#I'm getting more and more furious by the minute HAHA
buttercupshands · 1 month
wait a minute
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stop it.
#bnha#bnha manga spoilers#mha spoilers#mha 423#I didn't hate this chapter before that#but now I am#because this is just cruel level of REMEMBER THIS?????#yes. I do remember this. I rewatched and reread this arc VERY recently#so... he killed Kurogiri with a punch like the one he did in USJ and again to save Izuku#I don't care honestly.#I reread this chapter and I cried again bc I REALLY refused to believe that Kurogiri died then#but he did with a death words to Shirakumo's friends and recall of old chapters#even if people want Tenko alive I doubt that Kurogiri will ever materialize again#and I'm deadly serious when I say that this is the worst part of this chapter#I worried for Kurogiri's existence ever since it was revealed that Shirakumo is in there#but that literally took FIVE YEARS TO APPEAR AGAIN HAVING AN IMPORTANT ROLE#and he left while crumbling just like Tomura's body before Katsuki hit him#and the last thing he thought about was about protecting Tomura even though he was partly Shirakumo's dead corpse appearing more and more#even Mic now understood that it's really is him in a way ending his arc from back in Tartarus with Aizawa#and you know what's worse??? TOMURA KNOWS THIS#the way he used “...........” with Kurogiri's name while the page literally showed his black smoke disappearing was heartbreaking before#it's worse now#like... okay he's dying too and he doesn't even know if spinner is ALIVE or not and he saw Kurogiri disappear#all while protecting him from harm one last time#AND WE STILL HAVE NO FUCKING FLASHBACKS OF HIS TIME WITH TOMURA OUTSIDE OF WHAT WE HAD IN MANGA#I'm getting more and more furious by the minute HAHA#I need to find that one sketch I did way back in 2019 with them after spoilers of Kurogiri in Tartarus#I NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT NOW AND I CAN'T DRAW#I want to just curl up and cry myself to sleep like a 13 y.o that found out the bird that she looked after died while she was sleeping#kurogiri
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imaginedanvrs · 6 months
encrypted relations
part 1 l masterlist
summary: yelena belova x reader. when natasha takes you under her wing, she becomes like family, and the last thing you want is to lose that. but when you meet her younger sister who you know is off limits, you have to decide between what you really want and hope for minimal damage
word count: 3.6k
warnings: alcohol, mentions of past toxic relationship and manipulation, sexual themes, implied death
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“I cannot believe you met Nat's sister before me!” You exclaimed as you threw yourself down on your sofa and glared up at the ceiling, furious at the universe's mockery. 
  “Dude, I know! I wanted to call you but every time I was about to, someone started shooting at us again,” Kate said with a huff. “But I got her number and told her to text me next time she's in town…she hasn't been responding yet so it might be a fake number,” you could hear the pout.
  “Kate!” You whined, earning a curious glance from Marty who jumped up onto the sofa to settle down on top of you.
  “I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you,” she tried.
  “I'll hold you to that,” you huffed until a smile crept onto the corner of your lips. “So tell me everything,” you grinned as you held the phone closer to your ear. You always loved hearing about Kate's missions. Having known the young archer since before you managed to introduce her to her favourite hero, you had witnessed Kate's adventures transgress from more delinquent than crime fighter, to taking on the KingPin single handedly. You were confident her first fight with aliens was right around the corner. 
  At that, Kate lit up, springing into an animated recollection of everything that had happened in the past few days. Her account was no doubt exaggerated and a little out of order with how often she got side tracked with minute details, but you were able to gain at least an overview of the events that led their paths to cross. In short: widows. 
  Yelena had been able to trace down the small group of assassins who had slipped under her radar, due to their inbuilt paranoia now that the red room’s foundation had crumbled, and led her to New York. The widows, acting on their manmade instincts, had made some trouble in town that Kate had stepped in to deal with without knowing the full scale of what she faced. Fortunately, Yelena had jumped in just in time to stop Kate getting killed but in the chaos of it all, the widows got away. 
  After a great deal of persistence from Kate, Yelena eventually gave the archer the rundown and in doing so got herself a companion for the rest of her time in the city until they were swiftly able to find the widows once more and release them from their chemically induced trance. 
  “So what was she like?” You asked once you had processed Kate’s story. 
  “Total badass,” Kate summarised. 
  “Knew it,” you muttered as you scratched behind Marty’s ears.
  “Anway, I gotta take Lucky for his routine checkup so I’ll talk to you later,” Kate said before you could ask any more questions. 
  “Good luck, Lucky,” you called down the phone, hearing a distant woof in return before the call ended. You immediately opened your messages. 
  Me: yelena was back in town??? You typed out furiously. It took less than a minute to get a response, that meant that Nat was probably doing paperwork.
  Nat: haha yeah, you guys meet up?
  Me: no she was too busy hanging out with kate!! 
  Nat: i didn’t get to see her either :( you frowned as you read over the message, surprised that Yelena hadn’t gone to see her sister when she had the chance. 
  Me: what?? :( you paused, tapping your thumbs against the sides of your phone.
  Me: you free for lunch? 
  Nat: come by the tower? She was definitely doing paperwork. There had been so many times in the past where Natasha had been too swamped with paperwork to go out with you for lunch that you had developed somewhat of a routine for you to go and have lunch with the Russian as she worked. Much to her credit, her ability to hold a conversation while recollecting her missions was admirable. 
  Me: omw
  “Come on, Marty. We’re going to the tower,” you said as you patted his back. Your dog was quick to scramble off of you and make his way to the door, grabbing his collar and leash off of the hook while you grabbed your jacket. You took it from his mouth gently and fastened it on before making your way out. 
  It didn’t take you long to get through the security at the Avenger’s tower. In earlier years you had some issues, especially with the addition of Marty, because you had to sign in as a visitor even though you were accessing floors visitors couldn’t. Eventually, Tony had gotten you a pass that let you whizz through the gates and checks. 
  “Hey, Steve, how’s it going?” You greeted the soldier as you entered the common room. 
  “Hey kid, not so bad. I haven’t seen you in a while though, how’ve you been?” He asked as he crouched down to give Marty all the attention he had been anticipating. 
  “Same old,” you shrugged, settling into an easy catch up with the blond as he recollected his latest pop culture enrichments and visits to see Peggy. The pair of you didn’t get to talk for too long though, because Nat appeared at the other side of the room with her arms crossed across her chest. 
  “Mind if I steal this one away, Rogers?” Natasha asked with a slight grin. 
  “Course not, see you around, y/n,” Steve chuckled as he picked up his lunch and took it away. As soon as he did, Marty dashed across the room to the Russian with his tail wagging madly. It was obvious who his favourite was in the tower, same as you. 
  “Hi, Mutt,” Natasha cooed as she pampered the dog.
  “I told you not to call him that,” you said with a roll of your eyes even though it was hard not to smile every time. 
  “Why not? That’s what he is,” Natasha pointed out as she stood up and gave you a fond hug. You went through to the corner of the conference room with the sofas where Natasha had her laptop and two plates of pb&j sandwiches. 
  “So how come you didn’t get to see Yelena while she was in the city?” You asked right away. You and the Russian had never had a small talk type of relationship. 
  “She hadn’t been planning to come to the city in the first place, that was just where she was led to, but once she had handled everything she needed to, she was being called to chase another lead,” Natasha explained with an air of disappointment. 
  “I guess between Kate and the widows she was more than preoccupied while she was here,” you said as you reached for your sandwich and pondered Yelena’s general mission that took up so much of her time. In fact, it seemed to be an almost constant thing. 
  “Yelena’s been at this for what? A year now? Is she anywhere close to being done with it all?” You asked, knowing that the scale of what the young Russian had taken on was great but that the work she put in was greater. 
  “She reckons so,” Natasha said with a spark of hope in her eyes that was impossible not to catch. “I want her to come home, wherever that may be to her,” the spy admitted, knowing that her sister wouldn’t want to stay by her side forever. 
  “Even if you’re not home, you’re a pretty great timeshare.” You thought that was a nice thing to say, but the pb&j sandwich Nat threw at your face said otherwise. You grinned back at the redhead, knowing she didn’t have to worry about Yelena growing distant with her again and hoping the same would always apply to you. 
“So if Steve could lift mjolnir and they ruled Asgard together, would that make them some kind of power couple?” Kate asked as she leant against the wall next to your door. 
  “Like work husbands?” You rummaged around in your pockets for your keys while the archer continued. 
  “Royal work husbands,” she corrected. 
  “You’ll definitely have to ask them at the next party,” you chuckled as you eventually found your keys and started opening your apartment door. 
  “I wanted to ask at the last one but I thought as it was my first time meeting them that I should-”
  “Kate Bishop.” You and Kate spun in the direction of the voice as you fumbled for the light switch. “Y/n l/n,” the Russian continued once you had a light on her. 
  “Yelena!” Kate exclaimed with a broad smile as Lucky immediately dashed over to the blonde. Marty stayed close to your side as you stared at Yelena in awe while she greeted the labrador. “You know you don’t have to break into everyone’s apartments the first time you go to them, right?” The archer asked, placing her jacket on your coat rack while you continued to stand glued to the spot. 
  “I did not break anything and you were taking forever!” Yelena argued defensively as she stood up and set her eyes on you. “Y/n l/n,” she greeted. You could feel her assessing you, just like her sister had the first time she stood where the blonde was. 
  “Yelena Belova,” you said, taking in the Russian in front of you. Her blonde locks were loose over her designer jacket that had various broches scattered across it and had been matched perfectly with black trousers that fit comfortably enough to highlight her figure. She was clearly someone who took pride in how she looked and you understood why, she was beautiful. 
  You watched a smile inch at the corner of her lips and wondered what kind of assessment she had made of you. Had she noticed that your eyes had lingered a little too long on the curve of her hips or trace of a smile? You swiftly looked away, reminding yourself that maybe you shouldn’t be looking so intently at Natasha’s sister. 
  “It’s about time you guys met, huh?” Kate said as she glanced excitedly, though oblivious, between you both. Yelena was still looking at you, a fact you were aware of because her gaze was as intense as her sisters. 
  “Of course, my sister’s told me a lot about you,” Yelena informed as she observed you take Marty’s lead and collar off. 
  “Likewise,” you said with a brief glance in the Russian’s direction in hopes of avoiding picking up on any more of her perfections. “What brings you over here?” You asked to at least distract yourself. 
  “A lead,” Yelena tore her eyes away from you and moved to where Kate was sitting comfortably on your sofa. 
  “Already? It’s only been a few months since you were here last.” You listened to the pair converse as you strolled to the sliding glass panel that separated your bed from the rest of the studio apartment and threw your satchel down. 
  “This is bigger than last time,” Yelena explained, her voice dropping to that of a serious one. “I called Natasha but she didn’t pick up,” the Russian huffed. 
  “She’s in the Philippines,” you added as you reemerged, meeting Yelena’s emerald eyes. “They all are.”
  “So you want us?” Kate jumped in, clearly unbothered that she was the Russian’s second choice. 
  “I heard you’re good with tech, think you can access this?” Yelena held out a small device in your direction. You took it without letting your fingers brush and recognised the device right away. It was a sort of USB stick, though slightly modified so that it couldn’t fit into any ordinary USB port. You hadn’t seen one in a while but fortunately you had an adapter you could use to get started on it. 
  When you didn’t confirm if you could in fact access the device’s information, Kate didn’t hesitate to do it for you and started asking the blonde what her plan was and how she could help and how come she didn’t respond to the memes she sent her. Instead of listening, you brought out your adapter and set to work on analysing the task ahead of you. It didn’t take long to realise the coding it required was advanced. Not too advanced for you, but enough of a challenge that you wouldn’t be able to hand the device back over that night. 
  “It’s gonna take me a while,” you admitted openly to the Russian. “I’m sorry, I know it’s probably time sensitive but it’s just a little-”
  “It’s okay, y/n l/n,” Yelena was quick to assure. In your line of work, you weren’t used to patience so you looked at the blonde sceptically, wondering if she actually understood how long ‘a while’ could be. “Just text me when it is ready and I will come back.” Oh. So she did know. 
  “You can stay if you want,” you offered as Yelena stood up. She gave you a smile, one that you knew you would be thinking about for the rest of that evening because it felt like it was just for you. 
  “Yeah, it’s friday night and we have jello shots in the fridge,” Kate added, already setting off in the direction of the kitchen. 
  “Some other time,” Yelena said as she went to leave. 
  “So you do know how to use a door,” you couldn’t help but quip as Yelena stood in the doorway. 
