#I wrote it in 5 minutes because everything is boring me
mightdeletelater · 6 months
It may come off as harsh, but I have grown really weary of individuals who lack strong opinions.
This phenomenon feels particularly prevalent in politics (and politics is what is inspiring this particular train of thought), although I believe it extends across the board. One of the gravest assumptions people make in shaping their worldview is that the most valid stance taken must reside somewhere in the middle. For example attempting to find a compromise between opposing political ideologies.
This assumption is flawed. It falls into the trap of the middle ground fallacy. The correct position isn't necessarily equidistant between extremes. If one extreme suggests drinking a litre of bleach daily for strong bones and the other advises drinking none daily for strong bones, the middle ground of drinking half a litre isn't the most sensible option now, is it?
Equally frustrating is the suppression of differing opinions or the tendency to attack those who hold them. This issue extends beyond politics and encompasses areas like art and personal relationships. It often feels taboo to critically engage with topics or individuals we admire, including acknowledging aspects we find troubling.
Constructive discourse would flourish if we recognised that it's possible to appreciate something while also scrutinising it when necessary. I recognise how pretentious this sounds, but I wish people would take more time to reflect on their desires, interests, curiosities and how they can improve and enrich their lives. I'm exhausted by the silence and lack of substantive opinions. Selfishly, it is because I have no outlet for expressing my own thoughts, and consequently, these thoughts swirl incessantly in my mind, creating a dissonance I literally can't escape.
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wildesqdreams · 2 months
canceled plans, sweet love
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summary - sometimes you have to experience pain again and again, even if it's caused by friends, until you find that person who would fall into tartarus for you.
pairing - percy jackson x fem!reader.
warnings - angst (not because of our man), but percy saves the day, kissing/making out.
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a/n: i wrote this in one sitting, why? because this actually happened to me. am i okay? no, i'm not... but i hope u guys like it!
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you know what's the biggest problem with selfless people? they usually end up as idiots, lying in bed listening to radiohead and still WONDERING how they can make others feel better.
it was 3pm. she was supposed to be back at 7. percy knew it, so he went out skateboarding with his new colleagues that he has befriended.
y/n knew it, too. she had planned the day out. well her and her friends. a lake day, a long needed reunion, since she didn't see them for quite a while.
the thing is she was so sentimental and she was waiting when she could finally see her friends again. and as she was told, they were too. but then why did the plans suddenly change? and why did suddenly everyone have to leave 5 hours earlier than intended?
a tear rolled down her face, and she hid her face in the blanket.
god, she felt so stupid. always listening. always trying. always waiting. ALWAYS CHASING OTHERS. but in the end, being left alone like a piece of shit.
it may seem dramatic. but when all your lifetime you have been the one running after and being ditched, it just makes you feel so embarrassing and lonely. so fucking lonely.
she felt something vibrate. she reached for her phone under the pillow, hoping for some apologies, but all she got was a notification from the weather app. y/n put her phone back down on the bed, closing her eyes, trying to fall asleep. trying to run away from her clouded mind.
some minutes passed, and she heard the apartment doors open. there was some shuffling before she heard a voice yell from the foyer, "hey, baby, you're already back?!"
the girl felt the nerves in her body come back alive. how stupid. such an idiot. dumb. dumb. dumb.
"weren't you supposed to be at home much later," she heard him come to the bedroom, "not that i'm complaining or anything," percy set the keys on the cupboard in the room.
y/n just hummed.
"ey," the boy went to the bed, sitting down, where she was lying on her side. he placed his hand on her upper thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb, "did something happen?"
"no, everything is fine," she put on a small smile, as she sat up, percy's hand sliding up and down her leg, that was covered with the blanket, "so, how was your day? have fun?"
percy squeezed her thigh before putting his hand on the bed beside it, the other reaching for her hair, pushing it behind her ear, "baby," he kissed her cheek, that was stained with tears, resting his other hand on the other side of the bed, traping her between his arms, "don't lie to me."
"perce, i'm fine, really."
"then why have you been crying?"
y/n shrugged, "watched a sad movie."
"and why are you home so early?"
"got bored, decided that i wanted to leave," she tried to act unbothered, but percy could see right through her. of course he could.
"y/n," he sat closer, as he put his arms around her, "fuck em," he pulled her closer.
she tried to smile, but tears started to spill again, "again, no big deal."
she heard him sigh, "i hate when you just act like it's okay, when it's not, " he rubbed his hand up and down her back, "i just wished you had called me, i would be here in a heartbeat-"
"i'm serious, y/n," he pulled back, resting his hands on her cheeks, "i'm here, baby, always. i'm not gonna just throw you away. if you need me, i'm here," he rested his forehead against hers, "those idiots aren't worth your tears. gods, pretty, you deserve so much better than them."
she smiled, tears still in her eyes. the girl gave him a peck on his nose, "i'll live, i mean, i have you. that's more than i could ask for."
she felt his hands go down to her waist, lying her back down, as he climbed on top of her, giving her soft kisses on her neck, "that's right, baby. just remeber that," he trailed his lips up her neck, "don't want you forgeting what you mean to me," her hands went to his hair, as his kisses traveled up to her mouth, "i love you so much, y/n."
"i love you, perce," the boy captured her lips into a passionate kiss.
but the best thing about selfless people? they are patient enough to wait for the right people to come into their lives and make all the tears and pain be replaced with endless love.
"but really," she mumbled into the kiss, "how did it go?"
percy just laughed, "let's just say we both should just stick with each other," and with that, he placed his lips back on hers.
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taglist: @pleasingregulus
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 days
In "KAOS" nothing is anything, and everything is wrong
Two disclaimers: I am no stranger to modern art, and I have no issue with queerness in shows, or in my own mythology (I'm Greek). I am also aware that KAOS is a comedy. It's in the gutter of British comedy, but still part of the genre. At least I laughed every time they said "Oh God!". I don't believe this is the same person who wrote the great and amusing "End of the F**king World"! The premise of "The gods in our modern world" appeals to me a lot, so that wasn't my problem either. My general issue with KAOS is its horrible delivery, bad writing, and piss-poor Greek representation.
This is gonna be long and full of stupid gifs, so sit comfortably, grab a coffee or some popcorn and... pame!
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The "ILoveGreekMythology" Kid
Art without context is just a pretty thing to look at. Most of the time, this context can be found within the art piece itself, as the artist has taken care to weave it in. KAOS refuses to connect itself to any context besides the names and a few vague powers. It aims to exist outside of those "boring old stories of the Greek myth" and be entirely "fresh and modern". Something impossible when the entire show and the meanings are based on ancient recorded material. In other words, KAOS is so meta that it ends up being nothing. KAOS cannot stand on its own because you need more than the viewers being familiar with the Greek myth basics to pull such a show off.
KAOS tells us "See? I know all the names of the gods, and what they did, and I know all the locations, so I am qualified to tackle this". More or less like any Western kid who takes all their knowledge from PJO and Marvel and proceeds to unironically hate ancient deities and make a girlboss out of Medusa.
Here's a Greek word for you guys, ημιμάθεια, meaning "half-knowledge". Α Greek saying very well declares "Half-knowledge is worse than no knowledge". The confidence of thinking you know enough often leads you to grave mistakes whereas the humility of not knowing prevents you from touching shit that you shouldn't. When you have no idea what the original myth is trying to say and spit on its meaning, knowing a few names and locations is just smoke and mirrors. I don't believe the audience fell for that.
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And don't get me started on the "subversions". A good subversion is intriguing and thought-provoking. In KAOS, every twist was hollow - Greek myth related or otherwise.
"What if Euridice doesn't love Orpheus?" I don't know, babe. What if??? What was the point of that? What did you show us? That women's stories are dominated by men and men don't listen to women, perhaps? And you chose to twist... the love story of Orpheus and Euridice to show this?? One of the best and most tragic love stories Greek mythology has to offer?? You just mocked the myth, you didn't make anything profound out of it.
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The Greek Stuff (Nothing salvageable)
I was surprised to see they had a Consulting Producer (Georgia Christou) and an Assistant Script Editor (Isabella Yianni) who happen to be Greek. And I stress that because those people probably weren't hired or utilized for being Greek. We are not sure they were involved in cultural decisions because we have no evidence and because shows with no Greek elements can have more Greeks than that on their staff.
Okay, perhaps they took 5 seconds to ask Isabella about a greeting - which they proceeded to say in a wrong intonation 🙄🤌It's where Poseidon says "ya sás" in the Fates, by the way. How he said it sounds more like "for you (pl.)" than "health to you (pl.)".
Surprise! The only Greek actor present (Peter Polycarpou) has less than 5 minutes of screen time and plays the caricature of an immigrant with a thick (and inaccurate Greek) accent. He has a canteen, selling falafel which is not Greek, and Dionysus buys from him an unidentified tortilla wrap (which... is also not Greek, if you haven't caught up).
For the show they brought in actors of Maori, Nigerian and Sierra Leonean, Pakistani, Black American, Latvian-Jewish, Iranian, Egyptian, Indo-Fijian and Malay descent and you tell me it was impossible for them to seek and find an English-speaking, skilled actor of Greek descent in a show regarding Greek heritage. Sometimes I wonder, do y'all hate us so much?
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They considered Greeks only to give us a simple (and wrong) greeting and a stereotype. Crumbs, we are supposed to be happy with. By the way, there are over 70.000 Greek immigrants just in the UK, usually in the urban centers, many of them students or fairly young employees in the corporate workforce. Not the largest minority but not hard to spot either.
Another plague of Anglophone shows: Almost everyone's Greek name is shortened. Yes, we know their full names but we are told that we will use the short ones. Greeks and their "long and difficult" names am I right fellas? Because saying "Ariadne" apparently requires 5 years of Greek language training, and no English word ever has more than two syllables.
Coincidentally, short names are cool in Anglophone imaginary universes and the "long" names are not. it's so strange Anglophones never make universes where it's cool for Greek names to be spoken in full hmmm... They don't even want to practice saying a whole Greek name for just 2 minutes in preparation for a show full of Greek names. And don't give me that "Greek is hard" shit when we only talk about a few syllables. If Greek kids can learn English since first grade and people here can sing English songs and spell English names, you have no excuse.
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They also said the name "Fotis" means light, which is close enough but... ugh.. It's like saying Sebastian means "respect". I am not sure if they asked anyone or what their research was here. If I had the writers in front of me, I'd be like:
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(This character from an all-time favorite Greek show is called Fotis)
They also made the flag of "Krete" an alteration of the Greek flag and the local Cretan flag. Which is the stupidest move, because they had to remove the religious symbol of the cross to make the flag fit the universe. These are flags created based on 1) Christianity 2) the Greek Revolution of 1821.
National Greek flag to the left, local Cretan flag to the right:
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Flag of the KAOS' "Krete":
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The only time they seriously took into account anything Greek, was the time when they decided to remove the religious symbol of our ethnoreligion AND (from what I could observe) keep the nine stripes?? The nine stripes of our national flag represent the syllables in "Freedom or Death". The colors are from the white foustanela of the mainland attire and the dark blue vraka of the island attire, the clothing of the Revolution fighters. (That's more of a meta explanation but the characteristics of the flag were decided during and nearly after the Revolution.)
I think I don't have to explain it more but it's not a homage to put the nine stripes in an ancient era where they have no meaning, and to replace a cross??? Let's... not replace religious symbols on national flags, okay? Thank you.
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Another cultural element they changed was making everyone have a dedicated coin to pay Charon. Orpheus has Euridice's coin, "her coin", and he's meant to put it on her before she got buried. In Greek culture, any coin would do. Sorry that our culture restricts your script, dear writers. I guess you had to bend this too, in order to create a cohesive plot with a semblance of a twist.
Finally, the many "Kerberus" dogs were cute and I can understand the creative decision behind that. However, in a show full of inaccuracies, this made me roll my eyes a little. I think the showrunners know that Kerveros is not a breed of dog, and there can only be one of him because he doesn't have any other "Kerveros" to breed with. On the other hand, as demonstrated from art/writing on the internet, quite a lot of Westerners are not exactly aware of how our monsters work, so forgive my uncertainty 😅
Nothing is Anything
Every element KAOS played with ended up meaningless. In the words of a Lifo article:
“Zeus is a paranoid authoritarian dictator in mid-life crisis who fears losing his power and murders his aides to vent. Hera is a promiscuous goddess who repeatedly betrays Zeus and has mutilated mute priestesses for protection. Dionysos is a spoiled and immature zoomer who, apart from pranks, indulges in orgies with all genders. Poseidon a sadistic god of the sea, who tortures the crew on his ship for fun. Prometheus is gay and killed his lover so he could overthrow Zeus. Orpheus is a famous pop singer and Eurydice does not love him. Theseus is black and gay. The Erinyes are tough-as-nails mechs that look like they stepped out of ‘Sons of Anarchy’. The Fates resemble a three-member jury in a talent show. The Trojans are a terrorist group that acts against the gods. Crete is more reminiscent of California than the Mediterranean.”
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The "River Styx" is a sea, the "River Lethe" is a lake, the gods are nothing more than spoiled humans, the Moirai are drag queens, the Cave is a club where you have to take a quiz to enter the underworld, and generally everything is modern, flat, mundane and anticlimactic. The producers aimed to achieve a work so meta that a "river" is now a concept, a metaphor, whatever you have in your heart. And those who want to see a river when we speak of a river are probably uncultured swines and don't understand postmodernism. Never mind that rivers are rivers in Greek mythology for a reason. That's not culturally interesting enough to explore compared to the new, cool approach of not assigning meaning to anything. That totally shows love for the original rich and meaningful material...
