#I swear I had to fill out like 20 pages before I saw this lady
that-vampire-loser · 7 months
My therapist, telling me how watching my carbs and not eating certain foods and doing intermittent fasting could help with my depression
The big fat bold “history of disordered eating and hospitalization” on my file 👁️👁️
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Apperently my brain is in a ShiIta mood today. I've got an idea for a vampire Au stuck in my head where the clan head family of the Uchiha are vampires that are served by the mortal branch families (in a way more similar to the Hyuga.)
Since Shisui has no living family, when he comes of age he is offered by the branch families as a gift to Vampire Lord Fugaku's heir Itachi.
Shisui is nervous. He's heard plenty of stories about Lord Fugaku's cruelty. While Itachi is more reclusive, he has no reason to believe that the younger vampire or his fledgling brother are any different that Fugaku himself.
As he enters Itachi's chamber for the first time, his hands curl into fists and he has to fight to stop himself from shaking.
He waits.
After an hour, he finds himself calming down. Anger at his predicament replaces fear. Another hour passes and his anger fades and curiosity starts to take his place. He starts to observe the chamber around him, eyeing the book shelf taking up an entire wall, an ornate bed that has never been slept in, an ornate sword hung on the wall above a small desk that is neatly organized with several locked drawers. The longer he waits, the more Shisui's curiosity overcomes his better judgement and he finds himself rifling through Itachi's belongings.
The books he finds cover all topics. Many are history books, but there are books on math, physics, poetry, mythology and all of them are well cared for. Shisui occasionally finds books with pages that have been marked and he spends more time with those books, trying to learn anything he can about the man he has been given to.
He pulls the sword down from the wall, expecting the blade to be dull and brittle, nothing more than a decoration and he is surprised to find the blade is excellently balanced, sharp, a beautiful and deadly weapon.
There is nothing on the desk for Shisui to find, but he uses a hairpin he spots by the dresser to jimmy open the lock on the drawer and finds a leather bound book which is filled with beautiful sketches, mostly of landscapes, some pages filled with tiny, neat handwriting in a language Shisui doesnt know.
That's when he feels the presence behind him. He never heard the door open, no footsteps, but he turns and finds the pale figure, with the appearance of a youth no more than 20 with long, raven black hair. Watching him with piercing red eyes. He drops the book and scrambles back, waiting for some kind of retaliation for his snooping.
Itachi just sighs, moves to pick up the book and places it back in the desk drawer.
"I'd have unlocked it for you if you asked."
Shisui just stares. The young vampire has this stunning tragic beauty about him. But as Shisui calms down from the shock of Itachi's sudden appearance he also notes that there is something....almost sickly looking to him. He looks too thin to the point where Shisui would call him fragile. His skin, pale as snow, has none of the luster he is used to seeing in Lord Fugaku and Lady Mikoto. His eyes, while unsettling, dont have any shine to them.
"If your worried about me harming you, I can assure you that I have no intention of feeding on you. My father insisted I accept your presence here, so you will be my guest. Nothing more. Anything you desire, I will provide for you. But I swear, I will never feed on you."
And with that, Itachi vanishes. He leaves instructions for the servants to make Shisui comfortable in his chambers, to give him anything he asks for.
At first Shisui is relieved. His fears of of a slow, painful death have been abated. Night comes and Itachi does not return and Shisui eventually settles into the unused bed and sleeps. In the morning, he wakes up to find Itachi at the desk, reading. Shisui watches him for a while.
"You're probably hungry." Itachi rings a bell to summon a servant to bring Shisui breakfast and Shisui takes the moment to peer over Itachi's shoulder to see a sketch of himself from the night before, fear in his eyes.
They settle into a sort of routine. Itachi is at his desk when Shisui wakes up. Itachi escorts Shisui around the manor and makes sure Shisui is happy and comfortable. They talk. Itachi asks lots of questions about how Shisui grew up, about his home, about his family, his friends. He looks sad when Shisui tells him he had no one. He asks about the things Shisui enjoys. Asks what kind of books he likes and then presents Shisui with a brown paper wrapped bundle of books Shisui mentioned and a few new books Itachi thought he might like. Then, as evening comes, Itachi would escort Shisui back to his chambers and disappear.
As time goes on, Shisui feels more and more certain that something is wrong with Itachi. The sickly look to him gets worse and worse. Itachi starts to seem weak. He has to sit down frequently as they walk.
It takes a while for Shisui to realize the answer. That Itachi hasnt been feeding at all, that he is slowly starving to death because he refuses to feed on Shisui. And to Shisui's surprise, he finds himself incredibly upset at the idea. He tries to ask Itachi why he wont feed and for the first time, he sees Itachi get upset. Itachi harshly rebukes Shisui, telling him not to ever ask about that again. Itachi has a servant take Shisui back to his room and he doesnt show up the next morning. Or the morning after that. For a week, Shisui is left alone. When Itachi finally reappears, he appears to have deteriorated significantly.
That's when Shisui makes his decision. That night He asks the servants for a silk robe, for some nice soaps and to prepare a bath. He spends a few hours getting ready and then waits.
He is still awake when Itachi comes in the middle of the night. Hes dressed in the silk robe, loosely tied so that the skin of his shoulders is exposed.
"Itachi, you have been nothing but kind to me. You're suffering and it hurts to watch. To see you like this. I want you to feed on me."
Itachi's face twists into a pained expression. Shisui watches as his eyes drift to Shisui's exposed skin. Before Itachi can flee, Shisui closes the distance between them.
"I swore that I wouldnt." Itachi chokes out. Shisui wraps an arm around Itachi's waist.
"You promised I would have anything that I desire. This is my choice. My desire. Please, Itachi."
There is a moment of silence and then Itachi leans in. He kisses Shisui's shoulder and before he pierces the skin he whispers, "as you wish."
Shisui expects it to hurt. He winces as he feels Itachi's fangs sink into him but quickly the pain is replaced with pleasure.
When they're finished, Shisui aches, but in an incredibly satisfying way. Itachi is holding him nuzzling against him and he looks over and he is awestruck at the transformation. Itachi looks vibrant, almost like he's glowing.
In that moment, Shisui risks asking Itachi again why he wouldn't feed before. Itachi goes silent for a long time and Shisui starts to worry he's upset Itachi again until in a quiet voice Itachi answers him.
"I didnt ask to be what I am, to be turned into a monster. But just because I am like this, does not mean I need to be like /him/." Shisui can hear the venom in his voice as he refers to his creator, Lord Fugaku.
"When I came to my senses after being created, when I saw the bloodbath that had fed me I hated myself. Hated what I was. The sight of all that blood was revolting. Knowing that I had...." itachi trails off a moment.
"I swore after that I would never feed on another living creature. But I also never expected you. For you to offer yourself to me freely." Itachi kisses the place where his bite mark was on the curve of Shisui's neck, sending a shiver of pleasure through Shisui.
"I will never take from you, Shisui. But your wish is my command."
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petri808 · 4 years
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30-Epilogue
*TW: cutting, therapy, break down. a little longer then usual at 2500 words
The therapist greeted the couple as they walked in and sat down on the couch. “Thank you for allowing Natsu to sit in today, Lucy. I don’t want you to think of this as a couples counseling per se, because you’re still my primary client. But I feel that him being here to understand your struggles, as well as his, and being able to express them in a safe environment, will help in your healing process. And thank you Natsu for agreeing to this.”
He sat forward a bit, ready to engage. “Anything to help Lucy.”
“I’d like to start with your homework Lucy, has there been any progress in trying to write out your feelings? Remember, it’s okay if you’re still struggling with that, there’s no judgment here.”
“Not... really...” Lucy fidgeted with the hem of her sweatshirt. “Every time I try to, I-I get too... I start to cry, and the panic rises— I fail at it every single damn time and that makes me feel even worse.”
“You’re not failing. Let’s reword that to struggling and recognize that simply making an attempt is the first step, a very important one to be proud of.”
“Maybe I was just kidding myself all along about writing. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t any good in the first place. It was all in my head.” Lucy could see the frown on Natsu’s face from her words, but that’s how she feels now. There was a time she thought she was a decent writer, maybe not publishing quality yet, but she truly enjoyed it regardless and now, a blank page is all she could muster.
“Natsu,” the therapist directs her question to the man. “It seems you’re unhappy with her statement. Would you say that Lucy’s a good writer? Honest answer.”
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “I mean I’m no expert, but the stuff I’ve seen is pretty good. I definitely couldn’t pull them off.”
“Lucy would you call Natsu a liar?”
The blonde paused, annoyed and offended. She wanted to say yes, only because she didn’t want to agree, but then it wouldn’t be true. Natsu was giving his honest opinion and she couldn’t deny it. “No,” Lucy breathed out. “Look I get it. You’re trying to tell me it’s all in my head, right? It’s just the pain talking, and I’ll get better, and I’ll get back into writing just like before.” Anger had slowly begun to prickle the hairs on the back of her neck the longer she clung to the dissociation. “I-I’m not an idiot! I know this is all stupid shit in my brain! I just can’t stop it!”
“I’m sorry, I pushed you too hard, let’s go back a step here. No one is saying you’re an idiot. On the contrary, you’re very intelligent. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be recognizing that it’s all in your head, and that recognition is how the healing starts. My role, today with Natsu’s help, is to bring that to the forefront. Bring it out into the open, because sometimes hearing it out loud has a different effect on how we process the information.”
“I don’t get it...”
The woman sat back in her chair in thought for a brief second. “When we think about things just in our head, versus saying it out loud, it triggers different parts of our brain. What studies have found is that talking out loud stimulates... rational... erm, reality I guess is a better term. It becomes more real to us.”
“Huh.” So, what, Lucy rolled her eyes at the suggestion. True or not, she didn’t want to agree, because her mind was still in such a strong state of denial. “I still don’t accept it. It sounds stupid.” Maybe it was just her annoyance talking, but the therapist was getting on her nerves. Lucy knew the woman was just trying to help, but her irrational side didn’t want to deal with any of this. The pain sucked, but so did the treatment. She just wanted to stay in her room, in the dark, away from prying eyes. Surprisingly to Lucy, the therapist didn’t even flinch and the gleam in the woman’s eyes almost looked sadistic in that moment.
“Lucy, I know you know it’s not stupid. That’s just your mind imagining the wrong things, which is why you need to talk about it out loud, so you can hear yourself and how wrong it all sounds.”
Ugh! She was so tired of being told what she is, what she should be thinking, and the condescending tone she wrongly assumed from the therapist triggered an explosion. All the anger she felt about herself was transferred to the therapist in an instant. “I’m wrong?!” Lucy jumped to her feet, her anger crackling through. “No shit! Lady, I’m fucked up!! You want me to talk? Fine! I hate this! I hate everything! It’s all falling the fuck apart and I feel like I’ve been tied to the damn train tracks! Everything I’ve worked so hard for is slipping away! Three years of college being washed down the drain! How the fuck do I catch up now?! I’m so behind! AARRRGHH!!! I-I don’t even wanna get out of bed anymore! I hate myself— hate what I’ve become a-and that makes me even more fucking depressed! And my friends...” Lucy dropped back onto the couch as her shaking hands flew up to cover her face and the dam of tears finally broke loose in a cascade down her cheeks. She cried long, and deep for several minutes, chest heaving and inconsolable.
In that moment, Natsu sat frozen, his eyes swinging back and forth to the therapist and his girlfriend unsure of what to do. Should he move to comfort Lucy? The therapists inaction seemed to suggest the answer was no. It made him furious, yet... she was the professional... before he could make a decision, Lucy finally uncovered her face and look dead at her therapist. Almost forgetting him all together.
“My friends, seeing the looks on their faces...” Lucy dug her fingers into the fabric of her pants in an effort to ground her unraveling mind. “It hurts so fucking much! I must be getting on Levy’s nerves, she didn’t sign up to be my nurse, a-and Natsu, he’ll surely get tired of a basket-case of a girlfriend. I can’t blame him if he left me, I’d leave me too. It’s all just falling apart—” Her chest heaved in a heavy sigh. “I can’t see a way out anymore.”
Seeing the whites of Lucy’s knuckles the harder she clenched onto her leg and seeing the heavy breathing similar to that night in the ambulance. Natsu feared that Lucy was heading towards a panic attack. Wanting to reassure her, Natsu reacted this time and reached up from his seat, quickly grabbing her arm to gain her attention. “Lucy, I’m not—.”
But Lucy screamed and yanked her arm back, face grimacing in pain. “Tsss—Owww!!”
“leavi—” Natsu pulled back immediately. “Oh, shit! I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to! Did I grab you too hard?!” He didn’t think so, but based on her reaction, maybe he had.
“N-No,” she cradled her arm, turning to shield it from him. “You didn’t, I’m fine, it just caught me by surprise.” Lucy quickly brushed it off for fear of requiring an explanation. “Really. S-Sorry, I-I’m probably just too flustered.”
But that explanation didn’t satisfy Natsu. Lucy’s yelp was clearly pain related if buttressed by the fact she continued to hide it. “You’re lying to me,” he reached out, “I’m not mad, just please tell me the truth because it’s obvious there’s something wrong with your arm.”
“N-No, I’m not,” she tried to act like it was true. “See,” she waved it as if showing it was fine. “Nothing’s wrong...” till she accidentally hit it again and flinched, biting her lip just in time to stifle a scream. But she knew in an instant that she’d been caught.
His eyes and tone softened in an effort to lower her inhibitions. “Yes, there is.��� Natsu took her arm and started to pull up on the sleeve of her sweater.
Lucy instinctively turned her head away. She didn’t want to see his reaction to the bandage around her arm. Even when he continued to speak, questioned what was underneath it, she answered in one worded responses without looking. But at his gasping sound, her eyes closed in shame. She could see what he saw all from behind her eyelids, all the horizontal cuts running across her left arm. The red, angry lines in varying stages of healing. She kept most of it grouped around the middle of her arm between the wrist and elbow crook. At first, she’d tried what that EMT had done, merely jabbing her arm with a pen or digging her nails into the skin. But it wasn’t enough, so she’d moved onto cutting. It had started out small, just a couple of lines were enough to silence the horrid voices in her head, but like a junky’s tolerance, Lucy had to keep cutting, more and more, deeper, just to feel the same numbing results.
“Is this what I think it is?” Natsu’s shaky voice questioned with moisture filling his eyes. “Oh, Lucy, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad.” Now he knew why she’d started wearing long sleeves even when the weather was warm.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t want anyone to know... but it was the only thing making the voices stop.”
Without another word, Natsu pulled a surprised Lucy into a tight hug, tears of his own spilling. “No, I’m sorry, it’s my fault this is happening to you. I should have dealt with Touka long ago. I should have protected you better. This is on me, but Lucy I’m never gonna let you go, I won’t ever leave you because of this. We’re gonna get through this together. I swear on my life, we’re gonna get through this together. Do you believe me?? Please, tell me you believe me?”
“I do...” she did. The man wore his heart on his sleeve. It was a trait Lucy found most endearing, so how could her heart not accept his words? They sat there in an embrace while time stood still, and a small measure of relief fell over her. It wasn’t much, but it was a glimmer of hope, an ember, and one she hadn’t felt in a long time. This man who’d caged her on that train and captured her heart, she could easily pin all of her pain onto him, but he could also be her salvation. His strong arms wrapped around her broken frame made the scary world fall away, to remind her how much more she yearned to stay within it.
Once he felt Lucy’s body relax, Natsu pulled back, wiping away her tears as well as his own. “Is this the only area?” He gestured at her arm without judgment. And when she nodded, he let out a sigh of relief.
Now that the moment was waning, the therapist who’d been waiting patiently and observing spoke up. She offered the anxiety medications again to Lucy and with Natsu’s gentle coaxing, the blonde finally agreed to it. It couldn’t hurt right? If they didn’t work, she’ll just stop taking them. She didn’t want to see the anguish in Natsu’s eyes anymore, especially now that she realized how much he was internalizing and struggling alone with. He was in just as much pain as she was, so it was time they both do what they could to heal, together.
As they were about to leave, Natsu paused and questioned the doctor. “I have a question. I just realized, even though today was a big episode... Lucy didn’t have a panic attack. Why is that?”
The blonde looked at her boyfriend before her eyes landed on the therapist with an expectancy of an answer. She hadn’t realized that either. Shouldn’t her outburst have triggered one?
“I’m glad you asked,” the woman smiled. “Panic attacks are often triggered by suppression. When you’re trying to hold in your emotions, refusing to let it go, and not show it, but today Lucy let it out. She didn’t hold back so there was no need for her body to react physiologically.” She reached out and placed a gentle hand on Lucy’s shoulder. “Sometimes a good cry and scream goes a long way. Please remember that.”
It was quiet on the taxi ride back to Lucy’s apartment. Not an uncomfortable silence, but maybe just enough had been said in the hour long therapy session that they both still needed time to process it all. Despite her breakthrough, she knew it was still a long battle ahead. The poor coping skills she’d latched onto now needed to be reversed, and frankly she didn’t know if she could do it alone. Of course, she could ask Levy... and the woman did deserve to hear the truth going on... but Lucy really didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on her best friend. Levy had done so much for her already and as much as she appreciated it, it also contributed to her emotional pain. She glanced down at her hand held so tightly by Natsu and wondered... no... The man was struggling as well, so to add hers into his mix, is that really fair? But by that same token, their pain was also a shared one. If there was anything to take away from the session is that perhaps it is together, they’ll better find the end of the rainbow.
Once they arrive at the building and get out of the taxi, Natsu started walking towards it. Lucy tugged back to stop him. “Lucy?”
“Before we go in...” her voice lowers, hesitancy brimming in her tone. “I have a question to ask.”
“Of course, anything.”
“I can’t—, don’t want to do this alone anymore. But I also don’t want to put that kind of burden on Levy.”
“Lucy,” he pulled her hand up, clasped between his palms to his lips where he kissed the fingers gently. “I will do whatever you need me to do.”
She sighed. “Can I move in with you? A-At least until I get control of the panic attacks and the... the thing?” Her eyes flit to her arm rather than say the words aloud. “I know this would intrude on Gray, but I would feel much safer.”
Natsu paused for a second in thought. “I don’t think Gray will mind. I certainly don’t.” He smiled. “We’ll be there for each other.”
“Are you sure? Because there’s still a few things I haven’t mentioned like nightmares. I-I don’t wanna freak you guys out.”
“A promise is a promise, and when I said I’ll do anything, I meant it. Will it be scary, probably, I’m not gonna lie, but I’m willing to do whatever I need to get us through this.”
Lucy’s eyes gloss over, but a tiny smile ticks up at the corners of her lips. “Thank you, Natsu.”
He smiled back, “I’m the one who should be thankful.”
“For what?”
“For not dumping me. As much you’d worried, I’d leave you, I was deathly afraid you’d leave me. I brought this on us, so I wouldn’t blame you from running away.”
“Oh, Natsu.” This time a true smile finally graced Lucy’s face. “I’m not going anywhere either.”
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goodpeachtea · 4 years
𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥. (𝟎𝟐)
 Summary: People could say that Baby was crazy, so they could say that hell is more preferable than spending a day with her. Baby agreed. But no one could say that the girl was not a genius or that she was like everyone else. Baby Jones was special - yes, she could be a nicer special type, but anyway, special.
Couple: Spencer Reid x OC.
Words: 4.2K
Warnings: PTSD. Panic attack. Mentions of suicide, drugs, torture and kidnapping. Cigarettes. Under-age drinking.
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            (𝟎𝟐). 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖳𝖤𝖭𝖳𝖧 𝖠𝖭𝖭𝖨𝖵𝖤𝖱𝖲𝖠𝖱𝖸
   BABY’S CHRISTMAS WERE NEVER FORECASTED. This phenomenon happened because December 25th was not just what everyone celebrated as Christmas, but it was three more things: Baby Jones’ birthday, the anniversary of the death of her family, and the anniversary of the day she was kidnapped. Believe what you want, the little redhead has every right to enter a state of depression, anger and madness while it snows outside and normal children celebrate the date with their absolutely alive parents.
