#I usually don't rant like this but MY GOD I am mad
sassyandclassy94 · 2 years
*Girls only*
I am so glad that 'the bomb' decided to drop yesterday instead of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or next Sunday! Why, you ask? Cause imagine having to sit in a car for hours driving to Pennsylvania and worrying about possibly messing up the nice leather seats in your papa's nice fancy truck. Or sitting in the theatre for hours hoping you'll be okay until intermission. Or messing up the hotel sheets (mortifying!!). Or having to sit in church for three hours on your heaviest day. And THEN imagine having to entertain a guest (who happens to be your crush) while also hiding the fact that the literal Battle of Agincourt is going on in your uterus.
Bottom line is, I am so thankful that I'm getting the worst days of my cycle over with before my trip to Sight & Sound (SO EXCITED!!) and my birthday dinner.
#personal#Abby's rants & rambles#Girl problems#I am so thankful I was born a woman and dealing with menstruation makes me feel like super human but man am I glad when I happen to avoid#getting it at an inconvenient time#REGARDLESS... it's kind of a cool thing though?#Like your body literally throws a fit when she doesn't get pregnant#Like GIRL!! I am SORRY that I don't have a husband who can fix your problems! Ever wonder that maybe I wish I had one too??#What she doesn't know is that I just so happen to have my eye on someone... I'm just waiting to find out how God feels about him.#Or maybe she does know... and the reason they've been more uncomfortable than usual is because she's mad that this process is so slow lol#Girl relax! All in God's timing if it's His will - and if it is then you'll eventually get your way and skip as many periods as God allows#ANYWAY... just ignore these tags lol#I'm at the age where I should start having a moment of silence for a wasted egg though... :(#This is my last one as 27 - the last of my mid-20s and it's actually really depressing...#I'm getting closer and closer to 30 and you know what that means for a woman? Its when her ovaries begin to shrivel up and die :'(#The sunset starts to appear in the distance...#I also have this nagging feeling in my gut that I may be infertile anyway... Don't ask me why I feel that way - I just do.#And I don't want to think about it...#I mean I don't know if I even want children because they don't like me and because of how the government tries to own them#But I still want the option just in case ya know???#Oh well... like Mama says: Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.
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papermint-airplane · 5 months
As per the request from @nectar-cellar:
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Oh boy prepare yourself for a foul-mouthed rant because I am MAD!!!! 😠😠😠😠 Not at you, NC. I love you. You can do no wrong in my eyes. 😘
No I am mad at this STUPID FUCKING SIM holy shit
He started life like THIS
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What I can only describe as "Disney's Aladdin visits a dude ranch". Yes, I know I have used that exact outfit (minus the boots) for Roman before, shut up, you're not here to expose my hypocrisy, you're here to suffer with me because OH BOY DID I SUFFER.
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Ok so he turned out like this. Not bad, you say? No. Bad. Very bad.
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Yeah so I got him in Live Mode and there is just something about him that is pissing me right the fuck off and I don't know what it is. Is it the eyes? Are the eyes too big? Jaw too square? I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like the eyes are too big but I kept shrinking his eyes until he literally looked like this .👄. and it still didn't help.
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I went in and out of CAS at least 7 times and I can't figure out what's off and I can't fix it and I HATE HIMMMMMMMMMM
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"Who's made of pixels and sucks ass? This guy!"
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"Don't you just love me?"
I know that making masc men is a challenge for me. This is not new information. It's been a problem for 20 years, it'll be a problem for 20 more. I know what I find attractive in a man, I just don't know what looks good on a Sim. Know what I mean? No? Stop being difficult, you know exactly what I mean.
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I also tried using NC's new torso and oh boy that was an adventure because the torso is fire and his face is A FUCKING DISASTER. There is something about his head and his torso that are incongruous with each other and I don't. know. what. it. is. It's driving me crazy. No correction, it has DRIVEN me crazy, past tense. I am crazy now and this fucker is why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I even expanded my slider multiples so I could fine tune things thinking that would help but no I think it made everything worse ESPECIALLY MY MENTAL HEALTH
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So by now you're like "Laura there's nothing wrong with him, Laura you're taking this too seriously, Laura he's fine" and I know. I KNOW! I STILL HATE HIM
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And you're god dang right I put that fucker on a pole. If I get community labeled because of this shit heap, I'm gonna lose my shitting mind.
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Literally fuck you, I hate you so much. I didn't even give you a name. Do you know what your name is? "Stupid asshole who won't behave" that's what your name is.
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I even threw Monica the Devil Girl in there hoping that would help. It didn't.
Know what the worst part is?
I enjoyed this. I mean yeah sure I hated the whole process and I hate the result and I hate this Sim and in a minute, I'm going to have an alien Sim land a meteor on top of his head, but there's something really cathartic about just unloading all of your vitriol on a Sim, you know? And it was definitely a challenge and definitely out of my comfort zone. I'll have to keep trying until I make a male Sim (other than Roman and Aiden) that I'm happy with.
This was a learning experience for sure.
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Piece of shit.
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How am I supposed to deal with anti-shifters and people literally calling shifting a mental illness? I know it’s real, and it's baffling how some people want me to confine myself to a reality that doesn’t serve me. It’s like they can't comprehend that our realities can be fluid and personal. And don't even get me started on the pretentious, usually well-off, white shifter content creators who make videos about how perma-shifters are selfish. It's as if they can't see past their privilege and understand the deeper connections and meanings behind shifting. I sometimes wish I could permanently delete this account from existence because it's just so frustrating to navigate through all this negativity and misunderstanding. I know now I’m in a world filled with possibilities, and yet some choose to limit themselves and impose those limits on others. I can be happy one day, truly happy one day and jt makes me angry that it makes some people mad I believe I can wake up in a new world with wealth and money and a family that doesn’t abuse me and visit my favorite movies. Im not hurting anyone
Not trying to be mean because I get it and went through this as well, but some of you are addicted to arguing and stirring things up. Some people become complicit in their own suffering because you don’t have to consume that type of content! you can avoid it if you train your algorithm hard enough.
If there’s one thing you can learn from religious people, it’s their “I’ll pray for you” mentality. If someone doesn’t believe in God, they just say they’ll pray for you so you don’t got to hell or whatever
When you encounter anti-shifters, just hope that one day they open their minds and discover there's more to the world than meets the eye. If they never choose to do so, it doesn’t affect your journey. One thing YOU SHOULD NOT take from religious people is making shifting your entire identity. Yes, it’s part of who you are, but it's not everything. When you don’t believe in God, some religious people become upset because religion is their identity, not just a belief system. Shifting and the loa are similar in that way—if you’re secure in your journey, would you really care if others believe or not?
You can block them and move on, but I know that’s easier said than done. It makes you angry because you’ve made it your identity instead of just an inherent way of life. Everyone shifts, even anti-shifters, so whether they believe in it or not doesn’t matter.
