#I’ve got a headache from crying now I want to go home
asparklethatisblue · 9 months
Literally sitting here crying cause between work and having days off on which I have to spend all day with people who don’t care about me as a person + a six year old I don’t know what I want to do less. I want to go home but I haven’t even gotten to see my grandparents yet
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writtenbymoonflower · 7 months
Hey! I love your writing! I swear I feel like I’ve read Avery thing because it is so good🫶 I absolutely love the way you write the boys and their personalities, truly my favourite!
I was also wondering if I could request a fic? Feel free to ignore. But can I request a poly! Marauders comfort fic kind of based on my day rn😭today I had to get glasses after sooo many years of not needing them. And I bough a pair but hate the way I look in them. Came straight home and cried about it, which turned to not feeling good enough in general.
Hi sweetheart! thank you for requesting! i'm so sorry that happened, i hate my glasses too. i hope you are feeling better, you're absolutely gorgeous and glasses can't change that. gn!reader x poly!marauders
cw: insecurity, swearing
1k words
You were staring into the mirror, switching between taking your new glasses off and putting them back on. When you took them off, your head began throbbing and your vision blurred. When they were back on you winced painfully at your appearance in the mirror. A mix of insecurity over the way the frames looked, and the new clarity you had in seeing your face. It was like putting the glasses on had opened a Pandora’s Box of insecurity. Now, no matter if they were on or off, you couldn’t stop picking apart your face. 
You set the glasses on the counter, scrubbing your watery eyes with the heel of your hand and wishing you never had to see yourself again. Remus found you in the bathroom, face pinched painfully and sniffling as you covered your eyes. 
“Dovey,” He said, fear creeping into his tone. “What’s happened, huh?” He shuffled over to your side, spinning you around to face him. His large hands were braced on your shaking shoulders as you hid your face in your hands and whined in a way that made his heart clench. He went to pull your wrists away from your face, which was when you spoke up.
“No, no.” You held fast, keeping your hands firmly in place. 
“Are you hurt? Why won’t you let me see you?” This whole situation was clearly making your usually calm boyfriend's head spin. He was at a loss, not wanting to become aggressive and scare you more, but also needing to get to the bottom of whatever was happening. He settled on tucking you into his chest and cradling the back of your head as you cried. You sniffled sadly into his knit sweater as two sets of feet padded across the carpet, stopping in the doorway of the bathroom. 
“Fuck,” Sirius said. Remus would’ve scolded him, if it hadn’t required him to pull away from you. “What’s going on?” He placed a hand in the middle of your back, eyes roving over you for a source of pain. James was equally distraught, but he handled this kind of thing best. He had a way of pulling guarded information out of people. 
“Baby, what’s got you crying so hard?” You lifted your face from Remus’ chest, still looking down to shield yourself. Remus tried to tilt your chin up, but you were being unusually stubborn. 
“Let me look at you.” Remus said, knocking his knuckles under your chin. You just shook your head. James turned you so all three of the boys were in front of you and tried to make you look up again, but you held fast and James was too scared of hurting you.
“Why won’t you let us see you, sweetheart?” James probed. Something in his gentle tone just broke you further, making you want to spill your guts. You relaxed enough for James to make you look up, red-rimmed eyes and glossy features making him want to cry as well. 
“Baby,” Sirius gasped. You breathed as deep as you could, trying not to cry worse as Remus used his sleeve to wipe at your wet cheeks. You were doing okay, until a wave of pain ripped through your head, making you grab your temples and whine. James cooed, familiar with the feeling and reached for your glasses. 
“No, I don’t want them.” You choked, miserably. 
“You’ve gotta wear them, lovely. Or your headache is jus’ gonna get worse.” He smoothed your hair away from your face, but you still wouldn’t let him put them on you. 
“Why don’t you wanna wear your glasses, baby?” Sirius questioned. 
“I hate them, they make me look so ugly. Like a fly or something.” You cringed wetly. Remus inhaled sharply, grabbing you to hold you again. 
“Is that what's made you so sad?” He whispered, kissing the top of your head as you nodded against his chest. James pouted, wanting to cry. 
“Wait,” Sirius cut in, sounding incredulous. “Is that why you wouldn’t let us look at you too?” James looked shell shocked and Remus’ face was pinched. You nodded again. 
“Sweetheart,” James pulled you from Remus’ grasp to have you look at them. He held your face, looking at you with too much love as we wiped your cheeks again. You were still wincing, uncomfortable from all the attention. Sirius turned your face to see him. 
“You’re breakin’ our hearts, sweet thing.” He smiled sadly at you. “Can’t believe you would think that.” He stroked your jaw with his thumb, pity covering his features. James let you go so that Sirius could have his turn loving on you. He held your gaze, letting his fingers roam over your features. “My baby, you’re so pretty. So, so fucking pretty. There’s nothing you could do to make us think otherwise. No reason to ever have to hide yourself from us.” He glanced over to Remus, wordlessly asking for the glasses. You tried to shrink away, but you were stopped by his hold on you. 
“You’re gonna hate them.” You warned, giving up on winning this battle. Remus scoffed. 
“You really think some glasses are gonna stop you from being gorgeous?” He asked like you were being silly. “Do you think that James is ugly? Do you think that we think James is ugly?” He looked at you accusatory. 
“No! Of course not!” You looked at James, floundering to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He just smiled at you reassuringly, placing a hand on your shoulder to placate you. 
“See, if you can love me with mine, then hopefully you can see that we love you with yours.” James rubbed your back as Sirius slid the frames onto your face, leaning forward to kiss your nose. 
“See? Absolutely gorgeous.” The pale boy praised. James turned you to face him, eyes swelling with fondness as he grabbed your face in his hands. 
“Holy shit!” He exclaimed. “I love them!” They had all known that you were getting glasses, but they hadn't seen them yet. You shied under his love. “You look so fucking precious.” He cooed, turning your face to let Remus see. “What do you think, Moons?” He leaned down to kiss your cheek. 
“Perfect.” Remus smiled softly, making your own spread across your face. 
Maybe they weren’t so bad.
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themultifandomgal · 6 months
Hey I got a request for peaky blinders
So basically tommy is a single dad to a girl she is 2 years old and you got you was I’ll and tommy was in a meeting and you was bored she u walk. In and tommy yelled at you So you run off and started crying you find John and Arthur and told they what happened how u was I’ll and they find tommy to tell him he was a dick about yelling at you then he told u he was sorry
Hope that make sense x
Tommy Shelby- Just Want To Protect You
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I hope this is what you wanted.
YN and Tommy haven’t been dating all that long, she knew he was a single dad and his daughter, Mary, came first no matter what. YN also knew that he was a dangerous man, but she didn’t care. To her Tommy was a caring man who loved his family (even if he didn’t show it), all he wanted to do was keep YN and his daughter safe.
Unfortunately Mary had been ill with a cold the last week so while Tommy was in meetings YN would take on the roll of looking after her, however today YN woke up feeling rough. She has a headache, stuffy nose and scratchy throat, but still being a mother figure to the young girl YN takes on the task of looking after her and and house while Tommy is in his office working.
“I want daddy”
“I know” YN replies bouncing the crying girl in her arms “but daddy is busy. Why don’t you take a nap. You might feel better and when you wake up, daddy might be finished”
“Ok” Mary sniffles snuggling into YN’s neck. YN takes Mary to her bedroom and puts her down. She stays with Mary until she’s asleep. Feeling rough herself she decides to go and have a nap herself, however due to her blocked nose and now cough, YN gives up after half an hour.
Making her way down stairs she decides to make herself and Tommy a cup of tea. Feeling bored YN knocks on Tommys office door before walking in
“Hi love, I made you a drink” YN says walking in placing the tea on his desk, Tommy just grunts in response “Mary is asleep, still has this awful cold. I said maybe once she wakes up you’d be finished with work”
“And why would you tell her that?” Tommy looks up to YN
“I just thought that you could have a break, you can sit in your chair and work all the time. Mary misses you”
“I can’t just stop working because Mary wants me to”
“I’m not saying that. You’ve been in here since 6 this morning. It’s now 1 and you’ve not had a break or anything to eat”
“I can’t”
“Fine. Guess I’ll be looking after your sick child all day again”
“I didn’t ask you to”
“Then who will? Your to busy with you fucking businesses to even notice that she’s been crying for you this morning”
“Don’t you swear at me!” Tommy yells standing up “Mary isn’t even your daughter so if she’s so much of a bother why don’t you just go!” Feeling taken back YN takes in what Tommy just said
“Fine” YN replies keeping her tears back.
Asking one of the maids to keep an eye on Mary, YN leaves the house and makes her way to the Garrison where she sees Arthur and John
“YN” John waves his brothers girlfriend over
“Hi” she sadly says
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s our brother done this time?” Arthur sighs
“It’s just that, I don’t feel well but ive been taking care of his daughter who’s also ill. When I told him to have a break from work he just blew up”
“Our brother is an idiot YN, I’ll speak with him” John replies
“No don’t. He will know I’ve spoken to you and he will probably have a fit. I’m gonna get a drink”
That evening YN sits her home with a book in her hands, when there is a knock at her door. Putting her book down she heads over feeling confused to who could be at her front door. Opening it up there is Tommy holding flowers in his hands
“I’m a dick I know. I’m sorry”
“You better come in” YN opens up her door wider so Tommy could enter “where’s Mary?”
“At home. Ada has her. I know I shouldn’t have shouted at you, your ill and been looking after my daughter. You didn’t have to but you did. I just get so scared when it comes to you and Mary. I just want to keep you safe and we have a problem with the business. I didn’t want you involved, I didn’t want to worry you”
“Tom, I’m your girlfriend. If we want this to work you can’t shut me out”
“I know I know. Arthur and John knocked some sense into me. Let me make it up to you. Let me cook supper for you. Treat you like a queen”
“I’d like that” YN smiles.
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pubbybutch · 1 year
i don’t know if this is a weird request but it’s also my first one.
but i had the idea of abby coming home from a long shift at work, and she finds reader trying to make themself cum?
it just popped into my head and i need it to come to life 🙏🙏
No anon cause I love this trope so much, thank you for trusting me with your first request (ur doing great sweetie!)
(Hope you don’t mind an AU btw <3)
Word Count: 1600 (technically not a drabble ig)
CW: Doctor AU, Abby is a sexy doctor, Strap usage (R! Receiving), AFAB reader, Feminine nicknames used, cowgirl position, tried to keep it race/ethnicity inclusive, mentions of Abby trying to keep you healthy and sleeping well.
No Minors, Men, or general Cunts.
If you see spelling mistakes, no you didn’t. 💚
Abby is tired. And pissed off. But mainly she’s tired, with sore feet and a pounding headache, not helped by the wind howling outside the car causing the rain to beat down heavily on the wind screen. From having to prevent a kid with a broken arm from crying a flood as he called his mom to stopping the blood pouring out of a woman’s intimate parts in the emergency department. It was a very long day.
After running into the house from her now parked car, she pushes the trainers off her feet and takes in the dark hallway, walking back into the kitchen she notices a plate of chilli chicken and rice with a little sticky note attached to the cling film covering the food, ‘gone to bed, eat before you come up <3’ .
She smiled at the note and placed the food in the microwave, yawning as she watched the orange glow and the spinning of the plate in the little metal box. Bed couldn’t come soon enough, but she definitely wasn’t going to face the wrath of a wife scorned by her not eating her delicious food. Made with love, by her love. The blonde was always a bit love struck when sleep deprived.
Inhaling the food and making the executive decision to leave the dishes until the morning, the blonde trudges up the stairs with her feet heavy and her head even heavier. It’s not until she gets to the top of the stairs does she hear the creaking of a bed and hushed whimpers coming from your shared bedroom. She pulls her phone from her pocket and checks the time, ‘00:37’. You should be fast asleep by now.
Peaking her head around the door, not even having to push it open due to you leaving it ajar, she captures what can only be described as a beautiful sight. Abbys pretty little wife lays there. With one of your hands pumping her fingers in and out of your sopping wet cunt with such force your breasts and tummy jiggle lightly with each movement. Your other hand draped over your eyes, shielding you from Abby’s piercing blue gaze. She stands there and watches, leaning against the door frame, enjoying the view and appreciating every little huff and moan leaving your lips.
Finally deciding you’d had enough fun, Abby clears her throat. You jump. Your hand pulls away from your cunt, a shiver running through you as your body yearns to be full again.
“Mrs Anderson,” Abby starts, “you couldn’t wait for me to come home, could you?” Despite her phrasing, it is not a question. It’s an order.
The blonde continues, “Did I not tell you that you were to catch up on sleep, Mrs Anderson?” She tilts her head this time, prompting you to answer. “Yes, Abby…”
“And did you follow the doctor’s orders, pumpkin?”
“No, Abby.” The heat rising up your neck and slithering across your cheeks is a dead give away to Abby as she takes your face in one of her hands, her long, thick thumb rubbing soothing circles onto your cheekbone.
“Since you’re already up, it must mean you’re not tired? Am I right, sweetheart?” The blonde releases you face and takes a step backwards to take all of you in once more.
“Abby I-”
She interrupts you, “Well. Im tired. I’ve had a very long day, sweetheart so if you want to get off, it’s on my terms, we got a deal?” As she speaks she shrugs off her undershirt and undoes the button on her jeans. She watches as you nod and reach out for her, arms outstretched and hands making little grabby motions to try and get her close again. Be grudgingly she steps forward and out of the jeans pooling around her ankles.
Abby is left in her boxer briefs and a white cotton bra as she wraps an arm around your waist, lifting you away from the center of the bed and dropping you on the edge of the mattress. Gripping your chin and pulling your face so that your gaze meets hers, she smirks down at you. “Stay there. Don’t move okay, baby?”
You nod and watch as she goes to the build in wardrobe, her broad shoulders flexing as a hand moves to take the elastic band from the end of her braid, as her hand reaches into the drawer looking for something.
With her hair loose and a harness in her hands Abby slides the leather straps over her hips and into place. Turning back to you, you’re able to see the cock she’s chosen. As she walks forward you come face to phallus with nine inches of dark purple silicone. “You wanna get it wet for me, baby?”
Instead of answering, you slip a hand around the harness and pull her close enough so you can take her length into your mouth. Abby smiles warmly as she watches you only managing to get about half way down the strap, her blue eyes creasing at the edges as you wrap your hand around what you can’t fit in and start rubbing along the shaft. The sight sends a low moan rumbling from Abby’s chest. With a pop, your mouth lets go of the blonde’s cock as she takes a step back and watches as a line of spit connecting the silicone to your bruised lips breaks.
Abby kisses your forehead and sits down on the bed beside you, a blink and you’ll miss it ‘good girl’ falls from her lips as she situates herself against the pillows at the head of the bed. Her finger makes a curling motion, calling you over. Sliding up to sit next her, a hand grips your hips, “Get on top, sweetheart.”
“Abby, I want you to be on top-”
“And I want to go to bed, but since you’re being a needy little brat and not waiting for me to come home before fucking yourself.” She gives your hips a squeeze and continues, “And not listening to me when I tell you that you need more sleep. So now, you’re going to get to cum, but on my grounds. On doctors orders. Okay, baby?”
You nod and move to get straddle Abby’s hips, only to have her reach up and yank you down by the nape of your neck. “I said ‘okay, baby?’ It wasn’t rhetorical.”
“Okay Abby.” She kisses you square on the the lips and let’s you climb up on to her hips, she leans back and watches as you line yourself up with her cock and lower yourself onto the plastic. A tight smirk graces the blonde’s face as she listens intently on the hasty breaths you give out as you become re-accustomed to the stretch that this particular dildo always gives you. As you move your hips up and down, mewls and pants come flooding from your mouth. That knotting tension that never truly left your abdomen from your solo session had returned with what can only be described as a vengeance.
Bouncing up and down on Abby’s cock, you can feel yourself getting closer and closer. Blue eyes scan your whole body, one large rough hand resting on your hip as it helps guide your movements, the other holding one of your tits squeezing the flesh and every so often tugging the hardened nipple as her thumb ran over the sensitive flesh.
Abby’s hips remain surprisingly still, despite your pleas and begging, her stance stays unwavering. This entire session was most definitely on her grounds. Though her body remains relaxed yet unmoving, Abby’s eyes are burning with intensity you can clearly see it, the bubbling want and desperation underneath the stoney exterior.
“Abby-” you huff, exhaustion hits as your desperate moans are met with nothing but raised eyebrows and the occasional ‘yes, princess’.
“I wanna cum, please can I?”
“You’re asking permission, baby? And without being told, oh sweetheart, you can cum anytime you want.”
