#I would read it on the bus to and from work and no book of its kind stirred me so
honeytama · 2 days
Make Your Move - Chapter 2
Noah Sebastian x Reader x Matt Dierkes
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Fic Masterlist
A/N: If you left a comment on Ch. 1, I love you so much <3 If you’d like to join the tag list, lmk!
Fic Summary: Having known Matt for a year already, he knows your talents and hires you as his assistant for Bad Omens' upcoming tour. You’ve had a crush on Matt, your friend, and now boss. However, his good friend and your celebrity crush, Noah, takes a liking to you the second you step through the door. What happens when your feelings develop? What happens when they find out? You only hope your heart doesn’t break trying to care for two others.
Content and Warnings for Ch. 2: Fluff, some smut 18+, stress/anxiety, alcohol, masturbation, praise kink, close proximity
Word Count: 3.4k
Tag List: @flowery-mess @abiomens @exitwoundsx @lma1986 @thatchickwiththecamera @narcissisticbehavior81 @xxkittenkissesxx @rain-down-on-me @doomhands-jr @justdamnpeachy (For tags that aren't working, I’ll try to put you in my replies)
The bus traveled for a day before it ended up at the tour’s first venue at dawn. The first bus sleep went smoother than expected as the morning wore you out.
You spent the extra travel time getting more familiar with the boys; chatting with them on the leather couches about their favorite music, hobbies, and their favorite foods. This was important as you were in charge of doing food runs and taking orders for dinners every show night.
The times you weren’t laughing it up with them or hanging out with Matt. You sat by the bus windows to focus on your many hobbies: crocheting, drawing, reading books, listening to music, and making playlists. It was surreal to watch the world whizz by as you sat alone in peace.
Although, you couldn’t help but feel an ache in your stomach thinking about your first show as assistant tour manager.
Matt was your friend, but now that you worked for him you felt as if you couldn’t talk to him about your anxiety about the first show.
For now, you brush those thoughts off your shoulders as you step off the bus into the alley behind the venue.
Nevertheless, the next sixteen hours gave you a headache. The guys helped you and the crew unload the trailers and help set up the stage for sound check by noon.
Matt set up the sound booth on his own in front of house, while you helped instruct the crew on how to set up the show production: confetti cannons, pyro, lighting, and video walls.
The guys did their sound check as you ran out to grab a small dinner for everyone. It was the easiest part of the day because they decided they wanted nuggets and fries.
By 6 pm, fans were entering the venue and patiently waiting for the opening band to perform.
Before and throughout the opener’s set, you were consistently running errands and making sure everything was set up perfectly for all the guys. However, every time you would try to catch Matt to ask him for help, he’d brush you off and say, “I know you’ve got this on your own. Don’t sweat it.”
Every. Time.
You loved him, but boy, was he going to hear it from you tonight.
How could he do this? The first night, even? You thought, angrily.
Luckily, the opener’s set went without a hitch and you felt somewhat proud.
Yet, the most unfortunate part of the night is the beginning of Bad Omens’ set. Being a fan for years, you had waited so long to watch them live, and you thought tonight would be even more special knowing how you affected their production. But, by the time the boys began Artificial Suicide, you feel a pain in your temple and a blanket of exhaustion drape over your body.
Side stage, you frown and make your way to the Bad Omens green room. You allow your body to rest and collapse onto the brown leather couch. The urge to allow your tears to fall and scream into the pillow is severe, but you hold it back.
I’ll get to see them tomorrow, you repeatedly think like a mantra as you close your eyes and fall asleep.
“Y/N?” Your name sounds like a whisper in your dream.
“Y/N, wake up, it’s time to go,” Noah says softly.
Your eyes slowly open. He stands beside the couch and your lying body with a folded towel and clothes in his hands. His hair is wet with sweat and his chest glistening in his black tank.
“Oh, my God. Noah,” you frown, “I’m so sorry.” You sit up and rub your eyes.
“What for?” he asks, concerned.
“I missed your set! It’s the first show and I missed it,” you cry out with your hands covering your face.
“It’s okay, Y/N. It’s okay. You’ll get to see us tomorrow,” Noah says soothingly.
“I would’ve taken a nap too, Y/N, today felt so long,” Jolly says from behind him.
“See? No worries. Did you get some good rest at least?” Noah asks genuinely.
“Yeah, I think I feel better,” you stand up and stretch your back.
“Well, that’s good,” he smiles, “because we’re going to have a little post-first show celebration if you’re interested?”
Your heart flutters at his invitation. “That sounds nice. I’m down.”
“It won’t be much, but we want to wind down before going to bed,” he explains. “We’re all going to go get showered and meet you on the bus in fifteen, sounds good?”
“Yeah, I might as well change into my pajamas while you guys are cleaning up,” you suggest.
Noah nods and you follow them out of the room to walk towards the back door of the venue. It’s dark out now and you can see some fans still trickling out of the venue as you walk to the bus.
Once inside, you run into Matt getting undressed to his underwear. You knew he never liked sleeping with clothes on, but the sight still made your thighs clench.
“Matt, can we talk?” You ask cautiously.
“Hey, sleepy,” Matt teases. “Could we in the morning? I’m drained,” he climbs into his bunk.
“Sure,” you yield. “Goodnight, Matt.”
“Night night,” he says, closing the curtain.
Tonight felt like such a bummer, but you wouldn't let it keep you down. In the small pile of clothes in your bunk, you choose a cute pair of pajamas to wear for the impromptu “celebration”. There are cute, sexy clothes even, that you brought just in case, but Noah didn't seem to care that you wanted to feel more comfortable this evening. You felt confident there would be at least one night on tour that you could whip out the mini skirt, but tonight isn't it.
Once dressed, you waited at the dining table at the front of the bus to scroll through your phone. Your leg bounced up and down as you considered opening Twitter to read the responses from fans for tonight’s show. Nonetheless, you thought it best to wait until the morning after talking with Matt.
“Who’s ready to drink?” Folio sings as the bus door is pulled open.
You laugh as he realizes only you and a sleeping Dierkes are aboard.
“They’re still showering?” He asks you, whining.
“I’m down to do a shot with you,” you suggest. “I need it after today.”
“I’m not a big fan of shots, but let’s do it,” he shrugs.
Folio walks over to the cabinet above the sink and grabs the bottle of Tito’s. The fridge below him is opened afterward and he pulls out a can of Sprite and a beer.
“So, how are we celebrating tonight?” You ask as he gets comfortable in the seat across from you.
“Literally just chatting and drinks,” he shrugs, smiling. “We’re pretty lame. None of us are really party guys, but I like to get down from time to time,” he pops open the bottle of Tito’s and pours shots into plastic cups for you and himself. He cracks open a can of Sprite, too. “You wanna share?”
“Sure,” you giggle. You take your cup in hand as you hear the latch of the door click open.
Jolly and Nick enter with their hair wrapped up in towels and Noah has his towel draped over his shoulder.
“Folio,” you say, raising your cup to his eye level, “Arriba.”
“Arriba?” he repeats, holding up his cup.
“Abajo,” you bring the cup to the table with a soft thud.
“Abajo,” he follows suit.
“Al centro,” you say, putting the cup in the middle of the table to encourage him to cheers you.
“Al centro,” he cheers you with a toothy smile.
“Pa' dentro!” You throw your cup back and gulp down the vodka with your eyes shut tight. Before Folio realizes, you grab the can of Sprite to chase down the bitter taste in your mouth.
“Pa' dentro!” He downs his shot and smacks the table with his fist. “Hey, give me that shit!” Folio sputters reaching for the can.
You throw your head back and laugh as Folio gulps down half the can of Sprite before you.
“You two having fun?” Jolly smiles while taking his hair down from the towel.
“So much fun,” Folio coughs. “You want one?” He raises the Tito’s bottle to Jolly.
“I’ll stick with the beer,” Jolly replies before heading toward the bus restroom.
“Same,” Nick adds and takes a seat across from Folio on the opposite wall of the bus on the long, black couch.
Noah, who’s now wearing Bad Omens joggers and an oversized white t-shirt, takes a seat next to Nick.
“Are those your pajamas, Noah? Those pants look so comfy,” you gush.
“Actually,” he laughs, “I usually just sleep in my underwear.” His cheeks turn the familiar shade of pink you witnessed just days before. “But for this tour, I thought I should cover up to show some respect to you as our guest,” he smiles.
“Oh! I don’t mind—,” you start, but you cut off when you see Folio and Nick’s lips turn up into shit-eating grins. “I mean,” you begin again, “Matt always sleeps naked when he sleeps over at my place, so I know, you know…” You wave your hands around the front of your shorts.
“She wants you to take your pants off, Noah,” Nick says, bluntly.
“Nick,” Noah and you groan before making eye contact, luckily you both can laugh it off.
Folio passes out beer to Nick, and to Jolly when he returns. You spend the next hour talking and laughing together while drinking, but Noah chooses to stay sober. You have about two and a half shots total— the other half of your shot being downed by Folio for you.
Through the hour, you couldn’t help but notice Noah talking with his hands and then brushing through his drying hair. His smile, which made you watch his lips when he talked, and his laugh, which sounded like a song. Every moment you spent around him, you grew more infatuated.
Nick checks the time, “I think it’s time for me to head to bed.”
“Yeah,” Jolly said, standing from his seat. “Folio, you coming?”
“Sure, I'll hit the hay,” he says. “Goodnight you two.” The three men follow each other to their bunks and head to sleep.
You twiddle your thumbs as you’re left alone with Noah at the front of the bus.
“You're not tired?” He asks you.
“I just took a two-hour-long nap,” you laugh, slightly embarrassed.
“Makes sense,” he shrugs.
“You?” You ask back.
“My adrenaline from the show makes it hard to sleep sometimes,” he responds. “I’ll go to sleep when you do.”
“Nice,” you reply and the conversation trails off again.
Noah clears his throat, “The show was great, by the way.”
You look up to meet his eyes, “It was?”
“Everything went off without a hitch. I don’t mean to do it, but I checked Twitter after my shower. Everyone gave us high praise. I just wish you could’ve seen it yourself,” he smiles.
“I didn’t even know you still had the app downloaded,” you say, surprised.
“I rarely do it,” Noah says. “I just thought you would want to know. I checked for you.”
“Thanks,” you smile and absentmindedly kick your legs. “It’s crazy being on this bus with you guys, by the way,” you admit. “I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure it’s real.”
“Trust me, it’s real,” he laughs. “You deserve to be here. Matt, me and you, we made this thing happen,” he opens his arms to the air.
“I hope it’s not weird for you that I’m a fan,” you say cautiously.
“No, I think it makes things interesting,” he smirks.
You nearly choke and your face burns at his remark. “You know what? I think I’m ready for bed,” you sell it with a fake yawn and stand from the couch.
“Of course,” he gets up and suddenly you're standing right in front of him. Noah stands nearly a foot taller than you and he looks down at you with darkness in his eyes.
You give him a sheepish smile and turn to walk to the bunks.
You feel Noah’s warmth as he follows closely behind. His eyes feel like lasers on your legs as you climb up to your bunk.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Noah says softly.
“Goodnight, Noah,” you give him one final smile before quickly closing your bunk’s curtain.
How the fuck were you supposed to last a month around him? You think, shutting your eyes.
The next morning, Folio and you eat cereal across one another at the dining table. You had a restful night's sleep as the bus stayed stagnant to play a second show at the same venue from the night before.
“Mornin’, Folio,” you hear Matt’s voice come up from the bunk section of the bus. He walks up to you ready for the day in a new set of clothes and his charming Bad Omens baseball cap, as usual. “Y/N, can we talk?” he asks, cautiously, just like you asked last night.
You swallow your pride in wanting to respond like a brat and just nod.
Matt has you follow him outside to the side of the bus. “Will you go on a walk with me?”
You nod again and walk beside him around the perimeter of the venue.
“So, for starters, Y/N, I’m sorry,” he says.
“Matt,” you try to interrupt.
“Genuinely, you don’t deserve to be treated like I did to you yesterday,” he continues with a hand on his chest. “I was an asshole and I left you hanging on your first day on the job,” he admits.
“Thank you for saying sorry,” you say quietly.
“I think I had a bit of nerves for the first show but, that doesn't matter,” he admits. “If it's any consolation, I meant what I said. ‘I know you've got this on your own.’ I believe in you and you did it like I knew you would. You helped put on a banger of a show last night,” he shrugs his shoulders.
You laugh softly, amused by his rare moment of openness. “You’re such a sweetie,” you teasingly pull at his shirt.
“Blegh, yeah, yeah,” he shoves your hand away. “So, today, I was thinking I could help you throughout all your tasks today. I’ll be by your side the entire time. I’ll even go with you to pick up dinner,” he assures. “Then later tonight, for Bad Omens’ set, come and hang out with me in the sound deck?”
“Oh!” Your cheeks flush. “Thank you, I would love that,” you smile.
“Great,” he breathes out and his shoulders relax. “Let’s get today started.”
Matt stuck to his promise and this evening felt so much more nice. He took a Lyft with you to pick up Mexican food and just followed you around to all the different tasks you needed to get done before Bad Omen’s set. You felt like a badass stomping around the venue with him by your side. Both of you with walkie-talkies on your hips and facilitating the crew.
When he wasn't looking, you’d smile up at him and imagine a life where you two were doing this together, always. You daydreamed about being another power couple in the metalcore music industry.
Fifteen minutes before Bad Omens’ set, you stepped into the fenced-off section of the sound deck. You watch as he finalizes his setup as you sit in the fold-out chair he set up just for you.
“Now, we wait,” he says, sitting next to you.
“Matt, would it be unprofessional if I just screamed all the words to their songs?” You ask him, holding in your excitement.
“As your friend, I will silently judge you,” he laughs. “As your boss… just don't scream in my ear, okay?”
“Okay,” you nod vigorously.
The two of you chat until Matt gives the signal for you to stand. You fight the urge to bounce on your toes during the intro to Artificial Suicide, but it happens anyway.
Once the song starts, the crowd fades away, leaving just you and the music.
You jump, sing, and dance throughout the show while also sneaking glances over at Matt working. If there was one other person to run through the setlist as much as Noah and Matt, it was you. Matt times the pyrotechnic and CO2 cannon cues perfectly; the same cues you noted for him during rehearsals. The confetti cannons went off on time and you watched as other fans grabbed at the air for a souvenir. Lastly, the lighting and video looked spectacular; you held your hands to your chest in awe at some moments, and at other times you could feel tears well up in your eyes.
Then, there was Noah. His performance is unmatched. Goosebumps raised on your arms and neck when he screamed, gave clean vocals, and pretty much everything else he did. You couldn’t help but blush watching him flex his biceps with a mic in his hand once he was down to his tank top.
As you reach the end of their last song, Dethrone, Matt turns to try to say something to you.
“I can't hear you,” you yell over the music.
He tries to repeat himself, but gives up and steps into your space. With his chest right up against your shoulder, he leans in close to your ear, and says, “Look how fucking good you did. I’m so proud of you.”
“What?” You say, not that you couldn’t hear him, rather he shocked you dumb. A lightning bolt formed in your stomach and shot straight in between your thighs.
Matt brushes your hair and tucks it behind your ear, “I’m so glad you're here as my assistant. You’re doing so well for me.”
Later that night, you lie awake, tossing and turning in bed thinking about Matt’s words.
“Look how fucking good you did.”
“You’re doing so well for me.”
Even though Matt made it his life’s purpose to make you squirm with his constant flirtations, you doubted him to know that these words would affect you in this way.
Fuck Matt. Fuck him for praising me after he was a jerk for a day. Fuck him for making me squirm under his touch. Fuck his no masturbation bus rule, you think.
I want to fuck him.
Frustrated, you pull your sleep shorts to your ankles, careful not to mess with the curtain separating you from Noah’s bunk.
With one hand, your fingers rub your clit in circles over your panties, while your other hand squeezes your breast.
You softly close your eyes, and touch yourself to your imagination:
“My good little assistant,” Matt cooes. “When are you going to let me use your toys on you? I know they’re in your bag.”
Your fingers clasp your nipples roughly while you adjust your other hand to move your panties to the side. You gather your arousal and trace rings around your pussy in relief.
“Matt,” a familiar voice overtakes your imagination. “You meant us, right?” Noah comes into view.
“Noah,” you silently moan. Why’d he have to make things so complicated? You think.
“Complicated?” He scoffs. “I’m just here to make things interesting,” Noah says darkly, taking the palm vibrator from Matt and buzzing it on. He brings it to your clit as Matt presses the head of your dildo into your needy hole.
On accident, you let out a squeak, and your hand shoots from your breast to your mouth to cover it. Scared of them hearing you, you resistantly remove your fingers from yourself and pull your shorts back on.
You roll your eyes, frustrated still, and flip onto your side to try to sleep, hoping the Sandman will at least grant you a wet dream tonight.
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Holy shit I thought I'd seen the worst and laziest gimmick blogs already. Congrats on setting the bar even lower.
@#$_&-+()/*"':;!?,.~`|•√π÷ק∆£¢€¥^°={}\%©®™✓[] get a fucking job
jokes on you asshole, i am in school most of the day and have multiple hours of homework every night. i just ride the bus for two hours to and from school and know how to use a queue
and you? do you understand how much work i put into this blog? how much i've learned about various punctuation so that i—with time i could easily use doing something else i might add—can tell people about things that i find interesting? i doubt it because you just have a hate filled heart from what i can see, picking on blogs that you find lazy because you can't even bother to dig.
i would have just left this in the inbox; but i really do feel like showing everyone what a fool you are. i mean, come back when you know all the brackets and dashes and have read at least one book about punctuation and then you can talk about who's the "laziest gimmick blog"
and no, i am not justifying that keyboard smash of an attempt to get more punctuation. if you want to talk about lazy bud? take a look inwards, perhaps.
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bright-and-burning · 19 days
something that’s actually pissed me off lowkey w some of my irl friends recently (and this is actually like just a stupid rant lol idk) is they like. refuse to read adult fiction now??? i’ll try to recommend books (and im talking like. books that are very up their alley. or even are YA/YA adjacent! just not from when we were twelve!) they’re like “oh idk im just gonna reread divergent.” which like. is fine. but they’re dragging everyone else along w them? like my old roommates just made one of our friends reread all of harry potter. they’re all 23!!!!!! like hello. even ignoring the *hand waves* everything abt that. they won’t watch new movies, they won’t read new books, it’s so. i was like oh you would really like this book, i actually own it i could lend it to you! etc etc to one friend and she was like oh well im actually rereading the hunger games series rn… and then i promised [friend] i’d reread percy jackson… and it’s like. this is why there are no new ip movies……. you can like what you like!!! but why is the only regular large hangout of our college friends someone getting several ppl to reread all of fucking harry potter and then watching each movie when they’ve finished that book. i don’t go ! bc jkr is fucking evil and it’s stupid ! and every time we hang out otherwise it’s like making fun of the one friend for not finishing it fast enough or talking abt what movie’s next etcetc and it’s like oh my god. can you please experience something new
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barbituratecongestion · 4 months
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thank you so much @orlaite for tagging me to list either my top 9 favourite books of 2023 OR my tbr books for 2024
I am doing the latter (very late) since 2023 was less than… perfect (too many textbooks, not enough free time reading, not enough discriminating while choosing material …)
tagging anyone who sees this and wants to do it
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inkskinned · 18 days
hello. you left a neon pink post-it with pgs 194-359 due 9/12 in the book, by the way. it is now May 23rd and the library's printer is running out of ink. it jammed and tore my passport application. one of the librarians dutifully blacked out all my information (front and back!) before proceeding to use every unmarred inch as scrap paper.
i think maybe our (plural, inclusive) lives are connected. all of them. i have been thinking a lot about borrowing. about how people move through the world in waves, filling in the same spaces. i have probably stood on the same subway platform as you. we held the same book. all of us stand in the same line at the grocery, at the gas station. how many feet have stood washing dishes in my kitchen?
i hope you are doing well. the pen you used was a nice red, maybe a glitter pen? you have loopy, curling handwriting. i sometimes wonder if it is true that you can tell a personality by the shape of our letters. i'm borrowing my brother's car. he's got scrangly engineer handwriting (you know the one). it's a yellow-orange ford mustang boss. when i got out of the building, some kids were posing with it for a selfie. i felt a little bird grow in me and had to pause and pretend to be busy with my phone to give them more time for their laughing.
i have a habit of asking people what's the last good book you read? the librarian's handwriting on the back of my smeared-and-chewed passport application says the glass house in small undercase. i usually go for fantasy/sci fi, but she was glowing when she suggested it. i found your post-it on page 26, so i really hope you didn't have to read up to 359 in that particular book. i hope you're like me and just have a weird "random piece of trash" "bookmark" that somehow makes it through like, 58 books.
i wish the concept of soul mates was bigger. i wish it was about how my soul and your soul are reading the same work. how i actually put down that book at the same time you did - page 26 was like, all exposition. i wish we were soul mates with every person on the same train. how magical to exist and borrow the same space together. i like the idea that somewhere, someone is using the shirts i donated. i like the idea that every time i see a nice view and say oh gosh look at the view, you (plural, inclusive) said that too.
the kids hollered when i beeped the car. oh dude you set off the alarm, oh shit is she - dude that's her car!! one was extremely polite. "i like your car, Miss. i'm sorry we touched it." i said i wasn't busy, finish up the pictures. i folded your post-it into a paper crane while i waited. i thought about how my brother's a kind person but his handwriting looks angry. i thought about how for an entire year i drove someone to work every day - and i didn't even think to ask for gas money. my handwriting is straight capital letters.
i thought about how i can make a paper crane because i was taught by someone who was taught by someone else.
the kids asked me to rev the engine and you know i did. the way they reacted? you would have thought i brought the sun from the sky and poured it into a waterglass. i went home smiling about it. i later gave your post it-turned-bird to a tiny child on the bus. she put it in her mouth immediately.
how easy, standing in your shadow, casting my own. how our hands pass over each other in the same minor folds. i wonder how many of the same books you and i have read. i wonder how many people have the same favorite six songs or have been in the same restaurant or have attended the same movie premier. the other day i mentioned the Book Mill from a small town in western massachusetts - a lot of people knew of it. i wonder if i've ever passed you - and didn't even notice it.
i hope whatever i leave behind makes you happy. i hope my hands only leave gentle prints. i hope you and i get the same feeling when the sun comes out. soulmates across all of it.
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Did the majority of Jewish people and institutions support Zionism pre-1948?
no, very far from it. i dont have time to give an in depth response, theres a lot of history here but ill give some bullet points
some interpretations of judaism have always opposed a jewish state in any form and many jews were religiously against zionism from when it first started becoming a political movement
(there are still a lot of religious jews who are anti zionist on religious grounds. the satmar hasidic dynasty is an example. this is separate from political groups like neturei karta)
religious opposition to a jewish state was so strong that without zionism constituting itself as a specifically nationalist movement drawing on other 19th century nationalist movements it probably would not have become successful
assimilated jews in europe, which herzl himself was, were divided on zionism. many assimilated middle class jews were liberal nationalists of their own countries and rejected zionism. many other european jews were socialists and rejected zionism as a form of nationalism and imperialism.
among european jews who were generally poorer and more religious, zionism became more popular in response to the active extermination of jews in eastern europe. still, it was not the dominant belief in eastern europe. eastern european jews were very involved in socialist and radical movements, many specifically saw socialism as the only answer to european antisemitism. the jewish labor bund in particular espoused a type of anti zionist diaspora politics.
most anti zionist and socialist jews, especially eastern european ones, especially the working class, were murdered. thats part of why its not so common anymore
post-war and in the context of the red scare, american jewish institutions basically threw left wing anti zionist jews under the bus, let people lose their jobs and get blackmailed, and started focusing on relations with israel
there has always been jewish opposition to zionism both on religious and political grounds and it was a hotly debated topic and not something people agreed on. you can read more here
i have reading guides under my tag resources
edit: this is just pertaining to european jewish history and american jewish history, and mostly of ashkenazi jews. the history of arab jews is different but to be very brief, there was not widespread support among arab jews for zionism before the nakba and founding of the state of israel, and the israeli govt and zionist organizations were very active in trying to create conditions for arab jews that would encourage them to immigrate to israel
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shamblz · 1 year
cannot believe someone has decided to become bus friends with me the day after I get back to reading
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luvt0kki · 3 months
training wheels | k.h.j
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pairing : Professor!Hongjoong x innocent!reader ft!Wooyoung
♡₊˚( wrote this listening to ‘training wheels’ by Melanie Martinez)
summary: Too innocent for your own good, your professor's little hidden crush only grows the more he could spend time with you. You were so pure before his eyes. A sweet young woman who deserves the sweetest kind of love but still had trouble in paradise with her boyfriend…but he’ll be there for you. After all, he only wants what’s best for you and to protect you.
wc: 10.7k
cw: University AU, smut, coquette-ish fem!innocent reader, virgin reader, slightly older Hongjoong, manipulation, obsessive stalker-ish behavior, yandere behavior, corruption kink, cheating , frat boy behavior from Maknae line, oral!male receiving, there'll be more spice in the next part
REMINDER : my works do not represent the irl members in any way, this is purely a work of FICTION.
a/n: hello so it’s been awhile and this has been cooling in my drafts for so long. Special thanks to @songmingisthighs for helping me whenever I’m stuck with writing and for being one of my favourite persons on this app 😭i wanted to write something that isn’t apart of the Sway With Me universe just for a change and a breather ( I hope you guys don’t mind that). I just wanted to write.
- this is will be a two part series!
