#I'm just wondering if I should have an ultimate plot for her or let her do her thing
tyrantisterror · 2 months
To bring this chain of asks full circle, what are your top ten favorite Delicious in Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi monsters and why? Either on the basis of biology, design, or even story significance? What are your favorite dishes from Delicious in Dungeon? 😋
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I thin the chapter that introduced Dungeon Meshi's take on living armor is the moment where most readers realize they're in for something special and more than just the gag manga it could have been. For me, it's the epitome of what makes Dungeon Meshi's world-building so special. Living Armors are a stock monster in fantasy fiction, and normally the thought that goes into them begins and ends with "a suit of armor moves on its own because magic." That's all they have to be for an audience to accept them and move on, and in most fiction, that's all they will be.
Dungeon Meshi, by contrast, came up with the most creative explanation for why a suit of armor would walk around and attack people I've ever encountered. It's so bizarre that it's fascinating on its own - BUT THEN, just to show she's a fucking master of story-telling, Ryoko Kui makes the process of our hero discovering the nature of living armor vital to stopping them, saving his friends, and making his way through the dungeon. Dungeon Meshi took a monster archetype that is usually little more than a footnote and turned it into a crucial and iconic story beat, one so important that it continues to figure in to the plot thereafter in the form of Laios's living sword, Kensuke.
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Griffins are a monster I have a great deal of fondness for, and one I feel should be more prominent given how iconic they are. There should be more kickass griffins in fiction, more memorable griffin stories, more griffins in general! Dungeon Meshi didn't reinvent the wheel with its take on griffins like it did with Living Armors, but its griffin/hippogriff arc is nonetheless one of the most important emotional beats in the story, and also led into the changeling arc, which is one of the funniest in the entire manga. They also gave griffins the gravitas as a monster that they rightfully deserve. A+ griffin use.
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The vegetable lamb is one of my favorite obscure medieval folklore monsters and seeing it show up in this manga made me so happy. It is exactly the kind of bonkers idea that fits perfectly into Ryoko Kui's fantasy world, perfect addition, no notes.
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I'm of two minds on how Quetzalcoatl has been reduced to a monster in pop culture instead of, you know, the benevolent god he was originally, but Dungeon Meshi's coatl at least gets a lot of gravitas and even plays a semi-heroic role in some scenes, which is better than most knockoff Q's get. Also the one in the manga itself is covered in psychedlic flower pictures because of SPOILERS and it's really cute.
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...Falin's chimera form is ridiculously hot in ways that make me look long and hard at myself in the mirror and wonder why I'm wired like this.
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On a less existential side of things, Laios's Ultimate Monster design is, for my money, the absolute best running gag in the manga, with the PERFECT punchline at the story's climax that you'll think you've guessed but trust me, you haven't quite. If you're looking at it and thinking, "That looks like what a four year old would draw when making a monster," you are right, and that is the gag, and trust me, it is ALWAYS funny when it pops up.
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How many slots do I have left? Four? Fuck it, let's talk about the dragons, we can go over I don't give a shit. The Red Dragon is the Heavy for the first third of the manga, and it's built up impressively throughout all the monster-eating shenanigans, so that when it finally arrives as this small-scale kaiju who makes the dungeon tremble and quake in its path, you really get a sense of dread attached to it. A lot of modern fantasy fiction gets lazy with dragons, content to let their cultural reputation do the work for them, but Kui made sure that when a dragon entered her story, it feels like an EVENT.
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I haven't watched the anime yet, but what I've seen shows they did a good job handling Kui's design, which has this wonderful blend of T.rex, sauropod, and crocodile to give it this primordial reptilian strength. I also love how they animated its Thor Thimble, it's a great touch.
About the only thing I'd change about the Red Dragon is its lack of wings, but then you see how the other dragon species look in Dungeon Meshi, and it makes more sense. Another trope of modern dragons I dislike is giving them all one body plan, when their mythic predecessors could have all sorts of arrangements and numbers of limbs. Kui's dragons follow suit - the red dragon is a stocky quadruped, green dragons have the hexapodal look with two wings and slightly more gracile proportions, we've got two-legged and two-winged wyverns, two-armed wyrms, multi-finned leviathans, Asian-style dragons, and even a big fluffy arctic dragon for those freaks out there who don't want dragons to have scales for some inexplicable reason. All of them are still very much dragons, but each one feels unique and broadens what a "dragon" can be in the setting. It's great, I love it, A+ dragon usage.
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Oh, yeah, there's one other dragon species I forgot to put up there - the Nightmares, which in your dreams look like, well, a nightmare, and in the waking world look like... shellfish. Apparently it's a Japanese pun that doesn't translate easily into English. They're not really my favorite monster but I knew if I included all the other dragons and not these guys then at least one person would feel compelled to "Um, actually" me. That nightmare form for the Nightmare looks pretty wicked, though.
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mono-blogs-art · 4 months
incredible chaser game w moments (part 2) up to & incl. episode 4
the most homophobic breakup you've ever seen. just, unholy behavior. on fucking god itsuki i know you had good intentions but you're the worst for doing it like that !!!!!!!!! at least let her down easy !!!!! if i was 22 and my gf of 4 years did that to me i'd fucking go insane as well
the elevator stopped working ➡️ you are trapped in with the person you hate ➡️ you are forced to sit it out and face your fears together, ultimately bringing you closer both emotionally & physically. i love this trope and i didn't know i needed it here, but it was great. step 1 to the meowmeow-ification of fuyu complete
my prediction of itsuki running into & taking care of little tsuki and the two of them then being found by fuyu, resulting in an awkward and heartbreaking scene, came true exactly like that. i think this scene was genuinely so well done and well acted, it broke my heart. i think this was the scene that really got me to say Damn, I'm invested in this now...
^ I'm still waiting for Itsuki to bring up the similar names in conversation though. like you need to talk about that
"ohhh harumoto-san, so you're part of that team?" - itsuki (sweating in closeted lesbian): "huh? what? n-no, of course not- I'm--" - "Don't worry, it's all good, we're all into BL too!!!" ➡️falsely coming out as a yaoi fangirl to your coworkers to avoid having to talk about your own sexuality. LMAO
^ this scene only being a setup so fuyu can be homophobic on main is what makes it even funnier
why. in every gods name. would you go to your boss' home address. why on earth would you do that. at least itsuki was self-aware about it too. girl you are SO unwell
every time fuyu has kissed itsuki of her own initiative, it has been when she was drunk... can we remedy that for future episodes, please? not that consent has been an issue, their mutual feelings are obvious, but i think she should be making a move when she doesn't have any liquid courage in her. step up your fucking game, fuyu
"she's a classic tsundere, after all" - fuyu, who has been severly harassing her subordinates at work (again, there seems to be no HR department at this company) being written off as a "tsundere" by the rest of the team - I mean, you're not wrong, but you should still file a complaint against her.
fuyu's husband Kouu is the nicest man on earth. my man doesn't deserve ANY of this. he even calls her dongyu. he even calls his wife by her real fucking name like the bar is so low
fuyu treats him so badly too, man, i genuinely felt bad watching it. were the 5 years of marriage all like this? was he always just a means to you getting your revenge? i'm sick. i hope they can make up by the end of the show and have a real conversation about their feelings and relationship.
that aside, i do have some theories on kouu, his disappearance, and his own feelings as well, but i'm keeping that to myself atm...
fuyu & itsuki keep having insanely homoerotic moments in front of god and everyone on earth, I'm starting to believe the only person with a gaydar in this company is the photographer from the other office. the fact that you two haven't been found out yet is honestly a massive plot hole (lmao)
has itsuki eaten anything else but sweets (cake, in particular?) on screen yet? apart from the homemade meal at the hayashi's, whenever there's a scene of her alone or with her grandma, she's always eating cake. i wonder if it will come up at some point, but it's just something i noticed. no shade though girl i'm also (almost) 27 and if you wanna eat cake for dinner alone at home I'm your nr1 supporter
i'm never a fan of the trope of a bilingual character breaking out into their native tongue for swearing or just randomly, but it is fun that only fuyu does it and that all the other chinese characters just don't speak mandarin at all. and i'm happy they actually cast a bilingual actress for fuyu!
episode 4 was the mid-series finale, and it definitely showed. this was the best episode so far by a pretty significant margin imo.
the. silent pleading fuyu puts on to make itsuki stay at the hayashi house. the most fucking 🥺*twirling my hair cutely* AND IT WORKS TOO BECAUSE ITSUKI IS JUST AS INSANE AS YOU ARE
i would like to talk about the best scene of this show yet. i really wished it was longer and was given even more weight. in episode 4, fuyu & itsuki are sitting in the living room together at night, so far apart that they're completely out of each other's camera shots even. i found this to be the most interesting scene so far. there was genuine tension in the shot composition, the acting, the complete absence of music. just silence and their voices. "after all, it was all my fault, wasn't it? that we ended up like this?" fuyu still deep down believes that she was the reason their relationship failed. she wasn't enough, because she's fuyu, because she's a woman. she still thinks that. my heart fucking broke in two
their fight after fuyu came back home drunk was so funny. especially with their height difference... hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby
after finally learning the truth about their break-up, fuyu is absolutely devastated. "you valued your promise to my mother more than the one you made to me?" just completely broken. after all this time sitting with these unresolved emotions, feelings of guilt and deep shame, only for that to be the reason? I feel so bad for her
the mutual love confession!!!!! i'm honestly a bit surprised it came so early, i thought they were just going to sleep together and not talk emotions first. but i'm not gonna complain (i just love mess) i'm also devastated that itsuki used suki while fuyu used the word aishiteru. my friends it's so bad for me right now (and them)
did. they. fuck. on. the. floor. in. the. living room.
i hope so because 1) hot and 2) although i'm still unsure as to the exact room situation of the hayashi household, don't they all have one shared bedroom??? isn't the bedroom that they're in after they've had sex (hopefully in the living room) the same one we've previously seen, where the kid also sleeps????? WHERE WAS THE KID ITSUKI. WHERE. WAS. THE. KID. WE KNOW SHE'S WITH YOU BECAUSE THAT WAS THE WHOLE REASON YOU STARTED FIGHTING!!!!!
if you had sex while your kid was sleeping soundly in the same room i'm sending both of you to superhell. i'm praying you guys just have a totally identical bed in another room. please.
if it wasn't the same bed we've previously seen from tsuki's room, that means you guys fucked in the marriage bed, which is only slightly less gonna get you sent to superhell.
in any case, happy lesbian sex to them. i know neither of you have known the touch of a woman in the past 5 years so it was probably intense. drink a lot of water in episode 5, alright? jesus.
it was also quite funny that the scriptwriter for the show tweeted out a few hours before this episode aired that "itsuki has always taken the leader position in their relationship" and that "you should watch episode 4 with this in mind" and we were all like. oh so you're telling me that fuyu is a bottom? you're telling me water is wet? fork found in kitchen??????
their lil afterglow convo in bed was just perfectly sweet. 1 point to fuyu, now presumably much more sobered up, for having the courage to ask if itsuki's gonna stay the night after all. girl you don't have to ask. i think she's ready for another 12 rounds. she's not going anywhere.
the line delivery of the "alright" (i'm gonna stay) oh my god. oh my god... oh. oh.
the meowmeow-ification babygirl-ification of fuyu is now complete
in the preview for ep5, fuyu is wearing a mixture of white and black clothes. girl... it was that good, huh?????
in conclusion:
i had a lot of thoughts on this one and i've found great joy in going deep into the twt tags for it as well. and i'm glad to see many japanese sapphics also being super vocal about the show. it's really interesting to read and interact with that side of the fandom i haven't really seen in this capacity for a (lesbian) live action show yet. i see people slowing down & brightening up footage to analyse who's taking each other's clothes off first, people just posting close-ups of Yuuka's hands, people going into Yurika's past filmography to dig up ancient clips of other sapphic roles she's played (of which there seem to be actually quite a lot?). i love to see it lmao. on a more serious note, it makes me happy to see sapphics from so far away expressing themselves similarily to myself or my other lesbian friends. it's cute!! as for cgw, part b of the series is gonna be intense, and i'm especially curious to see how they're gonna do the inevitable breakdown of fuyu again. my girl is so deep in the trenches, her temporary being on cloud 9 right now is gonna be short-lived and i want to see it happen. i hope she can really stand up for herself and make things right after all!
