#I’m in a very ‘let me at em!’ mood tonight
waterberry-strawmelon · 10 months
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chestnutninny · 2 months
Dinner Date
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No warnings, just pure fluff with Emily :)))
The last few weeks, you had noticed Emily’s change in behaviour. She had been a lot more subdued than usual and it was starting to show to the rest of the team too. Every time you were both in the same room, her head would remain down and if you tried to talk to her, she would just stammer out an excuse and run off somewhere else.
“You know, you should just ask her out.” Derek remarked.
“What?” Emily responded, genuine confusion flashing across her features.
“Those feelings that you have, they aren’t going to go away any time soon. Trust me. What’s the worst that she’ll say, I’m sure she’ll understand.”
Emily frowned at him, not fully agreeing  with his statement. She could think of lots of bad ways it could end up turning out, you being completely disgusted by her admission. However, she knew that at least then she’d have some form of validation.
She sat at her desk, plucking up the courage to ask you out, and thinking of how she would word it. She thought that she would keep it casual and just ask you out for dinner, but ultimately decided that coffee would suffice if you were limited for time. She stood up and made her way towards your desk as you were packing up your belongings, getting ready to go home after finishing your paperwork.
“Hey.” She greeted, nervously shuffling from foot to foot.
“Hi, Em!” You looked up at her, a smile taking its place on your lips. She couldn’t help the blush that tinted her cheeks at the nickname that effortlessly slipped from your mouth.
“I was thinking…”
“Oh no, I thought I could smell burning.” You joked with a smirk on your face, trying to lighten the mood as you could see she was nervous. You watched as she visibly relaxed slightly, a chuckle leaving her mouth in a sigh as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“Would you…” She started and abruptly stopped, watching as your face waited for her to continue, “Would you like- I mean, if you’re not busy…We could get lunch or dinner? Or maybe just coffee, if you don’t have a lot of time?”
“Do I make you nervous?” You stood closer to her, her breath catching in her throat, as you tucked a lock of her raven hair behind her ear. You chuckled as her head nodded rapidly, “I can do dinner.”
“Wait, really? I can’t lie, I didn't think any further than that, I wasn’t expecting you to agree.”
“Aw, Emily. Well, have a think about a date and time and just let me know.” She nodded along and returned back to her own desk, smiling as you exited the room.
“As if you picked her up, stuttering like that.” Derek laughed, feigning shock when Emily threw a scrunched up piece of paper towards him.
The next day, Hotch had told everyone that they would have a shorter day, only having to do the final bits of paperwork that was left. You were earlier than the majority of the team, wanting to get a head start of the work. You looked up as you felt someone stood above you.
“Good morning.” Emily chirped, setting a cup of coffee down on your desk.
“Morning. Is this for me?” You smiled when she nodded at you walking past your desk and sitting up to her own.
You looked at the cup and took notice of the sticky note that was attached to the side of the cup. You took it off and took a sip of the warm beverage before reading the note. You hummed as the coffee enveloped your taste buds, blushing as you released that Emily had remembered your very specific order, before shouting a “thank you” over your shoulder.
‘Hey, pretty. Be ready for 7, I’ll see you then.’
You held the note closer to you, getting a smell of her perfume, your stomach doing backflips at the thought of tonight.
You stood in front of the mirror, checking yourself out in the small, black dress you decided on wearing, admiring the way it hugged your curves and pushed up your cleavage just enough to grab Emily’s attention. You still couldn’t completely shake the nerves that you were feeling, yet excited to finally have Emily in a way that wasn’t just friends. You were excited to see where she had decided to take you, when suddenly a knock on your door pulled you from your thoughts.
You answered the door, seeing Emily standing at the other side of the threshold to your apartment. She was wearing a white dress shirt with flared black trousers, the pants fitting snugly around her hips. She was holding a small bouquet of flowers out towards you, all of your favourite flowers compiled together perfectly.
“Hey, you.” You leaned forward, planting a kiss to her cheek, a satisfied smirk leading its way on your face at the blush that kept up Emily’s neck.
“Hey! Wow, you look so beautiful, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Em. But I think you take the title for the most beautiful.”
You invited her into your apartment and she handed you the flowers, watching as you put them in a vase after filling it with water. She waited patiently for you to slip your shoes on and grab your purse before heading towards the front door. After you locked your door, you linked your arm with Emily’s and headed down to the parking section of your apartment complex.
“You know, I never actually gave you my address.” You bumped your shoulder with your own as you squinted your eyes at her.
“Well…Okay, I may or may not have asked Garcia to look it up on the computer system.” She shrugged nonchalantly, however you could see the embarrassment bubble in her eyes. You giggle at the flush that covers her face, and the way she avoids your eyes.
As you reach her car, she pulls your door open for you, waiting for you to get comfortable before closing the door to make her way around to her own side of the car. She ensures that you have your belt on before putting the car into drive and setting off towards your destination for tonight. You gasp as you pull into the parking lot of a new, and very fancy, restaurant that had just opened just outside of your town.
You didn’t even want to think about how costly this place is and how Emily had even managed to snag a reservation at the restaurant as the demands were high. You were pulled from your thoughts when your car door swung open, revealing Emily stood by your side with her hand outstretched, ready for you to take. You unclipped your seatbelt and took her hand, letting her guide you to the entrance to the restaurant.
She gave the reservation name at the front desk, following as the waiter led you both to your table, which was quiet and private in the corner of the restaurant. She ordered drinks for you both as you looked through the ample meals that were presented on the menus in front of you both. You settled on a risotto, which you couldn’t completely pronounce the name of, and Emily ordered the Fiorentina steak for herself.
The conversation flowed easily between the two of you throughout the night, and you noticed the confidence that Emily had slowly started to gain, showing that she had become more comfortable about being around you, especially alone together. You had both finished your meals and had ended with your dessert, just sipping the remains of the red wine that resided in your glasses. Emily had waved the waiter over to pay the bill, declining your offer of going half with her payment.
“You didn’t have to do that, Em.” You complained, knowing that she had spent an absolute fortune on the meals that you had helped devour.
“Well, I wanted to have the best first date with such a gorgeous woman.” She winked over to you, which left you blushing and stuttering over your words, the tables having completely flipped by now.
She led you out of the restaurant, your hand in hers, and guided you back to the car before she set off to drop you back off at your apartment. She turned on the radio as you both settled into the car, and your favourite song started to play, echoing off the windows of the vehicle.
“Oh my God, I love this song!” You exclaimed, you smile growing as Emily’s hand reached over and turned the volume up more, so that she could hear it better. 
She giggled to herself as the chorus came on and you began to sing your heart out to the song, watching the way you looked so happy and care-free, you looked the most beautiful right now. The song came to a close and you both sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying the company of being together right now. After a while, the car pulled into your apartment complex and Emily looked over to you.
“I’ll walk you to the door.” She decided, opening the driver's door before opening your door for you. 
You reached for her hand as you walked up the path to the main doors, and closer towards your apartment. You decided to take the stairs rather than the lift, wanting to spend as much time with Emily as you could before the night was over and she retired to her own home. You both slowed as you arrived at your apartment door,her hand lingering in yours.
“Thank you for tonight, Em. It’s honestly been amazing.” You smiled as your head dipped down, your hair falling slightly to frame your face.
“No, thank you, Y/N. I’m glad that I finally had the courage to ask you out. I’m really excited for our next one.”
“Ohh, so there’s going to be a next on, huh?” You smirked, despite the butterflies that were fluttering in your stomach with nervousness and excitement at the mention of another date with Emily.
“U-Um, only if you want of course?” Emily stuttered, her confidence flattering slightly.
“Of course, Emily. I’d love nothing more.”
You reached into your purse, pulling out your keys and sliding them into the door. Emily reached out her hand and took your hand in hers, giving it a squeeze in order to gain your attention. She tucks a strand of your hair that came loose behind your ear.
You leaned in closer to her, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt her warmth breath on your face, a complete contrast to the cool night. She leaned in and closed the gap in between you both. Her hands caress your cheeks, holding you close to her face, her body pressing against your own. 
“Thank you for tonight, Y/N.” Emily gasps out as you both part, coming up for air.
“Goodnight.” She pressed a kiss to your cheek, before setting off back down your corridor.
“Goodnight, Em.” You whispered back, watching as she turned the corner to the corridor, shooting you a smile over her shoulder as she disappeared from your sight.
You let yourself into your apartment and set down your belongings, a huge grin residing on your face after your incredible date. You couldn't wait for tomorrow at work, knowing exactly that Emily would return to her stuttering self without the liquid courage, and you could already see the deep blush setting on her face when her eyes would meet your own. You were snagged from your thoughts as your phone pinged.
‘I’m home, sweetheart.’
Your heart fluttered at the nickname as well as her informing you that she was home and safe. You slipped on your pyjamas and got into bed. As soon as your head hit the pillow, your eyes fluttered shut and your head filled with happy memories of the night that you’d just participated in.
Taglist: @borinxnovak @zolofts @lolololalalala @chloeelou02x (join my taglist here.)
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madi-writes-things · 7 months
Stay… (Jake Webber X Reader)
“I’m at the hospital” “What do you mean?!”
Word Count: 1,046
TW: Hurt/Comfort, Arguments, Car Accidents, Hospitals, Head Injury, Use of Y/N
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You almost never fight, but everyone has their breaking point… and tonight appeared to be both of yours. It wasn’t even anything big. Jake had to go to an important dinner meeting, and you felt left out. By the time he got home you were already in a mood, which only pissed him off. He was just trying to help, but you refused to tell him what was wrong.
“It’s not a big deal.” you lied through your teeth. It hurt your feelings when he didn’t invite you to dinner, when you knew for a fact that the other influencers had brought their partners. “Don’t worry about it” your words were laced with venom.
A look flashed across his face that was unreadable, but his words quickly filled in the context. “Oh… so that’s what we’re doing?” He was really starting to get mad now. It was too late to tell him that it really didn’t matter, and that you just want to forget about the whole ordeal. “You refuse to tell me why your mad, and you just get pissy when i ask… I’m done trying to have a rational fucking discussion with you”
You knew that he was right, but his words just made you more upset. “I shouldn’t have to fucking tell you why I’m mad Jake, maybe if you thought about anyone other than yourself you could figure it out!” At this point tears were streaming down your face, and you could see that they had started to form in his eyes as well. You didn’t mean for it to come out that harsh, but you also didn’t know how else to make him understand that he really hurt you.
“I can’t stand you when you act like this…” He turned to walk to your shared room as he said this. The pain in your heat grew tenfold hearing him say he couldn’t stand you. You knew he didn’t mean it, but that didn’t soften the blow. You immediately walked into y’all’s room and stated grabbing clothes from your drawer, quickly packing them into a tote bag. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He looked confused.
“Since you ‘can’t stand me’ right now, i figured I’d get out of your hair… I’m going to a friends house.” You watched as he tried to think of something to say, before eventually deciding to let you go. You both needed some space and time to reset.
You quickly packed enough clothes for a week, before going down to your car. You wanted him to stop you, but you knew that he wouldn’t. You don’t blame him, you knew he didn’t want you to go… but you also know that he needed space too. As you started driving you realized that you didn’t know where you were going, you decided to find a lot to park in and call a friend.
As you exited the highway you noticed that traffic was coming to a stop, so you started to slow down. A strange sense of panic rushed over you as you looked in your rear view mirror. Oh shit oh shit oh-
You woke up 3 minutes later to EMS crowded around your car. You quickly roll your window down and ask what happened. As they explain what happened you reach up to touch your throbbing head, only to see blood on your hand as you pull it away. You got very light headed at the sight of the blood, and suddenly everything was dark again.
As soon as you got to the hospital you knew you needed to call Jake. You waited until thy were done with your exam, partially because you wanted to know how bad it was… but mostly because you were scared that Jake wouldn’t answer. How were you supposed to know that Jake had been crying since you left, just hoping you would call. The phone rang three times before you heard a sleepy voice greeting you.
“Y/N?” You realize that you didn’t responded fast enough when he speaks again. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m in the hospital.” Your voice breaks a little at the end, you haven’t stopped crying since you woke up in the ambulance. Unfortunately for the EMS people you refuse to talk abut anything other than the fight.
“What do you mean!?” This broke you, you couldn’t handle the thought of Jake being mad at you anymore. “Y/N, where are you?”
You told him what hospital you were at, and that you were okay. Jake was there in less than five minutes, you didn’t question how he got there so quick. As soon as you saw him you started crying… again. You could see the look on his face change from worry to relief to shock within three seconds of finding you. You understood why… the nurse had let you look at yourself in a mirror, and it wasn’t good.
Once he registered that he had found you, he rushed to you. “What happened, are you okay?” He reached up to inspect the bruises and small cuts on your face. You flinched away. It hurt to move your face, and someone touching it right now wasn’t something you wanted to think of.
“I’m so sorry… for everything” Jake quickly assured you that hew was sorry too, and that it wasn’t your fault that any of this happened. “They said that i could go home as soon as i got a ride.”
As soon as you and Jake got home he started making a bed on the couch. It didn’t register what he was doing at first. “You can take the bed, I’m sure it isn’t good to sleep on the couch after an accident.”
He was being so respectful, but all that you wanted was for him to hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay. “Don’t…” It was so quiet that he almost didn’t hear it, you didn’t know what to say. “Can you please stay with me, I don’t want to be alone.” He followed you to y’all’s shared bed, doing his best to hold you without upsetting a bruise. You fell asleep to him telling you how much he loves you, and you’ve never felt safer.
I hope that y’all enjoyed it, feel free to send a request my way.
-Madi <;3
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Aita for telling my partner they need to be better at communicating during sex?
NSFW ask, but this has been an ongoing issue for a while and I’m very frustrated
My (19M) partner (21NB) is my first true sexual partner. They’ve been with other people in the past, some good experiences but mostly bad. I on the other hand have dated before and have had pseudo-sexual relationships (just touching) but my partner is the first person I’ve properly done the horizontal tango with
That being said, with my just-touching exes, we’ve always been extremely careful about communication in the moment. My most recent ex and I had the stoplight method even when we weren’t being kinky. It was reassuring to be able to check up on her and for her to be able to do the same. Maybe we were playing is too safe, idk, but that’s what I became comfortable with during sex
With my current partner, however, this has never been the case with their exes. I think I might be the first partner they’ve had that actually took time before making any sexual advances to ask them what they like and how I can make them happy because in the moment when I did, they looked confused.
Being horny young adults, we did eventually sleep together, and during the act, I realized that neither of us had checked in on the other outside of the initial “is this okay?” when removing clothes (I was the one who asked) so I slowed my roll and asked my partner if they were with me. They were not. They sputtered and said that I brought them out of the moment, and I became really really concerned that they had been disassociating the entire time because of previous sexual trauma. I told them I wanted to stop, they did not, so I rolled off and whispered into their ear while (and I apologize for not finding a better way to describe this without being overly graphic) I was straight jorkin’ em off. They were happy, they fell asleep, and I felt awful.
