#I think its fun imagining a canon friendship for them too but like that last rui and rinko event shook my world and now I wanna imagine her
chisatowo · 2 years
Au where Rui and Rinko stayed in touch and through Rinko Rui also meets ako at a young age. I simply think that had the stars aligned right for Rui she and Ako could have ate dirt together. This would not fix her issues per say but it probably wouldnt have made them worse
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merakiui · 10 months
Mera, I'm going to need to hear (a lot) more about your reverse harem otome game thoughts. So... give us some imagines about your favorite characters there!
Oooo there are so many thoughts I have regarding it!!! Allow me to share them below. :D
To start, I imagine it’s a little awkward for you because in your world they’re just characters in a game, so for a while you have to follow the plot and avoid saying anything that may raise eyebrows or evoke suspicion (i.e. you have to live through the game’s events as they happen so you can avoid ruining any of the canon events that must take place in order for appropriate character development and whatnot). But also it’s fun to imagine a reader who is awkwardly trying to avoid raising the romance meters and just wants to enjoy school life with Grim. Alas, that will never be the case, not in this otome! >_<
For a reader who has arrived to twst with the burden of an arranged marriage waiting at home, it may be a little stressful to suddenly find yourself in the middle of a reverse harem romance. Maybe you don’t put forth much effort because you’re more interested in exploring the school and the island itself, but in classic otome logic you keep ending up in all kinds of situations with them. Maybe you don’t want to get too attached to anyone because you’re not sure what will happen once you’re sent home, if such a thing is even possible. It’s not like you can just bring him back to your world to get your parents off your back. But then friendship is a dangerous line to tread because it won’t lead to fluffy and sugary-sweet outcomes. You have to stay within the romance parameters. Too low and he’ll snap. Too high and he’ll snap. So to remain in the middle, you do your best to navigate interactions with ease. You don’t even try to impress, and yet he’s charmed by you.
It's also fun to imagine that the romance starts innocent and sweet at first, but then one of the characters says something about how he'd keep you locked up if he could and then you realize, "Oh, so it's a romance like this..." ^^;;;;;;
Riddle is difficult to romance. Pre-Overblot, that is. Every minor infraction, every instance he catches you with your uniform worn askew, and every moment he sees you associating with the troublemaker that is Ace puts your score in the negatives. Riddle’s more prone to snapping at you when his score is so dreadfully low, vicious and cold as he lays down the Heartslabyul law. You’re collared on many occasions. After his Overblot, he’s softer (especially on you) and it’s very easy to curry favor with him. The smallest things have his romance bar rising, such as when you compliment him or remind him that he’s doing well. You think Riddle struggles with romance because his meter rises and falls often, most likely due to his own uncertainty with this subject. He’s not someone you’d classify as an inherently dangerous love interest. Although he does get immensely controlling and obsessive if the score surpasses its peak.
Trey is a difficult character to read. His meter almost never goes up. At least, you never see it go up with your own eyes. It’s usually after the interaction. You meet again and the bar may have gone up a few points since your last meeting. You suspect Trey loves in secret, coveting from afar. The score rises considerably when you bake with him or when you try his sweets. It’s not wise to fall into this habit because trusting Trey is not a good idea. Keep eating his cooking and you might just find yourself waking up in his room, with Trey sitting nearby and explaining that you “fainted.” There’s more behind that placating smile he shows everyone… He’s prone to gaslighting you terribly if his score peaks, and it’s done out of some twisted form of love. After all, you can trust and rely on someone friendly and reliable like Trey!
Cater’s meter seems broken most days. Sometimes it never budges an inch, remaining at zero. But there are moments where it spikes high, so high it felt like a slap the first time you saw it happen. You never know what the catalyst is for this strange score-spiking. Is Cater truly interested in you, or is he just using the new magic-less student from another world to gain Magicam clout? But then his score always rises when he’s taking photos of you. Maybe there’s more to him than you’ll ever know. Cater is so mysterious. He acts like a bestie, but that unpredictable score of his says otherwise. It’s hard to say whether he’s dangerous or not, but if his score strays too high he may become just a little unstable. :)
Deuce’s meter fills fast. He can’t help falling for you. You’re more than a friend or a best friend. That much is obvious when his bar remains nearly filled the longer you spend hanging out with him. It’s easy for Deuce to love you because he’s been with you since the very beginning, and the two of you attend class together. For this reason, he’s very overprotective of you, occasionally reverting back to his delinquent ways if some guys give you trouble. He tries to avoid this, but if his score is beyond the healthy amount then it happens more often.
Ace is another character who is always in close proximity with you. Like Deuce, he grows closer with you throughout the happenings in the main story. And even outside of that, he continues to attend class and hang out with you. You see a lot of Ace, not only because he's a classmate but also a friend. Ace's romance bar doesn't fluctuate often, and in the beginning stages of your friendship it remains relatively low. But by Scarabia's book, when he and Deuce travel all the way back after getting your SOS text, his bar's score has increased. It seems over the winter break Ace managed to sort out his feelings, and from there he is always bickering with Deuce over little things regarding you.
Leona's bar never budges, mostly because he rarely gets caught up in romantic moments with you. But there have been a few rare happenings. You can never tell what goes through the lion prince's head. Sometimes you impress him, but then he says it's only because no herbivore can possibly be as gullible as you. Yet, oddly enough, there's fondness hidden behind the layers in his words. Once he pat you on the head, muttering some sort of compliment, and then he paused, lifted his hand, and looked at it so strangely. You tease him for it and he scoffs and tells you you're lucky his claws weren't out. Unlikely story, Leona. :) and as he walks away, you spot the meter filling ever so slightly.
Ruggie can't take anything you say or do at face value because he's certain you have some ulterior motive. So when you offer part of your lunch to him or offer to help him with running errands for Leona, he tries to turn you down. Just what is with you and being so good? He doesn't trust that. There must be some other reason you keep offering... But he finds that he doesn't hate your company and it's actually quite enjoyable to have someone to talk to when he's busy with errands. That, and you somehow keep up with his pace. Before he realizes, he's falling. Fast. And it's this sudden, whirlwind attachment that leaves you with a starstruck Ruggie, whose affection meter rises quickly.
Jack is difficult to romance in the beginning. Unlike some of the other characters who warm up to you rather quickly, Jack keeps his distance. Very much a classic lone wolf type. But once he gets to know you better and the two of you reach a level in which you can consider one another friends, he starts to fall for you. Jack is innocent in his affections. He looks out for you and is the first to defend you when anyone gives you trouble. He's teased for acting like a loyal puppy in love, which flusters him greatly, but Jack really does want to protect you and help you out. His romance meter increases in very small increments, but it's clear that he has quite the soft spot for you. He's one of the few characters with a mostly fluffy route.
Azul keeps his heart guarded, so naturally it’ll be a challenge to raise his romance meter. According to canon, he’s interested in you for two main reasons: you’re not from this world and he wants to use Ramshackle as a branch café. Throughout the happenings of book three, where you scheme against him to save your friends (Ace and Deuce’s bars rise because of your efforts) and the rest of the students from eternal servitude, Azul starts to harbor an interest. By the end of the book, when you have a heartfelt one-on-one chat with him in the Atlantica museum, he’s smitten. From then on, his bar is prone to rising and crashing just as fast. Being apart from you seems to have effects on the score, and he has a nasty jealousy streak.
Jade is another character who is difficult to read even with the romance meter. For the time that you know him, it never goes up or down, remaining somewhere between zero and five at most. He is very difficult to romance, namely because he seems to foil every cliché that comes your way. Forgot an umbrella? That's fine; he'll just cast a spell to protect you and him from the rain. Not enough money for lunch? That's unfortunate (for you). If you're truly desperate, you can make a deal with Azul. Bumped into him in the hall? Unlikely. He side-steps you just before you can collide, which leaves you falling face-first on the tile. You were ready to cross him out on your list solely because he feels like an impossible route, but one day you mention something about one of his interests and Jade perks up, his meter filling considerably. Like most of the cast, he wants you all to himself. But then he's also willing to make an exception and share you with Floyd.
Floyd's score starts at the very middle. Even when you meet him and he calls you Shrimpy for the first time, the meter has already filled. It's easy for Floyd to get attached, but it's dangerous because regardless of how high or low the meter is he's still quite obsessed with you. He shows up whenever he wants, sometimes at Ramshackle just to lounge around. His behavior is always sporadic; you get used to his unpredictability. When Floyd's in a bad mood, his score tends to diminish. It's not usually your fault; maybe Floyd saw you with some other students and got jealous. There are a variety of explanations, really. Most days, his meter is overfilled and so as a result he's more prone to picking fights to protect you or monopolizing your time by scaring others off. Like a leech, he clings to you.
Kalim feels like a love at first sight type! He thinks you're so darling the moment he meets you, and he's already wanting to spoil you. Despite his outgoing nature, his bar doesn't seem to rise much. Maybe it's just because he's so overly friendly with everyone that he's yet to see you in that way. But after more than enough romance moments between the both of you, he's wholeheartedly in love. He's the most obvious with his feelings and intentions, but then with the meters it becomes clear to you how everyone feels about you and where they currently stand on a scale. orz but Kalim is different in that he has no shame or embarrassment in approaching you outright to shower you in expensive gifts. He means well, but he doesn't realize just how much he's spoiling you. Although it is nice to be doted on to such an expensive degree.
Jamil is another character whose feelings are tough to read from the romance meter alone. It hardly rises; in fact, you think his score may be in the negatives. For the longest time you think he dislikes you solely because Kalim likes you and that makes his job harder when he has to prepare feast after feast for you. But after you tell Jamil to relax or offer your help or even explain that you don't need an entire feast, he starts to slowly, very slowly, warm up to you. You make the mistake of telling him he'll always be important to someone and that he should just do his best regardless of what others say—that he shouldn't have to diminish his capabilities or qualities just to let someone else overshadow him—and that's the arrow through his heart. Maybe you aren't as bad as he once thought...
Vil is a challenge. He has standards, and when you first meet him he compares you to an unwashed spud. It's clear that if you ever want to pursue a route with Vil you'll have to do something to catch his eye or earn his approval. The two of you likely grow somewhat close during the VDC and even more so during the happenings of book six. Outside of those main story events, you occasionally cross paths with Vil and sometimes you'll talk briefly. These interactions stick with Vil even after you've parted ways, and without even realizing it you occupy his thoughts. He's never had anything like this happen (at least, not when it comes to romantic interests), and if you're able to capture his attention so suddenly like this it must mean something. What that something is, whether love or otherwise, he will find out. And his romance meter will gradually rise as he does so. :)
Rook is a strange case. Everything he says sounds like it comes from an otome, but this sort of romantic flair is normal for the eccentric Rook Hunt. Though it's difficult to understand him and his real feelings, his romance meter is surprisingly honest and, unsurprisingly, just as shameless. It usually spikes when he's observing you from afar or if he's interacting with you in class. Rook is just so fascinated with you. You truly are curious, capturing so many hearts and seeming so unfazed. Just how do you do it? It's quite beautiful! He's already quite obsessive; if anything, the rise in his romance meter just makes him worse.
Epel thinks you're a godsend. You're the first person who didn't call him cute at first meeting! This automatically earns you points, and since he's also a first year like Ace and Deuce you'll likely hang out with him more often. The same applies to the other first years. Epel's interest in you stems from admiration. He genuinely thinks you're a really cool person, and the more time he spends with you, getting to know you and such, the more he falls. He's hoping to win your heart! Although with so many others also vying for your attention, it's a challenge he's determined to undertake.
Idia is difficult to romance only because he never leaves his room, so despite the lack of interaction he's been watching you from the very beginning. His romance meter is stubborn because he can't possibly fathom liking someone who isn't 2D, and yet here he is, salivating over you like you're a rare item in a game. ^^;;; Idia builds up his ideal version of you in his head, which is the only reason that meter rises at all. Of course he absolutely fails talking to you in person, for he's much too shy and anxious to approach you. You actually steal his heart when you smile at him while he talks to you through the text-to-speech program on his tablet. And then you say, "We can start small. Don't push yourself to do something you're not comfortable with." And omg he's going crazy. Who allowed you to say something so cool and so nice and so sweet?! >_< he's overheating because he's so shocked... orz
Malleus is a character who feels like the otome's endgame. He's charmed shortly after your first meeting. It's as if he was destined to fall for you with how quickly his romance meter fills. Despite his sweet and seemingly innocent affections, most of which are friendly because romance is very new to him, your romance moments with him only bring the two of you closer together. You spend a long time in the friend zone because Malleus mistakes every little gesture as something platonic or friendly. He's a little romantically dense at times, so you can never tell if his meter is filling because he likes you as a friend or something more than that. Don't be fooled, though. As sweet as he seems, Malleus is overwhelmed with the instinct to keep you close and forever his. Call it a dragon's nature to hoard or his own fear of being lonely again, but he can't let you go.
Lilia's romance bar remains relatively low because he's more like a spontaneous event. He pops up so randomly, so every encounter with him really does feel like fate. Lilia likely knows of you because you're the human Malleus has been spending time with, and he's so very fond of you. You'll just never know this because it's impossible to know what he thinks of you when he's so mysterious and vague in how he speaks sometimes. But you do have prior knowledge about Lilia (and all of the other characters from playing twst in your world) and so it's not so surprising to suddenly find yourself in an encounter with him. His romance meter usually rises when he sees or hears of how kind you've been to Malleus, Silver, and Sebek. You're just the sweetest. He adores you (too much).
Silver is the princely type! Your meeting is a typical otome cliché: he's sleeping and wakes up to you standing over him, and the sun shines down on you at just the right angle, which makes you look breathlessly angelic. And...he falls right back asleep, so you end up having to drag him to class so he won't be late. Perhaps that last part isn't very romantic, but Silver is quite touched by your kindness and also apologetic for causing you such trouble. To make it up to you, he wants to do a favor for you, only you insist he doesn't have to. He ends up sticking near you for the entire day until you finally give him something to do so he can repay your kindness. orz and afterwards, his romance meter has risen. <3
Sebek is another difficult route, mainly because of his devotion to Malleus and Lilia. He's very focused on becoming the best possible royal guard, and so it seems like he wants nothing to do with you. He makes it quite clear with how huffy he gets, always calling you "human" and not by your actual name. His romance meter never moves an inch up. If anything, it remains abysmally low. However, the more time you spend with Sebek, constantly correcting him with "It's (Name), not human!" and insisting you and Malleus are only friends when he accuses you of spending so much time with Malleus (which really only happens by chance, mostly), he begins to see new sides of you. Without realizing it, adoration blossoms amidst the many arguments he has with you.
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auncyen · 2 years
A L and R for the ask meme!
a. ships and friendships I like a lot-- for ships this is Shuann, Pegoryu, Shukita and Shuharu. I do like some other ships (polythieves! ...but probably post canon because when would they find the time during lol) but those are the big ones. friendships--Morgana & Ren, Morgana & Ann (esp. with the angle Strikers took, where he's chilled out on the crush but just really wants to make her happy), Morgana & Sophie and like out of the adult confidants I really like Yoshida and Kawakami's relationships with Ren (just. 100% blacking out the part where atlus made it possible to date Kawakami, because I still maintain it does not make a shred of sense for her character.) Also the relationship with Sojiro but that's more family. While not a thing at all in canon it's fun to imagine Kawakami and Maruki as friends like. especially as the year goes on and Kawakami's getting a little relief from her own stress to notice Maruki's weirdness and basically the two of them trying to fuss after each other while being bad at taking care of themselves LOL. (I'd say "ship????" but I can't imagine Maruki remotely going for it, and I think Kawakami would at least need some kind of obvious sign of interest from a guy before she tried starting something herself. so just trying-to-be-functional adult friends.)
l. Makoto's not my fave but I do think she's a decent character and I think the fandom gives her too much flak individually for her plan of changing things as a police officer, so I want to praise her for that. Do I think it's a great plan? No, it kind of sucks, and I'm glad she has a good support network that makes for better odds she could bail out if she needs to and start a new career. But like. 1) she's a teenager and there's an obvious emotional angle to her plan. 2) she is the only Phantom Thief who seems to be planning to try to reform the system at all. This isn't to say the other Thieves' goals are bad (there's nothing wrong with doing something for yourself + some like Ann and Haru still are pursuing goals that aim to help others) but like. they're in Strikers less than a year out from the last near-collapse from society and Yusuke has a comment that's like "the Phantom Thieves will patrol from the shadows" which is. no. NO. some root things need to change society can't keep doing this!!!! (I did recently post about how Persona world constantly narrowly avoiding the apocalypse is...a bit odd for previous Persona users doing very little to help out later lol) So obviously. Makoto is inexperienced and so she has a plan that kind of sucks and will probably need reworking. But I admire her for trying to think about it and will mourn ahead of time that Persona continuity will let absolutely nothing come of it besides her possibly cameoing as a cop in P6. Someone who loves Makoto write the fic where as an adult she keeps working at the goal to make meaningful reform in the justice system, learning over time if/when she needs to change angles. ...This may have been more a rant about how the persona premise of "real world but psychological shadows do magic things" is at conflict with the attempt at continuity than praise. Plus I do like Makoto a bit, she's just not a fave. um. OHYA HAS THE MOST INTERESTING CONFIDANT BACKSTORY GIVEN ITS RELEVANCE TO THE MAIN PLOT. I just wish her confidant perks made sense.
r. morgana and ren favorite friendship PARTNERS IN CRIME PARTNERS IN CRIME
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2n2n · 2 years
In chapter 82 we see snippets of tsukasa and amane alive... as I'm sure you know! The issue is we can't know how canon it is, but I like to believe they're real as they seem a bit too grandiose for a kid like Tsukasa to imagine. (Plus, the reveal of Tsukasa's face in the school entrance ceremony...) He seems kind of Tsukasa-ish all things considered. maybe a bit more placid and normal? Less crazy-looking?
ah you’re right I’m being hyperbolic (its a TRAUMA RESPONSE!!**a joke**)I’m really thinking about this sort of minicomic, 
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every time one of these flashback minicomics happens or a more context-filled color spread I’m like *on my knees* PLEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE WHEN YUGI!!!!!!! PLEASE LET ME SEE THEM TALK *shaking bars of my cage* PLEAAAASE SHOW ME THEM PLAYING LITTLE GAMES, WHAT IS THE DYNAMIC LIIIKE AT AGE 8??? They be catching bugs and playing katanuki but pleeaaase, is Amane like, a doting big brother??? Is Tsukasa like, more attentive or placid?? Or more wiley??? Would Amane pick on him with little games and stuff??? Did Tsukasa pull back on his rowdiness at all, is he still super clumsy, AAORUGORGH it feels like we cannot see anything more substantial yet.... the random few silent shots are edging me. Did Amane compare his stupid kokeshi doll to a penis back then????? At what age does his sexual irreverence start?? Does he subject Tsukasa to his boob talk?? I have 100 questions. AND WHAT WOULD TSUKASA SAY OR DO??? I can’t begin to think about ‘Tsukasa with others’, I CAN’T EVEN QUITE TALK ABOUT LIVING TSUKASA WITH AMANE....!! *visibly dying on the ground* did they draw zoo animals together. What would Amane say about Tsukasa’s drawings. Did they give eachother Valentines. What kind of Christmas presents would they get each other. What are birthdays like at 8-13. Does anyone COME to them or is this insular? 
