#I'll call down eventually but right now I'm fucking pissed about feelings
morningmask27 · 3 months
My brain will try to come up with every little thing in the world to make me feel guilty for having a crush
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kissesforsatoru · 9 months
PROTECTIVE MODE ON YAN FIC of yan Izana, yan Ran, and Yan Kazu who were sent to jail ofc and find out that you been getting targeted from other gangs and been getting jump, mug, threatened, assult- maybe the before where they were in jail and seeing sent photos or words were being passed and then after they get out seeing you at the hospital very badly injured and going after the gang themselves
- 🌑
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₊˚⌗ izana, ran, and kaku finding out their darling is being harassed while they're locked away in jail.
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, light descriptions of injury, pet names (angel, baby, sweetheart; izana, kakucho).
notes : sorry this took so long guys, i got stuck on ran's section 😭
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izana would be pissed if he found out someone was fucking with his darling while he was locked up. he thinks it's pussy to mess with him while he 'can't do anything' about it. if someone has a problem with him, they should come to him directly and fight him, not get his poor little darling involved while he's not there to protect them. izana has ways to get his revenge though, even while he's locked up. he has informants, people to rough up anyone that touches his darling until he gets out—and when he does, he will find them, and they pay for touching his darling.
"missed you, angel," izana hums into your neck, his arms squeezing tighter around your body. you visited him a lot while he was in jail, but it's been so long since he's gotten to hold you in his arms like this; he can't help but want you closer, closer, closer—especially knowing that someone has been hurting you.
he feels content with you, but it's only for a few seconds before he kicks back into his usual cold, ruthless self—his gang leader self. before he can allow himself any more time to hold you, and kiss you, and do whatever else he wants to do with you, he has to deal with the bastards that dared to hurt you.
"so, you gonna tell me who's been messing with you while i wasn't around, hm?" he asks, pulling out of your neck to look at you. his eyes are void and intense as always, sending a shiver of fear down your spine, and the sweet, lulling tone of voice he took with you just a second ago is now gone, replaced with something a little more dangerous, more demanding.
izana already knows who did it; five guys belonging to a gang that got on izana's nerves, thinking they were better when they were nothing but a bunch of mindless idiots full of themselves. of course, guys like that would go after someone weaker than them, someone easy—it's bullshit. izana wants to hear it from you who did it though because not once while he was locked up did you tell him you were being harassed; he had to find out from his informants, so this is your 'punishment'.
"i'm not fucking around, y/n. tell me who hurt you," he snaps when you don't answer him for a while. his fingers dig into your shoulders almost painfully, urging you to just tell him already. he doesn't have the patience to be playing games with you right now.
"i don't- i don't know their names, but they said they were from, uh- a gang called the serpents," you blurt out, not wanting to piss him off further, especially after he just got out of jail, and you finally get to be with him again. izana grunts but relents and lets your shoulders.
"go back home, baby, i have shit to deal with right now. i'll come back to you in a few hours, yeah?" he doesn't give you time to respond before he walks off. you know where he's going, and as much as you don't like the idea of him getting right back into gang business after getting out of jail, you don't try to stop him.
kakucho's first priority is you. before he even thinks about killing the bastards who dared to touch you, and he does eventually, he has to make sure that you're okay. your safety and well-being are always going to be his first priority. and depending on in what way and how badly they hurt you is what determines the severity of what he does to the guys who were messing with you.
the first thing kakucho does when he gets out of jail is go straight to see you. he's excited, a little giddy at finally getting to be with you again without the annoying and prying eyes of the guards, but kakucho is mostly worried. you suddenly stopped visiting him in jail a few months ago, making up bullshit excuses for it on the phone, so he asked one of the gang members who didn't get busted what's been going on with you, only to find out some guys have been fucking around with you.
if you didn't want to tell him about it, let alone let him see you, it must be bad. bad enough to leave you with visible injuries, surely, but he has no idea what kind of injuries you could possibly have. as bad as it may sound, he's hoping it's nothing more than bruises and little cuts. anything else and he might just lose any semblance of control when approaching the situation.
when you finally open the door for him, kakucho steps into your space and gently grabs you, look you over and searching for any injuries you may have. you have a cast on your wrist, and an array of fading bruises littered on your arms and legs--no doubt in other, more hidden places as well. at least they're faded, meaning those bastards probably haven't done anything in a while. not anything physical at least.
he curses while pulling you into his arms, hugging you tightly while also making sure not to hurt you. "why didn't you tell me, sweetheart? i have ways to handle things like this, you know? even when i'm in jail." he sounds like he's about to cry, and that make your stomach fill with regret as you hug him back.
"i knew you would be worried. i didn't want to stress you out any more than you already were," you explain to him, but now that it's coming out of your mouth, you realize that maybe not telling him and avoiding has made him worried about you even more. that much is obvious with how he's holding you, refusing to let you go even as you try to pull away.
"of course, i'm going to be worried about you! shit, y/n—" he stops mid-sentence, clearly a little bit overwhelmed at the moment. you don't say a thing and just wait for him to calm down and vent all his frustrations to you. it's the least you can do after causing him so much turmoil.
"i can't lose you too," he finally whispers. he pulls away from the hug and looks at you, his expression serious, yet tinged with worry and sadness. you feel another pang of guilt and you pull him back into the hug, as if to reassure him with the action. he hugs you back just as tight and the two of you stand there for a while, wrapped up in each other's arms.
ran doesn't take the situation as seriously as the other two, at least not in front of you. of course, he cares, he's worried, and he wants the bastards to pay, but he doesn't necessarily show it at first. ran will try to remain calm for your sake, to not freak you out with his anger because lord knows how aggressive he gets in fights, and how deeply he cares about you, too. even as he's interrogating you, ran tries to keep his cool, but he can only play it off for so long before he starts to get riled up at the prospect of some guys roughing you up.
"ran, some guys have been harassing me while you were in jail," you tell him randomly, unable to keep it from him any longer, especially now that he's out of jail. he just looks at you, that usual smirk of his on his lips, and he leans back against your couch, making himself comfortable.
"yeah? i already know. want me to do something about it?" he asks as if it's not that big of a deal to him, like it's just something that happens, which- to be fair, you know he probably expected this. ran pisses a lot of people off, makes a lot of guys want to get back at him, and you're an easy target to them, you guess. but still, his lack of concern or care for your well-being is a little bit surprising to you, maybe even a bit upsetting too. you expected at least a serious expression instead of that damn smirk, but then again, this is ran.
"no, just wanted to tell you." you shrug and sit down next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. ran doesn't respond; instead, he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to him while he pulls out his phone with his other hand. you pay him no mind and go on your own phone, assuming the conversation is over with, at least until a few minutes later when he locks his phone and shoves it back in his pocket.
"who'd you say these guys were again? and what exactly did they do?" he asks, and you feel a little smile make its way onto your lips—he cares. you wouldn't lie and say his little display of nonchalance made you doubt he actually cared for you, even if it was only a little bit.
"those guys you fought because they kept messing around on izana's territory. and they just roughed me up a bit, pushed me around and called me– some things.” you say, shifting to sit up and look at him. his thumb rubs along your waist lightly as he tilts his head in thought, seemingly trying to remember who you're talking about. after a few seconds, he looks at you, humming.
"mm... rin and i will take care of them. you didn't think i'd let shit like that slide, did you? nobody touches you without consequences, you know that," he reprimands your little slip of trust in him, but he doesn't seem to really take it to heart—that smirk back on his lips. it is his fault for acting so carelessly, so he won't blame you. he gently kisses your forehead before standing up and heading out the door, intent on doing what he told you he would.
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bludrogue · 3 months
These are a bunch of random headcanons I have about Jason Todd
I have a couple of headcanons about Jason, and I'll add onto them eventually down the line. But here's one or two I think about.
As someone who started working out to build muscle -- and has medical issues, specifically arthritis and fainting issues -- I'm gradually realizing how much slower my pace is compared to a typical person. With that said, here's my first head canon based on my own experiences (I guess I'm self projecting, but idk):
Headcanon #1: Day One Training Gone Wrong
-- The first time Jason ever had Robin training steadily went downhill. Not to say Jason isn't active, the kid lived on the streets and could throw a mean punch if he wanted to, but that doesn't mean his stamina is up to par or his strength. Plus, with the malnutrition he probably faced during that time period has also effected his body.
-- Having that said, when Jason began day one of training he didn't necessarily know how his capabilities were when it came to exercising. But he was not willing to confess this to Bruce -- possibly due to the fear of being kicked out if he did not meet the set goals Bruce created for that day. And so, everything Bruce asked him to do, he did.
-- He completed the reps and sets with a smile on his face, claiming "I got it," or "I can do it," no matter how many times Bruce has asked if he was alright or commenting about breaks being important. He doesn't need a break, he's totally got this. Pssht. He can so handle a couple lunges and squats. Triceps? Easy. Rear delts? No problem. Lat pull downs and rows? He'll get it done. He can handle this.
-- Until he can't.
-- As Jason is about to do one final set to an exercise, and Jason did not realize how intense the training was going to be, spots fill his vision, he has the feeling of hot needles prickling his face, an odd metallic taste on his tongue (this happens to me, idk why), and his ears starting brutally ringing.
-- The last thing he sees before passing out is Bruce rushing over to him and he hears him calling out his name.
-- Jason wakes up with his back on the cave's floor, and his feet elevated. With his shoes off -- which Jason finds the most peculiar out of everything. Then he discovers Bruce sitting besides him -- thankfully not hovering over him. And Bruce is staring at him with his usual stone cold expression that he can't depict what expression means. If Bruce is pissed at him for fucking up or for failing to meet the exercises.
-- Jason internally panics the moment his eyes land on Bruce. He believes that this is it, he fucked up his one chance at having a home and now he's going to be kicked out for good. He tells himself to play it cool, as if nothing happened. He jokes about how the weather is up there for Bruce or about taking an accidental nap on the floor distract Bruce from getting to the 'This is no longer working, I'm taking back Robin and I'm putting you in an orphanage' talk.
