#I miss them so much they have a lot more involvement in my blood buddies au so stay tuned for that when I eventually make art of it again
euphoriaface · 1 year
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also take these other glen/da scraps I did last year, they literally mean the world to me bro
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
I quit drinking almost a year ago now, so let's talk about it.
I'll start off by saying that my relationship with alcohol has always been a rocky one; It was first offered to me as a teenager by a relative of mine, and although I refused it on multiple occasions, I was always bullied into taking a sip or called names for not doing so.
I never wanted to drink, coming from a family with a history of addiction and growing up with an alcoholic parent, it wasn't something I ever wanted to do, and I was well aware of the risks involved with starting.
Drinking always lead to me feeling guilty or ashamed, but for a while, during the beginning of the pandemic, it was a way of coping, one I fully acknowledged as such, but never enough to make me completely stop.
In the weeks leading up to my decision to quit, a family member of mine was falling harder into their addiction to alcohol, and was making me drink more by proxy in order to justify the amount of it they were buying.
Unbeknownst to me, they were also hiding things like beer and cider in their room and their bathroom closet, because myself and another family member had begun counting the alcohol left on the porch when they continually appeared intoxicated despite only one or two drinks being missing from a case.
They would boldly lie to our faces and claim they hadn't been drinking or that they'd only had one or two drinks, but would be stumbling drunk...
The final straw for me, was coming home from work to a puddle of blood on the floor of my living room after they'd fallen down the stairs and decided to return to their bedroom on the second floor, where I found them with a head wound, bleeding into their pillow.
I can remember standing with them as they told the paramedics that they only had four drinks and thinking, "That's got to be fucking bullshit."
And it was.
Their blood alcohol was sky high and I have the paperwork to prove it.
After they were taken away by the ambulance, and I was left rinsing their blood off of my hands, the first thing I did was search.
When I tell you, in that moment, I hated their guts for what they'd done, for what they'd put me through, for arguing with me when I was trying to save their fucking life...
To this day, I am still angry about it, and why wouldn't I be?
It's only been about a year, but in the grand scheme of things?
I had to endure their addiction and the way they brought about my own for years.
I never bought alcohol for myself.
Despite being old enough and able to.
They always bought it for me, and growing up they always made it seem like it wasn't a big deal that they drank as much as they did, or that they turned another family member into their drinking buddy when they were only fourteen...
But I digress.
In the long run, alcohol has been a problem for me since even before I personally started drinking, and I'll admit that I, as someone who has dealt with a lot of loss and utter bullshit in my life, used it to self medicate on more than one occasion, because it made me feel less in touch with everything.
But it did not make me happier.
It didn't fix my trauma or give me less anxiety.
And it made me feel ashamed.
So what can I tell you, about how it feels to be almost a year sober?
It's honestly hard to say.
Because while I'd like to come here and say that I've felt amazing or that the experience has been freeing, truth is life has continued to be hard, and new challenges come and go, and, well, I've kept going.
There's that.
A year ago, if I had a bad day at work, I'd have a drink about it.
I talk to people.
I'm more open about how I'm feeling, physically and emotionally, and in that sense I have felt freer.
But I'm also seeing what addiction -not my own, but another loved one's- has done to my family, and I find myself wondering if I should separate myself from them again.
To burn the bridge I was determined to rebuild.
It's lead to a lot of complex emotions as you can imagine.
Ultimately, I think quitting was the right choice for me, and even if life is tough right now, I'm able to look at it objectively.
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
2x5. Although never addressed, Damon spares, helps, and cares for Liz because Caroline saved Him. If not for Caroline sitting there, a vulnerable hero, after she killed the deputies and outed herself to her mom, he would have killed Liz. Elena was a secondary reason, as she told Liz she wouldn't "let you kill them". Even in Elena's hate (and hurt) for Damon. Third reason is that he was setting up roots and definitely couldn't explain the sheriff missing?
I think Damon wanted Vicki as a vampire buddy because she was fun. He didn't see this with Caroline. But she considers Damon a friend apart from Elena's involvement. True she goes down to the cellar because Elena ran down. Yes, she was trying to save Elena but she was very concerned about the brothers. Or perhaps she knew Katherine would kill her if Stefan was dead?
Damon handles the entire situation. Right down to the "good thread count". Imo Damon's "you have no idea how wrong you are" and glance to Caroline speaks to his new found respect for her. This is separate from Liz, who just tried to kill him.
Stefan's jealousy is wow this episode. He has reason to feel this way. The depth of Delena is starting to become untouchable. Damon runs this shit. Stefan is just a whiny, weak bitch.
And the Stelena kiss after he drinks her blood is just ick. Maybe I'm biased, I don't find ANY Stelena kisses satisfying. In fact I find them all gross (sans 1x10). And I find Paul very attractive, although nowhere near Ian level.
Also, WTF was Mason thinking??
I think Damon would've spared Liz either way because he truly views her as a friend. I think he's drawn to women like Liz and Carol in a way that he isn't with men like Richard and Bill. Perhaps because he lost his mother at 17, idk.
I definitely think Damon viewed Vicki as friendship material. He saw a lot of Katherine in her. He chooses to turn her based on the open and close of the episode. At the open of 1x6, it's her desire not to die. At the close of 1x6, it's the desire not to live. He felt like he was doing her a favor because she's essentially stuck. Elena has a long-standing parallel with Vicki, and so they're constantly bringing her back in for Matt and Elena. If not for Liz, I don't think Damon would've cared for Caroline as much as he does. From my pov, it's as if Damon took over Bill's position in their lives, so it's as if he's acting like a father figure to Caroline. I feel this even when he physically grabs her and tells her not to be Tyler's friend. I'll probably post more about this when I start doing my friendship posts for Damon.
I can't tell you how many scenes I've come across where Damon basically took over and Stefan became background noise. Stefan's jealousy is so much that it'll be part of my re-watch post for 2x15 even though he's not jealous in the episode. It's because he has a parallel.
The Stelena kiss after he drinks her blood is hilarious to me because Stefan has no idea that Damon is the reason she fed him her blood in the first place. He thinks she came to this decision on her own. To not only allow him to drink blood, but to drink hers. This is why I tell fans to pay mind to Stefan's blood issue in the first season because it's all reverse. Through that reverse, you see Delena...
Damon: Stefan's still drinking human blood. Damon: Stefan didn't drink the people blood, if you were curious.
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When 2x8 rolls around, Damon knows more than he lets on, and what he knows is powerful. Let's just say he knows the effect he has on Elena. THIS is your parallel...
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That's why Elena feeds from Damon. She's his girlfriend. I don't find any Stelena kisses satisfying because they have no chemistry. The only time I feel they have chemistry is when Elena's emotions are off. Mason is a dumb shit, but I love him in Ghost World.
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I rewatched 1x08, 2x01 and 2x02 with my sister recently, and some of the things that I noticed:
I’m not gonna lie, if I haven’t seen an episode of the show in long enough, I start to think that people are exaggerating how religious Alicent is. I almost forgot about her putting up the FOTS sigils all over the Red Keep, and her “The Father will compel me to forget the allegations made by you here” line is peak religious passive-aggressiveness. Rip Alicent you would have loved/hated Catholicism.
“They used to tease me because I was different” buddy you have an autistic sister I don’t want to hear a word about how you were “different” because you didn’t have a dragon before hitting double digits.
“Aegon the Strong?” “My nephews have already claimed that title” I DIDN’T CATCH THAT THE FIRST TIME CAUSE I WAS SO STRESSED I LOVE IT.
My sister has also not seen most of Season 1 (Episode 8’s the only one she’s seen in full) and it is very funny to try and explain the context behind Alicent’s actions only to realize how absolutely HORRIBLE she sounds. Just “oh yeah she gave that scar to Rhaenyra because she was trying to cut out Luke’s eye when he was six. Which is obviously bad but she was under a lot of pressure in the moment. Yes this is right after she made Rhaenyra present Joffrey to her right after giving birth.”
Once you’ve seen Vaemond’s main scene once every time you watch it from then on out you have to say “Her children…are BASTARDS!” along with him. It’s the law.
Also didn’t pick on this during my first viewing because I didn’t know where it was headed, but there are so many points in Rhaenyra and Mysaria’s first proper conversation where Rhaenyra is just…staring into Mysaria’s soul, looking her up and down, etc. If she wasn’t already aware of her attraction to women, she was questioning a lot of things during that conversation.
My second watch of the ending of 1x08 has completely confirmed for me that Alicent didn’t truly make a mistake. I’m sure “I misunderstood” is what she tells herself to sleep at night, but it’s made pretty obvious in that scene that she was hearing what she wanted to hear and nothing else. Viserys is out of it, continuing a conversation they never had, referring to “Aegon’s Dream,” and all of the questions she’s asking him are 100% leading questions. “Our son Aegon?” at that point he could have broken out into a coughing fit and she would have taken it as confirmation. Don’t get me wrong, it’s because she wants all of her suffering to have been for something, but at that point her mind would have twisted anything to mean “I want Aegon to be my heir.” It’s not the writers forcing a misinterpretation, it’s Alicent trying to give herself plausible deniability of her own involvement and guilt.
The other line I’m legally required to say along with the character is, of course “Each of them brave, handsome…strong.”
Ugh Luke was such a sweet kid I miss him. I very much suspect that he’ll appear at Harrenhal, though, so hopefully we’ll see more of him.
Rhaena’s Season 1 wig was BAD, my god.
I still think Blood & Cheese was well done, and my theory now is that the moment where Helaena stops and gasps is the moment that her dreams end. That’s the moment where she realizes that it’s actually happened, that this is a nightmare she’s never waking up from.
I miss HOTD Sundays.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
More Than Meets the Eye Retrospective: Shadowplay (Issues 9 through 11) (Patreon review for Brotoman.exe)
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Hello all you happy autobots and welcome back to my look at more than meets the eye, long delayed due to a lot of scheduling delays, a draining move, and general shenanigans. But it's finally time for us to take a look at Shadowplay.
Shadowplay is easily one of the most important arcs of MTMTE, not only seting up a lot of character backstory, but also fully establishing Roberts vision of Cybertron past that he dabbled with back in Chaos Theory, a place where the senate is corrupt, the Decepticons are slowly planning a coup that will sadly turn from righteous rebellion into nightmarish dictatorship not unlike what they replaced, and functionism lingers in the background. And at the first time I read this arc..
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While I liked it well enough, being a tense story that characterized Optimus well and gave him spotlight at a time when he wasn't in any of the comics on a regular basis, it still felt a bit like a neat side tangent.
I've come around since then for a number of reasons: The first is, especially on re-read this arc is REALLY good and in a continuity where Optimus didn't get to shine that often, it's another character piece that makes me sad he never joined the lost light. He got to lead but this really gets to who he is as a character and shows him at his best. It also has plenty of nice depths for the autobots featured, and seeing who they were pre-war really adds some layers and shows just what the war did to each and every one. The other is simple: I was reading the story for the first time. And sometimes something extraneous at the time ends up being important. In this case both how cybertron used to be is vital to the future of those who left it behind. So with that's lets do a little shadowplay and see how the past will ultimately nearly destroy the future...
Content Warning: Self Harm and Suicide Is Discussed
We open in pre war cybertron, some time after the last time we saw it in chaos theory. The Decpticon movement in in full swing, and two bots are discussing the recent clampdown, basically a bunch of curfews and othe rnonsense to try and fight back against them. But one of these bots, Nightbeat isn't remotely convinced this will work while his buddy Quark
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Sadly not that one, is paranoid about it and assumes they'll force Alt Mode Changes when they get in power. While they'll do much worse, remember this idea. It'll be important next season. As will Nightbeat.
For now though Quark's casually day drinking is interupted by some blood.. from a corpse hung above
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Cut to present day at Swerves where Ratchet joins a group consisting of Rewind, Chromedome, Tailgate, Whirl, Skids, Drift and of course the man himself. Swerve. As for why.... well as put in the page image THEIR GONNA FIX RUNGS BRAIN. After everyone gets a chance to react in shock and disgust and this stupid stupid joke , (Minus swerve who isn't shown reacting and likely helped Rewind set him up), we find out it's not AS obnoxious as it sounds: Swerve is still comotose and Rewind brought them all here to try and fix that on Chromedome's advice. See Domey's figured out why our Psychatrist pal's still in his coma: His body is starting to function but he can't fully heal till his mind does. Hence this exercise: The group gathered here isn't random as it seems: most were involved in a story in cybertron's past, the same one from the cold open, each crossing paths with a certain future robot space jesus. Rewind himself wasn't, but has both archival footage and has talked to some involved, so he can fill in the gaps. As for Tailgate and Swerve.. well Tailgate is just a nice guy and was likely let along so he can learn more autobot history, and Swerve owns the only place they could do this session nice and quiet, only needing a closed sign. (The bar has been reopened it turns out. ). And frankly it's swerve: you think he'd miss anything where he'd have a chance to talk and crack jokes?
So here's where we are: Nominus Prime, one of the senators, was nearly assainated and has vanished since while the corrupt senate we saw last time is only getting more and more strained as the citizens, paticuarlly the aformentioned decipticons, are pushing back more and more.
It's here the first of our familiar faces enters: Chromedome. Dome was working in Mechaforensics, even had a diffrent name but for clarity's sake Rewind is having him use his current one. He's working with Prowl
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Who while not as awful as present, still has a rod wedged up someplace uncomfortable, possibly a cybertronian voltzwagon. The plan has all the hallmarks of a decipticon: i'ts pointed straight at the functionist council building, their graffiti is on the back. It's bad. we then get a nice diversion as Skids wants to know Prowl more, as he's going to be a recurring character and all and we get Swerve naturally hurling a ton of insults at the asshole and as for Rewind..
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I love how Roberts not only embraced Prowl's tantrum becoming a meme, but decided to just make it a character trait. I also like how both of them can recognize the exact sound he makes It's then time for Drift's story.. which is good because Rodimus is getting antsy. At the time Drift was a drug addict, plugging boosters into his head. Ratchet makes sure to emphasis WINNERS DON'T USE DRUGS.. mostly because Tailgate's present. At any rate he gets hassled by two random dipshits... and stopped by Optimus, aka orion pax at the time, who then procedes to badassily take them both out in seconds. With Drift, known as roller then, comotose Optimus takes him to Ratchet... .. and then procedes to play with him by having the known atheist say adaptus be praised. The two wrestle a bit and Chromedome sidesteps this foreplay by pointing out this dosen't make sense: Apparently Ratchet was already cheif physician> Turns out though Ratchet was also unfufilled, so when Optimus, being optimus, suggested a secret center for addicts since the council , like most goverments, cares not one iota off a shit if people with a serious addiction die horribly, he gladly took it up. It also fits well with his character: Ratchet is older so of course he's already even further into his career, he likes helping and he likes a challenge.
Once he saves the future Drift, he encourages him to make something of his life.. while Drift plans to simply go to a refurbishment clinic and donate his body instead. The present day drift then has to go before Hot Rod tries to rebuke his amnesty.. and that's only half a joke as Drift geninely isn't sure if he can do that and isn't keane to find out. As for what the clinics were, Rewind helpfully explains for Tailgate, who nicely serves as an audience surrogate here. He even has a helpful ad
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I also love the repacaging of something most older transformers fans like Roberts would be familiar with and fond of, the g1 manuals, into something fucked up, i.e. an add for cheap and nasty body tourisim. We don't know where it lead but we'll find out later. For now though once Drift leaves... Ratchet finds out there's bigger worries to deal with. Pax gestures to the news, something Ratchet dosen't like already for being state propoganda.. but likes even less finding out Nominus has offically been declared dead. More disturbingly Ratchet realizes their cause of death.. has to be wrong. It's said to be a rusted fuel pump, and the rust spreading to his spark casing.. but his fuel pump was pristine when Ratchet examined him post attack.. and with Optimus already theorizing to ratchet in a past conversation that the attack was a false flag attack from the senate itself Ratchet concludes not only is the senate behind this.. but they now have the matrix of leadership, all thanks to sentinel prime who no matter the reality is apparently just the biggest dick in existance.
Optimus reassures Ratchet he's not crazy or paranoid: they did clearly do this.. and he has a friend he wants him to meet
On that note we're back to Chromedome and Prowl. And we get another lovely toy based sight gag
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Before the results tell prowl their going to Transluctna Heights next, the cybertronian beverley hills. Silciate Palm Trees and energon pools.
We then cut to Ratchet and Optimus who are meeting with the Senator, the same one from the end of Chaos Theory. This still works even if you had'nt read that story, as to me reading this comic the first time I assumed he and optimus had met previously and simply had a history.. and they do as seen with Chaos Theory he's the one who was convinced our hero could one day be a prime. Ratchet is mostly here to throw off suspiscion, since the senator already used most of his captial saving optimus from certain death at the end of chaos theory. That added context will be important in a bit but for now the Senator confirms that yup they killed Nominus for having a fake matrix. The only reason the senator isn't doing anything is because he's smarter than that and knows having a seat is way more useful than wringing Sentinels scrawny tickish neck. Speaking of which, The Senator is genuinely scared of what's going on. Also if you were curious where Megatron was during all of this he is alive, they simply have him on an asteroid mining as killing him would make him a martyr. His mining assignment is, once again, naturally important for later.. just not this storyline.
For this one we close the main story with Chromedome and Prowl investigating the swanky, richest of the rich only district of cybertron.. only to get a body thrown at them.
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While we close the issue starting our b-plot for this three pater as we find out WHY Rodimus was so antsy for drift to get there NOW.
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Yup... and honestly... this is the rare case where I genuinely DON'T know what happened here. We'll get an explination shortly and I THINK that's what indeed happened.. but I can't be sure for a number of reasons I don't want to spoil. The point is Red Alert's dead and Hot Rod thinks Cyclonus did it.
We see a lot of blurbs and what not on the news. The most important two are Senator Sherma, whose trying to pass a decipticon regestration act.. and if you've ever read x-men you'll know that's a pretty terrible idea and prejudice to boot, while we also get a hint against ratioisim, which I THINK is supposed to be some form of functionisim. For those wondering , Functionisim is basically determining your worth based on your alt mode and what purpose it serves. And if that idea sounds shady, racist and classist, you can see why the decipticons exist.
I also really like Roberts adding these shades to the decpticons existnace: Their still bad people mostly, but I love the idea they sprouted from a genuinely good place. From an opressed working class lorded over by a corrupt senate. It's an exploration of the idea a movement can easily be corrputed. YOu only have to look at say communisim: It's not a horrible idea on it's surface and modled right it can be done well.. and when molded wrong under someone like stalin it becomes an opressive facist state, just as democracy can be molded into one just the same when , as seen with the cybertronian senate, a few powerful folks wield said power regardless of the people's actions. As we've seen with Optimus , Nightbeat and Ratchet there are PLENTY of autobots who fully agree with their message.. they just won't agree with what that message becomes. It's one thing when the message is "take down the corrupt police state we all hate", it's another when the message becomes "Peace through tyranny"... a message really not that diffrent from the senate. The only diffrence.. is Megatron just comes out and admits he's going to rule over you as a dictator while the senate lies and says things are fair while constantly stacking the deck however they like. It makes me really wish Roberts had gotten to full on write the reboot when it happened, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.
Back with the cop plot, Chromedome is chasing around one of the perps on a flying bike. I wonder if you can play card games on it? For now the chase dosen't take much effort as the idiot he's chasing goes into a narrow garage.. that turns out ot be a no fly zone, complete with the cybertronian equilveant of saftey glass.. and being cybertronian that means anything speeding blows up real good. Prowl is already doing what he does best: casing the room and being mildly dimissive. Being an authortarian cockballon comes a little later but joining the police is a good start. That said we see how diffrent he was.. as he ACTUALLY APOLOGIZES
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Yes when he finds out about the glass he genuinely apologizes and hopes Chromedome is okay. In the apartment they find both red alert and a decepticon manfesto and shrine. The senator was a secret deciptcion.. and given what else we know it's obvious the senate is trying to clean house of anyone that would oppose them.