Besides that, we also have Tsukasa at age 8, who is allowed to go out with amane and roam the festival. All we know about him here is that he hyper focused on a stall game for hours and starts to あばれる if anyone stops him. This is still not a lot, but it does paint a picture of a volatile and independent child... still, it's interesting how AidaIro still refuses to show his face most of the time.
Oouuuuhh I can’t use the word volatile, despite, the phrase, being so like wildin’, look at how incredibly affectionate Amane is as he talks about it, hims little blush, it makes me envision Tsukasa flailing his little arms around and whining and Amane not having the heart to drag him away. 
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this panel is my lifeblood......... Amane referring to Tsukasa doing something sooo inconvenient but so warmly ..... he’s like... *sigh* that dog of mine ..... maybe he just knows this will happen every Tanabata. Resigned. Its even Amane’s favorite game too, argh..... I wonder how long he ‘lasts’ having fun with Tsukasa ... *losing the plot*
...anyway this is just me adding on, I think the idea that Tsukasa was different is interesting because otherwise --
--WHAT WAS THE POINT... of aidairo hiding his face!?!?
Anyway I am just adding on a little bit, I think we really don't have enough evidence on alive Tsukasa so I am anticipating the bait and switch now. i am enjoying reexamining my interpretation of the yugis by reading your blog!!
WHAT WAS THE POOIIINT OF NEVER LETTING US SEE THEM JUST, TALK???????? I feel like any more like... nuanced? Expression is really being guarded.... there’s this like, sense of plausible deniability, maybe Tsukasa was always :D ... or was he ? arrrghhh
anyway I did assume the most desirable bachelor to talk about was 13 year old Tsukasa, truly the biggest mystery. We only have his most sublime serene corpse drawn.
I guess friendship with the 4 year old would be like, him showing you hims, giraffe drawing, maybe, playful but also walking away mid interaction bc he saw a grasshopper. 
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sobriquett · 6 months
Dear Candy Hearts Author 2024,
First of all, how on earth is it 2024?
Second, this letter is very much a work in progress, but I need a link to add to my signup ASAP.
If you get to this letter before it's finished, dearest author, I have requested all these fandoms before and you can find previous letters/prompts using the tags below. Thank you for thinking about writing for me!
DNWs for All Fandoms
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics | Anyone being called “Daddy” in a sexual context | Bestiality | Body Horror | Gore | Medical Experimentation | Mpreg | Mutilation | Non-Canonical Amputation | Sadism | Scat | Torture | Vore
General Likes and Loves
5+1 Times | Alternate Endings | Angst | Backstory | Banter/Bickering | Bittersweet | Canon Compliant | Canon Divergence | Character Death | Character Death Aftermath | Character Study | Class Differences | Coming of Age | Competence | Complicated Sibling Relationships | Cultural Differences | Dark Fic | Debt & Financial Pressures | Despair | Disabled Characters | Domesticity | Different Worldviews | Enemies to Friends/Lovers | Epistolary | Examining Societal Issues | First Meetings | First Time | Fix-It | Fluff | Found Family | Friends/Lovers to Enemies | Grief/Mourning | Grumpy Character/Sunshine Character | Historical Details | Humour | Hurt/Comfort | Last Time | Laws of Magic | Living Up/Down to Expectations | Long-Distance Friendship | Marriage of Convenience | Miscommunication | Missing Moment | Obeying Canonical Boundaries (Social/Cultural/Moral) | Outsider POV | Parent/Child Relationships | Pining | Platonic Intimacy | Politics & Intrigue | Poor Life Choices | Post-Canon | Pre-Canon | Pregnancy & Babies | Presumed Dead | Protectiveness | Redemption | Religious Elements | Reunions | Romance | Sad Endings | Secret Relationships | Uneven Power Dynamics | Unexpected/Unlikely Friendship | Unreliable Narrators | Whump | Worldbuilding
Darkfic Likes
Apocalypse | Betrayal | Character Death | Character Death Aftermath | Claustrophobia | Conspiracy | Debt & Financial Pressures | Degradation | Disease | Dubious Consent | Dystopia | Fire | Forced Marriage | Gaslighting | Hauntings | Humiliation | Hypothermia | Infertility | Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss | Murder | Paranoia | Poisoning | Prison | PTSD | Shame | Suicide | Terminal Illness | Unhappy Endings
Smut Likes
Biting/Marking | Bondage | Canon Compliant/Historically Appropriate (esp. period fandoms) | Desperate Sex | Dirty Talk | Dubcon | Edging/Orgasm Delay | Fingering | First Times | Fisting | Foreplay | Hair Pulling/Touching/Playing | Last Times | Loss of virginity (either/both/all partners) | Oral (any/all combinations/intensities/setups) | Porn with Feelings | Power Imbalance (Physical or Social/Financial/Other) | Restraint/Held Down | Rough Sex | Semi-Public Sex | Sensual Details | Vanilla Sex
Fandoms in Alphabetical Order:
1. Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery
Requested ships: Matthew & Anne
I read most of the books for the first time last year after watching the first two seasons of Anne with an E.
I enjoy Anne’s imagination, and all its potential for getting her into trouble, even as a young woman. I love the richness of the seasons and the scenery. I love stories about families, particularly those we create, and Matthew is the first person to really love Anne. Their interactions in the first novel are delightful. There's such a difference between garrulous little Anne and reserved Matthew, even as Anne matures towards young lady. I think a lot of fun could be had with that even in the littlest of ficlets.
I lost the father figures in my life when I was far too young, and a huge part of the grief is the things they'll miss, the things they leave behind, the things we want them there for - as well as all the little things. Whether you choose to approach that as an elderly Matthew being there for grownup Anne in a similar way to Marilla, or just Anne wishing (or imagining) him to be there, wondering what he'd be like as a grandfather, as father of the bride...
Of course, it's not as simple as that, he's not her father, but he's the best, closest thing she's known.
I’m new to the canon so I don’t have dozens of ideas and wishes, but at the moment I am just looking for more. If nothing here is doing it for you, see if anything generic at the top of the letter sparks joy, and know that I'll be delighted regardless.
2. Bridgerton (TV)
Requested ships: Anthony & Benedict | Anthony/Kate | Daphne & Kate | Eloise & Kate | Hyacinth & Kate | Prince Friedrich/Edwina | Simon & Kate
Season 2 was not what I was expecting, and nor was it a terribly faithful adaptation of the book. (Not a bad thing in my opinion; I stopped reading the books because they were too ridiculous for me, but the show hits just right with its own flavour of absurdity.) I was very, very “what the fuck” from the end of episode four right through to the end of the season, peaking in episode six with some what the actual FUCK, and basically watched it in one sitting on release day and into the night.
Something about these characters got under my skin. I love the mix of arrogance and angst in Anthony, the gap between what he thinks his duty is and what it actually is. I love Kate's courage and lack of taking anyone's shit, how secure she is until she isn't, and when she butts heads with anyone - especially Anthony. I love Anthony's actual relationships with his siblings and the different dynamics with each of them, and I am curious to know how Kate fits in. Is she more of a friend, a sister, a mother, a mix, something different? How do Kate and Simon get on as outsiders marrying in? They come from different backgrounds in any number of ways but have many things in common. And does the queen ever set Edwina up with her nephew? Even just a first meeting could be fun!
One thing Bridgerton doesn’t focus on enough (to my taste) is the realities of that lifestyle: social position and positioning, the responsibilities and expectations shouldered by the characters (however light we may consider them from a busy 21st century life, I imagine many of them would disagree, and the social season is exhaustingly nonstop), the gulf between high society and, well, regular society. (It nods to it, but never faces it full on.) I am a history nerd and will delight in anything that dances around the realities of the world, even shined up and sanitised and (especially) in Bridgerton’s parallel reality. But also, I just want to read about these characters bickering, laughing, generally interacting.
3. The Godfather - Mario Puzo
Requested ships: Carmela & Apollonia | Carmela & Connie | Connie & Lucy | Connie & Apollonia | Kay & Apollonia
4. The Last Kingdom (TV)
Requested ships: Aelswith & Uhted | Aelswith/Alfred | Aelswith & Aethelflaed | Aelswith & Edward | Aelswith & Athelstan | Alfred & Uhtred | Athelstan & Uhted
5. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV)
Requested ships: Midge & Susie | Midge & Lenny | Midge/Lenny
6. Star Trek: Voyager
Requested ships: Chakotay/Janeway | Chakotay & Janeway | Janeway & Harry | Janeway & Voyager Crew | Seven & Tuvok
7. Ted Lasso (TV)
Requested ships: Keeley & Jamie | Keeley/Roy | Keeley/Roy/Jamie | Beard & Roy | Roy & Jamie | Roy & Ted
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Super late since I wanted to have a lil time to reply but wahh I was rly looking forward to the Belphie rant sjdjfjf it's so interesting! Was mainly curious about the canon divergency part but rly got the whole megillah huh <3 rly appreciate the reply!! Kind of obsessed with the easy bonding through dreams instead of through the door, turning eachother reluctantly into almost comforting or comfortable presences ;;w;; and all to end up...that wrong anyway smfh.
You mentioning he puts in work after the incident to make up to Dola made me think that while he actually would in that obvious way that makes him seem a little desperate like in canon, maybe even time after thee events Dola finds herself resting easy, having specially colorful and vivid dreams, lush tropical landscapes dark and full of flowers, maybe even getting some inspiration from them for her art. She'd surely catch up quick, right? I imagine her frowning n making a little fist like "belphegor...." but with whatever fondness she can manage to have for him sjdjjd
And for Sally!!! Aaaa wasn't expecting such a nice reply cuz as you said it'z all in my head and I never speak about them anyway but....this is so accurate. It's canon, I see it!!
Ty for saying they're fashionable;;-;; in my mind everyone at goetia has to be or u get the one over looks by the rich clients lmaoo </3
I think it'd make for an interesting friendship :O since u say Dola would become a regular once her hair whitens, Sally would lowkey try to convince her to do funky stuff like streaks and such bc the potential!! But other than that I'm having a blast at imagining this not very sociable demon bein extra awkward because this is thee human exchange student AND and accomplished artist AND an insanely powerful sorcerer and she is..just so chill and simple.... I thought they'd meet not quite after Dola's become immortal but when she is already pretty accomplished and in a better place than st the beginning of the exchange, for some reason? (Tho the meeting mid hair chopping and wearing hoodie crisis is SO good too lmao)
So. Kind of like the opposite of Thirteen's first impression of the mc basically... Sally would be like "!!!! Ooo they are dashing" bc of Dola's whole presence and air of power that encompasses her :3
You're so right about their death aura cancelling, also I like to believe they'd get along bc Sally isn't into prying much into anyone's business or actually want to dig into people's psyches and like. they could talk at eye level eventually? No need to "open up" past "man HoL sucks ass I wanna get a little pet and Lucifer won't allow :/" & past all actual small talk that yes,, sally would make but also would be v out of touch bc what even are humans, huh?
I read ur reply for Mammon &&& also wanna add that Sal would sooo want to show them interesting stuff around the devildom anytime as well! Parlors of fx make up, body mods and tattoo artists up but for demons and such? There has to be so many forms of art in there to get into ! (Maybe not even going together but just hitting Dola up like hey there's this cool sculpture garden opening -and it's smth absolutely wretched and gross sjdjdj-)
But before that happens! Rly dig the idea of them starting out by walking home at night after goetia closes! Just thinking smth smth about bus rides at night (its always Night there anw....but u get it) and them taking the last one as they make small chatter but it feels rly comfortable <3
((AND pleaseee I'm Loving Dola being Sal's gateway into human world stuff. Seeing her giving her some obscure band tshirt or like. Both comparing each realm's knock off brands absjdk))
Well....i went off..! But thats abt it sorry for rambling hehe ty for indulging me this is so much fun to think of! I def agree they both need a couple friends even tho they are lone wolves..loners..misfits even 💀 <33 <33
Sorry I held onto this ask for a bit because I loved rereading all the stuff about Sally ;w; In love with the DolaSal friendship like >w<
I really do think that Dola would be like... affectionately annoyed at him for actually doing a good job of making things up to her. I know it's like a common headcanon, but I love thinking that he makes sure to keep nightmares of the Incident™ away even before she was willing to have anything to do with him. But like, in a more subtle way—like just making sure she has dreamless nights instead.
Tbh since writing the stuff for Belphie and Diavolo I sort of started wondering if Dola would ever forgive Diavolo, but then I realized she'd never forgive him for erasing her original timeline because it erased a lot of important moments for her from ever happening int he first place, and now they exist only in her own memory and no one else's. >.>
Anyway!! Sally!! Because I am over the moon than me making shit up has been accurate to any degree sdhkdf Literally was typing stuff up while scrolling through your sally tag and going 'Is this... Does this make sense for them...' then keeping going & hitting post before I could overthink >.>
hdfgjkgh the way you imagine their first meeting tho!! ;w; I didn't think of that... Just thought that after the post-Incident breakdown haircut (that now that I think about, I've never mentioned anywhere..?) Asmo would try to cheer her up by bringing her to Goetia and Dola ends up having a good time because of the cool stylist >w< I can see Dola not becoming a regular immediately since she's like, in and out of the Devildom for the first few years, but I also really like thinking about Dola keeping in touch with Sally even while she's in the human world and showing them everything up there through video call and stuff >.< Streamer but for an audience of one lmao (or 7 sometimes since I bet the brothers would like that too)
In love with Sally taking Dola to places in the Devildom??? ;w; I'm sure there's places where none of the brothers would really think to bring Dola or tell her about because why would they assume that she'd be interested in tattoos when she doesn't have any in her first year? Nor does she have any horns or tails or wings so why would they bring her to the body mod shops >.< Bet Sally would know about the more obscure art shows as well and beats Satan to the punch when it comes to either bringing Dola there or telling her about it, then when he finally gets to invite her she's already gone shdjkdfg
OOH and to add on to Dola showing and telling Sally about the human world... Would Sally be opposed to being summoned to go thirfting or something up there? :0 Or being taken to art and fashion shows...
Also... Since Sally's out of touch with humans & human stuff... Do they have their equivalent of Lucifer's iconic 'I've never cared when humans bred' line dhfjkfg... Just thinking about them dropping whatever their equivalent is like it's so casual and it makes Dola whip her head around to check if they're serious SO fast...
hdjfghfg anyway sorry for also rambling again >.< It's just so nice to think of Dola having friends beyond the brothers and purgatory boys but for some reason it's not as fun for me to make them myself >.>;;
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quindolyn · 3 years
General Relationship Headcanons || James Potter
Request: “Please can you do a general relationship for james potter? xx” -anon
Word Count: 5,835
Notes: This is kinda slow burn, I’m a little sorry. The ones I did for Remus and Sirius were not canon so this won’t be either which is a little easier because no Jily. These keep on getting longer and longer, but part of that is because Jamie is definitely my favorite marauder.
Warnings: Smut, angst, lots of fluff, dom and sub James, momma’s boy Jamie
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You were something special
James had known that since he was 4 years old
It just took him a long time to realize exactly how special you really were
James Potter was an idiot
That would become increasingly apparent to him as he grew up
Your family and the Potters were great friends for as long as any of you could remember, meaning that you and James were practically attached at the hip
And who could blame you? He has such nice hips 
The both of you are heart broken when he leaves for Hogwarts leaving you behind because you wouldn’t start until the following year.
