#I want to smooch Jon too
ki11j0y11 · 9 months
so uhhh I'm on season 4 and I missed season 1 so much I made this cause Jon deserves to get attacked with smooches
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Reader having an absolute baby fever while seeing Lando interacting with little fans during a race weekend.
Note: I have been in my Lando feels so much recently (who knew, right? With what I've been posting 🫠), and the little ones near him just send my ovaries to the moon, I swear!
It first happened when the little boy with a Mclaren cap Lando waited for him at the entrance of the McLaren unit after qualifying. You walked with Jon in front of Lando as he was giving Sky Sports a quick interview, spotting the little boy immediately.
"Oh my goodness, look how cute!", you gushed as you approached him and his family who seemed to recognise you, "are you here to see Lando?", you asked, crouching down so you were at eye level with him. He got really shy and hid beside his mum's legs as you smiled at him, hoping would finish his interview soon.
"Well, hello!", Lando greeted the little boy as his parents ushered him gently to take a picture with him, "come here, buddy!", Lando smiled as he walked up to him, "I really like your cap!", he tried to settle his nerves and as his parents were about to take the photo, he ran away from your boyfriend, "oh- okay", he chuckled before the little boy stood back next to him, "you have to say cheeeeese!", Lando exaggerated as the little boy giggled.
"That was such a cute moment, I snapped a couple of pics to put in my photo dump! And I'm going to send this one to your mother!", you cheered.
Walking through the paddock, you noticed it was quieter than usual at this time of day, scanning your pass and trying to stay out of the way of the people working there and saying hello to the ones you were familiar with as usual until you spotted a little McLaren driver.
"I'm sorry, miss!", the man you assumed was his father called for you. You had on your McLaren rain jacket, and the grey pants you were wearing did make you look like you worked for the team, so when he asked you at what the time Lando would be doing autographs, you apoligised, "Oh, I don't work for the team, I'm sorry!", you explained, "Oh, it's just Liam wanted to meet him, we'll ask someone else, thank you", he smiled warmly as Liam waved at you.
"Actually, I can make that happen for you", you smiled as you explained the whole situation as you walked to the unit, calling your boyfriend's trainer to make it happen.
"Who's this?", Zak asked you as you walked hand in hand with Liam into the garage, "this is Liam, and he's a big fan of...", you encouraged him to speak up, "Lando!", the boy said loudly, "Oh - thank Goodness! I thought someone had done some magic and Lando shrunk!", Zak said, feigning relief as he out his hand on his chest to emphasise.
"Look, it's Lando!", Liam yelled as he saw your boyfriend walk to where you were, "Hi Liam! I was told I have a very special fan at the track today!", he said as he crouched down, talking to him about all things related to racing and then showing him around the garage.
"How much do you want to have his kids after this? I promise I won't tease you too much about it", Max jokingly whispered on your ear as you watched your heart eyes directed at your boyfriend as he let Liam touch the steering wheel.
"In a way that concerns what I believe and questions feminism, as in I would happily give him a football team, bench players included, so, yeah, that much", you looked up at Max with a stern face as he seemed shocked by your words, "told you, it's been hitting me pretty hard lately", you shrugged your shoulders.
Max had space on his jet for you and Lando, and since you were all flying back to Monaco, you accepted the offer to fly with them.
"There they are", you nodded with your head as you spotted Kelly, Max and Penelope by the passport verification counter.
"LANDO!", the little girl yelled as she jumped in her spot in excitement at seeing your boyfriend, who ran up to her and crouched down against the wall.
The little girl was quick to hug him, small arms wrapping around neck as she smooched his cheek, "Ugh, that's it", you groaned as Kelly looked at you, "I'm sorry - I don't mean it that way!", you quickly apoligised, "it's not your cute daughter I'm complaining about, she's the sweetest girl, look at her", you smiled as she happily did a few turns to show Lando her dress and then her bracelets, "it's the sight of my boyfriend near her that made me groan - it's been like this every single day, I swear. A cute little kid goes up to him and he's all cute and cuddly with them, and boom! My ovaries are doing somersaults", you chuckled at your own words, "my baby fever has been alm over the place! Oh, they're trading bracelets!", you gushed, "I think I might cry, actually!".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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bellysoupset · 6 months
So I was wondering 👉👈 with Wendy adjusting to Vince being Gone maybe she gets really sick and just misses him but doesn’t want to call but like maybe Jonah comes to check on her and she’s very emotional and he finally calls Vince to talk to her while she is sick or something ? sorry I’m a sucker for their love 🏳️
Hiiii, I LOVED this ask and it was overdue Leo as a caretaker to Wendy, so I did a little switcharoo, I hope you don't mind!
Also this was 🦦's request and someone else's as well!!
This is part 3 of the strep throat fic. Read part 1 here and part 2 here.
"Are you sure you don't wanna tag along?" Jonah asked with a pout, for the 5th time.
Leo rolled his eyes, stealing another peck and shoving Jon towards the front door of their apartment, "no, it's your sister. She wants to hang out with you-"
"You were invited-"
"Jonah, it's fine. I'm not gonna die one night alone at home," Leo grinned, kissing him again, "I have a lot of reading to catch up on. And don't even worry about dinner, I'm goin to order something in."
Jonah let out a huff, looking conflicted, "Okay... We're going to be back around ten," he grimaced and Leo chuckled, stealing another kiss and shoving him out.
"Get out of here. Have fun with Angie," he rested on the threshold, "love you."
"Love you too," Jonah sighed, fixing his trench coat and walking to the elevator, while Leo crouched down to stop JD from darting out of the front door.
Leo let out a happy sigh as soon as he shut the door, looking forward to his lazy night in. He loved Jonah, but it was good to have some time apart from each other and Leo had many plans to do ten different shades of nothing.
He sprawled on the couch and JD jumped on top of him, butting her head against his chin, "you're so cute," he cooed, scratching the kitten and smooching the top of her head, "the cutest cat ever."
She let out an indignant meow at being squeezed, but didn't pull back at all and Leo happily continued to pester the animal, kissing her all over.
He hadn't been lying, there was a lot of reading to be done and at least two different actions movies he wanted to watch. By the time he finished going through his copy of Copyright Wars, JD was purring like a little engine against his belly, curled up in a way that her fluffy tail was nearly tickling her nose.
Leo lowered the book, opening a smile at the kitten and smoothing a hand down her spine. JD didn't even stir.
He gave up on the double movie idea, since it was already almost 9 o'clock, and instead ordered food, yawning already. Leo sighed, he was getting old, sleepy at 9 PM.
It was 10 already when Leo finished scrapping the bottom of his food container and he stretched on the couch, glancing at his phone briefly. Not a text from Jon, which was good, meant he was actually enjoying himself with Angie.
Deciding he should watch the movie in bed, since he was going to most likely fall asleep through it, Leo got up to go fix the guest room for Angie's stay.
He fully expected it to be Jonah when he heard a phone ringing, so Leo took a second to realize that his own phone was in the pocket of his sweatpants, not ringing.
JD was already inspecting the source of the noise, Jon's phone fallen under the couch, and Leo picked it up without thinking, just wanting to make the noise stop.
"Jon, can you- Leo?" Wendy interrupted herself and Leo let out a small chuckle, squishing the phone between his shoulder and cheek and getting back to the task of fixing the guest room.
"Jonah forgot his phone home," he entered the guest bathroom to make sure they had extra towels and then jumped at a loud noise, taking a second to realize the rattling cough was coming from the phone, not inside his apartment, "are you alright? That didn't sound good..." He paused against the bathroom door and heard as Wendy wheezed and gasped for air.
"I'm fine," she scoffed, her voice completely shot, "I'm fine, I just-" Wendy didn't sound fine, not even remotely. Not only she sounded terribly sick, and it was probably his fault by being all germy in her apartment, but she sounded sad.
"Is anyone with you?" Leo asked, biting his bottom lip and nervously looking around.
"I don't need a babysitter, I'm fine," Wendy groaned, causing him to sigh.