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 5 months
Seashell Bracelet
Hey everyone this is my first failed attempt at writing Shadamy but I promised my Shadamy shipping friends I would write it. Shout out to @bearfoottruck and @punkeropercyjackson
I hope it's alright, I always wanted to write Shadamy because I am a multishipper in the Sonic fandom and reading some amazing Shadamy fanfiction by talented writers sold me.
And yes, the plot of this fanfic is basically that episode of Sonic X where Amy makes Sonic a seashell bracelet.....But make it Shadamy!
So enjoy!
Amy always loved going to the beach with her friends.
She loved everything about it! Swimming until you need to nap, looking for seashells, eating watermelon. But today, she couldn't help but space out a lot, which didn't go unnoticed by Cream.
Maybe Amy couldn't sit in a beach chair and watch the peaceful blue skies without thinking of how heroes risk their lives so she and her friends could have these beach days.
Everyone was so happy and relieved, and Amy wanted to be happy too. That's why she tried not to remember the gang's latest near-death experience.
But the moment Amy became breathless kept playing in her head, where Shadow used his entire body to guard her, and Amy stood as still as a statue watching Shadow's honorable sacrifice.
Every sharp cut hit Shadow, and Amy didn't receive a single cut on her delicate skin. Amy barely noticed wounds on Shadow, but she was told he was the Ultimate Lifeform; she didn't truly understand until she saw Shadow take every hit like it was nothing.
But when everything was deflected, Shadow took a moment to look at Amy, and her aqua-blue eyes sparkled as she saw the pain Shadow was holding in his deep red eyes. And before Amy knew it, Shadow had run away, even though she had tried to reach out for him.
Amy and the others escaped the deadly base before it exploded and went down in flames. But nobody knew where Shadow was, even Sonic, who raced around the remains of the destroyed base. And even if the day was saved, Amy couldn't help but stay up late at night wondering where Shadow was.
And now, even if the waves were gentle and the sky was clear, she couldn't forget that moment.
Shadow the Hedgehog was the Ultimate Lifeform. He had so much power that he needed golden bracelets to hold all that power in. Being created as a force of destruction must've been a lot for Shadow to go through.
Amy couldn't take that! She finally got up, walked away from the shady umbrella, and started to search the beach while all her friends played in the water and laughed.
She circled around the beach, looking for the best beach shells. Eventually, Cream looked at a distance from her inner tube, knowing that Amy wanted to make some seashell jewelry. But Amy was less happy and cheerful about it and more serious.
And she was! Amy spent hours finding the perfect tiny pink sea shells to make a bracelet. Eventually, Cream couldn't take it and tried to look over her shoulder.
"Are you making something, Miss Amy?"
Amy gasped and hid the bracelet she was making away. "No Cream!" She cried hastily.
Amy was sweating a lot, and Cream looked absolutely stunned, but Amy managed to smile sheepishly. "I'm just experimenting, that's all!"
Amy hoped that would be a good enough excuse.
Cream innocently smiled at Amy and took her hand to drag her off. Amy quickly clutched the unfinished bracelet in her hand; Cream didn't give her a moment to prepare.
"Well, you should eat dinner with us if you want to experiment with sea shells Miss Amy!"
Amy felt that was fair. She would spend time with everyone, put on a brave face, and have to finish the bracelet she was making for Shadow at night while everyone was asleep.
When Cream finally fell asleep smiling, Amy finally finished the seashell bracelet under the light of the stars and moon.
But it wasn't until she finished that she wondered if the whole thing was pointless. Shadow disappeared again and wouldn't let anyone in with everything that happened to him in the past. He always slipped away from her, and she placed the sea shell necklace down and laid down to watch the stars in the clear night sky.
That was until a beautiful shooting star flew above her, and Amy sat up in shock.
She could've chalked it up to lack of sleep, but that was the biggest shooting star she ever saw. It was bright silver and reminded her of when a certain black hedgehog unleashed the power of the seven chaos emeralds.
"Shadow!" Amy whispered.
Amy grabbed the bracelet and ran out of the bedroom, not bothering to stay quiet. It took her a moment to reach the beach, and her heart pounded, hoping he wouldn't slip away from her again. Shadow flew down and landed on the shore as he powered down from his super form. The black hedgehog stood alone and let the waves wash over his feet, and Amy stood quietly watching him.
Amy took two steps forward and hesitated momentarily. Still, after seeing Shadow's anguish, she couldn't help herself.
"Shadow!" Amy cried.
Shadow did a low gasp as he turned around. His bright red eyes looked absolutely bewildered at the pink hedgehog.
Amy placed her hand over her heart and found it hard to speak, but then her aqua-blue eyes softened, seeing a much gentler side of Shadow.
"You're back," she said.
Shadow frowned, then turned to the ocean when he saw Amy's heartbroken face. There was the sound of the ocean waves rolling in and out, and Shadow sighed.
"I couldn't give up because it was haunting," Shadow said. Amy didn't understand what Shadow meant, but she could feel the weight he must've carried from that fateful day.
Shadow thought about it again, how he shielded Amy and the look on her face when she saw him be so strong and so vulnerable at the same time.
Something Shadow didn't want to show to such an innocent girl. As cowardly as it was, he found himself walking away with his head low. But Amy puffed up her cheeks and ran to the shore to meet him.
Shadow wished she would find some sense and walk away, or the world might turn upside down as he may humor the idea for a moment.
But Shadow turned to her in surprise as she didn't beg him for anything. She just had her head down with her eyes closed and presented him with a seashell bracelet in her hands.
And for a moment, Shadow swore he felt his heart rate react differently, but just a moment.
Such primitive mortal emotions, but Shadow couldn't bring himself to say no. He attempted to accept the gift but pulled his hand away at the last moment.
Amy gasped and looked into Shadow's beautiful red eyes. The pink hedgehog felt stubborn and took his warm hand, and to her and Shadow's surprise, he didn't object.
Both felt a strange warmth they weren't used to, but Amy set that thought aside as she gently placed the seashell bracelet around his wrist. And she felt it complimented the solid gold bracelet he wore.
And both Amy and Shadow couldn't bring themselves to move as their hands touched and fit almost perfectly.
Amy went wide-eyed and started to blush, but before she could fall over, Shadow took her hands in his and looked away for a moment. Then his red eyes looked deep into her aqua eyes, and Amy couldn't bring herself to speak, so Shadow did it for her.
"...Thank you, Amy…"
Amy did a low gasp as she vibrated a bit. "Oh…"
Because she could reply, Shadow let go of her hands and used his super speed. He was gone before Amy could run after him, and once again, Amy felt helpless as she turned away, only for Cream, Tails, and Sonic to be not too far behind her.
Oh no! Amy was doomed! She wasn't sure how much they saw, but there was no sense in denying it as Cream ran up to her.
"Miss Amy!" Cream cried.
Amy tried to keep it together in front of Cream, but Cream looked incredibly concerned.
"Miss Amy! Has Shadow really returned?"
Amy looked away as a blush formed on her face.
Shadow wanted to leave this beach behind but stopped when he saw stars reflecting on the water and the full moon shining above him. And he looked down at the sea shells around his wrist and the innocent hedgehog girl who gave him this heartfelt gift.
He held his hand up to the moon and saw the shiny golden bracelet and the bracelet made out of delicate pink sea shells. It was strange that his cursed life led to this.
He thought he was the Ultimate Lifeform, born only to destroy, yet…
This one girl may be showing him that he was more than that…
But he had to protect her no matter what, which meant he had to leave this beach before she could run after him.
But the seashell bracelet would always keep her connected to him.
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slashingdisneypasta · 21 days
Mama Firefly x Tomboy!AFAB!Reader || Smutshot
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Plot: Mama Firefly bakes cookies with you then fucks you. She's a good mommy!
Warnings: SMUT. Older woman/younger woman, mommy kink, mdlg theme, pussy grinding, etc.
For a few long, lovely minutes while you stirred the batter, Anna just wrapped her arms your middle from behind and rested her chin on your shoulder. It was innocent enough; when you glanced at her she flashed you a sickly sweet smile, completely like an overly besotted mama bird, but you knew what would come as soon as the cookies made it in the oven. You could feel her body hot against yours and it was driving you mad, a burning aching heat already blazing in your underwear. God, can these cookies be done!?- "Uh uh uh, sweetie, don't rush!~ You don't want to beat up the cookies baby, they won't come out good~ They're temperamental, okay, just like you~ "
With her gentle chastisements you cool down immediately and stir the batter slower, feeling embarrassed still being all achy and throbbing in your pants. "R- right."
"You're so damn cute!" She gives you a squeeze, making you breathless for a moment.
As you continue stirring the batter carefully, your lips press firmly together in a focused line, Mama develops a little mischievous smirk on her lips. "Though... I don't mind spoiling my sweet baby a little~ "
You pause for a beat. What?- Then you feel her hand slide down to your throbbing over-sensitive pussy, over your jeans. Immediately your mouth falls open and your whole body twitches hearing her sickly sweet giggle, all worked up so just the feeling of one finger sliding up and down your pussy through your thick jeans feels like heaven. God- fuck fuck fuck- you wish you were wearing a fucking skirt for once!!-
You'd wear whatever this woman asked you to though, honestly. Even a dress. Even if it was the prettiest softest pink colour with carefully embroidered flowers on it that was completely impracticle.
... Mama seems to like you the way you are, though; all old moth eaten t-shirts and baseball caps, your hair rung up in a messy ponytail and dirt on your face from working with RJ, loose jeans and a tight belt. She calls you boyish and cute, she calls you her sweetheart tough-guy, she calls on you to do work in her room when something breaks- and sometimes it doesn't even end with her hands all over you. She likes you.
Suddenly Mama stops her fingers stroking your needy lips over your jeans, and sighs. "... Let's get these cookies finished up baby girl, hm?~ I cant wait to get these sexy jeans off of you."
"Yeah, uh, g- good idea."
She leaves you, making you cold, and floats over to the kitchen table. "Come on; to the table, I'll show you how to roll them into pretty little balls!" Suddenly the air is light. You don't know how she does it- go from hot to sweet in just a few seconds, but it makes your head swim in a lovely druggy-high way. And you know that what she just said was not an innuendo, cuz neither one of you have those parts, balls, but it sure makes you chuckle still as you take the bowl to the chair and take a seat. Mama sighs, giving you a stern-perturbed look. "... honey."
"Sorry!" You grin, not sorry at all.
"Sometimes I wonder if you should be a boy, honestly." She rolls her big, pretty eyes upwards.
"- Oy," This makes you frown. "I don't wanna be a damn boy, I'm just- "
"Rugged~ " Mama finishes for you, winking. "I know, sweetheart." And you really do believe she understands you. You really do. Even if her next move is to sit down next you and brush her fingertips over your lips, her knuckles down the soft skin of your neck; her eyes following your sweet young skin. Even if, ultimately she always just wants to fuck you. "And what a beautiful young lady you are, baby girl."
That makes you hot, and lost for words with wide eyes. Jesus christ, you think.
Once the cookies are finished and Mama pops them in the oven (She said she didn't want her little girl to get hurt playing with the oven~ Thats for mama's.), Mama had come up to you and finally gave you a gentle, deep, slow kiss to the lips. She pushed your lips open with her own and touched her hot wet tongue to yours, making you moan, but didn't allow the kiss to become rough- not yet. She always wanted to take her little tomboy gentle. She touched you ever so gently, holding your hands, and guided you to her bedroom.
Once there, all (well, most) pretences were forgotten and Mama laid you down on her bed; covered in pillows fluff and pink. Her fingers undo your jeans and slip into your underwear, suddenly filling your over-sensitive and squelching pussy up with a sweet smile. "Now baby~ Mama's gonna take good care of you~ "
You could only moan, wanting your orgasm hot and fast and right this moment. Your hands go to her wrist and hold her hand where it was while you rolled your impatient hips up- taking her deeper.
She humours you, rubbing the pads of her fingers against your walls as deeply as they'll go, loving the feeling of your meat squeezing her. You need her so bad!~ Oh, you're so damn adorable.
"Tell mommy what you want from her, baby doll~ "
"Fuck... me... "
"Hmmm~ "
"Please." You add, knowing she likes good manners. While you speak you're still desperately wriggling your hips against her hand. "Please mommy, make me cum. I- ughh~ I need it~ "
"What does mommy really want to hear, beautiful girl?"
Your face goes hot. "I- I love you, mommy."
Giving a pleased smile and hum, Mama nods. "Thats right, babydoll."
