#I see why people think he's a cat and not a demon LMAO
djevelbl · 5 months
"I'll take that wager."
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Omg the latest chapter !!!! (some) communication, at long last !!!!! So here, a drawing of Bendy bc I'm a sucker for balcony scenes lol + a dumb doodle of these 2 idiots bc I love the mental image of Bendy sitting on the railing and almost falling off the 7th floor !!! really funny, had to draw it Also wHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS HIS BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY ??? i am so speedrunning something, i literally didn't know--
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
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SUMMARY: For the life of him, Upper Moon Six cannot figure out why he can't bring himself to kill you. It kills him inside to even think about it. A/N: Had this in my drafts for god knows how long, it's finally out LMAO. WARNINGS: Fem reader, one dead man, couple of swears...and that's about it I think
Sometimes Gyutaro really wished Daki wasn’t so picky about who she ate.
It was a particularly low time recently. The District hadn’t received much new members and most of the people Daki had deemed beautiful enough to eat were gone, throwing a whole tantrum about how she’d rather starve than consume such hideousness. They argued, he threatened her, she screamed back, but in the end he relented and continued in his search to find a meal for them both.
He wasn’t picky and could’ve eaten any time he wanted, he grumbled to himself as he hunkered down on the balcony of one of the numerous rooms in the brothel, surveying the blinding lights of the District and spitting at the arrogant men and haughty women down below. But of course he had to just feel bad about being full while his sister went hungry so Gyutaro decided to stave off eating until she did.
If there weren’t any beautiful people, he hoped Daki would be fine with someone pretty. Or at least decently average. And what luck, he had found none.
Well, lies. Gyutaro wondered how Daki never noticed her before and prayed that she never would. Perhaps it was because she was such a quiet, obedient thing that spent most of her time serving the mistress so that probably explained it. Not beautiful enough to attract the attention of clients, but pretty enough to have gotten Upper Six’s interest.
He stalked her around for a few days to figure out the best time to strike and eat her at the beginning. Sometimes she’d accidentally catch on, see that shadow hunkering behind her, but he made sure to always stay out of her sight.
Gyutaro learnt a lot of things about her that way. She liked food that wasn’t too sweet and disliked a certain type of fish. She liked to go take a walk occasionally alone, far away from the brothel. Her favorite color, the jewelry on the other girls she’d eye, when she fell asleep.
She liked ugly things too. That scrawny, flea-bitten cat from the garbage. The gap-toothed, abandoned children of the streets who flocked to her and begged for breadcrumbs. She didn’t seem to mind the out-of-fashion, worn clothes handed to her by the other girls of the house.
He’d like to think she’d like Gyutaro too.
Of course he knew it was wrong. She was food, not someone he should be thinking about constantly, whether he be out hunting for other prey or remaining dormant within Daki. She’d run screaming in the other direction if she so much as caught a glimpse of him.
Gyutaro wasn’t even sure when he had started getting the weird symptoms from watching her. He had originally thought she must be a demon herself, using her Blood Art to make him think about her 24/7, 365, make his palms sweaty and have his heart rate accelerate around her, have the persistent urges to keep following her around for no reason except to just bask in that sunlight of hers.
Probably some time after she nearly came close to realizing he was there, Gyutaro concluded. She was out with the oiran as one of her attendants that night and out of habit he had shadowed them, ducking out of sight amongst the crowds and running into an abandoned alley after nearly getting caught. The stupid cat had suddenly rushed in as well, something in its jaws, and her hot on its heels.
She had slammed into him, both falling over. Gyutaro would’ve snarled and promptly killed the person if it had been anyone else, but seeing her surprised, flustered face bathed in yellow glow momentarily froze him. She was looking at him. She was hovering above him.
He waited for the screaming.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there! Are you alright?!”
Shock left him dumb, instinct caused him to grunt in reply and quickly turn away lest she caught a glimpse of how demonically ugly he was. The cat screeched from somewhere in the back but he could barely hear it over the rush in his ears as her sweet, sweet, gentle, soft hand grabbed his and helped him up, exclaiming apologies again and again.
Then he fell, probably, and could never not think about her again.
Gyutaro abruptly growled and fled in frustration at the weird, disgusting feelings welling up inside of him. Ugly, ugly, ugly, he hated himself, he hated her, he couldn’t stand the thought of killing her, he wanted her so badly not to see him like everyone did, like she did that night, just another person-
But hey, even demons could dream, right? Gyutaro was guilty for the deaths and injuries for hundreds of humans even when he was one himself, but the sin of fantasizing what it’d be like to even be shown an ounce of affection from her, have her for himself (what was it that humans did, hold hands? Each other? He watched her pet the cat; would she pet and play with his hair like that?) made him feel a thousand times guiltier.
A horrible feeling. Like somebody had stabbed him and was twisting the Nichirin blade around in his innards. Obviously this feeling could be fixed if he ate you, got rid of you, right? …even if he couldn’t fathom eating you himself, Daki could, right? God, never mind, he never felt so…what was this feeling at the thought? So for now he just hoped that no one would notice her. Not Daki, she’d become her next meal. Not a client, they were fouler than him.
How dare they dirty your presence anyway? Who cared if they were handsome, rich, well off, of excellent lineage and all that bullshit? The fact they even thought of touching your, harassing you, having you was enough for Gyutaro to lose his mind and go crazy on a killing spree of all those suitors. If he couldn’t have you, and he knew that, they couldn’t either, and they better know that.
Daki, however…she seemed to be picking up on something off about her older brother’s behavior - he had never ignored her complaints about their stash of food running low soon before, never brushed it off with a yell and assurances he’d find more victims and not do so. Confused and indignant was how she had felt and what caused her to spy a little on Gyutaro and eventually how he was just spending his time watching some stupid girl with something sparking in his gaze she wasn’t sure what to feel about. She settled on disliking and being suspicious of it, finally confronting him about it one night.
“Onii-chan, can you just kill her and be done with it already?! You’ve been following her for more than a week now, how long more do you need to kill her?!”
“Shut up! Be grateful I’m even hunting for you.”
Daki huffed and continued yelling about something to do with being too busy with Oiran duties but Gyutaro zoned out completely, glaring upwards. He should be killing her by now. Eating her. Digesting her.
Why am I not doing that? He silently demanded.
In truth he didn’t know either. Didn’t know why he so easily gave into the slightest stupidest excuse to stalk his prey some more. Didn’t know why he thought about killing the people around her more than her herself. Didn’t know why he was decapitating the head of a man who called her slurs the other day instead of her head.
He slammed the doors for emphasis, muttering profanities he didn’t actually mean about his precious sister as he stalked around the house and to her room. Maybe if Gyutaro killed her he’d stop feeling so ill all the time. “Ill” being used loosely, since…oh God, he liked the feeling, didn’t he?
Gyutaro slammed a fist against the wall. He’d eat her and be done with it.
But when he got to her room he could see not one but two shadows moving about inside, hear murmuring voices and smell a foreign scent…a man’s, tainted by alcohol. Gyutaro couldn’t help it, he wound up eavesdropping in a jealous rage at whoever managed to get close to her.
“You’re a - hic - pretty girl, I’m sure you don’t wanna - hic - be stuck here anymore, ne?”
“Sir, please get out, I never invited you to my room and I’m not working right now-”
“So what? You gonna - hic - do something?” Gyutaro’s nails dug into the wood as he saw a silhouette of a hand grabbing at her arm and yanking her to him.
“I’ll call the mistress if you do anything!”
“Haha, if you can get her to - hic - listen to you, I’ll let you go! I’m already offering - hic - a lot of money for your marriage contract!” The man just about threw her to the door, roughly letting go of her arm as he laughed drunkenly. Gyutaro had barely any time to hide himself in the shadows before the doors were flung open and she raced away.
Marriage? With this pathetic excuse of a-
The next thing Gyutaro knew after awakening from the bloodthirsty, furious craze of very messily murdering the man - the bastard had dared taint such a goddess! Not even Gyutaro had dare done that, too terrified she’d run from the demon that he was and he wouldn’t even be able to catch sight of her anymore - was him standing above the corpse, one sickle buried in the mutilated head…
…while two yellow eyes slowly looked back to see her standing still by the doorway.
His hands curled into fists and he fell to his knees. It was over, wasn’t it? Gyutaro would really have to kill her now, after she’d inevitably shatter his black, rotted heart into a million pieces for slaughtering someone much worse than him. Daki would not be happy at being forced to kill the whole House because he was seen either.
She…fell to her knees as well? Smiling and crying?
“I knew it! I knew you were always there-”
“NEHHH?” Gyutaro reared back, stunned. “You’re supposed to scream! Am I not ugly to you?! Say something else, you stupid human! What do you mean you know?!”
“I knew you were there,” she repeated. “Someone was always following me…you were the one who killed all those…men and left those stolen items from the other oiran for me, weren’t you? I just wondered when you’d show up…I was so, so afraid when the mistress told me I was going to be married off…I prayed and prayed you’d save me again.”
“What? No, NO!” In a flash he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the wall, breathing erratically as his hand gripped his sickle tight enough to crush rocks. “I’m not - I’m not saving you! You’re not supposed to be like this! I’m a disgusting demon, you stupid dunce, I’m ugly-”
“I don’t think you are.”
Gyutaro searched her face frantically for any indication she was bullshitting him. This was everything he wanted and nothing he understood. His fingers tightened their hold. She had to be lying.
She wasn’t. Her lips curved up gently and a fang poked out. “I think you’re like me.”
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moronkyne · 19 days
Finally watching Redacted 101; Demons and Daemons
Here’s my input and notes;
Sovereigns Getting Salty™
Overthrowing gods? My favorite trope FOR REAL
So like “Starchild” is a sort of degrading name for some Demons? Hm interestinggg
Sadism, Inchoate, Desire, Empathy, Serenity, Strife, Misery, Fear, Shock, & Elation (feeds by a spectrum)
Thinking abt Fear demons with anxiety LMAO
Me and Erik speak alike and I just wanna say 🗣️🔊
“Sadism demons don’t have to be cruel—Vega often is.” GIGGLING
First Daemon, Polaris; Empathy Daemon
All empathy Daemons are childlike. GOTCHU. (I think that’s what he meant?)
De’Deridahn is like. It makes a lot of sense why he wanted his ‘creations’ to directly serve him. (Also i associated him with green but sense the new balance video im seeing ORANGE??)
Okay I actually had to take my meds in the middle of this bc I didn’t understand shit
Demons having no concept of death omfg IM GONNA CRY. :(
“And saw what morality—Mortality.”