And the reason behind all this subversion? Probably the shock factor. They brought the characters to a point where they said "We have to save the world from Zeus" - Zeus! The father of gods, heroes and humans! - just because they could. It gives off a certain type of smugness that I personally don't like. I mean, I would like the smugness and cheekiness of KAOS if it wasn't a vapid and practically meaningless show. As nothing symbolizes anything anymore, we are just led from hollow plot point to hollow plot point.
If you cut it out of any cultural influence and see it as a story then it's... okay, I guess. But when you consider that it's meant to derive from certain material and it fails spectacularly, it's not a good story. It forgets its bases and doesn't play with the ancient elements at all. Disney's Hercules did it better, FFS!
Bad Writing (pt.1)
KAOS is not without recognizable themes but their demonstration is so juvenile and heavy-handed that it fails to influence a viewer of average intelligence. For instance, "Riddy" says to her religious mother "You dedicated your whole life to Hera, what about me?" Okay, KAOS, we get it. At the same time, this theme nulls itself because it turns out that Ridy's mother was right to do what she did, as she had a greater goal in mind. (And this, kiddos, is called Bad Writing, because your themes and scenes contradict each other)
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The biggest theme I spotted was a criticism of religion and religious people who say "Do as I say, not as I do" and create exceptions for themselves. Only, it's not a criticism of anything real, in this case. It's a fact that some people in the clergy tend to preach peace and love and then they do harm, but we don't know, for example, that The Goddess of Marriage is a cheater and yet she pressures everyone into strict marriages. By focusing their wrath on divine beings who are not known for their hypocrisy, the creators missed the mark.
I can give KAOS props for how it handled Trojans to reflect real issues regarding how immigrants and war refugees are mistreated and blamed. I'd argue it was the only (nearly) well-done theme in the whole show because it had the least on-the-nose delivery and some genuine/serious scenes. But that's it.
More Bad Writing!
Jeff Goldblum's Zeus is shit. He'd crap his pants in an argument with a stern Greek dad/uncle his age. Is this character supposed to be intimidating? (Laughs in Mediterranean) That's not to say that Goldblum is not a good actor, but this role wasn't for him. The same can be said for the other actors, too. They are competent but they only give off the air of "The Greek gods if they lived in London, from the minds of people who think beards and body hair are an affliction". In addition to being misplaced, the actors cannot show their talent when following a script that resembles a children's book.
Why does THE GOD Dionysus have the maturity of a 15-year-old? I repeat, The God Dionysus. He's a freaking deity, and a very old one at that. He is not a teenager neither in appearance nor in experience. In our culture, he is mystical, mighty, wise. Why did they downgrade him so? Just for the plot? This is not Dionysus just because you named him so.
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The dialogue rarely takes itself seriously to the point it has you wondering at times "Do people talk and behave like that?". In a comedy where everything is meant to be already extreme and parodied. Even in comedies, something must occasionally be serious so there is a healthy fluctuation in tone and the funny moments can hit you. In KAOS very few scenes treated their impactful dialogue as it should be treated.
The queerness and diversity (good elements, in general) were worse off for being in KAOS. Like, I want these elements to be there. I'm just sad about the whole situation. It's not enough that the show is shit, now you also give an additional reason for conservatives to shit on diverse and queer characters because they are part of a stupid narrative.
I'm the type of person who doesn't mind the queerness of Astyanax and Theseus being lovers in the context of this specific show but they're still the oddest pairing to me because they're from the most irrelevant myths and eras. Also, Astyanax in my mind is a baby who died tragically, for little reason if we are honest, so to bring him back and make him a love interest is... ekh.
In addition, isn't Astyanax supposed to be crippled after a fall from the city walls when he was a baby? Sorry to change subjects but the show is so convoluted and with so many issues that it's extremely difficult to stay on track with what's wrong.
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To the person who thought this show was a good idea:
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Whatever. Bye. I'm fucking done.
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tangyangie · 2 years
imagine makeout sessions with karma .. there's an official ranking of the top 5 best kissers in e class made by irina herself and i could Not stop thinking about karma being third place
He's skilled at everything, but seems strangely familiar with this activity. There's nothing for me to improve on, which makes him boring to teach.
(not smut !!! probs just like.. lots of kissing lol)
kiss of death ☆彡
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character: karma
description: makeout sessions with karma. that's it
notes: i just wrote this as headcanons because it made the most sense to me :)) i hope you like it!!
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he's... got an interesting style of kissing.
he's very spontaneous with them. will probably kiss you in the middle of talking out of nowhere.
he's definitely the type to laugh and tease you between breaths. he wants you to get as needy as possible in the shortest amount of time.
likes to get you riled up and then simply leave. like, will eat your face for 2 minutes and then walk away, with you against the wall and extremely confused.
is the type to let his hands wander. he knows what he wants, and will waste no time trying to obtain it.
another thing he likes to do: he'll get close to you and hint enough that he wants to kiss you, and then you'll lean in and the most you'll get is a kiss on the nose.
like, he'd have one hand on your chin to tilt your face up, with his thumb on your bottom lip, he'd be staring into your eyes so intensely and then just -- stop?? just smiles teasingly and ruffles your hair.
now.. onto the actual kissing!!
he'd probably wrap his hands around your waist. unintentionally grips a little too hard, but you don't mind at all.
you might tell him to ease off a bit, but he hadn't realized that it was happening. of course, he doesn't stop. in fact, he'd probably do it harder!! just to tease you as much as possible.
karma starts off quickly. there might be one simply little kiss, but right after that, he's totally devouring you. will touch you in all the right spots so that you melt into his arms.
lots of heavy breathing from him. slight shakes can be heard from his voice sometimes.
hair grabber.
this man will push you against the nearest wall and run his fingers up to your head, tangling them as much as possible into your strands.
one time he accidentally got his hand stuck in your hair. it was a little awkward, but you mostly laughed it all out while he worked his way around your hair.
he likes to hear you speak. he'll probably speak so much in between kisses just to get you to say something. he loves to hear your voice, he just thinks it's so pretty.
soft whispering in your ear!! will reach one hand to the side of your face and move his lips to the opposite side, and then whisper something.
probably something to fluster you, he likes to see you shocked. he likes knowing he can still surprise you.
he knows exactly how to use his mouth. never uses a huge amount of tongue and doesn't let your teeth clink together (cause that's really awkward.)
he's constantly wanting to kiss you. has no shame at all. will probably kiss you deeply in public and then walk into a disney store.
will do anything possible to catch you off guard
but of course, he still likes the normal stuff. he still will kiss you at home, and sometimes, if he feels like it, he may be gentler with you. and cuddle. while you're kissing. and it's incredibly adorable.
all in all he really likes to kiss you
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notes: i'm not gonna lie, the title reminded me of the darling in the franxx intro so that's all i could think ab when i was writing this 😭😭 i haven't watched it in forever
anyways i hope you liked it!! kisses mwah mwah
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lightlycareless · 8 months
okay i have a headcanon but what if y/n has this like very new lip balm that has like a really good fragrance and taste to it and naoya is like "what did u put on ur lips" when they kissed
then goes on and buy like 20 of them so she would never run out of it 🏃‍♀️
and naoya gets comments abt how his lips look fuller and hydrated but its just the result of them kissing nonstop because of the lip balm-
Hello anon!!!!!
Now THIS is something I had lots of fun writing hhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahha specially after that dream I got with the lipstick... everything is alingning....
I genuinely believe Naoya would obsess over something like this—like, he's intoxicated in your scent, now add something sweet/tasty? He's an addict :)
Anyways, I won't say much hehe I hope you enjoy the little drabble I wrote:
warnings: tiniest mentions/implications of nsfw (smut, you know, the deed) and making out. But outside of that, nothing.
Happy reading!
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Naoya would first notice something glossy over your lips when meeting up with you for breakfast.
He doesn’t think much of it, except that it looks good, and that it made your lips look even more kissable.
Which obviously, he doesn’t hold back from doing whenever possible, he literally must kiss you once every 5 minutes or he’ll die.
When Naoya eventually kisses you goodbye, off to some other boring mission he needs to do, it’s when he spots the slightest difference from your always welcoming warm and soft lips.
Now, don’t get me wrong, those things were still there much to his heart’s delight, however, a new lingering sweetness would have him dumbfounded for a moment, carefully analyzing this discovery as he licks it up, wondering…
“Did you eat strawberries right now?” You’re no stranger to eating anything sweet that crosses your sight; but that would not be the case—In fact, you’re glad that he noticed, a bright grin quickly forming on your lips as you respond.
“Nope! It’s my new lip balm.” You explain, he raises an eyebrow.
“Lip balm?” Naoya repeats slowly.
“Well actually, a lip balm and an exfoliator! I found them the other day at the mall, that time I went with my staff, remember?” He nods “I was surprised that things like these existed for lips! So, I decided to give it a chance, and I gotta say, my lips definitely feel softer—look!”
You purse your lips into a pout which Naoya doesn’t hesitate to touch with his own lips, pecking them with a gentle kiss—rightfully amused when discovering that you were telling the truth.
“So? What do you think?” you smile, but Naoya doesn’t say anything, opting to give you a kiss instead… and another, and another, as if trying to convince himself he wasn’t making things up.
And you happily obliged initially, taking in all his gestures and returning them too, until you suddenly remembered he was supposed to be on his way to work, unless he wanted to be late!—and all because you wanted to show off your new lip balm, which he also effectively removed by now thanks to his kisses!
“Naoya!” You whine, and your tone was all he needed to understand what you were referring to.
“Just wanted to be sure of the flavor” Naoya smirks. “Didn’t catch it the first time.”
“But you guessed right the first time!!” you cry back, and he gives out a light chuckle before kissing you once more. You pout. “…well, at least one of us is getting their lips hydrated…”
“Don’t be angry, my love, I’ll buy you all the lip balms that you want if that’s the issue.” Naoya promises, pecking your lips one last time before departing off to his next mission.
Even when he had the means to do so (as well as past experiences), you wholeheartedly didn’t expect Naoya to keep his word regarding your lip balms; and you didn’t really care much for it either since you were still trying out this new thing—however, as always, you seemed to have underestimated your husband’s dedication and his fixations, for he quickly became an avid fan of your flavored balms, first seen on the new stick or scrub that would “mysteriously” appear on your vanity just before the other one ended…
Or by the way he’d grab your lips hostage with his, demonstrating both his well-known adoration for you, and newfound curiosity for the new flavor of the moment that lingered on them.
“Na—Naoya…”  you’d whimper, or attempt to through his incessant kissing, lips already numb at that point, as he cages you with his arms, keeping you underneath him and against the futon. “St—Stop…”
“What? I’m just trying to see if your new balm is working…” he murmurs, with eyelids halfway open and undeniably drunk in your scent and taste, desire is the only present feeling in his actions. “What is it… cherry?”
“I… I don’t know…” you blushed—but even when complaining about the breathless, heated situation he was putting you through, your lips still searched for his.
“I think so… but it doesn’t matter, we still have lots of flavors to go through…” he purrs before leaning down and closing the gap between the two with another kiss, tongue pushing past your lips and onto your mouth, diving deeper into the intoxicating combination of your flavor alongside the lip balm of the day, the newest sensation he didn’t know he needed until finally trying it.
“What will my little mochi taste like today?” Naoya teases you from over the futon as you apply lip balm onto your lips, just as you diligently did every morning.
Ever since your lips became softer thanks to your new routine, he proclaims you are now living up to that nickname, being the only one he calls you nowadays.
Not that you minded, it was certainly amongst the sweeter of his selection, nonetheless it still flustered you.
“It’s a secret.” You respond. By now Naoya has gotten you a thousand flavors, ones you weren’t even aware they could be used as balms—but given his craving to try them all out (from you), you determined to put on a different one every day just to keep him on his toes.
“Can I at least have a sneak peek?” he smirks. You giggle, shaking your head.
“Nope! Until I come back maybe.” Naoya scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I won’t be away for long, my love, just gotta pick up some things from the store. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Don’t know why you don’t ask the servants to do it…” he says. “We could be spending the morning in bed instead.”
“Because I like to go out once in a while.” You respond. “Besides, this is one of your days off, I want you to rest.”
“Why? Think I won’t be able to with you around?”
You give him a look that asks him if he’s being serious right now.
“Alright, you have a point there, mochi. Just don’t take long.”
After finishing putting on your lip balm and fixing the last details of your makeup, you begin to make way towards him, intending to bid your farewells by kissing his cheek…
Before he outsmarts you by swiftly grabbing you by the arm, pulling you down to him, careful so as to not hurt you, but sternly enough to hold you against him, wrapping his arms around you as he looks down to you, a smirk on his face.
“Naoya!” you whine, attempting to free himself from his grasp, he chuckles. “I gotta go! My staff is waiting for me!”
“Give me a kiss.” Your husband orders. “Or I won’t let you go.”
Did you really think you’d be able to hold him off from trying today’s flavor?
Luckily for him, you love him so much that you easily indulge him without much insistence, giving him a quick, soft kiss at first… until Naoya’s greediness pushes him a step further, converting your soft gestures into a more heated endeavor, his tongue quickly savoring your mouth and your balm of choice—honey, coincidentally his favorite—by gently sucking and biting on your lips, enjoying the treat his wife willingly prepared for him, until the two eventually become breathless, only pulling away when they physically couldn’t continue together.
“You’re going to ruin my make up…” You’re the first to speak, moving your face to the side in efforts to stop him from ravaging you again—how you hated being the voice of reason.
“Alright, alright…” he breathes, kissing your cheek instead. “I guess I can wait for later tonight.”
