#I'm married to every single one of them and that's official
roosterforme · 5 months
The Younger Kind Part 61 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: The wedding day itself wasn't all that important to Bradley. He just wanted to get to the point where you and he were officially married, and the details didn't much matter. At least that's what he thought before he saw you step out of the house. Then he realized that these were the exact moments he'd never planned for but desperately needed to experience.
Warnings: pregnancy topics, swearing, smut, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley must have been able to tell that you were anxious on Friday evening. It was just a normal day, really. He went to work and dropped Noah off at preschool on the way. You used a vacation day to clean up the house a little bit with the promise that you wouldn't overexert yourself. And you made some snack trays for Saturday afternoon along with a lasagna for dinner.
But to you, it wasn't a normal day at all, because you were getting married tomorrow. Whenever you started thinking about it, you had to stop what you were doing and sit down for a few minutes. When Bradley left with Noah this morning, he kissed you goodbye like he always did, seemingly unfazed by the weekend plans. But now it was hitting you hard. You were getting married.
When the boys got home, they ran inside while Skittles barked at them. "Hi, Mommy! I painted a wedding!"
Bradley scooped Noah up with one arm before he got to you, and Noah brandished a colorful painting that looked absolutely nothing like a wedding, but you took it and exclaimed, 'It's perfect!"
"I know," he replied as you kissed him on the cheek. Then he started to squirm to the floor, and after that, Bradley's lips were on yours.
"It smells good in here," he whispered. Then he really looked at your face and asked, "Everything okay?"
You nodded and kind of half shrugged. "Yeah."
"You and the baby feeling okay?"
He gave you a skeptical look. "We're getting married tomorrow, Baby," he murmured, holding up a cup from the coffee shop. He'd written Princess across it like he always did, and you looked up at his earnest eyes as tears filled yours. "If you've got cold feet, then I-"
"No!" you gasped, reaching for the cup and pressing your body to his. "No," you told him with all of the conviction you had. "I love you." His arm wrapped around your back, and you felt instantly better. You tried not to jostle the coffee too much as you ran your fingers along his cheek and up into his hair. "It's just hard for me to believe I was just your babysitter earlier this year."
Bradley smiled and said, "You were never just my babysitter. God, I wanted you bad. Right from the start. In my bed, and in my life."
You let your cheek rest against his shoulder as you inhaled the scent of French vanilla coffee, and Bradley traced your spine with his fingers until you shivered. "I wanted you just as bad, Daddy."
He kissed the top of your head. "Nothing's changing. You know that, right? We'll just have a little piece of paper saying we're legally married, but nothing is really going to change. We can take a honeymoon next year. We can eventually tell your parents we got married if you feel like it, or not. We can talk about combining the rest of our bank accounts if you want to. But it's still just me and you. Us and Noah and the baby."
"And Skittles."
"Obviously Skittles, too," he said, and of course the dog came running into the room.
As the kitchen timer started going off, you tried to slip out of his grasp, but he held on. "Tell me what's bothering you first."
You buried your face against his neck and inhaled deeply. Bradley smelled like home. "I'm a little nervous. I wrote my vows, and now I think they sound stupid."
"Nothing you say could sound stupid to me."
You groaned and added, "And I'm exhausted by eight o'clock every night now, and we have all these people coming over for the wedding. I look tired all the time."
"You're beautiful all the time. And I'll kick everyone out after dinner. I'm not going to want them here after that anyway."
When you laughed, Bradley started walking with you held against him. The kitchen timer was still beeping, and you didn't want dinner to burn, but you didn't want him to let go of you either. "I just want to adopt Noah and have a million more nights like this one," you whispered, still holding Bradley's hand and the coffee as he pulled the meal out of the oven.
You took a sip of your drink and it was delicious, and so were Bradley's words as he told you, "Then that's what you'll get."
So maybe it was kind of a regular night after all. You cut up Noah's dinner into bite size pieces for him, and Bradley was drawing lazy shapes on your pregnant belly with his knuckles while he ate. Then he cleaned up after he sent you and Noah to the couch to watch Mickey Mouse cartoons.
"Mommy, do you remember when we met Mickey? With Aunt Natasha?"
"I sure do," you said with a yawn. "That was the best day." Then Noah yawned, too, and it didn't take much coaxing to get him into his pajamas and into bed.
"Will you lay with me?" he asked as you tucked him in.
"Just for a minute, because I need to finish a few things for the wedding tomorrow."
You climbed into his bed, and the next thing you knew, Bradley was waking you up with a kiss. "Come on, Baby. Let's get in our bed."
You groaned and let him help you stand, and you ran your fingers through Noah's hair. "What time is it? I still need to vacuum and wash the kitchen floor."
"I already did it," he whispered as he led you out of the room.
You yawned. "I wanted to shower and shave my legs."
"Do it tomorrow. Or don't. I don't care."
"But it's our wedding day."
You let him tuck you into bed, and he slipped in next to you. "It is, Baby. Our almost-Christmas wedding since I couldn't wait until next year. And all I need is my exhausted Princess with her hairy legs for it to be fucking perfect."
You stifled your laughter as he curled up behind you, keeping you warm while you dozed off again with his big hand resting on your belly.
When you woke up the next day, Bradley and Noah were already gone. You knew the plan was for them to get ready at Natasha's place while she joined you here to help you with your makeup, but tears stung your eyes as you walked around the empty house. You missed them already, and you wanted them to come back home so you could make Bradley your husband. You decided to take that feeling as a pretty good sign that the wedding was going to be perfect. 
The kitchen smelled good, and you found that Bradley left the fancy coffee maker on for you, but you gasped at what else you found. There was a light blue bakery box, and you opened it to find crown shaped donuts with icing that spelled out I LOVE YOU. You moaned softly and picked up the letter I donut and took a bite. You also found the bag from the jewelry shop, and you immediately remembered how sneaky he was the night you picked out the wedding bands. 
You shoved the rest of the donut into your mouth and dug inside the bag. Your eyes went wide when you pulled out a tiara. An actual tiara with some purple gemstones adorning it, like an upgraded version of your paper crown. Now you really wanted Bradley to come home so he could see it on. He probably spent a fortune on it, like he did everything else for you, but you were already imagining that it might make its way to bed later.
"It's me!"
Natasha's voice pulled you from your wedding night daydream, and you rushed into the living room where she was already wearing a simple blue dress and holding several bags. "How are my boys?" you asked.
"Great. Excited. Noah already looks adorable. I guess Bradley looks okay."
You were cracking up as she wrapped you in a hug, and that's when you realized you were wearing an old TOP GUN sweatshirt and your underwear. "I need to start getting ready."
"Yes," she replied with a smile and a quick kiss on your cheek. 
"And I really need to shave my legs."
"You should do that first."
"Yeah," you replied, laughing as you made your way to the bathroom. "I'll do that first."
Once you were clean from the shower, Natasha helped you into your new set of purple lingerie. You appreciated that she treated it like a business deal, simply saying, "Bradley will lose his mind later," instead of making a big deal about your growing belly. You were sure you'd be marrying him even if you weren't pregnant, but maybe it wouldn't be happening so soon. "Let's get your hair and makeup settled before we get your dress on. Go grab your tiara."
"You know about that?" you gasped, excitement filling you up.
"Please. I know about everything."
Perhaps you were a little nervous last night, but now Bradley was the one who could barely handle himself. You were inside the house, but he wasn't even allowed to go in there, and it was killing him. He wanted to see you in the worst way and make sure everything was okay, but instead he and Noah were stuck on the back patio as everyone else started arriving. All he managed to get was a text from Nat with a thumbs up emoji.
"You look adorable!" Bradley turned around to see Penny kneeling in front of Noah, making a fuss over him. "You match with your dad!" It was true, because you had been the one to find the light gray suits and floral purple dress shirts. Bradley simply ordered them and got himself and Noah dressed.
He hated to say it, but the wedding wasn't that important to him. Not really. He would have done a big, overpriced ceremony if that's what you said you wanted. But this was fine as well. All he really wanted was to make it official. The Bradshaws. His family. He didn't need anything else.
As Maverick pulled him in for a hug, Bradley saw some more of his friends from work arrive. Not that he'd ever really consider Jake Seresin a friend, but after he took the seven hundred bucks in tip money, Bradley said it was fine if he wanted to stop by. You were with Bradley now, and you were never going anywhere. He'd see to that. He'd had a lot of time to come to terms with how young you are and how guys were always going to be looking and hoping. If Bradley were less confident in himself or your love, he'd have never made it this far. But here he was, waiting for you to walk outside in your wedding dress so he could take the wedding band out of his pocket and slip it on your finger. 
Nat came strolling casually through the back door as Bradley hugged Tracy and Noah played with Amelia. Bradley broke away from his lawyer who congratulated him and assured him that all of the paperwork he needed was in perfect order for today and for the adoption. When he pulled Nat aside and asked, "Is she okay?" he got an eye roll in response. 
"She's great. She ditched you and ran away with another man and his adorable son not five minutes ago." Nat smirked at his deadpan expression and said, "You need to learn how to relax. I was just coming outside to tell you that we're ready to get started, okay?"
"Yes," he replied, already scrambling to locate Noah and Skittles. "Let's fucking do that."
Bradley knew the ceremony was going to be short; you and he had designed it that way. Ten or fifteen minutes, and you'd have it in the bag. It would be a done deal. But when Natasha screamed at everyone to be quiet and Javy started playing the song Bradley asked him to, it all felt very real. The music was just the right volume, flowing through the speakers as Bradley held Noah and Skittles in his arms, and it washed over him when he finally saw you. His favorite song, the one you knew immediately back in your babysitter days, had him remembering the way he fell for you. How you picked on him in the best way about all the old music he loved. The way this song made him think only of you ever since he heard you singing it in his kitchen.
And now you were stepping out of his house wearing a wedding dress and the tiara he picked out for you. Your glossy lips only made your smile brighter as you walked across the deck, purple shoes peeping out from the bottom of your dress. It wasn't a long walk along the path to where he was standing, and he'd remember every step you took for the rest of his life. 
He grunted softly as he noticed the way your dress was snug enough to hug your bump like you were showing it off, allowing everyone to see what he'd done to you. He knew that the bouquet of purple wildflowers you held in one hand smelled as sweet as you always did, and you waved your fingers at him as you got closer. 
"Hi, Daddy," you said with a smile just for him, and he rushed forward a few steps, closing the gap to get to you sooner.
"Princess," he whispered, leaning down to kiss you while Nat balked behind him.
"You're already doing everything out of order!" she said. "The kiss is literally supposed to be the last thing!"
You just laughed and kissed him again before also pressing your lips to Noah's cheek and patting Skittles on her purple bow. "It's okay, Natasha," you told her as you wrapped your free hand around Bradley's bicep and guided him to where she was standing. The song faded away, but you remained next to him as you smiled and said, "It doesn't really matter what order we do this in just as long as I end up married to Bradley."
"Okay, fine," Nat said, opening her notebook in a huff as Bradley set his son and his dog down. Skittles ran off toward Amelia, and Noah stood with his arm around your thigh looking up at you. As you ran your fingers through his son's curls, Bradley leaned in to kiss you again. "Stop kissing. Seriously. Or there won't be a big climax at the end."
The guys all hooted with laughter at what Nat said, including Bradley. "I don't think that will be a problem," you said, lacing your fingers with his.
"It certainly won't be," he whispered. "You gonna keep that tiara on all night?"
You looked a little bashful, but you said, "Of course, I'm a Princess."
When he tried to kiss you again, Nat started snapping her fingers in his face. "Enough. I need to read all of this shit that I wrote down so you can get married, okay? Just stand there for a minute, and keep it in your pants."
You were laughing now as you said, "This is already the best wedding I've ever heard of."
Nat cleared her throat and started reading from her notebook. "Hi everyone. You all know me, and you all know these two idiots who decided they wanted to marry each other, so I'll make this quick. Bradley Bradshaw is my very best friend, and I don't even know why. He's not particularly funny, nor is he the wittiest guy around, and he absolutely can't cook anything."
"Jesus," Bradley said. "Why did I ask you to officiate?"
She chuckled and said, "Because I also have a couple nice things to say about you.... Bradley is a lost cause in many ways, but he's loyal, and he has a cute son. Hi, Noah."
"Hi, Aunt Natasha."
Bradley was shaking his head as you squeezed his hand, and he gave Nat the signal to keep going. "Right, well, here's the other thing about Bradley: he's been there for me for a long time, so any time he needs something, I'm always going to help him. It was easy to see that he was lonely and ready to start dating again at the beginning of this year, and when he said he was falling in love with his babysitter instead of the women he was meeting from the dating app, I told him to go for it. I'd never seen him happier than he was on the days when he got to see you," Nat said, smiling at you.
"Really?" you asked, looking at her before looking up at Bradley in wonder.
"Really," he and Nat said at the same time, and he had to fight the urge to kiss you again. Instead, he ran his fingers along your cheek and didn't take his eyes off you as he asked, "Nat, can I say my vows now?"
You kissed Bradley's thumb as Natasha said, "Clearly you're just going to do whatever you want, so go right ahead."
"Great," he whispered. He had everything he wanted to say written down on a note card in his pocket, but he didn't really need it. With Noah standing in between the two of you, he knew he had everything he needed right here with him. "You still never told me how you did it, Princess."
You looked up at him as he held your hand, a puzzled look on your face. "How I did what?"
He ran his thumb in slow circles along the back of your hand and said, "How you walked into my crumbling life and made everything better."
Your lips twitched as tears filled your eyes, but you were smiling as you said, "There was nothing to fix, really. You and Noah just made me fall in love with you." 
"Mommy, I'm hungry," Noah whispered, tugging gently on your dress as Bradley tried to contain his own tears.
"I know," you told him with a watery laugh. "I made you a snack tray, but you need to let Daddy finish talking first."
"See, Baby? We are pure chaos," Bradley told you, reaching down to scoop Noah up again. "We were so much worse before you, though. Thank you for falling in love with us. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for being more patient than anyone else I've ever known. Thank you for taking care of us, and for letting us take care of you. All I want is to be with you forever. The four of us," he said, his knuckles grazing your belly. "It's perfect, really. But I can't promise we will ever be less chaotic. All I know for sure is that I'm always going to love and appreciate you. And that it was worth going through all the bad stuff to get to this point. You were the missing piece. You were always the missing piece that we needed."
You nearly dropped your bouquet of flowers as you threw your arm around his neck and snuggled in against Noah. "I love you both so much," you sniffed. "And I don't even think you're chaotic at all. Being around you is the calmest I've ever felt. Like I know you'll protect me and make sure I'm comfortable. I started falling in love as soon as I met you both, and I keep falling in love a little bit more all the time. And I will never take this for granted, because I never expected anything this good to happen to me."
"I'm still hungry," Noah whispered loudly, clearly concerned everyone had forgotten about him. 
"I know, sweet Noah," you said as you laughed and cried at the same time. "And I'm going to take care of you forever, okay?"
Bradley watched you kiss his forehead as Noah said, "I got you a coloring book. It's Princesses."
"Of course you did," you told him as your voice cracked. "You're the best." You were crying more now, but you looked so happy. 
Even Nat was wiping at her eyes as she said, "Are we ready for the rings then?" When you both nodded at her, she pulled Bradley's wedding band out of her dress pocket and handed it to you. "Just put them on each other. Oh my God, I didn't think I would cry." 
Javy handed Nat his handkerchief as you took Bradley's hand in your smaller one and slid the thick band into place. Then he kept his eyes on yours as he and Noah did the same with your diamond wedding band. You let your hand slide up Bradley's arm and settle on his chest. Your eyes were focused on his, and the purple gems in your tiara were catching the sunlight. You were flawless. You were his wife. Almost.
"Nat?" he asked, covering your hand with his own and pressing it against his heart. "Are we married?"
"Oh, right," his best friend replied as you laughed softly and bit your glossy lip. "Yeah, according to me and the state of California, you're married. You already kissed and messed that entire part up, but you can kiss again, I suppose."
