#I'm not even joking I thought it was a dream/hallucination
schrodingers-romy · 1 year
So apparently that weird y2k overlay thingy is a thing Tumblr actually did. Genuinely thought I hallucinated it last night but I am apparently more mentally stable than I thought it's just the Tumblr developers who went off the deep end.
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lizzieisright · 7 months
The happy end to this story! (childhood friends to lovers). Thank you for voting!
Palestine: what can you do
Morning comes way too early and your head is absolutely killing you. You sit on the bed slowly, scared you'll get dizzy, and try to remember how much you drank yesterday.
Instead you're hit with a brick to your face when you remember the end of the night.
Holy fuck.
You can't breathe for a second. Why the fuck did you confess to Abby? Did she kiss you as well? What the fuck? What the fuck happened?
You don't feel like you can even start to unpack all of that in your current state. You take a shower with a slight tremor in your body and keep your head empty: it's not hard when the headache is still pounding at your temples.
You brush your teeth and lazily slump to the kitchen, eager to drink something - dehydration is such a bitch. You make yourself tea and sit on a chair, staring at your table.
It's not true, is it? You had these dreams before when you'd wake up and swear something happened, but then details wouldn't add up and you'd come to a conclusion it was your drunk hallucination. This was probably one of them, right?
Should you text Abby and ask if anything happened?
Yeah, no. You'd rather die.
It eats you alive and if it's really happened, it'd be the end. No way Abby really kissed you yesterday - she probably left and your mind decided to sweeten the pill and played the same tape it plays every time you get too upset. It's pathetic and humiliating, but it makes you feel better. Usually.
It doesn't make you feel better now since your intuition is screaming at you, telling you yesterday was real, but you ignore it, because you can't afford hope.
And even if it was real, what's next? Hey Abby, do you want to break up wi-
The doorbell rings and startles you - and now you're terrified. You don't want to know who is there. (Because you know who it is.)
But you can't ignore the doorbell because it hurts your head way too much, so you go to open the door just to end this awful noise.
And Abby is there, smiling with a bag of a takeout next door she knows you crave on the hangover.
"Hi." She breathes out and there's her usual adoring look you can't handle. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm genuinely considering dying as an option." You joke, but you'd really prefer to be anywhere else than face Abby and yesterday's.. situation.
"Did you wake up not long ago?" Abby makes her way around your apartment to go to the kitchen and you're puzzled.
"Half an hour ago."
So did something happen yesterday or not? Is Abby being normal or is she pretending to be normal? Your dry ramen brain can't figure her out, so you decide to go with the flow and see what happens.
Abby serves the food and you sit down to eat. Your stomach growls and there is disgusting smell of alcohol when you breath out; you cringe and start eating, your mind is still half-empty. You feel like a zombie with no functioning brains and it's better than hearing your anxiety.
"Thank you." You say and take a large bite, because apparently you're very hungry.
"I broke up with Mia."
You choke on your food.
"What the fuck Abby!" You cough and it takes a few minutes to calm down. "You can't just say it when I'm chewing, come on. But also: What?"
"I went to her place just before I came here. We talked and I told her I can't keep dating her. She was upset, but she said she understood."
You blink. Your hands start shaking and it's not hangover. You press your lips together to not smile because Abby's words give you hope.
"So yesterday was real?" You ask, scared shitless.
"Yeah." Abby smiles and reaches out, tangling her fingers with yours. "You thought it was a dream?"
"Yeah." You admit and stare at your joined hands. "Are you being friendly right now?" You are cautious. You can't have any subtlety right now, you need Abby to be clear with you. After yesterday there's no space for blurred boundaries and friendly flirting.
"No, I'm not." Abby chuckles. "You want to hear it?"
"Yes." You sound like you're begging and Abby giggles.
"I'm in love with you."
You fold. Literally. Your body gives up and relaxes in the chair and you take a deep breath. It's real. It's all real, and Abby is here and she is in love with you.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Oh my god." You squeak under your breath. "Yes. Yes. Fuck. Fuck, I will."
Abby smiles happily and raises your fingers to kiss them. You shudder and you feel like you're going to throw up.
Oh shit.
You run to the bathroom and empty your stomach. Abby runs after you, laughing, but keeping your hair out of the way.
