#I’d totally have wings like no question about it.
heavencanbeaprisontoo · 2 months
Hi I hope you’re well 😊 I’m here to request your thoughts on Tommy Shelby as a father. Like how many kids you’d think he would have had if he only had one love interest (no falling in love with Grace or marrying Lizzie). Or if you think he’d be a girl or boy dad (personally i’d like to think he’d be a girl dad and have a big family haha). You can make this headcanon or just simply respond to this ask however you’d like! Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 🥰
Thomas Shelby as a Father
Tommy x Fem!Reader
Trope: Wait till your father gets home Warnings: Angst, spoilers for most of the series, period-typical sexism, references to past ab-se.
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What we see of Tommy as a father is that he's distant and seemingly detached. This, I feel, is because of his trauma in losing Grace and his growing obsession with obtaining power.
We do see that Tommy is aware of his children's emotional state but seems unable to comfort his son. He goes as far as to have Arthur be the one to talk to his son about why he had to shoot his horse.
Tommy clearly cares about his children. He runs through a field of landmines to save his son, when he had almost stepped on one to purposely end his own life. Tommy goes nearly mad when he finds out Alfie Solomons was involved with the enemy that kidnapped his son. He shot Alfie for that betrayal with the intent to kill.
When Ruby became ill and he thought was all due to a curse, Tommy hunted the woman down. He went on a bloody rampage because he thought it would save her. With all of this, we know he is a loving father. But without Grace, he doesn't seem to know how to show that love.
Let's say that there is no Grace, only you, and that no sapphire is ever put around your neck.
That Thomas might be different than the one we saw parenting Charles and Ruby. I think he would want more than two children. I think he would be the sort of man who would say "one is enough," but really he wants four.
He would never raise his voice in his home without good reason. Tommy knows what its like to have a father that rules through fear and honey. He won't be kind only when he wants something. He won't make his children afraid of him.
Personally, I do see him as prime girl-dad material. Like he would have one son and three girls. Regardless of the birthing order, he calls the boy his "heir," but spoils the girls. They each have their own horse, a wardrobe of beautiful clothing, and freedom to do literally whatever they want. He has opened his briefcase to find dollies and teacups from your youngest girl's tea set before. She thought he would be lonely at work.
His girls would be the sort to follow around staff and ask them intrusive questions. Tommy would not be immune. His daughters would probably ask him questions like: "Do you not grow hair on the back of your hand daddy? Is that why it's only on top?" At least one of his daughters would have a "I'm totally a witch," phase where she's flinging curses just like he used to. Only with her, it's cute because she's only nine.
The only son of Thomas Shelby would be safely tucked under his wing. At your imploring, he would take your boy on long car rides or out into town without his sisters to bond. The boy has a lot of pressure on him to succeed, Tommy doesn't always sympathize with that.
All four of his children would be little hellions. He would be dragged to see their school's headmaster on a near weekly basis. To the point where he isn't always sure which of his kids is in trouble sometimes. He just drops a donation to the school and the problem goes away. That's not to say your children are bratty or terribly spoiled. Well, they are, but not unbearably so...
Tommy makes sure his children understand where he came from. He brings them all to the Cut to watch the ships come through. Loves to leave them at Charlie's yard for an afternoon of mischief and bonding time with "Grandpa Charlie." They also get dropped off at Aunt Polly's home for weekends every now and again. The girls always come back with a new swear word.
They are new money, not old money. There are those who will look down upon them based on this alone. He makes sure his children are educated and well-rounded individuals. Tommy often worries about the state of the Shelby Empire after he dies. You remind him that he "isn't allowed to die," before you say so.
Tommy is still more distant than you would like him to be. He's so focused on his goals, it's like he forgets all about Arrow House and the family that lives there. The oldest two girls have said as much to his face once before. He took the family on holiday after that. You knew he would go right back to long nights in the office, but it was still sweet.
Life with him is hardly perfect, but it's closer to it than you could have with anybody else. And that's enough.
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leonslutkennedeeznuts · 8 months
The Wedding Date | Leon x Fem!Reader
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"From the first meeting to rehearsal dinner everyone had fallen in love with him. Including you." | One-shot inspired by The Wedding Date (2005): Leon's an escort. You hire him and fall in love. (AO3)
It was an expensive, totally stupid impulsive thing to do- book a male escort as your wedding date to stick it to your ex (and nagging mother) that you weren’t a lonely, miserable spinster. You weren’t ugly or anything, just lazy with a specific plan- to rub it in your ex fiance’s face that you were 100% over him and moving on by “dating” someone way more attractive and totally smitten with you.
His name was Scott, or so he said as per his website details. He was 6 '0, clearly worked out, had dirty blonde hair in a boyband haircut and per his many reviews was a skilled lover- but that part was totally irrelevant to you. It had taken a few days to finally bite the bullet. Your career was stable, you had the money- it just made sense to go this route versus swiping on Tinder. You’d never done this before but were admittedly desperate. You needed a professional, someone that nobody in your friend group knew who could lie his way in and out of any conversations and questions they’d be sure to ask him.
He just had to look good, pretend to be in love with you, get paid and then fuck off never to be seen again when the wedding was over.
You’d met up with him at a bougie brunch spot on a Sunday afternoon, having chugged one mimosa with a shot of vodka before he even showed up to ease your nerves.
“This is the weirdest outcall I’ve ever been to,” he’d joked after introducing himself to you, his hands so soft and his cologne making you wet. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.”
Scott was funny, naturally charismatic and beautiful to look at. He clearly took care of himself and didn’t seem phased by your plan at all once revealed to him.
“Alright, we need to go over the questions they’ll ask you, about us, your life, yadda yadda,” you’d instructed him. You tried your best to be assertive and not give into the butterflies flying wildly inside your stomach. “This has to be very convincing.”
You had tried to rehearse his answers with him but Scott refused while gazing at you intently. You’d definitely need new panties after this but he didn’t need to know that.
Scott had said he’d prefer to see how everything worked out before accepting payment. This plot of yours amused him greatly, he had said as much several times. Nobody had ever hired him to be arm candy until you. He planned to enjoy every second of this.
“They’ll know I’m lying, sweetheart. It’s better to just wing it. Trust me, Y/N, I won’t let you down.”
And Scott didn’t let you down. He’d passed the “test” with flying colors. From the first meeting to rehearsal dinner everyone had fallen in love with him. Including you.
It was late one night after having to help with decorating the church and you just wanted to relax. One bottle of wine later and you were getting a little bold and very nosy about Scott’s personal life as he gave you an exquisite foot rub.
“I didn’t make it into the police academy. I was 21 years old in a new city with nowhere to go so I started stripping. Then stripping became this.”
You gave him a reassuring smile, your hand patting his shoulder while the other held a glass of sweet burgundy wine. Scott had chosen whiskey for himself. Wine gave him bad hangovers, he’d admitted. 
“I thought about being a stripper once,” you revealed. “I almost auditioned actually but my dancing is terrible without heels so with them on I’m sure I’d break my ankles.”
Scott laughed, as if he’d imagined you in a pair of clear heels attempting to dance around a pole and failing miserably. Making him laugh made you feel warm all over.
Conversations with him came naturally, he felt like an old friend. It was none of your business, truly but he’d answered you unashamedly. A part of you wished you’d met him under different circumstances for a chance at something real.
“Why aren’t you married yet, Y/N?” 
You definitely weren’t expecting him to ask that. Your previous relationship was still a sore subject- he’d been your highschool sweetheart and first love. With a job promotion and more money, your ex had wanted to date around and see what else was out there a few months after proposing.
“One day he just decided that he didn’t want me anymore,” came your solemn answer.
You took a big gulp of wine to keep from crying. This was the guy that you thought you’d be planning your wedding with at this age. Instead you hired a male escort that you developed feelings for. C’est la vie!
“What a fucking idiot, seriously. You’re beautiful, Y/N, inside and out. A total catch,” Scott asserted. “Dude is a loser for letting you go.”
That remark made you smile, bringing a feeling of peace that washed over you from within at his words. You really enjoyed being around Scott. He was damn good at what he did: making women feel desired. Even though this was his job, it just felt natural to lean in and kiss him so you did. To your surprise Scott kissed you back quite fiercely, the taste of whiskey on his tongue almost like a poison bringing you deeper under his spell.
“Let me take care of you tonight,” he’d offered.
Scott was indeed a skilled lover. 
He lifted you up effortlessly, laying you on the bed before teasing with kisses up and down your body. You were so wet it hurt and ached. Your clothes quickly became a crumpled up heap on the floor while he stayed fully clothed sans a shirt.
“Such a pretty pussy, baby.”
He never stopped touching or tasting you that night, making sure that you came hard on his face and with his fingers, refusing to let you return the favor. You rode his tongue to completion, let him flip you onto your back and bucked into his mouth almost crying at how good he made you feel.
“You taste so good, Y/N.”
Your ex had been selfish in bed, all about receiving and barely giving. You thought you’d had an orgasm before but now you knew better. Scott made you cum almost violently, begging, writhing and almost screaming every time he sucked your clit or filled you up with two or three fingers.
“Can eat you out all fucking night.”
You had to push his head away before he finally stopped, looking so pleased with his work as you watched him through heavily lidded eyes. He kissed you one last time, the taste of yourself on his tongue giving a sense of pride. This gorgeous man had dined on you like he’d never get enough, licking and eating your cum like it was a delicacy. You wanted to taste him too, to look into his eyes as he slid into you and fucked you so deep and hard that your headboard banged against the wall.
But instead, he cuddled you until sleep finally took over. 
Scott wasn’t there when you awoke the next morning.
You awoke in a panic, your head pounding as the events of last night started to replay in your head. Wine. Scott. Orgasms. Your thighs were sore.
“Shit,” you exclaimed. The wedding. Your wedding date. Scott. Was he going to show up now? Would it be too awkward? Was it all just a wine induced episode of lucid dreaming?
You hurriedly got out of bed and took a shower. The envelope with his payment was still in your dresser. Did he even know it was there? You tried to focus on everything but Scott on your drive to the venue, going through the motions of getting dressed and sitting still for makeup.
When it was time to walk down the aisle with your ex-fiance as part of the wedding processional, your eyes glanced around nervously looking for any signs of a GQ model with dirty blond hair sitting in the pews as you tried not to fumble with your bouquet too much.
This was the church you had always wanted to be married in. You had thought that your ex fiance was the one but now you knew otherwise. Walking down the aisle with him, even in this context, made you feel uneasy like you were cheating. You almost didn't see Scott giving you a thumbs up and blowing you a kiss when you finally stood with the other bridesmaids. It was embarrassing how your mood instantly lifted.
Everything was going to be okay. You'd convinced everyone that this was so real, you'd even convinced yourself. Once the wedding was over Scott would go back to his life and so would you. It was a painful thought.
It wasn’t until the wedding reception that you spotted him again. He was standing off to himself while most of the single ladies and a few men crowded the dance floor for the bouquet toss. His tuxedo fit perfectly and now that you knew how he looked shirtless, a part of you wanted to rip it right off.
You caught the bouquet purely by accident, not even paying attention until a blur of pink roses came into your peripheral. Scott’s eyes never left yours as he walked towards you, cool as a cucumber like on the day you met.
He leaned in to kiss you so intensely that your knees buckled. You heard your mom cheering the loudest. Your ex stormed off in a huff, clearly regretting his choice to let you go- convinced that this man kissing you was your new forever and not a paid actor. Scott had done his job perfectly, too perfectly. You tried not to look so crestfallen when the kiss ended.
The walk back to your car seemed to take forever, so much you wanted to say, so much was going unsaid but didn’t want to come across as that one creepy client who took things too far.
“Definitely a 5 star experience,” you stated honestly yet awkwardly avoiding his gaze, wanting to make light of it all. “I really can’t thank you enough Sco-”
“Leon,” he cut you off. “My real name is Leon.”
The tension in the air was thick. Was his name really Leon or was this another part of the act? Your mother was now convinced that Scott, well, Leon would propose someday. How were you going to explain that everything was all a lie?
Should you address the kiss, the amazing oral sex and show vulnerability? Or hand over the cash and move on? You just wanted a nice clean break, no more emotions to overly complicate things. He did his job, nothing more nothing less. It would hurt more to be rejected than to wonder what if.
“I can’t thank you enough, Leon.” You looked a little too long at his lips, wanting and wishing you had the courage to just lean in and close the gap between you two again and again.
Instead, you handed him the bouquet of flowers so you could reach into your clutch for his payment.
“You can count it now if you’d like. It’s all there, I promise.”
Leon tensed. His face which usually sported a knowing smirk or stoic expression now looked confused, almost disgusted. He didn’t reach out to take the envelope.
“Leon, you did exactly what I asked you for. Of course I’m paying you plus tip,” you said trying to sound calm yet internally freaking out. “Thank you for this.”
Thank you for eating me out so well that no other man will ever compare, you thought.
You were ready to drive home and cry into your pillows about what a mess you’d made- falling in love with your hired boyfriend who probably always had clients obsessed with him and unable to distinguish reality from fantasy.
“I don’t want your money, Y/N. I want you.” Leon took your envelope with his free hand and placed it back into your clutch. “God, that was cornier than it sounded in my head.”
Your mouth opened but nothing came out.
Confusion painted your face. Realization hit you afterwards but before you could think of what to say in response, his lips were on yours. The bouquet was forgotten on the ground as you let Leon take you into his arms, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.
“Y/N, this has been real for me no matter how hard I tried to fight it. I love you.”
You felt like you were floating, the world beyond Leon in this moment failing to exist. 
"I love you, too. So much," you proclaimed proudly.
Leon slowly pulled away from you, his eyes taking you in. “I don’t do this, I don’t date or get too close but you, you’ve awakened something inside of me that I can’t live without.”
His hands gripped your ass and you felt the promise of more, thick hard and straining against his slacks. “And you have the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted,” he quipped.
With a laugh you gave his bulge a light squeeze, ready to finally consummate your relationship with the gorgeous man standing before you.
With each deep, slow, tortutous thrust you were crying out his name, his real name, over and over. Pathetically begging and pleading for Leon to fuck you harder. You'd never felt like this before, your body on fire with lust and greedy for more, more, more.
"Look at you, taking me so well like this," he whispered into your ear as you tightened and throbbed around his length. "Love you so much, so fucking much."
You were sucking him in to the hilt, nails digging into his back and biceps as you took every inch coating it in your slick.
"Fuck, Leon, love you too," you grunted out almost painfully. "Gonna cum, oh!"
Leon loosened the grip on your throat, kissing you lazily as you cried out his name cumming hard around him while he never stopped pounding into your tight, hungry cunt.
"There you go, baby, cum all over me." He ground his pelvis into you wanting to feel all your cum gushing out against him. "Wanna cum inside you, fuck!"
It was almost a whisper but you'd heard it and God, you wanted him to. Wanted him to fill you up so deeply that you'd feel it slipping out throughout the day.
"Yes, please cum inside, need it, Leon."
He looked into your glazed over eyes smirking at your blissful face knowing only he could make you feel this good, only he had taken the time to learn your body and make you cum with your whole body shaking and jerking against his.
With a few more hard, short thrusts Leon's hot cum started to fill you up. You instinctly wrapped your legs around his waist pushing him in even deeper, his balls throbbing against you as he emptied himself into your eager pussy.
"Mmm, are you ready for round three," he inquired against your sweated out hair.
He took you from behind, from the side, with you on top and even picked you up and fucked you hard and fast in his arms as you cried out your release.
The man's stamina was unmatched. You were a sweaty tangled mess of limbs not knowing where his body began and your body ended when he was finally done with you.
You quickly settled into domestic life quite easily. Leon moved in with you while mulling over his career options now that being a boyfriend for hire was over.
Leon had made you dinner to celebrate your recent promotion, your favorite meal of filet mignon and lobster tail. He'd mentioned in passing that he was letting the website domain expire soon to pursue his other dream: being a scuba diving instructor.
"Scott's Scuba School sounds good, right?"
You nodded, considering how often he went down on you without needing to come up for air. Yeah, he'd be an amazing scuba diver. Although using his previous alias gave you some pause. What if one of his past lovers recognized him and wanted more? Silly little insecure thoughts like that were becoming less usual as time went on.