Back in the present, Rodimus has turned Perciptor's lab into a makeshift inergation room. And it turns out.. he's taken in Cyclonus for no other reason than he's Decipticon adjacent. That's it. This is pure profling.. and it also provides a really intresting role reversal. Usually when these two talk Magnus is a stick in the mud doomsayer who follows regulations as his one true religion, while Rodimus, hot mess he may be, tends to give people chances and think outside the box. It's essentially a wackier version of Kirk and Spock.
Here though that same adherence to order and regulation that often makes Magnus the butt of the joke.. makes him the reasonable one for a change.
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He does.. but only because Drift is unlawfly interogating him. Rodimus is just rashly assuming because decipticon, while Magnus rightly sees he's bungled this whole investigation by unlawfully arresting someone who did nothing wrong, they have no reason to bring in. Drift isn't much better as we see a nastier side to him. While he's a former decpitcon himself he treats Cyclonus hostile and subtly threatens him.. and gets driven into the table in response. While Magnus DOES hold Cyclonus back... if you look at the panel bellow he's not hurting him or anything. He's only holding him to prevent a fight that would only make this more of a farce. And Cyclonus speech makes it VERY clear how much of a farce this is and is honestly CHILLING with the recknoning in police we've been going through as what Rodders did.. is really what MOST police did and many still do
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It's a damming speech and shows what Roberts has masterfully done so far and will continue to do: Show that the Autobots, while the good guys.. aren't flawless. We've seen it in how human they are and how goofy they can be... but we wee here the less endearing sides of their humanity, the judgmental side and tencndy to fly off the handle. Cyclonus also makes a valid point: they think winning the war makes them absolute victors.. but Cyclonus, while not impartial, is a mostly outside observer: he AGREES with the decipticon cause, but really isn't one. He can see the self righteousness and tendency to see themselves as absolute right the autobots are devleoping, something festering even worse back home, and he sees the same system that required the decipticons in the first place slowly reforming. And we've seen this cycle: the senate replaces a corrupt mad man, they become corrupt authorarians. MEgatron replaces them, he becomes a power mad dictator. While the autobots have a leg up on booth..there's no guarantee they can't fall just as hard or fast , and this book will more than prove that.
At anyr ate Cyclonus is absolved as First Aid thinks he has it.
Back at the crime scene, Chromedome and Prowl are backed against the wall. Prowl hasn't fought yet so he's scared shitless, Chromedome is enjoying that but it's not really helping the situation.. but someone arrives who does
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If you ever find yourself wondering why optimus is in charge.. well it's mostly on the heart and sense of conviction, but if your wondering how he stayed in charge and stayed alive.. this is why.
Prowl then.. yells at Optimus, not only assuming he's a citzen but just being a dick. Optimus then flashes his badge and is disapointed what he heard about Prowl was exagerated. Yes even OPTIMUS FRIKKIN PRIME, PRE PRIME CANNOT STAND PROWL SOMETIMES. Optimus casualy says that Prowls report on all this will just get lost, and Prowl hopes "i'll never be as cynical as you orion pax"... bud.. your already.. so much worse.
Prime plans to follow up but he's wanted ON THE MOON... and I love a job where I get to say that. He's wanted at prison, as it's time for whirl to enter the story. Whirl also gets defnsive when ratchet rightly points out why he's arrested when he tries to blame optimus: He tried to murder a prisoner in his cell. The fact Megatron is evil later.. dosen't really justify it at all, as we saw. The senate were using him as a pawn to get away with worse stuff.
But the fact is by this point Whirl has realized the senate used him, and took away his hands, with a really crushing panel of him admitting why he's brought optimus here beyond REVENGE
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They took everything he was from him and he can't do anything to them, as i'm sure many like him can't either. But he can tell optimus there's a plan for a large bombing, a false flag attack.. and to catch the Senator in the crossfire. We also see IMpactor getting introduced as Whirl's cellmate. Naturally for the wreckers there first meeting.. is impactor beating his head in.
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One of my faviorite lines in the comic.
Anyways we get back to Prowl and Chromedome , and we get a really intresting bit: Chromedome can tell SOMETHING'S going to give and wonders if they'll survivie it, and while prowl denies it at first.. it turns out as much as he likes to bury his head in the sand at this point in his life, he hasn't buried it straight up his ass like his present day self.
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Yeah I kick myself in hindsight for not only not noticing Chromedome and Rewind were a thing, but that PROWL and chromedome were in the past. I"m still shocked how oblivious I was, especially since I picked this one specifically because LIndsay Ellis had mentioned the idw transformers comics had gotten queer. I've gotten better at picking up on gay subtext, intentional or otherwise, but it's still hilariously tone deaf. It's also weird to see Prowl.. actually be romantic. Roberts does the legwork the other book simply dosen't seem to care to do in making Prowl a tragic figure: Sure he's absolutely the worst and Roberts makes no real attempts to prove that. If anything he shows the potetial was there.. but this arc really hammers in that Prowl before the war.. was a far better person. He still was entirley by the book, but he opened up to Chromedome, his partner in both senses, didn't want a war, and generally had good in him. I made a cop joke before.. but Dome IS trying to be good police. He belivies way too much in a corrupt system.. but contrast that to the Prowl we saw in issue 1 and will see again when the crossover comes: an authoratian nightmare who sees his boyfriend trying to get a measure of peace.. and sees it as a waste. Who sees the end of a years long war as just a lull in combat. Who in his own book is carrying out black ops bullshit and stoking tensions between autobots and decipticons. Prowl had the potetial to be what he is now always sure, but he wasn't etched in that. Becoming an autobot made somes lives better.. but for Prowl it just caused him to double down on his worse traits and become an outright monster.
The fight is also just.. sad. Instead of talking through their issue.s. rewind just snaps. He just can't face Rewind's history with Prowl or see that there WAS good in the man whose caused his partner such pain.. but also can't healthily cope with it. Then again as we'll learn heathily coping is not something Rewind's really EVER done.
Back with the plot , Prowl finds out to his fury that Flatfoot, his superior officer despite the name, has leaked his report, proving what Optimus said. Things only get more suspcious when they meet Trepan, the head of the clinic.. and after Chromedome sense ssomething shady, the sinister needle hands are a giveaway, Domey incapcitates the guy and our unambgiously gay duo find the insittute: tons of robtos removing brain moduls, rewiring... even before he became a mnemosurgeon, Domey was already intrested in the science and thus can recognize it. Trepan escapes but our heroes take their valuable intel to Optimus, who had Ratchet and some others round up the good senator from his school for gifted autobots.
Optimus puts all the pieces together while Prowl bitches in the background: Domey and PRowl found a list at the clinic, that turns out to be a list of decipticons regestered as a polictical party. Turns out while Senator Sherma wanted it to LOOK like decipticon attack.. but not blame them right away, getting more cons to register.. then inittating ANOTHER false flag to make it look like the deciptcons betrayed them. As for how.. the how is utterly horrifying: they plan to BLOW UP nominus' corpse with a fake rigged matrix. Optimus' only recourse? They ahve to steal it We're onto the final issue and naturally Prowl thinks this is madness, wants nothing to do with it and is a right asshole as he flees, telling him not to let DOme go on the mission
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Dome went to gather some of the senators pupils. I.. .wasn't remotely joking about the x-men comparison: Since the functionists obviously are baffled and apalled by beings who have extra talents beyond their alt modes, the Senator has been shielding them in his building for gifted autobots and brought a few to help: Skids himself is a super learner, able to learn anything in record time, which seems useless until you realize this means he can pick up any skill as fast as the flash and retain it unlike said flash. The others are windcharger, who has telekensis Kyle and Gltich, whose design I like a lot and who can mess up machinery. So in otherwords, Progidy, Hellion and Shadowcat. Got it.
We then break for a second as Ratchet examines rung and Swerve brings some old fashioned nightmare fuel to the party, which this being the comic that it is, is entirely real and requires gloves. When Chromedome worries about this eating up their insides, Swerve reveals this isn't rewind's FIRST session. It's not even his second. It makes sense though: this is a complex prospect and it's not unlikely every autobot here met Optimus at some point.. nor that unlikely that it'd fall apart, hence attempt 3 here. We also get an intresting fact about Rung that will be VITALLY important way down the line
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We return to the story to find out this is what likely broke the two up for good, as Prowl, being prowl, just left with no explanation. They still need a full plan but skids having a mini matrix on his face, a religious thing back then the comic dosen't go into gives Optimus an idea: He spends Domey to talk to our good buddy ironfist, pre horrible tragic death. Being a massive fanboy even back then, he's more than willing ot help in exchange for getting his life sized model of Delta Magnus
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So now our hero have a fake to swap for the fake. Before they leave on the heist though Ratchet and Optimus' Friend Roller Roller Da
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An old friend of Optimus' on the force we just meet here but , say it with me "WILL BE IMPORTANT LATER". This arc could've easily been called "TRUST ME ALL OF THIS HAS A PAYOFF. ALL. OF. THISSSSSSSS. " And it does. One benefit of having to go over these issues with a finer tooth comb than my usual lagomorph lenth attention span allows is I catch just HOW well crafted this story is.
Anyways Roller hacked the system and finds out there's some weird stuff about the guy, a few charges, as you'd expect.. but also the fact Optimus isn't the ONLY person he's been grooming for this roll. Optimus.. dosen't care. He's not naive, he gets the senator likely has backups, and is with the guy not because he's truly buying what the man's selling on "being the next prime" and all that.. but becauase he's a good man in a broken system whose trying his damndest to fix it. A bit creepy sure, but someone he trusts enough to do this. if he didn't they woudln't of gone this far.
We get back to the present.. and it's one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the comic so far. And you KNOW that's already saying something. We find out what happened to Red Alert.. and it was suicide. Granted i'm still not sure it was entirely suicide or if the very least he wasn't pushed further by the knowledge of what was going on and the pressure of his already bad paranoia being kicked into overdrive. I won't know till he comes back. It's handled incredibly well.. including the fact that even now Rodimus makes it about him.. but in a way that just.. punches you in the heart. Rodimus takes it personally, feeling that if one of his crew is suicidal.. he shoudl've noticed. But the sad truth with mental illness is sometimes.. someone is just suffering so bad till they break. As someone who has had suicidal throughts... sometimes you just keep those to yourself till your already on the edge of it. What's worse is while they DID save him... Magnus suggests not putting him back on line just yet. He's understandibly worried given all the trauma it'll just happen again and plans to revivie him whent he misions over or at the very least when they have the time to help him. The results.. are just.. pure pain
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Normally when rodimus asks this, it's clear he just wants a second opinon that will likely agree with him.. but here it's very clear from what happens next.. he just DESPERATLEY wants any othe roption, anything but this... and ultimately it's best for red to take a nap till they can help him... rodimus left utterly destroyed. Just the pannleing here is perfect.. it's clear Rodimus feels he failed... and the failures will only add up as the journey goes on. For now though we're back to the finale of our main story: So naturally for a heist the place their breaking into, the Primal Basicla, is super well guarded: any plane that tries to fly by deactivates, pressure plates along the floor to alert the guards, and said guards are trigger happy monsters with the orders to "take alive """IF POSSIBLE""""" which is code for
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Thankfully thanks to said no flyzone the top is unguarded so they simply get to work: Windcharger lowers them down, Glitch shuts off the force beams, at great personal pain, and Swerve uh... uses his grappling hook to lower optimus mission impossible style. Hey at least it's a vital job. Problem is the things rigged. WOrse problems are back at base. For reasons unknown, Optimus decided to honor Prowl's wishes and Chromedome was left on sercurity with Roller Roller Da. The Senator assumes Optimus was being paranoid.. when who would it be at the door but hired goons
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Who just burned down The Senator's institute for gifted autobots. Back at the heist, Optimus calls on Ratchet, whose roll now becomes clear beyond "Map guy": He was Optimus' backup plan: since he can't disarm the locks he uses reverse psychology on ratchet telling him he coudln't POSSIBLY unlock it in time. Ratchet knows he' splaying him.. but he's wrong and Ratchet does. He almost drops the matrix.. but thankfully Windcharger got bored and uses his telekensisis kyle to lift ratchet back up.
With the heist a success Windcharger starts slowly taking them back.. but Optimus, being twitchy that Roller hasn't contacted him JUMPS OFF THE FREAKING SKY THING AND INTO THE STREETS FAR BELLOW to go after him. Good thing too as he gets there before they can murder the senator. Sadly.. there's no happy ending here. Prequel and all that. The hired goons hold Roller Hostage.. and the Senator being who he is, agrees to go peacefully. The goons TRY to leave a guy for optimus to fight.. but optimus still has the bomb of leadership, hurls it and the senate covers it up the same way they covered up the academy. Gas leak. the silent killer. What's worse is while Optimus and Domey head for the instutitute.. it's already cleaned out.. and Domey also has a horrifying realization about the name: it's called that.. so people THINK there's only one. As he explains in narration, there turned out ot be one under EVERY refurbishment clinic.
So with that... it's all over. For now. There's no real happy ending... in the past. in the present though as the defcon klaxons ring... RUNG SPEAKS. This whole plan worked. Back in the past though we get one final coda as some creepy assholes plan to do the oepration on the senator, a complete personality swap.. a turn to logic.. and iwth that we find out just who this guy is.. and it's one of the most chilling, brilliant and tearjerking moments in the entire comic
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Yup one of the nicest bots in transformers.. becomes a cold murder machine who will soon, or likely sometime next year for our purposes, nearly destroy all of cybertron. Someone who might of created a better future as Cybertron's greatest hero.. has become it's greatest monster. My jaw dropped when I read this and now having read dark cybertorn and knowing how the other side of this story plays out for him overal.. it's just an utter gutpunch. Even when I wasn't a fan of this story, I LOVED this ending.
As for shadowplay itself.. it's excellent. It's still not relaly one of my faviorite arcs, as it's one of the heavier ones, but the heist in the third act is great, there's some nice backstory shading and like I said that final twist is fucking phenominal. I'ts a story that only gets better as you see every piece it sets up for the rest of the comic fall into place, and on reread the red alert subplot fucking broke me. It's a great story Next Time: .. is in september, as I was SUPPOSED to take the summer off to do Beetlemania, which is now too far ahead to not do, but mtmte returns in september for an annual as Magnus takes the spotlight and a lot of stuff sure does happen. Thanks for reading.
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buddiefix · 8 months
Supernatural (Ghost/Other) Fic's
The following are some of my favourite buddie fanfiction that involve supernatural elements like ghosts, psychics, or unspecified magic.
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(Any new fic's I find that fall under this category will be added to this post, so feel free to check back for edits!)
like when the sun came out by spaceprincessem
9-1-1 (TV)  
He completely pulls the charger from the wall as he fumbles to put in his passcode. He doesn’t know who to call first. Everyone is busy, carrying on with their lives and Buck is stuck here in the loft with the terrifying ghost of his childhood like an omen. Out of the corner of his eye he catches the Crooked Smiled Man now standing in the dark entrance way to his bathroom. He swallows around the taste of blood in his mouth, hands shaking, useless as his list of contacts blur beneath the burn of tears.
Eddie Eddie Eddie
He doesn’t know where the feeling comes from, but it’s sudden and sharp and excruciating. Eddie is the first name at the top of his list, his most recent calls and texts, and he doesn’t hesitate to hit the call button.
[or buck can see ghosts au]
Language: English Words: 39,716 Chapters: 1/1
The Ghosts That You Haunt by JessicaMDawn
9-1-1 (TV)  
The first time Evan Buckley died, he was ten.
"Apparently that won me a ticket to ghost town, because I've been seeing them ever since."
Buck can see the recently dead. It's not as glamorous as people might think.
Language: English Words: 11,113 Chapters: 1/1
Regularly Scheduled Pickup by thea_zara for FaerlyGraceful
9-1-1 (TV)  
Eddie does rideshares to make ends meet before starting at the fire academy. He keeps getting this one glitching fare.
Language: English Words: 9,379 Chapters: 1/1
and what if in your sleep, you dreamed by renecdote for Nearly 
9-1-1 (TV)  
The thing is, Buck had been doing well with his dreams. Nine out of ten nights, he wasn’t bringing back anything that he didn’t want to. But: head injury, mostly. The trauma of it all, probably.
That night, Buck goes to sleep in Eddie’s bed and wakes up holding his car keys.
It’s—it could be worse. After the tsunami, he kept waking up with his sheets full of sand, soaked through and shivering. After Eddie was shot, he’d wake up with blood in his mouth, choking on the taste of it. When Maddie was gone, hiding herself away in Boston, and he missed her so much it ached, Buck had to fight against his mind not to bring her back from his dreams. That would have been hard to explain: waking up in bed with Taylor on one side and a carbon copy of his missing sister on the other. Car keys, at least, can be hidden.
Except it’s not just the car keys.
Buck was born with the ability to take things out of his dreams. It's not as much fun as you'd think.
For BTHB: wound that would not heal
Language: English Words: 16,945 Chapters: 1/1
Share the Joy by TalkNerdyToMe6 for Paxdracona
9-1-1 (TV) 
After the lightning strike, Buck discovers he has more than just the ability to do long division in his head. Every time he touches Eddie, everything the other man is feeling moves through him like a wave of emotion, there and gone again. Buck can’t decide if that’s a blessing or a curse.
Language: English Words: 14,211 Chapters: 1/1
With Great Power Comes Great Pining by Princessfbi
9-1-1 (TV)  
It was the lightning strike. That had to be it. It was the only logical conclusion. Though, when it comes to being able to suddenly read people’s minds, Buck supposed there wasn’t a whole lot of logic involved.
Well… Not people. Just... One person’s mind.
Just… Eddie’s mind. 
Language: English Words: 10,485 Chapters: 1/1
Death is the Road by JessicaMDawn
9-1-1 (TV)  
Growing up, Buck got hurt a lot. It wasn't intentional, but It got his absent parents to pay him attention. But then he got hurt, bad. But he got back up. And while traveling on his own he got hurt, bad. But he got back up. Until he realized it wasn't luck. It wasn't a fluke.
He couldn't die.
What was he supposed to do with that?
Language: English Words: 12,648 Chapters: 2/2
(Friendly reminder I do not own any of the works listed in this post, and all can be located on archiveofoureown.org)
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Day 2: Cannibalism
(Trigger Warnings: descriptions of hunger pangs/cravings, eating/drinking, gore, implied murder, talk of death/dying, blood/organs, disembowelment/dismemberment/dissection, knives/surgical tools, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.)
(This plot is meant to take place before the Horror Route at the beginning of ISWM Part 2. A little while ago, I made a few EgoPats to act as parallels to Mark’s characters. One of them is actually part of this story. You can find more information about him here. And if you’d like to learn more about the mob he and Murdock work for, go here. Murdock/Murderplier belongs to the Markiplier Cinematic Universe, but if you’re interested in my personal headcanons on him, go here.)
Day 1  Day 3  Day 4  Day 5 Day 6  Day 7
It was very typical for one to be excited or impatient while awaiting a delivery. Especially if that delivery involved food.
Caliban knew that type of excitement and impatience all too well. Though he supposed those emotions weren’t the same as most people’s. His definition of “food” was much, much different than that of the average person.