  “See you soon, y/n l/n,” Yelena smiled with a glint of something promising in her eyes. The moment she shut the door you spun around in your chair to face Kate. 
  “She’s kinda intense.” Kate shrugged as she carried a tray over with a few snacks and shots on. Anyone else would have thought she lived with you. 
  “You get used to it.” 
  “I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” you muttered as you joined the archer on your sofa. She didn’t miss your comment. 
  “She’s also kinda cute though, don’t you think?" Kate commented as she flicked through your tv. You didn’t answer until you finished your first cup of jello. 
  “I guess,” you said nonchalantly. Kate hummed, about to pry further to confirm her suspicions when her phone chimed. 
  Yelena: meet tomorrow at central park? Bring the bow and arrow
  “Be careful, Kate,” you vocalised your concern. 
  “Always,” she assured with a nudge to your shoulder. “Guess that means these are all for you though,” the archer said, pushing the shots your way. Just as you downed the second one and Kate picked a film, your own phone chimed. 
  Unknown number: you need better locks on your window
  “Did you give her my number?” Kate looked over at your screen and chuckled to herself. 
  “Nope,” she said simply, amused that the blonde had managed to get it on her own. 
  Me: i dont usually have to worry about spies breaking in you typed out, choosing not to mention that you lived in a S.H.I.E.L.D apartment as that clearly wasn’t adequate enough.
  Yelena: really? How have you made it this long?
  Me: im kind of friends with the best spy in the world
  Yelena: we’re friends already?? You rolled your eyes at that and bit back a smile. 
  Me: we’ll see ;) 
  You turned your phone off and took another shot just as your phone chimed again. Kate gave you a questioning look as you ignored the device and tried to give all your attention to the tv. “I knew you guys would get on great,” she said smugly. 
  “She’s pretty cool,” you admitted nonchalantly before sneaking a glance at your phone once more. 
  Yelena: see you soon ;)
  You jumped, spinning around to face her as she stepped into the living room. You never hear the keys jingle on the other side of the door. You never even hear the door open or the two steps into the apartment before she slammed the door shut, eyes already set on you. The control she had over deciding when you’re aware of her presence had always been something your girlfriend found entertainment from and took full advantage of. She never hid that, she didn’t have to. It wasn’t like you were actually going to voice your discomfort. 
  “Hi,” you greeted, cautiously searching Rae’s eyes for any indicator of what the mood of the evening was going to be. She doesn’t respond and that’s what you were hoping she wouldn’t do. Instead, she looked at the screen behind you as she ventured forwards. You glanced back at the monitor and can’t see how it’s anything of much interest. To anyone else it might be, but your girlfriend had seen it all before. 
  “Find anything good?” She asked as she stood so close to your side that her arms were brushing your own. 
  You were on NASA’s website, the secure part, the part you had to do some amateur hacking to get into. You had done it before. In fact, you frequented the site from time to time though not nearly as much as you used to. It had lost its appeal since the first time aliens invaded and had put an end to the question of life on other planets. S.H.I.E.L.D held the information that was of real interest to you, but NASA uploaded prettier pictures in their reports. 
  “They think they’ve found a black hole that’s going to collapse in on itself in a few thousand years. Last month S.H.I.E.L.D said Carol Danvers confirmed it collapsed years ago,” you shrugged. Your girlfriend hummed. “How was your day?” You asked after a long moment. 
  “Shit. I need you to look up a report for me, something under the name Dmitriev,” she continued. You didn’t push it, no matter how much you wished you could talk normally about your days like other couples did. Instead, you made your way into S.H.I.EL.D’s system as your girlfriend disappeared to grab a drink, knowing it could take you a while to get in in a way that ensured you wouldn’t be detected. Dozens of challenging (though not impenetrable) firewalls later, you were browsing the system as Rae spelt out the name to you. Nothing appeared. You heard a frustrated huff behind you and tried again in an encrypted corner of the system. Nothing. You could feel the fuse shortening, closing in on something eruptive. 
  You swallowed the small lump in your throat and tried to take a moment to think. You had never searched anything specific in S.H.I.E.L.D before, only ever browsing through the categories that caught your interest, making you question more what your girlfriend wanted with such specific information from the division. She had never asked for anything like that before, only ever sharing your curiosity in what was going on beyond your atmosphere. Hacking wasn’t your job, just a hobby. 
  You heard the barstool scrape across the wooden floor a couple feet behind you and a dull clink as Rae set her drink down on the worktop and sat down, eyes boring into the screen the same way they did to you when she wanted something you were reluctant to give. Then an idea came to mind and you hurriedly ran your homemade scanner extension over the screen, revealing a single report file titled ‘Dmitriev’. Rae was at your side in an instant. 
  She didn’t stop you from opening the file yourself, nor did she say anything as you realised you were reading a forty page document about a Hydra operative that was currently in a S.H.I.E.L.D safehouse. You frowned as you read on, willing yourself to stop because you knew information like that was harmful to possess and that you had put yourself in danger the moment you opened the document. Yet you continued and sat there in silence for a full half an hour. You only stopped reading once you felt light kisses being peppered along the side of your neck. 
  “Good job,” Rae muttered against you as you craned your neck and she moved to straddle your legs. Her lips moved to the side of yours as she held your face in her hands, helping you forget all of the questions that were building. She always had a way of making you disregard right and wrong. “Good girl,” she continued and finally kissed you properly. Your head was spinning, it wasn’t often she got like that. 
  Her hand ventured into the waistband of your sweatpants in a silent promise of a long, tender night. She was gentle, insatiable and rewarding at every moment’s peak until you had nothing left to give. You were entirely consumed in one another both in motions and mind, as though there was nothing outside of your proximity and an illusion that nothing would ever compare that connection of sensations. She was your universe and it was devastatingly easy to forget that you were far, far less than that to her. 
  Rae’s strikingly good mood lasted for several more days that you were glad to have cherished. Your willful illusion of peace was shattered when she threw a vase at you, one that you had bought a few weeks prior. As the emptiness crept up on you, so did the questions about your S.H.I.E.L.D search that you would never ask aloud, until one night, when Rae was out with people you had never been introduced to, you returned to your computer and went through the motions to find the file. This time, when you opened the document, blood red letters covered the entirety of the first page. 
  There were several new paragraphs in the document. You didn’t read them. You logged off the sight, turned your computer off and went to bed. What you didn’t know couldn’t haunt you. 
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abcwordsurge · 3 months
ok here we go, as promised, queerplatonic floui headcanons!
*proceeds to sit and stare at the computer for like ten minutes, motionless*
ah-hah ok, the headcanons have loaded, there they are under the cut:
they know each other so so well. they can almost always predict what the other is thinking or planning, and most often they're the first to notice when the other is feeling sad or annoyed or whatever. they just. they get each other
you know that butterflies feeling you get when you're thinking about a crush or whatever? (I dunno, I'm told that's what happens when you allos get crushes) there's little to none of that between Loui and Flo. they're so comfortable with each other that there's no reason for nervousness, or quick heart rates, or whatever else you alloromantic people claim you feel
Loui is chill like 90% of the time, right? but he absolutely cannot keep his cool when he's talking to Spain, because he's just so furious that Spain was, um, not the best parent to Florida
Florida is a bit romance repulsed, and Loui is so so careful about making sure that nothing they do makes Florida uncomfortable (like, they cuddle and all that, but no kissing on the lips, but Florida does like it when Loui kisses his forehead or fingers- and there are just so many little things that Loui makes sure Florida likes before he does them)
they call each other "Floridile" and "Louigator" (found this one in my notes, I apparently came up with it like months ago and completely forgot)
when Florida gets a new hyper fixation, he's always so excited to go over and tell Loui all about it, and Loui just sits and watches him with the dopiest smile because he's so happy to see Florida so excited
Loui struggles with self doubt sometimes, and when he does, Florida always goes right to him. he'll try to distract Loui with TV or crime or goofy stories, but if Loui's not feeling it, he'll just sit there. y'know, to show that he'll always be there for him
they're absolutely codependent, but, like, in a cute way
please feel free to share your own queerplatonic floui hcs if you have any; I always love to hear more about my boys
(@sleepdeprivedsimp234 @lunearobservatory @misery-has-no-company-now, thanks for being willing to hear me ramble haha)
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canonicallyalive · 3 months
Left Unanswered // Ooc!(?)Alastor x Reader
[ Author's Note: This is my first short and random fanfic, please expect that there will be some errors in this.. shit i made- anyway, i hope u enjoy it! ]
Warning: Out of context and character (?), deep kissing, blood sucking, swearing ( do tell me if i forgot something! )
Characters: Ooc!Alastorxreader , Husk, Angel Dust
MDNI!! >:((
I slammed the trapdoor shut after climbing up inside his radio station as he looks at me, his eye twitched when i barged in without his consent.
“My dear, you seem to forget what 'doors' are made of.” He breaks the silence, still wearing his signature smile as usual while tapping his fingers on his cane rhythmically. “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked while gritting my teeth. “I beg your pardon?” he replied, as he turned his back towards me and continues doing his work while talking, it made me furious yet i tried staying calm as i take some deep breaths.
He continues talking about other things to not get things awkward around us, then he asked. “What made your presence in my radio station, my dear? Are you here to listen to my broadcasts once more? Because i'm sure would be delighted to have you here! it's been a quite a tim-”
“Are you playing dumb right now, or are you actually stupid?” What i said made his eyes narrow, the sounds of static came out from him as he stopped what he's doing. “Ah, you wounded me, though i'm certain that i'm not aware on what's in your mind right now.” He turned back to face me, we're both glaring at each other. “How you act towards me.. It's different from how you treat others!” Alastor stood silent, was it that obvious? No, he has to find a word against her belief. It's not Love, Its not Love, It's not Love.
“And what about it, my dear? Surely it's because you are just much more entertaining than them Haha!” He replied, now walking towards me as he reached his hand to pinch my cheek. I immediately slapped his hand away, why is his touch making my heart race? I thought to myself as i looked up at him, his eyes in bewilderment, he did it once more and i slapped it away again, he chuckles in annoyance.
“Darling, do convey what's your problem against me.” he demanded.
“Will you stop it? Do you like me, Alastor?” I moved my hand up to my forehead as my fingers held both of my temples, still no answer but the sounds of static kept coming out of him. I sighed, “It's not that i care that you're treating me like this for your own amusement, but Alastor..” I looked back at him again, now with tears flowing on my eyes, i'm not supposed to cry but.. “I beg you to stop this act, and leave me alone. Before i completely fall for it, not only for your dark schemes..” I paused, hesitant to say it but i want him to know how badly it affects me. “....But also for you.” I heard a louder static coming from him as his eyes widened, he must be suprised by what i just said.
“Y/N.” He finally spoke, but only called my name. I was starting to feel embarrassment within me, is it too early? was i just assuming that he likes me? thoughts kept swirling inside my mind. “My dear, why would i? Love is a waste of time, it's a weakness.” Right, he dosen't feel love, i remember. But why is my heart hurting? Don't tell me..
“Did you got your answer, My dear? If you do, then i will now begin to my work, our conversation took minutes of my broadcast hours.” He patted my head yet i slapped it again, he didn't mind it this time as he went back to his work to get ready, took a sip of the coffee that is sitting on his desk. “You didn't tell me when you'll stop, nor say if you will.” I muttered, enough for him to hear it “I'm thinking about it.” His smile grew a bit wider this time, he is clearly testing my patience as he let out a giggle.
What is wrong with this man? Is he not taking me seriously? I turned my back against him and walked towards the trapdoor to leave, i suddenly felt some arms wrapping around my waist while a breathing on the side of my neck that stopped me for a few seconds. I turned my head towards him, he was already starting his broadcast, it's not him, then who was it? That's weird.
I walked down the stairs and on the hallways to my room, leaning against the door after shutting it. Sighing, i slid and sat on the floor, arms and legs folded as my mind replayed what i just did in his radio tower. “Maybe i shouldn't have done that..” you thought to yourself, i've been in the same position for half an hour. I heard a knock on the door “Y/n? It's me, Husk. Charlie told me to check up on you since you haven't shown up in the main hall since this afternoon.” He spoke, i got up to open the door for him, now wearing a smile on my face as i look at husk. “Oh im fine! i got alot of things going on right now, i need a drink!” I replied to him, he gave a smile back “I'll take you there.” He added and took my hand to lead me to the bar.
After a few hours, Me, Angel and Husk are chatting in the bar. I've told everything about my confession with Alastor due to drunkness which putted off the heavy weight in my heart for now, then Angel and Husk reassured me about it and helped me get him off my mind for tonight and have fun.
