#I’ve been planning g on doing this costume for years but I finally finished the antlers and I wanna go to the renfaire so bad
queenqunari · 1 year
What if I just tried to DIY an entire faun/satyr costume in 4 days with a budget of $50
I’m not going to….but what if
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
If Only (Shigaraki x Reader)
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Summary: Tomura Shigaraki meets a young woman at a local convention that leaves an impression on him and has him wondering: could he really have a normal life with her, or is his life destined to be nothing but destruction?
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader Rating: G. Warnings: Angst, manga spoilers for Shigaraki’s backstory.  Word Count: 3.5k+ Note: My entry for the BNHarem Discord collab! Yes, this is a SFW one, and yes I did enter it. It was a bit of a challenge for me to write but I like how it turned out! The full masterlist can be found here, so make sure you check out the fics from all of the talented writers!
Tomura Shigaraki decided this was a mistake within the first ten minutes of entering the convention center. Furthermore, he had decided to correct this mistake within the first fifteen, leaving without the thing he went to the convention for in the first place. The entire hall was too loud, too noisy, too full of people. The atmosphere was stifling, the air conditioners running at full blast still not being enough to cool down such an enormous space with so many people crammed in at once.
But one thing happened that made him change his plans. He ran into someone. Literally. As he is turning a corner, trying to find an area that was not packed full of people so that he could catch his breath, he runs directly into someone. The sudden collision takes you by surprise as you barely right yourself from toppling over.
As you gather your bearings, Shigaraki finds himself taking the opportunity to study your outfit. You are cosplaying as a character from a video game series that he is a big fan of, the costume remarkably true to the character herself. He finds himself appreciative of your attention to detail and the level of work you must have put into the cosplay.. But annoyance bubbles up inside of him as he sees that you ran into him because you weren’t paying a bit of attention to where you were going, choosing to stare at your phone instead.
“How about you watch where you’re going?” He sneers at you, giving the glare that usually gets people to back down immediately. But he is mildly surprised when he sees you are not intimidated by his presence, choosing instead to give him a bright smile.
“Sorry, but I am so close to beating this level! Didn’t want to put it down.”
He blinks at your response before leaning around to glance at your phone. You’re playing a popular mobile RPG on a particularly difficult level. He knows this because he plays the same game, and even he had a hell of a time beating it.
You curse under your breath as you lose, putting up a good fight but ultimately being overwhelmed by the third phase of the boss. When you look up at him to see him staring at you, you blush and quickly glance away. Huh, he thinks, that’s new. You’re not afraid of him, not disgusted by his appearance like others.
“The third phase is the hardest,” he finally ventures as he points to a few skills and characters on your screen. “Try using those instead.”
Your face turns serious as you revise your setup, restarting the level and playing through it again. You are so focused on your game that you don't even notice Shigaraki watching you like you are something new and unique. He tears his eyes away long enough to start watching your screen as you enter the third phase, utilizing the characters and skills he told you about with a decent amount of skill.
When you finally beat the level, you do a happy fist pump and a squeal before moving towards him. He tenses, anticipating an attack and ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. But when he feels arms wrapping around his neck, he freezes completely.
This is new territory for him. The only way people touch him is with malice as they try to kill him, as they try to harm him. Not with kindness or gratitude. He’s still trying to process it as it ends with you pulling away with a big smile on your face. He finds himself wanting to help you again in some way so that he can experience the feeling of being hugged again.
“Thank you, I’ve been trying to beat that level all day!”
“It’s no big deal.” He shuffles a bit in place before scratching at his neck.
“Well I appreciate it anyway. I was on my way to lunch when we bumped into each other. Do you want to go with me?”
“You can stop mocking me,” he narrows his eyes at you. “I don’t appreciate it.” Nobody is this nice, he thinks, you must be making fun of him somehow. His fingers itch to wrap around your neck, to kill you for this offense against him.
He expects you to finally be afraid, to stop talking to him and leave him to his solitude again. But instead, you furiously shake your head. “Oh no, not mocking you at all!” You bite your lip and fidget with your costume. “I just think you seem cool, is all. My friends make fun of me for liking games, and they definitely don’t help me beat levels.”
This time, the rage he feels is directed at anyone who would make fun of this woman in front of her. He’s shocked by this realization, and at the fact that he really does want to talk more. To get to know the one person who doesn’t seem to be bothered by him. He glances down at his shoes as he mumbles an apology, not knowing what else to say.
“Well there’s only one way to make it up to me.” Of course you want something. Nobody ever wants him for him, only what he can do for them. He was stupid for thinking anyone could be different, that -
“You gotta take me to lunch,” you happily explain. “It’ll be my treat!”
He gives you a slow blink, staring as if trying to process your words. Someone wants to spend time with him? Voluntarily, simply because they seem to like him? He didn’t expect anything like this, and yet there doesn’t seem to be any deception from you. You’re simply standing there as you wait for his answer with a hopeful look on your face.
“I, I guess that’s fine,” he agrees hesitantly, “I still have some time before the thing I want starts.”
You instantly light up as you hear his agreement. “What is it that you’re waiting for?” You ask as you begin to lead the way to the dining hall. “Maybe we could go together?”
“Oh, it’s the big event for Cyberpunk 2077. Been waiting for that game for years and since I was in the area, I thought I’d stop by.”
“Oh god, I am so excited for that one. The character customization alone is going to take me hours.”
He chuckles at that, your sheer excitement for everything shining through as you discuss the details of the game together while walking to the dining area. True to your word, you happily pay as you finally choose a place to eat, and the two of you settle in to continue to talk about games. He finds himself really enjoying talking to you. You are so innocent compared to what he’s used to, so carefree and eager to talk about things you enjoy.
“You know, I was wondering something. Why are you here alone?”
Your face falls at that statement as you glance away from him. It was the first time he saw such a sad look on your face, and he finds himself almost mad at being the one who caused that look, even if it was indirectly.
“Ah, I was supposed to be here with a few friends.”
He waits for you to finish your sentence, but you trail off and say nothing. “And? Where are they?”
“They - they had to cancel. But it’s totally okay!” You wave your hands quickly as you try to change the subject. But Shigaraki is not about to have it.
“They abandoned you,” he states flatly.
“Abandoned is a strong word,” you hedge. “They said they just had other things to do. It really is okay.”
His eyes narrow at the last part. He knows a lie when he hears one, and this is the first that he’s noticed since he started talking to you.
“They didn’t just have other things to do, did they?”
You glance anywhere but at his face, willing him to not ask any more questions. But now his curiosity has peaked, and he repeats the question.
“Okay, fine,” you give a long drawn out sigh. “They were supposed to be here today, cosplaying with me.  All of us as a character from the group, you know?”
He nods his head as he internally realizes where this is going, the very thought making his blood boil.
“But well, they - they said,” your voice wavers just a bit, “they said this morning that they had better things to do and cancelled. It’s okay, really.”
But he is perceptive enough to realize that it’s not okay. The look in your eyes says you’re hurt, but you’re also used to it. You simply accept being abandoned by your friends as a thing that happens. He knows the look of defeat and rejection in your eyes very well. After all, he sees it every day in the mirror.
“That’s why I asked you to join me for lunch, you know.”
He gives you a questioning look as his thoughts race to figure out what you mean. Do you mean that you invited him to lunch just so you wouldn’t be alone? That thought hurts, for some reason that he couldn’t explain.
“You’re alone too, aren’t you?” You look him directly in his crimson eyes and hold his gaze. He knows on some instinctive level that you don’t just mean at this convention. You’re more perceptive than you initially give off, he realizes suddenly.
He finally nods his head. “I have a few people who support me, but -”
“But you don’t have your person yet, do you?”
This question confuses him, and he waits for you to elaborate on it.
“You know, your person!” Your voice is back to a slightly happier tone, and he’s glad to hear it. “That one person you really connect with, who you would do anything for.”
“That is a rather naive concept,” he says automatically, without considering what he’s saying. But you don’t seem phased by his slightly rude comment.
“Naive, maybe. But I think it’s true. That you just connect with people sometimes.”
He must have inadvertently started frowning at your words, because you give him an adorable pout. “Don’t give me that look,” you playfully reprimand him as you give him a light poke to the forehead.
He gawks at you in sheer surprise for several moments, leaving you to giggle at his expression. He has never had anyone touch him as casually as you do. Instead of making him uncomfortable, however, it makes him feel strangely warm.
It’s then that he hears an announcement come over the convention hall speakers, informing everyone that the keynote presentation for Cyberpunk 2077 is about to begin in 10 minutes. He glances at you, waiting to see your reaction.
“There’s your cue, right? Go have fun!” You give him a smile that appears forced, as if you don’t want him to leave but are holding yourself back from saying so.
“I mean, you could come with me,” he murmurs, “I guess I wouldn’t mind you tagging along.”
“Ah, I don’t have a ticket for that part. Couldn’t afford it. But go ahead, I wouldn’t want you to miss it on my behalf.” You stand up from the table as you turn to leave. Before he realizes what he’s doing, he’s grabbing your arm and gently pulling you back towards him. You stare up at him with both surprise and hope in your eyes as he tucks you into his body, wrapping his arms around you. You feel stiff for only one second before you link your arms around him as well, burrowing your face against his chest with a contented sigh.
You stay there for what feels like hours, neither of you wanting to part. But when you finally do, it is with reluctance on both your parts. “Hey, one last thing before I go,” he begins, “I just wanted to let you know that I really wish -” He is interrupted when another announcement blares over the speaker, warning of 10 minutes left until the presentation. Your face turns to one of disappointment as he shrugs off what he was about to say. “I have to go, bye.”
He turns on his heel as he quickly leaves, trying not to remember the look on your face as you wondered what he was about to say. In truth, even he’s not sure of it. He doesn’t know how to feel about you, about his feelings. But he does know one thing. He liked you, liked talking to you. He thinks he’d like to get to know you more. Could someone like him, a villain who destroys everything he touches, really have someone like you, someone kind and upbeat?
Probably best that he doesn’t answer that question, even to himself.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
The presentation finally ends, crowds of people filtering suddenly out of the biggest convention hall on the property. The crowd is finally starting to bother him, too many people pushing against him, and he is eager to finally leave when he hears the sound of crashing glass and screams.  His head turns in the direction of the commotion, vowing to leave, when he hears his name being mentioned and something else that makes his blood turn cold. Your voice, saying something with sheer terror in it.
He’s moving before he’s even aware of it, racing around the corner and pushing people aside to get to you immediately. When he finally makes it to you, his vision almost goes red with the sheer rage that he is feeling at what he sees in front of him. You’re laying on the ground with minor cuts and bruises from broken glass and two heroes in costume standing over you.
“Where is Tomura Shigaraki?”
“I don’t know!”
“Yes you do, we have witnesses saying you were eating with him earlier.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I ate alone.”
He is shocked at the fact that you, of all people, are lying to heroes. To protect him, even though you must realize who he truly is at this point. He doesn’t understand why he feels he has to do something to prevent these heroes from hurting you. Only that he does.
“If it’s me you want, I’m right here.” They whirl around instantly to attack him, but he’s ready for that. These are heroes who have no business hunting down a villain such as him, and he disposes of one of them instantly, knocking him completely out before turning away to meet the other one.
But fear floods his veins as he sees the hero has lifted you up and is holding you by your neck. You look at him with wide, tear filled eyes, as if asking him to save you.
“She has nothing to do with this,” he hisses at the hero, “leave her alone and deal with me.”
“You mean to tell me that someone like her willingly spent time with you, not knowing who you are? I don’t believe that at all.” The words cause Shigaraki to almost physically recoil, but he holds it back as he glares at the hero.
“Jet let her go.”
“Do you happen to care about her? I didn’t think you could care.” He narrows his eyes at Shigaraki. “Just turn yourself in and she doesn’t have to get hurt.”
At these words, rage unlike anything Shigaraki has ever felt fills him, and before he can even think of what he’s doing, he’s grabbing the hero with all of his fingers, tossing him away as he grabs for you.
“You saved me,” you mumble quietly as you look up at him, tracing a finger down his face tenderly.
He puts you down just a shade too quickly, causing you to lean against the wall for support. “I did not save you, you were just here.”
“No, I saw you. You were going in the opposite direction when you heard me. You came back for me.”
“Why were you even in this area to begin with? You said you didn’t have the ticket to be here.”
You glance away from his harsh tone, but your cheeks look flushed. “I went ahead and bought one. So that I could see you again.”
The wind is taken from his lungs as he realizes that you were here waiting for him. You were injured because you were waiting for him. You’re too vulnerable, too weak, not able to defend yourself. Everything in him rebels in what he’s about to do, but he has to. He squeezes his eyes shut as he realises this is it. This is his answer to the question of whether someone like him could have someone like you.
“Yeah? Well I sure as hell didn’t want to see you again.”
Your eyes go wide as you shake your head. “You’re - you’re lying. You wanted to say something to me before you left. It was that you wanted to see me again, right?”
He lets his expression grow cold. “No. I decided to be nice and not tell you how much I hate you. How much I wanted to leave so that I didn’t have to spend a moment longer with you.”
“You’re only saying these mean things because you want to push me away.” Tears run down your face as you try to deny his words. “But I won’t let that happen. I care about you!”
“You don’t even know me,” he snarls, “I could kill you in an instant and would think nothing of it.”
You let out a small gasp as you continue to try and deny his words. “No, you’re lying, you don’t mean any of these things. You didn’t have to save me but you did.”
“Maybe it’s because I wanted to fight them. Wanted to kill them.”
“But you didn’t! They’re still alive. You’re a good guy, you just -”
He growls at you as he steps aside, pointing backwards to something on the floor. You stare in incomprehension, trying to figure out what you see. When you glance back up at him, he knows you realize what happened. But he also sees the desperate need you have to deny it.
“Fine, I’ll show you the truth.” He wraps his hand all the way around the unconscious hero’s leg, watching your reaction closely. You begin to tremble, not looking at him but at what is happening to what used to be a man.
Ah, he thinks, there it finally is. The look he’s been expecting to see since the moment he met you. The fear. The disgust. The hatred. It’s written all over your face, all the expressions that he never wanted to see.
“Why,” you whisper as tears run down your cheeks. “They didn’t have to die, there was no reason for it.”
“I told you. Because I wanted to. And I could kill you just as easily, if you don’t get the fuck out of here right now.”
“But I love you!” You blurt the words out suddenly, and he feels the whole world collapse around him. No no no, this was not supposed to happen. He lunges at you, pressing your back against the wall as he raises a finger up over your skin.
“Yeah? Well I don’t love you. You’re useless and annoying, and it’s no wonder your friends abandoned you. Keep your worthless love.”
“No,” you choke back a sob as you pull away from him completely, an action that he allows with reluctance.  Even in these circumstances, he doesn’t want to let you go. But he waits for the words that he knows he’ll hear from you. To be called a monster, less than a person, nothing but a being of chaos and destruction who lives only to destroy.
“Well you still have it,” you sob, “you need it more than I do.” And with that, he watches as you take slow steps away from him, and he watches as you turn away and flee. Running out of his life for good.
It had to be this way, he tries to convince himself. There was no other way. Someone so innocent, so kind, would never make it in his world. If she couldn’t handle what she saw just now, there was no chance.
But your final words keep echoing in his head, refusing to leave. So he briefly allows himself to consider the possibilities, as he wipes away a tear that he pretends was never there at all.
If only his quirk hadn’t activated as it did, killing the few people in this world who cared about him. If only he hadn’t committed his first murder shortly after that, killing his own father. If only he hadn’t been taken by All for One, manipulated and molded into a weapon of nothing but destruction and decay. If only, if only, if only. So many places where things could have been different, where he could have had a life where he was loved. But he knows, deep in his heart, the only “if only” that truly matters.
The one that, if true, would change everything, make everything in his life be okay again. Allow him to have love and a life worth living for instead of worth dying for.
If only he were still Tenko Shimura.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tags: @thewheezingwyvern, @animewh0re, @dee-madwriter, @ttamaki​, @lildreamer93, @yaoyorozuwrites, @redbeanteax, @kittygonyan, @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love, @daedaep69, @heyybrittannia, @groovydreamertrash, @hisoknen, @chou-maitresse, @shoutogepi, @togasknifes, @kingtamakimurder, @1-800-callmekatsuki, @league-of-thots, @ichor-and-symbiosis
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viking-raider · 5 years
Wing-Dog *Fic Request*
Summary: You’ve heard of a Wing-Man? Well, Kal Cavill is a Wing-Dog! You’re hired to watch Kal, while Henry films the second season of The Witcher, and in true Wing-Dog fashion, Kal has plans for you and Henry.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2,443
Rating: G for Fluff, Kal Fluff, Doggo cuteness 
Inspiration: Request by @romyr4​
Author’s Note: Romyr messaged me this request and it’s been on my mind ever since! Kal is such a special part in Henry’s life, that if Kal took to someone so much, Henry probably would too.
Tag List: @jennylovelyheart, @peakygroupie, @jessevans​ @MITZWINCHESTER @rosie-loves-things​, @ohjules​, @mary-ann84​, @omgkatinka​, @hm-fck​, @the-freak-cassie-131​, @heelsamizayn​, @agniavateira, @cap-barnes, @romyr4​, @michelehansel, @katiebriggs004-blog​
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“Henry, this is y/n.” The producer introduced the pair of you on the set of the new season of the Witcher. “She's the one your agent asked us to hire, to watch Kal while you're filming.” She explained, smiling between the pair of you. “Y/n, this is Henry.”
“Obviously.” You chuckled, extending your hand to the actor. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well.” Henry nodded, shaking your hand. “Do you have experience with large breed dogs, like Kal?” He asked, sounding like the protective dog dad he came off as.
“I know a lot about them.” You assured him, nodding back. “I've had large breed dogs all my life, and I am the one that takes care of them at the veterinary and doggy daycare business, I work for.”
“So, you're a Vet as well?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Vet tech,” You corrected him, carefully. “I'm still going to school to become a full blown Vet.” You explained to him. “I have another year of school.” You added, knowing that was probably going to be the next question out of his mouth.
“You are a little dinky, for Kal.” Henry replied, crossing his arms over his chest, but the smile and spark in his eyes told you he was teasing you, making you blush.
“If I can throw down with a fully grown, two hundred pound, male Great Dane, I'm sure I can survive Kal's buck thirty.” You countered, giving Henry a mischievous smirk.
Henry nodded his head, impressed. “We'll see.” He told you, turning. “I'll go get him.”
“How did you throw down with a Great Dane?” the Producer asked, looking at you, surprised.
“I rode it like a horse.” You joked, making them laugh. “No, it's just about knowing how to stop them.” You told her, pulling a treat out of you pocket. “Works, every time.”
“We'll see, cause here comes the Bear.” The producer said, seeing Kal running at the pair of you, full sprint.
“Aww, he's beautiful.” You commented, changing your stance and then held up the treat in your hand, making Kal slide to a halt and sit inches in front of you. “You're an incredibly good sitter too.” You added to him, giving him the treat and a pat on the head. “Good enough for you?” You asked, looking up at Henry, who stood several feet away, shock on his face.
“That's all I need to know.” Henry nodded, closing his mouth. “I do have conditions,” He told you, coming to stand behind Kal. “I want a photo of him every couple of hours, just to make sure he's all right, and a text, if you take him anywhere off the lot.”
“That's fair and very doable.” You nodded, meeting his eyes.
“Great.” Henry felt good leaving Kal with you, while he worked. “This is my phone number.” He swapped numbers with you, and handed you Kal's leash. “I'll text you, when I'm finished working.”
“Aye aye, Witcher.” You giggled as Henry walked away to hair and make-up. “So, Kal, what do you wanna do?” You asked, smiling down at the black and white Bear.
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“Kal!” Henry yelled as the Akita took off around his trailer.
“Bear!” You yelled back, as Kal jumped up on you, excitedly.
“I swear, sometimes it seems he's more excited to see you, than he is to see me.” Henry commented, coming around the trailer to greet you.
“He knows who has all the treats.” You laughed, as Kal sniffed at the zipped up treat pouch on your hip. “Good morning, Henry.” You said, finally greeting the Brit.
“Good morning, y/n.” He greeted you back, smiling softly. “I'll let you two do whatever it is, the two of you do all day.” He said, patting Kal on the head and walking off.
“I got something for you.” You said to Kal, after Henry had gone.
You lead Kal over to your trailer, disappearing inside for a moment and came back out with a ball. You'd been taking care of Kal for just over two months, and in that time, he'd destroyed nearly every ball he'd gotten his jaws on. But, after talking to one of the other Vet Techs, you'd found this ball, that was meant to be indestructible. But, you'd find out if it really was, in the next couple of days that Kal had it.
“You ready?” You asked him, grinning to see his eye glued to the solid, red rubber ball, and bark. “See what you got?” You said, and took off running, making him chase after you.
You laid down in the grass panting as your two hour alarm went off. It was you, that was supposed to be getting Kal exercise and tired out, but it was completely the other way around. He nudged at your head with his cold wet nose, drooling on you as his tongue hung out the side of his gaping mouth. You patted the ground next to you, and Kal obediently laid down beside you, rolling onto his back for dramatic affect.
“You're just mocking me now.” You teased him, digging into your pocket for your phone and turning the camera on. “Say Treats for Daddy!” You said, tilting your head towards Kal's and snapped the photo Henry wanted every two hours.
Henry's phone vibrated on his set chair, and he picked it up between takes. Opening his messages, he grinned at the photo you'd just sent him, you looking totally beat, and Kal looking like he was have a blast, and could go a few miles more.
“Who's babysitting who?” Henry texted you back.
“If I'm still alive, when you get off work, then you'll know.” You texted back, and made Henry laugh even more.
Henry had finished filming for the day, and made his way to your trailer, which is normally where he'd find you and Kal at the end of the day.
“I'm sorry, I won't do it again!” Henry heard you yell, from the over side of your trailer, as he raised his hand to knock, then heard you yelp and the thump of you falling down. “Y/n?” He called, moving around to the other side.
“I promised not to do it again!” You laughed, hands holding on to the thick fur of Kal's neck.