He paced around his living room, feeling an odd combination of happiness and frustration. Following a normal diet eighty percent of the time may have been boring, but he needed to do so in order to stay healthy. Nights like this happened about once a month or so, and the goods he’d be receiving would last a nice, long while if they were correctly stored. However, Caliban could still only afford to satisfy his cravings a few times per week.
So, when nights like tonight came around, he always had to remind himself to savor them.
At the sound of rustling, Caliban turned his head to look at the hutch that took up nearly half of his living room. Setting it up could’ve very well driven a man to drink, but the struggle had been worth it. His little confidant deserved only the best.
Snare lingered by the entrance, standing on his hind legs to paw at the wire screen. Caliban sat down on the sofa, then reached over to unlatch the door and pull it open. The hare clambered out and easily leapt onto the sofa, curling up on his owner’s lap.
Caliban gently stroked Snare’s back. “Are you hungry, too? Don’t worry, he’ll give me the signal soon enough.” He sighed. “I wish I knew what was taking him so long.”
Though he’d never tried his hand at any drugs, his instincts told him that what he most craved was a lot like one. It was filling and savory, obviously, but whenever Caliban got to take care of that one part of his appetite, he just. . .felt something. For whatever reason, he couldn’t describe it, but he knew that the feeling had similarities to a high.  
The doorbell-esque sound of a cellphone ringing broke his meditation. As Caliban flinched, Snare bounded across the sofa to the end table, using his paws and nose to push the phone towards his owner.
“Thanks, buddy,” Caliban chuckled. He tapped the phone’s screen to read the message he’d just received.
I’m here. You gonna do your part of the job or what?
As if on cue, Caliban’s stomach began growling. (It’d actually been growling for the better part of the day, but he’d been trying  to tune it out.)
Caliban felt a frightening smile etch its way across his features as he typed out a reply.
Is Soylent Green people? Don’t worry your pretty head. I’ll be right down.
He gathered Snare up in his arms before he made his way down the hall to his bedroom, closing the door behind them. He entered his walk-in closet, pushed a few boxes aside to reveal a well-hidden door in the corner, and was suddenly maneuvering himself down the steep, concrete staircase that led to an area that had long-since been condemned.
The lights flickered as Caliban entered what used to be a security office. The desks and filing cabinets he’d found down here had been replaced by an oven, a refrigerator, a huge chest freezer, a chamber vacuum sealer, a utility sink, and a block kitchen island.
Three people were already down here, waiting for him (well, technically two people were waiting. The third one—who was lying on a tarp, currently being supported by the aforementioned island—wasn’t quite capable of waiting. Or doing anything, for that matter).
Murdock leaned against the wall. He twisted the chain of his necklace between his gloved fingers, turning the brass pendant into a blur as it spun to and fro.
“Finally, he arrives!” Murdock announced.
“You’ve only been here for a couple minutes,” Caliban pointed out. He set Snare down on the floor, then looked over the corpse on the island. His clothing was covered in bloodstains, the thick, red liquid still oozing onto the tarp. Caliban grabbed a few buckets from one corner of the room and placed them around the island, just in case the blood wound up making more of a mess than anticipated.
Murdock continued. “And? Time is precious! You can never get enough of it!”
“Well, is theirs almost up, or. . ?” Caliban drew closer, gesturing towards the person Murdock was standing beside. They were someone Caliban didn’t recognize; for some odd reason, their features were difficult to describe. They’d been sat down on a folding chair, very clearly unconscious yet not bound or gagged in any way.
Murdock shook his head. “Nope. They’re not for interrogation.”
“Then why did you bring them here?” Caliban asked, folding his arms across his chest. “Two bodies would’ve kept the pantry full for months!”
“For once, I wouldn’t recommend that,” Murdock smirked. “This is part of their training, not hazing.”
Caliban tilted his head, glancing at The Newcomer before he put two and two together.
“. . .Oh! Alright, my mistake,” he laughed. “If you were gonna let them tag along, why didn’t you tell me earlier? You know I’m always happy to help with demonstrations.” While he spoke, he went through the island’s drawers, producing oils, seasonings, a plate, a leather chef roll and a stainless steel case. He set a grill pan on the stove and turned the dials, igniting two of the burners.
“It was a last-minute decision on my part,” Murdock admitted. “The target managed to knock them out before I killed him. I did think about dropping them off at the base, but then I figured this would be more convenient for both of us.”
A startled scream suddenly tore through the air. Caliban returned his focus to The Newcomer, discovering that they were now wide-awake. He also discovered that Snare had apparently climbed into their lap and was currently nipping at their nose.
“Whoa, hey! No! Snare, get down!” Caliban commanded as he rushed over. “Heel, Snare! Now!”
Snare stopped biting in favor of hopping down to the floor. He obediently sat at Caliban’s feet.
As Caliban scooped up his pet, he gazed at The Newcomer, almost automatically meeting their deep, gray eyes (which would’ve sold for an absolute fortune, considering how uncommon that color was). The Newcomer braced themself against the folding chair, and it wouldn’t have taken a psychic to guess that images of a Monty Python movie were flashing through their brain.
“Sorry, sorry! I hope he didn’t scare you too much,” Caliban told them. “He usually doesn’t do stuff like that unless I tell him to.”
The Newcomer blinked at him. “Attack bunnies are a real thing now?” They eventually muttered, still breathing deeply.
“They are around here,” Murdock replied. The Newcomer craned their neck to face him, mouth gaping open in surprise.
“Murdock? How—what happened? Did he get away?”
Murdock chuckled, shaking his head. “You made a rookie mistake. But don’t worry; you’ll still be able to help out with this job.”
“Where are we?”
“You’re in my basement,” Caliban answered. “Well, okay, it’s technically not a basement, but it’s underground, so it kind of counts.”
The Newcomer’s expression shifted from panicked to confused as they glanced around the room. Their eyes caught the panel of glass near the door, which offered a good vantage point of the platform outside.
“Wait, hold on—that’s one of the old subway tunnels,” they proclaimed. “I thought they’d all been abandoned a long time ago. After that one flood.”
“Correct! Before my house was a house, it just so happened to have been built on top of this particular one,” Caliban explained. “Still not sure how the realtors could’ve missed the passageway that leads down here.” He glanced over his shoulder, nodding to the stairway.
The Newcomer continued to stare at him (or at Snare. It was hard to tell).
Before they could say anything else, Murdock placed a hand on their shoulder, prompting them to slowly rise from the chair. “You’ve been coached on taking out targets, but you still need to learn about what to do after the fact.” He then gestured towards Caliban.
“This is Cal. He’s the first guy I think of whenever I’ve got a body to dispose of.”
Caliban jokingly clutched at his heart. “Aww, ‘Doc! It’s one thing for you to bring me dinner every month, but now you’re thinking about me, too? Is there something you’d like to tell me?”
Murdock barked a laugh. “Ha! You wish!”
“Dinner. . ?” The Newcomer repeated. Their eyes widened as they looked around Caliban at the island, as they finally realized they were in the same room as a corpse. Their face paled as they slowly looked back at their mentor’s accomplice.
Caliban offered a toothy grin in response, wondering if they could see their reflection in the silver cap where one of his canines used to be. “There’s plenty of methods for making people disappear, but I personally think this one is the least wasteful.”
The Newcomer swallowed a lump in their throat. “‘Waste not, want not.’”
Caliban chortled as he set Snare down. “I like this one already!”
Murdock smiled, then cleared his throat. “Alright, that’s enough chit-chat. We’ve got work to do.”
“Right, right.” Caliban nodded. He swiftly crossed the room to wash his hands before donning the black gloves and pinstripe apron that hung near the sink. After that, he approached the island. Murdock guided The Newcomer over, gently pushing them to stand at the other side of the island, opposite of Caliban.
Caliban hauled a jacket off of the corpse, then carefully undid the buttons of the corpse’s shirt. As he’d suspected, an unnecessary amount of stab wounds adorned the torso.
“So,” Caliban began, peering back and forth between Murdock and The Newcomer. “How exactly did this happen?”
The Newcomer glanced at Murdock, who nodded at them. They then reached out to point at two lacerations on the corpse’s abdomen. “I got him in the stomach a couple times, but, uh, I guess I didn’t move away from him quickly enough.”
“That’s where I came in,” Murdock piped up. “After they went down, I went for his lungs.”
“I assumed so,” Caliban replied. “How long did he last after that?”
“Five minutes, I think.”
Caliban whistled. “That must’ve been a sight to see.”
Murdock did that thing where he was half-nodding, half-shrugging. “I wanted him to suffer, but I couldn’t drag it out as long as I would’ve liked.”
The Newcomer chewed their lip, gazing down at their shoes. “Sorry. . .”
Caliban opened the steel case while simultaneously unfastening the leather chef roll; the former revealed organized rows of surgical tools, and the latter exposed a collection of butcher’s knives. All of these instruments were clean, but the nicks here and there on the blades attested to the fact that they’d been well-used and well-loved.
“Let’s say you need to hold onto your target for whatever reason,” Caliban began. “First things first: you’ll probably want to remove the internal organs. They’ll just speed up the decay, and trust me, rot is a smell that will get you unwanted attention.”
He took a scalpel into his hands and held it towards The Newcomer.
The Newcomer began to reach for the scalpel, but hesitated. “Are you sure you want me to do this?”
Caliban smirked, tilting his head. “You’re afraid of a little blood?”
“Obviously I’m not,” The Newcomer protested hotly. “I’ve just. . .never opened up a person before. And, well, this is your. . .food. . .for tonight, and I don’t want to mess anything up.” They trailed off sheepishly.
Always one to appreciate sass, Caliban snickered. “Well, thank you for being considerate.” He paused, thinking. He fished around the case before bringing out a Satterlee saw. “How do you feel about division, then?”
The anxiety left The Newcomer’s face with disturbing speed. “Oh, yeah. I can handle that.”
“Great! That’s the second rule for messy work: a body is relatively easier to hide when it’s been cut up into sections.” Caliban beamed as he passed the tool over to them. “Go ahead and start on the arm and leg on your side. Once I’ve gotten my entree out, I’ll get out of the way so you can remove the other two.”
As The Newcomer followed these instructions, Caliban glided his scalpel about the body’s chest, making a deep Y-incision. He pulled the flesh back until it was hanging like the sides of a book with a broken spine. The pinkish-red muscle he exposed glistened under the light.
He took his trusty (yet uncreatively named) rib shears, hacking at the bones it was meant for and placing the pieces of said bones off to the side. Upon sight of the heart, he grinned, licking his lips. He used a pair of metz scissors to sever the atriums, aorta, and superior vena cava. Once the arteries were removed, he hurriedly carried the organ over to the stove, where it landed against the grill pan with a sizzling splat.
Caliban paused, then went back to the corpse to collect its thymus, which he soon put beside the heart. (He would’ve liked to prepare it more—sweetbreads were typically best after being marinated—but his jaw was itching and his stomach was churning and he needed to eat some pieces of a human-person and he needed to do it soon.)
The grilling would take some time, so Caliban could afford to go back and forth between the stove and the corpse. He dug through the island’s drawers and brought out a handful of large plastic bags. As he began slicing away at the liver, he called over his shoulder, “‘Doc? Could you check the buckets, please? How full are they?”
“Sure,” Murdock replied. He paced around the island, then declared, “There’s a good amount in one of ‘em.”
“Can you get my drink started, then?” Caliban asked.
Murdock gave a melodramatic sigh. “Oh, fine. But only because your hands are full.” He took one of the buckets and carried it across the room, pouring some of its contents into a silvery, odd-looking machine in the corner. The device whirred and rattled at the press of a button.
“What’s that?” The Newcomer, who’d looked up just in time to watch, inquired.
“A gift from my partner.” Caliban remarked as he shoved the dripping liver into one of the bags. “She commissioned some underground mechanic to make special adjustments to a blood collection mixer; now it can process blood until it’s suitable for digestion. She gave it to me on our elopement anniversary.”
“She also apparently calls it The HumaniTea 2000,” Murdock pointed out, snickering.
Caliban sighed, rolling his eyes. “Yes. Yes, she does, and I’m still not sure how to feel about it.” (This was somewhat a lie, actually. He’d managed to love R.D. even more than he already had for coming up with a title like that.)
“Wow.” The Newcomer stated. “She sounds awesome.”
Caliban smiled softly. “She really is.”
R.D. was out of town on important business—selling and collecting certain chemical samples for her future experiments. He couldn’t wait for her to get back.
He carried the bag o’ liver over to the vacuum chamber to be sealed before depositing it into the freezer. This process was repeated with the rest of the corpse’s organs (kidneys, spleen, intestines, the whole shebang. Except for the brain; that would take a lot more time to remove, so he’d have to save it for later).
All the while, a tantalizing aroma quickly filled the room. It wasn’t like beef; maybe a bit similar to pork, but only by a bit. It was completely and utterly unique. And delicious.
“They’re all off,” The Newcomer announced. Caliban turned to see that, indeed, the corpse’s limbs had been neatly detached from the torso.
“You work fast,” Caliban complimented. 
The Newcomer smiled, although their expression was clearly conflicted. Not nauseous or existential—just uncertain.
Caliban knowingly chuckled, looking over at the grill and back at them. “Smells good, doesn’t it?”
Having been caught off guard, The Newcomer suddenly found the adjacent wall extremely interesting. “I. . .guess so.”
“Are you hungry? There’s plenty here if you’d like some.”
“Ah, no thank you,” The Newcomer coughed. “I—I appreciate  your hospitality, but I’ve never had a very big appetite.”
Caliban shrugged as he returned to the heart and thymus. “Understandable. We’ve all got different tastes.”
Murdock groaned. “That better not have been intentional!”
“So what if it was?” Caliban instantly challenged as he garnished the organs with black pepper, sea salt, and a bit of garlic. “What, you’re the only one allowed to make morbid puns?”
“I should be,” Murdock scoffed. “Since I’m the only one capable of executing them properly.”
“I find that a bit hard to digest,” Caliban argued, immediately grabbing his favorite cleaver from the leather roll. 
Murdock responded by fishing his butterfly from one of the many pockets in his coat.
“What do I need to do next?” The Newcomer interjected, piping up before their mentor could start twirling his weapon. “About the limbs, I mean.”
Caliban, neither taking his eyes off Murdock nor lowering his cleaver, said, “There should be some butcher paper in the drawer you’re standing by. Just wrap them up and put them in the freezer.” He paused. “Actually, leave one arm out.”
“Why?” The Newcomer asked.
It took a few seconds before Murdock slowly returned his butterfly to its place. Caliban squinted at him, then exchanged his cleaver for a skinning knife.
“The bones need to be separated from the meat,” he explained, handing the new blade over to The Newcomer, who nodded and set about their new task.
Soon enough, the heart and thymus were finally ready. After Caliban transferred them from the grill to the plate, he swiftly approached the refrigerator, grabbed a can of Diet Coke and poured half of it into a chilled glass. 
A light on The HumaniTea 2000’s console started flickering, punctuated by loud beeping. Caliban raced to put his soda on the machine’s drip tray. Freshly processed blood flowed into the glass, dark red swirling throughout black, carbonated liquid. He gently shifted the glass in his hand to mix his beverage, then took a sip. 
Such a strong, coppery flavor should’ve been expected to clash with the delicateness of sugar, but in Caliban’s humble opinion, the way they mixed together was delectable.
He carried his drink over to the clear end of the tabletop, setting it down next to his plate. Without any further delay, he took a fork and steak knife into his hands and began slicing away at his supper. 
Caliban crammed the first piece into his mouth and automatically felt himself start to relax. The taste that coated his tongue was rich, salty, tender. He gave a contented hum as he chewed, already carving off his next bite. A voice in his head begged for more, more, moremoremOREMOREMORE—
A soft thud caught his attention; he knew from experience that it was Snare, who was stomping one of his little feet. Caliban glanced down to see the hare staring up at him with excited amber eyes.
“Oh! Hold on, buddy,” he told his pet. He turned his attention to The Newcomer.
They’d sliced a few good chunks of flesh away from the arm, and had already wrapped those chunks in layers of paper.
“That should be enough,” Caliban stated. “But there’s one more thing to do.”
The Newcomer looked a bit surprised, but still nodded. “Alright?”
Caliban reached into the tool case until he found a small, angled bone saw and a pair of sharp tweezers. He moved them towards The Newcomer. “Cut those fingers off.”
“Don’t forget to pull the nails out,” Murdock added.
“Didn’t you say that was a torture method?” The Newcomer asked.
“It is, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it after the target’s dead.” Murdock shrugged. “Plus, you can always do some torturing when you’re up for your first kill.”
With that, The Newcomer spent the next couple minutes shearing at the corpse’s knuckles. Once the fingers were off, they held them towards Caliban. “Are you gonna treat these like mozzarella sticks?”
Caliban laughed. “I have before, but not tonight.”
The Newcomer tilted their head questioningly. “Why’d you have me cut them off, then?”
“Give one to Snare.” Caliban gestured towards his pet.
The Newcomer’s eyes widened. They took a step back.
Caliban rolled his eyes. “Relax. He won’t hurt you again. He only bit you earlier because he probably thought you were dead.” He reached down to scratch Snare’s ears. “Fingers are his chocolate; give him one and he’ll be your friend forever.”
“Somehow, that doesn’t reassure me,” The Newcomer snarked. After some more convincing, they eventually approached the hare. They held one of the fingers above Snare’s head, to which he stood on his hind legs, pawing at it.
“Sit,” Caliban commanded, firm but not unkind. “Snare. C’mon, buddy. Sit.”
Snare obeyed, the adorableness of his twitching nose not taking away from how surprisingly exasperated he looked.
“Good boy!” Caliban nodded to The Newcomer, who then dropped the finger. Snare immediately snatched it up, holding it between his paws as he nibbled at the flesh.
“Breaking the laws of nature and still looking cute, ” they mused.
Caliban raised an eyebrow. “Rabbits are complete herbivores. Hares are omnivores and scavengers. Haven’t you ever watched a nature documentary?”
“No,” The Newcomer answered stalwartly. “Because the human side of the world is already nasty enough. I’m not gonna watch baby animals dying!”
“Fair point,” Caliban admitted. “But you have to realize how ironic it makes this.”
“‘Ironic?’” A grim, sly, sarcastic smile spread across Murdock’s face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
 @that-bat  @sammys-magical-au    @insane4fandoms  @ayoreneehere  @anxious-ace   @dleep-deprivation-idk-jelp   @overemotional-cactus  @congratscat   @bloodjewel05  @symphony7  @neons-trash-blog  @annoyeddeadartist  @butterboyfly @i-dont-like-it-here-please-help @echoing-night  @i-am-not-a-twinkie  @goopiguess  @akladyathena  @xyzkiss @bispaceace  @alexpangender  @this1person  @4b-eraserlee  @Itanonymous @starshinebb  @frogwitch929  @alexthen3rd  @destinys-dreamer  @ijustlikeyoutubeman @leechinggoose @justaweird0makingart  @bee-the-matpat-simp  @axol-here
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queenofcats17 · 1 year
I have been thinking about Buddy and getting emotional, so I decided to write more of the aftermath of Cordelia in Dreams Come To Life.
Warning: This first part does involve a guilt-induced dream sequence that involves some violence and a lot of guilt-tripping. And the second part does involve some suicidal ideation.
She's in the band room in the studio. It's dark. Ink drips down from the ceiling to pool on the floor. Sammy is there, standing in front of her. Parts of him are ink and parts of him are human. Enough is human that she can see his face.
His eyes are wide in manic glee as he smiles at her, his teeth and gums blackened. Tears of ink drip down his face, leaving black trails on his cheeks. His hair is matted and messy, and so stained with ink it looks black. Most of it is still in its usual ponytail, but the style is disheveled and half undone, with whole chunks hanging loose in inky clumps.
