#I was too upset and I forgot that I wrote this post
reclinepilled · 4 months
needy, e.w.
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cw: fluff!!! little angst, pet names (baby, beautiful, sweetheart, princess, gorgeous) like one curse word, reader yells at ellie, reader cries a teeny tiny bit, no masc/fem roles are established
desc: gamer!ellie is glued to her game while your patience runs short. also soft!ellie🙏.
a/n: happy march 1st guys! i wanted to share something i wrote while procrastinating some work. thanks for all the support on my last two posts. also the anon that sent in the request, im working on it <3 thank you for reading and reblogs are welcomed and greatly appreciateddd !
wc: 801 (i think)
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you try not to be so needy, you really do. however, your heart can't help but get a little heavy watching ellie completely ignore your presence on one of your days off. and she's not even ignoring you to study or work, it's to play her stupid games.
sure, you played your fair share of video games, as you had an undying love for that one genre. however, you didn't come over under the impression that you'd be getting lonely in her bed, angry, while occasionally letting out a frustrated sigh. she didn't pay attention to those, too busy yelling at her friends on whatever fps shooter she was glued to.
you got angrier and angrier thinking about it and listening to her mash the buttons on her keyboard and throw insults out into her mic. you swear you can feel the annoyance in your bloodstream. you just wanted to do skincare and facemasks, watch some movies, and maybe even bake with your girlfriend. you decide to put your anger aside and give her the benefit of the doubt. you get up from her bed to remind her of what you two had planned. maybe she forgot?
"ellie, baby?" you say as you grab her shoulder softly to get her attention. she glances up at you then moves her headset off one of her ears, "yea- jesse, what the hell! he was literally one hp!" she yells. "anyways, sorry, what's up?" ellie finally gives you two scoops of her attention. "el, i thought we were gonna spend time together..," you say, shifting your weight to one leg as you cross your arms. "yea, yea, of course. just give me five more minutes," ellie says as she turns back to her game. "you literally said that 30 minutes ago, el," you sigh. "i mean it this time," ellie turns to you, doing a puppy face jokingly.
any other time you would burst into a fit of laughter, however right now, you were genuinely pissed off. you stare at her for a few seconds in silence, she stares back. her face slowly drops as she realizes you're pretty upset. next thing you know, you've reached over and put her pc into sleep mode. "y/n! why!??" she whines like a teenage boy going through puberty. "because, i came over on my day off to spend time with you, i could be getting a manicure or something.. but i've spent nearly an hour and a half watching you play this shitty game!" you yell then you walk out of her room, fed up. you grab your bag next to the couch and start to put your belongings away.
"sweetheart! i'm sorry, i really am!" she says as she follows you out of the room. you ignore her, now putting your bag on your shoulder. "look," ellie comes in front of you and softly slides the bag off of your shoulder, she notices how you're still looking down. she gently grabs your shoulders while looking down at you with an apologetic look on her face, "i am so sorry, i just got caught up in the game. i enjoy you being here, and i find your presence so comforting, beautiful. i never meant to make you feel unappreciated, i'm sorry once again." she takes her hand and lifts your face up, and notices your tear stained cheeks.
ellie's heart quite honestly shattered into a million pieces, she didn't know she made you feel so bad but she understands now. "baby, we can do whatever you want," she pulls you into a meaningful embrace while rubbing your back. "els, i love you, sorry for yelling and overreacting-" she cuts you off, "no don't apologize, it was pretty justified, i was being dumb," she lets out an airy laugh, "i love you back, princess."
she could feel you smile against her chest and it felt like 10 tons were lifted off of her back. she pulls away to place a soft kiss on your forehead, then your nose, one on your cheek, and long one on your lips.
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you straddle her on her bed while softly chuckling at the cute fuzzy animal headband you placed on ellie's head. you roll the jade roller all over her face, working in the serum you applied before. you can't help but admire how pretty she is. her constellations of freckles, each one so unique, her breathtaking deep eyes, and her long lashes you were so jealous of. little did you know, she was doing the same. you looked like a goddess from this angle, the light cascading down on your perfect figure emphasizing it. "hey baby?" ellie grabs your wrist. "yea, gorgeous?" you slightly lean back from her face, raising a brow.
"it's really hot when you yell at me."
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please do not plagiarize any of my works or post them on other websites without given permission !
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polinsated · 12 days
@polin-erospsyche said these tags i wrote shouldn't be tags, and i trust her with my possible-inpending embarrassment, apparently, so, here you go:
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i adore this look so much. the way colin looks at pen here will never not be used as a defence against people saying polin are 'rushed', or 'have no chemistry', or whatever it is they're saying now. and here's my little take on it.
-> you know how they say, you don't know what you have until it's gone. in this case, colin didn't realise how much he needed pen and her letters until they were gone....
this lonely, weary traveller has been away for months. we know his family doesn't often reply to his letters. and although he jokes about it, and they do too, we can all agree that he's upset by this, yes?
so in this moment, he turns around and sees the only person who has been corresponding with him throughout his journeys. he sees the woman who not only responds to every letter he sends but also who does so with genuine interest and fondness. the person who has made him feel like he has had a friend there with him on his travels. i personally believe he was alone for most, if not, nearly all of the time he was away. though, even if he did have some companionship; penelope was his constant for that time.
she has probably been keeping him entertained with stories, making sure he knows his family is okay, and asking him about every detail of his adventures. and in my opinion, i believe she barely ever mentioned herself in these letters. she has really been there with him every step of the way via her open ears (nay eyes) and written words.
and so finally, he sees her there, and i don't think he knows what to do with himself.
does he want to just say hello? probably not - look at his face! does he want to sit down with her right away and ramble on about things he has yet to say? or maybe just tell the same stories - because he knows she will listen, and she will understand, and she will enjoy hearing about them. maybe. does he want to hug her and say thank you? possibly.
my point is that i think he doesn't know what to do. it's such a short look that he doesn't have time to decide. and he's suspended in those moments when he sees her looking back at him with a huge smile on her face. he's overwhelmed.
i may be wrong in this part, but i also think he's a little surprised. he knows pen hangs out with his family a lot, but i don't think he expected her to be there right at that very moment he walked in the door. the man is baffled, to me. and in love.. despite not knowing it yet, hehe.
and it leads me to the sudden and heartbreaking point of 3.01. when colin has finished greeting his family, he turns to look at the featherington house because he notices right away that pen is not there like last time. and now it feels wrong that she isn't.
and if you watch that moment, the exact part when he turns back to his family again, there is something in the way his hands swing loosely at his sides, like a defeated sigh from his body - if you know what i'm trying to say.
his body language, to me, just screams disheartened... dispirited, or whatever other fancy word you'd see fit to use. but it's so subtle...
and then later we find out that penelope didn't respond to any of his letters this time. and i can only imagine how confused he is. because, honestly, he probably forgot about the horrible courting comment he made, and even if he remembered, he doesn't know then that pen heard it. so in his mind he is wondering where on earth his friend is. the possibility that she could be unwell has probably also crossed his mind. he is just - desperate, most likely - at this point to find out what's going on.
the thought of him, on his travels, everyday wondering why there still hasn't been a single letter signed 'penelope' absolutely breaks my heart.
and while i was about to end this post, i just thought about colin actually writing his own letters, and how he might've changed his tone along the way... do you think they ever included such words as something like: "i eagerly await your response." / "i hope to hear from you sometime soon." / "are you well, pen?"
or even this soul destroying, lump in the throat inducing quote that my mind has just come up with: "i've begun to think that there's a possibility you have not received my recent letters. for several weeks i have not heard back. not even a single tidbit about your mama, or my bothersome siblings. i must admit, my travels have not been as such fun or as fascinating as when i have my good friend to tell them to. i hope my writing finds you soon enough, or that yours finds me."
anyway, i don't write metas.. or i do and i never post them because i feel stupid and rambly and i'm never sure if it makes sense, but, i'm being a little brave here, haha. (thank you, luwen)
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puripurin · 5 months
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— You clapped as you put in 20 dollars in the donation jar. It was a lot of money for you to donate, but it was worth it. Not only was he pretty, but he was talented in playing the electric guitar. The music he played was exactly what you were into, and you were giddy about this fact. This was your 10th performance of his you've gone to.
You had originally found him on Instagram reels and heard a snippet of his music, then followed him, then found out he lives in your city and is a busker. Your day had brightened instantaneously when you found all of that out.
Soon after you tipped, his street performance ended, and the crowd dispersed. You were about to leave as well, but someone touched your shoulder and made you jump.
"Hey." The musician said with a smile so bright it was blinding. He had blonde shoulder-length hair with the undersides being teal in color. His hair was styled in a way that it framed his wide pink eyes. You were trying to stop the fan boy in you from breaking loose.
"Um... Hi?" You were going to strangle yourself for making it come out awkward. Whilst you were punching yourself in your head, the musician was undressing and ravishing your body in his mind.
The lewd moans and grunts you gave, the sensual poses you made, and the way you pleasured yourself in front of him. You were his exact type. A clueless little emo boy, and that's what you were. It was hard not to fuck you right then and there, but he didn't wanted to scare you off. It was hard to find a person like you.
"Ah, I've noticed you come to my performance often, so I wanted to give you a give to show my appreciation." He smiled lopsided. Your mouth was slightly open from shock. You were getting a gift from him!?! Your inner fan boy was pulling at your skin to jump up and scream in joy.
"O-oh. Really?" You questioned, trying your best not to crumble apart from holding yourself back. The busker made you wait for a hot second before showing you a spiked collar with chains. It was exactly something that would have come out of your closet, and so you fell in love with it. You were touched that he found something that you would wear and enjoy.
"May I put it on?" He gestured, to which you nodded you head quickly before turning around and showing the back of your neck. He moved the collar in front of your neck before clasping it on you. Though there were two miniscule details you would never notice.
The fact that his initials were burned on it and the fact that there was a tracking device on it. How else is he going to steal your underwear and use it to fap to?
"Thank you! Goodbye, and have a nice night!" You waved your hand and left, feeling like you've gotten your biggest achievement checked off.
The busker watched and licked his lips as you walked away happily. Sooner or later, you were going to be his.
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I accidentally posted it and the ask got del. My bad 😔 also i misread it and wrote a diff ver on my phone where the musician playes in concerts and you were the busker. Eh whatever. I'm not too sure if anon was missing some detail but don't care. Though i got upset when i forgot to save it >:( sighhh. Idk if this if you wanted anon, but i did my best!
Also it will take a while for pt two of my pop. Fic to get released cos idk people would want a part two that bad. Not proofread.
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box-of-roses · 4 months
'*•.¸♡ Machine Heart♡¸.•*'
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Characters: Sakusa, Y/N
Synopsis: Sakusa is going to learn why you don’t take things for granted in the most brutal way possible
Warnings: Vomiting, Blood, CHARACTER DEATH, Crying, Regret
Words: 2k
A/N: I was listening to music and found this song. It really sets the vibes if you listen while you read
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Valentine’s Day. How funny it all sounded to you now. You’ve been with the same person for five years. The first year was wonderful, he got you a bouquet of flowers and wrote you a wonderful heartfelt letter. The second year was okay, he still gave you flowers but ones you had already told him made your nose itchy. The third year is when it started going downhill and going fast. He worked, you can’t be too mad at him for doing his job…but he forgot. He had forgotten a lot that year. Your birthday, your anniversary. He hadn’t forgotten his teammates' birthdays. He hadn’t forgotten the anniversary of joining his team. He had forgotten you though.
The fourth year is when you started getting angry. Your lovesick eyes scanning the posts from friends of their significant others. The rings gleaming around their fingers. Why couldn’t he care again? What made him stop caring? You made a dinner and waited up for him to get home. When you awoke the next morning though you found his shoes by the door, the bedroom door closed and yourself still asleep at the table. Food ice cold and candles gone out. Light coming from the bathroom along with the sounds of running water.
The fifth year was when you started rethinking everything. You hadn’t prepared anything this year, too tired of being cast aside. So what if the flame of his love went out? You still had someone. It was when he posted a message for his friends telling them Happy Valentine’s Day. He couldn’t do something that simple for you? You started thinking of what you had done.
Your eyes kept staring at the simple post. Photos of him smiling with his friends. Telling them he cares about them even though he doesn’t say it much. That he didn’t know where he’d be without them and that he couldn’t live without them. You didn’t want to be upset at his friends. You’re not entirely sure that you existed. There weren’t any posts of you with him on either social media account.
He decided early in the relationship that it would be better if the public didn’t know. You just didn’t realize that also meant his friends. His family. You felt like you had wasted five years of your life. You couldn’t stop loving him though. He was still the light of your life. Even if you weren’t the light of his. That’s when you felt a tickle at the back of your throat.
You grabbed a glass of water and took a few sips. That didn’t help, it was a grainy feeling like you were swallowing sand. You rushed to the bathroom as the feeling went up your throat. Making it just in time you leaned over the toilet. As your body heaved flower petals came out of your mouth. So did blood. You had heard about this before. Hanahaki. You were going to die. You had been trying for years to get Sakusa to love you again. This was just the final nail in the coffin. Ha, coffin. You’d be in one of those soon.
Your body heaved again. More petals filled up the water. Blood splattered against the sides of the pristine white seat and walls. You knew you were going to have to clean it up before Sakusa got home. You wondered to yourself when he had become Sakusa again. When did he stop being Kiyoomi? Was he ever really anything other than Sakusa to you? More petals fell out of your mouth. It was getting hard to breathe and your vision went black.
You’re awoken again by the door opening. Your eyes fluttered to life. He was finally home. On Valentine’s Day. The day you realized you weren’t going to be alive for much longer. What a sick joke everything seemed to be. You flushed the toilet and began to clean up the mess you made. You heard a knock at the door. Checking your appearance in the mirror you took a paper towel and wiped away at the blood coating your lips and edges of your mouth. Opening the door you’re met with the man who caused this demise.
“I’m going out with my friends tonight. I trust you’ll be safe while I’m gone.” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Go have fun with your friends!”
“I wasn’t asking permission. I just found out you were home and didn’t want to be questioned first thing after stepping through the door.” He turned around and you closed the door. Maybe this was for the best. He talked to you so coldly that you actually shivered. You didn’t want to just give up on life but you didn’t want to subject anyone else to your problems. Perhaps any proof of your existence was already wiped from the house.
There was one photo of the two of you in your bedroom. Not his bedroom. Your bedroom. You had been okay with having separate rooms in the beginning. You had a lot of things and so did he. What was so bad about having separate spaces and spaces where you were able to be together. Except you were never together anymore. There wasn’t a shared space. The house might as well be yours because of how little he was there.
You knew he wouldn’t be there often. I mean he had away games all the time before you moved in together. But it was different. You felt your eyes well up with tears as you reminisced about the past. At how sweet he used to be. The apartment seemed much colder than it had been before he came home. You didn’t dare leave your bathroom though. You didn’t want to run into him. He was about to go out and seeing you would ruin his day.
The pricking in your throat started again. At this rate you were going to be dead before the day's end. It was harder to breathe than before. You rushed to sit back down. You didn’t want to hurt yourself more than you were already. You should have left him. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened. But, you couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him no matter how much it hurt to stay. It hurt more to think about leaving. As flowers came out of your mouth you wondered who would be at your funeral. Tears ran down your face as you realized he would show up. But maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he would pretend he didn’t know you.
What was he going to do when he found your body. It would be limp and grey, blood lost and flowers around your lips. They began sticking as the blood dried. You wondered if the flowers at your funeral would be the same ones you were currently choking on. This disease is poetic in a way. Love and flowers were both beautiful if taken care of properly. Love could sprout and blossom and cause more things to grow. Love could also hurt. It could grow thorns and you could bleed and choke and cry. Love could be just as deadly as it is life giving.
You knew that the next part was the thorns. The stems and sharp edges scraping your throat as they would come up. You couldn’t stop crying. Why you? What had you done to deserve this besides being unloved. Is it really your fault that he didn’t love you anymore. You felt it was unfair. Why didn’t he throw up flowers? Why couldn’t he feel what you were feeling? You were back to anger. The tears were hot as they rolled down your cheeks.
You picked up one of the flower blossoms. They were beautiful. Blue. White in the center. The disturbing factor was the blood that got caught in the folds and tears of the petals. The way it dripped onto your hand. The contrast of the blue and red. It made you think of the contrast between the two of you. Your vision started going in and out again. You grabbed the water you brought with you and drank more of it.
You tried to clean yourself up as you picked yourself off the floor. You looked terrible already. Because you knew what was going to end you left the bathroom and picked up your phone. The object that started this mess.
That observation wasn’t fair to your phone. It wasn’t the phone’s fault he didn’t love you anymore. You wrote messages to your parents and friends wishing them well. You set it up to send in a couple of hours. With how quickly this was developing you figured you’d be gone by then. Funny. The universe didn’t even try to give you a chance to fix this. It had as little faith in someone loving you as you did yourself. Your eyes no longer welled up with tears. You were coming to terms with what was going to happen. You wrote your last note and went back to the bathroom.
The letter was sat by the door. On the little table where you put your keys. You silently secluded yourself as you felt your lungs fill up with flowers that wouldn’t come out.
It was a few hours later when Sakusa finally returned home. As he set his keys down he noticed a note. He picked it up and began reading it.
‘I’m not doing this to make you feel guilty. I would like my funeral to be a small affair. Please let my family know this wasn’t their fault. I loved you. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you, you’ll find me in the bathroom. I wanted the least amount of mess cleanup for you because I know you hate blood. Thank you for caring about me in the beginning. I love you, take care of yourself.’
The paper fell through his fingers. What did you mean he would find you in the bathroom? His feet carried them to your bathroom. He was scared to open the door. When he did his fears came true. There you were flowers growing out of your mouth. Blood plastered around your mouth. And skin, your skin was grey and you laid there lifeless.
What had he done. He could have prevented this if he continued loving you. He should’ve continued loving you. He does love you. He loves you now that he can’t have you. He misses the things you would do for him. He misses you.
He sits in the bathroom for hours. Just holding your hand. Wishing he realized this would happen. He feels so stupid for requesting the things he did. He regrets not showing you off when he could. He regrets not loving you like he should. He wishes he could kiss you and you would wake up. He wishes he could wake up and that it was a dream.
He wishes he could love you like he used to. He doesn’t know how long it’s been when he hears a knock at the door. His stomach growls and his throat feels dry. His eyes are red and puffy as he swings the door open. Atsumu is standing there. He hadn’t heard from his friend for two days. Seeing his state he comes in and hugs him.
Sakusa pushes him off. “It’s my fault. I’m the reason they’re dead.”
“Who’s dead Omi?”
“Y/N.” Atsumu doesn’t ask who that is, he can tell that Sakusa cared for you. He’s curious why he had never heard of you before. He doesn’t want to push him right now though. They sit there for the rest of the night. In the couch in your home, surrounded by the things that reminded him of you. Atsumu only gets up to make them food. Considering Sakusa’s state he figured he hasn’t eaten. He wishes he could do more.
Sakusa tells him not to go into the bathroom in the master bedroom. Atsumu doesn’t ask why. Atsumu just hugs him and lets him cry.
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I hope you guys enjoyed! I got this request and thought it was perfect to post for Valentine’s Day. My askbox is open if you want to send in a request. Like this was, you can find that here. If you liked this consider checking out my other works! Love you guys!!! <3
Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated
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itsthislake · 7 months
Reposting this directly on tumblr because YT deleted my channel.
In Our Bedroom After The War. Trash of the Count's Family animatic.
Consider supporting me via Ko-Fi! I would really appreciate it!
Extra stuff i wrote down while making this under the cut:
this took me so long you can literally see me get better at art from beginning to end lol
so many artistic liberties were taken here, you've no idea
confession time: i looked at references when doing the first drafts/storyboard(?) and then didn't for the line-art so yeah. rip lock's hair lock, i forgot about it until it was too late lmao
me, storyboarding this: SO. MANY. CHARACTERS????
@heart-select's Gashan design is so freaking cool I just had to use it, so kudos to them for that
me, repeatedly, while doing the line-art: oh god i still have to COLOR ALL THIS?!?!?!
how tf do you even draw wings?????
me, drawing the DHB: haha bones go brr me, drawing raon: you're damn lucky i love you
so glad I gave up on my original idea to color EVERYTHING jfc past me sure had high hopes
upset that I can't switch sheritt and DHB's order so they fit the lyrics bc I love sheritt too much to not draw her twice and also i'm not drawing a dragon bone head again thank you very much
ohn hasn't got ears. don't ask me why, i don't know either
on that note, i headcanon that ohn is the type to either look full human or full cat at all times, while hong (and lock too) like to have animal features while in human form whenever they can get away with it
added the kids' names to their piggybanks in korean bc why not
my blind ass made the subtitles far too big for my liking but i'm too tired to go and change everything now
this is also my first time doing an animation/video using only clip studio so i'm a little confused with why some things look like they do, but whatever
(Originally posted on 21/02/2023.)
anyways, enjoy!
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louscartridge · 10 months
I do not give permission for my fics to be posted claiming to be yours, translated, or posted on another platform without credit.
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Cw- making out, very little swearing, reader and jiung call each other baby a few times, grinding/dry humping. Honestly I don't even remember. Lmk if I missed anything!!
