#I remember the days of Myspace and actual dating
eponastory · 4 months
Hey, saw the post where you think Aang is not suitable to be with anyone, and I...kind of agree. I mean, even though Bryke royally screwed up his character like a mother-effer, he's still fictional...and in the words of every person who likes somebody, but sees their dark side, "I can fix him!". XP But yeah, no, in the show, he's really just a shitty self-insert, the worst kind...gosh, I feel like everyone is brainwashed and accepting Aang's idiotic decisions in the comics and all the other crap media that relates to the original show.
But mark my words! The LA version of Avatar: The Last Airbender WILL BE BETTER than the cartoon! And people will know that soon. So get your nostalgia glasses off, Avatar 'fans', cause we gettin' real with this version. Meaning, your cartoon wasn't perfect, it wasn't flawless, it wasn't even epic! It was just a generic show, up when it reached season 3, and that's when it all went downhill. Yeah, I'm salty over the fans, bada-bing-bada-boom! XP
But yeah, even though Aang is played by an actual person, would you say that you like this Aang better than the cartoon version of Aang? Not because it's played by a real person, but maybe because this version of Aang is the REAL Aang that was needed in the cartoon? :O
Absolutely on all counts.
See, when it comes to animation, writers can get away with a lot of tropes and goofy things because it's a different kind of media. When it comes to acting out those goofy things and tropes, it is really hard for a human being to act in the exaggerated manner characters do in animation. That being said, this does lend more of a human connection to LA adaptations, and I also think that's why a lot of adaptations do fail. NATLA has a lot of work cut out for it, but I do think they have the right cast and made the right changes to reflect that. This is why it's getting a lot of heat from OG fans because they seem to forget that animation is hard to adapt. For what it's worth, I do think the show did a good job for the first season. It works. It definitely has some cosmetic and storytelling flaws, but I don't think it completely ruins it.
Looking at you, 2010 disaster.
I do love Aang in the LA because he is much less naive and actually more grounded, which is a plus.
But I do think the show would benefit from not having the romantic subplot of season 3 or the whole series in general. They did well in season 1 with the developing friendships, and I hope it stays that way. Otherwise, I think we will have the same problems that we had in the OG.
BTW Sokka and Suki being very awkward and cringy in the LA is exactly what happens when teenagers meet each other. If you don't remember those days, it's probably because you were born after Facebook was invented.
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lale-txt · 2 years
The other day I felt like I was basically in the crypt because:
-watched a video of a little girl pantomiming “making a phone call” like it was an iPhone instead of 🤙🏻
-my younger coworker didn’t know what a dial up tone was.
Maybe we are middle aged. The technology has moved passed the need for us.
please you're making it sound like we're all ancient asdfgjksdg
but honestly having younger co-workers is where i realize the differences the most, too! it starts with looking at their birth dates and asking "wait, so the year you were born starts with 20...?" to having explain to them how basic key combinations like CRTL+C work because apparently they... just don't know? or like basic html which i still remember from MySpace days lmao. or simply realizing they actually see me as their senior and not "one of them" who are fresh out of school working in their first job.
however my point stands that this doesn't make us middle-aged, it's just a different generation! and even those between 40-60 do have such huge differences in their generations as well.
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silens-oro · 2 years
Requiem is such an experience!! And Planet is my favorite off of that album! ugh Planets for me is just such a Kylo Ren/General Hux from Star Wars kind of song, I love it so much. OK Sorry but I'm shifting into super fangirl mode because !!!! SAME! I think it's been around the same time for me too! A friend recommended them to me when I was in 5th grade I think, so around late 2008-ish? I was looking for a song for myspace (lmao) and Bat Country was the first one I heard and they've been my favorite band ever since. You're so lucky you've seen them many times, that is AMAZING! do you have a favorite time you've seen them? I was never allowed to go back in the day and when I finally did in 2013 it kinda sucked because of the people I went with so I'm hoping for another chance soon!
MYSPACE! This is digging up so many memories oh my GOD. I had the deathbat as my profile mouse curser and I thought I was the coolest person alive.
I would like to preface by realizing how ancient I sound by Tumblr standards. I am a fresh 29, but I may as well be 60 with the dates I’m mentioning below. That being said, I can talk about this band until I’m blue in the face. I’ve never met another person who is on the same level so I’m screamin’!!
lmao fun fact: Burn It Down was the FIRST music video I ever watched online and it took HOURS to load because I lived in the country at that point and dial up was actual hell. My mom absolutely freaked out when she saw what they looked like (because our massive Dell desktop WAS in the living room for everyone to snoop at what you were looking at).
I lived in California for a very brief period of time when I was 10 and the only friend I had was my neighbor who was my age so we immediately got along. He was really close with his cousin (she was 18 or 19) but she babysat us together often. ANYWAY she worked at one of the really small diy venues the next town over. Long story short, she dragged us to work with her one afternoon to grab her paycheck or something and they were playing that night. I didn’t get to see them play because I was too young and my parents would’ve 100% murdered the poor girl. BUT I did get to meet them outside while they were smoking lmao. It was the most awkward and weird experience back then because I had no idea who they were (they were so nice but also like “who are these children??”) but I look back on it fondly now.
The first time I got to see them was at Warped in ‘05 from a million feet away because my dad (rightfully so) did not let my 12 year old cantankerous self just waltz into the pits. I had zero fear. I was, admittedly, WAY TOO YOUNG to have been there, but it was an experience.
I think my favorite show was seeing them on the Taste of Chaos tour in ‘08. The lineup was bonkers. If I remember correctly it was A7X headlining with Bullet for my Valentine, Atreyu, Blessthefall (Craig had JUST left and their bassist had to do all the vocals. I remember that distinctly), and some J-Rock bands that I can’t remember as support. I went with my (still) best friend and it was the last tour I saw them on before the Rev passed the following year. They pretty much played their self titled album from start to finish with a few of the classics thrown in. Very, very fortunate.
I think the last time I saw them was at Mayhem Fest in 2014?? I went alone and was able to snag a front row spot at the barricade when they opened the gates for it and it was absolutely incredible. Hearing Requiem live absolutely obliterated me. I still get chills thinking about it.
So between ‘05 and ‘14 I’ve seen them maybe 7 or 8 times??? I wasn’t a huge fan of The Stage (will definitely need to give it another try) so they kind of fell off my radar for a bit. I’d definitely like to see them again if I get the chance because I’ve never seen a bad set from them in any show I’ve been to.
Honestly, I’ve learned by going with people who either can’t handle it or are just not fun concert people to go with that I prefer to go to certain concerts alone. If you’ve never done it before, I highly recommend!
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cryptidsurveys · 1 month
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024.
How has covid affected you? Like the whole ordeal or the illness specifically? Because 2020 felt like an emotional/political roller coaster. Staying home wasn't a big deal because I was already practically a shut-in, but the world as seen through my computer screen was a dumpster fire. As for the illness itself, I finally caught it in February of 2023. It hit me hard the first night, the next three days or so were like a bad cold or a mild flu, and the remainder - approximately a week and a half - was just like a common cold. I was sniffly and exhausted, but nothing serious.
What is a comfort show of yours? I don't watch television, so I'm going to go with YT videos instead: Essential Salts, Where Did The Road Go? Radio, Belief Hole, Fall Of Civilizations, Event Horizon, Science & Futurism With Isaac Arthur, French Whisperer, and various Japan vloggers such as Toki Doki Traveller, Abroad In Japan, Seerasan, Sharmeleon, etc.
Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I am really only open about my past with a few people (and two of those people are my parents lol - because they were literally there for it). Even with surveys, I'm somewhat reserved. I'll speak fairly openly about my present and relatively recent past, but I tend to be vague when referencing my deep past.
Favourite fast food joint? Hmm, I don't think I have one at the moment. I don't eat fast food all that frequently.
Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? No. I guess not. I think the reason is something you create for yourself.
What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Started volunteering full-time at the animal shelter (prior to that, I was only part-time). I think it's been about 5 weeks now. The other day, I was in the big room gathering the nightly trash to take to the dumpster, and Leslie (manager) was like, "Talk to me if you ever want a job here…" And I said my usual, "Oh, one day…one day…" with a twinkle in my eye. ;D
Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? Yeah. Especially after taking them for nearly 20 years. However, even though many of the questions are similar or repetitive, my life circumstances have changed, so the answers have gradually changed as well.
