#I need to stop breaking myself apart by pushing myself for others
anangelinthepit · 2 days
Without You…
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Part 4
Warning ⚠️ - possessive behavior and break in. Uncomfortable topics
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you were married to didn’t you ?”
I pushed the guys off of me and let out a frustrated yell. Even though I’m pissed off, I couldn’t help but begin to laugh. One man with all my power doesn’t take losing control gently and welcomes the sweet insanity that follows.
“My wife,” I said looking up at the old broken down building she resided in.
“MY WIFE. The one who is carrying MY son threw me out of her house. This isn’t fucking happening. IM THE ONE WHO CALLS THE FUCKING SHOTS AROUND THIS BITCH.”
After punching the brick wall and kicking over trash cans, the voice of reason began to try and calm my anger.
“Dude, what the fuck was that?” Nick said in a demanding tone
“A conversation between me and the Mrs,” I said lighting a cigarette
“Noah she’s fucking six months pregnant, what were you planning on doing?”
“Oh please, I wasn’t gonna put my hands on her, but she needs to remember who fucking makes the rules around here. Nick, she shouldn’t be in this shady ass fucking apartment with some bitch she barely knows. I didn’t even have to get rid of her forcefully she was willing to run off and sleep with you. What does that tell you ?”
“It tells me that you’ve gone fucking insane and need to rethink what just happened. The woman you love fears you and doesn’t want anything to do with you. Do you have any idea what it takes to stand up to a person like you?”
“Person like me? I’m her fucking husband! She should obey and respect me!”
“You should be fucking thankful you had a woman like her Noah! Whatever happened to be calm or did that just fly out the fucking window?” Nick said crossing his arms
“I tried that Nick, but it seems like my wife forgot that I’m the only one in the relationship who is supposed to have a set of fucking balls!”
“Dude I may be your henchman but I’m also your best friend and I’m telling you this because I care about you. What you did in there just pushed her even further away. You are going to push her into the wrong fucking arms. She is to the point where the only way you’re going to get her back now is if you force her.”
I looked up at Nick and smiled at him. It’s almost like he read my mind.
“Force?” I said to myself
Feeling a sensation of happiness l and pure heat come over me, I gave myself a friendly and encouraging reminder.
I’m the strongest man in fucking California right now. Why didn’t I think of this before? I’ve got all the money, power, and men to control a fucking army. What is stopping me from bringing my wife home?
“No. NO. Noah don’t you fucking dare.” Nick said glaring at me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Call up Davis and tell him to meet us at the hotel. Ruby is coming home.” I said flicking my cigarette.
“I really gotta watch my fucking words from now on.”
We made our way back to the hotel with Davis and Matt waiting. The only thing I could think about was how my wife was gonna be begging for me to let her come home after all of this. She'll be at my feet, asking for my forgiveness. Of course, I'll have to play hard to get but the least I can do is give in a little.
“You got the blueprints of the building Davis?”
“No, but you’re not gonna need them. This building only has two exits and get this, Sapphire is 1 of 4 other tenants. The damn place is so old you could pull apart the bricks piece by piece.”
“That's it?”
“So what’s the plan here boss?” Matt asked
I took a deep breath and contemplated on if this was a good idea. As much as I hate causing her so much discomfort, this is my only option. I’ll change my ways but first, she needs to come back home to me. She doesn’t understand how much I truly need her, and if she could just stop being stubborn and open her fucking eyes she would see that.
If she won’t come home willing then I’m gonna show her how scary the world is without me there to protect her.
“In two days you guys are going to pay Y/N a visit.”
“What kind of visit?” Nick asked
“You’ll see.”
Nick got up and walked away in disgust. I don't know what his problem is lately but he's turning soft on me. I'm gonna need him to toughen up a bit if he wants to stick with this family.
“Davis go fucking talk to him. I don't have time to give the princess treatment right now.”
Davis grunted and went outside to catch up with Nick. I don't have time for his emotional bullshit. Right now I need to get my Ruby back home and make sure she stays there. Permanently
Nick's POV
“He doesn't fucking deserve her goddamit!”
I yelled throwing a trash can and kicking the remnants that fell. God if only he fucking knew. Does he not understand? He had a good woman next to him and he gave it up for all this bullshit. I lit a cigarette and tried to calm my nerves while Davis came out and asked me if I was okay.
“I'm fine dude I just need a minute.”
“Well, Noah told me to tell you to toughen up.
I laughed at what Davis said, it's so obvious that Noah is wrapped in his world and doesn't have time to be gentle in nurturing anyone. How is that man going to take care of a baby? Y/N was smart to run.
“He doesn't deserve her Davis. You know it and I know it.”
“It's not my business Nick. I work for the man.”
“This can't be happening,” I said dragging my fingers through my hair
“I do know one thing though, if you keep running your mouth and don't control that serpent that's in your pants, He's gonna make me cut it off and force you to watch..”
I couldn't help but scoff at him.
“You know don’t you?” I asked
“Seriously? Are you trying to get me killed too? If I admit what I know then we’re both in deep shit. I don’t like the way he treats her either but overstepping boundaries with him is not something I have the balls to do. I don’t think you realize you dug your own grave, Nick.”
I looked up at the sky for answers but as always received nothing. Did I make a mistake? What am I gonna do when he finds out and will I be able to handle him?
“I don’t know if I can pretend anymore.”
“Look dude, fake it till you make it. Fuck some other girl or smoke some weed. I don't care, just figure it out. Also, don't make me a fucking accomplice to whatever Lifetime movie bullshit you got going on. Got it?”
I flicked my cigarette and went back inside. I’m gonna have to keep this bullshit cover-up for a little while longer, and even though it kills me, I’m willing to do it.
I’m willing to do anything for her.
Noah and Matt were talking but stood abruptly and stared at me when I walked into the room. I’ll play my card right and keep the poker face that I’m so good at having on.
“I'm ready for whatever you need me for Boss.”
Noah shot me a smirk and waved me over. Hearing them talk over the plan made my gut turn, but having to agree with it was even worse.
Poison on my fucking tongue
Two days later
I’m still feeling shaken up about what happened. I couldn't focus at work and Sapphire began to notice I was dwelling on how things needed between Noah and me. I’ve never seen him get so angry at me, now of course we had our fights but what I witnessed was what I can only consider as maximum rage. I used to think he would never lay his hands on me but him flipping that table the way he did now has me second-guessing. Six months pregnant and he almost put me in harm's way.
“You’re fucking mine!”
“I'm not his fucking wife, I'm his goddamn property,” I said to myself shaking my head. Why the hell did I ever agree to this?
The moonlight shined down on me after another shitty night at the bar. I waved goodbye to my boss and made the drive home. Still feeling on edge I got to the apartment and was met once again with silence. I began to get nervous as I called out for Sapphire, I heard nothing until I went towards her room and could hear her shower running. Having a wave of relief come over me, I went into my room and tried to wind down for the night. Sitting down on the bed trying to massage my swollen feet, I realized skipping out on a shared probably wasn’t in my best interest. I smelled like sweat and unwanted married men's hormones crawling all over me. I let out a huge sigh and made my way to the bathroom when I got a text.
It was from Sapphire
Hey, I met this really cute guy, so I'm gonna chill at his place 2night. Wish me luck ;)
Oh so is that why you're in the shower? Lmfao gurll you do you. Just careful
I smiled and just shook my head at my bestie's promiscuous ways. I figured I should offer her a ride to this guy's house because I don't want her walking and it also gives me an excuse to go get Chinese food. As I made my way to her bedroom door, I received another text.
The shower? Girl I wish, my boss is making me close 2night so I still have another two hours left.
Feeling my heart drop into my fucking stomach, I read over her message about 10 times. I frantically texted her back telling her that someone was in our apartment and what I should do.
Just like in a horror movie with an awful plot. The lights cut out in the fucking apartment, I wanted to scream but was too scared to do so. I slowly began to move away from her door and tried my hardest to make my way back to my bedroom to call the police. I began to back up, trying to not make myself noticeable to whoever was in her room. I could hear the shower water cut off, it was almost like the intruder was listening for my footsteps. I wasn't too far from my room when I heard frantic running in Sapphires. Whoever was in there heard me and was now making it their mission to get me. As my fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, I swiftly turned around to flee, only to be met by a tall figure who was as tough as concrete. Being shoved to the ground I began screaming and crying for them not to hurt me.
“Please, I'm pregnant! Don't hurt me I'm begging you!”
I could hear the men laughing as I struggled to back away from them. Not realizing my surroundings I ended up being backed into the wall.
Even in pitch-black darkness, I could tell that one of the men was only a couple of inches away from my face. I could feel and smell his hot breath in which I almost began to vomit. He put his hand on my stomach and leaned in to whisper in my ear
“Oh, babydoll.”
Those words cut through me like a knife
“I need you to do me a favor okay?”
I could feel something cold and sharp press against my neck and slid down to expose the cleavage under my shirt
“You tell Noah I said Hello, and if he ever lets you go again, I'm just gonna have to keep you.”
They kissed my forehead which caused me to break out into a cold sweat. God his lips felt dirty and unpure.
“Let's go boys!”
I heard what sounded like 4-5 men walk away from me and go towards my front door. My theory was confirmed when the hallway light shined in illuminating 5 men.
Before closing it, the one masked man gave me the “hush” sign and a creepy smile.
I lay there on the dirty hard wooden floor sobbing and falling apart. Making myself have enough courage and energy to get up and grab the phone. I dialed frantically and prayed he would pick up.
“Noah? Oh, thank God. Please listen to me, you have to come get me.
“Ruby, what happened?
“These. These m-men broke into my apartment and shoved me down for the g-ground.”
“Ruby slow down I can't understand you.”
I was shaking uncontrollably but I needed to pull myself together. I took a deep breath brought the phone back up to my ear and explained what happened.
“Noah I think there's a Rival group because they told me to tell you, that they're watching and if you let me go again they're gonna kidnap me. Noah Im so fucking scared please come get me!”
I fell back into hysterics and just wanted my husband. He's a fucking psycho but at least no one messed with me when I was with him.
“Are you and the baby okay?”
“Yes yes, Theo and I are fine. They just shoved me, I was able to catch myself so it wasn't so hard. Just please come get us.”
I heard nothing but silence on the phone. What the fcuk did he hang up on me? God if I can’t rely on him anymore then please protect me and my baby.
“Do you finally get it, Ruby?”
“I said do you finally get it?”
“Baby please stop, just come get me. Please!”
God, why is he making me beg?
“I can't protect you if you run away and try to be “miss independent”. Your life was always good here. If I come and get you, you better not pull this stunt ever again. There will be security in you 24/7 got it?”
I wanted to protest but the sound of phantom footsteps kept psyching me out. I didn't care anymore I just wanted to go home.
“Okay, okay, baby I will never do this again I swear, just please come get us. Noah, I can't do this on my own.”
Noah let out a huge sigh and told me he would be in about 10 minutes. I hurried and gathered my things and waited. Every minute felt like centuries, praying that those monsters wouldn't come back. I got a text from Noah saying he was here and sending Nick up to help me to the car. Oh, why couldn't it have been someone else? I waited for what seemed like forever and started to feel a nervous feeling in the bottom of my gut. I haven't seen Nick in so long, I almost forgot what he looked like. Hearing a pounding on my door, I ran over, took a deep breath, and opened it. I was met with long black hair, beautiful green eyes, and a warm smile that was always so welcoming.
I don't know what it was but something about his smile made me collapse into his arms and start sobbing. His tight hold on me already made me feel so safe that the thought of letting go hurt.
“I got you, Angel.”
My legs could no longer hold me up and we slid down to the floor together.
“Oh, Nick. Please don't let me go.” I said sobbing into his chest
“You know I have to Angel, he's down there waiting for us.“
Nick caressed my face and made me look at him.
“Be my strong girl for me one more time, okay?
Nick helped me up and walked me down to the limo. Jolly was waiting for me outside the vehicle and opened the door for me when I closed enough. I got in and could feel the tension in the air once again. Noah sat across from me with an evil look on his face. I'm not sure what I was expecting but this wasn't it. We began to drive and were only 10 minutes away from the house. I couldn't wait to shower and sleep in my bed again. I knew I wouldn't be let off so easily with this, I looked away from the window and saw that Noah was glaring at me while Nick was still facing the other way. I broke the silence and spoke which I should have known was a mistake.
“Thank you.”
Noah leaned forward and said, in a low deep growl.
“Get on your knees”
Nick snapped out of his trance and tried to grasp the situation.
“Noah she's six months pregnant, don't do this right now,” Nick begged
“Stay the fuck out of this Nick.” Noah snapped
“I said on your knees, Ruby”
I did as I was told, and got on the limo floor gently going down in my knees.
Noah yanked my chin upward forcing me to look him in the eyes.
“This is how obedient you are going to be from now on. Understand?”
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.
“Get the hell up and sit there. We will talk more when we get back to the house.”
I got back up in the seat and wiped my tears. How is it that I trade one evil for another? I can't keep doing this anymore, I started to regret my decision but now it's too late. I looked over at Nick who was having a stare-down with Noah. I wish he would just look at me and not trouble the waters that we got ourselves into.
I need him right now and I don’t know how much longer I will be able to play pretend.
Hey guys, sorry it took so long. This story really had me wondering what I should do with. I hope you all enjoyed. Love you dearly
-Magenta 🌹
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe @supersquirrel1996 @thisbicc @amelia-acero @dreamstyles @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @lma1986 @concreteemo
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junkissed · 8 months
pro bono
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member — lawyer!wonwoo x lawyer!reader genre — smut, fwb to ?? word count — 1.1k synopsis — you and your coworker jeon wonwoo have been working on this case for months. now that it's finally over, he shows you that "for the public good" doesn't mean that he can't be good for you, too. aka: lawyer wonwoo fucking coworker reader after winning a case smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, prone bone (the title is a pun hehe), creampie (shocker i know!), spanking, hair pulling, dacryphilia, mirror sex, coworkers fwb!wonu, gratuitous descriptions of how wide wonu's shoulders are just because i can notes — requested by @junhuisms sorry this took so long bff </3 — lots of love to @onlymingyus for proofreading !! — probably some legal inaccuracies bc i know nothing about the law i'm just here to fuck the hot man so go easy on me pls. i really meant for this to be a longer fic but it's been in my docs for almost a year and i've been trying to not pressure myself to write a certain amount so i hope this is still able to live up to your expectations :) i know i've been pretty mia recently but i'm trying to get back into the swing of things so feedback is super super appreciated! hope you enjoy! note #2 — tumbly still hates me and is super finnicky about putting my posts in the tags so i haven't been able to use my regular divider image bc it bugs out :(( i've tried everything i'm sorry but pls lmk how you like this new one!
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you’d been working on this case for months, and it had been one to make or break your career. weeks upon weeks of research, reviewing documents and studying laws to make sure your arguments were seamless.
the upside to all this work, however, was that you got to know your coworker wonwoo better, who you’d been assigned to work on the case with. and by “get to know him,” what you really meant was “get railed every night after work”.
and tonight, after the trial had wrapped up and the court’s final decision had ruled in your favor, you found yourself where you’d grown accustomed to spending all your nights: in his penthouse apartment, and more specifically, in his bed.
the floor-length mirror in his room was one of your favorite things, because no matter what position you were in or how you were angled, you could always see wonwoo. see his broad shoulders, see his muscles flexing, see his abs tensing right before he cums; and god, it drives you crazy.
but it drives him even more crazy as he fucks you into his mattress, watching in the mirror’s reflection how your eyes are squeezed shut and tears stream down your cheeks onto his pillowcase. 
it’s one of his favorite positions, as you’ve learned over the past few months, to have you lying flat on your stomach as he fucks you from behind. with your body at this angle, he can get so much deeper into you, you can practically feel it in your stomach, and with only just a handful of thrusts he can make you fall apart on his cock in a matter of seconds. 
tonight, however, it’s taken less than that to make you cum. the pride of winning the case has him on a high, and he barely even needed to get you stretched out first. but he did anyway, his face buried between your thighs for what felt like eternity until you were pushing his head away and begging him to stop teasing.
you yelp as he twists his hand in your hair, yanking your neck back so you can see your reflection in the mirror.
your eyelids droop heavily, jaw hanging open as wonwoo meets your eyes in the mirror. “you see how well i fuck you, baby?” he groans, squeezing your hip with his other hand. “taking it so fucking well… i’ve fucked you stupid, haven’t i?”
all you can manage is a moan as tears begin to form in your eyes from the pleasure. you whimper quietly, noises muffled by the pillow as you struggle to catch your breath in between thrusts. you can already feel the burn of another orgasm in the pit of your stomach, and wonwoo’s hands pushing down on your lower back are making it impossible to hold back.
“my good girl,” he coos and he lets go of his hand in your hair, barely giving you a chance to catch yourself as your head falls forward and back down onto the pillow. “don’t hold back those pretty sounds. let everybody hear how you like to celebrate your wins. you deserve it, baby.”
“just as much a win for you— as it is for me,” you manage to gasp out. you struggle to keep your eyes open but you force yourself to, determined to see the way his face contorts in the mirror. his eyebrows furrow as he adjusts the angle of his hips, staring down at your ass, back arching into him and forcing his cock deeper with every stroke.
he leans down over you, caging your body with his own, his mouth brushing against the back of your neck. “we both know you did most of the work. and this… this is your reward.”
“wonwoo—” you moan out brokenly as his hands knead your ass roughly, grabbing at your skin and spreading you apart so he can push into you with more force. you clench around him and he curses, his hips starting to stutter.
without warning he pulls out, rolling you over onto your back. you whine at the sudden loss and at the ache in your muscles, but wonwoo just leans forward over your body to kiss you and suddenly you forget everything you were thinking about. you’re so caught up in his mouth on yours and his hands sliding over your body that you barely even notice when he pushes his cock back into you, never breaking away from your lips as he starts out a steady rhythm, gradually building back up to his pace from earlier.
finally he pulls away, sitting up to put his hands on the back of your thighs and push your legs up to your chest. your breath catches in your throat with each thrust, your mind reeling as you concentrate on the feeling of him so deep inside you, pressing against that sweet spot over and over again.
his broad chest is the only thing that fills your vision as you cum, and your brain barely registers the words that leave his mouth in that deep, gravelly voice you’ve become accustomed to hearing nearly every night. 
“taking every inch so fucking well,” he grunts, forehead glistening with sweat. “god, you look so good taking my cock.” his movements become more and more desperate as he starts to chase his high, his fingers digging into your skin so roughly to the point that you know you’ll find bruises there in the morning. 
still breathing heavily, you whine out his name one last time, sending him over the edge right behind you in a matter of seconds. he lets out a guttural groan, continuing to snap his hips frantically as your walls squeeze around his throbbing cock.
wonwoo chuckles, handing you your purse and helping you shrug your coat on as you attempt to wipe the smudged mascara from your cheeks with your thumbs.
“same time, monday night?” you ask as he walks you down the hall to the elevator, holding the doors open with one hand.
he nods, not even making an attempt to hide the grin on his face. “you keep winning cases like you did today, and you might as well just move in. save you the trouble of calling a taxi every night.”
you laugh, knowing he’s not serious but your heart races at the thought anyway. “you keep fucking me like that, and i might take you up on that offer.”
he hums and raises his eyebrows, but you can tell he’s pleased. “i knew having that mirror installed was a good investment.”
you might not be getting paid for taking on pro bono cases, but just knowing that you’re helping people makes up for it. and of course, the compensation you get from your coworker is more than enough to keep you coming back for more. 
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grugruel · 9 months
Little Bit
Pairings: roommate!bucky x f!reader
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Summary: Moving in with your bestfriend always seems like a great idea, until something inevitably breaks you apart. . .
He grabs my jaw, 'I fucking hate you.' He breathes, and I smile against his lips.
'No you don't.' I whisper, 'You love me.'
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, forced proximity, angsty rom-com vibes, praise (reader calls bucky good boy once), I love you's, choking, creampie, rough sex, pinv sex, semi-public masturbation, swearing.
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A soft blue light shone through the windows, the neon sign across from us coloring every reachable piece of the flat a hue of blue.
Sitting on our shared couch, moved in just a week ago. I lay my head in my hands, I too was colored blue.
'How do we fix this?' He asks, sitting in the armchair across from me.
