#I wonder how those clams are doing…
Heeeey Chenya... while I spotted you appearing here and there and everywhere...
I was curious, how is your stomach after eating that... clam chowder surprise or however Lilia called it during portfest when you visited Riddle and Trey???
Oh, I didn’t eat it. I made new friends!
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From left to right, we have Collin, Clay, Cedric, and finally Carter! 😸
They were very nice! I had a great time chatting with them before they politely asked me to throw them back out to sea so they could go home, which I gladly did. 😺
Thanks again to @sillyfatherof3 for the surprise of new friends! 🥰
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Poly!Losers!Eli and Demetri x Shy!Popular!Reader Headcanons
Req: I saw your post about popular reader and was wondering if you could do a poly loser Eli and demetri with a shy popular reader headcanons please
CW: small amount of smut including voyeurism and a little bit of oral (male receiving), insecurity.
Tags: @phoenix062
✨️ Reader never wanted to be popular. She's just popular by proxy. She always hung out with Yasmine and Moon as a kids and as they got older they became the popular kids, bringing Reader along for the ride. She doesn't like the attention and herbfriends know that, so they kind of act like her protectors; especially when they can tell the attention and chatter are too much for her.
✨️ Eli and Demetri are total losers. They spend their time admiring Reader from afar and fantasizing about a relationship with her. They talk about her all the time, usually Demetri without a filter and Eli becoming embarrassed of flustered in response to whatever he says. They do not have the courage to walk up to her and actually say anything because the last time someone tried that, Yasmine bit their head off.
✨️ Their paths don't cross until one day in gym class, everyone is outside playing a game but it's getting hard to keep up. Eli and Demetri run off and hide under the bleachers, planning to stay there until class ends and they can all go change in the locker room. However, they don't expect to find Reader there with a book.
She looks up at them pleasingly amd speaks so softly, "Please don't tell Coach I'm here... I hate close contact sports..."
Demetri grins, seeing an opportunity to finally talk to the girl of his and Eli's dreams. "So do we," he laughs and they sit down. "What are you reading?"
✨️ They have a nice conversation, for what it's worth. Reader doesn't talk too much and Eli clams up because he's in the presence of the girl he's been crushing on for years. It gets quiet between them fast but it's not an awkward silence. Reader likes quiet more often than not and doesn't mind it, while Demetri and Eli like it because they get to admire her upclose and she's not asking them questions about it.
✨️ Just before the class ends, she's gets up so she can be the first person in the locker room so she can change into her normal clothes without others around. She waves bye to Eli and Demetri before she's too far away though. They wave back, too happy with how things played out to even speak.
✨️After that, they're even more in love with Reader. And to be clear, she didn't do or say anything special, she just sat and talked to them a little bit. Again, they're just pathetic losers lol.
✨️ Reader thinks they're cute. And now that she's seen them, they can't blend in anymore. However, just because she's popular doesn't make her confident. She's too shy to approach them. If they have a class together, lucky them, but it'd nothing special - well, Reader doesn't think she's all thay special in comparison to her friends, but Eli and Demetri think otherwise.
✨️ When they're alone, Eli and Demetri talk about her nonstop. It's a little embarrassing tbh but they don't care. Conversations will start off sweet and innocent but devolve into something more spicy. Especially if Reader wore a pretty outfit that showed off all of her curves and nice tits.
✨️ Those conversations usually lead to Demetri sucking Eli off to turn him into a whiny little loser. He doesn't say much of anything the whole time and just whines so pretty, maybe letting out Reader's name here and there but that's about it.
✨️ After many weeks of that, Demetri gets tired of moping about wishing they were with Reader. But what chance do they really have? After all, she's pretty and popular while they're barely ever given a second glance. Little do they know that Reader is aware of them, more so than they think - and it isn't because she wants to be mean to them like they think of her peers...
✨️ She wants them but has no idea how to approach them. So she asks her friends for advice. Yasmine and Moon are more than happy to assist Reader with her desire to ask out a cure guy (or two) and take her shopping. While out and about, they give her all sorts of tips and tricks to gain the confidence she needs to ask someone out and get a date.
✨️ Demetri and Eli almost think it's a joke when she approaches them one day and finally asks them out. However, that's outweighed by how cute she looks while doing it, shyly wringing her wrists and looking down at the ground while talking to them. Demetri lets out an enthusiastic "yes!" while Eli nods vigorously. She smiles at them and tells them that's great but that she's also never been on a date before, so she doesn't know what to really do...
✨️ They assure her that this will be their first date too because while Demetri and Eli are kind of together, they never made it official. They've played it off as being best friends for a long time but they both know they're more than that. Now they're going on a date with Reader and it's all they could have ever wanted.
✨️ They end up going to the arcade and showing her all of the best games that will give them the most tickets. She and Eli play side by side on the multiplayer games, sharing little smiles with each other while Demetri works on getting some tickets. At one point, Reader is struggling with one game and Demetri comes up behind her to help, putting his hands over her and basically playing the game for her. She's so fluttered but so happy about it at the same time, it's amazing.
✨️ By the time they're walking up to the prize counter so they can have dinner, Demetri has gotten enough tickets for a big prize and lets Reader pick something out. She gets one of the big stuffed animals from the top rack and it's perfect, Eli thinks so anyone.
✨️ The night ends in Reader's car; well, not really end because they sit in the backseat together to keep from taking them home. She doesn't want it to be over yet, feeling like it went by too fast. Reader put the backseat down so they'd have all the room in the back to sit together, putting a movie on her laptop for them. However, it's quickly forgotten about when Demetri decides he should make a move and puts a hand on her thigh.
✨️ Before they know it, they're making out in the back of her car, Eli watching and patiently waiting for him turn. Reader pulls away flushed and hot, only to turn to Eli and kiss him. She can't think about how shy she usually is because her other feelings (and hormones) are driving her to do these things she's never done before. She feels like she's on top of the world with Eli's tongue in her mouth and Demetri's hands wandering her body.
✨️ Demetri and Eli are feverish and sloppy with her, thinking that they'll never get this chance again. They pull little squeaks and moans from her as they feel her up and make out with her, only for her to stop them because she doesn't want to go too far. She shyly explains that she likes what they're doing but if they go any farther, she doesn't want it to be in the back of her car. That's reasonable and they get it, but they're also hard and horny.
✨️ So she sits back and watches them as Demetri fucks Eli in the back of her car. It gets her all hot and bothered, but she just watches, though she'll take care of things later on her own because she's just not ready. She can't deny that they're super hot though. Demetri makes Eli look at Reader the whole time he gets fucked until he's whining about needing to come and he asks her to help him finish. She does and swallows, making Demetri finish inside Eli.
✨️ She drives them home and asks them if she's they're girlfriend now, to which they happily tell her that she can be whatever she wants to be. She giggles and tells them she'd like to be theirs and they're more than happy with that response.
✨️ It was a bit of an awkward, wild date, but it ended a lot better than any of them could have anticipated. They can't wait to go on another...
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When Oliver Queen was dead, he ended up in the Infinite Realms, where he inadvertently became the mentor to teen ghost hero Phantom. After Ollie came back to life, he made a point of reaching out to Phantom, just in case the kid needed anything.
DCxDP Week prompt: found family
Author's Notes: I've tried to make this accessible as possible to those of you who aren't familiar with the Arrowfam, but here are links to character primers on Oliver Queen, Connor Hawke and Mia Dearden if you want them. If you are familiar with GA comics, then just know that this is set loosely during the 2001 run. And finally, the idea of a hero in the Infinite Realms helping mentor Danny was largely inspired by Blueseabird2's fic Grave Promises. (It's excellent! If you haven't read it, go do that!)
"Do you remember it?" Ollie asks, looking at Superman out of the corner of his eye.  They're standing in front of Oliver's grave.  Always made the right enemies. It's a hell of an epitaph; Ollie wonders who came up with it.  Roy or Dinah, probably.
"Remember..." Superman says.
"Being dead."  
Supes gives him that same look everyone seems to be giving Ollie these days, like he's not quite sure if Ollie is all there in the head.  
"Never mind."  Oliver waves a hand.  "Just thinking."
He does remember it, is the thing.  He remembers the endless Infinite Realms, as green as any of Hal's constructs.  He remembers the ghosts-- the ones who had originally been alive like him, and the ones that had never lived at all.  Humans and aliens and otherdimensional beings, all together in one place.  He remembers being in the same costume he'd died in, only color-flipped to red.  (That was just wrong.  Red was Roy's color, not Ollie's.)
And he remembers Phantom.
He'd met Phantom pretty early on.  Time in the Infinite Realms was tricky; it didn't move like time did on Earth.  Sometimes it went slower, sometimes faster, sometimes it even seemed to go backwards.   So he didn't remember exactly how long he'd been in the Realms before coming across Phantom, but it didn't feel like long.
Phantom had been chasing down some magical artifact when he'd come across Oliver-- or rather, Red Arrow-- who had picked a fight with an asshole ghost way more powerful than him.
Some things never changed.  But hey, ghost arrows were pretty nifty.
Phantom had helped him out, and in return Ollie had offered to help Phantom with tracking down the artifact he was looking for.  As they talked, it quickly became obvious that Phantom was doing the whole teen hero thing-- and not just in the Realms, but on Earth.  He clammed up when Ollie asked too many questions, but it was pretty clear that he didn't have a mentor or anything.
"Do you have the Teen Titans in your world?" Oliver asked, having learned by that point that the Infinite Realms connected every dimension out there.
"Yeah," Phantom had said, looking wary.
"You should talk to them," Oliver said.  "It helps to have someone out there on your side, who knows what you're dealing with."  The Titans had been good for Roy.  Not just friends, although they were that, too, but an extra support system.  
But Phantom shook his head.  "I can't."  And then he'd gone on to describe the Anti-Ecto Acts and the GIW.  
Ollie had never exactly been a fan of the government-- too much corruption, too many rich assholes using the system to protect themselves-- but this still managed to surprise him.  And while he was pretty sure his own world's Teen Titans wouldn't stand for this kind of thing-- or even the JLA, no matter how badly they sometimes overreached-- he had no way of knowing whether Phantom's Teen Titans were the same ones he knew.  
"Tell you what," Ollie said.  "Next time you get a chance, track me down and I'll show you a few things.  I don't know how much help I'll be with superpowers, but--" 
"Really?" Phantom had asked, then surprised Ollie by hugging him.
That was the start of it.  They'd tracked down the artifact, Phantom had left the Realms to go back and do his hero thing on Earth, and Oliver was left to second-guess himself until the next time Phantom came around.  
Oliver wasn't exactly a perfect mentor.  He'd done his best for Roy, but there were so many things he would do differently if he had the chance.  But he was better than nothing, which was what Phantom had been working with before.
Phantom didn't need to learn archery; he had superpowers.  But Ollie managed to teach him a thing or two about picking your shot and waiting for the right moment.  About trusting your instincts and dodging bullets (or ectoblasts).  
Phantom was cagey about anything that wasn't hero work, but Oliver managed to glean a few details.  He had a couple of living friends who helped him out, he was frequently chased down by ghost hunters, and most of the town he was based in didn't think particularly highly of him.  And that was on top of his whole rogue's gallery of villainous ghosts, not to mention the GIW.
"You can't make people like you," Ollie advised him.  "Even if you do all the right things.  You just have to trust yourself and ignore the public opinion."  God knew plenty of people had hated the Green Arrow over the years.  
It had been rewarding, in a way Ollie had almost forgotten, watching Phantom grow as a hero.  Watching him grow more confident and more skilled-- and Ollie wasn't giving himself credit for all of that, but he'd helped bring those qualities out.
And then, Oliver came back to life.
"Where to next?" Roy asks, as they drive out of Central City. Ollie appreciates that Roy is willing to follow his lead on this, even though it's clear Roy thinks he's being ridiculous.  Sure, Wally would probably have let Ollie have that old ring of Barry's if he'd asked, just like the JLA would probably have let him have the diamond-tipped arrow.  But those things weren't theirs to keep or give in the first place.
"Amity Park, Illinois."
Roy gives him a skeptical look over the top of his sunglasses. "The hell is in Amity Park?"  He's bracing himself to hear about some other memorabilia Ollie left behind upon his death, something else that wasn't disposed of the way Ollie had requested.  Something else that other people-- even Roy-- think insignificant.
That would be easier to explain than this.
"Maybe nothing," Oliver says. "But I need to be sure."
Finding Amity Park in the first place is a task and a half.  It's not on the map Roy keeps in his glovebox, and they have to ask directions at multiple gas stations across Illinois before they arrive.  
It's immediately clear that they're in the right place.  Amity Park is a small city-- barely even a city, really.  But the property damage evident on the streets and the buildings is on par with the aftermath of an alien invasion.
Roy slides off his shades.  "What on earth..."  He glances at Oliver.  "Ollie, what is this?"
A green streak shoots across the sky, followed by a white one.  
"Follow them!"  Ollie points at the ghosts.  
By the time they arrive, it's a stand-off.  The other ghost has disappeared, but Phantom is hovering twenty feet off the ground, dodging blasts from a couple in brightly colored hazmat suits.  
The Fentons.  Ollie had heard a few stories about them while he was in the Infinite Realms, though Phantom had been reluctant to talk about them.
"Ollie," Roy says.  In his voice, Ollie can hear all the suppressed rage he himself is feeling, watching a child-- a superpowered child, but a child nonetheless-- getting shot at.
"Not yet."  Ollie wants to help, but he doesn't want to make things worse by jumping in without thinking.  Their help isn't needed in the end; Phantom manages to disappear from sight while the ghost hunters are distracted.
Oliver tells the whole story to Roy over dinner at the local fast food joint.
"Jesus Christ," Roy says.  
"So you see why I want to talk to Phantom," Ollie says.  
"Aren't you already training two kids already?  You gonna add all of this on top?"  
"Connor doesn't need training.  He could probably teach me a thing or two.  And no one is training Mia in anything."  Okay, that last part isn't quite true; Oliver knows for a fact that Connor has been giving Mia lessons in archery and hand-to-hand.  But as long as she's not trying to put on a costume and fight crime, he'll pretend he doesn't know.  Hell, it makes him feel better, knowing that she has a trick or two up her sleeve.
"Phantom can't be much older than she is," Roy says, a hint of judgment in his tone.
"Phantom is already dead," he says.  Roy flinches a little.  "And he doesn't have a Hal Jordan to bring him back."
They go back to their burgers.  It's not until Oliver is crumpling up his wrapper that he speaks again.  
"Look," Ollie says.  "This is a lot bigger than Phantom.  And based on what I know of him, he's not going to want to leave Amity Park.  But I want to let him know that someone's got his back."
Roy claps him on the shoulder.  "More than just one person."
Tracking down Phantom for a conversation is harder than it sounds.  Oliver doesn't know how much time he even spends out here, rather than in the Infinite Realms.  Not to mention the handy ghost power of invisibility.  
He suits up and stakes out a rooftop downtown, with Roy doing the same on the other side of town.  He's just getting ready to pack it in for the night and try it again tomorrow when a familiar form materializes next to him.
"Arrow?" Phantom asks.
Oliver smiles.  "Hey, kid."  
"What-- how-- you're alive?" Phantom sputters a little.
"Am now," Ollie says.  "A friend of mine brought me back."  He gives a quick overview-- Green Lantern, godlike power, decided what the world was missing was one Oliver Queen.  
"I'm going to do what I can about the Anti-Ecto Acts and the GIW," Oliver says.  "But if you ever need anything, give me a call.  Or just track me down in Star."  He hands a slip of paper with his phone number and email on it to Phantom.  
"Danny," Phantom says.
"My name.  It's Danny."
"Oliver."  Ollie holds out his hand and Danny shakes it.  "Good to meet you, Danny."
For a while, he only hears from Danny through irregular emails and the very occasional phone call.  Ollie leans on his Justice League acquaintances to help repeal the Anti-Ecto Acts and get rid of the GIW.  It's slow going-- much slower than Ollie would like.  Too many JL members are advising caution, wanting to find out more about ghosts and how dangerous they might be before they take a stand.  Luckily, neither Superman and Wonder Woman were happy about Oliver's news, and hold a lot of sway with the American public.  And rather conveniently, a number of reporters have suddenly begun looking into the Anti-Ecto Acts, stirring up public sentiment against them even more than before.
Things are looking good.  And then, Danny shows up at the front door of Oliver's brownstone.  
Oliver is making himself a sandwich when he hears the knock at the door.  Mia (who had finally gotten Ollie to agree to let her be Speedy a few weeks back) is with the Teen Titans for the weekend, and Connor is working at the youth center for most of the day, so there's no one else here to answer the door.  Ollie wipes his hands on a kitchen towel, and opens the door.
Ollie doesn't know it's Danny at first.  The Danny he met was a ghost, complete with jumpsuit and white hair and superpowers.  The kid that shows up at Ollie's front door is a living, breathing kid.  He's got pale skin and dark hair and he can't be any older than sixteen.  He's a little on the thin side, though given his age, he could just be going through a growth spurt, and the backpack slung over his shoulder is decorated with a NASA patch.  
"Ollie?" the kid asks. 
"That's me," Ollie says.  "What can I do for you?"
"It's Danny.  Phantom," he clarifies in a low voice.  "From Amity Park."
He can see it, now that he knows to look.  The face and build are the same, just color-swapped.
“I need your help,” Danny continues.
The kid looks like he’s about to fall over from exhaustion or stress or both. 
Ollie opens the door a little wider.  "Come on in.  I was just making myself some lunch.  You can tell me what's going on."
Danny follows him into the kitchen and takes a seat at the counter.   Ollie finishes the sandwiches and slides one over to Danny.  
Danny doesn't pick it up at first, busy fidgeting with the sleeves of his hoodie.  “I don’t know where to start."
"Well, I gotta say," Oliver says.  "You're looking pretty alive for a dead guy.  I mean, same could be said for myself, but I told you how that happened."
Danny grimaces.  "About that.  It's kind of complicated."
Oliver leans against the opposite counter.  "Hit me with it."  
He already knows it's bad.  He was worried about Phantom in the first place; that's why he gave Danny a way to contact him if necessary.  Whatever made Danny travel halfway across the country to see him?  It can't be good.
"My parents are the Fentons," Danny starts.
Immediately Oliver knows the story is going to be worse than he anticipated. "The ghost hunters.  The ones who built the portal."  Ollie had heard all about that portal during his sojourn in the Infinite Realms-- some from Phantom, some from other ghosts.
"Yeah.  Well, the portal didn't exactly work at first.  My friends wanted to see it, and..."  Danny shrugs.  "It worked better than anyone gave them credit for, it's just that they accidentally put the switch on the inside."  
He can see where this story is going.  "And you accidentally turned it on."  
"Yeah.  It killed me, but all the ectoplasm coming through the portal brought me back to life.  So I'm only half-dead."  Danny finishes up his sandwich but Oliver, who is familiar with the eating habits of superhero teenagers, hands him another one.
"I'm guessing your folks don't know."  
"My sister does.  My parents don't."  Danny fidgets with the sleeves of his hoodie.  "That's not important."
It seems a little bit important.  
“It don’t know if there’s anything you can do,” Danny adds. “I just… I didn’t know where else to go.”
