#I’d be upset too if my guest made that face at me
alisonwritesimagines · 5 months
Insecure ~Bruce Wayne Imagine~
Summary: During a charity event, you see Bruce talk to Selina Kyle which makes you feel insecure.
Author’s Note: I had to leave work early today which I'm upset about.
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: feeling insecure, mentions of infidelity
Do not repost this anywhere!
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All the galas and charity events were the same but you knew you had to make an appearance every once in a while to help maintain Bruce’s identity a secret. And it helps when you bring one or a few of your children along to also maintain the identity a secret.
“I’m gonna go get us a couple drinks,” Bruce tells you.
“Don’t take too long,” you tell him.
“Trust me. I won’t. I rather be with you instead of talking about business with other people,” Bruce said before giving you a quick kiss.
You engaged in some small talk with others until you noticed something across the room.
Your smile had turned into a frown as you watched Selina flirt with your husband. But it wasn’t her that you were upset about. It was the fact your husband didn’t do anything to stop it. He stood there as he let her take the champagne glass from his hand that was meant to be yours, and drink it.
“You okay mom?” Cassandra asked you. You looked at her with a small smile.
“Yes. Just tired. I think I’m gonna go home early,” you tell her.
“Are you sure?” Cassandra asked. Her eyes looked over to see Selina with Bruce. “Mom, you know he loves you more than anything and anyone.”
“I know. But after what happened before, it’s just a little triggering,” you explain before walking towards the exit.
“Stay with Bruce. I’m gonna go,” you tell her. Cassandra quickly pushed through the crowd to get to Bruce.
“Bruce! Mom is leaving,” Cassandra quickly told Bruce as she got close enough to him. Bruce stopped his conversation with Selina and looked at Cassandra with a confused look.
“Where is she?” Bruce asked quickly as he looked around for you.
“Outside,” Cassandra told him. Bruce rushed out quickly to find you.
He stopped as he watched you get into the car before it drove off.
Bruce and Cassandra quickly went home the moment you left. Bruce found you lying in bed in your dress, sobbing from what you saw.
“Y/n? What happened?” Bruce asked as he walked over towards you. He sat on the bed and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s nothing. Why are you home early?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Bruce said. You sat up from the bed and wiped some of your tears away. Bruce pulled you onto his lap so he could hold you.
“Bruce, I want you to be honest with me,” you tell him.
“Of course.”
“Do you still love Selina?” You asked him.
“No. How could you say that?” Bruce asked you without any hesitation.
“I saw you two tonight,” you explained to him. Bruce’s face softened.
“Oh. I apologize if I made it look like I was still into her. The truth is, I don’t love her. Not anymore. I have you in my life and I never want to lose you,” Bruce said as he gave you a kiss.
“Bruce, I’m sorry if this makes me look insecure-“
“No. It doesn’t. It is my fault that you even feel insecure. Your my wife and I should be treating you the proper way I should be treating you,” Bruce tells you before kissing you once again. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Bruce.”
“Why don’t you and I renew our vows together? I think it’s a little overdue don’t you think?” Bruce asked you.
“I’d like that,” you smile and nodded.
“Looking good, Bruce,” Dick told him as he patted his back.
“How’s your mom doing?” Bruce asked him.
“She looks great too. The girls are helping her finish getting ready,” Dick tells him.
“Ready whenever you guys are,” Jason told the two as he and Tim walked in.
“The guests are all seated,” Tim mentioned.
“Is your mother ready?” Bruce asked.
“She’s ready!” Cassandra told him as she walked inside.
“Okay. Let’s do this,” Bruce tells the kids.
Bruce waited under the gazebo where you both agreed to meet before you both headed in to renew your vows. He felt a tap on his shoulder making him turn to look over at you.
“You’re as beautiful as the day I met you,” Bruce tells you in awe.
You stood in a gorgeous midi, lace, white dress with white matching heels. Bruce wrapped his arms around your waist. He leaned down a little but you stopped him before he could kiss you.
“The girls worked hard on this makeup. They’re gonna be upset with you ruining it,” you tell him.
“Okay fine.”
“Mom! Bruce! Let’s get a couple pictures of you two and then let’s go in!” Tim says.
After the pictures you both headed over to the dining hall where everyone who was close to the two of you were seated at the tables.
Bruce took a microphone and grabbed everyone’s attention.
“I’d like to first thank everyone for being here with us. Y/n and I really appreciate everyone here and we’re glad you are all able to make it to our vow renewal ceremony. I want to say that this woman here, is one of the strongest women I have ever met. She has dealt with me for so long and I am truly grateful for her love and support. I don’t deserve a woman like her and I’m so thankful and blessed to have her in my life. And I hope to have her for as long as we both shall live,” Bruce says. You smile up at him as he leaned down to give you a quick kiss.
“So I want to say, Y/n Wayne, I vow to continue to love you until time disappears. I vow to be truthful to you and to be honest with you no matter what. Even if the kids beg me to hide their shenanigans from you,” you laughed a little at that. The kids laughed as well before hiding their faces from their embarrassment. “And I vow to always be on your side. No matter what. I will forever chose you.”
Your eyes teared a little as you stood up to kissed Bruce.
“And I vow to continue to love you forever. I vow to continue to be there for you and never give up on you, the kids, or us. And lastly, I vow to continue to be the best wife you can have,” you tell him.
Bruce smiled at you and kissed you once more.
The party was similar to your reception. Everyone danced and partied but now that you had kids (with two who were of drinking age) the party was more memorable.
“We’ll take care of everyone. You two go sneak off to your honeymoon redo,” Diana tells you two as she and Clark walked you and Bruce out.
Bruce had talked to the Justice League and his family about taking you out to Europe for some alone time together after the party. Now that it had began to die down, it was a perfect time for you two to go.
“Are you sure?” You asked.
“We have Alfred here as well for anything. You two enjoy yourselves,” Diana tells you.
“We’ll see you two back soon,” you say before giving them a hug each.
“Have fun!” Clark smiled as Bruce carried you to the car.
“You ready for some alone time, Mrs. Wayne?” Bruce asked you as you two got into the car.
“You bet I am Mr. Wayne,” you giggled before pulling Bruce into a kiss
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obsessive-disfuntion · 6 months
How about Hazbin crew with a possessive reader, not like in a yandere or creepy type.
Reader just likes having them to themselves, character was just talking to someone and reader just goes to them and hug them from behind.
If the crew is too much then just Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor will be fine too.
Thanks and if you can't do it no problem at all.
Thank you, anon, for my first ask!! I love this idea and having just joined Tumblr the immediate support makes me very happy- I haven’t written in a while so I’m a little rusty, but I’d still love to write this out :) (also I loooove being able to write possessive reader, too, this prompt is great-)
Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Husk, Alastor, Lucifer
Warnings: None? Slight angst for Angel Dust but not too bad- sfw, not beta read, gn reader!
➛ Vaggie
You woke up alone in the bed you shared with Vaggie; a feeling you weren’t all that used to.
Vaggie always stayed in bed until you woke up, or she made you get up with her. She never left you alone. There must have been an emergency in the hotel, or something just as important? 
You slowly got out of bed, body aching from still being tired as you got changed. You had woken up about an hour earlier than you usually do, probably because you aren’t used to Vaggie not being there with you, which just put you in an even worse mood.
When you walk downstairs and into the lobby you saw Vaggie discussing something with one of Carmilla’s daughters. Clara, you think her name was? She’s laughing at something Vaggie said- probably something dry and witty, Vaggie was funny like that- and she put her hand on Vaggie’s shoulder. You didn't know why, but that made you purse your lips and immediately turn away, busying yourself with wiping down countertops with a clean rag. It might have been dirty, actually? You didn't know, you didn't care enough to pay attention at the moment.
“Hey babe, you’re up early,” Vaggie smiled at you as she joined you by the fire place (which you weren't doing a very good job of cleaning), and you almost felt bad for not smiling back. “What’s wrong? You grumpy because you woke up early?”
“Well maybe I would have been able to sleep a bit more if you didn’t just leave me alone in bed,” you huffed, turning away from her.
“What- baby, are you upset? I’m sorry, I had a meeting I had to-“
“With Clara? What is she even doing here? I thought you didn’t like having weapons at the hotel.”
“I don’t like them when the guests have them. I wanted to talk to Carmilla about having some weapons for the hotel’s self-defense after the last extermination we had. Y’know, just in case. But Carmilla couldn’t make it so she sent her daughter instead-“
“Who was very touchy,” you blurted out, dropping the rag you were using to “clean.” 
“Oh,” Vaggie chuckled, her slight frown turning to a visible smile. “I see what this is about.”
She grabbed the rag from the floor and put it to the side before wrapping an arm around your waist to start guiding you to bed. “Maybe we should take a small nap. While I think it’s very cute that you’re getting so possessive, it might help if you weren’t so tired. Would that be okay? If we took a nap together?”
You give a slow nod as she guides you upstairs, agreeing that it might help you calm down if you get a bit more sleep. But you’re glad that Vaggie realized that she is all yours, and appreciates your possessiveness instead of finding it as something to be upset about. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Let’s get you back to bed.”
✿ Charlie
“Oh! Hey- hi! Welcome to the hotel!” Your girlfriend’s cheery voice rang out through the lobby, and you immediately knew a new guest had arrived.
You got up, aware of the fact she would probably need your help to reel it in. She got a little excited at every new face that showed up. Which you adored, but sometimes it made the guests a little nervous.
But when you turned the corner you saw the new guest was a relatively attractive demon, which even you could admit it, so you immediately looked at Charlie. She, of course, was smiling so brightly and showing the mysterious demon to every single inch of the hotel. But as soon as you saw Charlie put her hand on the demon’s back, and they fucking grinned at her, your breathing started to quicken.
“Charlie, babe, what’s going on?” you asked, smiling- although it didn’t really reach your eyes- as a slight warning to the stranger when you step forward and wrap an arm around Charlie’s waist, pulling her away from them. 
“Oh- well, I was just showing our newest guest around…” Charlie answers, visibly concerned at your passive aggressive demeanour. “But… I can get Vaggie or Alastor to show them to their room…?”
“Maybe we should do that. I need you for a minute,” you said, shooting a side eye at the guest.
Charlie nodded and waved Alastor over, who immediately began to show the stranger around the rest of the hotel with his normal stylish and classy flare.
“Love… what’s going on?” Charlie asked, turning to you with a worried expression. 'Did something happen, or-“
“They just looked so… flirty. They looked at you like a piece of meat, I got angry-“
“Ah, I see…” Charlie giggled at your words. “It’s okay to get jealous every once in a while, but I’m a very loyal person. You know this.”
“But that doesn’t men your guests understand that…” you trail off, looking towards the direction that Alastor and the guest went.
Charlie gently grabs your face, your cheeks held between her palms so you would keep your eyes on her. “Hey… I can take care of myself- you don’t need to worry about me. I’m yours, and you’re mine,” she smiled at you, and you couldn’t stay mad.
Not when she looked at you like that.
“Sorry, Charlie…”
“It’s alright! Just remember this conversation next time you start to feel a little jealous,” she teased, leaning in to press her lips against yours.
➴ Sir Pentious
“Clean my quarters… immediately!!” Sir Pentious ordered his minions, which made you jump awake in bed.
“Pentious- babe, can we just go back to sleep? Please…” 
“What? Oh- s…sorry dear, but Charlie wanted us… to have a meeting right away this… morning.”
“Oh…” you trailed off, looking at the eggs that were running about, already starting to make the bed around you. “That’s okay.”
“If you’d like you can come to the meeting with me?”
You didn’t know why, but the fact that Pentious wasn’t spending as much time with you today as you would’ve liked was making you upset. “No- no I’ll probably sleep in. It’s okay,” you mumbled, laying back down under the plush covers.
“Well… alright. You can join me downs…tairs... when you’re ready,” you heard him smile, but you couldn’t get yourself to look at him.
You let out a groan when you hear the door close, hiding under the blankets to try and fall back asleep. 
After a bit you realized you definitely were not falling back asleep, so you rolled yourself out of the surprisingly comfortable bed. You got dressed for the day and left the room, heading downstairs only to find that the meeting was over. You frown, nearly getting teary eyed at the thought of having to look for your boyfriend.
“Ah, you’re awake!” he says from behind you excitedly, and you turn around with a frown still on your face, but you started to calm down as soon as you saw him.
“Hey, Pentious. How was the meeting?” You ask, trying to sound chipper but it didn’t go over very well.
“Oh never mind that- I would like to take you out for breakfas…t,” he states, linking your arm with his as he started to lead you out the door.
“Wait- what?” you ask in surprise, looking at him with a happy expression.
“Well, I could tell you wanted to s…spend more time with me today, and who am I to deny you? S…so today it’ll jus…t be the two of us…” he promised you, making your heart swell.
“Thank you Pentious.”
You didn’t want to admit it, but you treasure the days you get to have him all to yourself.
⊹₊ Angel Dust
You hated Valentino. 
Well obviously everyone at the hotel hated Valentino, but you desperately craved more quality time with Angel and his stupid boss was obsessively over-working him. That bastard would get your boyfriend sore and tired and would immediately fall asleep as soon as he got home. Which was fine, cuddling him was just as great. But you missed having late night chats and watching romcoms to make fun of them with him.
You were laying in his bed and petting Fat Nuggets, waiting for him to get back from work. The lights were off and his pink LED lights were on, making sure that his room had a calm environment all ready for him when he got back.
As soon as the door opened you sat up in the bed and gave him a smile, which fell slightly when you saw how worn-down he was. He was slightly slouched over eyes nearly shut from exhaustion. But he lit up when the saw you on his bed.
“Ugh, you wouldn’t believe the day I had,” he groaned, his accent thick and slurred as he collapsed face-down on his bed right next to you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask, moving to rub his back only for him to roll over to look at you.
“No… no, I don’t want to think about, just- wan’ some sleep,” he sighed, causing your face to fall a bit.
“But I have the day off tomorrow,” he opened his eyes for a second to smile at you.
Your breath caught in your throat as your heart skipped a beat in excitement, looking down at him. “Really? Just us tomorrow?”
“Well, aside from whatever activity Charlie wants to do, yeah. It’s just us tomorrow,” Angel responded with a grin, looking up at you. “Ya missed me, sweetheart?”
“Well- yeah. I did,” you admitted with a red face, moving to lay down next to him. “I hate what your work is doing to you. You know I don’t care what you do, you’re just… obviously hurting.”
“Well it’s not like I got a choice-“
“No, I know. I know,” you interrupted. “Just… let me hold you. I’m worried about you.”
You pulled him close, holding his head to your chest and closing your eyes. “I just… like having you here.”
“I know,” his muffled voice spoke up, smile evident in his voice. “I like being here with ya.”
You ran your fingers through his hair and smiled at the feeling of his body finally relaxing against yours, since you knew Angel definitely needed to unwind and relax. And you were happy to help and provide.
➳❥ Husk
It was a late night with plenty of different guests in the lobby. You wanted to turn in and go to bed, but you always went to your room with Husk so you could say goodnight to each other before going to bed. But Husk was busy tending the bar, who was being pestered by some guy that had one (well, three) too many drinks, and made it obvious in his mannerisms. 
You narrowed your eyes slightly when you saw him lean across the bar, talking to him in some sly, sing-song voice. You didn’t really want to know what he was saying, but you already knew it was something that you didn’t like.
You walked up to the bar and put your hand on the guest’s shoulder, giving him a “polite” smile. “I think you’ve had too much to drink. Maybe it’s about time you go to your room?”
“Oh, we were just having some fun- right Husk?” he grinned at the bartender, your boyfriend, and you tried not to full on sneer in disgust.
“Hey Vaggie!” you called her over with a fake smile before glancing over at Husk, who was obviously entertained. The tease.
She walked over with a slight scowl, not used to being up this late. “Yeah? What do you need?”
“Could you take this guest to his room? He had a little too much to drink.”
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not that bad,” he slurred, getting cut off by Vaggie lifting him off the bar seat and dragging him off.
‘Yeah, yeah. C’mon, dude. Let’s get you to bed,” Vaggie sighed, tired and no longer keeping up that “the customer is always right” mindset.
“There. Now he won’t bother you anymore,” you sighed with a smile, happy to get Husk to yourself.
“I don’t think it was me you were really worried about,” he smirked, his low and familiar voice causing your boiling anger to cease.
“Well, maybe I just like having you to myself,” you teased, watching him clean up the bar so he could finally head to bed.
“And you’re not seeing me complaining about it,” Husk responded over his shoulder before putting the last clean cup down, coming out from behind the bar to join you.
“Want me to walk you to your room?”
“Actually… could I come to yours? I thought maybe we could turn on a movie and I could spend the night…” you offer, hoping he won’t refuse.
“Of course, sounds like a good idea to me,” he smiled at you, taking your hand and leading the way to his room.
✧ Alastor
“Hey, Alastor, I was wondering if we could-“
“Not now, my dear,” Alastor cut you off with his signature smile, patting your head lightly. “My apologies, but unfortunately I promised Charlie to help around the hotel today. Maybe we can catch up later,” he dismissed, walking away from you and not even letting you finish asking to hang out with him.
You let out a sigh and go elsewhere, slightly hurt but telling yourself you would be able to hang out with him later.
But the next day you found him in the library, too busy reading his book to even notice that you walked in. “Alastor,” you tried not to sound too impatient as you attempted to gain his attention.
“Sorry, I’m trying to catch up on my literature,” he grinned, not even looking up from the pages. “Catch me later today, my dear. I’m sure I’ll be free then.”
You tried not to groan out of frustration, immediately exiting the library. You just wanted to spend time with him, but he always tended to busy himself with different things whenever he could.
But then an hour later you grew tired of the lack of company, marching back to the library only to discover that he was no longer there. “Alastor,” you groaned, marching out of the library only to find him helping Charlie with some small task.
You come up to him and hug him from behind, which you knew the sudden affection would upset him but a part of you didn’t care. “Alastor, will you please listen to me.”
He gently pulled away from your grasp, which surprised you. You thought he would be more mean about it. “What is it?”
He looked at you with a shocking amount of patience, and you glanced at Charlie who was distracted with her small task. “I want to spend time with you,” you stated, making eye contact as you informed him of what you wanted. “Just us.”
“Well that can be arranged,” he shrugged with a cheery voice.
He turned towards Charlie, glancing at you for a moment before looking back at her. “Charlie, I’m going to take the rest of the day off. I have an important matter that requires my attention.”
That statement made your heart flutter, and you looked up at him with a smile.
“Of course Alastor! You’ve been contributing a lot lately, you take the break that you need!” her high-pitched and happy voice responded, not even looking at him as she continued working. She was hanging up some sort of poster- probably welcoming a new guest again.
He turned back to you and placed a hand on the small of your back. “Well, you wanted to spend time with me, and I provide for those I care about. What would you like to do?”
“Maybe…” you flushed, happy that he wanted to spend time with you as well. “Go out to lunch?”
“Sounds marvelous,” he agreed with a smile just for you, which made you melt.
𖤐 Lucifer
You were exhausted. It was a long day after helping Charlie at the hotel, and you were heading back to yours and Lucifer’s room when you unexpectedly heard voices right as you turned the corner.
You sigh at the sight of a staff member pestering Lucifer, trying to ask him some question that could either wait until later or that Charlie could easily answer herself.
Lucifer turns his head to glance at you as you step behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his shoulder. Normally you’d be a little self-conscious about showing this much PDA in front of another person, but at this point they were taking up YOUR time, so you didn’t really care at that point.
“Lucifer, is something wrong?” you asked, doing your best to not shoot a glare at the random worker. It was getting late, maybe they could just worry about it later…?
