#I’ll wait a bit to see if staff says anything but I’ll likely end up changing the pair before I breed them again
secondtolastfr · 4 months
Looks like I'll have to update my Megalodon Rising breeding card since they "fixed" Sandsurge Blend- old vs new:
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I am genuinely considering a different secondary, because it just looks bad. It's not terrible, I'm sure other colors and dragons have it worse, but it's just. Bad.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Redraw of the panels that SHATTERED MY HEART o(;△;)o!!! OG panels + Opinions on the Luffy separation arc under read more
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Okay let me just go on a tangent about my feelings about the post-series Luffy separation arc, cause I think it gets way too much hate when it’s such a heartbreaking and well executed deviation from oda’s standard formula!!! I know that we all love monkey d. luffy and he’s LITERALLY the main character of the series, but it was also really nice to get more time to focus on the rest of the crew. But here’s the thing, even when Luffy wasn’t here, he was still here. And I’m not talking about the so called ‘blessings’ or whatever that kept SUSPICIOUSLY popping up around the crew when Luffy disappeared, I’m talking about the consequences that arised from him disappearing. We truly got to see how grand the effect luffy has had on the world around him, and how many lives he was able to touch ; - ; So even though luffy physically wasn’t present (I mean KIND OF but you know what I mean), this was still VERY MUCH a luffy arc imo. 
Oh man but I think Oda wrote luffy’s disappearance so well,,, I was sobbing for like 80 percent of this arc. Like just gradually seeing the crew’s deterioration as time passes by,,, but everyone has such unwavering faith in their captain, he HAS to come back cause Luffy always comes back. But here’s the thing, Luffy didn’t know what was happening to him when he started disappearing. But what he DID know is that he wasn’t sure if he was gonna be able to come back or not. And Luffy hates breaking promises- he’d never make a promise if he didn’t plan to keep it, and he’s not an idiot either, so when he just felt himself disappearing and saw zoro nearby... Instead of saying something like “I’ll be back!” and potentially making his crewmates wait for him forever, he tells zoro to “take care of the crew”... SOBBING AND CRYING T - T. So YES. the crew has unwavering faith in their captain. But. Luffy didnt say that he’d be coming back or anything. So what are they supposed to do really.
And it’s really hard to read at some parts, like it never loses the goofy tone that has been there throughout all of one piece and it’s really sweet to see everyone rely on each other to keep one another afloat, but the slight tension that keeps building up over the months while they keep looking for clues and answers... And how each lead keeps becoming a dead end... When it builds up and Usopp finally voices the thing that’s on everyone’s mind.
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Oh man. I started crying so hard. It took 6 month for any one of them to say something. Like this is One piece. Of course Luffy is gonna come back eventually, it would be waay too dark otherwise... But Idk man, even I started to doubt that :((( But luckily. THIS IS ONE PIECE. So right after everyone started,,, well not exactly losing hope or anything (maybe a bit)? but going BATSHIT INSANE FROM THE REALITY THAT THEIR CAPTAIN MIGHT BE GONE FOR GOOD, they finally got a solid actual clue of what might’ve happened to luffy!!! And I’m SO GLADDDD!!!!
Omg and when they tracked down the pray-pray no mi user and finally got some answers out of him. OMG WAIT A MOMENT I REALLY LIKED IS WHEN PRIEST GUY IS LIKE “urerheg without luffy up there as a god the entire world may very well be destroyed cause the sun has been super unstable for centuries blah blah” and then Nami freaking PUMMELED THE GUY AND SHOVED HIM DOWN WITH HER STAFF AND
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URGH I was really hoping that Luffy would return right once they beat him up cause I really really missed my boy, but honestly I think the final method of getting Luffy to return was super clever and absolutely worth the extra 3 weeks of waiting!!! I know that it was foreshadowed across the whole West Blue Saga and everything but I honestly had no clue it would end like that, DONT MAKE FUN OF ME :(((
When the crew finally got their captain back after 8 months of waiting... I mean they’ve been separated before for even longer periods of time, but they always knew that they’d be back together. This time they didn’t know. BUT AREHAHRGE ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING WAS SO WORTHIT WHEN THEY ALL FINALLY REUNITED T - T!!!!!! UWAHHWHAHWUAAGGHA!!! AND SEEING ALL THEIR ALLIES AND FRIENDS THEYVE MADE JUST CHEER AND CRY WHEN THEY HEAR THE NEWS!!!! I WOULD CHUCK ALL THE PANELS HERE IF I COULD BUT ID JUS T REACH THE IMAGE LIMIT BECAUSE ALL OF THEM MADE ME CRY ; - ;!!! Literally just read those 5 chapters in the arc finale cause,,,, man so good T - T
Anyways TLDR: The post-series luffy seperation arc is NOT BAD and you guys are JUST COWARDS AND LIARS!!!!
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astroph1les · 7 months
this love | chapter three [h.c]
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summary: the king and queen are away and the kingdom is yours to explore. you make a trip to town and a stop by a lake that tests your relationship with hazel. the night ends with a moment that will change your life forever.
pairing: hazel callahan x fem!reader
contains: angst, isabel just being the sweetest girl to exist, hazel opens up, mutual pining, it’s begun….
word count: 7K
a/n: i love them. that’s all.
this love masterlist
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To say you were elated was an understatement.
You felt like your head was above the clouds as you woke up on your own the following morning. Your parents were gone and they would be for the next month. A month without them breathing down your neck about your princess-like duties, criticizing your every move, and comparing you to the one person you truly missed; your sister, Moira.
When your mother and father left the kingdom for tasks such as wasting their time searching for yet another prince for you to despise, they called off a vast majority of the staff to go back to their own homes back in town. A few guards and knights were the only ones other than you, Isabel, and Hazel were staying at the palace.
You knew the palace you lived in was quite big but when the people who took up so much space were gone, it suddenly became clear.
You sat up slowly from your sheets, stretching your arms upwards as you smacked your lips. It was strange to not have Mildred, Vivian and Beth come in to instantly begin to get you ready in the morning before you could even process being awake. You were still in your nightgown when you heard a soft knock come from the other side of the grand doors to your bedroom.
“Yes?” You call from your bed, raising your voice a bit louder so that whoever it was could hear you.
“Is it alright if I come in?” Isabel’s soft voice flows through the wood.
Your smile formed as you shouted for her to come in. You were getting out of the extremely comfortable bed that was tempting to fall back into when the doors opened. Your eyes widened when Hazel followed in after Isabel, somehow surprised that she was there.
“Good morning!” Isabel, sweet as ever, is the first one that speaks, already in one of her daily dresses.
Hazel’s eyes widened at the sight of you in your nightgown— your very see-through nightgown. She turned around as quickly as she had seen you.
“Princess, I’m sorry. I hadn't realized you were still…” She stumbled out an apology.
“Hazel, it's alright, really. I’ll be dressed in just a few minutes.”
Hazel simply nodded, remaining in silence throughout the duration of Isabel getting you ready. She kept glancing at you the entire time with looks that were confusing you. A smirk lingered on her pink lips but again, there were no words. Only glances between you and Hazel.
You and Isabel had landed on this rather beautiful simple white gown with a purple corduroy vest for a pop of color. Isabel had weaved half of your hair into a lengthy French braid while the rest flowed down your back.
You cleared your throat with a smile, staring at Hazel’s backside, and waited patiently for her to turn around. Once she did, she immediately began to apologize once again.
“Princess, again, I had no idea that you were still…” Hazel trailed off, raking her eyes up and down your body.
You flushed at her intense gaze, shaking your head.
“It’s alright. We’re all women.” You state plainly, shrugging your shoulders.
Hazel stared for a moment, a sudden silence and tension falling over the entire room. She nodded curtly before clearing her throat.
“Right. Well, is there anything you’d like to do today, princess?” Hazel spoke as if to distract from what had just happened.
You hadn't really thought about it. This newfound freedom without your parents was so riveting, you couldn’t decide what to do first. There were so many things that you had dreamed of doing without the precious king and queen breathing down your neck.
Now, it was really only Hazel that was on your every move but you didn't mind that much. You actually preferred it.
“I’d like to go into town.” You state with your full chest, staring at Hazel patiently.
Isabel’s head turned to you as her bright green eyes softened. Isabel’s family lived in town and she didn't get to see them as often as she liked so you could knock out two birds with one stone; your closest friend seeing her family and you being able to explore the town for the first time.
Hazel was hesitant. You could tell by the way her eyes widened at your words before she nodded.
“Of course, princess.”
As soon as those words left Hazel’s mouth, Isabel wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you into a tight hug. You copied her movements as you let out a soft chuckle.
“Thank you,” Isabel breathes out with a relieved sigh that makes your heartache.
“No need to thank me, Bel,” you release her to hold her hands, matching her excitement.
“Princess, I’m sorry to interrupt but if you’re ready, I could bring the horses around for you and Isabel.” Hazel stood still, eyes flickering between you and Isabel.
Isabel simply nodded, her thrilled smile making your morning.
“We’re ready, Hazel. Thank you.” Your smile matches Isabel’s as Hazel walks towards the bedroom doors to tug them open for you both.
You and Isabel interlock arms, the soft fabric of your long and flowy bell sleeves. Hazel nodded curtly at you both then lingered behind you both as Isabel gushed to you about how absolutely thrilled to see her mother and sisters. Once you all had made it outside, Hazel made her way to the stables quickly to grab Peanut and a soft brown horse for Isabel.
Hazel had one hand on each of their bridles as they trotted on either side of her as they crossed the courtyard. You and Isabel stand at the bottom of the steps, waiting patiently for her to approach you both with the horses.
“Peanut, hi!” You beam as his snout bumps into your hand. “You are just the sweetest.”
“He really likes you.” Hazel’s dimple appears from her small grin, a flush showering over your cheeks and chest.
“It might be my royal charm,” you joke as you scratch underneath his furry jaw.
Hazel nodded. “Of course. Who could resist your royal charm, princess?”
You could feel your heartbeat in your ears once she said that, freezing your hand on Peanuts’ jaw. Isabel’s arm released yours as she made her way to the other horse. You didn't miss her pursed lips and how she looked down at her flat shoes.
You let out a soft laugh before shaking your head.
“Thank you, Hazel.” Your laugh was awkward and you knew it but you focused on Peanut as you knew he couldn't make your cheeks spark a fire.
“Isabel, are you alright to ride the horse?” Hazel questioned the elated girl.
“Yes. I’ll be right behind you guys.” Isabel cooed the horse she was assigned before hopping onto the saddle.
Your eyes widened for a moment as you realized that you had never ridden a horse. Your excitement clouded your lack of horse-riding skills. You cursed the fact that your parents had banned you from the stables so that you wouldn’t smell like ‘peasants’.
They were so infuriating; even when they weren’t physically here.
“Wait, Hazel, I have never been on a horse.” You reach for her arm but then pull away, afraid she will reject your touch.
Hazel had two fingers gripped onto the bridle and stared at your hand that was retracting itself. You tucked it away into your other palm and cleared your throat.
“That’s no problem. I can help you, princess. Here.” Hazel held her hand out to you, her slightly calloused palm exposing themselves to you.
Your eyes glanced down at her hand and back up at her darling ocean eyes. You carefully take her hand, hoping you weren’t acting like her touch was terrifying. A part of you felt that it was for a reason that you couldn't quite describe.
You grab onto her palm, growing comfortable with the feeling as she guides you to Peanut’s stirrups.
“Now, it's quite easy. Put one foot in this stirrup and then place your hand right here,” Hazel placed your hand on the saddle, letting go of you for a moment, “for stability.”
You did as you were told, looking at her repeatedly to make sure you were doing everything correctly. Then came throwing your body up and on top of Peanut.
“Hazel, can you… help me?” You glance down at her insecurely, hating the idea of struggling in front of her.
“Hey, it's okay. You’re okay, princess.”
Hazel’s palm that had made its way to your lower back, steadying your shaking frame. You couldn't tell if you were shivering like a leaf because you were afraid that you were going to break a tailbone or her gentle touch.
Using as much upper body strength as you can, you throw yourself up and over the leather saddle, gasping when you make contact with Peanuts’ body. You hurriedly grasp for Hazel, your hands wrapping around her hand tightly.
“There you go. It’s alright, princess. See? You’re a natural.” Hazel was quick to reassure all of your troubled thoughts of falling off and accidentally cracking your skull open.
Isabel, too, began to tell you that you were doing great. You nod rapidly in an attempt to calm yourself down as well, slowly releasing Hazel’s hand. Your chest was rising and falling at a pace you weren’t aware that you were capable of.
“That was terrifying.” You breathe out but a smile forms on your face.
Peanut was as calm as ever as you adjusted yourself so that you could be towards his behind. There was no way you were going to be able to steer and manage leading the way for the beautiful horse. Hazel kept her hands out for a few more seconds just in case something happened suddenly.
Once she was sure that you were set, Hazel easily hoisted herself up and onto Peanut’s body. Your eyes were locked on the back of her head, wishing that you were able to see her sharp cheekbones and darling blue eyes once again.
“Are you alright, princess?” Hazel slightly pants out from the quick movements.
You nod, muttering a soft ‘yes’ as you reach your arms forward to wrap around her torso through her everyday knight clothing. You didn't even think about your actions removing your arms for a moment.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to.” You panic, rubbing at Peanuts soft fur as you could feel his warmth underneath. It was quite relaxing.
Hazel chuckled and shook her head. “I don’t mind, princess. I would rather you have your arms around me than you not.”
Your breath got caught in your windpipe, looking back at Isabel who was running her fingers through her horse's mane. If you listened closely, you could hear her whispering to the horse sweetly. You smile small at her before taking the chance once again and wrapping your arms around Hazel’s torso.
Was it wrong how you enjoyed feeling her toned stomach through the material of her clothing? It had to be. You shook your head at yourself as Hazel lightly kicked the side of Peanut's body to send him off to trot the three of you to the kingdom's town.
The small journey was breathtaking.
Once you all had passed the gates of the palace, it was as if you were entering a new world. Your eyes bounced from tree to tree, taking in the view of the panting-like sky and miles of fields that went past the horizon. Your smile grew with joy as you watched a few deers gradually make their way to a small stream for some water.
It was a baby and mother deer. Your heart ached at the sight of the sweet moment in nature. Yes, you knew it was quite odd to be so taken back by something as simple as this but this was the first time you’ve ever made it out of the palace on your own.
Soon, you were met with the sight of a few buildings along with a few shops. Your eyes darted from the few commoners that were walking along the stone walkways.
“Hazel!” You hear come from behind you and realize it's Isabel on her own horse right behind you two.
Hazel leaned back slightly to cause Peanut to come to a halt. Your gripped tightened around her waist at the sudden movement, a flush rushing to your cheeks. You had hoped it was just the sun’s bright rays beaming down onto you.
“Is everything alright?” Hazel asked Isabel as she and her horse maneuvered around Peanut to come face to face with the two of you.
“Yes. I just wanted to let you both know that I will be leaving the both of you to go and see my family just outside of town.” Isabel informed, her excitement written all over her bright features.
Your eyes softened at her, hoping that she’s able to see her family and have a wonderful time.