Off topic but my cat biting the shit out of my finger as Erik is talking about vampires
THE ELLISION WELLL (ok i spelt it wrong)
So there’s a ratio of D(a)emons to humans (checks and balances wtf Erik /pos)
So the Meridian SPLITS Elegy and Aria. Holy shit? The visuals in my brain rn. pearlescent river (Meridian) go brr
This might have to be two posts
So in Aria…there’s a whole new form. 👀 I’ve actually have headcanons about this ‼️
THERES NO CLOTHES IN ARIA. That’s lowkey pretty cool? I mean like it’s funny asf
Stewards.. can steward more than one. Hrmmm
Ah shit we’re talking demon politics
Daemons are biologically immortal though can die
Yeah I’m cutting this short specifically bc like three people are gonna see this and it’s not worth it
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
Imagine Santi's perfect match is that poor bastrad's friend.
The monster is just ranting about getting their heart broken by Santi and is mad at both Santi and their friend. Their mad at their friend because they did the one thing she told them not to do, never fall in love with a thot and their mad at Santi because he could've just been profesional and let them down gently instead of absolutely oblitirating their existence over text (lmao Gallon).
So one day she sees Santi working so obviously she goes over there to confornt him, "I know your buisness doesn't include any emontional factors but you don't have to be such a cold blooded bitch when you rejected my friend. You could've just said no like-" and she goes on a yap session about why she think what he did was wrong.
I think Santi would be overjoyed but also annoyed, like yay my match, but also why is she on my buisness, did my old client send her?
["How DARE you not date my pathetic wet cat friend??!??"]
While Santi would usually be pretty direct in these cases, telling you that his policy and limits are very clear, and that you need a day in his shoes (or lack thereof) to understand what it's like to deal with people who just can't buzz off or think that they're now entitled to his time and affection-
He's not even annoyed.
All the calmness in the world seems to be channeled by the incubus while you point your finger so hard at him you're almost touching him. Not very bright of you, a lesser demon might have snapped it. Santi insists that the two of you sit down to talk over this.
Then come the excuses. See, he has to be mean. When someone gets as in love as your poor (idotic) friend, a simple "I'm not available for a relationship" won't work effectively and neither will a "Piss off", the demon has to hurt them deliberately so that the rose-colored lenses shatter. Would you really prefer it if Santi had gently turned your friend down, only for said friend to keep trying over and over, getting their self-esteem destroyed in the long process? He was quick and merciful, if you think about it.
Ir's definitely very bizarre that he keeps looking so lovingly at you during this conversation. It might even make you guess that's why people keep falling in love with him, because he makes those swoons and sighs and casts infatuated eyes at his clients. But no, in this instance, they are as sincere as it gets. And Santi will try to hurry this conversation along so he can convince you to have him for the night. To see for yourself that there's no reason for someone minimally intelligent to fall in love from his services.
Though, naturally, the challenge is only a ruse, and Santi will treat you in a way that'll keep you addicted to him, coming back over and over, so that he has time to form a bond, to explain the concepts of matching to you. This will be more complicated than usual, he acknowledges it, but like Hell he's giving up.
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bonefall · 7 months
Looking for advice since you're great with stuff like this: I'm struggling with how to have a character fundamentally change. A character in my cat story loses his memory and ends up working with the main characters to stop his own plan he made to destroy the world (and after the plan is stopped, he regains his memories). I want his time in the Starless to change him, make him less obsessed with power, but I'm really starting to struggle with whether or not that makes sense and how to work that.
Hmm.. well, first bit of advice I always give is that characters are not people. They are writing tools. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be "realistic" or that connecting to the human traits in the audience isn't important.
It means that a character exists to tell a story.
By "tool" I mean "machine." Every trait is a piston, and ideally they work together to drive your story along. What are you saying with each trait? What is your beginning point for the story, and their end? What do you want to explore? What do you want the audience to take away?
So if you feel stuck on a character, find the larger message you want to impart with them. The job they're doing in your narrative.
What do you want to say about power?
What do you want to say about why Character X wanted to destroy the world? Why was he wrong? What feelings and information lead him to that conclusion?
What is his redemption arc doing for your themes?
Every writer answers those questions differently. For example, I feel strongly that power doesn't corrupt, it reveals. When you finally have the influence to make others do what you want, you make them do it. I don't see "power" as being like... a magic, abstract thing, it's influence over other people, and those people are ALSO individuals with their own reasons for following the leader.
Digressing; what I'm getting at is that, as a writer, I have a lot of thoughts on power itself. I got this way with a lot of reading and interest on the topic. You might find it insightful to experience more art, essays, and commentary on the subject, if you ever get stuck, and develop an opinion you feel strongly about.
Not just about power, as broad writing advice.
If I was writing the character, these are the things I'd be thinking about specifically and changes I'd be making on personal taste. I don't know your full story enough so, hopefully it's insightful;
First of all I'm always SUPER wary of the "correct but demonized radical" trope. Does my villain have a point?
Am i just giving them a Kick-a-Baby scene to make them wrong when they should be completely right otherwise
What are my themes and tone? This is VERY important. Steven Universe is about family and emotions with low stakes violence; the Diamonds are essentially abusive grandparents that Steven is coaching through intergenerational trauma. They fit the universe they're in. Jack Horner does not belong in SU.
So I'd look at Character X's purpose.
Knowing me, I'd actually take out full amnesia entirely. I have memory problems related to trauma so I'm a lot more familiar with major, important details blotting out RIGHT when I need them. Enough that I can put myself in the shoes of someone like BB!Fallenleaf who remembers a lot but the details are fuzzy.
So personally I think I could write this villan to be VERY funny lmao
"Hello. I am Gnagnathor the Destroyer."
"No you're not. He has three horns. You have two."
I also just find it more resonant when a character still remembers what they did, why they did it, and is able to refute themselves with their own growth.
To me like... when a character remembers NOTHING to the point where they're not informed by their actions or history at all, how are they really still the same person?
in general though I find total amnesia uninteresting. I wish it was less popular.
What did Gnagnathor DO with his power? What did he WANT from it?
The simplest version of this I know is "Gnag was hurting and wanted everyone else to hurt too. Now that he has a happy place, he doesn't want that."
TO BE CLEAR THATS FINE. That's a REALLY common power fantasy and it's not automatically a bad story. It's popular for a reason.
Personally I feel strongly about the idea, though, that people with power don't change unless they lose it. There's no reason to.
People don't change until you break the environment that contributes to the behavior.
Especially with victims unfortunately-- the ugly truth is that a lot of problematic behaviors exist because they protected the victim from their abuser's actions. You need safety to really start to unpack that.
You can personally identify it and address it as much as you want, when your abuser starts to use That Tone you will still seize up. Just try to yank yourself back into your head when you're disassociating during a screaming session; your reward is raw distress.
That said, not all villains HAVE to have tragic motivators like that, or be ex-victims at all. Leveraging power to get what you want can be as ugly as just being taught the people you're hurting are subhuman.
Or making up justifications for why This Is a Good Thing Actually.
Some people will lash out violently when these justifications fall apart, because accepting it would mean they're Being Bad
Most people have an innate desire to Be Good. Like... the vast, vast majority of people. Some sense of morality is observable in all intelligent social animals; dolphins, chimps, elephants.
Tangentially, if you understand that people don't WANT to be bad and that the natural response to a scolding is defensiveness, you understand that convincing people of something is a LOT easier when you approach with kindness.
AND IN TURN: be wary of those who are flattering while trying to convince you of something. This is Manipulation 101.
So back to Gnagnathor
Do I want to talk about environment and how it changes him to be away from power? How traits that previously earned him wealth or influence are suddenly incredibly taboo, so he can't use them here?
On that-- HOW did he get his power in the first place? Re: I'm very wary of the "correct but demonized radical" trope.
Were his minions following him because they have serious issues and he exploited their desperation? .....are you centering the experience of the poor, sad abuser over his victims
Or are they ALL united over something important and legitimate? With the redemption of their villainous leader, how are you planning for that to frame all of their former followers?
(This is why redeeming minions is usually a lot more productive than doing it to the leader, imo. Redeeming Zuko means you can explore the familial legacy, the indoctrination of the Fire Nation's children, their justifications, the way systems make monsters out of people. Redeeming The Firelord would probably have caused Azula, one of his victims, to pick up his slack and now, suddenly, you have a VERY uncomfortable situation where Ozai is thrashing one of his abused children but Good This Time.)
(Not to mention that, again... why would he do this. He has power. He's doing what he wants and is used to this situation. It would be a numbskulled narrative choice.)
Aaaand that's about all I can say without essentially being a cowriter or editor. It's on you to figure out what you're trying to do and say here. I'm a good writer on this subject because I think about it a lot, which has lead to my strong opinions and point of view. Your art is a reflection of you.
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haunted-headset · 9 months
hey friend! tis me back again hahah
this is gonna sound so random but anyways i was thinking.. reader coming home to hear wilbur shouting away in his room (he’s streaming for once LMAO) and deciding to just chill in the living room/bedroom for a bit. and then when wilbur’s finished and he surprised to see reader and he’s so happy to them and just aah :,) 🫶 and i had the idea of smth like a cozy night in with wilbur?? and i was wondering if u had any thoughts on that or if u wanted to write about it maybe! no pressure at all to do any of that tho <3
i hope ur having a nice dayyy! 💕
💗 You're Back! 💗
a/n: stopppppp this is so cute!! also why did my writing get really good during this
summary: read the ask
contains: excited Wilbur, tired reader, tooth-rotting fluff, pet names, kissing, & silly Haunty shenanigans overall
words: 702
tags: @zuuriell @somebody-v @vibestillaxxx @ax-y10 @joviepog@themonsterunderurmom @ogelizasoot @wilburstan@smolsleepykitten@funnyreally2009@crows-death@dykepunz@aresriiots@0miamor0@defonotval@chipch0p@mazzistar16@unmellowyellowfellow@thosecolorfulsheets@vopix@aine-lasagna@merianakross@veeislost@urfav-sapphic-siren@shazbaz58-blog @wifiatthetrainstation@mcr-pr-fob@shd454@rqvii@idioticion@m0thza@artistphantom @lexx-the-gay-rubber-ducky @finleyforevermore @poraphia @radio-to-trenchcoat-demons @mysticalsoot @21-cats-in-a-trenchcoat @strangleetomz (let me know if u don't or do wanna be tagged)
At around 5pm, you finally got home after an exhausting day at work. You, of course, loved your job; it was your dream job, after all! Some days were more tiring than others.
You took your shoes off & put them near the door next to Wilbur's scuffed, untied Dr. Martens that had lost their shine years ago, unlike your darling boyfriend, who always seemed to have some sort of lively spark about him that nobody could quite have for themselves, which is rather peculiar, since he writes incredibly heart-wrenching songs nowadays. The shoes were massive compared to yours, almost like a clown's.
