#I'd love to write that someday
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
I completely agree a lot of the virgin fics around can come across weird, I’d love to see your take on it!! I love your writing so much 🥹
Thank you for the vote of confidence! Again, I want to stress I'm not dragging the trope itself or any particular fics, I just think there's a lot of unexplored territory within that space. I feel like I see a lot of virgin characters portrayed as virginal - blushing, uninformed and corruptible. I don't find that realistic, I think there can and should be a distinction between inexperience and purity and that could make for an interesting story. Virgin characters can be knowledgeable about sex, be horny, be confident in their sexuality. To me, "can we try this" is just as interesting -and hot- as "let me teach you" ("teach me" fic is great, don't get me wrong! But there's so much more that can be done!)
I think my thesis here is that my virgin character would be just as slutty as my other characters lmao. Virginity can be a plot point without necessarily being their main character trait.
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adhd-merlin · 7 months
People who read Merthur stories AND like Gwen,
[*edited to add: you can't answer Mergwenthur that isn't the point of this poll!!]
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cerise-on-top · 23 days
Hiya! The post you did about reader giving the 141 a pet turtle/tortoise was so cute 😭. I was wonder if you could do a similar thing but with a pet snake 🐍 They’re my favorite animal and it would make my day❤️❤️❤️
Hey there! I love all reptiles, so I'm more than happy to take on this request :] I can do requests like these with snakes and turtles just fine, but I don't think I could ever write this with cats or dogs haha! Sorry about Ghost, though, but I don't think he likes snakes and nothing could change that, though!
TF141 Receiving a Pet Snake from Reader
Price: I feel as though Price would know nothing at all about snakes and how to care for them. Yes, he thinks something like a ball python is kinda cute, but that’s about it. He’s never really considered a snake before. So you can probably imagine his surprise when you waltz in with a ball python. He’s not disgusted by it, but he would be hesitant to touch it at first. What if it bites him? Though, as soon as you tell him that it reminded you of him, he’d probably grow attached to it. However, you’re gonna have to help him with building a proper enclosure for the little snake. Once you’re done, once you’ve left the little critter in his care, he’s gonna buy a lot of books on how to care for snakes. I don’t think he’d be too creative with names, so he’s probably gonna name it “Mister Slithers” or something. It’s a name a child would give to a snake, but he thinks it’s cute, and it makes him smile, so he kept the name. When he’s home he probably lets Mister Slithers roam around freely for the most part, with supervision. That snake better be super tame, because he will handle it (with care) and give it lots of pats and cuddles. If he could, he’d give it a little kiss on its little head as well, but he doesn’t want to get sick. It’s probably well fed too. Depending on whether or not it’s an active little fella, he might even give it a living mouse or something. But if it prefers to snooze all day? He can go with thawed frozen food as well. Overall, that snake is probably going to live a long and happy life with him. He’ll get attached to it very easily very quickly.
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Ghost: I’m sorry to say this, but you’d need to be super innocent and super close with Simon in order to give him a snake and have him not hate you immediately. He canonically has trauma when it comes to snakes, so I don’t think he’d be happy at all if you gave him one. Yes, you likely didn’t know about that because he’d never tell you, but if you’re anything but the most oblivious and innocent person out there then he will believe that you’re trying to make him relive some of his worst times on purpose. If you are that innocent, then there’s the tiniest chance he might accept it, but I don’t think he’d be a good owner at all at first. He wouldn’t want to go near it, even if it’s just a small Garter Snake. The snake would likely be on the brink of starvation and dehydration at first. For the sake of not making this angsty, I’m going to say that he’ll feel extremely bad for it and start feeding it and taking proper care of it. I don’t think he’s going to let it out of its enclosure for the first few years. In fact, he probably only keeps it around because he loves you. I’m sorry, but he doesn’t trust snakes. It’s a miracle he keeps it alive in the first place. I don’t think he’d give it a name either. Something like “the snake” or “the reptile”, and that’s it. If it gets sick then he’ll take it to the vet and give it the medication it needs, but that’s it. He’s glad snakes are, for the most part, independent creatures. That means he doesn’t need to be around it. His skin crawls whenever he looks at it. I’m sorry, but he wouldn’t be happy and he wouldn’t be a good owner either.
