#I'm letting my hair grow again so I guess this is officially the end of my bald era 😔
nouverx · 1 month
Thanks for making and sharing such wonderful artwork, it always brightens my day to get a notification that you posted something new ^^
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ozymandiasdirge · 4 months
okay now that i'm officially into fishman island time for Opinions™️ on post-timeskip strawhat design
actually starting off very strong. i like that it's just a natural evolution of his og design but with some extra flourishes to show that he's matured w/ the scar on display. the cardigan is very cute and i like that they went with yellow for the sash for the tie-in to his ASL color. mwah. 10/10 no notes. oda cooked.
another one that i mostly really like. zoro is the most heavily japanese-coded of the strawhats it makes sense to lean more heavily into it with the cut of his coat and keeping his haramaki given how much wano-focus the second half of one piece has. i'm not gonna lie i think his silhoutte pre-timeskip was much cleaner and for a character like zoro i think simpler works better, but also.....i can see his tits out now......there are definitely things i liked about his pre-timeskip deisgn better but i still like this one nonetheless. and also i know his fit changes later so 8/10
oh boy......well i will start with the positives. i actually do like the long hair. i don't like it better than her shag/cute pig tails but i do think it looks nice and i like the waves. i also like the jeans with the big fuck off heels because they scream 2011 to me <3 the bikini top is.....look if it was just a cute hanging out look i would love it i'm from california i know plenty of people who rock that look regularly but im sorry that combined with her going from like a b-cup to an e is deeply aggravating for reasons that have been discussed by plenty of other people. let her go back to her cute cotton t-shirts or her thriller bark sweaters. 6/10
my boy is jacked now!!!! good for him!!!! another kind of mixed bag. i like the colors but the design of the overalls feels a little busy to me personally. i love his hair being grown out but i miss the goggles being on top and i feel like you need to pick one or the other with the hat, again it's a little too busy between the hat and the goggles and the earphones. but there's nothing i actively dislike here i think it just needs a little fine-tuning 7/10
i'm going to keep it real with yall until oda said something in the SBS i thought the gag was that sanji's design hadn't changed at all 😭😭😭. also im actively having to suffer through his fishman island story-arc but there really isn't much for me to comment on. his facial hair hits the line-cook vibe im deeply surprised he can grow it and the suit is still a good design choice. nothing was gained and nothing was lost. so 8/10 i guess???
i know people have strong feelings about the kawaii-ification of chopper's design but i can't hate it because it's him and i love him to much. i do think it was a huge missed opportunity not to age him up a little because it's a little silly that he looks younger now than he did in drum island but as for the actual design itself it's not bad. i miss the style of his jamiroquai hat, but i like the fact that he wears cute little shirts now. 7/10
SIGHHHHHH. i miss her bangs...i miss her melanin...i miss her goth swag. look this is mainly such a hit for me because 1) i saw all of oda's sketches and literally every other design he had for robin was better than the one he ended up going with. 2) between her alabasta, water 7/enies lobby, and thriller bark fits she reigned supreme among the fashionistas her drip was unparalleled. there isn't anything in her new design that screams robin to me. like if she was wearing the tied-up shirt with some capris i can see something but i don't know if this whole beachy look was because of fishman island or what but i just.....i'm not a fan. like they even could have tied in some of the aesthetics of the rest of the revolutionaries but this feels like just straight fanservice ove character design and im really not a fan. thankfully her dressrosa fit is completely gamechanging but that's not what we're ranking. im sorry queen. 3/10
franky onepiece im so sorry but.....i really don't like this. his pre-timeskip design fucked SO HARD. the elvis motif. the speedo and hawaiian shirts. it was so silly and so memorable and i miss it!!!! i know he's trying to work the timeskip into the design like i just suggested he should have done with robin but it's just....it's a lot. feel like the gag would have been funnier if franky looks mostly the same and his body can just do all the stuff it can do now but what do i know. i do like the bit of his hairstyle changing every arc that's cute. 1/10
thank god we're ending on a high note it was getting dire. i love this. he looks like the coolest grandpa at the club and it's so fun. the patterned pants with the still black suit jacket are so fun and i love some fun sunglasses. literally taking his pre-timeskip design and working his character growth into it, why did he not do this for everyone. anyway 10/10
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Empire of Storms, day 3 and 4
Ch 12
Boring plot chapter, Aelin and Lysandra and Aedion go to the temple
Ch 13
Yay! Rowan x Dorian boat trip!
I’m PUMPED! let’s get to know each other, let’s get tender with each other, let’s become BEST FRIENDS
“Your magic feeds on your energy - feeds on you. The more rested you are, the greater the strength. More important, the greater the control. Your power is both part of you and its own entity. If left to its own devices, it will consume you, wield you like a tool.” I love teacher Rowan. He should become an official magic professor when this is all over, establish a Hogwarts style school for fae and demi fae and humans who wield magic. I think he’d be very good at it.
“Aelin is my heart. I taught her what I knew, and it worked because our magics understood each other deep down - just as our souls did. You are … different. Your magic is something I have rarely encountered. You need someone who grasps it, or at least how to train you in it. But I can teach you control; I can teach you about spiraling down into your power, and taking care of yourself.” Okkkk guess I should just shut up then, Rowan doesn’t want to be a teacher, or at least he’s not confident enough to declare himself a good one. I take back what I said before. Sorry Rowan.
I think it’s so dang cute that he called Aelin his heart.
Poor Dorian.
I mean it’s very badass how easily they’re able to take the temple and fight the soldiers, but I’m also growing bored of these miniboss fights and how it kinda feels like. Just a filler episode. Idk how else to put it.
It’s action packed but it feels, like, insubstantial.
Did Aedion say it was once on the table for him to marry Aelin?
The fuck?
and that would make Darrow happy…. Why? What does that gain them, either of them? It’s not marriage into an alliance or for money or power… does it just ensure their children will be pure blooded Ashryvers and have blonde hair and blue eyes?
That’s so icky, Darrow
Ch 15 spooky! Brannon’s ghost, back to warn them about a way to destroy the Wyrdkey! I love how Aedion and Lysandra just snuck up on her.
Now another boss fight, but at least this one is against someone who was already a despicable human and I get to feel glad and satisfied when she chops off his head. The Overseer from Endovier!
Get him, queen!
Slay! Show no mercy, just slice him up and kill him.
"What are collars and rings
compared to a solid heart? A heart of iron and Wyrdstone, to replace the coward's heart beating within."
Oh noooooo
So she can’t kill them?
It was Erawan the whole time!
Ch16 “And she knew that even if his body hadn't been irreparably broken, there was nothing left inside him to save anyway. Nothing worth saving to begin with.”
Yeah - that’s right! Only save those who deserve it, not slavedrivers and salt mine overseers. Burn in hell, loser. Maybe don’t make your living at the cost of others suffering, if you want to be shown mercy and set free from valg prince possession. Instead, you just get to die - and no one’s gonna feel bad about it!
“I'm surprised you tried to save him first. Given what he did to you at Endovier. My prince could scarcely stand to be inside his mind, it was already so vile. Do you find pleasure in deciding who shall be saved and who is beyond it? So easy, to become a little, burning god."
It’s none of your business if she wants to be a Queen or a Goddess!
You’ll meet your end, Erawan. Quit with the evil monologue. A goddess will show you no mercy, when your time comes.
The threat laid on Rowan and Dorian seems like empty posturing to me.
I mean, Dorian, maybe, but he’s been there done that, and he is slowly getting stronger. He’ll never let himself be leashed to a valg with a collar ever again. Rowan? Rowan’s a centuries old fae warrior. He’s too powerful and too wild to ever be captured. Erawan has been using humans because they’re easy to subdue. Fuck around with Rowan, and you’ll find out.
That’s just my opinion, but… I don’t think Aelin has anything to be worried about here. Truly.
“Then Manon Blackbeak whirled and brought Wind-Cleaver down upon her grandmother.” YEAH!
Hell yeah!
About time Manon my love!
Ch18 a real shame she didn’t kill her
And now we learn Manon is secretly a queen, Manon’s true family are Corchan. (You were always a queen to me, Manon)
ABRAXOS to the rescue!
This is so exciting AHHH
“He opened the door, and by the time her eyes adjusted to the glow of the wrought-iron chandeliers, Lorcan's face had changed. His eyes might never be warm, but a bland smile was on his face, his shoulders relaxed - as if he were slightly inconvenienced by the wait but eager for a good meal.
He almost looked human.”
He’s so irritable. This really is a Shrek and Donkey adventure, lol
“His wife. Gods above.”
A Shrek and Donkey adventure with fake dating
“Lorcan had seen the worst and best in men for five hundred years.
There was no such thing as a better world - no such thing as a happy end.”
I think I like Lorcan better than Rowan, lol
At least he’s angsty ABOUT something, world weary because he’s 500 and hates his life, instead of just being angsty because he’s in love and doesn’t know how to feel feelings.
I mean. As far as surly handsome fae love interests go. Who knows where SJM is going with this, but if Lorcan is going to be an eligible bachelor, I might just switch my allegiance
Speaking of Rowan, lol
Here is another Rowan chapter!
They’re in Skull’s Bay and here to make amends with Captian Rolfe
Ch21”Male” Rowan corrected. “Fae males are not human men.”
TBH I have always hated this aspect of SJM’s writing. The fact that faeries exclusively call themselves males and females doesn’t really set them apart from the human race… some humans identify that way, too. But honestly, anyone who uses “male” and “female” when referring to another person just kinda gives me the creeps. It feels transphobic and dehumanizing. Like, that’s a word I most often associate with animals - like dogs. I’d never call my dog a “woman dog.” She’s female, and since dogs are the most common usage of a word like that in my day to day vocabulary, reading it in a book is like the opposite of sexy to me.
It’s just a personal pet peeve, sorry Rowan, it’s not your fault. You can be “male” if that’s how you identify, I just want you to know I think it’s gross and unsexy.
Looks like the shit has really hit the fan, lol. Rolfe lost all of his crew to the forces of darkness, and somehow, Perrington has abducted Dorian’s little brother and crowned him the new prince and declared himself king. Ouch!
I wish everything had worked out and everything was happy like it was for a minute at the end of the last book. I thought Dorian being king would be a moment of triumph - the feeling of good, fighting back against evil and winning for once. It hasn’t been that at all, so far.
Gavriel and Fenrys
Here on Maeve’s orders…
I guess that means we’ll probably see her soon
Gavriel knows he has a son, now
I actually think it’s super interesting to act on the vagueness of Maeve’s commands, and join forces with Aelin. It would make Aelin’s court even more badass to be filled with mostly fae and Lysandra
They might not be able to, but I think it would be so cool if they did!
Idk, I guess I’m just getting my hopes up.
Aelin could be like a backwards Maeve, and bond souls with all of them and let them all go free.
“Aedion sighed. "Would you have told me what happened last night if I hadn't been there?"
Yeah, girl, you gotta stop doing that
Feeling like you have to face everything alone
This is not an alone-adventure
You need your friends, you need your family, you just need to learn how to rely on people without feeling like it makes you weak.
I really appreciate Aedion and Lysandra for sneaking up on her and for being there. Couple of real ones.
“Find the Lock.
Good thing Skull's Bay was on their way to the Stone Marshes of Eyllwe.”
That’s probably why Maeve is going there!
Manon wakes! She’s free now!
Except shit is still scary.
Ooh, yikes, the Bloodhound!
I hope Abraxos killed her.
I’m getting bored again
I think it’s cause I’m reading so many chapters, and all of them have so many things happening, but I’m having a hard time paying attention to the things, even though I know they are important. It just feels like so much; and I’m having trouble reigning in my attention span.
Yo. Can somebody kiss someone soon?
Lysandra is the best. Lol
I love this cute little happy scene
“Aelin decided she didn't particularly give a shit who was watching and rose up on her toes to brush her mouth against his. It had taken all her wits and abilities to avoid leaving traces of her scent today for him to detect and the shocked delight on his face had been utterly worth it.”
Thank you, Aelin
Bless you
I’ve gone too long without any romance so this tiny little kiss feels like rain in the desert.
I don’t care about Captian Rolfe!
I’m sorry - I just don’t care. If he wants to be a pain in the ass, I say, leave him, and go about this adventure on your own.
“Gavriel didn't smile. Didn't move. Buy
herself time, buy Aedion time…
"You don't get to decide when and where and how you meet him," Aelin said.
"He's my gods-damned son. I think I do.
Aelin shrugged. "You don't even get to decide if you're allowed to call him that."”
did I miss something…? Does she not trust Gavriel? I thought he was a good dude.
Why can’t he be introduced to Aedion? Because he’s enthralled to Maeve? Or? She’s not here… she can lay no claim on him. I feel like now would be a good time to get them to meet each other.
This was so much content (phew!)
I feel extremely braindead.
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fairytale | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 1.9k words. request: yes/no by @karolantunesx "can you fluff Mick 9-10?? plss"prompt: rained out picnic from this prompt list. & fluff #9: "you took all the pillows so i'm using you as one." & fluff #10: "stop moving and let me braid your hair" (i changed it a bit) from this prompt list warnings: language, kissing, mick being the best man to ever exist. there's a lot of taylor swift references, props to you if you can guess the song. a/n: happy red bull reveal day! i'll tag all the fics as illicitvalentine's so it's easier to keep track of them.
my masterlist / valentine's day masterlist / this is a part two of 'be mine'
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"do you want to go out tomorrow?"
"what do you have planned?"
"i don't know. anything, as long as it's with you,"
"jeez, mick, we've been official for less than two hours and you're so whipped already," you laughed as you ran your fingers through his hair.
"and what if i am?" he smiled, his lips softly curling upward, and it was enough to send your heart into a frenzy. "so, tomorrow?" he asked again.
"i have work, and so do you," you lifted your hand and ran a finger over his cheek.
"after. i'll pick you up at six,"
"and then?" you raised an eyebrow.
"how about… a picnic? by that park you like," he suggested, you hummed.
"sounds nice. i'll bring dessert," you smiled.
"okay. six o’clock. tomorrow,” you nodded as he reminded you of his plan. “i should go now,”
“okay,” you replied, your hands meeting his neck. “i’ll see you tomorrow,” you smile.
“yeah. tomorrow,” his hands slid down to your waist.
“you’ll pick me up at six. i��ll be wearing a pretty dress,”
“i can’t wait to see it,” he blushed.
“go. i’ll see you tomorrow,” you said, but neither of you really wanted to let go of each other.
“i don’t want to go,” he admitted.
“we’ll see each other tomorrow. you have to get up early, you have the sim tomorrow,”
“what time do you get there?” he asked.
“what time do you want me to be there?” you raised an eyebrow, your schedules were pretty much the same most of the time.
“i’ll pick you up.”
“so, you’ll pick me up in the morning, drive me to work, drop me off in the afternoon at my home, go to your place, change, and come back for me at six?”
“and i’ll do it every day if it means i get to spend more time with you,” he leaned forward, pecking your lips and catching you by surprise.
“how about this… we don’t see or talk to each other until you come pick me up?”
“why would i want to do that?”
“they say distance makes the heart grow fonder,”
“i don’t need distance, i only need you,”
“mick,” your heart fluttered, you got goosebumps on your skin. “we should probably take this slow, so… go. i’ll see you tomorrow,” you smiled, you had to remain strong, you couldn’t give in to his sweet temptations.
“fine.” he groaned, dropping his head, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “i am feeling a bit tired,” he admitted.
“i know, your eye starts twitching when you’re sleepy,” you slid your hands around his waist, hugging his torso. “i really like you, mick.”
“i really like you, too.” he lifted his head, now placing his forehead against yours. “i should probably go,” he sighed. you nodded slightly.
“you should,” you hugged him tighter against you. “i’ll see you tomorrow. i might even let you kiss me once,”
“just once?” he asked, eyes flicking down your lips, that were curled up in a wicked smile.
“that will depend on how well you perform in the sim,”
the next day, work was fun. you and mick did end up making out in his office, and even though you’d already done it countless times before, this time it felt different. maybe it was the reassurance that you were his and he was yours, but you allowed yourself to leave small bites and marks on his neck, barely visible above the neckline of his shirt.
“you’re killing me, liebling,” he grunted in your ear, letting his hands wander inside the fabric of your shirt, his warm hands meeting the cold skin of your back. “shit,” he hissed. “how are you always so cold?”
“it’s a talent,” you giggled on his lips.
eventually, you both had to return to your activities, leaving you both a messy, distracted pair.
as much as mick had insisted (and the over 100 texts he sent you that morning were proof), you drove to work on your own. it worked wonders, you both were aching to be in each other’s arms so much that the time between saying goodbye in the factory and six o’clock in the afternoon flew by.
“you look beautiful,” mick said, smiling.
“you said you’d be here by six,” your eyes widened as you watched him in front of you.
“it is six,” he frowned.
“i know! and i’m not done yet!” you panicked.
“don’t worry, it’s just me, you know i only care about spending time with you,” he stepped in, closing your door behind him and leaning back against it.
“please, stop being so perfect,” you grunted, holding his face in your hands and kissing him. after a full minute you let go of him, running to your room. “stay there, or go watch something, i’ll be right back!” you yelled as you neared your bedroom.
mick smiled to himself, shaking his head side to side as he walked to your kitchen and sat on a stool.
“you look great, by the way!” you thought about him, standing in your doorway with the dark gray t-shirt that he wore to perfection. he heard your voice, followed by the sound of the door closing.
“thanks,” he muttered to himself as he chuckled. he did a mental checklist of everything he had thought of. he had the basket with food and drinks, two blankets, some pillows.
not even five minutes later, he heard the sound of your footsteps approaching.
“hey, thank you for waiting, i… i know i was a mess back then, but-”
“no, not at all. don’t worry, i- woah,” he cut himself off, eyes widening as he looked at you.
“what?” you asked, looking down at your dress, checking if something was wrong. “is there something on my dress? or-”
“no, no. you look beautiful,” he walked to you, grabbed your hands and twirled you around. “woah,” he whispered.
“th-thank you,” you said, feeling your cheeks and chest warm.
why were you feeling like a schoolgirl on her first date? you’d already been with mick (not officially, but still) for a few weeks, you shouldn’t be behaving like this.
his hands were warm, like always. and they held your hands delicately.
“you look good, too,” you mumbled.
“i heard you,” he raised an eyebrow, scrunching his nose as he laughed.
“i’m sorry, i just- i don’t know why i’m so nervous.”
“i’m feeling nervous, too.” he admitted.
“you are?” you asked.
“of course. it’s our first official date, my stomach is all tangled,” he chuckled, which made you relax.
“well, it’s just us. it’s us, and we’ve done this before, we can do this,” you hyped yourself up.
“yeah, we can do this.” he nodded at your words. “shall we?”
“yeah, i just have to grab something from the fridge,” you grabbed his hand and led him to your kitchen, where you pulled out three containers with various desserts you had prepared earlier that morning.
“ooh, what’s all this?”
“a surprise,” you smirked.
what you loved about this park in particular were the lights that hung from nearly every tree, the green, open space was perfect for get-togethers no matter the time. you chose a spot by a big tree, with huge branches and roots. the leaves protected you from the cold, which you hadn’t thought about as you picked your dress. but, of course, mick was there to make it all better. once you were sitting comfortably on the blanket, mick took out another blanket and draped it around your shoulders.
“thank you, but won’t you get cold?” you asked, wrapping the warm fabric around yourself.
“we can share it later, okay?” he winked at you as he pulled out everything he had bought.
you ate as you talked about your day, sharing different sides of gossip you’d heard and completing the missing pieces. as more and more food disappeared, you changed topics, talking about anything and everything. eventually, mick began telling you how happy he was when you’d agreed to go out with him, how he’d been afraid that after he kissed you that first day, you’d ask for a different job around the factory.
“i love working with you, and i got so scared because i don’t think i’ve ever clicked like this with anyone else.”
“i went through the same thing. i was afraid of saying something because you’re technically my boss. can you imagine the scandal?”
“i think you’re reading too many romance novels,” mick laughed as he grabbed some fluffy pillows against the trunk of the tree, leaning his back on them. you noticed he didn’t leave any for you, so you set your head on his lap. “what are you doing?” he asked.
“you took all the pillows, so i’m using you as one,” you winked. a smile slowly broke out on his face, and it was the greatest sight you’d ever seen.
“glad i can be of service,” he placed a hand on your hair. “i’d like to braid your hair,” he said, out of nowhere.
“random,” you chuckled. “have you done it before?”
“no,” he laughed.
“maybe some other time, my hair’s a mess right now. i think it’s the humidity,”
“maybe,” he shrugged his shoulder.
he leaned back against the tree, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath of the chilly night air. he felt you move your arms, and he peeked one eye open.
“what are you doing?” you were touching your face.
“i wanted to see if i was crying,” you frowned.
“are you?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“no, but i felt something wet on my face. i think it’s rai-”
“oh my god!” he interrupted you as you both felt the cold rain hitting your bodies.
“yep, it’s raining,” you laughed, getting up from his lap.
“i’m so sorry, i didn’t check the weather, and the-”
you cupped his face in one hand, directing his lips toward yours.
“i’ve always wanted to kiss someone in the rain,” you admitted, feeling your cheeks getting warm.
“god, you’re perfect,” he shook his head, holding your chin between his thumb and pointer, kissing you deeply.
once you finally opened your eyes, you were met with reality. both of you were drenched in cold water, everything was ruined, but at the same time, it was all perfect.
“the rain really adds to it,” mick nodded his head. you laughed as you leaned a hand on his chest.
"look around you," you instructed, "the lights, the trees, feel the rain, can you smell the wet dirt?" you asked, letting your fingers travel up to his face. "there's magic in the air. can you feel it?"
mick hummed, his hands on your waist.
"it must have been the way you kissed me," he smiled. "you made me see stars,"
your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. you would've stayed like that, under the rain, kissing mick forever. there was no point in rushing out of there, your clothes, blankets and pillows were all soaked by now. so, you took your time untangling yourself from mick's warm arms and throwing everything in the trunk of his car.
"let me know when you get home," you said, you'd reached your home and we're saying goodbye.
"i will," he nodded, "you should take a warm shower. don't want you to get sick," you nodded, your hand reaching for his.
"i'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, but he already knew the answer.
"pick me up at seven?"
"i'll be here,"
"okay," you leaned in, and mick did the same.
"thank you for tonight," you smiled.
"this was just a little taste of what’s to come,” he promised, and it made you raise an eyebrow, chest filling with emotions.
“well now i’m intrigued.” you laughed, letting your hand run through his still wet hair. “goodnight,” you whispered, your eyes traveling down to his lips.
“goodnight.” he smiled. he’d noticed your eyes wandering.