In the office, you heard shouting & laughter. You didn't think your boyfriend would be streaming, since he hadn't streamed since October, & he never mentioned any upcoming streams. Maybe he was treating the livestream like he treated Mammalian Sighing Reflex & did it unannounced to surprise people. Not wanting to interrupt him, you walked into the bedroom to take off your work clothes & change into sweatpants & Wilbur's brown hoodie that still had the smell of earthy, soothing cologne & petrichor lingering on the soft fabric. You checked yourself in the mirror. You looked okay, except for the fact that your eyes were drooping & you looked almost like you were going to collapse & fall asleep on the floor if you did any excessive movements. You yawned & stretched your arms above your head, hearing a few cracks & pops as you did such from not cracking anything all day. You then cracked your neck & knuckles, & both of them made loud pop & crack & crunch sounds. You finger-combed through your hair, tugging through the knots while wincing. You looked very dead. Abandoning the rule you made for yourself not to bother Wilbur during streams, you slowly opened the office door just a crack, making sure not to make any loud creaks.
"So, I think that'll be all today, chat!" Wilbur smiled. "Thank you all for coming. I'm so sorry I haven't been streaming as much, I've just got Lovejoy things to do. We're all very busy all the time. Here, let's have you all raid...Philza. Go raid him. Bye, chat!" He clicked the "Stop streaming" button on his PC & sighed. Since his spinny chair was still facing the PC setup, you were able to come around & hug him from behind.
"Hello," you mumbled sleepily. "I'm back."
"Angel! You're back!" Wilbur sprang up from his seat & picked you up & spun you around, causing you to laugh. When he stopped, he sat down on the chair with you in his lap. "How was work, love? Everything go okay at work?"
You shrugged. "It wasn't bad, per se, but it was just exasperating. Nobody was rude or crass to me, but I'm just really tired." Wilbur made a small "ah" sound & nodded.
"Do you want to go cuddle in bed & drink some tea?" Wilbur asked, playing with your fingers. "Do you want to do that? Or we could do something else."
"Tea & cuddles sound nice," you said. Wilbur nodded & picked you up & walked you to the kitchen. He still kept you in his arms while he made tea, softly asking you which tea flavor you preferred & which mug you wanted, or if you even wanted a mug or if you just wanted a glass. You two waited in the kitchen while the tea was being prepared, with Wilbur rocking you back & forth to a symphony only he could hear. When the whistling of the tea kettle echoed through the kitchen, he poured the two mugs of tea & handed you one as he grabbed the other & walked back to the bedroom. He cautiously placed you on the bed to make sure neither of you spilled the tea onto the soft white sheets. When he sat down on the bed, you immediately scooted over to him & cuddled up to him with his arm over your shoulders & your head buried in the crook of his neck. & you two just stayed like that for an uncountable amount of time.
Thank goodness you came back.
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solei-eclipse · 1 month
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Explanation time! Starting with Kio because she's easier and TUMBLR POSTED MY DRAFT FOR JIU so I'm redoing that later everyone close your eyes
From top left going down: Chihiro Ogino (Spirited Away), James Henry Hayward (the Iremonger trilogy, Foulsham), Momo (Momo & the Grey Gentlemen)
Top right going down: Mitsuha Miyamizu (Your Name), Hikaru (The Summer Hikaru Died), Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Chihiro Ogino
So this one is PAINFULLY obvious
naturally she's where Kioku's character originated from, but the funny thing is she's a lot more disconnected from Chihiro than Jiu is to Haku
Most of the main traits still remain. the childish kind of naivety, meeting people she's been told are untrustworthy yet trusting and believing with her heart that they are good inside anyway (this works out for Chihiro, it does not work out for Kioku), stubbornness, general lack of grace, etc
The main reason why Kio seems more separated from Chihiro is because the main thing that inspired me was the idea of Chihiro after walking out the tunnel aka losing her memory
The concept of her disappearing and coming back as this strangely different girl but nobody knows why. She can't even remember herself
Can you imagine losing your whiny scaredy cat daughter for (what you assume is) 2 hours and she comes back hardened with experience and maturity and wtf why is she cleaning now
One of my favorite interpretations of an older Chihiro is that she's into sports! I've seen quite a few variants (track, soccer, lacrosse, softball)
To me, Chihiro would take up sports as a result of her budding work ethic + after all the stunts she pulled in the bathhouse I'd say she's got a head start on the training already (running from a giant No Face as a tiny scrawny 10 year old definitely alters the brain chemistry I think) + it's just a way to further hammer down how changed and developed she is from the child she used to be before. she is literally stronger and more capable now
Kio is pretty much the same in this aspect, with the added bonus of "the mind forgets but the body remembers" as one of the reasons why she likes physical activity so much
Also. Chihiro is absolutely not a parkourist though Kio is LMAO she's just kind of slightly a freak. while Chihiro is just sweet
James Henry Hayward
So onto the more obscure book inspos
James Henry Hayward is a young boy who was previously a bath plug. I realize I have to explain this a little.
In the world of the Iremonger trilogy, there are things called birth objects. They're essentially people turned into objects, and the rich and wealthy Iremonger family connect their souls with these poor objects in order to increase their power/lifespan I believe? It's been a while since I've read it to be honest. They essentially keep these people trapped into objects and carry them around like trophies. If they're too far away from their birth object, they grow ill until they die. A person and their birth object cannot be human at the same time, if their birth object suddenly breaks into human form again, the other person will turn into their birth object. You can imagine the oppressive shit they do to their objects in order to ensure that they stay objects.
James Henry was a bath plug, the birth object of the main character. At the end of the first book, a huge event happens where the main character turns into an object and James Henry is able to become human again
But since he has connections to the main character (who was heir to the rich and wealthy tyrant family), he was kept and locked away in their residence in order to be monitored
The main inspiration I took from James Henry once again has to do with memory.
When James Henry reverts back to a human, he can't remember anything from his past save from a few hazy vignettes and seeing things that shouldn't be there
His general perception of the world is cloudy and unclear because his caretaker feeds him "medicine" that really just serves to cloud his memory more and ensure that he lives in blissful ignorance
The people of the house regularly gaslight him into believing that nothing is wrong and that he grew up in this house, continuously feeding him medicine that makes his head hurt and difficult to think
He keeps seeing things where they shouldn't be and believes that they're remnants of his past memories that are seeping out
They're often distorted though, and usually take the form of strange things, like his sister as a rat inside a cupboard.
James Henry serves as Kio's inspiration in this way, but his caretaker Ada also serves as inspiration for Kio's guardian
Momo is a mysterious little girl (scrawny, around 10 or below) of unknown origin who just... appears out of nowhere and begins to integrate herself amongst the locals of the town.
When asked about her age, I believed she answered like. 1000+ or something? Once again, it's been a while.
Her origins are never explained, nobody knows where she came from and she doesn't seem to know either.
She's welcomed with open arms, though, and the townsfolk begin warming up to her.
Overall her personality traits are pretty standard heroine stuff, naive, honest, sees good in people (literally, I'll explain in a moment), does her best to help, etc
The main trait I took from Momo was the quality of her eyes.
Momo's eyes are special in the way that anyone who looks into them (which she does when she "listens" to them, her special talent is "listening") will have the good brought out of them. She listens to people's problems, and once they air out their grievances and look into her eyes it's almost like their problems are fixed somehow. She has the power to stop fights, bring creative inspiration and calm the hysterical just by sitting there.
There's a scene where one of the antagonists (a grey gentleman who steals the lifespan of other people) tries to lure her away with toys and such, but she just stares at him and he starts spilling his guts uncontrollably. He tries in vain to stop it but he ends up spouting secrets and the true motives of his company and junk and it's just an insane scene because all she's doing is standing there and this grown businessman alien is scared shitless of her.
NATURALLY THIS IS AN INSANELY OVERPOWERED ABILITY (to me). even more crazy how it seems like momo doesn't even know she has it
So I made sure Kio didn't have that EXACT ability because Lord knows the kind of secrets these s40 kids are carrying around.
I mentioned before in the introduction post, but Kio has a very open face and disarming eyes. They're not as overpowering as Momo's, just enough to make anyone with bad intent or a severe secret feel strangely uncomfortable. They're rather warm to everyone else.
Despite this, there's one person that her eyes have the full Momo effect™ on, and I think you can guess who.
(there's a reason he doesn't look into her eyes)
Mitsuha Miyamizu (Taki Tachibana?)
Honestly not much on Mitsuha herself, but rather Taki when he inhabits Mitsuha's body
It's noticeable that whenever Taki is in control, Mitsuha's hair is in a ponytail instead of its usual intricate braid. This is because he doesn't know how to do it like she does.
That's Kio to me. All she can do is a ponytail.
Taki-Mitusha is also much more sporty and bold than the real Mitsuha!
I can imagine Kio in that scene where Taki-Mitsuha plays basketball. That was a scene I found really fun lol
Honestly that basketball scene is the only reason. I don't really know why I gave her a spot here........
Mitsuri Kanroji
Just for the general energetic vibes, clumsy nature and genuine spirit
Also the fact that Mitsuri is abnormally strong and her body composition is bizarre.
She's very athletic and agile, very fast-moving.
Kio would be less on the flexibility aspect and more on the running and jumping stuff, though (parkour!!)
Mitsuri is kind of a huge dork who messes up frequently and is pretty clumsy, which are traits that Kio has
But she's also an incredibly hard worker and creates her own way out of a given thing or situation, opting to keep her hopes up even if she cries about it sometimes (similar to Chihiro)
Kio's mannerisms are also quite similar, especially the scene where she tries and fails to explain something to the Master and embarrassedly says "I'm so sorry. I'm going to go die in a hole now." while groveling.
The reaction that Iguro has to her explanation is also very Jiu coded HAHAHA
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isadollie · 3 months
Heya! I’d be curious to get a matchup? If you’ve got time! Many thanks in advance! 💜
Fandom: Obey Me
Name: Walker
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality/preference: demisexual, boy please
Likes: coffee, cats, Halloween, metal music, documentaries, scary movies, cryptids
Dislikes: crowded places, early mornings, sour foods/drinks, loud noises (except music)
Free time: video games, baking, drawing, working out, journaling
Aesthetic: dreamcore/liminalcore and Halloweencore are my favorites! (Warning: if you look them up, liminalcore and dreamcore can make people with dissociative issues feel weird, so be careful if that’s something you deal with!)
Appearance: averagely built trans guy, sorta messy brown hair, green eyes, the sun is not my friend (ie: pale!), a few black-ink tattoos on my arms/chest, small ear gauges, glasses
Personality: Quiet and maybe a little shy at first, but chill and easygoing once I’m used to someone. Kind of protective ‘older brother’ vibes, very responsible but not overbearing - I am there for support but won’t be pushy about it. I laugh easily and love jokes/puns, can be very playful once super comfortable with someone. Love casual touch but unlikely to initiate it, not a fan of clinging, but happy to be used as a pillow.
Dream bday present: probably some mix of practical and fun. Something I need at the time (small appliance, clothing, whatever I’m needing to more efficiently exist) along with something ultimately useless but enjoyable (cryptid stuff, plushies, stickers, etc)
Love Language: I show love by gift giving and acts of service. I like receiving acts of service and words of affirmation.
Zodiac: Libra!