“You can stay here as long as you need to," Ollie says.  There's an extra bedroom that Stanley used as an office, back when this place belonged to him.  He'll need to get the junk cleaned out, but it should work for Danny.  "But it might help if I had a few more details.  Is someone gonna come looking for you-- or for Phantom?"
"I don't think so," Danny says.  "Well, the GIW might, but they're not super active outside of Amity Park."
"We'll handle them if they show up."  Oliver would love the chance to put a few arrows in them, and he's sure Connor and Mia would feel the same.  
There's obviously more to this story than Danny is currently telling him, but Ollie isn't gonna press.  Not yet.  Long and difficult experience has taught him how badly that usually goes when dealing with teenagers.  
Danny finishes up his lunch, and Ollie shows him around, eventually leaving him to hang out in the living room and watch TV.  Ollie himself starts packing up the junk in the spare room.  Danny might have to sleep on the couch for a day or two, until they get a bed for him to use, but it's an alright couch.  Ollie has certainly slept in less comfortable places.
He doesn't realize how much time has passed until he hears Connor call him from downstairs.
His tone of voice is carefully measured, but it's enough to remind Oliver that Danny is downstairs-- and that he didn't let Connor know about their new guest.
He dashes down the stairs and, sure enough, Connor and Danny are watching each other warily from other sides of the living room.  Danny in particular looks like he wants to bolt.  
"This is Danny," Oliver says.  "He's gonna be staying with us for a while.  And Danny, this is my son, Connor.  He's the other Green Arrow."  
"Nice to meet you," Connor says to Danny.  Then, "Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Ollie follows Connor downstairs to the training room in their basement.  He has no idea how far Danny's enhanced senses extend outside the Infinite Realms-- or even if they work at all when he's not a ghost-- but Ollie suspects this conversation might not be as private as Connor is hoping.
"Are you sure about this?"  Connor asks.  
"He doesn't have anywhere else," Ollie says.  "What do you want me to do?"
Connor runs his hand over his face.  "I don't know.  But have you even talked to Mia about this?  When did you even meet this kid?"
"It was a sudden development," Ollie says.  "So no, I didn't.  But I don't think Mia's gonna tell me to send him packing."  He knows that's not what Connor is worried about; for all her bravado, Mia is still insecure about many things.  "As for how I met him... that's a bit of a story."
"Okay," Connor finally says.  "As long as you're sure."
Ollie clasps his shoulder.  "I appreciate it."  
They don't explain anything further to Connor that night, which is probably unfair to him.  But Ollie doesn't really want to make Danny explain more than once, and Mia won't be back until the next day.
Danny sleeps on the couch, and in the morning, he helps Ollie and Connor clean out the spare room.  Mia shows up a little after noon, having gotten a ride back from one of her powered friends, and finds the three of them eating pizza in the living room.
"You better have saved me some," she says, as she tosses her overnight bag on the floor.
"Didn't your friends feed you?" Ollie asks, but he passes her the box of pepperoni.  
Mia takes a slice and perches on the back of the couch, right next to Danny.  "Hi!  I'm Mia."  She gives Danny a look that is probably intended to be flirtatious.  
Danny looks a little like a deer in the headlights.  "Uh, hi?"
Connor raises an eyebrow at Oliver, and yeah, maybe having a teenage boy staying in the same house as Mia is a bad idea.  Then again, he's closer to her age than the guys she usually hits on.  
"This is Danny," Oliver says.  "Danny, Mia is my other kid.  She's also Speedy."  
They give Connor and Mia the cliff's notes version on ghosts and the Infinite Realms.  Danny knows a lot more than Ollie does about all of it, but he's much worse at explaining.  He either gets lost on tangents about inconsequential details, or he assumes they have more baseline knowledge than they do.
"I'm sorry," Mia says.  "Can we go back to the part where ghosts exist?"
"We've fought actual demons," Connor says.  "How are ghosts harder to believe?"
"Ollie was never a demon," Mia says with a shrug.  Then she narrows her eyes at Oliver.  "Were you?"
Ollie laughs.  "Definitely not."  
The next week or so is pretty quiet, by their standards.  The Green Arrows and Speedy go out and handle low-level crime in the city every night, though Phantom stays in at Ollie's suggestion; if the GIW is looking for him, it's better if he lies low.  It's a little worrying how easily he agrees.  It had never been that easy to convince him to do anything when they were training in the Infinite Realms.
Mia, who is better with technology than Ollie is, helps Danny send a message to his friends, letting them know he's safe.  
"It's better if I don't give them too many details," Danny says.  "Anyone who's looking for me will be watching them.  All of our devices are encrypted, thanks to Tucker, but I don't want to take any chances."
Danny comes with them to help out at the youth center, even while Ollie tells him that he's welcome to stay home and play video games or whatever.  Danny hasn't said anything about it, and so Ollie hasn't either, but Danny doesn't seem to want to be left alone for long.
Oliver wonders if that's because he's worried about himself or about them.
"So, where do your folks think you are?" Ollie asks at one point. 
Danny shrugs.  "Does it really matter?"
"Well, I'd like to know if I'm likely to be charged with kidnapping."  Connor and Mia both shoot him judgmental looks, but it's not like either of them were under any illusions about Ollie's ability to be delicate.  "I mean, I can handle it if I am, but I'd like to be prepared."
"I don't think you have to worry about that," Danny says, and that's the subject closed for the moment.
Mia corners Ollie one afternoon at the youth center, while Danny is playing basketball with some of the kids.  Danny is losing, badly.  Turns out he's incredibly clumsy when he's not using his powers.  The kids don't seem to mind, though, and Danny is a pretty good sport about it.
"We're keeping him, right?" Mia asks.
Oliver gives Mia a level look.  He hasn't noticed anything beyond some flirting on Mia's side, but that doesn't mean much.  
"Not like that," Mia says, rolling her eyes.  "I mean, he's cute, but he's kind of dense."
"Funny, I'm pretty sure the same has been said about me," Ollie jokes.
"Whatever he's not telling us... it's got to be pretty bad, right?" Mia says.  "But he seems happy here.  And we won't let anything happen to him."
There's a lot Oliver could say here: Danny has parents, he has friends, he has a home he obviously misses.  By almost every measure, he's far more powerful than Ollie or his kids, and whatever has him scared is quite possibly out of their league.  But the truth is, he feels the way Mia does.  
"It's up to him," Oliver finally says.  "But he's welcome to stay as long as he wants to."
Green Arrow and Speedy are crouched on a rooftop, taking aim at a couple of drug dealers, when Connor's voice crackles across the comms.
"I've got eyes on some guys in white suits," he says.  "At Fifty-first and Green."  
That's halfway across town, though nowhere near the brownstone.  If something goes down in the next few minutes, Connor is going to be on his own.  
"Don't engage," Ollie says.  "We're on our way."
They break up the drug deal and make their way toward Connor, who has been updating them on the GIW's movements the whole while.  
"I think they're looking for something," Connor says.  "They keep stopping and checking some kind of device-- I think it's a tracker of some kind."
"They're looking for Danny," Mia says.  
"How did they even know he's here?" Ollie wonders, but neither Mia nor Connor have any idea.  He makes a split-second decision.  "Mia, head back home and keep an eye on Danny.  Tell him Connor and I are handling it."
Mia is obviously put out by being sent away from the action, but she complies.  Oliver catches up with Connor, perching next to him on the edge of a roof.  Down on the street, a couple of men dressed all in white exit a white van and wave around a couple of handheld electronic devices.  They don't look up, which seems like a mistake from people who ostensibly deal with ghosts.  Convenient for the Green Arrows, though.
Trailing the GIW agents is a piece of cake.  Their all-white getup makes them clearly visible from a distance, and they seem to rely on their equipment rather than their eyes or ears.  
Their apparent incompetence makes Oliver get a little cocky, and that's where things go wrong.  He lands on the building closest to the agents, sure that they won't look up and see him-- and he's right.
Unfortunately, their device starts beeping just at that moment, and the two men are suddenly on high alert.  Ollie gets the bad feeling that something about him is what set it off.  They pull out their guns and look around wildly, until one of the geniuses gets the bright idea to look up.  That's when they start shooting wildly at Oliver and Connor.  
Their aim isn't great, and whatever kind of energy weapons they're using are only powerful enough to do some superficial damage to the building facade, but Ollie isn't eager to find out how it would feel to get hit by one of those.  Fortunately, he and Connor are both much better shots than these guys.
They shoot the weapons out of the agents' hands first, then Ollie puts an arrow through one guy's hand while Connor puts one through the other guy's foot.  
For a minute, it seems like it's going to be that easy.  Then, three more white vans come peeling down the street and a dozen more agents pour out.  Now, it's Oliver and Connor who are pinned down, ducking behind the roof's edge to avoid getting hit by those energy weapons.  
Ollie puts an arrow through another guy's shoulder, and is just a smidge too slow getting back out of the way.  The energy blast is going to hit him right in the shoulder.  He braces to take the hit--
A green shield appears in front of him.  The energy blast hits it and dissipates.
For a moment, Ollie thinks it's the work of a Lantern.  And then he sees Phantom, a bright white and glowing target hovering above the street.  
The GIW agents have completely disregarded Ollie and Connor, and are frantically shooting at Phantom.  Phantom is dodging the blasts easily; there's no sign of the clumsiness that he's beset with when he's a normal human.  One of the agents gets an arrow through his shoulder, and Ollie spots Mia perched on a roof across the street.  
In hindsight, he really should have expected this.  Neither of those kids are the type to sit at home when they could be helping instead.  Even so, he doesn't like it.
With Danny distracting the agents, it's much easier for Ollie, Connor and Mia to hit them.  They may be outnumbered, but the GIW agents are terrible shots.  At some point, the agents seem to realize this, too, and flee back into their vans, limping and bleeding, and drive away.  
"Follow them?" Connor asks.  
"No," Ollie says.  "I don't think they're going to try anything else tonight."  
The four of them make their way back to the brownstone.  
"I told you to stay here with Danny," Ollie tells Mia, once they're inside and putting away their gear.  
"Did you really think I was going to listen?" Mia asks. 
Ollie runs his hands over his face.  "A man can dream."
"Besides," Mia adds, "from where I was standing it seemed like we bailed you two out.  Right, Danny?"
With a flash of light, Danny transforms back to his human form.  "I'm sorry," he says.  "I don't know how they knew I was here."
"I'm not sure they did," Connor says.  "They were looking pretty hard for something before they went after the two of us."
"But they were looking for me specifically," Danny says.  
Ollie gives Danny a closer look.  He's clearly nervous.  More than just nervous, he looks like he's on the verge of taking off and running.
"What makes you so sure they're here for you?" Oliver asks.  It's not that he doesn't trust Danny's instincts, but he doesn't feel like he's got the whole picture.  
Danny leans against the workbench, almost knocking a set of half-finished arrows to the floor.  "They've been trying to catch Phantom since the beginning," he says.  "I kind of made their lives difficult."
"Good," Connor says, crossing his arms.  
"Plus, a lot of Amity Parkers kind of... don't like Phantom?  So the GIW heard about what a menace I was, and that didn't help.  But then you got Superman and Wonder Woman and all of them to talk about how bad the GIW and Anti-Ecto Acts are, and that helped, and-- I had it handled. "
"So what happened?" Mia asks.  
"My parents found out.  And I kind of freaked out?  And I flew off, and the GIW caught up to me."  Danny looks around, takes in their stricken expressions, and hurries to add, "Not for long!  But then I headed back home and my parents were telling everyone I was dead.  I didn't know what to do, so I came here."  
Oliver's head hurts just thinking about this mess.  He walks across the room and wraps an arm around Danny.  "We'll get this figured out," he promises, though he's not entirely sure how.  "First things first.  What do you want to do about your parents?"  
Mia scowls at him-- she's clearly already formed her opinion on Danny's parents.  Ollie can't say he disagrees, but he's made his own share of mistakes in the parenting department.  He hopes that the Fentons might be able to come around, if only because Danny clearly loves them.
"The GIW..." Danny begins. 
"I've got a few ideas about them."  Ollie is a little torn between hunting them down himself, pointing Supes or someone in their direction, or letting it leak to the public that these government lackeys chased a kid halfway across the country.  "Do you want to go back to your parents?"
"I don't know," he says. "I miss them, but... I don't know if they'll believe I'm really me. They think all ghosts are evil. But even if they believed me..."  He trails off.  
"You can stay here," Mia insists.  "Right, Ollie?"
"Of course he can."  He didn't actually need Mia's prompting for that.  "You're welcome to stick around as long as you want, but you should at least stay until we get the GIW shut down."  
Danny looks around the room at the three of them.  Whatever he sees must reassure him because after a long minute, he nods.  "Okay.  At least until then."
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munsonsmixtapes · 4 months
Hi, I’ve been reading some of your work lately and I love it 💕💕💕💕💕💕. I was wondering if you could do some more virgin!Eddie x experienced!reader if that’s ok. Maybe someone gets jealous and it leads to a bit of angry sex bur ends up being soft idk 🫣
Aww, thank you so much! And I love this request! I always eat up anything having to do with jealousy. It’s a little different than what you asked for, but I hope that’s okay!
virgin!Eddie x experienced!reader
cw: MDNI (18+) unprotected sex (please don’t do this) hurt/comfort
After months of Eddie and you only spending time with each other, he had invited you to accompany him to his friend Nancy’s party. You had been hesitant because you didn’t really do well in social settings, but Eddie seemed so excited to introduce you to his friends, so you reluctantly agreed.
He had assured you that there was no pressure and that you didn’t have to go if you didn’t want to, but you felt like you had owed him that. He had been so nice and besides, that was what friends did, right? If you could even call yourselves that. Maybe friends with benefits. Even though you wanted to be more than that.
You felt so fucking stupid since you were sure that Eddie didn’t feel the same way. And how could he? He definitely wasn’t stupid enough to catch feelings for someone he was sleeping with like you did.
You and Eddie pulled up to Nancy’s house and you took a deep breath before unbuckling your seatbelt. Eddie rounded the front of the van and opened the door for you before offering you his hand and you took it, hopping out of the truck.
The two of you headed to the front door hand in hands and Eddie knocked on the door before turning to you with a bright smile. He then turned back when the door opened, a woman on the other side. She had short, curly brown hair and pretty blue eyes and you had to admit that she was really pretty.
“Hey!” She greeted and ushered the two of you inside. “Come on in! And you,” she turned to you. “Must be y/n.” She pulled you into a hug and you reluctantly accepted, awkwardly patting her back before she pulled away.
“That’s me,” you chuckled, feeling uncomfortable by the sudden attention. There was definitely a reason why you never went to parties. There was a much easier way to blend in at a club or bar. There, you were with the life of the party so there was no way you were ever going to be able to hide.
“Well, it’s so lovely to meet you. I’m Nancy. Now, feel free to grab a drink and mingle.” She patted both you and Eddie on the shoulder then disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you both alone by the door.
Eddie pulled you further into the house and you felt yourself clam up, feeling like you didn’t belong. And you didn’t. Not in your eyes. Those were Eddie’s friends and you didn’t think you belonged in his world. What was going on between you two was only supposed to be physical. You weren’t supposed to go to parties together or hang out outside of that, but you guessed it was too late to make those rules.
“You want a drink?” Of course you wanted a drink. You were going to need multiple to get through the night and having to be by Eddie’s side.
“Yes.” You didn’t mean for the words to come out so desperate, but they did. Eddie just nodded and headed to the kitchen while you watched him go, wondering how you were going to be able to fuck him again without wanting to lay all the cards on the table and tell him how you felt.
You felt someone tapped your shoulder and you turned around to see a man around your age. The first thing you noticed was his hair and how nice it was, the way it was just the right amount of messy and perfect. You next noticed his big brown eyes and how expressive they seemed to be just when he was smiling.
“So, you and Munson, huh?” He gave you a knowing smirk and without even knowing who he was, you knew that he was up to no good.
“Yeah,” you replied dreamily, looking back at the man who was still getting your drink, laughing with Nancy. Seeing them together pissed you off in a way you had never felt before. You then snapped out of your daze, turning your head back to the stranger. “No. We’re not.”
“That’s too bad,” he shrugged before taking a sip from his drink. “You two would make a cute couple. I’m Steve by the way.” You thought so too, but apparently Eddie didn’t feel the same.
“No introduction needed,” he winked. “Eddie never shuts up about you. I think he really likes you.”
“Then why is he with Nancy?” You turned back to them and felt your blood boil once again. You couldn’t stand it. You couldn’t be there any longer.
“They’ve gotten really close. But not as close as you, obviously.” He nudged your shoulder. Clearly that wasn’t true or he would have been there with you right then.
You felt bile climb up your throat as you looked back one more time and watched Nancy touch his arm, laughing even harder than she had been. You needed to get out of there and you needed to get out of there right then.
“I’m so sorry, would you excuse me? I really need to use the restroom…where is it?”
“Oh, yeah, just go up the stairs,” he pointed to the stairs behind you. “And make a left. Second door on your right.”
“No problem.”
You followed Steve’s instructions and practically ran up the stairs with tears forming in your eyes. You felt so fucking stupid for being upset. Not only were they just laughing, but also, Eddie wasn’t yours. You had no claim on him so you had no actual right to be jealous. But you were. So jealous that it made your heart hurt.
You got to the bathroom and locked the door before taking a deep breath. You then found yourself on the floor, letting the tears fall as you brought your knees to your chest. Why did you have to develop feelings for Eddie? Everything was so much more simple when feelings weren’t involved.
There was a knock on the door and you ignored it, letting your sobs drown it out. Whoever it was could just use the other bathroom. You were clearly busy. But the knocking persisted and you heard a muffled voice on the other side of the door.
“Y/n, it’s me. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.” Eddie’s voice traveled through the door and you wiped away your tears before standing up, fixing your shirt before opening the door.
Eddie’s smile quickly fell when he caught sight of your face, his eyebrows pinching together. He figured you were hiding because you didn’t want to socialize, not because you were crying. Whoever had made you feel that way was going to get it, even though he most definitely couldn’t throw a punch to save his life.
“Hey,” he said softly, stepping closer to you. He took your face in his hands gently and wiped away the tears that had just fallen. “What’s going on? What happened?”
“Nothing, Eddie,” you shook your head, trying to get out of his grasp and he let go, letting his hands fall back to his side.
“Nothing? You’re in the Wheeler’s bathroom crying. Doesn’t seem like nothing to me.” Eddie didn’t want to pry, but he felt an ache in his chest seeing you cry and he wanted to do whatever he could to stop it.
“You don’t need to worry about me. Why don’t you just go back to Nancy?” Nancy? What did she have to do with any of that? He was just trying to get advice on how to ask you out.
“But I’m here with you.” He reached for you, but you just stepped back, your back hitting the counter.
“Right, well, it didn’t look like it with how you were laughing with her.” Oh, now he could see what was going on. You were jealous. Jealous of Nancy, who Eddie didn’t have an attraction to whatsoever.
“Do you think I’m with Nancy or something? Because I’m not.” You were the only woman he had eyes for and he wanted to make that clear to you no matter how much it scared him.
“Right, whatever,” you grumbled. “I just feel like such an idiot. I mean, how stupid was I to think that you could reciprocate my feelings? And how stupid was I to develop feelings for you when we had such a good thing going?”