Henry stood by the side of your trailer, seeing Kal standing over you and licking at your face as you melted into hysterical laughter. You grunted as Kal dropped his heavy body on top of you, but kept laughing and playfully struggling against the big Bear.
“Mercy!” You howled in laughter. “Just tell me what the ransom is!” You told Kal, letting your arms fall to the sides as he kept licking at your face and drooling all over you. “I'll give you all the treats!” You tried bargaining with him. “I swear! All the treats and no more fake throws!”
Biting into his lip to keep from laughing himself, Henry looked around and saw the small treat bag you usually carried around sitting on the ground, and stooped to pick it up. “Kal.” He called, chuckling as you continued to beg for mercy.
“Oh, thank god, a Witcher!” You laughed even harder, turning your face towards Henry, who was still in costume and wig. “Please, Witcher! Pay this beast, it's ransom!”
“What do I get out of it?” Henry asked, turning on his Geralt voice. “I doubt there's any treats in here, I'd like.” He bounced the bag in his hand. “There's definitely no coin.”
“I'll be at your mercy!” You giggled, moving your head out of the way of another attack by Kal. “Name your price, Witcher!” You stopped struggling with Kal and laid limp beneath him, out of breath from running with Kal, and laughing.
“You let me repay you, for taking care of Kal so well.” Henry told you, using his normal voice again. “Come to dinner with me, tonight.”
“Well,” You panted and motioned to Kal, who just laid on top of you now. “I don't have much of an option, do I?” You said, looking over him over.
“No, you don't.” Henry grinned, taking out his phone and snapping a pic of the two of you.
“You're just living for this, now.” You laughed, smiling at him.
“I really am.” Henry nodded, opening the treat pouch. “Kal, treat?” He called to him, holding out a palm full of them.
Kal perked up at the word treat and his head swung around to him, his nose sniffing at the air between him and Henry. Henry made a noise and Kal shot up and ran for him, colliding into Henry's legs and devoured the treats he had for him. You gasped, filling your burning and deflated lungs with the cool afternoon air, and took the hand Henry extended to you, letting him pull you up onto your feet. You dusted yourself off and looked up at Henry, seeing the smirk still lingering on his lips as he looked down at you.
“Pick you up in an hour?” He asked, lifting a brow at you.
“I'll be ready.” You blushed.
The three of you parted ways and you took a quick shower and pulled on some decent clothing for a dinner. You opened your trailer door at Henry's knock and smiled at him, relieved he was just as decently dressed as you were, his hair still wet from the shower he'd apparently also took. You followed him to his car and buckled your seat belt as he slid into the driver's seat beside you.
“What was that ball you got Kal?” He asked, looking at you as he started the car. “He's had that thing for a while now, and it's still, more or less, in one piece.”
“One of my fellow Vet Techs suggested it to me, after she asked me why I kept picking up new ones.” You chuckled, brushing your still wet hair behind your ear.
“I'll have to grab some more from you, before filming is done.” Henry smiled, glancing at you. “But, we've got several more months of that.” He added.
“We got the time.” You agreed, looking back at him.
You and Henry had dinner that night, and several more times in the following weeks. Being that you were dog-sitting Kal, and Kal nearly always went with Henry, you got to follow Henry around to the various filming locations for the Witcher; London, Budapest, Austria and the Canary Islands in Spain. It was fun to travel, even better to spend that traveling with Kal and Henry. You and Henry had become close, very close thanks to Kal, he was like the Wing-dog equivalent to a Wing-man. But, you were still paid to take care of Kal, and give Henry updates on the Akita while he was on set working. Henry hadn't heard from you in several hours, and he was an hour's drive from where you and Kal were, at your flat in London. You weren't answering his texts or his phone calls, which made Henry's already cranky day, even crankier. So, when he got off work, he rushed as quickly back to you two as the law would allow.
“Y/n?” He called, opening the door with the key you'd given him, but he received no answer, not from you or Kal. Huffing, he mounted the stairs, taking them two at a time and pushed open your bedroom door, his shoulders relaxed as Kal's head came up and quietly woofed at him.
Kal was on the bed with you, partially covered up with your blankets, you were worried he'd get cold while you took a nap, and with your arm slung over his his body, head resting on his big paw as you slept, curled up against him. Henry's heart melted, all the stress and crankiness he had throughout the day, going with it as he watched you sleep. Kal woofed at Henry a bit louder this time, making you stir, rubbing you cheek against his paw and patting his side to calm him.
“Sorry.” You heard Henry whisper to Kal, getting the hint that he didn't want Henry bothering you, and opened your eyes.
“Henry?” You whispered, sleepily rolling onto your back, as Henry moved out of your room. “What time is it?” You asked his back.
“Just past seven, at night.” Henry replied, turning back towards you.
“Fuck!” You snapped, sitting up. “I never heard my alarm go off, I only wanted to take an nap for an hour.” You said, swiping your phone off the bed stand and seeing the endless string of texts, phone calls and voicemails Henry had left you throughout the afternoon. “I'm so sorry, Henry.” You told him, looking at him, shocked and worried.
“It's all right, y/n.” He assured you, smiling softly. “Both Kal and I have been running you rabid the last several months, and I trust you enough with him.” He told you, looking between you and Kal, tilting his head to the side. “I just got a little anxious is all, it's been one of those days.”
“Well,” You shifted over in bed, and patted the open space beside you. “We can fix that.” You smiled at him, and Kal barked in agreement with you.
“I thought you were my dog?” Henry commented, sitting on bed beside you. Kal woofed, walking over you to lay down on your and Henry's legs.
“He's your Wing-dog.” You chuckled, leaning in to kiss Henry on the cheek.
“Best Wing-dog a man could have.” Henry agreed, turning his head to capture your lips with his. “and you're the best woman, I could have. You take such great care of Kal and me, while still managing to go to school.”
“Well, someone has to take care of you two silly boys.” You teased, grinning at him.
“I've got to take you on vacation after you graduate, and I've finished filming the Witcher.” Henry told you, brushing his knuckles against your cheek. “You've more than earned it.” He said, laying down with you, Kal curling up at your feet.
“All three of us have earned a vacation.” You answered, humming as Henry wrapped his arms around you, burrowing you both into the blankets and mattress.
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innerpostmentality · 4 years
On the 8th day of ficmas…. Loose at Edenbrook a Naughty Elf with a Santa Suit
An Open Heart inspired fiction featuring Ethan Ramsey and (MC) Tia Sheldon Words around 1700 Warnings: this follows Ethan and Tia after my Kinky Cards 2020 submission so it is M- erotica All rights to Pixelberry characters and settings are acknowledged Thanks to emichelle and leelee10898 for organizing this and for their patience with me. 12 Days of Fictmas Tag list
Writers : @texaskitten30 @leelee10898 @emichelle @zaffrenotes @alj4890 @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 @darley1101 @msjr0119 @annekebbphotography @god-save-the-keen @plumeriavibes @ofpixelsandscribbles @camillemontespan @ao719 @cocomaxley @cordoniansgonewild @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @cordoniantrash @axwalker @innerpostmentality @lucy-268 @janezillow @katedrakeohd
Readers : @mom2000aggie @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @debramcg1106 @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @hopefulmoonobject @drariellevalentine @tornbetween2loves
  Tia was looking over the detailed list that Sienna had given her, checking it twice, she grinned and couldn’t keep herself from softly whisper signing “… makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice…. Dum de dum dum.. So naughty, but nice…” She slipped a small neatly wrapped silver brocade package with a tag that read “Merry Christmas Dr. Ramsey From: Your naughty Elf” into the large red shoulder pack that she’d been filling with the small tins of cookies and treats that Sienna had made’ and other small packages for staff and patients who were having to spend this Christmas at Edenbrook.  She pulled her phone out to check the time and frowned, it was later than she thought, and she had missed a call from Rafael who was supposed to be their Santa Claus. She sighed and called him back.  Rafael picked up on the first ring. ”Tia? I’m so sorry. I’ve got a fever.. I thought I’d be better once I got a shower and some coffee but it’s gotten worse. I don’t think I should do this. I don’t want to get anyone sick.”  Tia could hear the congestion and sadness in his voice. “Oh no. I’m so sorry you’re sick, Raphael. I understand. We’ll find someone. Just take care of yourself. Lots of fluids and plenty of rest. Doctors orders! We’re going to have a little New Year get together. You get better and we’ll see you there.”     She looked forlornly at the Santa costume draped over her desk. Then a mischievous grin settled on her face as she pulled out her phone and called Ethan.                  ________________________________ “This is all bass ackwards if you ask me.” Theodore Sheldon kept his dark eyes on the road as he grumbled. “… driving half-way across the country so we can at least meet this guy. AFTER they are already engaged! Two weeks before the wedding!... What if we didn’t want to come for Christmas? Maybe we would have liked to come for Thanksgiving! Maybe we already had plans for Christmas.” Marie’s smile was a soft, private one as she glanced up from her book and over at her handsome, ranting, husband. The years had made him a perfect fit for the term debonair with a kiss of salt and pepper in his hair but only a single streak of white in his immaculately trimmed beard. He was usually very calm and genial perhaps with the exception of any suitors of their only child, Tia. Then all the proud, incredibly protective papa came full to the fore.  “Did we, mi Amor?” “No. But that isn’t the point. He didn’t ask. He should have asked. We should know this man who is taking our Tia. He could be a complete fraud. Some charlatan out to take advantage of her. He’s too old for her. Something is wrong with a man never married and 38 years old. Maybe he is married. Left his wife and their kids in a trailer park in Detroit looking for greener pastures.” “Theo, Stop it!” Marie shut her book app and frowned over at the mature man now pulling a face a five-year old sulking boy would be proud of. “You know better. The moment you got off the phone with Tia when she told us they were engaged you Googled him. You know he’s a renowned doctor.  He’s a good man, Theo. And Tia is in love with him. Be happy for them. You know they were off on vacation when he proposed. And this works perfectly. We’ll get to spend Christmas and New Years and then the wedding the next week with them. It’s a lovely holiday for us the way this is working out.” She reached over and gently stroked his arm. “Te amo, Theo. I’m looking forward to exploring Boston with you mi Amor.” “He should have asked…” he grumbled but patted his wife’s hand on his arm.                        _________________________________ Ethan was reviewing the cases that had come into the ER that morning. Thankfully they were all treat and release. A few minor burns, some cuts that required stitches but not surgery. A kid that swallowed a marble. Another with a broken toe and some pretty bad scrapes who was trying out his new skate board. Slow was always good in the ER. But it was so slow that he was having too much time to be anxious about meeting Tia’s parents later. It was a strange feeling for him, wanting to impress… well anyone besides Tia.   Then his phone rang and he smiled as he answered, “Hello Tia. Have you heard when your parents will be arriving?” “Ah. No. I think this afternoon or evening. But I have a problem I was hoping you might help me with. If you’re not too busy.” “It’s been blessedly slow so far today. I was just reviewing cases. I think I have a bit before the afternoon food poisoning cases start arriving. I’ll join you in a minute.”                     _____________________________      He was wearing fake hair, bells and a fat suit.  Seven years of medical school three years of residency, Published seven times in the American Journal of Medicine. Two text books published on Diagnostic Methodology and the Interpretation of Diagnostic Modeling. He was wearing fake hair, bells, and a fat suit, and a grin as his very naughty elf bounced up to him jingling in her little green velvet elf suit with her peppermint knee sock clad legs, his ring on her finger, and bells bedecking the pointy toes of her green elf shoes struggling to carry a giant red sack that had presents sticking out of the top. “Tia? Put that down and let’s find a cart. I do not want either of us getting a hernia for Christmas. It would definitely interfere with you making this up to me later.” A few minutes later they settled on an empty IV tree as a Santa bag holder and went wheeling the bag through the halls distributing the assortment of goodies to the staff, popping in to occupied rooms and giving patients little gifts that didn’t violate dietary restrictions and brought lots of smiles to faces. As they left the last room Tia grinned and held the small silver box up. “Only one left. Say’s it’s for Dr. Ramsey. I guess we should go to his office and see if he’s there…” Ethan raised a brow and his bright eyes twinkled with amusement. “Lead the way.” Tia smirked and sashayed her way to the elevator. She paused for a moment before hitting the button for the 4th floor. The moment the elevator doors closed Ethan pulled her to him and kissed her. “4th floor is diagnostics not emergency.” He murmured as he let her go and the elevator door opened. Tia sighed and giggled. Then led him down the hall toward her office stopping by the door just before hers. “I think you should open the present now.” Ethan broke the tape seal and opened the box as his gaze held hers. Finally he looked down. There was a note, and a skimpy bit of green lace underwear wrapped around a key. ‘Look what I’m NOT wearing, just for you! Doctor Banerji pulled a few strings and got us adjacent offices!’ He slid the key in the lock and opened the door to the darkened office letting her go in first. Shutting the door behind them he slipped his arms around her as he whispered, “I love you, my naughty elf.” “Ummm… I love you too, Ethan. Thank you for doing this.” She kissed him sweetly then deepened the kiss.
He slid his hands down her back then below her skirt and found her bare bottom. Lifting her she wrapped her legs around him so he could carry her. She giggled softly as he carried her across the room to the desk, kissing her all the way. He set her down on the desk then stepped away and started wrestling his way out of the Santa suit.  “Hurry, Ethan. I need you.” she purred at him in the darkness. “This damn suit is not cooperating.” The fat padding was attached with Velcro to a spandex body suit. He tried taking the spandex off without removing the fat pads first but that wasn’t working so he rolled the spandex back up and started ripping the fat pads off. “I can’t see a damn thing.”  Tia giggled as she heard the rrrrrip, rrrrip of Velcro separating.  A few minutes later his hands cupped her face and he was kissing her again. Her hands explored the warmth of his bare chest and then wandered lower caressing his growing stiffness. His fingers found her wetness a moment later as he slipped one and then a second finger into her, curling them up and stroking across her g spot. He heard her breathing change and soft mewls marked the nearing crest of her passion. His voice was very low, “Lie back Darling. I need to be in you now.” He pulled his fingers from her even as she guided his velvety hardness into her. His arm slipped beneath her to protect her from the edge of the desk as he began to thrust. Ethan knew all the mechanics and still the wonder and marvel of making love to this precious woman shattered him and remade him every time. “Ethan… Ethan… I … “ Her back arched and he felt the storm within her clench around him and he was gone.  “Tia..” He held her to him tightly releasing deeply in her. “I..” They both heard the knock and Sienna’s voice in the hallway. “Tia?”  “I’m not sure exactly where she is, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon. Maybe she’s down in Dr. Ramsey’s office. Let’s check there. I know they were going to be distributing gifts but I think they already finished.” …….. Merry Christmas!.....
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
December 4th- The Movie Date
Universe: 2000′s AU Rating: G (General Audiences) Length: 1720 Words
Note: This fic deals with Kristoff and Anna waiting in line to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in 2007 because for me the 2000′s were pretty much all Harry Potter all the time. I just want to say that while I’ve always been a fan of the Harry Potter series, I am not a fan of JK Rowling and her TERF ideology. If you like this fic please consider donating to The Trevor Project or another charity of your choice that supports trans folks. Trans rights are human rights.
Also on a less important note: I fucked with the timeline a bit because I wanted the last book to have come out before the fifth movie for the plot stuff I could do with it. Technically speaking the last book came out ten days later than the film, but semantics.
If someone had told him a year ago that he would be dressed up in a wizard costume, standing in line for over five hours just to get seats to see a movie, he would have called them crazy. Of course, he’d heard of Harry Potter, even then. It was a cultural phenomenon and really he’d been meaning to read the books at some point, it was just that he was busy with work or it was hockey season, or something came up and he never really found the time to sit down and read the books. That was, of course, all the excuses he’d made before Anna.
He’d met her mostly by mistake while at work. He’d been working on laying up brick for a new fountain in the city park, and she’d been walking a big fluffy white dog by one hand while texting someone on her Nokia with the other, and it hadn’t ended particularly well for anyone involved. The long story short was that she’d broken her arm, he’d needed stitches in his cheek, and the dog, Olaf, had needed to have chunks of fur cut away after cement dried into his fluffy tail.
It had also, coincidentally worked out very well for at least the human parts of the incident as, once they’d finished arguing over who was at fault, they’d also started talking civilly and despite their aches and pains, had actually went out for coffee after the incident. At the time, a Starbucks had just opened in town and it had been the excuse they’d both used, along with the promise of apology coffee, for their first date.
She’d been easy to fall in love with, and when she’d brought up the kids series and her love of it on their first date, he’d finally had the shove he needed to stop making excuses and read them.  He didn’t end up loving them nearly so much as she did. He’d never been much of a fantasy guy, but still after hours reading the books and discussing them with her, they’d ordered the movies through Netflix and watched them together as they arrived in the mail.
That was six months before they moved in together. Now, while he still wasn’t as into the series as Anna, he could say that he knew as much as anyone who had finished the series in July when the final book came out. He’d needed to stand in line then too, but it had been worth it to bring it home and watch Anna, who had been sick, marathon the book between breaks for NyQuil and sustenance. The snot and tears he’d endured, laying on the couch with her, her head on his chest, had been all worth it in the end, as the hours in line and the silly costume were now.
The things I do for love.
“Okay, so as soon as they let us in, we’ll snag the best seats. You’re on guard duty while I get popcorn because you look tough.”
He snorted, both at the fact that she had a game plan, and because he really didn’t feel like he looked tough at all in his Gryffindor tie (though he’d been told by Anna, and a quiz she’d found on Quizilla.com, that he was much more of a Hufflepuff) and large black robe. In fact, he felt like he looked a little bit ridiculous, but Anna, in comparison, looked lovely.
She’d decided to dress like Fleur Delacour in her Beauxbaton’s uniform, and he knew that he, by association was meant to be Bill Weasley, something which he not only liked the idea of from a romantic sense, but also by characterization. He’d liked Bill in the books, and for what it was worth, he’d also liked Fleur despite the way other characters looked at her. While he wasn’t sure he was quite brave enough to be Bill, he did like his work ethic, the strong sense of right and wrong he seemed to display, and his love for his family. Anna made an excellent Fleur, particularly in the sense that he found her so lovely that she could certainly have some Veela heritage, even if they were fictional.
“I’ll endeavor to do my best,” he said, only half teasing.
“You’ll do fine I’m sure. I mean they’re only selling as many tickets as they have seats, and it’s been sold out for weeks, so once we get our seats it’s not like anyone can make us move or kick us out or something.”
He nodded, “Honestly Anna I think that everyone is just excited to see the movie, I doubt they’re going to fight us on seats too much.”
“But if they do, we’re going to win.”
He laughed at that. There was a glint in her eye that seemed more like they were about to go to battle than that they were going to walk into a movie theater. He loved her competitive nature, particularly when it wasn’t aimed toward him, in their Livingroom, playing Call of Duty. Her bloodlust was legendary when a win was on the line, and “all is fair in love and war” was the law of the land as soon as the PlayStation turned on.  
“So I know you have a rule about soda because whenever you get it you have to pee halfway through the movie, but would you mind grabbing me a cherry coke when you get the popcorn? Because I haven’t had a drink in five hours and I understand the Order of the Phoenix is very important, and I was willing to sacrifice for it, but I’m going to need to drink something soon or I’m going to look like a dementor…”
He trailed off, noticing that Anna wasn’t paying any attention to a word he was saying, but instead was staring off past the pinball machines and crane games that dotted the lobby, straight over to the ticket counter, where a girl, appearing to be around ten, wearing a Quidditch uniform was crying into her extremely frazzled looking mother’s skirt.
“Oh geeze,” Anna said quietly, much lower than when they were explaining their battle plan, “That poor kid. I bet her Mom didn’t think to buy ahead… she probably didn’t realize how popular it was going to be.”
Kristoff frowned, he had a sister about her age, and there was nothing worse than watching her cry over anything. As much as he was wrapped around Anna’s finger, he’d been wrapped around hers first. There were many years, when she was even younger, that he’d bring himself to exhaustion carrying her around on his shoulders, reading her stories, and doing whatever it took to keep her happy. He could only imagine how much more he’d want to please a kid of his own.
“Anna… is she wearing a birthday girl pin on her robe?”
He probably shouldn’t have mentioned it, but he noticed the pink button and crown when she turned and wiped her little eyes.
“It is,” Anna agreed, frowning, “It is definitely a birthday girl pin. I bought Elsa the same one last month… but I don’t think she wore it as proudly as that kid is.”
An announcement was made over the lobby PA system informing the theatergoers that rope drop to enter theaters 1-4 for the release showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix would be in just five minutes. When Anna quickly ducked under the rope to the side of them that they’d been standing between for five hours, Kristoff smiled to himself, already knowing where she was going.
“’Well, I’m glad you listen to Hermione Granger at any rate’, she said, pointing him out of her office.”
Anna snorted, jostling the book, as Kristoff held it with one hand and played with her hair with the other. Her head was rested against his chest on their couch, and despite the late hour they were both still awake and quite comfortable.
“I love how you’re doing your best Maggie Smith impression when you read McGonagall’s parts. It’s almost like I can see it.”
He leaned forward and a bit awkwardly placed a kiss on her forehead as he flipped the book closed. They’d finished Chapter Twelve and while he would start Chapter Thirteen if she wanted him to, a moment to rest was required before they read any further.
“I’m sorry we didn’t actually go see it,” he replied, “But I’m glad that we found something else to do tonight. That little girl and her mom looked like they’d been given a million dollars when you handed them the tickets.”
Anna smiled at that, her eyes fluttering open. Her eyes were still  a little sad and at odds with her grin, but he supposed that it only made sense that she was still happy and sad about her decision to give up a night she’d been planning for months to a child she didn’t even know.
“Well I mean… I would want someone to do it for our… I mean my kid. You know, if we… I had one.”
The slip wasn’t unnoticed by him, and setting the book down onto the floor, he pulled her in tighter to his chest, wrapping both arms around her tightly. She squirmed a bit in his embrace, laughing at how between him and the blanket she was all but cocooned.
“Someday,” he said, “Yeah, I would hope someone would do that for our kid. Or you know… kids.”
She stopped squirming and instead hummed appreciatively at his comment.