Summery- a sleepy, somewhat steamy start of the day with your boyfriend jiung, exept you both have places to be.
a/n- ngl this is a request that I wrote a few months ago and I completely forgot about it?? I think I thought I already posted it tbh. So to whoever requested this, I'm sorry and I hope you see this 😭
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you had started it, to an extent. the two of you were watching a movie a few hours before the both of you had to leave for work, so it was pretty early. 
you had noticed jiung was starting to fall asleep- result in neither of you sleeping at all yet- but you knew it wouldnt be good for either of you to fall asleep so close to when you had to get going. 
you grabbed his hand and brought it up in the air before swinging it back down again, letting your hands hit his thigh. 
“hey baby. say awake, yeah?” you said quietly but sternly, earning nothing but a “mhm” from your boyfriend. 
shortly after, you feel his head fall onto your sholder. you look over and see his eyes slowly lolling closed as he fights to keep them open. you look at him for a bit, admiring his features. contomplating if you should just let him sleep. he looks to pretty to deny him of something that he despretly needs. his soft breathing, puffy cheeks, bare face, cute nose, lips slightly agepe. god his lips. they were so kissable. he was so kissable. 
you seddel on waking him up again, knowing that yourselvs, your staff, and your groups will be upset with the two of you if you were to miss work in genreal, but espesially cause you were sleeping. 
you relese his hand from yours and grab his face, his lips forming into a pout. “jiung i mean it” you say louder and sterner then before, looking into his eyes. 
“i know baby im trying.” jiung hums. 
you burry your face into the crook of his neck, and start placing soft kisses along his neck. he shifts with a sigh, giving you more acsess to the side and front of his neck. you pull the neck of his t-shirt towards you so you can litter kisses to his shoulder. you move your one hand to his upper chest, rubbing side to side on his collar bone with your thumb and your other hand, down to one of his thighs. 
your soft kisses form from being soft and gentel to gradually rougher and a little wet. jiungs hips buck up slightly and he lets out a quiet ‘shit’. 
your kisses on his neck get stopped by jiung pulling you by your hips and up onto his lap. your hands go to cup each side of his face gently and his hands stay resting on your hips as he pulls you in for a kiss and you feel yourself slightly grinding on him. he licks your bottom lip causing you to let out a breathy moan at the unexpected feeling. he traps your bottom lip inbetween his, sucking on it and nipping at it with his teeth a little from time to time.
you guys are also pulling away every so often to catch your breath, but those breaks dont last too long. 
jiung grinds you down onto him particurlly hard this one time and you feel your clothed clit harshly rub against him making you gasp and pull away from the kiss to rest your forehead against his as your still grinding on him.  
“shit! jiung-” your hands fly down under his shirt just about where his butterfly tattoos are and you feel his abdomen tense from your touch and he smiles slightly into the kiss. he also moves his hands down under your shirt and rubs his thumbs softly over your skin. you quietly giggle at the feeling but as he continues you start laughing more. you take ahold of jiungs hands making his movements stop and you pull away and lean foward, resting your forehead on jiungs sholder. 
“what?” he laughs.
“nothing- sorry, that just felt funny. kinda tickled” you laugh back.  
you guys spend the next few minuets just talking to eachother. sometimes there would be a bit of silence and it would just be the two of you soaking eachother in, you still on his lap. 
you guys got inturruped by a panicked keeho and the rest on guys comming into the livingroom one by one. 
keeho quickly handed you and jiung your coffees. “yo! guys we gotta go or were gonna be late. i wasent keeping track of time and apparently neither was anyone else.” 
you get off of jiung and he stands up. you give jiung a peck on his lips, with a slight pout. “m’sorry. ill make it up to you i swear.” 
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cry4mina · 3 months
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia (Part 3)
(Nayeon x fem!reader)
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Take Me Back To Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Word Count: 5.1k Angst/More Angst/Angry Fluff/A secret fourth thing? Summary: Reader has the name of the person who wrote the note and decides it's time to let the culprits know how they feel. TW: Mentions of drinking, confrontations, trapped in a small space, sitting in the rain, mentions of food, intimate moments sprinkled in there (Not sex, but like something you'd only do with your partner, if that makes sense??). Reader is half way on a war path, but is overwhelmed by their own emotions, lost of confusion. Let me know if I missed anything! A/N: WELP, this is the end of my first series. I do really appreciate all of the support shown and I look forward to posting more content for everyone in the future! If you haven't read the first two parts of this, they are linked above the word count! Thank you for reading<3
***after hearing feedback from everyone this will NOT be the end of this series! Stay tuned****
Reminder: My asks/requests and DMs are always open!
You stare at the screen of your phone in absolute disbelief as you read the singular name texted to you. Blood boils through your skin as your fear turns to anger.
The phone starts vibrating in your hand as Nayeon calls trying to get a hold of you again. You throw your phone across the room in a fit of rage. It continues to vibrate against the floor, refusing your want for silence.
You are dumbstruck and livid, fighting the water that threatens to fall from your eyes. Your feet are flat on the floor, elbows resting on your knees as you hunch over, head in hands.
You’re too angry to even begin to decipher exactly what your body needs as the trauma sinks its teeth into your bones. Cold poison taints the warmth of your soul.
You’ve spent years unearthing and healing old scars, only for the person who helped you through it to completely undo all the hard work.
You quickly stand up and retrieve your now shattered phone as it rings, making your way back to the couch when you see a cable tucked until the cushion.
You raise your eyebrow, placing your phone on the arm of the couch before tugging on the wire to reveal Nayeon’s ipad hiding between the seats of the love seat you plopped on.
“She’s probably pissed she forgot this.” you smile at the thought wishing for inconvenient things to happen to annoy her for the remainder of the day.
You’d never wish actual harm on her, you still loved her. You are definitely upset enough to wish for one of her nails to break enough to make them look uneven, or for her shirt to be caught on a door handle while walking through it.
You swipe up to unlock it but it reveals a keypad for a passcode. You hesitate. Was this something you really wanted to do? You no longer had any trust in her but would you breaking her trust make it any better?
You punch in the first code and the screen shakes. It’s not her birthday. You try your birthday, the lock shimmies back at you asking for another set of numbers. You think for a second before trying your anniversary and it opens.
A deep breath in, and you click on the messages. Searching for the name of the person who accompanied your partner in betrayal.
You notice in the sidebar your name with a heart and the banner underneath your name swiftly changing as it synchronizes with the pinging of your phone.
You fixate on the other names in the list. Momo, Sana, Mina, a few Twice group chats when the name pops up to the top of the list.
“Are you alright?”
You seeth knowing the hands that typed that message are the hands that touched Nayeon. You see the text bubble start to move and then stop only to start up again.
“No, I’m flying back home tonight instead of tomorrow. I’ll call you later.”
Great. You think about packing a bag and heading to Momo’s but this was your apartment. Why should you have to leave? You think about how long you have until Nayeon arrives.
You phone goes back to buzzing as she’s panic texting you. Telling you that she will be home later tonight and you can talk it through then. She begs you not to leave the apartment. You scoff.
The ipad pings again.
“Okay, just checking in. My plane just landed back home and I have a meeting. I should be home after that. If you need a place to stay, just let me know.”
Your stomach churns at the offer. Hands that aren’t yours trailing Nayeon’s body weighs heavy in your stomach. This person can’t be offering this to her. What if she says yes? You fixate on the screen as the chat bubble pops up.
“I really do appreciate that but I don’t think that y/n would want me to stay with you.”
“A little too late, no?” You say out loud annoyed that she’s trying to assert a boundary with this person. Knowing full well it already happened.
“So she knows now? When you said you got into an argument, I didn’t think it was about that…”
You grit your teeth. You hear your jaw crack under the pressure as your eyes widen, seeing the acknowledgement of the deed with your own eyes. It has your sights on red.
“Yes. I know now.” You type into the virtual keyboard hitting send immediately and tossing the ipad to the side. For a brief second, silence fills the room. No notifications, no pinging of text tones. Just pure silence.
You stand up hastily, leaving your electronics behind, not wanting another text notification or phone call. Grabbing your keys and wallet before walking out the door. You’ve got a meeting to get to.
You hop into the driver's seat and put your car in reverse and pull out of the parking spot and into the road. The tires are recklessly screeching behind you as you swerve through traffic
. You run through the red lights like they’re nothing. Not even blinking as you speed onto the freeway in silence. You know exactly where the meeting is and you plan on being present for it.
You get off on the exit, and pull up to the JYP building, parking in Nayeon’s spot knowing she wasn’t going to be in today. You rip the keys from the ignition, hear the scrape of the metal as you push the car door open and slam it behind you.
The fresh rage in your body physically manifests as you speed walk through the cold air, steam rising from your arms as you start to walk through the side entrance close to the elevators.
As you walk past the security guard. He stands to greet you and informs you that Nayeon isn’t in today. You look at him and he sees the absolute fury in your eyes, “Carry on, Y/n” and seats immediately back at the desk.
You return to your pace, reaching the elevator and slamming the “Up” button with your hands, probably too hard as it starts the woman also waiting.
You cross your arms; heart racing with your jaw and fists clenched, leaving the taste of copper in your mouth and indents in your palms as you “patiently” wait for the elevator to come down to pick you up.
You hear the ringing and snap your head up to see none other than Park Jihyo standing inside, about to get off when your eyes connect. Her smile fades quickly when she realizes what’s about to happen.
She tried to take a step out and greet you, but you put your hand on her shoulder and shove her lightly back into the elevator. The woman you previously startled hesitates so come in.
“Would you mind taking the next one?” You hiss at her. You don’t wait for an answer, hitting the button for floor 7, and turning to face the doors as they close.
The lights are bright and threatening as you ascend up. You count the floors as they pass, Jihyo silent behind you nervously playing with her hands when you reach out and hit the “Stop” button.
The elevator grinds to a halt between floors. You turn around to face Jihyo, eyebrows creased and lean against the walls of the 6ft wide box.
“When were you planning on telling me, Hyo?” You spit at her loudly. Your hands rise to pinch the bridge of your nose. She flinched at the tone and volume of your voice.
You weren’t going to hurt her, she knew that. She’s just never seen you like this before. She takes in your demeanor and slowly runs her eyes up your body taking note of your unkempt clothes, the bags under your eyes, and lack of jacket.
“Did you speed here after seeing that conversation?” She quizzically inquired while tilting her head at you. You roll your eyes, uninterested in the question. You feel like she’s challenging you, even if it is innocent.
“Here’s what we are going to do.” Firmly enunciating your words as they sputter out of your mouth.
“I’m going to ask you the questions and you are either going to answer them or we are going to be in this elevator for a very long time.”
Jihyo nods her head, understanding that this isn’t the time for her to try to ease the tension with playful banter. She does pity you though, knowing that she was part of the cause makes her eye shift to the floor as she begins to speak. Her empathy is losing its meaning in your apathy.
“Listen Y/n, I know that this is a lot and I can’t imagine what you are going through and feeling right now. I need you to know that it was a one time thing and it has never happened again. We were both drunk out of our minds.”
She lifted her head up to try to sneak a look at your face. She sees your eyes spilling over and winces. She hates this just as much as you do but you’re unsure of if it’s because the conversation is emotionally charged or just uncomfortable.
“It was a stupid mistake. We were going to tell you but we were trying to avoid this. It was years ago. I didn’t even know she was seeing someone until she told me the morning after. She was inconsolable. She was so scared to lose you that she couldn’t stop crying and shaking…I wrote her that note and stuck it in her wallet the night of thinking it would be funny to wake up too. I thought she would’ve thrown it away by now.” Jihyo sighed heavily, searching your face for signs that you were absorbing her story.
“I can tell you this much. I’ve never seen Nayeon look at anyone the way she looks at you. The way her eyes light up when she talks about you is something other people dream about when they think of love.”
You choke on your emotions. Dropping your angry mask to reveal the truth behind your eyes. Suffering. You squat down and hold your knees to your chest as you sob. Jihyo quickly follows, placing a hand on your back trying to console you.
Once you have some semblance of calm, Jihyo speaks again. “Do you remember the night that I called you from Nayeon's phone?” Hyo smiles at the memory. It lives happily in her brain too
. “I didn’t know how into you she was until she started crying about missing you…and when you got to my house and she almost tackled you in the snow, it only solidified how important you are to her. It was my idea not to say anything…”
You glare at her waiting for her to finish.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I really am. I just didn’t want to shatter something that was just starting. Look at the beautiful relationship you’ve built with her. I could tell when I saw you both together that you were meant for each other. I felt bad for it then and I feel even worse about it now.”
You feel yourself melting into sadness, once more. A heavy breath leaves your mouth when you realize you were so wrapped up in what was happening that you forgot you were in a stopped elevator.
You calmly stand and brush yourself off. You hit the stop button again and the elevator groans to the 7th floor. The doors open and a few people file in, not realizing the emotionally charged conversation that had just taken place, though you’re sure it’s displayed across your face.
A man in a suit pressed the “Ground level” button and the elevator descended to the lobby.
Once the doors open, you swiftly walk past security. Trying to leave behind the anger fueled attempt at a conversation, even if you didn’t say much.
The friendship you developed with Jihyo allowed her to know exactly what to say so keep you calm despite that being the first appearance of your unadulterated anger.
You leave JYP through the front doors, and start walking down the sidewalk through the rain. “Where are you going?” You hear Jihyo shout from the front of the building. You don’t even turn around, you just keep walking.
You find yourself in a park by a river and sit down on the wet bench. The light drizzle that threatened rain all day opened up and washed over your skin.
You should’ve brought a jacket, you think as you let the cool drops land on your back completely soaking you. You reach in your pocket, forgetting that your phone is at home.
The words “Missing something?” Unearths itself out of the rain with a black umbrella and sits next to you on the bench, shielding you from the downpour. “Didn’t want to be bothered by the constant ringing?” You sit in silence not wanting to interact with Jihyo.
She knows you well. You’ve been around each other for long enough to pick up on the little things. You roll your eyes wishing it wasn’t someone who could reflect you back to yourself. “Look, I know this is overwhelmin-“
“No, you don’t” cutting her off with a tone that could dissolve the strongest on metals.
Your face contorted with exasperation as you spew out the words, “You have NO idea what it’s like to look at the person you’ve spent the last 3 years with and question whether or not they are who they say. You don’t know what it’s like for that same partner to hide things behind your back with someone you consider family. Please tell me about a time you’ve experienced this level of betrayal, Hyo. You’ve got no clue what I’ve been struggling with these past few days and don’t you dare say that you have!”
Your words were harsh and she accepted them.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” She calmly states while holding eye contact with you.
You're more upset that she’s so polished in her responses. You maintain your angry demeanor turning to face the river in front of you.
The rain continues to fall as you sit in silence, Jihyo just sitting next to you waiting for you to speak.
“Why are you still here?” Annoyed at her presence.
“Because I’ve made you upset with my actions and you’re my friend.” The emotional whiplash your body is projecting is infuriating. Overwhelmed by the notion that two things could be true at once. On one hand, you’re livid with Jihyo and Nayeon. On the other, you respect the accountability of the person in front of you, even if it only instills anger in you further.
She’s sat here in silence with you, in the middle of a thunderstorm only to be yelled at.
“If I would have known this was the result of keeping it a secret, I would’ve told you years ago. I wouldn’t have convinced Nayeon not to say anything. Hell, I barely remember any of it, neither of us do. I really am sorry.”
Her words make you think about Nayeon. If she didn’t remember…if she wanted to tell you.
Nayeon had never broken your trust before. She was always honest, even overly honest. She would answer anything you asked her. You had trusted her with every detail of your life.
Every scar that ever calloused over your heart was shown to her. Whenever they started to ache again, she would kiss the wounds and soothe you. You crave that same comfort now, undecided if you are going to go and get it, reeling at the potential falsehood of it all.
Jihyo watched the cogs move in your head as you sorted through the information and filed it away where it belonged.
She stands up and looks over, “do you want a ride back to your car? The rain is only going to get worse from here.” You nod your head yes and walk back to the car, getting in the passenger side. You sit in silence the 4 minute drive back.
Your stomach starts to growl as you approach the JYP building. You wished you brought your phone with you so you could order something and have it be at the house by the time you got there.
“If you ever want to talk, please know I’m here for you” she says as you get out of the car in silence and close the door behind you.
You ended up stopping at a local cafe to get something to go. The girl behind the counter widening her eyes as she watches you walk in, absolutely drenched. You ordered your usual sandwich.
“Anything else?” The girl behind the register asks, still looking at you like you’ve got something on your face other than rain and tears.
“Yeah, actually. Can I get that one salad you guys have with the apples in it? I’m not really sure what it’s called.” You only know it by “Nayeon’s favorite”.
The girl rolls her eyes and punches in the order. You pay for it, and twiddle with your thumbs while you wait.
Pulling up to the apartment felt different this time. No people waiting for Nayeon outside, no cars blocking you from making a swift escape into the building. You wonder if she’s home yet as you get into the elevator.
The kitchen is lit up upon entry. You left all the lights on. Phone and ipad are still on the love seat but the sectional is occupied by a sleeping Nayeon.
She’s wrapped in the blanket you’ve been using and laying on your pillow. You quietly walk in and place the food on the counter and quickly step into the bedroom. You let out a light sigh, and decide it’s time you take a shower. Feeling grimey from the rain.
You emerge from the bedroom in sweatpants and a cropped tank top, hair still wet. You tie it up into a bun and quietly pull plates down from the cabinets.
You glance over to see Nayeon still asleep and notice that her phone is in her hands. She’s probably waiting to hear from you. Plating the take out, you quietly bring the dishes over to the living room and place them lightly on the coffee table.
You return to the kitchen and grab another bottle of wine from the refrigerator and a set of glasses. You pop the bottle open, and freeze as you hear a shift coming from the couch.
You don’t look back at the sound. Continuing pouring the wine into the glasses you had already set out. You hear a light gasp as she notices the food on the table. You hear the smile in it and fight back the upward pull of your lips.
Anxiety sets in as you remember what you’re walking into. You feel your fingers locking up as you reach for cutlery. It rattles in the drawer, drawing Nayeon’s attention. She stills as she feels her brain turn on, remembering what had happened hours beforehand.
Picking up the glasses and bringing them to the table, her eyes follow your every move. You place a glass down in front of her and hand her silverware. “Eat.”
She’s moving very cautiously through this unnavigated territory. Not only in the sense of “walking on eggshells” even her usually fluid movements were slow and strategized.
You take the sight of her in as you pick at your food. It looks like the nap she took was the first ounce of sleep she’s had in days. Eyes bloodshot and half lidded as she chews. She sets her fork down, takes a large sip of the wine and looks down at the floor.
“...Y/n…” she briefly looks up to see you already present and focused on her. You’re waiting for your explanation that she owes you.Her eyes return to the food in front of her to avoid adding discomfort to herself.
Her face beams a shade of red as her eyes close. It twists in a way you’ve seen many times before and she tries to hold it all together. Pools of tears start to collect and shed as she continues. Her words muffled underneath a thick layer of guilt.
“I made a mistake, a really bad one, at the very beginning of our relationship.” You wince at the sound of her voice cracking. The sharp edged subject matter slicing at you in the same way finding that note did.
“I need you to know that I do not remember any of it. I was that drunk and so was Jihyo.” Another twist of the knife in your chest. You remember to breathe and continue listening.
“Nothing has happened since, and nothing like this would ever happen again. I wanted to tell you but the person I was then and the person I am now are two completely different people. Even that version of myself would never dream of hurting you in such a way. I allowed myself to be convinced that not telling you was better than you leaving. Please understand that I would do anything to remove this from my past…our past.”
It all becomes too much as you shoot up from your seat and bring your plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink. Faucet on, you scrub the plate like it’s caked in dirt. Nayeon, who is still in the living room, stands up and follows you to the sink.
She’s sniffling behind you, covering her mouth with the sleeve of your sweater she was wearing. You tilt your head to face her, taking in the pure shame she was already putting herself through for the act that she committed. You turn the faucet off and dry your hands with the towel hanging on the oven’s handle while turning to fully face her.
You pitch the bridge of your nose trying not to break again. Wide eyes looking at you, studying your body language trying to determine what you’ll say…if you’ll say anything. She can see the stress emanating from you
“Please say something.” She breathes, reaching out to touch your shoulder in hopes to bring you back to the present. Hoping it’ll keep you from emotionally shutting down.
It sends a shock to your nervous system, almost jumping out of your skin as the soft familiar hand glides down your arm to your hand where she leaves it.
“I don’t know what to say, Nayeon.” You are battling yourself. You are both angry and so in love with this beautiful human in front of you. Even with tears in her eyes, she was magic to you. Effortlessly, stunning even in the face of fear.
You are endlessly baffled by the mistake made because she’s always been so attentive, so patient, so tender and caring that even her admitting it to your face felt like a lie. You know that’s not who she is, right? Wrong. You don’t know anything for certain. Logic and emotion argue as you stand there silently. Trying to figure out where to go next.
She reaches out and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, the other hand still in yours and tears still falling. You don’t want to let go of her hand, but you don’t want to tighten your hold on it either.
She’s patiently watching your eyes as they animate the war in your head. The two sides were fighting and you were standing on the fence of the choice you had to make. You ponder what life would be like without her and what life was like with her. Do all of those amazing moments count for nothing? Were they a waste of time?
You take a deep breath and look Nayeon right in the eyes. She feels almost violated by how deeply you are looking into her.
“I am devastated.” Your shoulders are feeling slightly lighter as you continue.
“I can’t believe you did this and didn’t tell me. For our entire relationship to be built on this foundation absolutely shatters me and everything we’ve ever built together. I feel like I don’t know who you are.”
The last sentence knocks the wind out of her. She’s gasping for air and holding back sobs.
“I just never expected this from you…” you said shakily while you watched her try to collect herself.