About half an hour later they kicked me out because their mom was coming home from a New Years Eve party (it was my 19th birthday which also hurt), but that’s not relevant, I just need the timeline in place.
We’ve done more sexual things since then and every time I try to check on them, they get weirded out. I stopped doing it in the moment so overtly and changed tactics to asking “what can I do for you” and “what do you need baby”, and this seems to get the job done. However, afterwards when I ask actually ask them how they were feeling, they would say that “the afterglow’s ruined” (which is wild because we’ve been together for six months and I’ve never finished -> I am a pre-op transman and my partner is AMAB, aka has told me that they don’t know what to do with my parts and once joked that sex would be easier if I had a dick, for context)
The last straw was tonight (March 4th) when they came over to my place and we started making out. I wasn’t really feeling it, so I tried to back off and shift to just lazy kisses, but my partner didn’t stop so I pulled away and said: “not tonight, baby”
They said: “if you weren’t in the mood, why did you kiss me?”
I said: “because I like kissing you?”
They said: “you should have told me you didn’t want to do anything. I don’t want to get the wrong idea.”
I said: “I’m sorry, I should have. I thought I wanted to, but I changed my mind. Can we go back to watching anime?”
They said yes and we watched another episode of a show (dungeon meshi!!) before I finally asked them why they don’t check in with me the way I do with them
They said: “I don’t like talking during sex. Ruins the vibe”
I said: “Okay, so can we find a system that lets the other know how we’re feeling when we don’t want to talk? Like how I use signs when I go nonverbal?”
They said: “I don’t see the point. If you don’t want to fuck, just push me off.”
I got mad and said: “What is wrong with you? I don’t want to push you off, I want to talk about it!”
They told me I was getting worked up and left. It’s been two hours and I feel like total shit for pushing the subject when they’ve expressed that they don’t like my expectations for sex. Am I too high maintenance?
TL;DR, I annoyed my partner by asking too many times for them to talk to me during sex, they got pissed and left my house. Atia for asking too many times?
What are these acronyms?
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aeaean--bliss · 2 years
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summary: you and Tangerine haven't spoken in almost a year. now you've been ditched, and he's picking you up.
pairing: tangerine x reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings/tags: a tense ass car ride. swearing, tension, arguing, excessive rudeness, pining
a/n: this was not the fic i intended to write or finish or upload:))) but here it is
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He’ll be up. He owes you one, anyway. And it’s not like he sleeps. 
Plus, it’s you.
You did think it would take him longer to get here, though. It’s not like he lives nearby. Hasn’t even been ten minutes since the three dots popped up on your screen, followed immediately by the “omw” that your eyes have been glued to ever since. 
You should have just walked home. Bit the bullet, and walked the hour and a half trek back to yours. But it’s getting dark, you’ve barely slept, and your ankles are already starting to ache, just from the five minute walk down the block and back again.
He doesn’t get out when he pulls up; doesn’t even roll down the window or turn his head to look in your direction. Just leans back, one hand on the wheel, one elbow resting against the car window. The chain hanging off his wrist gleams in the light of a streetlight a couple of metres away. It’s one of the only things you can focus your eyes on as you stalk towards the car.
The slam of the car door rings in the night. The car is dead silent; no radio on, no phone call over bluetooth, no nothing. It’s never been this quiet.
The engine purrs gently. It’s strange. He’s sat right next to you, but he might as well be on the other side of the world. He hasn’t even asked for your address.
“The fuck you doin’ out here?”
His voice sounds strange. Maybe it’s the silence. Makes it sound almost distorted. Maybe it’s ‘cause you haven’t heard his actual voice in months. Maybe you forgot what it sounds like. Maybe it’s the hint of concern in his voice. 
No - that can’t be right. This is the same guy who told you to “walk it off” when you got your femur shattered by some dickhead with a golf club. 
“Just some guy,” you mumble. If there was one place you didn’t want to get ditched, it was here. Your phone’s nearly dead, and you don’t really know your way back to the main road. But he can’t possibly know that. Right? All you sent him was your location.
“What’s it to you?”
“Jesus, darlin’, no need to bite my head off.”
Maybe you’ve come in a bit too amped. Nevermind the fact that the last time you saw him, he blew your cover to help his own; he’s come to pick you up out in the middle of nowhere at eleven p.m., no complaints, and he’s not said anything out of order yet. You’ve come to think Tan’s the type of guy you gotta judge on an encounter by encounter basis. Maybe you shouldn’t, but it makes it easier.
“Not anymore, I guess.”
He grunts - there’s no other word for it - and brings a hand up to smooth down his moustache.
“Forgive me, darlin’, but you don’t sound very upset.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not exactly flowing over with love for the guy.”
“You really know how to fuckin’ pick ‘em, don’t ya,” he mutters. You glare. 
You’d think after having known him for - what, six, seven years? - you’d be used to his bite by now. Maybe it’s just tonight. You’re in a weird mood. If he calls you sensitive, you might actually start to cry.
“Probably better off then, ain’t ya, if he’s left ya to hang about outside by yourself an’ all.”
He must have clocked that you’re a bit off tonight. It comes out as an afterthought, barely audible above the soft purr of the engine.
“What you goin’ out with a prick like that for, anyway?”
“S’not like anyone else wants me.”
Everything gets heavy, then. In your peripheral vision, you try not to notice the way his knuckles tighten around the wheel, or the way his jaw tenses just the slightest bit. He doesn’t respond. You didn’t think he would. You’re in a torturing mood. Just want to poke and prod at the wound for a bit and see what happens. Because he says you know how to pick ‘em, but won’t let you pick him. Even if you both know he wants to be picked.
After about ten minutes of ear deafening silence, he clears his throat quietly. 
“Still workin’ down the bank?”
You hum, non-committedly. You can’t tell if you’re happy or sad that he’s stopped pushing for more on this other guy. Odds are, he’d be in the papers tomorrow for all the wrong reasons. You’ve got goosebumps from the cold. They itch a bit. Maybe waiting outside wasn’t the best idea, but it’s better than hanging around inside like some loner. Maybe you were just eager to see him.
You see him less now that you’ve gone civilian. Five bullet wounds and a back injury will do that to a person. It’s been around seven months since you last had anything to do with him. Seven months since you quit. The last message from him on your phone is from nine months ago. It says, “give me back my tie.” You didn’t respond. 
More than anything, you’re tired. And bored.
You never told him you worked at a bank.
“Might get back into liquidation. Lemon says he knows a guy.”
It’s a lie. You don’t want to get back in, and Lemon wouldn’t help you even if you did. Doesn’t mean you don’t hate your life the way it is right now.
“Nah, you wouldn’t survive out there, darlin’,” he mutters, little finger flicking up to switch on the indicators. “Times have changed. Good thing like you? They’d tear ya apart, I mean, look at ya.”
You can’t tell if he means it. Can’t tell if it means something. It hurts more than you think it does. It’s also kinda backhanded, even if it is a lie.
Flecks of rain have begun to spatter the windshield, their outlines illuminated by each passing streetlight. You’re seething. The type of thing where you can literally smell it off someone. You want him to mean it. But he probably doesn’t. And even if he does, he’s not gonna do anything about it.
“D’you even know where you’re going? You don’t have an address.”
“You think I don’t know where you live? Give me some credit.”
You never gave him your address.
“I’m not going to mine.”
He frowns, then, lips twitching like he wants to say something, like he’s getting ready to speak but hasn’t decided on the words yet. You can almost hear the sound of him blinking, like a cartoon. He looks kinda funny when he’s frustrated, like a muppet with a big, bushy moustache.
The hand comes out to gesture a “what the fuck” before he even speaks, almost in slow motion, like the thought is loading.
“Well, why the fuck didn’t you say somethin’ before I-”
“You didn’t fuckin’ ask, mate,” you groan, “Literally didn’t even fuckin’ say anything until-”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know where the fuck-”
“I didn’t ask you to know, I was gonna fuckin’ tell you.”
“Takin’ your sweet fuckin’ time, ain’t ya!”
“Would you relax, it’s not like you’ve gone the wrong way, I would have-”
“You know,” he cuts in, pointing his index finger accusatorily at you, “you’re a lot easier to deal with when you shut the fuck up.”
You shove his hand away. He’s not making sense.
“Fuck you.”
Green becomes amber becomes red light, shining through the watery sheen of the windshield and hitting his skin like a coloured lens. Without the grumble of the engine, you can almost hear him breathe. It grounds you. Reminds you he’s a real human being. Sometimes he’s such a caricature that you forget. 
When he speaks next, his voice is uncharacteristically light, and void of aggression.
“Thinkin’ of gettin’ a new suit.”
It’s so dumb. It’s so. dumb. And no one cares. But it’s his attempt at normalcy, and it’s a hell of an olive branch, even if it does give you whiplash. You don’t even know what to say to that. What are you supposed to say to that? 
Go get one, then. You don’t want to pick another fight. You’ve already got steam coming out of your ears from the last one. But it’s not like he’s broke, or doesn’t know where to get one. He’s trying, he’s really trying to make conversation, so you voice - quietly - the only thought that comes to mind.
“I like your blue one. Not the… the dark blue one.”
“Not the dark blue one?”
“No, I mean, the dark blue one.”
And then, completely out of character, in a moment of absolute weakness;
“I’m going to Italy next week for a conference. Maybe you could… come with? Maybe get something…”
“Yeah, well, I ain’t got the time for that, do I.”
Shot down.
“Fine. Forget I said anything.”
He inhales deeply, like he’s either about to explode or implode. To your relief, he exhales slowly, a hand coming up to scratch at his stubble.
“Where you goin’, anyway?”
“A friend’s,” you mutter, pulling at the hems of your sleeves.
“Yeah, but where’d they live? I gotta drop you somewhere, right?”
“Just… The Square is fine.”
“No chance. Are you fuckin’ dense?”
“Jesus Christ, fine,” you huff, grabbing his phone from the cup holder so you can plug in the address. But it’s fucking locked. You don’t know why you thought it wouldn’t be. You click the power button a couple of times before shoving it into his lap. “Unlock it, then. Jesus.”
He mutters something you can’t hear, and tosses it back in your general direction. It almost ricochets off the arm rest. 
The audio assistant on google maps pipes up every thirty seconds. Other than that, it’s quiet. He’s always so unnecessarily tense. It gets to you. All you do is argue. But it’s not like you hate each other. Is it? If he did, he wouldn’t have come to pick you up. If you did, you wouldn’t have asked him.
The car slows to a halt. He lets out a long, loud sigh, and drums his fingers against the wheel. Then he stops, and turns to look at you for the first time since you got in. 
“For what it’s worth, I really am sorry, darlin’.”
“Thanks for the lift.”
You’ve dipped before he can get another word out. It smells like rain on tarmac, like sweat and humidity, like headache and sleep. Just before you slam the door shut, he leans over the passenger seat. 
“Wait, wait.”
You jerk forward and pull the door back open mid-swing. You glare. 
“If you ever need somewhere to go, I’ve, uh… I’ve got a nice flat. Just up…”
You almost want to let yourself fall for it. Just for fun. His eyes are so serious it almost makes you laugh. You’ve never known him to be serious about anything. But you can’t stop the belittling scoff that leaves your lips before it’s too late.
You miss the way his eyes stay on you as you head up the steps and hit the buzzer. He stays parked outside for a good while after you’ve got in. 
Maybe one day he’ll get up and walk after you. 
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© @aeaean–bliss​; please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works. 
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horanghxnni · 1 year
college party. - k.s.y.
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PAIRING: Kwon Soonyoung x Reader
TAGS: meet cute, frat boy!soonyoung, f!reader, college au, strangers to lovers, fluff, just cute soonyoung being respectful
WARNINGS: cursing (two of 'em), implied mentions of drugs/violence against women (roofies), drinking/alcohol, frat/college parties
NOTES: I guess I'm in a meet-cute mood. This was inspired loosely by an experience I had at a party and I thought Soonyoung would be perfect for it. I hope you enjoy! xx
You really didn’t want to go to this party, it had already been a long enough week already and adding a hangover did not sound appealing, but your friends insisted this random frat party would not be as fun without you present. Giving in led you to be surrounded by drunk college students you barely knew, bodies close together as they danced to music you couldn’t hear your own thoughts over. Your friends were strewn throughout the crowd, all within view for safety, but clearly more focused on finding someone to take home tonight. You were about to make your way from the center to the kitchen to find a drink when a loud yell of excitement caught your attention instead as the song changed. 
“Oh, fuck yeah! I love this song!” It was a boy in the very center, clearly intoxicated as his eyelids sat low, almost closed, and the giant grin on his face was larger than life. You had seen him earlier, greeting people at the door a few hours ago. He was handsome, that you couldn’t ignore, with a nicely fitting button up shirt and jeans that accentuated his longer legs. His black hair that was presumably pushed back by hair gel was now breaking from its hold, strands falling into his face and draping over the tight undercut around the rest of his head underneath. He’s laughing and turning to everyone in his immediate vicinity, as if he was personally happy to see them all. It was sort of cute, how genuinely he cared for what could very likely have been strangers dancing around him as he stumbled drunkenly around asking people if they were having fun, and he’d kept up this energy all night as far as you could tell, it really was hard to miss his presence. The song was a classic song for people to get extra close to their target of interest, beginning to grind and press as the upbeat yet suggestive song bumped through the speakers. Then, he found his way in front of you. Something about his smile shifted as he reached out a hand, his eyes suddenly sparkled differently as they met yours. “Dance with me?” 
You could’ve said no, and maybe you should have, but something about how genuinely happy he was made him look like a harmless puppy. You took his hand with a curious smile, nodding. With a quick glance at your closest friend and a nod of solidarity, you followed this mystery man into the very center, several of his friends letting him pass with a pat on the shoulder and a, “Yo, Hoshi!” So that was his name, or you assume what he at least went by. 
You danced to a few songs, between pressing his body close behind yours, to wildly dancing to make you laugh, the next 5 or 6 songs blurred together before he paused and leaned his head toward yours. 
“I’m gonna grab a drink, you want one?” He spoke near your ear so you could hear him, and you nodded. “Okay, wait here. I’ll be back.” 
About half a song later, he was back with an unopened can for you, and an open beer for himself. His smile was lopsided and innocent as he glanced at the top of the can and then to you. “Just wanted to show you I didn’t mess with it.” You raised an eyebrow as he opened the can in front of you and then placed it in your grasp. “I have a sister, and I know how crazy parties can get with roofies and shit.” 
