saturday's food and electricity bills to skyrocket. Even though he calms down enough to act like regular Doyle again, he still has a lot of naga-like habits, such as staring a little too hard at prey animals and becoming lethargic when his room is one degree too cold.
He ends up with a bunch of abilities, including being able to 'talk' to snakes/serpent cryptids, being extremely sensitive to vibrations and being able to see in infra-red slightly.
Also in cases where Zak still has his powers, he can communicate with Doyle the same way he does with other cryptids, and can control him to an extent as long as he's willing. However on an angsty note, when Doyle is still acting dangerous and instinctive, everyone finds it bizarre that Zak is the only one he will listen to, respect. They find out that this is because he is recognising Zak as Kur instead of his nephew, which breaks Zak's heart because we know how much canon Zak wants his cryptid family not to feel controlled/used in any shape or form 🥺.
May upload the oneshot collection I have for this AU onto AO3
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
The idea for cc day 9 with teaching someone how to skate is co cute 🥰 I thought it could be any Ransom x reader pairing, but also it could be TOH. Like they have a lake somewhere near, the ice is pretty solid and Reader once mentions that it would be cool to skate there. She is not a professional, but is confident skater, while her bear is struggling with balance.
I have three people this could work with, and I hope you like them
Christmas countdown day 9 — Go ice skating
Model!Ransom x hair/makeup!Reader (a/b/o):
It was another public outing, another excuse to be seen and capture by the paparazzi. It was meant to be a public appearance for the sake of a public appeared but Ransom found himself genuinely enjoying the outdoor skating experience.
“Ransom Drysdale seen skating in public with his girlfriend. Watch the tender moment when he helps her as she falls-!” You we’re making fun of the situation all night, creating faux headlines under your breath while he skated with you.
“Don’t push it.” Ransom caught you as you fell, lifting you back to your feet before you touched ice. “Have you ever skated before?”
“I should’ve mentioned it before-“ Ransom had cut you off when he turned and blocked you from view of one of the more intrusive photographers, growling a warning when he came too close.
“I’ll break the camera on the ice if you come within another foot of my omega.” He threatened, holding you to his chest. “Take your pictures from afar like everyone else.”
“Ransom Drysdale,” you mumbled against his Burberry coat, “alpha threatening a photographer when he gets too close.”
“Let’s just finish this so I can have whiskey and go home.” He snarked, pulling away with a huff. “Keep making your fake bullshit titles.”
Regardless of the snark, Ransom kept a tight hold on your hand to keep you behind him while his eyes never quite left the crowds as if he was trying to analyze them for threats against you.
The frozen pond not far from the house was swept off and ready for you. Ari had met you outside with a pair of skates and a helmet, for you of course, prepared for skating in the clear winter afternoon.
He had surprised you by admitting he was getting the pond ready for you, just as he had surprised you by building a mini sledding hill if you wanted it. Ari was determined to make your winter at home as much as possible.
“I haven’t been skating in a while,” Ari had slipped his skates on and tied them securely before he stood and stepped onto the ice, “give me some leniency.”
“Those Werebear genes don’t translate well to balance?” You teased as you skated by him and gave him a gentle push, laughing when he stumbled slightly.
“I could if I was my bear, but-“ Ari had regained his Blanche and began skating slowly, stumbling twice more before you came to rescue him.
“Call it an excuse to hold my hands.”
Silverfox!Johnny Storm:
His hands were warm enough but still he slipped a pink crocheted toque onto your head with a pair of matching mitts, arranging them in a way that left you cozy. When he was satisfied he had kissed your forehead and tightened the scarf around the neckpiece of your jacket, softly muttering.
“So this-“
“-just you and me, little ember.” He pulled away and searched your face, his silver streaked hair and light beard showed his increase in age yet his crystalline blue eyes were still vibrant with youth.
“Our first date?” You hummed, looking behind you to the empty and famous NYC ice rink. “And you rented the entire thing?”
“I wanted privacy.” Johnny had looked you over once before he grasped your hand in his and led you away from the sidewalk toward the entrance of the rink. “And you said you wanted to go ice skating.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t mean to make you rent out the entire Rockefeller rink.” You waited for him to step onto the ice and then you followed, first skating along the edge before you followed him further onto the ice.
“Trust me,” Johnny skated around to stand behind you, his hands resting on your shoulders, “this is the perfect moment. You and me, no one else…”
“It is beautiful,” you we’re amazed, really you were, at the state of his fantastic idea, “but do I really deserve it?”
“Baby!” Johnny scolded you, swatting your ass with a grin. “Don’t make me spoil you without limits, because I will over and over until you learn your place as my cute little princess.”
“Limits,” you spun to face him, “you agreed to limits, Johnny.”
“Did I?” He pulled you into a hug, dancing slowly with you on the ice. “Should’ve gotten it in writing.”
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
this is such a silly question but... how old do you envision keith to be in ttsr!? i think about this fic all day every day to the point where i'm like filling in the gaps in my head and reconstructing his entire life before meeting shiro and whatnot so yeah just. wondering how old he actually is? (((also please know you are my favorite fic writer ever. and i'm the pickiest of picky readers, so it's like you've been inside my brain! IT'S EERIE! and i'm so grateful <3 <3 <3)))
sdgads oh my gosh thank you so much
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look at this fucked up little baby i love him SO LIKE INSOFAR AS THEIR AGES IN CANON ARE A LITTLE FUZZY I think he's 19 in TTSR. I think I'm using the idea that in S1 Keith is 19ish and Shiro is 25ish, and I go with the idea that they met when Keith was 15ish and Shiro is 21ish. And maybe by the end of canon, with Keith's time skip, Shiro is 27ish and Keith is 23ish? I sometimes adjust that number in my mind, it's not a hill I'm gonna die on in general, but for this fic I think those are abouts the ages I'm working with. It makes the most sense to me to imagine that Shiro would be recruiting from high schools, and I was comparing to like ROTC and stuff and they typically don't accept kids under 17, but it seems like the Garrison has younger students and since it's a space exploration program and not strictly a military institution that we have some wiggle room to make up rules haha. So maybe they meet, he finishes 10th grade or whatever, then joins the Garrison? Even though they use very obvious visual language on the show in the flashbacks to tell us KEITH IS SMOL BBY, he's gotta at least be a high school student. I also want to leave him a little time to get to know Shiro. In chapter 4 I wrote like a lil bit of exposition just to like keep everyone on their toes and I thought it would be a fun pacing shift to just start talking about his childhood out of nowhere which is why I sketched out that overview of like his JOURNEY REALIZING HE'S GAY LOL, but in that chapter I mentioned that Shiro leaves for Kerberos when Keith is 17 and he gets kicked out of the Garrison at 18/19. It says this RE:Keith's sexual history lol: But at seventeen with an NCO and eighteen on Iverson’s desk and nineteen with some grad student from the bar, all he knows is that he doesn’t want to give up control.
I also really wanted to give weight to how different he would've looked to Shiro when Shiro comes back, especially leaving Earth off a breakup. And the breaking up is relevant because like, Keith has always just been this kid that he mentors and Shiro is in a committed relationship up until the very end right before his mission, so there's no reason why he'd ever see Keith as desirable. Not just that Shiro is too much of a cinnamon roll and I think he's so faithful & committed to Adam, but Keith is also so fucking immature and messy as a kid right?
When he leaves, Keith is his lil buddy that thirdwheels him & his boyfriend and sleeps on their couch sometimes, and when he comes back Keith is like this angry shell that regressed on all the lessons Shiro taught him. But he's grown and strong and violent !!!! And Shiro sees him as a grown man now! And it's surreal to him! And he feels weird about it sometimes! And when Keith is ready Shiro wants to be topped & dommed because he's so burnt out from making decisions and being in charge and being responsible for everyone's lives and it would be so nice if this violent alien-man would dick him down please!
Sorry I got off topic lol I mean, I think 19 is a nice age where like, there would be a visible difference, he'd be taller, broader shoulders, (if he were fully human maybe he'd be fully grown but I think his Galra genes are gonna keep going lol but Shiro doesnt know that)!
I don't always stick to these ages because canon is so fuzzy so I think like for all writers, readers, & enjoyers we have some space to adjust as needed when it fits the story we're trying to tell. But I think this mostly is the story I'm telling this time and like, if I haven't nailed it down explicitly in the text already you never know if I'll wiggle later or even retcon it LOL. So anyway, the basic TTSR timeline
They meet when Keith is 15
He joins the Garrison at 16
Shiro leaves when Keith is 17
Pilot error etc happens when Keith is 18
He gets kicked out of the Garrison at some point! Do I know when in this following year? idk I didn't decide. Bonus question: Does Keith even know? Does he know what month it is? Does he know how old he is? Pilot error happens and time stops existing for him.