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Note: Hongjoong is a couple years older but he’s still young for a professor. Maknae Line is in their last year of Uni and is part of the University’s Varsity baseball team.Y /N is innocent ( smh). Kinda coquettish vibes but yuh, sweet girl.
The rain storming outside made anxiety bubble in your chest as you clutched your laptop bag and books tight. You glanced at your phone, the bright red bar of the little battery icon glaring at you. That just made your situation even worse and it didn’t help that the last message you saw was the reason you were stranded here in the first place.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart. The team meeting is going overtime tonight. Get home safe. Please message me when you’re home.”
You waited for him. You should be angry at him but instead, you were only heartbroken and sad that he didn’t keep his word. You were frustrated that you couldn’t even hate him the slightest bit for forgetting to pick you up and the sudden downpour was just the cherry on top.
“Ms. L/N, is that you?”
That voice. That familiar tone that you heard every Monday and Wednesday from 8 am til 10 am. The voice that made your Art Appreciation lecture so interesting that you’re excited to come early every morning to learn sounded from behind you.
You turned around and quickly bowed your head in his direction out of respect.
The young professor frowned at your presence.
“It is you. What are you still doing here?” He asked, extending his arm a bit to glance at his silver watch. “It’s almost 11 pm.”
“I-It started raining…” was all you could say. You couldn’t nor want to admit to your university professor the real reason why you were stranded on campus.
“Indeed…,” he gently grasped your arm and pulled you into the covered shade of the hall. “Do you need a ride home, Ms. L/N? I was just about to leave and go home but I can drop you off at the nearest bus stop or if you’d like, your home.”
His offer made your heart melt. Mr. Kim Hongjoong has always been so kind and sweet to his students. He has always shown such care and patience to their studies and well-being, and as the many girls in your classroom would whisper amongst each other, he was also very handsome. Which was a fact everyone in the whole campus knew.
“I don’t want to be of a hassle to you, Sir. I can wait for the rain to stop.” You tried to kindly turn down his offer, not wanting to bother him but also you felt it was inappropriate for a student to be in any proximity to a professor alone.
“Ms. L/N, it’s late and the rain doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon. I assure you it is not a bother to take you home. I’ll be worried if I just left you here.”
He was right. Both about the rain and the time, and you’re never out this late. Well at least not alone and it made you antsy. Mr. Kim looked at you with so much care in dark brown eyes that it felt impossible to say no to his kind offer.
And that’s how you found yourself in the passenger seat of your professor's fancy car.
You looked around subtly observing the luxurious interior of the vehicle. It smelled like new leather and Mr. Kim’s cologne. Your phone buzzed breaking your little observation as Mr. Kim typed in the location of your apartment into his phone GPS.
“Baby? Are you home? Please let me know.” The text message notification shone brightly.
You let out a little sigh.
Hongjoong couldn’t help but notice your rather wilted demeanor. He looked over you in the corner of his eye as he started the car. Little did you know, he was admiring your look today. You didn’t have class with him on Fridays so seeing today was rather…refreshing. Baby pink always looked so pretty on you, he thought to himself. Your blouse almost had a ballet-like aesthetic to it, it wrapped around your torso so elegantly and gently accentuated your curves. It was matched with a very pretty flowy white skirt that wasn’t too short nor too long, and there was a thin pink ribbon in your hair, the finishing touch to your very sweet ensemble. You always dressed so cute.
“Are you okay, Ms. L/N?” He asked his voice so calm and gentle that it calmed your silent frustration.
“Not really…” you muttered your gaze down at the hem of your skirt, your books, and your laptop sleeve on your lap.
The defeated expression you wore made the older man’s heartache for you. He didn’t like to see you like this. You were like a ray of gentle sunshine whenever you entered his classroom, a doe in a beautiful blooming field of flowers that radiated warmth that made anyone and everyone around you comfortable and calm. It was odd to see you like this.
“If you want to talk about it I’m all ears,” he offered with a smile, reaching behind the head of your passenger seat and glancing behind as he reversed up his car from the parking lot.
Your heart raced at the gesture. You didn’t know what about it was making you feel all flustered and small. His kind words and warm tone made it hard to keep your emotions in. Maybe you can just tell him…a little bit.
“I waited for my boyfriend to pick me up…but he didn’t come.” You murmured, heart aching as you said those words.
Hongjoong’s heart dropped, and he raised a brow at what you just said. Your boyfriend didn’t show up?
“I know I shouldn’t be so upset…it’s just he promised. I understand he has obligations to his team…I just feel like he forgot about me.”
Your sweet voice was so small. Hongjoong wanted nothing more than to soothe you and reassure you. Underneath all of that, he was bubbling with irritation. He kept a softened and caring expression on his face as he listened to you, gripping the stirring wheel to hide his annoyance.
“I-I’m sorry to hear that,” he said so sympathetically. “You’re such a sweet girl to be so understanding of your boyfriend. If I remember correctly your boyfriend is…”
“Wooyoung.” You whispered his name, your lips between your teeth as you tried to hold back your disappointed tears and hurt.
Hongjoong’s jaw tightened.
Jung Wooyoung.
“Ah…yes. The university’s baseball star.” He was also a student in one of his classes. A heartthrob along with his best friend and Baseball Vice Captain, Choi San.
“I’ll feel better when I get home and sleep it off.” You didn’t want to talk about him forgetting to pick you up any longer.
“If you don’t mind me asking, Ms. L/N, how long have you been together?” He asked, hoping his question was not so out of the blue as he continued to drive.
“Almost three months now, Mr. Kim.” You replied, the idea of being with Wooyoung for so long making you a little happy despite tonight’s disappointment.
Lucky bastard. “Oh, that’s very recent.”
“I know…but he’s very sweet to me. He takes care of me and he really makes me happy.” You listed the good things that always made your heart flutter. Your sweet loving boyfriend who had pursued you and never pushed for anything you weren’t ready for. If you were to describe your relationship with Wooyoung, it was like the love you see in the movies.
“That’s good to hear. You’re one of my sweetest students and I’d be worried if you weren’t happy,” Hongjoong smiled, earning the reaction he wanted and expected from someone as innocent as you.
Your pretty eyes widened at his words and you looked even shyer. He wondered if that’s why your boyfriend was attracted to you.
You didn’t know what to say but there was a small smile on your face when he called you one of his sweetest students.
“Thank you, sir.”
Hongjoong’s night was getting better than he could ever imagine. First, the surprise of seeing you still on campus alone as he left, then you accepting his offer to drive you home, and now, Sir? For a long time, he loved how that name slipped from your pretty glossed lips.
“I’m sure your boyfriend feels really guilty about not having shown up. Sometimes these things happen.” Hongjoong tried to reassure you, not really wanting to defend the University senior you were seeing but he needed to say what you wanted or needed to hear.
You take his words as it is. He was older than you so he knew about these things more than you. He was wiser. He was right, these things do happen. Wooyoung did apologize too. So maybe it’s not as bad as you were making it out to be.
Hongjoong noticed how you sat up a little, no longer sulking so cutely in the passenger seat. He smirked a little to himself, his eyes on the road. Did you trust his words that much? Was that how much power he had over you?
You were too innocent it concerned him.
You were truly a doe in a field of flowers. So pretty and so completely oblivious to the wolves hiding in the tall grass. He was sure your boyfriend was one of them and that he too had a deep dark desire for your innocence.
“Is this your place?” He pulled up outside an apartment complex, people passing by in the street as he looked up at the building observing it.
“Yes, it is!” You chirped, happy that you were able to get home safely and it was all thanks to your kind and sweet professor. “Thank you so much, Mr. Kim. I really appreciate it. I really cannot thank you enough…and talking to you made me feel better. I’m really lucky that you were here tonight.”
Hongjoong smiled, holding back from reaching over to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. He didn’t want to scare you away.
“If you ever find yourself in any kind of trouble, Ms. L/N, you can come to me okay? Here,” he reached into his pocket, getting his card but writing down his personal phone number in the back of it before holding it your way.
Like he expected you didn’t think much of it, what a sweet girl.
“Mr. Kim you’re so kind.” You took the pretty name card with his phone number in the back. “I don’t get into trouble but I appreciate this. Thank you.”
“Let me help you get inside, okay?” He got out of his car with an umbrella, going over to your side to open the passenger seat door and to hold the umbrella over you and him so that he could escort you to your apartment lobby.
You stepped out of the car and blushed when you felt his arm wrap around your shoulders to gently guide you to the sidewalk and your apartment lobby. He made sure you were dry and safe and also took note of how an access card is needed to get in. He was glad you lived somewhere so safe.
You thanked him again, unable to look him in the eyes because the warm smile on his face was making your heart flutter.
“Now I can go home without worrying if you got back safe,” he lightheartedly teased, making you giggle. He was such a kind person. “Take care of yourself, Ms. L/N. I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Enjoy your weekend, Sir.” You bowed your head respectfully, appreciating how handsome he was in his coat and suit. It made him look like a character from the dramas you see on television.
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Monday rolled around quicker than you thought while Hongjoong found the weekend went by agonizingly slow. As he set up his laptop in the lecture hall as other students filed in, he couldn’t help but anticipate your arrival. He kindly smiled and greeted the students who had the energy to wish him a good morning, he even kept glancing at your seat that was still empty.
Were you not well? Did you catch a cold over the weekend from the rain on Friday night?
“You really didn’t have to walk me, Woo.”
Your gentle soft voice made the professor perk up and his heart race a little. Subtly, he glanced at the door, more students entering but behind them in the hall was you.
“Hey, I still feel guilty about not having picked you up on Friday. I’m gonna make it up to you.” Wooyoung placed his hand on your waist, feeling the soft fabric of your skirt. “You’re too nice if you’re just gonna let me off the hook. I’m gonna be extra attentive, okay baby?”
Hongjoong narrowed his eyes at the young dark-haired boy, his varsity jacket telling everyone that passed who he was and the status he had in the university. He zeroed in on the hand on your waist, Wooyoung’s thumb caressing you gently and his fingers even playing with the cute ribbons on your skirt.
“O-okay,” you blushed, trying to fight back the giddy smile that was forming on your face.
Wooyoung grinned at your response and glanced left and right before pulling you closer til you were pressed against him. Your wide eyes looked up at him in surprise and you got your body tingling when both his hands rested on your waist.
Your fluster only made your handsome boyfriend grin even more with that twinkle in his eyes that always made you feel special.
“You have a nice day, okay?” He whispered and before you could respond, without a care in the world and with no shame if any other student passing would see, he leaned down and kissed your glossed lips.
Heat bloomed in your cheeks. This was different from the soft pecks and quick kisses he’d give, these were the kisses you liked from him. The deep ones that made your head feel all hazy. The one that made heat pool in your lower belly.
Wooyoung pulled back and pressed another kiss on your forehead. “I’ll see you for lunch.”
“O-okay.” You murmured, feeling everyone’s curious eyes on both of you and wanting to remain hidden by Wooyoung’s form.
Wooyoung smiled and then licked his lips. “Oh? Strawberry?”
The mention of your flavored lip gloss made you look up at him, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
“You’re gonna have me craving you all morning, baby.” He dramatically placed a hand over his chest. “How will I ever survive? One more.” He tried to go for another kiss and you squealed as he pulled you back.
“Woo, I have class!”
“But strawberry!” He pouted as he kept you in his embrace, some students rolling their eyes at the two of you and some finding the two of you cute and amusing. Wooyoung’s teammates from down the hall caught wind of the two of you and hooted.
“Sorry to interrupt but I’ll be starting my lecture soon.”
The voice of Mr. Kim made your eyes widen as embarrassment made you want to hide from his gaze.
“Oh, Mr. Kim,” Wooyoung spoke his professor's name with no shame of getting caught being affectionate with his girlfriend. “Morning!”
Hongjoong could only manage a nod to his greeting before turning to you, still in your boyfriend’s hold and unable to look him in the eyes.
“Ms. L/N, class starts in five minutes.” He spoke sternly, his tone making your lips form a small pout.
The way you reacted to him made the older man before you swoon. God, you were too cute.
“Yes, sir.”
There it was again. The way you said ‘sir’ all defeated and cute.
“Sorry, Mr. Kim.” Wooyoung apologized. “My bad.” He removed his varsity jacket and draped it over your shoulders before kissing your cheek. “I’ll see you at lunch, baby.”
Then Wooyoung sauntered away with a swing in his step and his bag over one shoulder, on his way to his respective class.
“Sorry, Mr. Kim.” You murmured, keeping your gaze down and hugging your books to your chest as you went inside the room along with the last few students who arrived.
Hongjoong watched as you made your way to your seat. Your pretty skirt swayed with each step and he wondered if skirts made up most of your wardrobe. It must be such a delight for your boyfriend.
Loosening the grip he had on his pen as he watched the whole interaction between you and Wooyoung, he smiled at his students. What mattered the most to him was you were safe. You were here and you were safe and well. Never mind the fact that you and your boyfriend easily made up from Friday night’s incident.
You were here.
The lecture was an enjoyable one not only for the students but him as well. As he discussed the significance of art during the Roman Empire, his students were all hooked in with his explanations and discussions, and even he got carried away excitedly with every question and topic.
“Mr. Kim is so hot.” A classmate beside you, Jennie, whispered to her friend, the two of them giggling as your professor shared his knowledge with the class.
“And he’s so nice too. You think he’s a virgin?” Minsol whispered back and you felt your heart grow hot listening to them.
You fidgeted in your seat and tried to block them out, focusing on Professor Kim.
“He’s so young to be a professor. Maybe he spent all that time studying to the max, you know! Maybe he is!”
“He’s so cute.” Minsol chuckled. “But then he’s so sexy when he pushes his hair back.”
And almost as if on cue, Mr. Kim ran his fingers through his dark brown locks, pushing them back as he smiled at his students in awe at the discussion.
He was handsome. You admitted that a long time ago. Attractive? Yes. But he was your professor. It was wrong to think of him the way Jennie and Minsol were.
Til now, their voices couldn’t be blocked out completely.
“I’d gladly blow him for a good grade,” Jennie whispered, her eyes looking Hongjoong up and down.
“Jennie!” Minsol playfully smacked her friend, her voice still hushed.
“What? Just think of it. Goody two shoes Mr.Kim so kind and worried that your grades are slipping, and then you tell him you’d do anything to raise your grade.” Jennie described the scenario so vividly. “No one needs to know what goes on behind closed doors.”
Your heart was racing in your chest as you listened to the fantasy. It didn’t help that Mr. Kim was right there before your eyes as Jennie’s voice whispered discreetly to her friend such a scandalous scenario.
“But it won’t stop there.”
That piqued your interest and you felt ashamed to have been so curious.
“He has a nice car too. Imagine fucking in the backseat of that luxury car way past campus hours in secret.”
Your heart thumped strongly at the mention of his car. You had been in his car and the dirty thought of Mr. Kim being all over your body and kissing you in the spacious backseat crossed your mind.
You couldn’t help but rub your thighs together.
Hongjoong’s eyes scanned all his students, happy that they were enjoying the class but paused when he saw you. Your body was swallowed by your boyfriend’s big varsity jacket and you looked flustered, even biting your glossed lips, fidgeting in your seat.
Then he saw the two girls next to you giggling and gossiping. What were they talking about that was making you blush so much? Briefly, your eyes moved from your notebook and locked with his but you immediately looked down when you saw that he had been looking your way.
Hongjoong could only assume they were talking about him. In what way? He wasn’t sure but it was a way that was making you look even shyer and could he dare say, hot and bothered?
Then the bell rang.
“Alright, we’ll continue the discussion on Wednesday and I’ll hand you all your Renaissance art period essays that I already graded then. Have a nice day.” Hongjoong’s elegant and calm voice echoed in the lecture hall, as he made his way behind his desk, sitting out the papers.
A chorus of thanks was sent his way as the students little by little exited the lecture hall. He looked your way, watching as you packed your things and gathered your books.
“Hey, Y/N!” Jennie turned to you. “How are you and your stud of a boyfriend?”
“Oh, m-me and Woo?” Your lashes fluttered so prettily as Hongjoong pretended he couldn’t hear you and the girls.
“Yeah! We saw you two being all cute and kissy out in the hall.” Minsol chuckled as she touched up her makeup with powder.
“We’re great.” You couldn’t stop the happy smile on your face as you thought of your boyfriend.
“He’s your first boyfriend, right? Have you two…you know….”
Your brows furrowed. “Have we what?”
Hongjoong fought his sigh at how oblivious you were.
Minsol’s eyes widened as she snapped her compact closed and leaned over. “You guys haven’t?”
“What are you two talking about?” You tilted your head like a puppy.
The two girls exchanged looks of shock.
“Y/N…” Jennie leaned closer, lowering her voice even further but Hongjoong’s ears were sharp. “Are you a virgin?”
Immediately, your face was burning as you hugged your books to your chest, wanting to cover your face with Wooyoung’s jacket.
“Holy shit!” Minsol exclaimed then realized she had been loud. She looked towards the whiteboard and saw Mr. Kim looking at the three of you questioningly. “Uh…sorry Mr. Kim!”
Hongjoong only smiled and he shook his head, returning to his papers and was glad that he was sitting behind his desk as the idea of you never being touched morphed from shock and into desire. He kind of guessed you were…but dating the star athlete and heartthrob of the campus made him second guess that you were.
“Girl, you need to come with us!” Jennie hooked her arm with yours and Minsol on the other as the two of you made your way out of the lecture hall.
“Bye, Mr. Kim!” They chimed as they dragged you out with them.
“B-bye, sir.” Your little voice reached his ears as the three of you finally left him alone in the empty hall.
Hongjoong hunched over, crossing his arms on his desk as he groaned.
You were driving him insane.
What’s worse was that you didn’t even intend to do so.
He wanted you.
He needed you.
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As the afternoon passed, Hongjoong made his way to his office. The hall was empty as students were in their classes or their club activities. It was peaceful til he heard hushed whispers ahead from an empty classroom, the door only slightly ajar.
The professor frowned. Were there students doing another weed deal on campus? Before concluding, through the very small gap of the wooden double doors, he took a peek.
“S-someone could walk in.”
Was that his sweet Y/N’s voice? Hongjoong’s heart began to race.
“Baby, I promise no one is. This room is always vacant at this hour.” Wooyoung reassured you, kissing your neck as his hands roamed your body, specifically caressing your thighs that were parted as he stood between them.
Hongjoong swallowed the lump in his throat.
Perched on the large mahogany desk, was you. Your skirt was hiked up higher as your boyfriend pressed against you, his paws all over your soft body, feeling you through your clothes.
“You look so sexy in my jacket,” Wooyoung whispered in your ear, his hand moving lower til they were under your skirt. “I couldn’t stop thinking of how good you looked during lunch.”
You softly yelped when his fingers pressed against your core through your cotton panties. “W-woo!”
“Awe, baby, are you getting wet? All for me?”
“W-woo,” you whimpered when he traced his fingers along your slit, embarrassed at the dirty talk.
“Fuck, you’re soaking through your panties, baby. Tell me you want me to touch you. Ask me and I’ll make you feel good, baby.”
You wanted him to keep touching you but you felt a little guilty. You had started to feel hot way earlier than your boyfriend knew. Jennie and Minsol’s hushed whispering from class about Mr. Kim…ashamedly had made you ache.
“M-make me feel good, Woo.”
Your boyfriend groaned against your neck, rubbing you through your panties. “My pretty baby. You deserve so much.”
Your back arched when he applied more pressure to your clit.
“I’ll make you feel good, baby. I promise…. but I won’t make your first time here in a classroom.” He kissed your neck messily, licking your skin.
“But Youngie…” you didn’t want him to stop touching you. He has touched you like this many times before when he came over but it never went past that. He didn’t want to force you into something you weren’t ready for but as time passed and the more you fell for him, you’ve been wanting to go all the way with him.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll make you cum. I’ll be a good boyfriend and let my pretty girlfriend cum.” He kissed your forehead, slipping his hand under your panties to truly feel you. “You’re so wet, baby.” He moaned, collecting your slick and spreading it all over your pussy.
“Youngie,” you whimpered, gripping his shirt as your thighs trembled at the delicious friction.
“I love it when you call me that,” he sighed, repressing the urge that he indeed in fact wanted to ruin his pretty untouched girlfriend. He loved you and he wanted to treat you right as best as he could. You weren’t like the other girls he’s been with. He liked how you looked at him with stars in your eyes.
Your thighs squeezed at his sides unable to close as he continued to play with your pussy, touching you heavily and the way you liked. You couldn’t help but softly moan and pant at the intoxicating pleasure.
Hongjoong was burning with jealousy. A part of him wanted to disrupt the two of you and scold the two of you for misconduct as he had every right as a professor to do so. But…you looked so pretty falling apart for your boyfriend. Brows furrowed as your lips part and sigh, the setting sun hitting your skin in such a way that the lewd imagery before him was like a movie. He could feel his desire straining in his trousers. He wanted to watch.
“Youngie,” you whimpered so prettily.
Hongjoong took note of how your back arched when Wooyoung nibbled and kissed at a spot on your neck. You must be extra sensitive there. He also imagined how soft your breasts would be if he was the one cupping them through your cute blouse.
“You close baby?” Wooyoung rasped against your ear, rubbing your clit faster, making you lean your head forward to rest on his chest.
“Nuh-uh,” Wooyoung clicked his tongue, his right hand leaving your breast to grab you by the chin, making you look at him. “Let me see your pretty face, baby.” He swiped his thumb over your lower lip and bit his lip when you suddenly took his digit into your mouth, softly sucking on it. Where the fuck did you learn to do that? “C’mon, baby. Cum. Cum for me.”
You released his thumb with a soft pop, your lips even glossier from your gloss and saliva. You were panting and moaning so cutely, Wooyoung felt he was going to cum in his pants just at the sight of you getting off his fingers. He massaged your clit faster, watching the way your lids began to droop as you blinked up at him hazily and your lips part in a cute little ‘o’.
“Youngie!” You cried out, back arching and thighs trembling as you reached your high, your pussy dripping more arousal all over your boyfriend’s fingers.
“That’s it, baby. Such a pretty baby.” Wooyoung cooed, enjoying your fucked out expression. It was addicting really. His sweet innocent girlfriend falling apart for him. If you were this fucked out by just fingers, he can’t imagine how fucking delectable you looked when he finally fucked you.
Hongjoong bit his lip as he watched you come down from your high. How your arms wrapped around your boyfriend as he slowed his circles on your clit. He wished he could see how your pussy looked, how wet it was, and how sweet the nectar it produced.
Wooyoung took his hand from your panties and brought his fingers to his lips, your eyes widening. His hand left its grip on your face.
That didn’t stop him from letting his tongue dart out to lick his digits. “You taste so sweet, baby. Maybe I’ll come up tonight once I drop you off and really have a good taste of you.”
You blushed at his words and felt heat spark in your lower belly at what he hinted. Did he mean that he was going to kiss and taste you down there? With his tongue? The idea made your cheeks grow hot but that only made your boyfriend grin.
“Oh? You’re not opposed to it?” He teased, enjoying the way you only huffed and pouted your pretty lips. “Here, baby. Taste yourself.”
Hongjoong watched as you wearily, so curiously, poked out your cute tongue to lick your boyfriend’s fingers. How did you taste? Did you like it? You batted your lashes up at your boyfriend who awaited your verdict.
“So? How do you taste?” He took your hand in his other one, just relishing the moment you two had in the orange sunset-lit classroom.
“Atta, girl.” Wooyoung grinned, taking you into his embrace and kissing you again.
Hongjoong felt his head pound from how hard he was in his pants. He wanted a taste. He needed a taste.
How was he going to get close to you when you and your boyfriend were all fine and dandy again?
“What do you say, baby? Friday night? I’ll come over and we’ll watch a movie. I’ll bring your favorite strawberries coated in chocolate. Then maybe…” he caressed your cheek. “We could go all the way?”
“W-won’t it hurt?”
Wooyoung and Hongjoong’s hearts ached at your sweetness.
“Well, when Friday rolls around, and you’re not up for it. It’s okay. We’ll just have a cozy little date and make out. I’ll wait for you when you’re ready. Okay?”
His gentle voice along with his care for you made your stomach flutter. “O-okay.” You leaned your cheek into his palm. “I love you, Woo.”
“I love you too, baby.”
While you and Wooyoung basked in the moment you two found yourselves in, Hongjoong made a beeline to his office and locked the door. He glanced down and saw the bulge of his cock poking through his tailored trousers. He threw his head back, slamming it against the door as he groaned.
He was going to have to take care of it himself cause it wasn’t going to go away til he did.
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He didn’t know when the stalking— okay, in his defense, following and keeping an eye on you, started.
All Hongjoong knew was, he needed to get to know you. He needed to get closer somehow, be a friend. Someone you could turn to and cry to. Plus, you lived alone, away from your parents. You needed someone to protect you.
From all the wolves that surrounded you, including that boyfriend of yours.
As he passed the baseball field from where he parked his car, he couldn’t help but overhear a group of young wolf pups gathered and talking beneath the morning sun. They all wore the same varsity jacket, making Hongjoong’s pack of wolves analogy even truer.
“So? Did you and Y/N go all the way yet?” The Vice Captain of the team asked, the young and handsome Mr. Choi.
The rest of the boys began to nudge and tease their Captain who had been tossing the baseball in his hand nonchalantly.
“Yeah, have you and little Miss all prim and proper done more than just second base?” The tallest of them, Song Mingi, joined in the teasing, the boys all grinning and tossing oo’s and ah’s. “Your girl has a nice ass.”