"Taking that as a no," he ran his fingers nervously through his hair, "alright, you need anything from the pharmacy?"
A small hesitation and he realized this had probably been the reason she called in the first place.
"Uhm- More tissues and cough syrup? I'm out," because she had fed him half the bottle.
"On it," Leo turned around and left the bathroom, heading to the kitchen where they kept a notepad to list down groceries and scribbling a note for Jon, "I'm gonna be there in twenty, don't die."
He hung up before she could complain.
"You look great," Leo said sarcastically, the minute Wendy opened the door of her apartment. She had a blanket wrapped around her as if it was a cape and her face was waxy white, nose all red and raw.
He expected a response, their usual back and forth, but all Leo got was Wendy staring at him drowsily, swaying on the spot. There was a feverish haze to her eyes and she seemed really unsteady on her feet.
"Oookay," Leo cringed, planting his hands on her shoulder, "let's sit down before you collapse."
"Uhm..." Wendy allowed him to guide her back inside and Leo steered her to the living room couch, where she clearly had already set camp. There was a waste basket next to the couch, filled almost to the top with little tissue balls, an empty box of tissues, one of those tacky inspirational water bottles that showed someone's liquid intake for the day, currently stuck on "halfway there!"
Wendy collapsed on the couch and promptly fell back against the cushions, pressing her eyes closed, "what are you doing here...?"
Her voice wasn't above a whisper.
"Can't let you die, I'll never hear the end of it," Leo shrugged, dumping the contents of his paper bag on her coffee table, "when was the last time you took medicine?"
"How'd you get in?" Wendy frowned, confused, and the man paused, raising his eyebrows.
"You just let me in..." he trailed off and planted his hand to Wen's forehead, hissing at the heat, "isn't that just great. Give me your blanket."
"Uhm?" Wendy shivered violently, "no."
"Yes," Leo sighed, "c'mon, you're boiling up," he manhandled the blanket away from her and Wendy let out a pitiful whine, sounding and looking dangerously close to tears.
"I'm cold..." She groaned, frustrated and trying to grab her blanket back, "Leoo..."
"Sorry," he threw the blanket on the armchair, "when did you last take medicine, Wen?"
"I don't know," she sniffled, rubbing at her eyes angrily, "my head is killing me."
"Because you have a raging fever," Leo crouched in front of her, grabbing the brand new thermomether he had purchased and removing it from the plastic case, "under your tongue, c'mon."
Wendy opened her mouth to complain, only to immediately be hit by a terrible, painful coughing fit and Leo jumped to hold her by the shoulders as she folded in half with the coughing.
He could hear her lungs rattling and Leo cringed in sympathy and guilt, sitting next to her and rubbing her back in firm circles. Wendy let out a whimper and reached for the waste basket, as her coughs turned into gags, tears streaming down her face. She gagged fruitlessly over the basket, before finally stopping, panting as if she had ran a marathon. Leo could feel her heart hammering just by touching her.
Deciding he really didn't care if she had taken medicine already or not, Leo reached for the antibiotics that Jonah had fed him when sick. It was in syrup, which he had appreciated immensely because his throat hurt too much to swallow, and Wendy clearly shared this opinion, because she obediently took the dosage off the measuring cup.
"Alright, now-" Leo pushed her to the side, until she was lying against the pillows, and folded her legs as if Wendy was a doll, "lie down and get some rest."
Wendy let out a sigh and curled up, shivering, "Leo, I'm freezing."
"I'm sorry," he pouted, "but you're really, really warm, I don't think you should have a blanket..."
She didn't answer him, only let out a little teary whine and hugged herself, continuing to shiver. It broke his heart, so Leo started rubbing her arm up and down as if to generate warmth.
He assumed the worst was over, as nearly one hour passed without Wendy so much as stirring, so Leo got up to fix up her place. He picked up the tissues that had missed the waste basket, as well as her water bottle and went to dispose of the trash and make her some tea.
Leo was lying against the fridge, waiting for the kettle to whistle, when his phone started to buzz. He glanced at the picture of Jonah, him watching the sunset in Italy, and picked it up, "hey..."
"Hi, I'm going over," Jon sounded worried, "switch places with me."
"No, you're not," Leo sighed, rolling his eyes, "Angie is here, you're gonna stay with your sister and preferably not infect her with this bug. I can handle Wendy..."
There was a second of silence as Jonah clearly tried to argue, but found no fault in his logic. Instead he let out a groan, "how is she?"
"She's got a really high fever, but I fed her some medicine and now she's asleep," Leo shrugged, before he remembered his boyfriend couldn't see him, "it's just strep, she'll live, babe."
"Uhm," Jon didn't sound convinced, "that's a bummer, we were supposed to have lunch with her tomorrow. Angie and I."
Leo felt a flash of jealousy that he wasn't included in those plans, but he quickly pushed it away. It was good that they weren't tied by the hip, he reminded himself.
"Yeah, you'll have to reschedule, there's no way she's going anywhere tomorrow," Leo removed the kettle from the stove, "do you know what her favorite tea is?"
"Lemon and ginger," Jonah answered and Leo could vaguely hear Angelina's voice in the background, cooing over JD.
"How's Angie?"
"She's fine, planning to steal our cat," Jon teased and Leo heard Angie let out an offended gasp at his words, causing him to smile fondly at the interaction.
His smile promptly slipped away as he heard Wendy cough and choke in the living room.
"Gotta go, bye. Love you," Leo said quickly, not waiting for an answer and rushing out of the kitchen. He was a second too late, because just as he was about to circle the couch he heard Wendy's cough turn into gags and then pink liquid covered the front of her hoodie.
She groaned, hiccupping and sobbing, "I'm sorry, I- I don't feel good, I'msorry-"
"Hey," Leo frowned, crouching in front of her and pushing Wendy's short hair away from her mouth. She was still really warm, like the medicine had done nothing at all, "hey, Wen, it's fine. Nothing laundry can't fix, it's okay..."
"Itsssgross," she groaned, her pale face all red, scrunched up as she cried. Big fat tears running down her cheeks, "I'm sorry-"
"It's fine," Leo rolled his eyes, tucking her hair behind the ear, "look at me," he forced their eyes to meet, "you're alright."
She sniffled, "I feel disgusting."
"Shut up," Leo scoffed, grabbing a tissue and wiping her lips and her chin. Wendy didn't say or do anything, looking every bit a kid as he fussed over her, "arms up."
It was more than a little unnerving to not have her sass him. Leo fully expected at least one comment about him removing her hoodie and leaving her just in her bra, but instead Wendy only shivered violently, curling up and coughing again.
"I'm gonna get you a new hoodie," he grabbed the ditched blanket from the armchair and wrapped it around her shoulders, "be right back."
Once she was changed into a new outfit, Wendy curled back up on the couch, sniffling and continuing to cough every five minutes or so. Leo was tired, but he couldn't imagine just how exhausted she was.
"I made you tea, do you wanna try it? Might help your throat," he walked back to the cough with the mug and Wendy shook her head.
"Gonna come back up," she rasped, breaking into a new coughing fit and whimpering, touching her throat, "I want Vin..."
Leo's heart all but broke in a million little pieces. He couldn't help but put himself in her shoes, "how about we facetime him, what do you think?" he suggested despite his better judgment and the fact it was nearly midnight on a school night.
Wendy immediately perked up, before she frowned and shook her head, "gonna bother him," she curled up more, "then he'll break up with me."
He frowned at that, "...What? No, he won't, what the fuck?" Leo rolled his eyes, pushing Wendy's feet on the couch so he could sit next to her and then grabbing his phone, "you're not a bother, you're his girlfriend."
Wendy let out a little scoff at that, sniffling once more and Leo glared at his phone, suddenly feeling a lot more protective than he would've liked.
The phone rang and rang and then suddenly Vince's face appeared. Tired and alarmed, with a glittery star glued to one side of his face and red marks that indicated he had fallen asleep on top of a notebook.
"Leo? Kid, is really late, is everything okay?"