“You’re insatiable…” you hypocritically murmur, giving him one last kiss before pushing yourself up from the futon, patting away any creases on your dress, turning around to the door soon after…
Only to sharply tense up when Naoya’s hand harshly lands on your ass, a smack that resonated inside the room, making your cheeks even hotter as you quickly aim to confront him.
But he only responds to your scolding with a laugh, ignoring your flustered reaction as he goes back onto the futon, attempting to make the best of his day off by resting, until you come back of course.
Because even if he had other things to tend to, it didn’t mean you were free of his clutches.
Naoya was known to be very diligent when it came to his appearance: well-kept and clean were some of the words most associated with him. And depending on who you asked, unconventional too.
But even then, there was no denying that he looked good, liked looking good, and was not afraid to do what he wanted to continue being perceived like that.
However, even when knowledgeable of this aspect of his… something did not match one day.
It was like he had done something to his appearance, different from the norm, yet no one managed to pinpoint what it was. Eventually spurting rumors about it, whispers, all from people trying to figure out what was odd from Naoya-sama’s face, without having to ask him directly…
Until a member of his personal staff was able to notice it. And when he did, he couldn’t believe it, perhaps didn’t want to, never thinking Naoya would be that kind of person, even with his vanity.
But alas, curiosity took ahold of the poor man, and with all embarrassment and courage in the world, decides to ask him.
“Naoya-sama, pardon my intrusion, but I must know.”
Naoya doesn’t respond, never does, really. He doesn’t like interacting with those below him, after all…
The man takes it as his cue to continue.
“Um… well, I… wished to know if you… put something…. On… Your… lips?” the man squeaks out the last part, anyone else would’ve thought he didn’t say anything eligible.
But for an irritated Naoya, with senses heightened thanks to that same frustration, it was nothing but clear.
“What?” he asks, with a tone that immediately makes his servant tense up.
“No, I mean—They look good!” He rushes to explain, thinking his question had been misinterpreted into something negative. “Hydrated… and all that. They seem healthy!”
“Don’t you have anything better to do than stare at my lips?” Naoya frowns, the room seems to start spinning around the man.
“No! I mean—yes, I do!” He cries, wishing nothing but the earth to open and swallow him whole, alongside his shame, humiliation, and blatant stupidity for having thought bringing up this topic was a smart career move! What was he even thinking? Oh, now he’s going to get fired! “I’m—I’m sorry.”
“Get out of my sight.” Is all that your husband says, not that he needed to do much after that; he didn’t even get a chance to threaten him before the man was already out of the room and far away, freeing Naoya of his senseless idiocies and allowing him to continue enjoying his meal in peace.
Yet, even when the interaction between the two was nothing less than undesirable, Naoya couldn’t stop himself from chuckling, finding his observation to be particularly accurate, hoping that you’d come back soon to continue his “treatment” and wondering where else it could also work…
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bigasspervert... lol also I think Naoya might've thought his staff member had the hots for him, omg 😂 I mean what else could he think from that???? hhahahahahah
Anyways, I want to write that lipstick story. Imma do it. :) Hopefully soon, after everything else...
Thank you so much for sending in this ask! It was a joy to write for sure ❤️❤️❤️take care and hope to see you soon. ❤️
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sea-of-dust · 6 months
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Ranpo,Chuuya,Atsushi x M!Reader
My hand slipped while I was doing math homework and i accidentally wrote this. This is my first time writing for a male reader I'm sure I'll be fine (this is going to be worse than my math grades)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of bruising,death implications,might be a lil ooc I haven't watched bsd in a hot minute
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Oh? You have sweets? Are able to bake?? What's that, you're able to spoil him? Yea, he's imagining how to rizz you up before you two were ever dating. "Y/n thinks you're cool" "really?" He lights up at the mention of you "he does think you're kinda werid tho" he pouts disapointedly, will be whining about this
You're like another piece of candy! You're not escaping him. You thought you were allowed to leave? No. "Y/n we need you on this" "alright" "I should go too" he raises his hand popping another candy into his mouth "he can solve this himself" "well I can make it so they're right back here in secounds" "whenever I go out with you the minimums like 3 hours" you cringe remembering the holes he digs into your wallet. "That's irrelevant!"
If you ever did manage a task alone, he'd be annoyed for the rest of the day, so annoyed he actually opens his eyes to glare at people. "30 minutes" "would have been a few secounds if you took me with you" you sigh kissing his forehead "I'm sorry I didn't bring you it would have been too boring for a great detective like you" he proudly huffs "well it would have been fine since it would be with you" will make you tell him how it went and it'll always end with him saying "I knew it! This is why you should bring me"
He does get hurt sometimes, but when he does, it's just a small scab at most. Never the less you still treat him. "Don't give me the teddy bear ones those are for babies!" "They fit you're aesthetic, though." "they do not!" Applying the bandage carefully, you watch him lift his pant leg higher to reveal another small bruise. "Are you serious?" "Well were already here" does like looking at your handiwork from time to time.
Wants you to stay up and tell him stories and is pretty understanding when you say you're too tired to. "Y/n! Are you up to read 12 angry men?" "Ranpo I'm heading straight to bed" you rub your eyes sluggishly, walking past him to change out of your clothes to something more comfortable. "Alright, but you owe me more pages than usual" "deal" he plops onto you as you cover yourself with the blanket. He doesn't even attempt to gain spoilers or read ahead if this happens. He really likes hearing your voice,trying to act out certain characters. He might even ask questions he knew the answer to just to hear more of you. "Wait, so why'd he agree?" "Because that guy's thinking about his son throughout the conversion by putting his past with his son behind him he accepts the fact the kid on trial isn't his son and shouldn't be found guilty" "he should've just agreed when everything else got debunked" "yea well sometimes stuff like that holds someone back"
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"Do you like wine?" "No" "?!" How did you guys even date? Wait nevermind besides that wine thing, you're pretty great 10/10, not returning
He would use his ability to quite litterally sweep you off your feet. Feeling the sudden decrease in weight, you feel as if you're floating on air. "What the-" he casually grabs something out the fridge "that's the last one" "that's why I stopped you" sometimes he'd just leave you floating for an extra 5 secounds, gracefully hold your hands and and help you down. "Can't have you bursting your head open" "I was two feet off the ground" he sighs, you pull him close kissing his cheek "thank you for saving my fall Chuuya" and that's why he does it often
He does get a bit cranky, but it's usually when he has a bad day. He likes bad days if you're at the end of them, though. You'd always let him sleep somewhere or stay up and watch you try to open wine for him and fail or succeed. "Finally!!" You popped open the bottle with the Cork flying out. "Wait, where'd it go-" hearing a small thud, you see the cork crack the floor due to its sudden change of what seems to be weight. "There's a tool for that." he pulls out the drawer and shows you it nonchalantly, "but that was kinda impressive"
"I wanna get a dog" "we should get married." The guy would be on the brink of tears. A dog? And you two are living together? He's gonna love that dog. Unfortunately, that dog mostly followed you around. It likes him, but the millisecond you're there that dog lays with you,sleeps with you, he's starting to get jealous of both you and the dog! You still catch him petting it going. "You're so fluffy! Who's a good boy who's a good-" the dog sees you and walks toward you it's tail wagging .How are you fluffy?" There'd be such a defeated look on his face
Definitely would be judgemental and then do some strange shit. You'd catch him dancing in the halls? Nothing to see here, only him getting slightly upset you didn't say anything. Pulling out every product known to man to bathe the dog, it's pretty adorable. You still don't say a thing, only smiling when you see it, still a bit annoyed you didn't say anything As soon as he catches you posing with his clothes...he's flattered time to make fun of you. "What are you doing" you turn around smoothly "Why I'm Chuuya Nakahara of the port mafia" you moon walk over to him "that is not how I introduce myself" "yea you introduce yourself by trying to show off your taste in wine to someone that hates it" "you worked at a liquor store!" "I dont have to drink wine to work there" you take off his coat to put it back, but he quickly slides it back on "keep it on for a while I wanna savor this"
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You taught him what a flash game is. "OK so then this guy wants uhhh" "oh my god its Wally" "WHERE" unironcally so emerged in papa's games its aggressively odvious you two aren't working, you're are lucky you specialize in speedrunning paper work the secound half of the work days basically just you two getting bullied by the food critic
He's pretty shy for a lover infact when you start dating, he still feels like a friend more than a boyfriend. So when you ask him out, expect him to hide away somewhere nervous he might say something werid, he'll suck it up for you though! He's got this! It's just a museum! He can- you held his hand, and his confidence is down the drain. How he managed to keep composed is a miracle. Surprisingly for him, he didn't do anything he'd think would embarrass him in the future. He's definitely gonna ask to go on more dates in the future.
You try to help him with tiger matenence. Including getting loads of dirt out of his paws and even splinters sometimes "Alright ready" "I never will be for AH-" he winces pulling away, but you hold out his arm "you're fine lemme put on a bandaid" they do feel nice after you clean then though a bit numb
Attempting to teach him games will get him to teach Kyōka. "Y/n would you like to play quack diddly oso ?" "You know how to play that? I thought it was too old" "Atsushi taught me" you decide to ask him about it. He would get a bit embrassed, his mind racing about what you'd do or say. "Maybe I should try and teach her numbers too" he sighs in relief leaving you a bit confused but you infact did teach her numbers, a horrible day for Ranpo in particular as she and you easily beat your record of 57 with him. You didn't need her approval for dating Atsushi, but you still got it because of some children's games
You wouldn't be surprised by how mushy he could get. He'd overthink about the dangers you two face being apart of the Ada. He'd get trembaly grabbing onto your hands for their warmth. "I'll be fine. I'm more worried for you" "But what if you get hurt cause of me!" "I gladly will" "That's the issue!" He grabs your shoulders."What if you-" "Then yosano will take care of me" You pull him close, letting him calm down. "You're hopeless." "I won't regret a thing"
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elsfairy · 2 years
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something me and my ADHD ass would do. Anyway, Reader annoying her very moody girlfriend.
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• No matter what mood Sevika is in, she can't seem to get away from your stupid questions. Questions that either make no sense or are down right ridiculous.
• Sometimes they range from, "If i was a―" or "Would you love me if―"
• All you got in response to your half asked question was either a growl, or a sigh.
• The poor woman wouldn't even have a chance to play her cards because you would be there, on her lap trying to steal all of them from her. You got bored a lot.
• Half the time she had to wrap her metal arm around yours just so you would focus and let her play. She would never hurt you, just keep you at bay while she's busy.
• Your attention span to something or things always left you stressing out. Because you just couldn't focus on something for too long.
• Sevika would notice and run her fingers through your hair just to keep you aware, and always say that you're okay, and that she will be finished soon.
• Even if she doesn't let you mess with her cards, you instead will start poking her face, her nose. Anything on her face that you can see, you will touch. Even her knee for god sake.
• "Stop doing that"
• There were times where you were just a little too loud or hyper. Or you got too excited and ended up almost either whacking her in the face or shouting in her ear. "Sweetheart, relax. I'm right here, you don't have to yell" In that soft tone.
• She was the only person who is allowed to annoy you. So if someone says something about your behaviour, she's already plotting a murder. The woman's already ready to punch them just for their snarky comment.
• You, like usual are oblivious to it. Mainly because you're too focused on biting or kissing her neck.
• Again, no matter the time or day you can't help but ask her more stupid questions. "Do you think leaves have feelings?"
• "Baby, it's 2am. Go back to sleep"
• Sometimes you worried you were being too annoying. You were hyper as a child, you were outgoing and really fucking energetic and that would worry you. You worried you were being too much for her.
• Sevika being Sevika would reassure you that you're okay, and she loves you. You were in fact, the ray of sunshine and happiness they needed in Zaun.
• That still made you act like a damn brat, trying to steal her drinks any chance you got.
• "Sweetheart, you have 5 seconds to give me back my drink before i refuse to give you anymore hugs or kisses" She would always mutter, clenching her jaw tightly.
• You loved those, so you had no choice but to give it back to her.
• She will worry about you when you become silent at random times. It's just a habit you had. Especially if you were just really tired. She just frankly missed your questions. Secretly.
• It's scary, Sevika knows exactly when you're going to ask a question that makes no sense. You can't help but laugh knowing she will get annoyed. The only thing she will do is stare, and cover your mouth with her hand.
• Gives you the right to lick it.
• "You're disgusting"
• In the end, she loves everything about you. Yes, even your questions. You were always happy, something she couldn't understand but she also realised that it was who you were. She loved you either way.
• Also, if you weren't annoying her 24/7 then she's going to hunt down who upset you. She knows when you're not yourself. When you're not smiling, laughing or annoying her she knows something is wrong.
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Note; I felt personally attacked by how I wrote about not being able to focus on anything for longer than a few minutes because of my ADHD. I'm out here trying to be cute and end up hurting my own feelings LMAO. I'm also feeling generous, i was going to post this in a few days but i have enough drafts to post until i feel better <3 🙏
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basimdasasonst · 5 months
ofmd s2 rant
so, this is my first post, and I have @ketamoru to thank for corralling (gently suggesting) me into making this. we watched season 2 of our flag means death a while back when it first came out, and i wrote this huge long rant (that I just finished editing) about it, intending to post it to twitter or imdb or something. but. due to the sheer nature of the word length, i couldn't. so, here it is.
On OFMD S2: as a viewer, I’m appalled at the season. As a writer, I could feel my soul escaping my mouth with each cringed breath I took, escaping my pores every time I had to hit the spacebar to pause and bury my head in my hands. I’ve read and written bad stories in my past, I've been on both ends of a shitty narrative, but my god. 
Let me start with the simplest to talk about: the plot.