'Us?' I move my hands from my face to look at him with a faint smile, that doesnt quite reach my eyes. The light hitting him somehow fusing into purple, I turned my attention outside, searching for any type of red light.
'How, do we get rid of the flat. . .' He corrects me, forcefully shoving his finger into the coffee table, punctuating the words.
A tinge of sadness sinks it's teeth in me, moving to gnaw on the edges of my mind. Just a few hours ago, he'd still been my best friend. Since childhood, in fact. And now?
'We can't, you know that. We already signed the contract.' I sigh, 'Besides, neither of us have anywhere else to go. Or do I have to remind you?' Crossing my legs, I lean against the back of the couch, Meticulously searching for that red. Perhaps it was just the anger swelling inside him, pushing outward, seeping into his skin and tinting it red. Mixing with the cool of the blue, however, unsuccesfull in calming him.
He clenches his jaw, 'You, don't have anywhere to go.' He points an accusing finger at me, 'I- On the other hand–'
'–Have nowhere to go.' I finish his sentence for him, exhaling it in a whisper, 'We only have eachother now, ironically enough.' I flash my eyebrows upward, the words tasting bittersweet on my tongue.
Reality seems to set in as he too, leans backward and looks out through the window. Now seeming more lost than angry. Nonetheless, he blames me, for. . . what happened. I reach out for him, gracing his knee with the tips of my fingers–
But he pulls back, yanking his knee out of reach for my touch and faces away from me completley. Turning his head over his shoulder, I feel him retracting within himself, tugging all previous feelings and memories with him. He closes his eyes and exhales a shaky breath, 'Dont, I don't know you.' His voice was cold, 'You're nothing more than a roommate, a stranger im forced to share a home with.' Completley devoid of emotion.
My eyes stung with tears, and I hurry past him. Rushing upstairs to the loft, shutting myself in my bedroom.
That was a few weeks ago, the anger and sadness had settled. But in its wake, annoyance and spite had developed.
It felt very much like living with a sibling you hated dearly, a nemesis, your rival. Yet still loved, because of your ties.
'Just get out already!' I groan, stomping my foot into the floor from pure frustration. I felt like a child throwing a tantrum, but he just brought it out of me.
'I'm. Using. It.' He shouted, voice slightly muffled.
'For fu-' I stopped myself, but closed my eyes instead. Reminding myself to be the better person, 'I. Need. It.' I threw his punctuation back at him, 'I have to shower, youre making me late!' I shouted back through the door.
We both had a date, at the same time. Bucky was occupying the shower, it felt like he delayed just to make me late.
Eventually, the door opened and steam poured out of the opening. A cloud of buckys scents wafted in her face, and from it he emerged, with only a towel around his hips. With his bare upperbody on full display.
It's not like I hadn't seen him without a shirt before, but that had been as friends. Buy now that we weren't friends anymore. . . Well, I couldn't help but feel a little something.
He smiled smugly, 'Your turn.'
Oh how I wanted to scream at him, how could someone be so self-satisfied? I frantically gesture with my hands for him to move past me, and the second he did, I threw myself inside.
Finally, the water flooded down my body, every drop doing its duty in soothing an unwelcome ache. Stress and worry washing off of me, sliding into the drain, everything was perfect in this short, shielded time.
It would be over in a moment, when I rejoined the chaos that was my life.
But for now, my hand slipped downward. Quickly finding the source of my ache, and releaved it, rubbing it away in massaging circles. Doing my best to stifle my moans– When involuntarily, an image of Bucky popped up in my mind.
His towel around his hips, the low "V" on full display, his muscles rippling, torso stretching, showcasing his body and toned abs in all their glory. But what if those big hands had grabbed my waist, and pulled me close. What if he sank inside me, how heavenly it must feel. I bit my lip, my fingers moving faster. Realising too late that I was only spurring myself on, I came quickly, doing my best to stifle my moans. Toppling over, I leaned against the shower wall as I caught my breath. Praying I had been quiet enough.
When done, I hurried and dried myself off, then stepped out the shower a wrapped a towel around my torso. I took a quick look in the mirror, making sure that my actions were in no way visible on my face, then opened the door and re-entered the apartment.
The sun was just beginning to set, it was late in the day and the neon light had yet to come on. Golden light filled the apartment as–
Bucky fell onto the couch. . .
Almost looking like he'd jumped over the back of it.
I looked at him strangely, myself acting like I hadn't just touched myself to thoughts of him. 'You ok?' I asked, quirking an eyebrow.
He nodded, and grabbed a pillow, pressing it against his abdomen with an unreadable expression on his face, 'Mhm.' He hummed, 'Just fine, why would't I be?'
A violent urge to strangle him grabbed ahold of me, anger nipping at my skin, I was starting to tire of his passive-agressiveness. I inhaled through my nose, and exhaled through my mouth. Calming myself before I answered, 'You're right, how silly of me to ask. I don't even care.' and headed to my room.
What I did not see, was his eyes following me, lingering on my rosy cheeks and wet hair. Roaming over the bare parts of my skin, noting the way it was riddled with glistening water droplets. Nir had I seen, how he'd walked past the bathroom door earlier and somehow heard my moaning, or that he'd stayed and listened, intently. Sowly becoming more and more aroused. I did however, see a glimpse of him "smoothly" covering his tracks when I opened the door, the old run and jump maneuver. By some miracle, I didn't put the pieces together. Because I had not seen his erection either.
I put on my long, sleek, red satin dress.
It fell perfectly over my body, clinging to every curve. Paired with a pair of nude heels, my legs looked magnificent thorugh the slit too. I walked downstairs, expecting Bucky to make some snide remark, but he was nowhere to be found.
I figured I'd at least let him know im leaving. Presuming he was in his room, I approached it, and could indeed hear him inside.
But I wasnt to sure what to make of the sounds. My subconscious instics must've kicked in, because I reflexively took my heels off and snuck closer. Muffled grunts and slapping came from the other side of the door, they were, lewd almost, kind of like–
My jaw dropped. My name, I heard- I heard my name. He just moaned my name. Surely, this wasnt real, I scoffed internally. He was pranking me, right? Maybe it was an actress, or crush who shared my name? He was gonna open that door any second, jump out and tell me how stupid I was to think such a thing. Yet, something tightened inside me, a dull pulse flaring up.
There was a final groan, then the sound of a zipper. I blinked, frozen. Until I heard footsteps, and forced myself to snap out of it.
Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit! I quickly tiptoed over to the window, pretending to look outside. Realising I still had my heels in my hand, I had to alternate between putting them on and acting nonchalant.
The creaking sound of his door opening rang out behind me, and I yelped, my head whipping over my shoulder to look at him, taken completely off guard.
His eyes went wide as he met mine. His expression made it very clear that he'd expected me to be gone by now. 'Oh–' he clenched his jaw to keep it from falling. Rubbing the nape of his neck, he looked around nervously, 'Thought you'd gone.' He said, irritation lacing his tone, 'Since you were so stressed about being late and all.' He remarked, narrowing his eyes.
God, the gall on this man.
I put my other heel on, and turn around completley, 'Stress that you caused, you mean?' I pointed out, the final rays of sun warming my back as I looked at him, 'Dont worry, I'll leave you to it.' A giggle bubbled up in my throat. I had to suck on my bottom lip to stiffle it and hide my smile.
I turned on my heel and fled, not sticking around to see his reaction.
I couldn't keep him off my mind, surely it was not me he meant, I heard wrong. He hates me, for gods sake!
At that thought, my date picked me up, and the night was pretty uneventful from there. We had dinner and drinks, but something else was occupying my mind. I was just replaying the way my name sounded falling from Buckys lips, the way he breathed it, moaned it. My core ached at the memory.
My date no doubt thought me distant, but it couldnt be helped. I was desperate for the feeling of a man inside me, for bucky more specifically. So I laid my hand on top of my date's, 'How about we take this to my place?' I asked, smiling seductively.
Eagerly, he agrees.
Arriving back, we stumbled into the apartment. Kissing enthusiastically, as the colorful light had returned. Bathing us in a dark red light. Faintly, it illuminated our path upstairs as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my room. We'd been too busy to notice Bucky, already standing in the kitchen.
Who hadn't had a very succesful date either, the only difference being that he did not bring her back to their place. He respected their home, but apparently she did not. A feeling of anger bubbled up inside him, but it felt different. Not like it had that first night of their fight, now, he almost felt threatened. He scoffed, surely not, noo–
The red switched to green, and his brain thought it before he himself came to the conclusion, was it. . . Jealousy? He furrowed his brows, disputing with his his mind. Never, he hates her gut. Hes been teasing and annoying her, because he hates her. Simple as that. Earlier, today was just a moment of weakness, a man doing his manly obligations. That was all, he told himself and looked outside, the green light poking fun at him. Calling him out in ways he did not appreciate, it was nauseating.
He had to talk to her, go up there and put a stop to it. This was his apartment too, he had a veto.
He marched firmly up the stairs, the green contrasting the red hot anger on his face as the sounds of laughing grew stronger. He reached for the door handle, when he heard their moaning.
Her moaning more specifially, the sound of skin against skin, of a creaking bed and the way it thumped against the wall. His mind blurred the sounds of the other guy, and instead focused on the sound of her, her labored breathing, her whimpering and mewling. Wishing he was that guy right now. He could've listened all day, but snapped out of it. Shaking his head as he realised the immorality of it. He couldnt just barge in on them, he'd tell the guy to fuck off the second they were done. He nodded, yeah. . . His hand fell to his side as he took a step back–
She moaned, so beautiful. Humming, 'Ooh, fuck, thats good bucky.' The words slipped from her lips befor she could stop them.
Buck froze, they all froze. Blinking, he did a dubbel take. Huh?. . . Huuuh?
'I'm, uhm–' She tried.
'What did you just call me?' The guy questioned, 'Is- is that your roommates name?' Dumnfounded, he pulled himself off of her.
Bucky couldnt believe what he was hearing, he snickered 'Holy f— shit.' Unable to controll himself, he burst into pure laughter as he ran down the stairs. Covering his mouth in the motion, spite pouring out of his ears. 'What a marvelous, marvelous day.' He declared openly, throwing himself on the couch, arms splayed over the back. Waiting for the next scene to unfold.
The man, clothes in hand came rushing down the stairs, and noticed Bucky watching him, 'You him?' He asked.
Nodding, 'Uh, huh.' Bucky hummed, confirming the mans suspicious as a cocky smile spread across his face.
'Fantastic.' The stranger hissed, and muttered under his breath. '. . .Some competition. . .' Then fled the apartment, throwing his clothes on in a hurry.
Bucky laughed, 'So good,' and sighed with content, shaking his head in disbelief.
A second later, I came bounding down the stairs, a sheet pulled around my body. 'Did he leave already?' I asked, sprinting to the door.
Grinning, he answered, 'That he did.' Slanting his head in observation as he took her disheveled appearance in.
I run my hands through my hair in frustration, 'Shit!' My head then snapping to Bucky as he's just sitting there, snickering and looking at me smugly. 'What?' I ask, but he only shrugs, smiling stupidly. 'Wipe that smile of your face, you big idiot.' I shout, 'Where's your date, huh?'
Flinching, hes taken aback 'I didn't bring her home! Its called common curtesy!' He shouts back. Both incredibly sucessfull in riling the other up, immediately getting kn eachothers nerves.
'You jealous or something?' I throw my hands in the air, laughing incredulously.
'I don't need to be, I heard you, you know.' He smirked, 'Up there.' Nodding to my bedroom. And my blood runs cold, embarrassment prickling my face. But I clear my throat, trying to control my emotions, 'You were listening?' I quirk an eyebrow, the corner of my lip tugging.
'Wha– of course not! He protests.
'No? Well, I did.' And now it's my turn to grin, 'I heard you, too. Earlier today.'
His veins freeze, 'I don't know, what you mean. . .' Bucky begins–
'Yes you do.' I saunter toward him, getting right in his face. 'Just admit it.' I hiss, humouring myself.
Grabbing my jaw, he breathes 'I fucking hate you.' But I smile against his lips. The neon sign turning pink, painting us both in its lovely rose colour.
'No, you don't.' I whisper, 'You love me.' And drop my sheet, stark naked underneath.
In a hurry, he crawls back on top of me, lining himself up with my core. Teasing, he slides his member up and down my folds, 'Fuck' I moan, and he slides in. Immidietly setting a gruesome pace, hitting my cervix with every thrust.
He looks at me with awe in his eyes, eyebrows furrowing. He lools teribbly pained, 'I do, I do love you.' He whimpers, as if the sight of me and the the truth he'd refused to accept hurt him.
In a clash, his lips met mine. Feverishly our mouths clash together, tongues waisting no time in tasting the other. His hands glide down my sides, until they grab my ass and he lifts me into his arms. I gasp and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling on his hair, making him grunt. He walks us into his bedroom, and throws me onto the bed with a yelp, then crawls on top of me. Kissing his way up my body until our mouths found their way back to eachother. I unbutton his shirt and unbuckle his belt, hastily pulling them both off of him. He sits back, and zips down his pants, kicking them off. His size was more than enough.
He groans in my ear, snaking his hand up to my throat and as he leans on the other. Nuzzling my face softly, his hand toghtens around my throat, lightly choking me as his hips slam into mine hard into mine.
My hands roam his back, sinking my nails into his skin whenever a particularly rough thrust sends a spirit breaking ache through my body. His lips trace their way down my jaw, specking it with kisses, whispering 'I love you.' In muffled moans against my skin.
I grin, and run my hands through his hair 'Good boy.' I whisper–
He whimpers, 'Fuck.'
The snap of his hips falter as the both of us are reaching our orgasm. He kisses his way down my throat, meanwhile adjusting his hold around it. 'I love you.' He mutters between every kiss, when he finally falls over the edge. His seed spilling inside of me as he does his best to keep thrusting, helping me to reach my own climax. With the chole of his hand, member inside me and his muffled I love you's. The knot tightens in my stumache, and I topple over too. How could I not?
'I love you too.' I whisper, and I feel him smile against my throat as he squeezes it one last time. 'Good, it was too hard to stay mad at you.'
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pennyluna · 3 months
Secretly Mine - One Shot -Jeon Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Female) 🔞
Genre: Secret dating - slight smut - friends
Plot: little secret being revealed
Word count: 1.243
A/N: This one shot is part of a collection of one shots I am working in right now. Sorry it took me a long time to post again, I was busy moving to a new country and settling in so I haven't had much time to post but I am back now.
I open my eyes, my sight blurry and I feel my head pounding... ugh. I went out to a club with a couple of friends last night and ended up bumping into Jungkook and his friends, it was a fun night that ended on me having to help him bring two very drunk Jimin and Mingyu back to Jungkook's apartment, where I ended up also staying the night.
After putting Jimin and Mingyu in the guestrooms, I tried to leave but Jungkook's very good passionate kisses convinced me otherwise. Now I look at the handsome man laying next to me, his breathing calm and even, he seems so peaceful so I try my best not to wake him, I try to move his heavy arm from around my naked body, which results on him steering in bed but staying asleep.
I need a shower so I get off the bed noticing how our clothes are all over the floor, my tight leather dress that was almost ripped from my body seems so small laying there next to his t-shirt. I grabbed the clothes and pulled them all into his corner chair  -My head hurts-
I love the water pressure in Jungkook's shower, I love the frosted shower screen and how spacious it is.
I let the warm water run from my head and  wash over my body in hopes that it will take the hangover away, while relaxing I hear the bathroom door open and close but I don't move, I know it's him.
"Good morning, beautiful" Jungkook says while lowering himself to kiss my shoulder. I tilt my head back onto his chest now firmly pressed against my back.
"Did I wake you?"
"Did you not get enough last night?" I say, a moan escaping my lips. "The boys are still here, they might hear us."
"Nah. I just missed you out there" he says while starting to trace kisses on my neck. His hands moving one to my breast and one to my core, where his fingers start rubbing my clit.
I let myself melt into him.
"Never." He says between neck kisses " They are still asleep and the walls are pretty thick so don't worry."
We had done it in here before but no one else was ever in the house at the same time so I worry, I'm not ready for people to find out about our little secret.
He turns me around "(Y/L) trust me..." he looks at me, scanning my face that seem to not be showing the emotion he is looking for so he drops to his knees, pulls one of my legs over his shoulder and looking into my eyes he adds "let me help you relax"
I'm so close to my release that I start shaking and he is smiling at me mischievously, he is dragging it out, torturing me a little and enjoying it.
After one of the best orgasms I've ever had through Oral sex, he gets up pulling my legs to his waist and holding me against the wall. I can feel his cock rubbing my entrance and taking a break from a very intense kiss, he pushes in causing us both to groan in pleasure.
Once he knows I have adjusted to his size, he starts pushing in and out of me, making my eyes roll back ad shut.
He picks up the pace, our kisses more passionate each time and my orgasm is building. I know his is too. I know all the signs of his body like he knows mine and this is meant to be a morning quicky, I can feel the muscles in his back tensing under my fingertips.
"Oh My Gㅡ YES. YES! I'mㅡ" my moans get placated by his big hand placed on my mouth. I want to complain because he stopped thrusting into me while I was trying to ride my orgasm but when I look at him I notice the panicked look in his eyes and then I hear the reason.
"Hey Kook, sorry for barging in. I really need to pee and I think Mingyu is throwing up on the other one" It's Jimin. Jimin is in the freaking bathroom while I'm fully naked. Not to mention the fact that his precious golden maknae's cock is buried deep inside of me. OH MY GOD.
"Jimin. What the fuck? Get out" Jungkook orders him.
"I just need to pee. Give me one second" I hear a belt buckle followed by a zipper and my eyes widen.
"JIMIN. GET THE FUCK OUT." His voice is now seriously scary and some how it turns me on, causing my pussy to clench around Jungkook's cock who closes his eyes trying to level his breathing and then gives me a warning look.
"Kook, I'll be out in a second" I hear the sound of what I assume is his pee hitting the water in the toilet and resign, throwing my head into Jungkook's chest. -I don't think this could be any worse- " Hey so, I think I'll ask (Y/N) out." My head snaps back up and I lock eyes with Jungkook who looks very annoyed. "She looked so fucking hot last night with that dress. I couldn't stop thinking about how it would feel to take it off her..." my brain shuts off, I could not continue listening to what seemed like a mini rant about all the ways he would do me.
"Jimin shut up and get the fuck out" Jungkook's words came out slowly but they were a warning that sounded dangerous and it snapped me out of my disassociating state.
"Bro what the heck is your problem? I'm telling you about a girl I want to hook up with" Jimin's tone seems annoyed but pleading.
"I can't help you get (Y/N)..." 
I've always known Jungkook gets jealous easily, specially when people talk about me but this is not Jimin's fault, he doesn't know his friend and I are in a relationship. Jungkook and I have been dating for a while now but held off on telling the others because we want to enjoy our privacy bubble a bit longer. Well that and the fact I was scared of telling people.
I touch Jungkook's hand to get his attention and when he looks at me, I mouth 'it's time', he needs to tell his friend before this gets any more awkward. He has been wanting to tell him for a while but didn't because of me, so I let him know it's okay.
"Why not? You guys are close, you could just talk to her for me."
" Yeah, right. We are close. Very close. So I can't help you out with her"
"What do you mean? Why-" there is a few seconds of silence "Wait Jungkook... are you and (Y/N)... are you guys fucking?" his voice sound surprised and amused.
Jungkook turns to look at my blushing face and grins "Thanks to you, not anymore" 
"Huh?" there is a few seconds of silence and then a gasp "Wait.. are you- is she-?"
I can hear the realization hit him so I do the only thing I can think about "Hiii Chim"
"OH.. mmm... Hii (Y/N)!!"
"Oookay" Jungkook says slowly "Now can you get the fuck out please?"
Jimin leaves the bathroom and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Jungkook's hands go to the back of my neck to hold me upright and he bends down to kiss me deeply.
"Mine. I can finally tell everyone that you are mine. My girl."
A/N 2: Hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if there is anyone you would like me to make a story one and I will try my best to add it to my list of one shots 😘
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sweetbans29 · 4 months
Teach Me: The Art of Practice (iv) - PB
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Reader
Previous Part & Next Part
Summary: You and Paige have been best friends for the last 6 years. You trust her completely. And it is because of that trust that you ask her a rather forward question. AKA - You ask Paige to teach you.
