#Sam promises he’ll be at the opening night
wrenwinchester · 7 months
Head cannon Dean jr. Gets cast in his school’s production of Supernatural the musical.
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sswiftiestars · 8 months
sam monroe x female reader hcs
some mentions of sex, drugs, alcohol, prostitution + angst and fluff
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sam monroe would glare at you as you looked at him from across the room, trying to scare you away.
sam monroe would eventually become friends with you after you practically forced yourself into the poor boys life.
sam monroe was very confused that a girl—especially one like you—would ever want to be friends (or more) with him of all people, i mean, he’s goth, and he isn’t nessicarily masculine. little did he know, you adore his eyeliner, his piercings, and his clothing
sam monroe quickly became infatuated with you, obsessed with the time you would spend with him, even if it was a quick conversation about how your best friend fucked the popular jock.
sam monroe struggles with drugs— and you weren’t aware of this until a few months into your friendship with him, you immediately tried helping him, but he pushed you away.
sam monroe invited you to his house one day after school. as soon as you two were in his room alone together, something clicked inside of you two, and sam immediately clinged himself onto you and it ended up in some..intimate activities.
sam monroe opened up to you a bit more after he found out his father has cancer, and he stayed at your house for a bit, and refused to leave your bed for a week. eventually you got him out of bed with a promise that you would let him fuck you in the shower. that horny fuck.
sam monroe was convinced by josh to try prostitution for one night— in order to get drug money. you were shocked when he came running to your house in tears, babbling about how “he made a huge mistake” and that “he promises he’ll never do it again.” it ruined his self esteem a lot, and once you found out what really happened, you made sure he never took any drug again.
sam monroe and you had a awkward friends-but-still-knew-you-both-liked-eachother phase. it consisted of you and him never outright saying you were dating, but you both knew what was what.
(sam monroe did convince you to let him still smoke weed, though)
sam monroe has a big dick.
sam monroe loves deftones and muse
sam monroe let’s you boss him around and yell at him, (even in bed)
sam monroe hates parties— he hates getting drunk, mainly because of the hangover. he surprisingly hates the loud music, the bright lights, and the many amounts of people. he would much rather have a quiet night watching star wars with you.
sam monroe loves to cuddle you, nuzzling your chest and biting you playfully
sam monroe loves when you show him off. sam loves when you attach your mouth to his neck and use his skin as a canvas for your art.
sam monroe loves doing his makeup with you. even though he only wears eyeliner, he still finds it enjoyable.
sam monroe loves blowing smoke into your mouth
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You Two Against The World
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: angst, geting cut and tortured by someone you trusted, minor fluff at the end
Summary: Bucky’s life is turned upside down when the love of his life is kidnapped and used to get to him. Bucky will burn the world down for you and it’s because he will do you finally realize where you’re meant to be is right next to him.
Between Love and Hate Masterlist
Squares Filled: Sam Wilson/Falcon (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Punch. Punch. Punch. Bucky focuses on the punching bag in front of him and tries to block out everything else from his life. He can’t think about how it’s been a month away from you. He can’t think about how he wishes you were in his bed instead of your own. He can’t think about how if he wants to see you, all he has to do is drive to your house. He can’t think about you or he will do what he can to get you back whether you want it or not.
Bucky hasn’t done anything but work out this past month more than usual. He has to get you out of his system and it’s going to take a lot more than drowning his sorrows in alcohol to do it. Bucky punches the bag hard enough to make Sam sway in his stance.
“Okay, break time. Go cool off, man.”
Bucky steps back from the punching bag and yanks his water from the bench. Sam watches him stalk out of the home gym and to the showers. Bucky hasn’t left his house since you left. He cancels every meeting he has and for the ones that are too important to skip, he does them over Zoom in his office. Bucky may not express his feelings well but Sam can tell he's heartbroken. He can’t change this part of his life no matter how hard he wants to for you. Either you accept him for who he is or you don’t. If you don’t, he hopes you stay the hell away from here. Bucky will be okay… eventually.
After Bucky takes a shower, he walks to his office to see what kind of work he’s missed over the past month. He stops by your room which has been emptied since you left. He made good on his promise and has Steve bring you everything that you had in here, but he can’t help but picture it filled with your things still. The room still smells like you. He’s told housekeeping not to touch or clean this room for fear your smell will be replaced with cleaning products.
Is he being crazy? You made your feelings about him clear. Why the hell can’t he let you go? You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to him. Ever since you ran into that restaurant dripping wet from the rain, you haven’t left his mind. He thinks about your parting words. Can he give up this life? He has enemies all over the world who would jump at the chance to hurt him if they found out he wanted to get out of this life.
No, he’s stuck in it for life.
He can still picture the curtains open in the dead of night and you standing in front of it wearing nothing but high heels. He fucked you against that window knowing his men were down below watching. In the corner, you used to keep rings of fabric that you’d play with when you couldn’t sleep, and he’d sit on the bed and watch you for hours.
The only reason Bucky hasn’t checked up on you since is because you clearly want space from him. He sent you a car but he doesn’t think you use it. He leans on the wall with a sigh. He misses you so fucking much. Yes, what he does is dangerous but he’d never put you in danger. He’d give you the world if you asked for it.
He has to leave this room or else he’ll give into his temptation to find you. He closes the door and heads to his office to get back to work. The reason why he doesn’t want anyone in here but selective personnel is because this room is filled with intel, guns, and everything that gives light into his world. No one is allowed in here except for Steve and Sam.
Bucky boots up his computer to check his emails when Sam walks in with a worried look on his face.
“Boss, this came for you.”
Sam holds out a single flashdrive which makes the hairs on Bucky’s neck stand to attention.
“What is with people leaving anonymous gifts? I thought I upped security,” Bucky snaps and takes the flash drive.
“This was given at the gate.”
“By who?”
“He didn’t leave a name.”
Bucky takes out a personal laptop he bought a few years ago that has nothing to do with him and his life. This is the laptop he uses for things like this--something that can’t be traced back to him. It doesn’t have anything incriminating on here just in case it gets stolen. Plus, he doesn’t want a virus on his server if this is devious malware.
Sam walks around the desk so he can see what’s on the flash drive. Bucky plugs it in and sees a single video file on it. A video that is exactly fifteen minutes long. Nothing could have prepared Bucky for what is on the video. The video is of someone sitting on a chair in the middle of a dark and dirty room. It looks like the place is abandoned but he’s not focused on that. The person sitting on the chair is tied to it to prevent an escape, the person has a gag in their mouth, and the person has cuts and bruises all over their body.
That person is you.
Someone walks into the frame and Bucky leans back in shock to see it’s Gio. You trusted this man. You made a dress with him in class. What the hell are you doing tied and gagged in the middle of the room? Gio bends slightly and checks that the camera is recording and zooms in a bit more to get a better shot of you.
“She passed out after the first cut,” Gio grins. “Some girl got you here, Barnes. Not even a fighter. I swear your taste in women is almost as bad as the way you do business.”
Bucky immediately sees red and doesn’t have to look at Sam to know he is pissed, too.
“Get Tony in here now.”
Sam immedatelty leaves to grab the man dedicated to IT support. He has helped Bucky hack into things plenty of times. He an easily find someone based on a five minute video. Bucky can’t look away even though it breaks his heart to see such pain litter your body. Gio walks away from the camera but still stays in frame.
“I bet you don’t know who I am. You might know my dad. Antonio Salvatore. I’m Giovanni Salvatore, his son and heir to the Italian Mafia.”
Bucky understands it now. Antonio made that crude comment about you in his meeting. You watched him put a bullet in his head. This is what he meant about having enemies everywhere.
“You murdered him in cold blood for what? You took the only parent I had left so now I’m going to take someone important from you.” Gio laughs at a memory he got. “You should have seen her cry over you like you’re some fucking big deal. Poor Bucky. After today, you won’t even have a girl to bring home anymore.”
Gio turns to you and slaps you awake. You jerk from the impact and Gio yanks the gag off your mouth so you can speak. The desk cracks under the weight of how deadly Bucky’s grip is. You groan in pain and look up at man who you though was your friend with tears in your eyes.
“Say something to Bucky. He’s watching.”
You look at the camera and refuse to cry. Bucky thinks it’s because you don’t want to look scared in front of Gio.
“Don’t come here, Bucky. It’s a trap. He’s going to hurt you!”
“I’m going to do more than hurt him!” Gio yells, making you flinch.
“Please, don’t come here, Bucky.”
Gio grabs your hair and yanks your head back after standing behind you. He leans down so that his mouth is near your ear.
“Maybe I won’t hurt her. Maybe I’ll have a little fun with her first.”
The last thing Bucky sees is Gio’s malicious smirk and your fearful look. The video ends just as Tony walks into the room. The second Gio ended the video, he left the room. He’s been gone for an entire hour before returning with a knife.
“I trusted you,” you glare.
“Your mistake,” he laughs.
“Bucky won’t come.”
“Wanna bet? You’re the love of his life. He’s not going to let me harm a hair on your head.” He walks closer to you. “Guess what? He’s not here.”
He runs the blade of the knife across your cheek, drawing blood. You want to scream and cry but you’re not going to give him the satisfaction.
“What are you going to do with me?”
“I don’t know. Keep you prisoner?” He bends slightly and cuts your face a few more times. This time, you cry out in pain. You’re not as tough as you wish to be. “Make you my little fucking slave? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? A little cock slave just for me.”
“If you come near me with that microdick of yours, I’ll bite it off.”
Gio raises the knife to stab you with it when he hears loud commotion come from downstairs. Gunshots ring out below and you smirk knowing exactly who is here for you.
“You want to know something about Bucky?” Gio looks at you. “I am his and he is mine, and he doesn’t like it when someone touches what’s his.” The sound of gunshots gets closer to the room you’re in. “They don’t call him the Winter Soldier for nothing.”
Finally, the door to the room opens and Bucky is standing there with blood splattered over his skin and clothes. He doesn’t let Gio out of his sight as he walks into the room. Sam and Steve walk in after him with guns in their hands. The last few remaining gunshots sound off below but then it goes silent. All of Gio’s men are dead. Gio steps back from you with fear in his eyes. He knows better than to attack you with a knife when Bucky and his men have guns.
Bucky walks closer to you and only looks at you when he gets two feet from you. He kneels down and starts counting starting from one.
“What are you doing?”
“Counting how many times I cut open Mr. Salvatore.”
Gio tries to leave but Steve and Sam block him at the only exit and entrance into the room. The windows are boarded up to prevent people from jumping out of it. Bucky removes your binds on your wrists and ankles and takes off the gag from around your neck.
“I want you to go with Steve. He’ll take you to your place.”
“No. Home. I want to go home with you,” you whisper.
Bucky leans in and kisses your head gently before standing to his full height. Steve doesn’t wait for instructions. He slings the gun over his shoulder and picks you up bridal style. You rest your head on Steve’s chest and look away from Bucky who turns his attention to Gio.
"Bucky?" Steve stops and he looks at you over his shoulder. "Make it hurt."
Bucky steps around the chair and starts to walk slowly toward Gio like a predator does to its prey.
“Look, you started it! You killed my dad!”
"You want to know something about my girl? She hates violence yet she told me to make it hurt. Ironic, huh?"
Bucky hands his gun off to Sam and takes out his knife. He prefers this weapon because he can make it hurt for much longer. He twirls the knife in his hands a few times while walking closer to Gio. He goes to strike Gio when he shouts something
“I have information on that list you’re looking for.”
Bucky stops and stares. He doesn’t hesitate.
“You’re no longer leverage. You’re collateral damage.”
Bucky twirls the knife and hits Gio in the jaw with the handle of it. As soon as you got back to Bucky’s house, you took a shower to clean yourself of whatever Gio did to you. All of that violence took all of your energy so as soon as you go into his bed, you fell asleep. Bucky comes home late in the night with more blood soaking his clothes. The only indication that his shirt used to be white is the part by his neck that hadn’t been touched by red.
Bucky walks to his room and sheds his shirt so he doesn’t stain you with it. He sits on the edge of the bed and puts a hand to your shoulder. You jump awake out of fear that Gio is back to get you.
“Pisică, it’s me. You’re safe now.”
The weight of everything that had happened to you crashes into you, and you shove yourself into Bucky’s arms as the tears fall. He holds you close and rubs your back in comfort.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“This isn’t your fault. I’m sorry for not being what you need.”
You pull away from Bucky and shake your head.
“No, you’re everything I need. I am so in love with you. I did say it hurt to love you before but it hurts more to be away from you. I don’t want anyone else but you.”
“Even knowing what I do?”
You nod. “I don’t ever want to be apart from you. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Bucky pulls you on his lap and kisses you. This is where you belong, in his arms. Whatever problems that come up, you know you two can face together.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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elizabethsnuts · 7 months
I'll be back
Winterwidow x daughter!reader
Summary: You miss Bucky when he leaves for a mission.
A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting! I've been really busy and had not motivation to write! Request is at the bottom <3
Bucky had found himself on another long gruelling mission. Another day he had to leave his wife Natasha and their baby daughter Y/N.
Bucky pressed a soft tender kiss to Natasha’s lips and a soft kiss to Y/N’s forehead. He always did this before he left for a mission. He always promised his return.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” Bucky said with a sweet smile playing on his lips. His hands were rubbing the soft hair of his baby daughter.
Bucky walked into the quinjet with Steve and Sam. He was already missing his two girls. He watched as the quinjet door shut and the figures of his wife and daughter disappeared out of sight.
Natasha sighed and adjusted the baby in her arms, kissing the top of your soft forehead. She turned around and walked back into the compound.
Days turned into nights and nights turned into days, you were getting more restless. You were uninterested in your toys, taking a nap or even eating your favourite food. It was clear that the absence of your dad was taking its toll.
“C’mon sweetheart you have to eat something!” Natasha said with a sigh and pleading eyes. She watched you push away your bowl of food and shake your head.
“No!” You said, a pout plastered onto your lips with an evident frown. “Daddy!” She heard a little huff escape your lips. You couldn’t fully comprehend why your daddy was away or where he went, all you knew was that you wanted him here.
“Daddy’s not here sweetheart. He’ll be back soon I promise!” Nat said with a sweet smile. She had been exhausted for days straight, the sleepless nights of staying up with you since you weren’t sleeping were catching up to her.
As soon as Natasha said that, the door to the elevator dinged signalling it opened. At first, Nat thought it was just one of the other Avengers coming into the kitchen but when she looked up she saw the all-familiar face of none other than her husband, Bucky.
“Daddy! Daddy!” you giggled and pointed to Bucky as he approached the two of you. His strong arms wrapped around you as he lifted you out of your high chair, planting a soft kiss on your forehead again as he did.
Soon a sense of relief and peace had settled back into the compound. Y/N returned to her normal routines, she was sleeping well, eating well and playing well, just like before. Bucky was back home safe and sound, with his family.
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hearts-hunger · 4 months
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: Back at the haunted house in the off-season, Danny and the boys are working on repairs to the set. You're still a scaredy-cat, and Danny's still your biggest fan. || Sequel to Kitkat
Pairings: Danny x Reader | Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | Word Count: 6k | Warnings: anxiety, general Halloween spookiness
A/N: Danny and Kitkat are back!! When I first introduced them, I was so humbled and delighted by how much you guys loved them. I hope this sequel does justice to how much love you've lavished on them, and I hope you love it too! ♡
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Can you make it through the woods of horror? Enter if you dare!
You smiled to yourself as you passed the signs along the winding country road, watching each slogan become more and more threatening the closer you came to the most highly rated haunted house in your state. They didn’t seem very ominous in the golden light of late afternoon; despite their menacing promises of terror and danger, you found yourself looking forward to reaching the place they advertised. 
Of course, that hadn't been true the first time you came down this road nearly two months ago; that night, you’d already worked yourself into an anxious spin just reading the signs before you’d even stepped foot on the property. Still, it had worked out alright in the end; so well, in fact, that you had willingly made many trips back despite being the biggest scaredy-cat in the world.
Finding a parking spot in the near vacant, grassy lot was easy enough, and you carefully juggled the drink carrier out of the passenger seat and started the walk into the woods. The trees were a wash of vibrant color, fiery reds and oranges and yellows; the sunshine came dappled through the leaves, rays of honey-golden warmth on the path. You took a deep breath of the crisp air as you held the armful of coffees close, thankful for their cosy warmth against your chest as you walked.
After a few minutes of leisurely walking, using the shortcuts that Danny and the guys had shown you, you reached the gate that led to the set and couldn’t manage to open it just by pushing your hip against it. You knew the boys couldn’t be far; you heard strains of their conversation mixed in with the sounds of repair work being done. You got a better grip on the drink carrier, careful of the precarious ones on top, and called to them.
“Honey, I’m home!” you said, making your voice carry. “I have your presents!”
You heard jogging footsteps come up the path, and a second later, Sam rounded the corner. He opened the gate for you and gave you a sweet smile.
“Hey, kitkat,” he said. “Glad you could make it.”
You smiled. “Thanks,” you said. You nodded to the topmost coffee. “Yours is the one on top. Oatmilk, right?” You had the sudden thought that you might have gotten it wrong and felt terrible. “Unless it’s almond milk you usually get and I totally messed it up.”
“No, you didn’t,” he said quickly, taking it from you. “Oatmilk’s perfect, thank you. It’s really nice of you to bring us coffee, kitkat.”
“I figured you could use a little treat after working so hard all day,” you teased.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, sure. Jake and Josh have spent more time writing music than repairing the set, but yeah, we’re working hard all right.”
You laughed as you started to walk with him towards the set the guys were working on. “You don’t think they can multitask?”
Sam grinned. “Have you met them?” He shook his head. “I mean, they’re writing some good stuff, so I guess I can't complain. But we’re also trying to get these sets repaired before Christmas.”
“What does Danny think?”
“Oh, you know Dan. He’s totally in the zone. He’ll have the whole place looking like Buckingham Palace by the end of the day.”
You smiled. “If Buckingham Palace was haunted.”
He laughed. “You’re getting the idea.”
The set was only a short walk from the gate, and when you reached it, you took a moment to look over the swampy pirate shack that looked much less threatening in the daylight than it had every other time you’d seen it. The boys had asked for overtime after the season was officially finished, getting a list of sets and props from the owners that needed repairs or new paint or just a little bit of cleaning. They'd been working their way through the woods for a few days, and when they were finished with the outdoor sets, they’d tackle the crown jewel of the haunted house up on the hill.
You noticed with amusement that Sam had been right about his brothers; they were working, putting a new coat of paint on the “beware of alligators” sign and the accompanying reptilian skull, but they were rather passionately working on the lyrics for a new song while they did. It was probably a good thing that the paint job could be passed off as “artistically sloppy” to fit with the ramshackle aesthetic.
“Here, glimmer twins,” you said, handing them each a cup of coffee. They gave you a pair of matching smiles.
“Aw, thanks, kitkat,” Jake said. He touched up a drip of red paint to make it a little more grisly. “How’s it looking?”
“Scary,” you said cheerfully. “How’s the songwriting?”
Jake laughed. “Good, actually. Too bad Josh isn’t as good at painting as he is at coming up with lyrics.”
Josh pointed an accusing paintbrush at his twin. “I’m terrific at painting, Jacob.”
Jake gave him a dry smile. “Start doing some, and then we can talk.”
“I’ve been painting all morning!” Josh said, gesticulating with the paintbrush again and sending drops of paint flying.
“Hey!” Sam protested. “You’re getting paint everywhere.”
“You could use a little paint on you, Sammy,” Josh teased. “The only reason you’re all pristine is because you’ve been too busy not painting to actually get anything on you.”
“Now, Josh, them’s fightin’ words,” Sam said in an exaggerated Texas twang. He took another paintbrush from the bucket and twirled it like a cowboy would spin his pistol. “This shack ain’t big enough fer the two of us.”
Smiling to yourself, you left the brothers to their playing and painting and bickering, walking around to the other side of the pirate shack to find your boyfriend. You followed the sound of a hammer and found Danny working on the porch, straddling the railing as he reached to put nails in a beam along the underside of the tin roof.
“Hey, Dan,” you called up to him. He didn’t answer, and you noticed he had earbuds in. You came closer and put your hand on his thigh.
He stopped hammering and looked down at you, his face breaking into a handsome smile when he saw you.
“Hi, honey,” he said, surprised and happy. He paused his music and put his earbuds in his pocket. “I didn’t know you were here yet.”
You felt yourself blush a little under the affection in his gaze, the warmth of his smile as he looked at you. Nearly a month after you’d made it official, you still got butterflies from how clearly he loved you and enjoyed your company.
“Here I am,” you said, almost shy. “What were you listening to?”
“Palomino,” he said. “First Aid Kit.” He kept one hand on the railing as he leaned close to kiss your nose. “I’m glad you’re here, kitkat.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you, endeared to how sweet he always was to you. You presented him with your gift. “I brought you some coffee.”
“Aw, thanks honey,” he said. “Can you hold onto it for me until I’m done? I just have a couple more things to hang, and then I can take a break.”
“Can I stay with you while you do?” you asked, not wanting to be a bother while he worked. “I promise I won’t get in your way.”
He chuckled. “Of course you can stay.” He left his work for a moment to brush off the porch’s top step for you. “I’ll only be a few more minutes.”
You sat on the step and sipped your coffee, thankful for the warmth of your sweater as a chilly breeze fanned through the woods. Danny wore a long sleeved black shirt and jeans; you allowed yourself a long, pleasant moment of admiring how he looked in them, big and strong and limber, particularly enjoying the way the hem of his shirt rode up as he reached to hang decorations on the nails. His backwards baseball cap was the finishing touch on his mop of curls, and you liked to watch him focus on his work and look very handsome doing it.
“How’s it been going so far?” you asked.
He didn’t answer right away, and you thought maybe you should save conversation for when he was done. 
“Is it distracting if I talk?”
“No,” he said, making sure the bear trap prop he was hanging was secure before looking over at you. “Sorry, I'm listening. We’ve made good progress today. I think we’ll be able to start on the house when we’re finished here.”
“Really?” you said, a little surprised. “I thought you still had the spider tunnel thing to work on.”
“That’s actually being completely torn down,” he said. He drove a nail in with a few hard whacks of the hammer and looked around for the decoration he was supposed to hang. “Can you hand me that shrunken head?”
“Oh, uh, sure.” You grimaced a little as you picked it out of the prop box. “If they’re tearing it down, what are they putting there instead?”
He took the head from you. “Thanks.” He tied a piece of fishing line to it, pulling it tight with his teeth. “I don't think they know what they’re changing it to yet, so there’s no work to do on it right now. They’re keeping the spider web tunnel, just making it shorter, and putting it between the house and the woods. So I guess we’ll have to do it when we do the house.”
You leaned against his thigh. “What do you think they should put in the spot it used to be? Or are you going to miss it being there?”
He smiled, and there was a little wryness to it that intrigued you. 
“No, I don’t think I’ll miss it,” he said.
“You don’t like it?”
He shrugged. “It’s not my favorite scene. I think they should do an alien abduction thing in that spot.”
“Ooh, like a crop circle or something?” you asked. Though you didn’t like haunted houses, this one was a big part of your life since your boyfriend and three best friends spent a lot of their time there, and you'd kind of gotten into the idea side of things. “It could be like a corn maze with aliens in it.”
“Yeah, and when they snatch you, they take you to their ship to do experiments on you.” Danny wiggled his fingers at you. “Spooky.” 
You laughed and took his hands in yours. “That’d probably get you lots and lots of kitkats, what do you think?” If any guest used the safeword, “kitkat”, the actors would stop scaring them and escort them out safely. That was how you’d met Danny, and the nickname had stuck.
He chuckled and gave you a kiss. “You’re the only kitkat I want. You know that.”
You gave a pleased hum and kissed him back. “Yeah, I do.”
After one more kiss, you let him get back to work, and when he was finished hanging the decorations he came to sit on the porch steps with you. You drank your coffee and talked for a while as the sun sank lower behind the trees; the air grew colder, and you snuggled close to Danny when he put an arm around you and tucked you close to his side.