“We can meet back here at the entrance to the town by sundown. Not a moment later.” Hazel instructed Isabel, her tone becoming quite stern sending an unknown shiver down your back.The knight straightened her back before nodding her head and adding; “I hope your family is well, Isabel. The princess and I will stay here in town until then.”
Isabel’s eyes flickered to yours with slightly raised brows. You nodded as well, urging her to move forward. Without hesitation, Isabel taps her foot on the side of her horse as it galloped forward and past the bypassing townspeople.
“Look!” You point over Hazel’s shoulder at the market that was becoming more and more crowded by the moment. “Can we go to the market? I’ve never been.”
Hazel turns her head to the side, her cheek brushing past the perfectly sewed and mended fabric of your dress sleeve. Your reflexes kicked in and you pulled your arm back, the touch alone becoming too overwhelming for you. Maybe you should just keep them at her waist.
“As you wish, princess,” her tone was a bit more teasing this time causing you to smile to yourself.
After coming to a stop, Hazel hopped down from Peanut’s saddle to then hold her palm out for you to grasp onto. You carefully take her hand in yours, that previous fear of her disappearing for a moment. Peanut huffed and neighed a bit as you got down carefully.
You nearly slipped on the stirrup causing Hazel to reach forward to hold onto your waist. Your hands settle on her shoulders as you lean into her touch to help balance yourself.
“Are you alright, princess?” Hazel’s eyes followed your features all the way down to your ankles.
“Yes, I’m… alright. Thank you, Hazel.” You nod as you carefully release your grasp from her rather firm shoulders.
Hazel nodded curtly, her hands still on your waist for a moment before releasing you as well. Her hands flexed by her sides as she ran a hand through her deep brown hair. There was a sudden tension that made your head spin with confusion. You couldn't understand this feeling that has formed between the two of you.
“So, are you ready for the market?” Hazel hummed, scanning her area.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You state as you make your way forward into the unfamiliar town.
Just like inside the palace, Hazel lingered merely a few inches behind you. You curiously make your way to a table that was filled from edge to edge with a variety of necklaces with beautiful pendants. The vendor was a woman no older than thirty with a startled look on her face. Her dark purple and deep blue dress matched with her similarly patterned head wrap.
“Oh my, you’re the princess.” She spoke with a hand to her chest, eyes flickering to Hazel who was right behind her.
Before you could confirm, she bowed in your presence causing you to hold back your grimace.
“Whatever you like here, it's yours.” She rushed out, motioning to the many necklaces.
You were becoming overwhelmed by how anxious she was. You knew that your parents had installed this fear into the townspeople that they had to be at the royals beck and call. You couldn't understand how they gained so much pleasure from causing people to react like this.
“Thank you….” You trail off, hoping she would say her name.
“Beatrice.” The vendor— now known as Beatrice— nodded, her fingers clasping together nervously.
“Beatrice, thank you for the kind gesture but I tend to pay for the necklace of my choice if I so choose.” You insist, eyes glancing back and forth between Beatrice and the array of jewelry.
Your eyes lock on a gold pendant with a heart carved into the circle. Being gentle, you pick up the piece of delicate jewelry with a small smile.
“How much is this?” You question before turning to Hazel.
Hazel inches closer to you so that her chest was pressed up against the back of your arm.
“Yes, princess?” She asks you.
“Do we have any sterlings?” You whisper as you were suddenly aware you had no clue if you even had the coins to pay for it.
Hazel shook her head slowly, her face filled with guilt. Beatrice was about to tell you the price when you felt a hand tug on the skirt portion of your dress. You jump slightly when you realize it's a little girl; no older than five years old.
“Well, hello,” you chuckle softly at her long blonde hair and innocence-filled brown eyes.
“Excuse me, miss? My mummy says you’re the princess. Is that true?” She questions you, obvious doubt in her question. Her small arms cross over her burgundy clothed chest.
You turn to glance at Hazel with raised brows. Hazel had a hand on her hip where her holster was as she peered down at the child as well.
“Yes, I am the princess.” You nod to confirm.
Her eyes widened with excitement as she jumped up with a gasp.
“I’ve never met a princess before. Do you have a million dresses in your wardrobe?” She asked, running a tiny hand over the material of your dress.
“Maybe not a million but quite a few, yes.” You shrug your shoulders, your cheeks hurting from how much you were smiling.
“Ella!” You hear from a distance, watching a woman who looked almost identical to the little girl emerge from the crowd of townspeople.
“Mummy, you were right! She is the princess!” Ella shouts to her mother who came to scoop her up from the ground right next to you.
Ella gripped onto her mothers shoulder, eyes locked on you still wide with admiration. The woman, much like Beatrice had been, looked rather afraid than anything as she began to apologize to you.
“I apologize, princess. She ran off when I wasn’t looking a-and—“
“There’s no need to apologize.” You shake your head and wave at Ella who waves back with a dimpled grin.
“I want to be a princess when I grow up,” Ella sighed as she leaned her head on her mothers shoulder.
The sentence caused a sudden wave of sadness to flood over you. You wished you could tell her it isn’t as elegant as everyone may make it out to be, that the only redeeming quality was an empty home. Her big doe eyes that held so much life melted your aching heart. It was clear her mother cares for her as she caresses the back of her golden hair and kisses it gently.
Something you missed in your own life.
“With your beauty and curiosity, Ella, you’re already a princess.” You brush a piece of her flyaway hair with a soft smile.
She beamed at your words, her dimple deepening into her skin.
“We’ll leave you be now, princess.” Her mother sent you a gentle smile as she turned on her heels to walk back into the crowd.
You watch her disappear between the bodies and turn back on your heels to face Beatrice and Hazel.
“I apologize but I don’t think I’ll be purchasing the necklace. Perhaps another day, Beatrice.” You shake your head simply, hoping she understood.
“Oh, well, that’s alright, princess. You have a pleasant rest of the day.” Beatrice nodded with a more bitter smile.
You frowned slightly before you felt a hand escorting you away by your lower back. You knew it was Hazel by the way she handled you.
“You were quite kind to that child.” Hazel spoke up as she released your back to now walk beside you as you continued to stroll through the busy town.
“Oh, that was nothing really,” you glance at her, missing the sight of her face.
“No, it was… admirable, princess. Don’t do that.” Hazel shook her head as she avoided your gaze, eyes locked forward.
You furrowed your brows before asking: “Don’t do what?”
“Minimize your kindness.” Hazel stated as if it was obvious.
Was that a compliment? You wondered to yourself.
“You really think it's admirable?” You question Hazel, hoping that you didn't sound as desperate as you did in your head.
Hazel stopped in her tracks to turn to look at you in disbelief. You sucked in a deep breath as people passed by you but you felt as if the world had gone still as soon as Hazel did. The rest of the townspeople became a blur when her eyes were on yours.
“Do you really think so little of yourself, princess?” Hazel asks you, her tone matching her expression.
The question had stumped you. You shake your head and continue to walk forward, leaving her question unanswered. In a way, you felt exposed for how easily she was able to see right through you.
“I think we should stop by the bookshop.” You clear your throat as you try to divert the conversation.
Hazel sighs as she tries to reach for your wrist but you only pick up your pace, noticing that sudden movement. You spot a wooden sign with the word library carved into the deep oak wood. You knew it was quite childish of you to do but you went ahead into the bookstore. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind Hazel was following right behind you but you looked back anyways just to reassure yourself she was still there.
Hazel’s gaze locked with yours but quickly diverted to the shelves. The rest of your time in the bookstore and the town was silence between the two of you and as much as you hated to admit it; it pained you.
You could tell that Hazel was trying to be respectful and keep her distance. You didn't want distance anymore.
In the midst of you examining a few carrots you wanted to get for Peanut, you hear Hazel speak up form behind you.
“Are those for Peanut?” Her voice was careful.
You tilt your head slightly before shrugging your shoulders. “Yes. I assume he needs to eat.”
You grab at the orange vegetable, grabbing a few from the vendor. You had arranged to have the coins delivered to him the next day as you didn’t have the sterlings on you.
“Come on. I actually have something I’d like to show you if you allow me to, princess.” Hazel was getting tired of the silence and wanted to know that you weren’t angry with her.
You nod kindly at the older man vendor before turning to Hazel. Her expression was silently pleading for you to come along.
“Alright, Dame Callahan,” you motion her to walk forward, a smile curling onto your lips. “Lead the way.”
Hazel’s tense shoulders relaxed at your own smile, replacing her weary features to a more calm state. The two of you began to walk back to where Peanut was being held near the entrance arch. You beamed at the horse as you held the end of the carrot to Peanut’s snout watching as he ate the vegetable.
“What did you have to show me?” You turn to Hazel who was caressing the side of Peanuts body.
“It’s on the outskirts of the town. It’s a few miles into the forest.” She hesitantly suggested, eyes flickering between you and the dark horse.
That could be an adventure, you tell yourself. This silent tension between you two has got to pass and this could be an opportunity to fix your stubbornness.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” you smiled softly at her.
Her eyes shone with relief and your heart clenched at the noticeable difference in her attitude towards you. She held her hand for you to help you backup onto Peanut to venture into the forest past the town. You got onto the saddle a lot easier than the first time, Hazel following your movements to straddle Peanut. Her hands grip onto the reins as she taps her foot against Peanut’s ribs to send him off.
You turn around with both of your arms around Hazel’s torso to watch the town shrink as the distance grows. Subconsciously, you lean your head forward to rest on her upper back and shut your eyes as you listen to her heartbeat. It was pumping fast with adrenaline, matching the way her ribs flared in and out as she breathed.
The fresh summer breeze brushed past your hair, cooling the back of your neck.
“Comfortable?” Hazel turned her head to ask you, raising her voice.
You nod, lifting your head up with a blush. A little too comfortable, you thought to yourself feeling embarrassed for doing such a thing. Hazel chuckled to herself, the feeling of her ribs expanding causing you to laugh softly as well.
You became distracted as you noticed a bridge came into view. It was a few feet across but underneath was only a portion of a lake that stretched more than fifteen acres across. You had no idea how deep it was but it was a beautiful sight. The way the suns’ rays bounced off of the water and the surrounding grass highlighting the body of water. A few weeping willow trees dangled its leaves from above the bridge, sort of hiding the bridge if you looked at it at a certain angle.
“What is this place?” You question with a smile.
Hazel tugged back on the reins and Peanut came to a halt. She hopped down from the horse with a grunt, flipping her hair out of her face before reaching out for your hand.
“It’s much better up close.” Hazel assures you, looking out to the lake.
You reached for her grasp with a soft chuckle, peering out at the lake as well with admiration. As soon as your flats hit the dirt, Hazel began to tug you forward towards the bridge. Holding her hand so comfortably like this felt like breaking the rules. Excitingly breaking the rules.
The two of you approached the old bridge, the rickety wood squeaking underneath your footsteps. Hazel released your hand to place her hand on the beam that was separating you and Hazel from the water. You peer out at the water in awe.
“This is where my father would take me as a child if we weren’t training until my muscles ached.” Hazel admitted. “He said it reminded him of my mother.”
You furrowed your brows at her words, brushing your flyways out of your face.
“Your father has been a part of our kingdom for so long. He never mentioned you or your mother. Where is she?” You questioned softly.
Hazel sucked in a deep breath, avoiding eye contact with you. “She passed when she gave birth to me. I come here to think about her and how much my father would talk about her.”
Your heart ached at the thought of Hazel coming here alone when she was missing her mother. Knowing she has felt sadness and sorrow and had to deal with the ache of never knowing her mother that her father spoke highly about.
“Hazel,” you reach for her hand, rubbing your thumb over the back of her knuckles. “I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure your mother would be so proud of you and how great of a knight you’ve come to be.”
Hazel glanced down at your hand on hers, pulling it away slightly which caused you to pull away completely. You’re making her uncomfortable, you scold yourself.
“Thank you, princess,” Hazel gave her a quick smile before peering out into the water.
“Of course.”
A beat of silence falls over you before you speak up once again: “I’m sorry for the way I reacted in town. It was… immature of me to do.”
Hazel shook her head. “I could tell I had made you uncomfortable before. When I had asked you that, I meant… I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”
Your heart was trying to escape from your chest as you hesitantly asked: “How do you see me?”
You were leaning your back against the beam of the bridge, looking at her as you patiently waited for the answer. Before Hazel could even fathom answering, you hear a crack come from behind you. You fall backwards from the bridge as your body hits the cold water. You feel water flood into your ears and nose and suddenly, you couldn’t breathe. You knew how to swim, you were just overwhelmed and surprised by how easily that bridge broke.
How old was that bridge?
A few seconds passed and you hear another body hit the water. Two arms wrapped around your frame and you were being tugged through the water. You feel your head immerse from under and a cold breeze hits your cold face. You could hear Hazel panting and grunting as she frantically lifts you out of the water and back onto the land.
Your body felt weak as you could still feel water up your nose as you began to cough harshly, a slight burn bubbling in your throat. Hazel lifted you up and out of the water and laid you down onto the grass patch not too far from the bridge.
“Princess, are you hurt? C-Can you breathe?” Hazel patted the side of your wet cheek with her palm and pushed your soaked hair out of your face.
You groan softly as your coughing dies down.
“Talk to me, please.” Her tone was begging as her warm palms cupped the sides of your cool face.
You knew you should say something, anything but you can’t help but laugh. The laughter sort of spills out of you as you take in that you actually accidentally fell off of a bridge.
“Are you… laughing?” Hazel seethes as she removes her hands from your skin.
“I just— I fell off a bridge.” You express as you point to the now split piece of wood. “Into a lake.”
Hazel looks at you in disbelief. Your laughter dies down as you take in her very obviously infuriated with you. You sit up slowly to come face to face with her. Hazel backs up from you and stands to her feet.
“I think it’s time to head back to town to meet up with Isabel. The sun is going to set soon.” Hazel brushes off her grass-ridden wet clothing as much as she could.
“Hazel, it’s okay,” you begin before you realize why she may be angry. The bridge. Her father’s bridge. “If this is about the bridge, I’ll have someone come and fix it—“
“I think we should head back now, princess.”
You nod slowly as you stand on your feet, getting the hint that she wasn’t in the mood to talk right now. You had messed up. Why did you have to laugh? You thought this would fix the tension, not increase it.
You didn't even want to hold onto her out of fear that she wouldn’t allow you to. That is until you felt a hand grip onto yours and wrap around her torso as soon as you had hopped on.
The entire ride back to town was uncomfortable as you were both dripping from head to toe in lake water and Hazel had not spoken to you the entire way.
No check up. No ‘comfortable?’. Nothing but silence.
Once you two had arrived in town, there Isabel was at the entrance just as you had agreed on. Her eyes locked on your wet figures, her brows furrowed in worry.
“What happened?” Isabel asked in worry as she maneuvered her horse to walk beside Peanut.
“I fell into a lake. I’m okay.” You wave her off as you tilt your body to take a glance at Hazel.
She kept her gaze straight ahead, jaw locked tightly as she kept Peanut at a slow pace. Isabel’s eyes silently asked you why Hazel was so silent now. You, again, shake your head as you would explain to her later after you arrived back at the palace.