What were you doing 10 years ago? I think I was working at PDI, and I think my dad and I were still into backpacking, but not as much as in previous years. Other than that, I really don't remember a whole lot about 2014. I was still very firmly in hermit mode, struggling with mental illness, etc.
Do you call out Karen’s when they’re harassing a cashier? Nooo. Sorry, but if someone is behaving aggressively in public, then my most likely course of action is to avoid the situation as much as possible.
Animal crossing, yay or nay? I haven't played it since I was in middle school/early high school. It seems like a cute game and I would probably enjoy it if I could actually stick with it, but I'm just not much of a gamer.
Why do you like to do surveys? They're like a journal to me. They help me document my life in a way I probably - well, undoubtedly - wouldn't do without the added prompts.
Did you ever have a MySpace? Yeah. I still miss it. The way it was originally, anyway. Not whatever it became. I loved messing around with my layouts, etc.
Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I think it depends on the situation. I can think of a few scenarios in which a break could be a potentially healthy choice.
Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have one, but I only use it for watching videos. I don't create anything, nor do I have any plans to do so.
Are you a math person? Not at all.
What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? Idk.
Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? I don't think so.
Would you ever date someone online? I have in the past (we eventually met in person). At this point in my life…I'm not sure. My instinct is to say no because I'm not all that interested in the long-distance dynamic. Plus, when it came time for one of us to relocate…I'm pretty stubborn about the fact that it's not going to be me. I'm rooted in my life here and I don't want to leave it behind to start over somewhere else. If someone was okay with that, then idk. I guess I would be willing to see where things went.
Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? I've never been ghosted. Idk if I would do it to someone else or not.
When do you think things will be normal again? When has anything ever been normal? ;D …But you're probably talking about Covid stuff since that's how the survey started. Things around here are basically back to pre-Covid days. No one even talks about it anymore.
Do you watch anime? I watched it a lot when I was younger, but not in recent years.
Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2024 is over? Find a good work/life balance. At the moment, I'm struggling to fit everything in while still having space to breathe. My therapist wants me to do this group therapy thing with others around my age + in similar circumstances, but I feel like I'm going to scream if I have to do even one more thing. :') I think I'm going to have to tell her today that I just can't do it.
How old did/do you turn this year? I turned 35 in March.
Do you like tiktok? I don't use it.
Do you ever miss vine? Not really.
How are you doing, seriously? Oh, you know…just casually walking along a tightrope over a yawning abyss. No biggie.
Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? No.
Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Definitely. I have a very morbid, irreverent, even PrObLeMaTiC sense of humor.
Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? No.
Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? I guess you could call him that. One of my sibling's ex-partners was an all-around horrible person.
Long or short surveys? Medium. 30-40 questions is probably ideal.
If ur in school, are you doing it on zoom or in class? I'm not in school.
Would you ever have a pet rat? No. Rats are cool, but I'm not interested in having one as a pet. I already have three kitties.
Favourite memory with your best friend? I'm not sure.
Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? History, outer space, paranormal, tarot, reaction channel trash, Japan vlogs, etc.
Are you allergic to anything serious? No.
Dream job? I basically already have it. I'm just not being paid to do it, lmao.
Do you think dreams mean anything? They're probably just the burbling of an unconscious/subconscious mind attempting to make sense of things.
Fav clothing brand? I don't have one.
Do you miss anyone? Yeah.
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careful-wish · 2 months
I could never figure out why so many ppl thought my friend was gay when we were in rehab last year. A lot of the ladies thought he was good-looking but all thought he was gay. I kept saying I didn't think he was coz I can usually tell when other queer ppl are around, and eventually I just straight up asked. He was so confused and said he wasn't, he is The Straight(tm), and neither of us could figure it out. He said that it's actually happened quite a few times, especially when he was in a band, but no, he is not gay.
Finally clicked, he doesn't look like one anymore but my guy is emo for days. He might not look like one as much but the energy and vibes and being offended I didn't know he was a myspace emo
Just watching Anthony Padilla's interview with emos, and Johnnie mentioning that emo guys constantly get called gay just made it all make sense. I've hung around emos for years and even dated one (that guy is 100% the reason why I'm super attracted to stereotypical emo guys) and for my friend to talk about how ppl were toward him and the assumptions about his life
He is such an emo haha so tempted to send him this interview
Also I don't remember the name of his band, but the name was like 'dark wind's or some shit translated to Latin. I haven't listened to a ton of them coz I don't really listen to screamo but they aren't bad and my friend gets so excited just talking about them
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kimmysurveyblog · 3 months
 10 HOW’S
How did you get one of your scars? I have a scar on my ankle from shaving.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? I don't remember at all. Probably had a craft beer or 2, and we probably got pizza.
How are you feeling at this moment? I'm actually feeling super sad. I've been forced to think about my (deceased) mom this past week and I reeeeeally miss my parents. I hope this wave of sadness passes soon.
How did your night go last night? Fine. Didn't do anything interesting, went to bed early.
How did you do in high school? I went through some SHIT in high school so it was rough.
How did you get the shirt you’re wearing? I bought it from Old Navy.
How often do you see your best friend? We live together.
How much money did you spend last month? I'm not sure. A regular amount.
How old do you want to be when you get married? Now would be fine. He's been very clear about wanting to propose soon.
How old will you be at your next birthday? 33.
What is the most important part of your life? My daughter and boyfriend, my mental & physical health.
What did you do last weekend? It was Canada Day weekend! We spent some time with bf's dad, and relaxed mostly.
What did you last cry over? My mom being dead. I want to hug her so badly.
What are you worried about? Nothing serious or important lol.
What is your mother’s name? Debbie.
What always makes you feel better when you’re upset? Sleeping.
What would you rather be doing? Nothing.
What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other? Kindness.
What did you have for breakfast? Cold brew.
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Ohh yes.
Have you ever had sex on the beach? No. That sounds awful.
Have you ever been backstabbed by a friend? For sure.
Have you ever been out of the country? Yes, but only because I'm a 30 minute drive from the border.
Have you ever dated someone younger than you? Yes.
Have you ever liked someone who already had somebody? No.
Have you ever been brokenhearted? Yes!
Have you ever read an entire book in one day? Maybe in high school.
 7 WHO’S
Who is the last person you saw? My boyfriend.
Who is the last person that you texted? Therapist.
Who called you last? My uncle.
Who is the last person you hung out with? My online bestie and her husband. :)
Who did you hug last? Boyfriend.
Who is the last person that texted you? Therapist.
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? Uncle.
Where does your best friend live? Ontario.
Where is your favorite place to be? In my house.
Where did you sleep last night? My bed.
Where did you last hang out? Park this morning with my family.
Where do/did you go to school? Not sharing. Somewhere in Ontario.
Where did you last adventure to? We go on adventures all the time. Sooo many beautiful adventure spots where I live.
Do you ever wish you were someone else? No.
Do you think anyone despises you? Nah.
Do you like someone right now? Love.
Does the future scare you? A little.
Do you have any secret powers? No.
 4 WHY’S
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)? He is the sweetest, funniest, most intelligent person I've ever met. We're kindred souls. And we have a lot in common.
Why did your parents give you the name you have? They liked it.
Why did you get a MySpace? Peer pressure, most likely.
Why are you doing this survey? I need something to get my mind off of why I'm sad before bed.
 3 IF’S
If you could have one super power what would it be? Time travel.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you? Yes. There are so many things I'd want to say to and ask my parents.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Northern Ontario somewhere.
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love? I guess?
Would you ever get back together with any of your exes if they asked you? No.
Are you happy with how your life has turned out? I think so, yes. It could be better but that's on me to change. :)
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mogaimagic · 10 months
Would you be able to explain how to use your cute dividers? everything Im finding is dated 5 to 10 years ago I just wanna use the blinkies
Ah, yeah I get it, back in the older days of the internet, a lot of the websites were a lot customizable, the MySpace era ended before I was born IIRC but I still remember having a blogger page where I could post things like rainbow text or blinkies on them when I was younger.
Since a lot of websites don’t really allow that type of customization or stylization anymore, they’re mainly to be used right here on tumblr! Maybe you could use this as a pinned tweet on Twitter, but I’m not that sure yet, the main way I like to use them is to decorate my posts actually, you could use them to decorate a pinned post, just like I did with my blog here, but you could use them on other posts too,
Like for example, using the trans hearts if you were going to make a list of transgender headcannons/fanfiction that you ’re gonna post to tumblr, or if you’re making a post about lesbian history or literature using the lesbian hearts to decorate the post etc etc! If you want to use them, then go nuts, and feel free to put them on any posts you like! However I’m pretty sure they can only be used on sites that are very customizable, blogging sites like tumblr… maybe caard, or a website builder like that
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
For Andrew...