"No," Leo shook his head, "Wen's sick, can you just chat-"
Vince's frown deepened, as he interrupted, "sick? How sick? I can go over-"
"No!" Wendy exclaimed at that, before whimpering when that caused her throat to hurt and starting to cough all over again. Leo rolled his eyes, thumping her back.
"She's got my strep bug," he explained, "you don't have to come over, just talk with her a little, will ya?"
"Yeah, of course," Vince eagerly nodded, rubbing a hand over his face in order to look more awake. Leo passed Wendy the phone and then heard Vin's voice twice as soft as he said, "hey honey, not feeling well?"
"I'm fine," Wendy lied, causing Vince to laugh given her tone wasn't above a raspy whisper, and Leo to snort. He patted Wendy's calf, getting up from the couch.
"I'm gonna get you some more medicine," he whispered, messing Wendy's sweaty bangs and moving away when she tried to slap his hand.
He put away another dosage of the syrup, before heading to Wendy's bedroom and fixing up her pillows, pulling on the blankets as well. Once he returned to the living room, Wen was half asleep lying on her side, giggling as Vince explained why he was covered in glitter.
Leo saw as the man panned the camera, revealing his baby sister passed out on his bad, surrounded by crayons and glitter glue, "I didn't have the heart to wake her up. She was helping me grade the kid's papers."
"Cute," Wendy sniffled, "get a picture for me."
"Of course," Vince yawned, "here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna check with Daniels if he can get my seniors last period tomorrow and I'll go over to be with you, alright?"
"You don't have to do that," Wendy mumbled, rubbing at her forehead, "I'm an adult and Leo is here and-"
"She'd love it," Leo interrupted, "sounds like a great idea."
Because he knew she was lying through her teeth. Wendy's shoulders dropped with visible relief as Vince shrugged in agreement.
"It's not a big deal, honey, Daniels already keeps my seniors half my class anyway, he might as well keep them for the remaining forty minutes too."
"Who's Daniels?" Wendy yawned, smiling and Vince let out a loud huff.
"Some asshole," then his voice softened up, "get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I love you."
"I love you too..." Wendy's eyes were already closed and it came out more like a wheeze. Leo took the phone from her, wordlessly waving to Vince and hanging up.
"Hey," he touched Wendy's arm, "let's move you to bed, c'mon."
"C'mon," Leo pulled her up on her feet and Wendy slumped against him, pressing her feverish forehead to his chest. Once they entered the bedroom, he handed her the medicine, "big gulp."
"It's gonna make me sick," Wendy groaned, barely seeming to be conscious.
"It won't," Leo pushed it in her hand, "and the waste basket is right here and I'll be in the couch, okay? It's gonna be fine."
"You're staying?" Wendy asked, before gulping the medicine down and shuddering at the taste. She curled up under the thin blanket Leo had left on the bed and hugged her pillow.
"Duh," Leo smoothed her hair, "of course."
"Uhm," Wendy hummed, smiling and didn't say anything else until he walked to the door and hit the lights, keeping the hallway light on, "hey Leo?"
"You're an ass," she whispered and even in the half dark he could clearly see the smile on her face. Leo smiled back.
"Yeah, well, game recognizes game, Wen. Get some rest," he grinned, leaving her door open and walking to the living room.
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poisonsage808 · 2 years
♡ Happy Heart Day ♡
Starks Edition
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♡ Jon Snow ♡
He hasn’t ever celebrated this holiday. A part of him wants to and the other part is just so defeated, he wouldn’t know where to start anyways. When you surprise him with a handmade card and a chocolate fudge wrapped in pinkish wax paper, he blushes and stutters!
“A-Are you sure?” He asks, looking around like you’ve somehow mistaken him for someone else.
You smile patiently, urging for him to take the gift a second time, “Quite.”
Jon leaves for a bit after that, returning with a rabbit to make you a dinner to share in his chambers. You two sit close on the floor by the fire and with one heavy blanket draped over your laps. Sipping not the best ale (the Night’s Watch may never fix whatever recipe they have) eating rabbit stew and finally he shares the fudge you gifted him.
“I wish I could… make this better somehow.” He admits softly, partially guilty but mostly content.
“Don’t be daft, this is perfect.” You reassure him, nudging his shoulder.
Jon looks down at where your hand found his. He squeezes your hand tighter and his lip quirks up and suddenly its a much more perfect day.
♡ Sansa Stark ♡
This holiday belongs to her. She owns it, dominates it and if anyone thinks otherwise they’ll be proven wrong every year on the dot. It’s her absolute favorite.
From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, Sansa is lovingly doting on you. She presents you a new shirt with your house sigil detailedly embroidered onto the sleeves as well as a direwolf over the heart. Such a public claim, the holder of the queen’s heart.
Sansa’s pretty blue eyes go wide when she sees the romantic display you’ve made of her chambers. Candles, rose petals, her favorite meal and, “the sweetest wine for the sweetest lady in the world.” She blushes and giggles, rare to see for anyone other than you.
After dinner you nervously set a tray of lemon cakes in front of her.
“Did you make these?” She asks, delightedly bewildered.
“I attempted. I’ll not—“
Sansa stuffs one into your mouth before taking a bite herself, laughing at the powdered sugar dusting the corner of your lip and cheek. Overnight she clears the tray and her kisses become sickeningly sweet, each one longer and tastier than the last.
♡ Arya Stark ♡
She hates today but she’s silent about it, not dramatic like when she was a child clutching her stomach and faking gags at her parents smooches. Arya’s thoughts on the holiday don’t change with you, why’s only a single day set to appreciate one’s partner when they should do it every day?
Still, she’s sentimental. She marks a map with all the places the two of you have been together and a little note of her favorite memory of that place. Then in a slightly brighter shade of ink she marks places she wants to take you one day.
Arya doesn’t expect anything in return, after all she’s complained about today for so long. So her face is rather priceless when you draw your sword with a smirk. What could be better gift for the adventurer? She hasn’t sparred for fun in… she can’t remember the last time she did!
She beats you, of course, not even her beloved is allowed a single pity-win. You’re both sweaty and panting for air with smiles on your faces when it’s over. Arya pulls you by your cheeks into a breathtaking kiss.
“Thank you,” You whisper when you part, “for being my adventure.”
“That’s awful.” But she laughs, her smile growing wider.
Know that your hers too.
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beansnpeets · 2 months
Hi friends. Personal stuff under the cut, as per usual. I may be asking for dating advice. 😬
How flirt??? How do I make it clear to a man that I would like to Smooch And Stuff Maybe?? Without explicitly telling him??
I would very much not normally ask this kind of thing here, but I do not know who to talk to about it. I already talked to my bestie and she is bolder than I and has more or less told me to just suck it up and tell him, but uh. I don wanna 😵‍💫 because FEAR.
I have been out of the game for so long. The apps were already getting bad when I met Jon more than 6 years ago, but I hear they are Super bad now and I'm not really interested in wasting my time. I already have my eye on SDG, obvs. It would be NICE to do a little dating before I get into something with him, but I already know I am not meeting anyone anytime soon so I may as well just skip that part since it isn't important to me, just could be fun. I am pretty sure he likes me back, but he is being RESPECTFUL and giving me space post-breakup with Jon and I have already been dropping hints at him, but perhaps it's just not clear enough.
I gifted him a photo album with a few photos he had mentioned once he wanted printed out and I hand-wrote a note thanking him for the help moving and letting me be a part of the kennel and I signed it "yours, Blair 💙" and he messaged me afterward "I love it 💙 lol", and said it was a good trade for the collar he gave me for Rollei (he also gave me a hoodie with his new kennel logo on it, which I did not order, he ordered one for me specifically and gifted it to me) and idfk where to go from that. Everything since then has been normal. He DID linger and follow me around a little last weekend when I was there to brush dogs again. We usually end up chatting whenever I am there, it's always been like that from day 1. I have told him stuff I haven't talked with a lot of people about, in terms of my family garbage. He has told me some of his also. He was one of few people I told about Jon before I bought the house. And every time we talked after that he asked me if I had "had the difficult conversation yet" (dumping him).