“No of course not,” he muttered, glancing between you and the staff member, then focusing on the latter. “They were just leaving. We’ll discuss this matter later? Tomorrow?”
They quickly nodded with slightly wide eyes, walking away and from you and Lucifer and heading off to find some other thing to worry about, or to hopefully head to bed.
“While I’m glad Charlie is getting more workers to help around the hotel, they are EVERYWHERE,” you groaned into his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
“They ARE just trying to do their jobs…”
“And I’m just trying to get some quality time with my boyfriend. Is that too much to ask?”
“I guess so,” Lucifer laughed at your antics, turning to face you before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “But they’re gone now, so let’s just go to bed? Or at least to our room. I know you’ve worked really hard today, maybe it’s time for us to just relax for a bit.”
Your sour mood was immediately uplifted once Lucifer mentioned spending down time with just the two of you, so you nod quickly and pull him inside the room you shared. You liked spending time with just him- which definitely put a strain in your relationship every now and again, since he was literally the king of hell.
Before he could even sit down on your shared bed you pulled him into a tight hug, happy to just be able to hold each other behind closed doors. 
“I always look forward to it just being us every now and again, Lucifer. You know I love supporting Charlie, we’ve just been so busy…”
He kept one arm wrapped securely around your waist while his other hand rested on the back of your head, holding you tightly.
“Well you have me now. And you always will, even when I’m busy.”
“You promise?” you asked, pulling back slightly to look at him.
He smiled at you, leaning up a tad to press a gentle, barely-there kiss against your lips.
Thank you so much for reading <3
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Dirty Work 51
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: 50 chapters?!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You cross your arms, trying to comfort yourself as you wait. The front door opens and the only harbinger of your visitors are their footsteps. The grim pall of the house swallows them up as they shuffle over the doormat.
You don’t look over as their figures appear as shadowy blurs in the edge of your vision. You’re too humiliated to face your guests. Not truly yours, but Loki’s. Like everything else; this house, the very couch you sit on, the clothes you wear. Isn’t that what he’d only just berated you for? Taking it all so ungratefully.
“Darling,” Frigga’s the first to speak as she approaches, almost sheepishly, “my, I’d say it’s lovely to see you both but you look dreadful.”
You wince as she nears and shrink down, bending your legs as you long to curl into a ball. You hug your knees and curl your shoulders. She hovers over you, turning to speak to the others.
“You must open the curtains, it’s awfully gloomy in here,” she demands.
Loki mutters but at a grunt from his father, he acquisces. You stare at the black pants as he tears open the drapes, the rod ringing with his efforts. Another figure looms close. Odin shifts and places his hand on the armrest behind your shoulders.
“I see all is in a state of fine order,” Odin proclaims dryly, “you have this poor thing hanging from the troughs–”
“Father,” Loki sneers as he faces the room again. He steps forward, trying to tidy his wild curls, made even more defiant by his neglect. You notice his attire; his shirt is untucked and clashes with his tan trousers. “I will not be lectured.”
“Oh, dear, look at her face,” Frigga lowers herself to sit on the edge of the sofa and touches your arm kindly, “her dressings need changing.”
You avert your eyes and bite down on your cheek. You’d almost forgotten your nose and the peeling bandages. All that wasn’t as dire as the walls.
“Mm, and that isn’t my fault, mother. It isn’t I who would injure her thus. Rather your golden child,” Loki spits. “If you’ve come to argue the point further, I haven’t the time to hear it.”
“Son,” Odin girds, “do not rile yourself with presumptions. We’ve come to make sure you are well, as any decent parents might.”
“Hm, because you’ve always been so eager to visit, father,” he scoffs.
“Eh, Loki,” Frigga squeezes your arm before she stands again, “we thought to share some news to you. In person as it were. You wouldn’t answer the phone but we do believe you deserve to have it straight from us.”
“Oh, what is it now? Are we celebrating the solstice?” Loki folds his arms and lifts his chin, “you can check us off as not attending, thank you.”
“Now, don’t be an ass,” Odin growls, “if you would hear us, you might not have the urge.”
“Why should I listen to you, eh? Did you listen to me? Did you hear me when I walked in bruised to the gills? Did you hear me over that lout’s lies?” Loki snarls, “you made no move to stop me going but here you are, pouting and begging forgiveness. 
“Well, let me make it clear, you and that cretin you call your eldest son, will not entangle yourselves in another of my marriages. It will not happen. I told you that morning and I meant it. He is no brother of mine and if you continue to pander to his misdeeds, then you will count yourself two children, not three.”
You tweak a brow and tilt your head as his rant swirls over you. Marriage? Surely, he only misspoke.
“Would you listen?” Odin’s voice booms, echoing around the room as he steps around the couch and punches his palm. “We do count only two children; you and Hela.”
“Right,” Loki says unconvinced, “certainly, you will do your best not to let me share a table with him again. We can pretend nothing happened. That he did not accost my wife. Just as before, it is under the carpet as we stomp it into submission.”
“Wife?” Frigga murmurs in confusion and glances at you. You feel her gaze but don’t meet it. You’re just as confused.
“I mean it,” Odin insists and turns to look at you, “I am ashamed that my son would hurt you, dear. Brute as he is, I cast him out. He is banned from the house and wiped from my ledgers. Should you wish it, I would gladly testify to his guilt.”
You don’t reply. Which son does he mean? The one who chased you through the night or the one locking you in the dark?
“Thor is not welcome in this family anymore. If you hadn’t run away…” Odin faces Loki again.
“Oh, forgive me for my skepticism, father,” Loki grimaces, “you’ve not exactly earned a lot of trust from me–”
“Nor you me,” Odin counters.
“You never gave me a chance,” Loki hisses, “very well then, thank you, oh, great father, for practising an ounce of good judgment.”
“Boy,” Odin wags his finger at his son as he steps closer.
“Boy?” Loki exclaims, “get out. Now.”
“Loki,” Frigga screeches, “enough. We’ve come all the way here to apologise to you and… her, and you are being insensible. Would you hear us?”
Loki rolls his eyes. He keeps one arm across his chest and bends the other to flutter his fingers dismissively, “you kept him in my life. You begged me to look past his slights for years and refused to see them until someone got hurt.”
“Yes, we were neglectful. Willfully blind,” Frigga says sadly, peeking back at you, “seeing you that morning, and now, the bruises, and her… we… we are very sorry and we can understand that it might be too late for all this but we only want to be heard.”
Loki is quiet, roiling as he breathes loudly. He swallows and sniffs, “yes, you should look at her and see what he did to her.” His lip twitches, “and if I had not been there, imagine what he would have done–”
You close your eyes as you feel a weight over you, feel the suffocating heat, hear Thor’s sinister tone, ‘little maid’.
“Stop!” You throw your hands up as your eyes snap open, “please stop, I don’t want to think about it.”
“Oh, dear,” Frigga spins and once more rests herself on the couch’s edge, “you don’t have to. Please, you’re safe. He won’t bother you again. I’ll be sure of it.”
You knot your fingers together and twist until your knuckles hurt. You can’t look at her, at any of them. You shake your head and shrug.
“As you can see, she is not ready for company,” Loki asserts.
“What I see is she’s being shrouded away in this crypt,” Frigga rebuffs, “she requires sunshine. She needs healing, not paranoia.”
“You don’t know what we’ve been through,” Loki accuses, “how can you know what she needs?”
“I have eyes,” Frigga snips, “darling,” she speaks to you, “would you like some tea in the garden? Just you, I wouldn’t want to infringe.”
You gulp and rub your neck. You nod, “yes.”
“See?” Frigga pets your knee kindly before she stands again, “I won’t tread upon your toes, son, you get her the tea and see her to the garden.” She sidles aside to stand with her husband, “and then you will explain to me this whole marriage business.”
You glance over at Loki, the same question nipping at your ears. Was he confused? Why did he say all that? Marriage, wife? No, prisoner and warden, that’s what it truly is.
Slowly the doom recedes. The warmth of the sun beams down as you keep your finger hooked in the handle of the tea cup. You let the steaming brew go cold as your eyes devour the scenery. The greens, the violets, the indigos, and pinks. Colours all around.
You suck in deep breaths of the spring air, tasting the last dregs of dew and the floating pollen. You hear the council of sparrows hiding in the bushes and watch the pair of doves bobbing across the grass. Bees buzz between the blooming stems and insects flit back and forth through the air. The seasonal renewal is underway as a whole new world awakens.
Beneath the serenity, there is fear. This won’t last. This is just a brief respite from your desolation. A flicker of light in the dark.
So you bask in it as much as you can, for as long as you can. You can’t help but peek over at the french doors and wonder about what’s happening behind them. What is being said? Are Frigga and Odin still there? Is Loki still angry?
You cup your chin and take a sip. This is all you ever wanted. You only wish he would have listened to you. Why must someone else talk sense into him? Why can’t he just hear you?
Your vision hazes as you drift into the peaceful hue. The spring swallows you up and mutes your worries. You cling to that moment, knowing the end will come sooner than later.
The doors open and pierce the spring soliloquy. You look over as Loki steps out. His shirt is tucked in and he’s tried to comb his hair. Still, he looks out of sorts. His eyes are circled darkly and his cheek tics as his jaw clenches.
He watches you as he nears the table, standing across from you as he extends his long fingers to the iron surface. He takes a breath and looks around. He retracts his hand to rest on the back of the chair.
“May I?” He asks.
His request surprises you. That he would even want permission. After all, this is his home, all of this is allotted to you at his whim.
“Sure,” you sit back and let go of the teacup.
He drags the chair out and lowers himself. He bends his arms over the table and his head swivels again, as if searching for something. He clears his throat and turns straight. He stares at you as you peer down at the table.
“It’s beautiful out,” he comments, “the tulips are coming in.”
You nod, “yeah, they’re pretty.”
He exhales and shifts in the chair. He taps his fingertips then weaves his fingers through each other. He stills his fidgeting.
“How is your tea?”
You look down at the cup, mostly untouched. You raise your eyes to meet him and purse your lips.
“It’s fine,” you answer, “what’s going on?”
He circles his thumbs around each other and pushes his shoulders up before forcing the tension out, “I thought I would… come enjoy the garden with you, pet.”
“Oh,” you utter.
“Oh,” he echoes staunchly. “Unless, I am disturbing you?”
You shake your head, “I thought you wanted me to go inside…”
He frowns and lowers his chin, “I…” he begins then unclasps his hands and sits straight. He rests his elbows on the armrests and his cheek strains, “I want you to be safe.”
You nod and look at your lap as you think, “your parents said Thor is gone.”
“Yes, so he has been cast out. For how long, I can’t be certain,” he sighs, “but he is not my only worry.”
“What else—”
“If I’d not discovered your escape, you would’ve fallen and hurt yourself worse.”
“Loki, I… I’m sorry but I couldn’t–”
“And you do not eat when I bring you food. You hardly sleep.”
“What about you?” You toss back as you raise your head.
His lips thin, “yes, what about me. I am just as guilty in all this, I see that now.”
You’re quiet as you consider his admission. It’s a rare moment. Not exactly victory, but a consolation. As much as you can hope for.
“I appreciate all you have done but I… don’t want to be a burden anymore,” you say, “if that’s how you feel about me, I think we’d both be better off if I left.”
He goes rigid and his throat tightens, “pet…”
“Or maybe I could just be the maid again. We could go back to that. That would be okay.”
He huffs and hangs his head. He brings his fingertips together as he seems to argue with himself. Slowly, he lifts his head, “no, that simply won’t do.”
Your face falls, “please don’t lock me up again.”
Your eyes gloss as you pout, begging him wordlessly. He winces as his mouth slants, one way then the other. He mulls on your plea.
He tilts his head one way then the other, stretching out his neck. He slips his elbows off the armrest and grips the chair, pushing himself to his feet. He rolls his shoulders straight and rounds the table. He stops beside you and lowers himself down to a knee. You watch him, confused.
He takes your hand and draws it over the side of the chair. He holds it in his, stroking it as he peers up at you.
“You cannot be a burden or the maid, and you certainly may not leave,” he says, “you are going to be my wife.”
You blink. You’re not sure you heard him right. He squeezes your hand and you look down at his grip.
“Loki?” You babble.
“I haven’t picked a ring, I’m sorry,” he pulls your hand to him, leaning in to kiss it, petting it, “but perhaps you might help in that.” He puts his other knee down and moves even closer, “we will have a lot of planning to do, won’t we, darling?”
He angles to lean his head against your arm, keeping his hand on yours. You’re paralysed. He’s proposing to you but there isn’t any room for your rejection. Like all other things, it’s a command. You have to keep yourself from answering, ‘yes, Mr. Laufeyson.’
You look down at his dark tresses and let out the breath racked beneath your ribs, “I’ve never been to a wedding.” The statement is hollow and numb. You don’t know what else to say.
He chuckles and lifts his head to grin up at you, “well, how exciting that you’re first will be your own.”
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
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Josh Futturman has always had a crush on his beautiful coworker, the sharp, sexy scientist he thought he could only dream of talking to.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Smut. Oral(M receiving.) Praise kink. Semi public. Overstimulation. Slight dacryphilia.
Part Eight
Part Nine: A Family Affair
Josh and Brynne quietly left his room for dinner after what they had been doing. Josh Futturman was horrified as he realized his Uncle Barry had been waiting to use the upstairs bathroom after the two of them, and was now just standing in the hallway, bottle still in hand, signaling to them that he had planned to take it into the bathroom with him.
“Should’ve been me,” Barry said through a belch as Josh made a face, quickly hurrying Brynne downstairs with the rest of the guests.
Once they came down the stairs, Josh saw his mom, about to look for his dad in the kitchen.
“Mom,” Josh said finally, as Brynne stood behind him.
She didn’t seem upset at all.
“What is it, honey?”
“Mom, I’m really sorry about the way I talked to you earlier,” he apologized sadly, “That was so mean, and I shouldn’t have said anything. You were trying to help, and I was just being an asshole.”
“Oh, Joshy, you know I forgive you,” his mother sighed, wrapping him up in a hug, “I know you didn’t mean it. Besides. I know you feel kind of frustrated about still living at home, you were bound to tell your parents to fuck off at some point,” she gave his cheek a playful pinch.
“Still, Mom. I’d never let anyone talk to you like that. Especially not me,” he said guiltily.
“Oh… My sweet little Joshy,” Diane beamed. “We’re family; I forgive you.”
“I love you, Mom,” he told her.
“You’re so sweet, Joshy. I love you, too,” she smiled, turning to Brynne. “Why don’t you two have a seat with everyone else? Dinner will be ready in a minute.”
“Okay,” Josh agreed.
He took the empty seat next to where his mother would be sitting, as Brynne sat down with him.
“Why don’t you sit next to me?” Barry suggested with a grin, sitting in the empty seat next to her.
Brynne just looked at Josh, who seemed less than comfortable with this arrangement.
“Uncle Barry…” he warned, just as his father entered the room.
“Oh, Josh, Brynne, there you are,” Gabe nodded. “You want some appetizers? It’s Brie, and cranberry.”
“Yes, please,” Brynne said eagerly, taking one off of the plate he held out to them. “That sounds delicious.”
“Thanks, Dad,” Josh nodded.
“Hope you washed your hands first,” Barry Futturman cut in, already starting to once again create a weird energy in the room.
Josh looked at him in disbelief, trying his hardest to ignore the inappropriate comment as he ate with everyone else. Luckily, neither of his parents seemed to pick up on what his uncle had meant by that. As dinner continued, Brynne and Josh both did their best to keep the conversation running as smoothly as possible. But inevitably, there were a few considerable obstacles.
“You know, Brynne, Julius works for a company that does DNA testing,” Diane informed her with a smile.
“Oh, that’s cool,” Brynne smiled, “I think it’s great that people can really expand their knowledge of their ancestry these days.”
“Right?” Melinda agreed. “We found out about so many cousins we had no idea we even had!”
As the dinner carried on, slowly becoming more boring, Josh looked to his left at Brynne, pleasantly surprised to see that she’d been looking at him, and only him, the entire time. She smiled softly, almost uncharacteristically, and Josh was putty in her hands. He smiled back, smitten with her.
He chuckled nervously as he felt her fingers creeping into his hand, gradually taking it in hers. The way he held her hand under the table in front of his entire family felt strangely innocent, and wholesome. It was a perfect way to spend his Christmas Eve.
It must’ve been another twenty minutes of the two of them enjoying each other’s company in silence before he realized she was still holding his hand. Josh noticed that Brynne grimaced as Barry tried to scoot his chair even closer to hers, looking her up and down as he did.
“Excuse me, I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” Brynne stood suddenly, startling Josh a bit.
Everyone else just smiled in response to her as she left the table. Josh sat there for a moment, conflicted. He knew his Uncle Barry had made her feel beyond uncomfortable, but he didn’t know whether she wanted space or comfort. Deciding he wanted to at least be chivalrous, Josh got up to follow her.
He knocked softly on the bathroom door, the knuckles of his middle and index finger making a quiet sound. Brynne heard the knock, and at first assumed it was a woman knocking.
“Hey, Brynne? You okay in there?” Josh asked, cursing himself as he hoped she wouldn’t take it the wrong way.
All of a sudden, the door opened, and he saw her standing there, not looking upset at all. He couldn’t place the way she was looking at him.
“Come in,” she told him.
“Uh, okay,” he stammered, entering the small bathroom as she closed the door. “So, what’s up? Are you alright?” he asked worriedly.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she promised. “I just never got to thank you for… earlier.”
“Oh,” he realized, feeling stupid. “Uh, yeah… any time.”
While he wasn’t sure that was the most appropriate response, he knew he at least meant it wholeheartedly.
“You want me to return the favor?”
“Sorry, what?” he asked, once again blown away.
Little did he know, tonight, that would become more than a figure of speech.
“I said…” she smirked, impatiently dropping to the floor. “You want me to return the favor?” she asked quietly, looking up at him with hungry wide eyed.
“Oh, fuck,” he laughed nervously, “That’s what you meant.”
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she clarified. “I just think you deserve a nice reward after the way you made me come.”
“No, no, I definitely want to,” Josh assured her. “I’d love that. So much.”
“Is this okay, then?” she asked, her hands gently sliding up his clothed thighs.
“Fuck yes,” he nodded, watching her intently.
Knowing the power she held, Brynne unbuttoned his pants with care, dropping them to the floor in front of her as she looked at his boxers.
“Batman,” she remarked, sounding pleased.
Josh frantically tried to find an explanation. “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone else would be seeing them—”
“Shh, it’s okay,” she purred, still staring up at him. “Just relax for me, baby.”
He let out an involuntary whine as her hand softly grabbed at his growing bulge.
“My goodness, you’re this hard already?”
“Yeah,” he gulped, “You’re just so beautiful, and you’re looking at me like that—”
“I’m gonna take such good care of you,” Brynne cooed, “Okay?”
“Okay,” he whimpered, choking on a lump in his throat.
Josh grabbed onto the towel rack in a panic, feeling all the blood in his body rushing to one place.
“I’m gonna take these off, okay?”
“Okay,” he nodded, loving the way she spoke to him.
She slid his boxers down, allowing his growing erection to spring free.
“Aw, so pretty, baby,” she gushed.
“Fuck, thank you!” Josh sighed happily, throwing his head back as she began to wrap her hand around it.
He was throbbing for her already, and he was still feeling somewhat embarrassed and shy.
“Hmm. Hold on,” she said as she rose to her feet. “You wanna help me out?”
“How?” he asked automatically.
She smiled, cupping his face with her right hand.
“You wanna help me get my fingers wet?”
“Mhm,” he begged, bobbing his head up and down.
“Okay. Open?”
He obliged, opening his mouth softly as he looked to her for instruction. He was like a doll, willing to be put in any position she desired. She slid her middle and index fingers into his mouth, watching with delight as he lightly cupped his hand around her wrist, bobbing his head up and down as he took her fingers in his mouth.