-- Instead, the question Bruce asks next is not what Jason expected at all. Bruce asks about his well being. If he's feeling alright? This is an honest shock to Jason because he's not used to anyone asking if he's alright. Catherine was too trapped in her own world thanks to drugs and Willis would bark at him to walk of any sort of injury. Even on the streets, drug dealers, gang members, and other homeless people didn't give a fuck if you had a fever.
-- So he's not used to anyone asking about his well being.
-- Jason lies, claiming he's fine. To further prove his point, he attempts to sit up, but Bruce stops him from doing so. Bruce orders Jason to lie back down -- which even under the minimal lucidity he has Jason still tenses at the thought -- to which Bruce then explains that his face is still pale and his lips are still white. Adding, that once his face gains a bit of color it will be safer for him to sit up right again.
-- Jason huffs a "Whatever," and lies back down on the ground. He won't admit Bruce right, he refuses to, but sitting up? Terrible idea right now. Then he hears the click of a cap, and a water bottle in his view. Bruce orders him to open his mouth, this way he can give him some water.
-- With no energy to argue, Jason obliges with the order and does as told. The water is an utter relief the moment it hits his tongue. Jason appreciates the kindness, but he's still waiting for the blow. Maybe this is the softness he receives before reality smacks him hard in the face. He's still wary about Bruce kicking him out, and this could just be him physically preparing him before he's shoved out the front doors. He won't take Bruce's kindness for granted. After all, he's just another orphan poster boy for the rich man.
-- Once Jason is given enough water and the color in his face returns, Bruce assists him to sit up slowly. Then Bruce discusses the importance of the balance between mind, body, and soul, reassuring Jason that taking breaks is not a bad thing. In fact, that he wants Jason to have a healthy relationship with exercising and not to strain himself. He further elaborates by how over exerting yourself can be dangerous (*cough cough* hypocrite *cough cough*) and admits a story of one of the times he went past his limits and the repercussions of doing so.
-- Bruce explains that the reason he tells Jason the story is to remind Jason to take breaks when necessary, and to also listen to his body's needs. Then Bruce stands up from the floor, and holds out a hand to Jason, complementing his abilities to go as far as he did, and suggestions they hang out in the library to relax for a bit.
-- When Bruce offers the library, the puzzle pieces click together and relief settles in his chest. Jason realizes that he's not being kicked out and this is just Bruce... caring? Again, Jason isn't used to any sort of kindness of the sort, but hey, he's not being sent out on to the streets as of this moment which is nice.
-- Instead of giving Bruce an attitude, Jason's lips split into a grin and he nods, taking Bruce's hand as he's helped up from the floor with a cheerful, "Sure thing, boss!" And the two head off to the library to read some books.
-- (I know that Jason was more cheerful and bright as a kid, so I wanted to emphasize on that aspect of his personality. I don't think Jason would question out loud if he's being kicked out only because he's not the type to express negativity like that. Jason is complex, so I'm hoping I got his character right.)
-- (Also, after this, Bruce builds a regiment around Jason's physical capabilities in order to not over extert him. He was used to Dick's stamina that he essentially forgot he was starting from scratch, so he blames himself for causing Jason to pass out during the work out. He plans on working with Jason at a much slower and less intense work out plan, and includes 30 second water breaks after every single set.)
That's one of my headcanons, I'll link here if I have anymore head canons later on! I hope I did well, and please let me know what you think. It's my first time posting so I'll admit I'm a bit nervous.
Anyways, thanks for reading :D
My Other Headcanons:
Headcanon #2
Head canon #3
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richeeduvie · 2 months
stupid groomer kendall unknowingly makes baby OD and so he leaves her be. roman finds her when she’s in the process and he puts her head in his lap and she’s just sobbing that she doesn’t wanna die and stuff. idk something tragic
TW: Angst, drug addiction, ODing, DogandBone!Kendall open the door tern haven parallels incoming heeee
He leaves Baby with a kiss to her hair. She's almost gone, but she kind of just looks out of it. Like how Kendall...not likes her, but how he has her most of the time. She looks sweet, sleepy. He should be better on that. But he has to go.
"I gotta go, okay?"
And so, Kendall goes. He leaves her alone.
Baby can't breathe right. She doesn't know what's going on, but she doesn't feel safe. No one else is here, is she the reason why she's in danger?
Roman calls when he usually calls and Baby doesn't answer. At first, he's just fucking annoyed.
"I sorta know you're not having an awful sex fest with my brother cause he's coming so...pick up. Pick up."
And she doesn't. Not to any of his calls. Roman gets more annoyed, twitchy and bitchy to randos that walk on the grounds of Waystar.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll be back, Shivvy. Have to see what our brother Kenny fucked up. Fucked. Bye, love you."
He goes. Really, Roman wouldn't make the choice to just break into Kendall's place just Baby's not answering his calls. He'd just berate her when she eventually picks up. But today, he's in a mood to have fun.
Roman shows up to Kendall's place. He knocks on the door.
"Bitchy, open up. You are a sad person who doesn't really do anything but coke in Ken's house so...open up."
She doesn't open up. Roman gets more pissed off, but worried. Really worried because he knows he's right. She really doesn't go anywhere else now. That's Kendall's fucking fault. His too, but he doesn't want to think about that because he's angry at her now.
"Open the door."
Roman says her name because it might make a difference. Open the door.
"Open the fucking door. You can't just fucking hate me. Literally nothing has happened. No big-wig fight, we're fine for what you've made for us so...open the fucking door."
No open door, but he's staring into it as he hears a thud. He calls out her name.
She doesn't know what's happening, but she's scared. Baby's fucking terrified and it's like dying, maybe? She doesn't want to die alone. She'll open the door.
Roman's pathetic in the pounding of the door, the shitty attempts to open it from the outside. But the doorknob turning, left to right.
How do you open a door so you don't die alone?
The door opens and Roman's fucking gone.
She looks like she's dying. His best friend - the person that was supposed to be his and literally no one else's and vice versa and all the stupid shit, that's her on the floor. She's crying and she looks sick. She shouldn't look so sick. Roman shouldn't feel so small and scared so quickly.
"What the fuck?"
Roman's desperate in picking Baby up, he barely can. But he looks like he's gonna vomit. What the fuck?
What the fuck did he do to her?
She's already vomited. This isn't just coke. He's been - Kendall's been feeding her fucking murder.
He manages to lay her on the couch as she cries.
"Breathe - just fucking-"
Roman's dragging out his words, making them go high and angry in his voice. He doesn't know what to do but just scared because she's not gonna fucking die. She was supposed to be okay and not like this with him and what the fuck did Kendall do to her?
"I'm sorry! I-I I don't wanna die, I thi...I-"
"You're not gonna die! Don't fucking-just breathe. Just don't sleep or...listen- I need to call-why didn't-"
Why didn't you come back to me?
Roman's hands shake when he pulls out his phone to call the fucking cops.
"Hey. Don't fucking fall asleep!"
Roman shakes her. She rolls her body, pulling herself in a slump to come down on his lap.
If she does, it'll be the easiest place to fall asleep. She doesn't want to die, but she'll die here.
Roman stares and tries not to because he's going to call the cops. But she needs to keep breathing. She shouldn't be talking like she's going to die because she's not going to. She's gonna never see Kendall again.
"...I'm sorry."
He makes himself uncomfortable before he presses the call button. Roman bends himself hunched and forehead to put his head to her temple. She's got her face pressed against his stomach. Somewhere else, this is where she should be.
"Don't fall asleep."
He's always been her beggar. Roman has to force himself to come up from her touch. He calls 911.
She can't leave him alone.
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summerlove-r · 2 years
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Dress Coded
You're furious about getting dress coded for the third time this week. Your boyfriend, Eddie, suggests you blow off some steam.
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word Count: 1610
Warnings: smut, mentions of teacher-student relationships, van sex, dom!reader if you squint, unprotected sex, spitting, biting, overstimulation, Eddie cumming in reader, cock warming
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"This is fucking ridiculous," You told your boyfriend as you two walked to his van. Your teacher had just dress-coded you and when you refused to change a school shirt they threatened to call your mom so you just left. You were so frustrated because you truly believed there was nothing wrong with your outfit.
No cleavage, no ass, not even shoulders. Everything was covered. You wore black jeans that ripped at the knee and a plain white T-shirt. A lacey black bra underneath which got you in trouble. "He's a fucking perv, looking at my chest. Only reason he saw my bra was cuz he was staring."
Eddie opened the passenger door for you. You mumbled a quick, "Thank you." and got in. Eddie shut your door and ran over to the other side. "'M so fucking pissed right now, Eds." Your head fell to your hands.
"Where do you wanna go, pretty?" Eddie asked softly, not wanting to make you madder than you were. You looked at Eddie with a frown on your face. Ignoring his question, you asked, "Is there something wrong with my outfit?"
"No," Eddie told you, a little too quick. You squinted your eyes at his response. Did he even think about his answer? "Are you saying that because you know that's what I want to hear or because you really think there's nothing wrong with my outfit?"
Eddie sighed, "If I was a teacher and I was staring at your tits and noticed your bra I would dress code you because any second longer I would have popped a boner." You let out a breathy laugh, annoyance leaving your body. "I'm fucking serious, Eddie." You giggled.
Your eyes fell to your chest. You pulled your shirt away from your body, trying to see if you could really see through it. "Come here," Eddie said and tapped his thigh. You didn't hesitate to crawl into his lap. Eddies hands went to your shoulders feeling how tense you were, "Relax, babe." He said as he massaged your shoulders. You instantly relaxed into his touch.
"It's just annoying, Eds. This is the third time this week he's done this. None of my other teachers see problems with my clothes. It's just him." Eddies hands fell to your waist, moving up and down. "He has a crush on you." Eddie teased.
"I think he needs to get laid. To blow some steam off or something. Maybe then he'll stop being a little shit." Eddie's hand went underneath your shirt. You shivered as his cold rings hit your warm skin. "Lay him," Eddie whispered and you cringed. The thought of you fucking your teacher made you sick. "Disgusting, Eddie. That's really gross he's like 80." You spoke with a straight face. "Sorry, sorry," Eddie told you.
You smirked, "I'll forgive you if you beat him up." Eddie laughed at your ridiculous sentence. "Yeah, babe, let me just go fuck up that grandpa."