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Gaz: And then there’s Gaz. He revels in you giving him a snake. Truth be told, he feels a little bit of kinship with them. His father used to call him a snake for being a trans man and actively transitioning. He’s a traitor, a backstabber, to his family, and he really does enjoy that fact by now. Call him a snake and he gets all smug and is actually thriving. You could give him something like a King Cobra, a snake that is actually venomous, and he’ll be fine. When he was younger, he’d actively researched how to take care of snakes since he, ever since his family disowned him like that, wanted to get one. If it’s a female snake, then it’s most definitely going to get his deadname. If it’s a male? He’ll probably name it either “Kyle”, after himself, or one of the other names he considered before “Kyle” stuck. Oh, he’s going to be such a proud snake owner. That snake will miss out on nothing. It will be well taken care of and have the most beautiful enclosure it could ever have. He’ll probably pet it too just because he trusts the snake. Considering he’s such an observant man, he’ll probably rarely ever, if at all, anger it, so he’ll be safe. Although I do believe that he’d keep some antivenom around, just for good measure. The snake probably trusts him a great amount too. He’s not at all a bad owner to have, he’s very loving and respectful. Besides, you gave it to him, so how could he not love it? It’s probably gonna live a long and healthy life. And yes, he would take plenty of pictures with it, always considerate enough to send you some updates on how it’s doing as well. Though, every time he sends you a selfie of him with his snake, there’s a little mischievous glint in his eyes. He’s happy, don’t get me wrong, but he feels more badass and dangerous with his little snake around.
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Soap: He has no problems with snakes either, but they’re not cuddly enough for him. He’d rather have an animal that he can chase around his home. That baby Burmese Python you gave him is adorable, don’t get me wrong, but what exactly is he supposed to do with it? Either way, he always gets surprised when he sees how much his little “Sniffer” has grown after deployment. Yes, he’ll scold it for being that big. “Bonnie, how could you grow this much without me? Don’t you know that I need to care for you every step of the way??” He refers to himself as the snake’s “Daddy” as well because he’s just that fond of it. He probably builds it a nice shed as its enclosure since he has a pretty big garden and loves having something to do anyway. He also jokes that little Sniffer can actually sniff out drugs. Some of his friends take him seriously. That snake is going to be so spoiled. Whenever he’s home, he’ll let it roam around freely, even letting it slither all over his body. No matter how big it gets, he’ll work out to be able to handle it. Sometimes, when he hasn’t touched it yet, he’ll kiss his fist and give it a little fist bump. He loves showing Sniffer off, especially to the people who don’t like snakes. Even better if those people are hesitant to touch a snake. Sniffer does grow to be pretty big, but it’s very tame. Unless it’s hungry, in which case it’s probably tried to bite Soap before. But he doesn’t mind that, he also gets pissy when he’s hungry. As much as he’d love to let Sniffers sleep with him, he keeps it in its enclosure during the night. Better safe than sorry. Overall, he loves the funky big fella.
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in-my-loki-feels · 8 months
Indianapolis Bones and the Very Annoyed God of Mischief
In this post I proposed the idea of a President Loki + Mobius variant based on Owen's Dr. Indianapolis Bones SNL skit, and then I couldn't stop thinking about it so here's a bit of flash fiction based on that. Enjoy!
ETA: There's now a 4+1 expanded version of this on AO3!
“It’s such an honor to have you here, sir.”
Since Loki had walked in, the restaurant's manager had been practically falling over himself with praise. He'd nearly wept when Loki handed out "Vote Loki" pins for the staff to wear. The Midgardians were finally treating him as he deserved, even if he wasn't their king...yet.
A woman ran up to whisper something in the manager's ear and he brightened. 
“Your table is ready, sir. Right this way.” 