If you'd thought Leon was an amazing hired boyfriend, he was even better without the promise of money. He refused to let you pay for anything or want for nothing. From having roses delivered to your office to cooking you dinner, planning out romantic date nights to making love to you until you begged him to stop. He was perfect and he was all yours.
"Best wedding date ever," Leon read aloud to himself, seeing the new notification popping up on his previous work phone. "So good you'll think he's really in love with you."
He shot you a knowing glance before giving you a slow lingering kiss. With the simple tap, his website and review page were deleted and his new, real life with you could truly begin.
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lara-cairncross · 2 months
Oh my word!! I love your Fairy Donnie so much!!! Quick question, how is he around the other fairies? Like, how do they treat him?
I’m so glad to hear you like him!!! Donnie’s honestly the one I’m having the most fun drawing for this AU, so expect more of him :DD
I haven’t totally outlined everything yet, but as far as how the other fairies treat Donnie… I’d say he’s respected as a Tinkerer, but usually pretty overlooked? Leo and him are twins in this au (which I cannot WAIT to draw), but because Leo was born with a more flashy talent (fast-flying) and an undamaged wing, he tends to get a lot more attention than Donnie does. Most of the recognition Donnie gets comes from how innovative and intelligent he is with his Tinkering, but the downside of that is that he gets overworked a LOT. There’s a reason I keep drawing him so tired!! Poor guy doesn’t get a break from work!!!
Thank you so much for asking! I’m having a ton of fun answering questions about this silly little au 💜💜\(^^\)
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Being Seijoh’s Manager
Bookworm Manager
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Seijoh x GN! Manager (they/them pronouns)
Warnings: swearing (probably, actually idk)
AN: this is an anon request.
Honestly I think this team is a perfect fit for a manager who loves to read!
They give a certain vibe of class and distinction 😌
And idk if you read romance, action, manga, smut, fantasy, non-fiction, etc
Readers have a certain amount of grace to me
And of course, our precious Yn is the number #1 most graceful 💅
You attend Seijoh and you just happen to be a first year
You never really bothered anyone, never really stood out but you had friends and were a typical student
Perks of being a wallflower 😏
Prepare for book puns and I won’t apologize!
Anyways, you were a typical student who just happened to have class with our favorite aloof wing spiker, Kunimi
Kunimi actually really enjoyed you because you were nice, sweet and pleasant
You never caused drama and while you did have you noise in a book a lot, he’d rather have that than someone gushing over his Senpai 🙄
I totally feel like Kunimi would like reading too so he would probably ask you about your reads, which you happily share
You probably were constantly tired, like him, only you were tired because you stayed up all night reading 😅
During a normal practice, Mattsun and Makki were again teasing Oikawa for being the reason they couldn’t have nice things
Aka a manager
“I can’t help that everyone likes me!” Oikawa whines
“Shut up Shittykawa nobody likes you!” Iwaizumi shouts
Suddenly Kunimi looks over and you appear in the doorway of the gym, eyes locked in a book and holding his math book
He looks at you questionably, which prompts Kindaichi, Yahaba, Watari and Kyotani to do the same thing
He runs past his arguing seniors towards you and greets you kindly
“Hello Yn, did you bring this for me?” He asks as you snap from you book, a wide, adorable smile greeting him
“Yes! I was headed out and I noticed you forgot it so I figured I’d swing by!”
By now, the seniors have noticed you and annoyingkawa is on the move 🙄
“Well hello there and who might you be?” He says but you say nothing
Oikawa clears his throat and tries again, “hello there cutie-chan!”
Again, nothing
Kunimi is holding it together by a thread, Makki and Mattsun are too stunned to speak and Iwaizumi is hella impressed!
“You know it’s rude to ignore you seniors!” Oikawa growled
You snap from your book, eyes locking with his, “oh I’m sorry, this is just a really interesting part, nothing against you personally but it’s kind of important so I’ll be on my way.”
Makki and Mattsun BUST out laughing
Kindaichi, Yahaba, and Watari just stare
Kyotani and Iwa are in awe of your ability to ignore THE Oikawa
“I’ll see you in class tomorrow Akira,” you say, waving at him and walking away
Immediately, Iwa runs up to Kunimi and asks, “does Yn need a club??”
And that, my dear, is how you became the Seijoh’s new manager 🥰
Now at first, you weren’t really super excited about volleyball
I mean, you originally said yes because you needed a club and well, Kunimi was your friend
However you found one perk to the sport
In the form of reading Sports Mangas 😍
Surprisingly it was an excellent way to learn the sport as well as combine it with your love of reading
Even if Manga wasn’t your first choice, you definitely found it easier to learn thought reading gs alternative means
Mainly loserkawa 🙄 who took it upon himself to try and educate you on the sport
It’s literally Lord of the Flies up in here!
“Shittykawa leave Yn alone!!” Iwa shouts as you stand next to Kunimi and Kindaichi
“I’m teaching Yn-Chan the fine art of serving!” Oikawa shouted back
“Umm thanks Oikawa but I think I got it. I read a manga last night and I got the basics down,” you says as Oikawa puts up his hand
“Why read Yn-Chan when you can learn from the greatest?!” He says, tossing up the balls
And slamming it right into the net
You 👉🏻😐
Kunimi and Kindaichi 👉🏻🙄
Makki and Mattsun 👉🏻🤣🤣
Iwaizumi 👉🏻🧑🏻‍🦱🤛🏻
Oikawa 👉🏻 💀
Thankfully your knowledge of volleyball, from reading, you were able to help the boys come up with new skills and tactics to win!
Unfortunately, the skills and tactics didn’t match up against Karasuno, who apparently had developed their own skills
The third years were broken, the second years so upset and the first years disappointed
You couldn’t help but feel awful, like you failed them
On the bus ride home, everyone was quiet as you sat
You wanted to cheer them up but you didn’t know how
Then it came to you, you pulled out your book from your bag
Let’s just say it was one of your new favorites and you began to read out loud to the bus
The boys slowly looked up, listening to your soothing voice as you recited lines perfectly
The entire bus seemed to calm down, the tension disappearing as you continued to read
Once back at school, you stopped reading and prepared to get off the bus
“Wait Yn what happens next?” Kindaichi asks as Kunimi nods
“Come on YN, you can’t really just leave us hanging with that!” Yahaba groaned
“Anyone can see the hero is going to end up victorious as always!” Oikawa chimes in as Iwa smacks him in the back of the head
“Shittykawa shit up!” Iwa said as Mattsun and Makki helped you unload the gear
“You’ll finish reading the story right Yn?” Makki asks as you smile
Of course you will 🥰
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
I would like to request a Elf King!Kyle x Human!Princess!Reader. Reader is Cartman's sister and forbids Kyle from liking her.
Thank you <33
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Those are super cute Tbh
I have so many Elf King Kyle x human princess reader requests I decided I’d do one post about it
It’s probably gonna take me a sec to write it but I will gladly <333
Elf King Kyle x Human Princess Reader
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• When Elf King Kyle saw you, mans was HEAD OVER HEELS, it was love at first sight and he doesn’t even really believe in that
• When you guys first met on business for a peace treaty between the elves and the humans y'all ended up getting distracted and becoming friends
• He really tried being intimidated but it didn't work at all considering his face was a shade of red and he was sweating the whole time. I mean you were in a similar state so it wasn't as bad for Kyle as it probably would've been
• After a while of talking he found out that honestly, you were only on Cartmans side because he was your brother. And even you had to admit, the man was an annoying shit that sometimes you couldn't deal with
• Y'all ended up bonding over your similar feelings towards your brother
• Ofc your meeting ended up being cut short when your brother kept sending messenger after messenger to come get you because he was bored of waiting for you
• When you got back and he heard from his messengers you best believe he started gagging and said that he'd handle the affairs with the elf kingdom now. He can't have his sister having a crush on Kyle!! That's soooooo gross
• He definitely told Kyle that he's forbidden to see the human princess (you) and that it's not allowed for anyone to have crushes on you because he has the stick of truth and its super weird for him. Why it's weird for him specifically no one will ever know
• Obviously that didn't stop Kyle, why would he listen to him?? It's Cartman after all
• This started secret meetings between you guys, it honestly wasn't that hard to sneak out considering your brother snores like a fucking leaf blower
• The elves caught wind of this because duh, it's their kingdom they should know what's happening in it
• So one night before you left the elf kingdom after one of you and Kyle's secret meetings, some elves kidnapped you
• They didn't hurt you in any way it was almost kinda funny because of how bad of a job they did. They tried blindfolding you... but used really really thin fabric you could see out of
• Anyways, for the most part they just questioned you a lot. They kept asking if you had a crush on the king and in general, were shipping you guys
• To be honest, the elves loved you and just wanted a chance to talk to you. At some point they untied you and took off the blindfold so you guys just had a normal conversation
• They really wanted to get to know the girl that their king was so smitten with, that he would talk about her any and EVERY chance he got
• Cartman was definitely pissed when you got home, how he knew you were gone was beyond you. He kept grumbling about how you "smelled of stupid elves" which was really weird
• Yeah no, turns out he just got one of the humans to spy on you and tell him what they saw. Gee, thanks man :rolling eyes:
• Anyways, the secret meetings continued because who the hell was gonna stop you? Definitely not your brother, and y'alls mom thought it was cute so she wasn't gonna try either
• Soon enough, the meetings started turning into unspoken dates before you guys eventually made it official
• Both of you were so obvious it was almost stupid how neither of y'all realized until your individual knights told you
• Stan is definitely Kyle's wing man, no doubt
• Butters and Kenny are probably yours, which is utter chaos but that's for another time
• Honestly, your brother wasn't happy about this but the elves would totally beat his ass for you so he wasn't gonna say anything about it for once
• Kyle (not so) jokingly calls you his elf queen and it's super sweet
My lil Cartman shimeji was staring at me as I wrote this, he's so dang cute <3333
anyways ignore spelling mistakes, shhhh they are not thereeee
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teshamerkel · 1 year
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 49]
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AO3 Link
Nia speaks with Giratina.
Nia stares up at Giratina, her breath trapped in her lungs and her heart beating hard inside her chest. Giratina moves forward, bending closer, looming over her like an eclipse. Close enough for her to realize the extent of the danger she's in if she was wrong, if he really does want her dead—
Nia stumbles back, flinging a messy burst of aura from her hand. It sails at Giratina and—with a flicker of transparency—straight through him. If Nia didn’t know better, she would almost say he looks annoyed.
Right. Ghost type. Normal type energy won’t do a thing.
She’s doomed.
Nia turns and sprints for cover, only to nearly run right off the floating chunk of land she’s on. She barely scrambles back in time, sending rock crumbling down into space. Although there is another platform just a ways away. Could she jump?
“Would you be still?” A deep voice rumbles, rolling like thunder through Nia’s body.
Nia glances over her shoulder, only to see Giratina’s creepy tendril things move to grab her. Decision made, she takes a few short steps and leaps off the platform, arms wheeling. She stumbles on the landing but keeps moving.
She hears the faint sound of movement behind her, and then she’s being scooped up by cold, powerful tendrils. They wrap around her and pin her arms at her sides no matter how she struggles, turning her to look directly into Giratina’s angry expression.
“Cease this foolish chase!” He growls. “You summoned me!”
For a moment, Nia is strangely thrown off by Giratina deciding to...talk to her. Instead of just killing her on the spot. But she did come here to learn more about him, and she didn’t think he was totally evil after saving them in the tunnels, so—
So maybe she needs to try to calm down.
Nia swallows, heart still pounding. “E-Edme forced me to.”
Giratina’s blood-red eyes narrow.
“I-I mean, we wanted answers, and I agreed to try talking to you but she didn’t say I’d have to go into the distortion world and she used psychic or something to make me a-and…” Nia trails off.
Giratina continues to stare at her. She has no idea what he’s thinking, until he rumbles, “Edme?”
Nia blinks. “…The Guardian?”
Giratina hisses a distasteful sound, pulling back. “I should have known she was behind this. Bothersome insect.”
Nia stares, bewildered. “I-Is she not, like…your servant or something?”
“Self-appointed. I should have ceased communication with her years ago.”
There’s an awkward beat of silence. Giratina seems to be stewing in his dislike. Nia, meanwhile, is starting to feel the chill of the cold appendages cocooning her. Like dense mist.
“U-Um. Could you put me down? Please.”
Giratina gives her an exasperated look, long tail flicking. “Are you going to run again?”
“…Are you going to hurt me?”
Giratina scoffs, lowering Nia closer to the ground before releasing her. She still lands on her butt a little roughly, and winces as she stands.
“So the shell tricked you into coming here,” Giratina says, lowering himself just enough so that Nia can see his face when she cranes her head way back. Sharp golden mandibles and all. “But you were willing to talk, before. I assume you are still willing?”
Nia glances around at the distortion world. In every direction, she sees nothing but the same dark blue-black space, with chunks of land floating through it like a great stew. Here and there amidst the darkness, tiny pieces of colorful light hang like stars, but she isn’t sure what those are yet. Regardless, it doesn’t look like she has a way out even if she tried to escape. So…
“W-Well…” Nia rubs her arm, surprised by just how awkward this encounter feels, after the initial terror. “I did have some questions?”
Giratina rumbles, and Nia has to assume it’s a sound of agreement even as the fur on her neck stands on end.
“J-Just…first, was Edme telling the truth?”
“Regarding my banishment?”
Nia nods.
Giratina’s wings tuck closer to himself, long body coiling around in a loose loop. Like he’s settling in. “Yes. Her ilk are bothersome, but I suppose I should be grateful to them for attempting to preserve the truth. Cresselia was infuriating on the best of days, but I meant her no harm.”
Nia probably shouldn’t believe him just like that, but…well. He sounds honest. And something about his cold, steely gaze feels factual, rather than emotional. Like he isn’t trying to appeal to her and butter her up.
“S-So…” Nia scuffs at the rock beneath her, trying to think of how to phrase this. She’s trying to keep Tobias’ caution in the back of her mind; she has to get some answers first before assuming Giratina has honest intentions. She looks up, up, up to meet Giratina’s eyes. “Why have you been following me?”
Giratina looks down at her with something like annoyance. “To attempt contact.”
Nia squints. “By…trying to drag me through reflections against my will?”
Nia almost thinks—too late—that she should probably be a bit more respectful to the giant who could crush her with a flick of his tail. She’s surprised to see Giratina look away, mandibles clicking irritably.
“I…have already been advised that that may have not been the best course of action.”
Was that a poor excuse for an apology, or just an excuse? Is he…embarrassed? Wait—
“Advised?” Nia echoes. “By..?”
“I have not been working entirely alone.”
“Oh. Do you mean Edme?”
Giratina falls silent, and for a moment Nia thinks he isn’t going to answer her. Then, he sighs. “No. Mew. The Mother.”
Nia tilts her head. Mew is a protector of all Pokemon, right? Most Pokemon seem to think really highly of her. If Giratina’s telling the truth, and the two are working together in some way, that alone would make Giratina much more trustworthy.
“Okay, so…assuming you’re telling the truth—"
Giratina glares at her, and she flinches back, hands raised as if she can actually do anything to fight him if he decides to attack.
When he does nothing, she warily continues. “I-If you’re telling the truth, then you just wanted to…talk to me. Right? Why?”
Giratina’s glare dies off, fading to something more…tired. It’s in the way his whole body seems to sink, wings falling lower.
“You will hear me out without fleeing?”
After a beat of hesitation, Nia nods.
Giratina glances off into the distance, though Nia can’t see anything when she follows his gaze. Just more blue-black swirling void.
“I have been attempting to make contact with you humans,” Giratina starts, “Because Mew believed you could be of assistance.”
“Assistance?” Nia asks, frowning. “Assistance with what?”
Right on cue, a rumble sounds off in the distance, and Nia feels the ground beneath her shake. Giratina looks in the direction of the sound with sharp eyes. Once the rumbling fades, he relaxes.
“Assistance with that.”
“What was that?” Nia asks. Surely floating chunks of earth in an abyss can’t have earthquakes?
“That is a symptom of the greater problem.” Giratina says. He rises higher again, moving to slowly circle the chunk of land she’s standing on. As if pacing. “The dimensional border between worlds is weakening.”
Well that certainly doesn’t sound good.
“What…exactly does that mean?��� Nia asks.
Giratina grumbles something under his breath, as if put upon to explain such a basic concept. Nia bites back the insane urge to stick her tongue out at him. Instead, she cautiously pads closer to the edge of the rock to follow Giratina’s movements.