All throughout his first year you guys write back and forth sharing every single detail of your respective days, down to the color of the plate you ate your lunch on
You can’t help but feel envious
There’s your best friend in the entire world, in fucking Scotland
Making new best friends
When the next year rolls around and you get to finally join James on the Hogwarts Express you want to hate Sirius and Remus
You really do
But how can you? They’re Remus and Sirius 
You guys spend the entirety of the train ride laughing and talking and the other two boys tell you embarrassing stories from the year prior about James
When they hear your nicknames for him (Jamsie, Jamie, J), they make fun of him relentlessly
He calls you an assortment of cheesy nicknames too but his favorites, before you guys get together, are “Sweetheart”, “Sunshine”, and “love”
If you get sorted into Gryffindor James screams his head off for you, making room for you to sit next to him at the table in the Great Hall, opposite Sirius and Remus.
If you’re in a different house then James gets sad, really sad, like that night he cries into his pillow and Sirius has to climb into bed with him to give him hugs and tell him that its okay even if the two of you are in different houses. That doesn’t have to affect your friendship if you don’t let it.
The next day James would find you before you got to the Great Hall and engulf you in a hug in the middle of the corridor, not caring that there were people streaming past the two of you in either direction. 
“We’re gonna be friends forever right (Y/N/N)?”
“I hope so Jamie.”
Even though you’re in different classes and potentially different houses you guys are around each other all of the time
You sit with him and the other boys at their place at the Gryffindor table
They sit with you in the library
And by the end of your first year you’re having sleepovers in their dorm
You sleep in James’ bed of course and Remus and Sirius do. Not. hesitate. To mock you relentlessly
“You and your girlfriend getting comfy over there Jamie?”
“Go to hell Siri, let me cuddle James in peace!” 
These jokes continue through your years at Hogwarts and you and James take them in jest
As you guys get older the physical affection you share never dwindles
After someone made a crude comment in the hallway about the two of you he talked to you making sure that you were okay with the arms he would throw over your shoulders, the arms wrapped around you waist, the kisses to your forehead before he left the Great Hall for class, holding you in his arms in the Gryffindor common room as the two of you drifted to sleep.
You assure him that its okay, that its not weird because you guys have been best friends since forever and that you love how affectionate you are with each other
You don’t start to realize you feelings for James until he starts pining after Lily, you don’t know what you have until its gone, right?
Watching him stare at her in the Great Hall
Writing her little notes that even though he’ll go up and ask her out in front of everyone, which you’re not too fond of either, he’s too shy to actually give her
Listening to him go on and on about her, her hair, the cadence of her voice, the beautiful color of her eyes, how intelligent she is, and on and on
Sirius picks up on this instantly
And he does not hesitate to make fun of you for it all the time, obviously not enough for James to pick up on it because he’s a prick not a complete asshole, but still enough to make you blush uncontrollably
You can’t say anything to him though because he’s your James and there’s absolutely no way that he returns your feelings, you’re like a little sister to him
So, much to Sirius’ chagrin, you swallow your feelings and sit there by James, trying to listen to Remus as he tries to explain to you your Charms homework while James watches Lily on the other side of the Common Room laughing with Dorcas and Marlene
And a little piece of your soul dies
The summer between your third and fourth year, his fourth and fifth, you were excited to finally have your Jamsie back to yourself again.
It went without saying that the two of you would alternate between each other’s houses over the summer
There would be no Lily Evans to distract him
No exams to stress over 
Just you and James at the Potter estate, exploring the woods that, in all honesty, didn’t change all that much from summer to summer, and swimming in the bioluminescent pond on the edge of the Potter property, simply floating next to each other on your backs, one of his hands grasping your forearm, making sure you didn’t float too far away from him
But apparently this year it didn’t go without saying.
Instead, a mere month before the end of the term, James regretfully tells you that he and his family are going to Spain for the summer to be with his aunt who lives there and he really wants to take you but its the entire summer and his parents nixed it
“I’m so sorry sunshine, I really want to take you but-”
“It’s okay Jamie, I get it if you could you’d take me, but you can’t so its fine. I’m not going to hold it against you.”
And you can tell that he’s genuinely upset about it but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt any less when you hug him goodbye at King’s Cross knowing that unlike years prior you weren’t going to see him in a few days.
You spend a good chunk of the summer wallowing, not necessarily because your crush isn’t there with you but because your best friend isn’t
James writes you every day just like he did during his first year at Hogwarts but its not the same because you can’t see him
You can’t hold onto his arm when you’re tired and set your head on his shoulder
So when September 1st rolls around and you finally get to see him again you’re down right giddy
But on Platform 9 ¾ you’re looking for a wiry, lanky boy, with a nose a little too big for his face, and a squeaky little voice
Not the 6 foot man who approaches you, with broad shoulders and budding facial hair along his jawline.
Oh holy shit
His voice
He no longer sounds like a dog toy, a very cute dog toy but still
You must admit that you’re a fan of the change, as the word leaves his lips you imagine resting your head on his chest and feeling the vibrations as he spoke with whomever
Its not a single day that you’re back at Hogwarts before James is fawning all over Lily again and you’ve had enough of it
You’re not going to let yourself to keep on pining after a boy who doesn’t love you
Not even doesn’t love you
But loves someone else
Sirius finds you a couple weeks into the school year, sitting with your back against a wall in an empty corridor trying to hold in your tears.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“I-I can’t believe I let myself fall for him. I’m an idiot Si!”
Sirius holds you in that hallway, rocking you back and forth while he murmurs to you that James is the idiot, not you, and that you deserve so much more than him
He helps you concoct a plan to get over James, he pitches to you going out on a date with someone else
Doesn’t have to be anything all that serious, just something to get your mind off James and remind you how hot you are, and how many people are lining up for you to give them so much as a moment of your time.
It doesn’t take too much on Sirius’ part to get you to agree to let him set you up
His name was Sullivan, he was in your year, a year younger than Sirius, with sandy blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes 
Sully, as he insisted you call him, took you for a butter beer at the Three Broomsticks
You had a good time, Sully was smart, and attractive, and you and he shared similar interests 
And all though he was lovely, and he insisted you were too, the both of you agreed that you would be better off as friends
You spent more time with him in the following weeks and less with James, Sirius, and Remus
The latter two were very happy that you were trying to move on because watching you stare at James was a little sad
James is confused, and hurt, and jealous
Though he adamantly refuses to admit that last one
Instead he just watches you. All. Of. The. Time.
To the point where if it wasn’t James it would be disturbing
And even though it is him it gets touch concerning
Sometimes before you go and sit with the Marauders at their spot in the Great Hall you’ll stop by where Sullivan sits with his friends and give him a smile, talk for a few minutes before hugging each other and walking away
It made James’ blood boil
Who did this kid think he was, you were his best friend he didn’t get to just waltz in and take you, or Godric forbid date you
One day you’re sitting outside with the boys when you see Sullivan on the other side of the court yard, excusing yourself you walk up to him and chat for a couple minutes before Sullivan’s face goes pale and there’s a shadow looming over you.
James throws an arm around your shoulders, tugging you into his side while extending his hand to Sully
“Hi, I’m James, (Y/N/N)’s best friend.”
James is standing there with you guys maybe 2 minutes, being the most passive aggressive petty person he could possibly be, dropping not so subtle hints about his distaste for Sully before he’s tugging you back to the tree where Siri and Remmy still are, their hands resting dangerously close to each other’s 
“What the fuck James!”
He plays dumb because if there’s one thing James Potter is good at its being an idiot, but eventually he relents
“I just don’t like the way he looks at you, it's like he’s trying to get into your pants!”
You start cackling
Borderline manically
“You’ve got to be kidding me James we’re just friends!”
Sirius being the eternally helpful human being he was added in his two cents, “Maybe you’re projecting Potter!”
And the laughing stops
James goes beet red, you feel all the blood drain from your face before collecting yourself and murmuring a quick apology before racing off for the castle 
You and James don’t talk for 2 days
It's the longest either of you have gone without some form of communication
You’re both so embarrased and you don’t want to hear James tell you that he doesn’t actually like you and that it was just Sirius being an asshole
Of course he would say this to make you comfortable but that’s not what it would do
It would crush you
You don’t have classes together so it's easy to ignore him there, and if you’re in separate houses it's even easier
Now that’s a different story
You can’t just eat somewhere else and the prospect of facing James after what Sirius said has you running for the nearest toilet
So you scrounge up what you can in the kitchen after meals
It kills James that he’s only seen you on the other side of the courtyard or disappearing behind corridors 
You’re supposed to be his Sunshine, he can’t stand that you’re hiding from him, he misses you so much
And at first he’s a little angry when you don’t sit with them at meals, but after scanning the Great Hall, he realizes you’re not there
His stomach drops, have you not been eating?
So dinner the second night he collects a plate for you with all of your favorite things and determinedly sets off for your dorm, balancing a plate in one hand and a glass of pumpkin juice in the other
He has to knock on your door with his foot
“Jamie, what’re you doing here.”
He gently pushes past you letting himself into your room to set the plate and glass on your desk
“You haven’t been eating.”
And despite yourself your heart flutters, because he’s right you haven’t been eating as much as you should’ve not wanting to get caught in the kitchens you only swiped what you could easily get your hands on
But then you have to remember, it's because you’re basically his little sister, not because he reciprocates your feelings
“I’ve missed you Sunshine.”
And you lose it
“Stop! Stop it Jamie I can’t take it anymore, you can’t keep calling me Sunshine and Sweetheart and Love and cuddle with me on the couch and then turn around and declare your undying love for Lily fucking Evans. I can’t do it anymore! I like you, differently than you like me and I can’t do this anymore!”
Poor Jamsie has never felt like more of an absolute asshole
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t revel just a little bit in the look on his face, didn’t feel a little triumph that maybe he felt even a fraction as bad as you did.
He’s an idiot and he realizes it
You’re both very quiet for a minute before he walks up to you so that you’re a mere inch from him before he gulps and leans down to press his lips to yours
“I’m an idiot.”
“Yes you are.”
“But I’m your idiot, right?”
“Always Jamsie.”
It's not as though much changes between the two of you on the surface once you’re together
You’re a bit more touchy feely with each other, kisses usually pressed to foreheads or temples often find themselves brushing at the other’s lips
He holds your hand a lot more freely now and more often than not it will end up clasping your thigh under the table in the Great Hall, or after having pushed your chairs together in the library so they touched
When you curl up together in the Gryffindor common room his hands find their way under your shirt, lightly tracing the skin of your stomach, pressing kisses to the junction where your neck meets your shoulder
His arsenal of nicknames expands impressively
Angel, darling, beautiful, gorgeous, poppet, pretty girl, mine
And he’ll add the occasional my before the word “love”
You already slept over in their dorm room every other night before you and James got together but now it's more of a nightly occurrence
Especially the day before a Quidditch match, James insists that he sleeps with his lucky charm, says you keep him calm
You cheer the hardest for James at his matches, bar maybe Sirius
Even if you’re in a different house you sit with Siri and Remus in the Gryffindor stands and get all decked out in red and gold
Now that you’re his he has no problem with Sullivan, he trusts you and by extension he trusts the people you trust
You’re touched one day, early on into your relationship, when Lily comes up to you in the Great Hall and tells you that you didn’t have to tell James to tell her that he was sorry for being a prick and not taking no for an answer.
You don’t tell her this but you didn’t ask him to do anything
James is just a good person
He also has an abundance of money and little impulse control
He’ll buy you literally anything he sees that reminds him of you, or if he remembers you bringing up that you wanted or needed it
He likes buying you jewelry because you can wear it more often than you could say the same dress or blouse
That’s not to say that he doesn’t buy you clothes too, he has all of your sizes memorized and knows whether you wear normal/petite/tall
James Potter will buy you pads/tampons/whatever product you use
He’s a man not a little boy and he doesn’t give a flying fuck if someone makes fun of him for it
One day Lucius calls him out for it and Jamie is just not having it 
“You have no clue where the clit is or what to do with it do you Malfoy?”
He’s always helped you through your periods so now that you’re together he’s just more liberal with his touch because he knows how much you love it
He knows how to do basic hairstyles and such because he watched his mom when he was a little boy and watch your mom do your hair too
If your hair requires special treatments and hairstyles he will write to your mom, asking for her to teach you because he loves your hair and wants to be able to help you, like imagine sitting in his bed while he puts braids in your hair following the instructions your mom sent him
Speaking of families when he tells Euphemia you two are together (which he does as soon as he leaves your dorm that night) she literally screams
Fleamont was worried that she was being attacked
But the next day at breakfast you get a letter from Euphemia stained with dried tear drops as she poured her heart out to you, telling you how much she loved you and that if her son ever broke your heart you were to go to her immediately and she would deal with him for you 
The year you finally become boyfriend and girlfriend is the year you all become animaguses 
James tries to argue with you, insisting that you shouldn’t do it because it's dangerous and he doesn’t want you getting hurt
Your rebuttal is that isn’t it just as dangerous for him? And if you’re not doing it neither is he and that leaves Sirius which just wouldn’t end well 
He’s so proud of you when you transform for the first time, he gets so distracted watching you that he forgets where he is for a moment
That summer, unlike the one previous, you and James spend all of your time together 
You spend the entirety of the holiday at the Potter estate doing all the things that you and Jamie used to do when you were younger, only this time its better
Instead of being childhood friends you’re each other’s 
You can kiss him, and hold his hand, and he can lift up your hair to kiss the back of your neck
Euphemia lets you guys sleep in the same bed but before that she sits the two of you down and gives you the talk
“Now (Y/N), I don’t know if your parents have ever discussed this with you but if you two are going to be sharing a bed I think it's important we go over it.”
There’s so much blushing and whining from James
One night you guys are lying on the floor of his bedroom wearing the absolute bare minimum because it was so hot and humid out when you pitched the idea of going skinny dipping
James is hesitant at first because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
But you insist that you’re fine and point out to him that it was you idea not his
Being the gentleman he is when you strip by the lake he looks away making you laugh
When you turn him to look at you his jaw drops
You’re even more gorgeous than he could’ve ever imagined
It's dark out but the light from the lake allows you to drink in your figure
He blushes so much you’d think that he was the one naked
 When he does strip too he grabs you and jumps into the water, you guys are all over each other, running your hands up and down his chest, his hands are supporting your bum while your legs wrap around his waist
You have sex that night, for the first time, he was very gentle with you and holds your hand when he breaks you hymen and if you cry he kisses away your tears
“Do you wanna stop baby? Does it hurt too much? We can stop.”
James is one of two things depending on your preference
We have soft dom!James and sub!James
I personally appreciate a healthy mix of both 
Starting with soft dom!James, he would be so gentle with you 
Also very firm though, if you broke any of his rules he would not hesitate to punish you
He’s a thigh man through and through
Doesn’t matter if we’re talking dom or sub, the man lives for your thighs
Which makes his favorite form of punishment laying you across his lap to spank you, but most of the time his blows land on more of your thighs than they do your bum
He makes you count as he spanks you too and after every blow you have to thank him
“One! Thank you Daddy!”
And if you ever call him James instead of Daddy during sex he’ll stick his fingers in your mouth and make you choke on them, kissing away the tears that fall from your eyes, “S’okay baby, you’re okay. Can you do this for me? Can you take my fingers like the good girl I know you are?”
He loves taking you up against a wall, especially in the locker rooms after a Quidditch match
Shower sex is one of his favorites, thinks you look absolutely gorgeous, soaking wet and moaning for him, not to mention he get’s to fuck you up against the wall
This is the point in the headcanon where I urge you all to go read the blurbs by @randomoutsiders​ where Remus and Sirius teach James how to brat tame you, she captures his essence perfectly
He loves to blindfold you, he likes the little jump he gets out of you when he touches you
He gives you the most condescending mocking smiles
What comes to mind is the first time he makes you squirt, he’s so proud of both himself and you
“Good girl, look at that, look at how much of a mess you made for me angel. So pretty, good job.”
He then proceeds to lick the mess you just made off of you 
He loves buying you lingerie
He likes it in a deep red and black
Loves ripping it off of you, absolutely adores it 
After care with him would be so soft and sweet, he loves taking baths with you so he can clean you up and kiss all the places he left bruises while he murmurs to you about what a good girl you were and how proud he is of you
One night he tells you that if Godric forbid the two of you ever split up and you’re with someone else that after care is necessary and that you’re precious and deserved to be treated as such 
He treats you like a goddess 
Sub!James is just as precious
He’s also my current obsession so stick with me here
He’s just so eager to please, always wanting to make you feel good and not even caring all that much if he gets off himself
Just so centered around making you feel good
He calls you “Mommy” and I will not be accepting criticism
I feel like “Mistress” is too impersonal if that makes much sense
The former is just so intimate and James wears his heart out on his sleeve 
James is rarely if ever a brat, usually when he’s disappointed in himself and he takes it out on you and you have to remind him how to be a good boy
And the rest of the time when he breaks a rule it's completely on accident and he’ll come to you and tell you about it to apologize
He feels so guilty, like he’s failed you
Especially if he touches himself without your permission, it's almost enough to keep him from doing it but he’s still a horny teenaged boy and can’t help himself sometimes
Most of the time though you’ll end up with a horny James knocking on your dorm door begging you to help him 
He prefers giving you head than you giving him head
That’s not to say that the visual of you on your knees with his cock in your mouth isn’t appealing, it most certainly is 
He just loves that he can make you feel that good with just his tongue
James also loves how you taste, tells you it’s better than candy
Which makes you smile like an idiot
Will finger you under the table in the library if you ask him to, it's not like he was paying that much attention to his homework in the first place, and even if he had been you are without a doubt more important
Loves it when you ride him
Absolutely adores it, he loves the way your tits bounce which is why he prefers cowgirl to reverse cowgirl because he can keep his hands on your tits and on your thighs
He asks you for a cock ring, loves that you get to decide when he gets to cum 
Extra points if its a vibrating one
With his consent of course, you tie him up and make him watch while Sirius and Remus fuck the living day lights out of you, barely paying him any mind while you scream for the cocks of his two best friends 
He likes being tied up in general allowed to look and only look
The first time you peg him he almost cries it feels so good
And you take his sniffling as a sign he doesn’t like it and that he’s hurt, he has to explain to you that that is not it and “You make me feel so good Mommy.”