Loki followed the man deeper into the restaurant, smirking as every head in the place turned to watch him and his collection of black-suited bodyguards. He didn’t need their protection but it amused him to think of humans throwing themselves at other humans at his behest. 
Loki caught the eye of one elegantly dressed woman and winked, causing her to flush prettily. Her date seemed entirely unamused at the “come hither” look she was sending Loki’s way. The only people who didn’t turn to watch Loki’s entrance were a group seated at a long table at the center of the room. They appeared to be in a heated discussion.
The manager paused by a small table next a window with what looked like a decent view of the river, even if Loki found Midgard’s scenery somewhat lacking compared to Asgard. Before Loki could sit, there was a clatter of dishware and both he and the restaurant's manager turned to see the source. 
An extremely nervous-looking waiter had dropped the stack of dishes they were collecting onto a nearby table. Their attention was focused on a different waiter, or at least someone dressed as such, who stood at the far end of the long table, holding a gun. Loki raised an eyebrow. This was an interesting development. 
The waiter with the gun was pointing it at an unassuming man seated at the end of the table. The man’s blonde hair was on the long side and, paired with his beard, gave him an unkempt look in Loki’s opinion. The horrible beige plaid blazer he wore wasn’t helping. 
Loki blinked and suddenly everyone else at the table had a gun out, all pointed at the man, who only smiled in response. Everyone in the dining room seemed to be holding their breath as the man took a brown fedora out from under the table and settled it on his head. 
"Now, now, let's not be too hasty." His voice had a pleasant drawl to it. He held his hands up as he stood slowly. 
“Just give us the map!” snapped one of the women at the table. 
“Sorry, can't do that,” the man replied and winked. He was either incredibly brave or very stupid given the circumstances. 
When the man slowly lowered his hand to his hip, Loki felt a brief spike of excitement. Was he about to witness a bloodbath? Unexpectedly, the man freed a long whip. With two quick cracks, he took out the light on the table and the chandelier overhead, bringing it crashing down and plunging the room into darkness. 
At least two of the guns went off after that, which made Loki roll his eyes. For how frail they were, Midgardians were always so reckless with their weapons.  
“Sir! Get down!” That was one of his men. They knew better than to grab him and simply lunged past, likely intending to tackle and disarm the gun wielders. Loki heard the sound of scuffling and was about to fling up a light—waiting in the dark was tedious—when someone did bump into him. 
“You look important and I'd hate for you to get hurt, so probably best to come along with me.” The easy drawl was recognizable, though the man with the whip sounded slightly winded now. Then he wrapped an arm around Loki's waist and hurried them both away from the sounds of fighting. 
Loki was so stunned at the audacity of being manhandled, he was outside before he fully registered what had happened. He tried to shove the man off but he’d already stepped away. Inexplicably, the man now wore a leather jacket instead of the plaid blazer. Now able to get a better look at the man, Loki was dismayed to find the bright blue eyes and lopsided smile were annoyingly attractive.
“Hey, are those a family heirloom?” the man asked, gesturing to Loki’s golden horns. “They look pretty good for an antique.”
“I beg your pardon?” Loki snapped. “Do you have any idea who I am?!”
“Of course! How could I forget with the horns and all.” The man waved again and a long silence followed his words. Then a huge grin split his face. “Actually, I don't, but hopefully you won’t hold it against me. I’m Indy by the way, short for Indianapolis. My parents were kind of kooky.”
Before Loki had a chance to inform this ridiculous Midgardian that he didn't care what his name was, or what his parents were like, the back door of the restaurant slammed open.
“There he is!” 
It was the diners who’d pulled guns in the restaurant. 
“Oops, gotta go. See you around, friend!” The man—Indy, apparently—clapped a hand to his hat to keep it from flying off and ran into the night. Gunshots rang out in response and the bullets whizzed by Loki, close enough to further annoy him. He gestured at the gaggle of people spilling out of the restaurant and, with a flash of green light, they vanished. Seconds later, Loki's bodyguards came rushing out. 
