#I need to fix some things but not bad for a first attempt!! really happy
cosmic0de · 1 year
I want to thank @milk-sharks so much for their tutorial on pixel animations!!! I was really intimidated by it and they broke it down into bite-sized chunks that made a cool end product!!!!!! Thank you!!!
Go check them out NEOOOWWW!!!!!
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zoesmp4 · 5 months
NERVOUS “you’ve got me nervous to speak.” carl grimes x fem!reader
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tags: angst to fluff, use of y/n, cussing
a/n: back from the dead!! sorta based on nervous by the nbhd, and there’s also a little tsitp steven and taylor action that i used for inspiration. lyrics r in bold + italics or in between paras. enjoy lovelies!!
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the bond between you and carl was truly inseparable. you two had been through it all together, and never once had either of you thought about ending it all.
that was until now.
god, you don’t know how you found yourself in this situation. he’s just a friend. he’s always been just a friend. that’s what you believed, and that’s what you always told people. 
so how come, all of a sudden, he started becoming more than that? how come, out of the blue, you started getting butterflies at his gaze? it was an unfamiliar feeling, and you didn’t like it. you didn’t like it at all. 
you didn’t wanna do anything to jeopardize your beloved friendship, especially over something so dumb. you weren’t gonna lose everything all because of a stupid crush. so, after ages of decision making, you finally set your mind on a reasonable solution.
should i be quiet?
you were just gonna take some time to yourself. you were gonna stop talking to him for a bit. that’s all you needed, just some space. it couldn’t be that hard to lose feelings. besides, he would understand, right?
he in fact did not understand. “wanna come over? i just finished reading that comic you wanted.” he said, a grin plastered onto his face. “not today.” you quickly shut him down, and you could see the happiness on his face slowly fade away.
“oh, that’s fine. tomorrow?” you felt so bad. you really did wanna hang out with him, but you had to push away these feelings first. “i just need some time to myself for a while.”
your felt your heart pang when you looked at his expression. he gave you a slight smile, attempting to mask his disappointment. but you knew him. you knew him well enough to know he was upset. “yeah, i get it. i’ll see you later y/n.” he said, walking away. all of the energy he had when he approached you was long gone now.
it had been days, weeks even. you hadn’t uttered a word to him. so why wasn’t it working? why did you still long for him? it was so frustrating. 
not to mention, you were a mess. you would often find yourself with your head buried deep within your pillow, sniffling as tears flowed down your cheeks. on top of that, you weren’t getting enough sleep. you just missed carl. 
you figured the best thing you could do for yourself was to just get some fresh air. after all, it was no use trying to fix stuff with carl, you already fucked it all up. 
you took in the breeze, as you fiddled with your fingers. if it was a normal day, you would’ve been happy. you loved the cold, but today it was different. today, it made you feel numb. it made everything worse. 
you tried getting it off your mind. you tried to think about other things, but you couldn’t stop thinking about the look he had on his face the last time you talked to him. his smile was wiped clean off his face, and it was all your fault. 
you started to feel your eyes prick with tears. a single drop slowly traveled down your face, and you quickly wiped it off with your sleeve. 
you just wanted to cry, but you weren’t gonna let yourself do it out in the public. after all, once you started crying, you weren’t gonna stop. so, you turned around and picked up the pace. you were headed back home, where you could be vulnerable. 
your head was faced down, trying to hide your glassy eyes from anyone who could potentially see. “y/n?” you hear someone call out to you. the voice sounded familiar, and you instantly knew who it was without even lifting your head in the slightest. 
it was carl. you had to get away. just pretend you didn’t hear him, you thought to yourself. your footsteps quickened, until you heard his pleading voice once again. 
“just talk to me. please. is it something i said? i’m sorry for whatever i did.” 
“you didn’t do anything. it’s me. it’s all my fucking fault because my stupid self caught feelings for her best friend.” you wanted to say, but you restrained yourself. 
you finally came to a stop, turning around to face him. as soon as you met his gaze, you wanted to cry the hardest you’d ever cried before. 
he slowly stepped closer to you until his taller figure was in close in front of you. “can you please talk to me? you know i won’t get mad. you know i’m listening. so please, just please tell me what’s been bothering you.” he begged, his eyes softening. 
you let out a sigh, still sniffling. “it’s not your fault carl.” you said, your voice barely audible. “then what is it?” he said, keeping his voice at the same, calm volume. 
“i-i like you, and it’s really embarrassing.” you confess. you instantly regret your choice of words when you see a frown start to appear on his face. “i don’t know what i was expecting, but that was really fucking mean.” he says, about to walk away.
“no, carl. it’s embarrassing because of how much i like you.” there it is. that’s what you’ve been holding in. it felt weird hearing the words coming out of your mouth. “how is that embarrassing?” he questioned, the tender look started to come back on his face. 
ask me and ill tell you how i’ve been
“i- it’s like i forgot how to act around you. i’m always scared i’m gonna mess up. you’ve got me nervous to speak.”
that was the last thing you managed to get out before he pulled you into his chest for a tight hug. the dam holding your tears back broke.
the wetness stained his shirt, but he didn’t care. he rubbed your back with his arm, soothing you. you missed his embrace, the feeling you would get when you were in his arms felt heavenly.
after a few more seconds of the hug, carl shifted his hands to your shoulders. he softly pushed you back a little bit to get a look at your face.
he reached for your face to wipe any tears. “m’ sorry for ignoring you.” you said, voice soft and quiet. he shook his head, giving you a gentle smile. 
“you’re okay sweet girl, don’t worry about it.” he said. “i-it’s not okay. i ignored you for so long, i just cut you off like that. without a single warning. it was so inconsiderate and i’m really sor-” 
hush, baby, don’t you say another word
“you never shut up do you?” he said, cutting you off mid sentence before he crashed his lips onto yours. your eyes widened, and your movements froze before you slowly adjusted to the kiss. your eyes fluttered closed before you hesitantly tilted your head to get closer.
this was a new experience for the both of you, but it felt like he had years of practice. the way his hands made their way around your body, it sent shivers down your spine.  
after what seemed like an eternity, you both pulled away. the sounds of your mixed heavy breaths filled the air. carl’s hand reached for your face before he wiped your slightly smudged chapstick. 
he then tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. the gesture made the butterflies in your stomach act up more than they ever had in your life. 
i got goosebumps all over me
“next time, just let me know what’s on your mind, yeah?” he asks. “okay.” you say, looking at him with pure admiration. “that’s my girl.” 
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blublublujk · 9 months
bound 2 (falling in love)
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word count: 6.5k
genre: fwb to lovers
pairing: yoongi x reader
You and Yoongi were okay with being friends with benefits... until you weren't.
warnings: i tried to focus on fluff (did you catch it or did i fail), explicit sexual content; unprotected sex (they make love to each other), choking and breath play (hello it's yoongi), multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, crying (is it really my ff if there's no crying involved), creampie, very cute aftercare and i think that’s all, this is more sweet than anything lol
a.n: believe it or not this wasn't apart of my drafts i wrote this all one night because i couldn't sleep so thank my insomnia for this, it was about time i write about yoongi :D
also i noticed a lot of you are reading it was destiny and love always wins and i wish you guys wouldn't only because i plan to rewrite some of it and continue them at a further time (chaptered ffs are so hard for me rn since i don't have all the time in the world to dedicate myself to them but i promise to be back with those two series) thank you for everyone who takes time to read what i write it really means so much and your comments have been so motivating. thank you so fucking much for 2k notes on good girl, gone bad i havent seen numbers like that ever im so so grateful, thank you from the bottom of my heart. i'll try to be back one or two more times this month and happy late birthday to me hehe <3
—> m.list
—> welcome me on ao3 & twt
It happened again.
Another failed date to add to the sad list of people that simply will never workout for you.
The list was growing longer as months passed. When you started this list, it was barely the start of a very hot summer. Probably the hottest it’s been in years, one can only assume the winter will not be any easier. 
And you were right. Winter was only beginning and it was brutally cold. The streets were moist from the previous night of harsh rainfall. 
What better time to date and settle down than now. When the world gives you rain, settle for the warm arms of a lover.
Unfortunately, you made a grave mistake thinking this would come easy. Ten first dates later and you are still very single and loverless. 
It is not easy to go out during a time like now, suffering at the sight of happy couples and their stupid happy lives. Really, it should disgust you. It used to. The whole concept of devoting your entire life to someone. The need to constantly feel the tender touch of another person. The desire to fall in love and do it all over again, you get it now. At least, you think you do. 
“I don’t think this is gonna work.” The words fall from your mouth in a quiet rush. The man across you sits in silence before he smiles in his loss. 
“Don’t worry, I figured. It seems your mind was elsewhere. I know you don’t want to pursue anything romantically, and that’s fine with me, but is everything okay?” 
Is everything okay? Well currently, yeah you’re okay. As for your heart, it’s heavy and strangely, you feel there’s a hole in your chest and it needs to be filled. That would fix things, you think. You have been single for so long that you forgot what it was like to love and cherish someone. Not that you have ever truly loved or cherished anyone, but you’ve gotten close. If a silly relationship you had in your sophomore year of high school counts. Then yes, you’ve totally been in love. 
“I’m okay. Thanks for asking. I didn’t mean to lead you on, if it ever felt like I did.” The apology seems bitter in your mouth. Another failed fucking attempt. How difficult can dating be? Have you really been this disconnected with the world around you? 
“Don’t stress it! Things happen. I hope you can find what you’re looking for. See you… around?” The man’s understanding response makes you feel worse. Maybe you should consider deleting Tinder and finding love naturally, if that’s still a thing in the contemporary life. 
“Yeah, totally!” And like that you’re off to the next. Giving yourself plenty of time to bathe in your disappointment and miserably cry about your failed attempts at finding what you’ve been missing. Who knew dating could be so difficult?
The walk back home is just as cold as the outcome of today’s date. Your date insisted he could drive you home and if not that then pay for a cab, but you didn’t live too far from the restaurant you both met at. Though he insisted, you figured this walk could refresh you after yet another failure. You were starting to regret it as the cold wind started roughly hitting your skin. Preserving the chilly weather, you genuinely couldn’t wait to get home and wrap yourself in a bundle of warm blankets and comfortable clothes. 
Cold hands struggle to open your door, you blow on them with warm puffs of breaths, soon making your way in and getting comfortable in your humble apartment. 
yoon: you up?
And that, that is what made this harder. The fact that you knew there was someone completely capable of loving and caring for you the way you desired. You have seen it with your own eyes. Every time you ended up in his bed, in his arms, you felt it. Deep down you know something is there and that something beats everything else. Maybe you’re just delusional, but you look for him in everyone else and you hate it. Hate because you will never be anything more than his personal little whore that comes at the sound of his call. 
me: yeah
Normally, you aren’t dry over texts, especially not with him so he’ll see right through you. You’re hoping for once, he can ignore it. 
He won't. 
yoon: you ok?
me: been better
yoon: wanna talk about it?
me: no, i'm ok
yoon: ok, wanna come over? 
Yes, because during a time like this all you want is the comfort and warmth of someone else’s touch and Yoongi has never failed at giving that to you. But he is not yours.
And you are not his. 
me: not feeling well. sorry.
yoon: sick? 
A white lie never hurt anyone. 
me: yeah, throat hurts
yoon: im sorry 
me: it's not your fault maybe another time.
Though you really shouldn’t say that. There should be no next time. That way you don’t suffer any longer and drag him down with you, considering everything you’ve been feeling and dealing with lately. It’s not fair to Yoongi, but especially yourself.
He doesn’t reply anymore and you can’t even hide your disappointment. You aren’t disappointed at him, okay maybe a little bit at him, but mainly yourself and your recently found complicated feelings. 
You and Yoongi started this whole mess a year ago, before you even realized what you truly wanted. It started off with subtle flirting here and there. They say not to mess with coworkers, given that it can complicate things at work and one should never play with their main source of income, but you did it anyway. You are still young and he only made you feel younger, like a teenage girl crushing over her forbidden crush at church. It was silly, but Yoongi made it easy. 
The flirting turned to one thing, then another. 
“We shouldn’t, not here.” Yoongi had you pinned outside the club you both worked at, leaving trails of wet kisses down your throat.
“Five more minutes.” His words were muffled into your skin as his hands explored your body. Yoongi’s touch was always way too soft for his own good and you fell victim to his deadly warmth. 
“If Mr. Kim finds out, he’ll kill us and fire us both.” That was a bit dramatic on your part and you swore you felt the taller smiling against your neck.
Yoongi drops one last kiss on your cheek as his hot breath hits your ear. “Not if I kill him first.”
You gasped, pushing him off you with a quick smack to his chest. “D-Don’t even joke like that.” 
Yoongi just laughed. 