He handed Noah to her, and your lips came crashing to his as he wrapped one arm around you. This other hand settled against the side of your belly where the baby was growing, and he heard everyone cheering in the backyard. You were right, this was the best wedding he'd ever heard of as well. "I love you, Princess," he murmured against your lips, the sweet smell of wildflowers everywhere as you deepened the kiss again.
Then you pulled away and whispered, "I'll love you forever, Daddy."
With two rings on your finger and your husband standing behind you, kissing your neck to the point of distraction, you tried to pull Noah's tray of ants on logs out of the refrigerator. "Daddy!" you gasped when his hand slid up from your belly to your breasts which did look pretty great in your wedding dress.
"Hmm," he hummed, giving you a little squeeze. When you whimpered softly he made a suggestion that you almost agreed to. "Let's sneak off to our bedroom for a few minutes. I want to play with my wife."
That word made you giddy, and you could feel every inch of Bradley's strong body pressed against yours. When you glanced outside, you saw your handful of wedding guests, dancing and playing with Noah. It was very tempting. Nobody would miss you, but everyone would know where the two of you went and why. "How much longer until you can kick everyone out?" you asked softly. 
You felt him shrug behind you as he said, "The caterers will be here shortly, so probably about two hours before I can demand everyone leaves."
"Damn it," you said, pulling the snacks out of the fridge and unwrapping them. "I just want to take you and a slice of wedding cake to bed." You thought back to Noah's birthday party and the horny kitchen sex with the leftover cake.
"I'll feed it to you, and then I'll fuck you so good," he crooned, and you were about to tell him to send everyone home now when dinner and the cake arrived.
"Mommy!" Noah shouted through the back door, apparently no longer worried about his healthy snack since the sweets arrived. "Come look at the cake I picked out!"
You turned around in Bradley's arms, and he looked delighted to be presented with your baby bump. "You let Noah pick out the wedding cake?"
He winced in response as he ran his hand along your belly. "Yeah... about that. I'm really sorry."
You grabbed his left hand, his wedding band smooth against your skin where his fingers were usually a little rough, and you pulled him back outside with Noah's snack. "I don't know if I should be scared or-" You gasped when you saw it. "Oh my god, Bradley. It's perfect!"
The cake had two tiers. The bottom was decorated with white buttercream and a bunch of green and brown dinosaurs. The detail was amazing. There was even a volcano. The top tier was decorated with purple flowers and topped with a knight holding hands with a princess that looked a lot like you. The two layers looked pretty ridiculous together, but it was beautiful.
"I love it!" you squealed, making sure Amelia took some pictures of it for you. Actually, everyone had been doing a pretty great job of capturing the afternoon on camera. After dinner, when you cut into the cake and fed a bit to Bradley, Nat took a video of you smearing some of the purple icing all over his lips and mustache. He looked startled as you started laughing before kissing him. 
"You'll pay for that later," he promised, holding you close while someone queued up his favorite song again for you both to dance to. But he wasn't complaining when your mouth was on his for most of the song, tasting all of the sweetness on his lips. 
The afternoon was kind of crazy, and Bradley held onto you the whole time, only releasing you so you could dance with Mav and then Javy. And then all it took was one yawn out of you, and your husband was clearing everyone out of the backyard. Noah was all pumped up with too much sugar, but luckily he was going home with Penny and Amelia for the night. And lucky for you, your husband was as sweet as the wedding cake.
"Let me help you out of your dress," he whispered, setting butterflies off in your belly as he carried you inside the kitchen. "And I'll get your tiara out of your hair so you can get some rest."
"But I don't want to rest," you said, licking at a bit of icing that still clung to his mustache. "I want my husband."
He paused in the middle of the kitchen, eyes closed as you dragged your fingers through his hair. "Say it again, Baby."
"Husband," you whispered, kissing the prickly stubble on his jaw. "Please?"
Bradley just grunted in response, slid the door shut with his foot, and carried you all the way to bed. Once he had you spread out, you watched him make quick work of removing his suit coat and purple shirt. "Did you pick out this dress on purpose because of the way it shows off your bump?" he asked, kicking off his shoes. "That sounds like the kind of thing my wife would do to make me go insane for her."
"Maybe." You felt silly there in your tiara and high heels, but oh... the way he was looking at you. Bradley climbed into bed where you were being careful not to put your feet on the bedding, but you didn't need to worry for long. He took your ankles in his hands and placed them over his shoulders, stroking his hands up and down your thighs.
"Tell me what you want to do instead of resting, Princess."
The fabric of your dress was bunching up around your hips, and you knew the moment he saw your purple lingerie, because his knuckles connected with your core through the lace as you moaned, "I want my Daddy."
Bradley kissed the inside of your knee and caressed your thigh until you shivered. "Want me to do what?" he crooned, leaning down to kiss your lips. You could still taste the icing from the wedding cake when you ran your tongue along his mustache, and even though you knew what you wanted, you still felt shy asking for it. 
When Bradley reached back to gently take your shoes off and toss them aside, you whimpered his name. He worked the zipper down the side of your dress and helped you shimmy out of it, and then you had your legs spread before him in just your tiara and purple lingerie. He looked sinful in his suit pants with his erection bulging and his wedding band on his finger as he said, "You're my wife. You get anything you want. Especially when you're wearing this."
You coaxed him closer so he was on top of you, and his length was resting on your core as you whispered, "I want you to make me squirt."
He groaned as he got to work like it was absolutely at the top of the list of things he wanted, too. "My pleasure, Mrs. Bradshaw," he murmured against your lips, and you were already clenching as soon as his fingers tucked inside the front of your underwear.
Bradley let you be as loud as you wanted. In fact, he was trying his damndest to get you louder and louder. You were his wife now, and Noah was gone for the night. Skittles seemed to have retreated to the kitchen for some solace as Bradley buried his face in your ass and pussy, legs spread open wide and shaking. 
You cried out, "Daddy," over and over again as he changed his tempo from luxuriously slow to rough and fast. You wanted to squirt? Well he wanted you to soak the fucking bedding until you were crying. Every time he looked up at your face, he saw the swell of your growing belly, and he couldn't stop himself from grinding his cock against the bedding. 
"Fuck," he growled, watching the rings on your fingers as you grasped at the pillow beneath your head. He could tell you were getting close as he brought you to the edge and then let his pace slowly fade away one more time, and when he slipped two gentle fingers inside you while sucking on your clit, you screamed his name. You soaked his face and hand, and he was afraid he was going to cum in his suit pants as your thighs clamped around his head, riding him through your orgasm.
"Oh my god, oh my god," you panted, sitting up in a bit of a daze even as your legs went limp. Your tiara was crooked, and your makeup was smeared, and Bradley couldn't get enough of the sight of his sated, pregnant Princess. Your eyes met his, and you smiled through your daze, sitting there on the wet bedding with your left hand resting on your belly. Meanwhile Bradley was a different kind of mess, trying to get his zipper down and alleviate his aching cock.
"Let me help you," you whispered, putting your hands on his wet ones before taking over for him. "Want me to go down on you?"
Bradley shook his head as you eased his pants and underwear down his legs and took his cock in your hand. "Baby, I want to fuck you. It's our wedding night, and I want to be inside you."
A soft yet determined look settled on your face, and somehow he ended up sitting in the wet spot with you straddling his hips. You didn't seem to care that his forehead was covered in a sheen of sweat and that he wasn't going to last very long. You just sank down around him, rocking gently as he whispered, "I don't want to hurt you. Either of you."
"I know," you replied, kissing him and brushing his hair back from his face. "I know, Daddy." He came with you just like that, your lips and hands gentler on his body than any touch he'd ever known before you. Your voice as soothing as his favorite song. It was no wonder he was so in love with you. It was no wonder he and his son couldn't live without you.
After he got you cleaned up and carefully removed your tiara, you fell asleep in his arms as he reminded you that in a few days, you and he would be finding out the sex of the baby after you adopted Noah.
"You're already the best wife and Mommy. I can't wait for number two."
"I love you."
It's official! Bradley married his babysitter! Noah is on his way to officially having Princess as his Mommy, and we will learn more about the baby so soon! Two parts of this series left! Thanks for reading and interacting and making this so much fun to write! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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cutielando · 7 months
happy | l.n.
synopsis: in which you guys get married
my masterlist
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"Why am I so nervous?" you asked Cisca and your mother, both of them helping you get the last things ready on your dress while simultaneously trying to calm you down.
"Darling, you're going to give yourself a panic attack if you don't stop stressing" Cisca said, your mother agreeing with her.
You sighed, staring at your reflection in the mirror while the 2 mothers worked around you.
Your wedding day has been something you have waited for your entire life. The day Lando proposed, you felt one step closer to living your dream. Seeing yourself in your wedding dress all glammed up made tears well up in your eyes, but you kept them at bay.
It was supposed to be a perfect day, after all. You were marrying the love of your life in front of all of your families.
A knock on your door made you look anxiously towards the closed doors, your nerves worse than ever. 
Adam, Lando's father, poked his head inside, his eyes landing on all three of you.
"Are you ready?" he asked, eyeing you up and smiling.
"I'm nervous" you admitted, making him chuckle and enter the room, closing the door behind him.
Due to the fact that your father had passed away when you were young, Adam decided to step up and be the one walking you down the aisle.
Something that brought tears to your mother's eyes when he had first suggested it.
"Trust me, you can't be more nervous than the groom himself. He's been stressing about ever since he woke up" Adam reassured you, hoping it would make you feel slightly better.
It did, in all honesty. It made you chuckle as well, already imagining Lando stressing over every single small thing that you could possibly think of. His shoes weren't right, his tie was crooked, his curls weren't on point, you name it.
He was a perfectionist at heart, especially on this day since he wanted everything to be perfect. You deserved a perfect wedding day.
"Honey" your mother took your hands and smiled. "You remind me of myself on my wedding day to your father. I was a nervous wreck the entire we were planning the wedding, but when I saw your father waiting for me at the alter, nothing else mattered in that moment. You and Lando love each other dearly and you're going to have an amazing life together. Go out there and get your boy, leave the nerves at the door"
You nodded and hugged her tightly, burying your face in her neck.
"I'm ready" you told Adam once you pulled away, taking his arm.
"Let's get you married"
As the music started playing and the big oak doors opened, your eyes immediately landed on your soon-to-be husband waiting for you, Max and his brother by his side.
Adam and you slowly walked towards him, smiling at the guests all around you. 
Once you reached Lando, Adam took your hand and clasped it in his, smiling at you with tears in his eyes.
"Take care of him for us" he said, making everyone in the room swallow down a giggle.
"I will" you whispered back, squeezing his hands before turning towards Lando.
Your eyes were locked on each other, a silent conversation taking place. He looked dashingly handsome, his tux amazing on his fit physique.  You really hit the jackpot with him.
"Hello, everyone" the reverend began speaking. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage between these two exceptional young people, Y/N and Lando. I can see how excited the bride and the groom are, so I won't make this any longer than it should be. Y/N, Lando, have you prepared your vows?" you both nodded, and then the reverend motioned for you to go first.
You let out a deep breath, taking Lando's hands in yours.
"Way to make me break the ice, reverend" you joked, making everyone laugh including Lando. "Lando, you're my best friend, my partner in crime, my gaming buddy, the absolute love of my life, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. When we met all those years ago, I could only dream of reaching this day, the day that would make you officially mine forever. I'm grateful for everything that you do for me, for being who you are and for loving me despite my flaws. You always know what to say, you always know how to make me feel loved and appreciated. I'm proud of everything that you do, of how successful your career is and how much potential you're always showing. I love you, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my days loving you and enjoying life by your side"
Everyone in the room was crying, your mothers holding onto each other as they silently cried in their tissues.
"Y/N, light of my life, I'm so proud of us for being here today. Ever since I laid my eyes on you when we first met, I knew you would be the woman that I would marry. You bring a light and stability in my life that I've been lacking for as long as I can remember. I can be myself when I'm around you, I can escape the fame and pressure when it's just the two of us, just how I want it to be. You have been nothing short of supportive in my career, coming to my races and cheering me on, believing in me when I didn't believe in myself. I cannot thank you enough. I promise to always love you and care for you, keep you safe and show you just how grateful I am to have you in my life. I love you so damn much and I cannot wait for you to finally become a Norris"
You smiled, tears threatening to fall from your eyes and ruin your perfect makeup, but you didn't care in that moment. The only thing you cared about was Lando.
"Do you have the rings?" the reverend asked, and Max quickly got the velvet box out of his pocked and gave it to Lando.
He took out the rings, giving you his while he took yours.
"Y/N Y/L/N, do you take Lando Norris to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" you almost yelled out, making everyone chuckle due to how eager you were.
"Lando, do you take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do" Lando smiled.
You both put your rings on each other's fingers, smiling like two idiots in love while waiting for the part of the ceremony that you had been looking forward to.
"By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Lando, you may kiss your bride" the reverend hadn't even finished what he was saying before Lando wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you.
Everyone cheered for you, clapping and whistling for the two newlyweds.
As you pulled away, you didn't acknowledge anything around you except for Lando, your husband.
Finally, your husband.
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much appreciated!!
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onlyangel4 · 1 month
vigilante shit. dr3. smau.
daniel ricciardo x fiancée reader
daniel thought he knew what to expect when it came to your live shows but he is quick to find out you kept a certain routine a secret from him for a reason.
author's note:I was planning to do the albums in order but i accidentslly posted this so i can't be bothered to fix it.
this can be viewed as an extension of the so high school series as i see them as the same couple. also for this can we pretend that danny has an official tik tok account pls and thanks
faceclaim: taylor swift
taylor swift series masterlist.
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liked by y/ninsta, danielricciardo, user1 and 432,877 others
tagged: y/ninsta
latenightseth: y/n y/ln reveals that she has some surprises planned on her tour, including a few routines that her fiancee doesn't even know about, hear about this and more on tonight's episode
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y/ninsta: thank you so much for having me
latenightseth: we would talk to you every single night if we could
user1: i have tickets to the first night of tour and i am so excited
user2: i am so glad that the start of tour lines up with summer break so danny gets to be there to support his girl
user3: still can't believe tour starts next week
user4: that outfit is everything, daniel ricciardo you are a lucky man
y/nsightings posted a story
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written: y/n and danny have arrived in arizona ahead of the first night of tour which kicks off in two days
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liked by danielricciardo, user5, user6 and 451,223 others
y/nfan: guys i am still in shock. bestie and i got to the stadium at 3am and have been first and second in the queue to see y/n, daniel just came out saying he was going on a coffee run, he spoke to use a little and i even got to give him a pair of glasses that i made on the off chance we would be anywhere near the vip tent. he is the nicest person ever and he told us that y/n is not letting him watch some parts of the show until the actual concert, she is planning something and i love it.
view all 4,329 comments
danielricciardo: thank you so much for the glasses, i showed y/n and she loves them
y/nfan: holy shit this day keeps on getting better and better
user5: you are so lucky oh my god
user6: i wonder what she is planning
y/ntourupdates posted a story
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written: y/n kicked off tour starting with the album lover, written all about fiancee daniel ricciardo apparently those stood near him said he smiled the whole time.
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liked by user7, user8, user9 and 231,221 others
y/ntourupdates: y/n just introduced a section of her tour called the acoustic set, "i will play one song on guitar and one on piano. this set is going to be different for every show and i will play whatever i feel like and tonight i am feeling a whole lot of love arizona" she then proceeded to play i think he knows on guitar and dress on piano, both songs written about her finacee. y/n is so in love and it is the cutest thing ever.
view all 1,258 comments
user7: now i'm going to be so stressed about what acoustic songs i get
user8: that combo is insane
user9: i love the yellow dress omg
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y/nissohot posted a story
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written: guys daniel put on his glasses during vigilante shit so he could see y/n better
y/ntourupdates posted a story
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written: y/n and daniel leaving the stadium after a brilliant opening night
dannyricofficialtok posted a slideshow
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caption: i am marrying her wtf
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
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joonipertree · 9 months
How Mikey Loves and Proposes
Okay so some of my headcanons for him align with my beliefs however I am very particular about characterisation so I'm gonna keep it balanced.
