waterberry-strawmelon · 10 months
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hijinxinprogress · 10 months
The JL finds out Captain Marvels identity and regrets it immensely
JL find out Captain Marvels a child and they start trying to parent him and just being awkward so it’s decided that Captain Marvel will join YJ (Clark started referring to Billy only as ‘son’ and ‘young man’ one time Billy saw an airplane and Clark leaned down and went “That there, son, is called an airplane and it-” “I’ll fucking stab you istg”)
To the public Captain Marvel is just extra supervision for YJ but the hero community knows it’s a way to discretely move Captain Marvel onto a team with people his age and be ‘safer’
But it doesn’t work out the way they want bc Billy’s a chaos gremlin much like YJ so they’re just doing dumb shit in the public eye bc they technically have ‘adult supervision’ (it takes Billy fifteen minutes to convince yj to go against being supervised by green lanterns)
“We’re literally your coworkers??” “I’ve literally never seen you before besides isn’t it illegal for cops to question a minor without their guardian present? 🤨” “Technically, he’s not their coworker bc he’s not in the jl anymore” “Kon” “What? I’m just saying!” “Stfu wait does Marvel even have a guardian??” “He doesn’t”
Anita and Billy are trading magic tips and teaching each other spells they should NOT have access to esp bc they’ve blown up thirteen city blocks and 1/4 of almost every planet they’ve visited with YJ
Cassie and Billy play high stakes games of catch above the earths atmosphere with missiles and shit in their free time and also during missions
Kon and Billy do just plain dumb shit they have no business doing and then playing up the ‘I’m just a baby…and I’m not even really human/I didn’t have a childhood so how would I know that I shouldn’t do that?’ excuse after bankrupting Luthor for the third time this month along with demolishing all of his newly renovated buildings (Which he and Greta repurposed to create low income housing and food pantries)
Cissie invites Marvel to all her Olympic events and he shows up to every single one with an obnoxiously large magical banner
Bart and Billy plan quips, one liners, and trash talk together and everyone hates it bc they only use the good ones on them but villains (along with everyone in their immediate vicinity) are subjected exclusively to shit like “nuh uh” and “make me”
Greta and Billy are taking down shady government operations with zero fucks to give (they had houses built for the people affected but they did also send a very long list of people to the hospital/morgue)
Billy makes Tim a magic skateboard that flies at like Mach 1 with so many magic cameras it’s concerning bc he thinks Tim being unhinged is funny especially it inconveniences or at least stresses out batman
But they’re mostly talking about what lies they’ve told the jl recently so they can plan their lies around each other “I lied to batman yesterday so you gotta back me up” and Tim’s fabricating evidence despite having no other information bc Billy will 100% “Aren’t you a so called ‘ethical’ billionaire? Nonono it’s whatever, I just thought you’d want to look out for the people but-”
And JL tries to lecture Billy about it ‘you should be more mature. I expected better’ and he’s just like ‘why?? I’m baby 🥺 I don’t know any better’ 
And Green Arrow’s so goddamn confused bc ‘Bro?? I’ve watched you do negotiations when Superman’s not available…’ ‘I’m just a little guy’ ‘I’VE WATCHED YOU STOP A WHOLE ASS INVASION IN TEN MINUTES’ ‘little baby man’ ‘But you’re one of the strongest members of the league???’ ‘You do know I couldn’t tie my own shoes like six years ago, right?’ ‘HOW OLD ARE YOU’ ‘Wouldn’t you like to know’
YJ and Billy just do a bunch of petty shit until JL has had enough and they’re like fine whatever it wasn’t a problem before
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jaxxsoxxn · 6 months
Funny scene imagine it
Boomerang and Bart talking about anything and having fun
Hal huh? Who knew that kangaroo actually is good with kids can you believe that Barry 
Barry looking at boomerang like he’s the only person in this room hal knowing that look too well
Screams out Flash no are goddamn serious. Barry caught off guard. Wait what
hal of all of the men in this world and the women him why him Barry looks at the hand that he pointing at to boomerang wait no no no no no no no that’s no oh don’t lie to me I know that look Barry I don’t like him like that I promise hal you sure cause your face is turning red OK fine so it’s not a big deal a big deal. He’s a criminal well your girlfriend was once a criminal your ex-girlfriend you did not pull that card Barry I did. Hal
Come back to boomerang then Bart what the bloody hell are they screaming about I don’t know should we go stop them boomerang no kid let’s see this play out.
Henlo Snail Anon! :D why won't I write the scene out a little ;>
Also, poor Wally, he didn't connect the dots yet :')
Bart and Digger share few things with each other - their hatred to boredom, their inability to think some things trough and stop moving being one of those, so when Barry sees them meet, he honestly expected them to at least understand each other.
The Suicide Squad (or something something force X) is helping Justice League with some type of mission, which is centered around the Bat, so unsurprisingly not many of them know exactly what is the mission about or what is the danger they are helping with, but it leads to the squad meeting up with a lot of sidekicks.
Of course all the Robins know Harley and Deadshot, Aquaboy or however he's called at the moment also know King Shark.
(said Villain waves at the kid almost shyly and Barry can see Hal roll his eyes in fondness - man was always weak for animals and after sitting trough Guy's drunk rants about sharks and how they're misjudged, he might've grew a soft spot for them which he's not proud of)
Surprisingly for him, Wally barely even knows Boomer. He blinks few times after somebody mentioned that Captain Boomerang was a Flash Rouge and looks closer, which causes few of the more vigilant sideckis to stop in their tracks and look from Kid Flash to the villain.
Digger, being one of the first to notice Wallies confusion, scowls visibly and just averts his eyes. Flash couldn't stop the slight grimace at the scene, feeling bad for the man. That is, until Bart, always his actions faster than his thoughts (though he's learning to do better) gets inside their meeting place and starts running circles around Boomer.
"Cap! Cap! Cap!" a show of affection in his way, chanting his nickname and running circles, while every person that can see above Bart could notice Digger bite back a fond smile.
His Speedforce gauntlet shines lightly while he grabs the kid behind his neck and pulls him up with an amused huff.
"Me, me, me." he repeated after the boy, slowly letting him down.
Somehow, ignoring the shock of few people around them, the two jump into conversation like it's their second nature. Bart still moves around like normally, but Digger does the same, if slightly slower.
When they finally stop for a second, all people can decipher is "Barry talks about ya do much." and then they brush it off, continuing.
Hal, gods bless Hal, doesn't notice it. He's smirking slightly, pointing at their general direction with his hand, while with the other he practically hangs himself on Barry.
"Who could've guessed that the kangaroo is good with kids! Especially since he put bombs in two of 'em..." he wants to carry on, but he can't help but catch the way his friend stares at his Rouge.
Barry has a light smile on his face, soft and so admiring that it's almost loving. His eyes are squinted and shining with delight at every silly joke Boomer and Bart make to each other. Green Lantern's jaw is on the floor so quickly, that he could be mistaken for a speedster himself.
"No, Barry, no." he shakes his friend lightly, to not cause a scene, but his eyes are wide enough for Flash to know he's serious. "Bar, there's no way--"
"What? What's wrong now?" his head moves in his way, he's eyes confused, even if they jump back to Boomer and Impulse whenever a loud cackle or a snort is heard. "What's with you?"
"With me?!" Hal slightly loses the control he had on his tone of voice. "I'm not the one thirsting for a goddamn Villain-!"
Flash stops him with his hand against the other's lips, his eyes darting around the room making sure that no-one heard the man. Somehow in the back of his head he can hear Wally also joining Bart's and Digger's conversation, though he's way more subtle than Impulse.
"Shush! It's not like that, I have no idea-"
A hand grabs his writs and Hal pulls his mouth free.
"Like hell you have no idea! If I'd look at anyone the same way you look at him, you'd probably play wedding bells!"
Barry can feel his face starting to match his suit and he grimaces at the sight of a prideful smirk on GLs face.
"Okay, maybe, but it's not a big deal!" he hissed back at the man, who looks at him like he's the biggest idiot here.
"Not a big deal-?! He's a rouge, your very own one! He tied you to a giant Boomerang once!"
"Okay, first of all, it was the funniest shit ever and it wasn't even that serious, second of all, the name Carol Ferris rings any bells?"
"Oh you did not-!"
"... Does anyone know why Bar and Hal are arguing over there?" Wally asks, staring at the pissy fight his two elders have, somehow in disbelief when Flash grabs the other by the hair and pulls almost lightly.
Bart and Digger don't stop talking about their favourite Just Dance dances for longer than a second, just to shrug at him.
With a heavy sigh, Kid Flash is still trying to put together how does Captain Boomerang know Impulse, since the only person Barry actually talks about is this silly Harkness guy or George, whoever he might be.
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ophelia-jones · 1 year
Dean stopped, made a doubtful face at Rowena, and glanced back at Sofie. She had her head back against the wall and her eyes closed. They'd known each other for years, and to be honest, if she was going to fall for anyone, his money would have been on Sam. He didn't seem to piss her off nearly as much as Dean did.
How many times had Dean propositioned her now? He knew he had gone for it nearly every time they met up for the first five years or so after they met. She was hot, and a hunter which pretty much automatically made her awesome. She liked good music and appreciated Baby as she should be appreciated. But she'd always turned him down flat, and usually with a brutal burn.
He'd hit on her plenty after that, too, but it had become more of a game because they liked irritating one another, rather than him hoping she might take him up on it. The back and forth was something he looked forward to when he expected to see her.
"Come on out with me, Sof. Let's figure this out in private," he said, and when she opened her eyes, he pointed to the door. For a minute he expected her to say no again, but she rose and followed him out to sit in Baby. The parking lot was not well-lit, but the dim lighting was comforting, and the ridiculous hair metal ballads on the radio didn't hurt.
"A lot of shit raining down on you real fast in there, huh?" he said sympathetically.
"My whole fucking life is a lie, Dean. If I can believe a witch, and fuck, I do. Maybe it's a spell because I'm not protected." she sounded weary.
"I believe her, too, Sofie. It makes sense in its seriously screwed-up way. But you are still Soffie Timmins, kick-ass. You're still the same person you were this morning," Dean said. "Nothing can change that if you don't let it."
"You believe her because she's "your witch"," Sofie said, making air quotes around your witch.
"Well, then, let's switch back, and see if you still feel that way when you are back in your own body."
"We don't even know if it will work!" Sofie declared.
"What do we have to lose?" Dean argued. Something in her snapped under the pressure. How could it get worse? She thought, leaning across the bench seat and pressing Dean's mouth to her own slightly parted lips. He drew a quick breath of surprise before leaning in and deepening the kiss. He slid his tongue over her lower lip, and she sighed at the way her whole body flushed and flooded with a stirring desire.
The world spun madly around them, and Sofie felt like she'd been drinking for hours, off-center and unable to put her thoughts together. All she could do was feel.
The kiss seemed to go on for far too long and yet, when they parted it was too soon. She opened her eyes and realized she was in the driver's seat. She lifted her hands and they were her hands, she looked to the passenger seat and saw Dean - oh, Dean. Damn, she'd fought that for so long. Wanting something as much as she wanted Dean Winchester could only end badly.
Dean laughed out loud, a full hearty "Ha!" followed by a "woo!" as he clapped his hands together and flashed THAT smile. That goddamn smile, the one that emphasized those lips and went all the way to his sea-green eyes and lit them up like a lantern.
She felt the tears welling up and bit her lip, hoping to slow them at least by taking a slow deep breath. She'd known for years that touching Dean would be detrimental to her. She didn't want to be one of Dean's girls. Some of Dean would never satisfy her, and he wasn't the sort of man to commit. Even if he was, hunters didn't get to have that kind of love.
She was looking out the driver's side window, holding on to her composure as best she could. She couldn't stand to let him see her sniveling.
"Sofie?" He said tentatively. When she didn't respond her reached out with one hand and touched her cheek, tracing her jawline with his knuckle. She shrugged him off and turned to him, smiling as sincerely as she could muster.
"Well, looks like she was right. About everything," Sofie told Dean sheepishly.
Sofie didn't know what Rowena had whispered to Dean or the impact those words would have. 'She was right about everything.' So she certainly didn't see it coming when Dean slid a hand around the back of her head and pulled her toward him as he leaned in and kissed her with the sort of intensity that could burn the world to ashes.
Oh, dear God. Sofie's thighs began to tremble, her chest heaved as her lungs drew breath as quickly as they could to keep up with her racing heart. His other hand found her face, holding her head in place, his thumb stroking her cheek. His tongue teased at hers, begging her to join its rhythm, and those lips were as soft as they looked.
She whimpered against his kiss, one last useless attempt to resist the inevitable, and then she relaxed into the kiss and reciprocated the slow, smoldering way he led this dance. There was no hurry about it, it was a deep, sensual discovery of one another. He was taking his time.
When he finally broke the kiss, because they had to breathe eventually after all, he rested his forehead against hers, his eyelashes bumping into hers when they opened their eyes. She was still shaking.
"That was long overdue," he said softly.
"Dean…" Sofie said, her tone alerting him that she was going to say it was a bad thing that he'd kissed her that way - and he absolutely refused to believe that.
"Nope. Uh-uh. Don't you dare try to convince either of us there was anything wrong with that. Because Sofie, that felt so damned right, I can't wait to do it again," he told her, his hand still on the back of her head, his voice husky and deep.
Skid Row was on the radio, 'I remember you'. *Time after time, you were there for me…* Sebastian Bach sang, *I'd give my life for just one kiss*
Sofie was lost. She finally let go of all the fear and doubt that had held her in their grip for as long as she could remember and kissed him again. He had the most amazing mouth she'd ever even imagined, and when he grabbed her hips and pulled her across the bench seat to straddle his lap she was hopelessly lost to him.
His hands slid up along her back, then around to cup and squeeze her breasts, moaning against her mouth.
Sofie let her head fall back as Dean brought his lips to her neck and kissed and sucked at it from her shoulder to her earlobe. Nothing in the world had ever felt this good.
"Sofie?" he breathed her name against her ear.
"Huh?" she managed to utter breathlessly.
"Wanna get in the back?"
She'd never wanted anything more. Dean opened the door and she slid out, opened the back door and slipped back in with her heart in her throat. Dean leaned in, his shoulders seemed to take up the width of the back seat. He grabbed her by the hips again and slid her down to lay on her back so he could cover her with the massive length of himself. He was shrugging off the flannel shirt she had put on him that morning as he did. His eyes were locked with hers, not letting her think for one second this was about anything other than her and how he felt about her.
Sofie slid her hands up under his t-shirt to feel his chest with her own hands, the firmness of his pecs, the breadth of his shoulders, the smoothness of his skin. The heat, oh the heat!
Dean licked his lower lip and tilted his head at her with a smile that had a bit of a warning in it - be careful how you touch, if you don't want to rush this.
She tugged at the hem of his shirt and he obliged, pulling it off in one smooth motion before leaning down to kiss her again. His hand slid up from her hips along her sides as he pulled her tank top up and she sat upright so he could take it off. He hadn't put a bra on earlier so now when he tossed her shirt in the front and leaned back down they were skin to skin, his chest hard and got against the softness of her breasts. He took her breath away with more of those smoldering kisses as 'Love Bites' by Def leppard came on the radio, fitting the moment as if it were composed just for them, just for now. They moved together with the rhythm, hands exploring every curve and plane of the others body as if they hadn't already done that over the last few days. It was infinitely better together.
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When he nudged her legs open with his knee and settled between them, she felt his hard cock pressing into her, the shorts she wore and the denim jeans that was keeping it contained somehow we're now the enemy. Her pussy throbbed hot and wet and desperate for his touch, and they began to fumble quickly at their pants, each of the desperate to be naked.
Clothes tossed over the front seat or onto the floor and forgotten, Deans hand found her and spread her open, two fingers sliding in like silk against silk. She moaned out loud and lifted her hips against his touch. Dean watched his hand as he caressed her, in and out until her head was thrashing from side to side and the noises coming from her throat desperate and primal. He smiled at her as he began to flick at her clit with his thumb and he felt her coming, clenching his fingers in wave after wave of spasming climax.
"Baby - Sofie, you have an incredible body…" he murmured as he wrapped her legs around his hips and pressed in slowly. She grasped his shoulders desperately, her nails digging into the skin and her teeth finding his shoulder as he filled her to her limits.
"Can you handle it all?" he panted, the need building in his voice making her feel more wanted by the second.
"Dean, I need it all, don't stop. Please don't stop!" she begged him and he thrust his hips a bit more until he was buried in her. They stilled for a moment and her body relaxed around him. They fit like a lock and key.
She began to rock her hips first, but Dean was eager to move with her, contrasting her movements as they pulled apart almost completely and then slammed their bodies together again over and over, almost violently.
Sofie called his name, her hands in his hair and he felt her release around his cock, letting out a broken cry of pleasure followed by a low growl as he thrust his hips rapidly against her climax and then a whimper as he came hard and got inside of her. He gasped for breath, holding her, staying joined as long as he could with her. When he finally separated their bodies, she lay on her side facing him and he rested half on and half off the seat, facing her. His eyes still shone, and he smile tenderly at her.
"I'm not going to let you down, Sofie. I won't. I promise," he whispered to her before kissing her gently once more.
"Should we check on them?" Sam asked Rowena. He'd been pacing since they left the room, his anxiety high, his brain in high gear with a million 'what-ifs.'
"No, Sam, we most certainly should not," she laughed.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I love these!! Could you do ‘babe, what the fuck are you wearing’
Can I just tell y'all how funny WFA is becoming to me? I fucking love it
"Babe, what the fuck are you wearing?"
She knew something was wrong with her husband when he came home from the Justice League meeting. He was brooding, much more than he usually did, and while she never liked tempting the beast, something was up with him, and she couldn’t help but worry. Watching as Bruce stalked past the kitchen, she turned her attention to her children sitting at the dinner table waiting for the food to finish cooking. “Does anyone know why your dad looks like he got his hand slammed in a door?”
Stephanie pulled the green straw that she’d been obnoxiously slurping on out of her mouth and quipped, “I dunno, Missus W, but maybe you should ask him when he gets in here?”
Her eyes narrowed and she looked at her children. “Why do I get the feeling that you’ve all done something that I don’t know about?” They shrugged, some with looks of suspicion others with looks of offense; she pointed the spatula at them. “Mark my words, if y’all’ve done something to make him upset, I’m gonna put this spatula on your butts.”