He suddenly sounded almost sober as his gaze turned hard at the thought. Something about how his raw emotion at what he said made a small part of you trust he was being truthful, and you took a sip. “Thank you, for that.” 
Just like that, he was back to his grin, eyes softening as the beer began to hit his system and his posture loosened. “Of course! Let’s dance!” 
The rest of the night was spent by his side, dancing, laughing, and a few touches that seemed a little more than friendly, giving you the time to correct or reject each advance, which you didn’t. He was respectful and kind, never leaving you empty handed in the drink department, and even through his drunk haze, asked if he could hold your waist and continued to open every drink in front of you. It was the best party stranger experience you had, and despite your protests, you were glad you had come out tonight. Attention from the handsome boy that you may never see again gave you confidence you didn’t realize you needed and was a great way to end your stressful week. You left a few hours later when your friends had gathered you to leave together, and with a sweet pout from Hoshi, you both said your goodbyes and you left on a high knowing he was definitely watching you leave as you walked away from him and out of the party. 
Friday had rolled around again, and you declined yet another invitation to some party your friends had been invited to. You really couldn’t this week, with midterms on the horizon and studying that plagued the forefront of your mind. Your friends groaned beside you as you walked out of your last class of the day.  
“Maybe you’ll see that Hoshi guy again! C’mon, Y/N, please?” One pleaded as the other attempted her best puppy eyes. 
“Who even says I want to see him again? All we did was dance. I’m sorry girls, I really can’t.” Your friends accepted your final decision begrudgingly as you turned on the corner to walk to your apartment before a voice stopped you in your tracks. 
“Y/N? Y/N!” You turned to see exactly who you’d never expected to see, running toward you, his friends now abandoned and clearly confused behind him. Hoshi stopped in front of you, a little out of breath, but with that same wide smile you recognize from last week, but with a clarity in his eyes unlike before. 
“Hoshi?” You were surprised he even remembered what you look like, much less remember your name after how much he’d had to drink that night. He looked bashful as you repeated his name, a hand coming to rub at the back of his neck as his smile turned shy. 
“It’s Soonyoung, Hoshi is just what the guys call me. It’s good to see you.” His eyes met yours, and they shifted from soft and friendly to a little harder around the edges, determination setting in his face. “Look, I, uh, I was hoping to run into you. I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee sometime? Or boba or something?” 
“Are you asking me out, Soonyoung?” You questioned, a playful eyebrow raising in an attempt to hide your genuine surprise. He visibly brightened at the sound of his name leaving your lips, and his smile morphed into a wide grin. 
“Yeah,” he almost seemed shocked at the confidence emanating from him as he nodded, “yeah, I am, if that’s what you want.”
You could feel the laser-like stares of your friends a few feet behind you as they watched you once again with the handsome stranger from the party who now revealed themselves as Soonyoung, and you barely registered the hand that appeared to rest on your shoulder as one of them stepped up behind you. “She’s actually free right now, aren’t you, Y/N?” Her grin mirrored the Cheshire Cat, and was every bit as dangerous. 
Your face darkened as your confidence quickly disappeared as embarrassment replaced it, a cherry red coloring your cheeks as you nodded in agreement. Soonyoung didn’t seem to notice as he turned to wave off his confused awaiting friends a little ways behind him. You saw them shrug and wave their goodbyes as they continued to walk the way they were headed. You turned to your friends as they hugged you quickly before their less than nonchalant exit, not so quietly whispering “good luck” as they left you with the boy they’d been teasing you about all week. 
It took a moment of awkward smiling before you both gathered yourselves and agreed to walk together to a cafe nearby, entering a comfortable rhythm of small talk after a minute or two. Soonyoung was every bit as bubbly and sweet as he was the night you’d met him, and although he was less energetic, he was every bit the same deep down, inebriated or not. 
“You know, I’m surprised you recognized me, you were pretty blasted at that party.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory. He looked sheepish once more for a moment before he turned to look at you with the most endearing look you’d seen. 
“You’re the prettiest girl I’d ever seen, of course drunk me was going to make sure I remembered you.”
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ladylooch · 1 year
Road Visit with Timo Meier
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A/N: I'm uh... just gonna drop this here and run away. K thanks bye. Don't even come at me for making this sweet at the end either. You know how I am!!!!!!! Okay, love you, bye.
Word count: 3.2k
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I’m almost disappointed he hasn’t seen me yet. Almost. But the view from the bar where he scrolls through his phone is delectable. He’s in a suit, thinking he is meeting Nico and Jesper for a fancy steakhouse dinner.
What he doesn’t know is he is meeting me. In this dimly lit hotel bar and then I’m taking him upstairs for the much needed distraction that I am. 
I watched him when he walked in. He didn’t even look around, just went right to the bar, asking for an old fashioned. He had sighed deeply, taking out his phone and sending a heart to the distraction picture I sent earlier of me and Lio from last night. 
I miss those faces. Give Lee a kiss for me. Had been his response.
When the old fashioned was set in front of him, he gulped down half of it angrily. 
My husband is in a mood. And that’s why I got on the first flight out to Denver this afternoon.
Timo gently sets the glass back on the table. He presses a button on his phone, then brings the phone up to his ear. I jolt when my phone starts vibrating against the bar, quickly silencing it and sending him to voicemail. I watch as he frowns deeper, clicking off before leaving a message. His thumbs type feverishly against the screen.
Call me when you can. Need to hear your voice.
Another gulp of his drink.
I down the rest of my cosmo, then step away from the long bar. I tug my black skirt down, trying not to be subconscious about being a mom to an almost three year old and wearing something so sinfully short. Timo still scrolls through his phone. A smile quirks a corner of my mouth up. I’m glad his eyes aren’t wandering, not that I ever worry about that to begin with. I get close to his table, taking a head on approach that has his blue eyes looking up from his illuminated screen. A double take happens, then a huge, stunned smile stretches his lips apart. He tosses his phone onto the table, standing before coming around to grab me into his arms.
“Em.” He sighs into me. I close my eyes, tilting my face into him for a moment. But just one. 
“I saw you sitting across the bar and had to come say hello.”
“Why didn’t you come over right away?”
“I’m a little intimidated by handsome men.” I trail my gaze up the buttons of his shirt, lingering where the one button is undone, giving me a peek of his chest. I slide past his strong jaw, then to his blue gaze. 
“You’re my wife?” He chuckles, confused. He isn’t catching on.
"Let's not talk about your wife." Timo furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"You need a distraction. That's what I'm here for. A very... sexy... needy distraction." I pout my dark red lip at him. 
“I love my wife though…” He says as he cocks his head to the side.
“She offered to share you. Just for tonight. For the sake of the team.” I swipe my finger over my lips in a shush. His eyes finally sparkle in recognition of what I'm doing. He reaches for his ring, taking it off. He pulls mine off too, then reaches for the clasped necklace with our son's name on it, undoing that with a brief kiss against my neck. He takes the pile of expensive jewelry and slides it into his inner suit pocket for safe keeping.
“In that case, what's your drink of choice, beautiful?"
“A woman of sophistication. Admirable.” He murmurs. “I’ll grab you one. Have a seat.” 
He squeezes my fingers briefly, then wanders up to the bar. I watch his back as he leans against the bar top waiting. Tonight, I’m going to drag my fingernails down his skin until he’s marked for practice tomorrow. The boys will give him shit and he’ll love it. I nibble my bottom lip at the thought until it’s puffy and red when he returns. He sets the pink drink in front of me, then wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me onto his lap. 
“More comfortable here.” He insists, eyes looking at my lips. I nod in agreement. I take a sip of my cosmo, savoring the bite with an appreciative sigh.
“You in town for business or pleasure?” I ask him. 
“I thought it was business. But something hints at pleasure tonight.” I suck my cheeks in to keep from breaking character.
“I’m only here for pleasure.” Timo grins back, white teeth sparkling in the low lighting of the bar. 
“How long you in town?”
“Until Thursday morning. I’m going to the Devils game tomorrow night.”
“You need tickets?”
“No, I know a guy.” Timo can’t help but laugh at that.
“Am I the guy?” He asks.
“No, Nico Hischier.”
“Ah. So, Why aren’t you in his bed tonight?” I snort on my cosmo, then cough. Ew.
“Heard his wife doesn’t share like yours.” I wipe the back of my hand over my mouth as both Timo and I giggle.
“I am a lucky man. She’s good to me.”
“Thought we weren’t talking about her.”
“Can’t help myself.”
“I think I can help you.” I lean down, brushing my lips over his. I watch his eyes close, thick eyebrows turn inward as he appreciates the feeling of my fingers trailing along his upper thigh.
"I have something I know your wife has never worn for you.” I grab his hand, putting it on my thigh and using it to push the fabric of my skirt up. He moans when he reveals my red lingerie. He gets bold, running a thick finger along the edge, sighing when he pulls it away to watch it snap back into the crease of my thigh.
“No. My wife has never worn this.” He knows all of my sets. This one is new. I slide his hand back down, covering the bold lace back up. Timo’s blue eyes are yearning now. Almost desperate enough to head upstairs.
“We probably shouldn't be seen together." He murmurs as he slides a card into my palm, just like in Ibiza. “I’ve got family ties on the team.” His nose trails along my cheek until he gets to my ear lobe, sucking it into his mouth. "You go up first. I'll be there in a minute." His thumb comes to stroke my lips, igniting fire and setting my heart beat racing.
I stand, watching Timo’s face as my dress sticks a little high, showing him more of my lingerie. I wiggle it all back into place, then slowly saunter from the bar. In the lobby, I see a few Devils players lingering. I give a brief wave, not stopping my pursuit to the elevators. Once inside, I punch the button for the 8th floor. 
I walk down the hall to room 821, putting the key card in and stepping into the dark room. I go to the bedside table, turning the lamp on then surveying the room. Timo is neat, much more so than any other man I’ve been with. He has all his clothes tucked away in the closet and dresser. Only his sneakers sitting by the dresser are an indication that someone is staying in here. My eyes find the picture of Lio and I he brings with him every road trip. It’s from when he was barely 1. Our cheeks are pressed together as we both laugh, noses scrunched enjoying the fall day at the start of training camp. I turn the picture facing down, knowing my husband won’t want to see our son with what he’s about to do to his mother.
My fingers gather the silky fabric of my black dress, pulling it over my head and tossing it into the dresser. I stretch my neck and shoulders out, then set myself on the bed to wait.
It isn’t a long one.
“Okay, this is kinda funny. Nico was in the elevator- Oh my god.” Timo pauses when he sees me on the bed. He’s comatose for a moment seeing my lingerie set completely exposed. Peek-a-boo lace covers my skin but barely. His mouth literally drops open as his blue gaze scours my body. I lay back, then slide my legs apart as he steps forward so he can see the lack of fabric between my legs. He gropes at his belt while sliding a finger through my wet folds.
“Take me. However you need to. For however long you want.” I moan as his middle finger plunges into my entrance unannounced.
“You’re making all my dreams come true tonight.” The metal of his belt clangs together as he gets it apart. He leans forward, placing his lips against my wetness. His tongue comes out, lapping along my slit until he finds my clit. He sucks it into his mouth, humming against the sensitive bud until my back arches.
“You’re so sweet.” He whispers, breath teasing as he pulls back. “Are you sweet here too?” He leans down, sucking my nipple through the lace of my bra. He cups the bottom of my breast, plumping it up to devour more of me. It feels so good as his fingers circle my clit simultaneously. The way he explores my body with rough touches of familiar places makes me ache. “Mmm, you are.” He murmurs, pulling away. “You wanna taste?” I nod vigorously, grabbing his neck as our lips touch. His tongue assaults my mouth, leaving trails of me and him there.
“Be a good girl and get on your knees.” He says. He gets off the bed, unbuttoning each of his buttons while he watches me stand. Slowly, I bend over in front of him, rocking side to side before crawling back onto the bed on all fours. He reaches for me, crudely shoving his bare cock through my folds. He grips my hips, rocking me back onto him until he’s fully sheathed by my heat.
“Fuck, baby.” He stutters. 
“Am I being good? You like the way I take you?” I whisper, biting my lip at the way he already groans behind me after his first thrust.
“God, yeah. Perfect.” He connects my back with his chest, groaning at the way my ass bounces against his abdomen with each forceful pump. His lips explore the valley of my shoulder blades. I swear he whispers I love you, but then he turns wild and I don’t have the opportunity to ask what he said.
“Oh…. My.” My mouth drops in shock. He’s hitting depths I don’t think I’ve ever taken him before. My throat constricts, trapping more sound into it as I feel my inner walls begin to flutter around him. He pauses for a moment, adjusting his grip on my hips as he rises back up to his knees behind me. “Right there.” I sob, reaching my hand back to grip his wrist. My finger nails pierce his skin briefly.
“No. Only my wife gets to touch me.” He grabs my wrist harshly, pinning it against my lower back and fucking harder into me. My face is shoved into the comforter. I can barely breathe between the sheets and my hair. Timo reaches around musing my brown strands off my face and groaning as I pant heavily from each thrust into my tightening core.
“Fuck. Ohmygod.” My words are mouthed. Not even completely spoken as the orgasm rips through me. He doesn’t stop when he feels the convulsions of my walls. He doubles down, harder and harder as my jaw practically unhinges. Timo brings my hand down, placing it on the bed again. I grip the comforter tightly to ground myself while I shudder.
“You feel so fucking good cumming around my cock.” He grits his teeth.
My walls hug him tightly, coming harder than the first time as the scream lodged in my throat tears loose. It’s primal and raw, a sound I don’t remember hearing from my mouth before. Timo chuckles triumphantly, then slows his thrusts to ease me back down. He leans forward, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. 
“That’s it… Let me teammates here how good I make you feel." He bruises my skin harshly with his teeth. I whimper as he slides all the way out of me. He taps my thigh. I flip onto my back, cheeks pink, breasts bouncing, lingerie twisting slightly off center. Timo plunges into me again after a hefty suck of my left nipple. 
“This what you wanted when you saw me tonight?”
“Wanted to be fucked like a slut?”  I close my eyes, giggling.
“How can I be the slut here when it’s so clear how much you want me?”
“I don’t like my women sassy.” I snort, then reach up, slapping his face lightly.
“No?” I purse my lips as he laughs, clearly enjoying everything that is happening between us.
“Now, I gotta fuck the brat out of you.”
“You can sure try.” He rolls his eyes at my ever persistent challenges. 
He leans forward, scooping me up into his arms like I’m nothing for him. I chomp down on my lip, drawing blood as my eyebrows pull inward. He fucks me deep, at an angle, that has my spent walls overstimulated.