“We should get dinner later,” he said. “I feel like I haven't seen you a lot this week.”
“Me too,” you said, playing absently with the macrame bracelet on his wrist. “What about pizza and a movie?”
“Sure.” He nuzzled against your cheek. “In my bedroom, not in the living room. I'm not in a sharing mood tonight.”
You smiled. “And what might you be asked to share, exactly?” Danny and the Kiszkas split rent on a big, beautiful old house, and you’d spent a lot of time over there since you all became friends.
“The pizza,” he said, matter-of-fact. “They’re not getting any.”
You laughed and turned your head to let him kiss you properly, and it took about two seconds of that for you to decide you weren’t in a sharing mood either. Jake, Josh, and Sam could fend for themselves as far as dinner was concerned.
Danny reluctantly pulled away after a few more deep kisses, and you protested by closing the distance again.
“Don’t go back to work,” you said, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
He gave you a wry smile. “Got to, honey. I want to at least get started on the house before it gets too dark.”
“How much longer?”
He gave you a goofy smooch. “Not long. You’re so sweet to be so patient, kitkat.”
“Fine,” you agreed, mollified by his affectionate tone and touch. “But all these kisses you could be giving me instead of working — I want double when we get back home.”
He smiled, showing crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes. “Yes ma'am.”
You put your hands against his cheeks. “Wait one more second, okay?”
He did as you said. You cradled his beloved face, studying the gold the sunshine brought out in his hazel irises.
“You want to know something?” you asked softly.
“Yeah,” he whispered back. “Tell me.”
You smiled. “You give me the honeyglow something awful, Danny.”
He gave a sweet laugh, and you loved the sound of it.
“What does that mean?” he asked. “I make you feel all melty and sweet and golden?”
“Something like that,” you agreed.
He kissed you tenderly. “Well, kitkat, you give me to the honeyglow too. I love you.”
Your sigh was dreamy and happy. “I love you too.”
Content with the promise of many more kisses later, you let him get back to work and helped the guys carry their tools up to the house. They wanted to get in as much work as they could before the sun set, and you didn’t mind, not really; you enjoyed keeping them company, despite the eerie atmosphere of the inside of the haunted house as it got darker outside.
“It’s missing something,” Danny said, standing back to survey the grisly surgery scene he’d just cleaned top to bottom. “What do you think, kitkat?”
Your expression scrunched in distaste, remembering the times you'd been jumpscared from a creepy doctor from behind the table. “It looks plenty scary to me.”
He gave you a fond smile. “Look at it from an artist's perspective,” he said. He pointed to a bare spot on the rack of rusty surgical instruments. “That space needs to be filled in.”
You tried to look at it as he'd said, ignoring the impulse to look away, and you had to admit he was right. “What are you going to put there?”
He shook his head. “I dunno. You want to come to the storage shed with me?”
“It’s my one and only dream,” you said dryly. 
He grinned. “Attagirl. Let’s go find a bloody saw or something.”
You told the boys you were leaving for a minute, but you weren't sure they heard you as they tried to get a huge skeleton to stand up without toppling over every two seconds. Danny led you out of the house and towards the big storage shed full of props, pushing his shoulder against the door to get it to open.
He coughed a little as sawdust rained down from the ceiling. “Add this door to the list of ones that need fixing,” he said. “Good night!”
You followed him inside, feeling a little better when he pulled the chain on the overhead lightbulb. The props stacked high on shelves and hung on the walls were cast in a shadowed light, and you skirted them expertly as you helped Danny look for what he wanted.
“What about this?” he said, holding up a fake blood bag.
“Too small,” you said. “It's a pretty big spot to fill in.”
He tossed the bag back with the rest. “You’re right.” 
You ventured towards the far end of the shed, looking with a critical eye through the props, and found that there was another doorway in the back wall.
“What’s in here?” you asked.
“More stuff,” he said, sifting through a box of sawed-off arms and ice picks. “This shed is actually two units stuck end to end.”
You looked through the doorway and saw something catching the light, shining faintly in the gloom — a gigantic pair of pliers painted to look recently used on some unfortunate soul. 
“Hey, I think I might have found something,” you said. “In the other shed.”
He looked up from his searching. “You want me to go get it?”
“Nope,” you said stoutly. “I’m brave enough.”
He smiled. “Okay, honey. Don’t make yourself uncomfortable. If you get two steps in and ask for me, I won't even make fun of you.”
You snorted a laugh. “My hero.” You knew Danny would be nothing but kind, but surely you could handle a little walk into a dark shed full of creepy props. Right?
Getting inside the other shed turned out to be the least of your problems, since the pliers you wanted were sitting in a box on the top shelf of a very tall storage rack. You thought about asking Danny for help, since he would be able to reach them with ease, but you also wanted to get them yourself and have the bragging rights of retrieving the perfect prop. You stepped up on the bottom shelf and reached up, your fingers just grazing the handle.
“Come on,” you muttered. You stood on tiptoes and stretched out your hand — there! You grabbed the handle and pulled.
Your sense of triumph lasted half a second, because as you pulled the pliers down, the whole box came with it. You stumbled backwards to avoid the falling box, forgetting you were on the shelf and not on the floor, and careened backwards into something solid.
You whirled to see that you’d knocked into a giant Dracula, which was propped against the door you hadn’t noticed coming in. Like the world’s worst domino effect, the Dracula dummy listed to the side and swung against the door as it fell to the ground, bending the doorknob until it hung off-kilter. The door slammed closed with the momentum; the light from the other room was cut off, leaving you in complete darkness.
The effect was immediate. The prop room that had seemed harmlessly unsettling now became truly frightening, and you raced to the door to try and open it.
“Danny!” you called, starting to feel frantic. You tripped over something — Dracula, you guessed, or maybe the box — and searched feverishly for the doorknob.
It turned under your grip, and even though you knew it was Danny, the feeling of something moving without the ability to see it was nauseating.
“Kitkat?” came his voice, muffled through the door. “I’m right here, honey. Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
Your eyes welled with tears. “No, but I — I’m scared, Danny. Please get me out.”
“I’m trying, baby. Hold on.”
You heard him turn the doorknob this way and that, but the door still didn't open. Rationally, you knew that the doorknob was probably so bent that it was unusable, but the rational part of your brain wasn’t exactly in charge at the moment. You put your hand on the door and pleaded with him as if he wasn’t doing everything he could to get you out.
“Please hurry, Danny,” you all but sobbed. “Please get me out.”
“I’m trying, but I can’t — ” He swore. “I gotta get this doorknob off, honey. I’m going to get a screwdriver.”
“No! Don’t go.”
“I have to, sweetheart.” You heard his palm thump against the door. “Hey. You’re okay, kitkat. Take a few deep breaths for me, okay?”
You tried to do as he said, but they were choppy and uneven. “Danny,” you said pitifully.
“I know,” he said, and you knew his voice well enough to know he was upset. “Listen to me. I’m going to get you out just as quick as I can. Do you trust me?”
 You nodded miserably, then remembered he couldn't see you. “Y-yes, Danny, I trust you.”
“There’s my brave girl. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” you managed. “Please hurry.”
He didn't answer, and you hoped it was because he’d gone to get the screwdriver and not because he was questioning if he could leave you without sacrificing your sanity. It seemed a near thing at the moment — you wanted to stay put, but something brushed your face in the darkness, and you gave a shrill yelp and fell back against some other prop behind you.
The prop must have been set up with a motion sensor, and a gruesome clown face lit up and cackled at you. Your breath caught on a sob as you pulled back from it, stumbling over the box and the props on the floor. When you finally got your balance, you stood stock still and pressed your hands to your ears to try and block out the shrieking laugh of the clown face that seemed like it would never turn off.
You heaved a sigh of intense relief when you heard his voice. “Danny!”
“Two seconds,” he said, already working on getting the doorknob off. It hit the floor with a metallic clang, but when he tried to open the door, the stupid Dracula mannequin blocked his way.
“There’s something in front of the door,” you said weakly. “Dracula.”
“What is it?” he asked. “Nevermind. Step back from the door, honey.”
You did, careful of the things on the floor you couldn’t see, and listened as Danny put his weight into muscling open the door. Finally, it opened with a wrenching sound that made you jump; you blinked in the light, dazed, still rooted to the spot as tears tracked down your face.
“Kitkat,” Danny said, stepping over Dracula and turning the clown head off, bringing its cackling to an abrupt end. He hovered near you, his hands extended cautiously as if he was afraid to touch you and make it worse. “Are you okay, honey? You’re not hurt, are you?”
“No, I’m not hurt,” you said in a small voice. Your expression crumpled. “Th-thank you for coming to get me, Danny.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” He gathered you in his arms then, holding you close as you grabbed a fistful of his shirt like a lifeline and gave into another round of crying. He ran his hands over your back, slow and gentle.
“I’m sorry you got stuck, baby,” he said, keeping his voice low and soothing. “That scared you pretty bad, huh?”
You nodded and pressed closer to him. He hugged you tight.
“Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t completely dark,” you said, your voice muffled against him. You shuddered at the memory of being locked in total darkness.
“Why didn't you turn on your flashlight?” he asked.
You looked up at him. “What?”
His smile was sympathetic and a little bemused. “The flashlight on your phone. You didn’t turn it on?”
“N-no,” you said, realizing you’d never even thought of it. You’d been so panicky that you hadn’t even used the light you carried with you all the time, and it made you feel stupid on top of everything else.
You hid behind your hands. “Great. I'm an idiot and a total wimp.”
Danny chuckled, and the sound was warm and colored with sympathy.
“My poor baby,” he said. “You just got scared, kitkat. It’s okay.”
“You wouldn't have gotten scared,” you said.
“Aw, well, I don't know. Getting locked in anywhere is kinda scary.” He gently tugged your hands away from your face and kissed the tears from your cheeks. “I’m sorry you got scared, honey.”
You put your arms around his neck. “Thanks for getting me. I’m sorry I’m such a scaredy-cat.”
“You don’t have to apologize, kitkat,” he said, gentle and amused. “I knew you were a scaredy-cat when I met you, and I still liked you just fine. I just wish I could have hulk-smashed the door open for you and rescued you like that.”
You gave a watery laugh, and he smiled and gave you a bear hug.
“There’s that smile I love so much,” he said. “Can I take you out of this creepy shed now?”
“Into the creepy house?” you asked. The sun had almost set, casting long shadows into the shed, and it wouldn’t be long before the house and the woods were completely dark too.
“No,” he said. “I figure you’ve been traumatized enough for one day. I’ll take you home.”
“To your home, right?”
He smiled. “Yeah, to my home. If that’s what you want.”
After another big squeeze, you unwound yourself from him so you could put the props to rights. He found the light, and in the amber glow of the bare bulb, you put the scattered props back in the box as he hefted Dracula into an upright position.
“No wonder this guy is in the very back,” he said, panting a little. “He weighs a freakin’ ton.”
You found the pair of pliers you'd been after and held them behind your back.
“You want to see what all this fuss was about anyway?” you asked.
He raised a brow. “Sure.”
You showed him the pliers, and his mouth tipped up in a crooked smile.
“Those are perfect, kitkat. Too bad you had to go through all that just to get them, though.”
You have a theatrical sigh. “The sacrifices I make for art.”
He laughed and took your hand as he closed up the shed, leading you back out to the dusky woods alive with birdsong and the drifting sound of your friends’ laughter. You followed their voices up to the house, thankful Danny was still holding your hand.
“Hey Dan?” you asked.
“Can I ask you a question?”
He held the gate open for you. “Sure. Shoot.”
“If you’re not afraid of the dark or clowns or axe murderers or any of this stuff... what are you afraid of?”
He gave you a wry smile. “Not telling.”
You laughed. “But there is something, right? Not something fancy like the inevitability of failure or existential dread, but something normal, right?”
“There is something,” he admitted. “Something you’d probably never think of, because it's kind of stupid.”
“Oh, Danny, no,” you said kindly. “I wouldn't think it’s stupid. I'm scared of everything, so I’m probably scared of whatever it is too.”
He smiled. “Maybe. Tell you what — if you guess it correctly, I’ll tell you.”
“You promise?”
He gave a soft laugh. “Yes, kitkat, I promise.”
You found Sam and the twins working just outside the house, putting up the structure of the spider-web tunnel. They waved you over, telling Danny to get a move on to help them.
“We’re actually gonna head home,” Danny said. He held up the pliers. “I just have to put these in the surgery scene, and then we’re out of here.”
You reluctantly withdrew your hand from his. “I don't think I'll go with you to put those up.”
He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Okay, honey. I’ll be right back.”
You ventured over to where Jake, Josh, and Sam were working, watching as they fit PVC pipes together to make a few feet of tunnel. The trash bags nearby held swaths of cotton webs that went with the dozens of boxes of fake spiders.
You pulled one of the spiders out, studying the painted red eyes and big fangs.
“These aren’t so bad,” you said, kind of proud that you could hold it without flinching.
Josh grinned. “Hey, good for you, kitkat. You’re getting the hang of this haunted house thing.”
“I don't know,” you said with a laugh. You told them what had happened at the shed, and all three of them winced.
“Well, that’s not even the fun kind of scary,” Jake said. “I’m sorry, kitkat.”
“But you found ten-ton Dracula?” Sam asked, skating over the “locked in a dark storage shed” part of the story. “I’ve been wondering where he went.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a fond smile. “Glad I could help.”
The first half of the tunnel’s structure was already finished, and you volunteered to string webbing over it until it looked like a gigantic spider’s nest. When Danny came back from his errand, you told him you wanted to stay for a little while and set it up.
“You sure?” he asked. “You don’t have to.”
“I want to,” you assured him. “Besides, you said you wanted to get a little more work done, and I think we found something I can do without losing my ever-loving mind.”
He smiled. “Okay. If you’re sure.” He glanced at the sinking sun. “I think we have maybe half an hour of light left.”
You all agreed to work for thirty more minutes, and there was a festive and companionable atmosphere as you put up the webs and made it look as spooky as you could. You quizzed Danny on what he was afraid of, guessing everything you were afraid of; the boys joined in the game with silly guesses like “tomato soup” and “a waterslide but instead of water it’s maple syrup”. Danny just laughed and said he wasn’t afraid of any of those things, though a few of them sounded downright unpleasant.
“I give up,” you said dramatically, sitting on an empty plastic tub. “You’re just not afraid of anything.”
“There’s something,” he assured you. “But I’m telling you, you’ll never guess. Especially considering what I do for a living.”
You narrowed your eyes. “I’ve got it. You’re afraid of drumsticks, aren’t you?”
He laughed, big and bright and joyful. “No, it’s not that. It doesn’t have to do with music.”
You kept thinking of things to guess as you worked, but you were distracted from your game when Jake started pulling out the spiders to put on the webs. He unearthed a huge fake spider from the box and made it sing “Boris the Spider” in his British accent, earning a round of laughter and cheers for such a good impression of The Who.
You looked over at Danny, intending to ask him what he thought of a slightly drunk-sounding British spider, but you were surprised to see a little uneasiness in his expression. You followed his gaze, trying to see what was making him nervous; the only thing in your vicinity was the spider in Jake’s hand.
He looked from the spider to you. “Yeah, honey.”
“Are you... afraid of the fake spiders?”
He didn’t answer right away, and you knew you had him. He hadn’t hesitated answering any of the other guesses.
You gave a triumphant laugh. “Ha! I guessed it, didn’t I?”
You could have sworn you saw him blush. You pulled another spider out of the box and carried it over to him, watching his expression become more and more apprehensive the closer it got.
“You promised you would tell me if I got it right,” you said, a teasing lilt to your voice. You held the spider up, just inches from him. “Does this little guy freak you out, Daniel?”
He endured it for a few seconds before he batted it away. “Yes, fine, it freaks me out. You win.”
You laughed, not unkindly, and tossed the spider back in the box before you draped your arms over his shoulders. 
“My poor baby,” you said, mimicking with affection the way he’d soothed you earlier. “I’m sorry I teased you with it. It’s okay if you’re scared of it.”
“I’m not scared, exactly,” he said, looking with distaste at the box overflowing with the plastic critters. “They’re just... creepy. They give me the heebie-jeebies.”
You smiled and gave him a consoling kiss. “My big guy’s one weakness,” you said, entirely amused. “Fake spiders. What about real spiders?”
He shrugged. “They’re fine.”
You laughed. “Of course they are.”
He watched your face, studying the lines and colors of joy he always brought out in it without even trying. His expression warmed, and you loved when you coaxed out a grudging smile.
“It’s dumb, right?” he asked.
You shook your head. “No way. I’m just surprised we found something you’re afraid of that I’m not afraid of.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that is pretty remarkable.” He kissed your cheek. “Now that you’ve uncovered my deepest, darkest secret, can we go home and order the deepest, dishiest pizza?”
You laughed. “Sure thing, honey.”
At home, you and Danny didn’t actually have the heart not to share your pizza with the boys; you got enough for everyone and watched a true crime documentary that had you hiding behind your hands during the more grisly parts. 
“Okay, now I have to have a cleanse,” you said afterwards, rinsing off the plates to put them in the dishwasher. “I’m watching New Girl or something.”
Danny came up behind you and snuck a kiss under your jaw. “In my room,” he said, his voice low and meant only for you.
You gave a fluttery little laugh and pulled way when his kisses started to tickle. “Can I watch whatever I want?”
“Whatever you want,” he agreed. He bracketed you in with his arms, kissing along the column of your neck.
You considered that. “Can it be an old movie?”
“You could pick the most awful black and white silent film ever made and I absolutely would not care,” he promised. His hands snuck under the hem of your sweater and skated over your tummy, and despite how quickly you were warming to his touch, you couldn’t give up teasing him just yet.
“Okay, I know what I want to watch,” you said primly.
“Finally,” he said with a contented sigh, pulling you close to him. “What is it?”
You grinned. “The Giant Spider Invasion.”
He hummed in agreement. “Sure, honey, that sounds — ” He pulled back. “Wait, what?”
You couldn’t help but dissolve in giggles, and when his warm laugh joined in with yours, you felt the honeyglow something awful.
“Alright, trouble,” he said, kissing your cheek. “You’re a handful, you know that?”
“But I’m your handful.”
“Yes, kitkat. You’re my handful. You know what else?”
“I love you.”
You smiled, feeling all melty and sweet and golden inside. “I love you too.”
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gvf taglist:@malany-gvf@spark-my-nature@eearevee@madneedshelp@demonrat444@josh-iamyour-mama@honeyandsweettae@mydarlingdanny@gretavandann@sacredjake@myleftsock@joshskittytickler21@hellowgoodbye@watchingovergvf2@fearfulspirit@mywaysoon@carbondancingthroughtime@caprisunsister@eraofstardustchords@sacredthefran@shesawomaninadream@serendipiti@demonrat444@wildflowerxx-x@tearsofdanny@iluvjoshkiszka@jordie-gvf-admin@demolitionndann@hi-hi-hello11@wildbluesorbit@nessie-glorpa@laneygvf @jazzyfigz@musicspeaks @amythestars @missharvestmoon@readyforthegarden
@gvfrry@ohhey1293@the-chaotic-cow@mountain-in-springtime@xserenax-13@stardustjtk @brooke-gvf@weightofdreams-gvf@jakeydoesit @hayley1623@doodle417@finestoflines@brokenbellz@bowievanfleet@s0livagant@strugglingtodoshit@s-u-t@kay-jordan@gretavanfleas@jakeyboiiiiiii@gretavansteph@gretavanbitches@myownparadise96@luverleaver@weightofdreamz@greatervanfleet@maedesculpaeusoubi@jakekiszkasbestie@pineapple-photographer@baguettejuliette@alexxavicry@levi-wants-ur-bones@carlybubs@cowboysamkiszka@dannyandthekiszkas@jordierama@slutforsteve@starshine-wagner@quartzzzzzzz@edgeofdreams@writingcold@lostoverseer@catharu77@mackalah@jaketlove@haileygvf@blacksoul-27@ur-m0ms-blog@hi-hi-hello11@wildbluesorbit @nessie-glorpa @laneygvf@madneedshelp@dreamsingxld
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watchingovergvff · 1 year
Don’t Blame Me- Jake Kiszka
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Summary: The push and pull of your’s and Jake’s relationship is exhausting. He used to be your knight in shining armor, but now only lives to be a thorn in your side. One night changes it all, can you get past it?
Genre: Enemies to Lovers. Secret Relationship. Angst, Fluff.
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: Alcohol. Cursing. Implied Sexual Relations. Jealousy. Asshole!Jake.
A/N: I love to hear feedback, so please don’t hesitate to do so. Thank you for all the love and support <3333 This fic was loosely based on Taylor Swift’s “Don’t Blame Me”.
“Do you get off at five today?”
“Wanna go out with me and the guys tonight?”
“Sure, you're picking me up though.”
Danny truly gets the best big brother award. Here he is, calling you once again, inviting you to go out with the rest of the guys. Normal big brothers would be too embarrassed to have their little sister trail behind them, not Danny.
Your parents never had to force Danny to tote you around. If you had gone missing, it was most likely because he had brought you with him somewhere. The two of you were only a year apart, but Danny did have the habit of being over protective of you.
Regardless of the fact you were siblings, you were also best friends. When Danny and Sam first became friends, Danny had insisted you were included in everything, no matter what. Sam had never found it odd, over time he became just as attached to you as Danny was. So, that's how your little trio started and has stayed throughout the years.
Driving home from work, you take note of the sunny weather surrounding you. Sam had called you on the way home from work, wanting to chat about his week. Letting him ramble away, you chime in every now and then. Pulling into your driveway, you spot Danny’s car parked near the curb. Hanging up the phone with Sam, you promise to resume your one sided conversation at the bar tonight. Sauntering through your front door, you find Danny sprawled out on your couch.
“Hey kiddo,” he utters.
“Hey, you're here early.”
Danny kicks off the couch, heading to your room already. You follow close behind him, needing to find something else to wear tonight.
“I’ve been here since 12. Studio time got cut short today, because Jake and Josh couldn’t get along whatsoever.” “But, aren’t we going out with them tonight?”
Watching him shrug his shoulders at the brothers' ridiculous conflict. Scouring through your closet, you kick Danny out of your room so you can change.
You wanted to keep it cool tonight, since it would be super hot outside, so you opted for jean shorts and a simple top.
Finding Danny in your kitchen, chugging water, you start feeling nervous.
“So, Jake is coming for sure?”
“Yeah, he’ll show up at some point.”
He eyes you curiously. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why does it matter if Jake shows up or not?”
“I just want to be prepared for his sour attitude.”
He laughs, gesturing for you to gather your things and head out the door. Following him to the car, you can’t shake the nerves of seeing Jake.
Growing up with Danny and Sam, you were bound to wander through the Kiszka household at some point. One of the first times you met the twins, you had been searching for Sam.
Danny had told you to meet him at the Kiszka's house once you made it off the school bus, one late afternoon. He had reassured you that it was fine to just walk inside, they would be in Sam’s room waiting.
As a child, you were way more reserved compared to your older brother. Walking into a house you’ve never been in, regardless of the fact the two boys were waiting inside for you, you were drenched in fear.
Knocking on the front door, refusing to just walk in, you grip your backpack a little tighter. The door swings open and a boy you’ve never seen before stands in the doorway. “Hi, who are you?”
The boy wore one of the biggest smiles you’ve ever seen before.
“Sorry, is Danny here?” you whisper meekly, head hung low.
His face lights up even further, “Oh! You must be Y/n. Here, come inside.”
You hesitate, wanting to turn around and run home. He patiently waits for you, not wanting to make you even more nervous. Finally, you follow in after him.
“My name is Josh, I’m Sam’s older brother.”
Nodding up at him, you remain silent.
“This is Jake, my twin brother.”
Your head whips towards the older boy, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
The older boy, Jake, leans against the kitchen counter, barely giving you the time of day. He does manage a quick tight-lipped smile, going back to what he was doing.
