#I need to read this book but I also just wanna see if I can get the pics without watermarks...
You know what time it is (you literally don’t)
Little bit of something from my searches
Like godddd imagine going on a camping trip in cabin by yourself just for some down time or maybe after a stressful breakup and you meet the camp ranger and they seem like super nice kind and understanding, even going as far as to drop some stuff off in your cabin from time to time whenever you called them so it just seemed natural for you to tell him where the spare key, (you wouldn’t want the wildlife getting into your stuff now would you.) After deciding to go out you return a tad bit drunk you had a few drinks at the bar nothing to heavy of course but it does help you decide to take a little nap which makes it all the more easier for your little friend to come in…..
Anyways just a thought I’ve been thinking about 🥰
Also I’ll be for sure gone for the next week so no thoughts for me 😔
My brain forgot with one you chose sorrryy
Anon, you, you wonderful person, you're helpin my motivation so much<3
We will all mourn your absence😔✊
Life had gotten far too stressful as of late, so, you decided to go stay in a cabin alone for some solace. Planning to spend a day or two in nature, read bit, maybe even draw some.
After a bit of a drive you reach the point where you can no longer use your car and have to walk the path. You hop out of your car, opening the trunk to grab your bag and when you turn around you nearly get a heart attack as a park ranger stands behind you.
"Jesus christ!" you exclaim, putting your hand over your heart and laughing slightly at yourself.
"Sorry about that sweetheart, didn't mean to scare yah" He grins, "I reckon you're the one here for the cabin? Considering it's been rainin' for the past few days the paths all washed out, so if you don't mind, It'd be my pleasure to walk yah to the cabin." He offers, reachin his arm out slightly, silently asking to help you with your bags.
"Are you sure? Don't wanna bother you" You reply, secretly hoping he'll continue insisting.
"Course I don't mind darlin', it's my job to make sure everyone who comes stays safe and happy, that includes you." He deepens his voice at the end, bendin over slightly, straight up showin off how much bigger he is than you.
And who are you to refuse such an offer?
On the trail he tells you about the history of these woods and some nature facts. Then, he gets to the real interesting stories, detailing the old legends about these parts. They were all fun to listen to, but the ones that stuck out to you the most were about the werewolf that's claimed to roam the forest.
You finally get to the cabin and he puts your bag inside, stoping at the door as you walk in, waiting to see if you'd invite him. You turn around and look at him for a moment, deciding he's nice enough you smile an tell him if he has the time he's more than welcome inside.
He stays for a while before claimin he has obligations, giving you his phone number just incase you "need anything." The minute he leaves you book this cabin for a few extra days, there is no shot you're giving this man up. After that he routinely comes to your cabin when he has the time, always sitting close to you, putting a hand on your thigh, catchin him staring at you.
One night he comes late, you had a few drinks before he arrived, not expecting him and were a bit tipsy, but you let him in nonetheless. He notices immediately and subtly feeds you a few more drinks and soon you're tellin him that you're just going to close your eyes for a minute. He smiles gently, helping you up the stairs and into the bed, tucking you in and even kissing your forehead.
You wake up with a small headache, keeping your eyes closed as though that would help. Furrowing your eyebrows, your body keeps moving up and down slowly, and you for sure aren't the one moving it. Eyes still bleary from sleep, you blink a few times, finally coming to your senses and realizing you're being fucked. You start panicking, as you see a massive wolf is responsible for this. Somehow, you don't question it at the moment, to busy hitting it's chest, which only serves for him to growl and pin your hands down.
"S'alright, love, it's just me" You blink in surprise, recognizing the voice as the park ranger's. Then it hits you, he's the werewolf he told you stories about, no wonder they glorified him so much. You start to calm down, trying to rationalize all of this. I mean sure, its fucked up that he's takin advantage of you, and he's literally a werewolf, but god it's really hard to care when his massive cock is driving deep inside you anytime you try to conjure a thought.