They’re like flat-earthers to me—I just roll my eyes and move on. It shouldn’t take a toll on your inherent being or mental health. If it does, take a step back. Stop diving into communities you know will make you angry. You don’t have to drag ShiftTok drama to Tumblr or rant about them. Avoid reblogging blogs that share misinformation and arguing with them. You don’t have to share YouTubers who think perma-shifters are delusional or self-harming.
Really sit down and think: if you genuinely believe in shifting and believe you can do it, would you go around trying to prove it to those with no interest in it? Are you trying to convince them or yourself? Don’t tie shifting or anything spiritual to your worth or identity. It’s just your inherent being. Everyone is God in their own right, whether they recognize it or not. It’s not your job to force enlightenment on others. Focus on yourself, use the block button, and defend yourself when attacked without meaning but if there’s no progress in the conversation, still use that block button. Stop entering spaces you don’t agree with.
LOA vs ND, be states vs A and P—some of you guys genuinely just want to live out your high school clique fantasies on Tumblr. Stop arguing and do your own thing. Engage in the free will you have and stop turning spirituality into pretentious Reddit philosophy echo chambers of people who have lost sight of the teachings. This isn’t politics no one focused on their journey and life cares okay; no one cares. It’s should be very fun, engaging and simple—just remembering who you are. I know humans love labels and categorizing because we’re so diverse and versatile and three-dimensional, and sometimes that’s a lot so we want to find our “place” but your own label and true essence and limitless. take a deep breath, close your laptop, and remember you already know who you are.
I totally get that shifting has been life-changing for us, especially when so many of us have come from really challenging backgrounds. It can be incredibly disheartening to see someone tearing apart something that gives you hope. That’s why I find it frustrating when people casually say, "The only thing you have to lose is trying." Hope is a huge factor when you feel like you’ve got nothing else, and the belief that something can save you is incredibly powerful. You work tirelessly, holding onto hope despite facing the same difficulties that dragged you into a tough mental state and life situation in the first place—that's disheartening, and I’m not trying to downplay that at all.
But when you truly realize it’s going to happen, and when it finally does, you won’t even care about the naysayers. I’ve been there, looking back and realigning my thoughts, thinking about all those times others doubted everything. They argued and criticized, but in the end, their opinions won’t matter. It’s about that personal journey and the shift within yourself, the kind of change that makes all the worth it, because when you get past all that useless noise, it’s just you and the incredible things that you did that matter. This is your life so make the most of it.
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heejayy · 6 months
Young and Beautiful
Nanami x black reader
Warning: none
Word count: 1.2k
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You let out an exhausted sigh as you slipped your hair out of its tight bun; you'd finally finished sifting through and responding to all of your emails, as well as reviewing some documents your boss had sent you. Your eyes are dry and strained, and your fingers are cramping after hours of typing. You checked the time and it was 10:53 p.m., which wasn't too bad given that you'd previously left work much later. Ready to depart, you stood up, stretched, and began gathering your belongings before heading home. You collected your binders, slid your home computer into its case, and grabbed your heels, which you had kicked off hours before.
As you closed your office and approached the elevator, your watch chimed with a message.
Bossy pants:
Mrs. Y/l/n, please meet me at 6:30 to look over the paperwork I handed over to you. There was an error.
"Fuck me!" you muttered, feeling rage rise in your chest. This man never gives you a break; he always relies on you, and he never bothers anyone else, which is driving you mad.
"Ugh he's always bothering me he acts like he doesn't have two other assistants to go over his project with but no it has to be m-"
"Y/l/n is that you?" You froze. Every muscle in your body stiffened up; you didn't expect him to be here so late; he usually leaves around 7 p.m., so what on God's green earth is he doing here at 11 p.m?
"M-mr. Kento?" Your chest tightened as you feared he had heard your angry rant.
"Come here," your body responded to his instruction before you could even think about it. You found yourself at the doorway of his office, playing with your acrylic nails, too frightened to look him in the eye, so you looked elsewhere.
His tie was unfastened, and his hair was tossed all over the place, in direct contrast to how it had been precisely slicked back and combed that morning.
“Mr. Kento "I didn't realize you were here this late... why is that?" You asked cautiously, hoping he hadn't heard your dramatic outburst earlier.
"Had to finish some paper work, I'm assuming you did as well?" You nodded, giving him a forced smile. An uneasy silence settled over his office.
"Tell me y/n do you think I work you too much?" He clearly heard your small outburst.
"I- listen I didn't mean-"
"I made you the senior executive assistant for a reason. You're a hard worker, honest, and trustworthy. You and Suguru are the only two people I trust to oversee this floor and manage my schedule; I wouldn't assign you anything you couldn't handle."
“Mr. Kento I understand you mean well, but this is just too much at times, and I'm not saying I don't want this position; I do, and I thank you for it, but I'd like some extra help if it not too much trouble." He took a sharp breath in and pushed his chair from behind his desk, then opened a drawer and pulled out a wine bottle and two glass cups.
"Join me?" You were taken aback by your boss's casual approach toward you; he was always known to keep matters strictly business-related.
"Um sir-"
"When's the last time you had a chance to wind down or hang out with your friends?" You blinked quickly, unsure of how to answer this question.
"My friend sort of abandoned me a long time ago due to me flaking on them for work." He gave you a kind of frown. "I know exactly how that feels."
Your boss strolled over to his couch and patted the empty space next to him, "Join me?"
You tilted your head in confusion, but decided that one drink wouldn't hurt.
2:45 AM
You ended up having more than one glass, and now your cheeks are heated, and you're leaning slightly into your boss, giggling at a story he just told you.
"You don't even seem like the type to get wasted I can't believe you did that!" He chuckled, savoring the last of his wine.
"Yeah well I was young and foolish and I also had bad influences for friends."
As you rested your head on his shoulder, a comfortable silence descended over the room; perhaps it was the wine, but your mood was subdued. Your mind wandered away, thinking about how you'd become drawn into the toxic work culture and how it was draining your youth.
"Nanami i'm tired."
"Tired of what love?"
"I'm tired of feeling as if I have to work until I drop, as if even if I achieve every goal, something is missing, as if I haven't done enough because there's always someone who will outdo me." Sometimes I just want to quit and move to a remote island to be happy."
"Keep this a secret yeah, but sometimes I feel the same way." Your head snapped up.
"Really? No way!” You spoke sarcastically, he chuckled “do I seem that miserable at work?”
“No you just- you don’t seem like this is something you enjoy doing.”
“Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate having this job but if I had a chance to run I’d take it.”
“Run where?” You asked curiously. He glanced down at you with a small smile “let’s make a deal, when I make a break for it I’ll take you” you giggle feeling flustered.
“Ooo where we going?” You asked with a hint of flirting.
Present Time
"Baby you ready?" You snapped out of your daze when your husband called for you. You placed the photo frame to the nightstand; it showed you and your husband celebrating your first anniversary on the beach in Malaysia. You were both young, happy, and much in love. To think you ended up marrying your boss, the same guy you used to gripe about on a daily basis. Now, you can't picture living without him.