Shiro comes back/canon S1/TTSR begins when he's 19. I also didn't nail a number down yet but I think he was 6 or 7 when his dad died in this. In the upcoming chapter that I haven't finished, there's an extended scene about him and his dad from when he's 5!!!!!!!!!! You didn't ask but, in general if this helps you imagine the TTSR timeline lol. :) :) BOY. I'm upset lol.
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fundielicious-simblr · 5 months
🌲🍁🥧 Harvestfest 🌲🍁🥧
(Britanny's POV)
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The whole family again! We gathered at my parents house this year, and when we're here we all stay in their house in our old rooms so it's like a giant sleepover. The kids love being at granny and papa's house, they get to stay up late and eat all the sweet treats that they want to. Being in Newcrest also means they hang out with their 'cousins', technically their second cousins but in the end we're all family. My parents have been spending their time going round to see all of us, they swap visits to Britechester with Abbey and Adam, they come to Windenburg to see us, and they head into Willowcreek to see Tanner and Tabitha.
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Abbey (31) & Adam Hill (31)
Abbey and Adam are still splitting their time between Sulani and Britechester, they've recently mentioned taking a more permanent position so they can have more stability. It's definitely something they're praying about as it would involve a big change for them. They haven't said anything about children, but they said maybe once they stop moving around so much..
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Colton (33), Brittany (31), Nicole (6), Elizabeth, (2)
We are just loving life and thanking the Lord for his goodness! Nicole turned 6 so we've gone headfirst into homeschooling, we spend our mornings and part of the afternoon reviewing and learning new bible verses for memorisation. Colton's mum Vanessa is great at doing extra reading with the girls, Nicole reads aloud to her every evening before we have dinner either in person or they'll video chat. My parents also video chat with the kids so they can do their scripture memory together. Colton and I are thankful for strong foundations that point us to the Lord constantly, almost everyone in our lives does so and for that we are thankful.
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Tanner (28), Tabitha (23), TJ (2), and Ember (6m)
Tanner and Tabs have had a great year, earlier in the year they welcomed little Ember to their family. Tanner and Tabitha are overjoyed to have a little girl and TJ is such a doting big brother. Apparently the inspiration for her name was her inheriting her mother's red hair, maybe our mum's genes also helped contribute to her hair colouring. Tanner marrying a redhead is so on point as it seems we're almost at an even split between redheads and non redheads - he's outnumbered in his house. With them living in Willowcreek, Tabitha gets to see her family often as they still live there, but after much prayer and consideration Tanner has decided to take a job at Newcrest General hospital so the family is moving back to our hometown.
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oddballwriter · 1 year
MH and EMH guys with an s/o or friend that just REALLY loves bugs? (insects and spiders equally) That’s just one of their things. Point at something on the sidewalk, and they know exactly what it is, it’s scientific name, some facts, and oh- oh now they’re picking it up- Ecstatic if any of the boys would humour them with their escapades; Pointing out stuff in the woods to Brian, drag Jeff over to a pond, ask Evan if he’d walk a nature trail with them, flipping over rocks and logs- Jay, I’m snaggin’ your camera and filming an ant hill now. /hj 🪲
Warnings: Mentions of bugs and insects, nothing else I can think of
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Jay isn't much into bugs and all that stuff but he doesn't hate them either
Thinks your interest is interesting
Would genuinely listen to what you have to say about a bug simply because you know so much about that bug
Like yeah sure he knows what a daddy long legs spider is but that's all he knows about it, meanwhile you've got a whole encyclopedia in your head about it
Would honestly watch that ant hill footage
Honestly very low key supportive of you and your love of bugs
He's honestly impressed
Like holy shit, he can just point at the most mundane bug and you can just, list shit about it like what type it is
Finds it weird but not in a mean way
It's just that... it just baffles him a bit that you have so much knowledge
Like you know the scientific name???
Time honestly is just really impressed to the point that he can't even call you a nerd of something
You're knowledge just becomes something that makes you kinda cool in his eyes
Please tell him about bugs
Brian likes bugs in a "They're just little dudes" kind of way
So please tell him all about these little dudes
Honestly just soaks in this knowledge that you give him
The moment you go "Oh look it's a-" he's all ears
Sometimes he catches bugs for you to look at and talk about before letting them go
He's okay about bugs but he likes listening to you talk so he listens to you talk about them
Evan loves a good nature walk so he takes your offer
He actually quite enjoys you showing and teaching him about all the bugs that you can find and or you yourself have found
So details you mention stick with him for no good reason
Like the fact that there's a bug that someone can see all the time but it turns out it's actually invasive and not native
Would honesty point to a house spider and ask what it is because he thinks/knows that you'll know
Loves taking walks with you around just about anywhere and would gladly come along as you look at all the bugs that you can find
He gets into studying bugs to so that you can know stuff together but be secretly likes it when you tell him about it because idk he likes hearing you talk about your interests
He still researches on his own but he knows that you know far more since it's you're interest
Honestly tell him everything you can about a species. Where it's from, it's gene family, the origin, what it does, all that
Go off, he will listen
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jbhostaskblog · 2 years
do y'all like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mario
Bob: Ehhhh, kinda? I've never played a mario game, honestly. Baby Diva: You've NEVER played a mario game? Seriously. You. Bob "Makes His Own Gamer T-Shirts About How He Would Marry The Enderman If They Were Real Because He's That Much Of A Gamer" Headrush Towers!? Bob: I mean whats the point!? It's some Italian guy doing parkour and going "yahoo yayayayayayaya!!!" It's all the same, Bee-Dee!!! Baby Diva: Fair. Bob: PAPER MARIO AND Mario And Luigi, on the other hand- there's a set of games!!! Yes, EVEN the Origami King AND Sticker Star, and Prince Peasley is a fruit, I will DIE on this hill. Milian: Bob, you utter dumbass, everyone knows beans are legumes- Baby Diva: Hold up, Paper Mario AND Mario and Luigi ARE Mario games. Bob: They're spin-offs!!! It's a whole other ballpark, Bee-Dee!! Baby Diva: ...It's Paper MARIO. The Paper MARIO franchise. And MARIO and Luigi. Yknow. The games where you play as MARIO... and Luigi. Bob: ...Oh. - [REDACTED]: -and it's like, he LOVES her, like, a LOT- and he was just like, in so much despair and stuff because he thought that was it!!! Like, he had looked EVERYWHERE for her, and like, he couldn't find her! HE EVEN WENT TO THE UNDERWEAR AND OVERTHERE, DUDE. AND BLUMIERE COULDN'T EVEN FIND HER THERE. Like DUDE I would be super messed up about that too-!!! Guess: I lost you the second you mentioned the giant chameleon who's also a nerd, but yknow what, I like your funny words, magic man! - Gene: Oh, Mario...? I only really watch the cartoons... and the movie with Todd- Todd: he needs emotional support over how weird "toad" looks. Gene: I can't believe a movie with the hit classic Everybody Walk The Dinosaur also has... (shivers) that in it. But- speaking of my friend Todd, he really loves Mario! He even does Mario 64 speed runs on uhhh... twitch. Todd: yep. hahaha funny mario go yahooyyayayayayayayyayayayaayWAAAAAA- - Dandelion: Mario Galaxy is the BEST GAME EVERRRRRRRRRR!!! It’s SUPER inaccurate about space, I hate catching those bunny rabbits, the plants are SUPER cool, love the fact that Bowser can crush you, killing an Italian instantly!! ANDDDD if I HAD to honest, if I was straight and she was straight, I would marry Rosalina on the spot. But I’m not straight, sooooooo... best game ever, would feed it all of my ravioli sauce!!! - Bonnie: Wait, what do you MEAN Mario and Luigi weren't invented by Vinny from Vinesauce???!
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trying to articulate the weird way ppl treat literature because theyre afraid of it and refuse to be mean to it and actually criticize it and its so hard to explain bc its nearly exactly the same as fandom ppl reading way too much into trash pieces of media desperately hoping its better than it really is but on the polar opposite level where its entirely about authorial intent instead of pretending media is entirely self creating
#hearing people talk about hemmingway books that just totally suck fucking shit like wow his artists soul.. such deep meaning and pain...#and its literally just about how hes going to kill himself#because every single hemmingway book is about how hes going to kill himself because he literally had a gene that makes you kill yourself#like obviously suicide is a serious subject of artistic expression throughout history but it doest inherently generate value#i feel like ppl will treat literally any boring ass topic like some profound statement as long as its in a book deemed Literary enough#even if the book just totally sucks shit and fails as a piece of art and even as a piece of entertainment#like even as much as i love paradise lost i wouldnt consider it to be particularly deep or profound media in its message#like its a really interesting character study and recontextualization of biblical canon#buit some shit like silent hill 2 has much more to say about the human condition and Life Lessons or whatever than it#and tons of books regarded as untouchable fonts of artistic wisdom were just completely popular entertainment at their time of publication#like its no secret that whats considered artistically valuable will always be affected by classism#but the particular kind of intellectual elitism around the written word is so fucking annoying#like books literally sucked just as much as any other piece of media and in modern times they suck much more because its deprecated media#suicide mention
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viscountessevie · 2 years
They’re setting S3 up to flop—inexplicably—since they could’ve tried rehabbing the characters next season before S4. It’s bad: Penelope and Colin are both assholes and not even In a fun way. Penelope is a villainous loser; Colin is useless and a prick. Luke is tbh just not attractive and has negative charisma. Like that he’s going to be in the company of RJP and JB insults me personally. There’s no chemistry to speak of over two seasons. Their story is pretty sad/pathetic. And they’re following Kanthony. Whew lmao.