“You good, baby?” He asks. I nod. “Open your eyes so I can see.” I do and he grins, seeing how absolutely wrecked I am from what he is doing to me. “One more.” He begs, leaning down to kiss me. Our heavy breathing makes it hard to stay connected. I choke as my orgasm grips me again, taking Timo with me into the delicious abyss. Jerky pumps push his seed deeper into me as he drops me onto the bed, unable to hold my weight up anymore with the intensity of his orgasm. His fingers pin my hips down as he finishes his sloppy thrusts. 
Almost instantly, Timo's touch on my hips changes.  Gone is the possessive franticness and in it's place comes a tender caress. His fingers spread wider, trying to gather as much of my flesh into his hands as possible. He pulls me down, forcing himself as deep as possible until our mixed sex smears across his lower abdomen.
"Babe." I whisper breaking our role play. "Are you okay?” My words are met with nothing but his heavy breathing. “I’m worried about you.” I murmur.
“How do you just know?”
"I heard it in your voice last night when you called.” My hand threads through his hair. His nose smooshes into my collar bone. I run my other hand along his back, pressing down so he collapses his weight onto my frame, still buried inside of me. My legs wrap around his waist, heels pressing into his butt.
“I’m…” Timo starts then trails off. I wait patiently, stroking my finger nails along his back. Goosebumps protrude from his skin. He melts further into me, smooshing his lips in wet kisses. “I’m having a hard time focusing on hockey.” 
“Yeah… I just.. wanna be at home with you and Lio.” This is the second season since Lio has been born and I’m surprised to hear this is the struggle. “It is so hard leaving you.” His earnest groan has me turning my face to caress his head with mine. “Feel like I’m missing so much of his life.” He sighs, then rolls off and out of me. His back hits the mattress next to me in a heavy thud. “Missing so much of our life.” 
I reach out, holding his abdomen, stroking my fingers into the deep groves of muscle.
“You’re going to have to find a way over this.” I whisper the truth we both recognize. 
“I know.”
“Is this harder because Lee cried when he said goodbye to you this time?” Timo purses his lips then nods. “Yeah. That sucked.” I roll onto my side. “You’re such a good daddy.” I soothe him, stroking vertically along his torso. “He’s going to adjust. He’s in a clingy phase right now.”
“Did he cry when you left?”
“Yeah. I had to sneak out of the house while my mom distracted him with his stuffed puppy.”  A soft smile stretches his lips.
“I love our kid.” He leans forward, asking for my lips. 
“Me too.” I murmur against his mouth. He sighs into our kiss.
“That made me feel better for some reason.”
“You feel comforted knowing I’m also doing damage to our son. He’ll talk about us both in therapy.”
“Yeah, kinda.” He laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to pull me up into his chest. He strokes my hair, then kisses the crown of my head. 
“I can’t believe Nico didn’t come over with how hard the headboard was slamming against the wall at the end. He rooms next to me.” My face turns white, mouth dropping open in horror.
“Just kidding.. He’s at dinner. I was trying to tell you I saw him in the elevator so we were clear. But then you opened your legs and I didn’t remember what I was gonna say.”
“T!” I yell, slapping his pec. “You got me all scared.”
“What that you’re in trouble with your little brother for fucking your husband?”
“No, that he was gonna come kill you cause he heard you with someone.”
“As always, you’re worth the risk baby.” I can’t help but laugh at his cheery smile. 
“Do fornicaters usually eat afterwards?” I wonder, feeling the rumbling of my stomach.
“I don’t think so, but nothing about that was adultery, so I think we are safe to order something.” He reaches around me to the nightstand. He studies the menu while I study his face.
“Lee and I are so lucky.” I murmur, stroking his jaw where light, brown stubble dusts his cut chin. “So glad you are my baby’s daddy.” I press my lips on the underside of his chin. Timo pulls me in closer, dropping the menu to wrap both arms around me.
“I’m the lucky one. I love you, Em.”
After ordering room service, and eating entirely too much food, we both fall back into bed, watching Pretty Woman play out on USA Network. Timo strokes my hair. Each pass over the strands has my eyes dipping closed longer and longer with every blink. The room goes black when Timo turns the TV off for good. His arms curl me into him deeper.
“Don’t even think about rolling away from me during the night.” I smile against the skin of his shoulder. I press myself further into his chest. His fingers dig more into my back. A silence falls over us. 
“T?” I murmur after awhile.
“Mmm?” Its barely an acknowledgment.
“You love me so well. Lee too. I hope you know how much we love you in return. And miss you when you’re gone.” I squeeze his back. “I think I’m here as much for myself as I am for you.” He leans down, searching for my lips in the darkness. When they connect, we both melt into each other.
“I love you so much.” His whisper has a depth I’ve never heard before. The deep darkness of the room adds an intimacy and safeness to us. 
Neither one of us needs to say anything else. Instead, our bodies awaken. Our fingers wander. Our lips greedily take until we have each other like husband and wife- familiar and knowing. Soothing, briefly, the eternal ache we have for each other that I know is never going to diminish. 
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robinrites · 1 year
Chapter 6
Little bit of a shorter chapter because it's a flashback and it just felt like a natural ending spot, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!
CW: Suggestive touch (ie dragging a hand down someone's face), starvation, sensory deprivation, torture
When Superhero stormed into Villain’s cell, he didn’t even need to say anything to let Villain know he was mad. He slammed the door shut and marched up to Villain, grabbing him off the ground by his shirt to yell in his face. 
“Useless piece of shit that can’t do anything right!” Superhero yelled before dropping Villain back to the ground. “We had a simple plan to take down this group of criminal shits like yourself,” Superhero paused to kick Villain in the side several times. “And you know what happened? You’re precious Hero decided to spare their lives and send them to prison.” He lifts Villain off the ground by his shirt again. “You’re lucky you know that right? I’m giving you a chance to be better, unlike those guys, I would’ve just killed ‘em. They weren’t special like you are.” Superhero’s free hand brushed down Villain’s face, sending a chill down their spine. Superhero dropped Villain again. 
“Now! I need to get this anger out somehow, I’m sure you understand Villain. I mean I was set to kill like five bad guys. Instead, I just get to teach you how to stop being the scum of the earth, so I’m sure you get it.” Villain whimpered, but nodded anyway, while he pulled his hands over his face to protect it. 
“I’m feeling in the mood for ‘human punching bag’ what do you think?” Villain fought back a sob, but nodded again, knowing it would be the least bad option he’d be given tonight. Superhero smirked, then quickly got to work attaching and detaching the different chains, something he’s gotten very fast at. Somedays, Superhero will gradually lift Villain’s arms above his head, not tonight though. His wrists were quickly torn above his head, the mechanism continuing until Villain’s feet were an inch above the ground. Somewhere along the way, Villain heard his shoulder pop, then a wave of pain washed over him. 
“Oh Villain, crying out in pain before we’ve even started? That’s not good. For you I mean, for me it’s fantastic.” Superhero smirked, rolling his sleeves up slightly. 
Every hit managed to jostle his shoulder, no matter where he was hit. Superhero left him ungagged this time, delighting in every scream he managed to get from Villain. No amount of begging managed to dissuade Superhero, if anything it only prolonged the torture. After nearly 30 minutes of this, Superhero finally left Villain alone, leaving him hanging so he could easily see every new bruise and cut that littered his torso. His legs had been the brunt of far less than his torso, yet they were still speckled with bruises of varying colors. Eventually, Superhero came back in, far calmer, and let Villain down for the night. 
Superhero left Villain alone for another period of time, the time itself irrelevant to Villain, but heartbreaking to Hero. 
Eventually, Superhero returned and once again strung Villain up by their wrists. “I feel like something’s going to go down.” Superhero had said, frenzied while gagging and blinding Villain. “I don’t know when, but I feel like the villain’s of this city are up to no good, so unfortunately, I’m going to be too busy for you for a bit.” Villain whimpered, terrified about being put into a state of sensory deprivation for an unknown amount of time. “Oh don’t worry dear,” Superhero grabs Villain by the chin, ��I’ll stop in every couple of days to give you a break okay?” Tears begin to roll down Villain’s face as heavy headphones find their way onto his ears. 
True to his word, Superhero stopped by every couple of days. He would take the headphones off and tell Villain about what he had been up to the past couple of days, then inject him with some kind of drug. Then repeat again and again and again. In total, Villain thinks he came in every 4 or so days for nearly two weeks. 
Then he remembers feeling the cell door swing open, practically the only sensation he knew to expect when Superhero came to visit. The only indicator, or warning, that Villain was no longer alone always sent shivers down his spine. In spite of the fact he couldn’t hear, Villain still tried to beg Superhero to let him down. He whimpered as he could feel someone standing in front of him. A quiet picking noise filled the room, then Villain felt himself fall, only to be caught by strong arms and be gently lowered to the ground. The noise happened again, then his ankles felt freed. Slowly the blindfold, gag and headphones are removed from his face. Bright light blinded him until they were barely adjusted. He opened his eyes and saw the lights illuminating the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. 
“H-help.” His voice cracked, it’d been nearly a week since Superhero had last given him water. 
“Can you walk?” The man asked, resulting in Villain shaking his head. 
“Hey, nothing to be sorry about. Can I carry you?” 
Villain doesn’t know why he trusted this man, but he found himself nodding anyway. “W-Who are you?” 
Villain barely heard the man start to respond before passing out in his arms.
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lonely-soul-02 · 1 year
Noel Gallagher: ‘Oasis reunion? Liam hasn’t called, but I’m free the back end of 2024’
Aweek or so before Noel Gallagher meets me at his studio in King’s Cross, the Oasis reunion rumour mill went into overdrive. In March, Gallagher’s younger brother Liam wrote on Twitter of returning to his frontman duties: “It’s happening.” In a radio interview in May, the rhythm guitarist Paul “Bonehead’’ Arthurs said: “I’m ready.” Then came reports that Knebworth had been booked for four nights in 2025. So I begin our interview by asking Noel: “What’s happening?”
“Liam ain’t called,” the band’s 56-year-old leader, songwriter and guitarist says, sitting deep in a sofa, an unmoving, authoritative presence with cropped grey-black hair, wearing Levi’s. “I’m not expecting him to, because he’s full of shit and very disingenuous with his beloved Oasis fans. I say to him, ‘Get somebody to call somebody my end. Let’s see what you’ve got to say.’ Guess what? My phone has not twitched once.”
According to him, there is a simple reason why his problem child of a brother will not pick up the phone. “He knows for a fact that should someone call me, and I go, ‘You know what? F*** it. Let’s do it,’ then he has to actually stand in the same room as me. Then it will be, ‘All right, dickhead, how you doing? Before we go any further, there’s a few things I have to say to you.’ That’s when the arse will fall out of his trousers.”
On top of that unhygienic scenario, an Oasis reunion would have to be off the scale in brilliance to not be a massive let-down. The end came in April 2009 when Liam threw a plum — and then, more dangerously, a guitar — at his brother before a concert in Paris, and that was 14 years ago.
“If it’s going to happen, Liam has to pull it off. It’s got to be the best it has ever been. But he’s one of these guys and they’re ten a penny, particularly up in Manchester, the bully, who when you put it on ’em and say, ‘Come on then, let’s see what you’ve got,’ start doing a lot of harrumphing.
“Liam is like a violent version of Arthur Fonzarelli. So I’ll say it again: I’m free, back end of 2024. He could even video himself calling me. That would be good for his little f***ing Twitter feed. But since then he’s gone quiet. Funny, innit?”
All of this feels particularly relevant because the new album by Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds is the older, wiser, sadder cousin of Oasis’s world-changing 1994 debut, Definitely Maybe. Council Skies has a reflective mood that draws not just on memories of Gallagher’s childhood in northern Manchester, but also his situation as a multimillionaire rock star dealing, for the first time in his adult life, with things going very wrong indeed.
There has been a divorce, health issues, and the psychological aftermath of a global pandemic and ensuing lockdown. Perhaps that’s why a handful of the songs, Dead to the World and I’m Not Giving Up Tonight in particular, have that hymnal, bittersweet quality of the Oasis classics Live Forever and Don’t Look Back in Anger. Oasis meant so much to people because they offered defiance against the everyday grind. Council Skies harks back to that feeling.
“I always thought there had to be a price to pay for happiness,” Gallagher says of his situation. “I’ve had over 20 years of absolutely no turbulence in my life whatsoever and I kept thinking, ‘It cannot be this great, all the time, until it comes to the end and I go, may as well die now and end up in Heaven.’ It turns out I was right. Luckily, as an artist you get to write about it.”
Dead to the World is one of those songs that Gallagher has a special knack for, which don’t do anything hugely different from what has gone before yet capture a universal feeling in a signature melancholic, soaring fashion. You wonder if the best material comes out of the most difficult times in his life.
“For sure, and right now it is the most uncertain time I’ve ever had,” he says. “It seems I peaked in my forties, because the moment I hit 50 it’s been one thing after another: personal issues, health issues, the city we love [London] going down the toilet. Definitely Maybe was born out of anxiety, thinking, this is the one shot we’ve got, we can’t f*** it up. There’s something similar here. Uncertainty is at the heart of it.”
Oasis took that uncertainty and made people feel, for one small moment, like they really might live for ever. “People will never forget the way you made them feel. I’ll never forget how the La’s or the Stone Roses made me feel. You can’t go back to 1995 because things cannot be the same — parents grow old, your cat dies, things rust — but the feeling remains and there is something beautiful in that. That’s why Dead to the World is up there with Live Forever. It’s just a different version of it.”
Gallagher grew up, by his own description, as a loner, estranged from his frequently violent father, Tommy, after his Irish parents’ divorce and taking solace in his bedroom in the Manchester suburb of Burnage, where he taught himself guitar and learnt to write songs by listening to the Beatles, Slade and T. Rex. While Liam was busy being the good-looking lad about town, the carefree kid who never second-guessed himself, Noel worked on an escape route via rock’n’roll.
“I didn’t invent anything,” he confesses. “I had good taste in music, a cool record collection, I could write a melody simple enough to make it work and it was 50 per cent inspiration and 50 per cent copying. It was a Tuesday night, raining, when I went into the rehearsal room and said, ‘I’ve just written the greatest tune of all time.’ We started Cigarettes & Alcohol and Bonehead went, ‘You can’t get away with that.’ ”
Bonehead was referring to the fact that Cigarettes & Alcohol is essentially Get It On by T. Rex after a trip to the off-licence, of which Gallagher says: “It’s not like I was expecting nobody to notice.” The genius of the song was in its celebration of working-class hedonism; the idea that you may as well live for the moment in the absence of any deeper meaning or nobler purpose. “That’s why Oasis were the modern-day Slade. They didn’t give a f*** either.”
Oasis’s take-no-prisoners assault targeted a few victims along the way, the most frequent being Phil Collins. What did Gallagher have against the balding king of 1980s smooth pop? “He kept the Jam off No 1 with You Can’t Hurry Love,” he reveals.