So, you let yourself enjoy it, not caring about anything you really should. Moaning along with him, clenching around his cock, and baring your throat to him. He growls again, louder this time and bites into your neck, licking at the wound when he unlatches. You feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and when you cry out that you're about to cum, he starts truly fucking you. Slamming his fat dick in you over and over, you cum which makes him groan. Giving one last thrust, he fills your womb with an unreal amount of cum.
After a minute you start coming down from the high of your orgasm, blinking slowly, you feel his knot beginning to stretch your cunt wider. He shushes and comforts you while you whimper at the slight pain, but it quickly stops hurting and he flips you over. Now resting on his chest, tucking your head into his neck you fall asleep with his fat knot still in you.
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xjulienbakerx · 3 days
I think prompt 02 or 23 would be really cute, also so glad you’re gonna start writing again! :)
Thanks so much for sending in a prompt! I went with #23. Will probably do the cabin one later, too.
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Lucky (Julien Baker x Reader RPF)
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Julien surprises you by finally asking for a tarot reading. Prompt: a spacious, light-filled meadow.
Word Count: 1,059
Content: no smut, just sapphics reading tarot; lil bit of anxiety from JB
Disclaimer: this fic is inspired by a real person. don't read it if that bothers you. do not repost this fic off platform. do not share it with the person who inspired the character or anyone who knows them.
"Will you read my cards?"
You and Julien are resting on your backs on an oversized blanket in the middle of a spacious, light-filled meadow. You've been lying there for hours, enjoying the day and each other. You're currently spaced apart, just the tips of your fingers touching. 
You open your eyes and squint against the sun, suddenly giddy. You turn to Julien with a hand shading your eyes. 
She's staring up at the sky raw despite the sunglasses sitting off to her side. You hate how often she does that. 
"You serious?" 
She smiles but doesn't turn to look at you.
"Yeah, baby, I'm sure. I wanna see what you see."
You bite your lip against a smile and nod. 
You'd both loaded up the back of JB's truck for your day trip. You've always been an over-packer and you wade through several jackets and changes of clothes until your fingers ghost across the only deck you brought along.
It’s your favorite, a gilded tarot deck featuring historical romances. It felt appropriate with how often you were both buried in a book.
You grab the deck along with the leather-bound journal you use to track your own readings. You can't pass up the opportunity to remember everything about reading for Julien. Who knows when she'll let you do it again. 
When you get back to the blanket, Julien is sitting cross-legged with her hands resting on her knees. She visibly swallows and gives you the tiniest smile.
"Ready, baby?" you ask as you sit opposite Julien with the deck and journal between you.
She nods. 
"Ok. Let's just start by breathing together." 
Julien follows your lead, the two of you breathing gently in and out together for a few minutes. When Julien is at ease as she gets, you pull the cards out. Your hands dance over them as you clear them and start shuffling. 
"Got any specific questions?" 
She looks thoughtful.
"Mmm, no. Just wanna see what comes up."
You've never been one for spreads, content to read the cards as they come without boundaries.
You smile to yourself as you draw the cards, still unable to believe she’s trusting you with that unseen part of herself. You pull a few cards from the top of the deck until you feel done.
In front of you is a Five of Cups depicting Orpheus and Eurydice, Judgement represented by Hades and Persephone, and a Seven of Cups featuring Titania and Oberon.
“You’re fretting too much,” you say quietly, looking at the cards as they speak to you.
Julien snorts. “Me? Nah.”
“Yeah you, Baker…mmm. Running the same decision over and over in your head.”
You turn the cards around so that Julien can see them right side up. You walk her through the cards and their meanings to you.
“This story is all about being so in your head that you end up outside of yourself, which sucks on its own. But the thing being warned about here is that there isn’t really a choice that avoids change. I think you’re in a leaping season, gotta make big moves. You’re going to have to grow into an evolved version of yourself no matter which way you want to go. And that’s okay. You’re already you, can’t really do it wrong.”
She stares at you for a beat. “Fuck.”
You preen at her awe. This reading was the first you’d heard about what’s been going through her head lately.