S3 will probably be like S2 in that Kate and Anthony will make it worth watching.
You CAME for Pelican's wigs, anon and damn I was taken back because you DID NOT hold back. Thank you for sending this in - it had me shook in the best way!!
You're very right, Pelican has become unbearable on the show. I agree with every word said about Penalty in this ask. She clearly is the villain but constantly victimises herself - I’m so sick of her schtick. These are no longer the characters from RMB anymore. However, I will refute that Colin isn't so much an asshole but an idiot - a racially ignorant one now after his first interaction in S2 with Will. It felt so charged with racial undertones, it left with a bad taste in my mouth. Yeah, he tried to apologise for it with bringing Will customers but too little too late. He should have never talked to him that way in the first place.
While I used to bully (affectionate) Newts for not looking like a HR hero, but now I try not to put down his looks anymore it's not like he can control it. It was a mix of genes and the HMU this season who decided they needed to make him look homeless and got a bad tan from Beverly Hills. They did him so dirty this season. Aren't people coming from vacay supposed to look better??
I've talked about his lack of charisma on screen before: he is pretty sweet in interviews but doesn't shine on screen. More on that in this post and the exact snippet here for reference:
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I think the smart decision would be to stick to the books order and just give Luke T his time to shine as Benedict in S3 - like Benny was just okay and a little creepy in his book but I didn’t know this as an S1 viewer and thought Luke T stole the show as Benny. He’s just so expressive and effortlessly hilarious, he definitely makes an impact every season with the limited time he’s got. So hopefully Luke T can join the ranks of RJP & Jonny next season - pick the right Luke, Shonda you can do this. 
Like you said, S3 needs to be for Pelican to have a rehabilitation of their characters - Penalty NEEDS to do an apology tour or her redemption will mean nothing but these writers hate making their protags take accountability so I’m not holding my breath. Newts as Colin needs a glo-up - either commit to a full beard or yeet it, and get him a better hairstyle. Character wise, mans needs an interest, personality and arc that is his own and doesn’t revolve around Penalty and Greece. As for the chemistry bit, I don’t know how I feel about it tbh because in S1 it was kinda cute because we’ve all been there with an unrequited schoolgirl crush that we eventually get over. He also seemed to get along with her well enough. So I was pretty neutral and their chemistry wasn’t overwhelming me in a good or bad way for me to comment on last season. This season, coupled with the fact that she almost killed Marina, her crush is very creepy and obsessive and now it may be a bias against them but I do not see any chemistry at all. 
Their book story was okay the overall plot was too 'perfect' and polished so they felt very superficial and their conflicts were silly. They lacked the depth some of the stronger couples of the series had (Kathony & Franchel babey - I haven’t read Hy & Greg’s books so cannot comment on those yet) Not to mention, the way he treated her in the books when he was jealous was problematic. I have no idea what they are gonna do for the show but I worry for his life. He's gonna fuck up one of these days and she's gonna fuck his shit up even more. As if imploding his first engagement and calling him stupid for it wasn't enough.
As much as I disliked 70% of the changes made to Book 2 and alll the stupid Featherington side plot screen time, the show as its own thing PEAKED this season. Jimone brought their A-Game and carried this season on their backs. The general audience ADORES them and they are going to be a tough act to follow not going to lie. Honestly I truly think Luke T’s Ben paired with an equally strong Sophie can pull it off! Someone call @sweetestviscount Lav's chiropractor, Kathony and Ben are gonna need him after carrying Pelican's season - may it be S3 or 4 (for everyone's sakes it better be in S4).
If S3 truly is about Pelican, I really want to send Shondaland a message and not watch it. I refuse to give them my views for making SUCH a bad decision and will probably pirate the season if my curiosity gets the better of me or as I’ve said in previous asks, I’ll just watch the YT scene compilations of Kathony and my other faves in S3. 
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fanficsandfluff · 3 years
The Snyder Cut: Headcanons (mostly of the tickly nature)
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Bruce Wayne (Batman) ~ Batfleck, my love
He’s such a lover boy, and I can say that though I don’t exactly know how to explain what I mean. You just gotta understand.
He cares so strongly about EVERYONE. e v e r y o n e. Alfred, fucking loves the guy, jokes with him. The fucking “This is Alfred, I work for him.” MY MAN, STOP!
I think he just really wants to get along with everyone and wants everyone to get along in general.
But he lowkey crushes on Diana (at least in his mind, he’s keeping it lowkey, but we all see what’s happening)
I love the idea of this big hunk of a man getting soft with someone like Diana. 
She makes him genuinely laugh this one time by saying something funny, and then they’re both laughing together. 
Bruce definitely has one of those laughs where he throws his head back and shit and you can see his like Adam’s apple bobbing and everything.
But that’s if he’s really laughing.
And he has loud “HA”’s that are like really short but loud and then he kinda just snickers to himself for a while, holding his stomach.
And dude, the scene in freaking uhh… i think it’s BvS I’m not 100% (maybe i fucking imagined it who knows) where she like comes over to him and is fixing his wound….. tickle scenario hand picked from the gods right there
I can see a whole, “Woah!” from Bruce when Diana traces her fingers on some sensitive skin. And that Gal Godot smile is on her in an INSTANT. 
Bruce will laugh if he’s with the right person. Like I headcanon that if he’s being tickled, he will laugh if it’s done by Diana or Barry, then like he’ll be forced to laugh if it’s Clark bc he overpowers the poor bat, but then he just has these hilarious bouts of angry growls and chuckles if Arthur is going after him. 
I can’t even write about Batfleck being a ler because I will literally explode, so I’m done here 
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Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) 
I know the GIF isn’t from ZSJL but just let me live, ok? (Also I couldn’t find the one of Gal wiggling her fingers YOU KNOW THE ONE I’M TALKING ABOUT)
First off, Gal is the most horrible queen of giggles. I’ve seen those blooper reels. My god, girl, how do you keep getting hired?
Diana will start tickle fights without a doubt.
She’s already very trustful and I also feel pretty handsy with people, especially those she may feel close to. So if she’s playful, you best watch out.
Her favorite targets are Bruce and Barry. I will not take criticism. Diana attacking Barry and reducing him to panicky shrieky laughs is my #1 thought. It’s not even living rent free, I’m commissioning it to be there.
Diana is one to laugh with her victims. She will wreck them and have a great time doing so. 
She’ll be ticklish if she wants to be, but it isn’t often she gets pinned and tickled or anything like that.
The guys try to stay away from her or not go after her with tickles for fear of retaliation.
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Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
So…. my man isn’t really ticklish. I really don’t think he is, I feel like his Atlantean genes make his skin a special kind of hard, if that makes sense?
He’ll try and act all cool and ‘whatever’ around the League cuz that’s kind of his persona.
But he slowly gets to like them more and more and his playful side starts to come out.
He’ll tickle Barry out of pure annoyance. Like if Barry makes any kind of comment, he’ll just point his finger out and get that glint in his eye and Barry is sprinting for the hills.
Here’s my favorite headcanon: Arthur will tickle Bruce because he knows it pisses him off when he does it. Bruce will fight back and keep Arthur in his sights at all time and curse and growl at him. And Arthur thinks it’s hilarious.
Arthur as a ler will taunt and tease until the cows come home
“Huh, big guy? What’s that? Ahawww that’s what I thought!... Not so fast/tough/etc. now!... I will wreck you.”
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Victor Stone (Cyborg)
Unfortunately… not ticklish. :(
But this boy has the sweetest laugh you will ever hear, and I will die on that hill. 
Now that he has friends (superpowered friends, no less), he can slowly come alive and be himself. 
I can see Victor not getting involved in tickle fights at first, but at a certain point he’ll be all like, “Okay, step aside so we can do this right” and just PIN THE SHIT OUT OF WHOEVER IS BEING TICKLED. His extra robot arms are killer!
