#I should probably go into depth
wrenwinchester · 7 months
Head cannon Dean jr. Gets cast in his school’s production of Supernatural the musical.
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puppyeared · 6 months
i feel like. theres designing a character with certain themes and motifs in mind, and then theres making a gijinka for the water bottle on my nightstand
#me when im the only person on the bus wearing a mask: i should make a furry plaguesona#its hard to explain bc. most of the time i try NOT to give my characters a 'strong' theme like making their whole design around#one thing like apples or even broad stuff like baking or cottagecore.. idk if its partly for flexibility or because i cant imagine them#making it their whole personality. not bc i find it cringe or overblown but more like ive learned to associate design with character depth#i had a cutesy uwu persona for most of highschool because i thought it would make me more. likeable? easy to remember? since#memorable character designs are easy to recognize. and one way of doing that is simplifying it with a theme or symbol so you form an#association. but since im a real person its exhausting keeping up that appearance all the time and denying myself things when they dont#fit my 'aesthetic' or 'theme.' i think ive grown past that bc i just collect stuff because i think it looks cool and dont let myself dwell#on how it might 'fit' with my image. but i cant help feeling bad doing it to my own characters bc it feels like im making them too one#dimensional. despite knowing that theyre not real and design alone doesnt reflect depth i cant help feeling like its wrong#despite that i love seeing motifs because it feels like it reflects the characters soul and paradoxically gives them depth. it makes them#interesting to look at too and honestly its pretty fun combining things that fall under a similar category when designing#i struggle find a balance between those two things#actually this reminds me of noelles christmas theme.. i dont remember her saying anything abt liking christmas despite a lot of#her design and character tying back to it. it makes me wonder if she would have feelings about that or doesnt think abt it too hard#or if its like a matching family shirts situation and shes just going along with it??#maybe i should just do whatever i want with my character designs since theyre not real and im thinking abt it too hard#although. this probably has something to do with deep seated identity issues huh#yapping#oc talk#oc
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fever-project · 2 months
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wip of The Chain’s Cafe AU ditys. Thought it would be neat to share what my first drafts of my drawings can look like
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miodiodavinci · 4 months
head in hands like "maybe i should have realized this about myself sooner" as i am surrounded by neon flashing signs that Very Clearly Indicate the thing i should have realized about myself sooner
#anyway i'm just mulling about the 'tism skdjfhgljhdfg#thinking about how i've been having a hard time on site with my internship because i struggle to make small talk with my superiors#and everything is uncomfortable and terrible all of the time and i feel so so out of my depth#but talking with my university superior about the methodology of our profession#has me feeling like i'm playing just dance on extreme and i'm nailing every single beat w#like quite literally is like one of those rhythm games where when you get a combo it plays a cool sound effect#and i'm playing so well the sound effects are overlapping and the screen is just an explosion of stars w#so yeah i am. very comfortable talking academics and theory and things but. shit in social situations.#when i don't have that to rely on whoops#anyway it's just another thing on the incredibly long list of things i have building in my mind of#'why i should have realized i'm probably on the spectrum sooner'#the thrilling sequel to 'how did i go 20+ years without realizing i have ADHD' w#(speaking of)#(the way my ADHD has been leaping into the spotlight this week)#(biggest highlight was being jumpscared not once)#(not twice!!)#(but THREE times by food i had bought for myself)#(put down briefly)#(and then forgotten about for upwards of 30 minutes to 5 hours)#(like the other day i bought myself a little pastry on the way home as a congrats for surviving another week)#(and i put it on the table when i came inside)#(but i. forgot i did that. and went like 4 hours without even thinking about it)#(until i got up and left my room and saw the bag and went '! ! ! ! ! ! ! OH MY GO D MY PASTRY NOOOOOOO')#(the adhd and the autism . . . . they are attacking my ass . . . . . )
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engagemythrusters · 8 months
Given that there are only two possibilities of real hair being shown in Queen Amidala's outfit ensembles (both by Sabe and Padme), I do wholly believe that it is a rule (written or unwritten) that queens of Naboo must cover their hair. I WILL go into depth if asked.