You rotate and sit down on the floor, sliding your back down the flat doors of your cabinets. She follows but on the other side, feet between yours. Trying to muffle the cries because she can’t bear the fact that she has caused this damage.
You feel the exhaustion take over. Your physical body has been tensing to hold the weight of the situation for days now. You yawn, Nayeon regulates her breath as you try to gain the energy to continue the conversation.
She stands up and lays her hand out for you, wordlessly. She doesn’t let go of it as she leads you to your shared bedroom, a bed left untouched sits right in the middle.
You are thinking about how great sleeping in your bed will feel after being on the couch for days. She’s out of the room as quickly as she brought you here.
You start to feel warm under your clothes. You remove them and fling them into a corner. Crawling under the comforter and settling in.
Nayeon returns, your pillow in hand. She notices you’re missing your tank top and shifts her eyes down out of respect. Not knowing if you wanted her to see you this way anymore.
She bends down and unplugs her phone charger and grabs her pillow. “I’ll sleep on the couch, I know how your back gets. Please get some rest.” She kneels on the bed for a second and leans in but hesitates.
Was it her place to kiss your forehead still? She took the risk and quickly walked out of the room.
You lay in bed for what feels like hours. Uncomfortably tossing and turning in the lonely sheets. You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling, getting lost in the patterns of the texture.
Exhaustion is no match for your mind and you really don’t want to be in this bed alone right now. You sit up, comforter falling to reveal your chest.
You think about how Nayeon is on the couch by herself right now. Probably overthinking everything and stressing herself out, no sleep in sight. In a moment of weakness, you stand up and saunter into the living room.
She lay splayed out in the sectional, phone in hand scrolling mindlessly in the warm light. A useless distraction, you were all that filled her mind.
You take note that she removed the sweater and was only in a sports bra now. You can’t help but daydream about how her skin feels on yours.
She notices you standing in the doorway, arms crossed, holding yourself. She looks away from her phone to acknowledge your presence, locking it and laying it on her chest.
“Having trouble sleeping too?” You nod and bite the inside of your cheek.
You take the risk, slowly wandering to the front of the sectional and climbing into the blanket with her. She’s surprised by the action but lifts the blanket so you can get comfortable, making sure you're covered.
“You’re so cold” she whispers as you press your face into her neck and wrap your arms around her causing her to shiver. You don’t have the same compulsion of not wanting her to touch you. She feels like Nayeon. She feels like home.
She starts tracing patterns on your shoulder as she leans her face on the top of your head. Both silently enjoy each other's comfort as you drift off to sleep.
Awoken by the sound of humming in the kitchen, you smile before you even open your eyes. You know what’s happening before you are even half awake.
You’re still wrapped in the soft blanket on the sectional taking up more space that you originally were now that the other person was up and about.
“Shit.” A whispered voice rings through the apartment.
“Too much creamer again?” You slyly say from the couch. You hear her jump, she must’ve not realized you were awake.
“I didn’t mean to wake you, ba-“ she stops herself from saying the pet name, not knowing what the boundaries were anymore.
“You didn’t wake me. I should be the one apologizing, I was the one who scared you.” You chuckle, getting up and stretching before throwing on the sweater, laid across the couch’s back, to cover up a little before you start your morning rituals.
When you turn around you see her cheeks fill with red. “You okay?” You ask her, grabbing the black mug, taking a sip.
“I think so…” she says slowly, unsure of her next step. “I think I just want to know what the next step is…for us.”
Her eyes flicker to your face waiting for a response. You start to walk over to the bedroom.
“Well, we usually shower next, have you forgotten our routine already? It was only a couple of days” Trying to make light of the situation.
She giggles “you know what I mean…I just need to know if I can mend this. To fix this. Falling asleep with you last night was the calmest I’ve felt… ” You interrupt her before she can cloud your brain with sweet things. She always knew how to break you with that.
“I’m still angry that you hid it from me” stoically expressing the truth. Both truths.
“But I love you.” She smiles, hopeful of what’s to come, walking towards you with her arms out. Wrapping them around your neck and pulling you in for a soft peck.
After a few more quick kisses, foreheads connected as her arms slid down to your waist.
“But I need to make it very clear that I cannot do this again. So if you’re hiding anything else, please tell me now.”
She cups your face in her hands and brings you in for a long kiss that makes you a little weak in the knees. “I’ll never hide anything from you again. Ever.”
“Good, will you start the shower then?”
She happily skips into the bathroom.
You start to pick out what clothes you’re wearing for the day when you hear a phone vibrate in the kitchen. Walking over to the counter and picking up the closest phone to see which one it was. It’s Nayeon’s phone with a message from Jihyo.
Your face drops as you read “Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other?”
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
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thegayestmferintown · 3 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you and I know you just posted but could we possibly get a side characters version of the forgetful mc? Like for Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and maybe Solomon? Referring to this post https://www.tumblr.com/thegayestmferintown/746129008450748416/can-you-do-an-mc-that-cant-remember-anything-it?source=share
Yup! Sure can! I'm gonna add luke as well (platonic)!
This Takes Place In The Original Timeline
Warnings ;; None, just fluff!
Relationship ;; Romantic (Platonic for Luke)
Type ;; Headcanons
Diavolo is definitely at a loss. He's met many people as the future Devildom King, but he's never met someone as forgetful as you.
Even though he's at a loss, he'll definitely try to help you through your time in the Devildom.
He most definitely feels as though it's his fault. Not for your faulty memory, but for putting you through all of this.
After some time, you start to grow closer and he starts to help you even more, as much as he can.
He'll try to help you with schoolwork, if you can't remember something.
But if you forget an anniversary, he's alright with that, he'll definitely understand.
He won't do anything without your permission though, so don't expect a huge party right off the bat.
Congratulations! You've got Barbatos himself confused!
Now, on a serious note, it does throw him off.. a lot. He won't show that, of course. But your lack of remembrance is confusing and very odd to him.
Upon first meeting, that's all you'll get, confusion that you had no idea was there.
He'd introduce himself and that was that.
Later on, he'd be very sweet, helping you when necessary and telling you things you cannot remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he wouldn't be mad or upset (not that you could see it anyway) he would simply bake you a cake with the words "Happy Anniversary, My Dear" engraved on top.
Solomon is all over you. He's asking you all sorts of questions. What is up with you? Why do you forget so easily?
He's so old he barely remembers how humans work, okay?
He'll always do things to make your forgetfulness worse.
By putting things on higher shelves when you wrote on a note that what you were looking for was on the third shelf, etc.
Later on, he wouldn't ask many questions but he would still mess with you.
If you happened to forget your anniversary, he wouldn't mind. Although, he would be slightly upset. So, he'd make you a meal to eat. Though, through your forgetfulness, you ate it. Farewell, soldier.
Simeon is such a sweetheart he doesn't even do anything bad.
He'll talk to you and help you through your forgetfulness by telling you certain dates and whatnot.
He is confused at first, yes, but he'll immediately help you to the best of his ability.
Later on, he'll start to make you lunches or breakfasts if you forget, and he'll always leave a note with things you'll need to remember.
If you forget an anniversary, he won't be mad, but he will take you out to a Cafe. Possibly a quiet one where you can sit in the quiet corner and just talk.
Poor baby Luke is so confused. Why did you just forget who he was? He walked away for maybe five seconds?
He will help you to the best of his tiny ability though.
Though I wouldn't expect too much, he tries very hard and I think that would be enough.
If you forgot a birthday, for example, he would walk to your room with a cake, no matter who's birthday it was, yours or his. He'll bring a cake to eat with you.
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silent-raven13 · 9 months
Silent Treatment
Miles normally don't get upset, he's a very forgiving person and is willing to let his anger fade out. BUT! When he does get upset, he will give anyone the silent treatment. Especially today when his boyfriend made him very upset.
Gwen and Pav noticed Hobie following Miles from a distant. They thought this was weird, because they are always side by side. Pav asked, "I wonder what happen?" He quietly gasps, "Did they broke up?"
"No, maybe Hobie is gonna surprise him." Gwen said to her friend, "But... why he's not scaring him already?"
The noticed Miles by himself, "Hey, where did Hobie go to?"
Hobie appeared behind the two, "Actually, mates... Miles' is giving me the silent treatment."
The two were startled causing Gwen to scream, "How did you get here?"
"Ahh, don't do that!" Pav shouted.
"Sorry..." Hobie mutters feeling all gloomy.
"Dude, what did you do to piss him off?" Gwen asked, with her arms crossed.
Pav nodded, "Yeah, he never gets mad."
"I... Hmm, how do I put this?" Hobie explains they had a fight about him bringing mud into Miles room through the window. It's a habit of the punker have dirty muddy boots, sometimes dragging a lot of mud through Miles' window leaving stains on his window seat.
Well, this time Miles got super upset because he told Hobie to clean his boots before entering! He just finished cleaning his room, which meant he scrub the stained window seat and window frames very clean. Took him a good thirty minutes or more. When he was finished everything look so much nicer.
Just then Hobie came through the fire escape window, stepping on the cleaned window seat with his dirty muddy boots. Miles came back to the room seeing the trail of mud after he finish scrubbing the floors! An anger that swept into the nineteen year old, that he told Hobie, why didn't he listen to him? Hobie merely stated he forgot.
Miles told to leave before he starts cursing the hell out of him. So Hobie thought his Sunflower would cool down for a day or two, but Miles had responded his text back. He felt upset, terrible... a little annoyed since he forgot.
"Ahhh, didn't you guys always have a fight about that, tho?" Gwen asked.
Pav nodded, "Yeah, I even wrote it on Spder So-City's Punkflower Blog. See!" He holds his Smartphone up to show his blog posts.
Hobie sighs, "I didn't think he would be so upset, and now he's ignoring me." He hunched over being depressed.
Gwen said, "Just go apologize. I would be mad too if I spend the whole time cleaning on my Saturday, then somebody messed it up."
"Yeah, Hobie. Just say your sorry."
"I'll try."
The three went to find Miles at Headquarters study hall, since a lot of Spider-heroes are teenagers, Miguel made a special place for them to study. The black Latino sat on one of the chairs with a large table while reading a book for his English class.
"There he is! Okay, go." Gwen whispers to her punker friend.
Hobie had cold feet. "Wow, you're never afraid." Pavitr gawks at him.
"It's just... it's just- what if he dumps me?" Hobie on all fours being on the ground looking pathetic.
"Oh come on! One fight isn't the end of the world!" The blond young woman picks him up, "Just go over there and talk." She pushes him toward Miles' direction. "Go!"
Pav nodded, "Yeah, go!"
Hobie stood a few steps behind Miles, then he hunched over in defeat. "OH COME ON! YOU DIDN'T SAY HELLO!" Gwen shouted out loud.
"Shhh!" All the younger Spider-heroes hushes her.
"Sorry." She whispers feeling embarrassed, then glares at Hobie.
Hobie casually went up to Miles trying to be cool. "Hey, luv." He said calmly.
Miles ignores him. Hobie hunch over the ground with all fours feeling so depressed his beloved Sunflower ignoring him. Pav being dumbfounded, "Wow, he really pissed off Miles, huh?"
"I guess so." Gwen said.
"Ahem, hey Sunflower!" This time Hobie said it loud and clear.
Miles ignores him again, a young Spider-man passes Miles, "Oh hey, Miles. Working hard?"
"Oh hey, Peter. Yeah, gotta catch up on my homework." Miles happily said.
"Say, who is that behind you?"
"Oh, no one." Miles smiles.
This send jabs into Hobie's heart. He quickly hugs Miles legs being all teary eye, "Sunflower! It's me, your baby!"
The young Spider-man looked confused, and Miles merely smile, "Don't worry about him. Anyway, I gotta finish reading."
"Okay, see ya later." His friend left to go back to studying the other side of the room.
Miles smiles then he looks at his boyfriend who's resting his head on his thigh, "Hobie..."
"I'm still mad at you." Miles huffs as he continues to give him the silent treatment.
Hobie whines, "Lllluuuuvvvvvv, please don't ignore me. I'm sorry! It was an accident. Pleeeaaassseeee, Sunflower!"
His boyfriend stays quiet still ignoring him, Hobie acted like Billie when she has her tantrums or fits. Good thing, he can handle it. Hobie kept saying, "I'm sorry, darling. I am! Do you need anything? I'll get you lunch or flowers or we can go to that Indian restaurant you always wanted to try in my world. I'll do anything for you! Anything."
"Anything?" Miles asked as he closed his book.
"I want you to leave me alone, Hobie. I'm still mad at you." Miles turns his head to him being serious.
"But darling!"
Miles ignores him with another huff. "Hmph."
Gwen said to Pav, "He's very mad at him, huh?"
"Yeah." Pav said.
Through out the evening, Hobie clingy on to Miles the whole time. He even slouches on Miles' back being dragging by him all around. Gwen and Pav watches how needy Hobie became for his boyfriend.
"I swear, Hobie was never like this." Gwen said.
"Yeah, he use to be all I-Don't-Give-A-Shit attitude and would walk away." Pav said in a tough voice. "Maybe they been together so long, y'know."
"Yeah, I agree. Hobie is more relaxed and always wants to make his boo happy." Gwen giggles. "But..." Their eyes saw how Hobie being depressed without Miles' attention.
"This is really sad..." Pavitr being lost for words.
Miles sighs look at his boyfriend on the ground, "Hobie, I told you to leave me alone."
"No!" He said in a childish manner. "I wanna talk about this. I said I was sorry." He pouts being upset.
Miles sighs then noticed other Spider-heroes looking at them. "Ugh, fine! Come on," He took his man's collar vest dragging him to a table in the courtyard up on HQ. Gwen and Pav follow with their own milkshakes for them and the gang.
"Well?" Miles asked his boyfriend.
"Darling, I'm sorry. I forgot to clean my boots. I didn't mean to."
Miles slurps his milkshake, "Okay."
"Okay, so that means you forgive me?"
"I'm still mad at you, Hobie. I told you many times to always clean your shoes," Miles pouts, "and you always forget. And I took my Saturday morning cleaning my room because I taken the day off as Spider-man! Once I finally made my room so clean, you put mud through the whole room like you didn't give a shit. That hurt my feelings. So, yeah I'm still pretty pissed off." He slurps his milkshake.
"Is there anything Hobie can do to fix it?" Pavitr asked.
Miles took a moment, "Hmmm."
Gwen giggles, "Come on, Miles. Look at your baby, he's been so depress without you."
Hobie hugging Miles being all sad and depress. "He's acting like Billie. He'll be fine." Miles said.
"Don't be cruel to me, luv. Let me make it up to you." Hobie frowns. "I am sorry."
"Well, you pissed off the wrong Latino, bae. So hmph." His beloved Sunflower giving him the silent treatment.
The silent treatment went on for three more days, and Hobie was able to lighten up Miles' mood by cleaning his room. He scrubs the dirty stained window seat and floors, while Billie watches having her sippy cup filled with juice. She made sure Hobie clean the floor spotless acting like the boss, "Oi. Oi." She uses a fake deep voice acting like a tough guy.
"Where did she leave that?" Hobie asked out loud as he scrubs Miles' floor.
Miles grins widely having to finish typing his book report, "She's watching One Piece with me, and Adobe Asobase."
Billie huffs, "Clean!" She commanded Hobie. "Baka!"
Miles laughs with amusement, "Wow, bae. You must really miss me, huh?"
"Your mood is better." Hobie smiles happily, but Billie shoot her web shooter at his face, "Darling, that's cheating."
"Clean." She demands being tough, "Baka!" Sipping her juice, she proudly grins at her big brother. "Good?"
"Yes, mi bebé! You're doing a great job." Miles smiles widely making his little sister happy. "Besides, she likes being in charge."
Billie giggles rushing over to her older brother's leg, "Up!"
"OKay, Boo-boo." Miles picks her up to snuggle her.
"Awe, what about me?" Hobie cutely pouts going over to snuggle with his Sunflower.
"No, baka!" Billie pats him away.
Miles giggles feeling his boyfriend's kisses on his cheek, "Fine, you get this chance, besides I'm not mad at you. But I still want you to finish cleaning up."
"Oh I will." Hobie blew raspberry kisses on his Miles' cheek.
"Ah, bae. That's gross." Miles giggles.
"I need to give you all the lost love from your cruel punishment, darling." Hobie buries his face into Miles' neck, somehow he found a way to have his Sunflower sit on his lap.
"Maybe next time listen to me." Miles said as a matter of fact.
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prodagustd · 1 year
love | myg
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Summary: A compilation of memories as an epilogue.
this is part six of so it goes: series masterlist
< part five
—pairing: rapper!yoongi x reader
—rating: +18
—genre: friends with benefits (kind of? they're in love) to lovers, lots and lots of fluff, smut
—warnings/tags: cursing, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of death, explicit content, unprotected sex, dirty talk etcetc
—words: 16k
a/note: HI FRIENDS!!! I'm finally back with an epilogue for so it goes 😥. I couldn't come with another name for this part lmao but I hoped you like it, it took me so long to finish it and I'm so excited to post it!! Thank you for waiting for me <3 Enjoy it !!! Please feel free to discuss this part in the asks, as always feedback is very appreciated :)
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Yoongi’s childhood home
It has been a long time since Yoongi felt purely in love. In the past, love always came with doubts, fears and an upsetting feeling on his stomach that made him want to vomit everytime he woke up. Love was presented to him with more cons than pros, it was like a dark night trying to find your partner in the middle of the dance floor, like fighting under the rain outside of the nightclub, it was a good moment being ruined by a mocking grin and cruel words, it was like having to hold your breath until you turned blue.
Despite that, Yoongi was not completely at odds with love, he loved many things. He loved his job, his dog, his family and friends, but his tired heart was convinced that the type of love that was supposed to keep you awake at night… wasn’t for him, he just forgot about it, and in consequence of that he stopped waiting for it too, so you just could imagine how confused he was the night he met you. You were love walking in high heels and a black dress that was too short to be yours, you were love wearing bright red lipstick as you kissed him goodbye, you were love laughing at him because you would never settle for a one night stand with him. You were love punching him in the face, announcing that you were about to tear him apart.
During those moments of the night when the lights of the club turned red, the remains of his heart were stuck on the inside of his chest as he kissed another stranger to drown the feeling, to try to bury it in the backyard of his numb mind. Yoongi was a dark cloud moving into the room threatening to rain, but you only saw a tall man ogling you with tired eyes and a smirk capable of killing any girl, any girl but not you, never you, you couldn’t allow yourself to fall for a man who wouldn’t look at you twice. Back then you were sure he was the kind of guy who never noticed girls like you in the daylight, you weren’t as astonishing as the girls he had been with in the past, too rough on the edges, too normal.
You came from two different worlds, Yoongi was doing concerts and throwing after parties all night until the next morning, you woke up at six in the morning and got ready to catch a class at seven. He produced music and wrote songs, you studied history and tutored english to middle school kids. While he was mingling with superstars and models you had a small group of college friends who enjoyed staying home, eating pizza and drinking beer. There was no way you were compatible, from your hobbies to your life styles, to the movies you liked, you were just… different, no amount of mysterious glances across the room could change that.
So, why did he kiss you for the first time that afternoon all those months ago? Was it the sun that was about to set, encouraging him to do it? Was it the devil sitting on his left shoulder? Was it you, just begging him with your eyes to do it? There was no explanation for that kind of thing, but he came back to that memory every other day, he couldn't remember a girl who kissed him so sweetly. Was it your lipgloss or it was you? He swore it was just you.
For you, love came in waves during short periods of time. There was always love in your circle, in your friend’s arms and your childhood home, even the other kind of love always came but never stayed. Yoongi was a rare presence in your life during some time, he was gray between all the defined black and white in your life, which always upset you.
Love comes and goes all the time, but why couldn’t he stay? After so many years of accepting the short time that your past lovers offered, it was strange to want a person so badly, it was strange to want more, to even think about it, you were not used to the feeling of something lasting. However, when he laid beside you every night you wished he could stay against all odds, you wished he could stay in your bed until the next morning, you wished he could stay for breakfast and for the rest of the week if he wanted, but even that would not be enough. Not his burning touch over your skin or the proximity of his body during the night, not his hands finding yours under the table in a crowded room, not the hundred of his kisses or the sweetness of his words could be enough unless you told him the truth. But, could you be sure that would have saved both of you from the mess, the drunk texts and the drunk fights and the drunk-everything? You like to think that it would have helped a little bit, but maybe — just maybe — Yoongi needed a slap in the face before hearing the truth, just then he would realize that being in love wasn’t so difficult after all, and to be your boyfriend seemed to be the easiest thing he had ever done.
It has been a long time since Yoongi felt so purely in love, love like it’s supposed to be, love itself. It turned out to be that he found love everywhere ever since, he found love in the mornings as he tasted the coffee you made for him, he found it in the note you left in your nightstand when you left before he woke up, he saw it in your eyes ever since you told him you loved him too. He had been so blind and you couldn’t blame him, you had been so clueless.
Two months into spring Yoongi had come to the realization that among all the chaos in his life, the calmness that came with your company was all he needed after a long day. It was simple, but it seemed to him that it took him a lifetime to find you (he swore it felt like more).
Loving you was easy, but he thought he needed a bit of practice in the relationship field. The concept of boyfriend had been altered by the months he spent being with you without being official, so what was he supposed to do now? Spend more time with you? Give you more kisses? He was obviously more comfortable than before, now he didn’t need to hold back, he was free from the anguish and the sinking feeling that he felt in the past every time you weren’t around. Now he felt safe, however, it was unclear to him how much of a boyfriend he needed to be, or what type of boyfriend you wanted.