“Hey,” Wooyoung harshly hissed at his teammate. “Yeah, and that’s my girl you’re talking about.”
“Can’t blame Mingi. You’re with the campus’s dream girl.” Jongho added, running his fingers through his brown hair.
“Dream girl?” Wooyoung’s brows furrowed.
“Yeah! Sure she’s lowkey and literally the nicest person on campus. Hell, she even helped me with calculus. I even thought of asking her out on a date.” San chirped. “But you got to her first. Anyway, that’s beside the point, did you guys finally do it? Friday night?”
Hongjoong remained hidden behind the shadows of the bleachers, needing to know the answer to San’s question.
“We didn’t. She got nervous and you know, I have to be a good boyfriend and wait. I don’t want to pressure her. She’s a nice girl.” Wooyoung finally responded, his answer earning a groan from his friends.
Mingi stared at him for a moment. “You should be a saint. That amount of self-control is crazy.”
“Well, good things come to those who wait, Mingi.” Wooyoung grinned. “I’m a hundred percent sure my girl is worth the wait and more.”
“You’re really down bad for her, huh?” Jongho laughed softly, actually admiring the fact that Wooyoung was becoming a better guy with you.
“Y-yeah…she is. I really love her.”
“I just can’t believe she fell for you. After all the girls you slept with in the past and the parties. She still fell for Jung Wooyoung. Anyways,” Jongho clapped Wooyoung on the back. “I hope you get some soon.”
San wouldn’t relent though.
“Has she at least been…you know….giving? I know you worship the fuck out of her in different ways but has the pretty princess given back?”
Hongjoong should head back to his office before he’s caught but…he needed to know the details.
“San, she doesn’t know how.”
Wooyoung’s response made San groan and Hongjoong fought back his own.
“She’s a fucking angel your girlfriend.” San huffed his crush on you not concerning Wooyoung as he knew San would never cross the line.
“Dude, when you get to teach her, it’s gonna be so fucking hot.” Mingi sighed, thinking of who to contact for his next hookup. He needed to fuck.
Hongjoong couldn’t help but agree. To teach someone as beautiful and pretty as you, how to use your cute mouth and delicate hands…the fantasy of you between his legs while he sits on his office couch…guiding you while you look up at him for him to lead you…the young pups have a point.
“Okay, can you guys chill and not talk about my girlfriend like that?” Wooyoung lightly scolded his friends. “Anyways, you guys better be on your best behavior for tonight’s practice. I'm driving Y/N home for our date and I really don’t want to have to bail again because Coach isn’t happy with our performance.”
“We’ll do our best,” San spoke for them, sending a pointed glare to Mingi and Jongho, they’re bickering always getting their Coach to overtime their practices. “But coach hasn’t been in a good mood as far as I know.”
Wooyoung swore under his breath, worry bubbling in his chest when he imagined your disappointment and the way your eyes become glassy as you fight back tears. He really didn’t want to make you feel like he didn’t care about you again…he knew you understood his obligations to his team. He just hoped he wouldn’t forget to update you this time and keep you waiting for him.
Hongjoong didn’t stay long after that. He went off his merry way back to his office, wondering if tonight would be another chance to have some time with you again. Be your knight in shining armor if your boyfriend doesn’t pick you up again.
All he needed to do was stay in your good graces.
After all, he just wanted to take care of you…
It began with longer conversations after class, asking how you were doing and if you understood the lecture or not. Then when midterms started to round the corner he would casually stay past campus hours just so that he could ‘by chance’ be finishing up late at the same time you were finished up studying in the library.
But this time, when he found you, the sun was beginning to set and you were in one of the library aisles, in the sections students don’t frequent, on the floor hugging your knees to your chest. Your back was against the tall wooden bookshelf and you were by the window, your head below the window pane as you softly sniffled.
Hongjoong felt his stomach twist. What did your boyfriend do?
“Ms. L/N?” As softly as he could, he called out to you and he saw you visibly stiffen.
“M-Mr. Kim?” You kept your head down, too embarrassed to look up at him because he would see the tears and puffiness in your eyes.
“Are you okay, Ms. L/N?” He slowly approached, observing your body language if you would shrink away from him. He kneeled before you. “Did something happen? Why are you crying?”
You bit your lip, fighting back the way it quivered as you wanted to tell him exactly what happened but you were crying over something so silly.
A gentle warm hand softly patted your head, your heart stopping at the touch. Maybe you could tell him everything. Besides…he has been so kind to you and only ever wanted to make sure you were okay. When the two of you spent time together and talked, you would sometimes forget he was your professor and not just a friend.
And yet, your heart couldn’t help but want to be in the palm of his hand, knowing he’d be gentle with it.
When you lifted your head to look at him, the tears in your eyes had Hongjoong almost falling to his knees and wanting to embrace you right then and there. “I’ll take you to my office okay?” He offered, taking out his handkerchief and putting it in your trembling hands.
“O-okay.” You murmured.
With a guiding arm around your shoulders and making sure no wandering eyes would see the two of you, the likelihood being low since it was past class hours, the varsity teams were training and it was a Friday, he led you to his office.
You stood awkwardly in the middle of his office, clutching his handkerchief in your hand, a part of your brain contemplating the idea of being vulnerable in your professor's office. It was highly inappropriate. Should anyone find out—
You were torn from your thoughts when a pair of warm arms wrapped around you so gently. You blinked a couple of times unable to process what was happening and the beating of your heart. Hongjoong cradled the back of your head as he held you close to him, your cheek brushing against his neck.
“It hurts to see you cry.” He whispered, unable to hold himself back from soothing you then he pulled away and led you to the leather couch in his office.
You sat on one end while he was on the other, the gap between you reminding you of the intrusive thought of the distance you and Wooyoung might have soon…
“What’s wrong, darling? You can tell me, you know. I’m always here to lend an ear. Whatever it is I won’t judge you, especially when it hurts you this deeply.”
Hongjoong tried to meet your eyes that were cast down on your fingers on your lap, fiddling with his handkerchief. Was it your boyfriend? He swore if it was Jung Wooyoung he was going to teach that boy a lesson.
Hesitantly, you allowed yourself to speak freely to him.
A moment of weakness?
“I-I overheard Youngie’s friends when I was in the library…they were about to leave for practice and…” you felt that lump in your throat creep up higher, making you want to sob again as you remembered what they said. “They said that they felt b-bad for him.”
Bad for him?
“It’s a bit…tmi…sir. I’m sorry it’s hard to speak about it.” You stared at the edge of your skirt, feeling the shame and embarrassment you had felt earlier crawling on your skin.
“Ah? TMI.” Hongjoong crossed his arms over his chest, trying to play it off as if it’s nothing to make it comfortable for you to tell him. “Well, Ms. L/N, we are two adults, aren’t we not? Plus, it’s after university hours. I’m here for you right now as a friend and I’d like to help soothe your troubles if you would let me.”
It was almost too easy the way you caved into his words. Jung Wooyoung did not deserve a sweet girl like you.
“Youngie’s teammates…said they feel bad for him because I haven’t…” you paused, heat blooming in your tear-stained cheeks. “I haven’t slept with him.” Then you felt that ache in your heart return. “I don’t want to lose him, Mr. Kim. I love him so much. I-I want to be a good girlfriend.”
Hongjoong’s heart broke. His beautiful wilted rose. How dare those dumb boys speak so ill of you?
“You’re a good girlfriend I’m sure, Ms. L/N.” He reassured you with such calmness, his words made you perk up a little. “You didn’t hear these words from Wooyoung himself right?”
You nodded.
“But even though…I still want to make him feel good. He always makes me feel…” you trailed off, realizing that you were talking about the intimate things you and your boyfriend do. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with Wooyoung like that…I just…I don’t want to disappoint him.”
“Disappoint him how?”
“Wooyoung has been with girls…with experience. He’s my first boyfriend and he’s the first man to ever touch m-me…kiss me…”
Hongjoong was fighting back the attraction grew the more you spoke about your lack of experience. He couldn’t believe those boys had you questioning your worth all because you were scared to go all the way with your boyfriend.
“I-I even tried watching…videos…on how I can do things for Wooyoung…but I just am too scared to initiate it. What if I do something wrong and it goes horribly?”
“You shouldn’t need to worry about that. I’m sure your…” Hongjoong held himself back from saying what he said with jealousy. “…boyfriend would be more than happy to teach you. Has he offered to?”
You shook your head.
“Ah…I see.” Hongjoong sat back, trying to think of what to say next. “I’m pretty sure what you lack is practice…” he trod carefully, gauging your expression with each word he was choosing. “You’ll never know til you give it a try. With everything in life, you learn as you go.”
He watched as you took each word seriously, a rather sweet pensive look on your face as you nodded at his advice. Hongjoong hoped he didn’t cross the line by saying that and made things awkward between the two of you.
“If I may speak as another human being helping another,” Hongjoong continued, hoping to calm your stormy mind. “I just hope you don’t feel pressured to do anything with your boyfriend or anyone. It’s very sweet of you to want to do something this intimate with someone you desire but I’d rather you won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
You fiddled with the hem of your skirt, going over all the caring and sweet affirmations Mr. Kim was giving you. How was it you felt so safe with him? He was too kind to you…yet you enjoyed the company he gave.
When Wooyoung wasn’t able to take you home from extended practices and last minute cancellations and texts, Professor Kim was always there to somehow salvage the day. To stop the breaking of your heart with his warm smile and effort to get to know you and make conversation.
“M-Mr. Kim…”
You finally spoke. Hongjoong smiled warmly at the call of his name. He observed how your cheeks began to flush. Your teeth sink into your lower lip as you hesitate to continue. You suck in a shaky breath, forcing yourself to be brave and look him in the eye.
“Could you guide me?”
Nothing but your voice rang in his ears at this moment. Hongjoong was shocked by the question. Was it a question? With the way your eyes were bleary and glossy, how your lips were trembling, and how flustered you appeared. It was a plea.
“Ms.L/N….” He tried to resist as much as he could, knowing that if he were to cross the line, he wouldn’t be able to go back. You were his forbidden desire. If he were to take a bite, he would want nothing more than to consume you.
You knew what you asked was silly and inappropriate, and a part of you regretted asking but if you were to leave this room right now, all you would be able to think about was how Wooyoung’s friends talked about you and wonder how much Wooyoung shared to his friends about yours and his relationship.
Mr.Kim looked speechless and flustered from what you asked of him. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked.
“Mr.Kim, I-I’m so sorry,” you quickly blurted out, trying to salvage the odd atmosphere. “Please forget everything I said. Thank you so much for comforting me—
"Are you sure you want me to help, Ms. L/N?” Hongjoong stopped your rambling, taking your hand that you hadn’t realized was trembling from nerves but the moment he spoke and he touched you, your body found a sense of calm. “I just don’t want to make you do anything you’ll regret.”
Oh, he wanted to help.
“I-I wouldn’t have asked anyone else but you...I feel safe with you.” You mumbled shyly, staring at his pretty hand holding yours, his thumb rubbing soothingly over your knuckles.
“Your trust in me is something I shall cherish and I wouldn’t dare break it.” He looked you in the eyes as he said that, the warmth and intensity of them made your heart flutter. “I promise I’ll keep it strictly professional and I’ll make sure to put your comfort first.”
Your heart fluttered again. “O-okay.”
“How would you like this to go?”
“I-I’m not sure…Wooyoung usually takes the lead whenever we do anything more than kissing…” you were speaking so softly, it was pulling at Hongjoong’s heartstrings. You were so precious. “I wouldn’t mind you taking the lead…teach me how to make Wooyoung feel good.” You squeezed his hand nervously and he kept his soft smile on his face, hiding his excitement.
You’ll let him take the lead?
“Okay, sweetheart. I promise I won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with okay?” He caressed your cheek fondly, forcing himself to not brush your lips with his thumb. “Tell me to stop when it gets too much.”
“Thank you, sir.” You whispered, feeling all tense as he got closer.
Sir? Were you trying to kill him? He scooted closer, your knees touching his own. “Do I have permission to touch you, darling?”
The pet name made you feel just a little bit more hotter. The way he said it, his voice a low purr, made you feel things you thought you’d only feel with Wooyoung.
“Y-yes, sir.”
Experimentally, he slowly glided his hand up the side of your thigh, the sweet gasp falling from your lips making him smirk against your neck. He brushed his lips against your neck, before whispering in your ear. “You’ve watched videos as research, correct?”
You stuttered out your response, feeling your body grow warm with the way his hand smoothed up and down your thigh, never going higher than where your skirt stopped. “I did…” Was it wrong that you wanted his hand to move higher?
Hongjoong held back from kissing your neck, testing the waters of what exactly he could do to you. His hand moved to your waist now, caressing the curve of your side then stopping so that his thumb was just below the underside of your bra covered chest.
“Why don’t you show me what you learned, hm? Then I’ll guide you along the way.” He suggested, his tone going just a little lower than usual.
And that’s how you found yourself on your knees, between your professor's trousered thighs, your eyes looking at him with such uncertainty and the willingness to learn.
“Don’t be shy. I’m sure you won't disappoint,” Hongjoong reassured you, petting your head lovingly while his thoughts were going wild at the mere sight of you all cute and demure between his legs.
As you had watched and observed, you placed your hands on his thighs. They trembled a little. What if you messed up here too? You shook the thought away. Professor Kim was going to guide you. You’ll be okay and then you’ll be able to make Wooyoung feel good too.
All of this was for Wooyoung.
You slowly slid your hands up his thighs feeling the smooth fabric of his trousers as you recounted the videos you had seen. You remembered how the woman in the video would trace her fingers over the man’s groin…but was Hongjoong even…turned on?
You remember how stiff Wooyoung would get when you were on his lap as you two made out, his hands running up and down your sides then over the curve of your ass, squeezing it.
Do you need to kiss Mr. Kim too?
Before asking, you experimentally softly placed your palm against his groin, blushing to find that he was hot and rather stiff through his pants. A shaky breath escaped him and you retracted your hand.
“W-was that not okay?”
“It was fine,” he managed a smile for you, getting hard at just how shy and sweet you were. “You’re doing fine.”
“O-okay,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, gliding your palm over his clothed groin before sliding higher, your other hand joining to unbuckle his belt.
Each gentle and inexperienced touch or ghost of your fingers over his crotch was making his cock twitch to life. It was so easy for him to be turned on…well…because it was you. It was endearing how focused yet nervous you were and once you tugged his briefs down low enough for his cock to spring up, your eyes stared at his length.
From his reclined position on the couch, his legs spread to accommodate you, he was able to notice the way your thighs squeezed to tether at the sight of him.
Your face was hot as your eyes took in the sight of his cock. It was way more intimidating to see one in person than on a screen…was it odd for you to think it was rather pretty? The head was a soft pink and it glistened with something that made your tongue somehow itch to want to try and wrap your mouth around him. Would he fit in your mouth? Would he fit in— you stopped yourself from thinking that. You can’t go all the way with Mr. Kim, you were going to do that with Wooyoung.
Feeling his warm gaze on you, you gently wrapped your hand around his length. The feeling of him hot and heavy in your palm, the girth of him, made your core pulse.
Hongjoong bit his lip at the gentle touch, the smoothness of your palm, and the dainty way you held him making him sensitive to whatever you were doing. He knew it wasn’t on purpose that you were prolonging any sort of movement, you weren’t sure what to do next.
“Tell me what you learned,” he managed to speak calmly. “Or what you observed.”
Squeezing your thighs together and inching closer to get into a comfortable position, you thought of what to answer. “In the videos…the girls take their partner in their mouth…and some just move their hand…I'm not sure what to do next, I’m sorry.” You looked away, embarrassed.
This was exactly why you never initiated it with Wooyoung. If you did and you messed up or did not even follow through, he would’ve mentioned it to his friends somehow in their talks.
Hongjoong saw how nervous you were and tried to suppress the desire to command you what to do and how you should do it, he placed his hand over yours that was softly holding his cock. He couldn’t be mean to you…as much as he wanted to completely control you and make you feel pleasure that would have you falling apart for him, he wanted to be gentle with you.
“I’ll guide you, okay?” His other hand petted the top of your head, making the nerves yo I had been feeling dwindle. You nodded.
“You have to spit on it first, sweetheart.”
His words made your eyes widen. The dirty notion was embellished with a sweet term of endearment. Hearing it from him, from the mouth where only kindness, care and knowledge was all you heard come out of it, made you feel warm.
“Spit on it?”
“I know it sounds odd but it’ll help. I’ll guide you on how to use your hand first. Don’t be shy, darling.”
His encouragement only made you want to do as he says. You told yourself it only feels weird because you’ve never done it before and Mr. Kim was kind enough to help you be more confident when the time comes for you to do it with your boyfriend.
Leaning over, you collected your saliva and spat softly. Hongjoong bit back any sound that dared escape him at the moment not ready to break the promise of being professional for your sake but the warmth of your spit and how shyly you did it turned him on even more.
“Now,” he guided your hand. “Spread it around with my precum like this.” He loosely moved your hand, letting your dainty fingers be covered by the mix of your spit and his precum. “It’ll be easier to move your hand this way, it’ll feel good.”
You nodded, feeling the slickness against your palm and how it now easily glided along his length with his hand still over yours.
“You have to hold it just a little tighter.” He closed his hand over yours a little tighter but not too tight but just enough to tell you how much pressure you should be applying.
“L-like this?” You adjusted your grip and slowly while your hand moved in slow up and down motions, he removed his hand and a deep sigh of bliss left him.
“Just like that, sweetheart…just like that.” His voice dipped lower and his head rolled back a little, giving you the perfect view of his sharp jawline and pink lips.
Your eyes kept shifting from his face and to his cock in your hand, entranced somehow by the idea of how he was feeling good by just your hand. Watching a video was completely different from actually doing it. You recalled the way a girl in a video would twist her hand as she glided her hand up and down, and you decided to try the motion.
Hongjoong hissed out a curse at the new movement. “That feels good.” His hips bucked up a little, pushing his cock up in your hand.
Feeling a little braver, you leaned forward to press your lips on the head of his cock, kissing it and feeling heat surge to your core at how warm the tip was against your lips.
Hongjoong lifted his head from its thrown back position to look at you, the sudden sensation of your soft lips on his cock turning him on further.
“You want to try that already?” He asked, his hand gripping the armrest of the couch when your doe eyes looked up at him so innocently, your lips wrapped around the head of his cock, and nodded, it was driving him crazy. It was getting harder and harder to retain any sense of composure. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Show me what you learned. You’re already doing so well. You look so cute like this too.”
His words of praise and compliments made both your heart and core throb. It made you try even harder to please him. You wondered if it was okay that you were getting wet. You could feel your slick sticking to the gusset of your panties and against the lips of your pussy.
Hongjoong moaned softly when he felt your hot tongue swirling around his cock head. He twitched within your hand continued their rhythmic twisting and up and down rhythm. He watched as you tasted him. He could see the way your brows furrowed at the taste and when he felt you take more of him in your mouth and suckle at the sensitive tip of his cock, you were making it harder for him to not buck his hips up into your pretty mouth.
“You doing okay?” He asked, gently placing his hand behind the back of your head, caressing you.
You nodded, humming, the vibrations of your sound adding some extra pleasure to the way you were giving him head.
“F-fuck, you’re doing so good, sweetheart. Such a good girl.”
The way he said that made your pussy clench. Why did that have some effect on you? It sounded so hot coming from him and it made you want to please him even more.
Eventually, you took what you could of him in your mouth, fighting back your gag reflex and bobbing your head shallowly along his cock. Your hand continued to jerk what you couldn’t fit of his length in your little mouth. You were aching so bad, you couldn’t help but let your free hand slide between your thighs to find your pussy, surprised at how wet you were. It was easy to spread your arousal all over your cunt and begin massaging your clit the way you liked, settling for the friction of your fingers.
Hongjoong noticed your dainty hand between your legs. The sight of you suckling and bobbing your cute head up and down along his cock, and touching yourself was sending him to the edge. Plus your lips tinted with pink gloss were mixing with your saliva as you continued to suck him off. You were so fucking cute.
“I’m close darling. You’re doing so well. You had nothing to be so nervous about. F-fuck.” He shuddered when he felt the head of his cock hit the back of your throat and you squeaked so adorably, the sound muffled. What a cute little slut you were touching yourself as you stuffed your little mouth with his cock. Though he was saying such sweet praises, deep down he wanted to fuck his cock into your mouth and watch you cry from taking him. He was betting you’d look up at him with wide pleading eyes with tears as you let him use you as his personal cock sleeve.
The mere thought of that sent him over the edge and without warning, he came. A small squeak left you as sudden hot spurts of cum spilled into your mouth. You latched off of him in surprise, your hand still pumping him as he came. His moans and the way his head was thrown back, made you stop touching yourself so you could focus fully on the way he climaxed all over your face.
“Fuck!” He groaned as his hand that was cradling your head gripped your hair and his hips bucked up into your hand, riding out his high. You whimpered as he tugged at your hair, the sensation making your clit throb. Why did that feel good? Why did having his release on your cheeks and in your mouth, turned you on?
“Open up, darling. Let me see.” Hongjoong tugged your hair back almost forcibly, his gaze almost predatory, it scared you a bit. You’ve never seen such a dark, menacing yet charming expression on your sweet and kind professor.
You parted your lips and he smirked.
He wondered if you knew just how cute and ruined your look right now. Pink gloss smeared over your lips and your cheeks flushed and stained with his white sticky cum, and the best of all, his seed was on your tongue.
He wished he could take a picture.
You didn’t realize you were breathing slowly as your heart was racing and he stared down at you with a glint in his eye that you couldn’t quite place.
“You look so pretty like this, darling.” His grip on your hair loosened and his hand moved to cup your cheek, his thumb dipping into your mouth as you still obediently kept your lips parted for him. He smeared more of his cum all over your lips and chin, finding the idea of him on your skin so hot…it’s like he marked you. “Such a good girl.” He cooed and you didn’t know why you did what you did but you swallowed his salty release, and his reaction made it all worth it. “What a perfect girl you are.”
His praise only made your heart flutter, his words only feeding that part of you that wanted to please him…to please Wooyoung.
“D-do you think Woo will like it?” You asked, your voice a little hoarse as you sat there on your knees, looking up at him so sweetly.
Hongjoong held back from rolling his eyes at the mention of the boy who didn’t deserve you. He masked his annoyance with a smile. “He’ll like it, darling. You did really well. I mean it.” He took his handkerchief and began to clean you up, gently dabbing your cheek.
Despite the ache between your thighs, you couldn’t stop the way a smile grew on your face at the approval from your most trusted mentor.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Kim—
“Hongjoong.” He cut you off with a gentle smile, looking at you lovingly.
“What?” You stuttered that same feeling you felt earlier, the confusion of the same way he made your heart flutter like Wooyoung does.
“You can call me Hongjoong when it’s just the two of us, darling. I think with how close we’ve gotten…I’d like you to call me by my name. Don’t you think we’re rather close?”
There was something about his eyes that captivated you. It was so magnetic it was hard to not be completely wonderstruck and in control of that powerful gaze.
All you could do was nod.
“That’s a good girl…” he cooed, smiling warmly. “Perhaps, you need more guidance. You want to be a good girlfriend for your Wooyoung right?”
You did, you wanted to be the best girlfriend for him.
“I do…”
“Sometimes what you see online is not entirely reliable. I’m offering you…private lessons…doesn’t that sound good for you?”
You nodded, letting him pull you up on and onto his lap, gasping when your core pressed against his thigh.
“I’ll teach you all there is to know. I want what's best for you and for you to know exactly what you’re getting into.” He ran his hand up and down your thigh, slowly. “You don’t want to disappoint Wooyoung, right?”
“I don’t Sir…” you said so quickly.
So innocent. So naive. So dumb. So perfect for him to ruin.
He never thought he’d get to this point.
All this time, he has only ever admired you and desired you from afar. He kept his reputation as a well-loved and kind professor so that no one and you, especially you, would ever question his motives.
“Now, I think we should try this again. You did really well but I can teach you a little extra something that will make your boyfriend so, so, so happy.”
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feel free to scream in my askbox about the fic I will gladly fangirl with you and I love feedback. It keeps me writing.
special tags : @khjcs @skteezcursed @caityelise99
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pathologicalreid · 25 days
hello!! i've been reading your spencer works for a while and they're definitely one of my favorites from this app :) so I'd like to request something :)
I've always loved the idea of spencer coming back home from a case earlier than expected and surprising reader (gf or wife) at work to pick her up! and reader could be a chemist or a scientist so spencer is interested and involved in her work somehow and they're just talking, being cute and fluffy and just happy to he together again <3 thank you for your time, and no pressure!
pure and applied chemistry | S.R.
who? spencer reid x chemist!reader category: fluff content warnings: fem!reader, chemical burns, lab incidents, yapper!reader, kisses word count: 1.06k a/n: i wasn't even going to post this today but i wrote it and fell in love with spencer and his biochemist gf!!!!! this might be a pairing that i start taking requests for - thank you so much for requesting!
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The air was barely starting to chill in the district, making it still unseasonably warm as you tried to take off your jacket without removing your book bag. It would’ve been easy to be embarrassed, but you were the only person around this part of campus – most students had a Reading Day, but your lab was still open, and your graduate student still wanted to work.
You had been the last person in the lab that she approached with her idea, having been turned down by the rest of campus, but you weren’t one to turn down a challenge. In fact, you had been so bored in the lab that you considered applying for another PhD.
Tying the sleeves of your jacket around your waist, you pulled your phone out of the back pocket to check the campus transportation app. As you started typing in your passcode, your eyes caught on a notification from your boyfriend.