In an introductory college level physics course without calculus (bare with me), you occasionally do problems with a pulley. If you account for the mass of the pulley and the string in calculations, the problem simply becomes too complex to deal with for an introductory course. So, you call the string massless, and move on with your life. Every single episode's plot was tied together by this massless string. As in, THERE WAS NO INTERCONNECTIVITY BETWEEN EPISODES.
The three sections of plot development are (as highlighted by Brandon Sanderson, who is not writing-Jesus, but is pretty accomplished in the fantasy genre, which should speak for itself) promise, progress, and payoff. Promises are made at the beginning of a story's plot arc. They hint towards the greater plot and arcs, and promise readers a story filled with [x]. For example, if you're going to write a comedy, your opening scene (the promises) should be comedic. You don't start a comedic novel out with a tear-jerker. This is arguably the only part, in my opinion, that OFMD gets right. The opening episode is, to give credit where credits due, pretty comedic for a comedic season. The tone is set properly. 
Here come the problems: Progress. THERE IS NO PROGRESS. Stede and Ed make up WITHIN THE SAME EPISODE THEY MEET AGAIN. And then they break up in episode 7. AND THEN THEY MAKE UP AGAIN IN EPISODE 8. There is no conflict between the pairing. There is no conceivable sense of tension or drama or ANYTHING that builds up to a climax. THERE IS NO CLIMAX. It’s just a bunch of minisodes strung together by a massless string. Villains come and go within the same episode (I'm looking specifically at Ned Low). The only one that comes back is Prince whatever-his-name-is (I'll get to him in a second), and we don't see much of him. He's introduced to us as a bumbling fool in the beginning, we lose him for a long while while Ed frolics around (again, I'll talk about Ed's character too in a second), and then he's suddenly a prince (episode 6, I believe) needing to take revenge. He makes a cursory deal with Zheng, we see him for 5 more minutes, and then he blows everything up in a totally-not-seen-coming betrayal. Boring. No progress, no payoff. 
Which leads me into the final part I have to say about the plot: payoff. WITHOUT PROGRESS THERE IS NO PAYOFF. Because of the nature of the season, with things just thrown at you with no cohesive narrative the season felt like a continuous dopamine rush with no need to work for anything in return. (What was the ultimate goal of the season, do you think? Ed's reconciliation? The prince's revenge? Stede's path to being a pirate? Do you think any of them were explored? Think about it, for a second.) The climax of Izzy's death (boy do I have some key words to say about that, but that's not the point of this review, far from it) didn't feel...worth it. In fact, I'm not even sure if that was the climax, or maybe it was Ed leaving (and coming back 30 minutes later … ) or maybe it was the bombing. Who knows? I don't. You can have subplots. You can't just treat them all equally. There has to be a point to a story, and you have to favour that point over mindless adrenaline rushes. There was a point to season 1: Stede's growth as a character as he realises piracy isn't all he thinks it is, and eventually falling in love with Ed. There is no point to this season. Or if there is, it's muddled by the 20 other things happening all at once, always. There is no progress, so there is no payoff. 
2. Next, the world.
In this case, the physical scenery, the props, the costumes, the music, etc. I'm not a costumer, nor a musician, nor a lighting director, I’m just a viewer with a basic high school understanding of world history – but nothing ... changed about the world in this season. When you establish a world in the first act of a book, do you just stop establishing it in the second act? No! Of course not! You keep building it, because the world changes too. 
Every single new town the ship visited, every time they docked or got off a ship, the scenery looked and felt the same. How many times are they stranded in the exact same kind of underbrush? The exact same biome, with the exact same kinds of plants? Do they ever go further inland? Is there more to the world than just two ships, one established town and then the shoreline? Of course there isn't! Because that means worldbuilding more than what season 1 did, and that's too terrifying to think about! 
And the music. Christ, I'm no musician but did the music feel, to anyone else, passive? In season 1, at least the last time I watched it, the music fit the scene. It wasn't just there because there needed to be music. It spoke to the world, it said something about the scenery. This music, by comparison, is so tame. It's not noticeable. The only part I did like was when Izzy died in silence, because that silence let the death settle with the viewers as Ed weeps openly and – oh, here's the mindless royalty-free music again. 
3. And finally, the characters. 
Jesus Christ where do I even start with this? Let me start from the foundation of storytelling as any amateur writer understands. YOUR CHARACTERS ARE YOUR MOST IMPORTANT ASSET IN A STORY. I am physically unable to stress this enough. I DON'T CARE IF YOUR WORLD SUCKS MAJOR SHIT. YOUR CHARACTERS CANNOT SUCK. WE STICK WITH THEM THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH. IF WE CANT STICK WITH THE CHARACTERS, WE CAN'T STICK WITH THE STORY. 
(Note: You can write characters with obviously terrible personalities, and that are meant to be disliked, without them sucking. It's about intentionality. If you write a character, and they’re meant to be likeable, and nobody likes them, that character sucks, and you’ve failed. You’ve also (usually, but not always) failed if your viewers hate your character for a different reason than intended. If you write a character you’re supposed to hate for [x] reason, and people hate them for [x] reason, you’ve succeeded. There is a difference between a bad character, and a character with an intentionally flawed personality that you're not supposed to sympathise with.)
Next question: why is everyone in a romantic relationship? The day people realise that platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones is the day I'm allowed to rest. (I say this beyond just the fact that I'm aroace. I say this as an exhausted reader.) There were not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE relationships that were given significant (well, as significant as it gets with 8 30-minute-episodes) screen time. Except, none of them were developed. Not even Ed and Stede's. What was the point in breaking up Jim and Olu, pray tell? Their conflicting personalities were what made them so interesting – to see two opposing forces find ridges where one slots into the other, where two people so different find solace in the other? Now Jim's just got over Olu in a third of an episode and they're kissing that other person. No, I don't even remember their name, because their personality was just Jim's in a different font. You paired two similar people up with each other. Why? Not sure. (I hesitate to chalk it up to some weird exoticism going on behind the scenes, but.) Now I'm bored. There's no tension in that, no story to tell, no good reason for it happening. And Olu with Zheng. NO BUILDUP. Zheng stares at Olu working on scrolls for a little while. That's it. THAT'S NOT BUILDUP, THAT'S JUST WASTING TIME. Her relationship with Olu is so unbelievably forced. (I could feel the crickets of the writers room permeating through my screen – that one stray writer going “well, if nobody else has any ideas, then idk maybe we could … “) They share nothing in common, her "you're the break in my day," is completely unfounded (I’ll get to this when i talk about her character outside of Olu in a sec), it irritates me to no end. 
I don't have anything to say about Swede and Jackie, or Black Pete and Lucius, because nothing fucking happens. Black Pete and Lucius make up, after a little bit of progress I will say, and then it's ... a few episodes of them loving each other unconditionally as if nothing happened. It's boring. I'm bored. 
Stede and Ed. Oh boy. Ed is clearly not ready for a romantic relationship in this season, despite whatever work he did last season. (Thrown out the window by this season! Who’s ever heard of setting up future seasons in your earlier seasons? Not the OFMD writers room!) He grapples (barely) with the idea of not being a necessarily good person, and tries (in heavy quotation marks, more on that below) to redeem himself, but ultimately just ends up right where he started: Blackbeard. He ends up reversing all of his progress in terms of his character arc. Right back where he started. Christ. And he's clearly too busy grappling with this to be conceivably ready for a romantic relationship with Stede. But Stede and Ed happen anyway. If handled by someone who wanted to comment on the nature of toxic relationships and wrote this intentionally, this would have been a GOOD PLOT. But it was clearly not intentional, as nothing seemed to flow together, characters spoke like robots, and I could feel the fact that the script was obviously just a shitty first draft. Not to mention the fact that Ed doesn't ACTUALLY do any thinking on what he's supposed to be. That purgatory thing was the best we get – and it was damn good in comparison to the rest of the season where he doesn't really reflect on his actions. He has one conversation, decides he's a changed man, then goes straight back to his previous actions. 
And STEDE – man. They DECIMATED his character this season. In the beginning, in the first season, he was the gentleman pirate – two juxtaposing adjectives. WHICH IS CENTRAL TO CREATING A CHARACTER. No real person is one track (even the most stubborn of us), no real person can be effectively summed up in a few words like a bad character creation sheet. The conflicts that we deal with as humans are what make us human. Flaws, in no small part, are part of the human experience. (I could get into this, but if you’ve ever looked at AI art and felt its soullessness staring back at you, then you know. It’s too perfect. Too lifeless. Too flawless.) Every single person deals with layers and layers of complexity. Two completely opposing things can be true at the same time and that is a VERY REAL THING that we must grapple with as humans. There is no such thing as black and white on issues. Stede as a gentleman pirate was this COMPLEX LAYER that made him such an interesting character to begin with because “gentleman” and “pirate” are two very different things with two very different histories and connotations. To see the intersectionality of where these worlds collide and where they conflict was what made him so interesting in the first place. 
In this season, he’s just a bumbling fool that calls himself a pirate. His backstory isn’t mentioned. He’s stupid in a cringe-ing way (not even comedic), and is just no longer a gentleman. He’s just a bad pirate. It’s so boring in comparison to the complex characterization we got last season, that every time he spoke I had to physically restrain myself from petulantly clogging my ears and going “lalalalala!” to pretend that he wasn’t really saying half the things he was saying. He’s just a puppet, waving around in the wind, contributing nothing to conversations and existing without complexity. It makes me want to bash my head into a table. 
Zheng. Why? What was her purpose? I’m white, I should note, so I’m not entirely qualified to talk on this subject from an experiential perspective, but a great big part of her character felt like something I wrote my end of high-school thesis on: orientalism in science fiction, and specifically the pervasive notion of the “submissive eastern woman”. This isn’t science fiction, but it does employ (subtly, might I add, but still noticeable) tropes that Edward Said wrote about in his work “Orientalism” (1990) -- stuff, specifically in OFMD S2, like being the "other" (in particular, viewing the east as a "backwards west" that requires a "western touch" to correct) in the way that Zheng's ship was clearly portrayed as "abnormal" to us in every way -- the all female crew, the rigidity, the organization, etc. We were told repeatedly, time and time again, that she is powerful. But think about it for a moment, did you ever really feel like she was powerful? When she revealed she was an infamous pirate lord that made people cower, did you feel it? We saw some displays of power – but only deep into getting to know her. We never really felt this power that we were told repeatedly that she had, this fear of being some pirate queen. No, she was just a pirate with money.
(As an aside: the theme of power is notoriously difficult to get right in fiction, because it's so multifaceted. If you want my professional opinion (as some random internet nerd who spends time in a weird mix of fandoms) on who gets it right in modern fiction: I think JJK does it really well. I could go on about JJK for hours, both its rights and wrongs, but it gets the notion of power right if nothing else. For those unfamiliar, the “mentor character”s name is Gojo, who is a sorcerer born with a rare combination of techniques that makes him incredibly powerful – almost completely untouchable. To the viewer, he is silly, aloof, and overall goofy as a character (it’s actually a front, but this is an OFMD essay, not a JJK essay) which allows us to get to know him beyond his power level – but when he’s not acting aloof, when his smile deepends (or worse, when it drops) we can feel the power emanating from him. From impact frames, to the fact he’s constantly unserious, to enemies cowering at the mere mention of his name – his entire thing is that he’s the strongest sorcerer alive. Curses (evil spirits) quite literally can’t do anything while he’s around – so much so, that when he gets sealed in a prison dimension in s2 of the anime, the effects are felt quite literally all over Japan. With one simple action (the sound of the cube sealing him hitting the floor of the train station) an entire nation’s power has turned on its head – every curse, every sorcerer feels it. When his power is gone, there is such a large disparity between the protagonists and the antagonists, you can feel it through your screen.)
Zheng does not have this. She does not have the luxury of being in a story where the writers care about making her a threat. I could extend this to Blackbeard too to a lesser extent, but I won't. OFMD is a comedy. But being a comedy doesn’t mean you can’t tackle heavy topics – you can, and should tackle the heavy stuff in your comedic show. Repeatedly we were told that Zheng is powerful – but nobody treated her like that. Hell, the show didn’t give her the power that it claimed she had. We only ever saw the safe side of her, the kind side of her that (for no reason) liked and cared about Olu. Complex female character? Nah. Random romantic love interest for Olu? Hell yeah.
Fucking Christ. And don’t get me started on the costuming choices. Pigtails? Really? You had no other options? You couldn’t have dipped your fingers into any historical media for reference, like you’ve been keen to do with European references in the show? Alright man. 
Finally, Izzy. WHY did they kill him? Probably my least favourite trope in modern media is when a character finally gets some closure towards the end of their arc, starts becoming a truly better character/dragging themselves up out of a deep pit – only for them to die mid arc. COME ON. If you wanted shock value it would've made more sense for ED to die because he’s, at least, stuck in his old ways. That could’ve been interesting, seeing him stick to his old ways to his detriment. Not to toot my own horn, but in the story I’m writing (shoot me if I mention it again) one of the primary main character’s whole theme is centred around desperation, and his eventual death as a direct result of it. His death is not just for "shock value" it serves a purpose. It's to further the commentary I'm trying to speak on about how far we’ll go to live in an idea rather than the present. I really, truly, honestly think that if they did that with Ed the story could’ve been so much better; and I say this having experienced the difficulties with writing out a central character. But again, this season lacks intentionality. Ed doesn’t die, and instead Izzy does after being the only character with any sort of redeeming qualities this season. I get, to some degree, it’s supposed to be a metaphor for Ed leaving behind his past but, does he really even do that? He’s Blackbeard when we end season 2. Izzy’s death didn’t mean anything to me beyond just wishing the season ended quicker, because (as we witness with Ed’s rebounding) concrete decisions made by characters can be reversed in the flip of a second thanks to Plot™! There is no permanence to the story’s cohesion, and Izzy’s death just doesn't stick. “Okay,” you say, exhausted. Nothing feels real. Nothing is internally or externally consistent. It's just a mess of ideas poorly strung together, and that's being nice about it.