Then she slips her fingers out of you and replaces them with her painted lips. Her thumbs pull your folds apart, and you're embarrassed to hear the vulgar squelching sound that accompanies that, before she leans in and kisses you down there; her tongue delving into your mushy needy cunt with a devious want of her own.
You push yourself up onto your elbows so that you can see her, watch the old blonde woman make out lovingly with your clit, making you more and more a mess, putting hearts in your eyes 💕💕. With one hand you reach over and lose your fingers in her beautiful, dry hair; guiding her pretty face deeper into you. You neeeeeeed!! her!...
While she licks and sucks and wholly devours your little young cunt, you roll your hips languidly, slowly building a mind crushing orgasm and using her lips to do it.
Suddenly she pulls away again, though, and you must look crestfallen because she gives one of her high giggle and shakes her head at you; standing up. "Oh don't worry, sweetheart. I'm just gonna have some more fun with you! Lemme just get outta these old things and you can rub that sweet clit on mama's fat pussy, huh? Wont that be nice?? 💕💕💕"
Her words make you whimper, and the throbbing in your sloppy, messy cunt threatens to topple over into an embarrassing orgasm while you watch her undress- but you force yourself to be strong. God is it so hard, though.
Mama makes a show of removing her clothes for you, knowing how pathetically close you are and how funny it'd be for her if you came without any touch. She pulls down her short skirt, thin tights and old underwear slowly while bending over in front of you; showing you her big ass. She picks up her short skirt, thin tights and old underwear and puts them away, making you wait longer. Then she comes back and takes off her top and her bra for you, revealing beautiful breasts (💕stretch marks and all💕) that you wanna suck on so bad that you're This close from lurching off the bed and mounting her yourself.
When she's finally fully naked, she flashes you a simpering smile. "... how do I look?"
"Come here and let me show you." You say, lowly; your lust reaching its peak. You need her. Now.
Giving a huge yellow smile, mama crawls on top of you, all natural tits that 💕sag💕 and thighs with 💕beautiful gorgeous cellulite💕, and when your cunts touch each other featherlight she gives this guttural groan and closes her eyes, and- you just wanna wreck her.
You wanna wreck your mommy.
Before she can say or do anything else to tease you further, you take mommy's wide hips in your hands, open up your thighs as wide as they'll go for her, and drive her old pussy against yours.
The pleasure is immediate and infinite and your mouth falls open at finally getting what you want. But you can't stop now, you have to keep grinding your pussy's together!, smearing your slicks all over each other in a messy and delightfully vulgar show that you kinda wish someone could see. If only so they can sit back there and feel blue balls because they can't fucken touch- not your mommy. No.
"Mommy... mommy, mommy," You begin to chant breathlessly as you get close, finding just the right angle and rhythm with her thrusting her hips against yours as well, in tandem 💕💕💕.
"Oh sweetheart... sweetheart!"
The two of you start to rub yourselves against each other harder, and you catch her lips with yours and kiss her. It's all tongue and you taste lipstick, but you don't care as she moans so pleasantly from the surprise her little tomboy is giving her.
Finally, you cum with the feeling of her soft, wet lips driving between yours.
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butteronpancakes · 7 months
Thoughts on Blade's recent characterisation
(Crossposting from reddit because I love my tumblrinas)
Does anyone else feel Blade, and by extension Yingxing, had inconsistent writing 1.4? I'm wondering if I had just read his character wrong to begin with due to my personal biases and was hoping someone could clarify some aspects of Jing Liu's companion quest that confused me such as:
1) Mara 
Blade's mara feels like some convenient plot device. I was under the impression it flared up when confronting anything that conjures up painful memories such as his meetings with Dan Heng. Kafka even specifically told him in her companion quest to avoid seeing familiar faces again. Yet, he was somehow keeping himself together up until the peak of the battle with JL? Which leads me onto my next point.
2) Blade and Jing Liu
There is a huge tonal disparity between his voice line about JL and how he interacted with her in the CQ. The 1.4 trailer gave me the impression he was going to throw hands but he just kinda asked her to try killing him again. Which is fair, it reinforces his ultimate goal of wanting to die and feeds into JL being a harbinger of karmatic debt that shaped his identity as a vengeful weapon. I have nothing against this but it makes the previous voice line about her feel needlessly aggressive and out of place. 
3) Yingxing and Baiheng 
This is admittedly more of a personal gripe but I feel they should have established his relationship with Baiheng a lot more. It's obvious BH was extremely dear to him given that, according to JL, the entire sedition (which is a subject with its own share of differing narratives) was an attempt to resurrect her. 
I actually really like how this reinforces that Baiheng was the glue of the HCQ and that it makes sense as it was her that gave YX the confidence boost he needed as a child. 
However, at the same time I feel conflicted because it completely destroys the entire point of Yingxing's character? YX took pride in being a short-life species that was able to surpass the XZ natives through his hard work and passion, forgetting to even sleep or eat. He was so driven on avenging the family the abundance took from him at such a young age despite facing prejudice from the other craftsmen. He literally never shuts up about it, 
"In fact... I also have lots of work to do, and won't live very long unlike the celestials on the Xianzhou. "
"I'm a short-life species, you think two hours isn't enough? It will be done"
This line in particular speaks for itself,
"I'd rather leave this world in a blaze than live until the end of time. I will let all of the Xianzhou know that a brief moment of my life is worth more than their long meaningless live."
The reason why Blade's story is so tragic is because he was robbed of this and thereby, everything that made him Yingxing. 
Now I get it, that must have meant that he loved Baiheng so much to completely turn around all his values on living one's limited existence to the fullest and being against the abundance to use the flesh of an emanator on her. Grief changes you, one's personal philosophies may not necessarily apply to other people, BH was already notorious for escaping near death situations, he probably had it in his head he will die first out of the Quintet, and he and DF were proud, arrogant jackasses who thought they could actually pull their Full Metal Alchemist arc off.
But you see how there are some fairly subjective assumptions needed to be made here in order to justify such a drastic shift in YX's characterisation that was consistently built up since the beginning? It also doesn't help that this quote can either come across as him respecting the situation or sounding bitter about it. 
"Yes, none of us are special! Each of us has only one life, sacrificing for this, dying for that... it's all our own choices. Just like how she chose to save you and Jing Liu... just like how she chose to let more people live on!"
I understand it on paper but I feel there was loss potential and not much concrete in-game content to drive home the emotional impact. Blade barely mentions Baiheng in his character stories aside from the vague "beloved", there are no voice lines, mirage echoes or any other readings aside from the Zhuming one prior to 1.4. Heck, that one closed beta content about her was removed and they only kept the lore about DF (at the risk of sounding like some annoying shipper, they established DF and YX being partners-in-crime so much to the point it is more convincing that he assisted mostly out of loyalty to DF) . I get it that Baiheng isn't explicitly stated to have any present counterparts (even though BH = Bailu theory is super implied at this point) but that didn't stop JL from having her dead centre on her phone case.
Also for those entertaining the possibility that YX mostly did it to go along with DF's ulterior motive of creating a new HE and/or uprooting the Ambrosial Arbor, the bracer lore implies that YX was the one who originally brought up the idea of supposedly resurrecting BH.
"This person (DF) who stubbornly adhered to their plans with the unnamed (YX)"
I'm not saying at all this approach was bad or any logic leaps had to be made (it's honestly pretty straightforward) but it felt like the rug was pulled from underneath for those who were invested in YX/Blade as a character. I've also seen the argument that YX's arrogance was repeatedly mentioned, so it's no surprise he had a wack moral compass, but didn't that conceited behaviour also stem from his virgin XZ natives vs chad short-lived outlander mentality?
I've said this before but the narrative told in JL's CQ is good in a vacuum but it made some of the previously established lore come across as contradictory, hence all these theories about JL being a unreliable narrator and conspiracies about writers intentionally messing up the HCQ lore.
I'm not sure, is what I'm saying making sense or did I just make up an oc in my head?
TDLR; It felt like they were changing around previously established aspects of his character for JL's companion quest and the parts that did make sense lacked context that it being the sole reason to throw away all the foundation themes YX embodies just rubs the wrong way.
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
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Alright it's time to out myself in front of the entire HTTYD tumblr fandom. I like this movie. A lot. Ok? Like I think its really fucking great and I will not deny that. Is it as good as the first two entries in this franchise? No, but it's still damn solid in its own right. So let's get into it.
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We pick up a year after the last movie, with the arrival of another new threat to Berk, the "Night Fury killer" Grimmel the Grisley. To protect his people and their dragons, Hiccup moves the entire tribe to a new island while in search for the Hidden World, an unreachable utopia for all dragonkind. Meanwhile, Toothless is allured by the arrival of a new, mysterious female dragon, the Light Fury, which complicates matters even further as Hiccup begins to worry that he and Toothless are growing apart.
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So yeah still a pretty good plot, though not as solidly cohesive as the first two. Still, I enjoy the ride here a lot; we still get a lot of great scenes of the riders fighting their foes, lots of great flying scenes (especially that one between Toothless and the Light Fury, man that scene is just gorgeous), lots of action and strangely enough, a bit more of a focus on humor here than usual? I mean it's ok, but a little strange given this is the final entry in the franchise and the stakes are supposed to be higher than ever.
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Speaking of stakes, let's talk about that. Grimmel is by in large the only real new character here (aside from the Light Fury I guess, and she's fine, I don't understand the hate towards her design, I think she's cute). And he is... probably the lamest fuckin villain in this franchise, there I said it. He's just... some dude. He's nowhere near as unhinged and intimidating as Drago, nowhere near as smart or interesting or even just fun to watch as any of the villains in the HTTYD shows, he's just... idk man, a really boring villain. Certainly not what I think the "ultimate" challenge for a protagonist as well developed and interesting as Hiccup should be imo.
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I know there are plenty of complains thrown around about this movie, the other riders are poorly-characterized, Grimmel is a lame villain (as I just said, I agree with that one), and of course, it's biggest controversy, it's ending. But here's my take on the ending. I think it's actually pretty bold of them to have the dragons leave? Like yes, there is a heavy sense of finality to it, but that's sort of the point. There's a massive change to the status quo, it feels like a genuine ending with little in the way of Dreamworks doing what they always fucking do in trying to bait any unecessary sequels. And then of course, there's the epilogue, which may be one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise. I literally cannot watch it without crying, I'm such a fucking wreck for this boy and his dragon oh my god.
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As usual, visually and audibly, this movie is absolutely wonderful. The animation here is especially impressive, the lighting took my breath away in some spots with just how realistic some of it looked, while still maintaining the series' usual style. The Hidden World especially, we don't see it for very long, but it is so damn pretty to look at. The music is, of course, also absolutely lovely, once again drawing on familiar themes from throughout the series to send it off one last time.
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There's lots of other little things I love about this movie too, like the flashbacks to Stoick and Hiccup when Hiccup was little (I cry), any cute Hicstrid moments, especially the wedding (I cry), Toothless being an absolute mess while trying to impress the Light Fury (I die laughing), just... god, it's more How to Train Your Dragon, man, I fucking love this franchise, how the hell can I possibly hate this movie when there's still so much of what I love about the first two in here?
I do understand, this movie is flawed in some pretty big ways. And yet... it's still so beautiful all the same. I adore it, even if others don't, and I think that's ok? We can all enjoy different things and I just so happen to enjoy this. No, it's certainly not the best this series can do, and maybe the HTTYD franchise does deserve a better conclusion. But for what we got, well... I think it's pretty damn great all the same.
Overall Rating: 9/10
Verdict: How to get your dragon some rizz bc gottdamn he needs some
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Previous Review (Captain Underpants: The Epic First Movie)
Next Movie (Abominable)
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jimmymcgools · 2 years
I liked your take on 609. I was disappointed by the episode and still feel off about it, really. I get why it maybe had to happen so I see what you're saying, but. I suppose I'm interested in if you agree that it should have had more Kim and Jimmy? I think that would have helped.
hi, anon! thank you!
i’ve seen that view around! i don’t agree with it, but i’m happy to talk about why. 
i’m not really sure what you could change. we see kim and jimmy making good on the promise of going through the motions. that opening montage is beautiful and gruesome and unsettling. we get the whole day in pieces. and then we get the end of the day -- this great echo of jimmy sitting at the end of a motel bed while kim lies on her side.
and there’s lots to say about this parroted version of mike’s speech, but at its barest level, jimmy is suggesting that they keep living that day over and over (the day where dripping coffee turns to blood and a photo of your injured client turns to howard dead on your floor) until eventually you forget.