September 22nd, 2008
So firstly we must apologise profusely for the lack of Internet type blogging which has taken place over the last few months. There is no excuse for our ineptness and general apathetic attitude. The truth is we were suffering from a crisis of confidence…I mean who actually wants to read about what we do anyway. But apparently Andrew does. So this one’s for him… To be honest it has been so long we can barely remember what we have even been doing in the past four months in much detail. And as much as we’d like to put that down to our crrrrazeee rock and roll antics, we’re actually quite lame just have issues with memory/attention span etc. I think there may have been some kind of epic jaunt along the East and West coast of America, and were sure we recorded some kind of record type thing, and maybe we went to Japan twice but we can’t be sure. We may have dreamt that.
But first things first, here is some information about what we are up to next, as it is best to live in the future rather then dwell of the dwindling past. We have this lovely tour coming up with the mighty No Age and the wonderful Times New Viking, it is called “Shred Yr Face” and in no way does it promote mindless body mutilation. We’re just all for the metaphorical shredding of faces with the hot licks and riffs of swirly guitars. Anyway we are playing a variety of dates which are on our myspace and this here website, and it would be lovely to see some of you people there, to see what you think of the new songs…which we know none of you have been naughty and downloaded….. because if you have I will give each and every one of you a spank of the bottom. (That’s from Ellen by the way…we’ll probably have a separate queue at the gigs just for all those people that turn up to get their bottom spanked by her.)
Back the past, we did this month long tour around the North of The America land and briefly went up to the majesty of Canada, and we did it all with a tour bus and a driver called James. The first thing to note about the tour bus was the width of the aisle, the ceilings on the mirrors and satellite TV. It was a fading rock legends dream. This made the bus orgies we had much more satisfying, practical and stimulating. It also made us able to watch Tila Tequila obsessively and introduce our support band Parenthetical Girls to UK life via The Antiques Road show. I think we also managed to watch that Lindsey Lohan film about being lucky/unlucky 3 times in total…it just kept getting better, who knew McFly were such talented actors?!
The first half of the tour was with Jeffrey Lewis and The Jitters consisting of Dave, Helen and his brother. They were talented, intelligent, lovely and amazing to watch each night and they even joined us on a day off in Michigan for a Cook Out at our tour manager Joe’s house. Cook Out is basically a barbeque except it sounds better. In fact everything always seemed just that little bit better when Joe was around…we think he won best tour manager at last year’s Academy Awards (a category often overlooked, much akin to best sound editing)
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(at the beach after the Cook Out)
We played some new and interesting places such as Minneapolis (in DinkyTown!), Detroit (at a rock and bowl club…where a wedding was being held downstairs) and DC. We then went back to some familiar territory in New York, where we also got to step outside of Manhattan and explore New Jersey and Brooklyn. We also got to reignite the odd love affair we have with Wholefoods, and rue the fact it is yet advanced upon British shores…..
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(before the show at Music Hall of Williamsburg)
Ellen: I also got to spend £40 on a Alan Moore graphic novel which was not available in the UK, it was called Lost Girls and was sealed so I was unaware of the content, now if any one else has ever read this imagine my surprise when I actually unsealed it and opened it. I had to hide that on the bus for a month lest people think I was weird.When in Washington we got all touristy by going to the White House, except it was actually called “Our Nations Capitol” and it was not The White House at all and by that point we realised we didn’t care anyway. However we saw the faux erection white statue and Neil did funny poses on it using perspective to incite laughter. Then Neil and Gareth came into the backstage area shaking and looking rather pale, it turned out they had just spotted Ian Mackaye in the audience and were worried he was their to kill them. They need not have because he left after the first support act. We played not one but two gigs in Chicago celebrating Ollie’s birthday with a book he could stick his penis through, and some Elton John comedy glasses. We went to the French town of Montreal and tried their traditional food in a grubby bar, which was made out to be some kind of gastro art form, but was just chips and cheese with gravy. It was like a little piece of Cardiff Chippy Alley on the other side of the world.
We managed to spend some time in Vancouver and were joined by the always perfect You Say Party! We Say Die, who we miss severely, and it was nice to reunite and share some old skool loving. It was also nice to hear about Devon’s experiences of working in a porn shop, a place of dreams and filthiness.
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We also had another support band join us half way through the tour in Seattle after we had to say goodbye to Jeffrey and his Jitters. These mysterious Parenthetical Girls performed some of the most heart breaking and beautiful music we had ever heard. They were also technically brilliant and amazingly charismatic performers, which made us poop our pants about having to follow them every night. Our first instinct was to kill Gareth for asking them on tour and break up the band, but three minutes later we saw sense and did our thing. And it certainly wasn’t as good as their thing…but at least it was something.
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(The effects of Antiques Road Show)
Our new tour mates showed us the sites of their home town of Portland very briefly (i.e we swapped gossip at a local bar) and we learnt that most of the rock bars there are strip joints. We performed in a venue/hotel/restaurant where every room had a free condom and there was a sex shop on site.Ellen: A man after the gig asked us if we wanted any groupies and I thought he asked me if I had herpes, I informed him that the last groupies had given me herpies so unfortunately I could not take him up on his offer (N.B this is a lie, I have no herpes, just groupies I keep in my cupboard for ego boosts. I say groupies I mean one groupie, and he is tied up and their involuntarily but …. I have no idea where this is going back the blog) We also went to San Francisco where we ate in “The Stinking Rose” a garlic themed restaurant where they had concocted a terrifying Miss Piggy figure out of Garlic Bulbs and Tights. We see it every time we shut my eyes. They had a hilarious motto of “we serve our garlic with food” oh how we laughed and laughed over that.
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(Ellen letting out the garlicky goodness)
We then got our second limo taxi of the trip to a karaoke bar where Parenthetical Girls were belting out Pulp and Roy Orbison. Sadly us girls did not get our number called so we could perform Ace of Base (even though this had gone down very well in the past…), but Neil and Gareth did sing “Dammit” which was Neils second Blink 182 Karaoke performance of the tour.
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We got to stay in hotels in LA which was lovely as tour bus living does get to you eventually, mainly because the toilet smelt really bad. We were playing whilst Mardi Gras was taking place so there were lots of men in little gold hotpants and the float for the leather coalition. A woman in a pig gimp mask is not something I was really in the mood for.
Ellen: I also had the mick taken out of me by some idiot in Starbucks when I ordered a hot chocolate. Him: “A hot chocolate in this boiling hot weather for Ellen” Mindless knobs standing around the counter: “Tee hee” Me: “If I had ordered a coffee you would not be laughing at me would you? Because that is acceptable? That’s a bloody hot drink! Im sorry I don’t happen to be addicted to Caffeine, I am addicted to sugar! OK!” And then I threw my drink over him.Except the last part may not have happened. I might have just scuttled out.
After the gig we went to our hotel with Parenthetical Girls and Abe Vigoda and heard a man getting a blow job outside the hotel, I believe upon spotting us watching him his words were “THIS GUY IS SO GOOD YOU SHOULD TRY HIM,” unfortunately my anatomy let me down and I could not. We then rang up reception to enquire what time the hotel pool shut only to be informed it had closed several hours before, this led to us in our rebellious state deciding to swim anyway. I (Ellen) put on some of Gareth’s lovely pants and we walked to the pool with our towels, bare in mind this journey took us past the front desk…. Anyway in the lift we whispered to each other wondering if we had got away with it, and whether we should consider how we would cope in jail when a little voice of fear piped up “Why are you all whispering?” and we realized a randomer was in the lift as well and we were freaking him out. The man at reception did however give us five minutes before he told us to leave the pool area, and a little swim was had. On a separate note a strange man in LA pulled over his car and asked me if I wanted a lift, so I think I must have been dressing like a hooker for a while. We rounded off the second leg of the tour in Pomona…where we drank through the pain of an imminent separation whilst exchanging many profound thoughts:
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And so we came to “The Drive from Hell” or “The End of Tour Curse” as it is traditional for us to finish tours with vehicles breaking down or being caught in floods. This time however there was a tea spilling incident (leading to second degree burns on nether regions…not just the annoyance of having to wipe it up) and a bus window flying off whilst we were on the highway. Then one of the lights broke. Then the generator kept failing. Insanity ensued and it took a while longer then we thought to get to Seattle. Seattle was the place of the recording and we finally arrived at our hotel at six in the morning ready to sleep in a bed rather then a bunk. This hotel was our home for the two weeks of recording and there was a giant pig in the hallway. We wondered why all the pig themes kept coming up on this trip…it obviously massively influenced the new record.