   That day for Jones was always a roller coaster of events. On the first anniversary of the-day-that-everything-went-wrong, in 1998, the 9-year-old, so young but so broken, tried to commit suicide. In the second, all the ideas that went through her head were homicide. In the fifth, Baby Jones caused a commotion and despair by fleeing the Sunshine Orphanage to visit 19 graves in Washington, covering 10 miles. In the ninth, Baby ended up in the emergency by alcohol intoxication.
   The Tenth Anniversary was the current one. Honestly, Baby was really committed to the (almost) promise she made to David Rossi. She was, really. If you asked her what happened that day, she wouldn’t be able to explain. Not because she was drunk, drugged or insane. She was none of those previous things - so I don’t lie, I will say that at least she was not at the apex of any of those things. Baby was just so sad that something needed to be done. And she did. Oh, she certainly did.
   Everything could have happened. Literally, everything. Nothing was a limit for Baby Jones, especially a Baby Jones at the peak of her grief. What happened was particularly unique. Of all the scenarios that the (now) short-haired redhead could imagine, she didn’t expect to end up handcuffed in the FBI building on Christmas Day.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2007.
   Baby hated snow. Don’t come up with all that magic, beauty and blah blah blah. For Baby, almost nothing was worse than Christmas Eve and everything that involved that day - the tree, decorations, snow, music and the hated Christmas spirit. The only Jones alive made a point of trying to bring everyone down with her in those days (she didn’t try very hard, but she didn’t pretend to be happy to cheer up the rest of the kids) and of course she couldn’t, because “Christmas is such an incredible time”. In December, she just wanted to die.
– You’re so boring, Baby! – Exclaimed Max, a 7-year-old boy who also lived in the Sunshine Orphanage, nudging the older one, who sighed deeply, concentrating all her strength so as not to strangle him. – You should help us decorate the Christmas tree, we never have something like this here. It’s fun, I promise! Stop being a killjoy!
– Max, have you heard of the phrase “fuck off”?
   Baby smiled when she saw the brat’s astonished face when he heard her swear, watching him run away from her and towards one of the women who took care of the children at the Orphanage. “Denise, Baby said a bad word again!”, he shouted as the redhead rolled her eyes and muttered “blabbermouth”. Denise, a blonde woman who loved all the control she could exercise over children, gave Jones a sharp look, who showed her tongue as a naughty child - and it’s very difficult to find differences between Baby and naughty children.
– Go straight to your room. Congratulations, you just lost your dinner!
   The almost 18-year-old teenager raised her eyebrows, holding the older woman’s disapproving look at her. She got up from the couch she was on, showing the middle finger to little Max, who was laughing at the girl’s misfortune. “If you want to eat breakfast, I advise you to improve this behavior, young lady!”, the blonde said, with an angry expression. Baby J. smiled fakely at the woman as she walked up the first few steps, watching the other narrow her eyes. The girl with golden red hair went up the stairs, mumbling “bitch” as she went to her room.
   Baby slammed the door of her room hard - not to provoke the controlling blonde downstairs, but out of pure tension that agonized her head and body. She locked it quickly, closing the windows and lowering the blind, knowing that even if she smoked the smell would dissipate and no one would bother her for hours on end (besides she herself). Bored, she looked around her, watching her room for something to do.
   The teenager with hair that reminded the dawn and freckles that were golden specks on her skin arched her eyebrows as she captured an idea from her brain about what to do to pass the time. She bit her lip, carefully locking the door, listening to the sounds of plates and cutlery downstairs. She knelt beside her bed, searching with her hands for the notebook that were taped to the wood of the furniture.
   The notebook was almost a diary for her. There, the most personal things in her life were sheltered. Written in angled and spaced handwriting, there were no emotional reports about Baby’s feelings or her complaints about her day-to-day life. Those paper sheets filled messily and with determination were all about the informations on the Jones Case that could take her to a closure.
   She glanced at the digital clock nearby, dinner time being 7 pm. Jones then looked at the black-lined notebook, prepared to read the information and theories she had already memorized backwards, hoping to get something new so that everything would be cleared up before the anniversary of her family’s death. The redhead flipped through the pages with frequently used marks, more and more aggressive as the time went, the realization slowly slapping her in the face that her hands were tied and she would not be able to solve the crime that defined her life - and the death of 19 people. Baby looked at her watch again, widening her eyes and punching the floor she was sitting in frustration, noting that it was already 11 pm and the whole house was quiet and dark.
   The teenager felt a little better when she realized that the little orphan Sophie was not going to sleep in the same room with her that night, the two women who took care of all 10 children who lived in the house knowing about Baby’s dangerous historic on Christmas Day and preventing a possible accident with the little girl. Jones got up from the cold floor, beginning to feel her heart stir and her fingers that did not want to stop moving as she paced. Baby thought again about her failure with her family, the tenth anniversary that she would not be able to resolve her inner demons and offer a worthy end for her relatives. She punched the door with an adrenaline rush, no longer caring whether the noise would bother the other habitants of the residence.
   Everyone knew the rules that were not spoken. That day, don’t mess with Jones. It doesn’t matter if you are only concerned about her health or if you want to cheer her up. No. Do not try.    The nightmare that was that day started with the fact that during the 24 hours she endured, no time she would be able to sleep. That’s how it started. Four red zeros on her alarm clock signaled that Baby Jones was doomed to misery for the next few moments. The redhead sighed, murmuring an ironic “happy birthday” to herself, blowing out the fire from the match she used to light a cigarette. She stared into nothingness, putting death between her lips and knowing that things were going to change - for better or for worse.    All that was needed was a brief glance. In a second, she was in her room smoking and trying not to cry. The next, Baby was back. Panic invaded her chest when she realized that she was lying on the floor, her eyes going to the clock hanging on the wall with a splash of blood: 20:11.    It’s amazing how a situation can change from one minute to the next. It’s amazing how the Jones family couldn’t be happier at 8:10 pm and a minute later they faced the worst moment of their life (or the end of it) face to face. And it all happened for Baby.    A shot was the first thing that warned the Jones that everything would go downhill. The immediately dead body of Mary Jones - Baby’s loving aunt - fell to the floor with a loud thump, screams being heard throughout the suburban home. Baby Jones went to the floor under the influence of her parents, Marie Ann and Thomas, who saw an armed shadow in front of the open door. At the same time, everything and nothing went through their minds, adrenaline and agony dominating their senses. They wanted to send their daughter run away from the house, while their eyes alternated among all their children: she, Amelie, Owen and little AJ, who was on the other side of the room, with no idea what was going on. But when they looked at Baby again, all they managed to pay attention to was the stranger behind her.
   The eight-year-old girl felt hands grabbing her as her parents screamed, asking for mercy. She struggled, feeling the hot tears on her face and the tightening the long, manicured nails on her skin, leaving marks because of the fight that had already been won. It was when his father advanced on the woman with black hair as the night that the second shot was heard, Baby feeling a pain she never felt before - and probably never will again - gasping and sinking in countless feelings. Little Jones sobbed, watching Marie Ann cry over her husband’s dead body.    Baby J.’s vision was blurred, everything was spinning and her screams of horror did not stop the situation, which happened in the blink of an eye. One, two, three, four shots. No way out. The little redhead couldn’t breathe and the strong, motherly grip of the woman who held her only made it worse. Baby saw three unknown men at her home and suddenly those three were almost all the males left. Giving up on struggling, Jones only managed to cry desperately when she saw her sister walking away in shock from Baby’s lifeless older brother, Owen. 
   Baby opened her eyes, feeling the damp on her face and the lump in her throat. She felt her chest rise and fall at an accelerated frequency and her head sinking into the pillow, gulping and scrambling up from the bed, drying the tears that seemed not to end. When trying to get up, the girl fell to the ground without even a resistance, feeling the tremor in her legs and hands. Jones put her hands on her chest, unable to breathe and panicking even more.
   So she just did what she needed to do. Baby cried. Panic spread throughout her body as she sobbed and searched for air, tears making everything worse. In fetal position, she clasped her hands tightly, not from physical pain but from mental pain, feeling her nails pierce the skin.
   Baby felt like she was going to die. “Maybe it’s better this way, maybe I have to give up,” she thought, her body softening and the feeling of something in her hand that was under the bed. The only Jones alive closed her eyes strongly and deeply regretted it, feeling the tightness in her heart get worse.
– Oh, my love, don’t cry.
   She felt the fingers running through her vivid hair, the tightness on her wrist and the tears in her eyes. “Please, let me out!”, she cried out with all her might, shifting and listening to the frustrated sigh of the man in front of her. “Why can’t you just be a good girl, huh? A good daughter? I love you, Baby, but… you’re just making things worse for you”, Jones ignored the man, who was still touching her hair affectionately, speaking tenderly.
– You are not my father and you never will be! You killed him and I hate you! – She yelled in the midst of tears, the scary Ryan Copper’s face tensing and his jaw clenching.
– I don’t accept this behavior under my roof! I struggle, I fight, I do everything to give you a great life and that’s what I get. – He squeezed the girl’s orange hair, pulling her face closer and staying millimeters away. – If this behavior does not improve by tomorrow morning, you will have serious problems, young lady. Honey, feel free. 
   Blue eyes blinked in fear, shifting her attention from the man who went from one extreme to the other in a snap of the fingers to the woman with black hair and a disturbing smile, a knife in one hand and a whip in the other. It was only Baby’s first day there, but she knew she wasn’t going to last long and maybe she would never leave that filthy, empty cellar again. Baby Jones heard the whip crack before she felt it burn on her skin.
   She opened her eyes, pulling what was under her bed into view. Baby felt the dust on the piece of photographic paper, smiling weakly and feeling the agitation in her chest lessen. She saw her parents hugging each other tightly, smiling at each other. Her mother, Marie Ann, had a big belly, sheltering who would become AJ in the future. The older brothers were on the floor, laughing and fighting over something and Baby was beside them, concentrated on a Rubik’s Cube.
   Her breathing was soon regulated and she bit her lip in a failed attempt to hold her tears, looking at that photo and soon holding it close to her chest. “I miss you”, Baby J. whispered so low that even she couldn’t hear herself. The girl spent about an hour in that position, crying and calming down, in a cycle, again and again. When she finally had the courage to get up, she felt dizzy, remembering the horrifying touches in her hair from one of the men who had kidnapped her. That affection seemed so real that it scared Baby more than anything. She felt a chill on her back, terror. The girl could feel everything even after 10 years. Those despicable hands in her hair, face, arm.
   Baby rushed to the bathroom, kneeled on the toilet coughing and throwing up. The day hadn’t even started and it was already one of the worst in Baby’s life (and that was a tough competition). The teen weakly got up, looking to herself in the mirror and just knowing what to do to repress that memories of the touches. Being a nervous wreck, she rushed to grab the scissors she always used to cut the hair of the other kids in the house - as lovely as this may seem (and it is), Baby make sure to threat the youngers with the sharp object, not wanting to be seem as a big sister. The tears were nearly stopping while cutting sloppily more than 10 inches of red hair, not caring by the mess she made on the sink or the length her hair was going to be. Jones didn’t really care for her hair, but made sure the pixie cut was acceptable.
– Booze. Yeah, I need booze. – The eighteen-year-old girl whispered, rubbing her eyes and preparing to be extremely silent.
   In a house with so many children - and one of them being the problematic Jones - the two women who lived there needed a little alcohol from time to time (having to hide for the same reason that they needed to have it). Baby grabbed her bag, making a grimace at the sound of a creak and snore as she opened her bedroom door, freezing for a moment, not wanting to be caught and punished. She went down the stairs carefully, kneeling on the floor and facing the last step when she reached the first floor. “Eureka!”, murmured a excited Baby, “or should I say “tequila!”?”.
   When she sneaked out of what they said was her home, it didn't take long for Baby to end up in the same spot of a few previous nights, when she got a call from the longtime acquaintance, David Rossi. This time, her brain didn't work the same way, especially after several sips of the alcohol in her hands. Baby Jones had her (not so) great idea when she was halfway through the bottle, getting dizzy when she got up quickly, totally excited about what she was going to do. Come on, she was already eighteen! Jones could do whatever she wanted, right?
   Baby J. took the first bus of the day out of Alexandria with the money she had saved, sitting away from the few other passengers and sipping from the bottle of tequila hidden in her bag from time to time. In a little over an hour, the young and not-so-innocent girl headed for her final destination.
– Excuse me! Good night, I want to visit David Rossi, if possible. – Baby said in her sweetest tone, winking her blue eyes at the receptionist.    The woman smirked, raising her eyebrows, not even bothering to look at Baby. It was not the rarest thing in the world for people to try to enter the FBI building and visit the famous author who was Rossi. "Agent Rossi is not expecting company and there's no autograph session going on now, child. You can go out that door," the brunette nodded the exit with her head as Baby Jones grimaced, determined to enter that building in Quantico. – You didn't understand, he knows me. – The 18-year-old explained, still trying to win over the receptionist, even though she suspected that the facade of being an innocent and kind child would not catch on. – Miss, please leave or I will call the security.    "Hey, now you're just being ... you know what? Nevermind! Call Rossi and say that Baby Jones has come to visit. Go, see for yourself, call!", Baby crossed her arms, almost tripping over her own feet as she leaned against the desk of the secretary who was beginning to have doubts if the girl was really just a fan. Reluctantly, the brunette, Miss Parker, picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Italian-American's office, staring at Jones with suspicion throughout the process. – Sir? Yes, there someone here that claims know you, her name is Baby Jones. Yes, Baby Jones, sir. – She seemed nervous about talking to David, looking at the floor constantly, looking up at the redhead with interest. – Of course, sir. Guard! – Hanging up the call, secretary Parker nodded to a large, menacing FBI security, Baby's eyes widening. – But I did not do anything! That jerk! Rossi didn't ...?
   “Follow Miss Jones up to the fifth floor", the older one said to the guard, who waved quickly, looking at the smaller one whose smile was growing on her face. Parker handed the girl an FBI visitor's badge, trying not to doubt David Rossi's sanity by letting the girl go up to the BAU upon hearing Baby exclaim "that's what I'm talking about!". 
   The eyes of serious security remained on the petit girl the entire time, noticing her strange behavior and trying to solve the mystery about whether that slight smell of alcohol he smelled was just an impression. The ride in the elevator was quick to the relief of Jones, who soon left the cubicle and smiled awkwardly at the man twice as tall. "I need... you know, go to the bathroom," Baby laughed embarrassed to the security (her acting skills were surprisingly good when it came to trick someone).
– Go to the end of the corridor and turn right, miss.
– Thank you very much. – Baby smiled and took quick, sloppy steps to the pointed direction, looking around and smirking to herself, noticing the calm movement of the building and no people around her.
   She read the signs on the doors, looking for a specific room, hoping that the seriously frightening security guard wouldn't come looking. Baby gave a slight "hooray" when she found what she came to, biting her lips when remembering that she needed to be silent, looking around and entering the agile room like a cat. The redhead clapped her hands excitedly when she saw a room full of files and a computer full of horrible cases that she would love to have a look at.
   Soon, Jones was digging through the numerous unresolved case documents, having already looked at the resolved case reports - she liked to deduce things about the suspect and then see if she got it right. She completely ignored the computer, knowing it would have a password and that her technological skills were not enough to hack the FBI. 
   Baby thanked for not being drunk enough to not know what she was doing, but to be a little more excited and happy than usual. Unfortunately, her current condition was not enough to pay much attention to the light noise the door made when it opened, only noticing the presence of someone else there when she heard a false cough, startling her.
– Miss, you are not an agent. – Said the handsome man, a little surprised by the situation and looking at the visitor's badge attached to the girl's black leather jacket.
– Huh, are you... sure?
– Yes, I’m sure. What are you doing here, miss?
– I think I getting myself in serious problems. – Baby laughed awkwardly, scratching her neck and seeing the badge with the name Grant Anderson on the clothes of the FBI agent who looked at her with extreme suspicion, prepared to solve that problem that was having an extremely strange girl accessing FBI files.
   Agent Anderson insisted on staying close to the girl, with his hand on her shoulder, with the suspicion that she would run away from there while he took her to the office of one of his bosses. Jones threw a smile and a wink at the security guard who escorted her to that floor, even though deep down she was a little afraid that the problem she created it would jeopardize her possible BAU spot.
   Two knocking on Aaron Hotchner's door was all it took for Baby Marie Jones to be in real trouble, walking in and facing a way-too-serious-looking man and a blonde lady. Unfortunately for the short-haired redhead, in that room there was not only the BAU Unit Chief but the all-powerful Section Chief, Erin Strauss. Anderson was afraid to say anything, the bosses' sharp eyes cutting him off, but he soon managed to announce the situation to both. "This girl was reading case documents, she was stealing some too," he explained, Baby looking at him ugly, opening her mouth in surprise. "I wasn't stealing! I was just... borrowing... for an undetermined period of time."
– What?! Handcuff her. How did she get in here? – Asked Strauss, squinting, irritated by the security breach, wondering if that child could be part of an illegal organization. Agent Hotchner, however, was looking at the girl with curiosity, finding her strangely familiar.
– She has a visitor’s badge. 
– What’s her name? 
– You know I’m right in front of you and you can ask me yourself, right? – Jones asked, her gaze going from Anderson to Strauss, who didn't have a very good expression.
   “What’s your name?”, the Section Chief of the BAU sighed, seeing the girl actually think to answer, looking to Aaron and remembering him. “Bring David Rossi here and we’ll answer all your questions!”, ordered the kid, seeing the two big bosses exchanging looks. 
– “We?”
– Yeah, me and him. Trust me, you are not going to regret it, this is gonna be super duper fun! – She smiled excitedly, seeing that the three people in the room were not understanding anything and were not sure how to act in the face of the unusual situation.
   “Why I’m not surprised that you caused that much of a problem in such a short period of time?”, asked David Rossi, drawing attention and sighing deeply to see what he was up to and how the next few hours would be somewhat unpleasant. Baby, lightly drunk and unfiltered, grinned when she saw the older man enter the room. “When I was told you were here I already knew that my day wouldn't go as planned, but you could have caused a minor problem, don't you think, Baby?”.
– Well, you can say whatever you want, but you must admit that's gonna be a damn good story to tell.
– Baby Marie Jones. – Murmured Hotch, finally remembering where he knew those red hair and striking eyes, seeing the girl do jazz hands, exclaiming “surprise!”. He couldn’t forget that case even if we wanted.
– Can somebody explain what is happening? – Asked Strauss, as Anderson left the room, closing the door and seeing the curious looks of the other BAU agents regarding that little meeting.
– So...!
– You! You don’t speak a word, miss. – David pointed his finger at the youngest, who took off her imaginary hat in a gesture of understanding, the sound of handcuffs filling the room, the girl laughing, but going quiet. – Erin, sit down, please. We have a lot to talk. Tell me, how do you fell about breaking some rules? 
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omgrachwrites · 5 years
Schooled (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
Summary: After the passing of Ava’s father she starts acting out which drives her right into the arms of one gorgeous Professor Barnes.
Warnings: fluff, angst, suggestive themes, swearing, main characters are 20+
Words: 2269
A/N: So, this is very very loosely based on an old fic that I wrote on my old blog so I thought I’d revamp it a bit lot! I’m gonna be tagging the people that were tagged in the original version of this so I hope you guys don’t mind! Also, sorry that they haven’t met in this first part, they meet in the next part, I promise! Please let me know if you would like to be tagged and let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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Part One - the beginning
It was a beautiful late summer’s day, the birds were chirping and the leaves were starting to turn that burnt orange colour just in time for fall. Everything seemed right with the world, but Ava’s world had seemed to crash and burn and there had been noting she could have done to halt the plan that fate had set in motion. She was a firm believer in everything happening for a reason but why did it have to be her dad? Although his send-off was a nice one, just like he deserved but she still hadn’t been ready to say goodbye to him.
