#I’m really trying to take my time w this but also I’m very excited to show What’s Up
cowboybeepboop · 25 days
"You don't have to beg, princess," he mutters gruffly in your ear. "I'll touch you as much as you want."
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Pairing: Scott Miller x fem! Reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 8k
Summary: Storm chasing with Scott turns into a night of passion.
Warnings: P in V sex, no protection, soft Scott
a/n: Tbh this is really similar to the first Scott oneshot I posted 😭 I just really like the idea of Scott w/ a soft spot for reader. Also I’m currently working on a request but please feel free to message/send requests my way if you have any
Scott is your *most* annoying storm par colleague, you get along with the rest of the team just fine. In fact they all really enjoy your company, but Scott? He’s just such a dick.
Scott has never been one for social graces, his charm as rough as the storms he chases. Yet, every time he tries to get under your skin with a snide remark or a deliberate shove, you respond with a gentle touch or a soft laugh that seems to disarm him completely. You're the one person who can cut through his tough exterior with ease, and he hates it.
But as he takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes never leaving your frame, he knows he can't stay away. You're the puzzle he can't solve, the riddle wrapped in a mystery, and it's driving him mad. But he's also painfully aware that every time he pushes you away with his cruel words and harsh actions, he's losing a little more of you, a piece of the very thing he craves. And that, more than anything, is what keeps him coming back.
”Hey Scott,” you smile at him, setting your coffee on the table across from him. “Can I sit with you?” Scott looks at you for a moment before taking another sip of his coffee, his gaze lingering on yours as if he’s studying you. He lets out a small sigh before responding.
”Yeah, sure.” He motions for you to sit, his tone a mixture of reluctant acceptance and a hint of irritation. The air between the two of you is tense, a mixture of lingering annoyance and the ever present spark of attraction.
”Thank you,” your smile widens as you sit down, taking a small drink of your latte as you look at his cold face. Scott watches you closely as you settle into the seat across from him, his expression remaining aloof and unreadable. The tension between you is palpable, but there's also a flicker of something else in his eyes that he's trying to hide.
As you sip your latte, he can't help but notice the way your lips wrap around the rim of the cup and the small noise of contentment you make. His fingers drum impatiently on the table, betraying his uneasy exterior.
”So, do you know where we’re gonna chase today?” You set the cup down, looking out the window admiring the morning sky. Scott leans back in his seat, his gaze following yours out the window. He takes a moment to reply, his tone slightly less gruff than usual.
”Probably the outskirts of Tornado Alley. The weather report is predicting a major storm system moving through the area by mid-afternoon. Might be a good one to chase.” He doesn’t look at you as he speaks, but his eyes dart to you for a brief second before shifting back to the window. The storm is brewing inside him, just like the one outside.
“Sounds great!” You reply with a cheery tone, shifting your eyes back to Scott's face. Scott’s jaw clenches and he looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
Your cheerfulness is both intriguing and infuriating. He can’t stand how easily you can flip a switch from serious storm chaser to cheerful chatterbox. “Don’t get too excited,” he replies gruffly. “Storm chasing isn’t all fun and games.”
“Well I’m not too excited,” you reply with a laugh, “But it’s good we know where we’re headed for the day.” Your attention is drawn to Javi, who just walked into the cafe, you smile at him with a wave.
Scott’s eyes flick to Javi, and for a brief moment he frowns at the sight of the other man. He’s particularly annoyed by the way you greet him with such warmth and ease.
He takes a sip of his coffee, his tone betraying a hint of annoyance. ”Yeah, it’s good we know where we’re headed. Can focus on prepping the van instead of worrying about wasting our time.” Your eyes flick back to him.
“That’s true, we can get off track sometimes.” you stand up grabbing your cup, “I’m gonna go talk to Javi, I'll see you later Scott.” Your hair bounces with your step as you walk up to your friend. He grabs your coffee and takes a sip before cringing and handing it back to you, saying it's too sweet.
Scott watches you walk away, his eyes lingering on your every move. The sight of you and Javi talking and laughing together only serves to stoke the fire within him. He watches as Javi takes a sip of your coffee, wincing at the sweetness before handing the cup back to you. Scott can’t help but smirk to himself, thinking of how your taste in coffee is as sickly sweet as your personality.
You laugh at something Javi says, your hand falls to his arm squeezing it with your giggle. Scott's jaw clenches as he watches your hand on Javi's arm. The casual familiarity between the two of you ignites a spark of jealousy within him.
He takes a deep breath, trying to ignore the pang of irritation in his chest as he watches the two of you banter and laugh. Javi smooths down the top of your hair earning a sweet grin from you, he pats your hip before he walks over to Scott.
Scott's eyes follow Javi as he walks over, his irritation still evident. He takes a nonchalant sip of his coffee as he awaits whatever is coming next.
"What’s up?" he mutters, his tone gruff and guarded.
Javi smiles, “Hey man we’re gonna head out in ten, so finish your coffee, or do whatever else you need.” He smiles at Scott, putting his hand on his shoulder.
Scott eyes Javi's hand on his shoulder with a mixture of annoyance and acceptance. He knows he can't argue with the order, even if the touch feels like a bit of a jab at his loner tendencies.
"Yeah, whatever," he grumbles, taking a final sip of his coffee. "I'll be ready." You bound over to them interrupting the awkward conversation.
”Hey boys, want any drinks for the road? My treat!” Scott's irritation is momentarily pushed aside by your sudden appearance. He is reminded of your presence when your hand brushes his arm, a brief but distinct touch that sends a small shiver through him.
He glances at you with surprise before responding gruffly. "Uh...sure. Just a black coffee."
Javi grins at you, always enjoying your friendly nature. "Actually, I’d appreciate a sweet tea if you’re getting drinks."
“Iced?” You question, Javi responds with a nod. “Okay, got it. I’ll meet you both outside.”
You hand them their drinks, “Hey, Y/N why don’t you ride with Scott today?” Javi flashes him a smirk.
“Yeah, of course.” You reply, Scott's eyes widen slightly at Javi's suggestion, his heart dropping into his stomach. He hadn't expected to be saddled with your presence for the entire ride, and he certainly wasn't looking forward to it.
Scott lets out a low grumble of protest, but Javi's grin only widens, clearly enjoying the situation he's put Scott in.
“Great!” he says with a clap, “Have fun, you two.”
”Would you like to drive?” You turn your attention over to Scott. His grumble turns into a frown, his annoyance evident in his expression. He glances at you, his eyes narrowing as he processes your question.
"Why wouldn’t I want to drive?" he mutters, crossing his arms. "You probably drive like a grandma anyway." You laugh at his response, opening the truck door and sliding in.
Scott watches as you slide into the vehicle, amused by your cheerful nature in spite of his grumpy demeanor. He lets out a low sigh and walks around to the driver's side, getting in and starting up the truck.
He checks the rear view mirror, catching a glimpse of you in the passenger's seat. He can't help but notice how the sunlight hits your face, illuminating your features in a soft, flattering glow.
You notice Scott’s look and your hand subconsciously goes to your face, “What’s up? Do I have something on my face?”
Scott's eyes dart back to the road, silently cursing himself for being caught in the act. He clears his throat and mutters a quick "No, nothing's wrong."
He can feel the heat rising in his cheeks, but he tries to dismiss it as a reaction to the sun shining through the windshield.
"Just checking you weren’t falling asleep over there,” he adds gruffly, keeping his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
”Well, you don’t have to worry about that, I’m 100% awake.” You face him with your lips curving up. Scott glances over at you as you speak, his own lips twitching into the faintest hint of a smile.
He does his best to hide it, but the sight of your curved lips and the lilt in your voice only serves to soften his gruff exterior even further. "Yeah, I can see that," he murmurs, his voice gruff but less guarded than usual. "You're like a hyperactive Energizer bunny."
”You’re funny sometimes, I mean when you want to be.” you laugh softly before turning your attention to the road ahead of you. “But why are you so grumpy all the time?” You ask.
Scott's eyebrows furrow at your question, his jaw clenching for a moment as if you've hit a sore spot. He lets out a low sigh, his fingers tightening on the steering wheel for a brief moment before loosening again.
"I'm not grumpy all the time," he mutters, the gruffness in his voice betraying the slight defensiveness in his tone. "I just don’t see the point in being all cheerful and upbeat like you all the time."
You look over at him with an awkward smile, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Scott lets out another sigh, his expression softening slightly as he senses your unease. He glances at you, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment before going back to the road.
"You didn’t offend me," he mutters, his tone a little less gruff than before. "It’s just... I don’t understand how you do it, that’s all. You’re always so cheerful and friendly, even when things get rough."
“It’s easy,” you turn to him with a shrug, “People tend to return the energy, anyway.” Scott listens to your explanation, his mind racing to process your words. He takes a moment before responding, his tone still gruff but less than before.
"I guess that makes sense," he mutters grudgingly. "I’m just not the type to put on a mask or fake being cheerful for the sake of others. I like to keep things straightforward and blunt."
”Are you saying I do?” You question, becoming slightly defensive. Scott senses the sudden change in your tone, surprised by the defensive edge in your voice. His eyebrows furrow again as he tries to backpedal.
"No, that's not what I meant," he hastens to clarify. "I didn’t say you were. I just...I don’t understand how you’re always so positive, that’s all." You burst into laughter.
”Lighten up, I’m just messing with you,” You shove his shoulder gently, “I know what you meant.” Scott’s eyes widen at your playful shove, surprised by the unexpected physical contact. He can feel his heart rate spike momentarily before he reigns it back in. He shoots you a quick glare, but there’s no real heat behind it.
“You little…” he mutters, shaking his head. “Don’t go shoving me while I’m driving.” You giggle, your hand sliding down his arm as you look ahead to the tornado you’re following.
Scott's heart skips a beat at the feeling of your hand sliding down his arm. It's a small but unexpectedly intimate gesture that sends a shiver through him. He stares out the windshield, trying to focus on the storm in front of them, but part of his mind is preoccupied with the warmth of your touch still lingering on his skin.
He swallows hard, trying to keep his voice steady as he speaks. "So, uh...how does this one look to you?" You smile at him, your eyes twinkling a bit
”You usually don’t care what I think about the storms,” Scott's expression hardens as he glances at you, his heart thudding in his chest at the sight of your smile. He isn't sure what's come over him, but he finds himself strangely drawn to your bright attitude.
He lets out a soft huff, acknowledging your observation. "I guess I don’t usually ask," he murmurs, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "But I figure since we’re stuck together for this drive, I might as well take your opinion into account."
”Well, I think we’re gonna get some good data. The conditions are looking really great and it looks like the cap is about to break soon,” you say while peering out the window.
Scott nods, his eyes flickering from you to the storm ahead of the car. He can’t help but be impressed by your enthusiasm and knowledge, even though he’d never admit it out loud.
"Yeah, you’re probably right," he concedes, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Looks like things are falling into place for a good chase."
You grasp his thigh roughly, “Scott watch out for the truck!” you say urgency in your voice as another storm chaser cuts in front of you.
Scott's eyes widen at your sudden outburst, immediately snapping back to the road. He jerks the wheel as the other storm chaser cuts him off, swearing under his breath as he struggles to avoid a collision.
"What the hell is that idiot doing?" he growls, his heart racing from the near miss. "Do they not know how to drive?" Your hand relaxes, but stays on his leg.
”Here, speed up, you have room to pass them on the right.” You point toward the road in front of you.
Scott takes a couple calming breaths as his heart rate begins to slow, silently thanking you for your quick thinking. He glances over at you and notices your hand on his leg, the weight of it sending a slight shiver through him.
He does as you suggest, quickly accelerating and maneuvering his way around the truck. He lets out a sigh of relief as they pass it without any further issues. "Thanks," he mutters gruffly. "Good eye."
Your hand moves up his thigh as you relax into your seat, “That almost gave me a fucking heart attack.” Realizing your hand was still on him, you pull it away. “Oh uh sorry about that.” You smile.
Scott feels a pang of disappointment as your hand slides away from his thigh, leaving a trail of warmth in its path. He secretly wishes you had left it there, but doesn’t comment on it.
He clears his throat awkwardly, trying to hide the effect your touch has on him.
"Uh... it’s fine," he mutters, his voice a little huskier than usual. "Just glad we missed that idiot." Javi gives him instructions on where to go, Scott turns into the directed area.
You and Scott set up the panel according to Javi's instructions, his mind still lingering on the brief moment when you had your hand on his thigh. It's the most physical contact you've ever initiated with him, and he can't stop thinking about the sensation of your touch.
As the tornado appears in front of you both, your eyes light up with wonder, and Scott finds himself watching you more than the storm itself. He's never seen you so enchanted, and he can't help but be endeared by your passion.
Scott watches as the storm approaches, its ominous presence growing larger and darker. He suddenly feels the need to protect you, his instincts kicking into overdrive.
"Y/N, get back in the truck," he barks out, his voice urgent. "It's getting too close." You follow his instruction, quickly getting in and buckling.
Once you're safely inside, Scott rushes to the driver's door and jumps in. He shuts the door behind him and starts the engine back up, the sound of the storm battering the outside of the truck growing louder.
He glances over at you, making sure you're buckled in and safe. There's a hint of worry in his eyes, but he tries to play it off.
"You okay?" he grumbles, his voice betraying a hint of concern. He pulls off into the road, quickly driving toward safety.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting soft on me Scott,” you tease with a sweet grin. Scott scowls at your teasing comment, his grumpiness coming back in full force. He grumbles under his breath and focuses his attention back on the road.
"I'm not getting soft," he mutters gruffly, his voice trying to mask the slight tinge of defensiveness. "I just don't want you getting hurt, that's all."
”Aha! You totally are getting soft, when was the last time you worried about me getting hurt.” You exclaim with giggle, “but yes I’m fine.”
Scott's scowl deepens, his ego bruised by your teasing. He can feel the heat rising in his cheeks, partly from annoyance and partly from the truth behind your words.
"I... I was worried you'd get blown away," he tries to sound gruff, but the hint of admission in his tone gives him away. He can't deny his growing attachment to you, but he'll be damned if he ever admits it out loud.
”Oh, don’t act like you wouldn’t like to see me get blown away,” you smile at him.
Scott huffs, a mixture of annoyance and amusement flickering in his eyes. He can't deny that the thought of you being away from him is slightly appealing, but he also can't help the pang of protectiveness he feels towards you.
"It'd be quiet for a change, that's for sure," he mutters gruffly, his lips twitching into a reluctant half-smile. Your smile falters as you notice his small one, I mean does he really hate your company that much?
Scott notices the small flicker of hurt in your expression and immediately regrets his words. He didn’t mean for it to sound quite so callous, but his gruff demeanor often led him to say things without fully thinking them through.
He realizes the implication of his comment and quickly tries to salvage the situation. "I was just kidding, you know," he mutters gruffly. "I don’t actually want you blown away."
”Yeah of course, I know that,” you regain your usual composure. “Should we go back to the motel? To meet Javi there…” your voice trails off as you try to change the subject.
Scott nods, sensing your desire to change the subject. He knows he's said the wrong thing, but he's not quite sure how to fix it. Instead, he focuses on what he's good at: driving.
"Yeah, that’s a good idea," he mutters gruffly. "Javi’s probably waiting for us back at the motel. Let’s get going." You yawn, deciding to pretend to sleep in order to avoid the awkwardness.
Scott notices your yawn and your intentional attempt to avoid conversation. He realizes that you're trying to escape the uneasy atmosphere that he himself had created.
He lets out a heavy sigh, his gruff demeanor softening, “I… I didn’t actually mean what I said back there, you know. I was just messing around.”
”Yes, I know” you grumble, “I think I’m just tired..” Scott notices the way you wrap your arms around yourself, a clear sign that you're still bothered by his earlier comment, even if you won't admit it.
He pulls into the parking lot, turning to look at you. "Look at me and tell me what's really bothering you," he demands, his voice gruff but softened by a hint of concern. You close your eyes stubbornly to avoid looking at him.
“I don’t know, Scott. You really didn’t do anything,” you sigh, Scott huffs in frustration as you stubbornly keep your eyes closed, refusing to really talk to him.
He reaches out and gently pries your eyelids open, demanding that you look at him. "Bullshit," he growls. "You're not fooling anyone. You're pissed at me, even if you won't admit it. Just tell me what's going on in that big brain of yours, dammit."
Your hand reaches up to his wrist, holding on softly. “I’m not pissed at you Scott.” You open one eye peeking at him, “I guess it's just… I don’t mean to bother you with my talking. Even though you didn’t mean it, it just stung a little.”
Scott's expression softens as he looks at you, your hand lightly gripping his wrist. He can feel the hurt in your words, and it hits him harder than he'd like to admit.
"You don't bother me," he mutters, his voice losing some of its gruff edge. "I was just being a jackass, as usual. I didn't mean what I said. You know that, right?”
”I know you didn’t mean it,” you reluctantly open your eyes, “you’re a big sweetie at heart, but I won't share your little secret.” Your smile returns to your lips as your hand slides down his muscular forearm.
Scott's heart rate spikes at the feel of your hand tracing down his forearm. He tries to mask his reaction, but a small shiver betrays him.
He lets out a grumble, pretending to be annoyed by your comment, “I'm not a sweetie. I'm tough as nails.
”Scott?” You lean closer to him, his breath hitches as you lean closer to him. He can smell your scent, and he suddenly becomes very aware of the small distance between you.
He swallows hard, his gruff exterior faltering for a moment. "Yeah?" he mutters, his voice a little hoarser than usual. You move his hand from your chin to your shoulder.
”Do you have a soft spot for me?” Your voice is gentle, Scott's heart thuds in his chest as you guide his hand to your shoulder. He lets out a shaky breath as he feels the warmth of your skin under his palm.
He looks at you, his eyes flickering with a mixture of vulnerability and gruffness. He wants to deny your question, to maintain his tough exterior, but the truth is undeniable.
"Maybe," he mutters gruffly, his voice just above a whisper. "Maybe I do. So what?" Your smile turns into a small smirk as you guide his hand to your chest, over your heart.
”I have a soft spot for you too..” you murmur, Scott's breath catches in his throat as he can feel the rapid beat of your heart underneath his palm, a tangible sign of your own vulnerability.
His gruff demeanor falters for a moment as he looks at you, his eyes searching your face for any sign of hesitation.
"You do?" he mutters, his voice a little hoarser than usual, your cheeks flush.
”Can’t you tell that I do?” You lean closer, Scott's gaze flickers down to your lips as you lean closer, his heart racing rapidly. The proximity between you is dangerous, and he feels a mixture of vulnerability and desire.
He swallows hard, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. "I... I didn't think you felt that way about me," he mutters gruffly. "You could have anyone you wanted, why me?"
”I don’t know about that..” you say with surprise in your voice, Scott's brow furrows in confusion, his gruff exterior faltering again.
"What do you mean, you don't know about that?" he mutters, his voice gruff but laced with a hint of genuine surprise. "You could have any man you wanted. You're intelligent, charming, and..."
He trails off, swallowing hard as his gaze linger on your lips. “Any man that I wanted?” You hum, his heart rate spikes as you question his words. He can see the playful gleam in your eyes, and he can sense that you're testing him.
"Yeah," he mutters gruffly, his voice rougher than usual. "Any man at all. You could have your pick. So why would you..."
He lets the sentence hang in the air, the implication clear. “What can I say, I like the chase,” you tease, his gruff exterior faltering even more. The thought of you 'chasing' after him makes his stomach flip with a mixture of excitement and nerves.
He tries to maintain his composure, but he can't help the hint of a smile that tugs at the corner of his lips. "The chase, huh?"
You lean in to give him a soft peck, he’s caught off guard by your move, but he doesn't pull away. Instead, he lets out a soft, guttural sound as he feels the warmth of your lips against his.
"You've been driving me crazy for weeks." he mutters gruffly, his voice betraying a hint of desire.
”And yet I was the one who had to make the first move” you murmur against his lips, giving him another peck. Scott's fingers dig into your hips, his body instinctively pulling you closer, craving more of your touch.
Your words, whispered against his lips, send a wave of desire through him, erasing any pretense of indifference. "You... You are a goddamn tease," he growls, his voice thick with longing.
You pull away and slip out of the truck, Scott's eyes widen in surprise as you slip away from him, a pang of disappointment mixed with confusion. He follows you out of the truck, a mixture of desire and frustration etched on his face.
"Where are you going?" he demands gruffly, his voice betraying a hint of desperation.
”To your room, so don’t make me wait too long.” You turn to look back at him with a smirk.
Scott's eyes widen at your words, a mixture of surprise and excitement passing over his face. He stands there for a moment, processing what you've just said. Then, a sly, cocky smile spread across his lips. "You'd better not be screwing with me," he mutters gruffly, taking a step towards you.
”Well… maybe if you play your cards right we can do a little screwing..” you bite your lip as you turn to him, your back against his room door.
Scott's heart rate spikes at your suggestive words and the sight of you leaning against his door. He closes the distance between you, his body pressed against yours, his hands on either side of your head, trapping you against the door.