“Is this good?”
“Perfect, sweetheart,” she encouraged affectionately.
He finished thoroughly wetting her fingers, looking at her desperately as she popped her thumb into his mouth, admiring him as he suckled on her thumb. It drove her crazy how needy and excitable he was.
“Aw, look at that. Who’s a dumb little bunny?”
“I’m a dumb little bunny!” he blurted out, then realizing how desperate he sounded.
She sank to her knees again as he watched her in suspense, hanging onto her every word.
“Aw, lookit. Leaking already?” she asked calmly. “Look at you, baby, you’re dripping. What a messy boy.”
“I’m sorry,” Josh whined impatiently.
“Don’t be sorry… Here. Lemme taste you…”
He gasped out loud as she licked a circle around his pink tip, both impressed and horrified at the sounds she could pull from him. The way she was able to stimulate him was like nothing he’d ever felt before. Leaning against the bathroom wall, he threw his head back in surprise, seeing black spots on the ceiling as he tried not to let his knees buckle.
“F-Fuck,” he moaned.
“You’re delicious, baby,” Brynne looked up at him. “Oh… Your eyes watering?”
That was all he could say at the moment. Both of Josh’s hands were laid flat on the wall, as he tried to catch himself. She noticed that as he looked back down at her, his eyes were watering. He looked like a mess.
“Oh, you’re a mess, baby. Do you wanna stop?”
“No!” he blurted out. “No, keep going, please.”
“Okay. You’ll tell me if you need me to stop?”
“Yes,” he promised with a quick nod.
“Okay. Good boy.”
He nearly melted at her praise, holding on for dear life as she slowly took him into her mouth, hearing him whine helplessly as she swallowed his entire length.
“Fuck! Feels so good,” he moaned.
She bobbed her head up and down, starting to pick up the pace. He gasped loudly, his hand slowly smoothing over her hair for her as she sucked him off. He finally felt that it was okay to touch her, neatly moving her hair out of her face. He groaned as quietly as he could, trying to keep his volume down. It became increasingly hard, as did he.
Josh sobbed quietly as he bottomed out again and again, instinctively giving a light thrust, desperate for release. He couldn’t contain his excitement, and breathed out shakily as he felt his dick twitch inside her mouth. Giving up and allowing the tears to flow, he mumbled nonsense as she took him in her fist, going up and down faster and faster as she sucked on his tip.
“Please! I’m gonna come,” Josh whined. “I’m gonna come!”
He started to cry even more as he looked down at her, looking into her deep brown eyes.
“You’re so good to me, fuck,” he groaned. “I don’t know why you even like me… You’re a fucking goddess!”
He grabbed ahold of the towel rack as he felt himself trembling with indescribable pleasure. He quickly grabbed a small towel and shoved part of it into his mouth, muffling his whines and screams as best as he could. He’d never came like this before in his life.
Everything was a blur as he finally felt himself release into her mouth, looking down at her in shock as she allowed him to fill her mouth, still sucking on his tip as she wet his dick. He cried softly as he threw his head back, whispering curses as he finished.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he whispered. “Feels so good…”
She swallowed, smiling up at him as he wiped his tears away, dropping down to his knees. Surprised by the sudden movement, she collected his head onto her lap, brushing his hair to the side as he sobbed onto her dress. He let out a few grateful choked, rubbing his face into her lap as she played with his hair.
“Shhhhh. You’re okay, baby,” she promised him. “You’re okay. Let it all out.”
He let out the last few sniffles as he threw his arms around her, his face between her soft breasts as he whimpered.
“Felt so good,” he mumbled.
“I know. Just relax,” she murmured as he stuck his face between her breasts, softly kissing each one in turn.
His hands pawed at her chest, gently squeezing each breast as he whined impatiently. He watched as she pulled at the straps of her dress, allowing him access as he sucked on each nipple for comfort. It went on for a short while as he soothed himself.
He sat up as Brynne took his face in her hands, softly wiping at the tears with her thumbs.
“You look so pretty when you cry,” she whispered.
“I look pretty?” he asked her.
“Mhm,” she nodded, kissing his lips as she let him lay his head back down on her bare chest. “My pretty boy.”
Part Ten
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader(chubby reader)
Synopsis: Y/N has a crush on Matt, but feels like he won’t like her back because of her physical appearance. What happens when Y/N talks about her experience with guys in LA on their podcast, and Matt gets upset🤭
Warnings⚠️: None….Idk how I feel about it. I felt like I couldn’t wrote it better, but also idk it’s my own brain picking myself apart🥹
Song for the imagine: Why Can’t I?-Liz Phair
Why can’t I breathe whenever I think about you?
Why can’t I speak whenever I talk about you?
I think the hardest thing about being a bigger girl was liking a guy. Always on this see saw of they could like me or they could find me disgusting. It hurt a lot, and what didn’t help was being in the social media light. Your appearance constantly being judged and critiqued
I tried to not let the hate get to me, but occasionally it did. However, having loving and supporting friends surrounding me made it better.
I had gotten close to the triplets within the last year and a half, and it’s been interesting. I had their fans either loving me or hating me, and at times it got hard, but the triplets helped me not think too much about it.
Matt helped me the most especially since I also had anxiety like him, him and I actually grew pretty close. I started to like him a lot, and because of societal standards I forced these feelings deep down.
I couldn’t fandom to face the rejection from him if I ever came to tell him how I felt. I knew Matt would never like someone like me. It’s nothing against him, that's just what he’s used to. Skinnier, prettier and all around better. I tried not to think this way, but it was hard when that’s all you see in the LA influencer world
My feelings for Matt grew more and more daily, and I was hurting myself by thinking he could like someone like me. I mean he could? Couldn’t he?
Today the triplets wanted to film a Q and A podcast for their channel, and they had asked me to join, so I agreed. They made a post last night asking for questions, and boy did they get a lot
I had gotten to the triplets house, and felt so nervous to answer questions to the public
“Hey Y/N” Nick said as I came up the stairs
“Hey guys” I said smiling at them
“I love your outfit” Matt said coming over to hug me
“Oh thanks” I said hugging him back
“Yeah you look cute” Nick said
“Came extra pretty today” Chris said snapping his fingers
“Enoughhh” I said laughing at them
I was wearing wide leg denim jeans with a fitted black shirt that said fuck off and black chunky sandals….nothing special,so their compliments were nice but made me question did they always look at my outfits and my appearance? My anxiety spiking
We had gone up to the podcast room, sitting in our seats and getting ready to film
“Okay welcome back campers I’m your host Nick Sturniolo”
“I’m Matt Sturniolo”
“And I’m Chris” Chris said giggling
“Today we have a special guest with us, our friend Y/N” Nick said
“Hiiii” I said into the mic and smiling at my camera
“You guys were begging for more videos with Y/N, so why not an hour long video with her” Nick said
“And to make it better we’re doing a Q and A, so we can get personal” Chris said
“Perfect! Getting personal online, my favorite” I said giggling
“Laura picked out these questions for us by the way, so we have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into” Matt said
“Without further ado let’s start” Nick said
“Okay so the first question is where do you see yourself in five years?” Chris asked
“Ouuu nice” Nick said
“In five years I hope to see myself still doing what I love which is filming videos, and just growing with my brothers as a whole” Nick said
“I hope in five years I’m settled down in a nice relationship, living my cabin life and making videos with these two” Matt said
“I like that, and not to be the same but I’d like to be doing exactly what I’m doing now in five years. Just growing with everyone I love surrounded by me” Chris said
“Nice answer” I said nodding my head him
“And for you?” Matt asked me
“I uh I think for me, in five years I’d like to be further in my career, you know. I’d also like to be in a better mental state whatever that looks like. I’d assume I’d like to be in a relationship at that point as well” I said nodding at Matt
“Those were great answers” Chris said
“Okay next one” Matt said
“So the fans want to know what is the most embarrassing interaction you’ve ever had with anybody” Nick said laughing
“We as a whole will not be answering that, but maybe Y/N might have something”Matt said looking at the camera
“The most embarrassing interaction I have I can not and will not say as it’s embarrassing on my part” I said laughing and shaking my head
“Awwww” Chris said
“Sorry guys, but that’s going to the grave with me” I said laughing
We had asked a few more questions, and suddenly Nick eyes brightened at the question he was reading
“I like this one! This is for Y/N. The viewers want to know what’s the dating scene for you right now. Are you seeing someone, are you interested in someone…what’s the tea” Nick said looking at me
“Oh god I’m in the hot seat” I said widening my eyes
“You sure are” Chris said
“Alright I’m about to be real vulnerable with yall. I am not seeing anyone right now, I’m not talking to anyone right now, but I do have someone in my mind that I like” I said giggling and covering my mouth
“Ouuuu tell us” Chris said
“Absolutely not” I said laughing
“But no, what I was saying is the dating scene in LA is trash all across the board. However it’s even worse for me because I am a bigger girl, and that’s already not accepted by society. So when you’re in the influencer scene and you live in LA you don’t meet the nicest guys. The amount of popular influencers who have messaged me telling me that they would never collab with me or ever be seen with me because of my physical appearance is absurd. It’s hard especially when you like a guy that you know wouldn’t like you back, you beat yourself up over it. Because at the end of the day we’re all humans and we all crave love and attention, and we’re told that if we don’t look a certain way we’re not deserving of that love. So the dating pool for me right now is trash” I said shrugging my shoulders
“You know that sucks, and it’s bullshit. I think the way that the media is is so fucked up. Forcing these young girls to think that they should be a specific way to find love or be “pretty” is insane” Nick said
“Yeah I agree! It’s like who fucking cares what someone looks like it’s about what’s on the inside” Chris said
“100%” Nick and Matt both said
“Okay this next question is similar to the last, this person said Y/N please tell us how you secure a man as a bigger girl, no offense at all I’m just genuinely scared of going after guys I like because I’m bigger myself” Chris read
“Oh no offense taken, to be honest I don’t know like I said I’m not in the dating scene right now, so I have no advice. I myself am scared to reach out to any guy I find attractive because of how mean these guys are. My biggest fear is rejection, and when I’ve been rejected by every guy you start to build up a wall in your heart, and it’s hard to stop that” I said
“So I have a personal question” Nick said
“Yeah” I said nodding my head
“Is there any specific type of guy that you do find has reached back out to you, or has messaged you and hasn’t cared about your appearance” he said
“To be honest no. Big guys, skinny guys, medium guys, buff guys, all guys in LA have made it known they don’t like me. Or they want to keep me on the low and it’s just not worth it to put myself through that pain” I said
“That shit pisses me off so much, like why does it matter what a girl looks like. If she’s a great person who’s got her head on right it shouldn’t matter what her body looks like” Matt said
“I agree” Chris said
“I would date any girl doesn’t matter if she’s bigger, smaller, shorter or taller as long as her morals are in line and she’s a great person I could care less” Matt said
“Tell us how you really feel” Nick said laughing
“It’s the truth. That’s what pissed me off about LA they all have this image, and if you don’t fit this image then you’re not worthy of anything, it’s just stupid as fuck” Matt said
“Bouncing off of what Matt said, I completely agree I’d date any girl. Like I’ve said in the past videos I love all women, doesn’t matter what you look like” Chris said
“That’s the other thing women would date these gross ass gremlins, and then one of these ugly ass guys would look at a beautiful woman and pick her apart, like I promise you she wouldn’t even look your way” Nick said laughing
“No I agree….men are just shallow you know. Not all men, but most are shallow and only care about looks” I said
“So Matt for the viewers, who would you date?” Chris asked
Matt looked at the camera
“I would date anybody, I would date Y/N” Matt said
“WOAHHHH” Nick said
“No I would. She’s got her head on right, her morals in line. She’s funny, nice and beautiful, and not once did I bring up her body because it doesn’t fucking matter” Matt said
“Matt’s getting bold” Chris said
“If I didn’t know Y/N and I walked past her on the street, or she slid in my dms. I would without a doubt ask her out” Matt said
“Honestly same, she’s someone I’d ask out too had I not known her” Chris said
“You guys are so sweet stop it” I said blushing
“What’s crazy is Y/N is literally both of theirs type, and I’m just now realizing this” Nick said laughing
“I appreciate you guys truly and understanding where I’m coming from. I love talking with you guys” I said
“We love keeping it real, and we love you” Chris said
“Alright campers that is it for todays podcast we love you all so very much, and if you want Y/N and Matt to go on a date like this video” Nick said laughing
“Shut up” I said playfully smacking him
“Edit this video of us, and I’ll take Y/N on a date first” Chris said laughing
“Oh don’t you both fight over me at once” I said laughing
We had ended the podcast, and headed back down to the living room sitting on the couch
“Would you actually go on a date with me” I asked Matt
“100% would” he said smiling at me
“Hmm” I said looking at him
“I mean, would you go on the date with me?” Matt asked shyly
“I would” I said looking over at him
“As a friend or?” He asked
“Well it’s a date, so it would be more with the intentions of eventually dating” I said smiling
“Oh” he said looking shocked, oh god did I fuck it up
“OH? THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY” Nick screamed at his brother
“No im just trying to make sense of this” Matt said lookin at me
“The gears are moving” Chris said looking at Nick
“Do you like me back?” Matt finally asked me
“Like you? Matt I’m like head over heels for you. That’s why what you said up there….I need to know if it’s true because I don’t want to get my feelings hurt” I said to him
“No no I would never do that. Y/N I have liked you for so fucking long” Matt said smiling at me
“You like me?” I said pointing at myself
“How have you not seen it? This kid is practically drooling when he sees you” Chris said
“Shut up” Nick said to him
“I wasn’t sure that the feelings were mutual. I was honestly so scared to say anything” Matt said
“You scared? Matt I was petrified to even look at you. I was so scared that you were going to be just like the rest” I said shaking my head
“I would never be that way, that's not how I was raised. You’re a gorgeous girl and you’re funny and smart and nice, and I can keep going in the list of things I like about you” Matt said
“Matt I like you so fucking much you’re all I’ve ever wanted in a guy, so to know the feelings are mutual is really nice” I said smiling at him
“So you and me tomorrow night, 6pm for dinner?” Matt asked
“Yes I’d love that” I said smiling
Matt walked over to me, placing his hand out for me to grab, I grabbed it and I got up. He immediately pulled me in for a hug wrapping his arms around my waist
“This is so fucking cute I’m taking a picture” Chris said
He got up and stood basically in our faces to take the photo
“You weirdo back up” Matt said laughing
“Kiss kiss kiss kiss” Nick and Chris started chanting
Matt looked at me before I nodded, and he leaned in connecting our lips
“YESSSSS” Chris and Nick were screaming while Chris was recording us
The kiss with Matt was everything I hoped for and more. It was like a million butterfly’s and fireworks going off.
We had pulled away and I smiled shyly
“You’re so cute” Matt said pulling me in and putting his hand over my shoulder before kissing my forehead
“Okay guys we should take some photos for this weeks photo dump” Nick said
“Ouu yeah I agree and it’s golden hour right now we could do them outside” I said
“Love the way you think” Matt said winking at me
We had gone outside to take some pictures and posted them. Chris and Nick making Matt and I taking couple like photos for this weeks photo dump for the podcast
All I have to say is you never know until you try🥀
The End
Alright I hope you liked this one, and I’m not too sure how I feel about it LMAOO😭😭😭 but I struggle writing fluff and cute stuff I think? Idk man but I got a Chris smut coming out so hold onto your socks for that🖤🤭
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rorywritesjunk · 10 months
No longer locked upon the land but free on the rolling waves
You and Buggy come face to face with himself from the past, and while you’re fully accepting that this is your husband as a child, Buggy doesn’t want to accept it.
Rating: PG-13ish, but just due to some swearing.
Warning: Upset kid, upset husband. Reader is way too nice, doesn’t necessarily take husband’s feelings into account as well. This chapter had one of my favorite moments between the Reader and Kid Buggy which was mentioned in the request, and it was a part I wanted to make sure I got just right.
A/N: A combined request. I did a few versions of this story before feeling like it hit the marks I was wanting to hit. Also, I’m just trying to vibe off what I’ve seen of Kid Buggy. I’m no expert. I’d protect that kid with my life. He’s so adorable. I also like the trope of “Meeting your self from another time” and “gets turned back into kid-self”. This is the former, and I know shit about time travel but I just kind of made something up. Also, kelpies. Are they in One Piece? I honestly don’t know but I love kelpies and needed an excuse to mention them. Additional notes: Holy cow, thank you to everyone who's been reading this! I read every comment and tag and it warms my heart so much. I meant for this to be multi-chapter from the start, but I want to give a heads up that this is a short fic, probably no more than 5 chapters but I'm almost thinking of writing more on Buggy and his wife because I've liked what I started with them and have already been thinking of their story. Title comes from "Sailing Song" by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6/Epilogue TAGLIST (just let me know if you want to be added!): @lostfirefly @misadventures0fdes @sylum @valen-yamyam16 @dohkyu @fluffybunnyu @skyofsteel @lavalampskyy
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Chapter 3
Everything was going great after breakfast for a little bit. The kid was fine to follow you around to help you with your own chores, which right now was collecting anything that needed mending or washing. You had Buggy carry the basket of mending while you made your way across the deck and to the kitchen. The crew was out on deck, and while word got around of some kind of shape shifter on board (your husband was still not happy about your guest), this was the first time most of them were seeing their captain as a child. The kid ignored the staring as long as he could, but you could see it was getting to him.
The final straw was when you watched a crewman lean over to another, hearing him whisper, “He even has the big nose.”
You both heard it because no sooner did he finish his sentence that Buggy dropped the basket he was carrying and rushed over to the crewman, delivering a kick to his crotch. The crewman fell to the ground in pain and you managed to grab Buggy before he could kick him in the face, though a part of you wanted to allow it to happen.
“Don’t talk about my nose!” He shrieked, fighting against you as you hauled him away to the kitchen. You passed the captain on the way, giving him a look as you pulled the kid along. Your husband stood there, confused for a moment before turning to see the crewman on the ground. What just happened?
You sat Buggy down on a chair and knelt in front of him. It was a little surprising to see him crying. You expected more anger, shouting, maybe some punches being thrown. You shouldn’t have been surprised, though. He was a kid with kid emotions. Big fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he clenched his fists. He rubbed his eyes, sniffling loudly.
“I th-thought I was the captain.” He choked out; you reached for one of the napkins left on the table from breakfast and put your hand on his cheek as you gently wiped the tears away. “Why would th-they talk about my nose?”
Your heart broke from that question. As an adult, your husband was still sensitive about his nose, had been since you first met him, but you couldn’t imagine going through childhood with those insecurities. And the fact you explained earlier that he became the captain of this ship just to have someone on the crew mention it so cruelly? It was horrible. 
“Because some of them are idiots.” You told him as you draped the napkin over your shoulder. “And I’ll throw them overboard once I make sure you’re okay. Now, do you want a hug?”
To your surprise he nodded, so you opened your arms and he fell into them, letting his head rest on your shoulder. You sat back on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you as you held him on your lap, rubbing his back slowly as he still sniffled. 
“So… did I miss something?”
You looked back toward the door and sighed when you saw your husband standing there. Kid Buggy ignored him, sniffling as fresh tears rolled down his cheeks. You tightened your hold on the kid as you turned your attention back to him.
“One of your crewmen should be thrown overboard, Captain.” You told him, voice calm as you reached up to remove Kid Buggy’s hat so you could stroke his hair. He closed his eyes when you did that, relaxing in your embrace. You knew your husband liked having his hair stroked when he was upset, and you were pleased the kid was no different. “They need to learn when to keep their mouths shut.”
