#I should maybe wait until tomorrow so I can deal with this all at once... but if it's alright
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This is my moodboard for @evensquirrellier 's story room for one more (troubled soul) as part of the Bandom Big Bang 2023! It's a very imaginative and emotional story, and I definitely recommend checking it out!
Image sources below the cut:
The cloud photography used in the background is my own (fun fact, the clouds in this edit are a combination from pictures I took in airplanes over England, Texas, and the Virgin Islands); bus window overlay drawn from here (image).
Piano picture / motel picture
Bus picture with my own text edit featuring lyrics from The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd
Bridge picture with my own text edit featuring lyrics from The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd
You already know this one but here
Card tower / Lake
All color editing/resizing/reframing is my own.
General disclaimer--I mostly saved these pictures off of google images and then later reverse image searched to grab the sources for this post, so they may not be the purest original sources for the images in all cases, nor have I vetted the sites I found them on.
Find this also on AO3 (I've never posted a moodboard on AO3 before but it's part of the BBB!) (Link pending/post under construction--I'll edit the link in once I have it posted to AO3 as well)
And don't forget to read Squirrel's great fic!
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lemonlover1110 · 2 months
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 27] Moving Forward
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
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“Shoko, can I help you?” You ask when you see the woman approach your desk. She looks nervous, and you can guess what she’s come to you about. You wait for her to speak though, giving her a moment to gather her thoughts. 
“Can we go out for lunch?” She finally spits out, and you take a long hard minute before answering. You haven’t had a proper conversation with Shoko in what feels like ages, and you haven’t been really willing to talk.
“Sure.” You end up shrugging, acting as if you couldn’t care enough. She’s about to say something else, but her words get caught up in her throat… Talking to you has suddenly become a hard task for her. She ends up deciding to keep quiet, turning on her heel to walk away, and just as she’s about to leave, Satoru calls out her name.
“Shoko! I need something from you, come into my office.” And she rolls her eyes before making her way to Satoru’s office. She goes in first, while he stays behind to have a word with you.
“Do you want to go out for lunch today?” Satoru asks, and while you’d agree, your schedule is filled up.
“I’m a busy woman today. I told Shoko I’d go to lunch with her.” You answer, and he raises one brow. That doesn’t make him change his mind though.
“I’ll join then.” He smiles at you, walking away before you can give him some sort of response. It’s come to the point where you enjoy having Satoru’s presence, especially when you know things are going to be awkward.
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“This is a nice place… Is Shoko paying?” Satoru sits beside you, inspecting the restaurant’s menu. It’s pricey, though he shouldn’t worry about that detail since he has more than enough money to pay.
“No, you are.” You answer, and he sticks out his bottom lip. He really hasn’t changed over the past five years.
“Can someone treat me to dinner for once.” He complains, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. You reach over to grab his hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“I’ll treat you to fast food tomorrow, deal?” There’s a mocking tone in your voice, and he picks up on it quickly. He lets out a sigh, putting down the menu on the table and crossing his arms.
“Why did she even invite you out to eat? Is she trying to sleep with you too? Or is that just with Sayo?” Satoru asks which nearly makes your jaw drop. The information isn’t new to you, it’s just weird to hear it from the man himself. You end up chuckling.
“Probably to apologize for the Ren situation.” You tell him, and he raises his brows. He’s confused, until he remembers that you were hiding Ren. It’s not something that Shoko should apologize for, he thinks but then he takes a moment to think about it. He’s glad that Shoko said something, but you obviously feel different.
“Oh right… That was a secret and all.” Satoru mentions and you hum in response. He still can’t help but ask,  “Do we really have to do this?”
“I mean I guess she did do the right thing but she also betrayed my trust. And for what?” You say, and Satoru bites down his lip. You do have a point, Shoko betrayed your trust even if it was the right thing to do.
“I guess yeah…” He can’t really argue any further. He’ll forever be grateful to Shoko for telling him, but he can understand why you’re upset. He can’t control your feelings nor tell you how to feel, so he’ll watch you resolve the issue. Maybe try to help you with your feelings.
You two begin to talk about something unrelated, something lighthearted. Satoru makes a couple of stupid jokes that earn a couple of laughs from you. Laughs that are louder than you’d like to admit. Time gets lost in each other’s presence, though your joyous conversation gets interrupted.
“What are you doing here?” Shoko asks, her eyes lingering on Satoru. The lunch was for the two of you to talk over some issues, and for her to apologize, frankly she doesn’t want Satoru here. 
“I invited myself.” Satoru answers, and Shoko rolls her eyes. She ultimately takes a seat across from you since she can’t do anything else.
“What are you going to order?” Shoko questions, not even bothering looking at the menu. She’s been here many times before, she knows exactly what she wants. You and Satoru look from the same menu even when you have two, and he’s telling you what he thinks sounds good.
Satoru suggests something that he thinks you’d like, and you end up getting it. Once all your food is ordered, Shoko bites down his lip, trying to figure out the right words to speak. But she feels as if she’s forgotten how to speak. 
“So I assume we’re here for a reason.” Satoru makes the first step, and Shoko clicks her tongue. It takes everything in Satoru not to laugh.
“You weren’t invited.” Shoko points out. She’s avoiding eye contact, her nerves getting the best of her. An awkward chuckle leaves her lips, saying, “You’re making this very expensive actually, you should be paying.”
“Invite a guy out for once.” Satoru says, and she rolls her eyes again. “Make it up to me for sleeping with my wife.”
“Weren’t you cheating on her?” Shoko quickly brings up, and you feel your face get warm. You knew that as well, it’s just weird to hear that Satoru was having sex with other women.
“I’ll kill you.” Satoru’s eyes are wide, his cheeks turning pink. She can point that out all she wants, but not when you’re sitting right next to him. He clears his throat and tries to act calm. “I was not cheating on her.”
“Oh right… Because you’re technically separated.” Shoko says, and Satoru takes a deep breath because Shoko is working him up. She’s fighting back a smirk before saying, “We aren’t here for this, anyway.”
“No way your mom didn’t have more kids… You two are like siblings.” You laugh, acting as if you hadn’t heard what just left Shoko’s lips. What Satoru does is none of your business. It has been none of your concern for the past five years. 
“I’m surprised you two don’t act like siblings.” Shoko answers, and you grimace. She chuckles, her sweaty hands going to her pants. She takes a deep breath before focusing on you. Why is apologizing so hard?
“I’m sorry for telling the dumbass about Ren.” Shoko spits out, and it’s not the right way to apologize but it earns a laugh from you. Satoru rolls his eyes, pursing his lips together. Maybe it was best for him to stay. “It wasn’t my place but hearing that he was in the hospital and knowing Satoru was clueless made me feel guilty.”
“Yeah…” You understand her point of view, but you still can’t help but feel frustrated. It wasn’t her secret, but you also get that she was unwillingly dragged into this whole mess. You understand she felt guilty, and it’s selfish of you to expect her silence at the cost of her sanity. You do understand, but you still feel weird about it all. You still feel like you can’t trust her. “I guess I get it.”
“But…?” She asks, feeling that you’re not quite convinced. There’s something more, she knows it. 
“I don’t think I can trust you.” You tell her, and she bites down her lip before nodding in response. She should’ve expected a similar response. 
Food gets to your table, killing any possibility of long awkward silence. You begin to eat, and for the rest of lunch, Satoru makes the conversation.
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After lunch, you find yourself spinning around in Satoru’s chair. You wouldn’t have dreamt of this a couple of months back, but once you have a son with your boss you get certain privileges.
“Are you just being lazy?” Satoru asks, sitting across from you in one of the most uncomfortable chairs that his butt has ever touched. You hum in response, and he can’t help but laugh. He proceeds to mutter, “I need to get a new secretary.”
“Watch it.” You warn him, and he sticks his tongue out at you. He wasn’t serious with what he said, but once he takes a moment to think about it, he does consider it. When you stop spinning on his chair and get a good look at him, you notice. “Now what did I do!”
“You’re kind of a bad secretary.” He says, and you furrow your brows. He sticks up his hands defensively before claiming, “I was joking. Best secretary I’ve ever had.”
“Then why are you considering it?” You respond, and Satoru bites his tongue. He instead focuses back on his paperwork, and you sigh. You’re not going to pester him for answers, so instead you inch closer to his computer. “Can I snoop on your computer?”
“Knock yourself out.” He answers, not bothering to look up at you. You unlock the screen in no time, a password so easy to guess that you’re almost disappointed in him. 
Your heart melts at the background photo that he has set. A picture of him and Ren at the beach. You proceed to click on his photos, trying to see if he has anything incriminating in his computer. Perhaps a photo of one of his lady friends since you know that his phone and computer are connected.
You don’t find what you expect, most of his photos are either of your son or of food. He barely has pictures in his camera roll, so it only takes a few scrolls to go back to five years ago. You find photos that you’ve never seen of yourself. Photos that you consider ugly, photos that he’s cherished the past five years.
“Ew, I’m deleting these photos.” You announce, and you begin to handpick the ones that are the ugliest of the bunch. Satoru jumps up from his seat and rushes to your side to take the mouse from your hand. 
“You can snoop around but you can’t alter anything.” Satoru tells you, while he selects a picture of you sleeping. He hovers the cursor on your chin, a smirk on his face, “Aw, look at you drooling.”
“Why do you even have this in here?” You ask him, and he chooses to remain silent. Instead he closes the app and turns off the computer. He rolls your chair away from his computer, and puts you beside his seat for the day.
“Why do you want to even snoop? I promise you won’t find anything fun.” Satoru says, taking a seat right next to you.
“Want to see your lady friends, see if your taste has changed.” You answer, and Satoru shakes his head disappointedly as a chuckle leaves his lips. 
“My taste has not changed, you’re still the only woman that has my heart.” He tells you, and you swear your heart melts but you remain strong. You roll your eyes at him before pointing out,
“Is that why you were sleeping around?”
“Are you jealous?” Satoru asks, and you quickly shake your head. And he says something so insincere because if it were to happen, he’s sure he’d jump off the building, “If it makes you feel better, you can sleep with anyone you’d like.”
“I wasn’t asking for your permission.” You reply. For some reason your words make him feel better, thinking that you’re not going to run off with some idiot in the end.
“On another note.” He clears his throat, and you raise your eyebrows. “What do you think about going back to school?”
“Huh? Where is this coming from?” You’re confused since you haven’t even mentioned going back to study.
“You don’t want to be my secretary forever, do you?” He makes a great point, though you don’t mind either. You get to goof off and Satoru doesn’t dare reprimand you anymore. Plus, pay is great. “You didn’t get to do what you wanted to do because I knocked you up, but now I’m here. I’ll take care of everything.”
“You know that it’s going to take a lot of time, effort and money for it.” You tell him, and he rolls his eyes. Bringing up money as if he didn’t just buy you a house. He has more than enough to support you financially.
“I’m here now, am I not?” He responds, and you have to take a deep breath. The words rest heavy on your chest, and you feel tears well up in your eyes. You wouldn’t have imagined how three words have such an impact on you.
He sees you’re on the verge of crying, and he throws his arms over you, pulling you into a hug. He rubs your back in an attempt to comfort you, “If I had known that the mere suggestion of going back to school would make you cry, I wouldn’t have said a word.”
“No it’s– I’m fine.” You try to play it off. It just makes him hug you tighter. He’s nearly leaving you out of air, on the plus side, Satoru smells really good.
“If you want to be my lazy secretary forever, you’re more than welcome to. I’ll even give you a raise.” He reassures you, and you laugh. He loosens his grip before pressing a kiss on your temple. “I’ll support you no matter the journey you want to take. Even if it includes an ugly husband.”
“What makes you say my husband would be ugly?” You focus on the least important thing.
“Because if you don’t marry me, he’ll be ugly.” He answers, and you click your tongue. You hate that he’s doing things right.
“Then you’ll have to deal with me and my ugly husband.”
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meggletoomanyfandoms · 7 months
Alastor's Shadow
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(Not my gif!)
Alastor x Fem!Reader
18+ ONLY!!
Summary- You decided to spend time with the King of Hell but quickly find out that a certain someone is not too happy about that..
Word Count- 2,147
TW- NSFW, Some dubcon, Possessive Alastor, a bit of blood, choking, tentacles, claws, swearing
AN- I really enjoyed writing this one! Alastor can be so unpredictable so I really do enjoy writing for him! Also my requests are open!
“So Lucifer,” you questioned, “Why did you make all of those rubber ducks?” You sat at the bar in the hotel beside Hell’s King. He took a sip of the drink that Husk had poured for him and shrugged his shoulders slightly.
“Maybe it fills a void of some kind?” he said, “Honestly, making them just makes me happy I suppose.” You giggled at his response, noticing how his face started to slightly light up at the talk about the ducks.
“I think that’s cute,” you said, “it’s nice to have something you enjoy doing! And if making rubber duckies makes you happy, then I think you should keep doing it!” Lucifer turned his head to look at you, a smile forming on his face.
“Thank you, (y/n),” he said to you, turning his attention to the empty glass that sat in front of him and you noticed a small blush start to appear on his face, “Perhaps sometime you and I could create one together.”
“A duck?” you said with another small giggle, “I would like that.. You know, I do have some ideas….”
“Really?” Lucifer’s face once again lit up and he hopped down from his stool, “Tomorrow then?” You got down from your stool as well and nodded your head.
“Sure! I would love that!” you agreed. He then took your hand gently in his and kissed the top of it.
“It’s a date then,” he said, just before he vanished. Behind the bar, you heard Husk let out a small sigh. Turning your attention to him, you spoke.
“Something the matter?” 
“You know he’s not going to be happy about this,” he said, picking up what was Lucifer's glass and beginning to wipe it clean.
“Who?” it took you a moment to realize just who it was he was talking about but once you did, you rolled your eyes.
“He doesn’t care about me or what I do,” you said to him, beginning to make your way to the stairs that led up to your room, “And besides that, he doesn’t own me.” Husk didn’t say anything else as you walked up the stairs. You knew exactly who it was that he was talking about but you doubted that certain someone cared at all about what you did or didn’t do. You knew that all he cared about was himself and although it might be true that you had considered making a deal with that demon in the past, that was behind you. 
Actually, he was behind you.
“Good evening, my dear.” Alastor’s voice startled you just as you were getting ready to open the door to your room, causing you to jump.
“Why do you feel the need to sneak up behind me and scare me every time you have something to say?” you asked, clearly annoyed but still making your way inside of your room where he followed behind you. When you turned to face him, he was now leaning in the doorway, resting his hands on top of his staff. 
“It was never my intention to frighten you,” he said with a large grin, “I merely wanted to see what you were up to on this fine evening.” 
“I’m getting ready to go to bed, Alastor,” you said to him, taking your shoes off and putting them against the wall and then sitting down on your bed, “Can you just go?” 
“I could go,” he said, shutting the door behind him, “Oh, but I’d much rather stay and chat.” You felt your heart begin to pick up speed but you ignored it. 
“I’m not in the mood to chat,” you said, laying back on your pillow,” Whatever it is you want to talk about, I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow.” 
The next thing you knew, Alastor materialized on top of you so that he was now straddling your waist. 
“What the fuck, Alastor-!” you began to say but were immediately cut off when he put his hand over your mouth.
“Shush now dear,” he said, “I’m here to talk about why you think you can just go off and spend time with Lucifer when you know you belong to me. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” You narrowed your gaze at the man that was hovering above you. You noticed how his ears slightly twitched- he was agitated. You simply rolled your eyes at him, refusing to meet his gaze. He chuckled darkly. 
“I don’t think you understand,” he said, a dark tentacle taking the place of his hand over your mouth. He ran his fingers across your throat, “You see, I can look over most things. I can let you be whoever you want, act however you want. But this? This is where my patience wears thin.” His hand was now wrapped around your throat and you could feel his claws, sharp against your smooth skin. You murmured something, but since the tentacle was still over your mouth, your words couldn’t be spoken. He grinned wickedly at you and within a moment the tentacle had dissipated. 