(just like he’s forgotten about chuck. he doesn’t think about chuck, he doesn’t miss chuck. right?)
the dual plot lines always inform each other in bcs. they sure do in this episode. i don’t feel like the internal kim and jimmy storm is really dropped for long at all. we get a (necessary) scene wrapping up the cartel plot for the season, but i can’t watch gus’s wonderful introspective wine flirtation (at geronimo? is that geronimo?) without feeling it ripple out to all the characters.
reed diamond is cute and charming but the wine he pours you tastes like blood. and if you go home together for that special occasion, that wine will taste like blood, too.
same for the great scene with papa varga and mike. the way we think about our actions doesn’t matter -- justice or revenge. deserving or undeserving. either way someone is dead. the blood is the same. 
these cartel scenes get to be very explicit in their themes in a way the lawyer scenes often don’t. it’s why mike’s “good criminals / bad cops” speech works so well in pimento, too. to me, it would be a lesser episode without these scenes informing each other.
i’ve seen people mourning the lack of kim-and-jimmy-lie-to-the-cops scenes. i don’t really agree with this -- we do get that scene, we just get it with cheryl. the fact that we haven’t actually seen either of them speak their lie yet is part of what gives that scene tension and stakes. we haven’t heard jimmy tell us the story, yet, so we’re that much more on the edge of our seats.
and we certainly haven’t heard kim tell us the story.
through the episode’s choice of where it lets us hears them spin this lie, it’s telling us what moment matters to them (and especially kim). this matters, this here with cheryl is what matters.
i’m not sure what (new!) information the show could have given us in a cop scene that it doesn’t give us with the cold open and this cheryl scene. and bcs is not really a show to give you a scene with the same information twice.
ultimately i just think... sometimes, when you’re a fan of a show (and you talk about the show every day and you think about the show and write about it) it’s hard to reconcile how small the show actually has to be. the show is 50 minutes on a monday night, it can’t be weeks/months/years of speculation.
it has to serve multiple plot lines and characters and an overall structure that can be hard to feel, week to week.
and it’s gotta do all of that in 50 minutes -- oops, 49 minutes, now.
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a-regular-ol-pill · 1 year
Hi;; I don't know if u write for male readers but can I request a Granger x male reader NSFW?
"A Cosmopolitan, please."
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Granger, You.
!! NSFW 18+ !!
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Requested? Yes.
Small note for requester; Hello!! I'm super duper sorry for the long wait, and I'm here to say that I write for any gender perspective! It's not perfect, but I try to be mindful of everyone when there's no gender specifics. So, thank you for clarifying! Also also, the reason I didn't do Third Person Perspective in this, is that I don't like writing Y/n or [Reader] because I think it ruins the immersion as you read.
Want to request? Click here.
Want a more direct link? Click here.
Warning(s); Swearing, Bad Attempt at Writing Flirting Dialogue, Devil's Tango, Semi-Public, Implied Strangers to Lovers, More Plot than Porn, Slightly OOC Characters.
Word Count; N/A
Second Person Perspective.
Pronouns used for Reader; 'He', 'Him', etc...
"Granger was never interested in parties, until an annoying someone dragged him into a 'shit hole'."
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"You're no fun, Granger. It's just a regular party. There'll be no fancy suits. Promise!" Alucard wrapped his hand around Granger's shoulder as they strolled around the Tavern. On the way back to Ms. Clara as they were done with running errands for her. Granger wanted to get a good night's sleep, so Alucard's invitation irritated him. "I will not attend a stupid party and waste an opportunity to get some sleep." He replied as they reached Ms. Clara's bartending table. "Welcome back you two! Say, will you attend tonight's party here at the Tavern?" She gleefully asked, much to Granger's annoyance.
The fact that she was in the party as well made him obligated to join. "I will join for sure! Trying to convince this guy to join though." Alucard answered, snapping his fingers and ultimately making Granger push his arm off his shoulders. "You're making my patience thin out. Ms. Clara, please ignore him and lets get this errand done." He whispered to her, she frowned but took the envelope he held out and crouched down— Searching a cabinet that was under the table. While she was doing that, her young apprentice walked over.
That apprentice was you; and you caught Granger's eye— you were holding a knife on one hand and a plate of fruit on the other after all. "Ms. Clara?" She hummed and looked at you. "A customer requested for Commonwealth and I could not do it.." You grinned awkwardly as Clara stood up to look over your shoulder. The customer was waiting patiently, and she recognized them as her most loyal customer— Always ordering the one most difficult drink to do. "Ah, again?" She giggled and took the plate from your hands. "I'll take care of it. Can you find the box labeled Al and Gr on it? After you do, give it to these young men, will you?"
You nodded and moved away to let her walk past you. Then you quickly placed the knife on the plate and waved hello to the two. You started making small talk as you crouched down and searched for the box. Granger was speechless, and Alucard was amused. "You ran an errand for Ms. Clara, huh?" Alucard hummed, confirming your question. "Yep we did, you should have seen Granger. He killed those demons like they were nothing." Granger punched Alucard's stomach as you got up from the cabinet. A smile on your face, maybe it was from hearing about Granger? Or maybe it was just you being nice.
Granger accepted the reasonable latter and took the box from your hands. "Thank you for doing that for her. She's too busy to do her own, sometimes I wonder why the King always assigns her with difficult tasks." You slouched a bit after saying that. Granger felt pity for your worry but didn't say anything. Alucard commented something right after anyway. "We'll accept any errands she needs help with. And about why the King likes assigning her tasks like that. You should see her in the battlefield." A laugh left your lips before you heard someone call for you. "Coming! Thank you again, by the way." With that, you run off towards the back rooms.
Granger let out his breath and jumped when Alucard jumped up from the high chair. "You wanna reconsider? I saw how you looked at him. I can't blame you though, he is your type." Alucard's voice went up a pitch higher, and was sung in a singsong voice. Granger cringed as Alucard's voice broke at the last word. "Shut up. Your voice sounds awful." Granger muttered under his breath. Alucard pretended to get sad and skipped away, sword on his shoulder and whistling playfully. He stopped at the entrance and looked back at Granger. "You're not wasting a good night's sleep, right? What's taking you so long?" Granger looks up from the box and follows him out of the Tavern. Maybe he'll prove Alucard right, just this time.
Hours have passed since Granger last went to the Tavern, and it was nearly midnight. He barely remembered what time the party took place, but seeing the countless colors from the windows; he wasn't late. Nor was he early, since as soon as he opened the door. The place was crowded and a mess. Harley was performing magic tricks on stage, Lesley was watching over him and you— you were somewhere else. That disappointed him. He only attended to see you but-..
A voice from the loudspeaker caught his attention. "Everyone! Please clap your hands for the one and only! Ms. Clara with her signature tricks and magic!" Everyone cheered, gathering around the stage as Granger searched for your purple tie on the stage. He saw you behind the curtains and sneaked past the crowd, towards the small stairs where he quickly climbed up it and called out your name. "Granger? I thought Ms. Clara said you weren't coming." You say upon seeing him.
"I changed my mind. Even though I hate proving Alucard right." He admitted, his heart skipped a beat when he saw your smiling face. The crowd in front cheered for Ms. Clara while you mumbled something he couldn't hear. "What was that?" He asked you to repeat. "Would you like me to make you a drink? It's more quiet there." He thought about your offer, but eventually nodded after a few moments. Seeing your eyes light up made him hide a smile. He followed you on the way to the bartending table and sat down on the high chair. You took a menu and slid it over to him with a wink.
"I recommend a Soda to start off. But I won't be surprised if you could handle a hard drink already." You teased, leaning against the table as Granger picks up the menu. His heart stopped for a second before his eyes scanned the menu. The pleasing colors and photos made it easy for him to choose, and he wonders who made the creative menu as it wasn't Ms. Clara's style. "Well? Have you chosen?" You asked him, he looked up from the menu and nodded. "A Cosmopolitan, please." You raised a brow and took the menu back. "Great choice. Would you like anything on the side?"
Granger shook his head. With that, you got to work; You grab a cocktail shaker and turned around to grab a vodka bottle. Granger was in awe at how quick and precise you poured each ingredient in the shaker. He was impressed, even. And he was definitely not guilty for proving Alucard right. He didn't notice his eyes has wandered until he found himself oggling your waist. He shook his head as you turned around with his drink. You were curious at why he looked nervous, but brushed it off as you placed the drink in front of him. "First drink at a party's on the house."
Granger looked at you and hummed. "Isn't every drink on the house?" Your face flushed, and you nodded awkwardly with a laugh. "I forgot.. I have been serving too many drinks." Granger took his first sip on the drink and closes his eyes at the taste. The sweet and tang flavour soothed his throat, and the vodka went straight towards his head. He placed the glass down and closed his eyes. Giving you the chance to admire the scars that were on his face. Your heart started beating faster when he opened his eyes and met your gaze. You saved yourself from the humiliation by blurting out a question; "Tastes good?"
Granger hummed in approval. Keeping eye contact and making your cool falter. You looked away and stood up straight. "I want to ask, are you interested in tending a bartender?" You flushed even more after your poor choice of words and covered your face in shame. Granger chuckled in amusement after taking another sip. "I will gladly tend you if you want." You had to do a double take at what he said. "Excuse me?" Granger stood up and raised his drink. "The vodka is making my mind fuzzy, forgive me." He said to you. Offering the drink as an apology.
You smiled and took a sip after leaning close to his drink. The taste was delicious. No one would bat an eye as to why he ordered that. "If you haven't drunk this, I would have thought you were flirting with me." You said to him. He smirked and held the glass out yet again. "If I was?" Your heart stopped, the cheering drowned out by a ringing in your ear as you went autopilot— leaning close to the glass; Expecting to taste the Cosmopolitan again until you felt lips on yours. None of you pulled away until a loud thud made the both of you jump.
You laughed at that, but Granger was indifferent. "Jeez, we barely even went on a date first." Granger longed for more, despite what you had said. He moved towards the side and lifted the wood that separated the chairs and the tending table before walking over to you— You however were frozen in place. The tension was growing thick as he stopped right in front of you. His eyes lowered, and his gaze stopped once he saw the tent on your pants. You were hiding it behind the table all this time? He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"We'll go on a date after this." He told you. Your heart kept racing, and blood kept rushing to your crotch area. There was no denying that you were insanely turned on. "This is not an optimal place to do this.." You mumbled. He looked around and forced you down on your knees, catching you off guard and making you squeal. Thankfully, the intimidating height disappeared as he also got on his knees. But adrenaline began pumping in your veins as soon as his hands reached for his pants. You were nervous, slightly intoxicated and extremely turned on at how he was losing control of his actions.
"I will be waiting on that date." You manage to stutter. He nodded and got close to you, waiting for your approval as his hand reached for your belt. You swallowed and nodded. Nearly falling on your legs as he pulled your pants down, you haven't even noticed he already had his lower clothes on his knees until you looked down and saw his erection. You flushed at the sight— it was already leaking and somehow twitching without having been touched; How did you made him this way?
"You're leaking too." A gasp escaped your lips when his fingers touched your tip, you were sensitive because you haven't touched yourself in a while. You whined when his thumb circled around your tip, gathering the pre-cum as he scooted forward. His erection made in contact with yours, you covered your mouth and moaned. You were trembling, choking on your own moans as he took hold on both of your cocks at once. His body heat, the small twitches he was doing— hell even the way he leans his face close to you was making your mind fuzzy.
"Holy shit, you're so hot." He moaned softly, tightening his grip and starting a slow stroking pace on both of your cocks. The pre-cum provided a smooth pace, and soon. He was stroking both of you at a fast pace. You were already so close because of the contact, but now it feels like you were being overstimulated. "I need to get back to- ah." You whined when he pushed you down on the ground and stroked faster. The position was uncomfortable for your legs, but amazing as Granger was more familiar in that angle. "I'm so fucking close." You muttered under your breath, Granger groaned and let his head fall close to your face.
Both of you were sweating, the sound of him stroking the both of you at the same time was growing faster and louder— and your moans were mixing together. The knot in your stomach was getting tighter, but the crowd in the other side of the Tavern was growing silent. "N-need- please h-hurry." You managed to say, Granger grunted and pressed his lips against yours. That one single action made you cry out and cum on your suit. Granger followed with a shaky moan, but even after he had spoiled both of your clothes, he kept stroking.