I wont say much about craft because this is getting long winded but. Fuck me, dude. Why does every dialogue happen in a vacuum? NOBODY IS EVER DOING ANYTHING INTERESTING. a lot of scenes felt like filler -- there only to extend the series' runtime. I’m tired, man. It’s sloppy writing. I'd almost give it a better rating if Season 1 wasn't so much better by comparison. Instead of just being a bad season, it now also ruins what the show built up in the first season. I'm beyond disappointed. 
TL;DR: please for the love of god start loving the stories you're writing. the future generations deserve more than money-laundering garbage edit: whoops got her name wrong halfway through its zheng not zhen my b lol
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 5.5 - 6 - 7 - 8
notes: i feel that this chapter is very underwhelming bc i wrote it at work 🫡 so sorry
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liked by siegenthaler34, nicohischier, and 32,542 others
y/ndevils00 hi people! thank you for tuning into tonight’s (brief) postgame recap! this is a very sad night for my favorite boys, as we lost 6-1 to the winnipeg jets.
we had a meager three penalties tonight!
starting off with erik, who has banned me from making any more name puns (boring!). erik got a penalty for tripping, bringing him up to an astounding 47 penalty minutes this season!
next, i’d like to bring your attention to jack’s picture. nothing special, i just like it.
and then, of course, we have my boyfriend again; chewing on his glove like a rabid little chihuahua <3
the next penalty was from siegs at the very end of the 1st period for high sticking! i had dawson do my dirty work for me and give him a very stern talking to during intermission!
next up, we have hershey bar looking very displeased, and i can’t say i blame him!
we got a little over halfway through 3rd period before we got the final penalty from the newest swiss, timo for holding! he took a lesson from my very rude boyfriend and hid behind the stanchion. i very much did not like that.
however, our lone goal came with SECONDS left in the game, scored by the captain himself! who still looked very disappointed to say the least.
and lastly, bff number 1 says i should apologize to bff number 2 for dissing him last night 😒 so we have a picture of marinara and i’m supposed to tell him that i’m proud of him (i’m not sure what for though? he didn’t do anything 🤷‍♀️)
tagged ehaula, jackhughes, siegenthaler34, nicohischier, tmeier96 and john.marino97
ehaula i know i asked you to stop but now it feels weird without the name puns
y/ndevils00 so….
ehaula so you can do the puns
y/ndevils00 OH THANK GOD! do you realize how hard it was to withhold from them?! it was torture!
ehaula it’s been one post
user18 i’ve become so used to the “haula” puns that i forgot who erik was for a second
siegenthaler34 i made my y/n post debut!
y/ndevils00 it could’ve been for a better reason…
nicohischier you weren’t even there but you still got 2 horrible photos of me
y/ndevils00 i have spies everywhere
nicohischier what does that even mean?
y/ndevils00 guess you’ll never know
jackhughes why?
y/ndevils00 why what? why do i praise you when you don’t appreciate it? i don’t know, you would think i would’ve learned by now
jackhughes no. why the 2nd picture? why do you like it? why call me a chihuahua?
y/ndevils00 i like it. your eyes are so pretty and blue. because you’re small and scrappy and chew on everything.
jackhughes i’m 5’11
y/ndevils00 sure you are honey
dougieham if you went just based off y/n’s posts and comments, i don’t think anyone would ever guess that her and marino are genuinely best friends
y/ndevils00 it’s called tough love <3
john.marino97 she’s evil
trevorzegras i’m forever grateful that i’m a duck so i’ll never be subjected to the torture you put these guys through
y/ndevils00 there’s always next trade szn 😈
trevorzegras the ducks would never trade me
y/ndevils00 i have friends in high places… watch your back zegras
tmeier96 hughesy told me to sit there before i went into the box. he didn’t tell me why but i guess now i know
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes do you not love me? do you not want to see me happy? this is why luke is my favorite
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 luke is your WHAT?
lhughes_06 @/y/ndevils00 i feel so special! thank you y/n/n!
john.marino97 i have multiple questions. starting with: why is DAWSON bff number 1? and i didn’t get a penalty so you could be proud of me for that???
y/ndevils00 i like him better. and that’s very true, however you didn’t get a goal or an assist either so….
dawson1417 translation: y/n holds you to a higher standard because she knows how well you play. she knows you can do better but she’s proud of you regardless.
john.marino97 @/dawson1417 well why doesn’t she say it like that? that’s kinda sweet!
y/ndevils00 emotions are for the weak
john.marino97 @/jackhughes i think your girlfriend is broken
jackhughes she just likes to seem tough on the internet. watch this 👀
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 i love you so much sweet girl ❤️ i can’t wait to get home
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes i love you too, now come home!
jackhughes @/y/ndevils00 aww you miss me?
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes sure, but also you lost your game which means you lost the bet and you have to give LSH her bath <3
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f0xgl0v3 · 2 months
Camp Half Blood Schedule
As of now I have 14 pages for the schedule and describing stuff and activities and it’s all mush, my brain is mush and please I want to go home and see my family 🥺😭😭
In all reality this is a combination of procrastinating reading Tower of Nero because all the characters I really care about have been drop kicked out of the narrative and I’m at my grandparents house. I have nothing to do and I have a horrible sense of time so let’s get into this (plus sometime down the line I’ll go over HoO re-imagining like. Camp Jupiter processes but I’m reading some books about the Roman legion so I’m gonna, tough that out and then report back lol)
Disclaimer!! I don’t know what time is, time is something that eludes my brain and the only summer camp I’ve been to was a Christian one with a foster family because I was bored that summer and I said why not (I’m not Christian but it was funny). Also I like completely forgot if there is anything in the books that actually have schedule lore. I forgot most things with CHB to be honest.
So anyways, actual meat and potatoes
7:30- wake up and get ready. Yes 7:30 sounds reasonable to me. It gives the kids 30 minutes before breakfast and campers can wake up before the ‘official’ time.
On Fridays we have cabin inspections, dictated by the arbitrary ‘one day we picked someone to do it first and now we’re on a rotation’.
8:00-8:30; breakfast time, yes you only get 30 minutes for breakfast we have things to do and does it take you more than 30 minutes to gobble up breakfast? (No judgement it took me 2 hours to eat lunch one time) but If I ever let the other 13+ pages of notes come to light they’ll be more in depth stuff about. Everything, but breakfast time includes
- one cabin setting up the Dining Pavilion
-Everyone offering to the Gods
-Morning announcements!
-yum actually eat food
-plate staking/cleaning up the tables
8:30-10:00; the first activity. The activities are your going to the arena, or the forge, all that jazz. Uh, there’s a board in the Big House where counselors set up the schedules (as in signing up for activities n stuff and coordinating) I’ll get into it someday. Maybe.
10:00-12:00; Activity 2/downtime. Because pinky swear just chilling is an activity. Downtime is important. I wrote down that cabins can sign for the same thing back to back if they so wish. Also the rules are looser than the words clinging onto my brain so really anything happens. It’s CHB they laugh in the face of a rule.
12:00-12:30; Lunch time. Nothing special about it. Uh ,:3
12:30-2:00; third activity. Action packed days for the win!
2:00-4:00; fourth activity time. Also probably when most of the campers start cabin revolts. No one agrees on a schedule most of the time.
4:00-4:30; actual specific free time. Some moments to gather round and chill out. You’ve already spent most of your day, doing something.
4:30-5:30; activity 5. Most of the time this can just be a continuation of the free time.
Don’t ask me what those extra 10 minutes are for no one really ever knows
After 6 o’ clock no one is allowed on the lake. Sorry man
6:00; also the beginning of Dinner. Dinner goes as planned, usually with some Camp wide event happening because of course. Can’t have good stuff here at camp/j
7:00; Camp Sing-a-long times!
7:30-8:00; your stuck in the Cabin circle but at least you get those last few minutes to hang out without the threat of harpies later in the night.
8:00; all campers enter cabins for like getting ready to go to bed and stuff. Get your last conversations in
8:30; official curfew is in effect. No one can leave the cabins except for counselors who need to plan the next day because they aren’t planning their full week on Sunday.
I have notes also on like. Everything else ,:3 Chiron gets lessons and the Cabins have to do those and stuff. Sorry I haven’t been, posting long posts like this for a while lol. I’ll probably get some HoO re-imagined Camp Jupiter content out once I finish this one book I’m reading and have my CJ notebook (yes I do have a whole notebook dedicated to CJ there’s my fun fact). Also, at some point I’d like to introduce Charlico (Chiron’s WIFE) to CHB if possible. Love you Charlico/j
Okay ,:3 I think I sound a little delirious, tomorrow I have to get on a plane and after that I have to go stay a week at someone else’s place. I’ll see all of you soon to talk about the forge or something. Or maybe I’ll finally get my master lists all sorted out and stuff lol.
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itsjusthockey · 2 years
Last Night In Anaheim - Trevor Zegras
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Can you believe it? My page will finally not be a Jack Hughes fan page. Keeping sending requests, I love them.
Thank you for all the love and support! You’re all so kind and it makes my night every time I get a message.
!!!!WARNING!!!!: This is not a fun fic. I wrote this as a challenge to see if I can do angst and to hurt my own feelings and I was successful. I was having a really bad week and no better time to write sad emotions then when you’re sad.
Anyway, I’m better now and there is so many happy ones coming, so don’t worry.
wc: 2,364 (credit to gif maker)(please don’t steal my work)
Please let me know your opinions. I was hesitant to post this, but I decided I liked it.
Today would be your last day in Anaheim, and that notion alone was enough to shatter your heart into a million pieces. This feeling wasn’t one you were a stranger to, and as often as it was coming around, you didn’t know if it would ever fade.
You stare hard at the bowl of cereal in front of you, staring at the few fruit loops floating in the cascade of milk and wishing you didn’t feel this way. You continue to stare until you hear the noise of Trevor getting out of the shower, and within a few minutes, he’s strolling into the kitchen, making small talk with you.
He’s not stupid, he knows something is wrong, but he thinks that it's better if he doesn’t push you. So he doesn’t. Instead, he grabs his practice bag, kisses you on the forehead, and heads out the door, promising he’ll be back soon and you’ll spend the rest of the night together.
You watch him go, and when the door slams shut, your heart cracks again.
With him gone, you start to think about him. People like Trevor don't come around often. Once in a lifetime, maybe, if you're lucky.
He’s a special type of person, who loves with his entire being, and you’re just the lucky girl he chose. You know you love him, too; you’re painfully aware of that fact. You love everything about him. You love his smile that makes your knees go weak, his laugh that you hated at first until it became utterly contagious, and his dramatic personality that is sometimes so outrageous, but you love it anyway.
Before you know what you’re doing, you’re packing. You’re not going to run away, that would be worse than what you know you have to do, but you also know better. You know that if you pack now, he won’t have time to convince you to stay.
You knew this wasn’t fair; you knew that it wasn’t his fault, and you knew that you loved him more than almost everything else. But you also knew that if you continue to love him, it was going to continue to destroy you.
You look at the clock; it’s only 3:00 in the afternoon. He’ll be back at seven. In the meantime, you’ll begin to grieve because heartbreak is an odd experience. At 4:00, you wish you could hide from the sunlight streaming into the windows. At 4:30, you feel unstoppable and decide that maybe you’re just in a slump, and this will pass. Around 5:00, you're crying in his room, silently, hoping that this won’t actually kill you. At 5:30, you're kneeling in front of the toilet because you feel nauseous. At 6:00, you grow brave again, and you feel like you can manage. At 7:00, just before you know he’s coming back; you're exhausted from this emotional roller coaster, and your brain is unsuccessfully trying to regain control. When it hits 7:15, and you hear the car door outside slam shut, you wish you could feel anything, anything but this.
When he opens the door, you’re sitting in the place where he left you, and goosebumps flood his skin. He lets the door shut behind him softly, and he takes you in. You don’t seem outwardly sad, but when you meet his eyes, he feels like he’s missed something, and he knows he’s about to pay for it.
When his eyes bore into your soul, and he picks you apart layer by layer, you can’t help but think that he’s the perfect guy, through and through.
Even so, you can’t lie to yourself; that’s just the way of things. You know that if you could try to convince yourself that the pain is just deception, the scales will balance out, but every feeling will bubble to the surface eventually.
“We need to talk.” You whisper.
It’s four words. But they hold the weight of the world, and Trevor knows it. So he drops his bag, walks over, pulls out the stool opposite you, and sits down.
When you bring your face to meet his, he sees a tear roll down. He has the urge to wipe it away, but he pushes it down as he waits for you to speak, even though he desperately doesn’t want to know what you’re about to say.
“I’m leaving.” You breathe out. “Tonight.”
His mouth goes dry.
“No,” he almost pleads. “You’re not.”
At this point, your tears are falling freely. You hate yourself for doing this, but you also love yourself enough to know this is what’s best for you and him.
“I have to go.” You tell him. “I’m falling apart, and you can’t fix me.”
At your admission, tears start falling freely from his own eyes, and rage starts to build in his heart.
“What is that supposed to mean (Y/N)? We have been so good, baby, haven’t we?”
The last two weeks play through his mind. You had come to stay with him, and he’d loved every second of having you here. He loved when he’d wake up, and you’d be curled up next to him. He loved when you were there after practice to tell him that everyone else sucked at hockey except him, he loved that you’d taken over his bathroom with all your products, and he loved that when you were here, he felt complete.
So how the fuck did he miss that you didn’t feel the same?