Genuinely i think Mikey does not need the paperwork, the title or official testimonies to consider himself your husband. Once he has sort of outgrown 'boyfriend', like maybe he's in his mid to late 20s, he wants a new title because boyfriend was very highschool.
Imagine every single thing a couple could be, it has been done. Shared apartments, pets, joint bank accounts. I genuinely think because of how devoted Mikey is with his people, he would be just as devoted to his partner.
He is a people person, he finds his people and he keeps them close to his chest no matter what happens. He has forgiven his people for the unforgiveable. Very very ride or die type of person. So out of everyone, he is devoted and loyal.
I will say, in cases of fucked up timelines...chances are he would either keep you at an arm's length, push you away and disappear or just be cold. He does this because he considers himself a danger. I don't care if he has hurt his friends, I dont care about dark impulses, that man would never lay a hand on you. Dark impulses are strong, his love for you is stronger.
If he does run away, he will never look at another person ever again. Loyal as fuck.
But we are talking about final timeline so LETS GO.
At some point, he just wants matching wedding rings, he just wants people to look at you and then look at your left ring finger and be like 'oh fuck, they're taken'. You're already his, ya'll probably have matching bracelets or necklaces that he bought with his very first paycheck. But he really craves that moment where you call him 'husband'.
He probably felt connected to you in an everlasting sense from the moment ya'll started dating. This commitment was from the soul from the get go.
So why does it take like 6 to 7 years into the relationship to get married? Firstly I just have a general rule that marriage should come after 5 years minimum because it's paperwork and a big process. You can disagree and just add in your own minimum but again...adding that no matter what, ya'll live together, wake up every morning together, build a future together. At some point, you guys are too busy getting jobs, being adults and hanging out with friends to be like 'ooooo marriage'.
How does Mikey propose?
i think it was spur of the moment, maybe it hit him that OH ya'll arent married and suddenly he has the urge to say it.
And one night, it's 2am and you wanna go on a night ride and he never says no to you so he wraps you in one of his jackets and both of you head on a ride.
And it's peaceful and maybe Mikey is having a moment where he's like 'I have died, been reborn and saved multiple times for this moment. I am meant to be alive so I could be with my person. I'm very happy I am alive.'
And he's blinking back tears, stopping close to a convenience store..using snacks as an excuse to stop.
And while he's walking through the place, grabbing his usuals and your favourites...maybe it's the fluorescent lighting or the way you're picking out the drinks, maybe it's because how you look in his clothes or because it's late and you're here with him getting snacks, maybe he is sleepy and warm that he says:
"I wanna be your husband."
And the place is too quiet to not hear it, the cashier is like 'what the fuck dude, you're gonna get smacked for proposing like that' but you look at him and his teary eyes and lovesick smile and you're just speechless. But you move forward to hold him, he wraps his arms around you and presses you close to him. It's warm and engulfing.
And maybe you give an excited 'yes' or maybe you make a joke about where your ring is or maybe it's a soft whisper of an answer...in any case....the answer had been given way before he had even asked it.
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no1frogfan · 2 years
The incident
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Kuroo Tetsurou x fem reader
Word count: ~600
Tags & warnings: fluff, reader referred to as wife
Note: This was dumb & fun to write. Kuroo supremacy <3
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You’re not married, and maybe you never will be, but sometimes Kuroo calls you his wife or refers to himself as your husband.
“Could you pass me my coffee please, wife?” He’ll ask, grinning mischievously when you choke on your latte. Glaring at him just encourages him further, so you can only grumble inaudible threats into your cup as your cheeks heat up.
“Don’t forget to give your husband a kiss before he leaves for work!” He’ll remind you as you hand him his lunch. He’ll remain in the genkan, insistently tapping his cheek with one finger. You can try dashing away, but Kuroo’s reflexes are annoyingly quick. His arms will promptly wrap around your waist to pull you in and pepper your face with (retaliatory) kisses.
He's positively giddy every single time, and even though it's been months since the incident, it still mortifies you every single time.
It all started because of your big, dumb mouth.
At the time, you’d only been dating for a month. But it had only taken one measly month for him to charm you with his bad jokes and earnest smile, and you’d fallen for him hard. You thought about him constantly, texted him nonstop, and gave yourself excuses to see him.
This was entirely new territory for you. In past relationships, you’d always preferred a lot of space, often getting irritated if you received too many messages, and you never wanted to see them more than once a week. You were focused on your professional goals and, though you’re not proud of it, you usually dropped whoever you were dating when work got busy.
On your first date, you’d warned Kuroo about this tendency and made it clear that work was your first priority. He wasn’t exactly thrilled, but he’d plowed ahead nonetheless and somehow managed to weasel his way into your heart.
And what’s more surprising is that you’d let him.
He gave you space whenever you wanted it, but you found yourself seeking out his company more and more. Whenever anything happened, it became your first instinct to share it with him — important things, dull things, sad things, stupid things, funny things. You wanted to talk to him all morning, afternoon, evening, night, and morning again.
It was scary to let yourself fall so completely, and yet being with him felt as natural as breathing. So even though you weren't even officially dating yet, you made the mistake of allowing yourself to think about forever. And on one completely ordinary, average night when you’d invited him over for a movie, it just…slipped out...
“Wait, what did you just say?” Kuroo springs up from the couch.
“I asked if you want some tea.”
“No, what did you just call me?”
A grin spreads slowly, almost maniacally, across his face, “Nooo, that’s not what you said.”
Shit. Of course he noticed, that attentive fucking asshole.
“Youuuu just called me husband.”
Your eyes bug out. “No, I did not!”
He cackles gleefully. “Well…at first, I wasn’t sure if I'd heard right, but now I'm positive you said it because you’re trying to deny it way too much.”
Fuck. “I’m so sorry.” You cover your face with your hands, wishing you could throw yourself in a pit, “Oh my god this is so embarrassing…”
“Awww don’t be embarrassed,” he coos, striding over and letting you burrow your face into his chest. He wonders if you can feel his heart hammering against your cheek. “Now I know you like me too.”
“I do not like you!”
“You liiiike me~ you liiiiiike me~” Kuroo sings, rocking both of you side to side.
“Shut up Kuroo.”
“Now, now, is that any way to talk to your husband?”
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bookishnewt · 11 months
Re-watching the wedding scene is hilarious. The dice roll lining up perfectly for Kremy's fey curse making him fall in love with Gideon during the man's wedding. Not to mention that old satyr officiating the event was having none of their shenanigans.
Threatens them with the wrath of the satyrs if he has to ask them to be quiet one more time.
Warns he will have Gideon marry every pixie in attendance. There's at least forty of them.
“The next person outside of me that speaks is getting married.”
The satyr does pause to allow for any objections. But then Kremy and Gideon get into it. He needed to know if its all just ironic like guys' night was.
True to his word just adds Kremy like that.
Sounded like the two were caught up in the conversation to even notice until the vows.
The Old Satyr: Gideon can you please give your vows to your four betrothed. Gideon: Oh uh, was I supposed to write those beforehand? The Old Satyr: Just speak from your heart. Gideon: You three are pretty hot- The Old Satyr: Four. Gideon: You four? Kremy: No, I'm not included in any of this. The Old Satyr: Anyone who spoke during the ceremony is now betrothed and will be getting married. Kremy: I haven’t agreed to that. You have that in writing? Is that a policy somewhere on the side of the chapel? Gideon: Well I think you asked if anyone had any, uh you known, like those- The Old Satyr, without a single fuck to give: Those were beautiful vows.
Kremy, about kissing him and Gideon: No, we would never do that. Unless its like required by law.
His jealousy was in full blown view by the ceremony's end
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absolutebl · 9 months
This Week in BL - The Sign is Slaying
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Happy new year, BLabies!
Jan 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 8 of 12 - Tharn in Phaya’s too big clothing is the cutest thing in the world.
I gotta to say something about Babe's acting really quickly. I love the way he’s inhabiting the personality of his naga character with reptilian eye and body movements and (I don’t know how to put this) a certain reserved, elegant, slithering- ness. He's very good this new boy of ours. (He come from something physical like dance?)
I adored them doing the walk of shame and being teased.
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ALSO I enjoyed the way they handled Tharn’s gender in the past with his costume (the pha chung hang is gender neutral but that green top is a kinda combo m+f) and pronouns et al.
Language corner:
They are using ancient pronouns. I *think* I heard: daow (3rd), khun/jao/tan (2nd), kaa (Ist) - all pronouns in use are gender neutral - to the best of my understanding.
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 10 of 12 - Ooo. Day comes out to fam. Also his maa legit took his phone away and said
“I don’t mind you being gay but you can’t date a poor.”
Still, these 2 do kind of make the best secret boyfriends ever.
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Also I begin to love Night: “that’s my baby” indeed. You special ain’t ya?
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 -  I’m starting to find this pretty boring at this juncture. Bummer, because for a while I was enjoying it.
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 11 of 12 - The stuff with the spy on the team is super boring. I’m not wild about the side characters either. So most of this episode was a bust for me. I did like First’s ex. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 9 of 14 - Charlie & Babe = honeymoon phase. Jeff & Kim = forgotten. Pete & Way = riddles wrapped in alphas but actually enigmas. Everyone else = gang bang phase…. Apparently. Trash watch happening here.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 6 of 12 - Loved that this was a mutual kiss. (Also how comfortable are OffGunn kissing now? Babies!) I’ve moved from indifference to absolute loathing of the side couple tho.
Oddball LIES from the script = the gayest bridge in Bangkok isn’t lit up after 9pm.
Meanwhile, very important kicky kicky feet and Doc is a dork about flirting now that he’s all in. Looks like we get the official boyfriend ep next week.  
You and My Stars YT 2of 2(?) - Couldn’t find it. Not fussed. 
Time the series (Thai Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Okay so there’s a gang and someone named Chris is killed and his boyfriend, actor Foam, is jumped back in time to save him? NO SINGING. Between Chris’s death and that time-slip there’s some kind of accidental murder, a pink pocket watch, Chris being alive again but also a different person, and a make out scene. Are you also confused? Actually, the real question is: Do we continue watching? Remember we (the collective BLorg) do not trust MFlow. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 21 of 24 - The acting has been pretty terrible all along with this series, but this one is the worst. I just can’t. I may tune in for the last installment but this one is a DNF for me. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - It’s utterly adorable. Very manga, but so far not grating on my nerves. They so cute! You know I adore a hyung romance. Add a v gay sauna scene and an OUT gay boy and just... YES. All the married breeder regulars being overly invested in their pretty cook’s queer drama queening, it's so good.
AND THEN a confession in the first episode? Japan sure loves to mess with the pacing of plots drops.
Also, how much do I want to eat every single piece  of food in this darn show? 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 8 - Man I wish this were better I enjoyed this more. Sigh. I do LOVE the stepbrother sides. Of course I do. But how can this feature 2 of my favorite relationship types (age gap, stepbrothers) and not be my favorite BL airing? Japan, how do you ALWAYS do this to me? 
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - I don’t know. I just wish this were better. Also shorter.
I really miss KBL right now.
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It's done I Need to Catch up
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Veitnam so I assume it's on YouTube. I never even noticed. Anyone?
After Sundown - aired on Netflix Thailand. No word on inter release.
It's Airing But...
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
In Case You Missed it
All my year-end round ups:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
BL 2023's Best:
Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
Cute Bits of Domesticity
Boys Feeding Boys
Best Cuddles
Heads in Laps
Touching Head Touches
Thailand Put His Head on Your Shoulder
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (not Thailand)
BEST KISSES (not Thailand)
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Next Week Looks Like This
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More Coming Jan 2024
Beside You (Thai YouTube)
1/24 Love For Love's Sake (Korea Gaga)- based on the Manhwa ‘Love Supremacy Zone’ by Hwacha. A young man is dropped into a game based off a novel he loves. His mission is to make another player, YeoWoon happy. But then the game starts unfolding completely different from the novel.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Why are the oversized flappy flappy sleeves so adorable? (The Sign)
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Pit Babe
Frankly 2024 is starting on a whimper... mostly from Babe.
(Last week)
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
Hey Jess! I had a question that I figured other people might want to know as well. I'm always amused at how your game matches sims up to marry or have children. I was wondering, what are your MCCC settings that make it happen so well? I have sims sitting in my 'manage households' and none of them have married or moved out with the 'in game' story progression. What's the secret sauce? 🤣
Howdy, partner! 🤭 It's funny you should ask me this because on my seven mile long list of video ideas I have is a short series about MCCC settings, and this is one subject I wanted to cover. But who knows when I'll get it together and actually record those videos lol. As you could imagine, the secret sauce has many ingredients, so I'll put the rest of this under the cut because it's a lot. Here we go!
Even though I said this is a multipart answer--and it is--I'm gonna split this up into two sections because marriages and pregnancies are two separate entities. Many of the settings are the same, and they both fall under the MC Pregnancy module, but they're still separate, and I think of them differently.
Marriage Sim Selection
The first thing you should consider is who you want marrying and if your sims should be included in the process. As you've seen, I like seeing the other sims' lives progress, even if it's messy AF LOL. I especially love this happening in the aDOLTing save because I'm technically not allowed to play with anyone else but Luca right now. BUT, I don't want every single sim there is to get married, leaving no single sims for my sims to date. That's what happened in Emmy's generation and why I added Ali into the world because there were exactly TWO eligible males in the entire world, and I knew one of them would definitely not work out. In the Marriage Sim Selection part of MC Pregnancy, you can specify who can and cannot get married. I'm not gonna through each setting, but here are a few that are important enough to note.
Allow homeless marriage: Unless you regularly add your own sims to the world, I would enable this. Otherwise you probably won't have any marriages happening. This is disabled by default. Yes, you run the risk of your unplayable sims marrying someone hideous, but it's better than them dying alone, right? Plus you can always make them over. Your sim doesn't know the difference anyway lol.
Bypass dorm residents: If you don't enable this, your university students will be eligible for marriages!
Bypass played households: IF you want to be the matchmaker for your sims (the playable ones), turn this on! If you're flexible and don't mind surprises, turn it off.
Bypass active sim romances: This one needs to be in red lol. TURN THIS ON! If your sim is dating an NPC, and you don't want that sim to suddenly turn up married (I'm giggling...you know why), you need this on. I think it's on by default though. The only "gotcha" with this setting is that the relationship has to be significant. Lovebirds status isn't strong enough to prevent a marriage. I usually get my sims into an official relationship as soon as possible to prevent this.
Other Marriage
In the Other Marriage section (MC Pregnancy), there are settings for renaming, moving, etc. after marriage. You should definitely check out the settings to tailor it to how you want your world to be, but I want to call out Use Traits for Marriage. This is a newer setting that I enabled as soon as it launched. It doesn't make sense for Don Lothario to get married in every single save. He has the noncommittal trait! Turning this on will take a sim's traits into consideration before determining if they are eligible for random marriages.
Spouse Sim Selection
In this section, you can do things like allow polygamy and inter-family marrying, specify what % of marriages should be same sex, allow teen marriages, etc. Here are just a few settings I want to call out.
Occupancy Preference: It took me some years to figure this out, but this is honestly the key to my entire setup. This determines which group of NPCs are candidates for marriages and pregnancies by where they live. The choices are homeless only, prefer home sims, living in homes only, and none. I have prefer home sims on. I like neighbors dropping by and seeing them walking around, so I tend to put my sims' friends and sims I like into homes. This setting says when it's time for random marriages and pregnancies to occur, sims living in homes get first dibs. If none of them are eligible, then everyone else will have a chance. I used to have this on none, and I was experiencing waaaaaay too many random marriages. Like, good on the homeless sims for having lives lol, but they were snatching up every single eligible sim and I was like this has to stop lol.
Use Same Age-Group: I've gone back and forth about enabling or disabling this one and finally decided to enable it. This will keep your fresh from high school babies from getting married to someone with one foot in the grave! Sims will only marry other sims in the same age group as them. Back in the day I felt sorry for the elders because they're always single when they die. But I also felt sorry for the baby they married lol. True, when they croak, the kid can find new love, but they've wasted so much time being married to the old sim. So with this on, elders aren't completely out of luck. They can just only marry each other.