Okay, when he laughs for the first time in front of the group, there’s that cliche moment of pause where everything stops and everyone just stares and listens to him. It’s so rare to hear him laugh because the poor kid barely even smiled around them in the beginning. 
Now hear me out on this…
Okay, so half a face. Great. Weird. We love it. But you can see all of mischievous Victor when the guy SMIRKS. You see his eye squint and you can swear his robot eye gets a gleam of a different color. 
Wait honestly as I was writing that, the thought of Victor’s eye and like his apparatus changing color based on his mood is golden.
Me sitting here, lowkey wishing Victor’s robot body had some kind of cuddly mode like Baymax lmfaoooo 
Like the defense mode his body went into when he was around resurrected Supes, but for cuddles and being cute.
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Clark Kent (Superman)
I was debating even including any headcanons for Superman bc I don’t care about him much, honestly.
I am v happy they kept in the whole ‘him staring at Flash through the speed storm’ scene bc I laughed so hard at that the first time i saw Josstice League in the theater. 
Also I didn’t really like the black superman costume??? I’m not a comic buff, so I’m assuming that’s why. I am like the one person who missed the color from the Josstice League cut. Don’t miss the stupid red sky in the finale, but I miss every other ounce of color that was just SUCKED right out of the Snyder Cut.
Clark and Bruce are besties now, I don’t make the rules. Bruce bought the man his house back. By buying the bank. He’ll take care of him.
And I’ve always simped for those two ever since BvS, bc I’ve already written like two fics where they tickle each other. 
Clark overpowering Bruce to tickle the shit out of him makes me so happy lol. Big strong boy Batfleck looking thiccc over here… but put him against Superman and he’s donezo. Because as mentioned earlier, I do think Bruce is pretty ticklish. 
But Clark can have his lee side when he’s feeling nice
He’s got that mighty chuckle, almost like how Thor might laugh. 
And he really likes getting involved in tickle fights with the League. He knows all of them are sorta afraid of him on the daily anyway, but have that power added to a tickle fight and it’s fun as hell. 
He’s gotten taken down by them ONCE. And I mean exactly (1) O N C E.
They all teamed up. Bing, bang, boom. Pinned him to the floor and they each took an area of skin and fucking SQUEEZED AND WIGGLED. They were trying to incapacitate him as quickly as possible. And dangummit, he laughed a lot! Like Clark realized just how ticklish he could feel if he wanted to feel it. 
And don’t even get me started on Lois, he’s big on getting her to giggle and she likes toying with him and running her hands all over his body (bc who wouldn’t?)
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Barry Allen (The Flash)
I waited to write about Barry last because I have so much to say about this character....
and then I fell asleep and waited until the next day to write anything down about him so now I’m totally not in the mood and I forgot all the salient points I was planning on making.
fuck you, michelle.
I got a weird relationship with this character. He was mad annoying in the Josstice League. Thank goodness they trimmed his bad jokes down.
But now....
when he got hurt at the end and he was like crying and shit oh my god I wanted to hug him
His character got so... good
And I’m now at the right age where I can think about myself in a relationship with this character with no changes or shame
We both out here trying to find that one good job after college and everything
And then he got this whole found family schtick with the Justice League!!! Lookit him!!! Thriving!
He has total little brother energy
like, pesky little brother. Bothers everyone, looks over people’s shoulders while they’re deep in thought or concentrating on something.
Asks a lot of questions.
All the more reason for the gang to want to tickle the shit out of him.
Barry just reads like a super ticklish lee. Like his whole character.
Maybe touch starved because he said he needed friends, and I don’t think he has siblings??? (sorry if i’m wrong about that, comic fans)
I already named some of my fav headcanons about him getting tickled by like Diana and such, and I’m sticking with it.
Barry does flee. He runs away with super speed.... but sometimes he just kinda wants the tickles so he lets them have at him. 
The chase is all part of the fun with tickling Barry, though. That’s what makes it so entertaining. And Barry isn’t afraid to be a little shit about it either. He will super-speed around his pursuers and poke their sides and tickle them back really quickly before they even know what’s happening. 
Barry doesn’t exactly hold back his laughter lol. He’ll protest and scream and squirm like crazy, but once he’s actually tickled, he loses it.
Pure boy. With funny ass facial expressions.
And it really doesn’t help that I never realized just how hot Ezra Miller is, even though I heard he’s not a great person irl. Oh well.
Please please let me know if y’all have things to add, to squee over, to question me about... please. anything. i’m here for you. thanks for reading, guys!
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 25
It was the semi-finales for girl’s lacrosse. Miraculously, I was made captain as a freshman. Which meant, for some reason, people were offended and thought that I should be picked on more. Fact of the matter is that lacrosse is a game of strategy. Together; with the help of my teammates, we would play to win. Being captain wasn’t a choice, Finstock made me captain and the role was a big shoe to fill. But here we are, semi-finales.
As we made our way out to the play, I looked at the stands. Mom, Dad, Uncle Noah, Stiles, Scott on one end. Laura and Derek on the other side. 
There were fifteen minutes left in the game, the score was tied. We needed to make one more goal to win and get to the finales. For this next play, I was face to face with the other team captain, waiting for the pearl to be thrown. 
“You don’t deserve to be captain.” The girl glared, her eyes looked like they wanted to melt through my helmet and into my brain. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me. I worked my ass off for four years to be captain. What makes you so special?” 
I blinked at her, a little confused as to where this hostility was coming from, “I’m just playing a game.” 
“A real captain knows the lacrosse is more than a game.” She smirked, “When we win this, I’m getting a scholarship to So Cal, so why don’t you just do what freshman do best and lose.” On one hand I felt bad for her. She probably had parents that pushed and pushed for her to be the best. And I also felt bad because I knew we were gonna win.
The ref blew the whistle starting play. And everything was going according to plan. That was until I was passed the pearl. I ran with it, tossing it to another player. Meaning that it was completely unnecessary for me to be tackled and would be considered aggressive. But that didn’t stop the other captain from using her entire body to slam me into the ground. One minute I was standing and the next I had was on the ground. My chest felt tight, like I was straining to breathe. When I opened my eyes, I saw her face over mine, smirking down at me. 
“HEY!” I heard Finstock’s booming voice, “Ref! Aren’t you gonna call that?!” No whistle, either the ref hadn’t seen it or he was allowing it. But Derek wasn’t allowing it. I heard multiple shouts and then watched the player who stood above me get shoved away, Derek replaced her. He knelt down, placing a hand on my shoulder. 
“Derek, what are you doing?” I groaned. 
“Can you get up?” He asked, trying to help me sit up. I hissed at the movement. 
Derek turned back to the bench, “Get a medic!” And only then did the whistle blow. The girl had given plenty of excuses, but they still gave her team a three minute penalty that made them lose the game. Looks like I had been right. 
I was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion but I would be fine just in time for the finales. The whole time in the waiting room, in the room itself, and even when we got home, Derek had been right beside me, holding my hand.
I had grown to hate hospitals and everything about them since the last time I had been to one I had been stabbed. The gowns with the open backs that were way too open to the public. That smell that was a cross between cleaner and the latex and rubber of gloves. The beds that were as hard as a rock and were covered in paper that would crinkle and make noise even if you weren't moving. That apprehensiveness that would build up in your stomach every time you heard footsteps coming down the hallway.
Thankfully, I didn't have to go through any of that. Since I was a pregnant werewolf, going to the hospital in Beacon Hills was a definite no-no, so the next best option is Dr. Deaton, a veterinarian and a makeshift supernatural doctor. Not to mention a full blown druid in this day and age. But from what I've learned in the past couple years, old magic was very much alive. 
I was sitting on the metal table used for the animals, swinging my legs back and forth, waiting for Deaton to come back from getting my medical records emailed to him by Melissa. He could have gotten them himself, he just figured it would be less illegal if he got them from a nurse. 
Thoughts were racing through my head for no rhyme or reason. Since I became a werewolf, every scar or scratch on my body had become only a memory. My stab wound, the acid burns on my legs, the cuts on my face from being tortured all those months ago which really felt more like a lifetime. It had been a different life, a life fabricated through magic and spells. A life that almost didn't feel like mine anymore.
"Sorry, for the wait, (Y/N)." Deaton walked into the room, his eyes scanning over the stack of papers in his hands.
"You're alright, Doc." I smiled, leaning back on my hands, "So how am I looking?"
“Very pregnant.”
"Nothing gets past you, huh?” I smirked. To be fair, I was approaching the three and a half month mark. Deaton smiled, taking my vitals and a vial of blood. 
“So I’ve been made aware that Mr. Hale is the father.” He said, pressing a cotton ball to my skin after removing the needle, “How's that going?"
“About as well as you can imagine.” 
“So not at all?” He asked. I nodded, shrugging my shoulders. 