Ava sighed at her reflection in her mirror before making her way downstairs, as she walked into the living room her little sister Morgan looked up from her drawing and gasped, “you look like a princess!”
Ava smiled and smoothed her fingers through her newly dyed blonde hair, “we can both be princesses together then,” she grinned, Morgan giggled and went back to her drawing, she didn’t fully understand what was going on.
Ava looked over at her stepmom who gave her a sad smile, “every time I looked in the mirror I saw him. I needed to make a change,” Ava explained, fiddling with the ends of her hair.
Without a word Pepper pulled her into a huge hug, after a moment she said, “you don’t have to explain, you look beautiful and I’m so glad your back in New York.”
Ava smiled as they pulled away from each other, “dad would have wanted us all to be together, besides I’m definitely not a Californian girl, some of those girls were horrible,” she chuckled, she was so excited to be attending NYU with her old friends and she was even more excited to be staying in the dorms, “and, there was a clear reason why my dad got full custody of me when he and my mom got divorced,” she said, rolling her eyes making Pepper laugh.
“So,” she continued, pouring herself a cup of tea, adding a touch of cinnamon and ginger to it, “which of dad’s things need sorting through? I want to help,” she added as it looked like Pepper was about to argue.
Pepper sighed and nodded, “Rhodey is sorting through the lab, there’s so much shit in there that he’ll probably need a hand.”
Ava nodded and made her way back out of the room and towards the lab, ruffling Morgan’s hair as she went. As she walked into the lab she smirked as she saw Rhodey’s head stuffed into a tall storage box, muffled swearing was coming from the inside of it. She giggled and leaned against the doorway of the lab as Rhodey wrenched his head out of the box, spilling packaging peanuts everywhere.
“Need a hand Uncle Rhodey?” she giggled behind her hand as Rhodey grimaced, brushing peanuts off of his clothes.
“I’d be grateful for the help kiddo,” he nodded, “nice hair by the way.”
Pepper was right, the lab was just full of shit – Tony really had been a hoarder – he probably had never used any of the stuff they found. They found loads of interesting stuff though like an old newspaper article about Ava’s grandfather from the 40’s. Rhodey and Ava had a good old laugh about the photographs they found from Tony’s old college days. Ava unearthed an old jersey that had to be the softest material that she’d ever felt and it somehow still smelled like Tony. She made a mental note to take it off to college with her.
She was sorting through her dad’s desk when she came across a memory stick along with a cutting from a newspaper article.
“Rhodey…” Ava asked slowly, “what’s this?” she asked, upon further inspection she saw that there was a note attached to the back that read, ‘for Ava.’
Rhodey chewed his lip and walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, “you should watch it, your dad would have wanted you to.”
Ava nodded without a word and she quickly set up the laptop to plug the memory stick into. Straight away she saw a younger Tony Stark sitting on a couch; he looked up at the camera, flashing that signature grin. Ava felt tears brewing in her eyes.
“Hey kid, you’re actually having your first nap of the day right now, I can’t believe that you’re a week old already. I wanted to make this video for you to watch after I’m gone which will hopefully not be for a long time. So, if you’re watching this I’m dead, I’m hoping that I had a good run,” he chuckled, “just wanted to tell you kid that no matter where you choose to go or what you choose to do I will always be the proudest of you. You will always be the best thing that happened to me. Whenever you feel sad or alone just watch this video and know that I’m with you till the end. I love you baby girl,” with those final words Tony flipped the camera off.
“You alright kiddo?” Rhodey asked, Ava sniffled and nodded, wiping her tears away, unplugging the memory stick and slipping it into her back pocket.
“I’m fine, I just didn’t know he had it in him to be so serious that’s all,” she chuckled, trying to make light of the situation. She looked further through the desk and picked up the newspaper cutting that she’d seen earlier. Ava frowned as she read the title, ‘Tony and Natalie Stark welcome miracle baby, Avaline.’
There they were right on the front page and in her dad’s arms pink and tiny, with jet black hair was her, “why was I a miracle baby Uncle Rhodey?” she asked and Rhodey smiled weakly.
“Your mom was told by the doctors that there was only about a 20% chance that she’d be able to get pregnant. When you were born without a hitch your dad swore that it was a miracle and he rushed to announce it to the world.”
“Oh,” Ava lamely finished, blinking back tears as an awkward silence settled in the lab, “I should um start packing for Greece, I leave on Friday and I haven’t even started yet.”
“Okay,” Rhodey nodded understandingly, “I’ll see you later.”
Ava nodded and smiled, thanking god that Rhodey was so understanding, “bye Uncle Rhodey,” she escaped to her room and sighed, she hadn’t exactly lied to get away from the awkward situation. She really did need to pack for Greece. She was so not organised.
About an hour into packing she huffed, feeling extremely bored and started scrolling through her phone. She noticed that her friend Wanda had put a message on the group chat that they had with their other friend MJ.
“Hey ladies! Are we all ready for Greece?! I’m actually so excited; we all deserve the sun, the sea and some excellent food if you ask me! Just got an email from college administration saying that the dorms are co-ed this year! We could be rooming with some hot guys! Ava, you chose the right time to enroll in NYU darling, I wish it was under better circumstances though! Ciao for now xxx”
Ava giggled as she read the message; Wanda had just split up with her boyfriend so it would be great for her if she got roomed with a cute guy. In fact, it’d probably be great for Ava too. It was in that moment that she was determined to stop moping around and make a fresh new start. It was what her dad would have wanted for her. She placed the newspaper cutting about her birth on her desk so she’d remember to pack it for college; she kissed her fingers before touching her dad’s photograph.
“Miss you dad.”
Bucky smirked and laid back on the bed, resting his arms behind his head as Natasha walked out of the bathroom, rubbing a towel against her damp red hair. She was so beautiful; she was everything that Bucky had ever dreamed of. Nat looked at Bucky and saw the look on his face and his lust filled eyes.
She rolled her eyes at him playfully, “what are you smirking at gorgeous?” she asked, a smirk to match Bucky’s spread across her face.
��You,” he said simply, “come here,” he chewed his lip, almost whining and Nat huffed with a grin.
“No,” she giggled, backing away from both him and the bed, “you’re gonna get me all dirty again,” she casually flicked her wet her hair over one shoulder and fluttered her eyelashes, knowing what it did to him.
Bucky pouted like a moody teenager, sticking his plump bottom lip out and giving her his best puppy dog eyes, “but we can get clean together again,”
Nat giggled and relented, getting back into the bed with him again, leaning over him to kiss his lips, “god, you are actually beautiful,” Bucky flushed scarlet at her words and tried his best to play it off like it was nothing and he tried to act like her words had no effect whatsoever on him.
“Bucky Barnes, are you blushing?” she teased, nudging his shoulder, making Bucky flush an even deeper colour.
“No!” he said completely unconvincingly, trying to hide his bright red face in the pillow, “leave me alone,” he grumbled, making Nat laugh.
They both heard the distinct sound of a car door slamming and footsteps walking up the gravel path. It didn’t really bother Bucky that much because Nat had told him in the past that she had a roommate. Nat on the other hand, jumped up instantly and padded over to the bay window, discreetly peering out of it as she checked her watch.
“Fuck, shit! Oh my god! Bucky you need to go, like right now!” she spoke frantically, pushing her hair off of her forehead.
Bucky frowned; he couldn’t see why she was so worried, “why? I really want to meet your roommate.”
“Bucky, jesus! I don’t have a roommate, it’s my boyfriend!” he didn’t have time to be so shocked because Nat was urging him to get out of the bed and get dressed. She had to be joking.
“I can’t believe that you didn’t tell me that you’ve got a boyfriend!” he hissed as he pulled his jeans on, “we’ve been sleeping together for months!”
“Never mind that now! Out the window!” she whispered and Bucky’s eyes almost bugged out of his head.
“Out the window?!” he repeated, making sure that he’d heard her right, he was so pissed off beyond belief.
“Yes!” Nat whisper shouted, obviously getting impatient which Bucky thought was rich, “do you want to get beaten up? If you do then by all means stay!” she hissed, flinging his shirt at him.
“For fucks sake!” Bucky grumbled as he climbed out of the window and almost literally shimmied down the drainpipe, “I’m getting far too old for this.”
Steve and Sam both started over the table at Bucky with identical dumbfounded looks on their faces as Bucky finished his crazy story, “I know right,” he chuckled – he could see the humour in it now – as he took a sip of his beer.
“God, I haven’t climbed out of a window since our own college days,” Sam chuckled, shaking his head at Bucky, “and you’re doing it as an actual adult,” he slapped his knee as he laughed about it, obviously finding it really hilarious. Bucky glared at his friend, his pride was still hurting days after climbing out of that window.
“Where the hell do you go to meet these crazy women?” Steve asked, half in awe and half in astonishment.
“Crazy but hot Stevie, that’s the best thing,” Bucky smirked as Steve rolled his eyes and Sam looked kind of proud, “just in bars and stuff man, the usual places where you’d go to meet women,” Bucky shrugged, draining the last of his beer.
“Yeah, well I don’t think that’s working out great for you is it Buck?” Sam chuckled.
“I agree with Sam Bucky and I seriously think that you need to take a holiday or something,” Steve muttered as he got up and went to get the next round of beers.
Bucky shuddered, he couldn’t think of anything worse, he loved going on holiday – like most people but he was terrified of flying. He was bad enough when he was with other people, never mind flying on his own. He hated that it was one of his biggest fears, he really needed to conquer it but it was easier said than done. Sam watched his friend, knowing that he was worried. When Bucky realised that Sam was looking at him he laughed Steve’s comment off casually.
“Is he crazy? Going on an airplane on my own? No thanks.”
“He’s right man; you seriously need a break before you start your new job. And, it would help you forget about what happened last year.”
Bucky’s blood ran cold at Sam’s words, “mate, please do me a favour and don’t talk to me about last year. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, okay,” Sam relented, holding his hands up, “but if you figure that you do want to talk about it then I’m here for you.”
“Thanks man,” Bucky grinned, clinking his empty bottle against Sam’s, thanking for his best friends.
Maybe Steve was right, maybe he needed to let himself go a little bit more. He was looking forward to what the future had in store for him.
next part >
Taglist (open): @theonelittleone @void-imaginations @allthingswildareshy @mswinterfalcon @mikariell95 @charles11700 @thejemersoninferno @writingkeepsmewhole @panic-naran @lovely-geek @white-wolf-buckaroo @yoinks-i-dont-feel-so-good​
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
Emiel Regis X Reader | What Will Remain Of Us | Chapter 11-20
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Originally posted on AO3. From chapter 25-30 will have a warning change, keep an eye on that. These are just small fluffy standalone fics. Domestic self-indulgence. Enjoy.
Word count: 2100+ Warnings: Smut, swearing
Chapter 11 - Gesture
Regis was a man that loved some peace and quiet every now and then, and his lover knew that quite well.
As the higher vampire sat down in the aged armchair, which was of course not as old as himself, with a book in his hands, she excused herself to go to the market.
‘I will go into town,’ she announced, ‘is there anything I can get you?’
Emiel Regis felt a smile tugging at his lips as he shook his head. ‘No, my dearest. But thank you for the offer.’ She nodded as a greeting, heading for the door.
‘Wait.’ Regis spoke softly, his head just turned enough to face her. She looked over her shoulder, eyebrows raised, basket already in hand.
‘Yes Regis?’
‘Come here.’ he whispered in an undemanding tone. She placed the basket down and walked over to him, halting next to the chair.
Regis gently took her arm, caressing it as he pulled her down with care, pressing a loving kiss against her lips.
‘Hm, be careful out there.’ he muttered against her mouth, capturing it once more before he let go of her arm.
‘I will.’ Her cheeks were slightly flushed. She straightened her back, softly squeezing the vampire’s shoulder before turning to the door again.
‘I love you.’ he said as her hand wrapped around the doorknob, twisting it open. She felt her heart jump in her chest and she smiled.
‘I love you, too.’
Chapter 12 - Afterglow
The room was warm compared to the outside world, but that could just feel like that because her naked body pressed so warm and snug against Regis under the soft blanket of their shared bed that she shortly considered throwing off the covers.
The heat of the previous events still lingered on her skin and in the air. Her fingers drew lazy circles on his chest, carressing through the silver hairs that grew upon it.
‘I was wondering...’ she began, ‘with how many women have you been in your entire life?’
Regis swallowed, shifting into a more comfortable position to speak, not too fond of bringing up the past, when things were different, and seemingly more complicated.
‘What does that truly matter, my darling? I was another vampire back in the day and I have changed a lot. All that I want right now is you... Only you.’
But she wouldn’t take this for an answer, turning up her body to face him.
‘Tell me. I won’t become jealous.’
‘I’d rather not open old wounds, (Y/n). It is all gone now. I have nothing else left but you. So please, don’t bring it up again and cuddle with me.’
He silenced her by pressing a kiss to her slightly parted lips.
‘Tell me.’ she mused undistracted as he pulled back for air. He bit on his lip, shaking his head slightly.
‘There was once this prostitute...’
Chapter 13 - Alchemy
‘Impromptu potion brewing?’
‘Not completely.’ She pointed at the book on the table while she added some branches of rosemary to the concoction in front of her, stirring it thoroughly with a spoon. He moved to stand beside her.
‘You have no idea what you are doing, do you?’
She was quiet, her eyes momentarily containing the joyful glimmer he always loved to see.
‘Not a fucking clue.’
Regis tutted, pressing a kiss upon her cheek before moving over to the table, reaching for a bottle of wine that sat half-empty on the wooden surface, dangerously close to the edge. He poured two cups, handing one to her.
He took the book with alchemy formulae in one hand, eyes scanning the page. ‘You know, my dear, that you have picked quite a difficult concoction to brew?’
Her cheeks flushed pink and she just hoped he would think it was because of the heat that came from the pot she was stirring.
‘I know.’
Regis pondered a moment, inspecting her slightly hunched over form as she added some rose petals to the liquid, even though it was no part of the recipe.
She took a huge sip of her wine, downing it in one go before fully turning towards the brewing.
Then it hit the vampire.
‘You are trying to impress me.’ he stated. She almost choked on her own saliva.
Emiel let out a soft laugh, placing down his cup before walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. He buried his nose in her hair, kissing her neck.
‘You are too adorable.’
‘Stop it, Regis.’
‘But you are.’
They stayed like that for minutes, his chin resting upon her shoulder, her arms slowly becoming tired from the stirring, until Regis had to intervere due to burning ingredients.
Chapter 14 - Fight
Just like any other healthy relationship, an occasional fight between Regis and his lovely woman was not out of the question.
Lover’s quarrels just were normal in any relationship, yet it upset Regis to a point that he felt his stomach turn around whenever she slammed the door to their bedroom. Even though this reaction of her was incredibly childish, for which reasonable adult would walk away and make noise like that, Regis thought she was somewhat right, but so was he.
He approached the bedroom door, knocking upon it.
‘Darling?’ ‘Leave me alone, Emiel Regis.’ Regis swallowed thickly.
‘I am sorry, okay. I should’ve trusted you more.’
‘I am not a child, Regis. You don’t need to protect me all the time.’
‘I know, dear. You already told me several times. I should’ve listened. It was wrong from me to send my ravens after you to watch over you.’
‘You mean spy on me.’
The vampire softly sighed, letting his shoulders hang in shame.
‘Darling, just open the door.’
‘No, I—‘
‘Just let me apologize.’
The sound of the lock being undone made Regis straighten his back and she appeared in the door frame, an annoyed look plastered on her face.
‘I am sorry, darling. My choices have been far from perfect. I should’ve respected your privacy.’
‘You are not my father. If I just go to the market, you don’t need to worry.’
‘I know. It is just...’ he was quiet for a second. ‘Every time you go out alone, I fear that something might happen to you. I can not bear the thought of something bad going on whenever I am not around. You are very, very precious to me. I love you, and can not live without you.’
Tears had filled her eyes, dangerously close to falling.
‘Oh, Regis. I love you, too.’
He opened his arms and she didn’t hesitate to step into his embrace, pressing her face against his shoulder.
He softly caressed her hair, smiling a bit as he felt her relax.
Chapter 15 - Beast
The look on her face was enough to tell that she was most certainly startled. It had frozen as soon as she had set eyes on Regis in his vampiric form, her body tensing up.
‘I look like hideous, don’t I? Demonic, even.’
She swallowed, shaking her head as she took in the vampire. ‘No.’ she breathed, stepping closer to him, carefully cupping his cheek. The texture of his skin felt different; colder, wrinklier.
‘Are you afraid of me?’ Regis said with a hint of fear in his voice when you glanced at his fangs, long nails and slouched, panting form, taken aback by how her gaze shifted from anxious to loving. ‘No.’ she repeated, standing close to him.
‘You are still Regis.’
‘As a matter of fact, yes, but my body—‘
‘You are still Regis. The Regis I know and love. Even though your outer shell has changed, I know this is part of you. You are you.’ she said, smiling as she saw he was surprised by her answer.
He morphed back to his human, wasting not a second to step closer to her, taking her face in his hands and kissing her deeply.
Chapter 16 - Kiss
‘Kiss me.’
‘We are out in public, people will stare.’ Regis responded.
‘I don’t care. Kiss me senselessly. You’ve been looking at me like that for hours now, I know you want it.’
Chapter 17 - Pleasure
A low growl left his lips as he rolled his pelvis into her, filling her once more.
Her eyes shot open at the beastial sound, feeling her walls clamp around his length even more. The vibrations of the noise aroused her even more, stirring something inside her. ‘Could you do that again? That was fucking hot!’
Regis chuckled deeply, leaning over to kiss her, hands leaning on both sides of her head.
‘Language my dear.’
She hooked her legs around his hips, pulling him closer. He let out another low grunt as she did so, making her smirk in anticipation.
‘If you do that a few times more, I might just climax.’
‘In that case, I will carry on just a bit.’
‘Just a bit, though?’ She pouted, and he was quick to catch her bottom lip in between his fangs, playfully sucking on it as she whimpered, his hips and sounds moving in and out of her until she saw stars.
Chapter 18 - Protective
Regis was fully aware of the glances his beloved received from the other side of the bar, his hand curling up protectively on her knee, holding onto the skirt of her dress.
The man across the room had been glancing for a long time now, eyes lingering upon her gorgeous face, curves and legs, and needless to say the higher vampire was far from pleased.
The staring man approached, he was around her age, shaggy brown hair falling in front of his face. He reeked of drink and bullshit. On his hip dangled a sword, around his arm the Redanian emblem showed.
Instinctively, Regis scooted closer. She was oblivious, still talking to him about getting a job at the local orphanage; she was most seriously considering it.
‘Hello there, lovely lady! I couldn’t help but notice you from my table. My name is Reuben, and who are you?’
She looked up for a moment at the man, surprise visible on her face.
‘She is here with me.’ Regis responded, ‘and she is none of your business.’
‘Please, I just want to talk to your daughter, is she spoken for yet?’
‘Yes, by me. She is not my daughter.’
The brunet’s gaze shifted into one of disgust. ‘You are her beloved?! Filthy old man you are!’
Regis had to resist the urge to rip out the man’s throat.
‘Why won’t you come with me, love? This old man can not offer you anything, aye!’
Regis felt his hand already transform, so he tucked it under his lap in order to stop it. Rage welled up in his chest.
‘But he can.’ she finally spoke, ‘I love him, and he is more of a man than you will ever be. So no, sir, I am not going anywhere with you.’