Aleks: I got to experience the American Health System and showed my bits to more people during the course of one morning than I had done in my whole life up until that point. (unfortunately I was the dimwit involved in the tea spilling)… Neil and Ollie made a trip to see Kurt Cobains house, and Ollie threw up next to the famous bench people sign due to a painful hangover.
Ellen: I got myself a painful but lovely tattoo and went to “The Sci Fi Museum.” This was my mecca, full of guns from Aliens and Starship troopers, the first edition of Dune, Captain Kirks chair and other amazing sci fi fodder. I was in awe but also realized that the man behind me reciting the serial numbers of models of the Enterprise ships need to perhaps get a life.
Recording was a lovely experience with John “nicest man in the world” Goodmanson, who had a serious array of guitars, pedals, keyboards and a dog with a myspace. He was a dream to work with and we love him lots. Luckily we dragged him to Monmouth to mix the record and introduce him to wonder of Percy pigs.
Post recording we relaxed for a bit before starting the summer festival season, because we did quite a few and our brains can’t really remember them all in amazing detail here are some short descriptions of each…
Glastonbury: Ellen:I drunk Buckfast and saw Battles, it was nice.And so we came to “The Drive from Hell” or “The End of Tour Curse” as it is traditional for us to finish tours with vehicles breaking down or being caught in floods. This time however there was a tea spilling incident (leading to second degree burns on nether regions…not just the annoyance of having to wipe it up) and a bus window flying off whilst we were on the highway. Then one of the lights broke. Then the generator kept failing. Insanity ensued and it took a while longer then we thought to get to Seattle. Seattle was the place of the recording and we finally arrived at our hotel at six in the morning ready to sleep in a bed rather then a bunk. This hotel was our home for the two weeks of recording and there was a giant pig in the hallway. We wondered why all the pig themes kept coming up on this trip…it obviously massively influenced the new record.
Aleks: I got to experience the American Health System and showed my bits to more people during the course of one morning than I had done in my whole life up until that point. (unfortunately I was the dimwit involved in the tea spilling)… Neil and Ollie made a trip to see Kurt Cobains house, and Ollie threw up next to the famous bench people sign due to a painful hangover.
Ellen: I got myself a painful but lovely tattoo and went to “The Sci Fi Museum.” This was my mecca, full of guns from Aliens and Starship troopers, the first edition of Dune, Captain Kirks chair and other amazing sci fi fodder. I was in awe but also realized that the man behind me reciting the serial numbers of models of the Enterprise ships need to perhaps get a life.
Recording was a lovely experience with John “nicest man in the world” Goodmanson, who had a serious array of guitars, pedals, keyboards and a dog with a myspace. He was a dream to work with and we love him lots. Luckily we dragged him to Monmouth to mix the record and introduce him to wonder of Percy pigs.
Post recording we relaxed for a bit before starting the summer festival season, because we did quite a few and our brains can’t really remember them all in amazing detail here are some short descriptions of each…
Glastonbury: Ellen: I drunk Buckfast and saw Battles, it was nice.
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(View from the Other Stage)
Reading: I felt old and the crowd moshed, that was nice.
Leeds: Apparently some people from Hollyoaks were in the backstage area but I didn’t see them, which was pretty annoying, although made slightly better by walking into Colin Murray. We also saw Lovvers and Katie Larkin which made us feel all warm and fuzzy. Me, Ellen and Harriet got heckled “you’re in a shit band” by some guy…hours later we came up with “at least we didn’t have to pay to come to this festival”…so we ran back to cuss him but sadly he’d gone. We can only hope he reads this blog…
Oya fest Norway: Everything cost a million pounds, the pain of which was only amplified when I lost our tour managers Dan’s hat. If you find a lonely hat send it our way and we’ll ensure it finds a good home…also send us cheese if you can.
Pukklepop, Belgium: There were pretty fairy lights in the trees and Metallica were headlining. Me and Tom managed to get side of the stage for a couple of songs at the beginning. I stared at the backs of the 20 ridiculously tall people between me and the stage and Tom ate the chocolate and banana crepe he’d just got from catering. I’m pretty sure he enjoyed himself more.
Lowlands, Holland: We played after NERD, Gareth made a joke about them opening up for us…oh how we lolled.
Summersonic, Japan: So very tiring, but the Sushi was cheap (at times even free) and we played in a football stadium, the closest any of us will ever get to being professional footballers. We were also reunited with a Jen, a friend from New York who is currently the touring bassist with Santogold. If you go to see them, say nice things to Jen because she has a nice face.
Summercase, Spain: The hottest place in the world, and were we were most surprised by the crowd response which was so humbling, in both Madrid and Barcelona…It was also the place of that Kelly vs Johnny fight which we all missed. It was almost better being told about it by a still tipsy Cate le Bon the next morning…
Melt festival, Germany: Aleks: The most interesting festival site surrounded by cranes and amazing lighting displays, and I finally got to see Bjork. Unfortunately she had her own special cordoned off area, so I couldn’t do my psycho-fan obsessive “you’re amazing, I love you speech” whilst proceeding to faint, preferably on top of her so I could say I touched Bjork. At the time I was pretty gutted but in hindsight this may have all been for the best.
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Lounge on the Farm: There were actual cows and it smelt like farm, but overall it was an amazing family festival with face painting and Johnny Foreigner.
T in the Park: We got to see Blood Red Shoes,and Ricky Wilson announced Aleks was marrying Barry from the Futureheads. Despite Ricky’s best efforts…this hasn’t happened.
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After the whirlwind summer of festivals we went back to our rehearsal space to try and work out how we’re going to play the new songs live. This proved challenging seeing as none of us are terribly great at doing two things at once. If we start looking less mobile and interesting on stage, we’re not disillusioned or trying a new “moody” image…we’re just concentrating. Ellen got especially excited because now she gets her own microphone to help with the shouty bits. I recommend watching Ollie because apparently drummers pull their sex face when they’re on stage…
Following some intense (ha) rehearsals we drove to mid Wales for a couple of days to get our photos taken with some birds of prey. I think they won a competition on their local radio station or something…it opened up our eyes to the world of falconry, which is ultimate career choice number 1 after music.
And the last interesting thing we did was go to Japan for two gigs in Tokyo and Osaka. The film selection on the flights was pretty rubbish although I did actually end up enjoying Prince Caspian against the odds…although I didn’t actually get to watch the last 15 minutes because we were landing, sob. Japan was a wonderful experience as always. It was our first time playing the new songs so we figured going to the other side of the world was our safest bet. It was incredibly exciting, helped by the awesome audience and the sushi on the rider. Apparently I’m never going to get married though because I went against Japanese tradition and poured myself a drink at the table…but with Ricky Wilson watching out for me, hopefully that won’t actually turn out to be true…
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So there you are…a nice succinct summary of our recent activities. If you managed to read the whole of that, you are a hero…maybe Ellen will spank you twice. The good news is that for the Shreddy tour a completely separate website is in the pipeline, with photo/video and blog updates throughout. And as it won’t just be relying on us, it might even get done once in a while. Anyway, lots of love to you Ellen and Aleks xoxo
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fortunescaling · 1 year
questions for the mun meme, In what fandom did you start?
It makes me to cringe to even think about it....but Naruto, which in my defense, almost dated back to 20 years ago.
I was into the series for a short while in my teenage days, until I actually came across Bleach, which made me completely ditched Naruto - Bleach's writing and story felt much more appealing & compelling to me.
Naruto was also the first rp fandom I came across, by complete hazard, back in the days of Myspace.
I remember feeling very intrigued by these folks impersonating their favourite character and decided to jump onto the bangwagon despite having zero knowledge of RP conventions, questionable writing skills and being barely fluent in English. A wild journey it was (lol).