"Everything looks normal," He smiled as he wrote everything down on his clipboard, "Just need to get a look at the little guy." He looked up, "You said it was a boy, right?" He asked, moving over to get the sonographer that I’m sure had never been used on a human before.
“Unless the baby’s sprouting a third arm. That'd be cool." I smiled, “But yeah, that’s what the ultrasound tech in Scotland said.”
He chuckled and shook his head, "Alright, lay back and lift your shirt up." I laid back on the table, lifting my shirt up. The jelly he put on my stomach was cold and reminded me of the goo that had encased Jackson when he was a lizard person. He moved the sensor over my stomach and looked into the monitor. Ultrasounds were usually a little hard to see anyway, just like a fancy warschak paintings. And the fetus? Kinda like a funky jellybean.
“There we are.” He grinned, “Little werewolf.”
Craning my neck, I looked up at him, "You can tell he's a werewolf?"
"No.” He took the monitor off, handing me a paper towel so I could wipe off my stomach, “But odds are since his parents are both werewolves, it would make sense that the child would be also. However, you had the dormant gene, maybe your child will too." He turned off the sonographer.
“Have any names picked out?”
"I have a few... I liked Jacob, which Derek hated because it was too ‘Twilight’. Then there's one other but I don't know about it." The name that Derek loved more than anything for some reason, "Nicholas." And damn was it good. 
"What about Nicholas Jacob? Just use both of them." 
"Or I could name him after Stiles" I smirked to myself, "Mieczyslaw Nicholas.”
"Maybe that would be a little too much."
“Stiles is a little too much.” I smiled to myself
"So Nicholas?" Sheriff looked at me from across the table, a cup of coffee in his hand. I hummed and nodded, sipping my hot cocoa.
"Nicholas?” He asked again.
"Mieczyslaw?" I raised my eyebrows at him.
He raised his eyebrows, "It was his mother's father's name." 
“I remember Grandpa Mitch, trust me." I smiled, holding my mug in both hands, “I was thinking maybe Nicholas Noah.” I avoided looking in his eyes. Emotional talks were never really his strong suit, especially after Aunt Claudia. I wanted to honor him somehow.
He smiled, blinking a few times, “Sounds pretty good to me.” After a moment he asked: "What are you going to do now?"
I finished my drink and stood up to put it in the sink, "My plan, right now at least, is that I'm going to stay here to have the baby... Then...” I washed out the mug, “Then I'm not sure. I don't know if I want to go back to Scotland or stay here." He stood up as well and pulled me into his arms for a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him, blinking my own tears away. 
Uncle Noah stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head, "Whatever your decision, I'll be there for you. Whenever you need me. I'll always, always be there for you." 
My pajamas had taken a turn for the worst. No more t-shirts and shorts, it’s moo moos and nightgowns from now on. I pulled my night gown over my head, smoothing out the skirt. Did I look like I had raided a grandmother’s closet? Absolutely. I looked down at my stomach, rubbing my hand over my bump.
"Are you a little alien?" I smiled after a moment, listening deeply to his little heartbeat, “Nice.” I glanced over at my desk, then pulled back my blankets to get into bed. I stopped, my head snapping back towards the window where there were red eyes staring back at me. 
 Now, if this was two years ago I would be losing my mind over the fact that there were red eyes staring at me. But since I've gone through emotional Hell, I was feeling rather annoyed by some alpha that just thought they could mosey around my house, around my window, and around my goddamn personal space. I stalked over to the window and slammed it open. 
"Listen, pal, you have about five seconds to get out my yard or I swear by all that is damnable, I will put you through so much pain that your great-grandchildren will be sore."
The eyes came closer, revealing a familiar crooked jaw, "Nice to see you too." 
"You could have just come through the front door, ya know? If Stiles can make a spare key to your house, then he can make you one for his." Scott only looked at me seriously. It was like the kid from three months ago was gone and all there was left was a battle hardened man. 
"Can I please come in?" I stepped away from the window, watching him crawl inside and stand up.
"I've been great, Scott, I've only been in Scotland for months, crying and wondering why none of my friends or family were contacting me. How have you been?" Was it petty? Absolutely, but the hormones were raging. Even if Derek told everyone to stop talking to me, what hold did he have over anyone when Scott was around?
"I'm sorry about that, I really am. But I came to-"
I cut him off, after finally connecting, "Who did you kill?"
"To become an alpha, who did you take it from?" 
"I didn't kill anyone!” He said in an exasperated voice, “Why does everyone ask that? Not killing people has been my thing since Peter bit me." He ran his hand through his shorter hair, it suit him.
It then dawned on me. The one thing that had little to no documentation of. Even the Lunar Circle had just the basics. It was the stuff of legend, a hear say. I didn't think it was possible. 
"A true alpha." He stared at me for a second and blinked a couple times.
"You're a true alpha." I grinned, "Oh my god, Scott, this is unbelievable." I grabbed his shoulders and gave them a slight squeeze, "Tell me everything. I wanna know how it happened and what situation you were in. How were you feeling? Were you hurt? Was your body under so much stress that it just happened?”
Scott grabbed my hands and placed them by my sides, "(Y/N), maybe another time I came here for a reason."
"Oh, right, of course." Probably looking ridiculous, “What’s on your mind?”  
"I really don't think it's safe for you here." 
"Here we go agai-" 
"Will you just listen to me before you start whining?" He growled. That certainly shut me up. I raised my eyebrows at him, but I guess I should hear him out. I motioned for him to continue.
"I'm not so much worried about you.” He said, “I know you can take care of yourself. I'm worried about..." He paused, "Uh..." 
"Yeah, I'm worried about Nicholas." He sat in my computer chair and leaned forward, "The pack we're facing don't care who they kill or why, all they want is to hurt us. You're my friend, (Y/N). I don't want anything to happen to you. And I don't want anything to happen to your kid. Please." He rolled forward and took my hands in his, "Please, go back to Scotland. I promise you, you won't be in the dark. You don't deserve to be left out. I'll call myself, and if not me, Stiles will. It's not safe for you.” I looked down, gnawing on my lip. Scott was right, he was completely right. It wasn't safe. I couldn't be a tough alpha when I had so much to live for. Keeping this kid safe is my top priority. As much as I wanted to stay home, it wasn’t safe.
"You'll tell me when it's safe to come back?" 
"You have my word." 
I sighed, looking up at him with a half-smile, "I may be stubborn as hell, but that doesn't mean I can't admit when someone's right. And you're right, Scott. I'll go." 
He closed his eyes, like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He dropped my hands and rolled back, "I'm so glad you agreed with my first speech, if you hadn't I would have been improvising for my life." He chuckled.
Shaking my head, I grinned at him, “It’s good to see you again.” 
“It’s good to see you too.”
"So you're going back?" Uncle Noah looked over his coffee with tired eyes, spying my luggage that had only been unpacked for two days. It was a new day and another plane ride.
"It's not safe for me. It's not safe for any of you." I rested my head on his shoulder, "But I know that will never stop you from helping the ones you care about." 
A small smile pulled at his lips, "You're way too good at reading me." 
"Well, I've only known you my whole life." 
He set down his coffee and hugged me tight, like this was the last time he would see me. I know he was worried about me and Stiles, it was in his nature. This was the best option for me. As much as I wanted to stay and fight. I couldn't fight if my child was kidnapped and hell knows what would happen to him. 
Giving him one last squeeze, I pulled away, the honking outside meant that Stiles had pulled in and was ready to drop me off at the airport. 
"I'll call you when I land. Or text you. Depends on the time." I kissed his cheek, "Bye Uncle Noah." 
“Goodbye, sweetheart. Stay safe." I kissed his cheek. My head held high, I grabbed my bag and my rolling luggage and went out the door. Stiles grabbed my bags, opening the back of Roscoe to throw my luggage in. That was until a familiar black Camero pulled into the driveway, blocking Stiles in. 
"God. Dammit." I muttered to myself. My life was just going swell, wasn't it? I looked down at my stomach and sighed. I felt the burn of acid reflux in my throat, my child showing obvious discomfort as well. Me too, little man. Me too. 
There was no way around it, I couldn’t leave without talking with him. Not that I should have to begin with. I sucked. 
Derek got out of the car, coming around quickly and standing in front of me. 
“Derek, I don’t think you should be here.” Stiles stepped forward. Very sweet, but realistically Stiles wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing against Derek. They stared each other down, the air just filled with masculinity.
“Stiles...” I said, grabbing my bags, “If he wants to take me to the airport, let him.” 
Stiles eyes widened, “You’re really giving him the time of day? Really?” 
Sighing, I pulled Stiles into my arms and hugged him tightly. He hesitated, but hugged me back. 
“I know that this seems like a bad idea, and most of my ideas are bad, but I got this. Trust me.” I smiled and kissed his cheek, “I love you.” He pulled away, looking between Derek and I. 