His whimpers and moans are the most precious things and he’s very vocal
Screaming your name and begging you to cum
He is not shy to beg you 
To cum
To make you cum
To get to so much as look at you
Baby boy has absolutely no shame 
I especially like sub!James because he’s such a cocky asshole 90% of the time but he’s also the kindest, most considerate soul and he spends so much of his life helping others that sometimes he just wants you to be in control
Regardless of sub or dom James you were making out on his couch that summer, your hands in his hair, his fumbling with the clasp on your bra when there was a pounding at his front door
He makes you stay where you are because he doesn’t want you to get hurt but its just Sirius
Well not just Sirius
He was bloodied and broken and looked like he’d been to hell and back
When he told the two of you what happened, how he’d been disowned and had nowhere else to go, while Euphemia tended to his wounds James engulfed him into the biggest hug and they just sit there, Sirius crying into James’ chest while James ran his hands up and down Sirius’ back whispering to him about how it was going to be alright that he was safe, that no one was ever going to hurt him again.
About 2 or so hours after you’d all retired for the night, you and James snuggled together in his bed you awoke when the door to his room creaked open
There was Sirius, with tears streaming down his face, his bottom lip wobbling
After untangling yourself from James you walked over to him, taking his hand in yours and leading him over to the bed
“James, scooch over.”
When he opens his eyes and sees his Sirius standing there, bashfully ducking his head he quickly moves over and you and Sirius settle into the bed with him in the middle
You and James pet his hair hold his hands while you tell him how much the both of you love him and how you’re never going to let anything bad happen to him again
You fall asleep that night with James spooning Sirius from the back and you with your body curled into Sirius’s front, his head resting on your chest
When you go back to Hogwarts you often end up in this position in their dorm room only add Remus into the mix
You’re a year behind all of them at school meaning that when they graduate you’re still stuck their for a whole nother year without any of them
And it nearly kills all of you
You and James most, though you write to each other every day it's still not the same as him actually being there with you
When you get particularly desperate to see him he apparates to Hogsmeade where he becomes Prongs and meets you in the Forbidden Forest where you basically just spend the entire time holding each other and telling the other how much you love them
He cries at your graduation, full on blubbers 
“That’s my girl!”
Insists that you look better in your graduation cap than anyone else
Doesn’t relent when you tell him how ridiculous that is
You guys move in together as soon as you graduate, it’s barely even a discussion because you guys can always tell what the other is thinking
“Hey babe, do you wanna-”
“Yeah Jamie, when you wanna go look at apartments?”
He loves going shopping for your apartment, he has so much fun looking at color swatches and different fabrics
He insists that you guys decorate at least part of the apartment in Gryffindor colors
Wolfstar lives down the street from you guys and you have biweekly coffee dates together at a little coffee shop in between your two houses.
After a year or so you realise that you and James still aren’t married, and you get very self conscious
Does he not want to spend the rest of his life with you?
Does he not love you as much as you love him?
It completely eats you up
And James can tell that something’s up
When he asks you you confess your worries to him and his heart breaks
He never wanted to make you feel like he didn’t love you
Because of course he loved you
You were his everything, you were his Sunshine
After telling you all of this he goes rummaging through his drawers looking for something
That’s how you find him when you wake up to him accidentally dropping something results in a loud bang
“Jamie? Are you okay?”
When you find him he’s standing bashfully, blushing with his head down, his hands holding something behind his back
And that’s when he gets down on one knee and pulls the small velvet box from behind his back
“This isn’t how I wanted to do it darling, but I spend every single day  thinking about you, you’re the first thing I think of in the morning and I fall asleep with you in my arms thinking about how much I love you and how I don’t know if I could live my life without you. I’m so sorry if I’ve ever made you feel differently, I can’t believe I was enough of an idiot to ever hurt you, in any way. Even though I most certainly don’t deserve you, would you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marrying me?”
Euphemia plans your wedding with the help of Sirius
They go all out
There may or may not be a life size ice sculpture of you and James per Sirius' request
Married life is absolute bliss for the two of you
You wake up every morning with that ring on your bedside table (do people sleep in their engagement rings and wedding bands? I’m a child of divorce whose parents are both children of divorce, true love is a foreign concept) to remind you of the beautiful man beside you
Both sub and dom James go absolutely wild on your wedding night, he can’t believe your Mrs. Potter, that your his
Its that night that you pregnant
Though you don’t know it for almost 2 months 
James is the best husband 
He carries you everywhere, even when you’re not showing 
And he can because fuck that man is strong
He’ll carry you upstairs at night and down them in the morning and to the sofa 
You can only move by yourself when he’s not looking 
James is really good at puzzles and putting things together so it takes him less than 2 hours to put all the furniture together for the nursery 
Which he insists you paint yellow, the color of sunshine
One of the first things he buys is a little Gryffindor onesie for your baby
When he comes James has him in it all of the time
When you go into labor he’s very calm and collected
Euphemia is there to help the both of you because that’s the person he first called when you had your first contraction 
He holds your hand the entire time, kissing you, and coaching you along, telling you how good you’re doing, how proud he is of you
He cries when he first sees his son, he’s so beautiful 
Even though he’s basically the spitting image of James, Jamie swears that he looks so much like you
Once the doctors and nurses leave the room he climbs into bed beside you, throwing and arm over your shoulder as you cradle your little boy in your arms
“He’s beautiful Jamie.”
“Just like his mother.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts​ @kittykylax
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Gojo Satoru general headcanons
Let's get one thing clear: this man is absolutely chaotic. He is always full of energy. His energy levels never reach below 50%. He is loud and proud, always running, and never takes a minute to relax.
Do not give him Monster. Shoko did that once and it took her forever to get him off the ceiling. Also, avoid caffeine. Shoko replaces his normal coffee with decaf and he still hasn't noticed the difference. Keep it that way.
He was the class clown when he was younger. He wasn't exactly a trouble maker, but he may as well be. I cannot word that sentence and I am sorry. Next.
All of his teachers assumed he never listened in class, so they always called in him when they thought he wasn't paying attention. It still shocked them every time he rattled off the correct answer.
Not only did he answer the question correctly, but he could also explain his reasoning behind the answer, and if it was multiple choice, explain why the other answers were wrong. 
This tall man child would march up to the board and absolutely fill it to the brim with work, turn around, drop the chalk-like a mic drop and walk back to his desk with the smuggest look on his face.
That doesn't mean he did the work tho
Idk how schools in japan work but we all know schools in America only care about the amount of work you do and not what you actually know so we'll use that for the sake of the headcanon: he had straight D's bc he never turned in his work
Despite not doing the work snd goofing off, teachers actually really liked him
A lot of people liked him and he was super popular, but he still felt alone
Fake friends, you know how that works, he didn't meet any real friends until he became a shaman
Clean freak. This dude actually makes his bed. He scrubs his bathroom twice a week. His desk can get cluttered but he straightens up once a week. He's not exactly a germaphobe because
He cannot respect your personal space and that's actually canon but let me take it a step further 
He's a slapper. Especially when he laughs. It doesn't hurt, it's playful dw. He hugs you from behind especially when he's cold. He picks you up and carries you around. He will grab your wrist, arm, or hand and lead you around even if you're following him. He lays his legs across you or lays across your lap. Puts his head on your shoulder. Platonic cuddling between friends is mandatory. He's just so hands-on it's ridiculous.
Unless you explicitly tell him you're uncomfortable he won't stop
Don't worry, if you aren't in that type of relationship, your no-no square is safe. Except, if you seem chill, he will slap your ass regardless of friendship status. His ass is also slappable. You can't tell me Geto and Gojo didn't run around slapping each other asses, okay
He was weird and scrawny as a child. He didn't start beefing out until he started training to be a shaman and he's still kinda smaller than most beefy boys
He can pick you up and throw you around easily. He carried around a 170 pound Yuji like a sack of potatoes and can easily carry around three times that weight
It's amazing he's so tiny because you remember 2014 Shane Dawson making all of those wack ass desserts that was just s pile of chaos wrapped in chocolate?
He can eat every last bite of one of those monstrosities without getting a stomach ache, gaining weight, or dying basically
He knows bc Yuji dared him to do it
He has really cold hands and feet
He sounds old. Let me elaborate. He's constantly cracking his joints. They also creak when he moves. He complains about body pains like he's 80 y/o
He also shares wisdom with the kids as if he's actually 80 y/o
It's irrelevant advice that doesn't make sense but is also useful. Megumi can't count the number of times he's asked Gojo for feedback on his technique but had been told to remember to chew 40 times or never go to bed angry
Starts off sentences with "now son" and "when I was your age"
He uses his blindfold as a headband when he wants his hair out of his face. He also uses headbands as... Headbands... When he wants to wear sunglasses but get his hair out of his face
He owns so many pairs of sunglasses but he always wears the same pair
He's only bought a handful of them himself, most of them are gifts
No one knows what to get him for Christmas or his birthday bc he has everything, so they resort to sunglasses
His favorite pair is a pair that Shoko and Geto bought him as a gag. He thought they were dead serious, though, so he wore them around for a month
They were heart-shaped, rose-tinted glasses
Can you believe this man doesn't use any gel or anything to keep his hair spiky with the blindfold on? It just naturally defies gravity when the blindfold is on
Tell this man he's pretty because he already knows. He's narcissistic but not the cringy kind
Photogenic as hell. Takes great pictures from any angle. 
He gives everyone a different story as to why he covers his eyes. Sometimes he says it's because his eyes are too pretty and are a distraction. Sometimes he says it's because the sunglasses/bandages/blindfold look cooler than his eyes. Sometimes he says it's to protect the six eyes from seeing things he doesn't want to see. The world may never know
He's tried covering his whole face before, but he thinks he's too pretty for that. He at least wants one of his many amazing features to be shown at all times.
So about his driver's license;
He knows how to drive. He can be a good driver. When he wants to be. He just doesn't have a driver's license.
Now he TELLS people he just never got around to getting one, however, there's a rumor he lost it due to too many parking tickets
It's amazing the only tickets he's ever gotten have been from that and once he got caught without a seatbelt; he would have gotten out of that one if he hadn't been flirting with the police officer so bad
This doesn't stop Gojo from driving places though
He steals Ijichi's car a LOT and Ijichi DOESN'T KNOW HOW like??? The windows are never broken and it doesn't look hotwired-
Gojo has a key
You're not even supposed to be able to duplicate car keys but Gojo did 
Also; none of the first-year trio knows he doesn't have a driver's license, though that much should be painfully obvious
He whips around corners, speeds up at yellow lights, goes "watch this" and does a donut, it's just a mess
The poor students have to sit in the backseat too. Just imagine Megumi with all three seatbelts around him like that one meme.
He thrives off of Nobara and Yuji screaming from the backseat, and he can see Megumi being smooshed because he thought the middle seat was the safest through the rearview mirror
Which he doesn't even need because of the six eyes
Despite being such a reckless driver, he knows when danger will happen, so he's never once gotten in a wreck
He blasts the radio, which makes up for the driving.
Has a habit of getting in a car and ending up in the McDonalds drive-thru
Steals other people's fries and keeps the fullest one for himself.
He was rebellious as a kid and teenager, but hey, at least his juvie record is sealed 
He's been detained and in the back of a cop car many times, but the reason was never really bad enough for him to be arrested. Mostly he's just being mouthy. And the time he got caught spray painting on the side of a building. And that one time he and Getou hopped the fence to get into the local pool. And that other time-
It got worse after Getou wasn't around to get him out of trouble. Suddenly, breaking the rules wasn't fun anymore and he mellowed out. 
Tried alcohol and cigarettes before he was legal. Decided neither was his thing, however, he did start drinking occasionally when he was legal.
He's a fucking chaotic drunk. Oh my god he's absolutely feral
Most bars in the vicinity know him by name and they sigh whenever he walks in
Shoko is his emergency contact. She hates it
Shoko has to drag drunk Gojo home at least twice a month and is not happy about it
Once she left him in an alley. He made it home okay so she guesses it's fine
Once he got so drunk he spilled beer on his sock. The thought the fastest way to dry them was by sticking them in the microwave. Forgot about it until someone asked, "Who the fuck is cooking socks???"
I feel it important he was in the break room of the local grocery store and no one knows how he got there
As he was escorted out he stole a grocery cart and rode away in it while singing Don't Threaten Me (With A Good Time) by Panic! At The Disco
He has no alcohol tolerance at all what so ever
He will literally just stare at you and giggle
It's funny he's really flirty but also doesn't seal the deal. Literally, every woman in that bar is willing to get in his bed but he declines every offer. No one knows why
Its because he respects women
He helps his students break the rules as long as they're within reason. Once night Yuji was really hungry and after having a temper tantrum he couldn't order Uber eats bc the school is supposed to be secret Gojo helped sneak him out to get food. Who needs curfew anyway.
The shirts in his closet range from like twenty bucks to the iconic rich bitch shirt the kids ruined in that one chapter we all know the one 
He still wears that by the way, he calls it "art" 
When he was younger, Megumi drew a picture of Gojo being eaten by his shadow dogs. Gojo found it and now it's framed in his room.
He keeps up with current trends and memes like no one's business. This is how he bonds with his kids.
Don't call him old, but also, he'll tell you to respect your elders it's a mess
He has a lot of games on his phone. You can usually find him holding his phone sideways playing some RPG game he probably spent too much money on 
He did hop on the Pokemon Go hype train but after becoming overpowered he got bored
This happens to a lot of games. He pays way too much money, gets to be the strongest in the server, and gets bored
He likes games where you can kill other people's troops and likes to watch as they lose all their power
I canon him as being borderline sadistic
This is why he's Sakata Gintoki reincarnated
White hair, sweet tooth, black leather clothes, dad vibes, never takes anything seriously bc when he does he's scary as fuck, the works.
He is Sakata Gintoki
He liked Gintama growing up. He watched a lot of iconic shows as they aired. He considers himself an og
He's hella bilingual
Because he's the strongest he goes overseas for missions a lot. Because of this he speaks a lot of languages and knows a lot about international cuisine 
He takes pictures of himself eating disgusting foods like snails. He never likes them but he loves the idea of Nobara gagging back in japan
Has paperwork sitting untouched on his desk from three months ago that he will not touch for at least another three months
Does the crossword puzzles in the newspaper every week
Uses humor as a coping mechanism and it honestly just became a personality
Constantly popping his joints. I'm sorry if you find this gross I too find it gross.
Probably brought home every stray animal he ever met ever until he was at least like 22 y/o
Tags: @wasabito @kittaliapenn
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jingyismom · 3 years
Thoughts on Lan Wangji’s uncomfortable position during Sunshot
Rated T, pre-relationship wangxian, cw for harrassment, suggestive language, no other warnings, canon compliant
During the Sunshot campaign, Lan Wangji only had the reputation of being peerless and pure before the fighting began. It is entirely possible that this, plus his position and appearance, could have resulted in jumped-up heirs from lesser sects thinking him easy prey.
He came into it late, too, after leading the Wei Wuxian-finding mission with the Jiangs.
Imagine this beautiful young cultivator in spotless white appearing in a city filled with men primed for war.
Worse, imagine the fragile state of Gusu Lan and their dependence on these alliances.
Lan Wangji is politically aware, even though he's not held to the same standard as his brother. And when these men loom out of dark corners spewing lewd remarks and making even lewder requests, he wants to kill them. If the situation were different, they would come away at least maimed.
But he cannot afford to be rash. Not when the Cloud Recesses is not yet rebuilt. And he is in no real danger - if one of them tried to touch him he would feel no qualms taking a hand in recompense. So he...lives with it. For months.
Lan Xichen has other, more important troubles on his mind, there is no need to make him aware. It is just men indulging their baser instincts. It is nothing.
Except. Over time. It begins to wear on him. Its true he's only the second master of Gusu Lan, an ornament, a bargaining chip. A thing. He begins to feel like a thing. And after weeks, then months, of bloody fighting and unceasing, unseemly comments on his body, his face, his mouth - he begins to feel like a dirty one.
One night, Wei Wuxian is walking between tents during the push for Nightless City. He hears gruff voices, liquor-proud, making obscene offers not far away. He tenses and strides over, resentment rising beneath his skin. How dare anybody in this army treat a fellow soldier this way?
He comes around a corner and freezes. Lan Wangji is there, practically glowing in the black of night. Is he already taking care of the problem?
The voices continue to jeer. Lan Wangji doesn't move.
Is he...with them? It can't be possible that Lan Wangji would...hang around...anyone like this.
Wei Wuxian peers closer at him, still hidden in shadow. His face looks. It looks...weird. Wei Wuxian still has trouble reading Lan Wangji, but he knows this is...not his normal face. It's tense. Like he's angry. That, he's seen before, maybe too often. But there is the slightest furrow to his brow.