Isabel nodded at you before keeping her horse at a steady pace. You were dreading the conversation that was going to happen when you arrived at the palace.
What were you going to do?
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Hazel maneuvered Peanut to the stables, Isabel following. Hazel swung over and off the saddle as her soggy boots hit the gravel ground that was just outside the stables. You were a bit relieved to see her still holding her hand out to help your stability. You take her cold and damp hand into yours, glancing behind you at Isabel who was taking the horse back to his stable.
“Hazel, can we talk? In the garden, please?” You mutter softly.
Hazel released your hand as her eyes locked with yours. She was still angry but her brows relaxed as she nodded.
“Let me put Peanut back in his stable. It should only take a moment.” Hazel weakly grinned as she hooked her fingers onto the reins and led the horse back into the stables.
Just as she disappeared, Isabel came from the opposite side. She sped walked up to you with a worried expression.
“Is everything okay between you two? I thought you guys were friends.” Isabel questions softly, a hand taking yours.
“I don’t know. I’m going to try and make it better.” You tell her lowly, tilting your head to make sure Hazel wasn’t coming. “I’ll tell you more about it in the morning. Goodnight, Bel.”
Isabel nodded as she squeezed your hand three times: “Goodnight.”
Isabel walks past you and to the entrance of the palace, the knights there opening the doors for her. Hazel emerged from the stables, shutting the heavy doors behind her before motioning to the direction of the garden.
“After you,” Hazel said with a tight lipped smile.
You walk briskly to the garden, eager to get some privacy as you were itching to know why she was so angry with you. Hazel was right behind you, her footsteps and wet boots making an obnoxiously loud squeaking sound.
As soon as you walked through the stone archway, you turned to Hazel suddenly. She stopped in her tracks and looked at you with wide eyes.
“Why are you upset with me?” You question, hands clenched by your sides.
Hazel blinked at you: “what?”
“Don’t do that. I can tell, okay? You were being short with me and have ignored me the entire ride back, Hazel. I want to know why.” You express desperation and begging in your tone.
Hazel remained silent. Her mouth opened but no words left her mouth.
“I understand if you’re angry with me because I broke the bridge. It was an accident but I know it meant a lot to you. I will send someone out there to mend it first thing in the morning.” You rush out, walking towards the fountain.
“I was afraid.” Hazel mutters out.
If you hadn’t been so attentively listening, you would’ve missed it. You turn around sharply to face her. She had a pained look on her face and a hand on her hip.
“Afraid?” You question.
Hazel sucked in a deep breath and let out a shaky breath. “When you fell into the water, I never felt that amount of fear in my entire life. I thought that you had hit a rock and broken a leg or worse.”
“Hazel, I was okay. I am okay.” You express gently as you inched closer so that your faces were centimeters apart.
“Well, you couldn't have been. I’m supposed to be protecting you and if something were to happen to you, I wouldn’t…” She trailed off and licked her drying lips. Your eyes were pouring into hers as the moon light lit up the side of her face beautifully, highlighting her watery eyes. “I care about you, princess. I don’t think you understand how much.”
Your eyes flicker down to her lips and back up to her eyes.
“I asked you before I fell ‘how do you see me’, what were you going to say?” You whisper out as if you spoke at any higher volume it would ruin this moment.
“Princess,” Hazel whispers back with begging in her voice, squinting her eyes as if it pained her to look at you.
“Please tell me,” you reach for the side of her face shakily, hoping she won’t push you away.
Hazel’s hand found your wrist and squeezed gently, shaking her head. You lean forward as your noses brush against each other. Hazel nudges her nose against yours with a sigh.
So close.
“I can’t,” she mutters.
“Why?” You beg, running your thumb over the apple of her cheek.
Hazel’s eyes flickered from the top of your head to the bottom of your chin before releasing your wrist. She takes your face between her palms and pulls your lips against hers. You gasp against her mouth, letting go of her face out of shock.
She was kissing you.
The feeling of her lips only yours surged electricity up your spine and into your head. You froze completely as no one had ever kissed you before. Let alone a woman. Before you could kiss her back, Hazel pulled away quickly and stepped back a few feet from you.
“Princess, I-I shouldn’t have done that. I’m so sorry. We can pretend like this never happened.” Hazel put her hands out, shaking her head in obvious distress.
“I can’t do that.” You whisper as you ghost your fingers over your flushed lips.
“Yes, we’ll just have to. It’s entirely unprofessional and something that—“
“—I want,” you finish her sentence as you inch towards her once again.
Hazel’s chest was heaving up and down as she tilted her head in confusion. You weren’t rejecting her; calling her disgusting or unnatural. You wanted this just as much as she did.
Hazel grabbed you by your arm and tugged your body into hers, locking your lips once again. She hummed against your lips as you followed her pace carefully. You wanted her to consume every part of you. This is what you had been wishing and aching for from the moment you met.
“Promise you won’t ignore me after this?” You whisper against her lips as you pull away.
Hazel huffed out a laugh with a shake of her head. Her hands were running up and down your almost completely dry dress. Your hands were tracing the bottom of her throat, wishing you could have every inch of her in your palms.
“I could never ignore my princess.”
You shyly avoid her gaze, a blush taking over your damp cheeks. Hazel gently pecked your lips once again before lifting your chin up with one hand.
“Your princess.” You state softly, adoring the title more than you ever imagined you could.
“In due time, I hope.” Hazel shrugs her shoulders, her smile growing.
“Would that make you my knight?” Your smile matches her own, tilting your chin down into her grasp.
Hazel traces your bottom lip with her thumb delicately: “if you so wish. I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”
“Will you join me in my room tonight?” You whisper breathlessly.
Hazel grinned at you, something familiar sparkling in her eyes before releasing your body from hers. You step back carefully, watching her every move like a hawk. Hazel’s eyes pointed toward the doors with raised brows, knowing you would understand.
You made your way past her towards the door with a pressed lip smile. Hazel was hot on your trail as the two of you entered the palace. You peer down both sides of the long hallways, not a single person in sight.
You grabbed her hand into yours with a devilish grin, tugging her along to follow you. She allowed herself to get dragged by you through the seemingly never ending halls of the palace. Your overjoyed laugh echoed down the halls as the adrenaline fled rushed through you.
Hazel shushed you gently but she, too, was giddy with joy. She just never thought it would be here with a princess; her princess.
Once the two of you approached your grand bedroom doors, you tugged the heavy doors open with Hazel with slight struggle. You entered your room with a soft sigh, shaking your head as you forced the doors shut. Hazel pushed you up against the hardwood with a soft thump as she kissed you once again, more eager for you. Your hands weaved into her hair with a shaky breath, arching into her hands.
“Princess, we’re going to have to head to bed soon. If I continue kissing you, I don’t think I’ll be able to resist you for much longer.” Hazel muttered against your lips.
You nod slowly, agreeing with her. You had a month to be with her like this. Four weeks time to enjoy every second of every day with her without disruption.
“There’s no rush,” you assure her, nudging her nose against yours with a sigh.
Hazel pecked your lips once before turning her head to look at your still unmade bed from the morning. It was strange to see but it felt more like a bedroom that you lived in than just a room in the palace.
Hazel grinned at you with a sigh.
“No rush.”
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tag-list: @toritea @echo-ethe @flannelgirl444xx @pascalrry @eggplantfingers @piperlivingdeliberately @palebatflowershoe @elsblunt @bellaramseylover @madhouseforsane @princessmars @ignepatron @idkwhatimdoingherelmao @paqerings @guzzlingplastic111 @akila-twt @teenagedramaqueenlisa @vster0769 @moonbyune @silentliesblog @kali-q @0jaylene0 @lovecomesfrmwithin @thewinterlunarhalo @mimiofficial18 @jamespotterloveslilies @writerinloves-blog @uraesthete @spencerreidswhore187 @lilylilacsbee @piapiaweee3 @liv012 @astrologybitch04 @strawberryyivy
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
i honestly would love to see more of jamie with bea like him deciding to take her to see the team for the first time after she’s born because maybe him and reader wanted some time for themselves and get adjusted before having everyone meet her?
My whole family is out today and I have nothing to do, so I’m going to be answering some requests! And maybe opening up my inbox again
I’m a sucker for requests that ask for continuations of my other fics. Thanks for requesting!
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lyrical smile, indigo eyes
How did you become lucky enough to have a baby like this with the absolute love of your life? You were pretty sure that you and Jamie had peaked at marriage, but Beatrice Georgie Tartt just takes the cake. You are exhausted because labor was intense, and Jamie swears if you gripped his hand any tighter you would have shattered it. But you didn’t, and you’re out of the hospital and back at home. Bea is a week and a half old, and there are only four people who have met her, outside of the hospital staff: Georgie, Simon, Roy, and Keeley. Jamie didn’t want you to be overwhelmed by a lot of visitors right after you had Bea, so he asked a favor from Ted, who promised to keep AFC Richmond so busy that they wouldn’t have time to drop in unannounced.
But now Jamie’s getting ready to go back to training, and he wants to take Bea with him before it starts.
“I can take her this Friday, Isaac’s been texting me all week and Coach said he’d end training early,” he says from his place on the living room floor, folding onesie after onesie.
You roll your eyes from the couch with Bea in your arms, half-asleep in the middle of her feeding. 
“You sure you’re up to it, babe? She goes through diapers like crazy. You’re gonna have to bring a brand new pack if you even want to stand half a chance.”
Jamie just grins. “No problem babe, I’m a pro. Ain’t in the Premier League for nothing.”
“Alright,” you say, “I’m coming too, but only to go have girl time with Rebecca and Keeley. Becca says she has some like spa-day stuff for me. Apparently she did all the research into postpartum care.”
Jamie makes a hm, interesting face and Bea lets out a gurgle and wakes herself up.
You roll up to Nelson Road at 1pm, diaper bag packed with everything you could possibly need. This is your first time out of the house with Bea, and both you and Jamie are nervous. He’s trying to make you laugh with dumb jokes but your eyebrows are tightly knit together. 
Bea is incredibly tiny, and the Richmond boys are… well, they’re not. You know they can be gentle, but you also know they are capable of getting overexcited way too easily. You nervously fiddle with the toy hanging from Bea’s carseat so Jamie looks at you in the rearview mirror and says, “Babe, relax, it’ll be fine, yeah? They don’t have to hold her or anything, and I’ll make sure she’s alright.”
That calms you down a little. You know Jamie means it. He’ll watch Bea like a hawk, and isn’t afraid to be a prick when it comes to taking care of the people he loves. You take a breath and nod as he pulls into a parking space.
The team is on the pitch, so you and Jamie walk out to meet Ted, Roy, and Beard. The boy see you walk up and immediately stop their drills, but Roy shouts “Oi! You lot still have got thirty fucking minutes! Keep fucking going!” So they go back to whatever the heck they’re doing.
Ted says, “Look at this cute little tartlet! Ain’t she just the sweetest thing?” and you can tell by Beard’s reaction that Ted’s been waiting to use that one for a while. 
“I washed and sanitized my hands three minutes ago,” says Roy, “can I hold her?”
That is a little bit surprising. You would have assumed Ted would be the first one to ask, but you suppose he’s Phoebe’s favorite “Uncle Roy,” a reason, so you hand her over with a kiss on her forehead. You kiss Jamie and say, “Bye babe, I’m headed to see Keels and Becca,” then turn on your heel to Rebecca’s office. You’re headed inside when you throw one last glance at Bea, and almost burst out laughing; Jamie’s helping Roy put on the wrap so he can wear Bea while yelling at the team. You look out the window once you make it to the second floor of Nelson Road and see Roy coaching with Bea snugly secured to his chest and Jamie hovering close by. You’re glad today’s drills don’t seem to involve any footballs.
You tap on Rebecca’s door then push it open, and are immediately almost knocked over by Keeley, who has launched herself at you. 
“HI BABE, HOW-FUCKING-ARE YOU?” she squeals, and you wonder if she’s so loud because she was containing herself when she met Bea. You grin and squeeze her back.
“I am so fucking tired and so fucking happy,” you reply. “Hi Bec!!”
Rebecca gets up off the couch and gives you a tight hug as best she can, because Keeley is still holding you.
“It is so wonderful to see you, darling,” she says, “I saw Roy has the baby out on the pitch. She’s going to be kicking a football before she knows how to walk properly.”
You laugh and Keeley says, “Oi, Roy’s got her? Good luck getting her back. If she’s anything like Phoebe she’ll throw a right fit when it’s time to go.”
“I know,” you sigh, “She’s going to have so many aunts and uncles, it’s insane. Not sure where Jaim and I are going to fall on her ranking of favorite people.”
Rebecca smiles and moves to the couch. “Would you like to sit and have some tea? I read there are certain types that help with breastfeeding.”
You grimace. “I would, except sitting is not exactly my favorite right now. But tea sounds wonderful.”
“You can lay down on your stomach, babe,” Keeley says helpfully. “Rebecca and can cuddle and catch you up on everything you’ve missed.”
You say, “That sounds fucking amazing,” and you’re asleep ten minutes into their chattering.
You startle awake to the sound of a knock on the door. Rebecca calls, “Come in,” and it takes you a moment to figure out where you are. There’s a blanket draped over you and Rebecca and Keeley are still on the other side of the couch, both furiously typing and scrolling on their laptops.
You rasp, “How long was I out?” as Roy pokes his head in the door. He’s still wearing Bea.
“Twenty minutes,” Rebecca answers. “Keeley and I thought it best to leave you be.” Keeley nods, not looking up from her screen.
Roy clears his throat. “Hi babe!” says Keeley. She half glances up from her screen then does a double take.
“Holy fuck, you look right sexy like that, Kent.”
Roy grins at her. “Don’t get any fucking ideas.”
Keeley says, “Too late. I have so many fucking ideas,” to which you and Rebecca share a disgusted face.
“That’s disgusting, Keeley,” you tease.
“Oi, you’re one to talk!” she returns and Rebecca nods as if to say, she’s got a point. 
“Any-fucking-way,” Roy says, looking at you, “Figured you’d want to be downstairs when the boys meet Bea. They’re changing and getting clean so it’s going to take a fucking minute.”
You nod. “Hey Bec, you wanna hold her?”
Rebecca closes her laptop. “I would absolutely love to.”
Roy growls in a way that means fuck no, but Bea’s your baby so he unwraps her and gently hands her to Rebecca. Bea settles so sweetly into Rebecca’s arms that you swear you want to cry. Stupid hormones.
“Your prick husband is still downstairs bothering Sam and Dani,” Roy says, and you remember oh yeah, I have a prick husband. You get up off the couch.
“I should probably go see him,” you reply. “Becca, you want to come, or..?”
Rebecca is still gazing at Bea, but she nods and stands up, heels discarded on the floor.
You make your way to the locker room to find Jamie surrounded by the team, scrolling through something on his phone.
“…And this is her wearing her Tartt onesie. Here she is with me mum, and this one…” he trails off when he sees you. 
“Hi love!” he says, “Just showing the lads the pictures I got of Bea.”
There’s something about Jamie standing in the middle of the locker room crowded by his team that just makes your heart feel like it’s going to explode. You laugh and bound over to him, throwing your arms around his neck.