Loki wasn't impressed by their delay in finding him, but he had something more important to address. 
He pointed at the fleeing man in the fedora. “Find that man—Indianapolis…something—and bring him to me.” 
The people who’d been chasing Indy might have been able to answer his questions, but Loki had sent them elsewhere without giving much thought as to where. As half of the bodyguards took off in pursuit, Loki stalked back inside, followed by the rest. He would get his answers one way or another.
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thebirdandhersong · 3 months
in my you're on your own kid era again (I never left)
#babes i will do what i know best which is to write. study. pray. breathe.#lol you'd think after having a mental breakdown two days ago i'd be more settled in what to do#but it turns out there are many ways your heart can break!#and part of it is. yes. i know i'm stupid and have a horribly soft heart that is so so susceptible to being won over#and i AM aware that i easily love people (in a general sense) it is not hard for me to see beauty in someone and love them#because i catch a glimpse of or recognize goodness truth beauty kindness loveliness gentleness in them and it moves me deeply#i am very easily moved deeply i know this!! and i wish it weren't so sometimes#but anywayssssss insert all the things you know the routine i should've been wiser i should've been more careful#i wanted to know about him i wanted him to find me delightful and insightful and courageous and interesting#i wanted to make him laugh somehow or at least smile i wanted to see that joy of his up close#i saw a deep startling warming light in him and i wanted to draw closer#etc etc etc anywayyyyyy anyway#petrarch: Love found me all disarmed and saw the way / was clear to reach my heart down through the eyes#which have become the halls and doors of tears. / it seems to me it did him little honor / to wound me with his arrow in my state#/and to you armed not show his bow at all" etc etc you know the drill#insert ALL the things. standard stuff. i would have loved you i would have treated you tenderly i would have simply rejoiced to be near you#all of that ish and more. anyways back to real life lol i'd love to experience a love that doesn't feel like death someday#healing girl era summer '24
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thelonelyshore-if · 4 months
me watching the relationship bar between Willow and my mc lowered for snooping around his diary: im sorry, wills, this is the least you could do for making me turn into a old age wrinkly prune
POV you watch your sibling drown and then walk inside and find out they read your diary. Worst night ever.
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ejunkiet · 8 months
writer bingo >:3
Tagged by the lovely @lovelylonerliterature and @teafairywithabook ! 😚 💖💖
Basically all bingo except for Wattpad (I'm technically a fandom oldie? 😂 really, I'm marginal, as I was on forums, the tail end of LJ and FF dot net) and outlines, as my outlines are written over when I write, and they're more.... sketching out scenes than actually plotting anything. Proper outlines are essential for longfic, and I only write those occasionally. 😂
tagging- you, reading this! But also: @dominimoonbeam @glassbearclock @piratefalls @garglyswoof @chroniclesinlacuna @taelonsamada @slushrottweiler @kirnet @mutantenfisch @ninzied @androleda @agentnatesewell @autisticempathydaemon @lellium @serenpedac
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impala-dreamer · 8 months
is this too romantic? am I going too far? is there any other way to write romance than all in, all encompassing, perfectly magical? no. this is fine.
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quadrantadvisor · 2 months
Was desperate enough to use the search function to find posts about The Host by Stephenie Meyer and I just wanted to say, I love your takes and I agree with everything.
The love square never made sense. Jared and Melanie were impossible to root for because the sole basis of their love was that Melanie felt safe with him and Melanie was the last woman on Earth to Jared, and then neither of those things turn out to be true so all they have is intense sexual chemistry. And especially in contrast to Ian and Wanda, how and why am I supposed to care about them? And there is no reason for Wanda to love Jared. I get her falling in love with him through Melanie’s memory of him, but the reality ought to have shattered that illusion for both of them IMO. Especially for Melanie, because he’d rather scream at and hit her body rather than even entertain the hope she might be in there. Sure, he protects it from other humans, but then he abuses it, so that’s not in fact protection; it’s possession.