“Huhh…” Adult Buggy scratched the back of his head as he watched the scene in front of him. It was… weird but nice to see you comforting the kid like that. He didn’t remember ever really having that growing up. You were holding the kid so lovingly, not caring that your shirt was getting covered in tears and snot from him being so upset. 
“I’m sorry that idiot talked about your nose, sweetie.” You murmured to the kid in your arms, hugging him tighter. “It wasn’t right of him to do that.” 
Buggy stood there for another few minutes, watching you with him. You even gave the kid a forehead kiss, which the kid seemed fine with. He looked like he felt safe in your arms, and Buggy would know, having been there himself many times when he needed to feel safe and loved. It was just frustrating that he had to wait until meeting you to feel that way, having not ever really had that as a kid on a ship. Yet here you were, by chance now holding his kid self in your arms and comforting him when he was upset. Others would have just laughed about it, telling him to get over it, but you were apologetic to him and it wasn’t your fault it happened.
“Which one?” Adult Buggy asked; you looked up at him. “Which one said it?”
“The one that was on the ground, crying.” You replied as you rubbed Kid Buggy’s back gently. “Throw him overboard.”
Oh, he wouldn’t refuse a request like that from you. He stormed out of the kitchen, and as you tilted the kid’s face up, looking for more tears, you both heard a scream and a splash. You smiled and put your hand on his cheek, thumb stroking gently. You didn’t hear the captain return, but he remained quiet, watching from the doorway.
“No one else is going to say anything like that to you again on this ship, sweetie.” You assured him. “You’re safe with me, okay? I’ll hurt anyone who is mean to you, promise.”
“Okay…” Kid Buggy let his head drop back on your shoulder, sighing as he relaxed. You smiled and hugged him.
“Listen, I think your nose is cute.” You told him; he made a face and glanced up at you. “When I met my husband, it was the first thing I noticed about him and when I told him he was handsome he turned as red as his nose. I thought it was sweet, and to this day I still think it’s endearing.” You giggled at the face the kid was giving you. “What? I swear. I sometimes compliment him just to see how red he’ll get. It’s one of my favorite things to do.”
“You’re so evil.” Your husband grumbled, startling the two of you.  Grinning, you turned to look at him, only to laugh when you saw him glaring at you so you just blew a kiss at him. “Are you saying you only love me for my nose?”
“One of the reasons.” You chuckled. “I also love how passionate you are, and how much you love me. Though your impulsiveness still catches me off guard sometimes, I can appreciate it.”
“I’m not impulsive!”
“You threw Buggy off the ship into the water just yesterday.” You reminded him. To your delight, your husband began to turn red in the face. “But you also stole me flowers a week ago because you saw me wearing a pink dress and you liked how they matched.”
“I’m about to throw you overboard.” He grumbled, crossing his arms as he looked away, his face burning. You knew there was no threat to be had, he just said those things when he was feeling a little too much love from you. Buggy sighed heavily, shoulders dropping. Maybe he would regret offering this, but he was starting to feel a little better about this whole ordeal. “Kid, do you want a proper tour of the ship? I’m pretty sure you’re not a kelpie or anything else, so I think it’s safe for you to see everything.”
Kid Buggy made a face. He had already been around the ship with you, but you nudged him gently. This was at least a start. You wanted the kid to see what he grew up to become. “It’s okay, I think it’ll be fun for the two of you.”
“Can you come with me?” He asked you, clearly not wanting to be too far from you. It was sometimes difficult to think of a child as young as him being on a ship. You just wanted to hold him in your arms forever and protect him from anything that would hurt him, but that wasn’t realistic. Swallowing heavily, you nodded and he stood up from your lap, crossing his arms as he looked at the captain. “Promise you won’t throw me overboard?”
“Don’t give me a reason to.” Adult Buggy shot back, but you gave him that look and he immediately backtracked. “But I’ll fish you out if I accidentally knock you into the water.”
The kid seemed okay with that answer. You got to your feet and smoothed out Kid Buggy’s hair, it was a little smooshed from being against your shoulder. You handed him his hat back next, but when he didn’t take it you put it on his head for him. He made a face when you did that, and all you could do was giggle. You had seen that glare so much recently that you could only find it silly at this point.
The Captain rolled his eyes and started out of the kitchen while Kid Buggy took your hand and followed after him. You let him lead you, and once you caught up to your husband you linked arms with him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He looked away when you did that, mumbling something about needing to uphold an image around the crew. You weren’t really sure what that image was but you didn’t say anything. Once you got to the helm of the ship, the captain pulled away from you and in a dramatic and flashy fashion, spun around and threw his arms open, gesturing wildly to the kid.
“THIS! Is my ship!” He announced to Kid Buggy. “We are the Buggy Pirates, the fiercest and most dangerous crew on the East Blue! No one survives a meeting with us!”
You watched the entire interaction in amusement. The kid was getting into it, mouth running a million miles a minute as he asked Buggy question after question about everything. How long has he been a captain? What was it like being so feared? Was he going to become the next King of the Pirates, for real? 
It was cute and you trailed after them as Buggy led him down below to where some ammo was stored. The Buggy Balls concerned you a little bit, you didn’t want them to fire one off into the town on purpose or accident, and thankfully your husband did not offer a demonstration (though you thought you heard him say something along the lines of “we’ll fire one after the wife’s asleep”) of their destructive power. 
And your husband was eating up the attention from the kid. Adult Buggy was proud to talk about his accomplishments, flashy battles, everything and Kid Buggy was listening with fascination, occasionally looking at you for confirmation that he was being told the truth, and you’d just nod in agreement with whatever your husband was saying.
Once the three of you returned to the deck, Kid Buggy’s attention went to the Jolly Roger on the ship, looking at it in awe. It had a nose like his and people were scared when they saw that flag. That was so cool. With the brief distraction, you gave your husband a kiss on the cheek. 
“I love you, Buggy.” You said, smiling at him as he put his arm around you and tugged you closer. You were happy that the two seemed to be on even footing now. The kid was sassy, of course, but at least your husband didn’t even attempt to throw him overboard during their entire interaction this time. And it was nice to see your husband excited to show off his legacy to someone, even if it was to his child self. It looked like things were getting a bit easier between the two of them.
Looked like. Because no sooner did you think that, Kid Buggy came back to you two with a frown on his face. You immediately thought something was wrong, wondering if someone insulted him again, but he crossed his arms and looked up at Adult Buggy. 
“Where’s Shanks?” Kid Buggy asked. “As a grownup. Why isn’t he on this ship too?”
Oh shit. You looked at your husband. He stormed away last time he was asked that question, but this time he stood his ground, probably because you were right there beside him. His hand was on your shoulder, you reached up to touch it gently. The look on Adult Buggy’s face was a mix of anger and sadness, and you wondered if you needed to butt in and change the subject, but he finally spoke.
“His life went in another direction.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “He’s not on this ship, he’s on his own.”
“What?” Kid Buggy frowned. “We’re not co-captains or anything?” He paused, looked at you then looked back at his adult self. “Are we still friends?”
The innocent question was a stab to your heart, but you couldn’t even imagine what it was like for Adult Buggy. His expression was unchanged, trying to think of a kid-friendly way to explain what happened, but was it right to tell him everything? Weren't there rules about this kind of thing, you don’t eat a butterfly in the past or something or it would change the future? Telling the kid his future was one thing, but about relationships? If he told Kid Buggy how his friendship fell apart, the betrayal, the hurt, could it end up that he changes this kid’s future, and in turn his own? What if he doesn’t become a captain, get his own ship? What if he didn’t meet you?
Adult Buggy took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. He didn’t know how to answer, but he had to say something. Both you and the kid were looking at him, waiting for him to say something.
“He has his own ship.” Buggy repeated. “That’s all.”
Then he pulled away from you and walked away from the two of you, leaving you worried and Kid Buggy confused by the answer.
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Hi ^^ my request is We are in the same house with Bertug Yıldırım and he is mad with us because we make him jealous, he does not want to sleep with us at night so we separate rooms, but since the only place we can sleep comfortably is his chest, it is very difficult at night. In the end he forgives us and we sleep together.
You have trouble sleeping when you know that Bertuğ is angry with you
Bertuğ Yıldırım x fem! reader
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I’m lying in the guest bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to will myself to sleep. But it’s impossible. The room is too quiet, too cold, too… empty.
The sheets feel stiff against my skin, a far cry from the warmth of Bertuğ’s arms, where I usually find myself at this hour.
My thoughts keep circling back to earlier tonight. The moment his expression shifted, the way his eyes darkened, and the sudden coldness in his voice.
It was like the temperature in the room dropped by several degrees, and I had no idea why—until he finally said it.
“You looked too comfortable with him,” Bertuğ had said, his voice tight with controlled anger. “Too close.”
I hadn’t even realized it at the time. It was just a conversation with an old friend from college—one I hadn’t seen in years.
We’d laughed about silly memories, shared a few harmless inside jokes, and reminisced about the days when life was simpler. But apparently, I’d gotten too caught up in the moment.
“He was just a friend,” I had tried to explain, but the words felt inadequate even to me. Bertuğ’s jaw had tightened, his eyes narrowing as if he didn’t quite believe me.
“Friends don’t hold each other like that,” he’d replied, his voice cold. “You didn’t even look at me when he was around.”
That last part had stung. I hadn’t meant to ignore Bertuğ, but I could see now how it might have seemed that way.
I was too wrapped up in the past to notice the present—to notice him. And by the time I realized what I’d done, the damage was already done.
“Maybe I should just go to him,” I whisper into the darkness, but I know better. Bertuğ needs time when he’s upset, and pushing him too soon might only make things worse.
I roll over, clutching the pillow to my chest, trying to pretend it’s him.
But it’s no use. I can’t sleep without him beside me, without the steady rise and fall of his chest under my head, and his hand in my hair.
Minutes drag by, turning into an hour, then more. I toss and turn, but sleep remains elusive. My mind keeps replaying the evening, the look on Bertuğ’s face, the disappointment and hurt in his eyes.
It wasn’t intentional, but that doesn’t change the fact that I made him feel… less important. I hate that.
Just when I’m starting to think I might be doomed to a sleepless night, I hear the door creak open. My heart skips a beat, and I freeze, holding my breath. Could it be…?
The mattress dips slightly behind me, and I feel the warmth of his body before anything else.
He doesn’t touch me right away, but I know it’s him—I can feel the familiar energy he brings, the steady presence that always makes me feel safe.
But the air is still tense, heavy with the weight of our earlier argument.
For a long time, we just lie there in silence, his body close enough to touch but still distant. My mind races, searching for the right words to say, but everything feels wrong.
Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. “Bertuğ…” I whisper, turning slightly to look at him.
He’s lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, his expression unreadable. “I don’t want to talk right now,” he says, his voice low and rough, like he’s been holding back his anger for too long.
“I didn’t mean to make you jealous,” I blurt out, the words tumbling over each other in my haste to get them out. “He’s just a friend, someone I haven’t seen in years. I didn’t even realize how it must have looked to you.”
He doesn’t say anything at first, but I see the way his jaw clenches, the way his eyes flicker with some internal struggle.
Then, slowly, he reaches out and runs a hand through my hair, his fingers combing gently through the strands like he always does.
“I know you didn’t mean it,” he says finally, his voice softer now. “But that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt.”
“I’m sorry,” I say, turning fully to face him. “I got caught up in the past, and I didn’t think about how it might make you feel. But you’re the only one I want, the only one who matters.”
He looks at me for a long time, his expression softening, though there’s still a hint of hurt lingering in his eyes. “I didn’t like how he touched you, how you smiled at him like that. I know it was innocent, but… I couldn’t help it.”
I move closer, resting my hand on his chest, right over his heart. “I only smile like that because you make me happy, Bertuğ. No one else could ever make me feel the way you do.”
He sighs, pulling me closer until my head is resting on his chest. “I hate sleeping without you,” he admits quietly, his voice tinged with exhaustion. “Even when I’m angry.”
“I hate it too,” I confess, relaxing into his embrace as his hand continues to gently stroke my hair. “I couldn’t sleep at all.”
He chuckles softly, the sound rumbling through his chest. “I know. That’s why I came.”
We lie there for a while, just holding each other. His heartbeat is steady and strong under my ear, and I feel the tension finally start to drain from my body. But I still feel the need to ask, even though I’m afraid of the answer.
“Can you forgive me?” My voice is small, almost childlike, as I look up at him.
He’s silent for a moment, then tilts my chin up so I’m looking into his eyes. “I’m still mad,” he admits, his voice soft but firm. “But I don’t want to stay mad. I love you too much for that.”
My heart swells with relief, and I reach up to cup his cheek. “I love you too. More than anything.”
He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. “Please don’t get too close with people I don’t know, for my heart’s sake. I hate when we argue over something as stupid as jealousy.”
I nod, tightening my grip on his shirt as I snuggle closer. “I promise.”
He holds me tighter, his hand still in my hair, and for the first time that night, I feel myself starting to drift off.
The weight of our argument feels lighter now, and I know that, no matter what, we’ll always find our way back to each other.
As I finally slip into sleep, his voice is the last thing I hear, soft and full of warmth.
“I love you, even when you drive me crazy.”
“I love you too,” I mumble, already half-asleep, but he knows. He always knows. And that’s all that matters.
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 6
Previously on TGCF…
This is gonna be epic!!!
Cw: Past homicide
-That’s Yong’An in its heyday 
-Fang Xin
-It’s Qianqiu’s assistant from Eps 1-2!
-Young Qianqiu is literally me in my Freshman year of High School during the first semester
-His butterfly shaped mask
-Writing the Laozi 10 times has the energy of making a kid stay in class and write a sentence over and over on the chalkboard till they’ve learned their lesson (Literally every Simpsons opening)
-He doubled it
-Imagine if Piandao talked to Sokka like that when beginning his sword training
-Man wonder who voices Young!Qianqiu?
-I mean the move could also get you hurt if you’re careless
-This is the Ancient Chinese version of the trolley problem, same analogy though
-I like to think this advice was taught to Zuko and Sokka when they were learning swordsmanship
-See, trolley problem esque
-Good advice to not intervene
-More dead bodies
-Oh no and that was his Dad
-That’s when the survivor’s guilt set in
-I can see why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are perfect for each other, they both have a freaking high kill count
-Just like when Bruce Wayne lost his parents
-What did he say?
-He’s not a monster
-That was during his second ascenscion
-That’s gonna be a bad outcome
-“I wish to be stripped of my divinity” Literally every fangirl’s brain drifted to something else when he said that.  Just look at Kictor and Stitch
-Doesn’t seem like he earned it at all
-He just wants to get out of the drama
-If there was a modern AU, you know Shi Qingxuan would make an awesome and wealthy defense attorney
-There’s the Amongus quote
-Dang no answer
-There’s Prosecutor Pei Ming, that’s a good nickname.
-He made a solid point
-That’s the result of the Fang Xin trial with XL on house arrest and a restraining order from Taihua
-He made another enemy
-Aaaa pickle jar, better believe it Qingxuan
-How is she going to get air???
-That upset Qingxuan, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing
-The interior looks hollow in Xie Lian’s palace
-That’s coming out of Qingxuan’s pockets
-He deserves the apology hun
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-He’s doing it, he’s doing the iconic old time Put your head between your arms against a flat surface like a Disney Princess!
-He still has the dice
-It’s snake eyes!
-Hi Mu Qing
-Stick it to Jun Wu, Mu Qing
-I know right, it did NOT seem like a healing spell at all
-Wonder if I can conceptualize a similar healing potion for TOH MTC…?
-You just had to ask him that didn’t you?
-Hi Feng Xin
-A guest who invited himself inside
-Welp he really was honest
-Seriously, Mu Qing you couldn’t have felt bad for his house arrest
-Xie Lian’s trying to mediate again
-Mu Qing’s response had bite to it
-One Punch!!!
-Fist Fight!  Fist Fight!
-“You’re a hypocrite, you’ve always looked down on me, but you’re not better than I am!!!”  Oh my gods, Lucien Dodge freaking delivered!!!
-“Enough…” Oh man, Xie Lian’s emotions
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-The Junior Officials witnessing the Generals fisticuffs:
Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!
Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!
-“Did it really have to come to violence?” Yeah it pretty much did. - Iroh, dragon of the West, the Waterbending scroll
-Mu Qing: Fine I’ll break your face
Feng Xin: Not if I break yours first!  It’s too late to beg for mercy!  
That’s what I translated to the best of my skills during Xie Lian’s internal monologue
-He’s like a parent that’s disappointed with his two kids constantly at odd
-Don’t worry, hon what’s really gonna help them is Couples’ therapy, and I’d hate to be that therapist
-A dramatic sound effect!
-I can’t wait to write the Gaang’s reaction to the Wraith Butterflies
-That was a cool shield spell
-I love how the butterflies are easily dodging Xie Lian, but are charging toward Mu Qing and Feng Xin to scare the sh*t outta them
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-He’s gonna hold one of the butterflies, he’s holding one of the butterflies, yeah too late man AND HE’S NUZZLING THE WINGTIPS WITH HIS NOSE Cue keyboard smash! WAE TESDHGFYFJ. RYGJ GUFTDRSSDFAEGRRESVGTGTRS DFGSTRWG EIEEEIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!! I always love this joke, no matter how old it’s gonna get in my reaction posts.
-Yeah he’s just going
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-The real reason this episode took so long to air last year was that the animators had to get the waist snatch scene past censorship to spite their censor companies for not having Xie Lian fall into Hua Cheng’s lap in Eps 4-5.
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-Xie Lian: Hello Again, Literally me: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (This is the same noise Eleanor Shellstrop made when she was gifted a Shrimp Dispenser in The Good Place)
-They’re just backing up
-You two had one job!  Looking at you Feng Xin and Mu Qing!  I see ya
-He’s just tugging his sleeve as they’re walking
-Man, it’s like Hua Cheng took Little John’s advice from Robin Hood 1973 to “Climb the palace walls.  *Tosses out Gross Carrot* Sweep him off his feet, carry him off in style.” - Little John, Disney Robin Hood (1973) (Best Disney film hands down, freaking fight me if you dare)
-That must’ve hurt his ears
-Y’all had one job
-Feng Xin is just worried
-*Hua Cheng has entered the chat*  Like a goat!
-The subtle eye contact and expression he shared with Xie Lian!
-Some of the 33 gods he defeated are also in the chat
-That shook the veils
-Won’t that be pain in his mind?
-Looks like he saved you yeah
-A flashback from Ep 5!
-Touchstarved!  Touchstarved!  (Try prying this headcanon from my cold dead grip!)
-And here you’re about to see Howard Wang’s best performance in the series so far
-Best apology I’ve ever heard in media
-It healed that fast
-Petition to have James Cheek voice an iconic lead character in a Shakespeare play?
-Aw, they were actually both at fault for what happened
-You can actually feel Hua Cheng’s Shame
-E Ming: Noooo…. You hurt him!  I hurt him!  We hurt him! AAAHHH!  *sobs*
Season 2 has fed us once more!  I’m still busy with writing the Scrap Immortal and the Avatar.  For writing inspiration, I’ll be busy rewatching Avatar:  The Last Airbender
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Disclosure part two
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“Where did Urban and Y/N go? They were just here not even a minute ago.” Jack asked Neelam once he finished his interview with The Breakfast Club.
“Uh I’m not sure but all I remember is Y/N leaving the room with Urban behind her I think they went to the Suv or something.” Neelam wasn’t paying much attention just going through and organizing other meetings Jack had for the day.
“They didn’t say anything to you? Did Y/N look okay?” Jack had a feeling you had left due to what he said but he wasn’t so sure.
“Let’s get going shall we? You have another interview with Good Morning America and your performance and guest appearance for the tonight show later on tonight.”