“I love you too. Scott and I will let you know when it’s safe to come back.”
“You better.” I turned back to Derek, trying to keep up the attitude I had to keep Stiles at ease. I held out my bags. He took them without a word and we both started the trip to the airport. It was hard to get a read on him at the moment. He emotions were dull, nothing that stood out. He still looked as tense as ever. His brows were knitted together and his piercing green eyes looked hard. 
“So...” He said after a while, “What are you going to do about...” He trailed off. 
“Him?” I looked down at my stomach, “I’m just preparing and getting ready for him. I picked a name too. Nicholas.” 
A small smile pulled at his lips, but he hid it, “Hmm.” 
“Derek....” Now or never, “I just need to know why?” 
He inhaled deeply, “I wish I could tell you. I don’t even remember it happening. Like I was under a spell and I couldn’t break out of it.” So he had experienced what I had when I was under Matt’s control. In this situation, in Beacon Hills, there was no reason not to believe him. His heart told me it was true. 
“I’m sorry that I hit you.” 
“I don’t blame you.” He glanced over at me, “If I felt the same thing you did, I would probably lose control too.” 
“I’m tired of people taking advantage of you. If I see that bitch-” I hadn’t realized that my eyes had turned red. 
“(Y/N)...” He reached over his right hand, placing it on my knee, “Calm down.” I took a deep breath and leaned back against the seat, closing my eyes. Just the simplest touch could calm me down and it was something that I missed. 
“Nicholas, huh? I like it.”
Happiness welled up in my chest, “I sure hope so since you picked it.” 
“I didn’t think you liked it.” 
I sat back up and opened my eyes, “What are you talking about? I’ve always liked that name.”
By the time the conversation ended, we were at the airport. I reached for the handle to open the door when he reached over to stop me. 
“I let you leave alone last time, I’m walking you in."
We got inside and checked in, the only thing left was for me to board. Maybe it was a good thing that he didn't take me to the airport last time, because now that he was here, I didn't want to leave him.
"How selfish would it be for me to ask you to drop your life here and come with me?" I leaned on his arm.
"Very. Trust me, the thought crossed my mind. I'm needed here. I have to be here for Cora."
I smiled slightly, "We're gonna get through this. Soon we'll be together again and we can have that big happy family that you deserve. That we deserve."
Derek sighed, resting his head on top of mine, "Is it cliche to hope that this all ends tomorrow?" 
My smile faltered, "Don't believe in miracles, Derek."
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harpersplay · 3 years
4x10 and 4x11 Thoughts
Doing the bare minimum after being a parent for 13 years is not impressive. And I can't believe they are trying to equate doing that with Beth's years as an involved & active SAHM. (Gasp! Dare I defend Beth? Will I get my hater mantle taken away? I've said over & over that Beth's character has suffered the most from the shit writing. I truly have no idea how Beth stans think the show is good when every season Beth—as a character—gets worse & worse. And often because she is written at the expense of male characters.) And he's not a good dad. He's still fun dad (and also gross Dad. Who the fuck puts syrup on pancakes until right before you eat them?!?!?!). Giving his young children containers of Oreos (and encouraging them to lie to their mother) and risking their stability by again making shitty financial/business choices. Oh, and good dad (and good mom) are preparing to flee from prosecution and—I guess—just live on the run forever. Super great childhoods they're planning for their kids.
I was not at all clamoring for a Dean & Rio scene. Like ever. Luckily, it wasn't that bad. There was no swordfighting over Beth. And Dean got to see how Beth interacts with Rio (she talks to him with that haughty annoyed tone) which helps him to finally realize (JUST LIKE BETH TOLD HIM IN 1x6!) that Beth does this because she wants to not because the evil moose forces her.
Dorothy built her own store and career and none of the girls give a millisecond of thought to stealing the press. And that's after they've spent months using her store for illegal activities. Oh, and the obvious culprit when (if? because who knows with this show) Dorothy calls the police is going to be the former employee with multiple brushes with the law. But, great plan.
And, ugh, of course the girls are shocked that Diane & friends expect to be paid. They've only been doing this for years. Why would they learn anything? BTW, don't think I missed Beth mocking Krystal's voice. Where all the anti-misogynists at?
Breckin Meyer plays a really good creep. And someone actually did some research; because creeps make connections by being super tactile. I hate this MRA/MLM story. Why does it exist? Why is Vance at Dean's meeting with the lawyer? Is there some sort of budding cult leader/acolyte confidentiality?
So Stan is now getting directly supplied by the purse connect. Presumably the "Woman in Room 216." But why would she work with them? Weeks after she gets involved with Gene, he gets busted and spilled everything. So why would anyone in the criminal world work with Stan who was seen out & about as Gene's right hand? Why does Stan have access to the strip club? What about the "he" that owns the club that Gene mentioned? We know the city seized it and is going to auction it, but they don't just let people come in & out in the meantime; especially when it was a place used for illegal activity. Why does the show think this is unimportant to address but Dean montages are needed?
Ruby is all the way fucked up in this whole stupid Beth vs Stan nonsense (Reason #763 why she needs Black friends and it's super sus that she doesn't have any). She wasn't being neutral AT ALL and she was more on Beth's side for no reason than fake drama. Stan is probably the character we've seen undergo the most on a spiritual/moral/existential level. Ruby started at a similar place from him, but she at least went in knowing she was doing whatever she had to for Sara. Stan didn't find things out until the Hills were already in it. He's had multiple conversations with Ruby about what all this has done to him. He's calibrated his worldview of right & wrong. And for Ruby to tell him to "take the high road" was a slap in the face. Beth told Ruby she lied to Stan and Ruby was still on her side. Also, Stan was totally justified in what he said to Beth but the show is going to align him with Dean to neutralise the truth of his words. (I mean, the fact that he's a Black man has already been enough for people to say he's being "mean" to Beth.) And Beth yelling at Ruby to not defend Stan? No. Nope. That white woman needs to mind her own house.
The Kevin storyline is stupid & gross. First they used him to portray Annie's rock bottom. I don't know, having sex with your married ex while his wife is pregnant is more rock bottom to me. As is trying to fuck with your therapist's fiancée for funsies. And then he knows stuff about lacrosse, so suddenly he has some worth. Not because he's a human being. It's all incredibly offensive. But to have Annie, who has seen firsthand the problem with food waste and has been shown to have zero issues with Ben's transition (Not that she should have any. Just that it is a very, very common narrative for parents who will say they love their children to still express concern about how difficult life will be for them. And then they have some learning moment and credits.), be this judgmental character? It's plot > character again. And Annie has to start having feelings for him. Because, of course.
Ugh the casino. Just like the strip club fake bachelorette party, the writers just had an idea for a "fun" scene and did it regardless of how stupid. See the girls are always unlucky except in this moment when they need to be. Isn't that the most clever thing ever? Casinos monitor everything (Ruby actually points this out, which makes it worse) and the girls were acting completely suspicious. They would have for sure drawn attention. And then we have the added stupidity of the timeline being fucked with again to make a "clever" line work. Moments/twists/scene > plot > character. Always. The background actors in the scene were really earning their checks, tho.
Beth & Nick planting a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
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Finding Him
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AU!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping/taken, angst, mentions/implications of rape, mentions of blood, gruesome I think, maybe. (If I need more warnings, I’ll add them. Not sure what I need for warnings right now) I would recommend to being at least 18 to be safe.
Summary: Dean doesn’t come home from a supply run. Sam and the Reader find the Impala, but no Dean. Who would take Dean? Why? Clock’s ticking.
Word count: 2,400-ish
a/n: Inspired by a fic called Lost by @talesmaniac89​, only I switched the roles and the whole premise of the story in comparison.
Finding Him Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
His vision blackened by the dark hood that covered his head.
“See boss, I found him, one of the Winchester boys.” A male voice says. As if he were expecting a prize.
“Yes, I see that, you were also to get his little brother you nitwit!” another man shouted.
Dean could hear growls in the distance. Meaning he was dealing with more than just one monster. Also, what kind of monster?
“But doing this draws out his brother. Once he is out and about, I’ll get him.”
“You better, but watch out for his mate. I hear she’s feisty.”
Y/N, they knew her as well. But she was only with the brothers for, not even, 6 months now.
“Why again are we doing this? Why don’t we just swarm their base now? I mean, we can use his scent to lead us there.” A female voice was heard this time. She sounded rather annoyed by the whole situation.
“Because, it’s her I want.”
“She’s a half-breed. First of our kind. Her mother was human. They say half-breeds are weaker than their pure bred counterpart. But I beg to fucking differ!” the boss man got furious at a memory.
Y/N’s a what? Dean thought. He could only huff against the gag in his mouth that was tapped in by duct tape. His hands were bound by all kinds of bindings. Rope, tape and even chains. These werewolves took precautions to prevent Dean from escaping or fighting back.