Spencer Reid, PhD: Not home until tomorrow.
Sending back a quick emoticon – because an emoji would just show up as a square on his phone – you switched to checking what time the bus was supposed to show up at your stop before a passing car caught your eye, the car slowed to a stop right in front of you. “Oh,” you said, shaking your head, “It’s illegal to idle at a bus stop!” You called out to the driver, “You can’t stop here!”
Startled, you took a step back when the driver opened their car door, gripping your phone tightly as you mentally prepared for a confrontation, but only ended up confused when a familiar mess of brown hair peeked over the roof of the vehicle, “You don’t recognize my car?”
“Of course, I recognize your car! I just didn’t think it could be your car because last you told me you were in Nebraska!” You said, outwardly complaining as he rounded the hood of the car to open the passenger door for you.
Spencer smiled at you over the car door, “I told a fib in order to reap the benefits of surprising my girlfriend at work. Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?”
Rolling your eyes as you sat in your seat, “Oh, I’m sure she could probably find the strength to forgive you.” You were beaming as Spencer took your book bag and placed it in the back seat.
As you buckled your seatbelt, Spencer got back behind the wheel, checking his mirrors before merging into the road, once you reached your first stop light, you noticed Spencer looking over at you, “What did you do to your arm?” He asked, making note of the gauze wrapped around your dominant forearm.
Frowning, you looked down at your arm, having previously forgotten the gauze was even there, “Chemical burn,” you answered indifferently, studying the first aid on your arm. “Not a bad one though, probably won’t even scar,” you added. “Oh, that reminds me, I need a new lab coat,” you blurted, fishing around the center console of Spencer’s car for a pen so you could scrawl a reminder on your uninjured forearm.
“How did you get a chemical burn on your arm?” Spencer asked, returning his eyes to the road when the light turned green. Keeping one hand on the wheel, he reached over and casually placed one hand on your denim-clad thigh.
You were no stranger to a small burn on your finger – you were fairly certain that your fingerprints were no longer a viable way of identification – but you usually got away with a thorough rinse and a unicorn band-aid. “My grad student, Leslie, mislabeled something in the lab. Another person tried to get me to report it, but Leslie cried so hard while she was helping me clean my arm that I didn’t want to get her in any sort of academic misconduct trouble. I mean, who knew that hydrochloric acid caused chemical burns anyway?”
Spencer deftly flicked the turn signal as he moved to get on the highway to his apartment, “Uh, you and I know,” he said, there was a critical tone in his voice, but it was directed toward your flippancy instead of the injury itself.
“It wasn’t super concentrated, so I’m really fine,” you insisted, telling him the same thing you had told Leslie when the incident occurred, “I’ve done worse.”
Smiling, your boyfriend shook his head, “It’s a wonder they still let you in chemistry labs.” He was referring to a burn you had given yourself a few months ago, leading to an embarrassing trip to the hospital where doctors had to debride a nasty burn to your thigh. That particular incident had led to the director of your lab gifting you an enamel pin, designed to look like a hazardous materials symbol.
You looked at him, watching intently as he exited off the highway and made it to his apartment. Not long ago, an impromptu trip to Spencer’s would’ve been an inconvenience, but now you had two drawers of his dresser as your own. He led the way up the stairs and you followed him through the door of apartment twenty-three.
Locking the door before turning all of his attention to you, he cupped your face in both of his hands before kissing both of your cheeks – right over the tender, red lines left by your lab goggles. “Promise me you’ll be more careful in the lab,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around your waist and herding you over to the couch.
As you sat down on the couch, Spencer joined you, grabbing at your hips until you gave in, seating yourself in his lap, one knee on either side of his hips. You intertwined your fingers at the back of his neck, tilting your head to the side, “We’re all done with tests anyway – there will be considerably fewer chemicals involved while I get on my knees and grovel to the federal government for funding to start a clinical trial,” you told him, considering the repercussions of pressing your lips to his.
“What kind of chemicals could you possibly need to apply for federal research grants?” Spencer asked, gently resting his hands on your waist.
Beaming, you waggled your eyebrows at him, “One, three, seven-Trimethylpurine-two, six-dione, baby.”
Realization dawned on his features as he understood, “Ah, caffeine.”
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givemequeen · 2 months
the artist; spencer reid x reader
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request: Hello! It’s me again. :) I have a concept but I’m unsure about a plot, if that’s okay. Could you maybe write a Spencer x Fem!Quiet reader who likes to draw? And Spencer always sees her doodling on her papers while she’s bored like flowers and eyes and stuff? And sometimes she draws the team while they’re working but one day Spencer sees her drawing him and he confronts her very politely and she’s all flustered and blushing? I don’t know if it’s something you’re comfortable with, I just like to draw and if I worked with the FBI that would definitely be something I would do if I was bored. 😄🫶🏻 Thanks a ton!!! I love your writing.
a/n: i love spencer sm. i rly hope this is what you were looking for! thanks for the request :)
It had all started with some fun doodling; a couple of fun little drawings here and there when things were slow or during long flights. It hadn't been anything serious. Then, you attempted drawing landscapes; mountains, buildings, anything. Not just silly doodles.
Drawing helped you pass time, you enjoyed it and, if you said so yourself, you were quite good at it. Drawing people had always scared you, you weren't sure if you could get it right so you started with strangers, people on the bus or tram, in long queues, at cafes.
On one particularly long flight to Seattle you had drawn Hotch. His hard stare and furrowed brows as he read over a case made him easy to draw. Then it was Garcia, her bright smile brought you comfort. Then Rossi and JJ and Morgan.
And finally, Spencer, the cutest member. You could definitely see why Morgan called him pretty boy. His soft lips and hair beautifully juxtaposed his sharp jawline and slim fingers.
He was you're favourite to draw. You had around half a dozen drawings of the team by now; some individual, some in groups. But, your best drawings where those you had done on Spencer.
"Wow. You're really good." Spencer voice made you jump, nearly spilling your coffee over your drawing.
He had just gone to the jet's bathroom - you had been careful to hide your work as he passed by you.
"Spence!" you yelped, moving to clean up. "You scared me." you pressed your sketchpad against your chest, hiding your drawing from sight.
"May I see?" he leaned over and stretched out his hand - that gorgeous, slender hand of his. The one you had a couple drawing dedicated to in the very sketchpad he was reaching towards.
"No!" you said, a little too quickly. "I- erm-"
"Oh, that's okay, sorry for asking." he straightened up. "I just... well I thought that was a really good drawing. You made me look quite nice." his voice was soft, no one else could hear you.
Apart from the looks from that initial scream, no one was paying any attention to you two, everyone too immersed in their own thing to pay attention. You looked around, confirming no one was watching, and moved over in your seat.
"Sit." you said, patting the space beside you.
Spencer sat down, his thigh warm against yours, and smiled at you.
"Here." you offered him your sketchpad and hid your face in your hands, too ashamed to watch his reaction.
He opened the first page and oohed. You peaked between your fingers, wondering what he was looking at. It was your very first doodles. He pointed out some and smiled; his revolver, his favourite book, Morgan's headphones, Garcia's pens.
"I really like these." he said.
"Thanks." you mumbled.
He turned the pages, his fingers feeling the bumps and ridges of the drawing. He was particularly fond of the one you did of Vegas' skyline.
"That's amazing." he said, more to himself than to you.
You pulled away one of your hands and leaned over to him. His scent was overpowering in the best way possible; coffee, old books, and that new cologne he had been trying out.
He finally got to the one you made of Hotch. Spencer laughed out loud, looking up to his boss and laughing even more.
"Identical! Same expression." he whispered in between laughs.
"Thank you." you said, a smile appearing on your face.
"Oh and Garcia..." he laughed. "The same smile..."
He passed the pages - the first drawing you had done of Morgan made him laugh again. It had been of him flirting with Garcia; you had nailed his wicked grin.
Finally, he flipped the paged onto his section of the book. The first one you had done of him he had been reading a book, his fingers pressed against the pages and he read page after page.
"Oh wow." he whispered. "That's... it's amazing. You're such an artist. How did you manage it?" he turned to look at you.
"Oh, well, I dunno." you bit the inside of your cheek. He wasn't mad you had drawn him without permission or something? "You like it?" you asked.
"Of course! They're amazing." he reached out to squeeze your hand. "You're amazing. I'm really impressed."
You stared at your joined hands and your heart skipped a beat. "Thanks." you stuttured.
Spencer let go of your hand and went back to passing the pages. The next drawing, he had been fast asleep, an open book resting against his chest. He laughed at that one too, making some comment about how ridiculous he looked.
"Well, I thought you looked cute." you whispered, scared he might actually hear you.
"Yeah?" he said, looking over at you.
"Yeah." you said.
Spencer was blushing. He quickly looked away and flitted through the rest of the pages. He was especially impressed by the one of his hands ("wow, I had no idea they looked so..." "beautiful?" "creepy").
He closed the book gently and handed it over to you.
"I'd love to get a copy of some of those, if you don't mind." he was so close to you, you were afraid he could hear your heartbeat.
"Yes- no- I mean, I don't mind. I'll send you the original." you were having trouble trying not to stare at his lips for too long.
"You'd do that?" Spencer asked.
"Of course, since you were such a good subject." you laughed and stared into his soft eyes.
"I'd love to be an actual subject for you one day, since you're so good at it." he moved to stand up and you nearly whined as his warmth left you. "If you ever need a subject, let me know." he flashed you that sweet smile of his and made his way back to his seat.
You couldn't believe what had just happened. It took everything in you not to squeal and dance around like a teenage girl. You pressed your sketchpad against your chest and buried yourself deep into your seat, already thinking of all the poses you could get Spencer into.
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urfavlarry · 2 months
I recently got into School bus graveyard and I COMPLETELY understand the hype, idk if im the only who does this... but literally the moment I was done I went to tumblr for fics, but there's like none?? So maybe some dating headcanons for the group!! ^^
Dating Headcanons for the sbg characters
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Ashlyn Banner
best person to have a lazy day with tbh
i swear yall would be like “should we go out today” look at each other for 5 seconds and say “nah”
she would teach you some gymnastics and laugh when your just lying there complaining how you aren’t flexible
probably is more of a person that gives you gifts, or gives you a hug in stead of comforting you with words
she would be a bit awkward at first probably
also I don’t think she likes excessive physical touch cuz red confirmed that Ashlyn is autistic but when she gets used to you she would be okay with it but still, don’t go too hard on her
you let her play/stim with your fingers
you’re always there for her when she gets overwhelmed and she loves you so much for that
doesn’t call you that many nicknames probably a short version of your name but if your name is already short then probably just love or babe
if you speak another language she would definitely wanna know some words or learn with you
if it’s your mother language then she would be like “omg how was [your country] like!”
probably is a nerd in some sort of way
anyway probably a great girlfriend to have but only if you aren’t the type to be really really and I mean REALLY extroverted
Taylor Hernández
this girl is such a cutie!!
would plan dates, sleepovers, night outs..
drawing/picnic dates are a must
watching the sunset or sunrise together on the rooftop
calls you cute nicknames like sunshine, mi vida, sugar and that kind of stuff
is very affectionate
cuddles !!
shes the little spoon probably but if you’re feeling down then she will gladly be the big spoon
you would definitely braid her hair if you know how, if you don’t know then there’s another idea for a date! teaching you how to braid hair!
probably isn’t even that awkward at first probably a little bit shy but gets pretty confident later on
the best partner to have if you’re insecure
makes your insecurities disappear in a heartbeat
overall a 11/10 girlfriend !! we love taylor :D
Tyler Hernández
he is probably a tsundere tbh
acting like he doesn’t care but when you are alone he babies you sm
no matter if your bigger then him, stronger, smaller, it doesn’t matter, he babies you no matter what
don’t let the others know tho
isn’t afraid to show you off like girl bffr
holds your hand, has his hand on your waist, kisses you on the forehead, cheek or lips before class starts (even if you are in the same class)
uses nicknames like mi amor, mi reina/mi rey, baby ect.
nicknames with him are endless
movie night is a must
probably would take you to his baseball practice
has a separate album for you only
everyone in the group can tell he’s love sick like he looks at you with heart eyes
a jealous type probably
would beat up anyone and everyone who looks at you the wrong way
he’s probably touch starved and he hides his feelings from you because he just prioritises you over anything
you gotta full on force him to tell you what’s wrong but after a while he opens up to you normally
a 100/10 boyfriend the poor boys been through too much
Logan Fields
gardening dates!!
gives you flowers when you’re sad or just whenever to make your day!
stargazing dates
yapps your ear off about astrology (you let him tho)
calls you nicknames like bunny, hun, love
gives you honest opinions on everything
regrets his choices when you get grumpy afterwards
makes it up to you by cuddling you or kissing your whole face
introduces you to his grandparents
they approved of course because they just trust that he can pick himself a good s/o
hugs from behind!!
reads you a book when you can’t sleep
helps you with your work but doesn’t do it for you (Barron trauma)
best person to seek when you want comfort and or advice
gives you honest advice so if you were in the wrong expect him to tell you lmao
if you listen to music on vinyls or CDs then definitely brings you to a music shop and he will spoil you rotten
loves listening to your music taste no matter what genre it is he just wants to bond with you
he’s such an adorable and amazing boyfriend it mealts my heart !! :D
Aiden Clark
be prepared to patch this boy up every single second of the day
and also getting him out of trouble every single day
he is a wild one for sure
doesn’t mean he’s a bad boyfriend
loves showing you things he learned on his skateboard and he tries to teach you
does that thing where he holds your hands while your on the skateboard, tells you to jump and flips the board for you
that tik tok kind of shi
while on the topic of tik tok, does every silly couple tik tok trend with you lmao
yapps your ear of all day every day
not the best person to ask for advice from but he will hold you until you feel better!
best cuddle buddy
and hug buddy
if you don’t like physical touch then idk if you could have a relationship with him, he will CLING to you as if his life depended on it
loves it when you play with his hair
makes a playlist for you two
calls you nicknames like rockstar, doll, my love, bae, babe
definitely has you saved as “future wife🤭❤️” or “the mother of my kids🥵😍”
he be weird like that
loves to have you in his lap
idk he probably likes you ass sm, not in a sexual way but just lays on it, smacks it, squishes it..
only in private tho
honestly a pretty good boyfriend but he’s more of like your child then boyfriend
Ben Clark
a chill one for sure
hugs, holding hands are a must
listening to music through his headphones how he did with Taylor in that one episode
jealousy scale is um pretty high
you gotta reassure this boy because he’s just scared of loosing you
would fr fight 100 people at once for you if you asked him to
whenever he gets angry, you’re there for him when Aiden can’t and he appreciates that
loves it when you hold his hand and rub circles on the back of it
forehead kisses >>
probably doesn’t give you that many nicknames since he doesn’t speak, either a short version of your name, bae or hun
the best listener ever (not because he doesn’t speak)
when you start to yap and just talk about the most random things he has your back against his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder
very chill and overall good boyfriend
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xx-like-a-villian-xx · 4 months
I'd Love To Watch
You’re forced to share a room with Noah and he wonders what book you’re reading.
This one is for all my dark romance reading babes, stay slay 🥀
My ao3 is HERE
Also let me know if you want to be tagged in anything upcoming posts, (I have so many WIPs)
CW: one bed trope (ugh my fave), mentions of dark romance, fingering, Noah is a MUNCH, squirting, forced proximity (let me know if I need to add any more)
18+ MDNI | Noah Sebastian x Reader
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“Are you kidding me?” You groan, staring at the second suitcase in the bedroom that you called dibs on when you arrived at the Airbnb. “Matt, who put their shit in my room?” You call out to your best friend and tour manager who walks towards you, a smug smirk on his face.
”Well Noah kept saying he would take the couch but there’s a California King in there so I told him he should just bunk in with you tonight.” He leans against the doorframe, grinning. “Call it team building.”
”Team building?” You scoff, exasperated.
All you want is one night to yourself without being stuck in a bus full of sweaty guys and Matt thinks it's funny to let the man you’ve been trying to avoid all tour share your room.
Noah doesn’t like you, it’s been clear since day one. Every time he talks to you he’s so patronising and cocky it makes your blood boil but it’s not like you can say much. You’re just their merch girl after all, replaceable. If it wasn’t for Matt you wouldn’t even have the opportunity so you keep your mouth closed and stay out of Noah’s way unless it’s important.
“Does Noah know that we’re sharing?” You fold your arms over your chest, staring at your best friend.
Matt chuckles. “More than aware, he actually seemed fine with it.” Your eyebrow raises in surprise and he laughs. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You watch Matt retreat to his room and get to work pulling your pyjamas out from your suitcase, locking yourself in the bathroom to get ready for what you now know is going to be a hell of a long night.
While brushing your teeth you hear someone shuffle into the bedroom and you groan internally. Spitting the toothpaste into the sink, you gather your discarded clothes from the day and take a deep breath before opening the en-suite door.
Noah is lying spread eagle on the bed, wearing a pair of basketball shorts with no top, scrolling on his phone. He doesn’t even acknowledge your presence when you put your things back into your suitcase. You roll your eyes, grabbing your book to sit in the window seat across from the bed for a while, quietly reading to yourself. The silence is thick and you can hear his heavy breathing, distracting you from your book.
Your eyes flick from the dark romance novel to the man on the bed, eyes trailing over the expanses of ink that cover his toned skin and you feel heat pooling in your core.
”Anyone ever told you it’s rude to stare?” His voice breaks you out of your trance and your eyes flick back to the words on the page.
You scoff. “I wasn’t staring, you just breathe really loud and it’s pissing me off.”
He chuckles darkly. “Yeah, sure thing sweetheart.”
The sound of movement reaches your ears but you daren’t look at him, lifting the book higher to hide your red face. Suddenly the novel is snatched from your hands and you scramble to grab it back from him.
”Heartless Heathens?” He hums, holding the book out of your reach as he reads the blurb then flicks through a couple of pages, eyes widening. “Jesus, Y/N. I didn’t realise you were into this kinky shit.”
Your face is tomato red, burning hot as you try to wrestle the book from his hands.
“Noah give me my book back!”
All he does is laugh, eyes flicking back and forth as he reads the page I had bookmarked. “Oh my god! ‘Does that tight pussy hurt when my fat cock stretches it out like this?’ Wow…”
His dark eyes meet yours and you squeeze them shut out of embarrassment, hiding your face with your hands.
”You like that shit, huh?” You can hear the amusement in his voice as steps forward, throwing the book down on the window seat. You want the ground to swallow you up when you feel him staring down at you.
You huff, removing your hands from your face. “Loads of people do, it’s just a book.”
“I mean, do you like that stuff? Guys talking to you like that in bed? Asking you if it hurts when they stretch you out on their cock?”
You laugh, he’s joking right? You look up at him and your mouth goes dry when you see his dark eyes, pupils blown wide with lust.
”I don’t know,” you shrug. “I haven’t been with anyone for a couple of years, I don’t really have the time.”
Noah looks taken aback at your words and his lips turn up into a smirk. “A pretty girl like you? Surely you have guys begging for a chance in every state we visit.”
You chortle, crossing your arms. “Unlike most guys, I don’t need sex.”
He scoffs, picking the book back up. “So you just read this casually?”
”Most of the time.”
”And the rest of the time?”
The hot flush returns to your cheeks, reaching the tips of your ears. “That’s none of your business.”
He starts to flick through the pages again, humming as he reads. “Can I take a guess?”
You roll your eyes. “Whatever, go ahead.” You throw yourself down onto the bed, sitting against the headboard as he paces, reading.
“I think you like this Corvin guy most, I can imagine you getting all hot and bothered when you read his parts and you can’t help but find yourself fingerfucking yourself in your bunk when everyone is asleep.” His head tilts when he stops to look at you, his eyes searching for the telltale signs of your arousal, grinning when he sees your thighs clench together. “Am I correct?”
You shake your head in disbelief. What’s his game and why is he trying to get under your skin over some book. Your underwear feels damp from the wetness that is pooling at your core from his words and you have to stop yourself from lunging at him, to either punch him or kiss him…you’re unsure which one would be more satisfying.
”C’mon Y/N, tell me.” He sits next to you, pointing at a section where the main character is riding Corvin. “Is this what you get off to?”
You feel all too hot and bothered with him sitting next to you with his shirt off, tattooed skin taunting you as he tries to coerce the secrets of your alone time out of you.
”If I wasn’t in here right now is that what you’d be doing? Getting off over your little dark romance book?”
”What’s your deal Noah? Why do you want to know about all this?” You sit up straighter and he lounges back, eyeing you humorously.
He shrugs. “It’s just cute that you read this horny stuff. I never took you as the type to get riled up by it, is all.”
”You’d be surprised.” You mumble and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
”You read worse?”
”Oh shut up, Noah. It’s just dumb fiction, why are we even still talking about this?”
He turns to his side, propping himself up on his elbow, eyes burning into the side of your head. “Because I can tell how hot and bothered you are right now and it’s kind of sexy, I must admit.”
You gulp at his words, staring straight ahead in a conscious effort not to look at him or all of your resolve might falter.
”So tell me, were you so pissed about having to share this room because you wanted some special alone time tonight with your little smut novel?”
You can feel his smirk and the tension in the room thickens, turning into a storm cloud of lust.
”You can still do it, you know.”
Your eyes finally dart to his smug face and your eyebrows furrow. “What?”
He shrugs casually. “You can still get yourself off, I could read to you if you want?”
Your swallow thickly, your core throbbing at his words. “No, that’s weird.”
Noah chuckles. “Masturbation isn’t we-“
”I fucking know that! What’s weird is you’re my boss and you’re offering to read to me while I make myself cum. Do you hear yourself?”
You can’t lie to yourself, the offer is almost too tempting. It’s not fair that the most attractive man you know is basically offering to help you get your rocks off but he hates you right? He’s always so moody and weird around you. Why is he being like this?
He sits up, scooting closer so your shoulders are touching and he leans close to your ear, his breath tickling the skin of your cheek. “Or I could tell you every wicked little fantasy I’ve had about you since you waltzed into the studio with Matt all those years back.’
Your eyebrows raise and you turn to him, his mouth just inches from yours. “You fantasise about me?”
He laughs, a smug sound that makes you want to punch him. “Oh yeah, my favourite is the one where I get to bend you over and rip apart those fishnets you love to wear, the ones with the lace flowers on.” His eyes darken as he reminisces over the lewd thoughts and your mind wanders.
How would it feel to have his hands all over you, tearing away those expensive tights that you adore? How would it feel to have him buried to the hilt inside you as he pushes your head into whatever surface he can find? Fuck its all too much.
”Noah, we shouldn’t talk about this stuff.” You try to reason with yourself but your resolve quickly disappears when his long inked finger trails up the bare skin of your thigh, stopping at the hem of your silky black pyjama shorts.
“Why? We’re both adults.” He smiles almost innocently.
”Because you don’t like me.”
He huffs out a laugh. “Since when? Didn’t I just tell you that I literally think about how I want to bend you over?”
You roll your eyes. “You literally talk to me like shit the majority of the time.”
”I like watching you squirm.” His smile is cocky and it only sends more electricity to your core because he’s right, he does make you squirm and you like it too.
A lust filled silence lingers in the air as he stares into your eyes, a smirk plastered on his lips.
”So do you still want to get yourself off, I’d love to watch.” He cocks an eyebrow and there it is, the last of your resolve leaving out the window.
He’s like a kid in a candy shop when he sits up, watching you lie down on the bed. Your heart hammers in your chest as you close your eyes, trying to pretend he isn’t there. You slide the silk shorts down your legs, leaving the black lace thong on and your hand travels over the soft fabric, running over the damp patch that is only getting bigger.
You gasp when you slide your hand between the fabric, fingers slipping between your slick folds, easily finding the sensitive bundle of nerves that's been begging to be touched since you walked out of the bathroom to find Noah sprawled out shirtless on the bed. Oh how you wanted to just climb on top of him, to sink down on his cock like you owned him.
A quiet whimper escapes your lips when you circle your clit, slowly teasing yourself to the images of Noah’s cock buried deep inside your cunt. You feel him shift next to you to get a better look at your movements, how your fingers move under the dark lace of your panties. You hear him take a shaky breath and it sends shockwaves to your sensitive core.
“Does that feel good?” His voice is deep, coarse in your ear and you whine out a confirmation, moving your fingers faster over your clit. “God, you don’t know how good you sound. Do you like it when I talk to you?”
”Y-yes.” You sigh and he chuckles.
”Such a good girl.” He whispers, breath tickling your ear. “Do you want me to tell you what to do, huh? Do you want to be good for me and remove your underwear so I can see how you touch that pretty little pussy? God, I bet it’s so perfect.”
You whimper, using your spare hand to push the lace down your thighs, kicking them off as you toy with yourself. Noah leans forward, a hand landing on your thigh to pull your legs further apart and a feral groan leaves his throat when you spread yourself open for him to see just how wet you are, fingers covered in wet slick.
”Oh fuck, you look so good sweetheart. Show me how you bury those pretty fingers in there.”
You push two fingers into your core, the wet sound reaching your ears. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life. You hear Noah’s breathing quicken as he watches you fuck yourself with your fingers, soft moans leaving your bitten lips.
”Doing so fucking well for me.” The praise feels like heaven when it meets your ears and you speed up, curling your fingers upwards. “Fuck, what I would do to bury my own fingers inside you.”
”Please.” You whine, opening your eyes to look at him, your breath coming out in pants when his lust blown eyes meet yours.
“Please what?” He smirks, tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear as you find your clit again, rubbing your soaked fingers over the sensitive bud.