“I never made a deal with you, Alastor! You don’t own me!” you screamed at him, now wiggling under his weight and trying to get free, “Now get the hell off of me!” He only laughed, fingers still around your throat and although his claws hadn’t dug far into your skin yet, blood was beginning to show underneath the sharp points.
“You think I care about deals? Oh my dear, you are sadly mistaken,” he said, leaning down next to your ear before speaking the next part, “You became mine the moment I became the one who you would fantasize about while touching yourself. You became mine the moment you screamed my name when you reached your climax.” 
Your eyes widened, heart racing. How did he know about that? You were sure that the only time that ever happened was when you were in your room alone and everyone else was asleep. Was he watching you? 
“You were watching me?” you asked as he sat back up, “You fucking creep! I didn’t know I had to worry about being spied on in my own room!” His grin widened, hand around your throat still unmoving but now getting tighter.
“Don’t act like you didn’t know I was there,” he said, “I know you wanted me to fuck you all those times you shouted my name. I bet you’re turned on right now too. Shall we check?” 
“Don’t you fucking dare-” you said, but the words left your lips when you felt a tentacle slightly touch you in between your legs. 
“Mmm, wet as can be, darling,” he said, “Soaking through your jeans..” 
“Alastor I am going to fucking scream if you don’t-”
“Oh yes, you will be screaming, my doe” he said, slowly using his free hand to undo the button on your jeans, “You will scream my name so loud that even Lucifer will hear, and he’ll know that you’re mine and to stay the fuck away from you. Now then, let’s get these off..” 
He used both hands to take your jeans off and you squirm underneath him. You weren’t exactly trying to fight him off at this point, if you were honest. You were turned on as fuck- when was the last time anyone treated you this way? Probably never; the guys you dated and fucked while you still lived definitely didn’t. And well, you'd never exactly fucked someone since you had died and arrived in hell either. And it was certainly true that there were many times you touched yourself to the thoughts of Alastor touching you and using you, and maybe, just maybe, you were aware that he was in the room all those times you screamed his name.. Though, you’d never admit it out loud. 
“Oh my, look at you being so obedient and not fighting back any longer,” he said, “Ah, let’s do this much quicker then.” And in a split second after he spoke those words, your clothes  all disappeared and you were completely naked. You went to cover yourself when two of his tentacles pinned your arms to the bed. 
“Ah, ah, ah, my doe,” he said, “There will be none of that here. I am going to take my fill and you absolutely will not be hiding yourself from me..” He drug a single claw down your stomach, leaving a long red mark in its path, “Not that I haven’t already seen you like this before.. But I must say, there is something about actually getting to touch you like this that absolutely thrills me to my core.” 
Your body was reacting to his touches; chills went up your spine as he toyed with you. You knew he was teasing you, but you didn’t mind being teased. In all honesty, you wanted more. 
“A-Alastor,” you choked out, “Please, fuck me.” 
“Fuck you?” he questioned,” Oh no my dear, you see, this is a punishment for thinking you could go out there and flirt with who you pleased. And it’s going to be so much worse since that someone was Lucifer. You will not be having my cock tonight.” 
Punishment? And here you thought he was going to absolutely ravish you. You wanted his cock more than anything right now; your soaking wetness was all the evidence needed to know that. You watched as Alastor got off of the bed, and stood at the foot of the bed so he could get the perfect view of you. 
“Uhm, if youre not going to fuck me then can I at least have my clothes back?” you felt the stickiness of the blood on your neck from where his claws had dug into your skin just moments before and shivered. Alastor grinned from ear to ear and in a moment's notice, your room fell darker somehow and that was when you saw it- his shadow appeared on the wall. 
“My doe, you are going to fucked senseless,” he said, “Although I must warn you, shadow it may be, you’re still going to be filled to the brim. And when you’re crying out and begging it to stop, I’m going to make sure it fucks you again and again until all you think about is how you’re not good enough to have my cock but instead, my shadows.” He materialized a chair at the foot of your bed where he stood and sat down, “I do so enjoy a good show.” 
You looked around the walls and watched as his shadow danced on them, just before stopping between your legs. Your heart was racing and you felt your cunt dripping; what was it going to feel like being fucked by a shadow? Or would it feel like anything? Would it hurt? Or not be good enough- 
Your thoughts were interrupted immediately when it rammed into you hard and fast and without warning. You could feel the warmth of the shadows cock inside of you, oddly enough it did feel just like well, a regular dick. But also so much more and not enough at the same time. It was rough and unfeeling but still, you moaned. 
Alastor watched as his shadow took you. Truly enjoying the show that you were putting on for him. He watched your movements, how you took your breaths and listened to how you called his name as you climaxed again and again. And while yes, he was indeed turned on by the sight of you, he wouldn’t dare fuck you with his own cock until you learned a lesson. That, deal or no deal, you absolutely belonged to him. 
Climax after climax, your head was starting to feel foggy and you didn’t know how much more your body could take. So much pleasure ran through you and there still, at the foot of your bed, Alastor sat watching you. And not once did he stop. Until now, when he could see you were tapping out and you had had enough. He stood up and his shadow disappeared, the light slightly returning to your room and his chair disappearing. 
“Have you had enough, my doe?” he questioned, now standing next to the bed where you were laying. Exhausted. You weren’t sure you’d ever climaxed so much and so hard in your life- how many hours had passed since this started? How long were you being fucked? Still, your mind was cloudy. Alastor put his hand on your head and instantly, PJ’s formed on your body as he stroked your hair. 
“Sleep now, my doe,” he said, “But remember this.. Though I might not own your soul, your body is mine. Remember that mine is the name you screamed while being fucked senselessly, and I was the one you wanted so badly to take you..” 
And with that, you watched as he disappeared.
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cevansbrat0007 · 9 months
Cross-Country Christmas (Teaser)
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Summary: After Ari is left stranded by a surprise winter storm, you find yourself wishing for a little Christmas miracle...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Angst, Ari Being A Menace, Holiday Themes, Smut, Arguments, Spanking (mentioned), Pet Names, Cursing, More Warnings to Come Minors DNI
A/N: This is only a TEASER, the longer fic is coming soon. Part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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8:30am on Christmas Day - Bell’s Creek, Texas
“I promise I’ll be fine, Beast.” Drying your tears, you crumble up your tissues in your fist before discarding them in favor of taking a sip of your coffee. “Like you just said, there’ll be other holidays. And certainly other Christmases.”
Ari was still stuck in Omaha. And while you had suspected this call was coming, you hadn’t been prepared for how much the disappointment would affect you.
By all accounts, your Bounty Hunter appeared to be in good spirits, albeit a little tired. He was still on standby, even though all flights were still grounded indefinitely. But you’d at least been happy to hear that he’d somehow managed to catch a few hours of sleep. 
Not only that, but he’d also made a new friend in some guy named Clint. They apparently had a number of things in common, with the most important being that they’d both served overseas. Ari had also alluded to his new buddy being in law enforcement as well. 
But if you were being honest, you’d been so focused on trying to sound positive that you hadn’t quite been able to focus on his words as much as you would’ve liked. Thankfully, Ari seemed keen on having a conversation – even if it felt a bit one-sided.
“The airline keeps offering to put us up for the night. Anyone who accepts will be guaranteed a spot on one of the first flights out.” Ari coughs softly before continuing. “However, if you’re willing to wait a little bit there’s talk about them sweetening the deal with some sort of voucher or somethin’, plus miles and all that shit.” 
“Oh?” Is all you can manage, forcing yourself to take another pull of your now lukewarm coffee.
“Yeah. So, Clint and I were thinking…” He trails off, briefly leaning away from the receiver to comment on something you couldn’t see.
“You two were thinking…what?” Your next sip of coffee tastes surprisingly bitter on your tongue. Maybe you would dump out the pot and brew a fresh one. 
“That we should take ‘em up on their offer and just ride this storm out. We take the points, get the voucher, and then maybe in a month or two, we go on a vacation together somewhere nice.” 
“You and Clint?!” You screech, accidentally knocking over your mug in the process. “Shit!” You scramble out of your chair to grab a dish towel and hurriedly mop up the mess. 
“Hate to break it to ya, baby, but Clint’s not really my type.” The Bounty Hunter chuckles into the phone. “I was talking about me and you, Bird. We can pick a destination and have ourselves a holiday do-over.”
A beat goes by before you respond the only way that makes any real, logical sense. Even though it seems to take every last bit of your resolve.  
“Okay.” Your voice comes out small and resigned. 
“Aw now, don’t fret. I’ll be home soon.” Ari does his best to reassure you. “And once I’m back, we will spend every waking minute making up for lost time. You have my word.”
Well, when he put it like that…
“I guess we can hold off for a little while longer.” You sniff, wishing you could just go back to bed and sleep until tomorrow. “But you had better keep your promise, Beast. Otherwise I’m gonna have to track down Santa and ask him for a new man.” 
Your half-hearted attempt at humor elicits a short bark of laughter from Ari which, in turn, makes you smile as well. It would be hard, but you could make it 
“Try it, sweet Bird, and I’m telling you right now that I’ll have you in my truck and over my knee before you make it outta the next county.” Comes his gruff response, clearly not enjoying the image of you hanging off another fella’s arm. 
You know without asking that he’s probably not kidding – so you decide to leave it alone. If he wanted to thump his chest a little, then you’d let him. 
“It was a joke.” You tell him when the line falls silent. Standing, you pad towards the fridge on bare feet, stopping once you reach the doors. Yanking one open, you survey the contents, silently wondering if you should even be bothered enough to cook today. Granted, you’d already brined the turkey so –
“Joking about my replacement isn’t funny, Bird.” Ari growls, the sound rumbling from somewhere deep in his chest. “Especially when I can’t be there in person to plead my case.”
You blow out a harsh breath at the same time as your eyes roll heavenwards. Why couldn't he understand that you needed to crack wise here and there in order to keep from crying?
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fandomfucker · 2 months
Birthday-Cody Rhodes x Gn!Reader
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Request: Cody has to work on your birthday when all you want to do is be pampered with a day of relaxation so you have attitude and he makes you feel better
Word Count: 1,632
2nd Person POV
Friday Night Smackdown and you were once again, in some random city you didn't care too much to be in. It was your birthday weekend and you had wanted to spend it with your fiance Cody, so he had taken you along with him.
It was a pretty nice city, even though you'd rather be home, so the plan was to stay there for a few days. Friday for Smackdown, and then have the day to yourself on Saturday while he did press stuff, and then you'd spend Sunday (your birthday) together. Maybe do a couples spa. A cute little romantic dinner, ending in a movie night. Something fun and relaxing for your birthday.
Unfortunately for you, that's not exactly how everything had turned out.
Saturday morning, you woke up in your shared hotel bed, the spot next to you unusually empty. Groggily looking around, you squinted at the bright light seeping in through the blinds as you searched for Cody.
You noticed light coming out of the bathroom towards the entrance of the room and rolled out of bed, wrapping your fuzzy blanket around yourself as you moved.
Stepping onto the cool bathroom tile, you saw your fiance getting ready in front of the mirror. He had already gotten dressed in some khaki shorts and a nice polo and was currently shaving off his stubble.
He stopped and turned towards where you stood in the doorway once he saw you.
"You're leaving already?" You asked him, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
He smiled softly at you, stepping forward and wrapping his hands around your waist. "I'm sorry babe. I'd sleep in all day with you if I could. But you know how it is."
You nodded in acceptance, knowing fighting about it wouldn't change his work schedule. He kissed your forehead before moving back to the sink, finishing up what he was doing as he began to ask about your plans for the day.
"Well, I found this super cute nail place so I think I'll go get my nails done. And then I found a good-looking sandwich shop for lunch and there's some other stores and stuff on that road so I figured I'd spend most the day there. Probably until you're done at least."
You leaned your head against the doorway as you spoke, mesmerized by the way Cody's muscles looked under the sharp lighting.
He snapped you out of it when he addressed you, a small smile pulling at his lips as he ignored what you were staring at, only to subtly flex his biceps as you stared. "Sounds like a great day, babe. I should be done by 5, and we can meet up somewhere for dinner."
You tried not to let the disappointment that he wouldn't be available until dinner show, so you just wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him tight, whispering 'I love you's and your goodbyes until you were once again left cold and by yourself.
You made the best of your day out. To the best of your ability anyway. You got your nails done, a shimmery red to match Cody's ring gear. You had found a small bakery and gotten yourself a little sweet treat as well as a small birthday cake for tomorrow.
You were living life, savoring the peace and quiet of being by yourself and not having to rush for once. You had even gotten a new purse, it was white with a little yellow and purple flower pattern on it, and you couldn't wait to show Cody.
There was a nice barbeque place not far from where you currently were and had texted Cody an hour previous that that was where you wanted to go for dinner to no response.
No big deal, he often was very busy and couldn't check his phone for a while, but he'd get back to you as soon as he could. An hour turned into two and by 5:30, the designated meeting time, you had still not received any response.
This had happened before. He would get caught up with whatever he was doing and would wind up being late for a date the two of you had planned. You had just hoped that this time would be different since it was your birthday tomorrow.
You decided that whether he would be there or not, that restaurant was where you wanted to have dinner and you made your way over anyway.
Later that night, around 8 o'clock, you were at a local ice cream shop for dessert when you finally got a text back from Cody.
Cody♥️💙: I am sooooooooo sorry Y/n!!! They just kept having more and more stuff for me to do and I couldn't say no and they wouldn't let me have my phone on me I'm so sorry. I'll see you at our hotel❤️
As angry as you were with having no communication with him the whole day, you really couldn't be anything more than irritated. This wasn't unusual so you were kind of just used to this happening at this point in your relationship. But it was your birthday weekend.
Arriving at the hotel, before you could even open the door, it swung open revealing your fiance, a look of guilt on his face.
Not letting him speak, you just fell into his arms, wrapping your arms around his waist as he held you tightly. You closed your eyes and breathed him in, expressing without words that it was okay.
"I was thinking since we couldn't do anything today, that tomorrow we could start early? I found this cafe downtown that looks good for breakfast and then I booked a couple's spa around 10:30. We'll figure out lunch when we get there and then there's this gorgeous flower field not far from here if you want to take some birthday photos." He rambled a little bit as you rested your chin on his chest, staring up at him lovingly.
You stopped him with a kiss to his lips. "That sounds great, babe. And I went ahead and picked up a little cake from this really good bakery I found." You grinned up at him as his eyes lit up at the mention of cake.
"Well, in that case..." He picked you up as you squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck and clinging for dear life as he spun around towards the bed, lightly dropping you onto it with a dramatic, "And Cody Rhodes, slaming Y/n L/n on the bed!" Sending you into a fit of giggles that lasted through the night.
The sound of someone's ringtone was what woke you up the next morning. "Cody." You reached behind you, slapping his chest to wake him up. It was his phone that was ringing.
"Ugh. Hello?" You heard him answer as he threw back the sheets and sat up.
You reached out and grabbed your own phone to check the time. 6:43 am. You groaned and dropped your phone to the table, face-planting back onto the bed.
"Y/n," Cody shook your back to wake you up. You just groaned in response, too tired to do anything else. "Y/n I'm so sorry, baby they have some more stuff for me to do. But, you should come with me. Please?"
You were too tired to really think anything other than you wanted to be with Cody, so you agreed and begrudgingly got up and ready, and next thing you knew you were sitting next to him in the backseat of your Uber to who knows where.
You ignored any attempts from Cody at a conversation, deciding to scroll through Instagram instead, hyping up some of the WWE women in their comments.
You continued to ignore him, even after he told the driver to stop at your favorite coffee chain super quick.
You let him kiss your head before he ran in, leaving you in the car only to be back a few minutes later with the largest size of your favorite drink.
"Thank you," You said, taking the drink from him and taking a sip before going back to your phone. 
He sighed before going to his phone, feeling hopeless at getting you to no longer be upset with him. You started to feel bad but stuck to your feelings.