The gender bioessentialism never made sense. Sure, Wanda’s in a female body and can make the choice to reproduce, which is super cool. But given that her sense of gender hinges on that ability to reproduce and given that that ability is super rare, why would other Souls gender themselves? I think being agender or someone who just didn’t give a damn about pedantic human gender roles would have been super interesting for Wanda’s character and I think it would have added more dimension to her and Ian’s relationship. He barely had to struggle with the fact that the body she was in belonged to an attractive cisgender girl and he was a cishet man, in spite of Meyer’s weak attempts to call that into question. The gender question might have thrown him for more of a loop.
Contrast that to Jared’s very comphet interpretation of his relationship with Melanie, and ooh baby, we’ve got a stew!
Also would have liked more exploration on ethics in general. Why do the Souls care about the well-being of the organisms on the Fire Eater planet but not on Earth? Instead of stopping from eating them, do they steal their bodies too? And the humans killing other humans in an attempt to save them: Is it okay to murder them if they’re the ones doing the murdering, like before?
Sorry for the long ask. I just have a lot of thoughts. Please feel free to block and ignore if this is too weird. Genuinely no intention to bother or offend and I’m sorry if I have.
Oh man I'm always ready to rant about The Host with people!
Yeah I feel like Meyer thought she was saying something really deep about human nature and the way that our instincts drive us? And there is something there, like, your body having a reaction to another person and that affecting your behavior is interesting! In my opinion she just went WAY too far with it, and it makes the characters seem unrealistic and childish. The ways that both Melanie and Wanderer act around Jared are bizarre (this may partially be my ace spectrum talking but like, c'mon.) Jared just kinda sucks, also. The whole idea that there's this inherent magnetism between MEN and WOMEN and that that physical attraction is the most important thing in the world is so heteronormative and amatonormative and uncomfortable
And the book was SO CLOSE to having an interesting take on gender! Examing the genders and/or lack thereof of a body-snatching alien species could be so fun! There's even the mention of the alien species with three genders, and talking about their family structures. You would think that something like that would indicate a more expansive view on gender, but really it's just an extrapolation of more bioessentialism. Because that species has those biological sexes, their families MUST be steucturedin this way, because that's what's natural for them. There's no room for variability or different sorts of feelings. She completely equates gender with biology, even when that biology is being coopted by a hitchhiker.
You're so right about Ian and Wanderer, I would love more examinations of how different she is from humans, including in a gender sense, and them having to deal with that as a part of their relationship. Setting up Jared as someone very entrenched in social norms and Ian as a foil to him in that way sounds really interesting!
Soul society and ethics are SO fascinating. I do sincerely think that Meyer is an compelling fantasy and sci fi world builder, if nothing else.
It's late and I feel like I'm a little incoherent but I love getting to chat about this book, it's so infuriating but so fun, now I want to read it again.
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starheirxero · 8 months
I saw your post about Lunar hurting the same way the astral do, and I am obsessed!
I actually had a similar concept, and wanted to share it with you:
What if Lunar's shell cracks and breaks? For example, they lose half of their face.
However, instead of revealing metal and wires, stardust frantically pours out of their wound, trying to form a replacement for what is lost.
What if they are filled with stardust instead of oil? What if there's only divinity where metal is supposed to be?
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estbela · 5 months
I don't talk much about it, but serbro isn't always wholesome ig. They're both idiots (affectionate) who know eachoter better than most ppl yet communicate in the most inneficient way possible and think its normal. It's just that they rarely disagree on things, but when they do they are also less likely to like talk about it unless it directly inconveniences them. I love 'em but they both have a tendency to enable eachoter.
When they do fight, if it ends badly, I think they probably just avoid eachoter for days, weeks, even years, knowing they will come back to eachoter cause at the end of the day this is one of the closest relationships they have and throwing it away is not that simple, and they do love eachoter.
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13eyond13 · 2 months
You have very nice handwriting!
