#and you know what? i’m not ready to give those people grace yet
snzluv3r · 4 months
i actually feel so incredibly uncomfortable and isolated in this space right now and i know that’s silly because of how many people there are just like me who share the same feelings but idk…the fact that people even think this is defensible behavior is making me feel sick
#nothing quite like being reminded how disposable you are#during the pandemic that set the stage for everyone to show exactly how much they don’t care about disabled people#i’m tired of people not taking this shit seriously and i’m incredibly angry about it#because i know y’all who are reckless and ignorant and think you’re invincible are going to be the same ones begging to be let in#when they ultimately become disabled too.#and you know what? i’m not ready to give those people grace yet#been screaming it for years but nobody listens until it’s too late#have already had people with obvious long covid who spouted ableist rhetoric this entire pandemic#come to me asking for advice#and honestly? i don’t think you deserve advice#i have so much empathy but i’m TIRED#i don’t fucking care anymore i get that we’ve been lied to this entire time but if you actually wanted to do the research you would#and since i know nobody cares about protecting others#i think you would at least care about protecting yourself considering how selfish you’ve proven yourselves to be#this is at the entire world and everyone who refuses to wake up to the fact that we are screwed#disabled people have been telling you this entire time and it’s still a fuckimg joke#and it will only become serious when it affects them directly#i’m so angry right now#and honestly? if you feel like this is about you at all? in any way? that’s your sign#do fucking better. TEST WHEN YOURE SIXK#stop fucking going out when you’re sick unless it’s necessary#i’m so so tired
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euphorickaeya · 2 years
buwan’s notes : people seemed to really like my first fic, so I’m gonna write more about it haha hehe
summary : news spread of their creator’s behaviour to the people of Liyue, and the archons think they could scold their god for their behaviour, but the creator proves them wrong.
CW: obsession, revenge, classic signora move of taking a gnosis lols, threatening, sagau. (The dendro archon is not here lols, Nahida is granted full immunity from Reader’s wrath.)
recommended song : you should see me in a crown - billie eilish.
taglist : @emperatris-rinaka | @iyhmibyo | @nicebonescomrades
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“It’s completely cruel behaviour!” Venti cried out, looking over to your throne, where you sat unwavered by Venti’s attempt to shake sense into you.
“That family’s probably suffering and you had denied them mercy! Your grace, it’s wrong!” Venti walked up to your throne, but a glare from you was enough to make him stop a few feet away.
“If you know what’s better for you, I’d say you stay right where you stand.” You hissed. Your glare redirected itself to the remaining archons in the room, all sat stiff in their respective seats, unable to look at you, for your eyes held nothing but hatred.
Even if they were archons, how could they bare such a scorning glare?
“Firstly, I thought this gathering was about my next plans as creator? not a pathetic scolding from an absent archon.” You didn’t have to pierce your spear to know you’ve hurt the anemo archon to a horrible degree.
“Second, what does it matter what I say, is this not what you wanted? A creator that ruled? I wasn’t made aware that I had to be kind, or generous,” you stood from your crystal seat, the heels of your shoes hitting the marble with ear-piercing clanks.
“I..your grace, it’s just inhumane.. only you have the power to cure any sickness from this world..” Venti suddenly cowered, even though he stood so proud just a few minutes before.
You scoffed, “please, what’s inhumane is the treatment I received upon descending on these lands.” Venti clenched his fists, refusing to take your selfish behaviour as an answer.
“Your grace, I understand your hurt and anger but you are the creator, your job-“ Venti couldn’t finish his sentence before crystals appeared paper thin right in front of his gaze. Ready to pierce, ready to kill.
“You absolute idiot. You don’t understand shit.” You spat, walking up to him, face to face, glaring into his core. “How dare you, tell me what my job is, you weren’t even anything, before I made you.” the crystals seemed to close in, making Venti hold in a breath he didn’t even know he took.
“You don’t want a creator, or a god, you want a puppet.” Your eyes glance at the sitting archons, all sporting a face of worry and tension. “You want a face so that you could do what you want.” Zhongli and Ei could hear the steps you took toward their table booming in their ears.
Loud and deafening, intimidating them to submit. “The only reason I’m sitting here is because of my gold blood,” you scoffed, seeing the archons move uncomfortably in their seats, “even then, if it wasn’t that golden colour you so desired, my head would be on display for those who “dared” to defy the creator’s will.” You slammed your hands on the table, making the archons flinch.
Ei could do nothing but gulp, her hands felt sweaty, her electro vision starting to bolt around in her hands, nervous.
“Your grace, you’re overreacting.” The tsaritsa stood, from her seat, and faced you. Challenging you, unable to take the horrible scolding you were giving them.
“Am I? Was hunting me down through teyvat, not overreacting? Was the celebratory feast of the capture of the imposter not overreacting?”You took a step towards the cryo archon, her cold glare suddenly breaking under your hardening stare back. “Was my planned execution, not overreacting?”
“You speak so much about what’s right and wrong, and have let your subjects do wrongful things in my name, yet I’m the one who’s overreacting.” You laughed, now you stood face to face with the archon, her stare somehow not wavering as she stood in front of her creator.
“Tell me, Tsaritsa, is this overreacting?” You asked, a sarcastic smile on your face, before you phased your hand through her chest, the cryo archon did not have enough time to even furrow her eyebrows in confusion before she was face to face with her own gnosis.
Suddenly, she felt the hollow interior of her body, making her gasp, shattering her cold demeanour. Her hand reached up to clutch her chest as she unwillingly wobbled, unable to come face to face with her core of power.
“I’ve given you all too much power, even as archons. Now, you think you could boss me around like a servant at your feet.” You inspected the chess piece in your palms, the cold of the cryo power radiated from said piece.
The crystalline blue glared at you straight in the face, as flurries of snow orbited it, showing anyone just how powerful a gnosis was.
“You don’t respect me, there’s not enough years of devotion under any of your belts to even come close to respecting me.” The six archons in the room now stood in fear, anxiousness of their creator.
A thud was heard, it was obvious that it was from the tsaritsa, who lost all of her strength in standing herself up, putting up a ground.
The tsaritsa could on stare at you in betrayal, in shock. How could a god she worshipped so passionately, take away their blessings so quickly?
“What can we do to have you forgive us, your grace? Say the word and we’ll do it,” the hydro archon stood up from her seat, desperation and a desire to please her god written all over her place.
A silence took over the room for a bit, you seemed like your were contemplating, even maybe taking in the hydro archon’s question, even the rest of the archons peaked their ears, trying to find out what would return their kind and generous creator back up to the surface.
It felt like days before you could answer, a laugh left your divine lips, you laughed out of mocking, of sarcasm, as the archons felt their hope slowly diminish at your heartless and emotionless laugh.
“If you think you can earn my forgiveness, you’re better off earning something else.”
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why-what-no · 2 years
New Obsession
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Pairing: Captain James Hook x Reader, Former Peter Pan x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Swearing, Attempted Murder, Dacryphilia
Notes: guys, I finally posted something for the first time in a while! You proud of me?? Sorry for disappearing, I had so much going on irl, but I’ve got a bunch of spare time over the next while so I’m gonna try to get back into writing more often and finally getting through the last couple of requests I haven’t finished yet :):)
Summary: Having visited Neverland many times before as a child, she returned to Neverland after growing and was struck with the realization that it wasn’t what she remembered. Pan was no longer her anchor and protector, and she was forced to realize that everything on the island is a danger to her. Except for, to her surprise, the gentleman pirate whom she used to be terrified of
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All around (Y/N), the pirates were reveling on the deck of the Jolly Roger, completely unaware of the way her mind was racing. Her heart heavy as the thoughts of Peter crushed her. The lost boy never stayed away from her thoughts for long, always returning with some good memories as well as the more recent terrible ones.
"Please tell me you forgive me, lost girl." His green eyes were filled with tears and his voice breaking as he held her down against the bed, dagger in his raised hand. Preparing to plunge it down into her heart, a betrayal worse than anything she had ever experienced. "I have to do this. I have to! But I couldn't live if you don't forgive me."
The heartbroken sound in his voice and look on his face made her want to forgive him; an automatic reaction that made her feel sick. Disgusted in herself and her weakness. Did she truly love that boy – any boy – so much that she could forgive him for her murder? With no explanation or attempt at redemption?
But she didn't give him a reply, and when he faltered, she ran. And now, she was with the people she had once considered her enemies. To an extent, they still were, of course. But they were also now her best hope for allies against Peter – against Pan – on this island. And there was something about the forget-me-not blue of their captain's eyes... they almost made her forget that the color green existed.
Now, those eyes were staring at her from the other side of the deck, as Hook sat in his captain's chair, gazing intensely at (Y/N) without any emotions on his face. His crew was cheering and grinning around him, but he didn't even spare them a glance.
It almost made her tense up, she wasn't used to feeling such vulnerability, pinned under the gaze of a man like Hook. She remembered him vaguely from when she was a young girl, although she had never actually interacted with him until the week she had left. He had seemed so old to her, so scary and untouchable. Peter had always encouraged her to feel that way.
Maybe that was why she felt like he was gazing into her soul. Because few people had known her that young, and the ones that did were all either her dearest allies or worst enemies. At the moment, Hook was neither. And so she didn't quite know how to feel about him. There were no boxes to put him into in her head.
But unfortunately for her sanity and dignity, there were words to explain the unsettled allure that his gaze made her feel in the pit of her stomach.
It didn’t help that he looked so… enticing. Strong and angular features, and a gracefulness in the way he moved. Everything was deliberate with him, every action purposeful and stayed in her mind for longer that it should. His pale skin stood in contrast to his long dark hair, cascading over his face and framing those hypnotic forget-me-not blue eyes. 
He stood up, drawing glances from his crew but quickly being ignored again when they recognized that he wasn't about to give any announcements. No, only (Y/N) was looking at him as he made his way towards her. Like a large cat, a mountain lion or a panther ready to pounce. To tear her apart.
But he didn't, merely stopped in front of her, leaning forward as the girl looked up into his eyes. It wasn't that he completely towered over her, but his regality, his aura of power made her feel like he did. "And are you enjoying this evening?" He asked, whispering into her ear. The sound of his voice and the warmth of his breath so close making her nearly shiver.
"Yes." She replied, taking care that her voice sounded even and calm. Trying to ignore how fast her heart was beating, how she had never felt an affect like this before. Like he was a flame that could burn her any second.
Hook's lips curved into a small smile. "Wonderful, a lady such as yourself deserves a fine celebration." His gleaming hook moved to hover against her back, keeping it at a respectful distance. But even though it wasn't touching her, she could practically feel the coolness of the metal against her clothes. It took all her control not to lean into his touch.
"Thank you." She responded, doing her utmost best not to look at him while his eyes stayed glued to her face. "Although I might go to bed soon. I've had enough excitement for the day, I think."
"Of course." Hook responded in a voice that possibly sounded almost... disappointed? "I shall give you the space to relax now, and make sure none of my pirates bother..."
"No -"
(Y/N) mentally slapped herself at her quiet outburst as Hook paused, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I..." She could feel warmth on the back of her neck, praying that she was wasn't turning red. "You're fine. I don't mind your company. I don't... you can stay if you want."
What she really wanted was to jump into the ocean out of sheer mortification and let the mermaids drag her down to the depths. She wouldn't even try to kick or scream.
But Hook just looked surprised, beginning to smile once again.
The man offered her his hand, not his hook like he normally did when he wanted to lead her somewhere. It was surprisingly warm, and so gentle. The callouses that came from sword-work were there, but they felt more like the hands of a musician, a writer. That was the one thing that surprised her the most about Hook, he was a gentleman as much as he was a pirate. Equal parts savage and refined.
Perhaps that was what drew her towards him. She knew he could treat her better than any man she knew... and hurt her worse. He made her feel small beside him, but so important.
"Come with me." He told her, and she immediately followed. Letting him hold her hand and lead her towards the captain's quarters.
It was quiet when they got inside, the large and elegant room surprisingly soundproof. Letting go of her hand, he gestured around the room, giving her permission to look around. "Forgive me for my forwardness, but I couldn't bear the thought of forcing you to sleep in the crew's quarters during your time here. You may take my bed if you wish, I rarely use it."
"Where will you sleep?" (Y/N) asked, walking over to the large bed and sitting down on it, facing Hook.
"I have a nasty habit of falling asleep at my desk, my dear." He chuckled for a moment, before tensing up once again. "But if you would prefer to spend your nights alone, I shall disappear until you wake."
She shook her head. "No, it's alright. It's your room, Captain."
"James." He replied.
He stepped closer. "My name is James Hook, or has Pan not told you that already?" The captain walked over to his table to pour each of them wine into glasses made from large glimmering seashells.
The lost boy hadn't told (Y/N) that. "He mostly told me stories of your rather violent pursuits. Pan very much wanted me to know that you would torture and kill me if I ever spoke to you. That you were a beast who took pleasure in the pain of others."
"Ah." James Hook said, handing her the wine. "No doubt to make sure your loyalty was to him only."
He was probably right. And (Y/N) was just disappointed that it took so long for her to realize that. So many people had attempted to do that to her in her life, to twist her reasoning and manipulate her into thinking that they were the only people she could trust. And for some reason, Peter had succeeded so easily. Perhaps it was her young age and inexperience, but at that point in her life she should have already known better. Or perhaps it was love that made her blind.