Alastor was done and teleported back to his room after his broadcast and took a break, he thought about my confession hours ago. “It seems like I've got something to handle immediately.” He thought to himself, as he went out from his room and headed towards mine, knocked on the door and says “My dear, It's me.” No response, he didn't felt my presence inside either. “She must be in the main hall.”
He teleported from my room to the main hall using his shadow magic, looked around and found me at the bar with Husk and Angel. Alastor's smile grew in annoyance, his eye twitching in the sight of me already drunk. “Ugh, this woman..” He said in his thoughts as the sounds of static, not loud enough but came out from him. All the noise of laughter they're making is irritating him. He began walking towards us. “I apologize for interrupting the fun, My Fellows! But my dear seems intoxicated enough.” He stopped behind me, placing a hand on my left shoulder, i turned my head to look at him. “It's late” He paused to look at Angel who's glaring at him, he knew what was going on between Me and Alastor. “She needs some rest.” He added, now looking down at me.
Angel let out a huff “Let her go.” he demanded. Alastor looked back at him, his other eye turned black and appeared as radio dials. The room slightly flickered which made Husk start to worry. “Angel.” Husk called him out to tell him to leave us alone. “Come on now, My Dear.”
“This bitch-” Angel swears with fury in his eyes, as he puts down the glass he's holding on the counter and stood up. A shadow came from behind him and wrapped around Angel's neck , threatening him if he gets any closer.
Alastor reached my hand and i stood up, still drunk and quiet as i walked close to him. I leaned my head against his chest for support, i can smell his scent, reminding me of a forest. His touch is reassuring, an arm wrapped around my waist as he makes himself warm for me, and it made me hug him tightly.
He started teleporting us back to my room. As we arrived back, he didn't move. He didn't let go of me, i wanted to lay down to my bed but he pulled me back. Our bodies touching as his arm locked me against his, still warm. “Al?” I slowly tilted my head up to look at him.
It made him flinch, he tries holding it back when he saw my eyes looking back. “Alastor?” I called his full name with a soft voice, thats it. He pushed me on the bed, suprised by his actions as i try to get up. My elbow lifted me slightly, but he was already on top of me. “Darling, say it again.” He was not asking for it, it sounded more of an order. I raised an eyebrow, I didn't get what he said nor what he wants me to say. “Tsk.” He leaned down and started placing his lips into mine.
“A-Al.” I gasped. He was making me feel dizzier that i already am. I tried pushing him away yet his large hands held a grip against my wrist and pinned it on my side, now making it a deep kiss. His tounge swirling with mine, i let out a moan. “W-Wait, Alastor.”
“Quiet.” He hissed between kisses. He continues what hes doing, it's making my heart race and my body tremble. I immediately bit his tounge that was inside my mouth as he groaned in pain and pulled off. “Enough! W-what are you doing?!” I began catching my breath, wiping off the saliva that was dripping off my mouth. “I may be drunk but you can't take advantage of it!” I whined. He didn't let me speak any further and leaned down again, immediately targeting my neck. He slid down my jacket to the side,he started biting above my collarbone, drinking my sweet blood. The feeling rushed to my veins as i started screaming in pain. He pulled away then started licking the blood that was coming out from the wound, it made me whimper even more.
“Alastor!” He trailed back to my mouth, did the same as earlier. This is too much, he didn't even answer my question. “Ma Chèrie.” He let out a moan. Alastor lifted my head by holding the back of my neck to deepened it more. Was he this desperate for me?
I ran out of ideas cri.
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adhd-merlin · 5 months
merlin S1 rewatch: episode 9
let’s move on to ep 1x09 because I need to get on. with my life. I already re-watched this ep months ago and I can’t be arsed to do it again so I’m going to use screencaps and perhaps the transcript to refresh my memory.
kilgharrah warning merlin that excalibur MUST NOT be wielded by anyone but arthur, and merlin handing the sword to uther literally the next morning is so funny to me. it's kind of the same thing that happens with the cup of life, when iseldir tells merlin “hey this is important so don’t lose it okay?” and five minutes later we see the cup rolling down a hill. I love consistent characterisation. please don’t give this boy anything important for safekeeping he has enough on his plate already!!
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I think Arthur’s coronet looks a bit dumb but still it’s nothing compared to the horrendous Burger King crown he'll wear as king. why did uther get such a prettier crown. why couldn't arthur just wear his father's crown. so many questions
why did they name the undead knight tristan, was he supposed to be the tristan? I think he was. I think their take on tristan and isolde in S4 was so disappointing btw. anyway moving on
Merlin: Gaius have you seen that knight’s crest before? Gaius: No, I don’t think so. I didn’t see it clearly. Actually I’m not even sure I saw a knight. Perhaps it was a trick of the light or a collective hallucination
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Sir Owain: I don’t need luck Arthur: oh fuck he’s going to die
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Arthur’s face after Uther holds him back and someone else picks up the undead knight’s gauntlet. so much self-sacrificing acts of bravery and NONE of them done by him. wrong and upsetting
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S1 Arthur I'm not sure how to tell you this so I'll just say it. your haircut looks dangerously close to a mullet
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Merlin: maybe arson can fix this
Nimueh telling Uther she was his friend!!! fuck season 6 I want a Merlin prequel
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he’s a precious baby. he’s shmol. only tiny
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gwen doing her whole “you know I'd grant you anything merlin… I mean, not anything! haha” meanwhile merlin is too worried about keeping arthur alive to notice. GIRL HE'S BUSY
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WHY. who stands like this
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he holds this stupid pose the entire time morgana is talking to him. imagine begging someone not to commit suicide while they brood and look out of the window like a sullen byronic hero. I would have pushed him out of the window. drama ass bitch
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this is the second nighttime encounter between uther and gaius in this episode. uther saying goodbye to gaius before going to fight in arthur’s place. toxic yaoi. is this anything
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YOU KNOW NOTHING YOU STUPID CHILD. I love that Kilgharrah is a hater and a bitch. to be fair to him he spent 20 years in solitary confinement so he's earned it
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gaius drugging arthur then gently helping him into his bed is hilarious. he’s so good at lying and drugging people. big fan of gaius using his evil talents for the greater good, or just to have a laugh sometimes which is equally valid
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what a fine blade you have there… it would be a shame if something were to happen to it
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he’s wearing silver bracelets!! plural!!
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[Enter Arthur, visibly furious]
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Gaius [gathering his things]: I've just remembered I've left something on the stove. I must go right now immediately
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Arthur [while Gaius scurries away]: YOU HAD GAIUS DRUG ME??
arthur and uther little father and son moment was cute ngl
there are a few more scenes until the end but I don't have much to say about them except that I love gaius and merlin's relationship
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Gaius: [stares loudly] Merlin: [pretends not to notice]
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qoeww · 2 years
I'm all in for angst, may I request some hcs of the turtle bros being rejected by their crush?
Warning: Just angst
Characters: Turtle Bros
Author Note: Me trying to recover after the movie and then anon: LDNKDNL- Anyways I hope you like it hun, I wrote a little late, sorry <3
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There is a smile of uneasiness on his face as he opens his feelings to you
"Oh, Y/N I umm- hehe what am I stuttering haha-?"
Finally, he admits his feelings to you, looking at your eyes with shiny eyes
But you haven't got any smile on your face
You tell him his feelings are unrequited
His smile fells slowly, his eyes open in surprise
Looking away so he can deny what happened
"Oh, yeah, ok..."
A strange silence comes between you
He forces himself to joke and laughs to destroy this awkward atmosphere
Because this is how he copes
He'll make up a ridiculous reason and quickly leave you alone
The first weeks he will still talk to you but won't be able to look you in the face
Just this boy needs some time
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Everything was going according to the plan
He checked everything and he just need to make final move
He opens his feeling with confident, this is what it looks like from the outside
If you look closely you can see the crusted sores next to his nails
"Yes, YES! We did it, does they like it? Do I Iook cool? Do they-"
"Oh D, I'm sorry but-"
His brain refuses to hear other words, after apologizing he closes his ears(?) out
But... But he was so sure. After all the research he did, you seemed to be in love with him too
Well, scientists can be wrong too
He feels furious, heart broken, emberrassed and sad at the same time
He doesn't speak after you complete your excuse
"Ah, I better go..."
He will devote himself to his work for a long time, does not want to talk to anyone
It will take a long time to assemble
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This big boy snatched some ideas from everyone
He took your hand and looked at you with the warmest smile in the world
"Y/N, for a long time I had a crush on you. I wasn't sure to open up my feelings but I really like you."
You were afraid to this moment
You noticed how his actions changed, you were trying to imply you didn't have a crush on him
Well looks like he didn't get it
He worries that you can hear the sound of his heartbreaking
For two minutes he will focus on something else to collect himself
"Do you... Do you have someone else in your mind?"
Wants to know the reason for the rejection
He will sit with you a little more
You may feel a pair of eyes watching you sadly behind you for the next few weeks
The moment he sees you his mode will go down
More will go on solo missions, just wants to spend more time alone
Just give him a week, and he will be fine... Probably
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You didn't expect this
Really, he always acted so sweet around you and everyone, so you didn't think you were that person, his crush
That's why you tried to figure out if it was a joke in the first minutes when it opened up to you
You tried to reject him with as little hurt as possible
But he is so sensitive
He will not cry next to you because he knows this will make you feel bad
He'll apologize to you like it was a mistake
He'll get up and ask for some time
He will definitely cry a lot in his room, bury his face in the pillow and try to keep his voice down as much as possible
His siblings will help him a lot in coping
He will be drawing in his room with a sad songs
That really helps him to get over it
At first, your friendship will be damaged but it will slowly heal
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shiinata-library · 1 year
Open the door!
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Relationships: Bilbo x fem!Reader
Content: Rated E - Fluff, smut, sulky reader, jealous Bilbo
Summary: Bilbo left you into Mirkwood's dungeon for your safety after freeing all the dwarves, and even if you’re released after the war, it’s not something you can easily forgive.
On AO3
Note: At first, I only had the title, and I didn’t plan a smut part. But I'm sure no one will blame me haha
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“Open the door!” you say while Bilbo opens all the doors of the dwarf's cells except yours.
Seeing him skipping your cell at the beginning worries you, but when all the dwarfs are free and not you, you understand he won’t free you. After making a sign to the dwarfs to wait for him, he walks to your small, cold cell.
“Bilbo, open the door!” you beg with your hands grabbing the bars of your door’s cell.
“No. You stay here,” he says with an embarrassed attitude. “You’re safer here.”
“Bilbo, if you love me, open the door!” you repeat with wet eyes. “Please open the door! Don’t abandon me here!”
“I-I love you, and you know it, but I won’t open the door,” he says as he walks toward you with his hand wanting to touch yours while you move back to avoid him deliberately. “I don’t want you to approach the mountain. It’s safer here. I promise you I will come back for you. I promise you.”
He steps back with eyes full of regret while you repeat to open your door, yet when he leaves to join the company, he doesn't look back.
After their escape, King Thranduil calls you several times to know more about Thorin’s intentions. Even if he becomes furious almost every time, you never tell him anything. To your surprise, he never treats you badly. He ends by letting you in your cell, alone, with some elves giving you food when you need it.
No one talks to you. Time never seems so long. You are alone with only your journey’s memories as company or the ones of your world. A human woman from another world on a quest for Erebor, anyone would laugh except Bilbo. No one in the company believed you until some things happened after you told them. Even there, Thorin was still sceptical, but he let you stay in the company.
Now you are locked in Mirkwood’s dungeon, you are telling yourself you should have stayed with Beorn. The food was better, the place was better, Beorn was better than those elves!
At some point, there are fewer guards in the dungeon. Less and less conversations echo through the dungeon's walls. The same young elf gives you food, without ever talking to you.
You end up guessing Thranduil had left with his army to Erebor. The wait becomes harder and harder, longer and longer. Your feelings for Bilbo and the company pass in multiple phases. Angry, disappointed, angry again, worried… When the young guard who gave you food finally opens your cell’s door, you feel tired but surprised. Has Bilbo come for you? Has someone from the company requested your release?
No. Of course, no. 
The guard asks to follow him in a small but beautiful, clean bedroom. He only tells you to wash you and to rest without exiting the room. You don't need to be asked twice!
Soaps, shampoos, hot water… Vanilla, rose, lavender… You use everything to chase the smell of your cell and previous adventure. You never stayed as long as at this moment in a bathtub. You need it, for the smell and to calm your nerves.
Calm your nerves? Really? Who could calm down after spending weeks in a cell and after being released from it with no explanation?
