#I said this mostly to be funny but there’s truth behind it
Hehehehe okay so what if you like wrote a fic about remus lupin x reader. The reader is a teacher (preferably like astronomy) and they're sneaking around together. students are making bets and stuff to see if they'll end up together, some girls just ship them really hard.
They're trying so hard to keep it a secret but they are so bad at it.
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Me @ every guy who isn't a fictional wizard from the 70s ^^
An: This fluff attempt goes out to you, rip
Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
cw: A lot of kisses and cursing, stapler mishandling
The halls of Hogwarts were filled with hushed whispers and mindless patter of gossip. The newest topic of the year? 
Professor {L/N}, the newest astronomy hire. An Alchemist who perfected her work through star charting. Lupin had recommended you for the post to assist Sinistra. Mostly, however, you were hired on to assist with the newest project under Dumbledore. With your studies in the North Pole, you were tasked with on and off communications with the centaur herd within the Forbidden Forest. Specifically, their astronomy masters. It was easy, given your track record with magical creatures. Creating a bridge of mutual understanding between the professors and the herd. Dumbledore also saw you valuable to both potions and alchemy class; meaning you met a lot of students very fast.
So almost everyone knew you, you ran a tight ship in class, playful and respectful to the students paired with a charming personality, no one could bring themselves to even hate you.
That's probably how the rumors began, truthfully. Who doesn't want their two favorite teachers to end up together?
Much like Lupin, the students adored you. Hermione especially, after learning of your academic achievements of the past, while being a muggleborn witch. 
Your first reaction to seeing him probably don't help. First few steps into your new place of employment and you hurry over to the only face you cared to recognize, and give him a hug and a thank you for the recommendation. 
It wasn't anything big and it wasn't anything of a spectacle, but Merlin, was Hogwarts boring. The thrill of gossip seemed to have every student in a choke hold. Some said you were both childhood friends turned lovers, some said you were married and it was a scandalous affair, most of the rumors were just students talking about how perfect you both fit together. 
Your caring, funny, and nurturing behavior, to his stern more rugged form of bonding, you were affectionately dubbed ‘mum and dad.’ 
Never to your face however, and mostly by the first and seventh years. Something about growing shame and losing it in your final days of Hogwarts, remarkable.
“I'm telling you! He looks at her like she is the very stars she teaches us about!” A seventh year sighed dreamily with her friends. She had her chin in her palms and was staring up at the front of class while a few of their classmates took the practical exam. “I wish someone would look at me like that.”
“Really! I haven't seen so much tension between two faculty before! I wouldn't be surprised to find them snogging in the halls!” One of them joked and the other girls laughed.
“Truly, but I saw Professor {L/N} wearing a wedding ring. She took it off and put it in her pocket before class started. I wonder if they are, you know~ Never have I seen Professor Lupin wear one.” She wiggled her eyebrows and the original girl spoke up with a gasp.
“Oh don't you say that! Professor Lupin and Professor {L/N} would never!” She tutted and another voice chimed in, a boy from a seat behind them, making the three turn.
“I heard that they spent Christmas at school together.” Cedric cheeked and the three girls gasped and began to murmur among themselves about it, before Lupin clapped his hands.
He found it a bit amusing, he had let them continue that far. This is what his classes have become, listening to the students muttering about him and you, seeing how close they could possibly get to the truth. Remus, at a fault, was a gossip. He learned to love the thrill of rumors from Sirius and James, but what was better than rumors about you and a colleague? Rumors about you and a colleague that were so close to the truth.
“Right now! Who's next?”
The rest of the class went smoothly, everyone finished their exams and the classroom began to file out. As Lupin got comfortable in his seat, his door peaked open.
“If you are here for tutoring, please note my hours are posted on the door, this first hour has been reserved already.” Lupin called out from his chair, head leaned back. 
“Tutoring, hm?” A song-like voice rang out from the door. He slowly smirked and leaned forward, eyes locking onto yours. You were holding a box of Merlin knows what, walking straight up to his desk with that beautiful smile. 
“Is that so unbelievable?” He teased, voice lower as he stood up and walked around his desk. Looking over your shoulder to peek into the box, seeing several random objects, including a stapler, a retractable ruler, a metal pointing stick, and other random muggle things.
“Oh, totally. I think I remember you almost lost it when Peter asked for your notes.” You teased him and he chuckled, his breath brushing against your neck. He admired the way you seemed to not flinch, but melt into his proximity. 
“Peter was a terrible student.” He mumbled and you laughed, his hand slipping around your waist and leaning down to kiss the side of your neck. You laughed harder and squirmed away. 
“Hands to yourself. Now, show me where I can hide this contraband.” You lifted the box and shook it a bit. “The things they allow in muggle schools! Hmph!” You mused and he laughed, walking you up to his office and to the far back near a storage closet. He opened the door for you and you set the box down, looking around curiously.
The room was small, but big enough for four people to stand in it comfortably. The walls were covered in shelves filled with items from all over the school years, you ran your finger along one of the shelves and let the dust collect.
“What's on your mind, hm?” Lupin mused and you turned to smirk at him.
“Just wondering where they are hiding the really bad stuff. Still in Filtch’s closet?” You hummed as he stepped into the small room with you. His eyes looked you over and you gave him a look.
“Why's that, darling?”
“Just curious, out of all the things in that closet,” You hummed as Remus wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you against him. Your fingers dancing along his shirt collar. “Wonder how many of them were from you and that little gang of yours.” You hummed and he laughed.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips to yours. It was chaste and sweet. He loved moments like this, away from everyone, where he could love you properly. He gave a hum as you got on your toes and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down as he pulled you closer.
“I truly don't  think they have something going on. It's maddening really! The whole school seems to see it but me!” Ron groaned as he walked down the hall with Harry and Hermione, seemingly offended at the idea that the new Astronomy teacher was dating or even had interest in Lupin.
"I wouldn't put too much stock in rumors about someone's love life, Ronald," Hermione retorted, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, sorry Ron, but you're kind of…” Harry rolled his wrists and Ron narrowed his eyes.
“Kind of what?” 
“Kind of..” Harry trailed off.
“Kind of a complete idiot when it comes to love.” Hermione finally snapped, hugging her books to her chest. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to meet Professor Lupin.” She huffed and stomped off.
Ron was left standing there like an idiot, looking over at Harry. 
“What did I do?”
Harry tried to hide his smile and patted Ron's shoulder to urge him along and out of the halls.
The kiss had grown a bit heated, Remus pushed you deeper into the closet as he muttered about how badly he needed to have you in his arms. How much he loved you, how he wanted you closer, so impossibly close.
You, of course, returned the sentiment. He was made for your hands it seemed, every moment he wasn't between them made you yearn for just another hour of listless cuddles or moments like this. Sneaking away from responsibilities to show your love and devotion to one another. 
If only it could last longer-
“Professor Lupin?” Hermione's voice called out into his office. Remus cursed and you quickly stumbled back. He cleared his throat, shuffling through the confiscated objects, to find anything he could snag. 
“I'll be out in a moment!” He called back as you fixed his tie and ruffled shirt, he grabbed the first thing he spotted and stole another quick kiss from you before leaving the room.
You leaned against a shelf and watched from the crack of the door in amusement as Lupin hurried to his desk.
“Ms. Granger, I am terribly sorry, is it possible for us to reschedule?” Remus pressed and looked at what he had in his hand.
A stapler.
Why on earth did he grab a stapler?
Quickly he sat at his desk and pulled out a few assignments. Grabbing some he had already graded and began to staple them together. 
Hermione was no fool and he knew that, she stared at him in bewilderment, slowly putting her hands on her books tighter. “Uhm, Professor? Isn't that the stapler Professor {L/N} confiscated from Creevey?” 
Lupin began to staple things a bit quicker, waving her off. 
“Yes, Ms. Granger, I think it would be, but I did borrow it from the confiscated,” He weaned on, collected and poised, a bit too good at putting up a face. Everytime you two have almost been caught, he's shown this side. 
“Why would you possibly need a stapler?” He asked in disbelief.
“To.. staple?” He lifted his eyebrow at her. “I do appreciate your curiosity, but I assure you this is none of your concern.” He spoke idley, having opened the stapler and pressed the top down against the pages and his table. Hermione seemed appalled at the misuse. 
“Now, if you'll please allow me to pick another time-” Before he could finish his statement, he attempted to raise his hand, only for his wrist to be locked in place. He looked down, just to see he had stapled his own sleeve to the desk under a few pages of paper. 
You had to cover your mouth and so did Hermione.
“Uhm, on second thought, sir, I think I'll spend my study hour in the library.” She slowly smirked, turning to briskly walk away.
Remus slowly sunk his face into his hands, the second his classroom door was closed he waved his hand to shut his office door. Only for the room to be filled with your laughter.
You walked out of the room, holding your sides as Lupin lost his front and stared at you with flushed cheeks.
“Not a word-”
“No! No please!” You wheezed out. “Several! Several words must be had!” You doubled over his desk, struggling to get the staple from his sleeves, when you finally managed, you were throwing your head back absolutely lost in boisterous laughter.
Remus wasn't even mad. How could he be? You looked so damn happy. So giddy with joy at the embarrassing show he put on. Quickly, he stood, walking around his desk with a purpose and grabbed your cheeks. You were still struggling to catch your breath as he playfully scoffed at you.
“Not very polite, Professor {L/N}.” He taunted and you grabbed his biceps and clung to him to try and clam down. It didn't help when he leaned down and began to pepper kisses all over your hot face. 
“Mercy!” You wheezed and he shook his head.
“What happened to all those words, Professor?” He teased and you shook your head, giggling as he absolutely mawled you with his lips.
The Grandhall was lively with the buzz of Sirius Black’s attacks. Managing to get into the Gryffindors’ common room was a feat that bewildered everyone.
However, what everyone was truly talking about was how he broke into the astronomy tower and Professor {L/N}’s office. It had managed to get out that Sirius Black himself left you a note that Dumbledore promptly confiscated. More accurately, the conversation was about how unbothered you were about the news.
That, and how a certain professor reacted to that news. 
He had gone down to the commons with McGonagall to check on Harry and the other students. Only when Flitwick came up in a rush and announced the break in and how you were nowhere to be found, the students watched in horror and shock as Lupin pulled his wand and ran from the towers at a speed they couldn't determine was truly human.
He found you soon after, running down the hall towards the Gryffindor tower, also looking for Harry. He stopped and pulled you into a tight hold no one could see. You were confused at first, but you eventually melted into him. You two were spied on by none other than Colin Creevey, who snapped a photo and was showing it around the lunch table. 
“See! I knew it! What a romantic! Ran straight to her in the face of danger?” One of the seventh years swooned and Ron scoffed.
“I don't get it, it's just two people hugging.” He mumbled and began to poke at his food, the twins giving each other a look before they rushed to tease Ron.
“Two people hugging,” Fred started.
“Hands below the waist!” George chimed in, holding up the photo as if to emphasize his point, gesturing to where Lupin's hands were holding you so tight your heels were slightly off the ground.
“Oh, how scandalous.” Fred concurred and Ron rolled his eyes.
“I hug Hermione, does that make us secretly married?” Ron pushed and Hermione quickly looked down at her book in a slight flush. 
“You wish.” George snickered and Fred clapped his hand on Ron's back, making him cough on his potatoes.
“Really, Ronald dearest, you wouldn't know the difference. You hardly know how to hold a girl now.” He teased and George nodded along.
“You'll get there one day, brother. For now you'll have to trust us.”
“This,” They both pointed this time.
“Is not a normal hug.” Both of them spoke at the same time.
Angelica finally spoke up. “Given the context, that man is whipped. Even if nothing is happening now, he is so in love it's humbling.” She got up and gathered her Quidditch gear.
“Come on boys.”
“Right behind you.” Fred purred and earned himself a look from her over her shoulder, George laughed as the three of them hurried off. Leaving the photo for Ginny to pick up.
“Oh yeah, there is absolutely no platonic explanation for this.” She hummed and tossed it to the center of the table, Neville shrugged, no wanting to contribute. 
“I think that whatever is happening between those two, it's clear they care about each other.” Hermione hummed and Harry finally agreed. Suddenly, he looked at his friends with a look of absolute mischief.
“Do you know how we can find out?” He mused and Hermione gave a groan and Ron shot up in his seat.
Harry smirked and pulled out the map the twins had gifted him, showing it off to his friends with a cocky smirk. You had caught him with it days ago, and simply zipped your lips and walked away.
“If they are meeting anywhere, it's likely the astronomy tower.”
Now.. the plan didn't go exactly as planned.
“And I simply can not comprehend how all three of you continue to be the only Gryffindors I've had to reprimand this year!” Lupin’s voice filled the otherwise silent and empty Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. Unfortunately for the trio, who were out far past curfew, Lupin just so happened to be on his way to the Astronomy tower when he spotted them seemingly just on time for his arrival.
“What about my brothers?” Ron muttered before Hermione shot him a look, elbow jabbing his side.
“Ronald.” She hissed.
The entirety of Hogwarts Valley had been buzzing with the news of Sirius Black’s newest escapade into the castle and Lupin could not comprehend why the three thought it was a good idea to do everything but what they were told. 
“Safety comes first and for me to find you lot outside of your dorms with a murder on the loose? With this bloody-” Lupin began to lift the map before his eyes snapped up at the sound of his door opening. He quickly shut his mouth when he saw you peak into the dark space.
“Remus?” You called out, before you paused and stared at the four infront of you. Your mind firing off a million excuses in quick succession. “Oh, I was unaware you had company.”
Lupin sighed and rubbed his face, seeming to untangle himself from the thralls of his anger. It wasn't uncommon for you two to find eachother late at night like this, but was certainly not the greatest idea of his yet- reprimanding the trio when he knew you'd be coming. As you always did when he didn't meet you at the Astronomy tower as promised. His favorite part of the end of a stressful day was a night full of whispers, stories and playful remarks. Reminiscing on your school years while recreating some memories long forgotten after the war. This time, not in his dorm, but his office or your room. “It's quite alright. I can still review your lesson plans.”
He was a terrifyingly good liar. That should not be attractive.
“Right. I will be in your office, Lupin.” You remarked and began to walk past the group of three who looked at you like you might save them. Sorry kiddos- he was grumpy enough as it was. 
You gave them a grimace, glancing at the map before quickly looking away with wide eyes and hurrying over to the office. Lupin caught the look and held up his hand. “Stop.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and slowly turned to face him. Giving him your adorable nervous look that you knew didn't work on him- well, you tried.
He made a come hither motion and you walked over, ready to be lectured like the kids beside you. He held up the map and you gave a nervous smile. 
“What? However, did you find this, Harry? This is supposed to be in Flinch’s office!” You gave the worst and most unbelievable fake disappointed tone, hands on your hips and frowning down at the three. You struggled not to smile as Harry gave a small one, before laughing a bit. Hermione covered her face in a mix of fluster and secondhand embarrassment. Ron was grinning ear to ear. 
“{L/N}...” Lupin warned and you huffed.
“You got me in trouble with the big boss here, Harry.” You teased and he finally cracked his lips into a brighter smile. You looked back at Remus and slowly interlocked your fingers in front of your lips, as if it did anything to hide your face. “In my defense-”
“You three are dismissed.” He mused quickly and slammed the paper on the table beside him. You tried your best to hide your smile. It was hard to take him seriously when you have seen him panic and staple his sleeve to a desk. The trio hurried to shuffle out, Harry sent you a greatful look and you simply winked at him. Something Remus rolled his eyes at.
“Did you see Harry with the map?” He asked in a stern tone when the kids left. You looked away and tried to look a little regretful. 
“It's very possible.” 
“And you didn't think to take it?” He asked in an incredulous tone.
“I mean, it certainly crossed my mind.” You slowly stopped hiding your smile and looked back to the taller man who was taking a few steps into your space.
“And you didn't?” He pushed.
“Well, in all fairness, Rem. It is technically his.” You snarked back finally and Remus gave a bitter laugh. 
“Professor {L/N}, did you think that maybe if this map fell into the wrong hands it could cause a serious danger to Harry?” He pushed and you clicked your tongue. You knew who he was talking about. A conversation you've had a million times, well, more an argument. It got worse when he heard of the note.
He was so willing to believe Sirius Black to be a killer, while you believed Sirius could bring himself to the point of ending someone's life, James Potter was more than a human to him. Even with his plea of guilty, you couldn't believe it. James, Lily, and Harry? You would stake your life on it. He was innocent.
It was what you were looking for, an explanation, hopefully that was what the note was for. But unlike your communications with the magical creatures of the forest, Dumbledore was not so willing to give up information when he had it. The old prick-
“I hate when we talk about this.” You huffed in honesty and leaned back on one of the desks of the room. He sighed through his nose and pinched the bridge that connected it to his forehead. “Honey-”
“Ah ah ah! Honey is for marriage.” You mused and he did his best to fight the smile growing on his face. Easily letting you steer the conversation from his own negative thoughts, he hated being upset around you. “That so?”
“It's very so. More so than most so’s.” You hummed and he blinked a few times at you before he couldn't help but smirk. 
“Give me my mother's ring back then.” He mused and held out his hand. You have a faux gasp. 
“Excuse you, sir. I seem to remember your mother telling you this belonged to me.” 
“When we were 18!” He challenged, letting himself fall victim to your antics. Like school children. “And last I checked, your reaction was less then pleasant.”
“We had been dating for a year and I was going to the North Pole in my defense, tart boy.” You scoffed and cringed at the memory. How you practically fall out of your chair when Hope made a comment about her ring. 
“Tart boy?”
“Tart boy.”
“I'll show you a tart boy.” He scoffed and took your cheeks. You giggled like a goofball, grabbing his lapels and trying to pull him closer. He smirked at you and kept his distance.
“Remus-” You huffed and glared at him a bit. His smirk only grew as he reached into your pocket, pulling out the modest gem. You rolled your eyes fondly and held out your hand for him, he slipped the ring back in its rightful place.
“Sorry, call me old fashioned. But I'd like to kiss my fiancé, not my coworker.” He teased and you couldn't help but laugh. 
“You absolute sap.”
“Hard not to be.” He mumbled and leaned in, finally kissing you. Both your eyelids lowered but he held eye contact. So much affection bumbling in your chests, it was too much to look away. Eventually, you gave into your shyness, closing your eyes. He slowly pushed your knees apart and slipped between them, making your face grow hot.
He pulled away at this and you huffed, he smirked at you when you looked back up at him. “Hey, sir, your lips on mine again. It's a marital duty and all that jazz.”
“Thought we had to be married for marital privileges, honey?” 
“Oh don't use anything I say around you against me, I can hardly think.”
He bellowed out a laugh at your mischievous look up at him. Slowly biting your lip as you struggled to keep your confident act up.
“Whatever will I do with you, {L/N}?”
“Well, I have a few ideas.” You hummed and began to fiddle with his tie. He curled an eyebrow and you looked forward, looking up at his hazel eyes with a playful pout. “Kiss me again. I promise, you keep my lips occupied, no more bad behavior.”
“Because you won't be able to talk?” 
“What in the world!?” You suddenly heard from the far corner of the room. Your face filled with shock and snapped over to see an empty corner, you could of sworn you heard Ronald just a moment ago.
 Remus quickly moved from between your legs and waved his wand, yanking off the invisibility cloak to reveal an appalled Ron, a delighted Harry, and a flustered Hermione.
“Bloody hell!” Remus boomed and you covered your mouth and looked away. Doing your best not to laugh.
“Yes, mum and dad do kiss when the kids are away.” You cheeked and Remus looked at you like you had just made some grand offense to his ears.
Hermione giggled and Harry’s smile grew ten fold.
Ron, however, seemed very displeased.
“I owe the twins so much money.”
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jihyoruri · 9 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 SHAMELESS kazuha nakamura x reader
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↳ warnings: idol!au, sserafim!reader, fluff
doing press in another country was different, it was interesting to kazuha on how different the interview will go based on the type of interviewer you have, you have the stush ones that ask the most stuck up questions, you have the thoughtful ones that are genuinely interested in learning more about the group, you have the funny ones that know how to ease the tension and then you have the shameless ones, the type that kazuha is encountering right now.
“sorry, yn you’re making me nervous,” the interviewer said to the girl beside kazuha who laughs, “am I?” yn asks making the interviewer giggle like a school girl while kazuha tried her best not to scrunch up her face.
“yeah, you like eye contact im guessing,” the interviewer says as yn nods her head, yunjin budding in saying that she indeed does like eye contact.
“I do,” yn responds leaning back in her seat causing the interviewer to let out another giggle causing kazuha to mentally roll her eyes, the girl was used to witnessing yn’s affects on people, mostly women so she doesn’t know why this one bothered her the most.
“I guess my research told me the truth, you really are here for the visual service.” kazuha couldn’t help but tilt her head at that but sakura nudged her.
“that’s my job,” yn shrugs nonchalantly, fixing the backwards cap on her head and kazuha feels like she’s gonna scream when she hears that giggle again.
“has anybody told you that you’re nose is perfect,” the interviewer says tucking a strand of hair behind her ear her gaze intensely on yn, causing the other members to give each other small looks, mostly at kazuha.
“not as nicely as you, most of the time they ask where I got my alleged nose job done,” the interviewer lets out a laugh at yn’s response.
“you’re so funny,” the interviewer says before bringing her attention to yunjin proceeding the interview, but not without taking peeks at yn every few seconds or letting out that awful giggle every time yn says something.
kazuha’s energy was obviously off as the interview went on and she knew yn could sense it but she just didn’t know what could be bothering the japanese girl.
yn was oblivious like that.
“okay, before this interview finishes yn, im sorry but you are so fine.” the girl says causing all the girls to laugh in shock except kazuha who just forces a smile.
yn flashes her charming smile to interviewer, “it’s the visual service I guess.” she says quoting the girl as the interviewer lets out another giggle before the cameras stop rolling and kazuha is already walking over to their manager to get a sip of her water.
yn talks with yunjin as they walked over to another one of their managers, yn taking her sunglasses from them and putting it on her face.
“is that even necessary?” yunjin laughs while the younger girl adjusts the expensive sunglasses.
“it completes the outfit, I would’ve worn it in the interview but then I would’ve looked baked.” yn says placing one of her wired headphones in her ear, before looking to the side to see kazuha with her face in her phone, “im gonna go talk to zuha,” yn says pointing at the girl while yunjin nods understandingly.
“watching edits of me again?” kazuha looked up from her phone and is met with her girlfriend with her eyes covered in sunglasses, and she can’t help but laugh in her head at the girl wearing sunglasses inside.
“that was one time,” she rolls her eyes as yn grabs her hands and pulls her up from her seat and takes the girls spot, kazuha’s mouth dropped at the action before yn then pulls her to sit in her lap.
kazuha feels her face heat up as yn places her chin on her shoulder before whispering in her ear, “are gonna tell me?”
“tell you what?” kazuha asks back, she feels shivers go down her spine as yn whispers back, “what’s got you so in your feelings?”
as much as kazuha loves yn, sometimes she feels like the girl could be a perfect bimbo so attractive but so oblivious and dumb sometimes.
“oh, I don’t know maybe it was the interviewer flirting with you like her life depended on it,” kazuha was used to seeing the flirts with yn but this one was just so shameless, she wasn’t even trying to be subtle at all.
yn opens her mouth but kazuha cuts her off, “and don’t play dumb, she was literally about to jump across the table towards you if she could.”
yn just lets out a laugh and wraps her arms around kazuha’s waist pulling the girl closer, “so you’re jealous?” she teases
“what do you think?” kazuha says embarrassed at yn’s teasing tone, “and take off those stupid sunglasses, we’re inside.”
“okay, first of all rude,” yn pinches kazuha’s side causing the girl to squirm, “it doesn’t matter who flirts with me im still gonna be all yours so you have nothing to worry about, right? im still gonna be your smoking hot girlfriend.”
kazuha rolls her eyes and mumbles out a yeah to the point that it’s inaudible, “I didn’t quite catch that, wanna repeat that for me?” yn whispers in her ear, tickling her side
“I said yeah.” kazuha says loudly flinching at yn’s tickling before turning her head around to face yn, “you said you’re my smoking hot girlfriend does that make me yours?”
“it’s that even a question?” yn responds before a look grows on her face and kazuha immediately knows she’s gonna say something dumb so she grabs the chain on yn’s neck and pulls her towards her lips softly kissing her.
yn smiles into the kiss and brings her hand from kazuha’s waist to the back of the girls neck deepening the kiss.
“the car is here,” yunjin interrupts them with a look of disgust on her face.
kazuha looks down in embarrassment and gets up from yn’s lap, pulling the girl up with her who’s the exact opposite of her with zero traces of embarrassment on her face.
“what didn’t say about kissing in front of me, where is your shame?” yunjin says pointing her finger towards the younger couple.
yn let’s put a deep sigh and puts back in her wired headphones in her ear before wrapping an arm around kazuha’s waist and proceeding to walk towards the exit, “you’re just mad you’re alone.”
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suguru-getos · 10 months
Fluffcember with Satoru Gojo
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Prompt: Reassurances
Summary: You are in the early phases of your relationship with Satoru where you haven't even kissed each other yet. Taking things comfortingly and achingly slow. Unfortunately for you, you’re reminded of his ‘Uncommitted Fuckboy’ & he reassures you through it. Warnings: None really, just extreme fluff and comfort and Satoru being a care-giver and a Daddy pro max!