Regis felt his rage die down as the man pressed his lips into a tight line, nodded and slouched off, smacking a handful of coins onto the counter to pay for his drinks and left the bar.
‘I love you too.’ Regis whispered, wrapping his arm around her, causing her to snuggle closer into him.
‘So, tell me about that job you want.’
Chapter 19 - Old Friends
Amidst the flowers, he found her in deep conversation with his dear friend Dettlaff, a basket of herbs around her arm, a small smile on her face as Dettlaff told her stories of their world before the conjunction of spheres.
Said vampire looked up and saw his friend, smiling as a greeting.
‘Regis,’ she cooed as she saw her lover approach, ‘look who I found in the herbalists hut!’
Regis smiled, stepping closer and hugging his old friend, patting him on the back.
‘I must say I am surprised that you knew this was Dettlaff. I see you get along very well.’ Emiel spoke, taking her hand and kissing the back of it.
‘Well, my dear Regis, your stories describe him quite well. Needless to say, I was most certain when I crossed paths with him, trusting on my gut feeling, that he had to be the vampire you’ve shared so many adventures with, and, in fact, the vampire who saved your life, and words cannot describe how thankful I am that he helped you recover.’
Chapter 20 - Whisper
His voice was just a whisper yet loud enough for her to hear as her head was pressed against his chest, pretending to be asleep.
‘My beloved (Y/n), I love you with all of my heart, I would rather live just a day with you than a lifetime without, and I would do anything for you.’
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airis-paris14 · 6 years
Dress Up 1
Summary: She’s not his fiancee, but no one else needs to know.
Warnings: None
A/N: Before we get started, I know the Xhosa is not translated. That is done on purpose, as you read I am sure you will understand why. It was a deliberate stylistic choice. I hope you guys enjoy as I am truly having a blast writing this story, Redemption will be back soon. I’ve just gotta take a moment to get myself back on track with that story. Please Reblog, like, and comment! I love hearing what you guys have to say. Much love. 
“Eh, you’ve got another letter to mail?” The post office clerk smiled as the young woman made her way through the front door. “Actually I’ve got three for you today Mrs. Zula.” Sirobie grinned, her hand buried in her art bag. She emerged a second later with three sealed envelopes. “I would just like to let you know, that you, are single handedly keeping this post office open.” the clerk teased, a gentle beep emerging from her tablet as she scanned each of the envelope postmarks. “You do know you are in Wakanda right? Most technologically advanced country in the world ring a bell?” Oni Zula teased, jumping out of her chair to sort the letters into the appropriate bins.
“Yes, I just prefer to write my parents the old fashioned way,” Sirobie shrugged. “So you aren’t in here mailing letters to your secret lover every week?” the older woman teased, climbing back into her seat. “Ha ha ha, very funny,”Sirobie frowned. “Well are they gonna write you back? It’s been two months and I haven’t gotten any letter back for you.”
“It’s complicated.” Sirobie frowned. “Well, you know my offer still stands. My and Ebram’s front door are always open,” Mrs. Zula smiled. ‘I’ll keep that in mind.” Sirobie waved goodbye, her bag flapping against her as she began her trek to the park.
The city was alive around. Children's laughter floated through the air. Mixing with the throng of voices floating towards her from the market. Gossip, bartering, and lover’s sweet nothings glided through the air. Sirobie sighed deeply as she came upon the large expanse of green space in the city center. The midday sun reflected off of the glass of the palace before her. She shaded her eyes, and choose to settle under a large tree in the corner of the park. She quickly set up her easel and unpacked her supplies. A cardboard sign advertising watercolor portraits for $10 dollars attested to her existence. She pulled a tiny clipboard from her bag and canvases the area around her. A mother and daughter dancing a short distance from her draws her attention. She begins to sketch the two dancing.
“Excuse me,” a voice broke through the sound of her pencils on the parchment paper. “I’d like a portrait,” Sirobie pulled her braids out of her face. She squinted up into the sunlight, unable to make out the face of her customer. “Umm sure, she gestured at the stool in front of her easel. It’ll take about 20 minutes,” she began to explain. She observed her subject before pulling the appropriate watercolor pencils and beginning to outline her portrait. “You’re not from around here are you,” the lady asks.
“Is it that obvious?” Sirobie quickly glances at the woman once more. “Many of our artists don’t do this kind of work.” the stranger replies, “ I saw it once in an American movie. You are from America, yes?”
“Uh yeah,” Sirobie stutters, her mouth falling slightly open as she actually looks at her subject for the first time. Her large brown eyes sat nestled in her face the same way Sirboie’s did. Her round face accentuated the cupid’s bow of her lips and her box braids were parted in the same manner as Sirobie’s. “Um, yeah. I am an exchange student from Howard University in DC.”
“That is the place where your president lives correct? That’s a state but not really a state?” The woman smiled. Sirobie froze, the woman’s  smile was eerily reminiscent of her own. “Yeah, I guess,” she finally answered, finishing off a basic sketch of the woman’s face. “What is your classification?”
“My what?” Sirobie, shook her head out of the daze. “Your classification. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior? I was under the impression that American universities and colleges did not refer to students by year,” the woman explained. “Oh yeah, I am a senior. I graduate in about two months.”
That must be exciting,” the woman smiled. Sirobie nodded, grabbing her pencils and beginning to fill in the woman’s face. “It is.”
“How long are you in Wakanda?”
“Another two  months, then I head back to finish preparing for graduation. Sirobie worked quickly and efficiently to spread color to the rest of the sketch. Relishing in how the subject  came alive on the page. “We have quite an uncanny resemblance do we not?”
Sirobie snorted, “I don’t think that even begins to describe it.”
“It seems like we could almost be sisters,” the woman insisted. “Yeah, we could,” the artist smiled. She sat back to admire the woman on the page. “Would you like to see it?” she offered.
The woman moved to stand next to her. “That is beautiful! How much do I owe you?” the woman opened her purse to grab her wallet. “Ten dollars please,” Sirobie replied leaning close to sign the work of art.”
“Shoot, I knew I forgot something at the house,” the woman cursed. “Here love, take these,” the woman replied handing over her kimoyo beads, “now hand me your student ID.”
“What why?” Sirobie frowned. “As collateral. Proof that I am going to come back and pay you. I have to come back and get my kimoyo beads from you as well. I am just going to run to my house and grab my wallet so I can pay you.”
“I don't know,” sirobie hesitated. “Trust me, it’s not like I am going to leave the country with it. This is  Wakanda. You are a foreign exchange student. Your ID would not be of any use to me anyway.”
Sirobie sighed and handed over her ID. I’ll be back in ten minutes,” the woman ran off into the crowd. “Wait! I don’t even know your name,” she yelled after her. Once she had disappeared into the crowd Sirobie sighed, settling back into sketching the mother and daughter.
The smell and sound of her charcoal pencils calmed the young student. She gently wet her brush opening the expensive paints that sat at her side. She glanced up once more, then proceeded to begin painting the mother’s clothes. She lost herself in the intricate pattern of the fabric. The darkening of the sky around her startled her out of her focus. “Oh you found it,” the student smiled, wiping her hands on her rag before looking up. “Oh I’m sorry, I thought  you were,” Sirboie closed her mouth as the soldier in front of her began speaking. “Ubuphi?
Bakukhangela kuyo yonke indawo.”the bald headed woman fussed. She motioned for two of the other women to grab her things. “Wait what are you doing?” Sirobie fought back. Grabbing her things from the women’s arms. “Ukusinda kwakho okuncinci sekuphelile. Sifanele sibuyele kwibhotwe ngoku. Ube efuna wena.”
“I don’t speak xhosa!” Sirobie yelled as the leader physically restrained her. “Udala indawo,” Okoye hissed. “You have the wrong person! I do not know what you are saying!”
“UNksz Kamyra, nceda uze nathi ngokuthula. U kumkani akayidingi isikhalazo esingaphambi kwesango lakhe,” Okoye calmed, leading Sirobie away from her seat in the park.
The guards encircled the woman as they walked through the park. Sirobie shrunk in to herself as she was marched through the streets. The miniature procession caught many the wondering eyes around the marketplace. The 23 year old had never ventured this far into the city. Often opting to stay within her own triangle of comfort. Her apartment, The Zula’s home, and the park.
“Where are you taking me?” The fine arts major asked again. “The palace,” the leader replied. “So you understand English?” Sirobie exclaimed.
“Yes. And you know this. What I do not understand is why you refuse to speak your native tongue,” The warrior scowled. “English is my native tongue!” Sirobie insisted. The warrior led Sirobie up the grand staircase at the palace before pulling her aside. “Look Kamyra,” The woman hissed. “You’re hurting me,” Sirobie whimpered.
“I do not like you. I know you do not like me either, but T’Challa is my friend. And for some reason he insists that he must marry you. I do not know what game you're playing. But stop it this instant. You have worried everyone in this building sick for the past few hours. Now the game is over. Your engagement ball is tonight. So you have four hours to get your act together.”
“I am not Kamyra,” Sirobie cried once more. “Kamyra, I swear to Bast if you do not stop this instant…”
“Okoye, did you find Kamyra?” An older woman stood at the top of the stairs. Her headdress stretched up towards the sky. She looked very familiar but Sirobie could not place her face. A teenager emerged from the palace to stand next to her. “Queen mother,” Okoye bowed her head slightly, “Yes, we found her in the park but she insists that she is not herself.”
“Okoye thrust Sirobie out in front of her. The poor girl went stumbling. “What do you mean?” Ramonda frowned, eyeing the young girl. “She only speaks in English.”
“I have yet to her her speak,” Ramona replied. “No good morning today?”
“I am so sorry, but you all really have the wrong girl,” Sirobie tried to explain. Ramonda raised both eyebrows, she glides down the stairs to Sirobie’s side. She gently raised Sirobie’s chin. “Who are you?”
“My name is Sirobie Johnson,” the girl replied.
“I believe you. But if you are here, the where the hell is my daughter in law,” Ramonda frowned. “Okoye,send a search party.”
“This is not my son’s fiancée.”
The general signaled for the rest of the Dora’s to leave. The women marched off in a professional line, as the Queen guided Sirobie down the palaces intricate hallways. The Queen pulled Sirobie rather quickly, ushering her into an empty bedroom.
Sirobie settled in a chair, as did Queen Mother. Shuri opted for the couch and Okoye stood behind them. Sirobie gulped under their gazes. Bowing her head, her fingers suddenly very interesting.
“The resemblance is uncanny,” Queen Mother murmured, one finger perched under her chin. “They look exactly the same,” The teenager added in.
“I see how you got them confused General,” The queen sighed. She pulled off her crown and set it on the table beside her. Her gray locs fell from their bun down her back.
 “What is your name?” The teenager asked moving closer. “Sirobie,” The college student smiled slightly. “Shuri,” The teen smiled. “May I?” She gestured at the bracelet. Sirobie nodded.
“Where did you get these,” Shuri pulled the beads off of her wrist. “I think the woman you all are looking for gave them to me.”
“You saw Kamyra?” Okoye asked, moving closer to the woman. Sirobie backed away, nodding. “She never told me her name. She asked me paint her picture. She said she was going to get her wallet to pay me. She took my student ID in exchange.”
“Where exactly are you in school?” The older woman asked. “I attend Howard University. In the States.”
“With your ID where could she have gone?” Shuri asked. “Nowhere really. It just grants access to my dorm room. You can’t buy anything outside of the cafeteria with it.”
“Queen mother, should we alert T’Challa?” Okoye asked. All eyes fell to the older woman. “Whatever for general?”
“Mother, his fiancée is missing,” Shuri frowned. “What do you mean? She is right here,” Queen mother smiled at Sirobie. The student’s eyes widen as everyone began to grin at her. “No, No. No! I am too young to be marrying anyone,” Sirobie dismissed. “Kamyra is only a year older than you. T’Challa is only two years older than you.” The queen moved to sit next to the young woman. “Still. I haven’t finished college yet. I’m only here for two more months.”
“We just need you to pretend to be Kamyra while we search for her. We hope it will not take that long to locate her.” The queen reassured. “Wakanda will owe you a great debt.”
“This all just sounds a little too crazy to me,” sirobie waved her hands. “How are you paying for your education?” the queen asked. Sirobie bit her lip and looked down. “Loans,” she murmured. “If you do this, Wakanda will pay off all of your schooling debt. No questions asked. You will also live here in the palace and live the life of a princess.”
“Are you joking?” Sirobie looked up. “No. Why would I be joking? This how Wakanda will repay her debt to you.”
“Please?” Shuri spoke up from the corner of the room.
“You’ll let me go home after you find her?” Sirobie asked again. “If that is what you desire,” the queen nodded.
“I’ll do it.” Sirobie sighed.
The three women broke out into grins. “Okoye, please find the nearest maid and ask her to fetch the stylist, hairdresser, and make up artist. As well as send someone to grab a late lunch for Shuri, Sirobie, and myself. I have a feeling we are going to be here for a while.”
Okoye saluted the Queen. She tapped her staff twice before leaving the room.
“Now, Sirobie. Tonight, my son is throwing a ball in honor of his fiancée. All eyes will be on you and we must prepare you for that. Physically and mentally. First, I suggest you get a quick bath while Shuri and I find a dress for you. We’ve got much to do. With little time to do it.”
Sirobie nodded quietly. “The bathroom is right through that door. Please be quick, but do everything you need to do.” The Queen gestured to the door. “Thank you,” Sirobie half curtsied. “Please, don’t do that tonight,”  The Queen grimaced, “We’ll work on that later.” The young woman blushed before fleeing to the bathroom.
“Do you think she can do it?” Shuri moved to stand by her mother. “I know she can.
Transforming Sirobie into a royal fiancée was very easy. Physically at least. Following Kamyra’s routines turned the student into a carbon copy of the woman.  Until she spoke. Or ate. Or moved, at all.  “Now, you move your spoon away from you at all times.” Ramonda demonstrated, tilting the spoon in the opposite direction in the empty bowl. “That just makes it unnecessarily complicated,” Sirobie sighed copying the queens movement. “It is to help deter you from overeating.” Ramonda explained.
“No when do you stop eating?” Ramonda quizzed, signaling for a maid to switch out the dishes in front of them. “I have to stop?” Sirobie sighed, letting her head fall into her hands. “Please Sirobie. I know this is hard, but you’ve got to try.” The Queen soothed. “I don’t think I can do this,” the girl murmured into her hands.
“My Queen,” The stylist called. “We have one hour till the party, we must dress the lady soon.”
“Of course,” Ramonda sighed. “Sirobie, I believe in you, we all do,” The Queen whispered the girl’s ear. Sirobie smiles sadly as the queen stood. “Shuri, let's give ,Kamyra, some privacy. We will be back before T’Challa arrives to escort you.”
“I have to walk in with him?” Sirobie paled.
“Yes! He is your fiancée,” Shuri laughed overzealously. Her apology written all over her face. “We’ll be back soon.”
After much prodding and poking. Shape wear and fashion tricks, Sirobie looked absolutely regal. The white fabric fell in waves around her. The center of the dress adhered to her figure, carefully outlining every curve perfectly. The silver thread and diamonds littering the bodice of the dress glittered in the light of the setting sun. The student spun slowly as the beauty team observed her appearance. The college student ran her hands over the embroidery. Gently fingering each of the flowers and vines that traced their way over the gown.
“I think she is ready for the final touch,” the lead stylist nodded. The others murmured their agreement and watched as she walked over to a black box.
The woman walked over to her box and pulled out a  set of jewelry. “These are royal family antiques,” she explained, gently displaying the large drop diamond earrings. “Queen mother wore these necklace on her coronation day.” She gently lifted a simple diamond necklace from the box as well. “Those look perfect,” Sirobie smiled. The seamstress nodded beginning to adorn the student with jewelry. When she was finished she lead Sirobie over to a large full body mirror. Sirobie bit her tongue to keep her jaw from dropping open. She allowed a small grin to slip through. “Thank you so much,” The 22 year old smiled at each of the staff in turn. “It was a pleasure your grace,”She smiled before two knocks rang through the room.
“Come in,” Sirobie called. The Queen and Shuri walked into the room and smiled as Sirobie came into view. “A carbon copy,” the queen smiled. “Just one more thing,” the queen approached, her day wear replaced by an elegant blue gown. Her crown had also changed,now draped in the same fabric as her dress. She gently grabbed sirobie’s left hand and slid a large diamond ring onto her finger. “There, absolutely breathtaking.”
Sirobie smiled sadly at the ring. “What’s wrong my child.?” Ramonda raised the woman’s  chin. “I had just always hoped,” Sirobie sighed, fiddling with the ring, “That the first time i wore one of these, it would be from someone I love.”
“Oh, my child,” Ramonda cooed, “I know it’s dumb. Im literally living the life of a princess and I am complaining,” Sirobie rolled her shoulders back. Ramonda gripped her hands gently, “ you have every right to any emotion you may have right now. You will meet him someday, and it will make you feel just as joyous as you hope. That is was love does to people, it brings you indescribable joy.” The queen smiled, gently cupping the student’s cheek. Sirobie smiled back.
“Actually it’s perfectly describable.” Both of the women turned to the sudden interruption of their conversation, “ You know love releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. It’s all one big cycle of chemical reactions in your brain. Reactions which are catalysed by the stimulation of certain neurons in the temporal lobe. All of the reactions happen instantaneously, or almost, hence the butterfly feeling. Studies have shown that the feeling can be considered comparable to the same high that is felt when one is doing cocaine. So if you want to feel it now, it is much more convenient to just go and get high on the closest thing. I mean obviously not cocaine, but maybe we-” Shuri trailed off. Her mother’s frown quickly causing her to back track, “ I mean not that I have ever tried it myself. I mean-” She turned to Sirobie and mouthed, “I’ll explain it to you later.”
Ramonda and Sirobie burst into laughter.“My love,” T’Challa’s voice sailed through the door, “I can hear that you are having a good time but, we will  be late if you do not,” The king froze as he noticed his mother and shuri in the room. “Brother, you are early.”
“No you all are ten minutes late. Is everything alright?” T’Challa strolled further into the room. “Everything is fine. Why would it not be?” Ramonda glided over to her son to place a kiss on his cheek. The king allowed her to pull him close as he eyed Sirobie. “You all tell me,” the king started moving closer to Sirobie. “No greeting today my love?”
“Hello,” Sirobie replied cautiously. Shuri facepalmed behind her brother. “What is going on,” the king demanded, his eyes never leaving Sirobie. “T’Challa,” Queen Mother started, moving to stand next to the girl. “Meet Sirobie. Your fiance.”
taglist: @chaneajoyyy @royallyprincesslilly @dramaqueenamby @kumkaniudaku @sarahboseman @sisterwifeudaku @ororowrites @writingmarvellousimagines @iliketowrite1996 @queertrex @almostpurelysmut @supersizemeplz @hutchj @tchoking @blackbypurpose @wikiwakanda @90sinspiredgirl @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @derangedcupcake @lalapalooza718 
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qiller-queen · 5 years
Highland Holiday (Part Two) // Ben Hardy x Reader
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Rating: PG (for now ;) ) Warnings: swearing, drinking
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: It took me so long to figure out where I wanted this story to go, but I finally have an idea! This chapter’s a little longer than the first one, and there are a few cameos ;-) Read part one here. Let me know what you think!
You passed out less than 20 minutes after Ben had left, the hectic evening finally catching up to you. When you woke up later, you felt disoriented and restless. You needed to stretch your legs and there was hardly enough room to stand in your compartment. So, you spent some time changing into a more presentable set of clothes—definitely not in case you run into Ben again—grabbed some work to do, and went to go explore the train.
You remembered that a couple cars down was the dining room, so you decided to go see what was happening there. It was late enough that you had missed formal dinner, so the tables had all been moved out of the way to allow for a more casual set up with armchairs and coffee tables. You picked a chair and set your pile of papers down on the table next to it.