"So, you're telling me that it was all a lie? All his stories about you."
He chuckled, standing over her sitting form while taking a sip of his wine. Her hands were folded almost docilely in her lap as she looked up at him, taking in his elegant features. "The stories were true, I assume. I've done enough pillaging in my lifetime that there are any number of truthful tales for that boy-demon to share with his followers."
He paused.
"However." He smirked down at her, before reaching down to slip a finger under her chin. (Y/N) looked down and away as he did that, cheeks warm but not pushing away his touch. At her lack of pushback, he used those fingers to tilt her head upwards so that he could make sure she continued to stay captivated by his intense blue stare, using his thumb to gently stroke along her chin. She could feel how close his touch was to her lips, and she pressed her thighs together instinctually. "I would never dream of killing a precious jewel such as yourself. And thought of your torture brings me great pain." Hook said to her, almost like a whisper. She didn't reply, too caught off guard by the intimacy in his touch. As well as by the dark desire that he was instilling in her.
But for a brief moment, Hook saw her silence as discomfort. "Forgive me my forwardness." He murmured, stepping just out of reach. His hand by his side once more. A sight that felt so unbearable to (Y/N) that a rush of shame overtook her for a second. She was now she was buckling under the weight of a pirate's glance. Of his quick and gentle touches.
"It's alright." She replied, trying to reassure him that she didn't mind his ‘forwardness’. "Do you want to sit? With me?" She patted a spot beside her on the bed, displaying a forwardness of her own. Not wanting him to have to continue standing (and it was easier for her to speak when he wasn't standing over her), and not wanting him to be far from her.
His surprise at her offer morphed into a small grin as he sat down right beside her. "Thank you, dearest." He faced her while sitting, his whole body turned towards her like a moon orbiting a planet. "You are very kind."
(Y/N) doubted that. Most of her kindness was born from selfish reasons. Mainly, the selfish desire to pull him close to her and get him to make her forget about what was happening in Neverland. "Thank you... James."
He smiled as she spoke his proper name. "I can see why Pan was so immediately taken with you."
And there it was. Pan was like a dark cloud constantly following her, and with Hook's obsession in the boy, perhaps he wasn't the best person to distract her from him.
(Y/N)’s distaste of the mention of Pan's name seems to be visible on her face. "My apologies." Hook murmured, reaching forward to take her hand in his. "I should not have mentioned him to you."
"I just... I don't understand why he would do it. I loved him. He loved me."
"He's not capable of love." Hook told her gently, seemingly believing his words. "It's the price he paid for everlasting life."
"He was. He was capable. It was just... innocent love. Childhood love. And besides, he's older now, we both are. Even you've admitted that things on Neverland aren't what you thought anymore." (Y/N) felt ashamed of her outburst. Ashamed that Pan could pull those emotions out of her.
The pirate captain just looked at her, a sort of resigned look on his face that she couldn't quite decipher. "Of course." He nodded. "You may be right. I'd apologize for my impudence, but I worry that you might be tired of my apologies by now."
"You don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." The girl sighed. "I just don't want to talk about Peter Pan right now."
"Then what would you wish to speak about? Anything you wish to say will be satisfactory to me."
There was something about Hook's attention, his habit of doing or saying exactly the right thing that made her trust him even less and desire him even more. "I don't know. Tell me a story? If you have any?"
He chuckled. "Many more than most people, my dear. Despite this island and it's promised youth, I'm practically an old man now." The sound of his voice was a little bit self-deprecating.
"I wouldn't say that." (Y/N) denied. Maybe he was older that the children on the island, but it wasn't like he was some decrepit old man who was losing his functions. He was... striking.
"No, no, my dear. It's true." He told her, still holding her hand gently. "Growing up is a nasty business. I'm sure you are aware of what I say. All those pesky feelings, the energy of childhood sapped away."
The girl opened her mouth but closed it again. Maybe it was his warm hand stroking hers, the glint of his hook in the candlelight, his intense blue eyes staring into hers. It felt like she had no self-control. It suddenly felt like whatever answer she gave was an important one. It could lead in any direction. And as for the direction she was secretly hoping for....
"It's not all bad." She slid closer to him. "You still have your energy, I'll bet." And all the things that he could do with that energy raced through her head. "You're the most feared and respected pirate on Neverland."
"And those feelings..." She felt like she was regaining some control as she took his hand that previously covered her and gently rested it on her thigh, keeping eye contact with him as she did. "They're not all bad." She barely breathed with nervous anticipation, waiting to see what the pirate did next.
He was certainly surprised, that much was clear on his face. But as the gleam in his eyes grew more intense, she couldn't bring herself to regret what she did.
His hand slid up her thigh, slowly. (Y/N) was pinned under his gaze as her breathing became heavier. She shivered as he skilfully undid the button to her trousers, and without thinking, she reached up to touch his face.
Never in her dreams had she thought she would ever see this man in this way. He had always been the scary pirate, the dark villain of her hero's stories. But as he leaned into her touch as she cupped his cheek, she couldn't help but pull him forward to kiss him.
He immediately reciprocated. And even more, he did exactly what she was hoping for. Taking over control of the situation and moving his hand so that it was buried into her hair, tugging her as close to him as possible.
She moaned as he pulled on her hair, grabbing at his coat for stability. Gone was the caution and gentlemanly politeness that Hook had been displaying, she could only see the dark pirate captain as he bit her lip and rested his hook against her neck.
She knew she was putting herself in danger by touching him, kissing him like this. Like Icarus soaring too close to the sun. But he already had her caught in his orbit.
"I can't say I expected this, my dear. No idea that you wanted the touch of a pirate so badly." Hook said, his breath warm against her lips. "Although I am certainly not displeased."
"I just want your touch." She replied breathlessly as he moved his mouth down to her throat, nipping at her neck and kissing along her collarbone. Pulling her hair so that she was made to tilt her head back to give him better access.
He chuckled, enjoying her honesty and desperation. "And you'll get it. All night you'll get my touch, until you beg for me to stop. Until we leave this room or you tell me to let you go... you're mine." He let go of her. "Lie down on the bed. And don't make me ask twice."
The speed in which she obeyed only made the lustful darkness in his eyes grow. As she laid down, she watched him raise himself so that he hovered over her, kneeling with his legs encasing hers. His shape of his thighs were visible through his pants, as was the growing bulge of his cock. She couldn’t help but glance at it.
“Any man who had the honour of seeing you like this would be blessed by Poseidon himself.” Hook murmured to her, running his hand along her side and grabbing at her hip, leaning over to kiss her deeply, harshly.
She watched him as he unbuttoned her shirt, leaning forward to he could remove it. (Y/N) was half naked below him, revealed and vulnerable but it only made the electric feeling in the lower part of her stomach stronger. Made her even more wet.
And Hook could tell. “But you’re not innocent at all, my love. You want me to make you beg for me, don’t you?”
She nodded as he pressed kisses along her stomach until he reached her breast. Taking one of her nipples into his mouth, licking and tugging at it with his teeth as he groped at the other.
He chuckled against her chest as she gasped at his touch. The vibration of the sound reverberating against her body, feeling like it went straight between her thighs.
She took initiative and kicked off her trousers herself. Reaching up to bury her hands in Hooks hair, pulling him into a kiss.
“I might not ever anyone take you away from me, love.” He growled as she tugged at his dark curls. “I’ll keep you all to myself.” He kept running his hand over her body, driving her wild as her touched her. Somehow intuitively knowing all the spots that could turn her on.
However, once her pants were fully gone, he immediately turned his attention to her soaked cunt. (Y/N) was grateful that there was a party on the deck above them, she wasn’t able to fully cover up her moans as James Hook pressed his face against her core.
She held on to his hair tightly, trying to gain some type of stability as his tongue pressed against her clit and into her cunt. “So wet.” He smirked. “All for me? You filthy girl.”
He added a finger only a second later, doing everything he could to remove any thoughts from her brain. Wanting pleasure to be her only sensation. There was something about her that made him go feral, wanting to make this succubus of a women moan and cry for him all night and every night.
“Please.” She begged, tears pricking at her eyes at the onslaught of satisfaction that the pirate captain was giving her. “I want you, please James.”
The sight of her tears only turned him on more, and so he submitted to her pleads. “You want me to fuck you, love? Is that right? You want me to make you come so hard that I ruin any other man for you? To make you mine?”
“Yes.” She let out a gasping sob. “Please.”
“Your wish is my command.” Hook grinned darkly, finally pressing his cock against her folds and pushing inside quickly. He wanted to spilt her open, wanted to make her go brainless for him.
She dug her nails into his back as he rocked in and out of her. He delighted in her moans, at the look on her face as he took her closer and closer to her climax.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had someone as seductive as her in his arms, couldn’t remember the last time that fucking someone felt as good as it did as he plunged his cock into this woman.
Everything about her drew him in, and this obvious confirmation that she desired him as well only served to make him need her more. He grew even harder at the thought of doing this with her again. Of holding her tightly as he fucked into her whenever they wanted.
And (Y/N) could barely think that far ahead with how good Hook was making her feel. It felt as though there was nothing in her brain at all except for the thought of how his cock felt rubbing against the walls of her cunt, of hitting her g-spot as he slammed into her. His fingers rubbed her clit as he did, and she could feel her orgasm approaching.
Hook could too. “Do you want to come, my dear?” He asked her, his hook right beside her face, the glean of the lantern next to them gleaming off of it. “Have you been good enough to be allowed to come?”
She nodded quickly, looking into his gorgeous blue eyes desperately. When he told her she could come, the coil that had been building and building within her finally released, and Hook had to muffle her scream of pleasure with a kiss. If they had been alone on the island, he would have been delighted at the noises he was pulling out of her, but he didn’t want one of his pirates rushing in and interrupting them.
The look on her face as she came was more satisfying that any treasure to him, and couldn’t help but kiss her forehead and face as she caught her breath
(Y/N) collapsed against the bed as he did. “You were perfect, my darling.” James murmured to her, moving away to grab a towel to clean her up.
“So were you.” She smiled at him, relaxed as her mind began to return to her. “Although I can now understand why Pan called you a beast.”
Hook chuckled, his gaze was soft as he leaned down to kiss her. “No more talk of Pan.” He told her. “Peter Pan doesn’t need to be thought of at this moment. You… you are my new obsession.”
And he lay next to her in the bed, felt her against his side, remembered the feeling of her around his cock, those words were true to him.
Taglist: @fictional-hooman @norman891 @fairynook @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93
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bellarosethefangirl · 8 months
Hey, could u do one where the YGO boys comfort crying reader? Or the other way around where we comfort them from crying? Xx
Hi I’m sorry this is so late. I found this sitting in my box just now. Thanks so much for letting me do this request for you. I’ll gladly write it for you. I appreciate the patience since I’ve been on hiatus.
Various Yu-Gi-Oh! Boys x Reader
Comforting Their Crying S/o
Headcanons: Yugi Muto, Yami, Seto Kaiba, Duke Devlin, and Joey Wheeler
Bonus: Mai Valentine and Dark Magician Girl
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Tag List: @xxmobiumshipperxx @secondaryrealm @puzzleshipping-princess-1989 @noaltbruh @hevexns-realm @sacredwarrior88 @angelsdevils
If you’re interested in being tagged in my fics please contact me. I tag by fandom. More info in the Link. I tend to tag people who request from me
Yugi Muto
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He’s not only the king of games but also the king of comforting his loved ones
Yugi is very perceptive of others feelings especially your own. When he realizes you’re sad, he immediately tries to comfort you.
He will be by your side and ask what has happened
He will do everything in his power to comfort you. Be it words of affirmation or genuine care. He’s very loving and will be extra fragile towards you when you’re sad
As you cry he holds you. If you don’t like being touched when you’re upset then he gives you space
He will give you his jacket and hold your hand as he speaks gently to you.
“Please don’t cry... I’m here for you.”
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what I love most about this former pharaoh is how he handles people’s feelings with grace. This is ten fold for his significant other
Yami is quick to comfort you with his words. He listens and responds accordingly
Advice, words of love, you name it
He always knows what to say. He’s full of wisdom and has such a big heart. He’s the best at comforting
When you cry he dries your tears with his sleeves of his jacket and cups your face so you look into his caring yet piercing red eyes
His look is incredibly gentle as is his touch towards you
He’ll speak in a soft low voice. It’s so gentle, his deep voice is so comforting
“Please look at me.. I won’t leave your side until I see you smile again.”
Joey Wheeler
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He’s very in tune with emotions especially your own
He’s quick to pick up on your feelings and when you cry he’s already by your side ready to comfort you.
He holds you in his long arms and gives you a reassuring look. His expression can light up a room and he can certainly give you his signature grin to make your heart flutter
His positivity knows no bounds and he’s quick to cheer you up even when you’re crying
He knows what to say and he’ll only tell you what you need to he told
“Don’t worry babe Joey Wheeler is here!”
Duke Devlin
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He’s a sweet boyfriend with a way with words. Even when you’re crying
Duke lends his shoulder to cry on and picks you up in his arms so you can sit on his lap while you cry
He wraps an arm around you and gently speaks to you
He’s the sweetest and will make it his mission to have those tears of yours gone
Duke wipes away those tears and looks into your eyes as he’s comforting you
“Angel baby, please talk to me. I’m all ears.”