As Jack and Neelam walked back towards the Suv the only thing on his mind was you. He knew you were outside of the room while he did his interview but he wasn’t sure if you had left because you weren’t feeling well or because of what he said.
“Neelam just messaged me, Jack and her are on their way back to the car, do you want me to say anything to him?” You sat next to Urban just starring into space Jack just basically said you downright bashed you not just in front of three people for in front of the whole entire world.
“My assistant isn’t my type I mean she’s got a body but not one like Ari Fletcher or Stassie you know I want me a women like that and a women who takes care of herself.” His words flooded your mind, did he really feel that way about you? If so why not just tell you that to your face it would’ve spared you the heartache.
“Don’t bother Urban, he isn’t worth getting all riled up over I’ll just try my best to ignore him.”
“Are you sure? I don’t really fight but I’ll fight him if you really want.” You laughed as Urban began to punch the air, demonstrating what he’d do to Jack.
“I promise Urban it’s okay.” You relax back in the seat and sighed you weren’t sure how you were to ignore Jack you were his assistant for crying out loud the two of you had to communicate, you were taken out of your thought by the door opening, revealing a worried face Jack.
“Hey Urban, Y/N.”
“Hey Jack.” Urban mumbled and kept scrolling on his phone. Jack looked over at you waiting for an answer or something. You felt his intense stare at you but you kept your gaze out the window you knew if you made eye contact with Jack you’d have a breakdown.
“Alright well let’s not have everyone speak at once.” Neelam joked when she noticed the awkward tension in the room. “Driver take us to Good Morning America please.”
“You got it Neelam.” The driver shut the door and you were off. Once you all arrived to the set of Good Morning America you stayed close to Urban.
The minute you arrived inside you felt like everyone’s eyes were on you, everyone was mumbling and eyeing you and you had a feeling it was because of what happened earlier.
“Jack! Welcome to Good Morning America how are you liking New York so far?” One of the news ladies named Ariel greeted Jack.
“I love New York it always has my heart it’s been good to me so far.” Jack gave her that oh so charming smile.
“I’m glad to hear that Jack, well your dressing room is right around the corner we’ll let you get ready and the show airs in about 20 minutes.”
“Sounds good see you in 20 Ariel.”
Jack and Neelam walked towards the dressing room he stopped when he noticed Urban and You weren’t following behind him.
“Are you two not coming?”
“Actually no I need some fresh air I think I might go walk around for a bit, what about you Urban?”
“I’m going to go smoke and call Sunni but I’ll act you around Jack.” You gave Jack a side smile before disappearing.
“I think she’s mad at me.” Jack flopped on the couch and rubbed his forehead.
“Well I’d be upset too if I got bashed on one of the biggest radio shows in America.”
“But I was only trying to protect her I guess.”
“Protect her how Jack? Because I’m sure Y/N isn’t ever going to talk to you again and I don’t blame her.”
“I just don’t want anybody to be with her and I figured me saying that will keep the men away.” Jack knew he sounded selfish and he was being selfish the two of you were in this sort of situation-ship but he was the only one making it an issue, you were ready to be committed to Jack and only Jack but he didn’t know how to commit.
“Jack I think you should talk to Y/N about it I see the way you look at her and the way she looks at you, I think you’re ready for a relationship but somethings holding you back. Anyways the show starts in a few minutes so get ready and I’ll see you out there.”
Neelam gave Jack’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze before leaving the dressing room.
Jack hated the way you were dodging him but that’s only because he knew you heard every single thing he said this morning and he felt like the biggest jerk because of it, maybe Neelam was right instead of pulling you along and stringing you along he should let you go.
You walked around the stage looking at all the pictures on the wall from other celebrities who cohosted or performed on Good Morning America, when your stomach began to rumble, you remembered Ariel telling you that there was a snack area so you quickly made your way towards the snack area.
You were about to turn the corner when you heard voices mumbling.
“Yeah did you see that Jack Harlow is here.” “I did! He’s so dreamy and charming I wish he was my man so bad.” You mentally scoffed.
“Did you see his assistant is here as well.” “I mean yeah why wouldn’t she be isn’t she his assistant?” One of the workers laughed. “You didn’t see what he said about her earlier?” “No?”
“It’s trending all over twitter and the shade room he basically denied that they are together and said she doesn’t take care of herself and basically said she isn’t exactly his type.”
“He said that?”
“He sure did I feel so bad for her she looks like such a sweetheart.” You we’re trending on Twitter? You had no idea you were so out of that you didn’t even have time to check your social media.
“Anyways let’s get going the show is starting now.” The two works left leaving you alone, you pulled out your phone before logging into Twitter and sure enough you were trending.
“Jack Harlow bashes his assistant, Jack Harlow claims he wants a girl like Stassie and not a lowlife.”
“Well that one hurt.” You mumbled to yourself, you rolled your eyes and stuffed your phone in your pocket before going into the bathroom.
You looked yourself over in the mirror and sighed, maybe Jack was right you could hold yourself to a higher stander, you were wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweats it made you look bigger than what you are. Your hair was well it was a mess, the bags under your eyes didn’t help and you were long overdue for a manicure and your eyebrows needed to be threaded.
If Jack thought you could present yourself a bit better then you were going to show him, you were going to prove to him and the rest of the world that you could be what he wanted and maybe he’d take you serious.
Jack looked around in the audience not seeing you anywhere, the show was starting in 3 minutes and you were nowhere to be seen. He looked at Neelam with his eyebrows furrowed before mouthing.
“Where is Y/N.” She quickly mouthed “I don’t know.” And shrugged her shoulders.
“Jack are you ready?” Ariel gave him a warm smile which he somewhat returned, his mind was on he was wondering where you were and what you were doing.
“Never been more ready in my life.” He gave her a sharp smile before turning to the screen.
“And we’re on in 3..2..1.” The camera man said aloud.
“Good morning America I’m Ariel.” “And I’m Jack Harlow.” “And you’re watching Good Morning America.” They both said in unison.
The entire show Jack was out of it he just prayed all his fans and friends back home didn’t pick up on it.
Later that day
You had finally made it back to the hotel room after being out shopping all day. You got a complete makeover and it might’ve damaged your savings a bit but it was worth it.
You had your hair dyed, you bought new shoes and outfits and a little skimpy dress for the club tonight. You were proud with everything you’ve bought. You even got your nail and toes done.
“Wow you look good Y/N.” The doorman complemented you. “Thank you Earl.” You laughed before heading towards the elevators.
Once you arrived to the suite you were a bit hesitant at knocking at first you weren’t ready to see nor deal with Jack but you weren’t about to let him ruin your mood. You knocked a few times and after awhile the door opened revealing a worried looking Jack.
“Where have you been Y/N?! It’s.. what time is it Urban and what happened to you?.” Jack stepped out of the way to let you inside.
“It’s exactly 9pm. If you’re going to be out all day at least tell woah.” Urban stopped talking mid sentence, you looked absolutely breath taking.
“You got a makeover?” Urban smiled. “Yeah I guess I did.” You smiled back and tossed all your bags on the bed.
“Do I look good?” You did a little twirl in your mini skirt you had picked out, Jack groaned when he saw a glimpse of your pink thong showing.
“You look fucking amazing.” Urban complemented you. “Thank you Urban I’m glad someone finds me attractive.” You stated sarcastically, Jack’s face softened.
“Y/N I didn’t mean anything I said.” You scoffed. “Jack just save it alright I don’t care what you have to say anymore. If you want someone like Stassie go right ahead. I’m not stopping you anymore.” You whispered.
Jack was about to say something but was cut off by the knock on the door.
“Come in!!” Urban yelled, the door opened revealing Ace and Nemo. “What’s going on everyone?! Y’all ready to party tonight.”
Nemo managed to get you all in one of the newest clubs in New York tonight it was the perfect opportunity to show Jack just exactly what he’d be missing.
“Oh I’m more than ready I need a few shots or two.” Urban joked. “Alright everyone go get ready and Ace and I will meet you back down in the lobby in about 20 minutes?”
“Sounds good.”
You quickly showered before leaning over the counter and doing your makeup, after applying your some lipgloss you put on your dress well if you could even call it a dress, it showed little to none but covered just enough, you felt and looked good.
Putting on your heels you made sure you had everything in your purse before heading out. Once you made it to the lobby there stood all the guys laughing and talking.
“Well if it isn’t the women of the hour, damn you’ve been looking good Y/N.” Ace bit his lip which Jack notice. Jack so badly wanted to make you go upstairs and change but you weren’t his girl.
“Thank you Ace.”
“No thank you.” He whistled along with Nemo and Sunni.
“Not too much on my friend now back off.” Urban tried his best to shield you. “Let’s get going we don’t wanna be late.” Neelam told you all. Just as you were about to follow after them Jack grabbed ahold of your arm.
“What are you wearing?” “Uhh my dress.” You defended yourself. “A dress? you’re barley wearing anything Y/N you need to go change.”
“Jack leave me alone we aren’t even together why do you care what I wear. I can wear what I want and when I want. Besides I thought you’d be happy but I guess there isn’t any please you.” Breaking away from his brace you turned around and walked outside to the Suv.
The entire ride to the club Jack stayed silent he kept his head down. He felt terrible for what he said and losing you in the process made everything even more worse.
He watched how you laughed and joked with Ace and Urban and Neelam he wanted to enjoy himself tonight but he couldn’t bring himself to.
“Wait wait what are the rules for tonight?” You giggled and leaned into Urban, taking his arm and wrapping it around you.
“Rules?!” You asked. “Everyone is on a mission to get either fucked up tonight or sleep with someone tonight.” Neelam laughed and shook her head at Ace’s rule.
“What kinda rule is that?” You laughed. “A wonderful rule now let’s go.” The club was massive it seemed like something out a movie.
They had dancers walking around, the bottle girls walking around shaking bottles and pouring shots in everyone’s mouth. A few people throwing money in the air.
“Everyone meet back up here in a few hours and remember the rules, whoever doesn’t follow the rules does laundry for the next two weeks.” You all groaned but set out to follow Ace’s “rules”
You were an introvert going outside and partying wasn’t really your scene and Jack knew that, he watched you from one of the booths as you stood near the bar awkwardly and laughed to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Neelam came up from behind him. “Just Y/N is all, look at her over there by the bar.” You we’re attempting to call the bartender for a drink. “Why don’t you help her instead of laughing at her Jack.”
“Why would I do that she hates me remember.” Neelam sighed. “Maybe if you apologized she wouldn’t hate you.” “I’m good besides looks like she’ll be forgetting about me for the night.”
Jack’s jaw tightened watching some man come up to you and what he assumed was asking you if you wanted a drink which you happily accepted he watched how the man’s hand rested dangerously close to your ass.
For the entire night you sat at the bar with Ruben talking and laughing about anything and everything you had completely forgotten about Jack.
“So what are you doing all alone at a bar?” Ruben asked you. “I’m not all alone I came with my friends.” You laughed you weren’t even sure what was funny but you were positive it was the alcohol getting to you.
“Well how about we get out of here and have a little party of our own?” Ruben smirked and his hand that was rested on your thigh slowly started creeping up to your core, you moaned softly but nodded your head yes.
“Let’s go then baby girl.” He took your hand in his before guiding you to the exit.
“Where the hell does she think he’s going?” Jack mumbled to himself but Urban overhead him.
“Who?” Y/N she’s leaving with some random ass dude.” “She’s following my rules let her be.” Jack smacked his lips.
“Screw your rules Ace I’m not letting her leave with some random creep.” Jack got up quickly and huffed squeezing his way past a bunch of sweaty and drunk bodies before he finally managed to make it you before you left.
“Jack? What are you doing.” You slurred your words your eyebrows furrowed as he blocked the exit. “I’m not letting you leave with this man Y/N, I don’t care how upset you get with me.” You rolled your eyes and tried pushing past him but he wasn’t letting up.
“Jack move out of my way.” “No I said you aren’t leaving, look man she isn’t leaving with you.” Jack told Ruben. “Yes I am leaving with him now move Jack.”
“I suggest you listen to the lady.” Ruben told Jack. “Or what?” Jack moved over towards Ruben and you were lying if you said this wasn’t turning you on right now, Jack towered of Ruben just a bit.
“We’re going to have a problem buddy.” A crowd was starting to form. “Is that so?” Jack asked Ruben.
“Jack please just leave me alone you’ve done enough damage for the day, don’t you think?” His eyes softened at your words. “I just want you to be safe Y/N and being a whore for the night isn’t going to keep you safe.”
“Oh so I’m a whore now?” “I didn’t mean it like that-.” Before he was able to finish his sentence you cut him off.
“No Jack you did mean it just like how you meant every single thing you said about me this morning, do you understand how bad that hurt me? I went out and spent half of my savings just to prove you wrong.” You voice began to crack and your eyes filled with tears.
Everyone in the room were now focused on the two of you, flashlights and cameras were being pointed in your face but you didn’t care.
“You play with my mind and my emotions and I’m done with it Jack, you claim you want me but yet come home with stained lipstick on your shirts and I can’t do it anymore it’s either you want me or you don’t.”
“Can we talk about this somewhere else Y/N.” “No Jack I need to know now, are we going to be something or not.” Once you didn’t answer you knew right then and there you had your answer.
“I should’ve known.” You spoke your voice barley above a whisper. “Let’s go Ruben.” You took his hand before pushing past Jack and out of the club.
“I mean at least she followed my rules.” Ace joked. “Now isn’t the time Ace.” Sunni told him.
Jack looked at the spot you were once in, he fucked up and fucked up bad. He loved you he did but he was afraid of commitment. Everything he loved always ended up leaving him in the end and he didn’t want that to be the case for the two of you.
@nattinatalia @heavyhitterheaux
@mortirolo @mortirolo @softtcurse
@babyharleezy @jackmans-poison
@jackharloww @a-moment-captured
@awhore4moree @aliciacat20 @lovefks
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jerzwriter · 3 months
Sunday more than Six
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Hey there! I'm working on chapter 3. It's going to be a busy week at work, but I still hope to have it up by week's end. Until then, here are two snippets from the next chapter!
Series Information Series Masterlist
“Do you really want to make me happy?” Tobias asked.
“Always,” she purred, snuggling closer to him.
“Then move in with me.”
She didn’t move, and he couldn't see the features of her face. Still, he knew he made a mistake the moment the words left his mouth.  
“We’ve had this conversation, Tobias.”
The blissful bubble hadn’t burst, but it felt like a rupture was near.
“Hon, I don't want to upset you. But I’m buying a new place, and it feels wrong picking out what I hope will be our home by myself.”  
“But you’re not picking it out by yourself! I’m looking at properties with you and giving my thoughts with the expectation that I’ll be living there, too... eventually... I’m involved in the process.”
“You’re not looking with me today,” he teased as she threw his t-shirt over her gorgeous, naked body. He could have delayed this talk, and with every inch of exposed flesh she covered, he realized more and more... he was an idiot.
“Because I’m working today, cuckoo,” she smirked. Leaning over, she lightened the mood with a reassuring kiss. "But if you see any you like, I promise I’ll go back to see them with you.”
“I’m holding you to that! Because Halle sent the listings over last night, and I have to admit, some look spot on.”
“Halle?” Casey asked cautiously. “She’s your agent now?”
And the blissful bubble popped.
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“This is delicious,” Ethan said, savoring another bite of filet mignon. “I’ve got to admit, Carrick, the party, the new place—you knocked it out of the park.”
“Thank you,” Tobias exulted, with a nod toward Casey. “But I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without this beauty by my side.”
Casey rolled her eyes, taking a sip of wine. “Seriously? As if cooked!”
The guests erupted into laughter, with one notable exception.
“Tobias,” his mother scolded. “You’re not about to let her downplay her contributions like that, are you?”
“Of course not, Ma!” He chuckled. “I’m the first to admit I’d have none of this if it weren’t for Casey.”
“That’s not true...” she began, but he quickly interrupted her.
“Oh, it certainly is! How many classy dinner parties have I pulled off in the past?”
All turned to Ethan, who nearly choked on his wine. “None!” he scoffed.
“Exactly! See,” Tobias agreed, placing a kiss on Casey's hand. “I couldn’t do it without you, babe.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Vivian beamed, raising her glass. “To Casey, the woman who finally turned my boy into a grown-up.”
“To Casey,” everyone cheered as she turned a deeper shade of red than the Malbec in her hand.
Pleased with the reaction, Vivian continued. “So, when do you plan on proposing and making things official? Someone like Casey isn’t going to be on the market forever! Wouldn’t you agree, Ethan?”
Tagging others separately.
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attempt-at-fanfic · 5 months
That makes two of us
The sun was coming through the curtains putting a calming light in the room. It however woke up Alex who was none to impressed by it. She stirred awake, the sun annoying her, she turned over and made refuge in the neck of the pilot next to her. Jake was still deep asleep, his arm wrapped around her waist. Alex lay still listening to him breathing and watching his gorgeous face. His face was calm and void of all the arrogance and anxiety it was normally filled with. It was nice seeing him so calm and at peace. He was so beautiful in moments like this.
As if he could sense her watching him, Jake gentle stirred awake. Is eyes still closed he mumbled “Stop staring at me, creep.” She smiled “Not my fault my boyfriend is very pretty.” His eyes opened and Alex got to see the beautiful pools of green and blue. She turned on to her stomach, his arm wrapping tighter around her. She leaned down to him kissing him softly. This was her favourite moments. It was Jake’s too, even though he would ever admit that he enjoy these moments more than the intimate events the night previous that lead up to it. They enjoyed these simple moments together when they could, as their job rarely allowed them.
He then flipped them both over, trapping her under him with his arms at either side of her head, lips still interlocked. He pulled back and looked at her, she looked so beautiful. He then began kissing her neck, trailing along her collar bone up to her ear and along her jaw. He pecked her lips before moving down to her breasts that were begging for attention. He sucked, licked and kissed at them until he got bored and began to move downwards.
Alex was loving every moment of this. She usually did with him. He was the only man she had been with that could make her feel so good so easily. She was in the moment not paying attention to anything other than Jake burying his face in her pussy. She didn’t even hear the sound of her front door opening and slamming shut. Neither of them even heard the sound of Bradley calling for Alex. Not until he was on the stairs did she hear him.
“Fuck, Bradley.” Jake stopped, “Excuse me.” She rolled her eyes “No, Bradley’s here. Fuck. I forgot I said I’d get breakfast with him and dad.” She pushed Jake off her. “Shit” he whisper-yelled. He jumped up desperately trying to getting his underwear and jeans on. Alex had managed to grab a top and pair of jeans to pull on, only to be hit with realisation they left Jakes shirt downstairs. She looked at Jake who seemed to have the same quick realisation after he shoved his jeans on.
“Hey, Alex! Who’s your new male sleepover guest! Better hope Mav knows who he is or he’ll be finding out real soon!” Bradley yelled laughing to himself. He reached the door and, deciding to embarrass her further, he dramatically threw open the door. Only to be meet with Alex dressed and “HANGMAN!” Standing shirtless and with unbuttoned jeans. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Rooster yelled. Alex ushered him outside the room closing the door. Rooster protesting and looking pissed at Jake.
“HANGMAN, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!” He yelled at her. “Bradley Bradshaw will you keep your voice down.” She scolded him. “Oh you’re right I’m so sorry for shocking you with upset.” He sarcastically replied. She glared at him. “You’re not dating him.” He said shaking his head. “You can’t.” “Well it’s too late” she replied angrily. Rooster sighed. “But why him?” He complained “Hangman’s the worst.
“Hey!” Yelled Jake from behind the door. Alex rolled your eyes. “How long?” He asked. “6 months” she said avoiding his gaze. “6 MONTHS, I MEAN!!…WHAT!…HAVE YOU TOLD MAV.” “Keep your voice down! And no I haven’t.” She glared at him “And it’s going to stay that why.”