“I thought, ‘Once I get there, I’m not going to let him get away with that.’ The best thing about the Phil Collins thing is that Liam got accosted by his children one day because they thought he was me. They had a pop at him, saying, ‘Why are you always having a fing go at our dad?’ When I heard about it I thought, ‘I really hope someone filmed it.’ Anyway, f Liam. And f*** Phil Collins and all.”
As for Oasis becoming the biggest guitar band since the Beatles, Gallagher thinks it was down to a lack of artifice. “Oasis had a laddish, yobbo image, built in the image of the singer, but look at footage of Knebworth [two nights, 1996, two and a half million ticket applications] and you’ll see loads of girls down the front.
“Melodically it spoke to the masses, lyrically it spoke to people our age, and everyone looked at Bonehead and went, ‘If he can do it, any f***er can.’ My guitar rig at Knebworth was a piece of plywood, an on-off switch, and a tuner. It keeps going now because kids recognise the real deal. Oasis will never make another record, but if we put a tour on sale it would destroy everything.”
It makes you wonder if a band like Oasis, who summed up both the meritocratic possibilities of the New Labour 1990s and the black-humoured cynicism of Britpop, could happen today. Gallagher is adamant they could not.
“We would be killed before we even started,” he says with a sigh. “What made Oasis great was that we were moody c***s, a bit wild, and back then labels were run by amazing characters like Alan McGee of Creation and Jeff Barrett of Heavenly who loved the chaos.
“On the ferry to Amsterdam, when everyone got nicked [1994, first European tour, too much champagne and Jack Daniels, fights break out, Liam Gallagher goes on a Benny Hill-like rampage through the casino] I called McGee to tell him what happened and he went, ‘Brilliant.’ Nowadays, the label would wait to see what the public perception was before throwing you under the bus. And the word ‘career’ was never mentioned once. You were in a band. That was enough. And we could pull it off when we went on stage.”
Not always, though: In 1994 Oasis played the legendary Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles, shortly after taking what they thought was cocaine but which turned out to be crystal meth. It resulted in the band members playing different songs at the same time before attacking each other. “Ringo Starr was there that night,” Gallagher remembers. “He walked out. One of the Beatles comes to see the new Beatles — and it’s shit.”
Gallagher thinks the music industry no longer has faith in itself, with labels monitoring how well an artist is doing with the public on TikTok and YouTube before taking a punt. “Can you imagine going up to someone in 1993, when [jokey indie duo] Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine were smashing it, and saying, ‘Got this idea for a band. Couple of gobshite brothers from Manchester, bang into cocaine, lager and shagging birds, ripping off the Beatles and T. Rex.’ ‘Oh no, thank you. I’d rather have Fruitbat and Dickhead from Carter, jumping about in shorts.’ Don’t focus-group anything! People are stupid! That’s how we ended up with Brexit. Now they will usher in AI. There is no hope for the world.”
How could we not mention AIsis, a virtual band with a “lost” Oasis album, conceived by some thirtysomething musicians who took Noel’s tunes and Liam’s elongation of the word “sunshiiiine” and got artificial intelligence to do its stuff? Needless to say, it hasn’t gone down well with the real-life human at the heart of it all.
“AI: made by robots, listened to by shitheads,” he summarises, before saying in comically pathetic tones: “ ‘Have you heard Ringo Starr singing She’s Electric?’ You’re all f***ing idiots! AI did a cover of Morning Glory and it sounded like shit indie music to me, but I can guarantee you the record companies are already buying up the technology.
“The label doesn’t want the artists to write the songs because they want to employ songwriters. Now the songwriters will be out of business because they’ll employ a robot to do it. You know what? I’m 55 and I don’t give a f***. AI is not going to put me out of the game. It is just going to make your life a little bit shitter.”
Whether Oasis or AIsis will be the first to fill the public’s desire for that much-talked-of reunion, Gallagher has the sanctity of his studio, the reassurance that his children, Anais, 22, Donovan, 15, and Sonny, 12, share his opinion on modern music (“The 1975 wear a guitar and get voted best rock band at the Brits. I’m going to the kids, ‘Is it me or is this shit?’ And they’re going, ‘Dad, it’s f***ing awful’ ”) and the creative satisfaction of making the best solo album of his career. Easy Now, a lonely ballad about strangers passing on the way to work and wondering about each other’s lives, has a mix of grandeur, hope and longing similar to the Oasis favourite The Masterplan.
“I can already picture a sea of lads in Scotland with their tops off, having it to Easy Now,” Gallagher says. “Usually, when a song starts sounding like Oasis I’ll go, ‘This is just a shit version of Supersonic.’ Now I’ve written a song that is a bit Oasisy but it is actually up there with them.”
Gallagher sounds like he has made his peace with Oasis, having made a solo album that doesn’t shy away from the quality that made people fall in love with his old band in the first place. Now he just needs to make peace with Liam and the next chapter in the Gallagher saga will begin.
“A new generation recognises how Oasis wasn’t manufactured,” Gallagher concludes, before heading off because Manchester City have a Premier League game. “It was chaotic, and flawed, and not technically brilliant. Blur did it all with a nod and a wink, but we were rough and ready guys from a rehearsal room and people recognised it. If we did go out and tour again, playing not just to blokes in their fifties but to the kids . . . We’d blow their f***ing minds.”
Interview behind a paywall. Anon, thank you SO much for sharing the content of the interivew.
Noel really wants to fend off any divorce claims on an Oasis reunion, or he really wants to see Liam lose it on Twitter again.
*sigh* Here we go. Isolated quotes:
“Liam ain’t called."
“I’m not expecting him to, because he’s full of shit and very disingenuous with his beloved Oasis fans. I say to him, ‘Get somebody to call somebody my end. Let’s see what you’ve got to say.’ Guess what? My phone has not twitched once.”
“He knows for a fact that should someone call me, and I go, ‘You know what? F*** it. Let’s do it,’ then he has to actually stand in the same room as me. Then it will be, ‘All right, dickhead, how you doing? Before we go any further, there’s a few things I have to say to you.’ That’s when the arse will fall out of his trousers.”
“If it’s going to happen, Liam has to pull it off. It’s got to be the best it has ever been. But he’s one of these guys and they’re ten a penny, particularly up in Manchester, the bully, who when you put it on ’em and say, ‘Come on then, let’s see what you’ve got,’ start doing a lot of harrumphing.
“Liam is like a violent version of Arthur Fonzarelli. So I’ll say it again: I’m free, back end of 2024. He could even video himself calling me. That would be good for his little f***ing Twitter feed. But since then he’s gone quiet. Funny, innit?”
"Anyway, f Liam. And f*** Phil Collins and all."
And finally we get to the core of it all:
“I always thought there had to be a price to pay for happiness...”
Fic writers are going to have a field day with that last one.
With my Oasis conspiracy theory hat off, It certainly does seem as if Noel is deliberately sabotaging any chance of reconciliation. But then he might say Liam did the sabotaging with his uncomplimentary tweets that began with the 'meet him or fuck him off' tweet that came from out of the blue, kickstarting the media spat.
He's using the strongest language to date in this interview, but he's also contradicting himself as usual. Liam is apparently a violent bully but he is also afraid of standing in the same room as Noel.
I also sense a lot of projection. The implication that Liam would somehow not be match fit, or not be able to 'pull off' an Oasis reunion is completely laughable when he's pulled off two nights at Knebworth on his own. This is all Noel's insecurity. Noel is afraid of not being able to pull it off. Because Noel would have to pick up his guitar, assume his old role and solo again. Over the years, he has become self-conscious about his guitar playing. He said that he left behind his ability to play guitar solos in Paris the night of the fight. It wouldn't matter that the songs are old and all he has to do is rehearse them. Noel is afraid of not measuring up. Noel is the one afraid to stand in the same room as Liam.
To be honest, I think they'd both be afraid of meeting each other and that's entirely normal. After 14 years, of course they'd be apprehensive, anyone would be. This is why I wish there were a mutual friend of both, who loves them both equally, and has both their best interests at heart to help them through a reconciliation process. Debbie has said it's not her place to intervene, but that's a hard disagree from me. If people continue to leave them to their own devices instead of trying to support them, the estrangement and conflict will drag on.
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Not taking any bait today, good on you Liam!
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moonrisecoeur · 6 months
omg hey moon!! 🍬 + 📚
HI EM OMG also hehe em is my actual government name so it’s weird it feels like i’m talking to myself 😭
🍬 - unpopular opinion is hard bc like i agree with whatever people say about characters lol. hmm idk if this is unpopular but i feel like ada’s character doesn’t seem to exist outside of leon to a lot of re fans, and like. she’s so much deeper than people give her credit for. people think she’s evil when literally all the girl has ever done is her JOB. not her fault if the random white boy was dumb lol. people and more often than not men just see a female character who does bad things and hate on her for the same bad things male characters do. and don’t hate on the male characters. ada and wesker are the perfect depiction of this !!
📚 - last thing in my notes app i actually copied from the internet lol it’s a transcript of an episode of dangerously yours! carnage actually takes a lot of inspiration from this episode !! :) under the readmore cuz it’s longish
again lol this is not my writing this is a transcript !!
“…You mean you’re actually going to kill me..?” (male character)
“I mean just that.” (female character ‘catheryne’)
“Well… go ahead.”
“…I’ll do this my own way… Look… you already know my purpose in being here. Now you will either give me my information, or I will kill you. You have until 9 o’clock.”
“You won’t do it. You can’t pull the trigger. You can’t pull it because you love me. It takes a very brave and a very cold woman to do that Catheryne, I don’t think you can… Isn’t that true? Isn’t that why you’re waiting…?”
“Thats not true!”
“Or is it that you want to watch your victim? You want my heart to constrict with agony, my hands to shake! You want me to plead for my life so you can make a generous gesture and spare me… Sorry Catheryne, I don’t seem to be in the mood for prayers tonight.”
“You don’t think i’ll do it? Thats why you’re so brave… You don’t think i’ll do it… You wouldn’t be so brave otherwise…! You’re a coward at heart! You lied to me, you decieved me—“
“You tried to decieve me.”
“—I’m tired of listening to you!”
“You gave me your heart you know… You’r like me to hand it back—whole again. But I won’t. You’ll live a long time yet Catheryne, an eternity without me. You will look into the faces of passers by hoping for something that will-- for an instant-- bring me back to you. You will find moonlit nights strangely empty because, when you call my name through them there will be no answer. Always your heart will be aching for me, and your mind will give you the doubtful consolation that you did, a brave thing.”
“You dare to talk of bravery…!”
“What else do we have to talk about Catheryne? For me— there will never be another woman but you… but for my heart there is another love that must come before you… my country!…… You’re so still, your face is like ice… what are you thinking Catheryne…?”
“What does anything you can say matter…? You betrayed me with words… What good are words when your heart is breaking… If I fail now I should deserve to die. You tricked me into loving you.”
“You’re forgetting that you came here for the same purpose!”
“I couldn’t have betrayed you… I tried to tell you and you said you already knew! I was as honest as I knew how to be!”
“Do you think I wanted to love you…?! Knowing where ya came from and what your mission was?! Don’t you suppose that every hour that we were together I was just thinking ‘Shes just pretending’?!”
“I wasn’t!!! I loved you!!!”
“And I loved you so much I let you pretend… because you brought something to my days I couldn’t stand the thought of losing…Listen to your heart Catheryne. Feel it pounding.”
“Your time is up.”
“Then my last words… I love you Catheryne.”
“You’re determined to die with a lie on your lips..?”
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junkieboyfriend · 2 years
Excerpt from new WIP - PDA | Sickrent
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Mark likes to go to the park after dark. Mark likes to meet his mates there; he likes to smoke and do drugs there. Tonight he was with Sickboy, Spud, and Franco, they were passing a bottle of vodka one way and a blunt the other. Simon offered Mark coke but he wasn’t feeling up to snorting anything, so the blond just shared a line with Franco on a bench. 
Suddenly Spud was spewing chunks in the grass, he must’ve got the smoking and drinking in the wrong order. Franco was next to him and viciously recoiled away, shouting at Spud for splashing him. 
“Ah dun feel sae good, Franco.” Spud groans,
Franco rolls his eyes, “Ah ken fuckin’ well tell that.”
“Kin ye take us home?” Spud begged in a whiny tone.
Begbie huffed, “Why dae I have tae?”
Spud scrunched his eyebrows, “Ye were my ride?” he tilts his head,
Franco paused and sighed as the realization hit him like shit in the face.
“Fine, but ye owe us.”
Ah, thank yis Frank. Ye’re the best.” Begbie helped his stumbling friend to his feet. 
“Got tae get him home before he passes oot. Have a good one, Lads.”
Simon snorted the last line and fixed his nose, waving to Frank.
“Sees ya, Frank!” He shouted after them as they had already started walking away
“Good luck!” Renton yelled.
Simon laughs and turns back to Mark, “E’s a heroin addict but he cannae do a bit a cross-fadin’?”
Mark shook his head, “Dun be sae hard on ‘em, he probably fucked up the order ‘a ‘em.”
Simon shrugged and grabbed the vodka, “Moar fer me!”
The blond took a swig and gave a sigh, 
“Cannae believe ye’re tae chicken shite tae dae a line wih us.” he smirked,
“Yis dae heroin, but yis willnae dae sum powder? There’s no even a needle.” Simon taunted
Mark squinted at Simon, trying to look annoyed, but realizing that the blond might have a point. He uncrossed his arms. 
“I’m no tae chicken shite.” Mark stated bluntly, 
Simon quirked a brow and grinned, “Sae what? Ye’ll dae it?”
Mark nervously masked a smile, “Yeah, s just some powder…” 
He was saying it to Simon, but it really felt like he was trying to reassure himself.
Simon starts lining up the coke on the bench, and he hands Renton a rolled up 20. Mark accepted the 20 hesitantly, his hands were shaking but he was trying very hard to not make it noticeable. His heart was racing – was he really going to do this? Why did this even matter to him? He does heroin and this is arguably more mundane… But he’d never done it and earlier he even rejected it… But when he thought about it, thought about how Simon talked about it, it didn’t seem so bad. Just a powder that goes up the nose; doesn’t even require a needle…
He stared at the line for a moment but realized he didn’t want Simon to see him so hesitant and so afraid. So he quickly bent over the bench and put the 20 under his nostril, almost flush against the skin. He glanced nervously at Simon and their eyes met. That’s enough hesitation, anymore and Renton risked looking like a pussy. So he goes down, puts a finger on his free nostril to close it, and starts inhaling. He slowly moves the straw upward as he inhales, leaving no powder behind. 
It hits him immediately- the rush - and his pupils dilate. His heart was beating out of his chest and it reminded him of a song he’d heard in a club. He felt amazing – he felt like he could do anything. 