Seto Kaiba
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Kaiba is quick to demand who hurt you. His eyes turn cold at the very thought of someone daring to hurt his beloved
When he realizes no one has hurt you he’s quick to look saddened and holds your hand. His arm wraps around you protectively
He orders someone to buy you your favorite treat, stat then returns his attention to you
He uses his handkerchief or tie to wipe away your tears gently
His demeanor is so soft with you as he listens to what you have to say
He’s comforting but very gentle In his words. His advice is always top notch as is his problem solving. He will do everything in his power to make it right
“Don’t worry I’ll make sure everything will be okay, dear.”
Mai Valentine
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Mai certainly shows tough love but only when it’s necessary. Her love for you is very well shown. She’ll be so worried when she see’s her baby darling crying
She’s quick to baby you and immediately figure out what could be wrong
She might be quick to look for anyone who could’ve possibly hurt you. She’s much like her harpy duel monsters. She’ll gladly sink her claws on anyone who gets on her bad side.
When you tell her no one has hurt you she will start comforting you. She’ll hug you against her soft chest and talk to you gently. Her embrace is so warm and comforting
Her words are so full of wisdom. She speaks to you with such grace as she comforts you
She’s also very good with advice. Her words always manage to help and make you feel so much better
“Dear, you’ve really got to be strong. Don’t worry your pretty little head. You’ll get through this, I just know it.”
Dark Magician Girl
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She is immediately worried and going to be right by your side
She is quick to be holding you or placing your head on her lap how you like it
If you're affectionate, she will smother you with it as she does her best to calm you down
If you’re not as affectionate then she will be absolutely reassuring and in tune with your feelings
This lovely lady will make it her mission to wipe away those tears and cheer you up
After you’re feeling better and if you’re feeling up to it she will even take you on a date. Her treat!
“Sweetie what’s wrong? Your tears break my heart.”
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starythewriter · 11 months
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TW: rough sex.
A/N: I do not know if I will contiune to make KINKTOBER stories for the reminder of October… if y’all really like this one then I might Aswell!
But trust me December will have a new special everyday!
you and vinnie had decided to go to a Halloween masquerade ball, you got ready dressing up as harley Quinn, while he dressed up as the joker.
once you were done you took some selfies, photos, and vinnie snapped you a photo…
he looked so fucking hot…
you started to think it all the things you would do to him while you were alone….
you put your phone down finishing your makeup.
you made sure to call up Jack Harlow, and urban. Jack was getting ready when you called.
urban picked up “hey my love… what’s up?”
Y/N: “urban… I have a question sir… what are you dressing up as for the masquerade ball?”
urban: “Batman… why?”
Y:N: “fun… sounds kinda hottt… I’ll be attending as harley quinn you know we should meet up… I wanna talk in person…”
you say clicking your tongue.
urban: “sounds perfect… let’s meet up by the entrance… since I’m coming with Jack and your coming with vinnie… signal to me and we’ll sneak off.”
he said with a smirk on his face.
you had such a bright smirk after that call… you were curios if Jack knew anything about your arrangement…
you finished up your pony tails and, headed towards the masquerade ball, you texted vinnie:
“hey Vincent… I’m headed to the masquerade ball”
“alright Y/N see you there. I’m going over Aswell.”
you quickly arrived you saw so many people, but urban, Jack and vinnie were yet to be there.
you went inside, coming across Jack…
who was dressed up as a vampire…
“hey Jack… how are you… you look fabulous…”
“I’m great Y/N… thank you… you look delicous”
you felt some sexual tension…
you grabbed a cup with red wine as a waiter passed by.
“thank you Jack… maybe I’ll let you have a taste…” rubbed your hand down his crotch to his knee….
you walked away graceful.
Jack Harlow’s POV: I saw Y/N’s beautiful harley Quinn costume… Y/N looked so hot, before Y/N walked off, they slid their hand down my crotch… I was so turned on… I kept my eye contact and felt… just entranced… I wanted to fuck Y/N right then and there… I saw Y/N walk towards vinnie…
I’m not sure what, Y/N was planning… but I couldn’t help but be intrigued even if I didn’t want to… I knew my soul was aching for Y/N.
Your POV:
you walked off seeing vinnie… but you saw urban too… urban was distracted so you rushed over to vinnie. you kissed him slowly… “fuck… Y/N… someones horny huh?”
“yes vin… I’ve been in a heat… glad to see you looking so hot”
“ you know… we could go into the bathrooms….”
“vin… *kiss* be patient… tonight is all about me… and you and the rest of them have to earn your time with me”
you giggled….
you surprised all 3, you wanted to let loose and just have fun tonight…
you walked off to urban, with your red wine almost finished… “hey urban… you look smoking hottt…”
you say Moaning at the end of your sentence…
“you look better… you know… I could use my strength to rip those fish nets off”
it was WAY, too early into the night for you to engage into any sexual fun…
but… “urban.. follow me”
you quickly led him,upstairs you slowly started to makeout with him… you didn’t give two fucks… you just needed someone.
URBAN’s POV: Y/N is… breath taking and just so sexy… I kept grinding up onto her… making her moan loudly… I was hoping that vinnie could hear… I was enjoying this so much…I feel like I can’t control myself when I’m around Y/N, slowly Y/N started to kiss my neck causing me to groan… I was so ready to start fucking her… but she grabbed my shoulders slowly grinding onto me… and have me a kiss before kneeling down…
“Y/N what are you doing?”
Y/N, didn’t answer… I let out a gigantic groan…. feeling Y/N, work my growing bulge with their mouth…
my pleasure was short lived as Y/N, stopped and left me with a kiss…
YOUR POV: you had some fun with urban, Jack and vinnie….
you kept walking around seeing cake auctions, all types of drinks.
you took some drinks and started to grove onto the dance floor having some fun…
you slowly made your way downstairs bumping back into vinnie…
“come here vinnie… let’s dance”
you both got into the 1st dance floor, dancing, grooving…
he spun you around…
you both were having the best time….
“Y/N…. your making me horny… let’s head over here”
he lead you into a room, their were low lights…
it was clearly gonna be used but you both didn’t care…
you slowly made out with vinnie…
his hands were all over your body… You knew he could be rough…but you wanted more…you felt yourself wanting more from him… you pulled away kissing him again… he pushed you on top of a table…your body was pressed against each other… he unbuttoned your shirt and ran his fingers along your stomach… he sucked on your breasts…
you moaned quietly…you could see the fire in his eyes… he wanted to take your clothes off but he wanted to do it slow…He moved down, slowly unbuttoning your pants… you could feel yourself hardening… you bit his lip asking him what he wants to do next… he smirked… “take it… I promise we can go slower…” you smiled at him… you unbuttoned his dress shirt pulling it off him, you kissed him deeply, his lips were moving against yours… he started to rub your clit through your underwear.
You moaned loudly as you felt yourself getting closer to orgasm…you moaned softly against his lips trying to hold back… he kissed your neck and bit it… “fuck vinnie! I’m so close!” he kissed you and started to push your underwear down your legs…
you moaned louder… you felt your pussy starting to get wet… you reached behind you grabbing your panties off and tossing them aside…
you felt your pussy starting to drip.
you felt urbane…
you started kissing vinnie… you both were in sync, as you started to thrust into vinnie… He moaned as you hit him in just the right spot… you moaned louder, feeling the orgasm starting to build…
“VINCE!!! I AM SO CLOSE!!” you screamed at the top of your lungs.
Vincent pulled out…
he was dripping with sweat… he was breathing heavily. He grabbed you and helped you up… you were both still panting heavily…… you both made out some more… slowly you both got redressed and spent the rest of the night together…
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lightlycareless · 5 months
Hii! I just wanted to let you know that I'm a big fan of your work!
I started of with discovering your "First it Hurts" fic on ao3, then being updated to your every post cus I look forward to every fic or hc's you make!
Also, I loved the valentines special post 💗💗 BUT IM SO CURIOUS ABOUT NAOYA'S LETTER AHH, anyways I just wanted to let yknow that I love your fics and the way you write Naoya! I hope you continue writing fics about him since there's a scarcity on Naoya fics HAHAHA, but I dont mean to pressure you! Please take your time, and I'm eagerly waiting for your new fics!
Awww thank you so so so much!! I'm so happy you're liking it so far!!!!! 🥺❤️ akajghajkghasgjas as well as my oneshot :>
Also, I'd like to apologize for the delay; I'm slowly working my way through requests, the main fic, and the weird schedule for my job 💀 I greatly appreciate your support and patience 🥺❤️ Also, I'll be writing Naoya fics for like, ever. I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE HIM ANIMATED OMG ALL THE INSPIRATION.... gotta keep this small part of the fandom alive!!!!
Now... to the letter.... I feel like it would've gone something like this:
warnings: naoya is a prick, no surprise. but... he has feelings, just that he doesn't know what to do with them. this is the oneshot anon is referring to.
Happy reading!
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I didn’t think letters were still written in these times, outside of elderly people and the socially inept, but I suppose that for certain occasions they are still necessary.
By the time you get this you’ll probably already have an idea of where I’m going with it, yet I’ll still write it down.
I cannot deny that you came onto my life in the most unexpected way, not necessarily the best either.
I didn’t like your siblings, and I still don’t. I think of them to be nothing but highly annoying, arrogant, especially your sister who seems to parade herself around Gojo and the privilege she had of knowing him.
Your brother is somewhat… calmer in that aspect, he tends to keep to himself, and I respect that. Everyone should be like that, you know?
But I’m not here to talk about them, of course, I’m here to talk about you.
When I heard that you were going to enroll, I wasn’t thrilled, I genuinely thought great, another nuisance was to grace the school grounds—I already had this preconceived idea of you and was more than ready on keeping it… until I finally I saw you.
I’m sure you’ve heard this a thousand times already, someone like you must’ve undoubtedly… but you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. Your beauty is so mesmerizing, I couldn’t believe it was real—anyone thinking otherwise is either blind, stupid, or lying. Or maybe all at the same time.
I didn’t accept those feelings at first, tried my hardest to ignore them and go back to disliking you, find a reason to hate you and move on.
But I couldn’t, and when I heard your laughter, saw your smile, or the cute way your eyes twinkled whenever you were excited about something, I knew it was impossible for me to disregard it any further.
My feelings for you had only grown more and more as time passed, and now, I find it physically impossible to contain them, but still hard to express them to you in person.
So, I resorted to this letter, which I hope will be able to accurately convey what I feel for you, if only for a fraction, until then.
What I mean to say is… If you let me, Y/N, I can show you how special you are to me.
I can give you all that you want in the world—it doesn’t matter what, whether it being money, or the stars themselves—I will not spare any expense to give you what you deserve, and I shall assess that every day of my life until my death, starting with the gifts I’ve sent you today, alongside those waiting in your dorm.
I shall call you mine. No other man will be able to lay a hand on you, and I won’t allow any other woman to do the same to me either. My eyes will solely keep to you, and you alone; I expect you to do the same.
And in turn… I don’t ask much, except that you see me the same cheerful, adorable way you see others when happy, the one that has me completely enthralled, unable to keep it off my mind for more than one second, and… accept me into your heart.
If you so decide it appropriate to get to know each other better, you know where to find me. I shall await your response.
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As you can see, Naoya isn’t overtly romantic or good with words (I mean, the slander at the beginning lol) but he tries, as genuinely as possible—his honesty is a virtue to appreciate lol. Also, he was TREMBLING while writing this, if not crying hahaha he really almost died when he wrote you were the prettiest girl in the whole while world.
He’ll become more comfortable with it, of course, he’s a man that can’t hold himself when it comes to talking. But it’s nice to see him all shy for once 😊
Akgjakogja I’m so happy you all liked this little oneshot—I know it was quite the bomb to drop on valentine’s day, but I swear, it’s a happy ending story :>
If there’s more you want to know about that oneshot/au just let me know, I’ll be more than happy to indulge!!
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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averagemrfox · 6 months
2 for the ask game for each member of team RWBY!!!!!
Alright I’m home from work and have had time to think
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
First of all this goes for every single one of them and my individual answers might overlap with this we’ll see. I love how much they’ve all grown and persevered! They’ve been through so fucking much both together as a team and separately and have come out on the other side of it. They were kids!! They made bunk beds and had food fights and were starting to figure out the types of people they wanted to be and then got thrust into Remnant’s Worst Divorce™️ and throughout all of it have only grown closer as a team (not friends family!!) and still have hope that they can make the world a better place (Keep moving forward!!!) (They all need therapy tho fr)
Ruby: she’s perfect just the way she is!! This is supposed to be about the canon things I love about these character but god do I want Ruby to see herself as an individual separate from Summer. I think she’s getting there after her talk with the blacksmith. She’s just so accepting of people without hesitation. Penny is a robot? Don’t care new best friend. Little is a talking mouse? Don’t care new best friend pt 2. I’m sure there’s other examples but she’s always so ready to just let people be who they are and I wish she’d give herself that same grace
She’s also just a giant fucking nerd. About weapons about comics about video games
Also I love that she’s canonically a fairly well known (at least in atlas) singer. Now I’m not sure she’d do that by choice based on what we saw in v4 but it’s super cool that that This Life is Mine is canon to remnant because of that. Also Jacques made her sing and she was like alright bet and then roasted him in song on stage in front of all those people and we don’t talk about that enough I think
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Blake: I say that’s my baby and I’m really proud
Blake tells Sun she joined the white fang 5 years ago in v2. She was TWELVE she was a BABY!! If I had to give Blake a word the way she gives others a word it would be conviction. She never gives up on what she believes in. And she does her best to support others in doing the same, in v7 she tried to encourage ironwood and in v9 she tried to encourage Ruby poor girl got shut down both times but she tried!!