He barely looks like himself.
She wants to look away, but she can't. She can't stand seeing him like this, but she can't tear her gaze away.
"What's wrong?" He asks, spreading his arms wide. "Don't you like it?"
She can see Buddy tied to a chair just behind him. He looks terrified, his eyes wide and darting frantically around the room. He struggles against the ropes binding him, his mouth working behind the gag to try and get it off. She knows she needs to get to him. But again, she can't make herself move.
"I'm sorry," she says.
"Sorry for what?" Sammy tilts his head to the side, still smiling. "Sorry for not being able to save me?"
"Or are you sorry you couldn't save him?" Joey suddenly appears from the darkness, placing his hands on Buddy's shoulders. Buddy redoubles his struggle against the ropes binding him, desperately trying to move away from Joey. Joey seems to hold him in place, though.
"Help me, Miss Bell!" Buddy pleads, having finally managed to work the gag off.
"Don't hurt him!" She begs. She still can't force herself to move, no matter how hard she tries to will herself forward.
"Oh, Cordelia," Joey coos. "You know it's too late for that."
"You couldn't save either of us," Sammy says, shifting and swaying where he stands. "Did you even really try?"
"I did! I did try!" She insists.
"Did you really?" Sammy's smile widens.
"You could have taken him and run." Joey strokes the side of Buddy's face. "Caught Sammy off guard with a sneak attack. But you were so caught up in trying to get through to him."
"I would never have gotten splashed with the ink in the first place if you'd only been there, you know," Sammy adds. "And then none of this would have happened."
"But now it's too late," Joey says. "And they're both gone." He withdraws a knife from his pocket, pressing it to Buddy's throat. His smile is wider than it should have been. It looks like Bendy's. There are too many teeth. Buddy is crying.
"You don't even know what happened to us." Sammy moves closer to her. "You left us. You left all of us."
"I didn't want to," she tries to insist.
"But you did." Sammy's smile still hasn't dropped. "You left us behind."
"You left them to die," Joey says. He draws the knife across Buddy's throat, leaving a long gash in the flesh. But it's not blood that begins to flow forth. It's ink.
Buddy gasps and chokes as ink gushes forth from him. It's leaking from his mouth and eyes as well. It's all ink. There's so much ink. Why is there so much ink?
She stumbles back.
Joey and Sammy begin to advance on her. Joey has a flask of ink in his hand now. She recognizes that flask.
She's in the Ink Machine Room now, the machine looming behind Joey and Sammy. There's the table where Norman...
She stumbles back but trips, falling back onto the ground.
“Come now, my dear.” Joey smiles, looming over her with that flask of ink. “Won’t you be a good girl for me?”
She tries to move away, but hands burst from the ink puddles around her to hold her down. She can feel Sammy's arms grab her from behind as well.
"We'll be together again," he whispers in her ear, stroking an inky thumb over her cheek.
"It should have been you," Buddy says, appearing behind Joey. Ink still leaks from his eyes, his mouth, and the gash in his neck. "You should have died, not me."
"I'm sorry!" She struggles against Sammy and the ink hands as Joey leans in, uncorking the flask.
The ink is rising up around her and she soon finds herself covered. The ink is in her throat, her nose.
She can't breathe.
Cordelia sat upright in bed with a scream, gasping for breath and clawing at her cheeks to remove the ink she still felt there.
The sound of footsteps approached rapidly in the hallway before the door was wrenched open by a very worried-looking Roy.
"What's wrong?" He asked, looking frantically around. "I heard you scream."
Cordelia didn't answer, continuing to take in rapid breaths. Tears were welling up in her eyes.
"...Dee?" Roy's expression grew even more concerned as he entered the room and sat down on the edge of Cordelia's bed. She flinched for a moment when he put his hand on her shoulder, but quickly turned to press herself against his chest as she began to sob.
"Nightmare?" Roy asked, wrapping his arms around her to draw her close.
Cordelia nodded.
Roy didn't ask what the nightmare had been about. He didn't need to. There was only one thing Cordelia ever seemed to have nightmares about anymore.
The studio.
The only question was what part of the studio was haunting her this time. Although it was usually Sammy, she sometimes dreamed of Susie. Or Buddy. Part of Roy wanted to ask what ghost had haunted her dreams tonight. He decided against it, though. If Cordelia wanted to talk about it, she would bring it up. He was sure of it.
It was a few minutes before Cordelia stopped crying, leaving her pressed against Roy's chest, letting out little sniffles and shaking gasps of death. There was another moment or two of silence before she spoke.
"It was Sammy and Buddy," she whispered.
Well, there was his answer.
"What happened to them wasn't your fault," Roy said, patting her back.
"But I could have done something," Cordelia tried to insist.
"Maybe you could have," Roy conceded. "But you also could've ended up dead too. You did what you could. You tried."
"They should have survived." Cordelia's grip on his pajama shirt tightened. "They should be here. Not me."
Roy let out a long exhale, trying to tamp down his annoyance. He didn't feel good about being annoyed by this, but he was allowed to be selfish. He was allowed to be happy that his sister was here. He felt bad that her coworkers had died, but he was glad she hadn't.
"Please don't say that." He tried to keep his voice calm and even. "I'm glad you're here. I..." He found himself faltering, tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
The two of them had grown much closer since the death of their parents. They were all each other had anymore, as their only other family lived miles away. Roy didn't know what he'd do if he was left totally alone. He was making friends, slowly but surely, but... He still needed the support of his sister.
Cordelia pulled back. It was her turn to be concerned now as she began to fuss over him.
"Oh no! Please don't cry!" She said, wiping his tears away. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!"
"Your life matters too, Dee!" He said, grabbing her hands. "I don't want to keep listening to you say you should be dead! I don't want you to be dead!"
"I'm sorry!" She was crying again now too.
It didn't take long for them to collapse together again, both of them sobbing while clinging to each other.
Roy was scared for his sister. He had been scared for his sister for a long time. When she'd come back from the studio... He'd seen the same look in her eyes that he'd seen in the eyes of their father after he'd come back from war. That haunted look that spoke of the guilt of survival. Their father had kept going because the family had needed him. His wife had needed him. His children had needed him. Their father had stayed alive because the family would not have been able to survive without him.
Cordelia had no such responsibility.
"Please don't leave me," Roy whispered once they'd both stopped crying. "I can't lose you too, Cordelia."
"I won't," Cordelia said. "I promise. I won't."
Roy didn't know if he completely believed her, but it was late. This was good enough for now.
"...Thank you."
Cordelia managed a slight smile. "You're welcome."
"Do you want me to stay here for the rest of the night?" Roy asked.
Cordelia hesitated, her cheeks going a bit pink. "....Yes, please."
Roy's expression softened and he ruffled her hair. "Alright, then."
He got into the bed beside her and Cordelia pressed herself against his chest, just as she had when they'd been children. They fell asleep like that, exhausted from the onslaught of emotions they'd experienced.
They would talk more in the morning. But for now...They would rest, their sleep deep and, blessedly, dreamless.
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dastardlydandelion · 2 years
i’ve honestly always wholeheartedly adored kirby tbh. i’ll never forget seeing scream 4 at a formative age and wanting to be just half as cool as her so bad lmaoo. i don’t know if this is really related at all but i think at least in 4, she was a little more flawed as a person than some people really pick up on. and i think those flaws genuinely make her a more interesting character. she’s a little rude, blunt, callous, whatever. doesn’t outwardly care too much about her friend getting brutally murdered right in front of her. still goes to stab-a-thon, has a good time, flirts with charlie, hosts an after party, brags about her movie knowledge. which good for her with the last one ❤️ but she does come off a little self involved. she’s also a teenager so. fair enough. but she obviously has a lot of good moments as well. she seems to care deeply for jill and shows a lot of courage, heart, and vulnerability in that final scene trying to save charlie’s life. she wasn’t perfect and that’s what makes her pretty compelling to me. i think mindy shares a lot of these qualities as well but she didn’t really get a heart and vulnerability moment like kirby did with the trying to save charlie debacle. i feel like she’ll be getting one in 6 though, not gonna lie. idk but i do love them both and i’m excited to see them again <3
agreed in full, buddy, agreed in full!!
and to be fair, as self-involved and blunt as she comes across, uh, even kirby's more callous lines don't compare to robbie tbh. iirc like, olivia's body is barely cold and he refers to her as "the girl who'll now never date me," or if not that exactly, something to the effect of it (now i have to re-watch scre4m yet again). like. fuck man.
also when kirby tried to save charlie (as far as she knew) and started shakily rattling off whatever remake come to mind, hayden panettiere's performance was so raw and compelling that on the first watch i didn't even realize it's supposed to be the film taking a crack at how derivative and lazy so many remakes are!! the commentary totally flew over my head bc i was so wrapped up in her urgency and desperation.
although my favorite kirby moment will always be when she yells at trevor after her interrupts her and charlie. her face is a whole mood, i swear if this movie had come out a handful of years later than it did kirby prolly would've become a reaction gif. 😂
and mindy! yes, ofc i adore mindy. and she is similarly kind of harsh. like when she refuses to go with richie to the basement and he goes alone and like, as soon as the door shuts behind him she's all, "well he's dead," and shoves her hand in a bag of chips. LMAO. to be fair tho, to be fair richie is irritating af and that prolly would've been my reaction too. anonymoose friend, i am sorry if u like richie but he just aggravates me, personally, he was getting on my nerves the whole movie.
i do feel we'll be getting more vulnerability from mindy come scream vi tho, more development for her character in general. jasmin savoy brown has the range!!! and already the super bowl ad heavily suggests her girlfriend is going to get killed.
i keep re-watching it (and all the other ads, ngl) trying to work out the mechanics of that scene.
it looks like anika is already wounded? she's covered in blood. yes, it could be someone else's blood but i'm thinking it's hers bc in the one shot it looks like mindy is helping her on the floor? it's blink-and-miss-it, but it's there, for the life of me tho, which trailer or tv spot was it in?? i don't remember, they're all blurring together. but also it seems that mindy gets on the ladder before anika does, that she's left her in the bloody bedroom (quinn's bedroom?) and that makes me wonder if the plan is for mindy to go first bc anika could potentially successfully play dead if ghostface enters the room, given that she's already injured. if that is the plan it clearly doesn't work, but. still.
anyway, yes, i love kirby and mindy and i'm very excited to see them both again and hopefully we'll get some good interactions between them too!!
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wolfiegirlxox · 2 years
Hello hello! Your reverse au has pulled me into the deep end.
For one, are you planning on properly writing down this story as a fanfic? And if not would you be willing to let other write it? (With credit for the idea and au of course)
And two, I’m really curious about Wu in this timeline! Judging by the character designs and traits it seems that garmadon grew up fine without the poison or his oni/demon traits popping up until this point. So how did wu fair 👀 why is he fighting his son? And maybe how he adopted morro and a tidbit about morro and Lloyd’s relationship ☺️
I’m already brainrotting this like thinkin about how Nya would be her fathers assistant like Claus was to Chen while Kai infiltrates the tournament.
I know I’m rambling but speaking of, does Claus work at Chens restaurant? And are him and garmadon like brunch buddies? I can imagine all too well these two sitting down at like a Starbucks and talking about student shenanigans.
I KEEP GOING I CANT STOP- for the EMs in the tourney, would their whole characters be swapped or maybe just their personalities. Like this event was advertised as a friendly competition to find “who’s the best” and all the EMs are just like a collection of every day people who happen to have been training elemental powers.
I’ll stop now but I keep thinking about all the cool parallels and SIDJEKBANE SHUTTING UP NOW
Hi! Hi! Welcome to the pit! Thank you for sending this ask, it was really fun to answer!
For your first quesion: I do not currently have plans to write a Reverse!AU fic, I just don't have enough thought out story to write a proper fic yet. I may do bullet notes or oneshots at some point but not a full fic.
If anyone would like to write a fic of it I would be ELATED, please do not be afraid to do so, just @ me or something when you post it so I can see it! <3
Next! So my idea right now is the Spinjitzu brothers both took more to one of their halves, Garm is more Oni and Wu is more dragon. They both have traits from both but lean more to the side of one (Ex: Garm has gold eyes, Wu has red). Garm actually looks more Oni than he appears, he's just using his limited shapeshifting power to hide it as he doesn't like that part of himself.
When Wu and Garm were sparing and Wu's sword went over the wall Wu quickly went to get it and was bitten by the Great Devourer. However, due to his strong dragon blood, the venom was much slower to take effect, giving him a longer normal life and more of a chance to bond with his family.
Living with Lloyd and watching him grow up made Wu realise that even if it wasn't with Misako he still wanted a child of his own to raise. So, he found an orphanage in a small village nearby and adopted little Morro when he was only a year and a half years old. He was good enough to stay with Morro and raise him for the first 6 years he was there and loved him very much, that love probably held the venom back even longer than his dragon blood did. For a couple months he showed many signs the venom was finally getting to him, but he never showed them around Morro. One day he finally snapped and got sent to the underworld for another 6 years before the Pilots. He was there plotting his revenge for most of that time as the evil grew more quickly in the absence of his family. He hadn't even considered Morro being involved in the fight but when he found out, well... he'd come too far to let his emotions stop him now, if worst came to worst he'd spare him, the venom wasn't strong enough to make him take his own son's life, right?
(Sorry this was so long lol, I have many thoughts)
Now for Morro and Lloyd's relationship. (Get ready for some more sad) Morro was only about 3 1/2 years old when Lloyd ran away, he doesn't really remember Lloyd, maybe only a few vague memories. On Lloyd's side of things, however, Morro was old enough to talk and walk and have fun with him, Lloyd has a lot of happy memories of his little cousin and he misses him a lot.
*Smirks evilly* Great minds think alike. Nya is at her father's side for most of the Tournament, going off to do his dirty work while Kai is incognito as just another EM. Everyone knows Nya is Ray's daughter as she was introduced as such.
Clouse is Chen's adoptive son INTERN at Chen's Noodle House. He's 19ish and going to college for Chemistry (closest normal equivalent I could think of for magic). Chen has practically adopted him at this point TAKEN HIM UNDER HIS WING as cooking is, in some ways, a lot like chemistry.
Garm didn't know Chen very well before the ninja business but after talking with him when he came for Skylor and hearing her talk about him he reached out and the two have been enjoying brunch together every Saturday they can sense. And yes, they do talk about student shenanigans lol.
For your last one, I love your ideas!!! I'll have to take more time to think about how I'd do it for my AU but that is a great idea!!! Maybe I could have opposite personalities switch elements like Griffin and Paleman or something. I'm not sure about this one at all though, I'll definitely have to brain rot over this some more so I can post something more concrete about it.
Anyway, that's all I got for you right now, I hope this is what you were looking for!!!
Seriously though, thanks for the ask, I loved it and it made my day! Please feel free to send all the questions you want I would love to answer them! I hadn't thought a lot about these before you asked so it was fun to think about!
Have a great day/night!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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maybe-theres-hope · 3 years
Tarlos Fic - Dinner Date
3.2k | T | Warnings: Blood, Injuries (mostly minor) | Contains: Judd/Carlos friendship, Tarlos being perfect, blue Camaro (rip)
Read on AO3
“So, what are your plans for the night?” Nancy asked as they exited the ambulance, their shift nearly over as long as the bell didn’t go off in the next ten minutes. 
TK smiled to himself for a moment before he spoke. “Well, Carlos is taking me to Jeffrey’s, so…”
“Holy mother,” Nancy breathed, looking at him with obvious envy. “Do you guys have a ten year anniversary or something coming up? Did he get some kind of commendation at work? Because I know your last one was like a month ago, so.”
“No, no anniversary, that’s in a couple of months. And its three years, Nance.” He chose to ignore her muttering about their mushiness ‘aging me ten years’. “And nothing from work that I know of. Maybe he just loves me?” TK couldn’t stop grinning while they stocked the bus and readied for the handover. 
“He loves you crap ton! Their wagyu strip steak is a hundred and twenty-five dollars!” Nancy had her phone out, obviously googling the menu. 
“Well at least we’ll save money on wine,” TK said with a chuckle.
“I’ve heard of the place by reputation but like, dude, who ever gets the chance to actually go there?”
“TK it seems,” Tommy cut in. “Why don’t you go on? We got it here and you’re gonna need at least an hour to pick out an outfit.”
“And gel your hair. You and your dad are way more alike than you want to admit,” Nancy added with a roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You sure, Cap? I can stay and help?”
“I’m sure, kiddo. Go get dolled up for your man. Eat a few bites for us, yeah?” Tommy yelled at his retreating figure. She and Nancy looked at each other with grins as they caught the little skip in his step. 
“So, what do you think the occasion is?”
Tommy looked back at Nancy with a gleam in her eye. “I can wager a guess, but I don’t want to jinx it.” Nancy just gave her a look and went back to restocking.
Around 8 p.m., Owen was sitting in his office toying with his phone in his hand, smiling at his last text exchange. 
we’re just leaving the house now, wish me luck!
you’re not gonna need it, kid :)
“Not if I know my son anyway,” Owen said aloud to the empty room. He wondered if it’d happened yet. No incoherent string of emoji’s from TK yet, so he doubted it. 
He was shoving the phone back into his pocket with the bell went off. 
“Alright guys,” Owen said into the mic from the Captain’s chair. “Dispatch says three vehicles involved, two still on the road and one went over the side into the ravine. Police are on their way but we’ll probably beat ‘em there. Strickland, Marwani, soon as we get there I want you to harness up and get down in that ravine. Judd, you too. You’ll be in command down there and I’ll stay up top with the other two vehicles. Everybody else you’re with me, got it?”
A chorus of “Copy that, Cap,” and suddenly they were on the scene. 
“Marjan, Paul, we’re goin’ down!” Judd called to them as the rest of the crew went over to the silver Prius and black Mazda that were crumpled in the middle of the two-lane highway. Judd wasn’t a prayin’ man, but he sent up a little something to the man upstairs that this went their way. It looked bad. 
Paul arrived at his side first, strapped into his gear. “Marjan’s grabbing the bag from the truck, she’s coming.” 
“Alright. We’ll go down this way,” Judd said, pointing to a safe-ish stretch of hillside. “Can’t see the other car from here but dispatch said bystanders saw it go over. Probably just hidden in the trees.”
“Okay guys, let’s do this!” Marjan called, harnessed and carrying the medical bag and a backboard. “TK’s gonna be sad he missed this. Medical doesn’t get to harness up a lot and I know he loved it. He coulda helped.”
“Nah, he’s got better things tonight. Carlos was takin’ him to Jeffrey’s,” Paul said with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“Ohh, fancy,” Marjan said with a smile. “What’s the occasion?”
They’d reached the bottom and were starting to look through the brush and low-hanging trees for a vehicle. 
“Don’t know,” Paul answered. “But I think Cap’s in on it somehow.”
“Yeah,” Judd cut in as he whacked a few branches out of his way. “Carlos came by the station a few weeks ago, and they sat up in Cap’s office for an hour before he left grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater.” 
“I have no idea what that means,” Paul said with a laugh. 
“Hey guys, look!” Marjan called from a few yards to the left. The other two went to her position and saw what she’d found. A track in the underbrush where it had been torn at and flattened. “Think this is the place.”
“Let’s go,” said Judd. They followed the path through the brush for a couple of yards before they caught sight of it: taillights. “Alright, Marjan you go on the passenger side, I got the driver. Paul you see if you can clear some of that brush off the back in case the doors are jammed and we gotta get ‘em out that’a way.”