“Holy shite!” Mark exclaims
Simon grins, “I ken, right?”
“Ah feel… Ah feel…” Mark couldn’t describe it. 
Simon leaned in, “Alive?”
Mark nods vigorously, “Yes! I’m sae fuckin’ alive!”
Simon laughs a bit at Mark’s instant uptick in mood and energy. 
“Thank yis fer introducin’ us Si! Ah’m sae happy, Ah could kiss ye!”
The blond raises his eyebrows, “Eh, what’s stoppin’ yis?”
Mark blushed a bit but the pumping in his veins and the adrenaline refused to let him turn away.
Renton locks eyes with Simon and, after a moment of silence, Mark leans in and kisses Simon. His heart was beating even faster than before and Mark wasn’t sure that was possible. More remarkably, though, Simon wasn’t pulling away and was reciprocating. Mark needs to be closer and, under the spell of adrenaline, crawls onto Simon’s lap. 
“Yis sure we should dae this here?” Mark whispers against Simon’s mouth.
“Ah would shag yew on any surface Ah could have yew, Rents.” 
Mark moans lowly as Simon kisses his neck,
“An’ Ah dun care if the world sees, Mark. Ah’ll take yew whenever ye’ll have us.”
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starjane312 · 2 years
Kit Tanthalos x OC
Big Masterlist
Chapter 7
J: You mean She is Elora Danan ? The Elora Danan ?
Willow nods. I turn to Kit.
J: Didn’t expect that.
I lay my Hand around her Waist and she leans against me.
J: How you feelin’ ?
K: Good. Don’t worry about me.
J: I always Worry ‘bout you.
She rolls her eyes and gives my Cheek a kiss.
K: Well, you don’t have to. But I know you won’t stop.
J: You’re right ‘bout that.
I look at Elora.
G: So, you’re Elora Danan, huh ?
Elora looks at him.
E: Huh ?
G: I said you’re Elora Danan.
K: Alright, we don’t need to get Carried away. We don’t really know anything for sure.
W: It’s not safe here. Follow me.
We follow him into a Cave. It looks beautiful.
W: This is where we Live.
A girl comes to us.
?: Da ?
W: It’s ok. It’s Elora Danan.
She looks at Elora with big Eyes.
?: It is Elora Danan.
Willow shushes her.
?: You are Elora Danan.
She starts shaking her Hand and Doesn’t stop.
W: This Is my daughter Mims.
E: It’s Really nice to meet you.
Willow pushes her hand down.
Mi: I can’t believe you’re Really .. I can’t … Wait. You don’t Remember me, do you ?
E: Oh, Um… 
Mi: I was the one who found you. Well, me and my brother, Ranon. It was the best thing I’ve ever done.
I look around more, not interested in the Conversation. Kit takes my Hand. I smile at her. She leans towards me.
K: This is a waste of time.
J: Hey, be nice. We want him to Help us.
Jade looks at us.
Ja: You Ok ?
I look at her and at Kit.
Ja: You just look a bit, um, Deranged.
K: Look Aryk is out there somewhere across the Shattered Sea. We don’t know what they’re doing to him or how much time he has. And It’s just .. I’m just really not in the Mood to learn about Nelwyn culture Right now.
I put my Arm around Her.
J: Well, we need his help.
We sit with the Villagers. Looking at Elora who sits on a little stage with a flower crown on her Head.
J: Really ?
Kit plays with my Hand.
K: I still think this is a waste of time.
J: I know. I want to find Aryk too. Y’know.
K: I know.
S: Attention ! Attention !
We look at Silas.
S: Come on guys, bums on seats. The High Aldwin will now Address the Village.
Nelwyn start to clap and Willow is brought in On a palanquin.
J: Are you kidding me ?
I look at Kit who looks just as Disturbed.
K: Bit much huh ? 
J: Ya think ?
Willow gets off and on the Stage. 
W: Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Good Brave People, we Nelwyn have seen our share of the World. We’ve suffered, sacrificed, grieved, toiled and endured. And that's just on the weekend.
No one says anything and Willow turns to Elora.
W: I like to try and loosen ‘em up a bit at the start.
I lean to Kit.
J: Well, that’s not working.
She nods.
W: Anyway, tonight, we rejoice. For that which I believe was lost, has been found. Elora Danan has come home.
The Nelwyn Cheer. I raise my Eyebrows and let out a puff of air.
W: Now some of you, if not most of you are probably wondering what this all means, and looking to me, your High Aldwin for answers. Which I will now Provide.
Elora slides closer to Willow and scrapes her Chair over the Floor loudly.
W: Ready ?
E: I don’t know what you’re about to do, but uh ..
W: I will consult the Bones.
The Nelwyn Ohh at that and I look at Kit.
J: What ? 
She just shakes her head and raises her shoulders. Willow gets something out of his Pocket. It’s really bones. He shakes them in his hands. And then he throws them on the Floor. The nelwyn gasp. 
W: Interesting. Hmm. There is a balance between all things. Light and Shadow. Good and Evil. Sweet and Spicy. When that balance is upset the universe corrects. The Crone’s influence Grows, forcing us into Hiding. And just when we were starting to lose Hope the Child of the Prophecy returns to fulfil her destiny. By Uniting the World against the Enemy in the Great war to come.
The Crowd Applauds. I lay my Hand around Kit’s waist and lay my Head on her shoulder.
?: When ?
W: MY Apprentice Karthy, who I was really sorta counting on for Unconditional support, wants to know when. Soon. Once Elora completes her Training. Now who else is Famished ?
K: Roughly, How long do you think that will take ?
J: Yeah we kinda have a Time limit here. Like 4 months or so for saving Aryk and other stuff.
W: Not long. I should think. Uh …  Couple of weeks, or less, maybe. Depending on how much she already knows. Or rather how naturally the magic flows out of her.
The Crowd again Gasps. I lean to Kit and whisper in her Ear.
J: So this is a waste of time.
She nods. 
W: Which I imagine will be pretty naturally considering, uh .. she’s the one.
A woman in the crowd speaks up.
?: Do the Finger test. She ought to be able to pass that.
The crowd starts chanting Finger Test and Kit does too. I chuckle and pull her arm down. 
J: Love, stop that.
She smiles.
W: Alright, Shhhh.
He holds his hand Up in front of Elora's Face.
W: The power to control the World is in which finger ?
Elora hesitates. Then taps one and the Crowd Groans disappointed. Kit and I look at each other. The Nelwyn get up.
W: It’s Alright It doesn’t mean anything anyway. I got it wrong the First time, Remember.
I take Kit’s hand and we get up. The Nelwyn Hold a feast to celebrate Elora’s Return. We sit at a Table and Eat.
B: So, West huh ? Gnostic Hills, Nockmaar Badlands.
S: Nobody goes through Nockmaar. Go around to the North.
?: Or the South. Dependin’ on where you’re Goin’.
S: True. True. Especially if you wanna go through Manheim or Camryn, definitely go south.
?: Yes.
B: Still gotta go through the Wildwood over the Alkalynes, the Dragon’s Spine all that before you even reach the Eastern Coast of the Shattered Sea. And then who Knows what ? Huh ?
W: It’ll be a long arduous Journey.
B: One you’ve no doubt made before ?
W: Well, no ..
K: So, when can we leave ?
E: What are we Waiting for ?
Willow looks at Elora.
W: You’re not going anywhere. You Remain here and learn the Art.
E: Like hell I will.
W: You don’t understand what’s at stake. You’re Elora Danan, Last Blood of Kymeria…
E: Yeah and I still don’t know what that Means. Two Days ago, I left Tir Asleen for the First time in my Life. I crossed the Barrier and fled Bone Reavers. Now I have this weird clicking in my Jaw. But I did it all and I’d do it again to Save Aryk, not Take Wizard classes from you.
I look at her Impressed. I lean over to Kit.
J: Maybe they are Serious. Have you Noticed the bracelet she’s wearing ?
Kit looks at Elora's arm and then back at me.
E: Sorry. Look, you seem like really lovely people and we’re so grateful for you telling us where he is. But I’m going with them.
She gets up and Leaves.
J: Come.
Me and Kit get up and go to the Horses.
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stitch1830 · 2 years
Hello hello! I haven’t been in your inbox in years, so I wanted to ask for a fic :D
Was wondering if you could write one of those cute lil long distance kantoph fics where they’re in different locations but can’t seem to stay away from each other. In the mood for a cute lil phone call between them or something
Thanks in advance for this, my kantoph buddy ✨🫶🏻
Why hello, Twinkles! A lovely surprise indeed, and I’m so very happy to oblige :)
This goes without saying, but prompts and asks are always welcome, especially for Kantoph, and especially for you, my Twinkly-Toed pal :D
Anyway, here you go! Some Kantoph long-distance fluff with a sprinkle of whump.
She literally talked to him an hour ago, but she just needed to hear his voice again.
He was traveling for work again, a side-effect of being a professional athlete, and something Toph was quite accustomed to in her own work. But that didn’t mean she had to like it.
Nights at home were so quiet and lonely when he was away, and even though they were miles from each other with multiple time zones between them, Toph knew that if she called him right now, he would answer on the second ring.
And with that knowledge, it was much too tempting to have her voice app dial “Kanto.”
On the second ring, he answered and went on his rambling ways like he always did.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love our calls, but I’m getting nervous at how many times you call. Everything okay, babe?”
Toph laughed. Along with being a rambler on the phone, her Kanto was a worrier. “I’m fine. I just wanted to hear your voice again.”
“Well, in that case, I’m happy to oblige. But you should be in bed. You should’ve been in bed when we talked an hour ago! Tsk, tsk, Beifong. Coach will not be happy if you’re sleep deprived tomorrow. You won’t be happy, either.”
“Coach won’t care, it’s the off season! Practice is a formality right now.”
She could hear the smile in his voice when he mumbled, “I know, I know.”
“Enough about my work. You ready for the game tomorrow?”
“Won’t be the same without you cheering me on, but I think we’ll be fine. I’m just excited to take the first flight out once we win.”
“That makes two of us.”
“Oh! And before I forget, there was this story I wanted to tell you…”
They went on chatting forever, about everything and nothing, about topics they’ve never discussed before, about topics they’ve discussed a million times over. It didn’t matter what they talked about, because all Toph wanted was to hear him speak, to hear his voice get excited about the game tomorrow, to hear his gasps and exclamations whenever she told him a funny story, to hear the smile in his voice when he talked about the first thing they were going to do together when he got home.
She really couldn’t wait for him to come home.
“So, how’s the baby doing?” Kanto finally asked for this particular phone conversation.
Once he finally asked, Toph smiled, placing a hand on her growing belly as she answered him. “Baby’s fine.” Then, Toph winced. “Kicking up a storm this evening, though.”
“Without me there?!”
“Hey, I can’t control ‘em. Baby Beifong does what Baby Beifong wants.”
“Is Spots not there to help?”
“Well, he is. Got his head in my lap and is snoozing. But it seems that baby Beifong isn’t satisfied with that tonight.”
“Put the phone to baby, I’ll talk to them.”
“Thirty seconds! That’s it, I swear.”
Toph let out a loving sigh, then put the phone to her belly to give Kanto and the baby some time together. But, she was going to be a stickler with the time. If Kanto had his way, he’d have Toph sit there with the phone on her stomach for an hour.
Thirty seconds counted, Toph put the phone back to her ear, but was immediately met with protest.
“Wait wait! Thirty more seconds!”
“Times up, Hotshot—”
“Please? Thirty more, I have another thing I wanna tell the baby.”
Toph feigned annoyance, setting the phone to her belly and counting one more time.
Truthfully, though, Toph didn’t mind. She loved how much he loved their baby already. Even when they expressed their fears about the future, Kanto was there to reassure her, to promise that he’d be with her every step of the way.
He truly was the best man she ever knew, and she thanked the universe everyday for him.
The baby kicked, making Toph laugh. She pulled the phone back to her ear and complained, “I thought you were supposed to calm the baby down. They’re just kicking even more after hearing your voice!”
“I—I was trying—”
“Deception, Hotshot,” she teased. “I’ve been deceived.”
“No! I—let me try one more time.”
“Too late. I’ll just have to sit here and wait for the kid to stop running in my womb.”
“I—I’m sorry—”
“Don’t be sorry,” she interrupted. “They’re just excited to hear your voice. We miss you, remember?”
Kanto didn’t say anything, but it wasn’t a bad silence. She knew he was smiling, taking in the moment and the memories they made while over the phone.
Toph knew, because she often did this, too.
Because at some point tonight, they’d have to hang up.
Fatigue finally settled in, and despite her best efforts to hide her tiredness, Toph yawned.
“You should really rest, baby,” he whispered.
“Yeah, I guess I shouldn’t bother you any longer. Big game tomorrow.”
“Nonsense, you can never bother me.”
Toph smiled weakly, and asked him, “You’ll call me as soon as you’re done?”
“I’ll call when I wake up, before the game, after the game, and before I board the plane.”
“I promise, baby.”
“Good,” she sighed, giving a quiet chuckle after. “I kind of hate how much I love you. Makes it terrible being away from you.”
“How do you think I feel? I’m away from the most amazing woman in the world, and from baby Beifong. My heart can’t take this!”
“Well, we’ll be waiting with bated breath for Baba to come home with a win.”
“And I’ll leave as soon as the ref blows the whistle.”
She let out a shaky breath, preparing herself for the ‘goodnight’ and ‘goodbye for now’ that was to come.
Toph never thought she’d be a woman that moped and whined when her husband went away, but it was hard to not be. There was a Kanto-shaped hole missing in her daily life when he traveled for games, and often, it was all she could focus on. Everything reminded her of him, every moment of her day she wanted to talk with Kanto about, and even though she still had access to his voice 24/7 when they called, there were evenings that all she wanted to do was be in his arms.
And with a baby on the way, those cravings for his warm embrace and his earthy scent and his husky laugh only increased.
Still, Toph was a practical woman, and she knew that Kanto was away because he had a job to do, and as an athlete herself, she would never want to jeopardize his performance just because she was mopey.
“Okay,” she began with another quick breath and after wiping at her eyes. “I should, uh, let you go. Get some rest before the big day.”
“Okay,” he replied, “but if you’re missing me or need anything at all, please let me know. I’m only a phone call away, and the team knows you and baby Beifong are priority number one.”
“I will,” she promised. “I love you, Hotshot.”
“I love you too, baby. And tell baby that I love them, too! I would ask to chat with them again, but we could be here for another hour if that happens.”
Toph chuckled, placing her hand on her belly once again. “I’ll be sure to relay your message to the baby.”
“Goodnight, babe. Sleep well, yeah?”
“You too,” she whispered. And after mentally preparing for the quiet evening ahead of her, she wished him a goodnight. “Sweet dreams, baby.”
