#I miss him! He's literally only my aunts husband but
hopelessrromantix · 1 year
Sending a less intense ask now that I know you didn't disappear. How about Miguel x male reader who's cannon event was losing his husband, his worlds Miguel. (Hurt/Comfort)
Or Miguel, who's afraid to hurt the reader bc his fangs/powers/strength/etc. So reader has to show him that they're stronger than they look. (Angst/Fluff, optional Smut)
Or Miguel and reader having a secret relationship, but it's hard to keep it that way when he's so desperate for your attention all of the time (Smut, cough semi-public cough)
These are just some ideas, but there's no pressure to answer any of them. Have a good day :)
Might write your other ideas too, ngl...
Slightly more angst whoops.... sorry?
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The first time you met Miguel had been a very long time ago.
It was a glance at first. Just a random man visiting the doctor's area of your lab. Perfectly normal.
Then it was a conversation. Then a date. Then a proposal, and before long you were married and happy.
You were originally working on a biological project, which was the spider that made you the Spiderman of your world. And though Miguel was nervous, he was supportive nonetheless.
Unfortunately, like all your counterparts, your unavoidable canon had resulted in Miguel's death, something you never got over. No matter how long passed, your heart felt just as heavy thinking about your husband.
You'd tried just about everything to get him back, even if he wasn't the same.
Experiments, A.I., anything that came to mind. But it was never him.
Maybe it had destroyed you a bit.
Maybe you spent too long torturing yourself in your head, trying to cover any sense of loss with the humor so traditional of a spider.
And maybe, just maybe, you missed him more than you could handle.
It wasn't until you swung face first into an anomaly (literally, a wall had basically materialized in front of you) that your life changed again.
Before you could blink, a man in a dark suit had been tackled to the ground. He was forming stone walls around him, attempting to stand back up.
Judging by the large stature of the man behind him, that wasn't happening.
The suit drew your attention first. It looked weirdly like the one Miguel had helped you make years before. Not the same, but close.
Several other people were with him, each one with different but similar outfits.
"Uhhh should I be fighting you guys, or…?" You questioned, looking over the group. You were prepared for a fight, but they seemed too calm to be villains like those you usually fought.
The tall man looked over to you, nodding to a woman next to him, dressed in all red.
"No, but we owe you an explanation."
And they gave you one, explaining that you weren't really as unique as you thought, but in a much more fulfilling way. You were one of many, many universes out there.
They showed you HQ, a place full of slightly different variations of yourself.
And with that, you had one single question.
Is he out there somewhere too?
After that moment the tour was a blur. Your mind was too caught up in running over the ways to ask if you could find your husband. Even just seeing him from a distance. Anything would do.
"Hey, big guy?"
The man in front of you seemed unimpressed, even in the dim light of his workspace.
"What's the rule on going to see people in other universes? Like, you came to my world so shit wouldn't go sideways if I visited someone, would it?"
It wasn't the first time Miguel had been asked that, of course. They all lost someone, of course they'd ask to see them again. The only issue was breaking the fabric of reality. And the fact that Uncles, Aunts, and anyone else really was dead in most worlds.
"No you cannot see dead loved ones."
His mask faded away, a serious look on his face. "We all have canon events…"
He was talking. You knew he was talking.
But his eyes were so tired.
It had been a long time since you'd seen him, but he looked so much less… alive.
But you'd take any version of alive.
You couldn't hear anything he said. You were too busy studying every feature on his face, watching him carefully.
He paused. "We know each other on your Earth?"
"We don't on yours?" You asked with a twinge of sadness in your voice, wishing a parallel you could've been happy with him.
"Uh, yeah, hi, I was planning to step in a little sooner but, uh, whoops."
The flash of a woman floating in the air next to Miguel stopped you. Layla, as Spid- Miguel had introduced her earlier.
"Layla I'm in the mid-"
"Shockingly it's more important than whatever you're saying," she huffed. "In Y/n's world he joined the research team that eventually made the spider that bit him, in Miguel's world Y/n had joined a completely different company. You two didn't meet the same way in your worlds."
"Okay?" Miguel questioned, opening his mouth to continue complaining about Layla interrupting.
"Yeah, but on Y/n's Earth-"
"We're married. You… you saved the lives of a family and died in the process."
You could see his heart break for you. For most people, the shift in expression would be nothing. In fact, it was very well hidden. But you knew him.
And he knew loss more than most. And though he didn't know you, he knew what you felt.
Layla flashed away, leaving the two of you in the low light of Miguel's office.
"I'm sorry."
He was so much more broken than you remembered.
"I got to see you, that's all I wanted." You smiled, looking over his features with a sense of calm you hadn't felt since Miguel's death.
"Would you wanna take another walk? Maybe I could show you around my world." You suggested. You'd be happy just seeing him, you really would. But you'd be even happier spending time with him.
"You understand that-"
"It's not like you'd have to go back to my world forever. And I would've stayed alone there anyway, I doubt I would be wrecking some happy future life, Miguel."
His eyes narrowed. "But you-"
"You don't know me, it's okay. I'm not asking you to do anything. Hell even this is enough for me. Just talking to you, for any length of time"
"You aren't hearing m-"
"Losing you was the worst day of my life." He quieted a bit, letting you speak. "We all have canon events right? I'm sure you understand how much it hurt, then."
You took a breath. This was more overwhelming than you expected it to be, which was saying something.
"You don't know me, Miguel,.and technically I don't know you either. But we got along pretty well in my world? At least consider being my friend?" You asked, a hopeful look on your face as you stared at the much more tired version of your husband.
"Please, Miguel?"
He stared at you a minute, his eyes softer than they were a minute before. He glanced down at your hand before looking back up at your face.
"You should leave, Y/n."
Your hand dropped slowly as you tried not to let your heart break again.
And you listened.
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dreamchasernina · 7 months
So since the fandom has come back to life and there is not enough Kataang content on this app I will start sharing my two cents. Yay.
I want to start off by saying that as the show was airing, I, as a 10 year old, did kinda ship Zutara. Let’s face it, that scene in the catacombs was a turning point for a lot of shippers. But that was before I saw the final season a couple of years later. When I rewatched the show as a whole, as a teenager I was over Zutara, honestly their interaction kind of felt awkward to me, because they were enemies for so long. So I was all for Kataang. Now, that I’ve rewatched it for like a 1000th time, as a 28 year old, I finally see Kataang for the amazing pairing that it is.
Anyway, I’m not here to hate on anyone, you can ship whoever you like, and I love Zuko so you will not see me slandering his character here. Plus I don't feel the need to hate dump on a character to make my ship feel superior (*cough* unlike some Zutara shippers *cough*).
Ok, so. I feel that when people think of Katara, and her part in the show, they remember her as the responsible one in the group, the "mother" of the group, the sensible and caring one. Yes, when Katara’s mother died she had to step in and take the responsibility of the mother in the family, like Sokka says in the Runaway, and that stayed with her throughout the show. But, I hate that that’s the only thing she’s remembered for, because that’s just the result of her trauma. I feel like most people ignore a very crucial part of her character. Yes, she is the responsible in the group, but when she gets a chance to just be a kid, that's what she is.
People forget about the fun loving side of Katara. The one that goes penguin sledding and remembers how she hasn’t done it in a long time because life hasn’t allowed her to. The side of Katara that gets obsessed with Aunt Wu’s prediction because she is just a regular girl who’s fascinated by her love life, and dreams about what her future husband might be like. The girl that tries flying on the glider with Teo. The girl that relaxes on Appa and lets the hippie girl braid her hair, completely forgetting about the next task in their journey. People forget the side of her that dances in a cave, forgetting about the war and just enjoying life. Let’s not ignore that whenever Katara has a chance, she just enjoys being a kid, not just a badasss waterbender travelling with the Avatar.
And when Katara brings that side out, you know who’s right by her side? Aang. He’s not just by her side, he’s the one initiating those little fun moments. Penguin sledding is his idea, he’s the one to remind her that even though she’s been through a lot, and has a lot of responsibilities, she’s still a kid. He’s the one to organize the dance party, in a middle of a war, in the enemy's terrorory, he still finds a way for them just to be kids. And she’s right there with him, dancing. He’s also taking part in her obsession with Aunt Wu, not belittling or making fun of her faith, but taking part in it. Also sitting right next to her in a flower crown and enjoying the music the hippies play.
You cannot ignore that part of Katara, the part that shines when she’s comfortable, the part that just wants to be a regular kid and have fun. And that’s the part that Aang brings out in her. He’s the Avatar, the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders, but he still finds a way to enjoy life and be a kid, even after going through the worst trauma you can imagine. And he’s there to remind her that even if you’ve experienced the worst, you can still find joy in the little things. She literally says in the first episode - Aang brought something we haven’t had in a long time - fun. And that’s what he brings to her, this light, and that’s why she’s so drawn to him.
Isn’t that what we want for Katara, after the war is over? To just let herself be a kid, not to miss out on that part of her life, now that she doesn’t have to worry about their survival? And the best person to bring this joy and childlike wonder back into her life is Aang. And that’s why I think that Aang is truly the best one Katara could have ended up with.
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unangelic-thoughts · 9 months
Forgive me...I want you. (Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader)
Summary: After a drunken mistake where you expose yourself to your aunt's boyfriend, you unknowingly start something between you beyond your wildest dreams…
Warnings: NSFW smut 18+, infidelity, age gap, masturbating while being watched, phone sex (sorta?? but more like window sex??)
Word Count: 3k
Author’s note: A specific part in this is loosely inspired by taylor swift's 'you belong with me' scene where they see each other through their bedroom windows…hehe…;)
Reblogs and interactions are most appreciated <333
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I walk as quietly as I can up the stairs of the house I currently live in with my parents so as to not wake them at one thirty in the morning. Although I'm in my mid twenties and would love nothing more but to have my own place, rent is ridiculously expensive and I'd rather save up for as long as I can. Thankfully for me, I get along with them both and we respect each other's privacy - so it works.
I shut the door to my bedroom quietly, extending my hand to the wall beside me to switch the light on. I take my cross-body bag off over my head and throw it on my bed with a sigh. Running my hands through my hair, I think back to today's unfortunate events. From deciding to surprise my girlfriend on our six month anniversary, to catching her in bed with my best friend, to going from bar to bar with my sweet Angel of a cousin to try and forget it all; I am completely and utterly emotionally and physically exhausted.
The makeup I put on earlier today is patchy and smudged but I feel too numb to care. Walking into my on-suite bathroom, I stare at myself in the mirror while my arms rest on either side of the sink. Black streaks of mascara cover my cheeks from where I'd been crying. I take a deep breath, grabbing a makeup wipe and take it all off.
Once I'm done with skincare, I walk back into my bedroom and pick out a clean pair of undies and oversized tee from my closet, setting them out at the end of my bed. I begin stripping from my clothes, starting with my top, then my skirt and tights. I stand up straight, my hands reaching behind my back to take my bra off when I lock eyes with Joel and I freeze.