“You’re such a dad, Jamie Tartt,” you tell him affectionately, to which he replies, “Learned from the best, didn’t I?” with a glance at Ted.
“Alright,” you say, arms off of Jamie’s neck but now entwined around his left bicep, “who wants to meet Bea officially?” 
Hands go up around the room and to your surprise, they’re all quiet. In scary unison, they move to sit on the benches and hold their hands up, palms facing outward. 
“What the fuck is happening?” you whisper to Beard.
“Ted had a baby-etiquette debrief,” he whispers back. “Inside voices, clean hands, neck support, the whole deal. Had me make a slideshow to back him up.”
Rebecca shakes her head in disbelief as you all watch Isaac make his way around the room, inspecting hands and pronouncing them clean.
Rebecca does not look like she wants to give up Bea, but you tell her you’ll invite her over in a few days, as long as she doesn’t mind a messy house and takeout. She reluctantly hands Bea to Dani, who is beaming so hard you’re worried for his face muscles. 
Jamie, meanwhile, rests his head on yours. 
He leans down and whispers, “Hey babe?”
“Hm?” you respond.
“I’m going to fall asleep standing up. D’you think Bea would be fine if we crashed in Ted’s office?”
You grin. You think Bea would be fine anywhere there’s a member of AFC Richmond.
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cheri-2047 · 12 days
Wriothesley? Wriothesley x reader? Please, I love Wriothesley- I am so unhinged for him. Anything, I will take anything. Just Wriothesley-
HI ANON!!! This is gonna be included in my weekly poll since the one who won last week was wriothesley !!!
I’ll be having multiple situations and these are just headcanons :3
Wriothesley x Reader bf headcanons
WARNINGS: NONE!! Some mentions of alcohol though
The moment you wake up, no matter what position you sleep in, you find your back on Wriothelsey’s chest as he becomes a big spoon for you
He usually wakes up first, mostly out of habit from work and from when he was arrested, but he will NEVER leave you until you get up.
When you wake up, wriothesley turns you so he hugs you and presses a kiss on your forehead “good morning dear…”
On days you shower first, he cooks bfast and vise versa
You Two head off to work together, but wriothesley always drops you off first before leaving to get back to the fortress of meropide.
Wriothesley messages you every once in awhile to ask if you’re okay, or just to simply say hi.
Sometimes, wriothesley has to work overnight or not even come back home for long periods of time. Because of this, you visit and keep him company sometimes in his spare room in the fortress of meropede.
Whenever you visit, he makes sure sigewinne (I think it’s sigewinne who makes the food in the story quest, please correct me if I’m wrong) prepares really good food, that’s why the prisoners love it when you’re there, since they get a guaranteed good meal.
He feels bad about just having a bed and bathroom in his room, since he didn’t really care much for furniture there, but he started making an effort to buy trinkets or small decorations so you would feel more at home (even if you assure him that he doesn’t have to)
Sometimes when he’s not busy, he would visit you at YOUR work. If you’re ever in a meeting, wriothesley would peek from outside the meeting room and wait for you to finish.
He would cuddle you in any position you’d like, whatever makes you happy.
He would give you a goodnight kiss before you fall asleep but even after you sleep he kisses you a few more times on your cheeks and forehead before going to sleep afterwards.
During bad days, hee really appreciate it if you whisper good things to his ear to lull him to sleep.
Whenever you get a nightmare, wriothesley makes you a cup of your favorite tea before leading you to the bed once more
If you’re cold, he would make it an effort to hug you tighter and bring you closer to him.
He takes a day off. Wriothesley informs the staff to take over for him and immediately calls sigewinne to your shared home.
The moment he sees sigewinne writing on her clipboard to prescribe you, he immediately runs to the store and buys you a bunch of medicines
He would pamper you all day, it gets a bit lonely on your bed since he is doing all the chores but wriothesley insists. (That is until you ask him to stay in bed with you)
No matter how bad the sickness, he does not care. He would stay with you and is overall quite protective of you.
WHEN YOURE DRUNK (at a bar):
He would have a spare change of clothes, not to do dirty things but to cover you a bit more up to protect you from creeps.
If you refuse, he would still try to do it, but then in the end he ends up just making sure nobody touches you or hurts you from afar.
He tells the bartender to just not give you anymore alcohol when he notices you’re drinking more than you could take. “Just…put everything but the alcohol”
He feels a bit bad cause in his perspective he’s controlling, and he apologizes for it when you’re sober.
Wriothesley brings you home and gives you a bath before tucking you in to bed.
Wriothesley would kiss you as a “hi” like if you drop by in his office or in the mornings
On your first kiss, he smiled and gave you a hug before saying “I love you”
Wriothesley loves to see your surprised face after you kiss him. He finds it amusing and laughs.
For PDA, if you’re uncomfy then he would respect that, but if you’re not, he would kiss you mostly on the cheek but sometimes on the lips too.
Whenever he sees you talking to someone a bit too closely or they’re being a bit of a creep, he rounds up to you and puts a hand on your shoulder before kissing your head. “Let’s go home shall we darling? I’m quite tired…”
Ran outta ideas but whatever, anyways go eat your food wriothesley simps and no this is not proofread. If I accidentally mischaracterized him mb folks, please tell me if I did.
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britcision · 1 year
Alright I’m still alive a day later so LOOK! First pass of Taaco from TV! Everything but the hat and the cape came from the closet and the shorts say IDGAF on the butt but the cape covers them 😔
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My first magic trick of the day was taking off the bra I wore to drive down without taking off the corset or shirt
My second trick was applying kinesiology tape to bind the tiddies down again, without taking off the corset or shirt
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Success rates??? Not great, I’ll grant you, but I got a couple inches off and they stayed in place with no bouncing even when I ran for the 5 hours of con! So still better than the bra
(You are not supposed to tape the tiddies for more than 4 hours the first couple times you do it apparently and this was attempt 2 so even that was pushing it, especially in 30 degree heat. I go hard or go home)
These boots also have the highest incline from toe-to-heel that I’ve worn to a con, since all my taller shoes are platforms and reasonably flat which makes them super easy to run in
Only had one minor spill while chasing down a t-rex but those photos are all on the camera so they’ll live on Insta when the time comes
The ding dang bracer that closed fine at home on two magnets decided if I was gonna move my hands it now needs 3 to keep it in place, so I’m fixing that today
The criminal in question:
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Aaaand the purple and blue pouch I sewed at the con while waiting for passes, so I think I really had a very Adventure Zone day all around
The hat? The hat crushed it, 0 problems except one attempt to take flight on our way back to the car, which I caught by the curtain wire sooooo I gotta tighten the attachments on that before I put the curtain on cuz it pulled a lil bit
Worked like a charm though, held it above my head for the dealer’s room, weighed nothing (comparatively, hence taking flight), and for the first time in 4 years I spent most of a day outside without getting sun sick
For the first time I did need to bobby pin this wig, which I shoulda seen coming given the hat. It did also keep trying to eat my ears, the pin, my earrings, and anything else that came near my head though so she may also be getting rowdy
The cape jingled merrily all day so even if I was a lil slowed down no one had to worry about losing me! 😁 all in all………. Them boots ain’t coming to Yeticon I would PERISH on the hills, but I have a couple possible substitutes
I’m hoping to have the curtain on by then though! Soooo depending on some imminent updates, we’ll see if the hat comes to con again 👀
We also watched a truck hit a soccer mom ass van and crack the damn windshield in half literally right in front of us rather than wait for the van to move over another foot so it could get through, because some genius decided that if he had to get to the back of the con at 5pm on Sunday through THE MAIN PARKING LOT he didn’t have to show up early or anything
To arrive on time. At the end of the con. On the last day.
You could barely swipe a credit card between their bumpers with how close he was tailgating the van, and then when staff came to direct an opening to slide the truck down the middle he couldn’t wait 5 more minutes for the car to actually get out of the way, sooooooo hope he liked the extra 2 hours and insurance calls
Lucky for us, we could get out of the parking lot the other way and I warned everyone in line behind him that they’d had a crash blocking that lane so they’d have a chance to turn around
I’m never parking back there again I’ll eat the $15-$20 to park at the hotel across the street for Sunday and anyone wanting a ride home with me can chip in
We actually did alright though, only took us one hour to clear the parking lot, despite lots of assholes and some poor indecisive souls who all seemed to think indicating was a polite request, not a declaration of intent
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Roll for Stealth with Advantage
Summary: Steven knew that you had to do something while you waited for him to come home from work other than do some chores and cook dinner. He just didn't know exactly what one of those things was until today.  
Warnings: This isn't a content warning this is a genuine warning to y'all if I see any talk of Stranger Things or someone references it you WILL be blocked. /hj
Author’s Snip: I know that I was holding out for the poll to end on which idea I should do but this thought hit me like when a vision hits Raven from That's So Raven so I needed to write it. I needed to write this for the dorks here who play because this is perfect. This pair up is perfect.
Notes: Steven is a tour guide in this because he deserves it. <3
Word count: 950 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven was usually gone for a good part of the day for work. Which of course wasn't an issue because you had your own work and manage to keep yourself amused till he got home. But Steven didn't actually know what you did all day since you'd be home long before he would. It's not like it mattered though. You'd always be there and have everything like dinner ready once he got home, but if he had to say what you did, then that he wouldn't have anything.
Work was short today. The museum was rented out for the day by the nearby schools for a big field trip. Although they weren't there from beginning to end of the usual work day, they had taken over enough of it to make opening it up to the rest of the public a bit pointless since the hours it would land on were the slow hours. So the museum was closed for the rest of that day and the staff could take a breather from having to deal with a hoard of children, not that Steven was complaining since he was a tour guide at this one and was great with kids to begin with.
Though he did forget that the field trip day was today and wasn't able to give yo a heads up that he'd be home so soon.
As he unlocks the door and steps inside he gets ready to greet you, only for him to not see you on the couch but rather at his cluttered desk looking at your laptop. It sounded like you were on a video call and he feared that you were having some type of business meeting.
Though if your casual sweatpants and silly graphic t-shirt didn't give it away that you, in fact, were not up to important business for work, you loudly saying "Oh yeah! Let's just threaten to stab the vampire lord who already does not like us!" did the trick.
Some voices were heard through your laptop's speaker before you speak again. "No! No! If the Dracula wanna-be incel takes you up on your threat I'm not helping your character. I don't care if I'm the 'party healer'." you laugh, "You came into his castle-" you say before bursting into laugher again with the rest of the people on the call. To which an other voice is faintly heard saying in a shitty deep voice "You come into my cursed land, hide the innocent woman that I'm being creepy towards, and come into my castle and threaten me with a little sword.". The laughing continues with all of you, even pulling a snort out of you which just made you laugh harder. All the while Steven is stood at the door just observing your shenanigans with a confused yet amused face.
You managed to wheeze "Okay. Everyone shut up. My sides hurt." through your laughter and wipe tears from your eyes. Through some chance you glance up to where Steven is and go from easing your laughter to letting out a scream from being startled. You place a hand on your chest and let out "Oh my god! You scared the shit out of me." while looking at him. You ignore your companions asking what's wrong and ask Steven "Why are you standing there? What time is it." as you try and check the time.
"I just came in. Work was over early and I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry." Steven apologized raising his hands up slightly to add onto the sorry. "What are you doing?" he asked, finally setting down his bag.
"I'm playing DnD with some friends." you laugh. "D and D?" Steven questions as he shakes off his coat. "That game where you throw the dice around?" he asks, to which you nod. "Well, it's more than just throwing dice around, but yeah." you mention.
"Like threatening to stab vampire lords?" he asks in a semi-joking manner. "If you're dumb enough, yeah." you respond in the same manner.
Steven walks up towards the desk to get a look at what exactly your doing, "Is this what you do all day while you wait for me to come home?" Steven questions again. "Not every day. Just on this day of the week and for a few hours." you answer.
"So are you just not gonna tell us who that is or...?" a voice pipes up through the computer. "He's my boyfriend, Ronnie." you remark back towards your screen. "Okay? Is he gonna watch us play?" the man on one of the other ends says. "You want my boyfriend to see your character have to do a death save throw?" you reply in a snarky tone before giving Steven a peck on the lips like you normally do when he comes home. "I told you. I'm not going to heal you. I don't waste spell slots on stupidity." you say as you get comfy in the desk chair.
"Can Trixie look at him and says"Don't mind him, please, he's always like that. He knows not what he says." ?" a girl says in the call, to which another says "Roll persuasion." and a number is said by the previous girl, and the other nods.
"I usually cook dinner after the session so sit tight for a while." you whisper to Steven. Steven nods and whispers back "That's alright. I can watch you do this till then if that's okay with you and your mates. This looks entertaining." he whispers back. You nod and turn back to your screen. "Okay, let's continue on with the actual game." you announce. "My boyfriend's gonna watch for a little so behave." you add.
To which someone says "Yay! Conversion!".
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Glamrock Freddy Through The Ball Pit Part 1
(These aren’t particularly chapters, but each post is numbered and tagged ‘#gfttbp au fic’ so it’s easier to get to them)
“Disassemble Freddy!” Vanny screeched, her wide crazed red eyes zeroing in on the bear.
“Gregory, run!” Freddy called out, giving the boy a soft push in the direction he needed to go before taking off towards the many employee hallways to lose the staff bots. “I’ll distract them!”
Gregory gave a determined nod and continued on his way.
Freddy ran as fast as he was able, finding a nearly empty storage room to barricade himself in, tumbling staff bots as he went.
That was a mistake.
It appeared that the staff bots weren’t working alone. The spare endoskeletons had joined in the hunt and started to bang on the door Freddy had hurriedly closed. He looked around in case there was anything helpful in the room.
There, a crowbar! After a moment’s contemplation, Freddy jumped away from the door, racing towards the opposite side of the room, past the abandoned ball pit that seemed to be the only other thing in the room.
He didn’t make it. The staff bots swarmed him and the much stronger endos started tearing into his outer shell.
The bots ripped him apart, pieces flying everywhere. Freddy had barely enough time to hope Gregory would make it out of the pizzaplex safely before one of the bots tore out something he needed to function, and everything went black.
It was the housing for Freddy’s AI coding. The ending that had ripped it out, tossing the bits of metal and wires aside to continue wreaking havoc on the animatronic bear.
No one noticed that the small bit of Freddy that made him who he was landed in the ball pit.
Michael was playing hide and seek. Or more accurately, he was hiding in the Fazbear Diner’s ball pit, laying in wait for his little brother, planning to jump out and scare the nearly seven year old.
“Ouch!” Something poked his leg, and Michael put a hand down to feel around for whatever the thing was. It wasn’t safe to leave pokey things where little kids played.
After waving through the colorful plastic balls for a long moment, Mike’s hand closed around something small and slightly rubbery. Confused he surfaced and pulled the thing up to look at it.
The small object appeared to be some sort of charm, missing its chain. It was a light blue, rubbery plastic, lightning bolt. It looked cool.
Michael completely forgot his previous mission of scaring Evan and instead went searching for something to string through the small circle at the top of the pendant. He planned to wear it, declaring in his mind that it was something a cool rockstar would wear.