“Okay, okay baby.” The term of endearment fell from his lips too easily and you melted into the dark night. “See you after work?” 
You only nodded, not being able to deny his temporary warmth and sweet presence. Then he dropped a kiss on your lips, leaving you just as quick as when he first found you. You were fucked.
From there, it only got worse for your sake. Your heart could only take so much. 
Really, you should blame things on him. It was his fault you fell in love with him and his stupidly soft hands. It was all his fault! He left you no choice but to love the feel of his lips against your skin, to easily melt under his soft gaze, and find comfort in his unnecessarily warm bed. Yoongi was perfect. Everything you could ever want. 
That’s why it was so fucking hard. Dating was hard enough, but after feeling Yoongi’s intimate touch, you were a complete goner. Though he was far from it, Yoongi touched you like you were his and he would fuck you like a lover would. Kissing and making love to you as if you were the most beautiful woman on Earth. It was all too much. 
Fuck, you really needed to get a grip.
The knock on your door makes you jump from your couch. 
Ten minutes longer and you would have fallen asleep exactly where you were lying. In outside clothes and all. You didn’t even bother taking off the outfit you had carefully planned thinking that this lucky outfit would have finally taken you somewhere. It didn’t. 
“Coming!” There’s not a single person that should be outside your door, especially at this hour. Your feet make their way to the door regardless and the blood from your face drains when you see the person standing behind the door. 
Quickly, you unlock your front door, rushing the taller inside. “Hurry! It’s freezing! What are you doing out here?” 
Yoongi’s cheeks are surely frozen, a pink dust decorates his cheeks and the tip of his nose. It almost makes him look cute. You were far more gone than you imagined. 
He hustles inside, carrying a fairly large brown bag with him. He brought… groceries? 
“Took you long enough.” The taller one makes himself at home, laying his bag on your coffee table. 
“What are you even doing here?” You ask again. 
He ignores you. “Thought you said you were sick. You don’t look very sick?” 
Yoongi looks at you with a questioning look, his eyes wander your outfit and guilt starts eating your insides. 
You cross your arms, an attempt to hide yourself in shame, but what’s done is done. “I- I had plans.” 
“Yeah, I see that.” He simply says, standing awkwardly in your living area. 
If this doesn’t convince you to delete that forsaken app for the sake of your dignity and shameful behavior, you don’t know what will.
“Anyways, w-what brings you here?” 
“Brought you some stuff.” His hand waves over to the bag he carried inside. 
“Stuff?” You question, a bit dumbfounded, planted still in your place.
“Tea, cough drops, some soup I made earlier this week. Oh and flowers.” Yoongi doesn’t seem at all embarrassed or fazed about the situation. Not that he should be, but he speaks with a puff to his chest, as if he wanted to ensure you understood his every word and action. Like any concerned lover would be. As if he was yours and you were his.
This was so so bad. For you and your weak heart. Fuck.
He cuts you off before you even get to speak. “I don’t know if you’ll like it. It’s just some plain seaweed soup. Usually helps me when I’m sick. I’m not sure what flowers you like, or if you even like flowers. Do you? Their tulips. I did a bit of research before. My mom likes tulips. I figured you might like them too.” 
He did research? Double fuck! 
Yoongi was nervously rambling, now he was slightly embarrassed. Pink flushes his cheeks and it wasn’t the weather’s doing this time. 
“Yoongi…” You start breathlessly and in disbelief. 
“What?” He nearly stutters, his hand is shaking. He’s nervous. Who would have thought? 
“Why.” Is all you manage to ask. 
“You were sick.” Is all he replies. As if things were really that simple. What next? Would he come rushing to the hospital if you suddenly fell ill? God forbid, but it was a valid question. 
What was going on? For a second, you entertain the idea. Maybe he fell in love between the blurry lines of this complicated relationship. Were the shared intimate memories too special for him to forget too? You weren’t sure anymore, but what did this all mean? Maybe he loves you, as much as you love him.
Thoughts keep spinning and you wish there was an easier way to turn off your brain. Not now.
“I know, but why? Why all this? Why for me?” Your vulnerability is showing and it makes you feel weak. Maybe your hands are shaking too. 
“I don't understand?” Yoongi searches for the answer in your glossy eyes, he’s tempted to reach out and comfort you. Have you in his hands, but he’s too coward. He doesn’t want you to feel the shiver of his touch right now. His vulnerability peaks through as well. 
Why not you? It’s always going to be you. 
“I-I’m nothing to you.” There’s a shiver again and then you break. 
Yoongi doesn’t care anymore. He’ll consider the consequences later. Right now, none of it matters.
His hands hold your face, ready to wipe the tears that threaten to leak from your precious eyes. He hopes his hands aren't cold anymore from standing outside for so damn long, but he couldn’t stop himself, in his selfishness and all.
His hands shake slightly, trying to stay strong as he lays it all on the table. “Y/N, you’re everything to me.” He whispers, eyes never leaving yours.
You lay your own hands on his, you feel so delicate around him when you wrap warm hands around his cold wrists.
“I-I am?” You ask between sniffles. His hands are still pretty cold, but they’ll soon warm up against your soft skin. Nobody knows how desperately you need to be touched until you are and then it’s like little fireworks spark inside your body. It consumes you in the best way possible.
“Of course. I thought I made that obvious.” His eyes are soft, different to how he typically looks at you, but you’ve seen these same eyes before. They are no stranger. It’s similar to the look he gives you when you catch him staring at you while you are deep in work. He pretends to look away as if he wasn’t admiring you from afar and you pretend that you don’t notice his curious eyes. It’s the same look he has after you both end up in heated makeout sessions, behind the rusty club you both work at. And it’s definitely the same look he has while he settles on top of you, whispering sweet words of praise and promise.
Nothing should feel different but it just does, there’s something in the way he looks down at you that lets you know that everything you’ve been searching for has always been right here. Right where you’ve been all along.
The taller leans in and you freeze struggling to keep your eyes on his. Yoongi’s thumb brushes against your cheek with a soft touch. You were fragile between his hands and he’s willing to do anything to keep his precious flower safe. “Can I kiss you?” 
“Yes. Please.” You whisper back in a hurry, scared that this would be nothing but a dream. It wasn’t time for you to wake up yet.
His eyes zero-in on your lips and then he’s kissing you. It’s not much different from other times. After all, you guys have shared plenty of kisses, probably more than you should have considering you guys were friends with benefits, at most. But this time, the kiss isn’t just a careless lust-filled doing, no this time the kiss is a promise. The promise to never again allow you to question his feelings and intentions towards you. 
If Yoongi has to spend his whole life making this up to you, he simply would because that’s how much you meant to him. He can’t believe he even let this go on for this long. He should have been more clear and careful, but he doesn’t regret a damn thing. Not when he has all the time in the world to repair the time lost. And especially not when his reckless actions led him to this. To you.
Yoongi’s lips are soft and bend with yours with ease. He takes his time, never in a rush. Especially not when he has you in-hand. 
The taller doesn’t escalate the kiss. He keeps it sweet and gentle, like he always has been. “I’m so sorry baby.” 
Yoongi has the whole world in his hands right now as he looks down into the sparkles in your eyes and he’s never been so sure about anything in his life. “For being a fucking idiot.”
“It’s okay.” A kiss is shared again. “I was an idiot too. I was just scared that you wouldn’t want that with me.” 
“Want what?” The taller questions, fingers trailing your face, admiring the imperfections and all. 
“A relationship, I mean. You seemed content with how our relationship already was. I was afraid of losing that. Of losing you.” You admit, eyes fluttering at his touch. 
“Of course, I want that. I want that and more. I-I’m not the best with relationships. I’m only saying this because I want to be open and honest with you. There’s not a second you aren’t on my mind. While at work, you are all I can see. In a crowd of a hundred, my eyes always find yours. I don’t know how to explain what you do to me. But I don’t mind. I think if I ever lost that, I would lose my mind. So I’m sorry if I ever made you feel the opposite. There’s so much more I want to say, but I just don’t know how. I want that. I want that so bad. A relationship and whatever more you give me. I might not be the best boyfriend but I’ll do whatever it takes. I- I love you.” Yoongi’s words are heartfelt and he’s so relieved. One because he’s been keeping this in for so long, any longer and he would have exploded, but second because he’s been dying to say those three words. He really does love you and Yoongi doesn’t love many people in life, but if he had to choose, it’s always gonna be you. 
The tears that were creeping on your eye-lids fall prettily down your face, but Yoongi comes to your rescue. He’s quick to wipe them off your pretty face, tempted to kiss them away, but he keeps that in for now. “Y-Yoongi… I love you too. So much. I think I always have. You are so easy to love. The way you look at me, care for me, and always show up for me. That says more about you than anything else. I tried dating to get over what I felt for you, as you can probably tell, but nothing worked. It was so easy, Yoongi. So easy to fall in love with you. You’re perfect and I don’t doubt that you’ll be the best even after all this. I love you.”
“I love you too, I love you. Fuck, I love you.” Yoongi kisses you again and this time he isn’t as gentle. His lips are still soft as ever as they curl around yours. His tongue comes out and you immediately allow access, letting him explore your mouth. The taste is much better now that there isn’t anything you both are holding back. Everything down on the line and you couldn’t be happier. The hole in your heart was never empty, it was just waiting for this exact moment to remind you that you’ve always had it all. 
“Yoongi.” In between breaths you call his name and Yoongi feels his knees lock. “Take me to bed.” 
Yoongi just nods in a trance with the way your tone drips of arousal. A long strand of hair falls on his face when he picks you up with ease off your feet. He takes you to the place he’s had the honor to visit a hundred times before, but it’s different this time, much different. 
In the process of it all, something falls and it causes you both to laugh until you run out of breath. 
“I can’t believe that just happened.” You laugh into his ear. “You owe me a new lamp. My mother bought me that, you know. House-warming gift.”
“Fuck, sorry.” Yoongi mumbles near a whisper as he grips you harder like he’s afraid he might drop you next and the idea makes you giggle because you know he would never purposely hurt you. “I’ll apologize to your mother directly. Buy you and her a new lamp, whatever it takes.”
“What makes you think you are meeting my mother?” You tease with a smile on your face, watching the blush rise on his cheeks. 
“Well, I figured we could, you know, if you would like–” Yoongi doesn’t often get shy about many things but he can’t keep calm around you and that kills him softly.
“I’m just teasing you.” You say and he bites his lip. “Of course you’ll meet my mother and my father and my nosy ass family. I hope you like annoying, persistent grandma’s that stuff you full. My grandma’s the worst of her kind, but she’ll love you.”
“I would love to.” Yoongi simply replies, still whispering as if you guys had to keep quiet or else you’d be in deep trouble. 
“Why are we still whispering?” You whisper back, roaming fingers through his long, gorgeous hair. He needs to remind you to thank his mother personally for insisting he keep his hair long because it made him look pretty and you could never disagree. Yoongi’s so pretty. 
“I-I don’t know.” 
You both smile at each other before sharing another kiss. It’s so sweet and if you weren’t already off your feet, you would be floating by now. He’s gentle when letting you drop into the sheets below, he finds space between your legs and you wrap them around his hips. Lips still in contact, never losing the plushy feel. 
Everything starts to feel hot. Your hips start to slowly grind against his begging for any sort of friction. But the kissing doesn’t stop. 
Not when you start whining against his lips. 
Not even when Yoongi starts trailing his fingers down your waist and around your curves. He teases his fingertips against your waistline, soft to the touch. 
It’s not until you mewl loudly into his mouth, skillful tongue playing with yours, as you feel him start unbuckling your pants, button-by-button. 
Yoongi’s eyes are heavy-lidded, his gaze burning fire. “Gonna take care of you now, is that okay?” 
You furiously nod, coming up to kiss him once more, both your lips are raw and sensitive, but it gives you more of a reason to fix it with even more kisses. 
He drops one quick kiss onto your mouth before he trails down your jaw. Yoongi breathes in the sweet scent on your skin, wishing he could feel you even closer. “Smell so damn good.”
His voice is raspy against your ear and it makes you blush, while you feel his hand finally touch you where you had been aching with need. “Wanna hear you.”
Breathing lightly, you whisper. “Make me.” 
And of course, Yoongi makes you regret how fast you said the words because he delves his fingers forward with little resistance. Two fingers stretch you at the same time, gasping at the sudden sensation. 
By now, you were molded to fit Yoongi’s fingers. On days where you were really in need, you would take four, all at once. Yoongi was best at reading every expression, every crease and scrunch to your face, especially emotions. He knew exactly how to curve his fingers, the way to build you up, and bring you back down. Yoongi knew it all and he was so lucky too. 
He never anticipated it would have gone this far. It was just sex to begin with. But who were you both kidding, it was always much, much more. 