As they giggled, Bruce walked into the kitchen, stopping to press a kiss to her cheek before moving to the head of the table. “You feeling alright, dear?” she asked. “You look a little upset.”
“I’m fine,” he replied, watching as she turned off the stove and carried the saucepan over. “Just tired.”
“Well,” she smiled. “I made chicken and rice, so your day is about to get better.” Placing the pan down, she reached behind her neck and lifted the apron from her body, hanging it over the back of the chair. “So, how about we—”
“Babe, what the fuck are you wearing?” Bruce questioned, very, very quietly.
She looked down at her Green Lantern shirt. “Hallie got it for me the other week. I thought I’d wear it?”
Bruce took one last look at it, stared straight ahead out the doorway and rose from his seat, bypassing the entire family as he stalked into the living room.
“What’s his—”
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ayamturd · 3 years
summary: dream was once your everything that you would do anything for; what happens when you finally confront the reality of his manipulation and sadistic destruction?
prompt: “we’re both at fault here, and now we both have to pay the price.” 
warnings: descriptive manipulation, a single curse word, angst
pairing: in-game c!dream
a/n: this is my entry for @sleepysoupi​‘s 1.8k event! it goes without saying how late i am considering she’s currently working on her 2.0k event, but still a huge congratulatory to her amazing success and obvious, well deserved recognition <33 we love soupi in this household, nothing less of the fact *^*
also i know the prison doesn’t work exactly like how i wrote it, but let’s pretend for the sake of this fic
wc: (1.6k) - m.list
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“Don’t do this, y/n.”
The air was sticky and heavy. As the lava bubbled behind you, it felt as if the heat could reach out and smother you entirely; the subtle warmth that felt insufferably suffocating in the tight space was a large contrast to the dark, opaque walls. 
Although you stood in front of him by your own desire, habits quickly fell to place as he stood proudly above you. Chin raised, Dream’s shoulders were relaxed while he spoke to you. His words were firm, and with clenched fists, you swallowed harshly from his mocking tone. 
You could practically hear his condescending grin without looking in how belittling he addressed you, and you hated how familiar the speech was. 
“After all I’ve done for you, and you want to throw it all away?”
Despite all attempts, you unconsciously bowed your head down. Whether in unjustified guilt or the internal rage from his lies, you couldn’t say yourself. He noticed nonetheless, and played into your vulnerability further. 
He was the one defenseless in this scenario, yet he held all the power in the small cage between the two of you. 
“We made promises! ‘Till the very end, right?!” He began to raise his voice and feigned some form of heartbreak, taking a step dangerously closer to you while you stood there in frozen fear.
Staring harshly down at your feet, the weight of gravity pulled at your tears as they trickled down sparsely. This was different than when you originally confronted him mere hours ago. Here, you were alone and with no backing, no one to reassure you that you did the right thing. That he was a monster that had you blinded for so long.
That you were justified for betraying Dream. 
“Don’t play stupid with me now. You can’t act like I did this all alone. That I’m not the only sick fuck in the room who enjoys the-”
“Stop it,” you whispered with closed eyes. While your voice was small, it echoed so loudly and threw Dream off guard. He shook his head and with a dark chuckle, sneered disparagingly. 
“You really th-”
Your eyes opened as you unexpectedly interrupted him.
“No. For once in my life, I mean it. Shut your egotistical mouth for one goddamn second.”
Everything was in a frozen stand still as you snapped. 
Course tears ran steadily down your cheeks, yet your eyes held more strength than Dream could had ever perceived in that moment. It had been so long since you had lost your voice. Lost your confidence, your fire that drew him in in the first place. It had been so long since you felt like yourself again, the person you once were before he teared you down completely to his mercy. 
You swallowed sternly in exposed anxiety; when was the last time you saw his face like this? Saw his face at all, at that. 
The molten lava radiated the room, it being the main source of light in contrast to the faint glow of the lanterns built into the walls. When you had originally requested to see him one final time before he was officially locked away for good, you had no idea what you expected to see. You didn’t see anything, actually, since you couldn’t bring yourself to try and meet his eye line the entire time. 
Until now. 
As the magma shaded the room in a warm shine, his dull eyes gleamed a faded hue of ash green. His dirty blond hair was visible without his signature hoodie, his previous clothes stripped away and replaced with an attired uniform instead. He hid behind a mask for so long, it was surreal to see him as something so mundane and human.
Your mouth felt so dry from seeing him again. He almost looked like when you first laid eyes on him, that beautiful day when you thought you had fallen in love. How nice the sun felt, and how crisp the wind blew. The summer day was fresh and the sweet smell of honey pervaded the air. To think it was by mere chance he approached you in the white flower field, hidden in the depths of the forest with a charming smile and gentle hand.
How cruel reality liked to play with you and give you false hope that such love could truly exist. 
The memory brought a smoldering rage that made your heart race in return. Back straight, you dared a step towards him with a quiet, yet firm declaration. 
“I’m done making excuses for your lies. For your actions, for the hurt you cause, for you.”
Dream could barely register your words as you continued in growing fury. It was like the floodgates were open and you felt free to speak your truth. 
You were riding this new found wave and would hold nothing back anymore. 
“I let you get away with so much because I truly believed that I loved you. That my love could fix you, or change what you are.”
You stepped forward again, your finger shakily pointed at him. His mouth opened to respond but you spoke before he could try. You weren’t going to give him anything, you thought, he doesn’t deserve your silence.
“I went against everything I believed!” you suddenly yelled, “everything I stood for, everything I thought because of you!”
Your vision was a blur as your raw emotions came loose. You screamed from the top of your lungs to the point where your voice cracked with a head lifted high. 
“I let people get hurt! People I love and care for because I prioritized you over everything I had!”
Another step forward, your voice shook with quivered lips as a result of an ached and long scorned heart.
“To think I used to be so proud to say it, to say you were my everything and my world.” With a trembled exhale, you gathered yourself before finishing your thought. “Maybe I am stupid, but trust me when I say my ignorance was your freedom and my considered love a blind devotion.”
Dream’s face softened considerably, for he was at a loss for words and didn’t have anything to probe at anymore. It was his turn to suffer in a lost acceptance.
Shaking your head, you scoffed with your head tilted in disbelief. Smiling darkly, you knew then and there you regained the power of the room and your self-assurance over him. How the turn tables.
“Funny how things change when you have no where to run. When you’re the one helpless and reliant.”
Standing strong with your arms crossed, you stared at him with such distaste. Dream’s brows furrowed with a clench jaw as he stepped even closer to you. He was now mere inches away and glared down at you from his given height. Even then, you wouldn’t back down any longer.
“I do love you, y/n. Everything I did, I did for us. You can’t leave me like this.” He gazed down with such intensity that your past you would have wanted to say something just to appease him entirely; you weren’t that person anymore, and you wouldn’t let him drag you down more than he already has. 
Dropping yours arms before stepping back, you messaged Sam without wavering your eye contact from him. 
“We’re both at fault here, and now we both have to pay the price of it alone.”
The sounded mechanics from outside the box indicated the lava dropping, signifying the end of your visit. Dream grew agitated at the thought of you leaving and dropped his eyes down in resent, a huge contrast to your relaxed and calm state. 
You moved backwards until your back threatened to be burned by the heat. 
“Here’s to loosing all those attachments you mentioned.”
Dream’s head snapped up from your words, but before he could attempt anything further, the Netherite divider rose and separated you both. The lava parted as you approached the platform, Sam visible from across the entrapping moat. He watched closely in regard to your safety and anything Dream might try with your back currently turned. 
Approaching the stone platform once deemed safe, you turned to face him a final time as the contraption slowly pulled you away. Your chin was raised, and your tears were dry in satisfaction to your found closure.
“You were right,” you affirmed, “we did make promises, and this is our end.”
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Tommy had been tormenting Dream for the past few minutes or so, his obnoxious taunts a sign of recovery from all the trauma he had dealt with from his young age. He hid behind his humor, but was strong when confronting his abuser with no uncertainty then. 
“Who do you miss the most?”
Dream paused from fiddling with the leather of the book covers from the simple question. His hand began to curl around the thick material, and he drowned out Tommy’s rambling from behind him.
A familiar scent filled his senses, an old and precious memory uncovered from the oppressed depths of his mind. He pulled the book in hand open to a random, but intentional page, his callous fingers tracing over the stained ink.
He wasn’t an artist, and it easily would have been passed for messy, nonsense doodles, yet the drawing practically burned the paper as a reminder of his failed objectives.
The innocent azure bluets insulted him despite being his own creation.
Dream was done playing into Tommy’s confidence, and spoke lowly as his head turned further away from the boy.
“… I think you should go, Tommy."
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justiceleaque · 4 years
Hey Leaque! I know you watched the new Justice League movie and I was around when you were doing the very first DC movie reviews back in the day. I would absolutely love a review of this one if you have the time :)
i've been a fan of Snyder's universe from day 1 so i understand this might be considered an off-balance review already, but i want to note that i didn't come in wanting the film to be good or willing to see it as good despite actual impressions. i wanted to watch it as the Justice League movie i was supposed to get back in 2017, the same one i was willing to not watch for years if it meant Zack Snyder got to finish his vision even later down the line
i was actually as neutral as i could possibly get because at this point i don't have any real emotional involvement in whether this version of the DCEU continues or not. WB execs have done some fucked up things with the treatment of the cast/ray fisher, so i take this as Snyder's DC trilogy and nothing more (which makes it bittersweet for me but that's a different topic)
heavy spoilers follow
it's incredibly comic book-like. i remember typing the exact same words back in the Dawn of Justice days: it doesn't read as a superhero film a la Marvel but as a comic book film. each frame could be a realistically painted comic book frame; the dialogues would fit freakishly well if they had to fit speech bubbles. the damn scene overlaps and changes are heavily reminiscent of a comic book. better yet: of a Justice League comic book. if you’re familiar with comic book events where big things happen and it affects everyone, this is how this reads
it’s a heavy film but it’s not hopeless. i’ve been seeing reviews pop-up already: “ZS’s Justice League film is twice as longe and twice as hopeless” is the maybe verbatim title of most articles. the one thing i kept thinking throughout these four hours is how much hope this is filled with. we’re dealing with a post-superman world that was shaken by the loss of a beloved superhero and you see batman, the #1 comic book superhero known for brooding and darkness and all things sad and bad, be the loudest, most hopeful person in the film, trying to get a team together to save the world, and later on being two steps from literally screaming that bringing back superman is what should happen no matter the cost because of his faith and hope in winning. did we watch the same film?
in the same vein, the 4 hours seem like a stretch until you realize each part has an actual purpose that introduces or ties in important aspects related to the film’s one purpose: take down Steppenwolf and Darkseid. i don’t believe any scene was wasted on useless information. it can get tiring in the way watching a shot tv series gets tiring: it does NOT get boring at any point
such wonderful character arcs. seeing each of the team’s personalities and quirks, the way they clash with each other, the way it makes it all work so goddamn beautifully. the way they click because they just keep interacting so much? Whedon’s cut didn’t give me a team, it gave me five different people in costume that were forced to sort of work in the same vicinity as each other. Snyder’s cut gave me a version of the Justice League that worked so flawlessly together by the end of the film it felt like a dance. felt like comic book page spreads
right before the epilogue they all pose together in the rising dawn, clark included, having won. super reminiscent of the JL cartoon intro. i cried a bit
listen to me. i need to make this clear. listen.  j’onn. j’onny boy. the way he’s designed and cgi’d..........the adorable frown............the kind smile......................his obvious need to make others feel better and to simply help......................i love him
his interaction with bruce only comes in the end and it’s super brief but seeing those two still not know how the hell each other works even in film format is hilarious. bruce having accepted aliens and magic and shit is the new norm after like 20 years of only having to deal with the joker attempting to rob neon green hair dyes or some shit is so much bigger of a character development than i ever expected, especially coming from BvS where he’s just a stupid fat-bat-carrying onion
i wasn’t a big fan of Suicide Squad’s joker portrayal but we get to see him at the end of the film while we’re seeing a possible future where lois lane has died and superman is best friends with darkseid playing tic-tac-antilife equation. Snyder somehow managed to turn jared leto into a disgustingly legit comic-faithful joker. dont’ ask me how
in the same scene they mention jason and his death
: - (
we see a few bits of some green lanterns in some scenes, one from the past and one from a possible ultra dark and edgy darkseid future. still convinced bruce simply willingly did not go looking for hal, which, fair
they cut out the fish joke bruce tells arthur when they first meet which immediately turns the whole film into a 1/10 for me
ben affleck’s bruce wayne and batman continue being my favorite on-screen batman iteration to date. we finally move from the usual dark lone soldier version Hollywood is relentlessly giving us into one that belongs with the Justice League. incredibly heartwarming to see
there’s a scene when the JL are first assaulting Steppenwolf’s base and they’re all fighting parademons and shit and there’s a moment where you see batman fighting the Space SWAT From Hell alone and the way he moves? the way he flows from one position to another and another like i’m watching a damn comic book animation????????? sir????????????????????
barry allen saved them
like, literally, barry allen saved them. superman was back and everyone was ready to dance one final time and they were all going ‘steppenwolf fucking SUCKS’ and steppenwolf was crying to darkseid and then the motherboxes did their thing and they all were obliterated into star dust and then barry allen was like ‘bitch i told you i need FRIENDS’ and turned back time and now they’re all okay again :o)
darkseid @ batman through his magic spacetime portal: i’m gonna get your ass one day soon and take you back in time and you’re gonna eventually bring about the end of the world by having every dark twisted batman invade your universe because you inspired them
batman: i haven’t read Rebirth bro
i know i’m forgetting stuff but that’s the gist. hands down one of the best comic book film experiences i’ve ever had. with an aside to barry allen being more of a mix of barry and wally, everyone feels incredibly faithful to the source material. also batman definitely killed like, at least 400 parademons in one night, but pest control doesn’t count
(like. he straight up obliterates them)
(pulls out a batbazuka on them)
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redhoodieone · 3 years
Fucking Perfect
A/N: Hey, y’all!!! Here’s another fic that was actually a request from @jasontoddslut. I hope you all enjoy!
WARNINGS: Language, violence, and smut!
It wasn’t that late. With a DVD and a large free pepperoni pizza in hand (the pizza was actually a “thank you” from a local pizza owner after Jason saved his life), Jason couldn’t help but keep smiling underneath his red helmet as he drove to his and Danielle’s home. They were supposed to have a night in; no distractions, no interruptions, and no patrolling, for him at least.
But Bruce had called him for help last minute around 9:00 because Joker decided to break out of Arkham Asylum with every other inmate, from Harley Quinn to Scarecrow. To say the mission was bizarre as hell wouldn’t be exaggerating. Jason and Dick laughed their asses off the entire night because it was like a high school reunion for all of Gotham’s villains. Even Bruce couldn’t help but grin a little when he saw the Riddler and Penguin link arms and skip down the street behind Bane, Two Face, Mr. Freeze, and Killer Croc.
It was one hilarious but memorable sight.
But now all Jason could think about was getting back home to Danielle as he speeds down the streets on his bike from Arkham while holding the box of pizza and DVD. Just thinking about a hot shower, cuddling with Danielle on the couch under a fluffy blanket, and just falling asleep in the comfort of their home makes him consider giving up the vigilante life sometimes.
He wondered what his life would be like not being everyone’s hero.
No more subtle or dangerous injuries. Staying in bed the entire night. Having the ability to go here and there and do everything normal like others. Maybe even settling down somewhere in the countryside, where he can finally retain his own property, perhaps build himself his own auto salvage business where he’ll specialize in fixing and rebuilding expensive, fast cars and bikes.
Having something to call his own has always been a secret dream of his. Only Y/N knows all that.
Jason could just see it now: waking up early to see the beautiful sunrise from the safety on the ground, arm wrapped protectively around his wife, who would be pregnant with their child...
He initially tenses up at that particular thought. Jason has never even spoken about his desire to have kids. Hell, he has always boasted about hating kids; often complaining about them being bratty, loud, and just being unbearable little shits.
Jason even pretends to despise Dick and Barbara’s five-year-old son, Tommy, just because he enjoys pissing them off. But in all honesty, Jason loves his nephew and knows damn well that if anything were to happen to Tommy...Jason would fucking kill them in a heartbeat.
Fuck, even Barbara gets on Jason’s ass about when he’s finally going to settle down and have kids of his own. She and Dick make the normal, perfect life look easy. They were brave and strong enough to walk away from the vigilante life, only promising Bruce that they’ll help him every now and then and only for big emergencies.
Jason couldn’t believe it at first. Dick and Barbara just happily moved to a safe, typical suburban but luxurious home far away from Gotham. They made it look so effortless and picture-perfect.
With Dick and Barbara gone, all Jason has is Tim and Damian around. Which isn’t much considering they have their own lives.
And Jason used to have Y/N, his best friend.
Before Jason’s thoughts could consume him more, he pulls up to the private parking garage at his penthouse. After he parks his bike, he climbs off and removes his red helmet; quickly inhaling air after sweating so much. Holding the helmet underneath his left arm, he carries the pizza and DVD and heads to the elevator.
He sighs heavily; his back hurts like fuck after being thrown around a lot from Killer Croc. He wonders if it would be completely sexist or just entirely fucked up if he asks Danielle for a backrub.
We’ve been together for two years. She knows my line of work, and if she really loves me, she’ll give me an all-body massage...and besides...this is the first time I’m asking for one anyways, he thinks to himself.
The elevator dings and opens for him; revealing the private floor that is his, courtesy of Bruce. If it weren’t for Bruce, Jason wouldn’t have the luxury of such a private and quiet place to call home. Bruce owns the entire building, mostly business associates and employees live and stay here anyways.
Jason walks to the door and opens it; is actually quite stunned that it’s unlocked. Mostly because he’s OCD about that, even if this floor and this entire building is private, Jason still likes to take precaution.
The guy fucking grew up on the streets and has seen and done bad things. Really bad. But he’s not like that anymore. Oh, no he’s not. Now, Jason lives by his new principles, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a badass anymore or is violent by nature. He is still Jason Todd.
Stepping inside his penthouse, Jason kicks the front door shut with his heavy boot and sets the pizza and DVD on the entryway table. He puts his helmet back on and quickly pulls a gun from his thigh holster. Jason takes this seriously, just as with any mission or recon.