Without another word your hips slam down against Abby’s, the strap hitting impossibly deep inside as you cum, you rest on top of her. Folding over, you find your head resting underneath your wife’s chin as thick fingers come to the back of your head and her short nails give gentle scratches to your scalp, relaxing you further into the blonde’s firm, broad chest.
Pulling yourself away from Abby and off of her hips you see a creamy ring coating the hilt of the strap as you pull away from your wife. A heat rises to your cheeks once more as Abby sits up properly in the bed and yanks you down into her arms. “Thank you, baby. You did so good.”
Snuggling into her side, you kiss her cheek and strong square jawline as she loosens and slides the harness from her hips.
“Long day, doctor?” Your teasing brings a soft tired smile to Abby’s face as she lets herself yawn. “Like you wouldn’t believe, sweetheart.”
She turns to you, blue eyes staring into yours, deep icy pools that hold such love in them you can’t imagine them ever being cold, “I’m sorry if I was too pushy.”
You laugh and pull the covers up to surround the two of you, “Abigail. We have a safe word for a reason.”
“I know it’s just that-”
You shut her up with a kiss, and once you break it she seems to be content that you had enjoyed the evening, even before she got home. Content and with reassurance, Abby falls asleep and her little wife too.
Remember Reblogs make the World Go Round
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sageworld · 1 year
The Christmas Kids • Rafe Cameron. (part II)
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“the christmas kids were nothing but a gift,
and love is a tower where all of us can live.”
he was really sweet in the beginning but then something changed
WARNINGS • Cheating, mentions of sex work, reader catches an STD, overall just a upsetting chapter
christmas kids masterlist; here
it had been hours and you couldn’t stop the tears. you laid yours’ & rafe’s half full bed in your pajamas sobbing your eyes out.
your bed side clock read, rafe still wasn’t home he had texted you saying he was going out with top & kelce to watch the football game at the local bar around 7:30 & that was the last you heard from him.
you ponder back onto the events that had happened before that. you had walked into your local planned parenthood, complaints of vaginal pain, slime like discharge & a overall smell that you’d been insecure about for about two days now.
“hi mrs. cameron, im maddy & i’ll be your nurse today. i see on file that you want to get STD tested today.” your nurse greets you while closing the door behind her.
“yes, i’ve been having some issues and i just wanna make sure.” the small talk continues on for some time before she gives you the small green lidded cup & you head to the bathroom.
as you finish your business you leave it in the small metal box in the bathroom, going back to wait in the nurses office like directed. the nerves running through you.
your phone buzzed.
rafey💍🧿: hey babe, just checked your location. wyd?
y/n: just been having some cramp issues is all.
you put your phone down when the nurse comes back in, your phone binging as you do so but you choose to ignore it.
“hi again, so we got your results back & unfortunately you’ve tested positive for chlamydia.” you don’t hear much past that. trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, focusing on trying not to cry in her office.
“mrs.cameron?” she tries to gain your attention to which you look up to her from your chair, teary eyed. “you will have to alert all partners you’ve been with-.” “i’ve only been with my fiancé, they’re must be some mistake.” the tears start to fall.
“i know this is hard, you should recommend your fiancé come in for some testing as well.” she rubs your back. “i want to be tested again, there must’ve been a mistake.” you sob, feeling the headache coming.
“mrs. cameron, we can test again but i can assure you that you’re positive for it, im gonna prescribe you some antibiotic that you can pick up at any local pharmacy.”
fast forward back to now, over pondering on the events of the day. your heart aches, you knew rafe. you knew of his infidelities but the thought never crossed your mind that he wasn’t using protection.
a nervous rumble fills your belly as you hear the roar of his trucks engine pulling up in your drive way.
your clock now reads, football game my ass.
you knew he was never really watching football, rafe had more than a few addictions. somewhere in between the cocaine and money, strippers had fell into it. there was a club about 30 minutes away on the mainland that you’d seen rafe’s location at a few times. and after a few text searches you knew top & kelce had always gone with him.
at first you didn’t think it was bad, you’d looked at other guys before while in the relationship, hell for your eighteenth girls sleepover your friends got you a male stripper as a joke. that was until you woke up and saw nearly 2900 had been withdrawn from your & rafe’s account. it didn’t say what on but you could only assume he had taken out cash.
as time went on & it got worse, you could only wonder. why them?
he was engaged to you but he always found his way back to them. why couldn’t you be good enough? it felt like no matter how many hours you spent in the gym, no matter how clean and lean you ate it wasn’t enough. you always wondered if he was bored of your body, seeing the same things over and over again. but, that’s not much of a topic you should be thinking about.
you try and contain your sobs as he opens your bed room door, stumbling over to you. it’s clear he thinks your asleep. “mm sweet kitty.” he slurs, liquor taken over him as he bends over the bed to plant a kiss on your forehead.
you don’t move or dare open your eyes even after you hear the door to your master bathroom shut & the shower water turn on.
you shove your face into the pillow and quietly sob, the pillow nearly soaked from the hours you’d spent crying, salivating & snot running onto it.
3:26 am
you quickly open your eyes to see the time as the bathroom door opens again, he turns off the light before hopping into his side of the bed, cuddling you under the covers. even though your backs faced to him you can now smell rafe and not some cheap whoreish perfume.
you debating for a bit, should i tell him or wait till tomorrow
but as soon as you get ready to turn you hear his soft snores.
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6:24 am
despite the lack of sleep you’re up early & cannot stand the idea of staying cuddled up with rafe. you quietly get up and sneak away, grabbing a cute gym two piece set.
after doing a few hygiene things and grabbing the essentials, gym bag, pre work out, stanley, airpods & a small protein bar for the road you’re off.
working out was always a good way to clear your mind, just put your airpods in and focus on you.
your body drips in sweat as you’re 30 flights into your stair master. you’d done a few other things and had been here for god knows how long.
buzz buzz buzz
your airpods ring in your ears.
FaceTime call: Rafey🧿💍
you hesitate to answer but decide to anyways.
“mm kitty, why’d you run off so early?” rafe answers, sleepy voice and still in bed.
“just wanted to get out the house.” you simply answers,looking down to focus on the stairs. “should’ve woken me up i would’ve come.” rafe frowns. you shrug on the camera, “what’s wrong?” rafe asks, your attitude upsetting him.
“nothing just have somethings i need to talk to you about when i get home.” you can tell what you said make rafe anxious as his eyes open a bit.
“really kitty? about what?” his voice holds excitement. ok so maybe not nervous.
“im finishing up here and i’ll tell you when i get home.” the conversation goes on for a bit longer with rafe just wanting you to tell him but untimely he agrees for you to tell him at home, after saying your goodbyes and love yous, you make your descend off the machine.
you don’t wanna go but decide it’s for the best, packing your stuff into your gym bag & making your way out the door.
it feels all too soon as you walk into the front door of your house, the tv playing loudly. it’s a saturday so rafe’s off today, the sound off last nights football games highlights playing.
“hi kitty.” rafe smiles, man spread on the couch still in his pajama pants and no shirt. “hey rafe.” you say blandly, the sight of him disgusting you. “c’mere kitty, what’d you wanna talk to me about.” he pats his lap for you to sit. “i-i think i’m gonna shower first.” the definitely wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have with rafe.
you were sure, rafe knew you knew he was cheating. yet the one or two times you had even slightly brought it up he shut it down saying he didn’t know what you were talking about. you knew he saw your face when you once saw a hickey left on his neck that wasn’t from you. when you can smell another woman on him, when he comes home at the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.
“no, no. i have to shower too but let’s talk first.” rafe’s voice is soft, inviting it usually is when rafe thinks he gonna get home kind of good news from you. what does he think i wanna talk about?
“rafe, have you been using protection like when you’re having sex?” the lump in your throat forms as rafe sits his body up completely, nervous look on his face. “well uh-kitty we don’t use condoms but you’re on your birth control.” he runs his hand through his hair, a tall tale sign he’s nervous or feels like he’s been caught.
“not with me rafe and, i swear to god if you’re not honest with me i will walk right back out that door and i will not come back.” you’re frustration only grows.
“i-i usually do but just sometimes i don’t but i promise when i don’t i pull out or-or-or i make them take a plan b in front of me i swear.” rafe stands fidgeting with his hands as he steps closer to you. “whyre you asking me this?” rafe stops in front of you, voice shaking.
“i went to planned parenthood yesterday & turns out i have chlamydia. we both know you’re the only one i’ve ever been with so, yeah.” you nod your head, a tear falling as you bite your lip.
“so you’re not pregnant?” rafe’s head hangs low as he reaches for you, making you step back. “why the actual fuck would i be pregnant?” is that what he thought?
“well i saw you went there yesterday and you said cramps but i knew you weren’t on your period because we’ve been having sex like everyday, so i just thought.” rafe explains, grabbing his hair in both hands before letting out a breath of air & before you know it he’s hyperventilating.
“r-rafe, calm down.” you wanna tell him it’s okay just to get him out of this state but it’s not okay, it’s not fair to you. you walk up to him and he begins to slowly place himself on the ground, one hand on his chest and one still in his hair and he tries to find his rhythm to breath. “rafe you need to calm down, now.” your tone more stern as you get down next to him.
“i’m so sorry my kitty, im so fucking sorry.” he sobs into your stomach. “rafe, stop fucking cry please and let’s talk.” you’re over it at this point. you’ve been cheated on, embarrassed & given an std by the man who’s supposed to love you the most & he’s here crying.
he looks up to you, shocked by your tone. “o-okay.” he sniffles, sitting his back up against the side of the couch.
“i’m just going to keep it simple rafe. i want you to go to planned parenthood for antibiotics, i want you to stop fucking these bitches, i expect you home by no later than 10:00pm and if you can’t do that then the weddings off.” you shrug and let out a sigh at the last part. “o-okay, i-i promise.” he stutters out when suddenly it hits him, “please don’t take away the weddding.” his sobs almost remind you of a child who’s favorite toy has been taken as he goes back to crying into your stomach.
“rafe, we’re still getting married as long as you get your shit together.” you sigh, scratching his scalp with your acrylic nails which you know he loves.
“i swear baby, im gonna ma-make this right.”
god i hope so.
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
On my own… part 2 (sully family x reader)
There’s a reason why the word ‘dreams’ got Jake so upset when it came out of Y/n’s mouth, it’s all the child ever talked about.
*7 year old Y/n*
It was just Jake and Y/n in the home since Neytiri decided to take the boys and Kiri on a trip to some area in the forest she used to visit since Jake wasn’t up and he had a headache Y/n offered to stay home to cheer him up!
“I want to fly! Be strong and conquer the world! I will some day, it’s all I’ve ever dreamt of! Doesn’t it sound beautiful dad? Eywa told me through my dream! I mean really it-“
Jake couldn’t hear Y/n talk anymore, about a life she won’t ever realistically achieve, it was his final straw when she said Eywa sent her the dream.
“Y/n how could Eywa even send you a dream like that, it is not real.”
Y/n gave a surprised face to her father’s louder voice but she decided to ignore it maybe…he didn’t mean it?
“Oh..well I believe it’s real sir! You can achieve dreams if you just push for them! It’s brings such happiness-“
Unfortunately for the child she was not his cure to any of his happiness and only caused his headache to linger around longer and hurt more well, since they were alone…it didn’t exactly end well for Y/n.
“Eywa doesn’t send you dreams! They are not real!”
Instantly the child who didn’t like the loud noise and yelling, started crying. She flinched at her fathers hand that raised towards her..
“They aren’t real Y/n! And your dreams…they’re just fucking dreams! Do you understand me?”
“Say if I want to hear you say it!”
“My dreams are just dreams!”
“Say it again!”
“My dreams are just dreams!”
Jake had nodded off to the girl before turning back around to the meal he was eating while Y/n slowly walked back to her hammock with tears falling down quickly.
You see? Y/n wasn’t always able to handle Jake’s outbursts…but now it seems as though it’s easy for her
I ran faster than I ever have before adrenaline was the only thing keeping me stable…None of this was supposed to go out this way, they were supposed to be right beside me…and if I die tonight would I do it again…? I never knew how much anger could lie in me, not until this moment…I’m just so upset and scared. I have no one. I have nobody to run to for a hug, to hear a congratulations from or fly with at the end of my ceremony. Neteyam, Lo’ak and Kiri had that…so why can’t I? Does my father really I’m that incapable? Mother just stood there watching the entire thing…we weren’t always like this, with father yes but at one point my mother cared.
And my siblings faces? You can completely tell they realized before they were forced to leave, that my father was willing to go far…just to break me from asking again…to risk me sacrificing myself for something that could be done the right way without me having to die as a second choice?! …was it obvious to everybody else? That I’d fallen for a lie…the fact that our father couldn’t find it in his heart to give me what I deserve.
Forget it, I just need to get through this so I can prove them wrong and show them that I don’t need any ounce of their disrespect anymore.
It was pitch black and as if it wasn’t bad enough I didn’t have anything to secure that I’d actually do this on my own.
I just put my hand out and used my feet to memorize my surroundings, I was used to doing this in a way…I trained myself to be in the dark because, dad used to wake me up in the middle of the night after being upset at me a couple hours before and he’d tell me to sit in the dark somewhat farther back from our home, in the pitch black…so I’d have to find my way back home..
If we’re being quite honest I’m doing great! This isn’t that difficult-
Screeches and warrior like cries can be heard from an ikran nearby, ok this is it…sounds a little too loud and aggressive to be a regular Ikran..but ok..
I reach for what feels like the neck and try holding on until it threw me to the wall, pulled me back in a little too agresssive and suddenly I was flying….without an ikran.
Panic rushed in as I beg for Eywa to save me. For a moment there I was going to faint but I felt an ikran sweep from under me thrashing me around but catching me everytime before I fall…this ikran really isn’t giving up on me, I won’t either not now, not ever. I hold on tighter holding it by it’s neck and quickly make tsaheylu.
I can feel everything, it’s frustration, sadness overwhelmed happiness, and eagerness to just fly. So I gave the ikran and i what we needed i flipped and did tricks while the excitement rush through us. It was ok to be on the edge of it all…but you must always bring yourself back in.
After awhile I decided I flew pretty far so I found a bright place to sit so I can get a proper look at my ikran and get some rest.
“I’m gonna take a better look at you buddy! I just want my eyes to be closed before I see you so bare with me please!” I jumped off and accidentally slid down its huge wing. “Woah- you seem larger than I expected..”
I open my eyes once I hit the ground and right In front of me was a beautiful ikran, orange with beautiful dark red stripes on his wings…toruk makto.
“Oh my- you weren’t even supposed to be where I was at, you’re never in the Iknimaya mountains…you..you’re perfect!” he snuggled in towards me slightly. Tears rush into my eyes thinking about me achieving my dream and more.
“You chose me. Even when I was falling to my death you came back for me to keep fighting…you are where my loyalties lie.” I make tsaheylu once more to show my appreciation but to also feel his stories…he feels some sense of betrayal and confusion..towards my father.
My father caught him, used him for battle and then simply returned back to his regular ikran ‘bob’ as if toruk makto was nothing. He then showed me how he saw me from above, and watched me from afar…showing how he saw the way my father treated me…how they left me, and then he made me feel strong because he showed all my training I had done and all the work I was doing around the village…how I enjoyed taking some risks despite my past…the way I still smiled and showed respect towards others and ended with showing me how Eywa sent him to me…what surprised me the most is when he showed fire, I didn’t understand it but it reminded me that this entire time my body felt so warm and felt like my heart was on fire…burning.
Yes, I was very happy to finally have a bond but…when I looked around me and realized no one else was near me, I just gave out a stressful sigh before finally allowing myself to be free in my emotions…
*meanwhile back at home…*
“Ma’Jake w-why would you do that? She won’t-“
“Exactly she won’t make it , she knows that. In a few minutes she’s coming back just sit down and wait.”
The three siblings came back in the tent with a sleeping Tuk, all upset.
Lo’ak was the first to speak up for Y/n…
“Why would you do that dad? You’re asking for her to just die or get hurt? We have to go now.”
Jake now was reacting out of more anger
“You have no clue what she was sa-“
Neteyam was next to join the conversation…he was just so upset he didn’t even care what was coming out.
“We heard everything dad. Why are you asking that of her? Why do you make everything so hard for her? She has done nothing to you.” Neteyam was turning on his heels walking out the home to find Y/n….until he was yanked back
“You leave when I tell you to leave! Do you understand me? I will not risk you guys getting hurt for her choices. I gave her a choice she made the wrong one.”
“A choice?! What choice dad? You leave her with nothing and practically force her to do her Iknimaya under difficult circumstances knowing she can die!”