Like he's torn. Or...helpless. Which is, well. It's ridiculous. Lan Wangji is incapable of helplessness.
Still, the strangeness of it kicks him into action. He comes out into the firelight ready for a fight.
And pauses once more.
There are four men Wei Wuxian doesn't recognize facing Lan Wangji.
Blocking his path. They're saying things...the things they are saying. Are. Are far worse than any of the hushed, private joking Wei Wuxian has been privy to among friends. The things they are saying are forceful. Joyfully violent.
And they're saying them to Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji's eyes snap to him immediately and go wide, but Wei Wuxian doesn't see it. His vision is bleeding out to tones of red and gray, Chenqing clutched tight in one shaking hand. He points it at the men. They laugh. They don't yet know what he is, what he can do. He's happy to show them.
He raises his flute to his lips, only for a hand to catch his elbow, to drag it back. He shakes it off. He's going to rip these sorry excuses for men into small pieces, and then make their ghosts thank him for it. He's going to--
"Wei Ying."
He looks at Lan Wangji's face, right beside him now. It isn't stern, or reprimanding. It only looks tired.
He stops. Looks back at the men. 
"I was just speaking with Nie-zongzhu right over there," he lies, bringing up the only name he can think might strike fear into these animals. "Shall I go and get him, and let him hear what trash is fighting alongside him in his righteous war?"
The men scowl and leave. He turns to Lan Wangji.
"Lan Zhan," he says, confused and still unsteady with rage. "What was that?"
"Nothing," Lan Wangji says. He lets go of Wei Wuxian's arm and turns to go. Wei Wuxian catches his in turn.
"Nothing? Nothing? Lan Zhan, why did they think...why did they think they could say such things to you?" He knows Lan Wangji could have ended their lives with one strike. "Why were you letting them?"
Lan Wangji does not look at him.
"Because they can," he says. He tries to break away, but Wei Wuxian holds on.
"No," he says firmly. "They can't."
Lan Wangji turns to face him at last. "Why not? They may speak as they please to the second son of a broken clan."
Wei Wuxian bridles. "A broken - Lan Zhan-"
"If Gusu Lan is to recover, it cannot afford animosity from any who might give it aid." His voice is hard and sharp as steel. "Their words are of no consequence. Their coin is a different matter."
"No consequence?" Wei Wuxian asks. "Lan Zhan. They were saying..."
"I know very well what they were saying," Lan Wangji says, and pulls away at last. He leaves Wei Wuxian staring after him in open shock. 
Lan Wangji is mortified. He tells himself he is merely concerned about what he almost witnessed Wei Wuxian do to those men, but in truth is he is shaken. Scared, and tired, and very much ashamed. That Wei Wuxian has witnessed the way mere strangers could reduce Lan Wangji so easily to nothing. For the first time in his life, Lan Wangji feels uncomfortable in his own skin. And now it is as if Wei Wuxian knows. As if he knows that Lan Wangji is just...just a blank canvas for any passing uncouth fantasy. He both is and isn't the Second Jade of Lan - He is not untouchable, not in mind, in spirit. He is neither peerless nor pure. But he is not human, either. Not real in any way that counts.
And now Wei Wuxian, almost the only person that counts, can see it.
They do not speak of it. The war rages on. They fight, side by side, and protect each other.
Wei Wuxian does his best to protect Lan Wangji off the battlefield, too. Tries to make sure he never walks past strange tents alone at night, without being too obvious about it. He knows Lan Wangji wouldn't thank him for it, and their friendship is tenuous as it is. Still, the expression he'd seen on him that night haunts Wei Wuxian. He doesn't want it to make a home on his beloved face.
After Nightless City, though, things change.
Wei Wuxian isn't respected, exactly. But he is feared. When he speaks, cultivators at least pretend to listen. They've seen now what he's capable of.
He hasn't forgotten those men. Hasn't forgotten the lurid, barbaric pictures they dared to paint over Lan Wangji's undeniable impeccability, nor the unforgivably horrible way they'd managed to make Lan Wangji feel.
But there have been other things to take care of.
Until the banquet.
After the battle, after Wen Ruohan has been killed, liquor is bountiful as cultivators and foot soldiers alike make merry, preparing to feast. Jin Guangshan, now that things are over, has opened his purse to the victors, and none of them intend to waste it.
Once Wei Wuxian has recovered, once Lan Wangji has deemed him well enough not to need healing music any longer, they lose track of each other in the busy work of cleaning out the city, of preparing to celebrate a job well done.
But when the night arrives, Wei Wuxian is hurrying back to the Jiang quarters alone to join their contingent and head to the banquet. He's late, partially because he's him, and partially because he does not want to go. But Lan Wangji will be there, and he hasn't seen him in days.
He hears voices down a parallel street. Rough and loud. Familiar.
He turns and is halfway down the connecting alley before consciously deciding to change course. Dozens of voices whisper in his ears of vengeance, of justice, and black smoke licks his skin.
He sees them, lit harshly by the bright moon, washed out, pale and ugly, leering. He doesn't care what they're doing, who they're talking to. They have to pay.
"Wei Ying."
Lan Wangji's face swims into view, suddenly close. He looks nearly wild with concern. Wei Wuxian realizes Chenqing is already pressed to his lips, the first notes of a fierce melody dying on the air. Lan Wangji is gripping his wrist.
"They are not worth your life," he says."
Wei Wuxian opens his mouth to disagree. Lan Wangji's fingers tighten. Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath, and looks away from his steady, grounding eyes.
The men are still there, daring to look at them. Brazen.
"You have nothing better to do than lower the value of this entire street by merely standing on it?" Wei Wuxian calls to them.
They shift uneasily. But one of them lifts his chin, defiant.
"Who are you to discipline us? We're not Jiang or Lan, you can't speak to us this way."
Wei Wuxian angles away from Lan Wangji, faces them fully. Lets the shadows grow longer all around him. Pitches his voice low and calm. "Oh? Can't I?"
Three of them begin to back away, but the mouthy bastard stands firm. "You've no claim on us nor that one. What, is ruining our celebration your idea of fun? He's been acting all high and mighty all the while we've been down in the mud. It's high time he takes a turn on his knees."
Wei Wuxian flinches as if he's been hit. He doesn't look at Lan Wangji. He can't manage it, can't believe he's allowed this to happen again.
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji pleads beside him. "The banquet. Your shidi and shijie are waiting for you. Lotus Pier needs you."
Wei Wuxian's breaths have gone erratic and shallow. He cannot kill these men. He should not. It would be...there's a reason. Lan Wangji doesn't want him to. He cannot kill them.
But he cannot leave it be, either. Something dark and animal rears up inside him.
"No claim?" He repeats. "What claim could I or my sect have on miserable refuse such as you? What claim could I possibly need in order to teach you a lesson? Cutting your throats would be
counted as a service to the world. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't."
The man crosses his arms. One of his companions is pulling frantically at his shoulder. "Give me one good reason why I can't bend that pretty thing over my knee."
A vicious snarl rips out of Wei Wuxian's throat and he lunges forward, but he's held back. Lan Wangji is holding him back.
"Why are you stopping me?" He bites out at him. "Why aren't you ending them yourself?"
Lan Wangji is angry now, enraged, Wei Wuxian can see. Why is he still letting these men breathe?
"Because my duty to my family comes first. As does yours. Wei Ying, think. Alive, they are nothing. Dead, they are an excuse to deal a killing blow to both our sects."
Wei Wuxian clenches his teeth and rips his arm out of Lan Wangji's grasp. He's right. Wei Wuxian hates that he's right.
The resentment is burning him up from the inside with no outlet. But Lan Wangji is looking at him, holding him steady with just his righteously angry gaze. 
"Well?" Calls the man, who apparently has a deathwish. "I'm waiting."
"For what?" Wei Wuxian bites out, not looking at him. "Leave if you value your life."
"Waiting for you to give me a reason we can't have him. It's just one night. Who's to know? Who's to care?"
It's a ridiculous question. Beyond ridiculous. There is no single reason - the best one is that Lan Wangji would have the perfect excuse to kill them if they did indeed try. But Wei Wuxian is past thinking clearly. He sees only the worn, tired anger in Lan Wangji's eyes. 
The dark, animal thing in his chest strains against his hold, bucking and shaking, trying to get free. Trying to curl around Lan Wangji and protect him from anything that could dream of making him feel so exposed.
"One reason?" Wei Wuxian asks, then turns to look at them again. He lets the resentment free, lets it seep out into the night in curling, questing tendrils. Entirely without thinking, guided by some deep-seated, abhorrent instinct, he wraps his arm around Lan Wangji's waist. "He's mine."
He lets the thick wisps of shadows flick at the cultivators' faces, cold and burning. They claw at their own skin, crying out, and finally, finally, turn and run. The resentment chases them out of the street, and then returns to him, preening.
Once their screams have died out, and the resentment has settled back beneath his skin, Wei Wuxian comes back to himself. With a sickening start he realizes that he is still holding Lan Wangji firmly against his side. He lets go and steps away, heart pounding.
"Sorry," he says. "I'm - sorry."
Lan Wangji is staring at him, expression unreadable. Wei Wuxian cannot believe he's managed to do something so thoughtless, so stupid, so...horrifyingly revealing.
"That was stupid. I didn't mean to...I was just trying to speak a language he'd understand. I'm sorry. You're not - you don't-"
"I understand," Lan Wangji says quietly. His gaze has shifted to Wei Wuxian's shoulder. He looks strangely fragile. Tall, straight, and graceful still, but...
"No," say Wei Wuxian, "no, that was uncalled for. I should have left when you told me to. I'm sorry I made things worse."
The shake of Lan Wangji's head is slight. "No more apologies. I will see you at the banquet."
He leaves then, sword in hand, one arm neatly folded behind his back. Wei Wuxian watches him go, and can't help but feel he's made yet another fatal mistake he can't take back.
He's mine.
Lan Wangji cannot get those words out of his mind. He cannot forget the sound of Wei Wuxian's voice, the certainty in it, the firm, inarguable tone. They echo in his ears almost palpably, an illicit caress that won't let the shiver in his spine die.
He feels the ghosts of Wei Wuxian's fingers on his waist for a week. He finds himself, at random intervals, placing his own hand over them, trying to exert the exact same pressure, to feel - but it is not the same. Not without the warm, hard length of Wei Wuxian's side against him.
The alien mixture of emotions from that moment twist and mix and become ugly parodies of themselves in his dreams. He does not know what he felt, then, anymore. Does not know what he feels now.
The only thing he knows with any confidence is that every time he sees Wei Wuxian thereafter, he aches, and aches.
Aches to simply tell him that he was right. 
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lambourngb · 3 years
Day 2: AU get me out of here - places to go when canon is complicated
It’s Day 2 for @roswellnewmexicocreate, time to celebrate those stories that I turn to when I can’t deal with canon, or when I don’t have the emotional energy to untangle all the emotions I have for what’s going on in canon. Alternative universes, the safe harbor for us. Below are a mix of rewrites of canon, remixes of canon, or out right not even set in Roswell- to fill every type distance you want from canon- from near to far.
and the howl of the desert carries me home by @christchex​/ @michaels-blackhat​ (4,334) Alex runs into the desert to escape from his father with his guitar clutched to his chest. He plans to spend one last night playing before his father destroys it. Instead, he meets a cute boy with flowers in his curly hair and a lizard on his shoulder. He exchanges a song for a smile.
why i like it: I love everything about this story. Michael is totally a disney princess, and what a lovely way to save him from foster homes, but have him run away to the desert and use his alien powers to build his own little protective world. Looping in Nora’s plant powers like that, giving Michael a little animal friend, I love it all, but the show stealer is Alex Manes, playing music to coax the mystery boy out. It’s just incredibly soft.
Heartbeat series by @adiwriting ​ (133,000 - in progress) During the lost decade, Alex gets Michael pregnant and Michael doesn't see or hear from him again for the next four and a half years. When Alex comes back to town, he discovers he has a daughter with Michael and they all have to figure out how to be a family.
why i like it: it has it all, installments with angst, installments with fluff, I can find whatever mood I am in by just pouring over this incredible series. I really don’t even like mpreg, but in RNM, with aliens it seems a little more probable to me and bless Britt, she goes light on the details but heavy on the kid aspect of it. I absolutely love Alex in this story, he’s richly characterized as a man who is trying hard while wandering unfamiliar territory like aliens, like being a dad, like being Michael’s boyfriend, and he doesn’t always get it right, but he’s loved regardless.
tonight we are young @skinsharpenedteeth (8,137) Alex and Michael ditch the Evans' New Years Eve party to find their own fun and Alex gets his New Years kiss...(the underage tag is because they're both 17 in this.)
why i like it: I’m a sucker for teen!Malex, especially stories that take place before the shed. I love this little AU where Alex is thinking about making a move, but hasn’t yet. They are both adorable nervous babies, this feels very much how a softer teen!Malex first time would go. Perfectly characterized here, you can just feel the hopeful vibes they have at 17. I like to believe nothing bad ever happens to them again.
you shift on a gear (it’s been a long year) by @backinmybodymp3 (28, 362) “Good morning,” Michael says. “What the hell did you do?” Alex asks, exasperated. (or: There were times, in some of the lower moments of the past however-many-days it’s been, where Michael had thought about what it might’ve been like to share this time loop with someone. He never imagined— well, he never imagined it’d be Alex.)
why i like it: I love time-loop stories! And this is just superb. The friendship dynamics of everyone involved, the Liz/Max wedding, Michael being a good brother, Michael trying so hard to keep this bullshit from dragging Alex in and then Alex being his usual reckless self when it comes to Michael, I absolutely dig this canon-divergent au. you can feel how much the author cares about everyone on the show in this story, and they really nail the Malex dynamic. This story came along just as season 3 did and it’s a true antidote to the malex drought on screen.
the library by @arielana (9,657)  Alex had stopped too far away to hear exactly what they were saying, but their voices did carry over to where he was standing. The guy’s drawl had a melody to it that was vaguely familiar, but much deeper than the voice it reminded Alex of. God, that and the hair really brought some memories back.  Just as Alex told himself to stop secretly staring like a creep and walk over there, he turned slightly so that Alex got a glimpse of the side of his face.  Fuck!  Fuck, fuck, fuck! Twelve years ago Alex left Roswell to join the Air Force, nursing a broken heart and promising to never return. When work brings him back to New Mexico he runs into someone he’d been sure he’d never see again.
why i like it: the first kiss in the UFO emporium was groundbreaking, but I have to admit, I love stories that explore the almost-happened, where Malex reconnect as adults without the shadow of Jesse’s attack. I love how sharp Alex is in this story, he has all these walls as an adult built from that first rejection, but then he’s so completely unprepared to reconnect with Michael again. The clownery in this story by both of them is perfect! I also totally love Forrest as a gay best friend for Alex, trying to wingman Alex, that cracked me up.
stellar light based life by @jocarthage (30,651) It’s not a memory if it’s something you see every day. It’s a trigger and it’s not one Alex wants to ever let go of.Alex saw Michael disappear into a blinding blue light, soft 17-year-old body pulled back into some kind of impossible vortex -- one hand, outstretched.
why i like it: another submission from 2020 RNM Big Bang, this story just wrecked me. I can’t even really put into words about how it hooked me and basically lives in my head now to the point I often mumble the first line to myself. Anyway, this AU takes a right turn at the shed attack, and goes full force scifi and tragic separation, I love it. In so many ways it reshapes Alex’s life but the core of who he is never changes, there’s so many great science geekery details about Michael’s planet and the astronaut journey that Alex takes, plus SANDERS... anyway, this is a fandom classic for me.
Crossed Wires by @beautifulcheat, @ladynox (15,351) Michael's been kicked off more than one Starfleet posting. So when he learned he was reassigned to the USS Roswell, he decided that he would keep his head down and behave. This decision is immediately thwarted when he meets her hot Vulcan captain.This might be the first time Michael got kicked off a posting for flirting with a captain.
why i like it: Star Trek AU? I’m pretty easy. Seeing elements of Kirk and Spock’s tragic backstory blended into genius mechanic Michael Guerin and ice prince Alex Manes was amazing. I love how it’s serving with his family that brings Michael to the Enterprise, his bond with Max and Isobel was chef’s kiss good. The blend of Michael’s powers and Alex’s biology - I loved the balance even if it came with its own misunderstandings, but hey, this time it was cultural! lol
I’m still here by @vague-shadows @pippsmcgee  (35,928) Treasure Planet AU in which Michael is the gifted young delinquent who found a treasure map, and Alex is a space pirate pawn in his Father's obsession with riches and legacy.
why i like it: I’ve never seen Treasure Planet, but I didn’t need to thoroughly enjoy this AU. This was the perfect mix of angst and sci-fi adventure, where the authors managed to make the shed even more horrifying. Jesse Manes is the absolute worst in this story, the levels of obsession he goes to find a treasure, and then Michael on his own collision course - the ability to write tense action is a gift, and it’s on display in this story. Cyborg!Alex took up a place in my heart and still lives there, where he only gets the nicest things.
If you like any of these recs, please leave a comment on the story or a kudo- a  ‘this was awesome’ is enough to propel an author into the stratosphere with happiness, so don’t worry about coming up with a unique, never before shared insight- sometimes a keyboard smash and emoji makes all  the difference!