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ottiliere · 1 year
hello sorry if this has been asked before but would it be strange/bad if i printed out a couple of your drawings to stick on my wall? or would that be a steal-y thing to do if i didnt commission it? i am broke as shit but love your stuff a lot, so even though it would be on shitty printer paper i would really like to have a physical copy to just paste up in my bedroom lol (specifically of a couple of the agere dirk drawings). i looked around but didn't see any kind of place you sell prints, just your commission info.
again sorry if this has been asked before or if there's some standard Etiquette im unaware of here! obviously i cant provide proof lol but if you prefer i dont for any reason then i won't. hope everything is well with you and thank you for all your past dirkposting
I appreciate you asking, but I don't mind at all. I struggle to understand the concern with people displaying/copying art for personal use since that's the point of posting it, anything I post here I am posting to share. I do not share the art I do not want people to use like this.
At one point I considered selling prints (still might, in the future) and I may open commissions imminently due to personal circumstances, but as it stands if you have a printer or want to drive to the library to use theirs you can do whatever you want with my work. I'm glad it was meaningful to you!
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commsroom · 2 years
whenever i talk about hera and embodiment i feel like i first need to make a case for why i think it works thematically / why it might be something she'd choose, given the option, but sometimes i just wanna say, like. it's interesting to me to think about how she'd be perceived, or what she would perceive differently by virtue of it being a novel perspective. in her own self image, i think she's generally unaware of her own expressions - that they either don't communicate what she's feeling, or that they communicate too much of what she's feeling - because it's not something she's ever had to take into account in social interactions before. if she had a body, i think she'd be overly precise in her movements, like she's thinking through each individual part of it the same way she'd do with the hephaestus.
if her body was more biological - would that put her more at risk of disease? would her muscles or motor functions be underdeveloped? if it was more mechanical - what environmental hazards would that expose her to? what maintenance would she need, and who could she trust with it? either way - would there be physical tells in her appearance or presentation that could make it difficult for her to navigate public spaces? would her actual appearance be at odds with her self image, and how would she feel about that? with or without a body, if she meets new people on earth, especially if she meets them online - when and how does she broach the topic of being an AI? what issues of safety / trust are there; how do people generally respond?
it sounds kind of terrible to be like "i think a lot of aspects of this would be difficult and frustrating for her, and i think she would still have chronic pain" when it's something that i want for her, that i think she would want, and that i like thinking about. but that's part of the point, for me. it's about choosing to live in the world when having a body feels like an unnatural state - when it feels like everyone has some shared history and experience that you're an outsider to. it's about being visible in a world that might be more comfortable if you weren't. it's about building a life worth living with disability.
but it's also just about... existing, without needing to be useful or having a purpose. i don't know if i have answers for a lot of these questions, but i like to think about them because... there are a lot of things that hera very much canonically thinks about and has some concept of, or desire for, but she doesn't have the ability to experience. i want her to experience those things. i want her to have access to physical comforts, because it kind of breaks my heart when i think about how she knows physical pain, but the closest thing to a good sensation she's ever really had context for is relief.
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whenyouwishuponastar7 · 5 months
hard times in new york town (1/1, 10958 words) Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Teen Tags: Alternate Universe, POV Steve Rogers, Not The Winter Soldier or Civil War Compliant, Protective Steve, Winter Soldier Bucky, Bucky Barnes Recovering, inexplicable appearances by bucky barnes, Fix-It, Identity Issues, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Timeline What Timeline, Best Friends, Pre-Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending Summary: In which the Winter Soldier keeps showing up to claim their pasts don’t matter, but Steve knows that he wouldn’t bother if Bucky Barnes were unreachable. Steve vows to track him down and bring him home, and Bucky doesn’t put up too much of a fight.
Their pasts do matter, and in between pain and trauma, their bond remains strong. -- I hope you enjoyed it! Feedback is much appreciated!
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quietautumn · 5 months
You can play instruments?
yeah!!! i played flute from like..... 5th grade to my junior year in high school and also picked up oboe in high school. it's been a while since i've played either though, dropping out of band kind of made me lose the motivation to keep playing 💔
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