Your brother came back from a gathering of sorts, it was all related to Jujutsu High and being a third-year there, he was privy to a lot of information you weren’t. Though now that you’re dating his Sensei without actually telling him, your questions & curiosities have increased a tenfold. “So, how was your day?”
Your brother came in, opened the fridge like a racoon in a dumpster & took out a Coke zero, clearly tired & a tad annoyed. “S’ good.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes. “Something very funny happened today.”
You irked a brow, mostly all the funny things are related to your now boyfriend. "What happened?" You asked, curiosity bubbling behind your eyes.
"There's this sorcerer- her name's Mei Mei, she flirts with Sensei so hard it's hilarious!" He cackled, manspreading on the dining table seat after microwaving the sandwich and sighed. "She was all like- 'of course Satoru kun, you can help me can't you?' because she was assigned a mission which was seemingly hard." You felt a pang of anxiety touch your chest at that, nodding with a faked smile. Can't show your brother you're affected by this after all.
"H-heh, funny… what did he say?" You inquired, and your brother shrugged. "Said he would help." You bite your lip, of course- Satoru is not someone to refuse his aid to anyone. Even you knew that about him… but clearly, did he not pick up the signals? "Shyeah- of course." You waved your hand dismissively. "I think they have done it definitely." Your brother snickers. "I mean- Sensei is so popular I'm sure all the female sorcerers would've wanted a piece of him." He groans, "So annoying to me though."
You smiled, not able to maintain this conversation without it affecting your core. Satoru was gorgeous, he could pick a finger at anything and would get that for himself. There was absolutely no doubt about it. Which is why… it's concerning as to why he is dating someone like you. Someone so normal, someone miles away from the Jujutsu world. Someone who had no place in his world. He was utterly sweet to you as well. So far you haven't had any arguments with him either. A defeated sigh escaped your parted lips as the thoughts multiplied and cluttered your mind. You went to your room to sulk. As if being a Corporate baddie wasn't enough. Now you also need to take account of what's happening in Jujutsu world with your boyfriend. Sickening…
As if to balm your insecurity with reassurance, Satoru's name flashed on your phone screen in a phone call. "Hello.." You answered the phone hesitantly.
"Oh hello Little One! How are ya? Just checkin' up on you. Hope you don't mind that mm?" "No, not at all, I've just come home from work. How are you?" You tried to sound as normal as you can, the lower octave of your voice not gone unnoticed despite you stiffening yourself up to sound as normal as you can. "Something the matter Princess?" The nickname slipped out of his lips so easily, right now you wonder if it's so easy because its meaningless. "Nah, nothing's the matter. My brother just came home you know? So I was just talking to him about er- school and stuff." You answered half-truth. Satoru's head tilted to the side, tongue clicking. "Something that pissed you off?" He asked softly, and you nodded your head yes, but your voice lied. "Nah, s' al good. Don't worry. Maybe I'm just really tired you know?" "Mhm, gotcha~ maybe, you are tired… you know what can help? A sugar rush." Satoru snickered over the phone and you sighed. There is no way you can escape this man's gaze if you were to meet him right now. "Nah, really tired. Headachey too…" You excuse yourself, biting your lip and squeezing your eyes shut at the silence on the other side. "Alright, take rest." Satoru sounded genial and soft, and with that you heard the beep of the call disconnecting.
You were starting to get angry at yourself, why does it even matter. You two haven't even been together for a month yet. This is truly pathetic…
You shoved all the thoughts off your head, journalling them off. Whatever… who cares. Yeah, whatever…
The next few days you tried your best to ignore Satoru, picking up his calls and answering in one-word sentences, declining his proposal to meet for dates or to just catch-up. Until you finally saw him one day at your home. You gasped, blinking when you opened the door and found him manspreading on the couch as if he owned the place.
"Sah- Satoru what`" "He's just here to be a nuisance." Your brother's voice chimed in from his room. "He needs something from me." You glanced at Satoru, who quickly removed his blindfold and made sure his eyes stared right into you. "Well, not my fault you can't search for the scroll I handed to you brats." He shrugged, of course an excuse… he wanted to come and see you. "Hello, Y/N san!" He chirped excitedly, and you waved him a Hello right back; gulping. "How have you been?" Satoru asked again, you nodded with a half-smile. "I'm good, Gojo San, are you good, too?" "No, I'm not… and you know why." His tone was soft, tender, as if he didn't want the pressure of his words to get to you.
"I- I see…" You looked down at your feet, looking back up at him. "You said you'll work late today." He almost whispered, shit- you completely forgot about that excuse you made for him,
"Oh yeah- ahem, well yeah… I will freshen up and login again." You grinned, trying to save your sorry ass.
"No" Satoru simply denied your statement.
"You are going to freshen up, and then utter why you're behaving this way." He didn't sound easy this time, you were hearing him speak to you sternly and seriously for the first time ever. You can't blame him though, he's worried… and it only warms your heart more that he is worried.
Before you could open your mouth, your brother came back to the drawing room. Stomping and giving him the damned scroll. Ugh- timing!
"Jaa- see you two!" He grinned, head-patting your brother and looking into your eyes.
Before you could say anything further, you found yourself back in your room. Answering his call…
"Are you getting out of the house or should I carry you out myself in front of your brother?" Satoru almost sung, and you knew there was a tad bit of a truth laced to that threat.
"I'm getting out." You rolled your eyes.
"Aw, that's a good girl."
The moment you were outside, Satoru teleported beside you, hand intertwining with yours and helping you walk in fucking air. You blinked, not registering how this is happening. It was like invisible stairs that take you to the breath-taking sky. Stars have just started to pop up as the night blanket wraps the city of Tokyo.
"What's bothering my baddie?" Satoru hums, and before you could answer, he interrupted again. "Don't say nothing else I'll start being really paranoid and restless, that's no good is it?" He coos, leaning in to make you feel more comfortable.
You finally decided to speak up, pouting and telling him everything about Mei Mei and what your brother told you. Then telling him how that made you feel truly.
He chuckles, rolling his eyes and cupping your face preciously. You blinked, taken aback by the sudden stance of affection but not leaning away. You wanted this… you wanted him to touch you, to soothe your worries away. "I can't believe my silly little girl would be so stressed about something like this It's nothing. Even if Mei Mei flirted, I would never return her affections or anyone else's." He smiled, "You know why? Cause I really want no one else but you Little One. I would never lose this." His eyes observed you once more, hands squeezing your face tenderly. "For something meaningless… I would never do anything to risk this, never. I promise you."
His words echoed in your ears and you couldn't help but nod a little with a smile. "Sorry- I just, you know it's not been a lot of time to us and-"
"So what!" Satoru giggles, "Time is a construct, and definitely not a measuring parameter when you're dating someone like me. Or if I am dating someone as amazing and kind and yet, fierce and firm as you." He winked.
"I promise you sweet Princess, I would never, ever… let anyone near me." His sincerity touches your heart, and you leaned in, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Aw! I get a hug! Good sign!" Satoru beams, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your arms comfortingly.
"Let me show you now the skyline looks, neh?"
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cowboyjen68 · 5 months
Hello Cowboy Jen! I was wondering if you had any advice for me
Here’s the situation- I’m a young lesbian (I’ll be 17 going into college) and I’m going to study geology. I’m assuming my classes and later on my work environments are going to be mostly men since geology is a male-dominated field. Any advice for being in spaces without very many women? And picking a different field’s not a very good option either, geology’s been my obsession since I was five and I doubt I could give any other field as much attention and focus.
When I was DEAD SET on being in the DNR or a Forest Ranger or some kind of Park worker I was in my tweens and early teens. I loved the idea of working with people and animals and outside and getting to use my hands and my knowledge of land and history. Then some Jack Ass at the Corps of Engineers station I volunteered at told me women couldn't really do the job right and it was too dangerous and I lost confidence. I stopped going and didn't reapply for the Mayor's Youth Parks program I had worked at for two years. I just left the idea behind. I see now all the older women park rangers that are around and read stories of women like my current boss who was a naturalist for years in our county. I work at a nature center almost entirely staffed by strong women with the exception of the CEO, the marketing guy and one outreach guy. If I had seen any of these women in my teens i would have said "heck yeah women can do this".
You are going to be that leader, that beacon. That is a thought to keep in your pocket on hard days.
The truth about working with men is, in general, they don't really care and they kinda just feel awkward. They lack social skills around women so they end up saying the dumbest stuff. I am not saying men can't be total pains in the ass or feel threatened by you being around, they absolutely can. At the end of the day we are all human and women are 50% of the population so at some point they have dealt with women in class or at a job.
Mostly just start off with giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. Saying stupid stuff to try and be funny is not the same as harassment or hate. If you don't feel offended or insulted or threatened don't try feel like you are because you think you are supposed to be.
Look them in the eye, do listen to those who have good things to share, teach or discuss. Don't dismiss men for being men. Just as many humans, they want to share what they know and tell you what they have learned. I have been taught so much by the men I work with at the farm but I had to tell myself to listen and not just paint them in my brain as being bossy or mansplaining.
Don't shy away from questions when you need help. Ask when you need to ask and thank them for helping when they do. If you are interrupted by them say "I am not finished, please wait your turn" or something similar. Stand up for your right to share what you know or to get more information when you require it.
Basically, think of men as neutrally as possible until one proves he is to be avoided or ignored. Listen to your gut if you feel unsafe or degraded and keep notes on that behavior. If you must, tell your professor or a dept head if you feel like the bad actor will continue or possible endanger you.
Once you learn your trade you can recruit other women and share your love of your job/degree and some day it will not be more men than women around you!
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magicxc · 4 months
Pairings: Survey Corps - people they cannot STAND
Word Count: 1076
Warnings: none
A/N: Idk man I love a good tussle jskksks. Like give me two characters who absolutely hate each other! And with AOT I really don't have to look too far, yay. This is basically canon but it's funny to think about so here it is as well. 
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren  - Jean, Weak People
I think the Jean one gets over exaggerated a little, and for good reason too, cause the girlies be EATING with those tropes. But at the end of the day they have a mutual understanding and are cordial at best. They're mostly cool because they share mutual friends and spaces but it’s no longer beef per se. 
Hear me out, I don't think anyone wiping out 80% of humanity is willing to kick it with people who aint about it. Mans need someone who’s willing to stand on business behind him. Even throughout the show he’s always admitted to not liking people who’s willing to live like “livestock.” So this is not to be confused with physically weak people by the way but psychologically weak people. Essentially Eren has beef if you’re willing to take it lying down. 
Levi - Zeke
Listennnn I LIVE for their fight scenes okay lmao. Like it's almost always on sight for them and their lil jabs at one another? It’s chucklessss for me omg. Lets be clear, their beef is absolutely warranted. It can be safely argued that Levi doesnt really care for most people but Zeke?? Oh baby its all smoke for him. 
Erwin - The Government 
I swear if it wasn't for the literal fate of humanity and his brewing theory Erwin would've just said fuck it cause baybeeee, they wanted that man GONE. They've tried to get him fired, pointed guns in his face, and built a whole ass guillotine to unalive him; in front of the entire town mind you. Maybe that was the custom back then I don't know. I don’t remember Erwin outright saying that he doesn't fuck with the government but fuck it, I’ll say it for him. Cause I'll stand ten toes down behind this one here. 
Connie - Ymir
I promise you I let out a nasty ole chuckle at the thought cause he don't even dislike her fr fr. I think it's a situation similar to Eren and Jean's in the sense that their friends and environment often see them in the same places. Because if we’re being real, not only do they have little in common but they just don't really vibe like that. I think they could've been a little more cordial but Ymir be on her own timing and it's usually at the expense of the squad. Like when she made fun of Connie for suspecting his mother was a titan or when she kidnapped Historia like 3 times and put them all in danger. And I can't even be mad at Connie for being the voice of reason cause him calling her ugly was simply the truth. I, too, reared back when I first saw Ymir's titan form. 
Jean - Eren, Reiner, Annie, Bertholt
The whole Eren thing is basically squashed but it’s worth noting that if he were to see him in public, he’d walk the other way. 
I lowkey had to dig deep for this one cause I genuinely forgot. But even though they’re all kumbaya now, those three bitches literally watched his homie get half his face chewed off by a titan. Jean is absolutely pouring one out for Marco every birthday by the way, but yeahh it’s still fuck them. Like if they were playing uno stacked, he’d save all his draw 4’s and make them draw 16. 
Onyankopon - Yelena
I'm not too sure that Ony dislikes anyone honestly. But I'm going with Yelena here mostly because she’s the reason he found himself in his current predicament. On what was supposed to be a solid plan in motion to save his people quickly turned into Ony modernizing a primitive people, helping build their resources from scratch, having people question his race (and I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar it was mfs that got ignorant), seeming untrustworthy among his peers, almost getting killed, fighting in a war he had nothing to do with, and probably losing his entire family in the rumble. Now, one or two of those things were inevitable, but if you were to view things from Ony’s POV everything went to shit over a bitch with a fatal attraction to a man with daddy issues. 
Reiner - Himself
Lmaooo I LOVE a good Reiner drag. And while this started out as a joke, I'm deadass now. This man stays talking about wanting to end it all but never follows through, smh. With lots of therapy and support, I genuinely think that Reiner would be on the road to recovery and a healthy lifestyle; but there’ll always be that lingering thought on if he’s worth it or not
Honorable mention: Ymir. But solely because she would get in the way of his fantasy life with Historia. 
Armin - Floch? 
This munchkin is damn near Tanjiro levels of sweet cause omg who does he even hate??? He is always looking for the good in people and I'm about to dislocate my shoulder reaching this hard BUT, hear me out - It’s Floch even if he doesn’t outright say it. The same Floch who damaged the flying boat and almost ruined their mission before it even started? The same Floch who fucked it up so bad that Hange had to sacrifice herself which resulted in Armin taking on an even bigger responsibility? The same Floch who got in a lil too close with his bestie Eren? Close enough to be trusted with his future plans? The same Floch who when he lay on that ground bleeding Armin was nowhere in sight? Even at the port where they attacked the Yeagerists and Armin got shot in the face, he pleaded with his old comrades to stand down but Floch is beneath that level of reasoning huh? Whether Armin despises Floch or not it's safe to say if Floch were getting jumped, Armin would definitely sneak in a kick before helping. 
Floch - Erwin
This is literally one of those cases where its like I disagree but I understand lol. That man legit made them do a suicide charge and yeah he lead the charge blah blah blah but I could never be that brave. And so that resentment is understandable but in all fairness it shaped Flochs character for the better to be honest; cause that whole pwussy boi arc was annoying. 
Also adding the main cast of the Scouts lmao. They thwarted his plans and he spent his DYING breath standing on business. Gotta respect it.
Tags - @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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Truth or Drink-Colby Brock
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A/n: I just thought this would be fun to write because I honestly found the video super entertaining and funny.
Your POV
I was in the living room with the boys cause Colby wanted to do a truth or drink video with Sam. I was mostly just waiting for them to set up the camera, and I was behind the camera since I'm reading the questions. Once The camera was rolling Sam started with...
" All right what's up guys my name is Jean and his name is Olive."
Colby was reaching for the camera and then when moving back he touched my knee. I blushed a little. Then Colby started his actual intro.
" What's up guys Colby Brock here, welcome back to my channel today. I'm gonna get demonetized because we haven't done a truth or drink in a long time."
While they were talking I was just looking at the questions and some of them made me let out a little giggle. Sam looked over before glancing back at Colby. " Can't show any brands here, but we got some brown liquid and we got some clear liquid. Both have 40 percent alcohol."
They looked right at each other before saying " Food coloring"
Colby then started showing off his merch and talking about their live show. " Let's get it." Colby said smiling
I smiled and got comfortable enough to start. " One more thing I forgot to add is I don't know if the young viewers know this out there, first of all viewer discretion is advised if you do not have the age of 21 do not drink. I don't know why I said that so weird." Colby stated
I was just admiring him because he was perfect. And I was just thinking about running my fingers through his hair. " Let's get to the first question, let's get it." Colby said. I sat up and looked at them and asked... " What's the worst doing the dirty experience you've had?"
They both looked shocked, which made me let out a little giggle. " The worst thing you experience while doing the dirty." Colby repeated while looking at Sam. " Well, last week my uh laundry was smelling really bad and so I put it in the washer and cleaned it." Sam explained
I let out a chuckle and shook my head at Sam. Colby stated... " I don't think we're talking about that dirt." " Oh." Sam said, leaning back on the couch. Colby asked " What's the worst sexual experience you've had. You can't say it online, online." I was just watching them to see if one of them would answer. " Are you gonna answer to you?" Colby looked down and said," Um, yeah I'm gonna answer this. Just one time, I had a female use a lot of teeth."
I cringed a little bit just thinking about that. " Minding my own business and a friend of mine barged in the door." Sam said, staring at Colby. Colby got confused..." Not me, why are you looking at me like that?" Sam then told him. " It was you dude."
I was laughing so much. I was scared I was ruining the video, but Colby just smiled. Once I was able to talk I asked Sam. " Do you think you have better style than Colby?"
He was explaining about it when Colby stated..." So you didn't answer the fucking question. That's what I'm getting at." He then let out a chuckle while Sam tried to explain himself. I then asked Colby. " Why do you post with girls on social media and then never tell the fans what's going on?" He had his eyes wide and let out a laugh. " Um, because sometimes I don't know what's going on all right. I'm just posting to post and maybe it turns into something, maybe not."  I couldn't keep a straight face with them trying not to laugh. They both had to take a shot from the lying question.
" Colby, why do you have a pair of handcuffs in your room?"
Sam was enjoying it too much. He turned to me and asked... " Does he ever use those on you Y/n." I just looked at him and got embarrassed which made both the boys laugh. Colby was getting a shot ready while saying. " You know what, I use them for personal fun." Sam looked into the camera and said..." What the fuck does that mean."
Colby was trying to explain. I was shaking my head and Sam said..." Judge says no." Colby looked at me. " What no." Sam just told him to drink while he said..." I've used them for sexual fun."
I put my thumbs up and Colby shouted out a yay.
They both only had to drink one time and I knew I was going to get one of them out with this question. " Name two dirty kinks that you have?" I giggled at their faces.
" Sorry mom." Colby said
Sam stated, " Oh, you're gonna answer." Colby changed his mind and said..." I already said a kink, the handcuffs. So they already know one." They looked at me saying..." Does that count as one." I hummed in response. " Um, um I liked to be dominant. All right there we go."
I just shook my head at them trying not to blush. Colby saw and gave me a small smile. Sam didn't want to say it so he drank a shot.
We were at the last two questions and both of them were super drunk already. " What's your biggest insecurity?" I asked them
Sam asked something which I missed, but it made Colby laugh. " Holy fuck, nobody's seen us like this before." I wanted to say something, but chose not to say it. Colby wanted to get real. He started whispering and then talked normally again.
" So the biggest now, I don't know, I feel like uh, it's more like a beforehand like if I was 20 or something like I feel like It was a lot about looks and now the insecurity lies in how I come across to other people with the way I speak."
When Colby admitted  to feeling dumb I got a little sad. I couldn't even pay attention to them talking anymore, but I was kind of listening, so I knew when I had to say the final question. " Last question everybody!" Colby shouted
" Want to take a shot for this last one." Sam asked
Colby gave the glasses a once over before saying..." Hell no." I smiled while reading the final question. " When was the last time you " did the dirty"?" I then smirked, waiting for them to answer. I know Colby's answer, but I doubt he will answer it. Colby and Sam both took a shot. I laughed and then Sam asked... " Judge Y/n, which one of us is more drunk do you think?"
I pointed to Colby and said..." Without a doubt." Colby was ending his video while I was stretching. They both then went to clean up, but I stopped them. " It's okay, I got it. Why don't you guys drink some water and rest."
Sam smiled and thanked me before heading for his room. Colby stayed a little longer. He looked right at me, he then grabbed my cheeks. "Thank you. We really don't deserve you Y/n/n." I smiled and pulled him into a comforting hug. We both then went our separate ways after we pulled away from the hug.
I really hope this makes sense. This is my second time writing from one of their videos and it's difficult but I'm trying. I think this one turned out a little better. So please enjoy!
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kwanisms · 2 years
Kinkuary 04 Hwa & Joong — double penetration // anal
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➥ dom!Seonghwa × bratty!Reader × dom!Hongjoong summary: After a few drinks and a slip of the tongue, Y/N and her boyfriend, Seonghwa, invite their friend Hongjoong back to their hotel room. wc: 6.7k (sorry. she's wordy lol) warnings: afab reader, adult dialogue, established relationship (Seonghwa), alcohol consumption, sexual content (minors dni!): threesome, protected sex (both Hwa & Joong wear condoms), oral (f receiving, m receiving), anal (f receiving), double penetration, biting, dom!Hwa, dom!Joong, bratty!Reader, Hwa is a little rough with his hands, pet names (baby, angel, etc), I think I got everything lol Permanent taglist: @yoonguurt @candidupped Kinkuary full taglist: @baldi-2 @wonderfulshinee @lacie220900 @sup-dallyboy @rdiamond2727 Ateez taglist: @2hodefender @babyhailey819 @foxylilbitch MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. Join the taglist!
a/n: I've had so many dreams about threesomes with these two so I got a lot of content in my head lol I hope you enjoy this piece for Kinkuary! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only. banner made by me. I do not allow reposts or translations of my works. All my works are ©️ kwanisms.
“I can’t believe he didn’t know his toupee was lopsided!” You giggled, setting your glass down as your boyfriend, Seonghwa, reached over, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, smiling as he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand.
“It was so funny!” Hongjoong said, grabbing the half empty bottle of soju and began pouring more shots. You grabbed your full shot glass and waited for the two men to do the same, clinking the glass together before downing your shot quickly.
Hongjoong let out a whoop, causing Seonghwa to kick him under the table. “Shut up, you idiot,” Seonghwa chuckled, looking at his best friend. You joined in his laughter, giggling behind your hand at your boyfriend’s best friend.
“Sorry,” Hongjoong said with a grimace. “It’s been a while since I’ve drank like this,” he added, shaking his head and grabbing the bottle to pour more shots.
“I think the last time I drank like this,” you said, raising to press your finger to your lips in mock thinking. “Was that party at Wooyoung’s,” you concluded. Seonghwa groaned, rolling his eyes. “The party where he insisted we play strip truth or dare?”
Hongjoong nearly choked on his water, having grabbed the bottle to take a sip.
“He made you what?” He asked incredulously, making you giggle again as the alcohol mixed in your system.
Seonghwa shook his head, giving you a fond smile before looking at his best friend.
“It’s so dumb. He just wanted an excuse to take his clothes off,” Seonghwa replied as you settled into the cushions beside him.
He’d chosen this restaurant because it was attached to the hotel you and he were staying in but also because they had these private balconies for rent. The table was low, almost like a coffee table, with two black cushioned loveseats on either side and matching armchairs on the ends. The balcony had two square pyramid shaped outdoor heaters, powered by propane with a glass tube up the center that held the flame.
The food, which had been excellent, was mostly gone and several empty bottles of soju sat on the table top.
“I think Woo just wanted everyone naked, to be honest,” you added, snuggled up against Seonghwa as one of your hands reached up to play with the hair at the base of his neck. Seonghwa nodded, shrugging as he looked up at you.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” he said, smiling as you erupted into more drunken giggles.
Across the table, Hongjoong watched the exchange with a fond smile on his face. After all, it was he who introduced you and Seonghwa in the first place, wanting two of his closest friends to meet and was pleasantly surprised when the two of you hit it off so well you started dating.
You caught sight of him grinning at the two of you like an idiot. “What are you smiling at?” You asked, tilting your head and drawing Seonghwa’s attention back to Hongjoong. The younger man shook his head, looking down at his shot glass with a smile. “I just never imagined that things would work out so well for you two,” he said softly.
You exchanged glances with Seonghwa. “Are you… jealous?” Seonghwa asked, proceeding with caution.
Hongjoong laughed, shaking his head again. “The opposite,” he answered, looking up. “I couldn’t be happier for you two,” he answered before holding his shot glass up. “Here’s to you two lovebirds,” he said before throwing back the shot, you and Seonghwa following suit.
The conversation shifted quickly.
“So tell me more about this strip truth or dare game,” Hongjoong said, reaching to grab a leftover piece of sushi and popped it in his mouth.
“Oh god,” Seonghwa groaned again while you laughed.
“It was so funny,” you answered as you started to explain the mechanics of the game, reiterating how Wooyoung totally made up the rules on the spot. “So it gets to me,” you said as Seonghwa grabbed his non-alcoholic drink and took a sip. “This little shit,” Seonghwa scoffed as you playfully hit his chest.
“You can’t tell me he wasn’t saving that question specifically for you,” Seonghwa said as he set the glass down.
Hongjoong watched you two, waiting for the next part.
“He asks me to pick truth or dare and I had already done a dare the previous round, so naturally, I chose truth,” you explained as Seonghwa placed his arm on the back of the loveseat behind you.
“Naturally, of course,” Hongjoong said with a smirk. He knew you well enough that you hated playing truth or dare in any setting because it always ended up turning into a game of I dare you to kiss so-and-so. Hongjoong couldn't deny he hated that growing up. No one had any imagination as teenagers.