Julien’s a loving, communicative partner but she needs time to process things before she brings them to you. She’s always worried about “making you” do the labor of processing things for her. You’ve told her dozens of times that it’s no bother, that you want to help unburden her even if you can’t fix anything. But time and space are what she needs and you’ve learned not to take it personally.
It’s nice to know you were dead on about whatever quiet battle she’s waging.
Julien gestures at the cards. “May I?”
You nod at her and she grabs each one, staring at the intricate designs and turning them over in her hands. When she gets to the Orpheus and Eurydice one, she lingers.
"Ya know, I used to think he was so stupid but now I get him,” she says. “Like, it’s not about what you think is true, it’s needing to know when it comes to the people you love. I don't think I could be anywhere and not know for sure if you were safe. Asking someone not to love like that is cruel."
You frown.
“Are you worrying about us?”
“No!” she shakes her head vehemently. “No no, not at all.”
She scoots closer and takes your hand, gently rubbing her thumb over the skin as she speaks.
“I just…,” she tucks her hair behind her ears and takes a deep breath. “The last year was so, so amazing but it changed me. I’m different now as an artist and as a person. I don’t want to go back to doing things the way I was before. I don’t…it feels really scary. Like, I can give people what they want from me or I can…experiment. Try new things. But then maybe they’ll be disappointed? I don’t know.”
The sun is beginning its descent for the day, currently covered behind some trees. Julien stares off for a while.
You watch her, struck by how the golden light makes her look like she’s glowing from the inside out.
When she’s ready to speak again, she squeezes your hand.
“I’m just really excited about this all. About you and me moving in together. About the new record. About the new dog…I just don’t want to fuck anything up.”
You shrug. “We’re all fuck ups. But you wanna hear something funny?”
“This is literally what the cards were saying. That instead of fretting and worrying about what other people are doing or thinking about you, you just have to focus on what feels right for you. People will always have opinions and you can’t do anything about it. Just focus on making yourself happy. And when you can’t do that, I’ll help you.”
Julien smiles at you, her eyes wide and a bit misty.
“How’d I get so fuckin’ lucky?”
You lean in to give her a quick peck on the lips. “This is what I’m saying!”
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icymi, here's a link to the prompt list. I'm trying to write short fics to get back into the writing groove. Send a prompt if you want a JB fic :)
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liquidstar · 3 months
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a friend who'd wait :)
#im posting this very late because i was sort of weary of how it came out and ended up messing w it until it was like 4am oops.#and i have plans tmrw so... oh well! i did my best and ill put it out while i can!#and i tried to make the scene match barnard's colors lol#finn's ocs#finn's art#i know i said id do more sillay stuff with the simpler screentone only style but i had a couple more of these in me#and this is the first piece im making thats like an actual part of the story too rather than just setting stuff for fun#i wanna write something to go with it too but for now ill just sort of briefly explain the context in the tags here:#barnard has a pretty bad case of OCD and his compulsions have made it difficult to make friends in the past#he was never outright bullied or anything but people just didnt really have the patience to deal with it#he has compulsions that include stuff like walking through doors until it feels right and needing things to be perfectly aligned#which in group settings has lead to people having to wait for him to finish his rituals and join them#they might find it tolerable at first but eventually they grow impatient and hes just... not invited to stuff anymore#but juno is a newer member of the guild who ends up frequenting the same library. hes also kinda a little weird#and they dont become fast friends or anything but just sort of naturally spend time in the same place#though they never plan meetups they eventually fall into a routine. around the same time theyd just both be at the library#and read next to each other. and maybe talk a bit. and eventually they end up walking back to the guildhall together#since theyre going to the same place after all. and juno always waits for barnard outside the door#eventually barnard asks if this bothers him. juno kinda just tells him 'of course it does' without any malice or anything. just a statement#barnard is surprised and apologizes and juno says not to. but the next day juno doesnt show up at the usual time.#barnard assumes hes committed somekinda more by bringing it up. he ends up staying there late reading to get his mind off it & not ruminate#but when he leaves juno is in fact still waiting for him down the hall (see pic) having collected a bunch of books literally abt ocd#he fell asleep bc barnard stayed later than expected. and hes an eepy guy generally. and also one very bad at expressing himself#but now barnard gets that juno's 'of course it [bothers me]' had the implication of 'but its worth it' which no friend has previously done.#and from the interaction juno was also able to understand that this isn't something barnard just does for the hell of it so. he studies.#and checks a bunch of stuff out because he thinks it could help his friend too (theres ocd workbooks and such- i remember working w them)#and thats the point where they became more ''friends'' than ''pleasant library acquaintances''#from there on they also do get into juno's problems. whole other bag of worms. but this specific scene is more about bernard from his pov#sorry about when i said briefly explain. i lied </3#but compared to the whole sequence im picturing its brief so shhh