Eddie’s eyes widened at your confession. For once, someone had felt the same way. For once, he wasn’t going to be absolutely humiliated after admitting his feelings. He tried to choke them down, but he just couldn’t. Especially not when you were always so beautiful and said the sweetest things he had ever heard. You were just too perfect not to fall in love with.
“Hold on, can we rewind a second? You have feelings for me?” You didn’t mean to tell him, but you couldn’t exactly take the words back.
“So what if I do? It’s not like it matters anyway, right?” Of course it mattered! That wasn’t something that could just be brushed under the rug. It needed to be addressed.
“Why wouldn’t it matter?” He was starting to get angry at the thought of you actually thinking that he didn’t love you right back.
“Because you don’t feel the same way.” Eddie just laughed at that. He thought he had been nothing but obvious about his feelings for you, but apparently, you hadn’t gotten the hint at all.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now, y/n?” Eddie stepped forward, his hands grabbing onto yours, giving them a squeeze.
“No, it’s my turn to talk,” he cut you off. “I have loved you since the moment we locked eyes. I mean, how could I not? Look at you. I cant believe that you didn’t think that I did. I thought I was obvious. I do love you. So much that it fucking hurts.”
You felt your eyes tear up again at his words. You had never been anyone’s first choice. You were always just something that they settled for until a better option came along. That was just how your life was. You were always the one before “the one”, the one that people meet right before they found the love of their life, but never actually the love of their life.
“I love you too.” As soon as the words left your mouth, Eddie crashed his lips to yours in a heated kiss, struggling to deepen it because the two of you were smiling so big.
Eventually you figured it out and Eddie’s hands moved to your cheeks, holding them as gently as possible which juxtaposed the rough way he was kissing you. Your hands gripped his waist as he licked into your mouth, his tongue scraping against yours.
He helped you up onto the counter as you both removed your shirts, not even sure where they had ended up on the floor. Eddie’s lips were back on yours in a flash, pressing open mouthed kisses to your cheek, all the way down to your neck. He gave it a rough suck and a whimper escaped your lips, causing Eddie to chuckle against your skin.
“Gonna mark you up, okay?” He asked and you nodded furiously. “Gotta let everyone know you’re mine now.”
“Please do.” Eddie sucked and licked at your skin and your hands moved down his back, grasping at any skin you could sink your nails into. His teeth grazed your skin and you couldn’t hold back your noises anymore.
“Oh,” you moaned, and Eddie took that as an invitation to continue. He fully bit down and you’d have been lying if you said you didn’t like it. He then got rid the pain as quickly as possible by diffusing the sting with his tongue.
He then went back to sucking on the spot, his hands moving up to the clasp of your bra as he did so. He slowly unclasped it and let it fall to the floor. You reached into his pocket for a condom, which he always kept there, but came up with nothing. You then tried to other side and that was empty too.
“Eddie,” you said and he pulled away from your neck reluctantly.
“Hm?” His nose moved along your jaw as he hummed in contentment, completely unaware of the little problem you were having.
“You don’t have a condom.” He pulled away from you in a flash and reached into all four of his pockets to find nothing.
“Guess I don’t.” You thought for a moment. You understood the importance of a condom, but you were also on birth control so you thought it would be okay just this once.
“Well, I am on birth control and I’m clean.”
“I’m clean too.” Eddie was actually getting kind of excited to actually feel his dick inside your pussy with no barrier. Out of all of the times the two of you had hooked up, he had never failed to use a condom.
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” He didn’t mind one single bit. In fact, he couldn’t wait to be inside you.
“Oh, honey, I don’t mind at all.”
You unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down his legs as much as you could before he pulled them off the rest of the way, tossing them aside into the pile of your other clothes. Eddie unbuttoned your pants and pulled them off, throwing them behind him and the two of you took off your own underwear at the same time.
He took no time to get inside you and you both made noises at the odd sensation of his bare cock inside your cunt. He grabbed hold of your waist and pumped in and out of you slowly, wanting the first time you hooked up without a condom to be soft and sweet, especially since the two of had finally gotten together.
“Oh, Eddie,” you moaned and he never got tired of hearing it, loving the way his name sounded falling from your lips.
“Look at you, honey, already taking me so well.” He continued to move slowly, wanting to take his time to enjoy the moment with you. For once, he didn’t feel rushed, like he could go as slow as he wanted and you didn’t mind.
As Eddie thrusted in and out of you, you were beginning to think that maybe you liked it soft and sweet. Or maybe that was just because it was Eddie doing it. If it was anyone else, you might have not thought the same.
You both let out moan after moan as he continued to pump into you, still soft and sweet. If you were being honest, it was probably some of the best sex you had ever had. But maybe that was just because you were already so happy after finding out that Eddie loved you.
After spending multiple rounds going at it in the Wheeler’s bathroom, you both decided that you should head home and Eddie drove the two of you back to your place where you snuggled up in each other’s arms in your bed. You whispered “I love you’s” until you both eventually fell asleep, both of you dreaming about your lives together.
You really had lucked out. Eddie was just such a gentleman. The sweetest man you had ever come across and now he was yours. For once, you had someone who treated you like you deserved. After dating all of those losers, you had finally come across a keeper. And maybe if things played out right, you’d be able to take his last name as the two of you vowed to love each other in sickness and in health until death did you part.
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trashcanfanfics · 2 months
I see you're taking Jason Todd requests?👀 Hello, I'm new to the fandom btw! So... I thought of a scenario. What if the reader and Jason is on the edge of asking each other out, and he's on patrol one night, finding it quite boring, and the reader send him their playlist... only it was the reader's... ✨️spicy✨️ playlist?👀 As in, Arctic Monkeys (Do I wanna know?, Why'd you only call me when you're high?) and Two Feet (I feel like I'm drowning, Love is a bitch) type of vibes?
Thank you for your time and a pleasure to meet you!🥺
hi!!! omfg it's been too long since i've had a fresh ask!! i'm a long time enjoyer of dc but i'm new to writing for it, welcome to the fandom!!
It was one of those slow nights. No big baddies, only a few muggers, one shifty man following someone. Nothing big to distract Jason from his thoughts of you. How you were so close to him but it felt like miles. He could lie and say all he wanted was you to smile at him. Jason knew the truth, though. You could smile at him one hundred times and he'd want one hundred and one.
He texted you and smiled under the helmet as you ranted about your latest interest. It was so cute the way you'd misspell words in your frenzy. He felt giddy as he got another text from you.
[Name]: You said you're boeed?
[Name]: *bored
[Name]: Anyway I've been curating my personal playlist
[Name]: Give it a listen :) [link.spotify]
He clicked the link and scrolled through the songs idly, not really paying attention before he clicked on one. It connected to his helmet's comm piece. The slow beat hit him and he recognized it. Okay so one song. And then it progressed to more like that one.
Was this a subtle way of flirting? Was this because you wanted him like he wanted you? He was probably making it out to be more than it is. It's not like you even looked at him like that. You said it was your personal playlist. So you had to listen to this all the time. So it's probably nothing. Part of him wondered if you ever thought of him while listening to these songs. The thought made his heart jump.
He made up his mind. He grappled away across the rooftops all the way to your apartment. Jason hardly registered that he opened the door, your playlist still playing in his ears. You looked up from your phone on the couch.
"Jason?" You stood up and walked to him. He struggled to pull his helmet off. The sound of your playlist softly played into the air from it. You stiffened and looked at the helmet. "Is that the playlist I sent you?" He knew he was breathing a little too hard. You so close after he had the lyrics of the latest song bounced around his head had him dizzy.
"Yeah...It's good." He huffed a laugh and looked down at the helmet, still playing those soft, sensual songs. "It's your personal one?" He scratched some dirt off the chin. Jason looked back to you through his eyelashes, a small smirk playing at his lips. Your face looked mortified.
"No..." You voice was soft and full of horror. "I sent the wrong one." You covered your face with your hands and apologized. He tossed his helmet onto the nearby chair. His hands found your wrists, gently pulling your hands from your face.
"Well, I really like this playlist." His smirk turned into a full, teasing smile. Your embarrassment showed clearly on your face and you looked away from him. His heart fluttered at how cute you looked.
"I meant to send the other one." You mumbled and he leaned in slightly to hear you clearer. That made you clam up and glance at him before looking back to the side. He could feel your breath on his face and it drove him crazy.
"Look at me." He was practically begging. He needed you to look at him like he needed to breathe. You complied, gasping at how he leaned in further. His lips were so close to yours. If he just leaned in a bit more...
"Buy me dinner first." You chuckled nervously. Your comment made him blink, his senses coming back to him in an instant. He pulled away and let go of your wrists, clearing his throat. Jason mentally kicked himself for getting too caught up in the moment.
"Sure, how's Saturday sound?" He joked back, half serious. His heart jumped as you met his eye, a glint of determination in yours. You gulped and stood up straighter.
"It's a date." You looked serious. He felt his heart thump harshly, a bubble of hope filled his chest. Were you joking? You didn't look like it. It looked like you were far from joking. His mind raced, he couldn't think of anything to say.
"Huh?" Brilliant, Jason, truly so eloquent. He wanted to smash his head into a wall. You almost lost your resolve. He could see it in the way you started to fidget with your hands. You were nervous.
"A date. With me." You took a deep breath. "Only if you really want to." He couldn't believe it. A date. For real. His mind went blank and he found himself at a loss for words. The second time tonight. That should be a record. How many times can he blue screen in one night.
"That sounds--yeah. Uh I mean--" Shut up. Shut up. "I'll pick you up. Um, what time?" Your laugh had him blushing and looking over to his helmet, still playing the playlist. He cleared his throat and tried again. "Does six sound okay?" He looked back at you, composure back in his control.
"Yeah, that sounds perfect." You smiled. He couldn't wait. He wanted to lean in again and kiss you. There would be time for that later, he reminded himself. You said dinner first. He'll give you dinner. Then he'll get a kiss. Hopefully.
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 8 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 2,220
Warnings | +18, Taehyung gives bad advice, Jungkook obsessed and manipulative, the protagonist increasingly confused with herself
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This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | Hi, guys! Have fun with this sixth chapter, let me know what do you think! 🥰
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @douknowbts, @aiiselle90210, @fewercascade , @mageprincess7, @m00njinnie
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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For several days Y/N could not sit properly, to her shame she had the constant need for help from Jungkook, which each time led her to clam up. The boy applied ointment to her every night to heal her wounds, which, shortly after that abrupt sexual intercourse of theirs, had appeared even more painful than the spanking itself, Jungkook avoided externalizing his happiness every time he touched her, encircling her soft buttocks in his hands gently, because on the other hand he saw the girl's detachment and felt guilty. Y/N could not forget the pain of that punishment, just as she could not forget the sticky feeling of his cum on her face, as well as in her mouth, had been shocking and regrettable. But what really humbled the girl deep down was the fact that she had felt constant pleasure in every action of his, even the most vulgar and obscene. The moments before her orgasm replayed in her head, she had longed for it, unable to think of anything else, and god-sometimes even dreamed of it. What was happening to her? It was not normal to react like this, he was her captor and he had punished her, like some kind of rude child, she burned at reliving each moment, this forced her to distance herself even more from the young man.
On the other hand, Jungkook watched her pacing around the house like a soul in pain, and wondered if he had been right to punish her in that way. He saw the distance that, if possible, had increased since that night.
He did not feel good about her in that condition; he wanted to make it up to her, but he did not know how. He swallowed, coming to the conclusion that they had to talk somehow.
He headed to her room with that thought, knocking gently on her door.
He did not like the fact that they were still sleeping apart, but on that Y/N had been adamant. "Y/N? Can we talk for a moment?" he asked, hoping to hear her voice.
Unfortunately, the girl decided to play the silent game once again, Jungkook inhaled, "Y/N, I'm coming in," he warned her, before throwing the door wide open and crossing the threshold of the room. He aimed his gaze at the bed, there where a small bundle was pretending to sleep under the covers. He walked toward that spot, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I shouldn't have treated you that way," he said, regretfully. Yeah, he should never have treated her that way, but between his anger and lust, he had understood nothing more, hadn't masturbated since that time in the old Y/N house, having her that way had sent his self-control to the dogs. "I was angry, and you very indisposed ... I think it was a mix of everything," he whispered, embarrassed, "And you were so beautiful that ... fuck, you really don't know what you do to me," he chuckled unenthusiastically, the girl opened her eyes slightly, remaining well buried. "I'd like to apologize, promising that I won't let anger make me lose my mind anymore, not with you."
Y/N felt a strange grip around her heart; she knew what it was and gritted her teeth. She could not let herself be swayed by the part that still loved him, despite everything he had done to her. She was an incurable romantic in love with her professor, her psychopathic professor who had kidnapped her and declared eternal love for her. He was sick and she could not give in, even though her body, heart, and part of her mind convinced her that he really only wanted her good. She felt a caress on her shoulder; it was a light, quick touch, like the beating of a tiny hummingbird's wings. She said nothing and Jungkook did not dare to add anything else, just left the room in complete and heavy silence. He had failed again.
From then on things were strange, when she got up she would already find breakfast, lunch and dinner still steaming on the table, but no sign of the man. It was strange to eat alone, she was no longer used to solitude, by then it had become the norm to have another human being around the house, ready to look after her at all times. So, unknowingly she began to look for him whenever she could, around the apartment. And always with disappointment, she found that Jungkook was not there. Feeling damn lonely, she began to curse the boy. Hadn't he been the one to tell her that he would never leave her? That he was there for her? Sure, he would not leave her to starve, but Y/N felt hungry for more, it was a deeper, more intimate hunger, one that bound one person to another. A sense of forbidden need that she tried to silence, but could not.
Jungkook was not faring any better, with dark circles to rival a panda's, he threw himself headlong into his work. And he was not behind a desk in that case. He finished just then violently severing a man's carotid artery, blood splattered on his clothes and face, watched with a frown as the man's body trembled and slumped to the ground in mute pain, threw the knife next to the body and shouted angrily inside the warehouse. "You've doubled the load of your work and now you're risking an alarming nervous breakdown, what the hell is wrong with you, 'Kook?" the young man turned sharply toward his friend, Taehyung stared in disgust at the corpse on the ground, "Why are you looking at me like that? Namjoon had said 'clean job,' this looks like a massacre to me." Jungkook grabbed a towel from the cabinet in the corner of the room, dabbing the sweat and blood from his face, "He deserved it, do you know how many girls in our brothel he killed for his disgusting sex games?"
"I know, I analyzed the investigation request Namjoon sent us, but that doesn't take away from the fact that reducing it like this was not in the plans, now how do we pass off the murder of a wealthy Hispanic arms dealer as an accident?" he ironized, Jungkook in response kicked the corpse, as if to emphasize the fact that he couldn't give a damn. "You have piranhas yourself, don't you? Solution found," he tossed his now unusable shirt into a black envelope; he could not go home in that condition, it would definitely break down the precarious relationship that bound him to Y/N. Fortunately there was also a shower in that warehouse, he really could not risk coming back like that, he looked like something out of a splatter movie and the girl did not know his second - and definitely more illegal - job. "Things aren't going well with the girlfriend, huh?" his friend taunted him, earning a dirty look.
"More like they just don't go," he sat wearily on the ground, hiding his head in his arms as he did as a child.
Taehyung immediately regretted mentioning the topic, "Hey, Jungkook...it just takes time, each one has a different way of reacting," he tried to explain, although he could not say he understood it one hundred percent, his girlfriend already loved him before she started a serious relationship with him, he had not experienced the same wars as Seokjin and Jungkook, or worse, Jimin. He recalled with a shudder the girl who was now talking carefree with them, had discovered Jimin's arsenal and had taken the opportunity to stab him on the back and escape. Where Jimin had found the strength to chase and tackle her, Taehyung still could not explain. "It's different Taehyung, I don't have what you call an 'iron fist' with her, if she rejects me I suffer and feel bad, I feel like I'm going crazy." "Then you reject her!" exclaimed the other harshly, "You live together and you are practically the only human she can relate to, if you stop talking to her, paying attention to her or seeing her, she will wonder why, and she will come after you!" He stared at Taehyung with a strange expression, mulling over those words. Perhaps his friend was right, perhaps he had been too helpful and this had been taken as a sign of weakness on the girl's part. He nodded, already knowing what to do.
Y/N heard keys turn in the keyhole and the front door open, she widened her eyes to see that Jungkook had finally come home on time. She had not seen him for days and was beginning to worry. Yes, she was worrying about him. And it was absurd, how unnatural, but it was indeed so. Y/N got up from the couch, that same couch where that painful punishment had been carried out, followed shortly after by the sinful act, and went to meet the boy. She reached him in time to see him take off his jacket, his distraught face leaving her interjected for a moment. "Jungkook!" she said, watching him minutely. His wavy hair was damp and let free to go where it pleased, a thick sweatshirt covered his statuesque physique, and a jumpsuit and boots completed the outfit. For the umpteenth time Y/N actually felt small in front of the man, especially when his gaze fluttered over her briefly, without answering her. He passed her in two strides, locking himself in his room without saying a single word.
This made the girl freeze on the spot, and she did not understand the reason behind his actions. Jungkook had gotten angry a few times, but he was almost always sunny and sweet in her presence; that coldness was something new, something the girl did not want to get used to. She walked slowly in the direction of the boy's bedroom, knocked shyly twice, but received no answer. Her arm fell back along her side, she felt lonely. She felt even more lonely when, at dinner, Jungkook remained with his eyes glued to his smartphone, she swallowed a bitter pill when, trying to engage in a discussion, she asked him, "How are things going at the university? You've been working a lot lately..." and Jungkook replied with a quick shrug. She lost what little appetite she had left, but forced herself to finish, fearfully remembering rule number two, which is to finish her meals like a good girl. She finished her dinner sadly, Jungkook silently picked up the plates and cutlery, putting them to wash in the dishwasher, then without another word he locked himself in his room. He still did everyday things, but with a strange and cold attitude. It went on like this for two weeks, Jungkook always leaving before she woke up, and although present in the house, there seemed to be no one to talk to. Y/N was going crazy.
She wanted Jungkook's attention, she wanted the boy to come back for her, but she did not know how to tell him without making a bad impression. She felt so lonely, and she had to admit it, the boy's love-struck side of herself was bleeding, with moist eyes she continued to watch the television, venting those tears she otherwise would have tried not to shed out of shame. She missed Jungkook. What she did not know was that the situation was generating not one but two victims. Jungkook missed Y/N, he missed her like fresh morning air or like the wind in his hair, everything about Jungkook wanted to push him to give in, to come back to her with a thousand and more kisses to give her and demand for himself, but Taehyung's words were firmly rooted in Jungkook's head. The girl had to understand the importance of having him around, otherwise the dynamics between them would never change. She would continue to see him as a jailer, he as an untouchable girl. It wasn't fair; he wanted a relationship, not a constant tug of war. So he kept coming home later and later, of course leaving her meals to eat, that would never change, but he wanted her to finally decide to run into his arms.