“Maybe,” she said, “A whole burrow’s worth.”
They’d only briefly talked before about marriage and a family, but he did like the idea of a big family. He had many siblings, and he loved being with them even though he often considered himself a bit of an introvert, but he knew that Anna loved people, and she loved noise. He could imagine her happy in a big house with plenty of smiling faces and loud joyful voices to fill it.
“Someday,” he said confidently, thinking of the end of the final book, her sobbing into his shirt over a happy ending with families and friends and young children who were products of love and loyalty, “Someday Anna we will.”
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bookishable · 5 years
deathly hallows book moments
warning: this one’s a rollercoaster ride of emotions, read at your own risk.
‘the idea of a teenage dumbledore was simply odd, like trying to imagine a stupid hermione or a friendly blast-ended skrewt.’
“i don’t think you’re a waste of space.”
‘he felt like asking them to show a little more respect for his privacy as they all began stripping off with impunity, clearly much more at ease with displaying his body than they would have been with their own.’
ron: why do i have to clean my room? mrs weasley: !!! WEDDING !!! ron: theyre not getting married in my damn bedroom
“we’re coming with you. that was decided months ago—years, really.”
“if i picked up a sword right now, ron, and ran you through with it, i wouldn’t damage your soul at all.” “which would be a real comfort to me, i’m sure”
harry waking up on his birthday forgetting he was 17
“accio glasses!” although they were only around a foot away, there was something immensely satisfying about seeing them zoom towards him, at least until they poked him in the eye.
ron giving harry a book called twelve fail-safe ways to charm witches for his birthday
“i’ve learned a lot. you’d be surprised, it’s not all about wandwork, either.”
‘the rest of her speech was lost; harry had got up and hugged her. he tried to put a lot of unsaid things into the hug and perhaps she understood them’
“are you planning to follow a career in magical law, miss granger?” “no i’m not, i’m hoping to do some good in the world!”
“it’s time you learned some respect!” “it’s time you earned it”
hermione: when we were little we heard stories like snow white and cinderella ron: what’s that, an illness? harry: rip me i never got read any stories
“a brutal triple murder by the bridegroom’s mother might put a bit of a damper on the wedding.”
“merlin’s beard, what is xenophilius lovegood wearing? he looks like an omelette.” excuse me why wasn’t auntie muriel like this in the film
“he used to down an entire bottle of firewhisky, then run on to the dance floor, hoist up his robes and start pulling bunches of flowers out of his—” “yes, he sounds a real charmer”
harry suggesting that xenophilius lovegood’s deathly hallows necklace is the cross-section of the head of a crumple-horned snorkack
“vot is the point of being an international quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?”
‘harry heard her mutter a suggestion as to where ron could stick his wand instead.’
harry reading lily’s letter and noticing that they wrote their g’s the same way as each other, i’m sobbing
‘the letter was an incredible treasure, proof that lily potter had lived, really lived’
kreacher hitting mundungus over the head with a saucepan “perhaps just one more, master harry, for luck?”
“if anyone shouldn’t go, it’s harry, he’s got a ten thousand galleon price on his head—” “fine, i’ll stay here, let me know if you ever defeat voldemort, won’t you?”
‘with a twinge of regret that had nothing to do with food, harry imagined the house-elf busying himself over the steak and kidney pie that harry, ron and hermione would never eat.’
‘not knowing or caring that their living son stood so near, his heart still beating, alive because of their sacrifice and close to wishing, at this moment, that he was sleeping under the snow with them.’
the sign outside the wreckage of the potters’ house, covered with messages left for harry
the child who had the nerve to say “nice costume, mister!” to mr tom riddle the dark lord voldemort, what an icon
“after you left, she cried for a week. probably longer, only she didn’t want me to see. there were loads of nights when we never even spoke to each other. with you gone… she’s like my sister, i love her like a sister and i reckon she feels the same way about me. it’s always been like that. i thought you knew.”
“you’ve sort of made up for it tonight, getting the sword. finishing off the horcrux. saving my life.” “that makes me sound a lot cooler than i was” “stuff like that always sounds cooler than it really was, i’ve been trying to tell you that for years.”
ron single-handedly fighting off five snatchers by telling them he was stan shunpike
“he must’ve known i’d run out on you.” “no, he must’ve known you’d always want to come back.”
“i just think it’s a bit spookier if it’s midnight!” “yeah, because we really need a bit more fear in our lives”
“death’s got an invisibility cloak?” “so he can sneak up on people, sometimes he gets bored of running at them, flapping his arms and shrieking…”
luna decorating her bedroom ceiling with paintings of her friends (i’m not crying, you are)
“we’re all human, aren’t we? every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.”
“i’d tell him we’re all with him in spirit, and i’d tell him to follow his instincts, which are good and nearly always right.”
hagrid throwing a ‘support harry potter’ party
“the fact remains he can move faster than severus snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to”
“no! you can have me, keep me!” this book went from making me smile to shattering my heart in around three pages
‘hermione was screaming again: the sound went through harry like physical pain.’
ron’s ‘passable imitation of wormtail’s wheezy voice’
“so young, to be fighting so many.”
‘ron said, “blimey, a baby!” as if he had never heard of such a thing before.’
‘he seemed set on course to become just as reckless a godfather to teddy lupin as sirius black had been to him.’
“he was never free, never, the night that your brother died he drank a potion that drove him out of his mind. he started screaming, pleading with someone who wasn’t there… it was torture to him, if you’d seen him then, you wouldn’t say he was free.”
“i���m going to keep going until i succeed—or i die. don’t think i don’t know how this might end. i’ve known it for years.”
“i got this one for asking her how much muggle blood she and her brother have got.” “blimey, neville, there’s a time and a place for getting a smart mouth.”
“yeah, well, food’s one of the five exceptions to gamp’s law of elemental transfiguration,” said ron, to general astonishment.
“why would harry potter try to get inside ravenclaw tower? potter belongs in my house!”
‘harry heard a little strain of pride in her voice, and affection for minerva mcgonagall gushed up inside him.’
harry using the cruciatus curse on amycus in front of mcgonagall because “he spat at you”
mcgonagall dueling snape and sending a swarm of daggers at him
“where’s professor snape?” “he has, to use the common phrase, done a bunk” minerva i love you
neville throwing mandrakes over the walls
“is this the moment? OI! there’s a war going on here!” “i know, mate, so it’s now or never, isn’t it?”
‘and percy was shaking his brother, and ron was kneeling beside them, and fred’s eyes stared without seeing, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face.’
‘a herd of galloping desks thundered past, shepherded by a sprinting professor mcgonagall.’
harry stunned the death eater as they passed: malfoy looked around, beaming, for his saviour, and ron punched him from under the cloak. “and that’s the second time we’ve saved your life tonight, you two-faced bastard!”
trelawney using crystal balls to knock out death eaters ‘with a movement like a tennis serve’
“are you a wizard, or what?”
“you must kill me.” “would you like me to do it now? or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”
‘this cold-blooded walk to his own destruction would require a different kind of bravery.’
‘he was tiny in death.’
‘he felt he would have given all the time remaining to him for just one last look at them; but then, would he ever have had the strength to stop looking?’
“we’re all going to keep fighting, harry. you know that?”
“i am sorry too, sorry i will never know him… but he will know why i died and i hope he will understand. i was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life.”
“until the very end”
“this is, as they say, your party.” harry had no idea what this meant; dumbledore was being infuriating.
“it is a curious thing, harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it.”
“do not pity the dead, harry. pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love.”
“of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
‘the scream was the more terrible because he had never expected or dreamed that professor mcgonagall could make such a sound.’
ron breaking voldemort’s silencing charm “he beat you!”
“i’ll join you when hell freezes over, dumbledore’s army!”
harry calling voldemort tom riddle like “yes, i dare”
‘tom riddle hit the floor with a mundane finality, his body feeble and shrunken’ where please, movies?
‘mcgonagall had replaced the house tables, but nobody was sitting according to house anymore’
peeves’ song voldy’s gone mouldy
‘tears were sliding down from behind the half-moon spectacles into the long silver beard, and the pride and the gratitude emanating from him filled harry with the same balm as phoenix song.’
“i’ve had enough trouble for a lifetime.”
“if you’re not in gryffindor, we’ll disinherit you, but no pressure.”
albus complaining that everyone is staring and ron being like “it’s me. i’m extremely famous.”
‘the scar had not pained harry for nineteen years. all was well.’
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~ISEB in Japan: A Photo Journal~
If you’ve been following me on Twitter lately, you’ll know that I’ve been traveling through parts of Japan the last couple of weeks with my Ignis Play Arts Kai figure in tow. I posted a few pictures over there during the duration of my trip, but those barely scratched the surface of everything I got to do while in Japan. So I thought I’d put together a blog post of my journey while it was still fresh in my mind, featuring everyone’s favorite strategist in what I’ve been dubbing my Great Final Fantasy XV Adventure of 2019!
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[Image-heavy content + commentary under the cut]
A brief backstory: I’ve wanted to go to Japan my entire adult life. For years, I’ve watched friends make the trek while I’ve been stuck at home with a severe case of FOMO. The only thing that ever stopped me from going was money (or a lack thereof), so I made the decision last summer to buckle down and sock away every dime I made to make it happen. My only concern before hopping on the plane was that I had missed the wave of FFXV popularity by about a year, but I would quickly learn that—other than not getting to eat any of Ignis’ recipes at the Square Enix Cafe—I had little to worry about.
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Literally the only reason I brought my Play Arts Kai figure was so I could take this picture of Ignis at the Citadel (a.k.a. the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building), which was the very first place I stopped at on my first full day in Tokyo. The building + the surrounding plaza, while not 100% accurate, is a fairly impressive facsimile of the one in the game. It’s located in Shinjuku, which also boasts a lot of similarities to Insomnia. Having finished Episode Ardyn mere hours before jetting off on my trip, it felt like I had stepped off the plane and right into the game!
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There just so happened to be an Animate right near the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, so I popped in to get a feel for what kind of FFXV merch I’d be able to find two years after the game’s release and a year after its height of popularity. Turns out, there was quite a lot of swag to be found! Truth be told, I’ve never been one to chase down official merchandise (unfortunately my job doesn’t really afford that luxury), but I gave myself special permission while on vacation to buy anything I wanted. So I did! Including everything you see above. ^^;;
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The next thing I did was take the train to Ginza to meet Lyle/@landscape-gonna  (@landscape_gonna on Twitter), and I simply cannot say enough nice things about her. If you don’t know who she is, there’s a 99.9% chance you’ve seen at least one of her Ignis costumes, and they are A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. We had chatted a bit previously on Twitter before I went full-on stan mode, asking her if she'd be willing to meet up with me (a total stranger) to have lunch and talk Ignis and Final Fantasy. Not only did she say yes, but she gifted me with copies of her incredible cosplay zines and was not the least embarrassed when I busted out my Play Kai Arts figure in the middle of a busy Japanese dessert restaurant haha.
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See? Zero embarrassment here.
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We even did Noct’s ultimate pose! In public!
I can’t begin to articulate how special meeting Lyle was for me—being brought together from opposite sides of the world to share in our love for Ignis/FFXV is a memory I will cherish my entire life. So Lyle, if you are reading this: どうもありがとうございます ! ٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶
Lyle wasn't the only friend I had in Japan. Another friend of mine, Asuka (who happens to be well-versed in anime/video game culture), volunteered to be my guide through Ikebukuro/Otome Road the next day. Quick otaku lesson: Kbooks is a chain of stores that specializes in the resale of licensed merchandise. For example, if you missed out on some of the limited availability items from the Movic and the Square Enix Cafe collaborations, you might be able to find them at a Kbooks. Otome Road in particular has something like seven different Kbook shops in a 3-block radius, each one specializing in different products (sports anime, idols, cosplay, etc). I, of course, beelined for the video game shop...
...which is where I found this fucking thing:
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I’m not gonna lie, I almost bought it. I just didn’t know what I would do with it besides scare the living daylights out of people when they least expected it lol.
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Yoooo Adam I found ya boi in Ikebukuro
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We popped into the cosplay Kbooks shop since it was right across the street and I found an Ignis costume for sale! Please enjoy this picture of me pretending to come up with a new recipeh (since this is likely the closest I’ll ever come to cosplaying as Ignis).
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One of the things Asuka introduced me to was Hanami (picnic under the cherry blossoms, basically). I had timed my trip to coincide with the blooming of the sakura, and the experience of being in Japan during that time was indescribable. I took a bajillion pictures of the sakura while I was there and unfortunately none of my photos ever quite captured the beauty and magic of them in person, but here’s a lil’ pic of a tree in bloom at Yoyogi Park (with the Movic Ignis charm I bought at Kbooks earlier that day).
Another item on my Japan checklist was to stay at a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) in Hakone, a town famous for its onsen/hot springs. Nothing in Hakone is cheap (at least, not during peak sakura season), and I had spent an absurd amount of money on a night at one particular ryokan with a private bath (shy husband haha). The private bath could only be reserved in 30-minute increments, and by the time we finally rolled into Hakone the bath we wanted only had one slot available for the rest of the night. So what did I do?
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If you said, “Waste the first 15 minutes of your 30-minute, super-expensive onsen experience taking the perfect Ignis-in-a-hot-springs photo” then you would be absolutely correct lol.
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I actually wasn’t planning on taking a bunch of photos of my Ignis figure on this trip, but after my husband tucked Ignis into my futon while I was in the bathroom, documenting my trip vicariously through Ignis ended up taking on a life of its own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I popped back over to Tokyo after my stay in Hakone, which is when I finally got to make the Great Nerd Pilgrimage™ to the Square Enix Cafe! Had the FFXV collab been going on while I was there, I might’ve forked over the cash to eat at the cafe, but I opted to skip out on lunch so I could spend more money in their shop. They still had a small collection of FFXV merch...
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...including this acrylic Ignis stand that I wanted but thought I would never own after failing to find it at Kbooks earlier in the week. Huzzah!
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Also, I just feel the need to let everyone know that this is what the outside of the Square Enix Cafe in Tokyo looks like lmao.
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Our next stop was Kyoto, which we arrived in on Gladio’s birthday (April 2nd). Unfortunately I didn’t have time to draw anything for his b-day, but we did stop for a Nissin Cup Noodle in honor of Gladio!
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One of the most memorable moments of my trip was when this boating incident happened, and it requires a little bit of backstory. On my first full day in Kyoto, I attempted to field two of the most popular tourist destinations in Kyoto: the bamboo forest in Arashiyama, and the Fushimi Inari Shrine. Both places have their beauty and historical significance, and I suspect during the off-season are inspiring sites to behold. In my case, both places were absolutely swarming with tourists, which really put a damper on my enjoyment of them. Defeated, I followed a local canal back toward my hotel, which is where I spotted a miniature boat enthusiast controlling a boat that looked eerily similar to the Royal Vessel. I pulled my Ignis figure out with the intention of simply taking a photo of the boat in the background; when the man saw me holding my figure and fumbling with my phone, he flagged me over and gestured for me to put Ignis in the boat. I wish I had documented how it all went down a little better, but as I was literally wheezing with laughter, the above was the best I could capture.
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One of the more off-the-cuff decision I made was to dress in kimono for a day while in Gion (Kyoto). As the cherry blossoms were at their height during my stay there, you couldn’t sneeze without hitting someone who was dressed traditionally for the numerous festivals that were taking place throughout the city. As a white foreigner, I initially had reservations about wearing a kimono (for fear of cultural appropriation), but I did everything I could to be as respectful and reverent whilst wearing the garb (and the rental shop was certainly happy for the patronage). It was an amazing experience and I would definitely do it again!
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Speaking of being respectful, I made it a point not to take pictures of Ignis while visiting any shrines (because nothing screams ‘douchey American’ quite like whipping out an action figure on sacred grounds), hence why I don’t have pictures of any of the major shrines we visited in this post. I did, however, spot this miniature shrine arch in an alleyway, and thought it would be okay for my equally miniature strategist to pay his respects.
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Literally, a tiny shrine in an alleyway. I suppose even alleys have their deities!
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Osaka is about 20 minutes away from Kyoto by train, and since I had already traveled all the way out to Kyoto, I went the extra few miles to stop by the Square Enix Cafe in Osaka. They actually had a smaller selection of FFXV merch than the one in Tokyo and I didn’t end up buying anything, but I would’ve never stopped wondering if I had missed out on something if I hadn’t gone and seen it for myself!
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My last day in Kyoto was a week into my trip, and I still had five days left to go. After walking ~10 miles every day (no joke, I have the GPS screenshots to prove it!), I was really starting to feel the grind. I’m sure Ignis was also desperate for an Ebony after being lugged around in the bottom of my purse for a week lol.
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Back on the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Tokyo!
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Weeeeeee (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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Said hi to Fuji-san!
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Stopped for a delicious matcha parfait! (Shout-out to my husband who never once got annoyed with me whenever I busted out my figure in public spaces lol)
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This was without a doubt the craziest and most unexpected find of any of my merch runs. I had gone to the video game Kbooks in Ikebukuro earlier in the week and had sifted through all their Ignis merch with a fine-toothed comb. This particular Movic charm was one I had been on the lookout for, but it was a rare pull even when they were readily available a year ago, and the only Ignis charm I came across in my first trip to Kbooks was the normal Ignis one (see my Hanami pic). I had no real reason to return to Ikebukuro after I got back from Kyoto, but on a whim I went one last time and BAM—this guy was hanging out there in his lil’ baggie, just waiting for me to get my grubby little hands on him. Jackpot!
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All in all, I spent way too much money and I couldn’t be happier for it. The only thing I couldn’t find for the life of me was the Ignis cologne by Movic, but after searching through several Animates and Kbooks, I began to suspect it might be an online-exclusive item that wasn’t available in stores. (Which was probably a good thing for me cause I was already stretching my budget to the limit by this point haha.)
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On my last night in Japan, I went back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building—only this time I went at night when it was all lit up! I also went up to the observation deck on the 45th floor (something I didn’t know you could do the first time I was there) and enjoyed a fantastic view of nighttime Insomnia Tokyo. It was the perfect bookend to a perfect trip, and my heart is absolutely overflowing right now with love for both Japan and Final Fantasy XV!
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parchmentedscrolls · 5 years
FKEL #3: Shy Kiss
Fandom: My Hero Academia Characters: Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina Pairing: Izuku/Katsuki [BakuDeku] Word Count: 1552
“I can’t believe I got assigned with damn Deku of all people,” Katsuki grumbled, attaching his gauntlets to his hero suit.
“It’ll be fine, Bakugo, it’s just patrol!” Kirishima just said, flashing Katsuki a sharp-toothed grin as he put on his ridiculous sleeves.
“You say that like Deku and I don’t see each other all the damn time. It’s like the universe puts him on a silver platter in front of me!”
“You say that like it’s not exactly where you want him,” Ashido snickered.
“Shut up, Raccoon Eyes, you don’t know shit.” Of course, Katsuki knew that was a lie – only Ashido knew that he actually like-liked Deku, and he had since the end of their first year. They were second years now, and his absurd crush on the damn nerd only seemed to have gotten worse.
“Oh, Baku, I know more than shit, I’d say,” Ashido giggled.
“Shut your mouth before I do it for you.”
Ashido snickered, but she left him alone. Katsuki shook his head, and then headed to the grounds where the bus was waiting. Of course barely anyone’s here yet. Just Glasses, Ponytail, Half’n’Half, and Deku. Big whoop.
Katsuki let out an irritated grunt. “Can’t those idiots make it somewhere on time?”
“Kacchan, don’t call our classmates idiots.”
“Exactly! Bakugo-kun, please show respect to your fellow peers!”
“They ain’t my fellow anything. Most of ’em are just a bunch of dumbasses,” Katsuki retorted.
“Bakugo, as a hero, you should be watching your language better, considering you’ll be exposed to the media frequently,” Aizawa cut in, walking over with Eri in his arms. “Your flashy Quirk ensures that you’ll be in the spotlight often, and your impression upon the public will depend on your attitude towards them.”
Of course, now that Eri was here, Katsuki knew he had to switch to a G rating.
Which meant he couldn’t flip off Half’n’Half for saying, “Of course, that’s something I learned the hard way, Bakugo. You would do well to learn from my own errors rather than being as typical of an idi -- ”
Deku had covered Todoroki’s mouth before he could say anything more. Tch.
“You’re not jelly, are you, Baku?” Ashido, who’d only just reached, elbowed Katsuki in the side.
“F – Shove off,” Katsuki growled, tearing his eyes away from Deku and Todoroki, who were way too close for Katsuki’s comfort. Hell, Deku was whispering something in Todoroki’s fucking ear. “Where are the rest of the morons?”
Ashido just shrugged. Real fuckin’ helpful.
It took what felt like hours, but finally, everyone had reached the meeting grounds.
“Deku, let’s go,” Katsuki said, grabbing Deku’s arm to drag him away the moment Aizawa had allowed them to disperse.
“Wh—Kacchan, wait a sec—” Deku had managed to say, before Katsuki realized Deku had tripped over his own shoelaces.
“Why the ever-loving f—why do you have shoelaces on your hero costume, Deku?” What kind of idiot move was that? Shoelaces on a hero costume were impractical—they’d end up being a nuisance, getting tripped over or caught in something, maybe even set on fire, which would be an instant cause of danger to a hero and anyone he tried to save.
“Um,” Deku said helpfully, “I don’t know.”
“Fu—freaking superb, nerd. You should take it up with the support department before it screws you over.”
“I should,” Deku agreed.
Katsuki huffed, but let it drop. “We’re gonna be patrolling the southernmost areas of Musutafu, close to Shizuoka.”
“Alright,” Deku nodded, activating One For All, then bounded across the buildings, even stopping to smile and wave ta civilians. He’ll make a damn good hero, Katsuki thought absently, launching himself into the air with a few explosions.
Thankfully, the rest of the patrol was a fairly quiet affair. They managed to hold up a purse snatcher and turn them in, and they stopped a passerby from using her fire-based Quirk to burn up a newspaper, but other than that, the streets were calm.
The two of them were only a short way off from U.A. when Katsuki felt Deku grab his hand. “Whaddya want, nerd?”