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ichigosoju · 11 days
#out of sight out of mind....#im not gonna check his blogs every day from here on out#and i hid/archived our chat so i dont have to see it when i open the messaging app#i do have some kind of 'fomo' lol bc i dont wanna miss out on any potential glimpse into his mind or days#esp now when he doesnt tell me anything anymore. idk anything abt what goes on with him#but .. i am allowing and letting him control my life#i obsessively check my phone and refresh his blogs ALL day#it's extremely unhealthy and pathetic and i know this#it's just hard to stop bc i genuinely... love him sm#plus he told me he wanted me for real so he made me not only dream of a life i thought wasnt possible for me#but also WANT it. i only want him and to live with him and be his. that's all i want but he just cut me off out of nowhere lol#and im still hung up on it... i dont want my boring reality. current nor future. i just want the reality where im with him which he made me#think was smth i could have one day soon.#but anyway. if his feelings changed that's how it is. it's not even his fault it's just how things work in life#even if i dont want to accept it i have to. i cant keep living in this limbo. i try to talk to him but he's a wall so that's a No.#so i cant let him control my life and waste away all my days on him#i need to stop checking his blogs and our chat. that's the first step#im still gonna allow myself to think of him and daydream and fantasize. but that will have to stop soon too#then i have to focus on doing my assignments and read books and go to the gym#things that will help me get realistically where i want in my current reality#i want to finish highschool and then apply for a preschool or library program#and hopefully the plan is to get a student housing apartment so i can move out finally and live on my own and study#then when i finish i'll look for a job as either of those things. and a place to live (which is super fkn hard in these modern chaos times)#even if i have to live my life all alone... i want to be as comfortable as i can at least#i can live in my own row house and have pets and work and read and play games and watch shows#and see and talk to my mom#i mean hopefullyyyy i'll be able to try to make at least some shallow connections so i have ppl to hang out with#i can always hope to meet someone who'll fall in love with me but im not counting on it#ugh.. bc as it is now#i dont do ANYTHING but be on my phone
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oscill4te · 3 months
It is genuinely so hard to concentrate on a recipe when it has a million of ads and makes you lose your place where you're reading -_-
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mossflower · 9 months
yeah you need hobbies outside of media consumption or you’ll go insane. however if i spent an entire day reading books i would not go insane i would feel happy and fulfilled <3
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hiddenbeks · 5 months
should i. study french. or go home and watch atonement
#el.txt#i have a french exam this week and i skipped several classes during the course bc they were so early in the morning#i just couldnt do it. so staying at campus to study would be the smart move bc i dont remember Shit#but i just got an email that the atonement dvd is now available at my local library..#never seen it before. even tho i know its like probably one of those films that everyone should see#but i saw a gifset of the fountain scene a couple days ago n was like. ok hm i really need to watch this (with bisexual intent)#feel like an uncultured fraud as a media studies major sometimes when there r so many like... iconic & classic movies i havent seen#and Yes movies aren't the only media that exists and i can be a media studies major who specializes in something else#and Yes one can also argue that there is no such thing as a definitive list of 'films/shows/books everyone should watch/read'#but still. i wanna watch more films. to broaden my knowledge on films. and because watching films is nice#also fun fact i'd never seen mean girls in its entirety before yesterday.#i remember seeing maybe half of it on tv when i was a kid#but my parents wanted to watch the news or sth so they switched the channel#then some time later i saw it was on tv again n was like 'oh hey i never saw this fully'#n one of my parents was like 'yea i sure hope so its a stupid movie' and changed the channel to watch the news probably#then i just forgot abt it until i finally watched it from start to finish yesterday with no one to interrupt me!!