Yoongi sighed for the third time since Jungkook arrived at his studio, trying to focus on the monitor in front of him without thinking of the song that Jungkook was humming and how it sounded just like the one you were singing that morning in the shower. He knew it, he was sure, but he couldn’t remember the name of it. Suddenly, Jungkook started whistling the song but still nothing came to mind, which started to annoy him.
Yoongi sighed again.
“Am I bothering you?” Jungkook asked, a little bit offended. Yoongi shook his head without saying anything. “Are you sure?” He insisted, but Yoongi just nodded. “You’re quiet today.”
“I’m always quiet.” He replied.
“Mmm, yes but more quiet than ever.” He said, spinning in the swivel chair beside Yoongi. “You don’t like my song?” He kept asking, now starting to wonder if Yoongi didn't like the project that Jungkook brought last week for him to work on, but he liked the song, he just wasn’t thinking about it, he was thinking about the song he was whistling.
“It’s not your song, I’m just thinking.” Yoongi said, resting his back on the chair and spinning just like Jungkook did a second ago.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Jungkook offered, determined to know what was distracting Yoongi that afternoon.
“What was that song you were humming?” He asked.
“That’s what you were thinking?” Jungkook wanted to check, knowing it was surely something else that kept Yoongi zoning out.
“Kind of.” Yoongi answered.
“Paramore.” Jungkook laughed “Do you know it? The only exception? Your girlfriend used to overplay that song when I met her.”
Yoongi threw his head back, relieved to finally remember the song after being in his mind since he left his house. Jungkook started calling you that ever since you and Yoongi started dating, he copied Namjoon just to tease him, but it only put a smile on Yoongi’s face. His friend on his right seemed to be the happiest person when he found out that you and Yoongi made up, it was like seeing his parents threaten to divorce but then seeing them coming back together. (Obviously, Yoongi had no idea that half of that happiness came from knowing that his plan had worked, but he swore with blood that he wasn’t going to say a thing, after all, it will be useful for him in the future in case he needed to extort you).
“She was singing it today in the shower.” Yoongi informed him.
Jungkook giggled. “Creepy.” He said.
“Just a little bit.”
It wasn’t that creepy actually, you knew Junkook since you were both nineteen, you were almost connected like twins. If someone knew you as well as Yoongi did, that was Jungkook.
That thought stayed in his mind for a second, and after a while, it lit a lightbulb on top of Yoongi’s head.
“Was that all?” The youngest kept pushing, not fully convinced.
Yoongi thought about it.
“Mmm… No.” He said. Hoping that his friend would help him, but more importantly, that he wouldn’t laugh at him.
Lately he couldn’t name you in front of his friends without them acting like middle school kids, teasing him until his face turned red, and Jungkook was the most annoying of all of them.
“Are you not going to tell me?” He pushed one last time.
“Only if you don’t tell anybody.” Yoongi conditioned, making Jungkook frown.
“You’d be surprised how good I am at keeping secrets.” Jungkook raised an eyebrow, but Yoongi didn’t catch Jungkook’s hint, luckily, he just rolled his eyes.
“It’s going to be our… anniversary? monthiversary? Whatever you call it. The third one, in two weeks.”
“Three months already?” Jungkook asked, surprised that time has passed so quickly. “Wow, what about it?”
“I’ve been thinking.” He said “What do you and Bora do on your anniversary?”
Jungkook looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember every single thing that he did with his girlfriend when that day came around.
“It’s different every time.” He answered “Sometimes we go to a restaurant if we feel like it, but sometimes we just go for ice cream before the day ends. Sometimes I buy her flowers and sometimes she buys me something I like. But it’s different for everyone.” Jungkook paused, observing his friend being absorbed by his own thoughts. “Why? Is that what you were thinking? What to do on your… monthiversary?”
“Kind of. I think I don’t know how to be her boyfriend.” Yoongi confessed, avoiding Jungkook’s gaze to not feel like he was making a fool of himself.
Jungkook didn’t laugh about it, but he found it a bit curious.
“How is that you don’t know?” He questioned.
Yoongi spinned on the chair again. “I mean, what if she feels like our relationship didn’t change at all from when I wasn’t her boyfriend? What if she thinks it’s the same and she gets bored?” He asked, letting the words out like it wasn’t the main concern of the month.
Jungkook was a bit surprised by the way Yoongi’s mind worked, just like Namjoon was when Yoongi told him that he couldn’t allow himself to be happy with you because he had a fight with Jimin. But like before, this made sense for Yoongi, and was a perfectly coherent concern.
“Are you serious?” Jungkook laughed, “A relationship is not defined by what you do on your anniversary.”
“Is it not?” Yoongi joked, but he was still a little unsure.
“I don’t think so.” He said “I’m sure she’s not going to get bored of you, you keep her entertained. She’s in love with you, buddy, you’re not getting rid of her anytime soon.”
Yoongi was aware of that, you spent your free days glued to his chest and sleeping on his bed like it was yours, you made sure he knew every day how in love you were. He knew you loved him, but that wasn’t his problem.
“No, I mean, I know that. But I don’t want her to feel like it’s the same as before, I wonder if she can tell the difference, I hope she does. I just want to be… you know, a good boyfriend.”
Jungkook watched Yoongi playing with his fingers and he bit back a smile, wondering what it was that you had to leave Yoongi so… lost. And most importantly, what you did to him to have him talking about his feelings so openly. Jungkook never thought that Yoongi would try to come to him for relationship advice, but there he was, worried about being a decent boyfriend.
He tried not to tease his friend, he knew that if he did Yoongi would suddenly shut up.
“To be fair, you were already acting like a couple before making it official, so I think it’s normal to feel that way.” Jungkook tried to advise “But if you want her to see the difference, you should probably make her see that you’re serious with her. For example, I know she hasn't met your parents yet, right?”
Yoongi frowned, shaking his head. “No, she hasn’t.”
“There you go.” Jungkook winked at him “She likes simple things, if you take her to meet your parents she would feel like you are making her part of your life. Anyone can meet your friends, but not everyone meets your parents. She will take it as something special.”
That idea never crossed his mind until now. He still remembered when his mom called him when Yoongi’s brother told her that he was seeing a girl when he came to visit Yoongi, back then Yoongi ignored her and told her that you weren’t his girlfriend and didn’t give any other explanation. Yoongi loved his mom, but she was intense, even if he was the youngest of the family, she thought that he should be already married, she thought he should be already settled down with a wife and everything, but Yoongi was never the kind to follow the rules, let alone his parents’ rules.
The problem wasn’t you, it was just the way his mom never liked any of his girlfriends, so she never invited them to their house. This time was different, he knew that both his mom and dad would love you, so maybe Jungkook wasn’t so wrong after all.
Yoongi could still feel an annoying feeling on his stomach everytime he remembered the fight that you had , he remembered when you mentioned how he told you he was going to take you to meet his mom, so this could be an opportunity to make it up to you.
“That doesn’t sound bad.” Yoongi just said.
“Right? I’m always right.” Jungkook bragged “And about your monthiversary date, you should talk about it with her, ask her what she wants to do, it’s as simple as that.”
“Fine. I’ll take your advice, but I know you and I know her, so don’t say a word about this conversation.” Yoongi warned.
“It’s okay, my lips are sealed.”
Later that month Yoongi was just finishing taking a shower at his parent’s place after a long day. That morning he put his bag on the trunk of his car as he thought of what Jungkook said, and without him wanting to, the expression of his mother’s face every time he came to visit appeared on his mind.
When he got in the car he put on a cap and sunglasses and you laughed. He had been asking himself if Jungkook’s idea was working ever since he asked if you wanted to come and visit his family with him, you said yes without hesitation but didn’t say much else until that day. You took off your shoes at the beginning of the ride and played music until you fell asleep.
It was a long ride to Yoongi’s hometown, and you seemed to enjoy it until you made your last stop at a gas station. You got out of the car and bought some snacks, when you were getting back your boyfriend hugged you from behind and told you you were about to arrive. He kissed your cheek and circled the car to get on his seat, he didn’t see your face properly, but if he had done it he would have seen the smile on your face disappear. You got in the car with him and after fifteen minutes you asked if he could roll the windows down.
“I think I’m getting car sick.” You explained, sinking in your seat as you felt how your stomach turned upside down.
“Carsick?” He repeated. “You never get car sick.”
“I do.” You tried to argue, but he didn't believe you.
“I’ve been driving for three hours and you were just fine.” He told you, but you decided to ignore him. He looked at you for a brief second before turning his gaze to the road again. You shut your eyes close and frowned in discomfort, hugging your tummy like you were about to vomit. “Or is it that you’re nervous?”
You opened your eyes, offended. “I’m not nervous, I told you I’m getting car sick.”
Maybe Yoongi tried to forget you so hard months ago that he ended up memorizing every single thing about you. Only after you began to date him, you realized how much he knew about you. He bragged about it, and it was cute when he remembered that you didn’t like mayonnaise or what kind of wine you liked, but it was annoying when you couldn’t keep a secret away from him because he could read it in your face.
The truth was that Yoongi made the mistake of telling you how his mother didn't have a good relationship with his past girlfriends, in fact she didn’t even have a relationship at all with them. She had met all of them in other circumstances but never invited them to their house, she only needed one meeting to decide if she didn’t like them, and now you were in physical pain just thinking of the possibility that she didn’t like you either.
Of course that all this fuss came from your last experience with your ex boyfriend, who’s mother made it very clear that she didn’t like you. You didn’t know what it was, maybe the fact that you weren’t catholic, or maybe that she liked Dan’s ex girlfriend more, who knows? You didn’t want that to happen again. Different from Dan, you really wanted to stay in Yoongi’s life.
When you saw the first sign with the name of Yoongi’s hometown next to the highway, you finally admitted it, hoping that your boyfriend could give you an answer.
“How do I know if your mom doesn’t like me?” You asked him, automatically making him scoff.
“She won’t dislike you.” He just said.
Yoongi was a man of few words, but that wasn’t good enough for you.
“How do you know?” You insisted.
“Because I like you, don’t I?” He smugly answered, making you want to rip off his head for laughing at you.
“But you said your mother thinks you have bad taste in women.” You reminded him, but he shook his head in denial.
“You can’t rely on that.” He said “My mother also thinks that I should be a doctor, she has her own perspective of reality and it’s impossible to please her.”
“That doesn’t make me any less nervous.” You whined.
“You don’t have to be nervous, I’m sure that both of them will love you. You made them a pie!” He tried to encourage you, but you weren’t content yet, your mind couldn’t stop making scenarios.
“But what if they think ‘What a pretentious bitch, she wants to buy us with food’?” You kept insisting. Your question seemed rational to ask, but it only made him fail to suppress his laugh.
“They will think ‘What a nice girl, she made us a pie’!” He acted.
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
“I don’t know how to make you believe me.” He laughed “I can tell you the truth, my mom is a complicated woman, it’s impossible to please her, but if you just be yourself she will like you, if you’re trying too hard that’s when she will dislike you.”
You still weren’t happy with his answer. He seemed too cool about the whole situation, you didn’t understand how he wasn’t at least a little nervous.
“Your advice sucks.” You spat, crossing your arms over your chest “Then, what if she doesn’t like the way I am?”
He sighed, thinking about it for a second. “I mean…” He said, dragging his words “What’s not to like?”
Then, you punched his arm, making him whine.
“Quit playing with me.” You cried.
At this point, Yoongi was just trying to mess with you. He wasn’t lying when he said his mom was complicated, but he also knew how excited she was to welcome Yoongi’s first girlfriend after so long. He knew she would be happy just knowing he wasn’t single anymore, but after meeting you he was sure she was going to love you. Maybe it was cruel, but he decided to keep that for himself.
“But I’m serious!” He protested, rubbing his arm “First, I know my dad will like you, and even if my mom is intense, she will like you too because I know her and I know you. You get along with older people, you’re smart, you know how to cook, you’re a future teacher. What else can I say to stop you from vomiting in my car?”
You kept silent for a minute like he had just scolded you, reevaluating if he had made a good point or not. Maybe you were right and someone like Yoongi’s mom would never like any of his son’s girlfriends, but maybe Yoongi was right and you were overreacting. It hurt you to admit that you were.
Yoongi had never seen a person more nervous than him to see his mom. In front of his eyes it appeared the same image of his mom’s face that he saw on his mind earlier that morning. Years passed before Yoongi stopped doing what his mother thought was best for him, even if sometimes she was right, sometimes she was not, he learned to stop caring what she thought of him. His brother had a more stable job, but it was not until recently that he got a stable girlfriend, so he had two points in the game. Even though his family was proud of him now, years ago her mother considered that his job was not stable and he had no girlfriend until three months ago, so back then he had zero points. Yoongi said fuck the game long ago, his mother’s claims had no effect on him anymore, but he didn’t expect you to react like this when he told you about his mother’s behaviour with his past girlfriends, he realized it was only logical, even if he knew his mother would like you.
“Stop.” You told him, the feeling on your stomach slowly disappearing.”You’re obsessed with me.”
You watched him trying to hide a smirk, but he didn’t deny it.
“You stop.” He said “Stop worrying, I’m sure everything is going to be fine.”
You were not willing to admit he was right, you decided to change the subject.
“So… Will they make us sleep in separate rooms?” You asked, “Since we’re not married.”
Your question was only innocent, it was genuine, but the clarification made Yoongi laugh.
“My mother is insane, not conservative.” He said, like it was hard to tell the difference. “Maybe a little old-fashioned, but no. Besides, I don’t think she thinks I’m saving myself for marriage.”
You rolled your eyes. “I was just asking.” You clarified “It’s not like I’m… fucking you in your parent’s house.”
“Why not?” He teased you, but you ignored him, refusing to take the conversation any further.
That seemed to clear the air at least for now, but when you arrived at his house he was not surprised at all to see you get along with his parents, especially his mother. You didn’t know that you already had a few points in her game thanks to Yoongi’s brother, and you gained even more when you offered to help with cooking. Yoongi thought that was a good sign, his mom never let anyone but his brother help with her food.
His mom kissed both of you in the face as she sent his dad to leave your bags in Yoongi’s room, and not even half an hour later you were in the kitchen, chatting with her as you rolled up your sleeves and started cutting carrots.
What a fool you had made of him, he laughed at him in secret when random sentences appeared on his mind when he looked at you. You were wearing a brown sweater and blue shorts and for a moment he thought you looked like the last day of spring, like summer but not quite summer, like summer before he met you, summer when he didn’t know your name or how your mouth tasted. He saw the dark green color of the walls and smelled the coffee from the morning and it seemed like you always belonged there, somehow, he found you just in time before his mom decided to change the color of the walls like she was telling you, you camouflaged yourself in them like you were part of the kitchen, like you were part of his home. You told his mom that it was a shame to change the color, you liked it that way.
When the food was ready you sat beside him. It only took one question from Yoongi’s dad, who just asked how old you were, to stop his mother from holding herself back and start bombing you with every question you could imagine, you didn’t mind, she was just curious. You tried to ask questions back, trying to know them just as much as they wanted to know you, but it was difficult when Yoongi’s mom was barely interested in something else that wasn’t your relationship with her son. From your job, to your career, your family and friends, and how and when you meet Yoongi. He felt like an observant, like he was five years old and his mother told him that he could only stay at the adult’s table if he could keep quiet. You always said that you struggled at being social, but you seemed so natural as you laughed and moved your hands, telling his father that you were sure that you were graduating this year.
“Yoongi barely graduated from high school!” His dad said, making you giggle.
After lunch he offered to wash the dishes as he saw you disappear in the back door with both his mom and dad, she explained that she wanted to introduce you to her plants in the garden. He craned his neck and tried to spy on you from the window of the kitchen, but he could hardly see you or hear anything. He was not sure if he could leave you alone with them yet, but he knew that you knew enough about plants to charm his mom.
As the day came to an end, you forgot why you were worried that morning. That night, Yoongi searched for you in his living room and found you sitting with his parents on his couch, freshly out of the shower as you shared a cup of tea and his mother showed you some family photos. Yoongi tried not to roll his eyes, it was just a matter of time until his mother pulled their family albums for the guest to see. He sat next to you and noticed that all of you were looking at a picture of him and his brother on a school day, there was a big smile plastered on Jeasung’s face, but a six year old Yoongi looked like someone stole his favorite toy, you laughed thinking it was the same upset face he had when something was bothering him, he still looked the same.
Yoongi’s mom explained that his youngest son never liked to wear his high school uniform, she told you that she had to dress him several hours earlier so he could get used to it and forget he was wearing it when it was time to leave.
“Of course he never got used to it.” She complained, “But it’s normal, life itself it’s like a uniform for this kid.” His mother never failed to tease Yoongi, and he only laughed because he heard you laughing.
But she was not wrong, Yoongi always thought that his clothes didn’t fit him well and that his shoes were uncomfortable for him, he never liked being in his parent's car for too long because the seatbelt was too tight. He was irrationally afraid of thunder and the dark, he liked to stay at home most of the time and watched maybe too much tv. As a kid Yoongi thought that perhaps his body belonged to another planet, he believed that someone dropped him on earth and expected him to get used to this life, a life that wasn’t for him, to a bed that couldn't fit him, to a house full of rules that he didn’t know how to follow. When he grew up he was quick to blame the rural town he was raised in, he used to say that it held him back, but when he moved to the city he found out there was no apartment big enough to fit his heart. And when he met you last summer, he noticed that suddenly his clothes fitted him just right and that his shoes were never the problem. Maybe his body never belonged to earth or to mars, but belonged to you. As he watched you observing his baby photos he remembered what Jungkook said, you liked simple things, he realized he liked them too.
He spent an hour with you and his parents, until his father decided to go to bed and Yoongi noticed it was his turn to take a shower, but his mother didn’t care that it was almost midnight, instead she poured you another cup of tea.
“I’ll go to take a shower.” Yoongi announced, “After that, we’ll go to sleep.”
“You don’t tell me when it’s my bedtime.” You joked, turning the page of the birthday photo album.
But when Yoongi got out of the shower after twenty minutes, he opened the door of his bedroom and found you there, changing into your pajamas. You jumped, startled when you saw him “You scared me.”
Yoongi murmured a quick ‘sorry’, sitting at the edge of the bed as he observed you change, noticing that your pajamas were actually just an old shirt of his.
There were many scenarios where Yoongi pictured you and him together, but this was never one of them. You, in the middle of his childhood bedroom doing basic things such as getting ready to bed. It was different from the bedroom at his apartment, this was the bedroom where he grew up and knew all his life, all those events from today made him feel like an arrow pierced through his chest and made his heart bleed, like he was high and couldn’t open his eyes properly because he was so blinded of love.
He wouldn’t like to call it the honeymoon phase, that would annoy him, but he could tell he was so drunk in you that the withdrawal of you being apart could hurt him terribly. That night he hoped to get tangled with your body one last time before giving away all his fears, he hoped to get in bed, kiss your face and whisper the truth to you, you were part of him, you had embedded yourself in his soul and now he couldn’t picture his childhood home without thinking that you were part of it all along, he had been waiting for you, he had been waiting to feel like everything was okay.
“It’s strange seeing you here.” He told you, making you turn around to see him “It's like running into your teacher in the supermarket.”
You giggled. “It’s strange for me too, being in the room where you probably brought a hundred girls.”
Yoongi looked around his room, asking himself how you didn’t notice yet. He thought that the poster of Slam Dunk in the back of the door would have given him away, maybe the stickers of Batman in his wardrobe, but you were dead serious. “You are crazy if you think I ever brought a girl to this room.”
You frowned, walking to lay in bed next to him. “I don’t believe you.”
“I’m not lying.” He insisted “When my brother left for college and left me the room I was like fourteen, I was not very popular with girls back then.”
“And later?” You questioned.
“Later I moved in with Seokjin when I was like seventeen. Besides, the fear that I had of my mom finding out that I sneaked someone here was stronger than anything else.”
You looked like you were doing the math in your mind, after calculating, you said one simple word that made Yoongi choke. “Virgin.” You pronounced.
Yoongi glared at you, offended. “No, you’re wrong, that doesn’t mean I was a virgin before moving in with Seokjin.”
“So your bed is a virgin.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Now Yoongi turned to you, laying on top of you and placing himself between your legs to kiss you softly. He was just trying to be sweet, but you knew better. He grabbed your hips and pressed you firmly against him, breaking the kiss to leave a few pecks on your lips. “I mean, if you want to…” He offered, making you scoff.
“I will kick you in the balls, stop.” You whined, grabbing him by his shoulders to stop him from kissing you again.
“Okay, I’ll stop for now.” He said, not really convincing you. For now, he changed the subject. “What did my mom tell you in the garden?”
You squint your eyes, trying to remember “Oh, nothing, really.” You replied, tilting your head to see him more clearly. “We were talking about her plants. She wanted to know how many I could name.”
He laughed just by thinking of it, of course his mom would do that.
“What, like a test?”
“It seemed like it.” You said, laughing too. “But the good news is that I think I passed.”
“That gave you points.”
“Do you think?” You wondered out loud “Do you think she liked me?”
“Wasn’t it obvious?” He laughed, “I’ll get her review tomorrow, but dad already told me.”
“What did he say?” You wanted to know.
You noticed that Yoongi’s dad was very quiet, just like him, he said just the right amount of words, unlike his mother, who couldn't stop talking for a minute. Yoongi said that they complemented each other.
“He said you were a very polite girl, and that you were funny but too pretty for me.”
You pouted “That’s not true, you are a pretty boy.”
He smiled, fighting for his life not to blush “That’s what I said as well.”