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chasingpj · 3 years
pairing: percy jackson x child of aphrodite! gn reader
requested?: yup!
warnings: mentions of underage drinking, one curse word, and mentions of sexual tension
category: fluff, shy boy x obviously interested girl trope
a/n: don't mind me I'm just projecting and I got carried away
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you’re not sure what gravitated you to percy more
the crystal green eyes, the freckles over his nose, the disheveled dark curls, or his clumsiness
the first time you laid eyes on him, he was walking back to his cabin after sword-fighting practice
his tan skin gleamed in the sunlight as a hand came up to swipe away the damp hair sticking on his forehead
for an action so mundane, it made your stomach flutter like crazy
and then the beauty of the moment was ruined right when he trips over the steps of his cabin
you heard stories of the kid killing the minotaur, blowing up a volcano, and rumors of being the suspected child of a huge prophecy
yet, he was not immune from tripping over his feet
and you’re sure the dorky charm of that moment made you think, he’s mine
for the next few days, you were determined to approach him
but you didn’t just want to come up to him and introduce yourself; that would be too plain and forgettable
you ended up finding your opportunity during a capture the flag game
silena gave you instructions to distract percy, and you headed over strong, ready to make your first impression while also taking him down for your team
sure, he had water powers and done a bunch of cool things, but your father made sure you were well trained in sword fighting and martial arts even before you knew about the camp
you planned to take him by surprise, and luckily it worked
with ruthless attacks, it didn’t take long for you to sweep him off his feet and knock his sword out of his hand
by pressing the flat of your sword under his chin, you forced him to look up at you, and you peered into those clear green eyes
gods, he’s cute, you thought
“hey,” you said
percy was stunned, not sure if it was because you effortlessly took him down or if it was because you were one of the prettiest girls he’s ever seen
“... hi,” he sputtered, gawking for a moment as you offered your hand
you swore you felt sparks when his fingers brush across your palm... even though the contact was a little sweaty
in the distance, you heard the satyrs blow the horn and the roars of celebration from your team
“i should go back to the others. catch you later, ocean eyes,” you flirted
percy’s shoulders tensed up when you blew him a kiss; awkwardly frozen in his place as you waited
“well, are you going to catch it? you can’t just let my kiss fly away.”
percy shifted on his feet, not sure if you were serious or not, but when you held your ground with arms folded over your chest, it was clear that’s what you were waiting for
and so with a flushed face, percy awkwardly grabbed the air in the front of him, and you couldn’t help but giggle
“good, i wouldn’t want it flying to a stranger,” you commented playfully. “you know, i don’t really like this whole outdoor camp life thing, but seeing your pretty face around here makes it a lot better”
“uh… oh, thanks?” he stammered, not having the words to respond
you winked at him before walking off, more than satisfied with your first impression
after that, you were contemplating your next move
children of aphrodite can see all the possibilities in a potential relationship
you were able to see you and percy eating ice cream in central park, holding hands at camp, a shy kiss on your first date
you wanted all of it, and you going to make sure you get it
of course, silena and your siblings were your wing women
if percy was in the strawberry fields, you were picking strawberries beside him
in the fields, you got to know him and his sarcastic humor, which made your crush flourish
you even took sword fighting classes at the same time as him and made sure he was your partner most of the time
whenever you had a chance, you’d affectionately fix his hair or his armor just to hear his shy thank you’s
he’s never had a girl show this much interest in him, so you definitely made him a little nervous, but despite that, he opened up to you pretty quick
sometimes he’d help you out in the stables, and you noticed how he’d fumble with the harnesses or knock things over when you would flirt with him
you loved his reactions so much that you always took it up a notch just to see how he’d react
you suppose the pegasi didn’t make percy’s shyness any better
there were times where he’d shush them, or the tips of his ears would grow even more flushed at a neigh or huff from one of the pegasuses
as the summer came to an end, you gave percy your email and made sure you stayed in touch
you didn’t live very far from one another, but you didn’t dare ask to hangout
you wanted to be asked first!
and you were disappointed when the invitation never came despite the two of you being consistent with sending emails
the year flew by fast, though, and you were excited to return to camp for an array of reasons; percy being one of those reasons, of course
when you saw him for the first time that summer, you were in awe at how different he looked after a year
he was taller, broader, and just more handsome overall
your stomach went into a frenzy when he greeted you with a boyish smile while his hand rubbed the back of his neck nervously because he didn���t fail to notice how, somehow, you were even prettier than he remembered
unfortunately, having the prepare for the war meant you guys were too busy to hang out as often as you did the previous summer
but when you did have time to see each other, it was still fun
there was an unspoken rule between you and percy that any talk about the war wasn’t allowed
it allowed you guys to just bask in the nights where you would watch the sunset while joking around and sharing funny stories
those nights were calm and still; they brought a sense of normalcy amongst the chaos and growing tensions
because of this, percy had sought out your company whenever he could get it
being with you made him feel like time slowed down
inevitably, the battle of manhattan occurred and passed, causing the summer to end with the grief of losing your siblings
while campers arranged the ceremonies to honor their siblings, percy hopped around to help
losing silena as a counselor meant it was time to pick a new one, and to your surprise, your siblings nominated you
you were silena’s right-hand person, the oldest in the group after her, and the strongest fighter, so your siblings felt it was fair that you took the role
but it didn’t feel right to you; the pressure of being a newly elected councilor while still grieving silena weighed hard on your shoulders
after the nomination, you needed time to get away and sit with your thoughts, and you were only there for a moment alone until percy had found you
his eyes studied your somber expression, and he was quick to ask what was wrong
as you poured out all your worries, percy was quiet and attentive
you cuddled up to his side for comfort, and even in your sorrow, you didn’t fail to notice the way he tensed up
finally, when you let everything out, he chimed in to soothe your worries
your expression was a little lovestruck as he said everything you needed to hear, and well, his strong arm around your shoulders definitely helped too
you were so elated that you couldn't help but press a kiss on his cheek to thank him
his flushed face was enough to lift your spirits for good that day
by the time the summer officially came to an end, you could feel that percy’s feelings for you were becoming stronger
the romantic possibilities you envisioned became more apparent, but percy hadn’t asked you out yet
and like, you guessed you could have asked him out, but that wasn't fair in your book
you were already making the first moves; it was his turn to do something about it
then you were sure your mother pitied you because finally, after a few more months of emailing, percy asked if you to go ice skating with him, and of course, you agreed
but then, you concluded that it was more like a cruel joke from your mom because percy never showed up
you waited hours for him before you trudged home in defeat
heartbroken wasn’t even enough to describe how you were feeling
being stood up with no follow up from him made you conclude that he just wasn’t interested and you just needed to move on
it wasn’t until you went to CHB for christmas break did you find out percy was missing
you were crazy worried about him and helped as much as you could to try and find him
when it was confirmed that he was still alive, you were more than relieved
from that day on, you were itching to see him again, and finally, after the giant war, you were able to speak to him
you only said a hello before you got sucked into a game of truth or dare with your friends
the game was self-explanatory; spin the bottle and the person who’s chosen is submissive to the person who spun it
you made up some lousy dares for the first few people until you spun the bottle in percy’s direction
“truth or dare?” your voice was challenging, and a little flirty
percy shifts in his place, “truth.”
“do you want to kiss me?”
“kiss me.”
the instigating coos of your friends made you smile, which contrasted percy’s stunned expression
“never have i ever-”
“that’s not even the game, percy!”
your friends laughed at your interaction, but you were honestly a little annoyed
he liked you; you could feel it, so what was he even waiting for?
“it’s fine. you don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to,” you say with a playful smile in an attempt to hide your disappointment
“shit, i’d kiss you,” leo joked, and you suddenly perked up at the request
a new idea came to your mind
“so kiss me,” you snapped your gaze to leo, a smirk on your face
leo gasped so hard; he choked on his own saliva
while he coughed erratically, showcasing all his shock on his face, you announced, “new rule! you can only give up a dare if someone else in the group offers to take it for you.”
your gaze fixed on leo, “so, are you going to kiss me or what?”
“uh, only if you want to,” he stammered, and you smiled, moving to lean over in his direction
suddenly, percy cut in, “i didn’t give up the dare.”
your attention shifted to him, and you didn’t fail to pick up the jealousy radiating off of him
your stomach flipped with anticipation at the success of your idea
if percy needed a push, you were going to push him
“you’ve given leo false hope then,” you joked, and playfully leo sighed.
“man, so close,” he mumbled.
you bit your lip as you leaned in percy’s direction
you felt his attraction to you; his eyes told you everything you needed to know and more
and before you knew it, your lips were against his
the kiss was short, but for a moment, the world around you was drowned out; you barely heard the coos and cheers of your friends around you
with a satisfied smirk, you pulled away, settling back in your spot as percy’s eyes averted elsewhere, too shy to look at you
you and your friends played the game until you grew bored and found something else to do
because the festivities kept pulling you in one direction to another, the only interaction you had with percy was the occasional longing glance and nothing else
as you escorted a few of your sisters who drank a little too much back to your cabin, you were sure you’d have to wait another day to talk to him
lost in your dismay, you automatically denied piper’s offer to finish the task
it wasn’t until she scoffed did you pull out of your thoughts
“are you kidding? go. i’ll get them back. you find percy.”
“oh yeah. you guys need to do something about that sexual tension. are you gonna date him or what?” another one of your sisters slurred
before you could even protest, you were shooed away by not only piper but by the rest of your siblings too
you stayed in your spot, making sure they had at least made it to the steps of the cabin before you pranced up to percy’s cabin
you figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask if he wanted to go on a walk with you
your knock is followed by a few moments of shuffling before he opened the door
and, whew, you were pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a shirtless percy
“hey." you leaned on the door frame, your eyes trailing down to admire his toned torso
“eyes up here," percy playfully demanded
you were almost hesitant to avert your eyes, but you obliged.
"i wanted to ask if you wanted to take a walk. you know, i just haven’t been sleeping well."
percy leaned against the door frame, amused at the dramatic pout on your face.
“sure, let me put on a shirt firs-”
“oh, you don’t have to. i don’t mind,” you cut him off, and his head tilts back just a little as he laughs
“i’m putting on a shirt,” he declares playfully, and you whine in fake disappointment
on your walk, he told you all the crazy things that happened while he was missing, and even though his stories were a lot more interesting than what you had to say, he was eager to hear about what you've been up to
your conversation persisted as you walked around the camp and as you arrived at the docks, another idea came to mind
suddenly, you cut yourself off mid-sentence, your gaze fixed on the water
“perce, you know, i can’t swim,” you mention, stepping on the wooden dock
it was quiet for a moment, and percy's expression was laced with confusion as you kicked off your shoes
you didn’t even care that you were wearing designer clothes, running straight off the dock and into the deep lake water
you heard percy yell your name right as your body completely submerges in the water
and it wasn't even more than 3 seconds before percy jumped in, one arm immediately wrapping around your waist to swim up to the surface with you
his baffled expression sent you into a fit of laughter
“what? why did you do that?!”
“cause i knew you’d come and get me.”
percy’s lips curved up into a smile, and you took the time to admire his features in the moonlight
you swore you saw his eyes flicker to your lips for a second, and the action made you hyper-aware of how close your noses were
"kiss me!" you thought in your head as you circled your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer
you could feel his admiration, the accelerated thump of his heart, the fluttering in his stomach that mimicked yours
the kiss you shared earlier was far too short for your liking, and you were already looking forward to the next opportunity to kiss him again
“i haven’t forgotten that i owe you a date.”
you smiled at his words, half-distracted at the proximity of his lips
“so it was a date all along?” you asked, and percy nods, amused
“you know, i was thinking now that there isn’t another big prophecy and the chances of me disappearing again aren’t likely, that, maybe, you and i could-”
“yes! gods, yes.” you cut him off, and percy laughs at your eagerness
you waited too long for the question that you couldn’t even let him finish asking
he isn’t able to say anything else as you pull him into a passionate kiss
it was as if the years of anticipation were being poured into the movement of your mouths
the kiss was long, growing in eagerness until the harpies had ruined your fun and the two of you had to run back to your cabins
a part of you had wished that all of this would have happened sooner
you had plenty of nights where you were stared at the ceiling with conflicted thoughts, wondering if you guys just weren't meant to be, if you somehow made up his attraction to you in your head, or if you should ask him out first and save yourself the potential regret
but when you returned to your cabin full of enthusiastic siblings asking why you were soaking wet and why your lipstick was smudged, you realized you wouldn’t have changed a single thing
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wolferess · 3 years
Broken Promises
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Izuku left his classmates a note stating why he left UA, it affected his class but you got it worst, you loved him and he loved you but unfortunately the love couldn't be pushed further. You wanted to make it an official but you took too long. He left. He left you and you didn't know if or when he was coming back. And guess what... he came but 10 years too late....
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TW: SPOILER IN MANGA, angst, fluff
Words: 1.8k
"Let's be heroes together Zuku"
You said with a smile as you looked into his gorgeous green eyes that held so much determination and love for you (you didn't know the last part), Yeah, "Let's be heroes together" he repeated and you both fist pumped. He didn't know if you liked him like the he does for you.
He always wanted to confess to you but he couldn't find the time to so he thought he'd figured out when the time's right but I guess there never was even a right time.
As he got older (2nd year) the villains just never gave him a break, they were always after him to the point he became an endangerment to his school and classmates, he couldn't stand around and watch his classmates get hurt because of him, especially you.
So he thought about a plan he knew he would soon regret,
Leave UA,
Leave You.
He woke up earlier than he normally would and placed letters in his classmate's dorm where they could see it, as he headed to your dorm he saw you peacefully sleeping, almost like an angel, but he couldn't get distracted. He left the note on your desk and headed out, but something stopped him, he looked back at your sleeping figure and sub-consciously walked towards your bed.
Hair messy, T-shirt rode up your torso and a slight drool hanging on the corner of your mouth, he just continued to look at you to remember how'd you look cause he doesn't know when he'll be back to see you again. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss your forehead and left.
You woke up at your usual time to get up or school cause you didn't want to deal with Aizawa's punishments, his punishment can be brutal. As you were finished you passed by your desk to collect your school bag and you noticed something out of place, an envelope, something you know wasn't placed there last night. You opened it to read :
Dear Y/n,
My best friend, My First Love,
I want to thank you for being there and believing in me even when nobody else did. I know this is a bit inconvenient and all but I need you to know that I'm sorry...
I'm leaving the USA, I can't risk getting my friends in danger, especially you. You have always been there when I needed you the most, You've helped me grow and become better with my quirk and made our friendship turned to be something way more than I expected, don't get me wrong I've always had feelings for you since the end of middle school going into UA..
You have shown me so much love, passion, determination even when I didn't have any. You've shown what it is to be loved despite not having a quirk at first, you've shown me that having a quirk isn't everything, it isn't life, it isn't you.
And because of that I fell in love with you, I wish I told you it in person but I could never do it, the look you always have gave me butterflies and how am I supposed to look into your face with accidentally saying "You look pretty or beautiful"? and the day I wanted to confess was the day you got injured
Now that we are in our third year, things have gotten more difficult, well challenging actually, The LOVE has been striking me for too long to the point that they have been targeting my friends and you.
I can't sit back and watch that happen to you, or my friends but especially you. You mean so much to me and seeing you get hurt hurts me and the damage they did to you last time. It broke me and that's when I realized they won't stop unless they get to me and that's why I'm forced to do this.
I know this may be riskier being out there by myself but it is better knowing that no harm will ever come to you.
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you Goodbye in person, I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me for this.
From your love,
Izuku Midoriya
You couldn't believe your eyes, Izuku, your long time crush left you a goodbye letter combined with a confession. You were getting mixed emotions, you were happy that you both felt the same way but at the same time you were mad and sad that he had left you and now knowing your love for one another but it won't go any further. He's gone.
||10 years later||
Now you have moved on, graduated, married and even started with Bakugo, yes The Katsuki Bakugo, Pro Hero: Great King Explosion God Dynamite. Who never knew you would have married a hot head but he understood you and you understood him.
One day at your home, playing board games with your husband and two kids and the doorbell rang. You were surprised, neither of you were expecting a guess and it was your day. You got up at the door because you knew Katsuki would most likely blow up that person at the door, so in order to spare that person's life, you answered. What you saw shocked you to the bone.
"I-Izuku..?" you said breathy, Izuku Midoriya, A fallen hero that has not been seen in ten years is now standing at your doorstep with a yellow half destroyed scarf, his hero costume still the same as his once hero costume but he is carrying his yellow school bag with him as well. He also had a small smile on his face , how did he even find your address you told yourself but that is a topic for another day.
"Hey N/n.. It's been a while-" you punched him, just before he could finish his sentence. You didn't know what came over you when you did that but you did. The only thing you were feeling now was anger.
"How could you.... you left me.... grieving over you... for years!" You sobbed in between each word with a punch being blown to his chest till it got weaker and tears falling onto his chest.
"M-mommy" your two year old called to you while slightly hiding himself on the door frame. She had your skin color and hair texture but looked like your husband and your son were the opposite; Bakugo features but with your eye color. Your husband came to the door as well and was also shocked to see his childhood friend and even shocked to see him with a couple bruises on his face.
"Deku!" your husband said with venom in his mouth frightening his kids so he toned it down and walked up to the two of you with a scowl deeply imprinted on his face you stopped him with a hand on his chest, "It's okay suki, I got it handled" you sniffled, wiping away the remaining tears.
Izuku just stands there head down slightly, he lets you take out your anger on him, after all he did leave you. You turned back to look back at him , "I've waited for you Izuku, I've waited but you never came for I'VE WAITED SEVEN WHOLE YEARS!!!" when you screamed out bakugo ushered your two kids back inside so they won't see you like this and to not get them involved.
"You-" before you could even start he pulled you into a hug and you both fell on the porch on your knees, "I know what I did is unforgivable but I had to, I couldn't risk getting you or my previous classmate injured... Do you think I would be able to forgive myself for that?... knowing that the league would go after my loved ones and hurting them.... hurting you" , you continued to sob into his chest.
He put his index and thumb under your chin and lifted it up to look at his face. Your eyes were red and nose stuffy with little snot coming out, "Please find it in your heart to forgive me, Y/n" tears fell from his eyes as he spoke those words, you gave him a kiss on the cheek, seeing him so broken broke you after all you guys are still childhood friend.
You helped him of the ground and you both dusted yourself up and wiping away stain tears from your cheeks, "That will take some time... but right now we have catching up to do'' he understood it was sudden and you needed time and space but he don't think he will be there still even of you did forgive him so he just nod. You led him onto your house where you saw two and a fallen angel that stole your heart away, "Mommy are you better now?" your daughter ran up to and asked which caused you to smile and lift her up.
"Yeah mommy is better now" you said and told Deku to make himself feel at home, your kids asked who he was and he told them to call him 'Uncle Deku' and the both of them really liked him
You five were having fun, laughing and telling stories of what you three did back in high school and evening embarrassing your husband in front of the kids to which he of course protest and tried to play it cool to the point he couldn't take it anymore and hid between your neck and shoulder causing you to giggle at his softness, something that nobody but you sees.
// Two Hours Later //
It was starting to get late and your mixed kids were fast asleep on both of you and Katsuki shoulders, snoring lightly and hugging you both tight as if scared to let you guys go. You guys headed to the front door and stayed in silence till Deku broke it by saying "Well... I guess this is goodbye then.... again" he slightly laughed and it caused you to give a sad smile. "Yeah I guess this is goodbye..." you said softly and he nodded, just as he was about to leave till you grabbed his forearm " Promise me, promise me you will stay out of harm's way" your eyes held sadness and a slight hope for reassurance. "I'm sorry Y/n, I won't make a promise I know I can't keep but I'll try.... for you... for the safety of society" It weren't the words you wanted to hear but you knew that as well, you nodded.
"Oh and Kacchan..." he called out to his other childhood friend to which he grunt in response. "Take care of her'' he said and Bakugo responded "How'd ya think we end up with these two.... of course I will take care of her and protect them all... isn't that what we was taught you damn deku" he said playfully but seriously and Izuku nodded
And with that.
You let him go.
Disappearing in the dead of night knowing if he stayed any longer your family would be targeted and endangered, something he didn't want to put you both or your kids. But at least you can say you both said a proper goodbye....
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Hey guys, this was a oneshot kinda story that I created on my watt-pad account and I wanted to share it with you guys so I hope you liked it.
Vote and re-blog, it really helps♡
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to strike your way into someone’s heart (Highschool AU)
Part 2 to this. Can be read alone!
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Warnings: A lot of swearing I mean what do you expect they’re all teenagers. Lots of brick slapping. Childe clowns Scaramouche. OH YES this isn’t edited at all lmfao have fun.
Synopsis: It’s your big date with Childe after you lost the bet miserably. You decide to pay the occult club a visit in hopes of finding something that can...ease your concerns. Childe on the other hand has Signora give him a friendly piece of advice, believe it or not. 
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For as long as you can remember, you've never believed in ghosts, demons, or souls that lose their way in the endless void, forced to roam the earth in repentance.
Believing in the unknown takes creativity, adventure, maybe even a little sense of fear. Scratch that—a shitton of fear, because humans love to weave in their insecurities and inability to explain something into something of a phenomenon.
Bad luck lies in this category. Bad luck is simply a way to justify the catastrophe that one cannot admit they have fabricated themselves. Everyone wants a reason as to why shit hits the fan, and it can be anything but their own fault.
Bad luck is nothing but a load of bull to you. That's totally why you're standing outside the calculus classroom during lunch break, which happens to be the official meet spot for the occult club.
You raise a fist to knock, but then falter, thinking over your options once again. Is this what it has come to? Putting your faith into the weird kids that once tried to summon Schrödinger's cat for the physics final.
Fischl kicks the door wide open, a smirk playing at her lips once she spots you. "One cannot refrain from the song of your cogitation. The feline for which thou dwell on—"
A squeak leaves your throat and you flinch back, cutting her off. "You can read my mind?"
"Fischl," An icy eyed boy shows up from behind her and points a thumb back. "Mona needs your help."
Fischl squints at you for a brief moment, and then spins onto her heel to go back into the room.
The blue haired lower class man, Chongyun you guess, narrows his eyes at you. "Is there something I can help you with?"
Finally you manage to speak, palms all sweaty. "Yeah uh, I need your help. You know, with occulty things." You use your hands to articulate your thoughts, but ultimately give up.
You're not sure if it's pity towards your pathetic explanation or simply annoyance, but Chongyun widens the opening. He silently gestures for you to follow.
Stumbling on your feet and putting on your big girl pants, you hurry inside of the room, hoping you aren't seen by Beidou. She wouldn't let you hear the end of this.
The temperature instantly drops, and you have to adjust your sight to navigate. There's heavy incense in the air as well as a a few lighted candles from the dollar store, you guess.
Sitting smack dab in the middle of all the demonic markings is Mona, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Chongyun has made his way next to her, crossing his arms with a sigh, and Fischl is busy cooing at her bird.
"Well well well..." Mona's amused, eyes almost twinkling as she gets up from the poor desk that had to suffer the wrath of her ass. "If it isn't Y/N."
Mona is a glorified dick wiper in your books. One time, she partnered up with you in chemistry last year and refused to do any work because apparently her "star sign" said she was incompatible with science. You haven't forgiven her since.
"I need your help." You barely manage to choke out the words, reigning yourself in by clenching your fists instead. It'll be unethical to claw her face, especially since you're the one who's come to her.
"Oh?" She smiles wickedly, revelling in every moment of this no doubt. "Why would the high and mighty Y/N need help from the 'Whoroscope whore'?"
Fischl nearly slips out a laugh, trying with her upmost ability to refrain from rolling all over the floor.
You blink away your tears of almost-laughter, casually sliding in twenty mora across the table dividing you two. If she's a whoroscope whore like you say she is, she'll definitely put it in her bra.
Mona raises a brow, but her eyes linger on the bill for a second too much. "What makes you think I'll do it for money?"
"That's simple," You say, rolling your eyes. "When you see mora, you cling to it like a baby clings to a tit. Now just take it and solve my issues."
She fumes a litany of curses but snatches the money up anyways.
"What do you want?"
You breathe in, then out. "I need a talisman."
Mona raises a brow, hand on her hip. "I'm sorry. Did I get that right?"
How dare she. You will your eye into not twitching, the beginnings of fire thrumming through your veins, scalding hot. How dare she make me repeat myself.
"You know, the thing to fend off evil spirits," Your statement hangs heavy in the air as the cogs in their brains click into place. "I need one that can remove the most evilest thing times ten to the power of twenty five on this planet."
Everyone immediately thinks of Hu Tao.
Chongyun is the first to speak from an area of expertise, seemingly shocked at your words. "Are you sure you want a talisman that powerful? How bad is the evil spirit you've come across?"
You glance out the window, through the semi-open blinds. The apprehension curls in your stomach once you spot Childe chasing Aether with safety scissors, and you've never been more sure of than anything in your life.
Gulping, you turn back to the exorcist. "I'm 110% sure."
He doesn't ask any more questions and goes to fetch the talisman.
Mona clears her throat. "So I hear you have a date with Childe today. Quite the character you've taken to."
"Oh please," You hiss through your teeth, your blood pressure going up tenfold, "you're the one that told him our star signs were intertwined and that we're fated lovers."
She shrugs innocently, stance casual unlike your own that is ready to lunge an attack.
"Here you are," Chongyun hands you a talisman, a colourful mix of some charms, some kind of liquid in a bottle, and about a shitton of other things. "You'll need these if you're going to face the most demonic of all evils."
You think of Childe's stupidly handsome smirk, the playful life of his eyes, and how gentle and considerate he is with you. You think about how cruel he is to others, but how loving he can be to you.
"Oh, I will be."
Childe is getting his ass handed to him by Scaramouche on the switch. It's just that he can't seem to focus, not with the forthcoming date all over his mind.
He hasn't experienced these kind of jitters in a long time. Has to endure that foolish smile that's about to plaster all over his face.
Scaramouche may be a son of a bitch with an agenda, but he doesn't appreciate his acquaintances safeguarding their personal crap when it starts to leak onto him. Especially when it comes to video games.
"Okay," The short boy sighs, stretching over the staff room sofa to drop his controller on the cushions. "Let's hear it." He can't even properly enjoy his victories when Childe isn't giving it his all.
"Hear what?" Childe lays his head back, relaxing from all the strain of endless gaming during the lunch hour. He seems too relaxed for someone who's broken into the teacher's lounge.
"Why you're so distracted." Scaramouche points out. "Not that I care—hey! I'm serious here!"