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zecoritheweirdone · 2 years
folks i made art for @scorpionoesit’s vagabonds fic. it is a very good fic and you all should read it if you haven’t already.
if you haven’t heard of it,, basically,, think clinic, but tommy doesn’t have healing powers + he heals many different groups, not just villains(and vigilantes).
it is,, as i said,, verrrrrrry very good,,,, we got clingy duo, we got bedrock bros, allium duo, golden duo,, whatever the hell tommy and fundy’s duo name is i don’t know i don’t keep up with these things. we got bamf tommy,, we got micheal aka the best character,, we got peanut butter cookies,, have i convinced you to read this fic yet. do i need to send my not-so-good essay. i will do it. no i won’t actually it’s not good but still you should read the fic kdjdkdndk.
anyway, ranting aside,,,, the art!!
click for better quality,,,,, reblogs > likes!!
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i feel like the rooftop itself could be better(it is. very empty,, dkdnkd),, as well as the poses,, and the background is.. eh,,, but i like everything else about it!!
and that’s not all i have! made a couple little extra doodles,, putting them under the cut!! hope you all enjoy!!
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#my art#dream smp#tommyinnit#technoblade#scorpionoesit my beloved i love their fics so much. my number one favorite author of all time; genuinely#whenever vagabonds and braided realities is done;; i would honestly love to print ‘em out and make ‘em into an actual book-#-for personal use;;; like if i ever get on a plane and wanna read something#with the authors permission of course;; kfnfkf. gonna wait until the fics are actually complete before asking tho fifnof#and i’d also need to like. actually learn how to bookbind#anyway rambling aside. if you’re curious about that essay i mentioned you’re welcome to look for it in my blog#i’m not linking it myself it is. not good as i’ve said fkfnfknfkfn. it’s only 1/3 about vagabonds#another third is about dsmp hero fics in general; and the last third is about. the owl house.#they are connected i promise. kind of#i just wanted an excuse to ramble and promote vagabonds and somehow ended up with 3k words of nonsense jdbdkdbdjvd#anyway x2. spreading my long-curly haired c!tommy propaganda. i cannot be stopped#also fun fact. techno’s hair is different than how i normally draw his hair. mostly the color#usually i draw his hair the same color as the pig skin;; but in the fic it’s specifically mentioned as ‘bubble gum pink’.#and i wanted to be accurate to that. even tho right next to him is tommy in a pony tail; something definitely not in the actual fic#tho it doesn’t really matter ngl;; you can barely see the difference in the final piece kfhfodbkd#still… i’ll know. and so will you; person who read the tags. thanks for that btw idk how many ppl actually read my inane ramblings down here#here; take a peanut butter cookie; made with a dash of chekhov’s gun#(i’ve rambled. so much(not really) about the cookies in various discord servers.)#i love this fic so much you would not believe#also ngl i kinda just. traced the. uh. shit what’s the thing called.#ok i forget the name but jsyk. i traced it fodnkdbd. did not try too much with that#well i mean. i did. with the coloring/shading bits. but not with the actual shape of it didjkdjd#also i just realized i forgot to add the fake writing details on a lil sticker on the thing but then i realized.#you can’t even see it anyway tech’s in the way. so. woo?#anyway i’m about to run out of tags so i guess this is where i stop#have a nice day/night; folks!!
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bsaka7 · 2 years
i love esteban so much :(
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devilishdelights · 1 year
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some mammon stuffs from awhile ago. I did this for every character (pain.) to figure out how I want em to look like + use as refs.