Anyway, yeah idk how to flirt with this guy. I am getting a failing grade in Flirt I think. I had an opportunity to make a move last time I was there, but I was too chicken to be that bold. Might try next time, but idk if I can get up the nerve.
And here is the tmi/nsfw part pls don't perceive, but I need to get it out.
I know it is quite soon still, after Jon. I was trying to leave Jon for more than a year, though. I was ready to get out a while ago. Um but I am really craving that partnership and companionship that comes with a relationship but also I would reeeeeally appreciate getting laid sometime soon because I haven't for MANY MONTHS and now that I am free from the tension of my ex I am finding I do in fact have a libido. But, again, I ain't meeting anyone here. I don't like bars and there isn't exactly a roaring dating scene for 30+ people in this tiny town. Unless I wanna go after older men, but.....ew.
Like idk where to meet people? There is no recreation here!! And I'm not just chasing SDG because he's around my age, single, a dog person, and convenient. We get along well and I am interested to get to know him and see what this could be. Also VERY attractive man. Ngl. God. The one day I showed up there and he was doing chores with his shirt off and WOWIE I melted. And those hazel eyes 😍😍
But anyway. Um. Yeah. So. I am A Yearning Mess right now and have been super unsure how to deal with it. I am terrified to be too bold, but I am thinking maybe that is the next step here. Idk how much time he is going to give me post-Jon or if he is just going to wait for me to make a move anyway to be respectful. I am tired of chasing men, I would like to be pursued by someone I like just once 😮‍💨
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moonsapprentice · 10 months
Me after disappearing off the face of the earth then posting a fanfiction literally no one requested : 😝❤️
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⋆ ✶ ✷ 𝔏𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 ✷ ✶ ⋆
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Established relationship, smut, fem reader (sorry), slightly subby Eduardo, nipple sucking, brief fingering, vaginal sex
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Being awoken by gentle touches and small smooches wasn’t the way you expected to be woken up. However, that’s what happened.
You and Eduardo were home alone, Jon and mark being out of the house for the night. You’d spent the afternoon watching movies and kissing and having a fun time with eachother. Once you got sleepy, you fell asleep cuddling as he spooned you from behind.
Suddenly though, you’re lulled out of your peaceful slumber by big hands touching you. One hand loving on your hip and the other halfway up your shirt caressing your tummy. The poke of stubble and the brush of lips touch your neck.
With a yawn your eyes reluctantly open, as you already know who it probably is.
You mumble breathily. Eduardo smiles brightly as you open your eyes.
“Hey, sweatheart. How’s my favorite gal?”
His voice has a slight husky quality, as if he’s been sleeping too. However the small purple circles you see in the corner of your eyes say otherwise. He lifts up her shirt a bit for more skin to skin contact.
You seem a bit confused, wondering what’s happening.
“…’m okay…is something wrong..? What time is it..?”
Eduardo glances at the clock.
“…looks like it’s 2am.” He says a little sheepishly, still rubbing her hip. “Nothin’ is wrong, baby. don’t worry”.
“Well then why’d you wake me..?”
You ask in a mumble as you feel the slightest bit of irritation. snuggling into your pillow, he continues to gently touch your hips. He occasionally even moves down to your rear end or up to right over your ribs
“Well, you know..”
He looks a little more embarrassed, which is strange. Usually he’s quite arrogant and cocky. Even when he’s being mushy with you.
“We haven’t done it in a few days.”
Eduardo says in a low voice, making sure to keep his voice low enough to not disturb her too much. He gives her hip a few gentle squeezes as well.
You blush as your irritation goes away partially. You’re still a little pissed he woke you up at 2 in the morning to have sex. However, you’ve also been feeling a little pent up. You also know how high your boyfriends libido is.
With a heavy sigh you rub your eyes and glance back at him. He does that little goofy smile of his that you just can’t say no to. You flip to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Eduardos smile turns into a big grin when you flip to face him. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close, nuzzling into her neck with a low hum.
“Thank you….I know you’re tired I was just…”
He tries to find a word, but can’t. He just sighs and kisses your neck with a slight roughness
“…it was just keeping me up. I was gonna wait until morning..”
A small moan escapes your mouth as his lips move around to the front of your throat.
“It’s fine.”
You smile slightly, gently massaging his neck and shoulder as your head tilts back. His lips make their way up your neck and towards your jaw, his stubble scratching you a bit. You shiver, which makes him grin in return.
Ed presses his big body against you, making his bulge apparent. When you cup his cheek it twitches in his pants
“I haven’t even done anything yet…” you mutter, amused he’s so hard so quickly.
“…I’ve been wanting this for hours..”
Ed says huskily, groaning quietly when you press a kiss to his lips.
Eduardo sighs in pure pleasure, his legs slightly trembling. He squeezes you close, pressing his body into yours. Eduardo arches his back when you kiss up his neck with the utmost care, looking like he might pass out at any second. Your gentleness is really getting to him.
With a soft chuckle, you press a kiss to his pulse point. Eduardo sighs and melts even further when you do so. Before he can say anything, he simply makes a low, animalistic noise in his throat.
“Whoa, what a noise.”
Eduardo laughs, burying his face in her neck.
“You made me do that..” He says in a quiet voice.
You smile, already knowing that. You press your sweet lips to his neck once more, licking your lips before you do so. He takes in a sharp breath as you suckle on him. his hand instinctually grips your hip like it’ll save his life.
As your tongue brushes his neck he moans quietly and grabs onto you tighter. His eyes flutter shut while you pull your lips away, which causes an audible ‘pop’.
“Fuck…well…I should’ve expected that…we always leave behind a few marks.” He smiles weakly. You simply hum in response, too busy focusing on how his slightly hard cock has become absolutely rock hard in his pants. It’s like a lump of coal was dumped in there.
It doesn’t help that he’s wearing grey sweatpants as pajamas.
With a small bite of your bottom lip you just can’t hold back and you trail your fingers down his spine. Eduardo shivers slightly when you touch there.
“That’s my spot..” He whispers, nibbling on your neck.
However, your hand goes lower. It dances along his body, trailing across his ribs, his hip, his waist, until you stop right above the lump. There’s a small wet spot on his pants. That’s where precum is dribbling out you imagine.
Eduardo’s breathing becomes faster, and his heart pounds in his chest. He looks at Raine, his gaze wide and his pupils dilated. He lets out a low groan. The tingles in his belly turn to fire, feeling like he’ll cum if you so much as poke his dick.
You chuckle loudly, giving a small rub. That incites a noise to escape the back of his tight throat. Ed is gripping onto your shirt for dear life. However, you move your hand back up. You run your hand up his tummy and his chest. He grumbles, feeling as if his groin is on fire.
Eduardo tries to act tough but simply can’t when he’s around you.
“You’re cruel…” he murmurs, sounding like he’s pleading for you to show him some mercy.
To his dismay you just chuckle mischievously. One of your hands rubs his chest while the other pulls the neckline of his shirt down. The man groans as he feels your tongue on his collarbone.
His hand clutches your tit, the other one desperately lifting your shirt up for just the tiniest bit of contact. He shivers aggressively as your hands come down and part his thighs, slipping your thigh between them. It just barely touches his dick, feeling how it twitches and shakes along with his body
“C’mon baby..please…I’ve waited long enough…”
He thrusts his hips foreword a little, just desperate for friction, contact, anything. He tries to tug your shirt off.
You at least lift your arms, allowing him to rip your shirt off and see you in your bra. His hands work quick as he tugs your boobs out of the cups and his mouth latches onto your nipple.
You feel a tingle in your intimate area while his tongue traces your nip. His finger rubs the opposite one. After a minute or two he switches sides, sucking on the other one and fondling your free tit. The room fills with quiet moans and muffled groans from you and him respectively.
Finally, he pulls his mouth away. His face is flushed like he’s run the mile in grade school, and so is yours. He takes your pants off, leaving you in your underwear. You do the same to him, taking his shirt and pants off to leave him in his boxers. His erection is painfully obvious.