"I'm almost done my love."
You're now in your 50s and still go to the same beach on your anniversary, but sometimes you wonder if you should've taken advantage of your youth and explored more instead of being locked up in an office all day.
"What's on that pretty mind of yours?" He inquired, and she wrapped his arms around your figure, rocking you back and forth.
"Nothing much, just reminiscing back to when we were younger. I feel like I wasted my youth chasing something I didn't want only to impress others, and now that I'm older, I feel like I missed out on the opportunity to be young and happy.
I wish I could rewind time to tell myself to enjoy life before it’s too late.”
"What are you saying before it's too late? We're only in our early fifties. We still have so much more to explore, and now that we're retired, we have all the time in the world, so put all this 'I'm old' rubbish out of your head and let's get ready to leave," you smiled at his attempt to cheer you up.
"Doesn't matter what age we are I will always love you."
"Yes beautiful?"
"I love you more." You cupped his face and kissed him gently, but that wasn't enough for him. Nanami gripped you by the waist and pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss. One thing this man knew how to well was make you weak in the knees.
"That's impossible love."
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©heejayy 2024 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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ezra-editss · 10 months
"Dean doesn't reciprocate" MY ASS
I'm just kinda gonna write down my thoughts about this. I'm in season 7 now, I know what happens in the very last episode, but nothing else so I don't read any posts about the show here yet :) (just so yk and don't accidentally spoiler me) Oh and I do this mostly out of memory and some notes that I took, so this might be a little chaotic :,)
Okay, so the whole season 6 fight was crazy to me. The way Cas was watching while Dean kept on defending him. And he knew how much Dean trusted him. ("The worst part was Dean. He was trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise.") It hurt him, but the whole time he was, again, protecting Dean. And yes, he hurt Dean, but I think it was as bad for Cas to hurt Dean, as for Dean to be hurt.
Then, Dean apologizing for the others? They (thought they) were wrong and Dean had kept on trusting Cas, so why was it him who apologized? Because he knew it meant more to Cas when he did it? Idk.
Cas wasn't able to lie when he looked in Dean's eyes.. come on? Also, the fact Dean wasn't actually mad when he found out was really interesting. He was just extremely sad. Yes, his trust got broken and maybe he was just tired of it all, but it didn't seem like that to me, I felt like he usually got madder.
I love how they always share those sad looks when they go apart after the fights btw, such a best buddys thing to do.
It was really hard for both of them. We can see that Dean can't sleep that night and that Cas comes back to talk to him alone, because it only matters to him that Dean understands.
Oh and the "I'm doing this for you, Dean." I don't even need to explain his motives, because he reveals them himself.
Then the scene from my edit. (at the top) (it's kinda laggy, bc it's slow-motion, but anyways) They both have teary eyes a lot, but this is different. Dean turns aways because he knows he's gonna cry and Cas disappears before he really starts crying, but they are both fuckin crying about this. They're both just sad and want this to end. Even when Dean said he's gonna stop him and so on, it was way less threatening than usually. And Cas kept coming back when Dean was in danger.
But Dean still cared as well. In the first episode of season 7, when Cas asks for help, he pretends he doesn't care about him anymore for a bit, but you can clearly see that he still does. You at least can see it when he thinks Cas is dead. He's devastated.
It's kinda funny how Bobby's there but Cas very obviously only cares to make it up to Dean. Like he always says "they're my friends" but in reality he means Dean.
AND THEN.. Cas tries to protect everyone else again and sends them away but DEAN STAYS. I think he knew that there wouldn't be anything he could do, but it didn't matter.
Cas dies again. (give my man a break, please) Dean keeps the god damn coat? I think he might've done it, because he was hoping that Cas would come back again. Anyways, scene was devastating.
In the judge/court episode about Dean's guilt, I immediately hoped Dean didn't feel guilty about Cas too, but was pretty sure he did. My worries were confirmed in episode 5.
So yeah, I suppose that's the part where I am, I guess I have to wait 'till Cas comes back now :,)
I don't think anyone read all this, but I hope I didn't make any grammar mistakes, bc English isn't my first language, so I sometimes get stuff mixed up (I definitely made the tenses confusing). Anyways, rant end.
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kittzuxp · 8 months
Cut for insanely long vent/rant and also questioning my place in the twomp fandom ( if u wanna skip 2 that go 2 the green part)
I feel like I haven't made a big enough contribution to the twomp fandom. Like I get that I am certainly not 'celeb level' famous like an, pax or macha. And I'm not asking to be! But it seems like I used to be mentioned every once in a while in twomp posts, and now my twomp posts are being reblogged more often, but other than that nobody really interacts with me... Idk I feel like I'm being selfish, but I've been at Tumblr since April of 2023 and I don't really have a place in the twomp fandom yet,, do I just have to make more posts? When do i get to be 'that person that is known for that'..?
And how do I change that? How do I make a contribution to the fandom? How do I get noticed? I'm not looking to cause any trouble, I don't want stigma..
I'm not asking for that much honestly.. am I? But I just want to have a place in the fandom, it's not the same if i'm just mindlessly posting about twomp, given attention (likes, reblogs, replies etc.) and then ignored. Have I not made a big enough contribution to the fandom to have a place in it? Am I really that forgettable?
Any twomp posts that I've made that have gotten 'famous' are just screenshots. Is that really all of my worth in the fandom.. screenshots? Usually I'm fine with just being a lurker in fandoms, but this is the only fandom I feel like I've made a contribution to and yet.. it's not much of a contribution..is it?
I see talented people post beautiful (and certainly better) fanart and I question if my art will ever be enough to be noticed like theirs is. I don't want to bring them down or anything, no, there are tons of underrated artists here that deserve more attention because they are also trying to make a contribution like me!
And yet, I'm also questioning my place in the fandom. Labratgurlz is on break from the fandom because of twompcord (and other drama), I'm in the server but don't know what's going on but I'm too scared to find out. The recent drama about meat man's user, the mpreg, (Is wide billy considered a controversial thing in the fandom?).. I look at my "contribution" and the fandom and I think: ' is it really worth it to keep going, and keep enjoying this? I am not acknowledged so it's not like anyone will notice my disappearance..." I feel like in a month or 2 the fandom will start being toxic and it would be better if I just left. But I'm too invested now. I started an art challenge and a fanfic and by god am I going to finish them. But it also feels like the fandom is slowly poisoning itself.
I feel selfish for asking to receive attention, in a pathetic post like this, but. Please interact with me, please tell me that I've done good enough and that I've made a good enough contribution to the fandom. Don't do it out of pity if, but- actually, if anyone were to praise me, not out of pity, they would have already done it. Oh god I'm spiralling into a hole of madness.