You were tearing up at the continuous stimulation and began pushing his hand, but Granger was fucked out— Drunk on the Cosmopolitan and your never ending gasps for a rest. Your body shook, and he nearly collapsed on top of you as you both cry out and cum all over again. That was when he slowed down to a stop, both of your breaths were hot and heavy— and the cheers turned into footsteps as nearly all of the attendees headed straight to the bar. None of you could move; so you were surprised when you were suddenly in the employees area with Granger clutching onto you. Encasing you in a cocoon.
As soon as your eyes was able to focus, you noticed a note taped onto the table behind Granger—
I'll tend the bar, but you're in big trouble tomorrow. -Ms. Clara. P.S; Great job on hitting it off with Granger!
You sighed and rested your head on Granger's chest. Humiliation setting in your stomach and making you bury your face in his chest further. "We'll.. we'll go on that date next time."
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What would happen if jasper came back during the new moon era to finish the job? How would the wolves presence affect his actions? Is there a possible happy ending in these confines?
He had no idea there was a job to be finished. Yes, Jasper had said before "We should kill the mate" (for the Sith always come in pairs) but they missed their window for it and Victoria is presumably long gone by that point.
It's been several months with no sign of her, Alice has had no visions of her, and ultimately in choosing to leave Bella they're exiting her life and Victoria would likely come after the Cullens. After all, Bella is only indirectly related to this and what would killing her prove?
(That Victoria went after Bella, rather than the Cullens who actually murdered James, was not something anyone predicted.)
That Edward says he'll go off and do it, taking it on as his duty, settles it.
Jasper has no reason to get involved.
Nobody expected to come back and hear, "Well, actually, Victoria's been tormenting the area, eating hikers all over the place, and has made an army of the undead in Seattle."
It's like if, in Hamlet, instead of contenting himself with a few duels, Hamlet decides to raise a zombie army to lay siege to Denmark.
And you're Laertese, standing there, wondering what happened to the prince that was supposed to marry your sister.
Jasper had no reason to think that Victoria would stick around Forks, waiting until the Cullens miraculously leave to do anything, and then start causing mayhem.
(Adding in the awkwardness of Jasper being the one to nearly eat Bella. The last thing he needs to do is go back to Forks, on his own, and accidentally eat someone without the coven protection.
Yes, that sounds like a grand idea for Jasper.)
Not to mention, Jasper's investigating Alice's past with her and he can't exactly bail on that gracefully. Not without... a plethora of drama.
But Alright, Let's Give this a Whirl
Alice continues to have her visions of Bella's depression that she tries not to pay attention to and has visions of Edward's depression she tries not to pay attention to.
Now, Alice seeing Edward losing Victoria is probably a bit iffy, as she didn't in canon and it's not really a clear defined moment that she could have a visual image and go, "ZOINKS, HE LOST HER!" Alice would just see Edward... not catching her...
Now, Alice wouldn't send Jasper back as if there's one way to go behind Edward's back and do the last thing he'd want, it's sending Jasper back alone. Edward would have her head and their friendship/sibling relationship might genuinely be ruined forever.
Alice would never do it.
But let's say for plot convenience that Alice does.
"Jasper, go back to Forks and--look through her window or something and make sure she's not dead."
Jasper really doesn't want to do this.
Alice, however, is insistent and it is her best friend that she had to leave behind thanks to Jasper. Jasper feels guilty enough that he goes back, hating himself all the while.
Well, what he sees are weird smelly giant bear dogs, Bella being dangerously depressed, and Laurent and Victoria's scents all over the place.
Oh shit.
What Does He Do?
Sadly for your plot, I don't think it can go onward, as what Jasper would do is call the Cullens back.
This is not a one-man job, they're somewhat responsible for the area, and they should take care of this before it gets out of hand.
Edward's out of contact anyway, so the Cullens (sans Edward who is in Rio) are summoned back where the wolves, I'm sure, have a conniption but don't talk to them and the treaty is back on in full force with the Cullens pretending they're not back so things don't get... awkward.
Likely, with Victoria's gift, they're unable to kill her and things slowly escelate until there's an army.
Though, at that point, the Volturi show up as they have not had New Moon happen and have no reason not to show up on time.
The Cullens can then finally leave Forks again.
Bella never realizes they were there and is probably, eventually, sent to Florida.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I know you love to call sothis the worst mom but I can't help but feel the only reason her (byleth too to a degree) gets shoved into never being able to take stance on anything is due to edelgard.
The multiple route systems and the devs trying (and failing) to make every side "have a point/reason". We can't let byleth (who sothis is stuck to) make choice by default to go against edelgard. Few characters are allowed to get pissed and stay that way with edelgard in both games. They shackle both byleth and sothis to "any route can be canon" so they don't get to react or remark to anything. No matter the route in hopes its the same for them. I wish they just committed to having byleth/sothis be the main villain protecting their family in hopes but they needed them both for marketing.
I don't see either character truly bad due to being underutilized and stagnant. The multiple-route system has to have them agree with all the routes regardless of whether it makes sense or not.
Of course anon!
That's the Doylist answer to Sothis being, well, nothing more than a plot device who has to follow the player's choice to side with X or Y, even when Y sides with Agarthans and swears to obliterate her kin.
Tru Piss is basically "fuck Sothis" route, but with a greater emphasis on Rhea because red herring and because "Rhea BaD", even if Supreme Leader is barking at the wrong tree!
And yeah, ultimately, all those characters are written in a doylist POV to fit with what the devs intended.
However, even if the Fodlan continuity is rife with, uh, writers and devs wanting to convey one thing but doing it in the most roundabout way possible so no one actually buys it - time and time again they could have written Sothis as a character who gives a fuck about her family, but doesn't.
Voice Line Anon (tm lol) is kind enough to provide me with a translation of her lines in Nopes, but basically yeah, the writers had her actually interact with her fam in an AU of an AU with NG+ on top.
And it would just be, annoying but okay-ish if a certain character's entire arc - as we're supposed to believe per the writers - is about meeting her again!
Mind you, even in SS (or VW), we don't see Sothis, fully aware, react to Rhea giving the most important infodump of all infodumps - answering one of Sothis's biggest questions after she woke up - and in the worst S-Support of the game, we're told they, uh, spoke while Rhea was flying in her half-berserk state and told her some words that made Rhea wonder if she should be happy not to have died.
We're not even in "any route can be canon", because Felix can be recruited to other routes than his own, but at least in AM Felix has plot relevance, has words for Dimitri and reacts to his dad's death. SS could have been the route where Rhea's despair, crying or begging for Sothis just to hold her once again, would amount to something... but no.
To give a parallel, the devs deliberately wrote Dedue as unrecruitable, but who participates in SS/VW to take down Supreme Leader. The same devs wrote Hilda as unrecruitable in Tru Piss - even if in Nopes she dgaf about Supreme Leader anymore and can join her team.
But the devs never bothered to make an event, less a line where Sothis talks to her children - especially to her heartbroken daughter - save for Nopes' AU of an AU. Heck, even in FEH they dance around it, and she looks even more callous because F!Rhea in her FB pleads for Sothis's presence and just wants to see her (even her lvl40 quote!) but Halloween!Sothis refuses to see Halloween!Rhea - when she knows she's the progenitor god!! - for some reason, and I'm pretty sure it's not one that is only tied to Supreme Leader.
Ultimately, yeah, I agree, Sothis is underutilised and stagnant, but both her apparition off-screen in SS and her S-Support in Tru Piss (any routes but Tru Piss takes the cake) really makes me wonder, did the devs really intended her to be a mc guffin but unconsciously wrote her to be the worst parent of the franchise - heck even Sonia looks better - ?
Nopes's NG+ lines really made me reconsider because gfdi she has lines she could have acted/reacted in the game damn it, they even got a characterisation for her regarding each of her relatives... but no.
At times I really wonder if the main crux of the game isn't the corollary to Hresvelg Tea - everyone should love Supreme Leader, of course, but "Rhea BaD" because if she's not "BaD" then what is the player even supposed to be/do? And as sad as it is, Sothis - in general - was used to fuel the "Rhea BaD" pyre more than, imo, the "Hresvelg Grey" uwufest, even if indeed, the two are closely linked.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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I love how Spencer doesn't give a single fuck about people and the way they see him. The way he sat at the trial after Emily returned. Now this. You you, wonderful boy.
"This is your final lesson, Julie. Do not mess with the teacher." Oh, this one was fun! The kid that played a sixteen year old didn't look like one, of course, but an interesting story overall. The teacher was so delusional. Medieval times and marrying at 12 years old. Sure, Jan.
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I gotta give it to the actor, though. He's so awkward with her. The dynamic portrayed here is exactly how it should be portrayed. The actress is good, too.
I love it when the cases they show get me actually invested. Definitely much more interesting than Kevin/Penelope/Derek drama. (yikes)
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That's very hot of Aaron.
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So what you're saying is that JJ should've been a lesbian and live with Emily. God it.
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Family, family, family. I want to see them hanging out together. I mean, really, Dave, Spencer, and JJ? It's like a dad with his kid and his friend, which, ultimately, means dad with his kids.
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They're hilarious but also so sweet. Sometimes they give off totally platonic best friends vibes, just like this. They're so comfortable with each other.
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I was about to say that maybe that's their difference & that's why they are platonic and maybe should go separate ways. I don't see Penelope becoming a full time mom. A fun aunt, maybe.
However, what if Derek was that person that could change her understanding of marriage? I mean, let's say he could've proposed (they're such an interesting couple that she could've beaten him to it with "I would never, ever want to marry, but it's different with you.") They're soulmates & let's say they'd marry & nothing would've changed. And she suddenly realizes that "Wow, that's how it should be."
Because I don't see Derek proposing to her the same way Kevin does: out of nowhere. Derek would make sure they are on the same page about this. He wouldn't want to freak Penelope out. He would never push her into something she doesn't want. I can imagine a situation where he proposes to her, she's not ready, and he goes, "Baby, it's okay. We don't have to marry if you're not ready." But at the same time he knows her so well that I think he'd see the right moment to do it?
Him wanting a kid is a different thing, but I can imagine him living without it (maybe getting a pet with Penelope or spending more time with Jack and Henry). Or maybe Penelope realizing that maybe it's not such a bad idea & then the idea of being a mother growing on her. Though I am, too, child-free & I understand that if your mind is settled on something, no matter how much you love a person, you should stay true to yourself. And I'm not sure exactly whether Penelope is more scared to end up alone or she genuinely doesn't want to be a mom. She was pretty warm toward Henry so maybe she actually would become a mom if she felt that kind of stability with Derek & was sure of it. Idk, many thoughts about that.
Either way, I can imagine them working out as a romantic couple (since they are often behave like one).
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I mean, c'mon. This might as well be a conversation from Grey's Anatomy of two dating people.
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Yeah. I think Derek would've understood that before proposing to her. Kevin's role in this show is very unclear. He pops up so rarely, there was a period in the show where he was completely absent. Now they kind of brought him back & he proposed? Meh.
I'm very curious about what he did that the fandom hates him.
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Jerk move, especially since it shows that he doesn't love her & just wants to get married, no matter to whom. Still not worth hating though. He's whatever. Next, please. Or back to Derek, I'm not that picky.
At the same time, though, I think the entire Kevin plot line shouldn't have existed. It wouldn't change anything, but less money to spend on the cast, just like the channel wanted to.
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xoxardnekoxo · 10 months
Movie Review: TMNT Mutant Mayhem
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Ah, Ninja Turtles. My childhood superheroes... oh who am I kidding, my eternal superheroes. :D This fabsome foursome debuted in 1987, the same year I was born, so I literally grew up watching the franchise. The series has gotten several reboots over the last three decades, and it's still going strong. The hype now is around the latest installment, Mutant Mayhem, created by Seth Rogen.
So, confession - when I first heard details about this movie and saw promo images, I was NOT on board. The art style is amateur at best, and yet another one of my beloved childhood redheaded characters has been black washed. First Ariel, now April? If we could stop doing that, that would be great... I'm totally okay with her being heavyset and more realistic in terms of body. We could all use THAT type of PC upgrade for beloved classic characters. But at least keep them the same race we've always known them to be.
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But enough about that. It wasn't just the art style that made me stick my nose up in disgust at yet another remake of my ultimate childhood series. I'm literally a mega fan - my TMNT collection dates back 30+ years and is still growing, and it features some sort of item from every series thus far (with the exception of Rise... because even I can't get on board with that one). I'm talking figures, plushes, clothes, jewelry, hats, backpacks, bookmarks, magnets, buttons, piggy banks, etc. You name it, I've got it in TMNT form. So I'm very passionate about the show and can be quite critical of changes to it.