Childe's cracking up for absolutely no reason, rudely cutting him off. "I'm sorry—sorry it's just so hard to take you seriously when you're wearing that stupid fucking hat."
"Don't question the drip." The older moves his head to glare at him, but the thin stripe of silk on his hat swooshes with him, and it's enough to have Childe clutching his stomach in pain as he barks out in laughter.
"Grow the fuck up." Scaramouche says, no doubt exasperated from the constant shit he gets.
"Ok—ok I'm sorry."
There's a knock on the door before Scaramouche gets the chance to intimidate him again.
"Fuck shit fuck who is that? Wasn't there a staff meeting?" Childe whisper yells, panic clear in the ocean of his eyes.
Scaramouche shrugs and downs a can of soda with no care in the world.
Childe would be nonchalant too. If it were a normal day, he wouldn't give two shits about getting caught.
However, he's looking forward to that date he has with you today. Detention is going foil all his lecherous plans.
"It's me." The feminine sound of a threat calls out from the other side. "Open the door." The clicks and clacks of her toes tapping the floor indicating her impatience.
The two sigh in relief, Childe getting up to open the door. It's way too early in the afternoon to deal with this crap.
"Surprised to see me?" Signora greets sweetly, and if not for the murderous glint in her eyes, he would smile back.
"Yeah, I didn't say Bloody Mary three times." The ginger replies, keeping a steady eye on the upperclassman in case she pulls a fast one.
The blonde shoves him aside in offence, and prances in like she owns the goddamn place. Scaramouche greets her with the bird.
"There's this rumour going around—I'm sure you've heard..."
"Oh?" Childe pockets his keys, ready for an attack, not even remotely interested in the topic.
"Something about how Y/N gave Mona a visit today" Signora muses, elegantly taking a seat on the arm of the couch, "with your date and all, I just thought you should know."
"Hah!" Scaramouche bursts out in laughter, tears in the corner of his eyes. "I can't believe she went to get a horoscope reading on how shitty your date's gonna be."
"Get castrated." Childe growls, flipping him off on both hands.
"Now now boys," Signora's lips curl, and she clasps both manicured hands together, prepared to break the fight if it ever reaches its peak. "Settle down. You two are comrades."
"As if I'm comrades with this SIMP!" Scaramouche has to wheeze out the words.
The youngest clenches his fists, unclenches, and then lets a smirk grow. "Oh? I'm the simp? What about that time Mona pantsed you in-front of all the freshmen and you fell in love with her."
Scaramouche glares at him, a glare strong enough to have anyone shaking in their shoes. "I'm attracted at her sheer audacity of trying to fuck I, Scaramouche, the 8th harbinger, over. It takes balls."
"Mad respect." Signora leans forward to place her phone on the coffee table, then approaches Childe. "Moving on, the reason I've decided to bestow my precious intel on you is because I have a favour to ask of you."
"What?" He says blankly, confused that she has a request for him out of all people.
"I need you to let me get you ready for this date of yours." She gives him a gaze that is enough to wither away any arguments.
Childe shares a look with Scaramouche as if to say "am I fucking deaf because I sure as shit didn't just hear that."
"You sure as hell did, boys." Signora intercepts the connection of their two brainwaves with a dreaded sigh. "I hate Y/N. This is the only way I can get back at her."
"Hey!" Childe exclaims loudly, waving his hands in the air incessantly. "What makes you think I'll let you shit on my future girlfriend."
"I'll be doing nothing of the sorts." She points out, giving him a sly smile. "I just know she's terrified of what's coming. The better the date is, the more she's gonna hate herself. What more do I need but to sprinkle some inner conflict within her airtight resolve?"
As favorable as the proposal is, Childe  contemplates for a second. Signora...helping him? This could work to his advantage if he plays his cards right.
His inner turmoil takes him into the future, where you two are happily married with eight and a half kids. If you ever managed to find out Signora was the culprit that was finally able to set you two up, you'd never forgive him.
"Nah I'll take a hard pass." He doesn't want to think about divorce and custody battles this early on. He'd rather face the brunt of Signora's wrath.
Scaramouche chooses right then to make a tactical withdrawal out through the window since he doesn't want to be a witness to a murder he hasn't caused.
Surprisingly— "Fine then." Signora shrugs, unbothered when summoning out a minty juul from no where. She's disappointed nonetheless.
Childe tilts his head, perplexed, but decides against mulling over it for too long. Instead, he strides off to the door, wanting to get the last two periods over with so he can run home and freshen up for this date.
"Oh and Childe?" Signora calls out to him, but he barely acknowledges her, only pausing momentarily without looking back. "A piece of friendly advice. A diligent student like Y/N, there's no way she'd be into rash things like fighting. So try and control yourself, hmm?"
He flashes the senior a sheepish smile, the front row tickets to the illegal underground fight-club burning in the back pocket of his pants.
Childe conceals near the bushes by the gate, expertly hiding his shaking hands by pretending to look for something in his back. His goal isn't to seem desperate, even though he's raced out here at the speed of light after Havria's dismissal.
It's not like he's trying to eavesdrop or anything. He just wants a little insight on how you're feeling about this, in case the rumors of you visiting the occult club wasn't a farce.
From his peripheral, he spots you and a familiar figure that is Lisa, leisurely walking side by side as you approach the main side walk.
"Ready for your date, Y/N? You've been daydreaming all afternoon." Lisa winks, and dodges the shove you send her way with experience like no other.
"Yes, daydreaming about punching you in the face." Your left eye twitches in annoyance as you fix your hold on your skateboard.
"Well then, I'll be off—ah!"
The gorilla grip you have on her sleeve takes away all the time she has to get on the last bus she's about to miss.
Your utter strength is enough to make Childe's knees weak. How pathetic he thinks.
"Oh no you don't," You say in a sing-song voice, "you got me into this, so you're going to help."
"Help with what?" Lisa fakes a hard pout as she bats her lashes, trying to collect pity points.
"I—" You inhale, loosening your grip on her and averting your eyes nervously to see if anyone's watching. "Don't make me say it."
The older girl motions for you to continue, and you're sure you've suffered more for less at this point.
"I've never...been on a..." The sentence ends in a trailed murmur.
Childe doesn't think he's ever seen you so flustered. He's about to snap a picture for later, but decides against it. They'll be plenty of moments later on to see your cute expressions.
Lisa's grin is both seductive and terrifying, Childe notices. "You've never been on a date?"
"Shut up!" You hiss, dropping your board so you can cover her lips with your palm, eyes darting around your surroundings frantically. "Not so loud."
He has to bite at his fist to hide his amusement.
As if she has a sixth sense, Lisa's eyes somehow find Childe's through the abundance of leaves, and there's a glint in her eyes that nearly makes him shart his pants.
"Of course Y/N," She replies sweetly to you, who is currently unaware of the staring match going on. "I'll teach you everything you need to know...and more."
Childe doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing. Nor does he want to find out.
You ponder on what's taking him so long, more on edge than you usually are. Thankfully, Lisa basically pried your hair down from its usual up-do. Said something about how you can hide your lack of shits given as to not offend him.
Except you think you're giving more shits that you expected to. Why else would your heart be pounding so hard?
"What took you so long?" You sense him creeping up on you, ceasing his chance to pounce.
Childe groans playfully and slaps a hand over his face as he comes into view. "How'd you know?"
"You have a douche-styled gait." You reply as you remove your gaze off your phone to approach him.
He's prepared to shoot a witty reply, but it dies halfway through his throat when he procures a good look at you. Your hair frames your face elegantly, eyes shining despite the tiredness that's so clear, all complete with a cooling spring dress that hugs you just right.
Mouth going dry, he forgets how to speak the common tongue, unable to tear his gaze off your form.
You shift in place awkwardly. "Uh are you okay? Looking a little...blank."
"Sorry—sorry just thinking." Childe stumbles over his words like the complete idiot and a half he is, berating himself countlessly on the inside. He regains his confidence once he spots the light dust on your cheeks. "You ready for the best date ever?"
"The best date huh?" It's the first time you smile today, and he swears his heart leaps in his rib cage. You're the prettiest thing he's ever laid his eyes on. "I'm ready. I better not be disappointed."
"I wouldn't dare disappoint, girlie." He feigns mock offence as dramatically as possible. "I'll show you how to have some real fun. Cool keychain by the way, for good luck?"
It's one of the charms Chongyun urged you to carry with you at all times to keep all forms of evil away.
"Yeah...something like that."
The two of you ease into the walk in a relatively comfortable fashion, contributing with lively chatter and a few jabs here and there. It's not awkward at all, not like you thought it would be. Your nerves loosen up, mind diverting from the roots of the stress of high school.
"—And you won't believe what Kaeya did the other day. I'm telling you there's something wrong with him because that SoundCloud rapper wannabe Venti goaded him into birdboxing through the hallways at lunch."
"And the son of a bitch did it?"
"The son of a bitch did it." Childe confirmed, gasping through his laughs as the two of you converse in psychobabble. "And guess who he bumped into?"
You're choking in laughter, tears in your eyes as you hunch over and shake. "He didn't. Childe—no he didn't."
"Straightttt into Diluc. And he had the balls to feel him up because he thought he bumped into a hot bab—"
Childe crashes into a sturdy chest and stumbles backwards towards you, but manages to catch his balance midway. Both of you freeze when faced with a buff guy from another school, bandages on his fist and a crooked smirk on his face.
Fuck. You think. Classic high school cliché.
Realizing he can't risk the remainder of this date when it hasn't even begun, Childe raises a hand in apology, aiming to be the bigger person instead of socking the kid in the face.
"Sorry. I wasn't looking." He offers to the guy, but you can tell he isn't buying any of it. There are about four more kids who group, a setup that isn't going to end in your favour.
"Hey punk. You don't remember me?" The upperclassmen barks out, glaring holes into your date.
You deadpan towards Childe, but he's too is racking his brain to remember. Ends up shrugging with no recollection.
"I have a list of names but they're in my other pants." Shit, what an a-grade reply. Now you know you're done for. "Listen dude, I'm kind of on a date and the vibe is going great. Don't ruin it."
"It's a good thing she's here to watch then!" The guy yells, stomping so that he's right in-front of Childe, ready to pounce. "You humiliated me in front of my gang last week. I'm here to rip you a new one."
Childe blinks, tries to remember, and when he doesn't, he grabs a wad full of cash from the his Fanny pack and throws it at the guy's feet.
Everyone's eyes bulge out of their sockets, including yours at the amount of money placed there casually on the crack of the dirty sidewalk.
"Hopefully this is enough for the damages." Childe offers, aiming to not further escalate the situation albeit how pissed he is right now. If you weren't here...well that would be another, much more violent story.
With a soft tug, Childe brings you close and begins to pass the guy, until he's abruptly stopped by a hand gripping his shoulder tightly.
"I don't think so!" The guys barks, and his lackeys move to surround you two. "You gotta pay taxes too buddy." Oh he's getting way too comfortable now.
A feral smile grows on Childe's face as he looks over his shoulder. "Oh?"
"Yeah shithead." The guy seethes, puffing out his chest to size him up.
Childe itches for a fight. He can no longer keep in the urge and is just about ready to raise a heavy fist, but is beaten by the sound of a loud thwack, and then a painful groan following.
There you are, standing in front of the trembling asshole, spinning your crossbody bag in circles like it's a nunchuck in all it's glory. There's a deadly glint in your eyes, pure, unadulterated vexation in your features.
If Childe could fall for you any harder, it's probably happening now. In that exact moment, his heart beats in his ears uncontrollably, and there's nothing but raw adoration that piles up all at once.
You're an angel of destruction, a force not to be reckoned with, and shit, you're the eye of the fucking storm.
Fire courses through your veins as you pulverize the guy with your bag, swinging with such expertise it has Childe in awe. "He may be an absolute idiot for not remembering—"
"Hey girlie you're killing me here!" Your date snaps out of his astonishment temporarily.
"—but you don't get to call him a shithead, you asshole!" You snarl angrily, gripping the handle of your bag tightly, decking everyone that lunges at you, letting out strings of curses with every hit. Every hit sends a flock of them either stumbling back in pain, or knocked out completely.
Childe doesn't even get a chance to lift a finger by the time you're done violating them with your heavy ass pink bag. Stands there like an absolute loser.
"Apologize." You pant, prepared to send another flurry of attacks at the leader, who is crawling away with a battered face. "Apologize or I'll—I'll fucking Russian neck tie your ass."
"S-sorry!" The guy whimpers out and tries not to piss his pants at the threat.
Childe is still in too much shock at the whole ordeal to reply, short circuiting.
Another thirty seconds pass until he registers the smaller hand waving in front of his face. He catches your cold hand through his haze, brings it closer.
Running a free hand through his locks, he doesn't hide his astonishment. "You're fucking gorgeous, girlie." He whistles lowly, eyeing you with a new kind of regard.
"I-I uh." Your face is all shades of red by now, the adrenaline from kicking ass wearing down. "Let's go."
"How is that bag so heavy?" One of the fallen gasps out in pain, clutching his ribs as he trembles on the floor. "Like a buh-brick."
A part of your zipper in open, and Childe briefly peeks out of morbid curiosity. His jaw slackens. "Is that a...no, it can't be."
"It's a brick." You murmur guiltily, gnawing at your bottom lip. "Just in case." Fingers tentatively play with the straps.
Childe is head over heels by now, all smitten as a foreign warmth bubbles up in his throat, and he's just about sure he'll puke his heart out.
His next words are picked out carefully. "There's an underground fight club going on—"
You lock and aim for his right kidney.
Worth a try, Childe thinks.
"SIKE. Joking—joking. Just a joke." He insists, gloved hands raised by his ears in defence.
Clicking your tongue, you scowl and rush past him.
It hasn't even been an hour and it's been the most exciting date Childe's ever experienced. When he sees your lips twitch, he knows it's the same for you as well.
"Are we going or not?" You mumble, avoiding eye contact, a tinge of red still decorating your cheeks.
Childe crumbles into his hands at your deadly duality. One that comes for his enemies and one that comes straight for his heart.
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lareinenoir · 3 years
THE PURGE; Sanctuary C.E x black reader
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60 Days Until The Purge
"I'll order take out. I know you like Thai-"
"Don't order anything. I'm actually not even hungry." You said as he took your bag and put it on his shoulder. "What?" He was looking at you weird and it made you frown.
"Where's the rest of your stuff?"
"You asked me to stay the night. That is my overnight bag." You replied folding your arms and walking over to the couch. Your hand touched your forehead and you sighed. You could still feel him looking at you as you tried to relax with your head leaned back. "After I tell Shonda about our situation, you're signing the papers."
"What do you mean-"
"You know what I mean." You shot back
"Ok, well theirs a lot to consider now." He motioned to your stomach and you sat up straight. "We're having a baby, now."
"No no no." You shook your head feeling your petty insides bubble a bit in sarcasm. "I'm having a baby. Me. Just me.”
"Obviously I want to be apart of our baby's life." Chris argued back and you frowned and scoffed. He put your bag down and crossed his arms as you brushed it off. "You can't seriously think I won't. V that's insane."
"You wanna know what's insane? You think you're gonna get anywhere near it. Why in the hell would I allow you and your broken promises anywhere near my child? Do you think I'm stupid? To make the same mistake twice!"
"Again? V what do you want me to do?" He asks throwing his hands up. "Acting is what I do, that's my job-"
"I don't care about that. I'm not asking you to chose your job or me-"
"It damn well near sounds like it. I would never make you choose." He countered back and you gripped your fists together.
"You may not have said it directly, but there have been many times where you have indirectly patronized me. I just found out I'm pregnant and I have been trying so hard to deal with it." you replied watching him pace back and forth and shake his head. "I have been getting the worst headaches, I can't keep any food down and I literally get lightheaded on set every single day because hiding my pregnancy has been a real joy ride." You replied sarcastically with a small chuckle
"What do you want me to do? I tell you to tell the producers, you get mad. I tell you to take a break, you get mad. I tell you to come over and you’re mad.” Chris said in disbelief. “I don't know what you want from me." He shrugs brushing the hair from his eyes.
"Not once since you found out have you asked me how I'm doing? My whole career is at risk I could lose my job. And you don't even seem to care.” You said
"V, I do care." He reached for your shoulder and you took in another breath. "I want you to stop worrying all the time. And you're right, I should be concerned more about you. I should be there for you-I should've been there for you in the beginning.” He admitted and you folded your lips again.
Are For real this time? Should I let it go and move past it? Again? No because it'll start all over again.
"This baby is mine. This is a life changing thing that's happening, I can't let you ruin it too." You spoke
" I'm taking responsibility because this is something I want. Ok? Can't we find some common ground? You of all people should know what it's like to grow up without a father!"
"You know too!" You shouted back. Chris' dad had died when he was younger. He talked about him sometimes but not as much. "I'd rather have had my father six feet under then to have him choosing when it's convenient for him to show up!" You said with your foot down shaking your head.
"Forget the divorce. Me and you living here happily married for the years to come. Whats so bad about that? Why can't I have that? What's so wrong with the picture of two parents raising a child?" His voice was loud and he was getting frustrated. He didn't shout, but you could tell how passionate he was about it. He always wanted to be a daddy, a parent. "Huh?"
"It's not just about you!" You said stepping closer. "Because..." You shrugged feeling your eyes water as you suck in your cheeks. "I knew the kind of man I was marrying. So involved with his job it took him almost fifteen years to actually start dating. It's not about you or your career. This baby is all I have right now.”
He looked confused as he relaxed his brow and pinched the bridge of his nose. From two feet away you could feel his heartbeat and you felt a little bad for how foolish you probably looked. You still loved him, not like you ever stopped, but you remembered that you still loved him.
Because, it's not about me either anymore. You thought
"Forget the papers okay..." You said swallowing your own pride. "just forget it. You’re right. I want our child to have two parents who will love him unconditionally. But it has to stop, because it takes two. I can't have you with one foot in the door." You admitted
“Yeah yeah.” He nodded “yeah I get that. I’m not going anywhere.” Chris said and you walked forward and took his hand kissing his palm as you placed it on the side of your face. “I promise V.” He cups your face and stares into your eyes. His stubble poking at you a bit as you held his wrists.
“I love you.” You said with a small smile
“Still?” He laughed making you roll your eyes as you giggled a little. “I love you too. Are you sure you aren’t hungry?” He asks again
“Yes.” You nodded “now shut up and come take a nap with me.”
“Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!” I said throwing the phone on the couch. I had called five times and her phone went straight to voicemail.
“This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. ALL Weapons have been authorized for use during the purge. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 121 days. Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until December 15, 12:00 o’clock midnight, when the purge concludes. Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn. May God be with you all.”
My tv was replayed the message nine more times before shutting off. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Today is august 15, Vanessa’s birthday is tomorrow which was when she’d be 17 weeks. We had marked it on the calendar together. More than half my wife’s pregnancy would be spent during the purge. I needed to find her!
I didn’t support the purge. Something about killing people to be “cleansed” just didn’t sit right in my gut. It made my heart ache thinking about the clean up at the end. I could bring Dodger, but he can only do so much. Maybe he could help track her scent. Grabbing my coat I folded my lips together.
“Fuck!” I shout
With what weapon? How was I going to run the streets looking for my wife without a gun? I loved the idea of owning one, but Vanessa made me swear not to bring one in the house if she was there. So I just dropped the idea. Looking in the kitchen I grabbed one of the Chef knives off the rack. Maybe this would be enough for now...
“Damnit!” I curse looking at Dodger. “She said she was at Topanga Park. Start there?” I asked, as if he’d answer back. I grabbed her bonnet from off the bathroom door handle and stuffed it in my backpack.
I didn’t hesitate l. I locked up everything and jumped inside my truck. Dodger sat on the passenger side and I felt my hands start to shake as I put my foot on the gas. I started to promise god I would go to church if he would keep her safe.
“I don’t even know if you’re even listening or you even care. I love her, I’ve been such and idiot and I don’t wanna lose her.” I looked at Dodger and he was sitting up straight. “I remember you didn’t like her. You wouldn’t let her anywhere near me, you bark and squeeze yourself in between us when we sat down in the room to watch movies.” I chuckle wiping the little tear that slipped from my eye “You stole one of her wigs too.”
“WHAT THE FUCK!” she shouted chasing you around the house. “DODGER GIVE IT BACK! COME BACK!”
We chased him around the house and Dodger thought it was some sort of game. We had been officially dating for a month. I had started laughing when I caught him and held her headband wig in my hand. She stood their with her arms folded while I petted his head and she rolled her eyes.
"I told you he doesn't like me." She said as I stood up and she took the wig from my hand.
"Come on, he's just getting used to you."
"I've been over here every day. Your dog hates me."
"What?" I tilted my head to the side and touch her nose with my index finger. "Deal breaker? If my dog doesn't like my girlfriend, I'm gonna dump her? Tell me where that makes sense."
She walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist looking up at the ceiling as I kissed her neck. "I guess you have a point." Vanessa sighed.
"He's just warming up to you that's all."
"What's stopping me from breaking up with you?"
"Over a dog?"
"This is his third assault against me. First it was tearing up my purse, then chewing up my crocs, not to mention the little shit I found inside of them. And now stealing my wig and playing cat and mouse." Said Vanessa as I rested my head on top of hers. "Luckily this is a backup wig."
“Aren’t you wearing one right now?” I asked
“Headband wig. And that wig your dog has destroyed,” she gave him the side eye “it was my favorite and expensive.” She gritted her teeth
“I’ll buy you another one.” I offered
She purses her lips and shook her head. “I don’t want you buying me anything. I’ll just break up with you. For real this time.”
"Fine then..." I baited her shrugging my shoulders. "Break up with me."
“Over a dog?” She frowns mocking me as I smile down at her and her eyebrows bend downward a little as she caressed my face. Her finger was gentle and she stood on her top toes and kissed my lips. “Never.”
I look over at Dodger and pat his head. "We'll find her. I know we will." I say trying to lift my spirits.
When we arrived to Topanga Park, it was a sight. I didn't even want to leave the truck. I felt my heart race a little more. "What the hell..."
In the middle of traffic-in between the cars were bodies. Dodger started barking at the train of blood that stained the streets. It was empty, but I could feel a heavy weight on my back. Walking behind me, next to me...it was all around me. I hadn't realized I had my hand over my mouth an nose, it was hard for me to breath as the stench of dead bodies. Dodger kept barking and that led to me chasing after him. I had her bonnet in one hand and I called after him.
I came to a halt when I came face to face with another person. He had Dodger in his hands and I felt my muscle tense up. He was tall and very familiar looking. I swallowed the lump in my throat and held the kitchen knife in my hand with a firm grip.
"Captain America?"
I tilted my head sideways and licked my lower lip narrowing my brow a little. "Yeah, give me the dog and we can go our separate ways. Ok?"
He nodded his head. He ran his fingers through his hair and put the dog down. I wasn't really concerned about who he was I was trying to prepare for a fight. He dropped his gun on the ground and held up his his hand.
"I'm not going to kill you. I'm looking for my wife." He said "She left her watch in that building." He pointed to the school and slowly pulled the watch from his pocket.
"In there?" I asked
"Yeah." He nodded, but I still couldn't shake the feeling I knew him from somewhere. "My name is Jared. My wife's name is Gianne, I'm pretty sure she was with someone else-are you looking for someone too? Maybe we could help each other. There was something written on the chalkboard in there, I wasn't something Gia would write, but she was here. All I wanna do is find her-"
"Supernatural?" I asked turning my head to the side. Vanessa loved that show. Whenever she had spare time she would watch it or on those many night she'd spend the night at my house we would watch it-well not really watch it. The Netflix and 'chill' was emphasized. "You said something about some sort of message on the wall?" I asked motioning with my hand. "what did it say?"
"um, CE equals BE or something like that." He shrugged
I laughed a little. Vanessa Evans plus Chris Evans equals Baby Evans. It was a stupid joke-an Easter egg if you will. Shonda put in the show on the whiteboard in one of our love scenes as a way to announce our pregnancy to the audience. She often left clues to the next episode in every episode except this one was not only in the show but in real life.
"Chris Evans." I say extending my hand out to him. I'm pretty sure he knew by the little smile playing on his face. He shook my hand and nodded his head.
"I know. I'm a big marvel fan, I know all your lines." Jared chuckled and then cleared his throat as he nervously laughed. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jared Padalecki - I know I said that already..."
I introduced him to Dodger and I felt a little more relaxed. I gathered that she was alive and we both came to the assumption that they were traveling together.
"Where do you think their headed?" I asked as we walked to his car which was tricked out and full of ammunition and guns. Not to mention government level protective gear.
