#I might go in and make some small edits to this once I’ve slept on it but I wanted to stick to my every-other-day schedule
snakebites-and-ink · 8 months
Whumpuary #8: Muffled Screams / Hostage / "You look awful" Alt #5: Headache
CW: uhhh...unhealthy self-sacrificial mentality? Nothing too intense
Caretaker had a headache.
It shouldn’t have been a big deal; headaches were something that just happened in people’s day-to-day lives sometimes. But it was a really painful one. And they couldn’t just sleep it off, they had responsibilities.
They needed to be around for Whumpee. Whumpee might not be as fragile or incapable as they’d been earlier in their recovery, but they still deserved someone stable and dependable.
The painful sensation relentlessly pounded through their brain, but Caretaker braced themself and moved on to the next thing they had to do for the day. They could do this. It would hurt, but they could do this.
Caretaker winced, then frowned, displeased with themself. They were being a baby about this. Whumpee had experienced so much worse. Caretaker really had no excuse to be this out of sorts over a headache.
They grimaced as pain lanced through their skull. This wasn’t going to be fun.
Well, nothing to do but push onward. Caretaker took an ibuprofen and started cooking the next meal for the two of them. Partway through the process, Whumpee entered the kitchen and started chatting with them. Caretaker hid their pain behind smiles and pleasant conversation, not wanting to concern Whumpee.
Unfortunately, Whumpee was too observant for that. They caught Caretaker wincing and squeezing their eyes shut in a moment of weakness.
“Caretaker, are you feeling alright?” Whumpee looked worried.
“It’s just a headache,” Caretaker said, hoping to dismiss the subject. It wasn’t Whumpee’s issue to have to worry about.
Whumpee didn’t seem convinced. “Okay, but how bad of a headache? You don’t look like you’re feeling very well.”
“It’s…yeah. I’m not,” Caretaker confessed.
“Why don’t you take a break? I can take care of things here.”
Caretaker shook their head, and immediately regretted it. Ow. “You shouldn’t have to do that. You’re still in recovery.”
“The late stages of recovery. It’ll be alright. I can manage for one day.”
“But it’s my job to take care of you! You’ve already been through so much, I can’t add to your plate.”
They flushed, chastised. “Yeah, okay. You’re an adult. If you say you can manage, it wouldn’t be fair of me to insist you can’t.”
Whumpee gave them a smile in response.
“But,” Caretaker added, “if it starts to feel like too much, or you need something from me, please tell me and let me help. A headache is something I can push through, and I don’t want you sacrificing your health for mine.”
“Okay. Fair enough.”
Caretaker allowed themself to relax a little more with that established. A refreshed awareness of their discomfort drew a groan from them as less worry for Whumpee made room for more focus on their own pain.
“Let’s get you off your feet,” Whumpee said. They walked Caretaker to Caretaker’s bedroom. Caretaker couldn’t help but sigh in relief as they entered the room with the light left off, the darkness easing their headache.
Whumpee sat them down on the bed. “Take a rest. I’m going to go finish cooking the food.”
Caretaker sat on the edge of their bed, feeling useless.
Pain danced under their skull as they waited. Being in darkness and not having to do anything both helped, but didn’t get rid of the headache entirely.
After a few minutes, Whumpee came in with a plate of hot food. They handed it to Caretaker and sat down next to them with a gentle smile. “You’ve done so much to take care of me. Now it’s my turn to take care of you.”
“Thanks, Whumpee.” Caretaker looked down. They felt torn between being guilty that Whumpee had to do this, and touched that they were so willing to. But Whumpee was pretty capable; maybe everything would be fine after all.
They ate. Whumpee took the plate after they were done. Caretaker hesitated to just let this all happen; they didn’t want to make Whumpee do the work.
“Come on, Caretaker. Lie down.” Whumpee pushed them back, gently enough that they could resist it if they wanted but forcefully enough to make it clear what they wanted from Caretaker.
Caretaker gave in with a small sigh and lay back on their pillow.
“You just worry about getting better. I’ve got this,” Whumpee reassured them. Whumpee left the room and closed the door behind them, shutting out the light from the hall.
Caretaker believed it. The pain eased up a bit more as they finally allowed themself to fully relax.
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ficfanatictrf · 2 years
The Night Stand (Part 7)
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Summary : The two of you finally starting to explain yourselves to each other, and Viktor's memory of the first night.
Warnings : lots of angst and drama
Edited and proofread by nobody - just going for it!
Word Count: 2.0K
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He had been nervous when you wanted to start from the beginning, an auditory gulp being heard once that words had been softly whispered into the dark room.
However, reaching up blindly, it wasn’t hard to cup his cheek softly in your palm as you tried to ease some of his anxiety.
“I’m not mad. Hurt? Sure. But I want to understand, not fight or get back at you - if you are willing to explain and then the two of us work together in the future, there is nothing to be nervous about”
You felt his shaky nod, the softest of kisses pressed to your palm as the silence stretched out. You wouldn’t be able to tell for sure, but you had worked with him long enough to know that he sometimes took a bit of time to piece together what he wanted to say and have it in the correct language.
The man beside you was one of the smartest men you knew, but sometimes when he seemed overwhelmed his ability to translate his own words seemed to suffer ever so slightly.
And now, as you waited for him to start, it would appear that this was one of those moments as well. So, in hopes of helping him, you decided to start the conversation instead.
“I have a few questions. If you would be willing to answer them”
Receiving an affirmative hum and a soft squeeze of your hand, you felt comfortable as you could be to delve into some of the issues you had been ruminating on for months.
“That night, after we s-sl..um..”
“Our first night together” He whispered, giving another comforting squeeze. “I would prefer to talk about it like that. With the underlying thought that there will be more - if you want more nights together that is”
“What would you call right now?”
With a huff, you felt him softly nudge you. It not have escaped his notice that you were trying to divert the conversation to easier topics.
“Fine, fine. After our first night together, you sent me away. Were you…embarrassed?”
The man bolted to sit up, needing to look you in the eyes as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Embarrassed?! Why on earth would you think that?”
“How else was I supposed to take it?” You mumbled softly, not able to make eye contact as you finally voiced the thoughts you had been thinking for such a long time. “We slept together and I woke up without any memory of it. I was just going to cut my losses and slip out before you woke up…but it was you. I had, well, I liked you for nearly three years.”
Viktor’s shoulders dropped, a few of the pieces on his end finally clicking into place as you spoke.
“I had hoped that maybe that night would mean something. That I might not have remembered, but that…I hoped that since the two of us didn’t sleep around much that it meant my feelings weren’t unrequited. I know, I know you are just here for the baby - that you are doing your best at being a good ‘father’ for your child by being there for me, for the child’s mother..”
At first, he had been following along, before everything in his mind ground to a halt.
“I’ve just wanted to know for some time if I did something to make you dislike me that night. Did I say something or do so-”
“There has been a mistake.”
Finally looking at the other, you could see just how surprised he was by your words - shock etched deep into his eyes as he grappled with what you just put before him.
“I am not and have not been only around you because of our child.” He continued, reaching forward to set a hand gently over your stomach. “I remember that night, not clearly but at least a little bit.”
---- ---- ----
It had been just another night of the small group celebrating the successful launch of their new invention.
Jayce had nearly forced every member of Hextech to drink with him at least once, with the bonus of him making it his mission that nobody’s glass could be empty.
As such, it hadn’t been long before most of the company had needed to call it a night and head home. Leaving a few girls, you included, and the two Hextech owners.
Apart from you, the rest of the girls had lived near where Jayce currently was residing - which led to him explaining that he would be walking them home while Viktor walked you home.
The man knew about the affection the two of you shared for each other, it not being hard for nearly everyone in the whole lab to see that there was something there. Yet, it always seemed like nothing happened because of something getting in the way.
Hopefully, tonight would be the night to get things started.
Sending the two of you off, it wasn’t long before you started to bicker with him. Refusing to tell him where you lived, you insisted that the two of you go to his place first so that you could walk him home. That with his leg, him walking you home before heading to his residence was just going to leave him sore and in pain the next day.
Drunk you had been a nightmare.
You were loud and way too close, nearly hanging off of him as the two of you headed out. He would need to keep an eye out for you in the future as it was clear that you did not hold your liquor very well.
“Vik, Vik, Vikky-”
“Don’t call me that”
“Vikky. Come on, I wanna see your place. I bet it is full of books and blankets and- ohhh!! Do you have a pet? I bet you have a cat or a hamster. Something cute and adorable, like you. Can I hold it when we get there? Please please please?!”
With a heavy sigh, he did his best to hold you up as you both headed down the street. Looking back, he could hardly remember much about the conversation, other than the fact that you weren’t really listening and just steamrolled the whole interaction.
By the time the two of you got to his apartment, the idea that you would be heading home from there was already something he didn’t believe to be possible.
You had grown quiet, at times he almost believed that you had passed out. Only to glance over at you to see your eyes staring right at him - contemplating something deep within your mind.
Unlocking the front door, he carefully led you to his bed.
“I’ll take the couch, I will find you some sleep clothes and wash the ones you're wearing -”
The man nearly had a heart attack as you practically ripped your shirt off and tossed it somewhere else in the room. Even as he quickly looked away, it did little to change the fact of what he saw and now what he was telling himself he had to forget.
It was inappropriate, it was wrong to think of you that way, it was…
Your hands grasped onto either side of his face, forcing him to look at you once more.
Silently, you stared at him, before just as he was about to speak you kissed him.
He could taste the alcohol. An intoxicating flavor that even as he knew he shouldn’t, he wanted more of.
And the kiss was far from innocent, very quickly deepening into something desperate.
Here you were, the one he had been in love with for what felt like an eternity, throwing yourself at him with such purpose he could hardly believe that you were drunk.
Fuck! You were drunk.
Against everything inside him that screamed to continue, he pulled away. The alcohol in his system was making it harder to keep his focus on what he needed to do, having nearly lost himself to temptation from a mere kiss.
“Stop, stop. We need to stop.”
He had been ready to fight you, to physically keep you away if needed. Nothing that you could have done to push him to do something would have worked.
Except for the very thing that happened in front of him.
Pulling away, he watched as tears were soon pooling in the corners of your eyes - a lump getting stuck in the back of his throat as he saw the tears slip free and drip onto your shirt.
“D-Don’t cry..”
Reaching out, he had wanted to try and comfort you - only to feel his heart crack as you stepped away and out of reach, slightly curling into yourself as your hands moved up to try and quickly hide the evidence.
“I-I’m not crying. I’m not.” Viktor could only stand and watch, wishing he could do more to help. “First my ex leaves without any explanation, now even you push me away…I must be the ugliest or worst person on the planet”
“That isn’t true!”
Trying once more to reach out and manage to catch your arm- he pulled you back into his hold even as you weakly tried to push him away.
“You are not ugly. Not even close.”
Whispering words of affection, it took a while for him to finally get you to stop crying- though as you looked up at him, he had already forgotten once again all about why he shouldn’t allow this to go further.
You weren’t sober.
He wasn’t sober.
He shouldn’t have allowed it, he should have made sure that at least protection had been used.
Yet at that moment, when you looked up at him with such awe and adoration- he couldn’t deny you when you asked for him.
Not this time.
As he awoke the next morning, all of what he had done hit him all at once. The guilt and shame ate away at him as he forced the food you made for him down.
He felt sick, like a monster - all while you nervously smiled at him. Him? The one that, in some people’s eyes, assaulted you.
And when you finally left, away from where you could see him - he allowed himself to mourn whatever chance there had been of the two of you being together.
---- ---- ----
“I was never embarrassed by you. I was ashamed…of myself”
As Viktor had gone into detail about what he remembered, you had sat up to listen - allowing him the space he needed to get all his thoughts out without interruption.
But enough was enough.
“Viktor. I was drinking that day to get up the courage to confess my feelings to you. Sleeping with you had been the goal”
Blinking at your words, you were able to see the exact moment it clicked in his mind - his face turning scarlet at your words.
“A-Ah, I see.”
You could feel a yawn coming, and even as you tried to contain it - it managed to break free right as Viktor finally looked up at you once again.
Moving back where he had been before, the man was gentle but forceful as he eased you back down - pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
“We can discuss the rest later. For now, sleep. I won’t be here when you awake as I need to head out soon, but we will talk more. I swear it.”
With a nod you agreed, curling up against him as your medications made the process of falling asleep far faster than normal.
---- ---- ----
Every morning, since you had been admitted into the hospital, had been the same.
A slow morning, where the doctors would come in and out to discuss the different tests or medicines they wanted to try - leaving you for the most part on your own to either read or sleep.
So when you awoke to shouting, the sound of heavy footsteps practically running towards your room - you couldn’t help but bolt upright, already working on getting out from under the covers to address whatever the commotion was about.
Tag List : @cheeriecherrymain @piperdoodles @alternate--simp @thehistoriangirl @vmyths @luixiv @linky-dinks @bruh-anator3000 @somethingthatsaysbubbles
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withlovemark · 2 years
i'll follow you everywhere.
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warning: idk? some parts are sad
pairing: steve x female reader, slight eddie x reader (again, not really)
words: 11k+ ; this is, by far, the longest thing i've written. that being said, im sorry if there might be small mistakes, i was way too lazy to edit it, im also sorry if some parts feel rushed (i was writing this under a time constraint)
settings: s4 ; so this contains s4 spoilers! (for those who haven't watched it yet)
an: i switched up some of the events that happened in s4 to better fit the reader's plot line. plus, thank you, in advance, to those who take the time to read this! sorry its ridiculously wrong ;-;
one. - everywhere, we were there
(an introduction to who the reader is and how she fits into the story, i suggest reading it first if you haven't already).
steve walks into the gym, right behind heidi.  immediately his eyes spot you in the crowd. you looked absolutely beautiful, your green uniform bouncing with every step you took, a wide smile etched upon your pretty face. heidi makes a comment about how it would suck for him if they finally won a championship game the year he was no longer a part of the team. he curses her in his head, thanking her for that reminder. she was right. 
jason makes his speech, he has the urge to punch his stupid little face in. he’s sure anyone can see the look of disgust he’s currently wearing. ’he doesn’t even have great hair.’ 
tammy thompson starts singing and he takes a peek at robin, who was standing with the band kids, instrument in her hand. the pair laughing in their heads. heidi makes another comment, about how good she sounds, and this time he can’t help but roll his eyes. she was wrong. 
he can’t wait for this to be over. all he wanted to do was grab your hand, get out of there and just drive. to where? who cares? his eyes search around for your figure once again. this time, unsuccessful.
the game starts. 
you made a beeline for the restroom as soon as jason started his speech, nose dripping red. in there, you run into max. you haven’t seen her in a while. you shoot her a friendly smile. “you okay?” she asks, grabbing a tissue from her bag and handing it to you. “yeah, i’ve just been overworking my body lately so,” you pinch your nose, “this happens,” you shrug, the only reason you could think of. 
“yeah, i get it,” she whispers, looking down at her shoes. you take the time to really look at her, she looks like she hasn’t slept for days. it was awful, what happened to her brother. even worse that she was there watching the whole thing go down. she’s too young. you should’ve shielded her eyes. you should’ve pulled her away from the scene. you didn’t do either of those things. a flash of guilt. 
your thoughts are interrupted when you hear gut-wrenching noises from one of the stalls. eyeing it suspiciously, eyes darting from the stall and back at max, sharing a glance, an unspoken conversation. fear rising throughout your body. max makes the first move. she’s brave, that one. 
“uhm, are you okay in there?” she yells out. whoever it was, started sobbing, incoherent noises spilling from their lips. that's when you walk over, banging on the door, “hey, open up, we can help,” your voice, gentler than your actions. you come face to face with none other than chrissy cunningham, your co-cheerleading captain.
“chrissy? what’s wrong?” you stare at her, shocked that she was the culprit. 
“i-im just not feeling well,” she refuses to meet your eye. she looks so disconnected. it’s out of character. 
chrissy cunningham was always composed, carrying herself with grace and elegance that you could only imagine. 
you take one step closer and panic rises to her face, pushing you away, she marches out of there. dumbfounded, you watch her. sure, the two of you weren’t the best of friends but you were teammates. you work together. you help each other. and never, in your life, have you ever seen chrissy cunningham act so disoriented. “that was weird,” max breaks you out of your thoughts. “yeah…it was,” you agreed, staring at the door she walked out of. 
much to steve’s dismay, the team won. he was still with heidi. he thinks you’re somewhere with jason. he tries to push those thoughts away, just wanting morning to come bring you in. 
you don’t show up when the sun rises. the cops knocking at your front door, preventing you to do so “are you y/n l/n?” 
“yes officer, is something wrong?” cops showing up at anyone’s house is never a good sign. you try to think of what you’ve done in the past 24 hours to have them standing in front of you. 
“you’re chrissy cunningham's co-cheerleading captain, right?” you nod, a million thoughts racing in your head. your head was pounding. 
“when was the last time you saw her?” you tell them you saw her in the bathroom just last night, leaving out the part where she looked absolutely terrified. you don’t exactly trust the cops. not when they haven’t been doing anything, choosing to turn a blind eye to the dangers that lie and continue to lie in town. he writes something down on his notepad and you can’t help but wonder why he’s here in the first place.
“im sorry… but why are you asking me about chrissy?” you question. his reply makes you go cold, body rigid. you may have been the last person to see her and you didn’t do anything. if only you questioned her more. if only you tried harder to lend a helping hand. if only you ran after her. then maybe the officer wouldn't have told you that “she was found dead this morning.” another flash of guilt. 
meanwhile, steve doesn't even get the chance to wonder where you were and why you aren't at family video yet. dustin barging in, messing up his tapes in the process, and dragging him into yet another series of unfortunate events. something about eddie munson killing chrissy cunningham…or not killing chrissy cunningham? he’s not too sure. he doesn’t like eddie. but he will do anything for that cocky little shit, dustin. so he lets him drag him around town, robin and max in the backseat to eddie’s knife against his neck to nancy eventually joining them, trying to solve another mystery. at this point, he starts considering a field in law enforcement. why should he keep doing these things for free when the cops out there barely do their jobs and still make a higher salary than him. he’s so annoyed and all he wants is to go to you. 
he wonders if you’ve heard the news. he hopes you haven’t. out of everyone here, you were the only one who had some type of bond with the blonde girl. he decides it's best you’re as far away from this as possible, especially since they have no idea what they're currently dealing with, just that it’s “some freaky, wizard monster” that goes by the name of “vecna.”
bickering. lots of bickering. to the point where he just finally gave in. the kids never listen to him anyways. here they were, in possession of a stolen key, breaking into the counselors office. “hurry up and get what you need,” he ushers the kids. max dashes towards the filing cabinet, trying to find something, anything, to explain what’s going on with her and how exactly it links to the story eddie told them about chrissy. 
that’s when she found it. her name, chrissy’s name, freddie’s name and …
she glances at steve, worry in her eyes, sending goosebumps all over his skin. “what?” he asks, removing himself from the wall and walking towards her. 
“y/n’s here too,” she says softly, afraid that if she said it any louder, it would be a truth they could never come back from. steve snatches the file from her, there, in capital letters, was your full name. a trick of the mind, he tells himself, reading it over and over again to make sure he wasn’t just envisioning it. you were seeing ms. kelly? you were having the same symptoms? and then it clicks. the headaches. the nightmares. 
he’s terrified. color draining from his body, almost like he’s seen vecna himself. 
a noise outside the halls snaps him back to defense mode. grabbing the nearest object he could find – a green lamp. good enough. he refuses to stay here any longer, just wanting to make sure you’re okay. he keeps the kids behind him as they slowly turn the corner. lucas sinclair. steve scolds him, “jesus sinclair! i could’ve taken you out with this thing!” as the boy muttered sincere apologies. their screaming stops to a halt when they hear yet another unwanted sound. crouching once again, turning off their flashlights, steve getting ready to hit whoever it was that was coming their way. 
you heard him, you could spot who that voice belongs to a mile away. plus it wasn’t hard not to when no one else was supposed to be on school grounds. you followed the hushed voices and finally came face to face with four screaming faces. you scream back, hand clutched around your heart as soon as you notice the familiar individuals. 
“what are you doing here?!” steve yells, hands slowly releasing the lamp that was once tightly gripped around his knuckles. 
“what are you!?” it made more sense that you were here over a boy who’s already graduated. it is your school and you did have a key to the gym, being the cheerleading captain and all. don’t question it. strict authorities barely exist in hawkins anyway. 
you look around, eyes darting from steve to the kids. there in max’s hands, you spot your name written on a brown envelope. an envelope you see every morning before your first period. eyebrows furrowing, “is that my file?” you question. 
steve remembers where he’s at and the events that just transpired, his voice gaining your attention once again, “you’ve been seeing ms. kelly?” sympathy flashing in his eyes. you don’t want to see it, avoiding his gaze, looking at literally anything else but him. he takes that as a yes. “why didn’t you tell me?” desperation. he sounds heart-broken. 
“that’s not exactly something to brag about,” you muttered, embarrassed. 
“you don’t trust me?” he eggs on and you feel nothing but guilt. “you don’t want me to know who you really are?” you stare at him. his eyes are darker now and you wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you. “because you know i could never love you if you do.” you look behind him, the kids no longer there. and then you hear the chime of a clock from a distance, almost like it’s taunting you. “steve-”
“you know,” he clicks his tongue, cutting you off. “you’re the reason we’re here in the first place. why we're always running. always fighting for our lives. and now, chrissy cunningham is dead,” his voice morphing into something truly evil. chills spreading throughout your body. eyes, watering. “and it’s all. your. fault.” you can’t breathe. he was saying everything you were afraid to admit. the truth. it rings loudly in your ear. you run. 
from the other side, steve stares at your unresponsive body. he thinks back to eddie’s words. taking two large steps until he was right in front of you, his hands going straight to your shoulders trying to shake you awake. “y/n, do you hear me!” he yells, the kids making their way towards you, calling out for you. 
“wake up!!” his voice so loud, a hand on your cheek. his eyes trying to find some sort of life in your now, empty ones. that twinkle he was used to seeing, gone. 
“y/n come on, come back!” he begs. 
you finally do. letting out a gasp, eyes wide, catching your breath. 
“what just happened?” you were back at the school, brown, worried, eyes boring into your very confused ones. 
“fuck, you scared me,” steve whispers into your ear, wrapping you in his arms. holding you close to him. his heartbeat calms you down. 
the sound of an engine coming averts everyone’s attention. “as much as i love seeing you guys all lovey dovey, we really need to go! that’s jason and he’s after me!” lucas panics. you quickly pull away from steve, feeling awkward at the kid’s comment, steve’s eyes remaining on you.
you have no idea what’s happening but the urgency in lucas’ voice snaps you into action. ever since lucas joined the basketball team, you’ve taken him under your wing, treating him like your little brother. you made sure to watch over him, keeping jason off his back. you’re not going to stop now. 
“get out of here, i’ll buy you guys some time,” you declare, finding your voice. 
“what?! no!” steve shakes his head “no way! i am not leaving you here! especially not with jason” he argues, rolling his eyes, hands on his hips. the kids look back and forth, wondering who they should listen to. 
dustin makes the final verdict, whining, “steve, we have to gooo,” as he pulls on his arm. 
“you guys just saw what happened right ?!” he’s frantic now “i’m not leaving without her. that’s final.” he looks down at the kids, standing his ground, arms crossed. 
a car door shutting echoes throughout the night. “oh, for the love of god steve, go!,” you push him towards the exit. “i’ll meet up with you later,” you say, making your way to the entrance, heading straight to jason, not bothering to wait for a response. steve is furious, watching you walk the opposite direction, wanting to follow you but the three kids currently clinging unto him makes it hard to do so. he reluctantly follows, accepting defeat, but not before glancing at you one last time.  
max looks back at you, only for a second, whisper-shouting a “meet us at the wheeler’s” before they’re dragging their favorite babysitter out of there. 
“y/n?” jason‘s shocked expression greeted you. you were the last person he expected to find tonight. but the sight of you has his eyes softening. you feel bad for him. you’re not entirely sure why the kids are running from him. or why he’s suddenly the villain of whatever twisted situation you’re in. you don’t have time to question him, just wanting him as far away from the rest. 
“hey jase, you ok?” it was a stupid question, you knew that. how could anyone who loved chrissy be okay in this situation. before he could answer, your eyes drift along to steve’s car that was getting further and further away. the blonde boy follows, a look of betrayal evident on his face as soon as he saw through your eyes. 
“you were hiding sinclair?!” he yells at you. eyebrows furrowed. attacking. gaining your full attention. 
“sinclair? i have no idea what you’re talking about,” you try to remain as calm as possible, making sure you don’t sound suspicious. 
“where the fuck are they going?!” he’s so angry, his face turning a bright red, vein popping out, as he grabs your wrist, forcing you to look him in the eyes. 
“i don't fucking know what you’re talking about jason!” you lose your cool. 
“he’s hiding chrissy’s killer!” 
“what?” you ask, stunned, you’re sure you didn’t hear that right.
“eddie munson. their cult leader. that stupid club they have — hellfire? well turns out, it’s not just a stupid club… they’re - they’re demonic!, they’re sacrificing people to satan and i need to stop them.” he sounds like he’s giving another one of his motivational speeches and if it wasn’t for the gravity of the situation, you would’ve laughed in his face. so fucking hard. 
also, eddie munson — a killer? it’s hard to imagine. he’s incredibly annoying, sure, but he couldn’t even hurt a fly. 
“do you realize how insane you sound right now?,” you reply, finally pulling your now, very red, wrist away. 
“i’ll prove it to you. i will.” he growls, jumping back into his car, his minions right with him. driving away. you try stopping him, knocking on his car window, all he does is press on the gas a little hard, leaving you there, alone. 
steve cannot believe he’s sitting on his ex-girlfriends couch, in her basement, instead of being by your side. robin and nancy are still out. he refuses to leave this house without seeing you. he’s anxious, every tick of the clock felt like a gunshot to his mind. his legs, bouncing. it’s been exactly thirty-three minutes and you still haven’t walked in. he really shouldn’t have left you. 
damn, these kids. 
“she’s going to be okay, steve, we’ll find a way,” dustin assured him, already feeling liable if anything were to happen to you.  
“yeah but how about the whole vecna curse, we still don’t know anything” steve answers quietly, making sure the boy knows he’s not upset at him. 
“you should tell her” lucas chimes in, “tell her what?” he looks at him, wondering what the boy knew that he somehow didn't. 
“that you’re in love with her,” dustin says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“i-im not in love with her!” he stutters.
“uh huh, sureee, ok,” max says from the desk she’s sitting on. she doesn't even look up at him yet he knows she’s rolling her eyes, her sarcasm apparent. she goes back to writing, or something, god knows what she’s doing. 
“i’m not! okay!” he turns to dustin, his eyes bulging out, “you literally just confronted me earlier about being in love with nancy,” he points out, “newsflash guys, take it from an adult, you don’t have to have romantic feelings for every person of the opposite sex!” he explains, hands waving around in large motions. 
“ohh kayy, we get it! you don’t have to be so defensive,” dustin comments and steve swears he wants to punch him as bad as he wants to punch jason. dustin’s fate is saved by the bell when you finally enter the room, capturing everyone’s attention. 
steve was up in no time, walking straight towards you, arms embracing you. “are you okay? are you hurt?” he inspects your face. you pull your sweater a little lower, not wanting him to see your wrist. 
“i’m fine, sorry i took so long i went home to change and grab some of my things, i don’t exactly want to be fighting another monster in my uniform,” you explain. he nods, noticing the duffle bag hanging from your shoulder, “you should’ve called me, i could’ve just picked you up,” you shake your head, “it’s okay, i’m here now.” 
max walks up to you, immediately asking  “back there, was that your first vision?” 
“vision? uhm - i guess? yeah?,” at this point, you’re past confusion. you’re lost. 
“ok. good. good. that means you have more time than i do,” they all nod. sadness enveloping the air. 
“more time?” your eyebrows raising, sitting on the couch, steve right behind you.
“yeah,” max nods, “by the way, here,” she hands each one of you a letter, steve asking her what it's for. a “fail-safe” she said. you shake your head, closing your eyes for a second before taking a huge breath, “can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” you say it so calmly, it’s almost scary. you were drained. not having the energy to raise your voice.
they explain to you what they do know. starting with where eddie munson comes into play – how he was there the night chrissy died. the mention of chrissy’s name makes you wince, steve notices, his hand going straight to your knee, providing you some comfort. they continue, telling you that everyone vecna has cursed has had the same symptoms (headaches, bloody noses, nightmares) and every single one has died. 
“well, isn’t that great,” you butt in. “just, peachy,” max adds and you try to force a smile though it probably just looked like you were hurt. you were the only two people in this room who really has a grasp on how scary this vecna wizard is. max goes on, telling you that she saw a tall grandfather clock in her vision. you confess, telling her you heard it. 
“everyone died except for an old dude named victor creel that nancy stumbled upon, being the only known survivor,” dustin finishes summarizing. you try to take it all in, sitting there, staring at the objects on the table in front of you, processing every information. 
“so what do we do?” you ask, looking around. 
“we wait for nancy and robin,” steve replies, his grip on your knee tightening for a second. right at that moment, almost like everything was an act, the two girls are rushing down to the basement. 
“okay, so,” nancy starts, “we have a plan.” determined. 
robin spots you, “nice for you to finally join us,” she smiles, the first genuine smile you’ve seen tonight. 
“yeah, well, i’m one of the cursed ones,” regretting your words as soon as you saw her face fall. 
“oh shit.” no one knows what to say. 
“what’s the plan?” an attempt to break the awkward, sad tension that hung in the air. 
nancy coughs, “well..” she explains their plan of going to pennhurst asylum and paying a visit to victor creel by talking to the director about a made up thesis on paranoid schizophrenics. they would be going in as ruth and rose.
“ruth?” steve questions, eyebrows raised at nancy. she raises both her eyebrows at him, a proud smile on her lips. you don’t like the interaction. not one bit. but now’s not really the time to focus on that. 