He had promised the day together and now he was working and had taken you with him.
You couldn't even eat your own birthday cake because it was back at the hotel!
So yeah, you were in a bit of a bitchy mood today.
The rest of the day consisted of you sitting backstage as you watched Cody in his interviews. He would try to talk to you in between but his schedule wound up being so busy that he would just be rushed right past you every time.
"I swear, I'll make it up to you." He had promised.
It wasn't until you had finally made it back to your hotel that afternoon that he was able to fulfill that promise. 
Walking into the room, rose gold and white balloons filled the room with rose petals covering every surface. The cake you had bought was laid out neatly on the dining table and 'Happy Birthday Y/n' had been written on it in white frosting.
Perfectly wrapped presents were piled in the corner and you could smell your favorite candle burning from somewhere in the room.
Your eyes welled up at the sight and you turned around to see his guilty face once again.
"I really am sorry, Y/n. I swear I wasn't supposed to work today but stuff comes up. But like I said, I'll make it up to you in any and every way I can.
He reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet, and rifled through all the cards before pulling one out.
At your raised eyebrow, he handed you his credit card, kissing the top of your head. "This is just the start, but, feel free to go wild." And feel free you did.
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unknown-lab · 1 year
What is Love?
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cheating
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Have you ever once in your life, regardless if you're single or in a relationship, wondered... What love is? How do you get it? What should you do to maintain the love you're having for another person? Throughout my experience, there's one thing for sure.
Love is something that fades easily, only when you're with the wrong person.
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The night of our 5th Anniversary.
Food? Done. Table? Well-prepared. Candles? All up. Dress? Gorgeous. Lights? Perfect. Everything, every single detail was not left out. Time was tick-tocking as I was admiring what I had done for the past 5 hours. For him, for us. The only flaw I'm having right now is the empty spot in front of me. It should be occupied 1 hour ago.
I waited
And waited
And waited...
Ah... It's 10 pm now. The candles are all out. The room darkened, and there were only 2 dim lights on top of me. He's a busy man, I guess he'd forgotten about this already. Alright then, there's no sign of his return, I might as well start cleaning up. Although I haven't touched anything on the table, I don't feel hungry. Maybe because I don't have the every to be hungry now.
Front door opens
I was already done with the cleaning. I turned to him, and our eyes met. He looks tired too. I don't want to stress him out further, so I just gave him a smile and turned away, walking toward our bed. It's like he could read my mind, he didn't say anything, he just went into the bathroom and took a shower.
He lies down next to me, both of us turning to the opposite side. He's still next to me, and he smells nice. The scent is different from the shampoo we have in our bathroom. I wonder where did he get it from. I was deep in thought until he broke the silence.
"Sign the papers tomorrow."
Hmm? What papers? Never mind, I'll just ask him tomorrow. I don't know why, I feel more tired than usual tonight.
This escalated... rather quickly... Dazai. Well, I did expect this to happen sooner or later. I was reading through the divorce papers, making nothing is missed out. Everything right now was peaceful. No quarrels, no fights, just two grown adults doing what adults should be doing.
"I was with her last night. I had been by her side for about half a year, and we're planning to make that official. Hopefully, you would understand." He broke the silence, once again. There weren't any expectations heard from his monotone voice. It's like this is just a procedure to him.
Obviously, I kept quiet. I didn't raise my head to look at him, just the files. They are the only thing I have now. I signed the papers and passed them to him. I went to pack my belongings, making sure to bring everything I had with me. While he's just there, sitting on the couch texting her.
Everything is now at the doorstep, ready to go. For the first time in so long, he showed kindness. He put my luggage into the boot. For a split second, seeing him in his suit made my heart skip a beat. How long has he not worn that? It was the one I bought for him on our 1st anniversary. And I know for sure, it's his favourite.
"You can go now, I'll deal with the papers myself. Nothing will go wrong." This is more of an assurance to himself than to me.
"Did you know what day was yesterday?" I looked at him, unfiltered words just came out of my mouth.
"Yeah. It was our 5th Anniversary." He said nonchalantly.
Out of all the things I've thought of, this was the last of all that I could possibly expect. I was expecting a no, regardless he was lying or not. The fact that he knew everything, he knew I was waiting for him, he knew he had to come back, he knew it was our anniversary. This is the trigger that is preparing to fire.
"Then why were you absent?"
"She said wanted me to stay with her."
I could imagine the girl in her sweet voice, holding his hand or hugging him tightly. Begging him to stay with her, just to ruin our moment.
Bravo. Tears formed at the corner of my eyes, slowly rolling down my cheek. Through the blurry vision, I saw a young man in his favourite suit, running towards me. He hugged me and said:
"It's alright, I'd do anything if it's for you."
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tgmsunmontue · 6 months
Once Upon a Time in 1996... 3/?
IceMav TimeLoop. Maverick wakes up to a great day. Then it all turns to shit.
Chapter One Chapter Two
                He wakes up and he rolls over, half expecting to fall directly off the sofa and he opens his eyes immediately.
                What the fuck.
                “What the fuck?”
                He’s back in his bed at Carole and Bradley’s house. His home. Except he knows he went to sleep on Ice’s sofa last night. Knows he didn’t drink a single drop of alcohol to blame the weird nightmare-dream of the previous night on and he remembers seeing the bottle of vodka which had sort of confirmed that maybe he hadn’t dreamt the previous day.
                This type of stuff doesn’t happen. He remembers there being a film like this a couple of years ago, what was it called, god, he’s going to have to find it and remind himself what the hell happened in it.
                Oh fuck.
                He’s gay and in love with him.
                That’s a lot to take in.
                Carole is sick. Dying.
                That is also a lot to take in, but he sort of feels like he’s a day ahead of dealing with that already. He remembers waking up… yesterday? Was it still yesterday? How can he keep track of previous days if they are all yesterdays? He remembers waking up on Day Zero and thinking it was a perfect day. Now he’s got his two best friends in crisis and no way in which to fix either of them. He can’t fix either of them. Not that Ice needs fixing, but Carole needs healing, and he’s not a doctor. He’s going to have to somehow accept he can’t change anything.
                All he wants to do is run away.
                Instead he goes through the morning motions, on autopilot as Bradley runs out of the house and Carole leaves for appointment. He needs… well, he doesn’t know what he needs exactly, but he needs to think. He has time. Infinite maybe. He cuts the grass, his mind ticking over the potential things he can say and do. He can’t change what is happening to them, but he can change how he responds. Thinks about where Carole is, probably receiving the news and he wonders if he should be with her. Maybe he can try that if he gets another tomorrow.
                He tips all the bottles of alcohol down the sink and throws the bottles in the trash. He can make Carole a coffee or something. Stay with her. Until he needs to go and see Ice. Should he talk to Ice? He should maybe figure the fuck out what he’s feeling himself before he faces that gauntlet again.
                He sucks in a sharp breath.
                Oh god, what is he going to say to Ice? What is Ice going to say to him? He remembers the first day, when he’d turned up later, or on time, and there hadn’t been anything, no hint, so if he doesn’t turn up early then Ice isn’t going to tell him. But he wants his best friend to feel like he can tell him. He also needs to figure out what the best way to respond is, because yesterday had not gone well. He doesn’t want Ice avoiding him. Doesn’t want to avoid Ice.
                Carole pulls into the drive and he doesn’t wait for her to just sit there, almost runs out of the house immediately and opens the car door and pulls her out into a hug.
                “Maverick? Everything okay?”
                She’s not even crying.
                “Uh… I missed you?” Fuck. Has he got it all wrong? She gives him a smile though and it immediately turns watery, but it’s still a smile and she’s laughing at him being a little silly and he feels relieved suddenly, he’s doing something good. Something right.
                “I missed you too you idiot. Got some… not great news.”
                That a fucking understatement of the year.
                “Can I make you a cup of coffee?”
                “That would be nice. Thanks.”
                They sit and drink coffee, curled up on the sofa facing each other and she does break down and cry he just reaches out and holds her, lets her cry through it. Doesn’t say anything or ask anything, just tries to be there, and it seems to help, even if it is fucking hard to keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t offer to go and pick up Bradley, doesn’t even mention him, just sits with her until his stomach rumbles and it makes her laugh through her tears again. They shuffle around the kitchen together and make food, and he tries to act normally. This is all new at least, so it doesn’t feel like he’s experiencing déjà vu for the third day in a row. Carole turns on the radio and sings along and it’s such a sharp contrast to her attitude the last couple of days he wonders if she too is maybe experiencing the same thing.
                “You ever experience déjà vu?” He asks and she scrunches her face at him, the same way she always does when she thinks he’s being funny.
                “Sometimes. What made you think of that?”
                “Oh, just… feeling a little of it today. Wondered if it was just me.”
                “Pretty sure it’s not a collective thing. You’re in a weird mood today.”
                Yeah, he guesses he is.
                “I’m just going to ring Ice.”
                “What? Why?”
                “I’m going to tell him I can’t make dinner.”
                Okay, he hadn’t really decided that until he just said it out loud, so maybe he’s not ready to face that gauntlet quite yet. Fuck.
                “Maverick, don’t let me stop you from seeing him. He just got back.”
                “And another day won’t matter,” he says, not sure how he can explain he saw him yesterday, and the day before as well. And also he doesn’t know how to feel about seeing him again today. Carole makes a weird humming noise and he turns, about to ask her what she means by that.
                “Invite him here. It would be nice to see him too.”
                “Uh… yeah. Okay. Sure.”
                He has no reason to say no, he’s friends with Carole as well. He picks up the phone and dials the number Ice gave him for his base accommodation, waits for him to pick up as he trails across the room, the coiled spring of the phone following him. He doesn’t need to wait long, maybe six rings and then Ice’s clear strong voice comes through the line.
                “Tom Kazansky.”
                “Hey Ice, how are you?”
                “Maverick… Hi,” Ice says, and his voice is cautious and Pete doesn’t blame him. They’re not really friends who have ever been the type to talk on the phone. Letter writing has happened occasionally, postcards sometimes. “Why are you calling me? We’re meant to be seeing each other in a few hours…”
                “Uh yeah, about that. Just wondering if we can postpone dinner?”
                “What? Why? Tell me what’s happened.”
                “Uh, well,” he looks across the kitchen to where Carole is now washing the dishes, still singing to the music on the radio and he lowers his voice and angles his body away. “Carole’s got cancer. Bad. Don’t really want to leave her. We’re actually going to have a movie night,” he says, adlibbing his way through the lies, although now that he’s saying it he’s going to make it happen. Remembers that he wants to find out the name of that movie and then watch it. Once he finds it. But he also needs to gather information, wants to see Ice again with the knowledge he has now. He turns back toward the kitchen and Carole is now looking at him, mouthing words at him and he doesn’t need the ability to lip read to know she’s telling him to ask Ice to dinner.
                “Actually, you want to come around here for dinner and join us instead? I know it’s not what we planned but I kind of want to be here with them tonight.”
                “Yeah. Of course. What can I bring?”
                “Just yourself.”
                “I think I can manage that,” Ice says, and his voice is dry and Pete snorts, because Ice has never turned up empty handed anywhere he goes, which is something he could probably try and emulate more. They agree on six for dinner and he hangs up, turns back to Carole and wonders if he should ask her for advice. Would that just cause her more worry or distract her. Maybe she wants distracting? Fucked if he knows.
                They end up back on the sofa and she talks, clearly calmer than she has been the previous two days, talking to him about the diagnosis and lifespan estimation. Not long. Never long enough when it’s measured in months. He can only listen with half of his brain, what she’s telling him is what he’d heard the first day, but it had been through wracking sobs and tears. He still can’t figure out why today is different, needs to figure it out so he can make sure he can repeat it tomorrow if he needs to.
                “Will you let me adopt Bradley?”
                “Can I adopt Bradley?”
                “You want to do that?”
                “Of course. Jesus Carole, I can’t imagine loving him any more than if he were my actual kid.”
                He doesn’t know what he’s said exactly but she’s crying again, but this time there’s a tremulous smile on her face and he feels like this is also something right, something good that he can do. Then Bradley gets home, bursting through the door and Carole reaches an arm out to him, her smile wavering and Bradley can definitely tell something is wrong. He’s a smart kid.
                “How would you feel about Maverick adopting you?”
                “Uh… are you guys getting married?”
                “No!” They both answer in unison and then laugh, although it would probably be easier.
                “Um. Sure. It’s cool I guess. Why are you crying?”
                Smart kid, Pete thinks, and he wonders what Carole is going to do, going to say, when faced with Bradley asking outright like this.
                “Just sad about life this afternoon…”
                “Oh. Okay.”
                He sucks in a quiet breath, clenches his jaw, because she’s still not telling him. Okay. It’s okay. This is still better than the first day, although anything is better than that horrific day.
                “We were thinking of having a movie night. You want to come to the Blockbuster with me?” Pete asks and Bradley’s nodding, his school bag dropping to the ground and Carole tuts under her breath.
                “Come on, I need to go to the grocery store, seeing as I’m now cooking for four people…”
                “You told me to invite him!” Pete protests, knowing she’s giving him a gentle jab about Ice and him now being there for dinner. Although he prefers it over the alternative, even if he’s curious as to what the table would look like if he turned up even earlier. Another task for another tomorrow maybe. They all get in Carole’s car and she drives, humming along to the radio. She drops them off, saying she’ll be back shortly, saying she only needs a few things and they’ll likely take much longer picking a movie. She doesn’t know he has one movie in mind already and that it's Bradley that will take an age to decide on something. He walks into the Blockbuster, Bradley on his heels and he goes up to the bored looking teenager behind the counter.
                “Hi, I was wondering if you could help me.”
                “Uh. I’m looking for a movie, about this, uh, person, a man I think, who is caught reliving the same day over and over?”
                “What, like Groundhog Day?”
                “You mean the movie Groundhog Day?”
                “Is that it? Is that the movie I’m thinking about?”
                “I dunno man, you just described the plot though. He wakes up every morning and it’s Groundhog Day. It’s a romantic comedy. Just over there,” he says, pointing and Pete thanks him, heads over and finds it almost immediately. There’re about ten copies, clearly a popular film and he picks up the case and goes to find Bradley.
                Of course he’s looking at the new releases, a film Pete knows he’s not allowed to see clasped in his hands.
                “Bradley, that’s an R-rated film. Your mom will kill me. How about this one?” Pete suggests, because space films are always pretty cool, and a nice middle ground they’ve realized that they both generally like.
                “Fine, but I do want to see this…”
                “Sure, you can see it when you’re old enough to get it out without my help…”
                “Ugh, fine…”
                Pete puts Se7en back on the shelf and taps the Apollo 13 against the Groundhog Day case, which is definitely not his normal choice for a movie, but it feels like necessary research. He needs some type of guidance or direction and he’s pretty sure talking about it with anyone else is going to get him called crazy. He sure as hell doesn’t need that. Maybe he is?
                That’s actually a possibility he hadn’t considered.
                Surely if he were actually loosing it he wouldn’t be sane enough to think that he might be loosing it?
                He sighs, slides his membership card and cash across the counter and accepts the videos back, passing them to Bradley who is now busy reading the back of Groundhog Day and pulling a face.
                “This sounds boring…”
                “Well, I thought it might cheer up your mom.”
                He clearly agrees that his mom needs cheering up because he doesn’t even roll his eyes; Pete wonders if he should ask if he’s really okay if Pete adopts him, while they wait for Carole to come and pick them up. They can probably work things out without that if they have to. Of course he doesn’t have time, Carole honking the horn and waving as she drives toward them.
                They get back to the house and he helps Carole carry the few things inside, Bradley instructed to put away his things before coming to help prepare dinner. She making a pasta dish with lots of vegetables and he laughs at Bradley’s disgruntled expression, tells him he has to eat them otherwise he won’t grow tall. Of course Bradley retaliates by saying that explains why Pete is so short and he grabs him in a headlock and gives him a noogie, Carole laughing and rolling her eyes, telling them to behave and it all feels shockingly normal. Good.