Before you can make more of a fool of yourself, you hear your name being called down the hall. You look up at Josh, finally making eye contact with him, you smile. “Thank you, Josh.” you softly reply, skipping down the hall towards Sam’s room.
Throughout the rest of the evening, you couldn’t stop thinking of Sam’s older brother, Jake.
Those thoughts continued all throughout middle school, into high school, and now into your adult life. But, Jake had never given you the time of day, even now, only swapping pleasantries with you. You felt like a fool, letting some childhood crush linger this long, but no matter what you do, you just can’t shake Jake.
Arriving at the bar downtown, you and Danny make a b-line for the nearest bartender, already ordering drinks. “Y/n! You came.”
Sam comes stumbling to your left, swinging an arm around your shoulder.
“Hey, what about me?” Danny asks, taking both of your drinks from the bartender.
“I saw you a few hours ago Daniel, don’t be selfish.” Sam narrows his eyes, already letting the laughter sound.
You rub Sam’s back gently, peeling his intoxicated body off yours.
“How long have you been here?”
“Uhh, I think thirty minutes, but I'm not sure.”
Ruffling his hair, you ask, “How are you already drunk?” “Josh and I pregamed before.”
“Y’all need help.”
Danny, Sam, and you find Josh by the pool table, sipping on another beer. Josh being alot like his younger brother Sam, he squeezes you into a bearhug.
“I told Daniel to leave you alone. You work too hard to have to deal with us right after work.”
Walking around the pool table, you sit yourself atop a nearby barstool. “Whatever, I needed to come out tonight. I’ve been so stressed with work this week, and my boss has been giving me shit all month about some stupid paperwork thing. So, I’m looking forward to drowning my sorrows with all of you tonight.”
They all give you a pitiful look, feeling sorry for you. Swatting away their unnecessary pity, you flash a mischievous grin.
“Actually, you know what would make me feel better, another drink,” you sweetly reply, batting your eyelashes at Sam.
“Fine, your drinks are on me tonight.” Sam huffs, but gladly adds your next drink to his tab.
The boys start up a pool game, letting you go last since you're too busy sipping on your drink. Danny and you go head to head throughout the game, always being competitive with each other.
You unsurprisingly lose, becoming a sore loser almost instantly. Sam consoles you, always having a sweet spot for you.
Danny and Josh start yet another round of pool, but remain conversing with you and Sam. Your sour attitude towards Danny’s win fades quickly, getting wrapped up in whatever they start talking about.
Your happiness dies quickly, when a certain Kiszka twin enters the bar, meeting your eyes.
“Jake, you decided to show up, how nice of you.” Sam calls out, making everyone turn in Jake’s direction. “Fuck off Sam–”
Drowning out Jake’s words, you can’t help but wonder who the girl to his right is. The stranger trails Jake like a hawk, giving you a quick once over. You roll your eyes at the girl, not really caring for niceties.
It’s unlike you to not even try to be fake nice to strangers, but her reaction towards you minding your own business, makes it fair game.
Jake walks right past you, not even bothering to acknowledge you, which isn’t much of a surprise.
Not wanting Jake’s poor mood to bring you down any further, you tug Sam with you to get another drink.
Jake had been anxious to see you all night. Danny had insisted on bringing you with them to the bar tonight, despite the fact Jake had suggested it be a guys night. Fine, if they didn’t want to listen to him, he would bring his own plus one.
Jake had only recently met this girl, but had decided to invite her anyway. In truth, the only reason he was bringing her in the first place was because he wanted to make you jealous. You had continuously teased him, using Sam to do your dirty work in making him jealous, so it's only fair that he gets a rise out of you this time.
It hasn’t always been like this, you and him. Over the years, Jake watched you grow up, always feeling a need to protect you like an older brother. That's what he felt like to you anyway, your big brother. You were four years younger than him, so of course he only saw you as a little sister.
Everything changed two years ago, at some random dinner party Josh threw. Jake had just recently gotten out of a long term relationship, struggling to even socialize with his brothers. Josh and Sam had insisted he come, trying to get him out of this funk. What they hadn’t mentioned was that the ‘dinner party’ was more of a rager if anything.
Their house was littered with people, all far from sober. Jake regrets even leaving his room to come down here. He starts to make the trek back to his room, that is until he hears his name being called behind him. Trying not to groan in annoyance, he slowly spins around.
“Hey, Jakey.”
It's Y/n.
Wow... she looks different. Why is she here?
“Y/n, what are you doing here?”
“Don’t sound too excited to see me,” you say snidely.
“No it’s just– No one told me you were coming.”
“No one knows I'm here. I had a free weekend, I figured why the hell not come see my favorite boys.”
“Well, good to see you. If anyone asks where I am, don’t tell them.”
He starts to walk away, purposefully not looking at you. “Oh– okay. I’ll come find you later.”
“Please don’t.”
Jake didn’t need to turn around to know the damage he’s just done to you, but instead of fixing it, he keeps walking as far away as he can get from you.
That night, Jake goes to sleep thinking of you, and not about the broken relationship he just left. ________________
You and Sam remained at the bar, sipping lightly on your drinks, chatting about anything and everything.
Danny was your best friend, he really was. But, Sam was different, he also wasn’t your brother. You and Danny talk about a lot, but there are some things you can’t bring yourself to talk about with him.
Sam was truly your best friend. He knew about your ongoing crush on Jake, even if you wouldn’t admit it out loud. Which is why he had no problem spending the night as far away from Jake as possible. He knew Jake brought that girl on purpose, maybe not just to irritate you, but to cause some sort of uproar.
Doing his best to get you out of your own head and enjoy yourself, Sam drags you to the makeshift dance floor when a familiar tune sounds out through the bar.
You groan, not really wanting to dance in the middle of this bar, despite the other couples dancing about. Sam’s bright smile is the only thing that convinces you to go lay it all out there with him. The both of you can’t dance to save your lives, but you can’t help but feel ten times lighter than you did before.
Sam twirls you around, laughing at your dazed out expression. Mid spin, your eyes catch Jakes’ for the second time tonight. Instead of caving in on yourself, you complete the spin, continuing your dance with Sam. Once the song came to an end, the two of you breathlessly bow, and saunter off the dance floor, hand in hand.
You can feel Jake’s eyes on you still, but you don’t give him the time of day. Walking past Jake and his guest, you latch onto Danny, slapping at his back playfully.
Sam returns to your side with what you think is another drink, but turns out to be just water. You gripe at his choice of beverage for you, but he waves you off, demanding you drink it.
“You two were really going at it out there, I think it's time to cut you both off,” Danny says, chuckling at your flushed faces.
Swishing your drink in his face, you say, “Sam already did, it's water.” Danny and Josh laugh at your clear disappointment.
“It’s probably a good thing he cut you off, wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself any further,” Jake chimes in, clearly proud of himself.
You ignore his statement, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting a rise out of you.
“Shut up, Jake.” Josh snaps back.
“Why should I? Are you really that desperate to get laid, that you have to grind on any guy that gives you attention?”
Dannys in Jake’s face in mere seconds, gripping him by his collar. “What the fuck did you just say to her?”
“You heard me.”
Danny rears back, every intention to beat him to a pulp. The other boys seem to be letting it happen, not putting a halt to it.
“Danny, stop. Leave him alone,” you demand.
“Stop Danny, unless you want to get kicked out of here.”
Not relenting, you glance at Danny, trying to plead with him. He reluctantly lets Jake go, walking away from him entirely.
Jake won’t make eye contact with you, looking anywhere else but at you.
“Fuck you, Jake,” you say storming off toward the bathroom.
The rest of the guys watch you intently, then turn right back to Jake after making sure you were safe. ___________________
Struggling to contain the tears, you look at your red splotchy face in the mirror. You clench your fist tightly, pacing around the small bathroom. Hearing a knock on the door, you start to tell them someone was in here, but whoever it is doesn’t let you finish.
“What do you want?”
Jake stands behind you, looking at you through the mirror. His face is ridden with guilt, but it doesn’t make you feel any better.
“I just wanted to apologize–”
“Don’t bother, I won’t forgive you.”
“Y/n, your being difficult, listen to me–”
Scoffing in disbelief, you spin around meeting him eye to eye.
“I’m being difficult, I’m being difficult. Are you fucking kidding me, Jake? Do you hear yourself?”
Cowering back at your words, he attempts to talk again, but you quickly shut him down.
“The fact that you have the balls to come in here, calling me difficult, after what you just said to me is truly insane. What is wrong with you? What the fuck did I ever do to you?” You breathlessly continue on, not caring what you look like. “I’ve tried and tried with you, and no matter what I do, you still treat me like shit. What happened that night at your house that made you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you, Y/n.”
“Ha! You have a special way of showing your love for me. If calling all your friends whores is your new thing, I think I'd rather not be your friend at all.”
“You're not a whore.”
“You're damn right I'm not. How do you expect me to respect you if–”
Without expecting it, you feel Jake’s lips on yours, cutting off your words. Tasting the alcohol on his breath, you abruptly shove him off and away from you.
“What is wrong with you?” you yell, tears streaming down your face.
“I don’t know why I did that, I'm so sorry.” Jake’s own eyes rim with tears. He tries to approach you again, but you shove past him, right out the bathroom door.
“Y/n, please wait. I’m so sorry,” he calls out to you, not caring about all the eyes on him.
Running up to Danny and Sam you begin to babble on. Your voice stutters and stumbles from the tears and hiccups spewing out of you.
“Take me home please, Sammy. Please take me home,” you softly beg, hugging onto Danny and Sam.
Without a second thought, they escort you right out of the bar, not even bothering to say goodbye. Danny gets the three of you in the car, starting the drive back to your place. Sam chooses to sit in the back with you, holding your crying form the whole way home.
Danny makes quick work of getting y’all home, toting you out of his car. Sam follows somberly behind the two of you, head hanging low. They help wash your ruined makeup off your face. Sam helps you change into comfy clothes, while Danny gets you some water and medicine for tomorrow morning.
The house is uneasily quiet, you hadn’t uttered a word since y’all left the bar. Danny gets you tucked, tightly in your bed. He whispers words that you don’t even attempt to hear, just closing your eyes entirely. They both go to leave your room, but your cracked voice stops them. “Please don’t go. Stay.”
“We aren’t leaving, honey. We're just going to sleep out in the living room,” Sam softly replies.
“Stay in here with me, please. I don’t wanna be alone.” “Okay, okay. We’ll stay, come on Sam,” Danny motions to Sam.
That night, Sam slept right next to you and Danny remained right behind him. The exhaustion of the night hits you, dragging you further and further into sleep.
Weeks have gone by since that horrific night in the bar. You made Danny promise not to say or do anything to Jake, even though you're still upset about the whole interaction. Instead of dwelling on it, you force yourself into long nights at work, not leaving any time to see anyone other than Danny.
He had said things in the studio had been quite hostile, since the blow out. Little did he know that things had gotten way worse, in that tiny bar bathroom. You choose not to tell him what Jake did in the bathroom. Having a feeling that this whole thing could lead to something worse for the band, you decide to keep it to yourself.
Sam has been debatably even more worried about you. You’ve been blowing him off, not wanting to do anything other than work or be at home alone. Feeling awful about ‘abandoning’ him, you finally agree to go out again.
They had promised Jake wouldn’t show, not even inviting him in the first place. A small sense of guilt crowded you, not wanting to be a reason for a fall out with his brothers. But, you couldn’t help the even smaller sense of victory that overwhelmed you. There was no way in hell, you wanted to deal with Jake tonight.
Going straight from work to the bar, you don’t bother to change your work clothes. Walking in, Danny meets you at the door, blocking your view of the room. Looking up at him, you can see the tense look in his eyes.
“He’s here, isn’t he?”
“I’m sorry, I swear we didn’t invite him.”
Holding up a hand to stop him, you say, “It’s fine. He has just as much right to be here as I do.”
“He’ll leave if I ask him.”
“Danny, it’s fine. I’m fine, really.”
He can see the exhaustion in your eyes, clearly from overworking yourself for weeks now.
“Come on, drinks on me tonight.”
Shuffling your feet behind him, you follow without question.
They had gotten a table tonight, not wanting to play any games. The moment you walked up to the table, everyone got quiet. Of course, the moment you look up, Jake’s remorseful eyes are boring into yours.
He looks like he wants to say something, but you don’t give him any time.
“I need a drink.”
You saunter off towards the older bartender, jumping atop a barstool.
Meanwhile, the whole table’s eyes follow you, watching you silently.
“She looks awful.”
Sam slaps Josh’s chest, telling him to shut up.
“She hasn’t been sleeping well. Plus she’s overworking herself like crazy, never taking a break,” Danny replies. Jake shifts in his seat, the awkward tension obvious. He had showed up tonight in hopes of seeing you actually. After all the shit he put you through, not just that night, but all the times before. You deserved a real apology. If he apologized and you still wanted to never see him again, he would be okay with it. Well, the selfish part of him wouldn’t be alright, but if it's what you truly wanted, he would do it for you. Watching you from here, it was evident you hadn’t slept in god knows how long.
Your body was slumped against the bar-top, throwing back whatever was in your cup. Danny has never seen you like this before. Most of the time your sadness transformed into rage, and didn’t die down until you released it. Seeing you in such a somber state, triggers the overprotective side of Danny like no other. Glancing over at Jake every now and then, he makes it clear that he means business.
Jake doesn’t even pay Danny any attention, which is pretty stupid of him to do, but all he cares about right now is apologizing to you. It's selfish of him truly, to want to make amends with you, even though you hadn’t done anything wrong. Jake had screwed up, not you.
The dimmed lights of the bar, drained your eyes of any color. Jake grimaced as he watched you order yet another drink, knowing tomorrow morning would be rough for you.
At this point, an hour or two had passed and you hadn’t made any move to go back to the table, allowing yourself to wallow in self pity for a while longer. You can still feel his eyes on you, completely ignoring the conversation around him. A part of you wants him to get it over with and come talk to you, even though that's the last thing you need right now. The other half of you wants to spin around, on your chair, and scream at him until he leaves forever. Throwing back yet another drink that's mainly vodka, you stumble off the barstool and right out of the bar's door.
No one seems to notice your absence, too consumed in their current conversation. Pacing across the barren sidewalk, your head snaps up when the door opens once again.
Jake stands in front of the closed door, frozen in his spot, not wanting to scare you off. Mockingly laughing at Jake’s ashamed and apologetic face.
“You have got to be kidding me.”
He remains a safe distance from you, not sure what direction this conversation will go.
“Y/n, I know you don’t want to talk to me right now, but–”
“You're right, I don’t.”
“Y/n please, please let me explain.”
“There's nothing to explain, Jake. Your a fucking asshole, I already knew that.”
He falters, already feeling lightheaded just talking to you. “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I'm not looking for it. Just please give me a chance to explain.”
You grow deadly silent, not feeling up to arguing with him. Jake takes your silence as permission to explain.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said that night. I didn’t mean it, I really don’t know why I said it. I think– I think I was just jealous, jealous of you and Sam.”
“You were jealous of me and Sam dancing, so you decided to call me a whore in front of all our friends?” “And I’m sorry for it. It shouldn’t have even come out of my mouth. Cause you're not, you're so far from it.”
Tears start to build up in your eyes, not just from the drowning sadness, but from the burning rage building inside.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you either, that was way out of line. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so disgusted and ashamed of myself.”
“You know what you're selfish, Jake. Your really fucking selfish.”
“I know I am, I know–”
“No, you fucking don’t. You don’t get it, do you? I’ve been waiting for that my whole life. And you took it away from me to prove a point. Kissing is one thing, but kissing you was a big deal to me, Jake.” Tears are pouring down your face, the lump in your throat building with every word. “For years, I’ve hidden my feelings for you. Watching you jump from girl to girl, mourning the fact that it would never be me. I know, it's different for you and I can’t blame you for not feeling anything for me. I’m just Danny’s annoying little sister that just won’t leave you alone. Trust me, the message is clear, I promise to never bother you again. But, don’t you ever try to pull that shit with me again, I have fucking feelings too, Jake.” You can’t even believe the words that have left your mouth, all that alcohol gives you liquid courage or stupidity. Jake stands before you, eyes welling up with tears, utterly silent. Tired and slightly embarrassed with this whole situation, you make a move to walk away, but Jake reaches out for you, latching onto your wrist.
“Let go, Jake. I want to go home.”
“You're drunk, you can’t drive yourself home.”
“Fine, I’ll walk.”
Yanking your hand away from him, you start to stumble off.
“You live twenty minutes away, you can’t walk home, Y/n.”
“Watch me.”
“Y/n, let me take you home,” he jogs up to you, pleading. “Not a chance.”
“Please, just let me get you home safe, and I promise not to bother you again.”
Your eyes were bloodshot and your feet throbbed painfully. Exhaustion overrides your thoughts. Alcohol swimming throughout your body, leaving you woozy. “Fine.”
Without missing a beat, you slowly follow Jake to his car, parked down the street.
The car ride back to your place was deadly silent. You regret ever telling him about your feelings, already knowing what he’s thinking. It didn’t matter now, it could only get worse from here.
Pulling up to your house, Jake hesitantly follows after you inside. Your head is cloudy and you feel your body swaying as you walk further in your house. Is it possible for alcohol to have a delayed effect? Yes absolutely, that's why your body decides to betray you, totally forgetting how to walk.
Jake stumbles behind you, trying to catch you before you meet the floor. Hanging in his arms, Jake tugs you to your feet.
“I can walk on my own, thank you,” you snide.
Still walking along with you, Jake takes you to your bedroom.
“I know, just let me help this once.”
You groan, mumbling snarky comments under your breath, but allow him to help you anyways.
The sun had long set, leaving your room pitch black dark. Jake blindly searches for the switch to the lamp beside your bed. Turning it on, he places you on your bed gently. Laying flat on your back, you stick your feet out towards Jake, insinuating that you want me to take your shoes off. A slight smile graces his face at your exhausted state. He tugs your work shoes off of you, placing them on the floor next to you. Tucking yourself into bed, you turn facing away from Jake, already falling asleep.
Jake waits a moment, gazing at your sleeping form.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. Really, really sorry.”
Turning off the lamp, he makes his way out of your room. Starting to shut the door, he hears your cracked voice whisper softly.
“I forgive you, Jakey.”
“Oh god, how much did I drink last night?” replays in your mind as soon as you wake up the next morning.
The pounding headache and overwhelming nausea makes you curl further into the covers. Peeking an eye at the window, the sun shines high in the sky. It has to be mid-morning by now.
Everything from last night comes flooding back, causing you to wince, gritting your teeth. You're going to have to figure out how to never face Jake again. Maybe you should quit your job and move across the continent, then you would never have to see him again.
Rolling out of bed, you make the trek to the kitchen, needing to cure this hangover asap. You're still in your work clothes from yesterday, not even bothering to change at this point.
On the way to your kitchen, you notice a leg dangling from your couch.
Looking over the side of the couch, you stare down at a sleeping Jake. You had thought he went home after dropping you off. Silently tip toeing, you continue to your kitchen regardless of the man on your couch.
Jake wakes up to a loud clang from god knows where. Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, he spots a familiar photo, sitting atop a nearby shelf. It's an old photo from years ago, of you with all four boys at one of their first shows.
Hearing sizzling of some sort, Jake knows you're awake. Not bothering to get off the couch, he lets you come to him instead, not wanting to upset you any further. A few minutes go by and he hears your feet padding across the hardwood floor.
Not expecting him to be awake, you freeze standing awkwardly in front of him.
“You're awake.”
“I am.”
Tapping your foot against the floor, you try to think of something to say, but he beats you to it.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n.”
“Jake, it's fine really. Let's just pretend none of it happened.”
Looking up at you from the couch, he says, “I can’t do that. It's not fair to you.”
“Jake, really it's fine. I’m over it.”
“Well I’m not. I can’t just pretend like I didn’t hurt you. I won’t.”
“I made you breakfast, it's in the kitchen when you're ready.”
You scurry off, heading back into the kitchen, not wanting to continue this conversation. Jake follows you, not giving up on talking to you.
Standing in the kitchen together, you both stare each other down.
“Don’t walk away Y/n. Talk to me please, get mad at me, yell at me. I don’t care what you do, but please don’t pretend what happened last night didn't actually happen.” “What do you want me to say Jake?”
“Help me make it up to you.”
You rub your hands across your face in distress. “I don’t know how.”
Jake walks up close to you, clasping your cold hands in his. Looking at him in shock, you surprisingly allow him to continue.
“I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I'm asking for you to give me one chance to explain myself. Please, Y/n.”
Silence grew between you, but after a moment you finally spoke up.
“Fine, but you can explain yourself over breakfast.” Fixing both your plates, you take Jake out onto your back porch. You're going to need plenty of fresh air to handle Jake’s explanation. Jestering for him to start digging into his food.
He looks up at you nervously, clearing his throat.
“I’m not sure where to start.”
“How about you explain how all of this got started, what did I do to make you push me away?”
“It wasn’t you, you didn’t do anything wrong. Do you remember that dinner party at Josh and I’s house, two years ago?”
Nodding at his question, his breath stutters.
“I had just gotten out of a relationship a week prior to that party, and Josh had insisted I attend it regardless of my situation. He just wanted me to get out of the funk I was in, but truthfully that was the last thing I wanted to do. When I had finally gathered the courage to walk out there, I saw you,” he continued, noting the gears turning in your head. “I don’t know what happened other than I was surprised to see you. It had been months since the last time I saw you, and something just changed about you. Not in a bad way of course, just made me rethink everything I knew about you.”
“I had changed. When I went away to school, I made an effort to do better, be better for myself. I focused on my mental health, I was ten times happier by the time you saw me again.”
“I could tell, your smile was radiant. I think my feelings changed for you that night. I stopped thinking of you as Danny’s little sister, and started thinking of you as Y/n. But we both know, had I ever told you how I felt Danny would have killed me. I also knew I was too screwed up, to ever deserve you. Especially now that I've made even more of a fool of myself.”
“No really Y/n. I pushed you away to protect you, and partially myself. It was hard to be around you without feeling like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I never thought you would think of me as anything other than Sam’s older brother, that was until last night. Which is why I needed to explain myself so I could truly apologize. I had no idea what that kiss would have meant to you, and I wish I could do it all over again.”
“You're such a dumbass. Of course, I fell in love with you. Who wouldn’t? Did you screw up and make shitty decisions? Obviously, but your human Jake. I think it's going to take some time to heal whatever we are, but I want to if you want to.”
Facing each other, you take Jake’s hands in yours, looking him in the eye.
“I will spend my life making it up to you, Y/n.”
Rolling your eyes playfully at his comment, you tug him closer to you.
“How about you start now?”
Grinning at you, he pulls you into a gentle yet passionate kiss.
“Danny’s going to kill us.”
The both of you die out laughing, falling into each other.
Weeks had passed since you and Jake had reconciled, starting a flourishing relationship.
Jake was heaven to be with, constantly pampering you with love. The only issue you’ve had was Danny.
You had made it a point to talk to your big brother, explaining everything that happened with Jake, minus the bar bathroom situation. Explaining that you two had made up and were great now, so Danny could go back to being best friends with Jake. He was hesitant about it, mostly because he didn’t want you to push everything under the rug so he could be friends with Jake again.
Little did he know, you and Jake were way more than friends, spending almost all of your free time together. Jake was prepared to tell Danny about the both of you, ready to be pummeled by the taller man. But, you had decided that you just wanted to stay in your little bubble for a while longer. The both of you snuck around like two teenagers, kissing on each other every chance you get. So, when Danny showed up to your house unannounced early one morning, you couldn’t help the panic that set in. You did your best to distract your big brother, walking him into your kitchen.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. Has work really been that crazy for you?”
“Oh yeah, they have been running me wild lately,” you say, thinking back to how you’ve really been spending your time in bed... with Jake.
“My hard working little sister, ahh i’m so proud of you,” Danny says, chuckling.
“Uhuh, sure.”
Walking to the fridge, you offer him a drink.