Okay! Now that we know how to let sims get married, let's learn how to knock some up! 😂
I would check out the Offspring section of MC Pregnancy on your own just to get familiar with how you can shape your sims' families and even the children to a certain extent, but let's get to the important stuff.
Other Pregnancy
There's really good stuff in here like allow pregnancy aging, pregnancy duration, and random moods, but the only thing I want to call out is Use Traits for Pregnancy. This will take into account sims traits before they are marked as candidates. It won't prevent sims with the hates children trait from getting knocked up, but it will lower the percentage (which you can specify in another section, I think).
Partner Sim Selection
This is similar to marriage sim selection, and in here I also prefer home sims in the occupancy preferences. I also allow a veeeery tiny percentage for allow affairs. I like tea, what can I say? LOL Not everyone is faithful!
Pregnant Sim Selection
This is similar to spouse selection, and I do not allow homeless pregnancies for the same reasons I don't allow homeless marriages. I have all the same settings enabled from spouse selection, so revisit the above. Additionally, I use days until max age. This prevents a sim from getting pregnant X number of days from the end of whatever lifespan you specify is the oldest to be pregnant. I don't allow elder pregnancies, so this stops my adult sims from getting pregnancy X days from their elder birthday. My number is 10, but you pick whatever makes sense for your lifespans. I do this because I've had waaaaaaay too many sims get pregnant and have babies like the day before their elder birthday, and then they die before the kid is a teenager. I don't want orphans in my game! They make me sad. Besides, in real life, at a certain point women can't have children anymore, so I want my game to be the same.
Days to Run Checks: By default, MCCC will go through this process of marrying and knocking up sims 3 nights a week at midnight, but you can change that to whatever you like here. I thought 3 nights a week was WAY too often, so I only have it run once a week on Fridays.
Pregnancy Percentage: Just because the check runs every week doesn't mean I want someone getting pregnant every week. I'm not trying to create a baby boom. I cut the pregnancy percentage for young adults by half and adults by 75% (since IRL it's harder to get pregnant the older you get). I'm not afraid of a teen pregnancy story, so I do have teen pregnancies on and reduced their percentage by 85%. Even though I wouldn't mind telling that story, I don't want a teen pregnancy epidemic lol. I've had this enabled, but I've yet to have MCCC knock up a teen.
I think I skipped over Marriage Percentage but I use the same logic and similar percentages there too.
Valid Target Ages: HA! I see why I've never had a teen pregnancy lol. Even though I have it on, I never marked it as a valid target age. For whatever reason I only have YA selected. Not sure why. Probably for the best. If a teen pregnancy happens, I'd prefer it be my own sims.
I love a little risk and challenge and surprise in my game. This is why I love using lumpinou's mods. I not a micromanager and prefer some things be left to chance. I like being able to try for a baby and it maybe not work that time. I don't like how predictable the game is. So, if you're feeling froggy, here are a few more settings for ya!
MC Woohoo - Woohoo Pregnancy
Risky Woohoo Percent: I used to have YA on 3%, but lumpinou has intergrated her mod with MCCC more, so I don't have this enabled anymore here. (it's controlled by her mod now and I think it's at 5% now). 3% might sound low, but MAN I've had so many oopsie babies on that little 3% lol.
Try for Baby Percent: I lowered mine to 65% just to add some variety and give my sims something to work toward. (No, this is not what caused Luca and Sophia's problem LOL).
MCCC Settings - Relationship Settings
I'm highlighting this because, even though I placed it in the bonus section, I highly recommend you check this out. These are the settings that control if/when sims move in together or break up!
Auto-Relationship Settings
Breakup Settings: You can specify which sim will move out and who the children will live with. Couple relationship change percentage applies a modifier that will make a couple's relationship (dating, not married) increase or decrease over time. I increased mine to 20%. Same thing with spouse relationship change except I only did 10% there.
Move-in Settings: I allow homeless romance move in and kept the romance level to the default. (sweethearts) I also increased the romance move-in percent to 25%.
Bypass Played Household: It should go without saying, but just in case it's not clear, I always want my playable households bypassed because I want to maintain control over what happens to them. About this, I have other households that I don't actually play (in the Pierson save) that I have as playable just to preserve them and prevent anything from happening. So to be clear, unless a household is marked as played, they will be subjected to the random marriages, pregnancies, and relationships.
A few months ago, I FINALLY decided to mark Emmy and Ali as unplayed, hoping that Ali would find love again and that Emmy and Dwayne would move in together. Instead, Alessia got knocked up, and Dwayne put his foot down LOL. Sorry dude. Wish I could help! Well, I could just move her in, but it actually doesn't feel right for the story...but that's an entirely different conversation lol.
Anyhoo...I hope you found something in this novel that helps to spice up your game! Thanks for asking!
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hammerhead-jpg · 3 months
Okay okay okay imma talk about something
Redacted ramble number 45 go!!!!!
The potential argument as to why shipping Asher and David is bad could be "yes, Asher and David have shown to be very close in a way regular friendships aren't, literally being "more than a promise " and "two sides of the same coin" and all the other other stuff we've been told, but why can't that be platonic? Why can't we assume that even in a world where they don't already have their own mates that kinda thing couldn't possibly be platonic ? As a society we always assume that if two people that aren't related become closer than your average friendship it automatically means that it has to be romantic, that they then have to start dating, move in together, get married and have children. But Asher and David very well could have all that closeness and still be just best friends."
And to that I would usually say that well, shipping is done for fun. There doesn't have to be rhyme or reason to it. Most people who ship them (at least I think) are able to comprehend the idea that Asher and David could be that close and still consider themselves best friends and not lovers because that is the reality of the series.
But then I thought no- I - uh -NO!!
Because hhejjsjesjsuj EVERY single interaction that implies closeness IS FUCKIN FULL of sextual tension like no joke with the scene in the wedding where David fixes Asher's tie I was actually wondering if they were gonna start making out or somth
I can't fuckin say that their relationship is inherently romantic cuz that would be a lie but LIKE hdkdndmdhjfjj their relationship is so much closer to romance than your average very VERY close friendship
To paint you a picture Milo is also a person that is very very close to David and Asher
Sure, maybe not as much to them as they are to each other, Milo met them later in life, he was never their roommate or David's main support while he was grieving his father's death but they're still very close
Yesterday I read a fic about all three of them as a polycule and it's just felt...wrong
I guess if there are any wolf boys polycule lovers rn I'm sorry but having Milo in there felt wrong in a way I cannot describe
And the imperium AU.....the IMPERIUM AU
The existence of the imperium au inherently implies that if Asher and David didn't meet their mates they would be together romantically. THERE IS A NON CANON YET OFFICIAL AU WHERE THEY WERE LOVERS FOR LIFE SO CLOSE THAT WHEN DAVID DIED NOT ONLY DID IT PERMANENTLY CHANGE ASHER BUT LITERALLY A PART OF HIS MAGIC DIED WITH DAVID.
There is nothing in the story that really needed Asher and David to be mates, so much so that in the original Imperium AU episode Erik had no plans for them to have been lovers until he made the cataclysm sequel it's literally just because Erik wanted to
SO IF the implication is that if they didn't meet their mates they would've have been lovers then you CANNOT judge people for imagining that scenario where it's not in an imperialistic world where one of them ends up dying
Also I can't even say that it's because they didn't meet their mates because although David obviously didn't meet Angel because they were engaged(?) to the king imperial Asher I'm pretty sure meets Baabe around the same time that he meets them in the prime universe so like?????
In conclusion If Erik ships them then you cannot blame me for doing the same thing!!
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Hello Mousey!!! This will be a long one but I want to ask for the Castle Village adventures and mages' reactions to developing a crush or falling for someone.
How long would it take for them to realise it and what would be the thing that made them do so? Would they be in denial, try to hide it, or be accepting of the fact? Would they be shy or open about making advances? Would they be more absentminded during the day, would it affect their day to day life or would they be completely unbothered? How would they approach that person from then on? Some stuff along those lines.........
Awgehdhhsgshdhhsdhgsshhhsgsg ^^
Ayooo, good to see you again! 😊
Sorry for the long reply (got a bit longer headcanon than I planned). Enjoy, thank you for your ask, and have a good day 💕
I think Lance will immediately accept the fact that he has fallen in love with a certain person. He is quite honest with himself and others, why deny the call of his heart. But before he starts courting his crush, the gallant adventurer will first assess the situation to see how much chance he has at all.
For all his appearance as someone who has a crowd of admirers and lots of light romances behind him, Lance doesn't strike me as a homewrecker, so he'll keep a respectful distance if he finds out his crush is already married or in a serious relationship with someone else. A little sad, but he'll quickly accept that fact, and It won't affect his work too much.
It's also concerning if his crush is the first to start hinting to Lance that they want a relationship, but are themselves still officially in a relationship with another person. So Lance's crush will either honestly end the old relationship before starting a new one, or Lance doesn't need this (headcanon that he despite cheaters and lying in general).
If his crush is single, and reciprocates Lance's compliments, the pink-haired man will take that as a green light and openly court and flirt with the person. He won't be shy here, and he doesn't care what others gossip about. He likes this person - they like Lance too - and the rest shouldn't matter to them both.
Denial. Total denial that he's even in love with someone. And he actively lies and denies not only to everyone who asks him, but also to himself. No, Isaac's cheeks don't blush at the sight of his cru - uh, not crush, not crush at all! - it's just from the heat in Crimson Baldlans. And no, he doesn't think about them, sitting at the table drinking his beer - they're annoying! Stop bothering him!
He will deny it until he hears from Alesia/his colleagues that his crash was found wounded/beaten/on the verge of death. That's when his heart will clench in pain and he will finally accept the fact that he has fallen in love. In love with a person he may never see again. The adventurer will later find some excuse to visit them and make sure that at least they're okay.
Even if his crush already has a partner, Isaac will worry about them and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't get into another mess. He won't babysit them, thought, as he's busy with his work. Isaac will try to forget about this person, if they are already busy. And if they are single - it will take him a long time to force himself to make the first move (his crush will most likely make the first move themselves).
The state between "I'll finally go to my crush and confess my feelings to them" and "I'm afraid that they will reject me" happens almost every day for Jadu. It's at home/in his room, standing in front of the mirror, that the young wizard is not afraid of anything, but as soon as he meets this very person, everything is forgotten and instead an incoherent set of words comes out of his mouth. He's also as red as a tomato ("Ugh, whyyyyyy.").
Senior wizards will often scold Jadu and ask what's wrong, because for the last couple of days he almost blew up the alchemy lab by pouring the wrong liquid into the cauldron, burned a couple of scrolls (fortunately, it was possible to restore them) and in general he seems to be in the clouds. You can guess that all his thoughts are filled with his crush, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't get his mind off it.
Jadu is a bit shy, so he'll start with secret letters to find out the information he needs. He'll also casually ask around to locals and friends (but NOT Camilla, or she'll figure him out quickly). He's going to be sad for a long time when he finds out that his crush is already taken, so the other wizards will still have to scold Jadu for being inattentive more than once.
Alesia will not immediately realise that she has fallen in love with a particular person. At first there will be just interest and curiosity, later she will realise that her (future) crush is quite a good, honest and nice person. Sniper would like to make a friendship with them - tell each other about the latest missions and interesting rumours in the Guilds (if her crush is also an adventurer), share their thoughts, rest together.
Then already, when in one moment Alesia sees their smile, hears their ringing laughter, how cute they look in their clothes, how they shine, the sniper's realisation will hit like a hammer. "Yoba, I'm in love..." Yeah, it's been about almost a month now, Alesia, but thanks for noticing.
Of all the candidates, Alesia will be the most honest and straightforward. She won't start courting and flirting with her crush until she knows what their current relationship status is. If married/in a relationship - then no. She'll back right away, not wanting to come between them (though it stung a bit inside her to be sad). If single - then she'll honestly say she likes them and ask if the feeling is mutual.
Camilla saw a person she liked - Camilla will get them. This witch knows no boundaries and is willing to do almost anything to get her crush to pay attention to her. She starts right away with some light flirting to see their reaction. And given that a lot of people are used to this way of talking to her, no one is surprised that Camilla is flirting with someone again ("Just another Tuesday in Castle Village...").
At times, the person that Camilla is partial to believe that the witch is almost stalking them. She often teleports to them (slightly scaring them in the process), always flirting, always there for them. Little gifts, more flirting, and more, and more. But if she feels any awkwardness or discomfort from her crush, she will apologise immediately (whether she apologised sincerely or not is hard to tell).
If, however, her crush is in a relationship... To be honest, I thought it would be out of character at first, but I feel like Camilla can play dirty. If she notices a crack in her crush's relationship with their current partner, she will do anything to make the crack bigger by getting her crush being single. I don't know about what she will do in the case of a crush who loves their partner and that one is mutual. Maybe she will go far. Maybe she won't. Unpredictable woman...
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zorosjuicymelonsx · 6 months
Finding You
A/N: Guys I'm here and I'm so sorry I'm a week late with this. I got a new job after losing mine a few months ago so things have been hectic lately with my schedule. All I can say is sometimes adulting SUCKS but I love money so 😭🤑
A lovely reader on AO3 had helped me realise there was an anomaly with the timeline of how Y/N and Zoro meet and all so I went through it and I thought I would go through this:
Y/N's flashback of Zoro sleeping in the forest in Chapter 3 was when they were 15 so its actually 7 years ago and not 4 years ago. I've edited this and amended the story you tell Zoro slightly in Chapter 5 to correct this so my apologies for not finding this sooner. I wanted to show that she had a crush on him before they officially met after he rescued her in the alley. They then turn 16, graduate school and then Zoro asks her out. They date till 18, get engaged and marry at 19. Zoro disappears a few days after this and you spend the 2, almost 2 and a half years looking for him so he's 21 and your 21.
Its sometime after Wano and Egghead doesn't exist in this "dimension" when you find him in Chapter 1 so they're just cruising right now. I wanted to match the actual One Piece ages he was before and after timeskip.
I hope this has helped clarify if anyone else was confused of the timeline but please do enjoy this chapter. Because of my new job, I'll do my very post to work and post in a timely manner. Thank you for everyones patience and support with me.
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Chapter Eight Previous Next “Zoro? You okay?”
“i-I have to go, m’sorry.” 
That was the last thing he said to you a week ago in the Crows Nest. You had gone through every single possible reason for why he suddenly would switch up the way he did which left you nowhere near to a conclusive answer. You were sure you’d done absolutely nothing but at the same time doubted yourself and wondered if you had done something unconsciously. 
Since then, he'd practically been living in the Crows Nest. He never ate in the galley anymore, never came on the deck to hang around with anyone and you weren’t even sure if he was sticking with his once a week baths. Every time you tried to seek him out, you noticed the hint of stress in his face and would walk away in the opposite direction. Thankfully you weren’t the only one who noticed the swordsman's strange behaviour. 
“Marimo is really starting to piss me off, can you believe he’s making me bring his meals to him like I’m some waiter?!” Sanji spat with annoyance as he piled nourishment onto Zoro’s breakfast plate. You knew Zoro wouldn’t have asked Sanji for food, you just understood Sanjis code of ethics when it came to making sure that every member of the crew was properly fed and nourished. You appreciated him for it. 
You were one of the few who remained in the galley after breakfast, sitting with Jinbe and Usopp who were finishing off their own meals. You’d leaned forward to sit your chin on your forearms as you traced the rim of your coffee cup with your finger caught in a net of progressive overthinking of the enigma that was your husband. 
“Has he really not said anything?” Usopp asked Sanji, the cook turning to face them, the plate in his hand piled high in mostly eggs, sausages and toast. 
“Not a word. I swear the algae on his heads really taken over his brain.” Sanji cursed before leaving the galley, chewing on his unlit cigarette. 
“Isn’t this normal for Zoro? I mean he is pretty quiet.” Jinbe asked Usopp. Since Jinbe was the most recent crewmate to join Luffy and the crew before you, it was understandable he would ask. You would have agreed with Jinbe on the fact Zoro was quiet, however, you knew better than to mistake this for just his regular self. 