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luvbugs-blog · 2 years
panic - s. todoroki
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inspired by the willow and oz scene in the "graduation" episode on buffy the vampire slayer (not the stupid show no netflix, but the one with sarah michelle gellar).
note: most of the dialogue is from or inspired by the episode mentioned above!! i don't want copywrite issues!!
warnings: implied smut, but it's a fluff fic. not proof read
with the war inching closer, the air at UA was tense. everyone could feel it. everyone, it seems, except your boyfriend.
bakugo was even more snappy than usual, and with deku gone, everyone's mood was in the dumps. ochaco had lost her usual smile, and iida seemed even stiffer.
after a long day of classes, you trudge your way back to your dorm room, almost dragging your back behind you. when you make it, you throw yourself on the bed, your schoolbag abandoned by the door, which you hadn't even managed to shut fully.
what will become of you? of your friends? of your teachers? of shoto? there is a possible chance that you could die in the very near future. it seemed like yesterday you had just gotten your hero's license, and now you were about to risk everything for the sake of... strangers? the world? who knew what shigaraki had planned.
you were too tired to think about it anymore. you just wanted to be at home with your parents, but you couldn't tell them what was about to happen.
for a little while, you lay there, thinking about everything related to the war. how you could lose your friends, you could lose limbs, your life, how easy it is to just run away, etc., when your door creaks open slightly and you hear a small knock. a handsome face makes its way into the room.
"hey, baby. you know, you shouldn't keep your door open." you just sigh, not replying. shoto makes his way around your bed, carefully sitting next to your body.
"what's up, angel?"
"i'm just worried about the war, sho. what about you?"
he just hums and starts to stroke your hair. you wait a while, but he still gives no reply.
his eyes wander around the room, until they lock onto your cat, who lazily made its way out of your bathroom.
"looks like Walter has pretty nice digs in here. i really love your room."
you sigh again, moving so his hand falls off your head.
"what?" he asks, very gently.
"could you just pretend to care about what's happening, please?"
"you think I don't care?"
"i think we could be dead in two day's time, and you’re being emotional detachment guy."
"would it help if i panicked?"
"yes! it'd be swell! panic is a thing people can share in times of crisis, and everything is really scary now, you know? and I don't know what's gonna happen. and there's all sorts of things that you're supposed to get to do after high school, and you know what? i was really looking forward to them! like moving into a place of our own, maybe fighting alongside each other, being famous, maybe even the wacky notion of children! i would love to have children with you, and you know how much i hate kids and how pregnancy scares me. and... and now we're probably just gonna die, and i'd like to feel that maybe you would-"
your rant was interrupted when he grabbed the back of your head, grip tight on your hair, and smushed his lips on yours. for a few seconds, you stayed like that until you pulled away, slightly surprised.
"what are you doing?"
he maneuvered his head to continue what he was doing before, and the rest of the class didn't hear from the two of you until the next morning, when shoto walked out of your dorm room, instead of his.
author's note: OH MY GOD, I FINALLY FINISHED ONE. the ending is absolute shit, but I'm literally in my shitty school, and i so do not feel comfortable finishing this. i feel so paranoid that the teachers are watching me write fanfiction, and i am so not ok with that. school is kicking my butt rn, but i'm going to try to pump out some more fics soon... i don't want to say tonight, because that might not happen, so don't be mad. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE SEND IDEAS. i'm burnt out.
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drop a bitterbomb about lmk or the fandom, just go ham. i am here for that mk rant
Hmmm I don't think I have a complaint about lmk itself! (Except maybe the fat clone joke, but I have my man Pigsy so it evens out for me). I really love this show with my whole heart, and though I can be bitter about some things (toh, shera, recently nimona) I do try to give things the benefit of the doubt if I can tell there's real heart and thought behind something. And lmk? So much thought goes into this show, you can feel how talented these writers are!
As for the fandom. *Ahem* *Gets on top of my soap box.* This is a lot of power you've given me.
Like I said in my tags, MK is so often relegated to the role of "therapist" it's shocking. I think a lot of folk view MK and Steven (from Steven Universe) as the same character, and while there's fun similarities, MK is very different from Steven. Steven is definitely the group therapist and ends up having to be the most emotionally mature of all the crystal gems, struggling to keep everyone above water. MK on the other hand has to rely an incredible amount on everyone around him, rarely being the one to actually give comfort himself. MK just also isn't really a character with a "I can fix them" mentality. He's not going out of his way to redeem anyone, except the person in front of him who he thinks can help save his friends/the universe.
Maybe this is a bold take, but I view MK as someone who would choose his friends over the world (he also literally does so in 4x02). He is not a selfless world-first kind of hero, which makes his guilt over getting the world in trouble all the more delightful to watch.
So, it's always surprising to me when I see MK being the one to comfort other characters (namely Red Son and Macaque), when Mei is LITERALLY right there. Our hopepunk shonen protag girly. She's the one to usually do the comforting (along with the rest of the gang), but I think in general a lot of people sleep on Mei.
Which brings me to my second rant: another thing that's kind of disappointing/annoying about the fandom is how pretty much Sun Wukong and Macaque are the only two characters, with MK as a third to promote some kind of interaction between the other two. Sometimes I play a game with myself of seeing how far I can scroll the lmk tag before I see a post about only Sandy.
Which, lmk has such a wonderful cast of characters, it's kind of sad seeing fan content only about Wukong and Macaque—now don't get me wrong, I also love those monkeys, but there's also a lot more characters to explore! Mei is one of my favorite characters, and I think Tang has one of my favorite arcs in the show (3x08 is such a good episode. I am also a big fan of 4x03).
And, god. For all the fan content about Wukong and Macaque those two definitely get the brunt of the blorbofication.
In canon? They're very flawed and fucked up immortals who have hurt themselves and others. But in the fandom? UWU Precious sad boys who blush. It's kind of maddening. Originally I had a lot of people mad at me in my notes for thinking sweet boy Sun Wukong knew MK was a monkey the whole time/involved in MK's creation. Like. I legitimately can not believe there was discourse on twitter about Wukong being a "deadbeat dad". Have you seen this man. Hello. He's an asshole, but he's our asshole, and he tries.
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bilesproblems · 1 year
Rant about exclus (and how they deal with outliers)
Exclusionists love to parrot a few things when talking about mspec lesbians
"Lesbians cannot be sexually or romantically attracted to men!"
"Lesbians are non-men loving non-men!"
"Bi and lesbian are two very different communities!"
"It's okay to be bi!! You don't have to appropriate lesbians and invade our spaces!"
"Why can't we just have a single label that doesn't include men?"
All of these points are stupid but then you come to me and people like me. I don't like men in any capacity. I'm biromantic for women and nonbinary people who don't identify as men or as mainly masculine. I'm a fucking lesbian by their own definitions and I'm still bi. Really there's only one response, although it comes in different forms
"You're not a bi lesbian you're just a lesbian. Lesbian already includes nonbinary people silly."
