#I’m just having so much fun it’s like a book I can’t put down except it’s a podcast
maxgicalgirl · 1 year
Listen okay I just know in my heart Cecil Palmer and Sydney Sargent would be BEST friends
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canthelpit0 · 5 months
Enemies (With Benefits) PT3
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count: 3.9k +
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of weed, (implied) RichKid!Reader, jealous!Chris, pet names (cherry), choking, humiliation, heavy degradation, sub!Chris, dom!Reader, I think that’s all.
(A/N: I got this idea from this request. Tysm for the idea & inspiration. Hope this is good.)
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I haven’t talked to Chris ever since that party.
wich wouldn’t be too shocking, since we hate each other. but I’ve been ignoring him fully. I wasn’t even responding to his mocking or arguing with him.. just…
The entire situation of us, two people who hate each other so much, and have for so long, hooking up, is extremely toxic.
And I’m self aware, I know that.
It just never bothered me before... But he was treating me like shit. And I’m done with it.
It’s been a week now, and I don’t think he cares that much honestly. At first he went on like normal making witty remarks trying to start arguments and disagreements, but since I didn’t respond he started to do it less and less.
It feels so refreshing not to have a headache everyday.
Only con is, that we share most classes. So i have to see his face all the time. Tho I just ignore him.
At first I saw him walking a round with charlotte, and honestly I don’t know why she is still talking to him after almost hooking up.
I don’t know what he was trying to achieve with that. But if the point was to make me jealous he is so bad at it.
I’ve been talking to Ethan a lot though.
And like I thought, he’s a nice guy, and he always shares his weed.
Even though I have enough friends, most of them are ‘lunchbox friends’. Well except for Matt and Nick, but I can’t really talk to them often considering I’m trying to avoid their brother.
I feel like most of my friends are fake. Wich they are.
We’ll talk and have fun in school, but if I walk past them at the mall they will act like they’ve never seen me in their entire life.
Ethan though. Ethan is nice. His skater friends not so much. Well I guess they’re just critical. After all I’m not any type of alternative at all, and I frankly, don’t know how to skate.
But at least they respect me. Probably because I’m wealthy but ih well.
Ethan and I haven’t done anything.
Other than kiss.
I walk out of history class, a class I share with Ethan. We walk down the hallway side to side.
When we get to my locker- wich is only two away from Chris’ -I unlock it to put my books in it.
All this time Ethan had been complaining about how his next class would be math and whatnot. I had noticed that Ethan was skipping less and less classes now. I never realized how many classes we shared because he was always skipping. But now he wasn’t. And the lack of tobacco in his system was making him itchy and I could tell.
Once you got to know him he actually got quite talkative.
I look over my shoulder to look at Ethan but see Chris in the corner of my eye.
Without thinking I grab the collar of Ethan’s sweatshirt roughly crashing my lips onto his.
Ethan, having not expected it, doesn’t do anything for a moment, before he kisses back.
Pushing me against the lockers behind me roughly. His tongue finds its way into my mouth as we start to make out.
In the middle of the hall.
My arms wrap around his neck holding him close.
He was kissing me like i was the only source of oxygen. And it felt good. I could tell he liked kissing me, and he wasn’t bad at it.
“Gonna suck face in the hallways now too?”
I pull away slightly. My breath was coming out in short and harsh pants.
I ignore the voice. Chris’ voice.
Instead I stare back into Ethan’s eyes. I try to focus on the way his hands feel on my waist as he holds me against the lockers.
His grip isn’t too tight, but it was firm. His forehead pressed against mine as I stare back into his dark eyes.
I look over at him at the disgusted tone. I scoff. My eyes lock onto Chris’ and it feels like electricity shoots up my spine.
Ethan looks a lot like Chris, but he doesn’t have the blue eyes.
The blue eyes that I-
I pause all the thoughts leaving my brain as I hear Chris let out an irritated huff.
And suddenly the feeling of Ethan’s hands on my clothed skin feels too hot. Even tho he unironically resembles Chris a lot, he isn’t Chris.
And god when did my standard become: Chris.
I tare my eyes away from Chris’ gaze. My eyes locking back onto Ethan’s dark eyes.
While Chris’ seem cold and icy, Ethan’s are warm and welcoming. But I don’t want to be welcome and the warmth seems too hot.
It feels like going out in a hoodie on the hottest summer day.
“Fuck off Chris. You’re not any better”
I say to Chris, while staring back at Ethan. But before I can hear Chris reply the bell rings.
I let out a breath. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Chris slam his locker harshly and leave. And once he does I leave a peck on Ethan’s lips.
I slide out of his grip chuckling.
“Imma go now pretty boy, I’ll see you later” I smile at Ethan.
I quickly take out my stuff for my English class and speed walk past him.
★ ★
I’m late to my class but I can’t help but not care.
I share this class with none of them.
Not Ethan, not Chris, not charlotte.
Wich was a relief. Because I don’t know what that was. Ethan has never done anything to make me feel uncomfortable.
Chris had.
So why am I comparing them.
Why do I feel like the lack of just simple bickering with Chris is giving me withdrawal? Why does his glare burn through my soul? Why does it feel wrong being near Ethan when Chris was there? And why the tell did it feel like Ethan’s touch burned?
Why did I want Ethan to be Chris?
Well no let me rephrase that.
Why did I want Chris to be nice to me.
He’s always been rude and mean. I knew what I was getting into. And I liked it, and it felt great. So why am I missing the attitude.
Am I that much of an attention whore?
My eyes trail around the room. I take in the whiteboard none of the words written on it register in my head. I look over the students, mostly only seeing the back of their heads, since I sat all the way in the back
I’ve never felt so loved, alone and hated at the same time.
I know Ethen likes me, and it feels like I’m using him for escapism. To distract myself. I’m leading him on..
I feel so alone. Literally the only people I would usually tell, are the brothers of the problem.
And I’ve felt hatred so intense from Chris. And I know he hates me, and I know that’ll never change
★ ★
He days seem to pass so fast, yet so slow. And at this point I don’t know what I’m doing.
I stick to Ethan. Sometimes I’ll make out with him other times I’ll just stay close to him. Especially when Chris is around.
And I can see that he is getting more and more pissed off.
I’ve been wearing more revealing clothes. Atleast as revealing as it can get with the dress code and all. Mocking the fact that Chris can’t do anything about it.
I was hanging out at home. Alone since my siblings were once again at a sleepover. It wasn’t like they were always at one. And I feel like they’re too young to party and I trust them.
I trust that they aren’t lying to me.
Anyway, since they’re only one year apart they share some friends. So they both went to a sleepover birthday party from one of them.
I’m sitting on the couch, for once enjoying the pice and quiet. I have a movie playing, but I’m drowning more in my own thoughts than watching the movie.
I pause when I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.
I think that maybe it could be my siblings? No neither can drive yet.
Maybe it’s a package. Did I order something? But no it’s midnight they wouldn’t still be delivering orders at midnight..
I get up anyway trading over to the door.
I mean if it’s a killer and I go out this way…. Oh well.
My eyes meet Chris’ as soon as I open the door.
I go to slam the door in his face, but he catches it roughly throwing it open.
“Cherry, please” he huffs. He walks in his sharp eyes trained on me. Chris closes the front door behind him.
“Chris get out” I sigh. I purse my lips glaring right back at him.
If he stays i don’t know for how much longer I can control myself. I feel like I’m having withdrawal symptoms. I miss the way he hates me.
“Cherry, listen” he snaps slightly. I raise an eye cockily. I shift on my feet and cross my arms. My glare doesn’t let up.
But Chris is looking at me different. He doesn’t glare, he looks at me with… desperation?
“What?” I snap back harshly.
“Cherry, please? Literally give me anything?”
Oh, so he is as desperate as he looks.
“Give you what?” I play dumb. My arms stay crossed. I keep looking back at him, his pathetic state only serving to piss me off more.
He can’t even drive, how the fuck did he get here. Nobody knows were fucking so he probably didn’t ask Matt. But Ubers are expensive at this time.
“You know what I mean. Cherry, I’ll literally get on my knees right now and beg.” He says that slightly jokingly. He doesn’t actually think he’ll have to go that far, but if he needs to he will.
“So, get on your knees than, Chris” I mock back, thinking that he wouldn’t actually do it.
But before I can blink he’s going down on his knees right in front of me.
I raise my eyebrow staring down at him.
He dramatically puts his hands together making a begging motion. “Please, please, please cherry??”
I look down at him. He looks so cute when his eyes don’t look like they want to bore through me.
He actually looks desperate and needy right now.
I know I said I wouldn’t hook up with him, and I’ve been doing good at ignoring him for almost a whole month. But god he looks so cute, so… god
I thread my fingers through his messy long hair. His wavy brown hair. And I suddenly pull him up. He winces at the harsh treatment, but he lowkey deserves it for being an ass.
I hate how he stands just a little bit taller next to me.
I crash my lips on his and it feels like fire works go off. I’ve kissed Ethan so many times these past few weeks but it never felt this good.
My arms wrap around his neck. My fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Chris’ hands instinctively go to my waist. He holds me flush against him and I feel so comfortable under his touch.
I pull off of the kiss scoffing. My hand wraps around his neck harshly. I pull him down to my eye level while slightly choking him, and he just lets me.
“Hm? Did you not get your dick sucked by someone else?” I mock him, my tone is harsh and condescending.
“Did she not do it as good as I did?”
“Don’t flatter yourself” he grumbles under his breath. He has the audacity to roll his eyes at me.
My grip on his neck tightens and he lets out a sharp breath, one that almost sounds like a moan.
“And yet you still came to my house, got on your knees and begged for me?”
He falls silent at the harsh words. He purses his lip staring back at me with what looks like shame in his eyes.
I move him harshly, changing the place where we stand so I’m close to the door. I harshly squeeze his neck before letting go.
“Go to the living room, I’ll be right there” I nod to the living room behind him. Chris eagerly nods before going to the living room.
I sprint up the stairs and with in a minute I’m back again.
“You’re so fucking pathetic you know that?” I glare at him while towering over his sitting figure.
I go to slowly straddle his lap. His back is pressed against the back of the couch. He looks up at me with ever so pleading eyes. Looking at me like he was desperate, wich he was.
“Such a pathetic bitch. Going to your enemies house and begging to be fucked” I say harshly. My grip goes back to his neck as I choke him slightly. Not enough to actually choke him, but enough to make him lightheaded.
“Sorry, sorry” he closes his eyes for a moment before opening them again.
His eyes meet mine and he looks purely submissive now. It’s funny to me how he is so needy. Maybe I need to ignore him and make him submissive more often, because I like this sight.
I pull him closer by his neck kissing him again. His hands ghost over my sides not daring to actually touch.
I pull away abruptly, listening to his whine.
“Undress.” I says simply standing in front of him.
While I watch him undress I turn off the TV fully. The movie had been paused, but I hadn’t paid attention to it anyway.
He does as I say. He slips off all of his clothing. He’s left fully nude in front of me for me to look at.
He squirms under my harsh gaze. But he is turned on. It’s obvious by his rock hard dick. It’s already red and swollen, leaking pre cum, looking for some release.
I pull out the vibrator from my pj pants pockets. I had gotten it from upstairs. Chris never let me use it on him, unless he was being really submissive.
And since he was, I might as well have fun.
I press it to his tip gently, not turning it on anything yet. I look back at him. I capture his mouth in a kiss. And then turn the vibrator on. He actually flinches at the sudden stimulation.
The kiss is messy, mainly because Chris can’t focus. But The vibrator is literally on the lowest level.
I pull away from the kiss listening to Chris whines and moans. He keeps his hands at his sides. He knows better than to try to get it away. But he looks like he’s itching to just push it away, overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure.
“You look so stupid right now” I chuckle.
I put the vibrator on the secound lowest level. But that alone is high enough for Chris to physically hold himself back from flinching. His moans and whines turn into breathless whimpers.
“Answer.” I scoff. And before I knew it I slap him across the face harshly. The clap echos through the room.
I was letting my pent up enger out, but Chris was enjoying it. As soon as I slap him, his mouth falls open in a silent moan.
Chris didn’t seem like the type. But he had a raging degradation kink.
The sting of the slap traveled right to his dick. His length was twitching in my hand. He was sinking further and further into the couch. He was enjoying this.
“I know-“ he breathes out. But I cut him off by turning the vibrator on higher.
His body practically jolts forward in pleasure. He tries not to come right then and there.
His hand grabs my wrist, the one that was holding the vibrator. “I’m close-“
“I don’t care Chris. If you come now you’ll have to go through the rest overstimulated.” I shrug. Then I abruptly turn the vibrator to its highest setting
He tries to curl his body in on himself but I push him back. And within seconds hes coming all over himself.
I keep the vibrator situated on his tip. I watch how he stays rock hard. His dick starts twitching as his whines get louder and needier.
He weekly pushes my hand off. But after A moment I take it off fully.
While he heaves for breath, I start to undress. I straddle him. When he feels me sink down on his tip his hands go to my waist out of instinct.
I sigh at the feeling. We haven’t fucked in what feels like ages. The stretch hurts. But still I purposefully clench around him to make it even tighter.
His eyes are clenched shut. He’s a moaning mess.
“Chris open your fucking eyes” I slap him again. His eyes flutter open.
“You look so cute all submissive” I taunt. I’m only half way down and I’m struggling. But he doesn’t need to know.
Before he can whine in answer I ram myself down. I wince at the feeling. But Chris’ moans are louder.
I start to gently bounce on him. But he is growing overstimulated quick.
I keep on doing that, my glare focused on Chris. Chris’ eyes shut tightly for a moment. He breaths harshly.
His eye meet mine again. He looks purely submissive. His head tilted down slightly, mouth slightly agape.
“Handsome boy, all needy to get fucked like this hm?” I wait for him to answer but he just whines and moans in response to my movements.
“Can you talk baby?” I ask, huffing. I grab his face, slightly squishing his cheek together with one hand. “Hm? You like getting fucked like this?”
He gasps when I speed up the pace. He blinks a few times, halfheartedly throwing back his head.
Another slap echos through the living room. His head is turned to the side his eyes wide. His mouth is agape as he tries to hold it together. “I told you to fucking talk Chris”
One of his hands goes to his cheek. He grits his teeth trying to formulate words.
But before he can, my hand goes to his neck gently squeezing as I start to ride him harder.
“So good- fuck-“ he breaths out harshly.
His eyes are half lidded. The rough treatment only serves to turn him on even more.
“Yeah, you like that?” I scoff. My hand snakes from his throat to his neck. I pull him in for a sloppy kiss. He can barely focus on anything, every sense in him overwhelmed.
I pull away from the kiss. My hands both move to his shoulders, To use as leverage to ride him harder.
Chris throws back his head, his eyes shutting. He only gets increasingly louder. My movements get harsher and more relentless.
I take one of his hands from my waits and position it at my clit. “Rub it” I demand. And as soon as I do he starts to rub it vigorously.
I clench around him, feeling my release wash over me. Chris’ hand on my hip gets harsher and harsher. I keep moving though, until I feel him twitch.
I quickly pull off an hover over him.
I sit down on his thighs, then start to jerk him off harshly. I put the vibrator back to his tip and turn it on.
Chris’ body harshly jerks forward. I put a hand on his chest and push him back.
And within a few seconds Chris is coming all over himself again.