“Is that Sam’s shirt? Are you two swapping clothes again?” you question.
“No, for your information, he stole this shirt from me. Actually now that you mention it, where did you find that shirt?”
Looking down at the shirt you're currently wearing, your eyes widen in fear.
“Uh, I think I bought it at some thrift shop downtown. Why?”
“It's funny, cause I think Jake has a shirt just like it.” Shrugging your shoulders at his words, you try to change the topic.
“Do you have to go to the studio today?”
“Yeah later on this afternoon, that's why I stopped by this morning actually. Are you free tomorrow night? The guys want to go out again and we want you to come with us.” You turn towards the sink, placing the dishes in the dishwasher. “Yeah, sure. I may be a tad bit late because of work, but I can go.”
“Have you talked to Mom about that wedding we have to go to?” you ask, but silence follows your question. “Danny? Did you hear me–”
Spinning around in his direction, a squeak leaves your lips at the scene before you.
Jake stands, eyes wide in the kitchen, only wearing his boxers. Danny stares in surprise, eyes flitting back and forth between the two of you.
“Dan, I can explain–”
He holds up a hand to silence you.
“I see why you wanted to smooth things between me and Jake now.”
Jake remains silent, not wanting to make things worse by talking. His eyes meet yours, silently asking what he should do.
Looking over at Danny, you start to plead with him, trying to make him understand.
A smile breaks out upon Danny’s face, laughter spewing out. Panic and confusion spread throughout you, not sure what to do.
“I already knew about you two.”
“You knew?”
“Y’all aren’t exactly sneaky, especially this one here,” he points to Jake, who is still frozen in place.
“What did he do?”
“You should check his phone screen some time.”
“So, you're not mad?”
“No, I’m not mad. But, if you screw up again, I won’t hesitate to beat your ass,” he says pointedly at Jake.
Still silent, Jake profusely nods in response. Danny gets up from his spot at the table, walking over to you. Pulling you into a hug, he pats your back.
“I’m happy for you.”
Pulling away from you, Danny walks over, grabbing his keys off the bartop. “I’m going to get out of here. It’s nauseating to think about Jake spending the night here.” Patting Jake on the shoulder, he continues his stroll to your front door.
“Love you, Dan,” you shout.
“Love you too, kiddo,” he says, shutting the door behind him.
Finally, it's just you and Jake alone in the kitchen, staring at each other.
“Well, that went better than I thought it would.”
“Honey, I’m in my underwear.”
“At least I wasn’t in my underwear,” you say reassuringly. Trotting over to Jake, you wrap your arms around his neck. “I’m so embarrassed,” he says, tucking his face into the crook of your neck.
Whispering into his ear, “I bet I can make you feel better.” “You're unsustainable, woman,” his body tensed at your words.
Releasing your grip on him, you walk away towards your bedroom.
“Better get used to it, Jakey.”
Jake watched the sway of your hips, smiling at your words.
Reaching the doorway of your bedroom, you look over your shoulder at him. “You coming?”
Striding after you, he chases you into your bedroom. “Yes, ma’am.”
Giggles die out between you two, your cheeks hurting from your wide smiles. Wrapped up in your own little world with him, utterly blissful.
No matter what happens, you can always count on Jake to be by your side. The past remains forgotten and the present full of unyielding love. Who knows what the future holds, as long as you have Jake, you're okay with the uncertainty.
Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed:)))
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Unexpected Hunter Pt 4
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Chapter Warnings: fluff, SMUT, mention of weapons, Dean being an ass, safe sex, violence, drug use, alcohol, mention of infertility and pregnancy.
a/n: Sorry got a little carried away with this one. Also, I apologize but what I did with Dean is something I really feel he would do. Especially after losing so much in his life. I cried a little writing this. Sorry in advance. I promise it’ll get better.
18+ Minors DNI
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed. The door to the adjoining room was open. You got up went to the bathroom and got dressed. Once dressed you walked to Sam and Dean’s room. Sam was sitting at the table on his laptop but Dean and Lexi were gone. “Morning Sam. Where’s Dean and Lexi” you asked him. “Hey, good morning y/n. Dean went to grab breakfast and he took Lexi with him.” Sam said without really looking up. “Whatcha doing Sammy” you asked him. “Just some research into the local area and the victims.” He said. “Can I help with anything. I’d like to learn how to at least research” you said kinda pouting. Sam chuckled and explained how they did their research and how they map things out before they head into any fight. “We try to have as much information as we can so we don’t go in blind” he said showing you the screen.
Just then the door swung open and Lexi came bounding in. She ran up to you and licked you. “Hey girl. How are you. Did you sleep good in that big bed all by yourself” you asked petting her. You looked up at Dean but as soon as you looked at him he looked away. What the hell, you thought to yourself. “Hey Dean I’m showing y/n how to research so she can help us out on cases. Figured you’d want to keep her around” Sam said with a smirk. “Shut it Sammy” Dean said with a growl in his voice. Sam spun his head around and looked at Dean “what the hell man, what pissed in your coffee this morning” Sam said and looked over at you.
Tears were pricking your eyes and your heart was breaking. What happened between last night and this morning. Everything was perfect as you drifted off to sleep. That’s when you realized you told him you loved him. Of fuck, way to screw it up. I probably scared him off. It was way too soon to say it. You looked up at Dean and when you made eye contact with him he grabbed his jacket and said “I’m going to the police station and see what I can find out” and he stormed out of the room. You looked at Sam and he got up and took off after him.
You stood up and walked into your room, called Lexi and closed and locked the door. You needed to be alone. You made love to Dean, gave him all of you, fell in love with him and now he can’t look at you. You couldn’t hold the tears back anymore. You cried into your pillow and felt the hole in your chest get bigger with every tear that fell. Sam was at the car before Dean could leave. “What the hell Dean. Why are you acting like such a dick this morning. I thought you liked her. Hell you guys have screwed more times in two days than you usually do in a month.” Sam said as he blocked Dean from leaving. “Stay out of it Sammy. My personal life is not your concern. I’ll screw who I want when I want. I don’t need you or her telling me what I can and can’t do. Now move so I can leave.” Dean said through gritted teeth. “No, Dean. I’m coming with you. I have no clue what happened but I’m going with you to the police station. We are still on a case.” Sam climbed in the car and Dean took off towards the station.
After all your tears were done you had a horrible headache. You took some medicine and curled up on the bed with Lexi. You pulled the pillow Dean slept on close to you. You could still smell him on it. Even though he was rejecting you it still brought you comfort. Maybe he’ll talk to me later. You thought as you drifted off to sleep. A few hours later you heard Sam and Dean back in their room. You couldn’t hear what they were saying but you just laid in bed. You couldn’t bear to see him right now.
Then there was a knock on the door. “Please go away. I’m not feeling well” you said trying to control your shaking voice. The knocking continued. You just laid there. “Y/n please open up. Dean’s gone. It’s just me.” Sam pleaded through the door. You walked over and unlocked it. As soon as Sam saw you he wrapped his arms around you and you lost it again. “Sammy what did I do.” You said to him. “Everything was perfect. I let him in. He was so sweet and gentle. I love him. I didn’t mean to tell him. It just came out last night after we made love. Oh Sam, I don’t know how to fix this” you said sobbing into his chest. “Shhh, it’s okay y/n. I’m sure we can fix this. Dean just has so many walls up and when he’s confronted with real feelings he gets scared and reacts. I’ll talk to him.” Sam said while rubbing your back. He placed a soft kiss on your head and told you he’d be back.
Sam left and headed toward the local bar. He knew he’d find Dean in there. Sure enough Dean was sitting at the bar with a whiskey in one hand and a blonde in his other. Sam walked up and made eye contact with Dean and saw he already had finished off three drinks. “Don’t start Sam. I mean it.” Dean said. “Dean, come on man. She’s really upset. You’ve got to talk to her” Sam pleaded with his brother. “Not gonna happen Sam. She should have known it was just a good time. She’s the one who caught feelings” Dean said as he stood up. He grabbed the blonde’s hand pulling her towards the door. “Gotta go baby brother. I’ve got more important things to do” He said with a smirk on his face as the woman giggled.
He headed back to the room with her. He knew you were there but he didn’t care. When he got back to the room he saw the door was open. Lexi came bounding into the room and started licking Dean. You ran in after her and stopped dead in your tracks. There Dean was smelling like whiskey with a woman on his arm. You looked at Dean and your heart broke. Tears started streaming down your face. For a second you thought he was going to say something but he just stood there. Fucking coward, you thought. “Come on Lexi. Let’s leave Dean alone with his latest conquest.” You said as you stormed out of the room slamming the door and locking it.
A few minutes later you heard Dean and the blonde going at it. Your heart broke more and then you felt sick. How could three words do so much damage. You know he felt it. He said he felt something. Was it all a lie. Ugh. The blonde was getting louder with every passing minute. You couldn’t take it anymore. You got up got dressed and went to the bar. You didn’t care who or what came after you. You had to get away from him and his conquest.
When you arrived at the bar Sam was sitting at a table. You walked over to him and sat down. “Hey y/n I guess he took her back to the room “ he said. “Yeah he and the blonde are getting to know each other. I couldn’t listen to it for another minute. I had to leave.” You said. The waitress came over and you ordered a double shot of whiskey. When she brought it you tossed it back and ordered another. Again tossed it back as soon as she brought it. Three double shots later and you were on the dance floor grinding on any guy that would let you. Sam tried to get you to sit down and eat something and sober up but you told him no. There was a tall dark haired man with piercing blue eyes dancing with you and letting you rub all over his body. You decided you were taking him back to your room tonight. Consequences be damned.
You waited for Sam to be distracted and you and blue eyes took off towards your room. You didn’t know if Dean was still in his room but you didn’t care. Blue eyes was on you the minute you closed the door. Clothes were flying around and he was kissing you all over your body. He felt good but nothing like Dean. No, stop it! Don’t think about Dean. You thought to yourself. He threw you on the bed and you landed with a yelp. Before you could say anything he slid a condom on and slid right in. He was rough and not in a good way. Moans filled your room and then he flipped you over on your knees. The new angle was deeper. You started yelling and moaning louder. Not realizing how loud you were.
Blue eyes was grunting loudly and slapping your ass. You heard a loud banging on the door and yelling. At first you couldn’t make it out because your face was in the pillow. You picked your head up and heard “who the fuck do you have in there y/n”. It was Dean banging on the door. Blue eyes stopped and you bucked your hips and yelled “oh fuck, yeah, don’t stop. Fuck me”. You knew Dean could hear you and it pissed him off. He started banging louder. Blue eyes started to stop and you shot him a don’t you dare look. He kept going until he came. Once he did he went to the bathroom and removed the condom and got dressed. “Who the fuck is banging on your door” he asked. “Just some jackass. Ignore him” you said. “Hey babe I’m not getting in the middle of drama. Thanks for the fuck. I’m leaving” he said as he walked out.
Once he was gone you grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around you and went to open the door. Dean was still banging on it. You opened the door and said “what the fuck do you want Dean”. He looked at you and saw you were naked and for a second you thought he looked hurt. “Who the hell did you have in here y/n” he asked as he stormed in your room. “What the hell do you care, Dean. What about your blonde bimbo” you snapped back. He just stared at you. “Dean I want you to leave. I’m not in the mood to fight with you. I know where I stand with you. Once we get back to the bunker I’m leaving. So please leave my room. I’m exhausted and I want to go to bed.” You said not able to look at him. Dean stood there for a minute. His whole world spiraling and he didn’t know what to do. He hurt you bad and he knew it. All he wanted to do was to kiss you and tell you he loved you too but he couldn’t. He looked at you and said “okay, y/n I’m sorry” and he walked away shutting the door behind him. You collapsed on the floor sobbing. God this man frustrated you. Why wouldn’t he fight for you. Did you really mean so little to him. You dragged yourself to the bathroom, got dressed and crawled into bed. You fell asleep after about an hour of crying.
The next morning you woke up with a massive headache. You grabbed water and Tylenol. After about 30 minutes you got in the shower. You got dressed and prepared yourself to see Dean. You unlocked the door and knocked. Sam answered and offered you a hug. “I’m sorry y/n. Dean told me everything. You don’t have to leave. You’re more than welcome to stay.” Sam said. “I appreciate it Sam, but I don’t think I can. It hurts too much. Now let’s dive into this case so you boys can protect this town.” You said sitting at the table. The door opened and Dean walked in with 3 coffees and some breakfast. You looked at him and for the first time since yesterday morning he looked in your eyes. His eyes were puffy and sad. You knew he had been crying and your heart clenched. You wanted nothing more than to hug him, but you stayed put. “I got coffee and breakfast sandwiches for everyone” Dean said in a very quiet voice. “Thank you, Dean” was all you said. He felt his heart clench when you said his name.
After you ate and drank your coffee you dove into the research. You could feel Dean staring at you and when Sam would notice he’d clear his throat. A few hours later you realized a connection between all the missing and the victims. “Oh my goodness guys, look. All the victims are women between the ages of 20-35. Unmarried and of child bearing age. The ones that turned up dead all had noticeable scarring to their uterus which would cause fertility issues. The vamps are targeting women who can have children. They are trying to breed instead of turn. Holy shit guys.” You said breaking the silence in the room. Sam said “so that means they have to be near a hospital or doctor’s office”. He pulled out a map and found the nearest hospital. Right beside it was an abandoned building. He pulled up the deed information and it belonged to a doctor. “Got it. I think this is where they are. Dean let’s go do some surveillance before we head in.” Sam said. Dean stood up and looked at you in awe. You made eye contact with him and almost said something but stopped. You looked away and told them both to be careful. You stood and Sam pulled you in to a big hug and kissed your head. “You’re amazing y/n” he said as he pulled away. Dean just stood there looking a little frustrated and sad. The guys headed out the door and climbed in the car. You sat back down at the table.
Dean got in the car and looked at Sam but didn’t say anything. He wanted to tell him he screwed up and ask his brother how to fix it but he kept quiet. A few minutes later they pulled into a lot near the building. They crept up to it and looked inside. Sure enough there were the missing women and they counted 4 vamps. There was another woman on a bed who wasn’t part of the missing reports they had. She was about 30 and looked very pregnant. Dean looked at Sam shocked. You were right. They were breeding vampires. The brothers headed back to the car to make a plan.
“Okay so I counted 4 vamps and at least 6 women, including the pregnant one.” Dean said. “There has to be another vamp. One that is calling the shots. I think we should wait and see who else shows up. We need to make sure we get all of them.” Sam said as he climbed in the car. Dean wanted to get this over with but he knew Sam was right.
While the guys were gone you started looking for a new place to stay. You had a degree so getting a job wouldn’t be hard, but where would you go. You couldn’t stay near the bunker because it would hurt too much to see Dean, but you loved the area. You decided you would move just outside the area and get a hotel room until you found a permanent place. You sighed because your whole word has been turned upside down since you were attacked. You really thought you found home and found the one. You felt so stupid to have fallen so fast.
You decided to take Lexi for a walk and hopefully clear your head. Grabbing your shoes and the leash you left a note for the guys in case they came back before you. Walking outside the sunlight and fresh air hit you. It washed over your body and it felt amazing. Lexi was excited to be outside and was jumping around. You laughed at her. At least you still have her you thought.
You found a little park and decided to let her run a bit. The part as pretty empty and she really needed to stretch her legs. You sat on a bench and watched her run around you and play. Lexi was a good dog. She always stayed close to you even off her leash. As you were watching her a man sat down on the bench beside you. He was a little older. Maybe early 50s with gray hair and deep brown eyes. He definitely was good looking. You two exchanged some polite small talk while you kept an eye on Lexi. “So you don’t look like you’re from around here” the man said with a voice that sent a chill down your spine. “No, just passing through. I’m gonna be leaving soon” you said. “That’s a shame. I’d like to get some coffee or something with you” the man said. You blushed and for some reason you said you’d like that too.
You took Lexi back to the room and met the mystery man at the local diner.
He was already there when you arrived. You offered him a soft smile and sat down. “I hope you don’t mind but I went ahead and ordered you a coffee” he said as he motioned to the cup in front of you. “Oh thank you” you said as you poured creamer and sugar in the cup. You learned he was a local doctor who grew up here and after med school came back as his way to give back to the place that made him who he was. He told you he had four siblings but no special person or children in his life. He was so easy to talk to. He touched your hand and gave you a smile that made your hair stand on end. Your heart rate picked up. Oh god, was he a vamp? You thought to yourself. “Um, I’ll be back. I’m going to head to the restroom” you said. As you stood up you felt a little dizzy. You made it to the bathroom and tried to call Dean. He picked up and all you could say was “Dean” before you hit the floor.
“Sweetheart, you okay. Talk to me.” Then he heard a thud and the line went dead. “Sam it’s y/n she said my name and I think she passed out. We have to go now!” He said as he threw the car in reverse and took off.
Mystery man had collected you from the bathroom and put you in his car. Nobody questioned him when he carried you out because of course he’s a doctor.
Dean was in a panic trying to get back to the hotel. When they arrived they found Lexi but not you. “Damn where is she Sammy?!” Dean yelled as he punched the wall. “We will find her Dean. Let’s start asking around town. She couldn’t have gone far” Sam said trying to reassure his brother. They got in the car and drove to the stores and restaurants in town. Each place they went to turned up nothing. The last place was the diner. They walked in and the waitress told them to sit wherever. Dean walked up to the counter and said they were looking for their friend. He described you and the woman said “I think she was in here not long ago. She was with Dr Lincoln. He’s so dreamy”. Dean rolled his eyes. “Did you see where they went” he asked full of frustration. “Oh yeah, the poor dear collapsed in the bathroom. Dr Lincoln took her out. I’m sure he took her to his clinic. He’s such a good man. Always taking care of the people in this town.” The waitress said. Dean gave Sam a look. “Where is his clinic” they both asked. The waitress gave them directions and the colored drained from their faces. His clinic is inside the hospital. They thanked her and ran towards the car. “It’s okay Dean we will save her.” Sam said to Dean. “Sammy I can’t lose her. I should have told her. I love her. I’m just scared Sam. Everything I love leaves.” He said choking back tears.
Dr Lincoln arrived at the building and three of the vamps helped him get you inside. “She smells delightful. She’ll make a great addition to our family” one of the men said. Dr Lincoln growled “hands off. This one is mine.” They tied you to the chair and you started to come to. Your head was pounding and you were still groggy. “What, where am I” you asked as your eyes adjusted. You realized you were tied up. Dr Lincoln walked closer to you and smiled. Showing you his fangs. You gasped. “Don’t worry darlin, I’m going to take real good care of you.” He said as his brushed his hands over your neck. He inhaled deeply taking in your scent. Your heart was pounding and all you could think about was Dean. A single tear slid down your face. You didn’t want to die without telling him one last time you loved him.
Dean was driving as fast as he could. When they got to the hospital they took off towards the clinic. The office was closed but Dean kicked the door in. He and Sam searched every room. You weren’t there. “Sammy where the hell are they” Dean asked frustrated. “I don’t know. We will find them” Sam tried to reassure him.
One of the other vamps came over and took a long smell of you. He leaned down and smelled all the way up your body. He jumped back and look startled at mid level. “What the fuck” he said. “Uh boss, we’ve got a problem with this one” All you could think about was the girls who ended up dead because they couldn’t have a baby. This is it you thought. I’m going to die. You closed your eyes and all you saw was Dean’s beautiful green eyes and his smile. “I love you Dean” you whispered. Dr Lincoln came over and the other guy started whispering. “Fuck!” Was all Dr Lincoln said. I should have checked before I took her. I’ll figure out what to do with her.” He said and you opened your eyes. His dark eyes looking at you. “I should have smelled it as soon as I met you. Now you’re useless to me right now.” He hissed at you. “What, what should you have smelled” you asked with a tremble in your voice. “You’re already spoiled. You’re pregnant” he said.
“What, I’m pregnant” you whispered out. Oh my god. I’m pregnant with Dean’s baby. Joy and sorrow filled your heart. You loved him and would want to have his baby, but you aren’t going to live long enough to have it. Oh Dean, I’m so sorry” you thought before everything went dark.
Part 5
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @nescaveckwriter @kr804573 @jensengirl83 @k-slla @jackles010378
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The Widow - Chapter Seven
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Chapter Seven
Summary: Sam and Y/N are happily married, but everything changes after a fatal car accident leaves her a widow. The Winchester motto: "Family Don't End with Blood," takes on a whole new meaning for Y/N as she navigates her new normal with the help of her brother-in-law, Dean. But what no one can tell her, is what happens when she falls in love again?   
Pairing: Sam Winchester x F!Reader (past) | Dean Winchester x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, fluff
Words: 2,416
You can catch up here!
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Dean’s POV
Dean doesn’t feel better for the amount of whiskey he drank last night. He feels worse. Much worse. The guilt hasn’t been washed away like he’d hoped it would be; not just guilt that he’d fucked his brother’s widow, but also that he’d left her alone in his bed afterwards. That was not one of his finer moments, and if he could take it back, he’d have stayed there with her wrapped in his arms all night long.
Last night with Y/N was everything he could’ve imagined and more, but he knows not to hope for anything more than that. She’s far too good for him. Too kind. Too caring. Too beautiful. He doesn’t deserve her. Especially after he tricked her into kissing him and then took her to bed. And the hatred he had for himself just kept on coming. How could he do that?
He really fucked things up. He always does. Another reason he doesn’t deserve her – or rather, she doesn’t deserve him. He can feel tears prick at his eyes again, but sniffs them back as he hears movement from upstairs. Y/N will be down soon, and he’ll be damned if she sees him cry like a baby when he knows she’s hurting way more than he is right now.
As soon as she walks through the door, he looks down, feeling far too cowardly to look at her. “Morning, sweetheart. How’d you sleep?” He asks, trying to make himself look busy.
“Fine. Though it looks like you’ve had a rough night,” Y/N replies, and Dean can hear the tremor in her voice. He swears if he could punch himself in the face he’d knock himself out cold for what he’s done to her.
“Couldn’t sleep. You want coffee?” He glances up at her for the first time, but only because he hears her keys jangling.
“I have to go.” Y/N’s voice is monotone, and he squeezes his eyes shut, knowing that all her pain and anger is because of him.
“Sweetheart, I thought we were gonna talk about this? You promised me, good or bad,” he begs. Yes, she did promise him that, but he’s well aware that he shifted the goalposts on that promise when he took her into his bed.
“And we will,” her voice is trembling and her eyes are watering, and Dean would rather face the hounds of hell than see this much pain on her beautiful face. “But I can’t right now, okay?” She avoids eye contact with him as she turns to walk away.
“Y/N, please! Don’t walk away from me on this! It’s too important. You’re too important.” Dean knows he’s losing her, and desperately tries to stop her from walking out that door, because he fears that if she does, he’ll never see her again.
“And I said I can’t right now, Dean!” Her tears fall thick and fast and her words leave her in a sob. “I need some time with all of this, okay? It’s too much. And I’m meeting Jody soon. I’ll call you later, so why don’t you get some sleep now that I’m not in your bed,” she finishes with pure venom in her voice and wipes the tears from her eyes as she turns to walk out the door.
“Y/N! It’s not like that, I swear! You’ve got it all wrong!” Dean shouts, but is met with nothing but the sound of his door slamming.
Running after her and trying to get to her before she drives off, he swings the door open and sprints down the front steps, but he isn’t quick enough. Y/N is already in the car and is driving down the street.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean yells, not caring for his neighbours or the early hour, and goes back inside and slams the door shut. Picking up his cell phone, he calls the only person he trusts with something this big.
“Dad? I messed up with Y/N and I don’t know if I can fix it.”
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“You gonna tell me what happened, son, or are you just gonna sit there and hope it goes away?” John asks, but Dean keeps his eyes fixed on the floor.
With a loud sigh, John sits next to him and also remains silent. Dean had always had a deep, sensitive side – just like his mother, John always told him – and Dean knew his father would sit right there next to him until he was ready to talk about it.