"You're damn right we will," he growls, his voice thick with desire. "But first, I need to know one thing."
”And what’s that?” You look up at him, your hand pressing to his chest. Scott leans in closer, his lips hovering just above yours, his body pressed tightly against yours. He can feel the heat radiating off of you, and it's taking every ounce of his willpower not to lose control right then and there.
"Is this... Is this real? Or are you just playing some kind of game?" he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper. The vulnerability in his voice is undeniable, as if he's letting you see a side of him that he doesn't let just anyone see.
”Scott,” you say his name firmly, reaching up and cupping his cheek. “Why would I play with you?” Your thumb runs over his cheekbone. “This is real, all of it.”
Scott feels your touch on his cheek, and it sends a wave of emotion through him. The sight of your earnest expression, coupled with the soothing touch of your thumb, melts away any doubts he may have had.
Scott shakes himself out of his thoughts and fishes in his pocket for the key. He inserts the key into the lock and twists, opening the door and stepping aside to let you in.
He follows you inside, closing and locking the door behind him. The room is small and dimly lit, with a queen size bed taking up most of the space.
You reach out for his arm pulling him to you. He stumbles slightly, surprised by the strength in your pull. He stands before you, his body inches from yours, his eyes locked on yours. You capture his lips in a heated kiss.
Scott's thoughts are cut off as your lips crash against his in a hungry, heated kiss. His eyes widen in surprise, but it only takes a moment for his instincts to take over. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you against him as he returns the kiss with equal intensity.
He groans against your lips, his grip on you tight and possessive as he loses himself in the moment, you press your fingertips into his waist. Scott lets out a low growl, his body shuddering at the feeling of your fingertips on his skin. He looks at you, his eyes burning with a mixture of desire and frustration.
You press a kiss to his jaw. Scott's eyes flutter closed momentarily at the feel of your lips on his jaw. The touch is gentle and yet it sends a wave of heat through him. He lets out a gruff huff, his grip on your waist tightening as he tries to hold onto his composure.
You kiss his Adam’s apple, your hand sliding up his abs through his shirt. Scott's breath hitches at the feel of your lips on his skin, his body reacting with a mix of pleasure and longing. Your hand on his abs makes his muscles tense, his body instinctively arching into your touch.
He groans deeply, his resistance weakening as you continue to press kisses to his sensitive skin. "Damn it," he mutters gruffly, his voice strained. "You really know how to drive a man wild, don't you?"
”Scott..” you murmur against his neck, Scott's body trembles at the sound of his name on your lips. The feeling of your warm breath on his neck sends a shiver down his spine, awakening every nerve ending.
He closes his eyes, his head tilting back slightly as he mutters your name in response, his voice thick with longing. "Yeah, princess?"
”Sit down,” you reply softly. Scott's eyes open, the command in your voice catching him off guard. He looks at you, a mixture of surprise and curiosity on his face.
"Sit down?" he echoes gruffly, his confusion evident.
”Mhmm” you draw out, despite his surprise, Scott finds himself obeying your command, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He looks up at you, his eyes never leaving yours as he waits to see what you'll do next.
"I'm sitting," he mutters gruffly, his voice betraying a hint of anticipation. "Now what?"
”You're like a puppy,” you tease with a giggle. Scott's jaw muscles clench at your comment, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Did you just compare me to a puppy?" he grumbles gruffly. But despite his gruff exterior, there's a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He can't help but find your teasing endearing, even if he'd never admit it out loud.
You start slowly unbuttoning your shirt “You listen well, you have soft hair, and you’re cute. Just like a puppy.” you pull your shirt off, letting it fall to the ground. Scott's eyes widen as you start unbuttoning your shirt, his gaze immediately fixated on the exposed skin beneath.
His breath catches in his throat, and his hands clench into fists at his sides, resisting the urge to reach out and touch you. He swallows hard, his mouth suddenly dry. "You think I'm cute?" he mutters gruffly, his voice gruff as he tries to maintain his composure.
”The cutest,” you smile sweetly, stepping between his legs and bringing his hands to your bra. Scott's hands twitch slightly at the sudden warmth under his palms. The feel of your skin and the soft lace of your bra against his calloused hands sends a jolt of electricity through his body.
He looks up at you, his expression a mix of desire and surprise. His eyes rake over your body, taking in every inch of exposed skin, his mouth watering at the sight of you. "Damn," he groans, his voice husky. "You're beautiful, princess."
You bite your lip “Scott..” you look down at him, eyes full of lust and desire.
Scott's gaze is fixed on you, his eyes dark with desire and longing. He swallows hard, his throat dry as he registers the look in your eyes.
He tugs you closer, bringing his hands up to the small of your back, his palms pressing into your skin. "Say my name again," he mutters gruffly, his voice rough with need.
”Scott, touch me please..” you practically whine out in desire, Scott's body shudders at the sound of your voice, desperate and needy. Your plea sparks something within him, igniting a fire of desire that he can't hold back anymore.
He swallows hard, a low growl rumbling in his throat as he looks up at you. "You want me to touch you, princess?" he mutters gruffly, his hands roaming across your back, caressing your skin.
”Please,” you groan, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pull yourself closer to him.
Scott's breath hitches at the sound of your groaning plea, his heart racing in his chest. Your arms around his neck and your body pressed against him, pleading with him to touch you, it's driving him wild.
He leans his head forward, burying his face against your neck, his lips brushing against your skin as he responds. "You don't have to beg, princess," he mutters gruffly in your ear. "I'll touch you as much as you want."
You settle into his laps, grinding down against him. “I really need you, Scottie.” You whisper into his ear. Scott's body jerks involuntarily as you settle onto his lap and grind against him. A guttural moan escapes his lips at the sound of your whispered plea, his hands immediately grabbing onto your hips, holding you against him.
He buries his face against your neck, his breath hot against your skin. "You need me, huh?" he mutters gruffly, his voice strained as he struggles to maintain control.
”More than anything.” You’re desperate for him to take complete control.
Your words, full of need and desperation, ignite a primal fire within Scott. He can't deny you any longer, can't resist the need to claim you, to give you everything you want.
He growls deeply, his hands gripping your hips tighter as he lifts you up and moves you further onto the bed, laying you down with a thump. He prowls over you, his eyes dark with unconcealed desire.
"You're gonna get what you want, princess," he mutters gruffly. "I'll give you everything you need." You moan at his words, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.
Without breaking the kiss, Scott's hands start to explore your body, his fingertips tracing the lines of your waist, sliding up to the clasp of your bra. He fumbles with it for a moment, his urgency palpable, before finally releasing it.
The fabric falls away, revealing your bare breasts to his heated gaze. He groans into your mouth, his hands cupping you gently before his thumbs begin to tease your hardened nipples. The sensation sends a shock wave of pleasure through you, making your body arch off the bed.
His touch is rough but tender, each stroke setting your skin alight with a passion that's been smoldering between you for so long. You moan into his mouth, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer as your kiss deepens. The room is filled with the sound of your heavy breathing and the rustle of clothes being removed, the air thick with anticipation.
Scott's eyes never leave yours as he moves to kiss down your neck, his mouth watering at the thought of tasting more of you. The intensity of your connection is undeniable, a powerful force that's been building for too long, finally ready to be unleashed.
Scott's desperation is undeniable as he kisses you with a fervor that leaves you breathless. His hands roam over your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake as he peppers your skin with urgent kisses.
He moves down to your collarbone, sucking gently before moving to your breasts, taking one in his mouth and flicking the nipple with his tongue. The sensation sends a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, making you gasp. His teeth graze your skin, leaving a series of love bites that feel like a brand, marking you as his.
Each suck and nip is accompanied by a soft groan of satisfaction from him, the sound vibrating against your chest and making your toes curl. His mouth moves further down, leaving a path of love marks across your stomach and hips, as if he's claiming every inch of you.
His teeth sink into your skin harder now, leaving dark hickeys that will be a delicious secret between the two of you. Each mark is a declaration of his desire, a physical testament to the passion that's been simmering just beneath the surface for so long. His hunger for you is insatiable, and you can feel it in every touch, every kiss, every possessive groan that rumbles through his chest.
Scott slides down the bed, his eyes never leaving yours, until his face is level with your hips. He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of your pants and pulls them down along with your underwear in one swift motion, exposing your wet and eager sex to his gaze.
He takes a moment to appreciate the sight, licking his lips in anticipation. "You're so beautiful," he murmurs gruffly, his voice thick with desire. He leans in, his breath hot against your skin, and you can feel the heat of his gaze as he looks at you. His tongue darts out, teasing the outer folds of your pussy before delving deeper, tasting your sweetness.
You moan, arching your back, as he begins to eat you out with a passion that's both rough and tender. His tongue circles your clit, flicking and stroking, as his hands grip your thighs, holding you open for him. He's relentless, his mouth working you with an intensity that leaves you trembling.
Each stroke of his tongue sends a wave of pleasure through you, each suck making you moan louder. He's not gentle, but you don't want him to be. You want him to devour you, to claim you, and that's exactly what he does. You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge with every pass of his tongue, your body tightening in anticipation of the orgasm that's building within you. "Don't stop," you whimper, your voice needy.
He doubles his efforts, his tongue delving into your wetness, his teeth grazing your sensitive clit. The pleasure is almost too much to bear, but you want more, need more of him.
His hands move to your hips, his grip tightening as he laps at you, his tongue moving in rhythm with the pulsing of your desire. You're so close, so very close, and he knows it.
He slows down, teasing you, making you beg for the release that's just out of reach. And when you're on the brink, when you think you can't take it anymore, he speeds up again, sending you hurtling over the edge with a scream of pleasure that fills the room.
As the last waves of your orgasm ripple through your body, you pull Scott up to you, desperate for more of his touch, more of him inside you. Your hands are everywhere, tangling in his hair, gripping his shoulders, pulling him closer as you kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his lips.
The room spins with the intensity of your need, and you can feel his erection pressing against your thigh, a testament to his own desire. You rock your hips against him, seeking the friction that will bring you both to the brink again.
He groans into your mouth, his hands sliding down to grip your ass, pulling you closer as he grinds against you. The raw need in your movements, the way your body responds to his, it's like nothing he's ever felt before. He breaks the kiss, panting heavily, his eyes locked on yours as he reaches for his own pants, fumbling with the zipper.
With a swift motion, he shoves his pants down, freeing his cock, which stands thick and hard, ready to claim you. He reaches for the nightstand, grabbing a condom and ripping it open with his teeth before rolling it on.
His gaze never leaves yours as he positions himself at your entrance, the head of his cock nudging against your wetness. You bite your lip, your eyes wide with anticipation, your body aching for him to fill you. "Are you ready, princess?" he asks, his voice a low growl.
You nod eagerly, and with one swift thrust, he's inside you, burying himself to the hilt. You cry out, your nails digging into his back as he stretches and fills you completely. He stills for a moment, giving you time to adjust to his size, before he starts to move, his hips pumping into yours with a rough, primal rhythm that matches the beat of your racing heart.
Each stroke is deep and demanding, claiming you over and over again, making you his in every way possible. Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer, your body moving in sync with his as the pleasure builds once more.
You're lost in the sensation, in the feeling of him inside you, the way he makes you feel so alive, so wanted. And as he continues to drive into you, you know that no matter what happens next, this moment will change everything.
Scott's groan deepens as he feels your body tighten around him, signaling your impending release. His thrusts become more urgent, his hips pistoning into yours with a force that shakes the bed. "Come for me, baby," he grunts, his voice a low, desperate growl that sends shivers down your spine.
You cling to him, your nails digging into his back as you arch up to meet each powerful stroke. The pressure inside you builds, coiling tighter and tighter until it snaps, sending a cascade of pleasure through your body. You scream out his name as you climax, your muscles spasming around his cock.
The sound of your pleasure is like music to his ears, pushing him over the edge as well. He drives into you one last time, burying himself deep as he releases, his entire body shaking with the force of his orgasm. For a moment, the only sounds in the room are the harsh gasps of your breathing and the wet slap of skin on skin.
Then, he collapses onto you, his weight a welcome warmth as your bodies come down from the high together. His forehead rests against yours, and you can feel his heart pounding in time with yours. "Fuck," he whispers gruffly, his voice filled with awe and wonder. "That was..." He trails off, unable to find the words to describe what just happened between you. You smile, feeling the same sense of amazement.
"Yeah," you murmur, your voice still shaky with aftershocks of pleasure. "It was." Scott's body trembles above you, his breathing heavy and ragged. He supports himself on his forearms, his weight pressing you into the bed. The heat radiating off of him, the feel of his skin against yours, is both overwhelming and exhilarating.
He looks down at you, his eyes burning with a mixture of desire, awe, and vulnerability. His rough exterior has cracked, revealing the man beneath - the one who desires you so fiercely.
"I don't think I've ever... felt anything like that before," he mutters gruffly, his voice raw with emotion. You smile, looking up at him lovingly.
”Yeah?” You hum sweetly, Scott nods, his eyes searching yours as he gazes down at you. He reaches out, his hand caressing your cheek, his touch gentle.
"Yeah," he mutters gruffly, his voice still hoarse. "I've never been as completely consumed by anyone the way I am with you. It's like..." He falters, struggling to find the right words to express what he's feeling.
You pull him down on the bed next to you, blushing at his words. “That’s a good thing, right?” Scott lets himself fall onto the bed next to you, his body molding against yours instinctively. He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
He looks at you, his eyes soft and affectionate. "Of course it is, princess," he mutters gruffly, a small smile tugging at his lips. "It's the best damn thing I've ever felt."
”I’ll be right back,” you mumble against his ear, slowly pulling away from his warmth. You grab his shirt and bound off to the bathroom.
Scott lets out a low growl as you pull away from him, the sudden absence of your warmth against his body leaving him feeling cold and empty. He watches as you grab his shirt and head off to the bathroom.
He sits up in bed, his body still buzzing with the aftershocks of your intimate moment, his eyes following you until you disappear into the bathroom, he pulls his boxers back on.
You clean up your appearance, fixing your hair and smeared lipstick. You slip his shirt on, taking a deep breath of his musk.
He smooths his hair before he sits back against the headboard. His eyes focused on the door. You slip back out of the bathroom, smiling at him as you crawl into the bed with him.
Scott's heart rate increases as you slip out of the bathroom, his shirt covering your body. The thought of you wearing his clothes, surrounded by his scent, drives him wild.
He watches as you crawl into the bed with him, a small, appreciative smile forming on his lips. His arms immediately wrap around you, pulling you tight against him, his chest rumbling with a possessive growl.
"You look good in my shirt, princess," he mutters gruffly, his hands roaming across your body, exploring every inch of you.
“And you look good with a smile,” you kiss his cheek. Scott's cheeks flush slightly at your words, his gruff exterior momentarily slipping as he absorbs your praise.
He looks at you, his eyes warm and affectionate as he mutters gruffly, "You know how to melt a man's heart, huh?" He reaches out, his hand grabbing your chin, turning your head to look at him. "And you look even better in my bed," he adds, a sly smirk forming on his lips.
”Then I should stay in it more often.” You lean in kissing his soft lips. Scott's body hums with desire as you lean in and kiss him. His lips press against yours hungrily, his tongue slipping into your mouth, tasting you, claiming you. His hands roam across your body, pulling you even closer against him.
He mutters gruffly against your lips, "You should. And you should definitely wear my shirt more often."
”I’d be happy to, it smells just like you..” you cuddle into his chest, “It's like heaven.”
Scott's heart swells at your words, his chest puffing out with pride. He wraps his arms around you, holding you against him, his hands roaming across your back in slow, soothing circles.
"Heaven, huh?" he mutters gruffly, a hint of a smile in his voice you close your eyes with a content sigh.
”Can I sleep in your arms tonight?” You murmur against his chest.
Scott's heart skips a beat at your request, his arms instinctively tightening around you. The thought of holding you in his arms all night, keeping you safe and warm, is both overwhelming and soothing.
He nuzzles his face into your hair, inhaling your scent, before muttering gruffly, "Of course, princess. I'd be a fool to deny you anything you want."
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rempewiththetempe · 2 months
Is This Off The Record? — Quinn Hughes⁴³
Chapter One
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Series Masterlist Masterlist
Pairing: Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
Summary: Y/n gets a job as a rinkside reporter for the Vancouver Canucks, befriending many of the roster members, but one player (who just so happens to wear the C on his chest) is rather against the idea of becoming friends with the girl.
Warnings: use of y/n, cursing, I think that’s it?
w/c: 3,198
a/n: I haven’t written anything in what feels like forever, so I hope this isn’t too bad. I started writing this at like 6 in the morning without sleep the previous night and finished it up after i finally slept so I apologize for any mistakes. I’m also not very educated in the world of reporting but I tried my best. I hope you enjoy!
  You weren’t new to the world of reporting. Not in the slightest, actually. You had dreamt of being a big-time journalist since you were just a girl. You’d had it in your head for a while now that you wanted to be a sports reporter. It was kind of niche, sure, but you were going to do everything you could to achieve that goal.
  Your dad originally fueled your love for sports, and while you never played any sports competitively, you loved watching them nonetheless. There were a few sports that you didn’t enjoy watching at all. You didn’t have a “favorite” sport per se, but if someone asked you what sport you pictured yourself covering, you would say football. Of course, he made it clear that no matter what you did, he would be infinitely proud, but once your dad had learned that you wanted to work in sports reporting, he brought up how cool it would be if you could be a sideline reporter one day. Since then, that was the picture you’d had in your head for what you’d be doing in sports. Things don’t always work out the way you want them to though.
  When you’d gotten the call that you landed a job as a rinkside reporter for the Vancouver Canucks, you were beyond excited, but part of you felt a bit disappointed. It was the part of you that always wanted to be perfect at everything, the part that always demanded the best of yourself, and the part that never accepted failure or defeat. You had been dreaming about your future job for years, and it wasn’t working out exactly how you’d planned. It was fine though. Lots of people would kill to get a job like this, so it had to be fine.
  You’d lived in the Seattle area for your entire life, so you’d been hoping to land a job with the Seahawks. It didn’t work out that way, but you still landed a job with a major sports franchise within five hours of most of your immediate family. You were glad about that. Family was one of the most important things to you. Well, your family and your job.
  It didn’t take you long to pack up your things, preparing for your move to Vancouver. You’d lived in that small studio apartment for the last 4 years and it still didn’t feel like home. It still felt empty and barren. No marks on the floor from the constant dragging of kitchen table chairs. No residue of crayon low on the wall from where you and your brother had drawn on it and done a shitty job of wiping it off the wall afterward. No crack in the porcelain of the bathroom counter poorly covered by whatever the fuck kind of glue concoction your mom had tested out on it. It wasn’t home. And now it really would never be considered home.
  You’d already found a place to rent in Vancouver, a one-bedroom apartment with suspiciously low rent, and even though you’d seen it in person once, you were still slightly skeptical because of the price. Despite the stress of trying to move and find a place quickly, you were happy. Stressed, but happy. And that’s what mattered.
  You didn’t want to take a plane when you went to Vancouver, for obvious reasons, so you drove your car. Well, technically you didn’t drive your car, your brother, Brock, did. He insisted on driving up with you, even if it was only a two-and-a-half-hour drive. He had a friend who had moved up to Vancouver about a year ago who he hadn’t seen since. He came up with the idea that he’d drive you up to your new home and make sure you were settled in, and then he’d have his friend pick him up from your place so they could hang out for a few days before he took a bus or a train home or something. He didn’t really have a fully formulated plan. He often didn’t. It annoyed you to no end sometimes. It somehow always worked out okay for him though.
  “I’m just a little worried about you is all,” Brock spoke from the driver’s seat, glancing over at you momentarily before turning his eyes back to the road ahead of him. You were sat in the passenger seat of your car, absentmindedly scrolling through social media to pass the time of the could-be-worse drive. Brock’s words broke the comfortable silence that had hung in the car for the past 30 minutes. You lifted your gaze up from your phone to look at your brother who was two years your junior, yet was protective of you nonetheless.
  “I don’t know what you’re getting so worried about,” you said with a faint smile and a fond shake of your head. You turned your phone off and set it face down on your thigh as you heard him sigh at your words.
  “You’re gonna be all on you’re own, Y/n/n,” Brock let out with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, not taking his eyes off the road this time. His words didn’t exactly make a whole lot of sense. You moved out over four years ago and here he was talking about you living on your own.
  “I’ve been living on my own.” An exasperated chuckle escaped you before your sentence had even left your mouth. You found Brock to be a little funny sometimes, even when he wasn’t trying to be.
  “Shut up, you know what I mean, dumbass,” he said, a little laughter making its way out of his throat as he spoke. He shoved at your shoulder lightly. It was kind of hard to have a serious conversation with a boy whom you once saw eat an entire pack of Oreos within five minutes, then vomit everywhere, and proceed to try again with a pack of Nutter Butters.