"Yeah!" You cheered and kissed Eddie's lips. You began to pull away and Eddie's eyes fell to your chest. He finally got a good look at your shirt. It was totally see-through. Your tits stretched the white fabric so much he could see your cleavage perfectly. And with the right imagination, it was as if you didn't even have a shirt on.
Eddie wouldn't dare tell you though.
Eddie opened his mouth. His words were delayed but eventually said, "Do you want to blow some steam off?" Eddie asked. "Huh?"You asked, not exactly sure what he meant. Eddie pulled his hands out of your shirt and went to your hands, intertwining them with his. "Fuck to blow some steam off."
"Ohh..." You giggled finally getting what he meant. "Only if you beat him up."
"Do you want me to get fucking arrested?"
"I'll break you out."
Eddie smashed his lips against yours. You slipped your tongue inside of his mouth causing him to moan. Eddies hands slipped between the two of you and began to undo his blue jeans. Once unbuttoned and unzipped Eddie did the same to yours.
You kissed down Eddie's face and onto his neck, sucking harshly on his pale skin. He lifted his hips up to pull his jeans off, leaving his boxers around his hips.
You lightly smacked your ass signaling to you to stand up. You removed your lips from his neck seeing the bright red mark you left. Smiling, proud of your work, you got up on your knees, one on each side of Eddie's thigh. He rushed to pull your jeans down. Once fully off, he quickly pulled you back into his lap.
You slipped your fingers past Eddie's lips. Eddie hummed on your digits as he swirled his tongue around them. Eddie bucked his hips up, getting needy.
You slowly pulled your fingers out of your boyfriend's mouth. Your wet fingers made their way to the band of Eddie's boxers. You looked up at him for approval and he nodded to which you quickly took his cock out. "Take your shirt off." You demanded and Eddie didn't hesitate to take his band-tee off.
You wrapped your hand around his tip moving ever so slightly. "Baby, you're killing me here." You locked eyes with Eddie. You bit your lip as you moved your fist down to his base. You spit right on his pink top making his hips dick twitch. You spread the wetness with your thumb, precum spilling out of his slit.
"Ride me, babe... Please?" You looked up at him and then to the large window next to the two of you. If some lucky person walked up to the van they would see everything... Hot.
"Okay." You smirked and gave him a quick peck before lifting your hips. You lined him up with your entrance, ready to sink down on it but Eddie stopped you. "Wait, babe. I don't have a condom."
You looked at him with a straight face. You couldn't remember the last time Eddie wore a condom when you two fucked. Now that you think about it, did he ever?
"Are you fucking serious?" You asked which made Eddie laugh. Each laugh that came out of his mouth caused his dick to bounce up slightly. You rolled your eyes and lowered yourself on his length.
Eddies eyes shut tightly. Pleasure rushed through both of your bodies. A soft moan exited his mouth sounding like absolute heaven to you. You grinded down on Eddie, your clit rubbing against his lower stomach making you whine.
You began to bounce up and down. Eddie watched as your tits bounced in your bra. He snaked one of his hands behind you to unhook it, doing it without any trouble. Where did he learn to do that? Your bra fell between the two of you and his mouth went around your nipple. Sucking and biting your sensitive bud. His hand went to your other breast, pinching and massaging your unattended breast.
You threw your bra to the passenger seat where the rest of your guy's clothes piled up. The pleasure Eddie was receiving felt amazing but he still craved more. He began to thrust up making you scream. Eddie hit your G-spot with every thrust.
You stopped moving and let your boyfriend do all the work. Your head fell to his shoulder biting on it as Eddie began to rub your clit, the pleasure nearly being too much to handle. Eddie moaned as he felt your teeth dig into his skin.
"Fuck, baby... fuck, fuck, fuck, 'm gonna cum." Eddies words made you begin to bounce again, wanting so bad for him to cum. "Fill me up, baby," Eddie whined. throwing his head back. He released his load into you. Eddie's legs shook as he came. You slowed your hips trying to drag his orgasm out as long as you could.
When you came to a full stop you began to rub your clit to his fucked out face. His cheeks were red and his curls were messy. So adorable, you thought. Eddie lifted his head as he groaned. "Baby, I'm so sorry." He apologized and removed your hand from your core, beginning to rub you himself.
You moaned out a giggle. "You're okay, handsome." Eddies lips tackled yours. You messily kissed as his fingers sped up at an incredible pace. "Eddie-" You moaned, struggling to kiss him back. "'m gonna cum, so fucking close. Don't- stop."
You mumbled praises against Eddie's lips as he got you closer and closer to your orgasm. You grinded against Eddie's soft cock, the noises coming out of his mouth from being overstimulated tipped you over the edge. Your legs shook as you clenched around him. Your breasts went up and down as you tried to catch your breath. Eddies hands went to cup them.
You pulled away from your loving boyfriend. His lips were red and wet. His eyelids hung low. You grabbed Eddie's wrist to look at his watch. "We have an hour till school ends." You told him. He smiled and reached behind the passenger seat. He pulled out a blanket and put it over the both of you. Something he stored after the first time you guys fucked in his van.
Eddie held you close to him. You listened to his heartbeat. "How was that for blowing off some steam?" You raised your head a bit to look at him. You had completely forgotten about your stupid teacher. "That was great." You giggled.
Eddie kissed your forehead and said, "We should do this every time you get dress coded." You smiled, "I would love that."
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cosmic-kaden · 2 months
Guess who is finally out of the crush zone? >/////> He's only been in there for 2 months. I have LORE, I have a PLAYLIST. Lord so help me I LOVE this goofball-
Hey if you aren't a self-shipper dni. I have anxiety lol // self shippers this is okay to rb! I'd love to know your thoughts on the new ship! :D its been a long time coming! (so long as you're not a dick. I dont do critic stuff here cause its self ship lol)
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Lore? Lore. (I use his first and last name interchangeably for obv reasons lol)
Kaden met Adam on their birthday. Kaden was out with a group of friends but things went sour when Kaden's ex showed up. There was a huge fight that broke out and basically it ended with Kaden ditching their own birthday party to go cry on the curb because their friends ended up hanging out with their dumbass ex.
That's when they met Sackler. He didn't acknowledge them at first. He sat right next to them at the curb but when he did speak he said something that made Kaden scoff and give him a look of disbelief.
"You look ugly when you cry."
Kaden thought they were already having a horrid night who the fuck was this guy!? Kaden called him a douche bag and smiled a little because they honestly weren't expecting him to say it. He followed up his last statement.
"See now you have a very beautiful smile." smooth bastard.
Eventually Kaden and Adam started talking at that curb side and ever since then they hadn't stopped talking but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for them. Kaden learned about his past and the type of person he used to be.
Adam was a player- a big time one, they found that out when they ran into his previous ex's Hannah and Jessa. Kaden made a snap judgement. 'don't fall in love with this guy.' Which of course ultimately failed but they never revealed it to him out of the sheer fear that he would turn them into a one and done.
Eventually Sackler admitted that he liked Kaden way more than a friend and Kaden tried their best to reject him but he knew that they liked him just as much if not more than he liked them.
Thus a relationship formed with the two. It didn't end well.
Kaden had trust issues from the get go and Sackler of course was pissed off whenever Kaden started to feel paranoid and that caused tension between them and Kaden made the decision that they shouldn't be together anymore.
During their break they remained friends, very close friends but there were moments of awkwardness. Adam hadn't moved on and secretly, neither did Kaden but they didn't want to get back with him, not when there was distrust.
Over the time of their new friendship(about a year and a half) Sackler stayed consistent, he really did reinvent himself. Kaden was worried that when they split up he would just go find someone else but he didn't. He did a lot of self reflecting and acknowledgement to all the shitty things he's done in the past and how much he had hurt others because he wasn't emotionally ready to take serious steps. Kaden was impressed.
Kaden didn't leap at the chance to get back with him though. They wanted to make sure he was being serious. Which to Kaden's surprise, he was.
One night they were walking down a familiar spot and Adam grinned running over to the side of street, sitting at the curb and patted the spot next to him to which Kaden followed and sat down. he remanences on the past.
"Remember you sat there, I sat here?"
"You said I looked ugly when I cried."
"Made you smile though."
They shared laughter and smiles about their past when Adam moved closer to them, he wrapped his arm around them, he kissed their cheek and spoke.
"I don't know if you'll ever trust me but I can't life without you, you know? You're allowed to feel what you feel and I'll always be here to remind you that I'm not the person I used to be. I'm not going anywhere. Friend or lover. You're stuck with me.. weither you feel the same or not... I love you"
Kaden lowering their head as Sackler embraced them, his head resting on their shoulder, they seen so much growth and change in him, they knew he wasn't that person who he used to be. They couldn't deny that he wasn't that person anymore.
"I love you too.. " Kaden ended up whispering, they refused to look at him and confessed that they never stopped loving him. They broke down and Adam made them look at him.
"You're pretty when you cry." he smiled "You're pretty when you smile.. and laugh.. you're pretty when you're sitting around doing nothing...you're just so pretty. Beautiful...."
Kaden's lips tugged into a smile and he closed the distance, sharing a kiss that felt brand new as they sat at the place where they first met.
"Happy birthday~" he hummed against their lips
From that day forward, they learned to communicate better, they had trust, friendship, love, he was their best friend and they were his rock, keeping him grounded when he needed it.