“Trevor.” You can see him spiraling in his own thoughts, so you pull him back to you. “I love you-“
“No.” You see his own heart breaking behind his eyes. “Don’t start. Don’t give me a breakup speech, don’t give up on us.”
“Don’t give up on me.” He begs.
A sob falls from your lips as he speaks, and you wish you could explain that it wasn’t him. It was all you. You wish you could explain that you need to figure yourself out. Because you owe it to him to love him as deeply as he loves you.
So you try, you take a deep breath, and try.
“I love you, Trevor, more than anything, but I need time to figure things out. Something,” you pause. “In my heart isn’t letting me be at peace. And you don’t deserve that. You deserve someone who knows what is happening with their own heart. You deserve someone to give you all the love you deserve, you deserve-“
“I know what I deserve, and I deserve you. Isn't that the whole point of love? Sticking with someone even when times get tough? What's the point of telling someone you love them if you're going to leave them? What's the fucking point of love if you're just going to let it go?”
His words burn, and you want more than anything to forget about this. To crawl across the table and let him hold you. Let yourself believe that he can mend the hole that has been in your heart for the last few months. You want to believe that you deserve him, that you’re it, but you can’t.
Trevor abruptly pulls himself from the table and storms in the direction of his room. You’re quick to follow behind.
He scans his room, then the bathroom, then the closet. He begins crying even harder than he realizes that everything is gone. The clothes in the closet, the products in the bathroom, the extra shoes on the floor next to his. All the things that you’d brought were gone, packed into the suitcase you had brought.
“Do you even care about me?” He asks quietly.
He knows the answer, you know he does, but he’s hurting, and he wants to make you say it.
“You know I do.” You choke out.
You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to chase off the cold and the sudden emptiness. Trevor sucks in a hard breath, then speaks again.
“Then why are you breaking my heart?"
You shrink back even further, wanting to crawl deeper within yourself. His question goes unanswered. You don’t know what to say.
Trevor doesn’t know what to say either. He knows what you both have is love, but as he is replaying the last few months, he realizes that he is seeing a perfect illusion.
He sinks to the floor, and you follow suit, sitting about four feet away from each other. You’re both so close, but you’ve never felt further apart.
“Can we at least talk about this?” He croaks.
“You’ll convince me to stay.” You whisper. “And I can’t stay. I won’t do that to you.”
The anger flares up again in his chest.
“You don’t get it.” His head snaps up to you, his eyes are red from crying, and his lip shakes. “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed.”
You both sit there and cry for what feels like hours. You don’t say anything, and neither does he.
When you finally have enough courage to speak, he beats you to it.
“I’m not letting you go tonight.” He states.
“Trevor, I-” you start.
“No.” He interrupts. “It’s late, and I’m not letting you get on a red eye or stay in a hotel room alone.”
You want to argue. The last place you want to be is with him. Just looking at him has you wishing you could wither away.
He gets up from the floor without another word and starts grabbing a few things, including a pillow and a throw blanket, from his bed and heading to the door.
“What’re you doing, Trev?” He cringes at the nickname but stops anyway.
“You can have the room; I’ll stay on the couch.”
He leaves the bedroom, and you begin crying again. You want to go back in time; you want to go back to when you weren’t a mess.
When you pull yourself from the floor, you decide the only thing you can do is get ready for bed. So you mindlessly pull out your skincare and begin your routine.
You don’t make it thirty seconds before you’re crying again. You are thinking about all the times you’ve done your night routine with him and how it was always your favorite part of your day.
It’s late when you leave the bathroom, and you listen for him outside, but it’s silent. You climb into the bed, breathing in the all too familiar and comforting scent of him, and you feel yourself sink deeper into yourself. You had spent most of the day crying, and you feel as though you have no more tears to give, but they begin falling anyway.
Soon, your whole body is wracked with sobs, and you’re trying to contain it, but you can’t. Tears are soaking Trevor’s pillows, and your world is burning down around you, but you know it’s what’s best for both of you.
You don’t hear him until he knocks, and you still.
“(Y/N).” He calls softly. “Can I come in?”
You know you shouldn’t let him, but you can’t help but feel like you owe it to him and yourself to let him in.
“Sure.” Your voice is rough, and you cringe when you hear it.
He twists the doorknob and enters the dark room, and before you know it, he’s climbing in next to you, not daring to touch you, but still there.
You both sit in silence, tears falling from both of your eyes. You think he maybe fell asleep because his breathing is steady, but then he breaks the silence again.
“Tell me I mean something to you.”
You want to scream suddenly. You wish he knew how much he meant to you. You wish he could understand that he has made you a better person in so many ways. You wish he knew there wasn’t a time when he wasn’t on your mind. You wish he knew that the distance was killing you and that you could barely breathe when he wasn’t around you. You wish knew that you loved him so fucking much, but you had to heal yourself before you broke him too.
“You mean everything.”
Silence. Nothing but heavy silence plagues the space you’re in.
A few minutes pass when Trevor speaks again.
“Can I hold you? One last time? Please.” He whimpers.
You nod in the dark, but he must’ve felt it because he’s pulling you in. His grip is iron tight on you as if he’s afraid you’ll try to leave him in the dark. He knows that you have to go, he doesn’t get it, but he knows that he trusts you. He trusts you to understand your feelings, and if you were pushing him away, he knew it was because you didn’t want to hurt him.
However, he wished that you knew that he didn’t care. He would rather be hurt by you every day than not have you at all. He wished that you knew that he would let you leave tomorrow, but he wasn’t going to let you slip away. He wish you knew that you were it for him, that you were everything.
You wait for him to fall asleep, and when he does, you let your mind wander, knowing sleep isn’t an option for you. Instead, you think about your entire relationship. Everything that you’d been through together. You hated to do this. You hated it. But it was the right thing to do.
You have to let him go.
So you will. However, you decide to let yourself have this last night. You cuddle closer to Trevor and relish in the feeling of being in his arms. You count his breaths and let yourself think, just for the night, that you’re okay. So that’s what you do; you lay there, go over every precious memory you will hold onto forever, and enjoy being here with him—this one last time.
Tonight will be your last night in Anaheim, and tomorrow you’ll leave. The very thought of that breaks your heart all over again, and you wonder, deep down, if you’re going to make it.
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finchyyy · 1 year
Teach you some techniques.
pairing: bf!Lee know x gn!reader, wc-329
Summary: Reader gets a cat and surprises Lee know with it.
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You did not like cats, you could not understand what was going in their mind. They were strange creatures, jumping from great heights, doing many random things but that mindset was changed when you met your boyfriend-Minho-a father of 3 cats.
Everything changed, the way you thought about cats was quite the opposite from earlier. You started to read through them, their random gestures made you smile, you started to understand their habits. Minho now counted you as the mother of his cats.
You came back to the present when you heard a few scratching sounds, looking up you picked up your cat "you sure are a naughty boy ,huh?" you said as if the he would respond back. You just got a tabby cat, it was pretty hard to handle a cat alone, you hadn't told anyone that you got a cat not even your boyfriend.
Your ringtone distracted you, picking up you heard "Hey, I'm about to reach in five minutes, see you soon" and with that the call was cut. Typical Minho. You had planned a surprise for him which was now cuddling you, you really wanted to see his reaction , the shine in his eyes whenever he sees a cat.
5 minutes later you heard knocking on your door, saying you were very little nervous would be a misunderstanding. "I got you brownies, Felix told me to give them to you" your boyfriend said as you gave you a box. His eyes drifted towards the bean bag where your cat was sitting on. He looked back at you-there was the shine in his eyes-"yes, I got a cat "you laughed and said, reading what he was about to say.
He rushed towards the bean bag excitedly "Soonie, doongie and dori have siblings now! "he said. God he looked like a five year old who just received his favorite candy. "Come here let me teach you some techniques" You laughed as you walked towards him. This moment was as warm as a handwritten letter.
A/n: Just wrote this because I was bored, I love cats &lt;3
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ddymarie · 1 year
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Shindo x blk reader
❅ a.n: omg this is new character I wanted to write about... Maybe one day I'll rewrite this. I'm thankful for the love you guys have shown for the small series 1:25✨
❅ warning: fem receiving, I missed a lot nothing like scat is included though. (Not proofread)
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'... Fuck'
He thought while holding his head in his hands
Shindo glanced down at his sweaty body. Dick hard in his hand . Stroking it thinking about you...
It was now 12:30 in the afternoon
I panicked while rushing to the shower to them get out and get ready for the rest of the day. It's 1:00 pm now. "Shit, Shit, shit" I winced. I'm late I'm late I'm late was all I could repeat in my head as I jump in a car and drive off to the main building of S.T.A.R.S head quarters. I had an important business meeting with the top 50 pros. I no. 6 ofc. I rushed to the building entrance busting through the doors while checking my appearance in every door reflection I caught ' I look presentable' I thought ' but late' I then frowned. Once I approached the the conference halls doors of slowly opened one and slipped through. Almost everyone there glanced back at me as I acted natural, soothing the wrinkles out of my attire. I sat. Scanning the table with my eyes. I looked around nervously as I made eye contact with red riot. He smirked at me and winked... His signature greeting. I smiled back.
"Now, that everyone is here we may begin" the gentleman in the front spoke side eying me. I straightened my back keeping my composure after being subbed.
About 2 hours and 20 minutes pass. Of discussing how we choose to establish our plans and making them actions. Some pro hero's recommend opening more schools building more parks. Doing charity events that donate money and living supplies for school pantries that we would like to open. Lunches and shelters for the homeless, things like that. We were all split up into groups. Groups of 5. The the hero's in the 50's were grouped, same for the thirties and 40's 20's and the 10's. My group included, shindo yo.... of course.
"I say-" gosh this is annoying I was being cut off left and right... Especially being the only girl here... Which is boring I know. But I personally feel like my opinion will definitely make a great innovation to their original plan of spliting into 5 groups of 2.
"Y/n, you and shindo create and advertise , while updating the other pros on what were doing" midoriya said
"My group will handle the blueprints and everything else" he stated while looking at his men.
Me and shindo made eye contact and he smirked as I looked away. I felt submissive to him . The tension was definitely there but went unnoticeable by the filtered eyes of others
Me and shindo headed toward my agency because it was bigger. And I had empty offices that could be put to use.
" I respect you , a lot" shindo spoke
" oh, thank you! " I glanced In his direction
" no, like i respect you, you got this hero shit by its pinky toe. The only female in currently in the top 10 . Already branded yourself . Created history... That shit is admiring " I peeped how he walked near me as he spoke. I couldn't help but blush at his praise. We stood in front of my agency I typed in my code and scanned my key card. Because it was after hours meaning it wasn't free walk in anymore. I we walked in and headed straight for my office and that's where we got to planning.
The next day we were sent an email. With details on what were supposed to be advertising. I wrote down my plans about how I was gonna advertise. Artist were already hired to create them. I decided to email shindo at around 8 to call him in before I submitted anything. It was now 5 am and I had on nothing out of the ordinary except my hero costume. I decided to place an order for brunch foods for me and shindo to snack on. I checked emails. Interacted with the media and my fans. I opened my agency to the public at around 10. Not the whole agency but the historical half of it. The mini stores that included the lastest magazine's and hero merch.Libraries on the world history. It was now 8 am on the dot when shindo walked in my office. I greeted him and allowed him to make himself at home before I settled down again and got to explaing my plan 2 minutes later I then spoke
"I already have tsu and cyber on the design for the advertisements. With a deadline. All they are waiting for this 'go' but I wanted to hear what you had in mind" I spoke.
" I had the same ideas as a matter of a fact, I was planning on waiting. And I mean waiting as once they start building. We can get documentation of it including pictures. But instead of a flyer why not a booklet? Our planned charity event is already in action... Because I submitted it .and being that it's open to the public why now do our speech then while passing out the booklets? Because by then the new park will be built ." he spoke leaving me stunned. A charity event has already been planned? The park blue prints already finished and is being built .damn I feel behind.
"oh okay wow" we both laughed
" anyone ever told you to have a contagious smile?" he said before licking his lips. "you know y/n that rumor got around pretty quick you know the one about us having a *cough, * affair," he said. " yea I know I'm sorry -" I started to apologize before quickly being cut off with an kiss. As we parted I started at him wide eyed. " ah shit I'm sorry," he was now apologizing only to be cut off with a kiss. Right then and there I had managed to lock my office door and dimmed the lights enough for only our silhouette to be present. We both began to quickly undress. I sat on my desk hot and wet. Lips still ravishing each other's.
"Mmphf* shindo can we move a little faster"
He moaned in approval. Hooking my leg over his arm. Carefully sliding my panties to the side. He then slid his middle and ring finger up from my slit to clit. Groaning from the feeling of how wet I had gotten from what he assumed to be just his mere kiss. Nah
"Fuck i been waiting to taste this" he said
I brought his soaked finger up gl his mouth before licking them clean getting a taste of me. A whine had erupted from me. As he slid his finger inside of me on my to remove it to taste me again. "Oh my god" he moved before throwing himself on his knees and eating me out. Tongue licking me up and down. Before sucking on my clit. I moaned " fuck, just like that" it was like he knew my body. It felt amazing. " he slid his already soaked fingers in my hole. Fingering me thrusting his fingers in and out before pulling away to spit on my clit and suck on me again. He began to finger me faster curling his fingers right on that spot. Sucking my clit harder than before as a reward for the moans I granted him. I he pasued his hot mouth leaving my clit leaving me sweating. He leaned his head right in front of my slit. When I then began squirting. Smirking up at me as I soaked his face. "Ah, good girl" he praised.