“When something is bothering him, he shuts down. He avoids everyone, he won’t talk, he’ll just isolate. I just can’t figure out what's bothering him.” You grumbled out before lifting your cup to take a gulp of your coffee. Setting the cup down, you realised you couldn’t hear either of them talking anymore and turned to see them both staring at you with wide eyes. 
“Has he really never done this in front of you guys?” You questioned the gaping pair with a raised brow slightly mocking their owlish stares back. Jinbe shook his head as expected whereas Usopp's gaze drifted off behind you in thought. You assumed he was revisiting his album of memories with the swordsman. 
“Well…there was the time on Thriller Bark when he shut himself away to train but it wasn’t anything like this.” Usopp answered cautiously, his mouth slightly turned down in slight distress.This caught your attention and your heart filled with anxiety. 
“What happened?” You asked, unconsciously frowning. Usopp's gaze refocused back to yours, adjusting himself uncomfortably in his seat as he seemed hesitant to retell the story. Nonetheless, he sighed before clearing his throat to speak. 
“We were on Thriller Bark where we met Brook. Brook was stuck on his old crew's ship and he couldn’t leave because his shadow being taken by the ex-warlord Gecko Moria.”
“Brook has a shadow?” You asked in surprise trying to suppress a laugh. You valued Brook as a crew member despite his panties fetish. Thankfully Nami always stepped in after he asked to put him in his place.
“I don’t even know anymore, ANYWAYS ....we managed to defeat him but another ex-warlord named Kuma came for us.We don’t know what exactly happened because Kuma knocked us out but we know Zoro got really hurt. He was unconscious for a few days after that. I think at the time we underestimated them but knowing him, he blamed himself for not being strong enough.” 
Usopp clarified, his tone laced with guilt. Your heart ached at the idea of Zoro being that severely injured to that extent. You knew he didn’t care as long as he met his goal in the end even if you did reprimand him on his mentality many times over the years you both dated. You had eventually accepted it and you didn’t want to stand in his way.
“Let's just give him space and see what happens.” You spoke assuringly to the two despite your chest hammering with the anxiety of unsurety. 
One Week Later
Two weeks had passed since you last heard Zoro's voice. The patient person you were two weeks ago was buried deep inside and now your patience was wearing thin along with your paranoia running rampant. You couldn’t take the silence anymore and neither could the rest of the crew. 
It was the afternoon and Nami had called everyone in for a crew meeting on deck, including Zoro who had unsuccessfully attempted to blend into the background. Your eyes has locked in on him from the moment you walked in and spotted green. You also saw the obvious attempt he made to avoid looking your way as he chose to focus his gaze on the wall behind Nami. 
‘Just what was so interesting about the wall you fucker?’ You thought to yourself as you leaned back in your chair in observation. 
“Right guys, I called this meeting in because I came across information that there's an island nearby rumoured to have a fuck ton of treasure. We gotta make a game plan.” Nami excitedly spoke, the berries practically beaming out of her eye sockets. Reluctantly, you took your eyes away from Zoro to focus on Nami. 
For about an hour, she went over and planned in detail how to navigate the island, showing you and the others the maps and other sources of information from a book she read detailing the treasure and its history. 
“I also decided that not all of us can go on the island so I’m picking Zoro and Y/N to stay behind on the ship.” Nami added. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Zoro stiffen before clearing his throat to speak up. 
“I’m coming with you guys, have Sanji stay on the ship with Y/N.” Zoro spoke in a low, reserved manner clearly disguising his obvious discomfort towards you. It was the first time you’d heard his voice in two weeks but hearing the words he chose only had you gritting your teeth. You took a deep breath in and decided that at that moment you couldn’t take anymore. 
He had drawn your last straw. 
“Oh Y/N-chan, I’d love to-” You cut off Sanji as you stood up from your seat, the feet of the chair roughly scraping against the floor boards as you paced your steps towards Zoro to now stand strong in front of him. You felt the intense gaze of the others on you but ignored it, the anger you felt overpowered your rationality. 
“Whats your fucking problem?” You spat out as you looked up at him. 
This caught him off surprise. You could see he was trying to shift away from you but you weren’t going to allow him to get out of this. You moved in tandem with him whenever he attempted to get away from you only to have him give up and stay glued to the wall behind him. 
“I ain’t got no problem-”
“Bullshit. You’ve been avoiding me for the past two weeks. In fact, you’ve been avoiding ALL of us.” 
“You’re being dramatic.”
“No I’m fucking not.” You somehow got even closer, your chest practically touching his as you felt his body heat against you. 
“She's really not Zoro, did something happen between you two?” Nami asked cautiously behind you.
“Did I do something?” 
He could see you were frustrated with him and he could see he was only hurting you more than he wanted to. 
‘I’m sorry….’ He thought as he looked at you, the guilt overwhelming him. 
Whilst he didn’t appreciate the questioning from you and the heavy gazes of everyone, he will admit he had isolated himself from you. It wasn’t because you did anything to him personally and it wasn’t because he started rejecting your presence on the ship; by far you'd been patient with him by letting him be. The persistent questioning he got from the others, especially the shitty cook despite being appreciative of him bringing his meals to him only to be met with silence from him only fueled his guilt. Since the discovery of his feelings for you, he felt overwhelmed. Being around you distracted him. He felt the want to be with you but at the same time, his mind shielded him from you as if he was protecting himself from you. He prided himself in being strong minded and he felt frustrated with himself over how he could possibly feel this way when he prided himself in being strong minded. He could only theorise that this mental block with you had to do with the guy who’d wiped his memory. 
‘Was his named Edward? Ethan? Whatever, it didn’t matter.’
He knew he was being a dick by staying away from you but he didn’t know what else to do. The moment he accepted his feelings for you, he’d also accepted what felt like an overwhelming burden in his stomach. He felt panic, a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time. He left you in the Crows Nest, remembering the feeling of not being able to breathe. This was why Zoro did not do feelings; they were complicated. 
“You didn’t do anyth-”
“Then why have you been avoiding me?” You persistently questioned, the frustration brimming in your eyes. 
“I’m done with this, I’m leaving.” He felt his heart climbing up into his throat with you being so close to him.
“Oh no you don’t, you’re not getting out of this one.” 
You made an impulse decision out of anger. With your free hand, you summoned a hole behind Zoro. You pictured the very island where you spent time training yourself with your devil fruit, knowing it was quiet and you wouldn’t be disturbed. The hole behind him had formed and Zoro had realised too late he was no longer leaning against solid and fell through the smoke of clouds that enveloped him. 
You turned to the others who were gaping at you in shock. Even Luffy stayed glued to his seat with no attempt to jump through the cloud of smoke. 
“I’ll bring him back tomorrow.” You huffed out before going through the hole yourself. 
As you landed in the sand of the island, you looked up to see the hole you summoned. You then looked around to see your surroundings. The island hadn’t changed one bit; the wave of nostalgia hit as you breathed in the smell of the sand and sea, the lingering scent of greenery coming from the forest coming into the mix as well. If you looked around again, you’d be able to find the rock you carved the last date you were here before leaving to continue your search for Zoro. 
You purposefully summoned the hole on the empty side of the island, choosing to leave the small population of habitants to the other side undisturbed. They were peaceful people and had even shared a few meals with you from time to time whenever a few of them found you exhausted from exertion after training. They knew you well and that you didn’t pose a threat, choosing to peacefully coexist with them. 
Once closed, the anger still ever present in your system you looked around to spot Zoro sitting in the sand as he looked around taking his surroundings. 
“Wh-where are-?” 
“You gonna talk or what?” You aggressively asked. 
Zoro was now angry. He didn’t want to fight with you, he just wanted to piece together his feelings and rebuild his courage to be around you. He wasn’t ready to face you and being here with you only made him feel worse.  
He stood up from the sand and stomped over to stand over you, pushing the bile from his thumping heart back down his throat.
“What…the FUCK…were you thinking? Why would you do that? Do you realise without me there, you’ve put the others in danger? Take us back NOW.” 
“First of all, step the fuck back and calm down. Second of all, they’ll be fine. Third of all, were not going anywhere until we sort whatever the fucks gone up your ass and died.” You said as you matched his energy. 
“Fuck this, I’m out.” Zoro refused to admit anything. He couldn’t. He turned away from you and began walking. 
“Roronoa Zoro, come back here now.” You ordered him as you followed behind. 
“No. Piss off.” He called back as he continued stomping. 
“Zoro, stop.” You shouted, your voice almost broke as your anger now turned into hurt. 
“Leave me alone Y/N.” 
“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?” You now cried out. You couldn’t stop the tears and the lump in your throat as you stared at his back. 
Zoro stopped at the sound of your voice breaking. He frowned at the thought of you upset, his heart ached but he couldn’t turn around. 
“I’m not doing anything to you Y/N. I just need space.” He spoke regretfully before he continued walking again and turned left heading into the forest. You stood still as you watched him walk away.
“Fuck.” You whispered to yourself, taking your palm to rub against your forehead in frustration and then using the back of your hand to wipe your tears away. You hated crying, you’d always felt so weak. No matter how much you try to control it, the tears always win. You decided to sit, digging yourself further into the sand before leaning back to let it envelop you. 
You breathed in, allowing yourself to take in the sound of the waves crashing against the damp sand. You didn’t realise how much you missed being back on land. You loved being on the Sunny, you really did but sometimes allowing yourself to be grounded for a bit always helped. 
You let your hands moved with the sand, feeling the softness of it between your fingers. You clenched the sand into your palms finding the action soothing and allowing the anger you’d felt seep into each particle.
What were you going to do with Zoro? 
————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
A few hours had passed and you found yourself waking up from a nap you had unconsciously taken. You noticed the sun was beginning to lower, you predicted you had a few hours left before nightfall. You sighed before getting up from the sand, swiping off the residue of sand that was left on your clothes and turned to face the direction Zoro left you from. You were grateful the island was small and you knew it  wouldn’t take you long to track down the lost swordsman. 
As you were about to start walking, you felt a presence lurking near you. You stiffened before smiling and realising there was more than one and posed no danger. 
“How long have you guys been there for?” You called out. You turned to find a small group of what you assumed were hunters gathering food. The group consisted of three men and one woman. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” One of the male hunters asked. 
“I’m fine don’t worry…you didn’t happen to see a green haired guy with three swords roaming around?” You queried. You didn’t know them personally but you assumed the few that did check in on you when you were training spread the word to the others of your existence.
“He’s sitting by the waterfall.” The female hunter softly answered. You nodded as you brought the memorised path to the area up into your mind to plan out your short walk. 
“Thank you, don’t mind us. We’ll be gone tomorrow.” You promised before you began making your way to him. A short walk through the forest and your feet found you at the beginning of a small lake. As you continued, your eyes caught the waterfall and the blue hues of water falling over into the lake. You looked around and soon enough your eyes caught on a head of green hair. You frowned at his slouched demeanor, noticing his eye was lost in the water and in thought. You took a quick breath in before continuing your walk to now stand near the swordsman. You noticed his body stiffened as you felt your presence before slouching back, his eye not breaking out of his lost gaze. 
“Don’t speak.” 
Your mouth closed into a straight line, the words ‘I’m sorry’ stuck at the tip of your tongue. You felt like you stood for eternity but just a few short minutes later and you decided to find a seat on the grass near him. Your eyes followed his and soon enough you were also lost in the water with him. Apart from the sounds of the water crashing into the lake and the gentle calls from the birds in the trees, the angst between the both of you laid thick. 
As you watched the water, you were reminded of how much you missed swimming and the ability to just float. You had thankfully never fallen into the ocean since obtaining your devil fruit but the thought of sinking struck fear in you. You missed the feeling of saltwater soaking into your skin, letting your fingertips wrinkle and allowing your mind to wonder and be free. Sure you were able to shower in non-sea water but it just wasn’t the same. 
Time had passed and the sky had turned into a deep hue of orange indicating the end of daylight. The forest had begun to fill out with fireflies, adding to the ambiance and giving light to where you both sat. You knew you’d have to start a fire and look for food soon but you couldn’t find the will to do so yet. 
You had decided to scoot closer to the edge of the lake, allowing yourself to indulge in the only closeness you can have to water. 
“You ain’t plannin to jump in right?” 
Hearing his voice shook you out of thought, you shook your head to answer his question. 
Zoro had every right to be pissed at you but seeing the sadness in your face made him feel guilty for letting himself behave like a teenager for hours. This was his fault after all but admitted he let his pride get the better of him. 
“Why’re you moping?”
“I’m not moping..I’m just remembering how much I enjoyed swimming and just being in the ocean.” You confessed, pouting and allowing yourself to lean on your hand. 
“I thought you didn’t regret-” 
“I don’t regret anything. I’m allowed to feel sad.” You snapped. 
He allowed silence to fill the space between the both of you for a moment before he made an anxiety-consuming decision that would definitely change everything. 
“You wanna go in?” Zoro softly asked. 
You turned to face him, surprise evident in your face. 
“That's impossible, I’ll just feel weak and sink.” You answered. 
“Not if I’m holding you.” Zoro said. 
“I thought you were avoiding me, now you wanna hold me?” You questioned back. 
“Answer my question; you want to go in yes or no?” Zoro bit back with slight annoyance at you being argumentative. 
You bit your lip to stop yourself from going into a tangent, turning to look back at the water before nodding. 
From seeing your physical consent, Zoro stood up and began to strip. You visibly blushed and let your gaze turn away from him refusing to turn it into ogling. He brought himself into your line of vision as he walked forward and stepped into the water, waiting with his back turned to you at the edge to allow you privacy. You were able to see he was just left in his boxers. You stared for a bit before finding your brevity and beginning to strip until you were just in your underwear and bra. You walked a few steps forward until you stood just behind him but you hadn’t stepped in the water yet.
“Am I okay to pick you up?” Zoro cautiously asked, his back still facing you.
“y-Yeah you can.” 
Zoro turned around, pushing back his raging heartbeat and ignoring the growing heat in his skin before scooping you into his arms bridal style and slowly walking back into the lake until he was halfway submerged. You relished in the warmth of his skin and you hadn’t realised just how much you missed his presence. 
“If it gets too much for you, tell me and I’ll take you back.” Zoro’s voice almost broke. He was currently fighting back the blush that had threatened to consume his wholebeing as he avoided looking down at your naked body. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen a naked woman before, heck Nami and Robin walked around the ship in practically nothing and it never once bothered him. Seeing you see this way; shy and almost vulnerable gave a completely different meaning to it. He couldn’t fathom anyone else seeing you like this and the mere idea of any man seeing you this way made his skin itch and his temper rise.  
He hadn’t even allowed himself to be consumed in the lust-filled thoughts he had of you since his recent awakening of feelings he had for you. He felt too much respect for you to subject you to his internal needs. He didn’t even know if you both even consummated the marriage before he disappeared but refused to go down the tangent of thoughts surrounding it. 
He slowly began to lower you into the water, allowing the flow of the water to cover your legs and your arms. You gasped at the sudden coolness of the water, immediately feeling the weakness of the ocean consume you. Rather than fighting the weakness, you allowed it to sit as you relished in the feeling of the cool water and Zoro’s body heat. 
“You okay?” 
“Thank you Zoro.” You quietly spoke, grateful to him. 
His concern alone was enough for you to choke on a sob. You were overwhelmed. 
“Why did you avoid me?” You weakly asked, allowing yourself to cry. 
“M’sorry.” Zoro mumbled back as he bit the inside of his cheek.
“I don’t want a sorry…I want an answer.” 
Zoro said nothing. He didn’t know how to confess his feelings to you. He couldn’t even begin to explain or know where to start with talking about what was wrong with him. Seeing you broken hurt him badly and he knew he couldn’t let this go on anymore. 
‘Show her.’ 
A small voice in his head spoke. He frowned at the intrusion of the voice. 
‘Show her how you feel.’ 
He looked down to see you looking back up at him. The yearning he felt to hold you closer, the want to be with you overtook him. 
He decided to listen to the foreign voice, putting his anxiety to one side as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss.