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popstart · 2 months
Am I the only one who feels like the way this fandom talks about female characters is always so like???? Omg girlboss but also a girlfailure I support women’s rights AND wrongs she was robbed!!!! Idk it’s always the same few phrases lol I don’t get it.
OHHHH I AGREE SO HARD💀 seeing the same 3 phrases used to describe the female characters bc they think its a diversity win. ok.
Female character is independent or strong etc -> omg shes suuuuch a girlboss teehee🙈 step on me. other weird and annoying sexual comments bc girlbossery is sexy (or something) and thats the only appeal female characters are allowed to have for a lot of people Female character is kinda cringe sometimes and doesnt succeed at everything -> omg my silly girlfaliure girlloser shes so sillystupid i love her Female character has dimension -> omg??? shes like a girlboss and a girlfaliure at the same time???
ignoring the fact i hate so many things about tacking on the prefix girl to random shit as something that feels like a negative connotation (or something degrading), there is 0 critical thinking people have for female characters and its like. ok man. people come up with 600 random headcanons and backstory elements for every single male character they like but designate the female characters they like to "oh ummm shes a girlboss so i like her😊" AWWEEESOMEEEEE. LOVE TO SEE IT🥴
and to people that dont see that or say that doesnt happen....... it does. i see it with my own eyeballs every damn day. eg; in fanon noah has 8 (or 9? i forget) girlboss sisters and is an expert hacker and speaks 300 languages and knows everything and makes 0 mistakes and is always calculated all the time and has 20 boyfriends while in canon he got kicked out of the opportunity of 100k dollars because he was reading and hates everyone and plays video games all day and is a massive schmuck for 1 single person that being emma. sorry noah fans thats just how it is. headcanons are fine but it gets to the point where its like hey guys what are we doing here.
and ok whatever. say we all stop talking about noah bc god knows he did nothing to deserve it. where do we go from there? the amount of people i see saying they wish there was more f/f in fandom they just dont wanna write it or people that say they wish they wrote f/f more its just too hard has me :I i think it really just proves how little fanon there is for female characters. since generally fanon is what fandom bases its fanfiction and general characterization on and f/f famously contains only women, it makes sense that if its "hard" to write for f/f pairings it means that people just dont care enough about the women to make wide spread fandom interpretations of them.
and it reaaaaaally sucks. total drama has what i consider a pretty good cast of diverse female characters. And sure, a lot of the time the show doesnt do them justice (they were robbed as many many MANY people say) but a lot of them have so much potential and all of them have at least SOME potential. but ofc, due to how theyre treated in the fandom, no one really cares about them outside of them being paired up with men. and even worse, people will just straight ignore them outright a lot of the time because they 'get in the way of their mlm ship' or some bs.
am i saying its inherently misogynistic to write mlm ships? HELLLLLL no. im just saying that the heavy apathy or visceral anger many many many female characters get unless theyre paired up with a man or because they 'get in the way of' a mans love for another man is quite frankly laughable when you consider what actually goes on in the show. this shit was made for kids, these people are kids. its just so weird just how obsessed people can be with a fictional character to the point of these overblown reactions to other characters of the same god damn show
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beany122 · 3 months
Okay, so, I made this already using the female mc , and I wanted to see if I could get a better scale for the poachers heights, so I used the male mc for scale.
And somehow they changed in height.
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I don't know how, but they did.
These aren't my hc heights, These were compared in game, and that's why I'm confused
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Today I learned there’s a bunch of interesting shrimp, and now I want them as Cookies
I’m just going to list some I found today. I’ve already talked about Pistol Shrimp, so I won’t talk about it here
Harlequin Shrimp:
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Like where do these things start and end? I don’t know, but they look really cool. I heard they can also change color based on their mood. If you were to make them a Cookie, I’d say make them a clown, perhaps for a rival circus to the Big Top Circus (that was the name of Banana and Ice Juggler’s circus, right?)