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
2021 Harry Potter Fanfic Primer
im here to point fingers at the incredible authors that have enabled my new interest in HP content.  im still conflicted and upset about it, tbh, but for now we’re leaning into the curve.  we’re getting out our shovel and finding out just how deep we can make the hole we’re in.  hand in unlovable hand my beloved <3.  anyway, these fics are wonderful, their authors are wonderful, and you should go read their stuff. if there’s a star next to it that means im losing my mind over it and always will be.
Creatively Maladjusted, by elumish on AO3, 101k  (they also have a wonderful writing advice blog on tumblr, @elumish, which I recommend following if you are a writer) 
A very excellent re-telling of harry’s first year at hogwarts if he were sorted into Slytherin, plus some more not!fic or piecemeal re-tellings of his second and part of his third year.  Harry, in this, has a slightly different trauma response to growing up with the Dursley’s.  He’s a bit quieter, and the signs are a bit more obvious to the people around him, and I enjoyed that immensely. 
Honestly, if you’re going to get sucked into something you have absolutely no business getting sucked into, elumish is the way to go, their fic is incredible. their teen wolf fic is also immaculate, if you’re so inclined. 
Dissonance, by ImpishTubist on AO3, 2.5k (@impishtubist on tumblr)
Set during fifth year.  Oblivious!Harry has always been a delightful trope when well executed, and this is well executed.  Plus, some angst between Remus and Harry over what Umbridge has been doing to him.
I would certainly recommend a lot of ImpishTubist’s other hp work on AO3, like Lacuna.
blow us all away, by rexcorvidae on AO3, 23k (@rexcorvidae on tumblr)
In progress (like, updated last week in progress).  Currently in the beginning of Harry’s first year.  Fem!Harry, Indian!Harry.  Hagrid puts Harry in touch with Remus when she has questions about her parents, and they become reluctant, traumatized, angst-ridden pen pals who keep missing each other’s true intentions like ships in the night.  hot DAMN do I love this fic.  there’s hints of the way the dursley’s treat Harry peaking through in her letters, and I appreciated the attention to “hmm, her experience as a girl of indian descent in britain under the thumb of a bunch of white people who like being Normal may not have been gucci”
Definitely comb through the rest of their HP fic, too, I may or may not have gone feral over it.
Where the Heart is, by silver_fish on AO3, 15k (@kohakhearts on tumblr)
Woof.  This one said, “hey, harry was probably SUPER depressed in the summer after fifth year.  like, clinically.  maybe someone should do something about that.”  Fuck yeah.  Then this one said, “that someone was Snape.”  You all know my opinions on Snape; generally, Bad.  But damn if this fic didn’t wholly convince me by the end of it.  I thought it was a very realistic way for Snape to start seeing Harry as a person all on his own, and not a proxy for Snape’s angst over James and Lily, respectively.  The angst is wonderful, the ending is even more so.
*bernie sanders voice* I am once again asking you to read through the rest of the author’s HP fic.  a lot of them have similar themes; there’s actually a great one with Molly that i’m not reccing here, Wonder.
☆Bindings, Bindings, by Quietlemonhush on AO3, 60k (@quietlemonhush on tumblr)
WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU HOW MUCH I ENJOYED/AM ENJOYING THIS.  If I had to pick a single fic and say “you, it’s your fault I’m stuck here,” it would be this one.  Anyway Lily in the afterlife is So Very Angry about how Petunia is treating Harry, and how Sirius is rotting in Azkaban, and how Remus is alone, that she literally brings herself back to life and drags James and Regulus with her.  All three of them are there to chew bubblegum and fix everything that went wrong after they died—and would you look at that, they’re all out of bubblegum!  There’s only Fury left.  That inciting premise is very crack, but every moment after that is very much not crack.  Lily and James love harry more than anything, the way a child should be loved; James and Sirius have the epic friendship of a lifetime; Sirius and Remus have staggering amounts of resolved sexual tension and take turns keeping each other in check; Regulus, though he realized that Voldemort and his family were shit before he died, is still unlearning all his racist bullshit and, also, years of trauma.  Actually, they’re all traumatized, but hey: now they have one another again and not a damn one of them seems inclined to let go anytime soon.  Quietlemonhush went, “hey, HP has a lot of Awful people in it, and a lot of Righteous people in it, and many of them are Very, Very Powerful; also, love is the most powerful force in the universe” and i said “hell yes tell me more right now.”  And then they did!
Quietlemonhush writes Sirius/Remus in a way that makes it sooo much fun to devour, so the rest of their HP fic is most certainly worth a look, if that’s your thing.
Rebuilding, by Colubrina on AO3, 113k (@colubrina on tumblr)
Hermione/Draco (*shrug emojis into the abyss* yeah, yeah, like none of us have ever been there before).  Takes place during Hogwarts 8th year, and while the beginning is, IMO, a little unfair to Ron, it gets much better.  Tells the story of Hermione and Draco clearing the air, learning to like each other, having some hormones over each other, and then falling in love.  Also tells the story of Hermione and Theo Nott becoming friends; the story of how every single 7th and 8th year student is fucked to hell by the war and the Carrows; the story of how they start an emotional support group about it and all become friends; and the story of, what the hell do you do with yourself after that kind of trauma?
I’ve been dipping in and out of Colubrina’s HP since before I was even on tumblr; I actually found them in those dark yesteryears when the only fandom interactions I had were on fanfiction.net.  Of such fame as Green Girl, which is an HP fic staple, and has also written a lot of wackier, crackier, and darker things than that.  If you don’t take yourself too seriously, I highly recommend many of their big HP works, though I imagine it’ll press some people’s buttons.  Colubrina’s work really does take up a corner of my mind whenever I’m in an HP mood, and will take up yours if you let it.
☆ all waiting is long, by shuofthewind on AO3, 149k ( @shu-of-the-wind on tumblr)
This is so well written that I can’t stop thinking about it.  It is occupying my mind when I lie awake at night, you know?  It’s one of those.  Hermione messes with something she probably shouldn’t have in Grimmauld Place, so when Sirius is sent through the Veil in the Department of Mysteries, she gets thrust into an alternate universe...in 1975.  Instead of handwaving it away, shuofthewind actually gets into the mechanics of it in a way that makes sense, to emphasize that hermione is never going home.  ever. The world she finds herself is shifted slightly to the left, quite a bit darker, but in a “the author is treating the idea of a society-wide conflict over blood purity much more seriously than JKR ever did” way, not a sensationalist way.  Now, Hermione has to grapple with all her grief at losing everyone she’s ever loved or known, the moral/ethical/magical implications of sharing what she knows about her future in an alternate world, and, you know, a goddamn war with people who want to murder her for being who she is.  This Hermione is smart, and she’s kind, and she’s powerful, and she’s making real friends.  If you hate JKR’s guts I’d go read this right now, because it delivers in all the ways she failed us.  It’s plotty, its got great world-building, and it pulls back the white curtain on the wizarding world to show you that, like real life, it’s multicultural and full of queer people...and the discrimination that comes with both.
shuofthewind write epics, mainly for the MCU, and I’ve read some of them a looooong time ago, so this fic kinda seemed out of left field for me but im SOOOO GLAD it exists.  If you want MCU fic you can sink your teeth into, go for it, but alas, they do not have any more HP fic (.......yet?)
Speak Now [+] Listen Now, by mrsfrizzle on AO3, 33k altogether
Harry reaches out to Remus for support because Umbridge is getting to him with her literal torture.  Remus, being a former professor, former mandatory reporter, person who loves Harry and has since he was born, and all around good man, tells Harry he has to tell someone, or Remus will.  It’s everything any adult looking back on that time in HP canon ever wanted, which is for an actual adult to say “what the fuck, those are literal chidlren” and then do something about it.  Then, a far more dangerous task: Harry trusts Remus enough to go to him about the Dursleys.  Harry and Remus’ relationship develops SO WELL, and there’s a bit of exploration about how Sirius may not exactly be guardian material, because he did in fact spend 12 years of his life getting tortured instead of growing up.  I think I’m actually going to go reread this right now, because it speaks to my id.
they do have some other HP fic which did not appeal to my hyperspecific wants, but may appeal to some of yours.  I think they’re also a published author, there should be a link on their profile page.
chase the stars, by Duskglass on AO3, 101k (@felix-duskglass on tumblr)
When Harry is five years old, a picture of him ends up in the Daily Prophet, and Sirius Black, Terror of Ministry Officials Touring Azkaban everywhere, gets a hold of that issue.  He then, in order: breaks out of Azkaban; crosses the countryside to Surrey; Finds Harry: Kidnaps Harry; Breaks Into Remus’ Apartment; starts processing (or maybe just acknowledging) his trauma from Azkaban, the war, and his childhood; and pines after Remus.  It’s a little plotty, and deals a lot (sometimes through flashbacks) with the specific awful things that happened to Sirius—largely because, after years in the constant presence of Dementors, those are nearly literally the only memories he has left.  It’s a wonder he’s got the strength to love Harry and Remus at all.  But then, maybe it isn’t.
This is a Very Serious Fic, but the rest of Duskglass’s HP work is actually just cracky enough to tickle your funny-bone, while still making you think “okay but why couldn’t we have done that in the first place.”
So!  That’s it for recs, for now.  These are all things I’ve found and read in the last month; if any of y’all are interested in my old HP recs, let me know and I can make a post for that, too.  While I’m still very conflicted about my choice of current fandom, I am not in ANY way conflicted about my taste in fic and authors.  Send these guys some love, read their fic if you’re so inclined, and leave some nice comments at the end of it.
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passable-talent · 4 years
listen,, im just in the mood for stih!reader. not followed-anakin-to-the-dark reader,,, just straight-up sith, subscribed to the sith, bloodlustful, power-hungry reader x anakin. whether they were a sith before him or a knight pulled to the dark at the same time but separate from him is up to you, but i just want some sexy evil reader <3
two things. one- in planning this one i came up with possibly my most interesting canon ret-con ever. 
two- sorry about the lack of this in the past, with all of my darkfics i just always end up trying to make the reader redeemable or in some ways well-meaning so that it doesnt alienate my,,, readers,,, but as you wish!
that said, i havent gotten to really indulge my absolutely sadistic side in a while and it was uhhhh fun
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There was a prophecy to the Jedi, long ago, that one young Jedi would bring balance to the Force. 
And to the Sith was a prophecy that there would be a Dyad in the Force, one whose power would give rise to the power of the Sith.
Sheev Palpatine, tasked with finding an apprentice more powerful than he, who could possibly be within the Dyad, went through many apprentices in very quick succession, each destroyed by the Jedi before they could gain true power. There was only one apprentice who escaped the Jedi unscathed- a young former scrapper from a planet so unexceptional it didn’t even have a name. 
You had struggled from the moment you could walk. You had built yourself up, with no help, no guidance. From a difficult child to a violent teenager, you fashioned yourself weapons, taught yourself to fight. When others tried to lay claim to what you owned, you cut them down. 
So naturally, when he discovered you, Darth Sidious gave you a lightsaber. 
With your skill in mundane weapons came an adaptability into the divine, and you were quickly nearly as skilled with a light saber as his last three apprentices, combined. He believed that your innate skill and exorbitant midi-chlorian count meant that you must be one half of the prophesized Dyad, and with the formation of a Force bond, he could do what his master had not, and become the other half. He just needed to build your power. 
Each time he praised you, the hole in your soul grew larger, wanting more, needing it. You had come from nothing- so now, you wanted everything. You wanted to be the most skilled. You wanted to be the most powerful. You wanted to be the strongest and the fastest and the best.
So imagine your anger when you came across a little Jedi padawan who you could not defeat. 
Anakin Skywalker was the golden boy of the Jedi, and it had gone to his head. He was nineteen, and already more skilled than his master, and most of the masters on the council. Of course he would try to kill a Sith apprentice, when one crossed his path.
Imagine, two young prodigies, on opposite sides of a millennia-long war, each convinced that nothing could stand in their way. Imagine no one winning the battle, and both going home unscathed.
Imagine how it would drive them mad. 
Darth Sidious could not be seen without risking his discovery, so you often did what he needed. You wouldn’t complain- each successful mission would ease your hunger for victory and power, if only for a moment. You were cunning, and only unleashed your brutality when it was necessary, but Anakin- Anakin had the key to the cage that held your rage, and he opened it every time you saw him. 
His master, the other Jedi, those you would dispose of easily, not caring enough to kill them, just doing enough to get them out of your way, so that you could face him. Every time you failed to kill him, you got angrier, until you felt nothing but rage when you saw him. How dare he challenge your supremacy, your skill. How dare he live and breathe, proof that you weren’t unbeatable. 
In the dark side of the Force, with this conflict came uncertainty- no matter how Palpatine promised that his blood-soaked and rage-filled apprentice was the most skilled in the galaxy, he began to doubt. He began to wonder if Anakin was truly the apprentice he’d been seeking. 
In the light side of the Force, Master Yoda began to understand what Anakin’s prophecy had truly meant- Anakin was meant to be the light’s balance to the dark that you carried in your heart. 
Against the numbers of the Jedi, you were at a disadvantage, but you weren’t concerned with odds, not when you were the most talented Sith that had ever lived. All you felt that you lacked was the wisdom of the Sith who had come before you, and so you often meditated, trying to reach them. Darth Plagueis in particular guided your mind many a night. 
But something was off about your meditation, this day. You couldn’t reach your grandmaster, and a sick, disjointed sensation rolled in waves through your skin. Breaking your concentration, you opened your eyes.
And seated in front of you was Anakin Skywalker. 
“You-” you snarled, immediately calling your saber to your hand. He held his hand up, though, and something about the motion made you pause. 
“I’m not really here,” he said, then looked around. “Can you see where I am? I can’t see where you are.” You narrowed your eyes, suspicious and still angry, but now curious. You slid from your meditative sit and onto your knees, slinking toward him on your hands before reaching out to touch his shoulder. 
“You mean you didn’t reach out to me?” You asked, tilting your head, expression still distrustful.
“No, I thought you called to me.” You locked your eyes with his, reaching forward with the Force to feel him, his presence. He seemed to feel you doing so, but did not resist, and in fact did the same. Reaching deep into his heart, you found a surprising spot of cold- and latched onto it, holding it, unlocking its secrets. This, you could use.
“You don’t trust the Jedi,” you said, a smirk curling on your lips. His eyes widened briefly, which made you realize just how correct you were. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that he was so skilled- if it could be used in service of the dark. 
“The Jedi stifle me,” he conceded, and from your connection you’d forged into his soul you felt a spark of fire, that so-familiar rage. This time, the emotion wasn’t yours, but his. 
“The Sith will not,” you promised, and sat back down, much closer to him now. 
“The Sith must be destroyed,” he snarled, and you were in your element now, you were finally in control. After all this time, you were winning a victory against Anakin Skywalker.
“Why? We seek to bring order. I seek my fullest potential. Isn’t that what you’re doing? What the Jedi aren’t letting you do?”
“Shut up,” he groaned, looking away, and so you leaned closer, lifting your chin, beginning to smile. 
“We’ve fought in the past, Anakin,” you breathed, “But I promise you this- I would help you the way no Jedi would think to.” 
You felt it when his entire presence in the Force sparked, and then disappeared. It seemed that he’d grown too distracted to keep your connection. 
Speaking of that- how could you have had such a connection? 
Sure, you’d felt his presence in the Force before, but only when you fought, when your souls clashed as brightly as your sabers. This was new, very new, and in all your teachings you had heard of nothing like it. 
Nothing- nothing but a Dyad. The Dyad. 
Sidious was right, in everything he had ever told you- you were of the Dyad, you were the Sith meant to experience power like none before you had, you were the one the prophecies had spoken of. But Palpatine wasn’t the other half, the way that the Rule of Two would’ve expected it- the other half of the Dyad was instead a young Jedi.
Master Yoda felt a disturbance in the Force as you realized it- as your dark hunger pulsed out of your body, satisfaction with knowing that it was all true making you feel powerful. The destiny you had been promised, you now knew for certain, was rightfully yours. 
You only had two problems, both easy to fix. The first- your Dyad partner needed to join the Sith. Only then would you be fully unstoppable, only then would no one be able to stand in your way. 
And the Second? Anakin becoming a Sith would violate the Rule of Two. Meaning that there would be three Sith where there was only room for two.
So you needed to be rid of Sidious. Such was a plan for another day. 
The Clone Wars were a Sith’s playground- Sidious’ extraneous apprentices, Dooku and Ventress, took care of most of the messy battles. Fighting clones, negotiating with the Trade Federation, such things were beneath you. Your specialty, your joy, was in the destruction of the Jedi. Every single Jedi death in the Clone Wars was at your hand. 
And though you clashed with Anakin, the roles had been reversed- now twenty-two and sure of your destiny, you fought not to kill Anakin, but to show him the power of the dark, the power you wielded. He fought the way you had as a teenager, full of rage and murderous intent. Tortured as his missions were by you, he could not escape you in meditation, nor in sleep. You walked his dreams, making him wake with not anger but want, something that he hid from everyone, even his master. In his meditation you would appear before him, promising things that he only believed because they left your mouth. 
“Anakin Skywalker is at his most powerful when he’s at my side.”
No Jedi sensed the rising darkness in Anakin Skywalker, just as you expected. Jedi are incapable of seeing past what they believe. They know that the Sith have returned, and still are blind to the power of the Dark!
The Sith, though... the Sith sensed his power. You sensed it, of course, reaching into his soul any time you could, grooming and nurturing the darkness he’d begun to share. And Sidious felt it, too. 