                A knock at the door, it opening and Ice calling out has him jolting a little, part of him having forgotten that Ice was coming.
                “Hello! I’m here!”
                He hasn’t allowed himself time to think too deeply about what Ice told him yesterday, can’t tell that it’s even a thing right now, everything seems perfectly normal, just like usual. Ice is handing Carole a bunch of flowers and some chocolate, giving her a kiss on the cheek and smiling at her and he feels a little spark of something, unidentifiable and irritating. He ignores it and gives Ice a grin, tries his best to pretend everything is normal. Then he catches the tight little smile Carole gives Ice and he wonders if she maybe knows. Oh god. Was he completely blind? He shakes himself mentally, reminds himself his best friends are in front of him, one with a terminal cancer diagnosis and the other, apparently, maybe, in love with him.
                Perfectly normal day.
                They eat dinner and he’s glad for Bradley, so glad as he keeps up chatter about school, what he’s wanting to do in the weekend, asking questions of Ice about his deployment. They don’t talk about Carole’s diagnosis. Can’t with the fact that Bradley doesn’t know. Dinner ends and they wash up, used to working together. Carole makes Bradley go and shower and change into his pajamas, ignores his protests about it being too early but she stands firm and Pete realizes he’s going to have to be a parent soon. He’s going to have to be the person that tells Bradley no. God he doesn’t want to be that person.
                They move into the TV room, Bradley waving the video in one hand and insisting in setting it up. Normally he and Ice sit at opposite ends of the sofa, Bradley sprawled between them, but he swallows, instead takes the middle himself, gives Ice a shrug and just murmurs about mixing it up a bit when he asks a silent question with a single eyebrow. They watch Apollo 13, Tom Hanks making a convincing astronaut and he finds it pretty compelling knowing it’s based on a true story. Despite his attention being focused on the movie he can feel the warmth of Ice’s body near him; they’re not even touching and yet he’s so conscious of the space between them.
                He reaches out slowly, so slowly that every second feels like minutes, stretching time out like hot toffee. He brushes his fingers over the back of Ice’s hand and Ice twitches suddenly, hand jerking away and Ice is staring at him, eyes wide, face illuminated by the light coming from the TV and he turns his hand over, leaving it palm facing up in an invitation for… well. To hold hands he guesses, even if they’ve never done anything before he wants to know if this is something that he could maybe have.
                Of course, these actions without any words first probably weren’t the smartest move because Ice is looking confused, almost the same spooked expression he’d had yesterday when Pete had turned up early and he nods his head slowly but leaves his hand where it is, doesn’t want to retract the open invitation he’s made. Is still curious, even if Ice is looking at him as if he’s lost his mind.
                Everyone makes it back to Earth, the movie ends and Carole is sending Bradley to bed, ignoring his pleas to watch the second movie while offering to make coffee. Ice stands, his head already shaking a polite decline, mumbling about heading home early and Pete doesn’t groan out loud but he really wants to. He stands as well, says he’ll see Ice out while Carole ensures Bradley actually goes to bed. He follows Ice to the front door, can’t help but notice his stiff posture and he wishes he could make things… okay. Better. Good.
                He doesn’t know.
                He steps in, putting himself very firmly in Ice’s personal space and reaches for his hand, squeezes it, runs a thumb across his knuckles and swallows nervously.
                “What are you doing Maverick?” Ice asks, his voice rough.
                “I don’t know…” Pete replies honestly, looking up to meet his eyes. They search his face, looking for answers he doesn’t have, then Ice is making a broken sound, a whispered god and then Ice is kissing him, his lips softer than he expects, careful almost, like he’s afraid Pete will dissolve like sugar in water. His entire body prickles, like it’s suddenly and immediately on high alert, definitely wants more and he sways into Ice’s space further but he’s stepping back, his expression serious.
                “We’ll talk tomorrow. Okay?”
                “Yeah. Okay. Tomorrow…” he agrees and god he hopes he gets a different tomorrow.
                He watches Ice drive away and then goes back and sits on the sofa, Carole joining him and he presses play, watches as Bill Murray navigates living the same day over and over and feels a sinking sense of dread.
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likeafairytale · 2 months
“Okay but did you already have sex with a man though?” — Aeron to Malachai
Malachai almost spilled his drink to the question. It's been five drinks that he told himself that it was 'the last drink' but somehow, they kept coming, and he kept drinking them. No doubt Aeron was the cause of it. Tomorrow, he will wake up with a horrible hangover, and possibly a migraine with the feeling of hating himself, but that will be tomorrow's problem, not tonight's. In between, they talked about numerous subject; navigation, ships, Malachai's gift, but somehow, they came back to the subject of Malachai's sexuality, no doubt that Aeron was the cause of it again. The man seemed distant all the long of their conversation, and now the sea prince knew why; this question was in his brain since the beginning.
Aeron was for sure curious. Malachai knew how to deal with curious people, he had to deal with Nathaniel and Calypso after all, and they were very curious. For sure, Aeron was as curious as his siblings, but he was probably asking the right questions all the time. Always the sensible subjects, the subjects Malachai wasn't at ease with, at least not while being sober. Maybe six drinks ago, he would have been offended, and even would have left the bar, but he was drunk and tired, and the idea of standing up was making him dizzy already. So he stayed there, drinking his drink, that Aeron took pleasure to refill, as soon as he was over. The fae's prince frowned, put the bottle down and looked intensely at Malachai. The sea prince frowned too, sensing a shift in the air. He did not like it. He drank his glass before Aeron could ask anything else, knowing damn well that another forbidden question was following.
“Wait..... Did you already have sex with anyone? I feel I should start there.” Aeron asked in a whispered, as if there were people ready to spy on the two princes. They were, in fact, no one else in the bar. They were alone for an hour, but too deep in their drinking to realize it, probably. To that question, all Malachai did was rolling his eyes and sighed a little.
“I may not be as experimented as you are, but I am not a prudish either.” Later, he would come to regret sharing so much –to him, it was a lot to confess– with Aeron, but once again, that will be the problem of his future self, not his present self, who was now laughing with the other prince, both finishing their glasses. They finished their second bottle of whiskey.
“Hey you can't blame me for asking. You're so... stoic most of the time. It's very possible to me that you never had sex.”
“I'm not so uptight... am I?” Malachai asked, suddenly serious. To him, he was normal, not sharing too much, it never came to his mind that he was hard to read. He looked at Aeron with a puzzled look, and the fae's prince couldn't help but laugh to that.
“Please, 'repressed feelings' could be your middle name. That's why it's fun to anger you.”
“I am, without a doubt, drunk, but I still can perfectly punch you, do you want me to try?”
The sea's prince asked, back to his formal self. It was as if he sobered up thanks to one sentence, and Aeron did not like that at all. He kept refilling Malachai's drink, and the latter kept drinking, until the mood was lighter. Aeron came a bit closer, which made Malachai frowned a little. The prince of the sea moved forward, and once again it felt as if they were sharing a secret.
“So? Did you or did you not, had sex with another man?”
“Why? Would hope to be the first one?” Malachai asked spontaneously. He barely noticed what he just did, just like Aeron. The sea's prince smirked before laughing, while the fae's prince stayed there, processing what just happened.
“... Hey... did you ju- … flirting is my thing!” They both laughed, so much that Malachai's ribs were hurting right now. He felt as if he should call it a day, but it was hard to remember his limis with Aeron. For the first time in his life, he felt free and lighter.
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honorarybuckley · 1 year
maddie calls chimney first. he answers before the phone can ring even once.
“maddie? what happened? is he...” he can’t bear to complete that sentence. doesn’t want to jinx it with the word alive and can’t believe in a world where he’s dead.
“he’s waking up, howie.” a smile starts to bloom, heard in her voice and coloring her face with relief and awe. chimney lets out a whoop loud enough that he’s probably woken up jee. he doesn’t really care if he wakes up the entire world right now because the one person who needed to wake up the most finally has. albert runs in from the other room and chim gives him a thumbs up. albert smiles and leaves, presumably to tell sang and myung the good news.
“he started breathing on his own after a few seconds and now he’s in and out of consciousness. they’re going to want to do tests but everything looks good at the moment.” maddie sits on a chair in the waiting room, unwilling to stray too far from buck’s room or their parents’ sides. it’s the first time in days the space hasn’t been haunted by a stream of visitors for buck. she’d finally convinced everyone to wait at home for the news, knowing that the weight of their collective grief could level the hospital if things had gone the other way. she should know better than to underestimate her baby brother.
“when can we come see him?” chim asks, wiping a rogue tear off his cheek, already making plans. he’ll need to ask his dad and myung to watch jee-yun. albert will probably want to go to the hospital. his skin feels tight at the thought of leaving his daughter alone with his father even if it’s not the first time this week, but he knows that it’s the decision that makes the most sense and his need to see buck outweighs his discomfort at the moment.
“not until the morning,” maddie sighs, a knowing note in her tone that anticipates his impatience. “he'll be out of it for a while longer and then they won’t move him out of the icu until they’ve run all their tests. i will probably be home late tonight and we can come in together, ok?”
“got it.” chimney bounces on the balls of his feet, suddenly full of energy. he can wait eighteen hours. totally. “uh, what about you? do you need anything? what can i do?”
“i’m fine chim,” she promises, “but could you maybe call everyone else? i want to get back to him.”
“yeah, yeah. sure thing.” he makes his way to jee’s room to check on her just to have something to do with his body. “go back and give him our love. let him know the swarm is coming,” he laughs.
“thanks, chim, love you.”
“i love you too.”
chimney knows he should start with bobby but the frenetic thrum in his blood needs to hear hen’s soothing voice so he dials her first.
“chim? has maddie called?” hen asks as soon as she picks up, steady as ever.
“he’s awake.”
instantly hen’s facade crumbles and without warning, she starts crying. karen rushes in from the kitchen at the sound, a potato peeler still in her hand. hen does her best to smile for her wife and it’s enough for karen. for now. she comes to sit with her and hen clings. for days she’s tried to be strong, be the support for everyone around her as they try to keep it together, only letting her fears out once she goes home to her wife at the end of the day. but with two words it all becomes dust.
“hen? hey, it’s okay. i said he’s awake,” chim repeats as if she’d heard him wrong. past her heavy breathing, she can practically hear him pacing. while she tries to pull the pieces of herself spilling out on the floor back together, chim keeps talking, excited and concerned.
“maddie says we can see him first thing tomorrow. they should have him in a room by then. i’m not going to bother with shifts, i doubt anyone would stick to them anyway. they’ll just have to deal with all of us." the pattern of hen’s breathing has calmed and she even chuckles softly at the mental image of the full force of the 118 crowding into a tiny hospital room. “he’s gonna be okay, hen.”
karen cups hen’s cheek in her damp hand and wipes a thumb through the path of her tears before kissing her once on each cheek. she silently slips back into the kitchen.
“i can’t believe it,” hen admits, the familiar haunting image of buck’s body hanging above them all invading her mind like an unwanted guest.
“i know,” chimney sighs. “one day his luck is gonna run out.”
they sit in the eerie, weighted silence that thought deserves for a moment.
“not today, though.”
“‘there is only one thing we say to death,’” chim quips. hen snorts and rolls her eyes but doesn’t respond. “ok, ok. well i need to go call bobby and eddie but could you do me a favor?”
warmed and only slightly surprised at being his first call, hen hums in affirmation.
“could you swing by the firehouse at shift change and let them know? i know collins wanted to come see buck and i bet there are a few others who’d like to tag along.”
“they’re going to kick us out, you know.” hen stands, ready to go tell denny the good news.
“let them try.”
bobby is next and oddly doesn’t answer. he calls back before chimney can redial though.
“how is he?” a heavy door closes behind him and chimney can hear road noise nearby.
“where are you?” he asks, his curiosity enough to distract him.
“at church. chim, how is he?” bobby repeats, a thread of desperation in his voice. he sidesteps a couple entering the building, absentmindedly rolling his rosary between his fingers.
“oh, right, sorry.” chimney knocks his fist against his forehead twice. “he’s awake, cap.”
bobby’s breath gets caught in his throat, the world is abruptly knocked back on its axis and it nearly sends him to the ground.
chimney begins to wonder if he was really the correct person to be responsible for spreading this news. first he breaks hen and now bobby.
“bobby? are you ok? do you need me to come pick you up or something?”
“no, no i’m fine," bobby reassures, still breathless. “he’s awake.”
it isn’t a question but chimney responds anyway to help cement this moment in reality for them both. “yeah, he’s awake.”
bobby nods even though he knows chimney can’t see him. he stands frozen, caught somewhere between running home to athena and going back inside for another prayer, just in case, just to say thank you.
“so we’re all meeting at the hospital at eleven for visiting hours,” chim continues, not entirely sure bobby is listening. “i assume i’ll see you there?”
“i wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
finally, it’s time to call eddie.
chim takes a moment to prepare himself, unsure of what to expect from this particular conversation. after very nearly breaking in the moments following the lightning strike, eddie had walked the halls of the hospital like a ghost in the following days. unable to enter buck’s room but unwilling to leave, he instead went on coffee run after coffee run and in between stared blankly into space as if he were already in mourning. in a way he was.
the phone rings once, twice, then a third and fourth time. chimney is expecting to hear eddie’s voicemail message when the call finally connects.
chim freezes. eddie sounds even more rough than a breathless bobby, than hen after she broke down in tears. unable to see the stoic look on his face, chimney can better hear the pain in eddie’s voice. so sharp it cuts at chimney’s heart until it’s bleeding through his fingers.
eddie sucks in a deep, shuddering breath against the silence. “oh god.” he falls back onto his couch but it feels as though he’d missed it entirely and is just continuously falling. he’d known this was coming he’d just thought—
“oh shit, no eddie,” chim rushes to say. he definitely shouldn’t have been the one to make this call. “he’s fine. he’s awake,” he repeats for what feels like the millionth time today. it’s never felt more hollow.
eddie takes another deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose to stave off the tears he can feel coming. it’s a losing battle. he roughly swipes at one when it begins to fall as his thoughts start to spiral.
images of buck swaying lifelessly just out of reach and laying so still hooked up to endless machines have all but painted over every happy memory eddie has of him, dimming his effortless light into something gray and isolating. he’s never felt as alone as he has in these past few days, even when surrounded by his family, there was always that empty space growing bigger.
but buck is alive and what’s more, he’s awake. his light is burning bright again and eddie would give anything to see it right now.
“eddie?” myung enters the kitchen and chimney quietly slips outside to offer eddie some privacy. “did you hear me?”
“yeah,” his voice breaks. another tear falls and this one he lets go, carving a path for others to follow. he’s glad carla isn’t back yet with chris. he needs time to pull himself together but for now, he lets himself feel it. to ache with the knowledge that just across town, buck’s eyes are finally open. “he’s awake.” he’s awake he’s awake he’s awake.
“yeah, buddy.” chim can tell that he needs to get off the phone soon. to let eddie process this news in his own way. “we can’t see him until the morning but we’re all heading over when visiting hours start.” it’s on the tip of his tongue to ask if eddie will be there but he knows there’s no need.
“i’ll have to pull christopher from school,” eddie says suddenly. “he’ll never forgive me if i don’t let him come.”
“yeah, probably,” chim laughs, surprised by the change in subject. it’s a good note to leave on he thinks. “well, i should probably go, unless...”
“i’m fine, man. promise,” he adds for good measure, scrubbing a hand over his face. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
chimney says goodbye and eddie hangs up the phone letting it fall to the sofa beside him. tomorrow. it’s promised to no one, but just this once eddie is positive the sun will continue to rise.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
So, actual question about actual gaslighting:
Mom tells me that my birthday gift is a table from IKEA that she and dad are buying me. I'm happy about this, as I very much do need a table. The one I have is one they were getting rid of when they moved into an apartment more suited to them aging in place, and is a lovely table but is way the fuck too big for my small apartment so I'm happy about this.