“Sit Down right now! And be quiet! I don’t want to hear it at all!”
The entire family went quiet and sat down, with rage still fueled inside them. All Neytiri could think about was her wrongs…did she really just allow her husband to send out their daughter?
*neytiri’s thoughts*
My vision is blurry and my heart hurts…why? For a daughter that holds deep secrets?….after the incident she was in when she was six, she didn’t come back the same. Her body was stronger, she did things quicker…and when she was emotional you can feel it radiating off of her, you can see these visions…like she’s showing you her present and her future, only by the touch of her skin. Jake said it was best to just stop her from having any emotions or being close to anyone else because he once saw her in the woods..scared and alone crawled up in a ball creating a ring of fire around her. I’m not even sure she remembers that, I let Jake handle everything with her…her punishments, her overwhelming emotions, all of it. He said it’s best.
I used to look at Y/n like she was my whole world…when she was just a baby still. Her skin was soft and she was beautiful! Oh and her smile, kindness, and the way she was able to love with her whole heart. Sensitive and stupid as Jake says…but had we gone too far on trying to protect her? Wouldn’t this make her emotions worse..? How could we keep pushing our daughter away?
Truth was Y/n wasn’t even adopted.. Jake said that even though Lo’ak and Y/n are twins, we would only show the clan Lo’ak as our biological child…make up a lie about two warriors, no one even bat an eye, believed everything we said. The reason we didn’t want it getting out was because at the time the scientists who were here wanted a biological daughter from Jake to help in their ‘experiments’. They said they would be able to make her strong, and connect with the world in many ways since Jake had Eywa by his side..a daughter would be considered more of a blessing in the scientists eyes. Stating that females were more vulnerable, gentle, sensitive so the results will be more apparent. She’d be able to produce a stronger version of Navi’s if she passed by Eywa herself..who was to guarantee that? So I made Jake deny all of it and they finally stopped asking, we never even bothered to tell her the truth…how would she react?
We even buried ourself deep in our own lie..we don’t treat her as our own.
Neytiri gets up after 15 minutes
“You go right now! Go look for Y/n. I will not wait here while my daughter is out there.” Jake turns to his wife in disbelief while Neytiri could careless.
“Go right now. If she isn’t here…I will not hesitate to blame you.”
Neytiri turned back around telling everyone else to just rest and that Y/n will be back soon with both Jake and herself.
Then they flew…it had felt like longing minutes and Y/n wasn’t anywhere. They had search everywhere, Neytiri’s heart started to burn…something or some part of y/n was still here, maybe Y/n had got her ikran and it was flying around.?
“Neytiri..we have looked everywhere, she will come h-“
“No! We will not rest until she makes it home.”
“She would not leave! Y/n will never leave, she loves her siblings too much.”
“Jake! She could be dead.”
Silence stayed between the two parents, jake contemplates everything..he was so upset with Y/n. He just keeps pushing forward to look more, to satisfy Neytiri’s sudden change in emotion towards Y/n.
While that was happening Neteyam had Lo’ak and Kiri hold everything down at home while he searched for Y/n. He flew farther out instead of staying close to home…If there was one other thing Y/n wanted it was to leave home..for some reason she never found it in her heart. He spotted a body laying on bioluminescent flowers..Y/n.
“Y/n! Wake up now. We are going home.”
She rose at the sound of her brother stern and yelling voice.
“…is he still mad?”
“Very. He’s looking for you with mom. She’s even madder. You could’ve died. How could you-“
“You don’t think I know that? You don’t think I’m frustrated with everything already so I need you to shame me too?”
“Right…that’s why you’re still here. Resting as if nothing is going on back home.”
“…I can’t go back. I thought it might be different this time…They will shut me out even more..I can’t do this. I’m so exhausted.”
Neteyam felt a sense of betrayal, Y/n always followed them, always remained loyal and now she doesn’t want to come home? He isn’t used to this ‘treatment’ and he doesn’t even taken into consideration that this was about their parents.
“This is all about you..”
Full irritation erupted in Y/n as she feels the burning in her heart start again..
“Yes! It’s about me! Ok? Cause it’s never about me and I’m finally making it about me. Haven’t i given enough? You do not know the full story Neteyam. Do not go around saying things you may regret, because I don’t need it. Not right now.”
“…What’s the full story?”
y/n never told anyone the way her dad spoke to her, how he pushed her around sometimes..She can’t tell Neteyam right now and her sorrow came back..
“please don’t ask that..you’re my brother and this may be the only time, that we can talk normally..he’ll punish me..”
“how y/n..? Just tell me.”
Sobs came from the girl, to Neteyam they sounded exactly the way she cried when she was little…always silently crying upset about something no one understood why, at least not him…he was the only one who knew Y/n would cry by herself.
“..I just…I can’t say it..”
Neteyam’s just went to hug Y/n and held her while she cried, facing the fact that she won’t ever tell him or anyone what was going on..
“…where is your ikran?”
Y/n calls out and toruk makto came flying in, she was panicking inside because something felt it was ready to burn…she tried controlling it but in a way she was running into the crossfire ..she didn’t even bother to see Neteyam’s reaction to toruk.
“Let’s just go please. I’m done.”
Then they flew back home…
Fun fact!
Y/n considered not going back home yes, but she realized she shouldn’t run away from problems like her father
Toruk had always chosen Y/n! He wanted to bond with her as soon as she was old enough to get her ikran. His frustration with Jake only grew when he realized it was him who stopped her.
Lo’ak and Kiri were talking about how strange it was that their father easily put his hands on Y/n to hurt her..
Y/n doesn’t know that she has powers! She doesn’t remember because In those moments her mind goes blank.
Neteyam saw a small vision of fire but it was very faded because Y/n unknowingly got her powers under control as she grew!
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype @zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @tsireyak @neteyamforlife @aimsro @elegantkidfansoul @goodiesinthecloset21 @nikotokitaswife @bucky1235 @detectivesparrow @kikosaurscave @ssc7514 @destinylb @simp-erformarvelwomen @eirianna @ambria @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @lv9su @luciddasher @dakotali @httpjiikook @tainted-artist4161 @fanboyluvr @bat1212 @mxn14 @innersuitcasehairdoscissors @ducks118 @midnightliacr
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iwanty0uu · 1 year
a/n: y/n is black, whatever body type you prefer, and is about 20, she’s also in college and is a nurse in training so you know she gets money, and on top of that she’s a nail tech so she’s usually super busy. ~ keep that in mind !
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Onyankopon was extremely toxic, no matter how many times he loved bombed you after arguments that he knew he had the wrong in, or fucked you until you forgave him, it was undeniable that he was toxic. It all started after a long day of work, the hospital bustling since it was the night before Halloween. People did stupid things all the time but man the shit you saw that night was just absurd, on top of that you had a nail appointment as soon as your shift ended, so there shouldn’t have been a surprise when you stumbled into your apartment complex forty five minutes past eleven with a pounding headache, and a desire for comfort from your boyfriend after the traumatic night you had.
press me
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The soft sound of your light switch filled the empty apartment, a linen colored light illuminated the kitchen and living room, the purple crocs you kicked off flipped them selves over at the door. Throwing the keys on the counter and washing your hands, you couldn’t help but rest your head in them. You love your job, but its so tiring.. every day it feels like the world is moving at one hundred miles per hour and you cant catch up. Tears no longer threatened to spill, they were overflowing. You sobbed, headache worsening, heart aching from the stress and the pain, however your sobs drowned out the vibration from your phone which was forgotten after you took your shirt off, and threw it on your living room floor. A trail of scrubs were left behind leading to the bathroom, as you turned the shower on, not even waiting for the water to heat up and hopped in. Practically washing yourself in your tears, you placed your head on the wet wall next to you, going light headed from the steam, you felt drained.. so empty, and you needed a hug, so that’s what you decided to get. The water was stopped and the floor dampened after coming in contact with your wet feet, the robe you put on felt warm, it’s the closest thing to human touch that you’ve felt in a while, and the shower really did help you feel better. After a good cry, you decided to postmates some food and call your best friend Jayleen to see if she wanted to come over and watch some shows and eat and cry with you, but you were met with 28 missed calls from your boyfriend, and over 50 text messages. Great. You didn’t call him after work to tell him you got home late, and considering that he loved to make shit what it wasn’t, you know that he would have your ass in the morning, and honestly it was too much. He isn’t your father and he clocks your every move.
A sigh escaped your lips as you grabbed a cold bottle of water and let that problem wait for tomorrow and it’s own set of troubles. That was until three sudden thumps hit your door, making you jump, water bottle falling out of your hands. “The fuck banging on my shit so late” you complained cleaning up the mess as your headache settled back in. Clothes still on the floor, you opened the door to face with your “man”. The darkskin in an all black nike tech suit, and yeezy slides had his arms folded over his chest, hoodie up and durag on, only showing a portion of his head, but his dark and angry eyes met yours. You felt tears sting your eyes again, knowing that he was here to argue. “So you not finna let-“ you cut him off “Please don’t start Onyankopon. I’m so exhausted and I’ve had a terrible day at work. I understand I didn’t call you when I got home and that I missed your 28 calls but I was in the shower. Do you feel better about yourself now? I dont give two flying fucks if you’re here to accuse me of cheating again and I’m not boutta force you to believe me when you’re delusional lame ass love making shit up in your head. So stop wasting my fuckin time and leave me the fuck alone.You’re not here when you need to be so you can keep suckin your other hoes off. I could care less,nigga you’re bitch made.”
Your words strong, and it felt like a strong blow to Ony. Tears were running down your face as you practically begged him to stay out of your life, but he still pushed his way through your human barricade, and scanned your apartment. “The fuck your clothes on the floor for, you got other niggas in here?” he asked taking his hood off. You stood there looking at him, words couldn’t describe how much of an idiot this little boy really was. “Did this fucker not hear a word that I just said?” you asked yourself. Your head was hurting and stress was already taking a hold of you, since he didn’t understand english, you had to show him how serious you were about this. If he thought your words hurt, then he underestimated how strong your actual hands were. You landed a slap to his face which sent his airpod flying. It took everything in you not to Madea his ass with a pan of grits but seeing his reaction to your anger was price-less. “GET THE FUCK OUT.” You didnt have to yell for your voice to resemble your mother’s. Stern, sharp, and filled with anger. “You want me to fuck other niggas so I will. Get. The. Fuck. Out.” You said as he stood there, brows furrowed. He watched you grab the top part of your robe, holding them together for comfort as you pointed to the open door. Bonnet revealing the small knot that ties your silk head wrap together. You pushed your glasses up, narrowing your eyes at the bitch in front of you. Everyone in the complex probably heard the argument. No, most definitely heard the argument, your neighbor came out with a broom and was “sweeping the carpet” at one in the morning. Nosy ass.
Onyankopon’s POV:
It took everything in me to keep my laugh in at the sight of the girl. She looked like my mom while scolding me, but she love me too much to let me go for real. “Baby I’m sorry” I said trying to touch her, “Alright I’m done now” i said laughing but she backed away like she was afraid of me. She’s not deadass the fuck she won’t let me touch her for? Nah bro she really got me fucked up this time. “Stop acting like you not finna fuck and forgive me after.” I said sitting on a stool, leaning back on her island. Yea I have my days but she know how i am.. right? “Bitch don’t ‘baby’ me” she said staring me down, eyes still teary, but so soft. I know she still love me.. I mean this wasn’t even our worst argument so i don’t understand the problem. “Alright now you hit me and you got your point across, so let’s jus finish this like usual alright baby.” Putting my hands out for her to come to me, she stared and laughed. Laughed like i was wearing no clothes in the middle of the street. “Yo this wasn’t even a big deal for real so what’s your problem now ma?” I know how to get under her skin, even if she was for real, she would still be thinking about me and how much I get on her nerves. Shit, better than nothin.
“This dumb ass bitch bruh no Onyankopon. I want you out of my apartment, and out of my life” I felt her tug on my sweater and push me out of the front door. She cant be for real right?….
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But it didnt strike him that you were for real this time until three days later. HE seen you posted up with his home boy Eren on instagram who always got on him for not treating you well enough. He always told Eren to stay out of his business, which he claimed to be you, but for the next couple weeks Eren would be everywhere but out of your apartment. He was so good at communicating and never forced his way into your life, you two were just friends, and you loved having someone to talk to about your past. However, it was too late for Ony, when he was fuckin his hoes, he never thought, when he was giving head, he didn’t think about how you would feel, but now that he was a free agent, all of it including loneliness would bite him in the ass. He refused to admit it, but you were the best he ever had, and he felt nothing but anger knowing that he would never be able to be in your life again.
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xfgpng · 5 months
“𝐰𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢’𝐦 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠?”
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— : [ nsfw ] recreational drug use, bad high, bad trip
— : wc : 671
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the room won’t stop spinning, you can’t even keep your eyes open for too long because it gives you a headache and everything feels like an assault on all your senses.
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you can hear your heartbeat, loud and thundering in your ears and the more you try to speak, the harder it becomes. it’s a feeling you’ve grown attached to and you crave the high almost as much as you crave him.
your parents and friends warned you to stay away from him but that would mean you’d lose out on the feelings you only ever experience with him. some would even call it toxic, the relationship you two have but it wasn’t like that. you were honestly the first girl to have him wanting to settle down.
“you okay?” you hear him ask but you it sounds muffled, like you’re both under water and he’s trying to speak despite the water surrounding you.
“yes” you gasp, eyes widening and you know you’re about to start panicking. it feels like the water is blocking your eardrums and the more you try to make out what he says, the harder it gets and you think your eyes are tearing up but you don’t know.
sanzu just looks extremely blurry now and you can make out his eyes widening too and him reaching out for you.
you were standing up at one point but you know you’re sitting now, back pressed against his front and he’s whispering something in your ears.
“relax baby, i’ve got you okay?” he says, “it’s alright”
you feel comfortable when he holds you this close but your head feels so heavy. a good nights sleep would be the best but your hands won’t stop shaking.
“weed?” you mumble and you can hear the slight annoyance in his voice when he answers
“of course” he says, “why would i ever give you anything else?”
it had been so hot earlier and it’s why you chose to wear a dress but now, the temperature must’ve dropped because you’re feeling goosebumps rising on your skin but you don’t even feel the cold.
“i’m right here” he tells you as calmly as he can. he’s never seen you like this before but it’s not something he hasn’t experienced himself. he should’ve known better than to let you smoke with him.
“are you mad at me?” you ask, eyes closing as you feel yourself coming down fast. it feels terrible and you’re worried you’re going to throw up but he places a cold face cloth on your forehead.
“i’m sorry” you whisper and suddenly you want to cry. you don’t know what you’re apologising for but you know your parents already don’t like him and your friends can’t stand him either. 
he treated you good though, always did even when you two were just friends and it’s not like you weren’t dating around before him.
“just relax” he says, kissing the side of your head, “i’m not mad, at least not at you?”
he hands you a glass of water and you sigh, closing your eyes. your throat no longer feels weird and it doesn’t feel like you’re drowning but your head is still spinning.
“i need to lie down” you say, eyes still closed because the light above you was starting to make you feel worse.
“okay, we can do that” he nods, “just tell me if you need to throw up”
you nod, not sure if he’s still looking your way since he’s moving around the bedroom now. he’s probably closing the windows but he leaves the balcony doors open for fresh air.
the panic from earlier isn’t as bad when you remember you’re not at home. you’re at his place and you’re safe with him and your family won’t pester you about it.
you know he’ll make you feel better in no time. you just needed to sleep for a bit, not sure if you ever wanted to smoke or even try anything else he was into.
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jamdoughnutmagician · 19 days
Three Minutes (18+)
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Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Fem!Hairdresser!Reader
Set in the A Cut Above The Rest universe, because I was missing them. I really want to write some more, smaller one-shots for this series about some of the milestones in their relationship, but until now, have this!
Word Count:2,098
Warnings:Unplanned Pregnancy, mentions of illness/being sick, little bit of smut, unprotected sex, Eddie being a two-pump chump (but we love him anyway), fluff. I think that's it for warnings, but if you want something tagged, don't hesistate to shoot me a message.
Masterlist // Eddie Munson Masterlist
Waking up feeling the same as you had going to sleep the night before was not how you wanted your day to go. The previous night you had gone to bed earlier than usual, your body tired from being on your feet all day, and a headache from the radio playing the same songs on repeat in the salon. Not to mention you had been feeling really sick all evening, that even eating dinner had been a struggle that night, to the point where Eddie had very graciously held your hair back whilst you emptied the contents of your stomach down the toilet. 
After very kindly bringing you some painkillers and a glass of water to wash them down, Eddie held you close in his arms all night, laying soft kisses against your forehead as you drifted off to sleep. 