Visibility was still low despite the lights of the car and their flashlights, but as they approached they saw the car wrapped around the trunk of a tree on the passenger side. “I don’t know if I can get in there, Judd, but I’ll try,” Marjan said as she broke out into a jog.
“Wait!” Paul cried. Judd looked over at him, and he would have said such a thing couldn’t happen to a calm and collected person like Paul, but his face had gone ashen. “That’s Carlos’s car,” he said on a breath. 
“What?” In the dark, now that he was really looking, he could see they were coming up on—what used to be—a blue Camaro. 
“I’m sure of it. TK bullied him into putting that sticker on the back because he said it was too pristine and it needed personality.” He shone his flashlight at the rear bumper and sure enough, there was a SXSW sticker half ripped off from the path the car had taken to get there. 
“Come on,” Judd said, heart rate kicking up.
“Should we call Cap?” Paul asked.
“No, we stay down here and do our jobs, and he stays up there and does his. We’ll get ‘em.” His voice sounded numb even to his own ears, but he was determined. 
“They were on their way to dinner,” Paul said lowly.
“Yeah, probably takin’ the backroads to avoid traffic,” Judd said, shaking his head. Fate was hell sometimes.
When they reached the car, Marjan was yelling. “TK! TK can you hear me?” She turned to Judd. “I can’t get in there. The tree trunk is halfway into the car, probably pinning him to the console. He’s unresponsive.” Her face was also pale, but determined. 
Judd went to the driver’s side and saw Carlos, head hanging to the side facing the broken window. He tried the door as he called out. “Carlos? Hey Carlos, come on buddy. Can you hear me?” The door wouldn’t budge; Judd figured the car had rolled a couple of times coming down the hill, crumpling it like a tin can. Then he heard a soft groan.
He looked up, and one of Carlos’s eyes was trying to open. The other was swollen shut, where he’d probably hit his head on the steering wheel before the airbag deployed. Half his face had burn marks from it. 
“Hey, hey Carlos, look at me, that’s it.” That one eye tracked around before it landed on Judd, drawn to the light of the flashlight on his helmet. “Hey man. We’re gonna get you out okay? Now, can you move your fingers and toes for me?” Judd stuck his head into the window to see down in the floor boards. “Alright, likely no spinal damage. How’s your head?”
“Hurts. Shoulder, too.” His voice was barely audible. 
“Okay, it looks like you dislocated it,” Judd said as he prodded his left shoulder. “I don’t see anything broken but we’ll have to get you out to determine that.”
“TK—“ a wheeze, “TK…first. Been out…a while.”
Judd peered over to the passenger side, where TK was shoved almost fully into the center console, head laid back on the headrest and his face covered in blood. Marjan and Paul were still hard at work outside trying to clear a path into the car. 
“We can’t get to his side just yet, but we can get you out first and then we’ll be able to pull him out this way, okay? We wanna focus on you right now.”
“Yeah, you’re alive, Carlos. You’re not gonna leave us yet,” he said as he assessed the door panels where they could cut through with the saws they brought. 
“No. TK. Weak, but…alive,” Carlos breathed out, coughing through the end.
“We’ll make sure he’s alive, okay?” Judd said, trying not to lose his professionalism at this whole messed up situation.
“He is.” Judd stopped looking around and looked back at Carlos. The man raised his right hand just as much as he was able, showing where he had two fingers on TK’s radial pulse. 
“Good, that’s good Carlos,” Judd assured him. That meant Carlos had had some minutes of consciousness after the accident before they showed up. “Was he talking at all? After you hit the tree?”
“Little. Minutes, maybe.”
“That’s good, that’ll help. Alright Carlos, we’re gonna get this door off so I’m gonna cover you with this while we do okay?” Judd waited for a small nod before he covered Carlos’s face and torso with his own turnout coat. 
After an agonizing four minutes, the door popped off in a shower of metal and broken glass. Judd removed the coat and went back in to assess. “Carlos? How you doin’?”
“Tired. But won’t…sleep. Promise. That’s bad.”
“You learn a few things from your Paramedic boyfriend?” Judd said with a watery smile.
“Judd, I got the back cleared. Maybe we can get in there to at least check TK’s vitals,” Paul informed them. 
“Get on it, I’ma try to get Carlos here out onto this backboard. Marjan, radio for another backboard and have two RA’s ready to go topside!”
“Copy that!” Judd had to admire those two. They never let their professionalism slip too far, though he could see they were worried sick. He could relate. He wouldn’t relax until both of the boys were back up the hill and on the way to the hospital.
From the looks of things, maybe not even then. But he had hope.
“Alright, Carlos, I’m gonna grab your legs and behind your shoulders here and pull you out, okay? It’s gonna hurt like hell, but it’ll be quick.”
Judd stopped cold.
“Left…pocket. Please.”
“You want me to get at your left pocket?” A nod. “Alright, hang on.”
Judd carefully shifted Carlos’s leg so he could reach into his slacks, which had probably been part of a very nice suit at the beginning of the night. His fingers searched until they hit a small bump, an object no bigger than a baseball, soft velvet over a hard shell. He sucked his lips between his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as he pulled it free in his hand. 
“Keep it…safe…for me?”
Judd looked down at the little black box for a moment, then clutched it tight in his hand before transferring it one of the innermost pockets of his turnout. 
“Of course, man. I will guard this with my life.” He looked up and saw Marjan coming back with another backboard. “Alright, buddy. It’s go time.”
Carlos gave a weak nod and winced when Judd started to pull. 
“Welcome back, man. You had us worried there for a bit.”
Carlos opened his good eye to see Judd sitting at his bedside, smiling softly. It took a moment to remember where he was. Hospital. Accident. Tree.
“Is fine. Banged up and will need crutches for a few weeks, not to mention a killer headache with no meds, but he’s fine. All things considered.”
“Where is he?”
“On his way, so you just stay put, okay? You’re pretty banged up, too, ya’know.”
Carlos shifted a bit and winced. His left arm was in a sling, his head bandaged over his left eye, and his right side hurt like hell.
“Broken rib when the tree went into TK’s door, door went into TK, TK went into the console, then the console went into you. He’s got a femoral fracture in his right leg but like I said, all things considered, you’re both pretty well off for how far you fell and probably rolled.” 
“Yeah, he said his leg had gone numb but he could still move his toes. He made sense for about five minutes, then started talking all jumbled, then went quiet. I uh…freaked out a bit after that. I thought he had…” Carlos trailed off, looking haunted. 
“Yeah, and you kept your fingers on his pulse that whole time. What you were able to tell us at the scene helped us treat him. You did good, Carlos.”
“Not good enough to swerve in time,” he said.
“Not your fault. And don’t you dare go thinkin’ it is. I don’t wanna hear it, Carlos,” Judd said in what TK called his Dad Voice. Stern and no room for argument. Carlos just nodded. 
“And uh, hey. I been waitin’ to give this back to you.” Judd stood and walked over to the bed, holding out a tiny black box. Carlos took it and cradled it against his chest. “It better be a nice one, cuz I about had a heart attack while I was showerin’ thinkin’ someone was gonna come get my pile a’clothes and take ‘em to the laundry while I was gone.”
“You didn’t open it?”
“Nah, I figure the big reveal? TK deserves that all to himself.” 
“Owen’s seen it,” Carlos countered, smirking.
“Uh huh. He approve?”
Carlos laughed. “He whistled and said I spent too much.”
“To impress the Cap it must be a lot,” Judd said with a small whistle of his own.
“Well, what was it Michael Scott said? Three years’ salary?”
Judd’s eyes almost popped out of his head, and Carlos laughed harder before wincing again at his broken rib. “I’m kidding, Judd. But I can tell you, no matter the cost, TK deserves the best and that’s what I hope I got.”
“You gonna make another reservation? Soon as y’all get back into fightin’ shape?”
Carlos looked down at the box again for a moment, contemplating. “I…don’t think so.”
Judd had a confused expression on his face but at that moment, a nurse was wheeling TK into the room, followed by most of the 126. Carlos’s face lit up like starlight at the sight of him.
“Hey, babe,” TK said with a smile. His leg was in a full cast, so the nurse was careful in maneuvering him around to Carlos’s bedside. 
“Hey, I feel like you should be the one in bed! Why are you out and about?”
“Because you were still asleep and he’s an absolute menace. We made multiple apologies to the staff on his behalf for the last hour,” Owen said as he walked into the room behind his crew. “He’s a stubborn little shit. Always has been, always will be. You sure you’re up for that?” He asked knowingly. TK was still looking at Carlos, blushing at his dad’s ribbing. Carlos met his eyes and said, “Yes.” He blushed more. 
“In fact,” Carlos continued. “I’m ready to get started. I’ve waited too long anyway. I mean, how many times do you and I have to beat death before I get the nerve to do this?” He said, looking into TK’s beautiful eyes which were looking confused. 
“What are you talking about, babe?”
“Look, I’m sorry this didn’t go how I planned. And I’m sorry I can’t get down on one knee right now, but. I hope you love me enough not to mind.” He lifted his good arm, his hand holding out the box. “A little help, Judd?”
“It’d be an honor,” the man said before leaning in and opening the box, since Carlos only had one good arm. 
At the sight of the contents of the box, TK’s eyes went as big as saucers. Surprise was written clearly over every inch of his features, which were all still beautiful even scarred and stitched up as they were at the moment. God, Carlos loved this man so much. 
“Tyler Kennedy Strand, you are the love of my life. I tried so many different scenarios in my head of how this speech would go, before I just said screw it, I’ll speak from the heart. You’re kind, funny, sexy, sweet, and everything in between. You can’t boil water and you absolutely can’t properly separate laundry. I have a dozen pink shirts as proof of that.” At this, the gathered group chuckled and TK went bright red. “Ah, but you also know just how to ease the tension from a long day just by hugging me on the doorstep. And I can always count on you to be there for me when the world gets too much, when what we see out there creeps in too far. And I want you to know, that I want to be that for you too, for the rest of our lives. So, TK. Will you marry me?”
The room was silent, apart from the hum and beeps of the machines. Everyone on the edge of their proverbial seats, but no one having any doubt to the outcome. 
“Oh, my God! Of course I’ll marry you! Yes, yes! Yes!” The last was said through TK’s fingers covering his red face, hiding the few tears that had started to fall. He held out his left hand to Carlos, who Judd had kindly helped by removing the ring from its box and handing it back to him. He slid it over TK’s finger, smiling like an idiot the whole time, barely registering the whoops and hollers of the 126 throughout the room. 
He only had eyes for TK. 
“I love you,” TK breathed through his happy tears.
“I love you too, baby. Always.”
“Oh, my God, dude, were you seriously surprised?” Nancy asked incredulously once the commotion had died down.
“Well…yeah? I didn’t expect this at all,” TK said, looking sheepish. 
“TK…my dude…he was taking you to Jeffrey’s! How could you not know?”
Once again, the room erupted in laughter and TK ducked his head again. Carlos reached out and touched his chin, catching his eyes again.
There was nothing but love there. 
CLEARLY every Tarlos fic I write has to have a proposal in it *shrug emoji* 
Also I wrote this in like an hour after I had a dream so please excuse any typos I didn’t catch!
Please reblog if you liked it! I would really really appreciate it :) Thank you for reading!
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awkwardgtace · 3 years
Testing Boundaries
More for the new brothers. Sadly can't write much happy for them yet. I'll try though.
Testing Boundaries
It had been a few weeks since Ian found out Mik was a human, or well Mikl said he was a sizeshifter. Ian felt a bit weird about everything honestly. He had never expected to see anyone else his size again, let alone a human he thought he could trust. Mik was spending a lot of time his size to help him too. It felt like he was cared about, it felt nice. Now he just wished he trusted Mik as a human a little bit more. He didn’t think he’d do anything bad, but a part of him didn’t want to fall for any tricks like he did with the bad human.
All of that weighing on his mind, Ian started testing boundaries. He was going as far as he could in every way. He was ignoring Mik when he’d call for him. He was borrowing food and supplies instead of asking or taking what was left out. He also knocked things down he knew wouldn’t matter. Overall just being a lousy borrower and maybe a lousy brother, although he pushed that thought away. He just needed to see what would happen if Mik actually got mad. It probably wasn’t his best idea, but really he hadn’t had anyone around long enough to think of better methods. He was more encouraged when Mik stopped getting to his size.
Nothing was making Mik angry though. Ian had tried pretty much everything, so he knew he had to step it up. Mik spent a lot of his human size time sitting at the desk in his room. Ian knew this would be where he could finally find out how Mik would act when angry. He climbed up and started looking for something to steal or mess with, anything that didn’t seem super important. He saw some papers that didn’t look like when Mik left notes. Ian couldn’t actually read what the paper said, he hadn’t been taught how. If Mik didn’t act differently after this, maybe he could ask him to help him learn how. He grabbed one of the smaller pens Mik kept on the desk and started to draw on the papers. He was focused on his task when he heard the bedroom door hit the wall. He looked at it with wide eyes, holding his breath as he met Mik’s eyes.
Mikhail hadn’t had an easy week. Ian was leaving messes all over the place, which Mikhail had to clean up. Ian had refused to come out when he was human size too. It didn’t help that he'd put off a usual assignment that involved a dinner here. He didn’t want to bring humans home when Ian wasn’t even aware it could happen. He settled for an early exam, which he’d have to spend all day grading. At least once that was over he could try to find Ian and talk to him, maybe have him stop acting out and avoiding him. At least he hoped he’d feel relaxed enough to shrink down.
He sighed as he opened the door, wincing when the door slammed on the wall. He didn’t even realize he’d put that much power into opening it. He sighed eyes drifting towards his desk, freezing when he noticed the small form there. He was going to speak, until he noticed the pen being held tightly and the ruined exam on the desk. Mikhail was finally angry at Ian. He wasn’t sure why Ian was doing this, but he couldn’t tell if it was the answer sheet or a student’s exam. The kid had been through a lot, and Mikhail tried to understand, but this was a step too far. Mikhail tried to calm down, taking deep breaths, but felt himself shoot up a few inches. At this point, staying in the house would make things worse. He stalked over to his desk, trying not to react to Ian’s trembling.
“Off the papers,” he growled. Mikhail didn’t have any patience right now. He’d take the papers, stick them in his car then go calm down. He’d probably deal with grading them in his office at the university. Ian scrambled back, clearly terrified of his currently human sized brother. Mikhail hated seeing him scared, but he wasn’t calm enough to talk with him right now. Mikhail barely softened when he saw that it was only the answer sheet. He grabbed the papers once Ian was off of them and quickly left the room. He grabbed his bag and shoved the papers in with little care. He grabbed his keys and left, wincing a bit when the door slammed as he walked out. He needed to cool down, after he graded the exams he’d talk with Ian about everything.
Ian was terrified. Mik had never looked at him like that before. He might have gotten bigger too, which made it even worse. Mik took the papers, was he even going to come back? The first time the bad human got mad like that, he came back with a more secure cage. Maybe Mik left to get a cage...no, no, Mik wouldn’t do that. Mik just left like when he went to that school place. He’d be back like normal, Ian would apologize and things would be fine again. Ian was tempted to just stay here and wait, but he didn’t feel safe enough for that. He made his way back to his home in the walls, curling up on the bed they’d made there. Mik would be back and they’d talk.
Ian slowly opened his eyes. He couldn’t remember falling asleep. He slowly made his way out to the human bedroom, but it looked like earlier. That meant Mik hadn’t come back. Ian felt tears pricking at his eyes, he must have made Mik really angry. He went too far and Mik wasn’t going to come back. He climbed on to Mik’s human bed, curling up on one of the pillows there. Mik had said this could be a bed out here for now. In case Ian got scared, he had a place that was his out here. It was nice to have somewhere he fit in Mik’s human room. He started to cry, curling up tighter and hugging himself. Mik had to be coming back, Ian would probably be all right if he came with a cage too. At least he still had someone there.
Mikhail had fallen asleep in his office while grading. He’d calmed a lot after getting here and decided he’d finish the papers then go home to talk with Ian. He wanted to give Ian his full attention to solve this. He had meant to be back sometime around midnight, but when one of the janitors knocked on his door in the morning, his blood ran cold. He rushed out with a quick thank you and to enjoy the weekend on his way. He had to get home and check on Ian, he’d left so angry, he felt like an idiot. He shouldn’t have let it get to him, Ian is just trying to figure out things. Ian couldn’t have known he was stressed, or that the paper was important.
He was rushing home when a thought popped into his head. Going home and talking wouldn’t solve the issues. Ian had gotten worse when he couldn’t shrink down, but when he was stressed it took a lot to stay human sized at all. He drove past a store when he got an idea. Maybe he could show Ian that even when Mikhail was human sized, he still mattered. He pulled him quickly, hoping they had what he wanted.
Ian had fallen asleep on the pillow. It was wet where his head was, he must have cried a long time. The sun was up and Mik still hadn’t come home. He wanted Mik to come back. He shouldn’t have written on the stupid paper. He curled up tightly again just staring into space. He couldn’t bring himself to go anywhere this time. He could stay here and pretend Mik had left the pillow out for him last night. He figured this time he’d go to sleep by choice, closing his eyes and hoping he’d wake up and the last day was a dream. Then the front door opened.
He froze, he wanted Mik back, but he might also still be mad. He should hide until he knows, but then Mik might leave again. He couldn’t decide what to do, fresh tears pricking his eyes. He didn’t know what was better, he didn’t want to be left behind even if it meant Mik became a bad human. He had barely decided when he heard the door crash into the wall again.
“Damn it,” Mikhail whispered. He wasn’t being careful, he was too focused on the image of Ian curled on the desk scared in his mind. His eyes focused there first, almost relieved he didn’t see the boy curled up. He looked around the room, hoping for a sign and almost missed the small boy on the pillow on his bed. He rushed over falling to his knees, relieved he was even still here.
“Ian, buddy, are you awake?” Mik’s soft voice surrounded him. Ian was too scared to move. He came in angry like when he left, he didn’t want to be punished. He felt a warm hand cup around him, and he yelped. “It’s ok Ian. I’m so sorry I left like that. I didn’t mean to be gone all night, I fell asleep working in my office. I was angry and wanted to get the work done so we could talk this weekend.”
Ian slowly looked up at Mik. He didn’t look like he was lying, but the bad human hadn’t at first either. This was Mik though, maybe he could believe it. He sat up and inched away from the hand that had settled near him. Mik frowned, but didn’t move to touch him again. Ian hugged himself, waiting for the punishment about the papers. He was happy Mik was here, but he knew better. Mik couldn’t just be back and not angry anymore. There had to be something coming, right?
“Buddy, give me a second all right? I stopped at a store on the way home. I got something for you.” Mikhail went back out to his car, making sure not to shut the doors. He didn’t want Ian to think he’d left again. He grabbed the box, a silent prayer to anyone that this would help. There had been a lot of options, but this had the best layout for their situation. First he’d talk about how Ian has been acting then show him the gift. He moved carefully going back inside, shutting doors quietly. Ian was on the pillow shaking. Mikhail almost dropped the box, clearly this had been worse than he thought. He sat down on the ground in front of the bed, placing the box to the side.
“Ian, buddy, why are you shaking?” he whispered. Ian just seemed to get smaller. Mikhail felt guilt eating at his heart, what happened while he was gone? He saw Ian try to look at what he’d carried in and things clicked. His eyes went wide. “Oh, oh no, Ian. Ian, please look at me. God I’m an idiot please buddy.”