  “Yeah, yeah, I know,” you said, giggling slightly at the random memory that entered your mind. The car fell silent after that, but the silence was short-lived as 10 minutes later, Brock decided to play any and every Kidz Bop song on Bluetooth to annoy the ever-living shit out of you. It worked tremendously. You flipped him off and popped your headphones in, curling up on the seat in a way that you knew would have your back hurting later. You somehow managed to fall asleep, even with Brock brake-checking you about 10 times.
  Brock had helped you settle into your new apartment, staying there for a day to help you get your stuff unpacked. There was only a box or two left to unpack by the time his friend came to pick him up. You hugged him tightly, knowing it would probably be a little while until you saw him again.
  That night, you’d wanted to go to bed early, since you had your first day on the job tomorrow, but, of course, you couldn’t stop tossing and turning until about three in the morning when your alarm was set to wake you up at 6:30. You were sure that snooze button would be pressed at least a few times the next morning, and you were right.
  You’d finally gotten out of bed at around seven in the morning. Something like that. You weren’t entirely sure. It didn’t affect your morning schedule too much though. You’d given yourself extra time so you could unpack the rest of your stuff. That part of your schedule had been replaced by you lying in bed and repeatedly pressing the snooze button. You could always unpack your stuff when you got back to the apartment, so it wasn’t a huge deal.
  The Canucks’ practice technically started at 11 AM, but most of the players arrived at ten, so that’s when you wanted to be there. That meant you had to leave your apartment around 9:30. You wanted to be punctual. No mistakes.
  You walked into your very empty bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You cringed slightly at the barely noticeable dark circles under your eyes. You knew that they would go unnoticed for the most part and that concealer would probably cover it, but you were still pissy about it. You hadn’t gotten any quality sleep, after all. Well, that’s that, I suppose, you thought to yourself.
  You stripped and stepped into the shower, grabbing the mini shampoo, conditioner, and body wash bottles you always kept in your toiletries bag, since you’d forgotten to buy some yesterday. Your family always teased you about carrying those bottles with you, but they actually came in handy so who’s laughing now? Probably still them. Eh, you can’t win every battle.
  You took a long shower, washing away the drive from the day before and the shitty sleep you got last night. You closed your eyes and let the warm water hit your face, finding comfort in the feeling despite just barely being able to breathe through the stream of water.
  You eventually turned the water off reluctantly and grabbed the towel off the rack that you’d put there just yesterday. You shivered as you opened the curtain and the cold air hit your wet skin. Warm showers were great until you had to get out.
  You went through the rest of your routine, brushing your teeth, blowdrying your hair, finding an outfit to wear, etc. The morning felt like it passed by in slow motion. The suspense was killing you. You were restless as you waited for the clock to tell you it was time to leave. When it did, you practically bolted out the door.
  The drive to the practice arena was anxious, to say the least. The excitement had turned into nervousness as soon as you put your key in the ignition. No music played through your speakers. The Bluetooth never connected to your phone, but even if it did, you wouldn’t have turned anything on anyway. Silence was what you needed to collect your thoughts and prepare yourself.
  You got to the rink early, but you were glad you’d gotten there early. Better than being late. You sat in your car for a few minutes, before finally taking a deep breath and getting out. You must have made sure you locked your car at least ten times as you walked up to the arena, which was most definitely unnecessary.
  Once inside, it was surreal looking at the environment. It was their practice arena, nothing incredibly special about it, but it was what the whole thing meant. It meant that you were doing what you loved, what you’d wanted to do for so long. You absolutely couldn’t wait.
  It didn’t take long for all the players to arrive. Most of them arrived around the same time, pretty much all within a span of about five minutes. You had a few words with some of them, mainly just quick questions that didn’t really get you anywhere, but, hey, progress is progress. You actually had a relatively long chat with J.T. Miller, you know, considering the circumstances. The conversation didn’t last nearly as long as you would’ve liked but he spent longer talking to you than the others did.
  The last one to arrive was none other than the newly-named Captain of the Canucks himself, a whole ten minutes after everyone else did. He wasn’t technically late, but still. It didn’t seem very Captain-like, but you guessed that you weren’t quite in the position to judge, seeing as you didn’t even play sports, let alone captain an NHL team.
  “Hi, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to ask-” You began cheerfully but cut yourself off due to the fact he didn’t even acknowledge your presence. He just…walked right by. You couldn’t tell if he actually didn’t hear or see you, or if he was just really fucking shameless about ignoring people. You could hardly believe either one, but at least the former option would be a misunderstanding. The latter was just plain fucking rude.
  You stood baffled for a moment but recovered as you saw him disappear into the locker room. You blinked a few times to clear your head of the weird interaction, before going over to take your seat next to the rest of the reporters and journalists.
  The practice went smoothly from what you could tell. It didn’t seem like a whole lot was going on, just routine drills. You made sure to take lots of pictures anyway, essentially documenting the entire practice, sometimes focusing your camera lens on the fan favorites. You were certainly better with your words than with a camera, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so you tried. Your photography skills weren’t as good as you would’ve liked them to be, but you were getting better.
  As their practice came to a close, most of the reporters and journalists gathered outside the door to the locker room, waiting for the okay to enter and ask their questions. Of course, they wanted their questions answered. It was the first official practice of the regular season, after all. You tried to wriggle your way to the front but to no avail. It seemed kind of counterproductive. Once the limited amount of media reps had begun filtering in, you certainly felt like a small fish in a big pond. Forget the pond, you were in the fucking Pacific Ocean. Everyone else seemed to know exactly what they were doing, exactly who to go to, and which questions to ask them, and you didn’t. You were sure you looked like a lost puppy in here.
  Someone seemed to notice that too. The fellow you’d had a friendly chat with earlier. The 30-year-old center was already answering some questions from another reporter, but as he answered a question you hadn’t quite heard, he jerked his head to the side, inviting you over. You gladly went. You probably wouldn’t have been able to work up the courage to talk with anyone in here alone. You made your way over to where he stood, a microphone held in front of his face by the middle-aged male journalist who stood directly in front of him. You stood slightly off to the side, waiting for the other reporter to finish up with his questions.
  Once he finished his questions, you made room for yourself in front of the man who had thankfully granted you his kindness. He chuckled as you awkwardly stood in front of him. His presence was somewhat comforting.
   “Don’t sweat it, Kid,” He said, flashing you a comforting smile. The way he spoke the words reminded you of the cool teachers in school after you’d fucked up so badly that you’d just barely gotten by with a passing grade.
  You laughed a little self-consciously at his comment, now knowing that your shortcomings were also apparent to others and not just you. You took a deep breath before speaking, attempting to calm your nerves.
  “Would you wanna answer a few questions?” You managed to ask and it felt like a big step for you even though it was just a seven-word sentence. He nodded wordlessly, a reassuring smile on his face as he did so.
  You actually shook off some nerves and asked him a few run-of-the-mill questions. Simple ones like, What aspect of play do you think your team has improved the most in over the off-season? What aspects of play have you improved in individually over the off-season?, and Do you think your team possesses the necessary chemistry between teammates to be a Stanley Cup contender this year? All of the questions either came with easy answers or came with no direct answer at all. You didn’t mind all that much though. Not right now anyway. You were asking the right questions, and knowing that made things just a little bit easier.
  After you had finished your short interview with J.T., he led you over to where his Captain stood, stating that you just had to ask him some of your questions. You weren’t entirely keen on the idea after your, for lack of a better word, odd interaction with him before practice had even started, but you begrudgingly obliged.
  “Are you sure he’s up for more questions?” You asked almost nervously as a sort of last-ditch effort to get out of talking to this guy. You knew it was a stupid question that wouldn’t get you anywhere. These people knew how to talk to the media and they knew that it was part of their job to do such, of course,, he’d answer some questions. No harm in at least trying to get out of it though, right?
  J.T. just laughed at your question and the insistence in your tone at first. He either didn’t know or didn’t care that you didn’t want to talk to Quinn and you didn’t know which one made you more annoyed.
  “He won’t mind,” He finally said said after a breath. You didn’t care if he minded, quite frankly, you did not want to go through another awkward interaction. You’d already gotten the answers that you’d needed anyway. You were screaming internally.
  Quinn was finishing up some questions with some other journalist when you made it over to where he stood. He had an intense gaze as you could tell he carefully thought about each one of his answers. He glanced over at you as the woman in front of him asked what you simultaneously hoped would be her last question and her first question, wanting this to be over with as quickly as possible but not even want it to start in the first place. His eyes weren’t on you long and you weren’t exactly sure what to make of the way he looked at you for that short time. 
  The question the woman had been asking had actually been her last question and you let out a breath when you realized such. With a smile on his face, J.T. nudged Quinn and it looked like he was about to say something, but he was cut off by the woman who had just been interviewing Quinn.
  “Could I ask you a few questions as well?” She asked J.T. with a rather confident smile on her face and you didn’t know how one could even be that confident in a situation like this.
  “Um, sure,” He said after a moment and you could see that he didn’t exactly want to, but he knew he kind of had to.
  You silently begged him not to leave you alone, but it was part of his job and you knew that. You still let out a long sigh as he was led a little further away from you and Quinn as to not interfere with your interview.
  You turned back to Quinn after a moment and he was also watching J.T. being virtually dragged away. It seemed that he saw you look back at him through his peripherals, and he turned to face you.
  “Can you answer some questions for me?”
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anakinsdove · 6 months
𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞 | 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥����𝐞𝐫
pairing: anakin skywalker x fem!reader
summary: you and anakin arranged a date in your apartment tonight… yes like a normal couple.
c/w: fluff, (and a little bit angsty) ani is in love and so are you, dates dates dates, movie night.
discord - twitter: anakinsdove
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。Love you
𝘄/𝗰 - 2,819
“So you’re free tonight right?” “Yes” Anakin confirms for the millionth time today… it’s not your fault tho, you just wanna make sure this evening goes exactly as planned, it’s not every night you can arrange a date with your boyfriend though it’s exactly what you and him want, but after all, you’re not a normal couple, he’s a Jedi and not to mention dating it’s forbidden for Jedis, he’s also very busy… you pull at his hair excitedly and he hisses a little. “Wait! What movie are we watching?” You ask, and he nuzzles his face in your chest “Not Bribery” “Is that the one about the alien that-” “Yes that one” “It’s a good movie though” “Of course it’s not” your eyes widen at his disrespect…
“I can’t believe you actually said that” “it’s true” you grumble quietly and he chuckles… his eyes remain closed when he suddenly hears his communicator beeping “Is that-” he groans and answers
“Anakin, you must’ve report to the temple immediately” it’s obi wan “Be right there master” there’s clearly annoyance in his voice, and his heart sinks at your disappointed expression written all over your pretty face… “Hey… the sooner I go the sooner I’ll be back okay?” You can only nod already accepting that the date night is already canceled, you think it’s really selfish wanting to keep him all to yourself, after all he’s a Jedi, he saves lives, he does it for the republic, he does it everyday, why can’t you have him for a couple of hours?
“Look love… don’t worry, you go and get yourself all dolled up, I promise the date isn’t cancelled okay?” You can only hope it’s true… you think it’ll be more painful to get yourself ready and having to take your pretty dress off, make up and hairstyle, later when he never shows up than to accept it now, but he’s making you a promise and he will keep it
“I’ll be waiting” you say and kiss his cheek, he grins at this and closes the door and hear from the other side “I’ll be here at 9:00” you nod forgetting he can’t see you…
5:45 PM
There’s a lot left to do, but where to start? Is the real question, you decide to start with cleaning around a little bit, you move the couch only to find Anakin’s beanie you knitted for him Anakin you grumbled angrily “It’s in my drawer I’m sure” he said a while ago when you questioned him why he didn’t wear it anymore… a few minutes later everything is done and the next step is to start dolling yourself up, you want this to be special and none of your dresses seem to match your expectation… too pink, too red, too elegant, too informal, wrong print? too short? I don’t think that would bother Anakin at all but it bothers you for some reason, it’s like your first date all over again, the butterflies, the anxiety and the unbelievable excitement… it was a great date, considering his padawan braid got stuck in your necklace, you cringe at the memory.
After what feels like an eternity you pick a dress… it’s beautiful purple and it has the “right” length, deciding to ignore the complete disaster you made in your closet, buuuuut now… your nails don’t match the stupid dress! Trying to grab your pretty lilac nail polish a knocking the rest of your make up over, you gasp when you hear your eyeshadow palette breaking and see pigment on the ground “oh no” the sadness in your voice equals to a kicked puppy, you kneel on the ground to dust it away.. it was your favorite palette, the pretty and expensive one, whimpering when you throw it in the trash.
Now you’re painting your nails sad and not even doing it right, there’s nail polish all over your fingers… what the fuck? The shower will take care of it
7:09 PM
Fuck! Everything it’s taking longer than usual, you haven’t even showered yet!
You undress yourself and get in a little bit too quick, the water is still cold, it makes you wince, but there’s not enough time and Anakin said he would be here at 9:00… your makeup, take out, your outfit, the candles? It’s not that you can’t do anything right it’s just that the excitement bubble you feel in your stomach betrays you and turns into anxiety. He would be happy to spend an evening with you in the sand just to be by your side, Anakin wouldn’t notice the small details that make you pull your hair, or maybe he would and wouldn’t even care, or maybe he would care-
8:54 PM
The rest of your routine goes slightly more smoothly, everything is set and now you’re just waiting for Anakin to arrive, you sigh and pray that everything goes as planned from now on.
Since when is your couch so big? And why do you feel the clock is ticking too loud for your liking? Your dress feels so tight and then is inevitable… You feel the familiar sensation of tears welling up in your eyes “You think it’ll be more painful to get yourself ready and having to take your pretty dress off, make up and hairstyle, later when he never shows up than to accept it now, but he’s making you a promise and he will keep it”
But then there’s an urgent knocking on your door, one that you could’ve never mistake, the kind of knocking that wants to take the stupid door down and your practically jump from the couch and sprint towards the door, opening it with shaky hands… And there he is… he’s frowning and gripping the bouquet of flowers in his hands anxiously, already damaging the wrapper that holds it together. “Y/n” he says breathlessly and he immediately stops when he notices the tears in your eyes.
Your eyes switch to his face to his eyes lips then the bouquet, taking all of him so you can remember this later, his robes are muddy “Ani-" he places the flowers at a nearby table and instantly takes your face in his hands “What’s the matter doll?” He asks and wipes your tears away.. it actually makes you melt.
“I thought you weren’t coming” Your voice comes out small and you feel a little sad for not trusting him from the begging, he promised he would be here and here he is…. “I’m sorry for being so late Y/N I- the mission was- it’s not important” “Are you okay?” You ask, he gives you a small smile and nods “Everything is alright, everyone as well” you sigh in relief “That’s good my love, congrats” you hug him, he’s still sad at the sight of your dried tears on your cheeks, but at least your mascara is still intact.
“You sure that’s all?” Your grip around him tightens as you hide your face in the crook of his neck, suddenly your struggles from earlier don’t seem like a big deal after his own deal being a Jedi is responsibility aswell. “I almost messed up our date?” “Huh? And why’s that love?” And you finally look up at him “I dunno… it’s silly”
“It can’t be silly if it bothered you enough to make you cry” you want to argue and say It is but he might be right and you don’t know better “First I found out you did loose the scarf I made you-” “Where is it!?” He asks excitedly “Then I didn’t like any of my dresses… it took me forever, then my nails wouldn’t match my dress and I dropped my eyeshadow palette-“ “The pretty one with the pink tones?” “Yes, that one” “Aw, I’m sorry doll” “It’s okay… then I got in the shower and the water was freezing and then you wouldn’t show up!” Anakin cringes at the last part and you continue “I-I’m sorry, all of this sounds really stupid compared to any kind of problem you face daily as Jedi-” “Normal” “Huh?” “Your problems are… are normal… I like normal” “Oh… You do?” “Of course Y/N… after dealing with the war everyday and the council… this, this is exactly what I need” you chuckle “Well it’s always a pleasure to be ordinary enough for you” “I didn’t mean it like that-” “I know” you giggle… “I wish our life would be this domestic sometimes, can you imagine? You, me and two little mini you running around the house?” Children… he’s thinking about children, that gives you a reality check, any silly doubt you might have about your relationship is gone just like that because he’s actually dreaming about a life with you, and you wouldn’t prefer any different.
“I would love that” you say sincerely… “They would have your eyes and my hair…. Your eyebrows” He traces them delicately “And maybe my personality, one each” that makes you beam “I can’t wait” “Me neither” He takes your face in his hands and kisses you sweetly… it’s nice and delicate, he hums in the kiss and takes the chance to slide his tongue in his mouth, you suck at it softly and after a few seconds you pull away only to find the completely head over heels gaze he’s giving you.
“You’re all muddy” you say “I didn’t see the hole in the ground-” you shake your head in disbelief and take his hand in yours to guide him to your bathroom “It was Obi wan’s fault!” Now.. how could that possibly be Obi wan’s fault? But you let him ramble. “Undress” you say
“Oh you would’ve loved that wouldn’t you?” he teases and you punch him in the shoulder jokingly. He starts taking his robes off while you start filling the tub, the water is warm this time and you pour a little of your lavander soap in “Hey i thought you wanted a show” he says teasingly, because you made him undress and you didn’t even watch… that’s a shame honestly. “Get in baby” he can’t resist you or a warm bath when needed.
The water is instantly soothing for his aching muscles… he groans and tilts his head back, opening his eyes to find you looking at him adoringly “Thank you my love” he says and you lean in to kiss his cheek “You’re very welcome Ani” you throw him your old rubber duck in he laughs, he closes his eyes and sighs, he couldn’t ask for anything better in life… his eyes remain closed for a few seconds “C’mon Baby don’t pass out… you could’ve drown” “Mmm I know you wouldn’t let me” “Don’t be so sure” he opens his eyes wide and you cackled. “Close your eyes” you say “Make up your mind” he teases but does as you say, You take a small recipient with warm water and pour it over his head, gently soaking his curls, he tilts his head forward like a child, then you pour some of the apple shampoo on your hand, you figured out he liked the scent and you start gently massaging his scalp and smile when you see bubbles, his eyes peaked open to look at your loving and concentrating expression, he’s melting but when your nails escaped along his scalp he purrs… the night goes on and when you’re done washing his hair and his bubble bath is over he turns the shower on to wash his body… you wait for him with a fluffy bath towel, he smiles when he sees you and he wraps himself in it.
He follows you into your bedroom where he find a pair of his sweatpants he keeps in here, the sweater you knitted for him, a pair of your fluffy socks and clean boxers, he gives you a grateful smile… when he’s done he wraps his arms around you and you lean on him as he rubs your back “You’re a little tense hun” “Whaaat? No I’m” “Lay down” you look up at him with puppy eyes “Lay down on your stomach c’mon” And who are you to complain when Anakin Skywalker gives an order.
You lay down on the bed and he takes your heels off and kisses up your calf, and okay you weren’t completely lying, you’re still not completely sure you’re actually tense and that Anakin only wants an excuse to touch you, but his touch already feels amazing… “M’sorry I didn’t say it earlier but you look absolutely beautiful, every single detail about you is perfect” that means a lot to you “Thank you… You’re So Perfect-” he starts kissing down you back covering your spine with kisses, his hands find the zip or your dress “Gonna unzip your dress okay? I’m gonna take it off” “Yeah” you say already agreeing with anything he says, he chuckles, his hand unzips your dress nice and slow while his eyes trace every detail of your back… moles, marks, tattoos, anything… wait that looks like a constellation… he takes the dress off leaving you only in your bra and panties “This too” he pulls at your bra and you roll your eyes not annoyed at all “alright” he instantly unclasps your bra and you lift yourself so he can take it off, his touch is gentle when he slides the straps down your shoulders… his gaze lingers on your chest and you giggle “My massage” “Oh! Right” He pushes your on your stomach again, his hands dig into your shoulder blades and you make a little sound when his metal hand touches your back, it’s cold and it feels good for some reason “There’s a knot here” he says and pushes deeper to massage your skin, you moan and his ears perk up at the sound but he pushes those thoughts to the back of his head for your own sake and his “Ani… that feels really good” “I know” he says cockily and keeps working his magic, suddenly his hands grip your ass and you gasp “You’re tense here too” he massages the skin and you actually think you’re muscles are grateful… the feeling want to make your thighs squeeze Not now You think.
10 minutes later he’s done and you’re actually sleepy, he takes one of your sweaters out of your drawer and you try to put it on but he does it for you, unfortunately his hand tickles your ribs and you giggle, he looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes… “Would you like to watch a movie” he kisses your neck and you close your eyes “Sure!” You beam, “Okay… I’ll make the pop corn” he keeps kissing you and you think he might never stop and make the damn pop corn, though you’re not sure you want him to stop you whimper and your breathing heaves “I’ll go now… promise” however he keeps kissing you and you take the chance to tickle his ribs, he cackles and takes the queue to leave.