Waking up to your boyfriend already half-dressed in his work's dark, grease-stained coveralls, a white tank top underneath, whilst the suit was unbuttoned and the arms of the sleeves were tied around his waist. The scent of coffee drifted in as he made his way over to where you were still very much cocooned under the duvet.
“Figured you might want this.” He says holding out the steaming hot mug, as you begin to unravel yourself from your bed sheets to sit up and take it off his hands.
“Thanks Teddy,” you smile weary as you take a sip before setting the mug on the bedside table, “Suppose I better start getting dressed or I’m going to be late for work.” you huff as you start to fling the sheets off your body.
“Ah ah ah, oh no you don’t.” Eddie shushes, as he gently eased you back into bed. “I called the salon, I told Madison you weren’t feeling too hot, and now boom! You’ve got yourself the day off!” 
“Eddie!!” you cry but he’s quick to silence your worries with a kiss to your forehead.
“Don’t worry about it, she told me that Naomi could cover your appointments, and you’re clearly not well enough to be on your feet all day.”
“I’ll have to give Naomi a bunch of flowers when I see her, I was supposed to be doing Mrs. Truman’s hair today, and you know how much of a nightmare client she can be.” 
“..But you don’t need to worry about that for now,” Eddie assures you, picking up the mug from the bedside table and handing it to you once more. “I just need you to focus on feeling better.”
You roll your eyes at him, as you take a sip from your coffee.
“Yes, Doctor Munson.” you begrudgingly agree.
“Good, that’s what I like to hear. I’ve got to head down to the garage for a few hours, but I’ll try to get home early today. Don’t do anything crazy today okay? I love you.” and with a final kiss pressed to your lips, he was out the door.
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You allowed yourself the time to finish your coffee in bed before deciding to get up. Throwing on one of Eddie’s old Black Sabbath shirts, because wearing it was like being hugged by Eddie, the all too warm and familiar smokey scent of his cologne clinging to the fabric .
Deciding that one solitary cup of coffee was not a substantial enough meal for yourself, you head off into your small apartment's kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. A few slices of bread are popped into the toaster and sure enough as they pop they are then promptly spread with a quickly melting layer of butter.
However, no sooner than the two pieces of hot toast are eaten is it before you are rushing to the bathroom once more, bending over the porcelain of the toilet, only for your breakfast to make an appearance for the second time this morning. The bitter taste of bile burning in your throat as you stand up, flushing away the evidence with a groan.
You reach for your toothbrush in the cup on the counter next to the sink, smiling to yourself for a moment at how domestic you and Eddie had become in the short few months of you two moving in with each other. You vigorously brush your teeth, in a desperate attempt to rid your taste buds of the vile taste stinging the back of your throat, before rinsing your mouth with a swill of mouthwash.
It’s only when you look up, that your eyes land on the small hamper of pads that you keep in the bathroom, that you suddenly realise that you don’t actually remember getting your period last month, and suddenly everything feels way too overwhelming. You couldn’t possibly be pregnant, right?
As your reflection stares back at you in the mirror your thoughts rush back to the annual Harrington Halloween party…
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With enough alcohol in your system to make you gleefully giggly, and Eddie wearing the same rogue pirate costume that he wears to every single one of Steve’s Halloween parties, you let him tug you by the hand away from the hubbub of chatter coming from all the other party-goers.
“C’mon, they won’t even notice that we’re gone.” he purrs nosing into your neck with soft kisses. “You’ve been driving me crazy all night with this fucking costume too y’know?”
Truth be told, that was the plan with your choice of Halloween costume all along. A matching bright yellow plaid outfit, with a skirt that was just short enough to enticingly flounce around your thighs. White thigh-high stockings and white kitten heels complete your costume, a near perfect recreation of Alicia Silverstone’s costume.
He leads you upstairs, away from the party, away from where the music pounds from the stereo below.
He takes you down the hallway, checking to see if the coast was clear before ushering you into the Harrington’s master bathroom. Locking the door behind him he all but pounces on you. His lips colliding with yours in a sloppy clash of tongues eagerly sweeping into your mouth, tasting the sweet mix of alcohol and fruit punch. His strong arms easily pick you up and sit you on the ledge of the bathroom counter, your legs wrapping around his narrow hips desperately trying to draw him closer to you.
HIs wandering hands creep down your body, roaming underneath your skirt, whilst your fingers unbutton the few buttons holding your yellow cardigan together. You were just about to slip off the offending item of clothing when Eddie voices his protests.
“No, no, leave it on, you look so fuckin’ sexy” he growls against your lips.
Your own hands wander down between your bodies, and sure enough there’s the insistent bulge pressing eagerly against the fabric of his tight dark denim jeans.
Eddie shudders with anticipation as your nimble fingers drag down the zipper of his jeans, before digging into the waistband of both his jeans and boxers. His ruddy cock surges forward, the tip already glistening wet underneath the dim bathroom lighting.
“Don’t think I’m gonna last very long this time, Sweetheart.” He murmurs as he hooks your panties to the side and his fingers skate across your folds, slippery arousal coating his fingertips. “I promise I'll make it up to you later, I just gotta have you right now.”
And in one swift push of his hips, he fills you to the brim with every inch of him. Hips drawing back enough with a shallow thrust before angling back towards you again and again.
Your heels are digging into his back, as his thrusts get sloppier, eager to chase his high.
And when he feels your tight heat clenching down on his throbbing cock, he’s done for, muffling his moans in a deep kiss pressed to your lips as his hips stutter out his release, spilling rope after rope deep inside you.
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The bright fluorescent lights glare down on you from above as you stand in the ‘health and beauty’ section of Melvald’s general store.
You were thankful that today it seems pretty quiet, and as far as you can see, you’re the only customer in the store. 
It always sounded like an exciting thing to do with your partner, heading to the store, buying a pregnancy test, and waiting together to find out the results.
But here you were, by yourself, buying a can of orange soda and a pack of Oreos to make buying a pregnancy test seem less conspicuous.
With your items in hand you make your way over to the cash register.
Fuck. Joyce is working here today. 
“Just these items please.” you say as calmly as you can as Joyce begins to scan all three of your purchases. She gives you a knowing smile when she scans the pregnancy test catching your nervous features.
“Don’t worry your secret's safe with me. I hope you get the results you want, either way.” she says reassuringly, putting your items in a small plastic bag
You hand over the money and take the bag from her with a nod and a small smile.
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Three minutes.
That’s how long the instructions had said it would take before you had your results. 
But three minutes suddenly felt like an eternity when you were waiting for potentially life-changing news. Three minutes was enough time to have your mind spinning with all the thoughts that came with taking a pregnancy test.
You hadn’t even really thought about what you would do if the result turned out to be positive. Did you want kids? Eventually yes, but it wasn’t something that you had planned as soon as now. Did Eddie want kids? You’d never talked about this with him, so whatever he thought about this was a mystery to you.
 Just as your thoughts spiral there’s the sound of Eddie unlocking the door and letting himself into the apartment.
“Honey, I’m home!” he calls out cheerfully. “Where are you?”
“I’m in the bathroom.” you call out to him.
He knocks on the closed door of the bathroom with a cheery knock.
“You alright in there, Sweetheart? Can I come in?”
You tell him to come in and the door swings open, he sees you ducked down with your head in your hands, and soft sobs shudder your body.
Worry fills his chest immediately as he’s quick to rush over and wrap his arms around you.
“Sweetheart what’s going on? Are you okay? Talk to me, please.”  he asks with a shaky voice as he tries to tilt your face to look towards him.
Opening up your hand you reveal the pregnancy test to him.
Something akin to shocked, and scared pulls at his features, his big brown eyes unblinking nervously. 
“I-is this real?” Eddie manages to stutter out with a suddenly very dry mouth.
“I haven’t looked at it yet, I’m too scared too.”
“Do you wanna look at it together?” He offers, taking your shaking hands in his.
You nod and as you turn over the test in your hands there it is, clear as day, two little pink lines.
“Is that…are you..Are we having a baby?” Eddie asks softly, his voice full of emotions.
You didn't trust your voice not to crack so you give him a silent nod of your head, and as soon as you see how excited he looks you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy. The tears start to flow freely from your eyes. 
“We’re having a baby..” you breathe. “We’re having a baby!” you repeat, with giddy enthusiasm as the fact of the matter starts to sink in.
He’s quick to pick you up in his strong arms and whirl you around in a tight hug.
“Oh Sweetheart, this is the best news ever!” he babbles with a peck to your lips. 
He settles you down on your feet, and his big brown eyes flicker down to your stomach as if asking for your permission. 
“It’s okay, go ahead.” you smile.
He kneels down gently placing his work-hardened hand on your stomach.
“Hi baby! It’s your daddy here, I know your mommy and I have only just found out about your existence, but we’re both very excited to meet you.”
“You know the baby’s probably only the size of a grape right now.”
“I just want them to know how much I love them already.”
You rake your fingers through his dark curls as he rests his head gently against your stomach, smiling to yourself when you hear him let out a small contented sigh.
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“Baby steps, Teddy. Baby steps.”
@penguinsandpotterheads @mrsjellymunson @eddiesxangel
@aphrogeneias @ali-r3n @seatnights
@munsonsbtch @keeksandgigz @xxbimbobunnyxx
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footiehoemcfc · 1 year
Bad day means pottery date
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Hi guys :) I have not written a fic in a while because I'm always busy or I just can't get myself to do it. Howeverrr, SOMEONE, and by someone I mean Soph (@masonmount07) encouraged me to write again. She has been sharing teasers for her fics which are AMAZING and you should deff read the ones she has posted!! That being said I won't commit myself to dates or requests because I don't know how often I will be writing fics. At the moment I have different ideas I want to write but it takes time so bare with me. Anywayss I hope you enjoy it! :) TW: none, 3.9k words, Fluffy
These were the types of days you hated. Feeling like shit, feeling tired, feeling like you could be doing something better with your life. Work had been awful, you were feeling very insecure about yourself for multiple reasons, you had burnout and you were just tired of it. Projects for work kept piling up every single day and it made you want to rip your hair out. You didn’t particularly love your job, but you needed it otherwise…well you would have absolutely no money. 
Your insecurities have always haunted you, however the last couple of years you had worked through them and started accepting your body and everything about yourself because you figured you only have one body, might as well take good care of it and be happy. The problem starts when you start comparing yourself to other women. 
Last weekend Mason had invited you to go see a game of his. You were not dating, but he had asked you out on dates, 4 times by that point. On those dates he got to know you loved football, so he thought it would be great to have you there so you could enjoy the atmosphere and support him. You gladly accepted, you really liked Mason and you loved going to stadiums. You and Mason had never kissed or anything further than that. You had exchange loving glances, kisses on the cheek and held hands during dinner but not much more than that. He never really attempted to as well which made you feel like maybe he just wasn’t that into you. That kind of started your insecurities. However when you went to the game, it hit you. Why the hell would he be into you? Look at these girls in his box. They look absolutely perfect. They were basically Instagram models of course they looked perfect. You felt very out of place. 
Ever since that game you felt mehh about yourself. Mason said hi to you after the game, however you didn’t have a chance to talk to him that much since all of his friends were there and wanted to talk to him. You had been texting for a week now and had planned getting dinner tonight, but in all honestly you were not really feeling it. 
Once you stepped into your apartment, you felt relief. You were home, you could relax and you could have peace of mind. That did not last long though. Not even 5 minutes in, your boss had texted you to come in earlier tomorrow since some of the staff had quit unexpectedly today and they needed backup. That was your last straw. You stared at the message and your vision started getting blurry. Your tears started falling and they didn’t stop. You wanted a break from it and from everything. You threw your phone into the living room sofa, went upstairs and just threw yourself to bed. All the emotions you had came out. You felt dumb for crying so much over a job and over yourself, but you needed it. The crying gave you a headache which resulted in you falling asleep. 
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing downstairs. You got up from your bed and quickly went downstairs to answer. 
Without glancing at the name you answered, “Hello?”. “Hey you! I’ve been texting you since this morning.” You froze. It was Mason. You looked at yourself in the mirror behind the sofa, your eyes puffy, your hair all over the place. “Oh yea sorry I was really busy at work today I didn’t even get a chance to check my phone.” “That’s alright love, what time should I pick you up?” Shit. The dinner. Do you lie and tell him in an hour, try to get yourself ready and look at least presentable with a stuffy nose and try and get through the whole dinner without crying, or do you just tell him the truth and cancel on him? “Oh yea um listen…” Fuck. Think. “I just had a really bad day, I feel awful doing this to you but I just don’t think I can today.” You closed your eyes hoping for the best. “Oh no, what happened?” His voice was filled with concern which made you feel butterflies in your stomach. “Nothing for you to worry about I promise, just a bunch of workload and um…” your voice cracked. You couldn’t even tell him about your shitty day without crying how were you meant to get through a whole dinner with him. “Yea it’s just a bunch of stuff” you covered your mouth and closed your eyes to stop yourself from crying. “Aw babe, are you okay? I feel awful for you.” He did feel bad for you. You had mentioned to him before how your job was not the best but he didn’t think it was this bad. “Yea” you sniffed and paused for a second to compose yourself, “yea I’m okay don’t worry” you sniffed again and just wanted to hang up because you knew if he started talking to you and try to make you feel better you would just crumble. “I’m really sorry you're having a bad day today, I wish I could help you somehow”, “It’s okay Mase don’t worry, I’m really sorry for canceling so last minute”. You did really feel bad, you were never the type of person to cancel on someone no matter what was going on but today had been just a little too much. “No love, don’t worry. We can see each other another day. Get some rest yea? If you need anything you know I’m here, always” You smiled. These types of comments he made can make  you feel so giddy, but then you remember you haven’t even kissed each other and it just goes away. “Thanks Mase. I’ll text you.” “Of course, goodnight love.” “Night Mase.” And with that you hung up. 
After that call you ordered take out, watched a movie, took a bath and went straight to bed. Your body was exhausted and you had to get in early tomorrow to cover for other people. You were not looking forward to it at all. You wanted to stay in the whole day and not do anything. 
6 am, and your alarm rang causing you to jump from your deep sleep. How did you sleep 8 hours yet you felt like you only slept 1? The thought of going to work made you nauseous. You knew this was not normal. After much thought, you decided to say fuck it and call in sick. Your brain felt like it was fried and your body felt like it was giving up on life. 
After texting your boss you were sick, you didn’t even wait for a response, you went back to bed. You had no energy to give explanations. After sleeping for 3 more hours, you woke up at 9:30 am. You wanted to relax but you also felt like you needed to at least go out for a walk and get fresh air. As tired as you were, you wanted to get some movement going. Lately looking at yourself in the mirror made you feel uneasy. You had bag under your eyes, you felt like your body felt like jelly since you have no time to work out or even take walks. You were not feeling yourself at all. Seeing all those girls in the stadium box made you look hard enough in the mirror to find more stupid insecurities you didn’t even know you had. So, to try and feel a bit productive, you took a shower, put on some yoga pants, a hoodie and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Did it make you feel better? Nope, but it did help a little. 
You spent the day reading, talking to your only friend in the office and cooking yourself breakfast, lunch and a snack. Your friend was concerned about you so she suggested you file a complaint to HR for the overload of work you had to do. It wasn’t a bad idea at all and you did it. The whole day Mason hadn’t texted you which felt weird. You would text him when he was free from training but no message came in. Maybe it was because you canceled on him? Maybe he finally realized he is wasting his time with you? Who knows but overthinking made you feel upset. You liked him a lot. Did he like you a lot too, as a friend? As a potential girlfriend? You didn’t know but you still wanted to find out. 
It was 5 pm and no text from him came through.  You were debating whether to bite the bullet or not and just text him yourself but you didn’t want to seem desperate. You started typing on his chat, “Hi Mase” adding a little heart. Press send you idiot, you thought to yourself. “Sent.” You put your phone down and walked away from it like it was a bomb that was going to explode. You idiot, you idiot, you thought. You decided to start cutting up some veggies to start dinner to try and distract yourself. Nerves started settling in. Maybe you should delete the text message if he hasn’t seen it.