“I slept with Y/N,” Dean eventually murmurs, glancing up only when John lets out a low whistle.
“Didn’t she have a date last night?” he frowns, and Dean can see the cogs turning behind his concerned gaze.
“Yeah. It was the perfect date with the perfect guy,” Dean sighs, and drags his hand over his face.
“I’m not following here,” John chuckles. “If it was the perfect date with the perfect guy, why did she end up in your bed?”
“She came to me upset after the date because Jacob,” Dean scoffs his name, “apparently, was the perfect gentleman and took her on the perfect date and kissed her goodnight. But Y/N didn’t feel anything. She said she felt numb and then got even more upset asking me if Sammy was the only person she was supposed to be with, and if she was broken for not feeling anything with date dude.
“I tried to convince her she was wrong, that he just wasn’t the guy for her, but she was too far inside her head, you know how she gets. She was gonna go home, but I didn’t think she should be alone. I kissed her as a kinda experiment to see if she felt anything with me. I was expecting disgust, honestly, but she started to kiss back and it just…” Dean doesn’t finish his thought. Doesn’t need to, so he lets it hang in the air.
“And it led to you two having sex,” John nods in understanding of his son’s panicked babbling. “What makes you think you’ve fucked things up with her?”
“After, when she was asleep, the guilt I felt that I’d slept with Sammy’s wife and that I took advantage of her… it was killing me and I went downstairs and drank. And I cried,” Dean’s voice was cracking as he tried to keep his emotions in check. “And I begged him to forgive me for falling in love with his girl, and I prayed that she wouldn’t hate me in the morning.”
“You left her alone after sleeping with her? Dean, tell me you went back to bed?” John asks and curses loudly. “How could you do that? Do you know what she must’ve been feeling?”
“No, you will listen to me!” John barks, and Dean is quick to shut his mouth and slump down in the chair. “You are the first person she’s been with since her husband and you left her alone? You say you felt guilty about it, how do you think she felt, Dean? Do you think she doesn’t feel guilty? Doesn’t feel like she has betrayed her husband by sleeping with his brother? Do you think maybe she woke up in the morning, alone, in a cold, empty bed and thought ‘oh, I’m just another notch on Dean’s bedpost,’ on top of the guilt and the betrayal and the shame, huh? Did you even stop to think about that?”
“I didn’t,” Dean admits sadly. “I got so caught up in thinking about Sammy and that I’d taken advantage of her that I never stopped to consider how she was feeling.”
“Y/N is not one to be taken advantage of, son. If she slept with you, it’s because she wanted to,” John states firmly before the two men share a moment of silence. Dean, at least, is thankful for a break in the interrogation and hopes a break in tension happens soon too.
“Listen, Dean,” John speaks, much calmer than he’d been before. “She’d chop off your balls if you tried something she didn’t want!” he smirks and, with a sad smile Dean nods in agreement with him.
“If you want my opinion, Dean, you need to sit down with her and talk about this and what comes next. And you need to accept how she feels and what she says.” John claps Dean’s shoulder and stands, making his way to the fridge and pulling out two bottles of beer.
“Nah,” Dean shakes his head, refusing the beer. “I think I’ll go to the garage for a few hours. Seems like a good time to bash the frame of that Mustang back into shape. Give me time to think a bit before I call her.”
“Don’t leave it too long, Dean. She needs to know she wasn’t a mistake,” John’s voice is firm and leaves no room for argument.
“Yes, sir,” Dean replies as he stands and puts his jacket on.
“And Dean? If you need it, you have my blessing to be with her. And I’m sure you have Sammy’s too. If you’re in love and will be happy together, then I support you. Sam would want her to be happy and to be with a good man. You’re a good man, Dean, but you need to fix this. I’m not losing both of them,” John warns and Dean nods.
“You won’t,” he promises. “I’ll fix it.”
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Working out all the dents and scratches, and doing the welding work on the body of the beat up old Mustang was somewhat therapeutic to Dean, and he felt like he’d managed to work out most of his frustrations at himself within a few hours. Y/N had mentioned that morning that she was meeting Jody and he didn’t think she’d lie to him about something like that, so he’d give her a little more time before he went over.
The thought that if he called her, she wouldn’t pick up has been at the forefront of his mind, so he decided showing up at her house, knowing she’ll let him in even if it was reluctantly, is the better option. She’s too polite to turn him away, and he knows she wouldn’t make a scene at her doorstep with her nosy neighbours always watching from their windows.
As Dean cleans up the shop and puts away the tools he’s been using, his phone starts to ring. With a heavy dread settling in his stomach, he sees that it’s Jody calling, and he knows she’s going to tear him a new one.
“Hey, Jody,” he answers the call, trying to hide his nerves.
“How are you, Dean?” she asks, concern lacing her voice, and it takes him off guard.
“I’ve been better,” he chuckles sadly.
“I bet,” Jody responds.
“How’s Y/N?” Dean asks before holding his breath for the answer.
“I’d say about as good as you,” Jody laughs softly. “Look, Dean, I’m not calling to burst your balls, but I do need to know one thing.”
“Anything,” Dean agrees quickly.
“Do you regret what happened last night?” Jody asks and Dean’s heart shatters.
“What? No! Of course not,” he insists sincerely.
“She thinks you do, Dean.”
“Shit! She does? Is that why she couldn’t get away from me quick enough this morning?” Dean feels a small bloom of hope in his chest that this won’t end as badly as he thinks it will.
“Alright, I don’t have a lot of time here, Y/N’s in the restroom and will be back any minute, so I’m just gonna say this. You slept with her then left her alone in bed all night while you were drowning your sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. She wakes up to an empty bed, feeling guilty for betraying her husband, and when she comes downstairs she finds an empty liquor bottle and the first man she’s fucked since her husband avoiding eye contact with her. How would you interpret that, Dean?”
“Fuck!” Dean yells, feeling even worse than he did this morning if that was possible.
“You need to talk this out with her,” Jody advises sternly.
“You’re right, I do. And I’m planning on going to the house later. I wanted to make sure she was home from seeing you first,” Dean replies. “Can you do me a favour and text me when she’s on her way?”
“I’ll convince her to order dessert at The Bunker. It shouldn’t be hard, her favourite is on the specials,” Jody says, and Dean can hear the smile in her voice. “I can stall her for about an hour if you want to come by and drive her home.”
“Yes, ma’am, I’ll be waiting outside. Thanks, Jody,” Dean smiles.
“No problem, kiddo. Good luck!”
And with that, Jody ends the call. Smiling for the first time all day, Dean quickly finishes tidying up before hurrying home to shower and change into clean clothes before going to see Y/N. The last thing he needs is to be having a serious conversation and pouring his heart out while covered in grease and sweat.
Dean gets to The Bunker with time to spare, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way. He wants to be waiting for her. He wants her to know that she’s important to him and that he wants to fix things between them.
He parks Baby outside the restaurant and gets out of the car, leaning against her hood and waiting patiently for Y/N. When he sees her walking towards him, his heart skips a beat, and he can’t remember a time when he’d felt more nervous, and it reaffirms just how much she’s come to mean to him these past few months.
Dean watches as she laughs with Jody, but his heart sinks when he sees her stop suddenly, her smile fading as their eyes meet. He keeps his eyes on her and sees Jody lean in and say something to her.
After the brief conversation, the women hug and part ways, and Jody sends a wink and a thumbs up his way. Y/N lowers her gaze and slowly walks towards him. When he opens the passenger door for her, she finally glances up.
“Hey,” she says as she gets in the car.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he smiles, but he isn’t confident it reaches his eyes, because he’s so damn nervous about what comes next.
Next Chapter>>
@deans-spinster-witch @muchamusedaboutnothing @kazsrm67 @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @leigh70 @waynes-multiverse @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @chriszgirl92 @stoneyggirl2 @marilynnlew @ilovedean-spn2 @deans-baby-momma @acitygrownwillow @xxsovereignsarayaxx @frozenhuntress67 @lacilou @rach5ive @iprobablyshipit91
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ourtearsofrain · 20 days
Slow It Down (D.R.W/S.F.K)- Chapter 11
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Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, not smut but Sam def makes a flirty comment
Word Count:  3k
Warnings: Sam has an almost menty b, it’s almost painful how oblivious they are
August 18th, 8:45 PM
It had been over a week since Danny had had that conversation with Josh in that record store, and he still hadn’t tried to talk to Sam. He hadn’t tried after their group had a board game night at his place, or during the various hikes they had gone on, both with the twins and alone with Sam. And he especially hadn’t tried the night they went to a drive-in theater to see Top Gun and Sam had been so tired he insisted on crashing on Danny’s floor instead of taking the one-minute walk back to his place.
Tonight though, tonight would be different. After stalling all day, Danny was finally marching his ass over to the Kiszka’s to talk to Sam. He knew the door would be unlocked, and he just hoped that Sam was already in his room so he wouldn’t have to come up with an excuse as to why he needed to talk to him alone, his mind already too occupied with what he was going to say.
Just. Breathe. You can do this, you’re good at communication, great even. He’s not. But that’s fine, it’s fine. Maybe he’ll be more open to talk when I open up first. “Hello?” Met with silence as he cracks open their front door, Danny assumes that everyone was either gone or in their own rooms, praying that if they were gone, Sam would still be home. Up the stairs, to the right, up the stairs, to the right. You know how to get to his goddamn room, it hasn’t changed in years.
After dragging his feet up the stairs, he stops in front of Sam’s door, pausing as his hand rises to knock to take a deep breath. When he’s met with nothing but silence, Danny can’t decide if he was more relieved or disappointed, deciding to crack open the door to see if Sam was listening to music and couldn’t hear him.
As soon as the door creaks open, he hears quiet sobs coming from behind the side of Sam’s bed not facing the door, seeing nothing in the darkness of his room. He makes his way into the room quietly, flicking on the lamp on his desk to see Sam curled on his side on the floor, his arms wrapped around his stomach as he took heaving breaths through his tears.
“Sammy?” Expecting to be alone, Sam jumps slightly, moving to sit on the floor as Danny gingerly makes his way over to him. “What’s wrong?”
He brings his hands to his face, using rough motions to scrub his tears away, leaving the skin around his eyes raw and red. Sniffing quietly, he trains his eyes on the floor at his feet. “Nothing.”
“You can’t say nothing’s wrong when I just walked in on you home alone, sobbing on your floor in the dark.” Danny takes a seat next to him, leaning his back against the bed as he tries to meet Sam’s eyes. “Please talk to me.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Sam bumps into his bedside table as he tries to scoot away from him, finding himself cornered as Danny moves closer.
“Sam, I’m going to be very honest with you because I care about you. I’m not trying to be a dick at all, I promise. If this friendship is going to continue, I need you to communicate with me. The whole reason we stopped talking, lost everything for almost three years is because we didn’t- we didn’t talk about our feelings. So, this time, it needs to be different. Because I missed you, and I don’t want to lose you again. I want to try and help you, while I’m still able to try to help in person…”
Sam’s face twists with anguish as he finally meets Danny’s eyes, his tears streaming down his cheeks as he slumps forward, only avoiding the wall in front of him thanks to Danny pulling him backwards, his arm around his shoulders as he sobs. “That’s exactly the fucking problem. Jake, Josh, you, you’re all leaving soon. I’ll be alone here, Danny. I don’t have any other friends, everyone from high school moved away and didn’t care enough to reach out again. I don’t fucking talk to anyone in my lectures, I don’t try to make friends. I’ll be alone, left behind, no one. And I don’t know when I’ll see you all again. I know I can be a dick to you three but- but I need you. I need you, Danny.” His words tumble out of his mouth, his cries becoming louder with every word he said until he’s left gasping for air between sobs.
“Sammy, please. Hey, hey, hey.” Danny tries to make his voice as calm and soothing as possible as he pulls Sam into his lap, his chin coming to rest on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around his, still crossing his stomach with clenched fists. “Slow down, Sammy. Slow down. It’s ok, I’m here. I gotchu, I’m not going anywhere.”
As Danny begins rocking them gently back and forth, Sam’s head drops, his cheek resting against Danny’s bicep as his sobs slow, his breaths evening out steadily. After around ten minutes of sitting this way with Danny in silence, Sam has no more tears left to cry, his body and mind exhausted as he lets himself relax into the man behind him.
“Thank you.” His voice is quiet, horse from crying, yet in the silence of the room Danny has no trouble hearing it.
“Of course, Sammy. Do you want to talk about what you said?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing to me?”
Sam turns slightly in his arms to look at him, their faces only inches apart as Danny tries to push the reasoning for why he came over in the first place from his mind. “Because of what I said, I don’t want you to feel guilty for leaving for college; Jake or Josh either. You had to go; I know.” Sam laughs humorlessly, his eyes once again finding the wood below him. “Not even the burnouts are out here anymore. Well, maybe one of them.”
“You’re not a burnout, Sammy. It’s ok to feel lonely, especially when all the best friends you’ve had since birth or like what? When did we meet? When we were 7? Anyways, when they’ve all left. We all have phones, you can call, text, facetime. Any time you want. I’m sure Josh would be more than ok with you crashing on our couch for a weekend, if you wanted.”
“And when fall term begins, you could try to make friends this time. Have some people a little closer. Put yourself out there, maybe you could even land a date or two.”
“Oh, shut up.” Sam finally smiles, half-turning to glance back at Danny.
“What? I’m serious. You’re a great guy, any man or woman here would be lucky to have you.”
“Stopppp!” He can’t help the blush from settling on his cheeks as he twists in Danny’s arms, trying to get away only for him to playfully tighten his grip.
“C’monnnn Sammyyy! You’re a young, attractive man. You should have people lining up for a chance with you!” If there was a line, I’d be the fucking first in it. Despite his thoughts, Danny smiles wide at Sam as he finally wrestles his body away from his grasp, sitting against the wall opposite Danny as he pants from their, albeit short, wrestle.
Sam cocks an eyebrow at him as he catches his breath, a smug smile settling across his features. “So, you think I’m attractive?”
“I mean I have eyes, don’t I? Not hard to see.” Shit. What did I just say? Why did I do that? How the fuck is he gonna react? Something flickers behind Sam’s eyes that Danny can’t quite place, anxiety clawing at his throat as he waits for Sam’s response.
“Well thank you. And for the record, I think you’re attractive, too.”
“Thanks.” Danny’s cheeks tint pink, matching Sam’s as they awkwardly sit in silence for a moment.
“Why’d you come over by the way?”
Thank god he changed the subject. Shrugging, he tears his eyes from Sam’s, suddenly nervous and self-conscious about his every movement or word. “Wanted to see you.”
“Well, I’m glad you did. That probably would have- would’ve spiraled into a panic attack if you hadn’t shown up, so thank you.”
“No problem. I’m always here for you, Sammy. Always.” Another moment of silence passes between them, and Danny eventually begins to make a move to get up, not wanting to intrude or overstay his welcome. “Well then, I should probably leave-”
“No!” Sam’s hand flies to his wrist, stopping his motions as he looks at Danny with wide eyes. “Can you stay? If you don’t have anything else to do. I just- I don’t want to be alone right now…”
“Of course I can.” His kind gaze melts Sam’s insides, butterflies fluttering around his stomach at the way Danny was looking at him, warm and full of love. “Want to watch a movie?”
“Only if it’s a Star Trek movie.”
“Oh my god, you and your Star Trek is just like Jake and his Pirates of the Caribbean.” Danny shakes his head with a smile as he stands, offering a hand down to Sam and pulling him to his feet.
“Is not! Ok then, what’s your suggestion?”
“…10 Things I Hate About You.”
“Fucking called it.”
“Did not.” As they make their way downstairs bickering lightheartedly about what movie to watch, Danny pushes what brought him to Sam’s door from his mind completely. I can’t tell him now, not after that. Three days. I have three days to tell him. I can do that. I have to.
August 20th, 4:06 PM
“What’s up?” Danny sandwiches his phone between his shoulder and ear, his hands occupied with packing the rest of his bags. Knew I shouldn’t have left this all to the last minute.
“Thank god you picked up.” Josh’s exasperated voice comes through his phone frantically, almost a whisper as if he were about to tell him something others around him shouldn’t hear. “When are you getting over here, man? Sam won’t fucking shut up, he keeps asking me if you’re on your way over every five minutes, I swear to God. Like I know where you are at all times or something.”
Danny’s thankful that Josh couldn’t see the smile that graces his features over the phone, knowing the look he would give him. “Should be over in a few minutes to end your suffering, just packing the last of my things up.”
“THANK you. So, did you guys ever talk about… you know.”
Just like that, Danny’s smile drops from his face, cursing himself silently for still not having tried to talk to Sam. “No. And before you say anything, I did actually try the other day, but it wasn’t a good time. I’m going to tonight, definitely, maybe. We’ll see.”
He hears only Josh’s long sigh, picturing the man pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers in annoyance. “You’re running out of time, Danny.”
“I know. I- I just haven’t found the right time. I’m gonna do it… eventually.”
“Alright, whatever you say man. I have better things to do than meddle with my twerp brother’s love life so, I’m staying out of this shit. Figure it out like adults, Danny. For both your sakes.”
“Thanks for the pep talk.” Danny grumbles out, his own annoyance seeping into his tone. “I’m gonna finish packing, I’ll be over within like 15 minutes, see you guys soon.”
“See you soon.” The second the call ends, Danny tosses his phone onto his bed, his hands coming up to roughly rub his face. He didn’t want to leave Frankenmuth without telling Sam, and he knew he had less than a day to do so, maybe twelve hours at most. If someone had told him at the beginning of the summer that he’d grow close enough to Sam again to call him a friend, let alone confess his love for him, he would have told them they were insane.
Sooner you finish packing, sooner you can get over there and the sooner you can get this over with. Danny’s motions quicken at the thought, blindly throwing his things into his various bags so that he could go over to the Kiszka’s where their families were throwing a small goodbye party for him, Jake, and Josh.
Finally zipping the last of his bags, he does one final once over before taking a deep breath and heading out the door. Act like everything is normal until you can get Sam alone, and everything will be fine. He repeats this in his head like a mantra the entire short walk from his front door to the Kiszka’s side gate, wiping his palms on his shorts and plastering a smile onto his face before stepping through the gate.
“Dannyyyy” Sam’s the first one to notice his appearance, meeting him halfway and offering him a hug as they reach each other. He keeps one arm looped around his shoulders as they make their way towards the rest of the group, a grin spread across his lips the entire time. “Late to your own party, I thought you were raised better than that, Daniel.”
“Hey, dipshit. Party’s not just for him. Don’t forget your dear older brothers.” Jake quips back, unsurprisingly already at the drink table mixing up various glasses.
"Oh yeah, them too." He offers Danny a wink with a small smile, silently communicating that he was more focused on Danny than his brothers.
“Can’t you just stay a few more days?” Sam leaves Danny’s side as his mom meets him, her eyes teary as she pulls him into a hug.
“Wish I could but, classes start on the 2nd and I need to settle back in before that, finalize some registration, and find my textbooks. Plus, Jake and Sam’s terms start before mine, and I just know Josh and I would get bored without their company.” He adds the joke on to the end of his sentence, hoping to lighten the mood as the thought of him leaving his family and Sam hung heavy over his head.
“Oh, I know.” She wipes her eyes as she pulls away from him, smiling at him despite her sadness about him leaving. “I know you have bigger and better things in New York, your father and I have just loved having you around this summer.”
“I know, mom. I’ve loved being here too. Promise I’ll come back for Winter Break this year.”
“You will?” Sam inserts himself into the conversation, his eyes wide with excitement.
“Of course I will, Sammy.”
8:24 PM
“Hey!” Sam grabs Danny’s wrist the second he enters the Kiszka’s house, having gone inside to look for Sam.
“Jesus Christ! Scared the shit out of me, man! What are you doing?”
“Come with me.”
“I said, come with me.” Sam only offers him a lopsided grin before he begins to pull Danny through the house, making his way towards the front door.
“Where are we going?” Just follow along, act natural. Maybe you can talk to him now.
“You’ll see.” Sam peers around the edge of the house, through the side gate to make sure no one would see them sneak off, darting across the lawn and dragging Danny with him when he sees the perfect opportunity. His hand loosens on Danny’s wrist as they start down the street, dropping to intertwine his fingers with Danny’s casually, as if it were a normal thing for them to do.
What- why is he-? What? As Danny’s mind races, he tries to find something to fill the silence, worried that the frantic beating of his heart would be loud enough for the other man to hear. “So uh, if you won’t tell me where we’re going, at least tell me why.”
“I wanted to spend time with you alone before you- before you left. And I wanted to show you something.”
“And that needed to happen right now?”
“Yep.” Sam grins at him, his hand still in Danny’s as they walk. “Now you’re catching on.”
Danny matches his smile, trying to push past just how happy the feeling of holding hands so casually with Sam was making him. He didn’t need to think about that right now, it would only create a distraction. “Are you taking me to the woods to murder me? Stop me from leaving?”
“Damn it! You caught me! Am I going to have to knock you out and drag you to the woods now?”
“You can try but I don’t know if you’d be able to, Sammy.” Danny laughs as he prods Sam’s ribs with his free hand, causing Sam to yelp in surprise and swat at him, never once dropping his hand.
“Hey! I’m strong! I could definitely do it if I put my back into it.”
“Not strong enough to best me at wrestling, or did you forget.” He teases, sidestepping another swat from Sam.
“Oh my god, shut up or I might actually kill you.”
“Awwwww, before the big surprise?”
“No.” Sam offers another smile before training his gaze on the road before him. “We’re almost there, don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“I’ll have you know that my panties are never in a twist, thank you very much.”
“Oh, so you wear panties? What are we talking? Lace? Thong? What?”
“I-” Danny’s face turns red, his words escaping him. “I don’t wear ‘panties’, I don’t even like that word, feels weird. You started it.”
“Oh, c’monn Danny, don’t get all butthurt and embarrassed. I was just messing with you.” He takes a step closer to Danny, dropping his voice with a mischievous smile. “And I think you’d look great in a little lacy number.”
taglist: @gretnavannfleet @aioba1503-sdm @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @milojames16 @sanguinebats @theres-a-tvjoe @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface @currentlyfangirling10
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Late Night Comfort
Summary - Part 6 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic)
Warnings - mentions of periods, nausea, smut, mild swearing
Word Count: 1806
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N - G’day guys, I just wanna start by thanking you for all the likes, reblogs and follows since my last post, I really appreciate it. I hope you like this one too. This one gets a little emotional, I literally cried while writing it. And remember my inbox is always open for requests or even if you just wanna chat. Until next week, enjoy! 
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You wake up to an empty bed, and a spread of crackers, soup and an electrolyte drink on your nightstand. As you slowly try to fill your stomach your mind drifts back to when Dean was holding you and feeding you this same meal just days ago. You reach for your phone and call your caring, green-eyed fiancé to thank him for the meal; he answers on the second ring.
“Hey baby, where are you?”
“Just out … I thought I’d uh give you some space. But uh, make sure you eat and drink as much as you can. I’ll come back soon and pick you up and we can hit the road again,” he says before hanging up.
You really were pushing him away, you wonder just how long before he leaves you completely.
What if he asks me to move out of the bunker? Where would I go? I’d literally be barefoot, potentially pregnant and on the street with all the evil. At least if grief doesn’t kill me something else will. I wouldn’t suffer long. 
It’s not long before Dean walks in, interrupting the voice in your head. He notices you’ve barely touched the food or drink and almost slips onto the bed beside you, but he stops himself a few steps short.
“You ready to go?”
You look down at the food and drink in your lap hoping he’ll take the hint and come and hold you like the other day, but when he stays put you just nod and move it all back to the nightstand. 
“Where’s Sam?”
“Waiting in the car. Get dressed and you can meet us out there, and you’re riding shotgun so I can keep an eye on you. You can push me away all you want and I promise I’ll try to stop being so smothering, but you can’t ask me to stop worrying about you.” 