If you don't think this is an inherently stupid reply, sit down and listen fucker. If I didn't think my attraction was included under lesbian and that, while lesbian attraction doesn't inherently include nonbinary people, being a woman attracted to women and enby genders is inherently lesbian, guess what?
I'd just identify as bi
I wouldn't identify as a lesbian. By being a bi LESBIAN I am respecting the inclusion of nonbinary people because I am still a lesbian, but by being a BI lesbian I am recognizing they're not just women or women lite.
But let's get into the real reason it makes me so upset
This reply makes me so mad because it shows what exclusionists do when faced with literal proof that just saying lesbians can't like men is a stupid rebuttal and doesn't actually invalidate the mspec lesbian label. They try and erase us outliers. They try and push bi lesbians that are attracted to men away from the lesbian label but when faced with people like me, they try and pull me out of the bi label. Never a real reason I can't identify as bi with my attraction, usually just a "no you're just a lesbian you don't have to label as bi"
Sometimes I get accused of excluding nonbinary people from being part of lesbian attraction because I describe my attraction as bi. Which is. Stupid. If I didn't think it was included I wouldn't call myself a lesbian. Dipshit. Don't be dumb.
What I'm trying to say is this: exclusionists are very focused on sorting people into the separate boxes of bi and lesbian. When someone like myself meets the criteria for both and points that out, I have to quickly be sorted into one or the other. I must ignore one part of myself because god forbid a lesbian be bi.
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happyk44 · 2 years
What are your thoughts on Annabeth/various gods? You talk a lot about Percy and Jason and Nico (and you're RIGHT) but I think Annabeth deserves to sleep with, like, Hades. Idk love your work, gave me brainworms so I'm passing them on!
I haven't thought much about Annabeth with a god - I have thought about Hazel with Hecate though! That being said - you did specify Annabeth SO here are so off the top of the dome thoughts:
Annabeth is the architect for Olympus, obviously many great ways to meet and become close with various gods and goddesses. I think this is probably the best avenue for her to hook up with Aphrodite. Lmao, Athena is very much "don't bother my daughter while she's working" and Aphrodite is just "and I took that personally". I think even more so Annabeth becomes so oblivious to other people when she's working sometimes that Aphrodite is just fucking miffed that her appearance around her is going unnoticed that she's like "I'm gonna fuck this girl if it's the last thing I do."
Annabeth being Annabeth realizes pretty quickly what's happening but she doesn't want to be just some fling for the goddess so she just... ignores it? Kind of. Tries to set it aside as "I am Piper's friend, this would be so fucking weird" and Aphrodite changes tactics from outright seduction to more of a courting, dating thing.
She's a great girlfriend (obviously) and her centuries upon millennia of being married to Hephaestus means she knows quite about a bit about engineering and architecture, so she engages with Annabeth when she gets into her little rants and it leaves her so unbelievably flustered because before then the only person outside of her cabin she could talk to about these things without having to use layman terms or keep it broken down and simple was Leo.
Aphrodite also has her own war aspect that often goes forgotten so Annabeth is discussing her ideas for strategy on an upcoming Capture the Flag game and Aphrodite is voicing her own ideas back and it's just so good for the both of them because people, even other gods with all the modern shifts, regulate her down to just being pretty and sexual and while Ares doesn't often to leave her own to dry that way, he definitely prefers to talk about it with his sister so Aphrodite enjoys being able to flaunt the side of her that people ignore and Annabeth fucking adores how excited she gets about it, even starts crafting designs for armor and swords (and yeah, Hephaestus has that covered for her usually, but it's so sweet, Aphrodite could fucking cry).
Also Annabeth loves learning new things and throws herself into the BDSM, sexual aspect of a relationship with an eagerness that makes Aphrodite extremely horny and very excited.
(Cue personal amusement as Athena accidentally walking in on Aphrodite tying Annabeth up and it's just "I told you not to bother her when she's working" "does she look like she's working right now?" and Annabeth wants to die so fucking much)
Poseidon would be a choice, I think. Say she and Percy breakup for whatever reason and she still misses him and Poseidon is there and he's older and bigger but his eyes are still the same and it's just so familiar and safe that she doesn't even think too much about it until the day after and she's waking up and freaking out because fucking shit i just slept with my ex-boyfriend's dad. But she goes back anyway because the ocean is intoxicating and safe and she finds herself constantly seeking the feeling of being drowned.
My personal HC for Poseidon is that while he does care about people, that circle of people is extremely limited and the only person he truly loves is his wife (and Nico in the PJO universe because I think he deserve it), so her relationship with him is short-lived, a year or two at the most and it hurts her intensely when he breaks it off.
Also Annabeth when she's mad or feels strongly about something becomes a little headstrong and vengeful and I can see her accidentally sleeping with Poseidon even she's dating Percy because she's pissed at him for whatever reason - maybe he didn't notice that someone was flirting with him and she took that to mean he was welcoming their advances and gets stupid about it and winds up getting railed by Poseidon and it's so good but she has so many fucking regrets about it because it's Percy's frigging dad.
Now Hades because you mentioned it -- I dunno. My take on Hades is that he's very languid about sex. He doesn't really have much of a stake in it personally. It's good, yeah, but he could get the same fulfillment out of it that he gets using his own hand. He's not usually aroused by other people but he still gets the random urge. He'll agree to sex if asked about it though and that's where Annabeth clocks in.
She's helping Persephone redesign her summer cottage after her work on Olympus is complete (or mostly complete) and she's curious because she's heard the myths and she's met the man and yeah, Nico seems to be happy with his dad, but he's his father, right? He didn't kidnap Nico and force him to marry him. So she tries to be subtle about it. But Persephone has heard all the questions a million times over and over again so as subtle as Annabeth is being, it's not working.
She's not about to get into her complex relationship with her husband with some random mortal who's there to do a job, so she's blunt about it. "I love him. He's important to me. I don't care what your opinion is on it. He's a good person who cares about me and our children." And then because she loves the reactions she gets from people when she says it, "Plus his dick is huge and he knows how to use it."
Which levels into Annabeth's mind, makes itself a home, and doesn't leave. Suddenly it's all she can think about it.
Nico takes her down to the Underworld so she can get his siblings' advice on their rooms in Persephone's cottage and Hades is there and Persephone's words block into her brain and it's not like she and Nico are close, you know? Like it wouldn't be a bad thing if she tested Persephone's claims.
She doesn't really know how to flirt (it's never really been something important to her to learn) but Hades has had years of weird flirting from his wife to understand that when she starts hinting about her conversation with Persephone, he's just, "Are you asking me to have sex?"
Yes. She is.
Turns out Persephone's right. His dick is huge. And he knows how to use it.
Persephone is amused. And a little bit pissed off. She's not Hera levels of jealous but she still has emotions! So she strikes a deal with Annabeth. She won't turn her into mulch for fucking her husband behind her back, if Annabeth makes sure to take care of him while Persephone's away. Only for the summer though.