You got a little lost in cutting up the veggies that when your phone rang it made you jump. “Jesus Christ” you muttered to yourself. The caller ID “Mase” appeared on your screen. You got nerves all over again. How can a man make you this nervous. “Hi Mase” you answered, trying not to sound terrified. “Hi love, how are you?” he sounded really chirpy which settled your nerves. “I’m better than yesterday, what about you?” “Oh great I’m glad you feel better because I’m picking you up in 30 minutes.” What? Picking you up? You don’t remember agreeing to seeing him yesterday before hanging up. “Umm what?” he laughed at your confused state. “I felt awful about not being able to help you out yesterday so I thought we could do something fun today instead of dressing up fancy and get a fancy dinner. Are you up for it?” You were smiling from ear to ear. He went out of his way to make you feel better and here you were debating or not if you were an idiot for just texting Hi to him. “Really?” you knew he could tell you were smiling and excited. “Yes really” he said chuckling. “So, wear something you don’t mind getting dirty, and I’ll be there in about 30 minutes yea?” “Okay, um but wait what are we doing exactly?” “It’s a surprise.” “A surprise?” “Yes a surprise, so get ready, don’t ask anymore questions and we’ll have fun.” You laughed at his comment. “Okay then I’ll be ready”. 
Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. What the hell were you doing with him today? Maybe a painting class? A cooking class? Will you go to those rage rooms to break stuff? Honestly you had no idea but it was exciting. You dressed up in some old but cute jeans you didn’t mind getting dirty and a tank top with just a simple jacket. You put on a little bit of makeup and you were ready to go. Mason arrived exactly 30 minutes after to pick you up. Once he pulled up, he rolled down his window and watched you close and lock your door. “Fucking hell you still look beautiful with old clothes” he said making you blush and roll your eyes. “Listen, I still tried to look good.” You opened the door and got in his car. He leaned in and kissed your cheek, “You always look good love.” You blushed yet again at his comment. “Stop it.” You said laughing, and soon enough he started driving you to your surprise date. 
“Are you still not giving me any clues Sir?” you asked once you stopped in a red light. He turned to you, “No Ma'am, no clues, I told you it’s a surprise.” You smiled at his comment and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Mason.” You were grateful he was doing all of this to try and make you feel better. “No problem.” You kept looking into each other’s eyes and were leaning in to kiss. You wanted to kiss him more than anything and you felt you were about to, until the car behind you honked to indicate to you the light was green. You both lightly jumped and laughed. 
Once he parked the car you were still confused. The place did not look familiar and there was no sign of what the pace could possible be. “Okay then, follow me.” He took your hand and tangled his fingers with yours, leading you to a blue door. He opened the door for you and once inside you realized were you were. “Oh my god, are we doing pottery?” he laughed at your excitement. “Yes, we are doing pottery.” “Oh my god Mason! I’ve always wanted to try and do it!” “I know you did, you told me on our first date” he said smiling at you. Your heart melted completely at the fact that he remembered. You couldn’t help it and just hugged him,  burying your face in his neck. “Thank you so much” you said, so only he could hear since your whole face was smushed in his neck from how tight you were both holding each other. “You're welcome my love.” Again, melting your heart. 
You both got seated in your places, the machine in front of you and a bucket of water beside you. Once your instructor showed you how it was done and gave you tips, both you and Mason got to work. “Okay so what if we do mugs and we keep each other’s mugs” Mason suggested. “Oooh okay that is a good idea, make it pretty please I’ll be drinking tea out of it every day.” Mason laughed at your comment and both of you started getting the clay ready. 
It got way messier than you thought it would. While trying to get the shape of the mug right, and talking to each other at the same time, Mason’s spinning machine started going way too fast causing the clay to almost fly out and causing both of you to laugh so hard your belly started to hurt. It was becoming the most fun date you have ever been to and your favorite. You loved how easy it was to have fun with him and to see him let his guard down with you. Mason on the other hand, loved seeing you happy, feeling better and making you laugh. 
Since it was the first time attempting to make a mug out of clay, they didn’t turn out great. “Look at your mug!” Mason said pointing at your deformed mug and laughing really hard causing you to laugh as well. “Oh my God you are so rude, look at YOUR mug.” His mug was worse, it was wonky and it was barely standing. Both of you red on the face from laughing so much. “We are not going to be able to drink from this, look at them.” Mason said, causing you to laugh again. You looked over at the shelves and saw different mugs, cartoons, plants and much more already made just missing color. “Okay how about, we grab one of those mugs, paint them for each other, it’s way easier.” You suggested, making Mason agree. “Yea okay, that’s a better idea.” 
Both of you grabbed two identical looking mugs, and the staff gave you different brushes and colors to paint the mugs. Both of you got concentrated in painting the mug, once you were done you didn’t even realize you had been at the place for 3 hours already. 
“Okay I’m done.” Mason said, showing you his mug. It was blue and red with spider webs. “Of course it’s a spiderman mug” you said, chuckling and rolling your eyes. “Don’t judge me, I’m a kid at heart, let me see yours.” You grabbed your mug by the handle trying not to get paint on your hand. “Tadaa '' you said, lifting up the mug. It was light blue and light green. “Oh wow, it looks really cool.” Mason said admiring it. “Well thank you, it’s for you.” Mason smiled and grabbed the mug. In exchange he gave you his mug, you laughed once you realized you were going to be drinking tea everyday out of a spiderman mug.  
Once the paint was dry, the staff packed your mugs into a box and handed it to both of you. You said your thank yous to everyone and went outside. “Okay before we go anywhere else, I had something for you so close your eyes.” You were surprised,  but obeyed and closed your eyes. You heard Mason open his car door and the close it. “Okay open up.” You opened your eyes and saw the most beautiful bouquet of roses. You gasped and looked at Mason who was already blushing and smiling at you. “Oh my God! Mase these are so beautiful! Thank you so much!” You said grabbing the roses. “You're very welcome.” Mason was still smiling at your reaction. “Mase seriously this are so pretty you didn’t have too.” You pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck. “I know, but I wanted to. I wanted you to have a great day.” You were about to tear up but you didn’t want him to see you cry. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away to look at him. Both of you looked into each other's eyes and had the urge to kiss each other. You have wanted nothing more than to kiss him since the first date. He didn’t hesitate this time and kissed you lovingly. It was the best kiss you’ve ever experience in your life. This made your feelings for Mason much more stronger and hoped he felt exactly the same way for you. He brushed his tongue over your lip and kept kissing you. You didn’t want it to end but both of you had to breathe. Once you stopped kissing, you rested your forehead against his and just smiled. “This was the best date Mase.” You whispered. “I’m glad you liked it love.” He gave you one last peck and opened the door for you to get in the car. He started driving again, this time his hand on your thighs. “Where are we going now?” you asked breaking the comfortable silence. “Well, I don’t want fancy food in a fancy restaurant and I know you don’t either,” he said making you giggle, “so how about some five guys?” “Sound perfect then.”
You ordered Five Guys and started eating in the car. Mason had parked in front of a nice park with a nice view. The meal was really good, it consisted on reliving the mess both of you made with the pottery class and just talking about everything and anything.
“So,” Mason said, wiping his mouth with a napkin “I wanted to ask you what had made you so sad yesterday…I mean if you want to talk about it.” “Oh well” You were debating whether or not to tell him. How do you explain to him that you felt insecure because of all the girls he is friends with and that you hate your job without sounding pathetic. “Um my job has been a pain in the ass. I get projects every day it feels like and a lot of the staff quit unexpectedly so I have to cover for them which means even more work.” You said almost laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. No person should be dealing with the amount of work and burnout you were dealing with. “Oh shit, can’t you talk to your boss or someone like a manager?” “Yea, I mean I called in sick today because I just could not do it. I also filed a complaint to HR which I don’t really know if it will help but you know it’s at least something.” Mason was looking at you and listening attentively. “Okay good, maybe they can help, you shouldn't be feeling discouraged and tired in any job.” “Yea I know, it’s really just my job and I don’t know I’ve been feeling a little self conscious lately which is no big deal but it just throws me off some days you know?” Mason’s concern was evident in his face again. “Why’s that love?” You gulped, dreading to tell him you have felt this way ever since you went to his game. “Well, I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I think about you and you know you are you and I am me. I feel out of place sometimes, especially last weekend with your friends and those girls. They are gorgeous and live like a different reality than me, but it's not that big of a deal I promise.” You really didn’t want to make it seem you were fishing for compliments or you wanted pitty from him but you didn’t want to lie to him.
“Hey look at me.” He said placing one hand against your cheek for you to look at him. “You can talk to me about this okay? I never want you to feel out of place, specially with me. You are the most gorgeous girl. I’ve really wanted to be with you ever since I met you. I know sometimes my lifestyle is very different from yours but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. Since our first date I've been beating myself up for not even attempting to kiss you.” He said chuckling and making you smile. “I just really wanted to do this the right way you know? Like go on dates, get to know you first, not rush it. That being said, I’ve been really dying to kiss you though, and I’m glad I finally did.” You smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him one more time. It was not a heated kiss, it had a lot of passion. “I really like you Mase, I also want to do this the right way. Sometimes I just overthink too much and get like awkward I don’t know.” You said making yourself and him giggle. “I like you too. So much. You don’t need to hide your personality from me, you don’t need to always look “perfect” for me. I loved seeing you smiling, laughing, clay all over your face today.” You both laughed remembering how the clay went all over the place. He leaned in again and kissed you one more time. “Thank you for today, really. I've never had anyone go out of their way to do something like this for me.” You said kissing his cheek. “You're welcome. We are doing this again it was way too much fun.” He kissed your nose and you agreed. 
Once you threw the food wrappers in a trash can near by, he drove off to go drop you off. While saying goodbye, he gave you a few more kisses and waited for you to get safely into your apartment. Once you got inside, you couldn't help but feel giddy and giggle to yourself. You heard a ping from your phone. “Cooking classes next date? X” You smiled to yourself as you read Mason’s message. “Perfect.” You replied. The butterflies in your tummy never went away that night.
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fushiguwu · 14 days
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it’s fxcking over. getou suguru
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CHAPTER 4 from the Summer Fever's serie!
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ft. dilf!getou and collegestudent!reader
warnings: arguing, truth discovering, kind of cheating? if you squint and think like gojo, gojo being mom, crying, relationship discussion, reader being disappointed, start of enemies to lovers.
words: 2.7k
a/n: hiii sorry for the late hope u enjoy this development chapter
(chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, more to come)
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And you did keep your promise. 
After Suguru left, you stayed there for a few more minutes, feeling that something wasn’t right about all of this. You knew he was hiding things from you; even though you didn’t actually know each other, he seemed to be having a great time with you, as you were with him, so why did he hide so much? He didn’t even give you his phone number — nor did he ask for yours. And why would a man his age be at this party? What did he mean when he said he wasn’t supposed to be there, that you shouldn’t be together there? 
So many unsolved questions for a man you barely knew; your mind gave you no rest as a taxi drove you home that night silently. The smell of alcohol and smoke impregnated the car, your makeup probably looked a mess, your hair was dirty and you started feeling really disgusting as sobered up. Everything you had lived with Suguru came up like flashes: even far from all those memories, you felt like you could close your eyes and touch him again by a raise of an arm. And you do close your eyes, but for the headache the drunkenness gave you. 
Not much time passed until you got home. Gojo and your mom were sleeping, the whole house dark, you took your shoes off, staggering over the furniture till the closest bathroom; all you wanted to do was take a shower and sleep for the next ten hours. Your mind needed a break on thinking. You throw yourself on your bed as soon as the bath is over and nothing has ever felt as comfortable as the smell of your cleaning sheets after a long, long night. You don’t want to think about Suguru ever again — for the next few hours.
You woke up the next day feeling like a truck ran over you while sleeping, or maybe you were just hungover. ‘Never gonna drink again’, you think — And you know it’s not true. It was your last couple weeks before heading back to your cruel reality as a college student, the time passes the fastest when you spend it wondering about someone else. Even with all the alcohol running through your blood until now, you remember everything that happened last night; and you don’t know if you’re supposed to feel good or bad about it. The man you’re obsessed with just keeps getting out of your hands and you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it. Maybe you should let the idea of him go for once; you could feel, deep inside, that you’ll get hurt if keep on running after Suguru and his secrets. 
The depressive thoughts of your love life fades away once you head to the kitchen. Satoru’s there making God-knows-what when he sees you and screams your name out. Ouch, bye, poor ears. “Good morning, Satoru.”
“Good morning? It’s 2pm! I’m making lunch already!” He’s wiping his hands on the apron, “I thought you were dead!” 
“Unfortunately, I am not.” You sit on the dinner table with a coffee mug resting your aching head on your free hand. Your eyes were barely open yet.  “Where’s my mom?”
“Buying stuff for lunch tomorrow.” ‘What about today’s lunch at these bratty hands?’ you think. He looks back at you for a few seconds. "It seems someone enjoyed the party last night, huh?” Gojo says as scapes your sight gradually. He seems to have gotten over not being invited. 
“Yeah, you could say that…”  your voice so weak as you closed your eyes completely. When you open it again, Gojo’s holding a medicine — that you supposed was for your headache, and a glass of water at the height of your face. You smile lowly to him and take it. “Thanks, Gojo. I needed it” you say, truly. He smiled back at you and headed back to the stove. 
“I’ve been your age once, kid. Know how it is” He turns off the heat. “Yeah, of course, our mister party rocker”, you said to him almost like a whisper. He gives you a small laugh. “Lunch’s ready, let’s eat.” the white haired man looks satisfied with his hard work. He takes his apron off and washes his hands. Only thinking about food makes you sick. 
“I’m not hungry.” 
“And I am not asking you. You’re not getting out of this kitchen without eating something.” you groan loud enough for him to hear and lay your head on the table, what audacity! It does not bother Satoru, though, as he puts a dish full of his freshly made food in front of you. It actually looked pretty tasty if you only weren't dying slowly out of intoxication. Gojo squints. “Now who’s the brat one?”
You felt sick after eating Satoru’s meal, you tried to tell him that, but he ignored your prayers —not because it tasted bad, you were just nauseous from the alcohol; so you spent the rest of that day in bed regretting your actions. All of them. 
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Sunday morning woke you up with loud noises coming from downstairs. Muffled sounds of dishes, laughter, talking. It takes a while for you to understand that a whole day has passed and you actually slept for this long, wiping the drool out of your cheeks. Your brain still engaging the clutches to work again, the sun invading your room through the thin white curtains making you squeeze your retinas. The noise decreases. There’s definitely other people in here, and neither your mom nor Gojo told you about guests coming — maybe because you were asleep for the last 13 hours, but that’s not the point. 
You dressed properly, washed your face and brushed your teeth before heading downstairs. You tried to fix your hair with your hands on the way, too. The sound of laughter rising through the walls as you came closer and closer to the kitchen. Exposing only your head, you check the room. Empty, so you enter. The voices coming from outside, you can hear your mom talking near the pool. That’s when Gojo opens the backyard door to probably get some beer and you hide back, unsuccessfully trying to avoid him. He calls your name, happy. “Look who woke up! Feeling better from the hangover?” Oh, yeah, you almost forgot you were feeling sick yesterday — thank god. So you say a ‘yes, thank you’ to him, polite but still very much suspicious, while he heads to the freezer, not a bit bothered. Suddenly something clicks on his head. Gojo says your name before ‘come here’, heading to the backyard. You don’t feel like following him, but he insists with a so excited “Come on!“ that you do. 
There was your mom, sitting by a lounge chair, laughing, and there were other two people facing her, sitting too, with their back to you. You could only see the back of the chair and the top of their heads. You shiver and stay still at the sight of long black hair. Satoru saw you stopping for a second and took your arm gently to bring you closer. You were now facing the guests, but looked away. Gojo walks away from you.
“Getou, I told you about my stepdaughter, remember?” the white haired man slaps his friend’s shoulder, who is sitting. You’re scared to look fully at what is staring at you in your panoramic view, but Gojo calls your attention. Your heart jumping out. You knew it was him. You knew since you saw his silky hair from behind, since you heard him laughing. But nothing prepared you to look him in the eyes. And the gaze he gave you, the mask falling off him as your chest into the ground. “This is my best friend, Suguru, and this is his wife.” he points to the pretty lady beside Suguru, her black hair long like his. Your stomach started churning again like someone just gave you several punches. 
A dead silence within. 
“…ex wife, Satoru.” the raven haired man emphasized after clearing his throat, uncertain to look into your eyes again — and you’re grateful for it, as you felt  your own starting to blur in tears. You looked away too, so no one would notice. 
Gojo rolls his eyes “whatever. You two are here together now, aren’t you?” Getou tried to add that they were there as friends, but the white haired one interrupted his chatting. “Anyways, I just wanted  you to know your new friend’s dad.” 
“Mimiko and Nanako?” you ask, staring at Suguru. He kept looking down. ‘Wasn’t that obvious enough, how could I not notice?’, you thought. “Correct! Isn’t it awesome that we’re all connected now?”, says Gojo, sitting on his chair beside your mom. You take a few steps back.