Y/N must have done something to piss this guy off. He thought.
“Just bring the other Winchester, Lure this bitch out. I want her now!”
 “Sam, I found the impala but no Dean.” She said into the phone.
“Store clerk said no one was following him in the store. So it must have happened outside of the store on the way home.”
“I don’t like this Sam, who would take him and why?”
“I don’t know. Come swing by, pick me up and I’ll drive Dean’s baby home.”
“Sure thing, then we’ll get hunting for your brother.”
She hung up the phone. She could smell it. It’s faint but it’s werewolf. Maybe it’s time to come clean about her lineage to Sam. It might help in finding Dean.
 “So you’re a half breed. Half human, half werewolf? How’s that possible?” Sam asked. Not a hint of malice in his words, no hint of anger or hostility in his body language.
“My mom was human. My dad was an alpha werewolf. But my mom died giving birth to me. I never really had a mother. But there’s this other pack, my dad went rogue on them when they started killing humans. He’d kill his own members to save humans.” She explained.
“Your dad sounds like a good man.”
“He was. Then his alpha found us. Tried to take me. He fought back. Or, tried to. I managed to get away. But in the woods I could smell my dad’s blood. He kill him. I’m more than sure, he’s the one that took Dean. He’s trying to lure me out.”
“He really shouldn’t underestimate the Winchester way of doing things.”
“What do you have in mind, I do see those wheels in your head turning?” she asked.
“We’ll need Cas’s help. I’ll even see if Bobby or any of the apocalypse hunters are up for some fuckery.”
She smiled, what does this guy have in mind, must be awesome.
 Weeks pass.
Sure he’d feed Dean, give him water even. But the alpha has a plan. And it’s not a great one.
He’s building an army.
“It’s my daughter, Alpha. She’s presenting, and I feel she is suitable for bearing a half breed.” Said a woman behind the door.
“Once she is fully presented, we’ll put him to work. And soon she will bear a half breed. Because if that bitch won’t come to me, we’ll come to her, with an army to boot.”
Dean swallowed thickly.
Already several scared girls had come in, he was forced to impregnate these girls. In hopes of making werewolves just like y/n.
He’s not dumb, half breeds are not as weak as people or other monster claim them to be. Because of their human counterparts, they don’t give up.
“How many have we made so far boss?” the same wolf that kidnapped Dean asked.
“9. Nine half breeds. And 5 of us. Two omegas, one beta, and two alphas. The half breeds don’t even need to present. That’s the thing we need to research further.”
“I’m sure our doctors in the sandy hills would love to look at them, and this girl of yours.”
“I’m sure. But, she’s mine. Mine to tame, mine alone. I’ll make an omega out of her.”
“You want to see what offspring you and her would produce?” he asked. Seeing his masterplan now.
“We need an army. Those British hunters already got the drop on us and have killed most of ours. But now, with us being mostly half breeds. We’ll see how much of a match we are to them.”
“Impervious to silver. But they’ll die like any normal human.”
“Maybe so. But we’ll train them in combat. We will win this.”
His comrade nodded.
 A low growl could be heard from y/n as she paced the library.
“Weeks Sam, it has been weeks. We need to find him.”
“I know, Bobby’s trying to round up everyone.”
“I can feel them doing something to him, it’s not good. We need to hurry.”
“Like what?”
“I can’t describe it without making you feel uncomfortable. But it’s not good. Let’s just put it at that.”
Sam’s phone rang. Caller ID, Bobby.
“Hey, Bobby, whatchyou got?”
“Sam, bring your girl and come to our hide out. It’s getting bad out there.”
“Bad, bad how?”
“We’re out numbered. The amount of werewolves is growing. More than what we can keep up with.”
“Okay, we’ll pack what we can and meet you out there.”
Sam hung up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Their numbers are growing.”
“I told you it was bad.”
“What are you saying?”
“He’s making an army of half breeds. Like me. And he’s using Dean to help in that process.”
“You mean, he’s forcing these wolf girls to rape my brother?” Sam asks, growing sickened and angry.
“Yes. Which is why we need to hurry. Let’s just go where we need to go. I’ll tell you what we can do to win.”
 “Great, not only are you like a human, but impervious to silver. So our bullets and knives won’t kill you.” One of the male apocalypse hunters fumed.
“So how do we kill them?” Meg asks.
“Just like how you’d kill any human. An ordinary weapon. But don’t injure them. Or Don’t waste time on the kill. They…we can heal quickly.”
“You have to have some kind of weakness.” Bobby says.
“Well, we’re not totally impervious to silver. I learned that the hard way from you hunters.” She says. “Just before I met Sam and Dean, I ran into a hunter. He learned of what I was. And tried to kill me. His silver blade slashed my arm. I had this nasty looking infection. But really it was poison.”
“Dean brought you back, and we healed you up.” Sam added. She nodded with a sad smile.
“That’s why you didn’t tell us. You were afraid we’d do that to you.” Sam says. She cast her gaze to her feet, fiddling her hands at her waistline. She felt Sam’s hand at her cheek. Coaxing her to look up at him.
“You had our backs, you saved Dean from shifters and wendigos. You saved me from vamps and werewolves. Cas from angels. Hell, even our own mother from a number of monsters. We wouldn’t have hurt you darlin’.”
“When he saved me, Dean. I imprinted on him.”
“How’d you…”
“I’m not sure. He felt safe. I felt safe. It was after he saved me, I’ve been able to feel what he feels. Know exactly where he was. Or is. Some say imprinting anyone, a wolf or human, is done by sex. But we didn’t do anything. He just held me. Safe in his arms.” She explained.
“Could be that. Could be a soul thing.” Bobby says. “Soulmates.”
Sam and Y/N nodded.
A moment passed. Y/N shook her head out of her thoughts.
“We need to get Dean back before the Alpha kills him. When he deems Dean no longer useful. I can, feel him. He does feel far. But I’m sure I can find him.”
“Well, let’s do this. Bobby, you, and the hunters try to get their numbers down. Kill as many as you can. Y/N and I will get Dean out of there. Then after—”
“I’m killing that Alpha, once and for all. More lives are in danger with him alive.” She growled.
Sam could only nod.
 A shot rang out.
“All the guards outside are half breeds. Aim for the head.” She ordered the hunters that came along.
Shot after shot rang out.
She took in their scent. They weren’t that old, freshly presented. She stared at them in confusion. Half breeds don’t present. Unless a certain gene allows them to present or not enough research went into half breeds.
“Sam, you and I we need to move in. now.” She ordered. Sam nodded.
“Keep them from entering.” She told the hunters.
“Sam, let’s go!”
And they ran their way inside.
 “Get the human!” the alpha ordered.
Dean, looking a bit rough from weeks and weeks of rough sex, little food and water and no sleep. The wolf picked him up by the collar, Dean grunted against the motion as his hands were bound behind his back since the day they brought him in here. His wrists have been cut up and bloodied from his struggles.
“I’d be happy to rip his heart out for ya boss.” He sneered.
“NO!” The alpha shouted.
The wolf shuddered.
“He’s mine.”
He threw Dean at the Alpha’s side.
Dean landed on his side with a hard thud and grunt. He was too weak to play the tough guy. Too weak to give a witty comeback.
He just laid there, waiting for his death.
 Sam, preoccupied by other wolves in the warehouse as Y/N walked into the Alpha’s Domaine. His den, his ‘Throne Room’. He stood on a balcony meant for loading large machinery. It had no railing on one side.
She could smell his blood. Causing a growl to emerge deep within her chest. Her fists clench so hard she could draw blood.
“There she is.” The alpha growled.
“Here I am. Do you want to end this or should I?” she asked. Glaring down at him.
“You dare talk like that to your Alpha?” he growled.
“You are not my alpha, I’m no one’s alpha. You are a murderer.”
“Now, I’d beg to differ on that. You killed your own kind.”
“I have two kinds. Human and wolf. Humans seem a lot better than you.”
He growled at her remark.
“You mean, like this human!” he pulls Dean up by the collar. His sheer strength alone allowed him to hold Dean in the air, hanging him by his collar. He hung him over the ledge with no railing. Intending on letting him either hang to his death or drop him.
Her heart dropped.
Dean kicked, trying to get free. He began gagging for air.
“He’s weak, just like your father was. Your father was infatuated with a human and it weakened him. He was my right hand man!” he shouted.
She tried to keep a good poker face going. But Dean’s eyes began to roll as he was loosing more and more air.
“You are just like him. Infatuated with a human.”
“Let him go.” She says. Demanding.
The Alpha cocked his head, cocking an eyebrow, smirking. Oh, she thinks she’s going to have it easy. He thought.
“Please, I’ll turn myself over to you willingly. But you have to let him go. Alive!” she demanded.