Warnings: mature, angsty
Word Count: 2.9k
Sweetbans Masterlist & Teach Me Masterlist
AN: A little filler - more lessons to come soon.
Paige was all you could think about. And if you were to ask her, you were all Paige could think about. Yet neither of you said a single word about it.
After your last lesson, Paige had to excuse herself before continuing on with life.
"Alright ma, imma need you to stop right there before I do something you aren't ready for," Paige says as she pulls you up towards her. Your face now hovering over hers. Given your current state and hearing Paige moan your name - you weren't ready to end.
You just stare down at Paige. Before you know it, you are leaning in and connecting your lips with hers.
She is shocked at first, but seeing as to how turned on she is, kisses you back and immediately establishes dominance.
You moan into her mouth and she moves your legs to straddle her. She slowly sits up, not breaking the kiss. Your hands make their way to tug on Paige's hair causing her to struggle to maintain dominance. Using the opportunity, you begin to fight for dominance as you ever so slightly begin to grind down on the girl's hips.
Paige is fed up with how good you are at turning her on and decides to really take manners into her own hands. She removes her lips from yours and begins to work them down your neck, spending extra time on the spot she found right under your ear.
"Paige," you breathe out, now grinding harder on her trying to relieve any of the building pressure in your core. "Babe, don't stop."
Paige's senses are overloaded with you - removing any and all sense she has remaining. She takes one of her hands and lowers your bra straps, kissing down your shoulder and to your chest.
It is on the next throaty groan that reminds her this is all for a lesson and you aren't hers for the taking. Not yet at least.
Paige begins to slow down with the kisses and leans her head on your shoulder - steadying her breathing.
"Why'd you stop?" You ask before you are able to stop yourself. You feel her chuckle underneath you.
"Such a good student, babe but can't overwhelm you or you'll forget everything," Paige says, knowing full-well it is complete BS.
You don't push it and nod. The two of you stay in the same position for a minute. Paige then puts her hands on your hips, giving them a little squeeze before plopping you on the bed beside her.
She gets up and starts to make her way from your room.
"Where are you going B?" You ask and Paige's mind makes a connection.
She realizes that you only use her first name (which you would never do since coining the nickname 'B') when she had you really riled up. You would say her name and that became thrilling to her. She would try and elicit it every chance she gets moving forward.
"I need to go take care of myself babe," she says giving you a smirk. "You did such a great job turning me on that now I have to go finish it."
You blush immediately and watch the girl walk out of your room.
Now the two of you are sitting on the couch of your apartment with half of the team. They invited themselves over and decided that a movie night was in order. They had no knowledge of the compromising position Paige had you in nearly an hour before their arrival.
The girls decided on the fast and furious movies, which always meant you were watching at least two of them. Nika put on the 4th one which no one complained about and now you are all sprawled out in your living room snacking and watching.
You are posted up between Azzi and Nika - leaning on Azzi's shoulder. You made sure to not sit right next to Paige, not trusting yourself.
Paige on the other hand was in one of the recliners. Every minute or so, she found herself glancing over at you. Not that you noticed, but Azzi did.
Paige's eyes would shift to you and then she would adjust in the recliner. Azzi got sick of it and tried to pull Paige's gaze to her. When she finally makes eye contact with Azzi, Azzi gives P the 'stop staring' eyes. Paige just shrugs and crosses her arms. She wants you in the recliner with her.
The first movie wraps up and you can feel yourself getting sleepy. Everyone gets up to grab more snacks and use the restroom. You go and grab a sweatshirt - finding the closest one to you in your room which just so happened to be Paige's. You throw it over your head and let it swallow you up.
When you make your way back, you see Nika has shifted over to where you were sitting and Evina took Nika's spot. You stand for a second before looking over at Paige in the recliner with both arms open, inviting you into her. You inhale and make your way over to your best friend.
You crawl on top of her and curl up with your head on her chest. Paige's arms wrap around you and you make some final adjustments to get comfortable. None of this phasing the girls on the couch one bit.
It is halfway through the movie and you feel yourself nodding off. Paige can tell you are fighting sleep and kisses the top of your head.
"Go to sleep love, it's okay." She says in your ear as she rubs your back. You stop fighting it and allow the much-needed sleep come over you.
The movie finishes and the girls begin cleaning up. Paige never minded hosting knowing all the girls always clean up after themselves. When Paige didn't make a move to help - it caught everyone's eye.
"Bro, you are whipped," Evina says looking down at Paige rubbing your sleeping back.
"I am not - she's my best friend," Paige says making sure she is not talking too loud. She doesn't want to wake you.
"You are wrapped around her finger, there is no trying to hide it," Azzi says with a smile, knowing the full extent of Paige's love for you.
Paige knows she could fight this but also knows that they are right, right as she is about to respond, you begin to stir.
Paige continues to rub circles on your back as your eyes flutter open.
"Is the movie over?" You ask, voice groggy and eyes half closed.
"It is," Paige says in the softest voice. "The girls are about to head out, do you want to say bye?" She says looking up.
You look and see all the girls looking at you in Paige's arms. You can't help but blush and hide your face in Paige's chest causing all the girls to let out 'awws' and coos. You put your hand up and wave at them as they say their goodbyes.
Once they all leave, you prop yourself up on Paige. One hand on the recliner, the other on her stomach to stabilize yourself. You yawn and fall right back into your best friend's arms. Paige lets out a breathy laugh.
"You gonna move so we can go to bed?" She says expecting you to get up and not go right back to where you were.
"Too comfy," you say and nuzzle your face into her with a hum.
Paige can't help but fall more in love with you in these moments.
Her hand comes up to brush some of the hair out of your face and you look up and let out a content sigh.
You hadn't told Paige yet but you ended up not going on the second date with the girl from your class. She was nice but you learned she wasn't what you wanted. You couldn't have what you wanted. And you didn't want the lessons to stop so you opted to keep quiet. Something was better than nothing right?
You are looking into Paige's eyes and can't help but think what this would be like if you admitted your feelings to the girl. Would she reciprocate them? Would she tell you she has loved you as long as you loved her? Or would she run? Say you are nothing but a friend and cause the biggest heartbreak of your life?
Paige is looking down at you, hand still playing with your hair. She could get used to this. Up to this point, she has never wanted to be in a relationship with anyone. She was completely content hooking up with girls when she needed a fix and then coming back to your friendship. But the more she thought about it and the closer she got to you - it had her questioning settling down and making you hers.
Her thumb comes up to rub your cheek and your heartbeat picks up.
Your mind begins to stir.
Your hand comes up to grasp hers, removing it from your face. As you do so you adjust yourself, no longer curling up on her but laying with your stomach on hers. You place the hand that you were holding on your waist, bringing yours back up to cup her neck moving it enough to allow the access you want.
Your lips meet her neck in a gentle kiss, instantly having her craving more. You kiss up her neck to the base of her earlobe, kissing it before bringing it between your lips giving it a little suck.
Paige lets out the most beautiful moan as you feel her fingers tighten their grip around your waist.
"What...what are you doing ma?" She asks, barely able to get the words out before another moan escapes her mouth as you continue to work on her neck.
"You know," you say in between kisses. Hand coming down to the hem of her shirt lifting it just enough to run your fingertips over her torso. "Your moans are like music to my ears."
You begin to kiss your way up to her lips. Right before you reach her lips you pause. Not looking in her eyes, only at her lips.
"How am I doing, 'ma'?" You ask in a borderline teasing tone and use the pet name that would fall from her lips.
It was her turn to bite her lip. You shake your head no.
"If I can't do it, neither can you." You say bringing her lip out from her bite. "And for the record, I just wanted to practice."
You sit up and make your way out of the chair and towards your room.
"You coming to bed, B?" You say innocently like you just didn't turn her on faster than any other girl she has been with.
Paige gets up without a word and follows you into your bedroom.
In the next few days, you and Paige are back to normal. Hanging out with the team, practicing, bugging one another. It was nice. It was normal.
It is game day and the team is in the gym getting ready. You are at your desk reviewing some last-minute plays when Geno comes in and tells you to get out there with the team.
You head to the floor and watch the girls warm up. The game begins and the team is playing extremely well. They are up in the 4th when Paige is hit in the face by a girl from the other team. She falls to the ground holding her face.
You freeze - panic setting in. She stands up and slowly makes her way to the bench, knowing they won't let her play with blood on her face.
Geno is arguing with the ref as you do the same. You hear your name called but ignore it until Azzi comes up and grabs your arm.
"Paige keeps pushing the medic away - will you?" Azzi says as her head nods in the direction of Paige swatting the medic's hand away from her face. You roll your eyes and make your way over.
"B, get your ass over here." You say as you dawn a glove and grab a tissue.
"She flat out hit me in the face and they are calling it a common foul! That is absolute trash!" She says but still makes her way to you.
You put the tissue on her nose and she hits your hand away.
You give her a look, knowing the look will do more than any words could. She stops moving and stands there. You put the tissue up to her nose and hold it there, looking past her at Geno and the refs. When you turn your attention back to the girl in front of you, you see her eyes are closed. She looks peaceful at this moment like she isn't in the middle of a game and didn't just get hit in the face.
Your hand removes the tissue from her nose and you grab her chin, examining her face. Her eyes remain closed only opening when you reach around and tap her ass.
"You're good to go B," you say sending her on her way, only she doesn't move.
"B, go," you say and gesture towards the court.
Paige hesitates before doing her little jump and steps toward the court but not before her hand finds your waist, giving it the all-too-familiar squeeze. Your breath hitches and you shoot her a look.
The team goes on to win the game. Everyone is super excited and decides to go out to a bar to celebrate. You only go because the team insists and you can't say no to the girls.
While the team is out, you decide to have a dry night. The last thing you want is to be trying to corral a group of tipsy girls.
You are sipping a sprite when you hear loud giggling come from your right.
Paige is whispering in a girl's ear causing her to giggle. You try not to pay it any attention but you see the girl's hand come up to Paige's chest and play with her hair.
It makes you sick. Yet, you can't take your eyes off of them. You take another sip of your drink as you watch Paige's hands come up to the girl's waist - a feeling you have grown to crave.
Paige says something in the girl's ear that causes her to nod rapidly and allow Paige to take her hand, leading her away from the bar.
Your stomach drops and you feel your eyes become wet.
'This is so stupid' you think to yourself as you watch them go towards the bathrooms.
You drop some money at the bar, grab your jacket - not wanting to be anywhere near this place, and let one of the girls know you are heading home. Before you reach the door, you feel the first tear fall. Your hand comes up to wipe it away before anyone can see and you make your way home.
To your lack of knowledge, your tears didn't go unseen. Azzi was watching you the whole time Paige was talking to the girl at the bar. Azzi knew the second you heard the giggle that Paige drew from the girl, it would hit your ears. Azzi saw how your demeanor changed when you saw Paige and how you left just as they were heading to the bathroom. Azzi was the only person to see your tears fall as you walked out. She is also the only person in the world who knows that Paige is completely and utterly in love with you.
Paige eventually emerges and finds Azzi. The first thing she does is ask where you are.
"She left..." Azzi says.
"Why? Where did she go?" Paige asks.
Azzi gives Paige a look and Paige knows that you saw her take a girl back. Paige puts the water in her hand and begins to make her way out of the bar.
"Paige!" Azzi yells and catches up to her.
"Let me go, I am going home," Paige says wanting to find you.
Azzi lets out a sigh, not sure what Paige is going to do.
"Maybe you should just give her some space," Azzi says, not wanting to completely out the state that you left in.
"Space?" Paige laughs. "You know better than anyone that I don't want space, especially when it comes to her."
Azzi loves Paige but also knows how big of an idiot Paige can be.
"I am going home and I am spending the rest of the night with my girl," Paige says, completely forgetting she just had her tongue and hands on someone who was most definitely not you.
Just as Paige is about to walk out, Azzi puts her hand up to stop Paige. Right as Paige is about to protest and give some sort of speech she is confused when she sees Azzi's hand come to her shirt.
Paige stands there, as Azzi fixes the mismatched buttons on Paige's shirt then lets the girl go.
Azzi watches her friend go. She sighs and takes a long sip of her drink. She didn't fix the shirt for Paige. She fixed it for you, she couldn't bear the thought of more tears falling over some dumb decision by Paige.
AN: The plot thickens...are you hooked yet? Let me know what you think. And as always, thank you for your love and support 💙
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yoditopascal · 6 months
After Hours
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“I'm fallin' in too deep. Without you, don't wanna sleep. 'Cause my heart belongs to you. I'll risk it all for you. I want you next to me.”
warnings: fluff, established relationships, suggested smut
Jason pushed the windows open as he came in the room with a yawn.
Taking off his Red Hood helmet he tossed it to the side as he shuffled outta his costume.
“C’mon, seriously,” he muttered as he stood in the doorway, pants at his ankles in nothing but his Wonder Woman boxers “it’s like 5am what are you still doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep, too much to do.”
“Like what?” He asked resting a hand on his hip
“I got a shit ton of math work due soon plus I need to finish my essay annnnd I work tomorrow.” You shrugged taking a sip of your cold coffee
“You know you can’t survive purely on caffeine, right?” He sighs
“Like you’re any better.” You replied
“At least I eat.” He argued back
“Come on. Take a break.” He said sitting next to you on the bed while resting a hand on your back.
“I can’t,” you said, lifting your head to face him. You had so much to do. So much to study and so little time for it all.
“Come on,” he said again, grabbing your hand and tugging you to him. “Just for the day. You’ll feel better after. I promise.”
It was Jason’s idea to take you out to the small park around the block from your shared apartment in the Hill, after a short nap and some breakfast at your favorite diner. It was a sunny day and it was well deserved after finishing a grueling week of college classes, trying to earn your bachelor’s degree.
His smart cookie Jason liked to call you.
As you walked, wandering around the park pointing out different animals, feeding birds and just talking to each other, Jason tries to place his hand in your back pocket but when he realizes you’re wearing joggers, his favorite ones he might add, the ones that hug the curves of your ass just right, he rests his hand right over your ass.
“Really?” You chuckle as you lean into his side savoring his warmth
“What? I can’t help myself, that thing is like a magnet.” He shrugged bringing his hand to rest on your hip as you walked.
You stayed at the park for what felt like hours just enjoying each other’s company till the sky started to turn orange and your bellies started to rumble with hunger.
“Let’s head back.” Jason said as he stood from his spot on the park bench you two had stopped to rest at, pulling you with him by the hand as he led you back to the apartment.
Back at the apartment, Jason had you wait in the living room while he cleaned up the room a bit. When you were finally allowed to enter the room you aww’ed at how sweet he was being.
Jason had a whole set up for you. He changed the sheets and comforter and had the tv set up to your favorite show. Candles were lit on the end tables and a few small snacks were set out too.
“What do you say babe wanna Netflix and chill for a bit?”
Chilling was definitely the word you would use for what y’all did. Both of you had stripped down and threw on your pajamas, yours being a pair of shorts and one of Jason’s shirts, and his being a old t-shirt and his favorite pair of green joggers, and jumped right into bed.
You ended up watching almost a whole season of your favorite show while Jason just laid at your side and read his book.
A few hours later and the sky was dark, stars were starting to shine brightly in the sky. Jason stepped out to go and grab some food from y’all’s favorite local diner again. When he got back the room was dark, the tv was off and you were nowhere in sight.
Panic gripped his chest for a split second before he realized the window to the fire escape was open, climbing up it he was met with the sight of you sitting on the rooftop peacefully watching the sky as you hummed to yourself.
“Whatchu doing out here?” Jason asked as he plopped down next to you on the rooftop. He had the burgers he had gone to pick up in one hard and your drinks in the other.
“Nothing. Just clearing my head.” You leaned forward to rest your cheek on your knees, while staring at him a small smile creeping up on your face.
“What’s with the look?”
“You have no idea how much I appreciate you Jay.” You smiled up at him
“Stop before I puke” he said turning away from you to hide the small pink tint to his cheeks. Compliments weren’t really his thing but you always liked to shower him with them
“I’m serious!”
“Yeah whatever eat your food.” he said handing you your burger and drink. The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes as you ate you leaning into him every so often as you hummed in satisfaction, him rolling his eyes at you but smiling behind his burger as you did so.
The two of you sat and enjoyed the quiet, simply watching the stars and just enjoying each other’s company. Jason kept glancing back at you now and again, whether it was to make sure you were still there or just to appreciate your face you weren’t sure but you accepted the attention nonetheless.
“I’m surprised you took the night off.” You said as you leaned back into his side.
“Roy’s got it covered.” He said stretching out and placing a blanket around you both
“How is Roy?” You asked
“Roy’s…Roy.” He shrugged
You snuggle a bit closer trying to steal his body heat which made him chuckle
“You heat vulture.”
“What? It’s chilly!” You shrug
You’re practically in his lap, legs draped over his, when you start to play with his hair, fingers running through his scalp massaging it as he leaning into your touch
“Whatcha doin there, princess?”
Your fingers move down to play with the hair at the back of his neck. “Just enjoying your company is all.”
“Mhm. Are you hoping to continue to enjoy my company?” He hums in response as he cocks his brow at you suggestively.
You chuckle and he gives you a look
“Well, I guess I can invite you in for a few minutes, Mr. Red Hood.”
He smirks as his fingers dancing across your neck and collarbone before coming to rest on your jaw “How thoughtful of you.”
He caught your mouth with his own the kiss starting off gentle but quickly evolving
Pulling away from the now bruising kiss Jason kissed and nipped along your jaw to neck mouthing at the spot he knew never failed to make you weak in the knees.
You let out a breathless moan as he worked at your neck leaving dark love marks in his wake before finding his way back up to your lips with a smile, a shiver runs down your spine.
He pulls you closer, running his hands across your body, lingering on your thighs and ass. The blanket falls from around you two pooling around your heated bodies.
Jason licked at your mouth asking for entrance which you were all too happy to oblige. He ran his tongue along yours, deepening the kiss once more as you tilted your head to give him better access to your mouth.
He lifted you up without breaking the kiss putting you in his lap quickly picking up in intensity as he kissed you again and again. Your legs encircled his hips as he groped and dragged you into him slowly but heatedly grinding himself to your core.
Just as his hands found your waistband and started wandering a little further south you pulled away from his lips with a wet pop.
“We’re on the roof Jay.”
“Right.” he said, sounding a little embarrassed that he had gotten so carried away out in the open like that. He buries his face in your neck and inhales, trying to calm himself down. You smell good he realizes but he pushes the thought back down.
You peck his lips on last time before pushing off of him. You stood and stretched before grabbing his hand and leading him back down the fire escape to your cozy little apartment.
Pushing him down onto the mattress Jason smirked up at you before looking at you in confusion.
“Wait where are you going?” he said watching you grab a towel.
“I have to shower,” You said dryly, taking off your clothes, turning to face him, you cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Care to join me?”
Jumping up from the bed Jason scooped you up into his arms carrying you into the bathroom with him
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
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spidybaby · 1 month
Footnote | Part Three
Summary: After you moved out of Barcelona, you returned to find yourself again. Pablo finds out and wants to make amends with you.
Warnings: cursing, NSFW, depression talk, death topic.
A/N: I want to thank all the support you guys give to this piece. It was so fun to make, and to be honest. I thought this was a one part only. Thank you to 🥀 anon, who requested the first part. This was fun to write. I love you all 💛✨️
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Part one | Part two
Pablo freezes, he feels his heart palpitations in his ears. He feels how his blood pressure is up.
"What do you mean?"
"You have to stop. Seriously." You say, walking to the other side of the couch and picking your things.
"What are you doing?" He asks, heart about to get out of his chest. "Don't leave."
"Stop!" You yell. "Pablo, you have to stop playing."
You walk to the door, you feel anger inside of you. The door is shut down by Pablo. He grabs your arms and turn you around.
"I'm not playing."
"You are." You say, stern tone. "You rejected me. You told me I needed to sober up the night I told you that I had feelings for you." You hit his chest, reminding him of his own words. "You told me time was not changing the way you felt for me, and now, you are telling me that you love me."
"I do, I love you." He whines. "Preciosa, por favor."
"Then why did you hurt me?"
"I'm sorry I did that, I was so scared of fucking things up." He yells too. "I was so scared of losing you."