“…Yeah, I guess it is”, and start to walk inside again, not once looking behind you. Your mind was clouded by so many things, all your questions being answered in the worst possible way now. All the pieces of that puzzle connect, and you are the foolish one. 
“What’s wrong?” you hear your mom saying from afar; you don’t answer. everything else seems to be far from you, even yourself. What a reality shock. Of course he kept things from you, of course he was fucking lying and omitting about his life. What a pathetic girl you are to think a man twice your age would be single and father of no kids, right? It was indeed too good to be true. 
You heard your name on your way upstairs, wiping the tears from your poor cheeks. You already knew who it was without looking back, so you kept your way. He, then, runs to grab your hand and stop you: it does work, but you can’t hide the tears from your eyes, surrendering to Suguru and looking him in the eye from one step up. Your gaze externalizes anger, sadness, betrayal. He feels his heart breaking in a hundred pieces. 
“I can explain this” The classic. What more could you expect? You laugh at him. “Please, listen to me” Suguru says your name in such a tiny voice you hesitate for a second, but then swallow dry your feelings. 
“Don’t want to hear it, Suguru. Or should I be more polite and call you Getou? Since we do not know each other” you pull your hand from his grip abruptly, looking deep into his eyes, seeking for any trace of truth. You stay silent for a moment, not knowing if wanted to have the answer for what you were about to ask. 
“How long do you know?” He seemed confused, frowning at you. It makes you angrier. “Know what?” so he asks back. You could feel your eyes burning in tears again. You wanted to scream at him, scream so everyone could hear what a bastard he is.
“How long do you know who I am? That I’m your fucking best friend’s stepdaughter! That…” you hesitate, “…That I am friend with your fucking children”. You point at his chest, disgusted, crying. Suguru looks away from you for the first time in your discussion. You step away from him, shaking your head, not wanting to hear it. His insecurity was an answer enough. 
“You already knew that, didn't you? You fucking knew it from the beginning” you laugh in disbelief and wipes your face with your hands. “I was just being fucking used” you whisper more to yourself than for him. The raven haired man stands before you silently, holding on the handrail, still not gazing your way. “What kind of kink is that, huh? Does fucking your friend’s daughter turns you on? Do you do that to all of them? If so, I should go out and warn the other Satoru’s friends. That are, oh my,” you pause sarcastically, “your friends too!” Suguru seems to have got some nerve as he finally looks back at you. 
“You know it’s not that” his voice is very low and bothered. You laugh: he is upset. What right does he have to be upset? 
“No, I don’t know about anything.” You think for a second, “Actually, I do know one thing: that I don’t want to know about you anymore. Nor your weird kinks, nor your secrets. Nothing. This— thing, we had, it’s over. It’s fucking over. You fucking used me, Suguru. I really liked you, u know? I thought that maybe you were different, but how naive I am to think a man would be different.” your eyes were starting to get puffy, but you really wanted to spill everything you had left. 
“I passed the last weeks just thinking of you, the whole fucking time. And yesterday was so incredible, we had such a good time. I’m not talking about the making out, but the parts where we were laughing together. But nothing was real, now was it?” 
“It was, for me. You don’t know how much I enjoyed spending my time with you, just let me explain” Suguru tries to get closer to you, touching his fingertips on yours, but before he could keep on talking, a female voice called his name from outside.
“I’m afraid your wife is calling you, Getou.” you step back, keeping a distance from him again. This time, you did not intend to get anymore closer. He was confused between explaining himself to you and answer the calling, so you take the opportunity when he looks back downstairs to seek for the voice, to head to your room without any further obstacles.
When Getou looks at you, you’re already gone, and his wife is at the stair base talking about something he did not listen to. 
You close your room’s door behind you, sitting on the cold floor, processing everything that just happened. You felt used, dumb, stupid, naive. Every bad thing. You didn’t mean to put expectations on Suguru, as you’ve been together only twice, but you didn’t expect him to lie to you so deeply. You two didn’t have much time to talk, too, but he could’ve said something before. He knew you were his best friend’s stepdaughter and kept on, hiding this from you. Hiding that he had a wife and kids. Lucky you, it just lasted for two nights. What could happen if you took more time to find out the truth? 
But you still felt attracted to him, though. You were together two days ago, after all; he grabbed you so tight, his voice so sweet and his grip so strong. He was still so handsome, so gorgeous. Maybe the most beautiful man you’ve ever been with. And yet so negligent. You can’t afford the luxury of keeping this relationship, after all he has hidden from you, after you find out how close he is to your family, and you’ve become to his too. That’s the right choice: to forget what you two had. He had the age to be your father, and worse, you were the age of his daughters. It was a summer fever, that’s all, and shall pass. 
That’s what you were trying to convince yourself as took the flight back to your university, a week later. Suguru tried to make contact with you again through the days, going to your house on the subject of watching sports with Gojo, but he kept looking upstairs from the living room, waiting for you to come down at any time. And when you did, he gave Satoru some excuse to follow you kitchen inside and try to talk. He had such a puppy face you could only see panoramically, as ignored him almost completely every damn time. Sometimes he got upstairs and knocked on your room’s door — which you don’t know how he knew it was your room, and said things like “i’m sorry; let’s talk; let me explain”, as if you’d kicked his ass after a ten year relationship? You were actually pretty fucking tired of his attitude, and it kinda hurted you too, as a man so handsome is begging forgiveness on your knees and you are rejecting him; unfortunately, your mind spoke louder than your heart. And as the time went by, your sadness turned into anger, that made you little to zero patience with the whole situation. You had so much stuff to worry about already, a drama with a man twice your age couldn’t and wouldn’t bother you from now on. 
That is, until your next college break. 
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 months
now i’m craving streetkid chris waaaaa
if you have some time and energy, could you be persuaded to perhaps write some streetkid chris with jake and the safehouse? i’ve never stopped needing comfort for him
CW: Heavily internalized ableism, referenced past dubcon and noncon, some internal dehumanization, referenced drug use
(Street kid Chris au pieces here and here)
He sobers up, more or less, on the bus ride out of the center of the city, his forehead resting against the cool glass window. It's all a blur that moves through and around him, steel and concrete shifting to grass and trees and little houses placed next to each other like a child's toys.
Baldur hides a smile, imagining a giant toddler hand lining the houses up one by one by one by one, picking doll families to live in the little doll houses. Giant baby god giving this family a dog and this family a goldfish and that one a pretty boy like Baldur to do everything they say-
A laugh catches in his throat, dies there with the chill of sudden grief. What is his Sir doing? Is he at home with some new pet, playing games? Was Baldur replaced that quickly?
Of course he was. He was never special, never really very good even. Pretty, until he got too old. Stupid statue-boy trying and trying to hold still and never winning any of Sir's games. Sir would've ordered someone else right away.
He's probably forgotten about Baldur by now.
His throat tightens even more, heat stinging his eyes, but Baldur fights it back. The only thing worse than his wrong words and his wrong hands is when he cries, of course. Sir always says-
But Sir doesn't want him any longer, isn't there to tell him never to cry and then play games and hurt him until he does it anyway.
"Hey." Kauri, sitting next to him, must catch something in the shift of movement in his throat when he swallows or the stare of his glassy green eyes. "What's up, buttercup? You need some water? I know coming down always makes me so thirsty I could scream."
Baldur shakes his head, curling up as best he can, pulling his knees to his chin with his heels pressed against the edge of the seat, pushing the dirty soles of his shoes against the cushioned fabric. "No thank you," He whispers. "I... I'm fine."
"Yeah, yeah. I've heard that before - or I guess I should say that I've said that before. And you know what, Chris? Never once was I actually fine. So. Here." Kauri holds a bottle of water out, shaking it a little as if trying to lure a stray cat with a can of tuna. "Come on, have a drink. It'll help hold off the headache, I swear."
Baldur's fingers are shaking when he takes the bottle, and it takes three tries to get the cap open, but the water is cool and clean on his tongue and down his throat, and before he realizes it the bottle is half empty, his chest feels cold on the inside as the water trickles through him, and he's gasping for breath.
Kauri's smile is soft, gentle, only a little sad. "There we go. Keep working on it, okay? Hydration is the best defense against hangovers, not that I ever take my own advice. But it is still excellent advice."
By the bus reaches a stop that Kauri declares is theirs, he's had all the water and it's an empty bottle he stashes in his backpack. He can refill it at the first sink he sees, have something he doesn't have to beg for or fuck for to drink later on.
Baldur steps off the bus and into a neighborhood right out of TV.
Houses line the street on either side, and Baldur stares at old trees that rise over his head, dappling the ground with shade that blocks some of the heat of the sun. The air smells like grass, and there's a drone from somewhere nearby that he realizes must be a lawn mower, a sound he's only heard from Sir's windows while watching the landscapers work far, far below.
There's a fence around the yard next to them - a white fence, even, with chips of peeling paint. Baldur moves to it, reaching out and letting his fingertips brush the rough wood, one nail scratching at a bit of paint coming free. He doesn't hear himself humming, low and tuneless, repeating over and over, until Kauri pops back into view in the corner of his eye.
"You never seen a fence before?" Kauri teases, but then Baldur flinches back and away and watches Kauri's smile falter, briefly, before it determinedly returns. "Sorry. I scared you, huh?"
"I'm fine," Baldur says too fast, realizing too late that he isn't answering the question Kauri asked - either of them. The blush heats his cheeks and he turns away, jamming his hands in his pockets as hard as he can, hunching his shoulders. "Fine. I'm... I'm fine."
The word sounds good in his mouth. Soothes his mind. He opens his mouth to say it again, fine fine fine - but Baldur catches himself this time. He can't repeat words he hears, that's wrong. Can't stammer, that's wrong. Can't move, or sway, or use his hands - wrong.
All wrong.
"Right. Well, come on. The house is this way." Kauri walks a little ways away, then looks back over his shoulder. Baldur hurries to catch up, keeping himself hunched. The weight of his backpack is familiar and comforting, all his things in there. The usual headache when the pills wear off teases around the edge of his mind, but it doesn't take hold. Maybe Kauri was right about the water.
Kauri talks, chatting brightly. His hands move constantly, in gestures and emphasis, and Baldur keeps staring at it. Sir would have slapped his hands if he moved them so much, but Kauri doesn't even notice he does it.
The house has people there like them, Kauri explains, although not like them like them, just - other pets. Domestics, mostly. The woman who runs the house, like the shelters Baldur has stayed at but they won't make him pray.
"Trust me," Kauri reassures, "I wouldn't stay there if they did. I've traded a bed and some food for having to go to their church and let them tell me what a bad boy I am enough for one lifetime, thank you. Sinners have more fun, anyway." He winks, and Baldur blinks back at him. "The last time I stayed at one, the pastor hit on me. The very, very married pastor. Which goes to show you - when you are as good in bed as I am, even God doesn't measure up."
Baldur swallows. He should say something - something witty. Kauri seems to have things to say about everything, all of the time, but Baldur's mind is still slow from the pills, even though he's sobering up. He can't think of anything except to say, "Really?"
"Really." Kauri's smile is bright, flash of sun off the hood of a car blinding but with something about it that seems cracked, too. "Once we get there, I'll make introductions. But I promise, everybody is nice."
"... Nice," Baldur murmurs. Nobody is, not really, in his experience. Everybody takes something in return for every bit of nice they offer. Everybody sees his barcode and knows they can do whatever they want to him, and then they do. And if he's lucky it's only to make him eat food that makes him feel sick, or talk to him about how he's walking a dark path, as if there has ever been a lighter one. Or sometimes they tell him to go lay down on the bed-
"We're here!" Kauri's voice cuts into Baldur's thoughts, and he looks up.
In front of him there's a two-story house with white siding, flat-faced with windows that look down on him like eyes. There's a porch with chairs on it, and sitting in one of them is a tall, thin man with a mess of dark hair and sharp, dark almost-feline eyes. He's fiddling with something in his hands, but when he sees them he shoves whatever it was into his pocket and quickly stands.
Baldur hesitates - but Kauri moves right up the overgrown path, flat stones half-covered by grass and weeds. "Hey, Ant! I brought someone."
"I see this," The man says, in a smooth, accented voice. He sounds like velvet. Baldur looks at him, trying to think. Just a blowjob, probably. Easy. Baldur has traded those for lots of things. He barely has to do anything, once they grab his head. "Kauri-"
"Oh, wipe that worry off your face, Antoni, he's one of us." Kauri waves a hand back at Baldur, then grabs at his arm to pull him forward. "I brought him to meet Nat and Jake. Chris, this is Antoni. Antoni, this is Chris."
Antoni looks at him, then turns and silently heads back into the house.
Baldur swallows, shifting to half-hide himself behind Kauri. "... he doesn't... like me."
"Nah, Antoni's just kind of a mood killer professionally. He's a softie once you get to know him, I promise." Kauri half-drags him up the steps and through the front door, into an entryway that has a pile of coats abandoned on a coat rack, shoes on a mat. The house smells like something cooking, and Baldur's mouth waters, his stomach twisting as it remembers how to feel hungry and not just emptied-out and light. "Jake! Hey, Jake!"
"Jake's out," A woman's voice says. Baldur stares as an older woman pops her head in. She has brown hair with bits of gray in it in a braid that lays over one shoulder, a flannel shirt over a t-shirt and ancient jeans, and a soft smile ringed in laugh lines that crinkles at the corners and near her eyes.
She's beautiful.
"Who's this?" The woman looks from him to Kauri, with curiosity - not trepidation, not worry, and not anger. "You brought someone by?"
"Yeah. This is, uh, this is Chris. He's one of us. Chris, this is Nat. She feeds me sometimes."
"Love that description." Nat's voice is wry with good humor, and she steps forward, holding out her hand. "I have hobbies, too, you know. Hello, Chris. I'm Nat, and this is my house. I help runaways from WRU start over."
He stares at her outstretched hand, then back at her, before hesitantly shaking. His grip is limp compared to hers, but she doesn't say anything about it. "I-... I thought... you were... a man."
"No, that's Jake," Kauri corrects him. "He insists on having a life outside of waiting for my beautiful ass to show back up, so we'll see him later."
"... Okay." Baldur studies the woman - Nat - thoughtfully. Then he offers, "I can... do women, too."
Nat's expression changes - so subtly he can't tell what the change is. But he sees it. Baldur knows how to tell when the mood of a room goes sour, to try to protect himself. "Romantic," She murmurs. "I see. Kauri-"
"Don't say he can't come here," Kauri interrupts, bristling, and Baldur stares at him in open terror as his heart drops to his knees. He's angry at one of them. Baldur didn't know you could do that. "He's got as much a right as anybody else does, and you let me come here, and he could use the help, Nat, so don't you dare-"
"Kauri. Hey." Nat puts her hands up, as if surrendering in a fight. "That's not what I was gonna say. I was going to say, Kauri, how about you set him a place at the table for dinner. Okay?"
Kauri's jaw is set, and it takes him a moment to stop looking ready to keep up the argument that isn't even happening. "I-... yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'll do that. Just-... Nat, you know that a lot of places won't-"
"I know. It's okay, honey. It really is okay. Just go get him set up. And you." Nat smiles at Baldur, and he tries to see the mean she's hiding, but it isn't there. Too buried underneath a kind face, maybe. Baldur can't imagine there just isn't any cruelty there at all. "We take all kinds here, and you're welcome. No one touches you here, and I'd prefer if you kept your hands to yourself at first."
Those words don't mean anything. The shelters say that a lot, too, but Baldur still wakes up to a hand over his mouth and a voice whispering to him to be quiet sometimes when he sleeps in one. He'll find out the real cost of staying here at some point.
But he'll find out with food in his stomach, and that's worth something.
"Yes, ma'am," He murmurs, looking up and around at the high ceiling in the entryway, carpet-covered stairs that curve up and disappear around an angle. Bookshelves, and off to one side the corner of a living room with a TV playing.
"Just Nat is fine. Kauri?"
"Got it." Kauri gives a mocking, if still friendly, salute. It makes Baldur smile - but he hides it behind his serious face when he sees Nat look at him. "I'll get him settled in. Maybe we'll stay over tonight? If that seems like a good idea, if not-"
"It sounds great."
Baldur watches her go, heading up the stairs - that creak as she walks, giving away the house's age. Wondering what she'll want him to do later on, to pay for the food, to earn the bed he'll sleep in.
He has more pills in his pocket. He can take some, and drift through whatever staying here costs, let his body and training do all the work. He's done it before, over and over again.
He'll always have to do it again, sooner or later.
When Kauri takes his hand again, he lets himself be led.
He doesn't notice the dark-haired man, Antoni, watching him from a doorway as Baldur digs out two small pills and swallows them dry while following Kauri into the kitchen.