Joel is my next door neighbour. He is also my dad's sister's husband. In my current messy state, I  completely forgot to pull my curtains shut and that Joel's office literally faces my bedroom. In my defence, I wasn't expecting him to be up this late.
The initial state of shock begins to subside but neither of us has attempted to look away first. I'm reminded of the very innocent crush I've had on him since the day my aunt introduced us to him five years ago. Of course, I knew it was futile - considering the whole Joel-is-now-technically-my-uncle thing as well as the age gap thing. I never let myself think about it too seriously except for the times late at night whenever I've struggled to fall asleep. Thoughts of him laying on top of me, kissing down my neck while his hands caress my body intrude my mind more often than I'd like to admit and I feel so guilty, but I can't help it.
It feels like I've been standing there half-naked in front of my window for hours when in reality it's only been a second or two. I spot my dressing gown draped over my swivel chair in the corner of my eye and I quickly grab it to cover myself as best as I can.
When I look back at him, his eyes have fallen to the laptop in front of him and I instantly feel the loss of his intense stare. A pang of disappointment hits me, missing the feel of his eyes on me and the way it ignited a fire in my lower belly.
Desperate to get his attention, I loosen the grip I have on my dressing gown and let it fall in front me, exposing me once more. His dark brown eyes instantly meet mine again and it makes my insides flip.
I swallow down the lump in my throat, deciding to ignore the warning lights and sirens going off in my head that are telling me how terrible of an idea this is. But in this moment, I couldn't care less. I just want to feel wanted.
My hands find their way to my bra for a second time and unclasp it. I hold the cups of my bra against my breasts, a moment of hesitation washing over me but I shake that feeling away as I shake off my bra.
Joel goes very still and it feels good to know I'm having an effect on him, so I continue. My hands drop to my panties, my thumbs hooking on either side as I slowly slide them down my legs and step out of them.
I feel so empowered and in full control of the situation, which is exactly what I need right now. I turn around, grabbing my clean undies and slipping them on followed by my oversized tee. I walk to my window, wishing I could reach out to touch him but instead, I pull the curtains shut knowing I've already gone too far and put an end to whatever this is.
I've avoided Joel for two whole weeks since that night; not that it has been hard to do since he's definitely been avoiding me too. He hasn't even spared me a glance when we've passed by each other in our adjacent driveaways, oftentimes me going out and him coming home at the same time.
The anxiety of what I'd done was eating me up the first few days, worried that he'd tell my aunt about it. But the longer it's been, the more confident I feel that he's not planning on telling a soul. God, if anyone found out about my drunken mistake, it would completely destroy our family.
I've thought of countless of ways I could apologize to him but none seem good enough, worried it'll just make things more awkward; if that's even possible. Sometimes it's better to pretend like nothing ever happened and things will eventually fix by themselves with time. Yes...I just have to give it some time and it'll soon be a distant memory...
The chime of the doorbell distracts me from my current seated position on the sofa, one hand holding the book I've been reading and the other stroking my cat, Felix. I place the book next to me and cradle Felix in my arms like the little baby that he is and head to the door.
It's my aunt, Tess. "Hi hun, are you enjoying your weekend alone?" She extends an arm to rub Felix under his chin.
"Yeah, it's been nice having the house all to myself. Mum and dad won't be back until late Monday evening so I still have a couple of days of peace." I say, chuckling.
"That's great! Although I'm about to disturb that peace, but not for long. I promise! I just need a small favour." She cautiously smiles at me.
"As long as it doesn't involve screaming kids or maths, I'm happy to help." I respond lightheartedly.
"So, I ordered a couple of new sculptures of Athena and the delivery driver just dropped them off outside our door. He ran off before I could get the chance to ask him to help bring them in." She sighs.
"Oh my God, more Greek sculptures? You're obsessed! Don't you already have like 50? How do they all fit in the house?!" I say half-serious, half-laughing while I shake my head. For the past year, Tess has developed a fascination for Greek mythology and the house has basically turned into a museum of Ancient Greece.
"I know, I know." Tess replies, swinging her hands back and forth to dismiss my accusation. "Anyway, I've hurt my back so I can't lift anything and Joel needs another person to help him. Would you mind lending  him a hand?"
"Yeah, sure." I somehow manage to say nonchalantly even though inside I'm screaming. The last thing I want to do is be near Joel but I can't tell Tess that. "I'll be out in a minute" I say, forcing a smile and nod my head as I step back into the house to slip into something more appropriate. 
Once I've pulled my shit together and reassured myself that this isn't a big deal, I make the short walk over to their place. The door opens before I reach the steps, both Tess and Joel coming out at the same time. She places a quick peck on his lips before making her way to her car. "Just going to do some grocery shopping, I won't be long. And be careful with my sculptures!" She calls out as she shuts the car door after her.
I notice the silence between us immediately, fiddling my hands nervously. "Where do these need to go?" I ask as I point to the sculptures in front of me, desperate to be done with this as quickly as possible.
Joel doesn't hold my gaze however, and it makes me think that what happened is still bothering him. "One in the living room and one in the bedroom."
Once we've figured out how to carry the first one, we manage to place it in the living room with relative ease. The second one however is much trickier, needing to be carried all the way to the upstairs bedroom. I can feel myself building up a sweat but I try my best to keep my breathing steady. Once we reach the room, we set it down in its new spot. Not even a second later and I trip over my own foot, falling towards the direction of the sculpture. Joel is there before I know it, one hand holding Athena and the other steadying me. The feel of his arm around me feels different to any other time we've hugged, I notice.
"That was close." He says, pulling back once I've got both feet on the ground.
"It was. Thank you. Tess would kill me if anything happened to it." I exhale, widening my eyes in horror at the thought of breaking the sculpture.
"And I'd be right there with you too. She can be a scary woman when she wants to be." He jokes, an uneasy smile on his face.
"I'm sorry." I blurt out as I fix my gaze on the sculpture rather than Joel.
"Don't worry about it, nothin' broke so we get to live another day." He shrugs his shoulders as his hands rest on his hips and laughs.
"Not about that...I'm sorry about what happened that night. I was drunk and it was wrong of me." I find myself saying before I can stop myself, the guilt finally getting to me.
The grin on his face immediately drops and I brace myself for what he has to say.
"It was a fucked up thing to do and it's best that we forget about it." He says, his tone razor sharp.
"I know and for that, I sincerely apologize." His words sting even though I know they shouldn't. I mean, he didn't look away either. It can't just be all on me, he could've easily left. He had plenty of opportunity to do so.
"You put me in a really uncomfortable position. What would Tess say if she found out? What would your parents think?" His brows are furrowed together in anger and I regret ever bringing it up.
"I-I wasn't in a good place mentally and I definitely wasn't sober but I don't think it's fair to put all the blame on me." I defend, shaking my head.
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "And who should share the blame? Me?"
It's my turn to furrow my brows, not liking where this conversation is going. "Well, yeah. You clearly didn't dislike what you saw. You could've left at any time."
"I think you should leave." He responds firmly, crossing his arms.
"You don't have to tell me twice." I scowl. Turning on my heal, I strut out of the room and slam the door shut behind me. Regret fills my chest, not for my drunken striptease, but for my stupid attempt at apologising to that asshole.
*** He tries to apologise to me twice this week but I blank him both times. He tells me that Tess noticed something has been off with us and confronted him about it. He told her it's because he yelled at me when I almost broke one of her statues and now I'm mad at him. That's the only reason he wants to apologise, so that everything seems normal in front of everyone else; not because he's genuinely sorry. So no, I'm not ready to forgive him that easily.
I'm having one of those late night closet clear outs, deciding whether my denim midi skirt is staying in the keep pile or the donation pile when my phone rings.
My breath hitches as the name of last person I thought would be calling me right now pops up on the screen. At first I think it might be a mistake, but as it rings for the fourth time, I have to decide whether to answer or ignore it.
He's never called me this late before and the curiosity takes over, so I swipe the green button on the screen and put the phone to my ear.
"Joel?" I ask hesitantly, even though I know it's him calling.
"Can we talk?" His voice low on the other end of the line.
"I'm busy right now." I reply, finally tossing the skirt I've been holding to the keep pile.
"No, you're not. I can literally see you in your bedroom." With that, I turn around and look up. Lo and behold, Joel is standing in front of his office's french doors and he's looking right at me.
"What do you want?" I ask, my heartbeat increasing tenfold.
I watch as his hand trails up his shirt, his fingers starting to unbutton it from the top.
"Tell me to stop at anytime, and I will." He whispers as I stand there completely dumbfounded.
Once his shirt is unbuttoned, he shrugs it off his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor behind him. It exposes his soft chest and belly, and I can't take my eyes off of him.
His hands move on to his belt, swiftly removing it from his jeans and popping open the button. He stops just before he pulls his zipper down and I feel a pang of disappointment until I hear his voice once more.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks simply, as if he hasn't just asked me such an incongruous question.
I shake my head from side to side ever so slightly, it's barely noticeable.
"I need you to use your words darlin'" He's looking at me intently and it makes me feel lightheaded.
I don't want to say it out loud but if I-
"Don't. Don't stop." I surprise myself at how sure I sound, not realising how badly I've wanted this since I exposed myself to him until this very moment.
I notice his chest contract as he exhales in relief; Like he was hoping I'd want this just as much as he does.
He continues then, removing his jeans completely and takes a seat on the chair behind him while still facing me.
"Your turn." It takes me a minute to process what he's saying. He wants to see me naked. Again. Part of me questions whether this is a prank but the part of me that has secretely wanted to do this since forever decides to push the doubts aside.
I hesitate only for a second before I remember that I've done this before and he's already seen my exposed body, and then I strip down to my underwear - just like he has.
His hand reaches inside his boxers and he begins to stroke himself. My panties are soaked within seconds. His breathing becomes shallow as he increases the speed of his hand on his member. My hand is on my breast, squeezing it hard as my thumb and index finger stroke my nipple.
"Touch yourself." He orders and I immediately oblige, my hand gliding from my breast to my soft tummy and finally underneath my panties. I hiss as my fingers touch my bundle of nerves, making circular motions. I'm already so wet at the sight in front of me that it doesn't take long for me to slide my fingers through my contracting walls. I pump my fingers with the same rhythm that he strokes his cock as I close my eyes to imagine that it's him inside of me. It feels so good and yet it's not enough, but I know that this is going to be as good as it's ever going to get. This won't ever happen again. I shake those thoughts away and decide to savour the present moment.
Opening up my eyes again, my gaze is back on Joel. His mouth is parted lightly and his eyes are half shut as his head rests on the back of his chair. His movements under his boxers become more frantic and I know he's close. It drives me to go faster and I yelp as I unexpectedly hit a sweet spot, "Fuck!"