Yoongi curves his fingers in the way he’s used to and watches your mouth drop, sweet noises soon leaving your lips. “Feels good?” 
There’s no need to ask because he can tell. Your expression tells him everything he needs to know. That and the fact that you are dripping around his fingers but it’s sexier hearing it from you. 
“Yeah… f-feels so good.” With his other hand he tugs your clothes off, leaving you bare on the bottom. Remembering the first few times is a bit embarrassing, but Yoongi always made sure to take his time and make you feel comfortable. It was special and memorable in its own way, and Yoongi felt it too. 
This is unlike any first time, but it was technically the first time you could officially make love to each other until you fall lovesick and that had to be impossible around someone like Yoongi. 
“Hold your legs open for me, flower.” You try to ignore the warm feeling that buzzes in your chest, but you are sure your face says it all. Without another word, you spread your legs open, tucking both hands behind your thighs.
“Flower?” You breathe out with a bit of a struggle as his two fingers continue to pump deep inside you, brushing repeatedly against your g-spot. 
“Do you not like it?” Yoongi smiles slightly, biting his bottom lip while he watches you start to tremble, making the prettiest sounds. 
“I do. Why the new name?” Voice a bit unsteady but it does the job. Yoongi thinks of all the times he thought you were as pretty as a flower, which really was all the time. Especially, in the way he has you right now. Pretty, pretty as a flower. 
“I’ve always wanted to call you that. You’re pretty, sweet, delicate. Just like a flower.” He justifies his reasoning and you melt into puddles. 
“Yoongi.” Voice sweet as honey. 
“Yes baby.” He replies with ease.
“Make love to me, Yoongi.” 
There was a time in his life where Yoongi believed he could live without love. How foolish of him to think so. When he met you, it was a complete three-sixty. Suddenly, Yoongi started to look forward to his shit job. He looked forward to that time between breaks where he could admire you from the back like a pinning loser. Yoongi even started to like the walks he had to take to get to work because he knew that the path would eventually lead to you. He started looking forward to tomorrow's and to the bright future that led ahead. His mom would often complain that he was wasting his life away waiting for it to start, but Yoongi thinks life truly started the day he met you. 
It was a bit awkward because you couldn’t even look him in the eyes, intimated by the staff and new environment. You had previously worked in different bars so you assumed it would be no different and it wasn’t, but the intimidation of a new job was there nonetheless. Yoongi was there every step of the way. He had a crush on the new employee and you needed help on fitting in. Either way, your friendship was very platonic until it wasn’t. 
Yoongi knows he should have said something along the lines “hey, maybe we shouldn't be doing this anymore. I’m in love with you and I have been since you started working here” but the stupid words never made it out. He felt it would be too much to hear and it would only make him look like a complete loser. 
And you felt the same. It was silly really, because everyone around you knew it and there was no reason to fear someone as easy going and non-judgemental as Yoongi, nonetheless it brought you both here. After many failed dating attempts, you were finally happy and in the arms of someone who you truly love and want to be loved by. 
There was a time in his life where Yoongi believed he could live without love, now Yoongi believes your precious, sweet love brought him back to life and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. 
Clothes now discarded on the floor, heavy breathing filling the room, and Yoongi could get wasted on the smell of your intoxicating perfume. “Breathe flower.”
Yoongi felt you shiver at the sound of his words, throwing your head back as he thrusts you full of cock. He pushes inside you with gentle movements, struggling to keep himself up while feeling the tug of your warm velvet-like walls. 
You gasp feeling him hit your cervix in a calm, slow pace. It was breathtaking regardless of the gentle rhythm. “You’re so deep...”
“I know flower, breathe baby, breathe.” He is struggling to keep from coming inside you, overwhelmed by his own emotions as your eyes roll back, feeling the pressure rise in your belly. Without a condom, everything feels so different from other times, feeling every ridge and crease fold inside your drenching heat. You take him so nicely, like you always have. Like you’ve always belonged to him. 
You don’t even notice you stopped breathing until you start feeling lightheaded and desperate for fresh air. Breathing just as much as necessary so you don’t faint, you shake your head against his hold, his eyes watch yours, observing with curiosity. 
“Mm, n-no.” You shake your head again, whimpering when you feel him kiss your cervix with his swollen tip, over and over and over. “Can– can you…”
“Can I what, pretty flower?” Yoongi rolls his hips a bit faster, feeling his orgasm build too quickly. He wishes he could have days with you like this always. Days to love and worship you from head to toe.
“Choke me.” You manage to say. “Don— don’t wanna breathe.” 
Yoongi growls deep, increasing his speed even more, desperate to fill the deepest part of your glistening folds. He feels you tense underneath, the sounds coming from your mouth are loud enough for your neighbors to hear, but Yoongi stopped giving a fuck about everything around him. 
He places a hand on your throat and squeezes gently, not blocking off your airways completely, but leaving you just enough air to work with. It drives you insane. The more you breathe, his rough thrusts take the air out from your lungs and the process repeats. It feels so good.  
“M-more. Harder.” You barely hear your own words, but Yoongi seems to understand because his dick is moving rapidly inside you, nearly splitting you in two. You wrap both hands around his wrist, loving the heavy weight against your chest. It’ll end too soon and it disappoints you in a way, but you have all the time in the world to make this up. “G-Gonna come.” 
Yoongi nods, concentrating on the way your face scrunches with pleasure. With love. The way your eyes tell him a story. God, Yoongi’s madly in love. “Come, my precious flower.” 
With those final words, you come on his bare slick cock, blossoming in the blissful afterglow. Yoongi doesn’t stop thrusting inside you, but he takes his hand off your throat, kissing your face gently when he sees tears start leaking down your cheeks. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay baby. Breathe for me. Slowly.” Yoongi’s words bring you back down and you throw your arms around him, crying against his shoulder. You don’t even know what invoked this strong emotion to sob your eyes out, but Yoongi allows it, caressing the back of your head. Yoongi doesn’t judge, he only holds you until you settle down. “It’s okay baby, let it out. Breathe, pretty flower.” 
“C-Come inside muh-me, please.” Even after all that, you still beg for him and Yoongi wants to laugh but for your sake and the fact that it’s endearing to him, he delivers accordingly without further questions. 
Right as he’s going to paint your walls white, he pushes himself up with one hand, still holding you with the other. “You sure?”
You’re confused about the sudden question, the tears still decorate your face but then you understand. “Birth control. Just come in me Yoongi, fuck me, fu-fuck.”
Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to regain his brutal pace, fucking you with purpose. Not that he doesn’t want kids in the near future, but he sure as hell doesn’t want any right now. He’s glad you are on the same page but maybe one day the conversation would spark and he wouldn’t want the mother of his kids to be anyone else but you. You were perfect for him. 
“Gonna come.” That’s the only warning you get, then he’s emptying himself inside your tight walls. He doesn’t stop rolling his hips, his slit leaking puddles, until he’s pumped himself dry. With one last thrust, he groans and carefully pulls out. 
He brings you with him, head falling against his chest as he continues to play with your hair, leaving kisses into your bare shoulders. “You okay baby?”
“Perfect. Feel so good.” You mumble into his skin, feeling around his waist. “I’m leaking your come into the sheets though.”
“I’ll take care of it, pretty flower.” You nod sleepily into his chest with a quiet ‘thank you’, feeling completely sated and satisfied, aching with exhaustion. “Sleep baby, I got you.”
With that, you fall deep into the shackles of sleep. Yoongi rubs your back until you completely fall asleep in his arms. He struggles to unwrap himself from your hold, but when he finally succeeds, he tucks you in and kisses your cheek a few times before getting up to clean up after the mess you both created. 
He’s light on his feet, bringing a warm towel to your slick folds and wipes as best he can, being gentle so you could continue to enjoy your sleep. Even like this, you look so beautiful and Yoongi is an extremely lucky man. 
Yoongi makes sure to also pick up the lamp he dropped from earlier as well. He blows out a breath of relief when he notices that the damage is nothing big and nothing that can’t be fixed. He’ll make sure to fix that as soon as he can. 
While he’s out there, Yoongi places the tulips into a vase and fills it with water, placing it near a window where it could grow and blossom beautifully near the sunlight. He even cuts the tips into slants because he had heard somewhere online they last longer that way, making sure to get rid of any dead leaves and petals. Yoongi couldn’t be happier.
After he’s done with the light cleaning, he washes his hands and feels the exhaustion hit him tenfold. He’s careful when placing himself back in bed, lifting your arm and placing himself underneath you. The man smiles when he feels you curl yourself around him, sleeping soundlessly. 
“I love you.” He whispers and even though you don’t say it back Yoongi feels it with the way you melt into his arms. Yoongi falls asleep easily that night. 
“Baby.” Yoongi hears someone call him and he ignores it. Sleep calls his name louder and he doesn’t feel like waking up right now so he groans and cuddles deeper into the bedsheets below him, unaware of the life around him. 
“Baby wake up.” You keep calling sweetly and it’s tempting but he persists.
“No. Don’t wanna.” Yoongi grumbles like an old man and you can’t help but to laugh. “Just ten more minutes.”
When you woke up the next morning, you were so thankful Yoongi had kept his promise. Your apartment was flawless and you were as clean as you could be. The tulips looked prettier today as the sun shined on the delicate petals. You even had time to warm the seaweed soup he brought from home and you couldn’t wait to get a taste. The smell alone is delicious and it warmed your home up nicely, you truly couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that this was no longer a dream but your reality. You could definitely get used to this. 
You drop kisses onto his warm cheeks until his eyes flutter open, almost similar to a cat. “There you are.”
Yoongi pulls you into his arms again with quiet noncoherent grumbles and closes his eyes once more. “Give me ten minutes.”
“It’s already been ten.” You whisper lightly laughing. 
“Oh. Ten more then.” You get comfortable on his chest and cuddle for a bit longer because you can’t say no to his cute sleepy self. 
Yoongi starts to sniff the air with curiosity. “Is that the seaweed soup I brought you?” 
“Mhm.” You hum. “Better get up soon before it burns.” 
That manages to be convincing enough and Yoongi forces himself up, with you in his embrace. 
“Wanna wake up like that forever.” He says, voice filled with sleep. 
“You can.” 
Yoongi snaps his heavy eyes towards you. “Are you–”
“Move in with me, Yoongi.” Yes, you skipped every step to this, but nothing was ever to code between you and Yoongi. One thing you were so sure of and that was spending the rest of your life with him. “Please.”
“I- yes, of course.” Yoongi wraps his arms around you for a tight hug, kissing your temple. “I love you. I love you and I’ll prove it to you every single day.” 
“I know, I love you too. I love you.” Those three words come out from your mouths so easily and it’s nice that you no longer have to ever hold back. The man of your dreams is in the palms of your humble home and he’s in love with you. This was better than any dream. 
“Let’s eat?” He says after some time of hugging and kisses being interchanged. 
You nod, letting him take you there. Your kitchen is filled with the cruel aroma of food and your tummy rumbles as you sit comfortably while you wait for him to serve you a bowl of the warm tasty soup. 
“I should be doing that. I’m a terrible host.” Yoongi shakes his head while smiling, the fluff of hair moving with him, then your phone dings. “Hold on, give me a second.” 
Your heart drops when you see it is a Tinder notification from a man you promised to get back to. You look over to find Yoongi serving your bowl, making his way to the table. He leans in puckering slightly and you immediately lean into the sweet sudden kiss while he places your meal in front of you. This Yoongi is new because it wasn’t often you could act domestically towards one another, however this was perfect and just what you needed. 
“Everything okay baby?” Yoongi asks while caressing your soft cheek and you immediately nod in his palm. 
“Yes, everything’s perfect.” You reply in awe. “Thank you Yoongi, for everything.”
For letting me love you and for loving me back. 
The older man just smiles and joins you for the meal. 
It turns out you didn’t need Tinder after all. 
You quickly delete the app off your phone and start to eat with the love of your life, conversation flows while you enjoy each other’s presence and fall deeper in love. 
Alike Yoongi, you couldn’t imagine it happening any other way. You were bound to fall in love, one way or another, but that man was meant to be yours as you were meant to be his.
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skunkox · 3 months
Darlin' and Hair
Below the cut are headcanons, probably more suited for/ canon to my version/s of Darlin'.
Darlin running their fingers through Sam's chest shirt and happy trail when they're trying to self sooth or deep in thought. Sam finds it comfortable but checks in if it lasts more than two minutes.
When it comes to their own hair, it may be the only thing they attempted to really take care of in any capacity on a regular basis. It's something they have control over, and it's one of the first things people take notice of. I feel there's a small circle of people that they let touch it.
Sam, Milo, Marie, Asher and Baaabe.