He quietly goes down the hallway, immediately notices their bedroom door is cracked open and a light is on. He raises his gun and says...
Fuck it. I’m going in with my gun. Hope this all ends well with no blood.
Jason kicks open the bedroom door and has the most fucked up, perfect view of his girlfriend, Danielle, in bed with another man; a man who is on top of her, fucking her underneath the covers, IN THEIR BED!!!!!
Danielle gasps in surprise. “Jason! What-what are you doing home so early?!” she panics. She sits up and pushes the man off of her. Her tits are on display, after the blanket falls from her chest.
The male brunette is shocked at seeing Jason. The naked man uses the sheet to hide his lower body. Jason thinks this guy is a fucking tool. He’s shaking badly, and he’s sputtering like an idiot.
“Oh, oh God! This is Jason? You’re with fucking Red Hood? Oh, my God...OH, MY GOD! This guy is gonna kill me, Dani! He-he has a fucking gun in his hand! I’m gonna fucking die!” the man cries out.
“SHUT YOUR GODDAMN FUCKING MOUTH, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Jason yells from underneath his helmet. The voice changer that’s built into his helmet makes him sound more dark...even demonic. But Jason could care less about anything and everything right now. All he can think about is beating the shit out of this guy. “WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?!”
Danielle runs a hand through her messy long red hair, and sniffles. She’s actually...crying?
“This is Paul-”
“Don’t fucking tell him my name! Jesus Christ! Are you trying to get me killed?!”
Jason aims his gun and shoots near Paul’s head. The loud, piercing sound fills the room. The bullet hits the wall, but nonetheless scares the shit out of Paul.
Paul covers his eyes and cries. “Of fuck...please don’t kill me. Oh God, please don’t...”
Jason removes his helmet in anger and throws it down. His green eyes are already red-rimmed. He won’t admit he’s crying...God no...his allergies must be acting up.
“So, what the fuck, Dani? You’re seriously sleeping with someone else?” Jason asks, rhetorically of course. “In our house...underneath our covers...in our bed?!”
“Jason, please. I-I didn’t want you to find out this way,” Dani says.
“But you wanted me to find out?” Jason snaps, suddenly moves closer to the bed. Paul moves backwards away from him. “You wanted me to find out, but just not this way? JESUS CHRIST, DANI! What the fuck were you thinking?! Why the hell would you do this to me, after everything we’ve fucking been through!”
“Because you weren’t here! You weren’t here tonight!” Dani yells.
“What the hell does that mean? You decided to cheat on me because I WASN’T HERE TONIGHT?!”
Paul slowly stands up with the sheet. “Maybe I should leave...” he mumbles.
“How about I show you the way out, BUDDY?!” Jason spits out. He grabs Paul’s throat and drags him across the bedroom.
Jason was seeing red. He couldn’t see or think straight at all. With a huff, Jason slams Paul down to the floor and drops down to beat the fucking shit out of Paul. His fist keeps coming down hard and fast, and he definitely ignores Paul crying, pleading for him to stop. Jason even ignores the sight of a lot of blood and bones cracking underneath his punches.
“STOP IT! JASON, STOP HURTING HIM, PLEASE!” Dani screams in horror, pulling Jason back by grabbing his leather jacket.
When Jason finally stops, he realizes Paul’s face is almost disfigured because of the blood and swelling, but he doesn’t care. At all.
Jason shoves Dani away from him and glares down at Paul. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Paul. You’re not going to open your fucking mouth. You’re not going to tell anyone about my home. You’re not going to tell anyone about me. Your injuries? You’re going to tell everyone you got your pansy, white ass jumped in an alley and that you obviously lost the fight. And you’re going to walk out of here naked. You’re not going to look at Dani, not talk to her, not even think about her, you’re just going leave. NOW.”
“B-but what about my-my clothes?” Paul stutters.
Jason quickly collects all of Paul’s clothes and opens his bedroom window. He pulls out his lighter and lights the clothes on fire. Jason drops them over the railing. “You don’t need them. After fucking my girlfriend in my home and in my bed, you bet your homewrecking sweet ass that you’ll be walking home in nothing but shame and remorse. Now, get the fuck out of my house before I break your legs next.”
“Yes sir. I’m sorry, sir. No one will ever know about this,” Paul rambles on as he struggles to stand up. Once he does, he quickly leaves the bedroom but not before mumbling. “Why couldn’t she date Green Lantern or-or Batman. Wait! Not Batman! Anyone but Batman and Red Hood!”
As the front door slams shut, Jason turns to face his naked girlfriend, Dani. He feels his chest tighten, causing a pain he hasn’t felt since he was a kid and lost his mother and home. He wants to cry in front of her, maybe even scream at her, but all the anger he felt before is gone now. Jason’s only left with a sense of sadness and he doesn’t even know what to do about it.
The silence is killing them. He’s no fool. He can see she’s trying to hold herself together but is failing immensely because she’s looking up at him with those sad, puppy dog eyes.
But a thought quickly crosses his mind: only Y/N’s puppy dog eyes make him give into her. Every time. Y/N’s Y/C/E eyes weakens him, and he always wants to please her when she looks at him.
But Dani’s eyes don’t. There’s no sense of comfort and warmth in them like Y/N’s.
“I’m...I’m so sorry, Jay,” Dani begins.
“Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me that anymore,” Jason interrupts angrily. He doesn’t even know why she’s apologizing. He knows he can’t forgive her. He won’t forgive her.
Dani scoffs. “You can’t seriously be pissed off at me. You’ve fucking cheated before. You’ve slept around like Bruce does. You can’t fucking hold this against me! I gave you a chance!”
“You’re forgetting that I used to do that!” Jason yells. He runs a hand through his messy dark hair and growls under his breath. He needs someone to calm him down. He needs someone to tell him everything’s going to be all right. He needs the comfort and warmth only one person has: Y/N. Jason realizes he needs her now more than ever, and that scares him a bit. “I haven’t done any of that shit since we’ve been together. The second I realized that I was in love with you, I changed. I changed because I wanted to be with you! And you bringing up my past to try to justify your actions is fucking wrong, Dani.”
“Cry me a fucking river, Jason,” Dani spits out.
“Nope. Not this time. Get the fuck out of my house.”
Dani doesn’t put up a fight. She gets dressed, packs a bag of her things, and tells Jason she’ll be back for the rest later. She does glance at him one last time before she walks out though.
“The thing is...I needed my boyfriend, not a hero.”
The door slams shut, leaving Jason frozen in place. The silence is deadly; he can feel his thoughts racing and screaming loud in his head.
He needs Y/N.
Jason needs his best friend.
Tears force themselves out his eyes as he calls Y/N.
Jason pauses, and he wonders if he’s making a mistake. Maybe she won’t come. He hasn’t been a particularly good friend to her lately. “Y/N, I need you. I...need you, please...”
“I’m on my way.”
Jason knew he was in deep shit after he finished off a new bottle of whiskey before Y/N came over. He couldn’t help himself. After he hanged up with her, he ripped off his costume and stripped down to nothing but his white Calvin Klein boxer briefs. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, even after lowering the thermostat to 62 degrees.
Perhaps the end of his real first serious relationship was suffocating him mentally and physically. He’s never lived with a girlfriend before either.
He was about to open a new bottle of whiskey just as the front door opens and closes.
“Jason?” Y/N calls out.
Jason whips around fast and grins. He’s buzzed, but not quite drunk yet. “Y/N!”
Y/N is stunned to see Jason in nothing but his underwear as he runs to her and embraces her hard. She stumbles back a bit, but he captures her easily to steady her and holds her tightly to his chest.
“You’re soaked...and cold,”
“It’s raining outside like it always does,” Y/N giggles and gently pushes Jason back a bit. “Let me take off my coat and get warmed up.”
Jason allows her, watches intently when Y/N takes off her raincoat. She’s wearing her black and red plaid pajama pants and a Metallica t-shirt he’s positive she stole from him. She kicks off her booties and displays her light blue fuzzy socks he adores.
Jason knew Y/N had to have been in bed when he called, but she came anyway. She always comes to him because she’s always there for him.
She’s always been here for me, hasn’t she? Why haven’t I seen it before? He thinks to himself.
Y/N smiles softly and reaches a hand out to Jason. He takes it, almost hypnotized by how he does anything she wants. She leads them to the couch, but not before she sees the pizza box and DVD on the entryway table. She raises an eyebrow at him.
“That...was my failed attempt at romance tonight,” Jason admits sheepishly.
Y/N shakes her head, but still smiles. “It doesn’t have to go to waste. We can eat the pizza and watch the movie, right? I mean...only if you want to, of course,” she says.
“Only with you, sweetheart.”
Y/N releases his hand and quickly grabs the pizza and movie. She meets him in the living room where Jason’s already sitting down. She smiles and puts the DVD on. But before she sits beside him, she heads over to the kitchen. She returns with two cans of soda and napkins.
Jason looks down when her soft, small hand reaches out to him...only to take away the unopened bottle of whiskey. “No more tonight...please.”
He can’t help but nod his head. She’s right, he’s had enough to drink. He can’t numb his feelings and thoughts anymore. That’s why when Jason starts crying, he doesn’t feel embarrassment or anything. Y/N’s seen him at his best and worst; and she’s still here no matter what.
The movie is playing, but they’re not watching it. Jason can’t even hear it. When he looks up to see why, he can only see Y/N looking at him.
She doesn’t ask why he’s crying. Jason knows Y/N’s caring nature is all about comfort and understanding. That’s why he doesn’t move or say anything when she scoots closer to hug him. The second she wraps her arms around his neck, he cries freely. He embraces her; allows her scent of cinnamon and sandalwood calm him down.
Jesus Christ...has she always smelled so good? Fuck...this perfume is making me hard right now. Jason shamelessly thinks to himself.
“It’s okay, Jay. What you’re feeling right now, it’s not forever. You won’t feel like this again anytime soon. I promise,” Y/N whispers. She runs her hand through his hair. “I’ll always be here for you. Always and forever.”
Jason opens his eyes and pulls back to see Y/N. Clarity finally hits him. His heart beats faster when he looks down to her soft lips and back up to those puppy dog eyes, that he loves so much. She looks back at him with the same intensity, he wonders if she recognizes what he’s just realized.
“You’ve always been mine, haven’t you?” Jason whispers.
Y/N smiles as she runs both her hands up and down Jason’s chest. “It took you long enough to see it,” she answers.
“I’m a fucking idiot,” he says, nodding his head in agreement.
“No, no you just made a mistake and now you’re going to give me what we both deserve,” Y/N says softly.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jason finally kisses Y/N. He wanted to slam his lips against hers, but he knew she deserved better than that. He takes his time and allows their mouths to move together, so they can really feel each other. But the second Y/N opens her mouth for more, Jason can’t say no and deny her that.
He tastes her as thoroughly as he can, but he wants more. He pulls away and asks her with his eyes. When she nods her head, he gently pushes her back onto the couch and climbs on top of her so their pelvis’ touch appropriately.
“I would take you to my bed, but I have to burn it because it’s seriously fucked up, doll,” Jason says in between his kisses. “Another man’s cum is stained all over my blankets...in case that’s not clear enough, Dani cheated on me.”
Y/N caresses Jason’s cheek and gently smiles at him. He was expecting her to cuss about Dani or get uncomfortable about talking about what happened, but Y/N did neither of those things. Her eyes said it all.
“It’s okay,” Y/N whispers. She leans up a bit to kiss him. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Jason closes his eyes and sighs. Y/N was here, and she’s not going anywhere. And that’s all his heart needs to move forward.
When he opens his eyes, Y/N sits up a bit to take off her t-shirt. She’s braless. Jason’s sharp intake of breath is evident when he can’t take his emerald, green eyes off her perfect tits. Jason helps her remove her pajama pants, along with her panties and socks.
His cock is painfully hard in his underwear. Seeing Y/N’s naked body underneath his is giving him all sorts of naughty ideas, but he knows what he really needs right now.
Y/N knows, too. She bites her bottom lip and pushes down Jason’s underwear, revealing his hard cock. She briefly takes in how thick his dick is and how delicious the precum is smeared across the head.
“I promise I’ll take my time learning what you taste like and what makes you cum. I just...I just need to feel...” Jason struggles out, but when Y/N touches his chest, he inhales deeply. “I need to feel warm. I need to feel...you.”
Y/N nods and looks deep into Jason’s eyes. “Feel me, Jay. I want you to feel all of me.”
Jason bravely pushes his cock inside Y/N’s pussy. He closes his eyes and breathes hard. She was everything he was hoping for. He loved the way her walls were tight, warm, and wet. He lowers his forehead to hers and he bathes in the way she moans. Jason pulls back a bit to look down at her; he smiles at the way she bites her bottom lip and throws her head back.
“Fuck...Jay move, please,” Y/N moans.
He’s more than thrilled to do her request, especially when she moans out his nickname only she can call him.
Jason moves his hips. His cock shifts in and out of her steadily before he thrusts deeper. Y/N wraps her arms around him and meets his thrusts so his cock can hit her g-spot. Jason was proud at that moment for having a cock shaped well enough to hit Y/N’s g-spot; he desperately wants to make her cum so hard.
“Oh, fuck...you feel so good, princess. Do you like taking my cock like this?” Jason moans out.
Y/N moans and wraps her legs around Jason’s waist. “Y-yes! Your cock is so big. Please go harder. I-I want to cum!” Y/N cries out.
“Fuck yeah, I’ll fuck you harder! I want you to cum with me! I want to feel you cum on this big cock!” he’s panting, he’s giving her everything she wants.
Jason fucks her harder, slams his hips against Y/N’s body. He’s already on the verge of cumming, but he can’t help it. Y/N’s moans are affecting him. Her tight heat is hitting him harder than ever. He knows this’ll be over any second, but he promised her he’ll take his time when they do it again...maybe for round two tonight.
He lowers a hand to rub her engorged clit as he thrusts faster. He’s so close. He’s so close to a hot release and he wants her to cum with him.
“Cum with me, princess. I want to feel you cum so hard,” Jason pants out, his thrusts are crazy and uneven.
Y/N raises her hips so Jason thrusts five times to make her orgasm. She cries out his name. She cums hard and all over his cock. Her walls tighten around him, and she’s sure her body goes into shock. When Y/N looks up with lustful, hazy eyes, she sees Jason’s face contorted in amazement at her.
More than satisfied, Y/N pinches her own nipples and bites her bottom lip. She wants Jason to cum now.
“Cum in me, Jay. Fill me up with your hot, delicious cum. Mmm...I can’t wait to taste it. I want to suck your big, hard cock next,” Y/N says seductively.
Jason’s face adorably scrunches up as his release hits him. He thrusts a few more times, cumming hard like she did, spurting every drop of his cum inside her. His moans drive her wild. He breathes heavily and continues to ride out his orgasm until he has nothing left to spill inside.
He pulls out and drops beside her, but quickly holds her so she doesn’t fall off the couch.
Because just imagine getting a concussion after having an orgasm.
Y/N hums in the afterglow of sex with Jason. She rests her head on his chest as he rubs her back. He kisses her forehead softly. He feels more than okay now but knows there will be plenty to talk about after the sexy haze fades.
Thoughts of living in the countryside flash into his mind. Watching that sunrise, with Y/N’s in his arms, and she’s carrying their child in her womb.
That perfect life appears real now. His dream doesn’t seem impossible to achieve. With Y/N there, everything seems possible.
“Are you okay now?” Y/N asks softly.
Jason grins and looks down at her. He doesn’t quite know what to say but figures he should try.
“With you in my arms, I’m fucking perfect, princess.”
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sakebytheriver · 3 years
Supposedly this is the man Zack cast to be John Stewart in ZSJL and all I have to say is how many times is WB going to rob us of characters of color? (Also he's gorgeous and I'm so upset I was robbed of seeing him kick ass with a power ring)
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Like they really cut out Martian Manhunter, Iris West, Ryan Choi, John Stewart, and destroyed Victor Stone's character along with his parents Dr. Elinor and Silas Stone all in ONE goddamn movie.
Because why? Like what's the reason? Are they really so racist? Like it's not just ZSJL either, from what I heard they cut out and reduced several characters of color in the Godzilla vs. Kong movie too. (And I'm sorry, but if you're going to make a Godzilla movie your stars should be at least be Asian if not Japanese like I'm done pretending its okay for America to take Godzilla and whitewash it). Like who are they doing this for? Haven't recent times proven that POC can lead movies and make tons of money? I just don't understand why they keep doing this stuff
It's also not lost on me that Zack Snyder used his position as the architect of the DCEU to include and cast as many POC as the studio would let him get away with. I mean how many years did it take for the MCU to do anything besides make movies starring mediocre white men? But Zack tried to put three black superheroes in one movie probably with the hopes that all of them would eventually get their own solo films as well as what would have been the first East Asian superhero and, as we know now, he was actively pitching a solo movie for, and who could forget Jason Momoa as Aquaman the first Pacific Islander superhero? Think of what the DCEU could have been if they let Zack do Justice League his way the first time around. We could have had a John Stewart Green Lantern movie, a Ryan Choi Atom movie, a Harry Lennox Martian Manhunter movie, and in fact tomorrow April 2, 2021 would have been the release of the Cyborg solo film. WB could have been breaking superhero barriers by having the most diverse lineup imaginable, but they decided they'd rather be the MCU.
And honestly, the saddest part about that is the MCU actually ended up stealing more ideas from Snyder and the DCEU than WB did trying to copy their lighthearted tone
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asilentguardian · 4 years
(also on ao3)
It makes sense when Bruce Wayne is seen kissing the Green Lantern.
Well, it makes sense in the way that anything else makes sense in Gotham City.
The pictures are on the front page of most newspapers and are trending on twitter in about 3 hours.
The first one features Bruce Wayne’s face held between two gloved hands, his own hands clinging onto uniform-clad arms. “Kissing” is an understatement really. The Green Lantern had all but slammed Bruce Wayne against a wall and shoved his tongue down his throat. Wherever the Lantern had flown from, he clearly hadn’t bothered taking a shower. There was still dust in his hair and dirt on his legs.
It’s the second one that’s really damming. Taken seconds after the first, when the two had broken apart. It’s this one that most people are talking about, picking apart pixel by pixel.