Amano Shrimp:
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Okay, so maybe they’re not the most interesting looking, and maybe also not the most interesting, but still. Though also I hear that they change color based on their diet? I dunno. But what I was looking at that I thought was interesting was that they’re apparently very active cleaners. I feel like you could make them a cleaner that’s also very particular about messes, and perhaps a bit of a germaphobe? Like, if they see a mess, they just have to clean it
Vampire Shrimp:
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(They apparently come in multiple colors, so I just got a few different pictures of different colors)
I think what makes them most interesting is that despite their size (apparently they’re pretty big, at least for shrimp) and name, they’re apparently rather calm and non aggressive. Also they’re supposedly pretty shy and reclusive. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of Dark Choco Cookie, which is probably a big reason I like them. Also they’re very big and bulky, which makes them look kind of cute to me, I don’t know why. Also they only come out at night, which is probably another reason for their name
I don’t have much in terms of ideas for a Vampire Shrimp Cookie, other than people finding them scary at first, only to realize they’re really not. I just wanted to show you them (also I feel like using this for a Dark Choco/Lobster kid if I ever do one)
Ghost/Glass Shrimp:
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I mostly just added them because it’s an easy “ghost Cookie” if you wanted to have one. Also they’re see through, which is cool
Bay Ghost Shrimp:
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Apparently these shrimps are soft, or at least softer than other shrimp. Also they have asymmetrical claws, as you can see. They apparently spend a lot of time burrowing. I’m also running out of ideas for how to turn this into a Cookie, but I thought it was neat. I suppose it would be something pertaining to its digging abilities
I think I’m gonna stop here, but still, cool shrimp
Edit: oh, also, another one, Boxer Shrimp, also known as Banded Coral Shrimp, among other names
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Apparently they use their claws to clean fish and remove things like algae and parasites from them to eat. Also they can sense fish with their antenna apparently. I’d say either go the obvious route of a boxer, or something to do with their cleaning thing, though I don’t know what. Perhaps some sort of doctor? Maybe just confined to other sea creatures?
Also Fairy Shrimp
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I wasn’t able to find much on them, but they’re relatively large and slow and typically used as food. Also they like to swim upside down. They’d probably make for a more cute Cookie
You know, I find it kind of ironic how I’m now thinking shrimp are really cool, despite the fact that my dad is allergic to shrimp (and I’m not sure if I am), and my family just generally dislikes seafood
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oh no
@zarvasace I may have tried to predict what your Half-Fours would be like and created my own entire headcanons about it? and the colors?
enjoy I guess? maybe? I got hyperfixated on it so fast
The Colors’ Personalities:
Four (Iris):
-He/They, any
-nickname created and used by the minish/picori
-passionate about his opinions
-blacksmithing is a job and hobby for them
-capable of socializing but doesn’t require it
-loves to read
-levelheaded both in battle and in (relative) peace
-splitting either results in a negative or purely confused reaction from people so they tend to keep silent about it
Green (Jade/Sage/Forrest):
-They/Them, always
-genderfluid; changes names but not pronouns with gender
-the most balanced emotionally and logically
-focuses on the big picture rather than the details, but can acknowledge they exist
Vio (Topaz):
-He/Him, always
-nickname chosen lovingly by Shadow; only used by them
-intellectually focused; shows outwardly
-takes misinformation very seriously; easily sidetracked by this
Blue (Cypress/Lana):
-She/Him, swaps
-occasionally uses other names when feeling dysphoric but doesn’t have specifically labeled genders
-intense feelings; most often some form of anger
-honest to a fault sometimes
-fast to accusations and assumptions
Red (Ruby, Nova, Ivy, Rose):
-They/She/He, any
-has many loving nicknames from the other colors due to how much they love it; Dot uses these as well, though is the only one using rose
-outwardly emotional in general; appears more sensitive due to it