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Just One of Those Days
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Warnings: just a whole bunch of fluff
Author’s Note: i’ve been running low on creativity the past few days so i hope you still enjoy this <3 requests are always open xoxo
You knew as soon as you woke up that it wouldn’t be a good day. It was the second day of your period, meaning your hormones felt like they were all over the place, your torso was in constant pain from cramping, you had a headache that you couldn’t shake, you were hungry beyond what your normal food could satisfy, and you wanted to sleep and cry all at once. Typical, right?
Drew had already left, and he told you he’d be on set all day today. You’d be at home on your own on a day you really didn’t want to be. But that wasn’t his fault. You had to remind yourself of that.
You change into your baggiest pair of joggers and one of Drew’s hoodies, the clothes making you feel like you had shrunk into them. That’s all it feels like you have the energy to do, flopping down onto the couch and turning the TV on. It’s all the shitty programmes at this time, so you switch to Netflix and binge watch a show you’d seen five times already.
Drew texts you at five saying he’s going to be late coming home and asks if you want anything at the shop. You’d learnt already today that you had no good food in the house, so you ask him to pick up some snacks - though couldn’t make your mind up on exactly what you wanted. You drop your phone back onto the couch underneath you and turn back to the TV show, rewinding to watch the scene again.
An hour or so later, you hear Drew’s keys in the door, the rustle of a paper bag in his hand.
“Hey baby!” He calls out, “I got us dinner at the shop - I was thinking grilled chicken salad.”
You groan and turn your head into the pillow underneath you.
“Everything okay?” You can hear the frown in his words.
“I just thought we could order tonight,” You push yourself up to sit on the couch.
“Oh, well that’s okay, we can order, this stuff will last for tomorrow,” Drew nods, setting it down on the table in the kitchen before walking over to you in the lounge.
He bends down over the side of the couch to kiss you and you return the gesture quickly.
“What’s wrong?” Drew frowns, sitting down on the coffee table in front of you so that he could face you.
“Nothing, I’m just tired,” You shake your head, “How was work?”
“It was good, pretty busy day actually. I was filming with the rest of the cast a lot today so it was so much more fun,” He smiles, “How was your day?”
Your stomach was grumbling and your eyes felt tired and you wanted to order a takeaway and go to bed. But your boyfriend was home and he’d bought you snacks and he was asking how your day was. And yet you couldn’t think of anything more than wanting to go to bed and shut off from the world for a day.
“It was fine.”
Drew frowns at you, resting a hand on your knee, his thumb brushing over the material of your joggers, “Have I done something wrong?”
You shake your head, “Just tired.”
“Alright, well let me order us some food, and you can pick the film we watch, do you want a drink or anything?”
“I hate picking the film, I never know what we should watch.”
He laughs and stands up, “Alright, you take my phone and order whatever food you want, I’ll put away the groceries and then pick the film. Is that a better deal?”
You nod and he hands you his phone from your pocket. It lights up with a photo of the two of you on holiday, on the beach. But all you can focus on is the way your body seems to feel so different now from the way it looked there, and it boils a new sense of irritation inside you - one you try to dismiss.
“They didn’t have the chips you like at the store so I got the other flavour instead,” Drew mentions as he empties out the grocery bags, stopping as he looks up to see you.
You’ve got the hood of his jumper tugged up around your head, like you’re disappearing inside the clothes, your hair poking out from either side around your face, your shoulders slumped.
He laughs gently, stepping around the kitchen island to see you, “You look adorable. C’mere.”
Drew envelopes his arms around you, his chin resting on your hair.
“Just having a bad day?” He asks, tightening his arms around you.
You hum in agreement against his chest, burying yourself into him, “I forgot the end of your phone number and it’s asking for it to order the food.”
Drew chuckles again, “Alright, it’s okay, I got it, how about we just watch The Office tonight?”
You nod and pull away from him, letting him press a soft kiss to your forehead before you go back to the couch, Drew watching behind you as you go.
He comes into the lounge a few minutes later, telling you that he’s ordered the food and that it shouldn’t be more than forty minutes. Your stomach grumbles at the thought of waiting. Drew outstretches an arm and you slip into his hold, your head resting against his lap. He smooths a hand over your hair, running his fingers through the strands and massaging your scalp.
The two of you stay like that until someone buzzes at the flat and Drew gets up to go and collect the food. He comes back with chinese takeaway boxes for the two of you and you sit on opposite sides of the couch to eat, your feet curled up underneath you.
You’re not sure why it comes over you so quickly, but it’s like as soon as you open it, the emotion simply overwhelms you.
“What? What is it? Did I do something wrong?” Drew frowns, setting his food down to divert his full attention to you.
You shake your head, tears filling over your eyes, trying your best to avoid them falling over your cheeks, “No, no, I’m fine.”
“Darling, what’s wrong?” Drew continues, his brows furrowing.
“I ordered the wrong rice,” You stare down at your food, a tear rolling over your cheek, “I wanted egg fried rice and I ordered the wrong one.”
Drew smiles, squeezing your thigh, “Take mine, I’ll have this one. Is that okay?”
You sniff and he swaps the boxes over like it’s nothing, leaning back into his seat and turning back to watch the TV. You carry on eating the rest of your takeout, it slowly starting to ease the clench of hunger in your stomach. Though, it doesn’t take long before you realise what episode of The Office is playing, the one where Pam’s certain she’s not enough for Jim - the scene always made you cry.
And today is no different. Your shoulders shake as you start to cry, your chopsticks left discarded in your half empty box of food as your vision blurs from the liquid pooling in them.
“Your food’s not good? They forgot part of your order?” Drew guesses, grabbing a tissue from the box on the coffee table and handing it over to you, “What’s happened?”
“It’s you,” You sniff, wiping your eyes with the tissue.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Drew laughs a little, “I’m just breathing over here.”
“You picked this episode,” You sniff, “This always makes me cry.”
Drew laughs and sets your food boxes down, taking both of your hands and pulling you into him, wrapping his arms around you, “Okay, so I’m guessing this is about to be a bad few days instead of just a bad day. Do you need me to get you anything or do you have enough?”
“I have enough,” You mumble, tucking your head against him.
“Okay, that’s one good thing,” He runs a hand up and down your back, “How about we finish our food, we turn off the TV, I’ll get a hot water bottle ready for you, and we can just stay in bed. I’ve got tomorrow off too so we don’t even need to worry about getting up.”
You nod against his chest and feel him tighten his hold around you, pushing back the hood over your hair to kiss you a few times, again and again until you’re laughing in his arms.
“There she is,” Drew grins as you pull away from him enough to look up, “Feeling a bit better?”
You nod again and kiss him quickly, moving your head to rest against his shoulder instead.
“Okay we can stay here for a little longer.”
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aleksa-sims · 2 months
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RL Story
We were still at N.’s Mom’s. Today Melanie 👺 (the devil), Nico’s sister came over to meet my son.
When Melanie arrived, I was upstairs in our bedroom. I had a headache again. For 3 weeks now I was struggling with that pain, but it wasn’t so bad since I was treated in the hospital. When I got better, I decided to go down and join the others. Melanie and I still haven’t really talked since her brother and I got back together. Which was already almost a year ago. She ignored me whenever she saw me and I was glad about it. Due to our mutual silence, a kind of.... strange "acceptance" developed between Melanie and me.
Before I entered the living room, I watched the situation from the hallway. I was expecting Lucas to cry, because.....well, he always cries when strangers are around. But as it looked, the little one seemed to be totally curious and excited about Melanie?
Nico: Mel, sit down! You're distracting him.
Melanie: I don’t think he’s hungry anymore. Now give him to me.
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Nico: Um... Are you sure? 🤨
Melanie: I’ve never held a Baby. But I’ll make an exception for Lucas, he’s my nephew. So cute.
Nico: Hm?... He doesn’t seem to mind and he’s been staring at you all the time.
N.'s Mom: You should check on Aleksa, N..
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I just thought, "no!" Is Nico crazy? He just gives our son to Melanie. My maternal instinct sounded an alarm. Yk? 😬I felt like I had to get my Baby out of there. On the other hand, I didn’t want to be rude either. After all Melanie's Nico's sister. I’d be also upset if Nico told Ana not to take Lucas in her arms.
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As I thought about getting my Baby out of there, Melanie was already holding him.
Melanie (to N.): Aagh, why is your little brat touching my face. 😖
Nico: He’s never seen a fake face like yours. Your botched lips made him curious.
Melanie: Hey! He-... he punched my nose. 🤕
Nico: 😄😄... He’s taking revenge on you for all the embarrassing shit you did to me. And, to his MOM!!
Melanie: I guess, that makes us even. 😬
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Melanie: Damn! When he cries, he looks like..... Dad! 😄
Nico: You are so full of shit, Mel.
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Time for me to free my Baby! And my son doesn’t look like Nico’s Dad, damn it! 😒I went into the living room and grabbed Lucas.
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Somehow I was proud of my little bunny! As if he had a clue what a mean person Melanie was. But maybe Lucas just missed home.😞I could feel he wanted to go home with me, to my parents. I didn’t know what to do? Nico has to leave again in a few days and I'm not gonna stay here alone with our son, while he plays soccer abroad.
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angelforstyles · 1 month
Lonely (together) Chapter One
Lillian’s POV
My stomach hurts, I should eat something, but I can’t move. I can’t open my eyes, I took painkillers, but I still feel the pain come and go in sync with my heartbeat. I have a migraine every month routine, and if i was very stressed every two weeks for four days. That life, right? My phone is buzzing, and it’s making me feel sick. Shit, I try to reach the bathroom,just two more steps. Done. Throwing up with tears all over my cheeks. So dizzy, i stayed for fifteen minutes than wash my face. Simple tasks just do it. Return to my bed, then incoming call. Jolly, one of my best friends. Answer, don’t. I pick up. “Haaayyy, you didn’t answer, are you in?” What she’s talking about, her voice makes my head hurt more. “What?" “Damn girl, are you sick?” "No, just woke up." “Great, we’re going to celebrate with no occasion, coming right?” “I don’t think i feel good. Sorry, Joll," “please? Been while since we've all been free." “Sorry, I can't, my period coming I don't feel very good” , “shit sorry, do you need me to came?” “No i got it, thanks though”, “i love you if you need me just text me okay?” “Okay” “promise?” “Promise, have fun”.
My phone fell from my hand. My eyes hurt, and I’m so hungry. I set up until I can stand I walk to the kitchen, pull a water bottle, and drink it. It’s Friday, and I have to go work tomorrow. I already took two days off. I eat leftover pasta. Disgusting, since when has this been in the fridge? I went back to sleep. Tomorrow the headache should be less painful.
I woke up with a painful body. Did I kill someone in my past life, and I’m being punished? Already got my period and my stomach hurting; the headache seems gone, but my body is hurting "uugghhh.” I need to go to work I can’t skip three days straight. I took some painkillers. Shower, dressing, crying. My chest hurts from crying. It’s fine, just a couple hours. I put on concealer; nobody wants to see Banda at work; my hair is already dry. I don’t want to wear a lot of makeup so I can sleep faster when I come back. I need coffee or I will die. I have no coffee at home and need to buy it. Put shoes on “just couple hours hold it.” I wore comfy pants and a hoodie. It’s Jun, but damn, I'm so cold. Live in D.C. and wear hoodies? Crazy.
I work at the newspaper and do nothing at the same time, they don’t use what I write but keep me writing, stupid. I walk it’s just 20 minutes walking. I could use some fresh air. My head hurts a little, not much, but my body is killing me. I need to find stronger pills.
Slow day, and I hate it. I went to buy some groceries, and I need to eat. I feel like I’m going to faint. I grab grips, strawberries, berries, slices of bread, cereal, milk, pasta, and heavy cream. I need to come back for water and coffee. I opened my apartment door, put them, and went out again to grab coffee and water. I can’t make anything at home; I’m so tired, and I can’t eat something heavy now. I stopped and think a bit. I just don’t know what I want to eat. I give up and go back home. I took a water bottle and went to my room to wash my body, face, and wear panties and a t-shirt. Trying to sleep since I couldn’t think of something to eat. I feel a little safe, my tears so hot on my face. My chest hurts so bad. I don’t know why I have to live like that; there is no purpose to live now. I graduated college this summer. I moved to a new apartment. I have friends when I never thought I would. But I still feel nothing but pain. I can’t even contact people properly without freaking out and want to cry and hide. I still got panic attacks. I still have nightmares. I will never be normal. I’ve never been one.
Something grabs my hand and covers my mouth; I can’t see it, i can’t scream. It hurts, but I don’t know where.
"Angel, help me.” I try to move. I need to help my sister; she’s in danger. "Angel, please, it hurts me. Help me.” I need to tell her to run. I need to—I wake up in heavy breathing with a little scream. I couldn’t help her, and now she’s gone. "No, no, no, please," I hug my pillow and cry harder. I need my inhaler. I need it. I can’t breathe. I tried to find it, but it’s too dark, and I am crying. I opened the flashlight, and I inhaled, one, two. Breath breath. I looked at my phone. It’s just 7:18. When did I come home? I only slept two hours. I got up and washed my face. I pull the sheets out; I need to refresh. My bed looks painful on the eyes; I put them in the washing machine. I heated the milk and put cereal. I need something and I can’t figure it out. I eat on the couch and I'm still crying. I heard my phone I get up to my room. The girls are going out to have dinner. Unusual. Should I go? I need to go out; it’s been three weeks since I got somewhere else, then work and grocery.
Jolly : I’m hungry and still have energy to eat out, let eat together
Meiie : I’m free too!!! Let’s go
Jolly : anyone else?
Sarah : YES, I need distraction
Amielia : I’m sooo in
Me : I’m in too.
Jolly : location.
I return to the couch grab the cereal and eat it. My apartment is just a one bedroom and living room with an open kitchen. I need my privacy even when the rent is a bit expensive. I graduated, Jolly and Amielia took house and lived with each other next to Meiie and her boyfriend. Sarah too lives with her boyfriend. They told me to move with them but I couldn’t live with anyone anymore. We were roommates in college. Basically i moved with them when they already on their second year. They were already friends so i felt out of the place all the time. It was just a month then they invite me whenever something happens. Until we become friends. I graduated early. I took summer classes because there is nowhere to go and I have no place to stay in the summer except the camp.
I decided what i wanted to wear, black shorts and a red tight t-shirt. I looked at the mirror. “What..” white pale skin, high cheekbones, sleepy blue eyes, my dimples are slightly visible since I’m not smiling, it’s been a while since I saw them, fully pale pink lips and so black so long curly hair with a bang around my face. but since when is my body that skinny? I don’t eat much but there is no way i look that horrible. I change to black buggy pants and white long sleeve shirt. This is better. Concealer and blush and gloss. I wanna put eyeliner on but i have no energy to take it off. I wore high heels and took my red bag, i put napkins, gloss, powder, inhaler, and knife. I feel unsafe, just in case. The restaurant 15 minutes. Good. I arrived at 9:15. Good.
The girls already have drinks, and the boyfriends are there too. Amielia’s boyfriend is Rayan, her brother's best friend. Jolly’s boyfriend is Jack Amielia’s brother. Mess. There was a war between them but they made it. Sharah’s boyfriend, William. And never forget Meiie with her boyfriend Loca, he’s Rayan’s and William's friend.
All of them businessmen except Jack working with his father. They are so rich and powerful. Make my stomach shiver. I wish I could be that independent. I slowly walk to the table. I want to go home. I love them, but there are a lot of people on the table I want to throw up. “Hiiii finally, I thought you would never come,” Amie said while she’s hugging me. No, please don’t touch me. So close. “I said I’m coming.” Sarah hugged me too. “She’s joking, baby.” Sarah always brings me back to reality. “I miss you; it’s been ages since we saw you,” Meiie said. Jolly, hold my shoulders and look at me in the eyes. “How are you feeling now?” “I’m good, don’t worry, thanks.” I’m not good at all, and I want to cry. She hugged me so hard, and I think she can feel my heart beat going crazy. I smiled at the men. They all in their early 30s except Jack, who’s 29? I set between Joll and Am.