After your bath, you analyse the bedroom with a towel wrapping you. Anything would have been better than your cell but you admit the room is quite agreeable. A few minutes are enough to put you to sleep on the large, clean, and comfortable bed.
When your eyes hardly open, you slowly sit on the bed. The sheets are very soft. You could get used to this luxury in no time!
With no window and no clock, it’s impossible to know the time, and your watch had stopped working for a long time.
A good sleep always helps to organise your mind. Now you are in a safe place, you could leave quietly without no one noticing, right?
As you stand before the door, you are about to open it when a knock on it echoes in the room. After a light jump, you answer and the person behind replies.
“The King is waiting for you,” the elf who brought you to this room simply says with a monotone voice.
“I’m not ready, and my clothes are dirty. I can’t leave this room,” you answer with the same tone.
“In the wardrobe near the bed, you will find what you need. I will wait here until you are ready.”
His answer doesn't give you a choice.
In the wardrobe, there are indeed clean clothes, but there are just elven dresses. Lucky for you, there are long dresses because you don’t even remember the last time you waxed your legs!
Anyways, you choose a simple dress in your favourite colour and you quickly get dressed; and let's not talk about your hair. You are now ready, as ridiculous as possible in an elven dress, but you are clean at least.
As he had said, the elf waited for you. He is in front of your door when you open it. He leads you to the throne, the same place the King called you so many times that you couldn’t remember how many.
All along the way, you were worried about one thing. If Mirkwood’s King is back, it means the battle is over. What news could he tell you? Good? Bad? There is never good news after a battle…
So when you arrive in the room where the King is sitting on his throne as he is speaking to someone with their back to you, you are afraid to look at him. The elf who led you there announces your presence and in no time, you see the person with whom the King was speaking. 
Kíli runs to you and takes you in his arms. Your throat is dry, blocked by something invisible. He talks to you as he moves away to face you. His smile is still intact but his face is injured. After calling you many times, you finally pull together yourself and listen to him.
“Y-you’re alive…” you could only say, feeling your tears running on your cheeks. “H-how…”
“It’s complicated, but we’re all alive. I was lucky enough to be able to walk here, but it’s not the case for everyone. Everyone is more or less wounded, but alive,” he says with his usual radiant smile. “And Bilbo is fine.”
“Hmf, I don’t care about him!” you grumble with a surprised quickness as you cross your arms against your chest.
Kíli bursts out laughing before calming down with a wince. He is not as uninjured as he says.
“I’m glad to announce that you will be able to leave this place with them,” Thranduil says with his usual regal attitude, cutting off your conversation. 
His joy is easy to guess in his eyes, and it’s mutual! His hospitality is one of the worst things of your adventure!
The King's gaze turns away from Kíli, and you follow his eyes. 
“Is it the only thing you wanted after helping us with the Arkenstone, Mr Baggins?” the King says with a serious tone totally different when he was talking to you.
“Yes. That’s all I wanted.”
It takes you a few minutes to understand Bilbo is standing a little further on. He is looking at the King, his clothes are new and clean, and his behaviour seems calm and confident. You find it hard to believe but all this time he was hiding by Kíli.
“Alright. Then, you can leave. My guards will take you to your chambers,” Thranduil says as two guards walk to you.
All along the walk to your rooms, you don’t speak a word. Kíli talks with the guard about the things Tauriel asked him to bring back to Erebor while Bilbo quietly follows. His eyes look in front of him, never turning to you.
Now the surprise to see Bilbo has passed, your anger against him is back. Yet, your good manners refrain you from yelling in Mirkwood corridors, so you stay quiet. 
After the guards show your rooms, one next to the others, you hurry to enter in yours. As you sit on a chair, you eventually realise you will be free tomorrow. No more cells, and no more elves. What will you do once you will be free? Before being locked in an elven cell, you had planned to go with Bilbo to the Shire. So, what now?
A light knock on your door takes you out of your thoughts. Bilbo? No, you sure he understood you don’t want to talk with him. Oh, maybe it’s a guard. By prudence, you reply behind the door. You have no trust in them.
“Yes?” you tried with a serious voice with a hand on the door.
After a silence you felt like a year, you hear a weak man's voice.
“Can you please open the door?” Bilbo says.
Open the door? Hm. Open the door? Oh, that reminds you of something. Bilbo eventually understands your silence is your answer so he tries again.
“Please, open the door. We should talk. Let me explain to you…” he sighed.
Even if your heart is tight and you know very well you still love him, you don’t want to see or talk to him now. It’s hurt to feel him close to you after what he did. So, you gather all the courage to reply to him.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
It’s not a surprise for Bilbo that you are a stubborn woman. He already realised it during the quest. Plus, he understands your reaction. So, even if he wants to talk to you more than anything, he knows it’s useless to insist.
When you hear his steps moving away from your door, your shoulders relax and you can breathe normally again. 
Once you are free, you follow Kíli to Erebor and spend your time helping the one who needs it. Assisting the healers with the injured fighters, helping Bombur in the kitchens, cleaning the rooms for the dwarfs who will come soon. There is plenty to do. Enough to avoid Bilbo. Each end of the week, you can see him hesitating to come to you before leaving on his side.
When you sulk, you really sulk. For days, for weeks.
Even from the Lonely Mountain, you can see spring everywhere outside. The first spring since the dragon is gone.
Now, the injured fighters are healed and the most useful rooms are clean, you don’t have much to do. Each one of the company have their own role. You can’t bother Thorin when he is with his advisers. You can’t chat with Fíli because he is running everywhere for his uncle. Kíli is always with Tauriel. The others are with their family…
Maybe it’s a good time for you to leave. Erebor is pleasant, but you aren't meant to live under a mountain.
One evening of Muhudtuzakhmerag, the several-day dwarves' spring festival, you spend your evening with Fíli and Kíli, eating and drinking together. Since you’re in Erebor, you are used to dine once a week with the young Durin, and as tonight is a celebration, you have a very fun evening. Tauriel should be with you, but she is needed in Mirkwood for a week.
When you feel tired, surely because of the ale and the dances, you tell them you’re going home, and as usual, they walk you home, a small place lent by the King Thorin with everything you need. 
“It was a very fun night! Almost everyone was here. That reminds me, I haven't seen Bilbo,” you think out loud, almost arrived at your home.
“Oh, it’s because he left Erebor,” Kíli says, shrugging.
“Did he go to Dale?” you ask, thinking you should visit the city as well.
“No,” Fíli sighs. “He left with Gandalf three days ago to return to the Shire.”
He finishes his sentence as you arrive in front of your door’s place. Your feet stop immediately and you turn to Fíli, not sure to have heard him correctly. Your heart hesitates to react too, waiting for a confirmation. 
“You didn’t know?” Kíli asks, frowning as if it was evident for everyone. “He said goodbye to everyone before leaving.”
“Oh, hm, no. Everyone must know it except me…” you sigh, trying to keep your feelings inside until you enter your room. “He could have told me.”
His confirmation is a shock and you stay motionless for a few seconds before putting your hand on the cold handle of your door’s place.
“Maybe he wanted to, but you didn’t listen to him,” Fíli says behind you. 
You try to say something but you can't. Your throat is blocked. 
Of course, you knew it would happen one day, but you didn’t expect he would leave without telling him. Gandalf could have told you about it too!
“But he…”
You try, you really try to say something but your eyes sting so much. No matter how much you rub them and try to control yourself, the tears start to fall and your shoulders tremble.
When you want to open your door, Kíli abruptly approaches you and hugs you. Even though his warmth feels good and comforting, you can’t stop your tears. You close your arms around and bury your head in his neck. He is a bit smaller than you but he is tall enough to give you a comforting hug.
“I’m sorry,” Kíli starts. “We shouldn’t–”
“No, it’s fine,” you cut him as you pull away from his arms, wiping your tears. “I’ll join him. I’ll leave tomorrow. I’m sure he mustn’t go far away.”
Embarrassed by your tears and your stupid stubbornness, you can’t look at them. Fíli ended up breaking the silence by clearing his throat.
“Come to see us before you leave. Don't leave on an impulse without being prepared,” he says as he puts his hand on your shoulder and presses it to comfort you.
His and his brother's smiles show you that you are not alone, but Bilbo's departure has dug a hole so big in your heart that their comfort isn’t enough. You must leave as soon as possible to join Bilbo.
You eventually nod at Fíli’s words and enter your place. Despite being in spring, Erebor’s places are always warmed with a fireplace. The outside’s temperature doesn’t influence the temperature inside the mountain. Yet, it’s not warm enough to be comforting. Sleep is the best option now.
Some tears still run on your cheek as you start to remove your shoes. How could he leave without telling you? Seriously.
When you throw your shoes against a wall, a firm knock on your door startles you. As you abruptly open the door, you hear “Can you open the door–”, and you immediately recognise Bilbo’s voice. On top of that, he is in front of you, standing up with nice clothes he must wear for the festivities.
Without a word, you take him in your arms. He is too small, you choke him, and you don’t care. Now he is in your arms, you won’t let him go, ever.
Totally confused, Bilbo closes his arms against you, too happy to be able to touch you after all this time. Even if he is on his tiptoes and he can barely breathe, he holds you firmly.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you whispered. “I thought, hm, Fíli and Kíli told me you were left. I thought you left without me. I didn’t know if I could see you again, or if you want to see me again? I’m sorry Bilbo. I was stupid for sulking for so long. Please don’t leave without me…”
The more you talk, the more your tears flow. They end up falling on his neck.
“Wait, wait, wait! What are you saying? Are you crying?” he exclaims as he comes out of your arms in panic. “Can we go in your room?”
Still in the corridor, you nod and pull on his hand. Bilbo closes the door behind him and follows you. When he sees your red eyes still full of tears, he walks faster to you.
“First, sit down on your bed. I'm not going anywhere,” he says while you do as he said, waiting to softly wipe your eyes. “Here, calm down, and tell me everything.”
His voice is so comforting. You didn’t realise how much you missed it. Now you’re sitting on your bed, Bilbo is at the same height as you, just at the right height. The right height to have his eyes at the same height as you, and his lips as well. But that's not the point here.
“Fíli and Kíli told me you were left with Gandalf. I thought you left me here because I was sulking, so when I saw you in front of my door, I, hm, I didn’t control myself. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise for that,” he softly says as he finishes wiping your tears with a warm smile. “I would never leave without you. Gandalf just offers to join me when I go back to the Shire.”
“I want to go with you to the Shire! Well, if a human like me can go there.”
“Of course you can. Didn’t I promise you to make you taste every dish of the Shire?”
You missed his comforting smile so much. His loving eyes don’t leave you while he strokes your dry cheeks. If you didn't have a runny nose, you would have hugged him.
“I’m sorry. I must look awful and gross,” you say as you try to pull away for him, but he doesn’t let you go.
“You always look cute,” he continues to smile.
“Nonsense,” you laugh despite your sniffing. 
As he eventually moves away, he rummages in his pockets.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t have any handkerchief with me,” he says, getting progressively more irritated. “If we were in Bag End, I–”
“Don’t worry, Bilbo. I’ll be fine in a few moments.”
After you stand up from your bed, you go to find a handkerchief in your drawers, the one Beorn’s give you when you came into his house. Once you have blown your nose without elegance and delicacy, you go back to Bilbo, his eyes not smiling anymore. He seems hesitant to speak, so you sit back where you were.
“Do you still love me? Did you forgive me?” he finally asks, avoiding your eyes and playing with his fingers. “After everything that has happened.” 
“Of course I still love you. Why do you ask that? Oh, maybe because you abandoned me in Mirkwood, or because I sulked about you for days, or–”
“Because you spend so much time with Fíli and Kíli. You even hugged them,” he says, almost whispering.
It takes you a while to understand what he has told you, but when you understand, you giggle. You don’t even know if he realises that his behaviour is so cute. One of his feet repeatedly hits the floor, his eyes look at his fingers as he plays with them to avoid your answer.
“Are you jealous, Mr Baggins?” you ask, smiling as if you never cried some minutes before.
“No, I’m not. Hm, well, hm.”
His hesitation’s face is so sweet! His face changes so much that you can’t help but laugh, eventually making Bilbo angry.
“Do you find it fun? I-I waited for you for days, while you spent your time with those two dwarfs and–” he says as his anger made him stammer.
“I don’t spend my time with them. I saw them once a week,” you try to calm him down, unsuccessfully.
“A lot more than with me!” he ends up with puffy red cheeks.
His jealousy was too cute for you to stay motionless. You raise a hand slowly to his cheek and stroke, waiting if he doesn’t like it. Then, since he stops talking and he finally looks at you, you slide your fingers in his curly hair.