You realize you still have makeup on your face and you curse at yourself, feeling lazy to take it off but going to the bathroom and washing your face no matter how much you wanna eat pop corn and get into his arms you want.. he comes back 5 minutes later with the bowl of pop corn and two drinks… you beam at the sight of snacks and he chuckles “Are you happy to see me or the popcorn?” “Both”
“We’re watching Bribery” you say simply “Whatever” he says clearly not happy with your choice but happier nonetheless to be here, he thinks it’s cute how much you like this shitty movie… you nuzzle into his arms and 40 minutes later you’re starting to fall asleep.
“It’s time to sleep love” “Nuh uh” you say with your eyes already closed “What why not?” He asks curiously, your body says otherwise
“You still haven’t fucked me, date night it’s not over” you say boldly and he cackles
“It’s alright love, I’ll promise I’ll fuck you in the morning”
He stays up for a little after you fell asleep, admiring your features and tracing them gently with his knuckle, careful to not harm you, to not wake you up or disturb you in any way “I love you… more than anything in the entire universe…” something sparked inside him watching your sleep so vulnerable and with your guard completely down, trusting him completely.. “And I would never let something bad happen to you…” he kisses your forehead and stares at you with pure adoration in his eyes… he truly loves you… he tries to find a word bigger than that to state his love for you but the sleepiness is finally getting to him too…
“G’night” he mutters and lastly kisses your nose.
masterslist 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗱𝗼𝘃𝗲 © --- all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/ copying will be tolerated.
dividers- @i92-93
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ink-perfect · 9 days
no better way to start the morning. (my very first ask!)
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under the conditions of a deal with nami, the remaining four of the east blue five see what your boyfriend zoro is really like with you in the morning…
the room is quiet, layered with tension so thick you could cut through it with a knife. luffy, nami, usopp and sanji can barely contain their excitement, snickering from their hiding spots. you give them a sideways glance, cheeks flushing slightly as you try to telepathically beg zoro to wake up and end this ridiculous situation early. but of course, he remains blissfully unaware, his face nuzzled into the warm crook of your neck.
“hey…w-ake up…” you start, voice cracking after the second syllable. wow, you are nervous.
you knew it was risky, accepting this dare, but nami had promised to clear your debt to her if you let them see what zoro was like with you in the morning.
"mnnnnngh…just another minute please, baby…" he mutters, still half-asleep. his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you even closer, a pillow he refuses to part with.
cheeks reddening, your elbow finds his ribs as a plan b, but he still barely even stirs. you feel desperation start to creep into your voice as you continue. "no, you have to wake up now, zoro," you insist, firmer this time.
this makes the green-haired swordsman shift. still groggy, he mumbles, “zoro? what happened to calling me da-”
your hand flies up, clamping over his mouth in a flash before he can finish his sentence. "SHHH!" you hiss, cheeks burning bright red. you can feel zoro’s muffled chuckle against your palm, and can only hope he doesn’t decide to push this matter further.
the room stays silent for a beat, calm before the storm.
now, it has erupted into chaos. luffy falls backward in laughter, rolling on the floor while clutching his sides. usopp is wheezing, trying to keep it together but failing miserably. nami’s face is buried in her hands, shaking her head. “i can’t believe this,” she mutters, but there's a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. sanji’s eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. “WHAT WAS THE END OF THAT SENTENCE GOING TO BE?!” he exclaims, his face turning red with equal parts amusement and jealousy.
zoro's mouth breaks into a cheesy grin under your hand, to which you respond by pressing it further into his face. “mmph… fine, fine, i’m up…” he opens one eye slowly, feigning laziness, even though the chaos in the room could have woken up a hibernating bear. taking in the scene of the straw hats in various states of entertainment, he can’t help but give another smile.
“guess the secret’s out,” he adds, voice still muffled by your palm and thick with sleep, completely unbothered.
you lean down, cheeks still flushed, mortified but determined to maintain a cool facade in front of the crew. “you’re so paying for this later…” you murmur, barely containing a laugh.
zoro smirks back, his mouth curling against your hand. “looking forward to it, mommy.” he teases back, his voice husky but playful, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine.
the room erupts with laughter again, filling every corner of the room with a contagious joy. luffy is now pounding the floor with his fist, his face turning red from how hard he's laughing. usopp has fully collapsed against nami, who is struggling not to laugh herself, while sanji, still blushing furiously, throws his hands up in exasperation. "of all the things to wake up to…" he mutters under his breath, but the small smile on his lips betrays him.
as you watch this unfold, you feel a rush of warmth spreading through your chest - mostly embarrassment, sure, but also something sweeter. you take in your ridiculous, chaotic crew - each one caught in their own moment of joy, full-fledged pirates' spirits lifted by something as simple as this silly dare. you can’t help but smile.
no better way to start the morning.
-- ౨ৎ
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youngies-bae · 5 months
The Lorax
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Characters/Pairing: Wooyoung x Gn!Reader
AU/Trope Info & Warnings: Idol AU, Body Contact(?), Use of Baby, Teasing, Massage(?).
Genre & Rating: PG, Fluff.
Taglist: @minkilicious
W/C: 1.1K
Summary: You take care of Wooyoung after his great performance at Coachella.
A/n: This story is completely FICTION and does not represent Wooyoung in any way. I FINALLY DID IT. Idk why it took me so long to come out with something... but either way Ima thank my PAPA (@yessa-vie) for her very INSPIRING words. 😔
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You walk in the door to see your boyfriend and his members sitting on the couch in a row, with Hongjoong bending down in front of a tripod.  
He takes his phone off it and slides it into his pocket.  
“Hey, Baby.” Wooyoung pops up quickly, his hands are in his pocket, and you can see that his cheeks are slightly flushed. 
“Hey! You did so amazing! I- I can’t get the way you smiled out of my head. I’m replaying your part of Crazy Form repeatedly.” You can’t believe how awesome your boyfriend and his friends are. 
When you found out that they were goi no to Coachella you were so excited. Couldn’t believe it. You were so happy for them.  
They were so happy. They couldn’t stop talking about it.  
“Really?” Wooyoung flashes his beautiful smile. The smile that you love so much.  
“Yes! I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. And when have I ever lied to you?”  
“Okay. Got me there.”  
“And I SO glad that you kept your clothes on unlike somebody…” you drag out the last word making sure the certain “somebody” you're talking about heard you. 
“Hey! I look good! And I’m sure Atinys loved it!” San defends himself. 
“Oh, I’m sure they did. I’m glad you were half naked. It’ll distract them from looking at what’s mine.” You put your arms over Wooyoung shoulders.  
“Hmm, how are you, baby? We haven’t had time to talk all day.” Wooyoung asked you. 
“I am fine, you are the one I wanna focus on right now.” You counter. 
“Wait…,” you lean into Wooyoung and smell his neck. Next you look at his clothing, “ohh baby. You were sweating so much. And it was cold out. You better not get sick.”  
“I’m fine I promise. Plus, I have you to take care of me.” His hands are placed on your hips, and he leans in to give you a soft tender kiss.  
“Gross… you know we’re still here, right?” You hear Mingi complain.  
Wooyoung softly pulls away from you and turns his head to his members, “yeah. That reminds me,” he turns back to you, “I reserved us a different apartment.”  
Your eyes widen, “oh thank God! I didn’t wanna be sharing a apartment with 8 smelly men.” 
“Hey!” Wooyoung wines.  
“Sorry… 7 smelly men.”  
He smiles and glances at your lips, his hands still placed on your hips. He pulls you closer to him and lays his lips on yours.  
“Let’s bounce.”  
“You sure they’ll be, okay?” You ask him. 
“Y/n. There 8 grown men. I’m sure they can handle themselves.” Wooyoung states. 
You nod your head agreeing.  
On your way over to the different apartment you and Wooyoung decided to pick up some take-out. 
KQ decided to go with apartments instead of regular hotel rooms since their stay would be longer than usual.  
Wooyoung stripped himself of his clothes then hopped in the shower as you to him. Because he was stankin… 
He lays back on the couch with his feet up as you make plates.  
“Hmm, it smells so good~” he says.  
You just smile.  
You know how tired he is by listening to his voice, plus you know good and well that if he wasn’t he’d be trying to pick some of the food out with his hands.  
He’d also fight for the bigger plate.  
“Here you go, Sir.” You hand your sleepy boyfriend his large plate of food. He already had his drink placed on the coffee table beside him.  
You run your hand across his bare chest and turn it softly rubbing his shoulder and following with the other hand. 
“Hmm, baby. What are you doing?” Wooyoung tilts his head back, softly tapping your stomach.  
His features are so breathtaking. His lips, eyes, jaw, neck. Makes you just want to kiss every part of him.  
You take the way his head is leaned back as an opportunity to. 
Your hands work on his tense shoulders as you explain what and why you are doing this, “Well, since you worked so hard I figured that you’d be tense, or at least sore.” 
“Huh. Thank you, Y/n.”  
Everything changed since he met you. He’s been having great meals, spending less time on his phone, standing up for himself. Many things that improved him. 
“It feels nice~” he says softly with his eyes shut. He takes his fork and fills his face with rice.  
After about 15 minutes he’s done with his food, and so are you with his shoulders.  
“Hey, why don’t we watch a movie? There’s a tv in the bedroom if you prefer it in there.”  
“Nah, let’s stay in here. Actually, I think I’m gonna stay in here for the rest of the night this coach is really comfortable.” You tilt your head to the side and stopped rubbing his shoulders. 
“You sure? Last time you said you were going to sleep on the coach you didn’t get any sleep and could barely keep your eyes open. And we still have two more nights here. We're going to the second day of Coachella tomorrow. You need energy.” You state.  
“Yea, I’m sure. I just...” You come around and sit on the couch next to him. “I didn't have you sleeping next to me last time.”  
He draped his arm behind you and pulled you closer, laying a soft his to your temple. He pulls away and you look at him and smile. 
“What are we watching?” You ask him.  
“Terrifier.” He responds. 
“Oh hell no. You're gonna be shittin’ bricks watching that. I’m going to have claw marks from you holding onto me so tightly. I don’t need these Americans thinking that you are cutting me.” Your tone is a little stronger and your eyebrows are furrowed. “Remember when we watched “IT”? You literally screamed like you just saw someone get killed in front of you.”  
“Maybe because someone did?!” Wooyoung throws his hands up, with his eyebrows raised as a way to defend himself.  
“Mhm.” You shake your head, disagreeing.  
“Fine then,” he rolls his eyes, “we’ll watch “The Lorax”.”  
Your eyes light up, “YAHH!!”. Your favorite movie is “The Lorax”.  
You turn around so you're facing the TV, and your body is pressed against his. He also moves to position you both comfortably. He set his left arm under the pillow that your head was resting on and wrapped his other arm around you after he put the movie on. 
He pulled you close to him before laying one final kiss to your head.  
“I love you.” 
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alittlelela-blog · 5 months
HI HELLO my brainrot abt idv has been so terrible i cannot stop rotating my pookie bears in my mind GOD I NEED THEM DEAD (affectionate)
uhm!!! that aside, can i request ithaqua, naib, (and/or norton if possible) with an s/o whos into biting? mostly giving, but recieving is fine too!!!!
hc or small fic its up to u, sfw or nsfw you can choose!!!! i just want to bite them 💞🫶💞🫶💞
Oh yeah I can definitely do this haha! I also have idv brainrot 😍 I blame my friend for getting me into it tbh. I’m too deep.
Biting w/Ithaqua, Naib, and Norton
Ithaqua (Nightwatch)
Ithaqua isn’t the type to bite his s/o very much, but he will when you’re having a spicy moment. Either while you’re kissing or he’s trying to get you excited, he’ll add a little biting into the mix. He knows you like it, but won’t bite you too hard in fear of hurting you. He has a particular way of biting you that every time you feel butterflies in your stomach. He knows exactly where to bite.
He finds it cute that you like to bite him from time to time. He thinks of it like you’re trying to mark your territory. He doesn’t care when you do it, neither does it necessarily cause him to feel a certain way. Ithaqua will almost always tease you after you bite him. Sometimes… it even leads into a makeout session.
Naib (Mercenary)
He’d be the type to bite you during sex. He’s a bit rough and loves to leave bite marks on his s/o. It doesn’t even matter where, he will leave them all over your body. Not only is it the act itself that he loves but seeing your body littered in his bite marks gives him a sense of power he loves.
Naib doesn’t necessarily like to be bitten. If his s/o decides to do so one day, he’ll get super embarrassed. Similar to Ithaqua, he finds it adorable, but he doesn’t want to admit it. If you want to keep giving him bite marks, you’d have to coax him into it. He’ll become a flustered mess if you ever end up convincing him.
Norton Campbell (Prospector/Fool’s Gold)
He fucking LOVES biting his s/o. He’ll do it in both a sexual and non-sexual manner. He finds it endearing to bite his s/o. During non-sexual occasions, Norton will often bite you on your shoulder or neck as a romantic gesture. In sexual occasions, he’ll bite you all over. He wants you to know how much he enjoys taking a bite out of you (not literally). Especially around your nipples, he finds that it’s arousing to feel you squirm underneath him while he bites around them.
He doesn’t really like the idea of his s/o biting him. The only instance he would like it is while you’re making out. It’s a good way to get him going. He’ll instantly want to ravish you.
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garaksapprentice · 6 months
Sewing Zero Waste Culottes from The Craft of Clothes
Zero Waste Culottes From The Craft of Clothes
Behold! Fancy pants!
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The pattern for these pants was one of my Christmas gifts. It comes from Liz at The Craft of Clothes, a zero-waste designer. I've really gravitated towards self-drafting and zero-waste sewing in the last couple of years, and this pattern has been on my list for a good six months, so I was excited to get into it.
The first step (after reading the pattern through twice) is drafting the pattern pieces.
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My biggest starting hurdle was deciphering "the culottes are designed to sit on your waist" when choosing the correct pattern size. Most designers consider "the waist" to be the teapot - that is, the true waist. (It's easiest to find if you bend to the side and stick your hand in the crease - like you're singing "I'm a little teapot".) But some consider belly button height to be "the waist". I generally wear my pants at the latter height, and there's a good 2" circumference difference between those two for me.
I eventually decided to call my belly button my waist, on the grounds that that's where I prefer to wear my pants. It's also easier to take seams in than out, if I guessed wrong.
Decisions over, it was smooth sailing from there. Pattern drafting is not a technically difficult process, as long as you have good instructions, and Liz's patterns definitely fit that bill. But there's a lot of attention to detail required to make sure the end result is good. That sort of thing always makes me nervous. Fortunately there was only two pattern pieces to draft, and they're 98% straight lines and based off rectangles.
Interestingly, this is the first zero-waste pattern I've tried that has you draft pattern pieces to use. The others I've seen (most by the creator of this pattern - our library had a copy of her book, Zero Waste Sewing) have had you draw directly on your piece of fabric to create the layout. (In fairness, I didn't have to draft my own pieces. The pattern came with the option of self-drafting, printing on A4, or printing on A0.)
I much prefer the direct-draw method to faffing about with pattern pieces. But given that this pattern is designed to have the pieces tesselate, having a set of physical pattern pieces does make more sense. It's also got me wondering if I could successfully make a pair out of old jeans legs, using one leg per pattern piece. But then, I'm always looking for ways to use up my denim pile...
I prefer structure rather than flow in my butt coverings, so I was somewhat limited in my fabric choices for this first pair. (I know the fabric I really want to use, but I am being a sensible apprentice and trying things out on a nice-but-less-hideously-expensive fabric first.) Most of my stash acquisition has focused on stuff for shirts, since I wear those out faster than pants. I eventually settled on this nice brick red, 100% cotton, table cloth.
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The picture is suffering from sun exposure. It's nowhere near this bright in person.
I laid out the pieces and huzzah! The fabric was just big enough! ... But only if I unpicked the hems (they're monsters, a full 3 cm/1.2" each side) and ironed them flat first. Thus, it was time for a marathon unpicking and ironing session.
After that was done, I checked the pattern fit again. Huzzah! I had enough space for all the pattern pieces, and not very much scrap left over once I'd cut them all out. (Of course, it was late and I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been, so I didn't add an extra inch when I was forced to cut the waistband in two pieces. There was enough extra fabric that this was only an annoyance and not a complete disaster.)
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The fabric at the top is scrap. All but a few inches of the stuff on the right became waist bands and plackets.
Sewing was a fairly straightforward exercise, though it required enough brainpower that I completely forgot to take any progress shots as I went. Almost every step of the pattern comes with a diagram to show you what to do, which helped me immensely. So did having the seam allowances specified at each point, as there's three different ones used in different places.
That's not to say I didn't screw up, of course. While sewing the crotch seam, I somehow managed to close up the front of the pants entirely and leave a gap for the placket open at the back. (That will teach me not to double check the direction the pockets are facing before I pin and sew that seam. Maybe.) 
I also made a highly decorative and completely awful to sew with choice for topstitching thread, which I quickly became too stubborn to stop using. So the topstitching is, uh, not great. But it is purple and sparkly, and if I'd had any sense at all I would have left it til last (or even done some sort of hand embroidery with it).
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I was tricked by the first line of stitching being so easy. LIES. It was all lies.
Why should I have left it til last? Because it turns out that the culottes are, in fact, designed to sit on one's true waist. Which meant I had a two inch difference between what I needed to fit me, and what the waist measurement was. If I hadn't top stitched the panels, I could have simply ran another line of stitching down the seams that didn't have pockets in the way, and taken the waist in without much fuss or bother. Unfortunately, I didn't do that, so I was left with two choices.
Take out the topstitching and take in all the panels, bitching and moaning about the effort I went to and the number of times the topstitch thread broke while I was sewing the stupid sparkly goodness onto things.
Work out how to take the waist in by the necessary two inches, using only the crotch seam and maybe some darts or pleats or something.
Choice #1 would have been the logical, rational decision, so of course I went with option #2.
An hour and change of basting, pinning and unpinning the waistband, and completely forgetting how seam allowances work later, I managed to get a fit I was happy enough with. I ended up grading in a dart-like object at the centre back. (If I decide later that I'm not happy with the fit after all, I'll try out the modification for adding elastic to the back waistband that the pattern also includes. Probably while questioning my life choices and lamenting the amount of time I spend with a seam ripper in hand.)
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The original stitching line is in blue, the new one is in black.
After all that fitting woe, I wasn't in the mood to try buttonholes (my good machine, the one with the automatic buttonholer, is currently out of action). Instead I dove into my snap stash to close the placket.
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I love using bright, vivid colours for inner details. It's the sewing equivalent of wearing leopard print underwear.
A nice bonus of using the snaps is that I could put them through just the placket, leaving the fly front clean. This did make the placket pull slightly when I'm wearing the pants, exposing a trace of bright red. I fixed that by invisibly whip-stitching through the placket and outer fabric to hold everything in place. Next time I'll also double check the understitching, and topstitch the edge if needed, before installing the snaps.
Field Test and Adjustments
Trying stuff on as you go is all well and good, but nothing tells you what you really need to fix like being out in the field. I quickly discovered several things:
The waistband needs serious help to stay where it's supposed to be. Which, y'know, I did make a size larger than I should have. This was not surprising.
The crotch needs to either drop a wee bit or (preferably) rise a couple of inches. The latter will likely spoil the skirt-effect somewhat, but it will be far more comfortable for my legs.
I need a loop on the waistband to hold my keys.
For the waist woes, I had a few choices - 1) belt loops, 2) suspenders, or 3) add elastic to the back waistband. Belt loops are fiddly to make and sew on, but would solve the key-hanging issue. Suspenders technically wouldn't need any sewing changes, but the clip-on style are notorious for pulling off when you're doing things. And while the pattern includes instructions for adding elastic to the waistband, I wasn't confident it would do the job I wanted (I stick a fair amount of junk in my pockets and elastic can't always cope with the weight).
After some dithering, I went with the suspender option for this pair. I like the look of them, and the "floating" effect they give when they pull the waistband a bit above where gravity wants it to sit is extremely comfortable. But I didn't want to deal with clips always popping off. So I indulged in a quick side-quest of improving my suspenders, then sewed buttons into the waistband of the culottes.
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This used to hold the clips, but the wire was easy to bend flat with needle-nose pliers.
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Gee, I wonder which buttonhole I did first?
Fashion Show
Overall, I'm quite happy with how it all came together. I'll definitely be making at least two more pairs - the "men's" version (less flare in the hems), likely out of recycled denim, and a pair in heavyweight stash linen.
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The back panel adjustment is basically unnoticeable.
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They have great range of movement - maybe I need to make a workout pair?
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And I even have somewhere to hang my keys.
This post was originally published on my blog, Garak's Apprentice . I currently syndicate my content at Micro.blog, Tumblr, and Ko-Fi.
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chris-prank · 2 months
I am. Obsessed with Dr Seraph. I’m a slut for evil scientists anyway, so one that’s yandere is all the better. How do you think he’d feel about a reader that was more of a Vigilante/Leaning morally grey as a ‘rival’ over a more typical superhero type? Do you think he’d approach anything differently?