“I need your fingers inside me, please.” You’re so fucking needy and you can tell how much he gets off on it by how his smirk grows into a cruel grin and he holds his fingers against your plump lips.
”Are you gonna suck them for me? Get them nice and wet like the good little slut you are?” Your eyes roll back at his words and he gasps when your tongue swirls around the calloused pads of his fingers, soaking them with your saliva.
He pushes two long fingers into your warm mouth and you hollow your cheeks around them, staring up at him with innocent eyes that make his aching cock strain against his shorts. He pulls his fingers out with a pop and trails them down the valley of your clothed chest, down your navel to where your own fingers are still toying with your clit. Your eyes follow and your hand moves, giving him full access to where you need him most.
”You gonna watch me fuck you with my fingers huh?” He smiles sweetly, sliding his fingers up and down your drenched folds teasingly.
You nod, leaning up on your elbows to watch his slender fingers disappear between your folds, rubbing tight circles around your clit and you gasp his name, your mouth falling open at the immense pleasure. He chuckles, sliding them to your entrance to gather the wetness that pools there, moving back to your clit to play with it all too slowly.
”Please Noah.” You whine and he tuts.
”Be patient, I’ll get there. I want a better look.”
He moves to lie between your legs, pushing your legs further apart to get a good look at your glistening cunt. You can feel his breath hot against you and you could just cum right there without him even touching you, especially with how he looks up at you through those long lashes, eyes black and predatory like he wants to eat you whole.
“You’ve got such a perfect pussy, fuck.” He groans, pushes his long middle finger in, the dark ink disappearing inch by inch inside your cunt and you moan louder than expected, your hand flying to your mouth to keep yourself quiet. “Fuck, it feels so good, so soft.”
A second finger joins the first and he slowly curls them, finding that spot that leaves you seeing stars, your eyes rolling back, your head lolling back on your shoulders. His spare hand grips your inner thigh with a bruising hold and you're sure there will be bruises there tomorrow but you don’t mind, it feels like heaven.
”My mouth is so close to your pussy I can practically taste you.” He growls and your hips buck, pushing his fingers even deeper inside you. He chuckles darkly. “Do you want me to taste you?”
You sob, nodding enthusiastically.
”Use your words, pretty girl.” He hums, kissing your pelvic bone.
”Please taste me.”
He hums, his hot tongue dragging over your folds before his lips close around your clit, leaving you gobsmacked from how fucking good his tongue feels against you with his fingers fucking into you.
You’re close, you can feel that tightness building in your lower abdomen, so fucking close. His fingers curl faster, his tongue lapping over your clit like you’re the last water source on Earth and you’re falling. Your legs shake, a feral groan leaving your lips as your orgasm rips through your body like a fucking tornado. His fingers only move faster as his lips leave your sensitive clit and you're tipping over the edge again just as quickly, gushing around his fingers and the bed sheets below.
”Fuck, good girl!” He grins, lapping your sweet nectar from your thighs. “Think you’ve got another?”
You have no time to protest, he rises to slide between your thighs, fingers still buried deep inside your cunt as he stares down at you, curling them fast exactly where he knows he can drag another orgasm from you. His free hand covers your mouth when you cum again, screaming into his palm, soaking the front of his shorts where his leaking cock strains against them.
”Good fucking girl, well done!” He kisses your forehead, pulling his drenched hand away from your sensitive core to suck his fingers clean.
You stare at him in bewilderment when he smiles down at you. You’re in shock at how much you just came for a man you thought hated you half an hour ago.
”I think I need to catch you reading more.” He chuckles.
”Shut the fuck up.” You roll your eyes, pulling him into a searing kiss.
“So you two didn’t kill each other last night?” Matt smirks when you make your way downstairs in the morning, wearing one of Noah’s shirts with him freshly showered following behind you.
Folio storms past, looking a little worse for wear. “I would’ve preferred it if they did, I need to bleach my ears.” He groans, pouring himself a mug of coffee.
You blush bright red, throwing a grape at the drummer and Noah wraps his arms around your torso, pulling you into his lap.
”Guess my plan worked then.” Matt chuckles, popping a grape in his mouth with a grin.
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swirlingthings · 8 months
so… i accidentally wrote an entire scene based off an idea i posted on here about a month ago. it brought itself into existence honestly, i’m still not sure how it happened. never written anything like this before. it’s called ‘alien thing’. see if you can work it out before aziraphale does. enjoy :)
And perhaps, after a while, the team at the Saddlescombe and Poynings Observer newspaper office would be alarmed to discover that the crossword they had devised for today’s edition had mysteriously been replaced by one that nobody recalled sending to the printing press, or indeed seeing before at all. And in a cottage not too far away, Aziraphale would settle down into the sofa with the paper like he always did at this time of the afternoon; his slice of cake (Victoria Sponge today - “you can’t go wrong with a classic like that”, he’d told Crowley in the supermarket), his mug of tea and an HB pencil ready for him on the side table. And Crowley, on the sofa next to him holding a small book which had been miracled into existence the moment Aziraphale had gotten up to fetch the newspaper, would be so intent on doing everything possible to not look in the angel’s direction that he’d stare too hard at the potted plant across the room and cause it to wilt.
“How odd.” Aziraphale says, ruffling the page slightly as if he were testing to see if moving it would somehow change the way it was printed.
“What?” Crowley says, calmly. He was incredibly calm when he said this, calmly.
“This crossword.” Aziraphale replies, brow furrowing. “I think… look, look at this.”
Aziraphale shuffles across to the middle of the sofa, holding his arm out in front of Crowley so that he could see the newspaper clearly.
“Look. Here.” Aziraphale points with his pencil. “5 Down, six letters: ‘Luminescent dust between star systems’. I think it’s NEBULA.”
“Sounds plausible.” says Crowley, his eyes not moving away from the paper.
“Well, that’s not all. NEBULA gives us the ‘B’ for 12 Across, eight letters: ‘Parisian fortress’, which must be BASTILLE.” The pencil moves down and waves around a clue, then shoots back up again. “And the ‘E’ from that gives us SERPENT for 10 Down! Isn’t that funny?” Aziraphale says brightly. He looks up and beams at Crowley, who is still staring directly at the paper.
“Why’s that funny?”
“Well…” says the angel, his smile turning peaceful. “I don’t know. It just made me think of you, I suppose. What with your being a serpent in Eden, and rescuing me from the Bastille. And the nebulas, from Before…” Aziraphale laughs softly and settles back on his side of the sofa. “I don’t know. I’m being silly. I just thought it was funny.” he says, running a hand through his hair and picking up his mug.
And perhaps the minutes would pass, and Aziraphale would think between sips of tea and scribbles of pencil that there really was something rather odd about this crossword, wasn’t there? 17 Down, eight letters: ‘Machine run by rotating vanes’. WINDMILL. That was the name of the theatre in Soho where he had performed his magic show. Crowley had almost shot him. They’d had wine afterwards, in the bookshop. 2 Across, seven letters: ‘Remarkable and unbelievable occurrence’. That had to be MIRACLE. 21 Across, five letters: ‘Japanese vinegared rice dish’. SUSHI. His favourite.
And Crowley would sit excruciatingly still, in absolute silence, and make no attempt to actually read the book he was holding open in his lap. He would be far too busy trying to look cool.
“Crowley…” Aziraphale looks up at him, after a while, another smile creeping across his face. “26 Across is INEFFABLE.”
“Oh? You stuck?” Crowley says, stretching out his legs and keeping his gaze fixed on a page of the book. Wait… was he holding it upside down?
“Well, if it’s ineffable you can’t describe it in words, can you? So you don’t have the answer?” Crowley slithers down the sofa cushion and holds the book in front of his face. He’s a very busy demon with important things to be busy with. “Finding the word’s the whole point of a crossword. You must be stuck.”
“No, I mean the answer is INEFFABLE, Crowley.” Aziraphale’s smile spreads wider. “You know full well what I mean!” he said, nudging him sharply with his feet. Another “Oh?” emanates from somewhere behind the book, which Aziraphale grabs and puts to one side.
“What on Earth have you done?” he laughs, his eyes first on Crowley then returning to the paper. “14 Down: ‘A small settlement without a church’... HAMLET! Oh Crowley, the play!” he says, jotting it down with the pencil.
Crowley smiles too. “How are you doing on the letters?”
“Yes, it’s six letters, HAMLET.”
“No, I mean the letters in bold. In the boxes. For the final bit.”
Aziraphale looks back at the paper, and notices that around a few of the letters he had already pencilled in, the margins of the boxes were heavier than the rest.
“It’s a puzzle thing. What’s it called… an anagram.” Crowley continues, leaning over on one arm and turning to face him. “Look at the letters in bold and it makes something else.”
Aziraphale gasps excitedly, and starts to note down the emphasised letters in a patch of empty space towards the bottom of the page. The ‘A’ from BASTILLE, the ‘E’ from SERPENT, the ‘L’ from NEBULA…
“Crowley…” he says smugly, and proudly folds the paper to his chest to indicate he is finished with it. “Is it AZIRAPHALE?”
“Don’t just guess. Work it out.” Crowley says gently. Aziraphale’s pencil resumes its scratching against the paper. He wonders how he ever lived in his flat in Mayfair, void of this softness and this warmth and this angel. They’ve been in the cottage now for a good few years. It’s all the things he loved about Aziraphale’s bookshop, with the added bonus of never worrying if he’s overstayed his welcome. It’s theirs, together, completely. He’s forgotten he was ever holding a book, let alone supposed to be busy doing something else, like trying to look cool.
“Oh, no, there’s the N from WINDMILL.” Aziraphale mutters, leaning forward to write on the paper which is now resting neatly on his knees. “Unless… I was wrong about that one?”
“Don’t look at me, I’m saying nothing.”
“No, I’m not wrong. Hold on.”
Crowley sits up a bit more, putting his elbow on the back of the sofa cushion and leaning the side of his head against his hand. He listened to Aziraphale continuing on - “I’ve got ALIEN. Hmm, wait…” - while he curled up his legs underneath himself. His nerves had eased slightly (Aziraphale’s smile had that effect on him) but had not dissipated.
“INHALE? No, no, there’s two ‘I’s. Oh, I’m still missing some!” Aziraphale says. There was another comfortable pause while he scanned the remaining clues.
“Right. 6 Across must be… PEAR. I love pears. That one doesn’t get us any further with the anagram, though.” Aziraphale says, looking over at Crowley as if he were learning this for the first time and might be disappointed by the news. As if he hadn’t snuck downstairs in the middle of the night on three separate occasions last week to draft every detail in a notebook which promptly ceased to exist once he’d finalised his plan. He’d sent off the miracle at one in the morning.
“16 Across, ten letters: ‘Destruction of civilisation’. Well, that’s rather dramatic.” Aziraphale looks up, a tad disapprovingly. “APOCALYPSE? No, that doesn’t fit with HALO - the penultimate letter must... oh, ARMAGEDDON! Of course. Wonderful! That gives us a second ‘N’.” he says triumphantly.
“Aren’t you clever.” Crowley says, which earns him another sharp nudge in the thigh.
“And then we have the ‘G’ from GARDEN, which gives us… the ‘T’, from BENTLEY. Is it definitely not ALIEN, then? I’ve got ALIEN THING.”
“No, angel, it’s not ALIEN THING. Stop guessing. You’re still missing some, look at it carefully.”
There’s another patch of silence. Crowley shifts uncomfortably on the cushion, unfurling his legs and stretching them out over the edge of the sofa again. He scratches the back of his head and resumes staring at the now fully wilted plant opposite him. His nerves are back. Not long to go now. Aziraphale’s clever, really clever, and he does one of these things every aftern-
As if on cue, the angel suddenly sits bolt upright.
The silence hangs in the air. Questions like ‘Why did I think this was a good idea?’ and ‘How am I going to pretend this never happened?’ start to creep into Crowley’s brain. His face feels hot.
“Oh, Crowley…” Aziraphale says, with almost palpable softness. Crowley dares to glance over: Aziraphale’s holding the paper with both hands and looking down at it, eyes beginning to water.
“Crowley…” he says again, frantically scanning every inch of the paper. He wants to be sure he’s right before he says anything. Crowley knows he will be, and briefly considers whether he could get away with stopping time, but it’s too late for that now.
Aziraphale looks up at him.
“Is it?” Crowley says, in a tone which he hoped sounded like he actually was learning this for the first time.
“Oh Crowley!”
He suddenly finds himself pressed against various layers of linen and wool.
“You sweetheart!” Aziraphale squeals, as he pulls him up from the sofa cushion and into the hug.
Crowley’s growl is muffled slightly by Aziraphale’s shoulder. “I’m not sweet, I-” Whatever he tried to say next would surely be drowned out by Aziraphale’s laughter anyway, so he lets it go.
“You’re so clever.” Azirpahale says, settling himself directly beside Crowley and reaching for the paper, which he had flung to the floor when he’d moved. He looks over it again. “It must have taken forever, to work out all of that.”
“Nah. It was nothing, angel.”
Aziraphale smiles at the paper. “Well, I am thoroughly impressed. I…” He turns to look Crowley in the eyes. “I should have worked it out sooner than that. I didn’t… I didn’t realise that’s what you were trying to say. That that was the point of it, I mean.”
“Don’t worry. I knew you’d get them all.”
“That was very romantic of you, you know. To do all of that and have it be about us.”
“Shut up.”
“Well, it was.” Aziraphale smugly folds the paper in half. “I love you too.”
“Yeah, yeah, alright. Make my day.”
He gets a kiss on the cheek for that.
“Gosh, I expect the rest of my tea has gone a bit cold now.” Aziraphale says, without any trace of complaint. He wiggles back over to his side of the sofa and has a forkful of cake. “Well, that was exciting. I didn’t know they let people submit their own crosswords.”
There was a pause.
“It’ll be fine.”
“Oh Crowley no, that’s awful. You should have asked for their permission.”
“Don’t worry.” He smiles at Aziraphale. “They won’t notice.”
the end :))
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Work Wife
Bucky x reader 
Some angst, past crappy relationship with cheating but Bucky is a sweet baby and makes it all better. Lots and lots of fluff
“See you soon doll” Bucky pecked a kiss onto your head before making his way out to a new job he had taken up at a small bookstore. He’d taken a few months off of missions, needing a break from it all and the store that wasn’t too far from the compound was perfect. 
You smiled watching him run off, not wanting to be late. It warmed you seeing how happy he was, it had only been a couple of weeks and he was glowing. 
He clearly loved it. 
Every day he’d come back, excited to tell you about how his day went; the new book he read, how his coworker, Rosa, introduced him to a new coffee, the puppy that visited the store, the new café he went to with Rosa, how to processed an online order for the first time, how Rosa walked him through the whole thing. 
You were curled up in bed with Bucky, your head on his chest while he cuddled you close, telling you about the most recent events that took place that afternoon (which of course, included Rosa). He laughed about how the owner of the store, Dave, told them to stop flirting so much, it was going to make the other customers sick. 
“Almost followed her home today, she made these almond cookies that were so good, I wanted to bring you some but Dave finished them” 
You hummed, shaking off the tiny inkling of insecurity and jealously that had started to crawl up your spine. You were over thinking. It was nothing. Rosa was a coworker.
Bucky would never cheat. 
He loved you. 
“Come visit soon?” He whispered, before kissing your forehead and turning the lamp off so you could both fall asleep. 
“I will” You kissed his chest, biting your lip, wondering if it was a good idea. You had been meaning to visit for ages but missions and recovery had taken up your time. Now you feared actually seeing everything in person would make everything too real. 
You didn’t know if you could go through that again. 
“Sounds like you have a work wife” Tony snorted, over hearing bits and pieces of Bucky’s day at the book store while you both sat at the kitchen island, eating dinner. 
“A work wife?” Bucky looked confused, having never heard the term before, he was already on the struggle bus trying to find the courage to make you his wife, what was this additional fuckery. 
“Y’know, like a close bond you have with someone at work and it almost feels like you’re married to them cause you get each other and there’s some banter and bickering in there. Like a wife”
Bucky nodded, it made sense. His relationship with Rosa was sort of like what Tony was describing and he certainly felt a deeper connection with her than just someone else he worked with. 
“Pepper says Nat is my work wife but Nat said Steve is her work husband, Cap still doesn’t understand the concept, so we’re all in a bit of an entanglement until further notice” 
Your heart started to hammer in your chest. You knew they were all just joking and you kept reminding yourself that Bucky would never, never cheat but...
That’s also what you thought in your last relationship. 
When he said they were just co-workers. 
When he literally introduced you to her as his work wife.
She was in every single one of his stories. 
His day wasn’t complete unless she was in it. 
You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but surely being a work wife didn’t entail sending each other nudes. 
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm yourself down before you got ahead of yourself, Bucky was different. 
“So...” You fidgeted with your fingers, watching Bucky get ready for work, letting your curiosity get the best of you. “Whats-whats Rosa like?”
“She’s super sweet. We have a lot in common, its incredible. I don’t think I’ve had that type of connection in a long time. She’s caring, she listens, more patient than I am, that’s for sure” Bucky snorted to himself, embarrassed over the number of time’s he had asked her to help him go over the system they used for returns. She didn’t mind, showing him again, every single time. 
“Oh” You felt your heart sink, you didn’t know what answer you were expecting from him but his words felt like salt rubbed on a wound. You didn’t want to dump your insecurities onto him, it wasn’t fair when he hadn’t done anything wrong. He gave you a kiss good bye as always before heading out the door. 
It was getting late. Bucky was never late. You couldn't fall asleep, your stomach churning at the number of reasons he could be late but nothing brought you comfort. 
“You’re still up?” Bucky had walked in quietly, expecting you to be asleep but you were up, reading a book, still waiting for him. “Sorry baby, I got caught up with Rosa, I lost track of time. She really is like my work wife” He strode over to the closer to change out of his clothes, not seeing the tears that had welled in your eyes. 
That did it. You couldn't swallow the lump in your throat or mask the sniffles that escaped you. You tried to bite your lips shut but you couldn’t hide the tiny whimpers that slipped through.  
“Doll?” Bucky frowned when he heard your soft cries, rushing out to come by your side, his heart racing when he saw how distraught you looked. “Babygirl what’s wrong”
“It’s-it’s nothing, it has nothing to do with you” You shook your head, not wanting to go into the way you had trusted your past boyfriends so much, only to end up hurt every single time. You were practically watching history repeat itself and you hated it. 
“Babygirl, talk to me, please” Bucky pulled you into his lap, doing his best to soothe you but it didn’t seem to work. 
“W-would-would you ever-ch-cheat on m-me?” You hiccupped between sobs. 
“Never doll, I’d never do anything to hurt you baby, you’re it for me. No one else comes close to you. Where’s all this coming from sweet heart” 
You sucked in a breath, your body feeling hot, almost embarrassed to tell Bucky about your past relationship but he had to know. You told him about how your ex endlessly spoke about his coworker and how amazing she was. It started off fine. Then he started coming home late. He gave her that glorious title. Then he tripped and put his dick in her. 
“You-you said work wife, I guess it just reminded me about him” You shrugged, “I know you like working with her a lot, Its just hard because I trusted him when he said there was nothing between them” 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that baby” Bucky wrapped his arms tightly around you, peppering kisses onto your face. “I promise you it’s nothing like that with Rosa” He could tell by your face you were not convinced even though you were trying hard to believe him. You nodded against his chest, closing your eyes, hoping sleep would help you feel better. 
“I think you should me et her” Bucky smiled softly while you blinked up at him, his sweet hopefully eyes looking down at you. “Please?” 
You gripped Bucky’s hand tightly as he walked with you down the sidewalk, your heart racing while his was jumping with excitement. The bell jingled as he opened the door, the soft scent of books immediately evading your senses, calming you slightly. Soft music from the 40′s played in the background on an old record player. 
“Rosa!” Bucky called out, grinning when he heard the tiny footsteps rustling between the rack. 
“James! It’s your day off darling” A tiny old lady popped her head from around the bookshelf; she was wearing a soft pink cardigan, her grey hair tucked in a bun and thin gold framed glasses perched on top of her head. She was half Bucky’s height, standing on her toes to pinch on of his cheeks before looking at you with bright eyes. She was adorable. 
“Rosa, this is my girlfriend, y/n” 
“Oh! I see why you call her a doll, what a sweet heart” She didn’t hesitate to pull you down for a hug, cupping your face gently in her soft hands “He talks about you so much darling” 
“Y/n, this is my work wife, Rosa” You felt your cheeks heat up while Bucky smiled bashfully, excited you finally got to meet the people and see the place that brought him so much happiness. 
It all made sense now. 
Of course she understood him well. Of course he felt happy here. They reminded him of all the things he had missed out on. When he was with them, he felt like he had a small piece of his old self back. 
“What are you doing here Barnes” Dave snorted, shaking his head “Here to flirt with my wife again?” An older gentlemen made his way over, cane in hand, dressed handsomely, nudging his wife playfully. “I hired you to work here, not flirt with the punks that come in here” 
“We’ve been married 60 years, he still insists we’re just colleagues” She shook her head, elbowing his side while Bucky chuckled, enjoying the typical banter between the two, something he hoped he’d have with you one day. 
“When you’re on the clock you work for me” Dave shrugged, giving her a gentle kiss before sitting down and sorting a pile of books. “Shouldn’t have hired this one to work here, he’s been distracting you” 
“Can you blame me, look at how handsome he is” Rose threw him a wink before helping her husband while Bucky blushed beside you, walking you through the store. “Handsome little devil” 
“He’s a little shit” 
“They won’t let me call them Mr. or Mrs or Sir or Mam” Bucky shook his head, thinking back to the utter struggle her had the first week, getting bonked with Dave’s cane every time he slipped up. 
“Don’t age me, I’m younger than you, if anything I should be addressing you as Sir, Sergeant. You were already in your 20′s when I was born” 
“They’re so sweet” You giggled, squeaking when Bucky tugged you to the back of the store. 
“They are” Bucky hummed, wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you closer “I-I want that with you some day doll” He whispered, nervous with what he was hinting at. 
“and what’s that my handsome devil?” You stood on your toes, kissing his lips sweetly, your heart fluttering while he rested his forehead on yours. 
“Be happy with you, love you, grow old with you” 
“I want that with you James”  You could feel your eyes sting a little, snuggling into his chest, nothing would have made you happier than getting to spend the rest of your life with your soldier. 
“Propose to her already!” 
“Shut up and let the boy be” 
Bucky chuckled, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at you, giving you a few more kisses before spending the rest of the afternoon, cuddled up with you on the couch with some coffee, books, and his mind planning how he wanted to ask you to marry him. 
(and eventually he does propose to you. At that very bookstore. Dave and Rosa are 100% at the wedding. They’re more excited than anyone else that their son is getting married because Bucky is like their baby now. Your babies call them grandma and grandpa. Bucky still teasingly calls her his wife and she blushes like a little girl every single time)
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lustspren · 1 year
Queen of Hearts ft Jihyo, Dahyun
length: 13k words✦
Jihyo, Dahyun & Male Reader. 
genres: dom! Jihyo, sub! Dahyun, threesome, blowjob, lesbian, oral sex, dirty talk, titjob, voyeur, creampie, slight fluff, slight squirt, ✧ 
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For a reserved and shy person, college, as well as high school, could be either a normal experience, or hell on earth itself. Fortunately for you, the second case never came to pass. Not because of you, nor because of how the society on campus behaved towards you, but because of a person who was with you from the first moment you met her, and who had never let you down even until now, when you were already in the room. semester of your degree.
Kim Dahyun was sitting next to you at the desk, her hair in a messy bun and her glasses on as she wrote notes in her notebook. You had an important exam in two weeks, and you were doing your best to find the best methods, and find the best possible way to retain as much information as possible. You had an open book of Theoretical History of Urbanism, and you were helping her to highlight the most important points.
You had installed a fully adjustable and customizable LED lighting system in the bedroom, it was at a dim level, fulfilling the perfect level of relaxation and concentration that you needed. The light that you lacked to read was complemented by a table lamp with a flexible arm, which pointed directly towards your hands.
The conversation was not something recurring during your study sessions, only for specific things, but you really valued that a lot. You weren't exactly good at socializing, you lacked charisma, eloquence, and conversational skills, but with Dahyun that was never a problem. She would always get you out of trouble when you tried to talk, she would bring up topics for you to talk about, she would make you feel comfortable, and most importantly, she would never pressure you to behave in a way that you weren't. She appreciated you and cared for you, just the way you were.
You rarely questioned yourself, but with her you could never understand if what you felt was pure and simple brotherly love, or if it was something more. A lot of times she was a little of one thing, and a lot of times a little of the other, but they both had one thing in common: she was by far your favorite person. You couldn't feel safe with anyone but her, and when you didn't have her close to you, you didn't feel complete.
"I think we can stop for now..." Dahyun said quietly, not breaking the calm atmosphere you were in, "Do you want me to prepare something to eat?" She put the pencil to the side of the notebook and looked at you.
"I don't know, are you hungry?" you asked, your eyes still on the book as you looked at the illustrations.
"Pretty much, yes," she sighed, "I'll make ramyeon."
"Uh... do you need help?" You looked up to meet her eyes for a second, but instantly lowered them to look elsewhere. Eye contact made you extremely nervous, making it impossible for you to look someone in the eye for more than 5 seconds.
"No, silly," she smiled, ruffling your hair, "just come with me, I don't want to be alone in the kitchen," you just nodded.