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spacexseven · 2 years
ok ok ok ok ok speedrunning some characters + soulmate au
dazai - secretly really taken with the idea of having a soulmate. hes a hopeless romantic at heart so he'd be lying if he said he'd never kept himself up all night fantasizing about it, especially during the mafia days when the loneliness would get too much to bear. I could see dazai faking a soulmate mark for sure if he didn't already have one and had someone mind. if he did have one, he'd be very very VERY interested in tracking them down. if his soulmate is (understandably) a little put off by being saddled to dazai for the rest of their life and tries to hide it, they can try but he WILL find out eventually. and he'll start doing his best to prove that theyre Meant To Be which is. not great. imagine dazai being like. subordinate darling level mean to his soulmate for a while before finding out. devastating.
chuuya - 10000% gonna be mean to them Knowing they're his soulmate, thinks the idea is beneath him. this goes double for a non-mafia darling or a very low ranking mafia darling. I just don't think chuuya would find the idea of the person you're supposed to be with being chosen preemptively as romantic as dazai would, and would have a lot of criticisms of this so called "soulmate" that he WILL express aloud. ends up fucking himself over cuz by the time he comes around they pretty much want nothing to do with him. oops. also could see him with the Dating Someone Who Finds Their Soulmate scenario. Wouldnt Take This Well.
this is all I got so far if I have more will come back
- 🩹
the thoughts i have right now huhuhu actually uhh this isn't very yandere. apart from the stalking mentions so i'm sorry about that
if dazai doesn't have a soulmate he'd be devastated. he tries telling himself that this way it'd mean if he does find someone they would love him for him and not because they have to—the problem with this idea, though, is that he considers himself pretty unloveable. i can totally see him faking a soulmate mark to make it look like there's someone out there, but inside he's crushed by truth. if he does have one? he'll do anything to find them. (if it's like a 'timer' soulmate mark, he can't do much except practice his future interactions with you. it's a possibility that you might not like dazai for who he is, so fearing the worst, he puts on a facade that's the furthest from his true personality. he tries so hard to be who you look for in a soulmate, but you can probably tell he's not being entirely honest. of course, if you encourage him to be honest with you, and assure him that you won't hate him, you better be ready to make good on your word. he won't be thrilled to know you're terrified of him after knowing that he used to be in the pm or you find his constant possessiveness unbearable.
i think because of chuuya's complicated origins, he might have conflicting thoughts about a soulmate mark. just to keep things simple i'll go on the "dating someone who finds their actual soulmate" route. chuuya's never actually discussed the topic of soulmates with you. since you were dating him, he was under the impression that you didn't have one, or didn't care for one. regardless, he would be far from thrilled when you come across your actual soulmate. he's reminded that he's, apparently, not what fate considers your perfect half. while chuuya himself doesn't care about decided fate, you might not feel the same, maybe wanting to entertain this new soulmate of yours, and it pisses him off. even if you just want to talk to them, out of curiosity, he wouldn't allow for it. chuuya's liked you for you, and this person is just interested in you because of some so-called destiny. wasn't it obvious, that he obviously loved you more?
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jaybird-fanfics · 1 year
Villain Roommate |Chapter Twenty Four|
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Something was off with Dabi. You noticed that ever since that night he left in a hurry, that he had been acting weird. Not only that, but he has been full on avoiding you. Normally you wouldn't think of it like that. Dabi being away for a while and not coming home wasn't anything new. But he was gone longer than he's ever been. The only time you see him is when you're called in by Shigaraki. But Dabi would not speak to you, he barely looked at you. And when he got you home, he left right away. 
At first you thought, maybe you've done something to tick him off, then quickly set aside that thought. As far as you know, you've done nothing to upset him. So why was he acting like this? You couldn't exactly ask him why, as he was never at home now. So you decided to bring it up during your latest visit to the league. 
You did your healing then left, as you were leaving, that's when you asked. "Dabi?" He answered with a barely audible "yeah?". You look up at him, his eyes were set on what was ahead of him. "Why have you been avoiding me?" Dabi didn't answer, he just kept walking until you came upon the set of stairs that would eventually lead out of the warehouse. "Dabi." You say more sternly. "I'm not avoiding you." He finally said. "Yes you are, you don't talk to me anymore, you don't even look at me. Not to mention you haven't been home in forever." You didn't really care much about that last part. He could come and go as much as he wanted. But straight up ignoring you for seemingly no reason was just bothersome.  
"So what's your problem? Because honestly, you're acting like a child and-" You about tripped on one of the stairs, though Dabi was quick to catch you. He made sure you got your footing before walking ahead of you. "I don't have a problem. Maybe I just needed some time to myself." He says. You did actually consider that. But that didn't explain the whole, ignoring you thing. "That's fine if you want some alone time. But I haven't done shit to deserve being ignored."Dabi stopped and turned his head. "So now all of a sudden you crave attention?" He was trying to change the subject.
"No, that's not what I meant! I don't care if you ignore me or not, but at least tell me why." Dabi scoffed. "Sounds like you do care." Annoyance was quickly turning into anger, for the both of you. "Dabi, have I really done something to piss you off? If so, you need to tell me." 
"Why should I?" 
"So have done something then?" You ask. "Never said that." Dabi turned to keep walking. You glare daggers at his back. You quicken your pace and stand in front of him, causing him to stop. "You really are acting like a child you know? You just start avoiding me out of nowhere, you won't tell me why, and when I try to get an answer out of you, you act like a smartass! All I want, is some sort of explanation! Then I'll shut up, you'd like that wouldn't you? So hurry up and tell me already!"
"You're over here bitching and whining, and you're calling me a child?" Dabi tries to move past you. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me why." You say firmly. Dabi stares down at you, unfazed by your threat. "And what's stopping me from making you move?" He said lowly. You didn't back down, you met his cold stare. "Go ahead then." You challenged. "Make me."
Dabi tsked, grabbing your shoulders and pining you against the wall. You were shocked by the sudden action, but didn't let him see it. You continued to stare defiantly into his eyes. His eyes didn't break away from yours, and neither did yours to his. "God, you are so fucking persistent and annoying." He started. "You wanna know so badly? Huh? Fine. I am avoiding you, happy?" 
"No." You say bitterly. "I wanna know why." 
"Because I fucking-" Dabi's voice rose with his anger, but he calmed himself down. "Because you made me do this. It's your fault I feel this way, and now I'm stuck feeling like this." He knew he shouldn't be blaming you for this. But he didn't know any other way to go about it. He doesn't know what to do with himself. "I didn't make you do shit!" You exclaim. 
"I know! Just shut up and fucking listen." Dabi exhales deeply before speaking again. Here goes pretty much everything. He was risking a lot telling you this. And he already knows how you'll react...
"I...I have feelings for you." 
Your eyes went wide at his words. Did you hear him correctly? Dabi. Of all the people in the world. Dabi, had feelings for you. Why? How? What in the fuck was going on right now? You opened you mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words. What could you say to that? Thankfully Dabi continued speaking. "I already know you don't feel the same, so spare me the pitiful rejection. You have no idea how much I fucking hate this." Dabi looked down, his hair blocking your view of his face. 
"I can't have feelings for someone. I can't love someone. It's just, not possible for someone like me. No one should be tied down to a person like myself." 
Your shocked expression turned soft, saddened. "Dabi..." You cup his face and made him look at you once again. "What are you trying to say? That you're unlovable or something?" Dabi weakly laughed. "Isn't it obvious? Just look at me. Look where I've landed myself. The shit I've done, the people I've killed. No one wants this." 
"That doesn't mean you're incapable of love." You try to tell him. "You...you're not..." You couldn't find the right words. Dabi was not a good person. He was a dangerous man, a criminal, a villain. He's killed many, and hurt far more. He's involved with a gang of killers alike. But did that mean he was not deserving of love? Many would say yes but, you couldn't go that far. "Dabi, you are deserving of love. No matter who it's from. I might not be able to return those feelings, but that doesn't mean someone else wont. I'm sure there is someone out there who can give you what you want."
Dabi put his hand over yours. "I'm doomed to walk this Earth alone, I made my choice a long time ago."
"No one is born into this world to be alone. Not even you Dabi. You might not like them, but you have the league...you have me. I won't let you be alone." 
Dabi's mouth fell agape, blood fell from the scars under his eyes. Frightened, you begin to panic. "Dabi! You're bleeding! Are you hurt? Hang on, I'll-"
Dabi pulled you into his embrace, his arms tight around your body. You felt his shoulders shaking, his hold on you became tighter, more desperate. Was he...crying? You never seen Dabi cry before. This was, so vulnerable of him. You didn't think he could be like this, no, everyone could be like this. Dabi just has never been like this, around you. You didn't say anything, you just rubbed your hand up and down his back. 
He comforted you once, now it was your turn to do the same. 
"As long as I'm here, you'll never be alone again." You say softly. "I promise."
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You and Dabi didn't talk the rest of the way home. What could you say to each other after what happened back there? The both of you walked inside the house, you decided you were going to head to bed, assuming Dabi would just leave again. But what he said, surprised you. 
"Y/n?" He started. "Do you mind if I stay? I don't...I don't want..." 
You turn to him with a gentle smile. "I told you I wouldn't let you be alone, didn't I?" You couldn't believe you were about to do this. You lead Dabi to your bedroom. You couldn't help but feel for him. There were times, when you would feel alone. Want someone's anyone's company, but was met with nothing. You understood, which is why you were doing this. Dabi had only ever slept in the same bed with you once before, and it was because he was drunk. 
But he was fully sober, and aware of what was going on tonight. "I'll keep to myself." Dabi muttered. You chuckle. "Just shut up and get in the bed, I'm exhausted." You say as you get comfortable under the covers. Dabi cracked a smile before joining you. He did what he promised however, he moved to the far edge of the bed, away from you. You give him an appreciative look, but reached for him. "Might as well get comfortable." You tell him. 
He took that as permission to inch closer, but he made sure there was still enough space between the two of you. "Thanks." He said quietly. "For what?" You asked. "For letting me stay, for everything really." 
You ruffle his spiky hair before closing your eyes. "You're welcome, you big softy." 
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caroline-ds-world · 2 years
Picture this- Bang Chan
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Word count: 3,173
Feedback and reblogs appreciated!! Please let me know what you think!! Warnings and Smut under the cut!
I'm tagging those who I think might enjoy this, if you don't want to be tagged let me know I'll remove it right away!
@chansynie @skz317cb97 @dctorxmaximoff14 @hugs4chan @bubblelixie
Warnings: unprotected piv sex, use of vibrator and nipple clamps, creampie, use of safe word, dom! Chan, sub!reader, edging, squirting, daddy kink, breeding kink, I think that's it let me know if I missed anything!
Chan. Chan. Chan. That’s all that is on your mind, after you saw the picture(the picture above) your boyfriend sent you to rile you up. He wasn’t naked or anything but he definitely wanted to turn you on. The way he grasped the phone as he took the picture, his hand placement, even the fact that he put the handcuffs he used on you very often, when he fucked you and didn’t let you touch him, on his belt loop.The second you saw the picture you were remembering the first night he used them on you. You’re not quite sure as to why he’s doing this while he is on tour and he knows you're at work unable to call him and touch yourself, and not coming back for a month, he’s only been gone a week.