“The world you were just in is the Pokemon world. Its entire dimension is…encased, in a way, by this realm. The distortion world. Think of it as…the hard shell surrounding the soft innards of a fruit.”
“Okay…” Nia says, mostly following. “So if this place is the shell and the Pokemon world is the fruit, then…the purpose of the dimensional rift is to protect the Pokemon world?”
“Correct.” Giratina gestures vaguely with a toss of his head. “The distortion world, my domain, acts as a protective barrier around the Pokemon world. It contains it. Keeps other dimensions and worlds safely separate.”
“Other worlds?” Nia asks, eyes wide. “Like…the human world?”
Giratina slows to a stop to look at Nia, expression unreadable. Then, he rumbles, “Yes. Another fruit along the vine, hanging close to our own.”
For a moment, Nia is excited by that news. The human world being so close to this one is fantastic! And if the border is weakening in some way, wouldn’t that just make it easier for her to get through it and go back? But—
“W-Wait. You said that the dimensional border is weakening. So in the fruit metaphor, the shell is…thinning?”
“More accurately, it is beginning to preemptively crack,” Giratina says.
Nia bites her lip, not entirely sure what that means, but knowing it can’t be good. “Okay, so the dimensional border is getting messed up…but what does that mean for us? For the Pokemon world? I’m guessing it’s…bad?”
Giratina laughs, sudden and deep like a crack of thunder. Nia startles, then wilts. She doesn’t know if a laugh has ever made her feel quite so small before.
“So it’s…really bad,” Nia guesses.
Giratina twists away from his circling path, up above the rock. He looks out again at the distortion realm. “Consider it the worst possible event that could happen.”
Nia feels her ears pin flat. “Really?”
Giratina hums. “Tell me, Riolu. You’ve heard of the dormancy of the gods, correct? How they’ve all mysteriously fallen to sleep, abandoning the Pokemon who need them?”
“What of evolution breaking down? Making it impossible for Pokemon to grow strong and reach their full potential? Stunting their growth?”
Nia…doesn’t like where this is going.
“Or perhaps the mystery dungeons appearing out of nowhere, wreaking havoc and reverting Pokemon into mindless, aggressive beasts? Causing death and loss?”
Nia stares up at him, heart sinking.
“The weather phenomena. The natural disasters. Due in part to the absence of the legends, but exacerbated by the border’s weakness. Slowly destroying the planet and those who inhabit it.”
Nia doesn’t know what to say, horror falling slowly over her like a suffocating weight.
“All of that,” Giratina says, anger spilling into his words. “Is due to the dimensional border weakening. The shell of this world is going to split, and the fruit inside has already begun to rot.”
Nia steps back, only to trip and fall on her tail. The silence trapping them is heavy. She stares at Giratina, scrambling to think. She knew, distantly, that things weren’t normal in the Pokemon world. Everyone said as much. But she had no idea that it was as dire as this is starting to sound.
She isn’t sure the Pokemon world is aware of how serious it is, either.
“B-But…” She stammers. “It can’t be that bad. The Pokemon are still doing all right despite all of that! They’re surviving just fine! There are Seekers to help, a-and—“
Giratina laughs, though this one is bitter. He lowers his head until he is nearly eye-to-eye with Nia, the sharp angles of his head taking up the entirety of her vision. “The greatest Seekers in the world will not be able to help this dimension once the split actually occurs. What you have faced so far is but a fraction of what is to come.”
Nia feels her throat tighten as an unfamiliar feeling of despair washes over her. Tears spring to her eyes. She desperately scrubs them away. “N-No, that can’t…”
“It is.”
Nia falls silent, fighting against the feelings threatening to overtake her. She blinks hard, mind scrambling. She takes a deep, shaky breath, trying to stay logical.
“O-Okay. Okay. So what can we do to fix it?”
Giratina stares at her, and Nia can’t decipher the look on his face.
“This is your domain, right?” She presses. “So surely we can do something to fix it, right?”
Giratina rises again, once more looming over her. “You think I have not tried? You fail to understand that this has never happened. Not since the dawn of this world.”
“Then…how do you know for sure that the border thinning or cracking o-or whatever is what’s actually happening?”
“Because,” Giratina says, wings flaring as if to gesture to the entirety of their environment. “I am one with this dimension. It has been my prison for a hundred years and a refuge for a thousand more. I know it as well as my own blood. I can sense the border weakening, disrupting the balance of everything within like the pressure of a growing tumor. While the fatal moment has yet to come, I can sense its approach.”
“Yet to come..?”
“My domain is that of antimatter. The distortion world. The space that balances out all that is. I am the counterpart to my siblings, Dialga and Palkia.”
“Gods of…time and space,” Nia murmurs.
“Correct. As such, my realm is not bound to the same flow of time and space as the Pokemon world is. While I can sense the damage caused to the rift, it has not yet occurred. Instead, we are merely feeling the ripples of its influence through time and space. As we approach the epicenter of this damaging impact, its effects on the Pokemon world will only worsen.”
Nia’s breath catches, for two separate reasons. Hope and fear war in her chest. “S-So all of the things going wrong in the Pokemon world right now…will only escalate and get worse the closer we get to the point in time when this damage will actually be done.”
As terrifying as that is, Nia can’t help latching onto the other portion of Giratina’s words. “But…that means this damage hasn’t technically happened yet, right? S-So we just need to stop whatever causes this before it happens. Problem solved!”
Giratina shakes his head. “In theory, yes. But considering we are feeling the effects of the break even now, that suggests its path is final. Your optimism is ill-placed.”
Nia’s barely hanging onto her composure right now as is.  Her hands are shaking, so she balls them into fists and takes a note from Tobias.
She growls up at Giratina, “Y-You’re the one who asked for help, right? You can’t be feeling completely hopeless if you’re still trying to fix this!”
“What else is there to do?” Giratina rumbles. “I am not the type to roll over and die.”
“Good. Because neither am I.”
Nia would love to feel some solidarity with Giratina right now, if only to help her feel less terrified, but Giratina looks unimpressed at her assertion.
“I see why Mew insisted on bringing you humans over,” he says quietly. “Foolish creatures, just like her.”
Nia opens her mouth to respond, but her determined facade drops as Giratina’s words register. “Wait—what—what do you mean Mew brought the humans here? You brought us to the Pokemon world?”
“It was not my decision, I assure you. Once the first of you lot wandered in, Mew had the brilliant idea to transform any lost soul she could get her paws on.”
Nia doesn’t think Giratina understands the gravity of what he’s saying. Nia has been trying to figure out why and how she was brought to the Pokemon world since the moment she woke up here, months ago. And now Giratina is casually saying that he and Mew apparently just grabbed any human soul that ‘wandered in?’
“What—wandered in? How does a soul just…wander?! What do you mean?”
Giratina looks at her for a long moment, cold red eyes lidded and almost bored. “The preemptive damage to the rift has weakened the border. Opened it to realms outside of our own. Thus, human souls have begun to slip from the human world into ours.”
“You mean Mew just—yanked us into the Pokemon world and changed our bodies without even thinking to ask us if that’s what we wanted?”
“What was your proposed alternative?” Giratina asks, tone dry.
Okay, that makes Nia mad. Just the…lackadaisical way he’s talking about their situation!
Angry tears fill her eyes, and she hates the way her voice shakes when she yells, “We have families, you know! Lives we need to get back to!” A new thought occurs to Nia, and an unfamiliar outrage pours into her veins like magma. She points up at Giratina accusingly. “Are you the reason we lost our memories?!”
Giratina has the audacity to sneer at her outburst. “Contain yourself. We didn’t take you from your world. You would have turned into a yamask in the Pokemon world without Mew’s intervention. All she did was take advantage of the situation to give you a form better suited to your soul. Your memories were temporarily sealed away to help you acclimate properly to your new body.”
“If you’re telling the truth,” Nia points out.
Giratina’s gaze hardens. “Be grateful that I am telling you this at all, small one. We did nothing to bring you here—only changed your form to improve both your situation and our own.”
Nia grits her teeth. The anger in her body simmers lower. Not gone, but quickly petering out. “That still doesn’t answer why. Why do that at all? It sure doesn’t seem like you care about us humans enough to do it for our benefit.”
Giratina huffs. “I do not. Mew, however, is an annoyingly compassionate creature. Though she was weakening, she insisted on using her own power to transform any lost souls she could find. I tried to dissuade her.”
“Why would it be so bad for us to turn into yamask anyways?” Nia asks. Will is a yamask, and he seems perfectly fine. He’s even leading the Humans Movement to find a way home!
Giratina looks away. “The yamask are not a natural fit for their bodies. They struggle to find a place in the Pokemon world. Mew is doing you a service in giving you an inconspicuous form and a better chance to make connections.”
“It would’ve been nice to have a choice in the matter,” Nia growls, even as her fury dies down against her will. She’s never been able to hold onto her anger for long.
“You were not conscious enough to make a choice."
“Fine,” Nia says, crossing her arms. “Either way, we’re here now. Does that mean you can help us humans get back?”
“Attempting anything of the sort when the border is so unstable would be suicide. The lost souls float in of their own accord so we can neither stop them nor send them back.”
Nia's heart sinks.
“B-But what if…what if we save the rift? The Pokemon world? Surely then we can find a way back, right?”
“I am here to stop Pokemon from attempting such idiotic ideas as dimension hopping, Riolu.”
“Well I’m not a Pokemon, Giratina!” Nia bites back. “I’m a human. I don’t belong here.”
“You may not have a choice in the matter."
For some reason, that simple sentence strikes Nia hard, knocking the breath from her lungs. Tears flood her eyes. Giratina doesn’t even have the decency to look sympathetic.
Getting back to the human world and her old life has been Nia’s main goal since waking up in the Pokemon world. The thought that even if the Pokemon world is saved, she won’t be able to go back? Would never see Mom and Toni and Clay again? That she wouldn’t get to go to school and have a family?
It’s unthinkable.
Fine. Fine, then. Giratina doesn’t want to help? It doesn’t matter. Will is finding them a way home. Giratina may be right about the damage to the rift, but that doesn’t mean he’s right about this. It’s not like he cares enough about humans to have attempted it before anyways.
No matter what, it sounds like they need to fix the rift before anything else. Otherwise, the Pokemon world will be destroyed, and Nia couldn’t live with that. Not after meeting all the wonderful people who call it home.
“Either way, we still need to save the distortion world, right?” Nia sniffs, wiping her eyes free of tears. “And you’re going to humans for help. So what’s so special about us humans that makes you think we can do something that Pokemon can’t? In case you didn’t notice while you were stalking me, I can’t even use moves properly.”
Giratina rumbles a displeased sound. “I am well aware. Rest assured it isn’t your battle prowess we were looking for.”
“We were hoping to recruit humans for two reasons. One being that since you have no predisposition to distrusting me—“
Nia raises a brow.
“—that you would hopefully be more open to communication.”
Nia almost laughs, almost snaps that Will warned the entirety of the human crowd in Ghatha not to trust Giratina or talk to him, but bites her tongue in time. She doesn’t want to put a target on her friend’s back, even if she’s kind of vindictively glad that Will disrupted Giratina’s plans and made his life a bit more difficult.
“So you couldn’t have, I dunno, tried to get my attention sooner? Sent Mew to talk to me?”
Giratina glares down at her. “You were picked up almost immediately by the charmander and meganium. I waited and scouted to see if you would even be someone worth pursuing, but by time we decided you were, Mew had already—“
Giratina cuts himself off, and Nia almost thinks she sees an emotion aside from anger cross his face.
“Mew…had already grown weak,” Giratina finishes. “She has not fallen to sleep yet, but she is starting to show signs. I try to make her rest when possible.”
Is that…actual concern for another living being he’s showing? Nia wasn’t sure he had it in him.
Nia sighs, feeling most of the residual anger leave her body. “But is that really the only reason you started seeking out humans? Just so we might be more willing to talk to you?”
Giratina sounds no happier about the situation than she is. “We don’t know what will cause the damage to the distortion world, so we don’t know how to stop it. Mew thought that a human perspective could discover an answer we may have missed.”
“So you’re desperate,” Nia summarizes.
Giratina growls, and Nia feels the sound in her bones. For once, she’s still too angry to feel all that afraid.
“Am I the only one you’ve managed to talk to?” Nia asks.
“After observation, we have not deemed many of your kind worth contacting. You are one of the few, and the only one inquisitive enough to actually reach me.”
“So that’s a yes.”
Giratina makes an unhappy sound, but doesn’t refute her assumption.
Silence descends over the rift. Nia takes breaths through her nose to calm down. Even if she’s still upset, she needs to have a civil conversation with Giratina. The fate of the Pokemon world depends on it.
“What can even rip through a ‘dimensional border?’” Nia asks, finger quotes and all. “It sounds very…metaphysical.”
“It is not something a normal Pokemon should be able to accomplish,” Giratina admits. “Most beings cannot even touch it. The dimensional border is, in its own way, a living thing. It is a tapestry of life energy from Arceus, as well as something greater. The only element able to protect and contain entire dimensions.”
“Life energy,” Nia murmurs, frowning. “Like…aura?”
Giratina hums a thoughtful sound. “More or less, yes.”
Nia looks out again at the void. “If it’s aura, couldn’t you just get some lucario and riolu to like…patch it up or something where it’s weaker? Reinforce it?”
“There is no physical landmark where the border is weaker,” Giratina says. “While I can sense its eventual destruction, I do not know the damage’s origin point. The border is not so…logical as that.”
“Great,” Nia mutters.
“And even if it were, I have severe doubts we could convince the lucario tribes to assist with such a thing. They are…not particularly open to outsiders. Additionally, even if they were to offer their help, they alone would not have enough aura to mend a tear this immense.”
“Okay. Great,” Nia sighs. “So you don’t even have an idea of what could cause that much damage?”
Giratina looks away. Nia is grateful he has such an obvious tell. A century of solitude must’ve made him more of an open book, less used to hiding his emotions.
“The damage would almost certainly have to be the doing of a legendary, but that would be impossible considering most are dormant.”
Nia groans. “So you’re telling me I’m supposed to find a way to fix a god-sized problem!? That sounds like something a god needs to fix! Not—“ Nia gestures vaguely at herself. “Not me!”
“I agree,” Giratina snaps, turning on Nia and looming over her large as a building. “But considering that there are very few gods still awake to even be aware of the issue, our options are limited.”
Nia quiets. “…How many of them are dormant?”
“Nearly all, at this point,” Giratina growls, circling the stone platform restlessly. “Which means we are likely nearing the tipping point. A year, at most.”
Nia’s mouth drops open. A year?! They have to figure out how to stop this within a year?
Giratina must see the disbelief on her face, the despair creeping over her skin, because he turns his focus back onto her. “Do you know why Arceus’ children are falling asleep as the border weakens?”
Nia weakly shakes her head.
“They are being forced to conserve energy. Saving their power for when it will be needed to birth a new world.”
“A new world?” Nia echoes. “After…”
“After this one is destroyed,” Giratina confirms. “Arceus is so deeply tied to this universe that the weakening of the border harmed them, forcing them into sleep. One by one, their children have followed.”
Nia stares at him. “Then…why haven’t you?”
“Because I am the opposite of life energy, of the positive essence of the world. I am antimatter. I am least affected by its destruction, so I shall be the last to fall. And until that moment, I will do my duty and try to save this dying world. I am only asking that you do the same. For your own sake, if nothing else.”
Giratina says all of this not bravely or compassionately, but with a tired, steady loyalty. And just like that, Nia understands why he was chosen for such an important role, chosen as the guardian of the dimensional border. As insufferable as he is.
“Okay,” Nia mumbles, rubbing at her face and trying to keep her cool. At least for now. “Okay. So we just…need to save the world before it breaks. You said most of the legendaries were already asleep—which ones aren’t? Could we ask them for help?”
“Very few have escaped the slumber. However, Xerneas and Yveltal may be of use to us. They are technically asleep, but the two of them naturally rest in cycles. They lapsed into their usual 1,000-year stasis before Arceus fell dormant, so it is possible they would be able to wake prematurely.”
“Xerneas and Yveltal. Yveltal is the god of…war, right?”
“Destruction,” Giratina corrects. “Death. Xerneas is the god of new life. Creation. In theory, Xerneas may be able to help reinforce the life energy of the border if we can wake her early, but she is asleep in the physical world where I cannot reach her.”