-can forget the big picture if there are lots of feelings involved
Colorwheel Personalities:
(Green-Blue) *Mars/Aqua:
-He/They, rolling
-second in command energy
-apologies after outbursts
-very protective over others
-becomes quickly defensive
-dyslexic and pissed about it
(Red-Vio) Berry/Cerise:
-They/Them, always
-manipulative, for better or worse
-tries to fix emotional and relationship issues- sometimes without asking first; they’re working on it
-very emotionally intelligent until they get overwhelmed or worried
-great at gifting
-passionate about books
(Blue-Red) Pela/Mauve:
-He/She, rolling
-lashes out when overwhelmed
-self esteem issues due to behavior not matching their expectations/desires for self
-shows affection but pretends it’s not actually that
-uses the most nicknames for the others
(Green-Vio) Ant/Maline:
-They/Them, always
-manipulative, for better or worse
-inflated ego they try to hide
-leader qualities but doesn’t want to be one if possible
-socializing is easy for them, but they aren’t extroverted
-dyslexic and pissed about it
(Red-Green) Nela/Maly:
-She/Her, always
-is red-green colorblind but it doesn’t affect her too much
-very focused on the larger picture when people’s happiness or rights are at stake; struggles to notice details alone
-almost leader material; would be a good backup leader assuming a second in command is not fit for the role
-very protective over others
-loves reading aloud a lot
-loves to socialize but needs time to recharge alone
(Blue-Vio) Tanza/Indigo:
-She/They/He, rolling
-superiority complex
-will apologize if perceived as mean or rude by someone they think deserves one
-thinks before speaking but just doesn’t care about the consequences sometimes
-most likely to cope with sword practice or sparring
-if has a breakdown there’s a chance many pots are broken before hand
-sometimes they disappear into a book until they feel like they won’t go berserk or be an asshole; this happens most just after waking up
#keep in mind:#the original half fours are amazing and love them#also this is my first time going more in-depth for Four so like#as long as y’all are nice I’m okay with my headcanons/guesses being objectively wrong#I didnt mean for this to happen my brain just saw color-coded heroes multiplied by four and foamed at the mouth#lu half fours#lu colorwheel#I suggest that as an alternative/additional name btw#colorwheel would be a cool name to include any of the half pairs#warning btw I ship Vio/Shadow and that does get mentioned once#also please ask questions about this I spent so long on it in comparison to what I probably should have#TO HELP CLARIFY A BIT#Spark - Nela#Storm - Mars#Dust - Ant#Haze - Pela#Mire - Tanza#Magma - Berry#Zarvasace’s are first and mine are second#are they just names or are they actual versions of these new characters?#I don’t know which#I’d love to work with you Zarvasace!#If not that’s fine too#I can also just leave this here and not do any more if you aren’t comfortable with it#or I can delete it and only work on it in my private life rather than for any public consumption#I was inspired by you so#I think you have a say in if I can do anything with this#Also to make sure I didn’t like blatantly just take your ideas I didn’t look at all your work on them in detail until after so I could#make the names clear between your posts and mine#I left my ideas about their personalities and such even after seeing your interpretation of it because both are valid in my opinion
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delightfuldevin · 6 days
I have now learned Till Depth Do Us Part and Hide and Sleek,,
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#head instructor to the TAs in the lab section i TA for: how r u guys feeling abt the workload?#me who hasnt graded anything since week 1 and spent an hr that morning filling out a patient safety plan: 🙃#listen. we r experiencing symptoms that make us shitty at our job. which is not helpful for a positive outlook#i was also experiencing horrible cramps at the time bc i lost my ibuprofen and 2 days ago i stopped the birth control in a desperate effort#to stop feeling terrible. but in this moment i feel alright. its wild to go from drastically unhappy to like lol wtf was that? anyway stop#being a bby loser. for no obvious reason. im gonna start the birth control again to see if i get depressed again or if that was just me lol#i dont think my therapist understands the depth of my executive functioning issues tho. bc im a grad student and can meet deadlines. like#let me tell u im a fucking disaster abt starting things. i will go back and forth and get nothing done forever. or i do things halfway