————————————- ⚔️✨ ————————————
Taglist: @starlightanyaaa @eggrollforyou @rosellerinfrost @qalable
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madame-fear · 1 year
Hiii ✨ Do you think you could write something where the reader is Aemond’s twin/wife but she’s in love with Luke? Maybe something slightly spicy? Totally okay if not 🫶🏼
*ೃ༄ 𝐏𝐑Ū𝐌𝐈𝐀 𝐁Ā𝐍𝐄 [ — ✧ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦 ] .ೃ࿐
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— ☆ amira speaks : hope you enjoy this sweet darling, and it was as you expected! sorry if the 'slight smut' is... a bit explicit, i'm still getting used to writing this type of content — but deeply hope it's of your liking! Lucerys is briefly aged up. — summary : [ — ✧ request ] Lucerys, the boy you've always loved, and his family travel back to King's Landing like they always occasionally do after the eye incident with your brother-husband, Aemond. But this visit, is far more different than the others. — word count : 4.1k (why so long? sorry!)
— pairing : lucerys velaryon x aunt! targaryen! (aemond's sister) reader — genre : fluff, smut at the end.
TW | Fingering, Praising Kink (maybe, slightly?), Incest, smut content.
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After a two long years of not officially seeing, House Targaryen and House Velaryon travelled once again back to King's Landings. Though the relationship between your half-sister Rhaenyra and your mother Alicent was rather tense, your father King Viserys often insisted on bringing the whole family together to try and make things less uneasy, the tension was always still heavily felt in the environment.
Despite Rhaenyra's relationship with your mother was not exactly the best, she did have a particular fondness and respect only for you. Unlike your brothers, you were always very loving and caring with her sons, the Velaryon boys. Growing up together before they moved to Dragonstone, you always defended them when your brothers referred to them as bastards, always took care of their wounds if they got pushed too harshly when swordtraining with your brothers, gifted and read them your favourite books, and all sorts of things. With your kind, and genuinely affective self around them, both Velaryon boys and you grew deeply close; rapidly becoming their favourite relative.
Especially, the one you most grew closer with had always been Lucerys. His sweet, naturally timid persona always seemed to take a liking for you, often finding himself enjoying the mere sight of your presence around him. And you, obviously, found yourself having a small crush growing on you for him, that only worsened throughout the years as you both fully grew up.
Even after Lucerys slashed Aemond's — your twin brother — eye, you never stopped feeling the way you felt towards him, and his family. In fact, despite profoundly adoring your twin brother to no end, you couldn't help but think deep down inside of you that, in a part, he completely deserved it for misbehaving with the Targaryen girls, and the Velaryons. But, much to your — and Lucerys' — dismay, that same night your brother had his eye taken off, your father also betrothed you to him.
You felt like a mere consolation prize for the lost of your twin's eye. The thought of being betrothed to him, eventually getting officially married, and having to produce heirs sickened you in the stomach, as well as it made Lucerys feel utterly devastated at knowing he'd never get the slightest of chances of having you.
Not only you had been betrothed to your twin brother Aemond, but your half big sister Rhaenyra and her family moved permanently to Dragonstone, only visiting King's Landings once in a while, very occasionally, whenever your father invited her to spend some days in the Red Keep.
Despite travelling to King's Landing occasionally, everytime her entire family did so, you deeply treasured the moment. Every single chance you had of spending time with Lucerys and continue bonding together, putting aside the tension between your families, you spent it properly without wasting a single second. And every year he returned back to the Red Keep at least for a few days, or a week, the more you became head over heels for him. His gentle and timid nature intensified, and the more handsome he became.
Unbeknownst to you, Lucerys' thoughts regarding your persona were the exact same you had for him. Every time he met you once again when his family travelled to King's Landing, your beauty and grace seemed to increase with the passing of time. The small crush Luke had grown for you when he was still a young child seemed to remain there with him, and only becoming more intense.
This time, House Targaryen's trip back to King's Landing was no different than usual. Like you always did, you briefly chatted with Lucerys about how you had been during all this time that you weren't able to see each other, things that had happened in your life, your studies, the new knowledge you had acquired, and other sorts of things. Though, you did notice, Luke seemed to be more distracted than he usually was.
Both of you leisurely strolled through the corridors of the Red Keep, guiding him towards the grand library, where you usually spend your time. The walk had begun with a small chat, but eventually, it fell awkwardly silent between the two of you until you finally arrived to the library.
You held a deep, fervid passion for books, and it was rather notorious. It was a lovely way of spending some quiet time with yourself, and your very own thoughts. And of course, everytime Rhaenyra and her children returned to King's Landing, you always dragged Lucerys to the library since it was both your favourite place to stay together silently, and peacefully.
You had taken Lucerys to the library an hour and a half right before dinner, where you could spend some proper time together. The evening was spent by you showing all the book you had read this entire time, and talking your thoughts about the topics discussed and mentioned in those books. History, medicine, novels, herbs, languages, philosophy — all sort of books, no matter the topic.
Lucerys attentively listened to every single word that rolled off your delicate lips, and following you around the bookshelves. Though, at one moment, his attention at your words slowly faded away from him, dumbfoundedly nodding at whatever you said, and mindlessly following you around.
His attention was suddenly being fixed on how gracefully precious you looked. The passing of time simply favoured you even more, and the way you treated him so delicately and kindly — unlike your siblings — made his heart flutter with warmth, and newly found feelings that you provoked on him.
“... And this, is my favourite book, so far.”
Your voice suddenly snapped him out of his own trance of thoughts, having been distracted staring at your beauty. His green eyes lowered to the hefty, grand book you currently held in hands, that read on it's cover 'The History of Old Valyria'. By his briefly bewildered face, mindlessly nodding to whatever you said, you could notice his attention wasn't really on the books you were showing him.
A tiny grin formed on your lips, and a scoff rolled off from it. “I apologise, I must be boring you with all my rambling. Am I not?” you asked with a certain joking manner, though deep inside, you were afraid he had other concerns rather than discussing about books. An intense flustered tinted his entire face, and rapidly shook his head in disagreement.
“N-No! You could never bore me, at all!” his green eyes were fully widen, still shaking his head, denying your statements. A playful smirk formed your lips at seeing his state, and in particular, noticing the intense crimson fluster smearing his face. “I-I absolutely adore all of the books you have shown me, (y/n)-” you interrupted him by placing a soothing hand on his shoulder, and rubbing it gently. At the feeling of your delicate touch, his heart nearly skipped a bit. “I am simply jestering with you, Lucerys. You need not to worry too much.” the glint in your eyes seemed genuine, and soft; noticing how nervous Luke had gotten.
Unconsciously, your hand remained rubbing his shoulder leisurely, and softly, as well as your eyes fixed on his green ones. You just couldn't get enough of touching or grasping him with any dumb excuse, and being nearby his presence. The comfort his soft nature brought you was unlike any other that you had ever seen, making you fall even harder and deeper for Lucerys every time you thought about it in-depth. A relieved sigh escaped his lips, as well as an embarrassed timid grin formed on them.
“I-I'm sorry, (y/n).” he continued, looking deep into your eyes. “It's just that...” his voice volume lowered slightly, briefly pausing whatever thing he'd say next, shyly gazing down at the ground. His heart fluttered tightly against his chest, not being able to properly form the words without stuttering. “S-Sometimes...” he continued, managing to finally stare into those bright eyes of yours. “... I cannot help, but get distracted at how beautiful you have always been.” lucerys admitted to you, his voice remaining low.
Your eyes widened with surprise. Did he really get distracted at... your beauty? The mere thought of it made your heart begin to pound violently against your chest, as well as provoke a delicate rosy shade on your cheeks. It finally made sense all those occasions you caught him staring at you intensely, and stupidly grinning; as well as those moments where he lost his focus in middle of a conversation with you. Though, you could still not believe that, your lifetime crush admitted such thing about you.
Seeing you being left with no response and notoriously surprised at his words, he rapidly cleared his throat with shame, looking back at the ground. “I-I'm sorry. I should not disrespect you, nor make you feel uncomf–” as his eyes tried to gaze down with embarrassment, you quickly managed to take hold of his chin with your fingers in a soft, yet firm manner, and forced his gaze back to yours. Your sudden actions left him nervously confused, and gulping in silence, awaiting for what you'd do next.
“No. You have never disrespected or made me feel uncomfortable in any way, Lucerys Velaryon. And could never do such thing.” you began, staring deeply into his green eyes, that didn't left your own. “I just want to know, if you... really mean your words?” you inquired, rather hopeful of hearing his following words. Those big eyes of his seemed to shine even more, nodding in response. Without any of you fully realising, your faces had gotten more and more closer.
“Y-Yes, of course I do! I mean every single one of my words, (y/n).” he mumbled, stuttering briefly, feeling overwhelmed — in a good way — as he noticed how close your face was to his. “You... are the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life. Beautiful, in every sense. Phsyically, and personally.” luke continued, becoming more confident on his own words as he noticed how you clearly didn't seem bothered by his words. “You are perfect. Every inch of you is perfectly delicate, graceful, and...” as he stopped talking, thinking carefully every single one of his words, you released the grip from his chin, and moved your hand to softly caress his warm, reddened cheek with your fingertips.
His gaze tried shifting elsewhere, avoiding the intensity of your own eyes in the nervously tense atmosphere. Though, after a few silent seconds, his eyes finally fell on yours, without a scintilla of doubt that you truly seemed unbothered.
“And... you make me feel so in love with you. I am in love with you, and always have been.” after fiercely debating with himself whether or not to say those words, he, strangely enough, finally found the courage — and liberty — to express how he truly felt for you. Even if you tried remaining calm at Lucerys' unforeseen confession, the astounded expression on your face was too notorious to be hidden. Your heart pounded tightly against your chest at hearing his words coming from his rosy lips, and his soft spoken voice.
Both your hot breathing was felt hitting against each other's skin in a delicate manner, as your faces were inches away. How you had always felt for him could no longer be hidden from you, especially at knowing that he was in love with you, the same way you were deeply in love with him. From the nerves of hearing the pleasuring words of your crush confessing his love to you as you had fantasised about for so many years, your hands even bega to slightly tremble.
With slight quivering lips and trembling hands, your hands pulled Luke even closer to you, as your faces were merely a few inches away. Objecting against yourself with uncertainty for a some seconds, all you could manage to do was stare with desire at his daint lips. Objecting against yourself until, you could control yourself no longer anymore, giving into the strong feelings Lucerys provoked on your heart, leisurely clashing your lips against his own, as your hands cupped both his warm cheeks.
Lucerys stood still, feeling his body stiffen. Much like you, his heart thumped loudly, hoping you wouldn't be able to hear said pounding. As unbelievable as it was, the one and true love of his life was kissing him, even if he thought such moment would forever remain only in his wildest fantasies, and made-up scenarios.
Your lips were soft, as if the delicate petal of a rose grasped against his own needy lips. His chest burnt with yearning for you, and gave into the feeling of how you both fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a puzzle that had been missing from each other for too long. His green eyes fluttered shut, as one of his hands made it's way towards your waist, and the other one went to the back of your head; interwining his fingers around your hair, and pulling your face closer to his, savouring the kiss.
The kiss was fervid, luscious, and as fiery as that of a dragon's breath. Contained desire and longing came out to light with every passing second of the kissing, making Lucerys feel briefly bold, and even use his own teeth to slightly bite and nibble on your lower lip.
“(y-y/n)...” he moaned briefly, pulling inches apart from you, but close enough to have his lower lip grasping against yours, and his accelerated breath. “D-Do you feel comfortable, with this? I-I might have acted on my impulses, and I do not wish to disrespect your marriage with my uncle–” interrupting him, a breathless scoff came from your lips. As your hands cupped his cheeks, one of it's thumb went to position itself on Lucerys' lips, softly dragging your fingertip all across the lower lip, with your eyes focusing on his green ones.
“My marriage, with my twin brother? Please, Luke.” whispering, your eyes descended to stare at his lips, passing your thumb across them very slowly. “Our father forced our betrothal, and even if I deeply adore my twin, I was merely my brother's consolation prize for having lost an eye.” you continued, pecking the corner of his lips. “I never loved my brother that way. But you, however, are the one I have always been deeply in love with.”
His eyes fluttered shut once again with delight at hearing those words coming from your lips, allowing you to take control of the situation, and click your delicate lips against his own. His hand remained on the back of your head, and the other one was firmly placed on your waist. Small, low-toned humming rolled off his lips, indicating that he seemed to be pretty satisfied.
The kissing eventually became more intense, occasionally pulling apart just to breathe in back some air, and continue. Both your lips were moist from all the desperate kisses you gave each other continously, not stopping for a brief second. The atmosphere between you grew fiercely hot, and intense, as his grip on your body and yours on his sligtly chubby cheeks tightened.
“You have no idea, for how long I've wanted this moment with you, (y/n)...” he mumbled, breaking apart for a moment, staring at each other in silence. Having the desperate urge of feeling more from you, his hands were placed on your chest, and in a soft, yet firm manner, he made your back hit against the bookshelf that was behind of you, and threw himself to you, wrapping his arms tightly against your body.
Fervidly kissing you, one of his hands descended to your waist in a leisure manner, as you held his face, desperately needing to feel more from each other's lips. Soon, his lips began slowly trailing kisses down to the corner of your lips, your jaw, and they particularly focused on kissing your neck once they were there. Especially, his rosy lips focused on nibbling on the soft spots that, Luke could realise they sent you shivers all over your fragile body.
“I need you. You have no idea, how badly I have always needed you.” his voice tone was low, and nearly breathless as he spoke in between wet kisses, beginning to bite gently on a soft spot in your neck. At feeling his teeth gnawing on that spot, a quivering sigh escaped from you. “Lucerys...” you whimpered, throwing your head back, giving him more access to your skin.
A sudden wave of heat overwhelmed your chest as you could feel his fingertips leisurely descending from your waist, to your legs, and slowly sliding them under your dress. The way his fingertips ran across your skin under your dress made you feel even more vulnerable to him, your breathing becoming accelerated as you felt a wave of shivers run down your back once again.
As his fingertips ascended to your hips under your dress, he reached the waistband of your underwear, sliding his fingers under there as well. Pulling apart for a brief moment and staying inches away from your lips, his breathing became more accelerated and nervously gulped, as your own breath sharpened at the feeling; closing your eyes with the satisfaction of the pleasurably burning sensation that grew in your chest.
“M-May I continue? P-Please...” in a whiny tone, he nearly begged for permission to touch you any further. With a small hum, you weakly nodded your head, opening your eyes to look into his shiny, passionate green eyes. “Please, I need you to continue... Please.” feeling your core getting fully moist under your panties, you begged back to him. Which, strangely enough, this woke a new sensation inside of the young prince; one, that seemed to enjoy hearing — and seeing — you beg to feel more of his touch.
With no response whatsoever, his lips went back to grasping your neck, and then your collarbones, filling them with tons of wet kisses. As you had approved of his actions, his fingertips moved delicately to fully slide under your underwear. The Prince's movements were dreadfully slow until he reached your core, knowing this would make you feel even needier for his contact. The sight of you beginning to have a shaky breathing, a trembling body under his touch, and your quiet pleading was already a massively fiery turn-on for him.
His fingers finally found their way to your dripping wet core, with the tip of his fingers painfully rubbing your swollen labia from all the arousal you received from him. A strangled noise came from you, feeling how one of his fingers stimulated a particular, pulsing sensitive spot.
“Fuck–” you panted, breath hitching, your head hitting against the bookshelf behind of you. A shudder came from Lucerys at the feeling of lustful adrenaline drowning him on his insides, while your fluids dripped on his fingers. Pulling away from your neck, his face remained inches away from your skin only to tease you with his rapid, hot breathing — his gaze ascending to admiringly stare at your expressions full of pleasure.
“You like the way I make you feel, do you not?” he teased, a small smirk forming at the corner of his lips. “And I have not even introduced a finger... yet.” as he kept teasingly whispering against your skin, an exhaled huff escaped from you, as you partly opened your lips. His fingers kept rubbing your throbbing genitalia, and carefully, he inserted two fingers inside of you, making you jolt in surprise.