"Shut the fuck up, Abby." You say and wipe your mouth. "I'm hangover."
Abby washes your face for you and kisses your forehead.
"Is it gross I still want to kiss you?" Abby murmurs and you feel your face heat up.
"Incredibly gross. I'll brush my teeth first."
Abby laughs and watches impatiently as you brush your teeth. The moment you finish she is turning you around and kisses you, wet and hungry, and your knees buckle. Abby is not shy and she is not trying to slow down, practically devouring you, pushing her tongue inside your mouth and squeezing your waist as if she is mapping you with her fingers. You're overwhelmed by all of this, but you respond eagerly and hug her shoulders. The kiss tastes like mint, but both of you don't mind.
"I guess your skills improved since we were 14." Abby teases you, but she is smiling happily. You are both panting, and you pinch her side enough for it to be painful.
"And you still drool all over my face."
"Well." Abby smirks at you. "You seem to like it."
"Maybe." You return the smirk and kiss her again, wondering if your God is a still a God if you can reach her?
You think she is.
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bluehoodiewoozi · 3 months
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JOSHUA HONG + "I'm yours"
soulmate au /// 511 words /// warnings: none
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"Do you think it'll hurt?" you asked, swinging your feet from the rooftop, staring at the sunset. "The soulmate marks, I mean."
"Why would they hurt?" Joshua laughed, nudging your side. "You're so dumb. It's a gift from the world -- our chance to find our destiny, our perfect person. Even if it does hurt, it will be worth it."
You hummed in thought. "I guess you're excited to find out who you're soulmate is, huh?"
"Of course I am." He smiled, eyes full of expectations and joy. "All those years of being single and sad and in those toxic relationship and now I can finally find my other half."
"What if they're bad too?"
"They won't be," he answered after a pause. "They'll be great."
"What do you think they'll be like?" You glanced at your watch: just a minute left to go.
Already daydreaming, Joshua hummed. "They'll be pretty and smart. And they'll like my jokes. And they'll have eyes that sparkle like stars."
You looked at him, feeling only bitterness and envy. You wished you were as excited about this as him. But you couldn't be – not when these marks would mean losing him. You were already in love. Your dreams had been consumed with him since freshman year. When you closed your eyes, you imagined it was he who tucked you in bed at night. You were in love with Joshua and he? He was in love with a soulmate he hadn't even met yet.
"It's happening!" Your daze was cut short by his excitement. Eyes wide, anxious and yet so ready, he held his wrist and stared at the glittering mark slowly sketching itself out on his skin. You watched too – it was a peony.
You used to love peonies and now that would be ruined for you forever. You didn't even dare look at your own mark.
But unknown to you, his eyes had long left his own wrist. They were focused on yours instead. You might have thought you were hiding your worries so well, but he knew you better than that and, besides, he was your best friend. He wanted the best for you.
"Your mark," he stuttered, eyes widening as he recognised the shape.
"What about it?" you sighed, finally turning to look at it. Your heart nearly dropped. Were you hallucinating? Was this real? "This can't be–"
"We're soulmates!" he exclaimed, unable to believe it. A laugh pulled through him. "You and I. We're soulmates."
"I'm sorry," you found yourself whispering, sad for him all of a sudden, worried you'd disappointed him. "You were so excited but it's just me–"
"Are you kidding?" He pulled you into his arms, silencing your concerns. His lips pressed to your forehead. "Of course it's you." His lips pressed to your cheek. "You're perfect – you’re exactly what I wished for. You're my soulmate – mine."
You barely registered the moment his lips claimed yours, but your heart threatened to beat out of your chest with joy.
"And I'm yours," he whispered against your lips.
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fict1onallyobsessed · 3 months
can you please write a vi x firelight! reader?: when caitlyn goes to trade in her gun to help an injured vi, !Firelight reader, even though advised not to, rushes down to where vi is laying injured and hallucinating, and cups her face and cooes her into a state of calm because she missed her so so much, mission to spy on her to see if she was working with silco be damned. bonus points if caitlyn comes back by the time reader is gently stitching vi's wounds after they hugged and cried as much as they could before vi cried out in pain. BONUS BONUS if reader, who already dislikes caitlyn for being a cop, takes the shimmer from her, and gently feeds it to Vi, herself, ty! ♡
Vi x Firelight!Reader
She was barely conscious as it was, hand clutching her side as it bled through the cracks of her fingers. She was seeing her mother call out her name, her blue hair cascading down her shoulders as she leaned forward to grab at her. It almost felt as if she was truly dying this time, and there was nothing that could be done to fix it.