“They don’t have much faith in you.” You joked. Yoongi sighed, thinking that it might be true, his dad joked and asked him where did he got you from, where in the word he had found you, he kept his answer to himself, he couldn’t say to his father that he felt like the stars aligned the day he met you, he would laugh in his face.
“You said it yourself, I have a bad boy reputation to keep up with.” He murmured, reminding you when he bought you a necklace and you said that you wouldn’t tell anyone that he was so sweet. “But I hoped that changed, he told me not to fuck up.”
You saw his smile and silently wondered when you were going to stop visibly melting under his gaze, the whole conversation had your heart jumping inside your chest, you were afraid it would run away from your chest.
“That’s great advice.” Your voice came as a whisper.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m trying.” He scoffed, laying his head on your shoulder and burying his nose in the crook of your neck.
As the silence took over the room, Yoongi felt your hands in the back of his neck, running your fingers through his hair and feeling like it was time to sleep, but Yoongi’s mind was still racing.
“Did you have a good time today?” He asked before you fell asleep, you just hummed in response. “Will you come back with me next time?”
“Yes.” You laughed “Will you bring me back?”
“Of course.” He murmured against your neck “I didn’t bring you here just to meet my parents.”
“Didn’t you?” You frowned, making raise his head to look at you again. He shook his head in response. “Was there another reason?”
While you grabbed the wet strands of his hair that fell on his face to curl them around your fingers, he pretended to think his answer. “Yes, I brought you here so you know that I’m serious about you, I want you to be part of every part of my life.” He tried to sound cool, he hoped you didn’t notice he practiced that sentence the whole ride while you were sleeping and minutes ago in the shower.
You couldn’t escape from his words when he was just centimeters away from your face, it was impossible not to blush.
“Where is this coming from?” You asked, not being able to hide your smile.
Where was this coming from? He remembered suddenly. Yoongi knew you from head to toe, he memorized every part of you face, he knew every single mole in your body, he knew what sound you made when you were about to wake up, he knew exactly what you liked and you didn’t like, yet it was ridiculous how unsure he was about your decision to stay with him. In that moment where the light from the lamp on his nightstand illuminated the right side of your face and made only one of your eyes shine, he looked at you and could only read one thing in your eyes; ‘finally’, they said. How relieved he was in that instant.
“From a lot of places.” He confessed. “I don’t want to hide how I feel and make the same mistakes twice, so I needed to tell you.”
It was not shocking to you that Yoongi had these thoughts once in a while, but you were happy that he was okay with talking about it with you. “It’s okay, you don’t need to worry about that.” You whispered “But it’s nice to hear that, I want you in my life too, for as long as I can keep you.”
Yoongi laughed, you had no idea that it was the other way around.
“Forever, then.” He offered, rubbing his nose against yours.
“Okay, but first you have to tell me you love me.” You murmured “To seal the deal, so I can be sure.”
“I love you, baby.” He said in a sweet tone, making your heart melt like it was the first time you were hearing it, like it was a confession.
“That’s good news, I love you too.”
You always believed that to be a good lover, you had to be a good friend first. Maybe that’s why things didn’t work out with your last boyfriend, he hardly ever cared about you the way you cared about him. What’s love if not friendship first? A friend is always there, always knows what to say and if that’s not the case, a friend always listens. A friend always saves your seat in crowded rooms and knows how to read your mind when you want to escape. A friend knows every part of you, even the embarrassing ones, the most damaged ones. A friend knows your past and knows your flaws, knows your favorite songs and the food you don’t like. A friend knows that one person you despise and talks shit about them with you even if they don’t know them, a friend knows your family drama and maybe the color of your toothbrush.
Yoongi was that kind of friend to you, except that he also was the kind of friend who kissed you during the nights and early in the morning, a friend who shared shirts and socks with you, a friend who memorized every part of your body and the kind who took showers with you. If Yoongi wasn’t your friend you couldn’t let him see you hungover, or allow him to hold your hair if you were vomiting in the bathroom, you considered that it was a perfect balance.
Eight months after you began dating, he had left and returned from tour after three months of not seeing him. You barely saw him at the airport when you welcomed him that morning, but as soon as you arrived at his apartment, he fell asleep on his bed after a short kissing session. You only visited him once last month when he surprised you with a plane ticket as a present when he couldn’t be there for your graduation, but a month was too long to be apart from him, even if he texted and called every day and sent pictures of him after his shows. Now his hair was longer and you could see a bit of facial hair on his chin, but you liked him like that.
You wished you could wait for him to wake up to spend the night with him, but he had come back a few days earlier and you already had plans to go to a bar with Yongsun and Nayeon that same night, but you had promised Yoongi that when you were done you would make Nayeon drop you at his apartment.
What is love if not friendship first? If Yoongi wasn't your friend, you would never have allowed him to see you in the state you were in when you came back to his house that night.
Yoongi was about to hit the tenth hour of sleep when he was woken up by the sound of someone trying to open the door. In the distance, he heard the key hitting the wood but never entering the lock, he knew it was you, but he was too sleepy to realize that you were far too drunk to open the door in the first try (or the second and third one). You told him you were coming back not after two, but when he looked at the clock on his nightstand and saw that it was almost five, he decided to stay in bed, thinking that you were just struggling to open the door in the dark. When he thought he was about to enter into another dream, his sleep was once again interrupted by the sound of your high heels stumbling through the hallway. Were you with someone? Your laugh could reach his ears from his bedroom, were you alone? What were you laughing about?
He should’ve known you weren’t in your five senses before your silhouette appeared at the entrance of your bedroom, now with your shoes in your hands, leaning on the wall as you tried not to stumble with your own feet. You clearly didn’t notice he was awake, so he took advantage of that.
In the dark, he saw you walking towards the mirror beside his bed, covering your mouth and trying not to laugh when you saw your reflection. Your make up was ruined and your hair was a mess, for some reason it was the funniest thing to you.
Yoongi waited silently on the bed until you decided to join him, but you seemed to be taking your time, soon enough you began stripping from your clothes as you danced to a song playing in your mind, then you began to hum it. You left your jacket on the floor, then you decided to unzip the black dress you were wearing, staying in your underwear only. Yoongi couldn’t recognize the song, he felt like it was a private moment between you and yourself only, even if he had seen you with less clothes than that, he felt guilty for spying on you, but it was too funny to look away. He tried not to laugh and pursed his lips when he saw that you had almost finished your little dance, you brushed your hair with your fingers and adjusted your underwear. Before you got into bed, you turned around and took one last look in the mirror, except this time you were notably checking your butt.
You giggled one last time before getting under the covers. He closed his eyes, scared to be caught watching you.
He felt your hands shaking his head, trying to wake him up. “Bubba, I’m here.” You slurred, hugging his body close to yours. Yoongi pretended to wake up and opened his eyes.
“What are you doing?” He asked, faking a sleepy tone on his voice and wrapping his arms around your torso. “Why are you naked?”
“I’m not… naked.” You chuckled “Not completely.”
Yoongi took a second to scan your face in the dark, which was smudged with dark gray eyeshadow and glitter. That night you seemed to have worn red lipstick, but now it was all faded, that happened when you drank (vodka, he could smell it).
“It’s cold.” He informed you, feeling your cold feet trying to find his own so he could warm them. “And it’s late.”
It was not usual for you to get drunk, so Yoongi had barely seen this phase of you in the last months. He quickly learned that you were a happy drunk, laughing at him when he told you it was too late to wake him up. It was funny, and Yoongi thought it was the end of it, but when you kissed him, trying to shut him up, he knew you were going to be awake for a bit longer before finally sleeping.
It turned out that you didn’t only smell like vodka, but you taste like it too, that and watermelon as well. If you hardly ever got drunk it was because you didn’t like most alcoholic drinks, of course you were going to get drunk with cocktails. But your kiss was slow and sweet, and he liked watermelon after all. You only pulled away to kiss his nose.
“Did you have a good time?” He asked, hoping that small talk will tire you, needless to say that he was about to fail.
“I was missing you the whole time.” You replied, taking him by surprise when you began to straddle his lap to get on top of him, leaning to kiss his lips again. “But yes, I did.”
“What about your friends?” He murmured against your lips, but you didn’t want to stop kissing him. “Was Nayeon the designated driver?”
“Mhm, yes. She had to take care of me.” You laughed, sneaking your hands under his shirt. “She was afraid I would throw up in her new car.”
Yoongi was sure you were staining him with the red lipstick that remained on your lips when you began to leave small kisses on his neck, but you seemed happy, so he supposed it was okay. “I would be afraid of that too.” He joked. “What about Yongsun?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t believe me.” You exclaimed, being a bit too loud “She danced with a guy and kissed him, he wanted to go home with her.”
“What?” He asked, running his hands down your thighs. “Did she say yes?”
“Mmm, no, girl’s night only. But can you imagine?”
Yoongi hummed, happy to hear you talk about your night but knowing that you were not in the mood for sleeping yet. “What about you?” He continued to ask “Did you dance with a lot of boys?”
You gasped at the assumption “Me? Of course not.” You denied, leaning forward to kiss him again. “However, I must confess, I’m a pretty girl, bubba, a lot of guys approached me.”
“Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows, not willing to picture the image in his head. You nodded “And what did you say to them?”
“I said that I was not interested because I have a boyfriend.” You said in a pout, encouraging him to kiss you again.
Even if he tried to be strong and send you to sleep, he was too tangled in your games to run away from your kisses, or from you anyway. “Mhm, such a good girl.” He hummed against your mouth.
Suddenly, you pulled away from him. “Don’t say that.” You whined. “I’m already horny and I know you won’t fuck me since I’m tipsy.”
A loud laugh escaped from Yoongi’s mouth, surprised at your confession. “Are you horny?”
“Don’t act like you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t.” He denied. “And you’re not tipsy, you’re drunk as hell.”
“Whatever.” You huffed. “I was thinking about it the whole ride home.”
“Is that why you’re naked?” He kept laughing.
“I’m not naked.” You insisted. “But yes…”
Over the past months you naturally made a lists of ‘do not fuck if’ without noticing. You were the one who started it, telling him that you weren’t going to have sex if you were already showered or if it was wednesday, which was the day you were most tired. You had made very clear that you weren’t going to fuck him if you were on his parent’s house or while having a shower in your apartment if Nayeon was around. Of course Yoongi was the one who tried to do it in all those situations like it was a bucket list for him, but he had only one condition that could not be broken: do not fuck if you’re drunk. This was never a problem until that night.
Yoongi noticed that you were letting too many words out of your mouth, words that you would be embarrassed to remember you said the next day, that’s when he knew that it was time to sleep, but first, he wanted to tease you just a little more, that was allowed.
He grabbed your hips and put you down next to him, pressing your body against his. “And what were you thinking?” He asked you, making you believe that he was about to break. You were too drunk to notice that he was just playing with you.
“I don’t know If I can say.” You whispered, grazing your fingers over his face.
“C’mon, baby, you can tell me.” He insisted, but he had an idea of what you were thinking. “You wanted to ride me?”
“Well, yes.” You sighed, looking at his lips, tempted to catch them between your teeth. “But I really don’t have the energy to do that now, so then I thought that you should do all the work.”
It was maybe the first time that Yoongi heard you talk about sex like it was a procedure. “All the work?” He laughed. “Should I just open your legs and do all the work?”
You seemed offended by that offering. You frowned, shaking your head. “No!” You protested, “You must be… romantic.”
Yoongi scoffed. “I’m always romantic.” He said, reaching for your lips, opening your mouth lazily to briefly introduce his tongue, getting your hopes high again. You gripped his shirt, but he pulled away before you could do something else. “Am I not? I bring you to my house, I fuck you in my bed, I let you sleep naked on it, I make you breakfast. I’m romantic.”
“But you aren’t being very romantic right now.” You murmured against his mouth. “And I’m not naked.”
“I’m not fucking you tonight, you’re very drunk and I can be romantic in other ways.” He finally said, but you weren’t willing to give up yet.
“I don’t want other ways.” You kept insisting “I’m literally begging you.”
“You always do that, though.” He said, too cheeky for his own good. You rushed to cover his mouth with your hands, as if there was someone else in the room hearing.
“You can’t say that out loud.” You cried, trying to prevent him from talking again, but he was quick, biting your pinky finger to get himself free. You protested, but he didn’t pay attention.
“You’re the one begging to be fucked.” Yoongi laughed, but the frown on your face wasn’t going away. “Meet me halfway here, I can kiss you until you fall asleep if you want.” He tried to negotiate.
“You can kiss me somewhere else.” You said, making him snort. “I’m conscious enough, and I missed you this whole month”
“No, you’re not. And you’re going to regret saying that when you wake up.”
“Yoongi!” You cried.
“Oh, is it ‘Yoongi’ now?” He asked, wrapping you around one of his arms and making you rest your head on his shoulder, getting you ready to sleep. “It’s only ‘bubba’ when you’re trying to fuck me?”
“It’s only ‘Yoongi’ when I’m mad at you.” You groaned.
“I don’t care, it’s past your bedtime.”
“I didn’t know I had a curfew.” You kept trying to fight him.
“Tonight you do.”
“That sounded hot.” Now you were beginning to test your boyfriend’s patience.
“Oh my god.” He sighed, running one of his hands over his face.
“I like when you talk with a deep voice and you get all serious.” You kept going with your rant, but he was not having it anymore.
“Fine, stop.” He rushed to say “You can tell me all about that tomorrow, I promise I’ll do anything you ask me, but now it’s time to sleep.”
You turned your head to the clock beside you and saw the hour you came back home, you had no idea it was that late. “You could say it’s early.”
“Baby…” He warned you, last warning. Your gaze was kind of blurry and you were not as conscious as you bragged to be. It was difficult to admit that you were about to give up.
“Okay, I’ll sleep.” You said, snuggling near his chest, “But is the kissing session offer still available?”
“No, I don’t trust you anymore.” Yoongi had already closed his eyes “But I can allow a reduced amount of kisses.”
Finally surrendering to his conditions, you stretched out a bit and kissed him three times before falling asleep.
After that night you made sure no one else saw you that drunk, it was like a part of you that you didn’t know. You would have preferred not to remember anything the next day you woke up, but you remembered every single thing that you said. Even if someone erased your memory, Yoongi would have been there to remind you of the whole conversation, he couldn’t stop teasing you for the whole month.
A friend surely was in charge to stop other people seeing you in that state before you start vomiting every word that crossed your mind, but that wouldn’t prevent him from keeping those moments to himself. You promised to control yourself the next morning, but you forgot about it weeks later when you shared way too many glasses of wine with Yoongi one night, luckily there was no one around, and this time you weren’t drunk on vodka like before, so Yoongi laid on the couch and poured you the last glass before deciding it was time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, if were for you, you would have spent the whole night there, talking with him without noticing the words were slipping out you mouth.
You could tell that his eyes were becoming smaller and that his voice sounded deeper, he was getting sleepier but you couldn’t stop talking.
“We should get in bed already.” He announced “Before you tell me all your secrets and regret it the next day.”
“I’m not that drunk, you’re just trying to get rid of me.” You snuggled next to him, shaking your head. “And I don’t think that will work, you already know all my secrets.”
“Do I?” He doubted.
“Like what?”
Maybe Yoongi didn’t notice, but you told him a million things that you never told anyone else.
“Like when I told you that I shoplifted that MAC store back home.” You reminded him, making him laugh. “I don’t tell that to anyone because people think I would steal their makeup.”
“But you were like seventeen.” He said.
“Well, but I don’t regret it.” You admitted.
“You just told me that because I don’t use any makeup.”
You huffed, thinking about it “Maybe I keep a secret or two from you.” You confessed. “But a girl needs to have secrets.”
“Like what?” He asked again.
“Don’t manipulate me into telling you my secrets.” You said, dragging your words. He chuckled, leaning to kiss your lips briefly.
“Tell me all your secrets.” He insisted, whispering against your lips. You swallowed, feeling like his piercing eyes were burning your skin.
“I can’t tell you all of them.” You tried to be firm.
“How many you’ve got?” He kept insisting.
“A few… I don’t know.” You answered, counting them in your head, but you were too tipsy to even try. Even if you could, you would forget half of them.
“Tell me five.” He said, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. Taking advantage of your position and kissing you once again, hoping you would fall for him, he tried to melt you with slow kisses while caressing your bare thighs with his fingertips. Yoongi was fine with you having secrets, he just wanted to know what you had to say that night.
You sighed against his mouth, “That’s too much.”
“I’m fine with three.”
You guessed you could find three things you never told anyone, three things that you knew Yoongi would keep for you.
(It should be noted that Jungkook’s plan to get you back together was off limits, you were drunk, not dumb)
“I never liked Nayeon’s food.” You said “She thinks that I always cook because I enjoy it but the truth is that I don’t like it when she does. But it’s a secret, don’t ever tell her.”
You didn’t want to be rude, so you kept it a secret. You thought that Yoongi would be surprised for some reason, or maybe it was your drunk self thinking that what you were saying was very shocking, but Yoongi looked like he already knew.
“Is that your secret?” He complained “I already knew that, it’s not a secret for me.”
“How did you know?” You asked, wide-eyed.
“I can see it in your face.” He explained. “I don’t think she knows, but I sure do.”
“Don’t ever tell her, Yoongi.” You begged like he was threatening to do it. “I tried to help her, but she never gets better.”
“Don’t worry.” He assured you “Your secret is safe with me.”
You believed him, even if he didn’t consider it a secret you kept from him. You tried to think of something that he couldn’t know just by looking at your face, which was the most difficult thing when Yoongi could read every expression of you.
“Okay, I have one that I don’t think you’ll guess.”
“Fine, let’s see.”
“I don’t like when you use socks in bed.” You spat “It’s really uncomfortable and you end up taking them off in the middle of the night.”
Now Yoongi was surprised, he never thought you were so bothered about his socks.
“Are you serious?” He questioned, but you seemed really sure of your statement.
“I’m serious.” You confirmed. “You do it especially at my apartment, you never care to look for them after you take them off and they just stay in the sheets until I find them. Do you know how many of your pairs of socks I have in my closet?”
Your boyfriend frowned at the question. He always bragged about being an organized person, what do you mean he has been forgetting socks at your place? What do you mean he never noticed?
“You don’t like when I wear socks to sleep?” He checked again, only for you to confirm it once again by shaking your head. “That doesn’t sound like a secret, that just sounds like you have a problem with me wearing socks when we sleep.”
You rolled your eyes “I get that you have cold feet, but once you are under the covers they get warm, you should know that since you take them off in the middle of the night.”
“Are you asking me to stop wearing socks in bed?” He asked, pretending to be offended. Of course you were too drunk to notice that, and even if he was almost completely sober, he seemed to be infected with your drunkenness as he spent more time beside you. The conversation began to sound silly, but he couldn’t stop pushing the topic. Was it so wrong that he forgot his socks between your sheets?
“I’m not asking you anything.” You whined, throwing your head back against his shoulder. “I’m just telling you my second secret.”
Yoongi scrunched his nose. “Your secrets are not really secrets, baby.” He said, making you roll your eyes again.
“Whatever, that’s all you’re gonna get.”
“Mmm, no. You still have one left.” He reminded you.
You raised your chin, realizing he was right.
Even drunk you could remember that there was a cabinet of secrets that you couldn’t say out loud, not even to Yoongi, like Jungkook’s plan or the things that made you jealous, they were things that maybe you were not ready to tell him yet, not because of him but because you really believed you should keep a few things for yourself. As he booped your nose with the tip of his finger, you thought that you could share at least one of that kind.
“Fine, but don’t laugh at me.” You warned him.
He raised both hands, claiming to be innocent. “I would never.” He assured you.
You squint, but in the end you just said it. “I like babies, I want one someday.” You confessed “Maybe a boy, but I’m fine with anything. I want to raise them in a house with a backyard in a pool. I never had a pool and my backyard was scary as hell, the grass was as tall as me.”
That did sound like a secret to Yoongi, he never knew about that. He stayed there, feeling like the blood drained from his face, even if he wanted to make fun of you, those words were now stuck on his throat. Surprised that having a baby was an illusion of yours, he didn’t know how he never noticed. He saw you cooing at babies on the street and how you were always so good tutoring middle school kids back when you hadn't graduated yet, but the thought never crossed his mind, he never saw you that way.
“You want to be a mother?” He asked. It seemed like you generated a short circuit in his brain.
“Yes, that’s what it means to have a baby.” You said.
“But when?” He continued to ask, almost worried. You laughed at that, of course you didn’t mean now.
“Someday, I don’t know. When I get the house with the pool, maybe when I find someone that wants a baby too.” You teased him, observing how he stopped looking surprised and he began to look upset.
“What do you mean when you find someone?” He protested. “I’m right here!”
“Mmm, I’m not sure about that.” You said, turning around to face him. He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer, if that was possible. “Do you want a baby, bubba?”
“Yes.” He affirmed without hesitation. “I want a baby if it’s with you.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, intertwining your fingers in the back of his neck “You don’t just say that to a girl.”
You were right, people just don’t say that to girls, but you weren’t just a girl for him. Right there, wrapped around your fingers, he felt his heart hammering against his chest, he never had that kind of conversation with anyone else, he wondered if any of his past girlfriends ever thought about sharing more than the present with him. Yoongi didn’t want to keep living in the past, but he couldn’t help but think about how different it was with you, even if it was terrifying to think that someone could trust him with being… a dad, that sounded so weird. The idea of having a kid was maybe years away from that moment, he couldn’t even grasp it. Babies were the epitome of fear for him, but he smiled at the thought that you had been thinking about it, it warmed his heart to think that you included him in the picture.