Two days later, Y/N lying in her bed could not get to sleep. Jungkook still had not returned and she wondered what he was doing and who he was with, especially that last question was nagging her. There had to be a valid reason behind his detachment so suddenly, and the thought of another woman had made its way into her mind several times already, the more time passed, the more the thought grew, until it had made it impossible for her to rest well at night for some time now. A strange feeling was roaring in her chest, one she had never felt before, never had a reason to feel it, and now it was disturbing her like few things in the world. Jealousy. Yes, she was rotten jealous. The image of Jungkook kissing or fucking a woman who was not her was corroding her from the inside out. She would have given every pittance to know the truth, but then what would she have done? Would she have survived such pain? She pulled up her nose and only then, in complete silence, did she hear the door open and footsteps make their way through the house.
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176 notes · View notes
salt-clangen · 2 days
Moon 6
This update contains depictions of blood, violence, and animal death.
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Wolfstar was busy, her clan was two cats and neither of them truly able to contribute much to the day to day upkeep of the clan. Lynxpaw was studying hard as a cleric, gathering herbs, and preparing remedies. Not to mention nearly every night was spent attempting to communing with Starclan cats for her a lessons, leaving the poor apprentice exhausted most days.
Snowspeckle was very pregnant now, though Lynxpaw suspects she still has a moon or so left before she gives birth. Still the queen tried to help out as she could, weaving baskets and twine. While her crafts were high quality she got tired very quickly, combating fatigue and nausea, some days she could only lie in her nest.
So that left Wolfstar to pick up the slack without complaint. She hunted and cooked, she patrolled and marked the borders often, she even gathered materials for crafting. She felt herself grinding away to dust, wondering if one day she’d just mix with the sand. But she kept those thoughts to herself, putting on a cheery smile whenever her clan mates checked on her. Seeing her clan mates eat and be at peace gave her a warm flush in her chest, easing the strain from her mind.
Until today.
Today had been especially awful, she’d woken up from a nightmare about her and Burnpaw’s argument. Then she found that there was only a few strips of dried mouse left, which she left for Snowspeckle. And while hunting her empty stomach growled so loudly it scared a hare away.
She’d tried switching to scavenging the tide pools, but her paw slipped and she dunked herself in the water. After getting water up her nose, the rest of the day was full of missteps and bad luck.
By late afternoon she’d managed to get two mice and a small basket of clams, a meager amount for how long she’d been out. She could see Lynxpaw’s disappointment when she returned from her long patrol, but they both kept quiet.
Some tension left her as she butchered the mice, deciding to discard the small pelts instead of finishing them for leather. In the distance she could hear Snowspeckle singing from inside the nursery, likely weaving in the shade. The moment, while brief, made her feel a bit better.
It was after she started a fire that she realized the they had no fresh water. Wolfstar slowly counted her breathes and resolved to putting some sea water on for now and running to grab fresh water. Mixing the two waters usually resulted in delicious salty soup, which sounded amazing to her right now.
Her body was aching and bruised but she told Lynxpaw her plan and asked her to watch the pot until she returned. She laid out the prepared ingredients and gave her instructions on when to add what. Lynxpaw nodded along and she hurried to the river, each step felt rough on her paws.
The pot of fresh water felt heavy and she almost wished she just sent Lynxpaw out instead. But slowly she made her way back, only spilling a little along the way.
When she entered camp, the pot was unattended and smoking, the clearing empty. She set the water down and checked the fire, all the water in the pot was gone, only a white crust left behind. Quickly she moved the pot, burning one of her paws as she did. With a growl she stuck her burn into the tide pools, looking around for Lynxpaw.
Just as she was about to shout, the apprentice walked back into camp, carrying some herbs.
“Where were you!” Wolfstar hissed, Lynxpaw set her bundle down, eyes wide.
“I wanted to add more sage to the soup for Snowspeckle.”
“You left the pot boiling alone, all the water is gone. You should never leave a fire unattended! It could spread.” Wolfstar pulled her paws out, shaking them dry.
“I thought I would be quick, I didn’t think it would take that long to find it.”
“You shouldn’t even be out of camp alone! You should’ve waited for me to escort you.”
“Well… you’ve been gone all day so I never got a chance to do it.” Lynxpaw shrugged, eyes downward.
“Oh so this is my fault?” Wolfstar tried to stop talking she really did but it felt like the entire day of misfortune was finally getting to her.
“No! I’m just saying I need to gather herbs sometimes and you’re not always available.”
Snowspeckle poked her head out of the nursery at all the shouting.
“I can’t be everywhere at once, I’m busy hunting and patrolling for this clan. I asked you for one thing and you couldn’t do that for me!” Tears sprung up to her eyes now.
Lynxpaw didn’t respond, eyes wide and misty.
“Wolfstar it’s alright.” Snowspeckle waddled closer, sinking into the sand from her weight. She laid her tail over Wolfstar’s back.
“No it’s not!” Her voice broke a little as she yelled. “I’m trying so hard and nothing is working. We never have enough food and I’m struggling everyday to keep us afloat but I’m not good enough!” She felt like a kit, wailing over a small cut. She felt pathetic not at all like a leader.
“Oh honey,” Snowspeckle gave a lick to her shoulder. “Please, Wolfstar I promise you’re doing so well, you take such good care of us. You’re always checking on me and making us meals. You let me stay in the clan even when you knew I was pregnant and a burden. You didn’t have to do that but you did and I’m forever grateful.”
Wolfstar buried her face in the older queen’s shoulder, just sobbing into her soft fur. Lynxpaw slowly inched closer, brushing her tail along her leader’s side.
“You’re not a burden.” Wolfstar’s cries slowly turned to hiccups. “You’re my friend and clan mate. I’m sorry for shouting, especially at you, Lynx. ” Her stomach let out a loud growl.
“Have you eaten today?” Lynxpaw asked.
“There wasn’t much left so I left it for Snow.” She felt embarrassed again.
“Alright how about I start on some food. You just relax and Lynxpaw you find something for her.” Snowspeckle delegated tasks with ease.
While waiting for Lynxpaw to return with a poultice for her paw, Wolfstar picked up the now cooled pot to clean it. She was about to wipe the crusty white debris away when she took a curious lick. It was a burst of concentrated salt, just like the ocean spray and even more so than the coltsfoot she’d used before. Even a small taste was almost too much.
While Lynxpaw placed a comfrey poultice and bandage on her paw she excitedly told her and Snowspeckle about the salt. Snowspeckle even added it to the stew she was making to test it out.
The rest of the evening was subdued, sharing the delicious stew beside the dying fire, then sharing tongues as the sun slowly set. Wolfstar talked of plans to get more salt for trading and whether to bring it to the next gathering. The trio fell asleep under the warm open sky.
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This was the first time visiting Capri’s Post since she received her nine lives and Wolfstar was so excited to show her the salt she collected. She formed a small patrol, just her and Lynxpaw, to carry 2 bundles to the loner’s den. Snowspeckle waved them off as they left in the early morning, sluggish from her morning meal.
The two cats were slower this time around, taking time to mark their borders and avoiding getting the salt wet. It was nearly sun high when they reached the twoleg place where the water monsters lived. The area was much more crowded than before, twolegs and even a few loners milling about.
Wolfstar even saw a dog of all things on a lead tied to a twoleg. It was terrifyingly big, it lunged and barked every time it saw a cat, nearly toppling its owner over. They gave it a wide berth, deciding to walk across the scorching thunderpath rather than be caught in its sight.
The heat was painful on her still tender paw, but otherwise manageable until they could reach the grass. The winds were strong which helped with the choking stench of the path, though they still coughed and hacked a bit.
Arriving at Capri’s they find the dead monster empty. Capri and Jade’s scents were strong and all their things were still there, but no sight of the pair. After waiting until the sun started to drop from its peak, finally they decided to leave.
On the way back, Wolfstar managed to ask a kittypet lounging on a fence about the empty post. The cat shrugged and said sometimes Capri leaves to visit her grandkits near by and mentioned she’d likely be back tomorrow. Wolfstar thanked them and they continued back home, a bit dejected.
After crossing the thunderpath again, Wolfstar contemplated next steps for the clan. She’d been hoping to trade their salt for some honey and herbs for Snowspeckle’s kitting. They had access to chervil and yarrow ointment, but Lynxpaw wanted to have raspberry leaves and borage as well in case of an emergency.
A yowl broke through the noise of the twoleg place, just north of the pair. Cold washed over Wolfstar as she realized it was a cat, ducking under a brush with Lynxpaw, she shivered when a deep growl followed the next cry.
“Stay here.” She ordered, darting out of the brush she ran towards the noise, darting around a fence she saw a large red carrion place. The stench was foul, but the sight before her was horrible, a brown tabby cat on the ground, covered in blood and cuts. A large dog stood above him, snarling and barking, the same dog she’d seen before.
A grey tabby cat stood on the far side of the carrion place, the dog between them and Wolfstar. Frozen in the spot as the dog lunges forward to the grounded cat again, movements almost like a kitten playing with a moss ball.
“Hurry, I’ll distract the dog, you grab the cat!” She cried out, running up to the dog to cut it across the muzzle, baiting it. The dog yelped and pulled back, licking its jaws as it loped around eyes sharp on Wolfstar.
But the grey cat turned and scrambled up the wood fence, not even glancing back at them. Her heart sank as she realized she was alone.
“Go,” The cat at her feet choked out. “Get away now.”
She stood in front of them, hackles up, she couldn’t leave a cat to die.
Any playfulness the dog had before was gone, its movements keen and powerful as it charged them. She lunged forward, meeting it head on with another strike to the face.
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It’s teeth graze her shoulder as it’s strong head flings her off balance. She twists sloppily, managing to dive over the beast’s head, digging her claws into its shoulder. The dog snaps at her, trying to shake her off, she jumps off of it but it tramples her in the rush.
She digs her claws into the underbelly, yowling as she did, it yelped and ran off of her. As she got to her feet there was only a moment of stillness before it grabbed her again. Its teeth dug into her neck, a cry died in her throat as a rush of warmth flooded from her neck. She dug her claws into its eyes, but the dog didn’t release, just shook her side to side as blood blinded it.
Terror griped her as her vision began to go dark, the pain in her throat almost numb and her body felt fuzzy. At a certain point it felt just like drowning in the moon spring, her body both numb and painful simultaneously. Blood pounding in her ears, the world faded to nothing but the fading pulse in her throat.
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Color snapped back before her other senses, brilliant shades a blue and glowing white danced before her eyes. A dull, familiar roar met her ears, the waves indistinguishable from the sky, the horizon bleeding into the water. Slowly she could feel a warm rock beneath her paws and a solid body behind her. She knew who it was, the scent of pine meeting her nose.
They didn’t speak, her tongue thick in her mouth and exhaustion settled in her bones. The pain was gone but she knew it’d return, she hoped it would. She wondered if she would lose more than one life or even all of them, but she felt no fear just clarity.
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Lynxpaw shook with terror as she heard the screams and growls of the fight, staying in the brush, she knew she couldn’t risk trying to get closer. She felt weak, unable to help her friend and leader, she had no combat training and couldn’t endanger Snowspeckle by getting killed and leaving her without care.
She saw a grey tabby cat climb the fence surrounding the carrion place, Lynxpaw felt a sense of hope, wondering if Wolfstar would follow behind. But the cat ran off without looking back, passing in front of her brush she tackled the cat. Knocking the, both down the stranger whirled on her, hackles up.
“Where’s the white cat that was in there?” She asked, not worried about the others hostility.
“That idiot is still there, trying to fight that dog.” The tom cat hissed.
“What? Why?”
“My apprentice is in there.” He said coldly. Lynxpaw is shocked at the apathy, especially from a clan cat.
“You’re not gonna help them?” She growled.
“They’re both as good as dead! Why risk my life.” The cat said before running off towards the forest towards the north.
True fear flooded Lynxpaw as felt frozen to the spot, she didn’t even react as a twoleg ran past her, nearly trampling her. The twoleg entered the carrion place, holding a long red lead in its hand, it shouted as it did. Its shouts increased as it was out of her sight, after a few moments it returned, a large tan dog on its lead again. Lynxpaw ducked behind the brush as they walked carelessly by her, she could smell blood all over it and could even see it limp.
The second they were past her she dashed for the fence line, the stench of carrion and blood rolled her stomach. She saw Wolfstar, neck torn open, eyes wide and blank, behind her a brown tabby. The apprentice was bleeding but able to hobble over to Wolfstar, nosing at her with a horror filled face.
Lynxpaw retched, emptying her stomach, she shivered and let out a sob. Looking around there wasn’t much, no cobwebs or moss to stop the blood. Would she even survive this? Her throat slashed open, was it only one life or all of them? Or something between?
“We have to move.” The tabby said, finally addressing her.
Lynxpaw nods and hauls her limp friend’s body up, but she’s too heavy for her alone.
“You can come back for her later. It’s too late.” The tabby said coldly.
“I can’t leave her, she’ll make it. I have to take her back to camp.” Lynxpaw hissed, hackles up. The tom doesn’t speak, but he helps her lift onto their shoulders.
The walk back was silent agony, his shoulder wounds felt like fire and he limped the entire way. Lynxpaw choked back tears, trying to ignore the feeling of blood dripping down her back.
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Returning to life was much slower than when she drowned in the Moon spring. The pain was immediate, choking her and she’d have jolted up if she had the energy. The familiar pins and needles filled her body where the pain wasn’t as intense. Her hearing was next, the distant waves and not much else kept her between consciousness for a while.
Slowly but surely Wolfstar came back to her body, barely able to think beyond the pain, she cracked her eyes open. She couldn’t raise her head to scent the air, but the moss under her smelled of sage and rosemary. Blinking slowly to clear her vision, she could see the healer’s den and a dark figure blocking the entrance.
She whined instinctively, it felt like thorns in her throat. The figure turned and she struggled to identify the cat as he approached, her mind fuzzy and sluggish.
“Do… do you recognize me?” The tabby asked, there was a long pause before he let out a huff of embarrassment. “Right, sorry. I’m Shadowpaw, we met at Capri’s post before. You saved me from that dog.”
Wolfstar blinked a couple times, trying to show she was listening. Another whine escaped her, her shame overshadowed by the pain.
“If it wasn’t for you it would’ve killed me. There’s no way I would’ve survived long enough for its twoleg to capture it.” His face turns stormy and harsh, she almost feels fear. “And even if I did… who would’ve taken me to a healer?”
She nearly forgot about the gray oakclan cat that’d left them. Her eyes roll over him leisurely, taking in the bandages wounds, the young tom shuffles a bit under her gaze but he stands stick still.
“I want to stay.” He says firmly. “I want to join Saltclan. You risked your life for me without hesitation and your cleric treated me like I was a clan mate. I’ll remain loyal to you and the clan until I die.”
There was a pregnant silence, his jaw was tense and shoulders squared, she soaked in his words as she looked him over again. He was young but sizable, dwarfing her considerably. The warrior code had rules for accepting entrants into the clan, many rules she’d spent time learning with her mother, rules she’d skipped for Snowspeckle given she was pregnant. As a young and capable apprentice she should be proper with his evaluation, but in the moment she couldn’t be bothered. She could barely move let alone go through the entire process, it’d have to wait for another time.
Instead she only flicked her tail once and let out a raspy, burning purr. She blinked hard at him, hoping he understood. For the first time since he entered, the young tabby smiled, if only briefly.
“Shadowpaw?” Snowspeckle called. “The soup is ready, come get a bowl.” Wolfstar couldn’t smell the soup, but her stomach growled at the mention.
Quietly Shadowpaw left her alone, she closed her eyes to rest, but he surprisingly returned just as she started to doze. He carried a bowl by the twine handles, walking slowly to her. She noticed his limp for the first time as he set the bowl down beside her.
“Lynxpaw is out gathering more herbs, she had Snowspeckle make an herbal broth for you.” He said, she tried to lift herself up but her weak legs wouldn’t let her.
“Hon, grab some moss off the shelves and soak it with the soup,” Snowspeckle’s voice called, she sat at the entrance of the cave watching them with a tired smile. While he did as she said, Wolfstar flicked her ears once and she gave her a playful glare. “Don’t even start, honey, I’ve got an eye on the fire. Just wanted to see you, even from a distance.”
Wolfstar wasn’t sure, but she tried to smile at her friend. Snowspeckle turned back to watch the fire as Shadowpaw placed the soaked moss at her mouth.
Slowly she lapped up drops of the salty broth as the group sat in silence. Shadowpaw got up to get a bowl for Snowspeckle and then himself after she finished a few soaks. The quiet was nice and whatever herbs were in the broth seemed to make the pain dull a little so she could doze.
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Lynxpaw was pretty good with change, while she enjoyed the routine and stillness that came with her cleric studies, she didn’t mind when the monotony was shaken up. Wolfstar’s grave injury had been her biggest hurdle yet, but she managed to stop the bleeding and make a bandage on the wound. Snowspeckle mentioned advanced healing techniques she’d seen in Oakclan to ‘tie’ lacerated skin together to heal, but with no knowledge or materials everyone was reluctant to attempt such a procedure on their leader.
So as the days sped by, Wolfstar healed slowly, being paw fed medicated broth. Snowspeckle spent most of her time with the leader, grooming her and keeping her company with songs and stories. She also had taken over the cooking, though Shadowpaw seemed adept at butchering prey for them.
The dour tom fit in surprisingly well with the clan, he didn’t speak much and was very blunt, but it was refreshing and sometimes even funny. He took the lion’s share of duties that Wolfstar had done, hunting and patrolling, and did so without complaint- aside from the occasional sarcastic comment.
This morning Lynxpaw and him had set out to mark the borders together, then visit the cliffs and tide pools for prey and herbs. The walk was quiet, but not overwhelmingly so, though he did grumble about the border placements. He thought they should try to push the border further for more territory, but quieted down when Lynxpaw reminded him Wolfstar had set the borders.
He seemed to have a soft spot for her and Lynxpaw since she saved him, calling them both by their silly kittypet names.
Marking the Duskclan border, they turned west to the river, taking turns veering off trail to mark. As they neared the river that marked the border, they scented cats up ahead.
“Let me keep forward.” Shadowpaw said, voice a low growl.
“It’s probably a border patrol like us.” But she still slowed to let him lead, a little unsure how he’ll act.
He didn’t respond just kept his tail low and head high, straining to keep the lingering limp out of his steps. Stepping over some larger rocks they caught sight of the cats, on Saltclan’s side of the river.
“This is Saltclan territory, what’re you doing out here!” He called out, hackles up at the offense.
The cats turned.
“Snowspeckle?” Lynxpaw stepped before him now. “What’re you doing?”
The pregnant can’t looked tired and worried, the black cat in front of her took off in a run. The cat even managed to clear the river in a single bound. Their white tipped tail disappearing rapidly.
Shadowpaw started to give chase, put Lynxpaw blocked him with her tail.
“What’s going on.” She asked again, noticing a small covered pot in front of Snowspeckle. It was alright reddish color and decorated with flower images, nothing at all like the simple black pots saltclan produced.
“I’m sorry it’s just…” She faltered, glancing nervously around.
“Who was that cat?” Shadowpaw asked.
“That was Nightleap, my once mate. I’ve been meeting with her since Wolfstar’s injury.” She confessed, Lynxpaw just waited patiently for her to continue. “I asked her for help and supplies, she hasn’t been able to bring much, just some food or prey. But today she managed to bring me this.” She nudged the pot.
Lynxpaw gingerly pried the lid open to look inside.