"Keep going baby." He urges me on as he grunts in pleasure. My eyes shut tightly and I bite my lower lip, fastening my pace which causes squelching sounds from my dripping pussy.
"Atta girl." He praises, seemingly satisfied by the sounds travelling through the phone.
I whimper in pleasure as I feel the orgasm build inside of me. I stare back at Joel who lets out a "Fuck" at the same moment that I do. We both come apart together, moaning and whimpering in unison; creating a sweet melody of pleasure.
I never, in a million years, thought that I would ever get the chance to see and hear him coming undone but it's the most mesmerizing thing I've ever witnessed. 
"Am I forgiven?" He asks once his breathing has returned to normal.
"I think you already know the answer to that." I say, as a smile creeps up on my damp face.
Thank you for reading! I'd love it if you let me know your throughts <3 (Uuumm personally, I would jump straight through that goddamn window and onto his lap...fuckkkk)
Lots of love, Elki xoxo
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sp1der-wid0w · 3 months
i can’t, i can’t, i cantttt
in honor of spiderverse being a year old, it’s time for me speak my truths on some characters and gimme a chance to defend and slander them🫡
The Flaws and Pros of Spiderverse Characters
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Gwen Stacy
now, many people do not like gwen stacy when the movie premiered. but let me defend her first. gwen literally had to deal with her friend, her only friend, be a victim of bullying and decide to himself to be strong and instead accidentally became a monster and had to kill him. he dies in her arms, and his last words are.. it’s gonna be ok. imagine how guilty she feels to this day, and then having her father unknowingly hunt her down for a misunderstanding. and when he finds out that she’s spiderwoman, his first instinct was to feel betrayed, and try to shoot and arrest her, his own daughter. when she thinks she has a place to stay, and a strong woman to look up too, she’s instead caught in a tough spot with making her mentor proud, and trying to keep the multiverse safe. knowing that your friend and your lover is an opp to the place that you have no choice to be live at, is really tough. and then having to break his heart, losing your friend, and having the people who you trusted throw you under the bus, because of their own beliefs, it’s honestly a nail in the coffin. gwen tried to keep miles safe, she wanted to keep herself safe, she wanted to be a good person for everyone, but everyone expected her to do one thing for them, and not for herself. though, she broke miles’ trust, she lied to him, she wasn’t focused on the mission, and rio and jefferson think that she’s the reason on why their son is missing.
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Peter B. Parker
some people don’t like peter b. and that’s okay. he also betrayed miles, even though he knew miles for a year and his potential. but he also knew about him being an anomaly, not helping or defending gwen enough, tied him up and was constantly treating miles with sass and crap in the first film, was barely even a mentor, and was taking his daughter with him to HQ instead of with MJ. but everyone tends to forget how bad peter had it in the first film.. the divorce, the death of aunt may, his respect as spiderman was fading, his depression.. he felt useless, and the sole reason why he was determined to stay and behind and stop the collider, was mostly because he wanted to collider to kill him. he had it rough, and now that he seems more happier and carefree in the sequel, we tend to forget that he wants to believe all of the canon and anomaly stuff, because his whole family might be gone.
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Jessica Drew
i’m pretty sure almost everyone hated this woman right there, and that is also ok. she went from caring and helping gwen into a place she so desperately needed, to quickly being cold and irritated whenever gwen messed up. and due to everything her boss said about miles, she was also quick to be a bitch to him, and later joined the rest of the society to beat on him, and didn’t bother to help gwen when miguel expelled her. im gonna try and explain this, (before they say that i love white people and hate black women😭) jess is pregnant, busy with thousands of work since she’s the second in command in the society, seemingly mourning from her dead husband, and having no one else to care about. but, she felt awful when gwen put her and everyone in the society in check about their morals. she went from defending and doing anything miguel said, to helping gwen and probably helping the spider-gang in the next sequel. the reason why she’s a bitch to miles, is because she doesn’t even know him like that, and with everything miguel says, she probably thinks that it’s true. the reason why she seems so serious about her work, is because she wants to keep the team in line and everyone else safe, not wanting to make the multiverse collapse. she wants her baby to be in a universe where her world isn’t being at the constant stake of collapsing. i may not like her character, because the movie and promotion set her up, but she only deserves some hate, not all.
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Miguel O’hara
The main man himself. Everyone either loves him, or hates him. And that is also alright, because this is what trauma does to a nigga. Miguel is a complex character, and a very complex hero. He does try to help, but in his own weird way. All he ever wanted was a family, but due to him breaking the canon, it caused his daughter and everyone else in that world to die. Meaning the whole earth was wiped out, including babies, families, grandparents, pets, and everyone else. This caused everything he thought about the canon, to change. He was serious and devoted to trying to fix it, and protect it. And just because it changed his personality and mental health, didn’t take away his heroic nature. He made the Spider society to make sure that everyone else can help preserve their own safeties, he stays up day and night watching over everyone’s universes, regarding his own. And yes, there is literally no denying, it was fucked up for what he did to both gwen and miles. He single-handedly ruined Gwen, Miles, and Peter’s friendship. Because Miles refused and was running to his father’s life, Miguel then proceeded to traumatize and degrade Miles, bodyslamming, turning into a vampire, and sending everyone to hunt him down. And as for Gwen, literally the moment he met her, he was just annoyed with her. Then, he was quick to be frustrated and disappointed with her, for messing up. And despite knowing the last time she was there, she almost got arrested and shot at and having no one else there she can trust, he sends her home. Sure, he’s not best spiderman at heart, but the fate of the multiverse is at his shoulders. Mistakes can lead to his fate breaking, and everything will be doomed.
Again, this is just my thoughts and feelings. Feel free to display your thoughts in replies, and i’ll try and be convinced on how you think about this character. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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magicalara · 2 years
Red Thoughts
Aka a blob of my biggest thoughts on Madam Red and Grelle because there were and always will be the best ship in Black Butler. This is dedicated to @pop-roxs both as an apology and because I was supposed to do a redcliffe analysis anyways and then things happened so yeah. This is for you Water, you absolute cool legend
Enjoy everyone!
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Grelle Sutcliff and Angelina Dalles were never meant to love each other. In every lifetime, in every iteration, in every timeline- these two were never meant to be. Controversial, I know, but let me explain.
When we're introduced to Madam Red and Grelle in the red butler arc, they're the eccentric aunt and useless butler, nothing more, nothing less. As time goes on, we learn more about Ann and her life that she believes was taken away from her. We learn about her affection for Ciel and how, as much as she wants to love him for being the family she has and the last part of her sister that's left, all that she can feel is resentment as he also represents the life that she never got due to her sister marrying the love of her life. The main takeaways from Grelle before her transforming into the reaper we now know and love is that she's just a useless butler. She's meant to take the most unassuming role she can in order for her and Ann's murder time to go off without a hitch. That's literally it.
Then they get found out by Ciel and Sebastian and all of the backstory starts to fall into place.
Ann is grieving; she never stopped, even three years after the back to back death of her baby, her husband, and her sister and her family. When her baby and husband died, she didn't allow herself to grieve as she should have. And just when she might have gotten to a place where she could physically start to pick herself back up, the world that didn't seem like it could get any bleaker went pitch black with the fire at the Phantomhive manor. Overnight, Ann lost her sister, the love of her life, and her nephews to boot. She could barely stand to lose her baby and husband, how was she supposed to recover from this?
Her resent grew and grew until, as we know, Ann started killing. She was Madam Red, doctor and social figure, during the day and a murderer, one who wanted to take from others what the world had taken from her, by night. It's only natural that someone who wouldn't- practically couldn't- allow herself to properly feel be able to be manipulated so easily. There were sharks in the water, and her blood was the easiest to detect.
In comes the shark, Grelle Sutcliff: grim reaper obviously not happy with the person they are and has no idea how to compensate for that without making it their whole personality. Grelle says that she felt for Ann, missing the piece that would make her a true woman in the eyes of the world just as she was. Grelle claimed she saw a piece of herself in Madam Red and wanted to help her, intrigue taking over and ending with her abandoning the dispatch for years and breaking the rules of her organization. I'm not saying that she lied, but that's exactly what I'm saying.
Grelle was already unstable, Ann's similar state of unstableness just made it all the more useful when it came to using her. Grelle probably felt alive with Ann, in either a platonic or romantic sense. With this mortal, she didn't have to worry about the weight of a life. The only list was those who threw away the link between the Rippers, not one full of boring collections bound by rules and regulations. Sure, she had to trade her blood red hair in for a more human look, but Ann wouldn't leave her; she needed Grelle just as much as Grelle needed her.
All of this to get to the point that they used each other. That's all that it was meant to be. The universe never meant for them to fall in love, it meant for them to slowly kill each other until someone fell; the ironic part is that they did fall, just in a different way. Grelle fell first, and Madam Red fell harder. Them falling in love wasn't meant to happen, but they did, and what would be a more ultimate punishment than forcing you to kill your loved one?
It was a game that the two played- who would kill the other first. It was inevitable that Grelle kill Ann because (besides the obvious immortality reason) Grelle threw Ann off the deep end. They enabled each other's rage and, while Grelle would be able to rehabilitate to some degree, Ann would never be able to. Ann's fire never burned out, rather, it raged on, and continues to rage on in Ciel and Grelle. Ciel still remembers the hesitation of his aunt and as much as the brat may want to say that he didn't care about her, he very much did so. He regrets her death, even if he knows it was always going to happen. Ciel carries the weight of Ann's life in his heart, and will continue to do so until he either frees himself of his revenge or dies (this is part of the reason why I want Madam Red to come back as a bizarre doll, I want to see this child suffer), but I digress. Grelle carries Ann with her, physically, with her coat and, emotionally, by doing the one thing Ann never could: moving on.
They lived and worked with each other for three years. Ann and Grelle enabled each other's rage for three years. Ann died filled with that rage. Grelle killed her as an impulse through that rage. Grelle thought about that rage while she was locked up and let it pass through. Grelle moved on from the rage that Ann passed away holding on to. She keeps the coat as a reminder to not succumb to the rage again, lest she lose another person who understood her.
Is this a mess and this last part probably doesn't make sense? Yes. Regardless, my point is that Ann and Grelle enabled each other and it's because of this that they never were meant to fall in love to begin with. The universe played a cruel trick on them and, in the end, Grelle was able to feel the weight of a life, choosing to continue to carry that weight with her as a reminder of what it feels like. This relationship is vast and complex and one day I will conquer it and reach the peak of the mountain. Unfortunately, it is 10 PM and I have work tomorrow, so today is not that day. Until next time, my friends, this has been another one of Em's analyses.
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Runaway - Chapter Six.