Ian was scared, he didn’t want to see what Mik brought. He knew Mik was better than the bad human, but he could be like them if he wanted. Ian slowly turned to face him, hugging himself tighter. Ian looked into Mik’s eyes. He looked...sad, guilty maybe. Ian stopped shaking, confusion overtaking his fear. He watched as Mikhail’s face shifted to something he couldn’t quite understand. Ian wasn’t sure if it was a good thing, but didn’t look away. He watched as Mik reached down next to him picking up the box.
“W-what’s that?” he asked. He meant to stay quiet, but he couldn’t keep his curiosity under control. He didn’t want to hear Mik tell him he bought a cage. He saw Mik smile wider making a shiver go down his spine. This was what he wanted though, wasn’t it? For all the pretending to stop. He had almost believed it wasn’t pretend though.
“Well, I was trying to think of something to help with how things were going with us recently. So I picked this up on the way home. What do you think?” There was a long pause and Ian wasn’t sure why. “Buddy, I can’t really get your opinion with your eyes closed.”
Ian didn’t realize he’d shut his eyes again. He swallowed thickly, then slowly opened them. He could barely process what he saw in front of him. The box showed a house, with open doors, but the roof was taken off. It seemed like it had only one floor and a couple rooms to it. It looked just like a small house. Ian sat there staring, he couldn’t believe this was what he was being shown. Shouldn’t it be a cage? He had been causing so much trouble. Isn’t that what Mik meant?
“I wanted to get something for now, we can pick out a nicer one online later. After how things went this week, I thought you might feel better with a spot out of the walls that’s your own. I’d meant to spend some more time picking out the first one, but after yesterday I thought it would help. So I stopped and grabbed this” Mik moved the box up a little, looking away. Ian couldn’t believe this was real, it was a present for him.
“W-why?” Ian asked. “A-aren’t you mad at me? F-for how I was acting”
Mik put the box down again, then placed his arms on the bed with his head on top. Ian stepped back a bit, falling on the uneven surface. He saw Mik’s green eyes filled with something he couldn’t understand. Is this where he finally found out the truth? That the house is for when he’s good or something.
“Ian,” Mik’s voice was serious, “even if I’m mad nothing bad is going to happen. I’m not going to hurt you, maybe take the TV away or something, but nothing you need. I definitely won’t take your freedom away. You thought I’d brought home a cage didn’t you?”
Ian shrunk in on himself while nodding. Mikhail couldn’t blame him. The human left angry then came back with something for him. He felt stupid, he hadn’t considered how that might sound. This wasn’t going to be an easy adjustment for either of them, but maybe this could reassure him at least. Mikhail slowly pulled his hand out from under his head and reached toward Ian. He moved slowly, giving Ian ample time to tell him no or show discomfort. He wouldn’t push anything right now. As his hand got closer he saw Ian flinch. He stopped and just left his hand where it was.
“Ian, I told you, you can set the rules for how we do things. I’m not able to get your size right now or I would, I know that makes this easier.” Mikhail hated when his emotions ran high. He wanted to make Ian feel better right now, and human height isn’t helping. Ian didn’t seem to react. Mikhail tried to think of what he should do. He could just leave him in the room on his own. Although they still had to talk about the messes and the papers it could wait. “All right bud, I’ll lea-”
“W-wait,” Ian called out. “C-can we set up the house?” Ian watched Mik’s face soften, a warm smile forming.
“Of course, where were you thinking?” Mik asked. Ian looked away, unsure how Mik would feel.
“C-could we put it on the table there?” he pointed to the nightstand Mikhail had put the pillow on the night Ian had told him about his past. His eyes went wide, but he looked at Ian warmly.
“Sure, just let me know if you ever want it moved,” he said. Ian felt a sense of relief come over him. It wasn’t only all right he wanted to stay near Mik, he could change his mind. He moved closer to the edge of the pillow so he could watch Mik open the box. He pulled out the house that looked like it would take up the whole table, and a roof that was separate. Mik placed the house on the table then carefully put the roof on top. He inspected it for a second before pulling the roof off again and turning back to Ian.
“All right, so here's the more fun part,” Mik said. “It comes with a bunch of furniture to put inside, if you want to head over I’ll put down each bit as you tell me. Just need you hanging out in the house so you can tell me where it all goes.”
Ian jumped up, more excited than he expected. Only to lose his footing on the pillow again. He fell forward this time, and completely off the bed. He closed his eyes expecting the hard floor, but landed on something warm. He opened his eyes and saw Mik staring down in concern. Mik didn’t say anything though and carefully held his hand up to the table so Ian could climb off. The two spent the rest of the day setting up Ian’s house.
They did talk eventually, but Ian stayed in his house and Mikhail sat looking in from the floor. Mikhail couldn't help the smile he had that Ian was talking while he was human, they’d figure this out.
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ravens-words · 3 years
Buddie Fic Recs (1/?)
Some of y'all asked for Buddie fic recs, and I am here to deliver 😌
If you want to be tagged in any futur ones I do, let me know please (asks, messages, replies, anything goes)
Long Fics (50+k)
♣️ The Space Between Sleep by Tattered_Dreams (Complete)
As weeks pass after the Tsunami, Christopher has Eddie to help him deal with the scars it left behind. He also has Buck. Buck's dealing with his own demons, but he has both of them.
Eddie's trying to keep them all together and finding out his family might not be as small as he thought.
The 118 have their few cents to add, too, because don't they always.
This is one of my favorite Buddie fics. It deals with the aftermath of the tsunami in a way that is absolutely beautiful and realistic and authentic. Christopher and Buck's relationship, and Eddie and Christopher's relationship are perfection. A thing I also really love is that it's not just a Buddie fic, it has the firefam, Maddie and Eddie'sfamily involved in a way that's just natural.
♣️ The King's Tide by yawnralphio (@dearbuck) (WIP with Regular Updates)
A captain, his ship, her crew, and a secret with the power to ruin it all.
When his merchant transport vessel is boarded by the fearsome Captain Nash and the crew of the Spark, Eddie believes his time has come.
Buckck makes him an offer he can't refuse, and he finds himself tangled up in something much bigger than he planned for.
I have never read a pirate AU fic. I have never been interested in reading a pirate AUs. But this one changed my mind. The storytelling is amazing. This author paints images with their words, and they have built an amazing, nuanced world here. With every chapter, a question is answered, and a few arise, but it's handled so well you won't be impatient and confused half the time. The friendships, the relationships, here are beyond amazing too.
♣️ Tethers by red-to-black (@redtooblack) (WIP)
Eddie's spent years trying to find a place to call home with Christopher, hoping that Shannon will come back and then desperately hoping she wouldn't. He thinks he's in the clear when she shows up at his doorstep, demanding they get back together.
Eddie comes up with a foolproof plan: get a fake boyfriend, convince Shannon he's gay, and live happily ever after with his life mostly intact and Christopher safe and happy. Get rid of fake boyfriend when Shannon gives up, and life can resume as normal.
Enter Buck, and the plan goes to hell in a handbasket.
Where do I start with this fic? First of all, it's fake dating- which is a trope I love. But it's so, so much more than that. It shows both Eddie and Buck fighting their demons, and being good for each other. It shows two adults navigating a relationship in both a healthy and realistic way. The author incorporates Canon in this fic in an amazing, seamless way. Christopher and Buck's relationship in this is perfection. I have reread this fic about five times. Tempted to reread again, ngl.
Medium Length Fics (10-50k)
❄ Home, a series by hopeintheashes
Eddie, Buck, and Christopher figuring out how to be a family.
This series has two amazing sickfics and one WIP that shows how the team, and Buddie specifically, handle the pandemic. I love these works a lot, they're always in character, always realistic and tender, and Buck and Christopher's relationship shines through, as does the love between the Diaz boys.
❄ The Ghosts That You Haunt by JessicaMDawn
The first time Evan Buckley died, he was ten.
"Apparently that won me a ticket to ghost town, because I've been seeing them ever since."
Buck can see the recently dead. It's not as glamorous as people might think.
This AU is wonderful. It's not the typical character can see ghosts fics. It's so very emotional and angsty and it hits all the right spots. Buck is such an amazing character here. The emotions are vivid and beautiful and realistic. I LOVE it.
❄ Scratch and Burn by JessicaMDawn
Christopher scratches Buck during the tsunami, but the rest of the debris hurts a lot more and Buck thinks nothing of it. The next day, however, Buck experiences a lot of changes that he doesn't know how to handle. Luckily, Eddie is there to help him through it.
Not ABO. This Werewolf AU is perfection. I love Buck's relationship with both Eddie and Christopher here. I won't say more to not spoil it, but it truly is wonderful.
❄ Buy Back the Secrets by allysavedtheday (@littlespooneven )
After getting hurt on a call, Buck wakes up thinking it's 2018. AKA Buck can't remember who Eddie is but he's pretty sure everyone's lying when they say they're "just friends."
This fic is nothing short of perfection. Amnesia fics require a very delicate balance, and this one managed that perfectly. Misunderstandings, oblivious idiots in love, it has it all. The firedam's relationships with Buck is amazing, and they shine through here.
Short Fics (1-10k)
💭 one of these days you'll miss your train by allysavedtheday
Whipping his head around, his eyes land on a face he hasn’t seen up close in almost a year.
“Eddie?” he gasps in disbelief, taking in the sight of Eddie’s rumpled appearance. His shirt is ripped, Buck can see scrapes on his forearms where his sleeves are pushed up, and he’s got a nasty gash across his forehead, blood trickling down into his eyebrow. But he’s looking at Buck like he’s a prayer and a miracle all wrapped into one. “Eddie!”
His brain finally catches up with his legs and he rushes forward just as Eddie all but collapses into his embrace.
“Thank god,” Eddie heaves out raggedly, fingers clutched tightly in the back of Buck’s turnout coat.
I absolutely love this concept of Eddie replacing Abby on the train. This fic is sweet, cute and emotional. The characters are all spot on and just- it's AMAZING.
💭 help my life (be worth your while), a series by iriswests
This series is a study in perfect pacing. It has pining, it has Eddie exploring his relationship with faith and it is possibly the perfect scenario for how these two can get together.
Tagging: @djdangerlove @alwaysablossom @miss-macca @iwonderifyouwonderaboutme @mazieken @captainbfresh @aliceschuyler
137 notes · View notes
imagine-this-fandom · 4 years
The Rescue: BNHA x Fem! Reader- Black rat snake
the rescue intro: here
Leading you back into the main section of the shop, she released your hand and put Izuku into a nearby cage.  Turning back to face you, she pulled out her phone.
“I just need to double-check something with the owner of the shop real quick. He likes to hear about any adoptions I supervise from a particular group of animals we have. You go ahead and look around while I confirm the one I have in mind “
You offered her a smile and a nod before turning to look around. Wandering the aisles of the store, you couldn't help but relax. There was some music playing in the background, too low for you to recognize the lyrics. You noted with amusement that your bird friend, Hizashi, was perched by the radio, bobbing along to it enthusiastically. You started to make your way towards him when a flicker of movement caught your attention from the corner of your eye. Turning to face the shelves of glass tanks, you searched them for the smooth movement that had captured your gaze. Perusing the tanks nearby, you were excited to find the one in the corner occupied. Inside was a large black snake. He was beautiful. Shiny black scales decorated the majority of his body save for his stark white underbelly and chin. It was hard to tell how long he was because he was wrapped up on a branch, coiled tightly as he watched you unblinking.
Tilting your head, your eyes scanned over the little sticker on the corner of the tank telling you his name and breed.
"Dabi, huh? Whoever named you was absolutely trying to be edgy," you crouched so your face was level with the tank and you could see him better. "Dabi is the name of a super dangerous villain, you know?"
Dabi watched you silently, serpentine tongue flicking in annoyance. He was used to the stares and the gawking from other store patrons, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it. You at least weren't tapping on the glass and whining when he didn't do anything interesting. Still, to him, you were a temporary distraction in the long borning sameness his days had turned into. He cursed the day he got involved with the league of villains and the quirk experiments that Shigaraki's "master" put into effect.
When Inko came to find you, she rounded the corner to see you sitting in front of the snake, mirroring his movements and sticking your tongue out in time with his. To be honest, she was a bit nervous about this arrangement, but Nezu had insisted you take the villainous young man home with you. Something about personalities and the change he needed or something like that. Still, if you were somehow the key to breaking the effects of the quirk like Nezu expected then it was worth the worry.
"I see you've found him all on your own!"
You whipped your head around to look at her in shock.
"Wait, a snake? Aren't they super hard to care for?"
"Not really, especially his breed," She answered calmly, offering you her hand to help you off the floor. "snakes are good pets, even if they look intimidating."
Taking her hand, you allowed her to pull you from your kneeling position. Looking back at the snake, you couldn't deny that he was interesting. You always thought snakes were really cool, and with some research, they could be really good pets. Besides, he was the one Inko wanted you to take home, and she knew so much more about him. You could trust her on this, and you honestly wanted to.
"If you help me, I will happily take him home. But you have to give me lots of info about him so I can do research. Okay?"
"It's a deal."
Inko helped you gather supplies for your new pet, making idle conversation and giving you tips on how to properly care for Dabi.
"Be very careful when you handle him, dear. He's got a mean temper and he's nipped me a couple of times. He comes from a not-so-friendly background so he's mistrusting. "
You nodded slowly, expression falling at her words. You would have to be very careful, but you were going to earn his trust no matter what. Inko noted your determined expression as she put supplies into a cart for you, a small smile tugging at her lips. Maybe Nezu was right, you could handle this. Perhaps there was hope for Dabi yet.
Once you had successfully gathered all the possible tools you would need, Inko fetched a pair of heavy-duty gloves and a snake hook. Carefully, she transferred the irritated snake into a bucket to transport him in before quickly latching the top.
"You'll want to make sure his container is firmly latched once you get him home. He's a bit of an escape artist. "
You were a bit concerned due to all the warnings given, but you were more determined than ever to take good care of the snake now within your care. He was going to feel loved, like it or not. Giving her a nod, you carefully took the container from her, cradling it close to your chest to give him any extra warmth you could grant him for the cold journey home.
Inko shooed you out, eager for you to get home before it got any darker or colder. You hugged her tightly before stepping out into the cold with your new pet.
Luckily, the trek home didn't take very long and you found yourself at your apartment door before you knew it.  Stepping inside, you quickly set to heat up the space. You weren't taking any chances in keeping your snake healthy.
"I'll get you settled as soon as I can, buddy. Just hold on for me."
Setting the container aside, you quickly got to work setting up his tank. While you were focused on the task at hand, you missed the lid of the container lifting as Dabi pushed out of his temporary cage. Slithering out, he relished his momentary freedom. While he was well aware that he couldn't escape in this form, that doesn't mean he wasn't going to cause as much mischief as he possibly could in the process.
While you were distracted, he explored the apartment. He had to admit, the change in perspective from when he was human was disorienting. As a human, he stood at five foot nine, but as a snake, he was mere inches off the ground. Because he was a python, he found that climbing wasn't too difficult, so he quickly made his way up a nearby chair to settle on the counter and get a better vantage point. Surveying his surroundings, he noticed with gathering annoyance that his new home belonged to a hero fan. You had various merch such as an allmight mug and a red hawks wing patterned blanket. Still, at least he hadn't seen anything flame patterned. You at least didn't have the worst taste in that regard.
As he looked around, you finished setting up his tank. Looking back towards where you left him, you stiffened, panic filling your veins. The container was clear, and you could clearly see it was missing a snake. Slowly, you rose to your feet, trying to quell the panic invading your mind.
"Dabi? Where'd you go?" trapping your lip between your teeth,  you started scanning the floor.
Dabi watched with amusement as you searched frantically for him. He could tell it was going to be fun to tease you. Had he been in human form, he would have called you out for your pointless panic.
'I'm right here, stupid girl,' he hissed, knowing you wouldn't be able to understand him, but wanting to express the sentiment regardless. Slithering to the edge of the counter, he perched there ` and hissed softly to get your attention.
Hearing the strange noise, you were shocked to see the reptile on your counter. The tank he had been in didn't do him justice. He was easily five feet long now that you could see him stretched out. While this situation was someone's worst nightmare, you couldn't help but catch your breath. You had never considered snakes to be all that pretty, but Dabi managed to be. The black of his scales was onyx against your counter The white scales of his underbelly just barely showed on his sides, a striking contrast. The most obvious separation of color was at his jaw, the underside bright white as if someone had pieced two colors together there.
You broke out of your thoughts to find the snake coiled around a pillar by your counter, now exactly eye level with you.
"Sorry, you got bored waiting for me. But your new tank is finished. Now you have a nice comfy place to sleep."
He gave you an unimpressed look. He would have rolled his eyes if he could. He was expecting more of a freak out instead of the weird half-smile you gave him while standing completely still for like 15 seconds. Weirdo. He pulled his focus back to the present as he felt your hand close gently around his middle. Jerking back, he bit you. The yelp that sounded made him cringe internally, but he steamrolled over the small part of him that felt remorse. He was determined to get rid of any trace of that if he wanted to move forward as a villain. Still, he didn't take pride in the blood that was welling up on your hand, that was more toga's thing.
You clutched your hand to your chest, looking back at him with wide eyes.  Backing up until you were out of his reach should he decide to go for a longer bite, you looked down at the red beading up from the tiny pinpricks on your hand. It didn't hurt that much and had mostly just surprised you. However, you were understandably a bit freaked out. You checked over your injury before pouting at Dabi, regaining some of your confidence now that the adrenaline was fading.
"Well, that wasn't very nice, Mr. grumpy scales. I just wanted to get you to your tank." skirting around him, you made your way into the small kitchen area. Keeping your gaze trained on Dabi, you went about washing your hands to try and disinfect the bite. It wasn't deep, but you weren't about to risk getting sick. Before long, you had the small wound clean and bandaged. However, this left you with the task at hand that had gotten you bit in the first place, getting Dabi to his tank.
"Now how are we gonna do this, my little spit-fire? I can't exactly leave you to roam the house, but I don't want a matching snake bite piercing for my other hand."
'whatever woman, it's your problem, not mine' Dabi watched you, tongue flicking lazily as he waited for you to decide your next move. He had to admit, you were more fun to mess with than the Midoriya lady. He always got chewed out by the various occupants of the store whenever he tried to cause trouble for her. Here, it was just you and him and he could be as much of a jerk as he wanted. It's not like he expected you to interact with him much anyway, so why waste time playing the well-behaved pet?
While he amused himself with his thoughts, you remembered the stick Inko had used to transfer him back at the store and recreated it with your broom handle. Dabi was not expecting the sudden change of perspective when you scooped him up, so he didn't think about resisting. Gently placing him in the bottom of the tank, you slid the handle out and carefully latched the tank lid.
"There we go Dabi. Sleep well. Tomorrow should be less stressful and you can take some time to settle in." You offered him a smile, a brief light in the dark living room before you retreated to your room. Dabi watched you go in disgruntled annoyance before settling down, knowing it was pointless to stay up and agonize about the strange day. Curling around himself until he was arranged in a neat little coil, he drifted to sleep.
~~~~~ "Dabi!!!! How did you get up there?" You stared wide-eyed, mouth agape at your snake. You had been living with him for just over two weeks now, but he still managed to surprise you. Right now, he was lazily draped over the top of a bookshelf in your living room. If he could emote, you would have easily seen a cheeky grin adorning his smug face.
"How, I... You're impossible!" You threw up your hands, not having the mental stamina to deal with his shenanigans for the day.  "Fine, if you want to be tall, far be it from me to stop you."
You gave him a triumphant look before turning your back to him.
Unbeknownst to you, he was waiting for an opportunity and you had just given him the perfect one. He carefully stretched out over the edge of the bookshelf and let himself fall around your shoulders, his tail wrapping around your bicep to steady him. Obviously, you screamed and tried to dislodge him in a panic. The shrill sound hurt his ears, but the surprise he saw was worth it. If you could have seen your face, your eyes had been wide and crazy and he hissed out a laugh as you finally settled down.