We go to IKEA. Somehow they forget that this is an hour each way and everyone is frustrated and annoyed at the trip taking so long so we're all kind of snippy while we're there. Which is maybe not great but I'm just kinda, eh, shit happens, I'm finding a table. Whatever.
TO MY PERCEPTION, my mom has a thing about people getting snippy. She starts to get really nervous and uncomfortable and make a big deal out of it, where I personally would prefer we just all laugh it off. "Oh fuck, we're all tired and cranky and forgot how fucking HUGE an IKEA is. Ow, argh, welcome to the universe, we all want to commit murder now but are too tired, woe is us, ha ha ha." But, again, as I perceive it, this is Not Okay with my mom, who really wants everyone to act happy and grateful all the time. It's TO ME like she can't see grateful if you're not beaming, and it baffles me.
BUT I am not her, and I could be downplaying that I'm curt to the point of mean, so let's presume that I'm terrible and grouchy and should really be less of both given that this is a present for me. Okay. I suck. Let's go.
Well, things get worse. We go to have dinner after, and I say we should wait until we get back to town and know the restaurants, and that while I know she practices intermittent fasting religiously "it's never actually the end of the world to mess up your diet once due to extenuating circumstances, we can push dinnertime to 6:30."
Well she LOSES IT because I called her fasting a diet and we have an argument which culminates in us eating at a terrible Mexican place we all absolutely hate so it won't be 6:30 at which point she absolutely cannot eat.
We're all tired and grumpy and annoyed because that was exhausting They take the table home with them and tell me they'll come back tomorrow (today) to assemble it, and then, since this is about my birthday, we'll go out to lunch for my bday. (I could SWEAR I asked if it was OK that that would take attention away from Mother's Day and she said it's fine, but maybe I don't remember?)
Anyway, we're all still exhausted and kind of annoyed, and now we're assembling furniture. I'm tired and hungry and looking forward to lunch, and from MY PERSPECTIVE I'm still in a bit of a snippy mood but I don't THINK I'm doing anything terrible.
But she gets super upset. Why am I not happy? Why am I not excited? Why did I not immediately mention Mother's Day? And I'm just like oh man can I just focus on putting a table together? And she's like why am I talking in the way I'm talking? MY answer to which is that we're all tired and run down and it's normal, but she doesn't like this.
Finally she tells me that she's not going to go with me to lunch if "I can't behave decently."
I'm hurt about this, but I don't want to promise that I can "behave decently" because I know from experience that trying to mask in front of her makes things worse, not better.
So I say, "You need to make up your own mind. I am not sure I can mask my snippiness until I have eaten and calmed down. If this is a dealbreaker for you, please just drop us off and we'll catch back up with you. If it's not, I'll probably be fine once I've rested and have some food in me."
I feel like this makes sense, and actually even like maybe it would help! I can't vow to never be visibly tired or annoyed, but I can be aware she dislikes it and tell her I'll catch her later when it won't put her on edge.
But her reaction to that is basically that I want license to behave badly, and that I don't care about her enough to "be decent." She goes with us, but the whole time talks about how unfair it is that I be allowed to "not be decent."
I eat the food and enjoy the restaurant, and as I predicted, this helps me to feel calmer and present as less obviously irritated. I am hurt deeply by the "not decent" remark but able to hide those feelings as I'm calmer. Everything is fine. Ish.
AITA or is she? I mean, I think she is, but... if I am abusive or cruel and giving myself a pass, I feel like I should know that.
I just... Idk. I don't feel like anyone else does this. Like, friends and loved ones have seen me annoyed. And they don't necessarily like it, but there isn't the same sense that I'm incapable of being decent.
Dafuq do I do about this? I love my mom but I'm so tired of feeling like I can't just... be pissed off, lest it hurt her in some way, when it seems like me being pissed off in front of other people is treated like it's, maybe not perfect, but normal.
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Earning Your Keep - Chapter 7 "Tempted to Tease"
Analogical (Virgil and Logan)
Read the previous chapter here or on AO3!
Chapter Summary: Time apart has Logan reaching out to Virgil. A dinner date full of teasing and bonding leads the two back to Virgil's to discuss their arrangement.
A week had passed since Logan’s last encounter with Virgil, where they’d established…what should he call it? Their new dynamic? He was a sugar baby now, sort of, and while he didn’t know exactly how this situation would play out, he knew he liked the time spent with the other. When Virgil sent him messages throughout the week asking how he was, if he was eating and getting enough sleep, and such, his heartbeat sped up at the sight of the notification. Despite this, a part of him was still concerned. No matter how many times Virgil reassured him, he worried about his jobs and making rent and the slew of problems he still had to deal with.
It was one day when his shift at work at the hotel had been slow and he found himself taking a moment to reach out to Virgil, a contrast to the other usually texting him first. He pulled out his phone and quickly typed up a message
L: [Good afternoon, Virgil. I have some time to myself right now, though I’m not sure for how long. I thought I might check in with you today.]
He swiped away the texting app and went back to what he normally did when he was bored, a simple solitaire game. He didn’t have much of a chance to play a match with Virgil replying nearly instantly. He opened it and read.
V: [That’s nice] V: [I’m at home chillin rn] V: [you at work?]
L: [Yes. I work all night.]
Logan glanced at the time on the computer in front of him, 4:37, another 6 hours on his shift. He would have groaned if he were alone at home, but his cold facade kept him from expressing his displeasure at how slow the time seemed to pass.
V: [That sucks] V: [I was thinking maybe I could take you to dinner again sometime soon] V: [If you want] V: [You don’t have to]
Logan rolled his eyes as he typed his reply. Sure, he only knew Virgil for a few weeks, but he could see how much of a worrywort the other was.
L: [What time would you like to meet?]
V: [I can pick you up tomorrow]
V: [When you get off work, if you want]
He thought about his schedule, dreading the shift at the cafe he worked at until around 8 tomorrow night. It would be a bit late, but he could stand to use the few hours he would’ve taken to decompress before he went to sleep to spend time with the other.
L: [Sure.]
After sending the address of the cafe, his phone pinged as soon as he set it down again. He didn’t find Virgil’s eagerness as off-putting as another man might, instead he found it almost endearing.
V: [See you soon :) ]
Virgil continued the nasty habit of nervously biting his nails while waiting for Logan. He was fairly sure this was the right address, although he could have typed it in wrong, or somehow ended up at the wrong place. He leaned against the hood of his car and watched as people passed the spot he chose to park next to, hoping one of them was his date. The chill air had him fidgeting, even with the warmer leather jacket he opted for instead of his hoodie. So what, he wanted to look nice for something more official between the two of them.
Just when he went to check the address again, a voice from not too far behind him startled him.
“That is an extremely detrimental habit. Biting your nails can lead to gum disease.”
Virgil turned and saw Logan, arms crossed and waiting. He still seemed to be wearing a work uniform, as he didn’t take Logan as the type to be wearing t-shirts with a small cheesy logo printed on the lapel. Virgil smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Are you lecturing me on good habits?” He retorted.
“Yes.” Logan stated flatly, “Was that not clear?”
“It was. I’ll take it to heart once I know you’ve been consistently getting eight hours of sleep.” Ugh, I sound like Janus, He thought to himself. He nodded to the car to signal Logan to get in, which the other rushed to do, and once they were both seated, Virgil turned on the ignition.
“May I ask where we’re going?” Logan questioned, putting on his seatbelt dutifully.
Virgil mimicked the action, “To dinner.”
“I meant to ask what sort of establishment we’ll be dining at.” “Oh, well why didn’t you say so.” Virgil checked his surroundings before pulling out of the parking spot and began heading to their destination, “A restaurant.”
“You have no intention of telling me, do you?”
“That would ruin the magic just a bit, dontcha think?” Virgil snickered.
Logan rolled his eyes, which he found himself doing more and more with Virgil entering his life. He settled for looking out the window as they drove, staring out at the variety of neighborhoods and shops they passed.
“I did mean to say, you look rather nice tonight, Virgil.” He mentioned, allowing himself a look at Virgil who was still focused on the road.
“That's kinda gay.” He snickered in return, “Thanks, Lo. You look pretty cute in your work outfit, too.”
This elicited a pout and a slight blush from Logan, who sheepishly looked back out the window, “I didn’t have time to change.”
“Hey, I mean it. It’s a dorky kind of cute.”
“It’s a compliment!”
“You’re teasing me.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow at the remark, “Are you into it?”
Logan let out an exasperated huff, extremely embarrassed at how Virgil seemed to easily steer the conversation in that direction, “What happened to taking things slow.”
“Right, sorry.” He immediately changed his tone, “Dinner first, at least.”
It wasn’t a long journey to the restaurant. Virgil parked along the street and the both of them approached together, chatting still about their days. Logan felt underdressed once he observed the interior of the place, as well as its patrons, who all seemed to be adhering to a business formal dress code. He sheepishly rubbed his arm while they were seated.
Once the host left them to their own devices, Virgil shot Logan a concerned look, “Everything ok?”
Logan nodded, “I didn’t realize how formal this establishment would be.” He was given a shrug in response, “Who cares. No one’s gonna notice. Most of the people that go here are rich assholes too concerned with their own lives to pay attention to anyone else. Perks of living in a society that values the ego.”
“I suppose.” He answered, reaching for a menu. Virgil beat him to it, snapping up both of them before he had a chance to look anything over.
“Nope. You’re gonna look at prices and order the cheapest thing. Tell me what sounds good and I’ll order for you instead.”
Logan glared at him, “I am not a child, I can order for myself.”
“How’s steak sound?”
“Oh, they have duck?”
“Can’t say I’ll give you a kiss goodbye if you order fish.”
“Will you just let me-” Logan attempted to snatch the menu from the other, failing as Virgil tucked it closer to his chest before he could. This earned them a few stares from surrounding diners, causing them to sink down into their seats to avoid making a scene.
“Logan. Tell me what you want. What you like, at least.” Virgil stated with little room for argument.
Logan bit the inside of his cheek and leaned back in defeat. He cast his eyes away from Virgil, briefly telling him what he preferred. He felt completely embarrassed when the waiter came up and he was ordered for, though, in a strange way, it felt pleasant. Not that he would ever let the other know.
Once they were left alone again, Virgil spoke in a more sincere tone, “Y’know, this arrangement doesn’t work unless you let me-”
“-I know.” He interrupted, “I just don’t believe I was expecting it this soon.”
“You want me to tell you beforehand then? When I want to do something like this?”
Logan nodded. “Can it be the expectation that I order for you whenever we go out then?”
Oh, did that stir up some feeling in his body. It was embarrassing! Someone else ordering for him, as if he were a child not capable of knowing what’s good for himself. And yet…it was the same sort of nervousness that washed over him when Virgil watched him prep himself when they were together. A warm heat spread over his cheeks at the thought of both, and when he felt his heartbeat pound slightly more intensely than before, he decided perhaps this was a complex emotion he’d like to experiment with to gain a further understanding of.
“I would…like to try that. Yes.”
“Good, I like being able to do things like that for you.” Virgil smiled.
Logan’s curiosity piqued at his words, “Why?”
He shrugged, “It’s just the easiest way for me to show that I care, I guess.”
“I suppose I would have guessed gift giving was your love language.”
“Anyone in psychology who tells you that you’re assigned this one thing without seeing any grey area or overlap is a quack. You don’t just have one love language, you give and receive it in a bunch of different ways and it varies based on the circumstances. It’s less of a language and more of a pidgin you form with the people around you.”
“Interesting,” Logan hummed back, “So then what does that look like for you?”
“You’re really blunt. Has anyone told you that?”
“Yes, on several occasions. I’m simply curious.”
“I know, L,” Virgil snickered, “Just teasin’ you again.”
“Is that part of it?”
“Part of what?”
“Your love language. You seem to do it so often.”
“I mean, I’m kind of just a snarky asshole by nature, but I like to see you blush too, so if that counts towards it then sure.”
That seemed to evoke exactly the reaction Virgil was looking for. Logan adjusted his glasses nervously and reached to sip at the complimentary water, letting the cool water soothe the rush of heat that crashed over his face. “Is that alright?” Virgil questioned again.
Logan shrugged, crossing his arms over his body self-consciously, “You never answered my question from before.”
“You first.”
They sat there in a moment of silence, locked in a stalemate. According to his preconceived knowledge of the topic, Logan thought dates were exercises in turn taking questions.
“I have complicated feelings on the matter.” Logan broke the silence.
Virgil let out a hum of acknowledgement in return, staring at the other as he waited for him to elaborate.
“I don’t…” Logan took a moment to collect his rather abstract thoughts, wearing an unknowingly adorable expression as his brow was knit in contemplation, “I think I might like it, but I do have limits and need room to feel completely comfortable in it.”
“Alright. Is there a way to do it where you’d feel more comfortable? Maybe not in public?” Virgil thought. The last thing he wanted to do was make Logan uncomfortable, and it was probably a bad call to be so forward on their second date, but the image of the boy in front of him blushing, or perhaps even more, thrilled him.
“I’m not sure.”
Virgil fidgeted with the zipper on his jacket, thinking of a viable solution to propose to the other. He knew how to negotiate and was fairly open about his own desires, but it was difficult to respond to the vague answers he was receiving. A thought popped into his mind, spurred on by a memory of a conversation with Janus, when his friend had an experience with a willing but extremely reserved sexual partner.
“How does this sound,” He began, “we can go back to my apartment tonight, and have a more in depth chat about possible things we can do when it comes to me like ordering for you and stuff. Boundaries and all that…but we can test out what that will look like, so you have a better sense of what feels good and bad, so we aren’t just springing into things that could upset the both of us.”
Logan met Virgil’s eyes as he considered the offer. He was knowledgeable about how their dynamic was ‘supposed’ to work, yes, but that didn’t mean he could effectively communicate the aspects of it that appealed to him, which he recognized was an important part of it. Perhaps this kind of conversation could clearly establish their boundaries and prevent the current embarrassment that rendered him unable to express himself.
“Alright. I am amenable.”
Virgil mentally sighed in relief, “Ok. Cool. I think that’ll help. Yeah.”
Luckily, the silence that followed wasn’t incredibly awkward, since their meals came out soon after. They made light conversation in between bites, asking each other about their interests and laughing at the anecdotes brought up in answers. Logan forced himself to look away as Virgil slipped his card into the check holder, a pang of guilt shooting through his body. He didn’t have to bear the feeling for too long, since Virgil was quick to have it paid and offer his hand to him as they prepared to leave. He took it and allowed himself to be led back to the car.
“Spoiling, both physically and verbally, by the way.” Virgil said, inserting the key into the ignition.
“Your question from earlier.” He put on his seatbelt, “What my love language looks like, I never answered it. Now buckle up.”
Logan scrambled to do so before replying, “Interesting. I assume-”
“We’ll talk about it when we’re home?” Virgil finished, “Yeah. Just hang tight. We’ll get there soon enough.”
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pricetagofficial · 1 year
The Little Merman -D.G. Part Two
Warnings: Language, bits of angst, bits of fluff, typical shenanigans, Dick and Reader are too cute for words. 
Pairing: Merman! Dick Grayson x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: I know it’s been a month and I am so sorry, work and school and life caught up with me (if you know, you know) but I’m all good and hope you enjoy this part of the story! And as usual, big thanks to my beta fish @offendedfishnoises​ for proofing this for me, and for putting up with my shit every day and mass spam messages. Love you!
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Your finger swirled your spoon around the cup of tea in front of you, the words of your advisor going in one ear and out the other.
“Y/N, are you even listening?” 
Lifting your head, you gave Rachel a sheepish look. Her face morphed into an unamused expression. 
“You asked me to be your advisor when you took over the throne, so maybe let me advise you?” she asked. 
Sitting up, you let out a sigh. “You’re right, you’re right.” Waving your hand, you motioned her to go on. 
Giving you one last look, Rachel turned back to her podium with her dark purple cape flowing with her movements. 