You look up just in time to see his red-rimmed eyes before he turns around and walks outside. Leaving you naked, nauseous and alone in the cold room. You quickly stand up and get dressed, grabbing the drink and crackers along with your bag before leaving. 
You curl up and lean against the window, cradling the drink and crackers in your lap as you let the classic rock music and steady purr of the engine wash over you for the next few hours. You keep your eyes fixed on the road ahead of you, not daring to look at your concerned fiancé. But you can feel him looking at you every so often, but he never makes a move to touch you. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s well after dark when Dean finally parks the car in the bunker’s garage. You’re slow to get out, stretching every one of your stiff, sore muscles as you do. You toss the empty packet and bottle in the bin as you pass, moving to your and Dean’s room. You almost stop a door short debating whether to sleep alone. But you can’t pass up the comfort of having the older hunter beside you, even if he refuses to cuddle. When he joins you in your room moments later the tension in the air is thick. You can tell there’s so much he wants to say but like you, he’s too scared to open his mouth.
You turn to grab one of his flannels and a clean pair of underwear from the drawers when he finally breaks the silence. “Please, just tell me where I went wrong?”
Your heart sinks at his words. Dropping the clothes you rush over to him with tears in your eyes, taking his hands in yours. “Nothing, nowhere, baby.”
“Really? Because you can barely look at me anymore, let alone talk to me. I had to all but beg you to touch me. I know I suck at the dating thing, and I’m obviously even worse at the fiancé thing. Just tell me what to do. Please … please just tell me how to fix it.”
Tears fall down both of your cheeks. “You can’t …” As the words leave your mouth he tries to pull away but you tighten your grip. “You can’t fix it because you didn’t break us … I did. I’ve been so scared of losing you that I didn’t realise how much I’ve actually been pushing you away.” You lead him towards the bed urging him to take a seat beside you. You turn to face him as he follows you, never letting his hands out of yours. 
Unsure how else to fix the rift growing between you, you breathe out, “I think I’m pregnant.”
Dean looks up at you but stays silent, giving you a chance to elaborate. 
“I’ve had this feeling for a while now, and then the morning sickness started, and the mood swings … and I am just so scared, Dean. I don’t know what to do. I’m not ready and I don’t want to trap you into something you don’t want …”
“Trap me?” He can’t stop himself from pulling you into his lap, his hands wiping away your tears as they continue to fall. “No, sweetheart, a baby would be a blessing, not a trap. Sure it’s sooner than expected but it’s on the path we planned to follow eventually anyway, right?”
“I don’t even know for sure. I mean, I haven’t tested or anything, it’s just a hunch.”
“Well, how about we do that first thing in the morning then? Once we know for sure, we can start moving forward accordingly.”
You nod and Dean picks you up and carries you into the bathroom. He sits you on the counter while he moves swiftly around the room running a bubble bath. Once the tub’s almost full he helps you strip before setting you down in the water. You watch as he strips himself and slots in behind you. You just sit there enjoying the warmth and comfort in silence for a while, until Dean breaks it quietly.
“How long have you known, or suspected?”
“A few weeks.”
“Before I proposed?”
You nod as you play with his fingers under the water.
“We talked for hours that night, we even talked about children and our future. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I … I guess I was just scared. I didn’t know for sure, I still don’t. And I was really enjoying the night and your company and I didn’t want to ruin it. In hindsight, if I did, you probably wouldn’t have proposed.”
“I disagree. I think I would have. It just would have given me even more reason to.”
“You would have done it for the wrong reasons. You would have done it out of duty.”
“I would have done it because I love you. The same reason I did do it.”
You turn around in the tub, straddling your fiancé’s sexy bow legs. You bring your lips to his as your hands roam his body from his head to his waist, his hands doing the same to you. You make out until the water starts to feel cold against your skin, and then Dean lifts you out and carries you back to bed, your legs wrapped around his waist. Your bodies barely separate as he lays you both down on the soft memory foam mattress. His lips start to explore your neck searching for your sweet spot as you grind your hips against him. When he sucks the skin right below your ear you let out a moan, causing him to suck harder and rut his hips against yours.
He whispers a groan by your ear, “I’ve missed you, baby. I’ve missed this. You’re so perfect.”
He continues his journey down your body, leaving wet kisses along the way: over your chest, paying special attention to your tender breasts before moving down your stomach and hips, he skips over the place you want the most and trails down the inside of your thighs, calves and even your feet before moving back up to your throbbing core. He leaves a few tender kisses there before moving back to your lips. 
“I love every inch of your body, you’re so beautiful and perfect. And you taste amazing! I still can’t believe you’re mine,” he says as he reaches for the nightstand drawer blindly. You run your hand along his arm bringing it back to your body.
“I’m pretty sure it’s too late for that. I just want to feel all of you tonight, Dean. I need to feel you.”
He leans down and catches your lips in a deep kiss and he reaches down and lines himself up and smoothly enters you in one move. You let out a low moan against each other’s lips as he starts to move. You both know this won’t last long; it’s been too long. 
It’s not like anything you’ve ever shared before: it’s slow and tender and each movement is filled with all the love and devotion you feel for each other. You’ve never felt so in love or connected to the man above you. 
After a while, his movements start to stutter. “Come on, baby, I need you to cum with me.”
You let go at his words, letting the waves of pleasure wash over you as he rides you through it before joining you. You’re not used to the sensation of him exploding inside you like this, the only other time it’s ever happened you were too drunk to remember it, but you know you’ll never forget tonight. When his hips come to a stop he rolls you both over, laying you on his chest as you catch your breath. Feeling fully content you drift off to sleep in his arms.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You wake up naked in Dean’s arms. You glance up at his sleeping features as you reminisce on the passionate night you shared. And for the first time in years, you actually let yourself believe that everything is gonna be alright. No matter what curve balls life throws at you, you know you and Dean will catch them and ride them out together. 
After a while, you start to leave kisses along his chest causing him to stir. “Good morning, beautiful,” he says without opening his eyes. “Are you angling for a round two? Or are you gonna let me take you out for breakfast?”
“This feels like Deja Vu… except this time the answer is yes.”
“To which option?”
“That’s the perfect answer, let’s take a shower and then we can head out.”
Dean kisses the top of your head before tilting your face so your lips meet his. He lifts you swiftly, his lips barely leaving yours as he carries you into the shower, your legs wrapping tightly around his waist. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308
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betterthanburrow · 1 year
angelite please 🤍
Angelite - Joe Burrow
Crystal Representation: Communication.
Genre: Angst (Warning: Mentions of Sex)
“can we just talk, please?"
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The one night where you decide to not put your phone on Do Not Disturb before you go bed, the sound of your phone ringing loudly is what wakes you up out of a deep sleep… With your eyes closed, you feel around your nightstand and then grab the phone to answer the call without opening your eyes to check and see who has decided to call in the middle of the night.
“Hello.” you mumbled.
“Y/N, I’m so glad you’re awake!” The voice said.
“Huh… Who is this?!” you ask, as your rub your eyes to try and wake yourself up because you were so tired that you couldn’t recognize the voice.
“Y/N… It’s me Sam.” the voice said.
“Sam Hubbard?!” you asks.
“Yes Sam Hubbard…” the voice said. “How many Sams do you know?!”
“I don’t know…” you sleepily mumble. “Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?!”
“I need you to pick up Joe.” Sam says.
The mention of the boy that you haven’t talked to in a few weeks sends goosebumps down your back and up your arms… It has been many weeks since you have heard of his name because you’ve tried to ignore hearing his name as best as you could.
“Umm… I need an explanation.” you demand.
“Joe and I were hanging out tonight at my house and we were just planning on drinking 1 or 2 cans of beer but then when I mentioned you in a conversation… There was a switch in Joe’s behavior and he’s more drunk than I’ve ever seen him and even though my girlfriend and I offered to bring him home, he said that he’ll only get in the car with you in the driver’s seat.” Sam explains. “I wouldn’t have called you if i felt like there was another option, but my girlfriend and I tried everything to get him in our car but he wants you.”
It broke your heart into pieces to hear what is happening with Joe and how drunk he is… But you need to focus on yourself and do the right thing by protecting your peace of mind and not see him.
“Sam… I can’t see him. It’s too soon.” you mumbled.
“I don’t know what happened between the two of you because most of the words that have come out of his mouth for the last hour have been slurred…” Sam says. “Is there any way for me to convince you to come pick him up right now.”
You sighed. “I don’t know Sam…”
“How about this… I’ll have Joe sleep in the guest room tonight but I need you to pick him up tomorrow morning around 9am. My girlfriend and I have plans in the morning and Joe didn’t drive his car to my house.” Sam spoke. “Do you think that you could pick him up tomorrow in the morning and the bring him home?!”
You really didn’t want to see Joe but you knew that there was no other option because you knew how Joe would feel embarrassed if any other friends or his family saw him so hungover in the morning.
“Okay, I’ll pick him up tomorrow… Tell Joe I will see him in the morning.” you replied.
“Thank you so much Y/N… I definitely owe you a favor in the future.” Sam said. “And I hope the two of you are able to work things out… My girlfriend and I miss having you around to hang out with us alongside Joe.”
The phone call ended and before you allowed yourself to overthink the last sentence that Sam had said… You put your phone on the nightstand and get comfortable in the bed because now you know that you have an early morning tomorrow dealing with Joe, his hangover from the alcohol, and having to see him for the first time in weeks since the incident that happened.
After the hours of the night went by, it was now early in the morning. While you didn’t want to see Joe for the first time in weeks, you had made a promise to Sam and his girlfriend that you would pick him up from their house to bring him home and deal with his hangover.
As you’re sitting in the driveway of Sam’s house, you had the urge to drive away and give Sam an excuse of why you couldn’t pick up Joe… But before you could think of a get-away plan, the two boys were walking out of the front door and down the driveway to the car.
There weren’t any words spoken between you, Sam, and Joe other than Sam saying bye to Joe and thanking you for driving all of this way to pick Joe up from their house… When the passenger door closed, you started backing out of the driveway because you want to just drop Joe off at his house and then go back to your house as fast as possible.
The silence between you and Joe was loud. No words had been spoken between the two of you. Joe knew that if he tried to speak you would tell him to shut up.
From Sam’s house to Joe’s house, the drive between the two houses wasn’t far… You had a feeling Sam made up the excuse of him and his girlfriend having plans just to give you and Joe a chance to talk.
After the long and silent drive to Joe’s house, you finally were driving up the driveway… The last time you were here at the house, you didn’t know that it would be months before you’ll be back. The memories of what happened the last time at this house haunted you for the past few weeks, and you knew that you would get restless sleep tonight because of those haunting thoughts coming back to you.
You had expected Joe to be out of the car the second that you had parked the car… But when it had been two minutes since you pulled into the driveway, you realize that you wouldn’t be making it him as quickly as you wanted too.
“Can you get out the car.” you ask, turning to Joe and seeing him for the first time in weeks in your sight and through of social media posts and tv screens.
Joe looked different… this Joe was recognizable as the Joe that you knew for many years, but it’s clear to you that there is something different about the man who is sitting in the passenger seat of your car.
“I just want to talk-“
You didn’t let Joe finish his sentence as you decided to interrupt him. “Joe, I really don’t want to talk to you.”
“Y/N please.” Joe begged.
“There’s nothing to talk about-“
Joe decided to interrupt you this time. “Yes there is something to talk about and you know it!”
“Joe! I don’t want to talk to you. Please get out of the car.” You demanded.
“Please Y/N… We need to talk about this.” Joe pleaded.
“I’m not ready to talk to you after what happened a few weeks ago!” you exclaimed, then putting your head in your hands to try and control your emotions so that you don’t burst into tears right in front of him.
Once again you say, “I’m not ready to talk to you.” but your words were mumbled into your hand so that Joe couldn’t hear what you said clearly.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you. During the moment of silence, you had thought that Joe would have gotten out of your car so that you could drive out of his driveway and go back home. Instead, the two of you sat in the car in silence because the two of you knew how much you needed to talk to each other after what had happened months ago.
“Can we just talk, please?" Joe asks.
“What is there to talk about anyways…” You ask, taking your head out of hands to look at him. “You confessed your feeling for me only a few weeks after my relationship ends and then have sex with me.”
“And then you left my house so early ignore the morning while I was sleeping and have been ignoring me every since” Joe argued. “I couldn’t hold back my feelings for you any longer and let’s not act like you didn’t want to have sex… because you could’ve told me no and everything would’ve stopped but every time I asked you if you still wanted to continue you said yes.”
“That night was a mistake.” you declared.
“Don’t say that.” Joe whispered.
“It was a mistake Joe.” you insisted. “It was so dumb of me to have sex with you right after I got out of a relationship.”
“Why are you making it seem like we had sex just a few hours after your relationship ended?!” Joe asked. “At that point in time, it has almost been a month since the break-up, and you had spend those weeks in between the break-up and when we had sex complaining about how you needed to do something to help you move-on from your ex-boyfriend!”
“It was still too soon… which is why having sex with you that night was a mistake.” you say. “And don’t act like the sex was anything meaning to you because you just needed something to give you temporary happiness after losing the Super bowl football game.”
“You think I really had sex with you to give me temporary happiness after losing a football game?!” Joe asks. “If I wanted temporary happiness, I would’ve got drunk like I did last night. At least losing the Super bowl didn’t hurt as much as almost losing you.”
“Oh please, you’re such a bad liar Joe… Do you really want me to believe that loosing a football game that you’ve dreamed of winning since you were a child didn’t hurt you more than not being in a relationship with a girl that you’ve apparently have had a crush on for many years?!” you asked.
“Is that hard for you to believe Y/N?!” Joe exclaimed. “Is it hard for you to believe that I love you?!”
“Yeah… it is hard for me to believe.” you confess.
“Why?!” Joe demanded.
You couldn’t give Joe an answer to his question because you didn’t want to confess that you’re still in love with your ex-boyfriend and that you were the one who used sex to give you temporary happiness after being miserable for weeks.
Your actions after that night hurt Joe more than it hurt you. After that night, you were finally able to start moving on from your ex-boyfriend while Joe was stuck in a bubble that you formed around him, only for that bubble to pop when he realized that you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore.
There is a moment of silence between the two of you once again and the two of you are trying to get your thoughts together… One of you just wanted this conversation to end, the other one of you wished that this conversation never started even after weeks of desperately wanting to have this conversation.
“I loved you for many years, and I kept those feelings to myself for many years. But you’re right, that night was a mistake. If I would’ve known that I would lose the Super Bowl and lose the love of my life in about 48 hours… I wouldn’t have confessed my feelings towards you, because you’ve ignored my texts and calls and my close friends have to see me suffer because I lost the girl that I loved the most. I can’t do this any longer, I thought I wanted this conversation but right now I need to learn how to live without you because life was so meaningful for the past 8 years with you in it, but maybe my life will be even more meaningful without you in in.” Joe says, before stepping out of the car, slamming the car door shut as hard as he could then started walking up his driveway to his front porch where he didn’t even look back to see your head in your hands, sobbing because of the words he had spoken.
There was nothing that could’ve been said to save your friendship with Joe, those 8 years of friendship was ruined. Even if there was a small chance of the friendship to be salvaged, things would never be the same again.
It was hard for you to accept that this is the end of your friendship. The loss of a friendship is much hard than the loss of a relationship, you had to learn that the hard way because nothing would bring you temporary happiness after this friendship break-up.
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Author’s Note:
it’s been a while since i’ve written heartbreaking angst. it feels good to be back writing my roots because i’ve always loved writing angsts.
if you want to request a prompt; please check out the Important Announcement post on how to request the Crystal Prompts!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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gucciwins · 2 years
it's another year of halloween celebrations for Harry and Bel.
Word count: 2295
A/N: I had to write about Harryween it's a special time for Harry and Bel because it's when Bel first told Harry she loved him so the day holds a special meaning to their realtionship. anyways I hope you enjoy this small blurb. im glad you still love harry and bel so much 🫶
love on tour series
Los Angeles, California - October 31, 2022 
“I’m so glad you’re here with me,” Bel hugs her best friends tightly, not letting them settle in their hotel room.
“Nowhere else I would rather be on a Monday,” Sarai jokes.
“Haha,” Bel rolls her eyes, finally letting them go.
Naomi now lounging on the queen-sized bed, having removed all her clothes, leaving her in underwear and a sports bra, not wanting her airport clothes on the bed. “I’m surprised H has let you go.” 
“It’s because he’ll be over soon.” 
“Yay! I’ve missed him,” Naomi and Bel turn to look at Sarai, who sits there, confused at their shocked expressions. “What? Harry and I are friends.” 
Naomi looks at their partner, confused, “since when?” Sarai was always the shy one, so Naomi was shocked finding out they had grown this relationship with Harry.
They shrug, “we talked about his favorite books during Coachella, and I told him he needed to get educated. Now he sends me his thoughts after each book.” 
Bel laughs, “that’s right! He’s stocked up a lot because of you. He told me he thought you didn’t like him, so he was excited when you shared that interest with him.”
“Awe, I get that a lot.” They pout.
“It’s the resting bitch face,” Naomi tells them, causing you all to laugh because Sarai is genuinely a sweetheart once you get to know them. 
“Moving on, please. Where are our costumes, Bel?” 
“On their way, Claude did wonderfully. I couldn’t carry all three with me, so Emerson is bringing them over with someone.” 
“Oh, is she dressing up too?” Sarai asked. 
Bel shakes her head, “Emerson doesn’t celebrate the holiday.” 
“She’s still coming to the show?” Naomi wonders because they get on well with your assistant. 
“No, she’s taking the night off, '' says her niece has been dying to watch Spider-man with her.” Bel shares as she looks at a text on her phone, making her way to open the hotel room door. 
“Maguire or Holland?” 
Emerson walks in with a trolley behind her, “Garfield, obviously.” 
“Emmy!!!!!” Naomi and Sarai cheer.
“Nice to see you, but get dressed and make sure it fits before nosy H makes an appearance.” Emerson hands them a bag and leaves them to get dressed. Bel’s outfit is at the arena, promising Harry to get ready there, so they have time to get ready together.  
They’re in for a fun night. Bel couldn’t wait.
Bel sits patiently as she lets Ayae fix the ginger wig. If she has to be honest, she loves the look. Everyone has been very secretive about the band’s costume, and as impatient as it has her, she knows the wait will be worth it. The green contacts in her eyes feel strange, but she doesn’t mind them. 
“He’s dressed.” Harry Lambert waits patiently, admiring as Ayae brushes out the ends of Bel’s hair. 
“She’s done,” Ayae tells Lambert, who stares at Bel with awe, taking in her wig and new eye color. Bel looks at herself in the mirror, taking in every detail of her suit, proud of how amazing the suit came out. She’s Sam from Totally Spies. It’s an old TV show, and it’s a perfect trio. There were many options they were thinking about, from doing Aquamarine to doing Josie and the Pussycats, but they loved this idea, knowing it would be a costume they don’t see others doing. 
“I’ve got an idea, but also zero idea,” Lambert tells Bel honestly, taking in her complete look
Bel laughs, “my friends should be here soon. They’ll explain it to you.” 
“Not poison ivy?” 
She shakes her head and knocks on Harry’s door. 
“It’s me. Can I come in?” 
“Your eyes have to be closed,” he calls back.
She resists the urge to roll her eyes, more excited that she’s moments away from seeing him in his costume. The door creaks open, and Bel feels him guiding her in. 
“You smell nice.” She tells him, and he thanks her with a kiss on her cheek. 
“Now, you nutter.” 
Bel blinks her eyes open slowly, and there is Harry in a black slicked-back wig, black shades, and a fake cigar in his mouth to tie his entire outfit of tight black jeans and black leather jacket.
“Danny Zuko,” she gasps, reaching out to touch his jacket, taking in the detail of the entire outfit. 
He smirks, “that’s my name, don’t wear it out.”
Bel lets out a small moan knowing Harry dressed as Danny is doing many things for her. She has many unholy thoughts running through her mind.
“You look beautiful, H.” 
Harry’s face goes red, loving all the attention Bel is giving him. “I was going for sexy, but I’ll take being called beautiful.”
Her hands rest on his face as she takes in the black eyeliner. “Oh, I’m a fan of this.” 
“Stop,” he giggles.
Bel runs her hand over his shoulders and down his back. Harry lets her check him out and takes notice of every detail of the outfit. She has yet to let him get a look at her, but he knows there will be time for that after. Harry’s so lost in the feeling of her hands caressing him that he doesn’t realize she’s slipped off his leather jacket. 
“Bel,” he scolds jokingly, “no time to fool around.”
She giggles, “turn around.”
“Want to see the real good, huh?” 
He does as she asks and she gasps seeing Harryween bedazzled on the black top showcasing all his tattoos. 
“You win,” she gasps dramatically. “Absolutely, everyone is going to go insane.”  
“Are you?” He asks because Bel is the only person he cares to impress. 
“If it wasn’t hard to get out of the latex, I’d be naked already bent over the vanity as I let Danny Zuko have his way with me.” 
Harry loves when Bel’s unfiltered, it drives him crazy. He loves being the reason she’s losing her mind. 
“That can be arranged,” Harry promises. 
“Later.” She places the leather jacket over her shoulder and does a short spin. “Me dressed in only this jacket tonight. I don’t know,” she shrugs, “think about it?”
Harry bites back a moan, already picturing Bel in their shared bedroom, “nothing to think about. I’m in. It’s happening.”
Bel shines with joy at the thought of what the end of the night holds for them. She helps Harry slip the leather jacket back on, knowing they will do group photos soon. 
“Now, let me look at you, my ginger girlfriend.” 
Bel giggles, giving Harry a spin, then striking a defensive pose making Harry laugh. 
“This is amazing. Looks like a real spy suit.” 
“Yeah, amor, it is. It’s from this TV show called Totally Spies. They’re a trio, so it worked perfectly with Sarai and Naomi.” 
Now it’s Harry's turn to inspect every inch of her as she explains every section of the suit. She has a silver belt around her waist; keeping it together is a heart. She feels Harry run his fingers over the heart and waits for him to notice the small detail she added just for him. 
There’s a gasp and a tug of her waist as he looks up at her and then back to the belt where the heart's center is engraved with HS.
“You didn’t!” 
Bel giggles, “it is Harryween. Had to have an ode to you, mi vida.” 
Harry pouts, leaning in to give her a long-awaited kiss, “I love it,” he mutters against her lips. “You look incredibly sexy. Gave me a stiffy.” 
“H!” She exclaims.
He shrugs, “it’s true. Now give me kisses before they come to steal me away.” 
And, of course, Bel happily obliges. 
The show was like no other; the fans were shocked when Harry and the band came out as Grease members. It is safe to say that Danny Zuko is not what they were expecting, even with all the small hints he dropped with the Ferris wheel. 
Bel is standing with Naomi and Sarai, chatting about wanting a snack and which one would go backstage when Harry finished talking to a fan about losing her job and wanting Harry to hire her. He moved to the other side of the stage, hidden behind Sarah’s drum kit. She settled for watching him on the screen. Naomi was leaning next to her, looking through the photos she had Lloyd take on her phone, wanting to see which one she wanted to post to her social media. Bel let Naomi deal with that hard decision, wanting to focus on Harry speaking to a new fan.
“What’s your name?” He leans in closer. “Hani, Honey, oh, Anahi.” He laughs. “Got it.” He smiles down at the fan gesturing to their sign. “Can I read your sign?”
“Yes, please!” 
Harry smirks, standing up and pulling his microphone cord with him. “What is Miss Belmonte dressed up as?” The sign has him laughing, but Bel is shocked he decided to read it. “Very polite.” 
“She's here. How lucky are we all? Actually, we were watching Grease together when I got the idea. She thought I’d be a wonderful Danny, so make sure you thank her.” The fans cheer, but the cameras still don’t pan to her, and she’s thankful. “Back to your question, why doesn’t she show you?” 
The crowd screams, waiting to see a spotlight shine down on her, but what happens next no one expects. The camera focuses on Bel, who looks flustered but waves proudly. Sarai and Naomi standing next to her, laughing and recording. 