Yoongi couldn’t even think about the future without feeling dizzy, he was happy being your boyfriend, but it was like you pinched him and woke him up with that secret, was that what he wanted all this time? Maybe.
Being fair, he thought he should confess something as well.
“You aren’t just any girl to me.” He said “You’re the girl I love, the love of my life.”
Suddenly, you felt your heart dropping to your stomach “Am I?” You managed to ask.
Being in love was a curse, being in love with Yoongi was even worse. After eight months of dating him you still melted like butter when he opened his mouth and dropped the sweetest sentence he could ever say.
“Of course, I fought a lot with myself to figure that out, so I won’t back down now.” He murmured.
“I’m glad that you won, then.” You chuckled, leaving a peck on his lips.
He grabbed your face to keep you close to him and looked you straight in the eye, not willing to let it go yet. “Baby, please.” He asked, low enough so only you could hear him “Don’t have a baby with anyone else.”
You bit back a smile, trying to be serious. “I can promise that if you promise not to tell anyone my secrets.”
Yoongi nodded repeatedly, “I can promise that.”
Good thing that a friend knew how to keep secrets.
Now the bottle of wine was empty and your head began to spin more than before, it was about time that you vomited your last words of the night.
“And by the way,” You said, catching his attention with your sleepy voice “I feel like you’re the love of my life too.”
What would Yoongi of the past think of the Yoongi that was seated next to you now? He wouldn’t believe he was now hanging by a thread, hoping that your next words wouldn’t be your last and being so in love that his heart was about to give up. That's how it felt to listen to you, drunk and tired, confessing once again your love for him.
“How is it that you feel it?” He asked, curious enough to let his mind speak for him.
“Do you think it’s too early to tell?” You wondered out loud. “I never loved anyone like you, I don’t think this would ever happen to me again. I just feel it on my chest.”
That made sense, Yoongi felt it on his chest too. He didn’t want the feeling to wear off as one month faded into another, but it stayed, he guessed you were the reason. There wasn’t a trace of doubt in your eyes, he could only hope you saw the same thing in him.
Fridays were always the same since you started at your new teaching job at a high school near Yoongi’s apartment, you woke up in your bed, took the subway, tried to finish your hours peacefully and visited Yoongi to have dinner with him.
This time was different, you took the subway back home and tried not to look at your phone.
You reminded yourself that fights in relationships were normal, but you didn’t expect Yoongi to still be mad after three days. After the big fight you had that night that made you think you wouldn’t see him again, you decided to communicate better, to talk things before exploding, so you didn’t have big fights since then, maybe silly ones about house rules or tiny discussions that were long forgotten within an hour, but never three days.
If you ever thought that Yoongi could not be any more stubborn, you were wrong.
It started on wednesday, when you came to visit like every other day, but he seemed to be drowning in his thoughts, dragging his feet and zoning out every five minutes without realizing. It was not about work, that much you knew, there was something else in his mind, but he didn’t say a word about it.
When you began washing the dishes, he stood by your side, quiet as ever, letting you do all the talking about your day and hardly answering your questions. You were almost sure you had nothing to do with his mood, if something was bothering him he was the first one to bring it up, but this was not the case. He usually saved these moments to tell you something about his week as he waited for you to finish, he struggled to get the words out, but at the end he just said it.
It turned out that Yoongi had some trouble with some deal he closed a few weeks ago, he had been offered to make an appearance at a rap show that was being held a month from now, someone had stepped down last minute and he was offered the spot. He would love to do it, the only reason he wasn’t part of the initial line up was because he had a break planned for this time of the year.
Yoongi had said yes, signed the contract, closed the deal, and the next week found out by Hoseok that none other than Park Jimin was hosting the event. Once again, Yoongi felt like a coward, wanting to call it quits and forget about the whole thing. All of his friends who were going to be part of the show laughed at him for not being aware that his ex best friend was hosting and was also one of the headliners, but these weeks Yoongi had been too caught up with normal life to know who was performing at a show he wasn’t going to be part of to begin with, and yes, maybe he was going to go since he was probably going to get free tickets from his friends who were performing, like Namjoon or Hoseok.
He felt like someone slapped him on the face when he realized he was an adult and couldn’t run away just because Jimin was part of the event.
You knew Jimin and Yoongi's history too well, they met each other as soon as Yoongi arrived to Seoul when he was seventeen, he was still renting recording studios per hour, selling his tracks for cheap prices to pay the rent of the dorm that shared with Seokjin and working full time delivering pizza. Jimin was an aspiring dancer and singer, it was like underdogs seemed to find each other in the streets of Seoul, when Jimin met Yoongi no one could separate him from his older friend.
Ten years of friendship didn’t disappear just like that, Yoongi began to distance himself from everybody as soon as Dasom, his ex girlfriend, started to have problems and her addiction became worse, mostly from Jimin.
Maybe Jimin had a list of reasons that made him want stop seeing Yoongi for good, reasons that chased Yoongi in his sleep every october when he knew Jimin’s birthday was approaching, but he knew that Jimin’s last straw was when Dasom was too drunk at a gathering full of his friends and began to make Jimin uncomfortable when she began to crack jokes about cancer. Dasom was always known for his “dark humor” and not being politically correct, but no one expected her to make those jokes when one of Jimin’s closest friends had passed away of that same disease not even a year ago. Jimin stormed out of the room, having Yoongi follow him to try and talk to him. Back then Yoongi thought Dasom was too overtaken by his addiction to even understand what she was saying, but Jimin knew she never liked the relationship he had with Yoongi, she was jealous she didn’t take all the attention from him, the same happened with his brother and family. Yoongi didn’t want to see it, he wasn’t trying to defend her but he asked him not to pay her attention. Jimin couldn’t do that, he was heartbroken, not hurt by Dasom but hurt by his friend’s words, he wished Yoongi would have stood up for him, said something since his words got stuck in his throat as he expected someone to say anything because he couldn’t utter a word. Yoongi regretted it every night, he will always remember how Jimin said that Dasom had always been horrible as a person, she always made those kinds of jokes and Yoongi just tried to ignore them because he loved her, this wasn’t nothing new of her. That was the last time they talked, even if Yoongi tried to call him, Jimin was determined not to see him ever again, too hurt to even think of talking to him again.
Still so stubborn, that wednesday night, after he vomited all his thoughts, he hoped for you to say that he should go to the show, and that he shouldn’t be uncomfortable around Jimin, he hoped to hear you saying that even if it was bad that he defended Dasom in that situation, Jimin should’ve understood that Yoongi was in a shitty place and couldn’t be in the middle of the two of them. Imagine how upset he was when you told him that you understood his position back then, but maybe he should consider calling Jimin before overthinking the whole situation and figure things out with him, he should at least try, maybe something good could come out of it.
Yoongi was not happy with that answer, he just wanted to hear you say something that just magically would make him feel okay, he was terrified of facing Jimin after so many years. The outcome was different, he went asleep upset and stopped texting after you left for work the next day.
You weren’t mad at him, he needed time to think, you knew that he just wanted someone to endorse his stubborn behavior of running away from his problems.
That night you ate alone, Nayeon was suspiciously out (not to party) for the fourth friday this month, so you were on your own. There were no texts from anybody on your phone, no missed calls, no instagram messages of cat videos, no invitations to a party, not even a mail from the school. Being a substitute teacher wasn’t so hard for now, you had taken the job of a teacher who had a maternity leave, but you supposed she was a workaholic since she sent you the full schedule for the rest of the school year, so that left you with almost no work for the weekend expect for the papers you had to grade.
Embracing your loneliness, you took out a pot of ice cream and put on a movie for the rest of the night.
You thought that a night without you wouldn’t kill Yoongi, but as your eyes started to close and the movie was coming to an end, the sound of your vibrating phone startled you from your sleep. It was past midnight when Yoongi called you.
“Hello?” You answered, your sleepy voice reaching the other line.
“Were you sleeping?” He asked, without even saying hi.
“No, I’m in a club and came to the bathroom to answer.” You teased him, you could almost see how he rolled his eyes.
“Ha-ha, so funny.” He said. “What were you doing?” His voice was soft, being careful knowing you hadn’t spoken since you left his house.
“Just watching a movie, about to sleep, actually.”
There was a few seconds of silence on his line, but then, he made the question he was planning to ask when he called. “Why didn't you come home today?”
“I have a home of my own, actually.” You said, not breaking character.
“You know what I mean.” He insisted.
“I just didn’t think you wanted me there today.” You were just saying that to talk about the topic, sometimes Yoongi believed he could get away from trouble without facing it first.
“Don’t be silly, I always want you here.”
You rolled in bed, looking at the window to check if it was raining yet, but it wasn’t, though the sky looked like it was about to.
“I don’t know about that.” You said in a high pitch. “I was getting another message when you stopped texting yesterday.”
Yoongi was still not ready to admit he got mad at you.
“I guess we’re from different generations, I’m not on my phone all the time like you.” He tried to defend himself.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You huffed. “We’re not from different generations when you ask for nudes in the middle of the night, aren’t we?”
You heard Yoongi almost choking, struggling to find words to fight you back on the other line.
“Fine.” He said, giving up “You’re right, I’m sorry for not texting. And I’m sorry for getting mad at you, I wasn’t ready to hear what you said, I just needed some time alone.”
You sighed, hearing how the rain began to hit against your window.
“It’s okay, I understand.” You told him “You can take your time, just don’t lock yourself alone in your room forever.”
Yoongi smiled as he laid on his bed, wishing you were there with him. “Can’t promise that.” He joked, making you laugh.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you, the sound of the rain filling the room as you waited for the other one to say something else.
“What were you doing awake this late, grandpa?” You murmured, wrapping yourself in the blankets once again.
“I wanted to talk to you, to say sorry, tell you something.” He answered, making you curious.
“What you wanted to tell me?”
“I’ve been thinking about what you said, about calling Jimin.” He said “I don’t know, I was not ready to consider that, not ready to get rejected by him.”
“Things can always be different.” You encouraged him.
“Well, yes. I know, but my mind works in strange ways.” He laughed, you sensed a bit of wavering in his voice “I made a decision today and I called him, just got off the phone with him.”
You gasped, startling him from the other side of the phone. “Really?” You almost yelled, the excitement leaking from your voice. “What did you say? What did he say?”
“Not as much as I would want to, I told Namjoon to get me his number and he did, I spent the whole day thinking of what should I say, imagining what he would tell me” He replied “He picked up, didn’t sound angry or mad, just surprised… I told him I regretted taking so long, he told me it was okay, we talked for about an hour without thinking about our fight, I actually talked him about you.”
“You did?”
“Yeah, I told him you were the one who pushed me to call him, and then decided to meet to… talk properly.” It took almost three years for Yoongi to make that call, and Jimin only seemed to be struck by nostalgia when he heard Yoongi’s voice, he hadn’t stopped thinking about his friend either. It was weird, it wasn’t like he wasn’t angry anymore, but both regretted how things ended. Yoongi didn’t know that, for some reason, he thought that for Jimin it was easier to forget about him.
“Oh, baby, I’m so happy for you.” You said in a high pitched voice. “Everything will work out fine, I know it because you deserve it.”
“I hope it works out too.” He murmured under his breath. “I just wanted to thank you, I guess you were right. You are always right, it’s annoying.”
“You should get used to it already.”
“Yeah, I suppose I should.” He said, you could almost hear him smile. “I’m still upset that you didn’t come home, we could still be mad at each other while cuddling.”
“Mmm, I don’t know about that.” You laughed just by thinking of that situation “I’m having a pretty good time in my bed without your big feet taking up all the space.”
“That’s rude.” He sounded offended. “I’m sure you like my big feet.”
“Oh my god, gross, shut up.” You said, scrunching your nose.
“Whatever, I’m just saying… You should drop by.”
“Now?” You asked, “It already started to rain.”
“I’ll send an uber.” He offered.
“How romantic, I thought you were going to come pick me up.” You kept teasing him.
“The car is in the garage and I’m on my bed already, romanticism can wait until you get here.” He tried to convince you without much success.
“I don’t see why you should stay comfortable on your bed and I should go to you.”
“Because you love me, I don’t know.” He chuckled “C’mon, baby, I just want to sleep with you tonight, in my bed.”
He didn’t need to beg too much before you folded, it didn’t take much to convince you when he said he was going to pay the uber, so you put on a hoodie and your flip flops and waited for the uber at your doorstep.
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“Were you just booty calling me?” You managed to get out, shifting in your place as you laid under him, grabbing his shoulders to gain some balance.
This was supposed to be a cold rainy night, you were supposed to get in Yoongi’s bed and cuddle before falling asleep. That was the usual routine of fridays, you visited him after work and took a nap before dinner was ready, you left parties and meetings with your friends for the weekends, friday nights were to rest. You began to believe that you spent too much time next to Yoongi the way you refused to leave the house after ten pm, especially during winter.
You knew him too well not to notice how the situation was getting sidetracked the more time you spent together in that bed. He hugged you and showered you with kisses as he apologized for not texting or calling once again, asking you about your day and talking about Jimin a little bit more before his kisses began to trail down your neck and his warm hands sneaked under your big shirt, pulling you closer to catch your lips between his teeth.
“Don’t say that.” He groaned, thrusting languidly inside you as his fingers dug into the skin of your hips, setting a slow pace “I just missed you.”
Shutting you up with a kiss, you knew it was one of those nights for Yoongi. You didn’t know if you finally managed to break him at times, but there were nights like these when he couldn’t help but show how maniacally in love he was. He got rid of your clothes and took all the time in the world just for you, burying his head in your neck, being patient and careful, sucking love bites on your chest, showering you in praises and sweet words, fucking you deep and slow as he tried to prolong the feeling of your walls dragging up and down his cock for as long as possible.
He loved to tease and play with you, but he discovered he also loved giving you what you wanted just how you wanted, hearing you purr in his ear and sigh in relief as he sank himself inside your pussy, running his hands all over you body and fucking you lazily enough for you not to know when your orgasm was about to hit.
Arching your back, you pressed your body against him to meet his hips with urgency. He had been drilling in and out of you for a hot minute now, you began to feel your body becoming hotter, or maybe it was just his body, burning on top of you as he rolled his hips against you, responding to your body in an attempt to drive you insane.
“My sweet girl.” He murmured, brushing his lips against your own “Made just for me, always fitting me so well.”
He stole a kiss from your swollen lips, opening your mouth to slip his tongue inside, sucking on your tongue until you forgot how to kiss him properly and moaning on his mouth.
You felt yourself getting tighter around him, you supposed that by now you were well adjusted to his body but every time you seemed to be wrong. You felt his skin brushing over your clit and his body getting heavier on top of you, your orgasm began to build so slowly that you almost didn’t notice it, “I think I’m close.” You cried, digging your fingers into his shoulders.
He nodded, kissing your forehead “I know, baby. I’m close too.” He breathed out, his hand reaching for one of your hands to intertwine your fingers with him. “Where do you want it?” He asked.
“Just… inside me, please.” You pleaded, too intoxicated to think of anything else. He already knew your answer, but your words made his cock throb inside you anyway, making you shut your eyes closed, overwhelmed as he pounded inside you, picking up a faster pace.
It didn’t go unnoticed to Yoongi how in love he felt that night, he was sure that your whines and the little sounds you made were going to chase him in his sleep for a whole week, echoing through his mind, making him wake up in the middle of the night feeling like his skins was on fire. His mind didn’t make fully sense that you were his, so he had to repeat it out loud to you all the time. “Mmm, do you want me to fill you up?” His voice sounded raspy, meaning that he was in the same position as you, he could barely handle the way you were clenching around him.
You nodded repeatedly, not willing to open your mouth in case your voice failed you, but Yongi got drunk with the expression on your face, your mouth hanging open as you moaned, your hooded eyes fighting to see him clearly and your swollen lips just begging to be bit. You squeezed his hand, letting him know you were just a second to come undone, “Baby I’m- Shit, shit, shit.” Your words were cut by the feeling of shock waves of pleasure washing all over your body, sobbing his name as he helped you ride your climax, pounding in and out of your cunt as your whole body shivered.
“You did so well, baby.” He hissed, thrusting for the last time, urging to reach his own climax “Such a good girl.”
Just the sound of you sobbing his name was enough for him to finally snap, spilling himself inside you as he groaned your name, pounding inside you for the last time before he carefully removed himself from you, crumbling on top of you.
Yoongi looked at you, with eyes full of love, about to fall asleep. “You’re so cute.” He murmured, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder “And this wasn’t a booty call.” He cared to clarify once again. You ran your fingers through his hair, laughing. “Sometimes things turn out like this.”
“Yeah, I know, I was just teasing you.” You guaranteed him, kissing the tip of his nose.
“This is not fair, anyway.” He complained “If I want to see you in the middle of the night you have to take an uber to see me, it’s not fair.”
“I live only twenty minutes away, Yoongi.” You reminded him, but he didn’t like that answer, he rolled his eyes.
“I want you to live zero seconds away.” You heard him mumble against your neck “I don’t like this anymore.”
“What is that you don’t like?” You inquired, pulling away to see him properly.
“That you spend more time with Nayeon than with me.” He explained, making you giggle.
“Well, but someone has to pay the other half of the rent.” You said.
He huffed, grazing your fingers over your face “Mmm, I don’t care about that. I just don’t like you being away for so long.”
“For so long?” You repeated, laughing at him “Three days is that long?”
Of course it was, you knew it.
“Three days is eternity, baby.” He groaned, closing his eyes shut “I want to come home to you, don’t you?”
You tried to ignore your heart hammering against your ribcage, “I miss you all the time when you’re not with me,” You confessed, a smirk tugged from the corner of his lips, he looked at you for a second and then scoffed.
“You’re so cheesy.” He blurted out. You wasted no time in punching his arm, making him groan.
“And you’re so mean.” You complained “Don’t you miss me all the time as well?”
As much as Yoongi liked to tease you, you were right. “Yes, I do, I miss you all the time.” He admitted “I miss you right now knowing you will leave me tomorrow.”
“At least I can promise that I’ll text you.” You kept teasing him, but he was very persistent about his argument, he didn’t want to hear any of that.
“No, I don’t want you texting me.” He murmured, pulling you by your waist to press you to his bare torso. “Move in with me, baby.”
Yoongi watched your eyes widen in surprise, not knowing if he was serious.
“You want me to live with you here?” You asked, just in case.
“Yeah, this is basically your home too.”
“But what if you get sick of me?” You tried to argue, half joking, half being honest “What if you don’t like how I make the bed and how I fold my clothes?”
Yoongi squinted his eyes, wondering if that was a real concern of yours “I think we can figure that out along the way.”
You didn’t miss the feeling on your stomach when you thought about living here with him. You had been sharing lives for quite some time now, when he wasn’t at your apartment you were here, when you weren’t sleeping on his bed, he was sleeping in yours, but the routine of everyday was different, Nayeon was always around and you couldn’t act like the apartment was all yours. On the other hand, you could wander around freely at Yoongi’s apartment, you could wake up in your underwear and walk around the house as you prepared breakfast without problem, could dance in the kitchen without fearing that someone would catch you and hang out in the living room for as long as you wanted. But apart from that, waking up next to Yoongi every morning sounded really nice, he felt more like home than anybody else.
“Okay, deal.” You said “But I think I will miss sleeping with you in my bed.”
Yoongi snorts, mocking you. “Yeah, sure. Good thing I won’t.”
It was sad for you to see your bed go when someone who wanted to buy it on Facebook Marketplace came to pick it up by the end of the month, but it only meant a new start. You didn’t have many things, most of the furniture in the apartment belonged to Nayeon, including the couch where you had sex with Yoongi multiple times, poor her, she didn’t need to know how many times it happened.
But anyway, after that, there were many things to be excited about, at first it was your promotion as a titular teacher, there was family and friends and Holly, there was shared bottles of wine and summer nights, music and books, movies and food, there was holding hands during long walks in winter and calling in sick when it’s raining, and at the end of the day, there was always him.
Yoongi had wandered the world feeling like he was different for so many years, he resented the people that passed by on the street, thinking they had any kind of blame that he couldn’t stand living in his own skin, with a frown on his face, a hot black coffee without sugar on his hand and a bad attitude on the mornings, he believed himself to be disconnected from this world. Yoongi didn’t like his birthday, hated taking the bus, hated taxis, hated rainy and sunny days, hated flowers, they were for the death. He waited all year to get on stage and forget about all the people that he had hurt and all the people that hurt him, almost feeling like his life was slipping through his fingers. It was embarrassing to even admit that that only changed when he fell in love with you.
Love? He didn’t know a proper definition for that word, he just know he liked his birthday if you were going to be there, took the bus or a taxi if you were going to make him company, he liked rainy days if he was going to be cuddled in his bed with you, and sunny days didn’t seem so bad if you were beside him when he took Holly for a walk. He even started to like flowers when you bought a tulip for him on the first day of spring.
He wasn’t so different from everybody else, but maybe you were the different one, putting a smile on every situation and being optimistic, adoring your job, loving sugar, laughing at everyone’s jokes, even if they were bad. You had an efficiency to escape from the bureaucracy of school, work, society, life, how come he hadn't met you before?
He spent months trying to run away from you only to find out that he encountered you in every corner of his mind, in every corner of his bed, in every corner of his life. He was a fool if he thought he was the one keeping you, you were the one who decided to keep him.
Well, as you went on kissing him goodbye every morning, sharing baths with him after a long day, buying him tulips on spring days, Yoongi thought that as long as you were there, he should be okay.