We both pant as I stare at him. I keep sitting on his thighs as I watch him for a moment.
I lean down and leave a peck on his forehead. I pull him into me. My arms wrap around his neck, putting his face into the crook of my neck.
I pull away from him and slowly get up off of him. I pull on my panties, and pj pants again. As well as my top. Quickly getting dressed again.
I really don’t want to, but he needs to go. As much as I missed him, I made it a point to not hook up with him.
And now that I have, I might as well treat him like he treats me.
“You have to leave.”
He pause looking at me questioningly, It’s like he hadn’t expected me to tell him that. Like he expected us to just hang out and cuddle or something.
Which is not going to happen.
“What?” He questions, his tone sounding blunt, almost harsh.
“Christopher, I want you to leave” I say more sternly. I overpronounce every word to make sure his stupid brain understands it.
“Why” he scoffs frustrated. He stares at me like I’m crazy. Like I’m crazy for telling him to leave when leaving is literally all he ever does.
“Christoper.” I grit out my tone more harsh and serious.
I can’t help the loud scoff that I let out. I walk to the nearest bathroom. I grab a towel halfheartedly dampening it.
I walk back to the living room, where Chris sits mildly stunned. I throw the damp towel on him watching as he awkwardly cleans himself.
“What’s up with you” he sasses me. His gaze is judging.
“I hate you, Chris. I always will.” My words are harsh. And the more I talk the more I can see him narrow his eyes at me in anger, growing more upset by the second.
“Just because we fuck, doesn’t mean I like you. You’re a shitty person.” I take in a deep breath. I feel like I could say worse than that.
“I hate you, and you should leave.” I purse my lips. I watch his expression shift. His jaw clenches, and I can see that he looks like he is about to blow up on me.
The withdrawal symptoms of not fucking me were too much, but now he feels the rage. He remembers why he hated me so much. I can literally feel the hatred and anger radiating off of him.
His already sharp jawline only seems accentuated by the way he clenches it. He swallows his Adam’s apple bobbing.
Chris’ eyes narrow at me, but he just gets up and puts his clothes back on. He looked furious.
I hate him, so why would I let him stay, why would I forgive him. He got the Sex he wanted, so why was he so pissy about leaving?
Now fully dressed he walks closer to me, not touching me.
“What’s wrong with you?” He scoffs. His mood was now definitely sour.
“That’s how you always treat me Chris. Now leave” I snap back at him, getting just as angry as him.
“Okay cherry, have it that way” he gives me a halfhearted sarcastic nod. He then brushes past me to the door, opening it, before a loud slam echoes through the house.
I had sworn to not hook up with him anymore. And if I did that I’d treat him like he treats me. But why do I feel so shitty now?
Can’t a girl have sex and then he all giddy and want to cuddle?
Yes but Chris’ presence irks me. It’s disgusting. He is disgusting.
A/N: requests are always open. pls give me ideas on how to continue this <3 comment if u wanna be on the taglist
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos
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wonwayne · 9 months
how enha takes care of you ☁️
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pairing : ot7 x gn!reader genre : fluff, comfort, humor warnings : mentions of food word count : 1k
a/n : requested by anon! kind of kicked it off with this hee drabble but had so much fun writing for all the members. for today’s purposes, let’s keep y/n sick and alone in their apartment 🫶
💭 heeseung
my little philosophy is that significant others can be two types of caregivers — one actively tries to treat your illness, the other is emotional support
each has their own merit ofc
but hee is miraculously both
sincerely believes he can rizz you to health
he’s being a bit selfish, he worries, for making you smile all the time
because it heals him more than it heals you
but he makes up for it by making sure you eat like a king (for all three meals a day!) until you feel better
also cuddles with you in bed to keep you warm
if whatever you have is contagious, he is definitely getting it
last but certainly not least: he sings to you. acoustic covers + snippets of his self-produced music, you’re getting it all 😌
almost makes you wish you were sick more often
💭 jay
arrives at your place with like fifty grocery bags (okay maybe not fifty, but… a lot)
big believer in sleep as the best medicine so he lets you be for the most part
but as soon as you wake up and come down to the living room
say hello to a FEAST
literally no room left on the dining table and he’s still doing something in the kitchen????
“jay i can’t… consume all of this” “don’t worry, eat as much as you want for now and i’ll put the leftovers in the fridge”
at this point what is there left to say except “can you just be my husband already”
you’re about to dig in and suddenly he’s standing over you giving you the death stare
“... did i… do something wrong?” “seriously?” your heart stops before he goes, “what happened to my thank you kiss?”
UGH he’s such a softie
💭 jake
is worried SICK and cannot hide it
refuses to leave your bedroom once he first enters it unless absolutely necessary — must stay by your side at all times !!
not the most experienced but the effort is very much there
“should we take the medicine together? would that be easier?” and you KNOW he hates taking medicine
“babe why would you take nyquil. you don’t have a cold.” “idk it can’t hurt can it?” it very much can (don’t do this kids)
he drinks it with you anyway (clinks the medicine cups and says “cheers!”… what are you going to do with this man) and tries his best to fight the drowsiness
ends up dozing with his head on your lap, kneeling by the bed
peak puppy position i tell you PEAK
💭 sunghoon
what matters is not so much how he takes care of you but how he looks so good while taking care of you: simple white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up just to the elbows, hair slicked back a little from washing his face, setting damp towels on your forehead and his forearm veins emerging as he wrings them… help me
it’s the wuthering heights bedridden cathy victorian era aesthetic okay
speaking of books why do i get the feeling that sunghoon would read to you
or simply talk to you about his day or childhood memories or anything to keep you comfortable and entertained
idk i feel like he’d want to remind you of his presence in a “i’m here for you” type of way but without being intrusive… is not at all offended when you fall asleep to his voice
don’t you just love when sunghoon.
💭 sunoo
i have one very specific idea for sunoo and i’m kinda obsessed with it
MINT. TEA. (if you know you know… mint tea is the sinus relief GOD)
and ofc as our resident mint choco lover, how could he not
“baby i made something for you!” you peer into the mug and you’re like 🤨 “you didn’t add chocolate syrup to this did you” “wtf i’m not a monster why would i do that??”
his discography and food preferences beg to differ but he truly does give you pure, steaming mint tea
it is so perfect i promise you will fall in love with him all over again
mint aside we all know this man is a human vitamin like i cannot imagine you staying sick for long
no need to binge tv (it makes your head hurt more anyway), just have sunoo spill all the drama to you for seven hours straight and you’ll be good to go
💭 jungwon
makes you wonder, did this boy have a medical degree this entire time and just not tell me??
knows exactly which medications help with which symptoms, gives you all the immune boosting foods, pulls up with a weighted blanket and a heating pad and a plushie to hug— you’re getting the best sleep of your life no question about it
listens to you so well “i miss what it was like to breathe” “it’s frustrating, isn’t it? as soon as one nostril clears, the other fills up, and it never seems to end” “YES ohmy— [cough] god, yes, you get it :(”
at the same time i think won is the most likely to avoid skinship when you’re sick bc yeah that stuffy nose does not sound fun
is smart about it though; prepares a bubble bath for you and then sets up the heating pad and everything on your bed while you’re in the bath
becomes 143x touchier once you’re back to normal (“i missed squishing your cheeks” “i missed squishing your cheeks!”)
💭 niki
crashes at your place to make sure you’re having a good time
it’s either you watching him game or movie marathon together
you don’t say it but you are so inordinately grateful that he’s caring enough to chill with you on days like these, you know he’d rather do dates outside and play pranks on you every other hour, but he’s giving that up just for you
would share a tub of ice cream with you if you’re craving it, although he voices his concerns first “is it… right to eat cold stuff when you have a cold?” “it defrosts in my mouth don’t worry” “okay you do you”
basically a good old sleepover
every time he checks your temperature he sings his part in fever (he’s humorous like that)
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A james potter x fem!reader request <3
James is in love with Lily. He always has been, right? Ever since the first year of attending Hogwarts he has been chasing after her affection. It’s all anyone thinks of when they think of him. “The boy who chases the unattainable.” Through all of his failed attempts, Reader has stood next to him, supporting him through everything despite the raging love she feels for him.
James does something bad while trying to attain the affection of Lily… again. While his attempts work and he gets the girl, he ends up losing his best friend in the process.
Please have it end with a happy ending where they end up togetherrrr!! Thank youu!!
(If you want to of course, if you don’t mo worries. You can also add smut if you want 👀)
smart, sexy lacy, i’m losing it lately
pairing: james porter x reader
warnings: cursing, jealously, james being stupid, insecurity, confessions, lowkey toxic!james, rosekiller and dorlene my babies, hurt/comfort, ANGST, twin evan and pandora 💘, james being shit on for being a douche, happy ending
wc: 2.5k
a/n: ok i absolutely love this idea but i’m not sure if i executed it very well, however i did have so much fun doing it :)))
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It was no secret that James Potter was in love with Lily Evans. He always has been, it was just a part of Hogwarts life now - a wild shenanigan to gain the affection of the woman he wanted.
It was also no secret that you stood by his side and picked up the pieces for 6 years every time his schemes got shut down by Lily.
You and James had grown up together, your families running in the same social circle. So you were well aware of his antics and escapades. But in these 17 years of being by James’s side as a friend, you wanted more.
You have wanted more since the two of you escaped from one of your family’s parties when you were 12. He led you out to the garden where the two of you stargazed for the remainder of the boring, high-class party.
But you could never let James know the love you had for him. You were his highest confidante and his best friend, you didn’t want that to be ruined. You’d rather keep James as friend than not have him at all.
You love James, however, you hate Lily Evans. You hate everything about her. Her stupid beautiful smile, her perfectly kept hair, her sweet personality, her Outstanding test scores, and of course the undeniable love and admiration from James Potter. She is just perfect, and you hate her for it. Except you can’t really hate her. You hate the envy you’ve curated towards her. She is so admirable it’s annoying as hell.
You sat in the Marauders’ room, helping James plan out his next gesture for Lily. The rest of the Marauders were spread around the room doing various things, reading, drumming, smoking.
You were getting annoyed at him now, you just wanted him to notice you. Of course you were there but you wanted him to see you, not see through you. Tension had been thick between the two of you for weeks.
“Alright so pink flowers or blue flowers? Or both?”
“Is this a baby shower?”
James frowned at your harsh tone, “Okay…”
You held your hand at the bridge of your nose and closed your eyes, “Just get her Calla Lillies or something. Simple flower and her name is Lily,”
“Oh that’s an amazing idea! You’re a genius, what would I do without you?”
You rolled your eyes, probably get yourself killed, you thought.
James noticed your slumped demeanor, and so did Remus as he perked up from behind his book to listen in on your conversation.
“What is wrong with you?”
“I beg your pardon?” you snapped at him.
“What. Is. Wrong. With. You.?” he annunciated every word archly, like you were a small child.
Remus stepped in like a parent, “James don’t talk to her like that,”
“No, I want to know what’s wrong with her attitude,”
“There’s nothing wrong,”
“You know what, fuck you, I don’t even care,” he turned around to put his parchment down.
“Yeah, you never do,” you got up to leave when James grabbed your wrist.
“You’re just fucking mad that no one cares about you like I care about Lily,” this brought the rest of the people in the room to the conversation.
“James!” Peter and Remus shouted at him simultaneously. Peter was always on your side, he had grown up with you, Marlene, and James as kids. And he knows about your crush on James.
“James, what the hell?” Even Sirius was shocked he could say such a thing to you.
Your expression hardened as you tried to hold in tears, you pulled your hand away from him and mustered up as much strength as you could to speak back to him, you looked at him with glassed over eyes, “Fuck you, James, I never want to see you again.”
You ran out of their dorm, Remus and Peter in tow, and into your dorm, slamming the door in their faces.
Falling flat on the bed, face first, screaming into your pillow, you wanted to die. Actually. This was actually the end of your life because there was no coming back from this.
Soft knocks on the door pulled you from your trance. You stood up and opened the door meeting Lily’s soft face, “Are you alright, I could hear you screaming from outside?”
You wanted to throat punch her.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just stressed,”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, 100%,”
“Okay. Well Mary, Marlene, and I are going down to the greenhouse if you’d like to join?”
“I think I’m going to stay… and study,”
“Alright, well we’ll see you later then,” Lily left the dorm doorway with a smile and you went back to you bed and flopped down. Does she have to be so perfect?
You were never getting over this.
Back in the Marauders dorm, James was being berated by his friends.
“How could you say that to her?”
“James, you’re so fucking dense,”
“Do you ever think before you speak?”
“You’re an actual idiot, genuinely,”
“You clearly need time to think, so we’ll give you some time alone to reflect on your relationship with her,” Remus and Sirius stormed out, Peter following.
At the doorway he hesitated and turned to James sitting slumped on his bed, “James, have you ever thought you’re not in love with Lily and she’s just a distraction for you?”
A distraction? What? From what? From who?
Peter left shortly after sticking James with the question of a life time. Was he talking about you?
It didn’t matter. He loves Lily. Right?
The next day he expected everything to go back to normal, you would be back by his side and his friends would be alright. Except this wasn’t the case. His friends were still wary of him and you were no where to be found.
At breakfast his friends only talked about school work and he noticed you weren’t at the table with them. He had also noticed that Marlene gave him an upturned look every time he looked in her direction. You must’ve told her what happened.
At lunch he noticed you still weren’t in the Great Hall. He hoped you were eating something, he knew how easy it was for you to accidentally skip meals. He left lunch early to look for you after his friends wouldn’t talk to him and he kept getting dirty looks from the rest of the girls at the Gryffindor table.
He took a couple laps around the school until he remembered that you loved the library and you had to be there! When he got there he beelined for the spot you and him always shared and as he approached he heard hushed voices and giggles.
He peeked around the corner of a bookshelf and saw you sitting way too close to Evan Rosier.
What the fuck were you doing with Rosier? How do you even know Rosier? Why are you talking to him? Since when did you even become friends?
Evan was one of your closest friend’s twin brother, you’d grown up next to Pandora and Evan just as you had with James, Peter, and Marlene.
You were quite well-known in the wizarding world because of your parents' social lives; always throwing lavish parties and social events.
Evan had been a confidante of yours for a couple of years now, especially since the two of you exchanged advice and stories about the guys you’ve been pining over for years.
But what were you doing with him, of course? Debriefing.
James suddenly felt like he was going to throw up everywhere. How dare you fucking bring Evan fucking Rosier to your spot.
He stormed out of the library and into his next class. He couldn’t even focus on transfiguration. Everything he touched just blew up, which was quite the parallel to his social life.
At dinner he noticed that you still weren’t at the table. There was no way you were going to skip all three meals just because you were avoiding him. That’s when he saw you across the Great Hall sitting at the Slytherin table, in between Rosier and Crouch, laughing at something that probably wasn’t even that funny.
His appetite was suddenly gone. Not to mention he was getting looks from almost everyone at the Gryffindor table. Alice Fortescue, Marlene, Mary, and even Lily were all avoiding his pleading gazes.
Emmeline Vance, Dorcas Meadows, and Emma Vanity would occasionally catch his attention with their hard and disgusted stares.
Fuck. How many people had you told about what happened?
Tomorrow will be better. Everyone is just tense today.
Tomorrow was not in fact better. It was quite possible that it was almost worse than before.
