#I’m sick and no one cares
sp00kysk3lly · 4 months
You realise no one cares when you’re a type one diabetic, suffering from a virus, haven’t eaten for a week, barely drunk anything for a week, hands and face covered in small red spots and you’re being sick, bang on the floor to get your alcoholic mums attention and she just wakes up and goes to bed….
And this woman is suppose to be my “carer”, yeah ok then. More like she wanted the money, not caring about me.
Pretty much same as my “friends”. One ghosting me, one that doesn’t respond for a week (after reading my message), and one who only wants to talk when they want something.
I’m done. So fuck it. Putting my phone on Do Not Disturb mode and if they want me they’ll have to wait for me to fucking respond to them. I’m done.
My mother’s abuse I can take (barely) I’ve had it all my life. But I thought at least when I got older I’d have decent friends who actually gave a shit about me.
You really know how your future is going to play out once you spend every day crying and alone. Thanks, I guess.
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turtleblogatlast · 1 month
Middle of the night thought that I may extrapolate on much, much later: The next iteration of Leo always has something about them that the previous iteration wanted or was denied of.
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demonidoodles · 9 months
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u know what, fuck u
*otome-fies ur otome company logo*
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crybaby-bkg · 5 months
“Why is my stomach in knots?” you grumble to yourself as you look in the mirror, quickly blending in your makeup. your hands move faster than they should, your nerves already shot to shit and the stiff, hard to blend blush is really starting to irk you. you frown when Bakugou pops in behind you, his face next to yours as he takes you in.
“Whaddya so nervous for?” he asks you, dipping down to kiss the curve of your neck. he’s learned to avoid your face until you powder yourself up, and then he can go crazy. but you’re still blending something wet on your cheeks, and he doesn’t wanna upset you more than you already are.
“What if our date isn’t perfect?” you whisper, finally setting down your brush, your hands wringing in your lap. but bakugou reaches over your shoulders, grabs your palms in his, brings them to his face to kiss and kiss at, despite the barely dried concealer you had swiped on them. he hugs you to his chest, careful still of your face, frowns at the way you try to hide your blooming smile at his affection.
“‘Course it’s gonna be perfect.” He reassures you quietly, pecking the side of your neck. “You’re gonna be there with me; that’s all that matters.” You pout at him through the mirror despite your smile, watching his own face soften as he takes in your almost ready face.
“But what if my date tries to order for me, and won’t let me finish a sentence?” You sigh all melancholy, rolling your eyes into your head. You giggle when he bites at the curve of your shoulder, trying to get away but he holds you tight against his chest.
“Then I’ll beat his fucking ass.” Bakugou mutters into your skin, feeling brave enough to steal a kiss on your cheek. Him being brave—the thought makes you laugh to yourself. Bakugou afraid of scaring you, the love of his life, and being afraid of your wrath from fucked up makeup when he battles villains all day. You turn in your seat, wrapping your arms around his neck when he kneels on the floor behind your stool. He almost looks like he’s praising you, with the way his chin tilts up and his gaze is hyper focused on you and you only.
“You’re such a nerd.” You tease, tucking your chin to your neck when he squeezes your thighs in his hands. He leans forward to steal another kiss, despite the way you lean away and try to push his face from yours.
“Shuddup,” he murmurs, bypassing your hand to peck your lips. He stands when you swat at him, kissing the top of your head this time as he makes his way out of the room to start getting ready. As he leaves, he speaks over his shoulder with a huff,
“And finish your face already. Stop depriving me ‘n shit.” He grumbles. You don’t comment on how red his ears are, his admittance of wanting to kiss you again and again, how he always does. You only blow him a kiss, laugh at the way his shoulders hike and his huffing under his breath, and finally finish getting ready.
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I’ve seen a lot of pro-aborts blame pro-life laws for women facing complications in their pregnancy and the doctors not doing anything about it. They say doctors are scared to take care of women because of abortion bans. When pro-lifers say it’s the doctors fault and it’s medical malpractice, they still blame us.
This past weekend my sister-in-law informed me that her pregnant sister had some bleeding. Her midwife told her to visit the doctor and ask for an ultrasound. The doctor told her there was no reason to and sent her home. Her midwife was pretty upset about her doctor ignoring her request and demanded they do an ultrasound. The ultrasound found she has Placenta Previa and is on bed rest now.