I am so thankful to you all for your interactions, guys. Big, big love. All of the hugs! As usual, 40 notes to unlock the next part. I look forward to your commentary. I’m feeling a little blue this afternoon, so having something to cheer me up when you all manage to get to it keeps me going :) 
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 2,538
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Oh, this better be good, honey child, for you to be dragging my fabulous ass out of bed at 8am on a Sunday, over here to god-knows-where-vile, on the morning after I get a call from your mama telling me you ran from your wedding!”
Hannah leaned over, kissing her cheek. “I thought you’d be pleased, about the wedding running?”
Shonda snorted. “Well, I am, but that still don’t explain why the hell I’m giving you a ride from the ghetto, or what you’ve been doing here all night, and who with, more pertinently!”  
She pointed over to the small driveway. “See that big, black Harley over there?”
“Yeah, kinda hard to miss. And what of it?”  
“Well, what I was doing all night was bouncing on the dick of the guy it belongs to.”  
A barrage of almost words and splutters left her bestie’s mouth, Shonda in absolute shock, even though it did sound like something fitting of Hannah. “Y’all better be buying me coffee and a big ole’ stack of pancakes to explain every single last detail of this over!”
“Done,” she confirmed, helping herself to a piece of red rope liquorice from the ever-present bag in the centre console. “There’s a diner not far from here. Head back to the highway and it’s about a half mile away.”  
Shonda shook her head, pulling out from the curb. “It’s never a dull moment with you, pumpkin.” While she drove, Hannah took her phone from her bag, knowing she had to deal with the abundance of messages at some point, so the car journey was as good a time as any.  
‘Hey Han. Tried calling but your phone is off, can’t say I blame you. I called Uncle Rob and Aunt Jackie, and they let me know you’d messaged them to say you’re okay and just needed some time. When you feel up to it, give me a call. Love you.’ Ben, her cousin. She messaged him back to say thanks for reaching out, and she’d be in touch when things had settled a little.  
‘Just messaging to say I’m here for you if you need me. God, it was insane after you left! Wendy went ballistic, you should have seen Jackie clap back at her, fuck, it was legendary! Steve’s kinda sad he missed it now! Come by for coffee when you’re able xxx.’ Ange, her sister-in-law, who regardless of the fact her husband had steadfastly refused to attend, had wanted to show support to Hannah, although she too was no fan of Michael.  
‘I cannot believe what you did to my son, you spiteful, selfish little bitch. How dare you embarrass him like that. If you were having second thoughts, was the altar really the place to act upon them, stringing him along like that only to turn and literally run? We welcomed you into our family with open arms, and this is the thanks we receive? You are a disgrace, and I suppose I should be thankful that I didn’t end up with you as a daughter in law. If I never see you again, it’ll be too soon.’ Wendy herself. She expected as much.
If she was honest, she couldn’t blame her for taking such a stance, Hannah putting herself in her shoes and thinking how she’d feel, should it have been her hypothetical son who’d been jilted. Her feelings would have been similar. No matter how controlling Michael had been, she acknowledged that she’d been very wrong to let it get as far as them standing next to one another at the altar, his treatment of her not excusing her actions at all.  
As soon as they arrived at the diner, those actions were immediately called into question by a very expectant Shonda.
“So, give me the details. Who is Harley guy and how, on your wedding day of all days, did you manage to end up in bed with him? Oh my god, where you having an affair with him or something, and he came and kidnaped you away from it? If this was anyone else, I’d be here with my jaw swaying in the breeze, but you? Well, my jaw is still swaying, but not as much as it perhaps would be. I know you and your impulsive nature of old, so yes. Tell me.”
“I will,” she began, smirking. “When you actually shut up for long enough for me to speak.”
“Don’t you be sassy with me now, Hannah Elizabeth Gray!”
“Okay, so I’ll begin.” She sipped her fresh coffee, feeling good for the smooth hit of caffeine. “No affair, to begin with. You know I would have told you. Anyway, I was at the altar, and it just dawned on me, the lack of family presence, you not there either, and why you weren’t there. It hit me, the size of the mistake I was about to make, and so I ran. That’s when I met Manny, who was on his motorcycle moving through the traffic, and called out to me, asked if I needed a ride. So, I jumped on the back, and he got me out of there, then took me to a bar. We had a great afternoon and evening together, and then I went back to his place and had the best sex of my damned life with him on and off for about seven hours. There, the end.”
Shonda’s eyes widened. “Not the end. I have questions, but seriously, I have no idea where to begin, I’m so stunned by this!”
“Then I will sit here quietly while the counsel prepares her notes.” She sipped her coffee, smiling over the rising steam, Shonda chewing back a smirk she couldn’t quite manage to hide.
“You’re bad.”
“Yeah, he said the same.” She received a gentle slap to her forearm for that revelation.
“I mean... I just...” She ran her hands through her long, wild hair, fanning her face before settling herself neatly once more. “So, you just went drinking with this Manny guy, then ended up in bed with him?”
“Yeah, that’s about the short of it,” she replied, looking down at the menu before her. Hmmm, bacon and eggs, or an omelette? She’d definitely worked up an appetite.
“And what about Michael?”  
Hannah shrugged. “Well, I think it’s fair to say I burned that bridge down to nothing but ashes. His mother sent me scathing message, but unless he’s left me a voicemail I haven’t listened to yet, then I haven’t heard anything from him. I only switched my phone back on this morning. I didn’t want to deal with it yesterday. I just wanted to forget the whole mess. I know I have to deal with it now, though. Now I’m out from under perhaps the most handsome, charismatic man I’ve ever met. Damn.” She grinned then. “No, dayum.”
Shonda leaned in close across the table. “Come on, then. Tell me about him.”
“Oh god, you’d have been cheering from the side lines. Tall, nice body, tattoos, Latino, real mix of gentleman and bad boy. He’s thirty-nine, originally from Arizona, but moved here about a year ago. He’s a member of the Mayans MC, he’s really smart and funny...”
“Woah, hold up!” Shonda grabbed her wrist. “You got your first Latino dude, and he’s a Mayan? Girl, what a score! I swear, every time I see those guys rolling through town, my snatch does a little quiver!”
Hannah almost blew out a mouthful of coffee at her quivering snatch comment, immediately referencing her go-to response from one of their favourite movies. “You’re terrible, Muriel.”  
“No, you are!” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “Are you gonna see him again?”
“Oh, god. I really don’t know,” Hannah confessed, widening her eyes a little. “I have so much wreckage to deal with before I even think of that. I don’t think he’s in the market for anything other than a casual hook up type deal, but to be completely honest, coming out of a six-year relationship in the way that I did, neither am I.”
“Could be fun, though, when you need another ride.” Hannah giggled at her statement, shaking her head softly as they were joined by the waitress, ready to take their order with a cheery smile. “Oh, if you need an alibi last night, just say you were with me. It’s where everyone would have expected you to have gone, and it means you don’t have to reveal anything you don’t want to. It’s no one's business but yours.”
Shonda’s offer had Hannah reaching for her hands, so very glad to have a friend like her. “Love you bunches.”
“Love you, too, pumpkin. Now, I require further regaling with your sexual escapades!” She chuckled softly before as any good girlfriend would, going into the details of her wild night with the handsome outlaw. Much too soon, it seemed, and she was back in Shonda’s car, being driven over to her apartment, promising her bestie she’d call and relay how the looming showdown between her and Michael went, kissing her goodbye before jumping out.  
She felt trepidation with every step she took, deciding to kill a little more time walking up the three flights of stairs to her third-floor abode, immediately noticing the pile of boxes outside of her front door when the hallway came into view.  
Hannah owned the apartment, it wasn’t in Michael’s name, so therefore he’d be the one leaving it. She was glad he’d begun that, as she was expecting some kind of protest there, an unwillingness to vacate the dwelling, borne of him wanting to make her flighty escape from their nuptials as difficult as possible for her. Michael very much enjoyed the entertaining of revenge.  
Pushing the door open, it hit something on the other side, Hannah looking to see suitcases packed. Her suitcases, Michael deciding to liberate them, it would seem. For the sake of not wanting to add further kerosene to the fire she’d lit right under his life, she made a point not to address it, scanning her surroundings to see if anything else that was hers by rights had been pilfered. All her furnishings remained, her books and her vinyl collection luckily were untouched, too.  
Placing her keys down on the breakfast bar, she walked up the small steps that lead to the kitchen area of the open plan apartment, the only rooms walled off being the bedrooms and bathroom, Michael emerging from the latter with a holdall bag over his shoulder just as she was spooning coffee grinds into the French press.  
“Where have you been? I tried calling.” Sharp, accusatory. She expected nothing less.
“With Shonda.”
“Hmph,” he sounded, raising his eyebrows. “Should’ve known it.” He rested the holdall down, moving to the other side of the breakfast bar, Hannah filling the kettle up before placing it onto the hob and igniting the gas. “Do you want to enlighten me over what the hell yesterday was all about, then, why you left me standing at the altar? If you’ve had second thoughts over jilting me, then I’m afraid you’re too late to act upon them, as you might deduce. You humiliate me like that, and I’m gone.”
Talk about stating the obvious.
Reaching into her little bits and pieces bowl, she took out a small hair scrunchie, tying up her slightly messy waves before beginning the explanation he was owed.  
“I know I should have come to my realisation much sooner, and I take that on board, I do. As for why, I realised I just couldn’t go through with it, living a life that is essentially on your terms. You decided everything for us, Michael, and a relationship shouldn’t be like that. It was as I stood in that church that I knew, with so few people around me whom I love, that if I married you, I’d be making the mistake they’d been warning me against.”
His brow furrowed, folding his arms. “Who would you have been marrying, Hannah? Them or me? Their opinion isn’t important.”  
Typical, for him to believe only what he thought bared any credence. “But it is. Because they were right, you’re not the man for me. Some women might like every last second of their existence micromanaged by their partner, but I’m not one of them. The expectations you put on me, the constant need to have your way in everything. I realised I was compromising myself for you, and I shouldn’t do that. I deserve better than that, but equally, I know you deserve better than being run out on,” she explained.  
“It was never an issue for you before.”  
Again, such a stance was one hundred percent typical of Michael. He had absolutely no capacity to be retrospective about how any of his own actions could have resulted in this, but for Hannah, it simply wasn’t her problem any longer. If he didn’t want to see it, then she couldn’t force him to. Best of luck to his next girlfriend, she thought. “Well, it should have been, and I think it always was, but it was easier for me to pretend like it wasn’t an issue. I’ve admitted to my wrong in this, if you can’t own your share then there’s nothing more I can say or do.”
“That’s because I don’t have a share. This was all you and your compulsive nature, one I tried to rein in a little by being the decision maker, to take the pressure off of you, to be steady for you. But apparently, you still fail to see that.” Turning it back on her, she might have guessed. He had a habit of doing that.  
She knew they’d reach zero in way of resolve, so shifted instead to practicality. “Do you want me to help you keep packing?”