James felt alone. If you were still here with him, he would wrap himself in your arms and cry into your shoulder. But you weren’t here because he pushed you away, quite harshly he may add.
In the morning you sat with the Slytherins, at lunch you sat with the Slytherins, and at dinner you sat with the Slytherins. You may as well be one by now.
The next day came and everything was the same, except for the fact that his friends were a little more talkative. But he didn’t have you.
You were gone, Lily wouldn’t even look at him, which at this point he didn’t even care. He just wants you back.
On the third day of losing you, you still weren’t around and it was really affecting James. You’ve never gone this long without something as simple as a check-in.
He thinks by now all of Hogwarts has known what he had said to you and for the past two nights he’s laid awake thinking about it, wishing he could take it back.
You hadn’t really told anyone except Dorcas, Pandora, and Evan. Dorcas told Marlene, Marlene told Mary, Lily, and Alice. Pandora told Barty who told Regulus and Mulciber. Regulus told Emmaline and Emma. And from there it spread like wildfire.
A week passed and you got closer to the Slytherins and he increasingly got worse. He lost the quidditch game to Ravenclaw. He failed his Defense Against the Dark Arts paper. And most of all, he was losing it, snapping at everyone and constantly drunk or high.
His friends cornered him in his dorm one afternoon, “Have you thought maybe you’re like this because you love her?”
“Of course I bloody love her! I fucking messed up,”
Merlin. He’s had so much time to think about you and he realized that Peter was right. Lily was just a distraction from you.
He hated how long it took him to figure out his feelings for you. You were just perfect in his eyes — your hair, your teeth, your eyes, your smile, your kindness, your humor, he wanted every single part of you and he irrevocably fucked it up.
“Talk to her, that’s the best you can do.”
He found you in the library, alone this time. Calling your name hesitantly, you looked up from your book with an arched brow.
“Can we talk?”
”No,” you said archly. James was taken aback, not expecting you to say that. You packed your things and James watched as you left the library. What the fuck just happened?
He stormed back into his dorm where the group had added Marlene to the mix. James came in and slammed the door.
“I take it the talk went well,” Marlene added sarcastically.
“Fuck off, Mckinnon,” Marlene hated that. Standing from her place next to Sirius’s bed she walked towards James aggressively.
“No, fuck you, Potter. Dorcas told me what you said. Dorcas! Not even my own best friend told me what happened, I had to hear it from my girlfriend!”
“You’re so fucking dense it’s actually painful,”
“Please can you just help me talk to her,”
“Go to our dorm, she’s in there, I’ll stand at the door to keep her in,”
“Thank you, Marlene, I’m so serious, I owe you big for this one,”
“Yeah, okay, just go fix it, you’re getting really horrible to be around.”
James raced to your dorm and knocked on the door, which was the mistake. He knew you weren’t going to answer. He opened the door, seeing you laying on your bed with a book.
“We’re talking. Right now,” you looked up at him and rolled your eyes.
“Please, please hear me out,”
“No, please,” you let out a breath and nodded your head at him, curtly, egging him to go on.
“I cannot even express how horrible I feel for shouting at you and saying some horrid things. I want you back more than ever, I love you so much and I am so fucking daft for not seeing it sooner,” your gaze softened but you were still skeptical.
“Listen, what you said isn’t what totally bothered me, it was the way you said it. James, I have stood by your side for years while you pinned over Lily, and when you said that I wished I had someone to love me like that, I was hoping it would be you,”
“And it is me, I love you, so much, and I can’t even comprehend my love for you because it’s absolutely wild,”
“How can I even trust what you’re saying right now? How can I know everything isn’t going to revert back to the way it was?”
He moved closer to your bed, his knees against the mattress, standing above you.
"Because I promise to give you everything in my entire being. I want to give you my all - my heart, my mind, my soul,” he sat beside you, taking your face in his hand, brushing away stray hair with his other hand.
“I want you James, but I can’t trust you anymore,”
“We can build on it,” you want him so bad. You need him so bad.
“Do you promise?”
“I swear on my life.”
You lean in and softly press your lips to his. Your lips move rhythmically against his, as if they were meant to be together.
The kiss was more than electric, it was as if everything in the world went silent and the stars had aligned in your favor. The short time you were together you felt a need and an urgency to be with him.
There was nothing you loved more in the world than James Potter.
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artificialbreezy · 8 months
Please please please please more dom! Noah. You seem to know bdsm well from looking at old posts on your blog and I just love your take on everything
girl i had too much fun with this. it’s kinda. a long one. buckle up
nsfw under the cut
• “You’re so pretty, baby. Can’t believe you’re mine.”
• “I know you can’t reach that; why not ask for help little one?”
• Lots of hugs from behind
• Idk man i just feel like he’d be needy but not like needy in a bad way. Needy as like, he wants to be near you all the time (except when the workaholic parts of him are front and center)
• I don’t think he’d would like neglect you when he’s working on an album but i definitely see him being a little distant
• Like he wouldn’t plan dates as often or his calls would be later than usual
• but when you were at his house he’d have you with him while he's working. Showing you what he's working on.
• He gets in his head sometimes, he needs a reminder from his partner that he’s okay.
• That he’s loved and he’s never a bother to you
• He is 100% a dom
• Sometimes a mean dom, sometimes a soft dom. I feel it really depends on the day
• Like did he wake up annoyed with the world? Mean dom Noah is heeerrreee
• Did he wake up and look over at his little baby and just stare in awe? Soft dom day.
• Let's talk about soft dom Noah first
• i definitely think daddy and sir are the most common names he chooses to go by
• I mean cmon listen to his lyrics, he's got that whole hierarchy thing going on.
• size kink = daddy kink
• they go hand in hand for noah
• he’d put his hand on your stomach and say “can feel myself in your tummy baby. taking my cock so well”
• the first time you call him daddy is when he’s just being relentless, you have tears in your eyes and you don’t have any thoughts just “daddy please”
• man would lose it internally. he didn’t know he’d like that, that much. but here he is.
• “what was that baby? say it again for me yeah? can you do that? can you say it again for daddy?”
• now punishments for dom noah? they range from writing lines to harsh spanks to overstimulation
• his favorite is overstimulation bc seeing you cry from all the pleasure he’s giving you really gets him going
• “awe baby cmon, you know daddy only gives good girls what they want. beg for it.”
• if he’s gonna spank you, he’s gonna do it when you’re least expecting it. he doesn’t want to give you time to prepare. he wants your raw emotions right then and there
• he’ll be sitting on the couch all spread out and you’ll walk by and he’ll just grab you and pull you over his lap
• “ya know why i’m doing this right baby?”
• if you DONT respond he’d send a warning hit that causes a big jolt
• “that’s a warning, now answer me.”
• when you miss count he stops and sends a lil warning smack to your pussy. “start over angel, you know the rules. where’d my good girl go?”
• now let’s get into the soft dom every day Noah that’s outside of the bedroom
• big ✨daddy✨vibes
• he loves watching you color while he plays his game.
• warms his heart to see you on his bed with a stuffed animal next to you and a big ole coloring book in front of you
• really warms his heart to see your tongue hanging out of your mouth a lil bc you’re so focused on your picture
• whenever your done with it, he hangs it up on his wall bc “awe baby look at this! you’re a natural artist!”
• he loves taking you on little picnic dates.
• he’ll get you dressed in your cute little dresses and pack your favorite lunch and hold your hand the whole way there and then take you to the park afterwards bc he knows you love the swings
• he 100% fills up your cups
• need more soda? absolutely not “daddy said you need water now angel. don’t argue”
• and you’d pout a lil bit at the end of the day you know he just wants what’s best for you and your health
• he LOOOOVES when you drag out his name when you want something
• “daaaaaddddyyyyy”
• he’d just smile down at you “what do you need little one? how can i help you?”
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writingkeepsmewhole · 10 months
Party Gone Wrong
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This is part 5 of The Bet my old Draco Malfoy Fic that I'm bringing back. This is not following the books or movies it's just me having fun. :) I hope you like it. Let me know what you think and if you wanna be tagged.
Draco Malfoy X Reader 
Fic Summery: Draco bets reader she can't make him fall for her.
Part Summery: Reader goes to a party and gets in an interesting situation with Draco.
Warnings: Maybe a word or something not for sure.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in something.
Part 1 Part 4
The next few weeks were not what I would call normal. Well school was normal but other than that my life at Hogwarts was strange.
Everytime I walked through the halls I somehow always bumped into Draco or him bumping into me. Whenever I was in class when I looked up I would find his blue eyes staring at me.
I’m sure to others it looked threatening or like he was glaring at me but I knew the truth.
He was waiting for me to win him over. To do something that would give him a reason to like a mud blood.
I was in the middle of trying to enjoy lunch while catching secret glances with Draco. He was talking to Pansy but he wasn’t looking at her.
I stick my tongue out at him, earning a wink back that makes me giggle.
“Hey Y/N!” one of the twins says sitting next to me, followed by the other one.
“Umm yes?” I say making myself turn and face them.
“You wanna come to another party tonight?”
“Umm sure.”
“Okay great but bring a date.”
“A date?”
“Yeah we are going to be playing games and we want it to be about even for couples.”
“And who am I meant to invite?” I ask.
“The only boys I know are your brother and Harry and one of them is not speaking to me.”
“Oh you can’t invite them, they already have dates.”
“Can I come by myself?”
“No. See you tonight.” They say at the same time and stand up leaving me alone.
“Thanks.” I say after them.
I spent the rest of the day as normal as it could be. I was heading back to my room when I was approached by Neville.
“Umm hi.” He says, stopping me in the hallway.
“Hello.” I say smiling at him.
“Are you going to the party tonight?”
“I was but apparently you can’t go alone.”
“You don’t have a date?” He asks, looking at me from looking at the floor.
“No one I wanted to ask.” I say Draco’s face comes to mind but that was a big no no.
“So umm would you like to go with me?” He asks, blushing.
“Sure.” I say smiling at him.
“Yeah, you're a nice person. I wouldn’t mind spending a night with you.”
“Thanks Y/N.” He says blushing.
“No problem.”
‘I’ll umm meet you in the courtyard after dinner.”
“Sure.” I say smiling at him.
With a read race he quickly scurries off making me laugh. I walk into my room with a new plan in mind.
I was going to get dressed in normal clothes but halfway through I couldn’t help but wonder if Draco would be there. I blush at the thought,  hating now I was starting to look forward to seeing him.
Chewing my lip I looked at my clothes laid on the bed and decided to change plans. I wasn’t going to dress up for anyone. But this was a game right? I was meant to make him break down and fall for me.
I have to stop the twisted smile on my face wondering if maybe I should have been in Slytherin.
Giggling, I shrug and start to get dressed.
I didn’t have much time so I settled for ripped jeans, a tight t-shirt that showed off just the right amount of chest and some converse.
I penned my hair up in a clip leaving a bit out to frame my face and put on natural makeup except for my winged liner.
I winked at myself in the mirror, scratched my cat Hallow’s head and skipped out the door wondering what kind of trouble I could get into tonight.
Bouncing down the steps I was shocked to find Neville waiting for me by the fireplace. Him blushing when he saw me.
“Wow, you look great.”
“Aww thank you.” I say, smiling my head falling to the right.
“Are you ready to go? Harry and Ron already left.”
“Of course they did. Those two are gonna get each other into a lot of trouble one of these days.”
“Haven’t they already?” He asks, as we start walking out into the hallway.
“Yeah, they seem to every year.” I say, smiling at the thought of their antics.
Neville laughs nervously the rest of the walk to the party filled with easy small talk.
When we get to the party it’s in full swing. The twins were vetting people before they came inside. They also hand everyone a drink as soon as they come in.
“What is this?” I ask, looking at the shot. Whatever it was, the liquid moved inside it.
“A little of this.” One twin said.
“And a little of that.” The other one said.
“Will it make me forget tonight or do anything against my will?”
“No!” They both say looking shocked I would even ask.
“Fine. Bottoms up boys.” I say living the shot to them then knocking it back.
A sweet taste filling my mouth and running smoothly down my throat. It makes a warm feeling settle through my body.
“Great you have fun tonight.”
“Always.” I say winking at them and walking into the crowd of people. Neville right on my heels.
“Are you okay?” He asks me over the music.
“Yeah, why?” I ask, looking at him. Noticing how flushed his cheeks were.
“Your face is really red.”
“Yours too. Must be the drink.” I say shrugging, as the music grows louder.
“Yeah I’ll get you a drink.” He says, smiling, walking into the crowd.
I smile after him, Neville always seeming so sweet and cute.
“You came with Longbottom?” A familiar voice says, making me look up over my shoulder to see Draco standing there, drink in hand. A glare on his face.
His cheeks are just as red as apparently everyone else's. 
“You like his bottom?” I ask, acting like I couldn’t hear him. Draco looked shocked and then angry at my question.
I giggle, it dies as soon as Pansy steps from behind him.
“Aww did you have to pay someone to come with you?” She smirks at me.
“No, if I ever do that I’ll be sure to ask you for tips.” I say, not surprised when she tries to step towards me. Draco stopped her.
“Gotta go. Tootles.” I say, getting ready to leave them two alone until warm lights flood the room. The twins climb onto a table getting everyone's attention.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming.” They say in unison.
“We can’t wait to start the games we have planned tonight.” They say making me roll my eyes at their dramatic flare.
“We hope you all came here with someone you liked because-.” They say looking at each other smirking.
“They are the one you will be staying with tonight.” They say clapping their hands on the word tonight.
The weight of something around my wrist makes me look down seeing a band wrapped around my wrist.
It was thin, gold and silver weaving around each other. It was kinda like a bangle only it had a chain attached. The chain only being six inches or so. The other end of the chain was connected to none other than Draco Malfoy. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I say the sound of voices murmuring through the room.
“Now now everyone, the overall game is simple. Play our games or tasks and win to gain keys. The more keys the more links on your chain. Once it reaches three feet the spell brakes. The last couple stuck together loses. Or wins.” The twins say bouncing between each other talking.
I sigh, looking at Draco then at them.
“I’m gonna kill ‘em.” I say, hearing a huff.
“This makes no sense. You two didn’t come together.” Pansy says.
“Clearly not. That’s the point. Whoever you were standing close to is who you are stuck with. I’m just glad it wasn’t you.” I say glaring at her.
“Now first task. Hold hands with your partner.” One of the twins says grinning.
Once again the mix of voices fill the room but soon people start holding hands, a soft popping sound being heard as another link adds to their chains.
“This is ridiculous.” Pansy says, grabbing her partner's hand. Some hufflepuff kid that looks terrified and maybe excited to be stuck with her.
Sighing I reach for Draco’s hand, him snatching it away from me only jerking my wrist up following his movements.
“What are you doing? I’m not holding hands with a filthy mudblood.” He spits at me.
“Well I hate to tell you it’s either do that or be stuck with me all night. Who knows maybe the rest of the year. George and Fred happen to enjoy these kinds of pranks.”
“Fine.” He glares.
“But don’t get any ideas.” He says slowly lowering his hand.
“I wouldn't dream of it, big boy.” I say, taking his hand in mine. A soft pop is heard, another link being added to our cuffs. The cuff grows half an inch. Each link is only that long.
‘Oh joy.’ I think, wondering how long I was going to be stuck with him at this rate.
I look at the crowd of people, some of them still holding hands others not telling me I could let go.