Songs: “Be Gay, Do Drugs, Hail Satan” by Super Cassette || “Antipop” by gürl/Onlyfriend || “Barbie & Ken” by Scene Queen/Set It Off || “Father” by The Front Bottoms
Again, thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!
— matchup —
if you'd want a matchup too, make sure to check out this! link
also, a quick reminder that requests for headcannons and/or scenarios are open!! please go check it out!!
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i match you with...
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★ i have a feeling that Mammon would be the absolute king of halloween. he'd love to scare people, dress up, go trick or treating (even though beel would end up eating all the candy anyway)
★ oh he'd love your tattoos, 100%. would love to look at them, ask their meanings and details, trace them with his fingers
★ Mammon is super scared of all kinds of horror movies (which is funny cause he's a literal demon), but he will act like he's not. "The Great Mammon scared of some movie? Don't make me laugh!" but then he'll cover his eyes throughout the whole movie. will still agree whenever you ask him to watch it with you lol
★ your love language is gift giving? say no more. he's into that lmao
we all know him as an avatar of greed, who only ever wants to sell whatever will bring the most money. he could sell literally anything, but not a present you gave to him. he cherishes those way too much
★ he'd love to watch you getting more comfortable with him, especially if he sees that you get along with him better than with his brothers. such an ego boost lol
★ will laugh at all your jokes, sending a glare to anyone who, in his opinion, isn't showing enough interest. will definitely complain about them later. Levi only smiled instead of laughing out loud? "When i tell you, this man has NO sense of humor-"
★ he loves to see you being an "older brother" who's protective towards others. mostly because he think he's like this too.. or at least he also wants to be seen this way. my man just wants his demon brothers to appreciate him for once:(
★ one of the reasons why i chose Mams for you, is because of your dream bday present! i imagine he'll make a list of things that he knows you might need, and another list of things you two could do together. so in the end, your birthday becomes a whole day of receiving different things you needed, with doing a lot of fun things in between
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your second match was levi btw! hope you like it:)
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Macaque Book Club AU
He’s the only one asides from Tang probably who has read JTTW. So in his little book club because let’s be honest, between the theatre and the graffiti lego set, he seems like the kind to have a couple modern day hobbies in the arts like your grandma who has a bunch of friends to gossip with at the knitting meet or the greenhouse. He’s the only monkey actually using his human disguise actively so, I imagine they get together at the local library, someone brings refreshments Macky is allergic to by virtue of being a monkey but they get him addicted to (insert snack/drink of your choice) and he gets into fandom discourse at the book club with someone whose like “the 6EM from the book was a one off villain who died ages ago, get over it” but to him, on the worst nights it all comes back. (And maybe this is recently right after Shadow Play so.) oh wait pff, we’re going to need a new recent trigger I forgot he gets kidnapped right after 😭 okay so maybe this person is what pushes him to write the play. I hope you know the exact like of fandom discourse I’m talking about bc I’m really pulling from people who are like??? why are you hyperfixated on this one thing? And maybe Tang eventually puts the pieces together about who this guy is. I also can’t help but start thinking about how lonely Macky might actually be, because you’d THINK he’d be the anti social one but Wukong is the one isolating himself for a thousand years with 13 cats, I mean a bunch of baby monkeys. Meanwhile, Macranberry is out there in Six Earred Hearing Hell in the city and super chatty whenever we see him. He wasn’t as chatty around the Brotherhood. Only with Wukong as needed who was full out dancing on the tables lol, things change eh? Even defeating the smoke monster feels like an attempt at catching up to your friend who got a real job while you’re just starting college. (Aka when Wukong and his shiny new hero legend status sealed the Bull King.) He says there was nobody who could stop the two of them in the Celestial Realm or on earth but we know that 1) Macky doesn’t like the Celestial Realm. 2) They definitely weren’t spending all day there back then with the overthrowing plotting and also got defeated hard. 3) They weren’t actually vigilante heroing back then if Wukong picked up his demon defeating status after the journey. 4) Would Macky ever do that on his own or was it always with Wukong until he tried it out post-resurrection like everything else presumably new about him. He probably meant “nobody could stop Wukong’s mischief that I helped him out with but he mostly did all the big things like immortal peach stealing and the book of the dead himself and I was there for uh, moral support. And baffled that he did that. But I’m going to pretend to MK that we were a cool team and equals and this wasn’t just a precursor to our eventual fall out. Sorry Mr. “yeah you always did have a sidekick kinda vibe.”
careful, anon, he could hear you 👀
but lmao i love this au!!!! also, since Tang is in the same book club as Macky (and i kinda want them to always get into “scholarly” debates when it comes to jttw because it’s Tang’s favorite book and….well, Macky has a monkey problem…..), Tang is invited by Macky to the shadowplay, so end of 2x07 is basically
and then you’ll just have Tang screaming at Macky throughout s3 about how he must answer for his “crimes” of withholding valuable academic information (3x08 is just them arguing about the content in jttw but it’s not actually about jttw rather about Macky himself and his blind anger obscuring his memories. they just use the book as a cover for the true conversation)
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Some of my Favorite Manga That Deserve an Anime Adaptation
Red River (28 volumes)
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😍😍😍 !!!!!!!! *gestures dramatically at the screen* I just!!! I cannot scream this enough!!!! This forgotten gem stole my heart in 2020 and I cannot get over it. In a word, this series is: passionate. Exquisite. UNDERRATED. 😭😭😭 It's a historical isekai romance that is full of political intrigue, erotica, brilliant characterization, GORGEOUS art, and great action. This manga is the reason why I wrote 3 out of the 8 non-crossover Red River fics that exist on AO3 lmaooooo. IT'S JUST SOOOOO GOOD!!!! I never finished a series longer than 7 volumes within less than 2 weeks, and completely online, no less! It's a damn shame that it's so hard finding even physical copies of the manga to own, because dammit, I NEED!!!! 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺 I would straight up CRY from joy if an anime adaptation was ever announced skgjfdfkjgdf (but I doubt it'd ever happen 😭)
MAO (14 volumes and counting!)
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I mean, it's only the legendary Rumiko Takahashi's latest work, COME ON. It has Takahashi's usual touch in the art style, themes, and motifs, but is also wonderfully refreshing, with all new memorable characters and low-key one of her BEST main ships of all time. The game's afoot, and there's mysteries to unravel with deeper conspiracies beneath them all, all with a hot immortal doctor and a feisty girl who shares his curse with a cat demon thing (a byoki, to be precise). WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?!
FAKE (7 volumes)
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Yes, there's an OVA 2-part special. No, it's not enough. This bitch is thirsty for MORE. 😍😍😍👀👀👀 Yuri on Ice may be the first "yaoi" to steal my heart (I only put quotations because there's no porn lol), but FAKE is the first "official" yaoi to make me SQUEEEE while reading. Yes, this older series is not free from some of the unfortunate trappings of older yaoi series (*cough* noncon issues! *cough cough*), but I think what makes it work is that it's never pushed too far. And honestly, the mysteries surrounding their work as private detectives was so compelling, that it was almost like they never had time for shenanigans.... until after they fell in love 👀👀👀 Or, rather, after Ryo FINALLY accepted that he's gay AF for Dee lmao. Also: points for Dee being an openly bisexual man, who constantly corrects those who call him a homosexual. For the 90's??? That's surprisingly progressive.
Angel Sanctuary (20 volumes)
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Yes, there's a 3 episode OVA. But it only "covers" the first 2 volumes out of TWENTY. This series is absolutely gorgeous: the Gothic inspired art, every panel is just dripping in angst, detail, and passion. The incest takes a backseat for the REAL drama, a savage dressing down of the hypocrisy of Christian ideals in a world where even the realm of Heaven is corrupt and full of sin. Dark, angsty, deliciously sinful, and a thoughtfully cynical yet inspiring commentary on what makes us human (even if you're a devil or an angel), it is an absolute CRIME that this series was never made into a full-length anime. If other controversial anime can be made/adapted in this day and age, then why not give this classic, forgotten gem a try, anime studios?! 😤
The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross (11 volumes)
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Arina Tanemura's art is simply *chef's kiss* She has such a Shoujo Style that is unparalleled. Two are of her earlier works were made into beloved early 2000's magical girl anime series: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Full Moon wo Sagashite. So why not THIS?! It is such a deliciously absurd Drama that is addicting and frustrating as hell. It's also just a truly touching tale of how family baggage can be so damaging to people's perceptions on love, relationships, and self-worth. It's a series that's near and dear to my heart, and I'd love to see it animated one day.
Kitchen Princess (10 volumes)
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This adorable series is 90% fluff, 10% ANGST, with some of the cutest art styles imaginable. If you're itching for a series about food that doesn't go batshit like Food Wars (I love that show, but I can understand that it can be, er, overwhelming lol), Kitchen Princess invites you in for tea and cake and holds your hand as you eat delicious desserts that warm your soul. It is just a sweet, sweet story, with an abundance of fluff, but enough angst and hurt/comfort to balance out the cutesyness. Definitely a comfort food series that NEEDS AN ADORABLE, WHOLESOME ANIME AND CUTESY SOUNDTRACK, DAMMIT!!!!
Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden (12 volumes)
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If the original series can get an anime, then SO CAN THE PREQUEL, DAMMIT!!!! Genbu Kaiden took what is good about Fushigi Yuugi, and made it better. The protagonist is a thousand times more likable and stronger, both physically and emotionally. The dramatic scenes are far more effective and don't rely on Soap Opera BS. And the art has improved! GENBU KAIDEN DESERVES MORE LOVE!!!
Arisa (12 volumes)
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Don't let the cutesy art fool you: this is one of the darkest series I ever read that didn't kill off the entire cast. With the right soundtrack and animation studio, this could be a downright chilling show to watch, without resorting to Higurashi levels of terror and violence. I don't Do horror at all, but the psychological thrills and twists of this dark series kept me invested, frightened, alarmed, and entertained until the very end. I would love to see it animated one day.... 👀
Shinobi Life (13 volumes)
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THE BODYGUARD ROMANCE BEFORE YONA OF THE DAWN MADE IT COOL!!!! 😍😍😍 Lol, but in all seriousness, this series is SO GOOD!!! Now that I finally own all of the physical copies published in English (which is only half, because this world is cruel 😭😭😭), I cannot WAIT to dive back into this world of time-traveling ninjas and reincarnated princesses and adorkable relationship shenanigans, with an added bonus of backstory ANGST.
Alice in the Country of Joker: Circus and Liar's Game (7 volumes)
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Listen. LISTEN. I DEMAND AN ANIME BASED OFF THIS MIND-BOGGLING TRASH, and no, not just that joke of a "movie" that is even somehow even more incoherent than the countless manga spin-offs. Not all of us have the patience or understanding to play the games, pleeeeeease 😭😭😭
Honorable Mentions:
Fairy Cube (3 volumes)
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First of all: fairies. Second of all: this tiny 3-volume series is such a clusterfuck of chaos, lightning fast plot points, that if stretched out to even a 12 or 13 episode series would probably make it coherent AND give justice to the story.