#every time I draw him it feels as if I can’t get him right. like these are the peak mammon drawings I have that 100% show how I envision him#maybe I just need 2 do a big study. hehe#or maybe I need to draw someone else for fucking once god damn#he has such a tiny nose in the first one LOL ❤️#n his hair I kinda like. I’m trying to draw it more accurately now though but idk I think it works for me in my style. but in other drawings#it just looks off. drawing bangs r harder than it looks#bc u wanna get them even n pleasing 2 the eye. so when u flip the canvas it’s chill#do not flip these I have not seen the flipped LMFAO I don’t wannsee it#he also has this angular eyeshape I do that just makes it feel like mammon to me.#angular as in there’s like three lines. if that makes sense#I think u can see it in my other drawings#like the eyes here are round. but it’s still like. drawn in three parts instead of one continuous line.#I feel hunched over like a scientist explaining his greatest creation to those who accidentally stumble across him#my other faves r beel’s + solomon’s icons. they’re just so fucking nice!!! not to toot my own fucking horn but I’m tooting it toot toot#enywey. back 2 the guy here. I also think he has a crooked smile or just one side that lifts higher than the other. yk that boyish charm bs#u read in YA books. yeah. and he’s got dimples on his cheeks. and lower back !!!!#both noses r different n the left is one where I was still figuring it out. the right is how I envision it more/all my other posts w him#he’s got a soft round shaped nose. very squishable too#ALSO GOLDEN FANGS YEAH but I’ve had a hard time drawing them without it looking weird with all the other teeth#n his eyebrows have that little spike at the curve that I rlly like but it’s always covered by his fuckinf hair so most of the time u can’t#even see it. anyway I’m done rambling I’m just bored as fuck. cheers#also sorry for changing my icon all the time. it cannot be helped
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
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Guess what I’ve been doing for the last few hours.
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toastsnaffler · 11 months
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reading this blurb made me realise this is possibly the first time ive ever seen my own life experiences shared by another person. damn
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yioh · 1 year
oh my god has anyone read little mushroom?? i’m halfway through the book i am DEVESTATED i feel like something bads gonna happen but i care so much for an zhe 😭
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“You took a great risk, coming here.”
“Well, what’s life without a little risk, my brilliant Frenchman? ...Forgive me -- your Highness.”
“No. ...Forgive me, but...I never want to hear that phrase out of your mouth again, Mr. Knightly.”
“...Then I shall simply have to come up with others, my prince.”
In England at the start of the 20th century, a soft-spoken, intellectual prince with a love of academics and learning and a flashy, charming vaudeville entertainer with a tragic past carry on a secret whirlwind romance that comes to a head at a fateful royal ball, where the prince is expected to announce his engagement to a foreign princess and the young actor plays his part so well that no one would suspect his humble origins. 
xxx featuring James McAvoy as Jackson Knightly @carewyncromwell and Luke Treadaway as Montelimar “Monty” Bloom @cursebreakerfarrier 
#gaaaaaah this idea wouldn't leave me alone I just had to do something with it#but yeah vaudeville theaters would've been considered rather low-brow compared to more upscale theaters#so this fits for a cinderella-esque story#not to mention we have our two wonderful perfect gay men in a time period when homosexuality was er...yeah a bit frowned upon#I see jacko boy having made a name for himself as a stage magician when he was still under his father's thumb#and then becoming more of a traditional vaudeville entertainer -- magician actor singer dancer -- after running away and growing up#I also see these two having met while monty was visiting the local university#dressing super casual bc plz don't bow and act all weird with me I just wanna read lots of books >//<#so jacko boy originally has NO idea who he's even talking to even though he can kind of suss out he's upper crust pretty easily#and because jackson also is kind of putting on his best face monty at first thinks he's part of -- like -- the royal theater company#partially because of how well-spoken and gentlemanly he acts hahahaha#not that either of them are disappointed when they figure out the truth#aside from the slight 'oh...wow yeah we're from two different worlds' thing#if I wanted to lean into the time period part of this AU I could always reference wwi as a plot point#but not too much -- no tragic ending for these boys no way :I#anyway these two own my heart and I need to do more with them I love them so ;~;#jackson knightly#montelimar bloom#au#moodboard#...I can't even label this as cinderella au because I already did one for carewyn LMAO#would you even believe that cinderella isn't my favorite fairy tale?!?#it just fits these two so well though