At least I can get some work done so I’m not behind when I get back, you thought, eyeing the substantial stack.
Suddenly, your stomach rumbled and you realized how starving you were. Making eye contact with the bartender, you wandered up to the bar.
“Hey there, miss. How can I help you?” he asked. You smiled, noting the man’s clearly American accent.
“Hi, do you have anything to eat right now? I know I missed dinner, but I’m starving. Are the kitchens open?”
“Well, I’m not technically supposed to have any food right now, but I do know for a fact that the chef still has some under the warmer. Let me ring and ask him what’s still up for grabs.”
“Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, …Joe,” you said, glancing at his nametag.
Joe smiled and nodded as he hopped on the phone to the kitchen
“Hey, I got a lady out here who is really lookin’ for some dinner, what do you got still good to go in the kitchen?”
A garbled response came out of the receiver, and Joe thanked the chef and hung up.
“Well, you’re in luck, because it seems he’s still got some chicken parmesan that’s ready to eat. I told him to bring it on up.”
“Thank you so much! You didn’t have to do that.”
“Aw, sure I did! Who would I be if I didn’t help out my fellow Yank? That’s practically treason. Especially around all these ‘red coats,’” Joe joked.
“Haha,” you laughed, “guilty as charged. Us rebels have to stick together.”
Joe paused as he was wiping down the counter. “So, what brings you to the UK, miss?” he asked.
“Well, I graduated college and wanted to see the world, so I figured here was a good place to start. Now I work as an editor for a publishing company. Been here a few years now, which is crazy. I realized I’d never been up to the Scottish Highlands, so I decided to take a couple days off work and go have a self-vacation. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m giving you my whole life story,” you finished, realizing you’d been rambling.
“No worries. I asked, didn’t I?” Joe smiled.
Before you could respond, the door to the car burst open and in came a tall man carrying a plate of food and wearing a white coat. The chef, you assumed.
“Gwil!” Joe exclaimed. “Thank you so much for bringing this kind lady her food.”
“Ah, no problem,” said the man apparently named Gwil. “I always keep some extra food ready to go… never know when you’ll be accosted by an angry passenger who slept through dinner!” he looked at you, eyes shining at his joke.
You blushed in response, hoping they couldn’t tell that you’d been napping earlier.
You grabbed your food and moved to eat at your armchair while Joe and Gwil kept chatting. You quickly finished your dinner and realized you had forgotten to bring your phone with you to the dining car.
“Hey Joe, I’m just gonna pop back to my compartment really quickly to get my phone. Can I leave my stuff here?” you asked, motioning to your array of papers.
Joe nodded, “Yeah no problem. There don’t seem to be too many people vying for your spot,” he joked.
You looked around, seeing that he was right. It was well after 10 pm, and the dining car was deserted. You didn’t pass anyone on the way back to your room. Guess everyone’s turning in early tonight, you thought. You grabbed your phone and groaned as you realize you had forgotten to charge it.
Oh well, you thought as you ambled back to the dining car. It will be good to disconnect for the night! Might help you to actually focus, your inner voice tried scolding you. Come to think of it, your inner voice was starting to sound a little like your mom.
Busy giving yourself a mental “talking-to,” you hardly noticed that Joe was preoccupied with another customer as you reentered the car. It wasn’t until you heard someone clear their throat that you snapped out of your reverie and focused on the two men in front of you. The customer still had his back to you, but it was Joe who was trying to get your attention.
“Hey, care for a drink?” he asked, making a drinking motion with his hand. You decided that one drink couldn’t hurt, and nodded to him. Setting your dead phone down on your armchair, you made your way up to the bar to wait for your cocktail. As you came up next to the man already sitting there, you did a double-take.
“Ben?!” you asked, surprised to see the conductor from earlier. He turned to face you, a grin lighting up his face as he realized that it was you beside him.
Just my fucking luck, you thought. Of course. Of course! OF COURSE I run into him again. A simple, non-embarrassing night in the dining car would be too easy!
“(Y/N), fancy seeing you here,” Ben grinned. “Any more mishaps since I saw you last?”
Before you could answer, Joe popped back into the conversation, “You two know each other?”
Ben laughed, and filled Joe in on the circumstances of your meeting earlier that day. You blushed, remembering how much of a bumbling mess you had been.
“Wow,” Joe looked impressed. “Now that is a woman after my own heart,” he said. He handed you your drink—a whiskey sour, you noted—and turned around to tidy up the bar a bit.
“Joe has the most chaotic energy of anyone I’ve ever met,” Ben explained. “You two would get along.”
You opened your mouth, about to protest at being dubbed ‘chaotic,’ but you stopped yourself. Chill, out (Y/N)... Talking to a cute guy is not the time to get combative.
Changing the subject, you turned to Ben and asked, “So, what’s with the no uniform, huh? Playing hooky, drinking on the job? These are all reportable offenses, Ben.”
Ben cracked a smile, and Joe chuckled from the sink where he was washing glasses.
“I’m technically not ‘on the job,’ not right now, anyway,” Ben explained. “When we do these 12-hour journeys, we’ve got do it in shifts, or everybody would be bloody zombies near the end. So, today I worked evening hours and then I just have to do breakfast duty in the morning. Got a bit lucky this time, I think my manager pitied me. He knows I’m not a huge fan of the overnight stuff.”
You nodded, understanding. “Yeah, that makes sense. Don’t want a zombie train!” you joked. Wince.Not funny.“And I guess that explains the civilian’s clothes,” you added quickly, gesturing to Ben’s sweater and jeans.
Ben took a sip of his drink, humming in agreement. “Can’t have passengers bothering me when I’m off the clock. Have to go incognito,” he winked at you.
Your breath caught in your chest.
Trying to remain calm, cool, and collected, you snorted. “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t reveal your secret. Discretion is my middle name,” you said, miming as if you were locking up your lips. Ben smiled, eyes trailing down to where your fingers met your mouth.
At this point, Joe walked back over in front of the two of you. “Hey,” he interjected, looking at Ben, “you will never believe what Gwil told me earlier…”
You took that as your cue to go back to your armchair.
Once you sat down with your drink and your work, though, you found it hard to concentrate on the pages in front of you. You kept glancing back up at the two men at the bar. Joe caught you looking a couple of times, making you blush and quickly avert your eyes.
You had finally managed to read three pages without being distracted when you sensed someone in front of you. You looked up, startled to find Ben standing over you with two drinks in hand.
“Looked like you could use a refill, mind if I join you?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah—I mean no—of course!” you responded, maybe a little too enthusiastically. You moved to take your papers off of the chair next to you and Ben handed you one of the drinks.
You glanced back at the bar, looking for Joe. Ben, sensing your train of thought, explained.
“He ran down to the kitchen to hang out there for a bit. I told him I could hold down the fort here.”
You nodded, still not knowing how to continue this conversation. You felt like you had exhausted all avenues of small talk, and you had no idea where to steer the conversation now.
You looked at Ben. He was casually flipping through your papers on the table, reading them with mild interest. He looked up at you and smiled. You furrowed your brow at him.
He put down your papers and motioned to the pages in your lap. “What are you reading?”
You set them down and sighed. “Well, it’s a manuscript that got turned in to my publishing company. So, I have to read it and decide whether or not it’s worth our time to publish. This one’s pretty average so far, but I’m sure this author has a trick or two up her sleeve. I have a good feeling about her.”
Ben nodded, thinking. “I thought maybe it was some sort of bootleg copy of The Orient Express,” he said, harkening back to your earlier conversation.
You chuckled, shaking your head. “Unfortunately, I am not that meta. Or forward-thinking. Would’ve been a good idea, though. Make this train ride a bit more interesting.”
“Hmm, I don’t know, I think this journey has been plenty interesting so far,” Ben countered, eyeing you pointedly over the top of his glass.
You felt yourself flush under his gaze, glancing back down to the pages in your lap. Looking back up at him, you recalled his distaste for overnight voyages.  “I thought you hated sleeper trains. What could possibly have managed to change your mind in such a short period of time?” you asked, taking a sip of your whiskey.
Ben grinned at you. “Well, when I got off work early and got to continue flirting with a pretty girl, that might have convinced me that I should rethink my opinion.”
You spluttered, feeling your heart rate spike at his blatant compliment.
Your brain was in near meltdown mode. Oh my god, what?! Don’t blow this by panicking and getting weird. Please, PLEASE, for the love of god, act casual.
Trying to quiet your mind and swallow your near spit-take, you looked at him with eyes the size of dinner plates.
In an attempt to regain your composure, you schooled your face into an expression which you hoped seemed unbothered. “Oh, is that what we’re doing?” you responded, raising your eyebrows.
Now it was Ben’s turn to get flustered at your remark. “Oh, well, I—um, yeah I was just—” he stuttered. You cut him off with a chuckle and a hand on his arm.
“Relax, Ben. I’m just messing with you,” you said, smiling at his sudden nervousness.
Ben looked at your smirk and visibly calmed down, slipping back into his previous confident persona. He took another sip of his drink, finishing it.
“Care for another?” he asked, standing and motioning to your nearly empty glass.
You paused, considering it. It was probably close to—if not past—midnight, and you were starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. It might be a good idea to head back to your bed.
On the other hand, you definitely did not want to stop talking to Ben.
What the hell, you thought. I’m on vacation!
Throwing caution to the wind, you nodded. He smiled, grabbing your glass from you.
“Trying to get me drunk, Ben?” you teased.
He laughed, already walking toward the bar. “That depends… are you trying to get drunk, love?”
You grinned, feeling warmth spread in your chest at his use of the pet name.
Walking over and settling into a stool across the bar from him, you watched as he took out two glasses. He started to open all the cabinet doors, looking for the bottle of whiskey Joe had used earlier.
“Are you sure you’re licensed to operate this bar, Benjamin? It doesn’t seem like you know your way around very well.”
Ben looked at you, rolling his eyes playfully. “I’m sure I can manage making us drinks. And only my mum calls me Benjamin. Aha!” he exclaimed as he finally found the liquor cabinet.
“Oh, I’m sorry… is Benny better?” you asked, trying to push his buttons.
Ben groaned as he finished making your drink and handed it to you. “Nobody’s called me Benny since primary school, Y/N.”
“Well, I like it,” you said decisively, stirring your glass. “It suits you.”
You glanced back up at him and there was a moment of quiet as you met his eyes. Ben’s slightly exasperated expression shifted into something different—something heavier. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked at him, neither one of you breaking eye contact. The air around you shifted, the dining car walls closing around you until it felt much more intimate. You felt yourself drawing closer to Ben, leaning over the bar like you were being pulled by a magnet. Ben opened his mouth to say something and you held your breath.
Just then, Joe and Gwil busted open the door to the dining car, breaking the spell. You and Ben jumped at their entrance, your startled heads whipping around to look at them. You took a shaky breath, feeling strangely as if you’d been caught.
“Oh, hey you guys!” came Joe’s chipper greeting. “I didn’t expect you two to still be here.”
“Hey—hey, Joe. Gwil,” Ben said, clearing his throat. A light blush crept up his neck.
Gwil nodded in Ben’s direction, then turned to face you. “Sorry to break up the party folks, but we’ve been instructed to lock up this car—bar included—for the night.”
Your heart sank. “Of course. Yeah, yeah, it must be getting late” you murmured. Ben’s eyes flitted over to you, clearly also hesitant to leave. You opened your mouth to bid goodnight, already committed to the idea that soon you would be meandering dejectedly back to your compartment alone.
Sensing your reluctance, Joe interjected before you could do so. “Hey Ben, I know we don’t technically have to shut down the lounge at night, but I think maybe I left a light on? You don’t mind going down there and checking, do you? Don’t wanna be wastin’ energy all night, especially when there’s nobodydownthere,” Joe said pointedly, looking at Ben with a small, knowing smile.
Recognition flitted over Ben’s face and he flushed a bit more. You looked between the two of them, a little lost at the context of the exchange.
Glancing at you and Ben, Gwil grabbed Joe by the arm. “I believe that’s our cue, Joseph! You two kids have fun!” he said as he started dragging Joe back toward the door.
You directed your gaze at Ben, still confused. He met your eyes, looking excited. “Come on, we should go, too,” he said.
Even more confused than before, you paused. “Go where, Ben?”
“I’m going to show you my favorite spot on this train.”
tag list: @onceuponadetectivedemigod, @deathbyinternets
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fanfics4all · 6 years
Wrong Idea For the Right Reason
Request: Yes / No I don't know if it's too much but 16, 20, 54, 62, 121, 168 with Sweet Pea Anon
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Male!Reader
Word count:  1635
Warnings: Fake cheating I guess?
Y/N: Your Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The Southside was at Riverdale High now and it was an interesting experience. I stayed away from them because, if I was honest, they were kind of intimidating and I didn’t want any trouble. I was doing a pretty good job until I walked into science and saw a tall Serpent sitting at my table… I bit my lip and took my seat next to him. He looked at me and I just opened my textbook and started studying. I thought he would say something to me but he didn’t, thank god. The teacher walked in not long after and started class.
“Okay, everyone open your books to page 325, read that chapter and then answer the questions.” He said and everyone started moving. I flipped to the page and started reading.
“Can I borrow that book of yours?” I heard the boy next to me ask. I looked up at him confused and then saw he didn’t have a textbook. 
“Huh?” I asked. 
“I don’t have a textbook and they don’t have any left, they said they’re getting more but who knows when that’ll be.” He said. 
“Um, yeah if you’re okay with sharing.” I said with a small smile. 
“No problem.” He said returning my smile. I pushed my textbook in between us and we started reading. At first it was a little awkward and I was reading faster than him, but then after the first two pages I just assumed I finished before him and let him turn the pages. Finally we got to the questions and we answered them. The bell rang and I gathered my things, handed in my work and then left the classroom to go to lunch. I was at my locker and putting things away when someone came up next to me. 
“Thanks for letting me use you book.” The familiar voice of the tall Serpent filled my ears. 
“It was no problem, I’m sorry I flipped the pages before you were finished…” I said quietly.
 “Don’t worry about it, I’m Sweet Pea by the way.” He said and I looked up at him. 
“Y/N.” I said with a small smile. 
“Y/N, nice name for a pretty girl.” He said. I blushed and my eyes widened. 
“Um… T-thank you…” I stuttered and he smirked. 
“Do I make you nervous?” He asked moving closer to me. My breath hitched in my throat and I just stared at him. 
“Sweet Pea!” I heard Jughead call him. 
“What are you doing to Y/N?” He asked walking over and pushing him away from me. 
“Nothing, just saying thank you.” He said. 
“Was he bothering you Y/N?” Jughead asked me and I shook my head. 
“No, no he was just saying thank you.” I said and Jughead raised his brow. 
“For what?” He asked. 
“Jones, we shared a textbook in class.” Sweet Pea said rolling his eyes.
“Alright, well just leave her alone.” Jughead said. 
“I think she can make that decision on her own.” Sweet Pea said. The two boys looked at me and I bit my lip. 
“I-it’s okay Jug…” I said quietly and he gave me a look. 
“Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded. 
“Okay, just tell me if he gives you any trouble.” He said and I nodded with a smile. Jughead walked off and Sweet Pea smirked at me again. 
“Why so nervous Y/N?” He asked and I bit my lip again. 
“N-no reason…” I said. 
“I think you’re lying.” He said moving closer. 
“Just tell me.” He said and I blushed. 
“I-I just get n-nervous around the Serpents…” I said quietly. 
“Because we’re a gang? Because you’re just like every other Northsider?” He asked getting angry. I quickly shook my head. 
“No, you guys are just intimidating. Jughead told me it was because you put on an attitude because you guys are from the Southside and that’s just how you grew up and I guess it just makes me nervous and I never wanted to start any trouble so I just stayed away to avoid anything like this, and I’m just sorry that I made you think it was because of something so stupid like you being from the Southside. Not to say the Southside is stupid, I just-” 
“Take a breath Y/N.” He said with a smile. I took a breath and looked up at him. 
“You’re not like the other Northsiders, are you?” He said and I just shrugged. 
“I don’t hate you guys if that’s what you mean.” I answered closing my locker. 
“I think we’ll get along great.” He smirked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 
 That was six months ago… Sweet Pea asked me on a date a week after that and I accepted. He was actually really kind and I did kind of have a crush on him before he talked to me. We’ve been together ever since. The Serpents and Ghoulies were at war. Sweet Pea and my new friends were worried about me. They thought that because of Sweet Pea’s hot head and how he had a fight with Malachai, that they might try and go after me. I told them not to worry so much, the Ghoulies would be stupid to bring a Northsider into their fight. It was Saturday and I was driving to the Wyrm to hang out with my boyfriend and friends. I opened the large doors to the bar and walked over to the bar. Toni saw me and smiled. I sat down and she walked over to me. 
“Hey girl, how’s it going?” She asked taking out a cut and filling it with soda. 
“Good, how are you?” I asked with a smile. 
“Pretty good, well as good as I can be having to listen to Fangs and Pea argue about pool for the millionth time.” She said rolling her eyes. I giggled and took a sip of my drink. 
“Is that what they’re doing now?” I asked and turned around. I scanned the room and what I saw broke my heart. Sweet Pea had his arms around another girl… I turned back around and my vision started to blur. 
“Y/N? What’s wro-” Toni started but cut herself off. 
“That son of a bitch!” She growled. 
“Hey ladies.” Fangs said and sat next to me. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asked worried. 
“Take a look at your best friend.” Toni said annoyed. Fangs turned around and quickly turned back. 
“I told him that was a stupid idea!” Fangs said. Toni and I looked at each other than him. 
“What do you mean?” She asked. Fangs sighed and shook his head. 
“He said he wanted to push you away because he couldn’t bring himself to break up with you…” He said and my eyes widened. 
“Hey guys.” Sweet Pea’s voice filled my ears. I looked back at him and he looked at me. A tear escaped my eye and I got up. 
“You’re in trouble now.” Fangs said to him. Instead of yelling at him, I ran out to my car. I pulled out my keys and tried to unlock the door, but I was already crying too hard that I couldn’t. 
“Y/N wait!” I heard Sweet Pea call. 
“If you wanted to break up, you should have just told me!” I said with tears flowing down my face. 
“I’m sorry, but it’s better this way…” He said and I shook my head. 
“No! That hurts more than anything you could have said!” I cried. 
“I never meant to hurt you.” He said sadly and I shook my head.
“Well you did!” I said and turned to face my car again. Sweet Pea grabbed my keys from me and I looked up at him.
“I didn’t want to break up with you because I love you.” He said and I shook my head.
“Some way of showing it…” I said and he sighed. He pulled me to him and I tried to get away from him.
“I want to protect you.” He whispered. I stopped struggling and looked up at him. Realization hit me and I thought about what Fangs said.
“Is this because of the Ghoulies?” I asked. He looked down at me and nodded.
“I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” He said and I sighed.
“So you thought cheating on me was better?” I asked pulling out of his grasp.
“I thought if it looked like I was you would break up with me and be safe, I figured it wouldn’t hurt you so much…” He said.
“Why? Because I’m a Northsider?” I asked and he nodded.
“Sweet Pea how many damn times do I have to tell you that I don’t care if you’re from the Southside!” I said annoyed.
“I know, I know but I just thought that… I don’t know…” He said with a sigh. I shook my head at him.
“I’m not use to feeling that this…” He said and I sighed.
“I know, neither am I…” I said.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, can we just forget about this?” He asked.
“Even the part where you said you love me?” I asked with a smirk.
“Okay, well maybe not that part…” He said with a small smile. I giggled and he pulled me to him again.
“So you forgive me?” He asked and I thought about it.
“On one condition.” I said and he nodded for me to continue.
“Please don’t hurt me like this again.” I said and he smiled.
“Never again, I swear.” He said and I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to meet my lips.