(As of now)
Darlin' has a lot of hair. It's very much an all-day affair when it comes to its care. It takes about a year or so for them to seek out help from Sam just to part it into sections. This would later snowball into helping them wash it. Outside of care, they often let him "play" with it while they're cuddling. It takes less than 5 minutes for Darlin' to fall asleep when he does. Sam uses this like an off button when he sees them fighting sleep. It's happened during get-together with the pack.
Definitely has tried to fix them up before a pack meeting or before their parents would see them after a fight. It was always a fix now, ask questions later kind of situation. When they were younger and needed to confide in someone about their home situation, hair kept their hands busy and made it easier to talk.
Has healed them up so many times but there hair would always tell just how bad a fight had been. Marie would see how they would fret as a kid about being seen visibly roughed up. Or rather. Letting their parents see them like that. Marie would keep hair care just for them at her place.
They realized very early on that Asher didn't believe in personal space. Guy was pretty lanky as a kid, too. It wasn't uncommon for his hand to end up on their head. They accepted this bit of physical contact for the most. At least until he started saying some off the wall shit or was increasingly putting more of his body weight on them. They still are like this to this day and will continue to do so till they're old and decrepit.
Actually loves doing hair and misses doing it for others. It took time for Baaabe to work up the courage to ask, and Darlin' was skeptical. When they did agree, they were pleasantly surprised by how gentle they were about it. Especially their tender spots. Baaabe has been doing their hair for all big events. Occasionally if Baabe is not in the head space to to maintance on their own locs, they'll call them over to do it for them hair days are their bonding time and Ash couldn't be happier about it.
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Just Happy To Be Here
Eddie Munson x AFAB! Reader
This is such a crack fic, honestly I love writing adorable Eddie.
Warnings: References to sex, references to oral sex, explicit language.
Eddie is almost 99% sure he dreamt you up. There's no other explanation, you're beautiful, smart, sexy as all hell, funny, kind, caring, and you love him. Did he also mention sexy as all hell? He did? Good.
The whole thing was absurd, it warranted scientific investigations, academics would one day research the phenomenon and write expansive books on the subject.
'The woman who obviously hit her head incredibly hard and fell in love with the town freak - a study.'
In the two years you'd been dating, aka the best years of Eddie's life, the thing he appreciates most is how comfortable you are with each other now. When you first started dating that was also great but you were both trying so hard to impress each other all the time. He remembered when you got a really bad rash from shaving your pussy so much, the sore, red raw skin made him so sad, he had told you in no uncertain terms after that, that you could have a glorious bush to rival Laura Sands and he would still the happiest (and horniest) man on Earth, because it was you.
Besides, who doesn't enjoy an adventurous trek through the jungle every now and then?
But back to being comfortable, like now you’re sitting length-ways on the sofa, back to his chest, stained sweatpants, holey t-shirt, three day old hair, shoveling popcorn into your mouth in, quite frankly, an aggressive manner and all Eddie can think is 'goddess'.
"- I mean I know you shouldn't root for the shark, but pay more attention to your kid lady!" You gripe around your mouthful, gesturing at the television. Eddie presses a firm kiss to your cheek, grinning over just how much he adores you.
"What was that for?" You ask, a bashful smile on your face.
"Nothin', just like you is all." He says attempting to be casual, but failing miserably, fingers tracing up and down your arm.
You beam at him, and he thinks he might have a heart attack when you turn your head, planting a big kiss on his lips, you taste like caramel and cherry cola.
"I like you too baby." You whisper, pecking at his lips one more time before turning back to the screen to shout. 
"I mean c'mon who cares about some whiney kid, what about the fucking dog?!"
Anyway, sex, oh sweet Jesus, sex with you, it’s the best. Being a social outcast, Eddie hadn’t been afforded many opportunities to have relations with the female of the species, he certainly wasn’t a virgin but outside of the occasional inebriated hook up he relied mostly on his hand and vivid imagination.
So when you strolled into his life, with your heavenly curves and devilish smirk, and actually wanted him, he was decidedly at your mercy. He still can’t believe that he gets to see you naked, like if he wants to see your tits he only needs to ask, and you’ll happily flash him.
Last weekend you had been hanging out at the trailer, both of you sprawled across his bed, Eddie leaning against the headboard busy learning some new chords.
“Eds I’m bored.” You sigh, throwing your book to one side, crawling over to him on all fours.
“We can go for a walk or something in a bit if you want sweetheart.” He murmurs absentmindedly, practicing his finger placement.
“I don’t want to go for a walk.” You say coquettishly, pressing your arms into your chest, giving your tits a boost.
“So - uh - what did you want to do?” Eddie asks, hands stilling on the strings, eyes unabashedly fixed to your breasts.
“You.” You reply simply, leaning back to pull your top over your head.
If he had been holding anything other than his guitar it would have been flung across the room, instead he scrambled up, placing her back into her stand as carefully as possible before throwing himself back to the bed in a chaotic state of undress; so eager to just be involved.
The first time you had sex together Eddie came in two minutes, you were so fucking beautiful and sexy, and you definitely have a vice between your legs rather than a vagina. He was mortified, thinking you’d up and leave, instead you giggled and smiled blissfully, kissing and petting him until he was ready for round two… and three.
There is always laughter during sex, it's only to be expected, both of you being inherently clumsy and awkward humans. You’ll say dumb shit like “Climb aboard sailor, and find me booty!”, or when switching positions someone will accidentally get kneed in the crotch, Eddie’s rings catching in your hair, you deciding you’re not actually going to squirt but rather desperately have to pee halfway through. Some of Eddie’s best orgasms have been when he is laughing with you, like the time you had to relocate to his floor as Wayne was home and the bedframe kept nudging against the wall with a tell-tale ‘thump, thump, thump’, instead of getting up like normal people you both decided to simply roll off the mattress still connected. Teeth, heads, and elbows colliding painfully, but you had sat up with a breathless laugh, resuming your frantic pace, Eddie delirious and hysterical beneath you. 
The idea that you found him sexy honestly baffles him, why would you pick him when there were people like Steve Harrington in the world, but then he would catch you staring at him; biting your bottom lip, dreamy look on your face and he knew you were down just as bad as him. Even so the first time you asked to suck him off he asked you to clarify three times just to be sure he hadn’t misheard, when you repeated your request he near enough died, and when you finally put your mouth on him - well it would have been a hell of a way to go out.
Taglist: @take-everything-you-can @angietherose @chronicles-of-koystee @lottie9090-blog @akiratoro420 @eddies-hid3out @whoahoney @
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Hello,so i've been brainrotting about Pei ming genuinely falling in love with f!reader,but the reader always ignored him since he is known for using women for fun,but he just keeps trying so hard to win reader over and prove he's actually inlove with them. It would be great if you could write this in hcs,you can ignore this if you dont want to
I Have Standards
Pei Ming x F!reader
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Do you know how long I had to search the gifs for him?
Pei Ming is a womanizer everyone knows that
But Pei Ming genuinely has found an interest in you. Truthfully!
You intrigue him, however you also ignore him
So he hasn't been able to get far in his affections
Most women don't ignore him like this you know?
Pei Ming has been chasing you around like a lost dog, trying to prove his love to you
He's tried to woo you, give you flowers, buy you expensive things, take you out
But no you ignore him gracefully as if he were your fan
This man is genuinely confused. Like??? Why is she ignoring me ugh I got to step up my game I guess
Doesn't realize it's because of his reputation until Ling Wen tells him
Which she only did, because he wouldn't stop bitching in her ear about how his lovely crush won't bat an eyelash at him.
She wishes you the best of luck
Now that he knows the problem lies within his reputation he doesn't know how to fix that. . .
How does one go back and fix the past?
Ling Wen tells him he's stupid and maybe he should try to clean up his act. Then you'll look at him.
So that's what he attempts to do.
He should've done that in the first place but like he's trying okay?
Pei Ming really isn't all that bad, he just needs to get you to actually talk to him now.
Asks Ling Wen how he's supposed to sit down with you and she sends him right to your door.
Ling Wen is probably the only reason you guys have a chance of being together because she paid you off to deal with him.
She's sick of it
You stay true to your word though and give him a chance to woo you.
You sit in your palace lounge with crossed legs.
You aren't expecting anything heart felt
However you sit with wide eyes when Pei Ming pours his heart out to you.
Pei Ming practiced this speech like several times.
"I know I don't have the best reputation with women, but if you could give me a chance I promise to treat you right and not throw you to the side like rumours say I would"
Etc, etc
Okay so you're woo'd
Do you know what time period it is? Especially as a women?
All men are too afraid of their feelings and some are too busy being gay with each other cough, cough Xie Lian.
It just doesn't leave a girl like you many options
But you do like Pei Ming you've just never told him because of the whole reputation thing
You've been quiet for a long time, Pei Ming almost thinks you're going to say no.
Very happy when you say yes!
Astounded when you say you'll castrate him if he does you wrong.
He'll accept that!
I hope I wasn't rambling 😞 but yip yip guys 🖤
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slytherinshua · 1 year
Can you please write a bnd Jaehyun x reader please
genre. fluff. soulmate au. warnings. jaehyun is whipped. one kiss. pairing. jaehyun x fem!reader. wc. 1.1k. a/n. tysm for requesting!! i feel like i could've written this better now but oh well skdjskd.
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When Jaehyun found his soulmate, the first thing he would do is kiss her. He was determined to do this. It sounded like an impossible dream, though. The finding part, that is. He was confident in his kissing abilities as long as he had someone who he loved to kiss, but you seemed to be evading him. Or maybe he was just bad at looking for you.
He knew that you were his soulmate… whoever you were. Well, he knew a little about you. Your name was Y/n and you were the same age as him. He wanted to know more about you, but the time limit for soulmate conversations was 5 minutes a day, and he had only been talking to you for a week. 
How did you manage to make him fall this in love with you in just a week? He had no idea. Maybe it was because he knew you were his soulmate, or maybe it was some special charm you had. He smiled whenever he thought about you and his heart beat so fast that he thought it would burst in his chest. He had always liked the daytime, but suddenly 9 pm was his favourite time of day. You would always say hi at exactly that time. Your conversations went something like this.
“Hello, Jaehyun, this is your soulmate checking in at 9 pm sharp.”
“Hi.” (Jaehyun would be smiling crazily at this point. So would you.)
“How did your day go?”
“It was alright… Am I weird for missing you even though I’ve never met you?”
“If you’re weird for that then I’m weird too.”
“. . .”
“We’ll meet soon, right?”
“I hope so.”
“Well, we’re regretfully running out of time, so… Goodnight, Jaehyun!”
“Goodnight, Y/n.”
Jaehyun waited anxiously for 9 pm the next day. He kept wondering what you looked like all throughout the day. There wasn’t any way to know, really. It’s not like you could send pictures through your head. He needed to meet you in real life. He called you first that night, not being able to wait until the clock struck 9.
“Hi, Y/n.”
“Hi, Jaehyun. You’re a bit early.”
God, did his heart flutter whenever he heard you say his name.
“Couldn’t wait to talk to you.” 
He hoped you were smiling at what he said. He hoped he was able to make you as happy as you were able to make him. 
“That’s really cute.” 
He heard you giggle. He felt like he would die right then and there. How could your laugh be so beautiful? 
“Y/n, do you want to meet me?”
Jaehyun felt like his nerves might make him explode as he waited for your answer.
“I’d love to meet you… Do you know that coffee shop called Serenade?”
“I know it. Are you free tomorrow?”
“If it means meeting you, I’m free any day of the week.”
Now Jaehyun was sure you were smiling. He could hear it in your voice, the way it was bright and soft. He closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing heart and cool his hot cheeks.
“I’ll be there at 1 pm, okay?”
“Right. 1 pm tomorrow.”
Jaehyun couldn’t decide what to wear. Should he dress up? Dress down? What if he showed up in a tuxedo and you showed up in sweatpants and then everything was awkward? What if he put on a hoodie but you put on a fancy dress? He sank to the floor, back resting against his bed as he sighed. This was really really hard.
Cute but casual would be a safe option, right? Right.
Jaehyun stood up again and rummaged through his closet until he found his best pair of jeans and sweater. Ten minutes later, he was satisfied with his outfit. He stood in front of his mirror and attempted to fix his hair. Trying to style it would probably go horribly wrong given his lack of skill with hair, so he decided to keep it natural.
Jaehyun checked his phone for the time and his heart leapt. 12:40. He could finally leave without being God awfully early. He rushed outside and still managed to be ten minutes early to your meeting.
He remembered during one of the times he talked to you, you mentioned that you loved cold drinks. He scanned the menu and ordered one that popped out to him along with his own drink. Now he just needed to wait.
It was nice out and he didn’t want to constantly stare at the door (that would only make him more anxious and impatient), so he decided to wait outside. No one was sitting outside so the outdoor seating was completely empty. It was perfect.