“Poppy seeds.” She stared in wonder.
“Seeds? What’s the big deal?” He asked.
“Poppy seeds are a pain killer, the strongest anyone has ever found.” Lynxpaw explained. “Did you get this for Wolfstar?”
Snowspeckle nodded sheepishly.
“You shouldn’t have left camp, you could’ve gone into labor or gotten hurt.” Shadowpaw admonished her, it would’ve made her laugh if he wasn’t right. “It’s risky plus you left Wolfstar alone.”
“I know, but I felt so bad. I’m the reason why she’s hurt. She was there to trade salt for herbs I needed. I couldn’t just do nothing.” She admitted. “Plus Noghtleap won’t tell anyone, I’m not sure how she got this much, but she’d be in way too much trouble for it if Honeyclan knew.”
“Snow it’s not your fault, it’s not anyone’s fault that Wolfstar lost a life. The dog fight was a freak accident, you can’t blame yourself.” Lynxpaw butted their heads together, purring gently as their cheeks brushed. “We don’t blame you, right Shadowpaw?”
She turned away from Snowspeckle and gave him a sharp glare, he rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, I don’t blame you.” He said flatly, earning a chuckle from the pregnant molly.
“Come on, let’s get back,” Lynxpaw coaxed her to stand. “I’ll get Wolfstar started on these, I think it’ll really help her.”
Wolfstar- a white tabby molly with short fur, heather blue eyes, and two ear notches in her right ear. 12 moons. Leader. Saltclan. Responsible, compassionate, natural intuition.
Lynxpaw- a blue point molly with long fur and blue eyes. 7 moons. Cleric apprentice. Saltclan. Quiet, loving, quick to help.
Snowspeckle- a white molly with short fur and blue eyes. 23 moons. Artisan. Saltclan. Loving, childish, good singer.
Shadowpaw- a brown tabby tom with long fur and a large build. 11 moons. Warrior apprentice. Formerly Oakclan. Blood thirsty, loyal, good swimmer.
Nightleap- a black trans molly with short fur, white points, and yellow eyes. 27 moons. Warrior. Honeyclan. Sneaky, lonesome, learner of lore.
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kittyball23 · 9 months
Chewed (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Poppy confronts her father and her boyfriend on a matter that’s been bugging her
A/N: Requested by @webslingerofthegalaxy :)
“Alright, folks, what'll it be tonight?”
While Poppy, Branch, and Viva were quick to reply to Bruce’s query with their orders of fricassee squid, jellyfish sliders, and nachos, Peppy took a minute for himself, humming thoughtfully at the menu in his hands.
“Hmmm… those fried clams sound delicious!” he said finally, with a nod to confirm his order.
But Bruce grimaced. “Oof, yeah, sorry I forgot to mention it, but you're not gonna wanna order those, trust me.” Then, with a dramatic lowering of his voice to a hushed whisper, he added, “Don't ask why.”
The former Pop King looked confused for a moment, but then shrugged it off. “Ah well, alright. I guess I'll take the menudo instead.”
Bruce beamed as he grabbed the menus. “Ah, much better! You'll love it. Be right back with everything, alright!”
The four watched as the purple-haired Troll scurried back to the kitchen to assist his wife with the meals, and then they turned to each other.
“Huh… I wonder what the deal is with those clams?” Viva wondered aloud.
Poppy shrugged. “Don't know! But, hopefully he won't keep it a secret for long.” The Pop Queen ensured to put emphasis on the word secret, shooting a glance at her boyfriend and her father and hoping that they caught her drift. There was something she had been meaning to address with the two of them, and now seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring it up.
But, as it was, neither one of them had taken notice. Branch and King Peppy’s gazes had drifted towards the karaoke stage, where their attention was taken by a performer's rendition of “Vacation.”
Viva’s face lit. “Ooo, I love this song!” she exclaimed. Then, getting an idea, she turned to Peppy. “Daddy, we should all go on there next!”
King Peppy, however, kindly declined, waving a hand. “Oho, no dear, I couldn't.”
“Sure you could!” Viva encouraged. “Poppy, Branch, and I did just the other day! Right?”
“Uh-huh!” the pink Troll agreed, while the blue nodded.
“And you all were wonderful,” Peppy complimented. “But, I'm afraid I can't sing and dance the way you and your band do,” he explained. “And besides… I've already thrown my back out one too many times in the morning songs as it is!” He admitted it with a sheepish grin, rubbing where the ache still lingered.
Viva pouted a little, but Peppy offered her reassurance. “But don't worry - I'll be right in the front row, cheering you on. I wouldn't miss one of your performances for the world!”
Viva grinned and nudged her sister. “Remember how excited you got when Branch asked you to join the band?” she giggled.
“Uh, yeah! How can I forget!” Poppy exclaimed, shooting a grateful glance at her boyfriend.
Branch chuckled. “Yeah, neither can I.” 
“And me neither!” Peppy pitched in, putting one of his hands on his heart, and the other on Branch’s shoulder. “My boy, you nearly startled me out of my wits! If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought your ‘proposal’ would have ended differently.”
“You mean like my sis and Branch getting married?” Viva blurted gleefully. Her words caused the pink and blue Trolls to grow bashful, and Peppy's eyes to widen. Viva rolled her eyes. “Come on, guys, is it really that weird now? I've already planned out the flower colors for your bouquet, you know!”
Poppy gasped. “Viva!”
“Sis, you know it's gonna happen one day! Don't act so surprised!”
Poppy did little more than blush, and Branch cleared his throat, noticing how awkward King Peppy was looking. “Well, only if you will approve, sir,” Branch said respectfully.
King Peppy suddenly looked guilty and sighed. “Of course I do, my boy. And I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise. I guess it's just… I can't believe my little girl has already grown up so fast!”
“Tell me about it!” Viva shouted. “The last time I saw her she was so teeny weeny!” she giggled, showcasing the size with her hands.
“Yes,” King Peppy laughed, smiling at both his daughters. He then continued, addressing Branch. “You’ll make a fine partner for my Poppy. And an excellent king, too!”
Branch cocked his head, pleasantly surprised to hear this. “Really?”
“Indeed,” Peppy replied without hesitation. “Why, you remind me much of myself!”
The blue Troll glowed. “Um… how?” he asked curiously.
“Maybe how you both like to keep secrets from me?”
This time, Poppy’s statement did not go unnoticed by Peppy or Branch. Both Trolls turned to her, coming face-to-face with the sudden stern expression she wore on her face.
“Huh?” Branch practically squeaked.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know!” she chided. “You said nothing about being in not just one, but TWO super amazing boybands! I have every single record of BroZone and Kismet!”
Branch tried to stammer a response. “Well, I, um… you see, it’s just that - “
“And then, to top it off, you don’t tell me that you had FOUR brothers? Oh no, not one, not, two, not even three - but FOUR?!”
“Well, um…” Branch tried again, “Yooouu… didn’t tell me you had a sister!” he defended, gesturing at Viva.
“I didn’t know!” Poppy exclaimed. “Wanna know why I didn’t know?!” She crossed her arms at her father, who wished he could pull a hocus-pocus and disappear right then and there.
Viva cast Peppy nearly the same identical look Poppy was giving him. “She’s got a point, Dad. Poppy had no clue who I was when we met up again!”
“Yeah! That's just like when you didn’t tell me about all the other music tribes!”
Peppy put his hands up and waved them in a calming motion. “Poppy, darling, you know I'm incredibly regretful for not having told you either one of those things. I was just trying - “
“To protect me,” Poppy finished at the same time he did. She let the initial disappointment in her Dad fizzle away so she could give him a sincere look. “Dad, I love you… and, as a family, I want us to be honest with each other, no matter how scary or painful or downright shocking the truth might be! We can work through it… okay?” She opened her arms for him, and he leaned towards her so they could share a hug.
“Yes, Poppy. I'm so sorry…”
This time, Poppy giggled. “You don't have to keep apologizing, Dad. I've forgiven you, like, a dozen times!”
“Right, yes,” he mumbled rather meekly, and then straightened himself out. They smiled at each other, and then Poppy glared at Branch.
“Now. As for you…”
Branch sighed. “You're right, Poppy. As a friend, and girlfriend, I trust you. I'll open up to you more, I promise… is there anything I can do to make up for the secrets I did keep?”
Poppy liked this question, and pretended to tap her chin and give it deep thought. “Hmmm… well, you could let me have a couple bites of the sliders you ordered…” she said.
But Branch could tell there was more she wanted to add to that. “And?” he prompted.
She batted her lashes and whispered. “...And also maybe give me a kiss?”
Her boyfriend’s eyes widened. “In front of your Dad?”
Having been in earshot, Peppy chuckled. “Branch, there's nothing to worry about. You two are in love.” He gestured his hand out, as if saying, “Now, go on with it!”
So Branch did. He kissed Poppy sweetly, Peppy looking on proudly and Viva tucking her hands under her chin while gushing.
“Awwww, that’s exactly how I imagine your wedding smooch to be!” the golden-curled Troll squealed.
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
tonowari x reader x ronal + sully family
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Guidance was always something that was needed in ones life, when they were facing hardships. The ones who always seem to be seeking helping are teenagers and kids as they, live their daily lives. Growing up is not easy and it extreme not easy when you are navi teen trying to live up to image of parent or older siblings that praised by everyone else and you don't get the same praise as well. Over your life of adult and when you were young you had seen, that and made a promise to always help out those who seek help when needed.
y/n " I given blessing to the great mother for my life ... I give the great mother thanks for my mates and for my children" you were doing a pray hoping for some answers on some stuff, when you heard something.
????? " leave us alone "
????? " aww little kids getting scared do you need your mommies"
????? " hey leave them alone right now or else" you heard aonung voice you soon stopped what you were doing, and made your way towards the sound. To see your sons along with the tow sully boys in fight with some visiting teens from another clan.
y/n " hey" you soon made your way towards the fight and soon broke the boys apart or they pushed each other way.
y/n " what is happening here"
lo'ak " these punks were picking on kiri calling her a freak, and I came to tell them to stop they were bothering us until neteyam and your son came"
y/n " kiri is that true"
kiri " yes we tried walking away until they insult our families"
navi teen boy " well it true all your family is weird"
y/n " enough all of you no more fighting we don't need conflict among, ourselves during these times"
teens " sorry"
y/n " you boys will start showing respect to the clan guests as they are becoming one of us, because if we were like them they will do the same for us"
metekayain teens " yes ma'am"
y/n " sully family I'm sorry for the poor behavior of the reef teens I will make sure it will not happen that much"
neteyam " it okay miss we know you can't control everyone opinion on us"
y/n " now it seems like you all might wish to explain this it your fathers" the teens soon looked to see their fathers standing there, you soon looked at your sons.
y/n " I will try to clam their tempers but you might still get scolded and some punishment, when you are all done head to the healers and get first up" you soon walked away and spoke with your mate and there males, they seem to understand a bit but the teens were still a trouble a bit.
Later on that day
y/n " so let me get this straight you had sent the boys all fishing together for what reason"
tonowari " Jake sully said it will be good for them to bond and form a friendship as well"
y/n " I hope so"
tonowari " what the matter"
y/n " I think you should spend some time with the boys a bit more"
tonowari " ......."
y/n " I'm just speaking from the heart it seems like the boys have been doing their best, to proven themselves to you lately as they idolize you ma tonowari"
tonowari " you are right my love"
y/n " thank you so please give them some time with you, and it will be good for all three of you"
tonowari " sure and maybe I can help them with their fighting after what happened today they are good but could use more training"
y/n " tonowari"
tonowari " what you told me to bond with them and I will" you soon smiled at your mate knowing he is correct.
y/n “ well I hope the boys have a good time, it seems like our boys are bonding well with the sully boys that good for them”
ronal “ what good for them is good for the clan” ronal soon sat with her mates making you smile.
ronal “ I thinks this friendship will blossom good fortune for our clans”
Y/n “ yes it will” your mates had stayed with you but soon left later on in the day. You were garage some water with a jug, when you saw your two sons with neteyam and other reef boy.
y/n” welcome home children how was the fishing”
aonung “ it was wonderful mama we caught many fish”
y/n “ that wonderful but where are the others”
neteyam “ oh we spilt up two groups my brother went with some of the other boys, one of them came with us”
Navi teen boy “ y/n I’m sorry for my rude behavior toward you and the others”
y/n “ it okay young one and it seems like you all were able to become friends that’s good, we will need this friendship in our time of need” the boys smiled and nodded their heads, you soon sent them on their way to deal with the fishes with the other hunters.
later that night
y/n “ …….” you were walking around at night after getting done with some task.
????? " I'm a freak dad"
????? " no you are not baby girl" you soon heard Jake and kiri talking, the girl was very sad.
kiri " yes I'm dad"
Jake " no you are not your brothers, spider, and aonung along with rotxo stood up for you today even y/n as well"
kiri " I know but why do I feel like a freak"
y/n " you are not a freak kiri" Jake and kiri soon looked at you, as you stood there giving them a smile.
Jake " hello again y/n"
y/n " hello I didn't mean to interrupt I was on my way home when I came across you to"
Jake " it okay"
y/n " kiri you are not freak"
kiri " then why can't I be like everyone else be normal"
y/n " because you are special my child and you have an import role to play, eywa has made you this way because she had plans for you"
Kiri “ are you sure”
y/n “ yes I’m sure young lady and it good you are different, because if we were all the same it will be boring around here” kiri gave you a smile and you smile back her, Jake and kiri had noticed fish’s were swimming around your legs as well.
Jake “ y/n right my daughter you are not a freak and will never be a freak”
y/n “ those who call you a freak are foolish and blind” kiri smiles at the comforting words, but soon everything changed in a quickly second.
????? “ aww you are hurting me let me go” the trio soon turned around to see their sons dragging, a few of the other reef boys over.
????? “ let’s us go”
neteyam “ tell my dad what we over heard you saying come on tell my father”
aonung “ tell my mother as well”
spider “ tell them don’t stand there acting like you can’t speak”
Jake “ what has happened where is Lo’ak” the boys were soon placed in front of you and jake, you could tell something had happened.
y/n “ boys speak now”the boys look like they were to scared to speak and this was making matter worst.
jake “ what has happened now someone say something”
y/n “come on everyone we are going to speak with tonowari, and ronal someone go get these boys parents now” Rotox and spider nodded their heads and soon took off, together as Kiri went to go get her mom and Tuk.
minutes later
tonowari “ you boys have done something stupid and dangerous leaving a boy, who knows nothing out there alone”
ronal “ it seems like you boys had this planned for the youngest sully boy”
navi teen “ he humiliated us”
ronal “ you did this because of some fight after you we’re bullying his sister”
navi parent “ it not our sons fault they didn’t mean any harm”
neytiri “ harm they pulled s dangerous prank on my young son, and nearly did the same to my other son and nephew let not forget tonowari sons as well”
navi teen 2 “ he was supposed to be back by now we didn’t know he will be gone this long”
y/n “ we can deal with these boys and their parents later tell us, where you left him”
navi 3 “ beyond the reef past the three brother rocks”
Ronal “ you are all fools and you know aluka are out there”
neteyam “ what is that”
aonung “ a predator of the ocean….” Neteyam soon punched one of the boys soon causing chaos in the hut.
Jake “ son I know you are mad but fighting won’t solve the solution, we need to find your brother now” you soon left the hut before anyone else could take action.
y/n “ I will go find the boy”
Jake “ I will come as well I will bring some help as well”
y/n “ no it better I go now it will be for the best”
Jake “ no this that creatures you speak about it out there I don’t wish to leave you alone” you could understand where Jake was coming from, as there was already someone lost on the reef.
y/n “ Jake sully I welcome the offer but it will be best if I go alone”
Ao’nung “ mama we are coming with you” you soon looked and saw your sons along with neteyam.
tonowari “ no you three are staying here”
Jake “ yes it will be for the best”
neteyam “ we are warriors dad we have to the right to come and look for loak”
y/n “ yes you are younger warriors but the time hasn’t come for you to act now, the time will come young ones but not now”
Ao’nung “ but mama”
y/n “ no stay here the collage and your families will need you all right now”
Rotox “ yes mama”
tonowari “ are you sure about this yawne”
y/n “ I will be fine ma tonowari I know the way, and if I’m not back soon then you all can come looking for me” tonowari knew there was no winning for him, you soon called your strimwimg and soon headed off.
???? “ my father comes from the stars see up there”
y/n “ loak” you soon saw the boy standing on creature and that creature is a tulkun, a tulkun you knew so well.
loak “ y/n” you soon dismounted off your creatures and soon went towards loak and payakan.
y/n “ are you just anywhere”
Loak “ no thoes boys left me behind I think they were pranking me”
y/n “ I know your brother and my sons caught them with spider, the truth was told but they will be dealt with later on …. It seems like you have a story to tell”
loak “ yes I almost got caught by this grey shark creature and this creature saved me”
y/n” thank you so much my friend your savor is tulkun, I will tell you more later one but now we need to get home”
loak “ yes ma’am” the group and travels the rest of the rest of way home together, until the were close to the village.
???? “ loak y/n”
y/n “ we have to go now come I will bring you the rest of the way home”
loak “ thank for saving me I hope to see you again” you had taken the boy home on your creatures, soon running into Jake and another warrior as they escorted you and Loak home. Soon everyone reached the villages and got onto the docks.
Navi women “ the boy has returned”
Navi man “ the sully boys has been found”soon Jake and tonowari had came towards you and loak.
Jake “ let check you out okay nothing that bad”
y/n “ your son is brave Jake sully he stood up against a akula”
Jake “ really”
loak “ yes that I true i did escape one and made by way back here but, soon came across y/n and she brought be home”
Jake “ thank you”
tonowari “ are you okay my love”
y/n “ I’m fine” soon the rest of the who families had come over happy to see loak was okay, and that you came home as well.
y/n “ well you will be okay but will be feeling some string pain, but overall you will be fine” you were healing up loak he soon nodded his head.
loak “ yes ma’am thank you for saving me twice in one day”
y/n “ you are welcome loak but it seems like you have done great today my boy”
loak “ thank you”
y/n “ no head off on home and loak if you have questions about your new friend, I can answer them for you or you can find out on your own but remember to follow your heart”
loak “ yes ma’am but what about the boys”
y/n “ they will face a punishment after an meeting with tonowari and your father, we will see what happens later on”
loak “ yes I understand”you soon saw loak home before you went home as well, to your family that was waiting for your return happy to see you come home safe and sound. That night you were happy that everyone was home safe and sound, but you felt like something was coming a feeling that your could understand half way and couldn’t understand as well.