Deku didn’t meet his eyes. “Can we . . . deviate from the patrol path for a bit?”
Sensing that something was wrong—of course, for Deku of all people to suggest that they directly disobey Aizawa’s patrol order and miss a chance of anything less than an exemplary grade in heroics practices meant that something was wrong—Katsuki complied.
Deku let go of Katsuki’s hand and sprung away, leaping from building to building, and Katsuki couldn’t help but marvel at how Deku looked almost ethereal in the moonlight, bathed in the soft green glow of One For All as he smiled at Katsuki and gestured for him to follow.
Almost like a mythical spirit leading Katsuki into what was definitely a trap. Something important’s gonna happen now, isn’t it?
Katsuki pushed down the thought, and let out several light explosions from his palms, propelling him after Deku until they reached the top of a bank building.
Deku kept One For All active, its now-familiar crackle comforting to Katsuki as well, prompting Katsuki to let his own palms crackle a little with a few explosive pops.
“Kacchan,” Deku said quietly, not looking at Katsuki, but at the city spread out before them, “I’ve been thinking . . .”
“Fuck, I better run, then,” Katsuki grinned, casting a sidelong glance at Deku.
“Hmph.” Deku nudged his shoulder against Katsuki’s. “I’ve gotten better with safer plans, Kacchan. But anyway, I’ve been wondering . . . if something happens to me . . . can you take One For All from me?”
Katsuki instantly turned to glare at Deku, who interrupted him before he could say anything. “I’m not planning on getting myself hurt or anything, Kacchan. But . . . just as a safety precaution. There could always be more villains like All For One and Shigaraki out there, you know? I don’t want One For All to die with me if I end up . . .”
“Shut up, shitty nerd.” Katsuki looked Deku in the eye. “You’re not gonna fuckin’ kick the bucket before you pick a successor. All Might gave you that Quirk because he knew that you’d make it to be the best of the best. I ain’t gonna let that shit pass. I won’t take your fucking Quirk after you’ve made it your own, so eat shit.”
Deku sighed, seeming a little more confident, but Katsuki could tell that Deku hadn’t been satisfied with his answer. “Kacchan . . .”
“Look, Deku. You’re sayin’ you’re scared that your Quirk’s gonna die with you, but guess what? No one else knows you’ve got All Might’s Quirk. You ain’t hot shit, but you’re strong. I’ve invested too much of my own goddamn time and effort to help you figure your shit out to let you and One For All die.”
Deku smiled. “Thanks, Kaccha—”
“I wasn’t fuckin’ finished. You’re gonna be the best hero ever, so get your ass on that and stop thinking about dying, ’cause that shit ain’t happening until you’re like, eighty and by fuck I’ll be there to make sure of it.”
Katsuki couldn’t quite interpret the look on Deku’s face when he turned to face him.
But, slowly, shyly, even, Deku’s gloved hands reached closer to Kacchan’s face, and he removed the black mask from Katsuki’s face, gently setting it down next to him.
“Deku . . . ?”
Deku made no movement to explain what he was doing. Instead, he just shuffled closer to Katsuki and gently held Katsuki’s face in his hands. “Thank you, Kacchan,” he breathed, his thumbs gently gliding over Katsuki’s cheekbones.
Had it been anyone else, their hands would have been blown up by now. But no, this was Deku, the same Deku who’d always been familiar to Katsuki, the same Deku who knew exactly what Katsuki was.
So Katsuki let him.
And Katsuki continued to let him, as Deku’s face drew closer, even as he could feel Deku’s breath on his face. “Kacchan . . . may I?”
Katsuki couldn’t find the words to respond without snapping, so instead, he just closed his eyes and let Deku’s lips meet his own.
The kiss was innocent, nothing further than a touch of Deku’s lips on Katsuki’s own, yet somehow . . .
Somehow, it was perfect.
He found himself not minding in the slightest when Deku pulled away, his face bright red with embarrassment—and Katsuki was sure his was the same.
“Heh, fuckin’ nerd. You look like a tomato.” God, I love you, Katsuki thought. Maybe things could go smoothly from now on.
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That, of course, never happened—the next day’s edition of Hero News Headlines had already capitalized on this little tidbit, and Two of UA’s Most Promising Future Heroes Found Locking Lips?! had made the front page.
Katsuki groaned as he tossed the newspaper aside. Normally, HNH had good shit to read about, but for whatever reason, the only thing headlining today was his fucking kiss with Deku.
Ashido was gonna lose her shit.
Good thing I’m never gonna come out of this room, then, Katsuki decided, knowing his face was blowing up in a fucking blush.
Forty Kisses; Eternal Love Masterlist
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ainstgirl · 6 years
Captain America: The winter soldier (2/2)
Summary: This fic is inspired by my fic LOCKED IN THE ELEVATOR WITH A STRANGER (ONE-SHOT)  I thought about what would happen if the reader had been in the elevator scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and then i decided to make the whole movie again from the reader point of view! I hope you like this! English is my third language so im sorry if there’s any misspellings.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: none.
Gifs aren’t mine
Part 1
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When you wake up you find yourself in an unknown bed, you look around but you don't recognize where you are, what happened?... Steve is on the side of your bed, he’s looking down at the floor, he seems worried. "what... how did we..." you start to say before Steve interrumpts you. "how you feel?" He asks. "As if a missile had been thrown at me..." you joke "Your sense of humor is back, that means you're fine" Steve says smiling. "where are we?" you ask. "At a friend's house, are you really okay?" He asks worried. "All this time I thought I was helping people, and it turns out that I've been working for Hydra..." "listen to me, we're not going to let them get away with it"  Steve takes your hand and squeezes it "You have clean clothes on the chair, I'll be outside when you finish" He leaves the room leaving you alone.
When you finish you find Steve talking to who you suppose is his friend. "Sleeping Beauty, you're awake" the friend says when he sees you. "hi? i'm Y/N" you introduce yourself. "Hello Beautiful, I'm Sam" You can't help but smile, you like him. "We are trying to find out how are they going to use these machines" Steve explains. "they are going to use the planes...." you say thinking aloud. "what planes?" Steve asks you confused. "they've been working for years on some planes that were going to change everything, now I know why" How haven’t you noticed  it before? " I've seen the maps of those planes and there was nothing special, not without this" you say pointing to the usb "if they put those machines on the planes ... they can kill millions of people at once with a simple button..." "We have to avoid it" Steve says. "I can help you" Sam finally says. "No i can't let..." Steve starts to say but Sam interrupts him. "get me this and I will be of great help" Sam gives Steve a file. "I thought you were a pilot"  Steve says. "I never said i was one" Sam says with a smile.
Stealing a bird costume as you like to call it,  Sam hates that you call his suit that, has turned out to be easier than you thought, although most of the work was done by Steve, you just hacked into the security system.
"What is the plan for when we arrive?" You ask in the passenger seat. "We enter through the roof, Sam and I will distract them and you'll infiltrate and prevent the jets to take off" Steve responds. "You make it look easy" you joke. "After fighting against aliens, this seems easy" he says smiling. "You are in a very good mood to have died for nothing" you say. "I guess I like to know who I'm fighting against"
When you arrive at the meeting point, Sam is already waiting with his suit. "Why did you take so long?" Sam asks when you get out of the car. "Traffic" you joke and he laughs. "Well, who is going to be first?" Sam looks at you both. "ladies first" Steve says taking a step back. "What a gentleman ... this is safe right?" You say approaching Sam. "Of course, as long as I don't let you go" Sam jokes "I'm kidding, Captain would kill me" he says seeing Steve's serious look. "Let's do this before I change my mind" you stand in front of Sam and he surrounds you with his arms. "Hold on tight, beautiful" Sam winks at Steve before you close your eyes and he takes you flying to the roof. You're still shaking a little when Sam does the same with Steve.
"You weigh more than you look" Sam says when he arrives with Steve. "I've eaten a little heavy today" Steve jokes. "What if we focus on the mission?" you say with a hand on the hip. "let's save the world" Sam says “be careful Y/N if you have problems let us know”
“everything will be fine Capitan, This is nothing compared to fighting aliens remember?” you say before runing to the roof door with a smile on your face.
You haven't yet reached the roof door when there’s a big explosion. You hear Steve yell your name, and then you see it, a soldier with his face covered and a metal arm. 
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You take out your gun and start shooting at him but he stops them with his arm. The soldier is about to shoot you when Steve protects you with his shield. Sam throws himself against him knocking him to the ground, causing his mask to fall. Steve lowers the shield and you can see the shock on his face, but why?. "Bucky?" he says almost in a whisper. "who the hell is Bucky?" you and the soldier say at the same time. Steve is still in shock when you see how the soldier (bucky?) lifts the gun to shoot him, you  push Steve before the bullets hit him.
"it's bucky..." he says still in shock. "Steve, Who is bucky?" you ask while Sam fights with the soldier. "my best friend" he says without being able to believe that his best friend is alive. "wait... James Buchanan Barnes? he's dead..." you had read it on the files. "I thought so... but it's him, I have to talk to him" Steve gets up ready to go to Bucky. "Are you crazy? he just shot you" you say putting yourself in front of him. "He is my best friend" "We don't have much time until those planes are in the air, we have to avoid it" You try to make Steve focus on the mission. "you’re right, you have to infiltrate and prevent those planes from taking off, Sam and I will protect you" Steve takes your hand. "I know he's your best friend, but he's not the same anymore, be careful...." you say squeezing his hand. "you too Y/N..." It seems that Steve wanted to say something else, but then he changes his mind. You look back before going through the roof door, this could be the last time you see Steve .... "Steve!" you yell running towards him. Steve looks at you confused before you jump into his arms and kiss him. Steve presses you against his body, kissing you before Sam is thrown against a wall. "Why am I the only one who is fighting? and also... where's my kiss beautiful?" Sam says buy Steve ignores him, he only looks at you intensely. "don't die... again" you say before going in to the building.
Entering has been easier than you thought, everyone must be busy with the rooftop fight. When you get to the control room there are only four agents inside. You take a deep breath before taking your weapon and enter the room. You shoot them in the back, they haven't even seen you coming. You don't know who works for Hydra and who as you think that they work for Shield, that's why you decided to use tranquilizer darts, you don't want to kill innocent people.
"Steve, I'm inside" you say by the intercom. "let me know when you disarm the planes, be careful" "i'm always careful remember?" you hear his laughter before cutting off the transmission and getting to work on the computer. You had almost finished disable the weapons when the door of the room opens.
"they haven't told you? You don't work here anymore, beautiful" Rumlow says approaching you. "the last time I saw you, you were unconscious on the floor, how's your head?" You say smiling, you know it's stupid to make him angry, he's stronger than you and he has more experience in combat, but you can not help it. He throws himself at you throwing you to the ground. "When I'm done with you, I'll take care of your new friend the Captain" He hits you in the face again and again, You couldn't take him off, so you decide to do something not very typical of an agent, you hit him between his legs. He releases you immediately giving you time to take the gun and leave him unconscious. "they don't teach that in the academy" you say cleaning the blood from your lip. When you return to the computer it's too late. The planes are already in the air. "shit..." you hit the table " Steve, they are in the air" "I know, Bucky is in one of the planes" "the only way to disable the weapons it's from the inside, if you remove the motherboard of the main plane you will disable them, it's the only option" you say. "Do you remember when I said that the mission was easy? I take it back" he says and by the voice it seems that Steve is running. "Steve, if Bucky is there, be careful" you say. "i'm always careful remember?" he says imitating you "Hey Sam, i need a ride" you hear him say before cutting the transmission.
You wait in that room for what it seems an eternity to hear from Steve. when you finally hear his voice. You can finally breath again. "mission complete" he says as if it was hard for him to breathe. "Steve? Are you okay?"  you ask. "you have to activate the self-destruction mode of the planes" he says. "no, you have to get out of there"  you say without being able to believe what he’s saying. "I won't leave without him, i cant... but this planes need to be destroyed, do it" "no, i cant..." he's begging you to kill him, you can't do it. "Do IT now, it's an order" Steve says in his best Captain America voice. "Steve..." you say pleading with your voice. "please Y/N... do it" This time it's not the voice of Captain America that you hear, it's the voice of Steve, the Steve that you have come to know very well in a few days, your Steve. "Steve... I love you" you say pressing the self-destruction button. The last thing you hear is an explosion and then, only silence. You had killed Steve Rogers. You remain silent waiting to hear his voice but there is only silence, then the door to the room opens, letting Sam in. "What are you doing here? You weren't on the plane with Steve?" you ask surprised. "That damn soldier broke my wings, we have to go" He says taking your hand and making you follow him. "wait, Steve he’s..." You say holding the tears. "i know, He made me promise that i would take care of you, we need to leave now" he says getting you out of the building just in time to see how the plane crashes in to the lake. You hear Sam shout your name when you run to where the plane has fallen. When you arrive there is a large cloud of smoke around the remains of the ship, but there are no signs of life. "Steve! Steve! " you yell, but you stop when you see him, not who you wanted to see, if not Bucky. Instead of anger you see confusion in his eyes. When he sees you, he simply makes a movement with his head pointing to a tree, After that, he's gone. You and Sam run to the tree where Steve is. "Steve..." You run to his side, he is unconscious and full of blood, he has several bullet wounds in his body "can you hear me? Steve!" "He has a pulse, we have to take him to a hospital"  Sam says. "your are going to be okay Steve..." You help Sam to carry Steve.
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5 hours later Steve is still unconscious. All that time you've been sitting next to his bed, waiting... two days ago you didn't know the man on the bed, and now, it breaks your heart to think that he may not wake up. You don't know exactly when these feelings appeared but, you can't deny it, Steve has become a very important person in your life. "why are you crying? who died?" You hear Steve say. "Steve... you're awake" you say crying. "I told you I'm always careful" he says half smiling. "five bullet wounds, stabbed in the chest and several broken bones....that's not being careful" you say caressing his face. "But I'm alive, right? i'm glad you're okay Y/N" he says looking at you. Your heart beats fast when he looks at you whith those beautiful blue eyes. "never ask me again to do something like that Steve, ever" you say holding the tears. "It was the only option" Steve takes a deep breath before continuing "it's Buck okay? is he here?" "you don't know? You wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Bucky" you say. "what?" he says confused. "He took you out of the water, he saved you" you explain. "the Bucky I know is there, I have to find him" he says beginning to sit up. "you have to recover and I'll help you to find him" You say making him lie down. "I'll help to" Sam says "sorry I didn't want to break your moment, I'm glad you're okay" Sam says leaning on the door. "I owe you one" Steve says and you know what he is refering to , he ask Sam to protect you. "no, you owe me a  new suit, your friend broke it" "i'll talk to Stark" he says smiling "What are you going to do now that Shield is gone?" Sam ask to both of you. "the same as we did before" you say "protect people, save the world..." Steve finished. "It seems that you are going to need help" Sam says. "you and your bird costume would be very helpful" you say smiling. "if you call my suit that again next time I'll let you fall" Sam says and your not sure if he's joking. "I'm going to leave you guys alone, There's a nurse on the second floor who has to change the bandage on my arm" "You don't have any bandages on your arm Sam" to which Sam responds by winking at you. "poor nurse..." you say with a smile, you were expecting to see a smile on Steve's face but he was looking at you with a serius face. "we need to talk about what happend..." "About how you almost die or about what happened on the roof?" "the kiss" he says. "okay... i ... we... i mean i didn't know if you were going to die or if i was going to die...and i thought...why not?" you try to explain. "and what about when you said that you love me when i was on the plane?" now he was smiling. "I...I mean..." you start saying but you don't know what to say. "I love you" he says. "i know what i said.." "no, i'm saying that i love you" "but we barely know each other" Who were you trying to convince? him or yourself? "When you fight and run away with someone, you get to know that person very well, why dont we go out on a date?" He says holding your hand. "The first time I met you, I jump out of an elevator, how are you going to beat that?" you say smiling. "I'll plan something" "but we’ll split the bill, this is the 21st century" you say. "well ... we'll talk about that later" He says making you laugh.
And to think that only a few days ago your life was just working in the office and now you saved the world with Captain America. You couldn't imagine everything that was about to happen.
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This series continues with  Captain America Civil War Part 1 
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wackomcgoose · 6 years
"The Not-So-Haunted Factory" - Written for Arachnida (@blood-brainbarrier​) for HWD Secret Spectres @hwdevents​
Human AU, Highschool AU, platonic RusAme
Major shout-out to @littlekroshkakartoshka​ for beta-reading and for letting me use her Yugoslavian headcanons!
[Mood music: Code Lyoko - Kadic Mornings]
It is a blustery fall day. Alfred walks out of the school as the final bell of the day rings. Once out of the way, he pulls out his phone and begins texting someone...
-- heroicBurgers began pestering vodkaMagician --
[heroicBurgers] hey
[heroicBurgers] hey dude
[heroicBurgers] got any plans for this weekend?
[vodkaMagician] Нет, Фредка.
[heroicBurgers] ...dude, i told you i can't read vodka runes
[vodkaMagician] I said nyet. I do not have plan, Fredka.
[heroicBurgers] well then now you've got one
[heroicBurgers] i heard a group of kids talking about exploring that old factory this weekend
[heroicBurgers] you know, the car factory they say is haunted?
[vodkaMagician] Da... Your point is?
[heroicBurgers] my point is, let's go prank some freshman, dude!
[heroicBurgers] we'll make them think it really is haunted!
[vodkaMagician] ...
[vodkaMagician] Fine.
[vodkaMagician] Why you are like to prank freshman, I do not understand, but I will come with you.
[heroicBurgers] it's gonna be fun, ivan, get in the spirit already!
[heroicBurgers] see you there!
-- heroicBurgers ceased pestering vodkaMagician --
With that sorted, Alfred walks off to gather supplies and intel for the prank. This is gonna be great!
[Mood music: Code Lyoko - Sneaking Around]
That Saturday, Ivan makes his way to the supposedly-haunted factory, once again questioning the reasoning of his American-born friend. He arrives, carrying the few requested items: a gallon of glow-in-the-dark slime, an old construction worker's outfit, a spool of twine, and a crowbar.
"Dude, finally! I've been here for hours working on this already!" Alfred's voice can be heard from behind a pillar. Ivan walks over, discovering a rather elaborate device already being built. "Did you get the slime and outfit?"
"Da, I did, though I do not know why. Nor why you did not buy slime yourself, since you are living closer to craft store than me..." Ivan mutters as he hands the stuff over. "What is device?"
"You know those 'audio animatronic' things Disneyland's got? Same concept, but mobile. We're gonna have a 'ghost' ride up to the group, dripping ectoplasm, and scare the pants off them!" Alfred grins, beginning to put the clothes on the dummy. It appears to be one of those poseable store mannequins, attached to a large RC car, with pulleys on various joints.
Ivan mutters to himself in Russian, making Alfred pause. "Fredka, that is not how you scare person. This is how you scare person." He pulls out of his jacket, a piece of rusty-looking lead pipe, with what appears to be a hell of a lot of blood on it. Alfred turns white as a ghost. "...Relax, is fake blood! I scare you muchly, da?"
"N-Not f-funny, dude, we're supposed to be on the same side here." Alfred finishes 'clothing' the device, and picks up an RC controller. "Besides, we can't let them see us, or they'll recognize us immediately and the prank is ruined. What else you got?"
"Hmm... Maybe if they are see us, is problem. But... what if they are only hear us?" The Russian exchange student unpockets a pair of walkie talkies and a few small speakers. "Is from electronics store. Voice changer and different channel select, can hide speaker in different place and make spooky sound."
Alfred's face lights up. "Now you're thinking what I'm thinking! I was gonna buy something like that, but the store was out. High five!" He holds up his hand. Ivan slaps it hard enough to make Alfred wince in pain. "G... good arm you got there... let's try and find places for these... then I got some other stuff..."
The dynamic duo proceed to spend the next few hours setting up various spooks, traps, and jumpscares throughout the facility. The whole time, there is a bit of an evil look in Ivan's eyes, as though it's more than a prank to him. Alfred tries to look away, but he swears he saw Ivan's eyes flicker with a purple aura once or twice...
[Mood music: Wallace and Gromit in Project Zoo - Warehouse (Exploration)]
"This is gonna be great, guys! We're totally gonna debunk a legend, bre!" The Serbian girl walks into the factory, leading her three companions inside.
"...Eh? Is this why you dragged us out here at midnight, Brenka?" Looking around, the Croatian boy rolls his eyes, while the young Bosnian hides behind the Montenegrin. "Calm down, Izet, there's nothing to be afraid of here 'cept Brenka's imagination. And stop hiding behind Jevrem."
"D-Do you m-mean the f-factory o-owner who d-d-died here?" Izet says from his hiding place.
Jevrem yawns. "Can we go back yet? I got sleep to catch up on and a paper to not do."
Brenka stops in the middle of the entry hall. "That 'paper' is why we're here, actually! We have to write about local legends, and I thought why not debunk one of the most popular, the Lithuanian car factory owner that got--" She pauses, staring at the trembling Izet. "Why did you come along, anyway?"
"I-I was d-dragged here..."
"Oh no you weren't, get over it already," retorts the Croat.
"Yeah Izet, get over it and help me look for clues!" Brenka rolls her eyes.
"W-who put y-you in c-charge?" Izet still won't come out from behind Jevrem.
"That's very easy, bre! You see..."
Meanwhile, Alfred listens to all of this over a hidden microphone. "Heh heh... They're so distracted, it's the perfect time to scare them! Ready, dude?"
Ivan grumbles, wearing a ratty factory-worker outfit. "I still do not like idea, Fredka."
"The worker-bot can't go up stairs, I need a real man out there to chase them! Now hurry up and get into position down there..." Alfred looks to the factory intercom system, wired into the voice-changer Ivan brought.
[Mood music: Code Lyoko - Emergency]
"And that is why Srbija is best nation. Any questions?" Brenka beams, having just finished a fifteen-minute 'lecture' on why her home country is the best.
"WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER?!" A voice booms out, filling the room.
Izet practically jumps out of his skin, Jevrem's eyes snap open from their half-closed state, Andrej rolls his eyes, and Brenka grins. "Hah! I knew someone was gonna set us up, bre! Show yourself!"