So he took an interest in Anakin Skywalker. 
He grew closer to Anakin through their mutual friendship with Senator Amidala. Palpatine promised Anakin balance, salvation from the worries he carried with him. 
And he began to pull away from you, which certainly did not sit well. You were the most powerful Sith in generations, more powerful than even him, and he dared think you could be replaced? Not only he thought you could be replaced, but he dared set up such a replacement as though you wouldn’t notice?
You were stronger than that. Smarter. There was three where there should be two, and if your counterpart in the Force was meant to bring balance, weren’t you meant to, as well?
So you took advantage of the age and weakness of Palpatine’s body. You poisoned him, slowly, deteriorating him, so that all that kept him alive was the Force, and he had no strength of his own. 
And then you told him everything. 
“An apprentice, when they are no longer fit for the teachings of the Sith, is replaced,” you said, your scarlet saber humming, its life and energy filling your body, like it had a thousand times. “Which is why you have grown interested in Anakin Skywalker. I have learned from you, my master, I see through your deception. You wish him to take my place.” 
Your darkness invaded your smile, an emptiness invading your stomach that the deaths of dozens of Jedi had yet to fill.
“He will,” you promised, “He will be one of the most amazing Sith there has ever been. And he will fulfill the prophecy of the Dyad, just as you suspect.” 
Sidious didn’t even have the time to ask how you knew before you buried three feet of plasma in his body. 
You didn’t remove the saber, just let it rise and fall with the laboured breathing of an old man. 
“Without your help, Sidious,” you snarled, “I have pulled Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. I have found the Dyad, the one spoken of in prophecy- I have felt it pull he and I together. And without your help, I will purge the Jedi from the galaxy.” You ripped the saber from his body, separating his chest from his stomach.
As Palpatine breathed his last breath, you had an unexpected visitor- a few of them, actually. Masters Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Mace Windu each entered Palpatine’s office, sabers ignited and prepared for a duel with a Sith Master. 
But they didn’t expect it to be the one that now stood before them. 
Master Mace Windu knew of you- knew of the Sith apprentice who had a hunger for power so strong that it was meant to outgrow their master. He knew that you had killed countless Jedi, and would kill countless more, if given the chance. So he wasted no time in changing his intentions for the evening. 
“In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic,” Windu said, igniting his saber, “You’re under arrest.” Your lightsaber still humming with the blood it had taken, you turned to him over your shoulder, canine tooth glinting from underneath a disturbing smile. 
“And what are the charges?” you asked, calm as though you could predict the exact outcome of the match. “I’ve just killed your Sith Lord. Surely that must count for something.” 
You focused the Force within you, sending it to the one person who you needed the most- and you showed him the way that four Jedi looked at you, threatened you.
“The Senate will decide your fate,” Windu threatened, and you tilted your head. 
“The Senate just lost their chancellor,” you said with a small laugh, “I don’t believe they’ll be deciding anything for a while.” 
It was all too easy to destroy them. Fisto, Kolar, Tiin, they were no challenge. Neither was Windu, but you needed him to believe he was gaining the upper hand- for Anakin was back on Coruscant, hurrying to your location, seeing through your eyes the way that Windu meant to murder you. 
Feigning weakness, you opened your chest, which Windu rewarded with a strong kick, and you fell to your back, little groans and whimpers of fear leaving you as you scrambled backwards, and you could feel it, you could feel the way Anakin was running toward you, feel his desperation to protect you, even if he tried to disguise it with democracy. 
“You are under arrest,” Windu hissed, his saber pointed to your nose. 
And then, there- the man whose presence you had once loathed, and now craved. Anakin was here, with those lovely blue eyes, that curly hair, that body that deserved to rule the galaxy by your side. 
“Anakin,” you said, chest rising and falling in panicked breaths, “Anakin, I killed Palpatine, I- I’m trying to help, I’m trying to help you!”
“You killed him to take his place,” Windu said, and your eyes narrowed. “But you have lost.” You reached out as though to call your saber back to you, but didn’t actually use the Force- which made it seem as though Windu overpowered you when he grabbed your throat and lifted you from the floor. Letting your body hang limp, you clawed at your throat, breathing ragged, and this- this was your chance. 
You turned your gaze to him.
“Anakin,” you breathed, desperation, love, in your eyes. “Anakin, please...” He’d heard you say that word before, sounding just the same, in dreams of soft touches and tangled sheets. He’d seen the way you looked at him, when he met you on the battlegrounds, and you seemed to enjoy his skill. All too familiar was the curve of your neck, the flex of your muscles, as you fought against a grip on your throat.
“Please, Anakin,” you whispered, “I love you.” 
“They are a traitor, Anakin!” Windu snarled, arm extended toward you. “Don’t listen!” You weren’t choking, not quite, but blood was being cut off, and you were starting to get woozy. You pushed the feeling through your bond to Anakin, proving to him how desperate the situation was becoming. 
“Please,” you said, mouth gaping for a moment as you struggled to breathe, eyes briefly rolling back in your head. “Don’t let him kill me.” Windu dropped you, and you crashed to the floor, coughing and sputtering, letting them both believe your limbs were too tired to hold you up. 
“I am going to end this,” Windu said, conviction in his tone, “Once and for all.” 
“You can’t,” Anakin said, and dark satisfaction pulsed deep in your chest. With those two words, you knew how this day would end. “They must stand trial.” 
“They are a Sith Lord! They're too dangerous to be left alive!” Curled up on your side, you didn’t look dangerous- you looked pitiful, coughing to regain your breath, tears rolling down your face. 
“Please don’t kill me,” you sobbed, and in Anakin’s heart you felt resolve- you knew he wouldn’t let you die. 
“It’s not the Jedi way!” Anakin said, “They must live!” You raised your eyes to Windu’s, and saw no remorse in them.
“Please, no-” you whimpered.
“I need them!” Anakin shouted, but Windu lifted his saber anyway. Anakin reacted in an instant, igniting his saber and slashing it through Windu’s arm, the distinctive purple saber now lost to the window and the streets of Coruscant below. 
You smiled.
In an instant you flipped onto your hands, swiping Windu’s legs out from under him, and he could do nothing to stop his fall. Anakin fell to his knees, shocked, and ashamed of what he’d done. 
“Anakin!” you said, rushing toward him, and finally, finally you could feel what you had in dreams, what you’d longed to- you threw your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. “Anakin, you saved me.” He hugged you back, slowly, and there was nothing else to compare to this. 
You had been prophesized to be the Jedi and Sith who would bring balance and rule, and finally, after all this time, you were together. Not on the opposite sides of a battle, not in a connection, not in a dream, but in reality, in each other’s arms. 
Together, you were more powerful than any Jedi or any Sith had ever been. You could feel it already. 
“Thank you,” you breathed, pulling away far enough to brush back his hair, but his eyes were heavy with sorrow and regret. “Ani, love, look at me-” His gaze met yours, and nothing else in the universe had ever been so beautiful. 
“I love you,” you promised again, and pressed your lips to his. The Force itself seemed to rejoice in you finally meeting, and now, all that was left to do was to ensure he stayed by your side. 
“Finally, we’re on the same side,” you breathed, and you felt the way he bristled. 
“The Jedi won’t see it that way.”
“The Jedi don’t understand- and they’re traitors, anyway, plotting to destroy the Republic, all this time. We have to rebuild the Jedi Order. We can make things the way we want them to be.” Anakin seemed to consider, so you pulled yourself closer to him, holding him just the way you remembered, in all those dreams you’d shared. 
“We don’t have to run away anymore,” he said, and you cupped his face. 
“No,” you said, “We don’t have to hide.” 
“The Jedi turned against me,” Anakin said, his voice low, and you felt that darkness in his body grow. 
“I know, love,” you breathed, brushing back his hair. “But I’m here. I’m still here.” Anakin leaned forward, holding you close by your lower back and kissed you, and you felt it- you felt hunger in his body, you tasted it on his lips. He rocked forward, laying you down on your back, even as you kept your arms around his neck. 
And as you surrendered control, you almost had to laugh- he had no idea how much power you had over him. 
-🦌 Roe
part 2 | part 3
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greenhills-montana · 2 years
My Thoughts on IDW Sonic comic Issues 1-10
Also, this comic is apparently four years old-- wtf are you doing? me @ myself.
So like my last post, I think that the rebooted comics taking place post-sonic forces is a great idea. It works really well in my opinion because there are a lot of themes and characters you can tinker with from that game. I would have loved to have more clarity about more events during the war or even the aftermath of those events to clarify the feelings each character had about it.
And for the most part, I'll say the comics have excited me about the story going forward. It gave me some of what I wanted and many more questions I didn't think of. Coming at it strictly from the perspective I have, mainly being a game fan-- I always felt a Knuckles and Amy friendship would have been stellar, so it's cool to see that realized. Actually, Amy's character overall has been given this second wind that I didn't see coming at all. I always figured she had a deep respect for Sonic and that's where her crush comes from, but to have it outright stated and how Amy's and Sonic's powers complement each other is really really sweet and interesting. It leads to the art of these panels being dynamic!
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Amy's leadership role in the absence of Sonic has really matured her, and you can honestly feel it in issue two. In fact, Tails and Amy both have retained a lot of change from Sonic Forces that I didn't expect, but I'm not opposed to. I'm really in favor of these little micro-expressions of anxiety or stress that both Sonic and the audience can intuit from the art. It makes for something you have to pay attention to and be rewarded for doing so.
Issue six is where the story starts to really pick up with the reintroduction of the Chaotix, Shadow, and Rogue. (or, as I like to call them Team Dark Plus)
Shadow will always be a complex character to portray, given the fandom's broad interpretation of him. But I think this issue sets up his internal conflict pretty well and doesn't make Shadow out to be a hypocrite-- he's just someone who's exhausted of fighting. Or at the very least fighting Eggman. I also thought it was interesting that Shadow was coming at it from the angle of "well, what about you, Sonic? doesn't it matter that he tried to hurt you?" instead of making his motivation selfish. Sonic then defuses the situation by pointing out that Shadow got a second chance; therefore, they have to extend the same to Eggman. It will be interesting to see if they keep this characterization up or default to a regular grumpy aloof jerk.
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I will say the art in issue six was really hit or miss with me, especially when it came to renderings of Rogue. There was just something about her that seemed really off-model, like her eyes are at this constant half-lid which makes her look odd-- and not to mention her chest-- I don't know what it is about comic books and boobs but they just don't ever seem to mesh well. I think the comic peaked at the Sonic and Shadow fight scene, though; a lot of it just felt perfectly moody with the colors and lighting.
That is not a problem in issue seven. Issue seven's art was so fantastic I thought it boarded on too good. You know what I mean? Overall that issue was probably my highlight. It'd be the one I'd send to someone to get them on board. That being said I still think its weird they haven't redone Neo Metal Sonic's design, I can't imagine that being fun to draw repeatedly for several pages. I mean even Sonic makes fun of how Neo Metal Sonic looks.
Gosh, I may be skeptical of Shadow's characterization, but Silver-- oh my gosh-- I didn't think it was possible for this character to be treated so lovingly by the canon. I'm tempted to tell my brother (a self-proclaimed Silver stan) about the number of cute things they kept from Sonic 06 to embellish Silver's character. I found his naivety and gratefulness towards Whisper to be adorable!
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Speaking of, the comic introduces a few new characters along with our familiar faces. Whisper the wolf and Tangle the Lemur. I'll be real I think they have a lot of potential to be interesting characters, especially Whisper-- but I do think Tangle's first impression was kind of uninteresting to me. I was a little surprised they brought her back because the narrative was so lowkey about her existence. I assume this might have something to do with those SEGA mandates or something. Speaking of, Doctor Starline's entrance was anything but lowkey, his design was immediately eye-catching and striking and his little villain monologue about how he's made a habit out of studying Eggman is interesting. Like the idea that there are some of Sonic's kind that seems to agree with Eggman's philosophy is interesting to me and I want to see that explored. It's such a shame that Mr Tinker had so much crap happen to him though, I think the "what if Eggman was a theme park engineer without all the evil" was a cute stay for a few issues. It just strikes me that deep deep deep down Eggman has this need to make people happy, or at the very least he wants to be liked at his core. Which seems to be the only thing Eggman and Tinker have in common.
This post has gone on a bit too long, I wanted to talk a little bit about my new appreciation for Blaze, but I'll save that until the next post.
That all out of the way, I easily give this first arc of the comic a high eight out of ten! I really look forward to the rest of it. Thank you for joining me on this journey.
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citadelspires · 3 years
P1 - Given how great you're track record's been for doing hypothetical interactions of Amphibia kids with the Duck kids and Owl House kids, let's try doing the Duck kids meeting the Owl House kids and who they'd like the best. I'll exclude Violet for this for the sake of evenening things out 5 to 5. I'd assume Luz would get along best with Dewey (both jump into adventure), King with Louie (could see em teaming up for a scheme), Willow with Huey (eh, more leftover interaction but can work)
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Screenshot of second half of the ask provided. Text: P2 Gus with Webby (would totally ask each other lots of questions about their species), and Amity with Lena (both got abusive figures they stood up to and would totally talk about their crushes on Luz and Webby LOL). Would love to see you take on Duck kids and Owl House kids interactions.
First of all I’m very pleased to hear you find my track record on these posts good, they’ve been really fun to write and it makes me really happy people like them! Second I am so sorry it’s taken so long to get to this ask, it’s a really in depth one and it took a long time to write, I hope you’ll find it was worth the wait!
Aight! Oh and one last thing real quick before I get into it. I hope you wouldn’t mind me adding Violet back in, partially due to the fact I love her, but mostly because there’s actually another owl house character I think works significantly better with Louie than anyone else and I really want the chance to talk about that. Saving that one for last hehe. This’ll be another long one, writing below the cut.
Luz and Webby So I do like a lot of the possible interactions brought up by your suggested grouping but my mind went in a few different directions. I’ll start with Luz, who would fit in best with another excitable adventuring partner, as pointed out, but I think the best fit for her in that regard would actually be Webby. While Dewey would no doubt get along great with Luz, there’s a special element to the potential relationship between Luz and Webby that really elevates the potential of their friendship to another level, that being: they both want to eat a hamburger.
An aspect of Webby I wish the later seasons of the show got into a little more, but is definitely something I would consider a core part of her character, is the fact that she got held up in the mansion her whole childhood, with no opportunities to interact with the world around her, have all the adventures she wanted, and most importantly to just be seen as the kid she wanted to be. And while Luz was technically able to go out into the world, the place she found wasn’t one that was willing to see her, or give her any of the chances she longed for. Both Webby and Luz fully understand that feeling of being trapped in your own life, of finally getting the chance to break out and just doing your best to make the most of it. I think there’s a lot the two could gain from spending some time together.
(Also, to borrow the bit about gushing about their crushes but from the other end, these two would totally get sidetracked talking about their respective crushes and also trying to play wingman for each other. It’s a massive comic disaster in both cases, but somehow both Lena and Amity manage to find it endearing).
Amity and Violet Okay wait lemme explain. While the two of them don’t have a whole lot in common at first glance, I think they would genuinely get along extremely well. While a lot of Amity’s focus on school came at the force of her parents, you cannot honestly expect me to believe that girl isn’t a studious nerd on her own anyway. Heck even outside the realm of studies she throws her full dedication into literally every single thing she does. Remind you of anyone? Beyond just being extremely intelligent Violet is clever and ready for anything. She takes everything in stride and always has a plan, she can go from “we were sleeping over and you said everybody get on the plane, so we got on the plane” to “I brought an axe” in a minute flat.
I like to think the two of them would have a mutual respect for each other based on their respective intellects upon first meeting, but as they become closer friends they find they can move from more serious respect to a casual enjoyment of each other. I would go as far as to say that both of these characters really value dependability in a friend, and that they each provide a lot of that. To wrap back around to the stuff about intelligence I think Violet could provide a lot of insight to Amity as far as showing her that pursuing studies and academic heights of her own volition can be something that she can just do because she wants to, and that’s no excuse for unhealthy parental relationships. Getting along so well with someone like Violet only to see that her parents are actually really loving and supportive, that would be really eye-opening for Amity I think. For Violet’s part she could get a lot of help from Amity as far as her pursuit of the secrets of magic goes. I suspect Amity would be much more interested in the study of her magic than Violet would be able to get Lena to tolerate lol.
Bonus Round: Amity would absolutely be a senior junior woodchuck and she would love it you cannot convince me otherwise. She starts quoting the JWGB around the owl house kids and they all look at her like she’s crazy.
Lena and Willow I feel like this one might seem a little out there at first but trust me on this one. Initially Lena doesn’t think too much of Willow, being as close as she is to Webby she knows liking flowers and cute things doesn’t mean Willow is automatically to be taken lightly but she feels like she’s got a good read on her that she generally prefers to avoid trouble and turns down opportunities for violence, which isn’t really Lena’s deal. Over time Lena figures she was right about her first impressions as Willow doesn’t seem to take many opportunities to expose some hidden power, even when Lena knows the people around her kinda deserve it.
She learns to adjust her opinion when she finally does get the chance to see Willow in action and realizes that girl is more powerful than any of the other kids she’s met in the boiling aisles bar none(yes this is my genuine opinion of willow if you don’t think she could kick your ass you’re wrong). It’s at that moment where she starts to pay more attention to Willow and notices a lot more of the strength she puts into all the little things, how much she cares for everyone and everything, and it does a great deal to show Lena that maybe having super strong magic powers isn’t mutually exclusive with being kind and gentle. And maybe gentle isn’t her thing but still, it’s nice to know.