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hidden memory: david&goliath t-shirts
anyone born in 90s/00s remember david&goliath t-shirts? this literally came to me out of nowhere because i was researching scene/emo fashion. they were nearly always in neon colours, had silly jokes on them and had cute little characters on them like food, animals, monsters and dinosaurs. these were SO POPULAR back in the day i swear! especially with the scene crowd. examples:
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also why the hell were they so expensive? £30 for ONE? £50 FOR TWO??? scene kids basically lived in these, but i specifically remember them wearing the ones with fking dinosaurs on them like 'tea rex uwu x3333' and its a bloody t. rex drinking a cup of tea. what the fuck and why. why were they a thing. they were like the epitome of scene/emo fashion on myspace, if you were to wear one of these stupid shirts with black skinny jeans and a varsity jacket, you were the emo it girl on that site and that's it. the funny thing is these aren't even going up in value even though the shop offed itself like four years ago so you can get them on a ebay for a tenner lol i can't believe these were actually real things you could purchase. madness
actually i'm happy these possibly won't go up in value because can you imagine some auctioneer treating these stupid shirts like some victorian artefact? "'historical t-shirt dating back to 2011, states the words 'save the chubby unicorns'"
these shirts screamed 2009-2010 era bring me the horizon fans. to be honest i'm almost 99.999999% sure that i saw at least two of the members from that band wear these things. oli sykes would've eaten this shit up back then. 2020s scene crowd please don't bring these back. lowest point of the fashion industry for sure
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appareils-futiles · 2 years
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I took off all notifications and deactivated my Facebook and my Instagram and logged out. I also took down my Twitter and my TikTok. I'm in the process of deleting emails and unsubbing from newsletters. I've updated my planner and am even considering doing a mass cleansing of my Pinterest. I gave everyone from 10am to 1pm EST to follow me on @cavortinginmoonlight or ask for my number but hey it is what it is. I actually was on the train when I posted that time frame and gave them until after 2pm when I got home. I'm kinda over all this. I crave the easiness of the 90s and the simplicity of the 2000s. Day one of the dot com era, Hasan Minhaj said that social media is a killer and as someone that had the majority of their first 18 years of their lives pre social media (unless you count tumblr which I don't) and didn't have a smart phone until she was 24, many years after smart phones became a thing--the first IPhone didn't come out until I was out of HS! It was blackberry and sidekicks and of course at that point to a lesser extent, razr phones!)
But I remember when MySpace and Facebook and Twitter could only be accessed through a computer! Such simpler times. Hasan says that he thinks we should go back to that, where we still have SM but only use it on computers, because having it 24/7 at our fingertips is too much. It takes away from the simplicity of life. From legitimate interactions with other people in person. Is it really spending time if you're sitting on your phone, next to that person and they are doing it to? We should be able to go on dates, hang out with friends, visit people in hospitals, go on vacations and raise our kids without throwing our business through the cables of the nether world for our family and truthfully (mostly) complete strangers to enjoy and hate on. We can't complain about people being all up in our business, talking smack about us, spreading rumors/gossiping or even coming up with shit if we give them all the ammo to do it.
We decide what we present to people not just with our looks but with our words, our expressions and how we treat one another. So we get off social media, we get our business off there as best we can, but will that keep the naysayers and haters from doing their thing? No. Haters and Nay-sayers are just that, haters and naysayers, unfortunately they will always exist no matter if you refuse them their fix of ammo or kick them out of your lives. The truth is, once you do it. They lose their hold over you, it's kinda like rehab. In a sense. You put an addict in rehab and they'll get whatever treatment they get and eventually get off the drug, it's out of their system, but the drug isnt the problem, or even access to it, or other addicts around them who may supply or make it hard for them to live cleanly, it's their sheer willpower to stay off the drug that's gonna keep them from using again (that was my terrible metaphor, so don't come for me in the replies because I will block you)
So if you cut off the haters/naysayers ammo, cut off their access to you, even in person, they'll either forget you (hopefully) or spread fake shit about you. But at that point, you either won't know about it because you don't fuck with them anymore, or you will and genuinely won't care. Shit, you may even get a giggle from the crazy shit you'll hear about yourself! Whatttt?? I'm doing "whatt? Why me didn't tell me I'm a cokehead?!" 😂😂 Take notice that not everyone around you is like this. But there's a difference between paranoid and being careful. Dig deep within yourself because there's someone wonderful in there and if you have the attention span of a TikTok and crave the attention of people for clout, take a step back and remember, you're a person........that's the machine. I was going somewhere with this. I swear. The point is this: Detach, even for a little while, just to get yourself together, in your head, in your heart, in your soul, in your finances and everything in between. The Matrix was a documentary and the Machine they talk about in Person of Interest is 100% real. This I confirmed when I was getting rid of Facebook and they had something on there I never shared on social media and that was just very creepy.
I'll be on tumblr. That's about it. Lenii
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25 February 2023 Turday Saturday 🪐 4:03 am pdt
I remembered reading 📖 a little something in the Bible about a red belt. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I’m being gas ⛽️ lit 🔥 by the incubus Bcz I have difficulty finding it online & again in the Bible. 4:04 pmpdt I can’t remember the details. I feel like the incubus is holding back the complete memory (right heel pain 4:05 am pdt) was it something about punishment???? 4:06 am pdt I think I found it near the end of 2017. & it makes me remember that Q put a red belt on me sometime after august (4:13 am pdt 2007) 2017, Bcz I was wearing a sleeveless pale blue top 🔝 w/ orange flowers 🌺. I was also wearing cotton gloves 🧤 Bcz my eczema was probably bad. She put it on me I thought 💭 Bcz she was into fashion. 4:11 am pdt there was also a picture she wrote a comment or caption probably sometime late 2007 (4:13 am pdt diarrhea 😖😫😩😭)
8:52 am pdt 8:53 am I’m now wondering 💭 if incubus had s*x w/ Q. cont’d: she put a caption or comment something about: look 👀 like models on a summer day in a magazine hot 🥵 dog 🐶 on a stick
..... I don’t remember exactly what she wrote.... I remember the hot (lung -right , pain 8:56 am pdt) dog 🐶 on a stick the most. Autocorrect said: stop story... 8:57 am pdt—-> hot =haughty b*txh. I thought 💭 nothing about it until end of 2017/2018. 8:59 am pdt
I thought 💭 only maybe 🤔 she has autism a little bit, synthesia? Is it called like associating taste 👅 or colors w/ stuff like numbers. So I immediately dismissed the caption/comment. 9:01 am pdt
in 2011? She went to SoCal w/o me for Coachella. Didn’t invite me even though it was my bday one of this days. I was ok w/ it Bcz I was in& out w/my feelings. A week or more b4 that she messaged me if I would want to see the Harry Potter movie 🎥 w/ her when it’s in the theaters 🎭 I think I replied yes. 9:04 am pdt probably was a bad idea. Probably should have tried something that required more talking. In 2014? Incubus got back tattoo of siren holding a large skull 💀. Now I think 🤔 about the pictures at least 2 that Q had on her camera 📸 & uploaded to Facebook. My head looked 👀 abnormally large, especially I think 🤔 I still? Saw 🪚 those up 🆙 in end of 2017/2018? In summer 2007 she also introduced me to a guy 3 years? Younger than me w/ the same birthday 🎂 as me. Year of the dragon 🐉. 9:10 am pdt during fall 2007 I see a picture of Q on Facebook in a poll on attractiveness & it’s the one ☝️ she’s wearing a furry lined looking hood & her pale green eyes 👀 (which she mentioned casually as hazel but also it stood out strangely. Hazel eyes we were just wasting time it was always you 🎶🎼🎵🎤 9:14 am pdt) (she also went to a maroon 5 concert 🎵 w/o me I think 🤔 in 2007?) her eyes 👀 in the picture are photoshopped to look pixelated to mimic computer 👩🏻‍💻 screen probably. I think 🤔 that picture had an upload date of 12/22/2007? In end of year (tummy ache 😖 #3 pain 9:19 am pdt) I post a picture of incubus back tattoo on her Facebook wall & she gave it a thumb up 🆙 👍 then I wrote back “wrong answer.” Her last name makes me think 💭 of 💀. But Bcz she sings 🎤 her ex called her a siren 🚨 🧜‍♀️ . 9:21 am pdt Ariel the little mermaid 🧜‍♀️ I guess is why? He had a younger sister so he probably watched the movie? In the odyssey mermaids 🧜‍♀️? Are called sirens 🚨? & lure sailors to their death ☠️. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if it’s all coincidence or if Q was actually up 🆙 to something that involved doing stuff to me, & killing me. 9:25 am pdt in end of 2017 it annoyed me maybe that she cock blocked me from “the cute one’s name” & my mom was possessed by the incubus to make it sound authentic that he really liked me which she doesn’t remember 9:27 am pdt. But “music is my boyfriend” is on MySpace. & the pictures online made it look like they her & incubus were flirting. I jumped to conclusions I should have never jumped to. I probably should not be making any conclusions now either. 9:30 🕤 am pdt but if my conclusions were true, maybe the chronology is a little out of order, then it’s like why you gotta take all the guys who don’t bite???? Why you gotta take all the guys???? Why couldn’t she just let me try that guy if she had incubus? 9:34 am pdt I think 🤔 that in 2017, he had Twitter activity back in 2011? I hav to double check. I think 🤔 it’s gone now but there was stuff about Coachella. It seemed to indicate maybe 🤔 he had an interest in going? & then it seemed at the time she went, last minute he indicated he was not going.... wish it was still up 🆙 so I can reconfirm. 9:37 am pdt 9:38 am I’m probably losing my hip bones 🦴 now. 😞😤🥵😤🥵back hot 🥵 slight difficulty breathing. I should not have made all those assumptions. My reasoning is probably bizarre & I should not think 💭 anything of it especially back then. Incubus + company severely punished me for it. I’m weird. I ranted about an article interview that he bragged he was trying to impress one girl w/ his music 🎶 and but seemed to take no interest or didn’t notice but he attracted her best friend instead. Those people are still a mystery to me. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if the identity of those women were revealed. But w/ the way Q suddenly started saying in her best friend even though she had many friends on Facebook, I probably should not have believed her?9:44 am pdt
10:23 am pdt incubus has been threatening a hysterectomy since 2017.