You had spent the day complementing his body and muscles after he got back from the gym. He knew what seeing him fresh out of the gym did to you, knew you had a muscle kink and still wanted to give you a hard time keeping yourself under control. He wanted you to squirm and beg him for his cock before he gave it to you. He was trying to punish you for acting out a couple of days prior when you both were hanging out with the boys. You had not noticed at the time but the boys had been flirting with you to get a rise out of Chan knowing it would piss him off and you had flirted back which made him even more pissed off. You didn’t realize that you had been flirting until he had finally calmed down and handcuffed you to the bed and was “punishing” you.
“You’re only mine. You know that right babygirl? This body, this pussy, everything, it all belongs to me.” He’d rasped out while fucking into you. “ You’re my good babygirl, aren’t you?” He continues. You couldn’t say anything as you were gagged and handcuffed to the bed. You do however make a noise that is muffled by the gag in your mouth. He continues fucking you until he feels you clench around him then he pulls out, denying you of your orgasm.
Back to present
He edged you multiple times with his cock that night, before he finished inside you and finished you off with your favorite vibrator. That night was 6 months ago. You had never cum as hard as you had that night after being edged so many times. Now you knew why he’d sent it to you, he had just wanted you to go nuts thinking about how he would treat you when he got back from tour now. You would have to make a mental note of making sure to tease him that night on your nightly facetime.
You finished your day at work and then went home. When you got home you went to take a shower, starting to run the hot water and then stripping yourself of your work uniform. Once stripped down, you step into the hot water of the shower letting the water roll down your body and eventually onto the floor of the shower. While in the shower you decide to use the showerhead to make yourself cum, taking it out of the showerhead holder. You bring it down to your pussy and make sure the water is aimed at your clit just right.
As you're doing this, trying to cum, you think back to the night before Chan left, the night he made sure you came 7 times before he finished. "Chan,, please daddy, fuck me hard." You moaned out. You could hear him responding to you, teasing "babygirl is so desperate to cum that she couldn't even ask for permission from daddy? Huh?" Fuck you missed him so badly. After 5 more minutes you cum, moaning out "fuck Chan!" Imagining him fucking you until you cum, them cumming inside you, giving you all his cum. Oh how you wished he was actually there.
After you came you put the showerhead back where it belonged and washed your hair then your body. Just as you got out of the shower you heard your phone ringing from your bedroom, telling you Chan was video calling you. You wrapped a towel around your body and walked into the bedroom to answer it. Once you picked it up and answered the video call, you greeted Chan " hey Channie, what's up?" "I'm sorry babygirl, I don't have much time but I need to cum before this show. I need to do it quickly so I was hoping you'd show me your beautiful body when I called, glad to see I was right. " He explained and you could tell based on the background that he was in a closet at one of the venues.
Deciding to give him a taste of his own medicine you take the towel off your breasts and show him just the tops then tell him " this is all you're going to get, because you teased me, I'm going to tease you right back, you better go get ready for your show Chan." And then you hung up. That'll teach him not to send you risqué pictures when he knows you're at work. He doesn't try to call you back. Even hours later when you know the show is over. This began to worry you. You figured he may be mad that you made him take care of his little " problem" by himself.
That was until it had been almost time for him to come back home and he still hadn’t really been talking to you, at least not in that way, mostly just good morning and goodnight texts and the countdown to coming home, no calls, no sexy video calls, nothing. But he was coming back today and you had taken the day off months ago from work and you were actually at the airport waiting to pick him and the rest of the boys up disguised with sunglasses and a hat, along with their drivers. You see the boys coming your way, Han, Felix, Minho, I.N, Seungmin, Changbin and Hyunjin, followed by your boyfriend who you hadn’t spoken with in what felt like forever. You ran over to them and hugged all of them leaving Chan for last, wanting to stay in his arms longer than all the others. You missed being wrapped up in his arms.
You left after you hugged all the other boys but Chan, not having time to hug him but the other boys knew you would probably end up sitting in his lap on the way to the apartment. You got in the car, and sat next to Chan, he wouldn’t let you sit on his lap, so you could tell he was either upset or tired, leaning towards the former of the two. You and the boy joked around and laughed as the drivers drove to the restaurant that you and the boys had decided to go to to celebrate their return. The plan was to go to dinner then go back to the dorms drinking a little and then (for you) going back to your home and going to sleep. You enjoy spending time with the boys and having a fun time, but you also really want to talk to Chan and apologize if need be and then get railed by him to make up for it.
You arrived at the restaurant and were having a great time, but it was seeming to take forever so you decided to text Chan under the table, asking him if he was okay. You look at him next to you and see him pick up the phone and type a message back to you telling you that he was fine, then he puts his hand on your thigh under the table, moving up under the skirt of the little red dress you had been wearing towards your pussy, definitely trying to tease you. Then he pulls away and flexes his arm muscles at you, once again teasing you, trying to make you wet, knowing that you love his arms and his muscles. Before he left for tour you admitted to him that you thought about riding his arms like you would on his thighs, when you were with him when he would work in the studio from time to time. You hadn’t gotten to try it yet but maybe tonight he would let you, based on how he was trying to tease you with them.
You definitely were in for a wild ride, and you definitely found that out when you got back to your house after dinner and drinks at their dorm just as planned. But once you and Chan got into your house he pushed you against the wall and kicked the door closed behind him. "Babygirl, you know you're getting punished tonight for the way you acted while I was away right? You can't expect to get away with acting like such a brat." He growled once he had you pinned, which didn't take long.
You shivered then nodded. "Words babygirl. I need verbal confirmation that you're okay with your punishment." He softly cooed at you. "Yes Daddy, I'm aware I need to be punished for acting like I was in control. I was just so frustrated cause that picture that you'd sent had been so teasing to me. I couldn't touch you but I wanted to.” You explained to him to which he shakes his head. “ Baby girl you should have just told me, instead of acting like a brat. If you had just talked to me, you wouldn’t be getting punished now. I’d be making up for teasing you and giving you all kinds of orgasms, now you’re not going to cue until I say so and you’ll be screaming and begging me to stop before I allow it. You still know your safeword, right?”
You nod, then because you know he’ll expect you to say it “ Yes, daddy my safeword is chocolate. I remember it”. You two had put this safeword in place when you started having sex, because Chan always wanted to make sure you were okay and he knew better than to not have a safework in place. Chan rasps out his reply “ Good babygirl. Now go into the bedroom and get undressed and find my favorite toys to use on you, you know what they are. “ He then releases you to go into the bedroom to find the vibrator he loves using on you to overstimulate you, and the nipple clamps he loves using on you also. You then strip out of the dress and the underwear you wore. Once you had gotten rid of the clothing, you laid on the bed, already expecting him to come in and tie you up or handcuff you to the bed. But he didn’t, when he walked in he came over to you and picked you up off the bed. “ Pretty kitten, your big strong daddy didn’t say for you to lay on the bed, in fact we aren’t really going to use the bed much.” He explained as he pushed you back up against the wall but in the bedroom. “ Baby still wants to ride my arm? Huh? Do you baby?” He teases. You reply “ Yes daddy I would love to ride your arm, fuck daddy I love how strong and muscular you are, I really really want to ride your arm, daddy, please please please.”
With that said, he lets go of you, sits on the bed, takes his shirt off and beckons you to come towards him. You slowly walk over to him not thinking he was serious but he stretches his arm out and lowers it to where it lines up to go between your legs. Realizing he is serious about letting you do this you scoot a little further up his arm to where his forearm rests right against your clit. Once settled into his forearm, you start rocking your hips back and forth. It feels better than you could have ever imagined. "Fu-Fu-Fuck, Channie. It feels so good." You moan out. Chan teases "babygirl, that's not my name and you know it. What do you call me in bed baby?" Before smacking your ass with his opposite hand.
You correct yourself" daddy, fuck daddy I'm sorry. It feels so good." You continue moving your hips until you're about to cum and Chan stops you. "No baby you're not gonna cum yet." Before he grabs you and pulls you off his arm. He then puts you to where you are straddling his abs. "Now rude my abs like a good babygirl and I may consider making your punishment lighter." You didn't have to be told twice, you started rocking your hips again but this time while on his abs and once again he stopped you before you came.
"Now babygirl, you get to rest your pretty pussy for now and come suck my cock. I've been dying to feel that mouth wrapped around me." He says once again lifting you off of him and then he puts you on the floor. Standing up slightly to pull his pants and boxers down. Once he gets his dick out, you reach your hand to grab him and automatically move your mouth onto him as he wants only sucking on the tip at first. "F-Fuck babygirl, take more of me. I know you can. Take me all the way down your throat." You comply with his moans taking him all the way into your mouth, gagging on it slightly but enjoying having his cock in your mouth. You bob your head up and down slightly keeping most of him in your mouth. " Fuck it's been so long. If you keep doing this I'm going to cum. I need you to stop. I haven't had you in so long it makes me ready to blow now." He explains as he pulls you off his dick by your hair.
Once he pulled you off of him he switched your positions to where you are on the bed and he was above you. "Babygirl, you are still being punished. Grab that vibrator and edge yourself for me. I need to see it and I'm not going to touch you at all other than to put the nipple clamps on you. " He explains to you, grabbing the clamps, moving to put them on your nipples. He grasps one nipple and gets it hardening before attaching the clamp. He repeats this action on the other nipple and then steps away over to the chair to watch you edge yourself until he tells you to stop.
You take the vibrator and place it on your clit, turning it on its lowest setting to start. You moan as soon as you feel the vibrations. You're already really close because of the previous edging but you don't want Chan to have to punish you more so you take yourself as far as you can without cumming then pull the vibrator from your clit. You whine out after moving it causing chan to chuckle " pretty baby is so sensitive, but also doing so good, just once more baby then I'll give you my cock." You want to please him but don't think you can go on any further so you tell him your safe word " Chocolate daddy. I can't do this anymore. It hurts too much."