"While I was in there, I picked up someone else. Heavy footed and big, traveling with dogs. Hair everywhere." He went on tossing me a bullet proof vest. "You heard of Sanctuary?"
"The safety place? Yeah, but it's hard to find. It's for people who get caught in the Purge right?"
He narrowed his brow and shook his head. "No." Said Jared sharply. "Sanctuary is a secret government funded task force. It started off as a conspiracy some myth to explain all the random disappearances throughout the year. It's a government project designed for population control." He went on
"Ok...what does that have anything to do with the Purge?"
"Everything. An organization designed to control the US population. We're talking Pro killers who were once on a leash, but when that horn sounded and the Purge began, they are just as free to kill anyone they want." Said Jared handing me an ipad. It was a list of celebrities. From pro athletes like Steph Curry and their immediate families to movie stars and singers like Rhianna and Tom Cruise. "There are rumors that they are hunting celebrities. The kardashians and Jenner's are fair game. If not the stars themselves then they choose their parents, brothers and sisters."
"And do what?" I asked quietly as I saw mine and Vanesssa picture
"Most get auctioned off to the highest bidder, I've also heard they kill them on the spot for money or bring them in to fight for the death. Bottom line, there is a bounty on our heads. During the Purge everyone is fair game, their is no protection."
"You're telling me she's out there being hunted by them right now?" I asked
“Possibly. The dog hair isn’t a breed we know. They are a combination of hunting canines, bloodhound, foxhound, Labrador retriever with the built and aggression of a something like a pit bull a Rottweiler.” Said Jared as I looked up from the iPad and gave it back. “You’re gonna need more than a kitchen knife. We find the dogs and the hunter and we’ll find them.”
He held a gun out to me and wiped my mouth with the palm of my hand trying to mentally prepare for what is to come."
“Do you believe in the Purge?” I asked still questioning why his car was full of weapons. “You kill people?”
He nodded his head. “Yes. I don’t believe in hiding or waiting for someone to kill me. We all have the right to Purge."
"What's stopping you from killing me?"
Jared sighed and shook his head. "I'm hunting them. I'm surviving and if you decide to threaten my survival, then I'll kill you." He went over to the driver side of his Ford charger. "Get in. Knowing Gia she is headed for Roberts hole."
"What's that?" I asked climbing in the passenger seat of the car.
“It’s a Cassino for celebrities. Jack Black owns it. It’s locked up right but open to his favorites during the Purge.”
“They’ll be there?”
“Relax.” He out his hand in my shoulder and looked at me as dodger sat in the back seat. “We will find them. You know how to shoot don’t you?” Jared raised his gun in the air and nodded my head.
I guess it wasn’t confidently and he chuckled. “Vanessa isn’t a fan of guns.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll practice. Ok?”
A/N: Sorry it took so long😬 don’t hate me, please. Lol, I hope everyone is doing well and safe out here. If you wanna be tagged leave it in the ask box, Anyways…Untill next time!
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kerie-prince · 3 years
We're Worlds Apart (8)
Draco Malfoy x American No-Maj!reader
series m.list | general m.list | previous chp
warnings: mentions of smoking, mentions of death
summary: Draco Malfoy is a pureblood wizard. Magic runs through his veins and has been since his birth. You're a Wiccan No-Maj; a non-magical being with ordinary blood through your veins, but practices what you call magick. And this very practice upsets your neighbor.
a/n: god, i had MAJOR writers block for this chapter. i almost got lost in the direction i wanted this series to go and i'm still figuring out a way on how to not let this drag out too long. i'm debating on adding this to wattpad but i don't know how to make aesthetically pleasing cover art so if anyone could teach a bitch how, lmk ✋🏼😩
(gif cred)
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Blaise has been acting differently than usual. Not that you had too many complaints considering that you hardly knew him. Better words would be that from the short time you knew him, he started acting different. What was once two nights a week turned into him staying with you almost everyday.
It was kind of annoying, actually. He was here to see Draco, not some random person he just met.
One morning, he got up early and tried to make breakfast, but he had no idea how to work any of the muggle items so rather than your alarm on your bed stand you woke up to the smoke alarm.
You woke up feeling groggy but had a pleasant soreness on your inner thighs. Before you even brushed your hair or teeth, you rushed as much as you could to see what was going on in your house. When you stepped into your kitchen, your toaster was on fire and there was smoke everywhere. Blaise was just standing by it scratching his head. It woke you right up; you ran to your small laundry room and snatched the fire hydrant.
After you put the fire out, you turned to Blaise, “What the hell happened?”
“I guess now would be a bad time to ask you to make breakfast?” He didn't really show that he was sorry. Maybe on the inside he was, but would it kill him to show it? You rubbed the temple of your nose bridge to smooth out the growing headache. Now you have to buy a new toaster and make food for this man.
The bell rang through your house in the early morning. You set the fire hydrant on the counter and walked to the front door to see who it was that was outside. Probably, no, hopefully Theo coming to pick his best friend up to take him out to go anywhere else that wasn't your house.
Fate was decidedly not on your side today. The person that stood on your porch was none other than your mother. “Ma? What are you doing here?”
“Don’t be rude, baby,” she let herself in just like she used to walk into your room when you were younger living in her house. She looked around and had a scrunched up look. “Y/N, what is burning?”
Just when the situation couldn't get any worse, Blaise walked out to the living room also assuming Theo was here to see him. It donned on you now that Blaise was shirtless and his pajama silk bottoms were sitting dangerously low on his hips. You were glad that he was wearing underwear or else your mother would see more than she needed to.
Blaise stood shockingly still and wasn't sure what to do, so he just did the first thing that came to mind. “Hello, I'm Blaise. Nice to meet you,” he held his hand out for your mother to shake.
She stood with a look of horror on her face and kept her hands to her side. As if it was natural, she gave you a disapproving look before looking back at the man in your house. Blaise retracted his hand and looked at you, “I'll just be at Draco’s then.”
You nodded and stayed with your mother as he put on his shirt in your room and left. “Y/N… what are you doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Isn't it a long ride from Boston?” you sassed.
“Don't give me that. I wanted to come see you and… and I wanted to say that I’m sorry.” You could tell that it was really hard for her to say the last bit. “I shouldn't have acted the way I acted on Thanksgiving.”
“What happened, ma?” you asked with your arms crossed, “I know it's not because of Stephanie also practicing Wicca. And if it is, then I really don't understand.”
“I just… why are you still doing this? All of this? I get that you wanted to be closer to your grandmother so I let you do whatever you wanted–”
“You let me? You make it sound like this is some hobby!” you yelled.
“IT IS A HOBBY,” she animated with her arms, “Y/N, you are 26 years old. When are you going to move on?”
“This is ridiculous, I need you to leave,” you began to escort your mother out of your house. “No, I’m staying. This was my house–”
“No, it was Grandma’s house and now it’s mine. Goodbye, mother,” you closed the door in her face and turned against it to lean on your back. Your face was in your hands and you wanted to scream.
You checked the time on your oven and saw you still had 45 extra minutes to do whatever you wanted before you had to get ready to open the store. Since Blaise has been over everyday and you haven't opened up to him about your practice, you wanted to spend extra time to soothe all the negative and stressful energy that was building up inside you.
The closet hadn't been opened in a few days and once you were facing all your herbs, crystals, and oils, you immediately felt better.
“It's been a while, girls,” you spoke to yourself. You grabbed some oils, a sage and crystals to get ready. And you had lots of work to do.
“Alright, you are good to go,” Draco released a child with their parents. Work has since died down since the huge fiasco earlier in the month. There was still the question as to who and why it all happened, but he decidedly let it go for now.
Recently, he's been getting closer with you with small chats every now and then since the day in Manhattan. Draco deemed you as now ‘okay’ in his book. Your chats were simple but not bad.
One thing that for sure was odd was Blaise suddenly staying there every night. He never got an explanation, nor has he ever asked him. Blaise was acting kind of strange, but Draco liked to think it was due to being homesick.
Thirteen hours had passed and Draco’s day would finally come to an end. Ian and Ashley asked him if he'd like to join them on a drink, but he declined. Theo called him and let him know that Blaise was home, so he was going to drink with the two of them. He had yet to introduce his work friends with his best friends and was planning to before they went back to London.
As he pulled up home, he saw you sitting alone on your porch. You had a stoic look on your face and had a cigarette in between your fingers. Draco didn't think you smoked at all. He has never seen you do it once in the months living next to you.
He figured he’d just be a good neighbor and say hello. He walked over and knocked on the wooden porch to gain your attention. You were pulled out of whatever thought you were in the middle of and looked at him. “Oh, hi,” you greeted without your usual enthusiasm.
Draco went through his coat pockets for his own pack and pulled one out. He then realized that he didn't have one of those muggle lighters and tried to figure out how to light his smoke without magic like he usually did.
To you, it seemed that he just forgot a lighter so you pulled out yours and gestured for Draco to come closer. He leaned in and accepted it, “I didn't know you smoked.”
You chuckled to yourself, “Yeah, I uh, quit a year ago.”
Draco raised an eyebrow, “You don't look like you quit.” He took a couple puffs of his cigarette and looked out on the street. You took a particularly long puff and slowly let the smoke out of your lips, “Well, when you have a mom like mine, you start up old habits again.”
“You’ve never met my father,” Draco commented under his breath, “She seemed nice when I met her.”
“She's nice to everyone but her own daughter,” you rolled your eyes. You let your cigarette out and almost started another one, but something stopped you. You leaned back into your chair and closed your eyes.
“Have you two always fought?” Draco asked. You kept at your position but opened your eyes. You gave it some thought before eventually nodding ‘yes’. “What about your father?”
The question seemed to have affected you; your eyes started getting glossy and your bottom lip quivered. Draco noticed. Should I not have asked that?
“He passed away when I was 12,” you sounded like your breath was cut short. Your hands reached up to cover your eyes and wipe away any tears before they could fall down.
As much as Draco and Lucius never saw eye to eye, he couldn't really imagine losing his father. Sure, Lucius was harsh on his son and always compared him to Potter, but Draco still cared about him. And he knew that Lucius loved him in his own way. Maybe you weren't all that different.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Draco consoled. You stood up to go inside. The weather was cold and your cashmere sweater wasn't doing you any good. “Thank you.” Draco let his cigarette out and told you ‘Good night’ before leaving.
Stepping down, he looked back and called for you, “Y/N.” You hadn't closed the door yet, so you looked back with your door held by your hand, waiting for whatever Draco had to say. “If you ever need to talk… I'm right next door.”
It surprised you to say the least. But it unexpectedly made you warm on the inside. “Thank you, Dray.” He nodded and waved before going home.
Inside, Theo sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen eating leftovers from the night before and Blaise was going through the Daily Prophet. “How was work?” the latter friend asked.
“Alright. Good to see you here for once,” Draco greeted. Blaise laughed without taking his eyes off the paper, “Can't a man be with his girlfriend before he leaves?”
“Ha, is that what you two are?” Theo teased from across the room with his mouth stuffed, “Look at Blaise; he finally settled down. Hell has officially frozen over.”
Blaise listed one hand to flip off Theo. Draco, however, felt a churn in his stomach. It was weird to hear Blaise call you his girlfriend. No one has gotten Blaise to call them that, but somehow you did it.
He wasn't really sure Blaise even knew what it meant to have a girlfriend, or even how to be a boyfriend. He never asked what they did knowing that he'd get endless teasing.
Draco grumbled to himself and went to his room. He changed into comfortable clothes and right when he was about to join Theo in the kitchen, he looked at his window for a moment. He peeked through his window and saw you through yours.
You sat on your bed with your legs up to your chest and your arms wrapped them close. Your face had no expression on it, but considering the conversation less than an hour ago, one could assume that you were sad.
“You fancy her, don't you?” Blaise surprised Draco, making the blond jump. “Merlin, Blaise, don't do that.”
“Well?” Blaise stood against the open door with arms and legs crossed. Draco rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, but Blaise didn't budge from his position. “I don't fancy anybody, now move.”
“I don't care if you do. But I do care when you lie to me. And yourself,” Blaise’s tone was threatening.
“Shouldn't you fancy her? She's your girlfriend,” Draco matched his tone. “Besides, if she was, shouldn't you be pissed if I did?”
“I do fancy her, but I'm not the one living next to her. Eventually, I'm leaving,” Blaise reminded his best friend. “So do us the favor and figure out whatever it is you want, or I'll find a reason to stay.” With that, Blaise left to his shared room and slammed the door.
What in Salazar is his deal? Draco thought. He walked up to his fridge and rummaged through all the containers of leftover food. I really need to learn how to cook.
Theo was still eating when he started talking, “Blaise has been pissy all day. What you reckon is his deal?”
“‘M gonna guess there's trouble in paradise and she's sick of him,” Draco jokes. His eyes land on the Chinese food from a couple nights ago and warms it up with his wand.
“Hm, as if,” Theo commented. He cleaned his mess up when he finished and turned to Draco. “Night, mate. Fingers crossed he doesn't yell at me and I have to sleep on the couch.”
“Night,” Draco replied and sat down on one of the high chairs. He thought a lot about you telling him about your father. He sat and wondered if you told Blaise. Maybe you even opened up to him about your… craft? Draco didn't know what to call it yet.
But he figured that if you did, Draco would be the first person Blaise would tell. And seeing as even Theo, the biggest mouth between the three, hasn't said anything, then that meant that you probably hadn't told Blaise.
And for a quick second, passing just as quickly as it came, he wondered if you would tell him first.
It was currently December 18th. Your dad's birthday. Usually you'd ride with your mother to his stone in Boston, but seeing as your latest argument was bothering you, staring at photos of him was going to be enough today.
You hardly remembered much about him since you were young, but you remember the good moments and some of the bad. The bad being the last of his days. His cancer was strong as it was caught too late by doctors.
The store was closed today per usual. You never had it opened on his birthday. Blaise was also at Draco's house. You'd ask him to have the day to yourself and when he asked why, you didn't explain.
Your door bell rang and you groaned, hoping it wasn't your mother again.
"Hey," your brother greeted you. "Y/B/N, hey. Come in, you're probably freezing." Inside, he took his jacket off and hung it on your coat rack. He sat on the couch and your cat ran to sit on his lap. "Sometimes, I think she likes you more than me," you chuckled as your brother gave her head strokes and she purred loudly.
"How come you're by yourself? We missed you today," your brother asked. You sat beside him and closed the photo book. "I didn't feel like fighting with mom again today."
"Y/N/N, I know she's hard to handle, but she needed you today," he reached out for your hand and squeezed it. "I needed you, too."
"Well, she has a funny way of showing it," you stared into nothing. You rested your head on his shoulder and wrapped your throw blanket over your shoulders. "Sometimes, I almost forget what he's like. His laugh, how he made Ma smile. How he smelled," you started.
Your brother was 8 when your dad died, so his memory was limited. But he still remembers how much he loved him. You both sat in silence, hands locked and the only sound being your cats purring.
"Mom told me you have a boyfriend. That true?" he asked.
"I don't know. Maybe? He hasn't said anything, and he leaves after New Years, so maybe not," you half-explained. What was Blaise to you? Did he feel anything when you were together? Was it just physical? You didn't know, and you never asked.
"Well, if he breaks your heart, I don't care where he lives. I'm beating his ass," your brother commented. You hit his shoulder and he laughed. "How's Steph? I haven't been able to call her," you asked.
"Oh. Um, we're taking a break." Your brother sounded sad. You sat up and looked at your baby brother. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I think Mom just spooked her. But I'll get her back," he sounded only partly sure of himself. You nodded and rested back on his shoulder. He stayed for a few hours; watched a movie and had dinner before he left back for Boston to see your mom once more.
When he left, you sat in your room and lit up some incense to calm your nerves. Out your window, Draco's curtains were closed as usual. Something inside you wanted to talk to someone that wasn't your brother, Blaise, or even Miranda and Bianca.
It wasn't that Draco wasn't the best of friends, but you had an indescribable pull towards him, and you wondered if it was the same for him.
next chp
(っ◔◡◔)っ taglist: @beiahadid @malfoy-styles-wife @fivenightslaughter @juneballoon999 @leydileyla @fangirlanotherjust @originalsoulcollector @opiomancy @lipstickandloveletters @ninacotte @daedric-sorceress @frecklesandfirecrackers @hahee154hq @disartrous @oh-those-barricade-boys @lunalovecroft @bornforfangirling @c4th3r1ne @burnin-passion
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 10*
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So here's the thing:
I'm actually almost done writing this story, but I have so much written that I need to split it up so...the way I did it because I REFUSE to have odd number of chapters is that this is the technical "end" of the story. Yes. I know.
The "epilogue" is coming out in a few hours, and really it's the ending so don't worry okay? And I say that because you will worry. A LOT.
Anyway enjoy!
Tag List
You were in the middle of your mental breakdown when you heard a voice that made your blood run cold.
“Izzie, Izzie, Izzie….”
You raised your head to see Lewis grinning wildly like a mad man.
“Don’t you know by now? You’re never going to get rid of me,” He continued to grin wickedly. “And no man is ever going to love you the way I do,”
“T-That’s not true,” You whispered while you shook your head.
“Isn’t it? I could hear your little exchange in there,” His voice was soft and cruel, he knew how to manipulate your mind so easily.
“Barba was just using you for some sex on the side, probably wanting you to do things his little ginger wouldn’t dare think of. Things a respectable woman wouldn’t do. He figured a cute little stupid thing like you would do anything for a big fancy lawyer,”
“That’s not true,” You tried to block his voice out, curling your knees up into your chest and shutting your eyes.
“It’s absolutely true and you know it,” He continued to torment you with his cruel words. “Now, just untie me and I promise to let the happy couple go, that mean old ADA won’t hurt you anymore with his lies,”
“You’re the liar,” You growled.
“Am I?” He asked you in a sincere voice. “Have I ever been anything but faithful to you? Have I not gotten you anything you ever wanted? Did I not keep you happy?”
“Not when you were abusing me, Tommy,” You spit at him.
“Alright, well sure I had a temper. But I’ve never been anything but honest with you, and you know it,” He continued.
“Come on baby, just untie me. We can punish that ADA together,” He whispered.
“I don’t think so,” Olivia’s voice came from behind you before the cattle prod was being pushed passed you and hitting Lewis for several seconds. He screamed out in pain and convulsed wildly before going unconscious again.
You blinked several times as Lewis’s voice faded from your throughs. It was as if you were being knocked out of a trance. You finally looked at Olivia with an embarrassed face.
“...Thank you,” You muttered. “I should have--”
“No, don’t do that,” She stopped you. “Don’t apologize for anything. That guy is a monster, he’ll say anything to anyone. He knows how to get in your head, I’m sure you know that,”
“A smarter person wouldn’t let him,” You pushed your hair behind your ears. “You didn’t,”
“I almost did, trust me,” She put a hand to your shoulder. “He’s the closest anyone has gotten inside my head. But he definitely scared the shit out of me,”
“...Right,” You shook your head, not feeling worthy of her compassion. You had almost just let a psychopath get back to his reign of terror because of simple words.
“Look I know it’s uncomfortable, but I think you should probably wait with us in the living room,”
“...Right,” You nodded and followed her back to your living room where Rafael held his head in his hands. He immediately looked up at the two of you in concern.
“What happened?! I heard Lewis scream,” He asked worriedly.
“We handled it,” Olivia dismissed his worries.
“Y/N I---” Rafael was interrupted by a banging at the door.
“LIV! BARBA! You okay?” Rafael heard Fin’s came booming through the door. Liv ran over and opened it, letting in her squad and several paramedics and cops. They began filling your apartment, throwing Rafael on a gurney and checking you and Olivia out.
“We’re going to need to take you to the hospital, ma’am,” One paramedic informed you.
“Oh it’s fine I’ve dealt with this before, if I just wrap it and let it set it’s--”
“Uh, ma’am I don’t know what you’ve been told, but this wrist needs medical attention,”
“Oh,” You felt your face grow hot. You had been so used to having broken bones kept under wraps you clearly had no regard for yourself.
“Right, yeah ok whatever,” You shrugged as you followed the paramedic down the hall. Before the elevator arrived a cop came running after you.
“Oh ma’am, we’re going to need to keep your apartment vacant for a few days, it’s an official crime scene,” He informed you. “Do you have anywhere to stay?”
“Yeah, I have a dorm room,” You nodded, but suddenly remembered Zipper and Dash. “My cats though, I don’t have anywhere for my cats,”
“Um I don’t want to alarm you ma’am but we haven’t seen any cats,”
“They’re scared of strangers,” You assured him. “They’ve probably been hiding since Lewis brought me here,”
“Ah,” He nodded. “Well, do you think they will come out any time soon?”
“As long as there’s strangers in there? No,” You shook your head.
“Well, I suppose they can stay,” He sighed, not really wanting to deal with animals. That was below his pay grade for sure.
“Great,” You nodded, just as the elevator arrived. “Thanks officer,”
“We’ll need to get your statement at the hospital as well,”
“Awesome,” You rolled your eyes as the elevator doors closed.
Even more ‘awesome’ awaited you in the parking lot, when you realized there was only one ambulance. And Olivia and Rafael were already in it.
“Oh, no look I’m sure there’s no room for me in there--”
“No ma’am you’re fine, there’s one more seat next to Ms. Benson,” The paramedic assured you as he led you to the ambulance and helped you inside to sit next to Olivia. Rafael was hooked up to oxygen while strapped into the gurney, he blinked at you with sad eyes.
“Great…” You sighed, trying not to look at him.
The ride to the hospital was silent and awkward, Olivia was stroking Rafael’s hair while he laid there incapacitated. She hated seeing him like this, so small and pitiful. He was usually so smooth and strong, quick with the quips and attitude.
“You know he was telling the truth,” She said softly while still stroking him and looking in his eyes. They softened in appreciation when she spoke.
“I’m sorry?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not his girlfriend,” She turned to look at you.
“Could’ve fooled me,” You gestured to her comforting pets.
“I’m his best friend,” She explained. “I know he likes to have his hair stroked when he’s sick. His abuela used to do it when he was a child,” You looked at Rafael who softly nodded, confirming her explanation.
“Yeah, well--” You looked at the floor of the ambulance. “I wouldn’t know that. I wouldn’t know anything, because I don’t know him,”
“But you could,”
“Can we just--?” You gave them both a look that you were really not in the mood to discuss this right now.
“Yeah, sorry,” Olivia nodded before looking at Rafael and mouthed “I tried”. He nodded in appreciation, weakly squeezing her hand.
Finally you reached the hospital. Nurses helped you out of the vehicle while others pulled Rafael out and rushed him inside in front of you and Olivia. You were both escorted opposite ways by nurses to get checked out yourselves.
After a few hours your wrist had been splinted, and your bruises and cuts were cleaned and patched. You had actually never been this taken care of in a long time-- maybe ever. You had learned to just live with your injuries from Lewis, you didn’t think you deserved it after letting him do that to you. While you were being discharged, you heard a voice you never expected.
“Y/N!!!” You looked up to see your dorm mate Kyra come running over to you.
“Kyra, what--- what are you doing here?”
“I’m your emergency contact, duh,” She gestured like it was the most obvious thing. “Although I’m such a horrible contact, I should have noticed you were in trouble when you didn’t show up last night. I am so sorry, Y/N!” She threw her arms around you, hitting your broken wrist.
“Oww,” You winced in pain, making her jump back.
“Oh my God,” She made a face, “I’m so sorry love, oh God are you okay?”
“Yeah, no I’m fine,” You nodded “Let’s just go home,”
Out of nowhere came Olivia, stopping the two of you before you reached the front door.
“Oh for fuck’s sake--” You muttered under your breath.
“Who’s this?” Olivia nodded at Kyra.
“This is my dorm mate, Kyra,”
“Oh my god is this the cop you were with? Ma’am I am so sorry, I should have checked--”
“It’s fine sweetie,” She interjected. “Really,” Then she turned her attention to you. “Aren’t you going to go say goodbye to Rafael?”
“....Why would I do that?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh I don’t know, in case he dies and the last thing he hears from you is some bullshit about being ‘done’ with him?” Olivia crossed her arms.
“Are you seriously trying to guilt me into going to see him?” You scoffed in disbelief. How dare she?
“I’m just saying,” She shrugged. “If you’re going to disappear on him I think he at the very least deserves a proper goodbye from you. I think you owe him that,”
“Owe him?” You scoffed. “Are you kidding me?”
“You got him kidnapped and shot Y/N, so yeah I think you owe him,” She narrowed her eyes.