Alice 19th (6 volumes)
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Same logic to Fairy Cube: I just want someone to take this mind-fuck of a series, because, in the right studio and director's hands, it'd be soooo amazing!
Otomen (17 volumes)
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Honestly, I barely remember much of this adorkable series, other than the very refreshing and honest takes on gender, gender roles, and gender identity and how all are similar and yet separate. It would be nice to see more representation in mainstream anime, even now.
RG Veda (10 volumes)
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Once again: a 2-episode OVA does not an anime make. Literally I just love the art and mythologies. And it's one of CLAMP's earliest work, and is low-key their most gorgeous. Imagining this story animated to today's standards would be *chef's kiss* AMAZING!!! 😍
Kilala Princess (5 volumes)
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Let me make one thing absolutely clear: this will never happen. Ever. Never ever ever. Not in my lifetime, certainly, as long as copyright laws exist. If Kingdom Hearts is never gonna get an anime/animated show adaptation, then this cutesy manga sure as hell won't. But GODS I WANT IT!!!!!! 😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭 It is every childhood Disnerd's self-insert dream come true sdkjgdjfgr
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sweetfire01 · 2 years
Hey Just wanted to say I love your writing! Daddy simmy makes brain go brrr 🥴 (affectionate)
Imagine all 7 brothers babying mc, like shared custody? Lmao imagine the chaos that'd cause. Requesting a fic with them acting like daddy simmy but sharing mc between them.
~ 🐻 anon
Thanks ~🐻 anon (it's Teddy anon?)
I write here my headcanons and in another post the fic. I take it as a consensual age regression. If you want a non-con let me know!
Little!Mc and Daddies!Brothers? A true chaos.
The first time you regressed, you crawled into the arms of only one of them. You needed comfort. Even if you regressed normally in the human world, you weren't sure the demons would accept that, so you kept it a secret. Until one day, maybe for all the stress, maybe a strong thunderstorm, maybe a scary horror film, you broke down and started crying.
Lucifer would have been the first to calm you down. If you were alone in the room, you would run to him in his office. All you needed was protection and who better than the strongest brother could provide it? If instead you burst into tears in front of everyone, he would have been the only one to do something immediately, picking you up and moving to a quieter place. You would then fearfully explain to him about your regression but, once you saw how understanding and supportive the demon seemed, you decided to reveal it to the others as well.
And then the chaos began.
Everyone wanted to take care of you, fighting over who should do what.
Beel obviously want to give you the bottle, but Satan want to read you so many beautiful fairy-tales in the meantime, so why can't he simply be the one holding you on his lap and feeding you? Why reading necessarily a book, Levi knows that also cartoons make you have fun, so you can stay with him. But you could have fallen asleep, so Belphie will be the best suited for this task, singing you a lullaby! The back massage that Asmo give are fantastic and can put you to sleep in no time, so why not choose him? Hey, hey, don't ignore Mammon! He is the best daddy around! Of course he will do it!
I can see how, in all of this, Lucifer sneaks up, takes you and keeps you with him, a bottle in his hands. Well, you are probably hungry, aren't you?
Eventually they try to create a schedule. Of course there will be a lot of fights and, when it's finally completed, no one follow it.
In the end they understand that the only thing to do is act before the others, as soon as you need something.
Obviously with their different personalities there are different activities they want to do with you.
For example Beel and Satan do outside activity in the garden, the first one for more physical games such as tag or hide and seek if you feel older, otherwise a simple "try to throw the ball with your hands" if you are younger. He also put a swimming pool so you can swim together. You have floaties of course. Of course, all of that happen when he's not busy airplane spooning you.
Satan instead makes you to explore and do a walk, probably the only one that also take you out of the garden, to look at insects (small ones) in the park and of course to pet the kittens in a cat cafe. Or he will simply sit on a bench and read you a children's book, making voices and pointing at the pictures. It's one of his favourite activities.
I was thinking about how Asmo doesn't want you to get dirty, so when you go out it's just to sunbathe together. Then I remember we are in the Devildom lol. He took you shopping once but you started to get tired because you were going from one shop to another for 4 hours so he prefers to buy things alone and show them to you when he gets home. Get ready for a mountain of adorable clothes and onesies.
The other brothers instead prefer you to stay inside while you're regressed, it's for your protection (Mammon and Lucifer) and because people out there don't deserve to admire your cuteness (again, Mammon and Lucifer). For Levi and Belphie, we can understand why they don't want to.
Levi doesn't even take you to any anime events, you might get lost or be overwhelmed. But you can do a lot of cosplay together in his room, obviously with the clothes he sewed, not with the ones Asmo bought. And there are so many anime that you can see, or video games that you can play. Are you asking to go swimming outside with Beel? Why would you ever? Wouldn't it be more fun to swim with him and Henry in his big aquarium? Oh, do you feel more like a baby? Uuh, well, even if you can't do all the things above you still seem to enjoy crawling around in your Azuki-tan costume!
Belphie doesn't actively participate in playtime, he prefers when you're a baby, looking into your eyes as you happily babble gibberish. Occasionally he also does silly games like peek-a-boo, tickle monter or simply bouncing you on his knees. But of course he loves nap time, cradling you in his arms as he sings you a lullaby. And when you can't fall asleep, he takes you up to the planetarium, whispering the story of some constellation, both of you lying on a soft blanket while gazing at the stars above. Sometimes you try to not fall asleep just to go there.
What about the best-daddy-in-devildom Mammon? He spoils you. A lot. You're probably the only reason Lucifer would think about lending him a few grimms - not his credit card otherwise he'd be able to buy a whole toy store - but it's not only with toys and sweets. He installs a playpen in the living room. Ooh, do you want to play on his room? Wait, he pulls out the softest blankets he has so you won't hurt yourself on the hard floor. You don't like its colour? No problem, he change it. The horse racing can wait. And he's a totally overprotective, putting kid locks on all the places you're not supposed to be. He really want to be the "fun daddy" but he knows how fragile a human is. His brothers find him annoying: Satan can't take you outside for too long without receiving 20 worried messages; Beel has to be careful not to let you run too much or you will die; what if Belphie hugs you too tightly until you suffocating? Mammon just need to be around you! For your safe.
Only Lucifer is more overprotective than him. He wasn't very happy when you decided to open up to the rest of the brothers as well. Wasn't he enough for you? But no problem, as soon as he see you alone he will take you to his office, into another playpen where you can always be watched properly. Did the brother just go to the kitchen to get you a snack? Nevermind, it was very naive of them. Anything could have happened to you. It's their fault.
But in the end, it's nice to have such caring daddies, isn't it?
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Song of the Heart: Dante X Anxious G/N Reader
SUMMARY: You work at the DMC with everyone but are deathly shy around Dante. The oblivious younger brother ends up confused and semi-hurt that you are “afraid” of him. He thinks that he might have upset/offended you and tries his best to figure out what is going on. It turns out, it was the complete opposite of what he thought.
I'm slowly reposting my AO3 stuff here since it seems like that's what people do on here (I am pretty new to Tumblr lmao) 💌💌💌 Anxious (shy?) G/N Reader. Non-established relationship. FLUFF (Semi-implied dirty things)
     “Damn,” You grumbled as your hands fumbled around your belt, “Nero, you don’t by chance have any spare shells, do you?”
     The young man’s voice took on a chaffed tone, "You know that Rose doesn’t use shells, right?"
     You clicked your tongue and closed Revenant, "Was worth a shot…"
     He looked toward the other side of the room where you stood, “And here I thought I was the ‘inexperienced’ hunter,” he made an exaggerated playful huff and tossed three shells at you, "That's all I got. Now, don’t spend 'em all in one place.”
     Laughing quietly, you rolled your eyes, “Fuck off” and whipped Nero off.
     All you got in response was a smirk and an eyebrow wiggle. Hastily, you shoved the two extra shells into your pocket and reopened the action of the shotgun.
     A shout from Nero grabbed your attention, “Head’s up!”
     You’ve worked with him a hundred times before and knew exactly what he wanted; you dropped flat against the ground. A loud bang resounded from Blue Rose, twin bullets nestled deep into the Riot demon’s skin. It moved back a bit in response to the shot. Not wasting a single second, you sprang to your feet and aimed the reloaded Revenant. Another shot rang out and was accompanied by the cry of the dissolving creature.
     You opened the action again and slid another shell into the chamber, “Not a bad shot, alter-boy," you snapped your gun shut, "but I would've been fine."
     "Yeah right," Nero sauntered your way as he reloaded his gun, "last time you said that I had to drag your sorry poisoned ass back to Nico." 
     Both of you continued your path down into the demon nest, "Like I haven't had to do that to you, mister 'let's see how many times I can get tossed by Furies'."
     "Hey! That was once! Plus, I got my answer didn't I?"
     The room resounded with laughter between the two of you. Times like these are why you’d rather work with Nero than anyone else, even if he is a hot-headed idiot sometimes. You turned to face the next set of the demonic onslaught.
     Several hours had passed before you both returned to the surface. The sun had long since faded and the night sky would've been a gorgeous sight, except you were engulfed in demon blood. Sure, you got dirty and grimy from work but this was overkill. Never in all your years had you been this coated in gunk.
     Nero stood next to you as he holstered Blue Rose, "That was fun," he chortled. Exasperated, you whipped your head to the side to glare at him as he gave you double finger guns with a wink, "Same time next week?" 
     You were unable to be mad at him, a laugh bubbled up from your throat, and shook your head slightly, "That was the gayest thing I have ever seen, Nero. Ho-ly shit …" you slid off your coat to make yourself less miserable.
     "Ah, I gotcha-- I should do one finger gun 'cause I'm Bi," Nero had copied your move of taking off some clothing. 
     Smiling and still laughing you jested back, "That’s even worse"
     With both of you having nothing but a shirt, pants, and socks on, you headed back to the van. From the door, you heard a cat-call whistle. 
     Nico was leaning against the door lighting a cigarette, "Thought y'all were just friends~" a heavy coat of sarcasm laced her voice.
     " Hey! Fuck off," Nero cut in before you could respond, "just got sick of re-enacting Carrie, that's all."
     "Uh-huh…" Nico moved aside her face plastered with a shit-eating grin as she let you both into the van. You gave Nico a smile and a small wave. 
     Nero went to throw the soaked clothing on the table, "So help me God--" Nico grabbed him by the back of his collar, "Boy, don't you even think 'bout it… Put that shit in there!" She pointed to an empty storage tub--one that is meant for bloodied clothing. 
     With a grumble, Nero tossed his pile of clothes into the bin. He then walked over to the passenger seat and slumped down with a loud groan.
     You followed up by throwing your clothes on top of his. Setting your weapons on the bench, you flopped down face-first into the couch exhausted, “Wake me when we get back, please..?”