And once that sentence is finished chan is by your side taking the vibrator and nipple clamps from you and mumbling how he's sorry for pushing you too far. "Channie you didn't push me too far, my body is just too sensitive for edging more than a couple of times." "I'm so sorry. Let me go run you a hot bath and take care of you." He replies. You shake your head, "Channie I still want to cum, I still want your cock. I just can't do another edging. It would make it to where I can't enjoy your cock." You tell him, reaching for his dick that's still hard.
He thought about swatting your hand away but knows you're stubborn and will not give up so he gives in "Okay baby, I’ll give it to you but I definitely want you to tell me if it hurts. I’m not going to be rough with you either, I’m going to make love to you slowly.”He takes his cock in hand and pushes it into your pussy. Once inside you, he groans out "fffffuuuuuuuck babygirl I've missed this tight pussy squeezing my cock. Fuck you feel so wet. Feels so goooood." You moan at feeling full of him " Channie feels so big, fills me up so good. Please fuck me Channie please."
He starts thrusting in and out of you, groaning every time he bottoms out. After a few minutes he starts picking up pace, going faster and faster. He definitely wants both of you to cum as fast as possible. He continues thrusting into you and you cum unexpectedly and without prompting from him. You screamed as you came, since it was unexpected and how good it felt. Chan fucks you through it and starts rasping out " baby girl so fucking good for me, you came so beautifully my love. Can you give me another one? If you do I'll fill you up with my cum and get you pregnant, baby, yeah. Imagine how you'd look pregnant with my baby. So big and full. Fuck I love that thought. Give me one more and I'll give you all my cum baby." He was rambling and you knew it.
He knows you're on birth control so he knows it's okay to cum inside you and you're fully aware he has a breeding kink. " Yes Channie, will make you a daddy please please make me cum and then give me a baby. Please fuck I want that so much." You moaned out, and then you felt the coil in your stomach snap and you felt water coming out of you. Chan came right after you, filling you with his cum. "Damn baby you squirted. Fuck that's hot. You are so beautiful." Chan mumbles in his post orgasm bliss.
He pulls his softened cock out of you and goes to run you a bath. Knowing that's your preferred method of aftercare after a rough session. Once he has the bath water run he comes and picks you up. You're out of it, not realizing anything happened until you're in the water. He cleans you and himself off then lets the water out dries you and himself off. Once you're clean and dried off, he carries you back to the bedroom, getting you into a t-shirt of his and new panties. Then he puts on a pair of boxers, gets you both into bed and you both watch TV until you fall asleep.
© caroline-ds-world 2022
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despite-everything · 9 months
just going to write this out because i need to get it out somewhere and dont know where my little audio recorder is. i know its hard to live with parents for a lot of people, and i knew it'd be hard for me but thats really hitting right now.
today wasnt the worst, but it also kinda sucked. some geriatric asshole stopped his working vehicle in the middle of the street for no reason, and nearly got me t-boned because of it, then i got an energy bill for a place i dont live despite cancelling the policy in july, then i got a message from my insurance agent saying my policy would be cancelled if i didnt pay (but nothing was due?) and then when i tried to call i learned that this house often doesnt have cell signal in the afternoon. i eventually managed to talk to the insurance people and got that sorted, but i couldnt get through to the energy people, so that's still unresolved. im still rattled from the car thing - i was almost killed in a car last year, so im very sensitive around crashes and near-crashes (no flashbacks today, though, so thats better than the last near-incident i dealt with). tomorrow my dad and i fly out to visit his aging parents - his dad is basically wasting away and his mom is losing her mind, so its a bit of a lets-visit-one-last-time thing. i havent seen them since 2018 and rarely talk to them, but i know theyve fallen down this horrible fox-news-christian-conservative hole lately, and before that they werent great, so i have a horrible feeling this trip is just going to be painful and sad. i know that best-case-scenario, we talk about nothing meaningful at all, and they dont comment on my appearance. but they're going to hate it. and if they actually knew me, they'd hate me, too. and i feel bad leaving my cat behind to live in the basement for 3 days - my stepmom will look after her, but she's going to be very lonely. so there's that, too.
but honestly i needed to write this out because my dad and i were driving our dog to the park to let her run around and we were listening to the radio. he asked me why i dont always use my radio voice, and i told him its because it takes extra effort to stay low and smooth for the persona and the microphones, and that after a few hours its tiring. he said he knew that, but then basically asked again - i tried to get him to clarify, but he didnt have the vocabulary to explain it, so he tried to mimic my voice (i guess?) and it was fucking mean. like i felt my heart drop and almost teared up immediately. i said something like "haha i don't sound like that" and he doubled down and said i did. and the thing is like... i know my natural voice is a bit nasal. im from texas and was raised with a mother and an aunt with nasally, high-pitched southern accents, and i inherited some of that. i HATE my natural voice. for years, any video taken where i spoke at all, i hated rewatching it. i thought i sounded annoying and could barely fathom people wanting to be around me. i hear any recording of my self earlier than 2021 and i want to turn it off and erase it completely. i don't think i'll ever get over that hatred. but as i've gotten older, my voice has dropped a bit. and i make a conscious effort to have much less of a texan accent (some words still trip me up - aisle, line, fire, wild... "i" is hard to not sound texan on), and i try to sound "smoother" and more pleasant. but i know i don't always succeed, especially if im excited. and the thing is, my excitement is always too much for my family. it's annoying and immature and overwhelming, apparently. so my entire life i've tried to tone myself down, but sometimes i fail, and sometimes i'm so wound up and anxious i fail then, too. and i know it's annoying, but jesus christ that imitation hurt.
when i tried to express that, my dad got pissed and was like "thats just what you sound like" and i said something along the lines of "you don't have to mean about it" and he got more upset and was like "im not being mean you just sound like that. but fine. i just wont bring it up ever again" and im sitting in the passenger seat thinking... what am i supposed to do? what am i supposed to say? if i cry, he'll get even more upset and think im overreacting and being immature, but todays already been hard (to self-regulate earlier, i bit my arm so hard i accidentally drew blood, and screamed so loud in my car my hearing was temporarily dampened, but while that helped, it didn't fix anything), and i could cry any moment. and my mind just loops back to the impression of me, which was startlingly similar to his "whiny voice" he uses to mock assholes. it just felt fucking awful and yet i felt kinda crazy because he keeps saying he didnt mean it in a bad way, and he isnt the type to play mind games but my mother did that sort of thing all the time, and i was tired and upset and wanted to go back home. after the park, i tried to continue the conversation, but never really understood what part of my voice or cadence he was referring to,but i think i smoothed things over enough. but it just sucks so much.
im living with him and my stepmom right now as i look for a job, and im more than an hour away from any of my friends. while i could drive to see them, it doesnt make sense to waste that gas when im unemployed and heading for the airport in the morning tomorrow. and i dont really call my friends. i could, but its not a thing we do, and i honestly would just want to say what this post said and then move on. i just wish i had company. but im outside trying not to be eaten alive by mosquitoes but theyre getting me through me jeans, so i just have to suck it up and go inside to wash the dishes.
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kittycattoys · 2 years
Ink - Eddie Munson Part 4
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Part 3 | Masterlist | Characters
Ava's house has a roof that from a second story window you can access. she has one of said windows in her room
Warnings: 18+ content, Dick Steve, slight SA, Mentions of former FwB,
Summery: I never know what to say here so this is the last summary on ink
Last episode: "you said that if I enjoyed it I'd be your girlfriend"
She came home and walked straight to her bedroom and found Steve sitting on her bed.
"your mom said you'd be back soon so I just been sitting here waiting" he said seeing her confused face
"why are you here"
"why are you dressed up"
"I went on a date you would have known that if you didn't flip the fuck out on me this morning" she said walking over to her wardrobe and grabbing some pajamas
"well why were you wearing boys clothes"
"I spent the night with a guy after getting some stuff from Eddie" she turned back around and looked at him "you really jumped to conclusions now didn't you"
"Your doing drugs now" he asked his voice full of scepticism
"yes school has been stressing me out"
"why you have straight A's and if nothing else you can always sleep with a teacher to get your grades up" she glared at him
"I would rather take an F then ever do that" she replied angrily and he put his hands up
"I'm just saying"
"alright you came here for a reason Harrington spit it out before you piss me off more"
"I can't come over just to see my best friend" he asked getting up from the bed and walking over to her
"No you always have an alter motive"
"You know me so well" he crashed his lips onto hers and she pushed him off
"what the fuck do you think your doing"
"what do you mean we've done this before"
"and you didn't even ask if I wanted to or how my date went" she took a deep breath to calm herself "if that's the only reason you came here then please leave"
"your really being a prude Ava" he said leaving her room
She took another deep breath before changing into her pajamas
She lied awake on her bed for a while. She couldn't help but think that she was hurting Eddie in some way even though nothing happened. Eventually the feeling over took her and she pulled over the phone she had in her room and quickly dialed the number that Eddie wrote down for her. The line rung for awhile.
"Hello" Eddie said in a slightly annoyed voice
"hey it's Ava"
"hey" he said in a much happier voice "what are you calling for darling"
"um I... want to talk to you... in person so I was wondering if you could come over... you don't have to if you don't want to"
"yeah of course I'll come over"
"thanks I'll show you how to sneak into my room"
She sat on the roof of her house waiting for Eddie. She watched as his van pulled up and he quickly hopped out. She showed him how to climb up and which window was hers. Now they sat on the soft sheepskin rug in her room.
"So what did you want to talk about" he asked breaking the awkward silence that was building between them. She let out a small huff before kissing him he seemed shocked but quickly kissed back. They sat kissing for a bit before he pulled away "did you just want me here for kisses"
"No I just don't know exactly how to say it and I thought kissing would help me"
"well is it working" he asked pulling her onto his lap
"Maybe" she said and he went back to kissing her. They kissed until she found the right words to say and when she did she pulled away from him. Still sitting on his lap she started talking. "You remember how when we were in the storage closet and I told you how Steve and I were just best friends"
"yeah" he said nervously
"um I wasn't 100 percent telling the truth. We weren't dating or anything. But it wasn't just platonic um god why is this so hard for me to say" she leaned her head on his chest
"you don't have to tell me if don't want to" he said with a slight chuckle.