I also love how Blake is canonically a good artist and would like to see more of that. crwby show us a drawing Blake made of Yang
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Yang: this girl can fit so much love in her god. She goes to any and every length to protect the people she loves even if it’s to her own detriment (which someone really needs to have a conversation with her about) the Yellow Trailer tells us straight away that there’s more to her than meets the eye and yet there are people who fell into that trap anyway and criticize her character for “not being fun anymore” as if that isn’t the point!!
She’s so confident and cocky until a pretty girl Blake flirts with her I love the disaster lesbian representation.
She punched god in the tiddies!!! And she’d do it again I bet! Maybe we’ll see her punch one or both of the Brothers next I’d like that
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Good morning!! I’m just thinking about your demons again. I ADORE the new additions. 💕
What kind of traits do demons typically find appealing romantically? Like, I know how to woo these folks for the most part, but what passive traits do they find impressive?
Like, I know they’re diverse and no two people like the same thing. Just wondering about “beauty” standards in the circles (not beauty, we know about beauty, I can’t think of the right word). Like, I assume gluttons would appreciate other big eaters, or good cooks, and concubi can appreciate promiscuity of all sorts, or on the flip side, find purity appealing and/or cute.
(I especially would love to know what pride demons typically find attractive.)
[Thenk you! <:7]
That's a little bit vague, I'm not too sure where to go from here, so I'm kind of going to ramble. Not that it's hard to guess. I'll stray from physical descriptions.
There's a trick to this I'll explain at the end.
Wrath demons tend to romanticize hard-headed bulls who never back down from a challenge, as you might imagine. People who stick by their values and exude determination, not easily swayed. People hardened by time and their environment, who rise from the lowest lows to the highest of platforms with grace and respect.
Others may enjoy someone whose fury is subtle yet extremely well calculated, strategized, flawless. Of course, many of them fetishize murderers, violent miscreants of all kinds, serial killers and the aggressively insane;
Greed demons will naturally flock to anyone who's financially "abundant". People who spend carelessly because they earn carelessly. Though many of them will also keep a sharp eye on stingy people who count everything down to the last penny. Sometimes saving a huge chunk of money by executing a series of cheap and clever exploits is enough to have these demons fanning themselves;
Many other greedy demons have fallen for notorious heist authors, prolific robbers, successful scammers, and all sorts of scummy people;
Gluttons do gravitate towards chefs, big eaters and those who own large chains of food, maybe well-known restaurants or even some brands of snacks that they really like. It varies. Those who are always hungry are obviously picked sooner, followed by those with a variety of eating disorders;
Although not as common, some more well-off gluttons pick partners who are extremely thin or otherwise unable to satiate their hunger due to a less genuine drive to "fix" that, or somehow captivate that person by letting them overindulge;
Envy demons tend to hover around those with great social influence. People that fawn attention, people who can start shit in public and get away with it. Celebrities, moles, those who spread their roots everywhere and have way too many connections. A good ability to adapt socially in short spans of time is also extremely coveted in partners;
Likewise, those at the very bottom of the latter, practically foaming at the mouth with their jealousy, ready to perform the most heinous of acts to attain even a crumb of their desires, are also appealing to these demons. The perfect cup-sized storm ready to burst;
Discussed plenty already, concubi are lovers of shameless sensuality and high-libidos. People who control chunks of the porn industry are highly sought after, those who own sex shops, who design the toys they use and abuse, those who write eroticas or administer large kink communities. Where perverts gather so do they, always ready to pick and pluck their favorite heathens;
Still, the fantasy of purity and corruption is very present in many concubi alike, which is what leads them to infiltrate communities of sexually frustrated people and drive them insane with want. Many go a step further and seek to scandalize people of faith, engaging is rancid displays inside sacred locations because the thrill of getting someone so disciplined to give in makes their heads spin with pleasure;
Sloth demons are into soft-spoken people. Those who live very comforted lives with little to get in the way and all the pleasures they could wish for at the tip of their fingers. Those whose hands are uncalloused because they've never had to work for anything in their lives, who might even take it all for granted;
In stark contrast, many will also seek people who are exhausted in all senses of the word. Who can never seem to get enough rest, who work themselves to the bone, frail and weathered and so chewed up inside, the plight for a break present in those heavy bags under their sunken eyes;
Pride demons covet the image of perfection. Whether or not that immaculate presentation is true or not matters none so long as it appears that way outwardly. They seek someone who can elevate them, someone who usually has others trailing after them, people with titles and so much arrogance it might physically hurt to be near them for long periods of time;
Many are also opportunistic however, willing to pick a partner who is down in the slums, dirty and ridden of all dignity. Someone who can't afford to say no to them, can't leave them, will see them as very center of the universe because what would they be without that demon? Nothing. The truest form of adoration for them, total worship, total dependence.
As you might have already guessed, there's contradictions here. The reason why is simple.
Demons of lower rank will usually choose those who are more true and successful representations/reminders of their sin. Because they have a lot to gain from pairing with them.
Demons of higher rank are already after those who desperately need their services, who covet what the sins can offer. Because people in their service and debt make for good lovers, in their eyes.
Mid rankers are a bit of a toss up.
This is not to say that there aren't exceptions to these tendencies, or that they can't exhibit completely opposite tastes, it's the general rule, the norm so to say.
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moon-spirit-yue · 11 months
Settle Down
Chapter 1: You’re Cold and I Burn
(I feel like Raya deserves several apologies so I made this little fic. Also I’m a firm believer of angry Raya rights and bitter Benja rights. I really don’t think either of them really just got over everything so quickly. Plus some Benja lore I’m making up to explain why things went down the way they did. And for once in my life it’s a fic that’s canon compliant! Get ready for angst today!)
Life is great. 
Raya’s father has finally come back from stone and they reunited once more. In fact, he’s standing a mere ten feet away from her mingling with a couple diplomats from the other lands. Only a three months since the Druun were destroyed for good and already there’s so much progress. 
Life is great.
The dragons have returned too. That was something Raya never anticipated to happen, even if she did manage to bring her ba back. Seeing the stunning celestial beings dance along the horizon has been making Raya’s little dragon nerd heart flutter in excitement. 
Life is great. 
There’s also the nice addition of her and Namaari being on uh, she’s not exactly sure of the right term, but it’s not murderous terms so that’s an improvement. They shared a couple fruits, they smile at each other, so their relationship is certainly going in the right direction.  
It’s great. This is what Raya wanted, what she’s been wanting for the past six years. Yet somehow, she doesn’t feel great. 
In fact, Raya felt something close to miserable. Which is incredibly irritating because she doesn’t understand why she feels so awful. 
The Heart princess had become quickly accustomed to smiling and agreeing with whatever anyone says over the past couple months about how wonderful it is everyone is back and the dragons are miracles. Heart’s been the hotspot for discussing political alliances and was used as a way to show the other lands’ good graces by helping with Heart’s rebuilding. Raya’s cheek hurt from faking her smiles. 
She wishes so badly that her cheerful demeanor and welcoming attitude was sincere, but it wasn’t. When a new person approaches, she reaches for her sword. When Raya gets a new plate of food or a drink, she has to give it a thorough search to make sure no drugs or poisons are in it. When someone smiles and asks how she is, Raya has to lie when she says, “never better.”
And here she sits, watching everyone else either discuss potential political solutions or party hard with people that used be stone statues. Raya can’t bring herself to join anyone. 
“Heeeeeeey bestie!” Sisu exclaimed, slithering right next Raya’s seat which is a rather uncomfortable rock.
“Hi, Sisu. What’s up?” she asked, smiling sincerely for the first time in a while. 
“Nothing crazy, just hanging with the people. You know, people that can actually respond back to me. You should really try it,” the dragon insisted, giving her a look.
Raya sighed and rubbed her face tiredly. Sisu has been trying to drag Raya into any and every social event that’s popped up since the Druun were vanquished. Considering the fact that the past three months have basically been one big celebration, Raya has experienced a lot of attempted dragging.
“I’ve already helped with the crops, my people quota has been reached for the day,” Raya said dismissively. 
“Well sure, but that’s work! Why don’t you talk to some of the homies for fun! Like you could hang out with your ba or Namaari-,” Sisu continued to ramble, but Raya kind of checked out after those two names,
Her relationship with both people had been rather tense, to say the least. It’s certainly to be expected with Namaari given their history, but Raya was surprised at herself to realize she’s not quite as comfortable with her ba as she used to be. 
Raya just doesn’t know how to act around him anymore. Of course, she’s so happy that he’s back, that’s never been an issue, but there’s a barrier between them now that the Heart princess hadn’t considered. 
Maybe it was the fact that so much time had passed? Raya did tell him upfront that she’s no longer a child and doesn’t want to be treated as such but he has been as good as he can be given everything that happened. It’s just so hard to connect with her ba now. The one person that used to make her feel more secure than anything in the world no longer gives Raya the safety he once did.
It has been years since she’s seen him, and a lot has happened, so maybe Raya is trying to rush the process. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t wish things could exactly how they used to be.
“-or you could even make some new friends! Doesn’t that sound fun?” Sisu yelled right when Raya’s brain focused on the conversation again.
“Right, sounds spectacular. I’m going to make a little fruit bowl, can I get you anything?” the Heart warrior asked.
“Oh, strawberries and pineapple would be amazing!” Sisu grinned.
“Coming right up,” Raya mumbled. At least she was no longer being peer pressured into becoming a social butterfly. 
She then began weaving in through people, tables, even a couple dragons before reaching her destination. Raya approached the table filled with assortments of fruits from all five lands thus beginning her examination of which ones look the best. 
“Raya,” a voice said out of literally nowhere.
The Heart princess is rather ashamed to say she actually squeaked a bit as she jumped back, frantically turning to whoever said her name. Feeling her pulse go a mile a minute, she realized that it was Namaari standing next to her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to uh, startle you,” Namaari awkwardly sighed. Raya’s entire body tensed but she waved her off like everything was fine.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s a habit I’m trying to break,” Raya shrugged. She’s constantly on edge being surrounded by people all the time. The adjustment period is longer than she anticipated. “So, what’s up? You said that Raya with some urgency there.”
“Ah, I did. I was hoping we could talk? In private?” Namaari asked.
The Heart princess paused for a moment to weigh her options. While it’s true that she’s kind of been hoping an opportunity like this would arise, now she’s not so sure she actually wants to talk. But, it would probably be rude to deny Namaari. 
Honestly, Raya just wants to turn in for the night. The day has been way too long for her taste. She then decided to suck it up and just talk to the Fang princess before retiring to her room.
“Sure, I just need to give Sisu her fruits real quick. The appetite of a dragon amazes me,” Raya smiled in her poor attempt to crack a joke. 
Thankfully, Namaari managed a small smile from the remark.
“No problem, I can wait,” Namaari said.
They started idle chit chat as Raya filled up the bowl with Sisu’s favorites. After promptly excusing herself, Raya wandered back to the dragon’s side to give her the fruit.
“Your snack as requested, Almighty Sisudatu,” Raya grinned. She then bowed dramatically and lifted the bowl right above her head. 
“I love it when you act like you haven’t had to share the same boat as me to sleep,” the dragon laughed and eagerly took the bowl from her. “Okay, so I’m thinking after I replenish my strength, you and I head down to the river for some good old swimming practice?”
“Oh, that probably won’t work out. Namaari just asked to speak with me and there’s a really good chance the discussion will take a while,” Raya frowned. 
“You’re going to talk to Namaari?! That’s great! You guys could use a little bonding experience!” Sisu exclaimed, weirdly ecstatic of Raya talking to Namaari.
“Uh huh. Well, if we both make it out of this interaction alive I’ll find you,” Raya snorted as she walked in Namaari’s direction.
“You got it Raya!” Sisu cheered as she all but waved Raya off.
“Strange, strange dragon,” she whispered to herself as she met up with Namaari. “My mission was a success. Where are we headed?”
“I thought the kitchens would be a good place to talk now that all the cooks are done for the night,” Namaari said as she already began walking in that direction.
“Alright,” Raya gulped. 
She looked around for an excuse to not do this but when she couldn’t find one, Raya hastily followed the other princess. 
The walk to the kitchens was both quiet and awkward. The two women haven’t communicated much since the Druun were vanquished. After the first day of everyone returning from stone, their interactions had become few and far between despite Namaari being so active in Heart’s rebuilding.
Raya had no clue what the hell she should even say to Namaari and had a pretty good feeling she felt the same way. What could they even say to each other? ‘Hey, I know that we’ve almost killed each other several times in the past six years, but want to grab a bite to eat?’ 