Because the Green Lantern’s hands are holding Bruce Wayne’s face extremely softly, his thumbs resting under his eyes.
Because the look on Bruce Wayne’s face is undeniable.
Hal wakes up first, eyes slowly blinking open to the sun tumbling in through the thin sliver of window not covered by curtains.
He turns over in what most definitely is not his bed to see a very sleep rumpled Bruce, still curled up under the covers. The memories from the previous night roll through him as he stretches and his sore muscles twitch. He smiles at the tuft of black hair spread across the pillow.
He should probably find his phone, check in with Carol. She’ll probably be pissed that he went straight from Oa to Gotham City without even saying hello to his best friend.
But he hadn’t seen Bruce since they had kissed three months ago. There were so many times he almost died on this assignment, and the transmission he’d received from Earth mentioned Batman having a close call with Bane.
So he’d gone straight to Gotham, found Bruce at a gala of some sort, alive and breathing and so goddamn beautiful.
He’d thought that Bruce would be angry with him for showing up unannounced and, well, pretty conspicuously.
But he’d just smiled and told Hal to kiss him.
“Hey,” a voice grumbles from the covers. Hal is pulled from his thoughts by the sight of cool blue eyes peering at him from the dark tuft of hair next to him.
Hal’s smile turns into a grin as the disgruntled mass in front of him hides from the sun.
“What time is it?” Bruce asks, muffled by his nest of blankets, so it sounds more like “whatimeezzet?”
Hal giggles, giggles like a child with a crush. Laughs harder when Bruce’s face peaks out and glares at him. There’s no heat behind it, a soft smile threatens to ruin his grumpy facade. Hal marvels at the fact that Bruce allows him to read such a raw emotion on his face. Marvels at the fact that he’s even here, in Bruce’s bed.
Hal props himself up on his elbow, laughter still dying down. He leans over and plants a kiss on Bruce’s forehead.
“Who cares?” he says before leaning down and kissing him properly. Bruce’s hand moves to rest on Hal’s face.
Just as the kiss gets a bit heated, the bedroom door slams open.
“I swear to god Bruce, if this results in more paperwork for me I’m- oh, shit, fuck, gross.”
Hal has never moved faster in his life. Seriously, maybe existing in proximity to Barry is giving him super speed. He’s on the other side of the bed before he realizes who’s in the room.
“Language, Tim,” Bruce says at the same time Hal says “Paperwork?”
Tim looks between them cautiously, a newspaper clutched in his hands.
“Have you guys been, um, sleeping, since last night?” he asks.
“Yes.” Hal answers a little too quickly. He sees Bruce raise an eyebrow at him from the corner of his eye. Tim continues without commenting.
“Well, uh, you might want to take a look at this,” he says. He steps further into the room, nose scrunching in a very Bruce-like way as he steps over various articles of clothing. He throws the newspaper on the bed and Hal looks down, expecting to see some world-ending catastrophe because that’s just his luck. 
Well. He was right about world-ending.
“It’s all over the news. You’re trending on Twitter.”
It’s easy to see why. Their kiss on that balcony is right there in front of him, taking up half of the page. Hal hadn’t even bothered to land on solid ground before shoving Bruce against the wall. 
There’s a second picture, too. Bruce’s expression clear as day. Open and soft in a way that Hal rarely gets to see.
Hal refuses to look over and see the anger and regret that is surely on Bruce’s face right now.
“I’ll go, um, somewhere else,” Tim stutters out before fleeing the scene. Smart man. Hal should follow that example. As soon as he gets his limbs to respond to the panic in his head.
Hal opens his mouth to say something, but no sound comes out. He swallows and tries again.
“Please don’t tell me to leave,” he ends up whispering, “I know you’re going to. I will leave, I just don’t think I can listen to you say it.”
“Hal. Look at me,” Bruce says. His voice is even. Soft. Hal squeezes his eyes shut. He can’t bear to have this ripped away so quickly. Can’t stand to hear Bruce lecture him.
“Don’t,” Hal snaps. The room is silent again and Hal swings his legs over the side of the bed and begins scanning the room for his pants. He notices a flash of light, his phone, next to his feet. He leans down and picks it up. There’s countless missed messages and calls.
“Hal do you think I would’ve let you kiss me if I didn’t want anyone to know?”
“Look Bruce, I know I fucked up, okay? Just- wait. What.” Hal turns around to look at Bruce.
He’s not angry. He’s got this strange look on his face. Concern? Confusion?
“I- what?” he responds.
It’s Bruce’s turn to stare down at the newspaper, to hesitate.
“Unless I’ve miscalculated and you didn’t want anyone to know. Hal, I apologize I thought-”
“No! I mean, I don’t mind. I just thought that you would be angry” Hal says.
“Well, to be quite honest I would’ve preferred to be caught kissing Hal Jordan, but we’ll make it work,” Bruce replies. Hal smiles at him.
“The League is gonna give us hell for this,” Hal says.
Bruce smiles back at him and says “Who cares?”
Hal shuffles back over to Bruce’s pile of blankets, newspaper fluttering to the ground.
“Now, where were we,” Hal murmurs as he straddles Bruce, leans down over him. The door opens again.
“Father, Drake tells me that- ah, I see.”
Hal’s head thumps down onto Bruce’s chest as Bruce grumbles out an annoyed “Damian.”
Hal doesn’t move as he hears footsteps run into the room and an affronted yell as Dick says “Sorry Bruce, I tried to stop him” and runs out of the room, presumably with Damian in his arms if the yells of “unhand me, Grayson!” are anything to go by. The door slams shut behind them.
Hal looks up to see a pained look on Bruce’s face and he realizes that he’s holding in laughter.
“We’re never going to live this down,” Hal states and Bruce’s entire body explodes with the most beautiful sound Hal has ever heard. Hal tries to glare, but Bruce is laughing. He didn’t think Bruce could get more beautiful, but then he did.
Hal never wants to leave this bed, wants to memorize every sound.
He settles for spending the remaining hours of the day laughing with and kissing Bruce Wayne.
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
Justice League: Snyder Cut
Oh, the time has come my friends! Now, I originally did a review on Batman V.S. Superman and I didn’t care for it, so I deleted it. But before I start, I would like y’all to read this statement made by @verified-villain-fxcker - You can click HERE to read it. As I stated in my repost, I couldn’t have said it better. May Autumn Snyder continue to rest in peace. Let’s get started!
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It’s been so long since I’ve made a post I can’t even remember how I do this LOL.
CLARK is outta there to say the least...
WONDER WOMAN and LOIS look flabbergasted, as they should... BRUCE as well.
Talk about a shock-wave scream 
All jokes aside, the hate that LEX has towards SUPERMAN is just to much energy to be giving to another person..
why are they letting a minority approach the fucking the cube?!?!
*insert travel montage scene here*
                      Part 1 - “Don’t count on it, Batman.”
BRUCE knows damn well he’s talking to AQUAMAN. Let’s move this shit along lol
“Oh Gotham? How’s that shit hole?” - AQUAMAN
Ik these bitchies aren’t singing rofl
I’d sniff anything wore by Jason Momoa too.
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“Maybe a man who broods in a cave isn’t cut out to be a recruiter.” - ALFRED
AMY ADAMS can literally take my heart, step on it, throw it in a river and I still wouldn’t be mad. 
Here comes the lovely WONDER WOMAN!
broooo her hands were moving like Donnie Yen in Ip Man!
Fucked that entire ceiling up
Ofc the one who tried to touch it would make the stupid statement. 
STEPPENWOLF is really wildin’ out
Don’t look back! I hate it when they look back!!
These are some strong as women!
                             PART 2 - “The Age of Heroes”
“It’s toxic, that’s good.” - STEPPENWOLF
I can only imagine that this is how toxic people think. 
this dude really just threw that lil demon fella like it was nothin’ lmao
You know you're working at a job for too long when you say this is the first time in a while that they're going home early smdh
Now that shit was pretty lit....
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SILAS thinkin’ shit I better check on my son. 
“You know a lot about monsters, don’t you? Especially how to make them.” - CYBORG
If that isn’t teen angst, then I don’t know wtf is lmao
Seeing Gal in this tomb makes me want to re-watch Wonder Woman 1 all over again!
DARKSEID ol’ trifflin’ ass
plopped him down like he was dirty laundry
God bless Willem Dafoe, this man is a fuckin’ legend!
“This world is divided. They’re a primitive species. Unevolved and at war with one another. Too separate to be one.” - STEPPENWOLF
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DeSaad kinda looks like Doctor Doom in the Fantasic Four reboot lmao
GREEN LATERNS!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!!!!
we really need a Green Lantern Corps moving...
ZEUS + ARES = A Dynamic Duo When They Aren’t Being Dicks To Each Other
You know I feel bad for man because all they did was bury that shit in the ground rofl
                  Part 3 - “Beloved Mother, Beloved Son”
BARRY + IRIS = Love at First Sight 
The burger can’t be that good like damn. 
Bro the detail on his fucking shoes and the glass!!
damn did the car really need to explode...
lol BARRY must really need the job lol
... I would’ve just played dead after he threw me against that rock...
Man of Steel probably has one of the best soundtracks not just for a superhero movie but just in general
Americans love their football!
I have this love-hate relationship with CYBORG being in the JL and not with the TITANS you know since he’s a kid, but he’s a college student in this one. 
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Thank God DIANA spoke with VICTOR instead of BRUCE because I honestly don’t think he would’ve gotten him on board.
Everyone can literally zigzag zoom across this planet at undeniable speed except for BATMAN lol
Come on, VIC, help the lady out.
You know honestly, BARRY has a pretty cool pad for someone who's trying to get by paying for a Criminal Justice Degree. 
“A very attractive Jewish boy. Who drinks milk, I don’t drink milk.” - BARRY
“Fuck the World.” - CYBORG
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dang Ik DIANA has every right to grieve over STEVE, but damn that man has her whipped!
“You’re looking at the hottest thing on Earth. The exact same thing I said to my prom date. She dumped me anyway.” - RYAN CHOI
Why does MERA have an accent in this but not in AQUAMAN?? (ik the answer)
                               PART 4 - “Change Machine”
CYBORG just glided over silently
Seeing BARRY move like that to stop the debris and to ping DIANA’S sword really is amazing..
But he should not be screaming like that LOL
How do you not remember the planet that’s habitants almost killed you?? Because if that was me, I wouldn’t have forgotten that shit at all!
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 Would've held a big ass grudge until I could go back. 
“I know we’re all thinking the same thing right now. Who’s gonna say it? I’m not gonna say it.” - BARRY
WOOOAAHHH J’ONN JONES?! (forgot about that)
 “There are six, not five. There is no us without him.” - BRUCE
Damn, no faith at all 
                         PART 5 - “ALL The King’s Horses”
BARRY - “Wonder Woman. What do you think, man? You think she’d go for a younger guy?”
VICTOR - “She’s 5,000 years old, Barry. Every guy is a younger guy.”
I would’ve kept swippin’ that ID like a cashier at Wal-Mart swippin’ a debit card.
They're movin’ a little too slow for me. Ik they’ve never been on the ship before, but I would’ve been zoomin’ through that entire ship just to hurry and get the job done. 
Damn, they couldn’t have at least picked up the photo??
The foreshadowing was spectacular! It will always amaze me. 
I’m sure Allstate will cover that person’s car...
Just when LOIS was about to move on. 
CLARK grabbed DIANA like miss me with that Rafiki shit.
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I would’ve come back to my senses too after looking at Amy Adams. 
DR. SILAS takin’ one for the team
                              PART 6 - “Something Darker”
As crazy as radiation is, it’s quite an amazing spectacle.
I wish this Justice League movie could’ve held off until we got some other heroes such as the Green Lanterns, Hawkgirl, and many others. 
Our generation was truly blessed to have an incredible actor as SUPERMAN, and we are not putting him to use!
JONATHAN sounds like President Biden lol
Alright, team?! Break!
AQUAMAN is totally enjoying this fight. He rode that Parademon like a surfboard.
I swear every scene that WONDER WOMAN enters into does not fail to include the “Ancient Lamentation Music”. 
VICTOR hurry up and say “one” god damnnit!!
Somebody needs to put this fight on WorldStar
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The Unity  = The Three Bitchies
I bet DARKSEID will remember that shit now
                        EPILOGUE - “A Father Twice Over”
VICTOR = A Final Requiem
LOL VULKO and MERA look stressed tf out!
“Uh, I have too much to live for. And more important things to do.” - LEX
A cocky motherfucker LMAO
Alright, we’re back in this type of dream sequence. 
“Who have you ever loved?” - MERA
Uh, bitch his parents, Robin tf?!
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Thank you, JOKER, for stating the facts for Ms. Fish-stick
 Oh shit, they let LOIS die, goddamn it!
Well, the dream is over once again...
I just don’t see how people can live with all those fuckin’ windows. 
“Oh, and some have called me The Martian Manhunter.” - J’ONN
Yes, the movie was long but what needed to be expressed was. As we already the Snyder Cut wasn’t supposed to be seen because a father simply wanted to grieve the death of his child. I’ll once again reiterate what @verified-villain-fxcker you don't have to like the film but at least give it the benefit of the doubt from its predecessor. For me, I did enjoy watching his version, but let’s be honest what he who shall not be named did was just fucked up. 
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
How To Train A Demon
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An adorable visual of Demon!Deku by @birds-have-teeth !!💙
Demon!Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader
Summary: Who knew you’d be teaching a man from the underworld your way of life, and who knew you’d slowly start to fall in love with the very being you were taught to fear?
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 12k
A/N: Day 12 of the Izumonth collab! 
I had to split it into two parts due to limited time with editing, so the second part will be posted shortly after the collab ends!
I also want to thank @1a-imagines for helping me edit and find a good stopping point with this fic! I would not have finished it in time if it werent for her and her amazing talents! 
Just To Clarify:
Takes place in early-ish Japan during the summer!
I did not do my history homework..
Reader does not have a job, and lives alone on the side of a mountain.
They say dark and stormy nights always bring chaos and misfortune.
That the scariest of tales are bred from the harsh splatter of rain on parched ground, the crackle of lightning in the sky illuminating the monsters that lurk deep in the shadows.
They always warn to fear those nights, to keep a lantern on and a knife under your pillow, for you never know what nefarious being is waiting to strike during your most vulnerable state.
And for the most part, it was true. Believable. 
Of course, how could you not believe in such stories?
They were what you grew up with, what you were lectured with, a lesson repeatedly bashed into your skull from the minute you could understand them.
Everyone feared those nights.
Everyone feared the darkness.
It was always something so easy to be afraid of without even really being given a viable reason as to why other than tales passed on for generations.
You fear what you do not understand.
Especially those who lived alone, people like you.
People who needed fear to keep them alive more than the next person.
A small house on the mountainside, surrounded by thick forests and shrines to gods of ancient times. Lands protected and blessed by predecessors, symbols carved into trees and painted on rocks to banish the evil. 
But alone you lived, alone your fears manifested into a ball of terror-filled paranoia, regardless of anyone’s true sense of reason.
Could you always rely on a symbol to keep you safe?
This particular night would unknowingly bring those fears to life.
But then again, it’s impossible to expect the unexpected, regardless of what others may say or encourage.
Thunder clapped loudly in the sky as rain assaulted your wooden rooftop, something usually so peaceful amplified by the altitude and sounding like a million dancers stomping on the old wood, dragging you into a restless sleep as stray drops drip from your ceiling, echoing in a metal pan at the far side of your room from a leak you had yet to repair.
Body curled into a ball, you gasped involuntarily when a bright flash illuminated your room, followed immediately by the raging roar of the sky as it split in two once again.
It was safe to say you would suffer through another sleepless night, fingers digging into the meaty flesh of your poor pillow as you fought to maintain a steady breath as the violent storm raged on outside, howling winds only adding to the dreadful abundance of creepy noises.
Nights like these you wished you weren’t alone.
Perhaps you would have been less afraid if your deceased family didn’t decide to live on the mountain instead of in the valley.
Though you desired to move down there where lanterns illuminated the sky at night, you couldnt abandoned what little you had left of your kin.
Instead, you sucked it up, like you always managed to do.
You were an adult, after all, one that theoretically should have been married already, but alas.
You craved freedom more than you craved to be tied down by a ring of false promises. That, and the fact that typically parents were the ones who set up marriages.
As another bang of thunder rang out in the night, you squeezed your tired eyes closed, imagining someone was there with you, wrapped securely in their embrace, even if just for a moment. Someone there to calm your breath down, to protect you from the loneliness that stabbed at your weeping heart.
Whimpering, your legs rubbed together as a cold chill filtered into the room, creeping up your spine as goosebumps ran down your skin, the garment you wore doing next to nothing at keeping you warm.
Perhaps you should have kept the fireplace going..  An old, rusty oil lantern with a small flame could only do so much. Then again, it was more of a light source than a heat source, so you couldn’t really complain.
With a huff, you dragged the thick covers over your head, sealing in what little warmth you had.
It was like a warm cocoon, almost. A little bundle of protection. You could barely even see the flashes anymore, but that just meant the thunder would swoop down on you like a hawk, startling you every time.
But what else is one to do other than to wait out the storm?
The sun would rise eventually, just as it always has and just as it always will.
Since the beginning of time, the sun blessed the lands with a golden glow, shrouding its children in warmth and love. The moon was like it’s bitter sister, cold and cruel, taking away the light that led her people through her darkness.
Some nights she was merciful, and others- gone from the sky completely.
This night just happened to be one of those nights.
So not only was it violent, rainy, and cold, this night was also one without any true lights.
Stars were a blessing in disguise, their brightness concerningly dim.
At least you had your lantern and that dirty old katana your father left behind.
You were safe.
At least you thought you were, but a sudden cry bellowing through the night tore the thick atmosphere apart, sending chills down your spine and making the grip on your blanket as tight as ever.
What.. was that?
It sounded almost like..
Like a wounded animal..
Just then, a flash of light blinded your vision, a sickening roar accompanying it. The ground shook as you whimpered, eyes wide with fear.
A bolt must have struck close to home..
It’s okay.
Everything is okay.
Breath heavy and body shaking, you comforted yourself with logic- an old friend you abandoned.
An animal just got hurt, was all. Perhaps a tree fell on it, or maybe it got attacked by another animal!?
It might even have been that howling wind that acted up sometimes! 
Everything was okay.