He rolls over on top of you, his hair messy and his grin wide as usual. He trembles, the coil in his stomach feeling ready to snap. His hands are trembling along with the rest of his body. Your knee comes up between his legs, tracing up his inner thighs.
His stomach turns into a churning ball of fire when you moves her knee so close. He gasps and looks at you with wide eyes.
“please, baby…” He says, sounding absolutely pathetic.
Eduardo makes a frustrated low sound that comes out in a moan when you move your knee down.
“My mind’s all over the place…” He mumbles before biting his lip in annoyance. You can tell that he needs a release.
You chuckle, finding humor in the desperate state that this usually macho man is in. The chuckle gets cut off by a sharp gasp however, as he rips your panties pants right off your body. It leaves you cold. Exposed. He grins at your state of wetness.
“Mm…” Ed moans involuntarily as he licks his lips.
“…I was gonna eat you out…but you’re already so wet for me…” he murmurs huskily, his pointer tracing your folds.
You shiver, your clit throbbing for just a little touch. You let a moan slip out as his thumb flicks your bud. He chuckles heartily. A soft squeal escapes you as he sticks his middle finger in.
Your face is hot and wet from sweat, your breath labored and your abdomen full of molten lava as he moves his big finger back and forth. He curls his finger forward which causes you to gasp.
“So warm…” he whispers. Eduardo takes his finger out, licking it clean. You frown, which causes him to laugh.
Your eyes light up with stars as he slips his boxers off. His hot cock springs out, dripping salty precum onto your thigh. You’re finally getting to the good part. With a surprising amount of care he spreads your legs farther apart.
Eduardo’s cock twitches as he sees how wet your folds are, how you’re so ready to take him. He could cum right now and be content with it. He bites his lip.
He lines his girth up to your hole. Slowly, very slowly, he pushes the head in. You both lose your breath, his knees going weak and your back arching off the bed.
Once he sees you’re ready he moves the top of his shaft in, then the rest, until his whole rod is inside you. At that point you’re a mess on the bed. You’re dripping wet, your belly is full of butterflies. Both of your arousal is through the roof
“…are…you ready…?”
Eduardo asks, not wanting to hurt you. When you nod he sighs and starts slowly moving. He groans loudly as he clutches your hips.
His heart palpitates as he sees your face, the way it contorts in pleasure as he thrusts into your tight cunt. As you clench your walls around him he moans in sync with you. He bites his lip hard.
Skin slaps against skin as he continues his rhythmic thrusts. He desperately wants to go faster, to roughly slam his cock into your pussy. He sighs and it turns into a moan. He holds himself back and continues his slow, long strokes.
You reach up and gently take his stubbled cheek in your hand. He leans heavily into your touch, his hand brushing hair out of your face.
“…you’re so gorgeous honey…so gorgeous.”
Eduardo murmurs sensually. His hot breath touches your face, making you shiver in arousal. A sweet moan escapes your throat when he goes faster. Your sounds have him doing what he did before: losing himself in his passion. now he’s kissing along your collarbone, working his way down to your boobs again.
He rests his forehead there as he slowly picks up the pace, moaning into your skin. Occasionally his tongue flicks out and he suckles into your nipples or between your tits.
Ed moves quicker, soon enough he’s roughly slamming into you. Moans echo all around the bedroom as wet, sloppy noises escape from the friction between your hot cunt and his big dick.
Your hands dig into him, gripping and pulling him closer. The coil in your stomach is boiling hot and about to explode. He kisses his way up your neck and your jaw, meeting you desperately at your lips. He kisses you with intense voracity. He slaps your thigh, gripping your ass and pulling you closer so he has more leverage to fuck you harder.
Ed growls loudly, so close to cumming. He bites your lip hard as he grips and kneads your asscheek. Your walls tighten around him, causing a deep groan to escape him. You can tell he’s close from the way he twitches inside you.
He slams into you harder and harder, moans coming out of your throat in rapid fire. Your back arches intensely as you get closer to your release
“ ‘m so close..”
You manage to get out. He goes even faster in response. He holds back his orgasam, wanting to please you first. And please you he does. You moan, your head whipping back as your cunt twitches and cums on him. A few seconds later he can’t hold back either. He moans and pulls out just in time, his sticky seed coats your tummy as you heave under him.
He collapses on you, panting and sweating heavily as he rests his head on your chest. It’s hot and humid, your skin sticking together. You heave in sync, panting to get air in your lungs. The oragsam was so powerful between both of you.
He grins and squeezes your ass, knowing deep inside him he needs a second round.
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popeheyward · 12 days
Big Ol' Fic/Writers Rec
disclaimer before we start: mind the tags of any fic you read or consider reading!! and please be respectful of all these authors <3
disclaimer part 2: im going to tag the different fandoms i've mentioned but will try to be specific so im not filling every secondary tag on tumblr! love you, also long post ahead uwu
tospreadthewingsofthesoul most of what i've read of theirs is DCU related but all their works are super good uwu ^^
intermundia star wars writer w/ such fun and engaging fics!! love love love them <3
himboskywalker also a SW writer for the most part <33 i want to read all their fics for the first time again!!
sanerontheinside SW part 3.......you know the drill............amazing fics + smut
sarahbeniel mostly marvel w/ a smattering of witcher. absolutely all of their works are incredible, though Meet Me At Sunset specifically has a soft-spot in my heart!!!
dordean someone im v lucky to have spoken with!! super sweet, super talented, i want to be them when i grow up, etc so on and so forth ^^ main fandom ive read from them is the witcher, but as is the case w/ all of these writers, any of their fics/fandoms are bound to be stunning <33
elizzablue their asoiaf works are primarily what i've read. winter came (with fire and blood) is one of the most stunningly beautiful fics i've ever come across. personally not a big fan of jonerys (bc im not the biggest fan of jon. im sorry + please don't hate me jon fans + if you love him you're so valid and im smooching you) but elizza makes it work. if you want a realistic yet still mostly happy ending for all GOT characters (especially daenerys) this fic is for you!! they have other works in other fandoms if asoiaf isn't for you, so you could always check those out too if you're interested!
lady_ragnell lovely lovely writer, whose fics I've read are primarily in the vikings tv show fandom <3 1000000/10 <33
underragingwaves (captain killy) also a vikings tv enjoyer, though writes for different characters than ragnell! has some x reader + OC works that are chefs kiss c:
ReganX also an asoiaf writer. forewarned specifically is an absolute perfect fic that i could read over and over <33
adlyb writes mostly for the vampire diaries/the originals universe. long fics that i want to physically injest!!
BlueKiwi another asoiaf writer whose fics are just brilliantly captivating! i am barking like a rabid dog btw c:
IMPoSTRSYNDRM writes for the twilight fandom!! some of the most incredibly detailed fics. so incredible in fact, i had to google how to spell "incredibly" because i was salivating over their writing!
Beckala the fics i've currently read myself are all from marvel but they have other fandoms they've written for if marvel isn't your style! they have such a good balance of humor + seriousness in their dialogue. it's just a joy to read <33
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korzionarchive · 3 months
fandom: house of the dragon and/or... game of thrones (show or book or anything else there is 👂)
The first character I first fell in love with:  Rhaenys/Catelyn
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Oberyn
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Daemon/Jon Snow
The character I love that everyone else hates:  Sansa (not EVERYONE, but too many)
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Tyrion (I still like him, I just don't love him)
The character I would totally smooch:  Rhaenys
The character I’d want to be like:  Rhaenys
The character I’d slap:  Otto/Cersei
A pairing that I love: Rhaenys/Corlys & Cat/Ned
A pairing that I despise:  Sandor/Sansa (no offense to anyone who ships it! it just makes my stomach turn)
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milkteamoon · 1 year
Validation time:
I like it when you write fics about Jon Magnusarchives. Dude just wants an ordinary filing job, right? But then you put him in Situations. Sometimes its the Horrors. Sometimes its wanting to smooch an assistant. Sometimes... its both. 😏
He's just so situationable!!! The ability to put that man in a situation is unmatched. Top 10 guys of all time you can put through the horrors......maybe the delights too, even.............