She was right, you really should be paying attention but how could you when you were worried? Your merman never showed up at your next meeting, and you were scared something bad happened to him. You waited until the sun was well behind the horizon, and the cool night air was rolling in before you decided to head back to shore. 
Did you do something to make him not show up? Were all those playful jokes and banter just that? Were you nothing more than a way to pass time? 
Rachel looked over and saw the upset look on your face and sighed softly. She had been friends with you for years, and she could see that you were upset over something. 
“We can pick this back up tomorrow, Y/N go get some rest.” 
At her words, your head picked up and instantly got concerned. “Rachel, I’m fine really–” 
“Y/N, you were never at this meeting. Whatever is going on with you, you need to sort it out.” Rachel smiled softly, and nodded her head towards the door. “Go take a walk or something, we can start early tomorrow.” 
Giving her your thanks, you headed out of the library and down the grand staircase before exiting the castle to embrace the warm ocean air, as the mists from the shore sprayed your face. 
The ocean always brought comfort to you, the sounds and smells of the sea bringing you back to the memories of your childhood sailing with your parents before their tragic accident a few years ago. 
It wasn’t too long after that, you learned of your merman friend and in an odd way he helped you deal with that grief explaining to you that the merfolk believed they all returned to the ocean when they died. 
On the days it was harder to carry the weight, you liked to believe your parents became part of something they loved. 
Without paying attention, your thoughts brought you to the shore. Kicking your shoes off, you made your way to the edge of the water and dug your toes in the sand. Slowly, you felt the relaxing take hold of you.
The song of the seagulls with the smooth rhythm of the waves lulled you into a sense of tranquility. It wasn’t long before you heard a sound to your left. 
Opening your eyes, you were greeted with the sight of a peculiar looking man who looked to be struggling to walk on the sand. Before you could speak, you felt something run past you and head straight for your visitor. 
Steadying yourself, you saw that your massive great dane had pushed past you to greet the new friend. 
“Titus! No!” 
Taking off after them, you caught up to the dog as it chased the man up onto a tall rock clinging to it for dear life. Grabbing the collar, you sat in the sand and pulled Titus down with you so he could sit. 
Once you got him calm, you looked up at the person hiding on the rock. He had shaggy black hair, and tanned skin with a sweet look on his face. But what caught your attention was his eyes, they were the most beautiful shade of blue you had ever seen. 
Making sure Titus was still sitting, you slowly got up and brushed the sand off. 
“Hello, I’m–uh, I’m Y/N.” you greeted, walking to the rock. You waited for a response, but there wasn’t one. Instead, he just kept staring at you. 
“What’s yours?” 
Dick realized at this point, he should respond. He was so excited that he had found you, he didn’t notice the massive black monster coming straight for him. Until now, Dick had his doubts. But now he knew that he made the right choice, Dick wanted to be with you. Hopefully you felt the same. 
Opening his mouth to respond, Dick’s face fell when he remembered Slade took his voice. 
Picking up on his dilemma, you gave him a soft smile. “Can’t talk?” 
Dick shook his head. 
“Well, good thing I can talk enough for the both of us.” 
Turning his head, Dick hid his smile and the slight tint of red to his cheeks. 
Seeing the thing you dubbed Titus, sat peacefully at your side, DIck slowly slid off the rock and moved to stand. Feeling the sand between his toes was an odd feeling he wasn’t used to yet, and Dick wasn’t sure he liked it. 
Watching him stand, you noticed there was something off about him. His stance was wobbly and if you didn’t know better you’d think he’d never seen sand or a dog before. Titus barked at your side, making him jump. 
A giggle escaped your lips as you knelt down to pet the great dane. “This is Titus. He won’t hurt you, just loves to play and cuddle.” 
Dick gave the animal a questionable look before turning it on you. He trusted you, but would this thing really not hurt him? 
Slowly kneeling next to you, Dick held his hand out flinching when Titus moved his wet nose and nuzzled it against his palm. Seeing that it was true that Titus wouldn’t hurt him, Dick smiled and rubbed his ears like you did. 
Before you could stop it, Titus barked happily and tackled him into the sand in a fit of laughter as the dog licked all over his face.
“Titus!” Getting to your feet, you couldn’t fight the laughter at seeing him wipe the dog drool off his face. “Sorry about that, dogs can get really affectionate and Titus is no exception.” 
Dick shook his head with a smile, trying to relay that it was okay. Looking at the dog –an interesting name for an animal– Dick watched as Titus sat by him with a proud look on his face as if to say that Dick was his now. Not that he was going to complain, even if he had his voice. 
Tilting your head, you were amused at the sight. “Why don’t I bring you back to my place? We can get you washed up and fed, maybe even learn your name?” 
Dick liked the idea of that, a smile forming on his face as he quickly nodded his head. 
Moving to step forward, Dick’s legs went out from under him. Darting forward, you were able to catch him before he hit the ground. 
“You okay?” 
Dick nodded, with a smile as he held onto you to steady himself ignoring the loud thumping of his heart. 
Taking your time, you walked back to your castle together making sure he didn’t take another tumble. All efforts were wasted when a rather large man rushed past the both of you, effectively knocking your friend to the floor. 
“Hey!” you snapped. “Watch where you’re going asshole!” 
What you didn’t notice was the way Dick stared up at you, watching as you muttered under your breath to help him up. “That guy was a real dick.” 
Suddenly his head shot up, moving out of your hold to help him up as his hands waved wildly in the air pointing to himself. Of all things, why did that get a reaction from him?
“Woah,” you chuckled. “Slow down, I can’t understand when you are waving all over.” 
“Start slow.” 
You watched as he took a deep breath before pointing at himself.
He nodded, then moved his hand in the air as if he was writing something. 
“You write? That’s pretty cool, I'm more of an adventurer myself but I–” You stopped, seeing him shake his head. Okay, maybe that wasn’t it.
Pointing to himself again, you nodded and watched him write in the air once again. If he wasn’t saying that he was a writer, what was he writing? 
“You–, Your name?” 
You chuckled as he nodded quickly. “Your name! Did I say it?” 
Again, he nodded, then pointed in the direction the man from earlier had run. 
“I said it on the beach? No, you would’ve reacted then. Did I say it just now?” 
There was another nod. 
Thinking back, you couldn’t come up with anything that could be a name other than…
“Are– are you trying to tell me your name is Dick?” 
Dick beamed, nodding happily. 
“You’re really telling me that your parents named you Dick? You must’ve had a rough childhood.” you chuckled. 
Dick didn’t care, you knew his name. That was the most important thing to him at that moment.
“Well, Dick.” You smiled, “Let’s get you home and washed up. I heard the chef is making something delicious tonight.” 
At the mention of food, Dick’s stomach began to rumble as you helped him to his feet. “Sounds like someone is hungry.” 
Dick’s face grew hot as it turned the lightest shade of pink. 
It didn’t take much longer to get Dick to the castle. It was so much easier now that you knew his name, instead of saying ‘Hey you!’ all the time, you could actually use his name. 
Upon arrival, your best friend and companion Donna Troy ran down the steps with a concerned look on her face. “Y/N, what happened?” 
“Found this guy stranded on the beach, he can’t talk let alone walk.” 
Donna gave him a once over and a look of pity crossed her face before she smiled and helped you guide him up the steps. “Well, I’m sure Roy or Kyle wouldn’t mind helping him out. They need something to do anyway.” 
Dick gave you an apprehensive look at their names, as if he was asking you to not leave his side. 
“Don’t worry Dick, they are great people and my best friends. You can trust them.” 
He seemed to relax at that as you and Donna led him in the massive doors, a look of wonder crossing his face. 
The ceiling was so tall, and Dick had never seen so much sunlight coming through like that before. The light shone on the floor in different colors from the window, matching up to the design above.
“You’ve never seen a stained glass window before?” 
Dick shook his head. 
“Well,” you chuckled. “There are plenty of those and more to see.” 
“Y/N, when I said you need to stop bringing home strays, this was included.” 
You turned on your heel to see Roy coming down the stairs, looking at the scene in front of him. Being your oldest friend, Roy knew you better than most. He was there for you through the passing of your parents, and through the coronation of the new Queen that’s due to happen within a few months. 
“You said stray dogs, you didn’t say anything about stray men.” 
“I hope you know how creepy that sounds,” he laughed, coming to a stop. Looking him over, Roy realized that Kyle wasn’t kidding when he said you were walking up the path with what looked to be a drowned rat personified.
“I’m going to assume he is staying for dinner,”
“Yes,” you nodded. “And for however long after he needs to get back on his feet.” 
Grabbing your arms, Donna huffed. “I need to talk to you, in private.” she hissed. 
Glancing back, you looked at Roy. “Could you and Kyle help him get cleaned up and dressed for dinner? I need to take care of something.” 
Letting out a playful sigh, Roy nodded. “Sure, I don’t mind helping.” Wrapping his arm around Dick’s Roy let him up the stairs and to the right where one of the empty wings of the castle was. Once the two of them were out of sight, Donna dragged you off to one of the nearby rooms.
“Y/N, what the hell were you thinking?” 
Kudos to Donna for holding in her disdain for as long as she did. 
“Donna, you don’t understand,”
“What don’t I understand? You brought home a random stranger, who looks like he has never walked a day in his life.” 
Crossing your arms, you pursed your lips. “He needed help, what was I supposed to do? Let him starve and die of heat stroke on the beach?” 
“No! Of course not I–” 
“Then what was I supposed to do?” 
Donna sighed. “I just wish you would have told one of us first, you never know who’s out there waiting at the beach waiting to steal a pretty girl away.” 
“Aww, you think I’m pretty.” 
There was an audible thump as Donna hit the back of your head. “Will you get serious for once?” 
“I am serious! You didn’t see him out there, the poor guy can’t talk and can barely get around. If I left him, it would’ve eaten me alive.” 
Letting out a sigh, Donna dropped her head. “I know, and that’s one of my favorite things about you. Just promise me you’ll be more careful?” 
Giving your friend a lopsided smile, you didn’t miss the way she rolled her eyes at you. “All right, get out of here and go get ready for dinner.” 
Grinning like an idiot, you took off running to your sweet to wash up and get changed. Since there was going to be a guest for dinner, maybe it was time to dress up a bit. Normally you would wear your basic clothes, but for some reason you wanted to make a good impression. 
Calling one of your hand maidens, Tara, she quickly helped you into a floor length, ocean-blue, chiffon dress. You weren’t sure why you wanted this dress specifically, but the color spoke to you. 
Once your hair was styled, with not a single strand out of place, Terra smiled. 
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Tara watched as you spun in the mirror, admiring how you looked in the dress. “You wouldn’t by chance be dressing up for our guest, would you?” 
“Don’t be silly Tara, I dressed up because I wanted to.” 
Tara made a face at your back, she knew exactly why. You’d been acting a little antsy since you got back from the beach, almost as if you wanted to be somewhere else and Tara had a good guess as to where. 
“Y/N, you and I both know that you don’t just ‘dress up because you want to’.” Folding one of the blankets, she watched you. “It has to do with that stray you brought home, doesn’t it.” 
“Dick is not a stray,” you huffed. “He is someone who needed help, and I gave it to him.” 
“Not even with the way he looks at you, as if you were the one who molded the world into existence?” 
You turned to look at her with a stern face, “My personal affairs are not of your concern.” you snapped. “Now, if you’re quite finished I have dinner to eat.” 
Walking out the room, you stormed past her and down the stairs missing her snide comments. 
“They are when you get a creature like that to fall in love with you.” 
Once you were down the stairs, there was a low whistle. You turned to see Roy was waiting for you, giving a look with his brow raised. 
“Since when do you clean up this good?” 
“Why is my appearance suddenly everyone’s concern?” 
Roy grinned, poking your forehead. “It’s not every day a stud like that walks through our doors, with you on his arm.” 
“You know I can still kick your ass in this dress and heels?” 
“You know I love women who do?” 
Before you could give him a retort, Roy was shoved out of your view by Donna who looked very unimpressed with his antics. “I doubt they love you as much,” 
Hiding your snickers, you watched as Roy stumbled and gave his friend a glare. “You’re a real bully today, Donna. Who hurt you?” 
“Go look in the mirror.” 
There was snickering coming from the stairs, looking up you saw Kyle and Victor leading Dick down the stairs. Dick was dressed in black slacks, with a white button-up, rolled to his elbows. His hair was still a disheveled mess, but much cleaner as it hung in his face framing it nicely. You tried not to let your eyes linger, but Dick looked breathtaking in formal wear. 
You were so busy looking, you didn't see the four pairs of eyes watching the two of you intently. 
Clearing your throat, you brushed off your dress before making your way to him. Dick’s eyes widened at the sight of you, in the same shade of blue his tail was. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen in his life. The way the dress fit your figure, and the chiffon sleeves and low cut neckline had him going a light shade of pink. 
“I hope you’re hungry, Chef Garfield has cooked us up a wonderful meal I hear.” 
Dick nodded happily, feeling Alfred poke his head out the pocket in his pants. Watching as you offered him an arm, Dick couldn’t fight the smile as he took it walking as you led him to the dining room. 
Entering the large hall, you led Dick to the end where you sat, and gave him the seat next to you. The meal was already laid out, on covered silver platters with Garfield standing by with a proud look on his face. 
“Come on in, come on in.” he beamed. “Geez, when Vic said you found a random guy he wasn’t kidding!” 
“Gar, is now really the time?” 
He just shrugged with a grin, “When is it not the time?” he countered.
Rolling your eyes, you took your seat along with everyone else. Roy was sat to your right, and Dick was at your left instead of Donna for tonight. “What did you make us tonight?” 
“Well, I know how you all are partial to seafood,” he started. You swore you saw Dick’s face pale. “So I made the exact opposite, and cooked up a fresh quinoa salad complete with tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, olive, pine nuts, and chickpeas. All topped with some feta cheese and olive oil.” 
Dick let out a breath, relief washing through him. For a minute there he thought he was going to eat fish, or worse. 
Everyone was served within a few minutes, and idle chatter flowed through the room with Dick listening to and hanging on every word you said. You were currently retelling the story of the day you met Roy, when his family came down from their kingdom to visit your parents. 
Dick rested his chin on his hand as he watched, smiling at the way you waved your arms telling about when the two of you got caught riding the horses through the ballroom, before shoving Roy off his seat when he made a snide comment. 
How he longed to tell you the stories of him and his childhood, when each sibling was adopted, the first time he rode a seahorse, when Tim thought it was a good idea to tie his fin to the back of a manta ray and let it carry him with it, to “see how it felt to be one of them.”, the day Jason came back from the dead, the day Damian was brought to them by his mother, the day Stephanie became someone he both trusted and feared; Dick had so much history. It killed him not being able to share it with you. 
Roy glanced out of the corner of his eye, the way Dick was watching you. A grin formed on his face. “Y/N, why don’t you tell your new friend the story of how you met Kyle?” 
“Why would I tell him that? I’m embarrassed enough just knowing you.” 
“Aww, but you love me.” he teased.
“Like a vampire loves garlic.” 
Dick was really confused now. Vampires? Garlic? What were those, and what did they have to do with Roy and Kyle?
You spared him a glance, and saw the curious look on his face which instantly made you melt. Dropping your head with a sigh, you conceded. “Alright.” 
Dick moved closer, ready to hear the story. 
“It was after I met Roy, he told me he was coming to visit with his friend. This was before my parents died and they came to stay here with me,” You started. “But, I didn’t know who this friend of his was, didn’t even know his name.” 
Everyone seemed to be silent, listening intently to the story they all knew by this point. 
“Anyway, I was a teenager at the time and I come down the steps to see this random guy standing there as if he was waiting for something. We get to talking, get each other’s names and um, well–” you stopped suddenly, feeling your face heat up at the memory. 
Tilting his head, Dick wanted you to go on ready to hear the rest of the story. 
Roy being the stellar best friend he was, grinned like a hyena. “What’s wrong Y/N, can’t remember how the story ends?” he teased. 