Then she saw you, a much older version of you. She tried to focus as much as she could through the tears in her eyes and the pain in her ribs, but she just simply couldn't. A part of her cursed that she would never be able to see what you'd look like much older, how she would never get to hug you again after a bad attempt at stealing things from Piltover or hear your laugh when she told you a stupid joke. She focused her head again, trying to sharpen the imagine she could see of you but you felt...too far away.
Until you started walking closer, slow steady steps as you approached her to make sure you didn't startle her. She thought you were dead after all.
Slowly, you became more visible to her.
Your hand reached for her knee and she flinched, wondering how badly she was hallucinating to be able to feel you. It wasn't even until you kneeled beside her, your body leaning over her to inspect her injuries without touching her that she truly opened her eyes.
"Hey, Violet." You whispered, your hand finally met the side of her torso that wasn't bleeding, your thumb comfortably running along her clothes to sooth her. "Shh, it's okay. You'll be okay."
You had to fight your own tears. Touching her felt surreal, like a answered dream from the Gods above. Like her, you thought she was dead after everything that happened, but nothing stopped you from secretly hoping she was okay.
She looked up at you with wide eyes, a whimper falling from her lips as she held her injured side. Even through the pain, she focused on you, how much she missed your touch, your voice, your face.
"Are you real?" She whispered, her hand reaching for you just to ground herself and to make sure she wasn't going crazy. The tightness in her throat finally let go and she sobbed before you could even answer, her hand still reaching out to feel more of you, to pull you closer.
You lifted your hands to cup her jaw, felt her melt into your touch and let her cry it out. She wasn't even worried about her side anymore. She could die now. She could die because she got to see your face. She could die because she felt your touch. She could die now, only if it were in your hands.
"Yes. I'm real, Vi." You felt your own tears drag down your face but you literally couldn't care less. All that mattered now was her. "I missed you so much."
"-missed you." She tried through her sobs. "I thought- you died..."
You shook your head, leaning forwards to kiss her forehead gently, still soothing her skin. You would have stayed like that forever, cherishing the moment but a harsh hiss came from the woman under you causing you to pull away.
"Can I see?"
She pulled up her shirt just enough to be able to see the deep wound. This would need more that just stitches, and all you had on you was a few gauzes from a fight you were in earlier. You took it out of your pocket, feeling Vi's hand grip your forearm as you did so.
"It's okay. I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
She seemed to relax but her hand remained on you just to make sure. She didn't want you going anywhere again, not away from her at least. Her side stung as you pushed the gauze into the wound, the blood immediately seeping into the material.
Apart of her still thought it was her mind playing tricks on her while she was dying from blood loss. But even so, at least she could do it in your imaginary presence rather than alone, again.
Your head snapped towards the door when it creaked open, the blue-haired girl that you'd been following per Echo's request walked in and reached behind her. A sour expression found itself on her face when she realised she just traded her gun for the little vial in her hand.
"Who are you?"
"Give me that." You reached out for the vial she was holding, knowing Vi didn't have long before she passed out from the sheer amount of blood she was losing. You saw her hesitate, eyes scanning Vi who nodded at her tiredly.
If looks could kill, Caitlyn would fall victim to yours.
Hesitantly, she handed you the vial which you promptly snatched from her, opening it and instantly the noticeable smell of shimmer filled your nostrils.
"You have to drink quite fast, okay?" You whispered, reaching to cup her jaw with one hand and the other held the vial close to her lips. She let you guide her head upwards so it was easier for her to drink, her lips connecting to the vial as she began to drink the content.
For a moment she went silent when she finished drinking, her body seemingly not reacting to the drug. Then, a bloodcurdling scream sounded through the hollow and decaying building, making her body jerk forwards as chills ran down her spine.