“I love you too Sweet Pea.” I said when we pulled apart. He smiled and kissed me again.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist @marveloverdcsstuff @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @camiconfessions @thecaptainsgingersnap @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @mysticrebelwerewolf @tht1wrdo @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 
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The Post Man sings once
The Post Man Sings Once
By Stephen Jay Morris
Scientific Morality©
Here is a condensed portion of a story I wrote about my experience working for the post office during the 90s.  It is Chapter 3, from my unpublished manuscript, “Sale Ends March 31st.” I was working in the City of La Mirada, California.
Day 5   The day started when I went into the men’s room to take a wiz. Three mail carriers came in to do the same. I wished there was a law making it illegal for men to converse while at a urinal; I’m way too busy concentrating on my aim. Male protocol dictates that you are supposed to act nonchalant and chat. I have a problem peeing in public: I can’t.
One carrier asked, “Hey, Steve! Are you gonna make it?”
“I hope so,” I answer with great apprehension.
The carrier adds to my answer while shaking his dong of excess wee-wee, “Well, you gotta feed your wife and kids!”
I head up to Oscar’s station. He was doing his hunch back. He sees me and anticipates my question.
“Wait in the swing room. You are going to talk to Dean.”
I walked into the lunchroom and sat down, picked up a newspaper and read the front page. The news was about the war in Afghanistan. I felt the sensation of someone looking at me. I looked up and it was the old man eating his popcorn.
He said mysteriously, “You know, son, how many jobs I’ve had in my life?”
“I don’t know.”
He swallowed and said, “Hundreds!  Good luck son, you are going to be just fine!” He got up from his chair, slapped my back, and quietly walked out of the room.  Was he hinting at something?  Ten minutes later, Oscar came into the room and laconically tells me to follow him.  He escorted me to Dean Dan Frank’s office. There he was, sitting his leather, swing chair, looking dignified.  There were two empty seats in front of his desk.
“Have a seat,” he said. I sat down, and then Oscar did. I had never talked to Dean before. I had a sick feeling that I was about to get sacked.
Then Dean spoke. I was expecting a sophisticated voice. What came out of his mouth, though, did not match his image.  It almost knocked me out of my seat!  He sounded like Nicolas Cage, from the movie “Peggy Sue Got Married.” It was a voice like he’d been sucking on a helium balloon. I couldn’t believe it!  I had to focus hard to keep a straight face. Then, he went into his rap. His glasses sat down on his nose as he glanced at the report in front of him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to meet you; I’ve been busy. Looking at your report, it indicates that you have Dyslexia?”
Uh oh, Ruby spilled the beans!  I answered defensively “Well, Mr Franks, on my pre-medical questionnaire, there was no box to check off for that disorder. I wasn’t hiding anything, I just didn’t think it was that important.”
Dean smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it. I have a sister that’s Dyslexic. She overcame that condition and now she’s a loan officer in a bank. Now if you feel this job is just too darn hard for you, you could resign right now and nobody gets hurt.”
I shot back in pure earnest, “I really feel I can do this job!  Just give me another chance and I’ll prove to you that I can overcome my Dyslexia.”
“Okay!” Dean said in his cartoon voice.  “Buuutt, any more mistakes, and we are going to have to let you go.  Not everybody can do this job. Some people can be rocket scientists and some can’t. I know I can’t, but I do make more money than them, he,he,he.” (laughing to himself.). He continued, “Do not feel like you’re a failure if it turns out you can’t do this job. We will see how you do this week and then take it from there.  Oscar here brags, you know, ‘I learned how to do this job in one day!’  (I wanted to respond to him so badly, but I suppressed it). Dean looked at Oscar and asked, “Do you have a route for him?”  Oscar nodded his head. “Okay, then, Steve.  Follow Oscar and he will give you your route for today.  Good Luck.”
I shook Dean’s hand and followed dog-food face out of the room.  We sauntered over to Oscar’s station.  He looked hungover and I could tell he didn’t want to send me into the field by myself. When we got my station, there was a basket of mail ready to go.  He gave me a map of my route.  There were only two and mine was just a mile away from the office. The neighborhood was next to the local golf course and high school. They wanted to give me an easy assignment to see how I’d do.  Oscar gave me some instructions and I kept nodding my head like a retard while chanting the mantra, “Okay. Okay. Okay.”  After completing the routines before leaving the office, I found my truck.  It was parked in the spot number “17”. The parking lot was empty except for my truck.  The vehicle was a mess!   Somebody had left a half filled container of Coke in the truck’s hub.  I loaded the back of the truck like I’d been taught, then climbed in, adjusted the mirrors, and I was on my way. One of the procedures required was to honk the horn whenever backing up.  I thought this was dumb because nobody was around, but I was being watched with great scrutiny. Though I couldn’t see anyone, I knew it was so. I backed up and proceeded to the driveway that exited into the busy, main street. I looked both ways before making a left onto the street.  It was clear and I was on my way.
I couldn’t believe it!  After all those years of watching mail carriers driving those funny looking vehicles, I was behind the wheel of one!  Along the street, I saw sexy looking high schools nymphs. I glanced at them for a second, but did not engage in any sexual reverie.  I was looking for my “parking point.”  Just as my luck would have it, it was trash pick-up day and someone’s roll away trash barrels were blocking my space!  I had just enough room to park my vehicle.  I got out of the truck and locked the door.  Then, I opened the  rear sliding door.  Those doors are loud and you can hear them for miles. When I was with Berry, whenever he opened his door, it was a signal for all the old ladies in the neighborhood to come out onto their porches to wait for their mail.  There was one fat woman, in particular, who I will always remember.  As soon as she heard the door open, she would come out of her house and start sweeping her porch; or pretend to sweep her porch.  Berry told me that she would never leave her house, not even to go shopping.  I had to explain to him what Agoraphobia was.  His solution to that, however, was that if she were to give her life to the Lord, she would be all right.
So there I was, in back of my truck, loading the mail into my bag. While I was doing this, Bertha drove by in her personal car, checking me out.  I waved to her, but she just ignored me and drove on.
It was one of those days when everything went right, except for one problem:  one house didn’t get any mail.  The customer would swear that he got mail everyday, even junk mail.  But, this day, I had nothing for him. I completed the route in average time and returned to base around noon.  The California Labor code specified that, if you work for more than six hours, you are entitled to a lunch break. I had only been working for five hours and, so, was entitled to a 15 minute break. Oscar told me to take my 15 minutes.  I had brought a lunch box to work, so I gobbled up a peanut butter sandwich and potato chips in record time.  After my 15 minutes were up, I went on and did another two routes.  It went fine. I thought I had the whole job down.  The next day, however, would be different.  Very different.
Final day.   The day started normally.  I went into the swing room and had a morning snack.  Things was different.  The old man—whom the workers called “Dad”--wasn’t there.  I asked a carrier, who was grabbing his lunch-box from the refrigerator, “Hey!  Where’s Dad today?”  The carrier looked at me blankly and just shrugged his shoulders.  He left the room and I was all alone.
Something wasn’t right. Usually, the workers would greet me with a cheerful good morning.  Not today.  Everybody had the disposition of mourners at a funeral.  Maybe I wasn’t privy to something.  I reported to Oscar’s station and I said, “Good Morning.”  He didn’t reply. He just said, “Report to casing station 9.”  I walked to the station and the place was unusually quiet.  There was a Black carrier, who was almost done casing his station.
I said, “Hi, I understand that I will be doing your route?”
He smiled and answered, “Just the last part.”
My follow up question was, “Are you going home early?”
He threw a box in the basket and replied, “No, I hurt my back and I am on light duty.
This would be a big challenge to me, as I now had about nine routes to complete.  Plus, I had a lot of registered parcels to process.  I loaded up my basket and got my scanner.  I paid a visit to the Accounts Payable office to get my keys and forms.  I told the lady in the office that I’d lost my canister of pepper spray on my route; somehow it had fallen off of my mailbag.  She just told me not to worry about it and handed me another.  Somewhere in La Mirada, some kid had found a canister of pepper spray and God only knew what he was doing with it.
I loaded up the truck.  I noticed that the mirrors were out of place and that one tire was really low.  I saw the mechanic and pointed this out to him.  He said to me, “Don’t worry about it,” and he walked away. I adjusted the mirrors as best I could.
Driving to my route was kind of difficult.  It was on the west side of town and the streets meandered like spaghetti spilled on a floor.  They were short blocks with what seemed like hundreds of names. They must have been named after real estate speculators.
My first stop was on a tree-lined street called McMaltin Avenue.  It was a quiet place with plenty of parking. Everything went okay. This was “Pennysaver” day, and my mailbag was heavy with the free circular.  One customer came out of her house and handed some mail to me, saying, “This is not mine!”  She saw that I wasn’t wearing a uniform and asked, “Is it casual dress day?”  I answered “No madam, I’m just a trainee.” I proceeded to finish the route. Then, some stupid, small dog came bounding out of a house, barking at me.  It was a Bolognese, a breed I hate!  A lot of Gay men and middle-aged women love that breed.  I looked for the owner and saw some fat woman peeping through her curtains, smiling.  I yelled out “Can you get your dog, please?”  She disappeared from the window while the dog kept yapping away.  I stomped my foot and tried to make a rude sound.  The mutt got spooked and ran back into the house.  I jotted down the address on a piece of paper; I was going to report this.
And, if that hadn’t been bad enough, I walked over a lawn to get to the front door of a house, when the sprinklers went on.  My pants got soaked!  I knocked on the door to complain, but there was no answer. I noticed a bumper sticker on his door that read, “Get U.S. out of the U.N!”  I realized this was the home of some Right wing shithead who was hostile to the federal government.  He was getting an “American Opinion” magazine delivered with his mail.  That is the official organ of the John Birch Society.  I  couldn’t believe they were still around!  I stuffed his mail into his box and ran back through the sprinklers.  I was pissed!  Then, some old geezer came up to me and threw down a “Pennysaver” at my feet.  He squawked, “I told you people not to give me this shit!”  He stormed off, back to his hole.
At that point, my sense of equanimity was being eroded.  I felt that sickening feeling of adrenaline in my belly.
My next stop was one block over.  I parked in front of a house where an old lady was yelling at a young woman.  As I opened up the rear sliding door, I could hear her yelping, “I don’t care what the doctor says!  I’m not taking that medicine!  That doctor is trying to kill me!”
Then it happened.  All the mail in the subsequent tray was out of sequence.  The regular carrier had misfiled everything!  I had to put it all in order.  I was already 10 minutes behind schedule; this would take me at least 30 minutes.  One of those post cards with the inscription, “Have you seen this child?” fell onto the ground. The old lady on the driveway saw this and said loudly, “You dropped some mail!”   Every day, you’d come across someone trying to be helpful, but was just plain annoying.  I answered, “I know, thank you!”  There were some registered parcels I had to scan.  I shone the damn beam on the bar code, but only one of the three parcels registered on the scanner.  I had to manually input the information for the other two.
Finally, I managed to sort out the route and went on my merry way.  My first stop was the old lady on the driveway. I handed her mail to her and she said “Just junk! That’s all get is junk!”
I answered “Sorry,” and walked on.  Some little boy was playing with his little sister on the front lawn.  He threw a baseball at her and it whizzed past me, almost hitting my head.  He asked me in that little boy voice, “Did I get anything?”
“I don’t know,” I answered in an agitated voice.  I told him, “You ought be more careful how you throw that ball!”
The little boy laughed and said, “Fuck you, man!”  Nice.
I was now 40 minutes behind schedule.  When I got back to my truck, I noticed this White guy sitting in a silver Plymouth sedan, reading a newspaper.  I knew damn well it was a postal inspector, trying to be inconspicuous.  I closed up the back door and drove to my next stop. The guy in the car followed me.  When I stopped, he dove past me.  I felt like I was in some police state.
I soon found that the next tray was worse off than the previous one. Then, I lost it!  I was now an hour behind schedule.  I became apoplectic.  I yelled at the top of my lungs, “FUCK THIS SHIT!” It would take me another 30 minutes to put the mail in order.  I felt so frustrated, I almost cried!  All my life’s inabilities flashed before my eyes.  I started to think about all of the old people who were waiting for their Social Security checks.  I was failing this big responsibility.  Most delivery guys have some type of communication devices with them.  They would have a CB radio or a cell phone. Not postal workers!  I would have to find a pay phone. But, this was suburbia and there wasn’t one for miles.
I stood in back of the truck with my head bowed and made a decision I thought I would never make.  I decided to quit.  I didn’t want to disappoint Pamela.  She was happy that there was now a second income coming into our home.  But, I had reached my breaking point and couldn’t take it anymore.  I had never quit a job in my entire life!  Never!  However, there is always a first time and this was it. I slammed the door of truck and hauled ass back to base.  I could feel my heart pounding and had a queasy feeling in my stomach.  I was on the edge of having a major panic attack as I was driving.  I saw the old man they called “Dad,” lowering the flag in front of the post office.  This was strange; the post office didn’t close until 5 o’clock.  It was only 4 in the afternoon.  When I pulled into the parking lot, the lot was still empty.  My parking spot, Numbered 17,” was taken.  There was the same car that that postal inspector I’d spotted was driving.  Of all of the available spots, why did he pick that one?  I didn’t even bother to lock the truck, I was so upset. I went into the building and saw Oscar walking toward his station. This was also strange.  Oscar was usually gone at three.  He saw me and was surprised to see me.
I said, “Listen.  This is not working out!  The route is all screwed up!  I’d like to quit!”
Then Oscar did something I had never seen him do.  He SMILED!  He must of have realized he was doing that, because he quickly suppressed it.
“Okay,” he said.  “Let’s go see Dean.”
I followed him to Dean’s office.  There he was, sitting behind his desk like he was expecting to see me.  I told him what happened and I told him about my emotional outburst.  He became concerned, my hand was shaking and he became sensitive and compassionate.
“Say,” he said softly, “don’t take it so hard.  A lot of people can’t do this job!  What we will do is, you can fill out a resignation paper.  When you reach the section that says, “Reasons for Resignation,” you can write “for personal reasons.”  That way, you could get a job being a postal clerk. Let’s go to the other office.”
We went to an adjacent office and there was a female secretary behind a desk.
“Betty?” asked Dean, “Do you have the resignation forms?”
She replied, lethargically “They are in the top drawer.”
He walked over to the metal file cabinet and fumbled through the top drawer.  “Where are those suckers?  You’d think we could find them readily…. here they are!”
He handed me the form and I sat down to fill it out.  Dean watched me closely while I completed it.  It asked for my social security number, which I had never memorized.  I got my wallet out to get the number.  When I pulled it out, I heard him say under his breath “Oh! It’s just a wallet.” What was he expecting me to take out?  A gun?
Bertha peeked her head in the door and smiled.  I was making a lot of people happy today.  That was the first time she smiled since I’d been there.  She went back into her hole.
After I filled out the form, Dean told me to hand in my photo ID card and my truck key, which  I did.  Dean and Oscar escorted me to my Ranger. Dean shook my hand and said, “Sorry it didn’t work out.” They waited until I left the parking lot in order to shut the iron gate that secured it.  They were afraid I was going to “go postal,” I suppose.  I drove home wondering how I was going break the news to Pammie.  I felt a sense of both relief and sadness.
Pamela understood my decision.  That’s why I love her to death!  She is the most understanding person in the world.  That made me feel better about my decision.  Two weeks later, I received two paychecks.  They totaled $716.  I earned every penny of it.  I knew, at least, I had tried.
Here is a song I wrote about the whole experience.
0 notes
buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Fear Never Works for a Parent
Pairings: Chibs x Reader (sorta)
Warnings: Swearing, sorta child abandonment (??).
Word Count: 3,831
You looked up at him with your jaw nearly hanging on the ground and your stomach turned.
“What do you mean you…” You demanded as your world seemed to cave in around your lungs. Chibs shook his head as he glanced around to make sure he wasn’t overheard in the empty parking garage.
“Luv, I…” He continued to shake his head as he walked in a tight circle while scrubbing his hands on his face. With a loud growl, he looked back at you, his head still going back and forth, like a bobble head you couldn’t turn off. “Dah’lin’, this isn’t sumthin’ I can take care’v now.” Tears filled your eyes as you caught your bottom lip between your teeth. With a sigh, he turned his back to you. “This isn’t wha’ I want.” You nodded as your hand absentmindedly landed on your lower stomach, right on the spot where the child he was abandoning grew.
“It’s fine.” You whispered as you turned your back to him. “I’ll just… I’ll take care of it.” You barely heard him call your name as you got into the safety your car. You quickly locked the car door and pulled out of your parking spot as tears started falling down your cheeks. With a quick glance in your rear view mirror at the meager possessions you owned and one final glance at the man you had fallen in love with over the past year, that apparently didn’t feel the same way. You pulled out of the parking garage and headed out of Charming, California with no real destination in mind.
~~~~~ One pregnancy later ~~~~~~~
“Who’s the prettiest little girl in the whole wide world? You are!” Your brother, Herman Kozik said as he danced around the living room with your week old daughter, Willow. You glanced up at him over the top of the baby book you were filling out and shook your head.
“Don’t spin her like that, Koz.” He glanced over at you and scoffed.
“Can you stop micro-managing for one Goddamn minute?” With a roll of your eyes you went back to filling out Willow’s birth info in the pink book. “Say, tell mommy to leave Uncle Kozie alone.” You rolled your eyes again as your brother finally sat down on the couch. You turned the page to see what was next and your hand paused as you read the title ‘All About Daddy.’ Tears filled your eyes as you laid the book down on your thighs.
“You’re gunna have to tell him eventually.” Kozik said as he glanced at the title of the page to see what had upset you.
“Yea, ‘cause that’s gunna go over so fuckin’ well. I’m just a croweater to him.” He sighed as he grabbed a burp cloth off the coffee table, tossed it over his shoulder and laid Willow down gently.
“Sis, he has a right to know…”
“Kozik…” Your comment was cut off as the house phone started to ring. Your brother, knowing you were essentially in self proclaimed hiding much to his disliking, grabbed the handset off the coffee table.
“Yea?” He glanced down at his niece as she peacefully drifted off for a nap before his eyes went wide and shot up to you. “Yea, shit you got it. I’m… uhhh… fuck, I’m on my way.” He hung up and tossed the phone onto the couch beside him. “Mandatory lock down. They need…”
“We’re not going.” He shook his head as he gently put his hands on Willow’s back and head and stood up.
“You don’t have a choice anymore, (Y/N).” You shook your head and stood up, heading toward your brother to take your daughter but he took a step back and turned his body. “No, you and Willow have to go with me. Not my call. It’s a coast wide lock down and I’m sick and tired of keeping a secret from my brother for you.”
“Oh, bite me.” You snapped as you reached for Willow again. “He’s a scumbag piece of shit…”
“Who asks about you every single time I’m down there and has for the past nine months.” You looked up at him as you gently took your baby girl from his arms.
“If he really gave a shit, he’d come looking for me. I was just a fling to him and Willow…” Tears filled your eyes again as you looked at the little girl on your chest. “He doesn’t want her.”
“Sis, you gotta give him a chance…” You shook your head again as you turned and headed toward your bedroom.
“He had his chance, Herman. He had his chance.” You paused in the doorway and looked back at your brother with tears falling gently on your cheeks. “I’ll be ready in 20 minutes.”
“Are you sure you’re ready…” Kozik asked as he turned his bike down the road to the main Sons club house.
“Shut up, Herman.” You growled over the phone as you followed him. Your stomach tightened into a knot as the giant concrete building came into view on your left. “Shit, I can’t do this.”