I open my grip, expecting my hand to fall but I’m stopped when Draco’s fingers lace with mine. I look up at him, but find him staring straight ahead like he has no idea what he just did.
“Who are you and what have you done with Draco Malfoy?” I whisper under my breath.
“Shut it.” He whispers back, making me blush.
I clench my jaw hoping he didn’t notice that it would look no different than my cheeks have all night.
Another round of pops fills the room as all the couples who let go of each other gain two links on their cuffs.
I can feel the smirk on my face from Draco making me glare up at him.
“Shut up.” I say sticking my tongue out at him, a cocky smile settling on his lips.
“Enjoy the party. We will give you your next task shortly.” The twins say disappearing.
“Oh my gosh really? That’s not fair!” Pansy says loudly.
“That’s my ear.” I say holding the ear she just screamed in.
“I’m going to find those two and-.” She mumbles going off into the crowd.
“She’ll never find them.” I say, more to myself than anyone.
“Lucky me.” Draco says, sounding annoyed.
“Well if you didn’t want to get stuck with me. Maybe you shouldn’t have been invading my space.” I say back at him.
He looks shocked for a second then sighs.
“Whatever.” He says, his forehead wrinkling up.
“I need a drink.” I sigh.
“Come on.” He says pulling me with him.
“Where are we going?” I say, having no choice but to follow him. I could drop our hands but I wasn’t about to lose two links.
“To get you a drink.” He says, not looking back at me.
“Okay?” I question, wondering why he was being nice.
I’m surprised to see the twins at the punch bowl chatting with a few other people. Neither of them have holding hand buddies. But no one around them seemed to mind.
“Ah, look who it is.” Fred I think says meeting my gaze.
“Shush.” I say, them snickering at my partner.
“I should have never come here tonight.” I say grabbing a cup to pour myself some punch.
“But you did.” Fred says.
“Now you're here.” George says, smirking.
“You two are both idiots.” Draco snaps.
“Calm down anger management.” I snap at him, elbowing him in the side.
“Only I can be me to my friends thank you.” I glare at him.
“Ahh enemies to lovers.” The twins say, nodding to each other.
“We can see it.” Fred says.
“We can.” George says.
“Why do you two have to talk in riddles?” I ask, looking at both of them.
They both shrug and grinning.
“Can we get our next task or whatever over with so I can go to bed?” I ask, not wanting to be here now that I was stuck to Draco all night.
Yes I wanted to win the bet and toy with him a bit but I didn’t want to be attached to him.
“Whatever you say.” They say, disappearing.
“How do you stand them two?” Draco asks.
“They are funny.” I say shrugging trying to pour me a drink.
“Here.” Draco says holding my cup so it doesn't move then handing it to me.
“Thanks.” I say, taking it off the table and taking a drink.
“I’m surprised you would drink that. After the shot at the door.”
I shrug again.
“I’m already here. No point in worrying about it now.” I say, shifting my weight onto my left hip, making me bump shoulders with him.
“Sorry.” I say straightening back up.
He doesn't answer me. The twins appeared once again in the middle of the room.
“Alright everyone, next task. Show us your favorite couples pose. You have five minutes to decide. Choose wisely you’ll be like this for an hour.” They say, looking directly at me. A devilish grin on their faces.
I clench my jaw wishing I would have brought my wand to curse them.
Voices and music fills the room as people work everything out. Laughs mix in them, seeming to enjoy themselves.
“Oh my gosh come on.” I say dragging him with me.
I don’t give him time to respond as I walk towards the group of couches and chairs.
“I’m not standing for an hour.” I say to him watching the seats get filled up as others get the same idea as me.
Seeing a large chaise I rush towards it getting to it before anyone else.
“Sit.” I say looking at Draco, him looking me up and down.
“Please.” I say through gritted teeth.
“All you had to do was ask.” He says sitting down, our hands separating. It was clear that wasn’t the game we were trying to win anymore.
I watch Draco sit, him leaning back. I knock his legs apart as I climb onto the soft cushion, turn around and plant myself between his legs just as our timer goes off.
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Mwahahahahaha I had so much fun with this thanks for the request, xoxoxoxo I hope you love it as much as I did! Also I know some of my followers are prob not American so I did The Most Basic lingo because we are the idiots who don’t name stuff normally like the rest of planet Earth
Kink Bingo - Topping from the Bottom
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Chubby!Beefy!Subby!Bucky, Dom nerdy afab!reader, Bucky is a sweet lil bear who wouldn’t hurt a fly but sends men into the ground on a daily basis, Frank Castle is a tired roommate, pnv!sex, overstim, pet names, teasing, creampie, disaster Bucky barnes, college!au, football player!buck, fluffy as HELL
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You weren’t sure where, how, or when you ended up in this situation.
To quote the Talking Heads, “Well. How did I get here?”
Except there was no fun song about water flowing underground. There was a very sexy man staring at you in the library who had just said something. You blinked again, fiddling with your pencil. The library was dead quiet per usual.
Bucky Barnes, resident slut, face morphed into confusion, blue eyes piercing. He asked, “Uh, you okay? Did you hear me?”
You cleared your throat and spoke, “Yes, problem 15. The key to research statistics is all in the equa-“
A huge hand slid across the table to close your book. The thud made you jump. Bucky apologized, flush high on his pretty cheeks. He laughed, “No, I don’t think you caught that there, teach.” You blanched, gaping like a fish out of water.
His huge, yet soft frame leaned over the stiff stable, belly indenting against the wood. Bucky popped his dimples with a charming smile. He reiterated, “I think you’re cool— smart and witty. Even though you’re a hermit. I wanted to see if you would come to my place with the boys for some drinks this weekend.”
Your face drained of color, utterly mortified. The memories of freshman year came flooding back. You began to pack your stuff, slamming and shoving away materials. Bucky looked up at you like a kicked puppy. He grabbed your wrist, god he was a gentle giant, “Hey? What’s wrong? No pressure at all!”
You glared up at the stupidly beautiful man and tried to sound strong, but your voice cracked as you informed the ass, “You were there freshman year. Watched me puke until someone took pity. Is that what you want? Bring the lightweight loser for a punchline? Not for me, bye!”
He was there then, same house too. The O-line always passed the same ratty place down. His hair was shorter, body less beefy, less weight but Bucky watched with a sheepish look, elbowing his blonde friend. You yanked out of his grip, Barnes frantically calling after you. Dumb brute was so big it didn’t take much for him to catch up. He looked down, hand rubbing his neck. “Look. I’m not like those dick heads. I should’ve done something. I’m sorry I ever hurt you in the past.”
You stopped, giving him a look, eyes full of tears.
He made a soft noise, pulling you into a warm hug. He reaped, “Oh don’t cry, please?” You didn’t want to admit but it felt like heaven with his soft stomach and huge arms. You warbled, “I don’t know if I can trust anyone, I- I just can’t do that again.”
Bucky rubbed your back and sighed, “I’m an idiot, I offered you out the only way I know how with girls. I don’t have the best reputation.” He took a stern pause. “But I really like you. So we can do whatever you want to and I’ll be down for it.”
You looked up at him in shock, croaking, “Really?”
Bucky grinned, “Yes really.”
A year later the Talking Heads sang in your head again. 
Well, how did I get here?
Your very big, so wonderfully big, boyfriend was between your thighs. His own thighs, thickened with heavy muscle and that cute little layer of fluff quivered themselves. His cock was so hard it was purple, the leaking tip smacking his tummy. Your baby had a dick that would put porn stars to shame. Took about two weeks for you to get used to it. Beside the point, tears pricked at his wide eyes. Bucky’s hands kept their gentle grip but they shook.
He panted like a racehorse, even though you hadn’t let him fuck you yet. You got the poor thing riled up all in the library. Rubbing against him, promising pretty boys like him get to hump and fuck. You had to shove fingers down his throat to get the beefy man to hush.
Somewhere since your bittersweet beginnings, it was discovered James Buchanan Barnes was the biggest submissive, masochistic, certified freak seven-days-a-week slut. He’d made a reputation for making girls limp but the macho athlete truly loved getting ordered around.
He put the fanfiction you’d read to shame. It made everything ten times sweeter knowing your college football playing, big offensive lineman whined like a bitch when you played with his ass. All by his petite nerdy girlfriend.
You say ‘jump’, Buck is asking ‘how high’?
But currently you did want him to fuck you. You cooed, pinching at a soft love handle, “You need me now sweet baby? Can you handle it?”
He nodded in jerky motions, pleading, “Yes baby, I’ll hold it.” His pink lips trembled.
You softly held his gaze as you continued, “If you cum early that’s okay, you’ve been waiting so long. I know a slut like you can’t help it.”
Bucky barked, “No! I mean no- I’ll do it good.”
You leaned back, placing your arms on his built shoulders, pulling the brunette closer. You sighed, “You always do it good Buck.” It came across meaner than intended, your boyfriend’s jaw setting mulishly.
“Come on, come on now bear,” you urged, squeezing his traps. Bucky whined through his nose, huge hand slicking his cock with lube. You were wet enough but usually added extra lube to make everything more comfortable. Bucky let out a pained moan as he entered you. You wrapped your legs around his wide waist to usher the brunette on.
You panted as the blunt tip split your pussy open. Bucky mewled, “Mmm- you’re s-so tight.” You nodded and pressed kisses to the veins pulsing on his neck, the larger man gently lowering himself on top. He’d still get scared of ‘smushing’ you. The thick length of him speared your cunt, and then he was all the way in.
You panted and whined, gasping, “Big boyyy, oh fuck.” Bucky let out a string of unintelligible high noises, whole body shaking at the squeeze. Circling your thumbs at the sweaty base of his head you cooed, “Love that huge slutty cock of yours, mmm, can you feel how tight I am for you?”
He nodded, so overcome he’d lost control over his pitch. Castle would slam the wall from next door.
“Fuck! Babybabyohgod, can I fuck you now?”
You snickered, “I never said you couldn’t.”
He frowned at that, blues looking down in embarrassment. Baby couldn’t help but get a little stupid when his cock was involved. Bucky braced one hand next to your head, the other on your hip and drew back a bit. He watched the slide, scrunching his face in ecstasy.
Bucky fucked back in, stuffing you tight with a lurid squelch. You moaned at the feeling of his heavy balls hitting your ass. You goaded him on further, moaning in delight at the friction. Bucky hoarsely groaned, giving you all he was good for. Which, granted, being a division one athlete can allow for a lot to give. If Buck wasn’t so sensitive.
You clawed at his brawny shoulders, crying his name, biting at lips and jaw. That cute little pouch under his chin was especially bitable. Bucky was drooling onto your tits, single-mindedly focused on fucking you. You met him thrust for thrust, rasping dirty nonsense, degrading nasty things.
Bucky whined, “Mm! Baby, oh- hah! You gotta stop, hngh, m’gonna blow.”
You rocked up into his stilled dick, shaking your head with a open-mouthed smile. You breathlessly laughed, “No way bubba, you said you’re gonna do it good. But I got it pretty boy.” You patted his stubbled cheek and writhed on his cock, rubbing your sensitive tits against his built chest.
Bucky whimpered and tucked his teary eyes into your neck, your hand curling around to scratch his scalp. He was barely moving, little thrusts as you worked yourself up and down at a brisk pace. This was your exact reason why you denied Buck’s requests to go to the gym with him.
You whined, “Fuck bear, love you, puppy packing like a stud. Stuffing my pussy so well. Shame I gotta do the work.” You got another agonized moan at that, Bucky attempting to find a rhythm. You squeezed him in warning, digging the blunt tip into your good spot. A big finger came down to swirl at your clit.
You smacked his ass, howling, “Good fucking boy!”
Tears wet your shoulder, sniveling and whining filling your left ear. You drew tighter and more frantic, screwing your eyes shut as pleasure mounted across your body. You slapped a meaty side again and hoarsely yelled Buck’s name, pussy clamping down on his throbbing cock.
He came with a warbling wail, you crying out at the same time. Bucky began to fuck again, you taking it as he pumped through the aftershocks, mewling, “Hngghhh- baaaaby- oh gooood!” You threw your head back and let him pound you, little ‘uh uh uh’ grunts forced out.
The noises were pornographic, bed creaking, Buck’s sobbing, hips slapping, and the slick sounds from your releases mixing. Bucky gasped again, the last of him cum spurting out and he collapsed half on-top of you, whimpering softly.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!,” came the inevitable angry yell of Frank, busily pounding the thin walls.
You smiled at the worn Bucky, cooing, “Did it good once again bear.” He managed to pull you two onto the side, him still sensitive and shivering from the shifting. He kissed you sweetly, blue eyes all gooey and soft. He rasped, “What have you done to me babe?”
You nuzzled his nose, pecking those pink lips. With a smirk you mused, “I don’t know, what do you think big guy?” His brows furrowed as the inevitable post-coital philosophy discussion began.
Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, David Byrne sang in your head.
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halfamask · 4 months
I’m in love with big brother Yusei.
Yusei taking Leo on rides in his duel runner in the evenings while listening to Leo talk his ear off about all his duels at the academy and the new cards he’s got and pouting about whatever Luna and dexter made fun of him for. Yusei letting Leo tinker on his duel runner with him when he’s got too much pent up energy to do homework, teaching him how to use the different tools. And then making sure he still does his homework after. Giving him dueling tips and teaching him how to throw a proper punch at the punching bag he and crow + jack keep in a corner.
Yusei listening to Luna talk about the book she just finished or the interesting card theory she learned that day, paying rapt attention. Luna sitting silently next to Yusei while he tinkers because sometimes the world is too loud and Yusei gets that. Luna being initially apprehensive of Jack and Yusei telling him in a low voice about Luna’s new book fascination or whatever so jack can check it out and ask her about it. Yusei keeping track of all of Luna’s new interests at the moment, whether it’s a trap card or a book series or her attempts to learn German or her random deep dives into the origins of her favorite fairy tales. He knows when she’s into what and asks her about them and lets her talk at him while he tinkers, and she sits by him and has observed him so closely she knows exactly what tool he needs just by what bike part he’s looking at and when to hand it to him. She doesn’t ask to go on rides on his duel runner like Leo does but Yusei catches her staring at it so he offers and she immediately says yes and he smiles while strapping the smaller helmet he bought for them on her. He pretends to be sneaky about taking her out for a spin so Leo doesn’t insist on joining. They both know Leo’s aware of them going but Leo’s always been the energetic one whom people are drawn to and Luna appreciates that Yusei makes such a point of having one on one time with her.
The twins falling asleep in the garage apartment because it was a long day at school and Yusei putting his jacket over them and turning his music down. Yusei teaching them to cook because they are, fundamentally, rich kids and thus have never actually set foot in their kitchen except to grab a snack. Yusei coming to their parent teacher meetings like “guys are you sure this is okay” (Leo’s like “of course it is Yusei you’re legally an adult and also a hero so they can’t say no to you!” while Luna actually filled out the forms beforehand). The kids dragging him to the card shop. Them learning more about the Satellite when they visit with Yusei + co. I just. Big bro Yusei guys
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leasstories · 9 months
Our Love Story
Part 1: The first date
Part 2
Eddie Munson x bookworm!reader (gn)
No trigger warning.