“Harper I swear, if you keep talking I will–” 
“What Y/N is leaving out is that not even an hour later, I caught the two of them alone in a closet with their tongues down each other’s throats.” 
Dick’s ears went pink right as you stood from your seat and grabbed Roy by the collar and drug him out of the dining hall. Ignoring the looks from everyone, you pulled him into the foyer and shut the door behind you. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you hiss. “Why did you bring that up?” 
When he didn’t answer, you punched his arm. “Answer me dammit,” 
Rubbing the spot you punched, Roy only chuckled. “You clearly didn’t see the way he was clinging to every word you said. I wanted to get a gist of how smitten Dick already is for you.” 
Your anger was bubbling, ready to maim the red headed idiot in front of you. 
“So that gives you the right? I don’t care how anyone looks at me, what I care about is you sharing personal information without asking me first.” you snapped. 
Roy chewed his lip and dropped his head with a sigh. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
Feeling a little less angry, you crossed your arms. “It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” 
After another twenty minutes or so, dinner was over and everyone was retiring to their rooms for the night. Hanging back, you waved to your friends as the disappeared before walking Dick back to his room. 
“Sorry about what happened with Roy, he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.” 
Dick only smiled, and shook his head to tell you it was okay.
Giving him a smile back, you clasped your hands behind you as you walked together. “So, what do you think of the palace so far?” 
At your question, Dick’s face lit up as he waved is hands around mouthing words you couldn’t understand. Seeing him so excited made you giggle, Dick stopping seeing that you were laughing at him with a blush on his cheeks. 
“We really need to find a better way to communicate.” 
Dick held his hand out, and wrote something in the air. 
“That is a good point, we could always write to communicate.” you smiled. 
Dick only grinned. 
Stopping outside his door, you rocked on your heels as Dick looked around at his surroundings. 
“So…” you trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck. “I wanted to see if you’d like a tour of the kingdom tomorrow?” 
Dick nodded vigorously, a bright smile on his face. 
“Great! I’ll be sure that Roy or Kyle leave some casual clothes for you tomorrow.” 
Unable to hide his excitement, Dick grinned like a fool in love. Which he was. 
He loved the way you looked in the dress, the color suiting you well. Not to mention he was excited to spend the day with you tomorrow. 
“Get some sleep then,” you answered. “We have a long day ahead of us.” 
Surprised he could nod even more than before, Dick smiled and kissed your cheek before bouncing into his room. 
Reaching a hand up, you touched the spot he kissed feeling your face heat up. How was he so cute and adorable? Walking back to your room, Tara was there to help you out of the dress before you slipped into a nightgown. 
“Tara, make sure my coach is ready to go for tomorrow please. I plan on taking Dick out on the town,” 
“Yes ma’am,” she responded, before lowering the flame on the lamp on your bedside table. “Will you need anything else?” 
You shook your head. “No thank you, have a good night.” you smiled before climbing into the bed. 
Tara nodded, exiting your room and shutting the door behind her. 
Walking to her own room, Tara locked the door behind her and walked to her vanity and sat on the stool. Checking the time, Tara tapped her foot. He was supposed to make contact within the next ten minutes, so she could give him an update. 
No sooner did the thought finish in her head, did the mirror in front of her swirl around and Slade appeared on it. 
“What’s the news kid? Did our merprince find his princess?” 
Tara huffed, “Oh he found her alright, and she is absolutely smitten.” 
Slade made an unimpressed noise, “You know, the only way for this deal of ours to follow through is if you hold up your end of it.” 
“You think I don’t know that?” Tara hissed, “It’s kind of hard when everyone is forsaken castle can see the googly-eyes they’re making at each other.” 
“So, give them a reason to not. Lie, steal, cheat, do whatever the hell you can to stop them from falling in love. It’s your life on the line here, not mine sweetheart.” 
“I know,” she growled. “Who’d have thought that eternal servitude to you would be such a pain in the ass?” 
“I did.” 
Tara rolled her eyes, “They’re going into town tomorrow for a tour. I’ll sabotage it the best I can, but I might need some help.” 
Slade tapped his chin, his features illuminated by the lime green emanating from his cauldron. Looking around, he smiled once he found what he was looking for. Grabbing a blue bottle from a shelf, Slade held it up for her to see. 
“See this? Just a few drops will ensure their trip does not go to plan.” 
Tara reached through the mirror and took it, the bottle was lighter than she thought it would be. “What am I supposed to do with it?” 
“A few drops in their drink should suffice,” he answered. “Remember Tara, don’t let them fall in love.” 
Tara nodded, watching as the mirror swirled again before she was met with her reflection. Looking at the bottle again, Tara let out a sigh. It seemed she had a job to do. 
Taglist: @bluejay-the-geek @offendedfishnoises @niggxrette @restwellsoon @urlocalpari
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Can I get uuuuuuh reader who quickly figures out Breg is jackin it over the phone and proceeds to order him around & tease him?
As always, you're a fucking gift to all of your horny fans Pinnie 💕 thank you for being a glorious beacon of debauchery. Rereading your stuff is getting me through my second case of rona. Bless 🫶
[Yikes. Hope you're doing well, I only had it once. Fem reader. This a little shorter than usual.]
[Based on this post.]
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He looks at the phone in pure agony.
Come on Breg, it's been, what... Half an hour longer than you said you'd be home?
It's natural to be worried, of course, but the breeder knows he could probably just text you to make sure everything's alright. Thing is, he hates texting. It's harder for Breg to read and write than the average person. And how could it not be? He learned those basic skills much later than he should have. It's only natural that he struggles sometimes, that he'd prefer to call you, which doesn't involve spelling- Aka, the bane of his existence.
Plus, he wants to hear your voice. F-For no specific reason...
It's not like he's getting lonely. It's not like he hasn't been thinking of bending you over in his hands and stuffing your holes until- Fuck.
Breathe. Think.
The whole house reeks of you, and he's getting antsy. Breg feels sorry that he's so sexual in nature, that you have to deal with this. That he's not strong enough to just turn away from the phone and jerk off like your run of the mill pervert. Nah, he's done that too much already while he was waiting for you to come back. Now he needs more. Dropping the used shirt the monster was twiddling between his digits, Breg reaches for the device and speed dials basically the only person he bothers to use the thing for, his free hand dropping to his slit in shameless preparation.
Takes a while before you pick up. As if you were debating whether or not to do it in the first place.
" ... Yes? "
Finally! His tail immediately starts wagging.
" Angel! "
There's a pause, then a very tired sigh.
" Breg. "
It's more of a groan than a greeting, something that definitely has the monster biting his lip, purposely misinterpreting the noise. His fingers drift up and down his slightly slick opening.
" Hi. "
It seems he's gone stupid. Or maybe it's just that he's focused on exposing himself.
There's the sound of shuffling from your end. " Uh, yeah- Is something going on? "
Well... That's about as far ahead into this endeavor as Breg thought. Time to toss random shit at the wall and see what sticks. The monster dips a finger into his slit and sighs quietly, the sound easily going unnoticed.
" Uhm no- I mean, yes! A-Aren't you late? You should be home by now. " He stresses.
" Mm? Yeah, I'm just doing some maintenance shopping, I'll be there soon. "
Not soon enough for his tastes.
Two fingers are now dipping into that sheath, rubbing and coiling until they find the tips of his cocks. He shivers a little, jolting at the first real touches to his members. " Do you have to do that now? "
" ... Yes? Why? "
The breeder exhales again, this time in frustration, insistently coaxing his lengths out. It's a bit hasty of him, and Breg whines at the stretch of his unprepared slit when the roots of both cocks pop out, then relaxes back onto the couch cushions.
" Breg? You there? "
Shit. What did he say again?
" Uhhm- " Ah! " No, it's just that, I mean, we can do that tomorrow, right? You're not working then, so... Come home? " Very persuasive, that'll work.
There's another long pause of pure silence, one he's not too happy about, since the sound of your voice was helping him feel good just moments ago. The monster lightly strokes his left shaft, waiting, breath picking up slightly.
" Be honest, did something happen? Because it sounds to me like you fucked up again and you don't want to tell me. "
Breg gets a brief flashback of the handful of incidents where he set something in the kitchen on fire and quickly scrambles to soothe you. " No no, I swear! " He stops touching himself for a second. " I- I didn't do anything. "
But what if he had done something?
What if he purposely broke some of your stuff, what if he said he tossed all your plates out the window? Would that make you get home faster? Would you race here just so you could yank the breeder down and put him in his place? Punish him. Hips jut as he resumes pumping, circling the head of his cock with a thumb while he pictures you forcing him to the ground, smothering him for endless time as discipline for being bad. Fuck, he can almost phantom the sensation-
" Breg! "
The monster startles, a whine escaping him at your tone, tough he quickly coughs afterwards. It was far from a smooth maneuver. Never once does he risk stopping the flow of continuous pleasure, switching to his right dick while the left one twitches for more.
" Hhn- Y-Yes? "
" Have I been talking to no one all this time?! "
Not at all. The monster may not have gleamed a single word of your monologue, but he was very attentive to the familiar melody of your voice throughout it. " I'm... " He has to muffle another noise, tail thrashing against the coffee table. " I'm sorry, I got distracted. "
" Doing what? "
Oh, the usual, fucking myself to the thought of you. " N-Nothing. "
This next pregnant pause feels intentional, as if you're pressuring him. " Mhm, yeah. Well, I'm hanging up. "
" NO! " Breg shouts, half in anger half in dread, before he realizes that might have deafened you a good bit. " Please, just don't... "
There's a noise like a snort from your side, then more rustling. " Uhuh, why? "
Well fuck. What can he say now, if not the truth? He's never been good at lying, and you know that as well. He'd rather just tell you the truth and deal with the consequences than try to keep up a ridiculous charade. Breg grips the base of his shaft, pulsing.
" You're jerking off. " It's not even a question.
" I- I just wanna hear your voice... "
Painful quiet.
The breeder flusters, suddenly quiet. " No. N-No, I'm not. " Flawless, you must have been totally convinced by the awful crack in his voice.
" I've been hearing the slick of your hand on your dicks for minutes now. "
Breg halts instantly. Is... Is it really that noticeable? He's not quite sure what to say, maybe apologize? Yes, it feels like you're mad at him.
" Why have you stopped? It's not as if I'm going to ground you for beating off. " A hum, it sounds like you're moving something. " Even if you're a gross degenerate that can't keep it together. "
The insult wounds him a little, though bounces right off when he processes your first words, throbbing against thin air. " You- You want me to keep going? " The disbelief is palpable.
" Do you want to keep going? I didn't start this. "
The ambivalence you're displaying does nothing to calm Breg down. It's as if you expect this from him, which honestly, he can sort of understand when he thinks about all the other less-than-adequate situations you've caught him in. Still, the fact that you'd so nonchalantly let him get away with this is exhilarating.
" I want you here... " The pale monster whines out.
The laugh that rings out is jovial and marvelous, making him shiver and squirm. " Well, I'm not there, so make do. Don't let me stop you. "
Breg's not even sure what he's thanking you for. The fact that you haven't hung up? That you're letting him touch himself to your voice? Who knows... His pace resumes, a little more fevered this time, the breeder makes no effort to muffle his heavy breathing.
" Thank you, angel! "
" C- Can you keep talking? " He requests, in that voice where you'll be able to tell he's wagging his tail like a pup.
" Ugh, so needy... " You click your tongue. " What do you want to hear? "
" Just say things. "
Once more, very helpful of him. But it's not like the monster can spare much thought to eloquence when he just wants to orgasm.
" You know Breg... " The breaks between each word sound measured, either his mate is making an attempt to listen to him or you're just teasing for the sake of it. " Jerking off on a call, licking my used clothes, fingering me in my sleep- I don't think you deserve anything nice at all. "
" N-... No? " His cocks jump anyway, it's not as if he enjoys getting reprimanded, but the breeder is intrigued nonetheless.
" Nope. " You chirp. " What are you gonna do to make it up to me? "
Ohh fuck, anything! Anything anything anyth-
" W-Whatever you want! " If he wasn't pistoning into his own hand before, he is now, whimpering in the back of his throat. Why can't you be here??
" Yeah? " Breg nods, then belatedly realizes you can't see it. " And what do you think I want? "
A series of images flash through his mind's eye like a reel show of senseless depravity. It stuns him. Breg gives a full body shudder, tail tensing upwards while he immediately starts scrambling for words to describe half of what he sees.
" I- I can- Do you want to f-fuck my face? " He's been plagued with thoughts of it lately. You forcing him to kneel as you grind yourself over his features, spreading your scent and your mark on him. " It- I promise it'll feel good, I'll make you feel so good, I love the taste of your sweet pussy I'll- Ahn! Mmf- " A frustrated little moan derails his speech as the breeder gets too lost in his own fantasies, as usual.
" Just talking about it gets you in that state? " There's a bit of incredulity behind your tone.
" Yes, yes- Can you please come home? Please? Angel, I need you... " Words cease altogether as the monster parts his mouth in mounting pleasure, furiously chasing his climax, beads of drool splattering to his chest while he groans nonsensically, a sort of pathetic displeasure that you're not there to help him along. Or lick his cum off, fuck, you always look so hot when you do that.
" Hey, hey- Hands off your junk. "
Breg almost wants to scream. Instead, he hisses quietly, the noise tapering out into a muffled snarl.
" Don't give me that growling! "
Well, you weren't the one told to stop out of nowhere!
" Buh- But you said I could! "
A huff. " I said you could keep touching yourself, not that you can cum. "
" But I wanna... " He pouts. As if that wasn't obvious enough.
" Oh, so you don't want to cum in me then? " It's like you enjoy twisting words, and frankly, that might just be the case.
" N- Wait-! I want to, I want it, please please I'm sorry- "
" Then stop. "
Another grumble.
" Breg. " You warn. " Plug that sopping slit and don't move a fucking muscle, you hear me? "
" ... Yes. " The monster doesn't want to ruin his high, but he's also very much driven to please, sinking two fingers into the space between his opening and the members that stand tall and swollen with need.
" If you can follow those simple instructions, we'll do what you said when I get home, okay? " Breg picks up on another sound from your end, jingling keys, then the revving of an engine. Your car.
His tail is a swishing blur.
" Okay. " Anyone can tell he sounds miserable about staying still however.
There's a hum of approval. " What do we say? "
His cocks pulse. " T-Thank you. "
" Good boy. "
When you hang up, the breeder almost wants to cry, rutting into his own digits as he waits.
He's a good boy.
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kory-dany · 2 years
Dickkory fic recs
I got asked months ago to make a list of dickkory fics, and since season 4 premiers tomorrow - I thought I should finally make one. I’ve posted a couple times about how much I appreciate dickkory fic writers, but I just want to say again that you guys truly are amazing. And the wait for season 4 would have been hell without all the brilliant pieces you all have written.
This is a list of all of my favourite dickkory fics since season 1 but please suggest others because I’m always looking for more fics about our favourite bird boy and alien princess. 
Anyway heres the list, happy reading!!
hope’s lost at my door
And Dick didn’t want to be the one to ruin or interfere with that on account of his own feelings. It’s been so long since he’s seen her like this, it wouldn’t be fair if he was the one to take that away. She deserved to be happy more than anyone else that he knew even if it wasn’t with him.
The trails of not being a boyfriend 
If he was her boyfriend he’d tell her that everything was going to be okay, that Rachel would succeed at reviving Donna somehow, and that together they’d deal with the unholy disaster that was Kory’s sister. And he’d hold her and rock her until she started to believe it. But for now, he’ll settle for just making her smile.
Dealing with change 
Dick is not particularly thrilled about Kory's choice of straightening her hair. Kory finds it amusing, and might as well use it to her advantage while she can.
Dick Grayson
In the season finale, Trigon traps Dick in a dreamscape that begins with him living a domestic life, but soon takes a turn, pushing him on a dark journey back to Gotham where he'll finally have to face Bruce, and himself.