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soleminisanction · 2 years
I'm a little torn on TimBer. On one hand, I genuinely love them, I love how they've been portrayed in canon, how happy and safe the relationship makes Tim feel, and I don't want to lose that. I like them together and I hope they stay together.
But on the other hand. I also want to give Tim a harem.
Putting it that way is mostly a joke. What I mean is, I would love to see him acquire just as many potential boyfriends as he (and let's face it, most superheroes) collected potential girlfriends.
And I don't mean the ones people expect either, like Kon or Bart, no no. I mean like, I want to give Tim a "Kissing Catwoman" dynamic with an age-appropriate antihero. A villain with a hatecrush who obsesses over him like Joker does Batman. Maybe member of some evil organization who defects from decadence because they want to smooch Tim. All the classics, but make it gay.
Dynamics within hero groups would be fun too. It'd be hilarious to toss Tim into a chance meeting with Starfire's younger brother Ryand'r, what with Tamaran's equal-opportunity lack of nudity taboo and the learning languages through kissing thing. Tim would get so adorably flustered dealing with a confidently flirtatious half-naked alien boy who's starting to understand his sister's affection for "little birds" if they're all so cute when they blush.
Or maybe one of the younger Super boys could develop a precocious crush -- I could see the argument for using either Chris or Jon in the role, one of those where it probably won't go anywhere but it'd be cute and have the potential to drive Kon and/or Damian up the wall.
Just. Boyfriends. I want Tim to get the chance to explore this newly-realized affection for men in all its forms before he settles down.
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yandereforelorn · 11 months
TMA and Renfield for fandom asks!! 😊
thank you <3333 renfield (... which will probably match up with most of your answers, lol) The first character I first fell in love with: renfield!!! he's just my little guy... my little wet kitten The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: rebecca!! I heard a lot about her obnoxiousness before I watched it myself, and I was surprised by how much I liked her The character everyone else loves that I don’t: ... I don't think anyone? The character I love that everyone else hates: ... rebecca, yeah XD I know she's a very base breaking character, and I get why, but I think she's interesting! The character I used to love but don’t any longer: n/a The character I would totally smooch: RENFIELD. giving him the biggest of smooches The character I’d want to be like: mark is probably the safest answer here, as he is most functional and kind of the characters XD I'm. probably more like renfield though The character I’d slap: I feel like, if I could get away with it, I'd slap dracula, just to bring him back to reality a bit. more realistically, I think renfield looks cute slapped <3 A pairing that I love: dracfielddddd baybeeeee A pairing that I despise: okay, I don't DESPISE it, but i'm not a huge fan of only romantic rebecca/renfield, and the same goes for tedfielddd tbh. TMA The first character I first fell in love with: jonnnn <3 kind of impossible not to!!! The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: tim. he's my guy... my silly rabbit. OH, also, did not expect to be as interested in simon as I am. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: sigh. okay. martin definitely isn't a BAD character, but I really dislike how the fandom treats him and I'm not in love with his characterization in the last season. The character I love that everyone else hates: not everyone hates him, but. my mannnnn. the myth, the legend, elias/jonah B) The character I used to love but don’t any longer: n/a The character I would totally smooch: looks at f/o list and covers up pictures of elias, sweating. otherwise, jon deserves a good forehead kiss! and so does melanie. and jane doesn't deserve one but I think it'd be an interesting experience. The character I’d want to be like: hmmm... I think sasha is really admirable, I might go with her? The character I’d slap: jonah does deserve a good slap... and even though I love her, daisy, for being a cop XD A pairing that I love: jonelias baybeeeee!! otp forever and ever. i'm also a big fan of basira/daisy. and... nearly any jon pair A pairing that I despise: without painting too much of a target on my back, I am a Certified jon/mart hater XD not all the time, but. most of their instances.
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bellysoupset · 10 months
SOUP!!! i know you’re focusing on the thanksgiving stuff rn and slay yes go off but this is me begging you to torture wendy sometime soon <3333 i know you know i love her and i’m trying SO hard not to be annoying about requesting her too much but ,,,, the type of dopamine i get whenever i read one of *those* fics (wen as sickie) is truly unreal and i’ve been craving it sm lately (and i’ve already reread all your old ones *almost* too many times LMAO) 🤭 also PLS DONT TAKE THIS AS ME PRESSURING YOU OR EXPECTING THINGS FROM YOU‼️‼️‼️ THATS THE LAST THING I WANT‼️‼️ THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO‼️‼️‼️ im just putting this out there to gently suggest that you torture her whenever you have the time and energy to lolll <3
the trope can be literally anything you want but i’m really feeling a migraine fic 👀 like a bad one!!! but having her kind of hide it until she can’t anymore? and then vin maybe feeling all guilty about not noticing it sooner + him being all soft and adorable and worried? smiling and blushing just thinking about this ahhhh
thank u sm i love u
And 🧷 asked:
HI Just jumping on board the girly request train (To add this to your hoard for if you have the time/will). Consider, if you will: Wendy sick at work with Jonah as a not-so-great caretaker having to call Vince like "Come get your girl." (Wendy does deserve belly rubs and also just... hugs. Lots of them. And a gentle smooch on the forehead) (And you know I love bitchy Jonah and I can't think of a shittier caretaker /pos /aff /very affectionate /I love him okay?) -🧷
Jonah was in a bad mood. Which he knew wasn't saying much, because these days he was always in a bad mood, but whatever. He was in a shitty fucking mood.
Graduation was closer than ever, happening in a little less than two weeks. Meaning he had exactly 4 days to finish all the documentation and essays and double check his hours and also pick an outfit and send the bloody invitation to his mother and stepfather and his father, fuck, he had forgotten about-
"Switch with me," Wendy interrupted his stream of thoughts, entering the office area. Jonah let out a scoff, rolling his eyes.
"Absolutely not," he said, turning back to the paperwork he had been filling in. He had already done his hours in the ER, there was no way he was gonna do Wen's too.
"Please," Wendy said, although she didn't sound like she was asking, "switch with me, I'll take your hours tomorrow-"
"Nope," Jonah shook his head, not bothering to look up from where he was filing up the report of each patient he had had all day, "you're distracting me, Wendy."
"Jonah, I really can't do the ER right now-"
"No one likes the ER," Jonah shrugged, signing his name with a little too much force. He really wanted to go home. It was almost 10 PM and he still hadn't had dinner and although he didn't have classes tomorrow, he had so many things to hand in. Did he revise his residency application?
"Jon, please I..." Wendy whined and Jonah's head snapped up, pissed off.
"Wendy no," he glared at her, "I'm not switching, give up."
She pressed her hands to her face, before letting out a sigh and turning around, wordlessly leaving the office.
Jon's stomach sunk and he felt a pang to his chest, but he stood his ground. He had worked his hours today and he really needed to go home and Wendy was not going to puppy eye her way into getting him to do a double ER shift, not when he was this exhausted, even if it was just the remaining one hour and half.
He got back to the task at hand and by the time he glanced up again, it was time to get going. 11:30 PM, Leo would probably be asleep, Jonah thought sourly, locking all the documents inside of his designated drawer and getting up.
Claire was just getting in as Jonah walked to the doctor's staff to strip his white doctor coat and grab his bag as well as his scarf. She waved at him as he unlocked his locker, "hi, Jon."
"Hi Claire," he yawned, folding his coat.
"Uh..." Claire frowned as she unlocked her own locker. She shared with Wendy, but Wen's clothes were still inside, "that's odd, I didn't see her in the ER..."
Jonah felt a weird sense of unease wash over him. He draped the scarf around his neck, "here, take mine. Just let Todd know when he clocks in..." he said, "I'm gonna check if she's still clocked in."
Jonah hated the guy who had been doing the last round with Wendy. Chris wasn't just annoying as hell, he was also a careless idiot who messed up constantly. Jon had lost count the amount of times he had gone toe to toe with the guy.