“I missed you so much,” you eventually admit with an embarrassed smile before Bilbo steps closer to you.
“You’re cheating,” he sighs, his both hands on your cheeks, compressing them to deform your face. “You’re too cute to stay angry with you.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” you say after he releases your cheeks. “Fíli and Kíli–”
“No!” he grumbles.
“No, what?”
“Do not say their names when I’m with you!”
You want not to believe what you heard but his frown eyebrows confirm it. 
Alright, you can’t resist anymore. Remaining sitting on your bed, you lean to him and kiss him gently. His eyes and his smile aren’t the only thing you missed. 
His response is immediate. He slips a hand in the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. His tongue easily finds an opening and tastes yours. You’re as delicious as the first time he kissed you and you feel his desire growing when his hand slips on your waist and grabs it firmly.
Needing to breathe, you break the kiss and pull away. Your smiling lips reflect his, as do your red cheeks and your lustful eyes.
“What will you do if I say Fí–”
You can’t finish your sentence. In a few seconds, Bilbo climbs on your bed and finds himself on top of you, resuming your previous kiss in a more passionate way. It’s not the behaviour you’re used to of Bilbo, but you quite like it.
He quickly takes advantage of being above you to run his hands over your body. It’s not the first time he touched you, you had a lot of opportunities during the quest, but it had been so long since he had touched you that you moaned at the slightest of his touches.
“You can’t imagine how much I missed you…” he whispered in your neck as his kisses went from your lips to your neck, then your collarbone.
Surprised by his quickness, you didn’t react yet, but when you feel Bilbo arousing growing in his trousers against you, you decide to act. You are about to unbutton his shirt when his both hands take your wrists and block them next to your head. Despite his small body compared to yours, he has more strength than you thought. With the faint light coming from the half-extinguished hearth given the late hour, his eyes are hard to discern, giving him a dark face. All of this should afraid you, but it turns you on more than anything else. 
“I only want to hear my name on your lips,” he says in a low tone.
Unconsciously, you bite your lips to prevent to moan just because of his words. You are almost tempted to say their names. His behaviour is so arousing, but you don’t want to make him angry either.
“I know some solutions for that,” you try to say despite your dry voice.
With a smirk, you wriggle under him and press your pelvis against his trousers. His hands unintentionally squeeze your wrists and sink into the blanket. The pain is totally erased by the pleasure he brings to you as he leans to kiss you - devores you would be a better word.
Then, his lips take the same path than earlier. Lips, cheek, collarbone. One of his hands lets go of your wrist to slip under your dress, stroking every centimetre of your skin until he finds your undergarments. With your free hand, you try to touch him but he is already inaccessible to you, his head sneaking under your dress as he lets go of your other hand.
Bilbo’s name was already on your lips but when he starts to stroke your folds and lick your sensitive pearl, it changes on whimpers. One finger easily finds his way into you before a second follows.
When Bilbo understands you’re ready for him, he raises his head, coming out from your skirt, with a wet smirk. It’s so exciting that you find no words to say. No name, only whimpers.
“It seems I succeeded to quiet you, my love,” he victoriously smiles as he gets out of the bed, removing his jacket, then his shirt.
Your eyes don’t leave him as you sit on your bed. Once his clothes are anywhere expected on him, he comes back to you. Still on your bed and full dressed, you turn your back to him and pull your hair out of your back.
“Can you help me unbutton this dress?” 
A kind dwarrowdam gave you this dress no longer after your arrival in Erebor, but it was always a nightmare to remove it. For once, you’re glad of it, and you don’t realise how it arouses Bilbo that you asked him that. He walks to you and kisses your neck, even nibbles it, as he unbuttons your dress. 
Bilbo is a patient hobbit, but here, you feel him hurry and you hope he won’t tear the dress. It’s too beautiful to be torn, and in truth, you don’t have a lot of clothes. 
Bilbo is always conscientious, but there are too many buttons for a damn dress! Once he unbuttons all, he pulls on the top of the dress at your shoulder to remove it quickly. You don’t have the time to get out of the bed that Bilbo pulls on your dress and undergarments in the fastest way you never experimented, even during the quest when you both secretly met as quickly as possible.
Now both of you naked, you feel his lips coming back to your shoulder as you’re still your back to him.
“Move ahead of you, my love,” he whispers in your ears, understanding he wants you on all fours.
His hands warm your skin as he barely gets on the bed. Your knees spread themself when his fingers find back your womanhood.
“You’re so wet,” he sighs as his fingers enter you.
You don’t know how many they are in you but you can’t help your hands to grip the blanket and your buttock to arch your back. Proud of your reactions to his hands on you, Bilbo wants more than that. More than whimpering.
“For whom are you wet?” he asks, slowing his fingers.
His question surprises you first, then you understand he is still jealous of the young dwarfs. When his moves almost stop, you have no choice but to speak.
“For you.”
“For you, who?” he asks, removing totally his fingers.
“For you, Bilbo. But don’t stop, you–”
His member pushing into you stops your words. His girth wasn’t a surprise for you anymore, but it has been so long that you tremble once he buries in you to the hilt in the first move. Your hands grip the blanket again as Bilbo doesn’t leave you the time to adjust. As he hears his name over and over escaping your lips like a melody, he can’t refrain from accelerating. You don’t know if it’s because it’s been a while or because of this position, but you feel him so deeply. You missed it so much. You missed him so much.
“You’re mine,” Bilbo says with a deep thrust before slowing the pace.
He repeats those words as his back and forth become very slow but still deep, feeling him at every instant. 
“I–I’m yours– Bilbo–” you eventually say between his thrusts.
Something changes in him after your words. His hands grip your buttocks and the pace quickens. He says some words that you don’t understand, then with his fingers on your pearl, he repeats them louder.
“I’ll fill you up– I’ll– Oh, love, it’s so good…”
At first, you think you heard it wrong. From the beginning, you were both agreed for him to withdraw before his release. No child during the quest was obvious but now? It’s impossible for you to think at this moment, and in truth, it arouses even more knowing you will be full of him.
“Let go and I’ll fill you up,” he says in a low tone as he quickens his strokes.
It’s like you were waiting for his words. Strong waves of pleasure run your body as Bilbo feels you wall squeezing his length harder than ever. When your climax downs but your sensations are still strong, you feel Bilbo’s thrusts becoming erratic before emptying himself into you with a loud groan. Once his moves eventually stop, his head falls on your back, breathing hard.
“I-I’m sorry,” he starts. “I shouldn't–”
In a quick move, you withdraw from him, knowing you will have to wash the blanket under you as you feel everything running down your thighs.
“No, no, no! Don’t apologise!” you hurry to say as you take his cheeks in his hands for him to look at you.
“I shouldn’t finish–”
“It’s alright, Bilbo,” you confirm with a smile before kissing him softly. “It’s really fine.”
The small tears in his eyes finally dry and his smile at you as he strokes your hair.
“I want to go back to the Shire and marry you as quickly as possible,” he says, never taking your eyes off you.
“I want it too,” you still smile at him. “But first, we should sleep. It has been a long, tiring night.”
“Of course, my love,” he says with the biggest smile you ever saw of him after all that time wasted while you were sulking alone as he lays down next to you, folding the blanket over the two of you. 
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When I finished it, I saw I started this story in May and we are in December. It seems some stories are longer to write than others. 🤷
I hope you enjoyed it! :)
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
Hey.....remember when I said I wasn't gonna go see the Mario movie in theaters again? WHAT IF, HYPOTHETICALLY, THAT WAS A FLATOUT LIE AND I WENT AGAIN EARLIER TODAY???
AND what if I had more thoughts to share somehow, even though I could have sworn I was tapped out and would never do another longform post like this?? Wouldn't that be so very silly of me????
LOOK, I just really wanted to get out of the house and there was a showing in 3D five minutes away from me and I hadn't seen it in 3D! I have seen maybe ONE movie in 3D in my whole life and it was several years ago so I'm not too used to what that's like - and honestly, the effect is pretty cool! Maybe I'm easy to please but I liked the way the rain/ocean spray/ice in the beginning/etc actually seemed like it was in the air around me! (Also, I got a legitimate jolt when the Dry Bones popped out of the ground, I just didn't expect it to seem so CLOSE lololol)
Also, it was pretty delightful that we are several weeks into this movie's release and there was still someone dressed up fully as Mario in the theatre who walked by me. I love people! :D
I am at the point where just NINTENDO'S OPENING LOGO ANIMATION makes me emotional, with Mario and Luigi together and Luigi hopping playfully on Mario's head before running off with Mario jumping after him. They're just the LITTLE RETRO SPRITES and still!!! Brothers!!!!!!!!
During this viewing, I got really into thinking about the lore of the movie!universe specifically and the history of Bowser and his and Peach's conflict. My main question: what is UP with that castle in the Dark Lands? From the brief glimpse we get of the inside, it looks pretty abandoned with stuff littered all over the ground, not like Bowser just left it to go on his crusade. And yet, everyone talks about the Dark Lands as though that is where Bowser currently is and it's also where he lives when he's NOT in a floating airship. Maybe he abandoned that smaller castle years ago and the airship is actually his new and improved castle and it was a part of the Dark Lands before Kamek/magic in general just lifted it into the air at some point? But then why are there Shy Guys actively living in and/or patrolling the old castle still??? HMM
Also, Bowser says he had to spend YEARS searching for the super star! That's a lot of time!!! Have the penguins hidden it away from everyone all this time just to keep it safe? Has Peach known about it all along/done anything to help protect it herself? Is there only one star in existence? Does it regenerate after being used and if so, how long does that take??? I like thinking about all these little details, haha.
ALSO x 2, I'm just interested in Bowser and Peach's interactions before the movie in general. Bowser mentions that they've been "sworn enemies" for quite some time and the way he says "Princess Peach! Brave as ever!" just feels like something you say to someone you've spoken with before/have a little familiarity with that ISN'T just creepy spying/pining from afar, lol. Has Bowser tried to invade in the past? I almost wonder if, in the beginning, Peach was her charitable self who tried very hard to reason with him/strike up a peace treaty but it's just always gone wrong or she's VERY MUCH MISREAD all attempts at flirting on Bowser's part or she has just seen too much evidence of him being cruel/willing to kill to get what he wants in the process and that's why she's like "nah fam we're gonna annihilate this monster and leave not a trace behind, i'm DONE with all that peace stuff" now. She is NOT HAVING IT any longer and honestly? I respect that. Bowser is the worst.
(Slightly related: someone remind me that once I'm done with my fic, I need to go into more detail about another alternative movie scenario I've been thinking about where Mario is able to get rid of the Bomber Bill without the Brooklyn stuff ever happening and a furious Bowser grabs both Peach and Luigi (because every time I'm reminded that they never pay off Bowser's threat to use Luigi to hurt Mario, I become a little more insane) and flees in a smaller airship back to the Dark Lands with Mario & company in hot pursuit, and it's basically a more traditional Mario game finale but maybe there's BOWSER BACKSTORY regarding the Dark Lands castle and also Peach & Luigi being kidnapped together lets them bond and eventually become Breakout Buddies and look, it would be a fun time and I want to flesh it out more, OK)
This movie has GOT to come out on digital soon because I NEED to gif so many things (and I don't want to use camrips!!!) and one of those things is every instance of Mario awkwardly waving hello to strangers. HE DOES IT LIKE 5-6 TIMES, HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. IT'S SO CUTE
Also, I love that Mario calls Cranky Kong "sir" when agreeing to the DK fight. THE MOST POLITE MAN IN THE WORLDDDD
I adore how genuinely touched Mario seems by Peach saying that him not knowing when to quit is a great thing. His little, gentle "thanks" in return makes my heart SOFT. Just makes me think about the vibe of him being the "impulsive" son, the "troublemaker" son in the family and how people like his dad have maybe been tough on him about that quality, and for Peach to just be so excited and look so HAPPY at the concept is so surprising to him -maybe she's the first person outside of Luigi to act like that!
me to me: you have seen this SO many times, do NOT tear up again when Mario sees the commercial on the cracked TV!!!