“Always, baby. I only dream of you.”
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything! :D
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sowritten · 2 years
warning:  may contain spoilers
it looks like you’re trying to thread a needle with a packet of loose sausages.
I’m almost done, okay?
for the record, your analogies are very hurtful.
if I were a beer, where would I be hiding?
it’s my beerdar. helps me ‘dar for beers.
how am I just noticing how super lame you are?
don’t know what I was expecting.
check out my giant melons.
you just pour the vodka right in it?
it’s the most fun you can have with a hole in a watermelon... well. second most.
can’t pass up an opportunity like this.
have you ever seen a grown man crap his pants?
look, if you’re trying to scare me, it’s not going to work.
you’re not scared of clowns?
you think this is supposed to be funny?
mother hubbard!
no wonder he kept this place locked up.
think he’ll be pissed when he finds out we raided his stash?
it’s like human rights, or whatever.
did a bear do this?
you’re really gonna keep the gun, huh?
what else is in there?
dude! peanut butter fucking butter pops!
they’re like the greatest snack of all time.
they’re like their own thing. like their own subgenre of food snack.
booty? it means like treasure. or butts.
this is where the magic happens.
your wit knows no bounds.
it’s like my mom always says: if you wanna party, you gotta bring protection.
I’m not gonna fuck a bear.
is that a trap door?
it looks like a pit of eternal darkness.
you’re being dramatic.
what can I do for you on this darn-tootin’ doozy of a day?
is that your impression of [name]?
that’s a little forward, but I can see what I can do.
you’re not a little bit curious?
I can’t promise that.
what the fuck?
is [name] spying on us?
it’s not exactly secret, it’s just hidden by stuff.
it’s gotta be something juicy in here.
I’m leaving the secret lair, have fun.
it’s kind of hard to talk about right now.
it’s really very pretty out here when there’s no kids around.
they always seem to listen to you.
you’ve seen my class?
are you sure this is safe?
it’s alright, calm down!
so do you ever think about what’s next?
sometimes I just try to like... let it happen, you know?
I guess that is a little freeing in a sociopathic kind of way.
damn, [name]. you’re really good.
it’s really cool you know that about yourself.
not everyone knows what they’re capable of, you know?
I’m sure you’re capable of a lot, [name].
you’ll figure it out.
did you hear that?
it’s probably nothing.
no, listen. there’s something there.
what the hell, [name]?
that thing almost just mauled me to death!
I think she was coming onto me.
aw, you got yourself a little girlfriend!
[name] is a voyeuristic creep.
he’s got cameras hidden everywhere in a secret room.
you have no imagination.
yeah, that’s pretty spooky.
we may never see each other again after tonight.
just trying to set the mood.
big jokes take big sacrifices.
I just want to shrink you down to a little pocket person and put you in my pocket and then peep at you when I need a little pick-me-up!
where the hell did that gun come from?
pop pop! peanut butter butter pops! pop pop! pop ‘em in your mouth!
please hand me the shotgun.
what, you’re going to shoot me over them?
guess we’re gonna have ourselves an old-fashioned shootout.
I’m just letting you know, your goose is cooked.
what I say goes, got it?
I’m always hot, pencil dick!
don’t be gross!
no sweat, we all get performance anxiety sometimes.
alright, let’s see what you got.
better luck next time!
you’re very mean.
you thought this was over?
let’s make some memories!
how about the ultimate game of secrets and lies? truth or dare.
truth or dare?
you really dodged a bullet, huh?
take it easy, that’s too far.
your dare comes with a choice.
I can do whatever I want.
sorry, I don’t make the rules.
always happy to please.
alright, let’s see what you’re made of.
I dare you to take a flying leap over that fire pit.... naked.
yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
I don’t know if that’s a good idea.
he’s good.
you like kissing my girlfriend?
it’s just a game!
hey, I’m nobody’s girlfriend.
[name], grow up!
you should probably go find [name].
fuck this.
I am, as always, delighted that you’re here.
sometimes one needs to be strung up in order to let go.
there’s more to show you, if you’ll let me.
I’ll see you again, you can count on that.
what are we, in middle school?
why should I even care?
you ran off.
I think that game just got a little too intense for me.
I know what you mean.
guess [name]’s had a thing for you all along.
they’re just trying to make [name] jealous. 
I was just playing along.
you seem to enjoy playing along.
I guess you found me, then.
sneaking down here was a lot more fun when we thought we could get caught, huh?
I thought we agreed that this — us — was just supposed to be some summer fun.
you just love having an audience, huh?
what are we, twelve?
you really love fucking with me, huh?
lighten up sourpuss, please!
this is not how tonight was supposed to go.
you know what, nothing. nothing. nevermind.
you can stand here, sulking and driving yourself crazy, or you could go grab us some towels.
we agreed, summer fun, right? apparently, summer is not quite over.
yeah, we’ll see about that.
we could shake it out doggy-style.
wow! you really know how to talk to a girl, don’t you?
look, you can’t just pretend that it didn’t happen.
I need a big, strong, not at all insecure man to come save me!
stop being a grump!
dick move.
I don’t want this to end.
I had a great summer with you.
if I can do a backflip off of here, you’ll let me come visit you, okay?
oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!
it was like a scream, but not the good kind of scream.
I’m gonna go check it out.
that was some mighty fine social disruption there, I have to say.
you’re an evil genius.
what do you want to do now?
we gotta go!
can you walk?
come on, let’s get back to the fire.
just let me down, okay?
don’t hurt me, please!
oh jesus christ, what the fuck are you doing?
helps if you close your eyes.
it’s for your own good.
seems like just a blink, and you’re back to see me again.
so, what have we got?
watch your step, it could be your last.
remember, there’s always more than meets the eye.
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Top 5 Lap Dance Songs for Matt
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I reworked my original top 5 list to include little drabble scenarios for each. Fair warning we’re going way back with 4 out of 5 of these because I rarely listen to new music. You can listen to my entire playlist HERE. I hope you all enjoy these!
Pairings: Matt Murdock x GN! Reader
Warnings: Old ass music cuz I’m old. Light bondage, little praise kink, tiny bit of smexy time but in the grand scheme of things, pretty tame, still minors DNI (18+ please)
Word Count: 3.7K-ish
1. Red Light Special – TLC
I picked this song as my “seduction” song, if you will. Plus the red light outside Matt’s apartment window, could it BE more perfect? I’d put this one on to help him relax after a hard day, maybe he’s not quite in the mood or he’s being short with you. I’d definitely put on a silk or satin lingerie set that he’d love to get his hands all over.
You could tell from the tone of Matt’s voice over the phone that he was having a hard day. What was supposed to have been an easy day at the office turned into an overwhelming nightmare of case files and potential new clients for Nelson and Murdock.
And you were happy for them that they were getting cases hand over fist but it made for very long days and by the time Matt would get home, he would just be completely exhausted.
But you were prepared tonight. On your way home from work, you stopped to pick up Thai food and wine for dinner and something special for dessert that you picked up at your favorite lingerie shop.
It was rather late when Matt finally came home, he took his jacket off and left his shoes by the door. He put on a smile for you when he walked around the corner and you do love his smile even if he was faking it for your sake.
“Hey there beautiful. Do I smell…Thai food and…red wine?”
You could never get anything past him.
“Well hey to you too, handsome. I thought I would try to make your day a little better with food and wine.”
This time Matt actually smiled, pulled you in close for a hug, and you felt just how tense he really was. Hopefully what you had in mind would help him relax, so you turned on the music.
Take a good look at it, look at it now
Might be the last time you'll have a good round
I'll let you touch it if you'd like to go down
I'll let you go further
If you take the Southern route
Don't go too fast, don't go too slow
You've got to let your body flow
I like 'em attentive and I like 'em in control
The red light shone in from outside Matt’s apartment window as you started to loosen his tie while the music plays and you can’t help but slowly move your hips against his.
Baby it's yours, all yours
If you want it tonight
I'll give you the red light special
All through the night
“What are you wearing, sweetheart? It feels…nice.”
His hands started to roam all over your back, to your shoulders, and your waist. The silk robe you had on was very soft and felt cool against his skin.
“Yeah? It’s new. You like it Matty?”
He tilted his head, bit his bottom lip and nodded. He touched the hem that hit at the top of your leg, the robe didn’t cover much of the lower part of your body and he slowly brushed his calloused fingers against your inner thighs. You turned your body away from him, your ass grazing the already strained front of his pants as you moved with the music.
Baby it's yours, all yours
If you want it tonight
Just come through my door
Take off my clothes
And turn on the red light
You discard the robe revealing a matching silk and lace short set, if you could even call them shorts. They barely covered the bottom of your ass and the top was a cropped spaghetti strap tank.
Matt smirked, hooked his fingers in the top of the shorts, and bent down to kiss the top of your shoulder. His other hand snaked around your neck and rested his fingers across your throat while hungrily leaving kisses up and down the side of your neck.
If you want me let me know it
I'll make time but you've got to show it
If you need me, I want to see
But don't mistake me
I don't want you down on your knees
I need someone, a real man
I need someone who understands
I'm a woman, a real woman
I know just what I want
I know just who I am
He tugged at the top of the shorts and whispered in your ear “These feel nice too. I think my day just got a lot better.”
Between the music and Matt nipping at your neck, you were hungry for him.
Baby it's yours, all yours
If you want it tonight
Just come through my door
Take off my clothes
And turn on the red light
You were finally able to get words out. “Do you want dinner first or dessert?”
2. Naughty Girl – Beyonce`
I think I’d put this one on if I want to restrain him, with handcuffs or one of his ties. I know he “sees” by touch so this would probably drive him CRAZY. By the time you set him free from his restraints, pretty sure he’d be completely feral!
You were quietly reading your book on the couch while Matt was listening to some case notes when he started to fidget, lightly grazing your exposed thigh with his fingers.
“Aren’t you supposed to be going over notes for tomorrow?” You said with a sly smile on your face, not even looking up from your book.
He smirked. “I can’t concentrate sweetheart, you’re wearing shorts.”
You started to laugh a little “They’re sleep shorts, Matty. They’re nothing special. Get back to your notes—you said it was important you go over them tonight.”
He goes back to his notes and you get back to your book but after a few minutes, he’s back at his sneaky, devilish ways. This time he leaned over to kiss the base of your neck, he knows that spot melts you into a puddle.
Your little devil seems to want to play games, well if a game is what he wants, a game is what he’s going to get and you took out your phone for a specific song you had in mind for this.
I'm feelin' sexy
I wanna hear you say my name boy
If you can reach me
You can feel my burning flame
“Gimme your tie, Matthew.” You said firmly.
Your tone took him by surprise. “What?”
Sharply, you replied “Give me…your tie…now.”
Matt loosened his tie and handed it to you. You took the tie from him and moved around to the back of the couch, he licked his lips in anticipation, wondering what you were up to.
Tonight I'll be your naughty girl
I'm callin' all my girls
We're gonna turn this party out
I know you want my body
Tonight I'll be your naughty girl I'm
Callin' all my girls
I see you look me up and down
And I came to party
You lowered yourself so you were right behind his ear and very softly whispered “Lean forward for me, Matty, hands behind your back.”
He secretly loved being told what to do and eagerly did as you commanded him to do. You bound his wrists together with his tie and he was rather impressed with your knot tying skills.
“Impressive, sweetheart. Where did you learn to tie knots like that?”
You were still standing behind him.
“I dated a guy in the Navy but that’s not what we’re talking about. What we are talking about is since you can’t keep your lips to yourself and concentrate on your work, I think you deserve some form of punishment.”
You watched as he writhed and struggled to try and free himself from restraints that came from his own closet, it was amusing to you. The song continued.
You're so sexy
Tonight I am all yours boy
The way your body
Moves across the floor
You got me feelin n-a-s-t-y, I just might take you home with me
“You seem to like to tease, Matthew—I can tease too, ya know. Now if you can keep still, I’ll untie you. Does that sound fair?”
He nodded and you walked around to the front of the couch. Sitting all the way back, Matt seemed to relax a little but that was before you straddled him and then his breathing became more rapid.
With your hands resting on his shoulders, you leaned forward to nibble on his earlobe and scatter kisses up and down his neck. After the gentle kisses, you gently nipped at the spot where his neck and shoulders meet which made him flinch a little.
“You ok, handsome?”
He pressed his lips together and nodded.
“I can’t hear you, Matty.”
“Yes, sweetheart.” And he tried to kiss you.
“Now what did I tell you Matthew? I said if you behave, then I’ll let you out. Trying to kiss me is not behaving, is it?”
Baby the minute i feel your energy
The vibe's just taken over me
Start feelin' so crazy babe
Lately, I feel the funk coming over me
I don't know what's gotten into me
The rhythm's got me feelin' so crazy babe
You sat back on your heels, Matt almost whimpered at the loss of your touch when you began to trace circles with your fingers on his inner thighs, he’s trying so hard to stay still. You’ll reward him soon but not quite yet.
“You’re doin’ so good for me, baby—staying still like I asked, like a good boy.”
Your fingers traced lines on the top of his thighs towards him, as you got closer to his cock, you felt it twitch and he let out a soft moan when you palmed him through his pants. He was getting closer and closer to becoming completely unhinged.
“What do you think, Matthew? Do you think you’ve been punished enough for not doing your work?”
He was basically panting at this point and it drove him crazy when you called him by his whole name. “Yes, I’ve been punished enough—please angel.”
Tonight I'll be your naughty girl (I'll be you naughty girl)
I'm callin' all my girls
We're gonna turn this party out
I know you want my body
Tonight I'll be your naughty girl I'm
Callin' all my girls
I see you look me up and down
And I came to party
Just before you untie him, you lean in to whisper one more time in his ear.
“And since you were such a good boy, I’ll be your ‘naughty girl…’ bring the tie.”
3. I Get Lonely (TNT Remix) – Janet Jackson
I chose this song because I thought of the scenario of being home alone during the day while Matt’s at work. Maybe around lunch time, call him and just start playing the song over the phone.
You begged Matt not to go to work today, it was cold and raining, a perfect day to stay home snuggling and drinking tea but he told you he had a lot of work to do today and even though he really wanted to, he couldn’t stay with you.
“Sweetheart, I really can’t—you understand right?”
Of course you understood, it doesn’t mean you didn’t try your hardest to get him to stay one more time before giving up. You did love watching Matt get ready for work, he fills out his suits nicely especially his suit pants. They hug his perfect ass in all the right places, shirt just tight enough to know how chiseled his chest and stomach are, and you loved watching him tie his tie.
He knew you were watching him, staring at him, getting wet just by watching him adjust the cuffs on his shirt.
He laughed a little. “Really? You’re turned on by watching me get dressed.”
You pressed your lips together “Mm-hmm, you are sex on legs, Matty.”