He snorted. “Oh, you want me out of your life as quickly as possible, then?”
“Says he who’s already moved half of his stuff out,” she couldn’t help but mutter a little pettily, not prepared to be blamed beyond her fair share. “I just wanted to offer some help, that’s all. If it isn’t needed then that’s fine, I’ll leave you be.”
They didn’t speak another word to her as he ferried his stuff out, his sister turning up part way through, telling him she’d been able to hire a U-Haul, slightly bigger than he needed, Michael complaining about the extra expense. Catherine didn’t even look at her for the entire time she helped with boxes, removing all of Hannah’s things from the only pieces of furniture he’d brought with him upon moving in, the end tables and coffee table, Hannah browsing the IKEA website for replacements as she stood out of their way in the kitchen.  
With his set of keys thumped down upon the breakfast bar three hours later, shaking her from her furniture ordering daze, her former fiancé left her apartment without a second look, Hannah breathing a huge sigh of relief. It was over. Realising that lunchtime had come and gone without her even thinking of feeding herself, she scrolled through her phone, ordering from her local takeout.
She chose a pizza with everything on it.  
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dearausten · 2 years
things i noticed while rereading the tenant of wildfell hall (aka my favorite brontë novel) for the third time
- the bromance between gilbert and jack halford (the person he’s writing to, aka his sister’s husband). if i didn’t love gilbert with helen so much, i’d actually go down with this ship.
- i’m DYING to know everything about halford and rose’s relationship, they seem really cute!
- gilbert’s brother, fergus, is actually hilarious. i have never seen someone so dramatic. he’s like “yeah you have to work the land but i gotta look pretty and gossip and that’s actually harder”. also my boy cannot read social cues for the life of him.
- everything from the beginning until we reach helen’s diary. the ANGST. the way he falls in love with her. the way anne brontë gives him a personality and shows us why he is perfect for helen. ALSO THE WAY HE BONDS WITH LITTLE ARTHUR IS ADORABLE.
- just everything about helen. i love her character SO MUCH. she’s so smart, witty, and outspoken. she’s one of the best written female characters ever, no joke.
- the way anne brontë is giving us clues from the beginning! when helen’s aunt gives her advice on marriage, she is unknowingly listing every mistake helen makes in marrying arthur. (not saying what happened is her fault tho!). my girl helen is like “i’d never marry a man without principles just bc i’m horny” and that is exactly what she does! jokes aside, she really did love a arthur, for some reason.
- i had completely forgotten that she was only 18! and arthur huntingdon is said to be 10+ years older than her??????? i completely missed that detail.
- arthur’s manipulation begins even before they get married. the way he knows he’s hurting her when he flirts with annabella and he does exactly that, the way he loves to humiliate her and never thinks of her, only himself... ugh.
- when they do get married, he has the audacity to say that she’s too religious, so she mustn’t love him as much as she says, bc she’s given her heart to the lord. he then proceeds to make the (terrible) point that the only master of women should be their husbands, not god. he only thinks of helen as his possession.
- HOLY SHIT. clearly i can’t have so much time pass before i read this book again bc i had forgotten so many details.
- did i mention i hate arthur’s ass?
- anne brontë does a brilliant job writing the demise of their relationship. it doesn’t happen abruptly. like yes, he was an asshole from day one, but helen didn’t start hating him until the third year of their marriage (still a short time, tho). you can see how much she struggles with loving him while also being awfully aware of his moral flaws, how hard she tries to help him with his drinking problem, how she’s always there for him even though he doesn’t deserve it because he lashes out on her every time he’s upset. a lot happens before she decides she’s had enough of him, and i just love that we see her slowly realize what she’s gotten herself into.
- arthur trying to manipulate her USING THEIR SON is so disgusting. he tries to make her feel bad for spending so much time with their newborn (who he is totally neglecting btw) instead of him.
- i hate you arthur huntingdon. i hate you mr. hargrave. i hate you grimsby. i hate you annabella. i don’t exactly like hattersley but he kinda gets better so he’s forgiven.
- POOR HELEN. she literally thought arthur was finally putting effort into their marriage. every time i read the scene where she finds out about the infidelity i want to cry for her so bad.
- honestly, it’s so badass of her to confront him like that. it took everything in her to control herself and not commit double murder.
- again, POOR HELEN. her finding out about the infidelity was the last straw. arthur stopped pretending to give a damn about her and straight up began to treat her like a piece of crap. i know, he always has, but now he knows how much pain he causes her AND HE PURPOSELY CAUSES HER MORE PAIN. he doesn’t even try to hide it anymore.
- he knows how to hit where it hurts, doesn’t he?
- hargrave is so annoying, but i love how, this way, anne brontë emphasizes why gilbert is a much better match for helen than him. hargrave wants to have her, to dominate her. this goes to say that helen wouldn’t be better off marrying just any other man, but someone who actually takes the time to know her and loves her as an equal, like gilbert.
- ar*ur trying to turn his son against helen is so infuriating. he knows he’s taken everything from her. he knows all she has is her son. he knows how much she loves him, and he wants to take that away too.
- UGH. him and all his friends literally make little arthur, a child, drink as much wine as them. not only that, but ALL OF THEM insult helen in front of him and laugh when he says something that upsets his mother.
- i. cannot. arthur has been neglecting his son since he was born, and only takes an interest on him to teach him how to insult helen and behave like he does, because he knows it drives helen insane.
- thankfully helen is smarter than that son of a bitch and tricks her son into hating wine.
- UGH. AGAIN. when arthur discovers helen’s plan to run away, he doesn’t scream. he doesn’t yell. he MOCKS her. he just stands there with a smile on his face while he takes away her keys AND HE GETS HER PAINTING MATERIALS DESTROYED. OH. MY. GOD.
- once again, arthur knows how to struck a nerve. not only does he completely take away helen’s role as arthur’s educator (something she’s highly invested in) by hiring a governess. HE HIRES HIS FUCKING MISTRESS. i am done. and so is helen.
- SHE’S FREE. i have read this book three times now and i still cannot help to relieve the tension built inside of me when she escapes, as if i didn’t already know what happens.
- a big element to helen’s character is how seriously she takes being a mother. all she does, she does for arthur (her son). she would have stayed with that bastard, and she would’ve willingly suffer the abuse if it weren’t for her son, because he deserves better. no matter what costs her, her son mustn’t grow up like his father. she’d rather her son die by her side, than have him live with huntingdon.
- my poor baby she’s in so much pain :((
- gilbert making amends with lawrence, as he ought to. we love a man who knows when he’s wrong, and wants to make it better. i think this is the main difference between him and arthur. gilbert, in spite of all his flaws, takes responsibility for his actions, unlike helen’s husband (i can’t even name him). also, he is the only man in the novel who loves helen because HE KNOWS HER, and not bc he wants her to be his possession. he just wants to be with her, and make her happy.
- and the angst goes on and on and on!
- helen tells gilbert he can write to her after six months. he doesn’t. because he figures she’s forgotten about him, and he doesn’t blame her! he is hurt. devastated, really. but he understands. he wants her to heal, first and foremost, after he knows how much she’s suffered.
- i love that the last straw for him is hearing that she’s supposedly getting married. and to hargrave, no less. ngl i would try to keep her away from him too.
- oh, sweet misunderstanding! so happy for lawrence tho.
- gilbert is a dumbass lmaoooo, SHE’S TELLING YOU SHES IN LOVE WITH YOU YOU IDIOT.
- the ending is easy to savor bc of how sad the rest of the book is. like it’s the ONLY moment we see the characters happy.
- i LOVE that she had time to heal before marrying again. it’s just so satisfying.
to sum it up, the tenant of wildfell hall is still my fave brontë book. for me, the thing that makes it so special are the characters, especially helen. god, how i felt her pain. she is so strong and i love her so much.
guys, this book is SO IMPORTANT. it was back in the day, and still is now. it truly shows just how vulnerable women were in a marriage, and how they were completely stripped of their freedom and liberty. imagine your life depending absolutely on someone else’s whims! i will leave the rant for another post since this one is long enough. feel free to share what you loved about this book as well! <3
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phoebe-delia · 2 years
Hi phoebe! For your Eight Drarry Nights I humbly submit the prompts gelt and/or pride! Looking forward to reading this year’s series 💕
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Night 1: Melt
Happy Hanukkah everyone!! This first one is for the incredible @m0srael. Mose, thank you for this prompt, and also for just being the best. I sorta focused on the 'gelt' prompt but I did manage to sneak in the 'pride' one as well!
For those who don't know, "gelt" is technically the Hebrew word that literally means "Hanukkah money." Traditionally, children were given coins/money as gifts for Hanukkah. Nowadays, it's chocolate coins! That's what they are in this fic. Also, a "dreidel" is a little toy top that is spun and played with during Hanukkah to win gelt. Hope yall enjoy!
"Alright little one," Harry bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of Teddy's head. "Time to go."
"But Harryyyy," Teddy whined. "We were gonna play another round!" He gestured to the gelt in piles in front of himself, Rose, Hugo, and Victoire, and the large pile in the middle of their little circle. He clutched a dreidel tight in his hand.
"It's getting late, love. We've got to head home. But it's only the first night of Hanukkah! We can owl your aunts and uncles in the morning to see about a play date this week, alright?"
"Alright," Teddy said through a yawn. He dutifully set the dreidel on the carpet. After putting on his coat, he quickly bent to pick up his winnings in gelt, stuffing them in his pockets. He reached up and took Harry's hand. "Bye, everyone!"
"Bye Teddy!" The kids chorused. Rose picked up the dreidel for a new game, but Harry knew it would be a matter of time before Hermione was breaking up the game herself.
Harry and Teddy found Draco standing near the door of the Burrow, talking with Fleur in rapid french. Harry approached them with a raised eyebrow, and Draco rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek.
They said their goodnights and walked to the Apparition point. In his puffy coat, Teddy seemed perfectly content despite the freezing weather, babbling about playing dreidle with his cousins. Draco, meanwhile, huddled into Harry's side, pink-nosed and sniffling. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and ran his hands up and down Draco's arms to warm him. Harry waited for Draco to insist upon "a warming charm, or have you forgotten you're a wizard?" but he didn't; instead he melted further into Harry's embrace.
They finally reached the apparition point. Teddy and Draco held on tight to Harry while he apparated them home with a quick pop.
Inside, they went through the traditional candle-lighting ritual. Harry encouraged Teddy through the prayers, and his heart burst with pride at watching Draco use one candle to light the other on the menorah.
Putting Teddy to bed didn't take as long as Harry thought it would, considering how much gelt the boy had eaten at the Burrow. But soon enough, the child was sleeping peacefully, and Harry gave him one last fond look before leaving him be.
He walked out to the pantry and grabbed some gelt before joining Draco on the couch in the living room.
Draco set aside the book he was reading raised an eyebrow. "Is Teddy going to miss something from his stash tomorrow?"