THIS IS THE FIRST EVER ASK I RECEIVE, I'M SO EXCITED!!! The second I saw it I started writing so many ideas. Also, I’m so happy that you like Vincent ☺️❤️❤️ 
So to answer your question, Dr. Seraph is someone that is very insecure and is craving for kindness or any other form of positive affirmation. I imagine that a vigilante/morally gray reader would be more mean, teasing and violent towards him, so Vincent would 100% be frustrated with them. BUT if the reader shows any subtle sign of empathy toward him, like placing an aid kit next to him all the while leaving him bleeding out on the pavement, he may start to develop feelings for them. Like you have no reason to be merciful toward him, you guys are rivals after all, so he must be at least a bit special for you to do this. A kind of “I hate them! But why are they so cute and why do I want them to kiss me??” situation. It would definitely take him more time to fall in love with this reader than with the hero reader though. 
If Dr. Seraph falls head over heels for vigilante/morally gray reader, he might try to convince them to take him as their right-hand man, that way he gets to work closely with them.
The scientist spat blood on the ground, the weight of crumbling infrastructures crushing his back. Despite the ringing in his left ear, he could clearly hear the footsteps on the pavement approaching him. He raised his head and was not surprised to be met with the face of the person that had caused this mess. 
“W-what? Here to… finish the job?” Dr. Seraph groaned over the mere effort of speaking. 
The vigilante simply watched him in silence. It was hard to decipher what they were thinking at that very moment. After what seemed like an agonizingly long time, they raised their arms towards the injured man. Vincent closed his eyes shut, ready for the final blow, but instead he felt the weight on his back disappear. 
He opened them once again. His rival was gone, not only sparing his life but… saving it too. The mad scientist felt something weird blossom in his chest, surely it was the pain caused from all his injuries and nothing else. 
I really hope my answer was what you were expecting and that you enjoyed this little snippet of story! 
108 notes · View notes
hayakawalove · 6 months
Intertwined (Chapter One)
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Best Friends and Better Halves, Chapter 1
Summary: You were in 10th grade when you first met Eren Jaeger. Enticing eyes and a big mouth. There was no way you could know how important he would become to you.
As the tendrils of your youth fade away you find yourself confused. Your relationship with him grows more complicated throughout the years, taking you by surprise at every turn.
A story of love, lust, and addiction.
A/N: This has been in the works for 13 months. We're so excited to finally share it. My best friend @zeninsama who is also the coauthor, and I have spent countless hours talking and thinking about this story. They coauthored this with me and we worked really hard.
I do have some warnings. This story delves into addiction and how it affects relationships. This by no means means we are glorifying it, we are only exploring it. Their relationship will be complicated, but it's supposed to be. If you find yourself no longer interested in it that's perfectly fine. It won't hold back, it won't be pretty.
There will be lots of flashbacks in this fic. We debated for a long time on how to go about it, but I think we settled on a way. Flashbacks will be sprinkled throughout the fic and will always be separated with "~~~" before and after. There will also be the time period before so as to not confuse you. The past is very important to their relationship so it needs to be included. It won't be in every chapter, and some chapters will be purely flashbacks. We will use "///" to indicate transitions in a scene. The flashbacks for the most part will be in order.
We love this story, and hope you do too.
CW: Drug use, alcohol use, violence, fem reader, AFAB reader
W/C: 8,043
Banner credit: @benkeibear
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-Summer before Senior year-
He always did run hot. His lips meld to yours, whispers of cherry gracing your tastebuds. Rough hands you had long been accustomed to held your face, keeping you still and pliant just for him. Eren’s tongue slips free, gently dragging along your bottom lip. You felt as if you were floundering, desperately trying to keep up. He pulls away and you’re met with forest green staring back at you. 
“Was that any better?” He teases. 
Eren Jaeger is a lot of things. 
Punctual is not one of them. 
It’s not the first time, and it certainly won’t be the last – but it was, however, the first time Eren had been late to a party he invited you to. You weren’t much for large gatherings, or gatherings of any size for that matter. You would’ve opted to stay home if Eren hadn’t practically begged you to come with him.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” He had said. 
Yeah, right. It reeks of booze and frat boys only have one volume – screaming their heads off. 
You sigh and push off from the countertop, not wanting to wait around any longer. If Eren was going to come he would’ve shown by now. Thanks a lot, Eren. 
You make it one step before an arm snakes around your shoulders. 
The scent of cheap beer is replaced by warm, woody cologne, cut with the pungent smell of weed. It’s so distinctly Eren Jaeger. 
He squeezes your shoulder in a half-hug. 
“Leaving so soon?” 
“Soon? I’ve been here for 30 minutes,” you grumble. 
Eren releases you from his hold and repositions himself in front of you, blocking you from the kitchen door. He’s dressed in all black, a worn brown leather jacket draped over his shoulders. Tucked behind his ear is a neatly rolled joint. It was a signature look for him. 
“Work ran late. Besides, I had a few deliveries to make.” 
“Deliveries? What, does the shop not pay you enough?” You tease. 
Eren’s mouth quirks in a smile as he pokes back, “I thought my best friend was supposed to support my passions. I’m a small business owner.” 
You roll your eyes, moving to pass Eren and finally be released from this hellhole, but his hand grips your wrist to pull you back. His touch is warm, grounding. 
“Heyheyhey, where do you think you’re going?” 
“Home? I’ve had enough of this place.” 
“But I just got here! Come on, just one drink and we can head out.” 
You allow Eren to drag you back into the kitchen and lean against the countertop for support, watching with your arms crossed over your chest while Eren fills a red plastic cup with a little bit of everything spread out before you. Vodka, wine cooler, some kind of fruit juice. 
“Gross, Eren!”
“Don’t knock it until you try it.” 
He takes a swig from your cup before handing it to you (“making sure it’s safe”, he says) and you accept, brow raised in suspicion before following suit and taking a sip. Besides the initial bite from the vodka, it’s really not that bad. It just tastes like juice – albeit a dangerously intoxicating one that’ll have you regretting tonight even more in the morning. Eren always takes his drinks like this, opting to get loosened up faster and not really giving a shit about the contents. 
Against your better judgment, you take another sip.
“Yeah, it’s not bad.” 
“See? I’ve never steered you wrong. Ever. Not even once.” 
You snort into your cup and Eren raises his brows, feigning offense. 
“I haven’t! Name one time.” 
“The time Mrs. Steven busted us trying to buy beer with your shitty fake ID.” 
“That wasn’t that bad.” 
“My mom grounded me for a month!”
“We wouldn’t have seen each other if I didn’t have the best climbing skills in town.” 
You both laugh and shake your head, watching the party ahead of you with a smile on your face while Eren watches you with a smile on his. 
“Okay koala man.” 
“Koala man?”
“They’re good at climbing, right?” 
Eren’s drink helps ease your nerves, along with your burning need to leave this party. You might even say you’re starting to have fun now that Eren’s here. He tends to do that – make anything feel fun and lighthearted. He doesn’t take things as seriously as you do. This used to make you skeptical when you first met Eren in high school. He seemed like a bad influence, if not just a nuisance, but you had to admit he really was a good guy. He’s still a little shit though. 
“So, who do you even know here? I thought all your friends were in Paradise City.” 
“This is Reiner’s house. You’ve met him, right?” 
Reiner, Reiner, Reiner… You mull it over. Eren has a lot of “friends”, so it’s hard to remember all of them by name. He’s always been so charismatic. 
“Blond? Muscles?”
“Oh yeah, he’s nice.”
You throw his name around several times in your head. You hadn’t had many interactions with Reiner, but everytime you did speak with him he seemed nice. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what he and Eren had in common. Reiner was a jock through and through - even played for the football team. Eren on the other hand… Well, he was Eren. Your Eren nonetheless.
Your lips press against the plastic cup as you take another sip of Eren’s concoction, feeling a buzz start to come on already. Your senses feel dull as your eyelids slowly get heavier and heavier.
“Hitting you harder than I thought it would, damn you’re a lightweight.” Eren chuckles, tossing back his drink like it was nothing.
You click your tongue at him and roll your eyes. Maybe he had a point. It wasn’t your fault. Not everyone drank and partied it up in highschool like he did. You dread the day a doctor gets a look at his liver - or even worse, his lungs.
“Finish your drink then we can head out if you still want?” He offers, tossing his cup in the overflowing bin beside you.
You nod and swish your drink around in front of you, there was still half the cup left. Eren lets out a chuckle.
Eren hops off the counter. “I’m gonna go light up, you coming with?”
“I think I’m good.” 
He plucks the joint from behind his ear and heads towards the patio. “Suit yourself. At least try to make some friends while I’m gone. The thought of you being all depressed without me is gonna ruin my high.” 
“Yeah, bye, Eren,” you wave him off, a smile spreading across your face. 
You notice your body feels much more relaxed now than it did initially. Eren has a funny way of doing that to you. Most of the time, you’re polar opposites – you being high strung while Eren hardly took anything serious. You balance each other out. 
A light buzz reaches your head, heat creeping up your neck and ears. Eren really knew how to make an effective drink. Even the music sounds better, no longer blaring and rattling the house but mellowing into the background with a low rhythm and bass you could feel thumping in your chest.
-Fall of Sophomore year- 
“Everyone, we have a new student joining our class. Go ahead and introduce yourself, sweetheart.” 
“Eren Jaeger,” the new kid speaks, expression and tone heavy with boredom. His hair is brown and slightly overgrown, sitting just under his ears. “I transferred from Maria Reformatory. Go Titans.” 
Finally, something different. 
“Nice to have you, Eren!” The teacher welcomes. 
His eyes meet yours. They’re beautiful – a vibrant shade of emerald green you’ve never seen before. Only on movie stars, or models, same thing. You straighten in your seat, feeling perceived. 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” One of the girls blurts out, causing the class to erupt in laughter.
You return your attention to the assignment in front of you, silently groaning. The teacher attempts to quell the chaos while directing Eren down the aisle, towards the empty seat conveniently located beside you. 
You intentionally picked this seat because you wanted to be away from everyone else. 
“Hey,” Eren introduces himself, tossing his backpack under his desk and digging for a pencil in the front pouch. “What’s your name?” 
You grumble your name, eyes not leaving the worksheet. 
“I’m Eren.” 
“Yeah, I heard the introduction.” 
“Wow. Okay, attitude.” 
Eren slouches in his seat, his too-long legs extending beyond his desk, like a newborn giraffe. 
Focusing is hard when you feel his eyes bore holes into your side, analyzing you. It felt like a bug crawling up your neck, almost making you shiver at the weight of his gaze. You opt to ignore him, do what you’ve always done and keep your head down. You don’t need friends, they’re disruptive. Not like anyone here gets you anyways. 
Eren, however, had no intention of leaving you alone. 
“How do you like the school?” 
“I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it before.”
“You can’t tell if you like it or not?” 
“I’m trying to focus,” you admit, slightly exasperated. 
“Didn’t know there was a rush.” 
Eren turns forward, brows raised in amusement. You were quick to bite and maybe not the most friendly, but it only piqued his curiosity. 
You watch Eren adjust in your peripheral vision, like he’s just now realizing there’s nothing on his desk. Your finger taps anxiously on your own table. 
“Hey teacher, I don’t have one of those,” Eren points out, referring to your textbook. 
“You’ll get one soon,” the teacher interjects. Don’t say it, please don’t say it… 
Your heart sinks when she says your name. 
“You don’t mind sharing, right?” 
Your finger stills. 
“No, ma’am.” 
Eren smirks and scoots his desk closer to yours, metal legs scraping against the floor until the edges touch. The scent of Old Spice body spray wafts over into your space, with something skunky underneath that explains his red and lazy eyes. 
“This works out great!” Your teacher exclaims, eyes meeting yours. “Now that Eren has joined us, you’ll have a partner for the semester project!” 
The words on the book in front of you sear into your brain. Fuck.
You don’t need to look at Eren to see the expression on his face. Well, at least he was enjoying this. 
“Eren, you’re in luck. Your partner is the head of the class, I’m sure she’ll take great care of you.”
“Is that so?” Eren grins, stretching his long legs in front of him. “Are you gonna take care of me, partner?” 
Normally, praise for your academic achievements feels great. The circumstances were different in this case. You were certain Eren was going to slack off, let you do all the work and stamp his name on the finished result and take your credit.
You’d prefer that, anyways. Keep your head down. Do your best work. Just get through it.
You’re on your way out when a familiar voice calls out your name. 
“Hey! Wait up!” 
Naturally, you speed up. 
Eren matches your pace, walking beside you towards the front gate on campus. 
“Jeez, for someone kinda short, you walk fast.” 
You sigh in defeat. “Why are you following me?” 
“Well, we have that end of semester project, right? When should we go over it?” 
“It’s fine, Eren. I can do it and you can sign your name when I’m done. That’s what I was planning on, anyway.”
The brunet grabs your wrist, bringing you to a stop. Heat floods your cheeks, spreading to the tips of your ears. Who was he to just grab you like that? You turn around, ready to give him an earful, but the expression on his face makes you pause. It wasn’t anger, but something closer to determination. 
“I’m not gonna make you do it alone. What kinda guy do you take me for? Let’s just exchange contact info and we can plan something.” 
You wanted to argue back but you couldn’t find the words. Being around Eren steals the words right from you. 
“Fine,” you grumble, fishing around in your bag for something to write your number on – a convenience store receipt – and a pen to write it with. You print your number on the back and hand it to Eren, who studies the receipt curiously. 
He laughs from his chest. “Damn, how many bags of gummy worms do you need?”  
You groan.
“None of your business.” 
“I’m much more of a gummy bear fan myself. It’s a texture thing, and I like that they’re bite size.”
“Good for you.” 
Eren smiles and stuffs the receipt into his pocket, finally releasing his grasp on your arm and starting on past you. “We’ll be in touch, partner!” 
COULD BE: EREN JAEGER: Hey, it’s Eren Jaeger. 
You tap out a quick answer. 
You: When do you wanna talk about the project? 
Inviting Eren home wasn’t the best idea. Your parents were strict, and besides, you just met the guy. You weren’t exactly ready to invite him into your home, and who knew what would await you at his? Maybe you could set up at a park somewhere. 
COULD BE: EREN JAEGER: You hungry? I’m feeling like a burger.  
COULD BE: EREN JAEGER: Sent location.
COULD BE: EREN JAEGER: It’s not too far. Meet here?
You: That works. 
You remind yourself to text your parents about your plans. It shouldn’t be a problem seeing as it’s for school. 
You: It’s a study session. 
The walk wasn’t inconvenient – skip your usual turn, walk another block north, apologize a dozen times to the cars you weave through in the parking lot. When you arrive, you notice Eren already seated with a tray of food in front of him, a fry dangling from his mouth and gaze fixed on his lap. 
You help yourself into the booth across from him.
“You got here fast.” 
His lips twitch up in a smirk as he chows down on the fry. 
“Or you got here slow, shortstack.” 
“Let’s not make that a thing.” 
Eren gestures towards his food, silently offering it to you, but you shake your head. 
“So what do you want to do the project on?” He asks through a mouthful of fried potato mush. 
“Well I was planning on making a heart monitor. They’re pretty easy to make if you just do a cheap one. Then I was going to write a report alongside it explaining what it is and how it works.” You explain, feeling your shoulders begin to relax. 
You had already gotten started on the project so you were praying he wouldn’t want to pick something else. He listens intently while you explain to him how exactly it worked and what was needed still. 
“Sounds cool.” 
Eren picks off the rest of his food while you walk through the project together, pulling your notes from your backpack and explaining everything you had done so far, including a diagram you were rather proud of. 
Conversation lulls into a comfortable silence. You don’t realize your pen is missing until you notice Eren absentmindedly doodling on an unused napkin. 
“What school did you go to?” 
“Okay, Miss ‘I heard the introduction’,” Eren teases. “Uh, Maria Reformatory.” 
Your brow quirks. His expression remains concentrated on his masterpiece, bangs falling in front of his eyes while he gnaws at the straw in his empty drink. 
“Reformatory? What did you do?”
Green eyes flick up to yours momentarily before looking back down. For a moment, you kick yourself. Maybe it’s a touchy subject, don’t be nosy. 
Eren doesn’t seem bothered. 
“I wasn’t a good student. It’s nothing much, just got into fights, drank and smoked. Teenager stuff, you know how it is.” 
You shake your head. “I don’t, actually.” 
Eren laughs through his nose. “Besides, my grades were already shit. Those things were just the final straw.”
You wet your bottom lip, fingers idly tapping on the table. 
Eren took slight notice. He stops drawing and slides the napkin away from him. His expression remained neutral as he leaned back in his chair to fully face you. 
“Fights? Like, physical fights?” 
Eren laughs dryly. 
“Does that scare you?” 
You pick something that looks close to pride on his face. For being sent to a reformatory, it sure doesn’t seem like he learned much. 
“My best friend used to get picked on a lot. He’s kinda like you, actually. Short, bookish type. Anyway, it really pissed me off. I’m not the kind of guy that can just stand there while someone treats my friends like shit.” 
“So you stopped drinking and smoking?” You ask. 
Eren shifts, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Just learned how to hide it better.” 
He really didn’t learn anything. You heave out an exasperated sigh, but keep pressing. 
“What are you doing here then?” 
“My mom wanted a fresh start for me, figured moving might help.”
You hum quietly in understanding. 
You chat idly for another half hour before your phone buzzes under your thigh. 
Incoming call from: Mom. 
Your heart sinks as it dawns on you – you forgot to text your parents. 
“Ah,” you start nervously. “I’ve gotta get home.” 
“Want me to walk you?” Eren asks casually.
“No, it’s okay.” 
“You sure? It’s getting dark out, what if some creep tries to grab you?” 
Against your better judgment, you give in. 
While the two of you gather your things, your eye catches on the napkin he was drawing on. It didn’t look half bad. It was a flower with designs around it, the art oddly calming after hearing his tales from his old school. You grab the napkin when he isn’t looking, sliding it into your backpack. As you pack up, an odd feeling curls up in your stomach. Would he notice you took the drawing? Would he care? As you make your way to the exit, Eren holds the door on your way out. 
You stop a block down from your house. Even from afar, you can see the light on in the entryway, and your parents’ cars in the driveway. Eren is rambling about some cartoon series when you interrupt him.
“Here is fine,” you murmur, refusing to make eye contact. “I’m just down the street.”
Eren raises a brow suspiciously. You answer before he can ask. 
“I’m already in trouble for being late. If my parents see me with a boy, they’re gonna flip.” 
“Alright, well I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You did not see Eren tomorrow. Or the day after. 
Everything was radio silent. 
The prospect of having to deal with a new kid made you nervous at first, but you felt more at ease after getting to know him better. It was sort of ironic, in a way. You learned that Eren was a bad kid who liked to smoke and drink. Why did that make you feel more comfortable? If anything it should stress you out even more. He’s a bad influence. Maybe it was because he was being honest. Honesty is hard to come by nowadays. 
It looked like you would end up having to do the project on your own after all. It wasn’t that big of a deal, you were planning on doing this alone anyways… So why did you feel let down? 
The project is due tomorrow.
You’re hunched at your desk in your room, bottom lip pinched between your teeth. The heart monitor was more or less put together, and the written report just had a couple hundred words left before it was ready to submit. 
You knew you could do it by yourself, but it still would’ve been nice to have help. 
You open your files, ready to hammer out the final details.
“Wait, where is it?” You hum to yourself, scrolling a little too far in your files for your comfort. 
You try typing in the file name, only for your screen to taunt you back: no files found. 
You could have sworn you saved it under that. 
Your fingers shake from anxiety. Frantically, you type variations, thinking you might have saved it under something else. It’s no use.
“You have to be joking. Where is it?” 
At first it was mere nervousness, but now you’re in a full blown panic. 
“No, no, no!” You chant to yourself. 
Weeks of work, all down the drain. Did you save something on top of it? If that was the case, it was lost forever. 
Hopelessness washes over you. What were you gonna do? 
You’re about to accept your impending doom, no doubt get a failing grade on the assignment and lose your spot at the top of your class when you hear something clatter against your window. 
Your gaze snaps to the window, confused, until you watch something hit your window again. 
A twig? What the fuck? 
You approach the window and slide it open, about to stick your head out when another twig narrowly misses your face. 
“Shit, my bad!” Eren calls out, voice a little too loud for your liking. 
There’s no fucking way. 
You look behind you, expecting your parents to open your door at any minute but they don’t. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“The project is due tomorrow, I came by to help.” 
You watch in awe as Eren heaves himself up, scaling the trellis alongside your house until he reaches your bedroom window, his face inches from yours. Light work for him. No reaction. 
“What is wrong with you?” You yell in a hushed tone, hoping the rustling foliage and thump of his feet against the house didn’t wake your parents. 
Eren grins. 
“A lot of things, I thought you already knew that.”
Wordlessly, you step out of the way so Eren could help himself in your room. 
If you weren’t so pissed you would have been impressed. Your room was on the second floor, and he’s barely breaking a sweat. 
Eren looks around your room, noticing the aforementioned heart monitor sitting on your bedroom floor and an open laptop on your desk, alongside a ripped-open pack of gummy worms. 
“So, what’s left to do?” 
“You really think I would leave things left to be done until the night before it’s due?” 