     Nico walked over to the ashtray on the table, snuffing out her already-finished smoke, “Sure thing”
     You felt something nudge your shoulder and heard something unintelligible. The next thing you knew, you were on the floor facing the ceiling. Slowly you blinked trying to wake yourself up, “--you even listening to me?!” you focused your eyes on the noisy figure above you, Nico.
     “...hm?” you yawned as you sat up, “We back at the shop?”
     “Uh, yeah! We have been for almost an hour,” Nico helped you up onto your feet, “Nero and I tried to get you up but you just swatted at us,” she pulled out her pack of smokes, “I’m goin’ home now and I ain’t takin’ you with, so go on and get!” Nico flashed you a smile as you gathered your things--or rather just your weapons, seeing as someone took the bloodied clothes in already, and left the van. 
     Once inside the DMC, you stopped and grabbed a drink from the fridge then headed up to your room. Nero had volunteered you to live here to keep an eye on the two brothers--and to make sure they don’t destroy any more walls. At first, you were pissed--who wouldn’t be? Living with Nero was fine but living with his stone-faced dad and your ungodly hot boss who fight every time the other sneezes sideways is a fucking nightmare. However, over the past few months, the twins grew on you and you began to slightly enjoy living at the DMC.
     Since you were so tired, you fumbled with the knob for a while before finally getting into your room. You haphazardly dropped all of your stuff to the floor and grabbed some clean clothes and towels, heading for a much-needed shower.
     Upon reaching the bathroom the door was shut. Knowing better than to just waltz in--which you learned the hard way--you knocked on the door checking if anyone was in there. No response. Taking that as an answer, you headed in and began to strip. Once fully barren, you turned on the shower head stepping in. The warm water felt nice as you began to relax.
     The last few jobs have been brutal, to say the least. It feels like everyone around you is always unaffected by how hard this can be. It makes you feel marginally weaker, even though you can go toe-to-toe with any of the other hunters (besides Vergil, that is).
     A sudden loud knock came from the other side of the door pulling you from your thoughts, “Hey, the old man sent me to get the rest of your dirty clothes, you mind?”
     The relaxed mood was gone in an instant as your pulse quickened, Dante. A shy lump began to form in your throat, “C-come in.”
     The door squeaked as it opened, “Thanks, babe!” you swear you could practically hear his smirk, “Glad you made it back in one piece! I’ll see you later!”
      A click from the door indicated that the youngest brother left. Gently you sighed and continued to shower. It didn’t take long for your mind to wander to thoughts about Dante. 
     Although you have worked at Devil May Cry for several years now, you had scarcely interacted with the suave man, or rather you couldn’t. Dante had been nothing but warm and welcoming, but something about him made you anxious enough that it petrified you--quite literally, in most cases. Originally, you brushed it off as being based on him being your “boss”, but something in you told you otherwise. His smile made you feel things that you didn’t think were even possible. That damned laugh could put you into a trance any day. That doesn’t even take into account Dante’s physical features-- You shook your head. The rest of your shower was spent trying to keep your mind from wandering to that charming youngest son of Sparda.
      You turned off the faucet and stepped onto the bathmat. The feeling of your fuzzy well-used towels was a welcomed touch after today’s job. Lazily, you got dressed, brushed your teeth, and headed back to your room for the night.
     Morning came and went quickly, by the time you rolled out of bed it was well-past noon. You stretched out and upwards as you sat up, moaning a bit from the feeling. Eyes still half-shut, you shambled over to the bathroom. 
     You’d lived here long enough that you could care less about walking around in your sleepwear--or rather, you didn’t care if Vergil saw you like this, Dante was a different story. At the bottom of the stairs, you saw Vergil sitting on the couch and, like normal, he was nose-deep into a much too-large book. 
     “Mornin’ Vergil…” you waltz over to the desk and peer over a few scattered job folders.
     Vergil raised an eyebrow, “It is well past morning,” you looked over to him, surprised he responded. His gaze hadn’t left the page, “The folder on the far right is a job that you should be interested in--per Morrison’s request.”
     You slowly moved to grab the folder, still groggy from sleep, “Gotcha… thanks, Vergil.”
     He gave you a flat smile as you walked over to the bar counter to look at the paperwork. You couldn’t help but feel a bit elated at the small progress you’ve made towards be-friending the eldest twin. A few months ago he barely acknowledged your existence--today, you got a smile. 
     A growl came from your stomach, pulling you from your thoughts. The folder now set on the bar top, you turned around to the door behind you--the kitchen door. You grabbed an apple (which was surprisingly still ripe) and a bottle of water. 
     You sat on one of the pleather stools at the bar and opened the folder, enjoying your fruit whilst in thought, “ Huh,” a photo of the “job site” caught your eye, “this is going to be a bitch, Nero might have to do this with one of the brothers…” you studied the notes from the client, “Shit, that’s a lot of dough… Maybe I should give this one to Dante so he can pay some of the--”
     “That’s quite the job, goddamn!” you tensed up feeling someone lean over your shoulder, “You really got your work cut out for yah.” 
     All you could manage in response was a meek, “Y-yeah,” all you could hear was your heartbeat and Dante’s soft breaths.
     “If you want,” he leaned back, thank God, “I could help--give ol’ Nero a break.”
     All thought of trying to remain calm had now flown far out the window as you thought for a moment, “Work with… Dante..? I really shouldn’t--” you bit your lip in thought as your brow creased slightly, “but it would be nice to work with someone more experienced��”
     “You don’t have to say yes,” Dante rubbed the back of his neck as he noticed your worry, “I know you like workin’ with Nero.”
     With pursed lips, you took a slow breath to calm yourself, “No, we can d-do this job t-together, if you w-want…” 100% calm, nailed it.
     “Oh, Hell yeah!” a large warm hand hit your back flatly, “When we gotta--”
     Without saying anything, you lifted a shaky hand and pointed to the terms, “T-today would be b-best.”
     Dante removed his hand from your back, “Shit, alright. Wanna leave now or?”
     You nodded coyly as you went to get up from the stool. However, this puts you face to face (or rather face to chest) with Dante, just barely inches from him. A gentle scent of burnt wood (and a faint scent of pizza) filled your senses. You’d never been this close to him nor had you ever actually thought you’d be. To prevent dying of a heart attack, you scuttled off to your room. 
     Gear all on and ready, you left your room and walked towards the stairs. However, you stopped upon overhearing Dante and Vergil talking.
     “--did anything to upset them?” Dante’s voice wasn’t his usual energetic tone, rather, his voice was worried. Concerned and confused, you continued your eavesdropping.
     “Have you asked them yourself?” Vergil’s tone was rather warm, considering his usual stoic nature. 
     Dante sighed, “N-no… Even if I did, I doubt they’d tell me.”
     “There is--” Vergil stopped and turned towards the stairs, shit.
     Attempting to seem like you weren’t just stopped at the top, you calmly trotted down the stairs. 
     “Ready to go, hot stuff?” Dante smiled widely. 
     You caught a glance at his un-naturally sharp teeth and swallowed hard, God the things those could do to you, “Y-yeah… You?”
     “Always,” he winked, “shall we?” Dante made a grand gesture toward the garage.
     You waved goodbye to Vergil, who seemed taken back a bit by the friendly gesture and simply nodded in response.
     Dante walked over to the far side of the opened bay doors, “You alright with ridin’ Cavaliere..?” 
     You looked like a deer in headlights as you stood for a moment, “S-sure.”
     He sat down on the bike and gestured for you to come over. Sheepishly, you made your way over and mounted the bike. 
   “Might wanna grab onto me,” Dante kicked the kickstand, “Lemme know if I am going too fast for yah.”
     Neatly you placed your hands on the sides of his hips and slid as close to him as possible. Dante turned the ignition and shifted the transmission to neutral his hands squeezing the clutch. He pressed the starter and you were off.
     Despite your nerves, Dante’s warm body made you slowly melt into him. You could hear and feel his heartbeat, it was a calm and soothing rhythm. Warm leather from the side of the jacket caressed your cheek as you lost yourself in the moment. The intoxicating smell of a campfire and old Italian food made your heart flutter. As you sat with him you couldn't help but savor the moment and allow yourself to relax.
     It was only about an hour's drive away, at least with Dante’s manic driving. You hadn’t been paying attention to the fact that the bike had been off and kickstand out for almost a minute now.
     “As much as I am enjoying this,” Dante’s hand gently caressed over yours which were still firmly gripping his hips, “we have work to do, babe.”
     Upon realizing what was going on, you panicked. In this spooked state, you scrambled to get off Cavaliere falling off onto the concrete, “Ow, fuck…” 
     “As much as I am enjoying this,” Dante’s hand gently caressed over yours that were still ever so tightly wrapped around him, “we have work to do, babe.”
     Upon realizing what was going on, you panicked. In this spooked state, you scrambled to get off Cavaliere falling off onto the concrete, “Ow, fuck…” 
     An amused grin spread across Dante’s face, “You alright?”
     Hurriedly you scrambled to your feat and gave him a nod, face as red as a tomato from embarrassment. 
     “Let’s go, shall we?” he got off the bike and nodded toward the enormous demon’s nest before you.
     The blurry figure of Dante flew past you for the umpteenth time as you took care of a group of Hell Anternoras. You smiled. As much as you love working with Nero, it was undeniable that Dante’s style worked with yours considerably better.
     Finishing the final one, you heard Dante yell something about “blowing his wad” and couldn’t help but wander to some rather unprofessional thoughts. Ones of Dante telling you--no, doing such things to you…
     Being submerged in your perverse daydreaming, you weren’t aware of the ever-encroaching Nobody stalking you from behind. Dante, however, did and took action. 
     The next thing you knew you were several feet away from where you were and Dante had you pinned underneath him. Giving you a cheeky smile and a slight eyebrow wiggle, he shot back up and took care of the demon. You slowly sat upwards, confused and having a headache starting--not only from being slammed into the ground but because your heart had begun to beat much faster.
     He let out a signature laugh and sly comment. Then went back to you, extending a hand to help you up. You stared at his outward stretched hand and stood up, without him. He pursed his lips in confusion his eyes held a small hurt look that you seemingly didn’t notice and slowly retracted his hand.
     Dante’s hands were stuffed into his pockets as whistled to himself. The both of you hadn’t spoken since him pinning you almost an hour earlier. Tense didn’t even come close to describing how uncomfortable the air had become. A part of you wanted to crawl up into a ball and wait for the tension to subside.
     Dante being Dante, couldn’t stand the odd mood any longer and wanted to fix it, “Hey can… I ask you something?”
     You nodded, not daring to speak--feeling a lump already starting in your throat.
     “Is there a reason you’re afraid of me?” his voice was uncharacteristically serious. Still, without an audible response, Dante looked back at you and saw you were dead-stopped in your tracks
     “Wh-what makes you th-think I am afr-fraid of you, huh?” your vain attempt at confidence had now been obliterated by your stutter.