Which is why when I was starting to get past the art style, I was appalled to learn that not only would Shredder not be the main antagonist this time around, he wouldn't even be referenced at all.
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Uh... yeah, we all know - we've known since 1984, when the comics came out - that Shredder is THE villain of the turtles. That's the one thing that's been consistent with every franchise (except The Next Mutation, but he at least made an appearance in that, albeit for a brief time). Instead, the bad guy is a hideous creature called Superfly. Kind of a double play on words considering he's literally a giant mutant fly with fancy/classy/fast cars and an entire mutant army and crime baddies at his disposal.
And Splinter? OMG, what did they DO to him? His face looks like someone splattered vegetables on the sidewalk. I see a squashed tomato/potato where his nose should be, and his "beard" is like the top of broccoli or a garlic clove. (shudder) And let's not get into the fact that, when the turtles were kids, he had a freaking Afro and a mustache. The turtles are meant to be 15 in this time, which would make the year roughly 2008 when they were kids, so the 70s look was way dated at that time.
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Then we get more great news... not only are we now race-swapping characters; we're also gender-swapping them. Leatherhead and Wingnut, while minor characters throughout every iteration, are now girls instead of guys.
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Leatherhead has always been an ally to the turtles, except in the original series, and considering the direction this movie took, I have to wonder if the writers thought it would be inappropriate to make them enemies because it would show teen guys beating up a girl. I mean, "beating up" may be a stretch, but you get what I mean. And Wingnut has always been super annoying to me, so I would have been okay had she not been in the movie at all. But I digress.
Okay, so, plot. Since Shredder isn't the main villain, the plot isn't the usual "stop Shredder from conquering Earth" thing. The movie starts with Baxter Stockman raising a giant mutant baby fly - in a crib and all - in a lab surrounded by test tubes of animals. Yeah, I didn't make that up. Animals of all different species and sizes are somehow shrunken down to conveniently fit inside a test tube.
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Some heavy-duty suit guys break in and grab Stockman to take all his research at the behest of a mysterious woman named Cynthia Utrom. We know from prior series and lore that the Utroms are the alien race that created the ooze that caused the mutations of, well, all mutants. Utrom looks like a woman here, but she could be wearing a human suit like in the 2003 series. We don't know, and we don't find out.
Anyway, the baby fly escapes and takes out all the suits because, well, he's super strong and inhuman. And he has wings. He manages to grab all Stockman's test tubes and book it out of there, and then we fast forward to 15 years later where we meet our protagonists. Their current mission? To acquire necessities for the lair from a list given to them by Splinter. So they do this and they're like, "Hey, we've only been gone for a little bit. Let's go check out the outdoor movie playing in the park." So then we get to see them watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Yep, a live action movie in a CGI movie with art that's literally meant to resemble sketches like kids would draw.
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So then they get back to the lair but Leo guiltily confesses that they all went to watch a movie in close proximity to humans. We're then introduced to the origin story of the turtles and Splinter, and while we're all familiar with it, it's slightly different this time. Splinter was a normal rat before, but he wasn't anyone's pet. He was a typical NYC rat, hated by humans (and raccoons... and dogs...) and one day he finds himself in the sewers and comes upon four baby turtles crawling around in green ooze. This ooze had come from a canister kicked into a sewer grate from Stockman's lab earlier. Splinter was shocked that the turtles took right to him, and they were the first and only things to not instantly hate him or want to kill him. So of course he touches the ooze and mutates, as do the turtles. He raises them as his sons, and honestly, I don't recall ever hearing him being called Splinter. All the turtles called him Dad. I don't think we ever knew his name... so if you didn't know of any other TMNT series before this, you'd have no idea what his name was.
Anyway, the turtles, as kids, wanted to go above ground one day, and Splinter thought he'd give it a try. Bad idea, because, of course, everyone freaked out and chased them away. So Splinter vowed to keep his sons safe and refused to let them leave the lair except to get supplies. We're also treated to a montage of cheesy old footage of actual martial arts movies/shows depicting how Splinter trained the turtles in ninjitsu as a means of self defense. He now loathes humans and wants nothing to do with them, and wants the same for his sons.
So after the confession of watching a movie, the turtles get grounded and are all talking in their room about what they'd do if they could be normal. Meanwhile, a crime spree has broken out with mega villain Superfly (yep, that's his name) stealing all kinds of high-tech scientific items... and if anyone sees his face, he kills them.
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We're soon introduced to April, who, this time, is not an adult reporter. She's an aspiring reporter in high school, and she's collecting information on the Superfly case because, due to the crime spree, the school's prom has been cancelled and she thinks she can get it back if she solves the mystery of Superfly.
Well, the guys are throwing ninja starts at watermelons (because why not) on the rooftop one night, and one lands in April's helmet. As she's chewing out the shadows on the roof that she can't see, someone steals her scooter. And Leo decides this would be a great time to play hero and get the scooter back for the "beautiful human girl." Yeah, in the 2012 version, Donnie had a crush on April. This time around, apparently it's Leo.
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The guys then partake in their first actual fight with bad guys - I'd love to say that I went YES in the theater when a car radio turns on and "Ninja Rap" from the original second movie is playing - and shortly thereafter, April sees them. But she doesn't freak out even when she realizes they're not wearing costumes. She's more interested in getting a story about them for the school newspaper. But of course, considering they aren't supposed to be seen or known about, that won't do. April then tells the guys that, had they not helped her beforehand by getting her scooter back, she probably would have had a much different and more negative reaction to seeing them. This gives the turtles an idea: Become heroes by finding Superfly and bringing him to justice, allow April to get it all on film to showcase them as heroes, and then she can write and submit her story.
April accepts the terms, and the turtles go to her high school with her and are all "ooohh, ahh, we want to go here." They find April's locker, which has been graffitied with things like "puke girl." We're then treated to the ever delightful scene of our female protagonist spewing what looks like green ooze all over a desk because of nerves while giving the morning announcements. Look, I know this is CGI and not real, but that was completely unnecessary. More on that later.
So to get to Superfly, the guys have to interrupt a transfer of goods, i.e. the final piece of some machine Superfly is building for his nefarious plot (which we don't know what it is yet). The guys are waiting in the truck and he shows up... with Bebop and Rocksteady. You remember them. The mutant warthog and rhino, respectively, from 1987 and 2012? Shredder's mutant allies? The ones Shredder created? Yeah, those two. Well, this time, since there is no Shredder, they were created in Stockman's lab. Remember all the animals in test tubes? Yeah, they're all grown now as well, raised by Superfly since he was the oldest. Stockman's plan was to create a family of mutants because he was never liked or understood by people. Superfly's plan is to pick up where his "father" left off... by turning all animals into mutants and killing all humans.
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So of course, eventually the turtles manage to turn the tables and attempt to escape with the last piece of the machine Superfly needs to spread the mutagen. But of course, that falls apart and a bunch of Utrom's suits find and capture them. April races back to the lair to tell Splinter that his sons are in trouble... yeah, that's an awkward first meeting. Splinter shows up and takes out all the suits (Utrom has been taken away to safety), saves his sons, and they all start to head back home to come up with a plan to stop Superfly. It results in them basically appealing to all the other mutants, telling them that they don't have to listen to Superfly and that they have a choice. Surprise, surprise, they all turn against the big bad. Even Rocksteady and Bebop, and they're supposed to be villains... I realize their origin is different here, but come on.
Well, everyone takes out the giant mutagen machine... sort of. It lands in the river below, where there are dozens of species of sea life. Yep, you guessed it. Superfly merges with all the animals in the river. He gets a whale body, crab pinchers, some sort of tail, etc. And, for some reason, random horses on his legs. Wha... Oh, and he's now taller than the Empire State Building. Awesome.
Yeah, as if he wasn't ugly enough before LOL. Well, the suits in Utrom's lab had been working on an anti-mutagen, and April managed to swipe one of these canisters... somehow. It didn't really show how, she just did it. Times Square has a huge news report going on about mutants attacking, so April manages to get inside the Channel 6 (yep, the right station!) building to take over the report and explain that she knows the truth - that the only bad mutant is the giant fly/whale hybrid thing. And then she pukes again. Seriously, STOP THAT.
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Splinter is trying to get to his sons, but Superfly manages to knock him back hard enough to break his leg. Humans approach, and he's terrified... but they're reaching for him to help him. So then we have humans and mutants working together to get the anti-mutagen to the turtles, who manage to throw it into Superfly's weak spot - the whale blow hole. Yep, that takes care of it. So then the turtles are revered as heroes, and the other mutants are all now living in the sewers with them... and the turtles wind up going to high school. They're got human clothes on, ditch their masks, etc. And all the kids welcome them and think they're super cool. April's locker has been re-graffitied with things like "cool girl" instead of "puke girl," and then the movie just... ends.
Then we get a post-credits scene, showing how the turtles are getting along in high school. Each one seems to have found his niche, and they're even all at the prom together. However, Utrom is watching them, and she says that capturing them will be difficult. So she asks her assistant to bring her... The Shredder! Then we see an outline of Shredder before the scene cuts away. So yeah, totally open for a sequel, as is the norm with movies these days. In fact, a sequel (and TV series) has actually already been confirmed! I mean, honestly, how could Seth Rogen, a self-admitted TMNT addict, create a TMNT movie without at least planning for Shredder to be in it?
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So, all in all, it wasn't a bad movie. I appreciate the throwbacks to the original series, and I'm glad to see my favorite heroes getting so much recognition again.
However, there are definitely some things in this movie that weren't necessary. The top of that list is April's barfing scene. She was nervous doing the morning announcements at school and wound up throwing up as a result. Then later, during her news broadcast telling everyone that the only bad mutant is Superfly, she does it again... honestly, I get that we may need a reason for her to rather be behind the camera instead of in front of it, and she needs an obstacle to jump over to tell the people who tease her to suck it, but did it have to be that??? We're showing puke in kids' movies now? Please, just, don't... I don't care that it's a cartoon and looked like the ooze that mutated our beloved heroes. That doesn't mean I want to see it spewing out of someone's mouth. What is it with Seth Rogen and vomit movies? Is it like some unwritten rule that someone has to upchuck in everything he's in? UGH.
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Also, this movie is rated PG, but... were all the nipple references necessary? Splinter is legit concerned that, if his sons are found by humans, they'll be put in a lab and milked...and they're like, "But we don't even have nipples!" Then the turtles say the same thing to April when she talks about writing a story about them, and she asks how that could be done for the same reason. Then later, in Utrom's lab, they are getting milked... but, I mean, how... way too much emphasis on that.
And did Splinter seriously need a love interest? With an unintelligible giant bug? Just... why? That's wrong on so many levels.
It was said from the start that this movie would focus mostly on the "teenager" aspect, and it absolutely did that. The guys weren't all serious about ninja training and mastering new techniques; they were more interested in what it would be like to be a normal kid, go to school, go to the prom, etc. And since it's 2023, and because it's Seth Rogen, we have to have some swearing and such, even in a cartoon. Mostly it's by Superfly (aka Ice Cube), so not surprising. But even the original 1990 live action movie had cursing LOL.
You know, I'm almost positive that the turtles never officially introduced themselves to April upon meeting her. She introduced herself, but I don't think they ever identified themselves. The closest we came was in they were in the school and Michelangelo was signing himself up for a talent show. We all know who they are, but a human meeting them for the first time more than likely wouldn't. Hmmm... I think some details got overlooked. Just like how I swear Splinter's name wasn't mentioned once in the entire hour and 49 minutes of the movie's runtime.
Anyway, as a hard-core TMNT fan, I did enjoy the movie. Definitely some things that I would have changed, and others that should have stayed true to the original, but all in all it wasn't bad. I think I can give it 8/10 and be satisfied. :)
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
So I've decided to go ahead with watching the latest episode of the Flash. Spoilers below.
Blaine is such a fucking idiot. Wow. Like, that's how he's gonna break Caitlin's dead to the team? And has he considered, even once, that the version of Frost he brings back might not be the one he knew? Frost didn't meet him until after she split from Caitlin. The remnants of Frost in Caitlin - if there are any - may not have the first damn idea who Mark is. But what she will know? Is he killed her sister, that she sacrificed her life to save, in order to bring Frost back.