“Why don’t you come up here, Bel?”
She gasps, quick to shake her head. Giving him a thumbs down, making the crowd laugh. He pouts, thinking she would have said yes right away. 
He tries another tactic. “Do you want to see Bel on stage?” Harry asks the crowd. The cheers are enough confirmation that Bel will end up on stage one way or another. 
“Don’t make me go and get you.” 
Bel knows he would but still hesitates to move towards the stage. 
When Tom pushes Bel forward, and Lloyd is there to guide her down the walkway and up the steps, she curses Harry’s name under her breath. Mitch looks apologetic as she mutters to him to help, but everyone else cheers seeing Bel on stage. 
She steps up next to Harry, accepting his extended hand, glad he was kind enough to offer her comfort.
“Hi, amor.” She greets quietly, not knowing the microphone caught her soft words. 
“Hello Bel, not your first time on stage, is it? You seem like a natural.” Harry teases. 
Bel knows he’s still a little jealous; she always told him no after going on stage in front of a sold-out stadium for another artist she likes and is friends with. 
“Care to introduce yourself?” 
He extends the microphone to her, but instead of taking it, she leans closer. “I’m Y/N Belmonte, but my friends call me Bel.” 
“Can I call you Bel?” He jokes.
“No. We’re not friends,” she teases. 
Harry takes it in stride, “ouch, don’t worry, I'll keep calling you baby.”
She giggles, feeling overwhelmed. “Well, tell the people of Los Angeles and the surrounding area what you dressed up as for Harryween?” 
“Wait,” he cuts her off.
She frowns “what?”
“Your hair? It’s different.” He’s playing his part so well, and Bel loves him for it.
Harry gasps. “I think yours looks more natural. Your team and my team are going to have a talk, anyways back to you,” he gestures for her to continue talking. 
“I hate you,” she mutters as he brings the microphone back toward her. Harry squeezes her hand three times, and it calms her enough to know she’ll be getting off the faster she does this.
“I’m Sam from Totally Spies,” Bel tells the audience, who cheer in recognition. The cameras show her in her green latex suit and gadgets belt with Harry’s initials in the center. Her favorite part of the design. 
“Wonderful! If you don’t know where that’s from, it’s okay. It's an American show. Came out in 2001. Sam is a teenager in Beverly Hills who lives a double life as a student and a spy. Pretty cool.” Harry explains for Bel. Sarai gave him the run down backstage, and it’s safe to say Harry was fascinated. “Thanks, Bel!”
Harry hugs her, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Oh! Her best friends dressed up with her, Naomi is Clover, and Sarai is Alex. Say Hi!” 
The camera pans over to Naomi and Sarai, who are in an intimate embrace when they realize thousands of people are now staring at them. They laugh, waving at the crowd and blowing kisses. 
“Did I embarrass you? Was that enough?” Harry asks Bel, and when she nods, he lets her go. “A round of applause for Y/N Belmonte. Let's see how many more nights she joins us after tonight.” Harry jokes. “I'm afraid this might be it.” 
As nerve-wracking and thrilling as the moment was, she was glad Harry wanted to share that moment with her. She knows there will be talks of them together, some good and some bad, but at the end of the day, she loves him. 
Harry made it up to her pretty quickly when he surprised them all by singing Hopelessly Devoted, an artist both Harry and Bel loved dearly. It’s a song Harry sang to her all the time recently, claiming it had been stuck in his head when in reality, he had been rehearsing. It’s a song that holds many memories of her childhood; now, she gets to add these memories of Harry. 
It truly was a special night. 
thank you for reading <3 I adore you.
if you were wish to see more of harry and bel be sure to send me a message.
taglist: @alienorknight @i-got-the-cinema @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @lechairr @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @thurhomish @thelovecayon @dontworrysunflower @shawnieeboyy
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quietlyimplode · 8 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: Day 26 - You look awful
Warnings: injuries
Word Count: 1.3k (gif not mine)
Summary: aftermath of the taking of the tower. The avengers reunite.
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A/N: <3
Whumptober Masterlist
Tony feels sick.
Pulled into consciousness as he feels the air on his fall face; he twists in the wrongness of being held and flown all at once.
“Tony— no!” a male voice calls.
He feels like he’s falling even as he’s picked up again, pressure on his stomach; the movement jarring and causing him to vomit into the air.
He looks up and sees Sam and his wings, before the ground rushes to meet him.
Natasha hugs Clint, taking his head in her hands and pushing her forehead to his.
“You look awful,” she whispers, her hand coming away with blood.
“Are you—“
She sees Yelena behind him and her face morphs.
“You both came to rescue me?”
She pulls Yelena into a hug.
Steve stands awkwardly behind them and Yelena looks to him.
“I’m umm, Steve,” he says waving a little.
“I know who you are, Captain America,” she smiles.
He nods, chagrined.
“How do we get out?” Clint asks looking around, “where Tony, Pepper, Maria and Sam? Have you found them?”
Steve nods, and Natasha sits back down, the sun rising, overhead.
It feels like it’s been such a long night.
“They should be on the ground now,” he replies.
“Sam will come back once Tony is safe.”
Clint looks around, Christmas paraphernalia everywhere.
He feels sad, and guilty that they weren’t here to help.
Despite all the building movements, there’s only parts of the budding where the concrete has fallen, smashed and sunken; some of it still feels untouched.
“What happened here?”
Steve paces around.
“The electricity went out, I think someone tried to attack the building - there were shadows around—“
“We killed some Hydra men,” Yelena adds helpfully.
“Oh, okay,” he pauses, “it must have been them? They must have entered the building, because Jarvis wasn’t responding, then the building shut down. I couldn’t leave, until you and Bruce came,” he says to Natasha.
“Do you think he’s okay?” he adds worriedly.
Natasha nods.
“He’ll be okay, the Hulk will take care of him,” she assures.
“We found Maria, and then Sam, and Pepper; but Tony, it took us a while to get to him, he was knocked out,” she finishes.
“What’s a Jarvis?” Yelena asks .
“AI,” Clint tells her, “but like a good one that helps a lot.”
She sees Sam in the sky and points.
They move to the edge of the building and he waves as he lands safely next to them.
“Who’s next?” he asks, offering a hand.
“How’s Tony?” Natasha asks, pushing Yelena forward.
“He’s okay, he’s with Pepper, they’re taking them both to hospital now. Maria is organising everyone well.”
The sun is brighter now, opening over the city, as it begins the day; most blissfully unaware of the commotion of the tower.
“I’ll come back,” he promises, taking Yelena’s hand, “and I won’t drop you.”
He grasps his back.
“Good, because that would be a stupid way to die,” she deadpans.
Sam nods, and takes off with her; leaving Steve, Clint and Natasha standing on the precipice of the building.
“Is your head okay?” Natasha asks softly, sitting on the edge of the open building.
Clint perches next to her.
“Flew threw a window with your sister in hand,” he tells her, “then there a building coming down around us.”
Natasha checks him, and finds a gash in his hairline.
“I think it’ll need stitches,” she winces.
He touches, and copies her face, “I guess we will see Tony at the hospital anyway.”
Sam returns and she motions for him to take Clint, who argues to take Natasha and then rolls his eyes and takes Steve instead.
“Your turn next okay?” Natasha tells him, nudging him, “otherwise I’m kicking you off the building and Sam will have to save you.”
Clint grumbles and nods, and they wait side by side as the sun continues to rise.
The hospital is not Natasha’s favourite place, but for her friends she’ll take it, reframe it as a place of healing, and supposed safety.
One look at Yelena’s face, though, and she can feel the anxiety roll off her.
In an instant, she grabs at her hand and squeezes.
“It’s okay,” she says in Russian, “it’s not for us.”
It does nothing to alleviate the anxiety and fear but somehow pushes her to follow Clint into the med bay to get his head stitched.
“I’ll stay with him,” she offers, watching Natasha as she looks around and tries to see any of the others.
Her hypervigilance does nothing to help calm Clint as he does the same, both of them stressed at the outcome for Tony and Bruce, even Maria and Pepper.
Steve and Sam had left them - wanting to figure out the Tower and make sure if there was anything to happen they were there to help.
Steve also reasoned that he was probably the only one strong enough to move anything and Sam had the knowledge to reboot the tower, or at the very least thought he did.
If they could do that, then maybe, they could find out who tried to infiltrate the tower.
The doctor starts with Clint and Natasha rises, Yelena stays and nods swapping positions, so she can see what the doctor is doing.
For Natasha it feels more protective than curious.
She doesn’t really know what happened between them in the hours they were alone together, but the tentative trust seems to be something that both of them had built.
Leaving, Natasha sees Pepper’s blonde hair, and almost runs towards her, her relief at finding her mostly unscathed, except for what looks like a few bruises and cuts, is explicit as she hugs her.
“How’s Tony?” she asks.
Pepper starts to cry, and apologizes for it.
“I’m sorry, I just.. The building fell underneath us and I thought he was dead. We were trapped before - his arm, was caught. He’s in surgery now, they say it’s just to make sure the bones heal right.”
She hides her face and Natasha rubs her back.
“Come with me,” she says, and leads her to Yelena and Clint, sitting her down gently.
“He’ll be okay,” she promises.
Clint says hello, and Natasha introduces Yelena, who nods but doesn’t say anything, unsure what to do with tears and a weeping woman.
“Do you know where Maria is?” Natasha asks, wanting to set eyes on everyone, now they weren’t in a falling building.
Pepper shrugs.
The doctor had finished with Clint, giving them the instructions for cleaning the wound, then looked around.
“Does anyone else need anything?”
Shaking her head, Natasha smiles.
“No thanks,” she nods, despite the bruises on her ribs where the Hulk had grabbed her, or even the headache that seemed to be building from before the day started.
The doctor checks with the others and then leaves them in the room.
“God I’m tired,” she admits, openly.
“Me too,” Clint groan, leaning back on the plinth.
Yelena sighs.
Taking a moment in the quiet, no one dares to break the silence, each in their own thoughts.
Tony lays unconscious, surrounded by Natasha, Rhodey, Clint, Steve, Sam and Pepper.
Yelena had left, with a promise to return, swearing to Natasha she’d be back.
Bruce still hadn’t turned up, but there’s been no reports of the Hulk smashing anything, and Fury had promised to look whilst they all waited for Tony to wake up.
Natasha stands, feeling strange and not wanting to be around anyone.
It started to feel too much.
Clint looks at her sharply before she signs she needs to go to the toilet.
He nods and leans back into his chair.
Leaving, she looks for a stairwell, a spare room, anything to break down in.
She feels the flood of emotions and the let down from the adrenaline, feels the loss of home and safety in an area that was supposed to be the safest.
She could have lost her friends.
Natasha feels tears coming as she squats in the corner of the room, obscured by chairs and lets the emotions come.
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cypherverze · 1 year
Hardest Part of Ending is Starting Again
an avengers x john wick crossover fanfic
You can access the previous chapter here: Chapter Two | Series Masterlist Access
PAIRINGS: avengers x teen!readers (platonic) , tony stark x niece!reader , john wick x daughter!reader , peter parker x female!reader
SUMMARY: After spending a day with Peter Parker, you had solidified the thought that you have indeed, a crush on Peter, but his words says otherwise. Meanwhile, Abram had already put out a contract for you, with a five million dollar bounty on your head, that is being taken care by an avid hater of your father.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hello! if you had manage to get to this chapter, i just want to say thank you for showing an interest or liking my fic. i’m not sure how many chapters there will be, but i’m planning on incorporating as well the timeline from either far from home or no way home. i’m kind of happy that there is already a progress with peter! i’m sorry if there are typos, i usually write my draft in the middle of the night, i sometimes accidentally sleep on it and i wouldn’t notice the typos until i had them already posted. also, i have until monday to post some updates, bc after monday i’ll be busy again so updates will be slow.
i took some artistic liberties, some of the characters in the john wick franchise have limited backgrounds, so i made up some backgrounds for the characters so that some details would make sense.
REMINDER: this is purely fiction, i had made fictional connections so that my fic would make sense. i don’t own the characters that are originally in both franchises. please do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: foul language, mention of guns and knives, death, and violence
DIVIDER BY: @delishlydelightfuldividers
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You had been woken up by the alarm clock, quickly stopping it, you’re already used to waking up early because it’s your routine, and you just easily slipped into the routine. You opened your eyes and stared at the ceiling for a moment, it has been four days now since you started staying with your uncle and his team at their compound and had an encounter with Tarasov’s men. You had been cooped up in your room yesterday, double checking everything in your father’s briefcase.
You turned to your side and Koda was laying right beside you and you gently ruffled his head. You let out a sigh as you got up from the bed, causing Koda to do the same thing. You went out of the room with him and as you approach the common area, you saw that the team were all suited up, guessing that they had been called for a mission.
“Where are you guys heading off to?” You asked as you sat down on the couch and watching them.
“We got called for an urgent mission,” Your uncle replied, “Not sure how long it will last but don’t worry, we’ll be back in no time.” He smiled softly at you.
“Alright then.”
“Don’t worry about being alone, I called Peter and told him we’ll be gone for a while,” Steve smiled, “He’ll check up on you, so you have nothing to be worried about.” He added and you saw Sam playfully winked at you, he’s teasing you again.
You grabbed one of the throw pillows from the couch and chucked it at him with full force, it landed on the center of his stomach, and letting out a small wince due to the impact of your throw.
“Come on team, let’s go! Let’s not keep the quinjet waiting.” Steve said with a command.
Each of them hugged you goodbye, not missing a teasing wink from both Sam and Natasha. Tony was the last one to leave the room, he hugged you tightly.
“We’ll be home soon, try to stay alive by then. Okay?” He cupped your face, and gently nod at him.
“No promises.” He sighed and smiled back at you, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Go be a normal kid for once, spend some time with kids your age. Spend time with Parker and his friends, they’re good kids, alright? I gave him your contacts as well, I hope you don’t mind,” You nodded and made his way out of the common area, “Stay out of trouble! Keep the compound in one piece!” He yelled.
“Again, no promises!” You yelled back.
When they had all left, you are still seated on the couch. While the team are gone, you had given a thought of staying at the continental for the meantime, and maybe you should. You stood up and went back to your room, you had finally made up your mind that you’ll pack up and stay at the continental. While you were packing up some of your stuff, you noticed the blood oath marker on the desk, it’s your marker. The sun was shining on it, small metal round object glaring at you, waiting to be used at your disposal.
The markers are considered to be the ultimate last resort solution for any favor. You had never given your marker to anyone, not one person, ever since you started this kind of job. Truth be told, you never saw anyone worthy on giving your marker to, if you can get out of the situation on your own, you’d rather do that instead of asking someone for help and giving the marker in return for the help that they did for you. You had learned it from your father the hard way, when Santino D’Antonio had decided to pay him a visit. Your father had rejected the marker, so by rejecting it, Santino blew up the house. The bastard may have gotten a bit too far, but it’s his full rights to do so. A marker is no small thing, but your father rejecting one? Well, look at what happened.
Santino had helped your father on his impossible task, no matter how much you hated that guy, he’s one of the reason why your father had been granted his freedom and lived a peaceful live with you and your mom. You hate to admit it, but if it wouldn’t be for Santino’s help, your father would have been still with the Tarasovs, he wouldn’t have you and your mother. You had thought about it and the repercussions that small object would bring. You would like to label it as a blessing or a curse, depending on the given situation.
It’s a small thing, but it brings a lot of weight. As what they say, for a person to grant a marker to another, is to bind a soul to a blood oath. Dishonor the marker, you die. You kill the holder of the marker, you die. You run, you die. So whatever choices you make against the marker, the consequences are always the same. That leaves you no choice but to accept whatever task that the marker-giver had given to you. So when you know that you can compromise in a situation, you compromise. Instead of ending up owing someone a debt.
You grabbed the marker from the desk and sighed. You threw it in your bag, you are always bringing it with you. Even if you don’t plan on giving it to someone anytime soon, if it falls into the wrong hands, it could also bring repercussions. You double checked your things and zipped your bag close. You went to the bathroom to take a bath, then changed into some comfy clothes. You’ll be taking out Koda for a walk today before you leave.
“Ms. Jovanovich, Mr. Parker has arrived, and he’s looking for you.” Friday suddenly announced.
“Thanks, Fri. Please tell him that I’ll be out in a second.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
You grabbed Koda’s leash and attached it to him. You suddenly thought about who’ll watch Koda while you’re gone. The team’s gone and you’re gone, You suppose that the AI can watch it for the meantime? You kind of want to ask Peter, but crossed out the idea. You don’t want to bother him that much, and you guys had just met. You are in no position yet to ask any favors like this, and he lives with his aunt, who might or might not be allergic to animals, or maybe just not fond of animals in general.
You went out of your room with Koda and head to the common area, where you saw Peter waiting for you.
“Hi, good morning!” You cheerfully greeted him.
“Hi!” He smiled at you, kneeled down and ruffled Koda’s head, “He belongs to you? Saw him yesterday in the compound, spending time with Mr. Wilson.” He stood up.
“Yeah, he’s mine. Well technically, he’s my dad’s, but got the custody right after he passed away.”
“O-oh, I’m sorry.” He looked down.
“No worries, it’s been a long time.” You smiled softly.
“So what are your plans for the day?” He asked.
“I’m gonna go take Koda for a walk and drop by at the book store, wanna come?” You invited him.
“You can leave your backpack at the couch,” He nodded, “Hey, Fri! Peter and I will be going out for a bit, we’ll be back soon!” You said.
“Okay.” The AI replied.
“Come on, let’s go.” You both made your way out of the compound.
You are both walking, side by side, with Koda leading the way. It’s just pure silence, none of you decided to speak, just listening to the buzzing noise of the city and the honking of the cars.
“There’s a good book store few blocks away frow here.” Peter said.
“Oh, sure! Let’s go there, I need to buy some books.” You smiled.
“How come I never see you that often at the compound?” Peter asked, decided to make some small talk while you both walk towards the shop.
“I never really go there everyday, only quick drop by, once or twice a month,” You replied, “It’s just I’m really swamped with work, got a lot of stuff to finish.” He nodded.
“Will you be staying now at the compound? Since Mr. Stark mentioned that you’re planning on transferring to Midtown.”
“I’m only staying at the compound temporarily, though he wanted me to stay permanently at the compound. It’s just that there are things that I really can’t easily leave behind,” You looked down, “He told me to consider the idea, so I’m still in the decision process of it.” You chuckled and he nodded at your reply.
“We’re here. They don’t allow pets inside, but I can watch Koda for you!” He offered.
“Yes please. Thank you!” Both of your hands touched briefly as Peter retrieves Koda’s leash from you.
You felt a bit of spark when your hands briefly touched, there’s this feeling also in your stomach that you can’t explain. Peter flashed you a gentle smile, and you smiled back at him. You quickly turned around, and entered the shop, you can actually feel yourself blushing. You hope that Peter didn’t notice.
You grabbed a small basket and went to the section where they sell medical related books. You grabbed a few books, focusing on the human anatomy. You went up to the cashier and paid for it, returned the basket to its proper place and went out of the shop. Peter eyed the plastic that contains your books, and he can definitely see what the books are all about.
“That’s some interesting books you got there,” He said, “You into science?”
“Oh, yeah, kind of. You know, I love reading. Especially on the human anatomy,” You laughed, “Before we head back at the compound, can we buy some pizzas? I haven’t eaten yet. Let’s buy some and just eat it back at the compound.” Diverting the topic to another one, you can’t really go into details with him as to why you bought some human anatomy book.
“Yeah, sure. I know a place that you can buy some good pizza.”
“Okay then! Lead the way, Peter Parker.” You both laughed.
You didn’t notice that Peter was still holding Koda for you, you didn’t want to be rude in getting Koda from him. Besides, Koda is warming up to him. So you just smiled at the sight, your heart a little bit racing.
You arrived back at the compound, with Peter holding two boxes of pizza. You grabbed Koda from him and dashing inside as soon as you removed his leash. You both went to the common area, and Peter placed the boxes of pizza at the table.
“Welcome back, Ms. Jovanovich and Mr. Parker.” The AI greeted you both.
“Hey Fri.” You greeted.
You both sat down on the couch, opening the first box of the pizza. Been a long time since you last had eaten a pizza, due to you being in the continental a lot, so the food there are always proper meals. It feels good for a change, which is a temporary one.
“So, tell me about Midtown.” You leaned back and turned to look at Peter. By looking, you mean staring.
You can’t help but stare at Peter’s face. His cute nose, dimples, and cheeks that you want to pinch so bad, and lips that probably feels so soft. You are slowly memorizing Peter’s face—it’s a common thing for you to do, you memorize people’s face because of your job. But for Peter, it felt different. You’re memorizing it as a memory for you to keep. Your stay at the compound is only temporary, who knows you may never see him again. It’s a good memory to remember him by.
“(Y/N)? Hey?” Peter snapped his fingers infront of your face.
You had been staring at his face for far too long, you forgot to pay attention to him. Your eyes widen in realization, and it caused your cheeks to blush beet red.
“O-oh, I’m sorry! Was just caught up with something on my mind lately, but carry on!” You coughed, “So you were saying?” You turn your attention back to him.
“Midtown is pretty cool. I go there with my friends, Ned and MJ. Gonna introduce you to them sometime, they’re cool people,” You nodded, “And it’s a school for smart kids.” His eyes widened at what he said.
“It’s not that I’m saying you’re not smart!” He panicked and you just laughed at him. You never really notice the mistake on what he said, he just suddenly corrected himself.
“Hey, it’s alright. No worries.” You grinned.
“I-I know that you’re smart too, I didn’t really mean to say that you’re not.” You smiled widely. You put a hand on his shoulders, calming him down.
“I told you, it’s okay!” You shake him a little bit, “No need to explain it further. The further you explain, the more you mess up the words.” You laughed softly and gave him a small pat on his shoulder.
You find it really cute when he’s all panicky.
“I’m sorry.” He squeaked.
“Stop saying sorry. It’s okay, no harm done.” You chuckled and smiled at him softly. There was a pause between the two of you, a minute of silence before Peter spoke.
“So, uh, you’re Mr. Stark’s niece?”
“Yeah, he’s my mom’s closest cousin. They lost contact with each for a long time,” You leaned back at the couch, tucking both of your legs beneath you, and Koda resting his head on your lap scratching the back of his ears softly, “Until I appeared under SHIELD’s radar, and that is when I found out that I wasn’t totally alone in this world like I thought that I would be.” You shrugged, your attention still with Koda.
“You don’t have to tell me if you’re uncomfortable, it’s okay,” Peter said, “I mean it’s uhm, pretty personal.” He added.
“Nonsense, it’s fine with me, been a long time since it happened. So I have no problem with it.” You shrugged at him.
“You told me…told me that your dad passed away. May I ask what happened?” Peter directly looked at you, his eyes showing genuine curiosity.
“He died due to his injuries from work. He was supposed to be coming home right after his work, but he wasn’t able to take in the injury that he suffered. His body gave up,” You kept your gaze on Koda’s sleeping figure, “But I’m happy that he’s finally free when he did. No longer tied to anything or anyone, and he’ll finally be with mom.”
You looked at him, there was this expression in his that he wants to ask something. Peter wanted to ask about your father’s line of work, he wanted to ask if he’s an assassin.
“Yeah, he was an assassin. The best of the best,” You smiled softly, his eyes widened at you said. You had guessed what he wanted to ask, but hesitated, “The criminal organization fears him the most. He’s the kind of man that you do not want to cross or mess with.”
“What made you become an assassin like him?”
“Well, it was the one thing that my dad wouldn’t want me to become. But like others, I don’t know how to cope up with the loneliness, grief when he died. He was the only one that’s with me after mom died and we had each other’s back. I had felt this sudden resentment. Resentment for leaving me all alone in this world, the only person that is left in my life, had left me,” You chuckled sadly, “It was the only thing I can do to ease the pain. I see it as a coping mechanism, and turns out that I was a natural at it. So it stayed with me.” You smiled at him.