“Fine!” Rooster rolled his eyes. “But you could do so much better.” “No I can’t. I like Jake, just deal with that.” She smirked. He huffed “Fine, I’m not ok with this but I’m not gonna argue cause you’re a stubborn bitch.” She smiled at this. “Good, now go wait outside I’ll be down in a minute.” Rooster walked away. “Fine but if it’s longer than a minute then I’m calling Mav and telling!” She rolled her eyes again. “Man child” she mumbled to herself.
The bedroom door opened to a very shirtless and very attractive Jake. “So no quickie before I go.” He smirked. She sighed at him “No you horny bastard.” She leaned against him “But Rooster isn’t amazing at keeping secrets so we might have to tell my dad.” Jake sighed and then leaned in and kissed her deeply. She fell into him as the kiss got more passionate, before hearing the horn of Bradleys truck, informing them that their minute was up. Alex reluctantly pulled away sighing “I’ll be back later, but I’ll text you.”. He smiled “Ill wait here for you, all alone, in you’re bed…possibly naked.” He smirked. “Damn you Jacob.” She whispered before peaking his lips and walking out. He watched her go, smiling to himself.
“That was three minutes.” Rooster said to her as she got in the car. “Yes and tell me Bradley what we could possible do in three minutes.” She said matter of fact. “Hey, I don’t wanna assume shit.” He said. She laughed then turned to him “All seriousness Bradley. He makes me really happy. I really like him.” Rooster sighed and turned her and smiled. “Good. He better or I’ll kill him. I mean it he hurts you at all I’ll-“ “I know you’ll kill him. He knows to that’s why we haven’t you or dad.” She irrupted with. He smiled and backed out of the car park. “Does explain Bagmans behaviour.” He said. “How do you mean?” She questioned. “Well, looking back I feel like an idiot. He was down bad for you the whole time and I didn’t even notice.”
She smilies “That makes two of us.”
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katnisspeetaprim · 2 years
Who's Your Favourite?
Jung Hoseok/Actress!Reader
Pt.1, pt.2
Summary: You are on the Jimmy Fallon show with BTS. Will this chance encounter leas to something more?
Warnings: female reader, fluff
Word count: 798 M.list
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You were currently on the Jimmy Fallon show to promote your new movie and you were internally freaking out. Talk shows and interviews were nothing new to you, having been in the industry since a young age but... the fact that you were sitting next to the BTS members on the small couch was making you sweat with nerves.
‘Now Y/N we all know you are an extremely talented actress...’ You blushed at the praise. ‘But is it true that you are fluent in Korean too? I only ask since we have certain guests here who would love to hear it.’
‘Ah yes, I’ve been learning since I was a teenager, though I still make mistakes sometimes.’
‘And you are a big BTS fan right?’ He gestured to the men sitting beside you with a smile. You chanced a glance over your shoulder and Namjoon flashed you a warm smile when you caught his eye. You looked back to Jimmy with a tight smile as you gave a slight nod, causing the audience to cheer.
‘Who’s your favourite member?’ He suddenly blurted out with a smirk, causing your eyes to widen.
‘Ah..’ You let out with a laugh, burying your face in your hands.
‘Hey Jimmy, are you trying to play matchmaker right now?’ Namjoon jumped in, only making the situation worse.
‘No no, I’m just genuinely curious.’
‘Umm.’ You looked up with a timid smile as your eyes glanced over the smiling members, finally accepting your fate and getting it over with. You lifted your hand and pointed behind you.
‘Me!?’ J-Hope exclaimed when you motioned to him.
‘She say’s you are her favourite member.’ Namjoon explained in Korean, making Hoseok look over to you with a cocky smile. To avoid making a bigger fool of yourself, you turned to look at them all, face still beet red and started to explain yourself in Korean.
‘I love all of you equally but I was always drawn more towards J-Hope is all.’ The members faces all lit up in shock when they realised how good your Korean actually was.
‘Ok anyway..’
The rest of the interview went by without a hitch, all of you enjoying yourselves. You were currently backstage , just leaving your dressing room when you heard someone call out to you in Korean.
‘Ah! I’m glad I caught you.’ You looked up from your phone and your breath hitched in your throat when you saw who was jogging towards you. Hoseok was smiling wide as he came to a stop in front of you.
‘Oh hello again!’ You beamed back at him.
‘I just wanted to say that it was great meeting you today.’
‘Yeah I feel the same way.’ You agreed with a nod. ‘I just wanted to say though, I’m sorry if I made it awkward when I said you were my favourite member.’ You rubbed your arm as you spoke, slightly embarrassed.
‘Ah no I’m flattered honestly!’ He waved his hands slightly in front of himself and you let out a sigh of relief when you realised he wasn’t upset.
‘Good I’m glad.’ There were a few moments of tense silence between the two of you before he spoke up.
‘So we’re in the US  for a few more days and I was wondering if you’d like to go to dinner with me?’ That definitely caught your attention, perking up instantly as blush once again rose to your cheeks, staring wide eyes at the man in front of you. The smile slightly dropped from his face, loosing confidence due to your silence.
‘Only if you want to that is...’ He spoke timidly, causing you to snap out of your daze.
‘No of course, I’d love to!’ You answered quickly, beaming up at him. His smile returned at your response.
‘Ah great! You had me worried for a second’ Both of you let out small laughs.
‘Here lets trade numbers and I’ll text you the details.’ You eagerly agreed and swapped phones with him to enter your number. Both of you just stood there for a few moments, smiling like goof balls.
‘Well uh, I better get going. Everybody is waiting on me.’
‘Of course! Again it was great to meet you and I look forward to our date!.’ He couldn’t help but blush slightly at the word date but he hid it well as he turned to leave, giving you a final small wave. You watched as he walked back towards his waiting members, corners of your mouth tugging upwards. Turning to walk away, you felt your phone ping in your hand.
Can’t wait to get to know you better! Hopefully our date will be the first of many!
See you soon!
(p.s you can call me Hobi if you like)
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efingcod · 6 months
Go All Night Chapter 3 (explicit version)
One | Two | Three* (sfw version)
Minors DNI
I never posted the explicit version of Chapter 3 here. I really don't remember why. But today I say fuck it. Also, I really do love this fic, it came out of a series of separate writing prompts the lovely @nanobyting sent to me. As well as a snippet of an idea about stockings and garters another friend put it my head.
Also, you do not need to know anything about Black Ops to read this. It is just a sexy cool fic that I wrote for funsies.
“All right,” Mason said as he handed her a beer and held up his own to cheers her. “Thanks for saving our asses.”
Bell tapped the neck of her bottle to his.
The room was packed, which was not surprising for a hotel bar on a Saturday night. She hadn’t planned on coming down here. In fact, she had been about to get ready for bed when Mason knocked on her door and practically dragged her out. He had been so damn insistent.
At least he let her redo her makeup before they went back downstairs. She’d get some looks with smeared lipstick and mascara running down her face, that’s for sure. Though she was still wearing the dress - with the straps adjusted to make them even. 
Luckily, she didn’t have to feel too overdressed, the hotel had hosted a wedding earlier, and from the looks of it some of the guests had made their way to the bar after the ballroom had closed.
Bell crossed her legs and took a sip of her beer. 
“God, those guys are having fun,” Mason said, beer in hand, pointed to a group of wedding guests who were very over-served dancing and singing to music that wasn’t even playing. 
Bell looked over her shoulder and, at that moment, caught the eye of one of the guests. She noticed that someone was looking at Mason as well.
“Shit!” She hissed and turned back, “Think we’re about to have company.”
“Yeah, me,” Woods said as he walked up to their table and set his beer down. 
“Good timing.” Mason nudged him in the ribs. “Bell was gonna have to beat them off with a stick.”
At that, Woods turned to Bell and rested his hand on the back of her chair.
“That so? Should we leave you to it, Bell?” 
While he had a smile on his face, there was an odd look in Woods’ eyes when he said it. Was he upset ? Had she taken things too far in the van? Bell meant what she said, but she wasn’t so sure she should have said it out loud.The adrenaline from their escape had still been coursing through her system, so she took a risk. And then Mason had interrupted them before Woods could respond. 
“One of them was checking you out, Mason,” Bell deflected.
“Don’t mention that. I even look in that direction, and Em’s gonna know.”
“You like to pretend you’re on such a tight leash.” Woods rolled his eyes. Then he explained to Bell, “Em used to be in the CIA with us. She knows how it is.” 
“Oh, how is it in the CIA, exactly ?” Bell asked with a faux innocent tone before taking a sip of her beer.
“How do you think she and Mason ended up together?” 
Bell pressed a hand to her chest, looking at Mason wide-eyed, pretending to be scandalized.
“ Mason. ”
Mason sighed. “Not you, too. Come on, Bell, I bought you a beer.”
“That’s true you did,” Bell said as she leaned forward and placed both hands on her beer. 
Woods was still resting his hand on the back of her chair. She caught a whiff of his cologne. Unlike her and Mason, he had taken the time to shower and change before heading downstairs. That surprised her. Bell thought he’d be quick to grab a beer, or even something harder, after the night they just had. He had also changed into jeans and a sweater. He looked good and was getting his share of glances from the wedding guests around them.
Mason checked his watch.
“Oh, I told Em I’d call her tonight,” His said, his tone was a little strange, “Guess I’ll go do that.”
Bell and Woods both watched him go.
“That was abrupt,” Bell observed.
“Yeah.” Woods took the seat across from her. He set his drink down close to hers. 
She began to feel nervous. He wouldn’t want to talk here, right? Or would that be better? Get it out in public, and she could hide in her room until morning.Bell cringed at the thought of talking about it at all. 
But instead, Woods gestured to the wedding guests. “They seem like a fun group.”
“Very different from the party this evening,” She agreed but did not turn to look. Accidentally catching the eye of a drunken wedding guest again would only add to the awkwardness she already felt.
“Oh yeah, so after all that, what did you think of that party?”
“It wasn’t so bad. I was able to skirt the ballroom pretty easily.” She played with the label on her beer as she spoke, “I don’t know what I was so worried about.”
Bell glanced up at him, he had been looking at her face as while she was talking, but his expression wasn’t revealing much. 
“I did manage to catch a waiter and try some hor d’eourves,” Bell went on, “I wish I could have gone back for more.”
Woods chuckled at this statement.
“Like you wouldn’t eat the food!” 
“Oh I definitely have. It’s just that Mason and I were joking about asking you to smuggle some food in for us.”
“In what?” She gestured to her dress, “This doesn’t exactly have pockets.”
His wide grin faded slightly as he looked her over. “Yeah, guess you’re right.”
“Though this dress is surprisingly versatile, isn’t it? Great for dancing, cocktail parties, late-night weddings, and shootouts at French arms dealer’s mansions,” Bell said with a smirk, “Would have been interesting to poke around that panic room, though.” 
Woods hummed in response. He had a strange look on his face.
He placed his hands around his beer as if studying the label intently. Then he took a swig, wiped his mouth, and cleared his throat before setting it down again. Bell looked at him expectantly.
“You shouldn’t have been in there.”
“Oh, come on, Woods-”
“You’re dressed like that because you were supposed to be a guest, so you could walk out with them when the shit hit the fan,” He said gruffly. His blue eyes flicked up to meet hers. 
He was serious. 
Bell couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Was he scolding her? Yeah, she had told them to stand down, but she had handled it, hadn’t she? She did her job. Adler certainly didn’t have a problem with it.
“Don’t tell me you were worried?” The side of her mouth turned up, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. When he didn’t respond, her smile faded.
“I thought you were impressed,” Bell said in disbelief and shaking her head. “Isn’t that what you said in the van?” 
Fuck she didn’t want to bring up the conversation from the van, but he wasn’t making sense to her.
“Yeah, Bell, you did great. I keep running it over in my head. It was a huge risk-”
She could feel her ears getting hot, she barely heard what he said.
“I’ve taken risks before,” Bell interrupted, “You didn’t think I could handle it? I saved you and Mason twice.”
“No, Bell-” Woods started to say as he put his hands up.
But she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. It was apparent to her that he hadn’t thought she could handle it. But why? They had gone on dangerous missions before. Hadn’t she proved herself? Maybe she didn’t have as much experience in the field as Woods and Mason- who did really? But she thought she had at least gained some of his trust and respect. 
“Is this because of what I said?” She didn’t wait for him to respond before continuing. “I felt insecure for a moment. I thought I was confiding in a- I thought you were someone I could trust with that.”
“Whoa, hang on,” Woods said as he pointed to himself, “After everything, you don’t think you can trust me ?”
I can trust you in the field. Sounds like that’s about it.” She wrapped her arms around herself and looked away from him.
Woods huffed and picked up his beer. He leaned back in his chair and looked anywhere but at her. 
A silence fell over them. Bell leaned back in her chair and pretended to scan the room as well. Conversation usually flowed easily between them, so the silence magnified the tension. She didn’t think he would judge her so harshly for telling him that she felt out of place. If anything, Bell had thought, based on everything she knew about him, he might understand. It sure seemed like he had. Well, that was a mistake. 
Bell stood up. “I’m tired. I should head upstairs.”
Woods looked surprised. “You haven’t finished your beer.”
Bell shrugged. 
“Fine. Guess I’ll see ya,” Woods said dismissively as he took a drink from his beer and appeared interested in something on the other side of the room.
Bell set her jaw and turned towards the exit. She strode out of the bar and headed for the elevator bay. While Bell waited for the elevator, she felt her anger quell. Maybe she had reacted too quickly. She hadn’t let him speak. But did she need to? 
She had to admit she was a bit disappointed. But she reminded herself that she didn’t know Woods that well. There must have just been this idea of him in her mind formed from hearing all the stories people told about him- and Mason. Bell had only met them, what, a month ago? Maybe less?
Well, that’s fine. No one else on the team was particularly warm with her, so why should he be any different? Once this mission was over, she’d probably be back behind a desk, anyway. So who cares what he thought of her personally? 
It was her fault anyway. She knew she couldn’t be vulnerable with these people. She should have known they would have judged her for it. The only reason why she thought Woods might be different is that she wanted him to be different. And that was stupid. 
Her heels dug into the soft rug under her feet. Bell sighed. It would be nice to get out of the dress and take a shower. 
Against her better judgment, she glanced back at the bar. Woods was still sitting at the table, but he wasn’t alone. Someone had taken the seat she had vacated. It looked like they were in conversation. As much as she’d like to tell herself she didn’t care, she still did. But that feeling would fade if she could just stop focusing on it. 
Bell turned her attention back to the elevator, which was still making its achingly slow descent to the lobby. Likely held up by wedding guests going back and forth between their rooms and the bar. 
Looking down the other side of the hallway, she saw Mason sitting in one of the private phone booths. Why didn’t he use the phone in his room? Maybe to give Woods some space, she realized. 
She shifted her feet, anxious to get upstairs. A melodic sound caught her ear. The elevator had finally arrived.
A crowd of drunken wedding guests flooded out of the elevator once the door opened. They parted to make room for her and immediately joined back together behind her. 
Bell stepped inside the elevator and leaned against the handrail, sighing. The doors were nearly closed when someone caught the bumper, triggering them to open again. 
It was a man in a suit. He had his arm around a woman in a cocktail dress. They staggered into the elevator and huddled in a corner. They were drunk. Thankfully, they kept their voices low, but occasionally the woman let out a soft sound.
Bell gritted her teeth and stared hard at the floor indicator panel, willing the elevator to move faster. 
The numbers lit up in turn as the ancient elevator slowly ascended.
When the elevator reached her floor with a ding, she felt relieved to finally be able to step out and head for her room.
“...should have asked her….” Bell could hear the woman say before she burst into giggles, and the door closed, muffling any other sound.
She turned her key and walked inside, letting the door shut before bolting it. Then she sighed and sat at the vanity. Unclipping her hair, she shook it out and picked an errant piece of glass out of it. Under the focused vanity light, even under her makeup, it was easy to make out the cuts and bruises on her face. 
“Ugh, aren’t you a mess,” Bell said grimacing at herself in the mirror. 
Looking down, she inspected the shoes. They seemed to be the only thing still in good shape, which was a surprise. Running in heels was challenging, but she thought she managed pretty well. Though she hoped she’d never have an assignment like that again. Turtleneck, boots, and armor were preferable to heels, makeup, and nothing between her and a bullet but some silky fabric. The scar on her chest peeked out from under the edge of the dress. She traced her finger over it. 
“Armor didn’t help you much then, now did it?”
She had gotten lucky, then. She had been lucky tonight, too. 
Every night any of them came back alive was at least partially due to luck, wasn’t it?
A knock on the adjoining door shook her from her thoughts. Rising from the vanity, she walked over and opened the door.
“Woods? I thought-” She stopped. 
What did she think? That he’d be spending more time at the bar? That he wouldn’t be going upstairs alone? Well, he wasn’t alone now was he?
“Place suddenly wasn’t so interesting,” He said with a grin, “Miss me?”
Bell studied his face impassively. She noted that he had removed his sweater and was only wearing his undershirt and jeans.
“Look-” He started but stopped mid-sentence. He was looking at something on the side of her head. Raising a hand, he touched- her hair? No, something was in her hair. When he pulled away, he showed her a tiny piece of glass in his palm.
“Oh, I thought I got all of those.” Bell frowned at the fragment in his hand. “Thanks.”
She raked her fingers through her hair to shake out more.
“Whoa, hang on,” Woods put his hands out to stop her, “You’re gonna cut yourself.” 
Woods stepped into her room and guided her to stand by her vanity. He placed the piece of glass on the countertop. 
“Lighting is better here,” He said as he raised his hands to her hair again. 
“I don’t need help.”
“Getting these out of short hair is impossible,” Woods shook his head, “I can only imagine what it’s like with long hair.”
“Yeah, well, normally I have my hair up and under a beanie, don’t I? It’s fine. I’ve got it.”
“Bell, not everything is criticism.” 
Tentatively he raised his hands to her hair again. When she didn’t push him away, he carefully combed through her hair with his fingers.
He still hadn’t said why he had knocked on her door. She should be annoyed. He was acting as if nothing had happened. Though she had to admit it was so much easier to pretend. 
Because she was still wearing the heels, her eye level was at his shoulders. Standing this close to him, she noticed that his white undershirt wasn’t hiding much. She could just make out his muscle movements under the fabric. Bell felt the urge to reach up and touch him, run her hands over the rough white cotton covering his chest, and feel his body heat on her skin. Slip her fingers under the hem of the shirt and pull it off him. 
But of course, she didn’t. Instead, she closed her eyes. The feeling of Woods’ hands in her hair was so soothing. She was surprised to be touched with such gentleness from this big man with whom she had escaped a shootout only hours ago. 
A shootout he thought she couldn’t handle. This guy doesn’t trust you. Remember? And here she was, allowing him to take care of her again. Did he think she was so incompetent she couldn’t even clean herself up?
“All right, Bell. You’re good.” 
She opened her eyes again to Woods giving her another unreadable look. Well, she supposed she couldn’t blame him. She probably looked like an idiot standing there with her eyes closed and mouth open.
“No problem.”
He was still giving her that look. Then his hand went to her chin as he tilted her face up. Bell felt a thrill in the pit of her stomach. With their faces so close, she could smell mint on his breath. 
“Need help getting bandaged up?” 
Bell realized then he was examining the bruise there. 
“No,” She found herself saying as she brushed his hand away, “I’ve got it, thanks.”
She didn’t want any more of his help. Even if it meant feeling his hands on her again, it wouldn’t lead to anything except her wanting him more. And what she needed to do was to shake him from her brain.
But he didn’t leave, so she met his eye.