You caught her just in time, letting her lean her body weight on you for a moment before she leaned back and opened her eyes. Another, much smaller, chill ran through her body, a small whimper leaving her lips as she tried to get used to the feeling of the drug travelling through her to get to her injury.
"Shh, I got you." You whispered to her, stroking her face with your thumbs. You could see the colour come back to her face and you sighed thankfully. It only took her a few second to get back on her feet, Caitlyn awkwardly standing there a little unsure on what to do or say.
"We're going to have to be more careful now. Silco will be watching." She said, walking backwards and into the very unstable pillar holding up the entire build. The cracking was expected but the rustling that came from outside was not.
Carefully, Caitlyn opened the door to see Silco already there. Vi turned to you, smirked and nodded.
"You ready?"
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 3 months
hi I’m such a big fan of your writing 💕and overall so grateful that you write for Donna since I feel she is very underrated especially RE Donna
but I wanted to request ✨ a scenario where Donna and R are having a normal afternoon and R out of nowhere blurts out how they used to do modeling for a little while and Donna get curious so R shows photos of a photoshoot where she wears a little revealing dress and Donna get slightly jealous so R convince Donna she will give her a personal photoshoot and so they do it and it turns into smut
go Donna please 🙏
also if you don’t want to it okay and you can just ignore this request but hope you have a good day ❤️☺️
Yess!! Thank you for your request and for your nice words!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
You can leave your veil on
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem!! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, fluff,
Word count: 6,440
Summary: Maybe a photo session can make her jealousy disappear...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!!I love you all!!!
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“Be careful, it's hot,” Donna commented, leaving a steaming cup of tea on the table. You smiled gratefully, nodding as you looked out the window of the old house.
You could have tried to run away, escape from that cursed village, but you didn't. In your work as a photographer you had visited many places, but certainly none like that. A village set back in time, servant and faithful to someone similar to the witches in stories.
But, in reality, you saw no reason to do so. One priestess, four Lords, that was the system by which that place functioned. A castle, a dam, a factory, a house. Of all your options, the house was the best one.
Donna Beneviento, ventriloquist and doll maker, had a series of nightmares prepared for you, to drive you crazy.
You fought against those hallucinations, you screamed, you ran away until it was no longer necessary. No matter how much fear a woman like her could cause in someone like you, it wasn't enough. She was a mysterious, mourning figure that hid her face behind a black veil. The mystery overcame the fear and you stopped living those nightmares, to live in dreams.
Little by little, you got to know that woman, and the more you did, the more you fell in love with her. Compassion, love, you couldn't say why you didn't end up jumping into the void, down that waterfall. Maybe it was that Donna was as lonely as you in this world, maybe she didn't want to kill the last ray of hope of dark and lonely life.
So there you were, you had been on that estate for months and you didn't regret it at all. Her hidden beauty, which you forced her to show you, the changes Mother Miranda caused in her body, everything that gave her a complex was suddenly eclipsed by your kisses, by your words of love, by the whish to leave your boring life behind to join hers.
“Thank you, Donna,” you said kindly, as she sat in front of you, looking at you with that same bewilderment from the first day. An eternity could pass, but Donna would still wonder why you decided to stay, why you loved a sick, dark woman like her.
Her corners turned up as she raised her own cup to her lips. You sighed as you remembered everything that had brought you there, and above all, when you thought about the reasons that made you never want to return home, reasons that sat in front of you like every afternoon, that you hugged every night, reasons that had a first and last name: Donna Beneviento.
“Is it, is it to your liking?” She asked timidly, with the soft and hoarse melody she had for a voice. You smiled even wider, pretending you hadn't comically burned yourself.
“Yes, I... Ugh, it's perfect,” you said, fanning your mouth in a funny way, to which she laughed in a shy and funny way, looking away.
“I told you it was hot,” she murmured, with a knowing whisper, with that so intense look which could even pierce your skin.
“I should learn to listen,” you joked, shaking your head. “That's what they told me at school.”
“Did they tell you that it was hot?” The lady asked, disconcerted. You would always admire that shy innocence.
“No,” you said, laughing, making Donna look at you confused. “They told me that I didn't know how to listen.”
Donna Beneviento was a lonely woman. She had been alone for so many years so human relationships didn’t exist in her own world. At first you were surprised by those curious reactions to simple phrases or expressions, but little by little, you got used to them, finding them adorable in their own way.