“Lucerys, please...” you whispered in a slurred speech, biting back a moan stuck on your throat. The two inserted fingers inside of your core made a slow, lithe in-and-out motion, as one of his other hands remained firmly holding your body, beginning to feel how you squirmed and trembled under his touch. With a lustful grin on his lips, his eyes admired the way you furrowed your eyebrows in pleasure, releasing some daintly pants and huffs.
“Seven Hells, you are so beautiful, (y/n)...” some exhaled huffs came from Lucerys as well, feeling aroused by the way your inner, moist, dripping walls tightened around his moving fingers, that began to increase the intensity in which they moved. “You are such a precious girl, with delicate moans.” he continued. The way he notoriously praised your grace with a dumbfounded look on his face, seemingly proud for making you feel pleasure, made you even wetter than you already were.
A shiver ran all the way down your spine, your knees becoming weak and quivering as he continued inserting some more fingers, and increasing the way he moved inside of you. “I-I love the way you moan, my princess. Y-You are all I have ever wanted...” his sweet words, a bit strangled from his own satisfied panting, aroused you more.
An uncomfortable, tight knot began forming on your stomach; your moaning and groaning being increased in volume, feeling his fingers sliding in and out of your core, with your aroused liquids staining his fingers. “Please, please... Don't stop–” you lazily begged, interrupting yourself with a bit too loud of a moan, barely being able to form proper sentences, and breaking the peaceful silence that continously overtook the grand library of King's Landing.
“Come for me, my love. Come for me....” he kept breathlessly whispering, beginning to place some sloppy kisses on your neck once again. One of your hands held a tight, trembling grip on his shoulder, and the other hand made your fingers firmly interwine with his brunette, messy hair, as you arched your back.
Panting, moaning, and groans filled the library; intensifying the nearer you were to cumming. His lips ascended to take in between his teeth your earlobe, taking the opportunity to whisper in your ear. “Come for me, and scream my name, Issa jorraelagon.” heavily breathing against your sensitive skin, some High Valyrian nicknames fondly rolled of his lips.
A great shockwave of electricity and inner heat began tightening your chest, as you felt the previous uncomfortable knot break apart, and make you fully release your cum on his fingers. Squirming under him, your nails digged into his body in a desperate manner, crying out his name as he grunted with pleasure at feeling your discharge. Your knees buckled, feeling your body collapse against his own quivering one after having discharged on him.
You placed your head on his shoulder, breathlessly panting from exhaustion, and a great sense of pleasure that remained on you. Slowly, his wet fingers slipped out from you, and the hand Luke had used to satisfy you appeared from under your dress. Placing some tender kisses on your jawline, Lucerys tightly held you in his arms, pressing you against his chest.
“You have no idea, the amount of years I spent being jealous of your twin brother.” he murmured in between kisses on your jawline, rubbing his hand on your back. “But now, I'm rather proud of knowing I can have you all by myself, gevie ruklon.” at his gentle words and treatment, a weak grin formed on the corner of your lips, wrapping your arms around his warm body.
Before you could respond anything to him — though you felt too over the moon to do so —, he sighed, and spoke up again. “I'm afraid that, despite profoundly wishing to continue this any further, we must attend dinner before they start looking for us, my love.” shaking briefly your head in disappointment, you sighed along him. Positioning your body as straight as possible, you remained gripping his body with your arms around it.
As you briefly pulled apart, Lucerys stared at you with pure affection on his eyes. A delicate hand of his moved a strand of your wet with sweat hair, tucking it behind your ear. The actions of the princeling made you notoriously blush with a tint of rosiness smearing your face, making him smile like the absolute fool in love he was.
“For now, that will be everything...” in a whisper, his eyes scanned your shy features, admiring every inch of his skin. His heart filled with immense love and, at the same time, carnal desire for you. Without being able to contain himself, Lucerys pulled you closer to him, with his hands then travelled to take a tight grip on yours; squeezing them. Approaching his lips near to your face, he placed a little kiss on the tip of your nose, making a quiet giggle come out from you.
“But, after dinner is over...” Luke continued speaking in a whisper, placing his forehead against yours. A joyful, yet teasing grin beginning to draw on his mouth, as his eyes fluttered shut.
“... I will teach you how to ride a true dragon.”
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash
361 notes · View notes
periwinkla · 2 months
I’m gonna ask a bunch of narumistu shippers this but how do you think Iris would react seeing that happen? Also how would your dream Narumitsu wedding play out, and would pearl be invited? I just have so many questions! I also love your art!❤️❤️❤️
Hi anon! <3 (I'll talk a bit about SOJ so - some minor spoilers ahead) I think Iris would be happy for them. If anything, she would be relieved she didn't ruin Phoenix's faith in love. They both got closure at the end of AA3 as he forgave her by telling her that she was the person he thought all along, and it seemed like a load was lifted off of her. Honestly I'm a bit bitter they didn't even make Pearl mention her during DD/SOJ because they mentioned Gumshoe, so I don't understand the problem there. She’s Pearl's sister, and we know absolutely nothing of her fate after AA3. I myself don't think much about the whole wedding thing, so the following is something I came up with just now that you asked. Haha.
First, we need to talk about the SOJ dlc. Would they even get married? For Phoenix, it seems he would want to, so that's out of the way. For Miles, I think he's so defensive about it that it could only mean he actually wants to, as well. For the record, I’m one of those people who doesn't want to get married, and I don’t think marriage is for everyone / every couple... but I just feel like that's the impression he gave off. Mentioning how romantic the flying chapel is doesn't help his case. Why did he even have the thought? Why did he think it was necessary to mention it out loud and to Phoenix of all people? 
That out of the way, we need to ponder the extent to which the AA world follows real world laws, because by JP law they can't legally get married. It could also be that it doesn't in this instance, which isn't entirely impossible since Phoenix was able to adopt Trucy (i researched this a bit some months ago - apparently single men especially can't adopt girls, but take it with a grain of salt as I couldn’t confirm it - I would need to go look at gov sites and you need to know JP well enough for that… and I don’t). Then again maybe Takumi just didn't know/didn't care. So who knows. But this isn't the only instance where AA laws would differ from JP laws, anyway. Either way, I think it would be really sweet if they got married in Kurain and Maya officiated it. Kurain seems to have different laws in the first place, and although most certainly they would be against marriages between men in particular… Since Maya became the master, I would think she would push to change that. And I think they would get married quite a few years after SOJ, so she would have had enough time to do so (the con of this would be that at least legally, their marriage wouldn't be recognized where they live if it wasn't permitted there as well - I think?). I particularly appreciate it when stories acknowledge and explore real world problems... so that's probably why this line of thought came to me.
I also think the Kurain thing is more fitting for them generally speaking (even if they could get married where they live), because they're both very reserved people. But they would still want their most important people around. And of course, Pearl would be invited, as she is one of these people. Also she will cry buckets during the ceremony.
As for the wedding itself, there would probably be some kind of disaster like a murder happen, let's be honest. Maybe a couple of them even. And maybe some kidnappings. Ghosts may be involved. And at the end of the final trial they would go off to Kurain again and get married at like midnight or something out of frustration and acceptance at the impossibility of their life ever going according to plan. Also Trucy would walk them both, together, down the aisle. And maybe she will make the rings disappear for a few moments, because why not. Just a final heart attack for the day to end it in a fitting manner.
Also thank you!! It makes me happy to know you enjoy it <3
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hughiecampbelle · 4 months
Succession Preference: Baby Roy Coming Out
Requested: hiya! i was wondering if you could do some Roy sibling headcanons regarding them realizing they are lgbtq+/being in their first (openly) lgbtq+ relationship :3 this blog gives me so much joy, thank you for all that you do!! 💚💚💚 - anon
Requested: Headcanon/fic request :) What if baby Roy came out to their siblings as part of the lgbt+ community? How do you think they would react? Would they be comforting or confused? Especially since most are involved in a conservative news conglomerate. - anon
Requested: Hi! i love your baby roy fics❤️ could i requests baby roy coming out as queer to the sibs? i think it would be so interesting to know their reactions and how logan may have influenced those. thank you so much🫶🫶 - anon
Requested: ooooh! what if baby Roy was queer in some way? - anon
A/N: Happy pride month, my loves!!! These were all requests from months ago, I'm so sorry it took me this long!!! I never actually came out to my family. I've told friends and (accidentally) a few cousins lol, just not my mom/grandparents/etc. It just feels like it's my business and not anyone else's. Still, I am absolutely in love with this idea! I kept things pretty general so that a larger amount of people could relate rather than focused solely on a single gender/sexuality specifically! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Connor doesn't really understand what you mean. Connor is much older than you and the rest of your siblings. He was brought up in a different time. He doesn't really understand beyond the basics. Still, you're his baby. He wants to know everything about you, he wants there to be no secrets between you. So, that means doing lots of Googling and ending up on some sketchy, inappropriate websites. The next time he sees you, and you're able to get a moment alone, he pulls out his list of questions he has for you. Some things you can explain, others you have to figure out before you get back to him. You're still new to all of this. None of you were introduced to relationships and people and expressions that were different than heterosexual and cisgender. You still have a lot of questions and feelings and self-doubts that you have to work through before you can figure out these obscure references your brother has found on the internet. He's so proud of you, that he makes clear, even if he is a little confused. He gets you a little flag and hangs his own outside of his home. No one ever visits him besides you, so you're the only one who sees it. He wants to go to your local Pride and parade you around. Connor loves you, you're his baby. Regardless of your differences, he will always be there for you. Always.
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Kendall thinks you're doing this for attention. That all of this is a phase you'll grow out of and realize you were wrong about. You don't officially come out to him. You know better. It's Connor who tells him when you start dressing differently/inviting potential partners over who are more than just friends. Kendall can't wrap his head around it. He doesn't understand that you were born this way, this is who you've always been, and not just a decision you made one day. He doesn't really get that being lgbtq+ isn't a choice. As far as he can understand, you're doing this to get (the wrong kind of) attention from Logan. That you want to be different and act out and so you're doing this. It doesn't matter that you're a rational adult just coming to terms with who you are, he still sees you as an irrational little kid. Connor tries to help by explaining the different colors in the flag/s, but that just makes him more confused and when he's confused he gets angry. When you fight, because when do the Roy siblings not fight, it's the first thing he brings up as a means of saying you're not as adult as you think you are if you're going to live your life like this. It's like a slap to the face every time. When they were married, Rava tried to get him to understand this isn't what he thinks it is, but nothing and no one can get through to him. He is your Mini Logan. There's no getting through to him about the matter.
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Shiv is trying to be as comforting as possible. You were a teenager when you came out to her. You were full of so many confusing feelings, feeling you couldn't vocalize to anyone until it just sort of came out. Luckily, it was Shiv you said it to and not Kendall or your father. You were so upset, distressed, lost, she figured comforting you would be first and then addressing what you said. Shiv wasn't bothered by what you had said, who you said you were. She knew plenty of lgbtg+ people in college. She even went to a few gay clubs just to party. Still, she was of the mind that you were maybe a little too young to really know what those words meant. She said this, which, in the moment, broke your heart. Your sister, the person you went to when you were having friendship problems and disagreement with your father, truly believed you were too young to have figured this out about yourself. For so many years you thought there was something wrong with you, and you finally had words to describe it, and this is all she had to say? Of course, as the years go on, and you're more open about who you are in this family, she recognizes she might have been wrong. She would never admit to that, of course. She'll always be the first person you came out to. It's not a great story to have, but the hurt lessens as time goes on and you realize, though you have always known, your family isn't caught up with the times. They can say they're progressive, but it's in name only.
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The first thing Roman does is list off as many crude jokes as he can. One after the other, a few of them with slurs, until he's gotten it all out of his system. Truthfully, he doesn't really care what you do or who you do as long as it's not in front of him. He's been ridiculed by Logan, and your siblings, about his sexuality (or lack thereof) that he can't understand why you're willingly telling him this thing about you that will make you different. In his mind, you're inviting the ridicule and blame that'll come from your father (and Kendall). Why would you admit to this? Why can't you just keep it to yourself? Why can't other people just keep these kinds of things to themselves? He's not against it. He's had his fair share of crushes on all types of people. But he thinks that it's a bit much when you start dressing differently or inviting partners to events/holidays. You're making yourself a target for hate and anger and confusion. He's spent his whole life trying to shield himself from those kinds of emotions because it can lead to hurt and abuse. In his mind, you coming out just invites these feelings and issues, leaving you vulnerable. He cringes every time you tell someone new because he fears it'll lead to blame and ridicule. He doesn't understand why you have to be so open about this when, for decades, people like you lived in secret? What's so hard about keeping it a secret? It's safer that way.
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grandeoatmilklatte · 1 year
Hide and Snake 🐍 (Part 1) (Ominis x F!MC)
Oh hey I'm back with another Ominis long fic! I promise the uploads for this one will be quicker since I'm going off of an already established story. I know there's a small group of Horror obsessed and HL obsessed folks out there, so I'm hoping this finds y'all!
@huntress-valkyrie had a lovely idea in the Ominis discord server for a fic based on the horror-comedy Ready or Not, but it's Ominis's family and a newlywed MC and Ominis. If you haven't seen the film, you should, but here's a full plot synopsis.
TLDR - main character marries into a rich family who initiate her into the family with a deadly game of hide and seek. So she has to survive the night and fight off her new in-laws. You can see why this works so well with the Gaunts.
So yeah, hope you enjoy this! Please be sure to read the warnings as well cause this is going to get violent.
Hide and Snake (Part 1) - Ominis Gaunt x Female MC (2.7k words)
Warnings: Smut - Violence - D34th - Please do not read unless you are 18+!
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
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*artwork by the incredible @margottheviking 💕
MC awoke bright and early, taking in the sunlight that bathed the bedroom in a beautiful glow. She reached a hand out, but found the other side of the bed empty. As she sat up, she found her fiancé near the door of their connected bathroom. He appeared to have just gotten out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still wet. She hopped off the bed to greet him.
Ominis had heard the sound of shuffling on the bed and smiled. “Oh darling, you’re up already? It’s too early for you to be up.” He smiled, holding out his arms as an invitation for an embrace which she gladly took as she wrapped her arms around him. 
“Says the one who’s also already up!” She teased. “Besides, I couldn’t sleep. I know you said to try not to worry, but I just…want everything to be perfect.” Ominis could hear the nervousness in MC’s voice. His grip around her tightened. “Everything’s going to be alright, darling. Just ignore my family. All that matters is you and I. In a few hours we’ll be husband and wife.” 
“I’ll try.” MC sighed as she pulled Ominis into a long gentle kiss, his soft lips providing her further comfort. “You know darling, I know just the thing to make you feel better.” A sultry smile formed on Ominis’s face as he lightly pushed MC back onto the bed. MC, well aware of where this was going, moved herself backwards on the bed, allowing Ominis space to join her in between her spread legs.
He hovered over her, his lips crashing into hers as they passionately kissed. Ominis’s lips then moved down to her neck, biting and sucking her skin. “Ominis! Seriously? You want me to have marks all over my neck in our photos?!” MC shouted. 
Ominis chuckled. “Sorry, my love! You’re absolutely right. There’ll be plenty of time for me to mark up your neck later.” His lips moved back to hers, resuming his attack on them.
Ominis pulled his lips away to slowly slide off the night slip MC had been wearing, having ditched his towel when he joined her on the bed. He took his length in his hand, running himself through her already wet folds before he slowly pushed into her, MC sighing at the stretch. 
His thrusts were hard but slow, sinking deep into her before slowly pulling out up to his tip, and then slamming back into her. The bedroom filled with the lewd sounds of their moans, MC’s getting louder as her orgasm approached. “Just think, in a few hours, you’ll officially be mine forever. We could do this every single day if we wanted to.” Ominis said between moans. MC smiled, trying to form a sentence, but being too blissed out that it was difficult. “Oh Ominis! I love you…I…” her words were replaced with a loud whimper as she came. Ominis picked up his pace as he listened to the beautiful sounds of her orgasm, eager to get there himself. His orgasm hit seconds later with a groan, as he emptied himself into her, her body taking in every drop of him.