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reotheworld · 2 years
hi, don't really know about your rules so feel free to ignore this! I was wondering if you could do how yan!merman! Kaiser would be with his darling, how does he act, interact, etc. (maybe a little bit suggestive if you can?) have a lovely day!
part of your world
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❝ from head to toe, you are mine ❞
➜ yandere!merman!kaiser with a human!fem!darling
➜ fem!reader
sugar level: 20% | suggestive at the end!
fairy tales are merely short yet magical stories mothers tell to their children to help fall asleep quickly. such stories typically feature mythical enchantments and fanciful beings, never meant to believe in. but what happens when the line between real and not blurs?
just like a blue rose, they are only works of imagination, a good work of fantasy yet it's mysterious allure is what makes it unattainable. what happens when the impossible becomes possible?
michael kaiser is the merman every mermaid mother want their daughters to marry because of his good looks, excellent controlling nature and many more. however, be that the case, he's not the least interested in mermaids.
he craved for something that could challenge him, someone who is beyond his reach. have them be a part of his world.
the day he decided to admire another world by the shore is the day he caught sight of your wandering figure, crouching down on the sand, one bucket in hand while the other picked up sea shells and colorful sea stones.
he knew that humans and mermaids aren't supposed to come into contact together, to remain their kind a secret but the sight of you oh so carefree, beautiful and enchanting had him speechless. his heart fluttered, something he never thought he could experience until now.
you who is a refreshing and mesmerizing view. you who is exactly beyond his reach. either way, he'll make you submit to him.
he spent the rest of the mornings watching and observing you, when you wouldn't collect shells and stones, you'd take a walk all by yourself or build sand castles. and as each day passed, he didn't cared if he could expose his kind, he wanted to have you.
"if you want a variety, i can help you with that."
slowly, kaiser treads through the water to come closer to you, his eyes never leaving your figure.
"do you not get lonely too?" he asks, finally stopping right in front of you, upper half of his body exposed to you.
you gave him a small smile, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "why would i be lonely?"
"i always see you every day and at the same time, all by yourself." he tells you, excitement rushing through him as he is finally talking to you.
"so you've been watching me." you respond, slowly sitting down on top of the golden sandy shores. "i'm not lonely anymore, i have you now."
his eyes widened at the response you gave him. heart thumping wildly as if it would burst out of his chest. a human acknowledging his presence. that response alone had him fallen completely in love with you.
"in what grounds do you think i could be a good company to you?" he asks, an impressive grin painting his lips.
"i just know" you reply, smiling to him.
oh how you wish you could take those words back. the words you gave to the very first you meet him, the words you wish you knew what it would mean to him.
you're now in the palm of his hand; finest pearls weaved into a necklace or earring, abundant sea shells enclosed around a large clam shell, miscellaneous trinkets that can only be found in the deepest crevices of the sea are now in your rightful possession.
no other person on land has these finer treasures apart from you. such luster, shape and consistency would have heads turning to look your way.
"there's no need for you to go back to that world, darling." he'd whisper into your ear as the two of you watch the sunset, his arms wrapped around your colorless figure. "the sea will welcome you with open arms."
"you'll love it when you're a hundred feet deep, i'll be your guide getting in, i won't let you drown. you trust me, right?" he asks, whispering in your ear as his fingers held your chin, turning your head to look at him.
trusting him is your choice. but it's kaiser that used that choice into something cynical.
shifting positions to have you seated on top of his waist, he pushes your bodies and kaiser had never felt so pleased with the skin to skin contact. admiring your figure clad in a yellow bikini, a sight he'll always remember even with eyes closed.
and not a moment too soon, he finally press his lips on yours. kissing you deeply and passionately; one hand cupped around your left cheek and the other on your waist, slipping between your legs. squeezing your warm pussy before rubbing your clit, tongues intertwining and dancing.
abandoning his common sense, his arms gripped around your figure, diving down into the water but with you this time.
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miguellover07 · 1 year
Ughhh, may I request something,well umm do u remember those wattpad nerd story (that had to deal with nerds girl who no one really had an interest,then boom someone is interested in them and they just called them ugly ass,but the nerds always weared baggy clothes and big glasses) that was popular there, well I wanted to ask
Nerd!reader(female) x rich!popular!Miguel
Highschool/college au
Who is an new kid(miguel) come to school already become popular and all the talk of the town ,he was just incredibly annoyed by all these girl jumping onto to him like an bug going toward the sun,and the fucking guys that say there he best friends,he would just shut them up,and make fun of them,he was fed up with people telling him what happening with today's drama or shit,he just wanted to had fun,I mean just because he was rich doesn't he was lazy,that's when he wanted to find an place that quiet and clam he went to the library, that where he saw reader,(who he never saw her before,he just thought she was an new kid) nerd!reader who was wearing headphones underneath her hoodie (listening to music of course) while studying,she seem peaceful,but knowing him he would just sat down next in the same table as her,
AND THE REST IS UP TO u (Idk what to do)
Always have an wonderful day😘😘😇
Study buddy
Around 1100 words, fluff, rich!Miguel x nerdfem!reader
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After finally getting rid of these annoying classmates of his, he found his way to the school library.
He was already so frustrated and grumpy by them. They don't understand that he simply doesn´t care who fucked with whom or who holds the best parties.
This year he wants to improve his grades to the impossible, so only A´s are allowed. This means no parties, no drama or any kind of burden for him.
The reason is that he wants to be worthy of his parents company.
He wants them to be proud of him and inherit it to him because he deserves it and not due to the fact that he is their eldest son.
That´s why right now he's standing in the math section and looks through the books and after a bit of searching he finds the books he needs for practacing.
Luckily the math section is mostly empty except for a group who are probably working on a project together and a girl.
Before searching for a seat, he decides to regard the girl for some minutes.
Her oversized hoodie has a big image on the back which tells him that she is a fan of the same comic as him.
He sees her removing the glasses and rubbing her already bloodshot eyes and she seems worried and frustrated.
So, he decides to sit next to her, taking out his school supplies such as notebook, calculator and some pencils.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to befriend her so that he can have a study buddy and they could help each other out.
As he sits down next to her, he notices the small spider-man earrings and he can't help but feel excited because he also likes him.
Even her earphones are designed in the colour red and blue which implies that they must be customised.
She rests her head in her hands and Miguel guesses that she is either at the brick of a breakdown or just taking a break.
"Need help?" he causally asks her as he takes her notes to see with what she is fighting.
The moment he starts speaking is exactly where her song switches to another one, so in this little second she hears him right next to her.
Startled, she jumps in her chair, putting a hand on her heart "Gosh, I didn´t see you coming..."
And Miguel can´t help but find her slow reaction adorable.
She slowly takes her headphones off and sighs while blushing intensly. The new kid talked to her? And even offers his help?
No way, this must be a prank, most people don´t even recognize her which she is extremly thankful for since she has seen how the popular kids bully the nerds or basically everbody who isn´t filthy rich or at least good looking.
But she needs help or else she will fail her math class and studying alone won't get her far.
"I don't even know what I´m doing..." she would whisper embarrassed.
Humming, he starts opening one of her books and takes a minute to read himself in this topic.
All the while she puts her glasses back on to get a better sight of him.
It´s like she is looking at a model, his skin looks so smooth and his hair is so fluffy and voluminous.
His sharp features makes him so much hotter but to stop her emberassing blushing, she tries looking at the books before her.
After understanding the topic, he leans back and starts explaining it to her, without making her feel stupid which only makes her more attracted to him.
He even put his arm behind her to lean a bit closer towards her and his other hand keeps pointing to the book while sometimes scribbling on her notes.
Nodding eagerly as she finally understood what her problem was and how it workes.
She can´t help and turn to him as she gives him a tired but happy smile since this session took over 2 hours of him just explaining and calculating together.
"Thank you so much for your help, I don´t know what I would do without you," expressing her graditute while packing her stuff "Could I perhaps repay you?"
Miguel leans back and packs his schoolbag as well "How about before we start our next time we have lunch together? I´m still new here and don´t know my way around and I don´t know if you´ve already had the chance to explore our school"
Confusion is written over her face "What do you mean?" she chuckles akwardly.
"Aren´t you new here as well?" he raises a brow and is seemingly confused now.
Chuckling she explains "No no no, I´ve been in this town since birth so I actaully do know my way around, I could be your guide if you like" she puts her hand before her giggling mouth to hide it and Miguel again can´t help but find her adorable with the whole behaviour and looks.
Everything she does just suits her.
"Oh sorry, I don´t know why I automatically assumed you were new here, but yeah I´d like to have a sweet one like you as my tour guide... ugh when I think about that one of the other could be my guide, I already get a headache"
Again she can´t help but giggle at his confession and as they two stand up, she can´t help but notice the height difference which makes her a little bit nervous again. Miguel notices it immediately which makes him smirk.
"I´m Y/N, by the way" she awkwardly introduces herself as she remebered to do it at the beginning which makes it a bit awkward again but he only leans down to hear her better and perhaps to tease her a little.
"Y/N, it´s a pretty name and it suits you perfectly... and I´m Miguel o´hara" he says with a little smirk.
Hope you like this one, I somehow struggled to make him seem 'more rich' and her more 'nerdy' with the set up but I still hope you'll enjoy this one, my friend <3
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mybeingthere · 1 month
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Designs and colours of shells are wonderous - a true mystery of nature.
Here the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute explains the technology of shell-building. Yes, I understand everything, but it is still a wonder. Images are from various internet archives.
"Where do shells come from? The animals make them. Mollusks have an outermost layer of tissue on their bodies. Called the mantle, this layer connects the animal to its shell. The mantle also creates that shell.
Specialized cells in the mantle build the shell using proteins and minerals. These are secreted—released into the space outside the cells. There, the proteins create a framework that provides support for the growing shell. The proteins in the framework also determine which minerals are used in specific parts of the shell.
Calcium carbonate, the main mineral found in shells (including eggshells), binds to the protein. If you have ever seen construction workers build with concrete, this is similar. The protein is like the steel rebar that gives shape and support. Calcium carbonate is like the cement that fills in all the gaps.
Calcium carbonate can form two different types of crystals. One is called calcite. This incredibly common crystal can be found all over the world. Calcite makes up chalk, marble, coral, limestone—and seashells. The other form is aragonite. This crystal has a different arrangement of calcium carbonate. Both calcite and aragonite are found in seashells.
A mollusk’s shell has three layers. Each is made up of similar materials. But how those materials are arranged gives them each a different look and feel. The outermost layer is mostly protein. It’s often rough and may have bumps or spikes. Proteins in the middle layer cause calcium carbonate to form calcite crystals. These fill in the spaces, making the shell tough to break.
The innermost layer is the one in contact with the mantle. It’s a smooth, iridescent layer called nacre or mother-of-pearl. Nacre is made up of protein and calcium carbonate. But it looks and feels completely different from other parts of the shell. That’s because the mantle secretes different proteins for different layers. Different proteins cause calcium carbonate to crystallize in different ways. Those used in the middle layer create calcite. Those used in the innermost layer create aragonite.
As the animal grows, its shell must grow along with it. This happens along the outer edges. A snail adds to its shell around the opening, where it pokes its head out. For a clam or mussel, it’s the outer edges where the two shells separate. The result is growth rings, like those in a tree, that allow us to measure a mollusk’s age.
When the animal inside dies, its shell is gradually pounded against the rocks and sand. Over time, shells break down. They become part of the sand. White beaches have sand made almost entirely of tiny bits of shells."
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
So, that Birthday Girl fic...could we get a follow-up called Birthday Boy about Reader exploring Eddie's kinks on his birthday? Love you to the moon and back xoxoxoxo @munson-blurbs 💚
Here you go, my friend! It's my first time writing sub!Eddie so I hope I did some justice to this request. I love you toooo!
In the same universe as Birthday Girl
Warnings: smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up), oral f receiving, sub!eddie, Dom!reader, I think that’s it?
Words: 3.9k
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Eddie never liked to make a big deal out of his birthday, even though he loved to make a whole special day for yours. It didn’t seem fair, so when Eddie told you he didn’t really want anything for his birthday, you just raised an eyebrow at him. You know growing up his family didn’t have a lot of money, meaning celebrating his birthday never came with a big hoopla. But now that you’re older and have both of your paychecks contributing to the comfortable living situation you have in your apartment, it’s time he let you spoil him. 
Obviously, you knew his favorite cake was Funfetti and you had all the ingredients ready to make it. Eddie still wouldn’t budge on giving you any gift ideas, though. So, you’ll have to improvise. Shopping at the mall doesn’t really help you at all. The last store to explore is Spencer’s, and you didn’t have a whole lot of hope you’d find something in there for him either. And you’re right, you don’t – but you do get a spark of inspiration when you see a pair of furry handcuffs hanging on a display wrack. The ones that Eddie used as a belt buckle in high school are in your apartment somewhere, probably Eddie’s dresser. Those could come in handy.
Eddie’s not shy, that’s for sure. So you had definitely noticed when he became more subdued whenever the subject of sex came up lately. At first you could just write it off as him having a bad day at work. But when it happens a second and third time, you know there was something to it. You two were still having sex. A lot of it, actually, and it was really good. But he seemed to clam up whenever it was talked about. 
One night as he went to tug your sleep shorts off, you stopped him and asked if he wanted to talk about anything. He looked confused, wondering why this popped into your head while he was trying to undress you. You told him that you noticed how he had been acting and that you wanted to help him. The fact that he seemed embarrassed baffled you. Eddie? Embarrassed? You’d never even heard those two words in the same sentence before. 
Finally, though, Eddie opened up and told you what had been on his mind. Sometimes when the two of you brought out the kinkier aspects while you were having sex, Eddie was good at dominating you. Telling you what to do, making you beg, things like that. And he loved doing that, he assured you, but he said that he thought he’d like to try a role reversal and see how it felt for you to be the dominating one. 
The fact that Eddie had become quiet over a kink he wanted to explore floored you. This man has never been shy about telling you anything before. But it seemed like this was part of the role he wanted to play in bed. The quiet, timid one who is told what to do and when to do it. And the more you thought about it, the more you liked the idea of it. So, seeing those furry handcuffs at Spencer’s reminded you that you had a whole other gift you could give Eddie for his birthday. You were still determined to find a physical gift, though. 
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When Eddie comes home from work, you’re ready for him. He walks in the front door of your apartment and rolls out his neck. Teaching guitar brought him immense joy, but having to look down at his student’s fingers on the strings can take a toll on his neck after a long week. 
“Babe?” Eddie calls into the apartment. He shrugs his leather jacket off and hangs it on the peg near the door. “You home?”
Eddie raises his eyebrows at your tone. It wasn’t you calling out to let him know where you were, it was a demand. He kicks his boots off and heads down the hall. When he pokes his head into your room, he doesn’t see you at first. Then he glimpses you near the closet and steps inside.
“Hey, baby,” he says, but stops short when he sees what you’re wearing. The cropped Corroded Coffin tee is something he’s seen you wearing many times before but seeing you in only that and a black thong has his brain malfunctioning. “Happy birthday to me indeed.”
Determined not to get flustered lest it take away from the domineering effect, you jut your hip out to the side, trying to stave off the heat you feel rising to your cheeks, and hold up your index finger that has Eddie’s handcuffs dangling from it. 
Your boyfriend shoots you a smirk and steps forward to take them from you, assuming you’ll be the one confined by them. But with a quick twist of your wrist, you have one of the cuffs securely around Eddie’s wrist.
“Uh, what?” Eddie asks.
“I think you should be the one getting cuffed tonight, birthday boy.” You grab the bottom of his black Dio t-shirt and lift it over his head, assisting him in getting the clanging cuffs untangled from the material as well. When your eyes flicker down to his pants, Eddie takes the hint and rides himself of his jeans and boxers as well. “Bed. Now.”
The immediate change of demeanor in Eddie would be subtle to anyone else, but you notice all the little details that add up to this submissive version of your boyfriend. His chin has tucked in, shoulders slightly hunched, making himself seem smaller as he peers at you from underneath his thick eyelashes. But he still doesn’t move. You take a step closer and yank him forward by the waistband of his jeans. “I said now.”
Eddie turns from you to get on the bed, sitting on the foot of it and looking at you with his wide doe eyes. 
“Good boy. Now lay back.” He does as he’s told, and you can’t help but smirk. “Get your ass up there so I can hook the cuffs through the headboard.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You wrinkle your nose at the term. It reminds you too much of work. 
“I don’t think I like that name, baby.” Eddie obediently raises his arms above his head, and you straddle his hips to secure the cuffs through the wooden slats of the headboard, then lock his other wrist in the metal. “Any other names you might wanna call me?”
Eddie's shy expression and the fact that he looks everywhere but your face tells you that there is.
“Come on, sweetie. Tell me.” When he stays quiet, you lean down and grab a hold of his chin, forcing him to look you in the eye. “I won’t ask again.”
“My goddess,” Eddie squeaks out and the words go straight between your legs. 
“Yes,” you say, eyes going wide as you momentarily slip out of the character, admiring the name. How much you’d enjoy being called that. Eddie’s goddess. It’s clear he’s pleased that you like the name as well, his hips wiggling underneath where you’re sitting on top of him. 
Leaning down, you press soft kisses along Eddie’s neck. He lets out a content hum and lets his eyes slip closed. You sink your teeth into his skin, causing him to yelp and open his eyes.
“Keep your eyes on me,” you warn him. 
“Y-Yes, my goddess,” Eddie says, the black of his eyes swallowing the brown whole. 
“Good boy,” you praise, pressing a soft kiss over the bite mark you just left. Climbing off his body, you keep the kisses going lower and lower. You flick your eyes up to make sure Eddie’s still watching you, and he is like the good boy you want him to be. But you notice his teeth digging into his bottom lip. With a frown, you reach up and ease his poor bitten lip free.
“Wanna hear all your pretty noises, birthday boy.”
As if only waiting for your permission, small whines and whimpers start to fall from Eddie as you continue the soft kisses down his body. When you trace your tongue down his happy trail, Eddie’s hips buck. 
“I’m sorry,” he’s quick to say. The wide, imploring eyes he’s looking down at you with almost makes you break character and assure him it’s okay. But that’s not what he wants. 
“If it happens again, I’m going to stop,” you warn him. 
“Yes, my goddess.”
Throwing him another warning look, you pepper light pecks down his shaft, starting to enjoy the feeling of being in charge like this. The sound of the handcuffs rattling against the wooden slats in the headboard has you glancing up to see tears flooding Eddie’s eyes, which has your heart plummeting. He knows you and is able to read your face immediately, so before you can even open your mouth, he speaks.
“Green. Green light,” he assures you.
Taking a breath to calm yourself, you nod, and go back to giving feather light touches to Eddie’s cock. The moment your tongue darts out to lick at the dot of precum beading at the head, his hips snap up again, forcing you to pull your mouth away entirely.
“What did I tell you?” you ask.
“That-That if it happens again, you’ll stop,” he answers sheepishly. 
“That’s right, baby.” You sigh and sit back on your heels. “Gonna put you to work now.”
“Work?” he asks, voice wobbling. When thinking of what you could do to make Eddie’s birthday surprise even more special, you recalled one thing that your boyfriend always tried to talk you into doing. It’s not that you didn’t want to, it just made you feel a little self-conscious. 
“Mhmm,” you hum as you crawl up his body. “Now you’re just going to have to lay there while you bring me pleasure.”
Eddie’s brow crinkles as he thinks, but when he realizes what you mean, his face lights up. Quickly, he tries to tamper down the joy on his face to stay more in his role.
“You’re going to sit on my face, my goddess?”
“I am. And you’re going to make me cum, right?”
“Yes,” he says, nodding his head emphatically. “I promise, I’ll make you feel so good.”
All you do is raise an eyebrow at him before you strip yourself of your thong and situate yourself, which takes a little maneuvering with his arms secured above his head. Thighs holding your core right above his mouth, you feel the flutter of nerves in your stomach. Your loving boyfriend, as attuned to you as ever, can sense your trepidation.