“It's funny, they told me the same thing,” she said, with a melancholic smile. You nodded, blowing away the smoke of that burning tea.
“Did they? Because I think there is no one in this world who is capable of listening as well as you,” you said in a soft voice, making your compliments, once again, to get her cheeks blush.
“That's not true,” she said, downplaying that true fact.
After days of nightmares, you had only heard her speak through the Angie doll. It took a lot for Donna to be able to communicate with her own voice, even after your first kiss.
“Well, well, I don't want to contradict you but... Yes it is,” you whispered the last sentence, making the smile light up her face again, hiding it shamefully behind her cup of tea.
There was a small moment of silence, one of hundreds every day. A contemplative moment, in which your photographic eye admired each of her features, her figure. Yes, there was nothing more beautiful for your camera, you were sure.
“Mmm,” you murmured, savoring that delicious artisanal tea that Donna adored you with every day. “It's delicious.”
“Everything I make is delicious according to you,” she whispered, suspicious. Alert, insecurity approaching at high speed.
“Well, yes,” you said with a serious tone, crossing your arms. “Everything.”
Donna smiled again, shaking her head.
“Don’t say those things…. You know it makes me ashamed,” she said with a pink tone on her cheeks, with a mischievous but shy look at the same time.
“What did I say?” You asked amused, leaning your back on the couch.
“You know what you said,” Donna said hurriedly, with her hands trembling because of the shyness and nervousness caused by your seductive gaze. Yes, you said it on purpose.
“I said I like everything you make to me,” you said with an indifferent tone, ignoring that too obvious insinuation. “Why are you ashamed of that?”
“Because I... You know, you mean...” She stammered, further evidencing her nervousness.
“Your food,” you joked, leaving her completely confused and much more embarrassed.
“My food?” Donna asked, blinking profusely, looking with her eye for a place to hide after that sentence.
“Yes, of course, what did you think I was referring to, Donna?” You asked, biting your lip. Maybe you shouldn't play with her that much... But it was quite funny.
“I don't... You know what? I'm going to get more tea,” she said, getting up from the armchair to cowardly flee, as always when the conversation got a bit hotter.
“Uh, uh, honey…” You said hurriedly, standing up and grabbing her wrist tenderly, caressing her soft skin with your thumb. “Come on… Don't be nervous, it was just a joke.”
Donna nodded, letting you grab her waist and pull her into a slow, loving kiss, calming her breathing with it.
“So...” She murmured, with a more relaxed expression, playing with the buttons of your blouse. “You like my food.”
“I love it,” you said amused, stealing another quick kiss from her. “You have to show me how to make it.”
“Sure, of course,” she said, excited by the idea, moving away from you and dragging you back to the tea place.
“Before I met you, the only thing I could make was something prepared in the microwave,” you explained, sitting down again, changing the conversation to an easier and less... Hot one.
She nodded curiously, sipping her tea calmly, as if that little joke had never happened.
“Once, I remember that I had to promote some diet products. I was eating protein bars for a month, I guess that's my level of cooking,” you commented amused, remembering that part of your past. Donna looked at you curiously again, frowning.
“Em... Yes, I...”
“You didn't understand anything I said, did you?” You joked, making her shake her head, scratching the back of her neck.
“Niente,” you repeated, amused. “Well, I worked being a model once, you know, I had to take photos with products, with clothes...”
“Model?” She asked, this time leaning towards you, showing interest in that detail. You nodded, not caring.
“Yes, well, I had to pay for the photography academy somehow,” you explained with that same amused tone, which calmed down when you saw her confused and with an intriguing face. “Once a man from a clothing brand came and well, it is known that he found me attractive enough for the job.”
“A man? What man?” Donna asked abruptly, you couldn't tell if she was curious or annoyed.
“Well, one man...” You whispered, studying her movements. “Bah, it doesn't matter, that's part of my past.”
“It matters, who was that stronzo?” She asked, with a dark and worried tone. You should already know that your past, like lovers and relationships, was a completely forbidden topic in that house.