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taglist: @rvelvett @kimseokjinbangtan @minmin2022 @minvlush @bids97 @cowboylikevicky @jiimtaee @jjkmspace @localmoonchild @youre-on-your-ownkid @tarahardcore @kookstempo @yoongimentita7 @jwlmnbt @almosttoopizza @floriiansgrave @damn-u-min-yoongi @starbtslove @pelicanpizza @deliciouslydisturbed365 @g0lden-sunset @side-effectss @iwishselena @rosquilleta @funsizemarsbar92 @cosmiclatte-world @miss-jupiter @linosluna @staradorned @bxcndd
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kaledya · 23 days
Hello again !
Oh okay I understand!
Thank you for the explanation! Things make sense in that type it follow more the show seasons development. I forgot that in your SS AU Luci and Charlie are in a bad place. It will help (Not me panicking because Constantine come sooner and I always plan a VERY slow burn romance between him and Lolicia. Ahhh. So excited. Anyway) The more important is that Lucifer and Serenity coming later. Heaven arc last. I get it !
I will take care of your advices 🌸 So greatest showman mini arc incoming let's go!
Ps : glad you like my drawings!🌸 Thank you even if its not the best. Promise I will try to not butcher Constantine and Serenity fanarts ahah
Have a nice day! -marquisev
And I'm really glad to know that I could explain it properly! I hope I could help!
And yes, they are on bad terms right now, generally because Lucifer can't put his pride aside and admitted his mistake, or because he thinks knew what was best for Charlie and saying her plan is Unreasonable and far from reality .He doesn't even let Charlie explain herself and is upset about the fight they had the last time they met. Charlie thinks,
"He won't listen to me anyway, why am I trying any harder?"
Lucifer, on the other hand, cannot go to his daughter and admit that she is wrong, again because of his pride.
(This idea is seriously a wip, I didn't think of that arc in detail ) but when Lucifer comes to the hotel, Alastor criticizes him as a father.(Because by this time, Alastor has been spending a lot of time with Charlie, and they even fight back to back at one point. He can understand Charlie's relationship with Lucifer from her behavior.)
Extra: (Their current reaction is not the same as in this post, I drew this post before I started writing my AU, Alastor does not try to make fun of Constantine in any way (he knows what will happen if he does, he logically does not want to push his luck).)
And after this encounter and some events in between And after a long and touching conversation between Lucifer and Charlie, Their relationship is getting better. In my mind, this scene reminds me of the scene between Joel and Ellie in Last of Us 2.
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But they still love each other sincerely. Lucifer was in a bad mood due to Lilith's disappearance and this widened the gap between them.But if they sit down and talk, they won't have much of a problem with time.
OH MY GOD REALLY?? I'm seriously already excited about how you're going to write their interactions! And I have full confidence that you will write a great slow burn romance. I can't wait to see their dynamics.
And yes, Constantine arrives at a time similar to when Lucifer arrives in the series.
Yes!, but it's not too early, I don't have an exact timeline, but seriously important events are happening at the hotel, maybe Angel is getting rid of Val.After the people in the hotel really start to trust each other and show their character development.
The reason I think this is because Charlie invited her brother over to show him her progress.For this, there was a need for arcs in which the team would experience character development.
Yes, Serenity comes to the hotel after the hotel's case with the Vees and after a while, at the right time, she reveals her identity to Alastor .Lucifer arrives shortly after this event.After this there is a heaven arc and the planning is this after this event it's completely blank page, I really don't know what will happen next.
And as I said before, you don't have to follow what I wrote, be free. This is your story.
And believe me, I love your drawing style, I think you draw very well.
And I'm really excited for the next arc!
By the way, I read the latest episodes. It was very nice to read Husk and Lolicia's interactions and I find Charlie's activity very creative!
And Lolicia's new outfit has a really interesting and creative design I love it! And reading that you were inspired by Baldurs Gate 3 really surprised me and brought back memories.I take that outfit in House of Hope too and after wearing it, Gale's comment made me laugh a lot😂
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Why Is This So Surprising?
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
(With cameos from all of the 11th Street Kids)
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: The team sees a softer side to Adrian when his partner gets upset.
Warnings: Descriptions of something similar to a panic attack or autistic meltdown
A/N: So funny story this has actually been in my drafts for almost year and I forgot about it because I broke my phone the week I wrote it and got a new phone, but I’m thinking of maybe ending my hiatus and coming back soon. In the meantime I have some old fics I never posted. College and my mental health got in the way and I never got to finish some old WIPs, but I think I might finally be ready to pick them back up again! Hope you enjoy! ❤️🧜‍♂️❤️
You felt your breath catch in your throat as your lungs expand and contract trying to get air in. You were trying to forget about the mission you had just been on and you were having little success. You were able to push down your emotions on the car ride back to the old video store and you were currently staring at the piano, avoiding eye contact, in an effort to block out what Harcourt was saying. If you didn’t hear the debriefing it couldn’t be real, right? If you didn’t hear how terrible the mission went, it just simply didn’t happen. Sadly that wasn’t true. You found it getting harder for you to breathe. You pushed yourself up from your chair, getting ready to walk upstairs to be by yourself for a minute when you’re stopped by Harcourt.
“Where do you think you’re going? I didn’t say you could leave. This is important.” She starts.
“I don’t need a recap of this. Thanks.” You say, continuing upstairs, your voice cracking.
“Hey, (L/N), we all did things we aren’t proud of today-“
“You didn’t do what I did!” You yell at her. Suddenly the room starts spinning. It all just feels too real. You can feel everything and it’s too much. You hear a clock ticking, water rushing through pipes, feet slapping on the pavement outside, the click click clicking of heels, the electricity in the lights, the lights that just won’t stop flickering. You back up into a wall and slide down it, tears blocking your vision. You let a sob come out.
“What are we supposed to do?” Chris asks quietly, standing up and walking closer.
“I don’t fucking know! I’ve never seen them like this!” Harcourt whisper yells. Adebayo stands up and walks over to you, the rest of the team crowding around. They’re making it harder to breathe until you start hyperventilating.
“What can we do for you?” She asks.
“You guys can move the fuck over. Give them some space.” Adrian says, pushing his way through the crowd. “Somebody go get them some water.” He commands and John leaves the room to grab you a glass. “Are you pro touch or anti touch right now?” He asks, but you feel like you’re underwater. You feel like speaking is like moving through quicksand and you just can’t manage it. Adrian slowly puts his hand out towards you, like a wounded animal. He tries to take your hand in his and at first a little jumpy, you let him. He puts your hand over his chest and takes deep exaggerated breaths. “Follow my breathing, okay? In and out.” He instructs you and you breathe together. “You’re doing such a good job.” He praises. When your breathing becomes somewhat regulated Adrian moves so he’s sitting against the wall and you’re leaning against his chest. He’s giving you the pressure you so desperately need, as he sways with you. He brings you back to this planet. Slowly, gravity starts to feel normal again. Now that you can breathe a steady stream of tears starts to flow. He wipes them occasionally as you lay with your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat drown out the other noises that were too loud. “It wasn’t your fault. You did your best. You’re okay. Everything is okay.” He reminds you. John hands him the glass of water. “Here, (Y/N), drink this. You need to stay hydrated.” Adrian reminds you, as you take the glass of water. It feels cool against your throat which had previously felt like fire. “Thank you.” Adrian says to John.
“You’re welcome.” John responds. The rest of the team just stares. They’ve been staring the whole time. You don’t even notice the stares and neither does Adrian. Your minds are on more important matters. You completely forget they’re there until they start to speak up.
“How did you know what to do?” Harcourt asks.
“What do you mean?” Adrian answers her question with another question.
“Well we didn’t even know what to do and you say you don’t have emotions.” John comments.
“I say I don’t have emotions like other people. That doesn’t mean I don’t have emotions. I just have them differently.” He clarifies.
“Well you clearly don’t know what to do when I’m crying.” Chris starts. He then clears his throat. “I mean if I had cried you wouldn’t know what to do. Because I never cry! Crying is for babies!” He adds. Adebayo gives him a look and Harcourt slaps him on the arm.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Harcourt whisper yells. You don’t take offense to his comment. You know he has masculinity issues.
“First of all crying is healthy. It’s a fundamental part of human nature. Second of all they’re my partner. We’ve slept in the same bed for over a year. I’d think I’d know how to take care of them. Why is this so surprising?” Adrian roles his eyes at the others while they shrug. Everyone has something to say, but they just decide to keep their mouths shut. As the tears start to slow, you shift in his arms, getting more comfortable. You don’t realize how tired you are until your eyes start to get heavy after you’ve made it to a comfortable position. You look up at him with pleading eyes.
“Can we go home now?” You ask.
“Of course, Babe.” He says, planting a kiss on the top of your head. Adrian moves you off of his lap, stands, and reaches out a hand for you to lift yourself up with. The others wish you well as you collect your things to go home.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to come in tomorrow. Get some rest…and Chase…I’m sorry we underestimated you.” Harcourt tells the both of you. You can’t see your boyfriend’s goofy smile in the dark of the night outside the video store, but you can hear it in his voice as he thanks Harcourt and bids his goodbye. When you get home Adrian puts you in his softest t-shirt and you climb into bed. He pulls you to lay on him and you don’t object. You enjoy the feeling of his chest rising and falling and the sound of his heartbeat. You like that you can hear it better now that his suit is off. It’s comforting. He’s comforting.
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hopefull-mindset · 4 months
I've started reading The Great Gatsby (I've fallen into the reading classical literature trap 😔. I really need to finish Crime and Punishment.)
Anyhow I think it's really interesting how Asagiri chose to characterize many of the people in BSD. Especially after learning that irl Fitzgerald was more of a cynical person (at least towards the end of his life) than his animated counterpart. And it made me think of all the other characters of the show and how their characterized.
What was Asagiri's purpose as he came together with these characters? Why'd he have some characters act as their irl counterparts while others act more like the characters they wrote or people in their lives?
These aren't really questions that I wanted the answers to they were moreso just thoughts that I had. I'd love to have a peek into this man's mind and how it works
I think a lot of us have fallen into that trap LMAO. This is my favorite topic though. I could talk about this forever because Kafka Asagiri is an interesting person who has integrated a lot of literature into this one series. I don't know what goes on in this man’s mind and I know these aren't literal questions, but I am interested in sharing what I know!
As you've pointed out, some characters do act more like the people in these works written by them than the actual people. BSD isn't purely just taking these authors, their relationships, and then implementing them just like that. it also takes these authors’ literary personas, their impact socially, and their works to make them into who they are. Asagiri is doing this because it makes it more interesting, but also imagine writing about this authors where most of them lived depressing lives with qualities that don’t make uh, the type of story you want to tell.
I’m impressed with how creative he is.
I’m trying to limit myself on how much I should talk about this, but I fear that I’ll leave out important bits about how Asagiri incorporates these people into the work. I’m also just jittering and excited. Like I almost forgot to bring up the fact the reason BSD has a war narrative is because it takes Japanese authors from Meiji to Shōwa era, so about the time Western influence kicked in, forcing them to modernize and keep up with the rest of the world during what is a fairly short time for huge development like this, to post-war Japan where, you know, the Occupation of Japan is happening and they have to intake the traumatic repercussions of everything before that.
This can make The Great War functionally WW2, but obviously not a one to one match. I’m not a historian or anything, but this should come to mind for anyone who’s in the know about some Japanese history. Now that I’m bringing it up though, Mori’s attitude during the flashback with Yosano is put into context because he pretty much says himself that he needs his country to realize that they keep up with the rest of the world and that the battlefield is changing, and real life Japan did not care about how they did that.
With N, Chuuya, and Stormbringer too. I’m almost hesitant to bring this up because it’s so serious, but yes, Japan did do lethal human experimentation for that same purpose to keep up with the rest of the world and prove themselves.
Ahh, I went off track. Sorry, we were talking about how Asagiri writes characters, right? There is a lot of crossover between the real authors and their writing, so it’s sorta hard to tell with people like Dazai where the work influence ends and the the real person begins.
For me currently in my classic lit research period, I’m almost upset at myself for barley reading anything by Ryuunosuke Akutagawa because he’s my favorite character. I’ve just been so caught up doing my Oda Sakunosuke essay that I don’t have too much time for other authors. I’ve also picked up “The Similitude of Blossoms: A Critical Biography of Izumi Kyōka” recently (and A New Hamlet by Osamu Dazai, but that’s not important).
Ah, how much should I talk about.… hmm… how about Chuuya as an example of Literary Voice vs Real Person…. Lucy Montgomery and Edgar Allen Poe for Social Impact (for Japan specifically)…. and then.. Oh whatever, I’ll figure it out. One day I’ll talk about Kyouka, but not now. I’d feel ill prepared.
If you’ve ever read a poem by Chuuya Nakahara, taken in the emotion and deep feeling, and then found any fun facts about his interactions with other authors, there’s a huge contrast between those two modes that can be jarring. Im sure you can tell how that carries over to BSD. I’m impressed by how Asagiri is able to balance both the brash attitude of Chuuya and the inner literary voice that voices the emotion and care he has in him.
Edgar Allen Poe is slightly more obvious than Lucy’s influence (or maybe it’s Lucy’s, ah it depends), but both pop out at you when it’s pointed out. He was one of the first American authors to be introduced to Japan and fairly popular, but mainly we would point to Edogawa Ranpo as the most blatantly influenced by him and who his name is quite literally attached to. While Lucy Montgomery isn’t attached to anyone in particular, Anne of The Green Gables was wildly distributed in Japan when there were few english children books and became a hit.
There’s a television series too if you search for it. Any redhead, pigtail-braided girl you see in some Japanese media is because of her! It’s probably why these two have the most presence in the story currently compared to other members of the Guild and work with the Agency at times.
There are times when Asagiri will use influences outside of the author’s own catalog to create them, some literary like Albert Camus’s The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus (in writing characters like Dazai or Fyodor, I could make a post about that), and some just of his own anime/manga interests in other series like Jojo, Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon, etc. if you’re familiar.
I’d feel bad if I don’t at least show one example of this so, how about an Odasaku example with The Long Goodbye by Reymond Chandler? I was going to avoid talking about him until the essay, but I can’t help myself. Many have pointed out these parallels before, but Asagiri did point it to be his favorite book last year in an interview.
If you’ve noticed that the presentation for Dark Era in the anime comes off like a Noir film just like how Untold Origins came off like a black and white samurai film, good job! The Long Goodbye is a Noir novel about a detective named Phillip Marlowe who is unable to let go of a case involving a friend that was accused of murdering his own wife, but supposedly commits suicide and confesses to it before Marlowe is able to leave custody. By the end of the book, he uncovers the real perpetuator (a past lover of Terry Lennox’s before he was ever called by that name) and finds out where Lennox really is by poking into the story of where the message he got was sent.
He comes in with a new look and identity, and he asks if it’s too early for a gimlet. They say their last few words to each other, Marlowe flipping back and forth from acknowledging him as Terry Lennox and as a person he never knew, and then Marlowe tells him that “he’s not here anymore”. Marlowe had already told him goodbye when it was sad and lonely, so Lennox does the same here. That ends that mutual, long goodbye and he never sees Lennox again.
The immediate response I’ve see about this is how it parallels the relationship between Dazai and Odasaku. In The Day I Picked Up Dazai, just like how Marlowe brings him to his home to clean him up and meet up at the same bar for the next few months of their friendship, Odasaku also does so with Dazai and drinks a Gimlet for reasons he doesn’t know. In reality, Gimlets are a representation of the friendship between Marlowe and Lennox as it’s Lennox’s favorite drink. It makes it a little painful when Marlowe ignores him when he ask to go get a gimlet at that same bar they always went.
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BEAST is more hyper specific about it by having Dazai ask the same question that Lennox asks when he gets smoked out and Odasaku asking for a gimlet with no bitters, which is specifically how Lennox takes it. Odasaku does not drink the gimlet at all though, showing that there is not friendship to start or accept or say goodbye to, as Lennox does ask Marlowe to drink a Gimlet to say goodbye to him in the letter. Just like TDIPUD is like their beginning, BEAST is their ending without ending because BEAST Dazai is not the same person he was friends with.
Odasaku fulfills being a detective and Dazai is the tragic friend with a past he doesn’t say anything about. Great. Now what I think people are missing when they entirely focus on Odasaku and Dazai when they talk about Lennox and Marlowe is that Lennox is narratively also Andre Gide.
If we were to split Lennox into three people just like his three identities, this is what it would look like:
The Friend: You help him out and don’t judge for his faults, in turn you go out to a bar with each other. It’s uneasy, but it’s worth a lot to the both of you. Eventually you have to part ways in death. (Dazai & Terry Lennox)
The Unknown: Is he someone you know? He acts like it, but he looks nothing like what you’ve encounter before. Maybe in some world you were, but that’s not now and it’s too late for this goodbye to be playing out. You let it happened though and you never see him again when he walks out that door. (BEAST Dazai & “Señor Maioranos”)
The Soldier: The past is right around the corner and its come to bite you in the ass. White hair and war memories haunting him with a scar as a reminder, he’s a reflection of you but maybe not. Who knows? (Andre Gide & “Paul Marston.”)
The initials “P.M.” of both his past name and Phillip Marlowe’s is meant to clue in how Eileen (the past lover) is connected to Lennox by her thinking of Marlowe as her past lover as she attempts to seduce him in some trance. What I’m trying to note here though is that you can take this as Lennox being another reflection of himself. It’s easy to do that reading for both Dazai and Gide as they’re both his foils and are purposely similar, but Gide aligns more with this past identity than Dazai does and retains his white hair.
Uhhh, wasn't planning to make a mini-analysis in the middle of my talking but okay. I'm leaving it off there. I went blank a lot while writing because I didn’t know what I wanted to comment on. There's too much to say about this large cast. I have way more literary fun facts and ideas to say, but nah.
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yippieitsarvensart · 9 months
Tweels hc doodles + notes!
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Goodness me, I've not been working on these for very long but here's all of what I've thought of within 2 days of thinking about them!! I basically started writing about them the moment I finished drawing "the fuck you brothers" post (9/24) (and today, 9/26) I totally have been thinking about them more after I wrote all this, so I will be continuing on with my hcs right here, under the cut :3 (keep in mind I have not yet played twst! If I get anything gravely wrong correct me!) (9/28, edit: I downloaded twst y'all...)
Both of the twins are autistic, just being on very different ends of er... intensity? Idk how to word that. I just mean that Floyd is someone who has trouble regulating his emotions and stims a lot. Jade doesn't stim as often, he probably would if he were infodumping about mushrooms/his terrariums or whatever else. I think I mean. That Jade suppressed his autistic tendencies by a lot to seem more like a gentleman, while Floyd doesn't really give much of a shit and probably doesn't even know he's autistic.
on that note they both have ADHD. AuDHD brothers.
Anyways as I way saying abt Floyd stimmies; He stims a LOT. Just, all the damn time. It gets so annoying for a lot of people and everyone knows he can't control it. His clingyness is also stimming, he's very touchy. A lot of stim toys don't actually help him but he does calm down significantly more when he's wearing headphones and listening to loud music. That's what stimulates him the most.
Jade only stims when excited, yeah I mentioned that. But did I mention he also stims a lot when stressed. In front of costumers, if he was stressed he might only fiddle with his fingers behind his back. But as soon as he gets away it's full body stimming time baby. Mans is not okay but he cannot let that mask slip!! (I forgot the word before, but I meant to say in my first dotpoint that jade is better at masking than Floyd!!)
Floyd mcr liker >_< (songs about depression and drugs to think about violence to!) Floyd also likes shit like "41 mins of roblox music" or any spongebob music. skull emoji.
Jade Laufey liker :33 (calm songs to think about violence to!)
Floyd likes dancing around in his room to music. Like really getting into it. Putting one song on loop and doing the same dance moves over and over again. (stimming) (oh my god I'm PROJECTING AGAIN stop....)
Jade likes drawing mushrooms. He's really good at drawing nature and when I say "good" I mean if you looked at it, you'd think it was a picture. Like abnormally good for someone who used to not even have paper available...
I saw this from a moot once on twitter I think, but they both (+ Azul) probably had a hard time adjusting to walking around everywhere instead of swimming when they first came onto land. And I think there was something about holding on to bars on stairs WAYY too tight because they feel so wobbly going up them. Same with like, escalators? and elevators? didn't fucking trust them. And they still don't sometimes... Adding onto this I think that they'd both get really frustrated at first with it. Like genuinely really upset; Floyd dramatically falling to the floor and flailing around on the verge of tears while Jade punches the ground over and over... They obviously got better at land things after a long while but for a bit they were just so. not okay LOL
I think for casual/home clothes they'd both be really into big fluffy jumpers. massive fucking huge fluffy shits. They'd be all over the texture and it would be so so texture /pos drooling emoji
I had a little thing that I thought of where I would give Floyd Heart shaped eye shines PLUS an extra smaller not heart eye shine. And giving Jade a square shaped shine with no extra shines. It just makes so much sense to me. Like I can't explain it very well but if you get it, you get me. Do you get me...
WHICH leads me to say then that when Floyd gets MAD he would have NO eye shines. Do you get me. I totally make sense right/. And Jade getting happy about anything even if it doesn't show on his face it would totally show in his eyes... Which also brings me back to something I wrote in my doodle notes with the pupils being like cats... OUGH I'M GOING INSANE DO I MAKE SENSE
another thing my twt moot said !! Floyd would hate necklaces/rings/other accessories and jewelry! It relates back to my point about Floyd hating the feeling of tight clothes, and things touching his skin too much. I feel like if he had say, a necklace on for like 0.1s he would rip it the fuck off, destroying the necklace in the process
Floyd: :3 (aggressive)
Floyd loving to squeeze people but hurting them is 90% of the time on purpose hurting and 10% accidental hurting and when it IS accidental he gets so upset about it. I like to think Floyd is the more emotional out of the two... just so many emotions in that boy. like he just !! wants to give you love !!! but he's so strong he breaks ur ribs !!!! many of ur ribs!! ur honestly surprised you haven't punctured a lung yet!!!