“Please?” Eddie whimpers. The pure want in his voice has you lowering yourself onto his mouth, his hot tongue instantly gliding between your folds. You grip the headboard for stability, a gasp leaving your lips as Eddie’s sinfully skilled mouth works against your pussy. Knuckles turning white from holding the wood so tightly, you drop your head back and let out a string of moans mixed in with Eddie’s name. 
“Fuck, your mouth is perfect,” you say. He hums against you as he flicks his tongue over your clit, and the vibrations send a tantalizing shiver through your body. Eddie’s tongue pulls away and you hear him try to say something against your heat. It makes you giggle, and you raise yourself up.
“Come again?” You smirk at your own double entendre. 
“Want you to ride my face, my goddess. Use me.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You lower yourself back to Eddie’s mouth and start to rock your hips forward. When your clit brushes against his nose, sparks flood your vision.
“God, you’re going to make me cum, baby,” you say as you keep rutting against his face. Eddie hums encouragingly beneath you, tongue lapping at your dripping core. “Ah, shit. I’m coming.”
Eddie helps you ride out your orgasm, moaning and licking as your hips finally come to a halt. With panting breaths, you pull yourself off of your boyfriend’s mouth and collapse down next to him. A smile is sewn onto your face as you close your eyes and try to catch your breath. When you turn your head and search for that warm brown gaze that you’re so fond of, you’re greeted by the sight of Eddie’s mouth and chin glistening from your release. 
“My goddess, you taste so good.”
Unable to help yourself, you push yourself up on an elbow and lean in to press your mouth against his. The taste of yourself invades your senses as you snake your tongue into his mouth.
“Mm, you’re right,” you hum against his lips. “Now, since you refused to listen to me before, you don’t get my mouth. But lucky for you, I want that big cock inside of me so bad.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see said cock twitch in anticipation. The poor thing has been neglected tonight. You were only touching it briefly before Eddie broke your rule, you were sitting on Eddie’s mouth, nowhere near his dick, and Eddie can’t even touch it himself because he’s cuffed to the bed. 
Pushing yourself up, you eye his red, aching dick as it stands proud and tall.
“Your cock is so pretty, Eddie,” you tell him, making it twitch again. A self-satisfied smirk comes to your face as you move yourself down the bed and straddle Eddie’s abdomen, just close enough where his cock brushes up against your back, but not hard enough to provide him with any relief. Looking down at his face, it’s flushed red and pinched into a pout. Softly, you rub a hand up and down his chest. “I wanna hear you say it.”
“Say what, my goddess?” Eddie asks, voice cracking over the question.
“That your cock is pretty.”
His face turns even redder and he turns to try and bury his head in his arm. A sharp pinch to his nipple has him turning back to you with a small yelp. 
“Look at me. And tell me your cock is pretty.”
“My c-cock is pretty,” Eddie lets out in a breathy moan. His eyes don’t leave yours. 
“My cock is pretty.”
“Yes, it is,” you say, a smile curling on your lips. “It’s so pretty and it deserves some attention, don’t you think?”
“Yes.” Eddie nods his head, tongue darting out to lick over his lips. 
You push yourself back so you’re hovering over his cock, but not touching it at all.
“Tell me, baby,” you purr. “Who makes you feel good?”
“Y-You do, my goddess.” 
His reward is you slowly sinking yourself down on his throbbing cock. 
Eddie whines, going to bite his lip, but he remembers that you want to hear him, so he just lets the sounds of pleasure flow freely from his mouth. Once you’re fully seated on him, his cock stretching you out in the most delicious way, you brace your hands on his chest and begin to lift your hips. By the way Eddie’s fists are clenched against the headboard and the way his cock is twitching against your walls, you know he’s not going to last long. Might as well have some fun with it, you figure.
“You like it? Feels good?” you ask.
“S’so good,” Eddie says. 
“Tell me how it feels, my birthday boy.”
No sound comes from Eddie’s mouth, even though it’s hanging open and his glossy brown eyes are trained on you. He must sense you’re about to scold him, because he starts sputtering out sounds before he can finally manage words.
“Feels so tight,” Eddie moans. “You’re so damn tight, my goddess. So warm. So wet.” 
His words have you rocking your hips a little faster, clit rubbing against the patch of coarse dark curls at the bottom of Eddie’s happy trail. 
“Tell me again,” you say, eyes slipping closed. “Who makes you feel like this?”
“You,” Eddie says through a whimper. “Only you. You’re the only one who can make me feel this good.”
“That’s right,” you say, grinding your hips down harder against Eddie’s. “You’re all mine. You belong to me.” 
“I’m yours,” Eddie agrees, eyes slipping closed in pleasure. “All yours.”
“No other pussy can do this. Make you almost cry,” you say, on the verge of taunting. 
“Don’t want any other pussy,” Eddie says, his curls bouncing as he shakes his head on the pillow. “Just this perfect pussy. Your perfect pussy, my goddess.” 
When Eddie opens his eyes, you can see the fucked out expression on his face. He’s so close, you can feel it. 
“Look at me while you come, baby,” you say. Obediently, his eyes lock on yours, and the way his abdominal muscles tighten up under your hands lets you know he’s about to come. Desperate the chase your release at the same time as him, you speed up your hips, the friction against your clit sending you spiraling.
“I’m gonna come too, baby,” you tell him. “Come with me. Like a good boy, yeah?”
“Uh huh,” Eddie moans out, nodding as he keeps his eyes locked on yours. 
“Okay, sweetheart,” you say, the beginnings of your orgasm crashing over you. “Let go.”
It’s all Eddie needs to hear as his hips stutter up into yours, his warm seed coating your spasming walls. Your bodies keep moving against one another as you ride out the storm. Once you start to feel overstimulated, you still your hips and drop down to Eddie’s chest, both of you panting as you try and catch your breath. 
“Holy shit, babe,” Eddie says once he’s able to. “That was so fucking hot.”
“Yeah?” you look up at him through your eyelashes. “You liked it? I mean, it was only my first time doing it. So, you can tell me what you liked and didn’t like, and I can do better.”
Instinctively, Eddie goes to cup your face in his hands, but he’s still cuffed to the bedpost. 
“Can you let me go?” Eddie asks with a laugh.
“Hmm, what if I lost the key?” you ask with a smirk. The pair of you wince in unison as you pull yourself off of Eddie, both of you sticky from your combined releases 
“Then I guess you’ll just have to feed me and bathe me. Doesn’t sound so bad, actually,” Eddie says with a shrug.
You giggle and pull the key out of the top drawer of your nightstand. 
“You gotta let me rub your arms, baby,” you say as you unlock the first cuff. Eddie lets out a grateful sigh as he slowly lowers his arm down. 
“I’ll never say no to one of your massages,” he says. His other arm falls free from the cuff, and he lets out a small groan as he brings that arm down as well. 
Putting the cuffs and key back in their proper drawer, you then turn to your dresser and snatch up your bottle of lotion.
“Ooh, is that the one that smells like chocolate?” he asks.
“Hot cocoa, yes, sir,” you say as you pop open the lid. Eddie scoots back so he’s settled against the headboard as you squeeze a dime sized amount of lotion into your palm. 
Eddie’s whole body seems to relax as you work the sweet-smelling lotion over his skin, using your fingers to dig into the sore muscles, trying to stimulate more blood flow there. The moans that leave his lips aren’t sexual, but you can feel a stirring between your legs, nonetheless. 
Once that arm is nice and loosened up, you crawl over to Eddie’s other side and have the same treatment to that arm. Eddie’s eyes are closed, and his head is relaxing back against the wall. 
“Sleepy, baby?” you ask.
“Not really,” he answers. “You’re just relaxing me.”
“Too relaxed for cake?”
His eyes shoot open at that, turning his head to look you in the eye. “Um, never.” It makes you giggle, and you toss the bottle of lotion onto your dresser. 
“Let’s have some of that Funfetti then, baby,” you say, pushing yourself off the bed.
“Just one thing first,” Eddie says as he gets up as well.
“And what’s that?” you ask.
There’s that mischievous glint in his eye again; the one that drives you absolutely wild.
“As much as I love seeing you wearing Corroded Coffin clothes, I like seeing what’s underneath it even more.” He tugs on the bottom of your crop top, and you take the hint to shuck it off. Eddie’s eyes drop immediately to your chest, and it sounds off a round of butterflies in your stomach. 
“Now I’m ready for cake,” he says. 
He follows you out into the kitchen and watches as you get the cake out of the refrigerator, arranging the multicolored candles on top. You’re careful when lighting them not only because you don’t want your hair to get in the way, but you’re also naked and any wax or fire would hurt like hell. 
“Get over here, you,” you say, opening your arms for your boyfriend. He happily slides into your hold, and he rests his head on yours as you sing Happy Birthday to him. He squeezes his eyes closed as he thinks of a wish. Seemingly satisfied with what he’s come up with, Eddie leans in and blows all the candles out in one breath. 
“Happy birthday, baby,” you say, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Thank you, my goddess.”
You giggle at the nickname, your cheeks getting hot.
“Let me give you your present.” 
Eddie’s eyes watch your ass the whole time as you walk over to the hall closet. You put the present down on the table next to the cake, and Eddie tilts his head as he inspects the package. It’s about the same dimensions as a pizza box and he honestly wouldn’t blame you if that’s what you bought him for his birthday since he gave you literally no ideas. 
His thick fingers tear into the red wrapping paper, discarding it to the other side of your small kitchen table. Well, it’s a box but not a pizza box. Just plain and white, giving no indication about what’s inside. Curiosity no longer willing to be patient, Eddie lifts the lid and ruffles through the few layers of tissue paper. His fingertips grace the material inside and he instantly knows what it is, without even having seen it. 
A grin grows on his face as Eddie picks up the article of clothing in his hands, bringing it out of the box and holding it up in front of him. The black leather jacket shines, the gleaming silver buttons catching the light in the kitchen and bouncing it off appliances. 
“Do you like it? I know you already have your favorite one, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have two!”
Eddie sets the jacket down on the table, making sure to keep it away from the cake and its messiness. He places a hand on each side of your face and pulls your lips to his. 
“I love it. Thank you so, so much, baby.”
“You should try it on,” you tell him.
He picks it back up, inspecting the red lining as he sticks one hand in a sleeve.
“Won’t it look kind of weird that it’s the only thing I’m wearing?” Eddie asks as he slides the other arm through. 
“Oh, baby,” you say, taking a step back to admire your beautiful boyfriend clad in only a new leather jacket. “That just makes it even better.” 
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Absolutely adore you’re writing, and it’s been getting me through a rough patch lately. So on that note, I was wondering if you could write Law comforting reader when they have those dark, anxiety-inducing bedtime thoughts? 😅
Hi!! Of course bb -- and if you need someone to talk to, my dms are always open!!
[Heads up!: mention of anxiety/spirals, a panic attack]
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When you spend more time beneath the ocean than on land, it's hard to keep a decent sleep schedule. After all, the only way you know the day has passed are the clocks, carefully tended to in order to remain accurate. 
And yet, sleep eludes you. You've tried making sure that you're appropriately worn out, tried tea, reading a book ㅡ nothing helps. No matter how hard you try, aware of the heaviness of your eyelids, sleep won't come. 
To make matters worse, there are your thoughts as of late. At first it'd been the occasional thought, momentary and fleeting, dismissed because you know better than that. But then there'd been more than one, slipping through cracks, widening into wide, yawning chasms until it floods your head, impossible to stop. 
"Can't sleep?" Law's voice makes you jolt, looking up to find him standing in the doorway of the common room ㅡ a small space made cozier for the couch you're curled up on, the short table used for cards and other games during downtime. 
Law watches you nod, arms wrapping tighter around your legs, folded as close to your chest as you can get them. A defense mechanism, one he knows well. He'd be an idiot to not see that something is bothering you, but he isn't sure how to ask. He's not good at this, never has been ㅡ but he still wants to try.
Approaching, he seats himself a small space from you, trying to figure out how to go about this. If he says the wrong thing, you'll only clam up further. 
"...I keep thinking about things I shouldn't." He blinks, looking over when you speak, but you aren't looking at him. Your voice is a soft, fragile thing, barely above a whisper. "About everything that's happened, what to do if something else goes wrong…" Your voice wavers, and you hate it. "And with not being able to sleep, I'm so tired and if something happensㅡ"
Exhaustion causes mistakes. Mistakes get people hurt, get them killed ㅡ and it'll be your fault.
It's a rapid cycle, the tumultuous tumble of your thoughts, each worse than the next. A turbulent sea from which there is no land, dragging you down, down, down ㅡ 
"[Name]." Law's hand is on your back now, his voice solid and urgent as he tugs at you, grip firm to untangle your limbs and ease you towards him. "You need to breathe, [Name]."
You know that, but you can't steady the sharp, shallow gasps, hiccuped breath that makes your head spin. Part of you notes when you're eased into Law's lap, the solid warmth of his chest against your back, long fingers prying yours out of the fists they've curled into and intertwining. 
"Breathe," he repeats, "try to match mine." He sucks in a breath, steady and slow, then exhales in the same manner. It takes you a while to ground yourself enough to do so, the shudder of your body gradually easing until your head is no longer spinning.
Gods above, you're so tired. 
Law watched you relax against him, the tension of your hands in his dissipating ㅡ but he doesn't push for you to get out of his lap. Instead he adjusts to make you more comfortable, one arm against your back and the other slung over your legs.
Cora had once held him like this, the memory of it guiding him on what to do. He isn't Cora, but he's glad that he can offer comfort to you in the same way. 
"Law?" Given the late hour and current situation, he doesn't think to scold you for not addressing him properly. Title doesn't have space here, not like this. He hums, a quiet prompt for you to continue. 
"I'm sorry," you say. "For being like this." 
His grip on you tightens. He knows how to protect his crew from physical dangers, from people who dare to threaten his family ㅡ but it's different when the enemy is your own mind, vicious and cruel with imagined scenarios and plenty of blame to go with it. 
"You have nothing to apologize for." Another tentative step over a careful boundary, the press of his lips to your hair. "From now on, when you feel like this…" He pauses. "Come to me. We don't have to talk about it, but I'd rather you not be alone. Okay?" 
You sigh softly, leaning into him, and Law swears that his heart doesn't do funny things because of it. "Okay." 
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annestie · 2 months
What Do You Mean Betrothed to Him? - Chapter 1
Summary: For as long as Neteyam could remember, he had been betrothed to the eldest son of the Metkayina Olo’eyktan. A boy about his age. The agreement had come through their fathers, many years before either boy could remember.
So when, Jake announced that they would be hiding in Awa’atlu, Neteyam isn't that surprised. Though, what he does find strange was the confusion of his siblings. They ask why Awa’atlu, why not another clan or island or village. To Neteyam, Awa’atlu seems like the obvious choice, especially with their connection there and Neteyam has talked to them about who his betrothed is.
Neteyam wouldn’t have forgotten to mention that part. Right?
Pairing: Ao'nung x Neteyam
Word Count So Far: 3349
Notes: I haven't really mentioned it but my Ao3 is now locked to users only due to AI scalping but I will be posting this fic here for everyone to read. This was a fun write.
Also thank you @crystalskies42 for helping. I know we're still iffy on the "does it count as being a beta reader?" but you helped so you get credit. She have some AMAZINGLY angsty fics that will destroy you. 10/10 would recommend :D
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Growing up betrothed is a strange ordeal. You know that one day you will wed; but, unlike those around, you know who. There’s no real question to it. Your fate already decided from the moment the agreement made. And sure while no betrothal is without Eywa’s blessing it’s still hard not having the choice.
Neteyam doesn’t even remember a time where his betrothal hadn’t loomed over his life. A constant thought in his mind that his future had already been decided for him. He used to be jealous—a terrible, fiery emotion—of those around him that could choose. That they had a choice and he did not, simply because of who he was born to.
However, along that path of jealousy, it changes. At some point, a point that Neteyam no longer quite remembers, his feelings of jealousy transform into something else. Something that definitely couldn’t be called jealously.
Maybe it’s Ao’nung’s stupid charm or Eywa, herself, intervening, but at some point Neteyam falls and he falls hard. If he had actually fallen, it would have been flat on his face from a tree.
Really, Ao’nung insist it was his charm that had done it. Neteyam is less so convinced by that; though, does let his betrothed continue believing whatever he wishes in the pure act of wanting to see the other happy.
Such a weird thing, love that is. Such a light emotion at the face; a simple care for someone yet it controls so much of life. Like the way Ao’nung sacrifices all his clams to Neteyam when he visits as he knows those are Neteyam’s favorite. Or how Neteyam takes Ao’nung on his ikran, as the latter doesn’t know how to ride a tsurak yet; though still loves that feeling of flight.
So after everything, when the decision is announced that they would be hiding within Awa’atlu, Neteyam’s happy even despite the circumstances. When you’ve lived the way he has you learn to find the best in the worst. In this case, getting to live with the betrothed he had accidentally fallen for.
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Neteyam carefully packs the last of his things that he would be bringing. The most of what he’s packing are his jewelry and other accessories. He would be leaving most of his clothing as the weaving is simply too heavy for the water. They would weigh him down and drag, making it even harder to swim and keep up. Something he had learned firsthand.
Besides, he could always steal some of Ao’nung’s clothes while making new ones. Sure, Ao’nung might have some protests; however, it would certainly be rude for Ao’nung to deny his betrothed like that. So very rude.
As Neteyam packs the last few straggling things, he wonders if he even needs this much. Ao’nung had things. Things that Neteyam likes. Does Ao’nung really need all those brushes and clothes and whatnot just for himself?
They were getting married in a year or two, and the announcement would have been this year if it wasn’t for… Well you know. The formal announcement that is. The one where they would officially announce it to the clans. Currently the knowledge their betrothal is sort of limited, not that they try very hard—if at all— to keep it secret.
So soon, they’d probably have a marui built for them, seeing as Neteyam would be moving to Awa’atlu. They would be sharing much of their things as well. Which brings back the question, does Neteyam even need to pack this many things if they are soon to be wed?
“I guess you must be happy, I mean, you can finally choose for yourself,” Lo’ak comments as he walks into the pod and crouches down beside Neteyam.
Distracted, Neteyam looks up confused. Not having caught any word of it, too busy thinking of marriage. A few years ago, he would have thought himself gone insane if he heard that. “Sorry, wasn’t listening,” he quickly tells Lo’ak, looking away from his things.
“You must be happy with your betrothal and all,” Lo’ak says with a smile.
“Yeah. I am,” Neteyam replies back, blissfully unaware as his attention is on finishing the last of his packing and figuring out what to actually bring.
“You’ve been there before, haven’t you? With dad? What was it like?” Lo’ak asks. Out of everyone, he and Spider had been the most nervous of the move. Understandably, of course.
“Yeah, every year. It’s beautiful,” Neteyam says. That’s really the only way he could describe the waves that hit against the shore and the soft, warm sands that draw you in. The way the sun lights up the beach in the most stunning way. And how it all just mesmerizes as the eclipse is setting.  “You can even finally-” Neteyam’s cuts himself off as Neytiri enters the pod.