“Turn into the parking lot now, (Y/N).” Your brother snapped. You hit the ‘end call’ button on your steering wheel as you forced yourself to turn the wheel, stopping just long enough for a prospect to open the gates for him and your SUV. You could feel the bile rising up in your throat at the sight of the line of bikes along the rail; just like you remembered them. You saw Gemma, who was one of two people beside our brother who knew about Willow, walk out of her office at the sight of your Chevy Equinox. She gave you a small wave as she headed over with a sad smile as you parked across from the patio.
“Hey mom.” You said softly as you got out of the car. Her smile got a little bigger as you opened the back door so she could see Willow.
“Oh, baby girl… She’s beautiful.” You nodded proudly as you pushed on the latch to lift the carseat out of the base.
“Thankfully she looks like me, too.” Gemma nodded in agreement as she gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“He’s inside.” You glanced up at her and nodded as you grabbed the diaper bag off the floor. “He knows you’re coming.”
“Did you tell him about Willow?” She shook her head as she glanced up toward the clubhouse.
“No… but you kinda just did.” You turned to follow her line of sight and froze when you saw him, standing shell shocked a few feet away from your car. His eyes were locked on the back pink trimmed car seat in your hand.
“Wha’s ‘er name?” He asked softly as he tried to get his feet to move; simply gesturing to the carseat when he realized he was frozen.
“Willow.” You felt Gemma pat your shoulder on her way back to her office as Chibs finally found his feet. Tears welled in his eyes as you spun the seat in your hand and lifted it up where he could see. “Willow Marie Kozik.” He nodded his head as he carefully reached out and touched her cheek; his tears finally spilling over when he realized she was real.
“Why didn’t ye…”
“I did tell you.” You said softly as you pulled a pink, baby Disney patterned blanket you had attached to the handle down over the front of the car seat. “Your exact words were ‘this isn’t what I want’.”
“(Y/N)…” He tried as you stepped away from your vehicle and closed the back door. With a shake of your head, you stepped around him with tears in your eyes.
“You made your choice, Filip.”
“How’s Miss Willow doing today?” Tara asked softly as she closed the door to Jax’s clubhouse dorm room behind you. You smiled at her as you pulled back the blanket to show your best friend her goddaughter.
“As silent as ever. I’m still waiting for karma to come back and hit me.” The two of you laughed softly as you set the car seat on the bed where Thomas and Abel were napping. “So how long are we trapped here this time?” She shrugged as she sat down on the bed next to the car seat.
“Couple days. Are you gunna stick around?” You shook your head as you unsnapped Willow and picked her up from the car seat to get her changed.
“He had his chance, T.” She nodded in understanding as she pulled the changing pad out of the diaper bag and laid it down for you.
“You know he still talks about you.”
“Well then he should have made me his old lady when he had the chance instead of treating me like some damn crow eater.” She nodded in understanding as she handed you a wipe from your container.
“He’s in love with you.” Your hands paused as you glanced up at her through your lashes.
“It’s not my heart I have to protect any more. Hasn’t been since they day I saw that second line.”
You didn’t see Chibs the rest of the time you were in lockdown, though you didn’t see really anyone but Tara, her son’s and Gemma. The Sons were constantly running in and out and with a newborn, you weren’t risking going out into the clubhouse where Willow could get sick. By day three thankfully, everyone got the OK to head back home. You were gunna head to Gem’s to hide out while Kozik wrapped up the last few things he needed to with the club. Just as you clicked the carseat into place, you could hear the distant rumble of motorcycles. As quickly as you could, you got into your car and pulled out of your spot; needing to get away so you didn’t have to deal with Chibs.
Which lasted a whole five seconds.
The second your SUV hit the road, the roar of a motorcycle instantly got louder and closer. You didn’t even need to look behind you to guess who it was. You growled and shook your head as you headed toward the highway, deciding to forego Gemma’s to get home to avoid confrontation.
Every time you you stopped at a stop sign or a red light, you wanted to just pull over to hear him out but with each glance at the man behind you just brought up the memory of looking at his back when you needed him the most. You could hear the Scottish accent that used to send heat to your core with one word telling you that he didn’t want his daughter. Every time, you just stepped on the gas a little harder, not really trying to lose him but needing to get away from the man that broke your heart.
You were pulling into the turn lane to get own the highway when he finally made his move. He whipped around your car, pulled right in front of your car and pulled off his sunglasses to look at you. You could see the slight glint of tears on his cheeks as he shook his head at you.
“Pull ova.” You shook your head at him and glanced over at your mirror to try to go around him and you could almost hear his heart leap out of his chest. He threw his kickstand down, ran to your driver side door and ripped it open before you even thought to lock it. “I lost ye once, luv. I won’ lose ye again. Pull ova.”
“Why?” You demanded as tears pooled on your lashes and spilled down your cheeks. He stepped up on the runner, reached over to turn on the emergency lights before moving back to look at you. With a shaky hand, he reached up and brushed the tears off your cheek with his gloved thumb.
“B’cause I need ye.”
“Then why’d you push me away?” He shook his head and cupped your jaw with his hand.
“I don’ know. Luv please.” You heard a horn honk behind you but Chibs didn’t move a muscle. His brown eyes continued to search yours. “Please.” With one more honk from the car behind you, you nodded your head. A smile spread across his face as he kissed your forehead and pulled a handgun from the gun holder under his kutte. He stepped off the runner and closed your door as he headed back to the car behind you.
“‘onk at m’ol’ lady one more time!” He shouted, loud enough for you to hear through the closed doors and windows. You quickly opened the car door and scowled.
“Filip, knock it off.” He watched the car drive around your SUV before putting away his gun and walking back over to you.
“Yer goin’ ta m’ouse.” He asked and demanded at the same time as he stepped back on the runner. You nodded as he reached into the car and handed you your seatbelt. “Yer wear this, too.” You couldn’t help but huff a laugh; it was something he scolded you for all the time. He looked back at Willow as he waited for you to put your seatbelt on before stepping off the runner and pointing at you. “Don’ be stupid.” You nodded at him as he closed the door and dropped his sunglasses on his face. You clicked off the emergency flashers as he got back on his bike and turned around in front of you. With a quick glance around your car, he waved you forward to make sure you went to his house and didn’t run. He had alway been very protective of you but with his daughter in the back seat, that was amplified by a thousand.
As you drove through the familiar streets of Chibs’ neighborhood, you called your brother and Gemma to let them both know where you would be so no one worried. Your heartbeat sped up as you pulled down the street that looked exactly the same and reality set in.
Were you really about to sit down with the father of your daughter; a man that had hurt you so deeply, and have a conversation about the child he didn’t want. You felt a slight panic attack tightening in your chest as you pulled into the driveway of the small, slightly rundown yet typical Charming house. As if he knew it was happening, as he pulled in behind you, he cut his engine and walked up to your door quickly.
“Breathe for me, luv.” He said gently as he leaned over you and unbuckled your belt. “Just breathe.” You nodded as he took your hand and slid it up his chest under his shirt to his heart. He pressed down on it so you could feel the steady beat just like he always did. He brushed his hand through his hair as he looked back at Willow, giving you the space you needed and the closeness he knew you wanted. When your breathing finally leveled out, he glanced over at you and pat your hand.
“Ye got it?” With a small nod, he moved your hand away and stepped off the runner to let you out. As you grabbed your purse from the passenger seat, he opened the back door to get Willow and your diaper bag for you. Neither of you said a word as you followed him into the house you basically used to live in three to five nights a week. Unlike the street, the interior of his house had changed dramatically. It looked like it hadn’t been really cleaned since you left since you used to clean when you were board and waiting for him to finish work or when you were mad. The smell of stale cigarettes and beer filled the air and beer bottles littered the coffee table next to an over flowing ashtray.
“Jesus, Chibs.” You sighed as you dropped your purse on the couch on the way to the windows overlooking the backyard. “Couldn’t clean up a bit?”
“Didn’t need ta when ye left. No one’s been ‘ere since. Can… can I ‘old ‘er?” You looked back at him as you yanked open the first of three windows and nodded.
“Support her head.” You missed his glare over at you as you pulled up the second window.
“Ye forget I am a fath’a?” Your head whipped back toward him as he unsnapped the carseat and slid his hands under his daughter.
“And yet you didn’t want this one.” He spun on his heels and sat down on the couch to look at you with a sigh.
“(Y/N), ye didn’t give me a chance…”
“You had a chance.” You snapped as you propped the third window open and pulled the string for the fan. “You only get one when you tell a crow you don’t want her kid.”
“Ye were never a crow ta me.” He snapped as you headed into the kitchen that ran along the back wall of the house to grab a trash bag. “Baby, I luv ye.” You scoffed as you headed back into the living room.
“Yea, you loved me straight out of your life.” You started angrily tossing bottles into the bag as you shook your head and started in on your tirade. “Do you know that I felt like garbage every single day? I’d go to parties and you would just sit there, surrounded by crow eaters and wouldn’t even glance in my direction. Only time you even noticed me what when you wanted to get laid. Then you knock me up and you looked me in the eye and told me you couldn’t ‘take care of this right now’.” You used one had to make air quotes before standing up straight to look at him.
“You couldn’t even be bothered to try. Couldn’t be bother to call and find out if I kept her. All you did was ask my brother if I was OK when you saw him…”
“I was scared, luv.” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed the ashtray and dumped it in the bag.
“And I wasn’t? I was looking at raising a baby by myself. Thank God Herman was willing to let me live with him and support me and YOUR daughter or we’d have been living on the street. But you wouldn’t know that because you turned your back on us.” You scoffed one more time as you headed toward the back door with your first full bag of trash. “And you sit there and call yourself a father. Way to go, Filip. Great parenting.” You didn’t hear him get up but when you turned around to head back to the kitchen, he was right in front of you with Willow in his arms.
“I fucked up, luv.” You looked up at the tears flowing freely down his cheeks as he took a deep, shaky breath. “I neva, eva should’a let ye walk away from me. I shoulda found a way ta make this work. I shoulda stepped up and been a man but I was so afraid of losin’ ye. I was so scared tha’ somethin’ would ‘appen ta yea if I made ye m’ol’ lady. Then ye tell me ‘bout ‘er…” He looked down at the little angel in his arms and shook his head, causing his tears to fall on to her blanket.
“The idea tha’ I could lose ye and my child afta Kerrianne… I couldn’t…” He looked back up at you and shook his head. “I couldn’t get close ta ye. I couldn’t let ye be my weakness but ye are, (Y/N). Ye’re m’everythin’.” He shifted Willow in his arms, stepped closer to you and reached out to cup the back of your head and neck. “Come ‘ome where ye belong. I need ye more than I need air. I need the woman I fell in love with two years ago when she stole m’whiskey.” Your mouth twitched into a small smile and shook your head.
“That was my whiskey.” He returned your smile and nodded.
“A’right, luv. T’was yers.” His teary eyes searched yours as his smile fell. “I’m so sorry, luv. Please… please come ‘ome.” After the smallest of nods, Chibs’ smile nearly broke his cheeks ad he leaned forward and crashed his lips to yours. After a moment, he pulled back and brushed his thumb across your neck behind your ear. “I luv ye. So much.”
“I love you, too but if you break my heart, I won’t stop my brother from kicking your ass this time.” He huffed a laugh and nodded as he kissed your forehead.
“I promise ye, I’ll neva, eva lose ye again.”
~~~~~ Epilogue ~~~~~~~
“Alright, that’s the last of it.” You looked over at your brother, (who, he while wouldn’t admit it out loud, was ecstatic that you and Willow were moving out of his house) and huffed as you looked at the empty moving truck with a nod.
“When the hell did I get so much shit?” He shrugged as he sat down at the edge and grabbed his cigarettes off the bumper.
“So I spoiled my little sister and my niece. Sue me.” You smiled as you looked up at the new house you and Chibs were renting as your old man headed outside to get whatever was left. He paused when he say the truck finally empty and nodded to himself. Kozik looked over at him as Chibs lit his own cigarette.
“You listen to me.” Your brother said harshly. “You act like a dick again and hurt my baby sister and I will personally kill you and bury you in an unmarked grave.” You whacked Kozik’s arm as Chibs pulled the cigarette from his lips.
“Ye don’ need ta tell me. I won’ let either’a m’girls outta m’sight again.” Kozik nodded as he pat your shoulder and jumped off the back of the truck.
“Better not. Alright, get off the truck. I gotta get this truck back and get going to the club house to get some sleep before my drive home.” Ke kissed your cheek and helped you off the truck with a smile. “You stay outta trouble.”
“Always.” With a quick ‘man hug’ from Chibs, he went around to the front of the truck and climbed in. With a quick wave, you headed into the house to take a little break before you started unpacking.
“I vote, we order a pizza and watch a movie like ol’ times.” Chibs said as he flopped down on the new couch. You nodded as you fell over the arm of the couch so your head was in his lap.
“Sounds like heaven.” He laid his hand on your stomach as he looked down at you with a shake of his head.
“No, luv. This… this is ‘eaven.”
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hostgalli19 · 4 years
The Cannibal’s Book Collection -  Chapter 2: Uncle Jamie
Chapter Summary: Au: Clarice was adopted by some unlikely people and it changes a lot of things but many things stay the same. Note: Good evening everyone. Here's the newest story in this little collection of stories.
The idea came to me today and I couldn't help but write it down. I'm likely going to be doing more with the idea but I'm not sure if I want to make this idea its own separate story or not Length: 2,194 (3 pages)
Tag List: @wilfordwarfstacheisbae, @matt10nt, @fuckmethomasshelby, @lamb-and-knife Link
Date: 17/05/20 Time: 1:29 pm - 2:19 pm
Clarice sighed as she walked up the steps of the somewhat run-down house, irritated a Jack for sending her to interview an old lady instead of letting her help catch Buffalo Bill. She could look after herself and wasn't as incapable as Jack seemed to think she was. Clarice was really paying attention when she knocked on the door and introduced herself. She did look up when she heard the person gasp.
"Uncle Jamie?" Clarice questioned, she hadn't seen her Uncle since she was maybe eight years old and he was chasing her through his basement while her parents were out getting dinner. He had changed quite a bit since she had last seen him. He had blue eyes and blond hair instead of the brown hair and green eyes he'd had when she was eight years old.
He was shorter then she remembered him being but then again it had been a good 15 years since she had last seen him in person.
"Clarice, what are you doing here? Since when do you work for the FBI?" Jamie question staring at his now-adult niece who had expected to see so soon. He had been planning on visiting for Christmas. He had been annoyed when his sewing was interrupted. His neighbors knew not to disturb him unless his the light in front of his house was turned on.
His niece had changed a lot in the last 15 years but she was just as curious and strong as she had always been. She had been a willful child and had run her parents ragged and kept them on their toes. He had been more than happy to look after her. He was a little surprised she applied for the FBI considering what they had done to her parents though then again it wasn't really that surprising.
"I work for the BAU. I'm here because you kidnapped the senator's daughter," Clarice answered easily, trying not to laugh when she saw the annoyed look on her Uncle's face at the news. He was able to tell if someone was important or not. It seemed that unique power had failed him with the Senator's daughter, she couldn't help but wonder why. He hadn't gotten the sense that the girl in his basement was important.
Apparently he had been wrong. He hated being wrong. It meant police asking unwanted questions, having to find a way to get rid of the body (that become easier after meeting Clarice's parents) and having to move which was tedious and annoying at the best of times. It usually took him several months to find the correct house, he could never move suddenly, he always had another house, just in case.
He didn't particularly want to leave this one so soon. He did have other houses that suited his needs but this one was by far his favourite. 
"Ah. Well then. You call the FBI and I'll go and clean up a little then we can put on a show for them," Jamie replied Clarice nodded, a large smile spreading across her face, making her looked far younger and much more innocent than she really was. It would nice to catch up with her.
He made his way into the basement and got everything ready, making sure to clean up the maze a little so his Starling wouldn't trip and hurt herself. He didn't want to get yelled at by her father for hurting his baby. He tried his best to make the maze the way it had been the last time she had been there. That way she would have no problem getting around.
Anyone other then Jamie would have had trouble following her without tripping. he had been more than surprised when she had learned to navigate the maze in the dark and was even able to run through the maze, in the dark, with surprising speed having seemly memorized the layout. He sometimes changed it up but she still managed it. 
Jamie looked up when he heard the tap turning on and the sink filling followed by the clinking of dishes being washed that Clarice was trying to make his kitchen look somewhat presentable. He hadn't gotten the chance to clean lately, being that he was busy trying to finish his new skin before the end of the year.
Clarice sighed as she walked into her Uncle kitchen and knew her Pa would throw a fit if he saw the state of the kitchen. There were plates, bowls, pans, pots and cups on every available surface. The importance of a clean kitchen was drilled into her from a young age. Some mess was acceptable as long as you were able to prepare and cook with little problem.
She made quick work of the plates, pots, pans, bowls and cups. Leaving some of the pots to dry and some cups and plates in the sink and some stacked next to it, she made coffee sitting it on the counter before going to clean up the rest of the house a little. Just before she called the Jack she grabbed her Uncle's phone and called herself before calling Jack and making it sound like she was in a hurry.
Hopefully, it had given Jamie enough time to clean up and seal the correct rooms and get everything in place for their little show for the Senator's daughter. She walked into the basement, noticing how things had changed in the 15 years she had been here. She just hoped the maze was still the same. It luckily was and was able to get around with little trouble, tripping once or twice. 
She wanted to strangle the Senator's daughter, she was a rude, ungrateful brat and knew if she had been anyone else's daughter she would have ended up their dinner for her behaviour or would have, at the very least taught her a lesson. After she had shot her Uncle in the stomach she went to free the Senator's daughter resisting the urge to strangle her yet again.
She ended up shooting 'James' in the stomach and felt horrible but knew as soon as the lights turned on, the 'person' groaning on the floor wasn't her Uncle but something else. Likely a Gollum of some kind. Hopefully, it would be convincing enough once its job was done that no one question what it was.
"Yelling and shouting aren't going to get you anywhere. Either you act like your the Senator's daughter or I'll leave you down there until the FBI arrives," Clarice snapped when Catherine Martin continued to swear and threaten her with losing her job. Didn't she know who Catherine's mother was? She shut up very quickly upon hearing that she might be left in the hole.
Clarice was going to have a... chat with Senator Martin about her daughter once the FBI arrived, her behaviour with theory despicable and very much unwarranted. She was only trying to help her and yet the brat was swearing and threatening her. Hopefully, this and possibly the loss of her allowance would teach her a lesson about being a decent human being. 
She was relieved when Jack turned up with the Swatt team, it meant Catherine would finally shut up about how cold she was. When the light in the basement was turned back on she could see the man groaning on the ground wasn't actually her Uncle, but something else. Most likely a Gollum of some kind. She just hoped it would last long enough in prison, her Uncle had always been good with that sort of thing. 
She nearly shot her Uncle in the chest for real when he grabbed her from behind before she could leave his "sewing room". She knew his real sewing room was hidden behind a false wall. He laughed and asked if she wanted to get something to eat and catch up. She, of course, said yes and exited the house while he exited through the 'back' entrance, picking up his car from two blocks away and driving it over. 
She introduced her Uncle James Martin-Wells to Jack, telling the man that her Uncle had called just before she had called Jack using Jame Gumb's landline so they could find his home. Clarice took him to a nearby cafe and they spent a good three hours catching up on things. Clarice was beyond irritated when they were accosted by Freddie Lounds. 
The women was thoroughly dislikeable and never seemed to take the hint. Her parents had told her not to say anything to her. Clarice had plenty of run-ins with her over the years, particularly after someone told Freddie who her parents were. Freddie Lounds had many lawsuits filed against her over the years but they never seemed to go anywhere. She was too useful to The Tattler.