“Wait—the physical world? Like the regular Pokemon world?”
Giratina gives her a rude look that suggests she is, in fact, quite stupid. “Yes. Unfortunately, I do not know her actual location. Wherever it is, it is hidden from my reflections.”
“Helpful,” Nia mumbles, apparently picking up Tobias’ snark since he isn’t here to snap at Giratina himself.
Oh man, Tobias is surely flipping his lid back at Edme’s. She has to get back soon and let him know she’s all right. And also prevent him from murdering the bug. Nia is like 90% sure Edme won’t harm Tobias while she’s gone since she achieved her goal, but she can’t say the same for her partner if he gets free.
“Okay,” Nia says. “So what’s our plan right now? Try to find Xerneas and wake her up to help us?”
“Considering it is currently our only semblance of a plan, I suppose so.”
“Or,” Nia adds. “We could try to find the source of the damage to the border and stop it before it occurs. Right?”
“A fool’s errand,” Giratina dismisses. “I told you the damaging event is likely already set in stone." Something in Nia's expression must speak to how little faith she puts in that certainty, because he sighs and continues, "But I cannot stop you from pursuing such a path. Just do not let it distract you from seeking out Xerneas.”
Jeez, thanks for the permission, Nia thinks drily.
She takes a deep breath, shaking out her arms. “All right. No big. That gives us two avenues to explore. Don’t suppose you have any more leads than you’ve given me so far?”
Giratina scoffs. “I would have already explored them myself if I had. No. That is what I need you for. Investigate the physical world to find Xerneas’ resting place.”
“And keep an eye out for anyone who might have plans to harm the distortion world’s borders.”
Giratina nods.
Nia nods back, nervous but determined. “And will you be hanging around in reflections still, or..?”
“I shall keep close by to assist when possible, and inform you of any leads I find. I will be listening to different entry points to the world and trying to find information myself.” Here he gestures to one of the pools of light a bit a ways away. If Nia squints, she thinks she can see out of it, like a window. Oh. It must be the other side of a reflection.
That’s…helpful. If incredibly creepy.
“Got it. I’ll keep an eye out for you and clue Tobias in, too. I…actually might have an idea of who to ask for help in finding Xerneas.”
Giratina gives her a doubtful look, but doesn’t press. Instead, he circles down to wrap around the stone platform she’s on. Nia gives him a questioning look.
“You want to return to your partner before he murders the bug, yes? I’ve given you all the info I have.”
“Oh! Y-Yes. Should I just..?”
Nia tentatively climbs atop Giratina’s back, relieved to find his body solid enough to stand on. Can he make himself incorporeal at will? Can all ghost types? Nia pads carefully up Giratina’s neck, tentatively holding onto the golden bands wrapping around his frame. They feel cool and solid, almost like metal.
Without a word, Giratina slips into motion, serpentine body slithering through the air and curling up in spirals. Nia takes a moment to look around the environment again now that she's not running for her life. It’s just the same dark nothingness, no matter where she looks. Even the air feels too still as they cut through it.
As they approach a small, circular viewpoint—which Nia realizes after a moment must be the view of Edme’s roof from the basin on the floor—she thinks idly that she might go crazy if she were trapped here like Giratina. With only the smallest, taunting snatches of the outside world to view as a spectator.
As they near the portal, Nia can distantly hear the muffled yelling of Tobias. She bites her lip, wanting to get back as soon as possible to calm him down, but hesitates atop Giratina’s back once the titan stops at the gate.
“Just…one more question.”
“Make it quick, before your foolish partner kills my foolish liaison.”
Nia grips hard at the golden structures set into Giratina’s back, watching her hands—her paws, really—flex with the motion.
“If…If we find a way to fix this and save this dimension, would you at least try to return me to the human world? Return all the humans? O-Or maybe even create a bridge or something between the two worlds, so we don’t have to leave the Pokemon world behind?”
Nia is expecting Giratina to laugh or snarl or at least outright reject the bridge idea. Instead, he is silent. Nia can’t even hear him breathe.
Then, he says, “Worry first about the current issue. If we don’t fix this, there will be neither a Pokemon world nor a human world to return to.”
Nia jolts, a fresh wave of alarm coursing through her. It’s one thing for the Pokemon world to be destroyed, which is terrible enough, but the human world, too?
Giratina answers her unspoken question. “The human world is too close in proximity to our own. If this dimension becomes unstable, it will rip itself apart, and the human world will likely be dragged into the implosion as well.”
Nia feels faint. For a minute, she has to press her forehead to Giratina’s cool, misty back. Horror churns her stomach.
If…If they don’t find a way to fix this, so many people will die. Pokemon and human alike. They will all die, with only the gods left to rebuild a new universe. The gravity of the situation is starting to really sink in.
She isn’t a hero. How is she supposed to fix all of this?
Nia takes a few deep, shaking breaths. Tries to use the same techniques Will taught her in Ghatha when Tobias was having a panic attack. What can she see through her tears? What can she hear through her pounding pulse? What can she feel through numb fingertips?
It takes longer than Nia expects for her to calm down. Longer than she expects Giratina to wait. Eventually, though, she slows her spiral to a crawl. She can break down entirely later, when she’s with Tobias.
“O-Okay. I’m ready now. Thank you for…for waiting.”
Giratina doesn’t answer. He simply lifts himself higher, until Nia can start to hear Tobias’ yelling more clearly and can touch the image of Edme’s dimly lit wooden ceiling.
Nia hesitates one more time. She still doesn’t know if she trusts Giratina entirely, but she can’t ignore all that she heard here. And she can’t not help, just in case he’s right.
“We’ll save them, somehow,” Nia says, voice shaky. She doesn’t know if she’s trying to convince Giratina or herself. “Everyone. Everything. Both worlds.”
And then she lifts her hand and touches the portal, feeling it suck her into its gravity.
Nia is sent up through the portal, landing on her feet in the shallow basin with a quiet splash.
Tobias, mouth stretched into a snarl, snaps his head from Edme to Nia, eyes wide and surprised. Edme doesn’t even look like she was paying the fuming charmander any mind, turned entirely towards the pool.
When Nia reappears, the bug Pokemon lifts, voice excited. “Riolu! You’ve returned. How was Giratina? Did you speak with him?”
Nia frowns at her, glancing at Tobias. “Put him down.”
“Of course.”
Edme’s purple energy vanishes, and Tobias falls clumsily to the ground. Immediately, he runs to Nia.
“Nia!” He puts his hands on her arms and looks her up and down, as if to make sure she’s really back in one piece. “Are you all right?”
Nia smiles weakly at him, endeared despite the heavy weight on her heart. “I’m fine. A little shaken up. But not hurt.”
Tobias relaxes, head drooping to lightly touch her shoulder. Then he looks up with a furrowed brow, worried blue eyes meeting her own. “What happened?”
“Oh, please do share!” Edme pipes up, nearly shaking with excitement. She floats closer, a pen and notebook levitating in front of her.
Tobias snaps his teeth at the bug Pokemon, embers escaping his mouth, and Nia is thrown for a moment by how…animalistic the gesture is. He must really be angry. His tail is lashing, flame burning bright. It’s only when he flexes his claws that Giratina’s words come back to Nia.
Okay, yeah, he might actually hurt her.
“Tobias!” She quickly steps in front of him, warding him back with open palms. “W-Wait. You can’t just attack her—“
“Who says I can’t?!”
“U-Um. The whole town, mostly. But please, don’t. I…I need to talk to you about what Giratina said anyways. Please.”
Tobias settles, just slightly, though he doesn’t look happy about it.
“You must share here, Riolu!” Edme cuts in, apparently lacking a survival instinct. “I need to transcribe Giratina’s words for the records.”
“Then ask him yourself!” Nia says sharply, keeping Tobias behind her. She grabs his wrist and tugs him towards the door, praying Edme won’t grab them again. “Ever think desperately forcing people into things might be why he isn’t talking to you anymore?”
Nia doesn’t know if that’s true. If anything, Giratina just seemed annoyed by the bug. Still, Edme jerks back, as if struck.
Nia will feel bad about her harsh words later, but right now she’s upset. She hurriedly pulls Tobias out of the house behind her. The darkness outside is a welcome reprieve, like hiding under a blanket from all the scary things on Nia’s mind. Still, her heart races, like she’s being hunted. She keeps moving with hurried steps, power-walking across the nearest bridge and ignoring the dangerous way it sways.
Tobias staggers behind her. “Wait—Nia, hold up!”
She doesn’t, because if she has to stop moving she’ll have to think about the crushing weight of the mission Giratina just dropped onto her shoulders and she isn’t entirely sure she can handle it right now.
“Nia!” Tobias rounds in front of her on the next island, hands out. “Stop. Are…Are you sure you’re all right?”
Oh no. He looks so concerned. When did he get so open with his care? She can’t pinpoint an exact moment. Right now, though, with her on the edge of an emotional breakdown, the quiet words feel like the final stone knocked loose from an overflowing dam.
Nia's lip wobbles as tears gather in her eyes.
Tobias' face darkens. “What happened? What did he do?”
Nia sobs. She wipes at her eyes, only for more tears to follow. “H-He didn’t hurt me. Really. He’s kind of a jerk? But I-I’m just upset about what he told me.”
“What did he tell you?”
Nia sniffs. “He had a lot of answers. About…everything. Why the legendaries have gone dormant. Why the natural disasters and mystery dungeons are increasing. Why evolution stopped. Why the humans are even here.”
Tobias’ breath catches. “…I’m guessing it’s not good news?”
Nia shakes her head, more tears falling. She crosses her arms and hunches her head, trying to hold herself together. Not quite leaning on Tobias, but close. After a moment, Tobias hesitantly shuffles forward the final inch to wrap a warm arm around her back, pulling her into an awkward hug. That gets her. She buries her face in his scarf and cries.
She just…needs a moment. To pull herself together.
Should she even tell Tobias everything she learned? She doesn’t want to upset him or drag him into this mess. What if he doesn’t believe her? But she can’t do this alone. And she has a feeling he wouldn’t let her, anyways.
After a few minutes, Nia picks up her head, wiping at her eyes. Tobias is watching her, waiting for her to make the next move.
“Let’s find somewhere to talk,” she whispers, looking around. Luckily, none of the Shivergleam residents wanted to get anywhere near her little crying fit, so they’re more or less alone.
Tobias glances over his shoulder. “The inn?”
Nia nods. They’ll need somewhere to stay for the night and catch up on sleep afterwards. It’s late. “And then tomorrow I think…I think we need to head north. Back home.”
Home. That shouldn’t be what the Lexym Guild is to her.
Tobias doesn’t question her. He nods and takes her hand, tugging her towards the nearest bridge. Nia follows without complaint, allowing him to lead them through the village from island to island, ignoring the wary looks from citizens.
Eventually he slows to a stop, and Nia looks up. The building in front of her is larger than the others, taking up one of the platforms all on its own, with warmly lit windows and a large sign designating it as the Hollowberry Inn.
Tobias leads them inside. The bottom floor is a cozy lobby, with a small cafe-like area off to the side. To Nia’s surprise, Beck is at one of the tables, laughing with what must be the employee from the front desk: a tall tree-like creature, with sinister, sharp branches and a single red eye.
When the floatzel catches their eye, he grins and waves, only for the gesture to fade as he takes in their expressions. He quietly excuses himself from his companion and walks over to them.
“Hey. You two all right?”
Tobias glances at Nia. “Not…exactly. Change of plans. We need to head back north, towards the Lexym Guild. Any idea when you’ll be heading that way?”
“Normally we’d travel south first, but we’re actually going north for a passenger we picked up earlier tonight,” Beck says. Nia can feel his eyes on her, the quiet worry in his voice. “You two are more than welcome to join us again. I’ll even give you the family discount.”
Tobias rasps a quiet thanks in Nia’s stead.
“Do you two need a room to stay in?” Beck asks.
“We can pay for one.”
“S’ppose you probably don’t want to bunk with the whole crew anyways,” Beck says. “Nori sleeptalks.”
Nia blinks. “Really?”
“There she is!” Beck says, smiling as she finally checks into the conversation. “Yup. I always say it’s because she’s so quiet during the day. All those words gotta go somewhere.”
Nia smiles back, even if it feels shaky.
“Oy, Gladys,” Beck says, looking over his shoulder. “Got a couple of customers here for you.”
The tree Pokemon looks up from her drink and a…crossword? Do Pokemon have crossword puzzles that she was unaware of?
“Come on over to the front desk, sprouts,” The Pokemon says, getting up with a creak that seems to come more from her than the chair. She moves slowly across the room on a circle of roots.
Gladys quickly checks them into a small room, handing them a little metal key and directing them to go upstairs and to the right. Beck tells them to come get him if they need anything tonight. Otherwise, they’re to meet up with the boat at dawn to get a ride back north.
Nia feels herself calming down throughout the conversation, and waves thankfully to Beck when they head upstairs. Tobias finds their room right down the hall where Gladys said it would be, and opens it up to reveal a small, cozy room.
It’s fairly basic, but it has two small moss beds for them and a chest for their belongings. A ghostly purple flame—a will-o-wisp—sits on the window ledge, burning out of nothing.
Tobias slings their bag down by the chest, then flops into the nearest nest. He doesn’t even make a sarcastic comment, apparently too exhausted to snark. It is late. The moon is starting to sink down towards the horizon, meaning it’s past midnight.
Nia shamelessly nudges her own nest flush against Tobias’ before sitting down. Tobias turns his head to peer up at her, expectant.
“I can tell you everything tomorrow if you want to sleep..?”
Tobias sits back up. “Nope. No way I’m sleeping until you give me the full story.”
Nia thinks that he might not be able to sleep after the full story. The only reason she thinks she’ll be able to is because she’s so drained. Still, she knows how stubborn her partner can be. So she rubs at her face and nods.
And she talks.
Tobias, to his credit, clearly tries not to interrupt. He looks at her seriously as she recounts everything Giratina told her in his realm. His face dips into skepticism as she repeats Giratina’s claim that Edme’s story is the truth, but he also snorts when she says that Giratina doesn’t seem to like the bug all that much.
Tobias looks suspicious when she mentions Giratina working with Mew, especially after she mentions not actually seeing the little pink Pokemon, but when she says Mew is apparently the one responsible for turning the humans into Pokemon, his eyes narrow thoughtfully.
“That…would make more sense than Giratina being able to do it,” Tobias admits. “She’s the Mother of All Pokemon. All species came from her. If anyone would be able to use her power to give someone a new form, it would be Mew. But I still don’t trust that they’re actually on the same side.”
From there, Nia braces herself to tell Tobias about the biggest bombshell of the conversation: the weakening dimensional border. How it’s the cause of the slowly increasing natural disasters and mystery dungeons. The reason for the gods going dormant, and evolution stopping. How if the future damage sending ripples back through time isn’t prevented or fixed, both the Pokemon world and the human world are doomed.
Her voice becomes softer and softer as she speaks, fearful and trembling. Tobias’ expression grows more and more anxious, until he looks genuinely afraid. He tries to hide it, but Nia can see it in his pale face and tense body. In his wide eyes and flickering tail flame.
“And Giratina wants…you to fix this?” Tobias rasps.
Nia shrugs, listless. “Not really. He’s just desperate and hoping a human doing the investigating might help somehow.”
There’s nothing special about her. That’s never really upset her until now, when she wished she was anything but the weak, helpless girl she is. How is she supposed to do anything?
“All right,” Tobias says. He takes an audible breath. “So what do we do next?”
Nia blinks at him. “…What?”
“You said we’re supposed to be looking for Xerneas or what might cause this damage, right? Any idea of where to start?”
Nia stares. She doesn’t know why she expected Tobias to wallow with her, or not believe her, or…
“W-Well…I did have one idea. But you aren’t going to like it.”
Tobias gestures for her to go ahead.
“I think we should talk to Will.”
Sure enough, Tobias scoffs. “Why? Last time we saw him he had no answers.”
“But he was looking,” Nia stresses. “And he already has a community of Pokemon with him. Researchers. If we can get him on board with helping us, we’ll have twenty times as many eyes and ears on the lookout for helpful info.”
Tobias still doesn’t look convinced. Nia doesn’t know why he dislikes the yamask so much, but there are more important things at stake here.