“wait..wait.. wait a second,” steve’s voice beside you raises, realization striking him, “where’s mine?” nancy gives him a knowing look before walking away. he runs after her and into her room. from a distance you hear, “you’re out of your goddamn mind if you think im letting you two go in there without me!” 
“uhm, excuse you, robin and i actually make a really good team,” nancy scoffs. robin grabs your hand, following the duo into nancy’s room. 
“oh my god, you have a tom cruise poster,” robin points out, going straight to the poster next to her bed. you think back to halloween night when the couple was dressed as lana and joel goodsen and you’re very aware what that poster symbolizes. you glance at nancy, she notices, “th-thats old,” she defended as she pulled several clothing items out of her closet. you felt so out of place. you’ve never really had a friendly relationship with the girl, pretending like you don’t know each other in the halls. you’re not even sure you’ve spoken a sentence to her before. there was just never a need to, ironic, since you’ve been on the same boat for so long. 
steve continues insisting that he should go, “c’mon nance, i could, i don't know, i could turn on my…my charm,” he snaps his fingers. the use of nancy’s nickname slipping from his lips leaves a sour taste in your mouth. nancy shakes her head, “not the charm we need,” 
“ouch,” he gets a quiet chuckle out of you, leaning against nancy’s drawers, eyes falling to your feet. steve looks back at you, nancy still going on and on about how they need to be as convincing as they possibly could, acting as academic scholars, the director they're going to interview being someone who is highly respected and not easily fooled. 
“holy shit, there’s a ballerina in here,” robin whispers, gaining another eye roll from steve. 
“academic scholar, she’s giving you academic scholar?” robin’s offended. 
you come to her defense as quick as you possibly can, finally speaking up, “no, but…” you walk towards nancy, who was still looking at her closet, having a hard time to decide. “may i?” you ask, she steps to the side giving you a full view. you spot a pink dress, perfect for an academic scholar. pulling it out, you show it to the rest, a smile on your lips, “she will,” you finish, sending robin a wink. robin wishes she backed up steve. maybe then he would’ve taken her place and she didn’t have to be wearing nancy’s dress. 
“how about you? you can go instead!” robin suggests in which steve aggressively refuses to, “no, what if she has a vision while you guys are there, how are you gonna explain that huh einstein?” he scoffs.
“it’s settled then, it’ll be me and robin,” nancy ends the debate, steve still looks unsure, but then he looks back at you and he knows he can’t, and won’t, leave your side.  
“fine, but you call me as soon as you need me nance,” he ordered. his voice stern. a genuine look of concern so visibly seen. you wonder if he still loves her.  
you wish the girls good luck. finding yourself back in the basement, on the couch. the boy’s watching over you and max. steve pulls you to the other side of the room, both of you getting comfortable on the floor, sitting side by side. 
“do you want to talk about it?” he murmured, hands wrapping around yours. how do you even begin to tell him that he was the person in your vision? you simply can’t. so you shook your head no. he doesn’t press any further, “when you do… want to talk about it, im here, yeah?” he whispers by your ear, only for you to hear. you lay your head against his shoulder, eyes going straight to your interlocked hands. you wonder how long you’ll have this. 
max makes her way to the both of you, cutting the moment short, walkie talkie in hand, “if we go to east hawkins, would this still reach pennhurst?” you know exactly what she wants to do. hell, you should probably follow in her footsteps and start saying goodbye to all the people you love. you’re not as strong as her though. you haven’t accepted it. 
steve refuses, his eyes begs you to agree with him. you don't. it was four against one. and max makes a rather compelling argument about not wanting to spend her last possible day in the wheelers’ basement. you couldn’t agree more. 
“henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach pennhurst,” he sighs, finally unlocking the car doors. it feels normal at first, you sitting in the passenger seat, steve behind the wheel. the kids in the back. the only thing reminding you of the situation you're in was the loudest silence that hung above everyone's head. steve steals glances at everyone through his mirror, making sure that no one has drifted far away. you all make it to max’s house, vecna-free and you thank whoever is up there for the few moments of normalcy. she enters her home, steve warning her not to take too long. max promises she’ll be back in twenty seconds. 
the boys go out, making sure they keep an earshot away from max, the drivers seat window remains open, doing the same for you. you stay in the car, feeling like absolute shit. head leaning against the window, eyes closed, trying to relieve yourself from the current discomfort you were feeling. 
“hey, hey, you okay?” steve’s voice hushly calls out for you. you open your eyes, ready to tell steve that you’re fine and he shouldn’t worry. 
instead you were met with the most heartbreaking frown on the lips of the person you come face to face with. a cry, “why didn’t you pick me up that night?” will byers’ face come into view. “y/n, i called for you. i needed you. where were you?,” once again, you’re frozen, unable to move, “you’re so selfish!,” the boy now shouting at you, “useless!,” his voice gets louder and louder, morphing into that same evil voice, “it’s all. your. fault!”
“please, p-please stop,” you cry out. “you did this to me.” and then you feel branch-like hands brush against your cheek, “y/n…you brought me alive, you belong here, this is all your doing.” he’s right by your ear. the clock chiming again, this time, louder. you turn around, meeting vecna for the first time. 
and then you were back to reality, gasping. eye’s scanning, hands going straight to the dashboard of the car, trying to reach for anything that can verify your location. you spot the boys in front of the car, still waiting for max as you try to calm yourself down. quickly, you wipe away the tears that have fallen, composing yourself as best as you could. you’re just glad none of them noticed. you keep it to yourself. 
max finally walks out. she’s flustered. demanding steve to, “just drive.” he does. you look back at her, asking her if she’s okay. she doesn’t answer, focusing instead on the trees outside her window. you can tell by her actions that she must have had a vision. you’re sure you looked exactly the same way just a couple minutes before. you all sit in silence once again. driving until you were at the cemetery. max goes straight to billy’s grave, letter in hand. 
this time, you sit outside with lucas, leaving dustin and steve in the car. “you okay?” you ask the boy.  “no. im, scared,” lucas admits, eye’s immediately watering. you pull him into a tight hug. he’s always been so strong, so understanding to the people around him. seeing him like this hurts you.
“we’ll figure it out,” you say after finally releasing him. 
“how are you so sure?” 
“we always do.” you’re not really sure who you’re trying to convince. the boy or yourself?
steve anxiously taps on his car window before finally acknowledging that it's been long enough. lucas tells him to give her a bit more time. “i have, ok sinclair, if she wants to get a lawyer, she can, im calling it,” lucas shares a glance with you. this time, you agree with steve. he was out of there in no time, running straight to max. 
“max, time to giddy up, yeah?” you hear him ask. no response. you hear him repeat her name. still nothing. he’s fully yelling for her to wake up now. in a second, the three of you are right by his side, all calling out to the ginger headed girl. steve grabs dustin by his shirt, ordering him to call nancy and robin. dustin runs back towards the car, stumbling a little bit, curses spilling from his lips. it takes incredibly long to finally get an answer, but once he does, dustin comes running back, bag full of tapes in his hand. 
“what song?! what’s her favorite song?!” he yells. 
“why?!” lucas yells back. 
“it’s too much to explain right now. what’s. her. favorite. song?!” you all scramble trying to find the song lucas mentioned. he finds it. snapping it into the player, quickly placing the headphones on max’s head, hoping to god it works. she stands, eyes still white, you all watch in shock. and then she starts floating in the air and you’re afraid it’s too late. you find your voice, calling out to her, tears falling freely down your face. she was so high now. you look at lucas, ready to shield him away from the sight that was about to come. instead you hear a gasp, max was falling, hyperventilating. lucas holds her, she grasps onto him, whispering that she’s okay. that she’s here. you reach out your hand, your palm making contact with her knee. just making sure. 
none of you can believe it worked. thank you, kate bush. 
back in the comfort of steve’s car, he pulls something out of his glove box, placing it in his player. everywhere by fleetwood mac filling every corner of his vehicle. you’re shocked, you didn’t even know he knew your favorite song. steve glances at his rearview mirror, max has her head resting against lucas, kate bush still playing in her ears, dustin with his eyes closed, chest rising up and down, exhaustion creeping up on them.
“i promise we’ll get you your own portable player later,” he whispers, not wanting to wake the kids. you smile, “thank you,” before grabbing his hand and placing a soft kiss on his knuckles. he brings his hands up to your cheeks, “don’t scare me like max did, ok? ever,” he pleads, eyes begging. you don't promise anything. instead you held his hand a little tighter. 
he finally drives back to the wheelers, lucky for you, mike had a perfectly working player he left behind. you and max, now matching, everyone hoping that as long as the music is playing, nothing can take you both away. that was the first night everyone really got to rest. 
well, everyone except for the cursed two, the sound of blaring music getting ridiculous. 
“what if i start hating this song, what happens then?” you joke around with the girl, max chuckles at your statement. “i'm hoping my other favorite songs works,” she continues, you teasingly gasp, “this is the only song i know.” you share a smile before everything got quiet. steve’s light snores right by your ear, your shoulder being his pillow for the night. 
“have you seen him?” max asks you, breaking the silence once more. “vecna?” you nod. admitting to her that you had a vision in the car while you were at her mom’s house. she asks you what your visions were and after making sure that everyone was still fast asleep, you guys sneak out, sitting instead in front of the wheeler’s front porch. you tell her about your visions, she tells you about hers. 
“if it helps, i can tell he’s completely in love with you,” max advised. a nice thought that you somehow can’t invite in. “he loves me as a friend,” you correct her. because if he ever did loved you as more than that then why was he still looking for love somewhere else?
“maybe he just doesn’t know it yet, let’s face it, he’s not really the brightest,” max urges. she earns a chuckle from you and you find yourself agreeing to the last bit, “no… he’s not,” you smile, picking at your shoes, “but i love him even more for it,” you confess. after a while of sitting in silence, the air gets a little too cold, you both head back inside, taking your place right next to steve, finally allowing your head to fall on top of his. arms immediately finding its way around your waist. 
the next morning you all make your way to victor creel’s abandoned house right after nancy pieced together max’s drawings. the dark, cold house sends chills all over your body. the connection to vecna feeling a little stronger, you look at max to see if she feels it too only to find her already staring back at you. the only confirmation you needed. you knew the group was searching in the right place. 
steve asks everyone where they got their flashlights, dustin quickly mocking him before you pull the extra one you packed in your duffel bag, handing it to him. he utters a small, “thanks,” shaking his head at dustin. max grabs everyone's attention, a flashlight shining on the grandfather clock you're sure has been the one you're hearing.
“you guys see that, right?” steve and dustin both assure her that they do. facing the clock makes you feel lightheaded, losing your step, steve’s hands making it’s way to your back, balancing you. you remove your headphones for a quick second, just wanting to calm the pounding of your head. as soon as you looked back up, the clock was no longer standing its ground. instead it’s become attached to the wall, chiming so loudly you think that the noise is actually coming from inside your head. 
“you came to me, y/n…do you accept it now? your fate”
closing your eyes, you try to shake him away, reminding yourself that this was all a bad dream, that he wasn’t real and that you were safe at the house with your friends beside you. you start hearing the tune of everywhere once again, but you can’t find the courage to move. 
in the walls of victor creels house, the group stares at your detached soul. steve places the headphones back on you just as quickly as you took it off. 
“it’s almost your time,” vecna whispers in your ear. 
their flashlights start to flicker and they’re all unsure of what’s happening. but then you were back. “i told you to not scare me like that,” steve scolds, his hands wrapped gently around your face, while you mutter out a sorry. 
“just…don’t remove your headphones anymore, yeah?” robin concludes. you feel awful for making them worry. nancy tells everyone to partner off, in hopes that you can find something quicker and get the hell out of there. steve keeps a hold on you, letting go only once you’re up the stairs. you observe the room that you’re in, flashlight shining on various amounts of picture frames. steve’s on the other side, crouched down, examining a bottle he found on the grate of the floor. he feels a spider crawl up his shoulder causing him to stand and stumble back into the arms of his ex-girlfriend, “why, wh-what’s wrong?” nancy’s voice snaps your head to their direction, your eyes filled with the same amount of concern laced in her voice. 
“there was a spider,” steve admits, “a black widow,” he says out of breath, blocking the doorway, “don’t go in there.” 
“oh… oh wait,” nancy reaches for his head, steve gets frantic, “stop moving,” he listens. her hands find its way into his hair, removing webs that tangled up in the boy’s locks. robin notices you watching them from across the room, she breaks the moment up for you, making a joke, “if there’s a spider nesting in there you’re never gonna find it until it lays eggs and all the babies spill out,” robin's voice breaking you out of your trance, choosing to focus again on the pictures behind you. you still listen. “what’s wrong with you?” a question directed at robin, making her chuckle. 
he continues talking to nancy, bringing up how you should all go on a group date after killing vecna and saving the world. he makes it very clear to the girl that he wasn’t dating robin, robin quick to his defend, “platonic with a capital P.” you hear nancy ask about you. she’s obviously interested in him. it takes a while for steve to answer. he stares at your back before his eyes go back to nancy, shaking his head, “i-i can’t” was all that whispered from his lips. two words that were loud enough to wilt the flower in your heart. 
“you’ve been looking at that picture for a while now, what? you think he’s hot or something?” robin’s trying to distract you, you know she feels bad. you smile at her, appreciating her efforts, “i don’t know, he’s kind of growing on me,” you tease, “you’re gross,” you two share a laugh that rings throughout the room, finally walking out and into another. 
steve looks longingly at you. you're out of earshot when he found himself telling nancy, “i-i would date her it’s just i-i can’t afford to lose her,” nancy looks at him sympathetically, “why do you think you’ll lose her?” 
“i lost you, didn’t i?” he points out, his insecurities getting the best of him. he may be steve harrington but that doesn’t save him from the unwanted thoughts of not being good enough. his last relationship being a testament to that feeling. nancy finally removes all the webs, sending him a sympathetic smile. something in his heart twitches, realization dawning upon him. 
“great, thanks,” he say, “guess we should, uh- get back to the investigation,” ending their conversation with a line from sherlock holmes he picked up from dustin, he’s pretty sure he said it wrong. nancy shakes her head, smiling at the ground. you’re standing in the hall, not missing the way she blinks her eyes, almost like she’s remembering something. a feeling from the past, maybe? 
she finally looks up, making eye contact with you. you notice you’re staring, “s-sorry,” you mutter, walking away and joining the rest of the group. nancy let’s out an awkward cough, following.
the chandelier starts flickering, just like their flashlights earlier, the light, buzzing, “it’s like the christmas lights,” nancy points out. everyone but robin understood what she meant. she quickly explained to her how the lights came to life when will was in the upside down, the events sending shivers down your spine. vecna’s words regarding your selfishness repeating in your mind. that guilty feeling you could never let go of. 
“vecna’s here,” you say, catching everyone's attention. steve looks worried, how do you even know that?  “i can feel him,” you continued. max agrees. 
“he’s just on the other side?” lucas mutters. and then the chandelier goes out. “i think he just left the room,” robin states. questions arise, “did he hear us?,” “can he see us?,” amongst the group. lucas turned to both you and max, making sure you both still had your headphones in. nancy suggests everyone turn off their flashlights and spread out. she really is the brain of this group. 
separating into different rooms, robin the first to break the silence, “i got him!” in an instant you were all at her side. flashlight immediately flickering from hers to steve’s, “oh, i think he’s moving. he’s moving! he’s moving,” he confirms, leading the way, all of you right behind him, up the stairs, and “shit, i lost him.” 
max notices the light that’s flickering through the doors of the attic. you follow it like a herd of moths. dustin making a good point “hold up, guys. what if he’s leading us into a trap?” no one listens. curses, once again, slipping from the boy’s lips. reaching the top, you’re all face to face with a single light bulb, flashlights simultaneously flickering. the energy increases and the bulb explodes. everyone briskly turns away, steve has an arm over your head, shielding you from the shards of glass that went flying across the room, “let’s get the hell out of here.” 
now seated in nancy’s car, right in between lucas and max, the group headed towards eddie’s hideout, promising to bring him food. the sight of the police cars alerts everyone. you all scramble out, nancy leading the way, listening to what the news reporters were saying. another person was found dead – patrick mckinney. you place a hand on lucas’ shoulders, trying to provide some sense of comfort. 
the police ended up releasing eddie’s name to the public, the nightmare you were all dreading, looking at each other, “oh man, this is not good. really not good,” steve states the obvious. a static sound from dustin’s walkie comes alive – eddie. the group walks away from the scene as fast as they can. you try to keep up but the sound of your name stops you in your tracks, “y/n l/n,” one of the officers. you signal the rest of the group to keep going. dustin quietly tells eddie to wait. they stop at a distance, all eyes on you. 
“hi officer,” you greet. 
“what are you doing here?” the officer interrogates, looking at you and back at your friends. you follow his line of vision, your eyes glaring at the group for not following your instruction. 
“well, as you see, i was driving around with my friends and w-we saw the cop cars and got curious,” you try to sound as convincing as possible. he nods.
“hmm. you ever heard of ‘curiosity killed the cat’?,” the officer questions you, eyebrows raising. 
“are you implying something, officer?” 
“it’s just a little suspicious, don’t you think? you were probably the last person who saw chrissy before she died and now you’re here at another crime scene…not looking so good for you,” he explains, jotting something down on his stupid note pad and all you wanted to do was tear it to pieces.
“i’m sorry? are you suspecting that i did this?”
“didn’t you?” before you could reply, another officer is calling for him. he looks at you, “we’ll talk later,” he grumbled, walking away. you hastily make your way back to the group, “what the hell was that?,” steve asks. you brush it away, “nothing, it’s just i now may also be a suspect.”
“what? they have no evidence,” nancy points out, you shrug. “not having evidence hasn’t really stopped them before, they just need someone behind bars, someone to blame,” you state. “i mean, that’s why they’re looking for eddie, right?,” you glance at dustin. in an instant, his back to talking to his walkie. 
eddie informs him that he’s at skull rock, “yeah, i know where that is,” steve immediately replies. through the walkie you can tell eddie was shaken up. you wonder how he’d feel if he saw you, you haven’t spoken to him since elementary school, when you gave him a peck on the cheek, confessing your love for him and and he ran away from you, crying about how girls have cooties. your first heartbreak. you don’t give it another second, the group heading to skull rock. 
steve and dustin banter, as usual, “dude, i’m telling you, you’re taking us the wrong way.”
“it’s north, im positive, i checked the map,” 
“you do realize skull rock… it’s a super popular make-out spot?”
“yeah, so?”
“yeah, well, it wasn’t popular until i made it popular, alright? i practically invented it. we’re heading in the wrong direction” steve argues, walking the opposite way. dustin looks at you, like he’s telling you to call steve back and tell him he’s wrong. you shrug, following steve. the kid was smart but he really did have this one wrong. 
“really, y/n? you’re betraying me and my compass like this?” dustin sniffled. 
“sorry kid but im 100% positive that steve’s right on this one,” you giggled, looking back at him. 
lucas looks at you skeptically, “wait… 100%? how are you so sure?” at that, you turn around, quickly catching up to steve. after a few more steps, you finally arrive at your destination.
“boom, bada bing, bada boom. there she is, henderson. skull rock,” steve is proud, “in your face, man, in your stupid, cocky little face,” he continues gloating, you almost feel bad for the kid. “it doesn’t make sense,” dustin mutters. you place a hand on his back, a small smile on your lips. steve tries to get him to accept that he’s wrong, calling him a butthead in the process. even in a life or death situation, those two are still at each other's necks. 
eddie jumps out from a tree and you swear you almost passed out, “i concur, you, dustin henderson, are a butthead,” way to make an entrance, you almost roll your eyes. dustin gives him a quick hug, eddie looks behind him. 
“y/l/n, you’re here too?,” he comments, an amused expression on his face. 
“munson,” you nod, tight lipped. steve glances between the both of you. whatever that little interaction was. he doesn’t like it. he doesnt get to ask how you two know each other, the rest of the group finally catching up. eddie, once again, explains what happened. his walkie, drenched. him, running. 
nancy asks him if he remembers what time it happened, the group connecting the dots between the exploding lightbulb and the death of patrick mckinney. 
“hey, uh, henderson’s not, uh, cursed, is he?” eddie questions, you all turn your head towards the curly headed boy who was currently pacing back and forth, compass still in hand. 
“cursed? nah, he’s fine. mental? absolutely.” steve mocked, still bitter. 
“BOOM!” dustin yells, scaring the living hell out of everyone, you can’t take it anymore, “seriously, i don't think vecna’s my biggest problem, you guys are literally going to send me into cardiac arrest,” you scold, looking back at him and eddie. dustin lowers his voice, whispering now, “bada…bada…boom.” steve shakes his head, unamused. 
“i was right,” they argue once again before dustin explains what’s been going on with his compass. something about an electromagnetic field. 
and a gate to the upside down. 
“we’d have a way to vecna. and a shot at freeing max and y/n from this curse,” dustin finishes, giving you a sliver of hope. he starts walking away, steve stops him, pointing out the fact that eddie is still a wanted man. eddie agrees with steve, it was a bad idea, but that doesn’t stop him from also agreeing with dustin, the group now heading to wherever this gate was. you walk for hours until dustin’s compass starts acting funny once again, right at lover’s lake. 
you make your way unto the boat that was conveniently there. eddie has a hand out to you “y/l/n,” you take it, needing the support from the rocky boat. steve notices. dustin tries getting on but you all don’t let him. no one let’s any of the kids go. eddie saying that the boat can only hold four people, tops. 
steve pushes the boat out into the lake, quickly hopping in, leaving a whining dustin behind, “sorry,” he whispers. 
at the middle of the lake, the compass starts to turn in different directions. steve immediately pulls off his socks, getting undressed. you panic, “steve what are you doing?,” nancy finds the words you couldn’t utter. 
“somebody’s gotta go down and check this out, unless one of you four can top being a hawkins high swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then it’s gotta be me. no complaints, all right?” you furrow your eyebrows at him, grabbing his arm, trying to stop him from removing another article of clothing, “no. no. there has to be another way,” your voice, stern. simultaneously, eddie replies, “hey, i'm not complaining. i do not want to go down there,” you glare at him, he puts both hands up, a sign of surrender. 
steve continues, getting up and removing his shirt. you can’t help but stare. he always looks good. really not the right time. robin glances between you and nancy, she does not get the hype. eddie hands steve his makeshift waterproof flashlight, snapping you back to reality. nancy tells him to be careful. if nancy can’t even stop him, how could you? 
“i swear to god steve, if you die down there, i will find a way to bring you back to life and kill you myself,” earning a chuckle from him. “i’ll come back, i promise,” he tells you, sincerity in his eyes. and then he dove. you keep your eyes on him until it was too dark to see anything. every second that passes feels like an eternity, your heartbeat racing, legs bouncing up and down. the four of you wait, the faint sound of everywhere is the only thing heard, eddie makes a comment, something about everywhere being a good choice of song. you barely care. 
steve’s taking way too long. you make your way towards the edge of the boat, trying to spot him. 
after a couple more seconds, which felt more like hours, he finally resurfaces, eddie screaming an “oh christ!,” from the sudden, loud movement. serves him right. 
“i found it,” steve starts swimming towards the boat, the three glad to hear his sentence. you honestly don’t give a fuck, just glad that he was finally right in front of you. releasing a breath of relief, your hand immediately wrapping around his arm, making sure he was really there. 
“it’s pretty wild, it's more a snack sized gate than the mama gate,” steve explains, trying to catch his breath, “but still, it’s pretty damn big.” and then he was gone, the loss of touch causing you to stand up. steve makes his way back up in a second, making eye contact with you before he is dragged under once again. you don’t give yourself time to think, immediately diving in after him, following the bubbles that were created from his screams. the yells for steve’s name above becoming fainter the deeper you go. you’ve never swam as fast in your life, legs kicking as hard as you could to the point where it burns. 
everything’s red. this world, laced with branches you only saw in your visions. 
steve’s cries swing you into action, grabbing the first paddle you spot, you run towards his direction. bats. they’re circling him. he’s on the ground. you keep running and running, adrenaline coursing through your veins. letting out a cry, you smack one of the creatures away from him. in a second, you notice that the trio have joined you. you’re all trying to get the bats away from him, one has a particularly strong hold on his neck and you can feel your eyes start to water as you crush it over and over again. eddie and nancy watches out for the incoming ones, you and robin still struggling to get the stupid creature off of steve. it wasn’t until a bat made its way unto you that he finally gained strength, biting onto the one around his neck, smashing it to the ground, blood spilling from his lips. 
all of you now in action, it feels like a horror movie, the only thing missing was music. shit. 
you’re frozen, just now realizing what you did. nancy was the first to march up to steve, asking him if he was okay, “well, they took about a pound of flesh, but other than that, yeah, never better.” the two share a moment, you look away. robin starts talking about rabies and then eddie makes a statement that has you wishing the bats murdered him, “y/l/n, your music stopped playing.” steve is in front of you in a second, turning the player over and over, inspecting it,“no no no, no. fuck!,” he curses, “why did you do that!? are you fucking kidding me!?” he yells at you. he’s angry. you wince, looking at the floor. he’s immediately sorry, eyes softening.
before he could say anything, a group of bats from above startles everyone. “into the woods, c’mon,” nancy thinks quickly, everyone now running, seeking safety, under skull rock. the five of you hid in silence, terrified. as soon as the bats flew by, everyone got back up, steve stumbling back, nancy aiding him in a second. “i’m fine,” slips past his lips as she tries her best to nurse him, ripping off a piece of cloth from the cardigan she was wearing. all you can do is watch, afraid of the fate that now lies ahead of you and the boy you’re in love with. he looks up at you while nancy continues taking care of him. you avoid his gaze. 
robin, still on her rabies agenda, tries to distract steve from the pain, “so the good news is i’m pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies but uhm, if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms, or-or you start feeling aggressive, like you wanna punch me, let me know,” her voice breaking, you can tell she’s trying her best to fight back the tears. 
“robin,” steve shuts her up, grunting, “i kinda wanna punch you,” robin forces her laugh. 
eddie makes his way next to you, whispering “sorry.” you look up at him, offering him the best smile you could muster up in this situation, “it’s whatever,” you nod. steve watches. nancy finally wraps the cloth around him, trying to reduce the loss of blood, his eyes going from your figure to hers in an instant. he grunts and you look back at the two, eddie leaving your side. 
this world is merely a reflection of the real one. robin suggests going down to the police station for armor and weapons. as always, nancy has a better idea, “i have guns, in my bedroom,” she admits, “a russian makarov and a revolver.”
“yeah, you almost shot me with that one,” steve makes a snarky remark, nancy quick to follow, “you almost deserved it.”
you remember that. you were there. eddie notices your expression fall even more than it already was, still feeling sorry for earlier, he throws steve his vest, breaking the moment between the two, “for your modesty, dude.” a loud rumbling from beneath you causes everyone to fall, eddie saves you from the harsh ground, robin falling right next to you. steve stumbles back into the wall, nancy in his arms. everyone checks to see if everyone’s still in one piece.
your hand goes straight to your head, it feels like someone just shot you in the head, “woah woah woah, y/l/n, you okay?” eddie asks frantically. tears fall down your cheeks, the pain being too much. with no music to distract your thoughts, you can hear vecna from every corner of your mind. steve crouches down right in front of you, terrified. no one knows what’s happening. 
a sound of a branch snapping to your right alerts you, “we have to get out of here. he’s here.” you whimpered, a sense of urgency in your voice. 
“so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me,” eddie piped, robin quickly agreeing. 
“ok, ok,” steve nods, “let’s go to nancy’s, that’s where mike’s player is too,” his eyes are back on you and the state you’re in because of him, “we get that first.”
finally putting on eddie’s vest, he helps you up, leading the way. you stay by robin’s side, putting up a brave front. you didn’t want steve to worry even more. 
steve goes up to eddie, “eddie, hey man, uh… listen i just uh wanted to say thanks, for rushing to y/n’s side and saving my ass back there,” the two have a heartfelt moment, “shit, you saved your own ass back there, i mean, that was a real ozzy move you pulled back there,” steve doesn't know who ozzy osbourne is, causing the two to have a quick argument. but then eddie goes back to complimenting him, bringing up how dustin worships the ground he walks on, steve gains a bit of confidence with the newfound information.
eddie confesses that he was jealous of him, describes him as the perfect embodiment of man, and still is super jealous as hell, “which is why i would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass, not under any, uh…normal circumstances,” an honest confession. 
another branch snaps, causing the pair to quickly look ahead, at you, relief washing over their faces seeing you still walking between robin and nancy, eyes focused on the ground beneath you. 
“the only reason i came in here was because those ladies came in straight after you. now i was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind, but y/l/n, right there, she didn’t waste a second. not one second. she just dove right in. now,” eddie has the boy’s full attention, “i don't know what’s happening between you two, but if i were you, i would figure it out. cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.” 
the ground shakes yet again, the pounding in your head stronger, you can feel time slipping away. robin’s hand is quick on your shoulder, keeping you stable as you all try to keep up with nancy’s pace. even in the dark, steve notices every wince you make and after eddie’s incredibly powerful speech, he feels even more awful at his violent reaction. he didn’t even bother to thank you, or ask if you were okay. 
finally making it to what seems like the wheelers’ house, nancy, robin and eddie head straight upstairs and into nancy’s room. steve grabs your hand before you could join, you don’t say a word, you’re not too sure what to say right now. he pulls you into mike’s room, searching for his player, and hoping that the boy had everywhere somewhere in his box filled of tapes. he spots both, feeling lucky for the first time, making a mental note to thank mike as soon as he gets out of here.
in one rapid motion, the headphones are back on you, the music instantly bringing a sense of comfort. you watch him, taking in every feature of his pretty face. “i’m sorry,” he whispers, slowly taking a step towards you. “you shouldn’t have followed me in but you did and i-i shouldn’t have yelled at you like that,” you shake your head. you don’t even care about that anymore, you’re just glad you’re here, with him, in what could be the last moments of your life. 