According to Journal of Pregnancy, “Placenta previa and placental abruption have long been recognized as major obstetric complications that result in maternal and fetal mortality as well as morbidity.” No law prevented him from doing an ultrasound to make sure her baby was okay and figure out why she was bleeding. There’s always been an issue with doctors not taking women’s concerns seriously. This has nothing to do with pro-life laws and has everything to do with the failure of medical care women receive from the doctors we are supposed to trust. Women deserve better.
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oddly-casual · 7 months
Trolls Band Together Spoilers
(Clay and Bruce trying their best)
One thing I’ve been dying to talk about are the little ways Bruce and a lay take care of their other siblings and why.
It’s all in the little stuff! Like I am of the belief that Bruce and Clay are so close is because they could only really find solidarity in each other. Growing up no one liked how JD pushed them to be perfect, but Bruce and Clay were the only ones who felt pushed in a box, they were the only ones who got angry.
Floyd was always the peace maker and Branch was a baby so the only ones who understood their anger was each other.
Clay and Bruce always have each others backs, but I wanna talk about how they take care of baby Branch.
Like when Branch is listening to the broad cast with Velvet and Veeneer, Bruce notices Branch’s worry and turns off the radio. (Bruce also carried around Tiny bc he is a true dad.)
During the ‘It takes two’ song, Branch pulls out his blue prints and John Dory immediately pushes Branch out of the way to take control and you can see Clay and Bruce wince like they know it’s a bad idea before Clay pulls John away for the transition shot.
Not to mention Clay and Bruce seem so unironically excited to see Baby Branch that they side like JD, and I know that was probably because they’re still on weird terms with JD, but I don’t think their happiness to see BB was only for pettiness sake.
Maybe there’s some stuff I missed because I only saw the movie once and I looked down at some points to take notes so may haps I missed some back ground stuff but if there is please tell me!
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apelcini · 11 months
there is a hollowness inside of rich kids that truly terrifies me.
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charliethinks · 6 months
school is horrible.
it’s just a place where kids are not being listened to, a place where no one cares about our mental health as long as we are “smart” and “educated”, a place where teachers only come to make money and not to actually help us learn something, a place where thousands of people are being discriminated, a place where “trying your best” is supposedly enough but you’re being punished when you actually do try your best and it’s not “up for their standards”, a place where “everyone’s opinion is right” but there’s always only one good opinion and it’s the teachers, a place where you have to obey to rules that only make you do worst than better, a place where kids don’t want to go because it causes them anxiety, depression, etc.
school is hell.
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mikodaiyo · 4 months
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Sesskag Fluff Week Day 1 // Friendship
Are you unwell, Miko?
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snzluv3r · 27 days
i actually feel so incredibly uncomfortable and isolated in this space right now and i know that’s silly because of how many people there are just like me who share the same feelings but idk…the fact that people even think this is defensible behavior is making me feel sick
#nothing quite like being reminded how disposable you are#during the pandemic that set the stage for everyone to show exactly how much they don’t care about disabled people#i’m tired of people not taking this shit seriously and i’m incredibly angry about it#because i know y’all who are reckless and ignorant and think you’re invincible are going to be the same ones begging to be let in#when they ultimately become disabled too.#and you know what? i’m not ready to give those people grace yet#been screaming it for years but nobody listens until it’s too late#have already had people with obvious long covid who spouted ableist rhetoric this entire pandemic#come to me asking for advice#and honestly? i don’t think you deserve advice#i have so much empathy but i’m TIRED#i don’t fucking care anymore i get that we’ve been lied to this entire time but if you actually wanted to do the research you would#and since i know nobody cares about protecting others#i think you would at least care about protecting yourself considering how selfish you’ve proven yourselves to be#this is at the entire world and everyone who refuses to wake up to the fact that we are screwed#disabled people have been telling you this entire time and it’s still a fuckimg joke#and it will only become serious when it affects them directly#i’m so angry right now#and honestly? if you feel like this is about you at all? in any way? that’s your sign#do fucking better. TEST WHEN YOURE SIXK#stop fucking going out when you’re sick unless it’s necessary#i’m so so tired
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liesmultixxx · 4 months
what’s wrong with me? why am i so fundamentally unlovable?