10:24 am pdt I guess it doesn’t matter that I’ve been trying not to be whore. That I’ve been celibate most of my life. It only matters what I did to Q Bcz that was the ultimate test. & what I did w/ Scott. & the other 3 guys. Or that Q believed probably in destiny? For whatever reason... I guess she thinks I’m a b*tch, even though I tried to be nice to her & bought her jewelry that was expensive to me/for me to spend on anyone. There was a former elementary school 🏫 classmate of mine who coincidentally became her neighbor around 2007. Q told me she was weird, her whole family is weird & her boyfriend is weird. Q invited her over to swim 🏊‍♀️ at the pool 🏊‍♀️ party 🎉 at her house 🏠. Me being weird again I scare off my former friend who was also coincidentally has the same first name as the artist 👩🏽‍🎨 classmate I told Q about who likes Godzilla movies. 10:32 am pdt my former elementary school 🏫 friend seemed very sweet & a little 🙈 shy ☺️/meekish? I regret listening 👂 to Q & being (heart ♥️ Pain) weird & scary to her. Sometimes though I cannot help scowling- I barely had control back then in most situations That I did especially since I had multiple times hit my head very hard. I really think & feel the incubus is trying to make me crazy & look 👀 crazy to everyone & is destroying me from the inside out. 20:36 10:36 am Bcz he really hates me & wants me dead ☠️. 20:37 10:37 am pdt Q wanted to make a tshirt w/ the saying “it’s not in your cards” I think 🤔 but I don’t remember... I need to find my sketch ✍️ book 📚 she wanted a hand of cards 🃏 on fire 🔥? 2007 summer. 19:38 10:39 am pdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️... if you like to do physically damaging things to people’s bodies & play mind games does that make you a good person? Participants in capitalism? I’m trying to think 🤔 about the justification for this & if these are the same people who secretly tolerate & love? a system that lets kidnapping & child rape happen even if they had the means to rescue & prevent? The police 👮‍♀️ failed in rescue & looks more & more like they like to kill people w/o letting their voices be heard by the public: the woman 👩🏼 (She probably had dark hair & wearing sweats?) in the police 👮‍♂️ car 🚗 on the train 🚊 tracks. 19:45 10:45 am pdt if these police 👮‍♂️ officers 👮‍♀️ are Q’s & Scott’s friends, .... I wonder 💭😱😨😤🥵😤🥵😖😭 Bcz Scott is friends with a policeman 👮‍♂️ who graduated graduate 👨‍🎓 from my high school 🏫 & was in one of my classes. 10:47 am pdt I wonder 💭 how many friends he has in the police 👮‍♂️ department. 10:48 am pdt
The train 🚂 track woman 👩🏼 was end of September? Last year. 10:48 am pdt
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
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So shes giving his heart a blowie? What am i looking at.
Anyway (eta have some color-coding for syntactic clarity?) i have to point out, again, 2 things here: 1, she got famous as the bisexual icon prize/host of a modern-romance dating show full of gays (and i havent once held her up as everything i dont trust about people-who-say-they're-"bisexual"-and-forgoe-the-now-de-rigueur-caveat-that-they-actually-mean-theyre-pan/omni-but-theyre-using-bi-like-how-an-elder-used-it-in-an-old-zine-where-they-elaborated-that-they-dont-mean-it-in-a-binarist-way [usually thats where someone coins a term or casts a misty eye to a future time when the language is more nuanced. moving on...] so let me just take the opportunity) and then again when she got engaged to that heiress who was the original pick for paris's costar on the simple life, slash, when the heiress she was engaged to died and she was super distraught. Relatedly, 2, she processes shame weird. Like, the way she talks about gays (and, especially, baby mamas) these days. Remember when she used to blame every weird thing she did on Jane? Me neither, really, i never followed her myspace. Like its in some of her music but without context its like 🤷. But anyway i heard tell of the lore (jakeyonce lives to yt again) and apparently prior to the aneurysm she would dissociate or wild out or both, and a different persona named Jane would be in control and she was like, hectic and cruel, and baseline everyday tila was way different. At the time. One could say that was just her stage persona having its initial stress hiccups--which would snowball into total collapse of the manufactured self--but like whats weird is the intensity of "jane" vs the longevity and consistency of "nice bi tila"; if jane is just the real tila and thats all we're getting now that shes outgrown showbiz, its really impressive how good she was at having her hustle together as a young celebrity. Why would anyone who secretly always-was the person we hear from today, have picked that particular hustle, out of every hustle in the world? Like not that many years ago she was babysitting her future wife's dogs, and youre telling me the person who made the call to do that (for the money? presuming she hasnt undergone a total personality shift) was as hateful as the lady who writes these posts im archiving so pruriently? Fuck, if thats true? and she never did change personalities actually? we should rrrrreaally be wondering whether it was willful negligence on tilas part specifically that lead to that diabetes death
Like she is always bragging about being a killer, frequently while coincidentally mentioning looking like "old money"
Still more worried about random homeless people she thinks are ugly. Like regardless of how we got here, this is the paradigm: she seems to be a complete psychopath with zero filter because she's also got a severe psychotic disorder.
Basically if she was always a neonazi and just spent her career "playing neoliberal baseball" with a shit eating grin, its truly a sign of a hilarious god that tila "bride of christ" tequila became too crazy to keep the likeability act going
If she used to be a normal bisexual with some kind of fancy ptsd and then developed so much brain damage that she became a (really paint-by-numbers) nazi, with all the same weirdo simplified beliefs about good and bad and how bad applies intersectionally etc,,,,,,,, we should REALLY--like HELLO THIS IS HUGE--RRRRRRREEEAALLLLLLYYYY, be studying everything we can about her. If ONLY we had a prior brain scan. If ONLY her medical records were leaked so we could see what kind of fuckup from the neckup is actually going on now.
Like her inability to grasp "nuanced" concepts like "god sometimes tests others who dont deserve it per se, either, tila, its not just you being tested, alone, surrounded by the justly agonized of past and present" or "normative physical beauty is not actually indicative of anything more than spare time and neurosis, in this society...so like duh, its absence is not proof of an evil heart"
I feel like thats basic stuff she MUST have had a grasp on in order to behave at all professionally or be at all charming in any context in her life prior to becoming an evil witch...and we actually saw a lot of the 'contexts' she was in on film one way or another over the course of her public life, and she was being professional and/or charming consistently...buuuut maybe in all those contexts everyone around her is affirming her attractiveness (like even tmz reporters) and thats all it takes to get her in bubbling, blushing, stammering-shy dollygirl mode so she seems like, really sweet. Like that still happens, according to her, when she goes out and everyone who has no context for her showers her with attention...except the people who are actually busy with their own problems, which she always goes out of her way to blame on the people having them. There are two kinds of people in tilas world: people who are not too busy to notice and openly admire tila, and evil people who are ugly because theyre evil and should rot in maggots etc etc.
I just want to know more about her brain damage.