     “Well,” Dante looked around in thought then locked eyes with yours, “Every time you’re around me, all I can hear is how fast your heart is--I asked Verge about it and he said it’s normally a fear thing.”
     Breaking eye contact as a dark blush spread widely across your face. Your heart quickened further and, given the twitch in Dante’s gaze, you knew that he noticed. Your voice was gentle and quiet, “Y-you can hear my h-heart?”
     He smiled a bit trying to lighten the mood, “I’m half demon, remember? Demons feed on human blood, which comes from your heart n’ stuff.”. Your eyes widened as your thoughts wandered about Dante eating you. Seeing your deer-in-headlights stare Dante quickly clarified himself, “not that I plan on drinking yours or anythin’...”
     The occasional distant sounds of demonic growls were the only thing that broke the heavy silence. Dante’s eyes were plastered to you and yours were everywhere beside him. Thoughts were running a million miles an hour in your head as you thought about what you could say--or what you could make up instead of telling him the truth. Fear crept into your mind at what Dante would say, what he’d do. He’d probably fire you and never want to talk to you again--hell, maybe he’d forebay you from seeing even Nero. You’d be discredited as a demon hunter by everyone around and have to get a normal job, a boring job.
     “I thought… I dunno--” Dante’s voice had become noticeably tender as he had placed a hand on the back of his neck shrugging, "I thought maybe us doing a job together might help but…" Dante’s face took on a saddened gaze, “seems I only made it worse.”
     You stopped your rapid glances at the environment and settled on staring at Dante’s boots. Nothing came out as you stood there mouth agape trying to find the right words. Harshly you bit your lip and decided to bite the bullet, “Dante-”. Iridescent teal eyes fixated on you in curiosity as he patiently waited for you to continue, “It’s not-- I--” you could feel your body begin to shake in frustration as you paused for a moment thinking, “Why am I like this--why can’t I just--”
     A hand gently grabbed yours as you came back to your senses. Dante had moved to be right in front of you and had a slight pout, “Hey, you okay? We don’t have to talk about it if you don't want to--don’t force yourself.”
     Instinctively you interlaced your fingers with his and gently squeezed his hand, “D-Dante, I--” your lips trembled your heart rate was so loud that you felt ill as you mumbled those forsaken words, “I like … or well, love y-you and I f-figure you don’t feel the s-same and-- and I--.” your voice cracked as you lost your train of thought.
     Expecting him to react in anger (and possibly even physical violence), you flinched, shut your eyes, and braced for the worst. However, nothing happened. After a solid minute or so, you fearfully opened your eyes. Dante was still just standing there holding your hand. His brows twitched slightly as he seemingly was in deep thought.  
     He was cautious when approaching you, not wanting to overstep his bounds. You felt the gentle exhale of his breath on your lips as he leaned ever closer. Dante audibly swallowed and waited for your move. With a hitched breath, you closed the distance. 
     The kisses weren’t the most elegant, but that didn’t matter, all that mattered in this very moment was Dante. His stubble lightly brushed your face and his lips tasted just as sweet as you had imagined. With your free hand, you ran your fingers gently through his hair--which was surprisingly silk-like. The kiss ended but neither of you moved both of you panting slightly.
     Dante smiled wistfully and spoke, “Who said I don’t feel the same?” he lightly nuzzled your nose with his, “ In fact, I think I love you too.”
     Your heart skipped a beat, “I--” 
     His free hand moved up to cup the side of your face as you locked lips once again. However, this time, he made sure to make how he felt as apparent as possible. Stealing your breath with how feverishly he was pushing into you. Your hand that was holding his slowly groped up his arm. You felt Dante’s arm flex a bit from the sudden message-like touches. Dante must have enjoyed your gentle squeezing because he gave you small kitten licks against your lips asking for more. 
     He was excited, that much was apparent, from how much he explored your mouth. You got a better taste of him now; his mouth tasted similarly to how he smelt--he tasted smokey (perhaps a side-effect of his demonic heritage?). It was intoxicating. You felt light as a feather and never wanted to let go. At this moment, everything faded away; there was not a single person in the world besides you and him. Dante felt your stance become unsteady so he placed both his hands firmly at the small of your back and you placed your hands on his chest. You moaned into the kiss quietly. Hearing your arousal, Dante began to practically devour your lips. His hips ground against yours making you moan more. 
     He decided to let you catch your breath for a moment. While you did so, Dante moved to kiss along your jawline moving down your neck. His stubble had begun to tickle at your neck making you giggle. You felt a grin form against your skin as he began to purposely nuzzle you with it. Playfully you squirmed away from him, only to have him pull you closer. 
     Your head rested against his chest and you could hear a faint purr from the legendary demon hunter. Enjoying the moment, you turned your face into his chest and buried yourself in it.
     Dante hugged you and laughed a bit, “Kind of wish you said something sooner, babe…” one of his hands gently ghosted up your back, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
     You buried your face further into Dante muffling your voice, “Really?”
     “Yeah, really…” a fondness laced his voice as he kissed the top of your head gently.
     Neither of you is sure how long you stood there holding each other. It felt like an eternity and like no time at all. Eventually, you parted from your embrace. 
     Dante smiled widely, his eyes full of warm happiness and creased on the edges, “Once we get out here, can I take you out? Like on a date?”
     You couldn’t help but laugh, “Of c-course, Dante…” 
Want to see more like this? Want to read my work quicker and several stories that are not on Tumblr? Check this out on my AO3 (Linked here)
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
I have this theory and I made a post about it but I love your Sammy stuff and consider you like a premiere expert so I'm genuinely curious.
Canonical after re-reading the books (and are they canon anymore LoL but). Did canon!Joey *know* Sammy was tripping the light fantastic on ink?
Like the passage where he tells buddy 'why please a man when you can please a god' seems to imply wet cat prophet man is pissed about Joey and feels let down -
And then *later* Joey's like 'Sammy lured them all down here...but I couldn't use them' and I'm like ho-shit did bro become the guy's Walter white
Also hi your art is amazing and if you have original work I would read instantly.
LMAO GOSH, thank you for the kind words!!! also golly gee THIS LINE FROM JOEY DRIVES ME NUTS because JOEY COME ON MAN TELL ME MORE!!!!
There’s several little things in the background that implies SOMETHING between these two but we don’t get to see it! Thomas surely reported Sammy’s weird behaviour to Joey like he said he would (Sammy did not make a compelling case for himself in their argument), but the ink doesn’t disappear from Sammy’s closet until weeks later, so did Joey like… know about it and his only response was “huh interesting, let’s see where he goes with this!” or did he just blow off Thomas’ warnings as unimportant b/c Sammy is his special perfect genius who can do whatever he wants, or what!!! Also the thing where Joey is the one who’s furiously interrogating everyone about Sammy’s whereabouts when he goes missing, before anyone else had even noticed he was gone, and Buddy thinks Joey’s emotion seems stronger than the situation warrants – so how intense was Joey being, for his upset at being unable to find the guy who writes ALL THE MUSIC to seem like an overreaction?
I don’t understand breaking bad references, but my interpretation tends to be that by the end of DCTL Sammy had snapped enough that Joey had no real power over him, and this is part of why Joey was so angry at Sammy’s disappearance – for once, Joey didn’t have control over him and didn’t know how to take control. I think Sammy’s accusation of “living your sad little lives to please Joey Drew” is projection – that’s what SAMMY had been doing in his 15+ years at the studio, and he now condemns it as pathetic. I don’t think he was willingly or knowingly aiding Joey at this point.
Joey, meanwhile, doesn’t seem to have a master plan so much as an ability to just… roll with whatever happens and make it work for him. He tells Buddy, simultaneously, that this was “meant to be” and “the plan all along,” but that he didn’t actually know what he wanted to do with Buddy until the moment he saw him in the demon’s jaws. So, like, this was just a lucky break for Joey, a moment where the right person just happened to be dead in front of him at just the right time for him to turn that person into a cartoon, and it worked out great!! He didn’t orchestrate this – it was a series of accidents that he retroactively decided was a plan. Joey Drew is an opportunist! And I think the fact that he didn’t find Norman and the others until after “the ink had infected them for days” points to the idea that Joey didn’t plan that either, since he didn’t find them until much later. My reading is that once Sammy started murdering people, instead of getting that under control, Joey just kind of followed him to see if he could take those lemons and make lemonade, so to speak.
That said, I like the idea that Joey knew; it was the first canon-adjacent thing I drew in this fandom! I don’t think they were in cahoots in canon, but it’s still an idea I’m really fond of. There are a lot of little things that could be used to suggest that Joey knew what was going on with Sammy and enabled it for whatever reason (my favourite evidence for this is still the “who does a god worship” convo in The Illusion of Living – the idea that Joey really wanted to see if he could make something Sammy would worship gives him a solid motive here, and becomes interesting when Sammy is the ONLY person whose infection ends up with these religious overtones, see the end of this post), but it’s equally possible from what little we know that Joey was simply negligent, caught up in his own nonsense, and never thought to look into it until Sammy became an obstacle to his own goals.
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Hey there! It’s Morgan (@whiskersz) here for the matchup trade! First of all, I’m very happy that you came to me for a trade, I didn’t even know these were a thing before seeing your work!
Some basic info – I’m 20, use he/they pronouns, I’m Bisexual and Nonbinary and I have no preference for the gender of who I’m gonna be matched with :) I'm also Italian!!
So, I guess I should start by saying that I’m quite the introvert. I find it very difficult to start a conversation with people I don’t know and even when we’re already acquainted it takes me a while to open up fully. I’ve been called scary before, which happened also because I naturally look a bit annoyed all the time and apparently I don’t laugh at many things.
Once I open up though, I’m very silly! Literally the definition of ‘just a guy’; I like cats, drawing, painting, watching series and playing videogames and shipping myself and my OCs with my favorite characters, and writing about cute scenarios; I also love shopping and ‘dressing to impress’, I never leave the house with a random outfit, I dress in hopes that somebody in the streets will look at me and think that my style is awesome. So, I would say I kind of like attention in a way. Speaking of my style I always dress like I’m straight from the past, I own stuff that used to belong to people who bought it in the 80s, but even earlier! I also really love anything vintage and I’m somewhat of a maximalist, my desk is a mess of trinkets, action figures and jewellery.
As for what I dislike, I really hate gory scenarios, I can’t stand seeing that kind of thing at all and I actually pass out a lot from just hearing the description of such things. I also generally dislike annoying noises such as loud chewing, and people who don’t respect my boundaries. If somebody is like that, I’m not afraid of telling them that they’re getting on my nerves, though if we’re close I’ll be way kinder to them as I tolerate stuff from my loved ones way easier.
It’s maybe unexpected, but in a relationship I’m very loving and caring and I will worry about anything and everything, I’m also very empathetic so if my partner is feeling down I’ll unfortunately feel down as well, but I’m very willing to ignore my feelings since I’m just basically mirroring what they feel as I would rather be supportive and positive in times of need. My love languages are a mess, I basically express my love through words, actions, gifts and expressing that I want to spend time with each other all together; the last one is a bit more special maybe since I rarely feel up to doing things with people in general.