On that note they BOTH are extremely touch starved. Floyd would fucking LOVE it if someone were to lay down on top of him for hours he would feel so squished!! and warm and nice!! and comfy!
Jade on the other hand, LOVES holding hands. holding ONTO something holding onto someONE.
Jade is a gift giver (love language) I bet you can't guess what Floyd is
His love language is Physical touch. Yeah
Jade getting people way too many gifts when it's a special occasion for them because he thinks they might think it's weird if he gets them a gift on any other day.
Floyd hyperpop liker (just overall really likes loud thrashy music or whatever)
Floyd also really got into those games where you have to beat the shit out of a dummy. He doesn't like ones where you have to TIME a hit to make it work (makes him annoyed bc he can't do it) Games like Pou I think....
While Jade enjoys colour by number or those hue games? just doing it in his free time.
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sugary-sweet-anon · 4 months
In your last post, you wrote to a user, "I can do it if you want, send me a plan." Ah, I'm not that person and I can give you another example of fiction. I don't know if you can do it, but I still want you to try!
My fic is about Lee Namjoon.
Namjoon is generally a person who constantly tickles the members. So, judging by the moments, it is.
Namjoon loves to tease and tickle them, but now all the members want to take revenge on him and catch him.
and they realize that this man tickling them is very ticklish and they tickle torture him
Can you make a Lee Namjoon and ler Bts story like this? Please🥹💗
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This is my first fanfic! I don't know how well this will be received, but I hope you enjoy it! As I was writing it, it turned into something a bit different. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'm sorry it's taken so long.
Leader's Plight
Lee!Namjoon, Ler!BTS
It was a calm day for the Bangtan boys. A day where they had a light schedule. These days were few and far between, so all seven of them took advantage of it.
Most of them were resting. Others were watching TV. Overall, just a calm and peaceful day.
Well, it WAS anyway. Five of the guys met outside their rooms, confused looks on all of their faces.
"What in the world was that?" Jimin was the first to speak up.
"I dunno, but it woke me up," Yoongi mumbled, clearly agitated.
"It sounded like it came from Jin hyung's room."
Taehyung was right. With his room being closest to Seokjin's, he could easily tell. (A/N I don't know how their rooms are set up so just work with me on this). They all agreed and followed the laughter to the eldest's room. What awaited them on the other side, however, was not what they expected.
Directly in front of them, in the middle of the floor, was Namjoon, their leader. In a writhing mass of laughter. And who was causing all of this? Seokjin, the eldest of the seven.
The other five boys stood in awe of what was happening. They never thought that their strong leader would be this ticklish!
"Whoa! How did this start?" Hoseok asked with a grin on his face.
Jin paused his attack on Namjoon, leaving the younger to gasp for air on the floor.
"This brat thought he could get away with forgetting to use 'hyung' after my name!" He exclaimed dramatically. He wasn't really angry or upset at Namjoon. He just felt like teasing him for it.
The others knew this too, but they decided to play along with their oldest hyung. After all, it wasn't often that Namjoon was the victim of a tickle attack. 99% of the time, he was the one who started them. And, well, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for revenge~.
"Ooooo hyungie is in trouble!" Jungkook couldn't resist approaching his favorite member and wiggling his fingers at him.
"You little brat!" Namjoon felt his face heat up as he reached out and squeezed the youngest's side.
"EHEHEY!" Jungkook quickly pinned Namjoon's hands down. "I'm not the one who forgot to be respectful to our wonderful Jin-hyung"
"Ahhh Joonie you should know better~!" Hobi mischievously smirked.
"So disrespectful!" Jimin shook his head, slowly kneeling down beside Jungkook.
"I think you've earned yourself this punishment, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi said.
Namjoon tried wriggling away, but unfortunately Jin had too strong of a hold on him still. "Wahahahait guys we can talk about thihihis!"
Taehyung, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"
The others looked at him expectantly. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, his big eyes wide with curiosity.
"Namjoonie hyung tickles us all the time! We never get to see him like this!" Tae couldn't help but smile in glee.
Everyone gasped happily. Except the young man in question. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief. If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.
Jin, meanwhile, was growing impatient. "Ya, are you all going to stand there or help me with him?" He said, his eyes glinting with mischief.
The others didn't say another word before they all pounced on their leader. Jungkook near his head, tickling his neck, Jimin and Taehyung going after his feet, Hoseok and Yoongi at his armpits, and Jin still at his original spot at his sides and stomach.
The response was immediate. "GAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUHUYS NOHOHOHOHO!!" Namjoon's hyena-like laughter exploded into the air. He couldn't focus on anything except the ticklish sensations. Try as hard as he might, there was no way he could escape!
"This is your punishment Joonie! Take it like a man!" Jin said playfully, digging into the poor boy's sides.
"I'm just happy to finally be tickling him instead of the other way around!" Tae exclaimed happily. He was currently scratching the leader's left sole with his long nails, eliciting screams of laughter from him. The other maknaes nodded in agreement.
"Tickle tickle tickle Namjoonie!" Hobi teased in a high-pitched voice while scribbling away at Namjoon's left armpit.
"DOHOHOHON'T TEHEHEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!" Dang it, why did Hobi have to be so good at teasing? Probably practiced on the maknaes. He attempted to hide his face by turning his head away from Hobi, but was met with Jungkook's wriggling fingers in his neck.
"Awwww hyungie is shy!" Jungkook cooed. He leaned down close to Namjoon's ear. "Coochie coo hyung~"
This caused Namjoon to squeal loudly. "JUNGKOHOHOHOHOOK YOU BRAHAHAHAT!" His thrashing intensified.
Yoongi could see that he was getting close to his limit, so he motioned for everyone to slow down, but not completely stop. "Hang on everyone," he said. "There's something I want to do before we kill him."
The others watched to see the show Yoongi was gonna pull. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at him in terror.
"Hyuhuhung noho dohohon't! I know that lohohohook!" Anticipatory giggles flowed out of his mouth.
"What look?" Oh, that liar. Anyone could recognize that sly evil look on his face. And he knew it too. It wasn't often, but nearly every one of the members had experienced this at one point. And they all feared it.
"Hyuhuhung dohohon't you dahahaHAHAHAHAHAHARE NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Namjoon screamed in laughter as Yoongi had lifted his shirt and blown a massive raspberry right on his navel. The other members couldn't help but smile in awe as their beloved leader was reduced to a laughing writhing mess on the floor. Taehyung was right, it was a happy sight to see him being tickled to happy tears for a change.
Eventually, Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. "HYUHUHUHUNG *snort* ENOHOHOHOUGH STOHOHO*hic*HOHOP!!"
Yoongi stopped immediately and rubbed Namjoon's stomach. Everyone else crowded around him to make sure he was okay.
"Are you alright Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asked with concern.
Jungkook sat him up and started rubbing his back to help him breathe better. "Did we go too far?"
Namjoon breathed heavily while stroking Taehyung's head. The younger boy had made his way into Namjoon's lap, hugging him. "I'm okay guys. You didn't go too far." Though he sounded tired, and he was, deep down he felt really happy. He didn't realize how much he need that.
Everyone crowded in for a big group hug. They were really lucky to have each other. Even if they could be annoying at times. Namjoon took a moment to consider this and welcomed the embrace. He really was the luckiest guy on the planet.
It was a calm and peaceful day once again.
"Did anyone notice that Joonie didn't say stop until the very end?"
Well, it was anyway.
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blooming-violets · 2 months
Shit I forgot to put this in my rb but I wanted to ask what do you think would happen to reader if Peter actually went through with it? I'd like to be a but optimistic and say she surely but slowly recovers from it all but I'm not so sure. How would Aunt May react to that? Becoming a widow then a grieving mother in the span of a few years? Sorry I don't mean to be pushy but like I said I loved the way you beautifully crafted this story from an ask
Trigger Warnings!!!!: it's all about suicide and talking about it and discussing it, it is not something everyone feels comfortable reading or conversing about so please don't continue if it is too upsetting for you, Peter Parker kills himself and I write about it, Gwen's death ptsd is explored and he sees her as a rotting corpse version of herself who talks to him before he dies, the grief of losing someone you love to suicide is also talked about, it's all depressing but if you love depressing angst shit then come on over and join in (not join in on the killing yourself part jfc I mean joining in on the talking about this story) READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION only you know what you are capable of handling when you read. I can't help you any further than explaining the warnings.
Previous posts where this is all discussed:
[first part] [second part] and I rewrite this drabble from two years ago to fit this story but you can read the original here if you feel like it (it ends with less death that this one).
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One of my darker, more angsty headcanons is that Peter kills himself by throwing himself off the same clock tower Gwen died in. It takes a few years for it to get rebuilt back to it's former glory. Peter patiently waits those years until it's finally finished. Almost a quiet, stoic sort of patience. A little scary with how composed he is. Like not given any indication of his plans. He wears a beautifully composed mask until the day it happens because he is so sure in his plans and doesn't want a single person to sway him from them. He's stubborn and set in his ways and this is what he feels he needs to do. This headcanon doesn't exactly fit into the story I wrote as that version of Peter is much more unhinged in his actions, and I don't think clocktower Peter could ever let himself get into a relationship because he's too obsessed with Gwen still and knows he's going to die so he's not going to bring anyone else into that mess, but it's just a little random headcanon I always had so I thought I would share since this is suicide talking hour. Maybe I can rework it a bit to fit with this story better.
Let's say unhinged Peter (as I'm calling him now lol) does let the ghosts win. What happens to our Reader character would entirely depend on when in the relationship he went through with it. If she's too far gone and too far down the hole after Peter, then I sort of fear for her future. Unless she has someone really important in her life who would help her, I think she would just keep sinking until she ended up back on that ledge, except this time there's no Peter to catch her. And I personally don't think she has anyone that close to her, especially after mentioning that all her friends stopped texting her or asking her to hang out. They all kind of gave up on her so, when she's at her lowest, I really don't think anyone would be the wiser due to the isolation they both put themselves in.
I want to rewrite something I wrote two years ago that either wasn't that great and people didn't like or it just slipped under the radar (because it wasn't about an x reader or love or anything, it was just Peter's ptsd taking over and sometimes people don't give a shit about a fic if it isn't tagged with x reader). It fits really well in this new story to help show what could go on in Peter's head with how terribly Gwen still sticks with him and what exactly it is he's "seeing" that would push him to throwing himself off a building.
Cut to me pausing to frantically google if Peter Parker could survive a fall off a building or if his super powers make him strong enough to withstand it...
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Okay maybe falling isn't the best plan of action but I really like (like isn't the right word but I'm going with it) that idea of him mimicking Gwen's death because he's so haunted by it. He would want to feel what she felt. He would want to go the same way. So for the sake of this story, he's can't withstand that fall.
“Leave me alone!” Peter shouted into the dark shadows of the clock tower. He sat huddled against the newly built glass wall that domed up over his head. The bright, white light of the moon hung in the sky above him and casted wavering shadows around him to mess with his vision. The turning of grinding gears below him haunted his memories of the night Gwen died. Eight years and she still haunted him every time he dared to fall asleep.
He couldn't take it anymore. His head was a mess. His thoughts were spinning.
He was just so tired.
He had fallen asleep here accidentally. Maybe if he went to the source of the problem, she would disappear. It was a stupid plan
It only made her stronger. This was where his ghost of her was most alive.
Maybe that's why he really showed up. He wanted to see her. He wanted to finally confront his demons. She was calling to him and he had to answer.
He had slipped a crushed up sleeping pill into his girlfriends water during dinner. He carried her bed, tucked her in, and kissed her soft and gently. She didn't need to see this. This wasn't for her. She needed to be free of him. He needed to let her go before it was too late. She wouldn't understand at first but, maybe, with time...
What had time ever done for him except make Gwen stronger?
He slipped an envelope onto the bedside table beside her. One for her. One for May. He wasn't sure if he would make it home this time. His mind could still change. He could still make it back before she woke up.
But they were.
Just in case.
He couldn't leave them with nothing.
She was here now. Ready to haunt him like usual. Ready to take over and ruin him. Night after night. Day after day. She was always there. Gwen never left. She walked beside him through it all.
Tonight, she was angry. Furious. This was where he had let her die. Of course, she would be the most powerful here.
He no longer had his girlfriend to help soften Gwen's blows. There was no one to intervene. Only him and Gwen. Stuck in a staring contest. Sizing each other up.
The sunken in face of his dead lover glared back at him from just below his edge of his of his perch, trembling from the sight under him. She was standing on top of a giant gear, watching him, judging him. A large smile grew across her pale, bluing lips. It was too wide. Too big for her face. Her teeth looked rotten and jagged inside of her mouth. A trickle of blood slowly trailed out of her nostril.
“What’s the matter, Peter?” She taunted. Her sickly voice swirled around his head like a swarm of mosquitos. “Did you miss me? Is that why you came here? To see me clearly again? Well, here I am. Look at me. Dead. Putrefied. All for you. Aren't I beautiful? This is what you've done to me.”
A loud sob shuddered through his chest and ripped out his throat. He brought up a hand to wipe away the snot flowing freely out his nose. This nightmare was too familiar. He knew this too well. He didn't feel like he was dreaming this time. He never did.
If it wasn't a dream then his mind was truly gone. Distinguishing between reality and fiction was something he no longer had control over.
This was as real to him as anything.
“Please, Gwen. Please,” he pleaded with her. “Go away. I can’t do this again. Please. You have to let me go."
She tutted her tongue in annoyance and shook her head with disbelief, “Oh, Peter. I have to let you go? Do you think I want to be here?” She became climbing up the gears and the scaffolding towards him. She looked more like himself as she climbed, enhanced and spider-like, taking the movements straight out his brain until she was perching on the ledge beside him. “Do you think this fun for me?”
Peter whimpered in response. His tears were blurring his vision but he was afraid to wipe them away. He was terrified of what might happen if he took his eyes off of her, like watching a snake in the grass, it's better if you can see it in your sights instead of letting it hide and able to strike.
Gwen walked with slow, purposeful steps towards him until she stood directly over him as he cowered backwards on all fours. Under the pale moonlight hanging above them, her skin turned yellow, painted with purpling hues and blacks, and rotting away around her cheekbones to show parts of red, bleeding muscle under the pulled back skin. Her, once vibrant, blonde hair now hung in patchy strands from her head. Most of her hair had fallen out leaving her balding and sickly. When she smiled, browning, broken teeth shone back at him, they hung lose in her jaw, rattling around when she spoke.
She was a walking, decaying corpse sent to haunt him every time he closed his eyes.
“Look at what you’ve done to me!” Her shrill voice echoed off the glass walls. She spun around to show him the back of her head. Her skull was caved in. Parts of brain matter clung to her hair and blood stained what was left of the blonde a deep red. She turned back to face him, leaning in close so she was mere inches away. He could smell the heavy scent of freshly dug dirt and wet grass clinging to her rotting finger nails like she had clawed her way straight out of the ground to find him.
She snarled, “You did this, Peter! This is your fault!”
Peter flinched and scrambled backwards to get away from her, “No! Please, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I didn't know...I didn't know...I thought I could catch you. I thought I could save you. I'm sorry. Please, Gwen. Please. I'm so sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t change the fact that I’m dead,” she smirked, eyes darkening, enjoying his torment. She sunk down to her hands and knees to crawl over him, pressing her skeletal body against him, until he was laying flat against the ground with no where else to go.
"Look at me," she whispered into his ear. “I was going to go Oxford. I was going to be a scientist. I was going to change the world. The only way I can change the world now is by letting the worms feast through my flesh until there is nothing left. Something tasty for the bugs. That's all I am now.”
Peter whimpered, turning his head away from her and flinching into himself.
He heard her sniffle like she was about to start crying. He hated hearing her cry.
"Don't you love me anymore, Peter?" She whined. "Don't you care about me? Why did you find someone else? Why did you forget me so quickly? I loved you so much and you left me for the worms. Only they kiss my skin now."
His heart sank and guilt flooded him. Slowly, he turned his head to face her, blinking up at her. For a moment, she looked just like he remembered. Beautiful. Whole. Healthy. Alive.
Peter gave a shuddered, shaky breath, whispering in awe, "Gwen."
She beamed down at him. There were no rotting teeth, no blood, her hair was full and luscious. She was glowing under golden light with happy tears in her eyes like his memory of her on top of the Brooklyn Bridge.
"Kiss me," she whispered against his lips. "Like you used to."
Peter's eyes slipped close. His heart ached.
"I can't," he mumbled back. "I love someone else now. I love her like I loved you. She..."
He needed to get back to her. She needed him. He needed her. He should have never left her tonight. He had to leave.
A wailing growl shot ice through his veins as Gwen let out a shriek of pain as if she had read his mind. She was back to her decaying corpse. The sight terrified him.
"You will not leave me! I won't let you! You're mine, Peter! Mine!"
Peter kicked up his feet to shove her off of him. He scrambled backwards away from the haunting vision.
"I can't, Gwen," he pleaded. "I can't be with you anymore."
He frantically shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut, in an attempt to make her disappear. Usually by now, his girlfriend would hear him screaming. She'd be here to block Gwen from his sights. She'd be there to force her away until he was safe.
Tonight, there was no one but him.
"This isn't real," he muttered to himself. "She's not really here. She's dead. She's buried underground. Locked in a coffin. This isn't real. When I open my eyes, she'll be gone."
He peaked an eye open. A sense of relief washed over him. He was alone in the clock tower. There was no one here but him.
He could still go home. He could still make it back to her before she woke up and rid her bed side of those letters.
She would never have to know.
Peter took a deep breath, half way through exhaling it when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Gwen's decomposing face poked into his peripheral vision as she whispered menacingly in his ear, "Boo."
He screamed, jumping away, to the sound of her taunting laughter.
"I'm still here, Peter!" She cackled. "You can't get rid of me that easily! I am always going to be here. I am always going to follow you. I will never let you go." Her voice softened. Almost sweet. Sad. Longing. "Because I'm your path, Peter. I am always going to be your path. Follow me everywhere just like you promised. I want you to follow me. I need you..."
She reached out her hand for him to take. The skin had rotted away around the tips of her fingers leaving nothing by bones reaching for him.
This wasn't his Gwen. His Gwen was dead. She was buried in the ground surrounded by fresh flowers. The thing in front of him was nothing but a product of his own twisted mind. Birthed from his guilt and excruciating pain. A monster of his own creation.
"I can't," he choked out through his tears. "Someone else needs me now. I'm sorry. I love you. I will always love you. But I can't follow you. Not yet."
Anger flashed over her darkened, bloodshot eyes, “No! You promised you’d follow me anywhere. Follow me to the grave, you liar!”
Peter cringed at her harsh words. Tears blurring his vision. He had promised.
"Gwen, please," he begged. "Let me go."
Her face softened. He watched her grow back into old self again. Her rich purple dress. Lace tights. Knee high boots. Pale blue jacket. All highlighting her perfectly beautiful face. Large, bright green eyes without a blonde hair out of place. Always so put together. Always nothing less than perfection.
"You want me to go?" She asked, turning around slowly for her to take him in. There was no crack in the back of her skull. No blood.
His breath caught in his throat. He tried to reach out for her, to draw her closer against him, but she stepped away. Just out of his reach.
"You want me to go so I'll go." She whispered. "But you'll have to watch. Again and again and again. You'll have to listen to the sound of my skull cracking against the pavement. Hear my spine snap as your web jerks me upwards. Smell my blood pouring from my open, split open head." A trickle of red blood started to leak out her nose as her eyes closed. "Only you can make it all stop. Only you can make me go away. You know exactly how to do it, Peter. All you have to do is follow me. Just like you promised. Follow me and it will all end."
He blinked through his tears, taking a slow step towards her.
"Follow you," he muttered in a trance like state. "I'll follow you anywhere you go. You're my path. I'll write my love for you across the Brooklyn Bridge so everyone in New York can see it."
She smiled, soft and sweet, "Follow me. Don't leave me alone. Stay with me, Peter. Forever."
Her arms out stretched to her sides and she leaned back, stepping off the ledge and sinking out of sight past the giant gears, hurdling straight towards her death.
"No!" He shouted.
Without thinking, without caring, Peter leapt after her. He had done this move so many times in his nightmares. He had obsessively walked through every single second of her death. Again and again just like she said. He knew it better than he knew himself.
He jumped on instinct. He leapt after her like he always did.
Keeping his promise. Following her down any path she took.
I know you asked how May and Reader would respond to such a thing afterwards but that's like one topic that's just a little too hard for me to write about. I know it's weird that I can talk about Peter throwing himself to his death and I can write about depression and suicidal ideation and self harm and ptsd and guilt and feelings of worthlessness but writing about someone like May (who I relate far too much to my own mother) finding her boy dead is just a hair too much for my heart to take haha. I was originally going to write a scene of his funeral but then I was like nah too much for even me. I can't watch May cry over her dead kid.
I will say that he would be buried next to his parents under the same gravestone which sits besides Ben's. It's a few rows down from Gwen so Peter can always be near her.
I don't even think I actually answered your original ask but I got carried away with Peter in the clock tower!
Also May puts matching flowers on both Peter's and Gwen's graves every time she visits. hahahaha i gotta stop writing fuck me
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