He already knew how to make me squirt. It's like he studied my self-pleasing sessions after work. He got up lifting my other leg up creating a 'v' before bending forward and flicking his tongue over my clit at a fast vibrating pace... VIBRATING? HE WAS USING HIS QUIRK ON ME
I was dazed. Head against my cold hard desk. " ah~ " I moaned I was gonna cum
" fuckkkk, I'm gonna cum "
And just then he sped up his flicks...
Humping his face as I came over it. Gripping his hair whining loudly. But not load enough to be heard by any ear outside the room. He lifted himself up off his knees. Face covered with a mixture of my cum on his lips, my slick.
Licking his lips clean. He smirked before taking his sweater off the chair and wiping my sweat off me.
" get up, go pee" he smirked slapping my pussy. I obeyed and did my business
Heyy I haven't uploaded in a while this is a shindo yo fic that has been sitting in my drafts... 😍
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bloobearr · 2 years
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ooting with the forgers! [1/5]
“Yor Forger at the Island of Mainau” / “Briar Rose”
• entry:
June 23, xxxx
It was a wonderful day to take the forgers out for a week long holiday. Handler approved of my request and i— no, i shouldn’t be talking about work.
For the first day, i took the liberty to take them on a short car ride, about 3-5 minutes if there are no traffics of the sort.
Anya seemed a bit bored, of course that’s a given—since young girls like Anya prefer a bit of a thrill or something she can play with. Though Yor was incredibly helpful—as always—she took Anya’s hand and showed her the different kinds of flowers the island has to offer, and told her the wonderful meanings behind them.
Yor looked—too—beautiful and ethereal whilst she was doing so, that…by no means am i a religious man. But, jesus. fucking. christ. My wife is so beautiful, caring and sweet that my fingers moved on their own.
—end of entry—
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“Breakfast with the Forgers” [2/5]
• entry:
June 24, xxxx
Yesterday’s trip to the island of mainau was very lovely. Oh! And Loid gave me a beautiful small bouquet of my favorite roses! they smelled wonderful..
We tucked Anya in since she was so exhausted from yesterday’s trip. Loid told me we could let loose for once and since there’s wine, we shared one glass—and one glass only!—i wouldn’t want to get drunk on our first outing together like this! i wish to cherish them, even the smallest of things, whether they’re mundane or not.
I woke up next to Loid, hehe. He’s so warm, i could still feel his warmth. Though, he won’t let me go until i told him that it was time for breakfast. Loid could really be adorable sometimes…
Breakfast was amazing, and it is even more delicious now that i have a family that i love sharing it with me <3
—end of entry—
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“Beach Day” [3/5]
• entry:
June 25, xxxx
So far, my stomach is safe, despite the chef from yesterday’s breakfast told us he had “accidentally” switched our jam with a bowl of raw egg mixture and at dinner, where the waiter “accidentally” gave us an uncooked fish—and no, it wasn’t sashimi, which i would’ve turned down just in case—this was undoubtedly an enemy of the forgers, no mistaking it. If it were the enemy of the thorn princess or twilight, they would’ve at least used poison or the sort. A rival from eden academy, perhaps? Were they stalking us?
Nevermind, i wrote and promised my family—and myself— that i wouldn’t talk about work during our time here.
There were lots of people—men, women and everyone in between—casting their—filthy—eyes at Yor. Thankfully none of them had the guts or balls to even approach her or engage in a conversation.
Yor seemed to notice my discomfort and took my hands and rubbed them gently between hers, comforting me with her gentle touch and whispering sweet words to ease my worry.
She’s everything to me. I’m very lucky to have her as my love and my wife.
—end of entry—
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“Anya and Bond’s ooting!” [4/5]
• entry:
June 26, xxxx
Anya is very happy today! Why?? Because Anya gets to play with Bond with the other kids here! They have a doggy park! Anya hears Becky does this die-uh-rih and brings this book with her—Anya only has a piece of paper but it’s ok!
Mama and Papa are shacking up right now or kissing so Anya needs to make this top-secret-do not touch or read- letter quick!
Anya has showed off my pre-tih ootfit that mama got me (Anya hears she got it after a bam! bam! assasin miss-yen last week! Very exciting!! That means Anya is wearing her very assasin-ny ootfit!)
Fhank You Mama and Papa,
Anya loves you! (Anya bets that Anya loves you more than you do, heh.)
—end of entry—
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“Forger Family Picture” [5/5]
• entry:
June 27, xxxx
The last day felt incredibly short compared to the previous days of our short holiday. Though, even short, i’m glad Anya, Yor and Bond had fun. They deserve the break, and i do believe that i, Loid Forger needs this outing as much as they did.
Here’s hoping to more outings like this. Hopefully, with a new member of our family joining our eventful outing.
Thank you for giving me this wonderful family.
Sincerely, Loid Forger.
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Ferns & Flowers
Guess who finally rewrote and revived a lost fic? Very excited to post this because it got yeeted into the Aether by Tumblr, but I revived it. Hurt/Comfort because I am weak. Enjoy!
This is also made for this year's @intrualityweek (2023)! Day 5, Gifts. The alternate used to combine with it is Flowers. I only wrote for one of the days because I have too many other projects to finish and get out.
Part 2 coming soon.
(a lil present for @rataticaisdreaming)
Pairing: platonic Intruality, gen
Trigger/Content Warning: intrusive thoughts, gory commentary, sexual humour, past domestic violence (mentioned), gun
Description: A florist and a botanist work in similar fields of study, yet they've never became acquainted. Who knew one little trade-off would begin such a strange friendship?
[Masterlist] | ao3 link | Next
[Read under the cut]
Remus never once thought he'd be so interested in plants, not until he learned about the poisonous ones and took up a career in Botany.
As a botanist, and as Remus, he'd named his own little shop after one of his favourite hyperfixations. Dahmer's Plant Hoard definitely attracts a variety of people, but who would Remus be to judge? Some come for the poisonous plants to study. Some come for the non-lethal ones to add to a gift for someone. There are even the times when Botany students will come in and ask to study a plant for a paper.
Supply usually outweighs demand in his field, but there's always outliers. A few of the more popular plants need to be restocked every now and then. Luckily, his shop is across the street from a florist, who seems to have every flower imaginable. He hadn't met them yet, though they work in similar fields. It's about time, anyway. Remus needs more moonflowers for an order due in a few weeks, and the florist would be the perfect person to buy them from.
This florist owns their own shop, and they tend to have lower prices than most places do. That, and customers always talk about how kind and generous they are. At least, from what Remus has heard.
Remus closes up his shop. It's been a slow and boring day, and perhaps meeting this florist will give him some excitement. He goes through a last-minute mental list. All his plants are watered, his cash register is secured, and the spare gloves are put away in their respective space. Everything is locked up as he leaves his plant business, wondering how the florist will be. Maybe they'll be as eccentric as he is! Or they could be a murderer in disguise. That'd be funny. As long as they aren't boring.
Crossing the street, he swears he can almost hear a dolphin whistling in the distance. He dismisses it as the wind.
But there's hardly a breeze blowing by.
The flower shop is called Pawprint Florals, written in a pretty blue font on the sign.
Remus can see the pastel colours from outside through the display windows. Blue, green, and some other colours decorate the walls. There's puppies and baskets of all kinds of flowers painted neatly, giving the inside quite a kiddish look. It's bright and vibrant, almost to an annoying point. Still tolerable, though. I mean, Remus isn't one to shy away from obnoxious colours and things. He literally dyed his hair radioactive green during his entire high school career; he couldn't care less about 'annoying'. 
Walking in, a small bell chimes. A donation box sits on the counter, where the florist messes with a bouquet of ferns and forget-me-nots. The donation box is decorated with pawprints and tiny penciled hearts. It says something about a local animal shelter needing funds for maintenance and food upkeep. It smells like an assortment of flowers, Remus notes as he spots a glass door behind the counter. It reads 'employees only'. Probably leads to the greenhouse. Where else would you get all those flowers and flora? Shipments take forever, ya know. Better to grow and store what you've got. 
As soon as Remus comes up to the counter, the florist abandons the bouquet and sets it down somewhere safe behind the counter. They flash a cheerful smile, pushing up their round-framed glasses on their nose.
"Hi, and welcome to Pawprint Florals! How may I help you today, kiddo?" they say just as cheerfully as their smile.
Remus blinks for a second at how utterly joyful this person is. Of course, before he leans against the counter in his chaotic glory and flashes a toothy smirk.
"Did ya know if you made moonflowers into tea, it would kill anyone who drank it?" is Remus' response.
The florist pauses, a little hesitant with that kind of information, but keeps their smile on their face.
"Are... are you looking for moonflowers?" they ask.
Remus hums, nodding his head.
"Oh! Well, I may have a few in the back," the florist pulls out a pen and a notepad. "Who are they for? I can make you a note for them."
They look down briefly to scribble something- probably about the moonflowers- before looking back up and changing their smile to a softer kind one. It's less than their previous smile, but it captivates Remus nonetheless. This florist is very pretty. And cute, considering their outfit.
They wear light blue overalls with a white-greyish undershirt. There's a floral-themed sticker nametag right above where their heart is, the name Patton written in a fun font. The florist- Patton, Remus' brain corrects him- has freckles all over their face and what he can see of their arms. Sandy-blonde curls. Dirt smudged on one cheek. Their nametag has the italicized pronouns they/them right under their name. 
They are so adorable.
Remus must've been staring at this human version of a golden retriever because Patton makes a concerned head tilt at him.
"Are you okay, kiddo?"
They frown slightly, and Remus wishes the smile would come back.
"Absolutely! As okay as maggots eating a cadaver."
Remus' grin convinces Patton of the truth, though they cringe at the mental image of a bug-infested corpse.
"Uh, alright then... for your order, who do you want it dedicated to?"
"No one! I need it for my shop 'cross the street."
"Oh, you're the botanist! I've been meaning to run into you. This is perfect, actually."
Remus watches as Patton waves him to come behind the counter, following them over to the greenhouse's door. They unlock it, shoving the key into a hidden pocket on the inside of their overalls. The duo heads into the greenhouse.
There are shelves upon shelves of potted flora, ranging from common roses to even a few rare Chocolate Cosmoses. Fairylights hang across the ceiling, glowing with blue and green and white. They illuminate the entire greenhouse in pretty mood lighting. There's a hose near the back surrounded by a couple of watering cans. A brown door, labelled 'storage', sits at the end of the elongated space of nothing but flowers and occasional succulents.
"I don't have a lot of moonflowers right now, sorry about that. I do have a shipment from a friend coming in soon, though. Uh, but that could take about a week or two," Patton explains as they lead Remus towards the back.
Remus is only half-listening, however, gawking at the flowers and how many of them are poisonous.
They could kill me swiftly and horribly, omg.
This florist is starting to grow on him, quite a lot.
"Aside from that, I was hoping you could help me? There's a flower here... not that one. Um, somewhere in here that I'm a little stumped on."
Remus perks up at the sound of a challenge.
"What kinda flower are we talking? Poisonous? Toxic? So lethal ya can't even touch it?"
Patton just nods.
They end up in front of a singular potted flower, a couple pairs of gloves sit nearby the pot. Patton hands a pair to Remus before taking a pair themself, though Remus half considers tossing the gloves away. There've been plenty of times where he hadn't used gloves when he should've and still lived. A few times his friend had to call poison control and banned him from handling certain plants for a few months. But eh, he always survives.
But when he goes to just throw the gloves in a random direction, Patton gives him the most paternally safety-first look he's seen in a long while. He decides to just put on the gloves for now. He can f*ck with toxic plants later.
"Safety always, kiddo," they start, tugging on their gloves and gesturing to the flower. "This little guy keeps wilting and I don't know why."
Patton frowns. Remus takes a glance at it.
"That's because ya gotta keep 'em outta the Sun, duh," Remus playfully rolls his eyes at the florist.
Remus snorts at Patton, causing them to smile and chuckle at themself.
"Good to know, thanks."
"Eh. Now, moonflowers?"
"Oh, right. Like I said, not a lot- keep the gloves on, please."
Patton gives him another pointed look, and Remus scoffs but listens. They head a little further towards the back to the moonflowers. True to Patton's word, there isn't a lot. Just a few, looking lonely in their pot. 
Damn, they weren't kidding.
Eat the flowers.
Maybe later.
"Like I said, I'm getting a shipment of them in about two weeks. Sorry it's not sooner," Patton says. 
Remus hums. The moonflowers that are there, though few, are well taken care of. They reach for the sunlight flowing like a waterfall into the greenhouse. Their blossoms are full and vibrant. Patton is definitely a good florist, keeping these flowers healthy. 
"Welp, I got an order I need some for... but I'd need more. You said f*ckin', uh, two weeks? Right?" Remus asks. 
Patton gives him a frown at the cussing, but they nod anyway. 
"My order's in three weeks, so maybe... a trade?"
Patton considers it for a moment, admittedly not expecting to be offered a trade. 
"I don't think I have anything I'd need, though. I don't mind just giving you some of the flowers."
Remus raises an eyebrow but says nothing. They're pretty and kind and selfless? Not wanting or needing anything in return? He highly doubts that. No one is completely selfless. True Altruism is absolute bullsh*t.
"Oh, cum on. Nothing? Nothing at all? Not any more help with some toxic plants?" 
Patton hesitates. 
"Well... it feels weird to ask for something in return."
Remus snickers to himself at his own joke. The florist doesn't even catch it, fidgeting with their gloves for a second. They sigh, stilling their hands. 
"I do need some help with a few other no-no flowers..."
"Then it's a deal! Give me some of your moonflowers in a couple weeks, and I'll help ya with your lethal poisons," Remus offers his hand to shake as he speaks delightfully. 