He sat down next to you on the bed, took your chin in between his forefinger and thumb and kissed you then he deepened the kiss and wrapped his hand around your throat, his tongue tangling with yours before breaking away just as fast as it began. He knew you were pouting.
“I applaud your effort to try and get me to stay, my love but I have to go now. We’ll continue this later.”
Around noon, after you had finished cleaning the kitchen and tidying up the living room you decided to see if you could entice Matt to come home, he couldn’t stand it if you told him you were lonely. It was a weakness in his otherwise impenetrable armor so what if you didn’t just tell him that you were lonely?
I get so lonely
I can't let just anybody hold me
You are the one that lives in me, my dear
Want no one but you
“Hey sweetheart—you ok?”
The song plays into the phone.
I get so lonely
I can't let just anybody hold me
You are the one that lives in me, my dear
Want no one but...
“Very funny…I’m not falling for that, love.”
Sittin' here with my tears
All alone with my fears
I'm wonderin' if I have to do without you
But there's no reason why I fell asleep late last night
Cryin' like a newborn child
Holdin' myself close, pretendin' my arms are yours
I want no one but you
“Please Matty. I need you—I’m lonely.”
You could tell he was getting flustered and he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer by the way he was breathing into the phone.
“You think you’re being clever. This isn’t gonna work, I told you I’d be home later.”
That wasn’t the answer you were looking for, time to pull out all the stops so you lowered your voice to a breathy whisper, which you know makes him absolutely feral.
“But I’m lonely now, I need your hands on me, and your lips on me now, not later.”
I get so lonely
I can't let just anybody hold me
You are the one that lives in me, my dear
Want no one but you
Matt adjusted his tie, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and finally gave in to temptation.
“You are in so much trouble when I get home.”
Check and mate.
Before he hung up, you heard him tell Foggy “I gotta go, I gotta…thing.”
4. Make Me – Britney Spears feat. G-Eazy
Well this song doesn’t really need a reason or scenario, it’s just way smexy and I get turned on listening to it. Maybe you fell asleep with your air pods in before he comes home from work and that song is playing when he gently wakes you up.
It had been a VERY long day, work was very busy and you ran some errands after you clocked out before finally coming home. After settling in, you realized it was Wednesday. Matt usually stayed at the office late on Wednesdays and brought home dinner.
It was time to put your feet up and relax for a little while before he comes home so you read a little bit of your book, watched a couple of youtube videos, before really settling in with one of your playlists, air pods and a glass of wine.
Matt called a couple songs into your playlist. “Hey sweetheart, I’m sorry, I’m going to be a little later tonight than usual.”
It was just nice to hear his voice after a long day. “It’s ok, Matty. I’m not going anywhere, I’ll see you when you get here.”
Drinking wine on a relatively empty stomach, on top of the busy day you had it was no wonder you fell asleep on the couch. With your headphones in, you didn’t even hear Matt come home, it was only when you felt his cool hand stroke your cheek that you opened your eyes.
“Hey beautiful.”
You popped out one of your headphones and said “You still amaze me Matty, I didn’t say anything, just opened my eyes and you knew I was awake.”
“Your heart beat changed as soon as I touched your cheek, my love. What are you listening to?” He could hear the song but asked anyway.
Friday, I'm dreaming a mile a minute 'bout somebody
This feeling, I wanna go with it, 'cause there's no way
We're hiding away from this tonight, oh, this tonight
Can tell you want me
By the way I see you starin' 'cross the room, babe
No shame in the game
Just cut the shit, be honest
Yeah, you know what you gotta do tonight, do tonight
You smiled and started to sit up. “Take a seat, stud—I know you can hear it but I think I know what you’re angling for.”
You disconnected the air pods and let the song play over the speaker from your phone while Matt loosened his tie and rolled his sleeves up, he took a seat in the middle of the couch.
The sweater you had on was quickly discarded, it was warm but it’s too scratchy for Matt, the satin camisole you had on underneath however, was not scratchy. Plus he loved touching as much skin as possible.
You straddled him, the song played on, and you sang along while grinding your hips down on to his.
I just want you to make me move
Like it ain't a choice for you, like you got a job to do
Just want you to raise my roof
Something sensational (sensational, oh yeah)
And make me ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
And make me ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
“This is what you had in mind, Matty? You wanted your own private lap dance and karaoke night, right?”
He couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear, giving you a perfect view of that dimple you love so much.
“You know I love when you sing for me, the lap dance is a bonus.”
Baby, 'cause you're the spark that won't go out
My heart's on fire when you're around
Make me ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Yeah, you make me ooh
You never made it to the bedroom and he did make you “ooh,” a few times that night.
5. Pour Some Sugar on Me – Def Leppard / Cherry Pie – Warrant
Rounding out my top 5 are these two because I couldn’t pick just one. These two are the nights where you wanna get all Coyote Ugly with Matt. You’re having your after dinner glass of whiskey/bourbon, he’s helping you wash the dishes and one of these comes on.
“I’ll help you clean up, sweetheart.” Matt was so thoughtful, you tried to get him to relax and enjoy is after dinner bourbon. He cooked so it was only fair that you clean up but he didn’t want you doing all the cleaning, he knew he made a mess every time he cooked.
As usual, you had music playing when one of your 80’s favorites comes on.
Step inside
Walk this way
You and me babe
Hey hey
Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man? (your man)
“Hand me my microphone, Matty!”
Of course you have to stop in the middle of washing dishes to sing. It’s one of those songs that you just have to stop whatever you’re doing because a performance is required, and Matt knows this so he hands you the wooden spoon he just got done drying. He loves how playful you get when a song like this comes on that you can sing and dance to.
Razzle 'n' a dazzle 'n' a flash a little light
Television lover, baby, go all night
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah
With his sleeves rolled up and a dish towel draped over his shoulder, Matt stands there helpless against your ass grinding up against his groin while you sing into the wooden spoon.
Now c'mon, take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up
Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon, fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
I can't get enough
I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet, yeah
He’s smiling and laughing at you because you’re having such a good time singing and dancing up against him and together moments like these are just one of the reasons Matt loves you so much. Turning something mundane like washing dishes into filling the room with music and laughter is something that makes you happy which makes Matt happy.
You spin around from his front to his back side to playfully smack him on his perfect ass with the wooden spoon.
“Ouch! Did you just—smack me in the ass with that thing?” Even from behind, you can see the classic Matt Murdock smirk while you giggled in his ear.
“Matty, with an ass like yours, it just begs to be smacked, pinched, grabbed, bitten—all the things.”
And before he knew it, you were back to dancing in front of him, one hand holding the spoon and using the other to grab him by the tie and pull him in close.
You got the peaches, I got the cream
Sweet to taste, saccharine
'Cause I'm hot (hot), say what, sticky sweet
From my head (head), my head, to my feet
Do you take sugar? One lump or two?
He took another sip of his bourbon and ghosted his lips over yours. “You think you can just grind your ass into me and get away with it, sweetheart?”
The sound and tone of Matt’s voice always turned you on, the low whisper of the way he called you “sweetheart” sent a heat through your body that hit you right in your core, sending shivers to other parts of your body as well. His face might as well already be buried between your legs because that’s where it was headed.
“What do you plan on doing about it, Mr. Murdock?”
He took the spoon out of your hand and rested it on the counter, bit his bottom lip before leaning all the way in for a kiss. The towel he had draped over his shoulder fell to the floor as he tangled his hands in your hair and you lost all ability to speak when he kissed your neck, it just came out as soft moans and incoherent sounds.
“I think we’re done with the dishes, angel. Bedroom…NOW.”
Tag List: @freshabogados @skvatnavle @phoebe-danvers @moonlarking @shedaresthedevil @mindidjarin @matt-erialgirl @nelson-et-murdock @elgrandeavocados @carters-things @myguiltypleasures21 @saintmurd0ck
Others that might enjoy: @1800-fight-me @sobachka-korol @mattmurdockspainkink @wint3r-h3art
Please please tell me if you’d like to be added or removed from either list and don’t be shy, you can tell me your favorite part. Thank you for reading! I appreciate you 💕
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59writes · 3 years
part 1 of a request from @atsumulikesparkles thank you for requesting, I hope you like the final product!!
and yes I’m going a bit out of order I’m a little biased (literally) and two of em are in HH unit so …
like I said when I was answering the request I’m not a very jealous person and tbh usually actions of jealousy from someone make me uncomfy lol so. idk.
(I think it has to do with most Fic authors thinking and teaching their readers that obsessive possessiveness is what jealousy is and in fact it’s not and it’s genuinely toxic and just. Nasty imo. let’s change that !!!! please!!!!!)
(also sorry about all the animal gifs I’m in a snuggly mood tonight lol)
anyways, enjoy! <3
tw: food
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• ok maybe he’s a little overprotective
• he just knows how bad your social anxiety is and knows how that shit feels and he just doesn’t want his s/o feeling like that ever ):
• so he’s your lifeline when you’re out in public, always there next to you, and you’re his at home when the anxious thoughts get loud at night
• basically you help each other out (:
• so when he comes back from the restaurant counter with your food and sees a strange man, his anger is a little understandable.
• you have a hand up like a blinder, covering one side of your face so you don’t have to see the man
• Seungcheol’s over there in half a second, pulling you to his chest. “Do you need something?”
• “they yours?” The man asks, warily scanning Seungcheol up and down
• “yes, so I recommend you leave them alone.”
• you half expect the man to fight back, but instead he puts his hands up in mock surrender and skulks back into the depths of the restaurant.
• the second he’s gone, Seungcheol is pulling you outside, though you’re protesting. you don’t have to cancel your entire afternoon together just because one guy hit on you!
• but truthfully you wanted to go home and be alone ):
• and Seungcheol knew that, getting you both safely home, never letting go of your hand the whole way back.
• when you got home he did his best to make you comfortable
• he fed you your lunch, though you protested
• “I’m not a baby, Cheol, you don’t have to feed me!”
• but he insisted.
• he stayed near you the whole afternoon, making sure you were ok
• it was definitely a lot of overkill, but it really helped him regain confidence in himself too
• no weirdo got to hand feed you fries while you whined and tried to bat his hand away. no weirdo got to see your face light up when he gets out a box of your favorite candy that he’s been hiding for occasions like this. no weirdo gets to have you snuggle up close to him, eyes wide as you watch TV together
• it was just him
• just the two of you
• and he wouldn’t want it any other way (:
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• he’s normally pretty calm when it comes to stuff like this
• he trusts that you can handle yourself; you know how to remove yourself from an uncomfortable situation, and worst comes to worst he can just come up and grab your hand and lead you away
• but when you met an old classmate in a bar he was struggling
• you, of course, introduced the two: Wonwoo as your partner, the other man as your classmate
• but of course your classmate has to look Wonwoo up and down and say “Y’know, I used to be their boyfriend too.”
• you’re a bit too caught up in reconnecting with an old friend to notice Wonwoo shooting death glares at your classmate
• and though the friend was a bit more touchy than usual you chalked it up to “long time no see” behavior.
• that was, until he rests a hand a little too low for your liking on your back.
• and way too low for Wonwoo’s liking.
• Wonwoo immediately pulls you towards him, the two men having a stareoff for a moment
• before Wonwoo turns on his heel and marches you tf out of there, stopping in the hall to the bathroom
• “Wonwoo, what?”
• “He’s flirting with you.” He says, simple and to the point.
• “I- he’s always like that, Wonwoo, don’t worry. He’s always been touchy- since, like, elementary school.”
• “I don’t like him.” You can hear the jealous pout in Wonwoo’s voice, and you reach up to give him a tight hug.
• “it’s ok, you don’t have to like him. there’s a reason he’s not my boyfriend anymore, unlike someone I know.”
• ack he’s so shy!!
• “do you want to leave?” You ask, looking up at Wonwoo from where you’re clinging to him.
• “no, I thought you wanted to do-“
• “we can do shit like that literally any other time. c’mon, let’s go home.”
• walking past your old classmate as you left really helped confirm in Wonwoo’s brain that you chose him, placed him first
• and by the time you got back to your apartment he was back to his normal and loving mood again (:
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• this poor guy
• self confidence issues on top of dating the hottest person he’s ever met?
• Mingyu is struggling.
• he’s always been next to you since day one, holding your hand or resting an arm on your shoulder, silently keeping you close to him
• you were very much a safe space for him, especially in public, and could manage things that would make his brain short circuit instantly
• which included flirting.
• you’d get a lot of looks when you went out, the both of you. cuz who can resist your awesome styles and beautiful faces???
• but of course, Mingyu has trouble seeing past the lingering looks people give you
• and by the end of the day he’s almost always holding you close, whining about wanting to leave
• he just doesn’t want anyone taking his safe person ):
• as your relationship goes on, his confidence in himself and your relationship slowly goes up
• and soon he’s not looking at everyone around you, just focusing on his partner
• which is also a serotonin booster because you make him so happy!!! yk how when dogs look at their owners and start subconsciously wagging their tail??? yeah that (:
• you’re by his side always, ready to talk him out of his stressed thoughts or cling to his arm tight to show you’re never letting go
• and that’s something only he gets.
• strangers can get the gift of your looks, but he’s the lucky one who gets the gift of your love!!
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• to be fair, he was fucked from the very beginning
• you were going out for a fancy dinner your small company group was having to celebrate a big deal
• and of course, a fancy dinner means you dress up.
• and boy did you dress up.
• tldr Vernon can’t think straight cuz you look fucking stunning
• this man has reverted back to hormonal teenager brain tbh
• but he’s just. in shock
• he really doesn’t want anyone else to see you looking this good because he doesn’t want anyone feeling even a fraction of whatever emotions he’s feeling rn towards you ):<
• he considers asking you to change or wear a jacket but decides not to
• after all, if you were feeling yourself who was he to dull it at all?
• ofc, the greetings at the dinner party are hell
• he has to listen to your coworkers compliment you and kiss you on the cheek in greeting
• so by the time you all sit to eat he’s pretty tense
• you notice quickly, taking one of his hands in your own and slowly unfurling it from where it was balled in a fist so you could lace your fingers with his
• “what’s up? don’t like the outfit?”
• he’s biting his lip. “no, I love it. so much. I just. don’t want anyone else looking at you the way they are.”
• “Aw,” you soothe, giving his hand a squeeze. “You should have told me earlier, I could have put on a-“
• “no, no. It’s your outfit, and you look fucking amazing.” he shyly spares a glance at you, reaching his free hand out to fix a twisted strap on your shirt. “you need to dress like this more often.”
• and though people at the party got compliments or polite smiles back from you when they commented on your clothes, only one person there got to see you smile widely as your face grows hot, ducking your head to hide the warmth of your cheeks.
• Vernon was special, and he truly knew it.
• especially when you’d wear that same outfit as much as possible just for him (:
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