Also forever emotional about the fact that Mario and Luigi have absolutely NO context for what the star is or what it can do when they decide to grab it together - Peach told Mario to go for it, and that's ALL the information available. But the manhole cover is melting and Bowser's flames are literal seconds away from engulfing them. And even so, they're not afraid, because they're together again and whatever happens next, they'll face hand in hand, side by side, and it's that trust, that unbreakable bond that truly makes them invincible at the end of the day, and DON'T MIND ME, I'LL JUST SOFTLY WEEP OVER HERE
I made myself laugh as I was leaving the theater by thinking about the person that had to write that newspaper article at the end about what happened. What must that article read like???? How would you ever begin to be able to describe the events that took place here without sounding like an insane person???? Are the people who didn't see it in person reading this like "uhhhh is this April Fool's Day???" I WOULD HAVE THAT REACTION. I DON'T ENVY THAT PERSON'S POSITION lolol
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cryptomiracle · 1 year
Well howdy again bestie, hope you're taking care of yourself and you're having an awesome day/night. I'd like to make a lil request were like Masky,Hoodie,and toby(all separate) have a little sister 12-14 years old with a fainting disorder were she kinda just- faints randomly for about 5-15 minutes. What would there reaction be to their little sister just randomly fainting in front of them for the first time.
Masky, hoodie, and toby, with a little sister that has a fainting disorder (separate)
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(a silly picture I found on Pinterest)
Hii, same to you! I'm sorry for being so inactive, I've been extremely busy irl ☹️
If you fainted in front of him for the first time, he'd probably think you were just trying to play a prank on him.
"haha, funny joke, now get up."
He'd try waking you up on his own, but after a while of it not working, he'd start to panic
He'd immediately take you to the hospital, he'd be driving so fast, you'd think he was on the fast and the furious.
He'd sit in the waiting room patiently, occasionally asking the nurse if he could see you yet.
Once he found out about your fainting disorder, he'd be like 10x more protective.
He'd be extremely worried that you'd faint somewhere random, somewhere he couldn't be there to help you.
If you go out with friends, he'd always be somewhere in the background.
He'd take extra precaution to make sure that if you did faint somewhere random, you could get help.
The second he noticed you start falling to the ground, he'd start to panic.
He wouldn't let it show, but he'd literally be shaking from panic. Like hoodie, he'd take you to the hospital, but instead of waiting patiently, he'd be circling around the waiting room, asking the nurse about you every 3 minutes.
Once the doctor tells him he can see you, he'd waste no time and SPRINT.
(he's a runna, he's a track star 🏃)
After learning about your disorder, he'd do all the research he could.
He'd learn everything he possibly could about it.
He'd constantly question you about how you feel, if you're okay, etc.
He'd be a little bit.. bothersome, to say the least.
He'd check on you every time he passed by your room (which is a lot)
You'd definitely have to tell him that you'd call him if you need anything, and that he shouldn't worry so much.
It'd probably take him a second to really process what was happening.
Once he did, he'd be so wound up with thoughts of everything that could go wrong, he wouldn't think to call the cops, or take you to the hospital.
He'd probably just pace around, worrying to death, and hyperventilating.
He'd also try to wake you up a bunch
He'd be a nervous wreck tbh
He'd have thoughts like
"what if she's dead?"
"what if she doesn't wake up"
"what do I do?"
Etc etc
This would go on until you woke up.
After you woke up, he would literally fall to the ground, and hug you as tight as possible.
After he settles down, that's when he'd take you to the doctor.
Once he found out, I think he'd be super duper attentive.
Like a body guard or something
He wouldn't let anything dangerous within 5 feet of you.
Like masky, he'd constantly question if you're okay, but 20x that.
"are you okay?"
"are you sure you're okay??"
Ofc he'd let you go out with your friends and stuff, but you have to call him every 5-15 minutes, if you don't he'd probably assume the worst.
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lunar-years · 3 months
🕯️🍬🔪🌿 🍦 - for the writer ask game
🕯️ on a a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
uhhh... 4? It's my least favorite part of the writing process because 1) I write out of order and am also a proponent of the 'Write Now Edit Later' method so sometimes when it actually comes time to edit the draft is roughhhh and it is a PAIN to wad through. also 2) I am someone who needs to read through my work approx. 5000 times before I feel ready to post it which is. a very annoying way to be. (and then I always find at least 3 more errors as soon as I click Publish anyway, lol.)
🍬 post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Stranger Things: Steve Harrington's Dad is not abusive and Steve isn't chronically abandoned by him or whatever. They simply do not get along in a very normal father and teenage/young adult son kind of way where Steve thinks his Dad soooo doesn't understand him and is a corporate square bore and Steve's dad wants Steve to grow up a bit and take some responsibility. (Mind you, the only comments Steve makes about his dad in canon are like "oh no my dad made me get a job :(" or "oh no my dad is going to be pissed I threw a party with teenagers and beer when he was out of town :(" which are like...totally normal parent things?) I have NO idea why "Steve's Dad is at best neglectful and at worst physically and emotionally abusive" became "basically canon" for like 85% of this fandom but it drives me NUTS. I would just like it to be acknowledged as the headcanon it certifiably is, thank you.
Ted Lasso: Ted had the best possible ending for his character (in returning to Henry) and this was the natural culmination to the arc they'd been building for him for three seasons.
🔪 what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
uh, football ⚽️🤪
Jk jk lmao, I feel like I haven't written about anything that outlandish? Maybe that time I watched 15 minutes of Fast and Furious on Youtube so I could make it Jamie's favorite movie LOL.
Also, I currently have a tab open on how to help a recovering addict coming out of rehab (for Jamie father fic purposes) which isn't a *weird* topic by any means but would surely be alarming to my family members were they to open my laptop haha.
🌿 give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
switch stories!! Career Fic exists because I got bad writer's block on Jamie Father Fic. And now that I'm stumped on chapter 2 of Career Fic, I'm back to Jamie Father Fic! Also don't be afraid to write out of order. If I'm writing a fic because of one (1) fleshed out scene I have in my head meant to be the stories climax, I simply write that first. Don't force yourself to start at the beginning just because you think you ought to!
Also...if writing is a hobby for you, treat it as such and don't force yourself to write if you're not feeling it. Deadlines are arbitrary and your story will still be there tomorrow! and keep it fun (i like sitting down with a glass of wine or a pot of tea and a blanket to make it cozy as I write 🥰)
🍦 name three good things about a character you hate
uhhh idk what characters I hate apart from the characters I'm meant to hate LOL.
James Tartt Sr:
Gave us Jamie
Is the 1/2 of the Equation for why Jamie exists
the actor who plays him was really hot when he was younger (just like Jamie) 🤪
Writing Ask Game
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bravertzposts · 1 year
the loyalty part was about running off to rivals because there's no european football. i think i didn't make that clear enough though. but rivalries in the premier league are a big thing so it would make many people furious.
and the getting minutes part.... while he is our top scorer it's still only 9 goals (3 pens) and 1 assist in 50ish appearances this season. not exactly impressive. his inconsistency would bench him faster at real than anywhere else because they're very strict. which is also why clubs won't bid fees he is actually worth but chelsea would need a replacement desperately since félix is gone and mount is also definitely getting sold. it was communicated kai is in pochettino plans and they won't push him out actively. hence why they would demand good money. we won't rely on nkunku alone because he will need his minutes managed a lot after injuries.
arsenal already have 3 CAMs/10s. and are concretely linked to a 4th.
i'm a chelsea fan first but also a big fan of his as an individual and neither of these transfers sound like he's guaranteed more minutes than at chelsea. at chelsea he was almost the first on the teamsheet despite the 400 attackers (which will definitely be cut down too - so more opportunities). at real he won't be a priority (if minutes for the euros are on his mind... reports called him a hazard replacement which isn't exactly positive considering his shit time at real). they usually play a whole different system with no CAMs + are getting their loanee brahim diaz back. and at arsenal he'll not just compete with 1 CAM (one of which is odegaard who is a guaranteed starter) but 3 or maybe even 4.
i'd get a decision to leave on a personal level - because his progress has stagnated a lot and he's sometimes unrecognizable to leverkusen days - but i'm not convinced he'd get more time at the clubs he's linked to. maybe other more realistic options will arise in the next weeks... but it's also sad (to me personally lol) because we're getting the first GOOD attacking coach since kai's joined chelsea who reportedly likes him as a player and now he might be going..... i'd still prefer real over arsenal personally though. at least they have less attackers and his versatility could give him minutes on the wings or as false 9 too. but anyway. ramble over! sorry lmao
i don't mind the rambling, it's fine haha x
i got what you meant with the loyalty part, i just don't think that seeing it this way is entirely fair on him, nor do i think that it's something that'd be a deceisive factor for him. i think i agree on what you said about a potential move to arsenal, though. i didn't even know that he's been linked to them, like. just seems really random. i guess i could see arteta being generally interested in his potential and even able to utilise it, but i don't know if they'd be willing to spend a sum that chelsea would be satisfied with and i don't see why they'd be actively looking to fill his prefered position this summer, which is what you were getting at too, so that's probably just hot air? madrid, though - i dunno, i could really see it. it's not only eden, karim is leaving them too, so they will be looking out for someone who can play as a striker. asensio will be gone as well next season and kai has successfully played as a RWF in the past, so there's another open spot. plus, they've been reported to be generally interested in him for a while now and they have the money to pay a bigger fee. it just seemed realistic when that rumour was still going strong. which, apparently, it isn't anymore, so who knows if they've ever even been in contact with him or if that was just the typical transfer tea insanity...which is probably going to go on until the season starts...🫠
btw, don't get me wrong, i'm really not that opposed to the idea of him staying at chelsea (i might come off as an avid madrid fan, which... i'm really not, lol), i just get why he might feel the need for change (international competition, his stats...). but sure, that change might as well come from within the club and he'll definitely consider that.
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haneulseukai · 2 years
𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬.
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A valentine's day special
- camilo madrigal x gn!reader
- i dont have any promises about this lol
- valentine's day special!
- drabble! I wrote this on a whim for today lmao
- warning! a mess <3, angst no comfort :)
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Camilo pecked a quick a kiss on your cheek, making you jolt in surprise "Cami! Why would you do that?" You touched you cheek gently caressing the spot he kissed, your face reddened.
He chuckled "I liked seeing your reaction!"
"Well stop it" you shoved him and walked away to your home. You could hear him calling for you as you did so, you turned around and stuck your tongue out. His laugh ringing in your ears, how would it be like if you could always hear that?
To be honest with yourself, you never knew why he was naturally affectionate with you. What's worst was this certain habit of his started getting developed when you just realised your feelings for him. At first you thought he was being friendly with you, it's a best friend thing to do right? Kissing your friend's cheek and their hand is totally a platonic inside joke gesture, right? Technically, in Camilo's case, he loved teasing you that way. Making you even more confused whether he had feelings for you or it was just still and ongoing joke.
You dismissed the thought and sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed, i love him, you thought, a lovesick grin on your face made you squeled and crashed down on the soft bed.
'tomorrow is valentine's day, should i confess?' this had been on your mind these past days, contemplating in between going for it and talking yourself out of it. You shook your head and slapped the sides of your face lightly 'get a grip! If i dont confess to him tomorrow then i will never get over him'
'what's the worst that could happen? Not being friends anymore? Haha- wait um. No! Yn! Get! A! Grip!'
After a few minutes of convincing yourself, you got up and took a piece of paper and a pen from your table and jotted down everything you have felt for the chameleon.
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Tomorrow had came more faster than you thought, you woke up and got ready for the day, heading your way to the bakery for some of Camilo's favourite pastries. Skipping your way to La Casita with a paperbag filled with sweets and an envelope containing the most sweetest letter of all!
As La Casita got into your view, nervousness arised. Still, you forced yourself to the door and placed a hand on the doorknob, taking a deep breath before turning it.
"I like you!"
Pause. You stepped inside, you....know that voice, your head spinned towards Camilo's room, from a far you could see someone with camilo. Their hands holding each others, the sickening heart eyes visible on them.
The grip you had on the paperbag and envelope tightened, crushing the vulnerable material. "Camilo..?" you managed to get out there was a lump in your throat.
His head snapped towards you, making your breath hitched "you- you finally did it you idiot" you smiled grimly at him before opening the door and ran away.
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"yn, yn, yn! Please just- just talk to me will you?" The boy tried to catch up with your pace, the sounds of dried leaves crunching beneath as he followed you into the forest, you refused to talk to him or to face him at all. Avoiding him everytime you see anything that resembles him. A slight sight of his yellow ruana, his curly hair, his laughter whenever he's entertaining kids, everything. You dont want to be involved with him anymore.
"Please" he placed a hand on your shoulder, making you turned around and harshly pushed his hand away, glaring at him.
"am i a joke to you?" you asked, your arms crossed against your chest.
"is this about yesterday? I thought you would be happy for me" he frowned, why arent you happy for him? Arent you supposed to be friends?
You scoffed "I would be, trust me but im just furious at you!"