“i don’t think you understand,” you find your voice, a quiet hush. finally you look into his eyes, you feel like you haven’t seen them in a while, “steve harrington, i’ll follow you everywhere,” you promised. he feels his heart explode. taking your hands into his. 
“i-i have to tell you something before i run out of time,” you say, rushed, his eyebrows furrow at your statement, he doesn’t like it, his grip on your hand getting tighter. 
“say it to me when we get out of here, yeah?” 
you dont. 
“i’m in love with you,” you blurt out. “i’ve been in love with you ever since that halloween night, and y-you don’t have to say it back i know you’re still in love with nancy and that-that’s really okay i just need you to hear it because i might not be able to say it,” he processes your words, feeling various of emotions all at once. happy because the girl he loves, loves him back, confused at the mention of nancy’s name, scared that your last statement will come alive. 
he chooses to focus on what he knows.
“i’m not in love with nancy,” he said, you stare at him. “i-i love her, yes, but only as a friend, i-i dont love her like i-,” you can’t believe what you’re hearing. 
“i-” steve starts to say, you stop him. 
“say it to me when we get out of here,” you beg. he sees the fear in your eyes and he can tell that you’re afraid that all of this is just a trick of your mind. so instead of words, he proves it to you with the way he's always known. gently grabbing your face and bringing in into his own. two lips finally moving as one, your hands finding their way to his chest. nothing about this kiss tasted sweet, feelings of desperation traveled through your hearts. desperate for more time. he pulls away for a second, foreheads softly colliding, his fingers rubbing tiny circles on your cheeks as he pulls you in for another kiss, just wanting to taste you over and over again. 
then you pull away, eyes wide, shocked, you look up at him.
“did you hear that?”
“i think it’s dustin,” you point out. he listens. he hears him. “great, even through the other side of the world he finds a way to annoy me,” you laugh, gently slapping his chest. he looks at you, in awe. he hasn’t heard your laugh in a while. he loves the sound of it. he loves you. 
in any normal moment, you would’ve loved to just stay in his arms, laughing for hours and hours. you think back to all the times you guys did just that, not appreciating it enough when you had it. but none of this was normal so you pull away from him and back into this nightmare. you follow dustin’s voice all the way down to living room, yelling his name. steve quickly joins you. the rest of the group questioned yours and steve's sanity until they heard him as well. soon after, you guys figure out how to communicate – the lights. everyone happy at the small achievement. 
a plan unfolds – find another gate. 
“there’s a gate at every murder site!” dustin yells at the walls. nancy ask’s eddie how far his trailer was. you all grab the bikes placed on the wheelers’ front porch, quickly making your way there, wanting to get out as soon as possible. 
finally making it into eddies trailer, an even smaller gate, right at the exact spot of chrissy’s death, greets you. it starts moving, almost like it was breathing. you all stare wondering what the hell is going on. steve checks it out first, making sure you were all behind him. 
cheers erupt, when dustin’s face, though upside down, finally comes into view, “BADA BADA BOOM!”
the kids create an improvised rope, consisting of several blankets and bedsheets all tied together. they place a mattress on the landing spot, making sure you all cross through the portal safe, “those stains are uhhh… i don’t know what those stains are,” eddie lied, earning a look of disgust from you, robin, and nancy. 
one by one, the group makes it safely through. 
robin, eddie then nancy. his eyes are on you. ready to help you up the rope, you step back, “you go first,” you ordered. he really stands his ground this time, “no way, it’s either you go first or we’re both staying here.”
“promise you’re right behind me?” you plead, he places a quick kiss on your lips, “i promise.” 
you’re back on the other side. steve follows right after you. you look at him, a small smile on your face. he mirrors your expression. max comes running towards you, engulfing you into a hug.
a happy celebration.
no one noticed it. 
nothing could’ve prepared anyone from the vine that slowly, quietly creeped its way through the portal, wrapping tightly around your ankle, and just like steve in lover’s lake, pulling you straight down, back in the other side.
the portal immediately closes.
steve yells out a series, “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” as he stares at the spot that you were once standing, grabbing dustin’s paddle and feverishly stabbing through the ground. blocked by stronger branches, the wooden oar can no longer cut through it.
“steve-” nancy calls out to him. 
“SHIT!,” steve lets out a broken yell, “this is not happening, no, no no,-”
“steve, calm down!” robin catches his attention. 
“do not tell me to calm down!” he shrilled, absolutely devastated, “not when she’s stuck down there! and i'm here! and i-i didn’t even tell her i love her!” he’s absolutely wrecked, tears freely flowing, words slipping from his lips, not even caring about the fact he just confessed his love to you to the rest of them.
“we will get her back, steve!” lucas yells, trying to stop his own tears from flowing.
“how?” he looks at the rest of the group, breathing heavily. he’s exhausted.
“we find another portal.”  
an: bada bing bada boom
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.19
The True Heir
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,781
Warnings: angst, depression, pregnancy, marital troubles, pining
A/N: There is very little editing. Forgive me. I’m sleepy. I’ve been up writing all night. I’ve also been hurting, but it’s all good! I’m so happy to get this chapter out. *insert evil laugh* If you happen to reblog, thank you so much for helping me spread my work! it truly means so much, more than you know. xoxo
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Today you do nothing.
You’d opened up your laptop last night and attempted to scribble a few lines for your next book, but all you could think about was Thor, Jane, the babies to come, and where exactly you fit amongst all of it.
After typing Thor’s name along with a few other random words for the tenth time, you gave up and shut the laptop. You’d crawled into bed, bundled up under your fluffy comforter, and bid goodbye to the world as you caved in to unconsciousness.
The fact that morning is here, you find that your hope for today to be better than  yesterday was silly. How can anything ever be good again?
You place your hands on your lower tummy, caressing what feels like a very slight swell. It’s just barely harder than the rest of your stomach. Firm. Despite the happiness that your baby brings you, you stare across the room at your computer and can’t find it in you to get up and work.
Instead you roll over onto your other side and pull Thor’s--that is to say, the one he’d used while he was here--pillow over to cling to.
Thor’s texts are also still fresh in your mind.
Sleep didn’t dull their effect on you or the confusion they raised.
Did they mean that he wouldn’t get an annulment? That’s sorta what you were getting from them. His declarations that he couldn’t live without you and that he would die for you and that he missed you so much at his side sounded like he was also telling himself how he felt. As if he were, not so much convincing, but reaffirming what he already knew.
You reach over and switch your phone on, clicking through to your messages to find that Thor must have stolen his phone back from Loki at some point.
Thor: Good morning, my cherub. I hope you slept well.
Thor: I could hardly sleep with you absent beside me.
Thor: Our bed is too big without you in it.
Thor: Have you seen the doctor yet? You’ll text me as soon as you get a diagnosis, won’t you? I’ll be waiting.
Thor: Loki insists that I give you some distance to rest but being apart from you is torture.
Thor: Would you be very angry with me if I came to see you?
Thor: I have some things I must deal with here before I can go though. Loki is right. I should allow you rest and fix things here before I come to you.
Thor: Are you still sleeping, cherub? I’m sorry if my messages are disturbing you. I haven’t gone this long without talking to you since...I wish I’d met you years ago. When things weren’t so complicated.
Thor: Would you have let me court you even though I am the God of Thunder? Future King of Asgard? Would you have married me when I came back with my people to live here on Earth?
Thor: I think if I had to choose all over again, you’re still the only woman equal to the task of being my Queen.
Thor: And the love that has grown between us is...I will never take it for granted…
As you read that last message, you assume he wants to say he won’t take it for granted again. He’s already let it slip through his fingers, although he doesn’t know it yet.
Thor: Perhaps this can be that break you were talking of. For our baby? Maybe we do need a little bit of relaxation to let our bodies recover?
Thor: And yet, I can’t wait to start a family with you, cherub.
You’re bawling all over again, your eyes flooding with tears as you bury your face into his pillow and sob loudly.
He’d said that he missed your body next to his. You can relate. You want to feel the heavy fall of his chest, the deep breaths that fill his lungs and escape through his lips in a quiet little snore that always makes you cuddle into his side.
Normally, he’d respond by turning to face you and holding you right up against his chest.
The comfort that simple thing would give you right now when your heart is aching so painfully is what you so desperately need. But...you’re so angry too. You don’t want him near you.
The images that flood your mind are torture. Mixtures of pleasant, happy moments now marred by the betrayal and anger that has taken hold of your heart.
You bury your face into the pillow and scream until your throat really does go hoarse. Frustration at the force of change you’ve had to make in the past twenty-four hours.
You’re startled back to the present when your phone rings. You make a small attempt  to clear your throat then answer and the absolute gravel voice you use settles any wondering as to whether your illness is real.
“Hello?” you whisper, clearing your throat to no avail.
“Oh, cherub, you sound terrible.”
Your heart panics. How are you supposed to talk to him?
You don’t want to talk to him.
“I can’t really talk,” you say weakly hoping he’ll take the hint.
“Did the doctor see you already?” Thor asks, his worry evident in the quiet tone of his voice.
“Yes, he gave me some medicine and told me to try not to talk,” you lie, surprisingly easy right now since you don’t want to talk.
For your emotional sanity, you need to hang up soon.
“I’m so sorry, love. I wish I could take this illness from you. Where’s David? I’d like to talk to him.”
You panic again, floundering as you cough and clear your throat to buy some time.
“He’s not here. He went to the store to get some groceries,” you hope he buys it.
“I’ll call him a little later then. If you need anything, let me know. I’ll get it for you.”
“Thanks, Thor,” you mumble, suddenly not wanting to hang up.
How can one person give you so much ease and worry all at once? How can he be your source of agony and comfort at the same time? It’s not fair.
“I have so much to tell you, but...now is not the right time. You need to get better first.”
Nevermind! Fuck this guy. Your heart sinks.
“I have to go,” you tell him, hoping he’ll just hang up and leave you be now.
“Very well. I love you, cherub.”
How do you answer him without giving anything away just yet?
“Me too,” you choose. And it’s true.
Even if he’s torn your heart into pieces, he’s still the father of your baby and you still love him.
Whatever madness overcame him when he’d suggested to Loki getting an annulment was the best course of action seems to have passed. Loki must be right about him.
“Bye, Thor,” you whimper.
“Bye, Y/N,” he says your name, making your heart quake a bit.
You hang up and quickly dial up David.
He answers after two rings.
“Hello? How is my favorite girl in the whole wide world?”
He sounds amused by something, or just happy. It’s such a difference to how you feel at the moment that it breaks you and you sob again, renewing your tears.
“Y/N? What’s the matter?” David demands, clearly now beginning to fret over the way you sound.
You tell him everything. Somehow you manage to get it all out minus one important detail and when you’re done recounting the most horrible night of your life, David sighs heavily and you can almost picture him settling into a deep armchair with massive worry weighing on his shoulders.
“Well, the good thing is, if he goes through with an annulment, you’re to be given a monthly allowance for the rest of your life. It was a condition in your contract, should Thor change his mind about marrying you. But he didn’t so it was moot, until now. You will be a very rich woman. More so than the small fortune you originally inherited.
“I know that money is hardly a consolation for the man that you love-” David sighs again. “Perhaps he said it in madness? He must have been very upset. Caught by surprise?” David offers.
“Even if he doesn’t mean it or doesn’t go through with it, I know that for you the point is the thought was there.
“However, I do think we must make allowances for Thor. I’m sorry to say. He is a king and he’s responsible for his entire people. A baby would give them security. Stability. A legitimate heir would tie them to Earth forever.
“We musn’t make light of his choices. This isn’t a common situation to find one’s self in. For either of you.”
“David, I’m pregnant.” You finally explain, knowing that it will maybe just show him a little bit more of what you’re facing. “I went to tell Thor and that’s when I overheard them.”
For a moment he’s speechless. When he speaks again, his voice is heightened.
“Congratulations! I-I knew it would happen eventually. The timing is a little-”
“I haven’t told him yet, clearly.”
Silence again. “Why?”
“I don’t know. I was so happy when I went to tell him and then I heard their conversation and I-I just can’t find the strength to do it right now. Not until I know whether he wants the annulment.”
David breathes in deeply and then exhales slowly into the phone. His breath is light and soft.
“You’re afraid that he will only stay with you because of the child,” a statement.
David knows you better than anyone else in your life. It’s not surprising that he’d make the leap so quickly.
“He’s willing to leave me and marry Jane because of her baby. It’s possible that he’ll stay by my side only because of our baby and I’d rather he do what’s best for our people than to stay with me because of a sense of obligation.”
“It could be that Jane will not want him. She might keep her child away from the Asgardian royal court. Didn’t she refuse to marry him because she didn’t want to be Queen?” David’s voice is pensive. “This might all feel much larger than it is. I suggest you take some time to really think through your actions before making any decisions.”
“I’m not going to never tell him, David. He’s the father of my child. He has to know that he has two and not just the one. I don’t think I could do that to him. I could never keep him from his children.
“Either of them.”
“You are magnanimous, Y/N. More than even I thought you were capable of.”
“Bullshit. I ran away and am refusing to see him until I get my week of space,” you nod firmly. “But David-?”
“Tell me,” he urges you, recognizing your tone of anguish.
“I-I know that I accepted this marriage hesitantly. It wasn’t like I asked for it and you know how I felt before Thor asked me to marry him. You know how s-scared I was about marrying someone who was in love with someone else, and now...now he’s-”
“He’s married to you, Y/N. Not Ms. Foster. And from what I have been able to see, he does love you. Not Jane. This is a temporary setback. If you’re angry at him, be angry at him. Don’t pretend you aren’t. If you’re hurt, show it. Wear your heart on your sleeve.
“Loving someone is one of life’s greatest blessings. Sometimes that love doesn’t last, sometimes it takes a beating. But you must choose whether your love is worth fighting for.
“You’ve also got obligations that you cannot escape from. Duties to your people as their Queen.”
“Assuming Thor doesn’t leave me and take my crown,” you scoff.
“I’m with your brother-in-law. I don’t think it will come to that. I think Thor was a little shocked and thrown by Ms. Foster’s news. Now that he has had some time to think, I believe he’ll do right by you and when you tell him, your child.”
“I won’t tell him until he makes up his mind,” you insist.
“That is your prerogative. Do what you need to. What can I do to help? What do you need from me?”
“Just be prepared for any eventuality. I’m not sure what’s going to happen at the end of this week. Oh, and if Thor calls you--just make something up and tell me what you say. He thinks you drove me from the airport and have been staying with me.”
“Using me as your alibi so that your husband won’t come looking for you,” David clicks his tongue. “How much detail shall I give him?”
“You’ve got a job too, just tell him you’re coming and going. Tony had his staff install some security on the house after the honeymoon. I’m safe here. He’ll believe that I’m safe if that’s all you say.
“Anyway, I need to go. I have two more calls to make before I can relax and enjoy my break from the throne.”
“If you need anything, you know how to reach me. Anything, Y/N. I mean it.”
“Thanks, David. I can always count on you,” you smile.
Just a tiny one. A very subtle curve at the corners of your lips.
“Well, you do pay me,” he jokes, which actually pulls a small laugh from you.
“Right. Bye, David.”
“Goodbye, Your Majesty.”
You take only a minute to think about your conversation with David before you make the most important calls of your week in solitude.
The first one is simple. Just a reminder of doctor-patient confidentiality. He understands what you’re saying even if he doesn’t practice by that mentality.
Dr. Wilson’s phone call is more difficult. She wants an explanation. She wants to know why she’s not allowed to tell your husband, the King of New Asgard, that he’s finally got what you and he have been wanting.
An heir!
It’s painful to talk about but you tell her what’s happened. You tell her that Thor doesn’t know that you know about Jane’s baby.
She’s very quiet as you talk. She assumes things and you can hear her anger when she starts to ask for what she can tell Thor.
“He didn’t cheat on me, Dr. Wilson,” you explain, hoping that this will ease her anger.
You’re angry at Thor because of the annulment, not because he and Jane have created a life from their love. You’re hurt because he’s willing or was willing--you’re not sure yet--to leave you to be with Jane, even if not for love but for the baby growing within her.
You’re hurt because the man you love was choosing his duty over his feelings for you.
Even though you know that he’s right to do it. Even though you know that you should understand because he’s King and you also took an oath to put the people of New Asgard first.
It’s your duty to put their well-being before your own. That doesn’t mean you have to like it.
In Thor’s mind, his only duty is to his child. Jane’s child. He doesn’t know you’re carrying one of your own yet. Even though that would probably make sure that he stays with you because of the baby, you don’t want that to be the reason he stays.
Proud fool.
“Thor slept with Jane the same night he proposed to me. This was before we loved each other, when leaving Jane was the hardest thing he’d had to do. I don’t hold that against him.”
You don’t tell her about the annulment. She doesn’t need to know how messy this all is.
“He’ll probably call for you and Dr. Alric soon. Loki suggested they get Jane checked so act surprised? But please don’t tell him I’m pregnant. Not yet. He’s coming to see me at the end of the week and I’ll tell him myself then. Please?” And it really is a genuine plea.
“I’ll do whatever you need, Your Majesty. I would like to come and check on you. You don’t sound well.”
She’s very sweet and her concern is touching.
“Thor will probably send you to me eventually. He’s worried but he’s clearly got other things on his mind.”
“I’ll make arrangements to head over there tomorrow. Oh, can you hold for one minute Your Majesty? I’m so sorry.”
“Of course.”
There’s silence on the phone for a few minutes before she comes back.
“It was His Majesty. He’s told me about Jane but she’s not available for an examination until later in the week. So, he’s asked me to come to you first. I’ll be there tonight.”
For some reason, the idea of having her with you eases some of the stress you’ve been carrying with you since yesterday.
“I’ll call and have a car sent for you.”
“Actually, His Majesty has promised to bring me straight to you via bifrost.”
“Wait, what?” You sit up in bed, clutching your blanket to your chest as your nerves suddenly fray and panic begins to build up within you.
“Should I come by plane?” She asks, worried by the sound of your voice.
You can’t see Thor. No. You can’t.
“No. I’ll just be going out later tonight to pick up a few things that I need here at the house. Toilet paper, napkins, laundry soap. I just didn’t want you to get here when I was out, but I’ll text you the passcode to get in.”
You’ll just have to make sure that you’re not at home when they come. That’s what you’ll do. This is a perfect excuse to be out since you need to get the stuff you listed anyway.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t just like me to come by plane?”
“No, really. The sooner you get here, the better. The car ride is so long from the airport. I’ll see you tonight, Dr. Wilson.”
“Bye, Your Majesty.”
Even though you know that you have hours upon hours until Thor brings Dr. Wilson here, you force yourself out of bed and abandon your plans to wallow in your feelings so that you can shower, get dressed, and leave the house.
If Thor’s coming, you’re going to be as far away from your house as you can be. You’re not ready to see him again just yet. You only have small errands to run but you’re gonna stay out all damn day if it’s the last thing you do.
Thor is at a loss. Completely and utterly lost without you.
If he was ever in doubt as to how he really felt about you--which he never has been because he knows himself well enough to know better--he knows now that you are the light of his new life here on Earth.
His reign would mean significantly less without you at his side.
Even though the time you’ve spent together has been a short few months, they have been the best months of his life.
If he’d had one of those other women he’d interviewed become his Queen, this life he’s chosen to lead would have felt empty and tedious. Instead of watching his Queen spend her time with his people leading the way in progress.
You’re so eager to be part of the Asgardian populace. They’ve embraced you so fully.
With a sigh, Thor leans forward and buries his face into his hands as he mentally trashes himself for the absolute fool that he’s been about this entire situation.
The fact that he’d even entertained the thought of leaving you.
He wants to cry and tear his hair out in frustration.
Should he tell you that the thought was weighed along with many others at Jane’s news?
And Jane.
Thor groans.
She’s been avoiding him since she told him. He can’t exactly blame her for it. He hadn’t exactly taken the news well.
He had no reason to expect her to be receptive to him after he’d basically accused her of being confused about it. She knew her own body. If she said she was pregnant, what reason would he have to doubt her?
He’s messed everything up so much and he’s terrified to tell you about Jane.
What if you have the same idea he did? What if you decide to leave him in some foolish attempt to have him marry her and legitimize his future child?
It’s something you would do. Sacrifice yourself so that he could do the right thing.
The thought of living this life of rule without you at his side is unbearable.
With another frustrated groan, he gets up and moves to pace the length of the room, ignoring the large pile of paperwork on his desk as his mind moves in circles.
It always comes back to you.
And then you’d been out when he’d gone to drop off Dr. Wilson. He hadn’t expected you to be gone. He’d wanted to see you. To hold you. Touch you. Hear your voice after so much turmoil.
You are his only solace.
Going so close to you and not seeing you has left him with a terrible pain in his chest.
His phone rings.
Thor dives for his phone and fumbles with it as he grabs it off the bed. He almost loses it over the opposite edge.
He literally throws himself towards it and lands with a grunt onto the bed as he catches it.
He presses the button on the screen without looking to see who it is because he only wants it to be you.
“Cherub?” he gasps, his voice an octave higher than normal with the little bit of exertion he just underwent.
“Oh, no. Sorry, Your Majesty, it’s Dr. Wilson. I was just calling to give you your daily report on Her Majesty’s health.”
“Oh, yes, of course. I’m sorry. I just haven’t heard from-” He clears his throat, sits up, and slides to the edge of the bed. “No matter. How is my Queen, doctor?”
“She was asleep. But just woke up. She’s very tired. Her throat is better, but she’s had a fever every morning since Sunday.”
Thor sits up straighter, hand clenched into a fist around the edge of the bed as his heart starts to thrum loudly.
“Is she seriously ill?”
“No, of course not, Your Majesty. But she really does need rest. She has been under severe stress and I’m sorry to say that your constant messages are not letting her rest.”
Thor’s heart drops and buries itself into a hole at the bottom of his stomach. He feels numb suddenly, fearful of what he might be doing to you. The guilt of what he knows he must tell you soon also weighs down on him.
“Are you saying that I should leave her be until she is recovered?” Thor checks, just in case he’s not understanding correctly.
“I’m saying that if you want her to get well quickly, you must give her what she asked you for. She needs rest.”
Thor hates that he can’t be there to check on you. He wants to feel you close. He wants to see you. What if you’re deathly ill and you’re telling Dr. Wilson to lie for you?
You abhor lies and cherish honesty , but he can see you lying in order to spare him pain. Just as he is lying to spare you the worry of all this uncertainty with Jane.
Although he knows that he can never lose you now and even with a child coming with Jane, you are his wife and he can’t leave you. He was stupid to think he could even try. The thought was a sin and he’ll never forgive himself for thinking it.
Loki was so angry with him.
Rightfully so.
The good thing is that you’ll never know how bleak things looked. At least he has found his sanity again.
“Will you keep me informed? I’ll stop contacting her if you will promise to tell me how she fares. If she gets worse, I want to know.” Thor insists, his voice passionate and begging.
“You have my word, Your Majesty. Have you heard anything from Ms. Foster? Do we know exactly when we’ll be running her tests?”
“She’s very busy. As of now, it’s looking more and more likely that we won’t be able to find the time until the week’s end. After we confirm her pregnancy, I’ll tell Y/N. I’m sorry that I’ve asked you to collude in this business.”
There’s a long pause and for a moment Thor thinks that maybe the phone has disconnected but then Dr. Wilson sighs, “I cannot wait for this week to be over. Will you come back for me then? When she’s ready?”
“Yes. I’ll pick you up in the same spot that I left you. My wife wasn’t too upset about her lawn, was she? Only, Stark seems to get irritated with me every time I land on his.”
“No,” Dr. Wilson chuckles once. “She was not upset. Again, there’s little more than her throat, head, and fever on her mind. I’ve gotta go. She’s gone out into the garden for some fresh air but I need to get her back into bed.”
“Please take good care of her, doctor. She’s...well, she’s my wife,” Thor finishes heavily.
The phone goes dead and Thor sits there staring at his phone until he can find the strength to get to his feet and go off in search of Jane. They really need to talk.
Thor is upset.
He’s beyond frustrated by now.
He’s irritated.
It’s a week tomorrow since he’s seen you and he can’t stand the distance anymore.
Dr. Wilson snuck him a photo but you’d been sitting on your sofa, looking weak and withdrawn.
He’s not sure what exactly is making you sick, but he knows that he can’t go another day without seeing you.
He needs to get Dr. Wilson back here and he needs to get confirmation so that he can have something to tell you once he sees you.
He won’t lose you over this.
It was one last time. One final goodbye with Jane and he’d thought she was on her birth control but apparently she hadn’t been so he hadn’t bothered to protect himself from the possibility of getting her pregnant.
Why hadn’t she said anything?! Why hadn’t she told him that she wasn’t on her pill?
He knows it’s wrong to blame her. It took both of them to make this baby, but being away from you for so long is wearing thin and he’s losing all semblance of patience.
It takes some very careful maneuvering. Heimdall is sent first, then Hilde, then Loki.
None of them know why they’re going in to corner Jane in the tower except for Loki. Well, Heimdall knows, but there’s no hiding much from Heimdall. He pretends not to know and that’s good enough for Thor.
Loki is just stepping out of the tower when he turns to look at Thor with a grave almost exhausted expression.
“She’s up there,” he assures Thor, frowning as he shuts the heavy door. “When will this end, Thor? Are you going to keep the Queen away forever?”
Thor says nothing, he’s too upset to speak. He pulls the door open roughly and stomps his way up the steps taking them two at a time until he’s standing on the top floor landing.
He can see Jane biting her lip, pacing the length of the room until she turns and finally sees him.
“Thor…” she gasps, not expecting to see him.
“We have to talk, Jane.”
She looks away, turning her back on him then moves towards her laptop which she carefully closes. She puts her hand up to her throat and turns to face him.
“I will have Dr. Wilson brought in and Dr. Alric to give you the same tests they have been giving Y/N. They will be confirming your pregnancy and once we have that, then we can all sit down and figure out-”
“I’m not pregnant,” Jane gasps, her voice filling the room despite the quiet breath that escapes her pink lips.
Thor’s stomach twists. It’s agony.
On the one hand, the words she’s just spoken are...they’re a celebration. They’re simplicity. They’re peace and a return back to normal where in his life there is only you.
On the other hand, he’s just lost a baby he never had. An heir that he’d been expecting and now can never get back.
He’d made plans for this child. He’s pictured his life with them, the happiness and joy that their birth would bring to the people of New Asgard. The assurance that they would always belong to Earth.
He’d picked names for boys and girls. He’d begun to make a list of nursery items they would need even as he lamented that the baby was not yours but Jane’s.
This baby would have, and had already begun to change his life.
And now this?!
“What?” he very nearly spits.
Jane is so flustered she’s wringing her hands hard, welting them red.
“I’m...I didn’t expect to come here and see you with her and see how fast you just-” she waves her hand as if shooing away some animal. “-moved on. It’s like you were never with me.
“You were both so happy and talking about the future and I just lost it for a little bit,” she shrugs. “I have no excuses, Thor. I’m sorry if what I said hurt you. It was selfish of me and I just loved you for so long. You were mine, you know? And now you’re married, planning to have kids, and your wife is so nice and considerate and even though she has every reason to hate me, she was polite and so damn perfect…
“I’m not afraid to say that it made me hate her. I’m ashamed of it, but not enough to take it back.”
The silence is thick. The air suddenly grows charged and Thor’s eyes shine a bright sparkling blue.
His hands crackle and his eye spits as if full of blue fire.
The sky overhead thunders and the world shakes with the boom. The lightning strikes sharp and fast, shaking the tower so that for a moment, Thor can see how Jane thinks it might topple.
His anger gives way to betrayal and his lightning fizzles out as he takes a step towards her, his brow furrowed, eye full of pain as he stares at her, searching for the joke that this must be.
There is no way that this is really happening.
“You lied to me?” Thor accuses.
Jane blanches, her lips going pale as she takes a step towards him.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie, I just-I didn’t want to see you with her anymore and I wasn’t thinking straight so I just said it before I could stop myself. I know that it was wrong and I didn’t think it would go on for so long. I wanted to tell you almost as soon as I said it that it wasn’t true, but then you just took off and then the Queen left and I wasn’t sure if you told her and maybe that’s why she wasn’t here.”
Thor shakes his head, turning away from her as he paces towards the stairs but then turns back, his anger returning but full of pain now.
“I defended you. When Loki insisted I have you tested I asked him if he doubted you and I assured him that you would not lie about something this important. What reason would you have to lie?” he demands, almost of himself instead of Jane.
“Thor,” Jane begins.
“How long were you going to let me think you were carrying my child? How long were you planning to con me?” he accuses and his words seem to hurt Jane.
Thor can’t find it in him to care too much.
“I wasn’t-that’s not what I meant to do, Thor. Please, you have to believe me. I just didn’t know how much seeing you with her would-”
“You have no right to be upset!” he booms, his voice loud and it startles Jane quiet.
She’s never heard him angry like this. She’s never heard his voice raised.
“I gave you every opportunity to be with me, to marry me, to build a life here with me and be my Queen. You didn’t want it! You flat-out refused to be tied down by me and this Kingdom but now that you see me and my wife happy, you change your mind?
“You have the audacity to raise obstacles between us because you have regrets?”
“Thor,” she tries again, but Thor won’t let her speak.
“Get out,” he says sternly, turning to move towards the stairs.
“I said, get out. You are no longer welcome in my home. Pray no one ever finds out of your treachery. And should you have the urge to return for any reason, don’t.”
Thor storms down the steps, so angry that each step shakes the tower.
He’s breathing heavily as he slams the door shut behind him.
The storm air helps to calm him a bit. It clears his mind at least and the past week zooms by him like an unpleasant movie.
All of that worry and the plotting and planning. The agony that he felt wondering if you’d leave him when you found out about his child with Jane was the most unbearable.
Your face flashes before his eyes and he knows that there’s only one place he can be right now.
He throws his hand out and a metallic whistling rushes closer before his fist closes around his hammer.
He swings it firmly and throws it up into the air as he makes for your home.
Now that he has nothing to keep him here, he’s eager to get back to you. He’ll tell you everything and hope that you can forgive him for lying to you about Jane.