“So he asks me-,” you started but Seonghwa interrupted you. “Technically, he asked us,” he said.
“He asks me,” you said again, ignoring your boyfriend. “If I’ve ever had a threesome,” you finally manage to get out.
Hongjoong’s eyes widened, his eyebrows shooting up at the sheer audacity of Wooyoung to ask a question like that, especially in front of Seonghwa.
“Uh, no,” Seonghwa interrupted again. “He specifically asked you if you’ve had a threesome with me and him,” he corrects, nodding towards Hongjoong.
You scrunched up your face and looked at Seonghwa. "Wait. Did he specifically ask if it was with you and Joongie?" you asked. "I don't remember that." Seonghwa shook his head, leaning forward to grab his drink and held the glass out to you.
"Here, babe," he said before explaining further.
"You were a lot more drunk than I was that night," he started. "Wooyoung specifically asked if we'd ever had a three way with Joong," he continued as you took a long sip of the drink your boyfriend handed you.
Hongjoong’s heart was pounding in his chest as he processed what was being said. If Wooyoung really asked that in a room full of people, he had to have thought it actually happened at some point and since he mentioned it in front of other people, they had to think the same thing now.
"You told him no, of course," he finally said, relaxing into the loveseat across from his two closest friends. You nodded, handing the glass back to Seonghwa who took a sip of his own.
Seonghwa set the glass back down and shook his head. "No you didn't," he countered, causing both you and Hongjoong to look at him, mirroring the same confused expressions.
"Yes I did!" you retorted indignantly. Seonghwa shook his head again. "No sweetheart, what you actually said was 'not yet.'"
Seonghwa’s words hit Hongjoong like a truck and he suddenly felt his pants growing tighter. 'Not yet? What does that even mean?' he wondered as you and Seonghwa bickered back and forth.
Finally, you conceded, assuming Seonghwa was correct because he has been much more sober than you at the party.
"My bad," you said with a shrug as you settled back against the sofa, one of your hands resting on your boyfriend’s thigh. Hongjoong couldn't help but imagine your hand on his thigh and --
'Stop it!' he scolded himself mentally. The last thing he needed was images of you on your knees in front of him as your mouth--
'Yah! What are you doing!'
Hongjoong shook his head, realizing he'd zoned out of whatever conversation you and Seonghwa currently were having. He leaned forward and snatched his bottle of water.
He was too busy downing his water to notice the way Seonghwa's attention shifted to him, albeit very briefly. He noticed the change in Hongjoong's body language almost instantly.
Best friends were usually pretty perceptive about one another.
Hongjoong replaced the cap of his almost empty bottle of water and set it back on the table, trying to force his brain to focus on anything other than you on top of him with Seonghwa behind you, hands gripping your —
'Stop thinking about your best friends like that!' Hongjoong mentally admonished himself. 'What is wrong with you?!'
Hongjoong would be a liar if he said he hadn't fantasized about you before but that was ages ago, when you were teens and before you even met Seonghwa. It wasn't like he wanted to date you or bring those fantasies alive, he was just a horny teenage boy then.
But if he was just a horny teenage boy then, what was he now? Sitting across from his best friend and his best friend's girl, fantasizing about her touching him.
Seonghwa could tell Hongjoong was having some sort of internal struggle and he could only guess it had something to do with your accidental admission that you may or may not want a three way to happen. Ever since they'd brought it up, Hongjoong had shifted uncomfortably in his seat, tried to relax, and drink some water.
Clearly, the thought was affecting him and Seonghwa could only guess what was going on in that imaginative brain of his best friend.
He decided to try something; something that might give him an idea of just how far he could take this.
He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to whisper in your ear, not missing the way Hongjoong watched you.
"If you want that little fantasy of yours to come true, do what I say."
It was well known to Seonghwa that you were more than willing to have a threesome. He knew it early on when you started becoming intimate. Seonghwa had never given the idea much thought, mainly because he didn't want to share you with another man, nor did he want to try to focus on two women.
It had never crossed his mind, until the night of the party, that Hongjoong could enter the equation and Seonghwa found himself not hating the idea.
If he was going to share you with another man, might as well be one he trusted fully and who did he trust more than his best friend?
Only you.
Hongjoong watched with wide eyes as Seonghwa's free hand moved, gliding up your leg, past your knee and up the side of your thigh and pulled, his fingers digging into your skin as he pulled you leg up over his lap, almost so you were straddling him but not quite.
'What the fuck?' he wondered.
"S-so you mentioned you'd done a dare at the party?" Hongjoong stammered, mentally cursing when he heard his own voice break slightly. You didn't react to it but Seonghwa certainly did and the smirk the older man gave had Hongjoong’s blood boiling but not in anger. No, definitely not in anger.
"Oh," you said with a nod. "Yeah, the dare was to show everyone the last racy photo I sent Seonghwa," you said, cheeks burning under the heated gaze of your boyfriend and now your best friend.
Seonghwa glanced up at Hongjoong in time to see the darkened gaze he sent your way. It gave him an idea.
"You want to see it?" he asked, drawing both yours and Hongjoong’s attention. "W-what?" Hongjoong asked, causing Seonghwa’s smirk to grow.
He looked at you, the hand on your thigh giving your skin a light squeeze. "Show him the picture, baby," he said, his voice laced with amusement.
You hesitated for a moment before remembering what Seonghwa had said only moments ago. 'If you want that little fantasy of yours to come true, do what I say.'
You leaned forward and grabbed your clutch that lay on the table, pulling out your phone and unlocking the screen before started to scroll through your camera roll.
Hongjoong's eyes flickered from you as you searched through your phone and Seonghwa, who leaned forward to grab the bottle of soju and poured three shots. As Seonghwa grabbed his shot glass, he leaned back and you murmured something about finding 'it.'
Heart pounding, Hongjoong waited until you got up from the sofa and moved around the table to sit on the arm of the loveseat he sat on. You held out your phone and Hongjoong looked up at you before carefully taking the device from you, as if it would explode.
Hongjoong glanced at Seonghwa one last time who nodded towards the phone as if to say go on. Finally, he allowed his eyes to look down at the screen and felt his breath catch in his throat, his heart pounding even harder as his pants tightened even more.
On the screen was a picture you'd clearly taken in the mirror. It was dimly lit in the room you'd taken the picture in, no doubt your bedroom as he could see a bed, the edge of a computer desk, and the million plushies that adorned your bed.
And there you sat, kneeling with your ass resting on your heels as you faced away from the mirror. Your back was arched, giving off a perfect view of your ass.
Hongjoong could see you peeking over your shoulder but your phone was covering your face as you had snapped the photo.
You were scantily clad in a cropped white tee but the focus of the photo was quite clearly your perfect ass, a black lace thong dipping between your cheeks.
Heat rose to his cheeks as he studied the photo. His eyes were so focused on the screen that he didn't see the way Seonghwa watched him with a curious expression.
He saw the way you bit into your bottom lip as you watched Hongjoong.
He wondered what was going through your mind at that very moment. He could almost see the wheels turning.
Seonghwa cleared his throat, drawing your attention but Hongjoong’s stayed on the screen. “Can you do something for me, angel?” Seonghwa asked, knowing that specific nickname had a particular effect on you.
You nodded slowly, eyes meeting Seonghwa’s heated gaze and prompting him to smile at you sweetly.
“Take the phone from him,” he said, nodding towards Hongjoong. You reached over, lightly snatching the phone from Hongjoong and breaking the trance he seemed to be in. Seonghwa held his hand out for your phone. You stood up and walked over to hand it to him wondering what he was planning.
Seonghwa took the phone in one hand before taking your hand and pulling you down to whisper in your ear.
Hongjoong watched the way your eyes widened and you pulled back to look at your boyfriend with a shocked expression. “Are you sure?” He heard you whisper to which Seonghwa nodded, the same smile on his face as he let go of your hand and leaned back against the cushions.
Hongjoong’s eyes followed you as you walked around the table and took a seat beside him. He turned his gaze to look across the table at Seonghwa who sat back, arms resting on the back of the couch as he watched the two of you with dark eyes.
“What’s going on?” Hongjoong finally managed to ask, trying to ignore the heat of your body next to his.
The alcohol was having more of an effect on him and it made him extremely perceptive of your close proximity.
Seonghwa’s eyes turned to you quickly and nodded, seemingly encouraging you. Hongjoong tore his gaze from his friend to look at you as you leaned in, one of your hands lightly grazing his thigh as you leaned forward, lips inches from his.
“What are you doing?” He whispered, frozen under your simple touch. “It’s okay,” you simply answered. Hongjoong looked from you to Seonghwa who made no effort to move, only watched from his seat. And then it hit Hongjoong. Seonghwa had whispered something to you earlier before he told you to show the picture.
And then again just now, he’d whispered something Hongjoong couldn’t hear.
His head turned back to gaze at your face inches from his. His eyes dipped to look at your lips before looking back up to meet your eyes. “Okay,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his heartbeat thundering in his ears.
The next moment, your lips were on his and it was like a switch flipped. Hongjoong’s hands grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. He barely had time to register what he was doing before he pulled back from your kiss and immediately started apologizing. You silenced him with another kiss, your lips moving against his as your hands moved up his chest, one stopping at his shoulder while the other moved up into his hair.
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured against his lips. “I know you want this,” you added, rolling your hips and grinding against his prominent erection. Seonghwa had noticed early on but you hadn’t seen it until you were studying him while his focus was on your phone. Your boyfriend was clearly much more perceptive than you.
“What about—” Hongjoong muttered but his words were cut off by your lips back on his before you pulled back slightly. “He’s the one who suggested this,” you answered. Your lips moved against his cheek, down the side of his face as you kissed down towards his neck, stopping to nip at his skin.
Hongjoong let out a sigh, tilting his head as you teased him. His eyes landed on Seonghwa who was merely watching, a smirk on his face as he saw the effect you had on his best friend.
“You can touch her, you know,” Seonghwa said, nodding towards you. Hongjoong hesitantly let his hands move, sliding them down your waist to your hips, stilling for a moment before running his hands over your backside, gripping and pulling your hips against his, letting out a soft groan at the feeling.
Watching you grind yourself against his best friend was something Seonghwa had never even given a thought to but now that he was watching it, he was realizing how much he enjoyed watching you get worked up.
Your lips met Hongjoong’s again in a heated kiss, lips parting as your tongue entered his mouth, exploring and finding his tongue. It was messy, rushed, and very different from the way Seonghwa kissed you.
Everything your boyfriend did was precise, calculated, and measured but with Hongjoong, it was chaotic, hasty, and erratic. His hands were everywhere, lips moving against yours and tongue fighting for dominance.
It made your heart pound but it also made your panties stick to you as your arousal grew with each grind and pass of Hongjoong’s tongue over yours.
You heard Seonghwa clear his throat from behind you and broke apart from Hongjoong, turning to glance back at your boyfriend.
He was leaning forward, downing the rest of his drink and got to his feet. "I'm gonna go settle the bill," he said, walking around the table as you slid off Hongjoong's lap. Seonghwa stopped beside you, leaning down to kiss the top of your head before looking at Hongjoong.
"Finish your drinks and meet me at the elevator," he added before moving to the door, pulling it open and stepping back into the restaurant.
Hongjoong's eyes returned to your form as you giggled, fingers covering your lips as you sat there. "What the hell just happened?" Hongjoong breathed, feeling many things all at once.
"Did he really tell you to do that?" he asked, to which you nodded. "He did," you answered, scooting to the edge of the couch, grabbing a piece of sushi before getting to your feet and grabbing your clutch.
"Come on," you said thickly, covering your mouth as you swallowed the food. "He's waiting for us."
Hongjoong downed his water and got up, following you as you led the way through the restaurant, bidding goodnight to the hostesses and managed to make it out into the lobby where he could see Seonghwa waiting by the elevators.
As the two of you approached, Hongjoong felt as if this is where the fun would end but he was surprised, yet again when Seonghwa wrapped an arm around your shoulders and looked him in the eye.
“I think we should take this upstairs,” he said softly, glancing at you. Hongjoong watched as you nodded and then as both of his friends looked at him.
“Joong?” You asked sweetly, holding out your hand. “Will you join us?”
Hongjoong hesitated. They were giving him the choice to join them upstairs or leave.
The answer was obvious.
Hongjoong stepped forward, taking your outstretched hand. “I’d love to join you two,” he said with a smile.
Had Hongjoong been told he’d end up in bed with two of his best friends, he would have told the person who said it they were insane and that would never happen.
And how wrong he would have been.
As soon as the three of them left the elevator, you were on Hongjoong, lips against his, pulling at his jacket as Seonghwa unlocked the door to their hotel suite and led the way inside.
Once inside, things moved faster than Hongjoong could process.
You had him stripped of his jacket and shirt, pushed onto the bed and on top of him before Seonghwa had managed to turn on the dim hotel lamps.
“Take it easy, baby,” Seonghwa said from somewhere else in the room. Hongjoong couldn’t find him as he was too busy focusing on the way you were grinding against him. “This is all new to Joong.”
It was only a moment later that you had Hongjoong stripped, his cock in your hand as you stroked him slowly. “Shit,” he groaned, falling back on the mattress as he felt your tongue drag up the bottom of his cock, taking the head into your mouth.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, eyes fluttering shut.
He had fantasized about this, sure, but the reality was much better than his imagination.
“She’s good at that, isn’t she?” Seonghwa asked, finally sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the way you took Hongjoong into your mouth, bobbing your head and letting the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat, filling the room with lewd sounds.
“Yeah,” Hongjoong answered. “S-so good.”
Seonghwa’s smirk grew, drawing his eyes from his best friend to look towards you, reaching out to affectionately stroke your hair. “Such a good little slut,” he purred, hand stopping on the back of your head.
“I know you can take more in that pretty little mouth, though,” he added, firmly pushing your head down, forcing more of Hongjoong’s cock in your mouth.
“Breathe through your nose, baby,” he ordered as you sank down. “That’s it.”
Hongjoong let out a choked moan as his cock slid deeper, the head extending down into your throat. “Fuck!” He grunted as you gagged, throat constricting around him.
“She’s very good at taking cock,” Seonghwa praised as he held your head in place for a few seconds before letting go, allowing you to pull back and breathe in a full breath.
“I can tell,” Hongjoong said in a shaky breath.
Seonghwa stood up, moving behind you and pushing the fabric of your skirt up, revealing your lace thong. His hands smoothed over your ass before delivering a harsh smack to your left cheek, causing you to moan and your body to jolt.
“Keep going,” Seonghwa ordered. “I didn’t say you could stop.”
You let out a small giggle, pushing back against Seonghwa’s touch and earning another spank. “Don’t be a brat in front of our guest, baby,” Seonghwa said sternly.
“Or what?” You asked, challenging him. Seonghwa let out a growl and Hongjoong heard the sound of material ripping and you gasping as you tried to sit up.
Seonghwa pushed you back down. “Did I say you could get up?” He barked, causing you to whine in protest. “Do as I say or you won’t get to cum tonight.”
You whined again but obeyed, knowing full well Seonghwa would follow through with his threats.
Hongjoong let out another groan as you took him back into your mouth, tongue swirling around the tip before letting your jaw relax and sinking down on him, taking the full length into your mouth.
“Good girl,” Seonghwa whispered, his fingers toying with your cunt before pushing two inside you at once causing you to moan around Hongjoong’s cock.
“Feel free to be as rough with her as you want, Joong,” Seonghwa said as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of your wet heat, his thumb rubbing circles against your clit in time with his fingers.
“Fuck her mouth if you have to. She can be a real brat some time,” he added.
Hongjoong’s fingers combed through your hair, his hand moving to the back of your head and pushing down slightly. “Come on,” he urged. “We both know you can do better than that,” he added, his more dominant side slipping out.
You let out another moan as Seonghwa’s fingers moved faster, thrusting into you. Hongjoong forced your head down further, pushing the tip of his cock back into your throat again. “Right there,” he groaned. “Just hold it for a second for me, baby,” he added.
Seonghwa chose to ignore the use of the pet name. He’d deal with it later.
He reached up, unzipping the back of your dress and quickly undressed you.
“Scoot back,” Seonghwa ordered, looking over you to Hongjoong. “I need space behind her.”
Hongjoong moved quickly, pulling you off him and scooting back before pulling you forward carefully and guiding your head back to his cock.
Seonghwa climbed onto the bed behind you, kneeling and grabbing your hips.
“She might lose some focus but I’d rather her be fully prepared.”
Before you had a chance to reply,” Hongjoong had forced his cock back into your mouth. “Keep going,” he said in a low tone. You would have to remind yourself to get him back for his attitude later.
Seonghwa’s hands held your hips in place pressing light kisses to the backs of your thighs, biting at the skin before his tongue pressed against your clit, teasing it with light licks and flicks.
You moaned around Hongjoong’s cock as Seonghwa ate you out from behind, his tongue lapping at you, pushing into your entrance.
He could feel your thighs shake under his grip and pulled away, ignoring the way your arousal covered his lips and chin.
Wordlessly, Seonghwa got up from the bed and moved to a small bag on the desk.
Hongjoong glanced over as Seonghwa dug through the bag and returned moments later. He tossed something to Hongjoong. “You’ll need that,” he said as Hongjoong picked up the foil packet.
“Keep her busy,” Seonghwa added as he returned to his spot behind you. In his hands he held a bottle of lubricant and a…
“Is that a butt plug?”
Seonghwa glanced up at his friend before looking back to the toy in his hand with a nod. “It is,” he answered simply.
He popped the top on the bottle and dribbled a good amount of the lube onto the tip of the toy.
Snapping the bottle lid closed, he tossed it onto the bed and took one side of your hips in his hand, moving the toy to spread the lubricant against your asshole.
“Talk her through this,” Seonghwa ordered. “And you might want to take your cock out of her mouth,” he added.
Hongjoong pulled your mouth off him, pulling you up level with his face. “Just look at me,” he said, combing through your hair.
You felt Seonghwa’s hand on your hip give you a gentle squeeze.
“Relax, baby,” he said softly, waiting until he saw your muscles unclench before he started to slowly push the tip of the toy into your tight hole.
You let out a gasp at the intrusion. “Shhh, that’s it,” Seonghwa said as he stilled, waiting for you to relax again. “Keep talking to her,” he said to the younger man.
Hongjoong took your face in his hands. “You’re doing so well,” he said in a low tone, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Just relax, Y/N.”
You nodded, biting into your bottom lip as you forced your body to relax under both their touch.
Seonghwa continued pushing the toy into you until it slipped in, leaving only the flared base sticking out. He leaned over, pressing a kiss to your lower back. “Good girl,” he murmured again.
“Put that on,” Seonghwa said, nodding towards the condom he’d thrown Hongjoong earlier.
While Hongjoong fumbled with the foil packet, Seonghwa undressed, removing his shirt and pants and leaving his underwear on. He leaned over your back, his lips inches from your ear.
“You okay, angel?” He asked quietly. You nodded, turning your head to smile at him. “I’m okay, Hwa,” you said, your voice a little hoarse. Seonghwa cringed internally, but pulled you into a sweet and gentle kiss.
“You’re doing so well, baby girl,” he whispered against your lips. “Hold on for just a little while longer,” he added, making you nod again.
Seonghwa pressed another kiss to your lips. “Now get on his cock.”
You moved as quickly as you could, straddling Hongjoong’s lap and reaching down to line the head of his cock with your entrance. “She likes to be on top,” Seonghwa said, dragging his fingers up your sides and back down to hold your hips. “But don’t let her do all the work,” he added. “She likes to tease.”
With that, Seonghwa pushed you down, forcing you to take all of Hongjoong’s cock quickly and making both of you gasp out, Hongjoong from the sudden sensation of having your walls gripping him tightly and you from feeling fuller than you’ve ever felt with Hongjoong’s length buried inside your cunt and the toy in your ass.
“How does she feel, Joong?” Seonghwa asked, resting his head on your shoulder.
“So fucking good,” Hongjoong replied, moving his hands to your hips, urging you to move.
Seonghwa smirked, turning his head to whisper in your ear.
“Does it feel good, baby?” He asked, moving one hand around to your stomach. “Do you feel full?” He asked, pressing down on your stomach and causing you to moan out. “Go on,” he said softly. “Fuck yourself on his cock.”
He pulled back to watch as you rested your hands on Hongjoong’s shoulders and lifted yourself slowly, sinking back down on him. “Holy shit,” Hongjoong breathed out as you continued to move.
Seonghwa watched, keeping his eyes on where yours and Hongjoong’s bodies met, one of his hands moving to palm himself over his boxers.
"Keep going, baby," Seonghwa said, encouraging you as you moved, rolling your hips and sinking back on to Hongjoong.
Seonghwa just needed a couple more minutes before he could take the toy out of you. Just a few more.
Giving you some more time to adjust, Seonghwa took the time to remove his underwear and open the second condom, rolling it on carefully before he cautiously grabbed your hips, slowing your movements.
"Relax, baby, I'm gonna take this out now," he said softly, grabbing the base of the toy firmly and slowly easing it out. "That's a good girl," he cooed, setting the plug aside and gently rubbing his hand over the small of your back.
“Keep still,” Seonghwa said softly, kneeling behind you. Hongjoong held your hips in place, reminding you to relax and keep breathing.
“Tell me if it hurts,” Seonghwa added in a whisper, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he guided the tip of his cock to the hole that wasn’t currently being filled.
You took a deep breath as Seonghwa pushed the head of his cock into you, causing you to gasp at the sudden sharp sting. “Are you okay, Y/N?” Seonghwa asked, stilling immediately.
You nodded vigorously. “Just shocked more than anything,” you answered, the stinging being replaced with a dull pain. Anal play wasn’t new to you and Seonghwa but you’d never had his cock in your ass, just a finger or a slim toy.
“Holy shit,” Seonghwa hissed, sliding further into you and nearly groaning at how good your walls felt gripping him so tightly.
It was much different than what you were both used to.
“How are you doing, baby?” Seonghwa asked, keeping one hand firmly on your waist, the other moving around your front to gently grab your throat and pull you back against Seonghwa’s chest. “You doing alright?” he whispered in your ear, to which you nodded.
“‘M so full, Hwa,” you whined.
Your boyfriend chuckled softly, gently pushing you over onto Hongjoong who still had a firm grip on your hips.
Seonghwa tapped his friend's hands lightly. “Move them to her waist, keep her in place.”
Hongjoong did as Seonghwa instructed, taking hold of your waist, switching his hands placement with the older man who now had a tight grip on your hips.
Without another word, Seonghwa pulled out slowly only to push back in just as slowly.
He gave you a few shallow and slow thrusts, testing your limits before picking up the pace when you urged him to move faster.
As he set a steady rhythm, you let out a gasp, moaning loudly at the feeling of being so full.
You’d never felt like anything like it before. It was incredible.
With Seonghwa’s hips meeting your ass, you started to push back against his thrusts, forcing Hongjoong’s cock further into your cunt.
Hongjoong cursed under his breath, eyes fluttering shut as your walls squeezed around him but it was paired with the odd sensation of Seonghwa’s cock moving inside you from a different angle and entrance.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped, fingers digging into the sheets as Seonghwa thrust into you faster, hips hitting your ass and filling the room with the sound of skin against skin.
“You gonna cum already, baby?” Seonghwa asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“You seem to have forgotten your manners in front of our guest,” he added.
Hongjoong caught onto what Seonghwa was hinting at.
“That’s right,” he said, adding onto the older man’s thought. “Isn’t it guests first?”
“I believe you’re right,” Seonghwa said, not giving you a chance to answer, not that you could form a coherent thought anyway with both their cocks filling your holes.
“Feel free to cum any time, Joong,” Seonghwa added, slowing his hips to a roll, burying his cock inside you as far as he could. “Wait,” you panted, pushing yourself up onto your hands but Seonghwa was quick to force you back down.
“Uh-uh, angel,” he said, his hand on your back between your shoulder blades and keeping you bent over. “Let our guest finish.”
You had no time to form a sentence before you felt Hongjoong start to thrust up into you, cutting off your words with a yelp as he chased his own orgasm.
“S-shit,” you stammered, grabbing fistfuls of the bed linens. “Ah! Joong!” you whimpered, thighs shaking from the intensity of his thrusts as it drove you further and further towards your own orgasm.
“You gonna cum, Y/N?” he asked, hands gripping your waist tightly, his painted nails pressing into your skin. You nodded with another whimper, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. “Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock?”
Seonghwa wasn’t one to normally get jealous but the way Hongjoong was speaking to you stirred something inside him but he pushed it down. He’d deal with his feelings later.
Tightening his grip on your hips, Seonghwa started moving again, thrust into you from behind, purposely offset from Hongjoong’s thrusts.
Your grip on the sheets tightened, moans leaving your lips with each calculated thrust from both men.
You weren’t going to last much longer but you knew Seonghwa would punish you if you came before Hongjoong so you held on as long as you needed.
Luck was on your side as Hongjoong’s hips stuttered. “Fuck. ‘M gonna cum,” he groaned, giving you a few more thrusts before he came with a low moan, filling the condom. His hands fell to the mattress as he rode out his high, eyes shut as he basked in the feeling.
You were next to stumble over the edge, coming with a whine and taking Seonghwa with you as your walls convulsed around both cocks inside you. Seonghwa’s lips were right next to your ear, urging you to cum before his own hips slowed to a stop, coming into his condom, sinking his teeth into your shoulder and making you cry out.