“This isn’t the time for petty grudges, Tobias.”
Tobias rolls his eyes. “It’s not a ‘petty grudge.’ I just don’t like the guy. He feels…fake. But you’re right that he has connections with a lot of Pokemon.”
Nia nods. “And if we head back to the guild, surely the letter he sent out after Ghatha has made it there by now. We can find out where he’s staying and go talk to him.”
Tobias looks mildly appeased at the thought of returning to the guild first. “I guess.”
“Do you think we should tell anyone else there?” Nia asks. “Like Maggie or August? Or Val? Avery and Alistair might know something about Xerneas.”
Tobias’ mouth flattens as he leans back against the wooden root wall. “Maggie would believe us, but I don’t know what telling her would accomplish other than making her worry.”
“We could still ask her about Xerneas?”
Tobias nods.
“I think Val and August would believe us, for what it’s worth,” Nia adds. “And Avery and Alistair definitely would. Would there be any harm in telling them and asking for help?”
“Not that I can think of.“
“Okay.” Nia takes a breath, consciously trying to relax her shoulders. “Okay. At least we have a plan.”
“Sometimes that’s the best you can hope for."
After that, they both fall quiet, lost in thought. Nia alternates between staring at the ghostly little flame on the windowsill and Tobias’ familiar tail flame, letting her tired mind go blank as much as she can.
Eventually, Tobias yawns. “You gonna be all right if I go to sleep? I don’t wanna miss the boat in the morning.”
Nia quirks a small smile. “Excited to get back on the water?”
Tobias flops down with a groan, pulling a chunk of moss from his bedding and tossing it at her face. "Shut up."
She laughs. “I’ll be all right. I’m tired too.”
Tobias grunts, clearly halfway to sleep already. It’s impressive. Nia curls up beside him, shimmying close enough to feel the usual warmth pouring off his skin. Even if she can't fall asleep for a while yet, she feels better knowing she at least has her partner at her back.
As she tries to rest, terrible scenarios run circles in her mind. She imagines them failing. Imagines the Pokemon world being destroyed, and the human world following. Only one determined thought grants her hope rather than fear:
They're going to save the world. They have to.
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Saw this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8xG488k/ how would the 141 guys feel about reader getting it done as a surprise for them?
First off Imma do this fast since it’s a holiday one and they’re almost over.
Secondly, they’re all giggling their asses off but I’ll do you one better I’d do if the reader got it and if the guys got it and for the guys I’ll tell you which one they’d get.
Here’s the link to the tiktok
Deck the Pubes
Name is a work in progress
You get it:
He’s fully belly laughing so hard he can barely breath. He thinks it’s the greatest thing. Definitely stuffing his face in it. He can’t get over it.
They Get it:
He’s getting the Grinch. He’s always trying to tame the bush but it grows out in the night anyway. He’d have to get done an hour before to get it to stay trimmed. But painting his hair green? That was something he could do. He did the paint all the way up his happy trail. It was edible paint because he knew you may want to get your face all in it. Definite is doing it next year.
You get it:
He’s giggling while he has his face between your legs. He’s definitely doing that next year. Snagging polaroids for when he goes on missions. He’s definitely telling the boys you did this.
They Get it:
Mistletoe. He’s going to tell you that you need to kiss it. He wiggled it saying things like, “come on bonnie, just a little kiss for ‘im. He misses you.” He'd commit and dye it. I feel like it would be really bad, you can see where the red stained his skin. He’s hair would also probably grow back fast and dark too like Price’s but to Soap it just means he wont have to worry about his bad dye job for long.
You get it:
He’s not the biggest fan of christmas so he still think it was funny. He probably would sit you down and explain why christmas isn’t something hugely important to him. Definitely appreciates it though.
They Get it:
If he did it. It would be because he’s done a lot of healing or you had a shitty time at work and watching to surprise you. He’d get The Gift (lil bow shape) and bc his hair is (in my mind) finer and blonde he would have to dye it but it would last a lot longer. Could totally see Soap seeing it in the group showers and being like “OH MY GOD ME TOO” or making jokes about it just for Simon to smack him upside the head or smt.
You get it:
He’s flattered. Definitely tracing the shape with his fingers. Kissing around it, telling you that you didn’t need to wax/shave for him bc he likes you no matter what.
They Get it:
If he got it he’d get “the tree topper” (angel wings and a halo). He probably wouldnt be committed enough to dye it, he'd later shave it all off anyway. Definitely doesnt want you getting hair between your teeth, however he does learn you may like the friction against your clit when he’s balls deep. Definitely tried to shave the shape and cut himself. He would have gone to get the shape waxed but he didnt want to be judged or have to answer questions.
You get it:
He thinks it’s awesome. Probably prefers it bare but he thinks spicing it up with the cute little shape is great. Definitely kissing around where it was waxed.
They Get it:
Bro would do the snowman. He wouldn’t dye it, but he definitely would be cracking jokes. Probably got it waxed so it’s all extra smooth. I feel like when he can he waxes. Idk. Definitely makes you give the snowman a kiss and is making Frosty jokes the whole time. Would use body paint to paint his balls to look like jingle bells I cant explain why but I feel it in my soul.
You get it:
He’s tickled. Probably told you to tell him so you could be matching. Definitely insists you both need to match next year or get related ones for fun.
They Get it:
He’d get the christmas tree. It wouldnt dye it but he’d probably get like chalk hair color and try to put it on? His hair is so thick and curly he had to cut it short so it held shape but he was super excited to surprise you. He saw Soap tease Ghost so he’s def waxing the rest of it off with an at home kit after. But he definitely had fun with it.
Masterlist is pinned on my account as always and requests are open.
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kywaslost · 2 years
Hello ! may i please request for Hawks with an autistic kid ( arond 13-15 years old with any gender + platonic ) that hates adults
They have lots of interest like biology life, but most imporatntly the Winged hero Hawks !
sorry if this was too detailed request, so thank you !♡
Platonic Hawks x Teen Reader w/ Autism
A/N: hi! Thank you so kuh for the request! I really enjoyed writing it. It hope this is what you were looking for. Please send it any more Hawks requests if you have any!
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Hawks had met you though the sports festival at UA. After witnessing your match against Tokoyami and observing your quirk, he immediately took an interest in you. When he talked to Aizawa about you and Tokotami interning with him, though, he discovered something interesting.
“They don’t like adults?” he asked in disbelief. But then he shrugged. “Bad home life, I guess?”
Aizawa shrugged tiredly. “I’m not sure. From what I can tell, they have a decent home life. But they did tell us teachers that they’re autistic.”
Then it clicked for Hawks. “Oh, well that won’t be an issue!” he said with his signature smile. “I’m sure we’ll get along great.”
After talking more to Aizawa, both men agreed that it would be easier for you if you met Hawks before making any decisions on where you wanted to go. So they decided that Hawks would come to the dorms one evening to get to know you.
When that evening finally came, he walked into one of the private study rooms on the first floor to see you sitting alone with your favorite fidget toy in hand. Aizawa walked him to the door as they spoke. “I talked to Y/N,” the older man said. “Turns out you’re part of their hyperfixation at the moment.”
Hawks’ eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really?”
Aizawa nodded. “She’s been hyper fixating on anything biological. Their Biology grade has gone up a whole letter grade. All of their free-choice essays in English have been something biological. Their latest essay was on you and your quirk.”
They approached the door and turned to look at each other. Hawks smiled. “I have a feeling we’ll get along great.” And with that, he stepped into the study room.
You glanced up to him quickly before looking away, bouncing your leg. Hawks noticed how apprehensive you were towards him, and took things slow. “Hi,” he said softly. “May I sit?” You nodded slowly, and Hawks took a seat across from you. “I’m Hawks,” he introduced himself. “And you’re Y/N?” You nodded again, only glancing up every once and a while to meet his eyes. You messed with the fidget in your hands. There was a moment of silence before Hawks spoke again. “I understand you’re apprehensive of adults, yes?”
You hummed softly.
Keigo smiled gently. “Well, I’d just like you to know that I’m the most childish adult out there,” he said with a slight chuckle. “And I’d like you to come intern with me and my agency. But only if you’re comfortable.”
“Can I touch your wings?” you asked out of the blue, looking at his red wings hopefully.
Hawks was startled by your question, but smiled nonetheless. “Of course.” He extended his wings across the table between the two of you. Your soft hands gently brushed against his feathers, then pet them.
“I’ve been studying your quirk,” you said more confidently, making eye contact with Hawks for the first time. His sharp golden eyes soothed your worry. “I’ve been hyper fixating on biology, especially quirks like your’s and Miriko's, who mix human anatomy with animal biology.”
“That’s awesome,” Keigo smiles.
“I think that’s why I don’t hate you as much as I do other adults. I just don’t like them.”
“That’s totally understandable,” Hawks reassured. “If you’re ever uncomfortable around me, don’t be afraid to say something. I want to help you become a better hero, but I also want to help you become a better person. To help you get more comfortable with other people.”
You drew your hand back from his wings, offering a small smile. “I think I’ll join you,” you said quietly. “I think I can trust you.”
The longer you worked with Hawks, the more comfortable you became with him. And the more he learned about you, the more he did to make you feel comfortable with him. He kept fidget toys in his office at the agency. He even kept a few in his jacket pocket for if you needed one during patrol with him. Hawks’ favorite time spent with you was while you, Tokoyami, and himself were flying across the city, or even just sitting on a random rooftop, and you’d ramble about anything biological (he wouldn’t admit it, but he even started studying biology just so he could chime in every once in a while).
Keigo never made you interact with any adult you didn’t feel comfortable with. There were even times when you didn’t want to talk to him or be around him, so he’d let you stay behind at the agency with some of his other interns and learn how to do things that went along with running an agency.
Keigo was very flexible, and he made sure you were always comfortable around him.
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aphidclan-clangen · 1 month
so what's your process for designing characters?
Man people keep asking me how do I design characters, how do I make characters, how do you pick characters genders, etc. and I feel SO bad because I!! There is no process!! Especially with designing AphidClan characters in particular, my process is EXTREMELY wild and intuitive and spontaneous and very “just wing it first try it’ll be fine. I totally won’t hate it 3 months later ((I will and I do))”
I. I don’t know how to explain it. Like. Alder for example, I knew Lilacpaw was this kind of pinkish purple with an orange gradient, so I wanted her dad to be pinkish purple and her mom to have the orange gradient, so when it came time to design him, I jus. made him purple. and that’s all he is there isn’t any thought put into this, this is a. Random, not professional at all, “I made a quick concept sketch as my first and only attempt, he came out purple, that’s all he is, just purple” and “I got it first try” bullshit, and everything else about his design happened because. it felt right, and I never questioned that, so now hes. alder. he exists now. “how did you make him?” i don’t know but he sure as hell is here now
That’s how I make literally all of my character designs and decisions, especially since this is just a Warrior cats blog that I do as a fun “low-effort” hobby. I had a single idea of “rainbow,,,” it felt right, I never questioned it, it happened, I made a single quick sketch of concept art as prep to solidify what already existed in my brain, and now it exists, and then 4 months and 10 updates later I become deeply unhappy with the design and I try all over again lol. It’s extremely extremely intuitive for me, it’s all just feeling. I don’t really follow any professional tips or legitimate art techniques, I don’t really make concept art, half of the time the characters first appearance in a moon update or ask response is literally the first time I’ve ever drawn them, as you can tell from the Fire/Gravel kids and their extensive “gradually redesign them piece by piece over each moon until I decide I hate all of it and start over entirely” process which is NOT something I’d recommend for a webcomic or any legitimate art project you want to take seriously or professionally!! I don’t really. have a process, I just start drawing the moon update and they appear lolol
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blackcatrph · 10 months
lyrics  taken  from  the  barbie  big  city  big  dreams  animation.  please  alter  any  pronouns  when  sending  if  needed.
“ i love the concrete jungle. ”
“ i’m a beach girl. ”
“ together we’re the best of both possible worlds. ”
“ our duo’s so dynamic. ”
“ like fire and rain, together we can set it off and make a big bang. ”
“ hey universe, look who’s coming at you. ”
“ for the first time i found my perfect match. ”
“ how did we ever survive before us ? ”
“ all i need now in my life is more us. ”
“ it’s like we’re meant to be, like destiny, so right. ”
“ i just go with the flow. ”
“ i plan out every day. ”
“ our master plan will lead us straight to broadway. ”
“ put respect on this groove. ”
“ through thick and thin. ”
“ we’ve got the brightest future. ”
“ where’ve you been? because i wish i’d met you sooner. ”
 “ look and learn. ”
“ feel the burn. ”
“ just try harder. ”
“ this is tough. ”
“ tighten up. ”
“ my spirit is deflating. ”
“ my fear’s inflating. ”
“ this school is calling my bluff. ”
“ hope i have the right stuff. ”
“ remember how to be brave. ”
“ can i get out of my head ? ”
“ grind on my mind. ”
“ work it double time. ”
“ never fall a step behind. ”
“ this is what you wanted. ”
“ don’t be daunted. ”
“ just be patient and relax, cut yourself some slack. ”
“ why am i the only one who keeps scrambling and face planting ? ”
“ this is draining. ”
“ stop complaining. ”
“ i know it’s worth the trouble. ”
“ did everyone see ? ”
“ of course they saw. ”
“ pull yourself together. ”
“ practice until it’s perfect. ”
“ plant your feet. ”
“ use your core. ”
“ keep the beat. ”
“ get off the floor. ”
“ how can you even show your face ? ”
“ i’m losing my mind. ”
“ i flew in on cloud nine. ”
“ made a new best friend. ”
“ there wasn’t a question that everything would work out perfectly. ”
“ spoke too soon. ”
“ worst in the room, like a total crash landing. ”
“ i’m not going to let that keep me down. ”
“ it’s all about those good vibes. ”
“ take a look at me, so on pointe and savvy. ”
“ the whole world at my feet. ”
“ didn’t know what fear meant. ”
“ guess i’m not immune to the laws of gravity. ”
“ crutches won’t be keeping me earthbound. ”
“ is the glass half full or half empty ? ”
“ let the positivity take over. ”
“ como se dice ? let me put it this way. ”
“ chequen esto, chicas, mi visión loca. ”
“ my imagination soars. ”
“ got to spread my wings and get to higher ground. ”
“ back here again, losing a friend. ”
“ i thought i was strong, but i’m reeling. ”
“ this time felt different, our connection was instant. ”
“ that was pure magical thinking. ”
“ just move on from the pain. ”
“ soon it’ll fade like a memory. ”
“ you’ll start over again. ”
“ evolving from this fateful origin story. ”
“ a chariot streaks across the sky so majestically. ”
“ two girls on an odyssey in the city that never sleeps. ”
“ riding high on a merry go round of modern mythology. ”
“ discovered a new part of me in a fated friend. ”
“ i knew finding you would be an epic journey with no end. ”
“ you can’t see shooting stars in the city of marquee lights. ”
“ fate brough us together then tore us apart. ”
“ i wish i could go back and restart. ”
“ i’ll race across the sky to a work where dreams and friendships aren’t destined to collide. ”
“ stranded on this lonely island. ”
“ great beginnings don’t get happy endings. ”
“ glorious mythologies can slip out of your reach. ”
“ in reality, best friends leave. ”
“ you’re my fiercest competition. ”
“ we’re best friends, no contradiction. ”
“ never let jealousy get in our way. ”
“ help each other up. ”
“ you set the bar, i’ll raise it. ”
“ you won’t catch me holding back. ”
“ why should our drive divide us ? ”
“ let’s let our strength unite us. ”
“ i’ve still got your back. ”
“ see you at the finish line. ”
“ when you need the strength to clear it, i’m gonna be there cheering. ”
“ i’m never leaving you behind. ”
“ if you stumble, just keep your fight on. ”
“ follow my voice to my arms. ”
“ we’re going hard and we’re going together. ”
“ we know what we want. ”
“ we’re giving up never. ”
“ we were born to show the world just who the boss is. ”
“ stopping more traffic than midtown rush hour. ”
“ you know we’re doing it right. ”
“ lean on my shoulder. ”
“ we’ve got each other, that’s the way it’ll always be. ”
“ bank on our future, it’s gold. ”
“ we’ll wake up with our names in lights. ”
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sipsandfables · 6 months
Unfiltered Thoughts While Reading: Fourth Wing
Chapter 1
​​I really like Mira so far - not too sure about their mom yet lol
​​Is Brennan REALLY dead? Lol Could be a page pulled from Red Queen
​​Their mom might have been Manon in an alternate universe
​​“Decide, Violet. Are you going to die a scribe? Or live as a rider?’”