"You only thought about you." You push him away. "You left me cry myself to sleep so many times, all because you were a coward who couldn't face his feelings."
"Y/n, it's not like that."
"Then how it is?" You ask, mad at him. "You were the one who told me you liked her. You were the one who was with her during all the time we were apart." You remind him.
"Paula never mattered to me." He grabs your face. "You do. I left her for you."
You grab his hands, taking them away from you. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" You chuckle. "Pablo, you confessed you are in love with me since we were fucking kids! But you couldn't say it the night of the party?"
You feel anxious, you want to get out of his house. You want to go home and be alone in your room.
"I was wrong." He gets close again. "I was so afraid, believe me. And when you came to tell me you were with your boyfriends, I was so mad at them. They could have you, and I couldn't."
His hands find your hips and pull you to him, making you smash against his chest. "You were worried about losing me? Well, Pablo, you did. Now let go of me."
You try to push him away, but his grip on your hips grows. You can't give in. You need to leave the house.
Por favor." He beg. "We can make this work."
"Let me go." You say, turning your head. You can't look at him. "Please do."
He shakes his dead, hugging your back and hiding his head on the crock of your neck. When his shoulders started to shake you feel bad.
"Pablo, mi amor." You say, trying to calm him down. "Please let me go, we can talk some other time."
"You won't be back." He whispers, sobbing. "We can fix this, please."
"Pablito, we need to calm down." You whisper too. "Please, you have to let go of me."
You grab his arms, pulling them away from you slowly. He gives in, not wanting you to feel forced or something.
"You won't be back." He sobs.
You can't lie to him and tell him that you would. You can't pretend that this is going to be easy for the two of you.
You place your hand on his cheek, caressing it. He gives in into your touch, enjoying the warmth of your hand.
"I'm sorry I fucked this." He cries.
You dry his tears. Pablo crying made your heart break. You want to hug him and tell him that you do want to fix things up.
"I have to go." You whisper, kissing his cheek. "I'll see you around."
He nods, placing his hands on top of yours. He brings it to his mouth and kisses it. "I love you." You nod, half smiling at him.
You take your hand away from his. Walking quickly to the exit. You run to your car as soon as you close his door.
You rush home, barely saying hello to your parents, walking quickly upstairs. You lock your door, undressing and turning the temperature from hot to cold.
You feel every fiber of your body tense at the temperature and untense a few seconds later. You want to cry, but you won't.
You won't spend another night crying about him and his decisions. Not after all the work it took you. Not after crying yourself to sleep while thinking you were not worthy for love if the only boy you trusted with your life didn't love you.
You turn the water off, grabbing the towel that you keep there to dry you. You walk back into your room.
You open your computer, searching that email you left ignored in your list. You open the link, writing the requirements.
You sent that pdf you don't want to send, but if you don't want to do it... why did you even have it ready?
You know the time difference is helping you. You checked Google and noticed that you were just in time to beat the deadline.
You change into your pajamas, not caring about what happens next. You turn the lights off and force yourself to sleep.
Unsuccessfully, you were wide awake all night. The only sounds you could hear at this time were the normal morning sounds.
You decide to get food, walking downstairs and finding your grandma drinking her normal coffee.
"Isn't it a little bit early for you to be awake?" She asks, narrow eyes.
You nod, grabbing the bread and some things to prepare a sandwich. "I'm just breaking the routine."
She watches you, she wants to ask. "How was your night?"
"It was," you try to think on a word that shows that it was good but not good. "Something?" You say doubtfully. "Yeah, something."
She doesn't ask any more questions. You finish preparing your food and walk out of the kitchen. Walking to the tv and turning it to find something to watch.
It's funny that the channel the tv was on is about to play the repetition of the last Barcelona vs. Girona game.
You don't mind changing it. Feeding your pain with the image of him. You bite into your food while cursing him in your mind.
Thinking things you won't ever dare to say to him. Name calling him the worst he could ever think. Criticizing his ability to think rationally for other things outside the field.
You sob, trying to hide it by bitting your food. You can't help the cries, you can't help but think that you could be together if he wasn't a coward.
> Patience won't change how I feel about you. <
You dry your tears and turn the tv off. This is what everybody always wanted for you two. Why is it so difficult?
You left your teary wet sandwich on the coffee table. Walking upstairs to cry in peace. You don't want to give explanations on why, again, you are crying over Pablo.
You lock your room, throw yourself in bed, and let all your feelings out. You were having the cry of your lifetime.
The phone interrupts you. You roll your eyes thinking it was Pablo. When it stops you get up to wash your face.
The ringing is audible again. You decide to check it, an unknown number on the screen. You clear your throat, not wanting to sound sick.
"Hi, is this miss Y/n?"
"Yes, hi. This is me." You take a seat at the corner of the bed.
"Great, I'm Trina from the scholarships department, we got all your paperwork in time. We want to arrange a virtual meeting to talk about all the details, the papers you would sign, the accommodations, and of course the day you can board so you can move in."
You look at the picture in your nightstand, that Polaroid that you and Pablo took when he signed for Barca's first team.
"That's fine. When is the meeting?"
"Is it okay in about two hours? That way, I'll schedule you."
"Yes, thank you."
"Great, I'll send you the link. Me and the dean will see you. I'll send some of the paperwork. You will sign the day you get here, so you can read them with patience. We are so excited to have to in our campus."
"Thank you." You say, hanging up the call.
You hurry to wash your face and get your hair ready. You apply some makeup, straight your hair, and even change your top.
You wait for the meeting, feet impatiently hitting the floor. You are scared to do this. When the alarm you place to join the meeting sounds, you click on the link.
You talk with the dean and Trina, both of them congratulating you on getting into this college. About how happy they are for you to get there.
They explain what your program would be, how it would develop, and what where you can reside. They offer you different options and different plans. They offer you the catalog of classes and extracurricular activities.
"Thank you for this opportunity." You smile at them. "I'm happy to join you."
"We are so happy for your addition to our group. Now I want to ask you, since you told me you had trouble getting a paper. I understand, but the flight time is a little more short now."
You nod, understanding that you would have to leave earlier than it was supposed to in the paper.
"Would it be a problem if we booked your ticket for the end of this month? You would still have twenty days."
You freeze, not thinking it would be this quickly. It was going to be a hard kick for your parents. It was going to be a hard kick for your grandma.
"If it's for the best." You smile. "It's okay by me, sir."
"Fantastic, we will book your tickets, and I'm not promising anything yet, but I think I can get you a special upgrade. You are the best of our candidates, and this would not go unnoticed."
You smile at them, saying your goodbyes. You close your laptop, staring at the little picture of your parents that you have sticked to the wall.
You tear up a little, changing your clothes and taking your makeup off. You feel happy, but you also feel in pain.
You threw the dirty clothes from last night into the laundry basket. You take your shirt, giving it a last smell. It smelled like him.
You walk to your nightstand and grab the picture. You look at it one last time. Throwing it on the garbage.
You open the door, walking to your parents' room. They are watching the news while getting ready for work. "Hey, I gave to tell you something I did."
"Can this wait, baby?" You dad asks. "I'm kinda late for a meeting. And I know I'm the boss, but I can't be late again."
"I don't think this can wait." You say, making him turn.
He noticed your puffy eyes and red face. "Hey, what's going on?"
"I applied for a scholarship in Boston." You say. "And I got it."
"Baby, that's so good!" You mom says. Hugging you and kissing your face. "We are so proud."
"Thank you." You smile at her. "The thing is, I leave by the end of the month." You sob. "And I won't be back until I graduate."
"Why do you always fuck things up?" Aurora asks him. Mad about the things Pablo is telling her.
"I tried to stop her." He shouts from the kitchen. "I thought maybe we could fix things up."
"Pablo, seriously?" She rolls her eyes. "You are so dumb. You humiliate her the night you told her you didn't want anything with her because you liked other girl, then you come around and tell her that you like her since you were a kid."
Pablo can't understand why he even lied to you, to your mom and to everybody about who he was feeling.
His heart aches at the thought of you. It's like after that night all over again. You two are not talking, you two away, you two are just you two.
You are not blending together like you should.
You are you, and he is he.
"I'm calling her." He says.
Aurora is quicker and grabs his phone from his hands, hiding it under her. "Pablo, no." She points at him.
"Why?" He asks mad. "Give me my phone back."
"You have to give her space." She says, getting up and walking to the kitchen with both her phone and his phone in hand. "Also, maybe not a call, but pay her a visit."
"I'm not sure. Maybe I can go right now."
"Pablo, you need to give her space." Aurora grabs his shoulders and sits him at one of the stools. "I know her. Last time it was really hard for her. And I think it's best if you do wait."
He agrees, he will wait. He needs to let you cool down. He asks his mom for advice, he doesn't know what to do with his impatient self.
His mom calls yours, they talk about the whole drama her son created. Your mom tells her honestly that she finds it kind of funny but at the same time has to stand in your line.
Belen understands, she doesn't want you to feel pressed, so she tells Pablo that is the best if he waits for you to feel better.
Your mom doesn't say anything about you leaving. She knows that Pablo would find out anything and would even get into the plane with you.
"Are you ready, princesa?" You dad asks, he is sad that you are leaving.
"Yes, I have everything." You hug him, not wanting to leave.
You know this is the best for you. You need to find yourself and find a meaning for life and for love again.
One that doesn't have a relation with Pablo. One that's brand new. One that's related to your new beginning.
"I'm going to miss you." He whispers. "But mom and I will visit you in your new apartment." He kisses your cheek.
"And I'll wait for that." You smile. "Please don't let me become American." You cry jokingly.
"You won't. We speak Spanish in this house." He jokes.
Your mom and grandma say their goodbyes. Your mom can't be there when you leave. She will run with you to the plane.
"What are you going to do if she gets married with someone from there?" Your grandma asks her. They are waving the last goodbye at you.
"Force that person to come leave here." She jokes.
Your dad is back in around an hour. The house feels weird without you there. Even when you were outside, they were sure you were okay because you were with Pablo.
Now, it's a new type of fear. What if you were with the wrong people? What if you joined something wrong? What if you were afraid of telling them about your mistakes?
"She will be fine." Your grandma says. "She's a good girl." She pat their backs.
The knock on the door alerts them. "Maybe she chicken out in Madrid." Your dad jokes with them, making them laugh. "Coming."
He walks to the door, finding a very impatient Pablo. "Hey, sir. I know you must hate me for everything I've done to your daughter. But I promise I'm here for good." He awkwardly says. "Please just let me talk to her. My mom and sister don't think this is right, but I know that if I don't talk to h-"
"Pablo." You dad interrupts, sighs with sadness for the boy. "She left."
Pablo feels a shiver running down his spine. "Sh-she left?" He laughs. "What?"
"She's gone, buddy." You dad pats his back. "I'm sorry, I wish this would have been different for the two of you."
"She left to go where?" He asks. "I can take a plane there. I can go."
"It's best if you move on, Gavi." He hugs the boy, letting him process what he was told. "We love you, kiddo." He smiles at him. "You are welcome here, come have dinner with us if you want to, anytime. Come sleep here like you used to when you just move out to your new house. Don't be a stranger, you are like our kid." He says.
Pablo nods, hugging him back. He is still in shock.
Where are you?"
> Pablo, you already lost me <
"Are you happy?" Your friend asks you.
The graduation ceremony was done. All your classmates and other graduate students are with their families.
"Yes, my dad is here." You say. "Say goodbye to your parents for me." You smile at her.
"I'll see you in Barcelona." She kisses your cheek. "I love you, I'm sure the pain would go away."
"It won't, but I'm working on it." You laugh, making her do it too. "Call me so I can prepare everything for your arrival."
You walk over to your dad. Hugging him. "Look!"
You showed him the diploma, he was so happy for you. Your grandma stayed in Barcelona, she didn't want to spend more than eight hours in a plane.
You take pictures with him. Sending them to the family group and thanking your grandma and aunts for the congratulations.
"Are you sure you don't want to go have dinner?" He asks.
"No, papi." You sigh. "Let's just get something and eat it on the plane."
He understood, helping you with your things and with everything. You just want to sleep and wake up in Barcelona, like you used to.
You wrote a note to the dean and to Trina. They were such a help during the good and bad times. You left it with your friend, making sure she will give it to them.
You arrived at home the next day, tired to do anything or tell anyone. You just wanted to rest in bed.
"Hey, can we go to sevilla to see Grandma?" You ask your dad. He was in his room, undoing this luggage.
"I have a lot of working to do, but I can get you the ticket." He smiles. "Just be careful, please."
"Gracias!" You hug him. "I'll be good."
You unpack your luggage, noticing the other three big ones on the floor. You place everything on the empty closet.
"Hey!" He says. "Mom cleaned that place for you. She knows you like to keep your closet clean."
"Yeah, she knows how much I hate outdated clothes." You joke. "Do you think it's a good idea to take the letter to Belen and Pablo?"
"If that's what you want, I'm sure they would love to read it." He hugs you. "I booked your ticked and texted grandma."
"Grandma can text?"
"Grandma can dm on Instagram." He laughs. "Or that's what Junior says." He says, referring to your cousin. "He sends her reels or something."
You smile at that information. You were so happy to go back to your sevilla home. You spend almost all day arranging your things.
Your flight was supposed to be for the night. You pack a small luggage just in case you need more things.
You pack your mother's letters and other things to take to sevilla. You follow your mother orders, taking the things back to their place.
Yourusername has added to your story
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Aurorapaezg: Are you in sevilla for real, or is this another old picture?
Yourusername: I was about to call you, I just got back from Boston. Maybe we can meet at your place!
Aurorapaezg: Siii! My mom is going to be so happy to see you. She misses you like crazy ❤️
Yourusername: Tonight sounds good? I'll take that pie. I know she loves it
Aurorapaezg: Can't wait 🥹✨️
You walk with the pie in your hands, knocking on the door. Pablo Sir opened it, eyes shining when he saw you.
"Muñeca!" He says, smiling. "Get inside. When did you come back? Let me help you with that." He takes the pie out of your hands. "Come inside, they are so happy to see you."
"Gracias." You smile, entering the house. "I'm happy to see you." You hug his side. "I missed you."
You walk inside, Aurora and Belen are fixing something in the kitchen. You went around the counter and poke Aurora.
She yelled in excitement, throwing herself at you. You two jump a little while hugging. When you are done with her, you hug Belen. She hugs you so tight.
"We are so happy to have you back!" She says. "Aurora cried for days when she found out."
"I'm sorry, it was an impulsive decision." You pout. "Honestly, I felt like it wasn't the best, but I enjoyed it."
"Your parents were so proud." Pablo says. "Your mom came for Belen's birthday and told us about your graduation, she showed us pictures of your thesis work."
"Yes, she was so excited." You smile. "Oh, I bring you the pie you like." You smile.
You all ate some food that Aurora prepared. Talking about life and about everything. You told them about your last months in Boston. They told you about their last months.
"How's Pablo?" You ask.
"Oh." Belen says. "He's fine. We spent his birthday here."
"Yes, he's been coming a little bit more." Pablo adds. "You parents saw him the last time they were here."
"They did?" You ask. "Mom didn't mention it."
You shake the thoughts out of your mind. Asking Aurora how her and her boyfriend were. She has this mischievous smile.
"Oh my gosh." You say. "What?" She lifts her hand, showing you her ring. "Aurora!" You jump from excitement, hugging her.
"We want a winter wedding." She says, happy. "I was so happy when you mentioned that you were coming back before winter, because that way you can be on my bridal party."
You nod, hugging her tighter. You can believe the girl you grew up with and played wedding was actually getting married.
You spend the rest of the day with them, talking and sharing stories. Aruroa shared with you some ideas she had, and you two create a pinterest board.
"It was so nice seeing you, Y/n." Belen says. "How long are you staying?"
"I think I'll stay for a little bit, I want to rearrange the house." You say. "Talking about the house, I have something for you."
You grab your bag, searching for the letters. You take a second, deciding if you should give them the one for Pablo or not.
"I have these letters for you." You smile. "Mom wanted me to give them to you. I also have a box for you, Belen."
"Thank you, darling." She hugs you. "Maybe you can bring it and come for dinner tomorrow." She smiles, making your nod.
fcbarcelona has added to their story
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"Gavi!" Pedri yells, happy to see his friend. "I thought you were in sevilla."
"Hola, hermano." He hugs him. "I was, but I came back like two days ago."
"Oh, sorry, I forgot that now you have a girlfriend, and you don't spend that much time in Sevilla." He jokes.
Gavi rolls his eyes at Pedri. Since he introduced him to this girl from Canaria, he's obsessed with joking about them being a couple.
"She's not my girlfriend. We are just having a good time."
"Hurry with it, she's worth it." He pats Gavi's back. "See you tomorrow."
"Yeah, just because she's the best friend of your girlfriend." He laughs. "Bye."
Pablo hates when people introduce him to girls. He has this thing for quick things. Never too serious.
He doesn't want anything for the long run, he just wants to have fun and enjoy life. He makes sure the girls he's hooking up with know this.
You are here for a good time, not for a long time. Enjoy the gifts, the trips, the money he spends on them, but don't get used to it.
Pedri, Fermin, Ansu, and some others tried to get him to date someone, they wanted him to experience what love was.
They wanted him to finally come around his senses that being a fuck boy was not going to be a lifetime thing.
Sure, it was fun, it was exciting, it was cool, but it wasn't the answer. He would want to get serious at some point, and maybe the girl he wants won't be there because who wants a player?
And no, we are not talking about football player, we sure want that, but the kind of player who fucks and dumps. Ew.
"I'm fine by myself." He says every time they talk this idea of dating into him.
Pablo was happy when Aurora told him the news about the engagement. He was over the moon when her boyfriend asked him to be the best man.
He wanted his sister to have the time of her life. He wanted her to be happy and to have all the love in the world.
"I know you told me it wasn't necessary, but I want you to know that I asked my bank for an additional card with your name on it. Just in case you want to expand your budget."
"Pablito, seriously?" She asks, doing something while he is playing on the play station. "I'm grateful for that, thank you."
"Who is on the bridal party?" He asks, curious to see if he knows everybody.
"Well, I have our cousin Paola, I have my friend Karla and Luz." She starts with the names. "I also have someone else, but I'll tell you later."
He just hummed, not fully interested in the whole list, just the people he knows. "So, I know like 5 people."
"I promise it's going to be fun." She smiles. "I'll text you the details for the party we are organizing, we are giving the placements and everything."
"Did you see my calendar?"
"Yes, I used your availability, Pablito. Don't worry." She laughs, making him smile. "I'll call you later, the planner is calling. Love you."
"Love you too, bye."
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"Are you happy to be home, hermano?" Fermin asks. He was happy that he got to spend the weekend with him and his family. "Say hi to your mom and dad for me."
"Maybe after the game, you can tell them yourself." He smiles.
"Any plans for the weekend, boys?" Ferran asks.
"I have my sister's wedding bridal or something party." He smiles. "So I'm busy."
"That means your girl needs to go dress shopping." Pedri tease.
"I don't have a plus one." He says, not caring about bringing her. "Plus, only family and close friends are coming." He smiles.
Pedri rolls his eyes, tires of trying to get Gavi to get serious with one girl. They can't try all their lifes.
"Fermin is going." Ferran says.
"I'm a close friend, idiot." Fermin hits the back of Ferran's head.
"Wow, rude."
Pablo and the other laugh. They can't help but enjoy the little fights between Fermin and Ferran.
Pablo checks the group chat of the party, he checks all the numbers, and finds one that he can't recognize. Who was it?
He likes to keep tabs on who was going and who isn't. That way, he doesn't have to worry about pictures or stupid things online.
He puts that aside, he has a game to win. He finished getting ready and finished his before game routine. He texted his dad to announce to him that they are about to go out.
On the other side of Sevilla, Aurora, and you are fixing some things. You want everything to he perfect for her.
"Are you super sure this looks great?" She asks, placing the box on the table. "I'm so nervous, sorry."
You laugh. "Rora, it's perfect. Don't worry." You massage her shoulders. "Everything will be fine. I promise."
"I want to give you a little something before anybody else." She stands up, walking to the side and grabbing a box. "Open it."
Aurora was asking you to be her maid of honor.
"I've known you since we were babies, i think it makes sense since we used to play wedding and forced my brother to be the groom or the pastor."