“Fine,” You rolled your eyes as you stomped off towards a room you saw them take Rafael to earlier, you assumed from a surgery. You entered the room just as the doctor was leaving.
“Oh hello, I was just telling your husb--” He started to tell you.
“He’s not my husband,”
“Oh sorry, I was telling your boyfr--”
“He’s NOT my boyfriend,”
“....Right, okay well I was telling this man, that he’s pretty lucky,” The doctor finally gave up trying to guess the nature of your relationship.
“Lucky to get shot?” You rolled your eyes.
“No, he’s lucky someone pulled the bullet out of his wound before tying it up. That thing could have embedded itself within the tissue and he would have gone septic,”
“He would have lost his leg, or died,” Your face dropped when the words came out of his mouth.
He could have died. You could have gotten him killed. Forget your well being, he didn’t deserve to die because he had the misfortune of meeting you.
“He’s lucky to have a guardian angel,” The doctor gave you a knowing look.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure guardian angels don’t get their charges shot in the first place,”
“Don’t listen to her,” Rafael’s voice came from behind the two of you. “She is my angel,”
“He’s hopped up on pain meds,” You pointed out his amorous statement.
“....I wouldn’t be so sure,” He walked out with a smile. You rolled your eyes once again but moved closer to Rafael’s bed. You went to take his hands, but you thought better of it. You didn’t want to make this any harder.
“I’m glad you stayed,” He decided to hold your hands himself, but you pulled away.
“I stayed because I was getting this treated,” You presented your wrist. “And now I’m leaving with my dorm mate. But Olivia said I ‘owe’ you a goodbye so--”
“You ‘owe' me?” He snorted sarcastically. “God I love Olivia, but she’s so--”
“Bitchy?” You half laughed.
“Overprotective,” He corrected you.
“Well, I’m sure you guys can protect each other from now on, without me getting you shot,”
“You didn’t get me--”
“Yeah but I did though,” You cut him off. “If you had never met me, Lewis wouldn’t have cared about hurting you,”
“I’m pretty sure he would have wanted to anyway, he only showed up to my office to find out information about me,” He pointed out.
“Well, whatever,” You waved away his absolutions. “It happened, and I’m sorry,”
“You don’t have to be--”
“I don’t care, Rafael. Just-- just let me apologize, let me feel guilty. Just take care of yourself, okay?” You started to back away from his bed.
“I’d rather you take care of me,”
“Yeah well,” You ran your fingers through your hair. “That’s too bad, because I’m leaving here and I’m not looking back,” You turned to leave.
“So I’ll see you Monday,” You could hear the smirk in his voice. He really wasn’t getting this.
“No, you won’t,” You sighed. “I told Rita I’m resigning from my position,”
“Because of me?” He cocked his head to the side like a puppy dog.
“Because I was just held hostage by my abusive husband and I’m pretty traumatized by it, Rafael! I think I deserve a bit of fucking time to….collect myself,” You tried to find a word for ‘keep your sanity’,”
“You’re not ‘collecting yourself’, you’re running,” He challenged you.
“Excuse the fuck out of you,” Your eyes filled with flames. “I am NOT running--”
“Yes you are!” He interjected angrily. “When something bad happens to you, you can’t deal with it so you just run,”
“You absolutely completely insensitive narcissistic prick,” You growled. “How dare you fucking say that to me! After everything I told you, after everything you know I went through with Lewis,”
“Alright that may have been--,”
“See this?” You referenced his cold tactic trying to get you to stay with him. “This is why I’m leaving. You bit back tears even harder.
“What?” He asked you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Rafael I have--” You searched for the words. “...Had feelings for you, for a long time now,” You took a deep breath, refusing to break down now. You had gotten this far, just say your piece and leave.
“But you,” You shook your head with a dry laugh. “You didn’t even see me, not until I was finally something you wanted to look at,”
“That’s not fair--”
“YES, it is!” You weren’t letting him win this. “That's exactly what happened!”
“Not, not really--”
“Yes, really,” You finally couldn’t hold back the tears overflowing from your pupils. “You think you have these ‘feelings’ for me, and it’s completely superficial!”
“....But it doesn't have to be,” He finally conceded that he really didn’t know anything about you, except that you were adorably awkward and looked great in his shirt. “Not if we get to know each other,”
“I don’t want to get to know each other, because I already know you,” You shook your head, looking at the floor. You couldn’t look in his eyes right now, you knew you’d cave.
“No you don’t. You have just as superficial feelings for me that I have for you,” He argued.
“I know what I need to know about you to know I don’t want to know any more,” You bit back.
“That is so--”
“I don’t care what it is!” You did your best not to scream at him but you were fighting a losing battle.
He was right, you didn’t really know anything about him besides he knew how to work a suit, smelled amazing, and was a great kisser. But he flipped so easily on you, and the fact remained that he did only notice you once you were parading yourself half naked. You had to get out of here before you betrayed yourself.
“I-- I made my decision, and if you care anything about me like you claim to, then you’ll just leave me the hell alone,” You reached for the door, tears dripping down your face.
“...Okay,” He finally conceded, looking down at his blanket. Tears filled his eyes now. He knew you were right, if he really cared about you he’d stop causing you pain.
“Okay,” You nodded again before walking out the door, leaving Rafael alone.
“Let’s go,” You told Kyra while you wiped away your tears and kept walking before she could answer.
“What happened?” She asked you as she tried keeping up with you, but you were on a mission to get the hell out of there.
“Nothing,” You mumbled, really not wanting to talk about it.
“...Wasn’t that the guy you’ve had a crush on for months?” Kyra asked while glancing back towards the hospital.
“No...yes...maybe,” You shook your head but refused to stop walking.
“So why did you tell him you never wanted to see him again?!”
“Because...it’s...it’s complicated, Kyra,”
“You know,” She finally grabbed your shoulder, preventing you from walking any further. “Nothing worth having is simple,”
“Thank you, Nostradamus,”
“I just...don’t want to see you unhappy, Y/N,” She gave you a sad look.
“I appreciate it, Kyra,” You threw an arm over her shoulder. “You’re a good friend,”
Despite Kyra’s advice, you kept true to your word. You quit Rita’s job, to which she completely understood and still wrote you a glowing recommendation to use wherever you applied after law school. You kept your head in the books for the rest of your law school career, graduating in the top 2% of your class. Soon after that, you had several of the most prestigious law firms banging at your door to come work for them. You asked Kyra to move into the penthouse with you after you graduated so you weren’t alone in that big place all by yourself. And the cats of course.
You had everything you ever wanted, everything you worked so hard for. Everything you never thought was possible when you were living in fear of your life every night. Your life was perfect.
So why did it feel like something was missing?
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j-amespotter · 3 years
★ epiphany – r. l.
"with you, i serve. with you, i fall down."
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Nymphadora Tonks (if you squint)
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x. x.
Summary: Throughout his life, Remus fought many battles. Only once was he ever on the brink of victory.
Genre/Warnings: angst, war, death, torture, mentions of lycanthropy
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: i'm officially on summer break, so expect more writing from me!! this one actually took a lot of time and effort so please share your feedback. not a reader insert, just some canon character insight. i think about remus's last moments a lot :( let me know if you'd like to be added to my taglist!
1978 - With you, I serve.
The moon was bright but not quite full. It shone on two boys, both fresh out of school and on the precipice of becoming men. As much as they tried to deny it, there was an aura of naiveté surrounding them, one that would soon deteriorate beyond their imaginations.
“Come here,” said Remus Lupin, a tall, tired boy, tugging his companion’s sleeve. “Behind the bushes.”
“It’s child’s play, this job. What’s Dumbledore playing at?”
Remus was paired up with James Potter, who was growing more and more impatient by the second. “Prongs, we are trainees. We’re lucky to have an assignment at all.”
The two friends were seated on a small hill overlooking a large, dreary house. It belonged to the Travers family, a family notoriously pureblood, notoriously Slytherin. A family most likely in league with the greatest threat to the Wizarding World in several decades—Lord Voldemort.
The severity of the situation remained unspoken between them. If caught, James and Remus would be killed within seconds. Remus silently wished he shared James’s conviction regarding the ultimate invincibility of the right cause. But there was something inside of him that would remain unconvinced for a long time.
“There’s no way Travers isn’t a Death Eater,” said James. “I say we attack. They know we’re careful. They’ll never see it coming.”
“Perhaps,” said Remus. “Although, I doubt they are unprepared. Stealth is the only path to success.”
James snorted. “Okay, Professor Moony.” Years later, the same voice on a nearly-identical face would be addressing him in the same manner, with an amount of long-faced sincerity that would destroy him. But Remus did not know that yet.
After a while, Remus broke the comfortable silence between them simply because of a lingering curiosity manifesting within him. “Do you really think we can win this?”
James turned toward him. When he spoke, Remus thought he sounded a little scandalized. “Of course I do. And even if we don’t, there isn’t a single part of me that won’t die trying.”
Remus hummed, though he could feel the hesitation brewing inside of him, the same hesitation he found himself constantly suppressing around his friends. It was not as though he didn’t share the same sentiment; that wasn’t the case at all. It felt blasphemous to let his thoughts wander at times, but he couldn’t help himself. The truth was loud and clear. Remus was fighting this war for those who wouldn't do the same for him.
Something about the setting and the shape of the moon kept him lost in his muddled thoughts. “Why did you become an Animagus?”
James looked slightly taken aback, running a hand through his hair. “You know why.”
“Indulge me.”
“Because, Remus, we care about you. We wanted to help you,” said James. “We still want to help you.”
“You have done more than enough, James.” And it was true. James Potters didn’t exist in the real world, and that was a fact that was becoming blazingly clear the longer Remus spent in it.
There was nothing more to be said after that. James only sighed, staring out with a strangely thoughtful expression. “You know something?”
“Think I’m going to ask Lily to marry me.”
Remus swallowed. “Wow.”
“Yeah,” said James. “I haven’t told anyone.”
Remus found that hard to believe. “Not even Sirius?”
“No, not even Sirius. Just thought of it, actually. Besides, something tells me Sirius would laugh in my face.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” said Remus, though it was always hard to tell with Sirius. The idea of James getting married sounded so far-fetched, and yet, made more sense to him than anything ever had in his entire life.
“So, what do you think?”
What did he think? Honestly, he felt a twinge of envy that James had someone to propose to, that he didn’t have to think twice about it, that in all likelihood, when this war ended, James would live a long, happy, healthy life with his wife and enough children to form his own Quidditch team. “I think that you definitely should.”
James’s face broke out into a wide grin, one that made Remus feel warm inside. One that told Remus that it wasn’t actually a whim, that James had been thinking about it for weeks, and that when it came to Lily, he always seemed to turn to Remus. It was a bittersweet sentiment, but one that he had come to appreciate.
“Guess I’ll need to figure out who my best man will be,” mused James.
Remus rolled his eyes. “She hasn’t even said yes yet, Prongs.”
James harrumphed. “Of course she’ll say yes to becoming Mrs. Arrogant Toerag.” He puffed out his chest dramatically, only to lose his balance and fall forward into the bushes. “Wow, we really suck at this whole ‘stealth’ thing, don’t we?”
“Shut it, will you?” whispered Remus, though if he had known how few moments he had left to share with James, he wouldn’t have reprimanded him at all.
Suddenly, a scream coming from the direction of the house interrupted them.
“What was that?” asked James. Both boys had their wands at the ready.
“They’re torturing someone,” said Remus, suppressing a shudder. He winced at the sound of another piercing scream, one that shredded his insides with every resounding decibel.
James began to rise. “We have to go in and help them.”
Instantly, Remus grabbed his arm and pulled him down. “James, we can’t. We will blow our cover, we’re likely completely outnumbered, and we were told to call reinforcements if anything got serious. We are trainees, remember?” When James begrudgingly slunk down next to him, Remus nudged him again. “Send a Patronus to the Prewetts.”
As James retreated several yards into the woods to conjure his great silvery stag, Remus turned his attention back to the house in front of them. After hearing another scream, he was beginning to lose his nerve. We can win this, Remus chanted to himself like a sacred mantra. We can win this. We can win this. We can win this.
Three years later, wizards all over Britain would celebrate their victory over the Dark Lord. But with three dead friends and one a murderous traitor, Remus Lupin would have nothing to celebrate. And he wouldn’t for a very long time, not until he stared into a pair of startlingly green eyes in a train compartment several years later.
1998 - With you, I fall down.
His heart raced as he watched the silver dome shatter around the castle. A swarm of dark, hooded figures made their way towards them. With one hand over the photograph in his pocket, Remus thought of Teddy—his vibrant, turquoise hair, his soft coos, and the sparkly eyes that looked just like his own.
We can win this. We can win this. We can win this.
It is different now, he thought to himself, I have Harry. A son. A wife. For the first time in his life, Remus Lupin had a proper family.
We can win this. We can win this. We can win this.
He was able to see his reflection on a window. Under all the worry pooling his features, Remus saw the ghost of a smile that looked so achingly familiar— the weary but indestructible smile of a new father, the one he last saw during his final moments with James many, many years ago.
He thought of Dora, who, despite his desperate pleas, followed him to Hogwarts to fight what was beginning to feel like the end. After he righteously begged her to return to safety, she scoffed teasingly. “Honestly, Remus. You should know better.”
She was right, and there was nothing more to say. She kissed him hard before they went their separate ways for the last time. Remus weaved through crowds of warriors, gaze wandering from time to time for a glimpse of either his wife or his young protege. Any sign that Dora and Harry were alright would ease his ever-growing nerves.
We can win this. We can win this. We can win this.
He thought of a late-night in his dormitory. It was the end of his seventh year. The four Marauders were sitting on each of their four-poster beds, picturing this moment, having no idea what was to come, just the confidence that it would and that they would win.
“I think it’ll be at the Ministry,” said Sirius.
“Or Diagon Alley,” said Remus thoughtfully.
“With Dumbledore leading the charge,” added James, a note of excitement in his voice. “I’d give anything to see the end of him.”
“Me too,” grumbled Sirius, struggling to hide the bitterness lacing every word. It had only struck Remus then that Sirius would be fighting his own flesh and blood on the other side. He knew better than to mention it.
“We could die,” said Peter quietly.
“We could,” affirmed James. “But I have a good feeling about it. It’ll be our moment, lads.”
Remus had only heard of Wormtail's death from Bill, who heard it from Harry. Peter, so afraid of death, so willing to do anything to avoid it, killed by his own hand. The last of his friends to go. In his wildest dreams, Remus would have never thought that he would be the last Marauder standing. Alone.
But he wasn’t alone. Not anymore. He had Dora, Teddy, and Harry. Harry, brilliant Harry, the Boy Who Lived, the boy who, unbeknownst to him, changed Remus’s life. The boy who would carry out his father's dream. The boy who would win this for them all.
We can win this. We can win this. We can win this.
Remus heaved a tired sigh. His legs felt as though they were about to give out. Despite his unique set of skills, Remus spent more time sickly than able. Especially now, nearing the age of forty. No longer did he have the agility or stamina of his youth.
He was in the center of the fighting in the courtyard. Suddenly, Remus felt a sinking, silencing feeling inside of him. Swallowing it away, he turned around, grip on his wand accidentally loosening for the quickest second.
The man in front of him was smirking, a forthcoming light blinding any identifying features. Remus's wand slipped from his fingers.
The last thing he saw was green, consuming his vision like a swarm of Dementors closing in on him. The spell hit him squarely in the chest.
He always wondered what death would feel like, often equating it with the debilitating pain of his monthly transformations. But it wasn't like that at all. Death was like falling. An eternal, endless fall into nothingness.
Moments away from victory, Remus Lupin fell down.
Mischief Managed.
Taglist: @iwritesiriusly @sheismadness @she-seeks-magic @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @queenofblacks @duckie-dunham
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barjogaron · 3 years
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This is chapter 4 for my Élite AU Love & Deceit! Thanks so much you guys for the lovely comments and support! It can be read on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32302612
And on wattpad here:
Thanks for reading! Enjoy!
Chapter Four:
In the dream, a pair of lustful green eyes glare at me from the dark...
The obnoxious sound my phone's alarm clock rings in my ear. I rub and open my eyes, the alarm of my phone notifying me consistently to wake up and prepare myself for the day. The first day. Work officially begins and I must be on the top my heels with everything. From managing the mansion's staff, to cleaning, as well and looking after the house. It shouldn't be too hard. Right?
I get out my outfit for today which is thankfully more casual than the others who mandatorily must wear suits and or maid dresses. I am privileged to wear more causal clothing, a white button up blouse, a black skirt, and my navy blue Toms. I put on reading glasses and braid my hair into a short pony tail before wrapping a silky and shiny baby blue hijab around my head. Of course I dabble my face with a little make up, eyeliner, and brown lipstick, so I can at least look slightly more fashionable. Honestly, I look like an assistant rather than someone who cleans and manages a mansion.
I enter into the living room of the suite and the girls are nowhere in sight, probably already starting to help the kitchen staff with breakfast for the boys. I open the door, about to enter the hallway when I pump into a what felt like a wall. He's a few inches taller than me and devilishly handsome.
His hair is dark, short, and wavy, and I can smell the nice smelling aftershave on his smooth face. He looks at me and I've never seen such a friendlier smile. His golden brown eyes are like ice, so cold and sharp, but everything about him is warm. He's dressed in a dark blue blazer with a black shirt underneath and ripped jeans.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, miss...?" his Spaniard accent is strong, and I notice that both his hands still rest on my shoulders. After a few awkward seconds his cheeks heat up red and he quickly releases me from his grip.
I clear my throat.
"It's okay, um," I clear my throat again. "Who are you?" I ask sincerely. I must know who this stranger is. I didn't see him last night at dinner. Is he a brother? No, probably not, although he looks the part. But he is definitely more casual.
"I'm Samuel. Nice to meet you," he says and I shake his hand. "I am here to assist you. Mister Crisanto put you in charge of the staff. He put me to assistant alongside you in any way that I can make things easier for you." Samuel smiles. It's a warm and inviting smile. I nod my head slowly.
"I didn't know I'd be having an assistant."
"You'll need all the help you can get, I'm afraid." Samuel chuckles softly.
"I'm thankful. And I'm sure I'll need it. Well, how about breakfast...?" I tell him and he's just staring at me with his lips still stuck in a smile. After a few moments I guess my words have entered his ears and his eyes go wide.
"Oh, right! " he says, starting now towards the stairs. "Shall we?" he says.
"Of course." I walk towards him and we stroll down the stairs together.
"So how'd you get this job?" Samuel asks me as we walk down the hallway on our way towards the kitchen.
"Well, a professor of mine recommended me to take this high opportunity job, and I needed a high paying job and experience like this, so I took the chance. The benefits are spectacular. I've never been to London, and well...here I am." I smile to myself.
Samuel looks at me with much amazement. Silence creeps in and I decide to disrupt it.
"What about you? How'd you end up here?" I ask him and he shoves his hands into his pockets, his smile revealing his perfect white teeth.
"I'm a friend of the family, actually," says Samuel. "We're all just trying to make a living."  he finishes.
"Isn't that the truth." I huff.
After a few more minutes of walking, we near the kitchen, which is before the dining hall.
"Well, I'll see what's up in the kitchen and you check out the dining hall in preparation for set up." Samuel instructs and I oblige. He disappears into the kitchen and I walk further towards the dining hall, finally entering, and is soon disturbed because of the sight in front of me.
Half naked and clothed only in a matte black designer house-robe is, Guzmán. His naked chest bare with a thin gold necklace draped around his neck and laying on his large pecs, his perfect peachy skin glistening from the invading morning light. He sits in the chair inappropriately like a child. The trim of his boxers showing beneath his bellybutton, as his grey sweatpants that shape his legs are slouched down by an inch to display the brand of his boxers. Which are Calvin Klein...
His eyes snap up at me and a smirk grows on his face. He takes a green apple from the fruit bowl in front of him and slowly bites into it. The loud crunch is taunting and obnoxious, making me cringe. I'm sure the crunch could be heard all over the mansion. He munches on the apple while holding his gaze upon me. His lips are now plump, wet, and a deeper shade of pink. I bite my tongue and clench my fist, trying to grip onto the first thing to say that comes to mind.
"What are you doing?" is the only thing my brain could come with, and it's an incredibly stupid question.
"As you know, this is my home," Guzmán smirks. "And I'm eating an apple." he takes another bite out of the apple and his smirk grows to deride me.
Let me try firing a better question...
"I mean what are you doing sitting here half naked at the table? It's..."
"Obnoxious?" Guzmán adds.
"Even better." I reply.
"Abhorrent?" Guzmán continues while standing from the chair. I cross my arms and stand my ground.
"I couldn't agree more." I challenge him, my hands are on my hips now, and Guzmán inches himself closer to me.
"Repugnant?" he continues, getting closer. "Intolerable?" he's even closer, and I back away slightly but there is a wall behind me, meaning I'm trapped.
"Unpleasant?" he says, now standing in front of me. He's so much taller than me that I have to look up.
"Most definitely." I breathe, looking away. Guzmán leans closer to me.
"Dis-taste-ful?" he whispers into my ear, his breath on my neck. Why am I even allowing this?
"Are you finished, Mister Blanco?" I ask him and I hear him chuckle under his breath. "What's so funny?" I ask as he backs away from me, restoring my personal space.
"Mister Blanco is my father. You can call me, Guzmán, baby girl." he winks and my mouth hangs open.
"Excuse me?" I glare at him but it amuses him further.
"Or daddy, if you'd like." Guzmán winks again with a grin.
"Excu—, Why I...!" I scoff. Thankfully, before he could say anything, waiters and waitresses bring out plates of food and fancy eating utensils to spread on the table blanketed in white.
"Breakfast is served!" Carla, who is dressed cutely in her cleaning outfit, shouts and rings a bell as the staff sets up the food on the table. Guzmán's brothers enter the room, selecting their seats. Guzmán sits at the head of the table where his father sat last night, still sitting obnoxiously and munching on his apple, his green gaze still focused on me, trying to get beneath my skin.
"Everything alright?" I hear Samuel's voice and I turn around to see his friendly face, which immediately brightens my mood.
"Yes, of course," I give him an assuring smile and look back at Guzmán and his brothers as they all begin to eat breakfast.
LATER ON, THE DAY has become evening, and my first day was a success for the most part. Breakfast went surprisingly smooth as the rest of the day was a complete and utter day of bland. There wasn't much to do, but it felt like a lifetime of doing so. Floors needed to be swept, mopped, and waxed, the rooms dusted, books organized—things like that. Of course I took care of all of those things on my behalf. Managing the other staff to do lawn work and clean the pool and other parts of the house wasn't an easy fix either. As well as figuring out the meal plan. Crisanto seems to have a very distinct diet for him and his sons, so I want to make sure we live up to his dietary expectations.
It's about a quarter to seven when I am relieved from my duty and I head upstairs to my room. The other girls sought to go sight seeing in the city and shop around before we are to do dinner. I'm just going to get lost in a novel and probably go to sleep. I'll have plenty of time to check out the city of London during my stay here.
The house is silent as I walk through the eldritch hall. Not a soul to be seen or a sound to be heard, other than the sound of my shoes sliding against the smooth floor. Suddenly, a wave of laughter and squeaky shoes on the freshly waxed floors disrupts the silence and I stop, knowing exactly who it is.
The brothers.
Guzmán and his shirtless brothers are dressed in their basketball gear (by gear I mean shirtless and only wearing their sneakers and shorts), entering into the hall childishly. Their skin is glistening and sweaty, hair drenched and dripping. The brother, Ander, even uses his water bottle to pour water all over himself, drenching his curly hair further. I watch in annoyance as it slides down his chest like a waterfall. His brothers snicker and he sighs in relief at the surely cool sensation of his ice cold drinking water that is now all over the floor. I don't know what to be pissed about more, seeing Guzmán smirk at me menacingly, or the fact that Ander is wasting perfectly good water to pour onto himself, and making a puddle on the freshly cleaned floors that the staff and I worked hard on cleaning!
"Um, excuse me!" I storm towards the boys who are way taller than me and they look at me like I'm a lost child.
"Your highness?" Guzmán smirks and Ander and Polo poorly hide their grins. Valerio smirks, which is dark and seductive and honestly, a bit unsettling. Everything is just a game to them it seems.
"Maybe you don't care, but the staff and I worked very hard to clean the floors of this house. Maybe show a little respect by not pouring water onto it?" I try to make my voice as kind as possible.
"Oh you mean like this?" Guzmán opens his water bottle and pours the remainder of his drink on to the floor while looking directly into my eyes. His brothers look at one another, finding amusement in my shocked expression.