“Hmm, such a tempting offer.” The Alpha says playfully. “But, no. I think I’ll pass.” He says.
He repositions Dean so he could easily wrap his hand around his throat. She could tell he was squeezing the life out of him, he kicked furiously, desperately trying to get free.
I hope this will work. She thought.
She darts, climbing up a stack of crates leading up to the platform.
She managed to get on the platform without him noticing. She could see the color to Dean’s face changing. His eyes rolling.
A fire burned in her eyes. He’s not going to take him from her.
With her claws now drawn, she forces her hand through the Alpha’s back and through his chest.
He can see what looks like silver nails on her claws.
The impact causes him to drop Dean.
He drops on to his back with a hard thud.
The Alpha gags as the poison from the polish is coursing through his veins.
“You really should have taken the deal.” She says. Pulling her hand from his back the Alpha drops dead with a thud. On the concrete ground below.
“Dean!” she gasps. Seeing him not moving.
She rushes to him, cutting him free. She brings her ear to his mouth. He’s not breathing.
“No, no, no. Dean, please.” She begs.
She works him over her shoulder as she get’s him to a more flat surface.
“Dean!” she heard Sam shout.
She laid Dean flat on his back and began doing chest compressions.
“Sam, Bobby, we need to get him help.” She begs as she worked on him.
“Cas!” Sam prays out loud. “Cas, if you hear me please, we need you to save him!”
“Cas!” she adds on. “Please, I can’t lose him!”
“Sam, Y/N.” Cas says behind her.
“Cas, help him.” She begs. Her eyes blurring with tears.
“I will try.” He says.
He places two fingers to his forehead. Only to see limited injuries healed. But Dean took in a deep, much needed, breath.
Cas falls back, weakened.
“I do not have enough grace to heal him completely. My grace has been depleting lately. Once I am fully regenerated, I’ll heal him again.” Cas says.
“Thanks Cas, it’s something.” Y/N says. “Let’s get him home.”
Part 2
What’d you think? Want more? Let me know either by ask or reblog. Remember, feedback is fuel.
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69​, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @jayankles​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @akshi8278​
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youstupidplonk · 3 years
Gene Hunt being a COMPLETE Hypocrite in Ashes to Ashes Series Three
I’d like to preface this by saying I really enjoy series three, I love the shift in tone to the darker, more supernatural side and I love the growth we see everyone go through. HOWEVER the more I think about Gene’s actions (and specifically his interactions with Alex) the more I get annoyed at the hypocrisy of it all. Spoilers under the cut. I’d also like to apologise if this is confusing / hard to read / just doesn’t make sense. It sounded good in my head but when it came to writing it down I really struggled. 
So the main thing that Gene is hypocritical about is calling Alex out for not trusting him in regards to what happened to Sam Tyler. The only reason he has any reason to think she doesn’t trust him is the fact that she’s looking through old files, and he gets word of that through Keats. Keats is also the one who pushes Alex to find out more, the one who pushes Alex away from Gene. This can be paralleled with Gene and Jenette in the series two finale,which I’ll come back to. 
There are several things to unpack here. Number One, Gene knows that Alex knew Sam in some capacity before he met her. They have a conversation about it in the first episode. 
Gene: Sam?
Alex: Tyler. I knew him. 
Gene: Poor sod, that explains a lot. 
Alex also has a conversation with Ray about Sam in the first episode, along with mentioning him to Jackie. So it’s known to the other characters that she and Sam knew each other. Gene also draws attention to the similarities between the two, most notably in the fight he has with Alex in 2x08. 
Gene: First Sam Tyler and now you. Why do I always attract the liars and the weirdos? 
This is followed by him threatening to kill her and ultimately him shooting her. Let’s remember the first interaction they have after Alex’s shooting is him slapping her across the face. It wouldn’t be a massive stretch to think that he could have done something to Sam, even though Alex’s gut instinct is that Gene is innocent. 
The second part of this is that Keats is the one who reports to Gene that Alex has been talking to Manchester and Gene believes him, however whenever Keats gives Alex information Gene tells her to ignore it. That Keats is a lying tosser, or words to that effect. Essentially Keats can only be trusted when it suits Gene to trust him.
Thirdly, the parallel between Gene and Jenette and Keats and Alex can’t be ignored. Both Jenette and Keats come into CID with the intention of driving a wedge between Alex and Gene, however Jenette is much more successful than Keats, even though she and Gene spend less than twenty four hours together and Keats is trying over the course of several months. This gives rise to an implication that Gene almost doesn’t want to trust Alex which is cemented after he hears the tape. Although being upset about the tape isn't unjustified, shooting her is. Even threatening to shoot her when every other officer (including Ray who doesn’t even like Alex that much) is ready to defend her. 
In addition to this Alex gives Gene countless opportunities to explain himself in series three and despite his reluctance or just downright refusal to talk about what happened. Ray and Chris’s unease around the situation and the accusations from Bevan in 3x05. 
Bevan: The only difference is you got away with it [murder]
Alex REFUSES to give up on him or stop trusting him. Even in the series three finale, when she talks to Keats before leaving for Farringfield Green she still trusts him and doesn’t believe he could be a murderer. The only time that faith wavers is between her finding the body and finding the warrant card. Even during that time she admits how much she believed in him. We also see her consistently stating her belief in Gene’s innocence, throughout the series (right up until the series finale), in contrast Gene joins Jenette in down talking Alex almost as soon as she arrives in his office.
Jenette: Does that DI of yours notice those eyes? 
Gene: She’s a little bit too in love with herself.
I could maybe forgive this if it was said in the heat of the moment after hearing Alex’s tape, but it isn’t. It’s just casually dropped into conversation when he has no reason to think badly of Alex (other than her obsession with Summer, which she later tries to explain to him). The only possible explanation (which isn’t canon confirmed but is popular in fanon) is that Gene and Alex sleep together at some point between 2x07 and 2x08 and because Gene is emotionally repressed this is his attempt to convince himself he doesn’t care. Even if this is true it would only reinforce the trust Alex puts in Gene throughout 2x08, only to have it thrown back in her face. Gene seems to do a complete 180 between episodes 7 & 8 in terms of how he feels about Alex. She is the only member of the “inner circle” of CID whose loyalty isn’t tested by Gene but by the next episode he seems to have no respect for her. 
 Not only that but Gene gives her ONE chance to explain herself before he decides she doesn’t deserve his time or a place on his team. Even though Alex doesn’t dodge his question and tells him the truth, he still reacts with anger. It could be argued that he is angry about everything that has happened over series two (Mac and Chris) and the idea of Alex being bent is the final straw, but in the aftermath as mentioned, Ray comes to her defence. Ray, one of the most misogynistic of the team and arguably the most loyal to Gene defends Alex. If Ray and Chris mean as much to Gene as he makes out they do, it seems wrong that he wouldn’t take Ray’s opinion into account. It is also mentioned earlier in the episode that Alex isn’t well, both in 2008 and in 1983. She has just spouted lots of nonsense in Gene’s office, but he doesn’t consider that it could be down to ill health, he gives her one chance and that’s it, not even relenting when she cracks the case. This makes Alex’s patience with him in series three all the more jarring. 
The main difference between the two I think comes down to their faith in each other. Alex knows there is every chance Gene won’t understand the truth, but she still trusts him. It could be argued that Gene couldn’t tell Alex the truth in series three because he doesn’t remember and that he gained his memories gradually until they arrive on the hill. However the other characters (mainly Ray and Chris) know that Gene wasn’t involved in Sam’s death. Ray even mentions that Sam went against Gene’s advice and that’s how he met the accident. But I believe he must have remembered enough to know that he didn’t kill Sam, or at least if he didn’t remember use the evidence provided by those around him and also what he knew about himself, the only reason I can think of for not using the latter is that Alex’s shooting made him doubt whether it was the kind of thing he was capable of doing (even though Alex’s shooting was an accident), but Chris and Ray would both confirm he didn’t kill Sam. 
Alex doesn’t want Gene’s entire life story, the inner workings of his mind (ok that might be a lie), but after witnessing him burn all of the evidence she collected from Manchester and having him dismiss her concerns and curiosity, all she asks for is the confirmation he isn’t a murderer, which given the fact he nearly killed her isn’t completely unreasonable. She doesn’t want him to talk about the emotional intimacies of his relationship with Sam, all she wants to know is that he didn’t kill him. Gene doesn’t give her any kind of answer, but she still trusts him. 
I’m not sure if this makes sense (it sounded good in my head), or if I’ve covered everything I wanted to but these are my thoughts on Gene and Alex in Series two and three and why Gene’s hypocrisy bothers me. 
I could probably write a whole separate analysis on Gene and Alex through the course of the show, if that is something people would be interested in, but that’s another can of worms for another day.
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