#I should not be left unsupervised
wings-of-ink · 4 months
Hello, my friends! I hope you are all doing well today!
Just wanted to give a heads up that I am diving into chapter 4 with my all as of today. I will be jumping back and forth between it and the remaining segments of chapter 3. I needed a little break from those last threads of 3 because I am burning to get to the fun stuff in 4. If I force myself to finish the segments in 3 right now, my impatience will show, and I don't want to just treat them flippantly.
So, it's just after 5pm in my world, and I may or may not be sipping an espresso (or the closest thing I can make to one) while I work through the intro to the next chapter. Time will tell if this is wisdom or not. The main reason I wanted to share this is because...
*Answers to Asks will be slowing down.*
I won't close or restrict my inbox quite yet unless I receive more than what I can reasonably respond to in good time. Just be aware, and feel free to still slip in your questions or messages, but be prepared to wait a while. I love your asks, and we have such fun with them that I don't want you to feel like you can't send them in. I have a tendency to have too much fun in the asks, and this is my attempt at reining myself in to work on the chapter instead.
That's really all I have for you right now. Maybe I can pop some fun teasers in here and there as I write though. Take care everyone! ^_^
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violentkeysmashing · 2 months
This little fucker I've been working on has finally been finished.
I do not want to admit how long I have spent waiting for the obscure parts I ordered to get this to work but hey.
I need to know what I should feed the beast.
@debian-official @arch-official @ubuntu-official
You folks seem like you would have the worst ideas for any upgrades or purposes I should give this thing
If your interested the specs are here
- intel i5-4670s (4t4c 3.1ghz)
- 16GB DDR3 1600mhz (I lied in the video)
- awful Kingston ssd because god is dead
- Nvidia qaudro K2200
If your wondering how I setup the GPU without an x16 pcie slot then your gonna hate me.
There is an MXM slot for a laptop GPU but those fuckers are expensive, so my train of thought was I can get a cheap x16 GPU so I just need to jam that fucker into it. So I did some digging on AliExpress and things, discovering you can take the mini Pcie slots for WiFi cards and jam a USB adapter in it, jerry rig that to a GPU extender.
All of this is shown below
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So yeah, USB GPU.
It's so beautifully cursed and I love it <3
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ghostiesandghoulss · 2 years
So you’re telling me that Netflix saw this man
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And said “bro this guy would make such a good drug lord”
But he does a great job so kudos to everyone involved ig
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buttermuncher · 5 months
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djevelbl · 2 months
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I'm about to make what can only be called a downright atrocity, but like any regular consumer of Taco Bell imma make it my bowels & my toilet's poor poor problem--
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thekingdaisy · 2 years
Embalming is Botox for the dead. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk and no I will not be taking questions.
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bereft-of-frogs · 11 months
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gemstarstarlight · 2 years
Sometimes I think it’d be nice to have a partner, so I’m not living alone. But that’s less because I want a romantic interest and more because I left the stove top on all night last night.
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buzz-the-cat · 25 days
What the fuck am I supposed to I have the diet of a toddler, I want to try new foods but I don’t know how because everything is so fucking expensive, if I don’t like it I can’t force myself to eat it or I’ll make myself throw up
I can’t cook
And my gallbladder is a little bitch that gives me severe stomach problems im taking medication for it but it’s still being a bitch
I’m literally about to have a breakdown In my apartment because I can’t find anything to eat
I’m so fucking pathetic
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alyimoss · 1 month
going to knock back my adderall with a whole can of redbull wish me luck
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leeholtwrites · 1 year
I can attest that @casetify cases are good. I just put mine on my phone today, and then I promptly dropped it on an early 2000s Hot Wheels Garage (the one with the shark) before it bounced off and whacked me in the ankle. Not a scratch. On the phone.
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I had a fight with the Shoot door...
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It won...
This is why even though I'm an adult, I should not be left unsupervised!
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Accidentally left my electric blanket on all day whilst I was at work.
Everyday I’m surprised I come home to a house that is still standing.