Even though it was a lie by omission, it was still a lie.
“I’m coming, my cherub,” he whispers, so eager to have you in his arms again.
Nothing will ever tear him from you again. He is certain. Nothing. Not a false heir, or a former love, no doubts exist within him anymore. You are the one.
The only one.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
I... don’t have a reason for this one. it’s been sitting in my drafts for months so here we go.
Pale tiled floors, shining from regular cleanings and scattered with a few mismatched rugs in warm, rustic tones, each one made from different fibers and threads, each one showing signs of wear.
A long window, curtained over with sheer fabric that still permitted the light of dawn to suffuse the room. It filtered lazily over the furniture, just as mismatched and well-loved as the rugs, and the less tidy kitchen, a grey pot still spattered with an orange sauce left absent-mindedly on the stovetop.
A pair of boots discarded sloppily in the small space before the entry door. Large, mud-spotted, scuffed — Qui-Gon’s, abandoned in a fit of sarcastic humor when he kicked them off the afternoon before, returning at last from a months-long mission.
A book, an actual paperbacked edition with edges made soft by use, by fingers lovingly and unthinkingly caressing the ridges and the binding, lying on the side table next to the coziest chair — Obi-Wan’s, deliberately set aside late last night when he realized he’d been reading much longer than he’d meant to.
Now, just after dawn, it was not surprising that the Master was the first to wake.
Qui-Gon exited his own room and paused in the common area, drinking in the familiarity, eyeing the book with knowing amusement. He went to the window and with what some of the crankier Masters would have called flagrant laziness, waved his hand and let the Force gently part the curtains.
It was not much brighter without them; they were sheer as it was and the smoggy vista this morning did not allow for much sun.
Still, sunshine was sunshine, polluted or not, and Qui-Gon relaxed as it washed over him, barefoot and still wearing his nightclothes under an old robe that had grown so ratty he had cleaned it and resigned it to the realm of comfort clothing.
He looked at the book again and smirked, shaking his head; as he walked past it towards the other door in the room, he ran a finger over the cover, feeling the ridges of the embossed title. Still, he thought, no excuses. I warned him we’d begin today with meditation. He can sleep in tomorrow.
“Obi-Wan,” he said, and opened the door to the boy’s room, a smaller and more cramped version of his own.
The light was greyer, here; the sunlight didn’t quite cross the threshold, and the solar-lamp on the desk was unlit. Shadows played with his eyes for a moment, and then Qui-Gon focused on the form on the bed, folded messily in the soft white sheets, curled on one side with one arm tucked beneath the pillow and the other dangling off the side of the bed.
“Obi-Wan,” he said again, cheerfully speaking with totally unnecessary volume. “Good morning.”
No response.
Snorting quietly, Qui-Gon approached the bed, reaching down to ignite the lamp as he did.
Golden light spilled out, and Obi-Wan’s soft golden-red hair burned like fire in response. Still, he slept on, his face turned towards his pillow and the sheets half-covering his cheek and nose.
“Padawan,” Qui-Gon said, exasperated now. “Good morning.”
He tugged on the braid that he had helped retie less than twelve hours ago, and Obi-Wan’s head twitched on the pillow as he was pulled, but the boy didn’t even blink.
“Star’s sake,” mumbled Qui-Gon, and pulled harder.
Obi-Wan’s whole head turned, his neck limp and unresisting at that mild tug, and the stark white face with its closed eyes and slack lips stared upwards, completely still.
Qui-Gon’s soul felt like it had lurched right out of his body.
He collapsed on his knees on the bed, kneeling over his apprentice, hands moving to frame the pale face and finding cool, stiff skin without a trace of the grouchy blush the poorly rested teenager would have given him any other day.
Frantic, Qui-Gon’s hands searched for a puff of warm breath from the open lips, for a heartbeat from the chest, for a pulse in the limp wrist that still dangled inches from the floor.
But there was nothing.
Qui-Gon shook his head wildly, lifting Obi-Wan’s head from the pillow, trying to make him sit up. The boy rolled limply in his arms and hung there like a rag doll, his face pressed against his Master’s overly worn robe, unknowing and uncaring of how awkwardly he was being held.
“Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon tried to say again, but this time it came out stretched and broken, wavering like a child’s uncertain attempt at handwriting. More of a moan than spoken word. “Obi...Obi-Wan? No, no, no no no...” Begging, denying.
He’d do anything—
Obi-Wan was twenty. Twenty. Young, healthy, a few years at most from Knighthood, which was only the beginning. He was strong and well-trained and he had laughed when Qui-Gon left his boots on the floor last night and shaken his head, saying he was going to stay up and read and have to deal with that eyesore in his peripherals all evening, and he’d smiled when Qui-Gon reached over to tug on the Padawan braid and added a casual, paternal caress of the thumb across the freckled cheek as he did, and —
“Obi-Wan, wake up,” he begged his Padawan, pulling the boy closer, bowing his own head down to touch the slumped shoulder. “Please come back. I don’t understand. I don’t — Obi-Wan. Please.”
The words devolved into hyperventilating breaths, which turned into ragged sobs, which turned into... a blur.
A comm call. Someone asking him to breathe. Hands separating him from his Padawan. Someone he didn’t know casually moving the boots out of the way, as if they didn’t matter, as if they weren’t there so Obi-Wan could laugh at them again. Being led to the Halls. Questions being asked of him. Condolences being offered. Again and again. And again.
“A heart problem,” a distant voice saying. “Insignificant enough that it wasn’t picked up on. We think he had a startling vision, or a bad dream, and his heart-rate spiked but his breathing didn’t match it.”
“A small heart problem,” they said.
“Rare,” they said.
“Might never have caused problems, except...” they said.
“I’m so sorry,” they said.
But nothing they said was making anything make more sense, nothing they said was making reality any less nightmarish.
Obi-Wan was twenty.
He was supposed to wake up grumpy and meditate with him, he was supposed to make the tea because he liked to make the tea, and he was supposed to laugh about the boots while Qui-Gon teased him about his book.
He was not supposed to go into cardiac arrest in his sleep because his heart and his lungs weren’t working together as they should have.
He was not supposed to die.
“I would have felt it,” he heard himself say weakly. “I would have sensed it.”
“We’re not all-knowing,” Mace’s voice said heavily. Had he been talking to Mace? He supposed he must have been, but then he stopped caring and tuned the rest of the conversation out.
Then Qui-Gon was standing in the common area again, fixated on the book, well-loved, gently used, waiting patiently on the side table next to the coziest chair — because Qui-Gon preferred the sofa or the floor cushions, and because Obi-Wan liked to cross his legs and dangle them over the arm and he had been doing that since he was thirteen and lonely and still bearing bruises from when he’d been kidnapped and enslaved when he should have had a Master to protect him, and so that chair was Obi-Wan’s, really, just his — and the book was waiting and waiting and it was going to wait forever.
And that did it.
The boots, shoved aside, unremarked.
The book, waiting innocently on the table.
Obi-Wan was gone, and wouldn’t be coming back. Despite the dawn, despite the chair that was understood silently to be his, despite the promises of early meditation, despite the affection in the touch across his cheek, despite the boots waiting to be smiled at, despite the book waiting to be read again, despite a Master’s protection — a Master’s love —
Obi-Wan had been stolen away again, this time for good, and everything, everything was as ashes.
Qui-Gon stood rooted to the spot and watched the night pass and a new dawn creep up on its heels, hoping for golden light that would chase away some of the cold.
But the light was grey this morning, and he was alone.
Qui-Gon blinked aching eyes, feeling dried tears across the lids as he did. The lights hurt, and he groaned, turning away.
A face slid into view above him as at the same time two gentle hands held his head still, examining his face, and Qui-Gon froze, staring up at the person holding him.
He tried to speak, but he couldn’t, his throat swollen and throbbing from abuse.
“Shhhh,” said Obi-Wan, his face pinched with concern. “Go back to sleep, Master. You’ve been drugged. It’s almost over. I’ve got you. The Healers say you’ll be all right. Go back to sleep.”
Qui-Gon reached up, straining impossibly just to make his shaking hand obey him, and felt his callused fingers glide across the young, sun-freckled cheek, felt warmth and saw a dimple appear as Obi-Wan smiled down at him.
“Shhh,” said Obi-Wan again. “You’ve been dreaming something awful, I think. Nobody has hurt you, Master, you’re all right.”
“So...are you,” Qui-Gon rasped, his voice thin and unfamiliar to his own ears.
A strange look crossed the boy’s face, like realization and confusion all at once. Still, he nodded, and lowered his head down to rest his forehead briefly against his teacher’s. “I’m all right, Master. It was only a dream.”
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
Welcome Home || Harrison Osterfield
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Warnings: language I think, mentions of pregnancy, kiddos, Tommo and Haz being cute little loves, minor angst
Word Count: 2,913
Author's Note: I was so torn between this and a dad!Sam fic that I'm O B S S E S S E D with so I still might post it. This one was written a while ago, but with the magic of editing I've made it a little better haha. I hope you guys enjoy!
My Masterlist || Add yourself to one of my taglists
Harrison's schedule made it hard to be apart. You had seen a lot of time away because he and Tom are best friends. The two of them used to always travel together and that excluded you most of the time. But with that, it was always Tom working and Harrison sitting off to the side, facetiming you until his phone literally ran down to the last percentage. But when its him that's working, and he misses his wife and his little boy, it is the hardest thing ever. Hearing him bawl over the phone because you sent him a video of your son being tickled is so so sad. When he facetimes you, he won't even look at the camera, thinking you'll react negatively to him being gone so much, your son growing up without him there most of the time. When he finally did look up, his eyes were red and he kept rubbing tears from them. 
The day he finally came back was sooner than expected. He was expected back on Friday and was back by Tuesday. At first you thought it might be an intruder creeping into your son's room but upon further inspection, you found that Harrison was the more logical explanation and finding his car parked in the driveway confirmed the suspicion. Slowly standing and blinking the sleep from your eyes, you wander down the dark hall to Jackson's room. You smile when Harrison comes into sight, his hair still parted and gelled off to the side, the body of your two year old cradled to his chest. He rocks the little one who's still asleep in his arms, Harrison's head laid over Jackson's. 
"Welcome home soldier." You say gently, Haz's head snapping up, his baby blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. His hips don't stop swaying methodically, but an exhausted smile crosses his face. Gently laying your little boy down, he takes the few strides forward, dragging you into his arms and dipping you to kiss you. You giggle into his lips, holding his broad shoulders. He stands you straight after a moment, 
"You're so cheesy." You rasp out, covering your mouth and squealing when he raises you in the air, your legs binding around his waist. He chuckles low in his throat, 
"My god I missed you so much." He growls, letting you run your fingers through his hair. You lean in to kiss his nose, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
"We missed you too my love." When your son groans and whines quietly, tossing and turning in bed, Haz sets you down, eyes wandering to the little two year old, 
"If he wakes up can he come to bed with us?" He asks, like he's a second child. You shrug, stroking his shoulders over the long sleeved shirt that sticks to his muscular arms, 
"Sure." Crouching beside the bed, Harrison looks down at his little boy longingly. You remember that look as the same he had on his face the day Jackson was born. The curiosity, the fear, the love; he felt it all, mostly all at once. The way Jackson wasn't planned but you both wanted him. The way you both craved to hold this little human in your arms. And the way when this little baby was laying in Harrison's arms, he was absolutely in love all over again. And it was just the three of you for the longest time, and still. You eloped in secret, keeping it from even your closest friends and family once the stress of having a baby was over. Of course Tom was pissed he wasn't gonna be a best man, but holding Jackson overpowered that. Uncle Tom was just as in love with the little boy staring up at him as Harrison was, and when that little one started to whimper and whine, Tom was on it, calming the baby back down to a neutral temper like only he and Harrison could do. 
"You should go take a shower. I'll bring him to bed for you." You softly say, walking forward and wrapping an arm around him. He smiles, stroking the little one's cheek again as he's broken from his thoughts, 
"Yeah. I'll be right there okay?" Standing and kissing your forehead, he exits the room just as swiftly as he entered, leaving you to lean in and  kiss Jackson's forehead. He whimpers again before his eyes flutter open, blinking a few times before he frowns slightly at the sight of you before him, 
"Momma?" You smile, stroking the sandy colored locks of hair from his eyes, 
"Hi baby. Daddy's home, you wanna see him?" He's suddenly fully awake, sitting up and nodding as he holds his arms out for you. Lifting him, you carry him down the hallway, following the noise into the bathroom where Harrison is vigorously washing his hair,
"Who is that?" You quip down to your son, Harrison quickly rinsing his hair and peeking from behind the frosted glass to smile at the two of you. Jackson makes grabby hands at his father leaving you to giggle as Harrison's eyes flash in panic, 
"Daddy!" Haz swallows, 
"Ahh shoot uhm, just give me one second baby. Lemme finish my shower." You lean against the counter, pressing your lips to Jackson's temple in soft, almost non-existent kisses, 
"We can wait huh? Just stay right here?" Jackson nods, resting against your chest and tucking his thumb in his mouth. You kiss his forehead, 
"We've waited long enough now, huh lovebug?" He nods again, looking up as Harrison turns the water off. Quickly drying himself and wrapping a towel around his waist, he holds his arms out, taking the overexcited boy into them. Jackson snuggles into his father, letting Harrison kiss his hair, 
"I missed you so much buddy. I thought about you every day." You smile, rubbing Jackson's back softly as they just hold each other. Harrison follows you out into your bedroom, watching as you walk to your closet to fetch him a pair of boxers, crouching and letting him step into them before dragging them up his legs. Taking the towel, you gently ruffle his hair and toss it in the hamper, pushing him back against the bed. He practically falls onto it, cradling Jackson to his chest. He holds an arm out when you crawl in beside him, ducking under the covers and wrapping your arms around both boys when he lays Jackson between the two of you. You kiss the back of Jackson's head, finding Harrison's eyes, 
"He missed you so much." You murmur. He nods, moving hair from in front of Jackson's eyes, 
"I know. I missed the both of you so damn much." Wrapping your legs around one of his own, you sigh, rubbing his chest, 
"I love you." He smiles, leaning over your little boy to kiss your forehead, 
"I love you too. I swear to you that if I have to be gone that long you'll come okay? Just for a little bit at least. No more leaving you for that long again." You nod, closing your eyes as he kisses your cheek. He rubs your arm, humming gently to Jackson. When you open your eyes again, he glances up at me, 
"Babe?" He poses softly after a moment. You nod, reaching out to stroke his cheek, 
"Yeah?" He licks his lips and kisses Jackson's forehead, 
"Can we have another baby?" He asks. You smile, his crystal colored eyes searching your own. He sighs, looking down at Jackson, 
"I just want another one. I really want a baby girl. I just want another baby honestly." You nod, running your thumb over his cheekbone, 
“You’ve asked before silly.” You incur. He smiles when you lean in to kiss his nose, 
“And you’ve never told me yes. I just keep shootin blanks.” You giggle again, his lips trapping yours in, 
“I do want another one. I love Jax and I’m not gonna push but-” 
“Yes.” He looks up, his mouth hanging open as he looks between your eyes, 
“Yeah?” You nod, 
“I’ve been thinking about it while you were gone.” You admit. He smiles, 
“You’re amazing.” You giggle, 
“Yeah yeah, go to sleep Mr. Osterfield. All of us are exhausted.” You murmur, leaning in to kiss Jackson's forehead. He nods, rolling on his back. Lifting Jackson, he switches sides with him, laying himself between the two of you. Jackson whines, laying his head over Haz’s shoulder. Haz tsks and kisses his forehead as you drape an arm over Haz's waist, 
“I’m not goin anywhere Jax.” Snuggling into his back, you sigh, 
“I’m glad you’re home Hazzabear.” You mumble in his ear. He hums,
“Me too love, me too.” 
Harrison didn’t let the two of you out of his sight for the next few weeks. He was constantly playing with Jackson, insisting that you all be in the same room. Jackson slept in your bed for a few more days after Haz returned, Harrison holding the both of you. The only time it was just you and him was when Jackson was in his room taking a nap, Harrison having set aside this time for the two of you to focus on getting pregnant with baby number two. And around two and a half weeks later he had reshoots during the day which was when you'd discovered his wish had come true. Most times Jackson wanted to go with him which Haz quickly obliged to. One of the days Harrison had reshoots, you were terribly sick, nausea and morning sickness halting any plans you'd made. Growing excited despite the circumstances, you took four pregnancy tests and squealed and jumped around the room when all four came back positive. Quickly running to your local store, you got a few unisex onesies and pacifiers, setting up a small box with the tests and clothes you'd gotten. Nervously cleaning the kitchen, Harrison and Jackson came barreling into the house shortly after, giggling. You smile, leaning in to kiss Haz when he enters the kitchen, 
“How was it?” You ask. He nods, sitting Jackson on the island, 
“It was good. Uncle Tom stopped by so Jax was pretty happy. Got him to play some games we're normally too preoccupied to do.” He explains. You nod, Harrison leaning on the counter on his hands, bumping into the box. He glances back at it and frowned, 
“What’s this darling?” He asks inquisitively. You shrug nonchalantly, 
“I dunno… why don’t you open it, find out.” He quirks an eyebrow before turning to it and taking the lid off. Looking over the contents, it takes only a moment before his eyes widen and his head snaps back up to meet your eyes, 
"Are you serious?" You nod, 
"Found out this morning." You inform. He crumbles to his knees, pulling up your shirt as you giggle. Jackson giggles along with you, looking down at his father, 
"What doing daddy?" He poses sweetly, 
"Mummy's pregnant Jax." Harrison whispers breathlessly, running a hand over your belly. He looks up at you, his eyes sparkling in tears and a soft smile crossing his face when you pinch his chin, 
"Congrats daddy, you've got another baby on the way." He chuckles, sniffling and looking back down at your skin as if he could see the baby. You smile, stroking his hair, 
"Can I tell Uncle Tom too?" You pose. He chuckles again, 
"You'll give Uncle Tom a heart attack." He murmurs. Picking your phone up, you send a quick text to Tom, telling him you'd love to have him for dinner. He replies almost immediately saying he'd love to and he'd be over in ten minutes. 
When he arrives, he hugs you, kissing your cheek and cheerily saying, "'ello darling." He turns to Jackson, lifting him into the air,
"Hey Tommy, there's something for you in that box." You chime, jutting your chin out to the same box Haz had opened. Holding Jax on his hip, Tom struts over to the box, pulling the lid off and peeking inside. Much like Harrison had, it took just a moment and a furrow in his brows for him to understand, his eyes widening as he looks up at you, 
"Jax is gonna be a big brother?" You giggle and nod, 
"You're getting another niece or nephew Uncle Tommy." He gasps, rushing forward and drawing both you and Harrison into a hug, 
"Oh my God guys, congrats!" He cheers. You giggle once more, 
"Thank you." Pulling back, he runs a hand over your belly, 
"Great, another kiddo to spoil. God Harrison, thanks mate." Tom jokes. Harrison smiles and shrugs, 
"I want a little girl." He informs. Tom tsks and cocks his head, 
"I'll steal her. I'll steal that little girl. She'll be the cutest little thing ever and I won't be able to resist her." He tells the both of you matter-of-factly. Harrison shakes his head, 
"You're not stealing my little girl." Harrison murmurs. Tom bounces Jax on his hip, 
"Just imagine it Haz, the cutest baby girl ever layin in a lil Spider-Man onesie her Uncle Tommy gave her." You smile, Harrison laying his hand over your hip, 
"You hear this guy babe?" He asks. You nod, 
"I do. I think he could sneak her out. You know how he is." You joke with a wink shot Tom's way. Tom chuckles, 
"Just saying that if you get a little girl and she ends up missing then there's no need to panic, she's with her favorite uncle." Harrison tsks again, not responding to Tom's pestering. Tom grows bored, looking down at Jax, 
"Are you gonna be a good big brother J?" He asks,, fixing the little boy's shirt. Jackson nods, playing with Tom's watch, 
"You want a little brother or a little sister?" He asks. Jax shrugs, giggling when Tom tickles him, 
"I think you'd do really good with a baby sister little man. I think you'll be a good big brother." He adds. Leaning in, you kiss Harrison's cheek, 
"I think we gotta worry about Haz here. How good of a daddy are you gonna be to a new baby?" You ask. Tom snickers, 
"I mean I can take over your family Harrison, it's no big deal." Tom jokes. Haz frowns, 
"Uhm no. This is my family." You smile, leaning into Harrison, 
"We are your family, regardless though. No matter what, Uncle Tommy is always welcome." You inform. Tom smiles, taking the step forward to wrap his arm around you. Rubbing your back, he leans in and kisses your temple, 
"Thank you love. I love your little family. Its like you're my wife and these are my kids too. You're the sweetest." He tells you. You smile up at him, crinkling your nose and laying your head over his shoulder, 
"Someone's gotta be here when times get tough. And that's the Osterfield family." Tom tsked, 
"You're the sweetest." When the potatoes behind you boiled over,you gasp and turn in their arms, both men chuckling as you pull them off the stove, 
"Why don't you guys go set the table while I finish dinner." Haz nods, leading Tom and Jax off, a steady stream of giggles and the clanking of silverware ringing through the air softly. As you dish the food up, you smile, listening to Tom growl at his nephew, making the little boy squeal,
"Need some help beautiful?" Harrison quizzes quietly, poking his head in the kitchen, 
"Yes please, can you grab these two bowls." He nodded, grabbing the two bowls and following you into the dining room. Tom looks up, smiling as you set a plate before him, 
"Technically you could've left after I told you I was pregnant." You tease. He chuckles, bouncing Jax in his lap, 
"I was invited to dinner, I'm staying for dinner." He mumbles. You smile, sitting between him and Harrison. Looking between them you smile, 
"I love my boys. All three... maybe four of them." You tell them. Tom smiles, laying his hand face up on the table. Placing your hand in his, you take Harrison's too. He smiles, bringing your hand to his lips to kiss the back of it, his eyes glistening in love, 
"I'm so in love with you baby. You put up with all my shit and you put up with my best mate's shit. You married me and had my babies and I don't think I can thank you enough. It's tough, especially when I'm away, but you make coming back so much easier. I love you." Harrison lectures. Tom rubs your knuckles with his thumb when you click your tongue and reach forward to stroke Harrison's cheek, 
"I love you too baby. There's nowhere I'd rather be, no one I'd rather be with than you. You're an amazing husband and father and..." You look to Tom, "assistant." Tom smiles and nods, 
"You're amazing Haz." He concurs. You smile, watching a blush rise to his cheeks. You hold your glass up, 
"To our Harrison. A brave, strong, amazing man." Tom raised his glass, making Jax raise his sippy cup to be just like his uncle, 
"To Harrison." He kisses Jax's forehead, "and daddy huh little dude?" Jax nods, Tom chuckling. Harrison raises his own glass, 
"To my family. My gorgeous wife, my adorable little boy, my new sweet little babe... and my brother." Tom smiles, holding his glass against yours, Harrison clinking the three of them together, 
"To our family." 
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Hero of the Swamp (Shrek x Jaskier)
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Pairing: Shrek x Netflix!Jaskier (Julian Alfred Pankratz/Dandelion) Rating: Explicit Words: 2893 POV: Third Summary: After being left on the mountain, Jaskier finds himself lost in the swamp and in need of warmth and comfort. Note: Y’all can thank @spielzeugkaiser​ and their amazing art for this. Sorry for the sloppy edit, but I really was not going to put even more time into this sinful work.  Tags: I’ve been a bad boy daddy forgive me father fore I have sinned, pre-movies Shrek, post-mountain Jaskier, angst, fluff, Shrek’s huge dong, size kink, cum shower, monster cock, blowjobs, rimming, cum eating and Shrek has emotions ok 
The growls of monsters lurking in the forest rolled over the muddy forest grounds and reached Jaskier’s icy ears. He shivered in both terror and response to the temperature. He told himself he could get off that mountain on his own, but who was he kidding? His frigid ears caught something in the dark. The bard bolted off the path, then later found himself in the middle of nowhere, chilled to the bone, disoriented, and, to be honest, frightened. 
He was looking for a path, but even that seemed to not be present anywhere in the vicinity. Jaskier rubbed his trembling hands together and walked on. Jaskier thought he should at last find some shelter from the wind. Just as he was about to settle for a random tree, he noticed light in the distance, warm like fire, inviting him and promising warmth and shelter. 
The fatigued bard all but ran towards it, the signs around the perimeter unnoticed in the dark. His boots sunk into the mud of the swamp, but he had his eyes set on the house-like structure in the middle of the swamp. He could not believe anyone wanted to live in this stinky place, but right now this someone was about to be his saviour. Once at what he assumed to be the door, he knocked on it. When there was no answer he knocked again. There were some angry, heavy footsteps, before the door opened. 
Before him stood a massive humanoid, skin green like peas, frame built like Geralt who preferred cake over his nasty potions. “Eh, good evening, sir,” Jaskier tried. If it was living in a house, it must be intelligent to some extent… right? “Could you please spare some place for a weary traveller?” The green creature did not look nice, even without its facial expressions. Some tension left its body after the question. Jaskier recognised it as a hint of confusion. “I’m afraid I’ll freeze to death if I don’t warm myself by a fire.” 
“No, get out of my swamp,” the creature spoke. It sounded like it was from Skellige. It was about to retreat into its home, but Jaskier put his foot between the door.
“Please, I’ll die out here,” he spoke dramatically, hoping for pity so he’d have a roof over his head tonight. He was not sure if he should try his luck with this creature, but at least it could speak. Wraiths had said less words, before trying to slice him. 
“Not my problem. Get out of my swamp. The only way you get close to my fire is when I roast you over it.” “Oh please, you don’t mean that.”
Jaskier had barely finished speaking, when the green man grabbed him by his doublet and pulled him close. His breath stank of swamp water and fish. His mouth was wide and Jaskier was pretty sure he would fit inside there. The bard felt like he should be terrified, but underneath a thin layer of leather and cloth, there was warmth radiating off pear skin. He wanted to lean into it, thaw. What inhibited his survival skills further, where those eyes glaring into his. Under bushy eyebrows rested two brown pools of warm broth. He heard the green man roar into his face that he needed to leave, because he was an ogre and he was going to eat him, but it was hard to believe him. 
Within those eyes that were so close to his, the ogre told the story of a creature that wanted to be alone, because alone was safe, alone was comfortable, alone was all he was used to. Jaskier never knew that, but after today, he understood why one would think that. 
“If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands.”
It stung, more than anything had caused him to ache in ages. Jaskier could feel the urge to never make friends again, never love again, never lust after one he could not have. However, he refused. It was pain that made life worth living. Without pain, bliss did not feel as good as it did. The rain made sunlight so much more appreciated. The cold made fire so much more precious. The monsters made the witcher so much more valuable.
The human knew this, but the ogre holding him up by his doublet did not. Jaskier had wished for pity, but he pitied the other now. He clumsily threw his arms around the ogre and hugged him tightly. The ogre stopped yelling at him. Jaskier could feel the muscles against his body tensing up. The hand holding him loosened and he threw his legs around the ogre too, holding on and hugging him tightly. “You don’t have to be alone. I don’t fear you,” Jaskier spoke gently. 
“I am an ogre.” “And if you were really malicious I would not still be breathing. Please, just for one night. There are all sorts of dangers out in these swamps, especially at night. I just want to stay alive.” 
Jaskier could hear the ogre letting out a long sigh. “Fine,” he spoke, “but you have to be gone tomorrow.” Jaskier let him go, but not after planting a delighted kiss on the rough skin of the ogre’s cheek. 
“Thank you so much,” the bard exclaimed. He slipped inside, before the ogre could change his mind. The inside of the hollowed out tree looked cozy. It stank like hell, but he was in the middle of the swamp; what did he expect? “Do you like music? I have little to give you, but I am a bard.” Jaskier held up his lute as he grabbed the chair that had no food in front of it. One look at the giant slug on a plate and he was pretty sure he did not want to have any food. Jaskier pulled the chair a little closer to the fire and sat down with his lute in his lap. It seemed rather strange that there were two hand-crafted chairs, while the ogre seemed to be so keen on being alone. “Oh and you can call me Jaskier, by the by. What may I call you, my hero from the swamp?”
The ogre looked at him a little annoyed as he closed the door and sat back down to finish his dinner. “Uh… Shrek. You can play, but don’t sing.” Jaskier let the name roll off his tongue, before playing a calming tune. He didn’t speak, just let his fingers do their thing as he processed all that happened during the day, well it was actually more just those few minutes that haunted his mind. Each one of Geralt’s words cutting into his soul. “Eh… Jaskier?” Jaskier was pulled from his thoughts when Shrek spoke his name. He shook his head, before looking at Shrek. “You don't seem to be… you… you seem sad, well, what I mean is… I never heard such a depressing tune.”
Jaskier faked a smile. “My apologies, good sir. I’ll play you a happier tune, if you wish.” He diverted his eyes to the fingerboard, blinking away the tears he suddenly noticed pooling in his eyes. 
“No, you don’t have to. I prefer silence, anyway.” Jaskier looked up and noticed Shrek had finished eating. He stood up and started cleaning up. “You can sleep on my good chair.” Jaskier followed the ogre’s gaze to the fauteuil in the corner. He nodded. It looked comfortable enough. He had slept on forest floors with Geralt. This was more luxury than a regular day with the witcher. 
Shrek had some board and card games, which he seemed to enjoy to play. Jaskier wondered if Shrek usually played these games on his own or if he hosted guests more often. Neither seemed likely, since the games seemed to have gone untouched for at least a decade, if not longer. They shared a few laughs. Shrek turned out to be more fun company than Jaskier would ever have expected from an ogre. His jokes were terrible and sometimes a little insensitive, but he so clearly meant well. It was clear Shrek was not used to talking or any social interactions. He spoke like a young man still trying to figure out what was socially acceptable to say and what was not. Still, he was trying and Jaskier welcomes the vivid chatting. 