He knew it was you as soon as he saw you walking up, nervously looking around and fiddling with your bag. He knew his face was probably bright red, but he didn’t care. He didn’t have the willpower to look away from you because you looked angelic to him. 
He stood up to make his presence more clear and it caught your attention. You grinned at him, and God, your smile was so beautiful Jaehyun practically forgot how to breathe.
“Jaehyun, fancy seeing you here.” You giggled, stepping up so you were only a couple feet apart.
Jaehyun laughed, “I know, how convenient.”
There was a pause where both your hearts were racing and you didn’t know what to say. A feeling of ecstasy circled the air and it was all you could breathe in as you looked at him. 
“I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but uhm… I’ve had this thought for years that when I meet my soulmate the first thing I’d do is… kiss… her…” Jaehyun’s voice got quieter as he confessed his thoughts, nerves tangling together in his stomach and his hands shaking a little.
“What are you waiting for, then?” You whispered, cheeks tinting a bit. You had thought about kissing him since before you had met him in person, but you had to admit that when you first saw his face, the thought of kissing him was 10 times more appealing than it already was.
“I don’t know, I’m just kinda… nervous. You’re a lot prettier than I thought you’d be and it’s like… wow, you really are my soulmate-”
His nervous rambling was so cute to you that you couldn’t help but rise up on your tiptoes and kiss him. His eyes widened and you felt him tense up, making you smile a little. He relaxed eventually once you gave him a little push of encouragement by guiding his hand to your waist.
You laughed when you pulled out, finding Jaehyun’s shyness more charming than anything else. He hid his face in his hand, doubtlessly trying to conceal his bright red cheeks from you. But you wanted to see them, so you pulled his hands away, holding them in yours, carefully lacing your fingers together with his. You saw his cheeks turn even brighter at your action.
“Cute…” You mumbled.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ boynextdoor taglist: @rizzshimura,, @captivq
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tcfactory · 9 months
So, I have a really silly Mobei-jun transmigrator idea.
OG Mobei gets into writing after his Qinghua dies and Bingge starts doing the endless harem collecting because he wants to get away from what is kinda turning into his personal hell and he doesn't even have a trusty retainer he can bully to let off some steam.
He doesn't plan on getting any of it published because he starts out really clumsy with his words at first and even he knows it. But after getting all his venting out in his early works he really just nails the kind of stories with AU fix-it vibes (even if he always very carefully writes different settings than their own world. Can't have Bingge think he is criticizing what the Junshang has done to the world) that a lot of people in PIDW crave as a form of escapism, actually. And it's a little bit fun to sneak around and get the publishing contract and the illustrations and everything done behind Bingge's back.
The harem is hooked. There are passionate fanclubs for his characters that change the friendships and alliances between the consorts. There are ship wars that escalate to actual murder attempts. Mobei-jun watches with growing dread as the women ignore Luo Binghe in favor of trying to find out who the mysterious author writing the books is. Nobody suspects him because in person he still doesn't talk, like, at all.
Except finally Bingge has enough and uses a relic to track down the mysterious author and ends up killing Mobei, because centuries of loyal service or not, he has stirred up the harem so bad that Bingge refuses to tolerate the distraction anymore. Mobei dies thinking that if it was to end like this anyway he really should have just written that wish-fulfillment fix-it story he always wanted.
So the former Mobei-jun transmigrates into Mo Yunbao, soon to be An Ding's head disciple, a little before Binghe comes to the sect. He doesn't have a digital System (at least at the start), he has an analogue interface: the System directly communicates with these strangely folded paper 'birds'.
It takes Mobei some time to realize that other people can technically see the papers the System sends, but only if he deliberately brings attention to them, they can't read any of the writing and then they forget about them right away. He eats a lot of paper trying to hide them before he realizes that he doesn't have to bother.
Since his complaint was essentially that "nobody was actually happy in PIDW, not even the protagonist" his task is simple: create the maximum number of happy endings without completely sidestepping the main storyline re: Binghe, abyss, the usual System restrictions. How hard could it be, right? He thinks he has a fair idea about all of these people, Luo Binghe just could not shut up about all his horrible childhood when he had a captive audience and Mobei has always been very good at listening.
Except Shang Qinghua is acting strange. Mobei dismisses it as maybe the peak lord being different with his disciples than he is with his king, even if there are other things that are not quite aligning as they should. He already knows how he's going to fix that storyline, he needs to focus on figuring out all the other things, so he just ignores Shang Qinghua.
Yeah, that goes exactly as well as you'd think. Imagine Airplane bro for a moment: he's trying to send his weird little (he's cute, like a feral kitten is cute) gremlin of a head disciple to harass Shen Qingqiu into turning in the bi-monthly financial report early so he can sneak out and report to his king, when the distracted A-Bao reminds him not to forget his fur coat this time. It's the middle of the summer! Even more shockingly a very neatly folded paper plane flies in out of nowhere and hits head disciple Mo on the head with a thwack before it falls on the peak lord's desk.
Qinghua surprises both of them by picking the paper plane up before the other can even reach for it. It's a warning for OOC violation, but no point deduction because there are only transmigrators in the room.
So both Mobei and Airplane tell their stories, they bond over their love of writing and how fucked it would be if everything someone wrote became someone else's reality (Mobei hopes that hasn't happened to any of his stories. He wrote some really dark stuff at the start of his writing career that he would never wish even on his worst enemy), somewhere along the way they bully the System into upgrading Mobei's interface to the digital one and they become allies in fixing the world one doomed relationship at a time.
It's not long into their cooperation when Mobei realizes that he really likes this version of Shang Qinghua, actually, but it would be really inappropriate for a head disciple to hook up with his shizun, so he settles for setting the other Mobei-jun up with Airplane. Airplane is a good, responsible creator deity, he deserves a happy end.
Besides, Mobei has a good life here, as a human. He has friends he can (affectionately) bully, he doesn't have to fear certain death (for a while at least), he teams up with Liu Mingyan and together they convince Shen Qingqiu to preside over a cross-peak literature and creative writing club that's an absolute blast and Liu Qingge is trying to poach him for Bai Zhan because the body of Mo Yunbao is really suited for physical cultivation. He would go too if it wasn't so much more convenient to stay on An Ding for the sake of their schemes, but maybe he can let the War God steal him away for some night-hunting dates every now and then.
They don't know yet what to do with Luo Binghe when he inevitably shows up at the sect, but he has some faith that between Airplane and him they can figure out something good.
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alma-amentet · 2 months
Why do you dislike the DLC main story so much?
Not to argue or something, just wondering after seeing you ranting in the tags.
I just don't like it. It didn't meet my expectations. In the end, yeah, it comes down to preferences... Though I agree on 'bad writing', and it's just good to know I'm not alone in this.
You know, I'd like it. After all, I knew what I was messing into and didn't expect a happy ending, Age of Abundance (though it was in cut content, so...) or something. It could've been a beautiful tragic story of Miquella loosing parts of himself as a last desperate attempt to fix things but failing.
There are good rewrites, this is one of my favorites
But there are major things that I'll never accept as canon.
Promised consort Retcon. Makes no sense. Bad writing, and I will really die on this hill. Bc no evidence of this in the base game and a weird idea in general. Also how drastically they ruined the battle of Aeonia. Like... really? This feels like fanservice/trollery (assuming fandom's past fights). Horseboy's story should have ended with the festival (for me it did).
'Mohg beating allegations' and all that evil charm thing. First of all, no way he did, he's still an evil bloody cultist. Secondly, him being charmed makes it actually more problematic in some ways. I liked him as a well-designed villain acting on his own and Formless Mother's behalf, the new reveals ruin his character for me. Third, there are known plotholes (like others not acting this way under the charm or why would he travel to the Haligtree and back - could've stayed there or something). In the end, I think it's Ansbach who's a real charmer, charming the fandom. Luckily I'm not into handsome old men, so not buying it. He's devoted to his lord, that's all, no matter how wise and reasonable he may seem (still devoted, mind you).
There are other new bits of lore that look more OK... Though they have plotholes and contradictions, too (questioning ideas of godhood and the Shattering itself - that's what I can remember).
Much's been said in general, not gonna repeat (you can find it in my older posts and reposts). I see people analyzing and rationalizing new lore, enjoying the DLC. Good for them. Even envious at some point. As for myself, no matter how I miss my prev happy times in the fandom, now I see not much sense in discussing it, finding deep meanings etc. Loved to watch lore vids, now I mostly can't even if I want to. Maybe rewatching my older fav ones, but not most new ones. Some content is just upsetting. I'll need it anyway for my own AU and headcanons, so hope I'll find strenght, but not now.
Again, It feels like a joke or trollery, and if the authors themselves treat it this way, why should I bother wasting my time/energy?
There are some other details that are still interesting (like Marika's backtory n stuff), yet again, could've been a beautiful tragic story... but oh.
I used to be in kids/tween fandoms, which were silly by default, neither deep meaning nor dark complex philosophy. Yet some of them were making even more sense in writing, while others were not given high expectations right from the start, that's it.
Not leaving the fandom bc it's not done so easily, will even do some fanarts (finally. hopefully). I think I'll dwell solely on AUs / fixes / rewrites and some visuals without much context. Also on things I liked before the DLC and things I still like (like Maliketh/Marika), and filtering unsettling content as much as I can. But yes, you'll see me venting and supporting other people's rants. Untill my passion fades naturally and switches to something else.
I'll pick up the base game back when I can (my current PC won't run it by any chance), but will notbe buying the DLC. At least, for now.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
I saw your Lackadaisy headcanons and I couldn't be happier cause this fandom needs more love. Can you do one for Mordecai with a female reader who's love language is acts of services and physical touch. Like, she has almost no sense of personal space (she really doesn't mean to make him uncomfortable) and if absolutely FLUSTERS poor Mordecai especially when he becomes aware of his feelings after a SLOW burn built up. Thank you so much for the awesome work and keep it up ❤️
Ayo so I actually got like 2 other messages about a Pt.2 to the first Mordecai headcanons, so Im adding this onto that! Again for some reason this murdercat got away from me so its a long boy. I attempted to keep it organized ,, , ,
First order of business, Mitzi ships it.
Back when Atlas bought her that nifty camera, she didn't just take embarrassing photos of Mordecai. She got some pretty cute candid shots of you around the bar, and a kinda-blurry-but-not-too-bad photo of you and Mordecai outside the big cafe window, talking to each other and not aware you were being photographed. It's pretty artsy, if she says so herself. She tucks the photos in Mordecai's desk and directly hands you the silly ones she took of him.
Actually, she clocked your feelings early on, but figured he wasn't interested. Didn't seem like the kind of guy, which is a shame. You're a sweetie. She hadn't seen you both act any different for a long time, so maybe that crush fizzled out? But if you ever bring it up with Mitzi, she's your #1 support. She's gonna set you up nice and give you all sorts of tips that just ... fall flat. Jeez, she knew Mordecai was unapproachable, but is it really going to take this long ...?
Viktor also figured your feelings out (albeit later), but that ain't his business. You had odd taste, though. He thinks it's pretty funny when other people flirt with you and Mordecai's suddenly in a foul mood and doesn't understand why. At least you two aren't hanky panky or anything, eugh, and you keep your heads during firefights. Anytime Viktor tries to bring up the topic (which, granted, is like a grand total of three times), he's so round about and non-direct that you have no idea what he's getting at. Oh well.
(If the idea of you two being a couple is brought up with anyone else, they can scarcely believe it. You? With him? Good luck. Only Atlas seems to see it, though his employee's love lives aren't relevant unless it gets in the way of business.)
Actually, if you're a more exuberant and affectionate type, that just makes people question your taste in him even more. The first few interactions didn't go great - you touched him without thinking, like you do most people, and he flinched so hard it's like you hurt him. Second time he hissed. Right, you got the picture. You became more mindful and considerate of his personal space, that plus an apology goes a long way.
Once you both are more familiar and have more trust, you can put a hand on Mordecai's shoulder or back without him reacting much. You can even squeeze his shoulder if you're trying to be reassuring, or silently warning him. Sometimes you just say "Hey, I'm gonna touch you," and you fix his coat or check a bruise. He lets you get away with more than others because you ask first.
(Sometimes he feels bad for it - you'll rush to hug your friends and you're so happy in their embrace, then you bound over to him and clearly restrain yourself as you touch his arm.)
Eventually you ask for hugs - quick ones! Special occassions only! But sometimes you're obviously distressed so he just. Lets it happen, briefly. If this is before admitting any feelings to each other or even himself, it's brief. If this is many years into this weird sort-of-understanding-relationship thing you both have, he'll quietly hold you while you get your emotions out. It's the least he can do, it really is. Mordecai already feels like he isn't deserving of whatever this is, and moreso if you're clearly someone who needs and wants physical attention and comfort.