“Well if it makes you feel better, I’m Spider-man,” You laughed at his reply, “He gives me the confidence that Peter Parker doesn’t have. Maybe it’s because people can’t see or know that’s it’s Peter Parker, the awkward and nerdy highschool boy that goes to Midtown, that’s under the mask.”
“I know.”
“You…know?” His eyes widened, “how?”
“I have a knack for finding out people’s secrets,” You scrunched your nose, “There might have been a few things or habits that you usually do that you don’t notice that gave it away, but people can notice if they look and observed closely.” You smiled.
“Really?! Like what?”
“That’ll have to be a secret,” You teased him, “You have to find out for yourself.”
“Come on!” He whined and you just laughed at him. Peter kept on insisting you to tell him, but you didn’t budge. You almost did, but didn’t.
At some point, he finally gave up. You talked a bunch of random stuff, Midtown (again), and his friends. You are just there listening to him talking and staring at his face, however, you can’t help notice how the way Peter talked about MJ, how his tone would often change when you talk about her, and right then and there, you had suddenly felt that little pinch in your heart. You are really good at reading people, and it looks like he’s got a huge crush on MJ.
It kind of broke your heart a little. Yes, you finally admit that you have this silly crush on Peter, despite having just met him. Like come on, it’s impossible for you not to not like this guy. It’s his little quirks and cuteness, a little bit brainiac, that made you gravitate towards him, though on the other side, your rational side, maybe that it’s good that Peter has a crush on someone. Person like you, whose life is always on the line, you can’t afford being literally in love with someone. You and words like crush and love does not belong in a sentence, It’s dangerous for you, but not only for you, but on the other person as well. You know very well that Peter is capable of protecting himself, but those people that are after you, they would always find a weakness, an opening. They always manage to successfully find one.
You and Peter both spent the day at the compound, eventually after all the boring talks, mutually agreed on watching a movie together. He made you sit through an entire movie of Star Wars, it kind of peaked your interest, but not the same excitement that it gives Peter. It’s an okay movie for you, not bad, but watching it one time is already enough for you. You looked at your watch, and it’s already late in evening. Peter’s phone vibrated, notifying him that he has a text message. It was a text message from his aunt May.
“Hey, I kind of need to go home now. May just texted me,” He spoke as he looked at you, “I had fun spending time and getting to know you.” He smiled.
“Likewise, Parker.” You smiled back. He stood up and grabbed his bag, you walked him to the exit.
“Will I be seeing you again tomorrow?” He asked.
“Uh, I’m not sure. I’ll be leaving for a business trip, so probably not.” You shrugged.
“For how long?”
“I’m not really sure, depends if the work gets finished earlier than expected.”
Then out of nowhere, he suddenly hugged you. You hugged him back, but he let go quickly.
“I’m so sorry for that,” He scratches the back of his neck, “As a thank you. I’m happy that we met and I earned a new cool friend.” You just smiled.
“Hey, it’s no problem. You can call ot text me anytime, Tony gave you my contact, so make use of it. If ever you need some help, you know how to reach me,” You gently pat his shoulders, “Though I won’t be able to answer it right away when I’m working, but I’ll get to you as soon as I’m free.”
After watching Peter leave the compound, you head back to your room to get ready. You’ll be leaving tonight to go to the continental, and your bags are already prepared and waiting by the door. You went to the bathroom to shower. After showering, you pulled out your outfit from the closet.
It’s a suit, just like the one your father wore. But you made a little bit of a revision to suit your style. The classic white long sleeved polo with a black necktie, tucked in your black high-waisted fitted trousers, and some combat boots, topping it off with a black long coat for the final look then brushed your hair. Never forgetting in attaching some of your weapons in the hidden parts of your suit—some knives by your boots and both guns and knives on both side of your hips.
Grabbing your father’s watch and swapping it with the ones you use on a daily basis, you also put your mother’s bracelet on your right pocket, keeping it safe. Dusting off some imaginary dust in your outfit, you stare at yourself infront of the floor length mirror, sighing. You checked the room for any mess and there were none, you intended on leaving the room spotless, just like you weren’t there. Truth be told, you really don’t like making a mess, you would always keep a place or room clean. You grabbed your bag and strapped it on one of your shoulder, then grabbing the briefcase. You turned off the lights and closed your room, then you made your way to the common area.
“Hey, Fri.” You called out for the AI.
“Yes, Ms. Jovanovich?” The AI responded quickly.
“If ever the team arrives, please notify them that I’m away for a business trip. I have no exact date as to when I’ll be coming back, but it may take a while.”
“Yes, Ms. Jovanovich.”
“I’ll also be leaving Koda here in the compound. I already refilled his bowl of some his dog food and water, if ever he gets lonely, please give him access to my room, because that’s where he’ll gonna be mostly.”
“Yes, Ms. Jovanovich.”
You kneeled down by the couch, where Koda was resting. He was whining and rubbing his head on your palms, he knows that you’ll be leaving him again.
“Hey buddy. I’ll be gone for a little bit for a business trip. But don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. I’ll come back home early for you,” You smiled at him, you pressed your forehead on his, “You’ll be taken good care of here in the compound. The team loves you, they’ll be able to take care of you whenever I’m gone.”
“Be a good boy, okay!” You gave Koda a long kiss on the forehead and stood up. His whines broke your heart, but you needed to leave. You moved to pick up your briefcase.
“I’ll be leaving now, Friday. You can lock up when I leave.”
“Yes, Ms. Jovanovich. Good luck on your business trip and take care.”
“Thank you, Fri.”
You look at Koda one last time and smiled at him. You made your way to the exit of the compound. You’ll be taking the taxi a couple of blocks from the compound, that will be driving you to the continental. You began walking the busy streets of New York, completely blending in the shadows of the night.
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Abram Tarasov.
Abram is a calm and collected man, he can be patient, he’s known for his wisdom, and has a group of loyal henchmen who carries out his orders without any questions. As much as possible, he doesn’t want to deal with violence, he prefers a peaceful negotiation, hence why he has a talent for negotiation, and also has a keen eye for profitable ventures. Abram works together with the Tarasov Mob Family but only on the sidelines, which had been previously headed by his brother, Viggo Tarasov.
Back then, their family was just a small-time criminal running a small-time operation. So when your father had managed to kill all of their rivals for his impossible task, the Tarasov Mob Family had quickly rose in power. So it was all thanks to your father that the Tarasov had accumulated a vast network of contacts, inside and outside of both United States and Russia. They had managed to operate illegal businesses and various fronts like churches, freely. But after Viggo and Iosef was killed by your father, he had took it upon himsef to take over and steer the mob back into its original course, picking up where it had left off. He can’t let an empire fall, it had taken them a long time to get to where they are now, especially not on his watch.
It’s rare for them to see Abram having an outbursts, and when they did, it is when he had learnt that his brother and nephew had been killed by your father, and all he wanted was to get a revenge. Though back then, he had accepted your father’s offer of peace when your father had paid him a visit in his chop shop. Nothing good will ever come out if he decided to come after your father for revenge, and it is wise not to poke the devil in the back by taunting him. But when your father is no longer in the picture and one of his informant had told him that you’re Jonathan Wick’s daughter, he can’t let this opportunity pass without getting back at you.
Yes, he feared your father, that’s why he didn’t bother on getting a revenge, but he does not fear you. You may be Jonathan Wick’s daughter, but to him, you’re just some girl who happens to be a daughter of Jonathan Wick. In his eyes, you are not good as your father, you are not worthy to be feared, and he is not afraid on killing a silly kid or some teenager like you.
“So you’re telling me that that girl had beaten my men by just using a pencil?” He’s voice was calm, but the emotion on his eyes tell you otherwise, as his men stood in front of him.
“Yes sir.” Abram took a sip of his bourbon and slammed the glass on his desk and stood up.
“You have one job,” He punched the man who spoke in the face, “One fucking job! And you let my men be beaten by a fucking girl! By just using a fucking pencil at that!” He kick the man on the shin.
“Вы все бесполезный сукин сын!” He went back and sat down on his chair, he turned to his assistant, “Call Anya. If there’s anyone that will be able to finish the job, it’s her.” He leaned back to his chair and closed his eyes.
“Sir, Anya had agreed to do it.” His assistant said.
“Good. Put out a contract for Anya, a five million bounty on Jovanovich’s head.” Abram replied as he gently taps his fingers on the arm of his chair.
“According to Anya, (Y/N) Jovanovich is staying at the continental.”
“Tell her that I will double the bounty if she bends the rule.”
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“Вы все бесполезный сукин сын!” - you are all useless son of a bitch!
*** i’m only using google translate, so please excuse if there’s something wrong with the translations.
@sirimiripetrichor @nimo-jay @preciousbabypeter @graysonmalik2550
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elmundodeflor · 1 year
Levi and Hanji reunite one day, in the after-life...
Because softness is grazed to those who wait .
Waves crash against the shores, roll in a whisper that's as soft as the winds. Where is he?
He opens up his eyes. There's sand all around him, seeping through his clothes. It doesn't take long for him to recognize the widened coasts, golden and warm. The land where he had once been happy, free as the roaring of the seas.
But, how did he end up here? All he remembers was shutting his eyes close to sleep. Saying goodbye to Gabi and Falco, as he would on any other night.
Why aren't they here, then? They wouldn't let him wander off alone.
He stands, lets the breeze tug at his hair, hushed-down and tender. It seems, the sun shines with newfound sparkle. That the skies merge into one with the waters, and nothing can hurt him anymore.
Maybe, he thinks, it's that the ocean sings and there's only lullabies left to hear. That the air smells of sweet beginnings, and war is nothing but a distant memory, lit somewhere on his skin.
He walks, fast as his muscles allow him to. One. Two. Three. His legs move, swift and harmless as they've ever been. It feels, like he's learning how to do life again. That he's just a regular human who's been given a second chance at loving.
He guesses, it's why he doesn't appear surprised when he can take yet another step. There’re no more battles to be set. No more aching on his heart. And little there is of that once broken soldier.
Now, he can be a reckless spirit. Can paint himself all the colors of the sunset. He can choose a million different paths and hide in a million different planets.
He smiles. Something has bloomed from deep within, burns impatient at the idea of liberation. And, as he crouches down to touch the ground once more, he's certain: his time had come.
His soul has spread its wings, brighter than every sunrise.
"Levi!", a voice calls from the distance. And his heart stops, all of a sudden. Sinks at how his name sounds on their lips.
Hanji. Hanji Zoe. He would have known it was them, even at the ends of the world.
He runs. One. Two. Three. His breath falters, and his limbs are numb and the one thing that lingers is the trace of his footprints, fading on the shores. Perhaps, he promises, this time around he’ll leave everything behind. He'll seek the horizons and never look back. Here, where spring grows ever long, there's no room for tragedy. No place to mourn what once was.
He's going to see them again. After all these years. They are going to be together for good. Together at last.
They turn to him, and open up their arms, like he's been gone and this is a long-due call home. Like a lifetime's slipped between them and they wanna smash into him, ever so carefree.
"You came back for me...", they whisper, breathless. They're melded with the waters; their clothes melting into foam. A smile buzzes on their lips, broad as the seas below. And Levi thinks, sure enough, he'd trade until the last of his heartbeat to make this moment eternal. To stand the two of them, forever in their little scraps of heaven.
He nods, nuzzles in the comfort of their chest. Hanji's pulse is calm and warm and steady. A rhythmic melody that's turned to song. And he decides, maybe, he'll make a home out of its compass. Guard it a secret, forever safe within his fist.
Do they know, how many dreams he's ached just to hold them close? How many nights he's bled out their name?
"I had to...", he says, hushed against their skin. There's a tear that falls, followed by one and then another. He'd buried love more times than he'd seen it bloom. Had said goodbye with his tongue tied and his eyes wide-opened.
Still, this is his very first reunion. The sweetest of them all. The bare proof that there's a ray of illusion that parts through one's grief.
He steps back to look at Hanji. How their hair flows with the breeze, braided with golden and salt. The way their face glows with every certainty: wild, yet angelic all the same.
They have been the sunshine to his rain. His bindweed roots, in a universe that could only crumble into flames.
How could he not come back for them? It was the only wish his heart had flown for.
"I...", he cracks. His voice is shattered, a low rasp that blurs into the currents. Hanji wipes the sorrows away; their thumb catching off the drops that unravel, soft as the morning dew.
And he can see it clear. A realization that scars him deeper than the day they left:
They're crying, too.
"I've missed you, Levi.", they sob. They're so close, he can feel the pink of their blush. Count the pulse in every breath. "I've missed you so much."
He exhales, in and out. He had always been one to crave in silence. A lone spectator that yearned from the trenches. Truth was, fate had taken more than he could give. That he had to grow layers not to be left with just his soul to carry.
But none of it matters anymore.
Not when him and Hanji can have the skies all for themselves. That forever's a blank canvas, and they can go on adventures, like they're little kids again.
He leans in, tucks a strand of brown behind their ear. Words have never been his greatest virtue. And so, he guesses, he can finally start now, after all.
"I've missed you..."
Hanji smiles, cups his face before their lips meet. It’s a soft kiss. One that’s filled with a life-time of tenderness. Their mouths press, one over the other: warm and steady and fearless. And, it seems, years of repressed emotion come afloat. Like the perfume of a sunny day. Like the perching of a butterfly.
Levi hums into the kiss, tugs Hanji by the waist. Their hands are on his hair; his explore their back. He wants to paint and hug and discover each scrap that there’s to them. To run across the beach and jump to the moon; for he’s got happiness between his fingers, once. After all this hurting. After all this time.
He pulls away. His nose nudges against theirs, seeks constellations inside their irises. He has the feeling, that fortune shines on him, at last. That, maybe, everything will be just like before, when their eyes were filled with possibility and stars were new for them to catch.
Do they know, how many sunsets he’s prayed to? How many pieces had he been torn to, just to guard their memory?
He kisses them again and again, and again once more. Kisses them long and hard and tender, as if life could freeze in the traces of their touch. He kisses them sweet and sour, and broader than the skies. For all those other nights he couldn't kiss them while on Earth.
Hanji holds him dear, puts their arms around every crevice in his body. They can taste the salt in his tears, how they mingle with the flutter of their mouths. And they want to rock him to the waves, sail away from every scar.
"Have I ever told you...?", they whisper, like sugar on his lips. It's a promise that bares them whole, a confession meant just for him to savor. "How beautiful you are...?'
Levi stays still. He had been called many honors in the breathing world, but never this. It means more than he can claim to, really. That he's drawn in such delicate lights. That he's turned to a precious landscape, as if his vulnerable is something worth to keep.
Was Hanji aware, how long he'd waited for the words to slip? How bad he'd burnt, trapped in every aching fantasy?
He pulls them in again, squeezes so tight they might as well collapse. He can't remember when it was the last time someone had made him feel seen, unshielded of all that he is. The sleepless nights he'd yearned for anybody to discover the pretty to his broken.
He sighs. Hanji handles him with care. Like he's a fallen comet and they're scared they'll make him melt. It’s the brightest of comforts, really: how they stroke his cheeks, oh so gentle. How he can show his imperfect to someone who simply understands.
“Will you go again…?”, he asks. His voice falters, and he’s a kid all over. That same child who’d been once left to grow so quick.
Hanji shakes their head. Levi could be silly sometimes. But they love him so, even at that. After all, he had always been like this beneath the surface. The fissures on fine porcelain. The craters on the moon. The colors of the wind.
How could they not come back for him? It was the only wish their heart had ever starved for.
“I’m not going anywhere…”, they reassure, kissing the tears off his skin. It’s an oath that’s easy to make, this time around. That they can hold each other safe, where infinity meets the shores. That they can show themselves bare, play hide and seek.
Levi smiles, even through the rainfall. And he nods, throws himself into Hanji once more. After all, it had always been like this with them, too. In the end, they had always been one to keep their promises.
“We’ll be together, for a life-time and beyond.”
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yandere murderer x reader
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"We’re breaking up," I say to my now ex-boyfriend. Sam looks at you in shock, this hurts to do. I don't wanna do this, but loving him is practically killing you. Everyone, all your friends, say he’s too possessive and clingy; and you agree. His love for you is just too much for you to handle; maybe you're an asshole for breaking up with him. But being with him hurts. You watch the smile on his face drop into a frown. You can feel the tears swelling up in your eyes but you try and hold them back. He reaches out to touch your hand, but you pull away. "y/n what?" he chuckles, clearly to cover up the pain. You can feel his voice break. You take a deep breath before responding, trying to keep your own voice steady. "um, yeah. We're done Sam. This isn’t really working out." The thought of breaking up with him is something you wouldn't even want to consider, but his possessiveness and clinginess have ultimately led you to this decision. Sam looks devastated, and you can see the pain in his eyes.
 He starts to plead with you, the more and more he talks, the more it hurts. "y/n, please.. what did I do? I promise I’ll change. I swear- jus-just please. Give me a chance!" You can feel your heart breaking as you hear Sam's desperate pleas. But you know that it's the best decision for both of you. "I'll do anything sweetheart!" he sobs. you can feel a tear run down your face. “Sam please. Stop." you say in a firm tone, hoping he'll stop. he grabs onto your shoulders with a tight grip, "y/n darling, PLEASE." you gently push him away, taking a step back. "No. Find someone else, someone that can handle you." you say, your voice slightly shaking.
 You run off, you can’t do this anymore. You find your friends and hug them, hoping to find comfort and solace in them. their upbeat faces turn to concerned ones, and they ask what happened. you explain what happened, sobbing inbetween your words. "congrats! Aren't you glad you finally did it?" one of your friends say, trying to lighten the mood. "yeah.. I feel kinda free..?" you say, another one of your friends add "Now you can finally make decisions for yourself too." snickering. You appreciate the support from your friends, but you cant help feel like something bad is going to happen. But you ignore it.
 a few days pass, you feel better and free without him. time to time, you pass by him in the halls, looking at you with a bitter yet heartbroken gaze. You feel a pang of guilt and sadness every time you see him, but you know that ending things was the right decision. you hangout more with your friends instead of with Sam clinging onto you all day. it felt nice. one of your friends invites you over to a house party, apparently almost everyone in the entire grade will be there, with a bit of convincing from your friends you came to the party. 
but, your gut kept screaming at you not to. you ignore the feeling, just like when you broke up with sam, you felt like something bad was going to happen but nothing did. You get ready, choosing your best outfits. as you head down to the party with your friends, excitement mixed with anxiety builds up in you; you feel like someone’s watching you and your every move. 
 You try to ignore the feeling and focus on having a good time with your friends at the party, but you can't shake off the uneasiness. As the night progresses, you begin to let your guard down and enjoy the party with your friends. 
You sat down on a couch with some of your friends; laughing at the thought we were probably going to regret this the next day. "shit, i think i left my charger in the car." one of your friends say as they get up to go outside. "you want me to come with you?" you offered, your friend accepted. you and them talked about whatever stupid thing is happening during the party. 
As you and them finally reach the door, your friend tries to open it. but the door won't budge. "why are the doors locked?" your friend says suddenly with a hint of frustration in their voice, you start to feel a sense of unease once again. "wait let me try." you ask, you try to open the door, but it still won't budge. You start feeling a bit paranoid and wonder whether someone locked the door on purpose. the knot in your stomach grows bigger by the second. 
 You and your friend hear a loud scream coming from the party, it wasn’t like anything you heard before. It was the most blood-curdling scream you'd ever heard. "Did you hear that or is it just me?" your friend said, "nope not just you." you replied.
 You heard a bunch of people running towards the door you were next to; everyone tried to unlock it, "it’s locked dude." your friend told them. "Wha-what’s happening?" you ask, panicking by the second. "There’s a-" "JUST HIDE!" one of the partygoers shouted. You start to tremble in fear, hoping that whoever or whatever is causing the scream won't find you. everyone ran away from the door, hearing another scream, but closer this time. your friend grabs your hand; you managed to catch a glimpse of who was causing all the screams. It was a guy with an axe? 
Your friend pulls you behind a nearby sofa. You hold your breath and try to remain as quiet as possible, praying that you won't be found. As you crouch behind the sofa, you can't help but feel like the axe-wielding killer will eventually find you. "I-I don't think we're safe here."  
 Your heart is pounding so hard, you can feel it in your throat. You silently curse yourself for even coming to this party; you should've listened to your gut. You try to stay as still as possible, but your mind is racing with thoughts of escape. Should you make a run for it? Or wait until the killer moves on and pray that he doesn't find you hiding here? The sound of footsteps growing louder makes your heart rate spike again; they're getting closer. 
Your friend squeezes your hand tightly and you feel grateful that they are there with you through this terrifying ordeal. Your eyes dart around frantically trying to find something - anything - that could protect you against an axe-wielding maniac. "Peekaboo." a familiar voice says, making your blood run cold. 
An axe slams down onto the sofa, mere inches away from where you and your friend are hiding. you look at the voice, their face covered by a mask you can usually find at a Halloween store; their outfit being casual like everyone else at the party.
They look oddly familiar. "Found you." the voice says, sending shivers down your spine; your eyes widen in terror. this is the night you were going to die. In that moment, you realize that your only option is to fight back. You quickly grab a nearby lamp and swing it at the attacker's arm, causing them to drop the axe. 
 "G-grab the axe!" you shout to your friend but instead of grabbing the axe, your friend scrambles away, leaving you alone. you watch as instead, the killer grabs the axe. Your heart sinks as you realize your friend has abandoned you in this moment of need; this could be the very moment you die. The killer seizes and pins you down. You lay there paralyzed, expecting to be murdered; instead, they take your phone from your pocket. They get up, crush it, and then rush after your friend. you take this as an opportunity to run upstairs and hide. Hopefully, wait until the cops come. As you dash upstairs to find a place to hide, your mind racing with panic, you feel relieved that the killer wasn't after you; you felt confused but relieved.
 Racing up the stairs, you hear your friend scream. You hear your friend cry as you rush up the stairs. You can only guess what happened to them as you rush into a bedroom and into the wardrobe, where you see someone cowering beneath the bed. 
This was meant to be a fun Halloween party, not one where people were being hunted and assaulted with an axe by a killer. Despite the gravity of the situation, confusion clouds your mind: Who could have done this? Did anyone see anything or know who might be behind all of this madness? Hearing footsteps on the stairs below, your fears resurface anew. You press both of your hands over your lips if you shrink into yourself and try your hardest not to make a sound. "Sweetheart, where are youuu?
 This was supposed to be a fun Halloween party - definitely not one where people were being chased and attacked by a murderer with an axe. Despite the gravity of the situation, confusion clouds your mind: Who could have done this? Did anyone see anything or know who might be behind all of this madness? 
Hearing footsteps on the stairs below, your fears resurface anew. You press both of your hands over your lips if you shrink into yourself and try your hardest not to make a sound. "Sweetheart, where are youuu?" 
 You eventually figure out who the voice is. Sam. "Come out, come out wherever you are," you hear doors slamming open. Sam giggles. You just want to go home, back to before any of this happened. 
 As you sit frozen in place, your heart is hammering in your chest and your eyes are wide with panic. You couldn't catch your breath because every muscle in your body was stiff. you could hear the sound of your own heartbeat thumping in your ears; this can't be Sam. This couldn't be. "I’ll find you one way or another." The thought of that makes your skin crawl. 
You can feel him get closer to the room you're hiding in. "You know how long I waited for this?" he says, the more he talks, the more you want to cry. "Can you blame me for all of this? If you think about it, this is all your fault babe!" Your mind raced, trying to make sense of what was happening. This isn’t your fault, right? "You make me crazy." the bedroom door you're hiding in bursts open. You close your eyes in fear, tears running down your face. Hoping he won’t find you. "W-wait! Please, I'll do anythi-" you hear a scream coming from outside. You're hoping this is all just a dream. You're hoping that he won’t find you. But he does. He opens the closet, seeing you with your teared up eyes in fear. The corner of his lips goes up in a lovesick smile. "Let’s forget this all happened okay? After this is just going to be me and you. Forever."
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