Harry pretended to look affronted. "Are you accusing me of stealing candy from a baby?"
"Don't let him hear you call him that. He's six and a half, as you very well know, Potter. Hardly a baby."
"Well, I'll have you know I bought a stash of my own. Teddy can do as he pleases with his winnings."
Draco moved closer to Harry on the couch. "Are you planning to share with your husband?"
"Depends on his behavior."
Draco smirked. "Have I ever behaved myself when it comes to you?"
Harry grinned. "Not once. That's why I married you." Harry handed Draco a piece of gelt, which he took gratefully. Draco pressed a kiss to Harry's lips before unwrapping the sweet and popping it in his mouth.
Draco rested his head on Harry's shoulder and sighed contentedly. Harry unwrapped a piece of gelt and let it melt on his tongue. He put an arm around Draco and watched the candles flicker in the air.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
We already know what Usagi’s reaction was to how tiny baby turtles are, but what about everyone else’s? Does Splinter have baby pictures he shows to embarrass his sons?
They had just brought Kaida home a month ago. Only a month ago. And Yet their family was already coming over to meet her. Granted they had done the same thing when Jotaro and the twins were born, heck there had been less time after they were born, but Kaida was different. Kaida fit in the palm of his hand, and Usagi was freaking out.
He was so scared. They could lose her so easily.
And now their family was coming over and wanted to see her. They would want to hold her! His little girl that fit in the palm of his hand was about to be passed around their family. What if they dropped her?
Leo had tried to convince him it would be okay. After all he and his siblings were raised in a literally sewer with only one parent between the four of them and they turned out just fine. All fingers, toes , and shells still attached.
On some level Usagi knew he was being ridiculous. Leo was right, he and his siblings were fine. But it didn’t completely settle his worries.
Their family had been more than understanding about the whole thing. Giving Usagi time with just his family. Allowing Leo and him to get used to having four kids in the house. Yet it had been a month and they had four cooing uncles, three cheek pinching aunts, two excited grandpas, and one adopted son all coming over at lunch time.
To be fair Casey had already come over. He was one of their kids, even if he was fully grown. Casey adored his younger sibling and they returned his adoration ten fold. There was no way Usagi was keeping Casey from meeting his new little sister. The boy had come over after a week of them settling in. (The same amount of time they waited before letting people see Jotaro) he had been so excited to meet her only to freeze the moment he laid eyes on her.
Apparently, Casey had never seen a baby turtle either.
He proceeded to freak out about her size, all the while exasperating Leo and validating Usagi. The boy had visited many times since to play with the other kids, each time cooing over how small she is. The boy was even to scared to pick her up!
Needless to say Casey’s reaction did not fill Usagi with confidence about having more people around his youngest. She was just so small. Leo claims to have been the same size but how? How had Splinter kept four of these little ones alive without having a heart attack?
Leo knocked on the door giving his presence away to Usagi. Usagi sat on their bed looking into Kaida’s bassinet. Their daughter laid there fast asleep. ”Alright we’ve got one three and a half year old dressed and ready for company. Two about to be two year olds looking adorable as always. One month year old who I’m guessing is still fast asleep. And-“ he plopped himself onto the bed next to Usagi. “My handsome husband.” He placed a kiss on Usagi’s cheek while wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “You okay?” Leo asked in a much softer voice. He had been quite all though his speech as he didn’t want to wake Kaida but now the tone was gentler as he checked in on his husband.
Usagi let out a sigh. “I still think she’s to small for this.” He said as he turned to face his husband.
Leo let out his own sigh. This was a common argument one he had let Usagi win for a month now. But their family wanted to see their newest member, and see the other kids. He knew Jotaro and the twins had been missing their aunts, uncles, and grandpas. He knew their family missed them to. Yet he never wanted Usagi to feel silly for his fears about their kids. He was right Kaida was much smaller then any of their other kids had been, but she was a healthy size for a turtle. He understood his husbands worry but he also didn’t want to be hovering over their youngest for the rest of her life.
“You trust me, right Usa-chan?” Leo knew the answer.
Usagi grabbed his hand locking their fingers. “With my whole heart.” He looked Leo in the eyes. He knew Leo never doubted his faith in him, it was just the way they encouraged each other to take risks sometimes.
Leo smiled warmly at him tilting his head so that their foreheads touched. “Then believe me when I say today will be fine. Kaida is strong, she our daughter, and our family would never hurt her.”
Usagi let out a breath relaxing into his husband. “I know. I just can’t help myself sometimes.”
Leo smiled back at him. “I thought I was the worrier in this relationship. What are you doing taking my spot.” He got what he wanted which was Usagi’s laughter at the comment.
“Daddy.” Leo turned away from Usagi and Usagi leaned around him to see their child. Or children as all three stood in the door way. Jotaro was in the middle holding on to Sakura’s right hand and Ume’s left. Leo was right they were all dressed and ready for company and looking adorable. Jotaro had on a little blue hoodie that was a smidge to big for him and grey pants. Sakura had on a white sundress with cherry blossoms all over it paired with a pink sweater on top. Ume had on a pair of orange overalls with white apricot blossoms all over it with a white shirt on underneath it.  Leo had done a great job picking out their outfits for today.
“Hey kiddos. You guys excited to see everyone?” Leo said turning to face the rest of his children. He opened his arms up in invitation and the kids quickly ran over to the bed. Sakura ran to Leo and Ume ran to Usagi both picked up their daughters sitting them on their laps. Jotaro pushed himself up into the bed next to Leo and stood up. He placed his little hands on Leo’s shoulder and peered into his littlest sisters bassinet. He was enamored with her small size.
Sakura snuggled into Leo’s arms and nodded her head. “Ya! Is Aun’ie Ap’il coming?” She asked hoping for her favorite aunt to be present.
Leo chickened holding his daughter close. “You know it.”
Ume snuggled into Usagi grabbing hold of his haroi and tugging a little to get his attention. He looked down at the little girl resting her head against his chest. “Ki’sune?” She whispered out checking on the status of her favorite aunt as well.
Usagi smiled and kissed her in the top of her head. “She wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He whispered to his daughter. He knew how much his older children were missing their extended family. It was the main reason he had agreed to letting people over. He turned his eyes back to little Kaida still sound asleep in her bassinet. He prayed today went well. He wanted their family to be able to come over at anytime, yet if this went poorly he knew he would hide his family away again. They were just so precious to him, he wouldn’t let anyone hurt them.
Leo’s phone buzzed and he pulled it out with a smile. “It would seem that they are here a little early. What do you say we go greet our guest.” His statement was met by cheers as the children scrambled off of the bed and took off towards the main room. Leo chuckled as he watched the three race out of the room. He then turned to his husband. “Are you ready to join us or do you need some more time alone with Kaida-chan?” The question was gently and sincere. He knew how stressed Usagi was about today he wanted to give his husband the space necessary to prepare himself. Though he knew that time had just been drastically shortened by the early arrival of their family, he didn’t blame them, they were all excited to met Kaida after all.
Usagi breathed in deeply. He was so grateful he had an understanding and supportive husband but if he didn’t go with Leo now he didn’t think him or Kaida would be leaving this room today. He breathed out before smiling at Leo. “I’m ready.”
Leo returned the smile. He waited for Usagi to scoop their youngest out of her bassinet before taking his free hand. The two of them made their way to the living room where they had three impatient toddler huddled around the front door. Leo laughed at them, he squeezed Usagi’s hand and then moved to the door. He corralled the children away from the door directing them over to Usagi before he opened the door and was engulfed in a hug by his big brother.
Raph picked him up and spun him around. “It’s been to long Leo.” He said as he let go of his brother. Leo smiled up at his big brother but before he could respond they both heard the sound of little feet running towards them.
“Uncle ‘aph” Jotaro cried launching himself at his favorite uncle. Raph scooped the kid up with a cheer bring him close for cuddles.
“Where’s my goddaughter?” April called out as she entered the home. Sakura quickly ran to her aunt. April fell to her knees to scoop the sweet girl up into her arms. “Oh I’ve missed you. You’ve gotten so big.
“April you’re blocking the doorway.” Donnie complained as he stepped over April and his niece. His arms were full of presents for the couple and their children.
“Dontron you didn’t have to bring anything.” Leo said rushing forward to help his twin.
“I know. He’s making the rest of us look bad.” Gen remarked shuffling around April and Sakura. Kitsune followed behind him. Ume squealed and rushed her aunt. Kitsune fell to her knees to greet the girl but as soon as the girl was securely in her arms Gen scooped them both up and moved them out of the way of the door.
Mikey, Cassie, Casey, Draxum, the goyles, and Splinter all found their way in as well. Splinter made a bee line for Usagi. “Yes it’s so good to see everyone but tell me where it my newest granddaughter.” He said stopping in front of Usagi. He had with him a bag which Usagi assumed were gifts for their children.
He held his hands out. Kaida was cupped in the palm of his hands blinking sleepily at the world around her all of the noise finally waking her from her nap. Splinter’s eyes widened as he took in the small turtle. She looked so much like her dad. He raised a hand and gently rubbed a finger against her cheek cooing at her. She let out a little chirp rubbing her cheek against his finger.
“Awww. Dad were we really that small at some point?” Mikey asked leaning over his father’s shoulder to see his newest niece.
“Oh yes. I brought picture in case you might want to see.” Splinter responded as he reached into his bag and pulled out a collection of baby photos from his boys past.
“Wait we were so cute!” Mikey called looking at the book in his father’s hands. Usagi leaned forward so he could see the book as well. There was his husband and his brothers all curled together and all the size of their father’s palm. Leo was right they were all that little.
“Orange can you go help your brothers. I think Purple has more gifts than expected.” Splinter asked Mikey who quickly moved to help out his older brothers. Once he was gone Splinter looked up at Usagi. “Leonardo told me about your fears and worries for Kaida. I thought it might help to know that your not alone. I was terrified of how small my boys were and I had no idea how big or fast they would grow. I learned everything on the fly and while I was not a perfect father.” Splinter paused looking down at the images in his book. He took in a deep breath. It was hard to admit how he had failed his sons. “My boys still turned out better then I could have ever hoped.” He looked over his shoulders at where his sons were bickering over Donnie’s gifts or spoiling the older grandchildren. “I just want you to know that it’s okay to be worried but you are already a better father to your children than I was and you have my Blue as your partner. You will not fail her or any of your other children.”
Usagi had tears in his eyes as his father-in-laws speech. “Thank you Splinter-sama.” He said bowing low to his father-in-law.
“Don’t mention it. And if you ever feel overwhelmed remember I’m a much better grandfather than I was a father. I have plenty of experience dealing with small mischievous turtles.” Splinter reassured as he closed the picture book for now and reached back out to rub Kaida’s cheek.
They were peaceful for a moment before Splinter broke the peace. “Try not to worry to much now. You’ll need it for later when she learns how to climb.”