“Took me a while to learn,” Woods said as he stroked the hair of his mustache with his thumb and index finger. She could tell he was thinking things through, being careful with his next statement. 
“But you know it’s ok to accept help sometimes,” He finished.
“Well, when I need it, I’ll ask for it,” She said in a tone that was sharper than she had intended.
“All right,” He said softly, tapping her shoulder as he moved to leave.
“It’s ok,” He said held a hand up, “I was being pushy.”
Woods walked to the door and opened it. 
“You’re wrong about me, y’know.” He turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. “I’ll be honest, it pissed me off to hear you say it.  But I think I know why you did. You can trust me, Bell. I know you don’t believe me, but you really can.”
Bell kept her expression even. She’d like to believe it. It would be easier in the short term.
He let out a soft sigh and moved into his room, placing his hand on his door as if he were about to close it.
“Goodnight, Bell.”
“Goodnight, Woods.”
He gave her a little smile, before saying, “Frank. At least call me Frank.”
Something about his tone seemed a little sad. Disappointed. She could have stopped him, but her heels were rooted into the soft carpet of her hotel room.
“Goodnight, Frank.”
With a soft grin he closed the door. Once she heard the lock slide into place, she moved to close to the adjoining door on her side. Even after it was closed, Bell held her hands against it as if she was bracing for something to burst through it. But nothing would. And Woods wasn’t going to knock on her door again. 
Quietly cursing herself, she roughly unzipped her dress and dropped it to the floor. She kicked it in frustration. The silky fabric skidded across the carpet but stopped short. 
Very unsatisfying.
Sitting down at the vanity in a huff, Bell frowned disdainfully at her reflection. She needed to shower and go to bed. She shifted her body to stand up again when something on the vanity caught the light and drew her eye. 
It was the glass Woods had pulled from her hair. Bell turned it over in her fingers, examining it. A flash of light reflected in the mirror, and she looked at herself again. Setting the glass piece down, Bell placed her hand on the garter belt she was still wearing. 
With her thumb, she traced the stiff top edge of the fabric. She fought the urge to rip it off.
She remembered how it felt when Woods ran his hand over her stomach as he put it in place, how the corners of his mouth had turned up when she flinched at his touch. At the time, she assumed he just thought it was funny that he got a reaction from her.
It was easier to pretend he didn’t care. To think of him as just some asshole. To push him away at the slightest perceived infraction. But she was the one who decided that he had judged her. Her snap reaction to her letting her guard down. He had seen her nervous and uncomfortable. She had let him in for only the briefest moment, which was terrifying. 
That’s what it was about. Woods had helped her.  And he hadn’t deserved her shitty attitude. She should at least apologize.
Bell stood up. Not wanting to deal with the dress again, she picked up the button-down she had discarded earlier in the evening and threw it on. 
“Time to get this over with.”
She opened her door and stood behind it and raised her hand to knock. 
What was she going to say? Sorry for being a stubborn ass? Not the best opener, exactly. But Woods might like it. He might have a few adjectives of his own to add. 
“Fuck it,” Bell muttered to herself and rapped gently on his door. 
He didn’t say anything when he opened the door, and his expression was once again unreadable.
Bell opened her mouth to apologize. To say she misunderstood him. She was an idiot. But Woods spoke first. 
“I know you can handle yourself,” He said as he folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe, “It wasn’t about that.”
“Then what was it about?”
Woods ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Me, Bell.” He stepped past her and into her room. “My own stuff.”
She gave him a curious look.
He sighed, “I- when you were stuck in that room. You didn’t have armor. You had that little peashooter some people like to call a gun -”
To her surprise, Woods sat on her bed. Was he expecting a long conversation? 
“You were worried.” She took a step toward him.  
“I was worried,” He agreed, “But you were great. I just keep thinking, because you weren’t prepared, I could have made a better call that didn’t put you in more danger. That’s it.”
Bell put her hand to her forehead, exasperated with herself.
“And then I got pissed off-”
“You didn’t even let me explain!”
Bell sighed and sat on the bed next to him, staring at her shoes.  
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I think I can sleep easy tonight,” Woods sighed, he sounded relieved, and he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. 
He followed her gaze to her feet.
“You’re still wearing those shoes. I thought you would have kicked them off by now.” 
“Me too, if I’m being honest-” Bell admitted and stretched her legs out in front of her admiring the way the shoes sparkled, “But I like them. And I’m surprised they’re in such good shape considering everything. Anyway, they’re… uh….”
She trailed off, dropped her legs, and crossed her feet. 
“They’re what?” Woods asked. 
Bell glanced up at him. He was looking at her over his shoulder.
She huffed and tucked a hair behind her ear before responding, “They’re pretty, ok?” 
Then she braced herself for the teasing.
“So, you are actually a girl.”
She playfully shoved his shoulder. “What was your first clue?”
“You did look pretty good in that dress.”
Reflexively, Bell tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, again.
“I seem to remember you telling me that- in a friendly way. ”
Woods looked away from her and rubbed the back of his head. The clean smell of the hotel shampoo wafted in the air around him. She remembered then that he had showered before joining her and Mason downstairs. That his breath smelled like mint. He had cleaned himself up. 
She had to wonder. 
“About that-” He said, turning his head to look at her again. Then he sighed as if he were rethinking what to say. A slight grin appeared on his face.
“I think I like this outfit better.”
“Oh, you do, do you? Well,” She braced her hands on the edge of the bed, pushing her shoulders down and tilting her head back before continuing, “That’s good because I’m probably stuck in it.”
Bell crossed her legs.
“Stuck in it?”
“Well, yeah. I couldn’t get them on- so obviously, I have no idea how to take them off. Maybe you could help me?”
She was joking.  Once she had seen him put the garters on, it was easy to figure out how to remove them. 
“Oh, yeah?” Woods said as he leaned closer to her, “I guess it’s a good thing we made up, huh?”
Then he kissed her.  
After all that build-up, it took every bit of Bell’s willpower to not just pull him down on the bed on top of her. It seemed like he was trying to do just that as he leaned into her, but that’s not what she wanted to happen. Not yet.
And it wasn’t what she had asked him to do anyway.
Bell let him touch her lips briefly before placing her fingers on his chin and pushing his face away. 
“You said I should ask for help,” She said matter-of-factly.
Woods smirked at her. “I did, didn’t I?”
Leaning back on her hands again, she looked at him expectantly. 
He slipped his fingers between her skin and one of the straps and traced it down to where the clasp met her stocking. 
When he moved to undo it, she stopped him. 
And when he looked at her questioningly, she placed one heeled foot on his shoulder, guiding him down.
“Like before. On your knees.”
Woods complied. She allowed her leg to slide over his shoulder while he kneeled. Her stockinged thigh rested next to his cheek. He reached up and ran his hand up the outside of her leg. Then he trailed his fingers along the inside of her thigh, bringing his hands to meet at that first strap. 
“No,” She said again as he was about to undo the strap. 
He stopped and looked at her, amused.
“First things first.”
Bell dropped her leg from his shoulder. Then gathered the bottom of her shirt and held it against her stomach.
Woods nodded and slipped two fingers under the waistband of her underwear. He looked to her for confirmation, but she just raised an eyebrow at him. She lifted her hips as he slipped them off of her. 
Bell let out a breath. 
Once again, Woods moved to undo the straps.
“I’ve changed my mind,” Bell said, “I think I’m going to leave them on.”
The side of his mouth curled up. 
This time she threw both legs over his shoulders and crossed them over his back, encouraging him to come closer. He gripped her thigh and pressed his lips to it. The bristly hair of his beard and mustache brushed against her sensitive skin, sending a tingle through her body. Dragging his lips over her skin, he left the occasional soft kiss there as he moved up her leg. He paused for a beat when he reached the top of her inner thigh. Her toes curled in her shoes as she awaited his mouth on her.
And then he moved along to her other thigh.
The bastard was teasing her. 
Bell wanted to kick him lightly but willed herself to keep her composure. 
After a few lingering kisses on her thigh, he stopped and turned back. Again she felt how close he was to her, and a thrill rose from the pit of her stomach.
Trying to stay cool, she ran a hand through her hair, tossing it to one side, and looked down at him.
“Need an invitation?” Bell braced the tip of her heel against his back. Mock-threatening.
Woods grinned and kept his eyes on hers as he gently pressed his lips against her. His tongue traced her slit. The sensation of his mouth finally on her elicited a pleased little sound from her.
Reaching his arms around her thighs, Woods held her there, locking them into place. He prodded her slit with his tongue as he pulled her apart with his thumbs. 
Here Woods paused again and looked up at her. His warm breath on her exposed flesh was driving her wild. She wanted him now.
Finally, he dragged his tongue over her folds, overwhelming her with the incredibly smooth and gentle sensation. A cry caught in her throat when he reached her throbbing clit and drew circles there.
She could have sworn she saw the edge of his mouth turn up. Moving his hands to her hips, he pulled her forward, closer to the edge of the bed. He seemed determined to take his time with her, slowly working her over. However, his steady movements were quickly building her up. With one hand, she clawed the bedcovers into her fist as heat began to rise in her face. With her other hand, she raked her fingers through his hair as she held him firmly to her and bucked her hips up into him.
He responded by sucking on her clit.
“Frank,” She let his name escape her lips in a moan. This only seemed to encourage him, and he ramped up the intensity. Her thighs began to shake, and Woods tightened his grip around them, holding them in place. Her head was fuzzy, and she thought she heard herself say his name again. 
He grasped at her hips, his fingers digging into her skin, pulling her even closer. He was relentless. An intense heat threatened to overwhelm her as sparks fired through her body. 
Bell cried out just as she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, and suddenly, everything went white-hot. Her grip on his hair tightened for a moment as he continued to work her through the orgasm. And she was hit with light-headed relief.
Bell fell back into the bed and placed her hands on her forehead.
“God, Frank-” She worked to catch her breath.
After a moment, she felt him gently lift her legs off of his shoulders. He crawled onto the bed next to her and pulled her into him. Then he kissed her again—the faint taste of her on his lips- how their body chemistry mingled together- was intoxicating. Gripping the collar of his shirt and wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled his body into her and kissed him deeply. Guiding him onto his back, she climbed on top of him. Her hair curtained around them as she bent down to kiss him again.
Woods ran his hands up her thighs and hips, then cupped her breasts over her shirt. With his thumbs, he traced her nipples through the fabric. She trembled at his touch, still feeling sensitive, and pushed him away. 
“Can’t I at least see you?” Woods asked as he played with the hem of her shirt. 
Bell sighed and sat back, purposefully pressing her hips down into him, causing him to gasp. She began working at the buttons of her shirt. Woods’ eyes softened, and his lips parted slightly as he watched her. With his hands, he traced anxious circles around her hips. 
When her shirt was completely unbuttoned he tried to touch her skin underneath it, but she slapped him away and smirked at him. 
“Patience,” Bell mock-scolded.
He chuckled. 
Holding the front of the shirt against her chest, she allowed it to slowly drop down from her shoulders before removing it and tossing it to the floor. Bell did not miss the sharp intake of breath nor the way his cock twitched beneath her. She was pleased to have that effect on him. 
Bending down, she kissed him again, but this time he slipped his fingers down her sides and firmly grabbed her ass pressing her into him. 
She made a surprised sound, but she had to admit she liked the rough feeling of his clothes against her naked body. The way his jeans felt against her when he pushed his hips into her. Leaving one hand firmly on her ass, Woods reached up with his other and combed his fingers through her hair as he kissed her. He moaned softly into her mouth as she playfully bit his lip. Bell moved away from his lips, down his body, kissing him over his shirt. She traced a hand over his chest until she reached the hem of his shirt and slipped her fingers underneath. His abs flexed at her touch. His skin was warm against her cool hands. As she pulled his shirt up, she kissed his exposed skin.
When Bell had pushed the shirt up to his chest, she sat up again and yanked on it playfully. “Little help?”
Woods looked down and then sat up, making her back up. He brought his face close to hers as he pulled the shirt over his head. Throwing it somewhere, he then kissed her.
“Anything else?”
“Yes.” She nodded very seriously. Her hands went to the waistband of his pants.
“Pants, underwear, socks, I want all of it off.”
Bell moved off of him and lay on her side with one hand propped under her head as she watched him get undressed. She bit her index finger and tried to keep her expression even, but even still, she allowed the slightest whine past her lips as he removed his boxers. He winked at her. 
She pressed her legs together, feeling the ache for him return. 
She wasn’t sure she ever wanted anyone more, but she was still determined to play it cool. Getting up on her knees, with one hand she pulled him towards her and ran her manicured nails through the hair on the back of his neck. Brushing his cock with just the tips of her fingers, she elicited a soft gasp from him. Then she wrapped her hand around him. Woods placed his hands on either side of her face and crashed his mouth down on her. He wanted it too. 
“Let me fuck you,” He groaned into her mouth, still holding her face, his lips brushing against her as he said it. 
Goddamn, it almost sounded like begging. 
Bell wanted to fuck him, too, but she knew to enjoy the thrill of anticipation. That ramping him up would be more fun for both of them. She bit her lip and looked him in the eye.
“Not yet,” She whispered, shaking her head. 
Seeing how his face fell, she tightened her grip around him, pumping her hand up and down his length.
He let out a soft sigh, kissed her lips, then her cheek, and rested his parted lips on her ear. She enjoyed hearing the soft little sounds he made as she touched him. 
Turning her head towards him, she kissed him again, slipping her tongue just inside his mouth. His tongue met hers, giving her a taste of their intermingling chemistry again and sending a thrill through her body. She deepened the kiss, pressing her body into him. Then she moved down, dragging her lips over the dip between his collarbones. Raking her fingers over his chest, she continued down his sternum, allowing herself to linger there, appreciating the slight flex of his chest muscles. Her hands dropped down so she could brush her fingers along his sides. She looked up at him with a grin when he twitched at her touch. 
Bell gently pushed his hips, and he moved back so she could sit on the edge of the bed in front of him. 
Lazily she stroked the inside of his thighs with the backs of her fingers before once again gripping his cock. She ran the point of her tongue from the base up to the tip, taking in the taste of the salt of his skin, listening to his soft gasps become moans. Woods’ hands combed through her hair again, and then finally, she placed her mouth around him. His breath hitched in his throat, and she looked up at him then. 
“Oh fuck,” He groaned when they made eye contact. 
If Bell could have grinned, then she would have. Instead, she moaned on to him, knowing the vibrations would bring him closer to the edge. 
God, the noises he made were intoxicating, and when he tried to suppress them, they only served to sound needier, more desperate. 
He fucking wanted this. He wanted it as much as she did. Hell, maybe even more. 
Bell rolled her tongue over the tip of his cock before giving the underside a few long and slow licks. Then she wrapped her hand around the base, steadily pumping as she continued to work him over with her mouth. She took in as much of him as possible, letting her hand handle the rest. 
It wasn’t long before she felt him stiffen in her mouth. His hand gripped her hair. He was close. She stopped. 
Woods made a confused sound and looked down at her. Bell placed her knees back on the bed and rose up to stroke his collarbone with her finger, noting how he reacted to her touch before kissing him again. 
“I mean, you still want to fuck, right?” She said into his mouth. She could feel the corners of his mouth turn up as he kissed her back. His fingers combed through her hair as he held her to him.
“Oh fuck yeah,” He said when he came up for air.
She smiled at him, looking over his face. A fading soft pink flush contrasted nicely with his blue eyes and dark hair. 
He looked so fucking good to her like this. She moved back, allowing her fingers to linger over his skin before completely letting go and laying back on the bed. Without hesitation, Woods joined her on the bed caging his arms around her head. He lifted his hand to brush a hair out of her face. 
He had a surprisingly soft way of looking at her. She was sure it was just the way he expressed lust or desire, but the way that look made her feel- she couldn’t take it, she looked away. 
This was just sex. 
Just a good time. 
“Everything ok?” Woods asked, drawing her gaze back to him. The look was gone, replaced with one of concern.
“Yeah, of course.” 
She stroked his beard, studying the little white hairs that stood out against the black.  
“You’re so handsome it hurts to look at you sometimes.”
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me,” He slipped arms around her back and buried his face in her neck, “What a cheesy line, Bell. I’d expect better from a smart gal like you.”
Bell laughed partly because of his reaction and because his beard tickled her neck. 
“What you are!” She said in protest, pushing her hands against his chest. 
He laughed and pulled away. She placed the tip of her index finger between her lips and grinned at him again. Despite everything she had just done to distract him, she wanted him to look at her like that again. 
That lingering look. The way his blue eyes shone as he studied her face. It made her feel a bit like an idiot to want it. 
But he wasn’t looking at her face now, he was leaning on one arm. His eyes were traveling down her body, and his fingers too. Bell bent one leg as his thumb found her clit, and he pushed a finger inside her. 
Woods breathed something she couldn’t quite make out and pushed another finger inside her. 
She trailed her hand along his abdomen, and he made a little pained noise as she touched his cock again. 
“Frank,” Bell said, trying to sound commanding even though her voice shook as he pleasured her. 
“God, you’re wet,” He said.
“You may have had something to do with that,” She chuckled but cut it off with a sharp breath.
Woods suppressed a grin as he looked up at her. 
“You look good like this.”
She made a sound of confirmation and then found her commanding voice again, “Frank, I need you inside me, now.”
Bell spread her legs as he moved between them. He wrapped a hand around her hip as he eased himself into her. 
“Oh,” She breathed and tilted her head back, closing her eyes. 
Every nerve in her seemed to react to him finally slipping inside her. 
“You ok?” he asked, giving her hip a little squeeze.
“Yeah,” She sighed, opening her eyes, “Feels good.”
Holding soft eye contact with her, he thrust with gentle and steady movements first, allowing her to adjust to him before picking up the pace. 
Of course, he had to look so goddamn sexy when he fucked her.
Her breath caught in her throat as he resumed stroking over her clit with his thumb. 
The initial sensations were overwhelming. It had been a while since she felt this good. She wanted to hold on to it. The hand still holding onto her hip dug into her flesh. 
She ran her fingers through her hair, enjoying every feeling. His hands on her hips, the way his thumb circled her clit. Her breasts swayed with the rhythm of his thrusts. She let herself go limp, allowing his movements to take over. Pleasure coursed through her. Bell whined as a particularly well-timed thrust set her nerves alight. Her cheeks began to warm as a soft tingling spread over the surface of her face. 
“Oh fuck,” Her voice was a whining gasp as she grabbed his wrist. Her thighs were aching. For a moment, it felt like she was caught, held tight, and couldn’t breathe. Heat rushed up her body. Bell raked her free hand over the pillow behind her head. She felt like she would be stuck here forever, her grip tightened on his wrist, then finally letting out a sob she was pushed over the edge. 
He let her catch her breath, entwined his fingers with hers, and kissed the back of her hand. 
“Frank,” Bell reached for him, and he smiled at her before bending down to kiss her. He pressed her hand into the bed and squeezed it as he moved down to kiss her neck.
“You ok?” 
“Mmm-hmm,” She managed.
“Can I keep going?”
Bell nodded.
He lifted himself onto his arms, his face hovering just above hers. She looked away. It felt almost too intimate to look him in the eye right now. 
You’ve got it bad. 
Woods sat up and guided himself back into her. Her muscles tensed as her overstimulated flesh reacted to him entering her again.  But she bit her lip against it. She didn’t want it to end yet.
Starting slow again, he began to find a rhythm. Then he placed his hands on either side of her as he bent over her. His arms slipped under her, one hand resting under her lower back and the other under her shoulders. Woods pressed his face into her neck, his hot breath hitting her skin, holding her close to him as he began fucking her again. Bell wrapped her legs around his waist, taking a moment to get used to the new angle. To enjoy the intense way the sensations in her body changed. 