To keep you from collapsing onto Hongjoong, Seonghwa held you up, pulling out of you and lifting you off Hongjoong, laying you on your side before slumping onto the mattress on the other side of you, opposite Hongjoong.
The room was silent save for the sound of the three of you trying to catch your breaths.
Hongjoong was the first to move, getting up from the bed and heading into the bathroom. He returned a moment later, stooping to grab his underwear and pants and pulling them on before he knelt down to grab Seonghwa’s underwear and hand it to the older man who thanked him.
Hongjoong walked over to the mini fridge and opened it, thankful there were bottles of water. He grabbed two and turned to find Seonghwa half dressed and carefully helping you up. “I know you’re tired, baby,” he said softly. “But you need to go to the bathroom,” he said, helping support your weight.
Hongjoong held up one of the bottles, silently communicating with Seonghwa who nodded at the side table. Hongjoong set the bottle down and opened the other, taking a large gulp of the cool liquid.
While you were preoccupied, he grabbed his shirt and pulled it back on, buttoning it up.
He was looking for his socks when you emerged from the bathroom with Seonghwa. Hongjoong tried not to smirk as you walked over to the bed on shaky legs.
Seonghwa walked over to his suitcase and returned to your side with one of his shirts, helping you put it on and then tucking you into the bed, leaning over to kiss your temple.
Hongjoong managed to find his socks and was pulling his shoes on when he heard you whine something he couldn’t make out. “There’s not enough room on the bed for all three of us to sleep baby,” Seonghwa murmured, making Hongjoong’s cheeks burn. You wanted him to stay?
“But Hwaaa~” you whined. “It’s okay,” Hongjoong interjected, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
“I got a nice big bed waiting for me back home, Y/N. I’ll be fine,” he added with a smile.
“Promise me you’ll text when you get home?” you asked, trying and failing to mask a yawn.
Hongjoong’s smile widened. “Of course.”
Seonghwa picked up his phone from the side table and tapped away on the screen.
Hongjoong leaned over your sleeping form, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “Get some sleep Y/N,” he said softly, pulling back and standing up. He knew his welcome was wearing out and it was time to go.
“I’ve ordered you a cab. We had a lot to drink earlier,” Seonghwa said as they walked to the door.
Hongjoong glanced back at your now sleeping figure. “She’ll be okay, right?” Hongjoong asked, eyes shifting to look up as his best friend who offered a genuine smile.
“Yeah. She just needs to sleep,” he replied. Hongjoong turned to open the door but hesitated. He turned back around to face Seonghwa.
“We’re cool, right?” he asked, looking up at Seonghwa. For a brief moment, Seonghwa’s facial expression was unreadable, almost as if he was thinking, before it morphed into understanding. “Yeah,” he said with another genuine smile. “We’re cool.”
Hongjoong nodded in understanding, feeling a weight lift off his chest.
“But don’t think I’ve forgotten you calling my girl ‘baby,’” Seonghwa said suddenly, narrowing his eyes at the younger man who simply smirked at his best friend.
“What, are you jealous?” Hongjoong asked, noticing the way Seonghwa’s lip twitched as if he was fighting the urge to smile before the older man spoke.
“It’s not jealousy if she’s already mine.”
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kingconia · 1 year
Leona Kingscholar. 💛
— I don't think he is a sceptical type, or that he doesn't believe in your abilities, but I do think that he is sure that he has a natural resistance towards all these things;
— Yet, you will need a plenty time to make him agree on trying it out together. Yes, he is sure that this bullshit doesn't work in him, yes, he is still paranoid a little;
— There is nothing he hates more than a possibility to be seen as weak, especially, if it you he talks about. But he can't really go against your wishes... He loves you too much.
”Well, well, Leona,” you murmur, gently stroking his smooth cheek. ”What a lovely sight.”
There is definitely something utterly special in a way Leona looks, when he is hypnotized. Unmoving, pupils wide open as he lazily blinks. Absolutely calm, too. A total cat.
”Say, Leona...”
You don't want to bother him too much, actually. Mostly because you agreed on being easy on him, but als due to trusting him enough. But there is still something that bothers you from time to time...
”Do I make you happy?”
The answer is immediate.
”I only need to become the king to be happy...” Your heart almost sinks down, when he continues: ”...Or so I used to think. Then, I met you. And I had never been happier."
His confession is too short, and his voice is very monotonous, almost lifeless. Yet, you smile as wide as you can, glancing at him warmly.
That is all you wanted to know.
Cater Diamond. ❤️
— Oh, Cater is your hyping man! Like, had you seen yourself? He is your biggest fan! And he likes watching you hypnotising other students—it is impressive. He brags about you all the time to others!
— ...But he stubbornly tries to refuse on becoming your client. And at first you didn't mind, but... This particular categorical answer of his is suspicious. So, you decide to push him a little more;
— In the end, Cater gives up. But he asks you not to film him or call anyone else. You wonder why he even thought you will.
”So, Cay-Cay,” you start, circling around Cater, hands on your hips, ”what is it that you afraid of telling me?”
You understand that it is not a fair thing to do. But Cater's attitude is, indeed, a strange one. You can't help but be slightly bothered by it.
”...I simply cannot live with understanding that you can realise what a messed up place my head is. I am pretending happy all the time, hoping that it will keep you with me, but it is so tiring. And it hurts sometimes.”
As realisation of his words slowly washes over you, you can't help but frown slightly.
Oh, Cater... Why would he do that?
”My dear,” you murmur, hugging him from the behind. ”I order you to forget everything that happened under hypnosis, when you wake up.”
You curse yourself for noticing earlier how desperately he needed some help, some support. But now, at least, you know what to do next.
Rook Hunt. 💜
— Oh, Rook is obsessing over your talent. ’Mon cher hypnotiseur, you are so amazing! It is magnificent!’ Rook is basically radiating with excitement when he sees you in the work process;
— And, of course, he asks to put him in hypnosis instantly. He is surprised, when you decline, saying that you are afraid to say something wrong to him, or to overstep your boundaries;
— He spends another week proving you that he needs to be put in hypnosis. Rook practically begs you for it. And you are too tired to disagree...
”Funny how it is the first time I see you so calm,” you huff, gently smoothing his hair down. ”Very well, Rook...”
Truth to be told, despite his a certain secrets Rook hols, he is very genuine with people and his intentions towards them. So, you don't see a need to ask if he really meant what he said to. Instead, you decide to go with question about something from his past...
”I saw your photos from the first year. When you were at Savanaclaw, you know? And you had this amazing long hair... So, I wonder, what happened to them? Why did you change your hairstyle? And what made you choose this one?”
”My hairstyle was changed by the will of Vil, of course,” you almost flinch from how unusual it is; to her Rook speaking so voidly. ”As I became the Pomefiore student, he insisted on making my hair. He assured me that he had an experience—and, of course, I trusted him. Yet, the original idea of the hair he kept in mind for me, had nothing to do with this hairstyle. Vil admitted that he was lying. It was his first time cutting someone's hair. He was very embarrassed, but I accepted his gift avec plaisir.”
As he finishes, your laughter fills the room. Oh, now you are doing to annoy Vil by mentioning this story so much.
Silver Vanrouge. 💚
— This boy had seen too much things in the Valley of Thorns to be surprised by your talent, but, he still thinks it is impressive that you can do things like that;
— Easily agrees on your propose to put him in hypnosis as well. He is quite chill about it, and even mentions that you has his permission on everything;
— But you still take additional permission from Lilia to do that...
”Damn, you are so cute,” you pinch his cheeks affectionately, smooching him on the forehead. Not like you can't do it, when he is in normal state, but... ”Hm... How you started calling Lilia ’father’?
Silver looks so drowsy, even while being hypnotized, that you can't help but hug him, allowing to rest against you peacefully.
”I don't have memories of that exact moment. I was a child. But according to father and Malleus, my first word was ”father”. As I said that, I was tugging Lilia's ponytail. Malleus says father bursted in tears, when he heard me calling him like that for the first time, but father doesn't comment it.”
Your lips curl in a gentle smile. How charming.
”That's so sweet...” You ponder a little, before ordering him something else. ”Kiss me on the cheek. And after that, you will wake up.”
As you feel his lips softly touching your skin, you hum approvingly.
What a wonderful idea of the date...
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Being Funny In A Foreign Language
Chapter 9- “I Know A Place…”
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A/N: the penultimate chapter. I hope you like it but let me know what you think either way.
Warnings: mostly smut I think. Scenes strung together with a loose thread of plot. Some mentions of mental illness but nothing too detailed?
“What do you mean?” Matty frowned, stepping aside to let her into the room.
“What happened to your guitar, Matty? I haven’t seen you play it in a while.” She crossed her arms as she spoke.
He could tell that her tone was accusatory. Clearly, she must know something. But unless he can somehow find out what she knows, he has no idea how to respond.
“To be fair….” He turned around, not wanting to look her in the eyes as he lies to her. “I haven’t played that thing onstage in— fuck, maybe seven years now!” He walked into the living room space and Amelia followed closely behind.
“Yeah, but you always have it around. When you’re writing, when you’re doing work for other people…you always inevitably circle back to it.”
Ordinarily, Matty would feel touched and excited by how well she knew him, but at the moment, their intimacy made it difficult to lie to her. His efforts to deflect were not yielding the results that he’d hoped for. He began to pace nervously around the room. “What’s this ab-bout, anyway?” his voice cracked, momentarily, but he regained control of the calm pretense. “ Do you, like, need a guitar? I could recommend a few instruments if you tell me what you need it for.”
“Oh for fucks sakes!” Amelia sighed, looking up at the ceiling in frustration. She couldn’t believe the nerve on him. The fact that he was willing to feign ignorance disappointed her. But she wasn’t sure if the she was disappointed in him for trying to lie, or in herself for thinking that he wouldn’t. “why’d you give it up?” She asked, bluntly. “Why did you give that guitar to Marcus Fontana? And why’d you keep it from me? Why wouldn’t you tell me about it?”
Oh, fuck. He hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I- erm, he- wanted it. And…I wanted something from him. Seemed like a f- fair trade?” That was the truth. As vaguely put as possible. But still truthful.
“You gave it up to get Joshua and I into the event, didnt you?” Amelia was overcome with emotion as she spoke. “Don’t lie to me, Matty. I already know.” She paused, on the verge of tears, taking deep breaths. “He mentioned something about it when we saw him. I knew right away, but….it seemed impossible. Too grand a gesture. You love that thing more than you love some real people that you know in your personal life. You wouldn’t just do that for a stupid exhibit.” She shook her head, as if objecting to what he’d done. “But, I just talked to Joshua. You did do it, didn’t you? You gave your guitar up for-“
“For you.”
The words slipped out of his mouth before he could think to stop himself. And now that they were out there, he felt immediately terrified. The silence scared him more than anything. The longer it went on, the more significant and dramatic his confession became. He needed to say something. Anything at all to make this moment pass.
“Is that what you came here to hear me say? That I gave it up for you? Fucks sakes! Alright. I gave it up for you. I- I- I gave up my guitar, one of a handful of my prized material possessions, so that you could go to this thing that you were dying to go to. So that you could have the experience, and meet the artists, and see the art that you have always loved and wanted to be in the presence of. There! I’ve said it. Happy now?”
Matty felt his legs begin to shake as he stood there, so he resumed his pacing to hide the fact that his knees were barely holding him up.
“What’d you mean why?” He stopped again? in the middle of the room, turning to look at her with furrowed brows. A look that she was more than familiar with. Usually, it’s the look he would have on his face right before calling something, or someone, ‘stupid’ or ‘a fuckin dickhead.’ “‘Why?’” He scoffed. “Because I love you, Amelia.”
“Because I fuckin love you. I’m in love with you and I would do anything for you. To see you smile. To know that you’re-“
“No, no. Stop.” Amelia shook her head repeatedly as he spoke. “No, no, no. Stop….stop it. Just- stop talking!”
Of all the ways that Matty has fantasized about confessing how he feels, the many scenarios that he ran in his head time and time again, he never once imagined her response to be “no.” It seemed improvable at the time. Now that it was happening, it felt like a huge oversight.
“You don’t love me!” She yelled, her eyes welling up with tears. “You don’t. Surely, you don’t. Surely you haven’t….felt that way about me and kept it from me. Letting me date other people. Letting me think that- that how I felt about you was unreciprocated, something that I needed to get over to save our friendship.”
Matty took a few steps towards her. “Amelia, it’s not like that at all-“
“Isn’t it? Really? Since- since when?” She stepped back the closer that he got to her.
“Since when? How long have you felt this way?”
“Does it really matter? Love isn’t….its not something you can measure-“
“You’re not going to Matty your way out of this one. So just- just stop. Answer me. How long?”
“I- don’t know.” He shrugged. “It’s not like I can pinpoint a moment where I went from liking you as a friend to-“
Her eye rolls told him that he’d be better off not finished that thought. He considered her question a moment, in a genuine attempt to respond.
“Since we first slept together.”
“That’s was…” she paused, trying to count the time in her head.
Matty, of course, already knew the answer. “Ten months and two weeks.” He stated.
The confirmation overwhelmed her. Tears finally spilled from her eyes. This was vindication. This was proof, that this whole time, it wasn’t all in her head. The subtle touches, catches in his voice, the way he looked at her sometimes, whenever he thought she wasn’t looking, these ephemeral, impossible things that had, up until Matty, only existed in romance novels; they were all real. She wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t projecting her own unrequited love for him onto their interactions. But this was also frustration. Betrayal. The worst lie of omission.
“So you lied to me.” She shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. “You- you lied to me and you humiliated me. When I told you I loved you….you did every thing that you could to make it clear I was a hysterical hormonal little girl. Orgasm-drunk and confusing lust for love. I literally asked you to look into my eyes and tell me the truth and you lied through your teeth.”
Matty was shocked by the conversation that he found himself having. Was this a nightmare? How does him finally telling her how he feels turn into this. “No, no, no! I didn’t lie! I-“
“Even after you did all that…” she laughed in disbelief, “I came crawling back to you. I, I fell for it all over again. The whole ‘we’re just friends who sleep together’ act. Fuck- I’m such an idiot.”
“There was no crawling! You’re not an idiot!”
“Oh yes there was. There was. I was going to break up with Joshua for you. I told you I’d do it and you said no. And it’s my fault for letting you.”
Matty lunged forward placing his hands on her shoulders, looking into her tearful eyes. “Amelia,
Listen to me-“
“Don’t touch me!” She backed away, out of his grasp. “You claim you love me. I can’t believe you’d do this to me.” She placed her hand on the door knob. Looking back at him, unable to recognize the person standing in front of her. “You let me go on believing things that weren’t true. Every moment that we’ve spent together as friends, you were feeling something else. Was any of it ever genuine or ….”
“Amelia, wait. Please don’t leave. Stay. Let me explain!”
“Save your breath.” She turned around, opened the door, and walked out without looking back.
Amelia swiped her keycard, her hotel room door blinked a green light, indicating that she’d successfully unlocked it. She wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and remain there for the rest of her life. In fact, with tear stains still on her cheeks, she was mentally drafting the contents of the text that she was going to send Tobias and Patricia to let them know that she wouldn’t be joining them for work today.
“Oh my god, Joshua!” She yelped, nearly startled as she walked into the room.
“Oh, shit. Sorry, I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.” He said, zipping up one of his suitcases.
“Wait, what?”
“I didn’t wanna make this awkward. I was counting on you being with Matty right now. Thought I’d pack and leave while you were out.”
“No, no! Don’t be ridiculous. You stay. I’ll get a different room.”
“You don’t have to do that. It’s okay. I’ve already started packing.”
She walked over to him, placing her hand over his to stop him. “Please. It’s the least I can do.”
Joshua never could say no to her. Relenting, he smiled and nodded. “Fair enough. You did cheat on me.” He couldn’t help himself. “Sorry. Regretted that as soon as I heard myself say it. I’ll ummm….find a flight out soon. Just need a couple of days to get my shit together.”
Amelia looked down at her shoes.
“ I know I have no right to say this, but, I’m gonna miss you.”
Joshua chuckled. “No you won’t. You and Matty will get so wrapped up in each other that you’ll forget about my existence as soon as I’m outta here” he walked over to the coffee station and poured some water into the coffee machine.“Which is how it should’ve been in the first place. What are you doing back here, anyway? Why aren’t you gazing into Matty’s eyes right now?”
Amelia sat at the edge of the bed that they once shared, her head hanging low. “Not sure I wanna gaze into his eyes ever again.” She mumbled, just clearly enough for Joshua to hear.
“What? You’ve gotta be kidding me!”
“Joshua, please-“
“Woman! We broke up so you could ride off into the sunset with him. Not- not whatever this is!” He threw his hands up in the air in frustrated. “I swear to god…..”
“He lied to me, Joshua! He- I can’t trust him. He kept things from me. He had every chance to tell me. Every time that we were alone he could’ve brought it up and he chose not to. That’s not the behavior of someone who wants to be with me.”
“Yeah, I won’t comment on the cheating cuz….what I have to say is unkind. But, I swear on my nana’s life, Amelia, if you let this man go one more time…”
Amelia laughed. “Don’t bring your nana into this!”
“I’ve seen the way that he looks at you. I tried to write it off, ignore it, pretend it wasn’t there, but I know what I saw. Matty Healy loves you so much that he- well, he made friends with me! Helped me surprise you! Just between you and me, Amelia? I’m not sure that I would’ve done the same if I were him.” Joshua smiled. “Then again he WAS fucking you this entire time so I don’t know maybe he just pitied me.”
Amelia thought back to every moment that she and Matty had spent together recently. His declaration of love now painted them in different colors. Every time that he begged for her to hold his hand as she hurt him. Any time that he freely gave her control, insisting that he wanted whatever she wanted. That he would try anything she wanted him to try and put himself
Through whatever she wanted to inflict upon him. Any time that he would seemingly gain new life whenever she called him a good boy or praised him in any way. And all the times that he would ache in desperation for that praise, send himself into a frenzy, if she withheld any words. Bend over backwards trying to earn her approval. All of it felt so different now. It felt familiar because she’d experienced all of it herself. She knew what it was like to feel what he’d felt. After all، that’s how she’d felt with him. Back when they first started their undefined sexual relationship.
“Hear the man out” Joshua spoke again, redirecting her attention. “You owe it to yourself. Maybe you’re upset with him. Maybe you don’t trust him, or whatever. But you love him. So, at least give it a real shot. That way, if you decide you don’t want him anymore, you’ll at least know you tried. You won’t wonder for the rest of your life. And you won’t date other men while secretly sneaking into his bed at night.”
Amelia’s face felt red with shame. “And I’m so, so sorry about that. I- will apologize to you for the rest of my life, really.”
Joshua poured himself a cup of coffee. Then poured some for her as well.
“You owe me this, Amelia.”
“Excuse me?”
“After what you’ve done to me. I’m invested now. You can’t let my broken heart be for nothing.“ he smiled, playfully. “What? Too soon? I’m trying to be the bigger person here.”
Amelia let herself fall back on the bed, grabbing a pillow and covering her face with it, she groaned loudly.
Adam pressed the “pause” button, feeling his knees wobble as he stood up for the first time, in, longer than he’d care to admit. He answered the door to a stoned Matty, eyes bloodshot, pacing nervously by the door, biting on his fingernails.
“Can I- erm, I can’t sleep.” He looked down at the floor, feeling stupid for coming here. “Could I hang out here for a bit?”
Adam nodded, placing a hand on his friend’s back as he walked into the room.
“You hungry?”
Matty didn’t seem to hear him, immediately drawn to the video game on the screen. “Is this new?”
“Yeah, yeah. Picked it up the other day in New York.” Adam decided he was going to share his snack, anyway. “Matty! Stop fucking with - don’t! No!!! You’ll ruin my high score. You’ve no idea how long it’s taken me to get here!”
“I have some idea.” Matty pointed towards the circle of crumpled candy wrappers and empty bottles that had accumulated around Adam’s seat.
Silently, Adam walked over to his backpack and produced an extra controller, plugging it in and sitting by Matty’s side.
“no word from Amelia, still?” He asked, carefully, as if treading on ice.
Adam waited to see if he’d elaborate. But the terse response was his cue to restart the game. He knew Matty well enough to know that if he wanted to talk about it, he’d say more.
“Amelia, please! We should talk.” Matty trailed after her as she moved from room to room backstage, giving a helping hand wherever needed. Not that it was her job to do so. They had crew members for that. But she needed to busy herself with something, anything at all, to avoid a conversation with Matty.
“I miss you.” He stated simply and concisely.
“Matty, please,” she stopped in her tracks, her back still towards him, “don’t do this.”
“I’m not doing anything. I wanna talk.”
“Not right now. Im busy.”
Before he could object, Ross and Adam rushed over, “c’mon mate we’re gonna be late!”
Matty heard them but refused to budge for a moment. Hoping that the urgency of time might compel her to soften. She just looked at Adam and Ross apologetically. Reluctantly, he allowed his friends to push him in the direction of the stage, but his eyes remained on Amelia until he could no longer see her.
The restaurant lights felt too harsh on his tired eyes so he put his sunglasses on inside as he walked in. They only shielded his vision for a few moments though. Soon enough, he saw his reflection in a mirror on the wall and he decided that he looked too much like a rockstar, so the glasses had to go.
The hostess walked him over to the table where his party had already arrived. Ross, Jamie, George, Charli, Adam, Carly, and a few friends of friends who happened to all be in the same city at the same time, and, of course, Amelia.
The whole night felt like an out of body experience. Perhaps being hungover from the previous night was already a bad start. But Matty had ended up next to Carly, putting him directly across the table from Amelia, with a perfect view of her every move. he spent his night alternating between glancing over at Amelia, wishing that she’d look in his direction or that he would at least get a hint of how she night be feeling , and asking Carly about things back home, the baby, and catching her up on some tour highlights. By the end of the night, he was exhausted and disoriented. He felt embarrassed for even entertaining the idea of sticking around, waiting to see if she would approach him. But, if he was being honest with himself, he wouldn’t bare it if he did stay behind only for her to walk past right past him, without acknowledgement. so, after dinner, he excused himself and rushed back to the hotel, crawling into bed instantly.
Yet, once again, he found it impossible to fall asleep.
It had been several nights since Amelia stopped coming by and getting into bed with him. He’d grown accustomed to having her there. He missed the smell of her hair right up against his nose as they desperately pressed their bodies together, the feeling of her arms around him helping to soothe him to sleep. Who would’ve thought that he’d see more of her when she was in a relationship than when she’d finally broken up with Joshua.
He entertained the option of drinking again. But the very notion felt pathetic. So, he ended up in George’s room. Asleep on the floor long after he should’ve gone to sleep.
Tobias, Patricia, and Amelia’s eyes were glued to the door, impatiently waiting for Matty’s arrival. It had been too long. Tobias has already shuffled and reshuffled the papers that were in front of him several times. Patricia clicked her retractable pen rhythmically and tapped her fingers against the table. Even refilled everyone’s coffee as they waited. Amelia, on the other hand, dreaded seeing him.
To everyone’s surprise (and Amelia’s relief) when the doors burst open, it was George who appeared in front of them.
“Matty’s…well, he’s asleep. I- think he needs it, so I’ve turned off his alarm. I’ll fill in for him.”
Their check-in was cut short, only going over the essentials to make sure the stage building would be ready by the time that they needed it to, and confirming with everyone that the now well-oiled, machine-like system that they’d developed after a year and a half of this tour was going according to plan.
“George? Umm….How’s he doing?” Amelia asked as they made their way to the exit.
“As well as can be expected of someone who has confessed their love for their close friend of many years only to have their heart crushed, stomped on, and shredded.”
“That’s not fair.” Amelia felt like her own heart was being shredded.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” George smiled softly. “He’s….don’t worry about him. We’ve got him. he’s rotating between each of our rooms every night, so we’re keeping an eye on him.”
Amelia nodded. “Good, good.”
“Can I just ask, just between us, what the fuck are you doing?” Once again, George had let his tongue go.
“Pardon me?”
“He told you that he loves you. Do you have any idea how much work that took him?”
Amelia rolled her eyes. “Of course you’d say that. You’re on his side!” She sighed. “I need time, George.”
“Time for what? The two of you have been obsessed with each other since- since- for as long as I can remember.”
“It shouldnt be work. Telling someone that you love them. It isn’t supposed to be this hard, don’t you think? Besides, he- he lied to me, George! He kept things from me. He made decisions for me. Assumed what’s best for me and what relationship I want to be in, and reached the conclusion that I wouldn’t want to be with him, all on his own. Without ever mentioning it to me. Do you really think that’s a good start to a relationship?”
“Has it ever occurred to you that those decisions he made, though misguided, have more to do with how he feels about himself than how he feels about you? Look- this conversation doesn’t make any sense. You should be having it with him. Not me.”
“I’m trying. But he has this….effect on me. I don’t know how to say no to him.”
“Then don’t. Say yes to him. Or for fucks sakes put him out of his misery.”
Amelia shrugged in defeat. “So, like, kill him? Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?…sorry. I was just making a joke.”