WC: ≈1K
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Based on our song by Taylor Swift
Eddie finally got the courage to ask you out on a date. He wrote a small note that he put in your locker when he skipped first class this morning. Now this could have three possible outcomes for him. Either you make fun of him and tell everyone you know that “The Freak” asked you out, or you will gently turn him down, which is the most probable outcome. Or in a day of luck, you tell Eddie yes and the two of you got a date.
When the lunch bell rings, you go to your locker in order to put your books from morning classes away. When you open it, a small paper falls to the ground. You bend to take the paper and unfold it.
Here, in a messy handwriting is written: Wanna go out when you’re free? -Eddie ‘the Freak’.
You smile at the words scribbled on the paper and let out a discreet excited squeal. You’ve had a crush on Eddie since you were a Junior in High School.
You close your locker’s door and head to the cafeteria. You look in the direction of Eddie’s table and see him sat at the end of the Hellfire Club’s table. You take a deep breath and head toward Eddie’s table. You stop right in front of him, and Eddie raises his head. He starts fiddling with his rings while clearing his throat.
“H… Hi” he says hesitantly.
“Hi Eddie!” You say with the sweetest smile Eddie has ever seen. But Eddie doesn’t get his hope up too early, remembering that you would definitely be the kind of person to turn him down gently.
You start nervously playing with your fingers, which makes Eddie even more anxious. “You… you got my note?” Eddie hesitantly asks, far from the mean and scary personality he forged to avoid being bullied.
You smile and start daydreaming at the mention of the note. “I did, thank you so much” you say blushing.
When Eddie sees you blushing, he starts hoping, if the only mention of the note make you blish, then maybe he has a chance with you.
“You’re very welcome… hm… didn’t you think about it?” Eddie hesitantly asks.
“Yes Eddie, I want to go out with you. Would tomorrow night be good for you?” you ask.
Now, the one blushing is Eddie. “Tomorrow it is! Right after class” Eddie excitedly says. “Have a good day” he tells you.
You start walking away but before being out of earshot you stop and turn around. “And for the record Eddie, I don’t think you’re a freak.” You say before walking away to go to the library.
The next evening, after classes, Eddie waits for you next to his van. He just planned an entire date and even though it isn’t much as he can’t afford to take you to a restaurant, he hopes you’ll like it. Eddie looks at his watch when he sees everyone leaving the building except you. A few minutes later, Eddie spots you jog out of the building. You arrive in front of him out of breath.
“I’m so sorry Eddie… I had to return some books at the library. I didn’t mean to make you wait.”
“Hey, hey it’s fine Sweets, don’t worry.” Eddie tells you reassuringly.
Eddie opens the passenger door for you and closes it as soon as you’re sat. He then sits at the driver’s seat and start the car. As soon as the car starts, Black Sabbath start blasting out of the speakers and Eddie hurries to turn down the volume. “I’m so sorry Sweets…”
“Hey, it’s nothing” you reassuringly tell him. “Besides I secretly like Black Sabbath.” You confess.
“You do?” Eddie asks, baffled.
“Yes… I know I don’t look like the kind of person to like metal music but I actually do.” You answer right before curiously asking “Where are you taking me?”
“Okay I’m really sorry… I actually can’t take you to a fancy restaurant or anything like this so I thought we could have a picnic at Lover’s Lake…” Eddie answers embarrassed.
“Eddie… I don’t need a fancy restaurant… I don’t care where our date is taking place, I just wanna be with you.” You honestly answer.
A few minutes later, Eddie parks at Lover’s Lake. When you go to open your door, he stops you. “Wait” he says before getting out of the car and opening your door for you.
“Thank you, kind sir,” you tell him, taking his hand to get out of Eddie’s van.
Eddie opens the back door of the van, and you can see he made it cozy with pillows and blankets. Eddie helps you climb in the back and start taking food out from a bag.
Eddie takes out tomatoes, P&J sandwiches, fruits as well as a huge packet of chips. You smile at what Eddie prepared, take P&J sandwich, and says “Thank you so much Eddie” you tell him.
During the entire date you and Eddie keep smiling or laughing. You talk about your interests, about music. You also talk a bit about your private lives, and you get to know Eddie behind his reputation and behind his loud personality. When the date comes to an end, Eddie cleans up the back of van, helps you down and once again open the passenger door for you. The ride back to your house is spent in silence and when you arrive at your home, Eddie opens the passenger door for you, once again. Eddie waits for you to be back inside before leaving your driveway and driving to his trailer.
Once Eddie arrives, he flops down on his bed without even taking his shoes off. He has one regret tonight: he didn’t kiss you. “Man… I didn’t kiss her, and I should have” Eddie says to himself. “What if I never have another chance of doing it…”.
Eddie doesn’t even believe in God, but despite this, he asks him if he could turn back in time and play it again.
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airrika · 2 months
ok so since my arm literally got cooked and I can’t draw for a bit I’m gonna drop these cuz they been sitting in my freezer
-she is a strong leader but it’s not natural. She had to learn how to lead
-she doesn’t want people to know this but she does care about her appearance to a decent extent
-she also doesn’t want people to know her affection. She cannot have people knowing she cares about them, oh the horror
-Nobody wants to play card games with Petrona bc she tracks cards. She knows what someone is about to put down and it’s just. not fun anymore lol
-secretly superrr competitive can’t handle losing. In any game she’ll play until she wins and then will stop immediately so she doesn’t lose again
-good dexterity, also knows more sleight of hand than you’d expect; it’s not just with cards but with coins and other small objects. It’s something she liked as a child, and because she can have a good neutral or poker expression shes skilled at misdirection, which is essential for not just tricks but..many other things
-despite being a good public speaker, she’d rather avoid making conversation. She either comes across as too hostile, cold, or apathetic, and sometimes she really isn’t trying to. She’s also unconsciously shy and there’s not much to talk abt
-only comfortable in a conversation when talking about work
-interesting in that she can’t hold a normal, non-work related conversation well but can somehow pull up with the most creative and ruthless insults when going off on somebody
-unassuming bisexual disaster, that likely leans more towards women her dessert orders being so fucking fruity is not a coincidence. But also probably can’t talk to women normally
-when she’s not stressed she’s actually a lot more pleasant (let’s be real tho when is that💀) she may not show any more emotion but she’s nicer in her words and more easygoing
-not legally blind but not great without her glasses, wears contacts sometimes but def prefers glasses
-can stay quiet for a very long time. In social settings she chooses her words carefully and often just doesn’t say them at all (when she’s not angry)
-hot days really piss her off like girl is already in a terrible mood the moment she reads the forecast or steps outside
-her voice is sort of flat throughout except when she’s yelling at someone. Tbh her yelling is also not very pitchy despite being at a raised volume
-played violin as a child and was good at it but she quit bc she got too busy w other things. Thinking of picking it back up again tho bc it was fun
-likes aquariums. Probably a combination of the dim light or the alien nature of some marine creatures (ex. Jellyfish or those ones that look like plants) but it’s a place where she feels grounded
-only herself and a few others can actually read her handwriting. She prefers to type fast anyway so she only writes when she has to, but she also likes writing fast…it’s pretty but illegible
-enjoys seafood, especially whitefish, can and will eat almost any type but oysters are a hard nope
-also has pretty high pain and spice tolerance
-she’s subjective to migraines that are rare but extremely severe to the point of hospitalization, so she always has painkillers on her just in case. Also gets motion sick easily —like if she’s not the one driving she gets kinda sick
-she is used to functioning on very little sleep but it also makes her cranky asf. at work she has literally been banned from the coffee machine because she was getting too much in one day
-doesn’t really get sick but if she does it’s always bad. like down for a week+ bad
-stature-wise she’s not very intimidating but she has this magnitude/aura that radiates authority. Also has a perfect rbf Plus the way she carries herself and looks at people conveys that she is prickly and that alone is scary af
-lonely but afraid to get close to people. She’s always been independent and worries she’ll hurt people she gets attached to bc it’s happened so many times
-book-wise brilliant, and can think on the spot quite well + pick up patterns and logistics that others might not, but not sharp with emotions. She can’t rly read when someone is hurting and assumes everyone is like her, where they keep emotions hidden. This happens when she accidentally goes too far with her words (and makes people cry) and then she stops and feels guilty for a while.
-her 💅anxiety💅 is masked by outward aloofness and hostility
-Also she has a massive fear of failure and spirals if she does fail. She has perfectionist tendencies and plans everything meticulously to make sure failure doesn’t happen. When things don’t go according to what she planned it’s literally like knocking a Jenga tower over and she goes a tiny bit insane
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Grocery Store Shenanigans
Summary: You go with Natasha and Yelena to the grocery store after a little convincing. What you thought would be a boring day turned into a day full of laughter and surprises. Natasha x Yelena x teenReader!
Note: This was just an idea that came into my head last night, so I decided to write it out!
Warnings: There is a small part where foods are referenced to in a dirty way
Word Count: 2200
As the newest member of the Avenger family, you were like the little sister that everyone always wanted. You had grown especially close with Natasha and Yelena. They were the perfect big sisters. Always there to protect, and always there to tickle you. It was the perfect combo. 
You were sitting on the couch reading, when Yelena came up and approached you.
“Come on Y/N, Natasha and I are going grocery shopping and you’re coming with us!” Yelena said, smirking at your reaction.
You groaned while facepalming and closing your book.
“Why do I have to go shopping with you guys? It’s not even fun shopping. Why can’t I stay home?” You asked, glaring slightly.
“Because we want to spend time with you, and it’s a great way to annoy you,” Natasha said, entering the room and throwing your coat on you.
You yanked it off in annoyance, messing your hair up, much to their amusement. 
“Stop laughing at me,” you pouted.
“Then get up and fix your hair and put on your coat,” Yelena said, still giggling at your state.
“Make me,” you said, throwing your coat on the ground and standing up to face the blonde. 
“Make you?” Make you go grocery shopping with us? Sure, Y/N!” Yelena said, tackling you back on the couch and calling Natasha over to tickle you to pieces. 
Yelena held your arms over your head while Natasha came over to sit on your waist.
“No no no, please! Don’t do it!” You cried, already squirming and giggling in anticipation. 
Oh it’s too late for that now,” Natasha said, smirking down at you. With that, she spidered her fingers all over your sides and stomach, causing you to burst into giggles.
“Nohohohohoho stahahahahap ihihihi dihihihidn’t dohohohohoho ahahahanythihihing,” you giggled out.
“Except be a brat and practically beg for us to tickle you to pieces,” Yelena said, reaching down with one hand to tickle your underarms.
“HAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE,” you laughed, unable to squirm or get away. 
Natasha was now placing quick pokes over the front of your ribs, a spot she knew you couldn’t stand. Much to her expectation, the words that came out of your mouth were no surprise to her.
“OHOHOKAHAY STAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIHI CAHAHANT STAHAHAHAND IHIHIT,” you squealed, shutting your eyes tight and waiting for the torture to be over.
“Are you gonna come grocery shopping with us?” Yelena asked, tickling lightly under your chin.
“YEHEHEHES STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, as the two older girls ceased their tickling, allowing you to curl up and catch your breath.
“Wow all that over going grocery shopping?” Yelena asked, grinning down at your flushed cheeks. 
You merely rolled your eyes, now too exhausted to even get up, never mind go out and walk around.
“Get up Y/N, or do we have to go for round two?” Natasha threatened, coming over and wiggling her fingers above you.
“AAAAAAHHH NO,” you screamed out, quickly sitting upright while the two girls laughed at your reaction.
“I didn’t even touch you,” Natasha said while giggling.
“Whatever,” you said, putting your coat on and finally getting into the car.
“Kids in the back,” Natasha ordered, looking at both you and Yelena. 
“Hey I’m not a child!” Yelena exclaimed, quickly trying to pull at the front door handle, a split second too late after Natasha locked it with her keys. 
Natasha smirked triumphantly, holding the keys just out of Yelena’s reach.
The blonde began to reach out and grab for the keys to unlock the door, as Natasha laughed and continued holding it out of her reach.
You watched from the side, knowing better than to get involved. Being a teen, you were technically still a child so you weren’t about to start a fight you couldn’t win. 
Faster than light, Natasha reached out to quickly squeeze Yelena’s side, causing the blonde to yelp and pull her arm down.
“You jerk! I’m not letting go of this car handle until you unlock it!” Yelena said, turning her chin up to her sister.
“Oh really?” Natasha questioned, shoving both her hands into Yelena’s armpits, causing the blonde to shriek and pull away.
“OK OK IHIHIHI GIHIHIHIVE,” the blonde yelled, crumpling to the ground.
“Now get up and sit in the back like a good child,” Natasha said, smiling as the blonde griped to herself.
You were already sitting in the back, behind the passenger seat. The blonde entered through the other side, glaring at you as you giggled.
“Wow you gave in faster than I did,” you smirked at her. 
“Shut up,” the blonde responded, while pouting and crossing her arms. 
Natasha now got in and drove you guys to the grocery store. For the most part, you guys chatted about whatever came up. Eventually, it was silent and you started feeling mischievous.
The blonde was looking out the window, so she wasn’t paying attention. You reached over and began to jellyfish her knees. The blonde jerked her leg away, while pushing at your hands. 
“Y/N stop it right now!” Yelena said, trying to contain her giggles. 
“GAH!” You cried out, as the blonde retaliated by jabbing you in the ribs. 
The blonde then went for the kill, sneaking her hand up your shirt to tickle your bare back.
You jerked and squirmed wildly, knowing that she had you beat.
“YELEHEHEHENAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP,” you whined, not expecting this to be the way it went.
“Never,” the blonde replied, amused at your crazy laughter and violent squirming. 
“Can you two go five minutes without causing chaos?” Natasha asked, as you guys finally arrived at the store.
“I’m free!” You cried, quickly undoing your seatbelt and running away from Yelena.
“That will teach you,” the blonde said, as you huffed.
The three of you walked around various aisles, looking for many items, as the fridge was pretty much empty at this point.
“Let’s go to the mac and cheese aisle,” Yelena suggested.
“There’s no such thing as a mac and cheese aisle,” you argued.
“Why not? It’s the best food on the planet? How could they not dedicate an entire aisle, or even store to it?” Natasha said, sarcastically.
“See?!?! Natasha agrees—,” the blonde stopped quickly, realizing that Natasha was just messing with her.
“YOU!” Yelena shouted, charging at the redhead.
Natasha defended herself easily, knowing all of Yelena’s go-to fight moves.
“No creating a ruckus at the grocery store, little one,” Natasha reminded the blonde. 
You guys continued walking around, as Yelena quickly pulled you aside while in the produce section.
“Let’s get revenge on Natasha. She’s been winning all day and we can’t have that,” Yelena explained.
“But won’t we get in trouble?” You questioned, wondering if maybe Yelena liked being tickled as much as you did.
“It’s fine, it’s two against one. We can beat her,” the blonde assured you.
“Well, okay. But if this thing goes south it’s on you,” you warned the blonde, as she messed up your hair before whispering the plan to you.
“Natasha we need eggplant, lots and lots of eggplant,” Yelena shouted, dumping ten eggplants into the cart.
“Yelena, since when do you eat eggplant?” Natasha said with a quizzical look.
“I love the shape,” Yelena merely said, before running off to find other stuff to put in the cart. 
You came over a few moments later, dropping some watermelons in the cart.
“Mama needs some good melons,” you said, plopping them down.
You avoided eye contact with the redhead, knowing that you would start laughing at any minute.