It’s okay.
Nothing to fear.
It’s just a storm.
Just a storm.
Just a storm.
You’re safe.
You’re inside.
The light guides you, the charms protect you, the shrines embrace you.
You’re okay.
It’s just a storm.
It’s just a
A blood-curdling scream tore from your throat as something suddenly crashed through your window, the loud sound of wood tearing apart and clanging to the floor was followed by a heavy thud and the splash of rain on your padded floor at the gaping hole given to it.
Screaming in terror, your frantic hand grabbed the blade at your side, shaking body scrambling backwards to the other side of the wall, pulling it from its sheath.
You were trapped, you had no exit!
The only exit you had was where whatever the fuck that is just crashed!
Oh gods!
You’re going to die!
This was it!
A fucking storm!
A fucking goddamn storm!
God, you were a fool!
Hyperventilation crept up on you like a venomous snake, its cold body constricting tightly around your chest and throat, cutting off your oxygen supply and freezing your numb fingers.
You were scared shitless, that was for sure, and all you could do was helplessly stare with wavering eyes at a large, haunting silhouette in the corner of the room. The small light, now seemingly miles away, providing next to no coverage of this massive figure, only gifting the room more horrific shadows.
You wanted this to be a dream, that what the elders warned wasn’t true.
This was just a nightmare.
A scary nightmare your mind conjured up like it always did.
Rain splattered against your sickly pale face, the droplets mixing with the burning hot tears that poured down your cheeks as you fought to keep a steady hand and to slide up the wall to stand.
Old, dull blade pointing forward, you couldn’t help by cry out as the dark figure moves ever so slightly.
A crash of light drowns out your sobs, swallowing the room in a dull white glow for a mere moment, enough of a moment to give you a glimpse of this creature.
You wish you hadn’t seen it, that you indulged in your ignorance for a moment, that you didn’t see the way large, black wings sprouted from the back of a human.
Horns glistened with water atop its head, long tail thrashing wildly as its body moved to get up.
Your breathing stopped the minute it opened its eyes, a vicious, glowing green staring off at the destruction it caused.
Heart roaring in your ears, you did nothing but stare.
It was as if your blood had ran as cold, for all you could think to do was to silently pray to the gods that everything would be okay.
That your life would not end.
That you would still have a chance to become what you were supposed to be, and not die a lonely child by the hands of a beast.
Suddenly, its eyes snapped to your own, wide pupils turning into menacing slits as it gazed at you with malice, an animalistic growl rumbling in its chest, sharp teeth that could easy rip your throat out on full display.
Blade slipping from your numb hands, black dots spotted your vision as you promptly fainted from fear, accepting death in its imminent wake as your knees crash against the floor.
‘So this truly was the end’.. You thought to yourself as you body drifted lifelessly in a void of black, fingers outstretched as if reaching for something that would never be there.
Death was always something to think about, the burning question always attacking your mind as to how exactly you would die. You figured you’d be mawed to death by a wild boar of sorts, tusks tearing through the ligaments in your legs, praying you’d die from bleeding out before its teeth dug into your skin, eating you alive.
Or perhaps you’d die as most women do these days, walking alone before you’re kidnapped by an enemy.
Death by what could only be described as a demon never truly crossed your mind despite you being warned by it.
It seemed impossible.
Why would a demon want you of all people?
Though, you were.. an easy prey.
‘I’m sorry..’ you whispered to yourself, hoping your words of sincerity would cross the plains of existence and comfort those you would ultimately leave behind, which wasn’t many, and those you were soon to visit. You let your eyes slip shut to close off the suffocating abyss, embracing death.
“Ugh!” you groaned uncomfortably as a bright light assaulted your closed eyes, dragging you from your sleep.
No.. was this sleep?
You couldn’t be too optimistic..
Turning over, your back promptly blocked out the headache-inducing light, bare arm coming up to rub the drowsiness from your eyes as you blinked in your surroundings.
There wasn’t really anything to look at since you were facing a wall.
More specifically, your bedroom wall. A simple, faded, dark wood design.
Humming, your fingers tap against the tatami floor, chewing on your lip as you struggled to comprehend the beating of your own heart.
Were you alive?
It was hard to tell, you didn’t exactly have an accurate depiction of the afterlife.
Oh boy. 
If you were dead, your family would kill you again no doubt for dying so early.
Of course, you can never please your ancestors, especially if you don’t leave something behind to continue your family’s lineage.
Maybe it was a good thing that you were dead, actually.
It didn’t take but a moment to notice the unusually loud sounds of nature attacking your ears and the wet, earthy scent flooding your nose.
The rain had ceased, and the morning birds were singing their usual cheerful tune.
The delicate jingle of your wind chime could be heard as it swayed ever so gently in the wind, having previously been frantically dinging all night long.
At least you were welcomed with open arms to your afterlife, after promptly being murdered by some weird fucking overgrown bat demon.
Who knows, maybe it wasn’t a demon.
Demons didn’t look like that? No, they were much creepier, but it wasn’t like you had anything real to compare it to.
Grumbling to yourself, you ran a hand through your messy hair, finding the oily, tangled mess utterly disgusting.
You really should take a bath soon.
Does the afterlife have baths?
You would throw a fit if not, you need your weekly soak, even if the water wasn’t that warm.
You’d be damned if you didn’t get a minute to relax and destress.
But then again, is there even stress here?
You’d have to find out later, for now, you should stop staring at your dirty old wall like some sort of lunatic, give this whole afterlife a go.
Slapping your bare thighs, eyes sparkling with determination you go to turn around before promptly screaming your heart out as fright squeezed the life out of you once more.
Large, snake-like green eyes bore into your own, only a hair length away.
Throat dry, you flung yourself back against the wall as you fought to scramble away, only for this creature to follow your every movement as you pushed yourself into a corner.
All you could see was green.
The type of green that reminded you of toxic flames erupting from an innocents body as it succumbs to possession.
You swore you were dead, but perhaps you have yet to meet your untimely end.
You cried, tears pouring down your raw cheeks as your arms wrapped protectively around your head, “Please don’t hurt me!” sobbing, you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting.
Waiting was always a horrifying game, you never knew when the waiting would stop and when you could breathe again.
But death never greeted you.
It was odd in a way.
It was as if you were expecting so much, that to not be given it was even more confusing.
Lips wobbling, you slowly peaked your eye open, breathless as you noticed this human-like creature suddenly at the other end of the room, clawed fingers tapping together at it shifted nervously from bare foot to foot.
What the-?
“I-i’m so sorry! I, I must’ve scared you so much… I’m really sorry!”
You stared in shock as this… man fell to his knees, thumping his forehead onto the floor in an apologetic bow, wings bent and folded at his sides.
You were speechless.
Truly, what the hell?
Was this even real?
You couldn’t tell anymore.
This all seemed so questionable.
It was certainly what crashed through your home- of fuck!
Gasping, you finally got a good luck at the true destruction.
Oh, your window was completely ruined! Broken wood stuck out everywhere, even looking at it made you feel like you were going to get a splinter!
How are you supposed to fix that when you haven’t a coin to your name?
Oh, right!
There was!
This creature!
What the hell.
Breathing heavily, you fought to calm yourself down as you got a good look at this thing.
Its hair was messy, mud, twigs, and leaves entangling itself in its thick, dark green curls. It was hard to ignore the two large black horns atop its head, locks wrapping almost possessively around them.
Pointy ears caught your attention, a strange earpiece dangling from one with an upside-down, obsidian Christian cross.
Of course, what mostly caught your attention were the two large black wings sprouting from its scarred back, a thin black tail idly swaying back and forth.
His cream-colored skin was wet with water, dotted with freckles, and littered with scars varying in sizes.
All and all, you were dumbfounded.
Eyes bouncing around the room, you looked for your sword, desperate for some sort of protection, something you could say you tried to fight it off with if worse came to inevitable worse.
It was only a few feet away from you, and do as you must, you slowly crept forward, crawling on your hands and knees, sneaking around in hopes it wouldn’t lift its head and pounce on you.
Unfortunately, you pressed on a particularly creaky floorboard, and its head snapped up, fear causing you to jump for the sword before shakily aiming it at the demon once more.
“S-stay back!” you warned with a wavering voice, though you knew for a fact you looked like a crying child who could do no real harm.
Eyes stared into each other once more, this time from a safer distance. You were just about to speak again when it spoke up, its voice a calmer and not as frantic, “You’re holding that wrong.”
“Excuse me?” you answered without a beat, astonishment lacing your words as curiosity rose onto your face, how on earth did this thing know that?
“You’re holding the katana wrong,” it pointed at your hands on its handle, sharp black fingernail catching your ultimate attention, “You shouldn’t hold it just at the bottom, you need to space your hands out more. You would not be a threat to anyone if you hold it like that.”
Was… was it seriously lecturing you right now? 
Eye twitching with annoyance, you slid your hands into the position described, “Just like that! Perfect!” it smiled brightly at you, green eyes slipping closed as it praised you like a teacher to a student who did good.
“Shut up!” you shouted, scrambling to your feet, flames of anger igniting within your body as you took a step forward.
With an inhuman screech, its wings folded protectively around its body, “Ack! I’m sorry! I just wanted to help you!”
What is going on?!
This, this wasn’t! This wasn’t supposed to be happening right now, right?? It was just about to kill you!
Could you even call it an "it", it looks like a man!
Is it a man? How do demons work!
Why is this happening right now!
You couldn’t wrap your head around it, and it was beyond infuriating!
“Who and what are you!” you snarled out, surprise blossoming in your eyes at the sheer ferocity you just displayed, but annoyance sure is a force to be reckoned with.
Wings cracking open ever so slightly, and you can just barely see an innocent green eye peaking out. 
“M-My name is Midoriya.. Midoriya Izuku.. I’m.. I am a.. I know it sounds weird, but I’m a demon..”
So you were right.
This is a demon, just not one you were used to.
Yokai was what they’re called here, red, devilish creatures that sought destruction.
This certainly wasn’t a yokai, surely, despite his cheeks being a subtle red.
“I mean you no harm..” he meekly whispered, unfolding his large wings just to put his hands in the air, defenseless.
You weren’t convinced.
But then again, what were you supposed to do?
It wasnt as if you were taught how to handle a situation where an animal crashes into your house in the middle of a thunderstorm just to be there the next morning watching you sleep like some sort of creepy stalker.
When life gives you lemons, though, right?
Well, you hated lemons.
Or, at least these lemons.
No, that doesn’t apply here surely. This is a man, not a lemon.
Regardless, you were stuck on what action you should take.
Caution was definitely one. Though it hadn't harmed you in any way and was looking pretty beat up itself, you couldn’t run the risk of being too trusting too early only to end up with your throat ripped out.
There, of course, is still the question as to how it was able to enter holy lands such as these, lands protected from such devilish creatures.
They were supposed to combust into flames upon entering, right?
Closing your eyes for a moment, you took a deep breath, letting a scowl settle onto your face as you glared at this ‘Midoriya,’ “Why are you h-”
“Wait, wait wait!” he suddenly shouted out, arms waving frantically in front of his burning red face, “B-before uh! You do whatever you’re going to do, c-can you..” words were whispered under his breath as his arms wrapped childishly around his head, averting his gaze to the side, “Can you fix.. your garments…? Please?” 
Stunned, you gaped at him, confused as to what he meant. Fix your garments? They were perfectly fine!
Only, they werent.
To your utter horror, your loose robe had begun to slip, completely exposing your left shoulder and the top of your breast.
It probably would have been more embarrassing if you didn’t still have a bit of adrenaline coursing through your veins, so naturally, you nonchalantly fixed up your robe.
Izuku sighed in relief, arms unraveling from his head.
“Now, what was your ques-”
“Why are you here.” You repeated, wanting definite answers as to what the fuck a demon was doing in these parts, and why it crashed into your beautiful house.
Hell, a bird just flew in! It’s going to be unimaginably cold in here tonight!
“Thats a uh,” he chuckled nervously, eyes drifting to look out into the forest covered in morning dew as he lightly scratched at his cheek with that sharp nail. He shifted so that he was sitting with his legs crossed over one another, tail flopping onto his lap to no doubt keep his decency.
He was clearly naked. How had you not noticed this before?
Where you too caught up in your head to realize this entire time he was bare?
And yet he had the gall to tell you to fix yourself up? It was hard to tell if he was being a gentleman or a fool.
Regardless, you ‘d never seen a naked man before. Perhaps muscular arms at most as village men helped their wives and older folk about.
But completely in the nude? Bare chest, legs out? Never.
You’d have to swallow down that bubble of nervousness, ignoring the heat on your cheeks, too eager to hear his answer rather than get wrapped up in ‘oh god he’s hot’ thoughts.
“A long story..”
“Everyone always says its a long story. Stop avoiding the question, and answer it before I cut your head off!” You bravely declared, only for his viridescent eyes flashing with mischief to flicker over to you with a momentary smirk on his lips.
It was almost as if his face turned into the personification of ‘is that so?’ and honestly, you do not blame him for reacting in such a way. You didn’t even know how to hold this old katana until a few minutes ago when told you how.
He was obviously trying to hide that display of cockiness as he coughed into his tattooed fist, “Well, if you’ve got the time-”
“I do.”
“H-how much?”
Eye twitching with aggravation, you promptly sat down on your knees, the sun-warmed tatami mat beneath you offering some comfort to your chilled bones.
“As long as you need.”
It didn’t take long for him to spit out his story, having no real choice in the matter.
Apparently, he was an exiled demon.
Who knew demons of all things could be banished from the underworld?
According to him, demons were the incarnation of evil, bred from human hatred and misery, taught to become a monster who wreaks havoc on the innocent and guilty, but he was different.
Since birth, or his ‘manifestation’ as he strangely called it, he was much kinder than those around him. Pure and sweet, hiding it behind a mask of cruelty in fear of the banishment now bestowed upon him.
So here he is in all his glory, a permanent seal of banishment printed in black ink onto his left pectoral in the form of broken kanji and crescent moons.
It was quite a lovely mark, really, but to him, it meant lonely freedom.
But, who knew demons can’t fly for shit in the rain? Certainly not him. Salty water splattered in his eyes, blinding him after a loud crack of lightning tore a scream from his throat - which explained the cries of an animal in pain. 
And so he crashed through your home, a scared animal.
It was hard to tell if you were lucky or not, considering the charms didnt work at all.
At least you had a reason now, the mark he was branded with took away his demonic possession.
He was more of a human now than a demon, powers stripped away, not that he used them.
The only problem was, he looked like a demon.
Horns? Check. Reptillian eyes? Check. Lare, bat-like wings? Check. A tail that looks like it could easily stab someone? Check. 
Not to mention the strange tattoos under his eyes and on his left arm, something he was supposedly born with and which was unique to himself only.
To you, the intricate tattoo looked like a bunny ensnared in thorny vines on his arm, but he was quick to take offense before laughing boyishly.
You were absolutely stuck on what you should do with him.
Tossing him to the snakes and boars would surely be too cruel, but keeping a demon in your house?
How maddening! You were lucky no one came around these parts to snoop in on whats inside.
Though, despite it being absolutely ludicrous, you allowed it. That is, because of his promise that he’d fix your window. Heavens know you certainly cant do it yourself.
He was insistent that you should sleep in the dusty guest bedroom, a smaller room with a mere futon and window, lacking the furniture you had, as he stood guard at the opening at night.
Demons apparently didnt sleep much?
Lucky you.
And so now, by events you never could have seen coming, you have a giant cat looming over your shoulder.
It was hard not to let your guard down so fast around him when he was so.. innocent. So open and kind, always willing to help around the house, and always quick to jump away if he began to do something wrong.
His curiosity was truly adorable, though.
Most days he’d stare in wonder at something new with an awestruck expression, eyes sparkling as he’d take a brush and ink, scribbling down notes about it in a foreign language on a piece of parchment, even attempting to draw it. He would always ask you about it later, showing you what he had written down, and if you could answer, you would. He’d always thank you profusely before writing down what you’d said.
You couldn’t understand what he wrote, it’d always be a mystery, but it certainly was an intricate language.
The only problem was he was so used to being naked all the time that it was an embarrassing struggle to get him to not only get into clothes but to also wear them. The most he was willing to wear was a sash from as robe wrapped around his waist. He disliked the constricting feeling of fabric clinging to his body, slipping out of it whenever you got him dressed.
It really did give you the chance to actually know what a man looked like, that, as well as study him. He was littered with scars ranging from small, faded, fresh, large, it truly was a painful sight the days you decided to dwell on them.
He had told you a few stories already about how he had gotten certain ones, and most stories were ones filled with pride and determination, winning fights or protecting others.
Each scar held an interesting story, except the one on his neck, which was gained from forgetting he had sharp nails in a fit of frustration. 
As you found out later that first day of knowing him, his wings and horns had the ability to shrink, not only giving him more mobility inside the house, but also taking away that spike of anxiety whenever you’d see them near a fragile object. Besides, their tiny selves were oh so cute, not that you’d ever openly say that.
And so, two weeks had passed, and there was still that dreadful broken window. Izuku had been kind enough to clean up the mess he made, insisting to do so after your intense interrogation, so it truly was an out of place marker of destruction now.
Its stay was to be expected, considering you didn’t have a replacement. No, you’d need to buy one.
Oh, buying. A poor man’s nightmare.
But as it turns out, demons are quite good at finding valuable things in the wilderness.
Or at least, that’s what he explained to you when he showed up one morning covered in dirt and mud, twigs all in his hair, boring an appearance similar to his first arrival, showing off a handful of silver and copper coins, as well as two golden ones.
In short, you were too busy drooling at the sight to care about how exactly he got it.
Travelers were often dropping coins anyway, so it surely doesn’t matter. Besides, his accomplished smile was far too sweet to tarnish with questions.
“You’re dirty, again.” you bluntly pointed out after thanking him for his find, pouring the coins into a small, worn pouch containing only two copper. Tying it up, you were quick to place it back on the shelf, hiding it behind a book of heroic tales.
“O-oh.. I didn’t notice..” he laughed awkwardly in that boyish manner he seemed to always have, large hands immediately going to brush off the caked mud on his legs and arms.
“Absolutely not, mister! I just cleaned!” Scolding him, you grabbed his wrist before he had the chance, glaring up into his surprised, foresty green snake-like eyes.