But he does try, in his way. He'll reach over and take your hand. He gets used to sitting shoulder to shoulder, your tails brushing each other, or letting you lean on him when you're both exhausted. He actually likes it quite a bit when you slightly lean as you read and he does paperwork. It's nice to have that solid warmth, and comfortable quiet.
Mordecai lives in the main building above the cafe, long after he could afford an apartment. More economical and practical, he reasons. If Atlas needs something, he's right there. When you begin inviting him to dinner at your place, very slowly, he starts lingering afterward. Mordecai tries to make it like it's because it's easier to do numbers there - better lighting, your place is quieter, and so on. Nevermind the warm dinner and the nice fire in the fireplace and some low music on the radio and you reading something while his pencil scratches the paper. It ... really brings up some old thoughts and memories.
You've gotten bits and pieces of his family history during these times, usually after you've shared some of his own first. Clearly he doesn't like talking about it. You don't push it. You just listen to what he volunteers, and thank him for listening to you in kind.
Note, he always goes home, no matter how late it is. You feel like it's one of those lines that'll be tough to cross. Hell, just inviting him over was tough at first. He walked into your living space just fine in the day, when he was waiting to pick you up for a job. There'd be some comments on the dust or some examining of your plants, but nothing odd. When he comes by for dinner, he's initially tense until he settles in, and eventually he's quite at ease. Over the years he brought several plants in because he always heard you're supposed to bring flowers for the host, but flowers die quickly, and besides this variety of ivy is different because --
(You end up with a tidy windowsill of houseplants, and start having to put some on your counters. Mordecai gets flustered and suggests maybe you should get rid of some, and you reply you absolutely won't. When he waits for you to get ready, he checks their water and pulls some dead leaves. Might as well, right?)
As expected, kissing and intimate touches will be slow-going. You start simple: a quick good-bye kiss on the cheek when he leaves your apartment in the evening. The first time, Mordecai's hairs stand on end and his tail poofs up but! He assures you it was fine. He's fine. When the bar's empty and he's heading out, you give a quick 'good luck' kiss before hurrying off. You initiate all of them until one day when you'te both walking to the car, covered in (someone else's) blood and debating something silly, and once there's a lull in the conversation he just. Leans over and kisses you. It's only lasts a few seconds, then he just pulls away, fixes his glasses and trips walks to the car.
You're a bit dazed the rest of the drive and he's just a mess of nerves.
After that you can give him kisses now and again, but he gets flustered easily and it’s definitely a private matter. It's only around Viktor that you can touch and fuss over Mordecai, but that only leads to the old man snorting and the two of them starting to argue. Viktor's pretty damn surprised you're both that close, though. How long has it been that way?
Oh, and then there's drunk Mordecai. Oh boy.
This has only happened like, two times, because he does not drink. Period, the end, close curtain. He knows how he gets and he hates it. It doesn't take much of whatever questionable piss whiskey to get him swaying and seeing double. He'll flop on your shoulder and ramble about you're so wonderful and he's really not sure why you like him, also could you stop moving the room, oh and he's killed a man for you, but nevermind that you're such a darling person --
He's so sloshed. The novelty starts to wear off when he's falling over and you're having to get him home because apparently Viktor did it last time. At least Mordecai's a bean pole. If he's drunk in your apartment, thank god, you can just pull him over to your room so he can sleep it off. He's still going on about who-knows-what while you take off his shoes and coat. What's this about murdering who for you? Whatever, he's probably confused. Probably.
(You sleep on the couch and at 7am sharp you're awakened by a loud THUNK and panicked shouting as he still-drunkedly tries to orient himself and figure out where the hell he is. Hes so humiliated by everything he just avoids you for several days.)
Oh, last thing.
Mordecai will kill someone for you. Period. No questions asked. Viktor would too, yes, but after explaining and questioning and he'd go with you and hide the body. Mordecai just does it. Abusive partner, debt collector, a rival gang member tailing you, whoever - they're done for. He doesn't bring it up until you ask questions.
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Summer and Mafia AU
Hot, that was all anyone could think about. the sun was blazing and there was no where to hide. Even the pool water was warm thanks to the sun beating down on them. Most of the Whitebeards were hiding in the house. Trying to get away from the heat the best they could. Most, not all.
There was Ace outside, training. His shirt was off and he was sweating. No one knew why he was doing something that stupid. It wasn’t like they couldn’t train after the heat wave left. Ace didn’t seem to care about it.
“It’s been a hour. How long is he going to train for?” Jozu asked, looking out at the boy.
Ace was a new recruit that shot up the ranks thanks to that strength of his. That and his ability to learn quickly. It also helped that he was in charge of a little thug group that thought they were tough shit. Making his decision skills well learned and used.
“Who knows,” Thatch whined. He might be in charge of watching out for the brat, but he wasn’t dying in the heat for him.
That was the moment that Ace decided to finally stop and come inside. He skipped past the others. They pulled away a little from the young man. Heat radiating off his skin Making it hotter.
“Pop’s I finished my sets can I go home early?” The boy asked, making everyone sit up. There wasn’t a place in the city, other than a government building, that had a better cool system. Just where did Ace want to go?
Pops sat up a little, “You want to go home?”
“Yeah, my little brother wanted to see the river today since it’ll be hot.” Ace said, and that peaked everyone’s interest.
The Whitebeard Mafia wasn’t just some small time gang. They didn’t just let anyone join without looking into them. Ace was no different. They had his background and had been stalking him for two months before even letting the boy join. Though it did take several months and 100 attempts on their pops life. The boy was worth keeping around, after all that. The thing is, Ace’s files were buried under lock and key. None of their plugs had high enough clearance to see them, let alone take a look. That and following him home, didn’t work out. They would lose him for a while. Until he showed up on the other side of the city.
“You have a brother?” Thatch asked, sitting up. The heat couldn’t beat that kind of information. Nothing would, but a dead family member.
Haruta took that moment to share the bit they caught on to. Yelling, “WAIT! YOU’RE THE OLDER SIBLING?”
Ace just blinked while looking at them. “Yeah.”He turned back to pops. “So, am I good to go?”
“I would like to meet your Little brother. Perhaps he would like to swim in the pool here?” Pops said, happy to learn of more children. He always wanted a big family. Not they were getting a new child so easily. None of their other methods needed.
Ace shifted his weight from the right foot to left. Thatch had been watching the boy long enough to know he was nervous. That little move was the first step before the boy lashed out. “Or we could meet you at the river. It would be easy, and we could reserve the place so no one take’s your spot.” Thatch said, hoping to easy the tension for Ace. They didn’t need him storming out just because of a comment.
“Uh…My brother can be a lot. He’s 15 so his friends will want to be there too…” Ace said, looking a bit to the side. That wasn’t a bad sign just Ace weighing the options.
Of course, their savor showed up then. “Are you taking Luffy to the river?” Deuce asked, walking into the room. He was dressed the least out of everyone in the house. With only a tank top and shorts on. Deuce was living in the building after his parents threatened to throw him into a medical ward to ‘fix him’ of his gayness. Pops wasn’t too happy about that.
“Yeah, pop’s said he wants to meet Luffy though… And the others will be going…” Ace said, not really answering anyone’s questions.
Deuce tilted his head. “Hmm, Is you’re grandfather going to show up?”
“No he’s dealing with something over seas last I heard. Stupid old man.” Ace said, muttering the last part.
“Then it will probably be fine. If you’re going to the usual place, I can guide them.” Deuce said, and every felt a bit excited about this. Meeting new family and friends was always a celebration. Thatch already planning on how much food to bring. If it was Ace’s brother they would need to pack triple what they usually do.
Ace shifted his weight again thinking about this. He must really worry about his family to be this worried about it. “Okay.” Ace relented. Everyone cheered, as they got moving. Thatch ran to the store and Ace went home to talk to his brother.
Deuce waited for them to get back before taking them deep into the mountains. So far that their cell service didn’t work. Having to stick rather close together. Deuce had them turn off into a nature walk parking. “We’re almost there. You have to walk the rest of the way.” He told them. How hard could it be to walk?
Two hours. Off trails. they were beginning to wonder if Deuce was going to kill them out here. No one would find them. Might be a good place for leaving a few things they didn’t want found. That is until a small house appeared in the trees. the house looked to be falling a part a little bit.
“ACE! WHEN ARE YOU’RE FRIENDS GETTING HERE?” A voice called. It sounded young, and was a little worrying.
“LUFFY! GET OFF THE TABLE! I JUST CLEANED IT!” Ace yelled. There was a crash and other loud noises.
“BUT IM BORED!” The fist voice yelled again. Deuce walked over to the door and opened it. Just in time for a teen to rush out of the house. Followed by an angry Ace. Ace skidded to a stop as he saw them.
“Pops! guys! you made it. You didn’t get lost did you?” Ace asked, his brother stopping running, and cringed to Ace. Climbing onto his back putting his head on Aces. The boy looking head a them.
“Ace, Ace are these your friends? They’re old though.” The air froze. No one knew what to say to that.
Ace on the other hand seemed to know what to say.“I’m gonna hit you.”
Just like that the two were off. Ace chasing the other down. Laughter had them looking back to the house. “Hello again, Deuce. It has been a while.”
Deuce stood up straight. “Ah, Hello, Sabo. I didn’t know you would be home today.” If they didn’t know better they would think Deuce was scared of this person.
The blond turned to them. “Hello, My name is Sabo. I’m Ace’s brother. It’s nice to meet you. Especially you Edward Newgate.” he said, his tone cold. It sounded more like a threat then a welcome to our part of the world.
“SABO! DON’T YOU DARE SCARE THEM OFF!” Ace yelled, jumping out of the trees.
Sabo looked at him a little hurt. “Me? Scare big bad Mafia bosses? Never.” Ace just glared at him. When Sabo laughed a little more brightly than before. “Well, shall we all get to the river.”
Thatch about had a heart attack as the youngest jumped out from behind them, leaping onto Pop’s back. “YEAH! I WANNA GO SWIM!” Just what was with this family and scaring them? Was it a wright of passage for them to try killing people before friending them?
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tsuyonpuu · 2 years
Hellooo today i have another Plushie update!!
Unfortunately some of the changes i requested kind of turned awkward with some of the other changes that were made !! It's however not bad just everything needs a but more adjusting 🤲
I'm gonna go over the designs again in this post and go into detail on what things will need improvement or how im hoping to fix things now! 🍃 So if you are interested in updates and progress I'm always happy to hear from you!!
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So first of all I think these didn't turn out bad at all! I mainly just think that in the progress of changing things some parts don't work with the others.
First off on Frodo we can see that the clothing that is now layered and no more printed onto the body already makes it look a lot better! However the change resulted in his overall body shape changed from the original more round squishy body, which i definitely want to bring back again!!
Also in an attempt to fix his hair along the facial features, it now looks like Frodo got his bangs freshly cut and in general now looks super short in comparison to the original design haha
There is also something going on with hands being way too big that i want to fix aswelll!
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I'm hoping to get a little more embroidered detail on the jacket like the buttons!
Now for Sam the designs didn't change as much as Frodos, however i have two main problems with Sam right now, first the way that his face is looking a little squished as it moved to close to the 'chin line'
Second the way the bag , in combination with the new clothing makes his body look a little more wonky than before. However with changing the body back to the more rounded shape (and also getting rid of the weird hands haha) i think this problem should be solved fairly easily!
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So in general i would say, the improvement is definitely there but as mentioned before its now just different bits and pieces that need to be put together in a way they all work together!!
I still think they are really cute and I hope you enjoyed this little insight on the production of the plushies!! I'm so excited to have them visualized 🥹🥹
(all photos and videos taken by the manufacturer i don't actually have the plushies yet haha )
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alloveydovey · 4 months
Mid month dramaaaas, 2024 is giving quality content 🙌🏽
Lovely Runner, 2024 (kdrama) 8.5
FL is a fangirl who goes back in time to save her idol who ended his own life. (very shortly put lol)
I have thoughts!!! It's gonna be long because my expectations with this one were really high. Don't torch me please lol. If I have to be 100%, this drama wasn't what I expected at all. That being said, loser boy Byeon Woo Seok and cutie patootie Kim Hye Yoon were the real deal here. I came for the premise (okay, and because Byeon Wook Seok is fiiiiine) and stayed because of them.
Here's my deal with Lovely Runner. I didn’t read the webtoon or anything, so in my mind, I assumed they would explore what took Sun Jae to make such a decision in the first episode before Sol went back in time to try and fix everything. The drama starts pretty heavy with both main characters attempting in some way to take their own lives. So to go from that to absurd comedy was a bit extreme for me at first. I thought we would do a little mental health introspection here, a bit of commentary about being an idol and all. Then because the first episodes also focused a lot on Sun Jae's dream to be a professional swimmer and the doomed reality that it would not happen, I thought they would center around that as well. I guess I was picturing some sort of mix between 2521 and Twinkling Watermelon. Plus the whole aspect of Im Sol being disabled. But they didn’t really give any more thoughts to these aspects of the characters.