His brow raises. “Uh, maybe?”
You sigh and cross your arms, eyes dropping to your feet. 
“It was almost done, but I lost the report. It needs to be rewritten completely.” 
“Okay great, I’ll do that and you finish whatever it was you were doing here.” He carefully steps over the monitor and settles in your chair. 
“You can’t just write a whole report in one night.” 
Eren meets your gaze, grinning. “I like a challenge. Sit back and watch, shortstack.” 
He starts typing at a quick pace. 
You pause your work on the monitor and look up at Eren. His eyes glide over his work, his chin propped in his hand. His other hand helps itself to your gummy worms – a small price to pay for his help. 
“What happened to you anyway? You totally disappeared on me, it kinda sucked.” 
“Got grounded.” 
“What’d you do?” 
“Left some weed in my pocket. My mom went to do some laundry and it made a huge fucking mess in the washer, so I lost my phone.”
You let out an incredulous chuckle and he turned from the screen to look at you. 
“Yeah, yeah. Get it all out.” 
“I thought you said you were better at hiding it?” 
Eren grins. You can’t help but mirror him. 
Sure he was annoying, but you liked his company whether you would admit it or not. 
You didn’t know you fell asleep until your morning alarm woke you up. 
You must have taken yourself to bed at some point in the night. Forcing your bleary eyes open, you notice Eren’s figure hunched over your desk, still snoozing. 
Bangs hit against your door and you nearly jump from your skin. 
“Honey? You’re still asleep?” 
You throw a stuffed animal at Eren’s head, waking him up with a snort. 
“I-I’m awake!” You call back. 
You sigh in relief that your door was locked. If your parents came in and saw a boy sleeping in your room, you were gonna be in a whole world of trouble, way worse than a failing grade on an assignment. 
“Okay! I heard you snoring. Maybe you’re getting sick. Breakfast will be downstairs.” 
Your mom’s voice trailed away as you hear her descend the stairs again. 
Eren’s awake by now, rubbing his tired eyes with a yawn. “I want breakfast.” 
“You fell asleep in here?” 
“So did you.”
“It’s my room!” 
Eren shrugs and checks his phone, the battery almost drained. “Shit, it’s almost seven. I don’t have time to go back home. Guess I’ll go straight to school.”
He rises to his feet and stretches, reminding you of a cat. “Want me to wait outside for you?” 
“No, I’ll see you in class. Try not to lose the report.” 
Eren reaches for the handle of your bedroom door. You smack his hand and look up at him incredulously. 
“Take the window!” 
It was almost kind of funny. You’ve spent these last few weeks so nervous about the presentation, but when the time finally came, you felt relaxed. Maybe it was Eren’s influence encouraging you to take a breath for once. 
Eren takes the lead, reading the report aloud while you attach the nodes of your handmade monitor for the demonstration. Once he was finished, you turn it on, the monitor instantly coming to life, projecting Eren’s steady heartbeat. You lean forward to reposition one of the nodes, not wanting it to slip. You don’t realize how close you are until Eren’s breath hits your face. He’s looking directly at you. 
“It works.” He says matter of factly.
“You didn’t have faith in me?” 
“Of course I did.” 
Of all the times you’ve seen Eren smile, you’ve never seen one quite like this. It felt softer, genuine. The kind of smile you can’t help but mirror back until the pace of Eren’s heart rate accelerates, filling the room with a racing thump thump thump.  
Your teacher claps, signaling the end of your presentation. 
You end up with an A on the project, not unfamiliar for you, but it felt more rewarding this time around. 
Eren meets you outside your last class. Immediately, you notice he’s holding something behind his back. Something he’s trying to keep secret as he pivots slightly when you approach him, wanting to obscure this surprise even more. 
“Hey, Eren,” you greet, mildly suspicious. 
“How was your day?” 
“I’m so ready to go home.” 
There’s a crinkle as he extends his arm, offering a familiar brightly colored bag to you. 
Sour gummy worms. 
“These are for you, by the way.” 
You snatch the bag of candy, inspecting it closely. “For me?” 
Eren cocks his brow. “You think I’m trying to poison you?” 
“Or drug me,” you tease, though your tone is dry. “Don’t they make candy edibles like these?” 
Eren laughs, a throaty chuckle rumbling from deep in his chest, and tilts his head in amusement. 
You really, really like Eren’s laugh.  
“I’m not giving you edibles. Shit’s expensive. I just remembered you like those, and you worked really hard on the project, so. You deserve it.” 
You stuff the bag in your backpack, finally deeming them safe. 
“I’m surprised you remembered I like them.” 
Eren walked you home, babbling on about his day, about cartoons, sometimes picking on you. You found it a little annoying, constantly having this guy follow you around, but his presence became a comfort to you. You thought you’d be done with him once the project was over, but you quickly learned Eren had no intention of backing off. He wanted to walk you home. 
Guys usually weren’t nice to you. Unless this was all a ploy, which was possible. Maybe he just wanted to make you look stupid. Time will tell. 
As you sat in bed that night, you looked at the crumpled bag of candy, and something akin to gratitude bloomed in your chest. You tear open the packet, picking a blue and red worm first and popping it into your mouth. 
How odd, you think. 
You ate the candy that night, and you could’ve sworn that it somehow tasted sweeter than usual.
“Hey there.” 
You open your eyes to find a man who is definitely not Eren standing in front of you. 
He runs a hand through his bleach blond hair and flashes you a mischievous look in his dark brown eyes. The kind that makes you clutch your drink closer to your chest. The buzz in your body becomes a shiver as you shift uncomfortably.   
“Hey,” your tone is curt, borderline uninviting. Eren said to make friends, but you were certain this stranger didn’t come to you just for a conversation. 
“What’s a cute thing like you doing all alone?” 
“I’m not alone, I’m actually–”
“So your friends just left you here?” He takes a step closer to you, backing you against the counter and grabbing the cup from your hand, ditching it on the counter. “Come hang out with me instead.” 
“I’m good actually, I think I’m just gonna stay here.” You put on a brave front, begging your voice not to betray you. 
“Oh come on, don’t be like that. I can show you a good time.” He grabs your now unoccupied hand and leans in closer, close enough that the acrid scent of beer, cigarettes and sweat fills your senses with his every exhale and you tilt your head away to escape the smell. 
“Hey man, she said she’s good.” 
You’ve never been more relieved to hear Eren’s voice. You look at him with wide eyes, silently asking for help.
The blond bares his teeth in a sardonic smile.
“Who’s this? Your guard dog?”
Eren’s brow twitches. It’s one of his tells, a sign that his patience is wearing thin. You know better than to provoke Eren with the temper he has. It almost makes you feel sorry for the blond if he wasn’t actively harassing you. 
“Yeah and I bite, now back the fuck off.” 
His sweaty hand tightens on yours. 
“I’m good, man.” 
“I said get the fuck off.”
Eren charges forward and shoves the man away from you by his shoulders. He stands between you like an impenetrable wall, towering over the man who fucked around with Eren Jaeger’s temper and was about to find out. 
The man staggers back, hitting the opposite countertop. He brushes off his wounded pride with a scoff. 
“Lay off dude, I’m just trying to get laid like everyone else here. You can have her, she’s a fucking prude anyways.” 
You could choke on the tension building in the air. Eren is seething. 
“What did you just say?”
“I said I’m just trying to get my dick wet but this stuck up bitch isn’t cooperating.” 
The insult might’ve stung if you weren’t so terrified of what was going to happen next. Eren’s gaze lowers, eyes intense like he’s contemplating something while fidgeting idly with the thick metal band on his middle finger. Like he’s making a choice. 
“Is that so?” 
You feel a chill run down your spine at the poison laced in Eren’s voice. 
“Yeah, have her to yourself. That is if you can get her to spread her legs for you-“ 
Eren made his choice. His fist connects with the blond’s cheek, skin splitting under his ring, making him stagger and clutch his face. It takes only a second for his expression to shift from shock to pure rage.
Not even a second after you get out of the way, the stranger charges forward and throws Eren onto the counter by the front of his shirt. His fist slams into Eren’s nose with an audible crunch.
Eren’s knee shoots up, nailing his opponent in the balls hard enough to make even you grimace. Low blow. The man swears loud, doubling over in pain, and Eren takes advantage by uppercutting the blonde in the eye. 
The quarrel gathers a small group of people into the kitchen, their murmurs drowning out the House music blasting in the other room. 
The man lands a hit on Eren’s brow, splitting the skin, bright red blood immediately gushing towards Eren’s eye. 
You hear another man shout from behind you. 
The man you now recognize as Porco turns around towards the voice. Eren pushes up, but Porco is too slow to react. Fists continue to fly while Reiner pushes his way through the crowd, nudging you out of the way to separate the two.  
“Galliard! Jaeger! Step off!” Reiner’s voice bellows. He grabs Porco by the scruff, like a kitten, yanking him backwards. 
“He’s fucking crazy!” Porco spits out, his face battered and bruised in mere seconds. 
Eren’s eyes still narrow in on Porco. 
“Ren, come on.” You murmur, grabbing onto his arm. 
At first, Eren doesn’t budge under your hands. It takes a couple of tries before he allows you to drag him out, eyes never once leaving Porco. You don’t let go of his arm until you’ve exited the house, when your feet finally make contact with the sidewalk, finally trusting that he won’t go running back. 
“What the fuck was that Eren?” 
His silence had never been so loud. His body heaves with every breath, adrenaline still coursing through his veins. 
“You can’t just beat people up!” 
“He was being a fucking dick!” 
You start down the sidewalk, choosing to ditch your car for the night. The last thing you need is to be pulled over for intoxicated driving, no matter how sober you felt after that altercation. Your hand remains tight around Eren’s. The neighborhood looks different at night but you piece together your location. The campus convenience store is nearby – you’ve been there countless times before with Eren, whether to get a quick lunch or to load up on snacks before horror movie screenings at the local theater. You could probably walk the aisles blindfolded. 
Eren’s forced to wait outside as you didn’t want to scare the shop owner, or track blood all over his tile floors. Antibiotic cream, bandaids, and a pack of frozen peas. You can make do with this. 
You leave the bodega, fishing through the plastic bag slung over your arm.
“Here,” you toss the pack of frozen peas over your shoulder for Eren to catch. “Put these on your nose, the cold will help with the swelling in the meantime. I’ll clean you up when I can find a good place to sit.” 
Eren obliges, trailing behind you, pouting like a scolded child. 
Just around the corner is a residential park, one you had spent countless hours in despite neither of you actually living in that neighborhood. It’s empty at this time of night, and a quiet spot to sit down was ideal. 
You force Eren to sit on a swing, standing between his splayed legs. Like a baby giraffe, you think. He trains his eyes up at you while you get to work, still holding the frozen peas against his nose. 
You uncap the antibiotic ointment and tend to the wound on his brow. It looks like it stings, you try your best to not wince at the thought, but Eren’s face remains unchanging. Just staring up at you with emerald eyes, looking almost a little reflective. You’re sure he’s still thinking about the fight, replaying it in his head like a highlight reel of Eren Jaeger’s best hits. 
Silence settles between you. There were so many words you wanted to say, but you had no idea where to start. 
Sighing, you settle on: “Why’d you do it?” 
Eren’s answer is unsatisfyingly simple. “He was being a dick to you.” 
“I could’ve handled it myself.” 
“Yeah,” Eren scoffs, tone laced with sarcasm. “You seemed to be doing a great job at that.” 
You bite your tongue and rip a bandage out of its paper to cover up the wound, then observe your handiwork. 
It’s late. You’re tired, the buzz has long since worn off. Wordlessly, you slump into the adjacent swing. 
Eren’s demeanor shifts into one more casual, his anger fizzled out. 
“Why don’t you stand up for yourself?” 
“Maybe I don’t wanna make a scene. It’s not a big deal anyways, it doesn’t matter.” 
“It matters to me.” 
You feel your stomach tighten. Ever since the day you met Eren, he was always so understanding of you. He looked out for you. 
You sigh, idly tracing marks in the sand with your foot. You had been to this same park countless times before, making these same shapes in the sand, but tonight felt different. 
“Why do you care so much?” You ask, trying to keep your voice steady. 
From the corner of your eye you see Eren’s long legs stretch forward in front of him. He produces a carton of pre-rolled cigarettes from his pocket and slots one between his lips. His thumb strikes the wheel of his lighter once, twice, before producing a flame that illuminates his face. You watch silently as he lights the end of his joint, exhaling that first cloud of smoke into the night air.  
“You’re my best friend. I’d do anything for you.” 
Your heart clenches in your chest. It wasn’t like you were unaware that you were his best friend, but Eren wasn’t the most sentimental person. He wasn’t one for vocalizing his thoughts, or being mushy about his feelings. You knew this about him, so his sincerity always struck you. Every once in a while he would say something that caught you by surprise, making your breath seize in your lungs. 
Eren was a lot of things – brash, impulsive, and annoying – but he also cared about you like nobody else. 
The pungent, earthy smell quickly hits your nose. When you first started hanging out with Eren, you couldn’t stand the smell. Your nose would pinch up in disgust while you watched him get high, but now the scent became familiar to you. It was something comforting, like late nights in the summer when you had no agenda. Like walks to the nearby store to stock up on candy, or deep conversations underscored by low music. 
It reminded you of Eren. 
It reminded you of home. 
“Wow,” you glance at Eren, lips cracking a smile. Your hands hold the swing chains tight, the cold metal biting into your palms. 
“Never would have pegged you for such a sentimentalist, Eren.” 
“You don’t peg me at all.” He responds. 
You try to hold back a smile but it shows through. No matter what, you’re determined to continue poking fun at him. 
“Who knew you had such a bleeding heart.” 
Eren rolls his eyes, a smile threatening to break around the joint. He plucks it from his mouth for a breath of fresh air instead, the silver of his rings glinting in the moonlight. “Oh, shut up.” 
“I’m serious. Did you pull that from a movie? Maybe overhear someone else say it?” You keep poking lightheartedly. 
“You’re the one who asked. Plus, you know you love me.” 
At this point you break eye contact, settling on the moon instead. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” 
You meant it too. 
You weren’t sure when Eren started to matter so much to you. At first he was unbearable – a delinquent who’s favorite pastime was pestering you – but slowly, he turned into a face you expected to see at every turn. Not having his presence felt unsettling, and you found yourself dreading classes without him. 
Eren extends the hand holding the joint. He still offers, knowing you always decline. 
“Want some?”
“No thanks.” 
“Okay. Just thought I’d ask. What with me being a sentimentalist and all.” 
The two of you laugh softly. It always felt like this with Eren. Easy. You had your habits and he had his, just like anyone else, but your friendship felt just as easy as breathing. It was hard to imagine what your life was like before him. 
Eren ditches his finished joint into the sand, squashing it down under his shoe.
“Wanna go somewhere else? I feel bad inviting you to that lame ass party. I think the lanes are still open, or the arcade.” 
The thought was tempting. You did love going to the arcade. It may not seem like much to anyone else, but it felt special to you. Good music, timeless classics, and an owner that hooked you up with extra tokens as a thank you for keeping the business alive. Not far from that was the bowling alley. Neither of you were good at bowling, if anything, you’ve probably watched Eren accidentally throw himself down the lane more than the actual ball. 
As nice as hanging out longer sounded, a feeling of responsibility gnaws inside you. 
“I shouldn’t,” you sigh. “I have a test coming up.” 
“A test on a Friday night?” Eren questions.  
“No, it’s in a couple days. I know you don’t know this but there’s a thing called studying that people sometimes do when they care about academics.” 
“Studying?” Eren plays along with your bit, sounding out the word like it’s unfamiliar to him. “I don’t know, I think my method works just fine.” 
“Just winging it? Yeah, right. It’s a miracle you’ve made it this far, Eren Jaeger.”
Eren is the first to stand up.
“Always so cruel to me.” He fakes a somber face.
“Sure I am,” you stand as well, smoothing out your clothes. “Walk me back?” 
The walk back is pleasant, though the cold is biting. There weren’t many students on campus around this time, with winter break quickly approaching. Anyone who wasn’t already home for the holidays was either tucked away in their dorms, or out partying. As for you, ending the semester meant drowning in a sea of tests. You were looking forward to a break. 
Eren walks beside you, hands in his pockets. He didn’t live on campus, so you appreciate him walking with you. Eren had a small apartment a couple blocks away, a graduation gift from his parents who were amazed he made it out of high school. It was a comfortable place for you to hang out, seeing as your dorm wasn’t exactly fit for hosting.
It wasn’t that your dorm was inhospitable to say, however it wasn’t exactly the marriott either. Eren referred to it as the pig sty, but you thought he was exaggerating when he said that. Sure you would occasionally leave some clothes here and some trash there, but it was under control. In your opinion at least. You didn’t have time to keep things spotless. You were running yourself thin between school, work, and Eren. He could be considered a full time job all by himself. 
Eren’s house was nicer anyway. The furniture was simplistic and things were never left out. It seemed like the opposite of what you would expect for someone like him. You had two theories on why things were spotless at his bachelor pad. One, his doting mother Carla raised him to be tidy. His house was never messy growing up so he got used to it. Two, Eren constantly had… how do you say, lady friends over frequently. Couldn’t get laid if your house was a mess. Either way, his place was nice and yours was not.
Your strides slow as you approach the dorm building, pulling your key card from your wallet and tapping it on the lock, hearing it whirr and click, the light flashing green. You reach for the handle but Eren beats you to it, holding the door open for you. The warm air flows from inside the building, fanning across your cold face, the sensation prickling your skin. 
“I’m sorry about tonight. I didn’t mean to stand you up, that was a dick move of me.” 
“Psh, it’s okay,” you shrug. “All things considered, I’d say I had a fun night.” 
You hear a ding further down the hallway where the elevator stood. Metal doors open to reveal two girls about your age chatting inside. Their eyes lock with Eren’s, and it takes everything in you not to roll your eyes. 
The girls pass by as you enter the building, whispering and giggling to each other when they catch sight of Eren. He flashes a grin and flicks his eyes up and down as they leave before returning his attention back to you. It’s nothing new. You weren’t blind, even you could admit Eren was good looking – and you weren’t stupid either. Eren’s love life is a never-ending story. A long list of girlfriends, and an even longer list of hookups. You had long gotten used to the shameless flirting. 
You and Eren make your way to the elevator. Your finger presses into the button, a comfortable silence falling over you as you wait. 
The elevator dings. Your feet only need to move so far before you find yourself at the familiar front door, decorated in construction paper cut-outs with your name written in sharpie. You lean against the doorway, arms crossed over your chest.
“Can I see you again tomorrow?” Eren asks. “I work from 10 to 2.” 
Eren works at a small smoke shop by campus. All of the other employees were students as well, and most of the customers were also students with drooping eyes. You weren’t sure how it began, but you had a tradition of going to Eren’s work to drop him off lunch when he worked. You didn’t go every time he had a shift, but often enough.
“Of course, I’ll bring you lunch. Want anything special?” 
“Nah, surprise me.” 
You pull Eren into a hug, eyes fluttering shut as his scent fills your senses. Spices, smoke with a subtle bite. His arms squeeze around yours before withdrawing, sending you off with a pat on your back. 
“Okay! Get home safe. Try not to get into any more fights on the way home.” 
“No promises!” Eren calls from over his shoulder as he starts down the hallway. You click your tongue, watching as he enters the elevator and disappears behind the doors, smiling the entire time. 
The lock clicks behind you. Tiredness hits you all at once, feet dragging the short distance from your front door to your bed until you flop down in it, pulling your laptop off your nightstand and squinting at the bright screen. Sleep was calling your name, but you were already behind on studying and didn’t want to spend your winter break making up for a failed test. 
At least 15 minutes. Yeah, that won’t hurt. 
You stretch a couple of times, trying to force the exhaustion from your body. 
You make it as far as logging into the student portal before your phone lights up beside you, and you don’t even try to resist the distraction. It could only be one person at this time of night. 
Eren: What’s up? 
You: I don’t know, you texted me. 
Dots appear on your screen, then disappear. You can picture him now, walking down the sidewalk with one hand holding his phone, the other probably holding a lit cigarette. You can picture the smoke and warm breath puffing into the air as he laughs. 
Eren: Do you miss me horribly yet? 
You accept that studying is futile and shut your laptop, instead flopping over and letting your back hit the mattress. Laying down has never felt so good. 
You: Yes, I’m beside myself right now. 
Eren: I can always turn back around. The night is still young. 
You: No, my bed is calling my name. Goodnight, Eren. 
Eren: I was gonna make something to eat but I’m not sure what. 
You: I said goodnight, Eren. 
Eren: You’re no fun. 
The screen starts to blur as your eyes droop, body succumbing to exhaustion. Your arm goes limp, dropping onto your chest. You feel your phone buzz once more before falling asleep. 
Eren: Goodnight shortstacks. 