“Hey, don't worry, Donna, he was just a businessman,” you said, moving your hands to calm her increased, nervous breathing. “It's not a dark thing at all, I promise you. I just let them to take photos with new clothes, or things like that.”
“What things?” She asked, still with distrust in her voice.
“You know what? I better show you, I still have my photo book,” you said, patting your knees and walking towards the room.
Everything that had to do with the modern world aroused a certain curiosity in the lady in black, but also jealousy, a lot of jealousy. You couldn't blame her for being possessive, not after knowing her past. Maybe you thought it was a good idea to show her what you did when you modeled.
“Come, sit here,” you said, indicating the woman to come to your side, while you opened the photo book for the first page.
“It's you,” Donna said, bringing her closer to that photo, a bit provocative one, to be honest.
“Yes, of course, see? I wore clothes that they wanted to promote and they took photos of me, nothing strange,” you said, turning each of the pages slowly, being studied by the lady in black, who couldn't help but smile. “I looked beautiful, huh?”
“So beautiful…” She whispered with a tender smile, running her hand over one of the photos of her. “That dress is interesting. Maybe I can make a similar one for you.”
You nodded curiously, studying her reactions. Everything seemed to be going well, just one more afternoon in which you dedicated yourselves to talking about your past life, to astonish Donna with the world she didn’t know about, and she would never know about, the world you didn't want to return to.
“What is this?” She asked after a few minutes, with her expression changed, showing you a photo that occupied both sides of the book. A photo that even made you blush.
“Oh, well...” You whispered, taking the book and not having an answer that would help her face to relax. “Me, posing, with a dress.”
“That's not a dress, (Y/N), it's more like a long scarf, not even that,” she said angrily, looking at you with an expression that alerted even more jealousy. You had to make an effort to hold back your laughter at the reaction and shook your head.
“No, no, it's a dress, do you see the sleeves?” You said, pointing to a part of the photograph.
“What I'm seeing are your breasts,” Donna responded, without looking at your face, with her eye fixed on that photo, which, yes, was a little too suggestive.
“Oh, they can't be seen at all,” you said, downplaying it. Donna sighed, ignoring your excuses. “They are well covered.”
“I can see them,” she corrected, with a brusque tone. “You say everyone could see these photos?”
“Well, yes,” you said whispering, closing the book and leaving it on the side of the couch, with a shameful smile. “At least during the advertising campaign.”
“The campaign... Let's see if I find out, are you telling me that everyone could see you showing your breasts?” She asked, with an annoyed tone, her chest rising and falling rapidly again.
“Well, not everyone…” You said, shaking your head and rolling your eyes. “Only those who passed by the bus stop on line 4, those who bought fashion magazines, those who went to a hairdresser, those who…”
“Basta,” she said, having a hard time. Unlike you, who was having a lot of fun because of her absurd jealousy.
“Besides, you can't see my breasts, I've already told you,” you said in your defense, feigning anger and crossing your arms. “I don't understand why it bothers you, Donna. You've seen them too... And I know you love them,” you said in a seductive tone, nudging her, making her head turn towards you abruptly, with that childish anger in her look.
“I'm your girlfriend, (Y/N),” she hissed, revealing what you were to her right at that moment. You hadn't thought about it, but you knew that girlfriend wasn’t enough. She was the woman of your life.
“Oh, I see... You're jealous, huh?” You asked with a funny tone, launching yourself at her body to tickle her, which made her laugh, trying to push you away. “How jealous are you…”
“Stop, (Y/N),” she said, holding your hands so they would stop playing with her dress, diluting that funny moment with jealousy. “I don't understand why you had to do something like that. Showing your body to everyone is...”
“It was a temporary job, nothing serious, Donna,” you said calmer, worrying because her jealousy didn't seem to give in to your cuddling.
“It seems serious to me,” the lady in black protested, trying to calm herself down with your little tricks for anxiety. “I don't even want to think about how many people have seen you and…”
“Hey, come on. It's okay,” you said, wrapping your arms around her and rubbing her body to comfort her, something that usually worked. “That's the past.”
“That's what you say, but I don't even want to think about how many people look at those magazines and... (Y/N), they probably masturbated with that photo,” she said with a serious tone. But the words entered your mind causing you to laugh, a laugh that you couldn't contain.