You and Dahyun were roommates from a few months after you met in college. It was a nice, cozy, medium-sized apartment that was about 10 minutes by bus from the university. It belonged to Dahyun's aunt, but she had let her use it since she was moving to China for work. At the time you were looking for a small apartment to rent, but Dahyun was a bit pushy with you, and you really weren't too sure even when you accepted the proposal, but to this day you had absolutely no regrets.
Coexistence was perfect in all aspects, she respected your personal spaces and you respected hers, and despite the fact that you shared a bedroom, there was never a single argument or awkward moment between the two of you.
You went out and into the kitchen, and Dahyun turned on the light while you sat on a stool with your phone in hand. She opened one of the cupboards next to the oven and took out two bowls of instant ramyeon to set on the worktop. She then took out a small pot, filled it with water and put it on one of the burners to wait for it to boil.
"Are you... nervous about the exam?" she asked, leaning back against the worktop.
"A little..." you replied, scrolling down to twitter on your phone.
"Why? You haven't failed at anything so far, you're an excellent student!"
"I've passed everything with the bare minimum," you sighed.
"But you've been passing, haven't you?" she giggled nervously, "it's the important thing."
"I know... but I'm always afraid of failing, I don't like it," she took a few steps forward and gently pinched your cheek.
"Hey, everything's going to be alright, okay?" She said in a low, reassuring voice, "You know I've got your back, besides, we're in this together, literally."
You looked up to see her for a moment, and not knowing what to say, you just gave her a small smile when you returned your eyes to the screen of your phone. She stood there for a few more seconds, you noticed that she wanted to say something, but she finally turned around and went back to look at the pot.
It took about two minutes for the water to boil. Dahyun turned off the heat, then opened the two bowls of ramyeon, took out the seasoning packets, and poured the water into both. She then opened the envelopes one by one, and poured the contents onto the ramyeon. She opened a drawer to her left, took out two stainless steel chopsticks and set them to the side of the bowls, then covered them. It took an additional five minutes or so for the ramyeon to be done.
"There you go..." Dahyun said, setting down your bowl of ramyeon on the counter in front of you, with the two chopsticks inside, "bon appetit!"
"Thank you," you nodded, placing the phone on your lap and reaching for the chopsticks to stir the noodles.
The next few minutes were as silent as ever as you ate any meal at any time. Dahyun knew that you didn't like to talk while eating, and she was completely silent at all times. This would have continued to be the case, had it not been for an unexpected notification from her that arrived on her phone. You weren't going to pay attention at first since what she did with her phone was none of your business, but seeing her read the text she just received so attentively and seriously piqued your curiosity. You looked sideways as she wrote, and then saw her face for a second as you lifted some noodles to your mouth.
"Something happens?" you asked while chewing, but covering your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Wait..." she mumbled, still typing for a few more seconds, "Okay," she put the phone down and turned to face you, "Do you want to go to a party?"
"What? No, you know I don't," you answered convincingly, before going back to eat some of your noodles.
"It's just, ugh," she settled into the chair and moved her closer to you, "It's not a party, it's more of a…" she thought for a moment, "a private meeting."
"Whatever it is, I don't want to go," you said again, completely sure and firm in your position.
"It's a good friend of mine's birthday," Dahyun said in a low, listless voice, as if she was resigned that you weren't going to give in no matter how hard she tried, "I've known her since we were kids!
"Then why don't you go by yourself?" you asked, eyes on the noodles. You wanted water, they were a bit spicy.
"You're my… best friend," Dahyun said that with some difficulty on each syllable, "I really want you to meet her, and well, I'd be so excited if you went with me."
"Dahyun…" you dropped the chopsticks, and clasped your hands in your lap to give her your attention, "I… it's not my vibe, really," you shook your head, "I don't feel comfortable around people who I don't know."
"I wouldn't part with you at any time, you know that right?" She placed her hand on your wrist, and you watched her press her fingers lightly around it, "Besides, I wouldn't make you go somewhere I know you'd hate."
"You don't even know how everything will be."
"I know Jihyo, the craziest thing I've ever seen her do is drink straight from a vodka bottle."
"Does that seem little to you?"
"Compared to what other girls her age do, yes," she shrugged.
"I… I don't know, Dahyun," you started breathing slightly faster, you were getting anxious.
"Hey, hey," she cupped your face with both hands and made you look straight into her eyes, longer than you were used to, "Do you trust me?"
"I-I..." you tried to take your gaze away from her, but she kept fixing your eyes on hers.
"Just answer me, please..." the soft touch of her hands and her sweet voice made you gradually relax, to the point where your breathing returned to normal.
"Yes… I do, more than anyone," you replied, now taking a deep breath as you concentrated on holding her gaze.
"Then you know I'll do everything I can to make you feel good," she stroked her thumbs over your cheeks, "and we can leave whenever you want if that's not the case."
"Whenever I want?"
"Yes, I promise," she nodded, and then you noticed that she stared at your lips for a few seconds before returning her gaze to your eyes.
"I…" you sighed, thinking hard about your answer, "alright, I'll go," you nodded.
"Really?!" she squealed excitedly with a beaming smile on her face, letting go of your face to jerk to her feet, "Ahhhh! Thank you thank you thank you!" She lunged at you and nearly knocked you off your stool, wrapped her arms around your neck, and pulled you into a tight hug. You froze completely for a moment, and seconds later you wrapped your arms around her torso to return the hug.
"Yeah, yeah… it's okay," you said quietly, cheek resting against her chest, "And when is it?"
"In an hour."
"What?!" you never raised your voice, but there were small exceptions. Dahyun broke away from you, and sat back down in her chair.
"Yeah, sorry," she laughed a bit nervously, "she told me at the last minute."
"God, Kim Dahyun..." you put two fingers to your septum, closed your eyes, and sighed.
"It's okay if we're a little late, don't stress," she reached her hand up to your forehead and poked you with her middle finger, "come on, finish your meal."
You wanted to say something else, but you decided to shut up and save energy for the tremendously long night that was ahead of you. You and her finished your ramyeon bowls in no time, and as soon as you did, you left the chopsticks in the dishwasher and discarded the bowls.
"Are you going to shower first or...?" Dahyun asked.
"No, you go first, don't worry," you nodded toward the hallway.
"Very good, but go planning what you are going to wear, okay?"
"I'll try," you sighed.
What the hell were you going to wear? The reality was that you never frequented places or meetings of this type, so the simple fact of dressing for the occasion was already complicated enough for you. You stayed sitting on the edge of your bed, analyzing the best options. You lost track of time, so it was a good few minutes before Dahyun walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her milky body.
"Uhm, what are you supposed to be doing?" she asked, standing next to you and looking where you were looking.
"I don’t know what to wear."
"Oh come on," she crouched down carefully, placing a hand on her chest to keep the towel from falling off, "just put those shoes on, with those pants, and that cute sweater you always wear."
"The blue one?"
"The blue one," she nodded.
"Okay, I'm sorry," you sighed, "It's just… you know."
"Yeah, I know, you don't have to apologize silly," she stood up again and squeezed your cheek with two fingers, "Now cover your eyes, please."
You fell back on the bed, grabbed a nearby T-shirt and pulled it over your face to completely block your vision. You waited patiently for a few minutes, fiddling with your hands as you once again seriously reconsidered whether to go or not.
"Can I see now?" you asked.
"Give me a second," you heard a click, then a small silence, and then another click, "done."
You took the shirt off your face and stood up again, the first thing that caught your attention was the color contrast between the walls of your bedroom with Dahyun's outfit, all shades of yellow. A dark striped champagne skirt a little above her knees, a lemon yellow sleeveless top with small white squares, and a headband of the same color on her head.
"Wow, you look so pretty…" you said, looking her up and down, from her wide hips to her pretty bare shoulders. It was the first time you said something like that to her, so her first reaction was to remain silent, her hands clasped on her belly while she nervously moved her feet.
"Do you really think so?" she asked, playing with her fingers.
"I mean, yeah," you nodded, looking into her eyes and then away, "that color looks really nice on you."
"I… thank you," a small smirk spread across her face, and then she looked down at herself.
"It's nothing," you smiled back, and then stood up, "turn around, please."
"Oh no, I'll go out to put on my makeup and finish getting ready, don't worry," for some reason, Dahyun's smirk or twinkle in her eyes didn't disappear, and it stayed that way until you saw her walk out the door. You were stunned for a minute, staring at nothing. You felt something tickle in your stomach, and a slight warmth on your cheeks. You completely ignored how you felt so as not to overthink it, and you began to undress, bathe, and then change your clothes.
When you went back to the living room you were already dressed as Dahyun had told you, and to be honest you felt quite comfortable that way. She was sitting on the couch, looking at herself in a hand mirror as she rubbed a blush on her cheeks. Her shoulders were now covered by an open sweater of a much lighter yellow. As soon as she saw you walk out of the hallway, she looked you up and down and smiled at you again.
"Do I look ridiculous?" you asked naively, sticking your fingers into the pockets of your pants.
"Oh come on, don't be silly, you look great! I told you the blue sweater was a good choice," with that said, she went back to what she was doing.
"If you say so..." you went to sit next to her, leaning your back against the sofa as you stared at your phone.
About ten minutes passed between Dahyun finishing her makeup and retouching her outfit. She stood up, and went to look for her handbag on your coat rack in the entrance.
"Can you call the taxi? I need to go to the bathroom before we go," she said walking into the hallway.
"Oh sure."
And that you did. You called the taxi to your location, and when you were both ready, you went down from your apartment to wait for the car on the sidewalk in front of the building. It arrived after a few minutes, Dahyun indicated the direction to the driver, and you set off.
You spent the whole way moving your leg as if it were a nervous tic and looking out the window while nibbling your fingernails. You had rarely felt this nervous in your life, in fact, you could count those occasions on the fingers of one hand. The most recent being when you went to the My Chemical Romance concert in Japan, but not even seeing your favorite band in person for the first time had you as scared as going to a simple birthday party.
"Hey, calm down," Dahyun put a hand on your knee, and you stopped moving your leg, but you didn't stop biting your nails or looking out the window.
"I can't believe I'm going to a party," you muttered, staring off into the streets.
"You know that not all parties are the same, right?" Dahyun was cross-legged, her phone in hand and an open chat you didn't have to read to know it was Jihyo's, "It might be something fun for you."
"I highly doubt it, I don't even like people."
"If you can tolerate my existence, you can also tolerate the existence of a few other people."
"As long as they're not loud and insufferable, yes, perfectly."
"I can promise you they won't be insufferable, but I'm not so sure about the other."
It was quite a short trip, Jihyo's residential building was not as far as you thought, in fact, you could have walked there and arrived in less than ten minutes, but it was already quite dark, so you never even considered it as an option. The driver parked in front of the building, Dahyun paid him, and you got out of the car to start walking through the small square around the residential complex. Dahyun took her phone out of her clutch bag and made a call.
"Unnie! I'm here. Come down to open the door for us," there was a silence while Jihyo answered her on the other end of the line, you couldn't understand what she was saying, but you did realize one thing: she was a very, noisy person, "Alright, I'll see you in a bit."
"My God, I could hear her from here," you said, looking at a bush on the other side of a small metal fence.
"I told you I couldn't promise you they wouldn't be loud," she sighed, then linked her arm with yours.
You entered the building within a few seconds. Dahyun took the phone from the entrance gate, and dialed the number of what you assumed was Jihyo's apartment phone, seconds later, you heard a beep coming from the gate. Dahyun pushed it, and it opened inward.
You took the elevator to the seventh floor, got out, and walked along a wide corridor that led you to the door of the apartment. From outside you could already feel the rumble of the bass of a stereo playing music, it wasn't really that loud, but it was loud enough to ruin the sleep of a person who simply wanted to take a nap. Dahyun rang the bell on the side of the door once. There was no answer, so she rang a second time. Within seconds, the door was opened by a short woman, roughly the same size as Dahyun. She had fairly short hair, with a small part of it tied up at the back of her head. She was wearing a woven cotton shirt, with buttons that she only had fastened in the area of her big chest and a thin necklace of white nuggets, jeans, and black vans shoes.
"Dubu! Ahhh!" she screeched, lunging at Dahyun to hug her tight.
"Hey, you're going to take my breath away," your best friend joked, her arms still attached to her body as Jihyo clung to her like a koala to her branch.
"Right, sorry," Jihyo laughed, then released her and took her hands with a big smile on her face.
"I know I told you early, but happy birthday," Dahyun smiled back, squeezing the girl's hands.
"Thank you, sweetie," she blew Dahyun a little air kiss, and then looked at you, "oh, you didn't come alone."
"Oh right, unnie, he's my best friend, you can call him Balto," Dahyun said, stepping aside to draw attention to you, "Balto, this is Jihyo."
"I-It's a p-pleasure, Jihyo," you stuttered at first like an idiot, "happy birthday," Jihyo stared at you for a few seconds before answering, apparently something about you had caught her attention, but you couldn't figure out what.
"The pleasure is mine, thank you very much," she smiled at you, "Why Balto?"
"It's because of the wolf from an animated movie that I really like," Dahyun answered for you, since she gave you that nickname.
"Oh, that's so cute," Jihyo said, "just like him," you didn't know what to say, and neither did Dahyun, but you did try to say something to no avail, only a slight lisp came out of your mouth, "come on, let's go inside," she invited with a giggle.
The three of you entered the apartment, first passing through a narrow corridor that led directly to the living room. It wasn't a much bigger apartment than yours, in fact, they could perfectly be the same size, with the difference that Jihyo had the furniture arranged in a somewhat more messy way, which led to the feeling that it was less spacious. 
There were few people in the room, you could count them perfectly with your eyes, 6 people, 3 girls and 3 boys. Three of them were settled on the sofa, with cans of beer in hand and a glass bowl of chips on the small glass table in front of them, while the other three were scattered around the kitchen. You were relieved, as you thought the environment would be something completely different, but still, your first instinct was to get behind Dahyun and avoid looking at anyone.
"Hey, look on the bright side, I don't know anyone either, just that guy over there," Dahyun nodded at a short, muscular guy, who was doing something in the kitchen you couldn't see.
"That doesn't put me at ease, Kim Dahyun," you said behind her, taking a few more steps until Jihyo stopped a few feet from the sofa.
"Guys, I wanted to introduce you to two friends, they're from architecture," Jihyo stepped aside, and the three people, who were two girls and one boy, looked at the two of you, "Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Han, they're Dahyun and Balto."
You didn't see any of the three of them directly in the eyes, and you didn't say anything either, you just smiled somewhat awkwardly and imitated Dahyun with a small bow. The three of them imitated your gesture respectfully, with friendly expressions on their faces.
"My pleasure," Dahyun smiled.
"What a great outfit! You look so pretty," Nayeon said, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her legs.
“Yeah, and your hair is beautiful,” said Jeongyeon, the girl next to her, who, oddly enough, had short hair.
"Ah otoke..." Dahyun gave an embarrassed giggle, brushing her hair behind her ears.
"Hey dude, you look great too," the boy said.
Did he just talk to you? It took you a moment to sink in, you didn't even react at first until Dahyun nudged you.
"Me? Uh... thanks," you looked at him for a second, flashing a small smirk.
"You're welcome, that sweater is really cool," he smirked back at you, and then picked up the bowl of chips to hold with one arm and eat from it.
"I told you," Dahyun said, turning her head to look at you.
"Yeah, I know you told me."
"Come this way, the Three Stooges are missing," Jihyo said, and you walked behind her towards the kitchen. A girl was sitting on a counter next to the blender, a guy next to her, and the other was chopping potatoes on a counter away from the two of them.
"Jihyo-ya!" said the boy who was cooking as soon as he saw her out of the corner of his eye, "do you have olive oil?"
"Ah yeah, over there," Jihyo pointed to one of the cabinets, "guys, this is Dahyun and Balto," she said looking at you, "And this is Chaeyoung, Seungmin, and the crazy guy cooking is Changbin."
Once again you repeated the same trivial process as always, wave here and wave there, nothing important, and this time none of the three said anything to either of you. Chaeyoung was focused on her conversation with Seungmin, and Changbin on don't cut his fingers.
"Are you making French fries?" Dahyun asked Changbin, and he didn't even bother to look at her.
"Yup!" he said, pouring the olive oil into a skillet.
"Anyway, come this way guys," Jihyo nodded the other way, and you all went back into the living room, "Have a seat. Want something?"
"I want a beer," Dahyun turned to look at you, "And you?"
"I don't like alcohol, just water, thanks," you said.
"I have berry juice, will it work for you?" Jihyo asked, taking slow steps into the kitchen.
"It's perfect, yes," you nodded, then Jihyo went to the kitchen, returning with the can of beer and a carton of blackberry juice to deliver both.
You and Dahyun sat next to each other, with the dining room table very close to you. In the center was a two-tiered red velvet cake, piled high with chocolate-dipped strawberries, disposable plates, and disposable spoons. Jihyo dragged a chair from the other end and positioned her to sit next to you, much closer than you'd expect. You immediately felt nervous.
"And tell me, cuties, you live together, don't you?" Jihyo asked, crossing her legs facing you.
"How do you know?" Dahyun smiled, opening the beer bottle.
"I don't think he left the house of his own accord," Jihyo said, looking at Dahyun, "And he seems like the type to leave you on watch and go to sleep.”
"And you're right, that's exactly what he does," Dahyun sipped her beer, while you opened your juice.
"I only did that once, and it was because you were asking me to go jogging with you in the park," you sipped your juice through a straw, discreetly looking around.
"Really? What time?" Jihyo asked, resting her elbow on the table to look at you.
"8 in the morning, it was Sunday," you said, as Jihyo stared at you so intently that you thought he was analyzing every fragment of your soul.
"Ahhh, Kim Dahyun! How did you expect him to go with you!" She laughed, "I think that was even nice enough, I would have told you to go to hell."
"It was one of my many attempts to get him out of the apartment," Dahyun sighed, also cross-legged in a much more elegant and delicate posture than Jihyo's, "most of the time he's studying, or playing, or reading."
"Oh really? So it's truly a miracle you're here today," Jihyo raised an eyebrow.
"Something like that," you replied, daring to look into her eyes for just under 2 seconds, "I was very tempted to lock myself in the bathroom so Dahyun couldn't make me."
"You need social contact, dumbass," Dahyun gave you a little kick on the ankle with her foot, "you'll be an architect."
"Hey, it's not my fault I'm like this," you took another sip of your juice, inadvertently it was already half full, "I wish I wasn't, believe me."
"Hey! Don't say that!" Jihyo complained, her brow furrowed now, "there's nothing wrong with you being like that, you seem like a friendly and calm boy, besides, you're very cute. You just have to work on it, taking small steps each time."
"Exactly, I never said it was a bad thing, silly," Dahyun said, placing her hand on your shoulder and giving it a little squeeze.
It was the second time in a few minutes that Jihyo had told you that you were cute. You were tremendously slow and stupid for those kinds of compliments or situations, and at that moment you couldn't tell if it was just simple kindness or if it was something more. Your gaze met Jihyo's in a short moment of silence, and for some reason, the place your eyes landed on when you broke eye contact went straight to her pair of round, tight big breasts. She wasn't dumb, she saw right away where your gaze was, and in response she undid just one button on her shirt, enough so that you could see a few inches of her cleavage.
"I-I know... I know, I'm sorry," you took a deep breath, and set the carton of juice on the edge of the table to sink a little into the seat and force yourself not to show your nervousness.
"Hey, cheer up a bit, I promise to make it worth your while," Jihyo placed a hand on your knee and patted it. You stared at her hand, and from there your gaze went up her body, her cleavage, and once again, into her eyes, "Dubu, do you know what music he likes?" she shifted her gaze to your best friend.
"It's disturbing how varied his playlist is," Dahyun was already downing her first can of beer, judging by the lightness with which he picked it up, "the other day he went from listening to Kanye West to Bonnie Tyler."
"Total Eclipse of the Heart?" Jihyo asked.
"Aha," you nodded, more embarrassed than anything else.
"We'll do karaoke, I can sing that one for you if you want."
"Can you sing that song?" you asked incredulously.
"Oh yeah, she's a very good singer, don't underestimate her," Dahyun said.
"I'd like to see that," you admitted, cracking a small smile.
"Then let's get to it," Jihyo nodded toward the couch in front of the TV, where Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Han were still drinking and eating. You three stood up, Jihyo in front of you two. She stood between the TV and the sofa, placing both hands on her waist, "Hey, shut up everyone!" she called the attention of everyone in the apartment, "it's time for karaoke."
"Just in time!" Changbin said, coming back from the kitchen with a large plate full of perfectly browned fries, "don't be fucking cute and eat them all so fast!" he walked past you and set the plate down on the coffee table next to the already empty bowl of fries.
“I don't promise anything at all,” Chaeyoung said, also walking past Seungmin to sit on one of the individual sofas.
"Sit down guys, I'll be over there," Jihyo said to you, pointing to the large sofa and then to the chairs near Chaeyoung and Seungmin.
Hearing this, Nayeon and Jeongyeon made enough space for you on the couch so that you could all fit a bit tightly together. Dahyun was about to sit on the end of the sofa, but you grabbed her forearm before she did, giving her a look that made it clear that you didn't want to sit so close to Nayeon, so she sat down next to her, and you sat on the end of the sofa right next to the armband.
Jihyo turned on the TV and went to YouTube, and then took a wireless microphone out of one of the drawers under the TV and connected it to the sound system.
"Alright, who wants to sing first?" there was a long silence in the living room, until the person you least expected got up from the sofa.
"Well, if no one else wants to start, I will," Han said, rolling up the sleeves of the sweater he was wearing.
"I must admit I'm surprised," Jihyo laughed, "What do you want to sing?" Han thought about it for a moment, narrowing his eyes as he watched the TV.
"Maniac, the one by Michael Sembello."
"Sure? I could play you the Conan Gray one and that's it," she raised both eyebrows, then met Han's poker face, "very good very good."
Jihyo searched for the song on youtube, and when she hit play she held out the microphone for Han to pick up. To your pleasant surprise, Han was a better singer than he appeared, he wasn't singing the song in exact Michael Sembello key, but his voice color was quite distinctive and cool. While he sang, Changbin went back to the kitchen, only to return with multiple beer cans in his hands and held against his body. He handed it out to everyone in the room, and when he was going to give yours to you, you were forced to shake your head.
"I don't drink, thanks," you brushed him off as nicely as possible.
"Oh no problem then, I'll get you a Pepsi mate."
"But-" before you could protest he was past you and into the kitchen again, taking with him the can of beer that was meant for you.
"Do you still think that the whole society sucks?" Dahyun asked from the side of you, nudging you slightly as she opened her can of beer. There was already enough space on the sofa, but even so she was still very close to you.
"Well, I have to admit that these people are… nice," you said, looking at the TV screen and following the lyrics of the song in your mind.
"I told you," she placed a hand on your thigh and shook it a little, "you're going to have fun, silly," Dahyun grabbed your face with her free hand and pulled you close for a peck on the cheek, "Thank you for coming with me."
You didn't know what to answer at first, you kept a lost look when you felt Dubu's delicate lips on your cheek. It wasn't the first time she'd done something like that, but in every situation you were just as stunned as the previous one.
"Uh… thanks to you," you replied, and it wasn't until seconds later that you realized what a fucking stupid thing you said. Dahyun could only burst out laughing.
Changbin came back with you, a can of Pepsi in hand.
"Sorry bro, I couldn't find it among so many beers," he said, handing you the can.
"No problem, thanks," you smirked and picked up the can, then Changbin went to sit next to Jihyo, who was talking and laughing with Chaeyoung and Seungmin.
The song was over for Han, and all of you in the room gave him a collective applause more than deserved since he had killed the song completely.
"Okay, who's next? That guy just set the bar high," there was another long silence, as everyone stared at her. Jihyo sighed, "Okay, I'll sing," apparently it was a moment they'd all been waiting for, as they erupted in cheers and applause.
Jihyo stood up, took the microphone from Han and took a few slow steps towards the center, as she did so she stared at you and raised an eyebrow, wanting to make sure your eyes were on her at all times. As usual, you almost peed your pants at how intimidating and hot she looked and how clumsy you were in those situations.
She searched for the song that you had asked for a few minutes ago in the search bar, and when she played it you couldn't believe that she was really fulfilling your desire to hear her sing one of your favorite songs of hers. It only took a few seconds for Jihyo to completely captivate you.
You didn't need to be an expert in singing to realize that Jihyo knew what she was doing, her voice was strong and clear, with a powerful volume that you were sure didn't even need a microphone to resonate throughout the apartment without any problem. Her voice wasn't as raspy as Bonnie Tyler's, that was completely impossible to imitate, but she perfectly offset each of the song's high notes without any effort. She was putting her soul and her sweat into killing that song, and you couldn't help but stare at her, totally stunned and impressed.
About a minute and a half into the song had passed when Jihyo did a dramatic turn, and when her head turned, she caught your eyes on her, realizing, she gave you a beautiful smile that felt like an arrow straight to your heart. She turned around again to look at the television, and you were left with a hot sensation on your cheeks, you had blushed.
That had left you partially isolated from your surroundings, you were no longer looking at Jihyo, your gaze was now lost in absolute nothingness while your heart began to beat slightly harder. Everything around you began to be heard as if you were a few meters underwater, the screams, the applause, the cheers, the laughter, it became in the background while you completely disconnected and began to stir nervously. That could only mean one thing, your social battery was running low and you were having an anxiety attack.
"Hey, Balto..." you heard once, like distant waves, "Balto!" you heard a second time, this time clearer and louder, with a little shake in your arm that brought you back to reality, "Hey, something wrong?"