I don’t want to make this too long, so here’s my deal breakers and then we’re done! I’m not a fan of clinginess, I care about my loved ones a lot but I need a lot of space to practice my hobbies and to do my thing in general. I also dislike people who get angry easily, I’m a very chill person so I’d rather be surrounded by equally chill people. For the rest, just be loyal and honest and then we’re chill!
Hope this is all good! Take your time with this and happy writing :3
I nearly answered the wrong ask lmao. So sorry for the wait I hope you like it!
Your hazbin Hotel match is.....Vox!
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For husker:
Don’t judge or blame me….your match is…Vox! I was surprised too since I initially hesitated between Husk and Vaggie….and somehow ended up with Vox.
Vox is a passionate man (demon?) to say the least. You did say that it’s difficult for you to start conversations in general so he’ll be the one starting them (and he likes it). What’s annoying with Vox is that it takes a little something special (his own interest) for him to start considering the person if you know what I mean. That’s why my scenario here is that you were a friend of someone in the Hotel (it can be anyone). Vox is interested in the hotel so he socialized with you to get inside infos. When he realized he actually started enjoying your company he acted like a schoolgirl and completely isolated himself because well it’s the first time! After the V’s saw him in that miserable state of mind they finally decided to confront him. It was effective cuz he confessed a week later.
Vox, as the other V’s, sometimes doesn’t respect boundaries (but not as much as the other two) by wrapping his arm around your shoulder or waist without asking first. But once you put him in his place he’ll accept it and then apologize by treating you to a nice date (plus a bouquet of flowers ofc). Something that’s nice is that he does take criticism (unless it’s from Alastor) but he’s too prideful to apologize properly by words. Instead he’ll take a step back and think about his actions so he won’t repeat the same mistakes.
He loves how good you dress up. He also dress to impress and likes someone that’s like him. He commissions new outfits for you almost weekly and always goes all out (velvet helps with the choices and coordination)! You’re the couple that everyone wants to dress up like if it helps. He relishes in the envious looks people give you both, it’s obvious from the big grin on his face (if you let him, he’ll kiss you and basically give the middle finger to everyone watching). Getting matching jewels is a must. I also see him as a watch type of guy so if you get him one he will wear it all the time. When in public, he speaks first and always starts the conversation so you don’t get awkward. If he feels you getting shy he’ll take over.
Vox is basically vintage himself. I can completely see him collecting stuff from all time periods (beside radios) His house is basically an organized hoarder house. Which means he has strings to bring you some very good and rare stuff. Each month he makes it his personal quest to bring you a box of a few rare items. He also brings with him vinyl for you two. After a long day he enjoys listening to music over a nice diner with you. Then he takes your hand and dances around the kitchen/living room. When he comes back home to you, he gets softer/more honest. He tells you about his ups and downs. He takes your opinion very seriously too.
I believe he is too date with all new series/movies (to be expected since he’s in the entertainment industry). That’s why you can always count on him for good recommendations. But if you introduced him to human world series/movies he’d welcome it! This means that you two always write a recommendation list to the other and it makes up for many common topics!
He sucks at video games. He’s too impatient and loves the fast types of games. He does try to have a healthy competition I promise but he gets all sulky when he loses lol. He’d like to get into more time consuming games but he doesn’t have much time (he did get the idea that it’d be good to get into the game industry to bring/brainwash more demons….). He gets jealous easily and it’s not uncommon to find him criticizing every character you matched yourself with. Oh boy I can’t imagine if it’s an actor….poor actor getting glared at will be so confused.
He enjoys your drawings! He gifts you with the supplies since he knows you like drawing as a mean to encourage you. If you actually started a career he’d back you up. If Vox finances animated series he’d give you a shot of actually present your characters to the artist for inspiration. He’s genuinely proud of you for that. He does criticize to help you out of course and if he doesn’t like it he’ll tell you why. Now for cats…I love cats but I don’t see him as an animal person. He won’t stop you from getting a cat but will get jealous if the kitty gets too much attention. Ironically cats love him….He likes that you support him all the time despite his obvious evil ways. We can say that love is keeping you two together.
Now for some bad parts….It happens that Vox gets all worked up (when a certain someone is involved). It’s very rare that he blows up on you due to stress but it happened once or twice (the reason you’re nearby is that he usually hugs you to calm down). He was fully apologetic afterward and even expected you to break up with him for it. Also he has an unhealthy rivalry with Alastor so yeah….
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strawberrytalia · 11 months
omg! i wanna do a few:
top 5 dc characters!
top 5 comic series!
top 5 animals!
OMG hi ella!!! 🫶 OH THESE ARE HARD
Top 5 dc characters (omg I feel bad ranking them)
Duke Thomas - who’s surprised 😭 no but he’s without a doubt my fave bat. i think there are just so many inspiring things about him, and he represents the aspect of comics I love most - stepping up and doing what’s right even when all odds are against you
Carol Ferris - I used to talk about her 24/7 when I was heavy in my GL phase, but I never stopped loving her. I love that she’s deeply flawed and angry and passionate, and she gets to be messy. Also she influenced me to be more comfortable expressing myself femininely which was hard as a brown girl ngl anyways carol <333
Ollie Queen - LMAO idk why but I feel so cliche putting him, but he’s my favorite Arrow and he always has been. I relate to him a lot. He’s really introverted, in his own head despite being is outspoken, he loves nature, cares deeply, and he isolates when he’s sad. I also like his very black-and-white thinking, esp when it gets challenged. live laugh love ollie queen
Talia Al Ghul - I won’t say much about her lmao bc talia stans are like sharks here, but she is also very important to me. Like you ever get that character that just seizes your heart???? Yeah that’s Talia for me 🥺 i don’t post abt her often either, but i love her sm
Khalid Nassour - it’s hell being his fan, but i’ll do it anyways 😭 so Khalid is rlly interesting bc i read his “cool” appearances first then read Dr Fate 2015 where he was more of an annoying 22 yr old. And it was so satisfying watching him grow from someone who was more narrow-minded and whitewashed to an intelligent, capable, and enlightened person. I really enjoy his character’s spin on what fate means in regards to one’s identity, heritage, lifestyle, and faith.
Top 5 comic series (THIS IS ALSO HARD OMG)
Day of Vengeance - this is the one currently living rent free in my head rn bc it’s so FUNNY and random, but also a really interesting storyline in regards to magic in the DCU. It’s just so enjoyable watching this group of mystics handle the hugest threat ever and barely get along, and they’re all weird, and then Lori joins and she’s like the group teenager and it’s so funny
We Are Robin - I honestly wish it was longer ngl but I really wanted to see more of the group together and their stories, especially Izzy and Dre. The premise and duration of this story is SO dear to me bc ofc Duke, but also I love watching kids band together against authorities bc they love their city sm.
Batman: Son of the Demon - as a Talia and sometimes Brutalia fan, how can I not 😭 It’s so sad and actually heartwrenching how happiness was so close to them but taken away, and how much Bruce and Talia sacrificed for each other because they are both loving people, they just love in the wrong way
Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters - perfect Ollie. Perfect depiction of his mind. Really good storytelling. SHADOOOOO she served cunt and dc didn’t like that so they ruined her. Her initial appearance was so charming i literally made it my header. I like ethical dilemmas and the one in this story is so good. Also shoutout to Eddie fr
Green Lantern: Blackest Night - OKAY THIS IS THE ONE I WAS AFRAID OF SHARING 😭 I’m SORRY i love this for so many reasons, nostalgia mostly bc I re-read it over and over again at the peak of my hal obsession era idk why, I like the giant white entity, I like when all the Corps leaders have to team up and they’re all side-eyeing each other sm, and I also love when random heroes get involved and help save the day like Mera, Ray, Barry, Diana, Grant, watching them all try to survive it while battling grief in front of them. It is NOT THE BEST GL COMIC EVER but it’s one of my faves.
Top 5 animals (I love this question!!!!)
CATS 🫶 I used to have a cat when I lived in the states!! his name was austin, he was 8 years old, and he was the cutest thing ever. we had to give him away when we moved 😭 i still hate that my mom did that sm
SEALS!!!!!!! 🦭
Orcas 🐋🐋🐋 I like them a lot, they’re so adorable
Otters!!! 🦦
Flamingos 🦩 (hehe my username for a reason) they’re pink and i like all things pink also they’re so pretty
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icy-watch · 5 months
LBD really likes to change people's clothes to be symmetrical. She went and gave Wukong a blue makeover too. And I like how everyone gets ready for war, Pigsy with the ping pong paddle of doom and Macky is all "ew no, I'm not wearing her clothes for this" she even swapped his scarf/cape thing for a darker version. I think someone mentioned Macky might have ripped his new cape at the ends in a moment of fashion rebellion bc LBD would have wanted to keep him pristine and clean. Also the HORROR when MK is all "Here comes Monkie..." "King." "Don't use the flame, Mei. Be the flame." "You don't use a weapon. You are a weapon." Ey, parallels. Also Red Son hanging with his besties all ep and being a good turnip and Porty MK vibing we love to see it all. I got so giddy hearing LBD say "Six-eared" bc eyyy we haven't forgotten yet. There's a couple hints to Macky's super hearing sometimes so I'll take whatever crumbs we get until we ever see them out right. ALSO NOTE: the way Macaque spins MK is exactly how Wukong did it in some earlier episode. This is amusing because it means either they are just that alike, he's seen Wukong do it to someone before, or Wukong did it to him. I wonder what Mr. Projecty Monkey went with. Lmao, oh MK. Sometimes you need an introverted theatre kid to do the talking for you. "I'm kind of on this whole living streak right now." oh goshhh. this is like a nicer version of The Winning Side on explaining why he's doing this. We all need Macaque's fake nonchalance in talking to our evil ex bosses or something lmao. His face always makes an evil resting version of >:3 its so silly. cat faced with multiple knives meme face right there. When Macky and Wukong fight, the explosions create an eclipse XD and there we go, finally showing some fear towards fighting The Most OP Guy Ever. thank goodness for fast reflexes because HELLO LASER EYES. thanks for being out here during the universe's trying times despite your cowardly streak of running away. not that I blame ya not wanting to get roughed up but the Cool Monkie Club Gang stays and fights. honestly the fact they gave all of these personality traits to a villain is an interesting psychological allegory to mental illness and the coping mindset we see in some series that they use to design villains but that's a whole other thing to unpack. those series don't really give traits like these. and that's why its easy to catch because for once those flaws aren't a tragedy to push a villain further into the deep end, but to help get them out of it. like any normal struggling person before they further screw themselves over. that's why I prefer to help rather than villainize Macaque for his complacency and cowardice. there's a 101 situations real life people would exhibit those traits re: personal struggles.
Lady Bone Demon is just helping people with their fashion. That's all lol
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