James politely told her to "fuck off and leave them alone" before they got into Clarice's car and went to visit her parents. It had been a while since she had been home and she messed them a great deal. It had also been a long time since she had something decent to eat and no one cooked quite like her Pa did. He had sent her a care package every few months when she was in college
"Papa, Dad. I’m home. I brought a guest. Hello, Wendi" Clarice yelled as she walked up the steps of her father's house, they switched every other week, greeting the dogs when they come racing out of the house, almost knocking her over. She smiled when she saw the large dog standing the doorway, he came up to her waist and had been a very good friend. 
She wished she had taken him with her when she went away to college, then maybe the men would have kept their hands - and their comments to themselves. She had eventually created a list of the different ways she was going to kill many of her male classmates, she was just so used to every man in her family respecting that it was a shock when she went to college. 
She knew her Pa would be horrified and scandalized if he found out half the things her male classmates were saying about her. 
"Did you bring them for dinner or for dinner? What prompted the sudden visit?" A familiar voice from further in the house question and Clarice groaned, her father wasn't even trying. She heard just about every cannibal pun in existence at this point. Most of them were horrible and yet she still laughed even though most people didn't know why.
She usually threw whatever she happened to be holding at whichever of her parents had made the pun because no college friend wasn't dinner. 
She was coming for a normal dinner not one of her Pa's special dinner's even though they were the best. Normal food didn't taste quite as good as her Pa's food and she knew, on some level, she should find that disturbing but she really didn't. She had learned from a young age to never mention what her Pa used as a special ingredient to make his food taste so good. They would be horrified if they ever found out. 
"That's a horrible pun Will, you're not even trying," James answered rolling his eyes. He had long since gotten used the horrible puns but some of them were just horrible and groan-worthy. He had heard that one far too many times for it to be funny anymore. It hadn't been funny in the first time he had heard it even though he had been incredibly confused by what one earth Will had been asking.
He had been a little freaked out when he found out. Though who wouldn't be when they found out their friends had been discussing different ways to cook you for dinner.
"You wouldn't make good food anyway, your far too lean," Clarice groaned even louder, that was an even worse pun, she walked into the house, scratching the large dog behind the ear as she went and going to hug her father, her mouth-watering at whatever or more like whoever her father was cooking. It really had been too long if the mere smell of her Pa's cooking made her stomach rumble. 
"Hannibal I've told you before, you aren't turning me into soup or any other dish so stop pretending you're looking for recipes every time I come over. It's getting annoying," James growled playfully. He knew he was in no danger of becoming dinner, it was a long-standing game they played. At least Hannibal never suggested the same recipe twice.  
"You know Pa's never going to stop. I'm sure you've heard about the Buffalo Bill cases. Jack threw me to the wolves, completely unprepared and sent me to visit 'you' in BHCI. That was fun. I wanted to punch Chilton and Miggs is a bastard. Seems your Gollum is just as protective of me as you are," Clarice answered briefly burying her head in her father neck before going over and giving her Pa a hug. 
She'd missed them. 
Note: Thank you for reading. I hope you like the twist of who Clarice's parents were. I will go more into depth later though I am unsure of how exactly they come to have her. I haven't quite figured that out yet. I have changed the title of the story. 
I think it fits much better. If you have any requests for stories, please do let me know though you'll have to go into some detail.The next chapter should be up soon. 
Its mostly finished. I just have to edit it and add a little more to it. It was going to be the second chapter I wrote this one first.
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niallsexyback · 8 years
See You Again - Riley Goes to School
Request -  Could you write an imagine where Riley is starting school and they're buying his uniform and school bag and everything and it's super exciting but then later that night when the kids are asleep Erin becomes really unsure and scared of him starting school so Niall has to comfort her??
When I finished work for the day I drove home and stopped at the mailbox to grab our mail for. As I walked into the house I flipped through it. Bill, bill, junk mail, bill, oh this was different. It was a letter from the school district. Grabbing the knife to open it, I quickly grasped the small stack of papers inside and began to flip through them.
“Niall!” I yelled into the house, unsure where he was but knowing he was at home.
“Shh,” he hushed me, slightly irritated as he walked into the kitchen. “I just got Ellie down for her nap, I don’t want you waking her.” He walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before sitting down on one of the bar stools at the island. “Now what is it you need that caused you to be yelling through the house?”
“We got a letter in the mail today from the school.”
“What do they want?”
“It seems it’s time for us to register Riley for kindergarten. They sent us this packet with paperwork we need to fill out and send back and a bunch of information about what to expect. Also a list of school supplies we’ll need to purchase.” Sliding it in front of him, he grabbed it and started to page through them. “I can’t believe my baby is already going to school.”
“I know, it’s crazy to think about.”
“It seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital.”
He continued looking at all the papers in front of him. After about five minutes though his behavior changed. “This is bullshit,” he mumbled.
“What?” I was concerned he had found something problematic. Taking the seat next to him I tried to see the page he had been looking at and discovering what was wrong.
“Look at this.” He slide the page to me.
“It’s just a questionnaire about Riley’s home life and stuff.” I didn’t see anything wrong with it so what had Niall found that made him so upset.
“Yeah they ask about his parents.”
“I really don’t see a problem with that Niall. Why are you so upset? They just want to get to know us and what we do.”
“Look at this.” He pointed down at the page. I continued to look at it, still confused why he was having a fit about it. He grabbed a pen and marked the page. “They want to know Riley’s parent’s education level.”
“Look at our education level. We have you, the very top level, the doctor. Then there is me who is at the very bottom, never having finished high school.”
“Niall I really don’t see how this is a problem.”
“It makes it look like you settled for me. You could have had some guy who was much more educated and smarter.”
“I was never looking for someone who had the same level of education as me or was smart. Too be honest, most guys at that level are arrogant assholes.” Taking his face in my hands and rubbed his cheek. “I picked you because I love you. Your education was never something that mattered to me. You have done more things in your life than most men ever will.” I leaned in to kiss him. “And I want you to know something, I never settled for you.”
“Thank you.”
“If it really matters to you that much you could always get your GED,” I explained.
“Would you help me study?”
“Of course I would babe. You tried to help me study when I was in school so I’d repay the favor.”
That weekend we decided we should go shopping for Riley’s school supplies and clothes. My mom was watching Finley and Ellie for us so we could focus on getting all of Riley’s stuff done.
Starting with his school uniform, we were given a list of different color and style options for him. He wasn’t very fond of trying on all the clothes, wanting instead to play with some toys. I heard several times from both him and Niall that the clothes weren’t cool.
When we had found enough clothes for him we moved on to school supplies. We were armed with a hefty shopping list while Niall pushed the cart. “Okay Riley let’s start here, you can pick out any folder you want.” He began searching, starting at one end and slowly making his way to the next, making sure to look at every folder there was. After he finally decided on one, we moved on to some of the other many things on the list.
“Now all we have left is a book bag. Which one do you want honey?” As he searched, I looked at some of the things also. “Niall I bet if we look on the internet we could find an old One Direction bag for him.” He glared at me. “Wouldn’t it be cute if he walked around with his dad on his back?”
“No, it would be weird. For the fact that the picture would probably be ten years old.”
“But you’d be all cute and young.”
“No.” He shook his head as he walked away from me.
“You know what the bad thing about Riley going to school?” I asked as I chased after him.
“He’s now going to be around a bunch of different kids who are all going to have some different kind of sickness and then he’s going to come home and give it to you because I swear you have the world’s worst immunity. And then all I’m going to hear is you complaining.”
“Will not.”
“I would put good money on you being sick in the first six weeks.”
“You’re on.”
We were at the night before Riley’s first day of school. We had gotten him down early, hoping he’d be ready to go in the morning. The other two had gone down easily so Niall and I decided to call it a night as well.
He was rolled away from me as I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling. “Niall?”
He rolled onto his other side so he was looking at me. “What’s on your mind?”
My head snapped to look at him. “How did you know something is my mind?”
“You’ve been staring at the ceiling for 20 minutes. You’ve done that as long as I’ve know you and only when something is bothering you. So what is it?”
“Is Riley going to be okay tomorrow?”
“Honey he’s not going off to war, he’s going to kindergarten. He’s still getting nap time.”
“But what if the other kids make fun of him or don’t play with him?”
“We can’t control that. But I’m not too worried about him. That kid has always been able to make friends wherever he goes. I’m sure school won’t be any different. And that’s also why there is a teacher there, to help make sure the kids are getting along.” He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into his chest. “Stop worrying love, you’ll give yourself gray hair.” He placed a kiss on my cheek. His reassurance settled my mind, allowing me to relax and fall into a restful sleep.
The next morning when I alarm went off I walked down the hall. Kneeling next to Riley’s bed I spoke, “Good morning sunshine, it’s time to wake up you have school.”
“School!” He jumped out of bed and raced out of his room.
“Whoa there bud, need to get dressed before we conquer school.” Niall commented as he carried him back into his room.
The walls were covered in bright colors, toys filled the room. I felt like a giant as much of the furniture barely coming to our knees. Riley walked beside me, his backpack placed on his back. Niall walked beside me holding Finley’s hand while carrying Ellie’s car set.
A young lady with curly red hair walked towards us. “How are you, I’m Ms. Miller. And what’s your name?” She was crouched down in front of Riley.
“I’m Riley and I’m six.” He replied while holding up six fingers.
“That’s great Riley.” She stood to face us. “And you must be Mr. and Mrs. Horan. When I saw your name as the parents of one of my students I was excited. I’ve been a fan of yours since I was twelve,” She was giddy as she stared at Niall.
“Thank you.” He was unsure how to handle this. We had never thought a teacher would be young enough to have been a fan of Niall’s. “We just hope Riley doesn’t get any special treatment. We want him to be treated just like all the other students.”
“I’ll make sure of it and if anything happens, I’ll make sure to give you a call.” I’m sure she would.
“Okay Riley it’s time for you to go with Ms. Miller and start school. Your dad and I will pick you up when you’re done. Can I get a hug?” His little arms wrapped around my neck. “I love you and have fun.”
“Love you too mommy.” He said before running off to play with the other kids.
We loaded the other two kids into the car and Niall drove us home. The motion of the ride had them asleep in no time.
“I’ll take her, if you want to take Finley, then I’ll meet you in our room,” I suggested.
“Okay.” He pulled the car into the garage.
Once Ellie was peacefully sleeping in her crib, I walked into our bedroom, Niall could be heard in Finley’s room. While I waited for him, I entertained myself by doing a bit of cleaning. There were some clothes laying on our chair that I folded and put away.
I was tidying up the bathroom when Niall walked in. He flopped down onto his stomach on our bed. Joining him, I laid down next to him. Sliding closer, I pressed my body against his. “I’m tired,” he mumbled with his face buried in the pillows.
Slowly I began to kiss along his shoulder. Pretty soon I was kissing his neck. “Love what are you doing?” He asked while picking his head up enough to look at me.
“Nothing.” But I couldn’t help but smile.
“People always think you’re so innocent, but I know the truth about you. You are far from innocent, emphasis on the far.” A smirk rose on his face.
“But you love me.”
“That I do.” Before I knew it, he had me pinned under his body. “Thought we were going to take a nap?”
“We will, once we’re finished.”
“With the last kid you left me high and dry for six months, this time it’s barely six weeks.”
“If you’re complaining we can always wait,” I joked.
“No! What changed?”
“Last time I was insecure about what you would think about my body, probably because of all the media coverage we were still getting. Now we can hang low and no one really cares about us. And I’ve decided after all this time you’re stuck with me so it doesn’t matter what I look like.” The whole time I spoke he was kissing along my neck, sucking on my jaw.
“It doesn’t because I love you no matter what.” As he said it his hand wondered under my top. “Mmm, love you.”
“Didn’t like the way that teacher was looking at you.”
“You always did get a bit jealous didn’t you?” He chuckled but continued to slide my top up.
“You’re mine.”
When we returned to school at the end of the day, all the kids were happily playing on the floor together. Riley spotted us, dropped he toy and ran towards us.
“Mommy come see what I made.” He grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the back of the room. “Look I made it.” He pointed to an ‘A’ on the wall that had been decorated.
“It’s very nice Riley. Did you have fun at school today?”
He nodded. “Tomorrow can we go to the park?”
“You have to come back to school tomorrow.”
“I do, but I want to play at home?”
“Unfortunately bud you have to come back for at least the next ten years,” Niall explained. His face was shocked as he tried to comprehend what we just told him.
As we walked out I turned to Niall, “He’s definitely your child, I loved school and looked forward to it. For the remainder of his school career is probably going to be a struggle to get him to come.”
“Probably. That’s why I left early.” He laughed loudly as we continued to walk out.
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ruthlessbookfish · 7 years
Tempting Justice by Fiona Archer
April 20
My Review
Heath and London burn up the pages. They are opposites in such hilarious ways. I was glad we got another action driven story for a Sons of Sydney novel. I loved it and I honestly can’t wait for #3.....even though #2 just came out. What am I going to do.....I guess I’ll just wait “patiently.”
* I voluntarily read an advanced reader’s copy of this book*
Title: Tempting Justice
Series: Sons of Sydney #2
Authors: Fiona Archer
Genre: Erotic Romance/Romantic Suspense
 Release Date: April 18, 2017
He’s sworn to uphold the law
His reckless behavior as a child caused the deaths of his entire family. On the lonely Sydney streets, the orphan found friends. Found “brothers.” Never again will Seattle Homicide Detective Heath Justice break the rules and risk his new family. Order and discipline govern his life…until he meets a curvaceous redhead. With two ugly murder cases to solve, the last thing he needs is this disconcertingly lovely, whirlwind of chaos, yet…charmed by her wit and intelligence, Heath can’t resist.
She believes rules are meant to be broken
Deep into writing a murder mystery, author London Shaw is shocked when she herself is implicated in a homicide. She can’t believe the ever-so-authoritarian Detective Heath Justice expects her to simply ignore the crime and go on about her business. Not happening.  Although the man’s whiskey rough voice, cuffs, and masterful touch could melt any woman’s resistance—and does—she has a craving to do a little investigating herself.
When all or nothing is your only play
When Heath’s murder investigation threatens a far-reaching conspiracy, everyone he cares for becomes their target—including the woman he’s come to love.
Purchase Links
Heath had grabbed the flask from the SUV’s back seat when he glimpsed a figure through the rear window. A woman, wearing a blue hoodie and black sweatpants walked to the edge of Derek’s driveway and gazed at the house’s front door. A few seconds later, she began walking swiftly down the driveway, constantly checking the front door. Was she worried about being seen? A possible intruder? Since he’d parked closer to the house further on from Derek’s parents’ property, the woman hadn’t spotted him. Heath replaced the flask on the backseat and gently pushed the back passenger door nearly closed. He waited until she had disappeared behind the side of the house before following. Careful not to make noise, he followed the woman down the driveway and watched as she stopped in front of a side door to the garage, which was separate from the house. With her back to Heath, she pulled something from her pocket and tried to jimmy the door’s lock. The woman glanced toward the back of the house, likely checking to see if she’d been spotted, then continued her efforts with the lock. A soft hiss and a “dammit” indicated her efforts were unsuccessful. Heath also couldn’t miss the curvy shape of her figure outlined so well by the soft black material hugging her gorgeous arse. One shown off to perfection as she bent to look closer at the lock. A tiny squeak of joy, followed by her opening the door, signaled the possible intruder had crossed a line. It seemed such a shame to stop his fun. Nevertheless, duty called… Heath pulled out his 9mm from his shoulder holster and held it out in front of him as he moved forward. “Police! Put your hands on your head and step away from the door.” The woman let out a high squeak, dropped the lock pick, and spun around, eyes wide. Her mouth formed an “O” at the sight of his weapon. “Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness.” She covered her mouth with both hands before waving them in front of her, palms facing Heath. “It’s not what you think. Honestly.” Her gaze snapped to her left in the direction of the back of the house as if she expected someone to come out any moment. “I said, hands on your head.” Heath commanded, satisfied when the woman immediately obeyed. “Come forward, turn around, and face the garage door.” He saw her close her eyes in defeat before she obeyed. Heath grabbed his cuffs and shoved his weapon back in the holster. With efficient moves, he had her wrists secured behind her. “Officer, I can explain.” She sighed. “I mean, I know everyone says that, but really, nothing illegal’s happening here.” “Good to know.” He pulled her jacket’s hood from her head. Red hair. No, the description didn’t do the color justice, but he only knew guyspeak, which would have to suffice to explain the bursts of deeper red in amongst the lighter strands, all held in a ponytail. Heath patted down his suspect. No weapons. And he’d have to be dead not to notice the way his hands fit over her hips, the roundness of her arse. He wasn’t a sleaze, not by any means, but he appreciated a woman’s body like any man. Taking her arm in a firm grip, he turned his suspect around. Green eyes framed with long, thick lashes blinked up at him. “When I say nothing illegal, I mean it depends on your point of view.” “My point of view is as a cop, which doesn’t leave a lot of leeway on a range of subjects.” She frowned at him, as if he was being unreasonable. “That’s a rather rigid stance. Not everything is black and white.” Heath wasn’t prepared to debate the point. “Your disappointment is noted. Now—” “Hey, I’m sure you’re a busy guy. And, uh,”—she licked her lips—“you need to go protect the community. That’s an important role. Absolutely. So, you know—” She broke off. “Shoo. Anyway, we can put a line under this and start the day over.” Despite her opinion of his so-called inflexible outlook on life, he couldn’t help answering. “We can, huh?” “Totally.” She nodded, sending her ponytail bobbing. Keeping hold of her arm, Heath looked down at her black canvas tennis shoes to hide his mouth twitching. It was a safe bet the young woman wasn’t a hardened criminal. But whatever the hell she was up to, he aimed to find out. First he needed to phone Derek. “Do you know the owners of this house?” Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes grew huge in her face. “You don’t have to get them,” she rushed out. “Oh, but I do.” He went to pull out his phone from his back pocket, and the woman jerked against his grip. She would have toppled over if not for him keeping his hold. Oh, no, sweetheart. He tightened his grip, reinforcing her captivity and moved closer, towering over her. “Lady, you could have hurt yourself.” The safety of suspects was important, and the thought of the little redhead causing herself harm propelled his alpha instincts center stage. “Resist once more, and I’ll use my belt to hogtie you.” She drew in a sharp breath. What he didn’t see was fear. Not in her eyes or the way a blush stained the cool-toned white skin of her face. And swear to God, he felt her body soften against him. An image of her hogtied flashed through his mind. Only she wouldn’t be in this driveway, but in his bed. Lying on his sheets. Her glorious long red hair spread over his pillow. “What the hell’s going on?” Heath looked over his shoulder. Derek stood at the side of the house, his hands jammed on his hips. “Dammit,” came from his suspect. A look best described as misery—from the closed eyes and turned down mouth—covered her face. “I caught a suspect attempting to break into your parents’ garage.” Derek gave a dry laugh. “I’ve no doubt she’s up to something, but that’s no suspect.” He strode up the driveway, his frown reserved for the woman at Heath’s side. “Meet London, my baby sister." Heath swung his gaze to…Derek’s sister? Those eyes, so wide and shocked before, were now narrowed with the promise of rebellion, even as she stood there—in his cuffs. Ah. So bravado was her chosen defense. Heath remembered the sweet color of her blush at his earlier threat of hogtying her. Lightning might strike him down any second, but the woman intrigued him, even knowing she was Derek’s sister. The knowledge he didn’t have to call for a cruiser to take her to booking added a new dimension to the proceedings. Anticipation flowed through Heath. He was going to enjoy this visit, and for way more than pancakes. Time for his prisoner to confess all.
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Author Bio
Fiona Archer writes erotic romance filled with masterful Aussie alpha heroes and teams them with sassy heroines who limit their submissive side to the bedroom. She lives in sunny environs of Sydney, Australia, and is harassed by a flock of wild cockatoos that take over the back yard each afternoon, demanding their feed. Her favorite hobbies include watching Nathan Fillion on television, shopping for that ever-elusive perfect shade of lipstick, and drinking iced coffee.
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