Tag List: @dinolvrrr, @constawrites
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queenofallimagines · 9 months
Satan if you were a satanist before you arrived in the devildom
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A/n: listennnn in between getting dragged by the Lucifer chat bots, writing two really long fics and having brain worms about this Au I’ve had so many thoughts and Satan has landed in my radar☺️ asmo and Simon are NEXT bc guardian angels are a whole DIFFERENT can of worms
I’m gunna use like ACTUAL satanic lore mixed in w the game lore
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- okay so boom
- Right off the bat he can tell you are different
- Sitting back waiting to see how you react to everyone
- Takes note you’re much more respectful to him than the rest
- Thought you were walking on eggshells because you were terrified of him but you ain’t scared at all
- You see through all his pranks
- “He’ll probably see that coming a mile away. Try moving it over here Lucifer don’t check there.”
- Color him impressed
- Does see you don’t really freak out like his brothers when he goes into one of his little rage fits
- When he offered to make the pact with you to piss Lucifer off you were really caught at a pass
- Like for one you technically already have a soft pact with him being a devotee
- But also you don’t want to disrespect him by saying no
- Choosing to not get on Lucifer’s bad side because you still do have a mission to do in that attic, soyou politely decline
- “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to make a pact with you that isn’t built on a mutual trust and understanding”
- He’s always told you to sniff out a trap and you were NOT falling for it
- Blinded by rage for not getting his way, that’s when he lashes out
- He feels something weird in his chest when he looks at you in that moment but he can’t quite understand it. Like a tugging feeling at the back of his head trying to tell him something
- When you get caught I. The middle of the whole “they’re the same person thing” you just roll your eyes
- “No shit they’re not the same person🙄😒 Satan and Lucifer couldn’t be more different, Lucifer is the morning star and Satan is more tricker than anything :/ crazy how yall don’t do research”
- Ngl he almost fell for you right then and there
- He cannot STAND that especially when humans call anything and everything Satan and refer to him and Lucifer like they’re the same person.
- Looks at you with star eyes for a second before sticking to you like glue. He’s very fascinated with you and wants to study you under a microscope
- Ask you if you’re like Solomon and have been studying for years
- Did you manage to get your hands on some devildom textbook somehow?
- Maybe even some texts form the celestial realm
- “Not really but that would be super cool to read.”
- He himself hates misinformation so you be correcting all the demon brothers with the quickness
- Lucifer is very annoyed and Satan is elated
- Notices you looking at him a lot, like you’re analyzing him
- Ofc he’s blunt and isn’t gunna beat around the bush he asks you what you’re doing starring at him like that
- “It’s really nice to see what you actually look like… if you’re shape shifting all the time and this is the form you stay in full time it’s… nice to see you face to face”
- Confused for a second because he doesn’t often make trips directly to the human world even for a summoning
- “Well I mean, in the human world we don’t actually know what you look like. The only book that has a description of what you looked like and are has the pages mysteriously ripped out and have never been found. I assume that was your doing?”
- Shocked pikachu bc he fr forgot he did that in his younger years
- His mischievous tendencies have been delegated directly to Lucifer, he understands the value of books now
- “Ah,,, I do recall doing that. It would make sense why you’re starring at me so hard.”
- Blushes when you call him a pretty boy
- Like he’s in his room kicking his feet giggling
- You bring him his offerings directly
- He won’t even realize you’re doing deity work with him and is just excited to spend time with you
- Whenever you come back home from class or whatever you give him little things you got in your way back or snacks he likes
- Nobody has ever seen satan smile this much
- Lucifer peeps when it’s your turn to cook dinner you just so happen to favor foods Satan likes and uses ingredients he does to cook too
- Will be very suspicious of you mirroring his behavior
- Satan is none the wiser truly he’s assure at familiar feeling is like some star crossed lovers stuff and you were meant to meet by fates hands
- Has so many cute cat themed things in his room from you
- Lucifer is not liking how you seem to be trying to gain his trust for your own reasons but he can’t sense anything malicious.
- He can’t pinpoint any alternate motive for this behavior
- Satan will not notice until someone points it out to him
- Lucy straight up asks you why you’re getting so friendly with him
- Mammon also chimes in that you seem like you’re sucking up to him, and Satan feels conflicted be he doesn’t like how they’re accusing you but also the fact that you might be just being nice to him because you want something is setting his nerves on fire
- Rolling your eyes you shoot back at Lucifer that you’re just worshiping Satan like you usually do
- The old man is takes aback and Satan is like…. I beg your pardon?😀
- “Satan has been my patron for years now, the only thing that’s different is that I can give him my offerings and ask him for help directly”
- Mammon is chewing the carpet he’s supposed to be your first man!
- Satan is flabbergasted and is searching his memory for this information
- Before he remembers
- “How did I not notice??”
- “I thought you knew??”
- “NO???”
- Dinner is wild bc now asmo asking for embarrassing memories of you
- Rip bc Satan gon tell it ALL😭
- I feel like he’d be the type to keep a log so he might not remember every single face and name because he does fuck with some people who summon him
- Grabs your notebook from his room and starts reciting shit BAR FOR BAR
- “Oh yeah i remember this! You were quite a rowdy child picking fights with everyone. Your temper was awful”
- laughing because he’s taking a stroll down memory lane and he’s dragging you along
- Can feel your anger a mile away, he’s in your ear now more than EVER going “don’t you want to go apeshit?”
- Constantly encouraging you to loose your temper on Lucifer
- He feeds off your rage and it feels almost euphoric to him, because he’s an instigator if anything😭
- “Where the fuck is your rage?? Lucifer was definitely disrespecting you👀👀”
- Exhausting
- Lucifer will get on him about having you up for hours on end reading and studying when you need to sleep
- You will NOT fail any class not on his fucking watch! He’s gunna make sure you excel in this exchange program academically
- Even if he’s not who you ask for things he’s helping you
- “Do NOT as belphie for help with dream interpretation I’ll help you!!”
- Very proud to show you off
- “Y’all see MY human?”
- Mammon is trying not to start problems on purpose
- He will probably bend you over Lucifer’s desk bestie it’s inevitable
- If you’re intimate before he knows he’s really gentle and makes sure to take his time with you
- If it’s after he will be rough and mean
- He definitely cares about you and loves you but he will pretend he’s using you as a toy
- As if he’s your god and you’re nothing but a lowly mortal designed to be used and filled up by him
- Choking you out and breeding you for hours on end
- Will be so incredibly gentle with aftercare it’s almost like he’s a different person
- “Look at you drooling and can’t even keep your eyes focused. Pathetic. You’re too stupid to think of anything other than how I’m ruining you”
- Makes you struggle to walk every time
- Gets carried away and marks you everywhere like diavolo asking you why there’s a hickey on your ankle😭
- Almost buys you a collar if Lucifer didn’t stop him
- Wants you to know you belong to him and you’re his little follower
- Tells you how good you are for him and gives you a nice reward
- “You’re so good for me, so eager to please and make me happy. My human deserves a reward hm?”
- Cocky asf for no reason PLEASE humble his ass!!
- Gets off on it when you pin him down and call him pathetic
- “The great avatar of wrath Satan himself bouncing on my lap like a whore desperate to get off.”
- He’s literally turning to mush for you
- Whimpering and looking at you with teary eyes
- “P-please I need to cum I’ll do anything”
- Bites back a moan when you coo at him that he’s so pathetic needing a mortal to get off
- He can feel how mean you are and your anger through your pact and it’s making his body buzz with excitement
- Panting and wiggling his hips he’s begging you to fill him up
- Call him a good kitty and he probably won’t be able to last
- Likes when you punish him like best his ass fr leave bruises make his ass bright red!!
- He’s really just attached to you and will cause a big issue when you have to leave the devildom at the end of the year😅
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venomous-qwille · 8 months
hi qwille!!! I got questions for u! you have lots of characters planned out, and that’s super cool! but how do u usually go about that process? like all your characters are very unique, and I wonder about the design process, as well as how you make their personality distinct! how do you make character dynamics/relationships? because all the scenes I’ve read so far make the characters feel really organic, and mesh really well together! (sorry for all the questions! I’m super curious ^w^)
Hiya! Here is an answer I wrote for this question on discord recently ^^
I will try answer this as thoroughly as possible!
There was a LOT of kill your darlings involved in making characters for gitm. Originally I had a very long list of character ideas that I cut down and down based on the kind of things and themes they would give me the opportunity to write about. I love long ensemble cast stories, thinking back to ones I particularly enjoyed and the ways those characters gelled together helped me a lot. The most important thing when selecting characters was making sure they would give me something interesting to write about! I was also very keen on ones that let me explore the fics main theme of Family from a different angle. I'm not sure how helpful this all is! But yeah, I try to be pretty strict with myself about what I include. The only reason I would include two characters who were very very similar would be to emphasize a difference/divergence between them later on. Characters have to justify themselves by bringing something unique to the table, even if that thing is just a 'very different outlook on life' to the rest of the cast. Over time a lot of those character ideas became more fleshed out in my brain, and characters that were cut from the original shortlist made their way back in. They still have to be able to narratively justify themselves in order to earn a channel in the discord though!
For the gitm guys, while I dont have a literal sheet I fill out I do make sure to answer a couple of basic character work questions: What lie do they believe about themselves/the world? How does it impact the way they interact with others? What central theme do they embody most? What do they want more than anything else? How do they feel about humans? Who are they at their best and who are they at their worst? I found that by answering these sort of questions it helped me discover more about them, which creates more questions- rinse and repeat. The more questions I answered the further away they would get from each other in terms of similarities. The thing that really helped with the gitm boys, especially because their origins are so similar, was leaning in to how different their experiences were post-fazco. They are different people because the world has made them that way. Messing around with foils has been useful too! Characters are no fun in a vacuum, it's how they interact with others that makes them interesting. I like to create ones that will bring out the best and the worst in each other. I think about opposites a lot and I really like narrative symmetry- what lessons can the characters learn from each other? I find that stuff super exciting to read so I really wanted to include it. Some examples of character foils in gitm: Fool & Noon, Sombra & Sunspot, Misuta & Sol
When it comes to finding character voice, I do a lot of test drabbles (a couple of them are on this server), which I use to just fuck around until I find something that feels right. For instance- Sol was very very easy to find the voice of, where as Misuta took weeks of rewrites. Sometimes things take time. Spending this time figuring out their voices at the start really helps fic consistence in the long run, I think. Because of all that prep, I don't really have to do anything to 'get into character' when writing their dialogue (it's fairly second nature now).
In regards to coming up with a character's arc, I look at them and their themes and ask 'what the fuck happened to you, dude?' and then 'how has that entrenched a faulty world view on you?' 'what could you be driven to do because of that world view/misunderstanding?' 'what would it take to fix this world view/misunderstanding?' (the last question is the most important one!). Then voila, you have a very loose framework of a (hopepunk) character arc.
In regards to the actual planning of the fic/character arcs, I have a very big miro board (pic attached) that I use for all this! Most of the major character beats are marked out separately to plot beats etc etc. There are still a bunch of bits that only reside in my brain, but I do try to add them to my plan as soon as they become any kind of concrete. All of the characters also have a background chapter (or rather, a series of chapters that form a short story) attached to their arc, that will recontextualise everything you have learned about them so far! I am so deeply looking forward to dropping these (I already have quite a lot written).
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I would say that- for your question on character relationships- the answer does come down to being really specific about what you include. Make sure characters are meaningfully different from eachother, give them goals and experiences that clash and then force them to live/work together in the same space. If you have put time into building your characters before that, then you just need to create opportunities for them to get into conflict and bring out the best/worst in eachother. I really do believe that characters are quite boring in a vacuum- which is why I put so much emphasis on including narrative foils ^^ Tyvm for the ask <3
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etrsilk · 1 month
Could I ask for a nsfw gym!killua? A way I could imagine it would be that they’re both already dating but there’s this one time that reader specifically asks Killua to teach her on her form and how to train properly but then it slowly turns intimate.
Thank youuu <3🙈💗
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𖥔 ݁ 𓈒 synopsis: You find the sexual relations between you and Killua boring, so to remedy this, you decide to spice up your sex life by making love in a public place.
𖥔 ݁ 𓈒 content/warnings: smut, unprotected sex, blowjobs, overstimulation, public sex, creampie, rough sex, praise
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Killua is 20 here!!! This is a nsfw one shot w y/n & 𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐏!𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐔𝐀!
also the person who asked for this request didn't specify if they wanted a one shot or a headcanon, but i logically concluded that it was a request for a one shot. in any case, i really hope you like it ♡ and please, i don't want any arguments in the comments. Just move on if you don't like this! (*´▽`*) (please)
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You've been dating Killua for a year now. Over the past year, you’ve been intimate enough times that it has started to feel boring due to the routine. It's not as exciting as it was during your first time together.
Yes, the first time is unique and special, and comparing that initial experience to those that followed is foolish.
But you still remember the sensation of that first time: his hands moving over your body as if staying still wasn't an option, his mouth passionately kissing every possible spot, those sweet and dirty words at the same time, the knot in your stomach slowly unraveling with each powerful thrust, those moans sounding like the most wonderful melody, the praises, your own cries of pleasure, and the feeling of becoming one with the man of your life, the man you have always loved.
Oh my God, you would do anything to relive those sensations. You definitely need to spice up your sex life.
You’ve been thinking for a few days now about things that could help you break out of this routine, something new and exciting.
“Hey, Killua!”
A high-pitched male voice broke the silence and interrupted your thoughts.
“Yes, Gon?”
“Pamu is forcing me to go on a date with her tonight, so you’ll have to go to the gym by yourself this time.”
“Alright, I see. It’s not a problem, but be careful with that crazy girl-”
“No, you won’t go alone! I want to come with you!”
The two young adults looked at you in astonishment. Given all the times they both tried to drag you to their probably very boring gym sessions, you can understand their surprise at your sudden motivation. However, it seemed to delight Killua, who was the one most insistent on having you accompany him. Even though, after you declined their offers so many times, he had stopped asking.
But today, you have the best motivation: having sex in public. That’s the perfect way to spice up your sex life!
“Great! We’ll go in three hours, late enough that the fewest people possible will see you embarrass yourself trying to lift weights that are too heavy for you…”
You arrive in front of the gym. On the way, he asked you many questions about your sudden motivation. But of course, you made sure not to reveal anything.
Once inside the gym, he takes your hand, and you run to a completely empty room. There’s nothing but a few workout machines and some dim lighting that creates a subdued atmosphere.
He starts explaining your workout plan, even teasingly saying, “I’m going to do everything to exhaust you”… My God, he has no idea how much.
“Alright, tell me why you wanted to accompany me today? I’m curious.”
“Nothing, I just want to get in shape. Also, I’d like to learn how to fight. Can you help me?”
“Of course. I’ll focus on you today. Now, stay right where you are.”
He comes up behind you and positions your body a certain way for an exercise (who cares about the name). You are now bent over with your knees slightly bent. Feeling Killua’s hands on you, even in a (for now) non-sexual context, gets you so excited and wet that you start blushing and smiling foolishly while rubbing your legs together a bit for relief. Suddenly, you feel a pair of eyes on you and look in Killua’s direction, seeing him as red as a tomato. He averts his gaze and places one hand on your back and the other almost on your butt to make you bend over more. “Damn, I’m almost certain he figured it out.”
It’s tough being with someone so smart.
He moves his hands a bit, and finally places them on your waist, turning you towards him and softly kissing your cheek. This gesture triggers something in you, and you don’t hesitate to take matters into your own hands by pushing him against the wall and starting to kiss him more sensually. After all, he has definitely understood your intentions, right? So you might as well go for it as you desire.
Killua was initially surprised, but you had already started, so why would he stop you?
“No. I’m on top,” he said.
He pressed your shoulders down to make you sit and quickly removed his pants with a sly grin, revealing his cock. Blinded by excitement, you didn’t take long before taking his enormous cock into your mouth, sucking it slowly while looking up at him almost innocently into his beautiful blue eyes. Your mouth couldn’t physically accommodate his entire length, so you had to use your hands to cover the parts your mouth couldn’t reach. He grabbed your head and pushed it down to fit more of his cock into your tight little throat. “Fuck… yeah, just like that, take it all.”
He thrust his cock harder and deeper until you started to gag, tears welling up in your eyes. Damn, it was so exhilarating, and the fact that someone could catch you at any moment made you even wetter. You sucked him for a few more minutes before his penis trembled and something semi-liquid exploded inside your mouth.
He lays you down, spreads your thighs, and teases you with his cock, rubbing it everywhere—your clit, your vagina, your thighs…
Then, he slowly enters you, feeling your vagina tighten and pulse around his cock. “You’re so tight.”
He starts moving slowly, sending shivers down your spine, trying to keep his cool and not fuck you as hard as he wants to. Considering his size, even though your vagina is used to it, he doesn’t want to go too fast and risk hurting you. He wants you to take your time to adjust.
Little by little, as the sound of his balls slapping gets louder, he picks up the pace until your moans and pleas fill the room. His cock pumps harder and harder inside you, and the sensation of your vagina sucking his cock is the best feeling you’ve ever known.
You can’t breathe, talk, or do anything but scream his name, barely able to think straight. You look down, and the sight of his cock makes you even wetter than you thought possible. You almost cry out from the sheer pleasure of his enormous cock.
“Oh my God, you’re so tight…” “Good girl. Take it all… argh.”
Suddenly, you feel his finger alternating between rubbing and making small circles on your clit, gently at first, but with each thrust, Killua focuses more intensely on it. “Arghh, I’m going to cum, fuck me harder, my love, fuck me harder!!!” Your legs begin to tremble as you feel him moving even faster inside you, indicating he’s close too.
It’s been a long twenty minutes of him pounding into you, keeping you helpless beneath him. You feel his cock hitting the depths of your vagina, almost seeing a bulge in your lower abdomen. You feel your walls convulsing, your orgasm building up—it’s too much for you. “Oh fuck, y/n, it feels so good… I’m going to cum—” You feel one final, harder thrust, his cock twitching inside you, and you start to feel his white-hot cum filling you up.
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“What? Is that why you wanted to go to the gym? To have sex in a public place?”
“Wait, you didn’t understand? You saw me blushing and smiling, and then you fucked me…”
“You started it, I just followed your lead…”
᱖ English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!!
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Do not repost, use my works outside of Tumblr, copy, translate or plagiarize please !
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
So I asked a while ago about which of our main men would change the most/least of their novels if they went back to the start (and I really loved the answers)…
But how do you think it would work vice versa? If our leading ladies went back to the start who do you think would change the most of their respective novels?
I feel like Marianne and Emma would probably change the most… but most of them would change things quite a bit I think.
Except maybe Fanny not out of lack of want to change things but because she has so much difficulty speaking up. I’ve got to admit I’m swaying back and forth on Lady Susan and Anne though. Bc Lady Susan is just arrogant enough to think that if she knows when/how things are going to go wrong then she can prevent them even when it’s something out of her control or that she doesn’t know the actual cause of. And Anne is quite a lot like Fanny in that she has trouble speaking up and also bc up until Lyme Wentworth is still very angry with her and I’m not sure there’s anything that she could do to mitigate that before then…
Thoughts? 💜
This question is in reference to this question.
I think the person who would change the most is Elizabeth Bennet, she's the only one who has someone she absolutely needs to save. (And Jane Bennet if we are counting her as a heroine.) Fortunately, I think rescuing Lydia would be in their power. Elizabeth would actually flirt with Darcy and she could drop hints about Jane loving Bingley. I think they could prevent Bingley from leaving and through that, prevent Lydia's trip to Brighton (ie take her somewhere else exciting with their wealth, as they take over the care of Kitty in canon). Also, knowing his true nature, they'd likely start some sort of whisper campaign against Wickham.
If only Elinor time travels, she would hopefully be able to inform Colonel Brandon about Willoughby earlier and stop W's romance with Marianne, but I don't think she could stop W&M on her own because she doesn't have any evidence of Willoughby's wrongdoing. She'd at least be prepared for the Lucy reveal and she knows it will turn out okay. I think she'd be intelligent enough to just not touch that and let nature take it's course.
Marianne would go for Colonel Brandon and snub Willoughby, it'd be delightful!. Poor Willoughby would have an ego crisis losing to an "old" man.
Anne Elliot doesn't have trouble speaking up, in my opinion, she just knows it's useless. She's been living with her father and Elizabeth for long enough to know that they won't listen to her. However, she would know the future which would be comforting at least and maybe she could prevent the Lyme fall. I think Wentworth would still wake up to his true feelings even without the fall and Anne is selfless enough to risk it.
Catherine Morland would likely avoid Isabella and her best to keep James from entering into his engagement. She would eagerly look forward to each time she knows that Henry Tilney is coming and would not even accuse General Tilney of being a murderer, not even once!
Fanny Price is actually kind of cruel, because the future would horrify her but I don't think she could do anything to prevent it. Edmund is ineffective, Maria wouldn't listen, and I don't think Fanny would dare approach Sir Thomas. So she'd just be EVEN MORE of a Cassandra and in acute pain the whole time. The fact that she ends up with Edmund would only be a minor consolation, given her personality.
Lady Susan would try again with her better knowledge, she might even succeed 😬 the horror!