It wasn’t long before he found a bit of balloon ribbon and had strung the pendant around his neck. He planned to switch the ribbon out for a bit of twine when he went home later that evening.
Speaking of going home…
“Mikey, let’s go! Daddy says we’re leaving!” Elizabeth called out, running past him to join their father and little brother at the entrance.
Freddy didn’t think he would wake up. Not that the animatronics really slept, but they did rest occasionally. This felt different. Like he was under water or behind a curtain. He couldn’t quite see anything clearly yet, but he heared one voice very clearly.
“Now I look like a superstar!”
He wondered where the voice came from. It sounded excited, and Freddy realized he was excited for the voice as well, despite not knowing who it belonged to. Everyone deserved to be a superstar.
Freddy blinked and everything got a tiny bit clearer. Just enough that he could make out vague shapes around him, but not enough to understand where he was.
“Wait until I show my friends!” The voice squealed and Freddy smiled softly before everything fell dark again.
Over time, though Freddy was unsure how much time, he was able to see much clearer, and what he saw greatly shocked and confused the poor bear.
He wasn’t in any sort of machine, be it endoskeleton or computer. He actually appeared to be riding along in a young boy’s head.
He couldn’t do much about this fact, unable to actually move on his own or even speak aloud. He did learn however, over the course of a day or so after the world finally cleared up, that the boy seemed to be able to hear him, at least a small amount. Pausing as if considering Freddy’s commentary at some points.
Freddy learned that the boy’s name was Michael and that he was thirteen years old. He has shaggy brown hair, grey-blue eyes, and a bright smile that lights up his brown, freckle covered face. Michael also has two younger siblings, Elizabeth and Evan. They live with their father, and visit a diner that he owns nearly every day.
Freddy also learns that Michael has three friends. The strange part, he thinks, is that each of them have a mask depicting much older versions of his friends, and even himself.
It’s with these three friends that Freddy finds himself most vocal, quietly scolding when the four boys pick on younger children at school or even Michael’s own brother. He doesn’t know why they do so, but he intends to make Michael aware that it is unkind.
Mike is fairly certain he’s going insane.
He keeps hearing a voice at the back of his mind, asking random questions, noting something he might have missed in schoolwork, and even scolding him for his actions. He wonders if his conscience woke up and gained a voice.
It’s very strange, he thinks, to have a proud voice say ‘well done, Superstar!’ after he’s completed a task, but he smiles at the praise nonetheless.
Lizzie keeps looking at him strangely when he suddenly starts grinning like a loon after washing the dishes. He’s not sure how to explain that the voice in his head is proud of him for doing something so simple as his chores without looking like a nutcase so he stays quiet. It’s not like she needs to know anyway.
Instead, Mike plots his surprise for Evan’s birthday at the end of the week.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Shaun x reader - support
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Hey could I request one where the Reader adopts a dog that was a retired emotional support animal but had to retired due to a leg being amputated and their owners didn't want them anymore. Shaun then has a meltdown when he got yelled at by a patient the Reader's dog does its job by calming him down. - Anon💜
Sitting at the nurses station, you were running a hand up and down your arm, trying to ease the pain that was running down it.
Sighing, you leant back and looked down at your side where your dog was watching you intently.
“Yes I know.”
Reaching out, you gently ruffled her ears and smiled down at her.
You were only here to pick up Shaun after work, and thankfully since everyone knew you they let you and Bella in.
“He’ll be here soon, don’t worry.” Claire smiled.
“Thank you.”
She nodded and wondered away, and you carried on waiting.
He was supposed to be here five minute ago, and you were starting to get really worried about him.
Standing up, you walked over to the first staff member you saw and gently called their attention.
“Have you seen Shaun Murphy?”
“I’m sorry, no. But Doctor Melendez might know where he is, his office is down the hall.”
“Thank you!”
Smiling, you walked to the office and lightly knocked on the door.
“I’m sorry, not right now.”
The doctor flung the door open and blinked as he looked at you before stepping outside closing the door behind him.
“Is Shaun here?” You asked.
“Yeah, but he’s… well he’s having a meltdown. We’re waiting for Glassman.”
“Let me see him please?”
Melendez nodded his head and led you in, and you immediately spotted Shaun with his back against the desk, head in his hands as he rocked back and forth.
You looked at Melendez.
“What happened?”
“A patient yelled at him, telling him he can’t be a doctor while being autistic and called him so many names.”
You nodded your head.
“How long has Ben been like this?”
“About ten minutes, we managed to get him in here, and in all the rush I forgot to come get you.”
“Thank okay, I’ll try calm him down.”
Melendez nodded, and both of you turned to face your boyfriend to see Bella sat between his legs, her head resting on his chest.
He had his fingers buried in her fur, his head resting o hers.
“Shes trained as a service dog?” Melendez whispered.
You nodded your head.
“Yeah, but she’s retired. She hasn’t worked for four years since they amputated her leg. I didn’t think she could remember anything. For me she’s an emotional support dog.”
He nodded and you walked over to Shaun, kneeling in front of him, you gently ruffled the fur on Bella’s back.
“Shaun…” you whispered.
He shook his head and you sighed, sitting down, you reached out, your hand hovering over his.
“Shaun can I touch your hand?”
Shaun reached out, his hand reaching for yours but he pulled it back before reaching out again.
He lightly gripped your hand, bringing it to rest against his forehead.
He still didn’t look up at you, his head still resting against bellas.
Her tail wagged lightly as Shaun started played with the ends of her fur.
You shuffled around, sitting next to Shaun, letting him hold your hand against his head.
Glassman came into the room in a rush, but when he saw Shaun had calmed down quite a bit he simply quietly sat down on a chair.
You leant over and pressed a kiss to the side of Shaun’s head.
“Take as long as you need my love, we’re all here.”
“I don’t.. I am a doctor…” he whispered.
“I know, you’re one of the best doctors.”
“I am a doctor…”
“You are a doctor.”
Shaun kept repeating that, and you kept saying it back, reminding him that he was indeed a doctor.
You were offering him all the support you could, but you couldn’t do much, you knew when he was ready you could help him.
Right now you just had to sit here, letting him calm himself down with the help of Bella and pressing kisses to the side of his head
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
Pleasure Principle
Chapter 1: Intriguing
Dave York x plus size OFC
Fanfiction 18+ read at your own risk
Masterlist / Dave York Masterlist
Summary: Sometimes, jobs go sideways and one of the guys ends up at the hospital. Dave happens to find a new project to work with one of the nurses on while awaiting his next assignment.
Warnings: brief mention of gunshots and wounds, bad patient behavior, borderline bad nurse behavior, intimidation
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Divorced and his two daughters living with their mother in Seattle with her new husband of three years, David York only focused on his work. Sometimes in a suit, usually in a bulletproof vest and semi-automatic rifles. Every so often he’d get to use his trusty sniper scope. Different jobs, different targets, same team. Until one of his men was shot in the shoulder and had to go to the hospital. They were able to get him to University of Maryland where they had shock trauma. As team leader he smoothed things over with the administrators about reporting the GSW with some government persuasion. From the hallway he heard his colleague getting a tongue lashing:
“She’s not gonna hold your urinal for you sir. You were able to eat your own ice chips and watch soccer on your phone, use the bed to help you position yourself and put the call light on when you need it emptied and you’ve covered yourself up.” The woman stated clad in navy blue scrubs with both hands on her wide hips, her glasses had slipped down her face toward her nose, her hair in a poofy updo. The second woman was in gray scrubs looked scared and unsure, like she was in a principal's office.
“Can I get some real food? You know instead of ice chips… and my pain meds.” he scoffed, moving the bed with the controls on the side rail, he was now sitting up at a 45-degree angle. He muttered, “You likely ate it all you fat bitch.” Dave was about to enter the room himself, sure his team were assholes, York knew he was an asshole that’s why he didn’t have a wife anymore, but causing trouble like this is not what they needed with a damn gunshot wound, least of all him being a dick to the staff. Navy scrubs waved her hand for the younger woman to leave and walked up to the side of the bed.
“The doctor will clear you for a diet after they examine you again. You’re free to act like an asshole. Just know the nurses are the ones who draw your blood, give you meds and let the doctors know if and when something is wrong with you. Meds also include pain meds, which given your condition and activity, you can wait after I see my other patients who have more severe wounds and missing limbs. I’ll be back later.” She states and walks out the room, she noticed Dave, “Is he yours? Tell him to simmer down and get his head on straight. I’ll be back but I have work to do instead of arguing with him. All things considered, he’s lucky it didn’t hit any nerves.”
“You sure you should tell me all that Miss?” Dave asked, glad that at least after he mended, he could be right back at work. The nurse shrugged and smiled, her hands back on her hips.
“I notice he hasn’t said anything else since you’ve been in this doorway so clearly, you’re in charge of him. I just let him know the situation. Good luck.” With that she walked down the hallway, pumped some hand sanitizer and entered another patient’s room, greeting them with an unfamiliar cheery voice. Dave appreciated her saying he was in charge, he also liked that she didn’t take any shit from his colleague. Dave stayed for a bit and told him he can’t be talking to the staff like that, they don’t need any heat on them. They had completed their job but caution never hurt.
The same nurse returned, scanned his wristband and asked how much his pain was. John Doe said a 7 and now a 9 with her back, Dave slapped his leg and then he said a 10 out of 10. The nurse shook her head and asked the locations and explained that she needed to chart it.
“My shoulder and leg.” He stated, trying to hit Dave back but he groaned in pain when he moved too much. She checked his IV and gave him some Dilaudid for his pain, within a few minutes he was out like a light.
“Honestly that’s better.” She remarked, getting rid of the needle and syringe in the sharps container, Dave spotted her name on her badge, Kiara. It was pretty and suited her, her badge reel was pinned to the front of her scrubs and pulled the top down a bit exposing her cleavage as she moved about the room tidying up and emptied his urinal he had used. Dave just watched her move, clearly, she wasn’t a new nurse and had a method to what she was doing. Color him intrigued. She cleaned her hands again and went back to her computer, taking a few items and setting them on the bedside table. “When he wakes up, tell him he can eat these until the dinner trays come up.” Two sandwiches with some graham crackers and two puddings were placed on the table, York looked quizzically at the amount of food. They were followed by two ice waters. “You’ve been sitting with him for the last few hours and haven’t left the room. I assumed you needed something to eat too. I don’t know your allergies though, so if you feel odd let me or someone else know. Your friend didn’t have any allergies listed; does he have any you know of?”
“None that I’m aware of, he should be happy with it, if not I’ll eat his too.” York grinned and started unwrapping his sandwich. It had been a while since someone had been kind. It was within her scope sure, but still it was nice. “Thank you, Miss Kiara. And I am sorry about before, I spoke to him about that.” The assassin looked up at her and smiled softly.
A small blush came across her face. She felt like she could pet him he looked so harmless. It was usual for family members or visitors to apologize for something a patient did. She had been a nurse for ten years now, Kiara knew the deal. Most people were going to assholes, just because they were in the hospital. It was a fact of healthcare. She did not, however encounter devilishly handsome men who looked like a cinnamon roll despite having the very strong feeling that he was anything but apologize. It was clearly a facade but one she appreciated. “You’re welcome. You don’t have to call me miss. Just let me know if you need anything else,”
“David, you can call me Dave.” He added taking a bite out of his sandwich and licking the mustard from his lips. Kiara let out a breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding.
“Yes David, just let me know if you or John Doe over here needs anything.” She pointed to the patient still knocked out in the bed. York nodded and held the call light up, so she knew that he knew where it was. Nodding, the nurse went to leave before giving a quick glance back to see David eating the sandwich, further licking mustard off his lips, slowly. Kiara put a hand over her stomach and went back down the hallway, he was going to draw her back in that room, and she needed to round on other patients.
“His tongue is criminal.” She whispered to herself.
Subsequent shifts went by just fine. John Doe’s shoulder improved, and Dave kept coming to see visit him or rather her. He’d ask Kiara for updates despite the doctor just leaving the room to explain things to the patient. Kiara did not mind the attention, though it was when John Doe was going down for another x-ray to see how his shoulder was progressing, that things got slightly heated. The nurse tech hadn’t mentioned that Doe had gone down for a test, she went to round on him, and David was sitting in the room, it looked as though he was focused on whatever he was reading in a folder, she tried to creep back out of the room, but her foot bumped the trash can.
“Ah, shit.” A laugh came from across the room. A full set of pearly whites smiled at her, she decided to enter the room.
“Good afternoon, Kiara. How are you today?” He asked, it didn’t see today was as busy, he learned from the nursing staff already, never say quiet. All hell breaks loose. The nurse leaned against the door and smiled meekly.
“I’m doing fine today, Dave. It looks like John is…”
“Down at a test. X-ray think, they’re looking to see if most of the soft tissue damage has healed.” He replied and stood up, setting his papers and folder on his chair. “You don’t have to stay near the door. I wanted to ask you something.” Walking toward her slowly, he stopped when he got to the middle of the room, she looked nervous and tried to portray some semblance of calm. Her twitching lips gave her away.
“I see.” The nurse swallowed her spit. “Well did you need another update? Nothing has really changed in the last two hours.” She stated, trying to head off him asking, she needed to get out of the room. It felt like he might be able to smell her desperation to taste those lips. Her hands went back to her hips, she didn’t know what else to do with them. “Did you need anything before I leave?” Kiara needed to leave now, take 5 min in the bathroom with some deep breaths, again. She needed to do so every time she rounded on this room and saw Dave in here. Always licking his damn lips.
“I do.” York took a few more steps toward her, his long legs bringing him a foot away from her, while Kiara backed up against the door. She didn’t feel fearful that he would do anything to her, more like she would be fine if he did. “I need some updates on you, I don’t think you’re always okay after shifts.” He saw that she was cornered and her confidence all but gone. David leaned toward her ear as she put a hand to his chest as a reflex. A smirk formed on his lips.
“Are you Kiara? You like what you feel Peaches?” David sings deeply in her ear, the nurse’s breath hitched, turning her head in the opposite direction, the assassin’s hand cupped her cheek and turned her to face his, he placed his forehead on hers. “You always have an answer for me, something bothering you?” He cocked an eyebrow. “It might be something I can help you with after work. I want to see you out of those scrubs.”
Kiara was at a loss, of what to say to him. A nickname, this touching, which she initiated but he certainly set the stage for it. He wanted her out of her scrubs. Who says that? Too many things to consider and try and figure out. She was overwhelmed. She closed her eyes, letting out a soft moan which made her snap them back open. “…Dammit. Dave I…It’s…”
“Too much? Way too soon to say that, Peaches. Stay sweet and keep your phone on tonight.” York commanded, he kissed her cheek before placing both his hands on her generous hips and moving her to the side of the door. John Doe was back and the stretcher needed to come in the room. “Stay calm like your normally do. But make sure you leave at a decent hour to answer your phone.” He touched the small of her back and running his fingers over her belly upfront, once again assaulting her ear with his voice, “You’ll regret it if you don’t Peaches and so will I. Talk to you tonight.”