Your heart was still beating in your throat but you quickly realized that it was just Dabi coiled around you. His cold scales against the bare skin of your neck and the foreign weight had been terrifying in the moment. You moved slowly, considering his sharp teeth that he had no qualms about using. He was a strange animal. He hated being handled but would take every opportunity to antagonize you. Still... he had grown on you. However, that was horrifying, and had he not been more secure, you would have flung him away.
You instead glared at the reptile, breath still heaving as you recovered.
"That was rude Dabi!" A pout formed on your lips, "You know, you could have been hurt. That was reckless. Also, you nearly gave me a heart attack."
You watched him warily. You didn't think he would bite you again, but he was unpredictable so you moved carefully.  You slowly reached out with the arm opposite the one he was wrapped around and carefully ran a finger over the scales on his back, enjoying the smooth and cool feeling of his scales under your fingers.
The feeling was alien to Dabi, but not uncomfortable. While he didn't like people touching him, your touch was featherlight and gentle. There was no promise of pain behind it, no expectation, just softness, and curiosity. He froze at the contact, unsure how to respond to the touch. In the past, he was faced with extremes. Always too hot, too rough, too painful, too much, and too expectant.
But your touch was gentle. You were soft, warm rather than scalding, gentle and careful, and...caring. Despite his behavior and lashing out, you stayed patient with him. You confused and irritated him to no end. Still, he supposed he could endure your touch for a little while longer. 'it's just because I'm a snake now. I'm drawn to her warmth' he muttered to himself, a soft hiss all that you heard.
Without knowing his true thoughts, you took his response as displeasure and pulled away quickly.
"Sorry spitfire, I didn't mean to bother you. I'll keep my hands to myself then," You started towards his cage, "let's get you put away, and then I'll leave you be."
Without even thinking about it, he tightened his hold on your arm slightly. You shot him a surprised look before deciding it was your imagination and carefully untangling him from your arm and placing him in his tank. You latched it and gave him a small smile and wave before walking away, going to the couch to give him space.
Meanwhile, Dabi was having a mental battle with himself. He knew that it had felt nice to be near you, but he was confused as to the why. He decided that he froze because he was used to people being too scared of him to caress him so casually. Still, a part of him, a part he tried to bury was convinced that he was avoiding the real reason. Looking back at you, he felt warm and confused. The warmth wasn't painful like the blue of his quirk, but rather, soothing. It calmed him yet made him feel funny all the same. Perhaps this is what true annoyance felt like, anger at being unable to faze you. He narrowed his gaze as much as this form would allow and glared back at you. He fell back on one of the few emotions he allowed himself and stewed in a fit of quiet anger.
Your skin prickled lightly as you felt his unblinking gaze on you. Turning your head from the book in your hands, you offered him a small smile, eyes soft. It was a direct opposite to his hard eyes and he was a bit taken aback but didn't let it show. The moment lasted only a few moments before a twinkle of mischievousness lit your eyes. Leaning forward slightly, you brought your fingers to your lips and blew the grumpy animal a kiss, bursting into giggles when he jerked back, affronted by your action.
You rolled back on the couch, heaving with laughter at the simple but funny reaction. Your eyes scrunched with mirth as an ungraceful snort left your mouth before you were able to recover, shoulders still shaking as you righted yourself. Looking back at the tank, your expression was bright with humor, cheeks red from the laughter.
"Oh come on, it was a kiss Dabi, it wouldn't have hurt you. " You made your way in front of him and crouched to his level. "Alright, I'm sorry for scaring you, but hey, payback's a *****. "
A broad smirk formed as you watched him flick his tongue in annoyance. "If that startled you so much, maybe I'll just have to spend more time with you so you're used to my antics."
He watched incredulously as you dragged a chair to the table his tank rested on and settled on it, watching him with elbows on your knees and chin resting in your palms.
"There. Now we can get to know each other. I'm afraid we got off on the wrong foot. " You gave a little bow from the chair before straightening. "I, am (y/n). I moved here from America, and my quirk is the ability to resist other quirks."
He slid to the front of the tank, interested in any information he could glean from this strange encounter. You were the only one he could interact with, so he might as well know a bit about you to use against you later if he ever turned human again.  
'Now what, huh? You can't understand what I'm saying so you look pretty stupid right now. ' he spoke, but only hisses reached your ears. You pretended to listen intently regardless.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Dabi. What's that? You're from here in Japan? Well, I must say, my accent is atrocious compared to you." You laughed, winking conspiratorily. "And what's your quirk? Spitfire? Do tell what that's like."
'You are by far the strangest person I have ever met and if we met when I was human, I'd squish you like a bug. And what's with the nickname being my quirk? animals don't have quirks, idiot.'
Not for the first time, Dabi wished he had arms again. He had to settle for flicking his tail with annoyance rather than punching the glass as he would have preferred. Still, you kept talking, oblivious to his annoyance.
'Spitfire huh? What name fits you then? I could just call you bug. You're annoying like one. Firefly then. You're obnoxiously sunny and useless.'
He smirked to himself, proud of his choice, and let you ramble on. The conversation was all about you and your job and favorite heroes. Everything and more than he wanted to know was shared with him. Still, it was better entertainment than staring at the tank in silence so he was grateful for it in a small measure. He didn't realize how intently he had been listening until you stopped. He straightened as he heard your voice waver for the first time in the half-hour you had been talking to him. Turning his reptilian eyes to you, you had changed demeanor completely. You had gotten to the family section of your story. Inhaling and pushing forward, you forced a fake smile that made his heart twist in something he told himself was disgust rather than sympathy.
"I have family, I suppose. I mean, they're still alive that is. But... Since I decided to move, they don't want anything to do with me," you cleared your throat, having not really taken time to talk aloud about it and process it fully and getting more choked up than you thought you would. "They think I'm an idiot for leaving. Considering my quirk, they thought I might as well not have one. They didn't think it was safe for me here and that it was a betrayal to leave them for my own dreams rather than their expectations."
You weren't looking at the tank anymore, instead focusing on the pale carpet at your feet, trying to distract from the feeling of hurt that had filled you so suddenly.
"They uh, they wanted me to be a hero. " A humorless smile flitted across your face briefly. "Their quirks were quirk paralysis and forcefield. They thought I would get some ability that could be used to save people. But no... I can only save myself. And that's only if they attack me with a quirk. I can still get hurt from falls, weapons, all that fun stuff. I disappointed them. Because I was born wrong, I took away their dreams of being a good child." You swallowed thickly, blinking hard to suppress the stinging in your eyes as angry and hurt tears filled them.
Dabi watched, transfixed by this girl who was so similar yet so different. Yet with all you had gone through, you hadn't turned bitter You still liked heroes despite your inability to join them. You were not what he expected and he suddenly didn't want you to stop talking. He needed to know more. Unfortunately for him, you were emotionally drained and had gone quiet.
Standing, you wiped your eyes with the heels of your palms before offering him a watery smile, trying to mask any hint of the sadness that had just consumed you.
"Kind of went off the deep end there! sorry about that. it's getting late, so I'll let you sleep. "
Before he could make any move or sound to protest, you had vanished into your room, the light switched off and plunging the room into darkness.
Ever since that day when you talked to Dabi, he had been friendlier to you. It was subtle at first, and you had to pay close attention to notice any difference. Dabi was less hesitant to spend time with you and as time went on, he became comfortable with you handling him. Now, months after taking him into your care, he was always with you around the house. He was still a jerk and nipped you on occasion, but he never broke skin anymore.
He had taken to riding around on your shoulders, wrapped loosely there with his head resting on your collar bone. You would continue about your day with him resting there, occasionally you would reach up and stroke him. You talked with him often, having one-sided conversations as you cooked, whispering to him conspiratorily as you commented on the various actors on tv. Once you even took him to the store with you without realizing it. It wasn't until the cashier nearly screamed that you realized you had forgotten to put him back in his tank. You could have sworn he was laughing at you on the way home, hiss coming out in disjointed little huffs.
Dabi was, of course, amused by your mistake. He wrapped himself around your neck, applying light pressure as if to remind you that he was in fact still there as you hurried home. 'I was wondering how long it would take for you to realize. I didn't think you would actually make it to the store, firefly. How unobservant can you be, I'm a five-foot snake.' He tickled the base of your throat with his tongue, grinning to himself as you shuddered.
"Hey! Stop that, you wouldn't want me to drop you. I promise the pavement is not as forgiving as the carpet in my apartment." You gently pushed his head away, tucking him into the hood on your jacket.
Your shoe caught on a rock as you passed an alleyway, briefly causing you to stumble. You nearly sent Dabi flying from his place on your shoulder.
"Hah! See? Careful." laughing, you settled him back in place, patting him goodnaturedly
'real graceful there, firefly. Trying to seduce the pavement?  Because you almost kissed it. I could do better and I don't even have legs.' As much as he teased, he couldn't help but be endeared to your clumsiness.
"careful there, girlie. That could have been a bad fall. Wouldn't want to get that pretty face marked up."
You whipped your head around and looked owlishly at the man who had spoken. He was in the alleyway beside you, leaning against the brick with a cigarette. He watched you lazily, eyes trailing over you with something akin to appraisal.
Stepping back, you gave a tight nod and a forced chuckle.
"Yeah, really lucky there. um," Shifting uncomfortably, your eyes darted towards home before hurriedly returning to the mystery man, not sure you wanted to let him out of your sight, "I'll just be going now, can't keep my boyfriend waiting." You ducked your head and swiftly kept walking, the feeling of his eyes following you leaving a gross slimy feeling crawling up your spine.
Once you were out of range and you couldn't feel his gaze again, you took off for home. Your hands went to your throat, holding Dabi steady as you sprinted. When you arrived at the apartment, your breathing was heavy and punctuated by the occasional gasp. Dabi could feel your pulse fluttering against his side frantically. Once you were inside, you dropped your bags and whipped the door shut. Fumbling with the locks, you didn't relax until all of them were secured tightly. You rested your forehead against the wood, heaving quietly as you tried to relax and give the adrenaline a chance to wear off.  You wouldn't have reacted like this normally, but something about that man had activated your fight or flight response.
Dabi watched you carefully, not admitting that he was concerned by that display. Stretching out to get a better look at you, he was relieved when your eyes found his form and focused on him rather than the blank distance you had been occupied with before.
"Sorry about that Spitfire, I bet that was a wild ride." Standing, you slid off your jacket and carefully unwound him from your neck, "And hopefully, you will never have to experience that ever again."
Dabi curled around your arm, his weight a comfort that helped ground you as you calmed. Setting him down on the counter, you turned your attention to the bags you had abandoned by the door.
"What do you think that was about?" You wrinkled your nose in distaste, as you remembered the man. You didn't like how he looked at you, " I think I lost him, so we should be alright."
You focused on putting the groceries away and started rambling about the movie you were looking forward to that was in production.
"Oh you would love it, it has my favorite actress in it and I always liked the story. I can't wait to see what direction they take with it."
You looked back at the snake as if to ask his opinion before nodding sagely.
"Ah yes, I agree, they might absolutely ruin the storyline by adding an unnecessary romantic subplot."
Dabi mentally rolled his eyes at your antics. he may act like it didn't affect him, but he quite enjoyed it when you talked to him. You treated him like a trusted friend. He adored when you smiled at him. Throughout his life, he had never had anyone smile at him as you did. You looked at him like he was the most important thing in your life and if he were human, he probably wouldn't be able to conceal the awed expression that would follow just one of your smiles.
He listened intently as you worked, mind wandering as he thought of what would change if he were human. He'd get to see your cute annoyed pout more often, that'd be for sure. He would tease you mercilessly, but he knew you would respond in kind, probably teasing him back and poking fun right back.
Still, it was better this way, at least in his mind. This way, he could actually be around you without scaring you off. His burns would likely intimidate you if his reputation as a villain didn't. No, he was better off as a snake. Maybe it was selfish to pine after you this way, but he wouldn't have to face your true reaction to him this way. The possibility of actually being able to be with you as a human and you rejecting him was not something he would be willing to face. He supposed being a snake had that small advantage. You would never know what an awful person he was and leave him, to never grace him with that annoyed look or that silly nickname. Besides, he couldn't care about you, not really. He told himself that he didn't have emotions anymore. Those feelings died the same night Touya did.
He was pulled from his thoughts when you picked him off the counter, carefully coiling him around your arm. You placed a quick kiss on the top of his head before you lowered him into his tank. Laughing, you tried to slide him off your arm, amused by his reluctance to let go.
"Dabi, let me go! I gotta go to bed!"
You succeeded in removing him from your hand before bidding him goodnight, not bothering to close the tank as he always managed to escape anyway. He watched you go, only averting his eyes when you passed from his view. Settling down to rest, he briefly let himself think of what happened next. Maybe Dabi died too. When he became a snake, he couldn't return to being human, he couldn't return to being Dabi. Maybe this version of him, this one could be allowed to love. From afar of course. He sighed and focused on your door, letting himself drift as he surrendered to sleep.
Work had been difficult today. You were relieved to put up your apron as your shift ended. the day actually reminded you of the day you had stumbled across the pet store. That day, while awful in the beginning, became one of the best days of your life. If it hadn't been for the difficulties of the day and the need to stay late, you wouldn't have had to brave the store and find that amazing pet store. You smiled to yourself as you reminisced on that day and finding Dabi. The thought of getting back to your apartment lifted your spirits and you were quick to clock out and leave work. There was a spring in your step as you followed the familiar route home, mind full with a plan forming of how you were going to spend your evening with your best friend and pet.
Unfortunately, your happy mood was exactly what got you in trouble. You hadn't been paying as much attention as you should have been, mind focused too much on what came next than on your surroundings. Before you knew it, a hand reached out from the alley you had rightly fled the day before. The man from before tugged you harshly into his chest, hand clasped tightly to your mouth while the other held a knife to your throat.
"We meet again, girlie. Now just be real quiet for me and you'll be alright. "
Your blood ran cold as you listened to his commands, following him into the shadows as he led you further away from the safe and welcoming light of the street. It disappeared along with your hope as he pulled you harshly along. He led you through a maze of alleyways and shortcuts for what felt like forever. A dilapidated warehouse rose in front of you and he harshly tugged you inside the dingy building. You wanted to fight, but he wasn't using a quirk. You could survive a knife to the throat if it was a quirk controlling it, but a plain mugging? You were still vulnerable. You felt your heart sink when he removed his hand. He didn't trust you, so that meant he was confident any sound you made would not reach any ears that mattered.
"What do you want from me? I'm no one special, I'm not useful to you, why would you take me?" You searched his face frantically, looking for some explanation.
He laughed and pushed you into a chair, attaching your wrists behind it with a rope. The practiced movement made you grit your teeth as you realized that the ease of it meant you weren't the first he'd done this to. Biting down fear, you glared at him.
"Let me go! What are you planning with me?" You spit your words, the fear fading to anger at the horrible man. You pulled against the rope as he stepped away but it held tight.
"You, my dear, are going to be a beautiful addition to my collection," you craned your neck as he circled you, that same wrongness from that first day insisting that you keep him in your vision.
"you see, my quirk allows me to identify the quirks of others. The more powerful it is, the more vague the details I get, but yours is fascinating."
Leaning forward, he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, eyes dancing with amusement at the anger and uncertainty that shone in your expression.
" I can't see your quirk. But... You're not quirkless. Tell me," he squeezed your cheeks, amused expression turning dark, "What are you hiding from me, girlie? I have quite a few buyers who would be interested in a pretty young thing like you, but I need to see if you're worth my time."
Narrowing his eyes, he let your chin go and stepped back.
"Tell me your quirk or I'll have to mark up that pretty frame. I don't like to resort to torture, but I assure you, I am well-practiced in it. "
You clenched your jaw and lifted your chin, eyes sparking in defiance.
"You'll be caught. The heroes will find us. I'm sure of it. You will be found." Your gaze faltered slightly as he erupted into laughter at your expense.
"Silly girlie, the heroes won't find you here. And if they do, I'll be long gone by then. No one knows to look for you, you're all alone, and if you don't cooperate, you'll scream and no one but me will get to hear the pretty sound." After checking your bindings one last time, he smirked at you and unceremoniously tied a gag in your mouth. "How about I let you think about what happens next, see if some time alone will make you more responsive." And just like that, he walked away, leaving you in the center of the cold warehouse, tied to a chair.
Once he was out of sight, you frantically fought to free yourself, crying out as you rubbed your wrists raw in an effort to slip them free of the rope. Unfortunately, they held true and tight.  You bowed your head after what felt like hours of struggling and let yourself rest, building up strength for what could be a fruitless fight.
Dabi waited less than patiently for you to come home from work. You were late and he was not pleased in the slightest. He slid around the bottom of his tank, glancing back at the door every few seconds. He worked his jaw irritably, frustration growing with each moment that passed. You were supposed to be here and he didn't like the breach in routine.
The room grew dark as the sun traveled across the sky, vanishing behind the horizon along with Dabi's anger. The frustration that had been building in the pit of his stomach had soured. Now worry was his prevalent feeling. You had never stayed out this late before. He slipped out of his cage You never latched it anymore because he was always escaping anyway. slipping onto the floor, he made his way through the house, wondering if he had somehow missed you coming home in the first place. Alas, there was no sign of you and as he tasted the air, he could find no trace of you.
Worry ate at him as the hour grew later and later. Thoughts of possible outcomes flooded his mind with unpleasantness. His frantic thoughts slowed when the sun peeked into the living room. Any doubt that something was wrong was gone. he growled and threw his small body at the door, furious that he could do nothing. 'She's in trouble and I'm useless! I can't just sit around and do nothing! The woman I love is in danger somewhere and I'm a ******* snake!'
The anger in him boiled in his veins and he felt odd. With a loud pop, his gaze was now level with the doorknob rather than the bottom of the door. He blinked slowly as he took stock of what just happened. He was human again. He grimly took stock of himself, making sure all features were accounted for before realizing the implications of being human again. He had been thinking about you when he transformed, how much he needed to be human again to help you. He waved away the thought with irritation. He wasn't ready to believe you had broken the quirk's effect on him like some ******** fairy tale curse. Still, thinking on this brought him back to the matter at hand.
He searched your apartment for clothes before bolting out the door. He searched all the places you talked about, looking for clues to your whereabouts.
His search had lasted all morning and he was getting desperate as the evening approached with no real solution. He ducked into an alleyway before pausing. He recognized this place... This is where you had tripped just the day before last. He had been focused on you then, but he remembered that a man had talked to you here. Dabi thought of how terrified you had been and hoped you weren't scared now, where ever you were. About to give up on this section of the city, he nearly tripped outside the alleyway. He kicked the object in anger and it ricocheted off the brick and pelted him in the leg. He felt his mouth grow dry in horror when he noticed exactly what the object was. It was your nametag from work.
Picking it up, his fears were confirmed as he looked it over. You had been taken by the man from the alleyway. A deep growl of anger escaped him and he had to tuck the nametag into his pocket for fear of incinerating it in his anger. He turned quickly and strode back into the street. Hopefully, Giran was available because he had a favor to cash in. He would locate the man who took his little firefly, and if they had harmed you... well, only ash would remain when he was done.
You glared at your captor through tired eyes, eyes stinging from the punch you had received after insulting him.
"Now really, all I want is a measly bit of information. Your quirk, what is it."
You closed your eyes and relaxed your expression before giving him a weary look. Bowing your head, you mumbled under your breath.
Taishi, as he had introduced himself, stepped forward to hear better. "What was that? Speak up."