"Chris," Jonah said, managing to get him alone just as he turned the hallways, Chris probably going to clock out too, "did you see Wendy?"
"No," Chris scoffed, glaring at him, "not since she bailed on me. If you find her, let her know that she's fucked. I made a complaint with our supervisor."
"What...?" Jonah frowned. Wendy didn't bail, Jon could count in one hand the amount of times she had taken time out of her clinic hours. She often covered for others. She would never just quit and up and leave.
"Yeah," Chris rolled his eyes, "said she was gonna get water and I haven't seen her since. I had to go through all of her fucking patients. Peters is gonna chew her up tomorrow."
"How long ago was that?" Jonah asked, feeling anxiety prickling all over him. This was widely out of characters.
"An hour ago? I don't know," Chris shrugged, before stepping around Jonah, "excuse me."
Jon didn't acknowledge him at all, already fishing his phone out of his pocket and pressing the 3, Wendy's speed dial digit. It rang and rang and no one picked up.
Her car was in the parking lot still, getting covered with snow. Shit.
"Wendy, it's me. Please pick up your phone, I'm worried," Jonah send her a voice message, before immediately trying to call again. If the car was still there, then she was still in the hospital.
The question was where? Their university hospital was a big place, since they were the reference not just for their town but for other five around them. It had four floors and was almost as large as a whole block.
"Shit, shit, shit," Jonah chanted, heading to the main nurse station near the ER. The head nurse from Wendy's shift probably had clocked out already, the new one wouldn't know where she was...
"Marjorie! Nurse Marjorie!" Jonah ran down the hall, catching her just as she was about to walk to walk out of the door to the parking lot. She paused, looking confused and spooked.
"Dr. Banks-"
"Hi," Jonah panted, catching up with her, "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you- Did you see Wendy?"
"Wendy?" she frowned and Jonah nodded.
"Dr. Marshall?"
Marjorie's frown twisted into a grimace, "oh yeah, downstairs," she nodded, "about twenty minutes ago? She was in a bad shape, poor thing."
"A bad shape?" Jonah's heart squeezed and he looked around as if he'd somehow spot Wendy in the crowd that was coming and going, "where was she exactly?"
"Well, I entered the ladies room and she wasn't looking so hot, but she said she'd go home, so..." Nurse Marjorie shrugged, "she's probably left by now."
"Which side?"
"West wing-"
"Thank you," Jonah shook her hand awkwardly, before turning around and running back towards the stairs. He just wished no supervisor saw him running around like that, he'd for sure get called out.
There were two bathrooms down in the west wing, where they got the x-rays exams done. One was gender neutral, then two gendered ones down the long hallway. Jonah made a silent prayer before entering the female bathroom.
It was empty.
Or rather, it seemed empty, but a small sob cued him to the fact that it wasn't so. Jonah power walked across the room, before knocking on the last stall, "Wendy? Wen, is that you?" please let it be her.
There was a small groan from inside, a voice he recognized and he spotted her white shoes peeking out, with the lilac details.
"Wendy, it's me," Jonah knocked again, "can you unlock the door, please?"
"Uhm..." she grumbled from inside and he heard the sound of fingers drumming on the door, as she clumsily attempted to unlock it. It took a minute before she managed to do so and then Jonah pushed it in, regretting it as Wendy let out a whine as the door hit her thigh.
He waited until she moved out of the way to push the door again and Jonah frowned. Wendy was sitting on the ground, one arm draped over the toilet, her head resting on her hand. The little he could see of her face, Jon could tell was extremely pale.
"Goddammit, Wendy..." he crouched down next to her, "Wen? Hey, look at me, sweetheart-"
"Hurss...hurts..." she slurred instead of answering him, her voice barely above a whisper. The toilet was empty, but Jonah could tell she had already thrown up at least once, if the wet spot in front of her baby green scrubs were anything to go by.
"What hurts, Wendy?" he leaned in, planting a hand on her shoulder. She was freezing, even though she was wearing a long sleeved shirt under the short sleeved hospital clothes.
"Head..." Wendy whimpered, curling up even more, sounding dangerously close to tears. She hugged her knees, pressing her forehead to them and rocked back and forth, "I don't feel well, Jon..."
"I know, Dee," Jonah whispered, moving even closer and ignoring the smell of vomit, so he could cup her chin and force her to lift her head, "let me see your eyes, Wendy."
They were filled with tears, squinting from the pain. The minute he raised her face, she flinched from the overhead white light, and gulped nervously, shoving his hand off her face.
"I'm... I'm gonna be sick..." she groaned, leaning over the toilet again. Jonah scrambled forward to grab her hair, immediately gagging as he felt one of the front pieces was already wet and sticky.
He buried his nose in his shoulder, gagging fruitlessly. There was nothing for him to puke and clearly, nothing for Wendy to bring up either, because after a little more retching, she let out a sob and resorted to resting her forehead to the porcelain, sobbing.
"No, darling, don't do that, this is disgusting..." Jonah cooed, sliding his hand between her forehead and the toilet and wrapping his other arm around her waist, pulling her up.
Although she was unstable as a newborn fawn, she didn't immediately collapse, clinging to his coat with all her force. Jonah pushed the stall door open, slowly guiding her to the sinks and Wendy slumped over the granite with her whole body, letting out a whine as he ran his hands under the tap to turn on the motion sensor and then ran his now wet, cold hands on her face, washing her mouth and chin, as well as the sick covered piece of hair.
"Shhh, you're okay, I got you," Jonah whispered, more for his benefit than hers, as Wendy's whole face scrunched up in pain, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes.
"I don't... I don't want you," she groaned and Jonah's stomach turned for a different reason, simple and plain guilt.
"I know, I'm gonna get you to Vin," he answered instead, "I'm really sorry, Wen, I didn't know you weren't feeling well..."
She let out another groan, ignoring his apology and Jonah bit his tongue to stop the string of words he wanted to say. He wanted to apologize again, he wanted to grill her about her symptoms, why she hadn't started off by saying she was sick previously when requesting he switched with her, why she hadn't told him...
She shuddered, hugging herself and Jonah stripped his coat, wrapping Wendy in it and closing the first button on the front. It was far too big for her, it reached the middle of Jon's thighs, but on Wendy the coat was brushing the floor.
Wordlessly she slumped forward, pressing her forehead to his chest and Jonah wrapped an arm around her, guiding her out of the bathroom.
As soon as they reached the ground level floor, she let out a loud whine. The place was much more crowded, so much more noisy, and Wendy let out a sob, pressing her face to his chest with even more force.
"Hurts..." She said, grabbing at the roots of her hair and pulling, to try and escape the pain inside her skull.
He left her planted on the couch in the waiting room, as he sped back to the staff quarters to retrieve her purse, as well as her other belongings. Wendy was rocking back and forth when he got back to her, much to the unnerving of the other patients, who kept glancing at her nervously as it looks like she was going to throw up.
"Okay, let's get you out of here," Jon whispered, wrapping his arms around her and guiding Wendy to the car. She shivered violently once they walked out of the hospital, the drastic temperature change hitting them both. Jon's teeth started to chatter and he forced Wendy to keep moving, pushing her inside her car.
"No, don't do that, Dee," Jonah whispered, holding her head as Wendy tried banging it against the window to stop the pain inside, "shhh, lie back down, lie down..." he lowered her seat a little bit, smoothing the hair out of her face.
Wendy let out a pitiful sniffle, curling up on herself, his coat serving as a blanket on top of her. She turned her head, away from his touch and Jonah's stomach sunk a little more.
He parked inside her building, in her designated spot and then scrolled through his contacts. Wendy seemed to be asleep and he didn't want to wake her up unneededly so.
"Hello?" Vince sounded half asleep and Jonah glanced quickly at the clock. It was almost midnight, no wonder, "Jon?"
"Hey," he whispered, "I have Wendy with me, can you unlock the door, please?"
"Wen... Why? What's wrong with her? Are you outside-" there was rustling around, "I don't see you outside."
Jonah rolled his eyes, "I'm downstairs in the parking lot, she-"
"Is she okay? Let me talk with her."