She thinks its supposed to be solely sexual but its not. Hades is as much of a workaholic as she is and dragging him out of his office to eat food or interact with living people that aren't his children and friends/employees is fucking hard. His family has more or less given up on him because of it. But when she manages to do it, it's fun.
He has a wide knowledge of human history - things most people wouldn't even know because he's spoken to the souls, reviewed their history. He tells her stories of the past, answers any of her questions, summons ghosts for her to talk to directly. She in turn treats him normally. She's nervous as first (he's the fucking king of the dead and her memory reminds of her when she was 12 and he was staring Percy down with murderous intent), but quickly levels out because he's just a person. She argues with him heatedly, makes coffee the way he likes, bullies him into being functioning and then gets mad when he teases her for being the same way.
They fuck too, obviously.
She falls for him for the same reason Persephone did. She's scared for the end of the summer, when Persephone comes home, and it's all over but Persephone just laughs at her. Hades doesn't connect with people that much. She really thought Persephone was just going to chuck her out on her ass after that? Don't be ridiculous.
The winter is, however, Persephone's time to shine. But when spring rolls around and the frost melts off the windows and the world prepares for heat and beach vacations, Annabeth opens her cabin door to a tall man clad in black asking if she wants to get breakfast.
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bookgirlrants · 7 months
Rant #1
finally, the time has come for the first rant of bookgirlrants. for today's rant, i want to talk about dark romance and the issues i've come across while reading it.
to start, i just want to say that i'm new to the genre while also not being new at all. i used to write dark romance a lot growing up, used to read dark romance fanfics, and my favorite book has been flowers in the attic since i was 16! i just haven't started reading newer dark romance until very recently.
now, the rant. my intro to this genre has been with haunting/hunting adeline. i had heard incredible things about the duel series and finally decided to give it a go. for reference, i usually read horror and more taboo type books. i figured dark romance would stay pretty close to what i read usually (and was proved right!) so i bit the bullet and started reading.
it honestly took me about 200-300 pages into haunting to finally start liking it without cringing at least a little bit. the writing reminded me a lot of those fanfics i read as a little emo kid, which...is both good and bad. nostalgic, but a little off putting now that i'm an adult woman. however, once i started liking it, jesus christ, i started like it! i ended up caring for and falling in love with the characters.
hunting adeline on the other hand. good lord. i knew people said it was darker, but i truly was not expecting what i got with that book. incredibly action packed and heart wrenching and i was on the edge of my seat the whole time. i found a whole different love for the chracters and the books in general after finishing it.
now listen, this rant is NOT about the cat and mouse series. this rant is about the disappointing way people react to dark romance novels...actually, difficult topic novels as a whole. after finishing hunting, i put in my little star rating on goodreads and thought, shit, why not read some ratings? good god, i forgot why i always ignore ratings on books.
at the beginning of haunting adeline, i noticed the author specifically asked people not to give bad ratings just for the dark parts of the DARK romance novel. i thought it was strange, but overall didn't think much of it after that. that was, until i looked at these god foresaken reviews.
damn near every dark romance novel i've looked at has a list of trigger warnings or has a link to where you can find the content involved. personally, i don't have a problem with content/trigger warnings for books. i am absolutely the type of person that the more fucked up a book is, the more i love it. however, i know most people do not feel the same way!! there is not one thing wrong with that.
you know what there is something wrong with though? completely ignoring those warnings, proceeding, and then throwing a bitch fit of a review because it was too much for you and your standards. i am such a strong believer that just because a form of media makes you feel something negative, does not necessarily mean it's a bad thing.
if i had a penny for every review i've read over the years that are people being mad that a disturbing book...disturbed them...i would be a fucking millionaire. i've seen it with damn near every favorite book of mine/books that have truly made my stomach churn. and i have now seen it with every popular dark romance novel. it's now made me start thinking twice when i stick my nose up at a badly rated novel.
sometimes, i'll see people reply to others who have DNF'ed a dark romance because they are upset when they trampled over trigger warnings and then lost their marbles when the book triggered them. sometimes it's people who completely agree or say that they're no longer going to read the book. other times, there's people who think and feel the same way i do. people who call them out for shaming an entire genre of books and a massive group of people.
one of the reasons i love reading horror and taboo and dark romance is because of traumatic things i've been through, and i know it's the same reason a lot of people read them too. even for the people who just love a little bit of fucked up shit in their life, i get it. i just don't think i'll truly ever get why people feel the need to leave bad reviews and shame readers and authors because of something that made them feel uncomfortable. embrace the darkness, and if you can't, don't blind the ones that do with your giant fucking flashlight.
thank you guys for coming to my first rant, see ya next time! and you know where to come for questions, comments, concerns and to rant back at the void!
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xshybutdeadlyx · 8 months
Just gonna be a big rant of word vomit.
Please note I'm not trying to attack anyone I'm just kinda laying my feelings out.
I kinda wonder why I bother with Fandoms. I rarely act in any fandoms I'm hyperfixating over but for hazbin hotel I thought why not. But to the surprise of no one it is just like every other Fandom with backhanded comments always being tossed around. And most of it is centered around the character Alastor which I get but God it's giving me anxiety.
Like right now I'm seeing the a divide on the possibility of him having a kinship with the people of the hotel. Personally I think he does or more like did but he's going back to his roots of keeping everyone at an arms length and using them because of his defeat by the hands of Adam. But I personally think those feelings can resurface, but it's gonna be a battle to do so. But I am seeing a lot that people don't believe those feelings were ever there. He really is just a cold heartless bastard who has a God complex and is just mad he lost and that's it. And I feel like that is also correct. But I don't think that makes my hypothesis or how I feel I read the scene wrong? But I've seen people say "if you think this certain way then you are show illiterate and you don't know his character and IM the only one who understands him!" Like....OK? That's the beautiful thing about any piece of literature characters and scenes, anyone can interpret it in so may different ways and it doesn't make anyone wrong. So can't we all just have our own interpretation and just gush over it instead of scoffing at people who didn't see the same thing you saw?