You looked around, quickly remembering where you were. You looked at Jihyo, who was still singing, and then you looked at everyone else, drinking and having fun. Finally you looked at Dubu, who was looking at you with a worried expression on her face.
"Ah… yeah, I'm fine, I just need to wash my face, I'm a little sleepy," you jerked your thumb back, pointing to the kitchen.
"Are you sure? We can leave in a bit if you want..."
"No, no," you said quickly, "don't worry, I just need to walk a bit to wake up," you took a drink of your Pepsi, then set it down on the small table in front of you to stand up and walk to the kitchen. Jihyo noticed that you were gone, she had seen you out of the corner of her eye, but she kept singing anyway.
You reached the kitchen with your breath still somewhat agitated. You walked over to the sink, turned on the tap, and cupped your two hands to start pouring water on your face. After a few seconds you turned off the tap, and grabbed some kitchen towel to dry your face while you looked around. You hadn't noticed it when you arrived because of the curtains, but on the left side of the kitchen was a door that led to a small balcony outside. You walked over there, slid the glass door to the left and went outside.
The fresh air and the gentle breeze made you take a long breath that helped you begin to relax your body. The views from up there were beautiful, allowing you to see a good part of the city of Seoul and the hills that bordered the city in every corner. You walked over to the railing, which was about the height of your stomach, and leaned idly on it to look up at the beautiful, clear sky.
Nothing was going through your mind at that moment, you were just enjoying your solitude and the absolute peace of the moment, without people shouting and without so much fuss around you. You were really feeling comfortable a few minutes ago, but your brain was not used to it, you assumed that it would take time for that to happen, in the meantime, you had to settle for panic attacks that took absolute control over your body and made you just run away.
It didn't take more than five minutes when you heard the door open a few meters behind you. You thought it was Dahyun, and that's why you didn't bother to turn around, but the surprise almost made you fall over the edge.
"I did it so badly that you had to go outside to not listen to me?" Jihyo said from behind you.
"Fuck!" You gave a little jump, and you put your hand on your heart to let out a sigh and turn to look at her, "You didn't do it wrong, in fact quite the opposite, you're incredible."
"Oh yeah? Then why did you run away like that?" She said, raising an eyebrow, she took a few steps forward and took one of the chairs that were on the balcony to sit cross-legged on it.
"It's just… my social battery is dying, it's already dead, actually," you sighed, going to sit in the other chair next to her, "I'm just used to being around Dahyun all the time."
"I see..." Jihyo nodded slowly, looking up at the sky with you, "Hey, how did you two meet? You seem to be very close."
"It's not really a special story," you began, "we met on our first day, it was the first math module, if I remember correctly. And well, as you saw, I have terrible social anxiety that comes from when I was a kid, and just having to ask a basic question to the teacher terrified me. Dahyun helped me that day, and if it wasn't for her, I would have failed every single test. From then on she always showed interest in me, and never left me alone for a day."
"Aw, that's so cute!" Jihyo said, pulling the chair a little closer towards yours as she looked at you.
You and Jihyo from that moment started a conversation that flowed better than you could ever expect. She was a girl with whom talking was quite easy, she was attentive and very kind, she didn't overwhelm you too much with a lot of words, and she understood perfectly that what you liked the most were those kinds of conversations in which the wind could be heard perfectly above your voices. Normally you wouldn't be talking for so long with a person almost unknown to you, but for some reason you felt comfortable with her, it was something about her aura, her smell, or something as simple as how pretty she was.
About 10 minutes passed, in which you only told stories about each other while looking at the sky and the city, she laughed at your silly awkward jokes, and you at the grace with which she told her stories, but you noticed something quickly, and it was that with each passing moment, Jihyo discreetly moved her chair closer to yours, to the point where they were pressed against each other. You didn't really care at first, but when the conversation fell silent, she leaned her head on your shoulder, and that completely changed the landscape for you.
Your first natural impulse was to try to pull away, since that was what you had been doing your whole life, but she completely ignored your attempt to pull away and left her head there. You had no choice but to take a deep breath, close your eyes and get used to the sensation, which stopped feeling like a nuisance and felt more like a relief, something you felt you just had to enjoy and that's it.
"You know something Balto… it's hard to find people like you," Jihyo said quietly, as you both watched the dim moon behind the clouds.
"What are you talking about?" you asked.
"You are a genuine person... nowadays everyone is hypocritical and fake with everyone, but you are special."
"How are you so sure of that?"
"I just am. Besides, Dubu would never have liked a bad boy, she's too pure and lovely for that."
"Wait," you frowned in confusion, "liked?"
"Oh come on, haven't you really noticed?" Jihyo chuckled.
"What thing?"
"Dahyunie is crazy about you, Balto, I can see it in her eyes," your gaze was lost for a moment while your brain processed the information.
"Nonsense... she's just being nice, she loves me like her best friend," what Jihyo said made all the sense in the world, in fact, more than once you had suspected it, but for some reason you didn't leave the stage of denial for never having noticed it.
"Honey, we women aren't that 'nice'," she made the quotation marks on her fingers, "to our best friends."
"But… why has she never told me?" you asked, still incredulous.
"For the same reason that you haven't told her. You're afraid it will make things different."
"Uh? W-What are you talking about?" all the nerves that you hadn't been feeling a few minutes ago came back to you at that moment.
"Oh sweet boy, you're hopeless," Jihyo sighed, lifting her head from your shoulder to turn to you and bring her mouth to your ear, "I'm going to ask you just once, and I want you to be completely honest with me, if you're not, I'll know," she whispered, her lips brushing against your ear.
"You like Dahyun, don't you?" she asked. You remained silent and you began to think about it, in all the times in which you had suppressed your feelings and you had left it as something insignificant, but the reality was that there was no person in the world that made you feel so bad. loved as she did. You remembered her radiant smile, the one that would brighten the darkest of your days, and quickly your heart gave an answer.
"I…" you started, but as soon as you were about to reply, Jihyo placed her index finger on your lips to silence you. Then, she got up from her chair and with a quick movement completely unexpected for you, she climbed onto you and sat on your lap, leaving the full weight of her ass against your crotch. You gasped in surprise, your body completely paralyzed as you felt totally controlled by her. She leaned forward, pressing her big tits against your chest and leaning in close to your ear once more.
"I know you like it, you don't have to answer," she whispered with a slight giggle, "I won't tell anyone, don't worry, but if you want I can help you get together."
"Y-you… can you do that?" you asked, still unaware of Jihyo's real intentions.
"Of course, darling," she straightened up and looked into your eyes, "but you'll have to trust me."
"O-okay..." you nodded, again unable to meet her gaze for even more than two seconds.
"Now then, I have another question for you," she leaned forward once more, but this time with her face only inches from yours, her lips almost brushing against yours, "do you think I'm hot?"
That question surprised you even more than the first, but for this one you did have a more than clear answer. You had been seeing her since you arrived at her apartment, and her body was perfect in absolutely every way, big tits, wide hips, nice abdomen, and a tight round ass.
"Yes… you are," you murmured, looking away to avoid her eye, only to notice a smile on her face.
"Put your hands on my waist," she commanded.
"Uh? A-are you sure?" You raised both hands, but left them floating on either side of Jihyo's body.
"Yes, honey, go ahead," she nodded calmly, and you did, holding the woman's fleshy waist in your hands. She placed her hands on your shoulders, and began to rock her hips slowly back and forth, pressing against the growing bulge in your pants with each brush.
You put pressure on her waist with your fingers, gasping at Jihyo's sensual movements. She began to give you small kisses all over her face, from your chin to your forehead, ending with a delicate kiss on your lips.
"You must be very romantic with Dubu, you know?" she whispered against your lips as her ass rubbed against your erection, "she really loves that," Saying that, she returned to your lips to plunge you into a slow, deep kiss, you let her have absolute control over you, even letting her tongue enter your mouth whenever she wanted. She began to move her hips harder when she noticed that your cock was hard under her, "you can touch me as much as you want honey, don't be afraid," she said in the middle of the kiss, before continuing to attack your mouth with her tongue.
Now with a little more confidence, you took your hands from her waist directly towards her ass, giving her buttocks a slight squeeze and then going up her lower back and ending up with your hands on her tits, which almost didn't even fit in them.
"I noticed how you saw them earlier," Jihyo teased with a giggle, "but don't worry, you can touch them as much as you want...even do other things with them later," she kissed you again, and you left yourself for her while your hands massaged and squeezed her soft tits.
While you were still in that intense and sensual making out session, Dahyun was in the living room still sitting where she had been before you left. The people were already drunk, but they were still singing and joking as happily as ever. She had stopped drinking when neither you nor Jihyo showed up anymore, so she was the only completely sane and sober one in that room. At first she thought it was good for you to socialize and experience other people's social contact than hers, but it had been so long that she couldn't help but suspect something was up.
She had to come up with an excuse just like you did to get out of there and go to the kitchen. She didn't see you there, but what she did see was the balcony door open between the curtains that billowed from the wind outside. Dubu walked slowly towards the door, and parted the curtains to find something a few meters away that she never thought she would see in her life.
Dahyun stood in the doorway, her hands on either side of her body as her mouth dropped slightly open in astonishment. She wrinkled her skirt between her fingers, watching you kiss in such a hot way without being able to believe that you were the same guy who a few minutes ago couldn't even look Jihyo in the eye without first shitting his pants. Her body started to feel a little hot, and her cheeks flushed red, seeing Jihyo had unbuttoned her shirt so you could grab her tits over her top, but she still felt that she shouldn't be there and that it was wrong to spy on you, for so she just turned around and went back to the living room to look at her phone and try to erase what she had just seen from her mind.
"Hey, let's go to my room, okay?" she murmured breaking into the kiss, and you put on a somewhat fearful expression, "it's all part of the plan, just let yourself go," she winked at you, and then she gave you a small kiss on the lips before standing up, you followed her
The corridor leading to Jihyo's bedroom could only be seen from a certain angle in the living room. Jihyo led the way, hoping Dahyun was sitting right at that end of the room. Her hopes were fulfilled, but Dubu was focused on her phone, so he had to intentionally slam the wall so she could look up, Jihyo played dumb, and then took your hand to go straight to the bedroom.
As soon as you entered the room Jihyo pinned you against the wall, grabbed your face and kissed you again, but this time in a more intense and fiery way. Her hand went straight to the hard bulge of your pants, and she gently squeezed your cock through the fabric as she kissed you.
"I haven't been able to take my eyes off you since you got here..." Jihyo murmured, pulling away from your lips and burying her face into your neck to begin dishing out wet kisses on it, "you're so, so fucking cute," she unbuttoned your jeans, unzipped them and reached into your boxer to grip your cock between her fingers, "and from what I feel, you have a big juicy cock," she broke away from you and took a step back, "sit there honey," she nodded at the bed, and you complied.
You went to sit on the edge of Jihyo's bed, and she walked over to stand right between your legs. You fixed your gaze on her, and she began to remove her clothes slowly. She first took off her shirt, and then she took off her top, letting you see the white bra that contained her juicy pair of milkers. This was followed by her pants, which she unbuttoned and pulled down very slowly, revealing her meaty tummy, a pair of gorgeous legs, and most of all, the thin lace panty that did little to hide her plump pussy. You gaped, almost drooling at such a fucking incredible body, but as if that wasn't enough, she reached behind her back and undid her bra, it fell off her shoulders, and now her pair of big, round, perfect tits were released right in front of your face.
"J-Jihyo..." you stammered, completely stunned by the pair of melons mere inches from your face.
"Shhh..." she put a finger to your lips, "the best is yet to come," Jihyo took a step back, turned around, and grabbed her own buttocks just to tease you, then grabbed the curb of her panties, lean forward, and begin to slide them down, showing you her plump juicy pussy. She was now completely naked in front of you, and your cock did nothing but throb, screaming to be released. Jihyo was going to turn back to you, but she suddenly looked at the door, noticing something you didn't, she quickly walked over to it, flung it open, grabbed Kim Dahyun's wrist and pulled her inside, closing the door behind her.
"Oh shit!" Dahyun exclaimed, immediately covering her eyes. You widened your eyes in shock, was she really spying on you? Was this part of Jihyo's plan?
"It seems we had company all this time," Jihyo said with a giggle, "It's okay sweetheart, you can watch," she walked over to Dubu, grabbed her wrists, and gently pushed her hands away from her face so she could look at her body.
"I-I, uh… fuck, I can explain," Dubu's face turned red as a tomato, which was easy enough due to her pale skin tone. She didn't know where to look, at one point she looked at you and the marked bulge under your boxers, but then she always ended up looking at Jihyo's tits or pussy.
"You don't have to explain anything, I know you were spying on us, even on the balcony," Jihyo reached out and caressed one of Dubu's cheeks with the back of her hand, "I was hoping you would come here, and you made it easy for me."
"I-I'll go, no problem, I'll just pretend I didn't see anything," she looked away, tilted her head towards Jihyo and tried to turn and leave, but Jihyo grabbed her wrist.
"Uh uh," she shook her head, "we've been waiting for you honey, you can't just leave like that."
"For me?" Dubu asked, her face still red, her breathing ragged from arousement.
"You're the lynchpin of all this, darling, of course," Jihyo closed the distance to inches, grabbed her face and gave Dubu a little kiss on the lips, who was so turned on and surprised that she didn't even flinched, "or don't you want to give Balto a more… special kind of treatment?" She and Jihyo looked at you, but then they locked eyes.
"Of course I do," Dubu agreed slowly, biting her lower lip and finally succumbing to her carnal urges. She took off her jacket, revealing her pretty shoulders and closing the distance between her and Jihyo. They merged in a very hot kiss, Jihyo had wrapped her arms around Dubu's waist, and Dubu had taken her by the neck while she moaned against her lips.
Jihyo wasted no time in getting down to business, first focusing on removing her top and then her skirt, Dubu helped her by taking off her shoes, and now she was just in pink panties and a white bra. They continued kissing for a few seconds, until Dubu herself took off her bra. You were still completely stunned by the incredibly hot scene that was happening in front of you, but also because it was the first time you saw Dubu's naked body in its full splendor, you knew that she had a very pretty figure, but seeing her like this way It made you realize that your best friend had an enviable body, curvy, pale, and toned. Dubu took her hands to Jihyo's tits to squeeze them firmly, while Jihyo massaged her wide and round ass.
"Stop cutie, I think our sweet boy wants some attention too," Jihyo said as she parted from your best friend's lips, and then turned to look at you, "why don't you go join him? I want to play with that cock for a bit."
"Of course," Dubu gasped, also turning to look at you, she walked slowly towards you, climbed on the bed, and disappeared from your sight to kneel behind you. Meanwhile, Jihyo knelt between your legs and grabbed your pants and boxers and lowered them to your ankles and then took them off.
"Fuck... look what we have here," Jihyo gazed at your cock like a shining treasure between her eyes, took it in one hand and shook it gently, "who knew our shy boy was hiding such a beautiful cock."
Dubu said nothing behind you, you tried to turn your head over your shoulder to see her, but what was happening in front of you also demanded your attention. Dahyun helped you remove your sweater, and then ran her hands around your torso to caress your abdomen and chest with her soft, delicate hands.
"Oh Balto… I've been missing that cock all this time," Dubu whispered in your ear, and you shuddered slightly.
"Dahyun… I..." Before you could say anything, Jihyo's pretty lips latched onto the tip of your cock without full warning to make you gasp. She slowly sucked on the tip of it, and then released it to give the base of your shaft a long, sensual lick before pushing you back inside her, this time her lips lowered further, until most of your cock was gone inside her warm mouth.
"Don't say anything, just enjoy, silly..." Dubu whispered, starting to kiss your neck, your shoulders and also your back.
Jihyo placed both hands on your thighs, and began to slowly pump her head up and down. You put your hands on the mattress, and wrinkled the sheets thanks to the sensual pumping of Jihyo's head on your cock. She made sure to make it nice and slow for you, knowing that you wouldn't like something quick and messy right away. You were grateful that she made that decision, because you felt like you were in heaven as her lips went up and down, leaving a slippery and shiny trail.
You leaned back, turned your head to the left and finally found yourself facing Dubu, she looked you in the eye, with flushed cheeks and parted lips, she wanted to say something just like you, but in the end your first impulse was the same, to unite in a kiss that you had been anticipating for months. It may not have been in the right or more romantic circumstances, but you did feel butterflies in your stomach while your lips danced and collided with each other.
"Mission accomplished," Jihyo said, pulling you out of her mouth, you completely ignored her, and she just went back to her business. She sucked on your cock for a few more seconds until she pulled you out of her mouth again, you felt her hands remove from your thighs, and the next thing you felt was your cock being surrounded by soft flesh. You pulled away from the kiss just to see what it was about, only to find Jihyo's pair of big tits sandwiching your cock right in the middle.
"Oh fuck..." you gasped, watching as Jihyo grabbed her tits to press them around your shaft.
"Dubu, would you help me?" Jihyo asked looking at her, "I think it's still a little dry," Dahyun didn't hesitate for a second before kneeling next to you on the mattress, leaning forward being careful not to fall, and spitting out all the accumulated saliva of your kiss between your cock and Jihyo's tits.
Jihyo made sure that her tits were well lubricated as well, using her own saliva apart from Dubu's to make it more slippery. Having made sure that both your cock and her tits were salivated enough, she pressed them firmly and began to move her chest up and down slowly. You moaned out loud, feeling the soft slide of your cock between her incredibly soft tits.
"Balto... touch me please," Dahyun moaned from next to you, you turned to face her, and once again you kissed, but this time your hands went to her pair of modest mounds, slowly massaging them before taking your hands all over her statuesque body, your fingers traversing every possible curve, and finally ending up on the hem of her panties, which you pulled forward a little just to reveal more of her milky buttocks.
Jihyo had started to move her chest faster, letting you use her tits as a personal cocksleeve. She made sure that all of your cock went in and out, so that when she hit your pelvis with her tits, the tip of your shaft would brush against her tongue. It was the first time you received a titjob, and definitely between that, and Dubu's soft skin under your fingers while you kissed, you weren't going to last long.
The constant, quick pumping of Jihyo's tits around your cock didn't stop until at least a minute later, when without full warning, you moaned against Dubu's lips and suddenly exploded.
"Oh!" Jihyo exclaimed, moving her chest slower than her as you unloaded thick strips of cum against her tongue and between her tits. You parted from Dahyun's lips, and you both watched as Jihyo's chin and tits were painted with your thick liquid, "Fuck honey... do you like my tits that much?" Jihyo asked with a mischievous tone, wiping her chin with two of her fingers to put them in her mouth.
"Y-yes… I love them," you gasped, your cock still throbbing and leaking precum as she unwrapped her tits from around it.
"I noticed," she blew you a kiss, "Dubu, do you want to clean me up?" Jihyo raised an eyebrow.
"I…" Dahyun licked her lips, she looked at you, and then at Jihyo's tits, "yeah, I'd love to."
Dubu got off the bed and knelt down next to Jihyo, who turned to Dubu, and she leaned forward to hold her breasts in the outline of her hands, bring her lips closer, and stick out her tongue to start collecting all the cum from Jihyo's tits. You stared at the scene, Dubu licking your cum, and at the same time eating Jihyo's tits, who let out little moans every time your best friend's tongue touched one of her nipples.
Once Jihyo's tits were clean, Dahyun looked at you and settled down facing you to grab your cock with one hand, look into your eyes for a few long seconds, and finally begin to clean it with her tongue as well, adding little kisses all over it. your shaft.
"You love your best friend's cock, don't you dear?" Jihyo asked, running through Dahyun's hair between her fingers, "I bet you've thought about fucking him more than once..."
"He's so nice and attentive to me, he's the cutest guy ever," Dubu murmured, placing one last kiss on the tip of your cock, "I've been wanting to suck his dick for months now."
"Dubu..." you gasped, somewhat surprised at her small confession, and feeling fucking stupid for never expressing your feelings to her.
"You can do it later, as many times as you want, but right now I want to jump on that cock," Jihyo said, standing up.
"But..." Dubu said.
"You'll have your turn later darling, consider it the small price for getting you together."
"Dahyunie, sit on my face," you said, and she and Jihyo both turned to look at you in surprise.
"Oh... is that really what you want?" Dahyun asked with her cheeks turning red again.
"Don't ask, just come and do it," you gasped, and then Dubu stood up to climb back on the bed.
Jihyo turned around and bent her knees, her ass now hovering just inches above your cock. She spat into her hand, slipping it between her thighs to cup your cock with one hand and rubbing the tip against her wet slit a few times before lining it up, holding it still and slowly lowering her hips as your shaft worked its way inches further between her fleshy, silky folds.
"Shit baby, that fucking cock is stretching me so fucking good!" Jihyo moaned, looking over her shoulder at you as your dick was engulfed in her pussy, and a few seconds later, she rested her ass against your pelvis. You moaned together, feeling absolutely every inch of your shaft inside her wet cunt, the only things visible were Jihyo's round buttocks and her folds wrapped around your base.
"I'm sorry you won't get to see that ass bouncing, darling, but you just made me a promise," Dubu said behind you, grabbing your shoulders and gently pulling you back until you were lying on your back on the mattress, while Jihyo began to move her ass very slowly up and down, your cock sliding smoothly in and out.
Dahyun stood next to you and quickly pulled her panties down, giving you a bottom view of her pretty pink pussy. She got on top of you, her feet on either side of your arms then kneeling down and pressing her big tight ass against your chest. She leaned back, until her thighs were on either side of your head, and she arched forward to gently lower her hips so that her pussy brushed against your lips.
You took your first lick of her slit, a slow one at first, and then you began to move your tongue slowly along her cunt. You raised her hands to grab her waist and make her lower her hips completely, so that she suffocated you with her pussy, that made your whole mouth now involved. You weren't exactly an expert at what you were doing, but you learned pretty quickly thanks to the sounds Dahyun made to tell you that you were hitting the right spot.
Meanwhile, Jihyo had grabbed onto your knees and started to slam her ass harder and harder against your pelvis. Her moans were considerably louder than Dahyun's, you weren't surprised, after all those lungs must be able to hold a lot of air.
"That's it honey, eat that little pussy while I jump on this big juicy cock," Jihyo moaned, moving her ass in such a way that with each jump only the tip of your cock was inside her, "Fuck fuck fuck!"
Jihyo had already gotten to the point where the pounding of her ass against your pelvis was pretty loud, but feeling like she was on the verge of tearing you in half with each crash had you moaning against Dahyun's pussy, who was now moaning almost as loud as Jihyo, while you eat her out with all the dedication and effort you could. Your hands went from being on her wide hips to being directly on her buttocks, squeezing and spreading them to make your work easier, and Dubu responded to the attacks of your tongue on her pussy with hip movements that caused her slit to rub even with your nose.
"Fuck Balto... you do it so... oh fuck!" Dubu moaned, straightening her back to put even more weight on your head, which meant less oxygen to breathe, "so fucking good!" she continued to grind her hips, but this time leaned back slightly so she could hold onto your hair tightly as she did so.
You didn't know exactly what you were supposed to be doing, but it's not like you could focus much on doing anything else either. Jihyo was completely destroying you, she was jumping on your cock like her life depended on it, and you were thankful that you weren't close to cum yet, otherwise you would have been forced to focus on only one thing at a time.
Fortunately for you, Dubu's climax was not long in coming. She pressed her thighs tightly around your head, that was the first sign, and then stopped moving and moaning, as you hit a single spot on her pussy with your tongue that you knew was driving her crazy. Seconds later, Dahyun finally released her orgasm with a loud moan straight to the ceiling, and resumed grinding her pussy against your mouth as her spasms made her body shake every second. As her orgasm ceased she fell forward, pressing her tits against your abdomen with a first person view of Jihyo impaling herself completely on your cock over and over again.
"I'm going to cum, fuck!" Jihyo screeched, almost digging her nails into your thighs as her ass wildly bounced  on you, "I'm going to cum all over your big cock honey!" you just closed your eyes, counting sheep in your mind so you don't cum with her. 
It only took a few more slams of her ass against your pelvis for Jihyo to land one last downward thrust and her entire body began to shake from her intense orgasm. Good thing they were drunk and singing outside, otherwise, everyone would have found out what was going on in there thanks to Jihyo's moans (more like screams). She didn't seem to care that her body was in the grip of the strong spasms that shook her, and she kept moving her ass up and down not as fast, but just as hard. Her pussy was constantly clenching around your cock, and it really took a lot of concentration not to succumb to the incredible sensation and cum.
"I want... I want his cock inside me, please, I beg," Dubu implored Jihyo as Jihyo continued to move slowly on your cock. Jihyo turned to see her, finding her just centimeters from her ass, and she smiled mischievously.
"I know, sweetheart, the price is already paid," Jihyo pulled you out of her and stood up to climb on the bed and fall face down on one of her pillows. Dubu, also a bit weak from her recent orgasm, got off of you and knelt to the side to look at you.
"Go lie down on the pillow, I'm going to ride you, honey," Dubu told you, and then leaned over to give you a little kiss on the forehead.
You propped yourself up on your elbows and climbed all the way up on the bed, crawling back until you lay on the pillow next to Jihyo's head, who looked at you and winked before raising her head, waiting to see what you were about to do.
Dubu joined you, climbing on your lap and sitting against the back of your cock, causing it to rub against her wet slit. She took the yellow headband that was still on her head and threw it to the ground, letting loose her silky and shiny black hair, you looked into her eyes, and blushed at how incredibly beautiful she looked on your lap.
"Dahyunie... I like you, a lot," you blurted out almost automatically, without thinking about it and without holding back. Dubu blushed too, but she couldn't help but smile.