"IT HAS BEEN YEARS SINCE NEW WORKERS HAVE SHOWN UP..." The creepy voice echoes throughout the facility. "YOU FOUR SHALL DO NICELY."
"You wanna fight this?" Andrej puts up his fists. "I'll knock you into the post-afterlife, chump!"
A pair of 'factory workers' shamble into the room, one wielding a rusty pipe. Izet runs off before anyone else can stop him, Jevrem in pursuit shortly after.
"It's fake, guys! Come on, stop being chickens, bre!" Brenka calls after the others, before turning and noticing the one worker walking up to her, pipe raised over his head.
"...Escape first, debunk later, Srbija!"
"I told you not to call me th--" Brenka objects before Andrej grabs her hand and starts running.
Alfred taps the mute button on the intercom, doubled over with laughter. "This is going better than I thought!" Watching the two pairs of kids run away on the monitors, he pulls out his walkie-talkie and radios Ivan.
"Dude, keep following the talkative Serbian and the other guy. I got the sleepwalker and the scaredy-cat." He picks up the RC controller as he resumes piloting the robot. "Best. Halloween. Ever."
[Mood music: Wallace and Gromit in Project Zoo - Diamond-O-Matic (Fight)]
Izet runs through the halls of the factory, Jevrem in pursuit. Shortly behind the two, the robo-worker swings a shovel.
"N-not d-dying t-today, n-not d-dying t-today..." Izet mutters to himself as he continues to flee.
"C-come on, Izet, I can't keep up with you like this!" Jevrem wheezes as he struggles to keep up with the fleet-footed Bosnian...
"In here!" Andrej drags Brenka into a side room, slamming the door behind her.
"What the hell, Andrej! It's just a guy in a costume, it's gotta be!" She manages to wheeze out, trying to catch her breath.
"Fake or not, whatever it is wants to kill us..."
The man shambles up, pipe in hand... but is stopped as Andrej slams the door in his face, sending him reeling!
"..." Brenka is stunned at what she just witnessed, before Andrej continues pulling her along.
"We have to keep moving... Where's the others?"
Jevrem finally manages to catch up to Izet, as the two reach a stairwell. Shortly behind, the robo-worker approaches.
"C-come on... T-there has to b-be a w-way out!" Izet stutters.
"Yeah... upstairs." Jevrem grabs Izet's arm, and begins to pull him upward.
"W-why? W-we'll be t-trapped!" The robo-worker approaches... and bonks right into the bottom stair! It stares up at them neutrally.
"...Very interesting..." Jevrem notices this, staring suspiciously at the stuck pursuer.
"M-maybe z-zombies c-cannot c-climb s-stairs?" Izet offers.
"Ne... I think there is something else going on here." Contemplatively, the two kids run up the stairs.
Alfred groans, staring at the camera feed from the robo-worker's 'eyes'. "Drat. They figured out its weakness already. Well, maybe Ivan's onto something with the two loudmouths..."
He flips through the camera feeds in the control room, noticing Brenka and Andrej approaching a blast door, Ivan in pursuit. "Heh... perfect." Planning to trap them, he hits the button to close the door.
Up ahead of Brenka and Andrej, klaxons begin to blare as the door lowers in front of their escape route.
"Not good, bre! Who is doing this?!" The angry Serb looks around the room.
"Figure it out later!" Andrej runs under the door. Brenka slides under, but her šajkača is knocked off her head in the process!
"Oh ne!" She looks back, seeing the special hat under the closing door. With impressive reflexes, she reaches back, grabbing the hat right as the door slams shut! A thump can be heard as their pursuer faceplants into it.
"You... went back for a hat." Andrej raises an eyebrow, watching Brenka put the hat back on.
"...Do not disrespect my šajkača, Croatian." She gives him an angry glare that could weld a door shut. "Now come, bre. I see stairs ahead."
Andrej giggles at her, as he gets up and follows her toward the stairwell. "Heh heh, you said 'come'."
"Darn it..." Alfred mutters as he realizes his 'trap', actually trapped his partner in crime instead. He looks at the cameras, not realizing which stairwell the kids are walking up...
"And just what do you think you are doing, bre!"
"W-Who are y-you?"
"Guys, I think we found the mastermind..."
"What was your first clue, eh Jevrem?"
Alfred's face goes white as he turns around, seeing all four of the kids standing in the doorway, staring at him. "Well, shit."
"So. What was the meaning of all this?" Brenka says, pacing back and forth in front of Alfred and Ivan. The two pranksters are sitting in the middle of the control room, surrounded by the other kids.
"Do not blame me, was all Fredka's idea." Ivan points out.
"Duude..." Alfred whines, "I didn't /force/ you to come, you /wanted/ to be here!"
"W-what should w-we do?" Izet stutters out.
"You think we should dress them in something embarassing? Heh heh heh..." Andrej imagines what kind of stuff they could make the duo wear.
"...Actually, I think I have a plan." Brenka pulls out her phone, showing off a picture. "They are called opanci. Very weird shoes from my homeland. We will make you wear them to school for a month, bre!"
Ivan flinches at the sight of the ridiculous shoes, while Alfred laughs. "Hah, do your worst! I lost my dignity years ago when my older brother made me wear a tea bag costume!"
Andrej laughs, while Ivan mutters, "...phrasing."
"Not scared, huh? I can think of far worse..." The Serbian woman begins to think... her face plastered with an evil grin. "I might have some /women's clothing/ that may fit you two."
"Serby, that's dirty..." Jevrem whines.
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that! I am not Srbija, bre!"
Meanwhile, Ivan's face freezes, looking over the shoulders of the Yugoslavian kids...
"You... do not belong here..."
"Whoa, dude!" Alfred laughs. "Nice work on the second ghost!"
"...Is not me, Fredka..."
Brenka and the others turn around, looking at the mysterious voice. It's coming from a man, dressed in construction gear, with a distinct translucency to him.
"Hah! This one's fake too, bre! Watch!" Brenka walks up, intending to slap the 'fake' ghost... and watches in horror as her hand passes right through, turning frosty in the process.
"Leave... now..."
"...Ohhhh ne." Brenka manages to gasp out, before the kids run away. In the process, Alfred knocks over a CD player he had set up for an earlier part of the prank. It begins to play a song, having landed on the factory intercom button...
[Essential mood music: Mystery Skulls - Ghost (MysteryBen27 Animated Version)]
"Dudes, where do we go?!" Alfred looks around.
"L-let's s-split u-up..." Izet stutters out. "I-it c-can't c-chase us a-all..."
Hearing the ghost behind them, they all bolt in different directions.
'Cause the world might do me in
Izet runs down a paper-strewn hallway, Jevrem following him.
It's alright 'cause I'm with friends
Alfred runs down the stairwell.
Guess I'm giving up again
Ivan heads down a different hallway, the ghost in hot pursuit.
It doesn't matter (Ooh ooh ooh)
Brenka and Andrej carefully make their way across a catwalk.
Had me feeling like a ghost
Alfred kicks down a door... revealing a broom closet.
And that's what I hate the most
Jevrem trips over a cardboard box, Izet helping him up as they continue.
Guess I'm giving up again
Seeing no ghost behind them, Brenka and Andrej take their time with the second catwalk, picking up speed once they're on solid flooring again.
This time, this time, this time...
Ivan finds a rusty pipe, the same one he had earlier...
This time I might just disappear
"Давай, дебил!" Ivan taunts the ghost as it approaches.
Ah yeah (Woah ooh oh oh)
The ghost leaps at Ivan, who swings the pipe. It ducks, and Ivan feels a chill through him as the ghost passes through his torso.
This time I might just dis--
Coughing, Ivan stumbles to his feet and resumes running. The ghost continues, in pursuit of someone else.
(Mo mo mo mo moah~, mo mo mo mo moah~) AH YEAH
Brenka and Andrej round a corner... right into the ghost's path! It roars at them, and they run the other way.
(Mo mo mo mo moah, oooh~) This time I might just disappear
Izet grabs onto a rope and slides down to the ground floor. Jevrem continues to run, unaware of his companion's separation.
(Woah ooh oh oh)
Alfred tries to kick another door, only for it to recoil and knock him over.
This time I might just dis--
Brenka trips over the fallen American, sliding down the hall. Andrej holds out his hand for Alfred to get up, and they follow the sliding Serb.
(Mo mo mo mo moah~, mo mo mo mo moah~) AH YEAH
Jevrem finds a hallway with portraits of the workers of the old factory. He is vaguely unsettled by this.
(Mo mo mo mo moah, oooh~)
Ivan manages to run into Izet. "Come, friend, we must continue!" He picks up the scared Bosnian, and carries him toward the central hall.
Alfred, Brenka, and Andrej reach Ivan and Izet.
"Dudes, there's no exit!"
"I am not getting killed by a ghost that doesn't exist, bre!"
"W-we m-must e-escape..."
"We WILL find way out. Come, da?"
"Hehe..." Andrej snickers.
"Not the time, dude."
A yell echoes from one hallway, while the ghost approaches from the other. The group resumes running.
Try and hear me, then I'm done
Jevrem is caught in a tangle of cables he ran into.
'Cause I might just say this once
Andrej finds him first, and pulls him out. "Did you find something, eh?"
Seen this play out in my dream
"The ghost... it doesn't match any of the pictures on the wall..."
It doesn't matter (Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm)
Their train of thought is interrupted as the ghost shows up.
Tired of giving up the ghost
The other four enter the hallway, grabbing Jevrem and Andrej and running.
Fuck, it's YOU I hate the most
The ghost points a spectral finger at the group, yelling something in an odd language as it resumes pursuit.
Maybe there's no guarantee
"...Литовский?" Ivan mutters, before Alfred gets his attention again to keep running.
It doesn't matter
The group rounds a turn, running into a hallway filled with doors.
"Dudes, no..." Alfred groans. "I hate the bit with the doors..."
A very close-by roar makes him reconsider.
(Uuh) This time I might just disappear
All six of them run into one door, closing it behind them. The ghost opens the door and follows.
Ah yeah (Woah ooh oh oh)
Ivan and Brenka run out of the opposite door, Izet and Jevrem out of another, Alfred and Andrej out of a fourth, and the ghost comes out of the first door.
This time I might just dis--
The pairs swap room sides, the ghost phasing through Andrej to chase Izet.
(Mo mo mo mo moah~, mo mo mo mo moah~) AH YEAH
More door-shuffling occurs. A comment from Ivan about "dumb amerikanski cartoon reference" is lost in the chaos.
(Mo mo mo mo moah, oooh~) This time I might just disappear
The ghost exits a door, being chased by the four Yugoslavians. Alfred and Ivan are somehow chasing copies of themselves.
(Woah ooh oh oh)
A penguin wearing a red rubber glove on its head waddles out of a door, tripping the ghost in the process. The six kids regroup in the middle of the hall.
"...This chicken looks familiar..." Alfred mutters, only to be interrupted by the ghost standing up. The kids run back the way they came, Jevrem pointing out a 'fire exit' sign on the wall.
This time I might just dis--
"We're almost out, dudes!"
"Now are you believe in haunted factory, Serbian?"
"Okay, bre, I guess it was real!"
"T-the e-exit! C-come o-on!"
"NOT THE TIME, ANDREJ!" comes a yell from all five of the others.
(Mo mo mo mo moah~, mo mo mo mo moah~) AH YEAH
Jevrem leads them through a stairwell, going right through the control room.
(Mo mo mo mo moah, oooh~)
"Are you KIDDING ME, bre?!"
"Dude, there's my CD player!" Alfred runs over and turns it off, the music promtly halting.
"Fredka, leave it and run!" Ivan points out the ghost behind him.
"Well, crud."
All six kids roll out the fire exit, and run into the woods back into town. The ghost stops at the threshold, watching them escape, before floating back inside.
"Next year, we are go trick or treat instead, da?"
"Da, yeah."
"Da, bre."
"Sure, dude."
The ghost floats back to the central hall of the factory... before reaching up, and taking its mask off. Underneath, an elderly Lithuanian man can be seen.
"Heh heh heh... Every year, it just gets more fun to do that." He begins to walk out... before stopping at a certain hallway. Curiously, he opens a door, and sticks a hand through... before staring, confused, at that same hand sticking out of a door at the other end of the hall. "What in the...?"
Deciding not to question it, he goes back and heads out the factory exit door, chuckling to himself. "Keep this up, Toris, and you'll have a haunting legacy for life..."
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
👻 - Spy au. An unusual call for the spy agency. apparently a school is being haunted and students can't leave the school. ones that do get possessed by spirits so old they still call people 'governor'. Going undercover, Stan and Angie equip themselves with the school's new uniform, new school Id's and enough holy water to drown every vampire to exist ever, they plan on freeing the school and possibly adopting a young ghost who jus tneed s new home?
👻- As a ghost
I veered very far from this.  I got a sudden burst of inspiration today for Stangie being de-aged at a school and a ghost being involved, but it was not at all like what you suggested.  But...maybe your suggestion is sort of the sequel to the ficlet I wrote.  Like, things escalate after my ficlet, and more ghosts get involved, and since Stan and Angie have some experience with this haunting already, they get sent in.  Well, you’ll see what I mean when you read what I’ve written.
Send an emoji for a ficlet!
              “Rememberwhen our jobs made sense?” Stan asked Angie. She looked at him, confused.
              “We usedto go on missions that made sense,” Stan explained, his voice echoing in theempty hall.  “Steal somethin’ back fromthieves.  Go to a party and punch a warcriminal.  Stop a dictator from startingWorld War III.  But now?  Now we’re six years old, investigating rumorsof a ghost at some school.”  He pouted, agesture which only served to accentuate the roundness of his cheeks.  “I didn’t go through months of espionagetraining for this shit.”  Angie noddedsilently.
              “Iagree.  Our missions really took aturn.”  She sighed.  “At least this is a short-term one.  We’ll be back to normal once we’re donecheckin’ this place out.”  She scratchedher cheek.  “Uh, unless we find evidencethat suggests this place really is haunted, in which case we’ll be put in thefield with backstories and everything immediately.  But I doubt that’ll happen.  Once we finish our quick survey, we’ll beheaded back home.  I’m sure of it.”
              “Thatbrings me to my other point,” Stan said. He glared up at a poster in the hallway that reminded students to go tothe library.  “We’re just doing fieldwork!  We don’t need to be kids to dothis.”
              “It’s toreduce suspicion.”  Angie frowned.  “Though now I know my ma runs theorganization, I do question the motive behind this specific age.”  She picked at the princess costume she waswearing.  “Our current appearances are not necessary fer this mission.”  Stan nodded emphatically.  He had protested vehemently at the costume he’dbeen given.
              “Wecoulda done this by acting like kids who are ‘too cool’ to dress up for aschool Halloween…festival…party…whatever this is.  I didn’t have to be wearing a damn copcostume.”  They passed a glass classroomdoor.  Stan glowered at hisreflection.  “A bunch of strangers kept askin’me if I wanted to be a police officer when I grow up.  Hell, no!”
              “At leastsomeone went out and bought that specifically for ya,” Angie grumbled.  “Our own daughter wore this dress lastyear.  And she’s taller ‘n I was at herage.”  As if to emphasize her point, hertoe got caught on the hem of the dress. She tripped and fell.  Stan chokedback a laugh.
              “You allright?” he asked.  Angie sat up, thedress’s skirt fanned around her.
              “Yeah, I’mfine.  At least no one other ‘n you was ‘roundto see that.”
              “It’spretty convenient that the Halloween shindig thing is outside the school,instead of inside.”
              “Mm.”  Angie got to her feet.  She brushed dirt off her costume.  “First mission I go on after comin’ back frommaternity leave, and it’s this,” she muttered to herself.  Stan nudged her playfully.
              “Hey, atleast we’re on it together.  It’s been awhile.”
              “It has.”  Angie smiled at Stan.  “It’s nice to be out in the field with youagain.”
              “Yeah.”  They beamed at each other.  The warmth of the moment was ruined by a lowhowl suddenly making its way down the hall. The lockers lining the walls rattled ominously.  Angie and Stan instinctively stepped closerto each other.
              “It’sprob’ly just the pipes or somethin’,” Angie said.  She swallowed.  “Which- which room was it, that we were s’pposedto look at?”
              “25,”Stan answered.  He looked around thehall.  His eyes landed on the sign postedoutside the classroom with the glass door he had seen his reflection in.  “That one.”
              “Okay.”  Angie smoothed the fabric of her dress.  “Let’s check it out.  Then we can rendezvous with Ford and Fidds.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan marched over to the door and turned thehandle.  The door slid opensilently.  Angie and Stan stared into thedark room, neither of them willing to go in after hearing that howl.  “Well, guess I’d better-” Stan started,taking a tentative step inside.  The lightsflickered on.  Stan blanched.
              “Maybethey’re motion-sensitive?” Angie suggested. Stan rubbed the back of his neck.
              “Maybe.  But nowhere else has had lights that turnedon automatically.  Why would they havethat sort of light in just one room?”
              “They don’t,”a cheerful voice said.  “That was me.”  Stan and Angie’s heads whipped around.  They both gaped at a wispy, ethereal figuresitting on top of the teacher’s desk, idly inspecting its nails.  The being was transluscent, aside from adistinct splash of red in a thin line around its neck.  There was only one conclusion.
              “G-ghost,”Angie stammered.  She grabbed Stan’sarm.  “That’s- what-”  The ghost looked over at them.  It cocked its head curiously.
              “Strange.  Usually kids your age are a bit more, let’ssay…receptive to the existence of ghosts. You don’t seem surprised to find a ghost here as much as you are in finding a ghost at all.”  The ghostgrinned.  “You’re a couple of cuties,though.  Look at your costumes!  A police officer and a princess.  How sweet.” The ghost sighed happily.  “I loveOctober.  For the whole month, I can takea corporeal form.  Well, in exchange for,hmm, let’s call it ‘borrowing’ a young child.” The ghost’s grin broadened, revealing large, sharp teeth.  “Maybe if I borrow two kids, I’ll be able totake a corporeal form for November, too!”
              “We’regoing,” Angie whispered in Stan’s ear.  “We’regoing, right now.”  She and Stan sprintedaway from the classroom as fast as they possibly could.  Angie lost one of her shoes, and Stan’s hatfell off, but they didn’t stop, terrified that the ghost was right behind them.
              Finally,they burst out of the school, tumbling down the stairs leading to the mainentrance.  Fiddleford, who had beenhovering nearby, waiting for them to leave, swooped in.  He crouched next to Stan and Angie.
              “Is theresomethin’ wrong?” Fiddleford whispered.  “Didsomethin’ happen in there?”  Angiewrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. “Okay, somethin’ didhappen.  What?”
              “Ghost,”Angie mumbled.  Fiddleford frowned.
              “Dude,there was actually a ghost in there,” Stan hissed.  He was still shaking from nerves and fear.  “A ghost that steals kids.”
              “Oh.  Oh, shoot, we didn’t-”  Fiddleford ran a hand through his hair.  “Really?”
              “Yes,really!” Stan said, stomping his foot.
              “We didn’texpect there to actually be a ghost.  ‘Speciallynot one that targeted children.”  Fordwalked over.
              “How didthe fact-finding mission go?” Ford asked. Stan glared at him.
              “Angieand I almost got kidnapped by a ghost, asshole.”
              “Wait, areal ghost?”
              “Wow,” Fordsaid softly.  “And it was going to kidnapyou and Angie?”
              “Yes!  Do either of you ever actually listen?”
              “We’llhave to tell HQ right away,” Fiddleford said to Ford.  Ford nodded. “I know we were goin’ to dawdle around the fair fer a bit longer, but thisinformation is too important fer that.”
              “I agree.”  Ford looked at Angie, who was still huggingFiddleford.  “Angie, are you all right?”
              “Stan ‘nI almost got killed by a ghost,” Angie said, her voice muffled by Fiddleford’sshirt, which she was burying her head in. “No.  I’m not.”
              “Yeah, webest be headin’ out now,” Fiddleford said briskly.  He stood up, now holding Angie.  “Stan, you look a bit shook still.”
              “Maybe,”Stan mumbled.  He could feel himselfcontinuing to tremble, but didn’t want to admit it.
              “Sendingthem in at this young of an age probably wasn’t a good idea,” Ford said.  “I mean, we got some cute photos, but even ifthey’d been a couple years older, they wouldn’t be having as strong of areaction to the ghost they claim they saw.”
              “Shut up,Ford,” Stan said.  “We did see a ghost, and no shit, this was tooyoung!  We didn’t need to be this smallto- eep!”  Stan let out a small squeak as Ford picked himup without warning.  “Hey!  Put me down!”
              “No.”  Ford looked at Fiddleford.  “Let’s leave, before we attract anyattention.”
              “Fine byme.”  Ford and Fiddleford set off towardsthe van they had taken to the school. Ford frowned at Stan.
              “Where didyour hat go?”
              “Up yourbutt,” Stan said snidely.  Angie giggled.  Ford sighed.
              “Somehow,at six years old, your jokes are more mature than usual.”
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betweenpaperpages · 7 years
A Visit From St. Nick
Storybrooke’s Library is hosting a Christmas Eve children's party to celebrate the holidays. With drinks, snacks, decorations and games there is only one element missing: The big man himself. Can Belle find him in time?
Rating: G
Read on AO3
Beta: @ishtarelisheba & @standbyyourmantis
When one worked in a small town diner as long as Ruby Lucas had, you learned everyone in town — and their usual order —  fairly quickly. She saw the same people most everyday but it was cozy rather than tedious especially during the Holidays. Granny’s Diner was a town staple and Granny Lucas herself was a force of nature likely to rival any snow storm when it came to holiday spirit.
What one also learned was everyone’s business about, well, everything. How they felt about work, their neighbor, their landlord, their families, and anyone special to them. If there was a “secret” in town you were likely to have heard it or shared it at Granny’s.
Belle French was Ruby’s favorite customer, she ran the library in town while her father, Moe French was the local florist. The best thing about Belle was that she had a smile for everyone in town and never seemed to have a grudge against anyone, or anyone against her; she was the quintessential girl next door.