"We work hard for your house you know! You can't just mess up the floors when people worked hard to manage it!" I bark at Guzmán, who is rather entertained by this tribulation.
"You're right, this is my house," Guzmán chuckles, taking a step closer to me. "Which means I can do whatever the fuck I want," He is in front of me now, eyes aglow under the pristine lighting of the hall, staring deep into my soul. I flinch and he holds a deathly glare, but I can see the delight dancing around in his eyes and lips. "And you know what else is mine? You and everyone else who works for me. Meaning whatever mess I make, you have to clean it the fuck up." Guzmán drops his empty water bottle on the ground and walks away with his brothers following after him. "Have fun!" he laughs while walking away, his brothers following after him, and also tossing their empty bottles on the ground. All except Valerio...
I stand there for a moment fighting back the tears. I bend down to retrieve the water bottles, cleaned up the mess, and ran straight into my room. Never have I felt so disrespected and humiliated in my entire life, and even worse, defeated. I'm not used to biting my tongue, but I have to if I want to make my earnings and leave a desirable impression. Just when I have gotten comfortable and about to start reading my favorite novel, The Secret History, my phone rings.
"Hello?" I croak into the phone.
"Hey, Nadia! How are you honey? Is the job going well?" It's dad. What do I tell him? That everything is going great? Or I just got madly degraded by a really attractive prick of a rich boy? Of course I go with the first option. "Everything is going fine, baba. The house is beautiful." I tell him.
"That's really good Nadia, me and your brother miss you. Omar is here, would you like to speak to him?" I think for a moment. Hearing Omar's voice would really make my day. "Yes of course, put him on the phone!" I tell him and a few seconds later I hear him.
"Hey doofus." the rough and familiar voice of Omar makes me smile.
"Hey weasel," I tease him with the nickname he detests and I hear his soft chuckles over the phone.
"I told you never to call me that," he laughs and I imagine his bright smile. I've been gone a day and I already miss my brother and baba so much.
There's a few moments of silence, nothing but our soft breathing.
"Is everything alright, Nadia?" he finally says and I wipe tears from my eyes, not allowing them to consume me.
"I'm already missing home." I admit to him.
"Give it some time, sis, you'll do great. Don't let those rich assholes best you down. You're a Shanaa. A bad bitch. You got this." Omar says and I instantly feel better.
"You're right," I wipe more tears away and exhale. "I got this."
"And," Omar lowers his voice. "Ring me up if there's any cute boys available."
"Will do," I half laugh. I guess I'll talk to you later, yeah?" I say.
"Yeah sis, I'll talk to you later. Just be cool." he says and we both hang up the phone.
I toss my phone to the side and bury my face into my book, drifting off until I finally fall asleep.
taglist: @inmyarmsyoufell @jasminejc4525 @@glamorizing @elitestan
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tuiccim · 4 years
Santi (Part 2)
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Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Words: 4430
Warnings: Fluff, flirt, 
Summary: The team leaves for a mission leaving you and Bucky alone at the tower. 
Santi Masterlist
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After bidding the team goodbye the next morning you and Bucky head to the kitchen for breakfast.
"How was your first night in the new place?"
"Good. Slept okay. How'd you sleep?"
"I have a hard time getting to sleep any given day but once I did last night I was good."
In the kitchen you pull out a frozen breakfast burrito to heat and grab an apple and peanut butter.  Bucky fixes a huge bowl of cereal. 
"Why aren't you on the mission?" Bucky asks.
"You want the official answer or the truth?" You ask.
"The truth, always."
"Steve didn't want you to be alone so he asked me to stay."
"You were okay with that?"
"Well, you know, my 'particular skills are not needed for this mission'" You say imitating Steve.
"You don't mind being my babysitter?"
"Well, first, I'm not your babysitter. You're a big boy and can wipe your butt all by yourself. Second, I don't mind having some time to take it easy. It's usually hard to come by. And, lastly, the rest of the team has worked with you before. I like that it gives me the chance to get to know you. Not the file or news reports or rumors, but you as a person." Bucky seems taken aback by your answer. "You said you wanted the truth, always." You smile and Bucky seems to relax a bit.
"Thanks." He pauses for a minute but then smirks, "Wipe my own butt? You always had that mouth on ya?"
"All my life." You smile at him.
"Apple and peanut butter?" Bucky asks as he watches you eat.
"It's delicious!" You pick up a fresh slice, scoop some peanut butter onto it. Leaning over the table you hold it up for Bucky to take a bite. "Try it." He eyes you as he bites into the slice you are holding out to him.
"Okay. Weird but good "
You giggle at his expression and pop the other half into your mouth. 
"Are you always happy like this? You always seem to be on the verge of laughing." He asks suddenly.
"No. But, I don't know, I guess I've had the privilege of living my life unlike you and Steve. It's given me the time to work through things, figure out what makes me happy. I guess I've just lived long enough to learn contentment. And I think that's the basis of happiness."
"Lived long enough? You're what? 25? 30?"
Your face falls. "You haven't read my file."
"Have you read any of them?"
"No. It feels... invasive. Like I'm prying."
"It's not. It's just basics. Nothing overly personal. Abilities. Skills. Things you need to know in the field." You say emphatically. "For example, let's say we're on a mission. I get shot. Femoral artery hit. Bleeding out. What do you do?"
"Apply a tourniquet. Determine if I can complete the mission without you dying."
"Wrong. You just wasted time and possibly cost us the mission. You do nothing. I don't need medical attention." You take a deep breath, "I'm a Gifted. I have healing abilities. My body will force out the bullet and the wound will be repaired within 90 seconds. Blood supply restored in minutes. You and Steve heal fast but I put your abilities to shame there."
"Do you have any other abilities?"
"Additional strength, not your level but decent. Increased metabolism. Slow aging." You pause and look directly into his eyes, "And empathic telepathy."
"Like Wanda?"
"Wanda's a little different. She's more telepathic in the sense of reading minds and forcing waking dreams. My ability allows me, if I choose to, read people's emotions. And I can imbue people with emotions."
"Force them to feel things?"
"Ye...yes." You say hesitantly and then look him directly in the eyes, "Look, I have read your file and I know you've had your mind messed with enough. I will never, NEVER do that to you without your consent. Never."
You stare at each other for a moment before Bucky gives a slight nod.
"Is it helpful?"
"My specialty was deep cover. Being able to force trust, calm, caring. It makes getting to the inner circles easier. But after doing it for so long I had to get out. I was other people so much I started to lose myself. So, I told Fury that I wanted out. And then the world blew up and I ended up right back in the middle of it. I think I'm where I'm supposed to be now."
"How do you do it?"
"I just think it and I kinda push it to the other person. It's even easier when I'm touching them. If a person can somehow resist me mentally, once I touch them the resistance fades."
"What all can you make them feel?"
"Any emotion. Several if needed."
"Fear? Panic?"
"Emotional pain, yes."
You look at Bucky and raise an eyebrow at that one before replying in a low voice, "Yes."
"Have you done it to me?"
Voice strong again, "No. Never without your permission."
"Our teammates?"
"Only with their consent. Most people want to try it at least once."
"I have nightmares sometimes." Bucky says quietly.
"Yeah." Your tone softens.
"Could you calm me if that was happening?"
"I can, yes. I can also help you sleep. Do you want me to?"
Bucky stares into his bowl of cereal for a moment. When his eyes flicker up to you there is a tinge of red to them. He gives a slight nod. Reaching over you curl your hand around his wrist. "You're my teammate, my friend. I'll do anything I can to help you. Anything, okay?"
Bucky gives a small nod.
"Okay. Time to get some training in. Don't want Steve to think I'm slacking the first day without him." You start clearing your breakfast dishes.
"He's a real drill sergeant, huh?"
"Wait, how old are you? I take it, older than 25."
You laugh, "That's sweet, Buck. I'm 62."
"So Sam was including you in his geriatric patients?"
"I think you have to be over 65 to be in that category. You and Steve are still the geezers of the place." You smirk at him. "I'll catch up with you later."
"I'll see you in the training room in a bit."
"Sounds good." You say as you walk to the elevator. Your heart hurts a little for Bucky knowing it had to be hard for him to ask for help. You hope he knows how strong he is, how brave to ask.
Before Bucky heads to the training room he detours to his room. Going to the desk he pulls out the stack of files Steve had given him and quickly located Santi's. Flipping it open he read:
Name: Bella Santi Delarosa
Last known address: Stark Tower
Date of Birth: November 1, 1957
Place of Birth: Mobile, Alabama
Status: Active
Title: Agent
Aliases: The Saint, Lucia Roman, Marie Frances, Eve Lastra, Elana Romano.
Document Citizenship: United States
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, German.
Identifiable Markings: Triangle shaped birthmark right shoulder.
Family: Parents, Marco and Giulia Delarosa, deceased. Brother, Luca Delarosa, deceased.
Classification: Gifted
Abilities: Healing. Increased strength, stamina, reflexes, balance, and accuracy. Decreased aging. Empathic telepathy.
Skills: Multiple forms of Martial arts, acrobatics, expert marksmanship, espionage, infiltration, tactical coordination.
Bucky closes the file and heads to the training room. He spots Santi lifting weights and joins her. "So, 'The Saint', huh?"
You laugh, "You read my file?" 
"That's what you took away from it? My code name?"
"Bella Santi Delarosa. Beautiful Saint of the Rose?"
"I was born on All Saints Day. My parents were Catholic." You shrug. "Any other questions?"
"I noticed the slight southern accent so Alabama made sense. Did you grow up there?"
"Until I was 13."
He wanted to ask what happened but knew it wasn't the right time to get into it. Deciding on a subject change, "Expert marksman?"
"You bet your ass."
"I was gonna bet lunch, actually."
"Knives or guns?"
"Yay!" You clap your hands as you move to the weapons cage to pull out knives. "Let's start with a target and we'll see if we need to get to trick shots to determine a winner."
Bucky glances at the body shaped training target at the end of the range, picks up a knife, and says "Right eye." The blade finds its mark with barely a glance. 
"Left eye." Hit.
"Left shoulder." Hit.
"Right shoulder." Hit
"Center mass." Hit.
"Same." Hit within millimeters of his knife.
"Nose." Hit.
"Mouth." Hit.
Getting an idea you move in a bit closer as he says "Forehead" and aims. As he's preparing to throw you reach on tiptoe and blow in his ear. The knife hits the target's groin. 
"I'm sorry. Did you say forehead or foreskin? If it was forehead, you were a little low on that one, weren't you?" You say still right next to Bucky's ear. Bucky turns eyes wide and swallows hard. You smile innocently up at him. 
"Wouldn't you call that cheating?" Bucky's voice is gravelly as he stared down at you.
"I'd call it winning. After all, out in the field there's all kinds of distractions. You have to get used to them." You say in mock innocence with a sweet smile.
Bucky tries to keep a straight face but a chuckle slips through. "Fine. I'll give you this one, Doll."
"I accept your defeat. There is this great diner right by the Museum of Natural History. They have phenomenal burgers and then we can go to the museum."
"I thought the bet was for lunch."
"Well, I figured I'd take you to the museum as a consolation prize. After all, I did cheat."
"I'm not taking you away from any plans?"
"Those were my plans. Now, you get to pay for lunch though."
Bucky laughed and his heart warmed a little at the thought that you had planned out the day with him. 
"Let's finish training and then we can get ready to head out." You say heading back to the weights.
Three hours later, you arrive at the diner and both order burgers and fries.
"Can I ask you something? Personal?" Bucky asks, glancing at you nervously.
"Anything. I'm kind of an open book. Which is unusual in this group."
"Yeah." Bucky says on a short laugh "What happened to your family?"
You knew it was coming at some point. "You want the short or long version?"
"Long if you're comfortable with telling it."
"Yeah." You pause to collect your thoughts. "You read my file so you know I grew up in Mobile, Alabama. My parents were Marco and Guilia and I had a brother named Luca. He was two years younger than me. My parents wanted more kids but it just didn't happen. We were a big Italian family. Steve always says he knows I'm Italian because I'm loud, always eating, and am touchy-feely."
Bucky laughs "Sounds right. You've never shied away from touching me."
"Sorry." You say feeling a slight blush creep up. "Please let me know if I make you uncomfortable. I just don't think about it much."
"No, I like it. Most people don't get very close to me. Keep going"
You smile blushing a little more but continue with the story. "My grandparents, my dad's parents, had a bakery. Most of the family worked there. I loved it. I had 8 aunts and uncles, a million cousins. Big, big family. Nice life, ya know. Lots of love and lots of drama. Then when I was thirteen, we were driving home from my cousin's birthday party and our car was hit by an 18-wheeler. My parents died on impact. Luca…" you pause and swallow hard willing the tears away. Clearing your throat you continued, "Luca died while they were trying to get us out of the car. He was such a sweet kid. Tender-hearted and quiet. I should have died too. My injuries were severe but that's when my mutation kicked in. Before they even got me out of the car my injuries healed. I didn't understand what happened. The doctor explained the mutant gene while I was in the hospital. I was so wracked with guilt that I lived. I didn't want to hear anything about it. Then my family… they were scared of me. I could feel it. They turned me over to the state. They didn't want anything to do with me. I was put in a group home and first chance I got I ran. Ran for nine years before SHIELD found me. They took me in. Taught me that my mutation was a calling not a curse." 
The food came at that point and you both dug in hungrily. Bucky looked up after a few bites. "What'd you do the nine years you were running?"
"Petty theft, lot of trespassing, might have been a grand theft auto somewhere in there, and then I joined the circus."
Bucky laughed, "Serious?"
"Yeah. I got a job helping set up and take down for a circus and when they left I kinda stowed away and they let me stay. I grew up dancing and doing gymnastics, so they taught me aerial silks and rope tricks. I ran errands, took care of the animals, cooked, and eventually even performed."
Bucky narrows his eyes at you, "You're pulling my leg."
"No. It was the 70s. I'll show you some pictures when we get back."
"What exactly are aerial silks?"
"They're sheets of silk you use to perform contortions while kinda flying in the air. I'll show you one day. I still love doing it." Bucky still looked skeptical. "What?" You finally ask when his face was still scrunched up.
"You really have pictures?"
"Yes. Tell me about when you and Steve were kids." Trying to get the subject off of you for a minute. 
You looked across at Bucky and saw a genuine smile on his face for a moment. He launched into a story and was more animated than you had seen before. It was endearing the way his face lit up talking about pre-serum Steve and their antics. He looked young and happy for a few minutes. 
The spell was broken when the waiter delivered the check. Staying true to the bet, Bucky paid and then you walked to the museum a block away. You had already purchased the tickets online and went right in. It was only 12:30 and it seemed to be a slow Tuesday as you were nearly alone in every exhibit. Bucky was enthralled. He went from display to display pointing out observations, wondering at the discoveries, and fascinated with the history. Sometimes even grabbing your hand to follow him. You were enthralled by him. It seemed like for a few hours the weight lifted from his shoulders. 
You stay at the museum until closing and then head back to the tower. Bucky talks nearly the entire way back about the museum exhibits. You thought your heart would burst that your outing made him so happy. 
Heading to the kitchen you look in the fridge. "What do you want for dinner?"
"You pick."
"If I pick, we're ordering pizza."
"Sounds good to me. What movie do you want to watch?"
"You're not sick of me yet?" You smile, amazed that he wanted to spend more time with you.
"No! I mean, you don't have to watch a movie with me. I just thought, ya know, pizza and a movie. You had, uh, mentioned the Star Trek movie yesterday, so I thought maybe..." He trailed off.
"Sounds good to me." You echoed his earlier sentiment and he smiled at you.
You sat on the couch eating pizza and watching the movie. After a while you ended up shifting to lean into Bucky and rest your head on his shoulder.
"You okay?" He asks.
"A little cold. I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" You say, moving away a little. He doesn't answer. Instead he grabs his hoodie and drapes it and his arm over you giving a little squeeze. You snuggle into him. It's a little harder to concentrate on the movie enveloped by his warmth and smell. 
After the movie was over, Bucky looked over at you, "Tired?"
"No, not really. You?"
"What'd you think of the movie?"
"It was interesting. I'd like to see the next one. Right now, I'm interested in seeing some pictures someone told me they have."
"Oh, yeah. Let's go to my room and I'll find them." You stand and stretch your arms over your head bowing your back. When you look at Bucky still sitting on the couch his eyes aren't quite on your face. You clear your throat ostensibly and his eyes snap up to yours while his cheeks gain a little pink tinge. "Come on, Buck." You turn away smiling to yourself. 
You get to your room and find the photo album with pictures from the Seventies in it. Placing it on the bed in front of both of you, you skip the first few pages and flip until you find pictures from the circus. They're starting to fade with age, but there you are riding an elephant, another showing you contorted in the silks, one where you are surrounded by clowns, cooking in a tent, and a few more showing your circus life. 
"You weren't kidding!"
"Of course not! It was actually a pretty fun time in my life. It was easier being accepted there. Once I got past being first of May."
"First of May?"
"Green. New. Takes awhile for circus folk to warm up but they're good to you once they do. They were like a big family." 
"Why'd you decide to leave?"
"SHIELD. They could help me learn to control my powers. And to be able to use them for something good."
"What are these other pictures?" Bucky asks as he flips back to the beginning of the album. 
"Oh!" You say in surprise. You reach for the album but Bucky is already looking at the pictures. Resignedly, you explain, "That was the last family portrait we took."
Bucky looks up at you sorrowfully, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." He goes to hand you back the album.
"No, it's okay. It's been a long time since I looked at them." You point to the next photo. "That was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary."
"Is that the entire town of Mobile?
"No, that's just my grandparents, their kids, and all my first cousins."
"First cousins?!?"
"Yeah, they were prolific. What can I say? My parents were picked on because they only had two of us."
"How old are you here?" He points to a picture of you holding a stuffed bunny.
"Three, I think." The next picture is you holding a baby Luca. You reach out and touch his little cherub cheeks but only feel the cold plastic covering the photo.
"You miss him?"
"Yeah. I guess you never stop. Losing a sibling sucks, ya know? They're the ones that are supposed to be with you through it all. You expect grandparents and parents to die, but your siblings are supposed to be there. Do you?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I miss Rebecca."
"Sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up."
"No, it's okay. But I probably should get some sleep."
Bucky gets up and puts the album back on your shelf. "Night, Santi."
"Night, Bucky." You say in a small voice.
"Hey." He waits until you look up at him. "You okay?"
You force a smile, "Yeah, I'm good."
He hesitates, studying you. 
Finally, you give in to yourself. "Actually, can I have a hug?"
"Absolutely!" He walks over to you taking your hand and pulling you up before wrapping his arms around you. You put your arms around his waist and your head on his shoulder. After a minute you feel a soft kiss pressed to your forehead. "Sweet dreams, Doll."
"You, too." You say as you reluctantly let go. You change into a sleepshirt and get ready for bed. Knowing sleep won't come for a while you pick up a book.
A couple of hours later you feel your stomach twist in knots and a loud grunt issues through the wall followed by "NO!" Getting up quickly you knock on Bucky's door, "Bucky, are you okay?" You listen for a second but only hear another grunt. You knock again, "Bucky?" You say a little louder. 
"Стоп!" Hearing the Russian word from Bucky made your decision. You turn the knob and walk in. Bucky is thrashing a bit on the bed. His right hand is clenched around the sheets.
"Bucky, wake up. Hey. Come on, Buck." You put a knee on the bed and lean over to shake Bucky. The moment you touch his shoulder he sits up. The knife in his left hand lands with a thunk in your side. You hiss at the pain but stay still. "Buck. Bucky, hey." His eyes are far away and you know he hasn't come out of it yet. You put your right hand over his hand gripping the knife and your left on his shoulder suffusing calm into him. "Buck, I'm calming you. You said it was okay. Look at me, darlin'. Hey, hey." You see his eyes begin to focus. Finally, he looks at you. "Good. Hey, love, I need you to let go, okay?" You gently nudge his left hand which is still firmly holding the knife in you. You see him glance down and panic blanches his face. Suffusing calm again you take your left hand and touch his face drawing his attention to yours. "I'm okay. I just need you to let go. Bucky, talk to me."
"I'm so sorry!" Comes out in a panicked whisper as he lets go. 
"Bucky, I'm fine. Healing ability, remember?" You gather the ends of your shirt and brace to pull out the knife. "Mmmm...had to be a serrated one, huh?" You press the shirt to the wound to staunch the blood flow and look at Bucky. He looks shattered. "Bucky, everything's okay."
"I stabbed you." He whispers.
"Better me than anyone else." You give a humorless little laugh. You wipe the knife on part of your shirt and set it down on the nightstand. 
"I stabbed you."
"90 seconds, Bucky. 90 seconds and I'll be healed. No harm, no foul."
"I stabbed you and you're laughing." He looks at you incredulously. 
"What's a little stab wound between friends?" You smile but he still looks lost. "Bucky, another empathic part is I can let you feel how I'm feeling. Can I show you?"
He nods and you put a hand on his. "What do you feel?"
He looks in your eyes finally, "Calm. Caring. Worry for me."
"Exactly. I'm fine. Now, are you okay? You were having a nightmare."
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." You pull him into a hug keeping your bloody side away from him. He puts his right arm around you and runs his left hand up your arm to your neck. Pulling away he looks into your eyes, glances down to your lips, and then back with an almost questioning look. It doesn't take empathic ability to know what he's feeling and your heart twists a little. You raise up a bit and kiss his forehead like he did for you earlier that night.
"I'm gonna get cleaned up. Can I borrow a shirt?" You stand up and that's when Bucky notices you had bunched your shirt up to stem the wound exposing your legs and a pair of peach colored panties. 
Tearing his eyes away he stands up quickly and pulls open a drawer. "Yeah, here, Doll." 
You look in the drawer and pull out a black ribbed tank from the top. "This will work." You say as you head into his bathroom. 
Bucky watches you walk away thinking with the peach colored underwear it almost looked like you weren't wearing anything down below. He shook the thought away. Nice, Buck, you stab her and then ogle her, he thinks to himself. 
You take off the shirt you are wearing and grab a cloth to clean off the blood. After washing your hands you slip on the tank. It comes down just past your butt and almost looks like a dress on you. A very short dress. Staring at yourself in the mirror for a second you can't deny the feelings developing in you. Bucky is...you can't even describe it. Beautiful inside and out. But too often your empathic abilities had interfered with real feelings. You had wanted to kiss him in that moment but the emotional charge was too much. What if that's all it was? The heat of the moment? It was too soon. You'd known him for less than 48 hours. Sighing, you shake off your thoughts and walk back out. Bucky eyes you from where he is sitting on the bed. 
"You okay?" He asks. 
"Yes. See? No harm, no foul." You lift the tank up to show him. 
He raises his left arm and touches your side. The cool touch from his metal hand breaks your skin into goosebumps. You cover his hands with yours and for a moment get lost in his eyes when he looks up at you. 
Breaking eye contact you pull the shirt back down, saying softly "It's late. You should go back to sleep." 
"I don't think I can." He says.
You sit next to him on the bed. "Lay down. Get comfortable. I'll help you."
He lays on his side and hugs his pillow. Running your hands through his hair, you suffuse calm and see the tension slip away a bit. Giving him a minute before suffusing lethargy, you watch as his muscles start to relax. Finally, you suffuse a sleepy feeling. You can't force sleep but have found that when these three feelings combine they make a fairly good sleep cocktail. Bucky's form slowly relaxes and you continue to run your hands through his hair suffusing the sleepy feeling until his breathing evens out. You retrieve your ruined shirt and bloody cloth from the bathroom and the knife from the nightstand. You don't want him to have any reminders when he wakes. Switching off his lamp, you reluctantly head to your own bed. 
Part 3
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Two Gods, One Braincell Ch.7 Epilogue: Quest's End
Summary: Start New Game?
Adrien's head thumped onto the desk stacked high with files, forms and other official documents from the Office of Celestial Sorting. "I can't believe they made us fill out our own paperwork," he groaned without looking up.
"What did ya think was gonna happen, god?" Nino dropped another stack of forms next to the ones already present. "Alya thinks one of the council members is hoping you'll incarnate out of sheer boredom. That way you'll be out of her hair for a century or something.
Kagami sat at a desk next to Adrien. She stamped the paper in front of her, signed it and traced her name in magic before setting it on the completed pile -which was much higher than Adrien's- before starting on the next one.
"If she wanted us out of the way she should have petitioned for us to descend as immortals instead of settling for a single mortal lifespan."
"I wouldn't mind incarnating again," Adrien mumbled thoughtfully without lifting his head.
Nino snorted as he took Kagami's finished pile. "Better hurry up, god. Or Kagami will leave you all on your lonesome."