"but why? I didn't do anything!"
"Are you serious? Oh my god, I'm such an idiot" you laughed bitterly, you lifted a hand and massaged your temple "do you ever realised how many times you had made me feel like I mattered? That i was loved romantically by you?"
His eyes widened, realising your feelings "but i- i dont-"
"I know you dont!" A scowl written on you, camilo winced at your raised voice.
"Just, why did you.." your eyes watered and you tried your best to look at Camilo, with a glint of hope, you tried searching for any sign of love in his eyes but of course, there was only guilt, pity and confusion. Your knees felt weak, making you crouched, you tugged your hair as tears ran down your cheeks.
Camilo stepped closer to you and mimicked your position in front of you, he reached a hand on your back, slowly soothing it in circling motions. After a while, he kneeled in front of you and wrapped his arms around your sobbing state, genuinely worried about you.
You flinched at his actions, feeling butterflies in your stomach, you looked at him in terror. "Get off of me" you pushed his shoulders but he insisted on holding you. You groaned in frustration, pushing him a couple of times before using a fist to weakly hit his chest. "Go away, camilo" you sobbed harder and he held you tighter.
"Camilo, were all the affectionate kisses on the cheek, my forehead and my knuckles, platonic?" you have calmed down enough that speak, you felt him froze, unable to answer your question "I just don't get it, did you do all those and NEVER expected me to fall for you? Wait no, oh god maybe im the idiot!" you said harshly, you felt his arms loosened around you and took that opportunity to shove him away. He stumbled and landed on the ground with his head down.
"yn, i never meant to-"
"lead me on? Used me as a practice dummy? Wait, dios mio, sorry. I was the one at fault for thinking you would actually like me. I mean, you were being happy friendly camilo madrigal" you chuckled, waving your hands slightly, settling down onto the patch of grass.
"I'm genuinely am sorry for making you feel like that yn, i didnt mean to"
"stop, dont apologise. I was your best friend and i wished i was yours and that was my mistake. Everyday i wished to hear you say that I'm enough to make you stay, i know it's not true but i hoped you would just say it" you sobbed, your eyes flickered to his, once again meeting the guilt in him "but i know you would always see me as a background character" you looked back down, fiddling your fingers. You wanted to leave but breaking down knocked the wind out of you.
The both of you sat in silence, both sides wanting to speak but none were let out, holding back words in fear of destruction accompanied with pain.
"well" you sniffed, feeling strength returning to your legs, allowing you to stand up. Camilo looked up at you, you could tell he wanted to cry but didn't, thinking he didn't deserve to cry. "I hope you're happy with them, i really do. You don't have to love me, I'm not trying to force it out of you, i dont want you to feel guilty for making me cry. As your best friend, i want you to be happy okay?" You smiled, the corner of your lips never reaching your ears as you held a fist in front of him.
Camilo stared at it for a while before gently fist bumped yours. From there, he watches as your figure disappear into the forest, unknown to him whether he will see you ever again. His bestest friend.
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Im not sorry, haha. If you're asking me way then my answer is that i can and i will! But also im genuinely sorry if i made anyone's day upsetting at this point🧍
I thought you guys have been receiving too much fluff from me so i decided to go back to my roots^^ Also, I'm really sorry if this was messy, i wanted to get something out since i havent posted in a while :( I hope everyone had a nice v day! Before reading this, i hope.
You know how cami is always written as affectionate even when the mc and him are friends? I've always thought of, what if his friendly affectionate jokes were actually are platonic but it got too much and made the mc genuinely fall for him?
clouds! @dai-tsukki-desu @junqwonni @im-a-ranger-who-screams-allons-y @lost-lonnie @salem-xd @reirain @chayauwu @jasmineblogs43 @gloomy-writer @lucaxalbert0 @kailoveswom3n @kissmilo @alexaizawa
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hello Eve!!! I have been absolutely enjoying your fics for the last few days, especially the fighting one! If you have time, I would love to request a coops fight, with Remus just being so sarcastic and Sirius going to Hope/Lyall for help :) I'm on the angst train right now haha
Angst (not fic o'ween) ahead! Ouch. Gotta say, this one hurt a bit to write but it's some sweet catharsis to start the new month. Coops credit goes, of course, to the wonderful @lumosinlove <3
TW for argument, angst (with happy ending), bottling up feelings, guilt, struggling with being 'enough'
Looking back, Sirius didn’t remember how it started. Could’ve been a passive-aggressive comment. Could’ve been the wrong mix of emotions combining between them like magnesium and oxygen, burning hot and vicious and angry the way they never were and swore not to be. Could’ve been the little bits of his brain that were still damaged from 24 years of walking on eggshells.
But the beginning wasn’t important, when they had shouted and flushed furious red and gone for each others’ jugulars in some horrible parody of anyone’s relationship but their own. Even the middle wasn’t the cause of his pain, that godawful limbo where Remus had stormed out to go for a walk and Sirius stormed off in the other direction as if neither of them were hurting.
It was the end that mattered.
Remus hadn’t spoken a word to him that wasn’t brutally serene sarcasm in five hours and 26 minutes. His expressive face was neutral; his stained-glass eyes flared with emotions only to carefully go blank once more.
The dial tone rang once, twice, three times.
“Hey,” Sirius all but sighed.
“Hey, sweetheart, how’s it going?” He could hear Hope clattering around on the other end of the line—she was always busy, but made it look so easy. Even her voice was as calm as the waves lapping the beach.
“It’s…” He faltered, closing his eyes. Remus was still somewhere in the neighborhood, and he was alone in the house for the first time in a long, long time. “It’s not great, actually.”
The clattering stopping. “Are you hurt?”
He liked how she used ‘you’ to refer to both of them. Somehow, it still comforted him. “No, we’re both fine. I just had a question for you.”
“Sirius.” Her voice gentled around his name like a hug from hundreds of miles away. “What happened?”
“What does Remus do when he’s angry?”
Her slow exhale crackled over the line. “It depends on what caused it, love.”
Tears burned the backs of Sirius’ eyes. “Like what?”
“When he’s angry with others, he gets loud. He came home with more than one black eye because kids liked to pick on his friends at school.” She paused and he heard the familiar creak of their living room couch. “He gets quiet when he’s angry with himself. He gets quiet, and he tries to push everyone else as far away as he can, even though he doesn’t like it.”
“I tried to talk to him.”
“I know you did. Lyall’s good at easing in around the edges, but I think you and me are a little too alike sometimes.”
Sirius watched the cold, crisp wind scream through the trees in their backyard. He hoped Remus remembered to bring a scarf or some gloves. His cheeks and nose would be bright red when he returned regardless. “What about when he gets sarcastic?”
Hope was quiet for a moment. “You know, I’ve never quite figured that one out. He wasn’t like that as a child. But if I had to guess…if I had to guess, I think it comes down to hating it when other people help him.”
“But I don’t know how to fix it,” Sirius said, well aware of how pathetic he sounded. Remus’ eyes had been bone-dry and burning while they yelled at each other before his voice went brittle, as if someone sucked all the life out of him and left a husk behind. It was disorienting—Remus was always a steady anchor with a steady pulse.
He heard Hope hum from her cozy living room and could practically feel her slender hand touch his shoulder in comfort. “I don’t know how, either. But you will. Both of you.”
“Thank you,” he said quietly. On the other end of the house, the front door opened and closed without the previous slam. “I’ll call, okay?”
“I’ll be here. Love you both.”
“Love you, too.”
His heartbeat was loud in his ears and jaw; Remus was in the kitchen, riffling through the cabinets with none of his usual smooth movements. Sirius took one more deep breath before he slipped his phone into his pocket and went to rip the bandaid off in one fell swoop.
“Hi.” Remus didn’t look up from the mechanical motions of his ham-and-cheese sandwich. You hate that cheese, Sirius thought as he leaned on the doorway. You told me it tasted like Finn’s socks, then laughed when I asked how you knew that flavor in the first place. It had been a real laugh, too—one that crinkled his eyes and nose and dimples and made his shoulders hitch up toward his ears.
“Can we talk?”
“We’re talking.”
“Don’t Remus me.” His tone was still hollow, but there was a spark of something shaky behind it. “I’d rather just make my sandwich and wallow for a bit, if that’s alright with you.”
“You’ll hate it.”
“Wallowing? Well, that’s the whole point.”
“The sandwich.” Sirius put his hands in his pockets and did not look away. He was tired of fighting and of Remus trying his damndest to push him away. It might have worked on everyone else, but Sirius Black was a stubborn son of a bitch and he planned to use it to his advantage. “You don’t like that combination.”
“Stop it.” The words were clipped.
“It tastes like socks.”
“Sirius. Don’t.”
He shrugged one shoulder as Remus’ fingers closed unsteadily around the top piece of bread. “And you know what? I kind of agree, now that I think about it.”
His golden eyes weren’t flat when he glanced up, which was at least one step in the right direction. “We’re not going to pretend everything can just go back to normal right now.”
“I don’t know why you’re angry, Remus.” The kitchen was silent. “I’m sorry, but I don’t. I wish I did. Whatever it is, you’re not this angry because I forgot to bring down the dishes from our bedroom.”
“Maybe I am,” Remus bit out.
“I’m sorry,” Sirius said honestly. He was sorry for it—Remus had asked him twice whether there was anything upstairs before he started the dishwasher and Sirius hadn’t bothered to check. It was a dick move, one that certainly warranted an irritated sigh and small tiff. Not something that called for a blowout fight that left them both emotionally bloody.
“Yes, I know, you told me already.”
“I meant it. I still do.” He didn’t move from his place in the doorway as Remus took a bite of his sandwich and grimaced while he chewed. “Please tell me why you’re angry.”
He made it through a whole second mouthful without spitting the sandwich out before he braced his hands on the countertop and finally, finally looked at Sirius. His expression was a perfect mask, just like the kind Sirius had made for himself for so long. “I posted a picture before we went to bed last night. My best guess is that some asshole found it and got their friends together, but I woke up to almost sixty people calling me a whore and the article below that was about the game where I missed four passes and then you didn’t fucking listen when I asked you to grab the cups from our bedroom, so pardon me for not being able to just Loops my way out of this one.”
He took an unsteady inhale and stared at the countertop with his back and shoulders in a rigid line as Sirius fought the growing lump in his throat. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well, fuck, Sirius, maybe I didn’t want to!” he blurted, louder than before. Remus bit down hard on his lip and looked to the ceiling. “Believe me, I know I’m not being fair to you and I know this is incredibly selfish so please don’t point that particular fact out right now.”
It took every ounce of Sirius’ self-control to stay put. “I wasn’t going to.”
Remus shook his head and a tear rolled down to his chin; Sirius didn’t think he even noticed it. “God, I got so good at just letting things roll off, Sirius. You have no idea how good it felt to be able to breathe through all the bullshit and be a supportive friend and get good with having everything I used to care about get ripped away. It took six years but I did it.”
Sirius watched as three more tears tracked over his windburned cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I’m not ashamed of it.” His throat bobbed for a moment. “You told me that I always say the right thing but I don’t think you know how hard I tried to do that. It takes so much effort to give, and give, and give, and right now it feels like I have nothing left.” He met Sirius’ gaze, tearstained with a bitter smile, and half-shrugged. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone in the whole world and I love my friends with everything I have and I can’t be enough for any of you.”
Sirius’ heart gave a hard tug on his stomach; his throat was raw. “Yes, you are.”
“I can’t give everything I used to. I just can’t.”
“I’m not asking you to.” The last word almost cracked and he swallowed hard. “Remus, I don’t care whether you let everyone’s problems roll off you. I don’t want you to pull yourself apart like this to try and make us all happy. I love you, not what you can give me. Just you.”
“I have been so horrible to you today,” Remus said hoarsely.
“And I was horrible right back at you.”
“I tried to work it out by myself and I couldn’t do it.”
“You don’t have to.”
“And—and this sandwich fucking s—” Whatever he was going to say broke off into a harsh breath and he was sobbing, bent against the counter with his face in his forearms. Sirius was struck with the sudden realization that while he had seen Remus cry before, he had never seen him cry. Not like that. Not like the world was ending or like he had been holding something back behind a dozen walls of meticulous care so that nobody got caught in the flood when it finally came crashing down.
Sirius’ hand slipped around his waist right as his knees buckled under him; in one easy, slow pull, he held Remus close and let him fall to pieces in his arms. He was gasping more than breathing, mumbling more than talking, and yet he rested every ounce of his weight on Sirius with absolute trust that they wouldn’t fall.