Absolutely not.
She could feel her blood pumping, already thinking of the several ways this interaction could turn violent. What was she thinking, going somewhere alone with Namaari after what happened last time. This was a bad idea. Raya can’t do this, she wants to go back to her room or run off to the courtyard or just leave the general area because she just can’t-
“After you,” Namaari said in a quiet voice.
Raya blinked dumbly before registering the fact that Namaari was holding the door open for her and had stepped to the side. Raya’s shoulders tensed up as she reluctantly walked past her and into the kitchen. 
She only took about three steps into the room before turning to face Namaari. Raya didn’t feel comfortable having her back face the other princess and prayed she wouldn’t take notice. 
Once Namaari closed the door behind her, Raya became claustrophobic in about four seconds. Small spaces never felt like an issue before now. Maybe she should pretend to faint or something.
“Well, we’re here. What’s on your mind?” Raya asked, trying really hard not to sound too agitated. 
“I wanted to apologize. For everything. I never should manipulated you into gaining your trust only to take it away. And Sisu’s death? I completely messed up by bringing my crossbow. I’ve only ever tried to do the right thing and it always managed to be wrong. I can’t even imagine what you had to go through because of me. I’m so sorry for anything that happened to you because of my actions,” Namaari said remorsefully. 
To both Namaari and Raya’s surprise, Raya began to laugh. Her hand covered her mouth as a snort managed to escape her. Now, the reason why Raya is currently laughing is because this feels like one big joke. 
And not the good kind. 
“Namaari, has anyone ever told you what a fucking coward you are?” Raya asked, still giggling like a three year old with too much candy.
“I’m sorry what?” Namaari said with a raised eyebrow.
“I mean, it’s true. You’re a fucking coward. It’s a trait that stayed with you since we were kids. When we fought in that cave, you could only kick me when my back was turned, and when I faced you like a big girl, you got your ass handed to you. If you didn’t have that flare and let your mommy bail you out, you would have left that cave black and blue,” Raya rushed out.
The Heart princess shouldn’t be saying any of this. For god’s sake, Kumandra is too delicate for her to be yelling at this woman and saying exactly how she feels. It’s like Namaari’s stupid face and even more stupid apology opened the door to all of Raya’s horrible feelings that she’s been too polite to talk about.
Being polite is officially over.
“Congratulations for stating the obvious, though. Because yeah, a peaceful meeting means no weapons! Honestly, Sisu’s death was on both of us, I’m big enough to realize that. I shouldn’t have been too eager to swing my sword, but you have never once given me a reason to trust you a day in my life! Anytime we see each other swords are drawn, blood is shed, and someone limps away crying. Mostly you, because if I was the one limping and crying, I’d have been in jail,” Raya snapped.
Namaari had the luxury of healthcare and support when she got injured. Raya had Tuk Tuk. As cute as he may be, he does not have the fine motor skills or the thumbs to properly help her tend to her wounds. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t always the getaway transport he is today. If Raya didn’t win their little interactions, she’d be utterly screwed.
“Okay, that is completely untrue,” Namaari said.
And she had the audacity to sound annoyed. God, Raya wants to throttle her. She has both hands clasped tightly behind her back because she is afraid she may start brawling with this undercut nightmare at a moment’s notice.
“Seriously, you’re upset that I called you out for being a weak binturi? Of all the things that I’m dishing out to you, your physical strength is what’s getting you all hot and bothered?” Raya scoffed.
“That’s not the issue here,” the Fang woman frowned.
“No, the issue is that you suck!” Raya childishly yelled.
Why can’t Raya just stop talking? It’s like a dam overflowed and she has no choice but to say what’s on her mind. This is going to end in disaster. Raya knows that. And still, she continues to speak.
“My god, Namaari! You hunted a homeless orphan for months! I get a couple weeks, Fang pride and all that because hell, I stole from you, but months? What the actual fuck?! I had nothing. No father, no money, no home, and yet somehow you thought I was such a threat that you hunted me down for months? Did it make you feel powerful, knowing that with a snap you fingers you could make my life even more miserable than it already was?” Raya glared. 
“Of course not-,” Namaari began, but was very quickly cut off.
“Well I can’t possibly think of what else you needed from me! I asked about that stupid scroll, you know. With the way you were hunting me, I thought I got my hands on a goldmine. I’m sure you can imagine how surprised I was when I found out it was worth about as much as a bag full of dirt,” Raya scowled.
Shut up, shut up, shut up, her internal voice screamed. Raya wants to stop talking. So badly, Raya just wants to breath and move on. But she can’t. She is so enraged that it’s hard for her to stand still.
“You should have left me alone,” Raya continued when Namaari was suddenly rendered speechless. “I was weak, alone, and I didn’t have a single piece of jade to my name that wasn’t stolen. The very least you could have done was just leave me alone. What the hell was the point of coming after me? What exactly were you trying to prove to your almighty mother?”
“Raya, please, just settle down for one moment,” Namaari sighed as if she was talking to some petulant child. 
Once Raya heard the words ‘settle down’ she knew there was no way this conversation was going to end peacefully.
“Settle down? Settle down?! Are you kidding me? After six years of defending myself from people trying to take what little jade I had, of starving myself so that Tuk Tuk could eat, of missing my ba, of running from the Druun and you might I add, of falling asleep crying because there was no real point in living you want me to SETTLE DOWN?!” Raya screamed with anger seeping out of her pores. 
Namaari just stood there. She stood there like a fucking imbecile and it only pissed Raya off more. She can’t even look at the other woman right now. Raya might actually kill her. 
“I have no desire to talk to you anymore so get out! Bother someone else for change of pace!” Raya yelled at her. 
Her nails began digging into her palms from how tight her fist was balled up. It was taking every ounce of self control Raya has to not grab what ever sharp object was closest to her and charge.
“Raya,” Namaari whispered, at an apparent loss for words. 
“Get out! Just get the hell out of here before I actually burn you alive, you cold, heartless binturi!” Raya shrieked. 
Raya’s pretty sure her own rage is really starting to blind her because Namaari’s facial expression isn’t registering in her mind but thankfully, she could see the Fang princess’s figure quietly walk out. Good. Finally, something’s going right.
But see, the really unfortunate thing is that Raya is still not quite happy with her current state of being. The anger she feels for Namaari did not leave with her. It was hard enough to resist bashing Namaari’s face in so now she needs to find an outlet for her wrath without getting another living thing involved. 
Raya scanned the room to find dozens of wine glasses lined on the kitchen counter tops. Before she knew, the Heart princess grabbed wine glass and threw it on the ground as hard as she could. She watched intently the glass shattered the second it made impact with floor. 
Raya grabbed another glass and gave it the same harsh treatment. Just like the one before, the glass shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces. From that moment on, Raya began to pick up a rhythm in her madness. Grab, throw, shatter, repeat. 
Sometimes she’d squeeze them so tightly that they were broken before they could even hit the floor. Her hands began to bleed from little cuts the glasses gave her but she did’t care. She needed this. It’s the only thing stopping Raya from marching out of this room and finishing what she started in Fang. 
“What on earth are you doing?!” a familiar voice boomed.
The Heart princess turned her furious glare to her father. He was standing there and looked to be a mixture of confused and panicked. Then Benja had the audacity to look at Raya like she had somehow lost her mind. Then Raya finally realized why she was having so many difficulties with her father.
She’s mad at him. Actually mad him. A daughter being mad at her father isn’t an uncommon occurrence. That is, unless you were Raya and Benja. 
Looking back at her childhood, Raya legitimately can’t remember a time where she had been so genuinely angry at her father. Sure, they’d both get a bit upset at each other. But that was usually from a petty incident and the negative feelings lasted for like, one day. There was also the occasional moment of Raya going too far for whatever reason and needing to be scolded, but she always knew when she deserved it and her father always apologized when she didn’t.
But here and now? Raya’s so enraged that she feels like her whole body was set on fire. 
Well, Raya is already on a roll with screaming at the people that exist in her presence, might as well add another to the list.
“And you,” Raya spat, pointing the wine glass she seized at her father like she’d hold her sword. “How dare you look at me like I’m crazy! You should have seen this coming Ba, but then again, your foresight has a pretty bad rep!” 
“Honestly Raya, I thought you knew better than to make a huge mess like this! What has gotten into you!? You were completely fine when you were out with the others! What changed in such a short amount of time?” her father exclaimed while slamming the door shut. 
“Are you kidding me right now? I have not been fine for the past six years Ba! Because you threw me in a damn river!” Raya roared at him, squeezing the glass in her hand. 
“Dewdrop,” he whispered, taking a step forward only for Raya to quickly retreat in the opposite direction. 
“Do not Dewdrop me! I was twelve! I was twelve years old and you gave me a responsibility that most adults couldn’t handle! You said not to give up on them when they’d all given up on themselves! I would lay on the ground night after night, wondering what slight detail could have been changed to avoid this entire mess,” the Heart princess yelled as she felt tears begin to stream down her face. “Why didn’t you wait! You should have built relationships with the other lands before inviting them into our home!  Or you should have not made me a guardian of them gem so young! Why didn’t you stop me? You should have done something, damn it!” 
Though her eyes were still blurred, she could see her father’s form sit on the floor across from her.
“You’re right. It was the biggest mistake of my life,” she heard her father mumble out.
“It definitely was, so why did you do it?” Raya asked, desperate for an explanation. 
“I just, I wanted you to live in a better world. And I was too impatient with the progress we had been making. I hadn’t been planning on telling you this until you were much older, but a few weeks before that gathering, I was attacked,” Benja admitted. 
“You what?” Raya gasped. 
“You know your grandparents died very early on in my youth. The elders thrust me onto the throne before I was ready. After the attempt on my life, I just wanted to make sure that would never happen to you. I had to find a way to make the world a better place before it was too late,” her Ba whispered. 
Raya wiped away her tears and got a good look at her father that was now sitting on the floor. She’d never seen him look so haunted in her entire life. 
“You know, when I had you, I wanted nothing more than for you to have all the time in the world to be a child,” her father continued solemnly. “That’s why I was so hellbent on finding a way to make Kumandra united again. I wanted a quick and easy solution to our problems. The whole point of that day was to make your future better. Instead, I doomed you.”
Raya walked closer to her father when she heard the quiver in his voice. Se crouched down to see tears were streaming down his face.
“I failed you, Raya. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of it. From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry for all the pain I caused you. I should have protected you more. I put too much weight on your shoulders. I understand if you resent me for the rest of your life, but please know that I never meant to hurt you. Everything I have ever done has been to love you and keep you safe from the day you were born,” he choked out.
Seeing her ba cry just made tears well up in Raya’s eyes. Wordlessly, Raya crawled onto his lap like she used to as a kid. Her father wrapped his arms around her waist and she leaned against his neck.
Raya didn’t even realize how much her chest has been heaving until she stopped moving. Hearing her father truly acknowledge his faults in the way everything went down helped Raya find clarity inside herself.
“You know the thing that I hated the most about the Druun?” Raya asked.
“I’m a little scared to hear this but what?” her father replied. 
“I hated that you were gone because you’re my best friend and the person I love most,” the Heart princess cried. She felt her father’s arm tighten around her.
No words were exchanged as the two wallowed in their own misery and regret together. Despite the heavy atmosphere in the room, it’s the lightest Raya has felt since her ba returned from stone. 
“I’m sorry, for everything I’ve done. Please, please don’t hate me forever,” her father begged her. Raya laughed weakly while shaking her head.
“I could never hate you, ba. I didn’t even realize I was holding a grudge, but having this talk made me feel a lot better. I think we just need to take everything one step at a time from this point on,” the Heart princess sniffled. She smiled hearing her father sigh in relief.
“Okay good. I know I said resenting me forever would have been okay and it would have, but I honestly don’t know if my heart would have been able to take it,” Benja chuckled. 
“On that note, I should probably address that mess I made behind me,” Raya frowned, looking at the wreckage.
“You certainly did a number here,” her father noted. 
“Hey Ba? One more thing,” Raya said. 
“What is it Dewdrop?” he asked curiously.
“I forgive you,” Raya told him sincerely.
“Thank you,” Benja sighed, completely relieved. After giving her one last squeeze he loosened his arms a bit so that Raya could break free.
Raya smiled a bit and used the rather minimal strength she had left to get back up on her feet. She stretched out her hand for her father. Just when he was about to take it, he gasped loudly and brought her hand to his face. Raya’s confusion didn’t last long when she realized her hand was covered in tiny cuts from the glass. Raya hadn’t even realize she was bleeding until now.
“Stay there, I know there’s some disinfectants stuffed in this kitchen somewhere. We have way too many accident prone chefs,” her father mentioned. 
Raya nodded and sat quietly on floor as her father rummaged through the cabinets to get what he needed to heal her wounds. No words were spoken as Benja took her left hand in his. 
The Heart princess winced when the disinfectant made contact with her skin. She bit her lip as the stinging sensation traveled all across her hand. Raya then watched her ba firmly wrap the bandage around her hand. Thankfully, the right hand was done at a much faster pace.
“Does that feel okay? I didn’t wrap them too tightly did I?” Benja asked with concern etched in his voice.