Kiara simply nodded and moved away from Dave to sign the transporter’s form that they had dropped of the patient. John Doe was too busy chatting with them to have seen them on the other side of the room. The nurse scrubbed on the form and swiftly left the room. York had a wide grin on his face, it was going to be an enjoyable phone call tonight.
Chapter 2
Tag list: @grogusmum , @mandoisapunk , @beefrobeefcal , @nissaimmortal , @morallyinept , @iamasaddie , @goodwithcheese , @fhatbhabie
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged for future chapters and stories. 🤗
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archiveikemen · 3 days
『On-Screen Lovers』 Story Event: Chapter 2
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Nagi: Yeah. The real reason why I was hesitant to accept the casting offer is—
Nagi: Because of romance scenes.
Rina: Eh? Romance scenes?
Nagi frowned.
Nagi: I’ve taken countless acting lessons to improve my expressiveness.
Nagi: That’s why, with enough practice, I should be able to manage. But…
Nagi: When it comes to romance scenes, I get embarrassed and can’t do well.
Nagi seemed troubled as he muttered with his eyes downcast.
I was surprised to hear that coming from him, given how he usually charmed many female fans.
(But I guess this is understandable, judging from his tough image.)
Rina: Do you happen to not watch romance movies?
Nagi: I don't watch them on my own accord. I’m not particularly interested in other people's love stories.
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Nagi: So I don’t understand how to act in such a way that “makes my partner swoon”.
Nagi: Even if I’m told to put my experience in acting into good use, I just think it really depends on the situation and who my partner is…
When Nagi groaned in frustration, it made him feel more relatable to me for some reason.
Rina: … I know how you feel.
Nagi: What?
Rina: I think it’s a matter of course to feel embarrassed about romance scenes.
Rina: Besides, such scenes require you to act more delicate and that takes a lot of courage to do.
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Nagi: … Are you trying to cheer me up?
Rina: Huh? Ah, no, I’m not trying to cheer you up or anything.
Nagi: I see.
Nagi didn’t say anything further, but his uneasiness was no longer there.
(I guess he feels a little better now? I hope he does.)
Nagi: Sorry for making you accompany me. I’ll deal with the rest myself.
Rina: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Rina: Perhaps you could take a break from acting for a bit and look for a change of pace?
Nagi: … I guess.
After giving it a thought, Nagi looked at me like he just had an idea.
Nagi: In that case, shall we go out for a while?
Following Nagi, I was brought to a nightclub with a luxurious interior.
Despite the dim lighting, the patrons and staff had polished appearances.
(The security is tight too, this must be a really high-end club.)
I felt overwhelmed due to such glamorous places being unfamiliar to me.
Just then, Nagi grabbed my arm.
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Nagi: Oi, hold on a second.
Amidst the loud booming music, my heart went crazy when I became conscious of the lack of physical distance between us.
Nagi: This place is dark and crowded, don’t stray away from me.
Rina: … Okay, sorry.
(What am I getting self-conscious for? Nagi’s just being considerate of my safety.)
(Oh? There was a scene in the script where the pair went to a club together.)
Rina: By any chance, are you here to get a feel of the movie scene’s atmosphere while taking a breather at the same time?
Nagi: I guess. But the main reason is that I was invited by the owner of this club.
Nagi: We’ve been friends for a while now because of our common interest in dance.
Nagi: I got a text saying that I might like today’s event.
Rina: I see.
Hip-hop and EDM music, which were Nagi’s likes, had indeed been playing in the club since we got there.
I could tell that he was enjoying himself from the way his body naturally moved to the music.
(I’m glad he’s feeling better now.)
Rina: You should go ahead and get on the dance floor since we’re here. I’ll wait for you.
Nagi: What’re you talking about? You should dance too.
Rina: I don't usually come to clubs, so I don't know what I should be doing here…
When I hesitantly stepped away, the DJ’s voice could be heard across the floor.
DJ: Come on, starting from now is special time!!
DJ: Enjoy this sweet and mellow mix!
A gentle R&B tune started playing.
The moment the music changed, the people around us held hands and danced together.
Nagi: You said “since we’re here”, so you should dance too. I’ll teach you.
Rina: But…!
Nagi took my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor.
Nagi: Don’t think too hard about it, just move your body and groove to the music however you like.
Nagi: The music has a basic rhythm pattern, so you only have to follow it and dance however you want.
Rina: Still…
Nagi: Just follow my lead, then.
He tugged on the hand he was holding and pulled me closer.
Our hips touched and my heart skipped a beat at the feeling of his body’s warmth.
Nagi: Come closer. I’ll support you.
Rina: Ah…
Before I could say anything, my body was swaying naturally to the music together with him.
The new experience felt so pleasant, I reflexively entrusted my body to Nagi.
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Nagi: You’re good. That’s all you gotta do.
Rina: Really…?
Nagi: I’m not lying.
For a moment, I found myself captivated by Nagi’s smile.
(H-Has Nagi’s smile always looked like this?)
(He looks happy whenever he’s dancing, but that felt slightly different…)
Nagi was good-looking in every aspect, and I thought of him as someone who lived in an entirely different world from mine…
His gentle gaze made me feel as though we’ve become closer.
(This feels like a scene from the movie. Dancing and smiling together… we’re like a couple on a date.)
Just as that thought crossed my mind—
A nearby male patron bumped into me, causing me to stumble.
Rina: Kya…!
Nagi: Oof.
Nagi caught me.
Coming into contact with his muscular chest made my face burn up.
Rina: I-I’m sorr…
I turned my face up to catch his beautiful eyes staring right at me.
Our close proximity sent a sweet shiver through me, and all I could do was stare back at him.
Nagi: Are you okay?
Rina: Yes… thank you.
Feeling embarrassed, I replied in a small voice.
However, it was drowned out by the loud music, and so Nagi brought his face closer.
Nagi: Hm? What did you say?
(I can hear his voice right in my ear…)
I held my breath, our faces so close that they almost touched; and Nagi quickly pulled away.
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Nagi: Sorry… my face was too close.
Rina: No! It’s my fault, sorry.
Our conversation was cut off and awkward silence hung in the air.
(My face got even hotter from thinking about how this feels like a date…)
Although I tried getting the thought out of my mind, my heart still wouldn't calm down.
In an attempt to mask my embarrassment, I spoke up in a cheerful tone.
Rina: I’m a little tired from dancing. I’ll go get us drinks.
Nagi: Then I’ll go. It's your first time here, you don't know your way around this place.
Nagi stopped me before I could say “but” and made his way to the back of the floor.
(It was my idea to get drinks, so I feel kind of bad…)
I ended up deciding to wait obediently for him.
And then—.
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starlitmark · 4 months
😮 Ateez 2 from your attic. Been loving all your wips by the way 😍😍
EEEEE thank you for enjoying the wips 🥹 this is another that............ is very self indulgent............... and I may or may not return to later on
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Summary: You got stranded outside the venue of the concert. You had no way to get back to your hotel. Then, someone unexpectedly offered a helping hand. Pairing: Yunho x fem!reader Trope: idol au, idol-fan relations Genre: fluff, smut Rating: 18+ Warnings: language, joke about an NDA, flirty Mingi Prospective Smut Warnings: fingering (fem receive), protected sex Word Count at abandonment: 1,229 Note: I was originally writing this cause of the concert (last year), but here we are doing it for this and seeing him at barricade for KBS live. Note 2: @sanjoongie sadly............ this one is one of the ones collecting dust
other attic items
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You had nowhere to go. The concert had ended nearly two hours ago, and still, there was not a single ride-share available. You checked every possible app that exists, and nothing. It was cold and still slightly damp due to the rain earlier. Plopping down on the steps of the arena, you let out a sigh, not sure what else to do. You were cold, and the outfit you chose was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable. Even though you did your best to dress comfortably while still looking nice, you hadn’t planned to be stranded outside afterward. Unlocking your phone, you recheck your rideshare apps. Nothing. Not a single driver in the area. You hear someone nearby open a door. You don’t pay it any mind. It was probably one of the venue staff cleaning around the building. People left trash everywhere from waiting in line all day despite the rain. 
“Are you okay?”
“Hmm?” You turn to face whoever it is.
You think you must be hallucinating or something. There was no way Jeong Yunho was standing right behind you. You shake your head in hopes that it will clear things up somehow. Somehow, he’s still standing right there when you look again.
“Are you okay?” He asks again.
You shrug, “I can’t find a ride back to my hotel. I’ll be okay, though.” You force a smile.
“The concert ended a while ago; you’ve been sitting out here the whole time?” “I- it’s not a big deal.”
You hear Yunho sigh, followed by a little bit of shuffling. At first, you assume that he left. Then, his larger frame is sitting beside you on the cold wet pavement. He doesn’t say anything at first. You sit there side by side in silence.
“You could catch a cold sitting out here. You don’t even have a jacket with you.” He finally speaks.
You chuckle humorlessly, “I didn’t expect the rain or to be stuck here.” You try to downplay the situation, “I’m sure someone will come around.”
He looks like he’s contemplating something for a minute. You watch him, still baffled that you’re sitting here and talking to him.
“Do you want to stay in my hotel with me until you can find a way to yours?”
You laugh lightly, “You’re really trying to get me into an NDA agreement, aren’t you.” You tease.
He chuckles, “That’s not my intention at all.” he insists, “I just don’t want you sitting out here in the cold all night.”
You feel your chest swell with warmth and nod silently. You quietly tell him your name, and he smiles at you. If someone had told you earlier in the day that you would get stranded and hang out with Yunho, you would probably have laughed at the person telling you or made a joke out of it. He offers a hand out to you. You just look at it briefly before processing what he was doing. Taking his hand, you let him take you back into the building. The warmth of the building slowly melts your frozen bones. Neither of you speaks as you walk through the nearly empty building. It’s not an uncomfortable silence. It’s anything but uncomfortable. Instead, you focus on how his hand feels in yours. It feels nice, very surreal, but very nice. His larger hand nearly encapsulates yours entirely. You’ve always known he’s a large person and has large hands, but to see it at the moment feels unreal. He stops in front of the door and lets go of your hand.
“Stay here for a minute. I need to explain the situation to my manager and the guys.” He smiles gently, “I won’t take too long, okay?”
“Okay.” You return the sentiment.
You sway back and forth in your place while you wait outside the door. You can vaguely hear a few people talking on the other side. You can easily pick out Yunho and Hongjoong’s voices, but you don’t know the third. You can only assume it’s their manager. Before you can contemplate too deeply, the door pops open. Yunho pokes his head out and smiles at you again. 
“You can come in. We’ll be leaving pretty soon.”
The moment you step into the room, your eyes fall on Yeosang. He was in the process of removing his makeup, completely unbothered at your entrance. As your eyes move around the room, you notice that not many of them seem to pay you any mind at all. Honestly, it’s probably better that way. They’re exhausted and have things they need to get done. You feel a hand slowly, softly wrap around your shoulder. In the process, a lock of hair falls from your shoulder down along your back. You look at the hand and then to the other side of you, where Yunho is standing. He’s looking at you with a gentle, sweet look. He squeezes your shoulder lightly and raises his other hand.
“When we leave, wear this.” He gestures towards the hoodie in his hand, “I don’t want anyone getting crazy ideas or potentially hurting you. It’s my personal one, but I’ll just wear the ones that we have for the stages.”
“Are you sure cause-”
“It’s fine, I promise.”
He leaves the hoodie in your hands and walks away. You think there couldn’t be anything else that could get crazier about tonight. You’re proven wrong again when their manager approaches you. He’s clearly frazzled but tries not to show it.
“Do I need to get paperwork ready? Yunho told me not to worry about it. I want to double-check, though.”
You feel heat rush to your face, “Um, yeah, no paperwork needed. Yunho just offered to let me come since I can’t find a way back to my own hotel.” You explain.
Without another word, his manager walks away and starts organizing what you assume are the boys’ personal belongings. Up until that moment, you don’t process how awkward you must look standing in the room holding a hoodie but not speaking a single word to anyone. You’re just standing there and observing. You can feel a pair of eyes on you, and for a few moments, you try to brush it off, but you find yourself turning around to find Mingi’s eyes fixated on you. His hair is pushed back out of his face, and he’s in comfortable, casual attire. His shirt, as always, has the first few buttons undone, which sends your mind reeling in places it probably shouldn’t be when you’re less than 20 feet from him. The look he’s giving you is hard to decipher. You can’t tell if he’s checking you out or trying to figure you out. When you properly make eye contact, he takes it upon himself to walk over to you.
“You’re who Yun chose for the night?” He asks.
“I-it’s not- no, um,” You start to explain.
“Leave her alone, Mingi. She’s just coming to the hotel for a bit until she can get a ride to hers. I didn’t want her sitting out alone in the rain.” Yunho interjects.
Mingi chuckles, “We’re doing the knight in shining armor shtick today?”
“Mingi, it’s not like that.” He says firmly.
Mingi hums, “M’kay, if you want some extra fun I’m in the room next door.” He supplies with a wink and a slight smirk.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2024© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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wolfspurr · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
It is no longer Wednesday, but what even are days of the week when it comes to the weird bit of time between Christmas and New Years? I was tagged by @wellhalesbells so here's a little bit of the only WIP I can currently share with you. This is my back-burner fic, which I pull out to work on when I don't have an event deadline looming over me. It hasn't seen much work recently, but it'll get finished eventually!
“Hey man, how’s it going?” Stiles breezes into the back room of the vet’s surgery with the confident air of someone who is definitely supposed to be there, despite the ‘staff only’ sign hung prominently on the door and the fact that Stiles is very much not a member of staff. Scott has been lacking in time for bro hangouts, though, so Stiles will take his company where he can get it. If that means it's while Scott is busy expressing the anal glands of an unenthusiastic beagle, so be it. “Yeah,” Scott says, as Stiles situates himself decisively at the head end of the dog, “Ricky here is about to be feeling a whole lot better, aren’t you buddy?” “You have my full support and sympathy, Ricky,” Stiles grimaces, reaching out to scratch behind the beagle’s ears as Scott pulls on a pair of gloves. “I don’t suppose you can hang after work today? There’s a new Thai place near mine that I’ve been wanting to try. Ally can come too?” “Sorry bro, dinner with the in-laws tonight. You can go and chill in the dog room for a bit while I deal with Ricky if you want? We’ve got a newcomer who might want some company, and I’m not sure we want a repeat performance of the last time you thought you could keep composure around bodily fluids.” Stiles shudders, thinking back to last week’s incident with Walter the French bulldog. Scott may have a point. There had been no dignity left in that room; Stiles might never quite look at a French bulldog the same way again. “Yeah, that might not be a bad plan. Sorry, Ricky. Please know I’ll be supporting you from the other room where things are less disgusting. You’ve got this, dog-bro!” Stiles pats Ricky on the head and makes his way briskly out of the room before he witnesses or smells anything that really doesn't need to be experienced. He closes the door quickly behind him, breathing a sigh of relief that he’s escaped without any trauma for the day. The dog room is the best room at the vet’s surgery, and Stiles spends more of his free time in it than he really cares to admit. There’s nothing quite like cuddling with dogs and puppies to improve a shitty day, and Stiles finds himself in here even on days when Scott isn’t actually working. Kira, one of the veterinary nurses, is already in there, fussing over a puppy that looks more like a little white cloud than an actual dog. “Hey Kira, I thought I’d give Ricky a bit of privacy. Scotty says there’s a new best friend waiting for me in here.” “Hey Stiles, good to see you! I’m guessing he’s talking about this guy,” Kira shuts the cage door on the ball of fluff, smiling cheerfully at Stiles as she beckons him over to a cage in the corner, “want to come and meet him?” “Of all the stupid questions, Kira.” Stiles hurries himself over, crouching down so he can see the inhabitant, all black fur and mournful brown eyes. The dog perks up as soon as Stiles appears, assessing him with a careful stare and nosing forward to give Stiles’ fingers a tentative lick where he’s poking them through the wire of the cage door. Stiles is in love.