When they got tired, Jaskier curled up on the comfortable fauteuil by the fire. Shrek had draped a shirt of his over the human. It stank and was dirty, but it was warm and Jaskier was still low key afraid of getting kicked out to sleep in the mud, so he didn’t voice a single word of complaint. In the silence of the night with no one to talk to, words that were already spoken returned to his mind. Jaskier tried to block them out, but they bit at his brain, keeping him awake and drawing tears from his eyes. He curled further in on himself, trying to stay quiet as he sobbed into his hands. It just hurt so much to be discarded like he was nothing but a nuisance. Was that all he was? He was sure his songs brought joy in taverns, but right now the unlikely and unrealistic idea that everyone just pretended to have a good time was so overwhelming. 
The bard flinched when he felt a huge hand on his shoulder and arm. He looked up to find Shrek hanging over him in nothing but his smalls. He looked like he wanted to say something, but the ogre clearly wasn’t good with words. “I’m fine, Shrek,” Jaskier lied as he wiped the tears off his face, “I’ll just find the nearest town tomorrow and fuck the pain away.” The words had already left him, when he realised how that might sound. “And I’ll do that tomorrow, not because I think you’re hideous, quite the contrary, you might be the most handsome ogre to ever exist, but I just assumed you would not be interested in having sex with a human… male. Human male, doesn’t seem your taste, but it could be, I wouldn’t judge you. How could I? You’ve been a most generous host! I…” 
Jaskier almost suffocated as Shrek’s palm covered the entirety of his face. He got the hint and just shut up. Shrek slowly let go of his face, allowing him to breathe again. Jaskier looked away, cheeks red. He was blabbering nonsense to an ogre who preferred peace and quiet. He guessed it was time to sleep in the mud outside, however, Shrek wasn’t yelling at him… yet. 
“So you just have sex and that helps you feel better?” Jaskier nodded slowly. “I wouldn’t mind helping you feel better. It is not like I have had lassies lining up in the swamp… or lads.” He laughed a little awkwardly, making Jaskier laugh too. He took hold of one of Shrek’s huge fingers with two of his, by comparison, tiny hands. 
“Oh Shrek, you are such a wonderful host. You really do not have to do this though. I will still want to visit you again, even when you don’t want to fuck my brains out, just so I don’t have to think about some brutish asshole.” Shrek gave him a long look, before enclosing his hand around Jaskier’s waist and lifting him off the fauteuil. 
“It’s not just for you. It’s for me too.” And Jaskier wanted to read into those words, figure out the ogre with complicated feelings, but he had no willpower to. Shrek’s bed was firm, almost hard like a plank. It smelled like him, like onions and mud and firewood. Shrek tried to undress him, but his huge fingers couldn’t get a grip on Jaskier’s complex clothing. Jaskier smiled kindly at him, helping him without even needing to look at any button. “Can I kiss you?” Jaskier didn’t even reply. Instead he pulled Shrek’s head down. It was an awkward kiss. Shrek’s mouth was way too big and neither of them were very coordinated in the moment. 
When his clothes were mostly off and Jaskier was left in his smalls, Shrek kissed down his body, his huge tongue lapping at his skin and Jaskier could hear him enjoy the taste. He hummed to signal his pleasure, letting the ogre go about his business. Shrek pulled off his smalls and to Jaskier’s complete surprise, the ogre took his cock in his mouth. Jaskier whimpered, hands grabbing the sheets. Everything about Shrek was big, including his mouth. Even when the ogre sucked him to full hardness, Jaskier still didn’t feel the back of the ogre’s throat. Shrek sucked in his balls at well and Jaskier almost cried from the pleasure of having his cock and balls inside a warm mouth.  
When Shrek let Jaskier go, his length was hard, red and leaking. Jaskier barely had time to recover, before he felt that glorious tongue on him again, this time licking over his hole. Whispered pleas left his lips as he imagined that tongue inside of him. Then a thought crossed his mind. If everything about Shrek was big, what about his dick? Jaskier had seen the ogre’s hands and one finger was already bigger than the average cock. While he normally was down to go big, the imaginable size of Shrek’s dong low key terrified him.
His mind had no opportunity to freak him out completely, because Shrek’s tongue entered him and the feeling was so, so good. Jaskier moaned as big green hands spread his cheeks and thick wetness penetrated him. “Ah… ah Shrek I hate to be a uh… fuck!” The bard trashed his arms around when his new found friend started to stroke his cock at the same time. “I’m gonna cum! Way too soon, I know! Sto..aahh...” His whole body tensed as he spilled all over himself. Shrek was unrelenting. As the bard’s cock was spent, he still had his tongue inside him, pressing at the right places and wiggling around so talentedly. “Stop, stop, stop, it’s too much, really, too much.” 
Jaskier was out of breath, head fuzzy with post-orgasmic bliss. His whole brain short-circuited as Shrek’s tongue licked over his torso, cleaning him off all the cum he had spilled over himself. “Are you all right?” The green-skinned sex machine inquired with innocent eyes that did not match the absolute tent in his smalls. 
“Say, Shrek, will I die if I swallow ogre cum?” Jaskier almost laughed at Shrek’s expression. It was a ‘yes, no, maybe’. “Ok fine, but I will suck you off still.” The human pushed at the ogre, cornering the larger frame against the opposite wall, before getting on his knees. 
“With all due respect, Jask, I don’t think you can fit me anywhere.” Jaskier didn’t listen, pulling down Sherk’s white smalls in spite of knowing the ogre was probably right. As soon as 12 inch of green cock basically slapped him in the face, Jaskier knew he was in way over his head. Still, he was confident that if he tried, he could still fit the head inside his mouth. With Shrek still assuring him he did not have to do this, Jaskier started licking all over Shrek’s length. The taste was not as bad as he feared. In fact, the more he licked, the more he started to like it. Jaskier made out with the head of Shrek’s cock, fucking the slit with his tongue. Shrek was holding his shoulder, occasionally squeezing a little as he moaned. And oh were those delicious moans, primal, guttural, deep and vibrating through Jaskier’s entire body. 
The human tried many times, but he couldn’t slip the monster cock inside his mouth. He was resilient though and kept trying, while stroking the rest of the green length. He was so caught up in his quest that he didn’t hear Shrek telling him how close he was. He made a disappointed sound as he was forcibly removed from the cock in his mouth. Jaskier crawled back up the bed and stretched out his body. “Cum on me,” he wantonly moaned and Shrek did not disappoint. Jaskier had to close his eyes and mouth as he got showered in thick, beige cum. He never had felt this dirty, but it was a good kind. He wished he could have taken Shrek in his ass. He could’ve been so full. 
Once Shrek had stopped groaning, Jaskier dared to open his eyes. He could see guilt already spreading over Shrek’s face. He must have been a sight, so much smaller than Shrek and absolutely drenched in his cum. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ve always fantasised about being showered in cum. Just never thought that all that cum would come from a single person.” 
Shrek let out a relieved sigh and helped him wipe some cum off his face so it wouldn’t get into his mouth or eyes. “I’ll prepare you a bath,” he spoke gently, surprising Jaskier with the thoughtfulness. His eyes followed the ogre as he put his breeches on and moved out to probably get some fresh water. A laugh escaped Jaskier as he stared at the sticky substance covering his skin. Who would’ve thought that the swamp could’ve been so pleasant? 
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x f!reader) pt10
hello!!!!!! we r back with another edition of this fic hehe. thank u all for ur support, i appreciate u so much! it’s also five am and i am not even tired so rip. 
also!! who do u think reader should end up with? i have it decided but i’m willing to hear reasoning and perhaps be persuaded ;)
“So, where do we find this Iroh guy?” Mako asked.
“You think he has any relation to General Iroh?” Bolin questioned. “I mean, how many Iroh’s can there really be, y’know?”
“He’s Iroh as in, Zuko and Iroh,” Korra informed them, and Bolin let out a shocked gasp. While she was nervous about getting her memories back, (Y/N) would definitely be grateful not to be absolutely lost when things were discussed.
A Republic City winter was nothing compared to a South Pole winter. (Y/N) was cold while she slept, cold while she moved, cold while she stood still! Korra’s mom had her wrapped up in so many different coats, furs, and blankets that she waddled while she walked. “How are you okay right now?” She asked Korra as they walked to breakfast together. “I feel like my nose is going to fall off.” 
Korra looked back and flashed her a smile. “It’s all I’ve ever known! You just kind of get used to it.” (Y/N) frowned. She couldn’t imagine ever getting used to weather like this. 
As they sat and ate their breakfast--(Y/N) tried to eat, but the layers made it hard to bend her elbows--they discussed their plan for the day. Led by Tonraq, they would travel by snowmobile to the Spirit World Portal. It was a long trip, so they would have to camp for the night, but the next day they would be trekking through the Spirit World looking for answers. “It’s warm there,” Korra said, nudging (Y/N) with her elbow. She smiled gratefully. 
She decided to ride on the back of Korra’s snowmobile. Bolin would be on the back of Asami’s and while Mako also had his own, (Y/N) wasn’t sure if she wanted to have her arms wrapped around him for the entire trip, especially when they hadn’t discussed the things that happened between them. Her and Mako hadn’t discussed things at all, really. She knew they were on better terms since the first time they met, but he was so guarded and she was so scared that anything Mako had to say to her, she might not want to hear. 
So, she waddled over to Korra’s snowmobile. “Mind if I ride with you?” She asked as Korra secured their supplies. 
“Not at all!” Korra said, her face lighting up. Then she cleared her throat and turned her eyes back to tying knots. “Just be sure you hold on tight, okay?” (Y/N) nodded, managing a joking salute. 
She wrapped her arms around Korra’s middle as tightly as she could, but it must not have been enough because as soon as Korra hit the gas, (Y/N) was flung off, landing on her back in the snow. She let out a shout of surprise, followed by a groan as she opened her eyes and saw Korra staring down at her. She wore a humored smile on her face. “I told you to hold on tight!” 
“I was!” (Y/N) insisted as Korra helped her get back to her feet. She pulled some rope from their side pouch and wrapped it around (Y/N’s) waist, then tied it to her own.
“We do this for little kids sometimes, so they don’t get lost in the snow.” (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her. Korra laughed at the childishness and helped her get back on the snowmobile. Then they were off, (Y/N) much more secured this time around. 
As they rode through the snowy hills, (Y/N) leaned her head on Korra’s back, taking in the sights of the Southern Water Tribe. Far out where the sea was, icy glaciers poked through the inky waters, shimmering against the sunlight. Everything was rather sparkly; if (Y/N) looked at the snow for too long her eyes felt sore. She turned her head and waved a gloved hand at Bolin, who gave her a thumbs up from his position behind Asami. 
Sometimes, when she looked at Bolin, it physically hurt her heart. She knew it was some sort of physical reaction, something her body remembered that her head didn’t. The feeling increased when he had referred to them as being friends. There was nothing wrong with being friends, in fact she supposed that was better than any other alternative, but even now she had always thought there was something more between them. Perhaps she had interpreted everything wrong. There was a giant piece of her memory missing, after all, and all she knew was that she had really messed up Bolin when she had left. It was probably better if they were just friends. Bolin was great and she didn’t want to lose him a second time. 
Their ride was so long that (Y/N) had eventually fallen asleep against Korra’s back, only to be awoken by the snowmobile coming to a jolted stop. She awoke and squeaked in fear, gripping on tighter to Korra. 
“Sorry!” She said. “I’ve never been really good at breaking.” 
“You’re going to tell me that after I spent hours on a giant metal deathtrap with you?” (Y/N) huffed. 
“It wasn’t that bad considering you were snoring into my back,” Korra quipped, quickly turning herself around so she could untie them. “You sounded like a lion turtle.” 
“I don’t even know what that is, but I’m sure you’re wrong.” (Y/N) slid off the snowmobile and began untying the packs. 
“Lion turtles used to carry cities on their backs and bestow the gift of bending to humans occasionally.” 
“Think we’ll find one in the Spirit World to grant me some powers?” (Y/N) asked. “What element do you think I’d bend? I think fire’s pretty cool but-” 
“Oh, you’d be an airbender for sure,” Korra said as she hoisted two packs onto her back. (Y/N’s) face lit up.
“Really! Why do you think that? Is it because of my calm and collected nature?” 
“It’s because you talk so much,” Korra explained. “You’re constantly bending air with your mouth.” She booped (Y/N) on the nose before making her way to the rest of the group. 
“You’re hilarious! (Y/N) called after her, gathering her own packs onto her back. “Why don’t you stop being the Avatar and become a comedian instead!” 
They set up their tents and made fire, which was easy work considering two out of the six people in the party were firebenders. As soon as (Y/N) finished her tasks she sat in front of the fire. She was probably too close, but she didn’t care. It’s warmth, albeit small, made her feel just a smidge less cold than she had been, and she’d take it. The rest of their group soon joined her, Asami sitting on one side and Korra sitting on the other. She appreciated the girls protecting her from any awkwardness that could potentially ensue from being near the boys. 
“I’m thinking when we get to the Spirit World, we’ll try our luck at finding Iroh,” Korra explained. “He’s always got spirits around him, maybe one of them will know who took (Y/N’s) memories.”
“And if they don’t?” Mako questioned. “We can’t just wander around the Spirit World hoping for some clue.” 
“Maybe I’ll start remembering again,” (Y/N) suggested. “Like when Bolin took me to the spot where we met. I got that memory back.” 
“You also threw up and passed out from that,” Asami reminded her. (Y/N) pursed her lips. 
“I can handle it,” (Y/N) reassured them. “At this point, I’ll do whatever it takes to get my memories back.” 
“The Spirit World is magnificent, but it’s also dangerous,” Tonraq said. Night had fallen, and his face was illuminated only by the fire. “They might not be happy to see humans there, especially after what happened last time.” 
“I’m the Avatar,” Korra said. “They have to at least listen to me.” 
“I just want you all to be careful. Whatever took (Y/N’s) memories has to be powerful. Maybe dangerous.” 
“We’ll be careful, Dad,” Korra reassured her father. Tonraq trusted his daughter’s abilities, that was obvious, but the worry he held for her was still evident on his features. (Y/N) swallowed, her mouth feeling dry. She hadn’t really considered that this could be a dangerous mission. If she was being honest, she had never really thought this far ahead. She had spent every day maneuvering around the different dynamics of the four friends, making sure that she didn’t overstep her boundaries or create unnecessary problems. She hadn’t considered what would be waiting for them on the other side of the Spirit Portal, or that the people she had grown to cherish would be put in danger for her sake. 
Asami passed around their food and (Y/N) ate silently, considering this information. Her friends talked around her, but she was so distracted that their comments went in one ear and out the other. Once she finally zoned back in, it was just her, Korra, and Mako sitting around the fire. 
Korra let out a big yawn, stretching her arms. “I’m absolutely beat,” She said. “I think I’m gonna turn in. You coming?” (Y/N) shook her head.
“I think I’ll stay near the warmth just a little longer.” Korra nodded and gave them a sloppy salute as she waded through the snow and to the tent she shared with Asami and (Y/N). It was just her and Mako now. 
She stared at the flames of the fire and how they danced in the cold night air. Should she say something to Mako? This was the first time they had been alone together and neither of them had immediately made up somewhere else they needed to be. They’d be heading to the Spirit World tomorrow, so if there was any time for them to communicate, it should be now. 
(Y/N) adjusted her coat, huddling further inside it. “Want me to make it bigger?” Mako asked, and (Y/N) nearly jumped, surprised to hear him talking to her. She looked at him, eyes wide and not quite understanding what he was talking about. “The fire, you want me to make it bigger?” 
“Oh, no, that’s okay,” She said. Mako stared at her for a moment before making the fire larger and while she had said she hadn’t wanted that, (Y/N) was grateful. It was so hard to be straightforward with Mako sometimes, because of the way he jumbled her brain. It was like she didn’t even recognize herself when she was around him anymore. Before, only one emotion accompanied being around Mako, and that was anger. Now, (Y/N) felt a whole range of emotions when she looked at his amber eyes. “I think we should talk,” She said finally, wincing at how small her voice sounded. 
“I think so too,” And he gave her a half smile. (Y/N) nodded, but both of them remained silent. How should she start? How did people even communicate properly? Perhaps the thing (Y/N) was most excited about getting her memories back was how to talk to people normally. She felt so awkward! 
“Why’d you kiss me?” She asked suddenly, her face heating from embarrassment. Mako’s eyebrows shot to the top of his forehead. 
“Oh,” He coughed. “I mean, well, it’s a little--it’s like--” (Y/N) couldn’t help giggling. “What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing!” She insisted, biting down her smile. “You just...you seem so tough and confident and aloof sometimes that it’s funny to see you act so...” 
“Embarrassing?” He guessed. (Y/N) shook her head. 
“Normal?” She tilted her head and shrugged. “You don’t always have to wear this tough guy act, you know.” 
“It’s not an act,” Mako insisted, but he and (Y/N) exchanged a look that had them both stifling back their laughter. “Maybe sometimes. People believe you’re tough if you act like it. Keeps you from getting your stuff stolen when you’re sleeping in a gutter.” 
“You grew up on the streets?” (Y/N) guessed. Mako nodded. 
“Sometimes I forget what you know and what you don’t.” 
“Me too, if we’re being honest.” They paused into a silence that wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, just full of anticipation. “They teach you how to dodge questions on the streets, too?” 
Mako sighed, running a hand through his black hair. “It’s not easy for me to explain stuff like this. Bolin’s the one that can talk about emotions and feelings.” 
(Y/N) smiled. “Bolin can talk about anything.” 
“When we were arguing on that balcony, I wasn’t just angry at you for being here. You hurt Bolin a long time ago, but watching you be with my brother and knowing that I could never be with you...that hurt, too. You were so close to me that night and something inside of me said I should kiss you and once the idea popped into my head, I couldn’t get it out. I think I hoped that once I did it, it’d be some sort of release. Like a way to get it all out so I’d stop feeling like that.” 
“Was it?” 
Mako looked directly into her eyes. Normally, his gaze would make (Y/N) feel weird and she would have to look away. She couldn’t bring herself to do that tonight. 
“Not at all,” He admitted. “I thought I had gotten over you once you disappeared, but once you came back it all hit me full force.” 
(Y/N) thought for a moment about what she wanted to say. Then, she took a deep breath. “I don’t have any memories to base my feelings off of. But there are certain things, feelings, that I remember that I can’t place. They’re just there.” She placed a hand over her heart. “It happens when I look at Bolin. I remember feelings, like sadness and regret, but I don’t know why. It’s overwhelming sometimes, discerning emotions. The things that I feel for Bolin, they’re like past feelings that I’m remembering. Kind of.” She squinted her eyes shut. She wasn’t sure if she was explaining this right, but she was trying her best. “But when I look at you, now that the anger has subsided, I feel things now. Being around you feels nice and when you talk to me, I feel very...light and relieved. I can barely hold your gaze without blushing, and--and I think about you. A lot more than a friend should, I think.” 
“But,” She continued. “I don’t have all of my memories back. I don’t know how or why I left and I don’t know if things will change once I do.” 
“I get it,” Mako said. “As much as someone with memories can.” (Y/N) gave him a small smile. “And I don’t want to confuse you even more, because I’m sure being around Bolin is confusing enough as it is.” 
“You have no idea,” (Y/N) breathed. 
“I’m glad I told you. Almost two years and I finally admitted to my brother’s ex-girlfriend that I had a crush on her the whole time. This is a big day for me.” 
“The whole time?” (Y/N) questioned. “When did you realize that you liked me?” 
“I think Kya told us that we couldn’t share too much about the past with you, or else you might lose your memories forever?” (Y/N) pouted. “Fine, but if you can’t get your memories back, don’t blame me.” The wind picked up over them and he scooted closer to her so that he wouldn’t have to shout over it.
“Aye-aye, Captain,” (Y/N) said, giving a small salute. She rested her chin in the palm of her glove in order to pay attention. 
“There was this one time when you got to our place. Bolin wasn’t there yet, I think he was out performing tricks with Pabu. It was cold outside, one of the coldest days Republic City had had in a while. You came in and you were like an icicle. You were shaking and had forgotten your coat and decided to walk halfway across the city to our place. I gave you a blanket and one of Bolin’s coats, but your hands were still like ice, so I used a little firebending to warm them up.” Mako remembered the feeling of your hands completely encased in his. “I held your hands for a while, until they were warm enough. I got up to leave for work and you grabbed my hand and pulled me back down onto the couch. You said, ‘Stay, Mako! I love having you around.’ So, I stayed. We talked all day until Bolin got home, and I ended up losing that job, but spending that time with you made it all worth it.” 
(Y/N) sat silently for a long while before saying, “I’m sorry for making you lose your job.” 
Mako laughed. “It’s cool,” He said. “I wasn’t a very good delivery boy anyway.” 
(Y/N) pulled off her gloves, exposing her hands to the cold winter air. “Do you think you could...?” She offered her hands to Mako. He gave her a small smile and nodded, removing his own gloves and taking her hands in his. (Y/N) let out a happy sigh of relief at the feeling of warmth that emanated from his skin. 
“I’m sorry for being so mean to you at first,” Mako said. “I just didn’t want Bolin to get hurt again.” 
“I understand,” She said quietly. “I’d probably do the same if I were you.” Cautiously, she leaned her head on Mako’s shoulder. They sat like that for a long while, staring at the fire as Mako held her hands in his. While she was probably even more confused about her emotions than before, part of her hoped that whatever happened in the Spirit World wouldn’t change how she was feeling right now. She wanted to see where this could go. 
Once the cold became too much for either of them to bear, Mako and (Y/N) parted ways. Korra and Asami were fast asleep when she entered their tent and slid into her sleeping bag. She fell asleep quickly, her hands still warm, but it felt like she was asleep for only moments when Korra shook her awake in the morning. 
“One more hour,” (Y/N) grumbled, rolling over to avoid Korra’s gaze. The Avatar scoffed. 
“I already let you sleep in as late as possible!” She gently kicked (Y/N’s) butt. “Up! Spirit World today, woohoo!” A very groggy (Y/N) reluctantly left the warmth of her sleeping bag. The early morning sun was absolutely blinding as she walked out of the tent. (Y/N) let out an unhappy grumble. 
“Tea?” Asami offered, handing (Y/N) a thermos. (Y/N) smiled gratefully at her and took a long sip of the beverage, feeling it warm her from the inside out. 
“Thank you so much!” (Y/N) said. “I needed that.” 
“You were up pretty late,” Asami said, giving her a knowing smile. “Any particular reason?” (Y/N) shrugged playfully as she loaded her sleeping bag onto Korra’s snowmobile. 
“Mako and I finally talked.” 
“And? How’d that go?” Asami glanced over at Mako’s who sleepily nodded at whatever Bolin was excitedly saying to him. (Y/N) lightly slapped her friend’s arm. 
“Don’t stare!” She laughed. “It went fine. We talked about our feelings, actually.” Asami’s eyes widened in excitement and she opened her mouth to say something, but (Y/N) cut her off. “And while there are some feelings there, I told him how until I got my memories back, nothing could be certain.” 
Asami hummed in approval. “Seems like a good resolution.” 
“What’s a good resolution?” Korra came over to tie her own belongings to the snowmobile. 
“Mako and (Y/N) finally talked about their kiss.” 
“Woah!” Korra exclaimed. “Are you guys dating now?” 
“I’m missing like seventy-five percent of my memories and you think we’d be dating?” (Y/N) snipped. Korra shrugged. 
“I don’t know what goes on in your head!” 
“Like I told Asami, it was a good conversation. We talked about our feelings but I said that until I got my memories back, nothing could be done. I mean, what if I get them back and there was actually a non-Spirit World reason for why I was so awful to Bolin?” (Y/N) shook her head. “I was honest about how I felt and I think that’s good progress.”
“You know Korra,” Asami started. “Weren’t you telling me yesterday how much your bag hurt from having (Y/N) hold onto you?” 
“What? No?” Korra said, furrowing her dark brows. Asami elbowed her sharply in the side. 
“Remember? You said she held on too tight? Don’t you think that today you should ride on the snowmobile by yourself, since you’ll need to be at your best Avatar abilities in the Spirit World?” 
“I know what you guys are doing and I’m having absolutely none of it!” (Y/N) insisted. “I’m riding with Korra, end of story.” 
“Oh, I see what’s happening here,” Korra said. She placed her hands on her lower back. “Oh, yep, there’s definitely a tough knot there and it’s all (Y/N’s) fault. I don’t think I can ride on a snowmobile with you anymore.” 
“I thought the Avatar was supposed to bring peace, but all you’re causing is chaos,” (Y/N) hissed. 
“Hey, Mako!” Asami called out. Mako looked over to them, raising a questioning eyebrow as (Y/N) banged her head against the snowmobile. “Do you think (Y/N) can ride with you for today? Korra’s back is absolutely killing her.” 
“Ow~!” Korra drawled dramatically. 
“Uh, sure?” Mako questioned. He walked over to Korra’s vehicle and untied (Y/N’s) pack from it. “I think Tonraq said we were leaving in a few minutes, so I’ll be over there.” 
“Sounds great, she’ll be right there,” Asami said. 
“I’m not going,” (Y/N) said with a shake of her head. 
“I thought you said it was a good conversation?” Korra questioned. 
“You guys are so lucky I’m not a bender and I’m not very good at hand-to-hand combat because--” She shook her fist at both of them. “You’d be getting it!” She stomped over to Mako, a frown etched on her face. 
“Everything alright?” He asked. She let the frown fade from her face. 
“Everything’s fine,” She said with a sigh. “Korra and Asami are just being big pains.” 
“Don’t I know it.” Mako strapped his helmet and placed (Y/N’s) on top of her head, buckling it underneath her chin. He then tied a rope that connected the two of them, as Korra had done yesterday. “Safety first,” He said with a smile. (Y/N) felt her face flush as he helped her onto the snowmobile. Shyly, she wrapped her arms around his middle, and then they were off toward the Spirit World Portal. 
This trip was much shorter than the previous day’s. The portal was only an hour or two away from where they had camped. While (Y/N) was surprised that they had arrived so soon, there was no doubt that they were there, as the portal was a beam of warm yellow light that shot into the sky. It lay in the middle of the woods, only accessible by foot. 
They parked their snowmobiles on the outskirts of the woods. Tonraq began setting up his tent; they had agreed that someone should stay behind with a radio just in case anything went wrong and they needed backup. But to (Y/N’s) surprise, Asami was setting up her own tent as well. 
“You’re not coming with us?” She asked. Asami raised an eyebrow and shook her head. 
“We agreed before you woke up this morning that someone else should stay behind with Korra’s dad to help keep watch. You obviously need to go, as does Korra, and I knew Bolin and Mako would be absolutely horrible if they had no idea what was going on inside. So, I decided to stay.” 
(Y/N) frowned. While the reasoning was sound, it still made her sad that Asami wouldn’t be accompanying them on their journey. She and (Y/N) had developed a real friendship over the last few weeks. They had spent nearly all of their time together. It would be strange, not having her around. 
“Be safe, okay?” (Y/N) asked, throwing her arms around Asami and squeezing her into a hug. 
“You’re going into a completely new dimension and you’re telling me to be safe?” Asami laughed, but she wrapped her arms around (Y/N’s) frame and hugged tightly. “I can’t wait to hear all about your memories.” The two friends parted and (Y/N) lifted her pack onto her back. 
“Ready?” Korra asked, and she, Bolin, and Mako nodded. Their group said their goodbyes to Tonraq and Asami before Korra led them into the woods. 
“The last time I was here, I was frozen into a block of ice by an ex-girlfriend,” Bolin said. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. “It wasn’t you! It was Korra’s cousin from the Northern Water Tribe.” 
“The one with the evil dad?” (Y/N) asked. 
“That’s the one!” Bolin nodded. 
“This is it,” Korra said as they stopped in front of the Spirit World Portal. (Y/N) could feel its energy radiating from outside the forest, but now it was even more prominent. “Next stop, Spirit World.” She turned around to look at (Y/N), whose face looked as if she had seen a ghost. “Everything alright?” 
(Y/N) nodded, gulping. “I’m okay,” She nodded again, trying to convince herself that she was speaking the truth. What if getting her memories back wasn’t necessarily a good thing? Something had blocked them out. Perhaps they had done it for her own benefit. But they had come this far, so she remained silent as she stepped through the threshold and into the Spirit World. 
It was an odd feeling, transitioning between two planes. It felt like each particle of (Y/N’s) body was buzzing, until suddenly she was on the other side and staring at so many colors, some that she was sure she had never seen before. She released the breath she had been holding as she stepped through. 
Indescribable beings flew overhead, cawing and cooing at them. Korra had been right: the Spirit World was significantly warmer than the South Pole. The group removed their jackets as (Y/N) took in her surroundings. Currently, they stood in the middle of a rocky wasteland, but patches of flowers and grass popped up here and there. In the middle stood a gnarled tree with a hollowed out middle. 
“That’s the Tree of Time,” Korra explained. “That’s where the first Avatar had imprisoned Vaatu, the dark spirit that I defeated a month ago. His energy made this part of the Spirit World a wasteland, but it’s healing.” 
“It’s beautiful,” (Y/N) breathed, and Korra smiled. Their group walked across the barren land to the greener parts of the Spirit World. Butterfly-like animals flittered around them as they walked and Korra explained her many trips to this place. Mako and Bolin had been here as well, although they had never been further than the Tree of Time. That helped (Y/N) feel less out of place. 
“So, where do we find this Iroh guy?” Mako asked. 
“You think he has any relation to General Iroh?” Bolin questioned. “I mean, how many Iroh’s can there really be, y’know?” 
“He’s Iroh as in, Zuko and Iroh,” Korra informed them, and Bolin let out a shocked gasp. While she was nervous about getting her memories back, (Y/N) would definitely be grateful not to be absolutely lost when things were discussed. 
“There it is!” Korra exclaimed, and then she started running. The others dashed behind her, not quite sure of where she was going, until a small house appeared seemingly out of nowhere and they were right in front of it. A small tea party of spirits and one human sat at a table in the garden. 