“It’s good, Ba. Thank you. I suppose now I need to get rid of this wreck,” Raya sighed. Turning her attention to the floor with the shattered glass made her cringe because of how much work needed to be done. The glass shattered into very tiny pieces. Man, she really didn’t think this through.
“Dewdrop, you’re exhausted and injured. I’m more than happy to send a couple maids up here,” Benja told her. Then he reassessed the damage and realized how bad it was. “Or maybe a small army of maids, but the point still stands.” 
“No, don’t make the poor maids suffer because of my breakdown. I’ll clean it up, it’s fine. I can make it work even with the bandages. It was kind of on purpose so I’d feel bad making them do it,” Raya sighed, waving her ba off. 
She grabbed an empty bag that was originally used to transport fresh vegetables and crouched down to start picking up the glass shards. To Raya’s surprise, her father crouched down and also began picking up shards.
“Ba, it’s okay, I can clean it up myself. I’m not a kid anymore,” Raya told him.
“Well I know that, but I’m still your ba. Just because you can do something alone doesn’t mean you have to. It’s my job as a father to help my daughter clean up her messes, no matter how old she is,” Benja said. 
Raya said no words but flung her arms around him. Her ba wasted no time in wrapping both arms around her tightly, almost afraid to let go. The Heart princess bit back another sob when she realized she felt protected in her father’s arms again. She needed that talk more than she realized. The Heart princess still sniffled a bit and tried regaining her composure.
“Since you’re so adamant about helping me clean my messes, I sorta kinda may have threatened to burn Namaari alive and had huge screaming match with her so if there’s any way you could do some damage control for that, I’d be eternally grateful,” Raya laughed nervously as they slowly pulled away from each other.
“I’ll handle it,” her ba sighed. “I see that violent charm you had as a child hasn’t changed throughout the years. You definitely got that from your mother.”
“Hey, don’t pawn off all my bad traits on Ma. Poor woman can’t even defend herself,” the princess joked as she proceeded to clean up the glass shards.
“I know she would have done the same to me, we understood each other that way,” her father chuckled. 
Benja reached forward to grab a piece of glass but winced before he even got hold of it.
“You alright back there? You didn’t cut yourself, did you?” Raya asked.
“No, I’m fine. My knees just started really hurting all of a sudden,” her father frowned. 
“Oh ba, just sit down and let me clean up myself. I wouldn’t want you to hurt your old man knees,” Raya grinned. Amusement was shining in her eyes as her ba pulled the most offended face he could muster.
“Excuse you, I am not old! I have not aged a day since I’ve been turned to stone! In fact, I haven’t aged at all. I’m still thirty five!” Benja spat indignantly. 
“I don’t know ba, I see those grey hairs,” Raya laughed knowing full well there was not a single strand of grey on his head.
“Wait are you serious?” Benja asked as he brought one of the bigger glass shards to his face to examine his reflection. “I’m telling you right now that if there is a grey strand in here I’m grounding you because it was definitely your fault.”
The Heart princess began absolutely cackling at the sight of her father’s distressed face. After a very in depth examination Benja was able to come to the conclusion that Raya was pulling his leg.
“You’re just lucky,” her ba huffed.
“Yeah, I really am,” Raya said sincerely.
With these horrible barriers broken down, both father and daughter worked tirelessly to pick up the pieces, one step at a time. 
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trans-peridot · 20 days
FFxivWrite Day 2: Horizon
I wrote another one! A little bit late because I only just got off work. This one takes place extremely early on in Tayfun’s story, about three years before the start of ARR. She's never received training so she's basically level 1/4 at this point.
Tayfun wasn’t sure why Horizon of all places was such a bustling place. By all means it didn’t seem to have a whole lot going on, barely a Brass Blades checkpoint along the highway. So why did it have its own aetheryte? And why were people so often using it, just to beeline straight west out of the town?
Tayfun didn’t know how to use aetherytes and didn’t have the money for a chocobo porter, so she had to walk there on foot for the off-chance they’d have work for her. When she first set upon the path of an adventurer, she wouldn’t have expected just how much damned walking it involved. And the beasts along the way had taken notice of her, so her walk here had honestly been more of a run. No matter. It would all be worth it when she finally got some work.
“Hello, are you the levemete here?”
“Yes ma’am, Totonowa at your service. Are you here for- goodness me!” Totonowa straightened up from his bow, seeing a young lady just casually peppered in gashes. “So sorry to have lost my composure, madam. Are you quite alright?”
“What? Oh, yes, I’m quite well thanks! I’ve simply had a run-in or two with some beastkin on the way here, but I'm ready and raring for work!”
“I see. There are some frightening creatures along the way from Vesper Bay, and now you're here for some lesser prey to win your confidence back! I believe I have the leve for you, take a look!”
“Vesper Bay? No, I came from Ul'dah. What do you mean lesser beasts, those things were huge and terrifying!”
Totonowa didn't need this today. Too many kids with dreams of glory and riches throwing their lives away on quests they would never survive. “I tell you what, dear. Make your way back to Scorpion Crossing and speak with Graceful Song, a nice young lady who's the levemete there. She'll have work for you, I'm certain of it.”
“I... If you insist, sir. Thank you.”
As Tayfun was moving to leave, someone warped into Horizon by the aetheryte, landing right in front of her. “Oh, so sorry my dear. Though, perhaps it was part of the twelves’ plan for us to meet this day.” The man leaned over and kissed the back of Tayfun's hand. “Not every day you meet somebody so gorgeous, is it? I speak of my meeting you, of course. I'm not quite so vain as to call myself ‘somebody so gorgeous’ without giving you the chance to say it first.”
Totonowa saw this happen, yet again, and let out a yelp from his station, “Thancred, you slut! Leave the girl alone and go wherever it is you go when you're so kind as to leave this town!”
“My my, my dear, it would seem our meeting has been cut short. I feel certain we shall meet again. Until then!” Thancred turned and walked away to the west.
Tayfun boggled at Totonowa. “Who the hells was that?”
“Some rogue who insists on passing through our town almost daily. A notorious womanizer who isn't even good at sex to back it up.” Totonowa panicked and turned bright red. “Or- or so I am told! Good day to you, madam! And don't worry, I am certain you'll never cross paths with that man again!”
Three years later, Tayfun was being inducted into some sort of secret society.
“Okay, my turn to introduce someone! That there is Thancred!”
“Oh gods... It's Thancred Yooslutt. We've met.”
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khasiehondra · 1 year
A Shadow of an Eagle Chapter 1: I’ve Met My Match: Sebastian
Normally, Sebastian would be halfway through his second plate of breakfast by now, but the girl from the night before was too intriguing. Her head was already in a book and classes hadn’t even started. Makes sense, bloody Ravenclaws. Guess she fits in perfectly. He was still disappointed when he lost the bet. He thought that if the rumors of her run in with a dragon were true, then she would be a Gryffindor and they would be rivals for the rest of their days.
“If she was able to survive a dragon attack, I bet she has to be smart, or at the very least immensely creative,” Ominis had said to him the night before.
She was sitting next to Samantha Dale, poor dueler, great at Summoner’s Court. The new girl would smile up at her from her book and join in the conversation from time to time, but always returning to her book. She had barely touched her toast and bacon, probably nervous. I wonder if she’s in Defense Against the Dark Arts with us? I can set her place on the pyramid rather quickly.
“I don’t know exactly what is going through that brain of yours, but if you keep staring at the new student instead of eating, I refuse to hear you complain about how you’re starving.” Sebastian had completely forgotten that his best friend had sat down next to him only a few minutes ago. “You’re still wondering how someone who fought a dragon would be more attached to a book than adventure? Give it a rest, you lost 3 Sickels.”
“Easy for you to say,” Sebastian retorted, “Coming from one of the most prestigious bloodlines and a high-class family. Even if you did lose it wouldn’t have hurt your pockets.”
Ominis shook his head, “The point is, if she found her home that is all that matters. Overhearing what her housemates say, they all adore her.”
Sebastian could see why, she embodied grace, elegance and strength. Definitely should have won the bet. Patting Ominis on the shoulder, Sebastian said, “C’mon, we’ve got Charms first. Can’t get detention on the first day back.”
“I won’t, but I can’t make any promises for you.” Smirking, Sebastian and Ominis left the Great Hall and made their way toward the South Tower.
He had somehow ended up in a conversation with Ominis and Leander. Leander was boasting about how he had been able to travel across Europe with his aunt this summer. Underneath it all, he was basically trying to say he was better than him. Not Ominis, people knew not to mess with the Gaunts. I think I’m going to lose my mind if he says ‘my family is friends with’ one more time.
“Aye, Sebastian,” Leander nudged his arm. “I think I learned enough from a couple of my uncle’s friends this summer that I am finally a better duelist than you.” There is was, the last fuck he gave. Giving the boy a lop-sided smirk he bit back, “We’ve got DADA next, how about you put your wand where your mouth is? Or did you forget that I was last year’s Crossed Wands champion?”
Leander’s words were lost when she came in. She was a little breathless, who could blame her? We’ve had four years to get used to those blasted stairs. Someone should really let her know about the floo network, Sebastian thought. It took a minute for Sebastian to notice that a smile was plastered Leander’s face and he looked ready to call out to her. The smile faded quickly when he noticed Natty had gotten her attention first.
Confused, the new girl made her way over to the set in the back next to Natty. Sebastian could tell she was nervous. Guess she’s shy. Surprising, since everyone seems to love her. “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” It was as if Leander was transfigured into a lovesick puppy with he stupid look on his face. “I hear she is genuinely sweet and she’s humble too. A real lady.”
“Do you even know her name?” Ominis asked. The flush didn’t extend past his neck, but Ominis had definitely brought Leander back to earth.
“I don’t completely recall. Haven’t really had time to talk to her,” he grumbled.
“Yet you know she is ‘genuinely sweet and humble,’” Ominis poked. He was enjoying this game. Sebastian couldn’t help but smile.
She was a cute girl no doubt. Long wavy hair, a nice smile, big doe eyes. He could see why the boys in the Slytherin bathrooms had already placed bets on who would win her over. A hefty sum of money was on Garreth, apparently.
Professor Ronen had taken his review seriously from last year. Class was fun and included a nice game of Summoner’s Court. Ominis had beaten Imelda fairly quickly. She threw a fit when they took their seats back on the grass.
“This is unfair,” she scoffed. “I bet your wand senses more than just where the balls are. I bet it can calculate exactly when you need to let go.”
“Geez, Imelda, you must be having a rotten day if you’re accusing a blind man of seeing too well.” Sebastian knew she would cool off soon, she was always a bad loser. He was about to add to the conversation when Ronen called up the next group.
“Finally, we will have Miss Onai and Miss Shaw. Let’s end this with a bang.” Professor Ronen was gleaming with pride. His lesson was leaps and bounds better than it was the last five years. The student's engagement added to the gleam on his face.
“Now if we only knew her first name.” Leander had popped out of nowhere.
Sebastian turned and saw Samantha off to the side with Cressida. Curiosity got the better of him. “Pst, Samantha.” He gestured to her to scoot closer. “You’re in the same house, what’s Shaw’s name?”
Always chipper, Samatha spoke behind her hand in a whisper, attempting to watch the game. “Alice, Alice Shaw. She’s a half-blood. Dad thought she would be a squib, but was very happy when he took after her. They lived in London most of her childhood.” Bless this girl for being in the nosiest house in the castle.
“Spectacular, are you roommates?”
“Yeah,” her smile basically took up her whole face. “We talked about plants and home all night. She couldn’t sleep so we stayed in the common room. I would say I think I made a great choice in friends.”
When they all turned their heads back to the game, Alice had released her spell and won the game by fifty points.
He was on a roll this year. Early to class twice in one day. Leander had decided to stick with Sebastian and Ominis. Once they entered the classroom, Sebastian remembered what he had said to him in Charms.
“Hey, what do you say we settle this now. Ready for a duel?” He set his bag down on a desk and pushed the desks to the side with a flick of his wand. “Or are you scared that I’ll continue to beat you?”
Others had started to file in, but how could they not watch the Crossed Wands champion hold his title. Grinning, Leander walked to the front of the room. “Ready yourself.”
“Stupefy!” Sebastian was always the first to attack. His opponent had used protego and repeated the same spell back. “Protego!” He had to think fast, what was something he couldn’t see coming?
Sebastian blasted two basic spells before Leander tried to stupefy again. Annoyed, Sebastian decided to bring in the show, “Bombarda!”
Opps. He had missed by a good amount…a tall amount. He had ended up hitting the dragon above him. Instead of moving, it seemed Leander was rooted to the spot.
“Levioso!” Thank heavens for Professor Hecat. “I get new students every year but I only have one Hebridean Black skull. It is a token from the Great poacher Raid of 1878.” She slowly made her way down the steps from her office. “No doubt you’ve heard of it.” Sebastian couldn’t hear anything after that. That was close. If that had fallen I doubt I would just get detention this time. It’s a good thing everyone else was on the sidelines. He snapped back to attention when he heard Leander complain they were to be learning a levitation spell. Next moment he was in the air.
“A surprised opponent is a weak opponent. Care to defend yourself,master Prewett? No?” He couldn’t help the smug look that crossed his face. Just then he saw Alice in the corner of his eye. She was soaking in everything the old lady was saying.