"no I want to I don't want you to find out from someone else... mainly Steve. He is going to get pissed when he finds out"
"ok but you can take your time I have nothing I need to do"
"thank you" she took a deep breath "uh Steve and I used to fuck" she said very quietly and if they weren't so close together he wouldn't of heard her. "But again we aren't dating"
"so it was just a friends with benefits situation"
"Yeah... your not mad at me"
"No I understand you were just horny... I've actually had a couple of those"
She let out a chuckle "can you please stay the night"
"of course your wish is my command"
Part 5
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death-munchkin · 2 years
CW: // Abuse Toxic shit from my mom's abuse toolbag
Sometimes I just feel like listing the shit my mom does to remind myself it's toxic, to help someone else who's currently in a toxic relationship and wants to know some red flags, or just for people to laugh at the ridiculousness of this woman. CW for discussing mental/emotional abuse. Mentions of homo/bi/transphobia.
"You should dump your [Partner] because you're bi and thus can't be loyal." Opening strong with homo/biphobia right off the bat. Good one mum, I definitely haven't heard that a million times before, it will definitely get me to side with you over them this time, just keep trying it'll work eventually /s.
"No that didn't happen, don't you ever say that happened. You can say anything about me but don't ever say I did that!" Yes you did, no you telling me to pretend it didn't happen won't make it so it didn't happen. No you not remembering doing it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Grow up.
"I will always love you no matter what and always support you." (after berating me for over an hour) If this is what your love is, thanks but no thanks, I'll take the pass.
"Your [Partner] is making you disagree with me, aren't [they]? [They're] putting you up to this!" No mum, they don't 'put me up to' anything, I came to the conclusion that you're wrong and need to gtfo my life all by myself, thanks. I'm a grown ass man I can make my own decisions. They're just supporting me during the fallout. Nice try to make me think they're the problem and not you though.
"What changed all of a sudden? You were always so happy and we never fought! And then your [partner] showed up and now we fight all the time!" First of all, no, we fought loooong before I even met my partner. Two, I've been depressed and I've hated you for over a decade, again, long before even meeting my partner. Three, we fight more often because you won't shut up about trying to get me to leave my partner and it's pissing me off.
"Well, if I'm not allowed to call you until I respect your boundaries, then I won't call you until you allow me to disrespect your boundaries!" Ohh noooo. What ever will I do if you don't call me just to disrespect my boundaries, the horror, how will I live /s.
"You should move in with me, I can help fix your life for you." My life is fine without you, thanks.
[After all of the above, breaking me down to tears, literally begging for her to stop and just leave me alone] "Okay. Alright... So what are you doing for Christmas this year?" Lol, nope, fuck off you're not welcome here.
And, to top it all off, because this is the funniest thing to me: "Where did I go wrong? When did your life go so off track? I don't understand???" idk mum, maybe living with someone like you for 18 years kinda screwed my brain a wee bit.
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Writing promt: damon salvatore angst to fluff where the reader(fem pronouns pls) and damon are in a heated argument and damon says some really hurtful things and leaves y/n by herself, basically letting her think badly of herself and she ends up falling asleep but has a nightmare, so she calls damon and he can already tell shes scared so he vamp speeds to there house and basically comforts her and apologizes for the stuff he said and they cuddle, watch movies and talk
"Damon, please! I'm trying to explain to you why you can't keep killing people!"
"And I'm not listening Y/n! Your not my mother! I thought you would understand that, killing people for fun is my personality! Out of all people, you know that!" You sighed, visibly frustrated.
"Damon..I love you. I don't want to see you get caught and end up getting killed. Your the love of my life and I would do anything for you. But you can't keep killing people."
"Again, I don't care about what you want. You get everything you want anyways. Why can't I just have this?! Stop being so fucking selfish!" Damon said as he stormed towards the door.
"Damon, wait..please!" You said, desperately trying for Damon's hand.
"Y/n don't grab my hand. I'm pissed. I don't want to hit you." You sighed as the love of your life walked out.
Eventually you fell asleep, it wasn't the same without Damon however. Suddenly you began to shake in your sleep as a vision played.
"DAMON!! STOP IT!! YOUR GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED!!" It was too late. Damon had purposely outed himself as a vampire, bringing him to this moment. A stake through the heart. "I'm sorry Y/n..."
"Don't leave me!!"
"I'm sorry, baby..." And like that, the love of your life was gone. His body grayed as he became lifeless.
You awoke to tears streaming down your face and a panicked state. You quickly stumbled for your phone and dialed the one person you needed most, Damon.
"Mm, hey sweetie..."
"D-Damon...I need you..."
"Don't move baby, I'm on my way." Within 2 minutes Damon was in your doorway. As soon as you saw him you ran into his arms and sobbed. Damon picked you up and cradled you as he brought you to their bed. He let you cry as much as you needed without saying a single thing. When you was finally calm you sniffled and looked at Damon.
"Can you tell me what happened, love?"
"You...you didn't listen to me about killing people for fun and you....you got caught....they drove a stake through your heart Damon!...." you felt the tears welling up again and Damon noticed.
"Hey, Princess. Look at me, look me in the eye." You looked into Damon's piercing blue eyes and couldn't help but to feel safe. "My lovely, lovely darling," Damon continued, "I'm sorry for not listening to you and especially for yelling at you, but I can promise that I won't let anyone take me away from you, ok? Even if it means I fight with my life, I'm never leaving you. Now let me see your smile. Hm?" You couldn't smile, not after the horrid nightmare you had gone through. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry." Damon said, compassionately as he wrapped his arms around your torso. He began to hum softly and rock you gently untill you were calm.
"I'm sorry..."
"My love, don't ever be sorry for something like this. It happens, it's natural. Let me see your beautiful eyes." Younslowly looked up at Damon and he smiled, one of the most gentle, loving smiles he could give. He began to gently wipe away any remaining tears from your face and layed down with you in his lap. You snuggled into his chest and breathed in his cholone.
"You wanna watch a movie love?" You nodded softly and Damon smiled happily.
As the movie played you began to drift in and out of consciousness, being extremely exhausted.
"I love you, Damon...Thank you."
"I'd do it again in a heartbeat y/n. Your my world. I love you more, get some sleep sweetheart, I'll be right here for you."
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strgshazam · 7 months
Missing Out - Chapter IV - If you forget what I've done, I'll do it again
While she's smoking, he leans down and starts pressing his lips against her neck. She turns her head away from him and back towards the party to give him more room to work.
That's when she sees Steve Harrington coming their way.
She puts a hand onto Billy's chest before whispering to him, "Sorry babe, fun police is here."
Just as Billy's pulling away to see what she's talking about, Steve makes his presence known. Loudly.
"Harper! The hell are you doing back here?" Though he doesn't say it, she can feel the added 'with him' at the end of that question.
previous | next
a/n: writing has been especially tough because i'm traveling for work right now, but i'm doing my best. also, if anyone is interested in being a beta for this, please let me know!
about: billy hargrove x ofc, slow burn strangers to lovers modern!au
warnings: drug and alcohol use, substance abuse as a coping mechanism, dead dove: do not eat, eventual smut, minors dni, violence
10:14 AM billy the flirt: Hey. Can we talk?
He set his phone back down on his nightstand with the intention of going back to sleep (or at least attempting) for a few hours. Harper didn't typically wake up until mid-afternoon. To his surpise, his phone buzzed against the wood surface beside him almost instantly.
Harper: sure thing, honey. the sooner, the better. got some shit to take care of later.
He had spent the majority of the last three weeks pissed off - why the fuck had she lied to him? What was wrong with him that she was interested in...anybody else? It wasn't until he had driven Max home from school a few days prior that some sense was knocked into him.
"Get in the car, Max. You're already late enough as it is."
"I'm only like two minutes late! What's up your ass lately?" She tossed her skateboard into the trunk of his car - there's no way she's putting that dirty piece of wood on his leather seats - and climbed into the passenger's seat and shut the door with a light slam.
"Hey! Watch the door, shitbird, or you'll be walking home for the rest of the month," he turned the key in the ignition and checked his rearview mirror that just so happened to contain his own reflection before peeling out of the school parking lot.
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, "Seriously, what's your deal? You been fighting with that girl?"
His head snapped to look at her ever so briefly, "What girl?" She let out an incredulous laugh. "The girl you've been spending all your time with lately."
"There's no girl. And mind your fuckin' business," he kept his eyes focused on the road.
Max made her eye roll obvious enough that he didn't even need to look at her to see it. "Then why're you so defensive? How'd you fuck it up, huh?"
"Watch your mouth, Maxine. I didn't fuck up anything."
"Oh right, I forgot that you've never been an asshole to anyone before. 'Specially not girls. Never been anything less than a gentleman while trying to get in their pants."
That's what set him off. The tires of the Camaro screeched to a halt on the side of the road before he reached over to grab her arm.
He pulled her closer to him with an intense grip, "Didn't I tell you to mind your fuckin' business? I didn't do anything. And there's no girl to fuck anything up with anyway. Now get out of my car before you piss me off even more," he shoved her arm back toward her and waited for her to get out. 
She climbed out of the car and held the door open, "Never been an asshole to a girl, huh?" She sneered at him before slamming the door.
He sped off without giving her the skateboard out of the trunk.
To no one's surprise, Billy had a hard time admitting he was wrong. What was worse than Max calling him out was the fact that she was right. He'd never admit that to her, of course, but she was.
The next day, he had taken her out for ice cream. Neil hadn't liked that.
He arrived at Harper's apartment and knocked on the door. He wasn't sure that he still was welcome enough to just walk in.
"It's open, Billy!"
He found her in her usual spot on the couch, but the...air of the apartment felt different. He could tell that she felt differently about him now. God, he really had fucked this up. He finally had accepted that they were just going to be friends, but now it was too late. Now it was-
"Holy shit, what happened?" He saw bruising on her cheek and a split lip that was no more than a day and a half old. He moved quickly to sit beside her on the couch and hesitated a bit before gently placing his hands against her jaw to get a better look.
She didn't flinch at his question. She didn't flinch at his touch. She only muttered, "I could ask you the same thing," as she pointed to her own eyebrow. The exact spot that he had a butterfly bandage on his own face and what little bruising remained from a black eye.