“It hurts,” he blubbered after a few minutes. His fingers held the front of Sirius’ shirt in a death grip. “The names, and how it feels like—like I’m never gonna be good enough again.”
Sirius wrapped his forearm up around Remus’ shoulders, practically cocooning him as his wheezing breaths filled the kitchen. “You’re so much more than enough, mon amour,” he said into his sweaty curls. “I’ll love you forever.”
“Don’t say that,” Remus begged, going lax for a moment before pressing himself even closer. “Don’t say that, you can’t promise me—”
“Yes, I can.”
“Yes, I can,” Sirius repeated. All his limbs felt like popsicle sticks in the wind but there was no way in hell he was even going to consider dropping Remus. “I can and I will and you can’t stop me. I will love you forever, and I’m sorry you doubted that for even a second.”
Remus’ chest caved against his own. “I didn’t. I hated those people and I hated myself but not you. Not for that.”
A lot of people—most people, if Sirius was being honest—thought Remus was the more stable half of their little universe. To an extent, they were right: Remus could find his even keel much quicker than Sirius could. He could compartmentalize and prioritize like nobody Sirius had ever seen, and his ability to soothe someone with a few simple words and a soft smile was nothing short of a superpower.
Sirius’ problem had always been that he felt too much, too deep, and tried to kick it away before it introduced itself. He was coming to learn that Remus’ problem laid in trying to speedrun through the deep emotions to return to that same laid-back calm. In a way, they were two sides of the same coin.
His breathing smoothed out after almost ten minutes; the gut-wrenching sobs and tremors became the occasional sniffle and an exhausted nuzzle into Sirius’ sternum. “I love you,” Sirius said once more for good measure.
“I love you, too.” His voice was wrecked—a hot shower and some tea would remedy that easily enough.
Sirius kissed the ridge of his cheekbone and let his lips linger. “I’m sorry about the cups, Re. I shouldn’t have ignored you like that.”
A heavy breath left him as he stepped back just enough to raise his head. “Thank you,” he said with an earnest look and a pat to Sirius’ lower back. “I was pretty upset about that, actually.”
“I know. I was an asshole about it and you had every right to be upset.” He bent down as Remus popped up on his toes to kiss his forehead. “Do you want to delete the post entirely, or do you want me to take down those comments?”
A furrow appeared between his brows and he laid his head on Sirius’ chest again, shuffling closer until their bodies were pressed together all along their fronts. “It’s not the picture’s fault. I like it and I want to keep it up. We can delete the comments and block the accounts later, but right now I want to take a bath with you, if that’s okay.”
“That sounds really nice.” Sirius let his fingers splay over the swooping planes and angles he loved so well and rubbed a few gentle circles just because he could. “Re?”
“I think I’d love you in any universe. If you were still the PT, if you were a player, if you used all that cleverness to become a professor instead, anywhere. In case you didn’t know.”
A puff of breath cooled on his upper arm. “Will you spoon me after the bath?”
Sirius hid his smile in the closest tumble of curls. “Course I will.”
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umitsundere1 · 2 years
Can I request D 14 with Levi and fem!reader plz and thx <33
(I'm 18! If you'd like extra proof I can show u some ID haha)
Attention gets you in trouble
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Levi x f!reader
Warnings: Facefucking, choking, Sir kink if you squint, and Hair pulling (let me know if I missed anything)
Word count: 980
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Today had been a long day for you and Levi and for some reason you were determined to make his life a living hell today. You decided while you were at a friendly dinner that it’s best to tease him.
And boy were you in for it from the feather-light touches against his chest and the nape of his neck to the rough squeezes to his cock under the table. A particular squeeze caused him to jolt and hit his knee under the table gathering everyone’s attention.
Hange speaks out first “You ok Levi” through gutted teeth he lets out a forced “I'm fine” So everyone went back to eating catching his warning glare to anyone that may try and ask any other further questions.
Timeskip 2 hours
You continued to tease him under the table as if you didn’t get his death glare he was sending your way. Sooner or later he got impatient and snatched you out of your chair by your wrist. Gathering the attention of the others as they watched you get snatched out of the room, Anna they whispered amongst themselves.
Erwin was first to break the heavy silence. “You think she’ll live this time.” Next Hange spoke “ let’s hope so she has a mission Friday” “oh well let’s wish her the best”
You were being dragged out of the house and ordered to get in the car. When you watched him through your mirror walk to his side of the car. You were so focused on thinking about your punishment that you didn’t notice he got in the car.
He leaned over to where you were and whispered in your ear “ Baby why did you act in such a manner” “ Because “ you replied with an attitude only to help feed his frustration.
He chuckled in irritation and gave you a short “ok”
Which led you to the idea that you were in severe trouble whenever he replied with a short answer. As he was driving you looked over at him to see him gripping the steering wheel and his knuckles were white. That our fear into your stomach and also made your core clench at the slight action.
Time skip 15 minutes
He just started to pull into the driveway and the fear finally started getting to you as it should have before. He got out of the car and slammed his door behind which caused you to jump from the loud noise in your eardrums.
You slowly unbuckled your seat belt trying to give you more time to stall. Until your door went flying open and an angry Levi stood in your way. “ Let’s Go now” he gave you a warning look which caused you to speed up your actions until he grabbed your upper arm and yanked you out of the car. You gasped at this action.
He slammed the door behind you and dragged you to the door ahead that he’d be waiting to take you to. He unlocked the door in a rush which left you slightly frightened. When he finally got the door open he closed and slammed the door and you were pushed down onto your knees. “Wanted to be a whore at dinner instead of eating your fucking food, hm?”
You nodded your head no which caused him to be slightly angry with you because even you knew what you had done this time. He gripped onto the back of your head and pulled your head back and spoke while his words slurring together from frustration “ Oh really you weren’t touching me under the table trying to be a whore for my attention” Whimpered at the tight grip on your hair.
“Alright fine let’s make you a little cock slut” He released the grip on your hair and finally he unbuckled his pants with such furious and agitating speed that let you know you were in for it. When he finally finished unbuckling his pants he groaned at the cold air hitting his cock.
His cock wasn’t super long but it has a nice girth that will stretch you well with a pretty pink tip. “Open,” he said through gritted teeth and you easily obliged because why wouldn’t you. He slapped the tip of his cock onto your tongue and next shoved his cock down your throat.
He started rutting his hips vigorously into your face and his pubic hair brushed against your nose when he pushed your face down more onto his cock. You gagged and he spoke, “ Wanted to be a little slut but can barely fit my cock into that slutty little mouth of your, hm?”
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and mascara dripping down your face. “Fuck you look so pretty taking my cock into your little mouth,” he said through gritted teeth as he continued hammering into your face as his life depended on it.
“ Want sir to cum in your mouth or your face, hm?” You nodded your head furiously and tried to speak but immediately choked and he took the chance to push your face down to the base of his cock.
You felt his warm cum go down your throat. He pulled his cock out and ordered “Open your mouth baby” he next forced his fingers down your throat and watched you choke around his fingers while tears started to run down your face once again. He pulled fingers out and gave a stern “Swallow” and you immediately obliged due to the fear of him being so stern.
When you finished he pulled you up by your upper arm and saw you dripping down your legs. You blushed in embarrassment and looked down at your feet.
“Oh this is going to be eventful” He last stated with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
Ahhh okay thank you for letting me know it didn’t go through haha! Here’s the idea again— mainly just wondering what your thoughts are about it, but feel free to take whatever inspires you from it and run with it, if anything does XD I doubt I’ll ever write it but I still like to chat about the idea.
Fives refuses to leave Echo behind at the Citadel and finds him heavily injured but alive. After all is said and done, Echo is missing his right arm and leg, and is deaf in his right ear due to a fully ruptured ear drum. He is going to be sent back to Kamino to be “reassigned”… or at least that’s what the Kaminoans tell the Jedi. In reality, there’s a 99% chance he’s actually just going to be decommissioned.
Echo is depressed and resigned to his fate, but Fives and Rex refuse to give up so easily. They go to Anakin and tell him the truth of what will happen if Echo is sent back to Kamino, and beg him to stop it. They convince Anakin to help them and he pulls some strings with the Chancellor to get Echo reassigned to the Coruscant Guard instead, as it’s supposed to be an “easy” post.
Spoiler alert: it’s not.
The Corrie Guard are a tight knit group and try to keep their more vulnerable members (which right now, Echo is, as much as he hates it) away from the abusive Senators and citizens as much as they can, but they are not always successful. It’s one such day when Echo and Padmé meet.
Echo has been given the ridiculous task of getting caf for one of the senators, but because of his junky hearing aid, he heard their order wrong. The Senator throws the scalding hot caf at Echo and it short-circuits his prosthetic arm. The Senator is hurling verbal abuse at him the entire time, and that’s what Padmé walks in on.
To say she is furious is an understatement.
She swiftly puts herself between Echo and the Senator, dressing him down with vicious remarks as she barely restrains herself from punching the man’s lights out. After she has left the Senator cowering, she turns back to Echo and helps him out of the senators office.
Once they’re in the hallway, she insists she escort Echo to the hospital, but Echo politely refuses. So Padmé settles for him coming to her office so she can check him over, and she won’t take no for an answer, so Echo relents.
When they get to her office, as she is checking Echo over, she talks about how she will have the Senator expelled from the senate for this. Echo tells her that he appreciates her care, but that will never happen. Padmé is confused, because surely if word spread of the senator’s assault on an innocent guard, the people will rally to have him removed from office?
This is when Echo opens her eyes to the truth of things. No one sees the clones as people. According to the law, they aren’t. They’re property of the Kaminoan government, that’s all.
Padmé is horrified to realize this, and in her mind, a plan begins to form. Externally though, she just tells Echo that she is sorry, and that if he ever needs anything, he can come to her.
From here Padmé starts to offer assistance to the entirety of the Corrie Gaurd, whether that be just her office couch to catch a few minutes of sleep on, or a place to hide from the worse senators. Ultimately, after they begin to trust her, she’d work with them on fighting for clone rights— and Echo will be the face of the campaign. They bond while working together and slowly begin to fall for each other, but feel held back by their duties and roles from confessing to one another.
Not sure what the whole Padmé/Anakin situation would be. Probably Padmé leaving him, but before or after she realizes her feelings for Echo? I don’t know.
Anyway, that’s my idea 😂 would love to hear your thoughts as a fellow rarepair shipper!
I think it's a really fun setup and a fantastic ship! The prompt hits a little too close to home for me, though, I think - I'm disabled in that I can't use one of my arms, and the idea of having a prosthetic and then having it sabotaged like that is kind of triggering to me personally. No shade, though! I could see it being very well-done, and I love the idea of Padme throwing herself into getting full rights for the clones, and especially her and Echo growing into each other that way. ^^
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
I'm dying to know what happened in the Runaway Au after Grey knocked out Peach. Did she wake up back on the island? Was there anyone with her when she woke up? Did she try to run away again? Pspsps spill angst
Peach was returned home, back to the island. Grey and plum had a heart to heart on the drive back to the docks while she was out cold, about how plum felt inadequate, unable to stand up to peach physically, couldn’t carry her, couldn’t convince her, she felt like she meant nothing to the woman. Grey had to point out that if peach didn’t care about her in any way, her attempts to stall her wouldn’t have worked, she would have just bolted instantly.
The second peach awoke back in her bed alone, she tried to run again, snuck out the house to try to hitch a ride. All the flying types had been convinced not to partake, which irked her. things got a little rough for a short while once the others caught up. She fronted grey up to get away, and he quickly put her on her ass. Repeatedly. She didn’t back down for hours, until too tired to even get back on her feet. Furious he wouldn’t get out of the way, she resorted to bitter insults, which dragged plum into it. She figured her best option would be to push them away, and hope they give up. They did not. She said awful things, stuff she didn’t mean, but desperately wanted them to believe, and yet, they took it all, and waited her out. Far more patient than she ever could be.
Eventually they all sat in the quiet, defeated, peach slinked off to be alone, hiding close to a norther boarder in an untouched corner of the island. Two days went by before she returned to the house.
She sat down, and waited until the others got to the building, minutes feeling like hours as the house sat empty, not even Pokemon hanging around,no doubt out off up to no good. Finally cooled off enough to answer questions, she did not run this time. This is where they learnt about who she was, her name, her real name,not the fake name she used on her papers and ID card, her family, what they did, who she was suppose to become, what she’d done to others, to Pokemon.
They held their ground through the worst of it, asked questions, which peach answered as best she could, and finally the truth was out.
You asked about after, but I wrote a full previous section, the lead up to her running, the confrontation and such. Was not prepared for the fallout haha!
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