"Pablo used to be so mad." You laugh. "Of course I want to be your maid of honor, silly." You say, excited about the whole thing.
"I can't wait for this to happen!"
"You should give this to Pablo." You grandma says, lifting the envelope with the letter your mom wrote for Gavi.
"Aurora mentioned that he's coming this weekend." You say, searching for a movie to see with her.
"Oh, look!" She says. "You love this movie."
It was How to lose a guy in 10 days. You haven't seen that movie since the last time you saw it with Gavi.
You smile, selecting that one and watching it with her. You grab your phone, texting Aurora. You asked her when Pablo would be home.
Aurora answers you with a picture of Pablo and his dad watching something. She tells you that he got there earlier than expected.
She also told you that Pablo was going to be alone because she and her parents would go to her grandparents house.
You told her that you would pay him a visit, you need to talk to him and drop something to him. You look at the box and the letter. You sigh, tired.
The movie was good, you loved it. Always did. Your grandma mentioned that she needs to go back home because her novela was about to start.
You drive her, happy that you got to spend time with her like you always did. "See you tomorrow, I'll get the vegetables for the food." You say, waving at her. "Don't forget to tell me about the drama from the novela."
She waves back, you drive back to the old streets you know by heart. You park outside the Páez household. Grabbing the box and the letter.
You take a deep breath, not sure if you can keep the composure around him. You walk to the door, knocking three times.
Pablo opens the door, freezing at the sight of you. "Y/n?" He asks, confused on why you are there. "You are back."
"Hola, Pablo," you smile at him. "Sorry I came unannounced, I was around and Aurora told me you were here."
"Don't worry, please come inside." He smiles at you. Stepping aside for you to enter. "What you have in there?"
You look at your hands. "This is a letter mom left for you, and some things she thinks you might want."
His eyes got sad, and he looks at you, trying to read your sight. "Thank you, I really appreciate you for bringing this."
You feel weird, you haven't talked to him in a while. "How are you?" You ask, trying to break the ice.
"I've been working, trying to keep busy."
"I've seen the games. You are really working hard." You smile at him.
"Hey, do you want a drink?" He asks, trying for you to stay. "We have that drink you love."
You know they do, Belen bought it for you.
"Sure, thank you."
You follow him to the kitchen, you noticed his hair has the small locks you love. His tank top showing his arms, they are bigger.
You can smell his common baby smell, he loves to wear that baby lotion your grandma once gave him for Christmas.
"Are you hungry?" He asks, handing you the glass. "I'm making dinner."
"I'm not feeling like getting poisoned." You joke.
He opens his mouth. "Perdón?" He scuffs. "I'm not the one who burns rice."
"That was once, and it was your fault." You laugh.
"Yeah, blame me." He laughs, shaking his head.
He looks at you, smiling at the old times. You look so good, with your hair up, your rosey cheeks and your perfume. That fucking perfume.
"I've missed you." He confess. "How was Boston?"
You look at him confused. "You knew where I was?"
"Your dad told me at the funeral, I asked about you because you weren't there. He said that there was a snowstorm."
You don't want to cry. You just shake your head. "It was a mess." You laugh, trying to keep the tears away. "But answering you, it was fun, I made a lit of friends."
He wants to hug you, but he doesn't know if you would want that. He can tell you needed it. "I like your shirt." He says, trying to distract you.
You sniff. "Thank you, it's an old shirt I found at my closet here."
"I know, it's mine." He smirks.
You take a look at it. "It's mine now." You joke.
He can't help but notice how you don't hold your sight like you used to do. You were someone who likes to look in the eyes.
At least into his.
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
You nod, trying to look at him but always breaking eye contact to look away.
"Can I give you a hug?" He half smiles. You nod, stepping closer to him.
He wraps his arms around you, you hide your head on his neck. He tighten his grip once he hears you sobbing.
"I'm sorry, I just really needed this." You say, laughing a little to not keep crying.
"It's okay, preciosa." He combs your hair with his fingers. "I'm sorry this happened to you. Me and my family are here for you."
You pull after a while, thanking him for the hug. "I missed you too." You confess. "I actually went to the game in New York last year." You smile.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought you were maybe mad at me, and I wasn't ready to reconnect with people from Spain." You say, honestly. "I was hurt and mad at everyone."
"It's okay, I get what you are saying." He smiles.
You two sit and talk for a while, he tells you about how he's on the run for being a captain at the club for the season.
You listen to him talk about the club, how happy he looks, and how his training is a little bit exhausting but they are working for him.
"Are you going back to Barcelona?" He asks. "I'm leaving in three days. You can come with me." He says, hopeful that maybe you two can reconnect.
"I think I'll stay for a little here." You confess. "Dad is busy and being home alone is not good for me."
He nods, understanding. He takes the dirty dishes and placing them on the sink. You offer to clean them but he refused.
You tell him that you were leaving and he walks with you to the door. "Thank you for the talk and the hug. It was a need for me." You smile.
You quickly hug him goodbye. Walking to your car. You were about to step on the street when you heard him call your name.
"Yes?" You ask, turning back to him.
"Can I see you again?" He asks, hopeful that you might want it. "Maybe when you are back in Barcelona."
You nod, knowing that it was something good for you. "I'll ask Aurora for your number." You say. "That way, when I'm back, we can see each other."
He nods, waving goodbye at you. He smiles once he closes the door. Thinking about getting to be close to you again.
When he's back in the kitchen, he notices the box and the letter. He sighs, he takes them to his room.
He opens the box, the first thing he sees is that Polaroid you had, the two of you smiling and grabbing his first team jersey.
He finds all kinds of things. That makes him smile a lot. He can't help but feel nostalgia. He misses your mom a lot.
At the bottom of the box, there's a lot of envelopes and a sticky note attached to them. Asking him to read the letter first and then he would understand what the envelopes are for.
Your mom left you a lot of letters for when you were going to different phases of your life. Leaving Pablo to be the messenger that needed to give you each of it when the right time comes.
> I know you two aren't in the best place, but I trust you, Pablo. I know you want her back, and you will fight for it.
Don't hurt her again. Take care of her for me. <
He will.
You stayed more than you think in Sevilla, you wanted to do a lot of things that you can't do in five days.
Your grandma loved having you close again. She would visit you at your parents' house, take meals for you, have movie nights with you.
Also it was a good thing that you were there, Aurora and you were giving so much fun planning her wedding.
Belen and you even planned with her a bridal trip with her friends. Her soon to be husband also was having a groom trip with his friends and his side of the bridal party.
So, it made sense that you combined the two parties. It was going to be a fun experience. Belen was staying home since she mentioned that she wanted to give you privacy.
You found out that Pablo was going to he the best man, you laugh at how he didn't know that you were the maid of honor.
"Okay, I have everything." You showed her the house you booked, the places you planned to go to and everything else.
"Thank you for helping me with everything!" She kisses your cheeks. "You are the best."
"Calm down, amiga." You laugh. "I'm going home, we have to pack because we are leaving tonight. Remember."
You left the Páez household, driving calmly when a phone call stops your Playlist.
You smile, accepting the call. "Hello, this is McDonald's. What can we get for you?" You joke with him.
"I want a big tasty with extra extra extra bacon, extra sauce, and an extra big sprite." He laughs. "Also, may I speak with the maid of honor that sent me that invite for tomorrow?"
"That would be me, Mister Gavi." You smile.
You texted Pablo one night, you needed someone to talk to. He then never stopped texting you. Every morning and every night asking if you are okay, asking if you are resting, sleeping well, if you need something.
It was healing you in some way. It also made your dad less worried about you. You told him that Pablo and you reconnected and that you were just texting but it was helping you.
"I was thinking, maybe we can go out to eat after lading."
You think about it. You want Gavi back into your life, but you are not sure if you want it in a romantic way, more like the friend you trusted.
"What if we see if we are not too tired." You say. Parking the car in your garage. "Deal?"
"I'll take that." He laughs. "Text me when you are at the house."
"Bye." You say, hanging the call.
You enter your home, finish packing your things. You have a kind of established dress code that you and the other girl agreed to.
You pack some extra things. Ibiza was going to be fun for you. It was going to be relaxing.
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You were having so much fun with the girls. Aurora, the girls and you were at this club that you booked.
You wanted to not drink that much, but after the first five rounds, you just let it go.
"I'm having a lot of fun." You say to Aurora.
"Me too, this is so fun."
You order a new round of drinks, "I'll go to the bathroom and be back." You announce.
Your phone was vibrating, making you take it out of your pocket. The caller ID showing Pablo's name.
"Holaaa" you say, extending the a.
"You are drunk." He laughs. "The boys wanted to meet you at the club, and apparently, the burst mand and maid of honor has to agree to do it."
"Oh, we are at this club, and we are having so much fun." You laugh. "Let me send you the address."
You text him where you are, and you are also sharing your location with him.
"Got it, preciosa." He says, happy tone. "We are drinking too."
"That fun. See you here." You say, hanging up.
After the bathroom, you got back to your friends. You noticed that the girls were doing shots.
"You didn't wait for me." You pout.
"We did. Here's your two shots." Franchesca says. Having you the shots.
You drank them, feeling them tasteless, like water. That's a dangerous zone. You feel a poke to your side. Turning to see Pablo and the boys.
"Hola." You smile at him. "Just in time, we are doing shots."
He grabs your waist, noticing how drunk you are.
"Take a shot with me, please." You smile at him. "Let's all take a shot." You say, ordering the shots.
You not only drink one round, more like five rounds. You grab your phone, texting your dad a picture that you took before going to the club.
Just for him to feel peace that you are safe.
"What are you doing?" Pablo asks, arms around your waist. He places his head on your shoulder. "You smell so good." He says in your ear, kissing your earlobe.
"I'm taxing my dad." You say, showing him the text. "He can sleep better if he doesn't know we are here." You laugh.
You are drunk, maybe too drunk.
"Let's drink more." You yell.
You were about to free yourself, but his hands are locking you in place.
"What if we take some water?" He asks.
"Water?" You laugh. "Don't be boring, Martin." You laugh. "Tequila looks like water, so tequila would be."
He doesn't free you from his hold. He needs to take care of you, he made a promise yo himself to do so.
"Pablo, let me go." You say, grabbing his arms. "What are you doing?"
"I just want you to take this easy. We still have time, and let's not black out."
"What if I want to black out?" You ask. "What if I just want to enjoy and not feel like trash?"
He's taken aback by this comment. He doesn't understand where that comes from. "What?"
"Let me go." You say, trying to get out of his hold. "I'm having fun, let me have fun." You start to hyperventilate. "I just want to have fun, please let me go."
"Hey, calm down." He says, letting you go and standing in front of you. "It's okay, we can go get another round."
He tries to grab your hands, but you back off. You shake your head, turning to the rail. You feel like throwing up.
You can see the beach from where you are. You search for the stairs with your head. Walking to it.
"Hey, careful." He says, grabbing your arm as you walk to the beach.
You drag him to the edge of the water. You free yourself from his hold, taking your heels off, and walking into the water. Pablo alarms, taking his shoes off and joining you.
"Leave me alone, Pablo." You tell him, pushing him away. "Just go back and have fun." You sat down, water level to your breast. You try not to cry, taking deep breaths. "Just leave me alone."
"Im not leaving." He says, taking a seat with you.
You shake your head no, crying into your hands. "I just want to be alone." You say. "Please, leave me alone."
He moves places, kneeling in front of you. "Come here." He says, arms opening. You cry into his arms.
He doesn't understand what he did or if it was his fault. Maybe the drinks, maybe what he says, maybe both.
"Talk to me." He says.
You separate, looking into his eyes. "I just," you sob. "I feel this pain since she left. And I can't help but think that maybe this would never go away." You sob.
"Amor, look at me." He asks. You shake your head no. He grabs your chin, making you look at him. "It's okay to feel that way. You need to mourn your feelings. You lost someone really important, and it will take a lot of time for you to feel a little bit of the way you felt before. Okay?"
You nod, tearing up.
"One day at the time." He says. Kissing your cheek, his hands on your arms, caressing them.
You grab his cheeks in your hands, the wet feeling making him shiver. You caress his cheeks.
"You are okay, I'm here."
You smash your lips on his. Needing a little more. Pablo places his hands on your unclothed back.
The taste of alcohol in each others mouths feels good, the tonge fight and the small whines you let go are an scene.
"You are drunk," Pablo says, breathless. "This is wrong." He whispers before going back to you. You two kissed again, it was wrong, but it felt good. "We need to stop." He says.
"I don't want to stop, Gavi." You whisper to him. Pecking him. He pulls away from your hold. Leaving you confused. "What are you doing?"
"I can't." He laughs sarcastically. "If I don't stop now, I won't be able to stop later. And you are drunk, we can't." He sits next to you.
You nod, feeling a little sad that you were rejected. You stayed there, sitting next to him. Your head resting on his shoulder.
"I want to throw up." You say. Turning and crawling back to the edge. Not wanting to throw up in the water.
Gavi sighs, smiling a little at how funny you look. "Let me grab your hair." He hurries to your side.
You were relaxed at your house in Barcelona. Helping your dad with throwing things that are unnecessary to keep.
You hear the doorbell, placing the things you have on your hands in the box that you place on the floor.
You walk to the door, finding gavi on the other side. He has a bag with your favorite the name of your restaurant.
"I have dinner." He smiles. "You dad told me he was on a work trip. And I made myself the responsible one for your dinner."
You smile at him. This was an ongoing thing, Pablo has been coming to see you since you came back from Sevilla.
He drives you to therapy, he visits you after training, before training. Takes you to his games.
He's your hip and thigh at this point. Always by your side. You were thankful to him for that. Your dad thanked him for doing that.
Knowing that you needed help from someone else but him. Grateful that you were feeling better and looking better.
You help him serve the food in plates. Sharing half and half. You serve two glasses of wine. You loved pasta and wine.
"If you can pick between going to space or going to hell, which one?" You ask out of nowhere.
"Amor, what the fuck?" He laughs.
He has these nicknames he calls you. You grow used to them, letting him use them on you.
"Pick one." You smile.
"Maybe space." He thinks. "Yeah, space."
You keep doing this game for a while, laughing at each others answers. You enjoy times like this.
You wash the dishes, and he dries them. A team work. "Hey, do you want to see a movie in my room?" You ask, leaving the dishes in their place.
You grab your glass of wine. Refiling it, doing the same with his. You walk upstairs with him. Hand in hand, as if he doesn't know the way.
"What do you wanna see?" You say, laying in bed.
He grabs the remote from the nightstand, turning your tv on and walking to the door, turning the lights off.
"What do you." He points at you. "Wanna see?" He smiles.
"Avengers." You whisper, knowing he loves Marvel.
He smiles, scrunching his nose. "I was thinking about that movie." He says, happy. He walks up to you. He bows down to you, lips kissing your cheeks. "You read my mind."
You grab his cheeks. "I did." You smile at him. "I'm a mind reader." You joke.
He laughs, his hands resting on the mattress on each side of you. He places his head on the crock of your neck.
"If you are, tell me what I'm thinking." He says, kissing your neck. "Let's see if you get it right."
You think for a few seconds. His breath on your neck is making you giggle. "You are thinking about food." You say, jokingly.
"Oh no!" He says, worried look. "You got it right, you are a mind reader." He laughs against your skin.
You hug him, making him fall on top of you. You kiss his head. Loving the warm feeling of his body on top of yours.
"I love you." You say to him. "Thank you for being here."
You were honest with him. Without him, you would've been the same mess you were before the chat at the beach.
"I love you." He repeats, nose bumping with yours. You look at him, the smile he has is adorable, the way his eyes are shining too.
You grab his cheek, caressing his skin. "Kiss me." You whisper to him.
He doesn't waste a second. Lips on top of yours. You taste him, drunk into his arms and his presence.
You can get used to that feeling, you can get used to the warmth. You moan into his lips. Your hands move to find the hem of his shirt.
You separate from the kiss, pulling his shirt off of him. He takes it off, not waiting a second to go back into the kiss.
His hand finds his way under your shirt and to your boob, taking it into his mercy. You throw your head back, giving him access to your neck.
"Can I take this off?" He asks between kisses to your neck, making sure you are okay with what's about to happen.
"Si, solo no pares." You moan.
He takes the piece of clothes, lips finding the valley of your breasts while his hands hold your sides.
"Pablo" you moan his name, grabbing his hair. You can't help but bring him closer to you.
He moves back to your lips, giving you the opportunity to reach his shorts. You separate for him, looking into his eyes.
"Do you want this?" He asks, making you nod. "No, say it. I need to hear it from you."
"Si." You say desperately. "Please do it."
He smiles, kissing you again. You pull his shorts down. He helps you by kicking them. His hands search your back, undoing your bra and throwing it to the side.
He kneels up to the bed, grabbing the hem of your shorts and pulling them down. You grab the hem of his boxers, doing the same.
"You are not going to stop, verdad?" You ask him. Pupils dilated from desire.
"No, amor." He says, looking at you. He pecks the line of your jawline to your lips. "I'm not stopping." He kisses you. "Nobody's interrupting us." He kisses you again. "We are sober." Kiss again. "And I'm going to take care of you, like you deserve."
He takes the hem of your panties and pulls them off. Leaving you naked in font of him. He balls them in his hand as he takes a look at you completely.
He throws the underwear to the side before getting back on top of you, lips finding your one more time.
He holds himself up on with one arm while one of his hands goes down between your legs and starts playing with your center, making you moan into his lips before they move down to your neck.
“You are so perfect,” he grasped before getting on his knees again and spreading your legs wider, his head burying between your thighs. He wants to make sure you enjoy everything.
The noises coming from him were dirty and only made you want him even more. Your hands on his hair, pulling it lightly.
He grabs your waist, making you stay still. You fall into bed. Eyes unable to open from the pleasure he's making you feel.
It doesn't take you long to reach your high. He finds your moans and little growls as motivation. It's really hard for him not to cum just by the look of you.
He gets close to your face, kissing you to make you taste yourself. You separate, biting your lip while looking at him.
“Let me take care of you now,” you moaned, trying to reach for him, but he stopped you. Shaking his head.
“No, amor. I’m not done with you yet.” he says, his deep tone making you bite the inside of your cheek. “Tonight it's all about you."
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"What are you drawing?" You ask him.
He organized this little activity in his house. He bought everything to paint while you two enjoy some Moscato.
"I'm painting you." He smiles. "Or at least I'll try." You laugh at that, making him smile.
"I'm painting a sunset." You say, grabbing the orange and red.
You listen to the music in the background, using the time to paint. He looks at you from time to time, trying to act as if he's drawing your features.
"I'm done." He says, hands up like in those cooking shows.
"Was this a competition?" You laugh. "I thought this was a relaxing activity."
"I won." He smirks. "Let's call it a night." He jokes, standing and walking around the table to you.
"Amor, sientate." You laugh.
He hugs you, making you stop with your paint. "You are so talented, mi vida." He kisses your cheeks.
You turn your head, kissing his lips. "Show me your art, Picasso." He nods, stretching to grab his paint. You laugh at the sight of it. "Pablo, that's a stick person in the park."
"It's high class art, amor." He jokes. "Look at the sun in the corner."
"You draw a smiley face to the sun." You say, taking your phone and snapping a picture of him.
You left your paint, getting up and hugging him. You loved this time with him. How hard he proved himself to you.
"I can't believe my sister's getting married this weekend."
"I know, so crazy." You say, thinking about it.
"Let's go upstairs to watch out show." He suggests, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the stairs.
You go to his room. Taking your shoes off, you grab your favorite blanket. He grabs his blanket, placing it next to you.
"I'll just use the bathroom." He stands up, grabbing the remote and handing it to you. "I'll be right back."
You nod, connecting your phone to his charger. You press the on button on the remote, it was not working.
"Amor, your remote is dead." You say, louder for him to hear.
"There's batteries on the nightstand to the left." He shouts from the bathroom.
You sigh, moving to find them. You open the nightstand, finding a mess. "Ughh, seriously?" You whisper to yourself.
You open it completely. Eyes focusing on the stack of envelopes that he has at the end of the drawer.
But what really calls your attention is the note sticked to the one on top. That's your mother's handwriting.
You take them, noticing that the fist envelope was the letter she left for him. You read the sticky note. It was an instruction to read the letter first to understand what the envelopes are for.
"What are you doing?" He says, taking them out of your hands.