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mejomonster · 10 months
U know how sometimes you feel a bit (and that bit can vary wildly) sad about how many flaws you have (which is normal and human) and how much growing you can do (which is a good goal but perhaps self destructive once you're putting off A Certain Amount of life until you've done "more work" with that goal post of "more work" always moving farther even though at a certain point you should probably accept that every person is somewhat flawed and always needs to grow more and it's okay to Actively Live one's life and enjoy it DURING that endless process of growing)
Well I certainly feel that way again. I feel like all I should do in my free time for the next 3 months (rather than play or create or self care) is do workbooks for healing and growing. And that I shouldn't bother with my life goals again until I've completed the workbooks At Minimum. (And my instincts are saying ummm that plan sounds like a touch workaholic and avoiding actually living life and isolating)
#rant#i just. i decided i want a loving relationship. its been many years. id like to date again#so i. as usual when i have a problem. looked up HOW#well i read 1 book about physical and thought process changes i can make. and it suggested date within 3 weeks. among other tjings#and so i looked up INTERNAL work to find love. because perhaps if i can fix whatever INTERNALLY draws me to only run into unavailable people#will allow me to start running into AVAILABLE options instead. so i need to complete this 300 page therapy workbook.#and theres no point doing the date within 3 weeks if im only able to ask out unavailable people currently.#so ill do the date in 3 weeks AFTER i complete the workbook.#the workbook is exhaustjng and makes me cry but hey maybe itll help. anyway i wish someone had given it to me 5 years ago#but anyway to hqve time to do with workbook ASAP i dont have time for shows#and i rarely have time for Play anyway. something i hear i need.#because i got chronic illnesss wooh and a lot of my free time i need to go to doctors and physical therapy#and manage my diet (cause i have gastroparesis so if im not careful i Cant eat)#and also i need more muscle so my back stops fucking up.#and also i need time to meditate so my pelvic floor relaxes at least a little to lower the gi issues and pain.#so like.#and then also im sure friends would like to see me more.#meanwhile all i really wanna do? is go to a#cabin by the beach in rhe woods and sleep 2 days then eat cake then read and write my fucking novels
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twilightarcade · 10 days
1 thing that's fucked up is when you actually make plans 4 yourself and everyone gets all offended . Sorry I wanted to do something by myself lol
#wordstag#dude I even had the whole day planned out this is a rare occasion ......... sorry I don't want to see your cars go in circles#Like all the power to you! But you don't have to somehow make it about me not liking to walk because that's literally not true???????#I love walking around. If it's a place I like to walk around . Love detroit but come On#whatever. Kicksarock. Who wants 2 hear my devious plans oldycrap first Saturday of the month . And first day of month. Gay alarm#anyway. Staytrtef a new project & was going 2 work on coding mechanics till I got bored . After that we were going 2 bake some muffins#peach muffins precisely. On account of we have peaches#during that we were going 2 read this book that I NEED to return to the library#then after that well 😼 free time#somewhere along the line make lunch also . Then draw demo assets#iits a month long jam but I really wanted to try finishing something in a day . And just so happened that today was free. Till it Wasn't#no but literally I would be so up for walking around Detroit any day but today. In fact I was actively planning on being relatively alone#because I thought he was going w/ his work friends (AND GETTING PAID TO DO SO !?) Which I think is absurd#imagine getting paid 2 hang out with your boss for like... 8 or whatever hours. Crazy stuff.#whatever I don't even care. Kicks a rock. Who cares what I wanna do anyways. Maybe we can contract a deadly illness between now and later.#huuuuhghhhhh speaking of which I need 2 tidy up my room . Mostly because I misplaced my laptop chargwr but also because it's Needed#Which is what I COULD be doing instead of watching cars race. See how much this would destroy my life
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