“Wanna order a drink first?” I don’t drink, but Joll always asks me like the answer is going to change. “No, food." "Yeah, let’s order. My palms sweating, I don’t know what to order, and I don’t think I can even eat. my turn so soon. “I want pasta,” my voice so low. "What, Ms?.” “Pasta,“ I said so loudly. I don’t think it was loud, but I don’t ever raise my voice; I think I always mumbled. I’m not sure what the normal voice is. “Anything else, Lillian?” Joll voice pulls me out of my head. “Huh?” “He asked you, do you want anything else?” “N-no thanks” “drink?” The waiter asked me, and I shook my head no. I need my bed. I want to hide. I want to cry. “You okay?” Sarah asked me. No, “Yeah, I need the restroom.” I push back my chair, I need to close my eyes, they hurt. I lock the door. I can’t cry. I supposed to be having fun. Why am I always like that? I set in the ground while my back was on the door. I heard a soft knock on the door. "Busy,” my voice shaking. “It’s me" Am voice. “give me a minute.” I washed my hands, put some powder under my eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the door. “Hey baby,” why do they always call me baby? I hate it. “Hi, you okay?” I asked, “Yeah, wanna make sure you okay?" “I’m, don’t worry, let’s go back.”
We get back to the table. I don’t really know what they are talking about, but I smile and shake my head until the food arrives. "Liliy,” Ame calls me, “hm?” “How is the work going?” All the eyes on me, silent. Why are they looking at me? I can’t talk shit. ���Um” I smiled and shook my head. Yes, what the hell is that? "Good,” my eyes on my food. “is there drama?” Joll now, "hmm,” shook my head no. Can’t you talk? weak. Stop please. My head plays games with me at the wrong time. “Have you seen a cute guy? If not, you know there is blind date” Sarah said and winked. Nooo, I don’t want anything blind. “No, and no thanks." I love them, and I’m happy for them. in 23 and fond the one? Wow. I’m 21 but still never ever date anyone. A lot of reasons, number one: boys love and like my look, but when they try to talk to me, I run. Yes, I physically run. The girls know I never dated anyone, and they are trying with me to make my love life exciting. But I am so scared and can’t trust anyone except myself and the four girls at this table.
“Maybe you are lesbian." Joll said, “I’m not,"  “we will love you always. You have my word.” Sarah now said, “I. am. not." I really don’t know why they always push me with that. “Okay, but if you want someone, tell me, and we will help you get him,” Mia said. "Okay,” I mumbled, wanting to end the conversation. They get into another conversation. I have never wanted someone else more than the charming characters in my books. I will give anything to have one of them I’m basically in love with them. I always swim in my book’s world and put myself in a really unenviable state of mind, it’s makes me float and cry and laugh like I’m really living in the book. Wired. My head is always telling me that it must be true. “Why you’re not eating?” Ame said. Shit, I forgot I’m even out of my apartment. “Wait for the food to get a bit cold,” seriously? “I think it’s so cold now. Do you want to order another?” What no, I can’t afford it. "No, it’s fine." I eat a little and almost throw it up. What's wrong with me? It’s just pasta. I love pasta. I ate a little more, but I couldn’t make it to the half. We paid and said goodbye, and I walked home. A year ago, there were stalker who always sent me messages about how close he is and how I would fit perfectly with him. I was living with the girls, so one day someone tried to come inside our room, and the police came and arrested him. I couldn’t sleep for days, and when I slept, I was getting nightmares. So since then I can’t walk normally without looking like a choked cat. I arrived at my apartment. Go to sleep.
I couldn’t sleep, so I took my sketchbook and I drew some butterflies and raver. Always wanted to live around a raver away from the city. I came from London, I didn’t want to stay there, it makes me sad and scared.
I finished and took a book I already read, but I need to do something since I can’t sleep. It’s 4:30 and I need to go to work by 9. Long time to waste. I opened Amazon to order some books, but why don't I go and buy them? “Tomorrow after work” Okay. Okay. I need time to sleep. I went to work, I went to buy books, and now it's 9:30 and I’m dying to sleep, but too scared. How can I?. I went to bed eventually. I wish I sleep in peace.
“Leave my hands, Angel, please. I have to go."  “Please stop doing this, Hop. I need you” I said, and I can’t see anything. “He will stop doing that to us if I do that” she dropped my hands. "No, please, Hop Please” I wake up screaming and sweating. “Why” I cry while I hug my pillow. I need her, and I can’t reach her.
I get up, wash my body, and face drink coffee with chocolate. Get ready to go to work. Simple task.
Shit day at work, I walk for an hour. I don’t want to go home yet. I need to breathe, and I can't. There is something in my chest, and if I keep mys—ugh, that hurts. What the hell? Something hit my shoulder. "Oh, sorry, I’m really sorry, are you okay?” British accent? What if someone fallsows me from there? I need to run. I didn’t look up, I just needed to run. I started breathing heavily, but I couldn’t move. “Are you okay?" No, I don’t know that voice. I looked up and saw the prettiest eyes, green eyes, pink lips, beautiful noise, and long brown curls. Breathtaking. “You look pale, are you okay?” He’s an Ang—no, no, no one an Angel. "Yes, sorry” I say. “Can I ask you something?” He said while he’s fallowing me, What if someone sent him to kill me? I opened my bag and held the knife. “Please?” I turned around and stopped. “Who sent you?” “What?” “Who?” my eyes full of tears. “No one? I just wanted to apologize and ask you about your name, you look familiar."  He knows me shit. “I’m not” "what’s your name?” "what's yours?"  "Harry.” I looked at him, but no, I definitely don’t know him. He looks like a dream, gorgeous and tall, and my neck hurts because I’m looking up. "Lillian” I mumbled, “beautiful name.” Yes i chose it. He’s so beautiful i wanna touch his cheeks and sketch his face.
I looked down, he was wearing a black suit and black shirt unbuttoned from his chest a bit down. There are tattoos peeking, but my tears make my vision blurry. I turned and walked. I actually ran until I arrived at my apartment. I opened the building door, small hallway, stairs, then my apartment. I set on the stairs with my head on my hands and crying without a voice.
There is no one else in this building, I don’t know why. Meiie's boyfriend rents it to me. Luca tells Meiie I go to his office and sign whatever. It was crowded (wasn't)—maybe 8 men? Don't know. I literally interrupted a meeting in Luca's office, I didn’t look around, I was terrified. Luca told me to wait outside, then he sent someone to hand me the papers that I couldn’t read because of my tears. I take pictures of it though.
Good job embarrassing yourself.
I opened the door and looked around. Is there someone else here? I have my knife in my hand, and I look around. Nothing. Just the bathroom know, I opened it and looked around, nothing, the bathtub, nothing. I stripped, opened the hot water, got inside, and cried myself until I felt my head start hurting and my vision so blurry. I went out, put on some lotion, did my hair, and wore panties and a t-shirt. Eat pancakes and drink coffee. Its just 7 p.m. I went to bed even though I’m not sleeping.
Harry’s POV
I open my eyes to turn off the alarm, wash my face, I don't bother getting dressed except for my underwear, I go for a run around my house in the garden for an hour, shower, breakfast, get ready, go to my first meeting of the day with Loca, I own a security company and everyone in the meeting even Loca is waiting for me to provide security for their next deal, it's not the first time I do it but it will be a good return for the company (not that I want more money I have enough to buy half the earth), I park my car in the parking lot, I go to Loca's office, I really don't want to be here all I want is my office. I open the door and they are waiting for me. Loca tells his assistant not to interrupt the meeting.
They start the meeting and I am just there to listen without participating. Suddenly the door opens and silence falls in the office, all eyes are on the door because no one opens the door of a CEO's office like that let's be honest. White shoes with pink socks, shorts that reach halfway down the thighs, and trembling hands holding the red bag as if it were the only source of oxygen, a red top with a jacket? It is the middle of May, tired eyes filled with tears, she did not look at anyone in the room except Loca, for a moment I thought she was Loca's girlfriend but he shouted at her to wait outside. The meeting ended and they all left. "So this is the girlfriend huh" i said.
"Her best friend", "why in earth your girlfriend's best friend coming to you crying" i said dryly. "I think her eyes always like that. She needs a place and I'm renting her my old building, Meie asked me to rent it to her." He said looking in my eyes.
"Doing good things" i said then i got up and took the elevator. I drove to my office and couldn't stop thinking about her.
It's 6 pm and I didn't get out my office. The picture of her all over my head. It's been a week and i still couldn't take her out of my mind and there is just an idea flying around my head and I couldn't not catch it. I start digging about the girl. Her name Lilian Halford. No middle name nothing before age 18 not even one information. My head hurts l've never ever not found what I want. She studied English literature, worked three jobs at one time for two years, took a summer school and finished early. No relatives. No social media accounts. No personal public photos not even in her friends accounts. Never traveled just one time and it was from London to D.C. at 18.
"What the fuck" my head in my hands I can't find anything else. I went home but couldn't sleep. I need to see her again or my head gone explode if i keep thinking of her.
After two weeks of trying to find any information i went into some Files from the British government, it was the only thing left to me to try since she's coming from London.
My hands sweating, it 2 am and I'm at the couch, took me 6 hours to have access to those files. I typed her name, there is her name— "what? No way" her real name or old name Angel Jezebel Rose, her father.. everyone knows her father. The one who killed his wife and his little boy then shot a bullate on his head and left his 18 year old son with two 13 year old girls. That was all over the news back then. "Went to fosters?" When she turned 16 went to foster, not that but her big brother and twin sister died? Her brother overdosed and her sister— "shit shit shit" my eyes hurt I didn't notice that my tears were falling.
"What the fuck" I can't keep looking my chest hurts. I tried to sleep but i couldn't. It's 6 am and I'm still up, I opened my laptop and looked again. Her parents were addicted and she had three siblings, her parents were arrested for assaulting their children, twice. There are photos? Shit / can't click on it.. no I can't no. i did. A little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes her face was red from crying with bruises all over her, the other picture was a little girl— my chest hurts so much how can I kill somebody already dead? A black hair with bruises on her face, chest, neck brace, and broken arm. The record says the blonde girl who called Hop was getting insulted by her father and her mother for no reason, when the black hair girl who called Angel tried to defend her sister. The sister hid and called the police,
the other girl kept getting beaten by her parents. The girls were 9 years old, and the mother was pregnant, both the parents were using drugs for 24/7. The police released them after they signed a pledge. I closed my laptop and walked around the living room. I need something strong to drink, i looked at the clock but it's 7 am i will go for a run.
It's 9:15 and I'm in my office i need to sleep and work. But I can't stop thinking of her and I can't work, i pulled her location and drove to. I sit in the car in the front street. The building door opens, and there she is. So beautiful face with black long waves and curls, hoodie and black pants. "Who the fuck wore hoodies in the middle of summer?" Her face looks so delicious to touch and kiss— "what the fuck I'm thinking of" she looks around then walks, stops in front of coffee shop but she didn't go inside, she start biting her lip, and look down to her shoes.
She walks and stops again and looks at the coffee shop again.
So fucking cute, she walked again then stopped and looked back and got inside the coffee shop "finally wasn't so hard to decide whether to take or not a fucking cup of coffee" she starts running until she stopped in front of her work building.
I stayed in my car until 3 pm, I want my bed so bad. she come out and walking to grocery store then to her apartment, she stumbled and fell on her ass, got up and turned around to clean her pants but her face was full of tears, and my heart sank i wanna hold her.
I'm in the middle of fucking business dinner and i wanna sleep,
"so Harry, have you looked at my new offer?" No i was looking at my girl. " yes and I don't like it's, if you need my protection you gonna give me what i want" I didn't even bother asking what his offer was. And what the fuck with my girl? Really?
Two weeks later, I couldn't hold myself back, I want her now.
Trying to keep everything normal as I followed her after her work, I didn't plan to hit her shoulder that hard but her body was too delicate for my touch. Her face was filled with fear, it made my stomach flip and regret rise up inside me. She even thought that someone sent me? Is someone following her? It wasn't the first time so she was asking me if I was sent by someone?
Please tell me what you think :3
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feverishly-kpop · 7 months
Ateez - Flu - Part 3
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“Mingi, please, I know I’m not Yunho but at least try to pay attention.” Wooyoung had immediately agreed to step in to run dance practice in Yunho’s absence when Hongjoong asked him the night before but he had quickly grown frustrated with Mingi, who’s head seemed to be anywhere but present and focused on the choreography.
“I am. I’m here. I’m dancing. What else do you want from me?” Mingi shot back, his eyes like daggers. Truthfully he knew that Wooyoung was right. He wasn’t at his best today. Frankly he was exhausted from being kept up by Yunho’s relentless coughing for more than half the night and he wanted nothing more than to sleep the day away. But he didn’t appreciate being called out by Wooyoung in front of everyone.
“I’m not sure I’d call whatever you’re doing dancing, Mingi.” The room grew silent immediately, all side chatter immediately ceasing as Wooyoung locked eyes with Mingi.
Hongjoong, sensing that this interaction was escalating dangerously, immediately stepped in. “It’s time for a break. Let’s take an hour, grab something to eat. Wooyoung and Mingi hang back please.”
Both Wooyoung and Mingi immediately tensed at that, knowing that Hongjoong intended to “speak with them” and that it wasn’t going to be praise for their outstanding efforts in practice thus far that day.
Once everybody had stepped out Hongjoong drew a deep breath, turning back to Wooyoung and Mingi who both stood motionless before him.
“Listen…” Hongjoong started, only to be immediately interrupted by Wooyoung.
“Hyung it’s not fair! If Yunho was here he’d be listening and paying attention and actually giving a shit but because it’s me he couldn’t care less.” Wooyoung was mad and, deep down, Mingi couldn’t blame him but the faster Wooyoung talked and the louder he got, Mingi could feel his head begin to pound.
“Young-ah, take a deep breath, please. You’re turning red” Hongjoong interjected calmly, trying to diffuse the situation.
“You always take his side, hyung” Mingi whined, wincing at the pain in his forehead as he spoke.
“Mingi, you know that isn’t true” Hongjoong responded with a sigh before Wooyoung started in again, stepping forward and getting in Mingi’s face this time.
“You literally haven’t listened to a single thing I’ve said all day. I tried to be nice but you’re a main dancer and I shouldn’t have to give you this much coaching, and I definitely shouldn’t have to repeat myself over and over.”
Mingi was about to respond when the lack of sleep and the sudden ache in his head caught up to him. He felt dizzy, taking a step back from Wooyoung but tripping as he did so, unable to find his bearings. Hongjoong jumped into action, grabbing Mingi’s upper arm to steady him.
“I need to sit down” Mingi muttered quietly, his words slurring just enough to cause the pure, unadulterated anger in Wooyoung’s face to melt away into concern.
Hongjoong helped Mingi to the floor as Wooyoung scrambled, unable to find Mingi’s water bottle, instead grabbing his own bottle. Wooyoung unscrewed the lid before handing it to Mingi, who accepted it shakily.
Hongjoong looked Mingi over for a moment before placing the back of his hand on Mingi’s forehead. He immediately pulled his phone out and texted Seonghwa:
“Mingi’s sick. Can you come back?”
Luckily Seonghwa hadn’t ventured too far, opting instead to stay in the building in case Hongjoong needed backup. He wasn’t surprised to receive a text from Hongjoong, but he hadn’t expected the text to say that another dongsaeng was now sick. He immediately made his way back to the practice room where Mingi was sitting against the mirror with his head in his hands as Hongjoong fanned him with a stack of papers while Wooyoung stood in the opposite corner of the room silently crying.
He wasn’t sure who to attend to first until Hongjoong spoke up.
“Hwa, I need to take him home” Hongjoong said definitively. “He’s burning up and he says he has a headache.”
Seonghwa quickly nodded in agreement. “He needs to take a flu test” he added.
“I’m sorry” Mingi muttered, his voice unsteady. “He was coughing and coughing…I didn’t want anybody to know…but you two were sleeping and…I know you said to stay out of his room but he needed medicine and I didn’t want to wake anybody else up.”
Hongjoong sighed, immediately understanding what Mingi was trying to say. “It’s okay Mingi. Thank you for looking after Yunho. We’re going to head home now so you can get some sleep, okay?”
As Hongjoong got Mingi to his feet and packed up to leave Seonghwa turned his attention to Wooyoung, pulling him into an embrace, silently rubbing circles into his back.
“I didn’t know. I thought he just wasn’t…hyung I yelled at him” Wooyoung choked out.
“It’s okay” Seonghwa said soothingly. “Settle down, let’s have a seat.” Once he got Wooyoung a little calmer he stood back up, grabbing Wooyoung’s water bottle, coaxing his dongsaeng to take a few sips.
They sat in silence for a few minutes until the colour in Wooyoung’s face returned to normal and his breathing had evened out.
“Do you think you’ll be okay to finish practice, Young-ah?” Seonghwa asked, tucking Wooyoung’s hair behind his ear. Wooyoung nodded, resolutely wiping a tear from his cheek.
Seonghwa smiled warmly at him before helping him to his feet. “Alright, then let’s get something to eat. I’m starving!”
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