“If you’re going to shake your dirty little self off, go do it outside!”
At times, you acted more like a mother than you did anything else with him. But to be fair, he did come to this practical new world without any true knowledge of its customs, what you can and cannot do. Surely not making the house someone let you graciously stay in dirty was a universal thing.
He openly stared at you, innocent eyes glistening and wobbly lips reminding you of a kicked puppy.
“S-sorry,” he promptly apologized, attention snapping to your smaller hand still gripping his wrist, pink dusting over his chubby, freckled cheeks.
Sighing, you patted his large arm, picking up on the way it made his wings flutter, “It’s alright. Just go pat yourself off outside. I’ll set up a bath for you. I don’t need dirt everywhere in here again.”
Nodding eagerly, a bright smile overtook his face, showing off his unusually sharp canines.
Perhaps you would’ve been afraid had he shown them off in a vicious way again, but he was far too excited at the prospect of submerging his body in heated water to seem at all threatening.
You watched for a split second as he ran off, head instantly whipping to the side when he suddenly threw off the measly piece of fabric wrapped around his thin waist, tail curling around his muscular leg that you definitely haven’t been staring at throughout all this time.
You would have yelled after him for stripping if you weren’t so flustered.
You’d doubt you’d ever get used to it, seeing him nearly naked all the time. Artists were right to draw demons naked it seems, they truly didnt have any shame.
A blessing and a curse.
Grumbling, you began the long process of filling the metal tub with buckets of water from the well out back, igniting a small flame beneath it so the water would be warm upon his arrival.
Speaking of which, he was taking an unusual amount of time.
Surely you didn’t have to be worried, but it had been at least half an hour at this point, right? It doesn’t take that long to brush yourself down, does it?
Unease built in your gut, and you began pacing around the house, chewing anxiously at your fingernails as the old boards creaked beneath your feet.
He was very capable of handling himself, he was a fairly strong and intimidating soul, but what if he ran into someone? Your house wasn’t too far from the village, it was very plausible that he could’ve run into a hunter!
What if he was dead!
Oh gods, was he dead?!
And you had just put so much effort into running a bath for him!
Should you look for him?
What if he doesnt come home?
Maybe he’s lost?
Or stuck in a trap!
There were so many different possibilities, that your feet began to move on their own, the long sleeves of your kimono flapping behind you as you rushed towards the door where he had jumped out of, only to slam into a much larger and sturdier frame the minute you were about to exit.
“Hyah!” you cried out from surprise, being knocked backward.
Two hands quickly caught your flailing arms before you had the chance to land flat on your ass.
Looking up in a panic, you were relieved to see the familiar, warm green gaze of Izuku.
“Careful!” he was now the one to scold, playfully pouting his reddened lips. Breathless from worry and slamming into him, you jumped to your feet, taking a moment to catch your breath.
“D-don’t tell me to b-be careful!” whining, embarrassed at the fact that you had been pressed so close to him, you adjusted your oversized kimono that had slipped ever-so-slightly at the rough collision.
“Mmm~ Be careful?” he teased, leaning down just to purr beside your flushed face his cold, dangling earring tickling the skin at your neck.
Smacking his shoulder, you let out an annoyed huff, only to screech a second after, blood burning your cheeks as you turned away so quickly you could hear the sleeves slap against his body, “Put some clothes on, damnit!!”
“I thought I had to be naked for a bath?” It was annoying how you could tell he was pulling your strings, no doubt his head was tilting as he batted his lashes at your smaller frame, like he always did when given the chance to be a tease.
Growling to yourself, you pointed off to the direction where the bath was prepared, desperate to escape from this trap you had set yourself in, “Then go bathe, you dirty, dirty boy!” At this point, you were on the verge of flat out shoving him into the bathroom, wanting to escape from his nude self.
You’d clearly have to start forcing him to wear clothes more, putting your foot down if he was to stay in this house.
You did not need a heart attack every morning at seeing a naked man waiting eagerly for you to awake, only for a wide smile to blossom on his face, tail thumping loudly on the ground and wings flapping like a bird when he noticed you blink your eyes open.
Of course, a pillow was always thrown at him, the plea for him to wear some clothes always on your tongue, but alas, you were lucky if he wore his piece of fabric, that flimsy sash you had half as mind at throwing away just so he would be forced to wear something else.
“O-okay..” his shy self seeped back in, his fingers visibly poking together, an anxious habit you presumed. Feet thumping against the floor, he traveled down the hall and to the bath, a loud gasp echoing down the corridor when he noisily jumped in, water sloshing. “So warm!”
“Please clean up your mess-!”
It was almost like dealing with a child, except this child was hundreds of years older than you and a grown-ass man, if that was a positive or negative- you’d never know.
It wasn’t until the next day you got him to fully wear a kimono, an old one your father had left behind. It fitted him, truly, black with green vines snaking down the sides and wrapping around the cuffs. It was a nightmare to get him in it, though.
Not that he wasn’t obedient, no, he truly did try his best to please you, but perhaps it just wasn’t something he could easily comprehend just yet, not to mention you had to somehow squeeze his wings into the outfit.
His tail was easy to hide due to the kimono reaching the floor, but thank god for hats because truly it was impossible to hide his horns any other way.
But the poor man was clearly unhappy, lips pouty and eyes droopy as he shifted from one foot to the other.
“They.. feel weird..” he tried to explain, pulling at the neckline, only for you to swat his hand away. “You’ll get used to it.” you reassured.
Grabbing the coin pouch you had placed on the shelf, you made him carry a sack over his shoulder, something to not only hide his lumpy wing covered back but to also carry the supplies you’d be purchasing soon.
It would be impossible to hide his facial markings, so you didn’t attempt. The thought of smearing mud on his cheeks did cross your mind, but alas, that would look suspicious. If only tattoos weren’t so taboo, and if only he didn’t have such suspicious ones.
Everyone in the village knew you, knew your story, and they knew you were alone. You had no doubts they’d ask who this mysterious stranger was, or at least openly gawk at him. You could avoid certain nosey fuckers, but at times it was unavoidable 
Grabbing his sleeve, you led him out the front door, quick to slide it shut before walking down the dirt trail.
Perhaps you could say he was a distant relative? You didn’t have any distant relatives, so that would, unfortunately, be a bust.  You placed your finger on your chin, thinking as you allowed your body to walk down the familiar path on autopilot, head in the clouds as you thought.
Curse these nosy ass people, already knowing everything about you!
Perhaps he was a traveler you found lost in the storm? Or he found you?
No.. that wouldn't explain the markings..
You needed to come up with something!
Oh! Oh! Wait!
“Midoriya..” you began, tilting your head curiously towards him. 
His lips pressed into a thin line, already recognizing that mischievous glint in your mesmerizing (e/c) eyes. 
Was that even a way he should describe them? Perhaps not, but he would be a fool to disagree with the statement formed in his head.
Gulping, he stuttered out nervously, focus shifting from you to the path in front of his wooden sandal-clad feet, shoes he wasnt too happy with, “Y-yes..?”
“Do you know what ninja’s are?”
You’re a genius.
“I, uhm, I’ve heard about them..why?”
“Mmm.. what have you heard?”
“Just that they’re skilled with a blade and sneaking around..” He looked at you dumbly, eyebrow arched as you only smiled back at him, adding to his own confusion.
“You’re gonna be a ninja, then.” You boldly declared out, catching his arm as he suddenly stumbled over a rock as he sputtered.
“W-wha?! B-but I- I’m n-not a ninja!” 
“I know that, but listen! The people at the village don’t! I have no doubts they’re going to poke and prod at you, wondering who you are.. A ninja that stumbled upon my house in the middle of a storm would explain your sudden appearance and your facial tattoos, and Hell, even your eyes!”
Filled with a sense of victory, you grinned ear to ear, amazed at how you had come up with such a solution on the spot.
You truly were creative.
A gift, maybe.
Oh, man! All the village women are going to be so jealous! Always quick to say you’d end up alone, but boy were they wrong! Here you have it, a ninja demon following you around! Suck on that, widows!
Wanting to gauge his reaction, seeing as he went oddly silent, you looked over at him, only to stop in your tracks and have your arms go limp by your sides.
“W-wha…” face scrunching up, you stared at him, bewildered. He was pointing at his cheek, smirking at you, showing off the fact that not only had his eyes gained a human-like pupil, which now looked odd on him, but the fact that the markings now looked like smudged paint.
It was dumbfounding.
“What the hell happened to your face..” trailing off, you couldnt help but scratch at your head, running possibilities through your mind but coming up with no true solution.
“Demons have the ability to switch from eyes that can see well in the dark to eyes that cannot! I forgot about it until you pointed them out, to be honest! So thank you for that!”
He was smiling boyishly again, only to flush deeply as you grabbed his face, soft, small hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to your height as you examined his features.
“(Y-Y/N).?!” he squeaked, breath catching in his throat as you peered deeply into his surprised green orbs, face so close he could feel your nose brushing against his, and all he could do was stand still.
His hot breath was ragged as it fanned across your face, and though he knew you were examining the sudden change in appearance, he couldn’t help the way his heart hammered in his chest. You were so, so close!! He swore if he just.. leaned forward ever so slightly, he could.. Catch your lips in a sweet kiss. He glanced down, focus going hazy as he zeroed in the way your lips shined in the sunlight trickling just barely through the gaps of leaves above him, forcing his own lips to twitch in anticipation.
Would it be so bad if he, hypothetically speaking, kissed you right now?
Oh, what a thought!
He couldnt tell. Hell, he couldnt even think.
Your scent was so intoxicating at this moment, flooding his senses, and it left his devilish desires to want more, fingers inching towards your waist.
He was knocked out of his strangely lustful thoughts when you repeatedly papped his cheek to catch his attention.
Body going stiff, his hands flung back to his own sides before jerking his head up to look at you once more. Had you been talking to him? Did you say something? He didnt know, his attention hyperfocused on… something else at the time.
Your aggravated tone cut through his body like a freshly sharpened steel blade, noticing the way your face scrunched up once more at finding he hadnt heard you the first time. 
“I said, what did you do to your eye markings?”
“H-huh?!” he stuttered out, only to internally slap himself as he took a moment to process the question, “I- I just.. smeared some mushed up black berries on m-my cheek..”
It was embarrassing to admit such a thing, especially considering his right hand is still sticky with its pigmented juice, droplets dripping from his fingers. He had half a mind to lick them up, sucking on the digits just to gauge your reaction as you watched him so intensely. No! Bad, bad Izuku! Stop that! 
“I-I thought it could be.. like some sort of ink.. b-but I didn’t have any ink on me so- so I grabbed some berries..”
“Is that why you smell so sweet? I was tempted to lick your cheek for a minute there.” Confessing that, you ended the conversation by spinning around and walking on. Delays were never good, especially since you didn’t have all day, and you definitely wanted to sleep in your own room tonight. The guest one was.. a bit too stuffy for your liking.
He followed you, huffily licking at the juice covering his hand and ignoring the stickiness coating his lips and cheeks.
Next time, he would be sure to use a sort of paint or something. At least then it could be marked off as some sort of fashion trend and not actual tattoos. After all, what innocent man had tattoos?
Of course, for his kind, they were common and apart of your identity, but here? It was a symbol of bad luck it seemed. Impurity. Not that he wasnt impure.
“Walk faster!” You called back to him, alerting the green-haired man lost in his thoughts that he had been walking too slow.
It wasnt too long before you had finally reached the entrance to the village, taking a moment to look over the old wooden arch covered in vines before walking past. Your sandals, as well as his own, clopped against the cobblestone road.
Though it was early morning, and the sun was barely even awake, townsfolk were already bustling through the place. Kids were running around barefoot, doing chores or having fun, farmers were wheeling in their goods in squeaky carts, calling out for business, and shops were being opened.
Distantly, you could hear the crackle of a fire and smell the pungent scent of meat being cooked sweets being baked in the air, only making you drool at the thought of consuming something so tasty after eating home-grown vegetables for so long.
The village was dead silent at night but in the morning? It was warm and welcoming, filled with friendly, smiling faces and gossiping mothers as they hung clothes out to dry.
You swore you could even hear the light picking at an instrument and the barking of dogs far off on the other side of town.
Birds chirped happily in the sky, singing their age-old songs as they searched for someone to love.
It truly was a breath of fresh air, the friendly atmosphere far different than the much quieter one in the mountain.
You missed it.
You were convinced for a while the reason you stayed away so long was to quite literally teach a demon manners, but you were quick to regret your mistake upon reentering this world. The energy of the place stabbed at your heart, and your fingers itched with the desire to stay here for as long as possible. Perhaps even buy some bread while youre here. Heaven knows you need more ingredients, and with the jingle of the pouch you carried ringing in your ear with every step, you were reminded you could actually afford it for once.
Sure, cooking and chopping vegetables was alright, a fun pass time that brought you comfort and worth, but damn did you miss being lazy for a change.
Besides, you now had the manpower to carry quite a lot, right?
Speaking of, that same demon was currently hiding behind you, hands clutching at your kimono sleeve as his shy face barely peeked out from behind your head.
“Are.. you alright?” you asked hesitantly, worried that perhaps he was scared or something set off some sort of weird sixth scent.
“I-i’m okay..! T-there's just so many people around.. I’m.. a bit..” he trailed off, looking down at his feet once more.
“Shy.” you concluded, nodding your head in understanding.
This was the first time he would be around other humans besides yourself, so it made sense why he was a bit timid.
In all honesty, it just made him even cuter and less threatening, not that he ever truly was as you came to realize the more you got to know this fluffy boy.
That's not to say it didn't also fill you with a motherly need to protect him, or perhaps it was pride. Either way, your cheeks couldn't help but flush with him being so close, a reaction you still were trying to get used to, despite being up close and personal not ten minutes ago. Then again, that was on your terms, wasn’t it? This? This was certainly out of the blue. So it made sense.
Walking along, you waved to the occasional person, a plethora of “good morning!”’s and “I’m alright, how are you?” fleeing from your person with each minimal interaction. It was a blessing no one has yet to question who the mysterious stranger with dripping berry juice on his face was, but it certainly made a lot of people stop in their tracks and look your way.
How flustering… you thought to yourself as you pushed on, eventually grabbing Izuku’s wrist and pulling him along with you.
“The shop is just down here.” you told him, to which he nodded his head, far too shy to speak. Hell, you were sure he was close to chewing his own clothes from nerves at this point with that look of hesitation, fear, and child-like curiosity in his eyes.
It wasn't hard to miss the way his head whipped around, taking in the new environments with near open arms, visually studying each and every object he saw, but never asking a question about it, almost as if he was afraid speaking with glee and wonder would cause too much of a ruckus, attracting even more attention.
You had no doubts he would drown you in them once you got back home, or maybe even in a few minutes if something utterly mind-blowing caught his attention, but for now, you had to focus on gathering things.
You had eventually made it to the repair shop, full intentions on buying the wood needed to replace the frame, as well as a new window covering. It was old and damn near rotting off the wall anyway, it truly was needed.
Though it certainly was unusual to have such a thing in a bedroom where someone could easily break-in. But it was the mountains, so there wasn’t much to fear. After all, who in their right minds would wander a forest in the middle of the night just to break into a poor woman’s home?
Leaving Izuku to stay outside to collect himself as he shook like a leaf in the wind, you stepped inside the open shop, immediately greeted with the smell of freshly chopped wood and burning embers, a fire burning in the back no doubt. This was a supply shop for home repair, after all.
“Ah! Little Miss (L/N)! I haven't seen you in a while, my dear. Where have you been?” An elderly grandfather emerged from the back, hand pressed to the wall to lean against it. For his age, he was surprisingly in stable conditions, no doubt from the strenuous work he’d done all his life.
It was hard to forget that the elders here always had an eye open, so naturally, he would be the first to question your sudden disappearance when given a true chance. So far you’d only seen people your age and children out and about doing deeds for the older folk and earning their dinner.
Just as you were about to answer, you were cut off, “Oh? Who’s this?”
Not bothering to glance back, already knowing full well it was the curious Izuku who finally manage to swallow his anxieties and peak in, “He’s-” 
“A ninja!” he exclaimed, jumping to your side excitedly as you huffed in irritation at being cut off two times in a row.
It certainly was odd that he spoke out so enthusiastically, considering he had been nothing but reluctant to speak the entire time you were in the village, but what was even more shocking was how he continued the plan of referring to him as a ninja.
A stupid plan you now came to realize, sounding out of place. You should’ve gone with a better idea and not have acted so cockily when you came up with it on the spot.
Oh, the familiar feeling of regret.
It was strange though, especially since you were sure he was against the idea in the first place, so why had he gone along with it?
Truly, you couldn't exactly care less. This was his mess now.
“A.. ninja.?” Furukawa, the old man, questioned, giving the both of you a perplexed look. “We haven't seen one around these parts since I was a but boy. What is a ninja doing here of all places? A meek little village like this?”
Oh. That’s right.
You had forgotten they didn't thrive out here in the country, but in the city and for generals leading wars.
What was a ninja doing out here indeed.  Boy were you not bright when it came to thinking on the spot.
Leaning back and crossing your arms, you decided to let the excited demon explain for you, since you certainly hadn't a clue what to say.
“I’m here for no particular reason, sir! I had gotten lost in the mountains during that thunderstorm a few weeks back, and I just so happened to stumble upon the (L/N)’s home. I was lucky she was willing to take me in, for I had injured myself and needed time to heal. I truly owe her my life, for I doubt I would have been able to find a safe place to rest and recover that night if not for her generosity. I vowed to return the favor, and you know ninjas, never one to break a promise, and so I am here to help gather things to repair something I had broken. Though I’m sure we have bad rep around these parts nowadays, I assure you I have no intention of harming anyone. I vowed to protect the innocent, and that is what I will do! I’ll fight the evil of these lands with my own two-!”
You snapped him out of his rambling by gripping at his arm, surprised at how he had managed to come up with what  to say so quickly. Hell, his eyes were even hardened with determination. He was very convincing. 
It definitely made you suspicious of what his true intentions were, if he actually wanted to be a ninja of all things or if he was playing a part and not realizing the potential consequences.
Oh well?
What was even more surprising was how the old man wept, dramatically wiping his aged, teary eyes. “Oh, you good man! We need more men like you around here! My son is a lazy lump of bricks who won’t even help out around here”
“I am here now! Allow me to assist whenever!” Izuku stated righteously, fist raised high and mighty.