"She's asleep," Jonah started to say, but Wendy stirred and groaned, turning to blindly grab his phone.
"Is that Vin?" she whined, not bothering to open her eyes and, in Jonah's ear, Vince exclaimed.
Jonah let out a scoff, "just unlock the door," then hung up, turning to Wendy, "can you walk?"
"Yes," she said, sounding annoyed. She pushed the door open and stumbled out, bracing against the car and taking deep breaths, "my head is exploding."
"You sound better than before," Jonah said hopefully, circling the car to hold her arm, "c'mon, Dee."
"Uhm..." Wendy slumped against him, letting him guide her the rest of the way and Jonah chewed on the inside of his cheek, pressing the elevator button.
"I'm really sorry about before, Wendy. I had no idea you were sick, if I knew I'd have switched."
"It's fine," she said sourly, crossing her arms, "it's fine."
"Wanna say that one more time?" Jonah said, "doesn't sound fine."
"Shut up, Jonah," Wendy groaned, pressing her forehead to his bicep with all her force, "I don't have the energy for this, just shut up."
As soon as the elevator came to a stop, Vince was already there. In the middle of the hallway, wearing just sweatpants, socks and a huge orange hoodie that made Jonah cringe in distaste. His curls were a messy mane around his head and he had been clearly about to fall asleep.
"Hey, hey..." he crossed the hallway in two steps, cupping Wendy's face, "what's wrong, honey?"
She let out a groan, that quickly morphed into a whimper, "my head..."
"Migraine?" he guessed, glancing up worriedly to Jonah, who flinched as if he was somehow guilty for Wendy's migraine.
"Yes, she threw up earlier-"
"It's not as bad anymore," Wendy scoffed, glaring at his direction, before snuggling up with Vince, wrapping her arms around his middle, "I just wanna lie down."
"Thank you for bringing her home," Vince whispered, offering Jonah a big, relieved smile, which only made him feel ten times more guilty. Vin was unaware to his little conundrum, hugging Wendy to him and bringing her inside the house.
Jonah followed them in, planting Wendy's keys and her purse on the little living room table that was littered with books and notecards, where Vince clearly had been studying.
A minute later Vince emerged from the room, having tucked Wendy into bed, Jon's coat draped over his arm, "here. Thank you Jon..."
"Please don't say that," Jonah cringed, taking the coat back, "tell Wendy to call me when she feels better."
Vince frowned, confused, but he nodded, "yeah, of course. Are you calling a taxi?"
"You can wait in here," Vince said hopefully, "or just crash the couch, it's no problem-"
"No," Jonah shook his head. He was feeling terrible, he really didn't want to stay and witness anymore of Wendy in pain, "no, I have to go home. Leo's probably having a heart attack, I should've been home two hours ago."
It was a little lie. Yes, Leo would be stressing if he was aware, but more probably he was simply asleep by now.
"Okay," Vince crossed the room and then pulled Jon into a hug, causing the man to let out a startled yelp.
"Let go of me."
"Thanks again, man."
"Yeah, let me go..." Jonah shoved him off, "and tell Wendy not to worry about tomorrow, I'll explain to her supervisor what happened."
"Thank you," Vince nodded, although he wasn't sure what he was nodding along with, "you're a great friend."
Jonah grimaced, "yeah, bye."
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dulu0z0427 · 1 year
I wanna give Rick Wakeman and jon Anderson so many smooches!
i want that too and i wanna eat them both, must be delicious, yumyum ᵕ̈
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rise-my-angel · 7 months
hi mimi! i know this is just one voice, but i really cannot exaggerate how fucking ravenous i am over hotgw (and your whole blog too). I've been completely hyperfixed on hotgw since i found it and can EASILY say this is my all time favorite fic. nothing even begins to hold a candle to how you completely NAIL the characterization of everyone you write (which is especially such a breath of fresh air in this fandom in particular haha), how you always take the time to explore every plot point so we're constantly fully invested in the world we're in, how everyone feels so dynamic including the reader while leaving room for self insert. how descriptive your writing is so that everything just feels so fleshed out and real and its always so easy to visualize. like just straight up, you're a very very talented writer. so that coupled with the fact that you're expanding on a universe that we love. and how its so obvious that you do too with how much effort and passion shines through your writing. just makes your story so unparalleled and immersive.
also your smut is out of this world. for as limited as smut writing is, you still manage to keep it so descriptive and well paced that it feels so new and real every single scene you write. you can make even just regular smooching feel so intense. BUT I DIGRESS.
i can totally understand why the amount of notes can make it feel like its not worth updating, but please know those of us still following along really really adore your fic. and we would do anything to read it all the way to its end and see what direction you decide to go in because its obvious you can and will cook something really good up.
also!!! i want to show appreciation for the analysis posts and the tags under your reblogs and what not. they really help to fill the void in between the days we're waiting for hotgw to get updated. much love for your blog.
tldr, thank you so much for the scrumptious meals you serve us every monday <3
Truly, for someone who started out on here as pretty much just a no plot only porn smut writer, it is out of this world to me that I've written something that people enjoy as much as they do. I adore the world of asoiaf and I want to put every appreciation and respect I have for it into this fic. I want you all to see the story as I see it play out. Have plots take their time because the best parts of the main story is when we see all the details leading up to the big moments, not just the moments themselves, and I wanted to capture that.
I orignally thought this story was WAY too big for me to handle, and was going to make a new outline of chapter 1 and make it just a Robb Reader Jon sort of love triangle but it felt like there could be so much to tell once that story was done anyways, that my original outline got reworked into something with far more longevity.
I really appericate it, especially since the last fandom I came from previously, it was heavily a numbers game. If you didn't have the engagement, you were a flop. No one ever talked about it if you didn't get 200 notes minimum per fic and success was everyone reblogging it and boasting it all the time. I left the fandom because the fic mentality was really making me feel like a terrible writer, and sometimes even now it's still difficult to see low numbers and not think I am a failure with a terrible story no one likes.
Also I'm glad you enjoy the nonsense on my blog the rest of the time, especially considering how much those tags and analysis posts get me into trouble in this fandom.
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bxngthedoldrums · 2 years
mmmmmm. ryan getting a big smooch under the mistletoe from spence at a party, he gets blushy and sweet and hangs onto him all night…
this ask has been actively killing me since u sent it in so. thank u.
silly little decaydance holiday party,,parties are hard for ryan so he sort of sticks w jon and spencer, mayb sisky comes and visits, whatever. ryan's getting by when he's tucked under spencer's arm on the couch, right up against spencer's side. spencer's warm and comfortable to lean against, and he can read ryan like no other. it makes ryan feel better
theyre not dating, but only by name really. everyone thinks they are, and intimacy is just a natural part of their situation. it's how they both like it. that being said, there's a lot of unspoken feelings between the two of them as well
"want some water?" spencer asks, and ryan nods. his mouth has been dry for what feels like ages. "cool, me too. ill be right back." he says, starting to untangle himself from ryan
"I can come with" ryan replies, standing up. spencer looks like he's about to tell him there's no need, but ryan nearly begs. "it's fine, I don't want anyone to talk to me if i stay" he says, dropping his voice
so they walk together to the kitchen, which happens to include a mistletoe in the archway. there's immediate cheering and whooping and hollering from around the room, most noticeably gabe, who's def trashed by this point
ryan thinks about protesting, mostly bc the attention he wanted to avoid is now all on him and spencer. spencer's sort of laughing, catching one of ryan's hands, murmuring "this cool?" and ryan nods wordlessly. theyve kissed before, sure. but not in front of everyone, and not really with much intention
it's quick, ryan burying his face into spencer's chest afterwards while everyone cheers loudly. his cheeks are so hot and he can feel spencer's laughing, alongside spencer's arms around him to give him a quick hug. after that, they shamble into the kitchen together, and for the rest of the night, ryans feeling awfully Soft
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paintedsins · 4 years
✧ + jonathan !
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
send me a ✧ and your characters name and i’ll bold all that applies
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