​​I love the relationship between the two sisters
​​“He's the most exquisite man I've ever seen.”
I mean, Xaden does sound pretty hot. I’m a sucker for dark hair and dark eyes lol
​​“Flaming hot. Scorching hot. Gets-you-into-trouble-and-you-like-it level of hot.” ​
​​ Nooooo! I had a feeling Dylan wouldn’t make it ​😭​
​​Chapter 2
​​Jack Barlowe - even his name sounds like a dick
​​Chapter 3
​​So there are four wings, with 3 sections in each wing, and 3 squads in each section making it 4 wings, 12 sections, and 36 squads total
​​“I will not die today”
​​Chapter 5
​​so Violets mom opposed General Melgren about the rebel children - wonder if they have animosity
​​Lol well Violets plan of getting Ri to ask her questions didn’t work ​🤣​
​​Damn, does her mom hate her? Why would she send Violet to do this??? Lol
​​Chapter 6
​​Aw, I really hope Brennan isnt actually dead and it’s a plot twist because he seems like a character I’d love
​​Chapter 7
​​It’s so strange that the people with the most motivation for revenge (rebel children) are put in such high power by training to become riders WITH MAGIC AND DRAGONS
​​Oh and look, a bunch of them are gathering to scheme even though it’s illegal for more than three to be seen together lol
​​Violet hanging out in a tree while passing judgement on this group is hilarious
​​“‘Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable, but you're really a violent little thing, aren't you?’”
​​Alright, I admit that I love their dynamic lol
​​Chapter 8
​​I’m surprised Dain didn’t see her rendezvous with Xaden since they touched and he can see memories
​​I wonder if the decrease in the number of dragons willing to bond speaks to the fact that the dragons’ don’t align with humans like before
​​Omggggg I hope Violet gets the black one! If dragons bond with humans like them, it would make sense because she’s so smart
​​Omg was the one and only rider of the black dragon Brennan?! The last time he was seen was five years ago which is when Brennan “died” and the teacher looked at Violet when he told the story of how the rider died
​​Oh I got it wrong, Brennan was the rider that was trying to be resurrected
​​Omg i totally thought it was Jack volunteering to spar Violet. I’m glad it’s Xaden instead hahaha
​​Chapter 9
​​Violence? I love the nickname haha
​​“Beautiful. Fucking. Asshole.” ​
​​Am I the only one getting hot and bothered by this death match? Lollll
​​“Defenseless women have never been my type.”
Okay sir ​👀​​🥵​
​​Man, I get Dain is her bestie but he is trying way too hard to get her out of the rider squadrant - just believe in her
​​Chapter 10
​​Theory time: the rider who died trying to save Brennan was his lover. He didn’t do it for fame, he did it because he loved Brennan. The black dragon is going to take Violet as his rider because of the special bond his rider had with her brother. BOOM
​​I already liked Ridoc before because I resonate with cracking jokes through hard times but now I like him even more and respect him
​​Violets squad: Sawyer, Pryor, Trina, Tynan, Rhiannon, Ridoc, Violet, Aurelie, and Luca
​​I hope everyone on this squad stays alive because I like them and their dynamic. I also hope Sawyer gets a dragon this year ​😭​
​​As I read the Gauntlet practice scenes, I just picture the final challenge on Wipe Out ​🤣​
​​Aurelie ​😭​​😭​​😭​
​​“Do not make me ask three times.” ​
👀​ or what Zaddy?
​​“What makes you a rider is what you do after people die.”
​​Things I like about this book so far:
​​Female lead is not annoying. She’s very logical and the writer SHOWS that she’s smart instead of telling
​​The pacing is great. What a page turner! And the chapters aren’t impossibly long. The book is long but it doesn’t FEEL like it
​​The romance between the main ship is not cringe! They’re dynamic is hot. He’s hot. She’s hot. It’s all hot
​​There is more than one badass female characters! It’s giving Throne of Glass series (Aelin, Manon, Lysandra, etc)
​​Chapter 11
​​Does that mean someone will be punished for not burning Brennans things? Or does it not matter because Brennan is ALIVE?!
​​okay, so there’s a lot of representation in this book and I’m loving it (people of color, gay, they/them pronouns, etc)
​​I mean if Dain REALLY cared about her survival, he’d help more! He would have watched her practices and given her ideas on how to make it - not continue to try to get her to quit!
​​Violet is a fucking badass. LETSGOOOO
​​I also love how shameless her mind is when describing how sexy Xaden is lol
​​Also, I notice that Dain isn’t mentioned AT ALL during this whole thing about her making it through the gauntlet. Shouldnt he have been there also defending her win???? Sus
​​Chapter 12
​​Ahhh there’s a Feathertail? Maybe THATS the one that she bonds with since they abhore violence and are smart (sounds like Violet)
​​OR the Feathertail will report back to the black dragon about Violet and he comes during the Threshing ​👀​
​​Damn these dragons are heartless! Poor Pryor. But also, humans are heartless - Tynan and Luca can jump off a cliff
​​I hope that the awesome conversation Violet and Rhi are having throughout this walk means they’ll get awesome dragons
​​OMG finally someone I dislike diess LOL freaking Luca. Bye Felicia
​​Chapter 13
​​Hmmm, if Violet hasn’t felt a connection with the feather one so far then I don’t think they’ll bond. Maybe she hasn’t felt a connection because the black dragon wasn’t on the walk and Tynan will bond with that gold one to teach him a lesson about strength?
​​I wish Tynan also got burned to a crisp during presentation
​​Threshing is giving me “Manon and the Thirteen must fight others for Wyverns” vibes
​​Okay, maybe the gold dragon IS her dragon lol
​​I’m proud of Violet for coming to the Gold dragons defense but I’m relieved that Xaden was there with his dragon hahaha
​​Chapter 14
​​I FUCKING KNEW IT! It’s the black dragon! Here to claim Violet!!! Fuck yes!!
​​This fucking dragon is hilarious. I love him already
​​“"My name is Tairneanach, son of Murtcuideam and Fiaclanfuil, descended from the cunning Dubhmadinn line."
​​Tairn, this dragon is so sassy hahahaha
​​Chapter 15
​​“You’re making us look bad. Stop it.”
I’m ded hahahah this dragon ​🤣​ He reminds me of Venom in the Venom movie with Tom Hardy lol
​​“Was everyone’s dragon a curmudgeon? Or just mine?” ​
​​“"You are the smartest of your year. The most cunning. You defended the smallest with ferocity. And strength of courage is more important than physical strength.” ​
​​What. A. Legend.
​​Chapter 16
​​Damn, even the head dragon isn’t a huge fan of this? Now I’m concerned because General Melgren is obviously a bad guy lol
​​I’m so glad Sawyer got bonded this time around! And Rhi and Ridoc are bonded!!! Yay!
​​Poor Trina
​​Tairn told you to stay with Xaden and you’re not LISTENING!
​​Oh I didn’t see the dragons bond coming!!!
​​Damn Dain, that’s cold. But I knew it - he’s no real ride or die bestie!!!
​​I really do like Violet but her undying faith in Dain is pissing me off
​​Strange how Dain kisses her after all this time only because she has TWO bonded dragons ​😒​
​​Chapter 17
​​But if you really think about it, Violet didn’t take any available dragons away from others - Tairn hasn’t been seen in five years and Goldie was unwanted and a surprise at presentation
​​“Your puny gods”
lol I love Tairn
​​Chapter 18
​​Yes! Finally Violet sticks it to Dain. I’m tired of his shit too
​​Omggggg poor Jeremiah. That was brutal
​​the golden dragon can freeze time?! What a badass power!
​​chapter 19
​​Dang, Xadens rejection to Violet had ME in my feelings - what do you mean you wouldn’t sleep with her to keep her safe?!
​​Omg Andarna is adorable - she better not die EVER
​​Ohhhhh, a Feathertail is a baby dragon?
​​I bet it was Imogen who opened the door for those people to kill Violet
​​Chapter 20
​​Based on the intro of this chapter, now I’m thinking it was Amber because she’s the only female wing leader I can recall
​​Yep, it was Amber!
​​Also, I love their squads banter and camaraderie lol
​​Fucking Dain - you’re the worst
​​I’m glad they were able to show undeniable truth since SOMEONE refused to believe her ​😒​
​​Chapter 21
​​I love that there’s even more representation in here with the hearing impaired scribe
​​Liam sounds hot lol
​​Something sus is happening with this war
​​Chapter 22
​​I’d be staring too ​👀​
​​So our boy Jack is allergic to oranges hmmm? Funny how a guy that talks so much shit can be killed by produce. Just saying
​​Okay now I’ve reached the “when will they get it on?!” Point lol
​​Xaden is just giving out hot compliments left and right ​🥵​
​​FINALLY! It only took two dragons fucking for Violet and Xaden to finally give in lol
​​Nooooooo! Damn Xaden for thinking straight lol
​​Chapter 23
​​I see what Rhiannon is hinting at - that Xaden is only the most powerful rider in their generation for NOW because it was before Violet got here lol Gotta love that bestie support!
​​Man Dain really needs to step up - he’s giving Tamlin vibes right now
​​I knew Jack was allergic to oranges! I hope he’s dead!
​​Chapter 24
​​Damn, still alive
​​A guy burned himself alive with his own power?! Man, this squadrant is insane and brutal
​​Violet’s mom is cold as ice
​​Chapter 25
​​the most valuable thing would be intel! They should think like a Scribe, like Violet
​​Liam and I are on the same page!
​​Break into the Commander’s office?! This could go horribly wrong! What if they see stuff they’re not supposed to?!
​​“‘Scribes freak me out. Quiet little know-it-alls, acting like they can make or break someone by writing something down.’” ​
​​Alright, pretty badass plan
​​Chapter 26
​​Mira!!! I’m so glad they got to see each other and that Rhi got to see her family ​🥰​
​​Omg mated dragons can only be a part for three days?!
​​It’s strange that earlier in the book they made it seem like Tairn hasn’t been seen for five years but if he’s mates to the blue dragon, wouldn’t he be seen wherever Xaden is?
​​Chapter 28
​​I love how intense and dangerous Tairn is one minute and super cheeky the next haha
​​FINALLY JACK IS DEAD! Fuck that guy!
​​And yessssss, Lightening Wielder sounds badass!
​​Chapter 29
​​I swear if Andarna dies in this series, I’m going to RIOT. She’s so pure and wonderful ​🥹​
​​“Get the fuck away from her with that nonsense.”
Xaden does not mince words and I love it haha
​​Xaden and Tairn’s pep talk to Violet is way better than Dain’s
​​I mean she has a point about her powers. They’re badass but yeah, pretty destructive lol
​​Chapter 30
​​Well this escalated quickly ​👀​​🥵​
​​Pretty awesome that dudes take contraception lol
​​Xaden is responsible for all the rebel children?! Omg I bet it was her mom that gave him those scars! That’s what he meant when they ran into the commander previously
​​I’m not a fan of when the male lead says “Don’t fall for me” like bro, it’s too late - I��m invested haha
​​This training session with Carr is hilarious lol
​​I think I like professor Carr more now
​​Chapter 31
​​I’m pleasantly surprised she comes right out and says “yeah I’m probably going to fall for you if we keep this up” lollll most characters in this position stay in denial until it backfires lol
​​“He really does have an incredible body, but he doesn't get to dictate what I do with my heart.”
Preach girl
​​I’m living for all of page 393 - you go Violet!
​​Damn, I really like Violet lol
​​Chapter 32
​​Cheaper 33
​​Phew, thank goodness it was a fake drill!
​​Hmmmm, something tells me this fake war is about to get real
​​Omg why is Andarna so adorable?! Tairn will carry her like a human dad carrying his baby in a bjorn lol
​​Idk that “I’ll miss you, Violet.” from Dain was a little SUS. He was way too quick to make amends with her decision. Something fishy is going on
​​Xaden and the other rebel kids in the fourth wing are also acting sus. Like they know more about this scenario than they’re letting on. Why are they all so tense if it’s just a game? Why did Dain’s dad give Xaden a weird look?
​​Chapter 34
​​did the Gryphons start attacking after unification because Navarre took something from them and made it harder for the Gryphons to get it back after unifying nations?
​​Ah! I had a feeling the Gryphons and their riders weren’t so savage as the Navarre historians and leaders want people to believe!
​​Chapter 35
​​Okay, we can recover from this Violet! Sure everyone including your two bonded dragons and the love of your life lied to you over and over BUT it must have been for a good reason. I’d give them the benefit of the doubt over Dain and the others any day
​​Okay Violet really believing Dain would break rules to save people is ludicrous. I like Violet but her thinking on this is stupid
​​Theory time - Violets mom killed their dad because he was in the know about venin and ready to go public
​​Another theory - Dain and his dad have known about venin this whole time. Dain’s being used to help continue to cover it up. He’s also been lying to her technically as much as Xaden has been
​​I fucking knew it! Dain has been reading her memories this whole time! Duh girl!!!
​​The real question is if more than just Dain and his dad concocted this plan to kill Xaden
​​If Xaden dies, there’s a chance Violet would die because of their dragon bond so wouldn’t her mom know that? But would she even care? Or mayb her mom is like The Hound from the crescent city series
​​Chapter 36
​​“We’re riders. We defend the defenseless. It’s what we do.”
​​Damn, so General Melgren can’t see the fate of people with rebellion relics? Good
​​The level of stress I have reading these last 80ish pages is HIGH
​​I don’t want anyone in this riot to die! Or the Gryphons and their riders!
​​maybe her mom knew she’d survive because of what general Melgren can see? Which might explain why she was fine with making Violet become a rider
​​Whyyyy would you say “we actually might survive this”?!?! Now people will die!
​​“It’s been. My honor.”
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​​I am unwell
​​​😭​​😭​​😭​ Liam
​​Chapter 37
​​So many emotions rn fucking hell
​​Chapter 38
​​Omg if they are going where I think they’re going I’m going to be shooketh ARE THEY TAKING HER TO BRENNAN?!
​​Another theory - the reason why the number of dragons willing to bond is decreasing, is because more dragons are bonding with the rebels and not the Navarre military
​​Violet is annoying me with her thoughts about Xaden right now though. Girl, you saw and fought that evil and you still mad that Xaden didn’t bring you in sooner?! Get over it and live lol
​​The person Xaden is asking to save her HAS to be Brennan - he was a mender
​​Chapter 39
​​we’re getting a Xaden chapter?! Is this the end?!
​​Something doesn’t feel right - did she lose her memories? Why is she being so nice to Xaden right away? Sus
​​Oh good her memory is back! I was about to be pissed if all of book 2 was her trying to recall book 1 lol
​​What happened to Xaden’s mom?! Sounds like another storyline ​👀​
​​Andaran became full grown?! Can wait to hear what she looks like and her special power
​​Well if Violet didnt trust Xaden before, she definitely won’t now! Keep a dead brother secret seems pretty big lol
​​I wonder what Tairn thinks of Brennan since his rider died saving him
​​also, I’d be low key pissed at my sibling! I wonder if Mira knows about Brennan. I assume not - maybe he thinks she’s too much like their mom?
Me after finishing the final page:
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Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Tagged by the talented @kvetchinglyneurotic
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
One! Two if you count the truly bad LOTR fic I wrote in high school.
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I wrote a story or two in high school and then nothing for a long time. I started really writing almost a year ago (just looked published my first fic on 5/21)
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Writing because I basically only read Ted Lasso fan fiction recently and it’s just slowed its output.
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I’ve learned to outline a bit more than just winging it like I did for so long. I’m not sure if there’s a specific thing I’ve improved on, just generally I think (I hope).
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
How to make chloroform lol but mostly just injury related things, spleen removal, stuff like that. Total normal whump writer things.
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I truly love any and all comments, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I loved the long, detailed type with quotes, etc but I also love the ones that are just a sentence of reaction like one I got that just said “good fucking fic” and I LOVED that.
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
My online circle contains a lot of whump-enthusiasts but probably whump although gen stories sometimes feel very fringe.