After they had practiced on a feather and the training dummy, Professor Hecat decided it was time to show the use of Levioso in a duel. He started to walk up to the front when Hecat declared, “We’ll start with you two.”
It was her. She held her face blank but her eyes smiled. Sebastian couldn’t tell if she was excited to duel or if all this magic was leaving her in awe. Might as well have some fun with this one. He slowed his pace and leaned in toward her face as he passed her, “Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome.” He chuckled as he walked away, turning back to see the tips of her ears had gone slightly pink. Still got it I see.
By the time he was prepared to start with a basic cast there was a red light coming toward his chest. It knocked him back and caused him to have to regain his footing. Just in time, Sebastian saw the next cast approaching. “Protego.” As soon as his shields fell he was struck by a yellow light. He remembered why he wasn’t a fan of flying class in the first year. His feet left the ground and he had to fight to get back. He was able to send back two basic casts before he was struck with another levioso.
“You’re joking,” he grunted.
Alice was able to block three of the four next spells that he sent toward her. Even when she stumbled back, he couldn’t land the levioso. When he took a second to assess the situation he noticed the glimmer in her eyes. There was so much life in them. This dance was fun for her. He hadn’t felt this way in a while.
They continued this back and forth until she finally caught his square in the chest with another levitation spell and rounded back with a basic cast while he was still in the air. The fall to the arse didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as the blow to his ego. That feeling of disappointment vanished when he saw how excited she was. Alice was bouncing on her toes from winning. It didn’t last long as she ran over and offered her hand to him.
When he was up she stayed put in front of him. “Not bad for a beginner,” he said, brushing the dust from the floor off his uniform. “You give as good as you get.” He smiled and let out a chuckle. He continued past her and stood in the back by Ominis.
“I can’t believe she beat you. You!” He was shaking his head in disbelief. “Looks like you’re either out of practice or are in for a run of your title.”
Sebastian wore a smile, crossing his arms, “I hope she gives me a run for my Galleons.” When Hecat dismissed class, Sebastian noticed that she had stayed back. “Ominis,” he called after his friend. “Go on without me, I’ll catch you up at the Great hall for lunch.” He didn't wait for a response but placed himself at the back where Alice would have to pass him.
He almost missed her as she was hurrying out. “Nice work.” He wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.
She didn’t look surprised but her face lit up again. “I enjoyed that.”
“That duel was quite something. Everyone’ll be talking about it.”
“It was certainly good practice.” She still held her smile, but he could see right through it.
“Practice? It felt more like I was dueling an expert.” He hoped the annoyance didn’t come off in his voice. “Sebastian Sallow, by the way. Didn’t expect a new student to be so deft with a wand. Then again,” he paused, “perhaps this wasn’t your first duel.” Alice’s shoulders tensed a bit. Good to know she is a horrible liar, he thought.
“In fact, it was. Perhaps I have a knack for it.”
Bollocks. “Be coy if you like, but I know better. Magic requires intention and talent.” The glow she had had started to damper, he needed to recover quickly if he wanted to keep an eye on her. “ You know, you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive, unsanctioned dueling organization.”
She had so many tells. Her eyes brightened with curiosity and challenge. I see the Ravenclaw now, it suits her perfectly. “Exclusive and Unsanctioned? Count me in.”
“Excellent,” Sebastian stood a little taller and eased up. It was time to get in her head a little. “Knew I was right about you. If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts, you’re going to need to break the rules now and then.” He leaned in her space just a little. “Whether it’s joining a secret dueling club or sneaking into the Restricted Section of the Library-you just have to be clever enough not to get caught.”
“Thank you, Sebastian,” she was assessing him. The light air around her turned cautious. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good, pleasure chatting with you. I’m sure I’ll see you soon. Perhaps somewhere ‘unsanctioned’. Perhaps we’ll see if your performance today was sheer luck-or actual skill. I’ll send you an owl.”
He didn’t even notice the blush that had crept onto her face. He withheld a wink as he turned to head to the Great Hall. As he was about to round down the stairs, he looked over his shoulder and saw her stand in the hall, hands to her cheeks. She shook her head rather harshly and ran in the direction of Professor Fig’s classroom.
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malkahpariyz · 6 months
PSA: it’s GOD’s timing. Not anyone else’s, that we become ready, willing, and able to conquer our life’s purposes.
A word for those who want to impose on the timeline God has someone else on or who undermine just how fervently and diligently someone has been fighting for themselves, their identity, their destiny, and their sanity… only a feeble mouth opens at the wrong times, and a hasty uncalculated effort is often more redundant, unnecessary, pressurizing, and hurtful; than it will ever be helpful.
The news flash goes as such:
“While yall telling me to get up God telling me to sit down, so that I can drop the bags off so that I can truly and REALLY get up to new heights! See only me and God know precisely what’s going on round here boo, and we already on the job. This time is precisely for me to get up and I don’t need nobody pressuring this process to complete quicker or trying to tell me that my moments in this time have a ticker. It’s going at Gods timing and God ain’t rushing me because He the one that told me to take as much time as I need right now and really unpack and drop these bags off. What do yall really think I been doing? You think I’m in therapy for nothing ? You think I ain’t doing the work, you think I’m sitting around? Wallowing? I’m working hard, harder than you ever could through attack you could never ever withstand with as much grace as I do, doing it all to be ready and able to reach my destiny and God told me this time of rest is necessary for that propelling. You people don’t know what’s going on or what I’m doing. Mind your business. What makes you think I ain’t doing all I can for me right now to get up? You don’t know. You can’t see this relentless warrior in me FIGHTING, and haven’t even gotten a rest from this battle yet. I haven’t sat down, I haven’t wallowed. I have been FIGHTING. A TIRELESS FIGHT at that. Just when the attackers thought I’d give up I show them their wish will NEVER come true. Glory be to GOD YAHUAH for the levels of fight and equipment in me. So all that is, that which you are telling, is added pressure on me that I don’t need, and lemme tell you something else, ain’t no time limit on these things I’m unpacking or the hurdles I’m jumping and ain’t no time limit on my blessings because my all knowing God YAHUAH already know how long it’s gonna take me to become overcome and be fully healed enough to finally move even more than before and not be immobilized by the deep rooted wounds and scars you people can’t even see, because I wear it well honey, and He is the one that put me in this unpacking season so you better believe He is with me now and He will be waiting on me for how I come out on the other side of this season, ready willing and able, as He already planned I would be and my destiny will be there as well. Waiting on me to fulfill it and you better believe that I will. And He so knew it, that’s why He CHOSE ME. Babydoll.”
~ Paris Dior
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rotxos-sweeetheart · 2 years
HI! I saw your character posts and NEEDED to know your thoughts on quaritch?
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Before even coming to Pandora, Quaritch had seen awful things, had lived through them, had participated in them, had ocestrated them.
You didn’t do crap like that and come out the same man.
Quaritch had long since took all of his feelings and hidden them behind a stone wall.
Emotions made you weak.
Then he came to Pandora, a seasoned soldier, yet on his first mission, he was severely injured.
It was humbling, to say the least.
Then he met Paz. She didn’t see the ruthless persona he had, she just saw a war-hardened veteran.
The attack on the school made him sick.
He and Grace were more liable to argue than agree, but that attack?
Both of them stormed into Selfridges office, demanding retribution.
Selfridge gave them the responsibility of it, and Quaritch learned that some of the fauna on Pandora could hurt you, as Grace held nothing back, and Quaritch fully supported her, even helped when he could.
Children should never be hurt, and especially not shot, nowhere, no matter what they did those soldiers should never have stormed the school.
Quaritch was onboard with every bit of torture Grace inflicted upon them, and even provided his own additions.
A few month afterwards, Paz fell pregnant.
Six months later, Quaritch made a knife for Miles.
There months after, Quaritch had a bundle of tiny-moving-human in his hands.
He fell in love for a second time.
Two months later, Jake Sully arrived.
A marine dog in science geek clothes.
It was perfect.
Quaritch used Jake to learn the hostiles better, to better hurt move them.
Until Jake stopped.
At first it was just- less information.
Quaritch wanted to pull him out then, was a man of his word, had a full medical team ready on earth to fix Jakes spine.
But Jake refused.
Then he became an active opposer.
Destroying the camara is what made Quaritch realise Jake was now a lost cause.
Selfridge gave the tree huggers or more chance, but Quaritch was done waiting. He rolled the ships.
The tree fell, and that should have been the end of it, until Jake escaped.
Jake Sully rallied the Na’vi, taught them how to fight back, called more and more to join his side.
Quaritchs fighters outnumbered them still, but the Na’vi won anyway.
Not that he really knew that, he was fighting Jake.
Quaritch fully believed he would win the last fight, but it wasn’t only his arrogance and , but also because he wasn’t leaving Miles to be raised without a dad.
He fully expected to win that fight.
Then Neytiri showed up.
He didn’t give up until the second arrow hit.
Then he could do nothing but hope Miles and Paz had a good life.
He didn’t know Paz was in the fight, or that she’d been killed. He didn’t know Miles couldn’t go back to earth.
He didn’t know Miles would be raised by people who didn’t want him.
Na’vi Quaritch
Hi! Okay so you didn’t say Na’vi or Human, so this’ll be human and I’ll put a link in for Na’vi when I’m done.
Really not a fan of human Quaritch, but I hope I did him justice!
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scoupsahoy · 2 years
the stitches and the devouring mouth
[ao3 link]
Tommy was the first person to call him Stevie like he was something pretty. Tommy only knows this because it slipped out, dangerous, a hot blush, something like a confession: “Stevie’s kinda girly, don’t you think?”
And Tommy, too nonchlant, too fucking young, too disconnected, not yet precise, looked at Stevie boy unafraid and said: “Why’s it girly? ‘Cause it’s cute?”
Loaded question. Unspoken: Does that make me cute?
But that was the first time he’d let it slip out. Knowing Steve Harrington was one steep drop. One foot over the edge and he dragged you down, down, deep into the molten core of the earth, too hot to breathe, too fast to care.
It didn’t help that Steve was always the good one. He existed outside of this town, belonged out there. Tommy was the same piece of shit his father was, and his grandfather before him, and greats and greats. Tommy Hagan came from a long line of bastards who got drunk on making people stay and making them worse. He was going to live in this miserable town until he died miserably, but Steve--
Steve was born into a miserable family in a miserable house and no one ever taught him how to give a shit about anything, but he did anyway. That’s the fucked up part about it. Steve didn’t know how to love, but he was built with so much of it that it glowed around him, poured off him in waves. The only person he could give it to was Tommy, not knowing that Tommy would hand it right back tenfold, too young to realize he was giving away the only thing he’d ever get from him.
They were little kids, and they dreamed about getting out of this town, but Tommy was going to fucking die there, and he’d run Steve out, kicking and screaming, strapped to the privilege he’d always been too lonely to notice he had.
Tommy always wanted to push him out like that. Always knew the day would come.
It almost did right before junior year, sweltering hot, sitting in their boxers and smoking weed next to the back gate of Steve’s house. Close enough to the woods that they could blame it on freak delinquents if his father came home. The grass was cool and the other grass was hot and his mind played sick little tricks on him for hours.
Tricks like:
Steve looked at Tommy like he was something special. Like he was good. Like he could leave one day too. Like maybe at some point, after graduation, after waving goodbye to this hellhole they call a town, they could–
He didn’t know. He’d never gotten that far. But it would be the two of them. And neither of them would be their fucking dads. And neither one of them would have to be lonely ever again.
Steve talked to Tommy like he was better than he actually was. Like his eyes were rose-tinted and for some reason he looked at Tommy, even though he was a piece of shit.
What’s a piece of shit that knows it and doesn’t do anything to be better? Would it be worse not to know? Was it worse that he wanted to be worse?
Steve stared at Tommy for a long time, or maybe just for a second, because it turns out being high made those kinds of distinctions hard, and Tommy said “Stevie,” again, like he could have said more if he tried. Like his mouth was ready to wrap around other words before he knew what they were going to be.
He was interrupted before they came out, though, by the grace of God, by Steve’s blush and his chuckle, voice deeper than Tommy’s, more masculine, nicer. “You always call me that.”
“Yeah, I do,” Tommy watched Steve’s mouth.
“Don’t you think it’s cute?”
“I guess–”
“It suits you,” Tommy said. Tame.
And Steve, bless him, gave him an out. He smiled again, his winningest one, and asked: “so you think I’m cute?”
Like it was a joke. Like it was funny.
Tommy laughed, reached out, straight for his cheek, to pinch it like a baby, and Steve reached back, pulled them together, to kiss him like a girl.
Except they were both in their boxers, sweltering hot, high out of their minds, and Tommy wasn’t a girl. And Tommy closed his eyes and tried to find Carol in front of him, that bitch from economics that he flirted with because it pissed Steve off, because it made him laugh, because. Something.
But Steve wasn’t a girl, either. He kissed the absolute breath from him exactly like a boy would. And their sweaty legs slid against each other and the joint was put out by the dew and the sweat on the grass and Tommy pulled back to breathe and Steve pulled back whole, wild and scared, a wounded deer. Doe eyes and all.