Moving on from my own expectations and a little disappointment that the drama headed in a different direction, I overall enjoyed watching most of it. To be honest, this is the type of drama you just have to go with it, no heavy thoughts included. It gives major classic rom-com kdrama vibes. The cast absolutely takes the cake, the adorable moments are overflowing, comedy hits and the OST is a 10/10.
I don’t mind time travel plot holes but there are still some thing that bugged me, though. One: The whole taxi guy story. I will admit I was extremely disappointed the moment he was introduced. It’s probably when I started lowering my rating. Why do writers (or webtoon authors) feel the need to just randomly pull out these guys? And this drama being so cute and funny... It didn’t need that at all. Specially, since he seemed really poorly written. Two: I might not get over the fact that these two characters both start in really dark places but it’s never really acknowledged in any meaningful way and instead the drama just does a 180° on that. If these subjects hadn’t been introduced then it would have been fine. But in comparison with what happens next, the rest of the drama felt a little superficial to me. Three: it ended up becoming really repetitive. Sol once again ignoring Sun Jae “for his own good”, Sun Jae going after Sol because he doesn’t really care, Sol ending up crying. All this mixed between cute and silly scenes.
Happy ending did make me the happiest, though 🥹
Will Love in Spring, 2024 (cdrama) 9
When they were kids and FL became disabled due to a car accident, ML’s words made her change her whole perspective. He goes on to become the town's mortician, and she becomes a successful saleswoman in the city. And you know the rest, sparks fly when they meet again.
Oof. Cdramas aren’t supposed to be this good, bro. Like… everything about it is just a chef kiss. Characters and their complexities, OST, cinematography, chemistry!! (It's crazy, for real) It presents the same problem as Meet Yourself, even with Li Xian back as the ML. But whereas Meet Yourself is a little lighter and deals with this problem in a respectful and thoughtful way, ML and FL here are filled with angst and tension. The drama itself is a lot heavier, which is not bad, but it's not always nice, and sometimes very frustrating. I saw comments saying that they found the characters to be rather toxic, and that is such a childish way of seeing their relationship. Not everything is red and green flags. This is not that type of drama. People throw the word toxic around everything nowadays. I’d say they were realistic. Both FL and ML make mistakes (because they both have issues) and the drama makes sure the audience knows they were wrong. Because, you know, humans fuck up and stuff. I liked that. But because I can't help but compare it to Meet Yourself, I gotta admit that even though I liked the pace, the OST, and the cinematography more here. MY remains superior, and therefore, I don't feel like I can give it a proper 10. I will say, though, last two episodes gave a bit ot a bittersweet ending even though it's supposed to be a happy one, and I didn't like that much.
Queen of Tears, 2024 (kdrama) 8.5/9
A lawyer from the countryside marries the top heiress of a leading conglomerate. They marry very much in love, but find themselves almost not communicating or holding much feelings for one another three years later.
I completely get why this got everyone hooked. Overall it’s a great story, and very well produced, but at the same time I gotta admit I was hoping for something a little more… exciting. Specially because it was written by the same screenwriter that did Crash Landing on You and The Legend of the Blue Sea and those two were a 10 for me. It might also be personal taste. Some people are into chaebol family dramas that focus on business with their villains cartoonishly evil. Me, personally, I get a bit bored and this is sort of what happened. Even though Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun got me hooked with their marriage story and the romance of it all, the rest was a bit 💤. Although both families living together was really cute and I loved those scenes. I’d say that’s where the magic of this drama was. The last episodes after her memory gets erased are a bit messy, but the ending still made me sob dramatically lol.
A Good Day to be a Dog, 2023 (kdrama) 7.5/8 (girl what are you doing still here?)
Because of a family curse if FL kisses someone she turns into a dog at midnight… which she does after accidentally kissing a fellow teacher. She can only break the curse if he kisses her again in dog form. The only problem is he’s scared of dogs and doesn’t seem to like her that much.
This is the first time I put on hold a drama and actually go back to finish it lol. I’m proud. This starts off very very cute. Cha Eun Woo but specially Park Gyu Young are really funny and both have great chemistry. The problem here for me is, once again, the past life storyline. I know this is based off a webtoon, but I swear that whole thing is what ruined it for me. I wasn’t into it at all and so the last 4/5 episodes I spent them skipping scenes. Howeveeer, if someone were to ask me if they should watch, I’d say yes. Because romance wins lol.
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kranagok0 · 6 months
Anders The good father
Well, it goes without saying which chapter I am basing this blog on. I'll just write down my thoughts and leave
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*Anders notices that Hilda is sad about Johana's disappearance so he chooses to take her on an adventure so they can spend time together. After all, it is possible that a good father-daughter trip can soften this very depressive state in which both of them are trapped.
*Anders tries to prepare lunch for the trip using as a reference a cookbook that Tontu gave him so that he could learn how to cook something moderately edible (at another time we will talk about how Anders knows each of Hilda's friends in another post). Obviously no one can improve that much in a week, but Anders tries. The food doesn't turn out good or bad, but it's not something you would normally eat on a daily basis either. Still, with no more things in the cupboard or money to buy food until Anders' next payment, they both leave in the family car (more junk than transportation) and head out for a trip to the road.
*From here on it's almost the same as with Johana, however, Anders tries to cheer Hilda up by letting her drive. Fortunately this time Hilda manages to keep the steering wheel steady (they go at a snail's pace but it's better than nothing) and drives down the road with her father.
*Just like in the series, the car breaks down and Anders tries to fix it (this has already happened thousands of times with many second-hand vehicles that he buys and fixes himself). Anders thought he could get this thing running before sunset… Without a doubt this vehicle was the most beat-up piece of metal he had had the misfortune to drive in quite some time. Anders took longer than expected (especially because this car had no spare parts and it was a miracle that nothing was completely broken).
*Anders spends time with his daughter camping in the woods, telling stories about their adventures and trips to different places (I want to think he is some kind of archaeologist, bounty hunter or something, I really need someone to tell me something about his possible job) and about the things he has found. It also omits some parts of him escaping for his life and avoiding some dangers, but that didn't matter if Hilda became happy and left her worries behind. He even learned to play a song that Aunt Astrid taught him (it sounded horrible but he could still understand the musical tune by 40%).
*The next day they go to the lake and Hilda begins to explore the area. Like the series they end up removing Astrid's amulets. Consequently the creature appears and tries to eat Hilda while the girl was hanging from a vine. Anders tries to go after his daughter but trips over the network of amulets. In a desperate attempt he throws a handful of amulets at the creature and manages to hit one of its eyes. Now Anders was the monster's target.
*Certain things happen and Hilda is caught by the creature along with Twig. Anders witnesses everything and goes to the place where the monster took his daughter. Those cries for help and the presence of that creature were too much for Anders, the guy began to hyperventilate. And as he always did (as an adventurer and as a father) he escaped. He went directly to the car and tried to start it, luckily for him he heard the engine cooperating this time and Anders was about to release the handbrake… That's when he noticed his daughter's scarf on the lever.
Anders remembered this scarf….. He bought it himself for his daughter. It was kind of funny giving a baby a scarf and watching him try to eat that long piece of cloth. Her first baby teeth had emerged and she was already nibbling everything, not even Anders was saved since the baby Hilda bit his fingers when he tried to pick her up and yet he lifted her over his head and saw his daughter laughing with happiness. So innocent, so happy, so brilliant…. So worthy of having been able to have a better father….
Anders was not a father, nor an adventurer…. He was a coward, a two-legged rat, a crawling animal, the scum of life and worse things for the simple fact of wanting to leave again instead of facing difficulties. . Well no more!
*Anders turns off the car and gets out of the car to go get his daughter, and he didn't care if that thing surpassed him in size, strength, speed, endurance, courage, intelligence or even if it flew at any moment. HE WOULD GO FOR HIS DAUGHTER, GET HER OUT OF THERE AND THEY WOULD COME BACK HOME FOR DINNER!!
*So, using his basic knowledge from his adventures (improvise) Anders decides to do something to be able to fight hand to hand against that thing from Avernus. Then he remembered the net and those strange amulets, that was the only thing that hurt the monster. Anders had an idea so crazy that it could work….
*DAMN IF THAT SHIT ACTUALLY WORKED! Anders managed to improvise a mannequin with his shape and size, put him in his spare clothes (which were not very different from what he was wearing today) and put his phone on an eternal repeat of him shouting 'I'm here, you repulsive creature, so come for me if you dare!' He lost his cell phone but it didn't matter, he needed to go save his daughter. The creature fell for the deception and Anders entered the cave to save his daughter while he had all the amulets they found on him. The cobwebs blocked the way and Anders removed them using some amulets (I say if they could contain the creature then they could also undo its webs) and took his daughter, and the Deer-fox, out of that cave.
To his bad luck the creature returned…. Along with Anders' improvised mannequin.
"Hilda… Go to the car"
Hilda looked at her father with some confusion and doubt on her face.
"You know how to drive well, you know the way to Trollberg…. Start the car and drive home"
Hilda's face fell with a new one full of uncertainty and fear, she knew what her father was doing. She didn't want to leave and she wouldn't leave her father behind. At first she would refuse, but then Twig saw Anders' pleading face…. The man did not give her any orders, instead his look suggested a silent plea full of torment for his daughter to get as far away as possible.
Twig had no choice but to grab Hilda by a part of her sweater and try to drag her to the car. Hilda wanted to stay, she didn't want to leave her father, she couldn't bear it… Still, she escaped. Anders was a little glad that his bad habit of running away will be passed down to his daughter…. It was the only good thing he could get out of his cowardice.
"I have escaped for so long, so many times that I could have changed and now I regret never having turned around and tried again… I don't deserve to be a father, I don't deserve to be called an adventurer… Still , I will not turn back. Not anymore, not now nor ever. Now… I RATHER DIE THAN CONTINUE BEING A COWARD!"
With his hand surrounding that handful of amulets, joined together on a stick that he sharpened and was using as an improvised spear, Anders launched into battle. He knew that he was not going to win, it was basically impossible for someone as cowardly and useless as him to be able to stand up to this entity, but he would buy time. Time for her daughter to save herself, return home and look for her mother. Johanna must definitely still be alive, looking for a way to return to her daughter wherever she is now…
The battle lasted about 20 minutes. 20 minutes where Anders spent it surrounding the creature and hiding in bushes and behind trees to throw some amulets from time to time at the monster's face. The amulets ran out and Anders was struck by the creature's tail.
Anders waited for his dark end. Where a new person should have been, full of horror and despair, he is now a smile full of happiness when he thinks that for once he did things right… He was no longer afraid.
Or that was before seeing the family car hurtling off the hill at top speed and hitting the monster in the side. WITH HILDA INSIDE THE VEHICLE!
The car, to even Twig's surprise, was still in good enough condition to keep driving. Hilda yelled at her father to get in the car and he did. Hilda put the car in reverse and pressed the pedal to the floor to get out of that place as quickly as possible.
The creature was injured, but still had not eaten anything in years (besides small fish and water lilies) and was hungry. And sometimes hunger is more powerful than pain. The monster got up and started chasing them.
The chase lasted a long time thanks to Hilda driving like a crazy woman behind the wheel (Anders was sure that she didn't teach her to drift to turn in such a cool way, miracles of life… Maybe?).
Unfortunately, the car started to run out of power (that is, it survived a collision with a huge monster but the battery ended up being the problem). The creature catches up to them and tries to grab Hilda. Anders reacts in time and moves his daughter so the monster doesn't take her. Instead Anders is carried away by the monster's tongue.
Hilda: Dad!
Hilda uses the net that the amulets were in before to use it as a rope and tie it to her father's arm and also to the car. Anders feels how one of his arms is dislocated and part of his muscles are torn in the other. I try to hold back a cry of pain by clenching my teeth tightly.
As if a cruel joke of fate were this situation full of twists and possible tragic outcomes for poor Anders, the car had power again and Twig was on the accelerator (trying to make the car surpass the creature in strength so that it would release to Anders). Anders felt like his arms were practically being destroyed.
But even in pain, Anders could talk.
Anders: Hilda…. My girl groans in pain I don't think I can get out of this….
Hilda: no…. Don't say it, we will save you, you just have to resist!
A sudden movement of the vehicle and the monster made Anders scream in agony as he felt that his other arm was also dislocating.
Anders: Hilda…. You're a good girl, you have friends who will help you if you have problems, I never had that and that's why I ended up like this… Maybe you can stay with them for a while until your mother comes back and-
Hilda: No, shut up! I want to be with you until mom comes back! E-eh even if you come back, I want to continue spending time with you! I won't let you go!