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
All of them? I can’t do anything short, which is why whumptober was so hard to get though, I want the whump but then I want the comfort and I just don’t know how to write something concise that is satisfying to me.
9. What is the easiest type?
I don’t know if I find anything about writing easy. Different parts of the story are easier than others but I haven’t found a type that is easy.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Wherever I can, but usually from my couch. I use google docs but have wanted to look into other platforms but none seem to have exactly what I want. Whenever my brain tells me to write.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Hockey AU for sure, along with an idea I have for a post-series fic where Michelle and Henry move to London and Ted stays.
12. What made you choose your username?
I was looking for a new one that I could use here and on ao3. When I mentioned this to the brilliant @jamiesfootball they suggested something to incorporate my love of Noah Kahan (many many of my titles are from his songs) so jamietarttsnorthernattitude was born. I’d like to think Jamie and I share a Northern Attitude.
Trying to tag who hasn’t been tagged but these things spread quickly and I might have missed people so trying @fanficfanattic @jamiepoptart @nativestarwrites @lunar-years @providing-leverage and anyone else who would like to play
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ikuzeminna · 3 months
Hi! How did you learn to read Japanese? If I'm not wrong that you do, is the Japanese depiction of the GW characters' personalities different from their Western depictions?
Hey! Learning how to read Japanese is definitely an adventure in and of itself. For me, I had learned how to read and write hiragana and katakana from the Yoshida Institute’s site long before smartphones existed, along with a few kanji. I would use hiragana for my cheat sheets at school. (Yes, I learned a whole different alphabet just to cheat at history and geography instead of simply studying for my exams like a sensible person, even though I realized it was way more effort. I'm not exactly smart.) I started learning kanji properly years later with the kanji learning app Japanese Kanji Study, which I can't recommend enough, then took a brief language course and then accidentally ended up studying Japanese in college for 1.5 years, which is where I learned all my beginner's grammar (みんなの日本語 anyone?) and, as is totally apt for a beginner, hentaigana.
It’s funny when you can't string five sentences together without issue, but can make out Nobunaga's scribbling, something many natives are incapable of. Great, balanced education you thought up there, folks.
At least I got a laugh out of one Ranma ½ episode where Ranma found Kuno’s journal entry and couldn’t read it because of course that doofus would write it in the most archaic manner possible. 
Anyway, as far as reading aids go, I’m just gonna plug everything I’ve used over the years for anyone interested. The Firefox extension 10ten reader has been a lifesaver, as has been Jisho. When it comes to comprehension, Google translate is dog crap. I’d recommend Papago, which must have been trained specifically on East Asian languages as the results are much better. Not perfect, but better in my experience. Google translate has long incorporated OCR (image to text) so it may be less useful, but I’m very fond of the no-install Capture2Text which can convert manga speech bubbles to text, provided the scans are clean enough to read the kanji.
For grammar, I stuck to Minna No Nihongo. Bought all the books and slowly work through the lessons now.
The most valuable asset though is having a fluent or native speaker you can ask. Nuance is impossible to grasp if no one explains it to you. Even with vocab, you’ll run into plenty of words with the same meaning. Dictionaries often don’t distinguish in those cases. Having someone you can ask makes learning a lot easier.
Now for the Gundam Wing part of your question.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by Japanese and Western depictions, or rather who you mean. If we’re talking official sub vs. dub then yes, there are a few differences. Heero isn’t perpetually constipated in the original (he actually has a sense of humor!) and Duo is a lot less flirty than his dub version. But it’s nothing grave. Certainly not Seto Kaiba levels of the dub rewriting his character to make him rant about not believing in destiny every time he opens his mouth.
Or Saber Rider being the leader of the Star Sheriffs. wtf I grew up with a lie D:<
Now, if you’re referring to fandom spaces, I am, without a doubt, the wrongest person to ask as I have never seen what the Japanese Wing fandom is up to and have never really been in touch with what the West is doing either. Have I seen fanfics and do I know 1x2 is the most popular ship? Yes. Have I spent 10 minutes looking at a manga panel, trying to figure out what is going on, only to hit the back button as fast as I could once I did? To the detriment of my poor eyes, yes. But when it comes to fandom differences, I think @muwi-translates could give you a proper answer. I can’t really say much as I’m not involved in the fandom in a way that lets me know such things.
I just sit here in my bubble, talking to myself most of the time.
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glitchyrealities · 8 months
Time - Edward Nygma x Reader
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When you find yourself in a tough situation, a knight in green comes to your rescue.
This was a request for the love at first sight trope, with a dashing rescue from our favorite enigma.
(find me on AO3)
the scent of fear was thick in the warehouse, and the sound of laughter filled the air.
it wasn’t like being held hostage was anything new in Gotham, it’d happened to you a grand total of 14 times, but it was different with the Joker.
no one dared to make a noise as he paced in front of the gaggle of hostages, pointing at each one as he counted.
“Hm…” He muttered under his breath, “eenie, meenie, minie…”
you were sat in the middle, hunching over in an attempt to blend into the masses, taking slow steady breathes to calm yourself.
“…mo.” he finishes, picking you out of the crowd. A guard yanks you up by the collar and Joker cackles in glee at the resulting screams from the people around you.
He drags you across the ground as you kick and scramble in a desperate attempt to pull yourself to your feet.
He stops in his tracks, and you notice a spotlight across the room, shining onto a table where a man in green stands.
“Nygma.” He growls, dropping you unceremoniously. “What are you doing here?”
“Just passing through…thought i’d pop in and see where all the screams were coming from.” He responds, draping his cane over his shoulders, one end in each hand.
“Well now you know, you should be moving on. It’s crowded enough.”
“You wound me. I suppose i-“ He locks eyes with you, slinking away into the shadows whilst everyone’s attention is drawn.
This, of course, sends the attention back to you.
“Or maybe you wanted to join in on the fun, Eddie-boy?” Joker cackles, catching on.
A couple guards grab you up and haul you over to Joker, who immediately presses a gun to your head. “Shows almost over, lucky you caught the end.” He shoots Edward a menacing grin.
“Don’t.” Edward says, his cane striking the ground.
“You know, maybe we could come to an agreement Eddie. You tell me who the bat is, and I’ll gladly hand over the girl.”
“I told you, I don’t know.”
“What a shame.” Joker says, pretending to sob for a moment before his finger finds the trigger.
In a flash, three of the men wearing Joker costumes, but now obviously not his men, have grabbed him from behind, tossing him into the frantic crowd, and going to fight the clowns henchmen.
Eddie hops down from the table, striding calmly through the chaos to extend his hand to you.
You take it, wide eyed and breathing hard.
He helps you up off the ground and pulls you along beside him as the pair of you escape the scene.
There’s nothing but silence until he stops, pulling out a pair of keys and unlocking the sliding garage door of a warehouse. He enters and turns when he realizes you’re not following.
He tilts his head, as if asking a question.
“I-“ you take a deep breath. “Where are we going?”
“Out of town. Letting Joker blow off some steam. Avoiding getting blown up. He’ll be after you…and me. But mostly you.”
“Why? You don’t even know me.”
“What was that saying about looking a gift horse in the mouth?” He says, looking into the distance as if he’s thinking about it. He notices the unimpressed look on your face and sighs. “Why not?”
He slides the door up, revealing a bright green 60s Bentley.
“Oh…that’s subtle.”
He shrugs and walks to the passenger door, opening it and gesturing for you to get in.
You hesitate for a moment, only considering the fact that was the Riddler for a split second. Sure he was handsome, but that definitely didn’t mean you could trust him.
You get in the car anyway.
He shuts the door behind you, you can hear him whistling Beyond the Sea as he walks around to the drivers side.
He turns the key, and looks over to you.
“I can crawl, I can fly, I have hands but no legs or wings either. What am I?”
“Time.” You say without hesitation.
He smiles, obviously pleased. “Precisely. The moment I saw you I knew you were special. Worth my time, if you will. I won’t let anything happen to you, but you have to trust me.”
He puts the car in drive, and turns the headlights on, obviously thinking about something.
He turns back to you. “One more thing.”
“Hm!” You exclaim, as he leans in, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
After a moment, you kiss back, closing your eyes and bringing a hand to rest on his cheek.
He pulls back. “Okay?”
“Okay.” you answer, looking into his emerald eyes, noticing the dark circles from too many nights working late.
He nods, and pulls the car out of the warehouse.
You watch the mirrors, and can’t help but smile as Gotham shrinks into the distance.
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Skyway Avenue.
Part Two To This Original Story!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: Eddie has totally fallen for the new metalhead in school and is taking every opportunity to hangout with you and get to know you. He takes you on a guided tour of Hawkins to show you around your new home. Pure fluff ensues.
Warnings: No warnings, this is purely fluff/pure content. Unless you count a couple of curse words as needing a warning? Idk, I haven’t written fanfics in like 8 years so I’m a little rusty…
Note/Request: Requested by anonymous. “Fairies wear boots part 2 💳💳”
Word Count: 4.4k
Send me prompts to write about!
You jump a little in response to the bell ringing out across the school, signalling the end of the day had come around, scooping up all of your school supplies and stuffing them back into your purple backpack, heading to your locker to dump everything that you didn’t need for the evening. Once you only had the bear minimum left in your bag, you slam the locker shut and turn on your heels, letting out a soft squeak in surprise at the metal head in front of you.
“Jesus chRIST, hi.” You giggle, catching your breath as you can feel yourself going red in the face in embarrassment for the commotion you just made.
“Hi, you.” Eddie smiles, wasting no time in taking you under his metaphorical wing and leading you out towards his van that lay abandoned in the school parking lot.
“Where are we headed first?” You ask, excitement clear in your voice as you climbed into the passenger seat, Eddie revved up the engine before you both slipped into the designated seatbelts.
“I was thinking I’d do a little driven guided tour of some of the more out of the way places, and then we could get out and walk to Skull Rock? It’s in the middle of the woods so you can’t really drive out there, how’s that?” he questioned, putting the van into reverse, and backing out of the spot.
“Sounds great!” You cheer, watching as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed to downtown Hawkins, his first choice? The Hideout.
It was a pleasant ride, the sound of Eddie’s favourite mixtape playing through his van’s speakers, it was all over far sooner than you had expected. The engine cuts off and Eddie grins across at you for what felt like the hundredth time today, gesturing to a small and somewhat dingy bar. “The Hideout” you read the slightly rusted sign that hung overhead, the building was currently closed due to business hours not commencing until after dark, you notice a pure and excited look on his face.
“Okay, so this is where my band play every week… Corroded Coffin? We’re awesome, I’ll definitely make you a tape of our songs so you can sing along when you come and see us next week. I play guitar, you’re gonna love us!”
“That’s very presumptuous of you.” You laugh to yourself, rolling your eyes even if your expression showed that you were just messing about. You were intrigued about his music, and you definitely weren’t against coming and seeing him play.
You two sit and chat for a little longer about how long The Hideout had been there, and how it was apparently the perfect place for outcasts to get together and feel wanted and like they belonged. You made a mental note to keep this place on your list of safe spaces whilst Eddie rocked the engine back up, you blink and he’s speeding out of the parking lot and heading to the next stop on the tour. His unsteady driving was something you’d have to get used to.
He drove you both next towards Lovers Lake, a place you recall the kids giving you a warning about as it had quite the reputation thanks to its name. Eddie took you around a lap of the place in the van before he parked up at the entrance and gave you a chance to take it all in, hands up in defence as he let out a loud laugh, cheeks pink as he looks at you.
“I swear to god, I didn’t bring you here to make out! I just wanted to give you a tour of all the best places, and this is totally a great spot to just park up, light up and watch the sunset. It gets real quiet here at night and its bliss…” Eddie sighed in content, you slap his arm playfully with your hand before offering a childish pout.
“Wow, so I’m not good enough for you to wanna make out with, hm?” you tease, he immediately starts to stumble over his words as he scrambled to defend himself.
“No—I mean, you are? You are! I just—I didn’t want you to think I just bring any pretty girl here and try and hook up with them?! I—” you cut him off with a loud snort of laughter.
“I was fucking with you, Munson! But thanks for the ego boost.” You grin, patting his thigh whilst he drops his head into his hands and lets out a sigh of what you registered to be relief.
“I hate you.” He snorts, taking a deep breath before squeezing the wheel in both hands, “let’s get outta here, I’ll take you somewhere with far less expectations.”
Once more the engine roars to life, it was endearing the way he would become so flustered and awkward whenever you teased him. A smile on your face as he turned up the music as if to drown out his thoughts, looking out the window to take in the sights and get a lay of the land whilst he moved in the direction of the woods that backed onto Hawkins High. You were unsure on why he didn’t start here first as it was the closest to school, but he explained that he needed to wait for everyone to have gotten back home so you didn’t bump into anyone in the woods right after school.
Pulling up on the mud path, he shuts off the engine and unbuckles his belt, you follow suit and free yourself from the safety of the restraint. Climbing out of his car and slamming the door behind yourself whilst Eddie takes his time wandering to your side of the car, locking the vehicle, and stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. Using his head to nod in the direction of the trail whilst you walk side by side, his voice hushed as you disappear into the woods together.
The small trail gradually ends, and Eddie takes a more… scenic route. You follow close behind as he seems to know where he was going, eventually coming to a small clearing that only had a small and abandoned picnic table in the centre of it.
“Welcome to my lair.” He laughed, slumping down onto one side of the table whilst you glance around, a little more cautious than he was, sinking into the opposite side as you place your palms against the tabletop.
“You usually hangout by yourself in the middle of bumfuck nowhere?” you laugh, sound amplified in a wave of echoes from the forest replicating your sound, making another mental note to keep the noise down so it wasn’t projected like that again.
“To be honest… This is where I come to do my deals.” He admits, fumbling with his rings and avoiding your eyes, afraid you were going to judge him and leave.
“Deals?” you ask, you thought you understood what he meant, but you wanted him to be clearer, so you weren’t making assumptions about his statement.
“Yeah, uh… I sell weed out here, y’know? Helps my uncle pay bills..” he shrugs.
“Oh, okay. I can see why you’d pick such a remote location then.” You offer him a smile, reassuring him in one gaze that you weren’t here to judge him, not one bit.
His visibly relaxes once he realises you weren’t disgusted by his side hustle, he folds his arms across his chest with a shy smile before clearing his throat, “Do you smoke, per chance?”
You shake your head side to side, Eddie just nods once in response.
“That’s alright, gotta keep your pretty lungs squeaky clean.” He offers a smile, “Do you mind if I have a cigarette? I can totally hold out until later if you’re disgusted by that.”
“No, no, go ahead!” you reassure him, he takes a second to check that you meant your words before fishing his cigarettes out of his jacket and lighter, lighting up one of the sticks before taking a long drag and exhaling away from you. Not wanting to cover you in the smell, especially as you had been so accommodating to him already.
“So… How’re you finding Hawkins so far?” he questions, mid drag of his cigarette.
“I like it… Well, yeah. I think I like it? It’s a way different vibe than back home, and the people seem to be nice enough, apart from the jocks, they can stick their egos up their asses. Everyone else is nice, at least to my face.” You smile, it was your turn to fumble with your fingers now.
“Oh? That’s great to hear. Made any friends?” his voice genuine, hopeful.
“Not exactly? I mean, Dustin is great, but we don’t cross paths much as he’s in the younger classes, Steve and Nancy are really sweet, kinda feel like a third wheel around them, though. You’ve been great to me so far, so thank you for that.” You ramble on.
“Not a problem, Doll. Happy to guide such a pretty face around town,” he starts, stubbing out the end of the cigarette and setting his hand upon the back of your palm comfortingly, “You can always sit with us at lunch, table’s always open for you.”
You nod, smiling gratefully in his direction.
“20 Questions?” he announces out of nowhere, causing you to laugh.
“Sure, go ahead…” you relax into the table, awaiting the grilling that was on the horizon.
“Metallica or Black Sabbath?” starting simple, his brow cocking at you in interest.
“Metallica, always. Next.” A smug grin on your lips. This would be easy.
“Drummers or guitarists?” he probes, attention hung on every word you said.
“Hm…” you took a second to think “Drummers have better rhythm, but guitarists are better with their hands, so..” you laugh, clearly kidding, “I think guitarists.”
“Yes!” Eddie claps his hands once in celebration with a cheer, “Favourite colour?”