“Korra!” The old man exclaimed. “Welcome back! We were just about to start afternoon tea.” He peaked behind her at her friends. “And you brought company! The more the better, I think I have some extra teacups in the house.” 
“Hi, Iroh,” Korra said. “We really appreciate it, but we don’t really have time--” But the old man was already headed inside his house. When he returned, he held four additional teacups and a bright smile on his face. 
“Sit, sit,” He insisted. Korra looked to (Y/N), who shrugged, and dropped her backpack to the ground and took a seat. If having tea was what she needed to do in order to get her memories back, then she would do it. “You!” Iroh said as he placed (Y/N’s) teacup in front of her. “I’ve heard many things about you. Welcome back.” 
“Back?” (Y/N) questioned, looking at her friends. “I’ve been here before?” 
“You are (Y/N), yes?” She nodded. “When Korra first visited me to ask about you, I did not know much.” He placed a hand to the side of his mouth. “Spirits are horrible gossips sometimes, and I did not want to lead the Avatar on a path different from the one you must take. But I have asked many a visitor about you and they have all said the same thing: you were here, not too long ago, but you were here for a while.” 
“Why was she here?” Mako questioned before (Y/N) could. Iroh sighed as he poured their tea. 
“Whatever the reason, it was not good. Many of my friends say they saw her enter the dark part of our realm and she did not leave for a long time.” 
“It’s true!” One of the spirits interjected, an oddly blue wolf. “I saw you months ago with my own four eyes. You looked nothing like you do now. You came through the portals, yeah? Last time, someone brought you here the other way.” 
“You mean through meditation?” Korra asked. The spirit nodded. 
“Whatever it was, something powerful had to do it. I couldn’t do nothing like that.” 
“So, powerful spirit in the dark parts of the Spirit World. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but it doesn’t sound like something a good spirit would do.” (Y/N) looked to Iroh to confirm her suspicions. 
“Spirits are neither good nor bad, unless we are discussing Vaatu and Raava. But there are some spirits whose motives become skewed.” 
(Y/N) deflated in her seat. The spirit who had taken her memories was powerful and most likely dangerous. And if they found it, she would be leading her friends right to them. 
They finished their tea with Iroh before continuing on their journey. Bolin had talked excitedly with him about his adventures with Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko, whoever those people were, and Iroh gave him a Jasmine Dragon teacup to take back to the mortal realm. The entire time that they talked, (Y/N) was incredibly distracted by what Iroh had told them. 
“We should go back,” (Y/N) said suddenly. All three of her friends stopped and looked at her as if she were insane. 
“But, you need to get your memories back,” Bolin said. 
“I’ll just start over,” She insisted. “I can start fresh. Whatever this spirit is, it isn’t good, and I don’t want to hand you guys to it on a silver platter. We’ll go back and I’ll just learn to live without my memories.” 
“There are pieces of you you’ll never get back. Important memories that might have meant a lot to you. You deserve answers, (Y/N), for everything that’s happened to you.” Bolin grabbed her hands and she felt that same shock of electricity run through her body every time he touched her. 
“It’s not worth it if it means you guys will get hurt.” 
“Stop trying to play hero,” Mako said suddenly, his voice much harsher than it had been the night before. “If we didn’t want to be here to help you, we wouldn’t be.” 
“You shouldn’t be helping me. You guys fight every day for the greater good, for the people of the world. I’m one person. You can’t get yourselves hurt over one person. This,” She gestured to the entirety of the Spirit World, but referred to their mission. “Isn’t as important than whatever is going on back in the mortal world.” 
“But you’re important,” Korra said suddenly. “You’re important to Bolin and Mako and you’ve become important to Asami and I. The Avatar fights for the greater good, but as your friend, I’ll do whatever it takes so that you can feel like yourself again.” 
(Y/N) felt her eyes watering. Why weren’t they getting it? “If anything happened to you guys while we’re here, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” 
“And if we gave up on you, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself,” Bolin said. She looked up at him through watery eyes. “No matter what we’ve been through, we care about you. I care about you. And we’re going to get that dumb spirit to give your memories back.” 
(Y/N) looked from him to Korra to Mako, whose head immediately turned as soon as her eyes landed on him. “Okay,” she said. “But I think this is a horrible idea.” 
“I find that horrible ideas make the best stories,” Bolin said with a smile.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Safety Net 5
Part 5
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 21: Domestic Bliss
Ao3 *** Part 1 *** Part 2 *** Part 3 *** Part 4 *** End
So, getting your twin sister to meet your adaptive family turned out to be a bit trickier than he might have originally thought. blaming her run during the introductions was definitely a step back. Her coming back to the manor was at least a bit reassuring.
Unfortunately, as there was constantly someone with her, it seemed like she just became even more quiet. Only answering yes or no questions with only a head nod.
Marinette couldn't blame them. She was the one who was a Talon. She was the one who couldn't be trusted. She was the outsider.
One night after everyone came back from patrol and went to bed, she decided to wander the halls. The dark was quiet and for her they felt safe. So, she wandered the halls, eventually ending up in the kitchen. In the two weeks she had been here she had never been in the kitchen. Apparently, Alfred had banned everyone of them from the kitchen, meaning they always kept her away from it.
Yet here she was close to 4 a.m. in the kitchen pulling out ingredients. She had learned a few recipes from her time in Paris, as she was staying with a pair of bakers. So, she pulled out the ingredients and began to make the cookies While set tiny a kettle to boil water for a tea. She pulled out a random packet of tea, sipping it while she waited for the cookies. Once out and cooling, she had cleaned up her mess as she went, she laid her head on her arms. Blissfully falling asleep on the counter.
Dick started his morning like any other and went to get his sister from her room. Unlike every other day she wasn't there. Her bed was still made, as if she hadn't slept in it, so he called out for her.
“Dick why are you yelling so early in the morning?” Jason shouted at him from the doorway.
“Mari isn’t in her room and this has never happened and…”
“Tt. She probably figured out that she s not meant to be here.” Came the bored response from Damian.
“Why wold you say she doesn’t belong here. She’s my sister!”
“She is a killer no matter what that does not change the past.”
“It is the truth!”
“Do you really want to go down this road Demon Spawn?”
“Why should it matter if I do, Todd.”
“Because she isn’t the only person whose killed in this house.” Damian didn’t respond to Jason’s words not that Jason would have let him. “You were raised as an assassin not that unlike her. She was taken and raised to be a Talon. Neither of you really had the choice so what’s the difference between the two of you? That she is older, sure but she was also forced into that situation older too.”
“Put aside that you’re an assassin and have killed even younger than any of us. I’ve also killed, do I lose the opportunity to be better, to be a part of a family, this messed up dysfunctional family. Does Cass…”
“You have made you point Todd, even if I do understand your reasoning that does not mean I will accept her.”
Damian motioned to turn and leave but there was Alfred waiting for them. “Breakfast will be ready shortly. If you are still searching for Miss Marinette, try looking in the kitchen.”
The three of them decidedly went down after Alfred’s instructions, and they must have been acting strange as both Bruce and Tim followed them in. Inside the kitchen they all noticed Marinette asleep on the counter. Dick was the one who ultimately moved towards her and gently roused her. “Mari, Mari.”
Slowly she woke up and looked around suddenly stiffening and seemingly perfectly awake. She looked between them all before beginning to curl up on herself. “I’m sorry.” Was faintly whispered but he heard it and judging his family’s reactions they had as well.
“What are you sorry about, Nettie?”
“For leaving.” Was the second thing she has said since telling them about the court of owls.
“You’re sorry for leaving your room? It’s okay Nettie…”
She was shaking he head. “For leaving the court.”
“Why would you be sorry for leaving that awful place?” Jason was now a few steps behind him and waited for her to answer.
“I’m sorry for not ending my life then and saving all of you the trouble of guarding your family for me.”
“What!? Why would you say that?”
“I’ve been nothing but a bother to all of you since meeting you. You all guard me waiting for me to ultimately mess up and fail your test. I am a burden to all of you and I should have…”
“You are not a burden Marinette.” Dick hugged his sister silent tears fell from her eyes as she burrowed into his shoulder.
“He’s right Pixie, you’re not a burden, but you are wrong we weren’t guarding everyone from you.” Jason spoke level. “We were guarding you from Demon Spawn over there.”
“Then why would all of you never leave me alone, why would you constantly monitor me?”
“We wanted to get to know you.” Tim now walked into their small bubble.
“Why don’t we continue this at the table. I also set out your contribution Miss Marinette.”
Breakfast seemed to go well but, then again Nettie was always more in tune with emotions and no one in this house knew what and how to express theirs, so of course there was confusion. But as the meal progressed everyone seemed to relax more. Nettie began talking more taking a liking to Jason and Tim. Of course, Damian stayed true to his word and didn’t even try, but at least he was being civil.
“Yes Bruce?”
“I understand that you are too old to be adopted but you are a part of this family. I could help you set something more legitimate up and help you with your legal forms…”
“Fuck these cookies are good! Did you make them Alfred?” Jason’s exclamation halted Bruce’s ramblings. It also made everyone dive for the plate of cookies, so.
“No. I did not, the cookies were made by Miss Marinette.”
“Pixie can you make more?”
“Where did you even get the recipe?”
“I got it while I was in Paris for a few months, they were having a bit of a butterfly problem and called me in to help. I met a pair of bakers who taught me, and I helped them in the kitchens.” She explained with a shrug. “They are probably not as good as theirs, but they will pass.”
“You are not leaving this family with treats as good as this.” Jason all but ordered.
‘That is true.” Alfred seconded. “As of now Miss Marinette is the only one among you that is allowed in the kitchen. And if you could share your recipes, I will teach you some of mine as well.”
“That sounds lovely Alfred.” She beamed at him, settling into the family. Goes to show, the best way to the heart is though the stomach, well at least for a house filled with sweets loving vigilantes that is.
- - -
So someone on Ao3 pointed out Damian's character in this chapter so i wanted to eplain it a bit more since this was the end for this story.
So I wanted this to be in a timeframe closer to Damian initially arriving with the Bats. I wanted him to be more guarded with her. Since he had such a similar upbringing that she reminds him, that could have been him. He doesn't hate her he hates that he could have been her, he is projecting himself onto her. His dislike towards her is himself hating what his mother and grandfather forced on him.
Maybe i'll write his perspective, maybe i won't, as i wanted to stick with Mari and Dick for this, but who knows.
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agentjx7 · 3 years
SO I wrote this massive post in the BCB discord explaining why I still like Paulo/Lucy, and at some urging I’ve edited it for tumblr!
Now, I could start off with a lot of talking about Paulo and Lucy’s personalities and why I think they’d mesh well together, but you’ve probably read the comic. You know the characters. I don’t think the argument “they don’t have chemistry” is even on the table. Instead, I feel like most people’s arguments about the ship are either “there are healthier/better ships for both of them” or “the Ferris Wheel scene and chapter 100 sink it.” So let’s talk about these arguments.
I am not going to be able to convince anyone who thinks that their ship is “better” than paulucy to switch sides, so let’s talk about healthier for a second. Paulo’s relationship with Daisy as it stands at the moment would doubtless get mired down by Daisy’s jealousy of Lucy. I’m not saying it couldn’t be good in the future, and both of them are developing in the directions that would make that easier, but at the moment I don’t think it’d be good. And as for Lucy? The number of healthy ships for Lucy is vanishingly small. I think it’s possible that her relationship with Paulo, if it started in the next chapter, would be healthy, but I also think they both need a little more work— and I think that they’re more likely to develop in positive ways together than apart!
Now, as for their recent arguments. I do not think Lucy is telling the truth during After You on the Ferris Wheel— at least, not the whole truth. She doesn’t feel like she can do a relationship at the moment, and she’s tired of watching Paulo (who she cares about deeply) hurt himself by waiting for her. This is compounded by the things she’s internalized from December and after: she feels like all she CAN do is hurt Paulo more, and that even if she starts dating him he’s only going to be doing it because he likes her appearance. Paulo might have proved MULTIPLE times that this isn’t the case, but she’s dealing with quite a bit right now and it’s very hard for her to see the positives in any of her relationships— Augustus excluded.
During the Ferris wheel ride she never actually can bring herself to tell Paulo outright that she doesn’t love him and that she’s incapable of loving him in the future. She does say that she’s sorry they couldn’t have been more in the past, but that’s because of her crush on Mike, a crush she’s slowly getting over. When he flat out asks her if there’s no way for her to love him she gives a non-answer and then changes the subject to the time they slept together, which she argues she only did because she thought she’d never see him again. I think this is true (and it was kind of a shitty thing to do), but Lucy isn’t giving herself enough credit OR Paulo enough agency here. Her goal during this whole conversation is to convince Paulo to move on from her, so she says a LOT of stuff that’s fairly hurtful. From her own admission, though, the reason she’s saying it all is because she thinks Paulo should move on, and that she’s not worth waiting for. That’s not her call to make. Unfortunately, as we see from their next conversation, all she really accomplished was ruining Paulo’s evening.
So now the big one, High Expectations. Paulo absolutely BLOWS UP at Lucy here, and a lot of people signaled it as the death knell for the ship. It definitely wasn’t our finest hour, but I maintain that there’s a couple little things in the scene that show that it’s still got stuff going for it. FIRST of all, Paulo flat-out says he loves Lucy. This one should’ve put the nail in the coffin of “ah Paulo doesn’t care about her because of the fair” argument, but on the NEXT page we get to the big one. Lucy says she didn’t come back for any of them, and Paulo asks the armor-piercing question: “Then why the fuck did you come back?”
This scene, this panel, is the FIRST time since Love Again that we see Lucy taken off guard by one of the members of the gang. It’s the only time her “I’m a cold hearted bitch now and I hate all of you” act really drops before she has her conversation with Sue a couple chapters later (It’s All in the Mind).
Paulo is the first person to REALLY get under her skin after she returns, and it’s pretty clear the things he says in this chapter stick with her. I could talk more about that, but for now let’s talk about Paulo and why he doesn’t mean the shit he says right here about how he’s Done With Lucy for real this time™️. First of all, Paulo is right up there with Mike and Lucy in terms of emotional outbursts— the main difference is that when he attacks people he just straight-up physically attacks them instead of tearing them down emotionally, and that it’s a coin flip whether he’s going to get angry with someone else or burst into emotional tears and start hating himself (because he’s one of the most empathetic emotional characters in the comic but I digress). He’s just seen Lucy, who’s keeping up the “I actually hate ALL of you now” act, with AUGUSTUS, who to his knowledge is the guy who tried to molest Daisy and nothing else. Robbed of the context of the situation, he feels like Lucy really hates them all so much that she’d rather hang out with the creep than them— than HIM— and that shit hurts. Why? Because he absolutely still loves her.
Paulo has also had an EXTREMELY rough day. One of his best friends just slammed his face into a lunch table. He’s still on rough terms with Abbey, even if Daisy’s party has assuaged some of these fears. He’s ALREADY ready to fall apart, and then THIS hits him like a train. It HURTS, so he lashes out and storms off.
Lucy realizes that she’s hurt him, bad, and that hurts her— but we don’t get to see that because Paulo and Mike are the focus of the chapter so we’re MOVING ON now, I’ll explain in a minute.
SO! During All in the Mind Lucy has another confrontation with her friends, leading to her blow-up with Daisy. BUT CRUCIALLY she’s on good terms with Sue again, and she starts to realize that she can’t keep hurting her old friends like this. This leads directly into her behavior in Witch Hunt, which is the next time we see the two of them interact. All she does is apologize to Paulo for potentially hurting him again with the dress— but this is a bigger moment than it might seem. In the earlier chapters after her return, Lucy would’ve pretended not to care that her actions could have hurt Paulo, but this time things are different! This is her reaching the olive branch out to him, as well as her genuine fear that she’s just hurt him again. Paulo assures her it’s no big deal, and then resumes casually flirting with her (in a friendly way!), something that she laughs with and clearly enjoys. When Daisy interrupts them they BOTH start blushing.
SINCE THAT POINT, the only chapter to feature the two of them significantly interacting is Unwanted Gift. Paulo happily takes part in the celebrations of Lucy’s birthday, which he DEFINITELY would not have done if he was still in the same mindset from High Expectations. Now, I can’t claim to know what’s going to happen after the most recent emotional missile salvo of a chapter, but I truly do believe the two of them are in a much better place than when Lucy first returned.
NOW, what evidence do I have that they really do still love each other? Admittedly, some of it is just my own gut feeling about the characters. Lucy leaving for the better part of a year didn’t put a damper on Paulo’s feelings. Being told “stop caring about me before you get hurt,” ESPECIALLY since Lucy can’t (or won’t) say “I don’t love you,” is not going to stop him.
As for Lucy? Well, there’s the inherent fact that Lucy didn’t just come out and say she didn’t like him and he had no chance. Lucy is often brutally honest, and she still chose to dodge the question when he asked. But Lucy still can’t bring herself to say she does love him, so if she’s so brutally honest, she must not, right? Well, no! One of Lucy’s major character flaws is that she can’t be fully honest with people, even when it would benefit them both. Admitting her true feelings is a specific area where that’s a problem— Lucy confessed she loves someone once before, and look how THAT went. Also on the BCB ship chart she’s still listed as having a crush on him and the chart came out in *checks notes* after Lucy came back so I’m hanging onto that for dear life
So, there you have it! My overdrawn explanation of why paulucy good, actually. Thank you so much for reading if you got this far! God I really love this comic waaay too much.
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lilred8220 · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty
No one asked for this but, I did it anyway. I was wondering what the brothers would do if they found Maya asleep on the couch. And I could stop thinking about it so here we are. I hope you enjoy!
Having been hard at work studying at R.A.D., all the misadventures throughout the day and dealing with the brothers 24/7, Maya desperately needed a break. 
She was in the living room as it was probably the first time in…well…ever that she was able to have a moment to herself. As much as she would love to do anything with her free time from all the chaos, frankly, she was tired. 
Just a quick shut eye. Then I'll be able to spend some time by myself. Is what she told herself. However, she didn't quite realize just how exhausted she truly was. The moment she laid down on the couch, she pretty much crashed. Falling asleep on the spot. And a certain demon eventually found the little sleeping human. 
He had just come back home from a meeting with Diavolo. He was walking down the hallway to his office to finish some paperwork when he noticed a figure asleep on the couch. He sighs, thinking it was Belphie, as he quite often sleeps there. He walked over to scold his brother for sleeping there but he was surprised to find not Belphie but Maya instead. 
At first, he couldn't understand why she was sleeping there. Surely, if she was tired, she would go to her room. But, then after thinking about it, with everything on her plate, plus his brothers constantly dragging her around, it made perfect sense. 
So, he decided to leave her, however, he takes off the coat around his shoulders to cover her, not wanting her to catch a cold. 
She suddenly twitched by the new feeling and he took a step back, fearing he woke her up. Only for his heart to skip a beat or two when she curled up happily in his coat, accepting the new found warmth. 
Maya. What are you doing to me? Why must you look so innocent and pure? Why do you have this effect on me? Is what he wonders to himself as he leaves, closing the living room off, casting a spell so that none of his brothers enter the room and bother her.
When Maya wakes up, finding Lucifer's coat on her and has slept much longer than she planned. 
Welp, at least I got a good nap. She thought as she got up. She took Lucifer's coat and kept it clung to herself, not ready to leave it's warmth and made her way to Lucifer's office to thank him.
When Lucifer saw her all bundled up in his coat, his pen fell from his hand. He almost stopped functioning. Almost. He quickly composed himself as Maya thanked him. She returned his coat and left soon after. He was very prideful as he put his coat back over his shoulders, his coat now covered in her scent.
"Oi! Maya! Where are ya!?" Mammon yelled out. 
He had gone straight to her room when he got home but she wasn't there. He looked all around the house before finally making his way to the living room. 
"Maya! Are ya in-!…here…" He quickly cuts himself off, seeing Maya fast asleep on the couch. He carefully walks over to her and crouches down. He goes to wake her up then stops. He was suddenly mesmerized by the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes, the way her face is so very peaceful, her parted lips…he shakes his head, clearing his thoughts before they could go any further. 
"...Ok then…" He says, before very, very carefully putting his arms under her and lifting her up. "I swear, human. What would ya do without me?"
He quickly takes Maya back to her room and puts her in the bed, tucking her in. She cooed happily in her sleep as she snuggled up in the bed. Mammon's face lit up as he watched her. 
This Human. This very human right here. She has shown me so much kindness and compassion that I've long forgotten. Defending me when no one else will. I hope I can do much more for ya as ya have for me, my precious human. He promises to himself as a small smile grows on his face. He turns to leave but stops. 
"Well…I guess, I can't just leave you here. One of my brothers is gonna come and bother ya one way or another…" Is what he tells himself as he plops down on his rightful spot on the floor next to the bed. 
When Maya wakes up, she looks around in groggy confusion. 
How did I end up in my room? She thinks to herself. However, she sees the white haired demon sitting, his back towards her. She looks at him, seeing as he had fallen asleep. She chuckles as she quickly puts one and two together. 
I'll have to thank him later. Maya makes a mental note to herself. She leans down and places a kiss on top of her guardian's head. A smile plastered on his face afterward as his dreams filled with him and her together. 
Levi had gotten home, ecstatic as he had just gotten a new limited edition Ruri-chan figurine and wanted to show Maya his new prized possession. However, when he didn't find her in her room, he was slightly confused. He looked around before finally finding her in the living room. He froze in place. His face turning bright red and his heart started pounding in his chest. 
"M-moe…" Was all he could manage to say. He watches her sleeping peacefully for a minute when she suddenly curls up a bit, getting a bit cold. 
"Oh! U-uhh…" Levi suddenly snaps out of whatever spell he's in. He quickly hurries up to his room, puts his figurine away and grabs his Ruri-chan blanket. He makes his way back to Maya and carefully puts his blanket on her. 
She hummed in approval as she clung to the blanket. Levi damn near fainted at the sight from how cute she is right now. 
How can she be so moe right now? This is like straight out of an anime! Even though I'm just a yucky otaku, I somehow have the best luck to get to see this! I hope I get to see this again…He thinks to himself as he snaps a few pictures of Maya. Levi wasn't sure if he'd ever get the chance to see this again, so he'd like to save the memory of it. 
When Maya wakes up, she finds herself with Levi's blanket and smiles. 
Well, I slept longer than I wanted but I got Levi's fluffy blanket now. She thinks before heading to Levi's room to thank him. 
After knocking and saying the secret phrase, Levi let her in and showed her his new figurine. She listened happily, eventually thanking him for letting him use his blanket and tried to return it. 
Levi's face turns red, "U-uhh…I know y-you probably don't want a-anything thing that belongs to a s-shut-in otaku like me b-but…you can k-keep it…i-if you want…"
Satan had just returned from the library, a stack of books in his hands. He had planned to spend the day reading all the books he got in the living room however, his plans were interrupted by Maya sleeping on the couch. 
He chuckles as he sets his books down on the table nearby. He leaves the room for a moment and comes back with a blanket to cover Maya up. He took a seat in a chair next to the couch and started to read his pile of books. 
Maya stretched, making a cute little noise and she held the blanket close to herself. Satan, fortunately, was able to see this and a blush spread across his face. 
The way she stretched and that little noise…was like a little kitten! How is she able to be so feisty and lively yet, look so cute and innocent? I wonder how she'll be like when we're alone together…he ponders as he tries to put his focus back on his book. 
When Maya wakes up, she finds Satan reading, what she could guess was his third book in a large pile of books next to him. 
How long has he been here for? She thinks as she slowly sits up. 
"Seems you're finally awake." Satan says, not taking his eyes off the book. 
Maya thanks him for bringing her a blanket and gives him a hug. She goes to leave but Satan grabs her hand. 
"If you don't mind Maya, could you keep me company for a while longer? I wanted to tell you about this book I've been reading."
Asmo had just come back from a huge shopping trip, tons of shopping bags on each arm. As he went to the living room to adjust all his bags for the trip to his room, he saw Maya sleeping on the couch. 
He had to stop himself from squealing from how adorable she was being. Despite that, the couch was no place to sleep. So he quickly put all his bags away and came back to take Maya to his room, the only place where she'd get the best sleep, for sure. Though he's never one to carry anyone, he'd easily make an exception for Maya. 
When he picked her up, she cuddled up to him with a smile on her face. Asmo's heart fluttered at the sight. 
How could she be any more precious then she is right now! She might even rival me in beauty! If only I could hold her like this when she's awake! I'd love to cuddle her all day long! Asmo thinks as he hums a little tune, laying her down and tucking her in his bed. 
When Maya wakes up, she's very confused by her new pink surroundings. 
Am…Am I in Asmo's room? She thinks as she sits up. 
Asmo, who was looking at his vanity fixing his hair, sees Maya through the mirror and makes his way over to her. 
"Oh Maya~! I see you're finally awake from your beauty sleep~!" Asmo sings happily. 
Maya giggles and thanks Asmo for letting her sleep in his room. As she gets up, she sees the pile of shopping bags and asks about them. Asmo's eyes lit up as he told her all about his latest shopping spree. 
Asmo proceeds to give Maya a fashion show of all of the new clothes that he bought earlier today. 
Beel had just finished his Fangol practice when he got home. He had raided the fridge and went to walk to the living room to finish the pile of food he had gotten. That's when he sees Maya fast asleep on the couch. 
He was a bit confused why she was asleep there however, he didn't think too much of it. As he would with Belphie, he set all his food down and slowly yet, quite easily picks her up. 
He very carefully takes her to her room, realizing just how small she really was to his large frame. Once he's in her room, he goes to ease her in the bed and tuck her in. 
But when he went to put her down, she stirred in her sleep, clinging to Beel and not wanting to let go. Beel feels his heart and stomach fill up. 
Does she want to stay with me? Does she want me to join her? Even if she's really small, she fits in my arms perfectly. I feel hungry but not for food but for something…sweeter. He smiles happily, gently goes to bed with her, holding her close to him as he falls asleep with her. 
When Maya wakes up, she takes a moment to realize that Beel was holding her so sweetly.
He's just as gentle with me asleep as he is awake, huh. She thinks, a blush spreads across her face. 
She definitely was going to thank him later but, the sound for Beel's stomach rang in her ears. Signaling her that he'll wake up soon. 
He wakes up and after shy hellos, they both make their way back to the living room to retrieve the food that was left behind.
Belphie got home from R.A.D. and was looking for his favorite pillow. It wasn't in the attic like he thought it was and he was grumbling while wrapped in a blanket the whole time looking for it. He eventually found it…and Maya was using it as she was taking a nap. 
He watches her for a minute and slowly walks over to her. How he really wants to take his pillow back but, he doesn't bring himself to wake her up. Sleep is his sin, after all. With sleep threatening to take him, he eases himself on the couch, leading Maya to lay on his chest as he managed to do many times in the past.
He took a minute to adjust to each other so that it was comfortable for the both of them. Once that's done, he covers themselves with the blanket that he had and sighed in relief, closing his eyes to sleep. 
Maya cuddles up to Belphie, a happy sigh slips past her lips. Belphie opens one of his eyes, a gentle smile appearing on his face. 
Has she truly forgiven me? Does she feel safe with me now? Even after everything I've done? She truly is more pure then any and all angels in the Celestial Realm, huh? He chuckles as he finally let's sleep take him over and his dreams fill up with his pure human. 
When Maya wakes up, she finds Belphie snuggled up to her, asleep as always. 
How does he manage to move me so much and not wake me up? She thinks as she had to be shifted significantly to be in the position they're in now. 
She giggles lightly as she knows how this is gonna end up. She'll try to get up but Belphie will hold on to her tighter, to not let her go. Eventually, she'll end up falling back asleep, at least, until Beel or one of the other brothers comes to wake us both up. 
I'll thank him later. Another nap wouldn't hurt, right? She tells herself, letting sleep take her back into her dreams. 
If you made this far, thanks for reading ❤
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Say you’ll be mine (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N: Hi guys! How we feeling? We did it, fam, we finally got it. The myth, the legend, the 30 diamond scene. As always, I did a rewrite, putting my own spin on it because I am a hoe like that and I just couldn’t resist. 
As you can probably guess, this piece is NSFW, proceed at your own risk.
Summary: Chapter 12 diamond scene rewrite. As the rain pours outside, their emotions and feelings bleed out of them too.
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edit: don’t mind me, being a colossal dumbass that makes an edit and then forgets to put it into the post :)
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Enjoy! <3
Ethan steered the car towards the curb, right outside her apartment, rain falling aggressively from every direction. The warmth that surrounded them didn’t do anything for him, his entire body still feeling as though it was still in a freezing grip of panic that hasn’t left his side for days.
“Are you okay?” Claire’s voice broke through the thick mist that fell over his mind, pulling him into the reality that was like a breath of fresh air. Her forehead was creased with worry, her usually bright eyes now dull and pensive. “I don’t think I’ve asked you that yet.”
His breath was shaking when he replied. “No, you haven’t. And no.” he shook his head, trying to shake away the cold shiver that ran through his bones at the mere thought of what had happened only days ago. “I don’t think I am okay.”
“Danny and Bobby dying hit us all hard. I’m not sure how we can ever be okay with that.” She wondered, her voice small and empty. Ethan found himself shaking his head in disagreement, his own thoughts miles away from what she was talking about.
“It’s not them I’m worried about. It’s you.”
Unable to look her in the eye and let her see all the ghosts that haunted him, all the nightmares that he suffered from, he turned his head away from her. He felt the muscles of his face tense up as his head tried, once again, to deal with the anguish, the horrific images of the moments he realized that he’s come so close to losing her. He’s felt that way before, when he decided to spend the night with her, not knowing if she would wake up in the morning.
“When Naveen was sick, I could still focus on work.” Despite his best efforts to not dwell on the past, he couldn’t help the memory of his mentor and friend, dying as all he could do at the time was watch, the mysterious illness practically eating him alive. Even though it shook him to his very core, he still managed to wake up every morning and work as though nothing was happening. The very opposite thing was happening to him now. “But now… it’s entirely different. You’re sitting here, with me. You’re completely fine and healthy, nothing endangers you, and yet all I can think of is how terrified I was that I was going to watch you die.” He felt his throat close up with incoming tears, his voice dropping an octave as he fought to speak clearly. “That I’d never get to see you again. That you’ll never hear me say…”
She interrupted him, searching with her hand for his, the touch so small and careful that it might as well have not been there at all if it wasn’t for how tuned into her presence he was. He continued after a while, all of his thoughts and terrors spilling out of him as the dam broke once again.