Adrien suddenly sat upright. "A God of Destruction shouldn't be resigned to filing paperwork! It's unnatural!"
Laughing as he made his way to one of the exits, Nino almost stumbled into the bookshelves full of scrolls and tablets.
Pouting, Adrien slumped back in his seat. "Well it is!"
A smile tugged at Kagami's lips and she let it. "We know. That's why it's so funny."
"I could hear Nino's laugh all the way into the outer court," Marinette said by way of announcing herself. "What're you up to?"
"Marinette!" Adrien opened his eyes wide and innocent. "Nino and Kagami are bullying me!"
"Well, you're the one who agreed to bond with her," Marinette pointed out. "It's not like you didn't know what you were getting into."
"Rude," Adrien and Kagami replied in unison.
Marinette merely grinned smugly.
"If you're not going to assist then away with you," Kagami dismissed only half seriously. "You're distracting Adrien."
Adrien coughed, shifting his eyes out of their cat-like state and looking away from Marinette. Pretending he didn't just try to use her weakness to cute things against her.
A knowing look came into Marinette's eyes. "And here I was, coming to tell you about a certain island to the east." She fanned herself with official-looking paperwork.
Adrien's eyes followed the scroll like a cat staring at his prey.
"The mortals there could really use some help." She glanced at the scroll in her hand as though just noticing it. "Oh! And I just so happen to have signed permission by the council to send a Destroyer and a Storm God! What a coincidence!"
Kagami glanced at Adrien who was practically vibrating with excitement.
"But!" Marinette slowly made to put the divine document away. "I can tell when I'm not wanted. Guess I'll have to find some other deities for the-"
In a blur of shadow the scroll was out of Marinette's hand and in Adrien's. Kagami held her paperwork in place with her arms so it wouldn't blow away in the wind of his movement. Even so, scrolls scattered everywhere.
"Thank you so much Marinette we won't forget this see you soon bye now. Mwuah!" Kissing her forehead Adrien rushed out of the Office of Celestial Sorting. Nearly trampling Nino on his way back.
Marinette blinked at his retreating form. "Well... okay?"
Kagami sighed fondly as she stood. "Always jumping first." She gave a bow of her head to Marinette. "We appreciate your consideration." And then hurried to catch up to Adrien. Dragon tail almost knocking over a bookcase as she shifted at the threshold.
"... No, gods. That's okay. I already got someone to do your paperwork. Yes, I know I'm the best."
"They ran off as soon as you gave them the scroll didn't they, goddess?" Nino picked up some of the scattered papers and set them on the desks.
"Ha! Adrien didn't wait for that!" Marinette turned on her heel, away from the door. "Snatched it right outa my hands like... like..."
"A cat?" Nino suggested with a wry grin.
"Exactly!" Marinette snapped her fingers for emphasis.
Nino couldn't help but laugh at her annoyance. "At least you got my god out before he tore the place down... again."
Marinette gave a long-suffering sigh as she plopped dramatically onto a nearby chair. "Oh, what am I to do with such unruly deities?"
"Send them to deal with natural disasters, apparently," Nino deadpanned, eyeing her suspiciously. "I thought Gods of Destruction were supposed to cause disasters?"
"Details!" Marinette waved this away as she attempted to hide her smirk with a fan she just materialized. "Besides, Adrien will figure it out." He always does.
It wasn't long before Kagami caught up with Adrien at the celestial bridge. Despite his eagerness to leave the heavenly realm the bridge kept to its own time. "Jumping at the chance for another quest? You never change, Adrien."
Adrien's feline features weren't good at expressing emotion but she saw his amusement nonetheless. "I don't see you slowing down," he replied, barely slowing down.
"Ha! You didn't even let Marinette finish before dashing off!" Kagami accused in fond exasperation, a growl unintentionally coloring her words.
Ears pulling back, Adrien pouted. His kitty-cat eyes far more effective as an actual cat.
"What are you looking at me for? Marinette's the one who's going to give you an earful!" Kagami teased.
"If I do well she won't have anything to complain about," he said, not quite convincingly.
"Do you even know what the intervention is supposed to be?"
Halting suddenly, Adrien shifted out of his animal form. Kagami jerking to a stop as she passed him.
Nose wrinkling in distaste, Adrien unfurled the scroll. "Something about an island? I'm sure..." He blinked at the paper in surprise.
Shifting, Kagami raised an eyebrow as Adrien trailed off. She leaned over his shoulder to see what had him so out of sorts. "...A volcano?"
Adrien jumped at her voice, startled back into action. "No," he scolded the scroll. "No no no." Adrien glanced from the document to Kagami's face and back again. "I don't stop volcanoes from erupting! That is the opposite of what I do!"
"Heh," Kagami chuckled as laughter built in her chest. Growing rapidly, leaking out as small snickers until it escaped in one loud, drawn out laugh. Hand covering her mouth in a vain attempt at stifling it.
Adrien narrowed his eyes at Kagami as she caught her breath. "You think this is funny?"
"Look at it this way," Kagami stared shamelessly into his eyes, lips pulling into a smirk. "You can hardly make things worse."
"Ha-ha," Adrien replied sarcastically.
"It's not so bad," Kagami placed a hand on his chest as she looked up at him, "It is a tropical island, after all."
Cheeks reddening, Adrien bit his lip to keep from smiling. "I'm sure it'll be lovely buried in lava."
Kagami sighed, pulling away and turning from him. "You are lucky Mother approves of you-"
Adrien's arms wrapped around her from behind. "Luck has nothing to do with it," he murmured into her hair.
Leaning into his embrace ever so slightly, Kagami allowed herself a small smile. "Oh?" she asked innocently.
"She knows I'm a great catch for a dragon as impressive as her daughter."
"Interesting," Kagami pondered noncommittally, taking a step forward. Instead of keeping her still Adrien stepped with her. Not removing his arms. "And why is that?"
Squeezing her lightly Adrien listed some of the reasons he thought Tomoe had accepted their bond so easily. "Amazing sword skills, strong ties to the Gods of Creation, highest efficiency record among Gods of Destruction-"
"Exactly!" Kagami turned so she could look him in the eye. "A little volcano is nothing we can't handle!"
"...Heh." Adrien leaned down to place a kiss on Kagami's lips. "Always know what to say," he teased.
Hardly. "Of course!" Kagami looped her arm with Adrien's and pulled him into a stroll. "Don't I always?"
A spark of mischief came into Adrien's eye. "Mm, yes. I especially like your draconian determination."
Kagami shoved him. "Draconian?"
Adrien laughed as he corrected his stumble and began running. Heartbeat accelerating as Kagami gave chase.
"Draconian!?" Kagami demanded, a predatory grin spreading across her face.
Shifting, Adrien leapt out of the way as Kagami's scarlet scales coiled around the space he just vacated. She growled in annoyance and lunged for him again.
Evading her, Adrien's joy filled the sky surrounding the celestial bridge. Kagami thrilled at the chase and in his laughter. She felt like a child, barely a century old. Such was Adrien's presence in her life. And Kagami was determined not to let go.
Their game continued even as they passed into the lower world. Speeding toward a new adventure and all that lay beyond.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Broken Bones And New Homes
Clark has a surprise and you fuck up.
Warnings:swearing, injury, angst
A/n:so a little bit of fluff and angst 
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Broken Bones And New Homes
Clark sat back in his chair as Diana took the young girl to get settled and was fixed with a look from the others he sighed.
"She was still doubting herself she needed to see it for herself" Bruce spoke up first unimpressed.
"Yes but it could have gone down hill fast! What if it had pierced you! She'd never have forgiven herself or trusted anyone again!" Clark sighed he knew that Bruce had a point.
"But there was also another reason I was testing her as well like she did to you earlier ...did you see? She was holding back, even when she was angry she found the power to hold it back she didn't want to hurt me not for a second she just wanted to scare me...shes used to scaring people off. I wanted to see if she was truly wants to harm or not anger reveals your true intentions shes good through and through..." Arthur nodded
"He is right Bruce she held back it wasn't nice to watch but the kid did good tho... it was unnerving to watch her have that much restraint ....aren't teens meant to you know? loose their shit she held it together." Bruce nodded it was horrible in a way seeing the control she needed for herself Clark was right she'd had to grow up fast just like them but unlike them she will have someone there for her question was who, tho he had a guess already.
"So whose gonna take her Legally?"
"I will she needs stability, normality but still someone who can keep her in line can you get the paperwork done?" Bruce nodded smirking at Clark, looks like he was taken with the girl in a way they all were Bruce would take her in in a heart beat but with the others it wouldn't be a good idea so this time he will settle for being an uncle, doesn’t mean he cant tease the big man tho? Does it
"Your sure your not even letting anyone else what if I want to-"
"No I'm taking her, she will fit right in at home with me and konner, he has always wanted a sister to look after we can give her a family that she can relax around no offence Bruce but if anything would happen at the manor, your boys are strong but...." Bruce waved him off laughing
"I was messing with you,I know what you mean I will get on it first thing" Clark rolled his eyes at him, Victor pulled up her file on the screen.
"Whoa, her file is .....large shes been through.... to much I don't know haw shes so....stable Clark your gonna have your work cut out for you... how she hasn't already gone mad is beyond me." Barry came closer frowning
"She has a police record?" Victor nodded sadly scanning through the data quickly Clark got up coming over to them
"You found her file? When?" Victor didn't bother looking up at him just pointing to Barry
"He took her bag to her room when you had your little heart to heart and got her name y/n l/n birthday April seventh, born in central city moved to Gotham with her parents at six months old... Clark shes been through a lot its..."
"Tell me I want to know what happened." Victor side and continued
"There’s nothing until she was five when her parents died...police report says parents were only identified by dna because....."
"Because what?" Victor looked down then to Arthur everyone was tense suddenly Diana came into the room hear most of it so far she can gather whats they are on about.
"Bodies crushed beyond recognition, no teeth remaining for a dental record to be found, official cause of death was crushed by ceiling, flats collapsed due to breech in building regulations, no one was charged for it. Child found in flat had resided by parents bodies for three days before being found, no one knows how she survived but she was unharmed and thought the police were there to arrest her, she was under the impression she did it."
"She must have tried to save them and failed...that why she was frightened of the police" Clark summarized  victor nodded
"That’s what she said in her report that she did it she couldn't stop the ceiling, after that there is nothing on the incident apart from information about the therapy she should under go and where they sent her. Children's home north Gotham on Presington street." Bruce swore
"Fucking hell that's a shit hole, been pouring money into it for years they were pocketing it as bonuses only went down for it three years ago two deaths to malnutrition" everyone winced things did not look good
"The next eight entries are from the weeks after, mental evaluations, says here she started hurting other kids in the home lashing out and became aggressive to staff, she claimed they were accidents that she couldn't help it that she had powers, they didn't listen until one kid ended up missing an eye... can understand it looks like a vicious attack"
"Probably bullying, it happens a lot to the new kids, if they attacked her then it'd protect her right?" Victor nodded to Bruce and sighed moving on
"They certified her had to drug her to get her out of the home, Jesus Christ they put her in a mental unit in Gotham general child's psych ward inpatient  where she stayed under various levels of sedation for a majority of her time there until being released at ten years old showing no signs of instability or any indication she was a danger to herself and others a successful case. By law she couldn't return to the group home so she was fostered between then and a year ago shes had foster homes all across Gotham. Then a year ago she was on a trip with school doing a big beach clean up, it was a campaign the school was behind to help clean up the oceans? they kids were going to protest at Washington....never made it tho...it was when the atlanteans threw out the trash, oil tanker landed on her class's camp sight, two survived her and her student teacher....he said she had held it for around two minuets but most of the others were to scared to move the ones that did couldn't get out of the way and she passed out and well you can guess the rest.... no one believed him when he told them what he'd seen....he killed himself four days later. Since then its been petty thievery and some assaults, shes beaten up a few known drug dealers and gang members.... The police reports are mostly about injuries from dragging her back to foster homes three in the past year, seventeen in the past six, it was more frequent when she was younger, she under goes psychological evaluations once a year to see if her 'schizophrenia' is coming back. But that it" Diana covered her eyes rubbing the bridge of her nose shaking her head at the humans stupidity.
"So they told her she's mad? For four nearly five years they locked her away? made her believe she was crazy? And drugged her" She leaned back feeling sorry for the girl she'd been put into a brutal system at the most devastating time in her life, shed had to deal with it alone. Bruce sighed he knew Gotham wasn't the best place for an orphan... but that seemed harsh even to his standards.
"She hid it to seem normal, so she could get out of the hospital no wonder she so guarded she had to outsmart Drs and psychiatrists when she was a child" everyone spoke apart from Arthur he sat there fists clenched seething."Arthur! what happened you couldn't have known" he growled he knew that, there wasn't anything he could so but still it irked him knowing that it had happened, that shed tried to save her class mates from his people-his brother and hadn't been able to.
"I know....I know that but that is what triggered all this again isn’t it? That’s what made it come back stronger and now she cant control it? The reason shes been on the streets...And I was here laughing and jokeing around with her? When she knew it was me-my people who did that? How she didn't fuck me up right away I don’t know cos if it was the other way around I would have" Barry sighed before speaking quietly.
"Well doesn't that show she doesn't blame you? I mean we all knew that something big happened so I don’t think she blames you... she had every chance to blow up at you about it when she explained a little herself but she didn't..I wouldn't worry." Clark nodded agreeing with Barry then continued.
"Be there for her now, if she wants to talk she will.." Arthur nodded letting out an angry breath that was all he could do now, be there for her.
"Clark could you go check she's in bed I gave her half an hour to have a shower and be in bed by" he nodded hearing the others all start making their way to their rooms deciding to call it a night. He slowed opening the door poking his head in he smiled seeing you curled up in the blankets not asleep yet but near enough he quickly shut the door. He was determined to become the father you needed he would talk to Konner tomorrow about it, he would be happy having a little sister but Clark would have to explain to his son what was going on with her before introducing them...And his mom he will need her help.
"AAHHH!" You screamed bloody murder when there was a excruciating crunch then you slammed into the floor, tho it was softer then it should have been your head struck it hard with a bone cracking force, you groaned laying there sobbing and gasping as your arm head and ribs were in agony, seeing blood, you cried harder heaving and  panicking when your vision went fuzzy then heard the door be all but ripped off its hinges and saw someone you didn’t recognize, he looked around a year or so older then you black hair, blue eyes. He kneeled beside you then looked up inspecting your arm wincing there was bone....
You woke up stretching and yawning it had been three weeks since you got here...and things were pretty sweet, you had a comfy bed free reign of the kitchen and a private bathroom. You hadn't really trained with the others yet just a few practice sessions that ended reasonably well most of the time you'd read, using various books to help you understand what was possible then sort of felt your way about the place and kept to yourself as much as you could which wasn't much as you found they all wanted you to feel welcome....It was hard not to become close but you kept saying to yourself it was temporary despite what Diana had said Clark hasn't been near you since the first night, only popping in briefly then off again for days on end it didn't give you much hope for the future.
But you assumed by now they all knew the story so you cant blame them, no one wants to be around a mad meta-human so its understandable...not that your mad at least you didn't think you were just gifted and confused. You quickly threw your hair up out of the way ignoring your thoughts, you’d rather not fall into that little debate again for now, wanting to just get your powers under control and get out of here before you get to attached. Taking your current architecture book, this you was using to find different types of structural systems which is the strongest and most reliable ect and made your way to the training room, today you were testing something out...A theory you'd been working on basically you wanted to make some stairs see how many things you could hold at once.
You opened the door to the room you’d been working in. It was tall and must be about ten meters across each way not the biggest in the watchtower but it was enough for you. You placed the book at the door open on a page depicting floating stairs. It should be easy just platforms from the walls big enough to step on you flared your power feeling your way around then took a deep breath to the side stretching out a hand to the wall, metal with concrete behind it, you started moving one foot up pulling a platform from the wall then another above this continued until you was a fair height you opened your eyes looking down you’d made it half way up the tall room you smiled it had worked!
You jumped for joy then moved faster paying less attention trying to force it on auto pilot climbing higher you faltered a little the next step was a little uneven, it looked tilted and .....iffy you gulped looking down only now realizing just how high your were you slumped back against the wall a little nervous, maybe you should have had someone in here with you but hindsight was 20/20 staying still for a few moments you took deep breaths collecting yourself, that was enough you thought you turned placing both hands on the wall completely freaked out as you made a slow descent making sure two feet were firmly placed on each step before you moved to the next as you went down the stairs you got maybe eight steps then all hell broke loose.
A few fell away as you panicked but tried to breath through it only for more to slip back into the wall in your addled mind you panicked watching the steps one by one collapse you made a snap decision and made a leap of faith crying out as you smacked your ribs on it making you try and scream you couldn't make a sound winded , you scrabbled on the step flailing legs trying to find purchase your eyes widened watching as the rest disappeared then the one you held crumbled away you screamed pulling at the ground to help but in the confusion you only smashed a few pillars into you one clipped your waving arm
"Shit shit hold on y/n, I'll get dad just stay here okay? Don’t-don’t go to sleep okay?" He dissapeared then returned seconds later with Clark Diana and Barry close behind. Clark swore seeing your crumpled form running to sit beside you, he didn't need his x-ray vision to see that you'd broken your arm as it had snapped and was sticking out crudely at an odd angle he sat by your head stroking your hair whispering softly to you trying to calm you down as you panicked crying and hyperventilating.
"Shh shh its okay, I've got you I've got you, Barry can you tell Bruce whats happened we need a car, ambulance or something, Diana can you help hold her still I've got to move her ,get her to the hospital, I can't fly her there could cause an infection or something." Diana crouched beside you shushing you trying to help calm you, moving your head to look at her you tried moving but screamed loud, Clark placed a hand on your tummy holding you still.
"Don’t move y/n don’t move Let me do it okay? Diana I need her on her back can you hold her shoulder I don’t want to move her arm to much Yet ready one... two.. three" everyone winced as you cried out loud your pain echoed in the room
"Shh shh its okay your doing really well I'm here its going to be okay...Konner can you get a cloth we are going to have to stop the bleeding" he looked nervous
"Can't you just laser-" Clark shook his head
"Shes human and will need a cast for it to heal kon we can't explain that in hospital, a clean cloth konner now!" Bruce came running in with a medium black box he swore loud seeing you on the floor.
"Bruce whats that?" He ignored Diana and quickly stopped by you opening the case pulling out a small needle and vial filling the needle with half a dose he would use himself.
"Tramadol, I always have some here incase...Clark I need a vein find one!" Clark moved from your sight making you whine trying to move your head to him. Clark pointed one out on the inside of your arm Bruce’s hand shook he was stopped by Barry.
"We can't just give her tramadol! If they give her morphine it could cause a reaction, We need to get her to the hospital...We can't explain how we gave her tramadol" you looked up as you felt someone else by your broken arm the blue eyed teen went to press the cloth hard over the wound on your arm Diana called out to him
"No head, head the arm will stop bleeding before the head!" He nodded shuffling forward holding it to your head you cried out.
"FFFUUUUCCKK! Fuckfuckfuck noNOOOONO PLEASE STOP!" You screamed at him Clark looked over to a distraught konner who hesitated.
"Keep it there, hold on y/n we get you to a hospital soon just hold on okay sweetheart"
"Yeah don’t go towards any white lights" that brought on a whole new flood of tears as everyone screamed
"BARRY!" you weept as Diana cradled your head in her lap holding you still for konner and making sure your arm was left alone.Bruce was already on the phone to the ambulance requesting one to come over immediately two blocks down where Clark could take you as Clark repeated what he saw.
"Snapped right through the radius and ulna, broken ribs and cracked head, heavy bleeding" Bruce recounted what Clark had said
"Five minuets away okay yes we already moved her to stem the bleeding, shes pale already we will be outside yes" he put the phone down.
"Five minuets we have to move her they think shes on third" Clark bit his lip you cried begging them not to touch you.
"Konner, Barry open the doors for me" you shook your head at him as he moved slowly.
"NO! Please don’t Clark-Clark please don't it hurts I don't want to move" he ignored you taking the cloth from konner pressing it firmly
"Hey hey its okay, just breath I promise I'll be so quick you might not even notice okay? But we need to get you to the hospital, now deep breath in and out that's it good girl breathe in and out" he used the the moment you breathed out to quickly move your arm as gently and fast as possible. Your breathing hitched then you screamed again feeling the boned move.
"YOU FUCK YOU FUCKING FUCK!" He closed his eyes trying to calm himself down he felt bad but it had to be done he couldn't move you anywhere with it dangling about, opening his eyes he crouched over you wiping at the tears hushing you.
"Good girl all done the worst is over now ,I'm so proud of you, now we can move you without touching it again , we don’t need to move it anymore" 
"Y-you promise?" He nodded moving tucking you up into his arms the stood up with you pulling you against his chest making sure to stem the blood from your head wound, the bleeding front your arm had slowed but he was worried you were drowsy, very weak you head lulled back eyes unfocused and you was very pale.
"I need something to cover her shes cold, shes gonna pass out" konner shrugged off his heavy coat placing it over her gently tucking it down between her and his dad making sure it was secure.
"The apartments on 3rd right?" Bruce nodded
"Y/n close your eyes honey" you closed them as tight as you could still moaning in pain, it was unbearable there was a rush of air then nothing you'd passed out.
When you come to you were in a white room with huge animal stickers across the walls you grunted then whined at the fluorescent lights you moved your arm to your face noticing a thick bandage. Looking around you saw you was in a private hospital room. Scanning the room you noticed Clark slumped in the chair beside you and the teen from before. The door opened and you saw a woman you didn't recognize she looked kind and chilled out holding a cardboard drinks holder with three cups in it, she stopped short and smiled looking relieved.
"You know you gave them quite a scare...I haven't seen Clark that frightened since...well I don't think I have ever seen him that frightened" you moved sitting up wincing she quickly placed the cups down
"Whoa slowly honey that's it slowly are you in any pain? They said the medication would last longer but you now how doctors are..."you shook your head no.
"Groggy, err what happened?" You trailed off as Clark stirred beside you then blinked his face lit up as he saw you awake and he quickly grabbed you tugging you in for a hug you yelped a little in surprise making the bed shake small pins forming on the surface as it tried to stop the offending body that launched itself at you, you caught it in time, he tucked your head under his chin running his fingers across your scalp holding you for a few seconds then pulled back holding your shoulders looking stern.
"Don’t you ever do that again, you hear me you almost gave me a heart attack! You nearly bled out! You don’t train alone ever! Not until I know you can handle it Do you understand me?!" You nodded slowly at him not quite with it then looked at the woman who stood at the bottom of the bed the blue eyed boy got up standing next to where Clark sat at the head of the bed.
"Clark? Where? Whats going on?" He looked down at you kissing your head he sighed tucking you under his arm.
"You lost focus and panicked you fell about twelve foot, you had a nasty break snapped your ulna and radius, broke three ribs and cracked your head open, you lost a lot of blood, they had to operate on your arm and you've had a few blood transfusions" you looked at your wrapped arm then followed the canula that tied you to a beeping machine with an iv bag that was half full of clear liquid you gulped.
"W-why is it beeping whats wrong?" The woman came over sitting on your right side straightening your arm making the beep stop
"Its when you cut off the tube, there see? Now it can carry on"  you looked from her then to Clark and blinked.
"Oh god don’t tell me Bruce had to pay for all that..." Clark shared a look with the other two in the room.
"Well he would have happily you know that but it just so happens Ma's insurance covers the whole family soo" you froze snapping your head up to him.
"I’m not family" He smiled at you then nodded to the woman sitting on your right.
"This is my mother Martha and my son Konner....as of yesterday they have been your brother and grandmother....Diana told you I was going to adopt you its only just been finalized, Konner and I came to get you yesterday we wanted to surprise you then he heard you screaming ...we've been working on your room at home and on the farm for the past few weeks, its why I haven't been around much I had a lot of paper work and court appearance's Bruce helped me through it all... but its all done....your officially  y/n Y/l/n Kent now." You bit your lip looking down shaking your head. No they couldn't have. You sniffed. Then felt the woman place her hand on your back rubbing it.
"Hey hey what the matter? Its okay" you shook your head using your good hand to wipe at your eyes trying desperately not to cry but failed miserably.she wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you in letting you cry on her you just kept shaking your head not willing to believe that someone had actually chose to keep,you, it had to be a mistake, or some sick joke. No one adopted teens, once you hit twelve you aged out.
"Hey whats with the tears? We don't look that bad do we?" You shook your head at the woman pulling back from her.