At this point, you were just a background character in some sort of weird show as these two practically danced around each other with declarations and tears.
Shaking your head, you quickly cut them off, needing to get things done today and not mess around any longer, “I was wondering if you had the material for a new window?”
“Oh! A window!”
“Yes.. I need a replacement for the one he had broken.”
“You youngsters are always breaking windows these days..” he complained, wiping at his brow before hobbling to the back again.”One moment please.”
Nodding, despite him not even seeing, you waited patiently in near awkward silence, teetering back and forth on your wooden heels.
“Did I uh..” the green-haired man's apprehensive whisper barely caught your ear, “did I go overboard, you think?”
That question was enough to bring giggles bubbling out over your throat, only for him to frantically wave his arms about in front of you, “I-i’m serious!”
Your giggles soon turned into laughs, only making his cheeks redden from embarrassment before he wrapped his arms around his head.
“Just,” you wheezed, “Just a bit, Midoriya.”
You weren’t used to being near people so passionate and enthusiastic about things, especially things made up. It was peculiar and yet it still brought a grin to your face.
Groaning, he looked off to the side, waiting patiently for the old man to return and to end his suffering as you continuously poked at his rosy cheek.
“I think you’d make a great ninja.” you whispered in his ear, breath tickling his skin and making baby hairs stand on end as you leaned over his crouched form, his hands resting on his knees as if to calm himself, unknowingly leaving him wide open for teases he deserved after what had happened the day before.
Gulping down the lump of nervousness in his throat, ridding himself of thoughts he shouldnt be having again, his head whipped back to look at you, eyes glimmering with excitement, “Ah, really?!” 
You were unsure of how he would become one, but, “Yes.” you smiled gently, knowing full well already that he could do anything he set his mind to, a stubborn yet determined man he was.
“No kanoodlin in my shop!” Furukawa had suddenly appeared, damn near hitting the two of you upside the head with a stick.
You were quick to pay him for the materials, nearly tripping over yourself with giggles as Izuku looks nothing short of terrified with how the elderly man glared at him, no doubt piercing through his meek soul. Once you finished loading and securing the supplies in the shoulder bag, you grabbed two of his fingers before pulling him out of the shop with a friendly wave towards the grouchy old man who begrudgingly waved back.
A horse trotted in front of the both of you as you walked out, a loud wagon filled with hay creaking behind it as you continued on down the road in the opposite direction.
“That was.. nerve wracking..” Izuku sighed, one hand clutching the strap to the bag tightly whilst the other goes back to holding your sleeve, no longer cowering behind you as he openly gawks at the abundance of people strolling through the area, as well as eyeing up all the animals wandering about and making all sorts of noises.
“It was a pretty typical interaction to me,” you confessed, shrugging nonchalantly as he groans heavily.
“Are we heading back now?” he questioned, itching to beg you to let him stay if just for a bit longer. He was excited about being out like this, reading many stories revolving around normalities such as these. He had never experienced such a thing before, and it was thrilling, to say the least.
He felt as if he was on cloud nine, observing so many new things and being up close to other things he thought he would never get to see or touch, or, well, smell.
It was as if he himself was in one of the many books he’d read, skipping happily through each page as his wings twitched beneath the fabric with excitement, luckily covered up by the large sack of supplies.
He didn’t want to leave, but he would if you didn't like the idea of staying.
He could always come back with you another time, after all.
But damn did the prospect of going home at this moment dampen his cheery mood. Hell, he could even feel his wings pressed against him droop from inside the kimono at the prospect of doing so.
He was really hoping you wouldn't say yes.
He’d cross his fingers if he could.
“Ah, well alright.. we can come back another time right?" It was as if he didn't hear you, too used to being put down and denied that happiness swelling inside his chest.
He continued to walk forward, head bowed down as he stared sadly at the rocks only to be yanked back as your hand slapped onto his wrist for the third time that day. He could get used to that if he was being honest.
He looked back at you, staring blankly as he tried to figure out why you had stopped and why you were giving him such a baffled look.
Had he done something wrong?
Said something wrong?
Or maybe his mere presence had annoyed you.
He hadn't the slightest clue, and he could only helplessly stare at you as he awaited a reason as to why you stopped, heartbeat hammering in his chest and fear squeezing his lungs, rendering him unable to speak.
You raised your eyebrow in question, and that's when it hit him like a rock.
You had said no, not yes!
Oh geez!
That sounds so backwards honestly!
“A-ah! I’m sorry! Oh, I thought y-you said yes!” he screeched, fumbling over his words and inwardly fighting himself at being so stupid.
He was about to go on and ramble out an apology, his nerves strangling him alive, but you had easily cut him off, “It’s alright, don’t worry about it, okay? We’re going to stay out and about for a bit longer. I wanted to show you some things, and get some ingredients if you don’t mind?"
Not that you would really give him the option to mind, besides- you knew that far off look in his eyes too well, it was the same look of wonder in your own eyes when you were a child.
It truly was endearing, you couldn't help but want to indulge in it for a bit, even if you were going to be doing other things anyway.
To hell with putting the window up this evening, perhaps the next. For now, you just wanted a break from having to train a demon by- well. Informing one instead.
“Really!” he exclaims, face immediately lighting up, dimples appearing on his cheeks as he smiled. He's suddenly jumping for joy, shoes making a loud clacking noise that catches the attention of village-folk once again, much to your introverted horror. “Y-you have places you want to show me!? O-oh gosh! Can we go see them now? Oh, there are so many things I want to see here! So many things I’ve read about!”
“Midoriya..” you called out to him hopelessly, wanting to calm him down.
“I want to see a bakery!! To- to smell the freshly baked bread and pastries! I can smell them right now,” he sniffed at the air, eyes slipping closed for a second, tongue poking out as he drooled, “they- they smell so good! I’ve always wondered how they mix ingredients together and fire them to make something so delicious.. How do they know what ingredients to use? How did they find those ingredients? I want to know! Do they memorize how to do it, you think??! And, and a blacksmiths shop! Swords are forged from fire, it sounds so magical, but there must be logic of some kind behind it! Logic I don’t quite understand yet but want to! I want to see it in action, know how they’re made in the first place. It’s from melting rocks right? Or, or metal?! How do they shape the swords? Which material and technique is best to use for the best result? Is that loud banging the making of swords right now? Or something else?”
“Is there a library around here? No, no I guess there wouldn't be one here.. books? I want to know all about the culture of these lands, in more detail! I, I want to see how people's minds work, how they write their feelings or facts down on pages. You can learn a lot from a person based on how they tell a story, you know! Oh!  And I also-!”
He excitedly jabbered on, drawing laughter and gleeful smiles from the people as they passed, only fueling to the heat on your cheeks as they whispered about the cute, excited man rambling on about different aspects of regular life. It was almost too much to understand or even comprehend, let alone answer all in one go. His words were flying over your head from how fast he was speaking.
And so, you simply stood there, off to the side of the road, wringing your hands together as you let him express his pure delight with an abundance of words.
He was a curious person like you’d thought to yourself before, that was for sure.
It got to the point where you were sure nearly five or so minutes had passed, and you didn't want to see how long this could go on for.
Because you knew it could go on for a long while, having been with him for a few weeks now. 
It was a loveable habit of his, one that he always was quick to shut himself up for and apologize profusely, which always pulled at your heartstrings. He had clearly been put down in his past for being so wild, curious, and excited, and that was nothing short of saddening.
You didn't want him to feel like he couldn't talk, or ask questions, hell, even be enthusiastic like he always was. It brought a hint of sugar and spice to your plain life.
So, perhaps another time, but in front of a multitude of onlookers, ready to prod into your lives from how hard they were staring? Absolutely not, unfortunately.
Grabbing his sleeve, you yanked at his, successfully pulling him from his thoughts as his focus snapped over to where your hand was, “Huh?” he asked obliviously, turning to look at you with a tilted head but still cheery smile, green bangs brushing over his eyebrows, making you want nothing more than to sweep them away from his face.
Physical contact, as you learned, was always a better way to get him to focus rather than to snap him from his thoughts with words of your own. Words always made him flinch back and shut himself off, but soft touches somehow never did, keeping the same energy he started with even as he looked at you with wonder. It would often make you wonder why he flinched, or reacted in such a heartbreaking way whenever you’d cut him off with your own words, perhaps an untold story from his past waiting to be unraveled or kept under lock and key. Some things were best not to remember, after all.
Though he told you he was happy to be gone from the place he never truly considered home, you still held some minor doubts.
It was always the kind ones who smiled the brightest like a star in the sky that had the most to hide.
“Do you want to go and experience some of those things that you mentioned? I’m pretty hungry myself, so we could try a bakery right now if you would like? The one here is owned by a nice family, recipes passed down for generations. They got a pretty good grasp of things”
His brows quickly flew up, momentary shock flashing in his eyes before being covered by embarrassment, he had just now realized he rambled on. A momentary delay it seemed.
“S-sure.. eheh..” he chuckled nervously, hand squeezing the bags strap tightly once again as he used his other hand to wrap around his torso. He certainly was bashful for someone who was ‘bred from darkness’, if that red on his cheeks and how he avoided eye contact were anything to go by.
“Let’s go, then.” placing your hand on the much larger one glued to his side, you slowly peeled it away before gingerly holding it, ignoring the stuttered gibberish that trickled from his mouth at the action as you led him to the place that made saliva drip from his mouth.
At the end of the day, you were walking home on sore feet, arms clutching at a flimsy woven basket someone graciously gave you for free containing foods you needed to stock up on.
Izuku, on the other hand, was practically skipping, words flowing from his lips like a waterfall as he reviewed what he learned today, occasionally looking over at your tired form to make sure you were alright. He had offered multiple times to carry the basket, even going as far as trying to grab it, but you refused, wanting to do so yourself since he was now carrying a basket and a bag of his own.
Stubborn, ironically, was the way he described you with a pouty lip, and you had to agree.
It truly was a shame you weren't able to put the new window today, considering you wanted to sleep in your own room, but there was always tomorrow. For now? You were exhausted.
So much so you weren't even sure you could cook dinner.
Demons sure did have a lot of unrelenting energy. You were being dragged around all day, only leading a few times to the places you wished to show him- you didn't even get to show him everything due to his mind moving faster than either one of you could keep up.
Once making it back to the house, you managed to convince the energetic guy to at least continue wearing his hakama after he threw off his hat and the top of his kimono, successfully freeing his wings.
Things on the floor, he gets on his hands and knees, stretching his arms and back out like a cat, his wings flapping out like a birds as he flexed the poor things.
It was horrible how he had to stuff them in his clothing all day, and it truly did make you feel bad, knowing he must have held a form of discomfort all day, hiding it seamlessly.
Perhaps you could buy more clothes for him next time, or even fabric to weave together a kimono made solely for him. 
That would take a long while, but it would be cute, right?
You didn't want him to be uncomfortable in his own home.
You stopped in your tracks as this thought crossed your mind, a perplexed expression making its way onto your tired face, when had you started referring to this house as his home as well?
Had you grown so accustomed to him already that when thinking of this place, or where he lives, this old house comes to mind?
Or did your loneliness fight your conscious to bring forth such a thought out of comfort?
For the first time in years, you weren't alone. You haven't thought much about it until this moment and in a tired state of mind no less.
It was confusing, especially considering you didn't even know when you had started picking up the habit.
Looking back at him, your mouth fell from its straight-lined self to that of awe, your eyes reflecting the same thing.
The golden rays of a honey sunset dripped in through the open door, illuminating the man covered in scars, freckles and tattoos from behind, kissing at his soft, smooth skin and wrapping him in a cocoon of ease and light as he sat there, bathing in the warmth it provided.
His eyes were closed, wings relaxed and hands resting on his thighs as he took the moment in, inhaling deeply as a breeze filtered in, making his curls sway ever so slightly in a mesmerizing way.
Despite what he was or what he used to be, only one word came to your mind as you gazed at hi, ‘angelic.’
You couldn't find it in yourself to be afraid, for all you saw at this moment was a smiling man happily enjoying himself after a long day of bouncing off the walls.
You couldn't stop staring, even if it was rude, his presence enrapturing in the sweetest of ways.
You felt your own body warming at the sight, an innocent blush dancing on your cheeks, only to deepen as his eyes fluttered open, scanning the room, just to fall on you.
His pupils were back to their familiar, snake-like state, but yet they held so much compassion and kindness as if they were just as human as yours were, despite being entirely different.
Neither of you said anything, just staring into each other’s eyes in a way that should've felt weird or awkward.
But nothing about this felt awkward, in fact, it felt natural.
Like you were meant to be entranced by those addicting pools of green, glimmering with the yellows bouncing off the walls just to show your own silhouette in them. It was like staring into a never-ending forest with vines that wanted nothing more than to wrap you in a secure hug, branches of trees filled with fresh leaves swaying in the calming wind behind you as the scent of salt from the creek not too far away made you relax in their embrace.
You weren't aware how long the both of you stared at each other, but one thing was for sure, neither of you minded it, his own smile and reassurance in his gaze is enough to wash away any concerns.
The sudden loud calling of a bird snapped you out of your trance, attention flickering to the door just to see two birds chatting with each other.
“(Y/N)?” he had called out, voice laced with concern but dripping with sugary sweetness and desperation that was all too much to handle after such an intense moment, despite it just being eye contact.
But then again, the eyes were the doorway to the soul, weren't they? And it felt like much more than just that.
Regardless, you turned, ignoring his calls as you rushed to your room, hurriedly closing the door just to slide down it.
Hand clutching at the fabric above your beating heart, you just now noticed how your breath was caught in your throat, and how your heart was hammering wildly.
You breathed heavily, running fingers through your wild hair as you fought to make sense of what just happened.
The truth was, you didn't know.
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ihassheepquake · 3 years
DC's Stargirl 2.02 "Summer School: Chapter Two" has aired on the CW, and I'm here to talk about it.
Xfinity decided to be rude last night and make me wait to watch my recording, but I am now here and ready to talk about the new Stargirl.
This is a fun opening, Cindy's mum celebrating her freedom from Dragon King, this can't possibly go badly. Nothing bad ever happens when you were forcibly married to a supervillain and then also had a supervillain daughter. What do we think Cindy and Eclipso are doing to her? Mind control, psychic torture?
Okay, foster kid Jade, getting kicked out of her group home right on her 18th birthday? That sucks, poor kid. You know, the outside of this group home looks a lot like the Zarick house from season 1. They might be the same building reused for production purposes. A lot of toy car symbols in DC recently. Jade's brother here, Helena Bertinelli's brother in Birds of Prey, I don't remember but I'm sure there was some toy car symbolism for Rick last season. And Jade has been left Alan Scott's ring, which tells me that the show is aware that he wasn't the typical space cop Green Lantern and the show isn't going to try and retcon him as such.
I had to look this up myself but you might not know that Jade is Jade's superhero name, and her real name is Jennifer Lynn Hayden. I thought her name was Jade.
Please tell me there's going to be a rivalry between the Staff and the Ring. The Ring seems to be sentient like the Staff. I like that Courtney has all these stars in her room, she's really committed to this theme. I think this idea being presented that being Stargirl (and in some ways, a hero in general) is about helping people be their best selves, not just fighting bad guys and saving the day. Is it a totally unique theme, not really, but I think it's absolutely the right direction for this show and something I feel has been maybe a bit lacking in the big blockbuster hero stuff recently. It's been coming up again in more stuff, including the big blockbuster stuff, recently but it's always good to see more.
It's just like Rick to be skipping the first day of summer school, I love him. He's spending so much time and money taking care of Grundy but at least he's picking up the trash, that's nice.
Holy shit, the Constructs! They're shockingly good looking. Everything about the Green Lantern powers looks pretty good.
I like how Barbara is immediately suspicious of Shade. Weird, dapper British man shows up, curious in the stuff belonging to one Willaim Zarick, who Barbara absolutes knows was a villain. Something ain't right here.
Everyones being like "oh Court, you're being so mean, blah blah blah" and yeah, maybe she should lay off a bit, but also Courtney has a good point. Jenny, a random girl, broke into her house and tried to take one of the most powerful superhero-related objects she has. They're both presenting valid points in this argument.
"Away from people" you mean the town square?? Girl, take the exploding lantern to the woods!!
I think it's a fun detail that Pat recognizes Shade through the watch. And Courtney's so excited to be a hero again, love that.
Eclipso possession powers, goddamn that looks awesome. The visuals of this show just keep killing it. Everything looks so good. Cindy, girl, you are so clearly not in control. You've unleashed something you can't possibly control.
That's all for this episode. As usual, I'm very excited to see what comes next. Which means I'll be back next week for Stargirl 2.03 "Summer School: Chapter Three"
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spandexinspace · 3 years
I refuse to read JLvsLSH but the brief snippet I saw is really making me sick & tired of the Legion babbling about peoples Futures. Does anybody in this goddamn team remotely give a shit about maintaining their precious timeline? We just gotta tell Naomi how great she'll be in her adulthood or how Green Arrow did something ominous in the future?
Nope, evidently not. They just don't give a damn and should have ruined their timeline by now.
But this issue really showed what a poor grasp Bendis has of writing time travel stories in general. In particular in the way he just can't seem to recognise that the "great darkness events" aren't happening at the same time. It starts with this amazing discussion:
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And that could just have been a one of "ha these characters are stupid" gag, except then his golden goose lantern says this:
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Simultaneously literally means "at the same time". It's not the same time, two points in time can't be the same time just like two different points in a physical dimension can't be the same point. Brainy of all people should know that much.
Either this has already happened and is part of their past (and therefore another point in time), or they're from different universe altogether, or someone is changing the past in real time with the future (which still doesn't make it the same point in time, it just means the change is synced with future events). The Trapper has the power to do the latter, but that doesn't mean Bendis can write it.
There are rules to time travel. Different rules depending on the universe, but rules nevertheless. LoSH is rarely a particularly hard hitting sci-fi series, but time travel has always had consequences in universe, and to just gloss over and simplify all that into nothing is incredibly lazy. But that's Bendis for you. Everything he's written for DC has been simplified and dumbed down to hell and back.
Sorry for the rant. This shit just really frustrates me.