As for shipping, that's a whole monster within its own. I personally don't think anyone is entitled to dictate what someone can and can't do with pixilated characters. I honestly very much understand that Alastor is a big deal considering he's aroace, and that doesn't get enough media representation. And I respect the hell out of it. But I'll also in the same breath say I'm a shipper. I love staticradio because I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope. In canon, I want Alastor to keep being the beautiful dick head he is that just has gossip tea parties with Rosie and just doesn't have those romantic or sexual urges. In fanon, though, anyone can really do what they want. I think as long as there aren't death threats or literal force being used to make the creator of the show force Alastor into a relationship I don't think theirs anything in fanon that should be taken seriously when canon is right there glaring everyone in the face. If people wanna keep the "relationship" one-sided? Awesome. If they want Alastor to smooch someone? Cool. They want him to rawdog or get raw dogged by someone. Hey, power to ya, just put it in the tags so people can steer clear of it if they don't wanna see that. I see many people saying it's erasure, but I just don't see how it's erasure when it's still there in canon. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can erase Alastor, who is a sassy aroace king. I can't say I don't understand the mentality, though. As a bisexual woman myself, I see fanfics where bi characters are labeled straight or lesbian/gay completely, ignoring that who they date doesn't make them, neither straight nor gay. It does sting and leave a bad taste but again they can say that, they can write all they want and if it's cathartic for them then ok more power to em because at the end of the day that character is still bisexual they didn't erase it. Usually, people are good at tagging, so if they do make them one way or the other, i dont read or look at the art. It's very easy to scroll down. Sometimes i see it repedidly, but that's what blacklisting is for too. There are many countermeasures. Plus, a lot of things are all in good fun or just canon divergence. People can be creative and play with different ideas. "What if a character was like that!?" "What if they do this!?" "What if this happened instead, and it changed their whole character!?" That's what's supposed to be fun about being in fandoms. Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel. You're allowed to not like something. But I don't think you're allowed to make other people feel like shit because they go against canon, or more precisely, against your views. I genuinely don't think anyone ever means disrespect. All they want to do is have fun and create along with like-minded individuals. You're allowed to not like something. Hell, I don't like Vox and Val together, and that shits canon, but that just means I ain't gonna actively seek it out. (I personally ship Valentino with a bug zapper.)
All in all I just want everyone to feel safe and just have fun because I've just seen so many people to scared, me included, to do anything in the Fandom in fear of getting attacked and that's mostly what's been really eating away at me. But at the end of the day, this IS the internet, and discourse is basically its bread and butter.
Like I said though this is mostly just a vent post but I wouldn't mind to hear others thoughts if you're willing. I know I just probably talked out of my ass for forever. At the end of the day we are just all apart of this silly little Fandom of silly little demon people and we should all just be having fun look at what we like, write/draw what we want. It's exhausting spending energy like anger and malice, we should just focus on the things that matter to us and the things we like and just enjoy it for however long the hyperfixation lasts. Nobody is wrong. Nobody is right. we are just creators or people on here to just escape for a little bit and connect with a show or characters that resonate with us.
Ok for reals this time peace ✌️ if you made it this far and actually read everything I had to say thank you, you're a trooper. I hope I didn't offend anyone since that was not my intent. I just had a lot of feelings and I'd rather we all get along then tear each other apart.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
miss foxy,
i don’t know if the publishing industry is just filled with no one but shitty writers OR youve ruined romance novels for me.
ive read about 30 of them so far since i found you and you know how many of those that i actually have 5 starred on StoryGraph?
four starred? TWO books.
and you know what runs through my head every time a book disappoints me?
“i can’t believe i paid MONEY for this garbage. how come miss foxy with god-tier writing writes for free?”
like this is such bullshit/;@&”$ i am SOO MAD
thing is im not even like picky with plots and storylines and stuff, so if anything im actually pretty easy to please in terms of ~originality~. you could recycle the same tired storyline or trope or whatever and id still give it a read, no problemo. as long as the characters get proper character development, im good. trust me. im an EASY reader.
no. you know what usually BOTHERS me about these ~published~ writers that forces me to give their books less than 3 stars?
like it’s just a pandemonium going on in my system whenever i read shitty dialogue because it makes me want to crawl out of my skin. that’s how SHITTY it is. one or two lines i can let slide (im not that much of a bitch… probably) but a WHOLE DAMN BOOK? REALLY?!
mind you, these books are mostly four starred 🤢🤢🤢 some even FIVE starred and im just like ARE WE EVEN READING THE SAME BOOK?!
this is why i don’t play when i tell you your writing is a GODSEND. i MEAN that shit. every sentence literally has me 😮😮 like, you actually KNOW what to do with words. now THATS a writer.
sorry. rants over.
PS: now that i think about it, my rant could be read as me putting you on a pedestal and i understand that could put you off because you think i have high expectations from you but trust me. you could NEVER disappoint me. EVER.
I'm very very very flattered by a message like this. I have been secretly poking a little at what it would take to publish things for real, because if I could just write all the time instead of 40+ hours a week at my current day job, it would be so heavenly. I could publish real books to subsidize my fanfic writing🤣🤣
Sometimes I'll read published books and be like hey, I could write that! But then I'll read other ones and be completely intimidated by how amazing they are, and it's also so hard to be objective about my own work so I'm just always like... no way could I pull that off. I do love words though. To my writing is like baking braided bread or something, all the massaging and careful selection, and I just really enjoy it. That's why I've always been writing, even when it brings me no fame nor fortune haha, I just have to do it.
I don't know, maybe someday. Supportive comments like this puff me up with the belief I could do it! Anyone know a good agent or publisher (like if you read a book and it kinda reminds you of something I write) lemme know! 😂
And thank you for such a sweet praising note, I will save it forever for when I'm feeling down about a chapter 🥰
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ultimatebottom69 · 1 year
Ok so i did say i would give a long ass rant about this book cause frankly it deserves my time and money.
So...We start by the MC. As someone who only played books like Heaven Secret, Chasing you ans Kali Call of Darkness. I was extremely shocked when this MC had a personality AND was relatable...Despite being the most problematic bitch i ever met.
I didn't force myself to think like her cause all her reactions were EXACTLY like someone with a brain and I was bamboozled.
No matter the path you take she still had her peesonality which to me is a blessing and the stats actually matter .
Imma be spoiling the shit outta that book and imma do my own kind of analysis on the characters and how I felt around them.
Now the driving force of this story the characters :
Of course imma start by My Li aka the best aka Mary :
Mary always ends in the shadiest businesses ever and even when she doesn't well she is an advisor...There is nothing more gay and evil then advisor as a position. Her being little red riding hood. With the twist she tamed the wolves shows that Selena always saw her deep down as a strong independant woman who would always get on her feet despite life being a bitch to her.
She also follows Selena weird obsession with bridges (i swear if you play this book you will understand. Girl is autistic with that passion. She loves Bridges. She fucking do.)
So what I am saying is. Mary choices of careers no matter the season makes sense with what we are shown. The flashbacks make sense, she is shown as someome ressourceful and headstrong who is kind of like Selena in the sense that she can be merciless which is why i went near her as no matter the season she is called one of the most dangerous gal in town. Like it's weird that no matter the season she is treated as dangerous...When there is a guy with a litteral gun.
Rob is a cop.
It is true for the first two seasons (Detective ? Cop. Commander in chief ? That's a cop with a fancier hat) it's the third season that kinda breaks that stereotype. And he ends up being a gambler of sort. Showing what an audience thinks of cops in general, people that steal other people freedom and resell it at a higher price to anyone but also hypocrites. Like overall I didn't hate being near him and he was alright to speak to. I just don't like cops as a principle and I didn't find him hot but he is.