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khamomile-kitty · 7 months
Only thing I’m gonna say abt it bc I haven’t read the books or participated tje fandom since I was in elementary school but. Ppl’s reaction to Squirrelflight becoming leader is so funny. The misogyny of the authors has rubbed off on the fans I see, how are you gonna tell a victim of domestic abuse that’s she’s a worse leader and suffered less than her husband. And all the alternate leader suggestions from these ppl are the lame ass guys. this is one of the saddest characters in cat fiction let the girlie win at least once good lord
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hollyhomburg · 29 days
In many ways the devastated look on other people’s faces when I explain things that are happening to me is both validating and crushing. For so long I was told that everything was in my head, so when other people react the same way I do I have this moment of /oh/ this really is bad, I’m not making it up.
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heyclickadee · 7 months
So, today on silly headcanons that don’t matter and would probably never apply to the batch’s situation but I like them anyway: Random thoughts on what would happen if each of the batchers had to make a cake (and had unlimited access to all of the ingredients that they’d need):
Omega: Woo!! Cake!! *makes a bunch of space chocolate (there’s space chocolate, right?) cupcakes with a few different colors of icing so that she can put them together and make it look like Ruby. Wrecker keeps walking by to help out and even sneaks her some ruby chocolate chips so it can be a ruby chocolate Ruby cupcake cake. The end result is very cute, even if Omega does have to end up having to use mantell mix to make the face (someone kept eating her cupcakes and she ran out by the time she got to the face). The kitchen, though—it’s a complete disaster by the end, and Omega had the best time making that mess*
Hunter: So…my batter’s cured solid in the mixer. Is that supposed to happen? *Okay, so, his cake looks gorgeous. He’s managed to paint a sunset on Pabu onto what looks like a three tiered cake with buttercream, and it’s got this amazing texture and impressionistic look. Unfortunately, when you cut into it, it’s just three tiers of ground up ration bars fused into a kind of concrete using burnt caramel. It tastes like sand and death.*
Echo: It’ll be perfect as long as I follow the recipe. *He looks at the recipe, sees at least five ingredients he can’t eat, and decides to make a smoothie that he can eat instead. He’s not a big fan of cake, and that’s okay. It’s a really good smoothie.*
Tech: Baking is just chemistry. What could go wrong? *Lots of things. Lots of things can go wrong. Turns out that chemistry (outside of biochem) is a bit of a blind spot for Tech, and our guy can’t just follow directions without experimenting a little. Or a lot. In the end, he does end up with something. It’s not cake, but it’s definitely something. Some might call it clam chowder in a bread bowl. Really good clam chowder in a bread bowl. Just—it’s definitely not cake.*
Crosshair: Hhmm. *Crosshair can’t be too bothered to make a cake, so he buys three boxes of space funfetti cake mix, follows the directions on the box exactly, stacks the three funfetti cakes with funfetti icing in between, and then decorates the whole thing with the icing leftover from both Hunter’s and Omega’s cakes. That said, his piping is amazing. Everyone’s afraid to eat his cake because it looks so pretty. He also ate about five of Omega’s cupcakes, but it’s okay—she kept putting them on his side of the table so that he would.*
Wrecker: YEAH! CAKE TIME, BABY!! *disappears for three days and re-emerges with this gravity defying illusion cake that looks like the Maurader flying over a rocky moon full of B-1s. The B-1s are made of tempered chocolate and full of salted caramel, he’s using at least four different flavors of cake and three different kinds of cream filling, there’s a ganache river on the moon surface, the marauder cake is actually levitating (because Star Wars), it has jets of sugar glass that actually light up coming out of the engine, AND it fires choux pastry proton bombs that actually explode with jogan fruit mousse when they hit the ground. There’s even a whole section especially made for Echo so that he can eat it. And it all tastes perfect. He ends up the designated cake guy on the rare occasions they need a cake, and he couldn’t be more delighted.*
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lunarian-anarchist · 2 months
Tbh if you only call out antisemitism when nazis or right wingers do it, then you view antisemitism as tool you can use and not something you genuinely care about.
And if you don’t speak against antisemitism because you feel it’s a “distraction” from a “Greater cause ™” this same rule applies.
This is true whether or not you’re consciously aware of it.
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crisis-arts · 6 months
Maybe Trick-or-Sweet bear?
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Trick or Sweet my beloved 🎃🖤
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