"You okay?" He gently touched his thumb against her cheek, which still didn't make her flinch. "I'm fine. You?" She stared directly into his eyes. When most people saw him like this, they couldn't stop staring at the injuries. But not her. She couldn't stop staring at him. 
He used his calloused hands to gently turn her head to try to get a better look, and that's when he saw it: the bruises on her neck that were in the middle of fading. Or the middle of developing?
"Harp. What happened to you?" His voice was barely above a whisper. 
She smirked at him, "You should see the other guy."
He dropped his head and let out an exastperated sigh, "You're not going to tell me, are you?" He pulled his hands away from her face and she shrugged, "You show me yours, I'll show you mine."
He leaned back against the couch and rubbed his hands over his own face, carefully avoiding his own injuries.
"Look, about what I said..."
"I forgive you," she smiled at him as much as she could without pulling her split lip open again. She reached forward toward the coffee table and picked up a joint. Holding it between her teeth, she lit it with the Zippo she pulled from her pocket.
Before she exhaled, she nudged her shoulder against his, "Hey. What's the difference between a hippo and a Zippo?"
He held his eyes closed for a moment, not wanting to just change the subject as if the situation they were in was funny. However, that was clearly what she wanted, so he gave in.
"One's really heavy, and the other's a little lighter," she absolutely beamed.
The joke wasn't funny. It was pretty stupid, honestly. But her smile...despite them both being in the middle of shitty circumstances, she was still wanting to make them both laugh. And it worked. His own smile was big enough to exceed hers. He dropped his head into his hands and muttered, "You're the fuckin' worst," while trying to hold back as much laughter as he could. 
She passed the joint to him as her smile faded, "You really wanna know what happened?"
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-27 · 7 months
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 35
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*Warning Adult Content*
Always Claimed - Part 1
Knox usually goes into a mission with a clear head but with Everett being part of the crew for today's confrontation with Ghost, his thoughts are scattered all over the damn place.
He walks quietly behind Everett and Finn as they make their way outside to join the others.
His attention shifts as a small twinge of possessiveness strikes him when Everett laughs dramatically at something Finn says.
Knox puts an end to their conversation by moving to walk between them.
Finn smirks, catching the hint and eventually breaks off to walk in a different direction.
"I feel so bad about leaving Bear behind. I hope he doesn't give Josie too much of a hard time."
Everett nudges Knox in the side when he doesn't offer a response.
"Hey, where are you right now?"
Knox glances at Everett.
"Here with you." 
"Smartass. You know what I meant."
Everett sighs, rolling his eyes.
"Look, I get that you're still upset about me tagging along with you guys but I..."
"I'm not upset, Everett. I'm fucking livid and I'm done talking about it. You've already made your decision."
Knox stops beside his motorcycle and takes the bulletproof vest from Everett's hands.
"Take off your shirt."
"Oh. In front of all your brothers?" Everett teases with a playful grin, his fingers dancing along the hem of his oversized t-shirt. "I didn't know you were into exhibitionism but I guess I'm down."
Knox's lips twitch as a smile threatens to break free but his grey eyes remain focused and serious as he holds up the vest.
"Take the damn shirt off so I can help you get into this."
"Okay, okay. Just trying to lighten the mood," Everett mutters under his breath while taking off his shirt and tossing it onto the handlebar of Knox's bike.
He says nothing more as Knox secures the vest over his tank top, then adjusts and tightens the straps.
"Damn. Are you punishing me or is this thing supposed to be this snug? Maybe I need to try a bigger size or something..."
"You don't. It's meant to be snug," Knox chuckles, the sound unexpected and rough.
He passes Everett his shirt back when he finishes with the vest and a momentary silence settles between them as he puts the shirt back on.
Everett disrupts it by reaching for Knox's hand and placing it on his cheek, their eyes locking as worry bounces back and forth between them.
"Don't what?"
"Don't try to fucking sweet-talk me right now."
Everett grins and shifts his face to kiss Knox's palm before lowering the man's hand to their sides.
"I understand why you're pissed at me and I promise I'll make it up to you when we get back. Wherever you want, however you want..."
Everett wiggles his brows but Knox's stern expression never falters.
"God, I'm trying really hard here but you're making this more difficult than it needs to be."
"For a damn good reason. It's one thing to come up with a plan, it's something else entirely to act that plan out while trying not to get killed, something you have zero experience in doing," Knox's voice, always so confident and strong, wavers just a fraction. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I'm already in this tight ass vest, Knox. I'm not backing out now. Can you please just..."
The distant roar of multiple motorcycles breaks the intimate bubble around them.
They both glance over to see Gavin giving the call to action.
"Ready up."
"Let's go."
Knox leads Everett over to the Jackal's car that he'll be traveling in with Finn.
He pushes his emotions down with every step he takes or at least he tries, until the only thing he feels is pure rage.
Everett, on the other hand, sheds some of his confidence with every second that passes.
Knox notices every twitch that his fingers make, every head jerk in response to a sound he isn't familiar with.
He was desperately trying to come off as relaxed before but Knox saw through the bullshit.
And maybe he is being a little too hard on the boy but so fucking what?
Anything to keep him safe.
Anything to keep him alive.
"I won't let anything happen to him, Knox. You know I'm good at this shit."
Finn meets his brother's eyes while making the pledge.
"I'll even make sure he puts his seatbelt on and everything."
"Okay, relax. I'm not a damn toddler," Everett grumbles while Finn laughs.
He turns his attention back to Knox and reaches for his cut, tugging him closer.
"You'll be right behind us?"
Knox nods.
"Right behind you, kitten."
That nickname, filled with so much damn affection, just does it for Everett every time.
He pushes up on his toes to claim Knox's mouth, exchanging a kiss that carries its own weighted promise, a silent vow that they would get through this, that everything would be alright simply because they believed it.
Finn gives them privacy and moves to slide into the driver's seat of the car, starting it up.
"Be good," Knox whispers after the kiss. "And listen to whatever Finn tells you."
Everett rolls his eyes.
"I like it better when I'm taking orders from you."
"Oh, yeah? I'll remember that from now on," Knox smirks.
"I'm sure you will."
Everett blushes, pulling back.
"See you in a few."
As Everett climbs into the passenger seat of the car, Knox's fingers itch with the urge to pull him out of it.
Instead, he refocuses his mind on the mission as he goes to mount his bike.
It really doesn't matter how he feels right now, nervous, anxious, excited to finally have Ghost within his grasp, he has to place full trust in Gavin's plan.
Most of all, he has to believe that Everett will be able to fend for himself if or when the moment strikes.
Thoughts like that force Knox to admit that, even after Everett leaves to return to his old life, Knox won't truly let him go.
Once claimed, always claimed.
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rantgical · 9 months
So I had a nightmare. Couldn't really fall back asleep afterwards, I mean I can but didn't really feel like I got any more rest ya know?
The details are blurry now but I woke up crying which is not something I often do. I do remember what the nightmare was about.
I was taking a test, I think it was a math test, and the supervisor was my old math teacher from middle school. At one point she left the room (or maybe just turned away?) and the guy in front of me started immediately talking to his friend who was sitting behind me. Like he actually got up and started waving his test around, comparing answers with them.
I remember he was waving his test paper in front of mine and I got annoyed because I couldn't see my test so eventually, I think I yelled at him. Couldn't remember what I yelled but right after I did the teacher came back and yelled at everyone to get the hell back in their seats.
So I thought, great that was the end of that. But a moment later she came up to my desk, grabbed my test paper and ripped it in half. After that is when the details got really blurry but I remember her saying something about me breaking the rules?
It wasn't downright because I 'cheated' because honestly dream me did not look at the test paper that was obscuring her view.
But looking back on it, the part I found weird was after that I cried and begged her for... something, a new paper? A second chance? Can't remember. But it was weird because irl I never beg for anything and I'll sure as hell never cry and make a scene in a classroom full of people, and then I woke up.
After thinking about it some more I figured the reason dream me was so out of character was because that nightmare resembled something that actually happened when I was actually in middle school.
There was a math test I took then that had really unclear instructions because the teacher wasn't here and the supervisor in her stead didn't know shit. So, being the smartass sixth grader I am, I scrawled a note on the top margins of the page, above the school logo and the box where you put your name, that said (and I quote) "The instructions for this test was unclear so just mark whichever one is in the correct spot okay?"
And that's what I handed in. Doesn't seem too bad right?
Apparently that was a big no-no because a week later the teacher came in and she was fucking pissed. She called me to the front of the class and basically asked what the hell I was thinking. She read out the message to the whole class and started going on about how you're absolutely not supposed to write on the top margins of exam paper and how even the teachers take care not to write anything there and how what I wrote was disrespectful, yada yada.
I don't know how embarrassing it actually is but sixth grade Regi was mortified. So I apologized, promised I won't do it again, sat back down, and that was the end of that right? wrong.
About an hour later, someone from the class next door came into mine and said that she wanted to see me. So I went to the class next door and then in front of that class, she gave the exact same spiel she gave in my class about how I was super disrespectful because I wrote on the top margins of some fucking piece of paper.
So now I've been embarrassed (I won't say humiliated because that's a strong word even and I'm sure it felt more embarrassing than it actually was) in front of two classes. Can't remember at what point I started crying but I remember sitting outside the classroom during break time and either crying or brooding even when everyone else lined up to go back inside after break time.
I remember telling my parents and they got way angrier than I thought they would and they actually came to see that teacher the next day (even though I said it was fine and they didn't have to do that) and then for the third time she said she wanted to see me but this time it was to sit me down and say she didn't mean to humiliate me in front of two classes (she said other things too but that's the part that stayed with me and also the fact that she never explicitly apologized).
And then that was that. Life moved on. The end.
So why did something that happened when I was like 12 come back to haunt me 8 years later? Probably because that whole ordeal was heavier on my psyche than I initially thought it was (does it count as trauma? I don't really know, I don't wanna say that it is and risk making a mountain out of a mole hill) and well yea that sucked. I couldn't sleep after that so I'm gonna be tired for the rest of the day and I have to go to work feeling like this.
Anyway good morning.
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