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Merry Halloween
31 Days of Spooktober
Day 5/31
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Prompt: “it's december. we can't celebrate halloween in december” “yes, we can” one where rowan can't spent halloween with aelin so aelin decides they're going to celebrate in december
Aelin was exhausted.
She really thought that finishing college and finally working on her own in the gallery would be the best thing ever, but in reality it was just brutal. She had an assistant only twice a week, meaning that the other days she was all by herself working on several different pieces of art that required all her attention. She was hoping that Borte would accept working full week next year, and that Kaltain and Elide would actually join her in the gallery when both graduated in the next spring.
For now, however, Aelin was tired, feet dragging as she came home.
An empty home.
That was another problem she hadn’t thought about before graduating months ago. Her art and history degree had only taken four years, as it was the norm, but her boyfriend, pursuing law, would have to go to Law School for another three years. It was fine, they agreed. It was a lot of busy work but they surely could make it work.
That is, until Rowan moved to Boston and Aelin remained in Chicago.
The long distance relationship fucking sucked, but it was that or breaking up with Rowan, something she didn’t see herself doing in a million of years. And so, for the past seven months, they had been living off phone calls, FaceTime and very rare weekends in which Aelin managed to fly to Boston. It wasn’t by any means ideal, but it was somewhat working.
And yet, as she walked home, looking at all the couples buying Christmas decorations, dinning together and just living their lives with one another, Aelin couldn’t help but feel a deep pang of jealousy. Her two favorite holidays were Halloween and Christmas, and she wouldn’t be able to spend neither with Rowan.
During October, he was too busy with the first quarter tests, and now he was studying like crazy for his midterms. There was no way he could go to Chicago, and Aelin didn’t have the funds or the time to go to Boston. She had to keep the gallery open, especially during Christmas season.
She hadn’t seen her boyfriend in more than three months and it fucking sucked.
She fucking missed him.
Aelin finally arrived in her townhouse, courtesy of her granduncle’s will, and almost cried of relief. She just wanted to take a bath, order something to eat and call Rowan. It was Friday, so hopefully he would be done with his studies for the day and would be able to spend hours on the phone with her.
Thinking better, she could both shower and order with him already on the phone, so as she opened the front door, Aelin also started looking for her phone inside her purse. The thing was way too big and way too full, meaning that Aelin was bound to spend minutes looking for that goddamn phone.
“I need to be more organized.” Aelin grunted, stepping in. She started taking off her scarf as she still tried to look down at the purse. “A-ha!”
Aelin raised the phone triumphantly in front of her, and it took her only a few seconds to realize what was behind the phone.
“What. The. Fuck.” Aelin breathed, gripping the phone harder as she let her coat and purse fall to the ground, feet taking her deeper into the hall. She also felt her jaw dropping, mind so confused she didn’t know what to do first. She didn’t know if this was some of Aedion’s pranks or if she should be actually concerned and call the cops.
All around the townhouse, small Christmas decorations made the place look like it was the fucking North Pole. Even Fleetfoot, sitting by the fire that Aelin was a hundred percent sure she had not lit, was dressed in her small Santa hat, bitting a bone in the shape of a candy cane that Aelin was also sure she hadn’t given the dog.
The confusion only thickened when she realized that every decoration, every small stocking and red lanterns, were exactly where she would have put them. The townhouse was relatively big, and Aelin just knew that if this was one of Aedion’s pranks, he wouldn’t have done it so perfectly.
Aelin’s mind was racing, heart beating fast as she was torn between confusion and the need to grab Fleetfoot and run.
“I’d hope you’d be smiling more in this occasion.” A male voice came from behind her, and Aelin immediately whipped her head to the man now standing near Fleetfoot, hands on his pockets and a grin on his lips. His grey-silver hair was a little longer than the last time they saw each other in person, but the tanned skin, pine green eyes and handsome face were still the same.
Aelin dropped her phone, frozen in place for a single second before a joyful laugh ripped through her. The man’s grin widened, and he walked a few steps forward as Aelin ran to him. She threw herself in his arms, her own arms sneaking around his neck as she pulled him closer to her. Rowan hugged her back with a bone-crushing force, face burying on the crook of her neck, breathing her in.
“What are you doing here?!” Aelin asked, her cheeks hurting from smiling. She pulled her face back, staring right into his green eyes, face also lit with so much happiness that it made Aelin’s heart expand.
Rowan tried shrugging. “I missed Fleetfoot.”
Aelin laughed, hugging his neck tighter as she raised herself on her tiptoes. “I missed you so fucking much.”
Rowan lowered his head, hands going from her hips up to her face, cupping her cheeks as he pressed his mouth against hers. Aelin sighed in content, body immediately melting against Rowan’s as his hot lips moved on top of hers. It had been months since she had kissed her boyfriend, and the feeling of his boy against hers, his lips against hers was the best present she could ask for.
“I missed you so fucking much too, Ace.” Rowan murmured, bitting her bottom lip and then sweeping his tongue lightly against it. Aelin opened her mouth, feeling Rowan’s tongue enter it and touch hers. Her mind that had been racing seconds ago because of confusion was now racing for a different reason, whole body heating as Rowan deepened the kiss, mouth and tongue moving harder and more intensely against hers. Aelin dragged her hands down his neck all the way to the middle of his back, gripping his shirt as she took a small step forward, grounding her hips against Rowan’s.
Rowan’s hands were in her hair, fingers tangling with the strawberry blonde waves. He pulled some strands softly, earning a small and quiet moan from Aelin. When he heard it, Aelin felt a small huff of laughter against her mouth and she was ready to drag Rowan to her room and make up for the lost time.
However, it looked like Fleetfoot had a different idea, because the puppy got up barking, circling Rowan and Aelin’s feet. Aelin drew back, breathless, and looked down. She chuckled at the small, fluffy ball at their feet, and bent down to grab her.
When Aelin got up again, body still pressed against Rowan’s but now with Fleetfoot taking up some space, she chuckled once more. “Looks like someone wants attention.”
Rowan narrowed his eyes. “Traitor. I bring you a present and you cock-block me.” Fleetfoot simply barked, throwing her paws at Rowan’s chest. He rolled his eyes, but smiled as he picked up Fleetfoot from Aelin. “Good to know both of you missed me.”
Aelin chuckled, shaking her head. “Her most of all.”
Rowan took his eyes from Fleetfoot for a second to wink at Aelin before focusing on the dog again. She was still a puppy, meaning that both of Rowan’s hands basically engulfed her. However, she didn’t really seem to care. Fleetfoot absolutely adored Rowan, and he would pretend he didn’t adore her as much. Seeing the two together, Rowan holding the puppy as if it was a toy, made Aelin feel her whole body relax further, a serene smile on her face.
“You’re staring.” Rowan murmured, eyes not leaving the dog.
Aelin shrugged, hugging him tighter. “I wish you could live with us.”
Rowan looked at her, an eyebrow raised and a hint of humor on his face. “Oh?”
They had been dating for over three years now, and it was no doubt that neither of them thought that the relationship would end. Aelin lived with Lysandra during college and Rowan had lived with Lorcan, otherwise they would have probably shared an apartment already.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “Stop trying to get me to boost your ego.”
Rowan grinned, holding Fleetfoot with one hand as the other one pulled Aelin by her waist. “You want to live with me, Aelin Galathynius?”
She narrowed her eyes. “I just said I do.”
“That’s adorable. No, really, I’m fucking flattered.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Aelin said ironically.
“It’s like you’ve planned our whole lives already.”
“Please, be quiet.”
“I’d move in, probably propose during Christmas.”
“You are insufferable.”
“I’d put a baby on you by next Christmas.”
Aelin snorted, shaking her head. “Have you been thinking about putting a baby inside of me, Ro?”
Rowan nodded dutifully. “Definitely have been thinking about the process a lot for the past months. We could be training for it right now if this small version of the Devil wasn’t so needy.”
Aelin laughed, petting Fleetfoot. “Don’t be mean, we three know you kiss the floor she walks on.” Rowan snorted, causing Aelin to smile more. “And if you are wondering, I’ve been thinking about the process too, I promise.”
Rowan grinned, opening his mouth to say something. In a matter of seconds, however, the grin became a frown and he sighed. “I can’t ask it with this thing here. She’s one year old, it’s awkward.”
Aelin clamped her lips together, smirking as she winked at Rowan. “The answer is yes, if you were about to ask what I think you were. Unfortunately you’ll have to wait until this one goes to sleep to be sure. She’ll follow you all evening.”
Rowan huffed half heartedly, walking up to the sofa and sitting down, Fleetfoot resting against his chest.
Aelin snorted, looking at him as she kept standing. The soft smile returned to her lips and, this time, when Rowan raised his eyebrows, his smile matched hers. “What?”
“I love you.” She said simply, walking up to him. She stood in between his legs, one of his hands gripping the back of her thigh as he looked up at her. “And I actually wish you could live with us here. Halloween was fucking shit to spend alone, and you probably will leave by Sunday meaning that I’ll be here alone for Christmas because there is no way I’d make you come back here a week after leaving, and I need to keep the gallery open.”
“Ace…” Rowan brushed his thumb against her skin.
“Long distance relationship fucking sucks.” She mumbled.
Rowan sighed. “Come here.” Aelin sat on the sofa, legs over his lap as he put his arm around her shoulders. Aelin rested her head, looking up at him. He bent down, kissing her softly. “I love you too. And I wish we could have done our Halloween marathon together with copious amounts of candy while we wore those ridiculous pumpkin pajamas, but—“
Aelin immediately sat up, eyes wide and mouth pulled into a smile. “Let’s do it.”
“You didn’t let me finish. And what?”
“Let’s do it. There is a store by the end of the street and all the Halloween decorations are in the attic. I have the movies and the pajamas are probably with the stuff you left in Chicago when you went to Boston.”
Rowan’s brows furrowed. “Ace, it’s December. We can’t celebrate Halloween in December.”
“Yes, we can.” Aelin announced, grinning at him. Rowan shook his head, letting out a huff before nodding.
“Very well.”
Aelin squealed, throwing her arms around Rowan’s neck. He laughed, hugging her back by the waist. Even Fleetfoot raised her head, barking excitedly.
“Ok, so I’ll look for the pajamas in that mess of boxes and you’ll take Fleetfoot to the store.” Aelin said, getting up. Rowan nodded, holding Fleetfoot like a sack of potatoes. Aelin eyed him, shaking her head. “Thinking of you as a father is terrifying.”
Rowan grinned, walking to the door to grab Fleetfoot’s leash. “We’ll be fucking amazing parents, what are you talking about?”
Aelin snorted, walking up to him and placing tow quick kisses to his jaw. “I’ll also take a quick shower. Bring anything we used to buy during college.”
Rowan nodded, opening the door. “Fucking shit, I never forget how fucking cold this town is, and yet I’m always surprised.”
As he left, Aelin ran upstairs, opening boxes upon boxes until she found the pajamas.
She grinned, they were fucking ridiculous.
Aelin had gotten them in a Halloween fair during freshman year of college. At that time, she wasn’t dating Rowan yet, but they had… something. It was strange overall, but allowed them to spend an ungodly amount of time together. When Aelin won one of those hoops games, she chose the stupidest thing she could find. It turns out it was a couples’ matching pajamas— the thing was one piece for each, bright orange with a series of small pumpkins all over it. The hood was green and with a brown thing on top.
It was horrendous and Aelin had to physically force Rowan into them before it became a joke for them.
She then ran to the bathroom, taking a quick shower in the hopes of being ready by the time Rowan came back with Fleetfoot. Although rushed, by the time Aelin went downstairs, Rowan had already arrived back. He even had the time to go to the attic to grab the Halloween decoration boxes.
He looked her up and down when she cam down the stairs, a smile overtaking his lips. “You look ridiculous.”
Aelin grinned, throwing him his ridiculous piece of clothing. “And naked underneath. Now go change.”
Rowan looked her up and down once more, something different in his pine green eyes. When Fleetfoot barked again, he simply sighed, going to the bathroom. “I hate your dog.”
“Our dog.” Aelin singsonged.
For the rest of the night, they put up the Halloween decorations with the Christmas ones, making the townhouse look strangely funny. They sat down to watch the classic movies they always did, eating a whole bowl of candy together. Rowan wasn’t the biggest fan of sweets, but he always opened an exception for Aelin during Halloween.
It was around three in the morning when they finished the fourth movie. Fleetfoot was snoring soundly at their feet, Aelin’s whole body pressed against Rowan’s as he hugged her.
“Want to know something terrifying?” Rowan whispered against her ear, teeth brushing the lobe.
Aelin smiled, still staring at the screen showing the fifth movie beginning. “Huh?”
“We’ll have to clean all this up tomorrow. And take down the Halloween decorations because I won’t celebrate Christmas in a house full of Halloween shit.”
It took Aelin a minute to understand what he meant. She turned her face to him, hope blossoming inside her chest so fast she was almost dizzy. Her nose hit his, and her turquoise and gold eyes were staring straight into his pine green ones. “Celebrate Christmas here? As in you’ll be here a week from now?”
Rowan’s grin was huge and joyful. “Yeah. And New Year’s Eve too.”
He cupped her face, thumb smoothing over the crease between her eyebrows that had formed because of the confusion. “And the rest of next year. And hopefully all years after that because I wasn’t joking about proposing to you on Christmas, so I hope you weren’t joking about me living here either.”
Aelin let out an incredulous laugh, mouth breaking into a smile as her eye watered. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny.”
“You’re looking at the new Law student in the University of Chicago.” Rowan said, laughing quietly with her. “It’ll be hard to get rid of me now, Ace.”
Aelin laughed out loud, not even remembering that Fleetfoot was sleeping near as she threw herself in Rowan’s lap, legs straddling his hips. She grabbed his face with both hands, pressing her lips against his and kissing him passionately as both of them laughed. Aelin felt as if she was in the biggest high of her life, her whole body consumed by happiness and warmth, head light and yet filled with Rowan.
“Oh my Gods.” Aelin whispered against his mouth, another laugh coming out of his, “Oh my fucking Gods.”
Rowan simply cupped her face back, fingers playing with her hair. “I know. I love you too.”
A/N: Halloween, Christmas and Rowaelin. My three favorite things. Thank you so much for this ask, you have no idea how i squealed when I read it! About the kinktober1: I will only post either tomorrow or Wednesday. I’m so sorry, but I bombed one of my tests and tomorrow there’s like a second chance, like a make up, and I needed to study so I didn’t have time to finish. It will be Rowaelin since I’m more comfortable with them. Because of the wait, I think it’s ok I give a small spoiler about which couple tomorrow’s scene will be: Jily.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @loveofbooksandwine @jesstargaryenqueen @bluejaberry @multifandommessblog @yesdreamblog @superspiritfestival @ireallyshouldsleeprn @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass​ @julemmaes​ @heirofthenightcourt​
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batlanterned · 4 years
my favorite nsfw batlantern fics
if you’d like to see another list of these let me know, because I’m a little gremlin who squirrels away a crap ton of nsfw fics.
who are you, in the dark? by pasdecoeur - This fic was mostly an excuse for me to smush together my three favourite tropes in DC fics — the League discovering yet another one of Bruce Wayne's astonishingly sexy photoshoots and collectively losing their goddamn minds, steamy locker room sex, and Bruce being forced to deal with his crippling fear of intimacy because he's sort of gone and fallen desperately in love with Hal Jordan.
So it's a little cracky, and a little angsty, and a lot smutty, but I think I managed to make it all work.
Moon Dust on Your Lips by saekokato - The Justice League, through their Green Lantern members, were slowly making contact with planets that had technology or knowledge greater than their own. It was something they all traded off on, but at the end of the day, Bruce and Hal ended up on these trips more often than not.
At least the two of them had started getting along over the last few years.
Of course, getting along with Bruce had the unfortunate side effect of dialing Hal’s crush on the man up to nearly 3000. Hal could handle the fact that the man was smoking hot. Hal was smoking hot; all of the damned League was. It wasn’t anything special, wasn’t anything worth getting worked up about, was what Hal was getting at.
“Well, Jordan, you made the bed, you stupid blind fuck,” Hal muttered. He texted Bruce back, letting him know that he was on his way. “Now it’s time to climb on in.”
Trapped by SoraHoshi - Traveling in a small space pod for half a day with the bane of your existence makes your mind meander into dangerous territory.
Happy Middles by saekokato - When your days (and nights) are filled with normal jobs and not so normal crime fighting, you learn to make the most of the moments you do have. Here are Bruce and Hal, making time for one another.
Most nights, Bruce returned from his patrols and Batman hoopla about an hour or so before Hal had to force himself up to make it to the air field on time. Occasionally, they’ll get the chance to fall into bed together for a whole night, but both of them are realistic enough to know their lives just don’t work like that. Still it’s a couple of hours together that they both could enjoy, before Bruce ended his day and Hal started his. Hal knew it did them both a world of good, too, even if all they do is exist next to one another.
This particular morning, Bruce crawled into bed like a human popsicle with limbs. Hal knew this because Bruce just burrowed between him and the mattress, pulling Hal and the covers on top of himself. He was utterly uncaring of the fact that his freezing ass just jolted Hal out of a sound sleep.
Domestic by batmanbemysugardaddy - Bruce and Hal admitted their feelings for each other (in their own fucked up way), but then Hal was immediately (and predictably) called away for a three-week-long mission in space. This is the aftermath.
This fic is equal parts hurt/comfort, smut and fluff, with cameos from a couple of batkids and some jokes at Guy Gardner’s expense for good measure.
“Hal found himself landing about half a mile from his destination, in a field of unkempt, dry grass. He dropped his suit and mask to run his bare hand through the grass, glad he’d remembered to wear real clothing under his suit for once. The grass caught against his jeans, and the sensation of dirt – regular, Earth dirt – soft and pliant under his boots was a welcome homecoming. He should have gone back to Coast City, he knew – to his lantern and his apartment – but all he’d been able to think upon descent was that he’d wanted to go home.”
Affect by theLiterator - It was the hair, Bruce decided at the end of a terribly long meeting during which he could do nothing but stare at Hal Jordan and shift uncomfortably in his chair. That was it. Nothing else had changed.
aaand shameless self-promo I love the way you let me breathe instead by DrewWrites - It wasn’t like Bruce had never been called beautiful. Bruce Wayne has been called beautiful by the press and other socialites and admirers and so on. Batman has even been called beautiful by a few people.
But it’s the way Hal says it.
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