Its so weird how she's become a bleeding-edge type-specimen of conservativism like this, its so paradoxical given that she used to be The diversity thottie.
Did her brain go boom and suddenly she just saw things stupider? or did it go boom and suddenly she couldnt act anymore/couldnt stop speaking her truth
Is she just compulsive about her oppositional defiance? and the conventions she defied to create her initial brand, happened naturally to be the opposite of the conventions she found in place to defy, having built that particular career up?
Like does she just always do the opposite of what most people she's hearing from are telling her [and, who she's "hearing from" has gone through radically disparate phases starting with her family, then the LA scene, later texas suburban hermit life etc, we know that] and then leverage the notoriety that inherently creates to get whatever she can out of each new paradigm she unlocks for herself by relying on this high stakes strategy (or, falling back on this exponentially damaging/stigmatizing compulsion)?
Thats so boring!!!! So is "she was always a nazi then she got to be too coocoo to pretend otherwise." Im team "she turned into a nazi because of brain damage", thats the really interesting one.
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: I Got Catfished.
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Date video was published: 10/14/2021 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 447
A Phil story he had never mentioned at all before!
0:00 - just jumping right into it. I mean the title was already quite the surprise and hook. also I love his shirt
0:11 - the annotations! and that old Phil photo
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0:24 - oh god the MySpace flashbacks that this video gives me
0:30 - cackling 😂
0:40 - those were some surprisingly normal air-quotes
0:51 - “ah. what a wonderful time” I love Phil
0:56 - someone did once comment during a live show that ‘snow dude’ was the original catfish
1:03 - wow that is quite the set of old photos. I do admire his dedication to decide to “be” someone and then actually do it
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1:27 - almost did a spit take during my first watch of this at this point. Dan mention out of NOWHERE. also this particular comment that Phil liked... 🥺
1:41 - “just a dusting of gay” ... “we could make our own gif” I love this whole bit
1:54 - lol at him knowing what specific picture it was!
2:20 - just changed the name there from “Jake” to “Luke” within less than a minute
2:25 - more excellent annotation additions. he really had fun with those throughout his 2021 videos
2:46 - “I can be an eager guy” aww, Phil
3:01 - the sexy music! Phil must have thought “Luke” was the eager one
3:13 - so many questionable things that he ignored
3:36 - “compliments still stick with me, guys” 🥺
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3:53 - the “i’m actually a massive gay” annotation 😂 king of comedy Phil
4:00 - Phil seems to remember a lot of specifics about this story
4:04 - oh yikes
4:25 - the contrast of this to the 4-hour skype calls DNP had in 2009
5:01 - very gullible young Phil. at least he realized something was up...although not enough to stop him from going to meet the guy later 😱
5:34 - awww 😕 Phil is putting more of his feelings into the story than sometimes when he’s told stories about his past
5:48 - “I need at least three weeks...” I feel that. I cannot do last minute plans that involve seeing people
6:08 - I mean at least he went for a public location
6:24 - wonder how much he felt this same worry meeting Dan in person for the first time
6:35 - ah yes, a mall food court. many teenage memories I’d like to forget about
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6:50 - poor Kath 😂 I’m surprised Phil told her exactly what he was doing, actually; not sure I would have told my parents the truth in that situation
7:08 - Phil boob grab!
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7:43 - how strange but nothing compared to how recognizable he would become
7:50 - was just terrified of a stranger...decides to talk to and hang out with two strangers...alrighty
7:57 - lol at his picture editing here
8:06 - DITL clip! and “fetus Dan and Phil” mention. I was so suspicious of this at the time what with them having just filmed up in Phil’s hometown.
8:32 - dun dun dun. plot twist!
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8:40 - yeah how would you even react to that
9:18 - “like a villain from Scooby Doo” what a perfect description
9:41 - but that is still creepy. especially the asking to meet part. yikes
10:05 - Phil is almost being too nice about this
10:24 - yeah trying to get away as soon as possible seems like the right move at that point
10:43 - no Phil...definitely no
11:18 - “it’s not the weirdest thing that’s happened to me because of the internet” well yeah I guess he can say that...and then another Dan mention in the next sentence
11:36 - aww a nice message here at the end
12:02 - he had released this merch earlier in the month, but this was the first mention in a video
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12:30 - Phil had just started posting Shorts, starting on National Coming Out Day. that “beep tour” is still one of my favorites
12:34 - he flipped the image here for some reason? maybe to match the short? or because he pointed the wrong way?
12:55 - yeah standing and showing the socks doesn’t seem like a good plan...
I love this video. Phil is such a great storyteller and it had been a while since he did a full-length one like this. Also the contrast of this story that really didn’t work out, to the little Dan mentions and the implication that eventually meeting someone off the internet really really did.
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m-ziliak · 3 years
Since “Asexual” and “Aromantic” are trending right now I’m seeing a lot of people talking about it and I kinda wanna add my two cents in specifically on the “Aromantic” thing. So like a lot of people seem to relate with Jaiden with the whole “No one is hot yet???” bit and that’s totally valid. I was a bit more of an idiot as a kid, though. I thought you just picked some random kid in your class to have a crush on and ran with it. So of course I picked the only boy I remembered the name of and did that. We never really hung out or were even friends, but he did give me all his Pokémon cards when we were in fifth grade because he thought they were “uncool” so there’s that. People had crushes in middle school so I picked a random guy then as well because he gave me a Yu-Gi-Oh card. I didn’t particularly like Yu-Gi-Oh, but I figured that it meant he liked me so I should hold his hand and whatever. He grew up to be kind-of a dick. I can’t actually tell if I had a crush on this one other kid I knew in middle school. I thought he was cool and we hung out and dated for a little, but I’m unsure if I just wanted to be his friend or if I was actually romantically attracted to him. He moved away to a different state and we don’t talk anymore, but I still fondly remember him anytime I hear a Vengaboys song because he had them on his MySpace page. So near the end of college I ACTUALLY got a crush. I was hanging out with a close friend that I really liked and then it hit me like a semi truck. So I ran to another friend and was like, “I want to kiss this person????!!! ON THE MOUTH???!” And she’s was like, “Yeah, you weirdo. That’s a crush.” So I handled that about as well as a normally aromantic person handles a feeling they’ve never felt before. (I cried about it for three days.) Eventually I did tell the girl I had a crush on that I had a crush on her. And a week after that she deleted all her social media, changed her phone number and vanished off the face of the earth. I literally have no idea what ever happened to her and to this day I’m wondering if I did something wrong. I haven't had any crushes since then and it’s been a while since I graduated college. A lot of my friends are either in long-term relationships or getting married. I don’t really see myself doing that. I don’t know if I can still call myself aromantic because of the one time I had a real crush. I know people will tell me I’m Demi or Grey, but ehhh... There was a lot of discourse back in the day about aces and aros, so I still feel a bit weird about it. Like, people would say you can’t actually be aro because you had a crush once, even though the rest of a nearly thirty year life has been spent not feeling romantic attraction. I’ve seen people claiming that the split attraction model is homophobic altogether and that having hyper-specific identities like that is cringe. I’ve also seen people say that ace and aro aren’t actual identities and that they’re “modifiers” so since I had a crush on a girl once I must just be a really repressed lesbian. (or bi? IDK) All the first round of ace and aro discourse was going on while I was in college and I remember continually asking my campus pride center if I belonged there even after they asked me to discuss being ace as a panelist in a discussion of obscure identities. The whole discourse thing really fucked up how I view myself in that sense and it feels like everyone else has their shit figured out when they reach my age, so why am I so behind? Right now I view my romantic orientation as just sort-of nebulous and not really there. Like how fancy water has a bit of lemon in it, but isn’t lemonade. It’s not plain water, but at the same time it’s still classified as water. My romantic orientation is aro with a bit of queer in it. Sexuality is definitely still ace. Gender is up in the air and I’m not dealing with trying to understand that right now. I guess what I’m trying to get at is that I’ve seen a lot of people today talking about what it’s like to be allo ace and aro ace, but not a lot of people talking about that weird, in-between where you’re not one or the other. At least kids these days have people to look up to, though, and a lot more resources than I had when figuring this stuff out for the first time. I’m glad about that. And if you’re in that weird in-between zone of not aro but not allo, just know you’re not alone.