The redhead shook her head, knowing what you two were up to.
The blonde came back with pickles now, as the redhead snatched the jar from her.
“And since when did you eat pickles?” Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl.
“I like the juice that comes from it,” Yelena said, as if it was obvious.
The blonde tried to take off after that, knowing that Natasha knew what you two were up to. Before she could, the redhead grabbed the back of her sister’s neck, causing the blonde to snort and giggle, while desperately trying to get away.
“Nope, you’re not going anywhere. Not until your little partner comes back,” Natasha said, as Yelena continued to suffer.
You came back with a handful of peaches, seeing the torture that Yelena was going through.
“Y/N sahahahahave mehehehehehe,” Yelena giggled, scrunching her shoulders up while giggling hysterically.
“Y/N, return the peaches back to where they came from. We both know you two don’t eat peaches,” Natasha warned, giving you ‘the look.’
You knew you were already in trouble with Natasha, so putting the peaches back wouldn’t do anything. You decided to have a little more fun before you would be absolutely wrecked.
You put the peaches in the cart, looking straight into Natasha’s eyes.
“These peaches look really juicy, if you know what I mean,” you said, shooting a wink at the redhead.
“That’s it,” Natasha said, grabbing both of you and pinning you two to the ground.
“NO NATASHA NOT IN PUBLIC,” you yelled, not realizing that you were already making a scene.
“Eh, you’ll be fine,” Natasha replied, using one hand for each of your bellies. She shook her hands into your stomachs, causing you two to belly laugh.
“NATAHAHAHAHASHA PLEHEHEHEASE,” you begged, as Yelena was busy trying to kick her sister away.
Natasha just used her hand to squeeze Yelena’s knee, causing the blonde to cackle with laughter. 
Natasha felt bad, as she had already wrecked you earlier, and knew that Yelena was definitely the ringleader of these shenanigans. So she let you up, much to your relief.
“Now Y/N, you come here and help me tickle Yelena to pieces, okay? Unless you want to be tickled again,” Natasha warned, after you had a moment of hesitation.
“Okay fine I’ll help,” you quickly agreed.
“Y/N, don’t you dare!” Yelena cried, as Natasha began to tickle her ribs and you went down to get her feet. At this point, you guys didn’t care who was staring. This was more important than a few weird looks.
“NOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHA LEHEHEHET MEHEHEHEE GOHOHOHO,” Yelena cried out, as Natasha just shook her head.
“I know you roped Y/N into going along with your jokes,” Natasha said, as the blonde just scrunched her nose up and continued laughing.
You continued tickling her feet, making sure to get her toes, which earned you a loud scream of laughter. 
Natasha lightly tickled her sides, asking if she had given up yet.
“Yehehehehes plehehehehease nohohohoho mohohohore,” Yelena breathlessly giggled.
“What do you think, Y/N? Should we let her go?” The redhead asked you.
“Y/N ahahaha ihihif you dohohont stahahahap I’ll gehehet you a thousahahahand tihihimes worse!” the blonde barely managed to get out.
“Okay fine, I’ll be nice,” you said, letting the blonde up.
After the blonde caught her breath, you three finally resumed shopping, now getting all the things you needed and nothing extra. Well, maybe a pack of Oreos or two that you and Yelena had snuck in.
The three of you got back into the car, as you were exhausted and now wanted to go straight home.
“Alright, Y/N, we have one more stop to make,” Natasha said, looking in the rearview mirror.
“What? I thought you said we were just going grocery shopping,” you groaned.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I think you’ll like this,” Natasha said smiling. 
You rode in the car with high suspicions, until you guys finally arrived.
“Here we are, Y/N!” Natasha announced.
“The shoe store? For what?” You asked.
“To get the pair of shoes you wanted!” Yelena said, as a big smile spread across your face.
“Really?!?” You exclaimed, quickly getting out of the car.
You three went inside and found the pair of shoes you had been wanting.
“Wow, these are amazing! Thank you guys so much!” You said excitedly.
“Anything for you, little one,” the two sisters said.
You tried on some different pairs, trying to find the right size and color you wanted. Meanwhile, Yelena was up to no good again.
“Natasha, you seem tired, let me massage you,” the blonde said,kneading Natasha’s shoulders. The redhead immediately scrunched up, trying to get away. Yelena knew she hated this, so it was the perfect revenge. 
“YELENA! Sthahahahp ihihihit,” Natasha cried out, squirming out of her sister’s grasp.
“Take your time, Y/N! I still have a lot to do,” Yelena called out. You smiled to yourself and continued looking for the right pair.
Yelena was now full on wrecking her sister, and her laughter could be heard throughout the store. The second hand embarrassment got to you, so you quickly found the right pair and got it.
You quickly got them to leave the store, as watching someone being tickled was way more embarrassing for you. You thanked them again for the shoes and you three went home to rest. What you thought was going to be a boring day turned out to be a day full of laughs and a nice little surprise at the end. You couldn’t have asked for better big sisters.
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bungeo-ppangie · 1 year
drunk-dazed // p.sh
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ღ pairing. dancer!student!sunghoon x fem!reader
ღ contents. romance, fluff
ღ synopsis. sure, being the top of your school and the most likely candidate for a great university was great. but if everything comes crashing down, a single drunk night can’t have that much of an effect on your life, right?
ღ an. soooo a week or two or three without posting passed quickly- i’m dealing with some personal issues right now so i can’t guarantee a faster schedule, but for now have an entirely too long drabble where i’m just bsing ngl mbmb
﹒⪩⪨﹒scene below cut
Others might know you as an overachiever. Socially nonexistent, perhaps. Problem was, they weren't entirely wrong.
It's not that you didn't have friends- Yang Jungwon was your best. It's not that you didn't want to socialize, either. You were simply aware of your circumstances, and how big of a jump it would be to get you from your current position to what you envisioned yourself being.
With your father being out of the picture and your mother financially unstable, you had no financial support to get you to college, even. All you could really depend on was your intelligence and passion, both of which burned brightly.
You just knew what it took to get you to your dream, and you were willing to sacrifice accordingly for it. Or, at least, you used to be.
The first year of high school, you were completely immersed in your studies, never once glancing above your books to care about anything other than academic work. You didn't think about what others did with their friends outside of school, and frankly, you didn't care. All you knew was that you were the youngest and the top student of Decelis, and that was all you needed to continue on.
The second year of high school, you didn't expect to be any different from the prior year. It had taken Jungwon immense effort for weeks for you to begin even realizing his presence, and it was half a year before you were aware that you two had been roommates since the first year. That was the year you had finally allowed yourself to make some social connections. They were admittedly small in number and mostly very shallow, excepting Jungwon, but they were an improvement. Incredibly, you also began to realize the presence of one of Jungwon's friends, Sunghoon. It was around this year your tiny crush on him began to bloom.
The third year of high school, you grew aware of the activities going on around you. Students chattering as they left classrooms, making plans to get tteokbokki after school. Clubs and extracurriculars organizing events outside of school just for the sake of having fun. Hell, even Jungwon was constantly out of the dorms while you studied, dragged out by his six friends from the dance team, including your idolized Sunghoon, who you had never seen or heard a word directed at you from. That was when the jealousy and desire to make the most of your younger years set in. But you never stopped working long enough to consider that, if you just tried to open up more to people, the active social life you wanted could be yours to take.
Now, it was your fourth and final year at Decelis. Let's see what you've got going on your side so far; One good friend and still the top of Decelis. Several offers from prestigious colleges that you couldn't afford the tuition for, with none of them giving you the choice of a full ride scholarship. Hm. Seems that improvement for you stopped in your second year. Bad luck.
At least you knew now that you should've tried to have some fun throughout your high school years. You spent it all slaving away in your dorm, completing extra work for hours at a time for a few bonus points on a test. You had truly believed that, even without money, maybe your indisputable talent alone could help you succeed.
Evidently, funds were a sorely needed factor that were, simply put, way out of your reach. You had worked your ass off for years for nothing. You had let your childhood slip by, and for what?
This year, you decided, you were going to change. Hopefully, you would become like all the other Decelis students- a package complete with friends, partying, and a good dose of underage alcohol consumption.
Besides, who cares? It’s not like staying out of trouble will get you anything. You were going to a crappy college anyways, and that was the lowest of the low to you. With only 2 months left until graduation, you figured you would let loose a bit. So, one thing led to another, and now…
“You want me to take you to the next party? I can just introduce you to Sunghoon some easier way,” Jungwon asked, bewildered and entirely shocked beyond comprehension. It was an understandable response- after all, you barely let him become your friend, and it took him weeks to convince you to room with him.
If you asked any student- heck, maybe even the faculty- to bet on who was the least likely to attend a party, filled to the brim with underage drinking and sexual advances in unoccupied rooms, all fingers would be pointed towards you.
“Shut up, it's not for him. And it's random, I know. But whatever, I’ve had a change of heart. I haven’t even been accepted to any of the universities I’ve applied for, even though I’ve been ignoring my life for studying for as long as I can remember. If you can’t beat it, go with it, right?” You grinned shakily, already regretting the decision and imagining yourself being completely out of place at the chaotic mess, known to many as a party.
“Are you sure, yn? It’s a little… ah… how do I put it? It doesn’t exactly seem like your scene.” Jungwon glanced at you, looking like he was about to call you out for identity theft. By this point, you were almost ready to back down. Call it a day. Maybe you’d try to be a main character some other time. Unfortunately, Jungwon chose this time to begin talking again.
“Alright, well, the next party is at Lim Eunbi’s house on Saturday. I’ll be going with the dance group, but we can take you along,” He said, mentally going through possible scenarios of your being at the party. Good news: you weren’t for sure going to end up drunk and passed out in a random partygoer’s house, as long as you weren’t roped into any drinking games. Bad news: most of the scenarios imagined involved drinking games.
“Great… I’ll just go buy a new dress… or something…”
"For your beloved hoonie~"
"I'm cutting off ties with you."
You held back a wince as you started preparing yourself for what was likely going to be either the most eye-opening or the worst experience of your life. Scratch that, it’s probably somehow end up being both
“Hyung! Are we there yet?” Riki leaned forward to grip onto the side of the driver’s seat, staring at Heeseung with a grin. You were finally on the car with the famed Decelis dance team, heading to the party. From your past 4 minutes on the car, you had gathered this much about each of the members:
Jungwon seemed to hold his leader card over all of the members, but ended up listening to half the bad ideas they suggested anyways. Heeseung was the oldest and the ace of the group, but Riki, the youngest, often complained about the title, because it was “a dance group”, and vocals didn’t technically matter. Jake the aussie was just like a golden retriever puppy- you could practically see the tail wagging. Jay was eternally half-annoyed and found every other second to be his new most embarrassing moment. Sunoo was far by the friendliest, and loved talking to you about any subject. And Sunghoon…
Everybody on campus called him the ice prince, and they really weren’t off by that much. You knew that he used to be a professional figure skater, but decided to focus on dance recently, and both of those professions were evident through the grace of his movements.
He wasn’t nice or mean- just… aloof, sort of. Even though he was sitting next to you, it was hard to pay all of your attention when Sunoo, sitting way in the front, had his head turned towards you and was talking endlessly about how a professor had wronged him.
You didn’t try to talk to him, and he didn’t strike up a conversation with you. You enjoyed Sunoo’s bright presence, but… somehow, Sunghoon’s cool and relaxed aura was more comforting to you.
And it definitely wasn’t coming from blooming feelings you had for him- despite what Jungwon constantly teased you for, there was no way these harmless little, ah, emotions meant that you liked Sunghoon. Never mind his unfairly smooth, pale skin, and his unnecessarily sharp jawline. What’s the purpose of the details of his perfectly styled hair, his pretty hands, the tiny mole on the side of his nose? Who would even care about the way his eyes flickered and settled on objects before focusing on them, for which their victim at the moment, was you?
Wait. You? Shit.
You blinked and quickly tried to turn away, blushing as he caught you staring. You murmured some excuse, tripping over the vowels and stumbling on the consonants. You almost didn’t get to catch his bright smile successfully tugged at his lips, amused, slightly bewildered, and might I say, perhaps even pleased, at your actions.
That smile. It was a pity he had stopped smiling as often as he used to when you glanced at him on campus. It completely lit up his face, transforming it from icy beauty to the most endearingly cute expression you had ever seen. It was amazing how much a smile could do to him. You had heard that some people had the most beautiful smiles, but it was heard for you to understand until you saw him.
“Whoa, how come you’re smiling now? We’ve been trying to get you to do that for weeks, Hoon,” Heeseung gaped in the rearview mirror, stunned by the fact that Sunghoon was capable of smiling so easily after parting with skating.
“Oh. Nothing. And I still don’t understand why you guys insist on calling me Hoon. Sunghoon is a perfectly fine name, you know,” Sunghoon’s face quickly became set to his default aloof expression again, much to the disappointment of everyone in the car.
“Seriously, that kid. I’m telling you, it’s puberty,” Jay muttered from the front, making Riki nod in agreement.
“Riki, you’re one to talk. But in any case, the party’s already in full swing. Hurry up,” Heeseung parked the car in the driveway, jumping out of his seat. Sunghoon opened the door for you, getting out first and closing the door after you. You followed him nervously as Heeseung led the way, sharing some information from likely incorrect sources about which people were paired as couples at the party, and which rooms to stay out of- mostly because they were perennially occupied by very(very.) sexually demanding couples.
You took a deep breath as you walked in through the door, ready to down some alcohol that you didn’t particularly want, and to get lost in the midst of this place you were starting to regret coming to.
You walked around, vaguely aware of your swaying, uncertain movements. Your head was filled with cotton, your thoughts fuzzy.
How many shots have you had? Two? Three? Five? Ten? They were beginning to blur together. Oh, hey, where was Jungwon? Had he left already? That traitor. You had the faint idea of a phone being in your pocket, but you weren’t entirely sure why you wanted to pick it up.
“Yah, yn. Here, put this on,” A smooth voice sounded from behind you, wrapping a warm and nice-smelling jacket around your shoulders. Was it a tinge of worry you heard in their voice? You must have misheard- nobody here would be concerned about you.
You spun around, coming face to face with possibly the most handsome person you had ever seen. His face seemed familiar to you, but you couldn’t place where you had seen it before. The room wobbled and spun and you tried to place your thoughts, making you stumble forwards as it took a sudden turn.
Strong arms caught you from either side, wrapping tightly around you, a familiar scent engulfing you as the person's arms wrapped around you. Was that... Sunghoon? Didn't he leave earlier with Jake? Ah, you felt so dizzy... if only you could sit down, just for a second...
"Yn, it's Sunghoon. I'm gonna take you home, alright? Tell me if you want to stay," He, now identified clearly as Sunghoon, gently righted your standing position, steadying you on the ground with his firm grip.
You nodded, thinking only of curling up with your blankets, his arms wrapped around your waist, lulling you to sleep with his soothing voice... Wait, no. What were you thinking? Must be the alcohol. You wouldn't be developing feelings for someone this quickly, right? Obviously, you didn't already have them before this moment already... hopefully.
You barely remembered the drive back, only barely recalling Sunghoon's comforting words to you as you drove back, telling you that you would be home soon. However, as nice as home sounded, all your stupid drunken mind could think about was how it felt when he (somewhat?) hugged you as you fell into his arms. It was a cliche, but rightfully so- who wouldn't want to experience that moment?