Lastly, Emma. She's a tricky one because I don't know what she would do. She knows Elton sucks, she knows Jane and Frank are engaged, she's ashamed of her behaviour... Does she encourage Harriet to accept the first proposal or do the same thing as last time so she can enjoy a year with a friend? I think she would refrain from encouraging Harriet about Elton, and therefore avoid that heartbreak. Could she wiggle out of Elton's proposal? I don't know. It's going to happen eventually. She may discover that without her flirting with Frank, Knightley doesn't discover his feelings, so she's got to stick as close as possible to her original actions to prevent disaster! However, she would avoid the Box Hill debacle and refrain from bringing up Mr. Dixon with Frank.
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speedingkamori · 1 month
hi!! saw in ur rules u write for yandere content👀 if ur down for it, could you write for yandere scout?? lowkey obsessed w ur jealous fic so maybe you could piggy back off that?? just a though?? thank you !!! -🐌
Bandages | Yandere!Scout x reader
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Unofficial sequel to: jealousy
Warnings: obviously yandere (possessiveness, extreme jealousy, anger, maybe a little bit of gaslighting… etc), SLIGHT medic x reader if you squint.., not proof read and probably not very good ;-;
I’m glad someone liked it lolol I mentioned before that I haven’t written anything in foreverrr and am very rusty- especially when it comes to things that aren’t fluff @_@ Also SO so sorry for the wait, genuinely did not mean to take this long ugh </3
Scout was ecstatic- over the moon! Now that you we’re finally his, things we’re starting to look up. For the longest time he was being eaten alive by his own unrequited love, sinking deeper into this sickening feeling he had in his gut every time he saw you- but now you belonged to him! He finally had you!
You’d been together for a little while at this point and he expected this awful feeling to go away once he had settled into your new relationship, but to his surprise it was only getting worse.
He felt his stomach drop anytime he saw you talking with any of the other mercs. The way they patted your back when you did good out on the field, the way you’d laugh when they told some stupid joke. God, it was disgusting.
After a particularly tough mission he watched as the medic pulled you into his office, gently tending to your wounds.
“You’re really banged up…” Medic remarked, a small chuckle slipping from his lips. “Not to worry, you’re in good hands!” He had his usual crazed smile as he tended to you.
Scout couldn’t take it anymore and cleared his throat to announce his presence.
“Is all that really necessary, Doc?” He huffed, leaning in the door way.
Medic was a bit taken aback by his questioning, but before he could answer you stepped in, excited to see your boyfriend after such a hard battle.
“Jer!” You smiled excitedly. “You came to check on me? Do you care about me or something?” You teased as he let himself into medics office, wrapping an arm around a bit too tightly.
“Course I did, I was worried sick. Glad to see you’re holding up okay.” He wasn’t lying entirely. He knew you’d be fine, what really worried him was you being alone with Medic. I’m his mind everyone wanted you to themselves the same way he did, he had to make sure they didn’t try and take you away.
“You ready to get outta here?” He asked the question as if you weren’t receiving medical treatment. You turned back to Medic, giving him a nervous, but sympathetic smile.
He rolled his eyes, sighing at your antics. “Young love.” He remarked. “Ja, I suppose you’re good to go- just take it easy for the next couple days.”
“Thanks, doc!” You jumped down from the desk excitedly. “You’re the best.”
That set something off inside Scout, he clenched his fist tightly as he felt this rage bubbling up inside him. You grabbed his hand, temporarily snapping him out of his trance as you lead him out of the office. The door shut behind you and he stopped in his tracks, his hand slipping from yours.
“Aw- sorry doll, there’s somethin’ I need to talk to Medic about…” he pressed a firm kiss to your temple that seemed to linger a bit longer than normal. “Why don’t you head back to my room and relax a little bit, I’ll meat you there soon alright?”
You smiled up at him, nodding your head as you toddled off. It was pretty late and you were tired, you had 0 issue getting all comfortable in bed.
Once you were out of sight his sweet expression fell as he re-entered the medical wing.
“Hey, Doc.” He spat. “I gotta bone to pick with you.”
Medic looked up from the supplies he was cleaning up. He sighed in annoyance, not wanting to deal with Scouts shenanigans.
“Alright, but make it quick.”
“I don’t like the way you keep feelin’ up my girl.” He hissed. “I see the way you look at her, but she’s with me! So back off.”
Medic couldn’t help but laugh. “You can’t be serious…” he looked down at Scout, seeing the anger in his eyes, he sighed again and rested his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Look, I understand, you are jealous and insecure-“
Scout slapped his hand away, grabbing him by the collar.
“This ain’t about me! This is about you.” He snarled. “I’m tellin’ you nicely to back off, this’ll be your only warning. Don’t make me get ugly.”
“Du bist ein verlorener Fall…” Medic pushed Scout off, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Alright, fine. I’ll- I’ll back off.” He wasn’t taking Scout very seriously at all but he was honestly too tired to deal with any of this. Despite this, this was a satisfactory answer for Scout and he seemed to let up a bit.
“Glad we have an understanding…” he huffed. Without another word he turned and left quick.
Medic watched him leave, shaking his head disapprovingly. “There’s something wrong with that boy…” he remarked to himself.
Scout walked away with his heart pounding on his chest, still a bit angry from the perceived competition. In his mind it was obvious that everyone wanted a piece of you- I mean how could they not? You were perfect!
He paced back and forth outside his own door- he knew you were in there waiting for him. He was mulling over every detail, trying to figure out exactly what to say to you. He had to keep you no matter what, he couldn’t let anybody else get in the way. He sighed, relenting as he finally entered.
“Hey dollface. Ya miss me?”
You were obviously excited to see him again and quickly pulled him in, placing a kiss to his cheek.
“Course I did.” You smiled.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to take so long I just-“ he stopped himself, thinking for a moment before he let out a small sigh. “I got to talkin’ with Medic and I guess I just got wrapped up in everything…”
“What’d you talk to him about?” You asked it so innocently, not realizing you had taken the bait he set out.
“Just checkin’ up on an injury from awhile back- no biggie.” He shrugged a bit, scrunching up his nose. “But he made a few weird comments about you after you left and- I mean I couldn’t just ignore that.”
You seemed a bit taken aback, your expression immediately falling. Sure, he was a bit eccentric but Medic had never once made you feel uncomfortable.
“What? What kinda stuff did he say?” You laugh nervously, hoping it wasn’t anything bad. Scout say you down on the bed and began to tell you all the uncomfortable remarks the doctor had made. He held your hands tight and said everything so earnestly- you had no reason not to believe him. He had never given you a single reason to doubt him.
“Of course I had to speak up, I mean, I’m not just gonna let this creep disrespect my girl…” he pinched your cheek a little, in an attempt to make you feel better or lighten the mood.
“Thanks, Jeremy.” You let out a heavy sigh, hanging your head. “I-I don’t even know what to say…”
“Hey, you don’t gotta say anything.” He reassured you, pulling you into a tight hug. “I’ve dealt with it. You don’t gotta worry about him no more… if you want next time you get hauled in there, I’ll come with- keep watch and make sure he doesn’t try nothing.”
“You’d really do that for me?” You asked quietly.
“You kiddin’? ‘Course I would!” He held on to you tighter, running his hand up and down your back gently. “I’d do anything to make sure you’re safe…”
You laughed softly. “Thanks Jer. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Apart of him felt guilty, for slandering Medic the way that he did. But it was all for you, right? He had to do whatever it took to keep you safe, even at the expense of the other mercs.
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eepwriting · 5 months
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III NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: All of ittttt
!! mdni !!
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
✶ A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex.)
➮ He enjoys cleaning you up with his mouth…
➮ Will ensure you’re satisfied before he passes out.
✶ B = Body Part (Favorite on them, favorite on you.)
➮ His likes his hands. They help him do what he loves to do.
➮ He’s a tit guy don’t even try to change my mind. Whether you’re well endowed or not, he’s spending a lot of time worshipping your chest.
✶ C = Cum (Anything do to with cum.)
➮ He loves to finish in your mouth, bonus points if you open your mouth to show him before you spit/swallow.
✶ D = Dirty Secret (Self Explanatory?)
➮ He’s a finger sucker. That’s it.
✶ E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
➮ He’s got a good amount of experience. Excited to try things with you that you’ve never done if you’re less experienced.
✶ F = Favorite Position
➮ Doggy/Standing. Especially loves standing at the end of the bed, you laying down, your hips angled up to him.
✶ G = Goofy (Are they serious or fun and playful?)
➮ He’s very playful. Will tickle you, crack jokes and make funny faces sometimes.
✶ H = Hair (How well groomed are they?)
➮ Sometimes he lets it go all natural, sometimes he trims/shaves. Just depends on his mood.
✶ I = Intimacy (How intimate are they in the moment?)
➮ Depends on his mood. If he’s feeling especially lovey dovey towards you, he’ll praise you endlessly, his kisses are long and passionate.
➮ Now…most of the time, he’s fast, somewhat rough and intense.
✶ J = Jerking Off
➮ He’s a fan. Whether you’re with him or not.
➮ Likes to jerk off over you as you sleep…I’m sorry.
✶ K = Kinks
➮ Hair pulling and choking. Both on him.
✶ L = Location (Their favorite place to do the do.)
➮ He’s really just a bedroom guy. Sometimes prefers you backwards on the couch, him standing behind you.
✶ M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
➮ As stated before, he likes his hair pulled. If the two of you are making out and you tug on his hair a little, it’s go time.
✶ N = No (Something they would never do.)
➮ No scat. No piss.
✶ O = Oral (Preference on giving and receiving.)
➮ He’ll definitely go down on you if you ask but won’t try to do it all the time.
➮ He does love blowjobs though, especially when they’re messy.
✶ P = Pace (Are they rough and fast or careful and gentle?)
➮ He’s fast, almost impatient.
➮ Unless it’s early in the morning, having just woke up, he’ll take it slow and easy.
✶ Q = Quickie
➮ BIG fan of quickies. If he’s got a few minutes, he’s pulling you away from whatever you’re doing.
✶ R = Risk (Do they experiment?)
➮ He really enjoys trying new things with you and himself. A very “I’ll try anything once.” kinda guy.
✶ S = Stamina (How long do they last?)
➮ He’s got a lot. Will get you off multiple times before he finishes even once.
✶ T = Toys (Do they use them? On you or themselves?)
➮ He has a small bag of various toys he keeps in his closet. Will pull them out every once in a while.
✶ U = Unfair (How much do they tease you?)
➮ He’s a big tease. Will work you up with his mouth and hands. Kisses on your neck and chest, his hands groping and squeezing on your body. Only to walk away and pretend nothing ever happened.
✶ V = Volume (How loud are they?)
➮ He’s very vocal, whether it’s moans and groans, grunts or general conversation he has you with you, he doesn’t try to keep quiet.
✶ W = Wild Card (Random head cannon.)
➮ As mentioned before, he loves jerking off over you as you sleep…so he also enjoys fucking you while you sleep as well. (Obviously the two of you talked about this beforehand.)
✶ X = X-Ray (What will we find under their clothes?)
➮ A tattoo on his hip and a couple on his legs.
✶ Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
➮ It’s high. Again, if he’s a got a couple minutes he’s using them to his advantage.
✶ Z = Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
➮ When he’s done cleaning you up, the second his head hits the pillow, he’s out. Loud snorer too.
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
I have a lot of thoughts about this man y’all.
Feel free to request anything you’d like to see <3
K. Bye bye.
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skzooweemama · 11 months
Hello!!! Omg I've recently been obsessing over your posts 😅 I love your writing style!
If you're not too busy, could you do a thing that's like skz's reactions to finding out you're ticklish?
It's totally fine if you don't want to, take care!! 💕
yes ofccccc!! i'm so glad you like my writing!
formal apologies to all my not ticklish stays- just pretend for this one :) <33
two posts in two days? who am i? guess i’m on a writing kick lol- unfortunately i do not think this will continue (but also i don’t want it to be another month before i post again so i’m gonna do my best)
anyway- hope y’all enjoy!! this was super fun to write! still experimenting w formatting too so stay tuned 😵‍💫
Bang Chan:
channie definitely figured it out quick
literally he is always touching you
we've been over this
of course he is a gentleman
his love language may be physical touch, but he had to make sure you're okay w that first!
waits until you begin to initiate affection more often before he gets clingy
but then he's kind of all over you :)
you invited him over to your place one night, and even though he had just been working for hours, he was just too excited to see you
he was super tired though, so you took it upon yourself to set up a cute movie date so the two of you could just chill out and cuddle
at first, channie was just happily cuddled up against your side, an arm lazily slug around you waist while you petted his hair
it was cute and sleepy and perfect
until he just had to go and mess it up
chan's musicality seemed to get the best of him as he began to drum the rhythm to one of their tracks out on your waist
your very ticklish waist
there was a noble and valiant effort to stop yourself from freaking out, but alas
you let out a squeal and suddenly chan perked up, his exhaustion completely gone
safe to say you got pinned to the couch and tickled within an inch of your life
praying for you babe, he is a true monster
Lee Know:
minho wasn't really on the hunt for your tickle spots tbh
honestly, it's not something he thinks about a lot
unless it's happening right in front of him or he's feeling mischievous and he can take it out on someone in his direct vicinity (ex. our maknae on top)
his interest has to be piqued first
that's why when he figured out that you're ticklish, it was literally in the most cliche way possible
that's right- you got stuck in your shirt
it was a cute top that was way too expensive, but you had splurged a bit because you wanted something nice to wear on night outs
unfortunately, it was also incredibly tight and hard to get on and off
especially for your tipsy post-date brain... you were struggling
that's how minho found you, with your top half off, arms trapped in the fabric pulled over your head
he scoffed at you, shaking his head and tutting that you should've asked for help
just like him to be condescending at a time like this smh
but he does help you, grasping at your fabric cage and yanking upwards
and it was so helpful, except for the fact that he just barely brushed your underarms
which made you squeal and pull away from him
which made him curious
minho helped you out of the top completely before he decided to explore what made you squeal like that
after that, though, he tackled you onto the bed and found every single tickle spot you had before he even thought about letting you go
and he's a meanie too... idk if you'll survive :)
changbin has definitely tried to tickle you before
he just never found the spot
yk how sometimes you'll see vids of idols "tickling" their member's forearms or like shoulder?
he did shit like that, fully expecting you to laugh
safe to say you did not
so he had mostly given up, content with the fact that you aren't ticklish
he did start to take you on gym dates
and on one of these gym dates he discovered just how wrong he was
you decided to try to do an unassisted chin up, which you had been building up to by using resistance bands each time you tried
changbin was standing close by for moral support (and also to catch you just in case)
you made sure to remember the proper technique and pulled yourself all the way up, chin just meeting the bar
changbin cheered when you dropped down, grasping your waist and kissing your cheek proudly
you felt so victorious! but when changbin's hand just brushed against the skin of your stomach from beneath your shirt, you froze and let out a squeak of surprise
despite my earlier comments, changbin is no dummy
you can be sure that later that night he decided to see just how sensitive you really were
you'll never have a moment of peace with him now ;))))
hyunjin is a poker
for some reason, those long fingers of his are just drawn to exposed skin
changbin is a frequent target, but tbh all of the members have fallen victim to his shenanigans at some point
and ofc, there's no special treatment, even if you're dating him
you will be poked, and it will tickle
your first mistake was wearing a new shirt that had those slits going diagonally down the front of the top
you hadn't even thought anything of it when you put it on that morning
i mean, it's a shirt and you were under the assumption that your boyfriend wasn't a weirdo
(you were wrong)
that night, hyunjin decided to help you make some dinner
and by "help" i mean he stood behind you with his hands around your waist and his chin on your shoulder while you cooked, talking your ear off about whatever came to his mind
he's annoying
anyway, eventually he got bored
you were too focused on the food! how could you ignore him?!
as he stewed in his boredom, his fingers found their way to the slits in the front of your shirt and brushed up against your warm skin
and then, he delivered one firm poke
right to your bellybutton
immediately, you let out a strained giggle and tried to move away from him, but unfortunately he had you trapped between the kitchen counter and his body
before you could even devise another plan of escape, his hands slipped beneath your shirt and began to wreck your tummy, shirt slits be damned
you nearly died that night, and it was certainly not the last time something like that happened~
jisung was shy
really he was, especially at the beginning of your relationship
it took him a while to even work up the nerve to kiss you after you began dating, and even then he was kind of drunk
but somewhere around the 3 month mark, a switch flipped
he began to touch you more and he was more playful
introverts are funny like that
it stands to reason that he discovered how ticklish you were not long after
i mean, how were you supposed to respond when he asked to give you a foot massage? say no?
you tried that, but he pouted and you caved
you sort of accepted the fact that he'd find out, especially when you got out of the shower to find him on your bed with lotion and foot masks
and he looked so fcking cute too, curse you jisung >:(
safe to say he knew something was up as soon as you sat down to offer him a foot to massage
you were bright red, stuttering, and even sweating a lil bit
and when he started teasing?! telling you how cute you looked?!!?
oh no, you were done for
he couldn't even start massaging, you collapsed in giggles as soon as his fingers grazed the bottoms of your feet with lotion
your silly boyfriend started laughing at you, and the next thing you knew, your feet were headlocked beneath his arm and he was going to town on them
you screamed and thrashed, and eventually pulled a foot away and gave him a good kick
bad idea, because now he's gonna get revenge by finding out what other spots make you scream <3
felix was totally curious
like you knew he was ticklish (you reminded him of that fact frequently), so shouldn't he know if you were too?
he thought he should
his investigation began one evening when he came over for a sleepover
you, ofc, were expecting nothing but cuddles and romantic cutesy stuff
after your last week of midterms at university, it felt more necessary than ever
felix, on the other hand, was nothing if not conniving
it wasn't his fault that you just looked so cute in your pjs
perfect to test his theories on as well
you had dragged him to the bathroom so you could do skincare together, and then made him sit through a face mask, and then you two finally went to bed
but felix still had to wait for the perfect moment
and he wasn't gonna stop you when your lips found their way to his, small kisses blossoming into a lazy make-out session
emphasis on "lazy" because honestly you could hardly keep your eyes open by the time he pulled away
he giggled and brushed your hair from your eyes, thumb tracing your kiss-swollen lips as he whispered about how pretty you were
you flushed, scolding him about being a tease before you reached to turn off your bedside table lamp
felix suddenly remembered his mission
and his time had arrived
you just barely clicked the light off before felix stuck his fingers right into your armpit, massaging deep circles into your flesh
you positively squealed, unable to stop yourself from falling into witch-like cackles
felix's investigation was a success, and you can bet he'd use these findings again and again
seungmin tickles you to get what he wants
or at least, he does after he finds out about your weakness
and it doesn't take long really
technically, the two of you weren't even official yet when he makes the discovery
the night before, one thing kind of led to another during an after-party, and the next thing you knew, you woke up in the same bed
wearing very little
seungmin was the first to wake up in the morning with a raging headache
no lie, he felt like he had been run over by 20 tour buses
somehow, when he saw you, cuddled into his chest snoozing peacefully, he felt less gross
it was probably because he was in love with you, but he wasn't really ready to admit that to himself yet
and he did really have to pee, and he could not do that with you koalabeared onto him
no time to think about emotions or anything
at first, he tried to shake you awake, which proved to be futile
next, he tried prying your arms off from around his waist, but your grip was like iron
finallly, he tried poking and prodding you because he didn't have any other ideas
almost immediately you began to squirm away, trying to fight off the tickles in your sleepy state
eventually (partly because you were too cute gently giggling and partly because now he really needed to pee) he finally dug into your sides and really gave you a good wake up call
you woke up laughing loudly from the tickles, and when your vision cleared, you saw a blushing seungmin making his way to the bathroom
Jeongin tickles you when you annoy him
which you do a lot
it's like you were built to push all of his buttons istg
the first time he ever found out you were ticklish, you were making fun of him
it was a personal favorite pastime of yours
(definitely not because you thought jeongin was hot when he was frustrated, no ofc not)
today had just not been a good day for him in the slightest
his voice was a bit hoarse so he couldn’t record, he kept missing steps in their dance practice, and to top it all off he was breaking out from the stress of a new comeback
so really, why were you adding gas to that fire?
usually you only bugged him because you wanted to get his mind off of whatever was bothering him
your teasing was light hearted, and you never had bad intentions
but when you wouldn’t stop asking for kisses, started whining at him after he said he didn’t wanna give you kisses, and then sat yourself right on top of him and refused to move… that’s when he got fed up
and yet you kept it up
jeongin decided he needed to do something drastic
and of course he’d never hurt you and he wasn’t truly mad, but he did need to teach you a lesson
so… he set his hands on your hips, looking up at you from where you were seated on his lap, facing him
and he asked if you would move
when you said “no” once again, he squeezed your hips like his life depended on it
you shrieked and fell to the side, trying to squirm away from his evil hands as they tickled you mercilessly
as jeongin pinned you down and made you laugh until you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t help but think about how you deserved this
whatever, it was fun so you just decided to be even more annoying in the future :)
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