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randomkposts · 3 years
By any other name, or names and personal information in Death Note
A face and a name. Information thats more accessible then ever in this day and age. Facebook has that available to anyone who cares to look, while selling data about you to advertising companies so they may sell you things, along with most of the rest of the internet. Security cameras are more common in stores then not. If you cared to look, you could map out someones personal history. It is hard to be truly anonymous in this day and age. But this is 2021, and Death note is written in the early 2000's, specially it runs from late 2003 to mid 2006. Its set in 2006, and ends in 2010 (2013 in the anime), by a person who had no idea how social media would make acquiring a face and name something one does with ease. 
Of course that's not to say there was no indication. Myspace was the first social media sight to reach a million active users monthly, and it did this by 2004, and was founded in 2003. Youtube was founded in 2005, and now has over 2 billion users. Anything and everything was making its way online, from funny smosh videos to serious news clips, and plenty of home made videos people made on a whim. Reddit was also founded in 2005, and contains such a myriad of information about peoples personal lives and stories. A cold case was almost solved with Reddit information. 
But even someone who was paying a lot of attention to the internet's rise probably would not have predicted where we are today. 
Had the world continued in same way as today, Light probably would have won in the future, as the information could have been in reach to anyone media savvy enough. And I think we all underestimate the potential of the cult. 
With that in mind, I have some theories about Social Media in Death notes 2013. 
It has probably gone the opposite direction we did and increased anonymity. After all, although I doubt the correlation between face and name was highly publically believed knowledge, trends can and will be noticed. Better to be safe than sorry.
Someone posting your name online is even more of a threat then it is here. 
And there are probably cultists who dig for clues and find identities and offer it to their god. 
There could be the flipside where online is very much connected to your identity. Maybe there's some people out there who have the opinion of "I have done nothing wrong, I have nothing to hide." But I find it hard to imagine it grew prominent enough to be the majority. The thing about predators is that they become good at learning the buzzwords ,at blending in with their target community and finding people to take advantage of. Could be any community, Religious, Golf, LGBQA+, FNAF. Any. And despite Light's efforts to wipe out crime, Mello was still able to get access to the Mafia and kidnap Syau. Which means Sex trafficking, extortion, murder and the like, were still things. Just more careful. 
Of course people screwed up, still bragged, still got caught. But I worry for the crime rates of a post-Kira world, especially for the kids who grew up in it. 
Much as Death Note is a fantastic tale, it is also dated, and we have to remember that when theorizing about it, as a death note written in 2022 would look very different then the Death Note written in the early to mid 2000's. Homosexuality in Japan is diffrent, social media is a very diffrent beast, and masks are a big thing now. 
Perhaps Light could have been Less Sus to L reading gay porn in 2022 times, but in that time period it would been a very contraversal move with his very traditional father, and one thing Light was concerned with was blending. He was very invested in upholding his image of ideal japanese son, and though reading gay porn might be more acceptable now then it was in the 2000's, it still wouldn't fit with the image Light is trying to uphold. 
So all that out of the way, let's take a look at what is actually needed to succeed at killing someone with a Death Note. A Face and Name. 
Whats needed for headshot?- Or how much of the face counts to kill someone with a Deathnote. The Wiki tells me-
"In order to see the names and life spans of humans using the power of the Shinigami Eyes, the owner must be able to see more than half of that person's face. When looking from top to bottom, he must be able to see at least from the head to the nose. If he looks at only the eyes and under, he will not be able to see the person's name and lifespan. Also, even though some parts of the face - for example the eyes, nose or mouth - are hidden, if he can basically see the whole face he will be able to see the person's name and lifespan.
It is still not clear how much exposure is needed to see a name and life span (more research needs to be done). If the above conditions are met, names and life spans can be seen using photos and digital images, no matter how old they are. But this is sometimes affected by the resolution and size of the image. Also, names and life spans cannot be seen using drawings, however realistic they may be."
So from that description, sunglasses are not enough. Nor is a medical mask, unless it is messing up a camera's facial recognition, I think. After all, parts of a face can be obscured but the overall profile of the face seems to be needed. Perhaps it depends on the Death Note users ability to visualize? So if a mask and sunglasses are not enough separate, would they be enough combined? How about a ski helmet and ski goggles? A scarf covering your face and a hood pulled in? Stupid looking but potentially effective. If L had worn a bag over his head with holes cut in it, that probably would have saved him from the Shinigami eyes, is what I'm saying. Or even a halloween mask. 
Harder to define is Names
A rose by any other: what makes a name?
There are six rules under entering a name, but none about what particularly makes a name. After all, names are incredibly personal, and can be changed for whatever reason you feel. Perhaps you decided to spell yours differently, or maybe go by your middle name instead of your first. Maybe you decided all of your given names did not fit you, and picked something else to best reflect your character.  Perhaps you changed your name to reflect your mothers marriage or divorce, or because you did one of those things yourself. 
So what name would be needed to be written down in the death note to kill someone. 
As far as I can tell, it would be legal names. After all I'm pretty sure Near and Mello self identify as the former over Nate Rivers or Michael Keehl. Yet the given Legal name is what the Shinigami eyes tell a Death Note user. Of course, we never really see anyone test that. Light did a lot of tests over control of death, but not a lot over names. If Light sat down after the moment in university with the "I am L" scene, and wrote "L dies in a self-started fire tonight at 11:11 pm", while thinking about his face, he did not do that on page. Thats not to say it couldn't work, that is to say he hasn't tried it. 
He gets four tries to get the face and name right before someone becomes Immune, and you have to use a gun or something. 
Of course, he has the disadvantage of using Kanji, though other languages have their fair share of name variables without even bringing names like "Aliviyah (pronounced Olivia), Xaos (pronounced Chaos) or the like into the mix. Side note, can you believe Gaylord used to be a name that could be conceivably given to a child, and not an insult thrown at kids in the school yard? 
L as a name could have thrown Light in a bit of a loop. L is not Japanese, so to let SakuraKiss of reddit explain it "In Japanese, L's name can be spelt エル which is pronounced 'eru'. The 'ru' sound sort of sounds like 'lu' with the proper Japanese pronunciation."
Or its about syllabary, and L and R are not really a thing on their own in japanese. Soundwise they have “ra, ri, ru, re, ro,” but these aren’t the same “r” as the ones we use in English. In reality, these sounds are more like a hybrid, or a sound that lies between the phonemic spectrum of L and R.
We make different sounds as we talk, essentially. 
L is mixed ethnicity according to the creator, but Likely comes from England given Watari's backstory and all. Either way, he writes his name as L, would Eru or any equivalent qualify? Would L be enough to qualify, should Light write it in the death note regardless? As someone with an unusual varient to his name, would Light be the sort of person to be meticulous about learning to spell a name right, or does he just assume and get it anyway. As I know people with name varients, they usually try to be attentive to other peoples varients and preferences.
Does he need a full legal name? Do you need to include middle names if they are part of a legal name? And in case of a marriage or divorce, what name would be the one needed to use? More on that in a sec. 
As far as I can tell, a Death Note user needs to use the legal name over any given ones in order to kill someone. Or, your dead name will be the one you die to. Of course this is not 100% solid as I am not the death note creator, and we never really saw it experimented in canon. 
So what about marriages? Is there a percentage of time you need to have a changed name before it becomes usable to the shinigami eyes? Presumably, women criminals were killed in the 4 to 7 years Kira was in power (depending on Manga or anime). But we didn't really get any focus on that, or a lot of focus on women in Death Note in general. Death Note was not Great about their inclusion of women.  We could have potentially focused this issue of names with Naomi, if she was married to Rae at the time of her death. 
Light killed her by getting her to show Legal ID. However, if she had been recently married not all of her ID would be necessarily up to date with the name change. And we don't know at what point the name change becomes viable under the shinigami eyes. If she had shown the ID of Naomi Misora at the time of being Naomi Penbar and failed to be killed, then it would have made Lights life more difficult and we get an indication or at least reduced time period of needed legal name change for a name to kill you in the death note. 
Of course why the death note follows Legal naming conventions and human marriage customs is probably tied to Shinigami connection with humans, and therefore will be speculated upon another day. Along with my speculations that some sort of death note war or at least conflict has happened in the past that involved at least seven death notes, as there is a specific section in the rules around that. And that it had enough of an impact that using a fake name and being a secret detective was born from that, although the exact reasons are lost to time. L and his circumstances seem to have come from Wataris desire to reenact Batman as Alfred, but the concept of secret detectives is not as much of an oddity in this world as it probably feels it should be, and L taking other detectives names as a victory has some interesting implications potentially. 
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