and#make everything 30 times more difficult later bc no one else understands how my brain works#ah well. itll b fine. sometimes i just get freaked out that i wanna b better and i dont kno how to do that. so i spiral in despair a lil#ill b fine. im good at catching myself before i get too out of control. annoyingly tho i am not currently beating the bip0lar allagations#bc whatever tf is wrong with me i do probably fit the diagnostic criteria for bip0lar 2. i dont kno y that freaks me out so much. i guess#its bc it feels like something i cant just make better thru force of will and i grew up in a home that was very obsessively#health conscious to the point my dad gets anxious abt taking a single ibuprofen. so like ive been conditioned to get freaked out by#medication. literally my grandma will call me and tell me to b suspicious of doctors and to not take medicine unless absolutely necessary.#like lady u r the genetic reason i have 0cd shut the fuck up. also it feels like something that would more negatively affect how ppl think#of u than saying oh yea i get depressed or i have anxiety. like the connotation feels worse im used to just telling ppl whatever tf#my problem is. so the idea of holding something back feels weird. which annoys me bc i dont think there should b so much of a stigma. its#bullshit. anyway idk. im tired. i was trying to think of a comfort tv show with my therapist and all i could think was the terror#when im depressed i wanna watch those English mother fuckers suffer and die. i just lov that show so much. harry g00dsir my beloved. the#most me coded character to ever exist#unrelated
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widowshill · 11 days
why does every adaption make roger super lecherous ... he is a whiny and pathetic yearner ... this is crucial
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mitzidraws · 2 years
my search history after starting my attempt at writing the stranger things season 4 fix-it fic:
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 3 months
Don Quixote and really any old classic like Journey to the west or Hamlet is so fucking brilliant in showing us just how different shit was back then. Like, no, Cervantes probably wasn’t thinking about the slow burn crumbling collapse of capitalism while writing his knight fanfic to pose as a middle finger to the Spanish empire at the time. He probably wasn’t thinking about the struggles of modern day queerness and how his story fits into our language today, he probably just wanted his two little bros to kiss. He wasn’t thinking that far into the future cuz he thought that the way things were would always be that way forever. Empires feel like they’ll last forever. All ancient kingdoms and cities thought they were so impenetrable to time that they didn’t even BOTHER writing down how basic things such as how their food was made or how their language worked cuz they thought it was just gonna be like that forever. Cervantes wasn’t thinking about documenting how he got his book through strict catholic law or the societal expectations of the poor and disabled at the time cuz he thought those expectations would last forever. We always think of late stage capitalism and the right wing regime and conservativeness as this thing that’s always gonna be around forever. It’s gonna slowly kill us all eventually cuz it’s so all-consuming. But ALL great kingdoms thought that. Throughout human history the power hungry thought they were unstoppable. But look at how many ruins are scattered across earth now.
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strangerthanyou011 · 2 years
stranger things 5 prediction!!!!!
mike = sam
will = frodo
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they look like the reverse, but since s5 is going to centre on will i have a feeling he’s gonna go off on some brave quest to save the world and mike will follow him to the ends of the earth bc he wants to protect him :( also queercoding duh
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mechahero · 3 months
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@outofthiisworld asked- Room!!! send me room and I will give you a detail about my muse's room (accepting!)
On the right side of his room, next to the right side of his dresser, is a beaded curtain. You'd think he'd have hung it over a door or a window but no, it's more of a decoration to cover up an empty space of wall he didn't know what to do with. It, of course, is pink! Though, the shape of the beads seems to not be too terribly distinct.
Examples of possible curtains in both heart and bubble styles below:
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