Then there was Mr. Gold, the town’s landlord. Ruby would have to rank him her third favorite customer, just below Leroy — a man after her own heart with the amount of times he had come in for bacon and eggs hung-over. While Mr. Gold was prickly with everyone and a downright bastard on the best of days he was at least a good tipper and didn’t require much attention when he came in, unless it was rent day.
Ruby had quickly picked up the talent of reading people, sure they talked a lot, but there was more information to gain rather than just what they said. Take Mr. Gold for example, sure for the moment he was staring into his coffee cup looking like he was about to sue it for being too hot but there was another reason his eyes were directed down.
“Here you go Belle!” Ruby chirped happily, spinning around from the pick up window and setting down a stack of pancakes and syrup in front of her. “Hot off the griddle and Gus threw in some chocolate chips.”
Belle giggled softly at her friend’s antics. “Looks great, thanks Ruby.”
“Of course!” She answered, with a quick glance around to check that no one needed anything she leaned herself onto her arms on the counter in front of Belle. “So how is everything coming along for the library’s kids’ Christmas party?”
She nodded around a full mouth full of pancake, chewing it quickly to answer. “Everything looks good so far, all the advertisements are printed and ready to go, the tree is already up so there won’t be too much decorating left to do on the day.”
Her mouth twisted in a sour manner, “The only thing is that I still haven’t found anyone to dress up as Santa for the kids.”
Ruby nodded along, her eyes glancing around the diner once more and spotting where Mr. Gold’s gaze had fallen again. “Leroy wasn’t able too? I mean, we would have to dye his beard white, but it’s a good option.”
“No, he can’t get away from work in order to do it. I’ve asked David Nolan but he and Mary-Margaret were planning to bring in the kids to have a family outing.”
“Did you check in with Anton?”
“I did but he is heading out of town that day so he can visit his brother and uncle, also he thinks it would be too obvious who he is through the costume because of his height. Wouldn’t want the kids to second guess if Santa was real or not, ya know?”
Belle shoved a few more bites into her mouth as she thought over the problem, she was quickly going to run out of any options. The only one that really came to her was for Ruby and herself to be Christmas elves and let the children know they were sent in Santa’s place since he was busy at the North Pole.
“I’ll keep thinking about it, I’m sure there is someone in town we can find.” Ruby pointed out, pushing herself off the counter. “I’m going to check on a few people, I’ll be back.” She snagged up the coffee pot off and sauntered off to check in with diners.
It took a few minutes to do the rounds but Ruby had finally ended up at Mr. Gold’s booth table in the back, she reached over to refill his coffee cup with a nod. “So… Any plans for Christmas Eve Mr. Gold?”
Perhaps nonchalant wasn’t Ruby’s style, but she had to be careful in her approach. It was quite clear to her by now that Mr. Gold had an ever-deepening crush on Belle, his gaze lingered when they were in the dinner at the same time, occasionally he would let out breathy little sighs, and any time they spoke, even a quick hello, seemed to melt his bad attitude.
Mr. Gold raised a quiet eyebrow at the question, “No. None at this time. Bae is at his Mother’s this year.” He admitted, if it was his choice Milah wouldn’t have any visiting rights but he wasn’t going to dwell on that thought right now.
“Aww, that’s a shame. I hear the library is going to have this great party for the kids to go to. Hot cocoa, candy canes, art projects, music, and Belle is even trying to arrange to have Santa visit the kids for storytime.” Ruby explained, counting out details with her left hand. “Well, trying being the key word.”
“Why would that be Miss. Lucas?” His hands came around his fresh cup of coffee to warm his hands on the ceramic.
Ruby’s lips twitched in triumph, all she needed was to spark his interest.
She looked around to check that there weren't any kids that could hear her before leaning in, “She’s been having some troubles finding Santa.” Ruby informed, glancing over her shoulder to where Belle was seated at the bar.
“I know she wouldn’t complain or anything but it's the final detail that would be the cherry on the proverbial Sunday for the party, you know?” After a moment Ruby shrugged her shoulders, “Oh, well, as long as the kids have fun, right Mr. Gold?”
Gold blinked, shaking himself out of his tunnel vision of where Miss. French sat to look at at the waitress. “Of course, she has done a fine job with the children’s program, I’m sure the party will be a success.”
Ruby smirked as he nodded, sending her back off the to front, it seemed final, as if that gesture alone would guarantee the turn out; perhaps it would.
Belle smiled as she put the finishing touches on the library’s decorations, with a bit of time she had managed to decorate the main areas. In the center of the building where the large round rug was set up for kid’s storytime sat a wingback chair next to a five foot Christmas tree created solely out of books — Belle’s solution to the rather tight budget.
Starting at the base she built a circle of larger books (mostly the encyclopedias) and continued to stack layer after layer of books, the book on the second layer bridging the gap of the two it rested on below.  Through the layers tree lights had been wound in and out of the books, large glittering ornaments hanging from the cord, red ribbon weaved through the layers, and everything finished off with a frosted glass star
The lobby was decorate in red bows, tied to the corner of book cases, the circulation desk, and the refreshment table that Ruby would be working at.  For the kids they would have hot cocoa with whip cream and cinnamon along with the gift of a candy cane, the adults had the options of either egg nog or hot apple cider.
Other tables had been set up as well to contain the various art projects that she had planned out for the kids, hoping that any mess would stay contained to them.  There was plenty of options for all of them but Belle was looking forward to story-time the most.
The kids had been encouraged to attend in the PJs as they would be reading together: “Twas the Night before Christmas”, the parents could as well, however  Belle didn’t think many would.
For herself and Ruby they had both found matching elf outfits that consisted of a green dress, red skirt trim and collar, a black waist belt, and peppermint swirl buttons on the top. Each dress was also paired with black boots, red and white striped leggings, and a curly hat to complete the look.
They may not have Santa visiting them this year, but Belle was determined that they would have visitors from the North Pole.
Belle smiled, gazing around the space, the decorations were set, the art and crafts out, all was left to do was finish setting the refreshments. She normally wasn’t one to toot her own horn but she was pleased with how everything turned out.
“Merry Christmas Belle!” Ruby called out, popping in from the front door, her arms full of a large box.
“You to Rubes.” She jogged over, the additional jingle bells she added on her dress ringing as she moved. She reached out to grab part of the box to help Ruby take to the circulation desk.
“What is all this?”
“Well, Granny decided that if this was going to be a real party it needed more than just drinks. So she may have sent over a few things.”
“A few things?” Belle deadpanned. “Looks like she sent to whole diner!”
Ruby laughed, nodding before starting to pull out the extras that had been sent over, “Something like that.”
By the time they had unpacked everything they ended up with three dozen gingerbread cookies, twenty-four mini fruit cakes, three types of fudge, another three dozen cookies of peanut butter, oatmeal and chocolate chip, a tray of black forest brownies, and tucked in the bottom a bottle of peppermint schnapps.
Ruby held up the bottle for Belle’s inspection with a grin, “Good old Granny, never letting us down.”
“This is for the kid’s Ruby!”
“Hey! I never said I was going to share with them.” Ruby said, beaming.
Belle couldn’t help but laugh, the playful banter putting her at ease, even without Santa the two of them could handle a group full of over-excited and sugar-filled kids for one evening.
A cheerful ringing of jingle bells rang through the library as Belle trotted up to the reading nook that was marked by the wing-back chair, a large circle rug, and plenty of pillow cushions.
“If everyone wants to gather up and take a seat in the reading circle we have a very special story for everyone tonight,” Belle announced; watching as the kids hastefully abandoned their art projects to find their favorite spot.
Emma Nolan and August Booth rushed to claim a few more treats before being ushered by Ruby to the reading area, the rest of the kids who had settled down all had their eyes trained on the Librarian.
“Does everyone know what night it is tonight?”
“Friday!” Lilly giggled, hugging her dragon stuffed animal that followed her everywhere.
Hansel Tillman murmured under his breath, biting at his lip, pulling at his shirt sleeves.  “...It’s December 24th…”
“What was that?”
“He said it's December 24th!” Gretel called out, trying to help her shyer younger brother, even if it sounded a little harsh to the ears.
“That’s right!” Ruby answered, trying to give the younger sibling some encouragement. “It also means that it is Christmas Eve.”
Belle nodded along, “And we all know a very special someone stops by our houses tonight to —”
“Santa Claus!” Cried out one of the kids, sending the rest of them in a giggle fit.
“Yes, but do you know just how hard his job is every year? There is so much to do! Which is why he hired Ruby and I to help him out this year with a few things since he can’t stop to visit.”
Just as Belle was about to sit down to start story-time the front two doors of the library swung open, a gust of wind carrying a dusting of snow and a hearty laugh.
The kids gasped, twisting in the seats others standing in up in order to get a better look at the front of the Library.
“Santa!” Emma cried out, running over to the man standing just inside the door, slamming into his leg for a hug. “You came!”
Santa chuckled again, adjusting the large black cloth bag that was thrown over his shoulder, patting Emma on her head, “But of course! Now, I have a few things for everyone, do you think you could be my helper tonight?”
Emma nodded enthusiastically as she took his hand, leading him over to the story circle were the rest of the kids greeted him with the same joy and cheer, even shy little Hansel Tillman.
Belle moved over to nudge Ruby in her side, nodding over to Santa in silent questioning. She hadn’t been able to find anyone but if Ruby had she certainly kept it under wraps. Although, all Ruby offered in response was a shrug and a happy grin.
Once the kids settled from their initial excitement, Santa finally had a chance to address the two elfs in the room.
“Why Ruby, Belle, you two have done a wonderful job! Thank you!,” he smiled, turning to the kids with a wink, “You know kids, if it wasn’t for these two doing so much I wouldn’t have been able to slip in, but good thing the team is so quick on their feet!”
“The team?!” August cried out with an audible gasp, “Can we meet them! I want to meet Blitzen!”
“Ho-ho-ho, let them catch their breath August! They have a busy night still to go.”
August turned to nudge Lilly and her dragon in delight, “He knows my name! He knows my name!”
She rolled her eyes at him, “Of course he does, he’s Santa Claus!”
“Santa, why don't you let us help you with that?” Ruby commented, nodding toward the large sack over his shoulder, “You take a seat.”
“Thank you Ruby.”
Belle and Ruby set the bag next to the chair while Santa got himself settled, while he pulled out a list they found a comfortable spot to sit close by but still in front of all the kids to keep an eye on everything.
“Hmm…” Santa grumbled slightly, fingers scratching at his white beard in thought. His deep brown eyes studying the length of parchment before him from wire glasses. “Well, well kids it appears that everyone on my list has been very good this year!”
“Ooh! Hansel and I helped Dad catch an injured swan by feeding it bread crumbs!” Gretel called out, her brother seeming to blush under the attention.
David Nolan chucked from where he and his wife were sitting in the back, both with their respective mugs of cocoa, seeing all the kids together and their antics was worth the kids staying up past their bedtimes. Mary-Margaret sat next to him smiling over where young toddler Neal playing with Alexandra and her mother Ashley Boyd. Pass the ball wasn’t Neal’s best game but the two were trying their best.
“That was a very good thing to do Gretel, I’m sure it was grateful.” Santa nodded his approval.
“Now, I know it's tradition to open gifts in the morning on Christmas day,” Santa started, reaching for his large bag and pulling on drawstrings, “but seeing as I am already here I don’t see the harm in starting early.”
Emma jumped up when Santa called for her, he needed his helper after all. He pulled out a neatly wrapped gift for each child, calling out their names one at a time while Emma ran back and forth to ‘deliver’ each one. Once she was settled with her own the kids were given permission to “have fun”, soon the reading circle becoming a colorful and shiny graveyard of wrapping paper, bows, and ribbon.
Santa chuckled as he watched them all tucking in, taking the chance to turn to his elves while they were playing with their toys and showing them off to parents.
“Of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without my elves.” Santa noted, turning to Ruby and Belle, each of them receiving their own package. His eyes crinkled in just the slightest bit, “If you’ll have it?”
“Oh! Why thank you.” Belle glanced to Ruby with a brow raised in question before she uncovered her gift. In her hands sat a handsome volume of Maria Edgeworth’s Belinda, she had been meaning to find a unrevised copy for sometime now and it seemed now she didn’t need too.
Ruby giggled excitedly as she tore through her own paper, pulling out a red knitted beanie with a fur pom pom on top along with a matching scarf that was lined with the same fur trimming. She quickly pulled off her elf hat to switch it out for the new one, unable to resist wobbling her head to shake the pom pom.
Once the kids had a chance to play and some extra snacks, the group was finally settled once again in the reading circle. Ruby couldn’t help but notice the stiff limp that seemed to be bothering their jolly visitor’s right leg, leading him over to sit in the wing-back chair while Belle perched herself on the arm, holding up their book for story time.  
She opened the front cover of the book to display the ornate illustrations as she began to read out loud.
“‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there…”
By and by Belle was very pleased with how the party turned out. All the kids had been ecstatic over seeing Santa and him hand delivering all of them a gift, only increasing their excitement for the morning to come. Even if that morning would be a bit later than others past considering how many parents carried out children that were falling asleep on their shoulder or hip.
Ruby took a large bite of her Granny’s fruitcake, humming in appreciation of the rich dessert, her drink sitting off to the side while her feet were propped up on another chair.
“Rubes! Where in the world did you find this Santa?” Belle questioned, walking over with her own drink, “He had gifts and everything, there is no way that was in the budget.”
She cleared her throat, setting her plate aside as she dropped her feet. “Well actually it didn’t cost anything.”
“What do you mean? How could it not cost anything, that must have been an actor or something, right?”
“Well actually….” Ruby’s voiced picked up a slight whine.
“Actually what?”
“Actually I have no idea who he was either!”
“Ruby! Are you saying that could have been anyone? That stranger came in her dressed up as Santa!”
Ruby twisted a lock of her hair in her fingers to distract herself, if she didn’t have that she could far too easily spill her thoughts of who it was. If she was correct, she had a feeling they didn’t want it known.
“Well it couldn't have been a complete stranger, he had the perfect gift for every kid in the room. So it has to be someone who lives in town and heard we needed someone.”
The logic behind her words seemed to deflate Belle’s upset, her shoulders dropping as she took a seat next to her friend. “I suppose that is true.”
“Just look at it this way,” She lifted her cup in the air, hearing the echo of the clock above them striking midnight, “it's a Christmas miracle.”
Belle couldn’t help but smile at that, clicking their glasses together in a cheers. “Merry Christmas Ruby.” “Merry Christmas Belle.”
Gold knew that his actions tonight was going to play hell on his knee, but a couple of days of discomfort and pain was a price he was willing to pay. He had the time on his hands with Bae at his Mother’s this year and with the costume certainly no one would have known it was him. It had been something to do other than sit in his house alone on Christmas eve, besides, it made the kids of Storybooke happy.
He adjusted his leg on the ottoman and settled himself more comfortably in his chair, a glass of water and pain pills sat on the table next to him while a glass of scotch was in his hand. The clock sitting on the mantel chimed as the hour turned over reading 12:00 AM.
He raised his glass with a tipping nod in the direction of town. “Merry Christmas Belle.”
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longestnight64448 · 7 years
Songfic Blue Sweater *George Weasley X Reader*
Blue Sweater >>>> Poema 
hmmmm...ahhh cinnamon, jackie clung to the sweater he left. she missed him so much, but she knew that he needed to get out of here. Him and his brother had big dreams and aspirations, and the means to watch it blow up.Jakie put the sweater on and looked in the mirrior, it felt so warm against her skin, but it looked like a dress on her. None the less it was the last thing she had left of her two best friends and the love of her life. That blue sweater with a bright yellow "G" on it.
It had been so long since she had heard his voice or see his face. And it's been murder here at hogwarts since they left. The little pink toad had made this place so dreary, and if she had to hear that hum one more time she would go crazy.Luckly there was only a two more weeks of this hell before shcool was out and she could see the twins at there shop, but it felt like 2oo years, and she couldn't stand it.
She watend so badly to write a letter in fact she had tried countless times but...
"Dear George,
i, jackie, your best friend of 9 years is and has been in love with you since we met"
...just didn't have much of a ring to it. she felt like it was something she really needed to tell him in person. but at the same time she was scared.Scared that he wouldn't feel the same, and she would feel more empty then the night they left. before she even she knew what was happening the tears rolled down her cheeks, and she cried herself to sleep cuddled up in that blue sweater.
The next two weeks were tormenting, not because of umbridge, cause for some reason she was gone that same night the golden trio left, but she was still contemplating weither or not to tell george, all the while never letting go of that sweater, she took it with her everwhere, she just couldn't bear to leave it.
Finally, school was out and she was on the train back to home, and back to george. She was hoping George would be at Kings Cross, cause after all ginny and ron were coming home too. but she was soon disappointed when they pulled into the station and Fred and George were no where to be seen.
Jackie met up with her parents, who were right next to the weasleys, they have been family friends since they moved right next door to eachother.
"OH Jackie" screamed Mrs. Weasley as she pulled me into a giant hug.
"hello mrs. weasley" jackie said as she couldn't hide the smile on her face, she always felt like part of the family when it came to the weasley's. They were like that if everyone she supposed.
"Well look at you, you've grown so much since the last time i saw you"
"Mrs. Weasley it's only been a few monthes"
"well you always look beautiful dear, i don't know why one of my boys hasn't fallen for you yet"
Jackie coughed nervously, which ginny did not miss, seeing as the 14 year old was the only one that Jackie told about her little crush.
"oh, jackie you should come see the twins new shop with us tomorrow" said ginny with a little smirk on her face, which cause a blush to sweep jackies face.
"oh, heavens, they couldn't just finish the school year like jackie here, but no they had to leave the place in shambles...to start a joke shop no less..."Mrs Weasley continued to ramble on about the poor choices of her sons
"i'd love to ginny"
"i think you oaught to tell him tomorrow"ginny whispered so only you could here
"thats what i was planning, i just don't know how to break it to him, gosh this would be so much easier if i didn't love him."
"last i heard this was just a little crush"
"well last time i didn't want to admit it to even myself"
"oh jakie" ginny said excitingly as she wrapped her arms around you
"i just know that you two will be perfect for eachother"
"well lets hope he thinks the same way"
"jackie we got to go" yelled your mother who was saying her good-byes to the mr and mrs weasley along with your dad.
"bye, see you tomorrow"
"tomorrow" ginny yelled back with a knowing smirk.
The next day Jackie was a mess, she didn't know what to wear, she had to look cute but not overboard, after all george thought they were still friends, oh what was she gonna do with her hair. 'ugh...george is never gonna like me like this' she thought.
Finally she was ready, she had her hair in a messy bun, but a braid to make it look a little done up but still casual. she wore her favortie black leggings and her favorite little blue dress, it was prettyb enough to be cute but since she wore this stuff all the time it would still look casual.
"mom i'm leaving" jackie said as she took the floo powder into her her hand and stepped into the fireplace.
"the burrow" she yelled as she was engoifed in a green flame.
she fell out into the living room of the burrow, and was immediatly engolfed into a hug by Mrs. Weasley
"oh, darling, ginny should be down in just a little, the boys are already there, but mr weasley and i are gonna stay here."
"i heard my name" yelled a voice from the top of the stairs and sure enough there was ginny weasley.
and with that they appartided straight to the outside of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, ginny gave jackie a look before going inside to find the others. Jackie was frozen in awe at the colorfulness and welcoming feeling of the store, this was truly their dream. Jackie took her first step in, this place was booming with business. She saw the twins making their way around the store, fixing things, filling shelves, help costumers.
She couldn't help but watch him with a grin on her face. He still looked the same, if not better since the last time she saw him. He had the same crooked smile that made her heart leap. He gave a little boy one of their famous fireworks, the boy set it off and out flew a giant bird that scared some older lady thier with her son. Then he laughed....oh that laugh how it made her melt inside. He walked back to the cash register. It was now or never, Jackie thought as she made her way towards him, when she came abrumptly to a stop. There she was. No Jackie didn't know this girl, but from the looks of it george did, very well. He gave he a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the back room.
Jakie booked it for the door, and Ginny was right behind her seeing the same thing as jackie had.
Jackie found the nearest bench and fell down bursting into tears.
"oh jackie, i had no clue, i'm soo sorry"
"its ok, i should have known that he just thought of me as a friend, i was stupid to think that he liked me like i liked him"suddenly she felt a burst of confidence, she grabbed the sweater in her hand and marched into the store. she didn't see him anywhere inside so she walked into the back.
"you can't go back there" said the girl from before, you saw that she was wearing work robes, just great she worked with him too.
"don't worry, i'm friends with the twins"jackie said snidly before continuing with her mission. and there she was him, in the corner looking at a picture.
the floor creaked and George looked up.
"jackie" said george staring in awe for a few minutes before pulling her into a hug. She smelt cinnamon, and she almost gave in before she remebered what she was doing, she clutched the sweater and pulled out of george's grasp.
"here" she said offering it to him with a small sad smile. at first he wouldn't take it, and the hurt in his eyes was hard to miss. so she put it on the chair he was just sitting in before walking out that door. George tried to stop her but as soon as she was outside that store she appartided home.
that night she crieds herself to sleep harder then any night at hogwarts after they left. What she didn't know was that George was crying himself. He clutched onto that sweater. He thought back to the night he had givin it to her.
they were walking together out on the grounds past curfew which was nothing new for these two, but umbridge sure was making it harder for these two. Tonight was the night before Fred and George were gonna leave this aweful place forever. But there was one thing George still had to do. Tonight was gonna be the night he confessed his feelings for jackie, he was just hoping that she would feel the same.
"jackie...there is somthing i have to....are you cold" he stops seeing as she is shivering. George takes off his home knit sweater from his mother and throughs it on her."here"
Jackie puts it on and blushes.
"Jackie there is somthing i've been meaning to tell you"
"Go on" an odvious smile streches across her beautiful face.
"hmmm hmmm" came that annoying hum
"what do we have here, two students out of there beds, past curfew no less,oh dear boys and girls do not belong conversing outdoors this late alone, what sinful heathens, off, back to your common rooms, now"
George and Jackie made it back to the common room safely.