“I keep worrying that if I lose track of you… if I leave you alone… that it could happen again. That I won’t have the power to stop it in time… to save you.”
“Ethan, I promise, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” She squeezed his hand, looking at him with such certainty, hoping it would hold both of them up so they wouldn’t fall. Ethan looked at their joined hands, breathing in and out deeply, gathering courage to finally confess what’s been wandering his mind for weeks now, too afraid to come to light until now.
“All of it makes me realize that I just… don’t want to hide anymore. I don’t know how much time we have together. All I know is that I don’t want to waste a second of it on worrying what other people might think.”
Claire’s face lit up in surprise, her expression still guarded, making him realize just how much pain his pretended indifference must have caused. “What are you saying?”
“I’m done pretending. I’m done acting like I don’t think of you every moment of my day. Like you’re not in my head all the time. I need you, Claire. Like I’ve never needed anyone else before.”
Their eyes meet in the low light of the car, illuminated only by the streetlight. He doesn’t need a mirror to know just how his eyes look. His feelings are crystal clear to him, at last, he’s able to name them all, and he knows is that it’s all her. She nodded her head gently.
“I need you too, Ethan.”
With Herculean effort, he looked away from her for just enough time to pull the car into more safe space along the sidewalk, parking it in a safe distance, no one in their immediate neighborhood that could interrupt them. The vehicle was now stable, but not a single muscle of his moved to open the door. His eyes burned with unshed tears, his vision blurring.
Claire noticed. Of course, she did.
“Don’t worry, I’m not sad… just overwhelmed.” He rushed to assure her, blinking rapidly a couple of times to will the tears away. “What you said that night in the hospital got me thinking.” Just when he thought he had a grip on himself, he slipped again, falling into the pit of despair once more. “The idea that I’d never touch you again… it was almost more than I could bear.”
His fingers shook when he reached for her hand, brushing them against her skin like she was made of glass. As though any harder contact would turn her into thin air and his worst thoughts would become reality.
“Claire, you know what I was like when I first met you. A cynic, sometimes a bully. I was burned out on seeing all those interns coming in each year, making the same mistakes over and over again.”
“Excuse me, I like to think that my mistakes were brand new, thank you very much.” she interrupted him, by some miracle maintaining a serious expression. He wasn’t that successful in it, a grin cracking his façade.
“Your mistakes were more creative than most, I’ll give you that.” They shared a quick laugh before the tone of their conversation flew back into a more serious one. “When I thought that you wouldn’t be on my team, that I wouldn’t be responsible for your development as a doctor, I thought maybe there was a chance… if the only thing at stake were my reputation, I wouldn’t have hesitated. Not even a moment.” He allowed his eyes to search for hers, watching all the emotions playing out in them as he spoke. “Once you joined my team, I worried it wouldn’t be fair to you. That I wouldn’t be able to teach you, to push you the way you needed to be pushed. And the mere thought of someone suggesting that you slept your way onto the team made me furious.”
“I mean, clearly.” She smirked, pointing out how tense he’s gotten at the simple mention of it. He laughed, nodding his head in agreement.
“You earned your place.” He continued, staring right into her eyes, his gaze conveying all the belief he had in her. “I thought I was strong enough to hold my feelings back so I could support your career. That I could… I’m sorry if I...” he trailed off, unable to gather his thoughts. She smiled widely at how flustered he was.
“Don’t be.”
“Now, I realize how foolish I was. I’ve spent days worrying about your life.” his voice cracked, tears appearing in his eyes once more. “I just can’t bring myself to care about any of those things anymore. That is, of course, if you’re feeling the same way.” he finished, uncertainty and self-consciousness finding their way into his words. His hand squeezed hers again, trying to convey all that he didn’t or couldn’t manage to say to her through the simple touch, their gazes still tightly locked, their faces subtly leaning into each other.
Before he can think even once about leaning away to give her space, she captures his lips in the softest kiss he’s ever experienced. All existing thoughts fly out of his head, wiping it blank. Hospital, isolation room, the funeral, all the people, gone in an instant. Nothing else exists, nothing else is real. Only their lips, the slow dance of their tongues, the warmth they share and the heat in their veins, ignited by even the smallest of touches.
She muttered his name against his lips before he pulled her right back in, kissing her gently once, twice, three times before he, albeit reluctantly, leaned away. His expression revealed how torn he was, between what he wanted and what he knew she needed in that moment. Or, at least, what he thought she needed.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t the right time, I know. I should be trying to take care of you, not…”
“No. It’s good.” She protested firmly, steadying her gaze on him.
“I just don’t want to push you into something you don’t want. I understand, really Claire, I do.”
She shook her head, pressing her lips to the corner of his, remaining there for a moment. “I want this. I want you.”
A wide grin spread across his face, making him look younger. “You can’t imagine how much I was hoping you’d say that.”
Ethan lifted his hand towards her face, tracing the line of her cheekbone with his index finger. Every place they touched sent sparks through him, a heat wave following soon after. He noticed how flushed she was, undoubtedly feeling the same sensation as he was in that exact moment. If that wasn’t proof enough, the fogged up windows of his car would have to do. Rain still rang heavily against the outside of the car, managing to almost drown out the sound of blood, rushing in his ears.
“Is that all you were hoping for?” she panted, her breaths shallow as she waited in anticipation for what was to come. The smile couldn’t leave his face.
“Honestly? No.” he stole one kiss after the other, futile attempt to satiate his need for her. “But I want you to tell me what you need right now. Tell me what you want me to do, Claire.”
With a cheeky grin, she winked at him and then proceeded to climb over the console to the back of the car.
“Where are you going?” he asked with wide eyes, confused. Once seated comfortably, she crooked her finger, inviting him to join her.
“So much more space…” she trailed off, smirking suggestively at him. Placing her hand at the seat next to her, she patted the leather slightly, silently asking again. Wordlessly, he got out of the car, rushing to get back inside through the back door. Rain was dripping from the ends of his hair and trickling down the material of his jacket.
“That’s cheating.” She called him out, wiping a droplet of water from his cheek.
“No, that’s dignity.” He corrected her teasingly, taking a breath to steady himself, waiting for her next move.
Claire rolled her eyes and immediately after, her hands gripped his shoulders, pulling him down on top of her. He fell into her embrace before he could catch himself, keeping himself slightly above her with his arms. His lips found hers immediately, a soft sigh slipping out of her at the sensation.
Hesitantly, he allowed his hand to trail over the curves of her body, paying attention to them all. Sneaking beneath her back, he blindly found the zipper, breaking the kiss for long enough to lean away, his eyes carrying the question, laced with doubt. She nodded, kissing him again, a bit surer, a bit harder. Tugging on the zipper, he followed the line of her spine, letting his fingers dip beneath the material from time to time, her skin feeling feverish in comparison to his own, cold from the rain.
He skimmed over the hem of her dress, drawing out the moment. As he raised the material along with his hand, he willed his mind to remember this. To commit to his memory the scent of her perfume. The little sounds she was making in the back of her throat when their skin touched. The way her lips fit against his so perfectly.
She raised her arms above her head, helping him undress her, shaking her head shortly to move hair away from her face. He brushed the remaining locks away, looking at her as though she was the eighth wonder of the world.
“You’re beautiful.” His words were nothing more than a mutter against her lips before they came together in a fleeting kiss. Ethan sat up, taking in the way her pale skin contrasted the black lingerie in the dim light. His fingers ran down her legs with featherlight touches, stopping at the straps of her heels. Taking his time, he undid the clasps on both shoes, looking up at her from time to time, the atmosphere getting more and more electrified with each passing glance they shared. He pressed a soft kiss to her ankle before letting her feet rest on either side of him.
Claire sat up, wrapping her hand around his tie, and using it to pull him closer. The damp material of his jacket contrasted with her naked skin, causing a shiver to run through her. She undid the tie with controlled moves, using it to keep him near her, their lips almost touching, but not quite. He took the jacket off, letting it fall to the space beneath the seat, next to her dress and shoes. When she reached for the buttons of his shirt, he caught her hand, smoothing the skin over her knuckles with the pad of his thumb.
“Let me.” he mused, hastily getting rid of his shirt, shoes and socks following closely behind. She ran the tip of her index finger along the hem of his pants, watching how the muscles there contracted. He shook his head, a shuddered breath leaving his mouth when he finally got rid of the pants too.
They touched each other tentatively, reacquainting themselves with each other’s bodies. Ethan’s lips left hers, dragging a slow, hot line down the slope of her neck, paying close attention to every inch of her skin he could reach. He bit her right above her collarbone, a low moan of hers filling his ears not even a second later.
Listening to her, he allowed his tongue to dip beneath the fabric of her bra, with just enough force to tease but not enough to satisfy. Claire’s fingers flew to his head, tangling gently in his hair as he explored her body. His stubble tickled her stomach when his lips followed the line of her muscles, at last reaching the line of her panties. He kissed and bit his way from one hipbone to the other, spurred on by her breathless pants that kept on coming in waves. She moaned when his lips touched her directly through the lacy fabric.
“I’m just getting started…”
With a smirk she’s seen before, he slid her panties down her legs, slowly, without a single care in the world. Any protest she had, had died down when he reached the apex of her thighs, swiping his tongue against her folds slowly. Her head dipped back at the sensation, the grip she had on his hair tightening before she let it lose, instead threading her fingers through the strands.
His mouth closed over her clit, focusing all of his attention on that spot, guided by her moans. She looked down at him, finding his eyes almost closed, but still focused on hers. She was getting so close to the release that she could taste it, her legs beginning to shake with each move he made and it was at that moment when he leaned away, climbing back up and kissing her fiercely, with wild abandonment. She made a sound of protest, pressing her finger to halt him for a second.
“Don’t stop now.”
“We’ve got all night.” He grinned, kissing her finger and then her lips, again and again, short and sweet kisses passing through to her how happy he was in that moment. “No need to rush…”
She hummed, sitting up and placing her hands on his shoulders, pretending to lean in for a kiss. When he took the bait, she pushed him backwards, straddling his hips and pinning his wrists on either side of his head. Her hair fell around them like a curtain, blocking out their surroundings, leaving only her face in his field of view. She pressed her hips down, their bodies rubbing against one another, his helpless moan getting lost on his lips when she took his mouth in a searing kiss.
“No need to rush, huh? After you’ve made me wait for so long?” Claire asked, both of them breathing the same air. “I want to savor it. I’ll tire you out.” She whispered right into his ear, leaning back to capture surprise on his face that morphed into want when she grinned mischievously, grinding against him. She let out a soft sigh, feeling him growing harder from her ministrations. “I’m going to make you beg for it.”
“Don’t be so certain.”
“Sounds to me like a challenge. And we both know I’m not one to back down from a challenge.”
Adjusting her grip on his hands, she peppered light kisses against his mouth, pulling back when he began to kiss her back, and going back in. She treated his neck like a map, discovering spots that made him breathe heavier. Her teeth sank into his earlobe, pulling on it playfully. His hum of approval made his throat vibrate, tickling her gently.
Claire sat up again, keeping him in place with her legs, letting go of his hands so she could scrape her nails down his chest as she aimed for his underwear. Without a preamble, she hooked her fingers beneath the material and pulled it down, freeing him effectively.
She kept her eyes trained on his face firmly as she lowered her mouth. Her hot breath fanned against him, her hair brushing the sensitive skin of the inside of his thighs. She kissed him gently, running her tongue against his length, then took the tip into her mouth and sucked. Ethan moaned lowly, wanting to close his eyes but finding himself unable to look away from the sight of her working him.
She moved slowly, controlling her pace, alternating between her teeth and her tongue, his hips moving up and down, matching her rhythm. His hand gripped the edge of the seat, leather creasing under the force of his hold, while his other hand made its way to the back of her head, stroking her hair. She’d almost let him go, sucking gently, then take him back in, cries falling from his lips over and over again, following no particular pattern. Just like he’s done to her, she brought him to the brink, one more move of hers and he’d be falling recklessly, which is when she released him with a quiet sound. She let him have a moment to breathe, then went back in with barely-there touches, pulling him in and then pushing him away.
“You win! You win! I’m begging.” He laughed quietly, surrendering to her, gripping her hips when she straightened herself. Looking up at her, he couldn’t believe how long he managed to resist it. To resist her.
“Now?” Claire asked, smiling cheekily at him, squeezing his thighs together with her own as she waited for his answer.
“Now.” he nodded, helping her settle herself over him. Their eyes found one another, stares locked tightly as she guided him inside and lowered herself slowly, taking him inch by inch. A shuddered breath slipped past her lips, eyes falling shut. His arms closed around her, keeping them together while he adjusted, resting against the door, ignoring the way the arm rest was digging into the skin of his back. The new position allowed them to be even closer, enabling them more freedom of movement in such a small space.
Her back arched against him, their hips meeting at a frenzied pace, guided by his hands pulling her closer and her thighs raising and dropping her onto him over and over again. The way their position worked allowed him free access to her neck and chest, alternating between soft kisses and teasing nips across her skin.
“Come here…” Claire moaned, pulling his face up to meet hers, lips crashing in a hurried and intense kiss, taking their breaths and stealing their minds.
What started out as playful and light act of affection, quickly changed its tone. His hands strayed from her hips, running all over her body; with each new patch of skin he pulled her closer, more and more desperate to touch her, to feel her being alive. Alive and with him.
His hips shot up, meeting her halfway, changing the angle. The sounds they were making were getting louder and bolder, but Ethan couldn’t remember just why he would want to keep quiet. Claire didn’t do anything about it either, too far gone and lost in him to care about anything else than what they had in that moment.
Her name rang in the crammed space of a car when he groaned against her, his movements becoming less precise and more frantic. Both of them chased release, pushing each other further, higher, harder, neither aware of how much time has passed. The thing that pushed her over the edge was the way he looked at her. Complete certainty, utter happiness and endless bliss that made her feel as though she was about to fall apart and be put back together just by the movement of his body against hers. Crying out his name, she came around him, her spasming muscles tightening around him. With one thrust, he followed her, drowning out his desperate groan with a kiss on her lips.
Exhausted, although satisfied, they lied down to their best ability, cherishing the closeness that they could now allow themselves to experience. Ethan’s arms kept her as close to him as he could, his chest moving up and down rapidly, heart racing. Claire’s lips barely left his skin, kissing his cheek lazily and slowly, relishing the feeling of freedom that being so openly affectionate with him gave her. They basked in the afterglow of their closeness a while longer, neither saying anything, which left plenty of time for her mind to wander.
“You’re quiet. What are you thinking?” he ran his fingers through her hair, twisting the ends aimlessly. He could feel her smiling.
“I was wondering…” she craned her neck, looking up at him with a lively twinkle in her eyes. “Can we maybe do this inside next time? We wouldn’t want your old bones to get sore or worse, injured by closing ourselves in such small spaces.” Teasingly, she stroked his hip, tracing random patterns. His laughter rang in the car, sounding so carefree and rich, filling her to the brim with warmth.
“We can do whatever you want.” he promised, leaning down to make their lips brush together, eyes intense when he looked straight into hers. “Wherever you’d like.”
“That’s a potentially dangerous invitation.”
“I hoped you’d see it that way.” smirking, he made their lips meet properly, unhurriedly brushing his tongue against hers.
They decided against getting dressed just yet, opting for only their underwear. A sudden shiver shook her body, goosebumps spreading over her arms. Ethan noticed, picking up his jacket and helping her put it on, refusing to take no for an answer.
That’s how they spent the next hour or so, sitting in the back of his car, their legs tangled and hands clasped together tightly, talking quietly. He observed how her eyes glowed happily, his mind throwing a four-letter word at him. There was nothing left for him to hesitate about. He knew.
Her wild gesticulation got interrupted by him when he caught her hand, starting a line of hot kisses up her arm, biting her shoulder lightly before he claimed her lips. He leaned onto her, following her body as she lied down, her hands gripping the sides of his face, refusing to let him get too far away.
“Didn’t you say we’d be inside for the next time?” Claire’s laughter shook her entire body, making them rub against each other, pulling shaky gasps from them both. He touched his forehead to hers.
“Time after this one, then? Or the one after that too, just to be sure.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She grinned, wrapping her leg around him and hauling him onto her with a light laugh.
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Red-Eye to Destiny: Chapter 2, The Gala
Mari and Luka texted Damian as soon as they made it back to the house just outside of town. Upon receiving the return message, they promptly fell into bed and slept soundly until late into the morning. Lazily getting dressed for the day, the pair started unpacking their clothes, setting up for laundry and airing out coats that didn’t need washing but definitely needed some care. Going into her design studio, Mari checked on her dress that she’d completed before they left for the last few concerts before their holiday break. “Luka, why does your dad want us to go to this thing again?” Mari sighed, hanging the dress up to check for any last-second alterations she might want to make.
“It’s good networking. He’s hung out with the organizers a bunch and wanted us to meet them, plus tons of people are gonna be there. He said that one of the organizers has a bunch of sons who usually cause some scene or another so it’s usually pretty funny.” Luka walked into the room and rested his chin on top of her head. “Besides, it’ll be a chance to show off your skills to some people who might want to commission something.” “I suppose.” Mari leaned back into Luka for a moment before pulling away to pull out his suit. Mari had made Luka a custom Leather Tuxedo jacket with teal trim on the cuffs and lapels, a matching teal lining and a few silver studs on the collar. His pants were simple charcoal grey with teal lining on the pockets, and subtle teal stitchwork around the cuffs and waistband. His shirt was simple black with a teal pocket square and everything. “I’m still so impressed by you, Melody.” Luka sighed, pouring love into every word through their bond. Mari just giggled in response and ran her fingers over the seams in both his suit and her dress. The dress itself was a strapless, deep burgundy dress with black cherry blossoms embroidered and beaded in a sweeping shape from the hem to the bodice of the dress where it spread out to cover most of the bust in beautiful, 3d flowers made from thread and beads. A small bit of lace rose above the bodice and, when worn, would drape itself modestly over the top of the bust making the sweetheart neckline appear more conservative than it was. The skirt itself was more or less simple, full with the aforementioned flowers down the front in a curve before meeting the black velvet hem of the skirt. Secreted around the skirts where only Mari knew the openings, were several Kwami-sized pockets. “What does everyone think?” Mari asked the room, and all of the Kwami’s looked it over, giggling with delight over the pockets and giving their approval. “We won’t be able to take everyone, but other than Tikki and Sass, who wants to come with us?” Surprising Marinette and Luka, Plagg moved forward. “I know he can’t really wield me since we don’t mesh well, but do you think you could take the ring with you? I think I’m supposed to go.” “What do you mean Plagg? You haven’t wanted to be active other than saying hello and eating some camembert since Adrien decided he needed a break away from all this?” Marinette asked, raising an eyebrow at the Kwami. “Something is different. In you two, especially scales over there.” Plaggs eyes narrowed at Luka. “I think my kitten is in this city, and you two have met him.” Luka and Marinette grinned at each other before confusion took over their faces again. “But what does that have to do with the gala?” “I can do some recon if I’m there.” “Alright then, that’s one for me.” Mari laughed and put a little clip with a black cat on the end on the edge of one of the pockets. “There are 5 in total not counting Tikki, and Luka can only carry another two besides Sass.” In the end, it was decided that Mari would have Plagg, Mullo, Trixx, Pollen and Nooroo in addition to Tikki. Luka ended up with Wayzz, Duusu and Sass of course. The others weren’t interested in going to the party and would rather hang out in the box or around the house.
Damian sighed and ducked around a column to get a moment to himself cursing the nosy people at the party in various languages. In his brief moment to himself, he began to notice that he wasn’t just feeling his own annoyance. Frowning in concentration, he turned to scan the ballroom, spotting them near the stage, talking to Jagged Stone of all people. He focused on them, and tried to be heard by just them across the ballroom. ‘I didn’t know you would be here.’ Both Parisians jolted, and looked around, spotting him in his little hiding spot. ‘Is there a reason you’re hiding instead of saying hello?’ Damian could hear the amusement in Lukas' voice. Both of his soulmates looked away and just quietly stepped away from Jagged, making it look like they were talking amongst themselves. ‘Yes, people are too nosy for their own good and they will ask more questions than I am prepared to answer.’ ‘Damian, we owe nobody an explanation for saying hello.’ Marinette chided gently. ‘Besides, Luka and I have mastered the art of getting people to leave us alone with just a look.’ ‘If you say so. Give me a moment.’ Damian straightened his jacket and made it seem like he’d been adjusting his wardrobe as he left the pillar. “There you are, I wanted to introduce you to someone.” Damian held back a grimace and turned to his Father. “Those camping trips I take once and a while? This is the man I go with.” Incidentally, the person Bruce was pointing to was Jagged himself. “Hell of a time getting away for both of us, but SO worth the quiet.” Jagged grinned and held out his hand. “By camping, Brucie means we go to my cabin in the mountains and sit around the fire pit complaining about life. Pleasure to meet you at last, I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.” “Thank you sir, it’s nice to meet you.” Damian’s smile in return was a bit forced, but thankfully Mari and Luka came to the rescue. “Someone interesting, Jagged?” Marinette asked as they walked over. ‘How much do you want us to say, Damian?’ Marinette added silently, her eyes concerned over how stiff he was and how tightly he was holding his emotions. Damian relaxed slightly, his fake smile relaxing into something a little more neutral but real. ‘I am alright. I will explain to the others later, but perhaps if we can get a quiet moment with my Father?’ Both Luka and Marinette raised an eyebrow at the fact that he’d left out that he was a Wayne before but took it in stride. With little more than a glance between them, Luka put a gentle hand on Jaggeds arm, and pulled the man away, asking him a couple questions about the tour they’d just finished. The man was bewildered, but Luka and Marinette planned things behind his back all the time when they felt it necessary, so he didn’t do more than give Damian and Marinette a questioning look as he was led away. “That was.” Damian commented out loud, shaking his head. “Surprisingly easy for you two.” Marinette laughed, “We’d been working together before we knew, so it took little time to figure it out. Now, Luka pulled Jagged away so the three of us could have a private word.” She turned to Bruce, glancing around for listening ears. “We happened to be seated on the plane next to Damian and, well.” She gestured between them. “I’m afraid you will have to elaborate, Ms. Dupain Cheng.” Bruce narrowed his eyes at the two of them, his face visibly confused. “What she is referring to, Father, is that they are apparently my bonded.” Damian explained. “Both of them.” He added after a moment’s silence. ‘You will explain the work you did together?’ He asked Marinette silently. ‘Soon enough, it’s a rather long story.’ Marinette’s face didn’t even change when she answered, and she started talking to Bruce over the end of her own sentence. “Luka and I had known each other for years before we found out our bond, and we’d always known that there was supposed to be a third for us. However, as we were in Paris, and Damian was apparently here, that obviously made it so that we didn’t meet until on the airplane here.” “And how did you figure it out? Not that I’m not happy for you three, but I know my son, and he tends to be reluctant to even speak to strangers.” Bruce was fishing, and Damian knew it. Marinette seemed to be able to tell too, as she was unphased by his question. “Easy, he was exhausted and fell asleep on the plane leaning on Luka. When Luka needed to move and was panicking because he didn’t want to wake up Damian, he was obviously exhausted and seemed comfortable where he was, Damian responded to his silent monologue about the situation and Damian responded in kind.” Marinette giggled, mentally nudging him when she made an edit to preserve his dignity. ‘Thank you for not going into detail.’ Damian rolled his eyes and smirked. “I had thought I’d talked to him out loud, and promptly fell back to sleep, when they woke me again shortly before the flight was over, and informed me that I had not -in fact- spoken out loud.” He then surprised both his father and himself by reaching over to put a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “They were kind enough to give me time to process and after I gave them my phone number, texted me only to give me theirs and let me process on my own after that.” “To be fair, we passed out and slept till almost noon after we texted you, so it wasn’t restraint on our parts, just that we were too tired to stay up anymore. Especially since we didn’t sleep on the plane.” Marinette laughed dryly. “That’s an eight hour flight.” Bruce commented in shock. “You two were awake the whole time?” “Well yes, we hadn’t been up all that long anyway, and with Damian sleeping against Luka, he wasn’t sure if Damian would be offended if he woke up to a sleeping man holding him. Luka’s a cuddler and even if Damian started it he didn’t want to do anything that would make him uncomfortable.” Marinette shrugged. “If he was uncomfortable, why did he not simply move me to not be leaning on him anymore?” Damian asked, having realized that the only time he’d been moved was when Luka got up for the bathroom. “One, the only discomfort he had was not something that moving you would have solved, and two, we did.” She sighed, shrugging. “Every time he shifted you to be sitting upright, you just grabbed onto his arm and put your head back on his shoulder. And when he had to get up he tried a little harder and you got grumpy, but when he sat back down you were right there again. You were practically in his lap.” “And how many people saw this?” Damian asked with an internal groan. “If it gets put on the internet, I will never hear the end of it from the heathens.” “I think Luka and I were the only ones to notice, most everyone else was asleep.” Marinette reassured him. ‘I do have a couple photos and plan on one of them being your profile pic on my phone later.’ This was added as a teasing whisper in his mind and he internally groaned again. Luka broke into the conversation, ‘You have two guys inbound, tall, one of them is slender but muscled, the other slightly shorter and stocky.’ He added a look at where they were and what they looked at. “Grayson, Todd, what did you want?” Damian asked dryly as soon as they stepped close enough for him to hear their footsteps. “How did you do that, Demon Spawn?” Todd demanded as all three people turned to face the men who’d walked up. Marinette stiffened at the nickname, obviously offended at the nickname. ‘It’s alright, he says it because he cares.’ Damian reassured her, sending soothing emotions to her and Luka who’d been walking over as this was said. “I don’t feel like answering that question right now, Todd, but why did you come over here, this was a private conversation.” “Why did you and B need a private word with Jagged’s niece?” Grayson asked, frowning and looking between Bruce and Damian like he could figure out their secret. “That’s a conversation for home, Dick.” Bruce sighed. “And that’s when we decide to tell you, but it’s just something we needed to talk about before moving forward.” He glanced at Luka over Marinette’s shoulder, nodding at him to acknowledge that he’d walked back up. “Can you please not call her his niece? It’s rather awkward at this point.” Luka commented, putting his arms around Marinette’s waist. “She’s my soulmate, he’s my dad, it’s weird, you know?” That caught everyone’s attention, including Damian. “Wait, you’re Jagged’s son?” Bruce sputtered, his face astounded. “The way he talked about you, I figured you were like ten. Not an adult that was touring with him. He also didn’t introduce you as his son.” “I know, I didn’t grow up with him. My mom raised me and my sister, I didn’t really have any contact with him until I was a teenager.” Luka shrugged, “Doesn’t make it any less weird when he calls my soulmate his niece.” “Excuse you, I claimed her before you two even met.” Jagged laughed loudly, causing half the ballroom to look to see who was being so loud. “I think that gives me the right to keep calling her that.” “It’s still weird.” Luka shot back, shaking his head and leaning into Marinette’s hair. ‘This is why I pulled him away, he’s so loud about everything that the whole ballroom would know if he’d been part of it. You said you’d get made fun of if certain people found out.’ Damian smirked, looking down slightly, ‘Thank you, Luka.’ “Anyway, Luka, Marinette, these are two of my other sons, Jagged I’m sure you remember Dick and Jason?” Bruce pointed to each one in turn. “Wait, why does Damian call them by other names then?” Marinette wrinkled her nose a bit, trying to figure it out. “Damian… Has his own way of doing things. I’m surprised he doesn’t call you two by your last names.” Bruce admitted. “We never told him them.” Luka shrugged calmly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Okay, I’m confused, how do you all know Damian?” Dick asked, crossing his arms as Tim came to investigate what was going on. “For the love of… Short answer, they met on the plane here, the rest of it we will talk about at a later time and place, when Damian wants to share. That is the end of it, go back to the party.” Bruce grunted at the boys, glaring at them in annoyance while keeping the rest of his face in a neutral expression that he’d practiced for years. “Alright, alright, we’re going.” Jason threw up his hands and grumbled about people being touchy as he walked away. “The one day he’s not in a grumpy mood he has to irritate the rest of us.” Damian clicked his tongue in irritation and shook his head as Dick and Tim also drifted away with shrugs and curious looks thrown at the Parisians. “Well, why don’t you guys enjoy the party, we can talk soon. After I’ve had a chance to wrangle the whole family into not bothering the heck out of Damian over everything.” Bruce gave a small, slightly sarcastic smile and then softened. “Glad things are good though. I’m happy for you.” He patted Damian on the shoulder and walked away to join Jagged who was now talking with a few women by the refreshment table. “So… I take it he approves?” Marinette asked. “Yeah, I think he does.” Damian had the urge to hug his soulmates, but he contented himself with sending as much warmth and happiness to them through the bond as he could.
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notveryglittery · 4 years
mice on venus (1.1)
summary: gee, those forest ravines really pop out at you, huh? wc: 2k / ships: romantic royality, qpr prinxiety, romantic analogical. warnings: falling off a cliff, injuries, janus is a lil rough around the edges but sometimes u gotta be when living in a dangerous blocky world... author’s note: i couldn’t sleep last night... bc brain was making this... and also @thoriffix​ makes nice minecraft art... so yeah, minecraft sanders sides au? i have no clue what i’m doing besides having fun :) not too much knowledge of the game is needed; you can look at it as a basic adventure au. enjoy!
mice on venus (1.1) (you are here) | far (1.2) title inspo: (spotify link) (youtube link) idk if this will go on ao3 but here’s a spot for editing 
— — —
Patton’s voice tears from his throat in a raw and terrified shout. "Roman!" He screams, hands outstretched uselessly, as Roman tips backwards over the edge of a ravine, and disappears.