Usagi’s brain stoped working for a moment. “WHEN SHE LEARNS HOW TO WHAT!”
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crowtrobotx · 6 months
Chrysalis question time go!! will we be finding out anything more about Kris' past before she arrived in the village in the fic? We obvs already know the most important bits like her missing husband being the reason she was out there to begin with, but what about Lottie's maternal grandparents? Aunts, uncles, friends?
Also, this would either fall into irrelevant or major spoiler territory so feel free to skirt around this/ignore: do you think if Karl and Lottie ever made it to the States after they escaped the village, would he seek out his in-laws, even if out of pure curiosity?
(sorry I was slow at responding to this. I live in shame.) That is an interesting question! Thank you for asking. The answer is: I'm not really sure if there will be a reason in Chrysalis to bring anything up, but it's not out of the question for a side story or ficlet! Kris is more of a found family rather than blood family person; I slid in a little nod to her BFF and girlfriend who belongs to @grisailledreams in one chapter, but she does indeed have a fully fleshed out backstory beyond what she's mentioned. (Journalist, missing hubby etc.) It's just a matter of if it ends up becoming relevant... which it might or might not lol. I know "if it's relevant" is a funny thing for me to say given how much insane and unnecessary symbolic detail I throw in at the cost of like... literally anything else lmao but I do occasionally consciously leave a little bit to the imagination with characters sometimes! It's weird, blood relations for my OC's have never been something I've put a ton of stock in usually. I wonder if it's because I'm a hyper introverted only child who was only close with her immediate parents growing up? Time to stare in the mirror and psychoanalyze myself for 3 hours. As for the second question... hmm. Let's answer hypothetically lol. If Kris is alive and also not a big slobbering wolf monster now kept as the family dog (imagine her oversized dog house and purple rhinestone collar) she'd obviously have some explaining to do and would want everyone to meet. If she's dead/still a weremama then I think I would say Karl would learn about them for curiosity's sake (and to protect Lottie bc he'd be paranoid they'd try to come take her or something) but I don't really see him trying to meet them. They'd be too much of a painful reminder and he's got trust issues out the wazoo; Lottie's thoughts on the matter as she got older might sway him, though! I could actually see her being the more insistent one on meeting. Imagine you get a knock on your door one day and it's an over-caffeinated 20 year old trade school student screaming about how she's your grandchild and the most filthy man you've ever seen looming behind her.
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okay dee, so many things to say idek where to start i’m just gonna stream of consciousness rn…
ahhh felix!!!! missed him and clover’s blooming (hehe) friendship <3 need him and andrew to kiss already, we all know they both want to smh. also has the ton not raised an eyebrow to the fact that bess and josie are always together and andrew doesn’t seem to mind?? 😭 that’s so funny to me, they’re so blind. or do they have like designated days/times where they make sure to be seen together and what not
i wonder if lady margery’s intentions are pure or if she’s got the hots for ben?? i think she’s actually being totally innocent, it’s not her fault she’s a hot widow like c’mon now (unless this is an aunt lavinia situation and she murdered her husband LMAO) i also could never see ben hurting clover in that way (cheating) like yeah he might unknowingly cross some lines (especially since clover is only now really beginning to open up to him and actually letting him know the details of her childhood/life before she was taken in by her aunt and uncle) but infidelity?? never, he literally worships the ground she walks on. and if a lady was ever getting too cozy with him he would most definitely put them in their place. like he was barely paying attention to lady margery in the first place 😭
also andrew saying “You were a scrawny little thing when I first met you, that glare doesn’t work on me.” made me CACKLE, would we ever get an extra scene on how josie n clover met andrew and how they discovered that they could have a mutually beneficial union?? idk how else word that 😭😭 also, did josie meet bess before or after she and andrew married?? is bess married??? i do think you’ve mentioned that but i cant remember:/
their little pinky truce, i cannot lie that did make me cry. such a sweet little detail.
CLOVER’S NIGHTMARES BEING ABOUT BEN- i think getting hit by a car would be less painful.
her wrist story :( the fact that she WANTED to maim herself so that she’d never be subjected to a marriage like her parents :( my heart breaks for clover every time we learn more about her backstory. the slowburn romance is fun n all but the real painful slowburn comes is clover’s backstory, i’m starving for more details, dee.
ben’s silent anger- ngl that was hot LMAO
but i absolutely cannot wait to see overprotective ben 🙈🙈
love clover’s whole trauma dump n leave the room thing, it’s so funny for no good reason 😭
also i wholeheartedly agree with what jansje1296 said, “i dont have to tell you to keep up the good work because you will do so anyways” like i could not have said it any better myself <333 gorgeous chapter, dee!! wish it was sunday again already :)
help why is it so big 😭
Stream of consciousness is amazing, I love it and I'm so excited! 😁🥰
Andrew and Felix are going to be such a cute coupleeee! 🥰 I love them together already and they haven't even started dating yet 😂
Andrew and Josie make sure to be seen together from time to time, and always throw in some comment about how they're happily married in any conversation so the ton definitely has zero idea about their arrangement 😁
Oh Lady Margery is definitely a hot widow😏 But you're absolutely right! Like, she for sure has a looot of admirers and any other person would probably fall in love with her but Benedict is so so in love with Clover that even when he's having a conversation with her, he still keeps an eye on Clover 🥰
Omg so I have so many ideas about this! ❤️ I actually feel like Josie and Bess met first, then Bess introduced her to Andrew ❤️ But I think Andrew was the one who brought up the idea of that marriage! ❤️
Bess used to be married but it was a verrrry short marriage, she married an old guy and he died very fast 😏
Clover is so worried about Benedict because she is so in love with him❤️
Her wrist story yessss😱 Both she and Josie have so much trauma!
Overprotective Ben is comiiiing 😏
Omg honey you are absolutely amazing and you've made my day, thank you so so much for this! ❤️ ILY! ❤️🥰
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moonlayl · 2 years
I’m just heart broken right now. 
Syria as a nation was utterly destroyed. We lost our homes and almost every single Syrian had to move. Whether to a different city or different country. 
My grandparents’ house, the one my mom and her siblings grew up in, and the one I remember the most, was one iof the first to be bombed almost 10 years ago. 
My extended family became scattered across the country, as did so many other Syrians. 
the economy is still shit, the people are still starving and dying, and the young boys are still being called to the military, but despite all of that, people were able to slowly able to try and build their lives again. 
My aunts and uncles got married and had children. They tried to build new lives for themselves. 
Only now, those areas were affected by the earthquake. My aunt’s in-laws are most likely dead. Their building, the one my aunt and her husband and their babies had lived in for several years, completely collapsed and their bodies are yet to be found. 
Last I heard, My aunt's and her kids are safe but we lost contact and they’re grieving and it’s utter chaos. 
and the death toll keeps getting bigger, and there’s a chance more aftershocks and large earth quakes will happen in that region or closer to Lebanon.
I’ve been seeing so many videos of the damage and like I wish I could do more to help. I wish I could physically do something.
I watched a video of a man trying to rescue a child and telling him ‘not to go to sleep’ and that he’d ‘buy you a chocolate if you can just stay awake’
I watched a video of a young child screaming and crying for help as he held on tot he edge of a collapsing building, and people on the streets yelling out and telling him to ‘not be afraid’ and trying to comfort him, knowing they won’t be able to save him. 
People in Lebanon and syria and Palestine literally thought thy were being attacked with bombs over their heads. 
This is just so devastating. It came as a shock originally but things just quickly escalated.
I was so scared and worried that I couldn’t sleep and missed my midterm worth 25% of my grade.
I contacted my prof and she said I’d have to pay a lot of money in order to do it a later time, and I feel so guilty. Like, why tf should I pay that money for a fucking grade when it could be donated to people who need immediate help??? 
Doing anything is making me feel guilty and I'm rotating between being numb and unable to feel sympathy and just existing there plainly, or between wanting to sob and cry.  
also the fact that syria will for sure receive less help/aid because the “president” is a piece of shit who needs to fucking die already. God, I wish the building he was in could’ve been the one to collapse. I wish he was the one slowly dying under rubble and building remains. 
I also heard many of the people who died in turkey were Syrian refugees. 
May they be granted jannah, Ameen
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occult-roommates · 11 months
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The landbitch
One night, Charlie got called by the landlady when she dropped the new she was raising the rent again. No, she can't do that! Where's that solidarity between people of the same species? They're both vampire after all.
Charlie: Margrit, please... Margrit: We are not on a first name basis, you will call me Misses Fairchild and nothing else. Charlie: I can't really call you misses considering you're divorced.
Well, Charlie did not help her case at all with that comeback. Great, now she gotta announce that to the other roommates.
To think she used to have pity of that woman. Her story on how she became a vampire is a bit tragic. She was born in what is now modern day Austria in 1884, exactly a century before Charlie, and moved to the States at only 20 to marry a man twice her age. To be fair, it was mostly in a gold digging move. The 1930s rolled around, and she caught him cheating on him with a woman who was born the year they got married. She threatened a divorce, and as revenge he tried killing her by hiring a vampire hitman. The hitman failed to fully suck her blood out and instead turned her into a vampire. Still alive, she got to divorce, but now the Fairchild no longer wanted anything to do with her, and her family back in Austria rejected her for being a vampire. She still had enough divorce money to buy an apartment building in the art district though, and she's been the landlady of the place ever since...Oh and all of that was for nothing, cause the old husband croaked less than a year later.
However, Margrit has long since reached a point where Charlie could no longer feel bad for her.
Charlie: Bad new folks, the rent increased again. Dawud: Are you kidding me? Rudi: Ah for fuck sake, I just got a raise at work! Dawud: Well, personally, and I'm just saying, but I am the only one here with like, a full time job that pays more than 15$ an hour. Like, I know these are though time, but you guys need to step up. Akva: Easy for you to say, you were pretty much given your job when you moved here and got trained for free. My pay is shit but I can't find anything else, and flight school is freaking expensive. Kino: You could ask your new girlfriend to move here. Akva: I don't think she would wanna do that, she has a nice apartment all to herself, unlike us who barely have enough and just forgotten what having a bit privacy is like. I mean, she's a video editor, do we even have space for her desk here? Why don't your girlfriend move here uh? Kino: I broke up with Lilah yesterday. Through text. Charlie: Kino, you can't keep breaking up with people through text! Kino: Why not? And also, we would have more place to sleep if you agreed to share your room too while all five of us plus my baby are cramped in one bedroom. Charlie: Well speaking of baby, you barely take care of him, I'm his main caregiver. Which great, not only are you not arsed to be a parent, but it's an extra financial strain on the household.
Having run out of argument, Kino simply made a random move that was similar to the C part of the YMCA dance. It seemed out of nowhere, but it was because it is the equivalent on Sixam of giving the middle finger.