Oh wow, what a complete and utter moron, I hate Blaine so damn much.
Where's Hartley, I'm tired of the Snow plotline already.
Oh, there he is. Flirting with his boyfriend and they're adorable. Oooh, do Hartley and Roderick own this club? The flirting made it sound like they do. Or at least Hartley does. He and Roderick being adorable together is so great. This is everything I've wanted for those two since Roderick stopped being Sleeping Beauty in S6. (Gosh has it been that long?)
Pied Piper vs. the Fiddler - I do like the way their sound tech interacts and the fight, though short, is fun.
(No seriously can someone just stab Mark Blaine a few times. Whoops, he's dead, how terrible, let's forget about him immediately? Like, is he just being particularly awful in this episode or has what little tolerance I have for him eroded entirely after skipping most of S8?)
Anyway, Snow does not seem thrilled about Mark's plan. She's probably afraid to die and is too 'new' to life to be able to admit it. And I have to wonder if really she's just Caitlin with amnesia and Frost's powers?
Anyway, seriously, just fuck Blaine.
Thank goodness Hartley still knows where all the stuff in Caitlin's lab is. Or at least has a general idea, anyway. Though I'd like to think sometimes he just hung out with Caitlin for old times sake.
Oh no. Barry please do not make excuses for Blaine. I'm so tired of this guy. Though Barry being all cryptic on 'we have to go' is hilarious.
Iris follows that so much better than I did. She's so smart and awesome and let me just fangirl over her a bit.
Hartley muttering at, and cussing out, his gloves as he tries to repair them. Most relatable moment on this episode so far.
Snow certainly has Caitlin's desire to help people, worrying about Hartley clearly being hurt. And she realizes how worried about Roderick Hartley is. Listening to him worry about Roderick. Awww
But Snow makes a good point. Change is something you have to choose for yourself. Trying to force a change for someone else isn't going to work. *staring right at Blaine* But Hartley has already changed - while having Roderick back in his life may have made choosing to change easier, Hartley made that choice before Roderick was saved and thought there was no way to save Roderick. He made that choice when he went to save Barry from Godspeed. Everything after was just follow through.
Everyone fighting over who Snow should die to resurrect. Do any of them even hear themselves? How awful and, quite frankly, like bad guys they sound? She's her own person now and she deserves to live, even if the way she came into the world was awful.
Okay, so Iris' reasons for choosing Frost are kinda dumb. *sigh*
Snow loves nature. (Sky High anyone???) Snow is very sweet, but I do think they're spending too much time drawing out this plot line. That said I'm so glad that Cecile at least actually takes the time to ask Snow what she wants.
All this retconning with Thomas Snow. Seriously, none of that fits in the established Caitlin&Frost timeline. How much did the multiverse reboot change Caitlin and Frost's origins? But whatever, at least they finally decided it should be Snow's choice.
(No, really, what would make more sense is if Thomas had considered using a CRC type machine to get rid of Icicle but ultimately was too afraid Icicle would use it to kill him instead. Then that could have been a development that happened later when he locked himself away to try and find a 'cure' to Icicle. And a brain scan from Caitlin's childhood? What did they want to do, restore Caitlin to a twelve year old's mentality? Brains change over time. Oh wow, so much was not thought through in this retconning.)
Oh no! Roderick! Hartley, seriously, learn to ask for help when you need it? Lucky him, Barry came anyway and showed him what he needed to do to save Roderick.
Hartley - You figure it out, I'm busy. *grinning at Roderick because awwwwwww look he's so in love*
Snow picking the name Khione - I'm so glad she got to pick her own name.
That said, seriously. Who is gonna tell Cisco about all this? He's gonna be so pissed off.
Hartley destroying the CRC. Yes, finally, someone with some sense around here. Well, if we can't have Cisco and Caitlin friendship this season, I'm liking the Hartley and Khione friendship. Blaine threatening Hartley... is it bad I'm hoping something comes of that so Hartley can kick Mark Blaine's butt? Since clearly Hartley's the only one with any sense whatsoever.
Let's hope Hartley sticks around for more episodes. *finger crossed*
Iris, yes, make fun of Barry's dancing more please. Someone stop him. And Chester. Please. This is the kind of dancing Angel was terrified of dancing like on AtS.
Oooh, looks like Hartley will be in the next episode too. (checked out the trailer for ep 3) Guess I'll be checking in for that one too.
So it does seem like no one is properly upset or grieving over Caitlin or really mourning her which... is disappointing. Barry at least feels guilty over their last interaction but Blaine's just like 'let's kill her extra dead for Frost's sake'. Ah yes, what a wonderful person he was for Frost to date.
All the 'this is what Caitlin would want' going on just sounds like them handwaving over the fact that Caitlin was grieving and depressed, never got the help she needed for the multiple traumas and deaths of loved ones she endured, and she was not in any way, shape, or form thinking clearly when she tried to resurrect Frost. Her death was a terrible and preventable tragedy and it's like no one wants to look too hard or else they'll have to accept their culpability in failing one of their friends. But sacrificing Khione to resurrect Caitlin or Frost would have just been repeating Caitlin's mistakes so... it took them way too long to come to an answer that should have been obvious as the only ethical choice from the start.
Anyway, I want more Hartley and Roderick being cute together because they're now the cutest couple on the show. Sorry Barry and Iris, but you've been usurped by the cute and flirty duo. But then Barry and Iris were only the cutest couple on the show 'cause Cisco and Kamilla left, so... *shrug* (Grant and Candice do what they can with the show's writing, but 'babymoon'? They're not spinning that as romantic, there's just no way. But at least they're acknowledging that Iris should be pregnant sometime relatively soonish.)
(I did actually go back and watch Ep1 before this. And, um... it had some good parts. But I also skipped around a lot 'cause I got bored. It was not the best time loop episode i've ever seen. It was middling of the road as far as episodes went and reminded me more of the reasons why it took me so long to start shipping Barry/Iris on the show in the first place. Namely, did Iris ever actually choose Barry? Or did she, after Eddie died, let herself get pushed into a relationship that she didn't necessarily want because everyone was pushing Barry as her destiny? Not that she didn't clearly find happiness with Barry, but... well, this is one of the reasons why i say canon does them dirty. Barry/Iris has been hit and miss as a result and it's not a good sign that the final season started off with something that felt more like a miss than a hit.)
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
dgs case 2 thoughts babeyyy. oops it's long this time
sooo no trial this case!! very interesting!! personally it felt like things got a little boring quite often, maybe because there were so few areas to explore? and i think the pacing was, much like the first case, a little sluggish at times. however i still think it felt wayy better than the aai games, which also had no trials. i would love to have seen a version of aai more like this case, with "argument" portions removed and the logic system more similar to the dance of deduction. overall i am really glad they let the story do what it needed to do instead of trying to squeeze a trial in there, it would have felt really forced considering the setting
i am sooooo obsessed with the dance of deduction by the way,, i think out of all the unique investigative functions throughout the series (magatama, perceive, mood matrix, etc) this might be my favorite. the conceit of it is so creative with ryuunosuke having to course correct using his observation skills, and it actually makes me appreciate sholmes' presence a lot more since it offers a lovely bit of insight into his character: you can kind of see where he's going with everything, but it's his vivid imagination, not stupidity, that leads him to get details wrong-- and those details cause his deductions to spiral out of control and miss the mark. he's so creative, but he doesn't even stop to think that the world might not operate with that same level of creativity. i just think that is so charming wtf. and while it does seem a little too easy i imagine it will get more difficult later, and mechanically i think the visuals really spice things up and i love seeing them take full advantage of the 3d models. i think its a really excellently designed system
speaking of taking advantage of 3d models can i just say i love how the settings are built and how the characters take up that space??? because i looovve the way it creates a more dynamic space and feels more like the characters exist in their environment, while still keeping true to the visual novel style. all that is to say i'm so impressed by the actual game design here and i'm really excited to continue playing through it
anyways i guess i should like. talk about the plot. i guess. hi this case was like super fucked up, but like, in a very unique way?? genuinely, the conclusion to this case felt more like a danganronpa trial than it did an ace attorney case. and the fact that this random 15 yo kid accidentally killed this guy for NO reason?? that's heartbreaking dude, it makes me wonder a lot about what asougi's true goal was and how it relates to the concept of revenge and closure. bc what dgs is telling us with this case is that the truth isn't necessarily all that rewarding, right? knowing who killed asougi doesn't make me or ryuunosuke or susato feel better, and knowing he wasn't planning to reveal pavlova's identity makes her feel worse. even before that, learning that he literally just broke his neck due to an unlucky fall only invites this keen sense of unfairness. there's no closure or revenge or schadenfreude, just a little girl who made a really horrible, but ultimately sympathetic mistake.
i said last post that i felt asougi might be one of those seeking revenge types, or something like that, what with his connection to family honor as well as his obvious ambition. so i can't help but wonder if, when we finally figure out what it was that asougi needed to do in london, ryuunosuke has to face a choice: is he really going to continue his friend's legacy? after all, he's the one holding the sword now, which isn't just symbolic of a man's soul or his honor or whatever, it's a weapon. why did asougi really want to bring something like that so badly?
anyways aaaaaug susato. shes great i love her. no crazy thoughts abt her yet but i love her
anyways i think thats about all i wanted to say there, i liked this case a lot and i'm really excited to keep playing ^_^ semester doesn't start back up for a few more weeks so i'll probably have plenty of time to do so
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imaginewriting1 · 1 year
Ariana Grande x youtuber!reader
Part 8 of "positions"
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5.5 (1) | 5.5 (2) | 5.5.5 | 6 | 7 | 7.5
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Everything went back to normal, in a sense. Of course, there was a shift, from staging a relationship to rendezvousing in secret but ultimately you felt like you were her friend again. You thought that the warnings from her PR manager would deter Ariana from meeting you, but the ever-growing things taking up space in your house - soap bottles with names you can't pronounce, cosmetic products littered around your bathroom sink, a small bag filled with clothes on top of the washing machine, told you otherwise. While her things are piling up in your home, they replaced some of your clothes that she "stole".
The familiar ping from your phone alerted you of incoming text, and you didn't have to read it to know who it was from and what they had sent. There was only one person currently who would text you at 5 PM on a Wednesday.
wanna come over?
no one's home
Why would I do that if there isn't anyone home?
i'm bored
and lonely
And horny?
We just saw each other three days ago
just wanted to watch a movie with you
Alright then, I would never say no to movies.
I'll be there in an hour.
too long, i'll sent a car
In less than twenty-five minutes, you found yourself sitting on a recliner very similar to the type found in cinemas but far comfier and roomier. In fact, the entire room could be described as such; a premium movie theater.
"I didn't know you had a home theater, didn't see it during the house tour you gave."
"That's because this was a recent addition to this house."
Ariana had gone all out for it, finding the perfect combination of mimicking a movie theater and keeping its interior design the same as the rest of the house. This resulted in the room being similarly tasteful and cozy while providing an authentic movie-watching experience. It's something you dreamed of having in your own home.
"It turned out beautiful, great decision made on your part." Besides the renovation for the room, Ariana had also put in great effort to prepare everything you could want while watching a movie - including popcorn and various snacks on an extendable table from the armrest, drinks in the cupholder, and blankets. "So what will we be watching in this incredible space?"
"Anything you like," Ariana replied. "What are your other favorite films, besides the ones you had framed posters of."
"Well, I like queer films like 'The Handmaiden' and 'A Portrait of a Lady on Fire' and 'Carol' to name a few."
"We should watch them then."
"Uh..." You scratched the back of your neck, heat rising to your cheeks as you recalled certain scenes they had. "I just realized that they all have love scenes so perhaps you should watch them alone."
"Or with someone to reenact those scenes with."
You couldn't argue with that logic. "I supposed. Though there are some tragic plotlines where it could be a turn-off."
"We'll write our own happy endings then."
That was the best proposal if you ever heard of one.
"Alright, which one do you want to watch?"
"I've heard of Carol, so let's watch that."
It was a different experience for sure, watching Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara's performances on a big screen, as compared to your laptop. You could catch every subtle gesture and every lingering gaze. The surround sound worked wonders, amplifying emotion in every word exchanged between the lovers. It was as though you were in that very diner, eavesdropping on their conversation.
You get absorbed into the film, as you usually do despite watching it before, unblinking as the plot unravels, refreshing your memory of the movie. Being so engrossed, you almost forget that you weren't alone, reciting along the line Carol was whispering to Rooney - "My Angel, flung out of space."