“Masturbated? Donna… Really?” You said laughing, but with a stab of reality hitting you in the back. Well, she could be right and that was… Disturbing.
“I don't see where the fun is. I'm completely serious,” Donna protested, moving away from you to show how offended she was by your laughter.
“Yes, yes, it's just that... It's a very uncharacteristic statement for you,” you explained, letting her know the reason for your amusement. When Donna was nervous, she might say that kind of things. Well, nervous or terribly excited.
“Why? I used to masturbate before I met you. It’s a natural need” she said, still with that abrupt tone. You had to stop laughing or Donna would get really angry and you didn't want that.
“Oh...” You whispered with a different tone, returning to that tireless seduction that your body was asking for. “I see… And would you have done it by looking at that photo?” You asked in her ear, making her body shiver and the blush return to her cheeks.
“Yes, (Y/N),” she said in a barely audible voice, her fists clenched on her knees. “That's why I don't understand how you could...”
She couldn't continue speaking, because your lips crashed against hers abruptly, kissing her wildly, trying to make her passion blind her jealousy, at least a bit.
“I would love to see you doing that...” You whispered, giving her one last kiss and checking that your actions had an effect, making her smile slightly.
“Um, (Y/N), I...” She stammered, fleeing from the caresses you made on her chest, caresses that distracted her from her anger with unprecedented success. Maybe it had been the sight of your barely covered breasts that made her calm down. That excited you, a lot.
But an idea appeared in your head to interrupt that moment, a much better one, one that would dispel the doll maker's jealousy forever, or so you thought.
“Mm, I have an idea, Donna,” you said thoughtfully, making curiosity return to her face.
“What idea?” She asked, moving nervously on the couch, revealing her excitement, trying to hide it in the black fabric of her dress, a detail that you, of course, didn’t overlook.
“What do you think if you do a photo session for me? One just for you...” You proposed, resting your head in your hand and biting your lip as you saw how she played with her dress to hide her enthusiasm.
“A photo session?” The lady asked curiously, frowning, but interested, of course.
“Uh-huh,” you stated, taking her hand so she would stop playing with the black fabric and you could caress her. “One that only you can look at…”
“Only me...” She sighed with a smile, intertwining your fingers.
She seemed to think about it for a few seconds, but, after that time, she nodded profusely, giving you her approval.
“Wait, I'm going to get the camera,” you said amused, running towards the elevator stopping at the last moment to pick up your old modeling album with an amused expression. “I'll take this, to avoid temptations...” You joked, calming her protest at your inappropriate comment with a kiss on the cheek.
Well, at least you had managed to solve the jealousy problem and the idea sounded quite... Funny in your head, well, also in your head.
“Say cheese,” you said jokingly, shooting a photo towards the couch, catching Donna off guard, almost blinding her with the flash.
“Don't do that, (Y/N)” she protested, rubbing her eye while you laughed in amusement, looking at the result on the small screen.
“Oh, look how pretty you are...” You said, ignoring her complaints and showing her that improvised photo. Her natural expression was truly worthy of one of your favorite works, of course.
Donna leaned in to look at herself, and she stepped back immediately, shaking her head.
“No, I'm horrible,” she said, with that tone that betrayed nervousness, the fierce attack of her complexes again. You caressed her cheek, forcing her to look at you.
“You're beautiful, Donna, the camera doesn't lie,” you said softly, placing your lips on hers.
“But you do,” she said, ignoring your compliment, looking askance at that improvised photo. “I could never be a model like you. Not with my hideous face.”
“Oh, come on, Donna... You know you're beautiful, you know it, I know you know it,” you said, relaxing a bit, wiping away a tear that was slowly running down her cheek.
“I know you don't think that way but... Thank you,” she whispered, closing her eye due to your caresses, resting her hand on yours, squeezing it against her skin. You smiled, kissing her again, not insisting on making her complexes disappear. You had your whole life to get it.
“I have to make some room on the memory card... I took a lot of photos when I arrived at the village,” you commented, ignoring that conversation, which was getting really sad. “Oh, what the…? Angie!”
You shouted to the doll as you flipped through photo after photo, showing the irreverent puppet posing comically in many of them. What a session she had given herself.