Amelia watched from the side of the stage as Matty held up the tech workers by hogging one of the machines. He wriggled cords, pressed buttons, and turned dials on the soundboard with a deep confused look on his face. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck me. Fuckin hell.”
“Matty?” She hovered over his shoulder and he crouched down to check the wires that he’d already check on seconds ago. “What’s going on?”
“I can’t get this thing to work!” He jammed it into the outlet.
“Oh, I’ll …go get George.”
“No! Don’t do that!” He caught himself being a tad too angry and paused, deliberately adjusting his tone. “I’m…trying something. He won’t like me messing about. Ruining his….psychotic ‘system’ that he’s so protective of.”
She laughed, in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Well, maybe I can help?”
“You can’t. It’s- too complicated. You wouldn’t understand.”
She scoffed. “Yeah, right. Cuz I’m a certified idiot.” She turned around. “My bad. Won’t try to be helpful again.”
“Wait, what? Amelia! That’s not what I meant!”
“Fuck off.” She yelled out as she made her way out of the room.
Amelia set her book, face down, onto the duvet slowly, careful not to make any noise. She hadn’t ordered any room service, or contacted the front desk to send anything up to her room. She checked her phone for any texts or missed calls from anyone who might have tried to reach her through other means first, but nothing came up. This is why she hates being a woman, traveling solo, in strange places with dubious door locks.
She tiptoed over to the door, taking a peek. Shaking her head and cursing under her breath, she opened the door.
“Matty, what’re you doing here?”
He leaned against the doorframe. “Full disclosure: I’m a little bit buzzed right now. Not like off my tits or anything. But I’ve had a couple of drinks. if you send me away, I’ll understand.”
“Come in and be quiet. It’s late.” As always, she never could say no to him.
“I- I just wanted to come over here and say I’m sorry. I can’t stand the thought of you being angry at me. It makes me sick to my stomach. I can’t sleep at night. I feel so- I don’t even know.” He shrugged, feeling suddenly helpless after making a dramatic entrance. His confidence was deflating as he looked into her eyes. He took a few hesitant steps, and, to his surprise, she didn’t back away.
“What I’m about to say…. I probably wouldn’t say completely sober,” he stepped even closer, more confidently now. “but- I think- the fact that you’re upset with me means that you love me, too. You love me, still. If you’d moved on by now, this wouldn’t be so difficult. You’d just….gently let me down and we’d move on.”
Amelia felt tears prickling her eyes.
“I get it. I’m a dickhead. I just wanted to be perfect for you. I wanted to wait until things were perfect. Not while I’m in the middle of a public crucifixion. I- I’ve ruined everyone who’s been associated with me. I mean, you’ve seen the Charli and Rina nonsense. And Jack, and..people I haven’t spoken to in ages….im on this insane tour where I try to mother a naked body double of myself onstage every night for some reason.” He giggled at his own words. “And- well, you know my state of mind. I just didn’t want you getting caught up in all that. I didn’t want to bring you down with me. I promise I wasn’t trying to hide things from you or make you choices for you. I- I just wanted to spare you the burden of…well, me.”
He looked her directly in the eyes, gently holding her by the shoulders. “I love you, Amelia. Forgive me?” He whispered, wiping a stray tear away with the pad of his finger. “Yeah? Say you forgive me please?” He dipped his head down, his nose brushing against hers. “Love me? Please?”
He kissed her lips. Her eyes fluttered shut, leaning into him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His kissing grew desperate, whining and moaning into her mouth. She bit his lower lip, her hands roaming the hair on the back of his head.
He pulled away, regretful that his lungs couldn’t hold out even longer, and smiled against her lips.
“So, does this mean.. that I’m forgiven?”
Instead of responding, Amelia pulled him into her bed. She leaned further back the more that he inched closer, kissing her once more, until she was lying flat on her back and he was hovering over her.
Their clothes quickly discarded in a heap by the foot of the bed, Matty kissed up and down her body, hungrily, his breath hot against her skin, as he whispered “I love you” and “I’ve missed you” over and over like a prayer. His fingers ran down her sides, raising goosebumps all over her skin, his hands would find her breasts as he kissed below her stomach, and grab her hips as he kissed her neck, she was a mess by time that he’d dipped below her waist.
“May I please taste you?” He asked, softly, glancing up at her through his eyelashes.
“God, what’re you waiting for?” She pushed his face down between her legs, perhaps a little too aggressively. Matty’s chuckle was muffled by her skin, she felt the air of his breath in her core and throughout her whole body.
“Oh- fuck- that’s…so good.” She sighed, her eyes closed, a smile on her face.
Matty made quick work of sucking and licking into her, just the way that he knew she liked. Her body jumped abruptly when she felt his mouth on her clit, moaning unabashedly.
The wet sounds that his mouth made of her cunt, coupled with her moaning and whining, made Matty lightheaded with arousal. His own hips pushed instinctively into the bed as he attempted to steady hers.
Amelia tapped his shoulder when he didn’t seem to hear her. “Matty, honey?” She paused to admire the blissful look in his eyes and the glistening of his face. He was growing more eager to please her by the second, losing all sense of himself, sinking into submission.
“I- umm…need you inside me. Can’t wait any longer.”
Still panting, Matty nodded and propped himself up quickly, anxious to do as she says.
“Oh. Erm….condom.” He whispered, looking around for his discarded jeans.
“Check the nightstand, baby. It’s closer anyway.”
Matty fumbled and slipped in his attempt to slide over to the side of the bed, his entire body shaking and anxious. Amelia giggled at the mess that he’d been reduced to.
“You stay put, I’ll get it.”
“I can do -“
“Don’t you dare move okay?”
She handed him the packet, noticing that his receiving hand was trembling, she scanned his face carefully for a moment. “It’s okay. I’ll do it.”
“Sorry.” His cheeks turned read as he watched her roll it onto him.
“Nothing to be sorry about.”
It always amazed her how their bodies responded differently. For Amelia, being with Matty was freeing because it felt safe, steady, the unpredictability never worried her because at the forefront of her mind was the fact that, no matter what happened next, it was never going to hurt her. Matty’s desire, on the other hand, was different. Intense, wild, almost frenetic.
She clutched the duvet with her fists as he pushed into her, watching him throw his head back and groan in pleasure. All the anticipation that had him shaking had now come to a head. His body overwhelmed with stimulation from
Head to toe he remained perfectly still for a moment.
“Fuck…you’re so-“ his words dissolved into a gasp of pleasure feeling her stretch around him. “Tight.” He finally let out, smiling.
“Perfect for me.”
She’d forgotten just how perfectly their bodies fit together, how precise the movement of his hips could be, how well he’d knew her movements and preferences. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her chest and feeling the weight of his body on top of hers.
Matty buried his face in the space between her neck and her shoulder, moaning and whining into her ear as his hips rolled against hers. The sound of his voice and the shockwaves of pleasure overtook her.
“M-matty, I’m gonna cum.”
The words were barely out of her mouth before he felt her clench around him, her body straining against the weight of his.
His own pleasure followed closely after, feeling her cum all over his cock was just enough to tip him over the edge.
“May I-“
“Yes, go on, Matty. Cum for me.”
His face in the crook of her neck, she felt his thrusts grow harder, less intentional, he moaned out her name as he let go.
They both almost fell asleep in the perfect stillness, basking in bliss. It was a long time before either one of them made a move. It was Matty lazily turning his head to kiss her neck.
She smiled at the gesture, wrapping her arms around him.
“So, I think we have a lot to figure out now.” She mused.
Matty lifted his head ever so slightly to look at her. “Wanna figure it out over some dinner?”
She chuckled, her chest rising and falling under his. “I don’t think this conversation is the kind you wrap up over dinner. Unless you’re planning a very long feast. Which doesn’t sound too bad actually. I’m starving.”
“No, I know. But, we can start it over dinner. No rush, right?”
“Give me your phone.”
Matty blinked rapidly, looking down at Amelia’s open palm. she, on the other hand, stared right at him with an unwavering gaze. “Hand it over, Healy.”
“No.” He enunciated dramatically, trying, and failing, to his the grin on his face.
“What did you just say to me?”
Matty giggled, his sweet, melodic laugh almost wearing Amelia down. “Let me see, hmm….i believe I said ‘No.’”
“Alright, you leave me no choice. If I count to three and your phone isn’t in my hand, I’m gonna make sure you can’t take your shirt off and slut around onstage for the rest of the tour without the entire world seeing what I’ve done to your body.”
Amelia’s words sent a thrill through him, but he was adamant on winning this round. “That…sounds kinda hot, actually.”
Amelia burst into laughter. The sound of her voice always made him happy, even if he was rather confused at the moment.
“What? What’re you laughing about? Oi! Knock it off!”
“Sorry; sorry. I was just picturing the look on Jamie’s face when you took off your shirt and revealed big, bright red marks all over your chest and back.”
Matty rolled his eyes, groaning dramatically. “Fuckin hell….fine, fine. You can have my phone. Delete whatever you like, I’ll just download the app all again tomorrow.”
“Bitch, please. Do you think I was born yesterday?”
Amelia unironically calling him ‘bitch’ amused him endlessly. “What- did you just call me?”
He asked in between giggles, but she was too engrossed in her work.
“Alright. So, I’ve changed your Twitter password. Now I’m going to delete the app. On to Instagram….”
“Fuckin hate you.”
“You love me.”
“I do.” He admitted without a fight.
“It’s for your own good, you know. Alright, I’m done with Instagram. Now, I’ll change your Apple ID Password.”
Matty plopped down on the bed dramatically. Whining and kicking his feet. “You’re no fun! What if I want memes! Hmm? What then?”
“Use google.”
“What am I? a hundred years old?” He sat up quickly, offended by her suggestion.
“Here.” She handed him his phone back. “Don’t worry. I’ll text you memes every day. Unless of course I found out that you’ve been googling yourself.”
The petulant act crumbled away as soon as Matty’s eyes met hers. He smiled instinctually, already forgetting what it was that he was complaining about moments prior. He leaned in, kissing her lips, his eyelashes tickling her skin.
“Thank you. I know you’re trying to help.”
Matty’s naked body was drenched in sweat, his lips swollen, his thighs shaking almost as hard as the vibrator that Amelia had strapped to one of them.
“A-Amelia? I’m- ohhh… I’m dizzy.” He pulled against his restraints, too weak to even make them rattle.
“It’s cuz you’re so desperate.” She smirked.
“Please? I- I don’t know how much more I can take….feel like I’m on the edge of- of-“ he exhaled a puff of hot air “passing out.”
“That’s fine by me.”
“Fuck! Wh- what?”
His shock amused her. “Tell you what, let’s make a deal.”
“A-anything you want just please let me cum.”
“You’ve got two options. You get to cum right now-“
“Yes, yes! I choose that one, yes- let’s do that one!”
Amelia chuckled, “hold on let me finish. Hear me out.” She sat down on the bed to be at eye level with him. “You can either cum right now BUT then I won’t touch you for a whole week. ORRRR…you get another ruined orgasm and we carry on as usual.”
“What? Jesus fuckin Christ! Why?! Why- why won’t you touch me?”
She shrugged. “Which option do you want?”
Matty stared blankly ahead, more sweat pouring down his body, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He felt the pleasure that he’d been warding off for ages rise up again. His legs trembling.
“Co-could you- erm- turn it off so- I can think for a bit? Please?”
“Nope. You gotta think with the vibrator on you.”
He let out a pathetic whine.
“So…if I cum, you won’t touch me for a week…does that mean-“
She took mercy on him and finished his thought for him, “it means no sex, no hugs, no hand-holding. No physical contact of any sort.”
“No- no cuddles?” His eyes widened.
She laughed, taken off guard by his surprisingly endearing concern. “No cuddles.”
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, attempting to scrape some focus together to weigh his options. “If- if I let you ruin my orgasm- when- uhh” he paused, his eyebrows shooting up, “oh god. I…think I’m gonna-“ he swallowed whatever moisture had remained in his mouth, his lips sticking together.
“If you choose a ruined orgasm nothing changes. Might let you cum tonight. Or it might be next week. Or next month. We just carry on with what we’re doing.”
“Oh god. I can’t! I can’t choose! You choose for me!”
She watched his stomach tighten as he did his best to repress his pleasure. “What’s the fun in that?”
He attempted to smile but his confused state of mind and loss of control over his body made it difficult.
“Okay…okay. I - I choose- no orgasm. Don’t wanna cum. Ruin it if you want. Or- or keep edging me. I won’t cum. Promise.”
“Awe, really?” She rushed over to him and pulled his dangling head back so they could lock eyes. “Are you sure about that? You look ready to give up.”
“I’m sure. No orgasm.”
He felt high on the sensation of her hand cupping his face and was never more certain of a choice in his life. He’d never willingly give up a week of that.
Amelia reached over and untied his left wrist, helping to bring his hand down to his lap.
“Here’s the best bit,” she smiled. “You get to ruin your own orgasm.”
“Beg your fuckin pardon?”
There he was. Defiant and dramatic as ever. The matty that she knew was still in there. She giggled.
“Mhm. You heard me. Whenever you’re ready. You take away your own pleasure.” She stepped back. To give him space and to get a full view.
“Why? Can’t it just be you? Please?”
“I wanna see if you’d have the guts to do it.”
He thought about her words for a second, responding with a weak and small voice “ I’d do anything for you.” He resigned himself to his fate and brought his hand down to the bottom of the vibrator. His shaky fingers circling the control buttons to make out which button was the one he was going to need. “G-gonna, Erm- count out loud. For you.”
She nodded.
Matty counted slowly, breathlessly, on the count of 3, he let go, getting ready to cum, and just as his body began to relax, he turned the toy off, the vibrations stopping abruptly.
He screamed in pain his hips reflexively thrusting forward, chasing the nonexistent stimulation. His cock twitching involuntarily, his own cum hitting his face.
“Fuck! Ow! Hurrrtsss so- much” a high pitched whimper left his lips. His hard cock, sensitive, twitched slightly. He fought the sting of tears in his eyes.
Amelia attempted to act calm about it, but a piece of her hated seeing him in so much pain. Even when it was pain that he’d agreed to and that she enjoyed. She rushed over to him, too quickly and worriedly for someone who was meant to revel in putting him through this.
“Hey, Matty…” she spoke softly, hesitantly approaching the bed, unsure if he wanted her close or if he needed a minute.
“I- did it.” Matty whispered, his voice slightly strained from his earlier crying.
She was relieved to hear him, hurrying to kiss his lips. “You did it. You did so fuckin well.”
“Yeah? I was good?”
“You were the best!”
He sighed, relieved. “Okay. Good. Cuz I’m quite competitive.”
Amelia laughed silently, shaking her head at him.
“Right. Let’s untie you here…” she reached over to undo his right wrist, and then his ankles.
“Are we finished?” Matty asked with a soft tone that almost melted her heart.
“I think that’s enough for tonight. You’re drained.”
Amelia and Matty sat side by side, his spinning head resting on her shoulder. Every once in a while, she would nudge him and bring a water bottle to his lips, urging him to take a sip and replenish the fluid that he’d lost. He lacked the energy to express his gratitude but Amelia knew he was thankful anyway. He didn’t need to say anything.
“Matty? Can I ask - I mean… you were on the verge of busting like a few times tonight. Why- why didn’t you choose that option?”
“You don’t think I wanted to?” He laughed.
“Well, why didn’t you? I gave you the chance.”
“Didn’t wanna go without your touch for a whole fuckin week.” He stated simply as if it was the most obvious truth.
“Dirty boy.”
He smiled. “Nah, I don’t mean that sexually. I mean this…right now. Just…being able to touch you and feel you touch me.” He nuzzled into her.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Amelia.” His heart nearly jumped out of his body hearing himself say those words. “But…erm…Sexually is nice too, don’t get me wrong…”
Matty ran across the airport terminal, his backpack bouncing along, weighing him down. His feet doubled their speed as he got closer and closer to catching up with her. Finally, he tapped her shoulder, quickly intertwining their hands together.
Amelia jumped, startled. She turned around to find Matty’s hand in hers, his other hand offering her a bouquet of flowers.
“Are those for me? When did you-“
“Flower shop over there.” He kissed her cheek, his arm reaching over to take her suitcase.
“Thank you…wow. What’s the occasion?”
Matty shrugged. “Dunno. Saw a family buying some for…I presume someone that they’re picking up or whatever. Figured why not. You deserve flowers too.”
“That’s sweet of you, Matty. Did you have a good flight?” She squeezed his hand.
“Would’ve been better if you’d sat next to me.”
“I…know. But I figured you have a hard time with flights and….i don’t know. Maybe you’d want some space. Hann always seems to know what to do when you’re overwhelmed.”
Matty nodded. “It was good to hang out with the boys, yeah. But I wouldn’t have minded having you there. Did you have a good flight?”
“Perfect. Had dinner and a drink, put on a face mask, went right to sleep.”
Matty’s eyebrows shot up. “You and I handle travel very differently.”
“Remind me again why we’re doing this?” Amelia stood over him, lighting the candles one by one and gleefully watching him squirm.
“I- fucked up.” He winced in anticipation of anything happening to his bare chest.
“Be more specific.” She clicked her tongue.
“I’ve been ignoring all the rules. For over a week. I haven’t…really had a good nights sleep or a proper meal in ages.”
“And I warned you.” Amelia felt her frustration regain its power as she thought about his recently actions.
“I’m sorry.”
She smiled. “You’re not. But you’re about to be.”
Matty whined, squeezing his eyes shut.
Molten wax pooled in the middle of the candle, Amelia tilted it, holding it over Matty’s chest and watching the liquid tip over the edge and drip down onto his skin.
“Oh FUCK!” He hissed, his body jumping at the sensation.
“Eh. That wasn’t too bad. I should do it over your nipples now.”
“What- no! Please- OH MY- fuckkkk. That HURTS!” He yelled.
“Breathe, Matty, breathe. Open your eyes. Look at me…. There you are. Prettiest boy. Listen, you know you can tap out, right?”
He nodded, his pained expression relaxing gradually.
“Okay. Just checking. Now, gotta do it to your other nipple.”
“Christ! That- is-“ he gasped, his body shuddering in pain.
The more his tolerance built up, the more aggressive Amelia got with her wax, drawing shapes of different sizes and colors all over his chest? stomach, and circling the tattoo right above his hip. She had him crying and apologizing in no time. But it wasn’t until she’d asked matty to turn around so she could torture his calfs and underside of his knees that his worst pain hit him.
“Matty?” She called out to him as she set down her candles. “Matty, love, look at me, please.”
His sweat and tear cover face turned towards her. The look in his eyes told her all she needed to know.
“How’s your pain right now?”
“I’m fine.”
Amelia remained quiet. giving him a chance to change his answer. She repeated her question, again “how’s your pain right now?”
“Keep- keep going. I can take it.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes before getting up to blow the candles out. “You’re not getting this are you?”
Matty had to admit that his head was foggy with pain, Adrenalin, and the desperate desire to atone for his mistakes, but still, he felt he’d done nothing wrong.
“I’m tapping out.” Amelia announced. “I’m calling red. We’re done. This is over.”
Matty sat up quickly, his head spinning from the sudden movement. “What? Why! What have I done? I’m sorry! Amelia, please! I don’t wanna make more mistakes-“
“You haven’t made any more mistakes. That’s the thing, Matty. It’s the same mistake that you keep making over and over again. You burn yourself out, neglect your own wellbeing, just to accomplish the things that you think will make you worthy of the most fundamental needs.”
Matty felt her words like daggers to the heart. He knew this about himself. But he liked to pretend that it worked for him. Listening to Amelia lay it out for him so bluntly felt like a betrayal of confidence.
“You did it all week when you ignored sleep and food and rest to squeeze in every bit of work possible. And you did it just now by forcing yourself to take more than you can handle to make me happy. I pushed your limit on purpose. To see if you’d tap out. And you didn’t. But I know you were in pain.” She broke her own heart as she spoke. “I’ve - never - seen you writhe and bite down on the bedding so hard before.” She sighed, disappointed that her excitement had yielded the exact result that she knew it would. “I can’t have you treating yourself so poorly. And- honestly, we can fuck around with pain like this if I can’t trust that you’ll safe word out of the situation whenever you’re no longer having fun. I punish you so that you don’t have to punish yourself. What you’re doing, forcing your body through….its never gonna work.”
She watched him tug at the duvet nervously and knew that he was overwhelmed. She wished she knew how to help him process whatever was going on with him. The fact that this was reaching levels of concern beyond her capacity to handle scared her. He needed more help that she could give him.
Tonight’s show was amazing. Amelia spoke softly, running her fingers through his hair. She was half certain that he’d fallen asleep with his head in her lap.
He hummed in response, proving her wrong. “Was, wasn’t it?” He mumbled, his words slurring, voice laced with sleep.
“You wanna go to bed?” She suggested
“Wanna stay with you.”
“The idea is that…well…I’d be in the bed with you.”
Matty smiled, taking a deep breath and mustering all his leftover energy to open his eyes slowly. “Hi.” He looked up at her. “I just mean…we haven’t had a chance to spend time together in a minute. Just us.”
“I know. But you’re tired. Which is understandable. You put on a great show. I can’t imagine having any energy left after that…’People’ performance.”
A slow, self-satisfied smile grew on his face. He blushed at the compliment. “I was pretty good, wasn’t I…”
“You all were.”
Matty sighed, relaxing further into the bed. “The thing about us, Amelia, is that-“
“You just keep getting better baby?”
Matty chuckled loudly, his whole body shaking as he laughed. His sleepiness definitely made everything seem funnier. “I love that you can read my mind.”
Amelia’s heart pounded in her chest as she shuffled out of bed, rushing to the door. She checked to see who was knocking at her door at this ungodly hour. Relieved that it was Matty, she opened the door quickly.
“What on earth brings you-“ the look on his face rendered her instantly speechless. “Matty what’s wrong?”
“My head is- I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking. I’m so anxious. I can’t sleep. Brain feels so full. Like it’s going to explode.”
She didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around him and pull him in for a tight hug. “It’s okay. You’re okay, Matty. Breathe, my love.”
She gently guided him into the bedroom, rubbing slow circles into his back.”
“Oh, fuck. You were asleep weren’t you? I woke you up didn’t I? I - I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry…I’ll - I’ll leave.”
He made an attempt to pull away, but Amelia held on to him, perhaps, too aggressively, “no! You’re not going anywhere”
She held his hand, leading him around the room, to bed, urging him to sit down. “Stay here. I’ll turn on the light and get you some tea or something.”
“Don’t want any tea, Amelia. I just…I want….”’
“What do you want?”
“I want you. Just you.”
She slid into bed next to him, letting him toss and turn, and wiggle around until he got comfortable. When she was certain that his nervous energy had stopped simmering, she pulled him into her chest listening to his breathing mellow as he l focused less on what was going on inside his head and more on the feeling of her skin against his.
In the harsh light of day, Matty’s panic felt even worse. like a hangover without the reckless indulgence of the night before. He knew he couldn’t continue to feel this way for much longer.
“I think I need help.” He suddenly announced, breaking the silence in the room as Amelia had busied herself with arranging their room service breakfast.
“What do you mean?”
“Professional help.”
“Oh. O-Kay. Umm…that’s good! It’s good, right?”
“I have no fuckin clue.” He spoke slowly, his voice getting lower and lower with each word.
This didn’t seem like breakfast conversation, so Amelia let go of the cutlery and sat on the bed next to him.
She held his hand in hers. “It’s good, Matty. This is good. It’s the right thing to do.”
“I don’t know that it is. I don’t think im the sort of person who does well with relinquishing control to the authority of others.”
She couldn’t argue with him there.
“The very notion of therapy depends on someone having privileged access to my brain. Knowing more about me than me. Does that not sound utterly absurd? That’s fuckin mental!”
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that way. They don’t know more about you than you do. They just know more about whatever….psychological disorder you’ve got and they know ways around it or whatever.”
Matty rolled his eyes. “What if- what if that’s not true. What if ‘disorder’ is just a word for weird. Like, weird isn’t always a bad thing.”
“No, no.” Amelia shook her head. “Respectfully, nope.” She squeezed his hand “you are more than just your fucked up brain. And the fact that you identify your entire existence with the thing that’s hurting you is proof that you’re fucked up, kinda.”
“Right.” Matty nodded along.
“Look, you always say that you don’t want to be the kind of person who thrives off of drama, right? You refuse the idea that an artist needs to be fucked up in order to make great art, right?”
“Of course.”
“There’s always this notion that…like…the best artists were great because they were mentally ill. That’s not a thing. Except in tv and film where like characters must suffer to think great thoughts. People always say “oh maybe Van Gogh was a bit crazy but he made great art because he was crazy. That’s just not true! The guy cut off his ear!!!”
Matty giggled. “Gonna cancel you for using the word crazy by the way. Just wait until I tell Twitter. I’ll get myself uncanceled by feeding you to them.”
She rolled her eyes. “Or your example-“
“Right. The Burroughs thing. I’d rather his wife have lived than have read Queer. I get it. I get it. You think you’ve bested me with my own logic. Ugh. Fine.”
Amelia’s face lit up. Proud of herself for disabusing him of his misconceptions. “Fine? Really? As in, you’ll try therapy?”
“I’ll fuckin try. But if they put me on pills and I lose my sparkle, it’ll be your fault.”
“Please. If it were possible, your sparkle would’ve faded a while ago.” She reached over to kiss him.