"so goerge what did you want to say"
"i...the thing is...i kinda think...that i...well...oh i'll just say it...i lov..."george rambled but looked down when weight hit is cheast. There was Jackie, she had fallen asleep on his cheast" i love you" he whispered before levitating her to her own bed.
Why had he been such a coward, why did it have to be like this, what did he do wrong to make her feel like this.he kept contemplating these things while drifting off to sleep himself.
the next morning he was determined to get his feelings out. he went down to the loft where him and fred stayed to find fred and melissa making out on the couch, melissa was one of their employees and freds latest girl, actually she has lasted pretty long and was starting to become like family.
"hey fred, do you think i can get today off"
"finally gonna tell jackie how you feel bro?"
"jackie, was she the girl who came into the store yesturday"
"oh, now i feel bad, i gave her crap for trying to go back there"
"it's ok, i just need to work somethings out with her"
"sure bro, you can take the day off, but remember this...you owe me"
"k, whatever"
And with that George "popped" to the burrow
"oh george your here, sit, we are just having breakfast"
"no it's gine mom, i was actually just stopping bye so i could go talk to jackie next door"
"oh of coarse dear"
and with that george made his way over to the Ritter's House next door
"oh dear, it seems my little georgy has finally come to his sense" sniffled mrs. weasley as she watched him leave
It took George a few minutes to get to their house, seeing as there was a giant open field between both houses. he rung the doorbell hoping jackie would answer, he wanted to get this over with fast.but to his dismay Mrs Ritter opened the door.
"hello mrs ritters i was wondering if i could possibly speak with jackie"
"oh please george, your practically family please call me Shannon"
"alright, Shannon, i was wondering if i could speak with jackie, it's kinda important."
"oh coarse George, she is up in her room, i don't think she is awake yet"
Jackie sat by her windowsil, wondering if this pain would stop, when she heard a soft knock on her door. she didn't answer, she didn't really want to talk to anyone right now. but it seemed the person had other plans as the storm through the door, but stop in the middle of the room. There stood George Weasley, the George Weasley, the boy she was crying her eyes out for right now. She got ready to turn away not wanting to have George see her like this, but the look in his eye made her stop.
For a while the room was silent, neither of them speaking just boring into one another's eyes. Jackie looked ready to speak, but george beat her to the punch and pulled her into the most passionate kiss she has ever had. pulling apart she is stunned.
"now jackie before you say anything there is something i have to tell you...i love you, i have loved you since the moment i met you and i don't think i'll ever be able to stop, if you don't feel the same way say something....."george paused but after a while realizing she was not planning on inturpting him he continued "...but if you do feel the same way about me i need to know"
and with that jackie flings into george's arms and goes in for another kiss. but mid kiss she remembers something and pulls away.
"what about your girlfriend George"
"what, i don't have a girlfriend, at least not yet."
"but what about that girl who works with you?"jackie asks ignoring the last part of his sentance.
"melissa, oh she's not my girlfriend...."
"don't give me that i saw you kiss her cheek"
"yeah, thats because she is like a sister, fred's been going out with her since before we even left hogwarts"
"then how come i've never met her"
"oh she doesn't go to hogwarts, she lives here, she is the one who sold us the loft for the shop."
"sooo...jackie, now that that is set aside...will you go out with me"
"yes" jackie jumped into his arms for a excited hug, and thats when she smelt it...cinnamon.
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cscreativecentre · 7 years
Little Terrors
Summary:  Emma and Killian have faced many challenges together, but nothing can prepare them for one of parenthood’s greatest challenges:  leaving the house.  
  Word count: 3,162
  Rating: G
  …Little Terrors: Part 1/1…
“I don’t want to wear shoes!” 4 year old Liam declared with a stomp of his foot, his brown hair flying every which way as he shook his head.
  Emma sighed, as she tried to grab his wiggling feet and force the sneakers on.
  “Why not?” she asked.
  “They make my feet hot.”
  “Well, we’re going to Granny’s for your Uncle Neal’s birthday.  No shoes, no shirt, no service.”
  “I’m wearing a shirt,” he said with a pout.
  “Then you’re halfway there,” Emma said, as she finally managed to get his sneakers on.
  Just then, 2 year old Ella came running into the living room, naked from the waist down.  
  “No diaper!” she screamed, her blonde curls waving around her head as she shook it.
  Emma squeezed her eyes closed. “Killian!” she called.
  Her husband appeared a moment later, Ella’s pull-up in his hand.  Emma gestured to their daughter.  
  “Care to explain?”
  He shrugged.  “I tried, love.  She wouldn’t let me put it on.  I can’t say I blame her.  I too prefer to go sans undergarments.”
  “But at least you wear pants to conceal that fact,” she said.  
  Emma took the diaper from him. “I’ll try.  Go get Eva in her bedroom.”
  Killian headed upstairs and found their 6 year old daughter sitting on her bed with a pout on her face.  
  “Come on, love.  It’s time to go.”
  “I’m not going,” she declared glumly.  
  “And why not?”
  “I feel weird today.”
  “You feel ill?”
  “No, I feel weird.”
  “I haven’t a bloody clue what that means.”
  “It means I don’t feel like going to Uncle Neal’s birthday party.”
  Killian sighed heavily, as he sat beside his daughter on the bed.  He brushed her blonde hair behind her ear. “But, love, there will be cake at the festivities.  You adore cake.”
  “What kind of cake?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “Carrot cake?” she asked, scrunching up her nose.  “I hate carrot cake.”
  He sighed again. “I don’t know what kind of cake, but Neal loves chocolate, so I’d say there’s a fair chance of it being chocolate.  Chocolate is your favorite.”
  “I don’t like chocolate,” she said with a shake of her head.
  “Since when?” he asked, his eyebrows darting upwards.
  “Since yesterday.”
  “What happened yesterday?”
  “I told you.  I stopped liking chocolate.”
  Killian groaned and ran his hand down his face.  “Bloody hell.”
  He stood up and gestured at her to do the same. “Up.  March yourself downstairs, lass.  You’re going.”
  Eva moaned dramatically and then stood up, stomping out of the room and down the stairs.  Killian arrived back in the living room to find his wife with all three children.  Ella had her pull-up on and was now wearing a skirt.   
  Killian smiled at Emma. “Ah, looks like we’re making progress, love.  Perhaps we’ll be ready to leave by next week.”  
  Emma laughed and then groaned when she looked down at Liam’s feet.
  “What happened to your other shoe, kid?”
  “I lost it,” he said with a shrug.
  “You had it five minutes ago.  It was on your foot.  How did you manage to lose it in five minutes?”
  “I dunno,” he said with a shrug.
  Emma blew out a frustrated breath.  “Go back to your room and put on another pair of sneakers.”
  Liam scampered off, just as Eva dropped to the ground dramatically, her arms and legs spread out on the rug.
  “What’s wrong with her?” Emma asked, turning to her husband.
  Killian shrugged and attempted to make air quotes with his hand and hook.  “In her words, she’s feeling weird today.”
  “What does that mean?”
  “How the devil should I know?  Apparently, it makes it so she doesn’t want to attend the party.”
  “Well, that’s not an option,” Emma said. “Get up, Eva,” she ordered.
  Eva didn’t move a muscle.   Killian bent down to pick up his daughter, but she was dead weight and he couldn’t get her to budge.
  “Bloody hell, it’s as if she weighs more than a barrel of rum,” he said.
  Emma chuckled. “Yeah, that’s a special kind of kid skill right there.”
  Just then, Liam appeared back in the living room.
  “Ready!” he announced.
  Emma looked at his feet.  He was now wearing two different sneakers.
  “Why are you wearing two different shoes?” she asked.
  “I couldn’t find the missing one,” he explained.
  “That’s why I said to put on a different pair of shoes.”
  “I did.”
  “No, you put on two different sneakers.  One is red.  One is blue.”
  He shrugged.  “I like it better this way.”
  Emma rubbed her temple.  “Fine.  Go like that.”
  Killian pinched the bridge of his nose.  “The headache I currently have rivals those I’ve only gotten after consuming several flasks of rum.”
  Emma smiled and patted her husband’s shoulder.  “That’s parenthood for you.  The effects of a hangover without the fun.”
  Killian laughed.  “Aye.”
  They then worked together to lift Eva off the floor.  They thought they were finally ready to leave when they realized Ella was missing.  
  “Where’s Ella?” Emma asked.
  Killian groaned.  “Bloody hell.”
  They heard a giggle coming from upstairs and she appeared at the top of the stairs, completely naked.
  Emma let out an audible groan.  “Seriously?”
  Killian exhaled in defeat and held up his hook and hand.  "That’s it.  I surrender,“ he said.
His wife turned to him wide-eyed.  "What?  I thought you love a challenge.”
“Aye, that I do.  But I am also wise enough to know when to admit defeat.”
“So let me get this straight.  You’ve lived centuries and defeated villains and monsters, broken curses, but our three children manage to take you down?”
He shrugged.  "Defeat can come in the most unexpected of ways and from the most underestimated of foes.“
"Okay, this is ridiculous.  What are we supposed to do?  Never leave the house again?”
“No, we can certainly make another attempt at some point.  But today I believe we must admit the lad and lasses have bested us.”
“So much for never giving up,” she muttered.
“Perhaps if you could use your magic or I could use my sword to defeat them, we would stand a chance.  But, alas, that is not an option.”
Emma groaned and rubbed at her forehead.  "Yeah, this parenthood thing is definitely the greatest challenge we’ve ever faced together.“
“Some days it feels more like a hostage negotiation with a band of drunken pirates than actual parenting,”  Killian said.
"Well, I guess you would know,” she replied with a chuckle.  Emma paused and and shook her head.  "But one thing I know is that we’ve always been stronger together.“
“The kids outnumber us.  But-…”
He nodded, finishing her thought, “We’ve been outnumbered before and emerged victorious.  You’re right, Swan.  We just have to keep our wits about us, formulate a plan, and work as a team.”
Emma nodded, as she came closer to her husband and snaked her arms around his neck.  "Now there’s the determined pirate I love.  There’s no battle we can’t win if we work together.“
Killian pressed his lips to his wife’s.  Just as they parted, they both felt a tug on their shirts.  They looked down to find Liam staring up at them.
"I lost my shoes,” he said.  
Emma and Killian sighed, as they dropped their foreheads together and squeezed their eyes closed.
“Okay, here’s the plan,” Emma said, as she handed Killian a roll of duct tape.
Her husband’s eyes grew wide. “Love, admittedly I’m still learning about parenting in this realm, but I do believe it is frowned upon to restrain them.”
Emma laughed, shook her head, and then handed him a pair of green sneakers. “For Liam’s sneakers.  Put them on and secure them with a bit of duct tape around his foot.  They won’t be going anywhere for awhile.”
Emma pointed to Eva and Liam. “Both of you on the couch,” she ordered.  
They begrudgingly followed their mother’s command.
She addressed Killian.  "Okay, watch them.  Don’t let them out of your sight.“
"As you wish.”
“I’ll take care of Ella,” she said.
Emma headed upstairs.  She found her naked toddler jumping up and down on their bed.  
“Ella, do you want to play a game?”
Ella stopped jumping and nodded enthusiastically.  "Yeah!“
"Okay, how about dress-up?  You love playing dress-up.”
“Can I be a princess?”
“Yup.  But here’s the game part.  I’m going to time you on my phone.  I’m going to give you five minutes and you have to be fully dressed, including pull-up.  And you have to stay dressed for the rest of the day or you lose.  Got it?”
“Got it!” she yelled and gave her mother a thumbs up.
“Ready,” Emma said, as she tapped the time on her phone.  "Get set.  Go!“  
Ella jumped off the bed and raced to her bedroom.  Emma followed and watched as she ran to her toy chest and began to frantically pull out her dress-up costumes.
Killian could hear his wife and daughter upstairs as he guarded their other two children.  They squirmed on the couch.
"I’m hungry,” Eva said.
“I’m thirsty,” Liam announced.  
“Well, loves, if we leave this house sometime this century, then you can have your fill of food and beverages at your uncle’s party.”
“But I’m hungry now.”
“I’m thirsty now.”
Killian waved his hook at them and shook his head.  "I know what you’re attempting to do and your efforts will be fruitless.“
Eva tilted her head and smiled at her father, batting her eyelashes.  "You’re the best daddy in the whole wide world,” she said softly.  
Killian blushed and shrugged.  "Thank you, love.“
"In all the realms,” Liam added, spreading his arms out wide.
“And you’re the funnest, too,” Eva said.  "All of my friends are jealous because their dads are boring.“
Liam nodded. "Yeah, mine too.  Our daddy’s a cool pirate.”
Killian puffed his chest out proudly, his face beaming.  "Well, I can’t argue with that. I’d imagine the other fathers would be rather envious of me.  I can’t say I blame them.“
Eva and Liam slowly inched off the couch and came to sit on their father’s lap. They looped their arms around his neck and each placed a kiss on his cheek.
"We love you, Daddy,” they said in unison.
Killian smiled. “I love you, too.”
“Now can we have something to eat?” Eva asked.
“And drink?” Liam said.
Killian nodded, kissing their foreheads. “Of course.  How could I ever deny my beautiful offspring anything?  You’re such a wonderful lad, Liam, and you’re a lovely lass, Eva.”
“Thank you, Daddy!” they said, as they hugged him, and then jumped off his lap and ran into the kitchen.
A few minutes later, Emma came down the stairs with Ella, who was now dressed in a glittery purple princess dress and sparkly pink shoes. The look was made complete with a crown atop her head.
Killian smiled. “Well, lass, you look stunning,” he said.
Ella giggled, as Emma’s eyes widened at the empty couch.
“Where are Eva and Liam?”
“Oh, not to worry, love.  They’re just getting something to eat and drink.”
Emma’s eyes widened. “What? Killian, I told you not to let them move.  Every parent knows you never let a child who is dressed to leave the house eat or drink anything or they will surely require a change of clothes.  How did they convince you to let them move off the couch?”
He grinned.  "We have very sweet children, Swan.  They told me how I am the best daddy in all of the realms.“
Emma groaned. "Of course they did.  They stroked your ego.  Smart kids.”
Killian shrugged.  “It was rather brilliant.  Well played.”
Eva and Lia emerged from the kitchen a moment later.  Eva had chocolate pudding all over the front of her dress and Liam had grape juice on his pants.  Emma stared daggers at her husband.
“Apologies, love.”
Just then, Emma’s cell rang.  She looked down and groaned.  "It’s my mother.“
She answered the phone. "Hi, Mom.”
“Emma, where are you?  Neal’s party started an hour ago.”
“Well, we started the process of leaving the house two hours ago.  Let’s just say it isn’t going well.”
Snow chuckled. “Ah, I can imagine it’s difficult with three young children.”  She paused and said, “Put me on speaker.”
Emma pressed speaker.
“Eva, Liam, Ella.  It’s grandma.”
“Hi, Grandma!” they yelled.
“Do you know what’s waiting for you at the party?”
“What?” they asked.  
“A piñata full of candy.  And there’s chocolate cake.  And there’s ice cream.  Plus, a little present for each of you.”
“But you must get in the car within the next five minutes or everything will disappear.  Okay?”
“Okay!” they screamed.
Emma watched as Liam and Eva raced upstairs to change.
Emma and Killian shook their heads in amazement.
“Unbelievable,” Emma said.
Snow chuckled. “Emma, never forget a parent’s greatest weapon: bribery.”
“I thought bribery was frowned upon,” Killian said.
“I’m a big believer in whatever works,” Snow said.  "See you soon.  Hopefully.“
Eva and Liam ran down the stairs a moment later, freshly changed.  "Ready!”
Emma and Killian exchanged a relieved smile.  
Emma looked at them.  "Does anyone need to use the bathroom?“
"Nope,” they said.
Killian grinned. “Then let’s go.”
They filed out of the house and piled into the car.  Emma was almost backed out of the driveway when Liam began to squirm in his seat.
“I have to pee,” he said.
Emma and Killian squeezed their eyes shut, as she put the car in park.  She glared at him in the rearview mirror.  
“Seriously, kid?  I just asked if anyone needed to go to the bathroom not three minutes ago.”
“I didn’t have to go then,” he replied with a matter-of-fact shrug.
Emma and Killian exchanged a look and then simply laughed, as Emma dropped her head onto the steering wheel.  
From their booth at Granny’s, Emma and Killian watched their three children attempt to hit the piñata.
  Emma smiled, as she leaned forward and linked her fingers with her husband’s.
  “As crazy as they drive us, I have to admit we created three pretty great kids,” she said.
  Killian nodded. “Aye, love, that we did.”
  Emma’s smile faded and her expression grew serious.  “Do you ever regret it?  Do you ever regret trading life as a pirate captain for like in Storybrooke?”
  Killian’s brow furrowed, as he shook his head. “Not for a moment, Swan.  It was the best decision I ever made. You helped me find the good man I still had inside of me and gave me a noble cause.   And that decision gave me you and our children.”
  Emma bobbed her head.  “I know,” she said.  She waved her hand at their children. “But I doubt when you made that decision back then, you could have imagined what your life would be like now.”
  Killian chuckled. “You’re quite right, love.  I traded battles with pirates over treasure for battles with children over shoes and diapers.”  He paused for a long moment. “I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a very small part of me that feared that life as a husband and father in Storybrooke could grow dull and tiresome.  But I had nothing to fear because this life we’ve created together is the greatest adventure of my life.”
  Emma smiled as he leaned forward and placed a kiss to her knuckles.  
  “And there’s no one else I’d rather go on this adventure with,” she said.
  “It’s my turn!” Eva suddenly yelled.
  Emma and Killian groaned, as they turned to find Eva and Liam in a tug-of war over the plastic bat being used to hit the piñata.  
  “No, it’s not!  It’s mine!” Liam screamed.
  “Duty calls, Swan,” Killian said, as they both slid out of the booth.
  Killian grabbed Eva and Emma grabbed Liam, pulling them apart until they dropped the bat.  Ella giggled as she picked it up from the ground and began swinging it haphazardly.
  Eva and Liam squirmed in their parents’ arms until they were finally released and set on the ground.  
  Eva pointed at Liam.  “He stole my turn!”
  “She stole my turn!” he yelled.
  Emma and Killian sighed heavily, preparing to launch into their upteenth lecture on sharing.  But just as they opened their mouths, Ella screamed, “My turn!”
  Unfortunately, she was only two and her aim left a lot to be desired.  She swung and missed the piñata entirely.  But what she didn’t miss was her father’s face.  The plastic bat hit Killian square in the nose.
  “Killian!” Emma screamed, as he fell backwards and landed on the ground, his hand going to clutch his nose.
  “Bloody hell,” he muttered, as his nose began to throb.  
  Emma stroked his cheek, as Snow ran off to get ice.  
  Ella walked over to her father and touched his cheek. “Sorry, Daddy,” she whispered in his ear.
  Eva grabbed Killian’s hand, while Liam took hold of his hook.
  “Are you okay, Daddy?” Eva asked.  
  “I’ve been better, love,” he mumbled.  
  Snow arrived with the ice and Emma pressed it to her husband’s swollen nose.  
  “You’ll be fine, Daddy.  You’re a big, strong pirate,” Liam said.  
  Emma smiled at their children, as they attempted to comfort their father.  
  “Thank you, lad.  You’re right.  I’ve endured far worse.  I’ll be just fine,” he said.
  Emma helped him up and then ushered him back to their booth.   She scooted all the way in and then motioned for Killian to placed his head on her lap.  He lay back, settling his head in his wife’s lap as she placed the ice back on his nose.
  “Has the handsome finally been knocked out of me, love?”
  Emma caressed his cheek. “I told you.  No one’s that powerful, not even our kids.”
  Killian laughed and then winced in pain.  
  Emma brushed his hair off his forehead and placed a kiss on it, as she met his eyes.  “So still no regrets?”
  He shook his head.  “Not a one.  I wouldn’t trade our life together for all of the treasure in all of the realms.”
  Emma smiled, as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips.  
  Just then, all three kids appeared at the booth.  They started to climb on top of Killian.  
  “Careful!” Emma said, as Liam kneed him in the crotch, garnering another groan from her husband.
  “We just want to hug him,” Eva explained.
  Emma’s face softened. “Okay, but be gentle.”
  Eva flopped down on top of her father’s chest as Liam took up a spot beside her.  Ella managed to climb on top of her siblings.  
  Killian smiled and tightly wrapped his arms around their little brood.  Emma found his hand and slipped hers in it, as they exchanged a smile that said it all.
Thanks for reading!  I hope you enjoyed it.  I’d love to know what you thought. ~Steph
by @captainswanluver
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Cameo fic #1: Operation Pixie Nap
This is the first of the follower milestone cameo fics I’ve promised followers.  It’s taken me forever to fulfil these prompts, but my 3 summer mc’s kept me very, very occupied over the last several weeks.  Sorry for the delay, and for the others to whom I owe fics, I hope to have them written and posted by the end of the week.  Today’s prompt is for @kmomof4  She asked for the following:  Captain Swan: combine 34 (This is, by far, the stupidest plan you’ve ever concocted.  Of course I’m in) and 50 (I’m too sober for this).  This story is totally ridiculous, Krystal, but I hope you like it anyway!
Killian stepped behind Emma and took her wrist in his good hand.  “Relax darling.  Keep your wrist loose.  That’s a good girl.  Now pull back and let it go.”
Emma took a deep breath, closed her eyes and relaxed into her husband.  After a moment, she stood straight, eyed her target and let the dart fly.
“Bull’s eye!” she said, pumping the air with her left hand.  “Killian, I’m starting to get good at this.”
He grinned, spinning her in his arms.  Leaning down he kissed her softly.  “That you are, love.  Perhaps one day you’ll even be able to best me.”
“Oh I think I could do that already,” she said with a teasing smile.
He swaggered into her space.  “Do you now?”
“Yep,” she said with a nod.  “Piece of cake.  It’s all about distraction.  All I’d have to do is….”  Emma leaned over and whispered a couple of far-from-G-rated ideas in his ear.
Killian choked on the sip of beer he’d just taken.  “You little minx.”