“Deep purple, mhm. I used to have my whole room pastel purple when I was a kid, now it’s all just a slightly moodier purple, suits me far better.” You smile at the memory of your childhood bedroom, finding it easy to open up to the older student.
“Horror movie or comedy?” arms folding across his chest again as he speaks.
“Horror, no doubt.” you state proudly, “next?”
“Breakfast or dinner?”
“Breakfast for dinner, duh.” You snort a laugh, an amused smile on his face.
“Spicy or sweet food?” tilting his head to the side in question.
“Sweet. I have such a sweet tooth, ugh.” You sigh in content.
“Best ice cream flavour?”
“Mint chocolate chip!” you squeal in delight, your delight soon replaced with a sad pout as Eddie scrunched up his face and looked appalled at your choice.
“You’re disgusting, just when I started to like you, dammit!” he joked, rolling his eyes before racking his brain for another thing to ask you, “cats or dogs? I swear to god if you say ca—”
“CATS!” you interrupt, causing him to groan and hide his face in his hands, eventually peeking through his hands to show that he was pretending to judge you.
“Strike two, Y/L/N.” he warns, “Beach or woods?”
“Woods, beach is too mainstream” you giggle, Eddie soon slumps back against the table and seems to have a bright grin on his lips.
“And you’re back in the game! Okay, uh… Drown or burn alive?”
You wince at the thought of having to suffer with either of those options, both making your palms sweat a little as you hoped you’d never have to encounter either, “I’d rather burn alive.. I’d risk becoming Eddie Kruger than drown, fuck that.” You pout at even the thought.
“Is that your biggest fear?” he questions, you shake your head, “then what is?”
“I’m terrified of heights, anything where I’m out of control and in the hands of nature. I don’t wanna take flights or get in the ocean or climb high, I’d very much like to stay on the ground where it’s safe.” You tense up a little at the thought of having to be in those situations, Eddie notices your demeanour changes and he plucks out another question to change the subject and get you to relax.
“Sports or video games?” he asks, squeezing your wrist to comfort you.
“Video Games, definitely” you answer quickly.
“Dad bods or gym rats?”
“I don’t have a preference, I fall for people with personality and kind hearts” you blush.
“Booooo, boring!” Eddie snorts, causing you to smack his forearm gently, “I’m just fucking with you, Jesus! Okay, tattoos or piercings?”
“Tattoos, they’re way more impressive to me” you smile, seeing the way Eddie sits up a little in his seat, clearly approving of your answer, the older boy covered in tattoos that you had yet to actually see.
“Correct,” he teases, “Got a celebrity crush?”
“Johnny Depp! He’s… God, he’s pretty.” You sigh in a dreamy tone, “Tommy Lee too, I know he’s an absolute asshole and I do not support anything he does, but my GOD is he fine..”
Eddie laughed, a smug grin on his lips as clearly you had a type, he approved.
“Got a useless talent?” raising a brow, sitting back as you nod.
“I can always land on the number I wanted when rolling dice. Every single time, I can’t remember the last time I got it wro—” you start, Eddie shouts in delight.
“Wait, seriously?! Prove it!” he demands, tugging his lucky D20 from his pocket and placing it on the table in front of you, looking like an excited child waiting for a magician to do a trick at a birthday party.
“Okay, what number do we want?” you ask, swiping up the dice.
“Uhhhh, 13! Unlucky 13!” he grins, beady eyes staring at the dice in your palm.
“Alright…” you start, closing your eyes and bringing your fist up to your face, taking a deep breath in silence before shaking your hand a few times, allowing the dice to fall freely onto the table. It came to a slow rolling stop before Eddie hopped up to look at it, you sat in your place and waited proudly.
“It’s… a 13, what the fuck?!” he squeals, picking up the D20 in pure disbelief and shaking his head, handing the item to you before demanding you did it again, not wanting it to be a fluke, “Do it again, go for an 8 this time!” he demands.
You roll, it’s an 8.
You roll, it’s a 17.
“3! 12! 19!”
You roll, 3. You roll, 12. You roll, 19.
Eddie is losing his mind, hands in his hair as he had stood up and began pacing back and forth in disbelief, going off on a whole tangent about how ‘crazy impressive’ this was, declaring that you needed to be at every DND event as their ‘good luck charm.’ It took him a good while to compose himself, sitting opposite you once again. Pocketing the dice in his jacket, he then shakes his head in disbelief.
“Holy god damn shit, that was insane…. Fuck, okay! Nothing can top that, okay. Do you have a favourite Star Wars character?” he prods, practically heart eyes at you.
“Leia. She’s a princess and a badass, I love her.” You smile proudly.
He couldn’t argue with that, it was a solid choice with solid reasoning.
“Pet peeves?”
“Plot holes, people who are late and probably… maybe people who talk through movies?” you shrug, not sure about which one of those listed bothered you the most in honesty.
“Final question—” he starts before you interrupt.
“You’re a question short, Munson. You said 20, this would be 19.”
He smirks in your direction, shrugging his shoulders before mumbling “close enough, hush,” which made you laugh to yourself, “Halloween or Christmas?”
“For me? Halloween. I love the decorations and dressing up in costumes and getting free candy, but for my family? Christmas. I love getting to gift people things that make them smile, I love the ruse of Santa and the lead up to the big day,” you smile.
“S-Santa’s not real…” Eddie gasps, grabbing at his chest and falling back off of the chair as if you had just crushed his world, he rolled around on the floor for a second before jumping to his feet, both of you in a fit of giggles, “and on that heart-breaking note, we should get going before it gets dark.”
You stand, taking his hand that is offered in your direction, dusting off your skirt before you start the slow decent back towards his van, the pair of you talking excitedly about things such as Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Only pausing to thank him as he opened the door for you, climbing in and buckling up once more, Eddie then hops in his side and prepares to take you on the next step of the tour, glancing up at the sky as it was quickly getting darker, then glancing across at you.
“We’re gonna have to take a rain check on the Skull Rock thing, it’s getting dark, and I don’t want to be the reason you slip and break your ankle in the middle of the muddy woods, hope that’s alright with you?” you nod, so he continues, “so either I can take you back to your place if you’re done with my ass, or we can head back to my place and hangout until you’re ready to go home?”
“Your place?” you smile hopefully, looking up at him with soft eyes.
“You got it, sweetheart.” Eddie smiles simply, kicking into gear and speeding his way back to his trailer, tapping his hands on the steering wheel in time with whatever played on the speaker, gravel crunching under his tires when he pulled up to his place.
“Home Sweet Home,” Eddie sighs, shutting off the van and clambering out, scurrying to your side to let you out of the passenger side, slamming the door shut behind your both and strolling up to his front door. Jangling the keys as he unlocks the door, gesturing for you to enter as he stumbles inside after you, the door smacking closed behind you. “Stay here for a sec, will ya?”
You nod, watching as he tumbled through the trailer into one of the back rooms, playing with your fingers nervously as you hear banging and crashing from the far end of the house, half tempted to check out the noise, but you didn’t want to intrude. He came out a little while later, plates and cups stacked high in one hand and a trash bag in the other, stacking the things into the sink to deal with later before he took the trash out, washing his hands before beaming brightly at you.
“Sorry—I’m not used to having guests as pretty as you, so I hadn’t cleaned up before, hopefully it’s to your standard now, love.” He laughed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly before gesturing for you to wander down the hall to where he had emerged from.
You walk ahead of him, stepping into the bedroom with a soft smile on your face, doing a slow 360 turn to take in the room, noticing the posters of bands you loved, cassette tapes stacked high of the music you both enjoyed, bedroom still a little messy but you couldn’t blame him, nor would you judge him. Ashtray full of stumped out cigarettes and blunts, besides that was the small box of condoms that he kept, causing you to giggle. His eyes following your line of sight before his cheeks went red, Eddie snatching up the box and stuffing them into this bedside table with an embarrassed groan.
Sitting on the edge of his bed, a magazine catching your attention as it was half peaking out from under a shirt that he left on the bed, tugging the corner of it out from its hiding spot, eyes wide as you take in the cover. Heavy Metal? You noticed the half-naked cartoon on the front, looking up at Eddie with an amused little snort, to which Eddie snatched it out of your hands as he only became more flustered, stuffing it into the drawer alongside the condoms.
“Don’t mention it,” he grumbled, sitting beside you. You actioned to zipping your lips shut and throwing away the key, not wanting to make him uncomfortable in his own home, he visibly relaxes when he realises you are dropping the subject.
He slumps back until his back is flushed with the mattress, laying sideways across the bed whilst you turn to face him. Kicking off your shoes so you can bring your feet up onto the bed, crossing your legs with your hands poking his chest fondly.
“Mind if I light up?” Eddie asks, he had gone all day without smoking anything so he would be lying if he said he wasn’t craving it, you shake your head and give him the green light to do as he pleased.
He reached behind him without looking, clearly a routine for him, grabbing his rolled blunt and lighter. Eddie brings the blunt to his lips, lighting the end before taking a long drag with a groan of content, tilting his head away from you to make sure that he wouldn’t exhale in your face. You sat comfortably in silence for a while, watching Eddie become more pliant and relaxed as you just enjoyed watching him in his natural habitat. It’s not long before he is stubbing the end of the blunt out, and you reach over to his hand, admiring the rings whilst your thumbs ghost over the metallic details with a fond smile.
“So… What now?” you ask softly.
“Hm?” he looked blissed out, shrugging. He didn’t have a plan right now, just content with being here in the peace and quiet with his new friend. Taking your hand, bringing it to his face so he can press a couple of kisses to your knuckles. “Well, what did you wanna do?”
Your turn to shrug, not having thought that far ahead in all honesty. “Tell me about yourself?” you offer, having spent most of the day talking about yourself, you wanted to know more about the sweetheart in front of you.
“Okay, I can do that…” he starts, recalling a vague outline of his childhood, avoiding going into any detail that wasn’t necessary as you could tell that was a touchy subject for him to get into. He then went into detail about his interests and his passions, his little group of friends that he had collected along the way, how he was really hoping to graduate this year as it was his last chance to do that. His plans for his life after graduation, to go on tour with his band or if everything else failed he would want to become a music teacher or host some kind of club like Hellfire outside of school to ‘make sure nerds never lose themselves in the mundane and forced conformity’ as he put it.
His head found its way into your lap, and your fingers found a home in his curls, twirling them around your fingertips whilst he opened up to you and answered every and any question you could possibly throw his way. You’re not sure how it happened, but somehow the hours had slipped right past you, glancing at the watch on your wrist out of pure interest whilst a yawn escaped your lips, Eddie was in a half-asleep state in your lap.
“Holy shit, it’s past midnight!” you squeak in response.
Its not like you had a curfew or anything, your parents trusted you and knew that you would soon call if you needed any help, but the fact you had been hanging out with his sleepy puppy-like human for a solid eight hours had surprised you.
“Shit, really? Let me take you home—” Eddie was suddenly very awake now, stumbling up to tug on his shoes and jacket that he had previously discarded.
The pair of you tug your shoes back on before he’s swiping his keys from the kitchen counter, rushing you out of his trailer and locking the door behind you both. You’re quiet whilst clambering up into the van, trying to be polite so the neighbourhood wasn’t disrupted so late at night. That was soon a wasted effort when the van started up, gravel crunching once again as Eddie backed out of the driveway, heading in the direction of the address you had mumbled to him. The music far quieter this time as you drove, you were looking out the window at whatever the dull streetlights would illuminate, and Eddie would focus on driving, a yawn slipping out of his mouth often.
Eventually pulling up into your driveway, parking his van behind your mother’s car whilst you reached into the back to grab your backpack, grabbing out your keys and turning to flash Eddie a nervous smile.
“Thank you so much for today… It was really nice.” You admit, to which he shoots you a sleepy smile, leaning across the gear stick to peck your cheek fondly.
“Not a problem, doll. I had a blast.” He confesses, the both of you smiling like goofballs.
“I—I’ll see you at school tomorrow?” you offer.
“I’ll pick you up on the way if you want? I don’t mind” Eddie shrugs.
“Really?” brows furrowing as if you didn’t believe he would go out of his way to drive in the opposite direction just to come and take you to school so you could avoid the early morning bus route.
“Totally, babe. See you at 8?” he smiles, you nod. Pressing another soft kiss against your cheek before he pulls back and lets you climb out. Watching you like a hawk as you head the couple of steps towards your front door, you turn to face him once the door was open.
He offers you a friendly wave and a flirty wink, you reciprocate the wave as your face heats up from his actions, cheeks hurting from how hard you’re smiling. Reluctantly closing the door behind yourself and heading into the house, Eddie pulling out of your driveway with the most smitten smile imaginable. Shaking his head from side to side in disbelief as he makes his way back home, sighing happily at the thought of seeing you again tomorrow morning.
“I’m so fucked..” he chuckled, heart pounding out of his chest.
He was crushing on you, hard, there was no denying it.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
But that's why it's so fun though. There's definitely the surface level canon story.
It's fun to think, what if? Especially with easter eggs or vague elements showing the tiniest connection to another. Someone had to create that, so maybe they had an idea the viewer would too. If so, then what would the story look like if this connection is canon. Bonus points if it is canon and theres tiny nuggets all over the place. Im looking at you, eldren ring 😘👅. Overall, it expands the story and adds depth, and who doesn't like that. (Trick question: NO ONE)
Lmao YOU KNOW he was waiting!! The pan away shot was so the audience couldn't see the filthy smirk on his face after saying that. Leon is totally a "fun guy" at heart *snaps finger guns*. Definitely loves to crack jokes. It's just given his surroundings and the situation he usually in, it's totally not called for. Especially his type of...humor, which already isn't that funny in a normal environment. Then when he says it, it's a double "Oh hell no." for me, dawg.
AHHHHH lmaooo you like his jokes! You're more whipped me than! 🤣 I'm shriveling up. A chocolate eclair 💀 we gotta build that up! (I can't talk mine is as tough as extra firm tofu)
Fr I totally understand. I'd feel bad especially since he's trying to lighten the environment, plus I know he hates this more than I do. Replace me with Ashley and all I hear are gunshots, goreish noises, and foreign yelling 24/7...👁👄👁 I'm listening to "Leon's jokes on a 10 hour loop" (some of them). I'd have to scrape up the courage to think of jokes and not hyper fixating on my environment and future death or Leon's back 😉.
I'd either beg Leon for a mercy kill or do it myself. I'm not built for that world. Also if Leon actually said that, he'd get 1 good noodle star, cuz that actually made me laugh.🤡
I'm hollering!! I was thinking the same thing but couldn't find the meme!!! Thank you!!🥹
Leon is a frat party and a Bang energy drink (the only option) with a plate of hooters wings away from being the "you're not that guy pal". Maybe the trauma was worth it.
(Again sorry for any grammar mistake. I can't read or write)
I love a game with little nuggets that subtly connect to one another to weave an story beneath the common storyline. It just gives you more insight to…well everything! It’s one of my favourites that the game developers are like ‘we’re gonna give long time players a treat and new time players a fun thing to unravel.’
Ngl, Leon would single-handedly give me brain rot so bad that I start doing crappy, half asses one liners.
It’s a disease and he’s the cause.
It ain’t my fault that Leon is so unbelievably pretty! My kryptonite is pretty boys and unfortunately Leon is on-top of the list for prettiest boys!
All he’d have to do if flash me a smile and I’d be like; 😩 😳😖🥵🤤🫠
The trauma Leon has been through had altered him so much so that his coping mechanisms are to make shitty one liners to EVERYTHING.
He thinks he’s a cool kid at heart, we know that ain’t true. He’s a dorky dork that thinks his humour is the shit.
Me: Leon go to therapy, you’re obviously not okay.
Leon: Therapy is for losers and I am no loser😎
Me: you’ve missed 6 appointments, the jokes got to stop-
In all fairness he probs doesn’t think therapy would work out for him at all and also over works himself to the bone. I remember someone saying that the reasons for Leon being jacked as all hell in re4 is so he doesn’t get taken by surprise anymore.
My baby needs a hug but he’d probably be so on edge and alert that I wouldn’t be able to without triggering his fight or flight responses.
I’d get too distracted by Leon’s ass and have a deep debate within myself whether or not it’s be inappropriate to slap it. Also Leon doesn’t skip leg day. He’s got nice thighs, and arms…and back…nice tits…
Leon probably would drink bang energy in means of staying up at night. How he finds out about bang is anyones guess.
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