That kiss was the final push that he needed. Matty waited for her to go into the bathroom after breakfast, and he pulled out his phone.
“Hey, Louis, you alright? Mhm. Right, so, listen. I’d love to chat — maybe I’ll call you back later— but I’m in a hurry. I just wanted to ask if you’ve spoken to mom and dad? And they’re fine with it? Right, no. It’s better if you deliver it. I’ll just fly you out whenever. Text me some dates and stuff. We’ll get it sorted. Okay, cool. Cheers, then. Talk to you soon.”
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Gold Dust Woman | V
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Unexpected does not always mean unwelcome, but just because it is welcome, does not always make it right.
Read part four here
Pairing: sam kiszka x f!reader, jake kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 10.7k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it), fingering (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), praise, dirty talk, teasing, slight male sub dynamic ig, begging, drinking, swearing, love triangle shit, you know the drill, sorry if I miss any!
hello lovely people 🤭 so happy to be back again. sorry this took so long, but i hope this meets your expectations. i love you all dearly and hope that you aren’t too upset with me for my small hiatus. i will say that thus far, I’ve kept the lyrics in chronological order mostly because they’ve always aligned with the chapter theme. now, they’re going to be mixed up a bit to fit a little better! anyway, without further ado, enjoy, don’t mind any grammar mistakes, and please be kind 🫶🏻
Of all the situations in the world, you figured this particular one would be at the top of the list for awkwardness. When Sam stepped into your home, the door latch loudly clasping shut behind him, you waited for the dread to seep in, for the whiplash of anxiety that so often accompanied the presence of the brothers. Instead, a bubble of anger formed in your chest. You were mad at him for not making a move sooner, and for only making one after Jake did. Upset at the fact he had no issue involving you in their twisted dynamic, or remorse for playing with your feelings. You were no longer blind, being strung along aimlessly by ignorance and emotion. Danny was right; you were in control of the situation, and you intended to prove that. No more guilt for a situation the two boys created, and long ago, at that. No more pain over a fate they chose for themselves.
Wordlessly, you made a move to the kitchen. He followed, unsure of how to verbally approach the thoughts he was having about you. You located another bottle of wine, calling to you with temptation greater than the one you had for the boy standing behind you. As you cracked the cap, sipping from the bottle with little care, you finally turned to face him. “Why are you here?” It took him a moment to process your blunt inquiry, curious about your sudden shift in perspective from the day prior.
“To see you.” He said, simple and to the point.
“Mmm,” you hummed, now much less embarrassed about your attire, or lack of, rather. It was a great head start to your course of action. “To see me, or to fuck me?” The alcohol was a violent instigator, disrupting any filter you would normally have on your thoughts.
“To see you.” He confirmed again, unwavering on his stance, but his gaze was drifting away from your face and settling on the parts of you he was previously so eager to discover. A smirk tugged at your lips, finding his loyalty to his answer funny. You could tell the truth was not within the words he spoke, and his curious eyes were giving him away.
“Okay, you’ve seen me. Want to leave, now?” The angry part of you had no sympathy for the boy you had been so desperately in love with. Although he was still the same person, the new perspective on him casted a different light, now. One that illuminated faults instead of solely positives. The love was the same, still craving his touch with a ferocity like no other, still so profound that it made your head spin and your chest ache. But, love was subject, because the idea of love in your mind was heavily dependent upon your imagination, reliant on the idea that Sam was perfect.
Your feelings were real, but no longer cemented with the notion that he could do no wrong. The pedestal was crumbling, cracking and falling more by the second, finally returning him back to common ground. He lost his ability to consume you entirely, his baggage weighing him down and giving you a chance to surface for some air. The angelic aura that surrounded him was laced with sin, but it made him all the more loveable. His imperfections lessened his ability, but made him more realistic than before. Perhaps your freedom to close the gap of the power imbalance worked more in his favour than anything else. Your momentary sense of control was exhilarating, allowing you to finally plant your feet firmly on the ground, but it only made you fall victim to him even further.
Love cannot be true without equality, and your new understanding of Sam gave you exactly that. The equal playing field resulted solely from the destruction of the barrier between idolization and acceptance. Harnessing control seemed like a way to regain your own power, but it was your biggest mistake thus far. Choosing to continue your dance with the devil only allowed you to shatter the world in which Sam could do no wrong, and learn to love him despite the flaws. It was only a matter of time before the realization seeped through the cracks of the false sense of control; the power did not belong in the hands of any of you, no matter the belief that it did.
Once again, the devil laughed loudly, remaining baffled at your inability to heed the warning.
“I can’t come see you unless I have a reason?” He asked, eyes still drinking in the way the red lace complimented you. “I like your company.”
“You can,” you nodded, showing him you weren’t contesting him on that specific point. “Just don’t think that’s why you came today.” You watched him, examining his face for any faltering expressions.
“Why do you think I’m here, then?” He asked, challenging you the same way you were challenging him. You didn’t respond right away, unsure of the correct answer to his question. You didn’t want to give yourself away, or let him know that you were aware of his history, but you had to make sure he knew you weren’t going to conform to his rules this time.
“To make sure I didn’t forget about our conversation, yesterday.” His eyes flickered to meet yours, curious that you caught on to his intent so quickly. “I didn’t forget, Sammy.” You whispered, voice barely breaking through the silence.
“You mean to tell me you had no intent when you opened the door like that?” His lips upturned in the corner, a smirk now painfully present. He was taunting you, begging for the upper hand to offset your head start. As much as he enjoyed your company, it did not make him completely willing to allow you control.
“I don’t think you want me to answer that, baby.” As you spoke, a flash of emotion crossed his eye, like a spark catching a fume of gasoline. As soon as it ignited, it burnt out in an instant. You weren’t sure if it was because he was covering his emotion, or if he was really that unbothered by the thought of you waiting for his brother. You were both well aware that the initial invitation inside was calling Jake’s name, rather than his. Still, that did not mean he was unwelcome, and he was planning to soak up every bit of hospitality you were willing to give him.
“So I am intruding?” He asked, expecting you to grovel for him to stay. You let out a small laugh, shaking your head at his question.
“You’re not going to leave, Sam. Don’t pretend you will, because we both know it’s not true.” Instead of focusing on the shocked expression he was giving you, you held the bottle of wine to him, silently offering him a drink. Rather than responding, he took the bottle from you and unscrewed the cap, taking a long drink to wash down his distaste for you calling his bluff. He wasn’t sure what to expect of you, but this certainly wasn’t it. The version of you he’d seen yesterday was much different, timid and lovestruck by him. Now, you almost seemed bored, like you were waiting for him to prove himself to you. He was scared that Jake had already won the race, but fear was second to intrigue; he was enticed by the idea of winning you back. He was enticed by you, standing and speaking with so much confidence, your beauty never shining quite as bright as it did in that moment.
He knew he was an idiot for waiting so long, stupid for giving his brother a chance to make an advance. He was stupid for not letting you know how he felt about you sooner, always keeping his admiration silent and making you second guess yourself. He felt, if anything, he owed it to you to to let you express your distaste for his actions. So he played along, allowing you to rid yourself of any ill feelings, knowing he was bound to enjoy the process, anyway. Any attention from you was worth more than the world in his eyes. He let you take the lead, believing that he was doing it willingly; as much as he convinced himself that it was voluntary, he knew that you had him wrapped around your finger. The nights events would only solidify the fact even further, making the entanglement all the more dangerous.
That was the funny thing about your relationship; you both felt the need to harness control, but were both fools for each other. Desperately searching for a sense of power, but willing to give in at the simplest request. The defensive nature that you both tried to maintain, one that radiated with cockiness and carelessness for each other was just for show. You were one misspoken word away from cracking; the weight of his stare was overwhelming, begging to disrupt your entire process.
“Are you sure about that?” He asked, placing the bottle on the table, freeing his hands in anticipation of an advance. You gave him a soft smile, finding his confidence charming.
“So sure that if the time comes, I’ll even hold the door open for you.” Your words struck a nerve in him, but he didn’t break. “But, I’ll leave it unlocked, because I know you’ll come back.” His eyes were burning into you, making the temptation to reach out and touch him overwhelmingly strong. Still, you stood with your feet firmly planted to the ground, imploring him to make the first move. His head tilted to the side, watching you with curiosity. When he realized your play, a smile crossed his lips.
“So sure of yourself, but you haven’t done anything to make me want to stay, princess.” The pet name shook you to your core, shattering all of your values and consuming your thoughts with anything but purity. Both brothers were so charming, perfect with their words but in different ways. Jake made it unable to think about anything other than him, leaving you without a choice in wanting him. He stole the air from your lungs and made the suffering pleasurable. Sam gave you freedom of choice, but ensured to bury himself in every available thought, making the decision of keeping him around easier than anything else. The idea of choice was false from either side, but the ignorance to the truth was fantastic, making you believe you really had a say in the matter and in turn, making you fall for him further on your own accord. They were both evil, no doubt about that, but you were just as bad for allowing them the power over you.
“So far you haven’t done anything other than give me a headache.” You said, almost as if you were bored with the banter. You weren’t sure what came over you; the back talk, the taunting, the confidence all seemed to be new, summoned at the idea of Sam believing he was winning the argument. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was your annoyance with his insufferable attitude. Whatever it was, you had dug just deep enough under his skin for him to throw the act to the side. He was eager to get the rest of your clothes off, and the conversation was giving nothing other than annoyance to both of you. Without a response, he stepped towards you and pulled you into him by your hips in one swift motion. Before you could comprehend the sudden movement, his eyes were busy casting the familiar spell over you, drawing you into him without a second thought. Within a few seconds, his lips were on yours.
Your hand snaked around his neck, eager and accepting of the new position. The kiss was heated, different than the ones you had shared before. The bitterness of the wine lingered on your lips, offsetting the sweetness of your satisfaction. The gratification that coursed through your veins was heavily accredited to his willingness to give in, making you think that for a moment you had won the battle. In turn, that was true in a sense, but it had only laid the foundation for a war to begin. Your personal needs were fulfilled, the agenda was almost to completion, but the nagging voices in your mind were screaming at you to recognize that they were achieved at a cost. You wished, with his hands on you, his lips distracting you, that the voices would cease to exist. No matter which path you chose, there was some moral dilemma begging to be heard above the sinister power of the little devil that was controlling your every move. As delightful as his touch was, some part of you finally begun to understand that it was not the answer to your questions, or the solutions to your problems.
But, you were never one to deny pleasure, and pleasure was nothing compared to what he was capable of giving you.
You felt like you were melting into him, completely immersed in his presence and one with every movement. His hands were steady, holding you to him to make sure you knew he wasn’t backing down. Your chest was burning, heart racing at the idea of finally having him so intimately. Months of tension spent waiting for a moment of relief, begging for him to notice, was finally coming to an end, but not in a sweet confessional. It was heated, passionate and hungry, both of you feeling no need for any sort of formalities. The lust was primal, and seemingly desperate. Whether that was for each other, or just to prove a point, was unclear. Despite his arrogance moments earlier, he didn’t seem to have a plan in mind to progress. He wanted you to take charge, to allow yourself the opportunity to rid yourself of any frustrations or fears that you may have been experiencing previously. You were in control, and he was willing to do whatever he could to please you.
You parted for a moment, lungs aching for a breath. Your hands drifted downwards, fumbling with the bottom of his shirt. He released his hold, allowing you to pull it over his head and expose his upper body. Your eyes washed over his bare torso, wanting to admire him, but your hands were already guiding him backwards to one of the kitchen chairs. You felt like you were in a frenzy, needing to know every part of him and appreciate the detail, but unable to slow down to allow yourself to do so. You wanted all of him, but you wanted it right away. Waiting was out of the question; your patience had withered away long before he showed up at your doorstep.
Before he sat, he took a second to remove his jeans, leaving you both in the same position. Minimal fabric concealing the most intimate details, details that you were both eager to explore. Once he kicked his pants to the side, he allowed you to guide him down on the wooden chair. Before he could even settle himself in the seat, you had taken it upon yourself to make yourself comfortable in his lap. With your legs on either side of him, you placed your hand on his shoulder as you guided yourself into the new position. His hands found your hips again, showing his appreciation for your advance. He held you down on him, the small friction providing relief only for a few seconds.
“How’s that?” He hummed, the warmth of his palms searing into you, branding you with his touch. You knew in that moment, there was no escaping Sam. He had permanently engraved his essence within you, his name knotted around your tongue, his presence making home in your heart and his touch burrowing under your skin. He was like a parasite, showcasing it with his ability to latch on to you and take control, to slowly leech all life from you. The certain death was the most comforting part; you would never have to live without him, to feel the ache if he disappeared. “Still giving you that headache?” He mustered out, almost distracted from his jab by the slow roll of your hips against him. The gentle movement was barely causing any friction, yet it was grand enough to completely break his focus. You knew just as well as he did that your effect on him rivalled the one he had on you, and you were using it to your advantage.
“Shut up, Sam.” You snapped, feeling his hands find the clasp of your bra. With expert precision he unhooked it, the tension releasing instantly and the straps drifting down your shoulders.
“Hey, now. No need to be like that.” He cooed, the soft sound of his voice sending a shiver down your spine. The difference in bed between him and his brother was astounding; if you had spoke to Jake with even an ounce of the disrespect you were giving Sam, chastising would have been for certain, and punishment would be expected. Instead, Sam took the gentle approach, coaxing you with kindness to do what he do badly wanted. There was no authority in his tone or his touch, only need that could not be described with such simple words. He was completely at your disposal, willing to do anything you wanted with little argument. The similarities you’d seen previously had finally begun to divide, branching off to show you the different sides of both boys. Even with the differences, you still found yourself falling further for each of them with every moment that passed.
In one sense, your adoration for Sam was growing larger with every second, faster with every touch he ghosted over your skin. In another, the surge of emotion snowballed into guilt, feeling like you were betraying Jake by encouraging Sam’s advances. You vowed to fight, to settle the score and finish their endless battle for them, but you were slowly beginning to understand that the peace would come at risk of casualties; the casualty being you. Still, you walked into your own demise with content, just happy to be loved in the process. Your willingness to sacrifice your own sanity stemmed from the fact that the feeling of being loved by both boys was too grand to deny. As much as you wanted to believe your intent was selfless, that it was to protect lovers from future conflict like such, it was not wholly true. The biggest force was solely the desire to be with them, to be needed by them. You were drowning in your own feelings, but the water was warm, more comforting than the thought of never swimming again.
His fingers drifted over your shoulders, begging you to move just enough so he could remove the red fabric from you. You adhered to his silent plea, moving back from him and allowing him to slip the straps from your arms. He lazily tossed the bra to the floor, not even bothering to notice where it landed. Instead, his eyes were focused only on you, engraving the memory into his brain forever. His curious hands drifted to where the bra had been previously concealing you, his thumb brushing over your nipple, soft enough that you could have missed it. He leaned forward, lips connecting with the sensitive skin on your neck. He familiarized himself with you, his movements slow but calculated.
When the first breathy moan slipped past your lips, he was sure he could die in that moment, more content than he’d ever been. His actions were seemingly genuine, like all he was doing was for the sake of your pleasure. It was partially true, and he was happy that he could give you what you wanted, but it was more than that; every touch, kiss, all of the silent encouragement was selfishly motivated. Much like his brother, he was determined to make you fall victim to him, just so you never wanted to leave. The game was natural to them, but losing you was not something he was willing to do. As much as he hated to sacrifice his brothers feelings for his own sake, he didn’t care. In the end, he wanted you no matter the sacrifice or strife, and he was certain of it. For the time being, he made it a mission to make your decision easy, to make you want to come to him, to fall in to his arms as if you’d always belonged there.
He lowered his mouth, capturing your nipple in his mouth. A soft flick of his tongue over the sensitive bud sent a shiver down your spine. Your back arched, allowing him easier access to your chest. As you did so, his erection pressed further into your heat, intensifying your arousal. His mouth focused on one breast while his hand found your other. The two different sensations created a whole new feeling for you, quickly realizing that he also had a touch of magic within him as well. As if it were your new mantra, you found yourself blaming it on the Kiszka charm once again. You felt as if you’d been reciting that in your head more than anything else, chalking up every moment to a universal aura all of the siblings possessed. Deep down, you knew it was likely because they knew you, that they’d studied you in attempt to understand what would win you over, and now they were using it to their own advantage. Still, ignorance was easier to choke down than truth, and the truth was that charm was part of the game.
You found your hips grinding into him more as his tongue moved with expert precision. He was growing more excited by the second, eager to get the rest of your clothes off and get a taste of the mess he’d created. His hand wandered down, tickling the soft skin of your torso as he searched for something more. Eventually, his fingers knotted through the side of your underwear, the lace tempting him too much to withstand. He let his fingers rest for a moment as he removed his mouth from your nipple, barely giving you time to process the loss before his free hand was guiding your head down to meet him in a kiss. It was a messy show of tangled lips and curious tongues, nothing desirable about the sloppiness, yet more inviting than anything else you could imagine.
Little by little, his parasitic nature began to suck the life from you, beginning with your own morality. The more you had of him, the more the cloud of guilt floated away. No thoughts of Jake, or his hands that you’d been begging for only moments before Sam’s arrival. The only thing that mattered was your growing impatience and how badly you wanted him inside you. When you parted from him, you were both fighting for a full breath, lungs burning with something bigger than just a lack of oxygen; overwhelmed by the pure desire surrounding you. “Stand up for me.” He managed out through a long exhale. You did as he pleased, but ensured that the process was drawn out, teasing him as you did so. Once you were planted on your feet, he took it upon himself to rid you of the red lace that left little to the imagination. Once they dropped to your ankles, he sucked in a long breath in attempt to cover the shock on his face.
He couldn’t hide the look of adoration his eyes were glistening with, overwhelmed at the thought of finally being with you so intimately. He would have told you that you were gorgeous, the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, but his words seemed to fail him. Seeing you fully exposed before him seemed to cause a short circuit in his brain, unable to comprehend the feelings he had for you in that moment. It was a slow build up, letting him believe he was in control of how hard he was falling for you, allowing him to think that you didn’t have any power over him. The bliss that he felt in that moment told him all he needed to know; he was in love with you, falling harder and faster than he ever had. There was no stoping it, no cushion to break the fall, and the only way to protect himself was to make you love him, too.
He was certain his brother felt the same pull, the same adoration and the same love. It was only then he realized that the world they had been living in was far more dangerous than it had ever been before. This time, the love was real, and catastrophic. Neither could bear the thought of losing, and they were pulling you in both directions as they fell opposite of each other. The cushion of protection that brotherhood provided only extended so far, and the truth of this heartbreak stretched far beyond covered ground. As he reached out for you, slowly turning you around and guiding you backwards to him, he tried to push the thought away. As your legs found home on either side of him, the warmth of your back searing into the skin of his chest, he knew it was here to stay. When his hand drifted between your legs, fingers dancing through the wetness and finding their way to your clit, he didn’t care. Your head fell back on his shoulder, eyes fluttered shut in bliss at the relief he was giving you.
“Oh, god.” You sighed, immediately causing him to close his eyes, too. The sound alone was enough to make him forget any worry in the world. His free hand returned to your breast, gently playing with your nipple as he focused on your clit. He was painfully hard, almost unable to hold himself back from fucking you right then, but he persevered. Getting you off was the only thing he cared about. In that moment, he was living for it. Your head turned inward towards his own, your forehead resting against his cheek, silently begging for more contact with him. He turned his head towards you, enjoying every bit of affection you would permit.
“Is that better, princess?” His voice was low, vibrating through you with an intensity you could barely comprehend. He was barely touching you, barely giving you anything at all, but he was driving you crazy. Every small touch or slight movement was a million times more powerful than they appeared. You worried that you were tangled in his web, too, your limbs tied down with no hope for freedom. Even with the restraint, the unwillingness to accept the inevitable consequence of being intertwined with him indefinitely, some part of you you knew you would be okay, because he would take care of you. He would always take care of you, and you knew that from the minute his hands touched you.
You thought it ought to be impossible, to be so intricately woven within both boys, to be tied down willingly even with the knowledge that there was no way out. After all, how could you be so immersed in two different worlds? The question hammered against your skull as his fingers danced through your cunt, pushing you to the brink of an orgasm without any effort. The words grew louder as the knot in your belly tightened, the stimulation of your nipple pinched between his fingers driving you even closer to the edge. As he turned his head and caught you in another kiss, you thought the pondering would be silenced, that the voice would fade into nothing. While his tongue danced with yours, sadistically paired with the expertise of his hands, the question was indefinitely answered. The web was the same, just much larger and complex than you originally understood. It was completely possible to be trapped by both brothers because their web was identical, and over years of playing their same disastrous games, they had intertwined and become one.
Danny was right in saying that it was impossible to fall for one and not the other, but not because of their similarities. Sure, they had lots in common, but that was not the driving force that made it so easy to love both. They were different in many ways, and you could tell just by how Sam was touching you, how he chose to love you in that moment. Different than Jake, but fantastic all the same. You loved both with the same intensity, but for all different reasons. In the struggle, it was easy to view the feelings as identical because you never had a moment to slow down and think of it any other way. It was possible to fall for both of them so intensely because they made it so; their whole exterior was a guise, perfectly crafted in retaliation to the feeling of insecurity and inferiority. Mistakes from their younger days led them to believe that the pattern was set in stone, rather than something they allowed. Instead of changing, working towards the common goal, they played into the idea that they were never going to escape the curse. You had fallen for both of them so quickly because they moulded into one mindset, mirroring each other in the worst ways.
The boys were different, much more than you had perceived before. You wished that with the realization, picking one over the other would be so much easier. As Sam coaxed you into an orgasm, sending a wave of pleasure through you so intense that you couldn’t catch your breath, you knew it wasn’t true. In the few short days they had spent trying to win you over, you’d fallen for them as individuals. Caught in the same web, but in love with two different versions of it. One side was not greener than the other, nor more promising, which made it all the more painful. As you came down, skin tingling with the ghost of pleasure, you clung to him for comfort. The warmth of his skin was inviting, so inviting that it was easy to ignore the warnings your brain wished you would adhere to. There was no hope for a brighter side, and it didn’t matter who you chose in the end, because they had both planted the seed of promise within your brain. Promise of love, happiness, comfort, and the thought of losing either was excruciating. Different as they may be, the euphoric feeling of being loved by them was all the same.
Suffering was a promise coated with momentary gain. Nobody was in control, and you were all finally beginning to understand.
Once you had regained your senses, Sam prompted you to sit up for a moment. You hovered above him, allowing him the chance to free himself from his boxers. He barely had the fabric out of the way before he was guiding you back down to him, lining his cock with your entrance as he did so. There was a slight moment of hesitancy from both of you, but it was quickly forgotten when he pulled you down on him fully, your ass meeting his hips as he bottomed out inside of you. A shared groan of relief sounded from both of you, as if it was something you’d been waiting for your whole lives. He pulled your upper half back to his chest, reaching around to find your clit again. Once you’d recovered from the overwhelming feeling of him inside you, you began to rock your hips. He didn’t move his fingers, letting you set the friction with the pace of your hips. It was a small injustice, one that drove you insane. His generosity weakened and he was silently telling you that if you wanted more, you had to work for it.
You sped your movements, finding your will to argue with Sam completely non-existent. Arguing with Jake was fun, because you knew you went into the conversation with no chance of coming out on top. With Sam, it was a ruthless battle. You could both scream until you were blue in the face and neither of you would give in. You could spend all night running in circles, or get yourself off on your own accord, and you chose the latter. Your only hope was that he felt the same about you, and when it was your turn for a command, he would oblige with the same enthusiasm. As you sunk back down on him, he was unable to hold back the sound of pleasure that slipped through his lips. It only served as motivation, telling you that he was just as crazy for it as you were.
He had one hand firmly on your waist, fingers decorating the soft flesh with enough pressure for you to notice, but not near enough to hurt you. His touch radiated caution and care, so unlike the hands you had on you the night before. “This is what you came over for, isn’t it?” You hummed, your head tilted back and his cheek pressed against yours. He refused to answer, but didn’t change his position. “Tell me, Sam.” You ordered, but the tone was gentle, coaxing it from him at his own pace rather than forcing it.
“Fuck, yes,” he finally said, hissing his answer through clenched teeth. Your eyes closed at the sound, pleased at his answer but not completely satisfied with him yet.
“Is it as good as you thought it would be?” You taunted, not changing your pace but coming down on him with more force each time. “Exactly what you dreamed of?”
“Yeah, baby.” He nodded against you, sucking in a sharp breath as you rolled your hips on him. “You feel so good, even better than I imagined.” His voice was strained, like he was trying to fight back a moan as he spoke. A smirk played at the corner of your lips, content to have him in such a mess below you.
“God, you do too.” You sighed, realizing that if he was willing to be so kind, you would, too. “I’ve wanted this for so long, Sammy.” The statement caused his fingers to tighten on you and his pressure on your clit to increase. A moan fell from you, content with his effort. He was just happy you were enjoying yourself. In a twisted turn of events, you understood that in that specific scenario, he was existing solely to please you. So many months wasted pinning after him, and he had been so eager to make you feel good the whole time. As if it were a silent apology from both of you, he was doing so now, and praising him only seemed right.