You look at him, confused on why he has those envelopes and why your mother left them yo him.
"What is that?" You whisper.
"Nothing, did you find the batteries?" He walks away with the stack. Trying to get it out of your reach.
"Pablo, what is that?" You ask again.
"I said nothing." He says, tone more stern.
"Don't lie to me." You warn him. "What is that?"
He sighs, not wanting for you to find about this like that. He turns, noticing your glossy eyes and accelerated breathing.
"Your mom left this for you." He confess. "They all are for different moment, she thought that I was the one who should give them to you as the time comes."
"Can I read them?" You stand up, walking to him.
He shakes his head no, taking a few steps back. "She instructed me with how and when I should give them to you."
"That's stupid. Let me read them." You try to take them out of his hands. "Pablo!"
"I can't." He says. "This is the last thing your mother asked me to do, and I will do it like she wants."
You shake your head. Feeling the tears fill your eyes. "Just one." You cry. "Please."
He wants to hand them to you. He wants you to stop crying by the thought of them. But he made a promise to himself to follow the instructions like he was asked to do.
"Amor, please don't cry."
"Don't call me that." You say.
You weren't thinking rationally. You wanted him to hand you the envelopes. You don't care if he has instructions.
"Y/n." He sighs. "Let's talk."
"No!" You shout. "Just give me one. She won't be mad." You walk over to him, trying one more time to get your hands on them.
But he's not having it. He turns, making you impossible to reach. You grab his shirt, pulling it lightly.
"Don't do this to me." You sob. "Just let me read a little, I don't have to read it all." You cry. "Pablo, please."
You fall on the floor, crying while you hug his legs. He's breaking his own heart by denying you access to them.
"I'm sorry." He says, kneeling to where you are. "I can't."
You look up to him. Frowning mad at him. You feel rage. Maybe not at him, but taking it out on him anyway.
"Fuck you then." You spat. "Keep them all, I don't need them." You get up.
You walk over to where your phone is, disconnecting it to the power. You turn to him, still kneeling on the floor.
You walk to the exit about to get out of the room. You stop at the door, sobbing. "Pablo." You call for him, turning to see him. "Just one."
You can see his eyes filling with tears. He can't break his promise, not after breaking all the ones he made to her when she was still alive.
"I love you, but I can't."
You nod, walking out of the room.
Pablo hears his front door slaming shut. He cries into his hand. He can't help but feel guilty for doing that.
You drove home. Rushing to get to your father. You park horribly and run inside your house. "Dad." You yell.
His car was outside, so he has to be there. You run upstairs, opening his bedroom door. You find him watching a golf game.
"Did you knew about the letters mom left?"
He blinks, not even surprised. He turns the tv off. "Goodnight to you too, kiddo."
"Stop!" You order him. "Answer."
He sighs, knowing this was coming sooner or later. "I did." He smiles at you. "And let me guess, Pablo didn't hand them to you."
"She informed me about the letters, and she packed them in the box she left for him. I told her it was best if I kept them, but she knew I would hand them to you if you asked me that."
He walks to his closet, making you a sign to follow him. He grabs his keys and opens the locked drawer he has.
He takes an envelope. "So she left me with this, for when you find out about the others and didn't get to have them."
You rip the letter from his hand. Reading the back of it.
> The explanation you need <
You look at him. He nods, pushing you to the exit, you needed to be alone for what's coming.
aurorapaezg has added to her story
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"Oh no!" Aurora says. Looking into her things like crazy. "Y/n!"
"What's wrong?"
"I forgot the vows, I thought I packed them inside. What am I going to do?"
"Hey, relax." You grab her by the shoulders. "Where are they? I can pick them up."
"They are home, but I'm not ready yet, and I still have th-"
"Rora, I'm picking them up." You smile at her. "I'm the maid of honor, I am ready, I can do it."
"Are you sure?" She asks, glossy eyes.
"I'm already on the way." You laugh, grabbing you car keys and your purse. "Let's pray my hair stays intact."
You make her laugh, you wave goodbye at her. You hurry to her house, not wanting to spend much time outside in case she needs anything else.
The ceremony was in a few hours. So you have time to go there and back. Not having to worry about being late.
You knocked on the door, and she told you there was someone in the house. You were on your phone, waiting for the door to be open.
Gavi feels his breath pause, the way your black flower dress looks on you. He can't help but smile at the look of you.
You lift your head, finding his honey eyes sticked on you. "Pablo, hello." You smile. Your soft voice is making him smile even more.
"Hi." It's all he can say.
You don't want to make it awkward, but you can't take your eyes off of him. He feels uncomfortable. He doesn't like to be mad at your or you to be mad at him.
"I'm sorr-" He tries to say, getting interrupted by you.
"I'm here for the vows." You say. Not wanting to talk about it.
"Oh yes, the vows, get in." He steps aside for you. He guides you to the living room. He hands you the little box with them.
You text a picture to Aurora. Making her know you have them and that you'll be there with her as soon as possible.
You turn to Pablo, he's trying to get his blazer and tie to work. "Do you need help?" You ask, noticing how he looks a little frustrated.
"Por favor." He sighs, tired of trying.
You leave your purse and the box down on the table next to you. Getting closer to him, you turn him to face the mirror that is on the living room.
You fix the neck of the blazer, lining it up with the neck of his shirt. He shivers with the contact, inhaling the smell of your perfume.
"You changed your perfume." He whispers.
You smile at that, he noticed. "I did, it's good to have a change."
You grab his arms, fixing the blazer and the shirt down it. You grab his hands while fixing the rest of the arm.
Pablo can't help but squish your hand. It's like he's trying to prove that you are there and not another dream of his.
You smile at his actions. "Just the tie left." You grab the tie, putting it around his neck.
You have a flashback. Having him so close to you isn't really helping. The way his hands pose around your waist, fingers tapping on your hips.
Pablo's eyes are locked into yours, his hands are now on your back and side. He's moving them, tapping his fingers around.
You try to hurry. Feeling like you might faint if you don't. "And we are done." You smile at him. "Your hair is a little lighter, or is it me?"
You laugh, trying to get composure. He just smiles. You look at his hair in the mirror and then turned back to him.
You fix his hair, the feeling of his eyes on you, it's burning. "That's better." You smile at him. "Want me to give you a ride?"
"Please." He whispers, lost into all of you.
You turn to the table, grabbing your things and the box. You wait for him to follow you to your car.
He closes the door, following you to your car. "Not this car." He laughs. "I thought you left the obsession for this car back in our teenage years."
"It's new and it's cute, also it has a strawberry smell." You frown. "So get in or go im an Uber." You unlock the door, smiling at him as you enter your seat.
Pablo chuckles, entering the car. The drive was silent, but not an uncomfortable silence. It's more like enjoying your company in silence kind of thing.
When you get there. You don't know why, but you wait for him to get out. You need some time for yourself before going in there and act all happy.
"You coming?" He asks, knocking on your window.
"Si, I just need a minute." You saw, lowering the window and trying to act normal.
He looks at you, noticing your sad eyes. "Are you okay?"
You smile, the only person you can't lie to it's him. "Yes, just fixing my makeup and I'll be there. Take this to Aurora."
You see him walk away. You take a few deep breaths, acting up was no getting you nowhere and you know it.
You walk to the venue, happy face when you see Aurora. She is talking with Pablo.
"Hey, thank you for picking the vows and my brother." She hugs you. "Always a life saver."
"Don't thank me, that what the maid of honor has to do." You smile. "But let's go!"
The ceremony went well. You can't help but feel nostalgic. Your mothers always helped you two play wedding as kids.
Your parents making fun of Pablo for being the only boy and being forced to marry you or to officiate the wedding between the two of you when you couldn't find another boy to play.
You can't forget how your mom and Belen would talk about the special day of their daughters. Saying what your dresses might look like, the flowers.
Now it's a reality for her.
The dinner party was fun. Aurora was having the fun of her life. You looked at her from the distance, not feeling like dancing.
You walk outside the venue, the garden is majestic, all the roses, the smell. It's paradise. You sit on the bench, looking at the butterflies that roam around the garden.
You were lost in your thoughts, but you feel someone sitting next to you. You don't need to turn your face to see who it is, the smell of his cologne already telling you.
"Want a drink?" Pablo asks, leaving the glass with liquor next to you.
"Gracias." You smile.
He stays quiet for a moment, waiting for you to say something or to ask him to leave. "Are you ready to talk?"
You nod, thinking about what you want to say. "I'm sorry I treated you that way. I was out of my mind and not really mad at you. I just needed to let go of my range."
He grabs your hand, squishing it yo give your courage. You smile at his little action. Finding it very comforting.
"Turns out she not only left those to you, but one more with my dad. She knew you would say no and that I would want an explanation."
You laugh at how comical it sounds. Pablo smiles at your reaction, finding it a little more calming than he was expecting.
"And in that letter, she asked me not to be mad at you." You turn to him. "She asked me to take care of you, that you need me as much as I need you."
You make a pause, not feeling like crying. You turn back to your original position. You can't look into his eyes.
"I don't want to cry," you say, thinking about everything that you are feeling. "Tell me about something else, please."
He tries to think of something to say, a topic to keep your mind away from all the commotion you are feeling inside. He then thinks about football.
"With the team, we won la Liga with this last game, and we think we can get the champions."
"Keep dreaming." You joke. "Maybe if number six works harder, you can have a chance."
"Si, but number six doesn't want to work harder." He follows along with your joke. "He's lazy."
"Always have been." You laugh, shoulder hitting his. "You drink liquor now? What happened to cheap beer?" You tease him.
"I never drank cheap beer. That was Fermin and the rest." He laughs.
"True." You chuckle.
You just stayed quiet after that. You drank the liquid in your glass as a shot.
"Let's go back inside." You stand. "Aurora will get worried."
He grabs your hand, making you turn. "You don't have to be strong all the time." He grabs your face with his hands. "And I know I'm going to make big promises, but it's all real. You have me, always did, always will." Your eyes fill with tears. You nod, hugging him. "It's okay, I'm here now. And I won't let you leave ever again." He says, kissing your shoulder. "I'm here, princesa. I'm always here."
You cry into him. His arms tighten the grip, making sure you know he's there for you. You stayed like that until you felt better.
"I have an idea." He says, pulling away to see your face. Thumbs drying your tears. "Let's go to dance." He smiles. "We need to let all the worries away."
You smile at him, nodding your head. You grab his hand and take a step to the side for him to lead the way.
"Pablo." You call, pulling him by the arm.
He turns to you, the feeling of your lips on his, surprising him. His hands go to your waist and neck. Pulling you closer. You grab his face, not wanting to let go.
The kiss is what you always expected it to be. It's sweet and delicate. It's the kiss that would seat the deal.
After all the kisses you shared, you can say this is your favorite one. Because both of you accepted your feelings. It was the perfect one.
You separate, needing air. His forehead sticks with yours. He pulls to kiss your forehead and then peck your lips.
You close your eyes, enjoying having him so close. Finally knowing he was your and you were his.
pablogavi has added to his story
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"Are you ready to go home?" He asks you. Grabbing your hand and kissing it.
Pablo was having games every three days, he loves having you there as a support. He loves having his personal cheerleader back.
"That jersey looks amazing on you." He makes you turn.
"Oh God!" You laugh. "That's going to make me nauseous." You grab his arms. He hugs you, making you walk on reverse while he laughs at you. "Pablo, stop!" You laugh.
"Wanna get some food?" He asks, thinking about all the food options. "Are you craving something?" He asks, eyes on your belly.
"Actually, Aurora called me. She wants us to meet her at home. She wants us to have a few drinks with her and her husband."
"Talking about drinks, Pedri actually invited us to a barbecue tomorrow. He asked me to bring the drinks."
You laugh at the coincidence. You two were the professional drink makers of the team, so it was easy to ask you to bring the drinks.
"I feel like it's time to tell them." You hug his waist, kissing his neck. "It's about time they find out. Aurora is getting suspicious. And I can't keep making excuses about why I'm not drinking." You laugh.
He thinks for a moment, looking at you with a pout. "Let her keep guessing." He kisses the side of your head, placing his hands on your belly. "Let's keep enjoying a little bit more by ourselves." He smiles.
🏷️: @htpssgavi @rikfkf @gadriezmannsgirl @coco657 @cinderellawithashoe @pabl0andm3 @vscabarca @alexis1taylorr @anythingforourjoonie @nightmoon22 @cececarmona @thefhost1345 @sad1lynn @abiigaiil1234
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Past Lives Pt. 1 - Bucky Barnes.
Time - travel. Angst. Unrequited love. Fluff. Ft. Sam Wilson.
"I think I'm in love with you." Out with it I go. James Buchanan Barnes, the former Winter Soldier, my partner, my teammate, my best friend, stares back at me, unblinking.
You could hear a pin drop fifty miles away if you tried.
I take Bucky's silence as a sign to keep going.
"We've known each other for two years now and, mission to mission, catastrophe after catastrophe, we have had each other's backs," I take a breath. Steady myself.
"It wasn't always easy, and we've had our differences and fair share of disagreements, but there's no one else I want to do this with, Bucky." I sigh, heart frozen in my chest, "You're it for me."
Bucky has the most unique set of eyes I have ever seen. The kind that pulls you in deep, leaves you frozen on the spot and inspires you to quote comically cliche poems at him in hopes of being spared a glance. Truly, Bucky is so beautiful that most days it's hard to look straight at him, but now I choose to face danger head on as I bare my heart out.
Bucky opens his mouth, but it takes him a second to collect himself enough to speak.
"Doll, I…" He's looking away, anywhere but at me, I realize.
My heart clatters inside my ribcage until I'm sure it caught on a fractured bone and exploded.
"Yes?" I say, quiet now, meek. I expected it. After all, Bucky is a go-getter - if he wants a girl, he'll go right after her. I should have known.
I'm so fucking stupid. Always over-estimating my place in other people's lives.
Bucky seems to take in big breath, but I can barely see him. My vision is hazy, blurred. I vaguely sense the burning of my eyes.
"I can't do this, doll," is all he says, "I'm sorry."
How long it takes, for one heart to trust another. How quickly it all shatters, I think.
"I-" Mortifyingly, my lower lip quivers. "Is it me?"
"No! Doll, don't be ridiculous." Bucky corrects quickly, reaching out to caress my cheek with his flesh arm. I realize he must be wiping a stray tear.
"Then why?"
"I'm just - I don't know if I'm ready."
I nod. Try to smile. Step away.
Instinctively, Bucky reaches for me, but his hand falls short at the distance between us and drops to his side instead.
"Are we…going to be okay?" He asks, wincing.
That nails the coffin. I feel my face crumble, so I tilt myself away from the man of my dreams, the man that's breaking my heart. I push through the pain and nod again.
"Dude, yeah, don't even stress it." I whisper, voice hoarse.
Bucky doesn't take the bait, doesn't laugh, just stares at me with big, sad eyes. He reaches a hand out to me again, but I roughly push it out.
"Don't you dare feel bad for me, Barnes. I don't need your pity." I snap, embarrassed.
"Doll, that's not-" he starts, but I cut him off.
"And don't fucking call me that! Don't be so condescending. This whole time I thought there was something here, that I wasn't crazy. You call me sweet names and hold me close after nightmares and look at me the way you do only to not - ." I stop myself, gesturing at the space between us. "If you were just using me for comfort and company, then it's done." I breathe hard.
I know it's not fair to my sweet, gentle Bucky. But laying your heart bare to someone and them pushing it back into your open arms is a different kind of pain. Don't judge until you try it.
Bucky's ocean eyes grow heated. I won't let him speak more, everything's said and done now.
"I'll see you Monday." I say finally, slamming Bucky's apartment door as I leave.
Bucky doesn't call out. Doesn't chase me down the street.
I can't believe I was so fucking stupid. I shake outside of Bucky's apartment complex until I'm sure all the makeup of my face has been wiped clean.
I dial the only other living friend I have left.
"What's up?" Sam's commanding voice is a welcome change from Bucky's soft and apologetic rumble.
I sob into the phone for long enough for Sam to trace my location.
"Oh, kid." He crouches by my slumped form on the floor. "Let's get you up and outta here."
I cling to Cap for dear life.
"He's the only man I've ever loved" I tell Sam, nursing the drink in my hand.
Sam stares at me with the sympathy and understanding he only ever reserves for his family - Sarah, and, more recently, Bucky.
He sighs, grimacing into the distance. I realize how this must look for him: his small team of surviving heroes - falling apart at the seams.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with this." I whisper, suddenly captivated by the bubbles fusing at the bottom of my glass.
"Hey," he says gently, head snapping back to me, "You cut that shit out, right now."
"Yes, sir."
"Smartass. You're my friend - I'll do just about anything to ease the pain you're in right now. Hell, I was just looking for a reason to beat Bucky's cyborg ass."
I snort, barely fighting a smile.
"There she is," Sam teases.
Then his face turns somber.
"Can you still work with the guy?" he asks, leaning in. "This mission we got on Monday, it's tough, Y/n."
I look up but don't respond.
In all my drama I overlooked how deep the lines in Sam's forehead had been etched there for a while. I don't remember the last time he relaxed, or even took a break from being Captain America.
"We need all hands on deck," he insists. "Which is just three pairs of hands but it's still something."
I let myself contemplate for a minute longer despite already knowing the answer.
"Yeah, 'course, Sam. I'll be there."
To say the atmosphere in the room is tense is a grave understatement.
"So, I'll start," says Sam, taking the lead of the mission brief. He eyes Bucky and me with careful measure. Bucky stares straight ahead, and I try similarly to concentrate on the copy of the files printed and carefully laid out in front of me. In the time that it took me to read and re-read my copy, Bucky kept his untouched.
I pretend not to see the deep dark circles that blossomed under his eyes when we exchanged equally cold "good mornings".
"We're time-traveling, now?" I ask, unamused by the idea in light of recent events.
"This is a very high-profile mission," explains Sam, devoid of his warmth from a few nights ago. This was Captain America speaking.
"There's been a breach at the base - some high-tech equipment from Tony's lab has mysteriously disappeared. We have reason to believe that Tony's time machine has been activated last week, sending one or possibly several armed suspects back into the 40s. The mission is to find and bring them back to this timeline, where they will be dealt with by our laws and regulations without causing more trouble."
"What makes you think they're hiding out in the 40s?" Bucky speaks up for what feels like the first time today. I dig my nails into my clothed thigh, trying hard not to think about how deep and smooth Bucky's voice is.
Bucky is figuratively perfect, it's hard to believe that he's walking around like this without a girl on his arm. Or maybe he already has someone - which would justify him turning me down.
I tell myself it would hurt less if he was already taken.
"I'm not actually sure," says Sam. "That kid - Spiderman - or whatever kids like to call themselves these days - pretty much handles all of Stark's leftover equipment and labs. He says that's where they're at." Sam finishes with a shrug.
"So, let me get this straight," I clear my throat. "You want us to undergo this incredibly dangerous mission in completely uncharted territory just because some kid's got a hunch?"
From the corner of my eye, I can almost see Bucky nodding along with my words, equally displeased.
"It's not uncharted - our team has done this before to bring everybody back." argues Sam.
"And how many of them came back?" I snap, remembering red hair. Ballerina slippers. Knowing green eyes.
I feel both men flinch beside me.
"That was different." rumbles Bucky from the far end of the table.
That wound is too fresh, too deep.
"Don't." I retort. "My best friend didn't die just for us to use that goddamn machine like a toy." Of course, we all know who I'm talking about. Plus, Yelena will kick both of their asses if she hears about this, which makes me wonder if that's why she isn't included in this mission.
"Not us," Sam quips.
"What was that?"
"Not "us"," Sam repeats again, voice loud and clear the second time. "Just you."
"Absolutely not." Bucky interrupts, sitting up and fixating Sam with a glare harboring the force of a thousand suns.
Sam ignores Bucky, taking a seat across from me, "I can't go, things are still too tender for me to just disappear for days on end. They'll appoint a new Captain America and storm in to put us all in prison again if they think we're weak," he goes on, taking a gentle hold of my other arm extended across the table.
"Bucky would get recognized by someone within minutes, it's too complicated." Sam continues.
"Sam," Bucky warns from the other end of the room.
"You're our only option." Sam finishes with another sigh. He did that a lot lately, I noted.