I’m also still surprised that I bought a house.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 28 days
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san lang you take that back. about mu qing anyway
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eyepatchoflove · 2 months
now that lestat had a successful one-sided beef with the switfies, can we manufacture some beef between him and the vampire band from chica vampiro that becomes real beef as soon as mirco gets actively involved because of course it would
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pfhwrittes · 1 month
my brain is zigzagging around all over the place tonight so have half a ramble, half a fic that came from the DMs with @kaadaaan based loosely on my arsonist!soap thoughts.
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soapgaz twisted firefighter thoughts below the cut!
tw/cw: arson, dark fic, masturbating, handjobs, throat fucking, ambiguous ending, implied major character death, angst.
pairing: john "soap" mactavish x kyle "gaz" garrick, implied background kyle "gaz" garrick x reader.
word count: 730ish
johnny loves setting fires. the rush of watching the flames lick up the walls and the thrill of going uncaught sends sparks behind his closed eyelids as he fucks his fist in the communal showers. it's made even better when kyle catches on that it's johnny (stupidly brave johnny. stupidly knowledgable johnny. stupid, stupid johnny) creating all this extra work, risking lives and ruining people's homes and businesses.
johnny knows that kyle knows that he should report him, he should get johnny struck off and sent to prison for a long time but -
kyle lives off the thrill of saving people. they're just so grateful, so desperate for a kind word, so willing to throw themselves into his soot smudged arms, heedless of the bulky gear or the way johnny grins at kyle and palms his cock over his trousers out of their eye line.
because kyle knows exactly how and when johnny will strike, he gets to be their saviour and johnny gets to reap the rewards when the engine heads back to the firehouse.
(sweat slicked, desperate, two pairs of hands pulling at belt loops. teeth clashing together and sucking marks into skin that is hidden by department issued t-shirts. forearms flexing as a filthy stream is crooned lovingly into the other's ear. did'ya see the way she looked at me when i took her over to the ambulance? fu-uck, the size of the flames, garrick. i swear i can still feel the heat oan my face. two hands gripping slightly too hard, palms dry and pumping furiously -)
but then johnny fucks up.
he burns down your house. and things change. kyle doesn't want to play their fun games any more, he's too busy - too distracted - with you.
for the first time, kyle doesn't want to fool around in the back of the fire engine. he waves johnny off to text you as you get checked out at the hospital for smoke inhalation. and johnny hates that. johnny burns with it. so he pushes.
(kyle's voice catches on a moan as he shoves his leaking cock down johnny's throat, hastily pulling the phone away from his ear so you can't hear how depraved he is as you sob and shake down the phone, crying about the flames in your dreams and how you swear you saw a man in your house just before -)
the next fire johnny sets is only three doors down from your new rented place and he grins when you come flying out of the front door, half dressed and nearly ready for bed. he takes pictures of your gaping mouth and fear blown eyes that reflect the amber haze as the second floor is engulfed in thick rolling smoke.
a reminder for kyle that johnny can so easily take away what he gave him in the first place.
("enough. you've gone too far now mate. this has to stop. you're scaring my -"
johnny can't stop. doesn't kyle know he'd burn the world to ash for him and him alone?
and who the fuck does garrick think he is calling that little nobody his.)
it's so easy then to decide what to do. johnny can't count on garrick making the right choice, so he does it for him.
you look so peaceful as johnny stands at the end of your bed, watching your slow even breaths as you curl around a pillow, the garrick on the back of your t-shirt somehow both wrinkled and over-stretched as you half turn to bury your nose into the fabric.
johnny cocks his head, waiting. watching. you're a surprisingly deep sleeper considering that garrick is away on a training course at the other end of the country. or maybe the anxiety medication he found in the bathroom cabinet lulls you into a false sense of security, turning your thoughts syrupy and slow.
keeping the monster at the end of the bed at bay.
regardless, your breathing never changes. not even as the wheel of his lighter snicks. not when he crouches to touch the flame to the inside of the soaked waste paper bin he dragged from the spare room turned home office. not when the smell of petrol burns his nose. your breathing never changes. until it's too late. 
(hours later kyle will stand outside the police cordon, staring at the still smouldering bones of your home, his phone clutched in between numb fingers. his last text to johnny showing as delivered but not read. 
“did you do this??”)
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