A scuffle caught your attention and you turned toward the sound. Illuminated by the brightness of the screen, you observed the way Ariana fixed her gaze on anything but the screen, her thighs pressed tightly together.
"Ariana," You whispered. Despite the softness, she still jumped at your voice before fixing her attention on you. "Are you... aroused?"
In the dim glow, you saw the blush spreading across her cheeks. As imperceptible as it was, you caught the nod of her head. At that moment, you felt like one of those teenagers who makes out in the back of theaters. However, it was Ariana you were with and you weren't going to fumble around in the dark with her.
Instead, you placed your arms - one under her knees and one on her back - and lifted her up. "Let's take you to bed."
You weren't sure how you found the way to Ariana's room, with how your eyes were kept on hers the entire time. Must be the muscle memory.
You only broke eye contact when you heard a squeal and felt a sharp pain in your leg. Instinctively, you stood right back up and opened your mouth to let out a silent exclamation of pain, turning to investigate the cause of it.
"Piggy! I thought you were in your crib."
You placed Ariana down when she tapped on your arm. She squatted to find the site of your injury. You looked down and saw Ariana pouting as she ghosted her fingers over the bite marks. "You keep getting hurt when you're with me."
"Now that you mentioned it, it seems like biting runs in the family." You managed to smile to deliver the joke. "Though it's only karma when a pig bites me."
"Oh my god!" Her pursed lips melted into a beautiful smile as she threw her head back to laugh. Perhaps there was some truth to laughter being the best medicine when the pain disappeared temporarily.
"We have to treat the bite," Ariana said after stifling her laughter. The injury, thankfully, was nothing serious. Just a light nip by Piggy that didn't break any skin. So all you had to do was disinfect the area.
Ariana guided you to her bathroom, where you found yourself positioned in the middle of the bathtub. "You have to remove your pants so they don't get wet."
"Right." You acknowledged, turning around hesitantly to unbuckle your belt. It was the second time you were undressing in front of her. Even after you slid your pants off, you couldn't bring yourself to face her, choosing to sit on the edge of the tub instead.
You heard the sound of running water and moved your leg towards it. A hand stopped you. "Wait, the water's still cold," Ariana said from behind your shoulder. You sat patiently as you observed Ariana checking the water temperature with a finger before placing it on your inner thigh, pushing you towards the tap.
An involuntary shiver ran down your back under her touch. It shouldn't have shocked you, not with all the countless times she had grappled it - the feeling of her skin on yours should be familiar and soothing like the warm water on your leg, not like being out at sea during a thunderstorm.
You were only brought back to your senses with a gentle press of a dry cloth. "Let me do it myself." You said, after clearing your throat. You shifted to grab the towel from her grasp but she moved out of reach.
"I want to do it." Her tone told you that her decision was final. "You have to move out of the bathtub so I can dry you off properly."
You do so as instructed, swinging your legs out of the tub and landing on solid ground. You followed Ariana out of the bathroom. She sat you back on the bed before crouching down to pat your leg with the towel. You observed as she inched it upwards, moving closer to the hem of your boxer briefs. Before you could react, she stood up and positioned herself in between your legs.
Looking up at her with confusion, she placed her hands on your shoulder as she stared into your eyes. "Now that there's no interruption, I want to finish what we had started." Subconsciously, you intertwined your feet and nudged her closer to you. However, with her elbows locked, she didn't lay across your chest as intended. You decided to use your hands to finish the job, settling them on the small of her back. The shake of her head stopped you from applying any sort of pressure. "I want to take care of you this time. For once."
"Oh." The thing was, you were often the giver because you find liked pleasing your partner. That's why you're rarely on the receiving end. Though if you're being completely honest, your insecurities about your body also play a part in declining any returning of favors.
"Tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours," Ariana broke the silence. She had taken the initiative to untangle herself out of your arms, settling for sitting beside you on the bed. You felt her lightly tugging your fingers, hijacking your attention to focus on her.
She let you take your time, brushing her thumb over the back of your hand as encouragement. "I don't like to be touched. Not sexually at least. Unless, you know, they're someone I've known and been with for a long time."
"Okay," Ariana nodded, shifting closer carefully. "How do you find pleasure then?"
"Well, in my partner's pleasure." You continued after she arched a perfect eyebrow at you. "So as long as she liked it, I would too."
"But what do you like?" She relented, staring into your eyes inquisitively as though they held the answers. "Out of all the things you've done before."
You knew you couldn't beat around the bush any longer, not when she was staring into your soul. "Well, I don't mind using...toys." The sentence gradually softened as you mumbled the words, but it seemed like she heard every bit.
"Give me a minute." She said, hurrying off the bed. She returned a few minutes later with a laptop on hand. The side of your knees touched Ariana's when the both of you repositioned yourself at the center of the bed, with the laptop placed in front of you.
With a few clicks, Ariana opened up a website of a sex toy shop. You repressed the urge to blush when she navigated expertly - clearly knowing her way around. "See anything you like?" She diverted her attention to you, placing her hands on your knee as she peered at you over the rim of her glasses. Her gaze was piercing, emphasized by the frame on her face like she was trying to figure you out.
"Uh- well..." Instead of stammering in embarrassment, you decided that it was much easier if you just showed her. While the website she had brought up had an extensive collection, they didn't have anything you were looking for. So you swiped across the touchpad and searched for the site you were more familiar with. "Probably something like this." You tilted the screen towards her when you found what you wanted.
You knew that this would be something Ariana hadn't tried before unless her exes were into pegging. So you explained to her that she could select whatever size or material she wanted while you would pick the harness.
Ariana flashed you a smile that can only be described as sinful, "You seemed to know quite a bit."
"I've researched extensively." You cleared your throat, changing the subject quickly. "Did you find one that you like?"
"Definitely." She affirmed as she proceeded to add a few items to the cart, much to your sheepish amusement. You settled on a harness you were comfortable with that was also compatible with everything Ariana was getting and a small bottle of lube.
You shouldn't be surprised at how Ariana remained unblinking as she typed in her payment details after seeing the total amount, but you could only laugh in shock internally. Were the toys diamond-studded? You could only wait to find out when they arrive in two to three business days.
In the meantime, your fingers worked fine.
AN: early access to later chapters on my ko-fi page. Also feel free to buy me a drink if you like my work!
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dehydratedpercy · 1 year
hey hey hey!! i'm about to finish my umpteenth reread of preserve or raze and i just wanted to shower you with love because you literally cannot imagine how much i adore your fic oh my gods
first off. the characters sir. the characters. i like every single one of them more than in canon and that's saying something because i loved them a lot in the first place
jason grace? absolute perfection. hazel levesque? frank is the most relatable character ever because i too am such a damn simp for her. frank himself? ultimate best boy. and percy? *fanboy sounds intensify* yeah that should be enough of an answer. i love him your honour. nico di angelo? adored him back then adore him now. also long hair in a bun!nico lives rent free in my head. and annabeth? she's one of the only characters i didn't like much in the original books anyway but such kudos to you for writing her denial arc about percy, it was so amazingly written and god. truly all i can offer is admiration
not to mention how much i long to take part in those cuddle parties and movie nights with the gang
also hell yeah lesbian piper and rachel. you were doing god's work fixing the former character's writing tbh
and the plot itself is SO GOOD. like. it's not a coincidence that it can fully hold my autistic ass's attention all the way through even though it's 277k words at this point. it's truly one of the best things i've read and that is saying something because i read A Lot
so. god. thank you so much for this masterpiece!! and please keep going!! this book means more to me than you can imagine
(but ofc, please only do so within your boundaries and while putting yourself first - just in case it wasn't obvious /gen)
i hope you're doing well and that the rest of your day is gonna be great <3
all the best, jay
Hi jay!! This is an old ask, but that is only because it delighted me so much that I wanted to keep it in my ask box for a while to appreciate it.
"first off. the characters sir. the characters. i like every single one of them more than in canon and that's saying something because i loved them a lot in the first place"
YES let's talk characters. Rick did a great job setting up the basics, okay? Okay. He did great. It has been my honor to just EXPAND upon the basics, which, also, were mostly 13 year olds who didn't cuss. But they were SO badass, they really deserved better-- like, idk, to be in their 20s, to have mature relationship drama/hookups, to be even more dramatic and less goody-two-shoes, and yes, of course, to swear up a storm. FRANK DESERVES TO SAY FUCK.
You know those first few chapters of Mark of Athena (told from Annabeth's POV) where she sees Jason acting all regal (and yet still kinda fucked up), she sees Percy acting all buddy buddy with Frank and Hazel (and it makes her feel nervous/worried), she interacts with Reyna (and there's this weird underlying tension)? And its generally just about... two cultures combining and problem solving together and a bunch of characters we love acting hesitant around each other because they don't know who's a threat and who's not? Well, PoR was VERY inspired by those chapters. I read those chapters and went "You know what would be nice? 250k words of this" and then thats what I spent the next three years writing.
"jason grace? absolute perfection. hazel levesque? frank is the most relatable character ever because i too am such a damn simp for her. frank himself? ultimate best boy. and percy? *fanboy sounds intensify* yeah that should be enough of an answer. i love him your honour. nico di angelo? adored him back then adore him now. also long hair in a bun!nico lives rent free in my head. and annabeth? she's one of the only characters i didn't like much in the original books anyway but such kudos to you for writing her denial arc about percy, it was so amazingly written and god. truly all i can offer is admiration"
Hazel is chill but also lowkey magical and wonderful. Frank is 100% right to feel such strong admiration of her. And yes, Frank is DEFINITELY the best boy, and not only because he turns into a very cute pug. PERCY. Love of my life, waterer of my crops.
"and annabeth? she's one of the only characters i didn't like much in the original books anyway but such kudos to you for writing her denial arc about percy, it was so amazingly written and god. truly all i can offer is admiration"
Okay, the Annabeth thing is so interesting because I've heard a LOT of people say they didn't like her in the books?? Which shocks me, because I thought she was great. I really projected heavily onto Percy, but I liked Annabeth and their relationship a lot. I think fanon Annabeth gets a little messy, so maybe the issue is that people struggle when figuring out how to interpret her-- they either see her as really basic, or really controlling and mean. Personally, I think Annabeth is a lot more than either of those things: she's the type of person who's in touch with her emotions, but is constantly fighting between logic and emotions, deciding what is the smartest thing to do versus what is the thing she is most called to do. The people surrounding her at camp pigeonhole her into being logical, because "Annabeth wouldn't do something irrational" "Annabeth is smart, she should act like it" "Annabeth should always think things through". That's why she works so well with percy-- he DOESN'T think things through, he totally flies by the seat of his pants and acts on his emotions every time, even when its going to fuck him up. Percy shows Annabeth that it's okay to act emotionally instead of rationally-- that you can still get places that way. Annabeth lived a life where everyone else was holding her back, and then met Percy, and Percy was one of the first people who didn't try to hold her back. If anything, he encouraged her to push further, yell louder, and just-- be more.
So yeah. I do, genuinely, love Percabeth. And I'm glad this fic has made you appreciate them-- or at least Annabeth-- more ;)
"not to mention how much i long to take part in those cuddle parties and movie nights with the gang"
HELL!!!! YEAH!!!!
"also hell yeah lesbian piper and rachel. you were doing god's work fixing the former character's writing tbh"
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!! Look all I'm saying is. Piper and Rachel should've been canon. Piper's SUCH a hippie. The way she dresses, the way she thinks-- yes. She needs, NEEDS, an artist girlfriend. And Rachel-- UGH, you don't understand, she wants Piper so bad. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
Should've been canon, I'm telling you.
"and the plot itself is SO GOOD. like. it's not a coincidence that it can fully hold my autistic ass's attention all the way through even though it's 277k words at this point. it's truly one of the best things i've read and that is saying something because i read A Lot"
I'm honored 😭🥰 The true miracle is that it held my autistic ass's attention for long enough to write that much in the first place, holy shit. This was a special interest to rival God. I have really, really loved writing it though, so I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much :') ❤️❤️❤️
"so. god. thank you so much for this masterpiece!! and please keep going!! this book means more to me than you can imagine"
🥰🥰🥰 Thank you!! And good news for you, these upcoming days/weeks I will be writing the remaining chapters and continuing/finishing this story! My current job gives me a LOT of free time so I think it's only right that I use it to give PoR the conclusion it deserves.
Thanks so much for the ask and all the love. I wish you wonderful reading and a wonderful day as well!
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