“We leave soon, are you both done packing?” Neytiri asks as she picks up more of their things to bring out to the ikrans.
Neteyam nods gesturing to the few bags he has on the ground. Most of them were already at the ikrans.
Neytiri nods then turns her attention to Lo’ak. “And you?” she asks with a look that you certainly don’t want to challenge.
“Uh, almost,” Lo’ak lies with a nervous smile.
Neytiri huffs, tossing the bag she has in her hand over her shoulder. “Finish it now,” she commands him before leaving.
Neteyam laughs slightly to himself. “Come on, I’ll help you,” he tells Lo’ak as soon as Neytiri is out of earshot. The topic of Neteyam’s own betrothal lost to the chaos of packing.
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It isn’t long before after that they’re in the air.
Neteyam has completed this exact flight so many times that he allows Paysyul, his ikran, to simply fly the way. She knows exactly how. She had always loved trips, especially ones to Awa’atlu. Though, Neteyam suspects that the love is out of the extra treats Ao’nung gives rather than anything else.
This trip is like any of the other ones they’ve flown. Well, besides the extra company. It’s a little different flying with five ikrans rather than two. Also the many more breaks they need to take because of the extra people and stuff.
Tuk and Spider don’t have ikrans, so their stuff got distributed to everyone else’s’. Which is fine; though, to not overwork the ikrans they do need more frequent break.
Tuk and Spider spend the trip bouncing around between the different ikrans. At each break, going with someone else. To keep it fair. However, Neteyam suspects it’s more likely to keep everyone from getting on each other’s nerves.
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They arrive in Awa’atlu a little after midday, close to the eclipse. The time of day where darkness hasn’t started yet but still the rush and energy of earlier is gone. A time of winding down where the last tasks of the day are completed. The sun still shines in the sky; but it’s the start of the end of the day.
The familiar sounds of a conch alerts the village of their presence. Neteyam can’t help the smile that forms at the thought of seeing Ao’nung. Even if their actual reunion would probably have to wait until later. Perhaps that’s only for the better. Eclipse has always been Neteyam favorite time of day in Awa’atlu.
They need to get uturu first before anything else, which may only prove harder with Spider. Hopefully their betrothal and arrangement have softened the Olo’eyktan and, specifically, Tsahìk to the idea of good sky people.
They end up landing on a sand bank that Neteyam has never seen having any specific use in the years he’s visited. Almost immediately, a crowd forms around them.
They should be used to Omatikaya; though Neteyam supposes that it’s more to do with the amount of people and the fact they haven’t seen a sky person. There’s murmurs and mumbles about the crowd as Spider walks past which only confirm Neteyam’s suspicions.
Neteyam carefully places himself between crowd and Spider. He knows most of those know, or at least know of, him and he can only pray that the respect they hold for him translates to Spider. Although, perhaps that is second in need, the first being to get the permission to stay.
Just before the Olo’eyktan and Tsahìk can appear, Neteyam watches as a certain Metkayina pushes his way through the crowd. Their eyes lock almost immediately and Neteyam can’t help the way his face lights up at seeing the other.
It takes everything within Neteyam to not run to Ao’nung. All he wants is to sit with the other and relax in each other’s company as they tell of the year, they’ve been apart. Of the things they’ve done. Of the parts they’ve missed. And of the things they wish for.
Ao’nung grins as well, it brightens his face in the best way. It’s a smile that Neteyam has surely missed seeing. How he’s missed the other, Neteyam thinks as he looks Ao’nung over.
It’s been longer than when the trip would normally be. A few months. So little time looking back; but they seemed so lonely in the moment.
However, their moment is interrupted by the Olo’eyktan calling out to them­­­­—specifically Jake. “Jake Sully, what are you here for?” Tonowari asks, stepping towards the other. “Especially at a time like such.”
The two of them have a fairly good relationship from what Neteyam’s seen. Certainly better than the one Ronal and Neytiri hold, even with their children’s betrothal there’s just something about the two that doesn’t mesh quite right.
“I wish we were here on better circumstances,” Jake says. He goes on going into as little detail as possible to explaining it. Telling Tonowari only what they need. Uturu. Sanctuary.
Slowly, Neteyam’s eyes drift back Ao’nung. Something that’s become a bit of a habit from a few trips ago. The rest seems to tune out as Neteyam watches Ao’nung secretly sign, “I missed you.” Neteyam’s smile widens.
Neteyam’s thoughts grace the idea of signing something back; though, he’s quickly pulled back to the actual problem at hand. They could talk later, he reminds himself. Once, Neteyam and his family weren’t possibly getting kicked out of the clan.
The Tsahìk walks out from the crowd, her eyes immediately set the family. “This was not the agreement,” Ronal says, circling the family. “And you even bring the thing you are running from.”
“No,” Neteyam protests, hopeful that his standing and somewhat good relationship with the Tsahìk will ensure he isn’t kicked out. “He—Spider—is one of us. He is na’vi.”
Ronal looks unconvinced as she stares more intently at Spider. “He is like them.”
“In body but not spirit. He was born here and has lived just as we have.” Neteyam protectively puts himself between Ronal and Spider. “Please, he is just as na’vi as the rest of us.”
For a moment everything stills, Ronal looking Spider up and down in scrutiny. In that moment, all that Neteyam can think of what will happen. Would Neteyam stay and his family leave? Would they send Spider back with one of them as an escort? Would they all leave?
“I trust him as yours then,” Ronal finally says before stepping away. Which isn’t the best, though not the worst either.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Neteyam smiles. “Thank you,” he says. All he had to do now is pray that Spider be on his best behavior for anything he does will reflect fully on Neteyam. Though, he’s not even sure if Eywa can stop Spider and Lo’ak. Great Mother have mercy.
Once Ronal makes her way to Tonowari, the two share a look of contemplation. An unspoken conversation as they both make their final decisions. Neteyam has seen the two do it before; with many of their decisions they had done the same.
Until, Tonowari sighs and looks back to them. “With all that you have done, your presence is always welcome. However, in order to stay, you must learn the way of water,” Tonowari announces, gesturing around them. “You must all learn the way of water,” he then says. more pointedly in Spider’s direction.
To Spider’s credit, he doesn’t back down at the Olo’eyktan. Rather he puffs his chest out and nods, holding himself with as much confidence as he can muster.
“My son and daughter will help teach your children,” Tonowari says as he waves Ao’nung and Tsireya over. “For now, we will show you to your marui. You all must be tired from your journey.”
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They’re led through the village by Tsireya to their new home—a marui as it’s called.
Neteyam had met Tsireya a few times, then again with her being the tsakarem and their trips only being a week or so he never spent much time with her. There was always something to be done, a dinner to attend, responsibilities to care for. It seemed almost as if their schedules were made for the two to avoid one another.  
Another reason Neteyam prefers the eclipsed nights to the days. Not only was the island absolutely stunning but most of his day responsibilities were also done. Besides the dreadful dinners that is.
The marui they’re led to is much bigger than the one that Neteyam and Jake had usually stayed in. It does makes sense though. They barely even spent any time there during their visits, only using it to sleep really, perhaps eat or meal two but that was often a rarity.
Trailing behind the rest of his family, Neteyam watches as they all gladly enter the marui and begin throwing their things down. The day had been long and the trip tiring. He is not happily awaiting the tedious unpacking he knows will soon ensue. Their mother is not one to let the things go unpacked.
Sighing, Neteyam looks around again. Hoping that Ao’nung had stuck by. Quickly, he catches the other’s eyes and walks over.
Neteyam grabs Ao’nung’s hand and pulls him off to the side. Just out of the way of the Metkayina carrying things to the marui and, maybe coincidentally, out of the view of his family. “Meet me later?” Neteyam asks with a smile.
“By that cove?” Ao’nung says back with a grin. Neteyam could happily stare at his betrothed’s face the entire day.
“Of course. I’ll come by at the eclipse start.” Neteyam squeezes Ao’nung’s hand once more before leaving to help the unpacking.
It takes much strength to walk away after but Neteyam does so gracefully. The only reason being that he knows that they will much time later. Time that they usually did not have. Such a luxury.
“That’s mine!” is the first thing Neteyam hears as he enters their new home, followed by an irritated, “Nuh uh!” He could already feel the headache.
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It’s just after the eclipse when Neteyam quietly slips out from their almost completely unpacked marui. He casts a quick goodbye to his family and smiles at the knowing looks his parents give. Then, ventures out going towards what—or rather who—he truly seeks.
The cove Neteyam’s headed to has been their ‘spot’ for years after discovering it together by accident. It’s beautiful to say the least.
It’s hidden. With you having to hike almost to the center of the island then swim all the way through a tunnel simply to get there. The trek is worth it though.
The cove itself is stunning. The ceiling of it is covered in many small gaps where light filters in and casts beautiful rays onto the pool of water below. The rays dance in the water, even in the dimly eclipsed light. During the day the light rays are charming; but once the sun is covered it’s breathtaking. Illuminating the closed space in the most mystifying way.
The hardest part is finding the opening of the tunnel with it being so small and covered with foliage. Though, with how many times Neteyam’s made the trek, it isn’t hard to let his legs lead him the way. The path through the forest is winding and confusing with many turns seeming wrong or backwards. But, no matter how wrong the path seems, it always leads there.
The tunnel has many air pockets along the way. Air pockets that Neteyam used to need frequently when they first found the cove. Neteyam truly thanks finding the spot for the reason his breath is so well trained.
It’s not long before Neteyam’s already reaching the end of the tunnel. Already praying for Ao’nung to be there. Immediately as Neteyam surfaces, he finds a certain na’vi awaiting him just as he had hoped.
“’Teyam,” Ao’nung says softly as he helps the other up onto the rocky shore of the cove. “It’s been too long,” he muses
Gladly taking the other’s hand, Neteyam grips it tight. Almost as if he fears that if he were to let go, it would disappear. “It’s only been a few months more than usual,” Neteyam says even knowing those few months had been filled with the most longing he’s ever experienced.
“Torture is what it was,” Ao’nung supplies, almost reading Neteyam’s mind.
Neteyam pulls himself the rest of way onto the shore. Then, quickly, the two wrap their arms around each other in an embrace. An embrace that seems so fulfilling yet too little. After so long, it’s welcome but not enough.
“Torture, huh?” Neteyam asks, leaning his head back slightly to look at the other.
“The worst.”
Neteyam leans in again, capturing the other’s lips with his own. A kiss that he had wished for from the moment their hiding had been announced. A kiss that Ao’nung had obviously longed for as well.
They aren’t quite that open to such displays of affection in public. Which is why it’s even more of a blessing that they had found this secret cove of sorts. A quiet, beautiful, hidden paradise to themselves.
They do eventually have to break apart though. Rather unfortunately, they both do need to breathe. A terrible thing really. However, it does give the chance for them to talk, another thing that Neteyam delights in. That they both delight in.
Many times their conversations have spanned hours into the night. Where their parents almost decide to send out search parties in their absence, only for the two to return just in time.
It’s happened so much though that they hardly ever worry anymore. Simply glad that the two betrotheds are so happy with one another.
There is much to catch up on. Much to tell and explain. So Neteyam soon finds himself sitting with his back against a rock as Ao’nung uses his legs a pillow. Simply talking of the missing time.
“Tell me of it,” Ao’nung says, looking up towards Neteyam. Grinning at the other, Ao’nung takes hold of Neteyam’s hand.
“Of what?” Neteyam questions with a small chuckle as he gently runs the fingers of his free hand through Ao’nung’s—now loose—hair.
“All of it,” Ao’nung says, squeezing Neteyam’s hand.
“There is too much to tell,” Neteyam says. “We would be here for hours, maybe days,” he jokes though he isn’t that opposed to the idea once speaking it aloud.
“Fine. Tell me of your brother then. The sky person.”
“He’s just that. A brother. He grew alongside us. Spent most of his days, and even nights, with us,” Neteyam explains with a smile. He’s told Ao’nung a little of his siblings before; though with the limited time they usually have, it doesn’t come up as much. “He is very stubborn; I think you two will get along fine.”
“Hey!” Ao’nung protests. “How dare you? You wound me. Your own betrothed,” he says dramatically.
Neteyam doesn’t feel any remorse though does bend and place a kiss atop Ao’nung’s forehead which seems to quiet him. “I’m so deeply sorry for that,” he says. “But I don’t hear you denying it.”
The two laugh. Their laughs echoing against the walls of the cove. How they’ve both missed this in the time they’ve been apart.
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ponderingmoonlight · 9 months
Thank you to everyone who supported my blog in 2023 🤍
I can't put into words how much I love every single one of you for your support. No matter if you like one fic of mine or my whole blog, no matter if you write me anon or leave a comment. Let me tell you that I appreciate every minor interaction with the stuff I create over here 🤍
When I started this blog in September (I think lol) I was so scared of sharing my thoughts. But you were supportive right from the start, encouraging me to follow my ideas even in times I didn't feel like it. You might not even know how much you helped me through dark times, how much your constant support lifted me up and helped me getting over the shit that happened 2023 (like Shibuya damn). You have become such an important variable in my life that this blog is literally like a baby to me 😭
Thank you for sticking with me through 2023. I hope you'll stay in the new year as well 🤍
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Also, I'd like to take this moment to pay a special thanks to my lovely moots:
@belovedvamp I know we basically just started talking, but you seem like such a fun person and I totally relate to your Yuta affection lol. Thank you for supporting my works through your constant likes, comments, reblogs and requests. I hope we'll stay in touch this new year 🤍
@risuola you are such a sweetheart. Not only is your writing chef's kiss and you were one of my first ever obsessions here on Tumblr (you are still lol), but you make me laugh and cry like no other. You literally seem like such a fun person and put a smile of my face the second you post. Please keep up being so damn cool and please NEVER stop writing those amazing fanfics 🤍
@kawaiiakamaru we aren't moots for that long but you are supporting me for so long. Just seeing a comment or a blog entry from you makes me happy, as well as your cute profile pic (please never change it hehe). Your first ever fic was absolutely amazing, please keep up the good work and make sure to tag me in your new fics of this year 🤍
@sorrowfulrosebud it's funny how we met through that dang annoying anon who still keeps bugging you lol. In some kind of way, I'm actually thankful for them. Not because of the nonsense they are getting on your nerves with, but because I got to get in touch with your wonderful blog. You are funny, you seem passionate and are so talented like it's absolutely insane! I hope you finally get to live in peace on your blog and continue blessing my timeline 🤍
@ynackerman9499 first of all let me tell you how absolutely sorry I am for not publishing any of your requests recently. They're all so good I literally don't know where to start 😭 you are such a sweet person, our little talk made me giggle the entire time and I love that we basically have the same taste in anime and anime men hehe. Thank you for supporting my blog and especially looking out for me the whole time, I hope we'll talk again soon 🤍
@sitarawrites you actually were one of my first moots over here and our conversations were priceless. I was so happy when you finally decided to share your great works with us! You are truly such a talented writer who makes us feel the emotions of our favorite jjk characters like none other. Also, I love that you are a badass bitch who takes no shit from others. You are actually my example when it comes to badass characters 😭 I wish you all the best and hope that you get the love, appreciation and clamness you deserve in 2024 🤍
@sunshine7queen you are my no 1 supporter since day one and I love you from the bottom of my heart for it 😭 Everytime I open up my tumblr and see that you left a comment under my works (like you literally always do), I get excited immediately, like why is it so fun to chat with you. Also, you share the greatest treasures when it comes to cool artwork or other fics: you're my greatest source for great content over here! Let me thank you for every comment, every like and every reblog and how you always make me feel good about myself. You are a true sweetheart, stay the way you are and have the lovliest new year 🤍
@wifenanami your obsession for Nanami is just as great as mine and I love you for it. But not only that, you are my number one when it comes to Nanami requests and therefore fics on this blog. Literally half of my Nanami fics exist because of your great request that make me laugh and warm my heart while shattering it and making me cry. Also, your artwork is way too good for this world. Sometimes I go through my requests just to see your pics 😭 Thank you for making my 2023 better with your comments, your aesthetic blog and your request. I hope you're sticking with me through 2024 as well 🤍
@selen1um-hexafluoride you are such a funny person, your blog entries made my day so often that I lost count. Let me tell you that your unnecessary opinions definetely matter to me and that I enjoy every single one of them. You write your hcs like a pro, I literally can't wait to see more of you. Please don't stop writing and make sure to tag me in your works (when you find out how hehe) 🤍
@sanicsmut girl, you're the love of my life. Seriously, since that day you decided to comment under my first ever Choso works you've been by my side and supported my works even though they didn't have your favorites (=Choso and Hiromi lol) in them. Even though we don't chat that often, I love your lil comments under my shitpostings as well as I love to see what's going on over there on your blog. You seem like such a funny talented person it's seriously unfair 😭 Also, see this as a petition for you to post more artwork of yours because it's GORGEOUS! Love ya, thank you for all the support and let me see you again this year 🤍
@lees-chaotic-brain oh Petra, you are such a sweet, passionately and badass chick it makes me all emotional. You were my first moot over there and stuck with me ever since. Even though we didn't talk much these last weeks because we're both pretty stressed, I still adore you and our conversations with all my heart. You are such a strong person, going through all this hate of last year with confidence, not letting anyone getting you down that you have been a true example for me. Despite all the things you've been through, despite all the shit you have to endure, you're still so fucking strong and I truly admire you for it! Also, you are one of my all time favorite writers here on Tumblr - no one does it like you! Let me take this opportunity to thank you. Thank you for being my first ever moot, thank you for listening when nobody else did, thank you for the amazing content you gift us with. I'm so glad I met you and I am beyond glad that you are the person that you are. Let nobody ever take your spark away from you (and I publicy promise to finally get your request done) 🤍
@lizziespoem we didn't hear much from each other the last few weeks, but let me tell you how proud I am that you're looking out for yourself and that you put yourself first. Even though I miss your gorgeous fanfics and to just talk to you, I hope with all my heart that you are doing well my german tumblr bestie (melde dich gerne mal wenn du Zeit und Lust hast) 🤍
@hitori979 you're truly making me emotional. You have to be one of the few people who supported me from day one. Your endless comments, you defending me, you liking my whole stuff. Like...I can't even put into words how much you mean to me. I know how busy you are and that you rarely find the time to scroll through Tumblr and get in touch with my works, but you always make sure that I feel appreciated. Even though you don't even know me (and how I just realized I don't even know your name) you check on me from time to time and cheer me up when I feel down. I love our little conversations about jjk manga, I love your opinion on basically EVERYTHING and I love how geniuely funny you are. Let me tell you that your support means the world to me and that I get excited just when reading your blog name. Let me tell you that your ideas inspire me and are actually the source of like half of my best works! You seem like such a smart and empathic person. I really hope the new year brings you less work stress and all the things you ever wish for. You deserve the world, love. And I will be forever thankful for you finding my blog and deciding to support me through everything 🤍
@lavenderdrxp thank you thank you thank you for your likes, reblogs and comments. I loved our lil chitchat and actually enjoyed chatting with you so much that I hope we'll be able to do it anytime soon again 😭 Also, let me promise you that I'll publish your request this year hehe. Have the happiest new year with new episodes of our favorite anime coming soon 🤍
Okay, now I'm crying a lil on my own. Just...thank y'all. Have the nicest 2024 ever 😭
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