Logan is there, barely a second later. He rifles through his bag, finds what he needs, and throws it with all the force he can muster. Gravity won't let it hit the ground before Roman does, but it will help when it arrives nonetheless. He hurries to stand, turn, and face —
"What happened?!" Virgil asks breathlessly, daggers drawn and at the ready.
"Roman fell into a ravine," Logan answers with so little tact that Patton would scold him for it if he were paying enough attention to overhear. The color in Virgil's face drains. "I threw a Splash Potion of Healing after him," Logan reassures without pausing, "but we need to get down there."
"I knew I should've stayed home," drawls their final party member, sounding awfully bored despite the situation.
Patron does hear this and he rounds on Janus with fire in his eyes. "How could you be so cruel?! Roman might be dead!"
Janus raises an eyebrow. "Were you not listening just now? Our local brewer lobbed a potion. Roman's seen worse. He'll be fine."
Patton's lower lip trembles but it's hard to tell whether he wants to cry or to berate. Maybe both. He looks for Virgil, only to find him at the ravine's edge with a bucket. Water is flowing from where it's been poured, creating a safe passage for them to traverse down in once safe.
Roman, meanwhile, is falling.
His only warning had been the horror dawning on Patton's face and even then, it came after his foot met air instead of solid ground like he expected. For some inane reason, his first thought as he went plummeting was "who put this ravine in the middle of a forest?" Next, it was panic and "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH—"
With the wind stinging his face and his blood roaring in his ears, Roman knows he has mere seconds to figure out how to make this suck less. He struggles to right himself until he's facing the ground that is rushing up to meet him. He pulls his shield from where it is strapped to his back and thanks Jeb that he'd had the foresight, as their fighter, to give himself something sturdier. The rickety thing the others use wouldn't have done much for him here but the curved, solid iron plate he tucks himself into should absorb most of the impact.
That doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt like hell. He can barely cry out with how his breath is knocked out of him. Pain shoots up his ankles and legs, lighting every nerve along the way. He tilts over, gritting his teeth and trying to see beyond the stars that swim through his vision. He isn't safe… There could… Mobs…
Glass shatters next to him and he flinches from it. Please not a witch, please not a witch, please not a witch —
As opposed to the nauseous kick of poison or the heavy weight of slowness, however, warmth of healing washes over him. In his shock, he'd forgotten anyone had been with him but of course, Logan would have been right behind Patton, with his emergency potions. Relief floods over everything else. He isn't alone. He has help.
"— an idiot!" is the first thing Roman hears when he comes to. He opens his eyes to see Virgil pacing beside him, flailing his arms, and apparently mid-rant. It's probably Logan at his feet, wrapping his ankle in a splint. Ah… the pain from it being jostled must've woken him… He's glad he doesn't remember it.
"Honey," Patton's voice whimpers, close to him, choked and scared and none of that will do —
"C'mere," Roman croaks, reaching for his beloved. Patton catches Roman's hand and holds it almost too tightly. Roman isn't sure which one of them is shaking. He brings Patton's hand to his lips and kisses his knuckles. "I'm okay, sweetness. Don't cry. Please. You know a smile will help me recover better than anything."
"That's not true," Logan pipes up, deadpan.
Patton gives him a tremulous smile anyway.
"Learn to watch—" Virgil stops. Freezes. Looks up. "Oh. Great." He's rifling through his supplies before the others even have time to ask him what's wrong.
The sudden realization of dimming light answers them well enough, though. Janus wastes no time in beginning to help Virgil, moving with him to the ravine's wall to back their makeshift base against. Sunset brings with it monsters and they certainly aren’t in the best place to handle that.
"You need to sleep before you get back on your feet," Logan tells Roman as he packs away his med kit. "No adventures for at least three days."
Roman gasps, as if Logan has just told him his birthday is canceled.
"Logan's right, dear," Patton intervenes, pulling one of Roman's arms over and around his shoulder. He helps him stand slowly, making sure Roman favors weight on his less injured ankle. "It's okay, I'm gonna stay with you! It'll go by so quick, you won't even know it happened."
Roman wants to complain further but he’s lightheaded from his now-vertical position. With practiced ease, Virgil and Janus have a lean-to set up to keep them safe from the nights terrors. Unfortunately, there’s only enough materials for two beds. Fortunately, they sleep in shifts anyway. It takes some coaxing to convince Roman that he doesn’t need to stay awake for one but once his head is on the pillow and Patton is combing a hand through his hair, he’s out.
Logan sits up for the first two hours. Forty minutes in, Janus leaves to explore the ravine. The others know better than to even try stopping him. He returns, laden with coal and iron ore.
“Roman’s shield is gonna need repairing,” Janus says matter-of-factly as he takes over for the next watch.
Logan groans. “I suppose, at least, the painting will keep him busy while he’s grounded.”
“He’ll last…” Janus pauses, considering. “I give him no more than a day and a half.”
“If he wants to sustain his injuries, sure.”
“Bet you he’ll try stealing an Instant Health potion.”
“Not if he knows what’s best for him,” Logan snaps.
Janus smiles with too many teeth which isn’t to say he has too many teeth, just that normally his smiles are close-lipped. Logan scowls before ducking into their small shelter to try and get some rest.
The next two hours pass without trouble. Virgil takes his turn. The howling screech of an enderman startles Logan awake but just as quick, Virgil is peeking in on the party and waving the concern away with an ender pearl clutched in his fist.
“Didn’t wanna pass up the opportunity,” he whispers, before returning to his post.
Patton sets up for the last watch. Virgil makes Logan take the free bed, which doesn’t take much convincing seeing as he’s half-asleep already. Roman begins to toss and turn so Virgil sits on the ground beside him, reaches up, and holds his hand.
“Sap,” Janus says from the corner where he’s been making torches.
“Have you slept at all?” Virgil asks instead of taking the bait.
When Janus doesn’t answer, Virgil frowns. “How long has it been?”
Another round of silence.
“J, what the fuck? We don’t need phantoms on top of everything else!” Virgil raises his voice without meaning to. Logan stirs at the sound of it; he’s always been a light sleeper.
“Hush,” Janus hisses. They wait a few moments more until Logan has settled. “I will when we get back home. I’ve got at least one more safe night.”
Virgil’s glare sharpens but he doesn’t push any further. Janus goes back to his crafting but Virgil notices now how slowly he works. Instead of staring and letting his concern build, Virgil leans back and shuts his eyes, focusing on Roman’s warm hand in his.
Sunrise means a quick breakfast of bread and crisp apples. They share amongst themselves before Logan and Patton take down the lean-to. Janus returns to the top of the ravine, making sure to dispatch any mobs lurking in the shade of the trees. Virgil remembers the leads Patton had brought with him, for if they had come across any horses, and suggests tying Roman to one of them, just in case things go wrong on the swim up the waterfall.
Roman, ever full of bravado, insists he would be just fine on his own. Looks of concern and frustration come from his boyfriend and queerplatonic partner, respectively, and he quickly gives in without much fuss. Janus joins them again and offers to build a ladder back up, especially since there’s no short supply of wood; Logan disagrees, worried that it would take too long and they’d be caught out once more at nighttime.
Eventually, they do all get up and out of the ravine. Roman’s splint needs redoing now that it’s wet and heavy but afterwards, they are on their way home. He relies heavily on Patton and Virgil to help him, careful to not put too much weight on his injured foot; he hates needing so much help, but he supposes it’s mostly alright, what with Patton keeping him entertained with stories and Virgil teasing him about dumb little mistakes made in the past.
Slow going as as they are, they make it just as the sun is beginning to set. The lanterns are lit at the village they had set up nearby roughly a year ago and their neighbors are gathered at the bell for gossip and trade. Patton wants to swing by to say hello and offer some cake but Roman is really struggling beside him now.
“Oh, sweetpea, you must be so tired,” Patton murmurs, shifting so that he can take more pressure off of Roman. “I’m gonna get you the best dinner… And hot cocoa, too, how’s that sound?”
“We haven’t got a steady supply of cocoa beans yet,” Roman says without much conviction.
“I’ll cocoa bean anyone that tries to stop me,” Patton insists.
Virgil stifles a laugh behind his hand and pretends he didn’t hear the thinly veiled threat disguised as a pun. He makes a note to kick their search for a jungle into first gear and wonders if Janus would be up for a trip to the west. It is the least explored direction and their terribly empty maps remind them every day. In the meantime, he’ll help Patton to get Roman comfortable and settled. He makes sure Janus goes to bed that night, keeping him company until he’s well and truly deep in sleep.
After one last sweep of the perimeter, Virgil retires to his and Logan’s room. Logan is waiting up for him, reading by candlelight. Virgil changes into his night clothes and slides in under the covers. Logan is warm and, with a fond eye roll, compliant as Virgil tugs at his sleeve until he eventually puts his book away. Logan lays on his back with Virgil splayed half-across his chest; the sensation has always put Logan at ease, having his partner’s presence so physical and grounding and there.
“Will Roman be okay?” Virgil asks in a voice so small that Logan almost doesn’t hear him.
“Like Janus said, Roman has been through worse.” Logan hesitates but not long enough for either of them to actually start thinking about it. “As long as he is careful, which I’m sure Patton will help him be, he’ll recover in no time.”
The tension flows out of Virgil in one slow exhale. “Thanks, L.” He shuffles deeper into the blankets and Logan’s embrace. “Love you.”
“And I you,” Logan responds with a hum, pressing a kiss to the top of Virgil’s head.
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gucciwins · 4 years
Confessions ll
Harry messed up and Y/N doesn’t know how to move forward
A/N: The long awaited part two. Confessions was written over a year ago and I’d like to think my writing has grown since then. I honestly debated a part two for forever but here it is. I hope you love it as much as you loved part one. 
read part one of confessions here
* * * * *
“Tell me once again what you did for the past week?" 
"Sarah, I told you I watched all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. Ate food I cooked, not reheated. Well, it was mainly soup and simple pasta. I did take showers and change clothes. Although I have not washed any." You share as you pick up your laundry basket and begin to fill it with a few lose clothes around your room. The room was always kept nice with a bed made and no scattered garments, but that couldn't be said now. You had clothes all over, pillows on the floor, and an unfolded comforter which Ginger was taking advantage of and sleeping on top of. Not mentioning how the living room looked, you started with the laundry. 
"You're telling me you spent roughly 154 hours in front of your television watching a show on Netflix." Sarah pauses. "That means you've either slept fourteen hours straight or slept two hours each night." 
"Your math skills are great still." You laugh, not answering her. “It wasn’t even a good show. But oh well now.”
"Y/N," Sarah pesters. 
"Fine. I slept roughly two hours after I finished a season." 
"What about work?" 
"I am working from home on this project. It's due in three weeks, and I'm ahead, need to edit a few things, then I'm all good." 
You put Sarah on speaker and place your phone on top of the basket as you walk to the washer. You know she's frustrated with you, but this is the best way to heal heartache. Well, your best approach. 
"Are you feeling better, hun" Sarah sighs. "I know it's hard, but I'm here for you. As is Mitch." 
You drop the basket in your basement and begin to load your clothing. "Look, Sarah, I know you both care. I just need to solve this on my own. Ha-" You cut yourself off before saying his name. "He's a great guy, but I don't need a jealous boyfriend in my life. He knows how I act, how cuddly I am, but if he saw me as someone unfaithful, then what's the point of trying. No trust. No love." 
"He's not a bad guy." Sarah starts.
"No, I know that. Trust me, the time we got to spend together, I saw how kind and generous Harry is. He's more than just another famous guy, but second chances. I'm not known for that." You know second chances are good, but it is also a way to lead to being hurt once again. "I know he's your friend, but he was mine as well."
"You're not going to give him the chance to apologize?" 
"Of course, I will. I forgive him, but what else is there to do, it's not li-like he was my boyfriend." 
"Y/N, you confessed your love to him." 
Sarah is trying her best to be neutral, but you know she was rooting for the two of you to make it. To defeat the odds thrown your way. No one expected it to end before it started.
"Yeah, well, come-what-may." 
"What does that mean?" 
"Well, if a bus is heading right at you, let it come." You say quoting Liz from the series you just watched. Not the brightest philosophy, but it's all you have right now. 
"That sounds like a disaster."
"Yeah, it does. You'd save me from the bus, right?" 
Sarah laughs. "Of course, I would. Who else cooks for me expecting nothing in return?" 
You laugh for the first time in what feels like months. Sarah is always able to break you out of your deep dark times. 
"Dinner at my place on Wednesday." You tell her, wanting to get together without having to leave your house. 
"We'll be there." 
You go to hang up, but remember an essential thing for dinner. "Mitch needs to make his brownies, always taste so heavenly." You let out a low moan just thinking about the melting chocolate. 
"I'll tell him, I will also leave out the part where you get wet for brownies." Sarah laughs, and you can't help but join her. Those brownies are just too sinful. 
She hangs up, leaving you in the quiet of your basement. It would be good to see Sarah and Mitch even if Harry blew up at you the last time you saw them. You shake your thoughts away and finish loading the wash. Picking up the previous item, it's a blue Mickey Mouse shirt. Except, it's not yours, it's his. He had come over for dinner and decided he wanted to do the cooking. He brought the spoon to his mouth to taste and ended up spilling. You were quick to strip it off him and rinse it, not wanting it to stain. But did not wash it in a load right away. He was in no hurry to put a shirt back on. To his displeasure, you handed him a Washington State sweater that belonged to your brother. He had looked good in it. That night you didn't sleep until four am not noticing the time and lost in pleasant conversations.
It's crazy how fast the night changes. 
* * * * *
"Mitch, I made chicken tinga with you in mind. I remember you saying how much you were dying to try some three weeks ago." You say as you set a plate of shredded lettuce on the table. "I have it in good authority that I make one of the best. My grandma said I mastered it, so if you don't like it take it up with her." 
Mitch laughs, remembering saying that when you all went out for drinks. "It smells amazing, I'm sure it's great." 
"Anything you touch tastes amazing." Sarah comments.
The conversation flowed calmly over dinner, not one mention of Harry. It feels off being without him, but you can't change what happened, only move on. Sarah and Mitch were your friends before you even knew Harry, but the same goes for Harry. One moment they were strangers and the next they were best friends, now you had no idea where you stood. 
Mitch got up and went for the brownies and set a plate of two in front of you and Sarah but only one for himself. You were about to bite into the delicious treat when there was a knock on your door. 
You all froze, not knowing who it could be. Not your brother, seeing as you drove him to the airport on Sunday. You briefly talked about Harry, but he knew it was your decision to make. Thomas was a good man, but all too forgiving something you never understood. You look at Sarah and shrug as if to say you don't know who's behind the door. You miss the nervous look Mitch gives Sarah as you stand up and make your way to the door. 
You live in a safe community, preceding checking the peephole. The door opens and in front of you is Harry. He looks nervous, cheeks red, and smile small. He takes a step back, and all you want to do is close the door. Not caring for a word that comes out of his mouth. 
Harry sees the look in your eyes and is quick to react. "I'm not here to stay, but I do want to talk.  
You narrow your eyes at him. "Not tonight." 
"It has to be tonight." He pleads. 
You refuse to do this on his terms, let alone without warning. "No."
"Please," Harry takes a step closer, and you catch his eyes glistening. 
"I need you to leave." It's hard telling him to go, but it's what you need.
"Will you hear me out, if I leave?" Harry's stubborn, you learned that the hard way during one of your first arguments where you needed to go home after a late night of drinking, but he wouldn't hear it practically pushing you to his guest room.
"Of course." 
Harry grins, and it almost makes you forget your anger. 
"But not tonight."
His smile falters. You've caught him off guard. 
"Then, when?" He whispers, all confidence gone. 
You think for a moment, "Friday, I'll meet you at Carol's Diner."
"Okay, 12," Harry says, knowing that was your usual time to have lunch there together. 
"Eight" You're embarrassed to correct. "If that's okay, I've got meetings all day." 
Harry nods. "No problem at all." 
He walks down the steps and to his car. You can't help but stand there as he walks away. He would always drag his feet playfully joking how he didn't like being kicked out. He didn't stay the night unless he had some alcohol. You told him one drop, and you'd have the couch ready for him. Which always ended with him in your bed because he said your living room was haunted. 
You miss him, but you don't know how to move forward. 
* * * * *
Late. You're late, and Harry knows he deserves it, hell you might not even show up. 
Harry ordered a black coffee, not knowing if they'd eat or not. The waiter had just served him his refill when you walked in the diner. You spot him right away, and he can't help but begin to sweat. 
"Harry, I'm sorry. My last meeting ran a little longer." You shrug your coat off before sliding into the booth across from him. "I hope you didn't think I was setting you up."
"'Course not. You hungry? Didn't know if you wanted to order." 
"Starving, I've been craving french toast and a milkshake." You laugh, looking at Harry. "That sounds like a lot of sugar. I'm sorry." 
"It's fine, lo-Y/n." He clears his throat. 
You both place your orders, and then the silence takes over. Harry sits there staring at you while you look out the window staring at the park entrance. You count three couples walking in and four families coming out. You also spotted two dogs, frowning when no more showed up.
You're surprised at how fast the food comes and dig right in. Harry and you eat in silence. The chatter of the diner is the only noise around you. Harry steals glances at you, but you never meet his gaze. Too nervous for that. You finish most of your food, but stop once you see Harry set his fork down. Your hands are quick to go in your lap, slowly tracing patterns up and down your palm to keep calm. 
"We've got to talk." 
You sit there patiently, allowing Harry to be the first one to speak. Harry wanted this so bad he has the floor.
Harry stares at you, and he's afraid he's going to lose you after this moment. 
"I'm sorry, let me start with that." He reaches his hand out but pulls back when he sees them in your lap. "There's no excuse for what I did. I was awful, and you deserve better. You deserve trust, and I didn't give it to you." He takes a deep breath. "Looking back, you let me in, really in, but I always kept you at arm's length, waiting for you to mess up. An excuse to hurt you instead of being the one who gets hurt, but in the end, that didn't work out."
"Harry," You try to cut in.
"No, let me finish." You give the nod, and he continues. 
"Those words I said were not true at all. You never used me for nothing. We always did things in private. I'd always force you to go to the bar with us. That dinner was the first time you initiated a public outing, and even then, the place was small and quiet."
"I don't like crowds, and you don't like paparazzi." You say because it's just that simple.
"See, Y/N. You look to put others before you, but I don't want you to do that now. I acknowledge what I did was awful. I told my mum about it because the guilt was eating at me, and she was so disappointed in me. I'm disappointed in me." 
Harry frowns, looking down at his bare hands. The rings at home, no comfort. He holds himself bare in front of you. 
"I want you to put yourself first even if that means not being in my life anymore." 
You focused your eyes on him. This is Harry, honest and nervous Harry. The guy who recites love actually as it plays. Who laughs out loud to all of Mitch's jokes. The one who always rushes to open your doors. 
"Thank you. This is still a lot." Your eyes begin to burn as you remember his confession. "You said-"Your voice cracks. "You said you were falling in love with me." 
Harry's green eyes begin to fill with tears. He nods in acknowledgment of your words.
"My brother is my best friend but Harry, so were you. Those two months felt like ten years, I felt like you've been in my life forever. That hurt Harry, all because what I was sleeping on was someone's arm like I didn't do it before you, and I won't do it after you." You pause to get your emotions under control. "My brother vouched for you. Said you apologized and cried. That you were quick to see your mistake. My brother approves of few people and to have his approval even after what happened means he sees the good in you." 
"Thomas was amazing. I'm glad you have each other." Harry inputs wanting you to know the feeling is mutual. 
"Harry," you take a drink of water. "We were never together. never went on a date, never asked to be boyfriend or girlfriend, we never kissed." 
"It felt like we were," Harry tells you.
"You're right," You set your hands on the table. "That's why it hurt so much when you said all that to me." 
He doesn't deserve you, he knows that, which is why your next words surprise him. 
"I forgive you."
"Thank you," Harry moves to hold your hand, but you don't let him. 
He doesn't hide his shock. 
"I just can't be with you, at least not now." He nods. "You have to understand, I think we'd burn together."
"You don't mean that." It comes out in a whisper. 
"I'm doing what's best for us now. I care too much about you to go into a relationship only for us to break each other's hearts." 
Harry's heart is breaking, and there's no one else to blame but himself. 
"We're bound to run into each other again, Sarah's my best friend and Mitch is her sidekick. I'm not asking you to wait for me, that'd be wrong. But if we ever find yourself in the same place and the feelings are there, and we both feel the timing is right, then I'll be open to asking you on a date or you asking me."
Harry smiles in understanding, no matter how much it hurts him.  
There's not much left to say. Harry knows this is goodbye. "You'll always be my friend, I hope you know I'll always be a phone call away."
You nod and stand up. "Thank you, Harry. I'm here for you as well." 
Harry stands and wraps his arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze. 
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am, but thank you for giving me the chance to grow and learn." He steps back. 
"You're a good man, Harry." 
"And you have the purest most beautiful soul." Harry's staring into your eyes, and you can't help but tear up. 
You reach forward and squeeze his hand three times. 
"Take care, H."
 Harry watches as you walk out of the diner. 
He's lost you once again, but he knows your paths will cross once more. 
* * * * *
I love you so much! Thank you for reading! 
Please let me know what you thought about Confession ll 
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Dark [Epilogue]
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ーー The way to survive in a world which has lost all order.
Is to first and foremost band together as a group. 
No matter how strong or how clever you may be,
if your opponent outnumbers you by just the slightest margin,
you have no shot at winning.
That is most likely the reason why,
the more rowdy the city, the larger the number of gangs.
And in this city as well,
the gangs which had been formed by groups of orphansーー
they would call them ‘teams’,
and there were several of them.
Lucks was the Boss who kept together,
one of the top teams of the city,
and also the person who picked me up,
after I was left for dead in a back-alley.
One day, one week, one month. 
The more time I spent together with him,
the more I began to realize just how amazing he truly was.
He was obviously skilled in battle,
but also oddly intelligent for someone who lived in the slums,
as well did he excel in leadership and decision-making.
On top of that, he had a strong sense of justice and a caring heart.
It was only obvious that many people gathered,
around such an ideal-seeming leader.
Including myself as well,
Boss therefore had many henchman under his wing.
He would even look out for those henchmen’s followers.
There was simply no way that someone with such principles,
could let a person starve to death.
Thanks to Boss,
we got a serving of bread and fruit once every day.
However, the number of us henchmen,
was by no means small. Regardless,
how did Boss manage to provide,
this much food for us?
The amount was simply too much to achieve through theft.
I found this odd.
ー The scene starts with a flashback in the city
Lucks: Here you go, Bear. This is today’s share.
Bear: ...Say, how do you get your hands on this food?
Lucks: Haah? You’re worried about that sorta stuff?
Bear: I’m glad you’re feeding us. However, I’m worried you might be getting yourself involved with dangerous business...
Lucks: Seems like you still don’t quite understand. Not a single thing is risk-free in this city.
Bear: Thenーー
Lucks: But you know, that is nothing for you to worry about.
That’s my duty as a Boss. All you need to do is sit there and munch on your bread.
Bear: ...
Bear: ( Sometimes Boss disappears without a word... )
( If I find out how he acquires the food, I might be able to help out as well. )
( I owe Boss big time. So I want to help him in every way I can. )
Lucks: ...Ugh...
Bear: ...! B-Boss!?
Oi, Boss! Hang in there! Why are you this...?
Lucks: ...Bear...Is that you? You found me at the worst possible time...
Bear: ( There’s chafes all over his body...? )
...! Boss, don’t tell me...
Lucks: ...If possible, I would have liked to keep this a secret from you. Despite your rough personality, you are still innocent after all (1)...
The people who give me money...They all treat me like some kind of slave...However, I don’t plan on selling off my heart or soul.
No matter how much money they offer, or how much they control me...I will never belong to anyone.
Even quasi-livestock like me still has a pride left...
ー The flashback ends as the scene shifts to the infirmary
Yuma: ...
A livestock’s pride, huh...?
Yui: ...Nn...
Yuma: Pretty cheeky of ya to repeat his exact same words, huh? Right, Sow...?
Reinhart: How is she doing?
Yuma: Aahn? Fuck off. Can’t ya tell? She’s snoozin’.
Reinhart: Oh my, you’re right. That being said, she seemed to be suffering from pretty severe anemia...Do you have any clue what might have happened?
Yuma: Beats me! Why do ya ask me? It’s damn annoyin’.
Reinhart: Why, you ask? ...Aren’t you her boyfriend?
Yuma: Boyfriend? Hah! That’s the best joke I’ve ever heard.
Reinhart: Oh, you’re not? I figured that was the case seeing as you were carrying her in your arms as you brought her in.
Yuma: That’s not her role. She’s just part of a ‘means’. ...One to fulfill my ambition, that is.
Reinhart: Your ambition? Are you talking about your dreams for the future? I’m impressed you’ve already got that figured out at your age! What kind of dream is it?
Yuma: Che, shut up. Didn’t ya hear me when I said you’re damn annoyin’!?
Reinhart: Ah, come on. If you shout like thaーー
Yui: Nn...
Reinhart: See? You woke her up. Good morning, Komori-san. How are you feeling?
Yui: Sensei and...Yuma-kun...?
( ...Right. I was about to fall over from anemia, when Yuma-kun stepped in and... )
( ...My memory is failing me. I must have lost consciousness at some point after he sucked my blood a second time... )
Uhm, right now it’s...?
Reinhart: Fourth period is almost over. You slept soundly.
Yui: That long...?
Yuma: Ya slept way too long just ‘cause you’re runnin’ a lil’ low on blood!
Yui: S-Sorry...
Reinhart: Watch your mouth, Yuma-kun! That’s not a very nice way to put it? Being kind to women should be the basic rule of any man, no?
Yuma: Kind? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding me. She’s not worth that sorta treatment.
Yui: ( I’m nothing but a toy in Yuma-kun’s eyes after all...There’s no way he would be kind to me. )
( ...But, he did bring me to the infirmary after I had lost consciousness. I should be grateful for that, right? )
( Although he is the reason this happened in the first place though... )
Reinhart: Hmm, your complexion is still a little pale. Are you anemic after all?
Right now you are only showing light symptoms, but if it gets more severe, please go to the hospital.
Well, you kids are still young, so for now focus on eating good, nutritious meals, okay?
Yui: Yes. Thank you very much.
Reinhart: Well then, I’ll be on my way to the staff room but if you still feel unwell, you can rest here. What about you, Yuma-kun?
Yuma: Aah? If she remains here, I obviously will as well.
Reinhart: Fufu, you must be really worried about her.
Yui ( No way he’s worried, he just wants to keep an eye on me... )
Reinhart: I’ll leave you in her care then. Ah, do you remember what I said earlier? You have to be kind toーー
Yuma: Shut yer fuckin’ mouth! Go already!!
Reinhart: Ahaha, good luck then!
Yui: ( Sensei’s amazing, he can just laugh it off when Yuma-kun snaps at him. )
Yuma-kun, are you sure you shouldn’t go? To class.
Yuma: ...Aah?
Yui: ( Uwah, he’s in a foul mood...I probably shouldn’t say anything unnecessary now... )
Yuma: Geez...From havin’ to carry ya ‘round, gettin’ hindered by that damn NEET to dealin’ with that nosy Teacher...Today seriously sucked big time.
It’s all ‘cause ya collapsed on me. Take some responsibility, Sow.
Yui: ...! N-No more blood today, okay!?
( I feel like I’ll be in serious trouble if he sucks me yet another time! )
Yuma: I’ve fed off ya twice and ya already reached yer limit? It’s ‘cause you’re so damn tiny.
...Che, guess it can’t be helped. It won’t be delicious if I suck ya when you’re already all shriveled.
Then just rest up here until school’s over. I get to skip classes as well. Gotta watch ya after all. I won’t have Ruki scold me afterwards.
Yui: The whole time...Until after class? I’ve actually come to school, so I’d like to at least attend final period...
Yuma: Don’t be complainin’! I’m tellin’ ya to rest so get to sleep!!
Yui: F-Fine...! I understand, so please don’t yell like that.
Yuma: ...Che, look at ya twitchin’ in fear. Nn...
Yui: ( Ah, those sugar cubes again...He brings those with him even to school. Just how much does he like them? )
( Well, but...Despite everything he says, he’ll stay here with me the whole time, right? Even if he just wants to skip class. )
( Perhaps Yuma-kun is just the slightest bit worried about me as well. )
( I should probably thank him at least? )
ー Yuma moves closer
Yui: Say, Yuma-kun. Thaーー Nguh!?
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–> If you are playing the Limited V edition or the Grand Edition, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Don’t make a fuss. Keep still.”
“...Aah? What? You’re curious ‘bout Sugar-chan?”
“Che...! Geez, this bed is too damn small...They should change it to somethin’ a lil’ more fittin’ for someone my size!”
Yui: ...!?
Yuma: Nn...Come on, eat it. Don’t ya dare spit it out. 
Yui: ( It’s sweet...Is this sugar he’s forcing inside my mouth...!? )
Yuma: Ya should feel grateful. I’m sharin’ my cute lil’ Sugar-chan with someone like ya after all...
Yui: ...Nn...
Yuma: Come on, I’ll make an exception and add in one more.
Yui: ( My mouth’s full...! How many will he stuff inside...!? )
Yuma: Hah...Ya swallowed them all, right?
Yui: ( Is it from the...sweetness of the sugar? For some reason, I feel strange... )
Yuma: How’s that? Delicious, right?
Eat some good food like this to get yer blood runnin’ again, then lemme suck it as soon as possible. ...Understood?
If even livestock has a pride, ya shouldn’t throw in the towel over somethin’ like this.
Show me some guts...
Yui: ( I doubt sugar cubes will provide much nutrition though... )
( ...But, he might be worrying about me in his own way. )
( I wonder if he has this side to him because he was once human...? )
Translation notes
(1) The term 擦れる or ‘sureru’ usually means something like ‘to become worn out’ or ‘to chafe’, but it can also mean ‘to lose one’s innocence’. 
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