For Willow’s part she’s just happy to make more friends. Especially if the opportunity arises, as I like to think it would, when they’re close enough friends, that Lena would start to hint around asking questions about how Willow remains so casual and nice with the ability to do so much damage, and Willow takes the chance to help Lena figure out her magic a bit more, and learn how to better appreciate it as an aspect of herself she doesn’t have to be scared of. (I mean come on Lena never really learned how to do any of it except barely kind of from Magica of all people she could really  use something like that).
Huey and Gus Now there are some certain things about Gus that would drive Huey absolutely nuts. His lack of primary and reliable sources for any of his information being a big one, but at the end of the day I think he’d enjoy Gus’ desire to learn in the first place. Gus would probably be a little dubious about Huey’s “sources” and “citations” but if it helped him get more info on the human realm he’d certainly go for it in the end. In that way the two balance each other out pretty well. Gus is studious and intelligent but he’s a little off the wall, he’s got a big creative streak, and he’s really excitable. Huey is really really good at facts and analysis but he lacks the strength in imagination that Gus has. Huey is able to take all the grandiose concepts Gus is able to think up and help make them actually happen. Gus has that specific brand of an adventurers soul matched up with the fact he’s not actually the type to get into danger and fights, meaning he’s able to drag Huey out of his comfort zone a little and help him reach new heights with his mind that his struggles with creativity prevent him from reaching, while managing to not make him feel like he’s actually in danger. I actually believe the two of them together could get some really incredible stuff done.
What I’m saying is that with Huey’s help Gus could absolutely complete his tunnels under Hexside.
Dewey and King Now this, this is the pair who would go incredibly well together, at the detriment of literally everyone around them. If there is one person King “I Will Rule Everything” Clawthorne should not be exposed to its Dewey Duck. Within minutes of meeting each other the two of them would immediately have so many bad ideas. Between Dewey’s insistence on being the best and most daring adventurer while putting his name on everything and going down in history & King’s trying to rule everything and everyone, the attempts to raise the stakes would be constant and the two would spend literal hours endlessly trying to one-up each other. All in one day they search for legendary treasure, discover an entirely new civilization, try to take over said civilization, create a new species just to name it after themselves, and build statues of themselves in the middle of Bonesbourough. And that’s all before lunch.
Louie Here it is. The one I waited till the very end for out of sheer excitement. I even kept the second name out of the heading thing. That’s how secretive I’m trying to be about this. See, there’s one character in the owl house that works so well with Louie it’s practically canon. Their interactions have so much potential, they each bring so much to the table, I just couldn’t Not talk about it. And yeah, I know this ask was specifically asking about the owl house and ducktales kids, but I just couldn’t resist talking about the relationship between Louie and Eda.
A con artist from another world who was so successful she became nationally famous? There’s no way Louie would pass up an opportunity like that. For his part I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already managed to set up another underworld identity in the boiling aisles, or at the very least that Eda could totally have been to the ducktales realm and heard of his one there.
Either way I’m convinced the two of them would start planning a heist as soon as they figure out who each other are. Eda is a little prideful and wants to show this kid he can’t out-con her, but Louie knows what he’s doing just as much. Honestly with the two of them combined Eda wouldn’t have to worry about losing her stand for a long time. Over the course of their planning and seeing Louie in action Eda begrudgingly gains some respect for the  kid, and while Louie was definitely just using her as a learning/profit opportunity at first, he’s pretty susceptible to getting attached.
For Louie, it’s the fact that she actually respects him for being good at what he does. Even back with his family who all love and care about him and all that he still feels like most of them don’t really get what he does or see what’s special about him, so having someone who made a whole life of it be even a little proud of him feels really nice.
And of course, at the end of their heist when they finally have the money in hand, and Eda just casually hands over his half, he stares at her like she’s crazy.
“You’re just.. Giving it to me?!”
“Well, yeah. That was the deal wasn’t it kid? I mean if you really want I definitely have a few ideas for it.”
“No! Uh, no, thanks, I’ll keep it. It’s just that you really remind me of someone, I guess I was expecting something else.”
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transguyedgeworth · 3 years
this is the headcanon anon!! u asked for more so i will provide!!! i have so many and they are just. stuck in my head all the time i LOVE talking abt them also i am procrastinating going to bed LMAO
-maya and phoenix have matching friendship bracelets that pearls made
-before moving to a new appt miles always makes sure to check if the buildings are built with earthquakes in mind
- edgeworth sometimes sees mvk in franziska. he hates it so much but he also sometimes sees it in himself. miles go to therapy challenge but he works so hard on forgiving himself and fran
- phoenix was the one who found miles' letter; it was on his desk. phoenix still has it, crumpled in the pocket of some old pants he never wears anymore. he cant find it but when he does he will burn it
- iris and phoenix are on good terms!!! i Do not like feenris because it doesnt really make sense to me but i like to think that phoenix tried to help iris when he could
- maya and pearl make yearly trips to the temple where bridge to the turnabout was to speak to misty
- edgeworth used to be reminded of dl6 whenever he saw maya or pearl but he now realizes that its not their fault. heck it wasnt even mistys fault. some bad things happened, and he knows better than anyone that you cant blame someone because of who their family is
-OK less sad but edgeworth is the little spoon
-he loves affection even when he doesnt show it in his pompous little bastard way
-maya hasnt channeled mia since bridge to the turnabout and shes ok with that. she misses her but she also knows mia would want them to move on
-GAME NIGHT WITH THE WRIGHTS maya is SO competitive and phoenix constantly has to ask miles to get him out of sticky situations
-edgeworth has the biggest sweet tooth rivaled only by maya
- he will occasionally carry a little candy tin in his pocket
-fran and maya have date nights where they each choose a place to eat and fran always chooses super fancy places and maya chooses little hole in the wall places and at first they were both uncomfy with each other's choices but now maya loves getting all dressed up and eating fancy stuff and fran doesnt mind getting some good homecooked meals
- also both the von karma siblings are bad at cooking because they were never really taught, mvk had cooks and stuff to make food for them so fran gets private lessons with maya and phoenix teaches miles how to cook the best he can lmao
-edgeworth is always very cold and phoenix is like a goddamn heater so they always are at equilibrium when they are close together
- also occasionally edgeworth will poke phoenix with his cold ass feet when theyre sleeping and phoenix will shriek so loud they get noise complaints
-phoenix has a full laugh that brightens a room. he'll start laughing at anything and then suddenly itll be funny as hell. edgeworth usually starts with a little "hm" and then will laugh a little and then compose himself, but when things are really funny he'll laugh and then start wheezing and it makes phoenix laugh even harder
-maya will also start laughing at anything her laugh is bright and she laughs in little bits and pieces. a fran laugh is rare but she will often just let out a loud "HA" and startle everyone as she continues to laugh
- there wasnt much place or time to laugh in the von karma household so both fran and miles take a while to laugh, but theyre learning!
- the gang LOVES to celebrate bdays. ANYONES. gumshoes. mayas. penny from the turnabout samurai case. heck even mia and gregory!
okay actually these were more than the last one but!!! my god these are SM fun to come up with!!! i hope they bring u joy
SCREAMS THANK YOU HEADCANON ANON I AM THRIVING!!!! these are so good and they bring me so much joy hngh.... i want to hear like every single one of your thoughts because there has not been a single bad idea on this list so far... 
the friendship bracelets. please yes, absolutely precious. i ADORE the idea of found family game night. the chaos that would bring. i would Like to see it. in addition the birthday thing is adorable i can just imagine all the amazing parties and cake and maybe even party games?? bring maya’s competitive side back out!!!!
LITERALLY ALL OF YOUR EDGEWORTH THOUGHTS ARE SO PERFECT HOW ARE YOU INSIDE MY BRAIN??? literally edgeworth go to therapy challenge. i love all the stuff you mentioned he’s working on, like seeing mvk in himself and fran and moving on from dl-6 and learning how to laugh and cook and indulge in sweets and be open with affection... HNGNH. also the stuff about him being the little spoon in bed and him and phoenix being cold and hot respectively and him putting his cold feet on phoenix in bed. completely factual, that is canon, that is also something i do to my partner every time we share a bed. edgeworth kinnie moments i guess fhsjfndn
YOUR BTTT THOUGHTS TOO!!! all very good, i love the idea of them going to visit the temple and staying in contact with iris, i think that is so lovely and wonderful and the thing about maya not having channeled mia since then is so appropriate and in-character and fitting with the narrative truly capcom should hire you.
also also the franmaya stuff... so good. i love when women are in Lesbians with each other. and the descriptions of everyone’s laughs made me smile so much they were wonderful and so so accurate. thank you for the food.
listen i know i should go to bed. i know i should. i have to get up early to make sure i don’t sleep through the exterminator. but these are so fucking good i honestly just want to hear more of these headcanons for like the rest of time because they are so good. 
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lunarfly · 3 years
Ok so I decided to finally post the promised: defending Romione (🥺💗💕💖💞💘) against Dr*mione (ಠಿ_ಠ) shippers.
So I've read a few posts about Dr*mione shippers, talking about why their ship is amazing (which had nothing to do with canon btw) and bashing Ron (for no reason) and I'm literally shaking out of anger.
Here are my thoughts:
1. "Ron is too dumb for hermione"
Stop- Just-
Yes, he might not be very interested in school subjects, but 👏 that 👏 doesn't 👏 mean 👏 he 👏 is 👏 dumb 👏.
He is actually very smart! He beat McGonagall's chess game, he is logical and quick-thinking. There's MANY examples of this that I won't name right now, but it's a canonical fact. Ron. Is. Not. Dumb.
And consider he was dumb. So? Would that stop Romione from happening? NO! Hermione didn't mind Ron not being smart. She was just upset that Ron was lazy and wouldn't study anything until the last minute. She wanted to get both Harry and Ron to study according to a schedule.
Is it clear? Intelligence doesn't determine love.
**And this is something that confuses me. This doesn't have anything to do with the point, but why does nobody realize that Harry isn't much smarter than Ron? Yes, he was better at DADA but that requires TALENT, not intelligence. And I'm pretty sure we all know that Ron is talented as well (hopefully everyone realizes that). Nobody uses the fact that Harry wasn't intelligent against Harmione, but everyone uses the fact that Ron wasn't intelligent against Romione. The double standards tear apart the fandom.
2. "Ron bought hermione perfume and Draco could get her something better."
Soooo, you're saying that just because Ron didn't have the money that Draco had means that Hermione didn't deserve Ron?
Wow, this just says a lot about you dr*mione shippers. You only care about the money that Draco has, not his personality. You don't like Ron because he's poor (and I know how FanFics give the "kind Draco" Ron's canon personality so the only "problem" with Ron is his looks and lack of money). And you don't see Hermione nor Ron the way they are. This "point" of yours is literally stating that Hermione should be a gold-digger and get Draco because he can get her the expensive presents that she deserves. Yikes.
3. "Draco can understand the emotional side of Hermione while Ron can't."
Draco is only EVER concerned about his own self, he is a NARCISSIST. He would NEVER care for someone (let alone Hermione) as purely and truly as he cared about himself. He didn't even care about Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy Parkinson etc. He was selfish. The only reason he could express his emotions was because he had to go through a lot since he realized that killing Dumbledore wasn't as easy as bullying Hermione. This would never ever work.
And even if Ron didn't understand her as much, he STILL comforted her. Take the beginning chapters of The Deathly Hallows as an example. You'll see.
4. "Ron is too immature."
I need help.
Of course Ron was immature when he was 11!! Yes, he acted immaturely many times, yes, he made many mistakes, but guess what? He changed! He changed for Hermione!! Draco didn't change at all, not for Hermione, nor for anyone else. He remained the same bratty bully.
If you could reread the books and read prisoner of azkaban vs deathly hallows, you will definitely see how much Ron has matured. He doesn't argue with Hermione anymore, he comforts her, he's there for her. Yes, he made a mistake but he was manipulated by the horcrux! We don't blame Ginny for what tom riddle's diary made her do, do we? So stop blaming Ron!
Anyways, I think if dr*mione shippers have read the books, they'll know what I'm talking about when I say Ron changed for Hermione. I honestly don't know how you could miss Ron's character arc.
5. "Ron would be jealous of the brilliant Hermione."
If I remember correctly, the reason Draco bullied the trio was because he was jealous of them. His jealousy turned into a 7 year torture for the trio and now you're saying that Ron is the jealous one? Please.
But anyways, Ron has been jealous of Harry and has made a few mistakes. But there are reasons behind them and I can defend him for each of these with arguments other than "everyone makes mistakes" (cough cough* Draco stans* cough cough).
First of all, Ron has admitted being jealous of Harry's fame because he lives with 5 older brothers who outshine him. But that's not really a mistake because he never let it get in his way. There were only 2 situations in 7 years when he left Harry out of jealousy but I think these have different explainations.
No1 Ron left in goblet of fire. I think the real reason that Ron let his jealousy get in his way this time, was not only because Harry got to participate in the tournament which could bring him eternal glory, but more likely because he was disappointed that his own best friend didn't even tell him that he was entering and didn't even help him participate (which wasn't true, but Ron thought so back then).
No2 Ron left in deathly hallows. This one was 100% because of the horcrux and I think we should all accept this by now and stop hating on Ron for being affected by dark magic.
And just like that, Ron never let his jealousy get in his way of friendships. I can't think of a situation where Ron is jealous of the brilliant Hermione so if you remember, please let me know so I can argue against it. <3
6. "Ron and Hermione would break up and remain friends, it's easy to imagine because they didn't have a strong relationship."
This was actually said, someone actually said this-
I'm just going to say that Ron and Hermione are happily married to this day (which definitely proves that their relationship is strong) and give the dr*mione community a moment of silence.
7. "Ron didn't do anything for Hermione and was just a jerk."
Coming from a person who has read and reread the books multiple times, I can assure you that Ron did many things for Hermione.
Of course, he was immature at first, he was mean to her, but slowly he started seeing more of the good in Hermione and started changing for her.
And even when he was immature, he still cared about Hermione and would protect her no matter what.
Let's remember how many times rubbish Ron stood up for Hermione against the brilliant bully Draco. 🥰
Let's remember how cowardly Ronald faced his fears of spiders to help Hermione (and the rest of the school, just how jerkier can he get?). 🥰
Let's remember how ridiculous Ronniekins stood up for Hermione against sensational Snape and got himself into detention (oh yes, this is the book version of the movie moment where Ron agrees with Snape about Hermione being an 'insufferable know-it-all'). 🥰
Let's remember how rotten Ronny comforted Hermione when she was worried about Hagrid and Buckbeak (and he even let her hug him and cry on his shoulder, how rude). 🥰
Let's remember how revolting Ronald sacrificed himself to save Harry and Hermione in the chess game. 🥰
Let's remember how horrendous Ron attempted to hex Draco when he used a slur that was meant to offend Hermione. 🥰
Keep in mind that all of these were done when Ron was still immature and still argued a lot with Hermione.
And these aren't even all.
8. "Ron and Hermione have a loveless marriage."
What the-
I'm sorry, I'm trying to be respectful here but this is crap. And the fact that the person said they also had "proof" from the c*rsed ch*ld but didn't want to spoil it-
As much as I hate the c*rsed ch*ld, I can tell you that it did its job portraying Ron and Hermione's unconditional love. Even in alternative realities, where they didn't get married, they were still in love.
And why would you even think that Ron and Hermione would marry and have kids if they didn't love each other? I need explainations.
9. "Ron never listens to Hermione."
I'm sorry, what? I'm genuinely confused??
What do you even mean by this? Yeah, they used to argue a lot, and? Ron thinks Hermione is brilliant and wonderful and he follows her advice. I can't recall a moment where Ron won't listen to Hermione, doesn't agree with her and ruins her plans. Anyone else?
Since this one is a big mess and a confusion, I'll move on to the next one until someone explains the points and arguments.
10. "Draco could make Hermione laugh while Ron couldn't."
Do I really need to say anything for this one?
Ron was the funniest one from the trio, that's why Harry enjoyed his company so much! Don't you remember the line in goblet of fire where Harry thinks about how much he misses having Ron as his best friend, because without him there's less fun and less laughs? I do.
But what I don't remember is finding Draco's sense of humor funny. I'm sorry but his intellectual level is almost as low as Crabbe and Goyle's. His insults are none other than Potty and Weaselbee, he only got 3 O.W.L.s and all of his jokes were stupid and dumb and their only purpose was insulting people he was jealous of.
These fanfics have rotten people's brains...😬
Anyways, I'm going to stop here. I've delayed this post for very long and I'm so excited to finally post it!
I read a book on wattpad by a dr*mione shipper and it was nothing but a giant headache. That's where I got all of these statements from. Most of the garbage in the book revolved around Draco and Hermione being inseparable and getting over all obstacles (wth) and other stupid stuff like that which really annoyed me. The book was called "why we love dr*mione" and it was by Bittenwizard. You can read and enjoy! Trust me, you'll have lots of content to post about after that 🤠👍
*I always try to be respectful to all ships, but sometimes some of them really anger me because the ships are either toxic or the arguments are plain trash. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.
Thank you for reading this. If you're a dr*mione shipper, I hope I've convinced you to give up the ship or come up with better arguments for it.
If you're an anti-dramione I hope you enjoyed the post. I'll delight you with more anti-toxic-ships content. :)
Thank you once again! <3
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