Rudi: Talking a lot of shit anyway for someone who doesn't have a job. Kino: Well yes, but I'm paid by the government agent who sent me here like...an amount of money I will not disclose. Rudi: Say it! Daniele: STOP FIGHTING PLEASE I DON'T LIKE IT! Akva: Dan, shut up, you literally don't have a job and you were raised rich... Daniele: I do have one, I'm a tailor at my aunt's fashion workshop, but I don't work that often and she doesn't pay me cause we're family. Dawud: That's kind of a dick move on her part actually...Wait when we think about it, your family has well enough money that you don't need to live here, what are you even doing in this apartment? Yes, you were kicked out by your parents, but you also lived with your aunt your entire teenage years. Daniele: My family is rich but I don't have much money to my name and I wanted to leave as soon as I turn 18 but currently I'm wondering if I should not just go back... Charlie: Nobody is gonna move out of this place, we can't afford to lose anyone. If anything, we need a new member! Rudi: We clearly don't have place though, and will the landbitch even let us? Akva: Legally, every household is allowed to have a maximum of eight people, and as long as that maximum hasn't been reached, you cannot deny someone to move under a roof. However, as soon as there's eight people, you cannot accept anyone else, which is why anyone who can get pregnant needs to go on birth control if there's eight people in a household. Also, it's not because you have to allow maximum eight people that every house or apartment is made to accomodate that eight people. Dawud: ...That's messed up what the hell... Kino: Yeah, I don't wanna go on birth control against my will! Charlie: What, so you can get pregnant with another baby you won't take care of? Rudi: The idea of having an extra roommates wouldn't be so bad if you didn't had a fucking private bedroom while the rest of us plus the baby were all sharing the same room!
The roommates kept on arguing, which almost escalated into insults. "Thankfully", their next door neighbor knocked and told them to shut the fuck up, it's almost 11 pm. How was little Joseph even sleeping through that? Silly them, they shouldn't be mad at each other, clearly they should be pissed at Miss Fairchild for putting the rent so hard they need to be seven roommates to make it, and that's not even including basic stuff like food etc...But well, if getting a seven roommates is what it would take, like, they have someone of each species except a fairy so it would be the perfect opportunity to get a fairy under this roof.
And now, for totally unrelated reason, Audrey eating a burger.
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recordkeep-ler · 2 years
(mini-fic abt the aftermath of rec’s deal with archive)
Rec arrives back at his tent in a burst of bright light, still clutching the orb protectively and with the card still in hand. Taking a look around, he finds that his records have (thankfully) remained undisturbed.. but the rest of the tent is a mess. Chairs knocked over, shed feathers everywhere, places of the tent that are disconcertingly wet— he prays to whoever is up there and listening that it was courtesy of the Hummingfish and not something wrong with the plumbing— and his bed has a conspicuously Barb-a-loot-shaped imprint in the middle of the mattress, like some kind of bizarre inversion of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.
He sets the orb and card down on his desk before preparing to shoo any lingering animals back outside.“Guys— c’mon, just because I said you couldn’t touch the records doesn’t mean you get to touch everything else!” He sighs, starting to mutter to himself. “I mean, I guess I set myself up for that one. Now that I think about it, can most of you even read?”
Before he can muse further about whether or not the animals can read (he’s certain the Lorax himself is literate, that’s for sure), the Lorax himself marches into the room, furry arms crossed over his chest. “Where’ve you been, Beanpole?” He asks, his voice caught between genuine concern and annoyance.
Rec bites back the urge to laugh at the Lorax asking him of his whereabouts like a jilted housewife interrogating her husband after a rough night— in his mind, the only thing missing from the mental image is the presence of a set of hair curlers. Or fur curlers. Moustache curlers? Oh right, I’m in trouble. He remembers. “Out..?” He hazards. Clearly the wrong answer, judging by how the Lorax’s expression remains unchanged. Rec huffs. “Look, it’s none of your business! I haven’t cut down any trees or done anyth—that much to harm the forest! You speak for the trees, not my well-being.”
“I know that, but I’m pretty sure it’s my business if I see a glowing green light comin’ from inside your tent and then you going missing for the next several hours! What were you doin’ in there anyway, crafting some kind of radioactive—”
“It was this light I got for my room!” Rec exclaims— a little too quickly, judging by how the Lorax looks taken aback by the volume of his reaction. “It’s to help me sleep! It doesn’t even use that much electricity, it’s very eco-friendly—”
“Really? What’s it look like?” The Lorax asks.
“I can’t show you right now, it’s..” He struggles for a moment before landing on what he thinks is a reasonably plausible answer. “It doesn’t look as nice at this time of day.” He lies, bending down to “subtly” shuffle the Lorax out of his room. “Trust me, it’s really underwhelming! Not remotely impressive. You wouldn’t even believe me if I said ‘it looks better at certain times of night’!”
The Lorax reluctantly shuffles out of Rec’s room, but spots something green and shiny out of the corner of his eye. “Waitaminute— what’s that over there?”
Rec freezes as soon as he mentions the orb, ironically giving the Lorax even more time to look at it. “It’s one of those seaglass float— things. It doesn’t have a net on it, but it will have a net on it soon once I pick up knitting again and don’t worry about it going in the river, it’s not going in the river or any bodies of water for that matter, it was a gift from my— I don’t know, one of my aunts and I don’t even really want it but I’m keeping it because she sent it all this way and I’d feel bad if I got rid of it—” he rambles, pushing the forest guardian out of his room so quickly that he’s practically bowling the poor creature.
“Alright, just thought I’d ask!” The Lorax protests once he’s out of Rec’s room. “I worry about ya, Beanpole.” He sighs, departing for the forest outside.
Rec watches him leave, sighing in relief. Well, this was gonna be a nightmare to keep secret. The Lorax will probably find out about the orb and the reality of Rec’s documents sooner or later, and who knows how he’d react to it? But at the very least, he got him off his back this time.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 7 months
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My uncle passed away a few days ago. Tuesday, February 20. 
He died in Bali, Indonesia on what would be his final journey to the country of his birth. 
We received the news a half hour after his passing, 130ish in the morning at our home, 530ish in the afternoon some eight thousand miles away across the Pacific Ocean.
He was my mom's older brother in a family of four. My mom's older sister and her younger brother passed away twenty years ago within months of each other, leaving my mom as the last serving sibling.
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My uncle was super old by the way. That's not a knock on his age, by the way. Another nine years and he would've spent a literal century having lived on this third rock from the sun.
So safe to say he lived a full life, ending, believe it or not, with the title of Great-Grandfather.
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My family in Holland is my family that I sometimes think of as my mythological family. This is the part of my family that lives in The Netherlands, has lived in The Netherlands for most and all of their lives, and who probably will always live in the Netherlands.
So yeah.
Distance is a thing. I can't just point to them and declare There they are!
You pretty much have to take my word on it.
Still, I tell people about the weird connection we have with roots in our collective childhoods. I tell people about our similarity of personalities, a modern-day tell that we're from the same tribe. And I tell people that time and distance don't diminish our shared connection. Which is a helluva thing given that twenty years just filled the space between last month when we were with them... and the time before that.
Twenty years ago.
And no. It doesn't, does not, seem to diminish us or our relationships with each other.
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My uncle, by the way, my mom's older brother, was a drummer. He was on the kit with bands at a young punk age so it was hard not to think of him as a pretty cool dude. We met for the first time when I was a child. I had to be younger than ten when I met he, my aunt, and their son, my cousin. Later, a daughter would come along, another cousin for me, but it was that first meeting, the family of three, at which we were introduced. At the time, I think it was the company, Phillips, that he worked for. The sound recording company. Long play records. Cassette tapes. Electronic sound equipment. I'm not sure where he was in the company or how he came to be there but professional musician was his vibe.
He was a kind man. A clever and silly man. The man for whom Kimmer 'n I got on a plane to travel the five thousand miles to his home where we spent hours of every day with him. And where I got to tell him that I love him and thanked him for being my uncle. I don't know what that last bit means, actually. After all, an uncle's an uncle. It's a label of relationship within a family.
Gotta say, though, he brought a lot of honor and, yes, a certain X-factor to the uncle gig.
In the end, as in the beginning, he made an indelible impression in my memories. One who always made me smile. And one, I'm certain, who's passing will take a while to set.
Because with friends and family I don't see often, their passing doesn't register in the same way as someone who suddenly drops out of the middle of my life. There's gonna be a part of me that naturally thinks my uncle's still there across a country and an ocean, a great-grandfather, a husband, drummer, a good man. Enjoying his life surrounded by family that moves through his home like a natural current. There's a part of me that'll assume my uncle's living his life on the other side of the world until...
Until the part of me that knows better reminds me that he has, in fact, left the building.
I miss him, though. Right now as I'm thinking about him, I miss him. Just like I miss his sister and his younger brother whose memories I keep from childhood, whose memories sometimes prevent me from remembering they're no longer with us.
It's the only benefit I can think of, this thing where my family lives so far away and years go by between those times that we see each other: my sense that they're present on this earth with me is stronger. It's a bedrock reality for me that they are simply there.
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My uncle passed away a few days ago. Tuesday, February 20. 
He died in Bali, Indonesia on what would be his final journey to the country of his birth. 
It's a fitting end to the story of his life, one that was absolutely made possible by his wife, his son, and his daughter. What I'll remember is that it was a quest. A literal adventure, traveling more than a thousand miles by plane, train, and automobile just to get started, moving from the west of Indonesia all the way to the east. In a way, it was also traveling back in time, revisiting the country of my uncle's youth, back where the life as he knew it started.
It's the quest I'll remember more than anything else.
One that remains ongoing.
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goremet-chef · 8 months
mann i miss my dads side of my family they fucking rock over there i loooove my aunt and i love my cousins and????? okay so one thing about my aunt is she has a lot of kids like SHE DOESNT REALLY.. she has 4 just like my mom its just theres like big age gaps between all of them and she got remarried i think to one of her ex husbands? or they RECONCILED r whatever and are all good now and? I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THIS KID.... he was like. my uncles son (unrelated to us)??? MAYBE? i dont even remember his name cuz ive literally ONLY seen him once but we went out with them and we had my niece with us and we did a fire pit with marshmallows and hot dogs and that guy was fucking silly!!!!!! and i remember he made fun of me for being OLD cuz i was 20 and he was like. 17 or 16 or some shit. little freak that guy, loved him
anything that comes out of that side is just great theyre very nice people i guess thats what happens tho cuz my moms side is just. backward white people, but not my dads side babyyyy. hate my dad, love my family on that side alright they are so much better i wish i saw them more often
my aunt comes over more now tho!!!! randomly too its like a jumpscare..... but its nice to see her :]] she looks like me fun fact me and her have almost the exact same face just different skin tone so we have like a weird bond alright but IN A GOOD WAY. and she loves me, it feels nice
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