After they had come down from their orgasms, Ominis rolled off of MC to his own side of the bed. It was then that MC looked up and let out a scream as she saw Ominis’s older brother, Marvolo, standing in the doorway of their bedroom. MC frantically grabbed the blankets to cover herself. “Darling, are you okay?!” Ominis asked. 
Marvolo answered him for her. “She’s fine. Seems like you both are doing quite fine”. He raised his eyebrows at MC. “Couldn’t wait a few hours to fuck her huh, Ominis? What would father think if he knew you were engaging in premarital sex in his own home?” Marvolo chucked, a wicked smirk painted on his face as he ogled MC. She gripped the blankets tight to her body as she shot him a disgusted glare. 
Ominis let out an annoyed sigh. “Oh for goodness sake, do you need something, Marvolo?!”
“Oh right, father wanted to see you, actually. He’s out in the garden.”
Ominis let out another annoyed sigh, getting up and throwing on a bathrobe. “You should probably start getting dressed, darling!” Ominis said to his soon to be bride before exiting the room and heading down to the garden. Marvolo still stood in the same spot still staring at MC. 
“You know, we’ve still got time if you want to have a quick fuck before we’re considered family.” he said with a wink. “Not a fucking chance!” MC said without hesitation. “And besides, fucking your family doesn’t seem like an issue to you anyways. Isn’t your wife a distant cousin?” MC shot Marvolo a smile. Marvolo sneered at her before leaving, slamming the bedroom door on his way out. 
Once MC was ready, Ominis found her back in his bedroom. They wanted to have a moment alone. The couple held each other close, breathing each other in. MC pulled away from Ominis and took his hands in hers, placing them on her stomach so he could feel the fabric of her dress. 
He ran his hands along her stomach, the top half of the dress being made of a lace fabric with floral embroidery on it. He smiled as he felt the fabric in his fingers. His hands ran up the sides of her stomach to her breasts, feeling for where the dress stopped and her skin began. The neckline seemed to be a V neck that plunged down to the end of her sternum, as he felt bare skin between and above her breasts. The lace floral pattern repeated in her sleeves, as well as the bottom half of her dress. The bottom half being a simple straight skirt that reached her ankles. He relished in the thought of how beautiful she must look right now. His hands explored the rest of her. Her hair was styled in soft, long curls. A tiara was fixed on her head, which seemed to have little raised leaf pieces on it. Her neck adorned with a necklace containing a large emerald stone that was held in place by a snake (a family heirloom gifted by Ominis), and finally, her hands were only adorned with one piece of jewelry, her engagement ring - an oval shaped emerald stone surrounded by three small diamonds on each side.
Ominis could no longer keep his composure, as tears began to fall. He knew very little joy in his life, MC being one of the only lights in his dark world. He loved her more than anything, and the fact that she had agreed to marry him, despite everything, made him so grateful for her. 
MC began to cry as well, throwing her arms around Ominis. “I love you Ominis.” She whispered. “I love you too, darling.” he whispered back. They were both confident this would be the best day of their lives. Nothing could go wrong. 
Ominis took MC’s hand and led her into the garden of the Gaunt estate, where his parents waited. They were not fond of her due to her status as a half blood, her mother being a witch, and her father being a muggle. Despite her mother coming from a pureblood lineage, the fact that she had mingled with a muggle and produced a half blooded daughter was an insult to wizardkind, according to the Gaunts. Although the Gaunts had allowed Ominis to go through with marrying MC, they made their distaste for her known every moment they could, every day, including today. 
As they approached a floral arch that had been set up for photos, Mrs. Gaunt eyed MC up and down with a scowl on her face. “Interesting choice” was all she had to say in response to MC’s dress, but her scowl turned to absolute rage when her eyes took note of the snake necklace MC was wearing. The tension was immediately broken when Marvolo took note of MC, letting out a crude whistle, completely unfazed by his wife and two children standing right next to him. 
MC let out a frustrated sigh as she squeezed Ominis’s hand. The only reason they were here at all was because the Gaunts had offered to pay for their entire wedding, which was an offer they couldn’t decline, as much as they wanted to. Ominis was trying to milk his parents as much as he could, knowing that he intended to cut them off entirely once he and MC were married. They just had to survive tonight, and then they could escape his family for good.
Time seemed to stop as MC walked down the aisle. All of her worries in life faded as she kept her gaze locked on Ominis. She only wished that Ominis could actually see her right now. The ceremony was quick, performed by Sebastian, and concluded with an unbreakable vow - the ultimate gesture of their love. They vowed to love and cherish each other, to support each other, and do anything to protect each other, until death did them part. They were bound for life with this spell, promising that they’d be together forever. 
Their reception went on for far longer than Ominis would have preferred, not one for parties himself. By the time the party began to dwindle down, all of their friends had left, and the only people in attendance were Gaunt family members. The newlyweds took advantage of the emptiness to sneak off to Ominis’s bedroom.
MC threw herself onto the bed, pulling Ominis by his tie to join her. His lips crashed into hers as they engaged in a sloppy, wet, tongue forward kiss. MC hummed against his lips. She let out a sigh when he pulled away from her, but her dissatisfaction was immediately resolved when Ominis’s hands moved down to find the bottom of her dress as he dipped his upper body under it. MC let out a gasp, heat already pooling between her thighs. One hand moved up her bare leg until it was met with a soft lacy fabric around her thigh - her garter. He chuckled to himself before grabbing it with his teeth and pulling it down her leg. MC let out a soft moan as Ominis’s lips trailed down her leg. He then dipped back under her dress again, reaching for her panties, pulling them down with his hands this time. But his mouth wasn’t done just yet, because once her panties were out of the way, his lips latched onto her clit. MC let out screams of pleasure as Ominis worked her, alternating between sucking and licking her.
MC could feel her walls clenching, her body telling her she was about to orgasm. Her screams were reduced to whimpers. “Ominis! PLEASE don’t stop…I think…I’m going to…-”
Her words and orgasm were interrupted as the door to their bedroom was thrown open, Marvolo being the one to intrude once again. “At it again, eh?!” He said with a chuckle. MC let out an annoyed groan as Ominis removed himself from under her dress. “WHAT do you want now?! Can’t you see we’re busy? I’m the blind one here, not you!” Ominis said through gritted teeth. 
Marvolo chuckled once again. “You’re wanted downstairs, both of you.”
MC slipped her panties back on and took a hold of Ominis’s hand as they reluctantly headed downstairs.
When they arrived in the dining room they found Ominis’s family sitting around the dining table. At the table were his mother and father, Marvolo and his wife, who’s name she was never told. Their two children were not present, likely put to bed already. The four of them eyed MC, twisted, evil grins on their faces. MC’s breathing picked up, and she squeezed Ominis’s hand, hoping he could feel the fear in her. Thankfully, Ominis was very familiar with MC’s body language, picking up on it immediately. “Father, mother, why have we been summoned?” Ominis asked. 
Mrs. Gaunt was the one to respond. “Oh please sit my dear boy, both of you. We have a little surprise for the newest member of our family.” Mrs. Gaunt continued to stare at MC. MC could feel her heart racing. She didn’t have her wand, having left it in Ominis’s room all day. Ominis of course had his already drawn, using it to determine his surroundings. “Ominis…” MC whispered, unable to mask the worry in her voice. He squeezed her hand affectionately. “It’s alright, darling.” he whispered back as they sat down. He was trying to remain strong for her, but he himself was concerned. 
Mr. Gaunt was the one to speak next, standing up from his seat at the head of the table. Behind him was a mantle containing various family heirlooms, and above the mantle was a rather large portrait of Salazar Slytherin, Ominis’s family being direct descendants of the Hogwarts founder. Despite being in Slytherin house when she was at Hogwarts, she knew very little about the man, only knowing what Ominis told her - he was keen on dark magic, and hated muggleborns and halfbloods. 
“MC, as I’m sure you know by now, our family prides itself on our lineage, as descendants of Salazar Slytherin. For years we’ve kept our bloodline pure. You’re the first addition that’s tainted the bloodline.” MC’s breath hitched. Panic was settling in. She looked over at Ominis from the corner of her eyes, worry beginning to over take his face as well. 
Mr. Gaunt continued. “However, it seems as though you have some pureblood lineage in you as well, and being that our son insisted on marrying you, we’ve decided we’d be happy to welcome you into our family, so long as you can pass a trial we have planned for you.”
“A trial?” MC thought to herself, but before she could answer, Ominis stood, his wand drawn. “She’s not participating in any stupid trial to prove her worth to you. She’s already my wife. And if you so much as lay a finger on her there will be hell to pay!” 
“I suggest you watch your tone little brother, otherwise neither of you will be leaving here alive!” Marvolo growled at his brother, standing with his wand drawn as well.”
MC spoke up without much thought, eager to diffuse the situation that was brewing. “What is this trial you speak of?” she spoke to Mr. Gaunt. 
Mr. Gaunt gave her a smile. “We’re going to play a little game, a game of hide and seek. We’ll give you three minutes to hide, the rest of us will try and find you. The game ends at sunrise. If you can manage to evade us by sunrise, you’ll be a respected member of the family, and we’ll leave you and Ominis alone. But if we find you, we’ll kill you. Another dirty blooded little bitch sacrificed in Salazar Slytherin’s name.” He let out a hearty chuckle as he finished his sentence. 
True fear was painted on MC’s face. She had known Ominis long enough to know his family wasn’t one for jokes, and had no issue killing or harming anyone they wanted. “Are you mad?! My wife isn’t some plaything you can torment. I won’t stand for any of it.” He aimed his wand towards his father, but was immediately met with drawn wands from Marvolo and his mother, who spoke. 
“Put the wand down, son. All of the doors and windows have been enchanted with an anti-unlocking spell, so you have no choice. Anyone not of pureblood status needs to prove their worth, and this is how we’re doing it”
MC knew there wasn’t going to be an easy way out of this. Her fear slowly turning to rage and a determination to win this stupid game. “So, I just need to survive the night? That’s it? No last minute rule changes?”
Mrs. Gaunt smiled. “Yes. We’re going to play some music, you’ll have three minutes to hide, and once the music stops, we’ll try to find you.” she turned and began to walk over to a phonograph in the corner of the room. “You should probably get a move on.”
Marvolo interjected. “Ominis can try to help you find a good hiding spot, but we know he won’t be much help!” He let out a sigh. “You better hope I don’t find you first, pretty girl, ‘cause we’ll be having some fun together before I kill you!” He gave her a wink. 
MC stood from the table, breathing heavily. As soon as Ominis felt her stand, he grabbed her hand, the pair running from the dining room as the music from the phonograph started, officially beginning the game. 
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indignantlemur · 8 months
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Larger image (STRONGLY recommended): HERE The resolution on this is painful, so I'm including detail shots below the cut.
This meeting room was furnished many centuries ago by a renowned artisan who could carve stone and shells in stunning detail, and could shape and colour glass in a way that was never seen before and has never been replicated since. He took the secrets of his techniques to the grave, dying at an unexpectedly young age in a duel with a public safety official over the seizure of a rare and extremely toxic pigment imported from a Clan to the far south. His name was Kelenthor, and he was the only Clanless to ever attain such a high level of renown and fortune purely on his artistic talent. He lived during what would eventually be called the Post-Unification Andorian Renaissance. While this artisan was alive, he had a somewhat adversarial relationship with various officials and was known to use his art as a medium to mock and criticize his social betters. He was beloved by the general populace for exclusively taking on students from the lower social classes - almost as much as he was resented by the upper classes for his habit of hiding subversive messages in his commissioned works. Regardless of where one stood with Kelenthor, none could deny his talents. If you wanted the best of the best, Kelenthor was the one to commission. As such, he was eventually commissioned to design and create furnishings for a number of rooms and even entire buildings which are now used exclusively by government officials today or otherwise preserved as precious cultural works.
This particular room is widely regarded as his best work: the walls are conspicuously and almost insultingly plain, barely carved at all. At the centre of the room lies a heavy and imposing table of solid marbled stone - also barely ornamented, save some bevelling along the edges. The surface was treated with a substance which renders the stone almost entirely impervious to damage. No matter how one might rain blows upon it, barely a scratch remains to remember them by - much like many of the politicians who have sat at this table since its creation, which many believe was the subversive message behind the thing in the first place.
The focal points are the throne-like seats arrayed around the blunt instrument of a marble table, intricately carved and inlaid with precious shell and glasswork, iridescent and shining under even the faintest rays of light. Each scatters prisms randomly around the room, illuminating the shadows and often causing quite a few headaches when meetings stretch too long. More importantly, every single one of them was deliberately carved to be as uncomfortable as possible. No one in a position of power, Kelenthor once said, should be comfortable there.
First up, courting and wedding bands! Shral and Dagmar are only courting, so they have simple rings with minimal ornamentation, with Dagmar's being modified to fit as a cuff earring.
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Thoris is married, so he has two bands on each antennae. Quite often marriage bands are more decorative and ostentatious than his, but Thoris isn't one for baubles and it's bad enough he has to wear these ridiculous robes. Frankly, if he could get away with just wearing his old Guardsman uniform to these meetings, he'd vastly prefer to. As such, his wedding bands are almost incongruously plain for his rank and status.
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Next up, the lady and gentleman in the foreground! These two are Ministers, and high-ranking Andorians besides, so they ornament themselves rather loudly in comparison to our main cast's more sedate preferences. The lady on the left is Minister Zaathi, who we will be meeting in-fic very soon, and she's very fond of gemstones and carved hair beads - and not afraid of losing any, if she sheer number she's wearing are any indications. It's a weighted fashion statement, if nothing else, from a woman whose home province is small and relatively modest otherwise.
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By comparison, Minister Bhael - on the right - is much more conservative in his ornamentation, but his robes are heavily embroidered and that is quite a lot of Andorian silk to be toting around. A closer look will reveal that his sleeves are embroidered with an ocean wave pattern, which is particularly interesting given the relationship Andorians have with the sea. Is it some kind of political statement, or just an odd choice of attire?
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If those two are making statements with their sartorial choices, then Thoris has them all beat for layered meanings.
The silvery outer robes of office are closer to a cloak than a robe, with an inner layer that is belted around the waist and a loose outer layer that is joined to the inner layer at the shoulders and seams along the upper arms. This permits the maximum range of movement for the wearer. Being made of Andorian silk, which is several times stronger than Terran silk, it is an excellent means of protection against slashing and stabbing weapons. Despite their merits, however, Thoris loathes them. They're lightweight, sure, but they're still long and ostentatious and entirely too liable to get caught on something in a real fight. Sadly, they're also mandatory, or he'd have binned them ages ago.
The vibrant blue mid-layer is a heavy material, durable Andorian silk woven through with tiny filaments of something very similar to a carbon fibre composite, providing a measure of protection against many forms of projectiles, though less so against phase weapons. The innermost tunic is more obviously armoured than the other two layers, with panels mimicking an extensive chitin pattern along the length of the torso and forearms. The sleeves in particular draw attention to a very vibrant yellow flash - much like the chitin of the predatory veeg he is known for hunting in the past.
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Next we come to Shral, who is obscured partially by shadow at Ambassador Thoris' right hand - and ready to draw his ushaan-tor at a moment's notice.
This is not standard armour for an Andorian, but rather something one might wear while sparring or training in their personal time. The armour takes the form of layered, almost beetle-shell like layers, layered over a long, cowl-necked tunic. The cowl is an unusual choice for sparring attire, as it provides a potential hand-hold for an opponent - only a very arrogant or a very skilled duelist would wear such a thing while sparring.
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In contrast, Dagmar stands in the light on Thoris' left. Her working attire is lightly embroidered, and features large, pearly buttons - but otherwise she's almost conspicuously plainly dressed. Hyper aware of how shockingly pink she is in comparison to everyone else in the room, Dagmar wears muted and neutral colours to try to off-set how glaringly alien she is - which, ironically, only serves to highlight her differences even further.
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@the-lady-general  @starrynightgardens  @emilie786  @horta-in-charge  @emochook  @velvet-luvie  @creature-of-the-stars @unknownfacelessfanfictions @auroramagpie
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