She swatted his arm playfully.  “I learn from the best, babe.”
They’d been married for just over a month now, and Emma couldn’t believe how quiet and peaceful it had been around here when Storybrooke was big-bad free.  Killian had come on as her deputy, and they’d had visions of exciting days working together, having each other’s backs, keeping the town safe.
But really, most of their days were spent twiddling their thumbs in the sheriff’s office in between rounds.  In order to stave off some of the boredom, they’d taken to having dinner at Granny’s every Monday night.  On this particular night, the dart board had caught Emma’s eye, and she’d asked Killian to give her a few pointers.
“I must say, Swan,” Killian said, “you have some truly excellent ideas for distraction, but I rather doubt Granny would appreciate you working such whiles within her dining establishment.  What say we retire to our home, where you can make good on your threats?”
She grinned.  “Sounds good to me.”
They made it as far as the diner door before Granny came rushing from the hallway leading to the bed and breakfast.  “Sheriff! Deputy!  We’ve got a bit of a situation here!”
Emma sighed and rolled her eyes.  “I month villain-free,” she muttered to Killian.  “I guess we’ve had a good run.”
He chuckled, before turning toward Granny.  “Lady Lucas, what seems to be the problem?”
Granny pointed in the general direction of the rooms.  “Got a new customer in today.  Name’s Krystal.  An outsider.”
“Let me guess,” Emma said, “you’ve just discovered that she’s some psycho fairy tale villain and we have a new fight on our hands.”
Granny gave her a blank look.  “Don’t be ridiculous.  Krystal seems like a model guest.  She’s just in for a few days before heading home.  Needed a little vacation.  Near as I can tell, she’s spent a good portion of the day reading stories in the parlor.”
Killian’s brows furrowed.  “If she’s a model guest, what is the issue you have with her?”
“It’s not her causing the problem,” Granny said.  “It’s the pixies.”
Emma shot Killian a blank look.  “Pixies? Like the tiny little flying creatures?”
“Yep,” Granny said. “They’ve got Krystal cornered in her room now.  Made a huge mess.  I can’t figure out how to get rid of the little menaces.”
“Since when have pixies been in Storybrooke?” Emma asked as the two of them headed up the stairs to the source of the problem.
Killian shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine, love. Perhaps they followed me back after my last stint on Neverland.”
In a few steps they came to the hotel room Granny had given them, and Emma rapped quickly on the door.  “Krystal? Is everything alright?  It’s the sheriff; Granny said you were having some issues.”
Tiny giggles and the sound of crashing and tearing came from the other side of the thick wooden door.  “Stop!” came Krystal’s exasperated voice.  “Don’t touch that!”
“Love? Do you require assistance?” Killian called.
“Yeah, I think I might need a little help,” Krystal called back.  “They’re destroying my room!
“Just stay calm,” Emma said.  “We’re coming in.”
Slowly, cautiously Emma eased the door open.  Peering inside, Emma gasped.  It looked as though a bomb had gone off, clothes and toiletries scattered everywhere, the bedside lamp broken, tiny bits of graffiti on the window, the art work on the walls turned askew.  
Dozens of tiny winged human-looking things zoomed around, cackling, continuing their mischief. Krystal, herself, was backed into a corner.  One pixie was braiding her hair, and another held a pair of scissors, apparently prepared to cut off the plait when it was finished.
Despite her care in opening the door, Emma attracted the attention of the pixies, and quick as a flash, the nasty little creatures began zooming in their direction. Killian closed the door to the sound of tiny voices chattering angrily.
“Okay, well this is a new one,” Emma said.  “How the hell do you get rid of a pixie infestation?”
“Perhaps if we were able to send them across the town line they’d disappear into oblivion like that demon hell-bat did just before the Queens of Darkness came to our fair burg.”
Emma shrugged.  “Good an idea as any.  Just one problem.  Those tiny little s.o.b.s don’t exactly seem like the kind we can herd in that direction. How do we get them across the town line?”
Killian thought for a second, and then smiled.  “I’ve got it! We make the little buggars fall asleep, gather them into Krystal’s now-empty luggage, and then release them across the line.”
There was a shriek from the other side of the door.  “Drop those scissors!  So help me if you cut my hair…”
“Yeah, well whatever we do, sounds like we have to do it fast,” Emma said.  “Sounds like things are escalating.  Any idea how to put fairies to sleep?”
“Aye,” Killian said, “but the plan as rather mad.  Pixies are captivated by performances and find song and dance as relaxing as a sleeping potion.”
“Wait,” Emma said. “Are you suggesting we go in there and sing to them?  Are you crazy?”
Killian shrugged. “Aye, the more we sing, the more captivated they will be and the sooner they’ll nod off.”
“So what kind of music are pixies into?”
“The more monotonous or child-like the better,” Killian said.  “Perhaps that song the lad sang on our road trip last week.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Emma said with a raised eyebrow.  “You want to sing ’99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall’ to a bunch of pixies?”
“Couldn’t hurt,” Killian said with a shrug.  “Are you in?”
Emma glared at him for a moment, then finally she sighed.  “Killian, this is by far, the stupidest plan you’ve ever concocted.  Of course I’m in.”
Emma took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and then opened the door with a bang.  The pixies stopped what they were doing, the one holding the scissors dropping them just before making the first cut to the unfortunate Krystal’s hair.  But their surprise lasted only a moment, and then the little creatures were making an angry bee-line toward Emma and Killian.
“Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall.  Ninety-nine bottles of beer…” Emma began, and to her surprise, the pixies stopped in midair, turning rapt attention her way.  By the time Killian joined in, and then Krystal, it looked like their plan was working. Several of the pixies had settled down, legs crossed on the hotel bed and looked up at them with open-mouthed fascination.
But by the time they hit 42 bottles, the pixies started to lose interest.  “This isn’t working,” Emma said under her breath.  “What do we do?”
Killian shrugged. “Perhaps if we add costumes and dance? What about that island attire you told me you donned for All Hallows Eve a few years ago?”
Emma stopped and stared at him.  “You want me to wear a grass skirt and coconut bra and dance for them?”
“Aye,” Killian said, “times are becoming desperate.  Perhaps if I continue with the song about beer, you provide them with dance, and Krystal, love?  Could you choose a song as well?”
“Yeah, I can sing if you need me to.”
“Alright, Emma, it’s settled.  Time for a costume change.”
Emma sighed, waved her hands and then looked at herself in the mirror.  She looked ridiculous.  “I’m too sober for this,” she muttered under her breath.
Turning back toward her annoying tiny audience, Emma did her best imitation of a hula dance.  “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts…”
Killian continued on with the beer song and Krystal began singing “Jesus Loves Me.”
The odd conglomeration of sound seemed to confuse the creatures, but by the smiles on their faces, it seems they appreciated the impromptu concert.
It took fifteen minutes of song and dance (and a little bit of yodeling), but finally, one-by-one the pixies nodded off and fell asleep.  Emma and Krystal continued singing, while Killian scooped the little guys up and depositing them in the suitcase.  When the last one was stowed, he zipped the luggage so that only a small hole remained to give the creatures air.
Emma took a deep breath and slowly let it out.  “Well that about does it.  How ‘bout we get these little guys across the town line, then we’ll come back and help you clean up, Krystal.”
“Sounds good to me,” Krystal said.  And then you’ll have to let me take you to dinner as a thank you.  If it wasn’t for ‘Operation Pixie Nap’ here, who knows what would have happened.”
“We’d be delighted to dine with you love.”
And so it was that when Krystal returned home to her husband and children two days later, she had quite a tale to tell about how she’d helped Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming rid Little Red Riding Hood’s Granny’s bed and breakfast of a pixie infestation.
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eastofthemoon · 7 years
aight finally got something your prompt requests. How about a PIdgance magical girl/superhero au?
Man this ended up way longer than planned!  Just for fun, I decided this takes place in the same setting as my Kallura Superhero AU  Thanks to @isabeau25 and Hubby I got other headcanons for this AU which I’ll probably post in a separate post.  For now, the fic!
Title: Caught You
Rating: G
Series: Voltron Legendary Defender
Characters: Pidge and Lance
Summary: The last thing Lance expected to find on his way home was a superhero caught up in a tree.
Lance’s brain desperately needed a reboot.  It could be the only logical explanation for what he was seeing.  Running into the local super hero Evergreen after finishing his practice at the pool?
Naw, that wasn’t so odd when Lance thought about it.  Evergreen was a common sight at the university.  It was a popular theory among the student body that he either worked or attended there.
Seeing Evergreen hanging upside down from a tree with his cape caught in the branches?  Yeah, that was a bit bizarre.  The guy was suppose to be a huge plant lover, and a natural for climbing trees.  It was like watching a cat attempt to land on it’s feet and completely screwed up near the end.  Lance discreetly took a photo because frankly it was funny.  It was an opportunity he just couldn’t pass up.
Yet, as the superhero struggled and a stray branch tore off ‘his’ mask, Lance decided his brain had to be malfunctioning.
How else could he explain to seeing Pidge’s face there, right now, in what could only be Evergreen’s costume.  The girl barely seem to realize he was even there as she let loose a series of curse words right before a branch broke and she tumbled out of the tree.
“Arrg, stupid, stupid tree,” she muttered as she rubbed her sore bottom.  “This is why I hate nature.”
Lance’s mouth fumbled as he tried to form the words.  “PIDGE?!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
Pidge froze and her eyes were full of dread as she raised her head.  They sat in silence as they stared at each other with nothing but the autumn wind blowing through.  
Pidge opened and shut her mouth.  “Lance?!  What are you-”  She then tried to cover her green costume with the cape.  “T..This isn’t what it looks like!”
“IT’S LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE EVERGREEN!” Lance shouted.  That whole sentence made no sense.  
Pidge hated the outdoors.  Evergreen was all about loving nature and stuff.  Evergreen was a guy.  Pidge was a girl.  Just…what the hell…
Pidge jumped to her feet as she cursed.  “Oh, great the fanboys.”.
“Your what?” Lance asked, but was cut off as Pidge grabbed his arm.
“QUIET. NEED TO HIDE NOW,” Pidge hissed as she dragged Lance away.  “I need to get out of here before they come-”
Lance’s brain finally finished it’s rebooting and proceeded to go into overdrive.  He yanked back his arm and began to pull Pidge towards the parking lot.
“Lance, let go,” Pidge said as she tried to get free.  “I said we need to hide-”
Lance stopped as they got the his car…well, his older brother’s car that he was letting Lance borrow while he was working overseas.  Lance pulled opened the backseat door and pointed.
“Get in and lay low!”
Pidge stared at the door and blinked.  “Wait, you mean hide in the car-”
They heard several feet coming in their direction.  Acting on impulse, Lance shoved Pidge inside, tried to ignore the glare she gave as he shut the door and flew to the front seat.  Calmly as he could, Lance whistled and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he saw several boys his age run by him.
They barely paid him any attention as they dashed through the parking lot like a stampede and turned around the corner.  Lance didn’t dare slump until they were gone and rubbed his eyes.
“My heart did not need that,” he muttered.
Pidge poked her head out into the front seat and tilted her head.  “Huh..good thinking, Lance,” she muttered as she adjusted her cape. “Hopefully they’ll give up.
His eyes narrowed as he turned around and jabbed a finger in her face.  “Alright, you got some explaining to do!” He gestured to the outfit.  “What is this?!  Seeing it’s two months until Halloween I’m assuming this isn’t for trick-or-treating.”
Pidge gave a sheepish smile.  “Um..would you believe I’m cosplaying as Evergreen?”
Lance shot her a dry look and held up one finger.  “One, this is the first time in the six years I’ve known you to ever shown an interest in cosplay.”  He held up two fingers.  “Two, if you did cosplay, we both know picking a nature loving superhero would be the last on your list.”  
He looked her over.  “And if you really aren’t Evergreen, then I got to ask how much you spend on that costume because it looks identical to the photos I’ve seen online.”
Pidge grumbled as she slumped and buried her face into the back of his seat.  “Fine, alright, I’m Evergreen…technically.”
Lance arched an eyebrow.  “Technically?”
“It’s a long story, alright?” Pidge snapped.
“Hey, I’m all ears, and I got nothing else to do,” he said.
It was mostly true.  He was suppose to met up with Allura and Keith to study for that history test, but Lance was certain they would forgive him for being late.
Pidge pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.  “Okay, fine, but could we not do it here?”  She pointed to where the herd of boys had gone.  “I rather not risk them seeing me here.”
Lance leaned over his seat to try to see if any of the boys were coming back.  “And who are they?”
“Evergreen fans,” Pidge muttered.  “I was trying to take a shortcut here, but they saw me, and I tried to lose them by climbing up that tree to hide.”  She winced.  “It didn’t go well.”
“Clearly,” Lance said as he started the car.  “My place alright? Hunk is visiting his grandparents this weekend, so got the apartment to myself.”
Pidge shut her eyes in thought and gave a nod.  “Fine, but as long as I can eat there too.  I’m starving.”
Lance scoffed.  “Yeah, because I bet climbing trees in capes really burns the calories.”
Pidge punched his shoulder as he proceed to drive them out of the parking lot.
It had taken some stealth to sneak Pidge inside the apartment building without anyone noticing, but they did it.  Once inside, Lance took the leftover casserole Hunk had made yesterday and dished up a platefull for both him and Pidge.
Lance knew Hunk would lecture him it would taste better if he warmed it up to get crisp in the oven, but he was too hungry to wait.  He popped the first plate of food into the microwave, and poured two glasses of water while it heated up.
The silence was awkward.  Pidge had gone to curl up in the loveseat next to the window and barely made any eye contact as the microwave hummed.  When the first plate finished, Lance took it out and passed it to Pidge.
“Here, food,” he said as he handed her a fork.  “Give it a sec to cool so you don’t burn your tongue.”
Pidge nodded as she scooped up a forkful and popped it into her mouth.  She gave a blissful sigh.  “Man, Hunk is a genius with food.”
“Yeah, yeah, and the sky is blue, don’t change the subject,” Lance said as he popped his food in the microwave to heat next.  He pressed his back into the fridge and locked eyes with her.  “Pidge, what is going on here?”
Pidge swallowed another mouthful and scratched her cheek.  “Geez, how do I start?”  She took a big gulp of water and placed it on the table.  “Okay, the truth is, I’m not the real Evergreen, Matt is.”
Lance blinked as he crossed his arms.  “Matt?”  Pidge nodded and slowly as Lance’s brain absorbed this information.
Alright, THAT made more sense.  Matt did study biochemistry, and he was a huge plant lover.  Evergreen was locally famous for the green goo filled vials he would tossed at criminals that would instantly cause plants to grow and trap them.  It was honestly something Lance could see him doing.
“Sssooo,” Lance said as the microwave beeped to say it was done.  “Why is Matt having his sister pretend to be him?”
Pidge took another forkful of food and swallowed it in a gulp.  “I’ll get to that in a bit, but first I gotta tell you why Matt became Evergreen in the first place.”
Lance frowned as he took his food and drink to sit across from her.  “Um..” he began as he mentally put pieces together and fiddled with his fork.  “It wouldn’t have anything to do with dad’s disappearance would it?”
Pidge flinched and Lance knew he hit the nail on the head.  “Yeah,” she said as she gripped her fork tightly.  “Matt and I..we knew something had happened, and the police weren’t much help so…Matt decided we would find him ourselves.”
Lance wished he could be shocked by this, but he wasn’t.  Professor Holt’s disappearance had been hard for Pidge’s entire family, and it had been so weird too.  The man was last seen leaving the university to head home and he just vanished.
No clues were left, no sightings, and they never even found his car.  The police searched, and found nothing.  It had been such a rough time for Pidge.  Lance remembered her practically living at his house during that.  Before, she always seemed frazzle by the constant buzziness of the place with all his siblings running everywhere there, but that time Pidge seemed to crave it to take her mind off of things.
“Becoming a superhero seems an extreme decision doesn’t it?” Lance asked.
Pidge poked at her casserole and took a nibble.  “We didn’t exactly have another choice.  Dad’s abduction was not normal and clearly who ever took him wasn’t just come common crook.”  Her eyes hardened.  “Matt figured if he poked around enough as a hero we would bump into some kind of clue.”
“And you’ve been his sidekick?” Lance asked before shoving a forkful of food into his mouth.
Pidge scoffed.  “Hardly, I was his partner.  I rigged it so we hear police reports, and help him with his gadgets as he took out the bad guys.  I was just behind the scenes.”
Yeah, that sounded way more like Pidge.  He pointed the fork in her direction.  “Does your mom know?”
Pidge gave a sheepish smile as she rubbed the back of her neck.  “No, but, hey, that’s the beauty of her being away in Europe for work right now.  Rather hard for her to catch on to what we’ve been doing without her here.”
Lance noted the pained frown she held.  Pidge and her mom were close, and it probably killed Pidge to lie to her.  Granted, if Mrs. Holt found out what her kids had been doing she probably would yank them by their ears and drag them home, and that’s if she was feeling generous.
Lance slumped back in his chair and swallowed a sip of his drink.  “Okay, so you and Matt are doing this superhero thing to find your dad, but you still haven’t explained why you’re suddenly in Matt’s role.  You two switch or something?”
Pidge lowered her fork on the plate.  “Matt and I thought we found a lead.”
Lance froze and stared on with interest.
“Matt got a crook to blab to him that apparently Zarkon has his hand in the black market.”
Lance gulped.  “Zarkon?  As in the mega rich guy and CEO of that big company?”
Pidge nodded.  “Matt and I suddenly remembered how Zarkon had kept pushing dad to work for his company, but he always refused.”  Her nostrils flared.  “And the last time he refused was days before he went missing.”
Lance straightened his posture, as he paled.  “You…think that Zarkon kidnapped your dad?”
“I don’t know,” Pidge said as she ran a hand through her hair.  “We don’t have any proof, but it’s the best lead we got.  Matt decided he would create a false identity so he could work in the labs undercover and try to gather some information.”  Pidge placed a hand over her chest.  “I’m pretending to be Evergreen so no one suspects Matt and him are the same person while he’s gone.”
Lance scrubbed his face with the palm of his hand.  “That’s heavy, Pidge,” he said and shook his head.  “On that note, I don’t agree with the idea of Matt leaving his babysister to cover for him.”
For heaven sakes couldn’t they just pretend the guy was sick or something?  Superheroes were human too…well mostly.  He wasn’t certain about Altean Woman.  Her super strength was not human.
He shook a finger like a scolding parent.  “I’m giving that guy a lecture when he gets back.”
Lance expected Pidge to pout or comment by saying “Lance, I’m not a little kid” like she always did.  She didn’t.  Instead, Pidge turned her face away to stare out of the window.
Lance lowered his hand, his gut telling him something else was wrong.  “Pidge?”
“He was suppose to contact me a week ago,” she said softly, “but I haven’t heard anything.”
“Aw, Pidge,” Lance said as he reached over and patted her shoulder.  “Have you told the police?”
“Told them what?” Pidge spat as she stood up.  “That my brother, who is the hero Evergreen, might have gotten captured or worse killed by Zarkon? I don’t have any evidence!  They’ll just laugh at me!  They’re useless!”
Lance said nothing as Pidge paced across the floor and continued her rant.  “I tried hacking into the company’s database, but the security is too good.  So, my best bet was to find that guy Matt talked to in the first place, but he’s disappeared too.  I’m almost wondering if the whole thing was a trap to begin with-”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down,” Lance said as he rose.  He then placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug. He have expected her to fight him, but Pidge dropped her arms and hugged Lance back.
“I’m…Lance, I’m just so worried about him,” she muffled into his shirt.
“I know, I know,” Lance said as he patted her head.  “Man, no wonder you’ve been weird the last week if you had this going on.”
Pidge raised her face and gave him a pout.  “I have not been weird.”
Lance looked down at her.  “You skipped video game night, barely touched any of Hunk’s peanut butter cookies,” he poked her nose, “and not to mention I heard you were falling asleep in your classes.”
Pidge kept her pout before returning to bury her face into his shirt.  “Alright, fine, that’s weird for me.”
“No, kidding,” Lance said but kept hugging.  
He wanted to just straight up tell her Matt would turn up or everything would work out, but he couldn’t.  They both knew there was no guarantee of anything.  For all they knew, Matt was dead already and Lance didn’t dare voice that thought.
After a moment, Pidge sighed and let go as she wiped her eyes.  “Thanks, Lance, I needed that.”
“Hey, I’m always open for a hug,” Lance said with a smile and then frowned.  “What are you going to do now?”
Pidge sighed as she fingered the belt full of Matt’s bottles and vials.  “For now, pretend to be Evergreen.  What else can I do until I find a lead?”
Lance cringed.  “That sounds dangerous.  Isn’t there another way?”
“No, and, before you ask, I’m not going to stop.”
Lance opened and shut his mouth before he rubbed the back of his head.  “Alright, fine, but could you do me a favor.”  He poked at the belt.  “Give up the plant angle.”
Pidge blinked and tilted her head.  “Um…why?”
“Because that was Matt’s thing, but that’s clearly not working for you?  You’re better off making your own gadgets if you ask me.”
Pidge fingered the belt and ran a hand through her hair.  “Yeah..not going to lie, I’ve been thinking the same thing.”  She picked up one of the vials.  “I’ll probably keep these things on hand, but I should just make my own gadgets.”  She looked to him and crossed his arms.  “So…you promise not to tell anyone?”
Lance gave a mocking gasp.  “What?  But I was going to post this on my blog tomorrow.”
“Lance,” Pidge said with a dark glare.
Lance smirked.  “Relax, Pidge your secret is safe with me.”  
Although, if he had a choice, he would prefer Pidge not put herself in danger like this.  However, there was no choice, between knowing or not knowing, he prefered the former so he could help Pidge out if she got in over her head.
“Although with that said,” he brought up his phone and showed off the photo he took earlier.  “I am so posting this photo of you dangling out of the tree.”
Pidge’s face turned bright red and instantly went to grab it.  “Lance! No! DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!”
Lance held it up above her head.  “Nope, no way!  I’m holding onto this treasure for all time.”
Lance laughed as Pidge chased him around the room.
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