“Now you have me, princess.” He whispered, leaning down and placing a few kisses on your shoulder. The small act of love was heartwarming, but you didn’t let it deter you from the filthy things you wanted him to do to you. “I’m all yours.” You swallowed hard at the statement, not quite ready to bear the weight of it yet.
“Just like that, baby.” You gasped, shifting slightly in hopes that he would continue hitting the same spot inside you. The circles he was rubbing into your clit were steady, ruthless in their efforts to get you to another climax. You sped the pace, the tip of his cock hitting the most sensitive spot inside you from the new angle. “M’gonna cum,” you warned, praying he would keep his rhythm.
“Yeah?” He asked, his tone hopeful and anything but condescending. You let out a murmur of agreement, your eyes squeezed shut in anticipation. Your forehead was glistening with sweat, the position clearly taking a bit more energy than you anticipated. The strands of his hair that were in disarray were tickling the skin of your shoulders, a simple beauty in the mess of vulgarity. He was beautiful, and so was the way he was making you feel. It seemed as though he worshiped the ground you walked on, ecstatic that he even had the opportunity to please you. Like your words had changed his demeanour, morphed him into something you never expected from him. He was so witty and even snarky by times, and you fully expected that persona to carry over from every day life to the bedroom. Instead, he was almost a different person, desperate to make you feel good and even willing to be chastised in the process. Had you attempted to tease Jake, you would be met with nothing rewarding. The difference was astounding.
“Oh, fuck Sam!” You whined, the muscles in your abdomen tensing as a wave of pleasure washed over you. The pressure had reached its peak, leaving your legs shaking and hands gripping at him for support.
“There you go, princess.” He breathed, in awe at the elegance of you, even in such a dirty way. “Did that feel good?” Once again, the vibration of his voice resonated throughout your body, settling under your skin and igniting every nerve.
“Felt so good, baby.” You assured him. Without another word, he lifted you off him, keeping a hand on you to support you. With a swift motion, he cleared the clutter of the table with a swipe of his hand. Most items were pushed backwards, some toppling over and some papers floating to the ground with grace. You watched as the items settled in their new positions, a spark of intrigue filling you. He turned to you, picking you up with ease and settling you on the now empty spot on the kitchen table. “Hi,” you let out a small giggle, processing the change of position. As he nestled between your legs, you couldn’t help but feel a fleeting moment of innocent joy. The soft features of his face, beautifully crafted and meant to be admired. The hair cascading down his shoulders, framing every detail in the most elegant way. The dim overhead light and the sun from the window painting him with a bit of a golden glow. It was all too much to overlook, too profound to go unnoticed. He was perfect, unbearably compelling, and the tug on your heartstrings from the sight was irrefutable. You couldn’t help but take the moment, even if it broke the momentum of sex.
“Hi, gorgeous.” He smiled, eyes drifting over your face and admiring you in the same way. After a moment of silent appreciation, he pulled you into a kiss. It was sweet, but it didn’t last for long and the blame was shared between both of you. The need for more was obvious, and the tender action quickly turned messy, desperate, even. You felt him line himself up with you again, but you broke away and stopped him before he could advance. He looked at you with worry, wondering if he overstepped. You shook your head, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently guiding him towards the floor.
After a moment, he caught on to your demand. He sunk to his knees, almost embarrassed that he hadn’t thought of it himself. He was so worked up that he hadn’t even taken the time to fully grasp what was in front of him. He placed a few kisses to your thighs, gentle and loving, building up to what you so badly wanted. He hooked his arm under your leg and gently guided you to the edge of the table. He didn’t waste too much time, not wanting you to lose interest in the action. He ran his tongue through you, savouring the taste of your arousal. He let out a hum of pleasure, letting you know he was more than grateful to have you like that. Your hand found his hair, tangling in the locks of brown. You watched him, eyes glazed with lust, realizing how many times you wished you could have him exactly as he was. You didn’t have the chance to dwell for too long, his tongue quickly finding your already quite sensitive bundle of nerves.
Your head fell back, too focused on the feeling to watch him any longer. His initial exploration was long forgotten about, eager to get you to another climax. Part of it was selfish, not wanting to wait any longer to be inside you again, but most of it was desperation to make you feel such a way again. The knowledge that he could make you feel so good was worth more than the world to him. He was sure there was no greater motivator in the universe. His tongue was focused on your clit, relentless in its pursuit of an orgasm. His fingers were grasping your thigh, holding you to him like he was scared you would get away. Little did he know, that was the last thing you ever wanted to do. You wished you could stay like this with him forever.
After a moment, he added his fingers to you, pumping them in with a slight curl every time. The added stimulation made it impossible for you to hold back any moans. Your grip on his hair was tight, and if you weren’t so lost in the pleasure, you would be in fear of hurting him. It didn’t bother him, though. If anything, it drove him further, making him enjoy the experience even more. He was crazy for you, and he knew that in that moment, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to have you like this again. His previous concern about Jake and his feelings were obsolete. The need to be with you was greater than his worry of hurting his brother. Even if someone was bound to get harmed, he was just happy to have you for the time being. Even if you didn’t choose him. After all, having you for a brief moment was better than never having you at all.
“S-Sammy,” you whimpered, eyes squeezed shut at the pure ecstasy of his mouth. He hummed against you, acknowledging your exclamation without breaking away from you. “Fuck that feels so good.” You groaned, the words ripping from your chest in a violent manner. He used the praise as motivation, ensuring his movements were consistent to give you the most pleasure he could. Although his pace was slow, it did not mean it wasn’t impactful. He flattened his thumb against your cunt, pulling his mouth back only slightly so he could slip the digit just below his lip. The pause in movement took you for surprise, making you wonder what he was doing. After a few seconds, he continued on and answered your question immediately. A sharp gasp sounded, the slight change introducing you to a whole different type of pleasure.
With every upstroke of his tongue, he brought his thumb up under it, keeping it in time with his tongue. The new feeling made it so your clit was constantly stimulated, never giving him a chance to miss a beat. He continued pumping his fingers in you, the curl hitting your g-spot with ease. There was no doubt the brothers talent on their instruments had contribution to their skillful hands, but you had no idea to what extent it would be. Now, you were certain that every lifetime lived would only be worth it if it was spent with a guitarist. “Please don’t stop,” you pleaded, drawing in a long breath. The burning in the pit of your stomach was intense, easily telling you that he didn’t have to work for much longer. One last pump of his fingers was all you needed. When you came, it was more intense than the ones he had previously given you. You were clenched around his fingers, your legs shaking and your fingers knotted tightly in his hair. You struggled to catch your breath, your chest burning for air and your head swimming with nothing meaningful.
When he noticed your body relax, he slowly tapered his pace. When he fully removed himself from you, you felt disappointment at the lack of attention. He smiled up at you, noticing the look of displeasure on your features. Slowly, he rose back to his feet and made home between your legs again. “You taste so good, princess. Could do that all day.” He said, his words sincere and no hint of a lie in his expression.
“It was so good, Sammy. You make me feel so good.” You sighed, pulling his upper body into you. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into an embrace. You weren’t sure if it was because you were craving the comfort after such an earth-shattering orgasm, or if you were craving him. Either way, the comfort that came from the feeling of his arms around you was unexplainable. He placed a kiss to the top of your head, flooding your body with a type of warmth you can only feel from another person. He held you there, feeling the same way that you were. He never wanted to leave, never wanted to let you go, and it was dangerous. Much like his brother, he had to face the reality that you weren’t his. At least, not yet.
“Can I fuck you, please?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. It was an attempt to ward off the ache that settled within him, knowing he would walk out of the house with no promise of more.
“You want to fuck me?” You asked, pulling back to look up at his face. He met your eyes, giving you a nod. You watched his face, wondering if you wanted to allow him the opportunity so soon. There was a slight glimmer of hope in his eye, one that you couldn’t look past. “Since you did such a good job,” you teased, a small smile on your lips. “You can fuck me, baby.” You said, the permissive statement sparking him into action immediately. His hands shot to your hips, pulling you just a little closer to the edge. You leaned back slightly, allowing him easier access. His hand trailed to your thigh, landing on your knee and pulling your leg up and around him. You locked it there, drawing him in closer as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He pushed into you, both of you letting out a sigh of relief at the feeling. He thrusted his hips slow at first, giving you time to adjust to him again. You appreciated his patience, you were sensitive from the events that had already ensued, and him caring about your comfort more than his satisfaction meant a lot. After a moment, you were well acclimated and wanted more. You guided his body closer to you, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He responded enthusiastically, happy for the new invitation. Your tongue danced over his bottom lip, driving him crazy and inevitably causing him to quicken his pace. The angle in which the position allowed was deliciously precise, the tip of his cock reaching your cervix as he thrusted. The small jolt of pain was immensely noticeable, but just as pleasant as every other sensation.
You were certain that anything would be delightful as long as Sam was the one doing it.
You let a moan slip into his mouth, unintentional but perfectly good for him. His fingers seared into your skin, tightening at the sound. You were having a hard time keeping your lips to his with the way he was pounding into you. Your leg that was locked around him attempted to pull him closer, even if it was impossible. You wanted to be immersed in him, for his being to suffocate you. You never wanted to leave the moment, never wanted him to stop touching you. Every nerve was ablaze with months of tension finally coming to an end. Your skin was on fire, not with heat, but with the pure electricity his body was giving off. It felt perfect, like this was exactly where you should be. The decision to be with Sam should have been easy, especially when you were feeling like such. Still, there was a little voice in your head telling you that something wasn’t right, and you couldn’t rely on the feeling because you felt the same way with Jake.
You felt despicable even thinking of his brother while engaging in such an act, but the thought was fleeting, never lasting for too long but always appearing when you least expected it. Much like poison slowly creeping into your veins and overthrowing your own body. It was killing you, but was so good, so similar to a drug. Both of the boy’s love was branded with toxicity and was dangerously volatile, but always left you wanting more. Left you believing that you couldn’t live without it. “I need you to cum again, princess.” He pleaded. The words cut through your thoughts like a blade, shattering any abstraction of anything other than him. He was close, begging you for one more climax before he reached his own.
He had done a fantastic job pleasing you, ridding you of any indignation you held for him in the previous hours. With the offer of his body alone, he’d managed to erase any ill feelings in an instant, and in such a selfless manner. You thought you could give in, allow him what he wanted at his request. If you wanted to, you could make him go all night, and you were sure he would oblige. You certainly wouldn’t mind, but you had a streak of sympathy for him in that moment, feeling generous enough to give him a break. His hard work was appreciated, and you had gotten far more than you originally hoped for. “Are you close, baby?” You asked, using your free hand to cup his cheek in your hand. He gave a nod, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours. “You want to cum with me?” You pried, wanting a verbal answer from him.
“Fuck, yes.” He groaned. Seeing him in such a state was enough to drive you over the edge. His desperation was thrilling; you couldn’t help but feel your ego inflating at the thought. You’d spent so long desperate to have him, and now that the roles were reversed, you couldn’t help but revel in it for a while. “Please, y/n, want it so bad.” The begging was new to you, never having experienced it from someone else. You’d been on the other end of it before, but receiving it was a whole new level of gratification. You didn’t want to make him grovel for too long, but we’re certain to remember the feeling for next time, just to ensure you could experience it again. You didn’t have to make him wait, anyway, because your next orgasm was approaching fast.
“Oh, god.” You growled, the sound primal and your grasp on him feral.
“That’s it, princess.” He encouraged, his grip tightening again. Every feeling was euphoric, otherworldly, almost. You had yet to comprehend the truth of the situation, that you were actually with Sam, and not just in another daydream or fantasy. He was in front of you, inside you, with his hands all over your body and his name embedded into your tongue.
“Fuck!” You choked out, abdomen rigid as your muscles contracted. You uttered his name, a gentle allowance for him to cum, too. He pulled you into another kiss, silencing any further admissions. You couldn’t help but let a whimper out, muffled by his lips on yours. That was all it took for him to reach his peak, both of your orgasms crashing over you at once. His movement halted, his hands pulling you into him as he spilled his release into you.
You were a mess of tangled limbs, glistening with sweat and surrounded by muttered noises of pleasure. Long after the climax, even after your bodies were relaxed and recovered from the excitement, you were both still wrapped around each other with no sign of release. He rested inside you, fingers ghosting over the spot he’d been previously holding. Your palm was cupping his cheek, keeping him close with no intention of letting him go. His forehead was on yours, both of your eyes closed in bliss, basking in the comfort of each other for as long as you could. His lips were hovering over yours, tempted by the thought of kissing you again. You ended his internal debate, capturing him in a sweet kiss, wanting it just as bad.
Time passed, filled with kisses and whispers of adoration and appreciation for each other. It was tender, loving and inviting. It was a moment you wanted to live in forever without fear of ever losing it. His touch was gentle, like he was scared you were made of glass and he’d break you with one wrong move. He thought you were perfect enough to be framed, to be an exhibit in the most prestigious art museum, but even that wouldn’t do you any justice. He wanted to speak, to tell you everything he’d held back for so long, to show you that he felt the same for you and he was foolish for waiting so long. His silence was thick, heavy in the air. He’d fallen victim to his cowardice, the same way you and Jake had. So many feelings ready to burst at the seam, but never enough courage to speak them aloud. All three of you held the belief that if it was left unspoken, it would hurt less when the inevitable downfall occurred.
“Let’s get cleaned up?” He offered, but his chest ached at the thought of breaking from you. You gave a small nod, head heavy with exhaustion and intoxication. Instead of pulling away, he wrapped his arms around you with caution, carefully picking you up off the table. He carried you to the bathroom before he finally let you stand on your own.
You both cleaned up, ridding yourselves of the dirty act you had committed. An invitation of a shower bounced around your soul, but the fear of rejection was far too large to speak it into existence. Instead, when you were both ready, you led him to your bedroom. You searched for a moment, locating a t-shirt that hung down to your thighs. You slipped it over your head as Sam disappeared, likely in search of his own clothes. He returned a moment later clad in just his boxers, carrying the other articles of clothing in his hand. He discarded them on the floor again, not caring where they ended up. You were both caught in wordless comfort, not wanting to disturb the peace in fear of saying something wrong. You took a seat on the edge of the bed, holding a hand out for him to join. A small smile crossed his lips, happy at the idea that you wanted him to stay.
He disregarded your gesture, climbing in behind you and wrapping his arms around your torso. He gently pulled you back as he laid down, settling you in his arms, pressing you firmly against his chest. You let out a giggle of delight, content at the position. Even though your back was to him and you couldn’t see his face, you knew he had a grin plastered on his cheeks. He grabbed a fistful of blanket, carelessly pulling the comforter over you both. The warmth surrounded you with more welcome than you anticipated, the familiar feeling immediately prompting a wave of tiredness. The sound of slow breathing filled the room, heartbeats in sync and all worry subsided. Within moments, you’d both drifted into a slumber that not even an earthquake could disturb.
A little while later, you woke with a start. Shuffling behind you and the stab of cool air penetrated the aura of comfort you had created. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, groggy and disheveled from the deep slumber you had just been in. You looked up, noticing that Sam was cautiously climbing from the bed, trying not to disturb you. He didn’t notice your open eyes until he had pulled his shirt over his head and turned to check on you. “You’re leaving?” You asked, voice gravelly and laced with confusion.
“Oh, yeah. I have to get home.” He said, a note of sympathy ringing from him. It seemed like he wanted to disappear before any conversation could begin.
“Oh,” you said, trying not to let your disappointment show. Now that your eyes were fully open, your head was pounding from the hangover beginning. You cursed the wine for being so easy to drink, knowing you were in for a night of discomfort. “That’s okay. Thanks for coming over, it was nice.” You managed out, eyebrows furrowed from the pulse of pain beating against your skull. You tried to make the words sound as genuine as possible, not wanting any awkwardness to ruin the evening you shared. He pulled on his pants, then leaned down over you and placed a kiss to your lips.
“It was my pleasure.” He assured you, giving you a small smile. “I’ll see you soon?” You nodded, unable to fight back a smile in return.
“Yeah, text me later or whatever.” You tried to pass the comment off with nonchalance, but you were really hoping he would.
“Of course.” He said, kissing you once more. The temptation was just too strong to resist. With that, he straightened up, bidding a small goodbye and disappeared through your bedroom door. You pulled the blanket to your chest, feeling a fizzle of sadness spark in your heart. Perhaps the night you spent with Jake had conditioned you to believe that your entanglements were more than they actually were. In truth, they were nothing greater than messy hookups, even if you all had feelings buried deep below the surface.
You heard the front door shut followed by silence filling the home, screaming emptiness and seclusion again. You stayed stagnant for a moment, wondering if sleep was the best option to rid the looming sense of loneliness that made fast work at creeping back in. Instead of focusing on it, you crawled out of bed and faced the cool air. Your head ached as you stood, but you figured water and advil was the only sure way you would get any decent sleep. Plus, the thought of waking twice to the same violent hangover was too miserable to chance. So you trudged down the hallway, still slightly disoriented from the nap you couldn’t seem to pull yourself completely out of. When you saw the state of the kitchen, you felt the overwhelming urge to turn around and go back to bed.
There were papers strewn across the room, the table a mess of items that Sam had thrown into disarray. Your lingerie decorated the hardwood floor and the chair you and Sam had favoured was still a showpiece in the middle of the room. Your wine bottle that was barely broken into was begging you to take another sip, but you threw it in the fridge to fight the temptation. You grabbed a bottle of water, wasting no time chugging it down. The hydration felt nice, but it was no competition for the amount of alcohol you had consumed earlier that day. You searched the cabinet above your fridge for some painkillers, taking two and leaving the bottle out for the night.
You slowly picked up the mess of paper on your floor, neatly arranging it back on the table. You pushed the chair back in its place and collected the red lace that was taunting you with your bad decisions. Your focus fell back on the table, straightening some things up and making it look more presentable. As you finished the task, your eye caught sight of something laying underneath the stack of papers. You froze, eyes wide and heart thudding against your ribs. You reached out, slowly retrieving your phone from the mess. A sense of dread washed over you, scared to turn the screen on, realizing that you would likely be met by a plethora of missed messages from Jake. When Sam arrived, the whirlwind of events allowed for your previous arrangements with Jake to completely slip your mind. Or, perhaps you shoved them to the side intentionally. Either way, you were certain that the hours without a response hadn’t gone unnoticed, and you were certain he was not happy about it.
Part of you had a small thrill at the idea of him being pissed off, hoping the confrontation would turn into something quite enjoyable for you. There was a bigger, more imminent fear that he was genuinely just going to be angry at you, especially if he knew the reason as to why you were ignoring him. You were crushed at the idea of him being upset, even if his own game was the reason behind the hurt. As much as you hated to admit it, the feelings you had for him were very real and ran much deeper than lust. You tapped the screen, turning it on in an instant. When you registered the entirety of the missed notifications, your heart dropped. Two missed calls, and three texts.
You clicked the notification bars, nervous for the impact. The first two were light, mostly teasing you for the way he had ended the call. Then, when those went unanswered, he called. No voicemail, but you were sure he was tempted to leave one. Fifteen minutes later, he tried again. The second missed call really struck a nerve in him, because the third text came much later and was far heavier than the previous two. No loving undertone or lighthearted demeanour, just blunt and upfront.
Have it your way, angel. Two can play that game.
Your stomach churned with unease, unsure exactly what he meant by the statement. Your ignoring him was not intentional, but after your behaviour earlier, there was no way in hell that he would believe you, now. Even if he did, how could you explain yourself without making yourself sound even more like a villain. You collapsed in the kitchen chair, head hung low and shame washing over you once again. You thought you ought to take the loss, move on and realize you messed up. Apologize, even, and rectify the mistake so hopefully he would accept it. But, the little devil was louder still, begging you to answer, pretend nothing happened at all just to feel his touch again, or even just to get him to call so you could hear his voice. Instead of doing either, you set your phone down, realizing it was best left alone until the morning.
You trudged back to bed, trying to rid yourself of the ache that settled in your bones. Most of it was due to the regret you felt about doing such a thing to Jake, but the other part because you felt like nothing more than a forgetful hookup to Sam. He’d been so loving during sex that it was almost earth-shattering when he seemed to be in so much of a rush to leave. With Jake, he stayed all night, tangled in your blankets and your heart, playing house for as long as he could. The sex with him was far from sweet, but the aftermath was astoundingly different. Your head was swimming, unsure of how to feel or how to know which was better. You closed your eyes, once again stuck in the rut of falling in love with the Kiszka’s. You begged for sleep, wondering if the despondent feeling would ever subside.
Rulers make bad lovers
TAGLIST: @itsdannysworld @gretavansara @jaketlove @laneygvf @freefallthoughts
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dreorig · 1 year
Can you see what I see?
You and Eddie have been friends for a while now, but you never told him about your schizophrenia as you thought that was unnecessary — until you saw Eddie talking to an alien head attached to his shoulder.
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Content/Warnings: eddie brock x male reader | mainly comedy | talk about hallucinations | the slightest mention of prejudice | some violent words. you know, it's venom | not really fluff but kinda. not sure how to label this | nsfw language | suggestive content
Word count: 1.5k
Notes: i'm on the schizophrenic spectrum and this is self indulgent, sorry not sorry. sometimes i see things that you're not supposed to see and i just fuck with it, which made me think that i wouldn't really freak out seeing venom. and now we're here. there's no smut or anything but eddie's a bottom i gotta say (i feel it in my heart). it's mostly silly because we might face the horrors™ but we stay silly. enjoy heheh :)
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You had decided to visit a new friend of yours (possibly a crush?), Eddie Brock. It's not like you had anything better to do.
Approaching his door, you just pushed it open, knowing such formalities as knocking on the door were inexistent between you both already. Right away you saw Eddie sitting on the couch, playing what was undoubtedly Yakuza — handsome and with a good taste in games, of course you wanted to kiss him each time you caught yourself staring at him. Oh, he also had a weird alien-looking head popping out of his shoulder talking about a delicious brain it had eaten once. You just shrugged.
"Hi, Eddie!" you closed the door behind you, walking towards the kitchen in hope of finding a clean glass because you were thirsty as hell. "Dear God, this house is a mess! Mine's probably worse, though."
Hey, you found the glass!
"Y/N, what are you doing here?!" Eddie asked with a very alarmed voice, following you.
"Eat him!" you heard the head shout.
"Stop that already! He's my friend! I'm not eating him!"
You stared in confusion as you saw Eddie arguing with the head. You leaned against the wall, rather bored, waiting for it to go away. You sipped your water instead of saying anything, perhaps that cold water was just what you needed. Eddie didn't need to get dragged into the mess that was your mind. Just a little bit and the hallucination would go away.
Eddie suddenly stopped saying anything, unlike the head, and looked at you in some sort of shock, which was cool because it looked like you were finally slipping back into reality and seeing what Eddie was really doing and saying.
Wait— shit, if Eddie was staring at you like that then maybe you said something without noticing? It was okay, you could just play it cool. You smiled and raised your cup, "What? Can't a guy drink his friend's water?"
"You… you're not scared?" Eddie asked, looking like he had seen a ghost.
Oh, okay, you definitely muttered something about your hallucination without noticing. What good would it do trying to gaslight him into believing you said nothing now? You should just say the truth.
"Nah, not really. Years ago I would be but it's just a part of my everyday life now. Nothing to worry about. Sorry if I scared you."
"Y/N, I don't—"
"You? Scary? He's funny, Eddie. I told you to not eat him."
You began, completely ignoring Eddie and looking at the head, "Look,— can't believe I'm arguing with an alien head that is not even real— most people are just normal with normal minds and normal thoughts, like Eddie. What normal person wouldn't be alarmed if I suddenly said I'm seeing a freaking alien head attached to him out of the blue? It's not even like I'm a cool dude with abilities that let me talk to ghosts like Norman or anything, you're just another hallucination."
Now imagine how confused poor Eddie was. Hallucinations? Normal people? Eddie being a normal person? Who even was Norman? He wanted to understand what was going on but with you and Venom arguing it was almost impossible.
"I'm real! And I'm not an alien!" the head shouted, sounding very insulted. "I take it back, let's eat him!"
Eddie has had enough, so he tried his best to just whisper, "Venom, would you just shut up for once and let us talk?!'
"Fine, but keep it in mind that if he offends me again I'll rip him apart and eat his brain with chopsticks!"
You stuck your tongue out to the alien as childish as you could and it did the same — why was its tongue so long?!
Eddie just sighed as Venom finally disappeared. He was really confused. What were you talking about? Were you an agent? Perhaps you had your own symbiote? Could be the only reasons why you weren't scared at all. He got closer to you, putting his hands on your shoulders and looking into your eyes.
"Y/N, you're not scared of what you saw, right?"
"And you've seen it before?"
"Then you know what it is, right?"
"Duhh, of course. Another hallucination of mine."
"You have hallucinations?"
"Yeah," you chucked. "Every now and then. It's not a symptom that affects me too much, though."
"Symptom?" he tilted his head. "Of what?"
"Oh well, I haven't told you but I have schizophrenia. Before you say anything, I swear that I'm not violent or a threat and that's just some really hurtful prejudice people still have against us that—"
"Y/N," Eddie released your shoulders to hold your hands. "Right now, I'm the last person who could say anything. And honestly, It's not something that bothers me in the slightest."
"Hah, he's insane just like you, Eddie!"