You dozed off in the car as you neared your shared apartment with Jungwon, so tired that you didn't even register Sunghoon carrying you to the door and gently setting you on your bed when Jungwon answered. Tidbits of quiet conversation floated from the closed kitchen door to your focused ears, though you knew you wouldn't remember it the next morning. You drifted off to sleep yet again, not feeling the hand adjusting some stray hairs from your face as you slept peacefully.
You woke up with a pounding headache, stretching as you painfully sat up. See, this was why you didn't drink.
Looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table for the time, you caught sight of a hangover relieving energy drink on the table and a sticky note. Frowning, you picked up the sticky note, and read the message.
In case your memory isn't back yet, I sent you home last night, so don't worry. You can ask won for details, or text me if you're comfortable with it- xxx-xxx-xxxx. - hoon
Ignoring the vertigo and sudden flood of heat to your cheeks, you got up and rushed out of your room, looking for your roommate. Luckily, you didn't have far to go, with him being in your kitchen.
"Won! Why did you abandon me last night? You literally forced the hottest person since ever to send my embarrassing drunk ass home, you idiot!" You punched his arm, albeit lightly- not by choice, but working out was a pain, and not entirely worth the crying bleeding and losing that came with it.
"How is this my fault? You ran off the moment we went inside, and when we were supposed to meet up to leave, nobody could find you. Your favorite lovebird volunteered to stay back for you, so it's actually your fault?" Jungwon rolled his eyes peacefully going back to drinking his coffee and muttering, "Ugh, young love is disgusting."
"Oh. Sorry. Kinda. Wait, why would he volunteer? Even though it's not a bad thing- not really- well, actually-"
"No. Don't go on. You sound like the protagonist of a teenage angst movie about friendship. The boy has literally been idolizing you for a year already, just get together already. No, I'm not supposed to tell you this. Yes, it's true. I'm tired of listening to him talk about your voice. I personally find it annoying, but you do you, I guess. I'm going to practice, yn-ah. See ya later~"
You just gaped at him as he walked off, your brain cells slowly melting into mush, working overtime to process his words. You began entering Sunghoon's number into your phone from the sticky note he wrote for you, dazed and barely functioning.
"I- thought he didn't like being called Hoon?..."
"Yn-ah, remember when you were drunk out of your mind?" Sunghoon asked you playfully, laughing at the memory. Your better decision making skills after the fateful event allowed you to keep Sunghoon at your side throughout all parties you attended, refusing drinks for you when you were too much of a wimp to, and checking rooms for absolute pg-quality before letting you go inside.
"Ah, that was bad. At least I stopped being so closed-off after that. And I met you, so it's all worth it," You giggled, letting him play with the strands of your hair and you two sat closely on the ground of the practice room.
"We're in here too, you know... How is it even possible to get this close in a month?" Sunoo side-eyed the two of you disgustedly, not even trying to be subtle as he scooched farther away. He only received you sticking your tongue out at him and Sunghoon's bright smile while looking at you.
"Yeah, kids present." Riki said distractedly, without even looking up from his video game.
"At least he's not moping around like he's still stuck in his emo years now. Although you're still somehow 10 times happier with yn than us, you traitor. You're great, yn, but you can literally do better than this backstabber. " Heeseung fake-glared at Sunghoon, before getting interrupted by a notification from your phone. Sunghoon looked over to check it, as he was closer than you were.
"It's an email from... Seoul University? I thought you said they rejected you already?" Sunghoon's brows furrowed at the email, still annoyed that you hadn't let him reject the school's offer for him to attend when he realized you weren't going.
"Oh, yeah, they did. What’d they send?” You asked, only half-interested in the sudden news. After all, they had rejected you when they were your last hope of going to a good college, and you were past it and happy now. Yes, you would have been out-of-your-mind happy to go, but what happened happened. Better to just let it go, right?
“Hm, let’s see. Miss Yn Ln, we at the Seoul University admissions center would like to extend our deepest apologies, due to a processing error on our part. We have recently been alerted to the fact that your application to our university was declined… Yn!! Oh my god. Here, read it yourself.”
“Apologies?” You murmured confusedly as Sunghoon handed you your phone, sitting up with a sudden burst of adrenaline coursing through your body. It couldn’t be- they wouldn’t admit to such a mistake anyways- had you actually been-?
You quickly scanned the letter, only releasing the huge breath you didn’t even know you were holding when you read their statement that they would be “honored if you would attend” the school. You buried your head into Sunghoon’s chest, overcome with emotion.
You had worked so hard for your goals, too hard really, and had been crushed by the weight of rejection in response. Was it really true that you would finally get to keep living your childhood dream? Even though you already had your greatest happiness right next to you, Sunghoon? Even though you had resolved to stop your completely academically focused lifestyle?
And of course, the love of your life just had to respond to those silent thoughts perfectly.
“Congratulations, yn. You deserve all of it- every single bit and more.”
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0-solshroom-0 · 4 months
I got encouragement from one whole mutual and decided i was gonna post it so here’s
roasting you based on your favorite les amis member
enjolras - you really do have good intentions, but holy shit calm down the savior complex. it’s not all up to you, and you are really trying to take on too much but let’s be honest you do at least half of it for attention. and let’s be really honest you like the attention it gets you in the worst way. you probably only listen to like, mother mother now. used to be a hamilton kid TM
combeferre - you’re either incredibly anxious and not super book smart, or the most pretentious mother fucker i have ever met. you read a lot of books that make you look smart but you actually hate all of them and if it was up to you you would only read like, bad YA novels. please get a life that doesn’t revolve around impressing others
courfeyrac - calling myself out with this one, you’re not near as cool as you think you are babes. stop trying to be a whore and go to class. similar to combeferre fans, you’re either incredibly anxious or incredibly sexy in the worst way. burned out gifted kid but the kind that went fucking wild
grantaire - we get it, you’re sad. choose another personality trait that doesn’t involve you being sad please. it was almost funny at first, but now it’s annoying. other then that i love you and there’s not much else to say about you. you’re cute but you think you’re ugly and you make that very apparent.
jehan - look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t listen to glass animals and smoke weed. that’s right, you can’t. because it’s all you do. you like to pretend you’re very soft poet owo, but really you’re just as wild as the courfeyrac fans if not more and you probably don’t even fucking write poetry.
joly - a lot like jehan fans, except instead of being wild you’re just fucking weird. you pretend to be all soft and shit and then people get to know you and you’re a gremlin but not the fun kind. you probably think you’re all smart about medical stuff but you got all your information off of wikipedia and you don’t actually know anything
bossuet - i didn’t realize you guys existed but welcome to the party ig. you’re incredibly boring, there is nothing interesting about this character except he’s bald. are you bald, did you break one too many limbs and now relate to him, or do you just have really bad taste? and i love bossuet but why is he your favorite??
feuilly - (i’m trying but i don’t have very much bad to say about you guys) you probably are the type to complain about capitalism and money and then spend 300 dollars on clothes and other shit the moment you get paid, then whine about being broke. i mean, me too, and the system is definitely set up against us, but have you tried a savings account?
bahorel - i can see the appeal, but much like bossuet fans why is he your favorite? you probably had a very toxic view of masculinity until very recently, and now you project it way too much onto this character. you probably hit your friends as a sign of affection. except you hit way too fucking hard and it makes people cry when you’re not around. there’s really not a lot to say about you. you’re kind of mid but you think you’re hot shit
marius - he doesn’t even count bitch pick another one. i know you won’t because you’re “different” and “quirky” you’re definitely the friend nobody likes but everyone loves. like we love you but you bring a strange off-putting aura to the hangout and nobody really trusts you with any important information.
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nico-di-angelfish · 9 months
Nine albums! Thank you, @dodger-chan, for tagging me :) I’m not entirely sure of the rules but here’s nine albums that I love.
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1. This is my favourite album of all time, Panic! has been my favourite band since I was 11 and I think this is their best album. Fun fact: a lot of the songs and song titles on this album are inspired by the books of Chuck Palahniuk (Camisado is inspired by Fight Club, etc.), and he “loves the Panic! songs”. I have a source for that but for some reason it won’t work? It’s on livejournal just search “Chuck Palahniuk Panic at the Disco”. My favourite song on the album is Build God, Then We’ll Talk, but I love all of them, even the Intermission was actually on my top songs of the month in October lol.
2. This is my second favourite album but I only found it last year. I’m not sure what it is about it that speaks to me. I don’t really like their other albums either, except sort of Clarity. My favourite song is Get It Faster.
3. This is my favourite FOB album, it’s probably the album I listened to the most this year, I just left it on loop. My favourite song is Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, solely for this lyric: “nothing comes as easy as you, can I lay in your bed all day?” FOB lyrics are a fic title goldmine in general.
4. In terms of Panic! albums, Vices & Virtues would win out over Pretty. Odd. if the bonus tracks were on it, but that’s all of the bonus tracks including Bittersweet (which is one of my favourite songs ever) which isn’t even on the Japanese edition so. Anyway P.O. has Northern Downpour, which is another one of my favourites.
5. This is my favourite DeBo album, even though I think Open Mouth, Open Heart is better structured and more cohesive. My favourite song is either Vixen or Nerve.
6. Every song on this album is amazing but Vienna is my favourite.
7. Heathers is my favourite movie and my favourite musical, the movie is much better than the musical but I love them both. I saw it this year and it was literally a religious experience. My favourite song is I Say No, which is not on this recording, but I like this one on the whole better than the West End Recording.
8. Little Shop is maybe my second favourite musical? Tied with Rocky Horror, maybe. I also saw it this year, but the performance was terrible lol. My favourite song is Mushnik and Son, followed by The Meek Shall Inherit. I can’t sing but I can act (read: I did gcse drama lmao), and I would love to play Seymour.
9. @oh-jesus-in-the-air introduced me to Falsettos but I didn’t really take to it until years later which is a story we both know pretty well by now lol. My favourites are A Tight-Knit Family / Love Is Blind and I’m Breaking Down. If you haven’t listened to it, @dodger-chan, I think you’d like it.
I’ll tag @oh-jesus-in-the-air (even though I know everything you’d include lol), @therainbowsaws, @rainbow-lizzard, and @punished-lincolnshire-poacher
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crimsonedquill · 1 year
Hey there! Just gonna pop in and tell you you're doing god's work! 💚💙 And I'm addicted to Tumblr again bc of your blog lmao
If you're still accepting requests, can we have some sweet, loving and deliciously smutty Imelda x f!mc, except MC is self-conscious about her battle scars and Imelda rushing to console her even if she isn't particularly good at it
A Little Love (Imelda Reyes x f!MC)
I keep insisting this totally isn’t an Imelda Reyes stan blog but then I see another Melly request and it’s like who am I kidding lol
I also say this far too often but I really had a ton of fun with this prompt, it might just be my favourite yet. Imelda x feelings is a combo I’ll never not enjoy writing!
(Also, to the lovely anon who requested a sequel to the smutty shower post, I know this doesn’t technically count but I definitely consider it a spiritual successor 😛)
Content warning: NSFW (18+). Foul language, heavy smut, discussion of feelings.
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MC was lying on her back in the middle of the big four-poster bed when she heard wet footsteps approaching from the adjacent bathroom. She looked up from the book she’d been reading to see Imelda leaning against the doorpost, hair still damp from her shower, wearing nothing but a comfy shirt and a particularly shit-eating grin.
“See anything you like?” MC asked as she returned to her book, her lips forming a smile behind the pages.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” came the retort. “We both know I could get much better.”
“Right. Can’t help but notice you’re standing half-naked in my bedroom, though.”
Imelda left her spot at the door and strode toward the bed, swaying her hips in that especially alluring way she knew MC liked. Sure enough, the girl briefly stole a glance over the cover, though her eyes quickly darted back to the text when the Captain stopped in front of her, hands at her hips. “I do admit you may have certain… redeeming qualities.”
“Uh-huh,” MC said.
“All the studying definitely isn’t one of them, though.” Imelda let herself fall on the bed, plopping her head on MC’s belly. “Fuck’s sake,” she sighed, “You have no idea how horny I am right now.”
MC flipped a page, undisturbed. “So, play with yourself or something.”
“Oh, I just might. I bet you’d love to see me put up a show.” The Slytherin smirked at her, propping herself up on her elbows. “Hey, I have a better idea.”
“What’s that?”
“You dump that stupid book, and I’ll fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk upright for a week.”
“Merlin,” MC laughed, “never really been one for romance, have you?”
Imelda rolled her eyes. “Okay. How about, “I wish to consummate our love, you stuck-up precious bitch”?”
MC giggled again. As far as love confessions went, this was probably the best she could get from Slytherin’s finest.
“Whad’ya say, though?” Imelda asked, eagerly nuzzling her tummy. “Up for a little girl-on-girl time?”
“Oh, I don’t know. There’s just so much studying left to do –”
“Fuuuuuuuuck that,” Imelda whined. “Your books always get all of the attention. I think it’s time you gave me some.”
MC smirked. Annoying Imelda Reyes would never not be one of her favourite pastimes. “Someone’s sounding a little needy.”
“Damn right I do. I’m a needy little love sponge. And I need you to soak me.”
All right, that had no business sounding as hot as it did. It probably also didn’t help that she’d been feeling a twitching down in her core since the moment Imelda had appeared in the doorway, practically looking ready to jump her right then and there. Not that she’d ever admit the Slytherin had that effect on her. She wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Imelda lightly caressed her through her sweater, correctly having read her lack of response. MC murmured, adjusting her hips a little. She felt a couple of fingers trying to sneak under the garment and quickly moved her hand to intercept them. “The top stays on.”
Imelda huffed something, too impatient to put up much of a fight. MC knew she had every right to complain. They’d had sex before, but it had never gotten to the point where MC had felt comfortable enough to go completely bare. There had always been stupid reasons, silly excuses, even the occasional argument. But Imelda had never pressed her.
Sometime, they would figure it out together, she decided. For now, however, Imelda seemed content, quickly hooking her fingers into the waistband of her trousers before slipping them over her hips. Her eyes lit up at her find.
“Oh, you lying –” she cursed triumphantly, “you are dripping like a good little bitch.”
Indeed she was. In fact, now that her cunt was exposed to her partner’s gaze, MC felt just how much she was throbbing, folds thick and swollen with desire. Imelda placed her hands in her thighs, slowly forcing them apart, thumbs stroking the sensitive skin. MC was glad the book was hiding most of the dark flush that was suddenly creeping up her cheeks. Not that she doubted for a second that Imelda knew exactly what she was doing; the mischievous smirk as she was drawing small circles around the rim of her achingly hot cunny said as much.
“You want this, don’t you?” the Slytherin teased, bringing up a finger, tip coated in slick. The other brushed ever so closely past her damp folds, causing a shiver to course through MC’s body. She simply nodded, lest her shaky breath would betray just how much she was dying for Imelda’s touch –
Another menacing chuckle, another brush against her tender lips. Fucking hell, there were days when she really wanted to curse Imelda’s proficiency in girl pussy – she knew she could keep this up all day if she wanted to, just edging her until she was a hot mess, begging for release.
“I guess I could give you what you need, but, oh, I don’t know,” Imelda mused. “What’s in it for little old me?”
Of course. Everybody knew Imelda Reyes didn’t do favours. Normally MC wouldn’t be so quick to indulge her, but she was bloody aching and she wanted to get off –
“Please…” she murmured from behind the book.