You repeated your words, quiet still. It was spoken as if you lacked the strength to speak louder. Growling in annoyance, he leaned closer to hear.
Inhaling deeply, you waited until he was close, " I said... **** YOU!" You screamed at him, kicking him between the legs with all the force you could muster. As he fell to the ground, your chair tipped over from the force of the kick and your vision swam as your head bounced on the floor.
Taishi rose, venom in his gaze as he kicked you sharply in the stomach, glowering in rage as you yelped.  
"You could have done this the easy way, but no! You just had to be a *****!" He readied a blade as he stood over your prone body.
You slammed your eyes shut in preparation for the pain, but it never came. There was the sound of fire coming to life, and an uncomfortable stream of hot air brushed over you accompanied by a horrid stench and the screams of your captor.
Daring to open your eyes, you were met with a strange sight. A man you had never seen before stood above your captor, his hands aglow with a blue flame. Covered in burns and staples, there was no question in your mind who it must be, the villain Dabi.
Once he was certain Taishi was not going to get up again, he turned to you. His turquoise eyes locked onto yours and you could see fury burning in them. But as he looked you over, they softened a bit, and concern mixed with the anger. As he approached, you tried to scoot backward away from him, a whimper escaping unbidden.
Dabi froze at your obvious fear. He regarded you for a moment as he tried to figure out what to do. He was furious, but he knew you needed him calm instead if you were to trust him. Closing his eyes, he extinguished his hands and held them up in a placating gesture.
"Shh... It's okay firefly, I'm not going to hurt you." He hated that you looked at him with such fear. You had blood running down your face, lip obviously split from a punch, and various bruises and cuts on your arms added to your pitiful state. Still, you were strong, and he knew that if he didn't diffuse the situation, you would try to fight.
"Are you alright, firefly? Anything broken?" He scanned you for pressing injuries relieved to find nothing too major. He knelt on the floor beside you as you strained to look back at him, still freaked out and confused.
"What are you doing? Why are you here? What do you want from me?" your questions were rushed as you tried to make sense of what was happening. You hissed in pain and closed your eyes tightly as he freed your wrists, fresh blood welling from the raw skin as the rope agitated it one last time. You were weaker than you wanted to admit, but it didn't seem like the villain was going to do anything.
Dabi tossed the chair away and gently pulled you onto your back, cradling your upper body in his lap as blue eyes scanned over your face. His shoulders sagged in relief and he pulled you close.
" Don't you ever scare me like that again, idiot!" He scooped you up and walked out of the warehouse with purpose before shouting for someone named Kurogiri.
You clutched him in panic as a dark void opened in front of you and you both vanished inside you screaming as you tucked your face into his shoulder.
Dabi rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the matching portal in your apartment.
"Stop screaming, you'll get a noise complaint." He carried you into your room and laid you on the bed before disappearing to get a first aid kit while you glanced around in shocked bewilderment.
"But, how? Home, and the dark, and you're a villain. " This day had sucked, and you were fairly certain you were having a mental breakdown. "What is going on?" You wailed, dropping your head into your hands as your head pounded.
"I brought you home, firefly. Also, I'm you're pet snake. Surprise. Now sit still so I can patch you up." He plopped down on the bed beside you and immediately began tending to your wounds while all you could do was stare in disbelief.
"You're insane. Or I'm dead. I suppose those are both viable options." Still, something about his words rang true.
"If you're actually Dabi, my snake, what's something only he would know?"
Dabi rolled his eyes and fixed you with a scowl but stayed quiet in thought as he contemplated an answer. You searched his gaze, almost challenging him to say something to prove he wasn't crazy.
You jumped when he grabbed your hand. His thumb traced a familiar pattern on the inside of your palm that he identified without even looking at it.
"Right there, Is where I, your 'Spitfire' as you called me... bit you during the first week I was here." He watched your eyes widen and continued when you stayed silent. "You also told me your whole life story, but I figure you've been through enough today without me recounting all the parental disappointment you've told me about. Now, are you going to let me fix you up or not?" He quirked an eyebrow in a movement that you recognized from his time as your pet. He had tilted his head a little bit, his tell when he was annoyed. Or at least, it was what you had told yourself when you still thought he was just an animal.
You swallowed and reached out, hand cupping his cheek gently, mindful of the staples. You watched his eyes cycle through various stages of panic, as well as affection and fear as he kept a calm and cocky facade to all who didn't know him as well as you did.
"You're really him. You're my spitfire?" He nodded, watching you uncomfortably as you searched his face. He waited for your verdict, where you rejected him outright and drew away. Instead, you leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling back shyly.
"You saved my life. Thank you, Dabi. I know you're a villain, but.... You were my hero today."
He debated keeping up his facade before saying to heck with it. He pulled you into a fierce kiss, all his worry and relief and love pouring over you as he held you tight. You relaxed into the embrace, kissing back as you let him tell you how he really felt. Pulling away when you needed air, a breathy giggle escaped when you bumped noses.
His smile was one of the most beautiful sights you had ever seen and you were looking forward to learning what had happened to put such a mysterious and amazing man in your life.
He shushed you as you moved to ask, shaking his head tiredly. "After, my firefly. Let's get your injuries tended to first, then I'll tell you everything."
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buddiebeginz · 3 years
I just caught up to the current episode of 911. Jesus that ending 😭 I’m pretty sure I sat there and stared at the tv for a good five minutes afterwards in shock right along with Buck.
Okay get comfy because this is going to get long. I have a lot of thoughts on  why I think it’s more likely than ever that Buddie will become canon. I’ve seen a lot of fandom talking about why they feel the same and honestly it’s not surprising given the way that shooting scene played out. But I have some other thoughts I haven’t seen talked about yet too.
I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I think Buddie will happen. I want them to get together in canon and I think the show should definitely make it happen and not just because us fans want it to happen either.
Since Eddie arrived the show has continually written Buck and Eddie in a way to say to the audience there’s more going on there. So I don’t think it’s some far fetched idea that so many of us ship them or want to see them end up together. I’ve shipped many characters who I knew were never going to get together in canon but Buddie has always felt different. It’s not just wishful thinking there’s a lot of substance there provided by the writers.
Still more recently I’d kind of lost hope that Buddie was ever going to happen. Throughout season 4 I’ve been wondering if the show was working on pulling Buck and Eddie in different directions. I figured maybe they were just tired of listening to the fans yell about Buddie. I figured it’s why we had been seeing a lot more of Taylor and Ana and why we rarely see Buck and Eddie and Chris spending time together the way we used to in season 3. It had actually been bumming me out a lot because I miss that dynamic in the show.
Last night’s episode changed my mind on that though and not just because of the shooting. I was worried at first when I saw that Carla was meeting Ana because I wondered where this was going. Like was the show trying to solidify Ana as a more substantial part of Eddie’s life now? Were they trying to show that she was important enough to start meeting more of the people in Eddie’s life? But I realized after watching that the whole reason Ana was even included in the episode was for Eddie and Carla to have the convo they did.
Eddie and Carla talk about Carla’s dad. Carla says that she was thankful she got to spend time with him (before he died) and she was sorry she left them (Eddie and Chris) Eddie says “you were where you were supposed to be”. When Eddie says that Carla gets this look on her face like she’s considering his words and thinking about the meaning and responds with a line of questioning that gets her to asking Eddie about Ana. Mainly I think because Carla is one of the people who knows Buck and Eddie better than anyone and when Eddie said to her “you were where you were supposed to be” she was likely thinking so how come you’re not where you’re supposed to be with Buck?
Eddie and Carla talk about Chris and how Eddie had been worried about him (after what happened to Shannon) and how happy he is to have Ana around.  Carla presses Eddie about how he feels about Ana and Eddie simply says “it’s easy being with her” (aka he doesn’t have to be emotionally invested). Carla responds and says she’s glad Eddie is moving on but most importantly she tells him “just be sure that you’re following your heart and not Christopher’s”. 
The show easily could have framed this whole scene in a different way if they were planning on making Ana and Eddie into a more significant thing. Eddie could have responded and said he was following his heart being with Ana. The show could have shown Eddie watching Ana and Christopher with a sense of ease and love on his face instead he clearly looked like he was thinking about what Carla said and it was obvious he’d been running from the fact he was only with Ana for Christopher.
The other thing that made me feel like Buddie is much more of a certainty and the main thing I wanted to write this for since I haven’t seen anyone else really talking about it is what’s going on with the other couples and how that correlates with Buddie.
911 is obviously an ensemble show so some characters and ships will inevitably get more attention than others still there’s usually some that are the consistent main. For example Hen and Karen they’re a great couple but I wouldn’t necessarily call them a main couple of the show. To me the central canon couple of 911 is Athena and Bobby and second to them I think would be Chim and Maddie at least in season 4 where they’ve had a lot of focus given the baby storyline.
I think we’re headed towards both of these couples being on the rocks. Clearly Athena and Bobby are about to go through some stuff. I’m hoping Bobby doesn’t die but no matter what their marriage is in trouble at this moment. As for Maddie and Chim I think it’s likely that they’re headed for a postpartum depression storyline so that will probably spell some trouble for them too.
My point in all of this is if you watch the ending of the recent episode right after the argument between Athena and Bobby we saw the shooting with Buck and Eddie. In the promo for the next episode the majority of what we see is Buck and Eddie juxtaposed with what’s going on with Athena and Bobby and Chim and Maddie.
TV shows particularly drama ones like 911 ebb and flow and there’s usually some kind of balance. If you have one or more of your main couples in the middle of the worst times chances are you’ll see other couples in the best times. So while Athena and Bobby might be unraveling which hopefully is just temporary) in the midst of this shooting Buddie might be coming together or at least closer to getting there. More on that below. 👇
I don’t necessarily think that Buddie will just magically get together in the last episode of season 4. Part of me doesn’t even want that to happen. I think it makes much more sense for things with Buddie to happen gradually. Besides which nothing in tv ever wraps up that neat and tidy anyway. Shows like 911 thrive on drama so if Buddie is going to happen there has to be conflict involved before they get to that point.
My guess is that this shooting will push one of them to recognize their feelings for the other and he’ll want to tell the other one but something will stop him. I think it could be Buck. Like maybe while Eddie is recovering Buck talks to Taylor and finally realizes/admits his feelings for Eddie, to which she says something snarky like she knew that already. She pushes him to go tell Eddie the truth but when Buck goes to the hospital he ends up seeing Ana there and decides not to tell him. Maybe in season 5 we have to watch Buck figuring out his sexuality and dealing with his feelings for Eddie while seeing Eddie with someone else.
911 could also surprise us and it could be Eddie who realizes his feelings for Buck. We had that scene with Carla and Eddie and it’s clear that Eddie is only with Ana for Christopher. We had Carla telling Eddie to follow his heart. When you look at the symbolism of what happened during the shooting Eddie’s blood ended up all over Buck which is like a trail to this heart (albeit a morbid one) not to mention Eddie reached out for Buck when he was on the ground. So Eddie could wake up and realize the truth about his feelings for Buck and want to tell him but be afraid to loose his best friend. Or maybe Eddie is afraid to change anything now that Christopher seems happy again finally.
There could also just be a scene with them in the hospital or maybe Buck comes to stay with Eddie and Christopher to help take care of Eddie and and  it’s clear the atmosphere has changed between them. Like we don’t get anything super serious yet but there’s something more there and they both feel it but aren’t acting on it yet. Maybe Buck tells Eddie how he felt when he saw him get shot maybe Eddie tells him he reached for him. Maybe they both realize they couldn’t bare to loose the other.
Everything that’s happened thus far with Buck and Eddie feels like it’s leading towards something. It definitely feels like something is going to change with them heading into season 5. I feel like they’re going to leave us on some kind of cliffhanger and then drag out whatever happens next season. Which makes sense as it incentives more people to watch. But I’m more optimistic than ever that Buddie will happen now.
I do agree with what others have said that there’s no place really for the writers to go now than to put Buck and Eddie together even if it doesn’t happen immediately. The shooting scene was completely framed like Buck watched the man he loved get shot and they were even wearing complimenting colors which is something I’ve seen done often in movies and tv for lovers. They were staring at each other and reaching out. I mean how do you explain that if it doesn’t lead anywhere?
Not to mention the whole thing was done in slow motion and the scene didn’t focus on anyone else besides Eddie and Buck for a few minutes. It even had an almost a freeze frame with the two staring at each other across the street and since there was blood and the ambulance the whole scene was lit up bright red. And apart from everything else red is pretty much universally known as the color for love.
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One other thing I forgot to add was that the convo with Eddie and Carla happened in an episode called Suspicion where people are keeping things from the people they love. The mother keeping things from her bridezilla daughter, Bobby and Athena keeping things from each other, Maddie keeping her depression from Chimney, Hen’s mom keeping how sick she was from Hen.
Why would 911 choose this episode in particular to feature all this important Buddie stuff? That important convo with Carla and Eddie where Carla basically tells Eddie she knows he’s not following his heart. That crazy intense moment with the shooting where Buck and Eddie are just staring at each other like soulmates having to watch the person they love die.
Maybe because both Buck and Eddie have things they’re hiding? Things they’re hiding from themselves and things they’re keeping from the person they love the most. Each other.
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buddielove · 3 years
Hi! I'm a gay fan of 911 and I have a question about the whole Buddie fandom. As much as I like Buck and Eddie, it's frustrating that a HUGE part of the fandom is pushing for these two characters to get together instead of putting energy into supporting Hen & Carla and Michael & Dave. Not to mention Carlos and TK in Lone Star. Can you explain to me the appeal of wanting these two men together? Wouldn't it be more interesting to see two heterosexual males just be able to bond in a non-toxic fashion? That's something we don't get to see often on television.
Hey! This is MAD long lmao I am so sorry! You caught me on a day I felt like talking! Also this took like a year to answer you lolololol. This does have a few ʻhot takesʻ so please be warned! So like in this essay....
So first I am also apart of the LGBTQIA+ community, so I do understand how it could come across as a fetish or being non supportive of the current canonically LGBTQIA+ characters, however I think a lot of the interest around Buddie and the want for them to be confirmed as a couple is how they are being written. Me personally I knew since s2 e1 Buck and Eddie were written not as rivals but as two people who would eventually become friends, but it wasn’t until the Christmas episode with the elf assuming Buck was Chris’s dad and Eddie’s partner that I was like ‘hold on!’ because I was really hoping Abbey would return and I didn’t see Eddie as a possible Buck live interest because of that. The elf’s comment wasn’t played off like most other shows would (think Dean and Sam arriving anywhere in Supernatural) it made me go back and look at the other episodes to see exactly how Buck and Eddie were being framed/written. And as we have moved into further seasons I think there has been a shift in how Buddie is being written, in s3 it was very much like two people progressing into a deeper friendship then the blood clot/lawsuit gets in the way and they both have to deal with emotions surrounding that, then Buck’s response to Eddie being trapped (we see how is he when Boddy is trapped in a fire WITH A GUNMAN, it’s emotional but not to the point is is with Eddie), even the love interests feel very pushed on us and there’s so little banter between Buddie about their gfs and how they feel about these new beginnings. It feels off, not like a friendship in the slightest, more like two people trying to force something and not wanting to deal with any other feelings. Then when Eddie gets shot and reveals Buck is Chris’s legal Guardian in the event Eddie dies, that’s huge, and he did this after only a year of knowing Buck (I have friends with kids. I’ve known one of them for FIVE years, I’m at their house every week, the kid calls me family. I’m person #10 on the list of ‘who gets my kid if I die’, not #1 lol) It just feels like it’s all building up to something, and people are getting tired of waiting for that something! We’re all emotionally tired from the past two years, and probably from many shows queerbaiting us and this is something that could happen, seems to be something the actors are ok with and the fans want. So why do they keep drawing it out. This isn’t about us demanding they ignore the chance to write a healthy platonic male friendship, or forcing two characters to be gay, it’s about holding the writers to what they’ve implied and seeing what could come of it.
Also think of it like this; If Buddie is confirmed it will still be a good example of a healthy friendship which then developed into something else, like Booth/Bones! Showing the natural progression of friendship to relationship that happens a lot in real life. It’s two men who previously (on screen at least) have only been with woman, but now they have an emotionally connection with someone which they then develop and explore. This could be 911’s first nontoxic depiction of two gay characters coming together, because sorry not sorry the canon couples aren’t perfect (which does humanize them) but they also reenforce harmful troupes that plaque the LGBTQIA+ community, which I’m sure you understand: TK was a drug addict, who only got with Carlos at first cause he was hot and sex was TK’s new addition (all gay men are sex addicts who do drugs and sleep with anything that moves). Carlos was ashamed and wanted to keep TK on the downlow (poc gay men want to pretend to be straight but have free access to gay sex). Hen cheated on Karen seemingly the first chance she got (lesbians can’t handle monogamy when pushed, and cheat on their long term partners). All known and documented troupes that happen far too often.
I’m not saying Buddie is some gay jesus ship that’s gonna save the entertainment industry but if done right it could prove to be one of the few healthy depictions of two men getting into a gay relationship we have. If they plan it out correctly, show us the relationship development, like they did with Maddie/Chim for example, Buddie could be used as a positive example of a gay fictional relationship (I really could go into depth about this. I probably should tbh).
As for not supporting Hen and KAREN, or Michael and DAVID, I think fans do support them! The writers don’t. If you read fanfics Henren and Michael/David are featured heavily in many fics, and ik some people might say ‘well they’re only there so Buddie can talk about their gay side!!’ but both these couples have their own fans and fanfic tags! They aren’t just plot devices in Buddie stories. There is a huge side of the fandom that supports Henren and wants to see more of them and their family. Same with Michael and David, during the episode where Michael and Bobby team up to find that plastic surgeon who was working illegally many people where ecstatic that we were getting more Michael/David content and that David was getting more than a couple lines. But sadly it seems like the writers only want to delve into these story lines when they need filler, they even miss opportunities to include these other LGBTQIA+ characters when it makes sense;
(Someone came for me about this but I am going to bring it up again)
When Chris is sad and wants more human connection, instead of bring Harry + Michael/David and Denny+Nia+Henren back into the picture (and yes I understood at the time the pandemic was bad (lmao still is!!), but all the actors at some point would have/had crossed over into each other’s ‘bubbles’, so ALL the actors would have been exposed to each other so getting the children together with adults they had ALREADY been with during shooting wouldn’t have been a super spreader event) but instead they brought in Ana after only two on screen dates and pretended like it was a logical thing for someone who’s up to that point been extremely careful with their child.
They really could have pushed the ‘118 is a family!’ message here and included the canonically gay supporting characters, and the lesbian main character(s) but they did not and instead chose to push the Ana/Eddie coupling even though they hadn’t properly developed it yet. The writers themselves don’t seem to care about developing their canonically gay characters and including them more than they have to but fans are continuously developing Henren and Michael/David with hc and fics.
I’d like to use your logic against you for a second, in s1 we have a very healthy, platonic friendship between Chim/Bobby but that got written out to the point they are more like boss/employee unless the scene calls for them to seem closer, we now have Bobby and Michael friendship but again we hardly see Michael. On Lone Star we have Owen and Judd as a really, really good example of a healthy male friendship but we see Judd more often with Tommy now then we do with Owen, and in s2 it’s overshadowed by Owen trusting Charlie from Twilight and constantly getting fucked over! Why can’t the writter just be happy with these happy, healthy, emotionally well male-male friendship they’ve already included and expand upon them. There’s enough drama because the show literally involves burning buildings and people’s lives being at risk from some natural/man made disaster ever 12 seconds. Does it need to have so much interpersonal conflict and male peacocking??
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