You put a hand on your hip, pointing a finger to nowhere specific, "Hey, you! I don't know where you are but don't you talk about Eddie like that!"
"Ah, so…" Eddie cracked an embarrassed smile. "I'm afraid he's kind of right, I'm not the most sane person at all. And that's why I was so shocked when you opened the door."
"He? What," your eyes widened. "Dude, so you really heard that voice, too?! And I'm just not hallucinating you arguing with that head?!"
"I did, yes. Now you understand my surprise in seeing you? I know what I'm going to tell you sounds like a very crazy story but you gotta believe me."
"Man, haven't I just told you I'm a schizo? Nothing sounds crazy to me. Spit it out because now I'm hella curious."
Eddie hardly knew how to behave. You were the first person to see him talking to his symbiote without thinking he was completely insane and screaming or paralysing after seeing Venom himself. In fact, you looked like a child who was very excited to hear what cool story his parents had to tell him this time.
"What you saw is a symbiote, his name is Venom and we're… kind of bonded. You see, he needs a host and that's how I ended up in this position. I won't hurt you— hell, I'd never. You just can't tell this to anyone, please."
"That's so cool, dude!" You grinned wide. "You don't sweat it, my mouth is sealed! Do you mind if I ask you a few things?"
"It's the least I could do." He chuckled. "Go on."
"You control the symbiote?"
"Not exactly? It's more of a mutual work. Although he takes control over me sometimes, this stubborn creature."
"You're just too soft, Eddie! I gotta do everything myself!"
Only then you remembered the symbiote could talk. You asked, "Hey, Venom, would you mind showing up? Please?" 
"Ohh, then Eddie says the same I did and now you suddenly think I'm real? Don't feel like doing so."
"Oh, c'mon! Pretty please? I wanna apologise."
Within seconds Eddie was completely enveloped by the tall and imposing symbiote, who crossed his arms. "You better."
You were beaming with happiness. What a magnificent day. When would you be able to look at a symbiote so closely again?
"Venom, buddy, you're amazing! Truly! I'm sorry for calling you an alien and doubting your existence. You must understand I'm a little out of touch with reality sometimes and I thought you were part of this mess. Now I'm very aware of who you are, though. Are we okay?" you offered Venom a hand shake.
Instead of shaking your hand, he picked you up and hugged you tight. "Hah, I like you, little man! No wonder why Eddie wants you to kiss him."
As if you weren't already happy enough. You smirked, "He does?"
"He does!"
Eddie could advocate for himself but he was so embarrassed that now he preferred being in full Venom mode, this way you wouldn't see his clearly red face.
"Venom, would you mind letting me see Eddie again? Please? I need his help with something."
"More like he needs your help."
Venom let go of you, then just like he had appeared, he disappeared and Eddie was the one in front of you again. He looked so cute with his flustered face that for a moment all you could think about was how even cuter he would look bouncing on your cock.
"Hi, Eddie. Heard you wanted me to kiss you," you took a step closer, having your face just a few inches away from his.
"I- I mean… perhaps? Maybe. I do, yes. Only if you want," Eddie avoided your gaze when he mumbled.
You held his waist and gently pushed him against the island, making Eddie gasp softly when his back hit the cold marble of the countertop.
"Oh, I do. I want to kiss your hands, your forehead, your cheeks, your neck and, last but not least, your lips. I want to kiss you everywhere. And do a few more things other than that if you allow me to."
Eddie felt his hands shake in anticipation as he wrapped them around your neck and closed his eyes. "Fuck, yes, please."
You chuckled before finally leaning in to kiss Eddie.
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littleandless · 2 months
viserys being the focus of daemon’s visions this episode was sooooo delectable. say what you will about daemon being power-hungry and craving glory, but he has sought his big brother’s love & approval most of all. when rhaenyra said that she, with her father’s adoration, made daemon whole, boy was that so fucking true. daemon had some affection for and attraction to her of course, but she was mostly an extension of her father, same as all other females in a patriarchal system. at least until they come under the guardianship of a husband.
it’s sad that alicent was fired from the small council, but i was expecting it to happen a lot sooner tbh.
alicent had so many Mother moments this episode. caressing aemond’s face, pleading with him on an emotional level to give up this hardened persona that hides his childhood wounds. sitting vigil at aegon’s bedside. protecting helaena bodily. inquiring about daeron, the one she had to send away. openly questioning whether it was the environment or her own parenting that caused her eldest sons to go astray, and seeking some level of comfort or validation from her brother, the only relative she doesn’t have a complete wreck of a bond with.
ser steffon darklyn became a bit too confident and then BOOM dragonfire. rest in peace, king.
also…why are we pretending that no one else could possibly be persuaded to attempt claiming a dragon? so many people would jump at the opportunity, let’s be real. tell everyone you’re holding auditions for the role of dragonrider and they will be on your doorstep in 2 seconds.
“YOU TOAD” aemond i kind of love you. also i’m glad he’s not as susceptible to larys’ manipulation. and now that he’s called otto back as hand, maybe cole will get a dressing down as well.
we all knew, or at least suspected, that nettles was cut from the show. you may also have heard that rhaena would take on her storyline instead. and i guess it’s true! i mean, i’m happy for rhaena. she deserves something beyond familial duty to occupy her time. she’s tried and failed to claim a dragon, and now she will finally find success. i just wonder how it will affect the plot in regards to babies joffrey, aegon, and viserys.
also we got to see a baby dragon! i forget, have we seen any others in hotd? i can only recall drogon, viserion, and rhaegal in the main series.
ulf, regardless of whether he’s actually baelor’s bastard, was cast so well. i can totally see the resemblance…or maybe it’s just the stupid half up-half down hairdo that daemon & viserys love so damn much.
i appreciate the larys/aegon heart-to-heart, even if it was mostly for personal gain, because there’s a whole wad of truth behind his words. it’s a bond they now share.
disability in westeros is such a loaded topic, and one that comes up often in grrm’s work. i’m not expecting anything groundbreaking but it is cool to see it acknowledged.
seasmoke chasing down addam was lowkey funny. did he do that in fire & blood? i can’t remember. that damn dragon circled back like three times to terrorize some random hunk and i’m all for it.
also it never occurred to me that alyn was bald on purpose. i thought he was just middle-aged😭 but yeah the white hair makes sense.
the food boats were a great PR move. it’s too bad about hugh punching that guy though. i’d be so pissed if i ran through an entire mob for some carrots and lettuce and then got robbed.
so far we’ve got dyana & sylvie involved in team black’s schemes. gaemon palehair when???? and with ulf and hugh soon joining the fold, we’re getting set up for rhaenyra’s takeover woohoo
but we’re also getting closer to the end😔🫡
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it-was-too-cold-always · 10 months
We're Not in CW Anymore - 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
The reader gets blasted into another universe - one where Sam and Dean Winchester are real people, real hunters, and really fucked up. To her surprise (or horror), Dean has been getting glimpses of her life in his dreams and is completely enamored with her. It's nothing like the cable-friendly CW show that she knows and loves.
Reader x Dean Winchester
Warnings: language, violence
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Chapter 3: The Bunker
The Impala pulled up to the bunker, the car still awkwardly silent. Dean opened the door for you and offered a small smile as you climbed out of the backseat. It was almost comforting. Almost. You couldn’t shake the idea of him watching you undress or take a shit. God knows what he saw. And until you figure out what exactly he’s witnessed, you’re going to keep your guard up.
Sam led you down the corridors of the bunker, which did actually look a lot like the show. Dean followed behind you, making you a little more uneasy. You were suddenly very aware of how tall they are compared to how short you are. Sam and Dean towered over you. They also walked too damn fast for your little legs. Finally you were standing in the main room of the bunker. Unlike the show, the room was bustling with people. There were a couple gathered around a book, a few staring at laptop screens quietly, and a handful typing away on their keyboards. You recognized one of them – Charlie. She had on headphones and was bobbing her head to the beat no one else could hear.
“Right, let’s ask James where to start,” Sam said after clearing his throat. He went over and talked to one of the men reading off his laptop. You could see them talking, Sam pointing over to you. You blushed heavily. Trying to ignore Dean staring at you again, you took a moment to look around the room. You were pleased to see a pretty good mix of people – not everyone was a white man. They were all dressed in business casual, mostly button-ups. A stark contrast to Sam and Dean’s flannel and jeans. You remembered their grandfather thought of hunters as less than – do these Men of Letters feel the same?
“Thanks, man,” Sam said to James before walking back towards you. He shot Dean a look, probably for staring again. “So, he gave me a few books to start off, nothing really concrete. I guess we won’t find out until we start digging.” Sam gestured for you to take a seat at a table in the back of the room. “Be right back,” he said.
Dean stood for a moment, contemplating if he should sit next to you or across. He decided to sit next to you, maybe he won’t be as tempted to stare. He couldn’t help it – he watched you for months, and he couldn’t help but fall for you a little. You were funny, had great taste in music, and killer curves. He liked the way you talked to yourself and sang in the shower. It’s only natural he developed a crush on you. And now he was in such close proximity to you. He wanted to touch you, just to make sure it was really true. You were here, in his bunker, in real life. Not only that, but you were supposedly soulmates. It made his heart flutter a little, though he’d never admit it.
“Do you think Gabriel was telling the truth?” you blurted, breaking Dean’s train of thought.
“Which part?” he asked.
“You know which part. The soulmates part. That’s crazy, right? Soulmates aren’t real.”
He didn’t respond. He didn’t have time to – by the time he opened his mouth, Sam slammed down several books onto the table. “Alright, everyone pick one and let’s get to work.” This was going to be a long night.
After several hours of reading the oldest book you’ve ever seen, you were ready to call it a night. The number of people in the main room of the bunker was dwindling, just like your patience. “What exactly are we trying to accomplish?” you asked, stretching with a heavy sigh. You didn’t see the point in researching soulmates and alternate universes. It’s not going to change anything. Unless they could get you back home.
“If Gabriel worked hard enough to transport you to a whole different universe, surely it was for a good reason. There has to be some sort of explanation besides you and Dean being soulmates,” Sam said, not even looking up from his book. You stole a glance at Dean, who met your gaze. Your eyes silently begged him to put an end to this reading torture and suggest we go to bed. As if he could read your mind, he cleared his throat. “I don’t know man, I think we should call it a night. It’s been a long ass day.” Thankfully Sam agreed.
“Where am I sleeping?” you asked. Surely there was a spare room in here somewhere. “Let me find an empty room. I think there’s one not too far from our rooms,” Dean responded. You were ready to have some time to yourself to process everything that’s happened today. Especially the whole soulmate thing. That was going to take some getting used to. Dean led you to his bedroom, inviting you to sit on the bed while he searched for a room you could use. His room was decorated with various guns hanging on the wall. A picture of him and his mom sat on his nightstand. You walked over and picked up the photo. Dean was a cute kid, and Mary was beautiful. They looked genuinely happy. It was a nice picture.
“Good news and bad news. There IS a spare bedroom, but it’s filled to the brim with boxes of old files. I’m not even sure there’s a bed underneath all that crap.” Dean’s voice made you jump. You were too focused on the photo to hear him coming. You blushed as you set the picture back down – he caught you snooping around his stuff. “Then where the hell do I sleep?” you asked. This is a nightmare.
“How about you take the bed and I take the floor?” Dean suggested.
“I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor in your own room. YOU take the bed, and I’LL take the floor,” you responded.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor after traveling dimensions. Take the damn bed.”
“You’re stubborn as fuck,” you sighed. “Okay, we’re both adults, right? We can share a queen bed without being dramatic about it. Just no funny business, or I’ll kick you in the balls.”
He chuckled. “No funny business. I pinky promise,” he said, holding out his pinky finger to you. You took it in yours and immediately felt sparks fly. You both stared at your hands for a moment, half expecting literal sparks coming off your fingers. The electricity you felt off his single digit was intoxicating. You wondered what would happen if you did more than touch pinkies.
He cleared his throat, letting go of your finger quickly. “I could find something for you to wear to bed, get out of those jeans. I doubt you’ll want to sleep in them,” he said as he started rummaging around his dresser. He pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. “Bathroom’s around the corner. I think Sam set out a toothbrush and whatnot for you already.” You changed quickly, anxious to get the whole crawling into bed part over. That would be the most awkward part, you told yourself.
You walked back into the room, the sweatpants going inches past your ankles like little socks. Dean was matching you with gray sweats and a black t-shirt. You gawked a little. The shirt was tight enough for you to get a peek of the wall of muscle underneath. His arms were toned and muscular. One was covered in tattoos, the other in various scars from fighting monsters all his life. I guess that is more realistic, you thought. The idea of him getting all those scars made you sad, nonetheless. “Alright which side do you want?” he asked. You shrugged and picked the left, crawling under the covers. You stayed as close to the edge of the bed as possible. Dean did the exact same thing, leaving a large space in between you two. You prayed you’d fall asleep quickly, feeling uncomfortable in this awkward situation. Sharing a bed with a complete stranger. God, please don’t let him be a creep.
Chapter 4
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@5tud10-54r4h  @deans-spinster-witch
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hugsandchaos · 2 months
Chaos Deprived AU concept idea
If Dadow was in Chaos Deprived!
Silver was created by Lyric in an attempt to clone Shadow. Unfortunately, he only got a small sample of his blood and had to clone the rest, but his computers had a very, very hard time understanding the Black Arms DNA since so little was known, they didn’t even know what species it was! Lyric didn’t have the time it would take to understand and clone it, and the source that was used for Shadow was gone.
This led to Silver being approximately 80% hedgehog and 20% black arms. Probably not that exact number, but it’s close enough. He shares many traits with Shadow, but being ageless isn’t one of them. Instead of being ageless, he just ages very, very slowly. The fact that Lyric couldn’t get it right and got a baby mostly-hedgehog instead of what he wanted infuriated him. For a while, Shadow wondered if he’d ever grow.
A few months before Lyric’s defeat and being sealed away, Silver was found. He was still a baby (obviously), but Lyric had already done some damage that I don’t want to get into just yet. Shadow instantly took him in.
Soon after Lyric’s defeat, The Downfall began. During it, Shadow would often remove one or two of his inhibitor rings to share the chaos energy with others. Unfortunately, two centuries and a half later, Shadow and Silver were all that were left. At this point, Silver’s aged, but he’s still very, very young. Shadow still occasionally removes a ring to create a space where they both feel at ease, but he can’t do it for too long.
By the time the current timeline rolls around, Silver is 17. Biologically. The crystal given to Shadow by the gang is almost immediately given to Silver to keep. Shadow wants what’s best for his son, and that means he gets the crystal to help keep his mind at ease. Silver wants his dad to at least share it with him, but Shadow refuses. After this, both hybrids have a new mission.
Shadow wants to figure out where the crystal came from. If he succeeds, he could start looking for a way to get there, and if that works, he could bring Silver there, and the ever-present sense of wrongness in this chaos barren world will be left behind forever.
Silver… just wants to help his dad. He wants his dad to have a life just as good as the one Shadow wants for him, if not better.
Now that the main backstory’s out of the way, onto a few things in the present!
Shadow kept Silver a secret from everyone, but Silver eventually came into the picture. Shadow drops the edgelord act when talking to Silver, and everyone thinks it’s odd. Neither of them mention how they’re related until…
Silver: He’s not my dad! Shadow’s my dad.
So Eggman thought it was hilarious to say that Sonic was Silver’s dad even though he knows that they’re pretty much the same age. For literally no reason other than it’s funny to watch Sonic and the rest of the group get so frustrated over the nonsensical joke. At some point, Silver had enough and told them that Shadow was his dad.
At first, they didn’t believe him because they look so different, but Silver remained firm on this. Everything surrounding the two began to fall into place. The main reasons they didn’t guess this possibility was because they looked to be the same age and, again, they looked like night and day. The age thing made them still believe that what he said had to be a joke, but that was explained quickly.
Shadow comes back from whatever he was doing and confirms everything Silver told them, along with adding that the crystal Silver has is indeed the one they gave him and that the “edgelord” thing was all an act. An act that Shadow didn’t like doing. He showed it to Silver once and Silver laughed and asked his dad to never do that to him again.
I just think it’s so funny for the group to realize that Shadow and Silver are father and son, and probably not buy it at first, even though the truth is staring them right in the face.
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chimindity · 2 months
It's just a little crush
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Summary | reader telling her older brother about her crush on JJ. Request by @/anon
Pairing | John B & sister!reader
Warning | yelling, mention of sex? a bit of angst and fluff!!
A/N | I loved writing this :'))
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Whenever JJ was at home you always dressed up all pretty only for him to compliment you, being nice and sweet around him, bringing him a beer each time you hear him complaining about being thirsty.
Meanwhile John B, didn't pay too much attention at how your behavior changes every time JJ is home until he catches you on his laps kissing his cheeks.
-"uh dude have you seen my sist-woah" as he enters the house, he sees you on JJ's lap, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
You jolt when you hear your older brother's voice, and turn back to look at him.
-"john B?" You ask acting as if you have been caught stealing something, eyes wide open.
-"JJ what is my sister doing on your laps?" He asks getting closer to the both of you, yanking your arm and standing you up.
-"alright, I gotta go, see ya john B" you pout staring at JJ leaving the house, meanwhile John B takes a hold of your shoulders making you look at him.
-"hey listen to me, why where you all over my friend's laps?" You roll your eyes at his question wondering if you should tell him the truth.
I mean, he wouldn't even believe you if you tell him a lie after what he saw.
-"uh i think i might have a crush on JJ" you whisper feeling ashamed of your own feeling, fidgeting with your fingers afraid of how your older brother could react.
-"are you serious? Of all the guys, you chose him?" He can't believe what you just said, rubbing his hands over his face feeling disappointed.
-"you don't know the kind of boy he is, he slept with a lot of girls!" He exclaims as if it could make you love him less.
You fold your arms against your chest, somehow feeling sad about John B not approving your crush on JJ.
-"i don't care about that, i love him he is handsome, funny and, and amazing john B" you try to convince him, but it only makes him yell louder.
-"no Y/n, you clearly don't understand! Hey listen to me, I don't want you to get heart broken by my best friend." He points his finger at you as if you were being grounded.
You avoid his look, regretting to have admitted your feeling about JJ, a tear starts to roll down your cheek as he starts yelling at you.
John B doesn't notice your cries at first, until he hears you sobs causing him to stop speaking, and tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
Teary eyes, swollen lips from bitting them trying to stop yourself from crying, he immeditaly felt a wave of guilt in his heart, not knowing it would affect you this much.
-"Y/n, look at me please" he takes your face gently with both of his hands, forcing you to look at him, -"listen, i'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, I was just trying to warn you."
You wanted nothing but to sob even more, you sniff as you look at your brother.
-"i love him! And you can't do nothing about it i love JJ, i love him" you keep saying over and over that you like him, John B can't help but melts at how attached you are to his best friend.
-"I know you do, but i'm your big bro a'right? It's my job to protect you but mostly to warn you" he starts stroking your cheeks to calm you down.
-"he is really nice to me" you pout not wondering why would John B warn you about JJ.
-"i just want you to be careful with him, i get it, he's a handsome guy or whatever but i don't want you to get hurt or even-"
-"pregnant" you cut him off to finish his sentence, he looks at you with widen eyes.
-"Yeah, that too." He still see you as his baby sister always wanting to play with him, or being near him but now the fact that he has to warn you about pregnancy was a hard pill to swallow.
-"no, we uh we don't make love yet" you rub the back of your neck nervously as you look away from him.
-"I just want you to be safe okay? cause you're still my little sister though" he nudges your shoulders, you could have sworn you saw a tear in his eyes as he pulls away from you.
-"alright i'll make dinner" he speaks making his way to the kitchen, you smile at his reaction, knowing that deep in his heart he felt happy for his sister.
@nemesyaaa @sadfury @jjsfavgirl
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Hey there!
Could you please write a Crosshair x reader where they’re besties and reader is super touchie, wich makes people always tease them. one day reader just kiss Crosshair out of nowhere and confess liking him. It would be a fluff (:. Thank you!!
OOO! I'm absolutely in love with this, hell yes! I am a huge sucker for friends that flirt and it's mutual that the relationship flourishes.
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Maybe More Than Friends
The Bad Batch. Crosshair/Reader. (Request). | writing-positivelyexisting🫧
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Walking off the Marauder, your arm was comfortably slung on Crosshair's shoulder, both of you having cocky grins on your face. The team behind you watched with raised eyebrows and confused smiles. You and the Batch had just come back to Kamino from a successful mission of stopping an illegal spice smuggling. But the reason you and Crosshair were smiling was because you had a close call with death.
He was firing from atop a platform with you by his side. You were a battle medic and stayed in the safest spots which were almost always where the sniper was. (It's really how you and the man became friends so quickly). The smugglers fired back and one of the blasts struck at your feet making you stumble backwards. You lost your balance and braced for the long fall ahead of you but a familiar hand had caught your arm.
You opened your eyes to see Crosshair's usual scowl, toothpick stuck snugly between his lips. "Thought I wouldn't catch you?"
"You really know how to make a girl fall in love with you," you smiled as he pulled you back to your feet. 
"Just you."
It was a romantic moment, considering the flirting, but you knew him better than that.
At the cafeteria, you sat next to Cross and immediately the eyes of every other clone were on you. Since joining the Bad Batch and having a close relationship with the grumpy sniper, you've had eyes on you. It wasn't until one of the regs asked if you and Crosshair were dating did you understand why.
"No, we're not." You and him said it simultaneously. It kind of freaked the reg out but he didn't press further.
So, by now you were used to it. It was kind of funny to you, though. You and him were really touchy sometimes. Crosshair would fix your hair if it wasn't neat, or lean against you with his arm around your shoulder. Hell, he'd even let you disassemble and reassemble his Firepuncher from time to time when it was a slow day. And you would hug on the man despite his gruff huffs and shoves, you'd link your arm with his when the team was off-world, resupplying the Marauder for the return home.
You two really did look like a couple most times.
And at some point, his brother's began to tease the two of you. Mostly Hunter and Wrecker, occasionally Echo and Tech.
"Oh look, the wife and husband are back from grocery shopping," Hunter said one time when the two of you returned to the Marauder with food. 
You laughed but Crosshair glared, taking his toothpick from his lips to speak. "We aren't dating. Quit saying that." His arm promptly unlinked with yours and pushed ahead of you inside the ship. It stung, but it was how he was.
You gave Hunter a shrug, "He's sensitive, what can you do?" Hunter chuckled and nodded his head.
The truth is that you did have feelings for Crosshair. It wasn't intentional at all. You were constantly by his side when on missions, so you decided to make friends with the guy. (Otherwise it would be awkward). He didn't seem to hate your presence and eventually started talking to you without any trouble. Then, the flirting.
He was the one to flirt first, believe it or not. Crosshair caught you staring at him. You were zoned out, truthfully, and didn't know you were staring at him. He straightened his posture and called your attention.
When you blinked and tilted your head, he smirked. "Fallin' for me?" 
It shocked you and made you want to chuckle at the same time. You intended to say, 'yeah right', but you decided to play along. "Oh, yeah. Hardcore."
It earned you an amused huff before he flicked his toothpick at you. "Don't," he said, "I'm bad news."
The flirting continued moving forward, which was honestly fine with you. You enjoyed it and you didn't want to make anything awkward by not doing it or asking for it to stop. It felt like it was too late for that. Only when you realized that you had actually fallen for Crosshair did it start to hurt, little by little.
"Hey." A flick to your forehead brought you back from wherever your mind had wandered off to. "You feelin' okay?"
You took a deep inhale and smiled. "Of course." 
"Good." His hand touched your shoulder and you swore it lingered for a few seconds. "Hate to have our medic down."
You could only nod, shoveling your food into your mouth to keep busy.
The following day was another mission. This time you were helping one of the Jedi's fight the Separatists. These missions were always a favorite for the Batch. They got to show off their enhanced abilities to the regs.
Once again, you were with Crosshair. He was leading the way up a mountain, finding the perfect spot. You continuously looked behind you to see just how high you had climbed. You could barely see the waiting troopers down below in the valley, waiting for orders. You turned back to see Crosshair lightly tossing his rifle up on a ledge before climbing up.
You followed and took a few moments to get your footing when he crouched down to offer you his hand. You smirked up at him and placed your hand in his. "Promise not to drop me?"
Crosshair lifted you up with ease, helping you steady yourself on the small ledge. "Only a fool would drop a girl like you."
That line quite literally sealed your fate. It was so different from his usual flirting. His tone was deeper and more personal. You took the leap. You leaned in and gave his lips the quickest kiss known to the universe. It was like it didn't even happen. But it did. And Crosshair felt it like it was a full kiss.
There was only a brisk moment of silence before Crosshair took out his toothpick and properly kissed you. His hand was holding your face, his fingertips just through your hairline at your ear, his other hand standing up his rifle. Both your hands held onto him, one on his bicep and the other on his shoulder. The kiss was longer but not by much, he still needed to get to the vantage point.
When he let you go and put back his toothpick he smirked at your blushing face. "That's a proper kiss, cyar'ika." 
"I know how to kiss, ass!" 
"Care to demonstrate?"
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word count: 1,094.
p.s. I love this man!! I wrote this in the setting of Season 1 because this where we had a much more wholesome kind of Crosshair, I hope you don’t mind! Thank you for requesting, this was so fun for me to write! <3
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