His body rubbed against her overworked clit as he thrust into her. She grabbed his shoulders tightly, bit back a whine, and jerked her hips into him. He groaned into her neck. 
Encouraged, Bell scraped her fingers down his back and ass, holding him there and pressing him into her. 
Woods sucked in a breath, “Damn, Bell.”
She heard his muffled voice say, baby, as his fingers wrapped around her upper arms.
His beard tickled her neck as he moved his mouth by her ear, breathing soft grunts next to it. 
She felt his body begin to tense. His muscles tightened as he deepened his movements. She stroked the back of his sweaty and surprisingly soft hair. 
He came deep inside her, breathing heavily into her skin. He moved his hand from between her shoulders to the back of her neck, stroking her hair there. They lay there like that catching their breath.
Woods shifted and pressed his forehead into her chest.
“That was good,” He said.
“Yeah,” Bell agreed.
A contented silence fell over them. Bell could feel herself fading, but she needed to get up, get this lingerie off of her. Finally take a shower?
“I need to get up.”
He groaned and playfully squeezed her, like he wasn’t planning on letting her go, then rolled off. 
Sitting up on the edge of the bed, she turned back to him. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I really need to shower. I didn’t before-”
“What you don’t like smelling like a battlefield? Smoke, grease, sweat-” He grinned at her as he settled into the pillows. V
She gave him a horrified look and sniffed at a lock of her hair. 
“Oh god.” She scrunched her nose up. She did smell like smoke. And after he had cleaned himself up too. 
“Bell, if those smells bothered me, I’d be in the wrong business.”
She gave him a tired smile and moved to stand up. Then realized was still wearing the heels from earlier. She wanted to kick them off.
“Wow,” Woods said behind her. 
Bell turned to look at him.
“Your ass is amazing,” He offered by way of explanation. 
“Oh.” She sat back down on the bed, her calves were aching, “It’s the heels.”
He drew himself up and sat next to her on the bed, slipping her shoes off before she had the chance.
“Nah, I think you’ve just got a great ass,” He said, setting the shoes down on the ground, “Now come on, I said I was going to help you with this.”
“You know I don’t actually-”
He put a finger over her lips to stop her. Then he detached the garters from the stockings in turn. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he removed the belt and tossed it on a chair. Then he carefully slipped the stockings off her, tossing them next to the belt.
He looked her over. His fingers traced where the lingerie had made indentations in her skin.
“Shit, did I make it too tight?”
Bell looked down to see what he was referring to and shrugged, “Oh no, that’s just how it is. Binding. Gotta keep everything in.”
Woods frowned at the indentations again.
“They’ll go away,” Bell assured him as she stood up. 
“For the record, I’m good with everything out.” Then he grabbed her hips and turned her around, “Yeah, perfect ass. No torture devices needed for that.”
She looked over her shoulder at him and chuckled, “Can I take a shower now?”
Woods slapped her ass, “Now you can.”
“Hey!” Bell turned and placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing him back down on the bed.
“Oh, change your mind? Looking for a round two?”
She sighed, shook her head, and climbed off of him.
Bell walked to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and waited as it heated up. Then she stepped in and let the warm water run over her aching body. She was so tired she felt like she would fall asleep standing up. Picking up the tiny hotel shampoo bottle, she stared at it, willing herself to wash her hair, but she couldn’t. Bell leaned against the cool tile and closed her eyes. 
“Hey,” Woods said from the other side of the shower curtain, “Room in there for one more?”
“Of course, but I thought you showered already.”
He carefully peeled back the curtain and stepped in.
“Some gal got me dirty since then.”
“Some gal?” She chuckled and turned to him.
“You ok?” He held her shoulders and tried to look at her face, “Oh wow, you are tired. Don’t fall asleep in here.” 
She made a non-committal sound in response.
“Guess you still need my help,” Woods chuckled. He took the shampoo bottle from her and pulled her into his chest. Then he started washing her hair.
“This is ok, right?”
“Yeah,” She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. He helped her clean up, and when they were done, he wrapped a robe around her.
“Ok all clean.”
“Great, want to get dirty again?” She asked halfheartedly.
“Don’t tempt me, baby” He turned her around and guided her to the bed, “You need to sleep.”
“Yeah, what you don’t like it?” 
Bell considered this as she walked to the bed. She tossed her robe over a chair and pulled the covers aside. Then slipped between the sheets and settled in. 
“Maybe I could get used to it,“ Bell covered her mouth, “I mean- I didn’t-”
She started to speak when he got into bed and placed his arms on either side of her head. He looked into her eyes as he stroked her hair.
“Don’t tell me this was a one-time-only kind of thing.”
“Just didn’t want to assume anything.”
“Yeah, I get that. But we gotta do this again,” He rolled over and pulled the covers over himself, settling in bed next to her, “This ok?”
She nodded, “Yeah, I want you to stay.”
She wrapped one arm around him and placed her head on his chest.
“I think-” She paused. Then Bell lifted herself on her hands and looked him in the eye. Her long hair pooled on his chest. 
“I think I might like you, Frank,” She finished. 
“You think?” He stroked her cheek with the back of his index finger. “I like you too, Bell.”
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inkedroplets · 3 months
what if. what if.
💘 for quakecorp
OK This grew unruly and will probably connect up with the MCU fic I'm working on so I'll only post a snippet. Fake dating for the best Luthor and this dork:
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Some things never change…
While it was maybe the furthest thing from funny, Lena still couldn’t help but find it amusing that even on an Earth so much different than her own, without the inescapable baggage of her name weighing her down, she was once again having to deal with another attempt on her life.
From the way Skye was watching the door like a hawk, reclining back in her chair as much as it would allow her to, Lena knew she must be waiting for someone. The self-satisfied smile that spread across her face instantly like a cat that had gulped down a particularly tasty canary made it abundantly clear that it was Lena she was waiting for. 
“Hello, Dear.”
“Sweetheart,” Lena replied without missing a beat, sitting down on her left. 
Jemma watched this exchange nervously, gaze flickering from Daisy to Lena and back again a number of times before finally settling on Coulson. “I really think we tabled the safehouse idea too quickly.” 
“We tabled it quickly because Lena refused,” May said. 
“Refused to entertain something so patently ridiculous,” Fitz said, repeating back what Lena said verbatim..
“If I went into hiding every time there was a threat on my life-”  
“I think an exception can be made this once,” Jemma reasoned. She looked around the table, hoping to rally support but only managed a halfhearted nod from Fitz on her second pass around which looked to upset her more than if he had simply avoided her gaze entirely. “She jabbed a finger at one of the screens that had Lena's would-be assassin’s dossier displayed. “His name is Bullseye for heaven's sake!” 
“I would like to avoid breathing the same air as someone with such a stupid name,” Lena said fairly. “But I’d also like this matter settled as soon as possible.” “To be fair, Poindexter isn’t that much better than Bullseye,” Daisy said fairly. 
Jemma gaped at the both of them. “I wouldn't classify a price on your head as trivial as a mere matter.” 
“I still can't believe you had other people trying to kill you back on your earth,” Fitz said, sounding genuinely mystified at the concept which Lena decided to take as a compliment. 
“The last one,” Lena said, taking a moment to think, “poisoned me.” 
“Tried to poison, you mean,” Fitz said.
“No, I don't,” Lena said darkly as the face of Morgan Edge floated to the surface of her mind. She wondered vaguely how close she had actually come to dying that time around. If not for Kara… She was struck by just how long ago that felt. A lifetime. Several lifetimes. 
“I’ll be fine, Jemma,” Lena assured her. “Not the first time someone’s wanted me dead. Not the last either.” She tried to ballpark the number of times there had been a credible threat on her life and figured it had to be well over a hundred by now, although she knew better than to tell Jemma that. “She will be fine,” Coulson said reassuringly. “We had Stark move his expo indoors so that Mr. Poindexter will need to get in close if he wants to get to Lena.” “How big of a fit did Stark end up throwing when you told him?” May asked, looking amused. 
“Not big at all. I promised I'd owe him a favor once everything is said and done,” Coulson said, clearly used to it being the other way around.
“My condolences,” May replied. 
“There will be agents in place disguised as guests. They’ve all been instructed to keep their distance until we can locate Mr. Poindexter.. We'll be watching every way into the building so we’ll know when he arrives. When he does, we’ll apprehend them. If all goes according to plan-” 
“Which is always the case,” Skye murmured under her breath.
“-Skye and Lena won't even lay eyes on him.” 
“And if they do?” Jemma asked, sounding more curious than worried, maybe hoping that Coulson had an ace up his sleeve. “Then they follow the plan to the letter.” Coulson explained, which didn’t seem to alleviate Jemma’s concerns in the slightest. “Lena, Skye?”he said, turning towards the both of them. “Yes?” “To. The. Letter. I don’t like putting either of you in the crosshairs but you insisted on doing it this way,” he said looking at Lena. “And we need someone close on the off-chance that they get close enough to engage.” “I still think May would be better suited for that, don’t you think?” Fitz asked. 
Coulson shook his head. “May’s a known entity. If he suspects something is off he might run and that would mean Lena looking over her shoulder until we could apprehend him. Skye’s been photographed together with Lena in the past a few times. Not such a stretch to think they could be dating.” “I don’t know,” Skye said, looking sideways at Lena. “I’ve lived with Lena a while now and considering the dates I’ve seen Lena bring home, I really don’t think I’m her type.”
“How many dates are you bringing home?” Jemma asked before she quickly began shaking her head. “Never mind. Pretend I didn’t ask.” “That means not engaging with Mr. Poindexter,” Coulson continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted, unless you’re forced to. Just get to Stark’s safe room. We’ll do the rest.” 
Skye giggled. “All alone in a safe room together. How romantic.” “I’ll try my best to control myself,” Lena said, rolling her eyes. 
God, Stark, does everything you do have to be so loud? 
As if Skye could read her mind she leaned close to her and said: “You know better than me. Are these events always so loud?” 
“No,” Lena said baldly as the canned overly rehearsed voice of Tony Stark blared out over the loudspeakers informing guests that he would make his appearance at nine on the dot. She glared up at the nearest one as if that alone might shame it into turning itself off. “This is…” The word asinine was what first came to mind but she held that back as a kindness. “Unorthodox,” she finished as she steered Skye back towards the center of the room.
They were supposed to keep as far away from the entrances as possible and Jemma had already chided them over their comms for (in her words) gadding about when they should be keeping their eyes peeled for the gun-for-hire.
“They’re normally quite dull,” Lena admitted. “Schmoozing and glad-handing while you try and make sure your smile doesn’t look too painted on gets old fast. Especially doing it in heels.”
Skye made a face. “Sounds like a bore,” she admitted before snatching a crab puff off the tray of a passing waiter.
“They could be,” Lena said fairly. “But that was a small price to pay for all the good it accomplished. And if these antics,” she said as another pre-recorded message from Tony began to blare overhead, “are what people have come to expect from a Tony Stark hosted gala  then I can't get too annoyed. Not too annoyed, anyway.”
“You miss it,” Skye marveled. “All this hoity-toity stuff. Rich girl,” she teased affectionately through a mouthful of crab puff. 
“I don't miss it exactly,” Lena said, although even to her own ears it sounded untrue. “But I was good at it and throwing a gala was devoid of the moral pitfalls that my other attempts at being a force for good were rife with.” “Vanity?” Skye asked, pointing at one of Tony's older suits on prominent display where a small crowd had gathered around as if it was an art exhibit. 
“If only,” Lena said drolly. “But that's hardly an appropriate topic for a date.” She pretended to try and get a better look at Tony’s old armor on display while she eyed the entrance, spotting one of the SHIELD agents milling about in the crowd. 
“Was there a list of approved conversation topics in that doorstop that Jemma prepared?” Skye asked. “I only made it through the first few pages. Goodbye insomnia…” “It’s called being thorough, Skye,” Jemma insisted, her voice filtering in smoothly through their comms. “Which is an exercise in futility if you don’t actually read the material.” 
“I read the whole thing,” Lena said kindly but a moment later caught Skye’s eye and shook her head, vowing to read it in its entirety later on. “Well,” Skye said, sneaking a peek at the time, “what’s the plan when the gala’s almost over and he still hasn’t shown himself?” “We find him without you two marching around like ducks at a shooting gallery.” “I don’t know if it would feel like a proper gala if somebody didn’t try to kill me.” “That’s not funny, Lena.” “It’s a little funny,” Skye whispered. “Lena!” “Not funny,” Coulson agreed, his voice joining Jemma’s in her ear. “We have eyes on Poindexter near the front entrance.”
“Just eyes?” Daisy asked. “No one’s going to move on him?”
“Too many bystanders,” May explained. “If he doesn’t spot you, we can pick him up when he tries to slip out.. “Saferoom,” Coulson ordered in his best don’t you dare try to argue voice.“You didn’t set all this up just to get me alone, did you?” Skye teased as they cut their way through the crowd.
“You got me,” Lena said, completely deadpan. “When we get inside I’m going to pretend to yawn and put my arm around your shoulder as well.”
“Classic,” Skye said approvingly as they began to walk a little faster. They slipped past a couple of guests who looked as if they had made very liberal use of the open bar, talking over one another as they held onto each other for balance, when a tiny wooden skewer whizzed past Lena’s head missing her by millimeters.
“Was that a fucking toothpick?” Skye asked as they dashed around a corner. As if in response to this, a fusillade of wooden skewers shattered against the wall where Lena had been just moments ago before turning the corner.
“You might want to send your date home early, Miss Luthor.” The voice was wholly unfamiliar but the man to whom it belonged to was not. Benjamin Poindexter strode towards them, not hurrying. He moved past the two inebriated men who were still engrossed in their overly loud conversation, not even noticing him. In fact, no one besides the SHIELD agents peppered throughout the crowd had noticed that there was a killer in their midst. Not so surprising considering his unconventional choice of weapon.
“Not such a bad idea,” Lena agreed, resisting the urge to peek around the corner to see how close he was to them, knowing that was likely to get her killed. “Chalk it up to a lack of chemistry.”
“Like hell,” Skye said dismissively as she pulled an I.C.E.R. from her concealed thigh holster. “I’m having a marvelous time.”
“That doesn’t sound like running,,” Coulson admonished. “Why aren’t you two running?”“Well, I’m not the one who insisted on wearing heels,” Skye replied.
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zhindian · 7 months
I’m gonna rant about how the guys of Judgment Day have been treated under a cut. People who tell me I’m taking this too seriously (which seems to happen whenever I talk about this person) will be blocked. I don’t give a fuck.
Get it? Got it? Good.
It’s time shit or get off the pot when it comes to Rhea and the Judgment Day.
I have no ill will toward Rhea and her popularity. I’m happy she got it. If the powers that be want to make her face and book her like a face, be my guest.
The guys of Judgment Day have hindered and pushed to the side to the point they couldn’t even get to talk about their tag team title match at a press conference for PLE that they’re on…
…where said PLE has only three matches and an interview segment.
…where an announcement of a preshow women’s tag team title match got more attention.
…where the Judgment Day as it relates to the guys wasn’t even talked about.
If you want to keep Rhea as face, fine. But her association with the Judgment Day needs to end. It needs to start now.
Dominik, whose character is wrapped up with Rhea’s shouldn’t have to be separated from her with no reason just because you want Rhea to get cheered because Dom brings heat. That’s not fair to him that he gets cut off at the knees when he (and Rey, Finn, and Damian) all contributed to Rhea’s success. Why should he be put in a closet for getting that heat most other wrestlers would be killing himself for?
You can’t keep posting all the Dom and Rhea crumbs on social media and then not do anything on the shows. Then act amazed at why people are upset they’re not on TV anymore. Thats making your cake and eating it too. No one wants to live off the crumbs they occasionally throw on social media. Just today we got a tiny bit with Rhea’s VLOG and I couldn’t even get excited.
Damian and Finn as reigning tag team champs couldn’t even talk at a press conference for a PLE that only has three matches on the main card. Why even book them on the card? The way they were treated, I’d expect Finn and Damian to be the ones on the preshow, instead of the women’s tag team match. This also hurts Dunne and Tyler as any kind of attention was stripped from them as well.
Also, while the powers that be were making Rhea a star Finn, Damian, Dom, and JD were locked in with R-truth and were made to look like idiots. Instead of taking this period after losing at survivor series to build them back up to be ruthless but lovable heels, they have to constantly deal with R- Truth step n fetch it act (which is another rant). Instead of going with R-Truth helping them get wins, all it did was make Dom and especially JD lose all good chunk of the their matches. The only thing that may come from this Damian face turn.
But that still leaves Dom, JD, and Finn in a lurch. Dom’s spinning his wheels while JD and Finn barely have anything to latch onto.
But I digress. They need to shit or get off the pot with Rhea’s face turn. It’s to the point where I’m not caring about her as much anymore, I don’t want the Dom and Rhea pairing anymore, and i ust rather they just go ahead and rip the bandaid off.
I won’t be feeling sad about a break up, I’ll be breathing a sigh of relief. And that sucks.
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Thor's Manhood
Part 3 of Crushing on a God
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–Reader’s POV–
There was obvious tension between Thor and I. We couldn’t be in the same room without either bickering, him making little flirtatious remarks when I got upset just to see me flustered, or a massive amount of flirting. It got to the point that Sam and Dean left on a hunt and refused to let us come along. We were told to ‘work our shit out’ by Dean, and Sam told me ‘no sex in the library’, smirking. My eyes went wide, and I’d hid for the rest of the day.
The next day, I was forced to emerge from my room. My stomach was grumbling, and I couldn’t survive without coffee or something. Walking into the kitchen, I swallowed. “Morning.” I muttered.
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–Thor’s POV–
Watching you become flustered was one of my favorite things to do. Especially when it rendered you speechless. It was adorable, and so easy to do. I was sitting at the table already when you walked in, a smile growing on my face. Your hair was still a bit messy from bed, you were wearing a shirt that I was sure you didn’t know was mine, and baggy pants. I thought you looked beautiful. “Good morning.” I replied, watching you pour your cup of coffee. “I trust you slept well?”
“How are you so perky in the morning?” You asked, glancing at me as you stirred the sugar in. “Is that a God thing?”
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Not at all. I’m simply a morning person.” I pointed out as you sat down, taking a sip of your coffee and sighing. “I’d be more than happy than help you get a good’s night sleep.” I winked with a smirk.
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–Reader’s POV–
I reached over and slapped his arm lightly. “For a God, you are such a perv.” I chuckled.
“Am I not still a man?”
Images of him walking around in a towel or all sweaty after working out with Sam invaded my mind. “Well…technically…” I sighed. “Can we not talk about your manhood?” I realized how that sounded too late, as he burst into laughter.
He grinned at me, making me smile despite myself. “What else should we do with my manhood?” He teased.
“You know what? Bite me. Wait. No. You might.” I shook my head, getting up to find food.
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–Thor’s POV–
Seeing you smile at my comment made me quite happy. It was nice to relax together. “I would not object to biting you.” I said easily, as if it was nothing new. You closed your eyes for a moment, and I swore I saw you lightly bite your lip. “Anyways, we’ve been invited to spend the weekend at Stark Tower.”
“You want me to go to New York with you?” You asked, staring at me. “And do what? Feel out of place? New York is expensive, and I’m not asking Tony to put me up in a room for the weekend.”
“Too late. I’ve already agreed. You’ll be in my room, as you would be my guest. I’ve never worried about money, nor should you. I suggest you get ready. We live in an hour.”
You looked like you were torn between throwing something at me, and smiling. “You know what, if I’m sharing a bed with you, I expect to get something out of it!” Groaning, she walked away. “Stupid God. Making me blush. Ugh.”
I was left in the kitchen, chuckling to myself.
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