"No I-you cant" you couldn't even  get the words out around your sobs, you was confused and happy and terrified all in one. Clark interrupted
"Who says I cant? Your ours now and your coming to live with us" you hiccuped still trying to bite back your small shuddering sobs.
"I-I don't have to move again? And I get to stay?" He wrapped you up in his arms again .
"No your not going any where now, your stuck with us and when we leave here we are all going to the farm for a while to settle then you'll be moving back into metropolis with me and Konner...why don't you introduce yourself Konner?" He moved forward smiling shyly
"Im glad your okay now....don't do it again tho it wasn't...nice watching you bleed out like that" you smiled at him wiping your eyes trying to stop the tears.
"Thank you for finding me....if you hadn't I don't know what would have happened.. and I’m sorry for screaming at you..." he waved it off"Its okay you were hurt so of course you would scream at me, and I couldn’t let my little sister die before picking on her at least once wheres the fun in that." You fidgeted with the blanket.
"Y-you don’t mind having me around? Even near your grandma? I’m not exactly safe" he shook his head going to speak but was cut off by his grandma taking hold of your chin.
"No you are not dangerous," you held up your arm but she shook her head
"Yes so it was a stupid decision But you wont do it again, even with your powers your human just like me and need to be more careful, besides I'm pretty sure I can handle it, he got his laser vision when he was seven, try that for dangerous" you looked to Clark unsure but he shrugged nodding.
"Its true she raised me and came out fighting any way we've already established that you can acclimatize your powers to other people nothing happens with Diana Bruce or Barry anymore me and konner just need to hang around until you reach that point hence why we are going to the farm for a while first."
"How do you know that?" He sighed
"I may not have been around but Bruce kept me updated" you looked down again Martha sat back smiling you were lost, just as lost as konner had been but she knew you'd come around it will take time you haven't had anyone for a long time, Clark had let both her and konner know what had happened and about your power she was excited to have a granddaughter around the house for a while.
"Plus it will be good to get you away from the city for a while, whens the last time you got out of the city and had some fresh air?" You shook your head tilting it a bit
"Never left Gotham before" she smiled at you
"Well are you in for a shock, huge open spaces fresh air its really something"  Clark smiled as you relaxed konner piped up"It really is, there's lots of space to let loose and you can practice your power thing in the garden" you looked to Clark who smiled brightly at you
"Yes its just about time to start planting crops so you can help out on the fields and in the potting barn" you smiled eyes lighting up
"I've never grown nothing before, can I grow tomatoes And cucumber?" Martha nodded at you making you glow.
"After you catch up on your classes, your nearly a eight months behind in every subject" you frowned at him shaking his head
"What no I'm not-" he leaned back crossing his arms at you
"Yes you are, I was given your transcripts you have been slowly falling behind since switching to online so we have a strict schedule in place that your going to follow to catch up, konner will be there to he is doing online as well so your going to have a classmate" you looked at konner stumped.
"Is he serious?"
"Deadly I’m afraid, but I will help you so don’t sweat it" you nodded you didn’t mind really it will be nice having someone who really cared who wasn’t paid to do it you smiled leaning back a little Clark caught you moving in to quickly kiss your head
"I'm sure it wont be that bad" the door opened and a doctor came in with a smile crossing the room quickly standing at the bottom of the bed.
"So how is the patient today? Well your up which is good any pain at all?" You shook your head curling into Clark....You didn't like doctors one bit. He stood at the end of your bed reading the clipboard.
"Well that’s good" he smiled to you then began talking to Clark making you frown a little it was odd...being treated like a kid, when your an orphan people tend to treat you different older they know your more independent but now your doctor was bypassing you opting to speak about you not to you, Martha caught your confusion and patted your hand.
"Her blood is back to normal and the ob's are fine, I see no reason to keep,her in any longer there’s no fever or anything that could show an infection so you can probably leave today, just need to remove the iv and get a cast put on I will have someone come up to take you down for that in the next hour or so." Clark nodded then spoke
"Is it going to scar?" The doctor hesitated"It was a nasty break, clean cut but nasty it probably will leave a scar but I'm not sure how bad it will probably just be a small one where the bone came through the skin" you gasped
"It came through? Ew.... did someone get a picture?" konner laughed nodding moving to pull out his phone making the adults sigh
"Hell yeah look" you did immediately regretting it.
"OH FUCK I’m gonna be sick, we are white meat....looks like a chicken fillet" you bent over heaving Clark sighed rubbing your back you hissed as the movement pulled on your ribs.
"Kon put it away, what about her ribs will they heal? And her head?"
"Head will be fine the stitches will dissolve and her ribs will be if she takes it easy, the bandage she had on now will help but she has to go slow and come back for a check up" he flipped the chart
"Metropolis? I will arrange for you to go there for the check up" Clark corrected him
"Could you make it Smallville medical center? We are going to stay there for a while, I’m thinking if she wont listen to me she will listen to grandma" you flushed feeling a strange warmth in your chest as he said that....this was going to take a while to get used to. The doctor smiled chuckling
"Now that does sound like a good idea, cast will be on for a minimum of seven weeks...in her case probably longer."
"Will she get a color one?" The doctor nodded to konner
"Well we have a pretty bright pink-"
"Black....I want black" he stuttered looking for help from the others who all shrugged
"I don’t think we have black at the moment there’s pink,purple, lime green, orange and blue but you can ask when you get there. Now I’m going to go and cal a nurse to get that iv out." You blinked as he left the room.
"Well he was fucking rude barely spoke to me....just you I'm going on trust pilot what was his name again?" Martha laughed and Clark snorted
"Its called having a dad, I sort out the adult stuff now remember? You just be a kid" you faltered looking down it will take time, Clark cast a look over you to Martha who shook her head konner sensed the awkwardness and quickly interrupted.
"Can I draw on your cast....never drawn on one before." You regarded konner for a second"You gonna draw a dick on it?" He shook his head smirking
"Okay but if you do draw a dick on it I'm gonna draw one on your face in your sleep....just saying"
"No one is drawing dicks on any one" Clark rolled his eyes at the two teens, he'd admit he was a little worried about how you two would be but something tell's him your both going to be fine, you both had been crying out for someone who you couldn't accidentally hurt and that was going to be your starting point, no doubt there was going to be bumps along the way but for now he was happy, his family was growing happy and healthy he couldn't ask for more than that.
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Take a Hint.
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↠ Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji
↠ Warning: College AU! Fukurodani Volleybal Team!(with managers) Shy Akaashi! Popular Bokuto! Slight NSFW, Fluffy
↬ Word Count: 3,912
Summary: First year college student, Akaashi Keiji begins his new life away from the comfort of his home solitude. Growing up to be an introvert, Akaashi had a hard time gaining friends and fitting in. But what happens to someone when they've met a rowdy senior who somehow slithers their way into their lives and becomes their only friend? Or maybe more.
⇢ Day 2: Obliviousness/Pinning, Roomates, College AU @bokuakaweek2020
It really is terrifying for some to move out of the comfort of their house and their personal room to move into a dorm for their first year in college. For some it seemed fun and adventurous, only because they were an extrovert.
Unlike Akaashi, a man with few words, was an introvert. Sure he used to play volleyball back in his highschool days— even got himself the spotlight as their schools top tier setter, but he believes he could never match the other monsters such as Atsumu Miya, Kageyama Tobio and former captain of an opposing school, Oikawa Tooru. To him, he was nothing but an average person trying to get a good grade and a college degree and good job and die just like that.
His mother did try to tell him to atleast make some friends during his days in highschool so he wouldn't be so lonely. He couldn't say he can't do it due to his facial expression and blunt words. He couldn't help it, it was already part of his charisma. Now, he wished he wasn't so alone as he carries a box of his belongings in a crowded hallway to the dorms. Seeing other freshmen and seniors helping out each other was one thing he secretly envied. He wanted a friend too, but he was just clueless on how to even make one.
Keeping his head lowered and muttering small, soft excuses on his way to his dorm, he manages to make his way smoothly away from the crowd, thinking they might've been whispering stuff about him being odd when clearly no one even saw him pass through.
Rummaging in his pocket for the key, he pulls out the small metallic object. But before he could thrust the key up into the doorknob, it flung open.
"Oh? Are you my roommate!?"
The chattering hallway was immediately silenced as the mega phone like tone of voice dominated the entire atmosphere. He was a loud person, Akaashi thought.
"Y-yes, but you may want to keep it do—"
"Ah? What are you nervous about! These guys," he points behind Akaashi with a grin, "They're all my buds! Right? Hey!" he starts as the students behind Akaashi laughed and followed his lead, "Hey, hey, hey!!"
It surprised the black haired male to see them, even the mean looking ones just go along with this mans quirks. He must be popular then.
"Anyways, come in! I'll show ya around." Bringing his hand on Akaashi's smaller frame from behind, he flinches from the contact and squeaks silently with the door clicking behind him closed. Sighing, he takes a long look at each corner of the dorm. It only held two beds from each side and two study tables. Typical.
He then reviews over his roommate's side of the dorm, it wasn't as neat as he expected from him. His bag was wode open with papers bulging out, his sheets were torn off the mattress, and what caught his eye was a volleyball jersey displayed on his pillow.
So that's why he was so popular, he thought.
"Sorry about the mess there, didn't expect my roommate to come until tomorrow." Bokuto follows Akaashi's eyes, giving him a sheepishly smile while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "But enough about that, I forgot to introduce myself." he swung his right arm toward Akaashi, "My name's Bokuto, Bokuto Koutarou, second year college student."
Fumbling with the box, Akaashi quickly places it down on his side and bows in respect, "Sorry, I didn't know you were a senior....Senpai." he can feel his skin crawl with goosebumps from the honorific rolling out of his tongue like a female character in a shonen manga, "I'm Akaashi Keiji, first year college student. Thank you for having me here."
After that small introduction Akaasgi managed to pull off, he was giving himself a pat on the back for actually interacting with someone normally with out bluntly saying anything out of the blue.
Or so, he thought.
"A-ah, no, it's fine. You can just lay off the honorifics, Kaashi. Bokuto is fine."
He was caught off guard by the sudden nickname he was given. I guess they were in that bases now. Akaashi gets up from his position and gives him a small nod, "Very well, Bokuto."
The room fell into a deep silence, other than the sound of Akaashi's stuff being carefully put away properly. His other stuff were still downstairs in his mother's car, he'd have to hurry un packing. But his movements were not only slow, nor careful, it was as if he was trying not to mess up or do something embarrassing as he felt golden eyes just grazing at the back of his head.
"Say, Kaashi," flinching again from Bokuto's sudden call, "Do you play volleyball? You have pretty big hands for a small boy like you."
"Have you been watching me?" that's what he wanted to say, instead he was flustered and pushed up his glasses to hide his already sweaty self.
"I used to be a setter."
Putting his leg down, Bokuto's eyes lightens up with a sparkle, "Really!? Then join the volleyball club here!" jumping off of his bed while looking at Akaashi with hope glittering his golden eyes.
"There's a volleyball club here?" to Akaashi, all he thought of college was just study, libraries, and cafeteria. He didn't stop to think if there were clubs like the ones during his highschool days.
"Of course! It would've been boring to study if we didn't atleast have a sports club. So, will ya join?" egging him, Bokuto was on his feet awaiting for the males answer.
Ah, that was too blunt.
"EHH?! Why not? You must be a pretty good setter!" His eyes trail at the tips of his seniors hair. They were dropping down as if they too were also feeling his emotions. Afraid that he might've hurt the males feelings, he quickly apologized and explained.
"Sorry, it's just, I think there will be mroe better setters for your team, Bokuto."
"Hm? But we don't even have a setter."
Akaashi's mouth closes, not knowing how to tell Bokuto that he was just not the type to be outgoing and indulging himself into prying eyes. Sure, he was able to sought out his passion in volleyball back in middle school and highschool, but that was only because he was never noticed by some people. During official games, he'd only have his hair slightly grown a bit to hide his eyes whenever he plays to avoid feeling thw pressure by the crowd. Sometimes, he'd allow himself to be seated during an entire game and watch his other setter take his on his role.
Yet somehow on his third year, he manages to catch the title of being captain.
"I'm just not cut out for it, Bokuto." he twiddled with his fingers from both habit and to ease his sweaty palms, "I'm not a pretty good setter."
"Show me first, and I'll be the one to comment." Bokuto huffs and crosses his arms with a childlike pout forming on his mouth, "And for the record, I think you're pretty."
And that was the beginning of Akaashi's heart always beating harder whenever he was with Bokuto.
After four months of adjusting into the new world, Akaashi had gone through the months according to his neatly made schedule. But even so, the past four months was also filled with Bokuto's never ending pleads for him to join the volleyball club and be their setter.
Which leads to him now panting in his sweaty attire with Bokuto still high on stamina and determination.
"One more, Kaashi. Give me a good toss!" with that being said, the setter runs into his position after one of their teammate's had flung the ball up. With long fingers easily grazing the ball and fitting his hands perfectly, Akaashi delivers it to his right to where Bokuto had already sprung up with his feet.
Like a big bang, the ball sounded as it looked squished by the floor after having the ace smash it down. Pants were heard from all players, but Akaashi paid no attention to the sweat dripping on his forehead nor was feeling exhausted. His eyes were more focused on the way Bokuto had spike the ball and landed perfectly on his feet.
And it was oddly satisfying for Akaashi to keep seeing his only friend send him straight into an awe.
That being said, it wasn't the only thing that was seen by just him, but the fact that he has done it ever since he has gotten in the team, it was so obvious to everyone that he was staring at their ace.
No one bothered to say a word about it, but being with an airheaded captain, at some point without Akaashi by the distance, they would run forward to him and say, "Looks like you've caught a really rare attention there, Bokuto."
And it always ends with, "How do you catch someone's attention though?"
Blowing a whistle far from the team had broken his stare from the captain. Before any of them could gather up, there were cheering from both above and below the sidelines of the gym.
"Bokuto senpai! You did so good!"
"What an amazing spike!"
"You really are an unstoppable ace!"
Most of them were consist of females. From senior to freshmen, they seemed to be oogling more on his physical appearance more than his passion according to Akaashi. It had been like this ever since he joined, every end of their practice, his senior would always be crowded in a herd of praises and swooning ladies. It was said by his teammates that Bokuto was a sucker for praises, and since he was well known to this university everyone of his adoring fans knew that about him.
And it made his insides churn into an unpleasant twist to see him casually talking to them, more so letting them touch him so freely.
"Akaashi, you seem troubled." another one of his senior who was at the same class as Bokuto, Yukie had spoken as she passes him his water bottle. Looking at to where his eyes were seconds ago, she could see Bokuto and couple of males but more on females gather around him with another round of praising and some gifts given.
"Bokuto has always been gaining a lot of attention ever since he entered the campus," Yukie sighs, "It's getting really annoying, we can't even finish a simple meeting after games." looking back at Akaashi, she let's out a small flinch when she saw him looking almost depressed by staring at Bokuto.
"I wish they'd leave him for his peace." no, that wasn't what he meant. Feelings were not a stranger to Akaashi, he wasn't oblivious of his own emotions. He knows what he has between him and the ace, and knowing that and seeing something like this happen all the time crushed him. The only thing the setter didn't know was how obvious he was pinning after the ace to his teammates and managers.
"Hey, hey, Bokuto senpai," calls out by a random girl, "Who's that guy over there, the one wearing number 5." she points at Akaashi, who now averted his eyes immediately away from Bokuto and started talking to Yukie.
"Yeah, I don't think we've seen him before."
"Isn't he that nerd from Class 1?"
"I think sensei offered me a tutor from him."
"Wasn't he wearing glasses? He looks kinda hot without them."
Each comment passes to Bokuto's ears made him bite the insides of his cheeks. There was no way they were going after Akaashi.
"Ah, well, that over there ladies is our setter, Akaashi Keiji. He just joined in a month ago so he's still kinda shy." Konoha, another close friend of Bokuto and his teammate steps in the conversation, "He's single but I don't think it's easy to catch a fella like him." he jabs the ace's chest with his arm, hinting him about something with his eyebrows moving up and down.
Wincing at the slight pain, he glares at Konoha, "I don't think it's a good idea to pin for Kaashi, ladies." he finally spoke, this time his tone somehow getting lower only to be noticed by Konoha who was quietly snickering behind his fist, walking away to go talk to the red haired manager.
"Why not, Bokuto?"
"Does he already have his eye on someone?"
Contemplating whether or not he should admit it, Bokuto blurts out, "Yes! Well no! Soon, someone's already have their eye on him and well," glancing slightly at Akaashi with a hint of longing and impatience, he holds himself together and lets out a sigh, "That someone is trying really hard to get him to like them."
"So, did he got mad at you?" Yukie places her hands on his hips as Konoha approaches her with a sly grin on his face.
"No but he did somehow indirectly admit his love." winking at Yukie, who sighed at his little antics.
"You really are an idiot."
"So are those two."
An hour passes, Bokuto managed to get all of his fans out for them to resume packing up and cleaning the gym. Akaashi was silent after the entire fiasco and placed each ball on the basket carefully, still deep in thought about his friend.
Bokuto notices how quiet he has grown. It wasn't the normal kind of quiet he's known to Akaashi, but rather this one seemed to be sad, "Hey, Yukie. What's up with Kaashi? He hasn't spoken to anyone, let alone, me." finally done lowering the net, Yukie sighs once more and lightly smacks his head with her clipboard, earning a small whine from Bokuto.
"Honestly, can't you take a hint Bokuto?"
For the past four months, since Akaashi's first day in the University. When Bokuto had decided to introduce him to his group of friends, despite them being older than him, they could already see how fond the owl haired male was with the smaller male.
Even before Akaashi was introduced, he was all he talks about with them during dismissal or anytime they'd get together. Everytime they'd go ahead to the cafeteria, they can see his eyes caught in his direction all the time. The kind of eyes that showed so much emotion to volleyball.
And once they got to know Akaashi, they thiught to themselves they were going to be fine knowing Akaashi wasn't as dense as their baby like captain was.
Oh how wrong they were.
Akaashi had gotten close to Yukie for the oast two months since she was mostly on her own. Kaori was always with Konoha and Washio since she was in the same class they were, but different schedules. When Yukie found out that Akaashi did too, have emotions for Bokuto, she was giddy. But when she heard him utter out, "I don't think he likes me." that's when the frustration built up. Doesn't he notice the way he was being stared at or even the lingering hand on his shoulder whenever Bokuto pats him?
"What hint?" his tone was troubled, Bokuto was truly lost at this moment, not knowing what had caused his beloved friend to feel this way.
"Try talking to him later, Bokuto," patting his shoulder, "And please, tell him already." letting go of him, Yukie walks away with the rest of the team, leaving Bokuto behind to think.
"Tell him what though?"
Back to their dorms, Akaashi rubs his eyes using his fingers to ease the tension that had been laid upon his shoulders for the past few hours. Admittedly, he has this kind of bitterness flowing in his blood remembering the events earlier, but after a few seconds, those bitterness occurred to his insecurities. He was used to over thinking a lot when he was alone, but never about another person. It was always about him.
Groaning loudly he lands his face on the plush of his pillow, releasing a shaky breath as he looks at the bedside Bokuto owns, "Why did it had to be you?"
"Who are you talking about Kaashi?"
Jolting up at the sound of the door clicking behind him, Akaashi could only stare into his face with the orange light of their room illuminating his features in the dark night. Being roommates was harder when you were living with someone that literally shakes your entire world.
"Nothing." plopping back down on his pillow, Akaashi exhales deeply. To Bokuto, it seemed Akaashi was more frustrated to see him here, but to the timid male, he was just calming his heart from beating erratically inside of him. Hearing his footsteps closing in, he thoughts to himself he was finally going to sleep. What surprised him and made his face flush against the pillow was when he felt his bed dip down from his feet as Bokuto sat down.
"Are you mad at me Kaashi?" Bokuto looks at his back side in worry, "You haven't talked to me after practice. You even left without me today." There was a tinge of guilt inside Akaashi. He didn't realize he left Bokuto alone after he left since they always walk together back in the dorms.
When Bokuto heard no reply, he continues, "Yukie told me something about not taking a hint on something? I don't really get it," golden eyes averting up on their dim light of the room, "But the more I thought about it on the way back, all I could think of was you, Kaashi."
Holy shit, he wasn't going to do it now.
"I know it sounds lame, but I really did thought of what she said and all that pops out was you, you get where I'm getting at, right?" Bokuto had his arms on his legs by now from moving into motion as he spoke. Meanwhile if Akaashi were to sit up, his heartbeat might've been already heard.
Gulping quietly, feeling Bokuto's eyes watching him intently, all he could do was shake his head slowly. He wanted him to go on. He needed to hear where he was going with this. He can feel the vibrations of his light chuckling from his body as Bokuto sighs.
"Usually I'm not afraid of doing something out of the blue, y'know? You've seen me do some weird crap all the time." Akaashi's light laugh muffles against his pillow as he continues, "But when it comes to these, it really gets into me. Telling someone how you feel about them."
The last line made Akaashi almost ascend to heaven. Was he dreaming? Was he expecting too much to know what was going to happen next? The numerous scenarios running through his head all mixing up, causing his cheeks to flare up. They got worse when Bokuto landed a soft palm on the small of his back, jolting a bit from the sudden contact.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that," Bokuto pauses, shifting his position closer to Akaashi, leaning his head next to his ear, "I like you."
Shivering at his warm breath against his ear, Akaashi bit his lower lip at the small rush of arousal from his lower regions, clenching his thighs together to ease himself.
"I like you. I don't know why it connects to Yukie's words, but somehow telling you this at this moment felt kinda right." he gave his back a small stroke for comfort, noticing him tensing after uttering out his sudden confession, "You probably don't like me, Kaashi. It's not everyday you see someone the same gender as you say that nonchalantly." chuckling out sadly, he smiles, "Still, I'm still here for you. So please, whatever is bothering you, tell me. We can dismiss what just happened now."
Not liking the end of his sentence, Akaashi grabs his hand from behind and sits up quick, "No! That's not what I meant, Bokuto." both were in shock and daze. Their faces held a tinge of redness in them, for Bokuto, Akaashi looked way more tempting than he already was with his added messy appearance.
"I-I'm sorry I left you unintentionally." he glances down at his smaller hands being held by himself, fighting away the butterflies as his feet were getting colder, "I was just really troubled by those people," he explains, "It had been a bother to me that you were always crowded by so many people...That I began to look down at myself." he grips his hand as he thought about how painful it was to endure the same scene as earlier everyday.
"What's worse is that I have feelings for you.." Finally admitting with quivering lips, "I like you, but there were so many people better than a squanny nerd like me." sighing, he lowers his forehead on Bokuto's hand that he held, avoiding eye contact. Despite having to hear his confession first, he was in fear of the future he had no idea what held the possibilities that might hurt him.
"Kaashi, why do you think I came here, sitting down on your bed, and telling you that I like you," each line he said, his voice was going lower, huskier, followed by moving his hand away from his forehead and cupping his cheek, "And just you."
Akaashi was shaking on his spot. He didn't know what to do consisting this was his first time to be experiencing this. And his first instinct?
Was kissing him.
It caught Bokuto off guard and balance, luckily he stabilizes himself by carrying his weight with one hand leaned on the mattress, and the other pulling Akaashi closer in the kiss. Both males were stuck being oblivious to each other, now getting addicted into something that they've wanted for so long ever since they've encountered each other.
Akaashi whimpers a bit feeling Bokuto's tongue swipe his lower lips for entrance, in obligating, he allows himself to be dominated by the muscled male, letting himself gently fall back into bed with him hovering over him. Hands making their way on his sides to squeeze them, making him squeak and melt into the kiss.
Pulling away panting from the loss of oxygen, they both stared at each other in daze and with so much love.
"I guess you made your own point there, Kaashi." Bokuto teases, lacing his hands together from the side of Akaashi's head.
"Shut up, please." he scoffs, pushing his head to his side to feel less embarrassed of his vulnerable state. Bokuto chuckles, peppering the side of his cheek with kisses and affection.
"I'm kidding, Keiji. I've been wanting to kiss you too."
He sees the way Akaashi's cheeks reddened from calling him by his first name. It felt so right coming from his mouth. And he loved every second of it.
"So why don't you do it again..."
"Do what again?"
He laughs, and it was music to Bokuto's ears. Making him flustered above him. Akaashi pulls him by the neck, an inch aay from his face, "Does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?" he asks, his voice lacing with worry.
"Well you are my boyfriend, but you can ve the girlfriend if you want." Bokuto teases once more, before giving his pouting lips a short kiss of confirmation,
"But yes, I'm all yours now, Keiji."
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