I'm not going to specifically tag anyone (because it's not even Wednesday anymore) but if you want to join in, consider yourself tagged!
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Better Days ~ Chapter Ten
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x ofc Elena Madison
Characters:Frerin, Elena, Carol, Ashley, Vanessa, various other hospital staff and patients
Warnings: Some streaming up of car windows…
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.7k 
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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Frerin tugged the earpieces free to drape his stethoscope around his neck. “Okay, she can go up.” He smiled down at the girl on the gurney. “Connie, has anyone been able to reach Keira’s parents yet?”
“Not yet, no.”
“Would you—”
Connie smiled and nodded. “I’ll go up with her, Dr. Durin.”
“Thanks.” He looked down at Keira. “How are you feeling?”
“My ankle hurts.”
“Yeah, it will for a while. Connie,” he looked back at the nurse, “let’s get Kiera something for pain, okay?”
She passed him back the chart and he scribbled out orders for prescription strength ibuprofen then passed it back. “Okay, Keira, you’re going to go up to Ortho, where they’ll fit you for a boot.”
She nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Durin.”
“No problem. Just next time your girlfriend drops a CD and she’s driving, don’t let her try to pick it up.”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” He turned to Connie. “Has Ortho been down to see Hailey Miller yet?”
“I don’t know,” Connie said as she followed Keira out of the trauma room.
He bit back a sigh as he peeled off the exam gloves and tossed them into the trash. Keira was the last one from the MVA to go up, and she was the least severely injured of the people involved in the crash.
Rubbing his eyes with one hand, he left the trauma room to go back out on the floor, which was thankfully calm now, and returned to the front desk. “Jerry, get me Ortho, will you?”
He waited for Jerry to hand him the phone. “Yeah, hi, this is Frerin Durin down in the ER, we have a ten year old girl with a fractured leg who’s been sitting with us since last night because someone up there hasn’t been bothered to come down and assess her. So, either get your ass down here or I’m coming up there and trust me, you do not want me coming up there. Am I clear?”
“Dr. Durin, we’ve been swamped up here—”
“And we’re just as swamped down here. Don’t give me that excuse, just come down here and take care of this little girl!” He spun about and slammed the phone down, rubbing his eyes with one hand once more. “Christ, I hate dealing with incompetents.”
“Are they coming down?”
He lowered his hand as Vanessa came around the end of the desk. “We’ll see.”
“There’s a woman in the lounge, says she’s with you?”
“Yeah, Elena.” He looked in the direction of the lounge, feeling more than hint of guilt at how long she’d been waiting for him. Not quite how he expected the day to go so far. “Things are calm enough now, so if no one needs me any longer, I’m going home.”
He didn't wait for her to answer, but pushed up from the counter and skirted the desk to head toward the lounge, where he pushed open the door to find Elena curled up on the sofa, asleep. He crossed over to her, sinking onto the edge of the sofa, and gave her a gentle shake. “Elena?”
“What?” She sat up, wincing and grabbing at her neck. “Oooh…”
“Sorry, honey,” he said softly. “I didn't mean to startle you.”
“Oh, no, please don't apologize.” She sat back, rubbing her neck. “I only meant to close my eyes for a second. For a lounge, it’s really kind of cozy.”
“I’m sorry about this. Two kids involved in a car accident in addition to the ten year old still waiting on Ortho.”
“It’s okay. Trust me, I’ve spent worse days.” She lowered her hand. “But, you probably just want to go home now, I bet.”
He smiled, shaking his head. “You’d lose that bet.”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you always going to ask me that?”
He leaned in and brushed her lips with his, and while he’d meant it to be just that, the moment they met, instinct took over and what was supposed to be a quick kiss instead deepened. She slid a hand along his neck to send chills rippling through him while her lips parted and her tongue swept along his. 
“Dr. Durin, Ortho is here for—oh, excuse me.”
Frerin drew back at Vanessa’s voice and turned to see her in the doorway. “Who’s here?”
“Uh… Petruzzi, I think.”
“Tell him I’ll be there in just a minute.”
“Her and will do.”
As she let the door close behind her, Frerin turned to Elena. “Sorry about that.”
“You’re not going to get into any trouble, are you?”
“For this?” He shook his head. “Not likely. Let me go yell at Dr. Petruzzi and then we can get out of here.”
“No hurry.”
He brushed her lips again and stood. “You keep saying that, but I know you’ve got to be bored out of your mind.”
“Stop. I’m fine. Go and yell at your orthopedist.”
He winked. “I’ll be right back.”
With that, he made his way out of the lounge and to the front desk. “Nice of you to show up, Dr….?”
“You realize, we’ve had this ten year old kid down here, with an unstable ankle fracture since midnight. Care to explain how no one in your department could be bothered to come down for the consult for almost twelve hours?”
A hint of a flush swept along her cheekbones. “We’ve been busy, Dr…. I’m sorry, I didn't get your name.”
“Durin. Head of Pediatrics. Who’s your attending?”
“Harris, but she’s in Hawaii until after the first.”
“Look, I get you’re busy, but guess what? So are the rest of us. When you’re called for a consult, especially when the consult is for a child, you get down here as soon as you possibly can and you do not make anyone call you a half a dozen times, got it?”
“Dr. Durin, I—”
“Got it?”
“Where is she?”
“Curtain One. She jumped off a top bunk around ten, Mom brought her in—”
Dr. Petruzzi snatched the chart from him. “I’ll find her.”
He turned as she marched past him, and called, “Thank you!” as loudly as he could.
“Damn…” Vanessa said softly. “I’ve never seen anyone chew her out like that before. Nice job, Dr. D.”
He looked back to see Vanessa, Ashley the desk clerk, Carol, and one of the med students whose name he didn't know all staring at him. “What? The ankle fracture is a kid. No kid should sit around in pain for any longer than they absolutely have to.”
“Still, Petruzzi’s the golden child of Ortho,” Ashely said, “and she knows it. I wouldn’t mind seeing you take her down a few more pegs, Dr. D.”
He chuckled, glancing at the clock. It was almost one. At this rate, he might as well just stay on until his shift started in five hours. He’d hit that point where he no longer felt tired at all, and knew from experience, it was best to just keep moving now. 
But, Elena also waited for him, so… 
“Okay, it’s slowing down now, so I’m going to head out. But, let me know if Hailey Miller doesn’t go up sometime in the next hour. If I find her still down here come six o’clock when I’m on, Dr. Petruzzi will not be happy with the hell I’ll raise.”
Ashley smiled. “I’ll let Jamie know when she gets here.”
“Thank you. And with that, I’m going home. Vanessa, who’s on tonight?”
“You’re covering the ER again?”
“I’ll be floating back and forth, wherever I’m needed.”
“Well, you’ll be on with Walker, Coerper, and McDonald.”
He nodded. “Full house tonight. I have the feeling I won’t be down here much.” He glanced back at the lounge again. “Okay, I’m going before I get sucked back in here.”
“See you later, Dr. D.”
“Call me if Petruzzi doesn’t take Miller up.”
“Will do.”
He turned to head back to the lounge, where Elena was at the Keurig machine, making a cup of coffee, and with a soft sigh, said, “I’m sorry about that, Elena.”
“Don’t be.” She tossed the wooden stirrer she’d been using into the trash. “How did it all go?”
“We didn't lose anyone, so that’s a win right there. I’m sure I’ll be hearing an earful from whoever is the attending in Orthopedics for chewing out one of their residents, but so what else is new?”
“Are you telling me you fight with the other doctors here?”
“When I have to, sure.” He moved over closer to her. “A ten year old who came in at midnight last night is still waiting down here to go upstairs. I get pissed when people—when doctors—ignore anyone, but especially when it’s a little kid. And they know it.”
She smiled up at him. “And what happens when they know it?”
“I’ll probably hear from Reese and when I explain, it’ll all blow over.”
“Chief of Staff. Look, you don't care about all this boring nonsense so—”
She cut him off by pushing up onto her toes and pressing her lips to his and without thinking, he slid his arm about her waist to pull her closer still. A soft groan rose to his lips at the sensation of her breasts firm against him and instinct took over as he slid the hand that had been on her hip, down over her left cheek, where he cupped it to pull her flush against him. Her lips parted, her tongue slicked slowly along his, while heat wafted through her spandex leggings to sink into his palm.
Elena pulled back with a murmured, “Stop telling me I don't care about what you have to say.”
“Honey, you kiss me like that again, and I’ll spill all the deep, dark secrets this place holds,” he whispered back, his heart hammering his ribs and his blood warming as it slowly headed south. If they were anywhere other than the doctors’ lounge, he’d be tugging her tank up and over her head and somehow, he didn't think he’d stop there.
She smiled. “This could be interesting.”
The door opened again and Carol strolled in. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“There’s nothing to stop,” he replied as he stepped back from Elena. “We were just leaving before something else happens.”
“Then you better hurry. Sixty-three just called. Rolling up any moment with a construction accident. Ten foot fall.”
“Do you need me to stay?”
“Nah. You’ll be back here soon enough.” 
“Good.” He reached to link his fingers with Elena’s, his heart actually skipping a beat when hers tightened about his. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“I’ll be here. I’m pulling a double so Connie can go to her niece’s birthday party.”
“Lucky you.” He looked over at Elena. “Ready, or do you want to finish that first?”
She smiled. “We can go. I’ll take it with me.”
The rain let up by the time Frerin was easing the Infiniti into a parking space in the lot behind Croft’s Café, which was only a block or so from the gym in one direction and the hospital in the other. 
As she settled into a chair at one of the corner tables, she smiled at Frerin. “It was interesting watching you today, such as it was. Is it always that crazy?”
“No, not always. We’re shorthanded in all departments right now. Covid burned a lot of docs out, we’re always in the hole with nurses, and there’s just more and more patients it seems. I don't mind being down in the ER, though, I have to admit. There’s a certain energy down there you don't find on the floors.”
She traced her fingertip about the rim of her cup. “So, why not change specialties?”
“Now?” He shook his head. “Nah, I like where I am. Pedes is home for me. Although,” he looked up, “Reese did approach me about setting up a pediatric ER a few weeks ago.”
“Yeah. I told him I had to think about it, but it’s got merit. We could use one, since Sidleburg’s gotten so much more built up over the last few years, and I do like being down there, so I wouldn’t mind running it, either.”
“So, what’s stopping you?”
“Honestly? Time.” He lowered his cup, his blue eyes serious. “Last winter, Flynn, my oldest, had some trouble at school because of what his mother did, so we were all in therapy for a while. And Toni… she’s…”
“If you tell me I can’t possibly be interested in this, I swear I will kick you,” she told him softly, stretching her leg to nudge his foot with hers. 
That earned her a sheepish grin. “I won’t, so please don’t. Things between me and Toni hadn’t been good for a long time, and the kid last winter wasn’t the first time she’d cheated on me. Truth is, and I don't want this to sound like a cliché or anything, but in all honesty? We probably should’ve never gotten married. I told you that, right? That she got pregnant when she—when we—were nineteen?”
Elena nodded. “Yeah. But, it happens.”
A dry laugh bubbled to his lips. “I’m well aware of that. But she and I weren’t a couple. I thought she was cute, and I didn't mind a hookup, but I also didn't expect a family. And she didn’t, either,  I don't think. It wasn't what either of us wanted, but her family… anyway, that’s where we ended up and we tried to make it work. At least, I did. I don’t know if she ever really did, since she saw no problem going behind my back whenever it suited her and when I called her on it, somehow I  ended up the bad guy in it. And yeah, I was probably a shitty husband in the beginning, between med school and residency and boarding, I barely had time for sleeping and eating, never mind being a husband and father.”
“Did you ever cheat on her?” 
He didn't say anything for a long moment, but then sighed. “I know you’re going to think I’m an absolutely asshole, but yeah. First time she slept with someone else, I figured what was good for her would be fine for me. But you know something? It wasn’t. I mean, the sex was pretty good because there’s something about breaking the rules that just makes it that way, but when it was over and I was on my way home, it just left me feeling empty. And then I’d look at Flynn or Maura or Jake and man, I hated myself for doing that to them. They didn't ask to have this happen. They didn't ask for any of this.”
Elena wasn't exactly sure how to respond to his confession. It unnerved her to a certain extent, given her own history, but at the same time, Frerin owed her nothing. They weren’t a couple. They hadn’t even gone out yet, really. 
“Look, I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but—”
“No,” she interrupted, shaking her head, “it’s okay. I appreciate the honesty.”
“No, I do. I mean it.” Her gaze fell to his hand, long, thick fingers curled about his coffee cup. “We all make mistakes.”
“Yeah, and it was a mistake. And I came clean to Toni about it as well.” He met her gaze, his eyes direct. “I hope it’s not going to make you change your mind about going out tomorrow.”
She smiled and shook her head. “No. I like Thai food too much.”
“Fair enough.” He winked and reached across the table to cover her hand with his. “I’m not a serial cheater, Elena. I learned my lesson about that and sneaking around sucks.”
As he spoke, his thumb traced lightly along hers and she couldn't deny the way just that simple caress sent a delicious flutter through her, one that made her heart beat a little faster. His eyes softened as he added, “I should probably get you back to your car. I’m due back at the hospital in a few hours and while no one said anything to me before, I probably smell weird so I should go home and shower first.”
“You smell fine, but it’s probably not a bad idea anyway. What do I owe you for my coffee?”
She reached for her wallet in her bag and when she came up with it, he said, “Put it away. I got this. I asked you out.”
“Let me split it.”
“No. You get the next one.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. It’s just coffee, Elena.”
“Okay. But you definitely let me get the next one.”
Back in the gym parking lot, which was only half full by now, Frerin pulled into the slot alongside her car and eased the transmission into park before turning to her. “I’m sorry you got  dragged into the hospital with me, but I had a nice time otherwise.”
“I did, too, and it’s interesting to see you at work, Dr. Durin.”
A grin played at his lips. “I don't know how interesting sitting in the lounge is, but as long as you weren’t too bored, I guess it’s okay.”
“Nah. And no one gossiped about you, either.”
“Well, that’s a good thing. I try to keep my private life and my work life separate. Although I don't doubt I’ll be pelted with a million questions about you once I go in later.” 
“You think so?”
“I brought a mystery woman into the ER. Yeah, I definitely think so.”
“Oh, I’ve never been a mystery woman before. I like this.” She smiled, tucking a wayward curl behind her ear. “I should let you go and wash off the funk, huh? Are you going to have time to get some sleep?”