Patton extends their hand and shake Remus'. They offer a smile, and Remus returns it with a cheeky smirk. 
"Neat! Now, how do ya think moonflowers taste?"
It's been about a week since their initial deal was made, and some sort of chaos-filled routine comes to be. 
Remus visits Patton and their greenhouse every evening, making obscene and mildly sexual jokes that the florist doesn't always catch. He tells them unsettling facts or just asks these off-hand questions that are completely unrelated to the duo's current discussion. It throws Patton off, which Remus finds all the funnier. As the week progresses, they slowly become mildly used to it.
They talk about many things during their visits. As Remus helps Patton with their poisons, the florist will start a random topic and they two go from there. It always goes in nonsensical directions. One minute they talk about some weird movie they've both seen, and suddenly it turns into epic tales of their youths or how they're coping with the Horrors™ (aka: life situations). They grow closer rather quickly, both liking this little agreement they've made.
Now it's a week since the deal, and Remus visits again in the evening. He welcomes himself in the closed shop, having a spare key Patton had lent him for the time being. He goes behind the counter, into the greenhouse. The fairylights are on as they always are. Only one problem.
Patton isn't there.
They're always there before he is, considering they own the shop. So them not being there, or even being first, is... well, a first.
Few things unsettle Remus. This is one of them. 
Where could they be? 
Dead in a fire? Buried under the ground? Imagine if they were crying out for help, no one there to hear them scream.
Remus winces at his thoughts, but he doesn't entertain them. The florist is probably just late, for whatever f*cking reason, and they'll be there soon. Yeah, they're fine. Definitely fine. 
A door opening and the bell chiming at someone's arrival startles the botanist out of his head. He tenses, freezing in his spot. Remus doesn't think he heard key, which means it can't be Patton. Who else could it be? An intruder?
A murderer, come to take you like they took Patton?
He grabs the closest object, a trowel, as he ignores his thoughts. Raising it to attack (if need be), Remus creeps out from the greenhouse and back into the storefront. He crouches behind the counter as he hears footsteps growing louder. His heart beats against his chest, his legs burning with anticipation of might-get-killed. As soon as the intruder is close enough to the counter, Remus pops up and aims the trowel at the mystery murderer. Said mystery murderer yelps in surprise, and Remus hears the pistol get cocked before he sees it. He immediately raises his arms up, not wanting to get shot. He processes who it actually is as they sigh in relief. 
"Oh god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay, Remus?"
It's Patton. With a gun. Patton has a f*cking pistol. 
Jesus, just when I thought I figured this motherf*cker out. 
Patton stares at him with very guilty and concerned eyes, uncocking their decorated pistol and taking the magazine out. They flip the safety on, pocketing the gun and the magazine in separate places under their trench coat. Remus lowers his arms and sets the trowel on the counter, exhaling from all the adrenaline. 
Remus looks at Patton, the pretty and lethal florist he hopes to never piss off, and cackles lightly at the situation. 
"I'm great! Most fun I've had in while," he grins. 
Patton's shoulders ease, and they exhale their own breath from the tense moment that just happened. 
"Good, good..." 
As Patton trails off, Remus takes a better look at them. Their trench coat is dotted with rain (their glasses the same), they have tired eyebags under beautiful eyes, and their face... their face holds tear streaks hidden amongst freckles. Actually, their eyes do look a little red and... oh. Oh, they've been crying. They're upset. 
"Pat-Pat, what's up?"
"Who do I need to maim? Ya look like rainclouds."
Patton sighs deeply, sounding older for a moment. They hesitate, shifting their feet. Looking away from the botanist, they join him behind the counter. 
"I'll explain while we sort out some flowers," their voice sounds small and soft, and god.
It hurts to hear them like that. It hurts Remus' chest, and he wants to shove whoever hurt them into a woodchipper. 
He follows his friend into the greenhouse, the pretty fairylights making them look sadder instead of cheering them up. Usually, such colourful lighting brings a smile to their face. Tonight is different. 
Patton tugs on gloves absentmindedly, and so does Remus. He doesn't want to worry them right now. They both head towards the middle section of the long hallway of flora, stopping in front of a pot of many buds. Remus vaguely recognizes the type of flower, but he's mostly focused on the florist. 
"Um... so, I'm not sure what these ones do. I'm also not sure why they're taking so long to- to bloom," they speak softly still. 
Remus nods along, keeping an eye on his fellow plant enthusiast. They sigh again, putting their hands on the shelf by the pot and lean against it. They hang their head. 
"I don't know how to talk about this."
They're not referring to the poisonous flora in front of them. 
"Well, no one's forcing you if it's too much," Remus offers a chance to back out, to try distractions instead of conversation. 
"I know, kiddo. Thank you," Patton offers a sad smile as they turn their head to look up at him. "I just... I like to think there's a good side to everyone."
Remus stays there by their side, a steady presence. 
"Some people get mistreated and get angry at how they've been treated. It's not their fault that someone hurt them. And- and some people are wary because they're not sure who is genuine. Some people are good outright, some aren't. I don't want to judge what I don't know."
A fond gaze appears in Patton's eyes.
"Some people are unsettling or weird, but they remain just as good as everyone else."
Remus' heart feels warm. 
Patton turns to stare at the toxic flower, their gaze hardening.
"Some people prove me wrong. Not everyone is good, not really. My friend always says there's always outliers to every data collection, and he's right more times than I can count."
Remus raises a worried eyebrow, starting to catch on. 
"So, an outlier...?" he prompts.
Patton nods, glaring now at the damn plant in front of them. 
"My mom raised me and my siblings on her own, even though she was married. I'm the oldest, so I always helped her with the littles. She's the strongest person I know, and I love her more than anything." 
They grip the shelf.
"And he never stopped hurting her. It didn't- it didn't matter if we were there or not. He'd relish in the pain he caused her. Sometimes, it was like he wanted us to watch. A frickin' sick bastard."
Tears prick at Patton's eyes, angry. Remus stared in genuine shock at hearing the florist call someone a bastard. This b*tch sounds like a real piece of sh*t. He'd love to bury them alive on Patton's and their family's behalf. 
"I haven't seen him in years. No contact, per court order. Mom doesn't know, but... he called me. He has my frickin' number."
Angry tears fall and hands shake. Patton trembles with emotion as they speak, a sharp edge has taken to their voice. Their breathing picks up slightly. 
"He has no right to be in my life. He hurt my mom. I'm going to poison him and put him under the frickin'- frickin' ground. I just- he- god."
Patton stands up, no longer leaning on the shelf nor glaring at the poor plant. They hide their face in their hands as they cry quietly, taking in shaky breaths. Remus immediately gathers them in his arms, hugging them tight as cry out their distress. He's going to kill this motherf*cking jackass, but Patton needs him first. 
"If you're gonna poison someone, then you'd have to hide the body. It's too much effort. Do ya know how much dead bodies weigh? They're f*cking heavy," Remus says. 
Patton grips his hoodie with their gloved hands, trying to focus on breathing in. Remus smells like fresh soil and some odd concoction of flora. It's calming, and Patton takes another deep breath to take the smell greedily. 
They eventually sag in Remus' arms as they calm down, and the botanist holds his florist close. 
"D'aw, tired little florist. Do ya think if your flowers had legs, they'd pole-dance or something?"
Patton snorts at such an absurd image, causing Remus to smile. They both stare at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. It makes the fairylights seem cheerful again, basking them in pretty blue and green and white light. 
"I bet they'd have hairy human legs-"
Patton gasps, "That's worse."
They giggle at the thought of human legs attached to stems and flowers, imagining them in a cartoonish way. 
After a little bit, they both settle. Patton easing themself out of Remus' arms, and he lets them. They glance at the flowers they were supposed to sort out. 
"It's getting late, Pat-Pat." 
"Yeah, but the flowers..."
"-will be here in the morning. Cum on, why not tell me about this mom of yours. She sounds badass."
Remus offers his hand, and Patton smiles as they take it. 
They leave the greenhouse, completely forgetting that they're both still wearing the gloves. They forget about the trowel on the counter, the gun under Patton's trench coat. They leave Pawprint Florals, locking the door behind them. Patton makes a decision, since Remus hasn't seen their home before. 
"Come to mine? It's out of the rain," they offer as the rain persists. 
Remus lights up at the offer.
"F*ck yeah! Now maybe I can see where the f*ck you got a gun."
Patton chuckles at him as they get in their car, the florist in the driver's seat. 
"By the way, Pattie? If ya ever need someone to off your bastard," Patton glances at Remus as he speaks. "Well, it goes unsaid."
Patton knows what he means. They give a fond look.
"Thanks, Rem."
"Anytime, Patio." 
Patton starts the car as Remus buckles up for once, heading down the road as they laugh to Remus' random comments. 
It's two weeks. Remus and Patton have grown a whole lot closer, especially after the thing with Patton's murderous intent. Amazing how fast you can get attached to new friends, huh?
It's their last visit, this time in mid-afternoon. Patton had apparently closed shop early, eager to finally give their friend the moonflowers. He'd been waiting a while for them. 
Well, 'eager' isn't exactly right...
There's that underlying worry of him disappearing after the trade is made. They're no stranger to friends leaving as soon as they aren't useful anymore. Patton's excited, they are! But it's just... what if Remus leaves after this? What if, deep down, all he wanted were the flowers?
A bell chime announces his arrival, and Patton puts a smile on their face. Though they're worried, it's a genuine smile. It always makes them smile to see Remus. 
"Hey, Pat-Attack! Ya got my poison?" Remus is cheerful as he walks in, lighting up as he spots the florist. 
"Yep! I brought the bouquet out already." 
Patton, with gloved hands, grabs a big bouquet of moonflowers and hands it to Remus. There are more than plenty of flora for what Remus needs. He looks up from the beautiful poison, catching a sad glint in his friend's eyes. They smile, but it seems to be the smallest bit sad. 
Well, that won't do.
"Oi, what's with the sad? I can f*ck someone up," Remus asks.
"What- no! Remus, I'm fine."
Remus instantly raises a doubtful eyebrow at them. 
"Try again, Patio."
Patton stammers for a second before closing their mouth. They huff. 
"It's nothing. I just... will you come back?"
Remus looks at them, confused.
"To your shop? Probably. You work here."
"No, not- that's not what I meant."
"If I'll come back... after the trade?"
Patton nods sheepishly. Remus' face softens. 
"Ya couldn't get rid of me if ya tried! And many have tried. They fail every time, heh."
That eases the florist and the sad glint goes away. 
"Now, wanna see my shop? Someone's gonna have to help me with these babies," Remus gestures to the moonflowers with his eyes.
Patton smiles wider, bouncing on their feet. 
"Yes! Omg, what kind of plants do you have?"
"Anything you could possibly imagine! C'mon."
The friends head out from the flower shop, crossing the street. The air is crisp, windless and pleasantly chilly. They both wear some form of warm layer to avoid getting cold. 
As they enter Dahmer's Plant Hoard and into Remus' greenhouse, they chatter excitedly between each other. The gifts of flowers and becoming friends bring them to smile fondly as they do so. 
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Alright friends, grab a snack and take a seat because I have some rules to explain and I clearly don't have the gift of synthesis eheh~
As you can see (actually you can’t because I probably wrote one of my longest posts, I’m sorryy) there are two different prompts! I made them to give a little win to the artists who preferred to have some freedom and also to make this little contest accessible to everyone!
However let's finally talk about rules:
-Anyone can join regardless of their skill, this is only a silly thing to have fun together, don't overthink about it! 💕
-Both traditional and digital drawings are welcomed! There are no particular limits about the media used
-The drawing doesn't have to be completed or meticulously realized, even a quick sketch made in a couple of minutes will be loved and appreciated! ✨
-blatantly traced artworks are not allowed tho (referencing is fine!) and same thing goes for AI art, every drawing that falls under these categories will be "disqualified"!
- You can choose the prompt you like most! I guess you can do both... if you want to (?) But it's not necessary and most importantly it will not be "valued" as a bonus when I'll pick the winners
-You're free to make changes to the composition, color palette, poses ect. of the drawing! The only requirement is that the "original" prompt must still be recognizable!
-Once your pwetty drawing is ready just post it as you normaly would tagging me in the description and adding the hashtag #mortallychaoticdtiys. Feel free to dm me if you notice that I might have missed your post!
-The deadline for this dtiys will be a month from now so for the 7th of February! The winners will be announced after a couple of days and I'll begin working on the prizes from the 17th/18th trying to deliver everything (comic chapter included) in about a month!
-After the winners will be announced I'll contact them privately to get references and everything about the character they would like to be featured in the chapter and/or about the drawing commissions!
-as last, most importantly, have fun!!!  💕 💕 💕
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Wow... I really wasn't expecting that many rules :oo I hope I didn't forget anything! (also if you have any doubt always feel free to dm me!)
HOWEVER I'd say I bothered you enough with boring information so you're free to go! Big thanks in advance to the artists who'll join and I really can't wait to see your beautiful artworks! 💕
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Little thing i forgot, in case you missed the last post here's the prizes:
-First place: a 50$ worth art commission that can include two characters (full body/full color) with no background OR one (full body, full color) character + background
-Second place: a 25$ worth art commission that can include two full color characters (bust) OR one full body full color character (both without background)
-Third place: a 10$ worth commission, one character full color bust OR one character full body sketch
(the only requirement is that it must be at least vaguely related to the pl fandom, au, oc, crazy crossovers are absolutely fine just don't ask me to make a portrait of your grandma AHAH)
And since this wasn't enough there will be 5 more extra winners that as a prize will have their characters (or even themselves if they want) featured as a bg character in the upcoming chapter of my fancomic Artemis: Behind the Legacy.
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