They were both high, and Tommy was dizzy with everything, and Tommy was a dick, just as a person, and Steve was better than him. He had more control than he did. Tommy didn’t know what he would have done next.
But he thought, maybe, despite his dad and his grandfather and all of their greats, that he would be at least something different. Break the fucking cycle.
Steve blinked, eyes flickered with something Tommy’s never cared enough to read. “You should probably go home,” he said, voice level. “First day tomorrow. We should sleep this off.”
Tommy’s never been the brightest. He thought Steve meant the high.
Because the next day, Steve picked him up for school, and they didn’t talk about it but Tommy didn’t know what he’d say if he did. He’s never been the brightest, but he’s seen the headlines. He’s heard his mom call things like this perverted.
Didn’t keep something inside him from shattering when Steve ditched him for a date with Amy Prince. When Steve made out with Laurie Fisher in Mrs. Douglas’ during lunch. When Steve pressed Becky Jefferson against his locker and stuck his tongue down her throat. Hope, maybe, that’s what shattered.
And Tommy wasn’t a good person. He asked Carol out for real this time, and she said yes because they’re the exact kind of losers at the top of the food chain to get married to each other and live in the same shitty town they were born in, and he did it because he hoped it would piss Steve off.
Turns out, Carol wasn’t really a bitch. Not more than Tommy was. That doesn’t mean much, though. She gave head like a champ and she let Tommy cover her mouth when they fucked so he could tune her out.
It was kind of funny, kissing her, because it was the exact opposite of kissing Steve: back then, he was desperate to find her when he closed his eyes. Now, though, Steve comes to him without even trying. Kind of funny how that happened. Kind of sick.
But that wasn’t when the push happened. It wasn’t until Nancy Wheeler.
Until Steve fucked her two doors down, and if Tommy really listened he could pretend Carol and Nancy weren’t there at all. Like it was back when they were freshmen jacking off quietly in sleepovers and pretending they couldn’t hear.
It wasn’t until Steve fell head over heels for her.
Until Steve blinked and Tommy saw it. The revelation he was waiting for the whole time: he’s better than this. Better than Tommy. This girl could make him happy, if she wanted him to. It would be up to her. And he would want it that way. And Tommy was never going to be that.
Because Tommy is a prick. He’s mean-spirited. He’s exactly like his dad. He’s built to take a girl and have her until she’s too apathetic to bother with divorce. Steve realized he was a piece of shit and Tommy made the wrong decision on purpose: he was going to push Steve out of there, and he was going to let himself be miserable forever, and he would drag Carol through it, because maybe love is mutually assured destruction and it was never going to be playing house with the King of Hawkins. He wouldn’t even know how.
Steve wanted something special. Something real. Something Tommy could never give him. Something he wanted from Nancy, who didn’t even fucking want it. Something he only realized he was missing when he met her.
The push came when Steve was broken and bloodied up, right when Tommy thought maybe they’d go back to normal, maybe Steve really was as bad as him. Like he was already crawling back, rocks in his hands, blood in his mouth. Tommy thought maybe Steve would let him patch it up, lick his wounds. He could give Steve what Nancy couldn’t. Or, at least, he could give what Nancy did. He’d fuck it up with Carol. He didn’t care.
When Steve snapped and Tommy had two hands on him, that was the decision. Push or pull.
Steve looked down at his mouth. Once. Twice.
Another look in his eye. Tommy never cared to learn what those meant. He let go. Steve turned. Tommy pushed.
“Here, let me get that for you, buddy.” Tommy pushed. Steve fell back. Tommy slammed the door. He pushed harder.
“That’s right,” he yelled after him, desperate and angry and vengeful, he pushed, “run away, Stevie boy!”
Ugly. Tommy destroyed that too. The first person to say it like it was something beautiful. The first person to say it like a curse. Tommy figured he’d take any of Steve’s firsts he could get. Clutch his hands around those firsts until they suffocated there, ruin Steve for everyone else. He would build him up and he would break him. Tommy would get worse and he’d love it. He would tear himself in half and he’d swallow himself whole. He was going to fucking die here and there would be nothing left that Steve Harrington to turn back to. As if that were ever an option.
“Run away, just like you always do!”
Carol asked him later what the fuck he meant by that. He didn’t give her an answer.
Maybe he was pissed that Steve didn’t push back. That he wasn’t willing to be miserable forever in this miserable town. He wasn’t willing to die here, to rot like something terrible, rot like Tommy already has been rotting.
Maybe he should have started being a better person. He didn’t do that, either.
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autumnslance · 5 months
I have a question! How do you get over a fear of writing and creating a character? I try to write but I start feeling anxious. My brain doesn’t want to come up with anything. Even trying to imagine a character in another series causes the anxiety. I know I should stop but I don’t like the idea of stopping as I feel like I’m failing.
Is it the creation, or the potentially sharing with others, that's actually scary? Is it what others may say? Is it feeling like what you might come up with isn't "good enough" in some way? Is it fear of a self-insert, or of being derivative? Feeling like you have to create characters and stories to be in fandom, rather than wanting to create for the sake of it?
A lot of times, it's our fear of how others might react or think that stops us. We're afraid of looking dumb, or oblivious, or otherwise Incorrect in some way, and that we'll be ridiculed or scorned for it. We're taught to fear failure and the judgment we think comes with it.
It's easy to say "kill the cop in your head" and "screw what others think, create for yourself" but it IS hard, if it's a point we want to even get to for ourselves.
So figure out what part of the process actually is scary. I guarantee it's not actually "all of it!" There's at least a ranking of "scariest" to "least scary but still nerve-wracking". Once named and acknowledged, and broken down, it's a little easier to tackle.
I made up stories and characters in my own head for years before I ever shared them with anyone. A teacher singling out my and another student's stories as meeting the mark of an assignment in completely opposite ways helped. Screwing up the courage to post to my high school's nascent lit journal was hard.
I was terrified. I was one of the weird kids constantly bullied or ignored. If people knew who I was, they didn't like me cuz I was awkward and unsociable. But I wanted to write, and adults I trusted who read the few things I actually turned in told me I was decent at it, so I did it scared anyway.
And nothing bad happened. Some folks thought my stories were OK. If they said anything at all.
It took me several years before I was able to post anything online. Some was access. Some was fear. Some was feeling like I didn't have characters or stories to share. I got into roleplay, online and in person. My characters were...well, LynMars, my usual handle, is from a Vampire LARP character I played over 20 years ago, and made a lot of baby roleplayer mistakes on. I did her dirty in many ways. She wasn't a good character. Had a basic screwed up backstory but no real goals or plans. I played her for a few years and learned a lot from her, and so she's stuck with me as a reminder.
Several of my characters from those days weren't great; unimaginative, derivative, some very much "wow I did not know better back then..." But...we had stupid goofy RP fun anyway, learned from those characters and each other, tried new things. Sometimes they worked. Sometimes they didn't. A lot of times it was nerve-wracking.
There's a lot I write that I don't post. Some because it isn't ready yet. Some because I'm not ready and don't know that I ever will be. It's scary. And some of that is the bully still in my head, and I know it, and some days that's easier to deal with than others. Some days I can tell the bully to screw off. Sometimes I keep those stories private, I tell myself as indulgences.
I give myself the grace to fail, and remind myself that doing it scared anyway is where many of us live every day.
Anxiety sucks. Even with meds and therapy, it doesn't entirely go away. Figuring out how to work around it, or through it, or even wrangle it into submission and work for oneself, is tricky and individual. But it doesn't own or define you and your creativity.
Start small. Start simple. Start for yourself and don't worry about sharing it yet. If making up a new character is hard, find a favorite canon character, marinate and rotate that blorbo in your brain awhile, then file the serial numbers off as you imagine them in What Ifs and AUs. Share only if and when you're ready, if it's a thing you want to actually do.
And you may not. You don't have to create anything to be part of fandom. You don't have to have OCs with full backstories and planned futures. You don't have to write or draw or screenshot stories. You can just vibe.
Find why you want/need to create. How much it means to you. Isolate what parts of creation and/or sharing are so scary. Figure out if it's something you personally truly want or need. Then you'll be able to chart your path forward, one way or another.
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co-mixed · 2 years
Supurbia: Superhero Picket Fences
When you see a Controversy section on the writer’s wiki page, you shudder. Especially if you happened to already love their work. But sometimes it’s not a massive issue at all as was the case with Grace Randolph. Let’s get this out of the way – I only know her through her work, so that’s exactly what I’m going to talk about. 
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This story is all about what happens between the sheets after your classic save-the-day team of superheroes takes off their tights and capes. A more interesting part is, it’s not even their story – it’s the days of those who wait for them at home and those who pick up the pieces when they fly full speed to yet another battle. Which right away makes it an interesting take. 
What do you think got me interested in the first place? More spoilers below. Honestly, not that many. Even if you read them, you'd still find plenty of new info in the book.
It’s a character-focused book, so it would be impossible to discuss it without dissecting the faces on the cover. 
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Meta-Legion is the Justice League of this world. They even follow the pattern: the all-powerful stone-faced hero, the billionaire with gadgets, the warrior-princess, the boy scout leader, the guy with unexplained space powers, and Nightwing. Fine, maybe that’s more of a character salad, who cares. It’s not even them I really want to talk about. 
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The All-Powerful Sovereign is your typical domestic tyrant and he picks the perfect victim too, a reformed villain Hella Heart. Her life’s absolute nightmare and that is exactly what makes her interesting. Sovereign has less in common with Superman and more with Dr. Manhattan. While Hella needs attention and understanding. She doesn’t get it from him, and she doesn’t get it from her Wisteria Lane neighbors. Even if they attempt to connect, it always comes down to their own agenda. Is it even surprising that she eventually slips? 
To be fair, I was rooting for her not to. She gives this victim-of-the-circumstances vibe and still tries to do the right thing. Kinda like Harley Quinn if she was locked in a house with laundry and dishes. Most of Supurbia characters are like that, you know who they’re based upon but they are still different enough for you to ignore it. 
We only get to see the beginning of Hella’s full arc before the run gets canceled. So I imagine, she had miles to go. 
Meanwhile Sovereign himself remains a distant figure. By the end, he’s just starting to get in touch with any emotions. So again, canceled too soon. 
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The billionaire Night Fox is having an affair with Nightwing I mean Agent Twilight (not that Twilight and not the other one). Night Fox’s wife and business partner Alexis finds out and it’s your typical betrayal story that hurts a whole bunch of people. While the unhappily married couple decides what to do and how to be, Agent Twilight becomes one of the most sympathetic and interesting characters. His love is all bruised and tortured, and he is almost ready to give it up even though he doesn’t want to. Not only I would still like to see how the whole story plays out, I’d like to see way more of his friendship with Tia. 
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Tia is the wife of Cosmic Champion (unexplained space powers) and a former superhero. Reminds you of anyone? Yeah, Jessica Jones. She gives up patrolling and fighting crime to raise her daughter. But unlike Jess, Tia misses it and she isn’t afraid to fight about that with her husband Dion. She manages to get her way too, and she ends up in an awesome costume speaking in tricky rhymes. She even saves the day when she goes after Batu.
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The Warrior-princess Batu has two kids and a husband, and believe it or not, their lives are far from perfect. So far, in fact, it gets better before it gets worse, not the other way around. Batu is not a Diana-type, she’s quite the opposite and reminds more of Sovereign. If you look closely, most of these heroes lack empathy which is the reason for their domestic troubles. Batu is no exception – her issues with her kids are a good example. She ignores her son when she believes her daughter is the one with the inherited power, but as soon as she finds out otherwise, she forgets all about her. I like how this story in particular developed with a balance of a caring father and a powerful but absentee mother. This is what drives Sara to evil. If only we got a little more of this evil child and could see her grow from a rebellious teen to a real threat… 
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And then there is the person through whose eyes you are supposed to be looking at all of it, the newbie on the block – Eve. She’s a superhero fangirl and the wife of new Marine Omega who arrives to the neighborhood with her husband just before the old one passes away. 
Out of all the characters I liked her the least. She had this optimistic desire to get involved that, for the most part, is a foreign concept to a millennial. She wants to help, she’s a nurse, she’s nosy for good reasons. She also saves the day and becomes a hero. But that was still not enough for me to like her. Matter of taste, I suppose.
Art and overall thoughts
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The art in this book is vibrant. That’s the best word for it. It’s not my favorite style but the more you get into the story, the less you mind it. In this case, the art fits the story well. It’s a little… mischievous would be the right word. And it sort of lightens the whole mood of the book. It works in harmony with lettering, colors, and really, the more I think about it, the more I like it. 
These days Russell Dauterman is mostly associated with a very specific X-men look, so it’s easy to simply not recognize his work. I didn’t, he certainly grew and changed a lot. 
Covers are another part that’s hard to ignore. They immediately make you think “Desperate Housewives”. And it’s probably very intentional because this story certainly has similar vibes. Less than let’s say, Vision, but more than nearly anything else. 
Supurbia is a good read. It’s emotional as hell if you let it sink in. And you should. It has great characters, complex heroes, and scary villains. Villains might not be the driving force here but they’re formidable and by no means easy to defeat. Supurbia can give you tons of enjoyable content and hours of fun, but I won’t recommend it to you unless you can live with an unfinished story. It has a conclusion, but it’s certainly not over. 
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