"It's not happening. Y/n, tell him you're not going to do it." Bucky's authoritative voice echoes around the conference room. A sense of urgency I can't begin to analyze is there too.
I contemplate.
"Y/N." Bucky speaks again, something that was beginning to get on my nerves.
"How dangerous is this equipment again?" I ask Sam, ignoring the forceful sigh from the other end of the room. I didn't care what Bucky thought about me in that moment. Who was he to choose for me, anyway?
"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't serious." Sam affirms. I know this too, Sam is above all things reliable.
"Well, let's see," I pretend to draw a score board in the air with my finger, "In the event of my death, my family will be heavily compensated. That's one." I shrug.
Bucky's chair scrapes against the floor as he crosses the room to where Sam and I are sitting. "Tell me you're not actually considering this."
Under different circumstances I would have believed that he was pleading.
"I've got nothing to do this week and no one waiting for me at home. Two and three," I drop two more points in the imaginary "pros" side of the board.
"Guess I'm in." I flash Sam my signature grin, one he did not return.
"Y/N, No." Bucky orders.
"No one's talking to you!" I snap, whipping my head around to face him directly for the first time today.
He had let a strong stubble grow over the weekend and now looked disheveled on the whole - I quickly push away thoughts of him waking from nightmares, alone and shivering, too stubborn to call me.
His gorgeous blue eyes widen and freeze over as he takes a step toward me.
"Are you doing this to get back at me?"
"Not everything's about you, Barnes." I say, "Sam, I'm in. Let's fuckin' do this."
Let me know what you think & if you want pt2 with 40s Bucky :)
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thirstywoso · 1 month
Forget about your girlfriend - Jessie Fleming x Reader 18+
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W/C: 2.2k
Synopsis: Reader falls for Jessie after realising her relationship has ran its course
A/N: Just here for the angst, having a weird ass time at the minute and wanted to write something that wasn't so fluffy and was more shitty of reader
Warnings: cheating MDNI 18+, Oral, Fingering (giving and receiving) , strap (receiving), I can't think of anything else because if I'm honest I rushed the end of this and probably got repetitive because I'm so mentally and physically exhausted. Hopefully some better fics are coming I just wanted to put something out for y'all even if it was a rush job.
Your relationship had been on the rocks for awhile, the love you once shared had begun to dwindle, the fun you used to share gone, romantic gestures all but a distant memory.
You stayed though, out of convenience. A break up would be too much hassle and staying together would make you feel less lonely.
That was until Jessie had moved to Portland, you'd heard of her but hadn't ever met before. Yet you hit it off straight away, the way she knew exactly what to say to make you laugh.
How even when you were having an off day she could read you and cheer you up, she just got you in away that nobody had before.
Of course you felt guilty you loved your girlfriend, just Jessie added something to your life that you felt was missing.
That's what brought you to tonight, after innocent flirting and months of getting closer with Jessie you'd gone straight to her after a heated fight with your girl.
Your eyes were brimming with tears and she pulled you into a hug, tightly holding you. It's when you pulled back and looked into her deep brown eyes that you knew you were fucked, the tension all too much.
Pulling her closer your eyes dart between her lips and her eyes, a sudden rush coming over you, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
Then it was too late, your lips were on hers and her hands were on your hips. Pulling you tight. Biting on your lip to ground herself trying to control the urge to pull you to the bedroom.
Your hands began roaming along her back not letting her pull away, until you needed to breathe.
"Do you want me to stop?.. if you do please say because if we keep going I don't think I will be able to stop myself" she states matter of fact.
You nod your head pulling her back in, arms running along her shoulder blades dragging down until your finger tips are running along her waist. Her actions mirroring yours as you fall deeper into each other.
She begins to pull off your shirt looking at you to double check you were still okay, your eyes meet and you violently nod your head. The look on Jessie's face sending a pulse to your core.
Without a second thought you began ripping each others clothing off discarding all over Jessie's apartment floor before she held your jaw pulling you with her toward her bedroom.
Getting through the door she twists you around pushing you as you step back toward her bed, your calves meeting the end of her bed as she shoves you backwards.
Your head falling into her pillows, her scent overwhelming as you stare up at her longingly.
"I'm going to fuck you so good, you forget your name" she says so causally
"This is your last chance to stop or I'm going to have you whimpering my name and not hers" she offers
"Prove it" you give
That's all Jessie needed to hear as her lips were back on yours in a heated kiss, that then trialed across your cheek and down your neck, feather light kisses and kitten licks of her tongue follow the column of your neck.
Your core beginning to feel like molten lava
"Please" you whimper out as her hand snakes between the two of you, slowly making its way to where you so badly needed her.
"Fuck" she gasps gathering the wetness on her finger tips "do you get this wet for her?" She almost laughs
"Just for you Jessie" you whimper out as her fingers circle your bundle of nerves.
"What's that baby? She doesn't make you this wet? Speak up for me" she mocks her fingers slipping inside of you.
"Fuck.. only you make me this wet Jessie" you moan, head falling back into the pillows eyes rolling back at the delicious stretch she provided you.
Jessie whispering sweet nothings in your ear as her fingers curl deeper "you look so fucking good like this" she groans into your neck" you cry out at her words needing more.
Grabbing onto her hair you begin to push her down, she knows exactly what you want as she trails kisses down your stomach. Blowing gently on your core she removes her fingers before sucking them into her own mouth. Tasting you for the first time, her eyes roll back drunk on your taste.
You laugh down at her "good?" You question.
"You wanna try yourself?" She responds with a nod, dipping her fingers back into you before pulling them out dripping in your arousal.
Wiping her finger tips along your bottom lip before thrusting them into your waiting tongue so you could taste yourself.
You gush at the idea of her fingers fucking your throat and you begin to make a show of cleaning them. Head bobbing up and down gagging on her digits.
She chuckles to herself as she leans down kissing your core, soft at first but then more hungry, kisses to your clit followed by swipes of her tongue through you folds until she is overtaken by want.
He tongue dives into you, furiously fucking you in a frenzy your entrance pulsing around her as her nose bumps into your bundle of nerves.
Your hands find her hair tugging at it as your mouth falls open a silent scream erupting from deep in your throat as she hits the spot you need her most.
Jessie groans into your wet heat adding her ring and middle finger once more, joining her tongue as they dive inside you making your toes curl and eyes screw shut.
Lifting off the bed your hips begin to buck into her mouth and fingers trying to pull her closer into you, your free hand screwing up the sheets beneath you.
Retracting her tongue she begins to suckle on your folds and make her way to your clit that she sucks between her teeth, flicking her tongue over it repeatedly.
Humming to herself at the shake in your legs and repeating the motion, you can't help but whimper as you feel your orgasm approaching.
Before you know it you are falling off the edge and Jessie is back by your head kissing you, overwhelming you with your own flavour.
Her hand is gently caressing your thigh and her lips begin to leave a trail of feather light kisses on your neck as you catch your breath.
"Wow that was something else" you manage to puff out with a slight giggle.
"You look so pretty when you cum y/n, I could watch the way your face screws up and mouth hangs open on repeat" she admits nipping at your ear lobe
"Then make me do it again" you whisper in a tone that almost sounds like a question.
"Mmm yeah?" She says shifting onto her elbow looking down at you. "You want to come apart on my cock?"
You nod your head pulling her in for a kiss, when she pulls back you let her know exactly what you want "Please Jess, fuck me"
She doesn't need to be told twice, grabbing one of her favourite straps from the draw she secures it to her waist before kneeling in front of you again as your legs involuntarily spread for her.
She rubbed the tip along your slit gently before leaning down to kiss you as her length slid past your entrance hitting your throbbing clit and back, repeating this motion as she gently rocked her hips into you as your kiss became more feverish.
She sucked down gently on your tongue as your hands found their way to her shoulders and raked gently up and down her back.
As your tongues battled for dominance you reached between the two of you finding the base of Jessie's newest appendage and angling it so the tip stretched at your opening on Jessie's next thrust.
"Please, I need you inside me, Jessie I want to be so full of you please" you beg her, knowing you needed to feel her stretch you open.
As your hands grab back onto her shoulders Jessie's cock fills you to the hilt, both of you letting out shuddering breaths.
The two of you realising how deep inside you she is, scared to move knowing that there is no turning back now. Your eyes flutter at the feeling of being full of her as she groans just imagining the way you are pulsing around her the same way you did on her fingers.
After a deep breath she pulls back until only the tip is stretching your entrance before slamming her hips back down causing you to grunt, enjoying your reaction she does it again her eyes rolling back at the hitch in your throat as she grinds into you.
"You're taking me so well pretty girl" she praises you as she fills you up again.
Your eyes roll back at her words as she quickens her pace, her finger tips making quick rhythm across your clit.
It had been so long since you had felt this good and the pang of guilt you had subsided pretty quickly once Jessie's lips attached themselves to your neck.
"Forget about your girlfriend" she whispers into your ear, you were so drawn to Jessie that you didn't even remember her name which you knew was so bad, but something inside you just didn't care.
"You are such a bad girl but look at you being a good girl for me" she whispers in your ear nibbling on your ear lobe for emphasis.
The pleasure from her strap nudging against your most needy spot and her little pants and words of encouragement in your neck drove you straight to the edge.
Pulling back she looked into your eyes her speed in thrusts and clit stimulation increasing
"That's it baby, cum for me" she groans as she grabs your ankles angling deeper inside you pushing you over the edge, her longing stare into her eyes driving you feral.
Your nails clawing down her back as you cum on her thick cock, she giggles slightly into your neck as she collapse atop you.
After some time you both start to move, Jessie peeling herself off of you and cuddling you into her.
Your hand traces soft patterns across her exposed skin, before dragging the strap on off of where she had secured it. Discarding it somewhere in the room before your hand found purchase between her legs once more, dipping your fingers between her folds you gather some of her wetness.
The slide of your fingers mixed with the way you could feel her dripping made you crazy, it wasn't long before you sunk your fingers in knuckle deep. Causing both of you to groan out.
"So wet for me Jessie" you half laugh half groan
"Does she get this wet for you baby?" Jessie smirks which you quickly wipe off her face with an overly eager curl of your fingers and a delicate kiss to the edge of her mouth.
Pumping your fingers in harder you kiss her, swallowing her moans as you feel her walls flutter around your digits.
A particularly delicious curl sent her eyes rolling back and her mouth agape, she looked so fucking beautiful so open and relaxed for you.
Kissing along her jaw and neck, biting, sucking and soothing with your tongue repeatedly as you add another digit.
Jessie stretching around you further, worked up from seeing you come undone and from the stimulation the bottom of the strap provided her clit it wasn't long until you had her on the precipice.
One powerful and skill full curl and scissor of your fingers sent her careening off the edge you'd placed her on, kissing her face and neck repeatedly as she shuddered and came down from her high.
Once you'd both caught your breath you were soon wrapped in each other warm embrace.
You hadn't felt so content and safe in such a long time that you began to cry.
"What's wrong baby?" She asks using the pad of her thumb to wipe away your tears.
"I think I know what to do" you say dryly
"...end things" you carry on noticing Jessie's raised elbow
Leaning down she places a kiss on your forehead and rubs your cheek
"Whatever you do or do not decide to do, I will be here for you" she reaffirms
"I love you Jess" you whisper
You think she whispers it back but your eyes were heavy and you drifted into a sleep tucked up in her arms, overwhelmed with her scent from the bed sheets and her proximity. You'd never felt so safe and cared for and you couldn't help the sleep taking over.
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signedkoko · 8 months
Can I request a romantic oneshot for Vox with fem reader, where she helps him relax after a hard day, dealing with the other V's, or just company related stuff? This guy really needs a break 🥲
It could be just fluff or nsfw, it's up to you ;)
Also, I really love how you wrote the Valentino headcanons I requested! It seems so in character for him to feel like his masculinity is threatened by a female that's more powerful than him.
Have a nice day/night! <3
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Letting Off Steam [NSFW]
In which long days call for even longer nights where he gets to indulge in the delicacy that is you. Reader is female.
Song - Lavender Kiss by The Licks
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" Stupid fucking-fuck!"   
Automatic doors opened so fast they screeched along the floor, calling your attention to his tense figure. Every tap of his polished shoes got louder, both from his approach and his increased stomping. It could have been a new record with how fast he was pacing. 
While you wanted to give him your attention, you still had a pot on the stove. You were working on dinner, being sure to stir the noodles in the salted water so they wouldn't stick together. 
" You would not believe the gall that stupid mothball has hiding that shit from me! After everything I've done for him! " From your peripherals, you saw his claws glide down his screen in desperation, his red eyes disappearing as he shut off visuals. 
" Oh my, what has he done this time? " You hummed with a piqued interest, hoping it was something he could tell you about. Vox's line of work was always interesting. 
Vox only let out a gargled groan, pulling his bow loose so he could take off his constricting suit jacket. 
" I wouldn't want to worry you, as pissed off as I am. Just- someone I thought couldn't bother me anymore turned out to be alive and well! So alive that he's practically dancing on my enterprise as we speak. " 
He had rolled up his shirt sleeves so the white wouldn't be stained, looking to help. You placed a hand on his chest, stopping him from working on anything. 
" The pasta still needs to cook for a good while; be patient. " Even so, it was endearing knowing that, as worked up as he got, he would still find his way to your side to help. 
" Right. Honestly, I just need to distract myself right now. " Huffing, the video star pushed you back into the island, stealing a quick kiss, which consisted of him bonking his screen against you. 
You pressed a few gentle kisses along the edge of his screen; you'd gotten used to not wearing anything on your lips so you wouldn't stain him—as much as he claimed to love the kiss marks you left on his monitor.
With a few kisses and the joy of being so close, the two of you melted into one another, with the overlord giving a relaxed sigh. 
" You have no idea how much I've ached for you, dolly. " As the usual nicknames loosened out of his mouth, Vox couldn't help but let this guard down in your presence, and for a reason. You were the one thing that soothed him, and he was addicted to you, like a substance he couldn't shake from his habits. 
He wasn't sure if it was the frustration or just your sheer allure, but he couldn't stop himself from pressing on further. 
He crouched down, much to your audible confusion, only for him to hook his hands under your ass and lift you up onto the counter, where you were now eye-to-eye with him. 
The technological overlord found himself in a comfortable spot between your dangling legs, his body keeping them pushed apart. 
You could hear his fans whirring in him, knowing him well enough that he wasn't up to any good. Regardless, you missed him, and you were antsy to see where he'd take you. 
" I missed you. " 
His voice was a mutter as he distracted himself by running his cold hands up and down your thighs in a soothing motion, albeit a little desperately. Vox was still deciding just how rough he wanted to be with you.
His signature grin snapped on when he made a decision, and before you could ask, he had one hand hooked under your knees as he pushed them up, forcing you onto your back. The cool marble of the counter made you shiver—almost cold enough to cancel out the warmth your stomach burst with. 
With him pushing your knees as close to your chest as was comfortable, he had a nice view of his dessert. 
" Sorry gorgeous, I just have this crazy craving right now. " Sarcasm dripped from his tone, his free hand messily pulling your pants up to your thighs so he could look at your pretty pussy, only covered by the cloth of your panties. 
All you could see was the cieling and your own legs, besides the top of his antenna, which poked from beyond them. Anytime you tried to squirm to get a better view, his hand would push back further, keeping you in place. 
" Don't get so nervous; I'll take good care of you, " It sounded as if he wanted to say more, but he got distracted with brushing his talons along your panties, tensing the fabric so he could see everything underneath. With every shudder you made, he'd thumb your clit in a small circle, only for the cycle to repeat. 
A low hum came from him, enjoying the way you'd squirm when he kept at it for too long. 
" Oh you poor thing, you deserve more, don't you? " 
The sound of his buckle falling loose was followed by the sound of a zipper, the overlord almost ripping the clothes as he hurried to help his poor, helpless girl. 
Your patience paid off, his warm cock coming to rest on your warmth, which he slowly thrust against your clit, rutting himself through your folds. Only then did he let go of your knees, which weakly fell to the counter, so he could get a good look at your face. 
He wanted to make sure he could get a nice 'before' picture so he could compare it to your fucked-silly after image. 
" Be loud for me, yeah?"
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Author's Note - I have not written a oneshot in awhile, let alone NSFW, so I apologize if it's a little off! Hopefully I'll get more into the flow with time.
Word Count - 939
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e-hibiscus · 4 months
if you’re alright I’ve been craving for some Jealous sex with Ruan Mei, and Robin it’s just a request I’ve been thinking of 🤧😣😣😫😩
Sorry for taking forever on this 😨 For the life of me, I couldn’t come up with anything for Robin that i was satisfied with so I only have Ruan Mei. I hope that’s okay (ⅈ▱ⅈ)
Authors Note: NSFW, jealous sex, use of aphrodisiac
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Ruan Mei
It’s almost night and day how you interact with your peers. You’re much livelier, smiling more, and talking more. You have a voice pleasant to the ears, and one Ruan Mei herself enjoys listening to despite her reserved and distant nature. Always, she wants to hear more, yet you never seem to talk more than you need. You become quiet, flushed, and nervous in her presence, but she wants to hear more.
Getting you to agree on taking an aphrodisiac was easy. You’ve always followed her orders. You always listen to her commands, so there was no issue laying you down on an empty table to start her “work”.
It’s been less than 10 minutes, and you’re already a quivering mess. Your pussy is dripping and you fight the urge to keep quiet and sit still for Ruan Mei’s “observations” yet you're only managing to do one of the two.
“Hold still. I’m not going to repeat myself again.”
Her delicate hands pin your chest against the cold surface. Her other hand swipes along your folds before circling your puffy clit. The tips of her fingers barely push in as you fight the urge to buck into her for some relief. You’re clinging to the edge of the table, trying your best to comply.
Luckily, she slips not one but two fingers in. With a dissatisfied expression etched on her face, Ruan Mei watches you stifle your voice with your sleeve.
“Stop covering your mouth like that.” Her fingers angle themselves so they hit your g-spot causing a sweet cry to escape your lips. She questions to herself why everyone else gets to hear the sound of your voice. The thought of someone else has her frowning, and Ruan Mei doubles her effort. Slender digits scissor your tight cunt as you whine out. The faster and rougher she goes, Ruan Mei quickly learned, has you spouting jibberish. She fingers your sensitive folds to continue hearing the quiet gasps escaping your lips. Every detail from your expression was taken in by her turquoise eyes.
As you cum around her finger with a cry of her name, Ruan Mei stops, not to give you time to come down from your high, but to process the moan of her name that had left your lips. There’s a burning need brewing inside her as Ruan Mei starts up again. It doesn’t matter how many more times you fall apart and even break on this table, she’s going to continue until she can finally understand why she wishes to hear you call out her name like that again.
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sophvilla · 4 months
Hurts So Good ᡣ𐭩
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°°°°°°°°°Enha Series°°°°°°°°
Part 2
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Pairing: Bf! Lee! Heeseung x Gf! Fem!reader
Synopsis: Heeseung has been gearing up for the Upcoming Comeback of Enhypen resulting in you being worried about his Health but you didn’t know He would Lash out on you.
Warning: Heavy Angst, Yelling and crying, Heeseung being a douchebag towards Reader.
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You've been watching Heeseung work non-stop for their upcoming comeback, his energy and dedication unmatched. You notice he's not taking any breaks, and you try to get him to rest a bit more.
You said to your boyfriend calmly"Heeseung, you need to take a break. You've been working so hard lately and you look exhausted."
He just looks at you, irritated by your pestering him "I can handle it. I don't need you nagging me about this."
"But I'm worried about you. You're not taking care of yourself." You said, worry is evident on your face.
He looks at you like you're some kind of annoyance and says,
"I don't have time to take care of myself. The comeback is approaching and there's so much work to do."
"But you can't keep going like this. You need to take care of your health too." Face frowned, trying your best to make him understand the situation.
Heeseung says with anger, eyes narrowed look down at you "Why are you being so pushy? I told you I can handle it. Just leave me alone!"
"I'm not being pushy. I just care about you."
"Well I don't need your care right now. If you truly care, you would let me work in peace." He said with a scoff as he walks away from you towards the living room.
Heeseung's words cut through you, and you're left feeling frustrated and hurt.
You said while Trying to stay calm"I understand that the comeback is important, but so is your health. You can't push yourself too hard."