To Hilda's bad luck or Anders' good luck (for the first time today) the rope of the net was the first thing that began to give way, quickly breaking and tearing.
Anders: I have always been a coward, all my life I ran away and never looked back. That's why I want to tell you that it was thanks to you that that changed…. Hilda, you gave me the courage. Thank you.
Just then the rope broke… But Anders felt like his arm was still being held by something. It felt different than the grid, and also a little warmer.
Hilda was holding her father's arm while his legs were strapped to the back door of the vehicle.
Hilda: If you are brave, then don't leave me alone… Please
His daughter's tears made Anders start crying too. Thinking that his daughter was so fragile and brave at the same time made Anders want to hug her.
Hilda's boots slipped off the door and they were both dragged by the monster.
Anders: Okay. I will never let you go again…
Anders, still with his arms almost broken, hugged his daughter as tightly as he could. The monster swallowed them both.
Twig braked the car (he learned by watching Hilda somehow) and got out of the vehicle only to see how the creature had devoured Hilda and her father in one bite…..
No one expected the monster to start retching and make a sudden guttural sound from its throat. For a moment, Twig thought she was going to explode. But luckily for him he only vomited Hilda and—
Twig launched himself at Hilda and began to lick her face… Only to feel disgust when he remembered that it was full of monster slime and other stomach things that he was not going to be able to forget…
Hilda was relieved to have avoided death again for her old friend (she should stop tempting fate so much) and she is glad that she and her father, somehow, were saved from being devoured by that thing… .
wait… And his father?
She looked around the area where the monster regurgitated her. His father was nowhere to be found. He was still inside that thing.
"Yuck, you taste horrible"
The creature said. Hilda didn't care about that, she couldn't accept that the only reason it wasn't eaten was because it tasted horrible. What makes her so different from her father?
In the midst of her anger and sadness at her situation, Hilda throws a bunch of things that were lying on the road at the monster.
Hilda: Give my dad back!
Hilda continued throwing stones and branches at the monster for a while. The creature was trying to say something but that didn't matter to Hilda. She didn't want to leave without her father, she wasn't going to accept this stupid, crude and cruel outcome.
After a few seconds Hilda also began to throw things that were in her pocket. The funny thing about this is that one of those things was the lunch that Anders had made that morning
Once again destiny and its gears turn in mysterious and confusing ways as lunch falls into the monster's mouth and its pupils dilate. That taste was so majestic (I literally only ate small fish and swamp plants, something prepared in a halfway decent kitchen must taste like a 5 star dish).
"That flavor is so majestic, even more than that strange guy"
Hilda: wait… Do you like my dad's food…?
One thing leads to another and Hilda makes a deal with the creature; She gives him her supplies and he throws up on his dad. Just as they promised, each one did that.
The first thing Anders did when he emerged from the beast's stomach was to get up as quickly as he could and look that aberration of nature in the face. Then I breathe.
Hilda stopped her father from facing the creature again (0% chance of winning, 100% faith) and explained the situation to him.
After that everything happens almost the same as in the chapter until they arrive at their house. The only difference is that Hilda had to drive all the way home (Anders's arms were broken, just moving them was a horrible feeling)
Hilda goes to the library and parks perfectly… Inside the library.
Summarizing this situation (later I will explain what happened in the library in another post, I promise) Kaisa heals Anders and takes them home.
While there, they both talk about what happened and how glad they are to have gotten out of that horrible situation. Also, Anders feels renewed, a big change has just happened in his life and this time he would do things right… Starting with finding his ex and being an exemplary father to his daughter. Even if it means changing jobs.
Well look at that, it's perfect for an AO3 chapter… If only I knew how to use that website correctly…
Those hardships aside, I liked writing a good redemption for Anders, or at least trying to, I don't know if I got my point across and everything else about how Anders tries to change for the better and wanting to make things right. Make up for lost time and fix everything.
Still, it made me angry that he put his dreams before his family and all that. But when I started to get to know the character I said: "I wish they had given him a deeper and more detailed background than just appearing from one moment to the next and then making him disappear" and well, here I am.
Now tell me, did you like it or not? Any opinion is welcome because I plan to continue making this type of post… I just hope I stick well to a specific script.
Well, with that I retire to continue writing more things. See you later
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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The U-2
In complete secrecy, a team headed by Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson at Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” in Burbank, Calif., designed and built the U-2 to fly surveillance missions. With sailplane-like wings suited for the thin atmosphere above 55,000 feet (over 70,000 feet for later models), this single-engine aircraft made its first flight in August 1955. Entering operational service in 1956, early flights over the Soviet Union in the late 1950s provided the president and other US decision makers with key intelligence on Soviet military capability.
Taiwanese U-2 pilot flame out
This post features the incredible story (originally appeared on Air Force Magazine) of Major Hsi-Chon Hua, a U-2 pilot belonging to Taiwan’s Nationalist Chinese Air Force (NCAF) who flamed out at 70,000 feet and glided to a rough landing at the airport of the remote town of Cortez, Colorado, in 1959. Apparently, because his pressure suit and his accented English people thought he was from outer space.
‘It was my seventh training flight in the new, super-secret U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, and it was a night mission. Months before, I had been selected by the Nationalist Chinese Air Force (NCAF) to go to the US for training in the exotic U-2. Everything about U-2 operations was clandestine, even the pilot selection process.
‘We NCAF U-2 trainees had been told only that top fighter pilots were being evaluated for a new mission and that selectees would have to pass rigorous physical and English-proficiency exams.
‘My initial flight, and that of each pilot, was conducted over the wide-open spaces of southwest Texas.
The first night flight
‘For my seventh mission, I was to fly to Ogden, Utah, and back, using celestial navigation. The flight began around 8:30 p.m. on a hot August night. Flying weather was good, and everything was going reasonably well.
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Project Blue Book and the story of how UFO sightings were used to cover high altitude U-2 flights
‘It was my first night flight in a foreign country. I recall that, with thousands of glittering stars crowding the clear dark sky, it was difficult to find the precise celestial body needed for a navigation fix.
‘When at last I reached Ogden, I was happy and gratified that I had been able to reach the farthest route point without getting lost. Actually, I was flying above 70,000 feet, but the fictitious altitude was reported as a security precaution. That done, I concentrated once more on celestial navigation.
U-2’s engine flames out
‘Suddenly the U-2’s engine flamed out and died. A quick glance at my clock showed it was 0528 Zulu, or 10:28 p.m. local time.
‘Things got bad very quickly.
‘No try for an engine airstart could be attempted until the aircraft had descended below 35,000 feet. But the speed range between the stall buffet boundary and the Mach buffet boundary of the U-2 is less than twenty KIAS (knots indicated airspeed) at that altitude. I thus could not go into a rapid descent in order to ease the uncomfortable situation.
‘The only way that I could right the situation was to keep the aircraft gliding on course.
Gliding into the clouds
‘The U-2 glided into the clouds below 40,000 feet. The air was bumpy. I struggled to keep the aircraft under control. Upon reaching 35,000 feet, I tried to relight the engine, but failed.’
Hsi-Chon Hua tried to relight the engine two other times but with no success.
‘The altimeter indicated 17,000 feet. I was really in trouble. Lurking unseen in the clouds just below, I knew, were high peaks of the Rocky Mountains, some of which rose to altitudes of more than 13,000 feet.
’My prospects for surviving a bailout over rough, remote mountain areas were low at best. I called out a desperate “Mayday!” to a nearby Air Force base but got no response.
Praying aloud
‘God Almighty, I reckoned, would be the only one to save me now. So I prayed. I prayed aloud.
‘Suddenly, I was astonished at what I saw: lights on the ground at the eleven o’clock position. I had come out of the clouds to find that I was clipping along through a narrow valley, flying between tall mountains. Their sheer black walls rose and disappeared into the clouds above me. Even so, I felt a surge of relief. If there are ground lights, I calculated, there are probably people nearby, and that means that the terrain might be reasonably flat and I might be able to survive a forced landing.
‘I headed toward the lights. Gradually, I discerned alternating white and blue flashes, which I took to be a rotating beacon that normally identified an airfield.
‘As I drew nearer to the beacon, I saw that there were also some runway lights, meaning that I had stumbled on an airfield. How wonderful was that vision!
Project Blue Book and the story of how UFO sightings were used to cover high altitude U-2 flights
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Taiwanese U-2 pilot emergency landing
‘On final approach, I put down the U-2’s landing gear and used the speed brake. The aircraft touched down fairly smoothly, but did not stay on the landing gear. The aircraft, with its belly scratching the pavement and its left wing tip striking the shoulder of the runway, went into a ground loop and came to rest in one piece.
‘Quickly, I scrambled from the cockpit and made for the only lighted building around. Inside, I found the airport manager and a radio operator. It took me a little while to fully apprise them of the situation, using my Chinese-accented English. One can imagine their surprise at coming face to face with a Chinese pilot, wearing a pressure suit, having just flown in unannounced in the dead of night in an aircraft of the strangest appearance. They had never heard of a U-2. It would be nine months before the Soviet downing of Francis Gary Powers in Russian airspace was to make the name of the aircraft a household word.
U-2 dismantled and loaded in a C-124
‘As for me, I had never heard of Cortez, Colo. Not even the town, much less its airport, appeared on my map. The airport manager informed me that, due to the cost of supplying electricity, the local city council was debating whether to keep the tiny community’s airport lights on at night. What’s more, he told me, he and the radio operator had been preparing to close the office, douse the lights, and head home for the night.’
After the accident, Hsi-Chon Hua contacted Laughlin Air Force Base (AFB). Next morning the U-2 was dismantled by a 4080th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing team and loaded in a C-124. It was later found that the problem was caused by a broken line but the U-2 was otherwise in good shape.
A Taiwanese U-2 pilot receives the Distinguished Flying Cross
Months later, he was awarded a Distinguished Flying Cross by the US Air Force (USAF). The U-2 involved in the accident—No. 56-6721—continued in active research and development use at Edwards AFB for many years.
Hsi-Chon Hua concludes;
‘Though this incident had a fortuitous ending, it was for me a solemn lesson about life. I do not believe that it was mere luck that brought me through the difficult moments. For me, the conclusion is inescapable. My prayer was answered.’
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U-2 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. U-2S Dragon Lady “Senior Span”, 9th RW, 99th RS, 80-329
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anna-neko · 3 months
blah blah, got friend into DnDads, we are currently making our way thru season 2 and ya know how sometimes you don't think about a thing too hard on first listen, but upon a revisit whole new ideas blossom?
yeah... that! (while carefully tryin not to spoil shit he's literally like 4 lines away from, or next immediate ep)
anyway, i present to you - the Oak-Garcia Schrodinger's Hero
"The story was that the first child of the ones who summoned the Doodler was supposed to be the one to bring balance back and solve the whole Doodler thing"
Option the first - Lark slept with Sparrow's bride, to be absolutely sure it was HIS kid, so he could fix it. He started the end of the world, it will be his blood [ha] that creates [double-ha] the hero to solve it
(need moar angst? Chose a flavor! Lark attempted some one-night stands with other women, but either bad luck or everyone was damn good at birth control. OR Lark never wandered off to rando hook-ups because he already started the apocalypse.... he dun wanna add "asshole a la Willy" to his already burdened self image. OR havin kids means being even more like Henry. jesus fuck he doesn't wanna be a dad. OR because he did stick around after ::gestures at everything:: and didn't really think about kids until one day Sparrow brought a new girl home for Mercedes to meet. or or or or he truly didn't wanna bring another kid into this fucked up world but as all other ways to get rid of the doodler kept failing... he felt he had no other choice left)
Option the second - Lark did sleep with Rebecca that one time, but no kids came of it. Hero is 100% Sparrow's daughter 2.a - Lark thought Hero was his, thus the training because first child 2.b - Sparrow knows Hero is his, BUT what if the curse could take just an Oak bloodline, and not Lark specifically? Twins are very genetically similar to trigger positives in other area...what if... an Oak Twin's child is enough, thus the training
Option the third - Hero is Sparrow's kid. The curse is highly specific to "first child of one who summoned" (aka Lark) rules-lawyering dun work here. Therefor...i will begrudgingly accept Normal as Lark's kid
Option the fourth - "the ones who..." ones plural. Therefor - bit of a stretch - firstborn plural. First daughter, first son. Both Hero and Normal qualify
Option the soup - the anchors to Doodler were LOVE and HATE (what u broke 'em with) ... Hero is hate (spite even?) and Normal is love (a happy accident if you will) Both were utterly valid options, one just noped the fuck out as she wasn't interested
all of these are true and all of these are false until dice rolls closely observed for plot/fic reasons
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