Whatever Happens 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s no big deal.” Dick realizes his attempts at sounding relaxed and poised is still incredibly unconvincing: his voice is uncharacteristically high and his shoulders are still extremely tense, but he’s already started and maybe he can fake it better if he keeps going. “People say ‘I love you’ all the time and no one notices. Especially hanging up on the phone. It’s basically a habit for everyone, nobody notices it anymore. Right? Right?”
Fight for me
After finally getting together, Kory disappears in the middle of the night without a trace. Dick doesn’t take it well.
Take These Guns From Me (I Can’t Shoot Them Anymore)
Set during Purple Rain - To save Kory’s life Rachel throws her back in time. Whilst there, Kory stumbles upon Dick Grayson during his bloody crusade as Robin. The consequences of this moment will ripple across timelines.
Somethings Gonna Break 
Kory puts her own life in danger and Dick loses it
i’m following the map that leads to you 
The one thing Kory (and clearly Dick) hadn’t considered about this RV road trip was the sleeping arrangements.
Who’s Gonna Love You Like Me?
Kory gets ready for a date she never goes to when Dick Grayson comes home a little drunk and very jealous.
Girl Full of Stars
Dick is once again thinking about the girl in the woods and what it all means.
Demons After Dark 
AU Season 3 - Kory struggles to cope with the aftermath of being exposed to fear toxin. Her family comfort her.
Until Now 
Dick Grayson prides himself in being able to keep his emotions in check at all times. Tucked away, hidden behind an unwavering composure, like an impassive façade. A shield. A safety measure. He is always in control of himself. Always composed, always calculating, always aware of his next move—
Or he did.
Until Kory.
Heaven is a place on Earth 
Stargazing was really relaxing and helped with her shattered nerves but Kory knew deep down she needed something more.
Flames (former and otherwise)
While vacationing in France on the heels of a break-up, Dick Grayson runs into his ex-girlfriend Kory Anders, but what's meant to be a friendly reunion escalates in a way neither of them is prepared for.
Turning Point 
Which... he... shouldn’t feel this way. He shouldn’t only want her. This thing they have; it’s not exclusive. So why does it feel like it is?It’s just sex. Nothing more.
Dick has all the feelings. He just has to actually deal with them.
Silver Line 
Post-season 2. Dick wake up to someone messing the kitchen in the middle of the night and is surprised to not find any of his children, but Kory having a midnight emotional crisis.
Still Be Your Person 
“I’m not going to kiss you just because you’re pretty and the closest person to me at the party, Dick.” Which is a lie. She would kiss him if he asked. Even if was just for some earth tradition. Which he knows. Which makes this whole game they play even more ridiculous that earth holidays.
Or, Dick explains New Year's Eve traditions to Kory.
Like The Stars Miss The Sun
Dick Grayson know’s he lives a pretty dangerous lifestyle, but he thinks these moments, these silent, stolen moments when he thinks of Kory’s smile and her laugh and the way she knows what he’s thinking sometimes even before he does are the most dangerous parts of his day.
Or, Dick and Kory and three months of missing each other.
under rocks 
It's not absolution Kory wants, it's understanding. Or peace rather, space to breathe.
let it blaze, alright 
“No, I just… Being a hero sounds fun. And I think, well, why can't I do it?”
Dick breathes in and out. Fun. Of course Kory thinks of this as a fun activity.
The Kiss At Dawn 
"Kory— work, remember? Gotta be there soon."
She hums, tilting his head up.
"And yet the world will not implode if detective Grayson is a little late," she teases, smile spreading, wider and easy, on her face. He finds himself biting down a smile of his own. // [Dick has to go to work. Kory has other plans.]
if you trusted love this far
“…love brought you here. If you trusted love this far, don’t panic now.” - Dick and Kori are learning to be parents and then one day find out they'll actually be ones
Adrenaline isn't always a good feeling.
scenes from a situationship 
Because they are a thing even if they aren't officially A Thing. A series of unconnected canon-ish one shots about Dick and Kory in between S3 and S4.
The Many Splintered Pieces of You and I
'At some point, he was bound to erupt, she just didn’t know it would be now, and she certainly didn’t know it would be like this.'
Kory takes care of Dick after he's saved from Blood's mind control.
Good News 
The others hear her. Hear her screaming, in the midst of handing their targets. Trying to look in her direction. But shielding themselves. Their eyes. The light it’s too much. They can’t see it. It’s blinding. They can’t look. Only Conner can manage to.
It’s almost. Almost like a supernova, happening before their eyes.
“Starfire” Dick screams into his ear piece.
Kory finds out she’s pregnant, and waits to tell the others, especially Dick.
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tsuki-chibi · 1 year
Ladynoir July 2023 Day 20: Undercover
Read all the entries on AO3
“I do not like this plan,” Ladybug announced. “I am against this plan in every way, shape, and form.”
Chat sighed. “We’ve been over this. It was your idea to begin with. And I can’t come up with a better way. Can you?”
Ladybug opened her mouth and then closed it. Because the truth was, she really couldn’t. But that didn’t mean she was happy about it.
“It’ll be fine. Hawkmoth won’t suspect a thing,” Chat said with forced calm. “And if something does go wrong, you, Carapace, Rena Rouge, and Viperion will all be nearby.”
“I know, but…” Ladybug chewed her lower lip anxiously. She just had such a terrible feeling welling up inside of her. She couldn’t shake the thought that something was going to go terribly wrong.
“But nothing. We need to stop him. That’s what matters most.” There was a hard glint in Chat’s eye, one that she wasn’t used to seeing. It had been there ever since they’d found out just who was behind Hawkmoth’s mask. Truth be told, it was a little scary. But Ladybug didn’t know what to do about it. She could hardly blame Chat for being upset that his father was Hawkmoth…
“You matter to me too,” Ladybug said softly. “So does Queen Bee. Both of you are important to me. Please don’t forget that.”
Chat blinked and threw her a startled glance, like maybe he really had forgotten that.
Ladybug reached out and took his hand, lacing their fingers together. She wished more than anything that the rest of their team could go too. But this swanky party was by invite only, which meant that only Adrien and Chloé had been invited. People would definitely notice if Marinette, Nino, Luka, and Alya tried to get in too. Which meant they were reduced to hanging around outside the building, waiting for the signal.
“Are you sure we shouldn’t just confront him now?” Ladybug asked.
“I thought you were the one who said the party was the best place, because Hawkmoth was guaranteed to be off-balance there,” Chat said, looking confused.
Ladybug pursed her lips, because she had said that. Getting to Hawkmoth on their terms instead of his terms had seemed really important at the time. Gabriel Agreste so rarely left the mansion, and the mansion was built like a fortress. It would be a lot harder to get to Hawkmoth if they had to fight their way through the mansion’s defences first – especially if Mayura got in on it too.
So it had made perfect sense to suggest that Adrien and Chloé go in first and try to get Gabriel alone. They had prearranged a bunch of different signals, everything from a text message to a light out the window to a high-pitched whistle. They all meant the same thing: that would be the moment for Ladybug, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Viperion to join in.
But that didn’t mean she liked it.
“Hey,” Chat said quietly. “It’s going to be okay.”
Ladybug exhaled shakily. “I should be saying that to you,” she said.
“It’s no big deal. So we’ll be undercover for a little bit?” Chat shrugged. “He’ll never suspect us. He might know that Chloé is Queen Bee, but he has no idea that I’m Chat Noir. And he has no reason to suspect Chloé will be there for any other reason than because her dad made her. It’ll be fine.”
“I hope so,” Ladybug said. She didn’t think the knot in her stomach would go away until everything was over with.
“It will,” Chat said confidently. “By this time tomorrow, we’ll have the Butterfly and Peacock back in your hands, where they belong."
“Right.” Ladybug tried to believe him. She really did. She wanted so badly to believe that for once, everything was going to go just the way they wanted it to.
But in her heart, she just knew something was going to go wrong.
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 4 months
Heart of the Weave - a Baldurs Gate fanfiction - part 3
Chapter 5 - it’s a long chapter with a plot twist
I’m not worried about the three trying to kill me, because let’s face it, they can’t. I’m worried that the world will go under complete destruction again, only much worse than before. The good news is that none of them have a soul left to sell to the devils, so they probably won’t get very far. Probably. What could be the next big threat? Worst case scenario, their gods can’t find anyone worthy enough to replace them and they all rise from their graves. Best case? Well, the best case is that the worst case won’t happen.
“If you see them again, tell us. Please.” I can tell Karlach is trying to hold in her hatred for Gortash, trying to prevent herself from losing control from the madness. I smile at her and nod in agreement; I couldn’t keep an issue as gigantic as this one away from our closest friends, especially if their lives might be on the line. In fact, other than Gale, Karlach and Wyll would be the first to know, mostly because they’ve both had dealings with Gortash in horrible circumstances.
Time to enjoy the remainder of my day and not allow the situation from this morning trigger any negative feelings. As I’m washing the freshly picked vegetables to prepare for tonight’s dinner, I feel Gale’s arms wrap around me from behind. He had just put Jenevelle down on the mat to lie on her belly and ‘play’ with her baby toys.
“I am so sorry for earlier. I think I was just thrown off by the unforeseen dire circumstances once again thrown our way. We had a solid two years of no unhinged shenanigans and then out of the blue, this happens. I appreciate you and everything you do for us, my love. You truly are the treasure I have searched for my entire life,” he murmurs in my ear, causing goosebumps to scatter across every inch of my flesh. Those were the words I needed to hear more than anything right now. My heart skips a beat as I feel his loving aura embrace me, feeling butterflies on a rampage within my stomach as if we had just met all over again.
“Thank you. I love you so much, Gale.”
“And I love you, more than words will ever be able to express.”
I finish washing the vegetables off with the fresh well water and chop them up, ready to prepare a fulfilling feast. Venison, squash, and sweet potatoes for dinner? Yes please! Plus, it’s Gale’s favorite meal I make. He used to be the cook, until we moved in together; and I have so much fun doing it. As I prepare our meal, I watch Gale play with our precious little baby, both of them just smiling and enjoying each other’s company.
Once seated at the dinner table, we begin to eat the delicious food and I realize tomorrow is the first day back from summer vacation; meaning Gale has to teach at the academy. Luckily, only four hours a day, so it won’t be too terrible.
“I hope you, Jenevelle, and Tara have a peaceful day while I’m gone tomorrow. Maybe you can go enjoy the markets downtown or see Shadowheart, perhaps. I’m sure she would love to see you.” He’s right. I probably should go check up on her to see how she’s doing, plus give her some adult interaction that isn’t Astarion. I haven’t seen or spoken to her since her wedding day.
“And I hope your day of teaching tomorrow will be nothing short of successful. I bet your students have missed you. We shall see what the day holds, hm?” He smiles as he takes a bite of the freshly cooked venison, steaming with an aroma that triggers the desire to devour it. Juicy, thick, luscious.
After putting Jenevelle to bed, Gale and I attend to our own bedroom to embrace the night under the covers. I lie on the bed, completely nude as I wait for him to join me. I pat the empty space next to me as I watch him strip down of his clothing.
“Come here,” I mutter. My voice is soft and quiet as I beg for his body next to mine. He smiles, climbing on top of the bed, but I reach my arms out for him to kiss me and groan.
“Does my beloved lady want a kiss?” I nod, biting my bottom lip. He leans in and places his plump lips on mine, our flesh intertwining as he keeps them there for a moment. I feel his soft fingers stroke my hair, brushing individual strands out of my face and behind my ear, relaxing me. When our lips unlock, his gaze is deep within my brown eyes, holding my stare and making me fall deeper in love with him.
“Thank you for your comfort, it’s what I needed,” I murmur amorously as he continues to hold me. “Your love makes me feel whole. Please don’t ever change, I love you for who you are, and always have.” He rolls off to the side, curled up next to me as we pull the comforters over our bodies.
“You have no idea how good it feels to hear those words. I’ve finally accepted that being my raw, authentic self is good enough as is, because of you.”
While we’re in bed, I realize I didn’t feel the disturbing presence this time, nor have I seen the three horrendous villains like I did before. I actually feel at peace. It helps tremendously that Gale is holding me in his arms as we drift into a heavy slumber. I don’t want to jinx it in any way, though, so I just keep my mouth shut and close my eyes, feeling the warmth of Gale’s skin radiate off his body as it touches mine.
When morning arrives, I wake up with Gale so Jenevelle and I can wish him a good day of teaching at the academy. I hold our daughter and use her hand to wave at Gale as he walks out the door for his first day back at work.
“Bye Daddy,” I say, pretending to be Jenevelle. He chuckles, waving at us as he steps out the doorway.
“Bye, my loves. See you at lunch time.” He closes the door behind him and I take a deep breath, hoping for at least a semi-normal day that doesn’t involve strange visions or unexpected news. I look at Jenevelle as I hold her dear, smiling and trying to stay positive for the day head of us.
“Well, my darling, let’s get some housework done and I’ll take you for a stroll around Waterdeep. Maybe we can see Shadowheart and the baby Asher. Okay, and Astarion. Who knows what they’ve been up to? It’s been awhile.”
Our morning consists of the following routine: feed her a bottle, change her, do some laundry, prepare lunch for when Gale gets home, another bottle, and water the garden. Though it sounds tedious, I actually rather enjoy keeping the tower tidy, especially after all the months of chaotic adventuring. It makes me feel like I have life together now. As Jenevelle finishes her final bottle before Gale gets home, I hear a loud knock at the door that startles me like no other, which is odd because we don’t often get visitors that aren’t our friends. Not even Karlach knocks this loud.
“Heavens! Could they knock any louder?” Tara exclaims. “If I were wearing boots, they would’ve fallen off my body from how high I jumped!”
“Who is it?” I shout, hoping they hear me. No answer, nor were there any other knocks following this one. Curious, I strut towards the front door and open it, noticing no one is here. I do see a medium sized package waiting for me on the doorstep, however. I place Jenevelle on her play mat so I may lift the package, noticing it’s a little heavier than I expected. I place it on the floor as I sit down next to my daughter, preparing to open it. “From Mother” it reads. As I open it, I notice a fairly large book and a letter attached to it, which is an unusual gift, especially from my mother.
“Best to read the letter first,” Tara suggests.
“You’re right. Here it goes.”
“My Darling Emmy,
I miss you so much dear, and your beloved family you’ve started. I hope to see my grand-baby sometime soon. I’m so sorry I have been absent and I really wish I was in touch with you more often. There is something of vital importance you need to know, and I wanted to find the right way and time to discuss it with you. I was sworn to an oath but it’s been eating me alive, my daughter.
Please know I have kept some secrets from you, and you deserve to know the cold truth. I kept these a secret for your safety, my love. To start, many of your memories were wiped out by Shar. I confessed everything at a Sȇlunite temple and…well, my words were heard somehow, and reported to Gortash.
Emmy, there is no easy way to tell you this, but Gortash is your father. Your biological father. I’m not sure if you already knew, but his parents sold his soul when he was a child, causing him to become corrupted. He wasn’t always like this. For years, he fought the corruption brought to him, especially when he met me. Him and I were happy for so long, a long time ago, until power became his true love. It found him once again. I didn’t want that life, so I ran away, not realizing I was pregnant at the time. I took off and met your stepdad. I told him everything. God… I never told you the truth as you were growing up, because you and your stepdad became so close. You didn’t need that information following you for life. Gortash has tried to find out for years where I was hiding, and, well, he recently found me. He knows now that you’re his daughter and he will try to be in contact with you. Yes, even though he’s dead, but not for long.
One last bit of crucial information you must know is that you also have a brother out there. A half-brother, a spawn of Gortash. I don’t know much about him at all.
I am so sorry this is all being revealed right now. I thought that since Gortash was dead, I’d never have to tell you. I saw him. He communicated with me. He’s been given one more chance to live thanks to his bastard of a God, Bane. I wanted you to be fully prepared in case you do come across him once again. Plus, you needed to know the truth. I love you. Please do not hate me. I’m so sorry. I hope to see you soon.
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