Damon. Damon is your self appointed ex-boyfriend and you will discover the why during the book. Overall he isn't an evil guy at all. But as usual with hot men written by Alice (the author) he has the maturity of a 15 year old. Emotionally. I ain't gonna lie. I wanted him dead. Just because he was mad annoying and the book kept pushing him onto me but that's my opinion, he is not a bad guy. But he is fucking problematic too.
Now onto the anomalies. Aka the bitches we have no idea why they are here.
Josephine. No matter how I look at it. It's weird. What is she foing here ? She appears in no flashbacks but we somehow knows her name ? Alright and she always ends up being a sort of antagonist the story loves to drags on. She feels more like a punching bag because Selena hated how randomely rude she was. I mean for once Selena did nothing and that gal started screaming. So understandable and unfortunately not much to dig into.
Bert...Bert story if you don't do his route is fucking confusing. He is a random guy who is a sort of Jack of Trades who for sone reason is a more talented painter then Liam apparently. He gets manipulated every single time. No matter what. It's weird. He is flirtly with the ladies and he loves freedom but unless you go in the walkthrough you would have NEVER guessed his god damn career. I promise.
Like go ahead guess his career with just what i told you.
Liam. Another anomly. If you don't do his route he always seems to like Selena but is extremely gentle with her but also doesn't coddle her like she is a baby. No matter the world he is a prisonner of a situation. First season. Prisonner due to his blood. Second season. Prisonner because he is a man. Third season. Prisoner because he was super unlucky and Tarot reader liked the Irony.
In every of this seasons it is true that Josephine is a sort of role in his life. First and second she is a sister or a sort of caregiver. Third season ? Well she seems obsessed with him but she also kinda chill. It's weird and it is never explained if you don't do his route. Like we know why he loves paintings and is obsessed by them if you do one of the flashbacks of his during the third season but that's it.We don't know why he is so kind to Selena but a jerk to Bert (in season 1 it made sense but as I said later on it makes no sense) he is always described as delicate and all but suddenly he seems to be a dirty fighter who knows how to fight and is precise and deadly aka what a Painter who is a perfionnist is.
Liam is a strange character, we legit dunno him.
I won't say more I will post about my favorite dynamic about two characters and yeah that's my opinionnon Arcanum. This book DEFINITELY needed to more episodes to really stretch it's climax a tad. The last 2 episodes felt like 5.
Bit overall definitely my favorote book with Heaven's secrets in terms of lovable characters and interesting worldbuilding.
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curejiraiya · 1 year
For fun; heres all the secondhand KOP merch that is decently priced somewhere on the internet, and ships to the US without a proxy, that I am currently considering buying, but something is holding me back. (it's usually money, but for some it's me knowing I would be upset that I didn't have all 3 members of Over the Rainbow)
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Here's me ranting about why I haven't bought some of these
I really want the KakeTai doujin lol but $25 is just more than I can budget 😔 I think it's a fair price too I just would be pissed at myself if I spent that on 4 books in a language I do not read.
I also really want the $10 Kouji and Kazuki mochi's but I'm being held back because the Hiro I have will have a different outfit. I wish I could find Kazuki and Kouji in their Athletic Core outfits.
I'm really eyeing the Pride the Hero soundtrack CD too. I probably won't get it because I'd be mad at myself for buying CDs in 2023
Also the ebay listing for those 7 acrylics for $25 is a steal, I just don't really like the cast of characters it's so random. Same with some of the paper stands, if it had like the strong duos or OTR or Shin Louis or something I'd probably buy, but they're just a random assortment.
In the Mercari stuff the $26 listing has a pin I REALLY want, it's the Kouji cafe pin and I have the Hiro one so it'd make a good set, but I don't really want much of anything else there so I can't see myself dropping that much (A few of those listings have additional shipping costs and that's definitely one of them)
Now that you've read to the end (hi) let me explain that I'm disabled and cannot keep a job and therefore have no income, but I got $90 in a settlement and I plan on spending all of it on merch lmao I just need to be picky because once it's gone I'm not getting any more.
Here's a bonus that I did buy today:
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This photo sucks but I got the notif that the seller lowered the price on this one to $25 and I could not help myself oops!
I also almost got the diner amo cafe stuff on amiami but I couldn't decide if I wanted everyone or just OTR and I didn't realize preorders were closing soon so I missed them rip. I don't doubt there will be more up there eventually though, they did just announce a new amo cafe line the day after that one closed, but I'm not big on this new one. it's not on amiami yet though
Also no my biggest merch regret is not getting the Rainbow Live 10th anniversary Over the Rainbow acrylics. I love those outfits a lot a lot but I didn't go for them and it's like . not going to be possible now lol.
I also have like $60 left so realistically I could make a big purchase on Buyee from Yahoo auctions and get what I actually want, but god the fucking shipping is just so much it's disappointing.
I wasn't expecting to write a king of prism merch roundup holy shit I'm sorry have a good day 🤭 let me know if people enjoy this post and would want to see something like this again? or if you want a link to any of these specific items so you can poach them from me (if you buy the doujin I'll cry lmao) they all ship to America for like $10 or less. Also if money isn't as big of a problem for you as it is for me just buy from Buyee or ZenMarket please, if you can handle the $40 shipping you can get a ton of stuff at way better prices
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defiantbird · 2 months
In one of my previous jobs, I worked with three of the world's most crotchety, superior-ass older men who I couldn't stand.
They were extraordinarily sensitive (read: took extreme offense at everything) and treated everyone else like an idiot. My defense mechanism for this sort of thing is usually to just pretend I am an idiot because I'd rather them dismiss me than argue with me, and also because I fear that if I ever let myself respond to confrontation, I will not be able to stop myself from going too far. They were utterly insufferable people.
When Jan 6. was going on, someone in the group chat asked what was up and I said "a bunch of loonies are breaking into the capitol building". One of the men said "calling them 'loonies' is really dismissive of how big of a deal this is". At the time my reply was, "fair enough". My thought was "shut the fuck up, Blaine, I can call them loonies and believe they're genuinely dangerous at the same time, can you be normal for five fucking seconds?" This same man frequently acted like the Best Leftist and Feminist but talked down to women like that's what he was hired for.
One of them once got spitting mad at me, ranting and raving, because I asked a question that I didn't realize he'd previously answered. It was the Friday before my birthday and I spent the entire weekend anxious and upset. On Monday he wished me a happy birthday. This was the only time I stood up to one of them.
Another also got spitting mad at me because I reccomended another coworker for a job. He told everyone he didn't want to do this job, so why the fuck would I reccomend him?
They all talked shit about each other behind their backs, they talked shit about everyone, I'm sure they talked shit about me too.
All this to say that I have one of them as a friend on Facebook because he added me and he has my phone number so I thought if I blocked him he'd give me shit by text and I just don't want to deal with it.
And every time I see him post something I just think. God. I hate you. I hate you and those other two twats so much and I can't wait until you all die realizing that you're alone because you've been such tremendous, whiny shits to everyone you meet.
And I had to get that out. Sorry.
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