"I like you too, silly," she replied, brushing your cheek with her thumb, "but I hate you for waiting until now to tell me."
"S-sorry..." you made a sad face, looking up at the ceiling.
"You're welcome," Jihyo said from beside you.
"Shut up, unnie," Dubu said, then flopped forward and cupped your face with both hands, "And you have nothing to apologize for, you'll repay me by making me cum soooo hard," Dahyun raised both eyebrows mischievously to stand upright again.
Dahyun had to put one foot against the mattress to get a grip on your cock, rubbing it up and down a couple of times, aligning it with her pussy before putting her knee back on the mattress and starting to lower her hips slowly. She closed her eyes, and bit her lip as she took a deep breath. Her pussy was considerably tighter than Jihyo's, and your cock couldn't get much past the tip.
"Wait, let me help," Dubu lifted her hips, and Jihyo spat on her hand to grab your cock, stroke on it very well,  and leave it well lubed up for Dahyun's pussy.
Your "best friend" pressed down again, and this time your cock slid slowly and smoothly deep into Dahyun's tight pussy. She rested both hands on your chest, opening her eyes and looking down to see you with her mouth parted between rapid gasps.
"It's so fucking big, what the fuck," she moaned, leaning forward slightly to begin to slowly move her hips up and down, not enough to bring you pleasure, but enough to make you enjoy all the sensations.
"Yes it is, honey… but you can take it all," Jihyo said quietly, lying on her side to lift one leg up and begin rubbing her pussy with two of her salivated fingers.
Dahyun clung to your shoulders tightly, and when she felt that her pussy no longer presented any resistance to your cock, she began to move her hips in a constant and sensual rhythm. You moaned in unison, placing your hands on her waist as she made long, deep movements with her ass, and she showed no intention of moving much faster than that. She didn't just want to fuck you to get her own orgasm, but so that you both could enjoy your first time to the fullest.
Jihyo also began to moan quietly next to you, the woman kept rubbing her pussy slowly, following your rhythm at all times. She didn't say anything else, she had understood that this moment was only yours, and that it would be quite anticlimactic for you if she was talking dirty to you.
Your hands ran all over Dahyun's body, starting with her thighs, then her hips, and then her incredibly sexy back to caress it with your hands. Her skin was soft and pale like cotton, and you knew that after that night you would become completely addicted to just feeling it against your fingers. Your hands went from her back to her ass in one swift movement, squeezing and massaging her round buttocks as she moved her hips at a slightly faster pace, but retaining the sensuality and delicacy.
Dahyun groaned out loud, and flopped forward with her hands on your neck. Her face, flushed and distorted by her pleasure, was only inches from yours, and you, following the natural impulse of your body, wrapped your arms around her body and snuggled her against you to kiss her. She moaned against your lips and you against theirs, but even so your kiss was loaded with feelings that you had been repressing for a long time, love, gratitude, desire and affection, all of that was combined in a beautiful dance between your lips.
"I love you, darling…" she gasped against your lips, "just the way you are, and I don't want you to ever change that," her words preceded another moan against your lips. You were speechless, but you were staring into her eyes as she moved her hips up and down in the perfect rhythm to start slowly bringing you to your climax.
"I... love you too, Dubu," you managed to say, affectionately rubbing her back, "I would never stop being the boy you're in love with."
"God..." Dahyun whimpered, kissing you again as she grabbed your face and moved her hips a little faster, slightly letting go of her delicacy.
In the midst of that whirlwind of love and passion, the only audible moans were those of Jihyo next to you while she quickly rubbed her pussy, since yours were all silenced by your own lips. All of Dahyun's hair was down in your face, but it was the last thing you cared about right now.
"I'm going to cum Dubu..." you gasped in the middle of the kiss, "where..."
"Inside, darling, cum inside… cum with me," she moaned, grabbing her thighs on either side of your torso as she cast aside all traces of sensuality and finesse and began bouncing quickly on your cock.
"Are you sure?" you made sure, clearly wanting to.
"Just do it, I want to feel it, fuck!" She clung to your shoulders again, this time slightly digging her nails into them as she concentrated on moving her hips.
You let yourself be carried away for the moment, and you just closed your eyes as you held on to her with your arms, the scent of her hair, her moans, her pretty face of pleasure, her incredibly tight pussy, everything made the perfect combination to take you to your second orgasm of the night, both yours and hers. You exploded inside her with a loud moan, which seconds later was imitated by Dahyun but at least two decibels above. She returned to the sensual movements as her body succumbed to the intense spasms. Meanwhile, your cock was shooting thick strips of cum into her pretty pink pussy, which was being completely filled by every second you spent inside her. Dubu dropped her head next to yours in the middle of whimpers, while she cupped the side of your face with one of her hands and with the other crumpled the pillowcase.
Jihyo had kept rubbing her pussy all this time, and it wasn't until your orgasm passed that hers took center stage. Her body shook uncontrollably all over the side of her mattress amid screams of pleasure, a small squirt came out of her pussy, which stained her own thigh and part of the sheet under her. She continued rubbing and rubbing, until the liquid that was now coming out in little streams stopped coming out.
Knowing what had just happened between the two of you, Jihyo didn't bother to regain her energy before getting behind Dahyun's ass and making you pull your cock out of her, letting your cum run free out of her pussy and straight down in your shaft again. She grabbed your dick at the base and began to clean your cum with her tongue until it was clean again, then she concentrated on Dubu, firmly grabbing her ass and immersing her mouth in her pussy, eating and cleaning any trace of your cum in between her sensitive folds.
After leaving you clean, Jihyo lay down next to you again, while you still kept your eyes closed and your arms clinging to your... girlfriend? There was no sound in the bedroom, just gasping from the three of you.
"Well… rest up, there's still a cake to cut out there," Jihyo said, with a small giggle.
You and Dubu ignored her, and just fell asleep.
Spren Notes:
Well, this story is definitely a bit different than what I usually do with OCs, but I hope you like it! By the way, I broke records for words written in a single day with this. 6k in a single day, lmao.
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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winterarmyy · 9 months
Must Be Fate
Prequel to And You're Mine. This is the story of how Y/N first met her cute, chubby alpha!bucky.
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Summary: Y/N has been crossing paths with this particularly sweet alpha all day long; this must be fate right?
Note: There was a mention of this event in 《 And You're Mine 》 so, it's only canon for me to write it.
Pairing: chubby alpha!bucky x omega!female!reader
Words: 4.2k++
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics. fluffy stuff. sort of fated mate themed because... love at first scent(?). instant love. the reader was just smitten without even knowing bucky's name, alpine making her appearance, 99.9% reader's pov because she's the one who fell in love and remembers him. Dialogue? almost little to none (I AM SO SORRY FOR THAT). And I little shout out to one of my favourite book.
P/S: Been busy these few days, i just graduated my bachelor's degree, then went through the whole job hunting process and somehow managed to land an offer (in another state btw), then went on a stressful house hunting journey and managed to get decent place. Yknow, all those "adulting" stuff (that i am not ready to face). But yeah, here's a little something from my wip that I managed to finish. Happy reading! 🤍
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Y/N herself might not notice it, but she had been stealing glances through the pretense of the book she was supposed to be reading for quite some time now. Not that she wanted to be distracted anyway; she was rather enjoying her current read, especially the banter between main characters, Liesel and Rudy.
Yet for some reason, she couldn’t tear her gaze away from the particular alpha sitting on the park bench, right across from her.
It seemed that the man was also distracted with his own personal dilemma as his thoughts were lost within the arrangement of peonies in his hand. There was this deep frown decorating his features yet his eyes translates a different type of emotion. More gloomy, more somber. And Y/N knew exactly why.
She never meant to follow Bucky around, in fact, she didn’t. It just happened that his paths were fated to intertwined with hers; and it all started that afternoon.
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The bus was packed full, albeit it was Saturday, but thankfully she managed to find herself a seat.
Since Y/N was getting closer to her heat, in about a week or so, and her scent blockers were nearly out. She just got back from a nearby clinic to restock and now she had a full day for herself.
The thing about her pre-heat condition is that she was fortunate to not experience the normally unpleasant symptoms like any omega would; she doesn't get irritated easily and she didn't have to go through those random aches and fever.
However, she had a particular symptom that differs from the other omega; which involve the irregular increase of her scent.
During pre-heat and all throughout the actual heat, Y/N’s scent tripled the amount of a normal omega in heat. And since, she refused to take suppressants, the doctor prescribed her with a high dosage of scent blockers instead; to mask her scent completely during pre-heat.
Besides her own scent thickens and heighten, her sense of smell was also affected. It will become so senstive that she can smell everything and everyone, all at the same time.
Unfortunately for her, there weren’t any medication to combat that issue and the only solution she could do was wearing a mask to lessen affect of other people’s scents. But of course, the mask can only do so much especially when she was in a tight confinement of a bus with – what feels like – 2000 people crammed into it.
Too many potent scents coming from every direction, that her head spun into nausea.
Sure, she might be a little bit exaggerating about the amount of people in the bus, but it felt awfully like it when the bus stopped in every bus stop in its route; she can physically feel the inertia of the force pushing her to lean forward.
Thank god, she was sitting down; she managed to hold on the seat in front of her for support. Often times she would whisper her apologies to the man sitting in front for the sudden push of her hand, And most times he only nodded without looking back.
But at one of those stops, unfortunately, the teenager standing next to her bumped his head right onto the metal pole. Poor thing quickly scurried out of the bus in pain and embarrassment.
The density of people became lesser at that stop, but not enough to empty any seat in the bus. Though it worked well for her that most of the strong scents were fading into a much more bearable capacity for her to endure.
While streams of people exited the bus, only one came aboard; a sweet old lady. The moment Y/N saw her, she was already thinking of giving up her seat, but the man sitting in front of her beat her to it as he swiftly stood on his feet and help the old lady to his seat.
The old lady gushed and thanked the man, dearly patted his cheeks like any grandmother would do to their grandchildren.
And in that brief moment of time, when he moved, Y/N picked up a particularly sweet scent trailing behind him and when he came back, it hits her like a train. At first, she can sense some sort of floral; roses and jasmine but with time the smoky sandalwood and spicy cinnamon seeped through. The combination of sweet and woody notes made such a warm and captivating scent.
She never knew an alpha can smell this good.
Her eyes fluttered close as the alluring scent flooded her brain, letting his scent creates the dreamy images of his fingers lacing between hers as they walk in the rain, or him cuddling her in the heat of the fireplace during the winter, or his body trapping her by the back as she takes his huge delicious kno—whoa.
That was way too vivid and a tad too far.
She was so enthralled by his scent that she forgot to even look at the man’s face. And a mistake it was for her to take a peek because he is absolutely gorgeous. The brown locks on his head was neat and clean that she just wanted to make a mess out of it. His eyes were pretty in steel-blue and his plush lips was simply a sin to look at.
Though some would argue about the lack of shape in his jawline, the same one that was hidden between his chin; she didn’t care at all, rather she was particularly fond of the softness on his chubby cheeks. Shaved so clean and smooth that she couldn't find a single razor cut on his skin.
They look so cute and kissable. She want to kiss his cheeks, his lips, and every part of his ridiculously handsome face. She wanted kiss him so badly.
And those intrusive thoughts made her almost missed her stop.
Y/N panicked when she scurried out of the bus that she didn't even thought to ask him for his name or number; anything.
But then again, she wasn't the type to be so bold in the first place; she knew wouldn't have the courage to even speak a word to him. His scent alone almost pushed her into a frenzy, so imagine if he would look at her with those beautiful eyes of his, smile at her, talk to her?
She'd simply die. She was sure of it.
So, with regrets Y/N walked towards the familiar road right into the local bookstore that she often visits. Thinking that this encounter would probably be forgotten by the end of the day.
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Then she spent hours in that shop trying to find the perfect book to put her out of the miserable reading slump she was currently in. While her eyes skim over the covers of the book in display, in the back of her head, Y/N was almost certain of how unlikely it was for her to see the alpha ever again.
Couple of turns later, her footsteps trailed back to the space in between the bookshelves next to the huge glass window of the store. Still glancing absentmindedly at the book covers particular on the historical fiction isle. She halted when she saw it, the book that people had been recommending to her, 'The Book Thief'.
After reading the summary behind the book, she felt drawn to it almost instantly. Thinking that maybe this would be the book that will replenish her interest of reading back to its utmost glory.
But when she lifted her head up, she froze yet again. This time, not because the sight of a book. But it was the silhouette of the alpha she saw in the bus. Instinctively, her feet step closer to the glass window, to have a better look at the man across the road.
The alpha had just exited the flower shop opposite from where she was standing, with a gorgeous bouquet of peonies in his hands. Now that she looked closely, his hands were covered with black leather gloves; it intrigued her and she wondered about the story behind it.
Y/N wasn't that dense; she could see it right away from the way he dressed, to the choice of gift he went for. She knew instantly that the alpha was probably going out on a date.
And that stung her a little bit. How nice it must be to be his date, his girl, his omega.
Funny of her to think so when she never really talked to the guy. Let alone know him well enough to decided whether he's a good alpha or not. But something about him felt right to her.
But, sometimes it'll be like that. Falling in love so strongly, so instantly. And there's nothing wrong with it, as long as you know how to protect yourself; your body, your heart.
When her gaze moved upwards to his face; and her heart almost escaped her body. It was so quick, so faint. But, she saw his smile. It wasn't for her but it was so pretty. Y/N felt like a bow just struck her chest and the cupid was trying to pull it back out.
She knew full well how she probably need to move on from this delusional crush of hers yet her eyes still longingly lingered at his moving figure, walking farther away from her sight.
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When she thought that would be the last time she saw him, she was utterly wrong. Now, it felt like devilish cupid was toying with her heart as their path crossed yet again, this time at a nearby cafe.
She didn't notice him at first, at least until she placed her orders and saw him sitting alone at the far corner of the cafe. He seemed to be waiting for his date; the flowers laid perfectly on the seat next to him.
In contrast of the few looks of his that she had witness before, the alpha's demeanour indicates anxiousness.
His heel keeps tapping the floor, causing his knees to jump up and down, as he fiddled with his phone. Occasionally, he would look at the time and put it down. Just to do the same thing over again only seconds later.
And that made her wondered if this was his first date with whomever the person he was supposed to be seeing. She knew those feelings all too well. It was only canon that he felt the jitters on his first date, she'd been there too.
When her drink was served, Y/N decided to stay awhile longer. She didn't know what she was expecting from this but she wanted to make sure he was okay. Or maybe she just wanted to see who was the lucky girl. So she found herself a seat, a little bit discrete yet enough to see him from where she sat.
Pulling out her new purchase, she decided to pass the time with some light reading, maybe getting herself comfortable with the world building in the book and get to know the main characters in the process. In between those moments, Y/N would peek above the book, particularly at the sight of that beautiful stranger from across the room.
Pages upon pages she drowned herself to the words of the author that she didn't notice how time flies passing the half an hour mark; and the cafe started to get more crowded and rowdier. Certainly, the amount of potent scents had were floating around her were slowly getting to her.
Y/N knew if she stayed a longer, she'd surely throw up whatever drink she just had. So, she decided to leave. But not before glancing at the alpha – who was still waiting for his date – for one last time, then she pulled the door open and walked away.
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Certainly, that was supposed to be the last time she see him right? Nope. The universe proved her wrong when the man found a seat on the bench opposite her. With the same bouquet of flowers in his hands.
And at this point, she thought that this must be fate. There's no other explanation than this.
When she lowered her book again, she saw a white feline rubbing its head on Bucky's legs. It was too far to hear its voice but considering the amount of time its mouth open, Y/N figured it was meowing at him.
Probably to get his attention, or just wanted to comfort the alpha because just from the look of it, she knew he was stood up by his date. And Y/N was unexpectedly mad about it; maybe it was from personal experience or maybe it was just because she couldn't accept the fact that this fine, gorgeous, sweet alpha was being stood up.
Y/N watched how Bucky put away the flowers and scooped the cat onto his lap. He squinted his eyes at the ball of fur and spoke something. She hadn't had a clue what he said but it was probably along the lines, "Are you lost, little one?" He scratched its chin and neck while trying to see if it has a collar.
After so long of seeing that deep grumpy-looking frown on his face, Bucky finally graced her with another smile when the cat tried to rub its nose on his cheeks. Its whiskers tickled his nose and had trigger a laugh out of him.
God, Y/N had never been so desperate to be a cat in her life. She wanted to be that cat; sitting on his lap like she owns that place, making him smile and laugh like that. She wanted nothing more that to do so; to please him in a way that would make her own heart full.
Her daydream was cut short though, when a heavy scent of cigarettes and rum invaded her space. In fact it was so thick and potent, but considering the lanky alpha was sitting right next to her it was inevitable.
Y/N didn't want to be rude; because if she just walk away to find a different spot to sit at, then it would seem rude to the man. Her heighten sense of smell was to be blamed, not the man who was simply sitting next to her, enjoying the park as much as everybody else does.
So, she stayed.
But in those few minutes that she stayed, she might have re-adjust her mask a few times, as if it would help to lessen the scent. But, she did it anyway. And that was all she did. Yet somehow, it managed to rub the alpha in a wrong way.
"Ya got a problem with my scent, beta?" He snarled, clearly he was drunk. And a drunk alpha in the middle of the day was never a good sign.
Though she was relieved to know that the scent blockers worked just fine. Otherwise, she might push the alpha into a rut if he got even a single whiff of her scent.
The alpha growled as she put some space between them instead of answering his question. "Are you even listening to me?! Answer me, you dumb bitch!" His aggressiveness went from zero to hundred real quick when he yanked her by the hand, pulling her closer towards him.
Y/N's book fell from the force of his strength and she yelped in pain and fear. Though she usually know how to put up a brave face and fight back, but the sudden change of his action and emotion didn't gave her time to prepare her; mentally, physically.
With her omega tendencies on default, her body coward to his force and her voice tremble, "L-let me go!" She tried to twist her hand to escape but his grasp only grew stronger.
He pulled her to stand up, "You think a beta like you can look down on me? You and that omega are the same! Bunch of good for thing bitches. Gonna teach you a good lesson for disrespecting an alpha like me!" He roared with words of his drunken concerns, truth of his wounded ego.
Her blood pumped faster through her veins and her breaths increases behind her mask. When she saw his hand rose, Y/N shut her eyes, whimpering in fear as she turned her head away, waiting for the pain strike her but it never happened.
It between those short heavy breaths, she caught a whiff of Bucky's scent. And surely, it gave her the comfort she needed to calm down, guiding her to open her eyes and witness her saviour stopping the unhinged alpha's strike.
Then what happend next was so fast; the way Bucky forced him to release her, and the way the left of his gloved hand wrapped around the alpha's neck, choking the air out of his wind pipe.
Bucky growled something in the alpha's ear, but Y/N couldn't hear it over her own beating heart. She didn't need to, not when the pale look of the man's face says it all. As soon as Bucky loosen his grip, the other alpha stumbled backwards and made a run for his life.
That does tend to happened when Bucky was literally threatened to tear his limbs apart if he touch the woman ever again.
When the panic didn't die like Y/N hoped for, Bucky quickly came to her side; respectfully close while avoiding any sort of skinship. He whispered words of comfort and sweet nothings, "It's okay, you're okay. You're safe now."
His voice was like magic, especially when it managed to calm her so easily. Y/N can feel herself melting, like a marshmallow hovering over the flames; like an ice cream under the summer sun. She took a deep breath of his sweet scent and exhaled a long sigh, "Thank you. Thank you for that." she said.
Bucky bent down to pick up her book and patted the dust off, "It's no big deal, here." He handed the book. She gladly took it from his hand, gripping it tight to her chest.
Her head was still fuzzy from the rush of adrenaline, she couldn't think of a single coherent thought other than gratitude towards her saviour, "Yeah, thank you." She probably didn't even notice that she was talking to the alpha she was crushing on the whole day.
Looking at her shaken state, Bucky was worried of her, "Are you going to be okay?" He asked.
Y/N's mind didn't process his question fast enough to for a confident reply to form, "Huh? Yeah, of course. I'll be fine. Couple of deep breaths should do the trick."
"Are you sure?" Bucky was sceptical but she quickly assured him, "Absolutely!"
He nodded slowly as if she failed to convince him, yet he didn't want to push her too much, "If you say so..."
She let out a another long sigh and said, "Thank you again, really. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Bucky simply chuckled at her words, "You know, you've said 'thank you' way too many times now, doll. Plus, it is an utmost honor of an alpha to save a damsel in distress." He jest.
Which was quickly agreed by a mewl coming from his chest, "Meow!" Y/N didn't even notice the white cat nestling comfortably in his leather jacket, albeit it was zipped up until only its' head peeking out of the dark fabric.
"See? She agrees." Bucky shrugged as if the cat's opinion was the only valid opinion in this situation.
"I did say it a lot, did I?" Y/N cooed as she pet the cat on its' head, smiling at the softness of its' fur against her skin before looking back at the blue eyes of his, "Sorry." She instinctively apologized. 
Bucky shook his head and reminded her, "Don't be."
That was when Bucky's phone rang, a call from Steve, "Hey, you're here? Where are you? Oh there. Yeah, I can see you, punk. You don't need wave at me like that. Yeah, I'll be right there. Please don't let Sam join you. God stop that is fucking embarrassing." He muttered as he looked over how his friends were literally halfway out of the car window, waving at him like a bunch of kids.
Bucky snuck his phone back into his pocket and said, "I'd offer you a ride but the car's full with dumbasses and I wouldn't recommend a sweet thing like you to associate with them in any way."
He managed to pull a short laugh out of her, "Oh, no need to do so. I live close by. Don't need to worry about me just..." her trails stopped mid way.
Only for Bucky to continue with a question, "...Just??"
"Do you mind giving those to me?" Y/N pointed at the flowers in his hand. She knew he was contemplating to throw it away because he had been glancing at the trash way too many times at the first couple of minutes when he sat on that bench across from her.
Y/N noticed how his expression changed, he looked confused but didn't frown upon the idea. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she waited patiently for his respond. But he just continued to stare at her, almost blankly but not quite lost. It was as if he was mesmerized by something.
The silence was getting louder than the crowds surrounding them so she decided to explain, "You see, I've never received flowers from anybody before. So, I'm curious how it feels like to receive one." She tried to come up with excuses, though she was still telling the truth. No one she dated had ever gave her flower before, probably deeming it as old-fashioned.
But, she loves those old fashioned gesture the most.
Y/N saw how he hesitated when he stared at the bouquet, his face getting tense by the seconds. She recognize that expression, she knew right away he was holding back his feelings.
But it quickly shifted into a gentle smile, "Pretty flowers for the pretty lady." He whispered under his breath. Bucky didn't waste his time hesitating this time and handed the bouquet to her.
Though she was asking for it but she didn't expect him to really give it to her. This was the first time she ever got flowers from a man. An alpha that she was pretty much head over heels for nonetheless.
Letting her emotions unfiltered, "Thank you!" she squealed as she reach out her hand. As she brought the bouquet closer to her face, she pulled down her mask, inhaling the sweet fragrant of the soft pastel peonies.
Even if her lower face hidden behind the flowers, Bucky swore he saw a burst of sparkles beamed from her upon receiving those flowers. It fascinated him because he never knew that someone could be this happy just from getting such small gift, from a complete stranger he might add.
For a second there, he thought that he would've give her a whole garden of flowers just to see her shine like that again. It felt so good and somehow fulfilling to see her happy like this.
Y/N unknowingly smiled as she let herself lost in the intoxicating scent. And when her eyes fluttered open, a deep chuckle distracted her from the trance. Looking up, as he eyes peeking through the blooming flowers, she finally saw that endearing smile that she wanted to see.
But that wonderful fleeting moment didn't last long as she was hoping for when she heard a group of man shouting for the alpha, "Hey, loverboy! We have a birthday party to get to. Natasha would be pissed if we're late. Again!"
As Bucky shouted back his own sassy counter, Y/N's head was filled with thoughts of kissing him. She didn't particularly know why but she had the need to do it.
Why would she ever do this to a man – who probably currently thinking that she was a creep – that she barely knew?
Even with those unconscious questions, she found her body moved on its own.
When he turned around, Y/N was already on her tip toe, her face was so close to his, while her hand softly cupped his chubby cheeks. She pressed a tender kiss on one of the side soft sides and prayed to God that he couldn't hear how her heart was desprete to escape the confinement of her ribcage.
Y/N placed her mask back before pulling away, only to preen at how she managed to stun him into a red mess of shock, "Thank you for saving me, alpha." Her eyes curved as a sign of a smile before she turn around, almost running away.
She certainly didn't give him a chance to at least know her name, let alone get to know her.
Midway through her path, Y/N abruptly stopped and turned around, her eyes met his curious ones and her heart fluttered, "Thank you for the flowers! I love them!" she shouted with a wide smile on her lips and brightest expression of her face, even if it was blocked by the mask.
Though Bucky could probably translate her eagerness and sincerity from how animatedly joyful she was waving at him. He smiled as he watched the girl ran away with her small steps, almost resembling a hopping bunny.
As Y/N skipped her way home, her lips aches for more of the alpha's softness, her heart yearned for his comforting presense and her glands certainly burned for his mark. And even though she went home not knowing his name, or his contact number. She believed that if he was truly her fated mate, then they will surely meet again someday.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Thank you for loving this couple as much as I do, guys. I noticed a lot of you have been requesting chubby alpha!bucky ever since I first published the first one. So I hope you enjoyed this one. More to come from them. But meanwhile, drop your thoughts?
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