Imelda traced another circle, chuckling to herself. “I’m sorry, what’s that?”
MC dropped the book to shoot her a glare. “Would you please fuck my pussy alr –”
But the rest of her plea was lost in a powerful moan as her mouth fell open, eyes widening.
Ooooooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuu –
It was good. So good. Imelda had plunged two of her fingers inside of her, cutting off her breath and sending her into a delightful fit. She shuddered as the digits dipped past her folds, sliding inside, sliding home.
“Bloody hell, I can tell how much you’ve missed me,” Imelda said, almost in wonder. Merlin, yes, she didn’t even realise how much she had been yearning for the feeling, but all of that didn’t matter now; Imelda had her, she had her now and she wouldn’t stop until MC was screaming her name –
MC whined softly, chest rising, book slipping out of her fingers and landing on the ground with a thud. Imelda smiled up at her, beginning to pump at a slow pace to let her acclimatise to the rhythm. Hell, if only MC realised how much this was turning her on, having her completely at her mercy, dictating every pulse, every twitch, every component of her pleasure. She felt heat beginning to build up between her own legs as she watched the girl writhe and twist on her fingers.
“Such a good, tight pussy,” Imelda cooed. “So fucking wet for me.”
She twisted her fingers, curling them inside of MC so she could reach that special little spot that always made her squirm. As she had predicted, it didn’t take long for her effort to be rewarded with a whimper and a gush of sweet juice spilling from MC’s fleshy curtains.
“That’s it,” she hissed contently. Fuck almighty, she had to get in on this somehow. Without losing pace for even a second, she wrestled her undies down past her knees and climbed on top of MC’s thigh, letting out a groan of relief as her heat was met with some much-needed friction. She began rocking back and forth, wetness spilling out of her, eyes burning lustfully as she fingerbanged MC nice and hard.
MC was beyond words. Her head had fallen to the side, eyes closed, lips mouthing silent curses as she fought back against the rising tide of her orgasm. She didn’t want this to end, fuck, she wanted to feel like this forever, she wanted to be fucked right out her senses, and then she wanted Imelda’s mouth on her until the sun came up and then she wanted oh fuck fuck fuck –
“Come on then, bitch,” Imelda growled between her own gasps, “you know I won’t stop until I’ve got you spitting over my fingers like a sweet little –”
That did it. MC came, clamping down on Imelda’s fingers, a strained cry slipping through her lips as electric waves rippled up from her core. The Slytherin looked on in awe her back arched up from the bed, the sweater slipping back to reveal just a tiny inch of marked flesh – wait, was that…
But then MC collapsed back again. Imelda waited a moment before she withdrew her fingers, the digits making a lewd sloshing sound as a blob of MC’s girly juices trickled from her well-fucked hole. Neither of them spoke as they sat there, air thick with the musky scent of sex and the sound of their breathing. Imelda noticed she she was more preoccupied with her new discovery than the fact that that she hadn’t even achieved her own climax yet. She had never told her about the scars. Why had she never told her about the scars?
As she managed to recover her breath, MC lifted her head to flash her a weak smile. Imelda didn’t return it. Without warning, she suddenly reached for MC’s sweater and gave it a yank, causing the girl to back away from her with a gasp. She drew her knees up to her chest and looked at her, breathing heavily, eyes wide.
“When were you planning on telling me?” Imelda asked, sounding betrayed.
MC seemed at a loss of words. She was clearly panicking, stuttering as she frantically searched for an excuse. “Mel, I –”
“‘Cause these aren’t new,” Imelda interrupted, pointing to her stomach. “Is that why you always weasel out when I want to see you? Are you saying you don’t trust me?”
“No, Mel, t-that’s not it at all –” MC sighed, casting her eyes down. “Look, I was going to tell you, but I didn’t want to do it now –”
Imelda shrugged, crossing her arms. Maybe she should have felt bad for more or less ambushing MC during what was clearly a vulnerable moment, but either way, she wasn’t feeling any hint of shame. “Might as well. Who knows, I could reward you with another fuck when you’re done confessing, since you seem to think that’s all I’m good for.”
MC’s eyes suddenly shot up again, her tone shifting. “Really? You’re not sure you’ve got that backwards?”
Imelda frowned. “Huh?”
“Because that’s exactly the reason I was afraid to tell you,” MC continued. “Look, Mel, I – I think you’re great. I think the sex is great. But I keep wondering if that’s literally all there is to… us. Our relationship. To be honest, most of the time I can’t even tell if you’re in love with me or with my body.”
The words lingered, prickling, stinging. Imelda felt something unpleasant crawling up inside her chest. She wanted to say something, but her mind had trouble stringing together her thoughts. That wasn’t true – she didn’t think of MC that way, did she?
“I didn’t want you to know because –” MC hesitated, but then said firmly, “Because I thought you’d lose interest if you knew.”
Oh, shite. This couldn’t be happening. Imelda squeezed her eyes shut, sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, tried to gather her thoughts. “Fucking hell, MC.”
“You wanted to know. Now you do.” MC sat silently, still holding her knees as she waited for the Slytherin’s response. There was nothing more left to say, no more secrets. Whatever was coming, she would face it.
“I – I don’t –”
Imelda growled, frustrated with herself. She never got tongue-tied, so why was she doing it now? Pull yourself together, Reyes.
“I don’t love your body,” she muttered, before correcting herself. “No, I mean, I do love your body, but I also love you and… fuck, you know what I mean.”
MC was still looking at her, her expression unchanging. She took a deep breath and tried again.
“What I mean to say is – yes, okay, I like sex. Sex is nice, it’s simple. I’ve never cared much for sappiness, the pet names and flowers and holding hands, because you know, there’s always… more. I suppose I just… I’m afraid to get bogged down in stupid shite and commitments I don’t want.”
Hell, that couldn’t have come out crappier even if she had wanted to. She quickly tried to think of something else to say, but then MC suddenly took her hand. “I understand.”
Imelda looked at her, confused. “You do?”
“Of course. Merlin, I was surprised when you took an interest in me in the first place. The great Imelda Reyes, stooping to the level of such a measly peasant –”
“Oh, fuck you.”
MC chuckled. “But, you know, it’s all right. I never expected you to ask for my hand in marriage. You have your life, and I have mine. Though, that doesn’t mean we couldn’t get a little… intimate when we have each other to ourselves.”
Her thumb lightly stroked Imelda’s hand, the simple gesture doing more to excite her than she’d ever expected. She suddenly realised they were both still bare past their navels, her pussy immediately throbbing at the thought.
The expression on MC’s face bore something soft, something tender. It was as if Imelda only now realised how utterly beautiful she was. She swiftly moved in at her own volition, and just like that their lips were moving together, tongues meeting in a delicious kiss. Imelda slipped a hand underneath MC’s sweater, lips curling at her being rewarded with a soft moan. She spent a few moments palming the naked flesh before moving in with her other hand. MC shivered as she was relieved of the garment, though she wasn’t afraid – not anymore.
Imelda cooed with delight as she drank in MC’s naked torso; the embroidery of scars etched into her abdomen and arms, and then her breasts, beautiful curves ending into pink nipples. She didn’t know what all the fuss had been about, MC looked fucking hot. She was barely able to contain herself as she bent over and pressed her face between MC’s tits, devouring them with a ravenous hunger. The girl threw her head back, whimpering as Imelda kissed and suckled on the tender flesh, taking one of her nipples between her teeth to tug at it.
The sounds MC was making shattered the last of her resolve. That was it, she had to feel her. Quickly pulling back to throw off her own shirt, Imelda rushed to return to MC’s warmth, letting out a relieved groan as their tits started rubbing together, bodies slick with sweat.
“So pretty,” she gasped, “so fucking pretty,”
MC smiled at her, bringing a hand around to pull her down into another feverish kiss. She brought up her hips, essentially locking Imelda in place as they continued rutting in their sweet embrace. It was pretty damn perfect. As she moved, Imelda imagined she could even slide into her own release if they kept going like this, though then her lust-fuelled mind conceived of a better idea.
Wrestling herself free, she sat upright as MC looked at her with questioning eyes. “Patience,” she smirked as she seized MC’s legs and started repositioning herself. It took her a while to find a satisfying configuration, but eventually she managed to bring herself into a good position, her aching cunt just inches away from MC’s.
A sigh of relief fell from her lips as their slick cores finally came together. She quickly started scissoring, their folds producing a series of increasingly wet sounds as they rubbed against each other. They quickly mixed with the moans and whines from the two girls, joining as one in their experience of nothing but pure bodily ecstasy.
Imelda was seeing stars. She’d always loved physicality, whether it was punishing her body during a Quidditch match or rubbing one out when she was feeling needy. This, however, this felt… amazing. It was as if she was experiencing MC in a whole new realm of pleasure, feeling everything from her frantic breath to the muscles moving underneath her damp skin to her clit brushing against her own –
As much as she had resisted the idea, she had to admit that making love did seem to have some benefits.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a particularly loud cry from MC. “M-Melly,” she whimpered, “c-close…”
Imelda, too, sensed her own climax approaching, waves of heat welling up from the place where they connected through their slick.
“Good girl,” she purred. “Come for me…”
It took just a few more ruts for MC to crash over the edge; her own release followed suit, arriving in a paralysing surge of pure pleasure that had her choke back a loud roar. She collapsed on top of MC, letting her head fall in the crook of her neck. MC held her close, whispering soothing words to her as she trembled with aftershocks.
After they had recovered from their respective mind-shattering orgasms, they settled into a spooning position, MC wrapping herself in Imelda’s embrace. They lay silently for a while, until MC spoke up: “So… how was that for you?”
“Still weird as hell, I’ll admit,” Imelda replied. “But I think I’m coming around.”
MC chuckled. “As long as we aren’t discussing feelings, clearly.”
“Hey, I was making an honest effort there, bitch.”
“I know.” MC turned to kiss her on the lips. “I love you, okay?”
“Uh-huh.” Imelda wrapped an arm around her, pulling her bare frame closer against her own. “Let’s go to sleep, I’m tired.”
Closing her eyes, MC prepared herself for her venture into nightly depths, enjoying the feeling of Imelda’s warm body. She’d surely have thought the Slytherin was fast asleep the moment she had gone silent, but then came Imelda’s voice: “MC?”
“I love you too.”
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
Okay buckling down and doing this now.
Here’s my propaganda about why Donnie is the most like his dad featuring solid points and some arguable points.
First statement, this isn’t me saying ONLY Donnie is like his dad. All the boys share traits with their father that I’ve noticed (an essay for another time perhaps) I think Donnie just racks up the most points.
Going under a cut tho because long.
So first thing I want to talk about is a lot of people attach Leo as being exactly like his dad, mostly because they have the same vibes on a surface level, but I still argue that Donnie picks up more pieces. The only reason it’s not obvious is because Donnie is very book and technical smart while Lou named turtles Green and Green 2.
Tossing aside some surface level factors (i.e. those eyebrows are 100% inspired from Lou Jitsu and I won’t hear otherwise) some of their shared traits are fairly obvious.
Donnie, much like Leo, not only has an ego (regarding his mind) but is also very vain. While it’s not to a point he acts like he’s the prettiest boy in the room, there are a handful of points he draws attention to his appearance. (”You are the hunkiest” Drawing on eyebrows for nine years, making a titanium bust of himself etc). Even after being mutated, Splinter hasn’t lost a lot of this.
One that was pointed out to me from another post, Splinter and Donnie both have a form of screen addiction. Though seeking it out in different ways, Splinter is often glued to the TV while Donnie panics without having his phone nearby.
Donnie obvs got his love of dancing from his dad. Tragic you don’t see Splinter doing it a lot but he evidently did a bunch of it back before he got mutated. (Also the 80s jams always get you huh Donnie?? interesting)
This technically applies to all the bros tbh, but Donnie is fairly protective. I think Splinter’s desire to break his vow of no more fighting for some turtles he just met gets extended to all the boys and Donnie is no exception. He often seems very aloof, and doesn’t invest a lot of concern into people they deem as their enemies, but he puts a lot of subtle effort into building tech that will keep his family safe.
Mikey already pointed out the freebie in Breaking Purple with that photo comparison. But just to be clear when Splinter’s temper gets the better of him (essp. because his ego of all things is being attacked) the first thing he does is ground the boys. Donnie’s first instincts with Shelldon are the same thing (and with his own father apparently)
Speaking of which: “Oh Papá, if you surrender now there shant be any consequences!” “Hah, that is a lie. I taught him that one.”
I’m not totally sure how good Splinter’s recent memory is, but the show does have him state he remembers all of the names of the stuntmen he worked with. Donnie’s memory is also shown to be extremely on point (”the brain is nature’s notepad”). In some ways because he exercises it so much, but still.
Here’s a fun one. They’re both bad liars (in certain situations). It’s always interesting to me people just flat out say Donnie is a bad liar despite how fast he was with a fake name toward the purple dragons and his attempt to scam Repo out of the mystic armor piece. It seems that given at least some space to plan he can lie just fine, it’s more sudden scenarios where he falters. (”We are just normal humans on our way to a convention.”) But also, despite being trained as an actor, Splinter is also sometimes... very bad at lying. (”I am Randal and I am a normal teenage boy!”) Literally in that episode Splinter and Donnie just have an exchange of a terrible lie. (”I can’t believe he fell for that.” “I can’t believe they fell for that.”)
Oh yeah speaking of actor, Donnie’s flair for the dramatics holy SHIT. I don’t think he’s necessarily brilliant at acting (or at the very least doesn’t have it come as naturally as Leo does) but wow some of the speeches he gives when he’s despondent.... boy.
Some other short point. “You’re so cute but so mean why do I always fall for your type?” (gee, wonder if this is part of the reason Lou was into Big Mama). And also I’m p sure they both snore.
Okay here’s my big wammy one though. Both Donnie and his father are very approval seeking. They may seek it from different sources but it’s very prominent and influences a lot of their decisions. While Lou turned away from his family and their traditions, I imagine there was a part of him that was frustrated that his grandfather (his only parental figure it seems) wouldn’t approve of anything he did outside of their family legacy. Lou decides to go out and be a movie star, lives for the camera, the fame, the attention, and even when trapped in the battle nexus seems to have some fond memories attached to the cheering crowds. He seeks out approval from a bunch of strangers because he was never able to get it from his family. (And on top of that, you sometimes see him desperate for the approval of his sons and get very frustrated when they look up to other people).
Donnie’s in a similar boat. He states multiple times he wants the approval of a parental figure (either Splinter fell out of showing his pride or does it in ways that Donnie doesn’t understand) and in some cases is easily won over by the right kind of compliments being thrown his way. He also seems to want approval from his siblings (making big shows about showing off new inventions. “And applause, and applause, and still waiting for your applause.”) though maybe not to the same degree as from someone he could consider a role model. He attaches his self worth to what he can do, and notes that if his family decides his tech is useless, they may think the same way about him.
You could make arguments that all the boys have this issue but I don’t think it’s to the same degree as Donnie. Sure they all have moments they want to prove themselves, but there’s plenty of other occasions they make it clear they don’t give a flip what the others think.
Anyway much to Donnie’s horror and disgust I think he’s the most like his dad, despite how different they appear at first glances, and so far I’m having a fantastic time playing with that idea.
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