"I'll be fine. What I need is space and for you to stop nagging me. Can't you see how stressed I am?" Your boyfriend faces you, eyes flaring as he glares at you,
Those eyes that used to look at you with love and care are now looking at you with this much anger has you baffled as you say with clear frustrations.
"We're in a relationship, Heeseung. I'm not nagging, I'm worried. We're supposed to support each other."
He seems to grow more irradiated then before as he says "Right now, you're not supporting me. You're stressing me out even more!"
You can't seem to shake the feeling as you look at him as you realise that this isn't the person you fell in love with as you say, raising your voice,
"I'm doing this because I care! You're working yourself to the bone and you won't listen to me. How can I not get worried?"
Heeseung was growing more and more annoyed with you as He yells at you "Shut up! I know what I'm doing! You don't know anything about the industry or how much pressure we're under!"
Your voice breaks as tears start to fall down your cheeks. "I may not know the industry, but I know you. And I know what you're doing to yourself isn't healthy."
Heeseung seems even more annoyed by your tears. "Stop crying! You're being so dramatic."
His harsh words cut deep, and you feel a wave of hurt and frustration wash over you. "I'm not being dramatic. I'm worried about you. But fine, if you don't want my care or concern, I'll leave you alone."
And with that you leave the apartment with tears streaming down your face and your heartbroken.
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couldyouimagine-that · 8 months
Cuddles With Satan
Genre; Hurt/Comfort, Flufffff
Word Count; 1.2k
Warnings; None, just the reader being exhausted beyond belief and Lucifer convincing you to let him hold you while you go to sleep.
Pairings; Lucifer (Supernatural) x Reader
I know that soft!Lucifer isn't everyone's thing, but I haven't found enough fics like this so I am filling the gap myself! I guess he's inherently OOC for being soft, but I've written him as in character as possible if he decided to be affectionate towards the reader. (Also comment if you think I should do something similar with Casifer, I am very much considering it). Enjoy!
Here's part 2!
“I know you don’t really believe it yourself, but you are right.”
You had told Dean, Sam and Castiel that it was okay to leave you alone with the Devil. That if he wanted you dead, you would be.
“Besides, why would I kill you? That little moral dilemma that you’ve got going on is far more interesting than your corpse would be.”
That little moral dilemma was that you liked Lucifer. And he knew it.
You were incredibly tired. You didn’t feel well, you hadn’t been sleeping or even eating properly and you had convinced the others to go so that they could get a break from Lucifer’s antics. You knew that if someone hadn’t left, you would have ended up with a full-blown fight on your hands, and you didn’t want to have to deal with the fallout of one of your friends conveniently forgetting that they were nothing more than an insect to an archangel. You’d already had the job of patching up Sam and Dean when one of them got a little too self-righteous and a flick of Lucifer’s hand had sent them both flying. Castiel at least had slightly better control, but you’d had to hold him back from starting something in retaliation more than once. Not that pushing the angel back by his shoulders would actually do anything if he had a mind, but so far it had served as a good enough reminder to stop him from antagonising the Devil.
You turned around to face him, arms crossed over his chest and head resting in one hand, leaning against the edge of the table. Utterly relaxed and confident. He tilted his head just slightly as he watched you, a smile pulling at his lips.
“I need to go and get some rest before I pass out. Please, please don’t do anything while I’m gone.” He stayed quiet, enjoying the look you were giving him, pleading him to help you out. Until you dropped it, huffing a sigh and shaking your head. You were going to fall asleep regardless and you’d rather not be in the main room of the bunker when it happened. You made for the corridor at the back without another word, heading to what had become your room. Naturally, Lucifer followed.
“How about I come with you?” You said nothing, allowing yourself a silent sigh. “What? Two birds, one stone – that way you get to rest and you know where I am and what I’m doing.”
Not for the first time, you cursed yourself for having ever opened your mouth. A few weeks back, whilst sharing some beers with the boys and reminiscing on happier times, talk had turned briefly to partners. Sam and Dean had mentioned that in each of their longer-term relationships, their girlfriends had said they felt safer being held when they went to sleep. You had agreed, saying that you usually also slept better if someone was holding you. The conversation had moved on, that had been it. Apart from the fact that Lucifer had been hanging around somewhere and heard every word, and hadn’t left you alone about it since.
“Not today, Lucifer. Please.” You could hear the smile in his voice when he answered and you knew he’d heard the defeat in yours.
“Come on, Y/N, just this one time. What harm will it do?” He just kept walking behind you when you didn’t answer. “It’s not a one-way ticket downstairs, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’ve got far worse on your resume than ‘cuddled with Satan’.” You could feel your fight draining with every passing second.
“Why do you even care about this so much?” You asked at length, leaving the door to your room open out of habit since you were still having a conversation. By the time you considered that maybe slamming the door in his face would have ended the conversation, he had already walked inside.
“Curiosity. Angels don’t sleep, as you know, so I’ve never experienced holding someone until they drift off. I want to know what it feels like.”
You stared at him for a moment, uncomprehending. You knew your powers of reasoning weren’t operating at full capacity, but that sounded so… genuine. Gentle. Usually bad things when associated with Lucifer but you were running out of both reasons and time remaining before you collapsed where you stood.
“Come on.” His voice was so quiet, so soft, that you would never again wonder how he had convinced anyone to do anything. You just hoped you were right in thinking that there were worse things you could be agreeing to.
“I- alright. Fine.” You raised your hands briefly in surrender then collapsed onto one side of your bed, faced away from him.
You felt the mattress shift beneath his weight as he laid down behind you, felt his gaze on you as he lightly traced two fingers down your spine. You had to fight to hold back your sigh. His hand moved ever so gently along your side, up to your shoulder where he applied just a little bit of pressure to push you onto your back. His expression was soft, one arm beneath his head as his eyes tracked the path of his hand. He didn’t even have to lean to reach over you and your eyes shuttered when he slipped his hand beneath your back, pulling you over to him with no effort at all. You found yourself pressed against his side, head on his shoulder and with nowhere else for it to go, your arm resting on his chest.
His hand started a gentle passage up and down your back and you gave up on trying to hold back your contented sigh. Lucifer smiled genuinely at the sight. He rested his chin atop your head as he moved his flat palm to your lower back, again pushing gently to reposition you how he wanted. With sleep already winding its tendrils through your mind, you figured in for a penny, in for a pound. You received an appreciative squeeze when you crossed your leg over one of his, and another when you wrapped your arm around his torso, laying your hand against his ribs. You played with his soft shirt for a few moments, moving the material between your fingers, before tucking your face more firmly against his shoulder. Lucifer shifted slightly and you felt the scratch of the scruff on his chin against your forehead and a gentle pressure before he moved back again. Even mostly asleep, that woke you straight back up again.
A forehead kiss? That had nothing to do with wanting to know what it felt like to hold someone as they fell asleep. You looked up questioningly to find his expression caring – caring – and his gaze already trained on you. He would only offer a minute, one-shouldered shrug in response. Just felt like it, the movement said. I don’t really care. You simply chose to lay down again rather than start another conversation, and Lucifer’s chin returned to your head and his hand resumed its path across your back. You eventually let your train of thought go so that you could finally get some rest, but you couldn’t help but wonder what it was going to mean to have Lucifer’s affection.
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Hiii! Could you do 5, 12 and 13 smut with luke hughes. Maybe the guys are at the lake house or something like that
Smut: 5. "Shh baby, we have to be quiet", 12. "I'm so horny right now" "it's 3 in the morning, go to sleep" "please", & 13. "They wont hear anything" w/ Luke Hughes
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They Definitely Heard Us
It was a random weekend in July and all three brothers were at the lake house. Luke had just gotten to the lake house but called you as soon as he got there to come too. He didn't care that his brothers were making fun of him for not being able to be away from you for too long.
When you arrived Jack was the first person to great you as you walked in the front door, "Y/n! Hey!" he says walking over with open arms to give you a hug.
"Hey Jacky" I say hugging him back then looking over to Quinn beside him as I pull away, "Hey Quinner"
"Hey Y/n" he says bringing me into a hug next, "How was the drive?" he asks me as we break apart
"Long and boring" I say, "I need a nap"
I go up the stairs to Luke's room and drop my stuff before making my way back down and into the kitchen. I take a seat on the stool at the kitchen island with Jack and Quinn, "So, where is Luke?" I ask them
"He went to the store to grab a few things" Quinn tells me
"Okay, well I am exhausted so I'm going to go to bed early" I say even though it is only 7pm.
"Alright, show we tell Luke not to wake you?" Jack asks
"He will anyway" I say making them both laugh before heading up to bed.
I was wrong. I found myself waking up at 3am with a sleeping Luke right beside me. I made my way out of the bed as quietly as I could and to the bathroom because I had to pee.
I went back to the room and laid back down beside Luke and tried to fall back asleep. Around 15 minutes later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me then a hand travel up my shirt until they reached my boobs. I let out a soft moan as Luke begins massaging my tits.
"You're awake?" Luke asks me
"Yeah, did I wake you?"
"No, the dream I just had about you did though" he said and I giggle as I turn my body to face him. His hand glides across my skin and now rests on my back as we face each other in the dark room."I'm so horny right now" he says making me giggle
"it's 3 in the morning, go to sleep"
"Please" Luke pleads
I throw my leg over top of him then cradle his hips as I lean down and begin to make out with him in the dark room. We make out and I feel him grow against my crotch harder and harder. I reach down and begin stroking his cock as we continue making out.
"Fuck babe, I missed you" he says not too loud, but loud for 3am
"Shh baby, we have to be quiet" I say before I travel kisses down his body down to his cock. I lick up his shaft and he throws his head back against his pillow. I lick one more time slowly from the base of his cock up to his tip making him shiver before I wrap my lips around his tip.
I suck on the tip of his cock as he lets out a shaky breath. I take his cock in and out of my mouth letting my mouth reach further and further down the longer I sucked, "Fuck!" he moaned making me pull off his cock to look at him, "they wont hear anything" he says pulling me back up to kiss his lips
While I make out with his I reach down and position his cock at my entrance before pulling away from him, "Fuck Luke!" I moan out as I sink down on his cock, "You're so big!" I say as I bounce up and down on his cock. The springs of the bed making clinging noises as I continuing bouncing on his cock
"Your titties look so good when you're bouncing on my dick" he says as he reaches up to squeeze them.
He squeezes them until I sink all the way down on his cock and grind back and forth. He then turns us over so he is on top. He pushes his cock back inside me and immediately begins thrusting in and out hard and fast as I whimper
"Fuck your pussy is so tight" he says as he thrusts in and out of me, "Tell me how much you love this dick baby"
"fuck luke! I love your dick!" I moan, "Don't stop Lukey!"
Calling him look turned something on inside of him and he thrust hard into me hitting my g-spot every time.
"OH MY GOD BABY!" I whimper loudly as the sounds of Luke ramming into me, the springs of the bed, and the headboard smashing against the wall fill the room, "DON'T STOP, LUKEY!"
"Don't stop calling me Lukey" he says through his grunts as he continues thrusting into me, "I'm close" he says as his thrusts begin to slow done
"Yes Lukey, cum inside my mouth" I moan as Luke continues thrusting. He suddenly pulls himself out of me and sits me up. He stands on the bed so my face is facing his cock. I bring my mouth to his cock and wrap my lips around his tip before he grabs my hair and begins fucking my face.
"Fuck Y/n/n, I love fucking your mouth" he says, "Fuck! I'm cumming!" he exclaims before his warm liquid runs down my throat. I swallow then smile at him as he sits back down on the bed beside me.
He kisses my lips before fixing the blankets and lifting them over us. "Night baby, I love you" he says to me.
"Night, I love you more" I reply. We feel asleep cuddling and woke up in the morning in the same position.
I open my eyes with my head still resting on his chest, then look up to see if he was still sleeping. He was so I quietly try to seek out of bed to make a coffee in the kitchen before he got up but his arms tightened around me keeping me in bed.
"You won't want to go out there without me" he says
"They definitely heard us last night" he says with his eyes still closed as a smile crept across his face
"Luke!" I say and he begins to laugh, "You said they wouldn't hear us!"
"They probably wouldn't of, but that wall that the headboard kept smashing against is also Quinn's wall"
"Luke..." I say pulling away from him and pulling a blanket over my head. Luke sits up in the bed and tickles my sides trying to get me to show my face.
I quickly jump out of bed and cross my arms, "let's go get this over with" I tell him, and he laughs
He gets out of bed then wiggles some sweatpants on as I do the same. He doesn't bother putting a shirt on before opening the door to his bedroom, "After you"
"Hell no" I tell him
"I'm hiding behind you" I say making him laugh before making his way out of his room and down the stairs. I followed behind him and I watch him reach his hand out backwards for me to grab and I gladly accept.
We walk into the kitchen and walk over to the stove to put some of the grub one of the boys made and put them on our plates before joining the two boys that were already seated at the table.
Luke sat beside Jack and I sat beside Luke across the table from Quinn. It was quiet while we ate, in an awkward way. My cheeks become red when I notice Quinn and Jack look at each other before both looking away holding in their laughter.
"What?" Luke says defensively to his brothers
"nothing" Quinn says shaking his head still trying not to laugh, Luke rolls his eyes and reaches for my hand under the table. It was quiet again but it doesn't last long before Jack speaks up
"So Y/n" he says gaining my attention, "does he ask you to call him Lukey?" Jack teases and Quinn cannot contain his laugh any longer as laughter between the two boys erupt at the table. I look over to Luke to see he is trying to keep his laughter in causing me to laugh a little.
"Next time could you slide the bed away from the wall or put pillows there or something?" Quinn asks making everyone laugh out again
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loganshouseofworship · 5 months
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Pink tulips a symbol of friendship — Logan Sargent x platonic!reader
Tagged — @amatswimming @bblouifford @disneyprincemuke @faithshouseofchaos @faithsotherhouseofchaos
Logan knew that you were having a tough week and as one of your longest-standing friends, he took it upon himself to make you feel better. On the way to your apartment, Logan stopped by the store and picked up some of your favorite snacks, ice cream, and drinks and continued with his mission.
Halfway through his journey to your apartment, he made one stop it wasn’t planned but he saw the florist stand from the corner of his eye and thought fuck it.
Looking at the selection of flowers his eyes saw a pretty Bouquet of pink tulips. Logan remembered you saying that tulips were a symbol of friendship.
“I would like these,” Logan said, picking out the pink tulips and handing the florist the money.
“Great choice,” the florist said. And with that Logan was back on track.
Once at your place, Logan knocked firmly on your apartment door. Hearing your footsteps making their way down the stairs, he grew a smile and waited. Once the door opened he extended both hands with the bouquet in one and the takeout bag in the other.
“Hey, you.”
He smirked softly seeing you, hoping that maybe this would cheer you up at least a bit.
“Hi.” You said letting Logan in your apartment
"I brought you flowers," Logan said smiling
"for what?" You asked confused
"There has to be a reason?" Logan questioned.
“You didn't have to do this.” You said taking the flowers from him to admire them.
“I know I didn’t but I wanted to.” Logan replied, handing over the shopping bag “I also brought you some of your favorite food and drinks, and also grabbed an ice cream for myself.”
He had grabbed enough to feed both of you, he figured that after what you’ve been through, you didn’t deserve to eat alone.
“I figured a fun night would help, maybe watching a funny movie.” He said smiling, waiting for you to step aside so he could come in.
“The tulips were specially for you.” He laughed “I mean I don’t know who else these are for.” He chuckled again, “Besides I figured, I could just use them as an excuse to see you.” His smirk grew to a grin “Plus I figured you probably need some cheering up, I know I’ve been a while so no hard feelings if you tell me to leave.”
“No, of course not.” You replied, your face growing a warm smile at how thoughtful your best friend was.
“You’re truly something,” you said hugging him tightly
“I’ll grab some plates and stuff.” Logan replied, breaking the hug as he took it as a sign to start getting everything ready. “You just go ahead and sit down.”
He gave you a gentle push toward the table, you did as asked and then sat down.
Logan went over to the kitchen area, placing the plates and napkins on the table as he started setting up all the food. It looked quite extravagant, especially for just the two of you.
Once everything was done, he poured two glasses of the wine he had bought, before he sat down opposite you.
“To friends.” He looked at you as he brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip. “To better days.”
The two of you had a wonderful night, a night that was full of laughter and banter. It had even helped lift the depressing mood you’d been in. A smile had been permanent on your face ever since the moment Logan walked through the door, with his thoughtful gifts. He truly was a good friend.
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 4 months
Mirror: The Fiction and Essays of Kōda Aya translated by Ann Sherif
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The papers in those days always had some amazing news in them - from the attempted military coup of February the year before to the start of fighting in China just three months later. A ferocious gale had come sweeping through, causing small whirlwinds some days and, at other times, a tremendous commotion that stirred up everything, even the dust in the forgotten corners of the world. I was just a speck of dust in one of the narrowest, most remote niches. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
A kimono worn by a woman immature in her emotions can be a powerful thing. Or, to put it another way, clothes have the strength to control one's psyche. To me, the striped outfit was a uniform; it gave me a sense of direction and a feeling of pride in my work. The apron shielded me from all arrows; it acted as a cast to brace me against all blows. It was a metal fire door behind which I could hide the anguish of my heart. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
What other child would fail to rise to the occasion when her father was being so honored? He was my only father, and I his only child. Is this any way to behave? I had lost my way at the bottom of a deep abyss. I cast my eyes upward, toward my father, only to see him dimly shrouded by mist. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
I know nothing about the breadth of my father's learning, nor do I pretend to understand the scope of his art. I could not tell you what came to him as a matter of luck, what he accomplished through his own talents, nor about his stature among men. Though I may be vastly ignorant, I do have enough sense not to entertain the foolish notion that he is some kind of lion of literature, a king among writers. He was just my father. From my own biased viewpoint, I would say that Father possessed some lionlike qualities, but there were those of a lion who would finish you off or give you the push-off-the-cliff test. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
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Father was an unusual man. He would point out the beauty of blossoms or clouds in the sky with the very whip he had cracked a moment before. With the same knife he had just used to rive your innards, he would slice up a wedge of some delicacy for you. No one else I knew could perform such feats. There was something solid about him. I felt all at once like a contrite sinner and a puppy dog who is eager to please. I wanted to cut all ties with him, but at the same time I needed him to recognize me as worthy of his love. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
Higuchi Ichiyo's nephew Higuchi Etsu once said about [me and my father]: "The parent dons a medal, and the child an apron." I made a show of laughing at his comment, but only because I wanted to hide my weakness. In fact, that apron chafed against my hands and my heart with its unyielding roughness. - Kōda Aya, "The Medal"
One often hears about the magical powers of mirrors. Certainly the mirror's ability to reflect creates this feeling of mystery. The objects around the viewer look so different in the mirror - what was one may multiply into two or even three. Objects that had appeared to be piled up come apart. Something might look real in the mirror, but then when you try to touch it, you can't. It seems to be there but it makes no sound. Is it real or just an illusion? Sometimes you can see through things in a mirror. Some things seem actually to be alive inside the mirror, but once the reflection stops moving, the illusion of life is gone. The mirror's power resides in this ability to confound. - Kōda Aya, "A Friend for Life"
My life was not going smoothly. I could not handle the problems that confronted me and became unbelievably nervous and stubborn. At times, any little thing would set me off in a rage; often I would get upset and break down in tears. I had so many things on my mind. In those days I consoled myself by leaning up against my mirror. To think how proud I had felt of it on my wedding day. Now all I could do was crouch up against it and sigh. In that house it was the only place where I felt calm. The mirror served more as a support for my emotions than as a glass in which I could see my reflection. The sunny location I had chosen for it had been part of my effort to avoid sadness and gloom in my life, but ironically it ended up lodging a darkened, tired soul. I did, in any case, feel most peaceful when I sat by my mirror. - Kōda Aya, "A Friend for Life"
The first time I wiped the glass, I was shocked to discover how dirty a mirror can become. One usually does not notice the dust; a mirror will reflect even when covered with a heavy layer of grime. And once you get used to this, you may end up looking at yourself and trying to make yourself presentable with powder and lipstick, unaware that you are seeing yourself through a haze. But who bothers to dust mirrors? If even smoothly polished glass attracts dust how much more would accumulate on a troubled heart? - Kōda Aya, "A Friend for Life"
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