“Probably not. If it’s quiet I can nap in the on-call room tonight. If not? Won’t be the first time I’ve pushed through on no sleep.”
“Be careful, okay?”
“I’ll be fine.”
She leaned over, and he met her halfway, his lips soft and warm and slightly damp as they captured hers. His hand curved against her cheek, the warmth from his palm sinking into her skin as his thumb swept lightly along it. Her lips parted at the teasing pressure of his tongue against them, and as it stroked along hers, she fought down a sigh. He certainly did know how to kiss, his lips moving leisurely against hers, his tongue caressing hers to draw it back into the welcoming heat of his mouth. 
He broke the kiss, sweeping his lips down over her jaw, down along her neck, and as he moved into the slope where her neck met her shoulder, he playfully nipped and she gasped at the the sensation that rushed through her. 
The car’s interior grew warmer by the second as he caught her hand in his and tugged to draw her over the console and as she settled against him, he wrapped his arms around her to pull her flush. Her knees sank into the leather on either side of his hips, another shiver rippling through her as her body met his. Lycra and cotton left very little room for mistake and there was definitely no mistaking the very prominent bulge now pressing up into the apex of her thighs, nor was there any mistaking the way that very prominent bulge sent a ribbon of fiery desire weaving through her. 
She rocked against him, her breath hitching as his arms tightened further and he sighed softly beneath her, his hands easing beneath her tank to skim along her back. To slide over her ribs.
His lips claimed hers again in a slow, deep kiss as he curved both hands about her breasts, his thumbs sweeping in a slow circle about each nipple through her sports bra. Her fingers found their way into his thick hair, where they twisted as her nipples tightened beneath his touch, and that same fiery desire billowed forth like a fire about to rage out of control. 
His fingers tightened on her breasts, kneading them with a slow and steady rhythm that had her itching to let her own hands wander over him. She wanted to explore him, to see where he liked to be touched and stroked, to find out what would make him moan softly beneath her. 
He drew back then, breathless, his eyes as they met hers smoky blue and heavy-lidded as he whispered, “I should let you go, but damn… I don't want to.”
Breathing was tough for her as well, what with her heart racing so fast and arousal twisting every fiber into sensually aching knots. Still, she shook her head. “Me, neither.”
“But this is probably not a good idea. Not here, anyway.” He smiled, letting his fingers graze down along her sides. “And even if we didn't have to worry about one of the Karens in there catching us,” he gestured toward the building, “I don't have any condoms with me and I’m assuming you don't either.”
“I don’t, no. I haven’t fooled around in a guy’s car since I was nineteen years old.”
“Then we should probably stop.”
“But I don't really want to.”
She smiled. “Me, neither.”
“But we should.”
He smiled, his thumbs trailing lightly along her spine. “I’d really like to keep going, though.”
“We will. Because I’d really like to, as well. But for now…” She bent to kiss him again, and then carefully climbed back over into the passenger seat. “I should let you get home and shower and maybe take a nap.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he told her. 
“Yes, you will, Dr. Durin.” She leaned over to kiss him once more, then climbed out of his car, smiling as he waited for her to get into her own car and pull out before doing the same. Her head still buzzing and her body still tingling from the feel of his hands on her, she drove home in a bit of a daze, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, she couldn't wait for tomorrow night to get there. 
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midnightpillsnacking · 5 months
[Loulou*di S3V4 L 3-17] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:DEJA VU Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san, good morning.
Ageha: Ah, good morning, Toki. Did you hear from the medical team?
Toki: Yes. The medical staff will be coming along just in case.But I think it’s a bit much, since we’re only gonna promote one song for the music program. … Rui-san, is there something on my face?
Rui: No, you look fine. Are you sure that you’ll be alright?
Toki: I’m in tip-top condition! I apologize for being an inconvenience while I was taking a break.
Ageha: Toki. When you return, give a performance befitting of Loulou*di. As long as you can do that, then there’s no inconvenience at all.
Toki: Ageha-san…! Yes, I will. I’ll give a perfect performance!
(Audience cheering.)
Host: Presenting the ones who gave us that outstanding performance, Loulou*di! Please give them all a warm welcome!
Ageha: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and to Loumiels.
Host: That was a flawless performance, backed with such incredible vocals and choreography. It was amazing!
Ageha: Thank you very much. It would be an honor for us to leave an impression on everyone’s hearts, even if it’s just for a short moment.
Host: The positions of the cameras to the compositions were all Loulou*di’s ideas, right?
Ageha: Yes. We worked closely with the staff to ensure that we would be able to effectively convey our appeal.
Host: After the replay, you’ll be announcing the track list, right? As well as your new music channel.
Ageha: We wish to bring our voices and performances to the many people who have been waiting for Loulou*di, and we also want to broaden the scope of our activities.
Toki: And as a new member, I would love to have more chances to show off my charm!
Host: So what you mean is that the new Loulou*di cherishes their fans and wants to continue to maintain the high quality for them?
Ageha: We are not ‘maintaining’ the quality. Our goal is somewhere higher, above the unshakeable heavens. Right now, we are still working towards it.
Host: This level is still a work-in-progress? If that’s the case, then your junior unit Anthos* has got their work cut out for them!
Ageha: !! Anthos*, you say?
Host: If they see their senior Loulou*di as a goal, then they would surely be able to reach their full potential, don’t you think? Not just with the Dream Jam Festa, but they would also be able to challenge themselves with various genres as they try to keep up. Ah, but with the new release rankings, Anthos* is more–
Ageha: The production of the performance earlier has been synced with many parts of the new music video that has just recently been released. We hope that with it, you would be able to experience Loulou*di’s worldview.
Host: Eh? A-ah, yes, you’re right! Could you share with us your intentions of doing so?
Ageha: Gladly. For example, right before the hook, that is, the lead-up to it, there is a part in question…
Toki: It’s been a while since I last worked with both of you, doing work for Loulou*di. It was super fun!
Rui: I see.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san, did you see? The costars and the staff and the audience were all taken in by our performance. Their mouths were wide open the whole time! (giggles) Gaping just like fish!
Ageha: (sighs)
Toki: Huh? Ageha-san, the green room isn't that way.
Ageha: Head back first.
Rui: Ageha, where are you going?
Ageha: That’s none of your concern.
Rui: …
Ageha: Take Toki and return to the green room. Now.
Rui: Understood.
Ageha: (winces in pain) Shit… what a disappointment… just this much and already…
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: Rui. You ended up coming with.
Rui: If anything, I didn’t feel like calling out to you.
Ageha: Damned mongrel that can’t even heed its owner’s orders. I told you… to take Toki back to the green room.
Rui: Toki-bou is in the green room. There’s no need to worry.
Ageha: ‘Worry’?
Rui: You don’t look well. You’re sweating a lot.
Ageha: Don’t touch me! Since the start, I believe I’ve been telling you… to stop concerning yourself over me…
Rui: I’m not concerned about you. I’m simply being realistic. (opens the interface on his ring)
Ageha: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?
Rui: I’m calling the medical staff over.
Ageha: What?
Rui: The staff that came with Toki-bou are in the green room. They will surely rush over if we contact them.
Ageha: Stop that! (groans in pain)
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: … Quit doing things that are unnecessary.
Rui: Calm down. I’ll make you feel better soon–
Ageha: I told you not to touch me!
Rui: Breathe slowly. It will be more painful if you struggle.
Ageha: Shut up… Just leave me alone…!
Rui: …
Ageha: Hey!
Rui: I can’t undo your buttons if you keep moving. 
Ageha: (struggles)
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: Do you have any idea… how humiliated I am to let you see me like this?!
Rui: Ageha. What do you wish for?
Ageha: What?
Rui: If you would let me, I will grant whatever wish you have. I’ve always watched you, so if it were up to me…
Ageha: Don’t fuck with me. That’s a horrible sick joke!
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: I–urgh…
Rui: Earlier, you said that you were disappointed in yourself. You put your utmost faith in yourself and carry on despite being bogged by pain. Ageha, you cling so desperately onto life. And to be as such, you are more beautiful than anyone else in the world.
Ageha: Rui, let go of me…!
Rui: Save your pity. You’re putting more unnecessary strain on yourself.
Ageha: Stop talking nonsense! Like I’d ever want your help!
Rui: You won’t know when that will change. Trust me, and try to catch your breath. You’ll feel better soon.
Ageha: …
Rui: Even as Ageha suffers, he’s still a noble, unyielding man in my eyes. However, he’s ardent, and the driving force that keeps him going is… It’s not me. It’s always Yuuki Mahiro, Chihiro, or… President Amagiri. No matter if there’s no other that’s the most like Ageha like myself, no matter how much I understand him, no matter if I give myself to Loulou*di as fodder to scale to the top, I can’t become the reason for Ageha’s will. It’s not me. Not now, not ever. Just what am I… thinking about now?
Ageha: Rui… hey, Rui!
Rui: … Ageha.
Ageha: What are you spacing out for? That’s enough. Let go of me.
Rui: But you’re still–
Ageha: Try adding displeasure and discomfort and see what you get!
Rui: Your resolve doesn’t waver even as you tremble.
Ageha: What did you say…?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Ageha: … Let’s get moving. We can’t leave Toki alone.
Ageha: Seems like the green room is plenty lively.
Rui: The medical staff… What are they doing?
Staff Member A: Ah, you two. Thank you for your hard work today.
Ageha: Is Toki asleep? It looks like he’s not conscious.
Staff Member A: It’s been some time since he’s been at work. All the medical staff are planning an examination for him.
Rui: Toki-bou said that he felt that his condition was perfect.
Staff Member A: There’s nothing to worry about. He’d probably return to the dorm in two to three days. You there, quickly take Sakurai Toki to the car.
(The staff members carry Toki out of the room.)
Staff Member A: With that, we’ll excuse ourselves. Once both of you are ready, please return to the dorm. We’ll prepare for a car to pick you up at the exit.
Rui: Understood.
Ageha: Doctor, I believe I’ve said this before. If you do something to Toki, to Loulou*di… you understand what will happen, right?
Staff Member A: …
Ageha: Please… take good care of Toki.
Rui: Ageha. Is there something on your mind?
Ageha: Rui. Not a word from you.
Rui: But–
Ageha: I said keep your trap shut. It’s annoying.
Rui: Alright. I won’t say anything until we reach the dorm. I don’t wish to agitate you.
Ageha: We’re not going back to the dorm yet.
Rui: Where are we headed to?
Ageha: To somewhere where I have something I must do. (enters something in the interface)
Rui: Amagiri Production?
Ageha: That’s right. We’re headed to where he is.
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aeoki · 6 months
New Start GO! - Epilogue 1
Location: “Sunny Day” Concert Venue Backstage Characters: Hajime, Tomoya, Mitsuru & Nazuna
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< The end of February. Day of the “Sunny Day Live”. >
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Hajime: It’s finally time for “Sunny Day Live” to start.
Anzu-san, thank you so much for contacting everyone in order to make the event happen. I’m sure it’ll be a lovely performance thanks to your hard work.
To be honest, I didn’t think we could perform on such a luxurious stage. We didn’t go over budget, did we…?
Whaa, why are you apologising!? You didn’t do anything wrong, Anzu-san~
? You wanted to apologise properly for ruining our school trip in “High and Low”...?
Come to think of it, “Star Fest” and “SS” were very hectic, so it felt like everything ended up in a blur.
But it doesn’t bother me at all. I somehow ended up being able to experience something new, after all.
What’s past is past~♪
Tomoya: Yeah. We’re always causing so much trouble for you, Anzu-san! If anything, we should be the ones apologising to you!
Mitsuru: You don’t have to say sorry at all, y’know, Nee-chan! I had heaps of fun on that school trip~☆
Nazuna: We know how you felt seeing how enthusiastically you worked on “Sunny Day Live”.
All that’s left is to embrace those enthusiastic feelings and make sure the performance ends in success. Right, guys?
Hajime & Tomoya: Yes!
Mitsuru: Alrighty, let’s do our best for the performance!
Everyone’s waiting out there, so I’ll run out and welcome them~!
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Nazuna: “Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for coming today!”
Hajime: “‘Sunny Day Live’ is a collaboration event with the menswear company we worked with during ‘New Start Go!’.”
Mitsuru: “They’re doing a rerun of the show, so if you haven’t seen it yet, you still have time to watch it~!”
Tomoya: “You’ll understand why we collaborated with the company as well as our struggles working as new employees there, so be sure to watch it!”
Nazuna: “...Alright, I suppose we’ll stop the advertising there.”
Hajime: “We’d like to perform our new song for you all.”
“This song is created for us who challenged ourselves in a new environment and for you.”
“It’s called ‘Sunny Day Sugar Wave’. It’s the perfect song for new beginnings, so we hope you can take a step into your new life with us.”
Mitsuru: “♪ ♪ ♪”
(Ahaha! I knew it – performing is so much fun, y’know!)
(Working at the company office was new and interesting, but on second thought, I love performing more!)
(I’m on a big stage and the lights are so bright! The lights are shining down on me and it feels like my radiance is reaching the audience!)
(I’m sure everyone’s new beginnings have a new light too. Don’t worry and just follow us…☆)
Nazuna: (Ahaha. Mitsuru-chin’s innocence is livening up the entire venue like one of those rotating stages~♪)
(The stage gets even more fancy the more I look. We never would’ve imagined we’d be standing on such a stage last year.)
(It’s all thanks to the others in “Ra*bits” who walked alongside me.)
(That includes Anzu and the staff who helped behind the scenes as well as our fans who came to see us…)
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Nazuna: (They’re all expecting great things from us.)
(Would it be too simplistic if I think it’s almost like a miracle? Knowing that we won’t have to perform in front of an empty audience brings tears to my eyes.)
(Surely, the others feel the same way, right?)
Tomoya: (Nii-chan looked at us just now, right? Did the lyrics remind him of our past selves?)
(I also remembered the past the other day.)
(The song’s concept is “new beginnings” – We were a bit scared of performing when “Ra*bits” was first formed, but that’s become a nice memory now.)
(I’m glad we were able to grow into people who could stand on the other side – cheering on those who’re starting a new page in their lives.)
(Even if you’re going through a hard time, something good might happen if you keep going – That’s what we believe, so we hope you’ll keep your eyes on us!)
Hajime: “♪~♪~♪”
(Are you watching, new employee?)
(Are you also watching, the old me…?)
(This is where the idol Hajime Shino currently stands.)
(Performing style, individuality, one’s position in the idol industry… Being too serious can backfire too, so I was lost in many aspects.)
(But just like how I wanted to be an idol after hearing Nii-chan sing…)
(I, too, will do my best to become an idol who can support others that have taken a step towards their future.)
(Things like being “cute” or “obedient”... I’ll accept how others see me and I’ll take one step forward at a time as an idol – I’ll just be myself.)
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Hajime: (Everything’s new and I’m nervous, but I’m slowly getting used to the interesting ES and RhyLink environment – I’m definitely moving forward.)
(So I hope the people watching us will enjoy the performance right until the end.)
(I pray the people starting something new in their lives will also find comfort in our song.)
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