“What do you want, stupid stranger?” The doll Asked, running towards you in a graceful and fast manner, climbing into the lap of her owner.
“Have you been playing with the camera?” You asked, ignoring her contempt. You would always be a threat to Donna, Angie would never like you, or so you thought.
“No,” she responded childishly, earning a suspicious look from her owner. You blinked in disbelief, turning the camera towards her.
“What is this?” You asked, going through the photos that the doll had taken one by one, making her laugh with a sinister laugh.
“Mmm, it looks like me,” the doll murmured, making you roll your eyes, with a severe pose, reminding yourself of your parents when you did something wrong.
“Yes, yes... What have I told you about touching my stuff?” You protested, sighing. “You could have broken it.”
-But I haven't... Look, Donna, this photo is great, don't you think? It's me, with me, and with you...” the doll said, ignoring your scolding, pointing to one of the photos that had Angie posing next to the portrait on the stairs.
Donna smiled, looking at you amused. You were incapable of getting as angry as you wanted.
“Wonderful, Angie, you are quite an artist,” you mocked, trying not to laugh to emphasize your annoyance. “Although I have to admit that I'm surprised that you've learned to handle the camera that well,” you said, more to yourself than to her. Angie jumped mockingly, pleased by your admiration.
“It's easy, stupid, you just have to hit that button,” she said, pressing the camera trigger and blinding you with the flash.
“Oh, shit...” You said closing your eyes and listening to the puppet laughing as she cowardly ran away from you. “Damn…”
“Are you okay, tesoro?” Donna asked, with a hand on her mouth that prevented you from seeing she was laughing. Laughing at you, of course.
“Yes, I... Are you laughing at me, Donna?” You asked amused, blinking to eliminate the lights that formed your eyes after that flash.
“No,” she said with the doll's fake tone, something that made you sigh with tenderness.
“Well, well, we'll see if you laugh so much after the photos you're going to take of me...” You sighed, getting up from the couch.
“But, but I don't know how to use that device,” she protested, allowing herself to be dragged towards the elevator.
“If Angie could do it, so can you... Come on, I have a lot of ideas...”
It took you a while, but you finally managed to make an improvised photography set. The place chosen was the doll workshop, one of the bleakest parts of the house, but artistically perfect. All those wooden limbs hanging from the ceiling and its stone walls and floor made it an ideal place for that private session, one that you were eager to begin.
“Just a bit more...” You said, giving instructions to the brunette to move a wooden table, which you would desecrate with your sensual poses “Perfect, leave it there.”
Donna sighed, unable to hide the desire she had for those photos, for that gift for her, just for her.
“Come,” you said, gesturing towards the tripod where you had placed your camera, pointing it at the middle of the room. The lady in black approached slowly, studying that curious device. “Look, Donna, you can see what you are going to photograph through this gap here. Come on, take a look.”
The lady obeyed nervously, looking into the camera and smiling afterwards, letting you know that she understood you.
“Whatever appears here will be seen later on that screen, right?” She asked curious. You nodded.
“Yes, but don't use it as a reference, the light could deceive you. Okay, then you keep the lens centered and put your finger on the button, like this,” you said, taking her hand and gently placing her finger on the button, making the lens move. “You see? You have to press it softly first to get it to focus, otherwise it will be blurry.”
“Oh, it seems complicated,” Donna whispered, checking what was in front of the camera and then above it.
“It's not, trust me. You'll do it great...” You said, patting her on the back and heading towards the suitcase you brought with you, choosing what your first item of clothing was going to be. “If you can’t, I can tell Angie to do it…”
“No,” she said abruptly. “I can do it.”
You nodded with a smile. Naturally, that was the answer you expected.
“Well, then... How about this one to start?” You said, displaying that red and provocative dress that aroused so much jealousy in the brunette.
“(Y/N)...” She hissed, annoyed by your choice.
“You don’t like it? My breasts can be seen with it...” You hummed, waving the garment comically until a shy smile formed on her face as she shook her head.
“Shut up and put it on,” Donna ordered, hiding her embarrassment with the camera while you played with the red fabric, making it look even more provocative.
Your modeling days were still evident in your actions, posing naturally under her attentive gaze, perhaps too attentive. You posed in a much more provocative way, making her hands shake when taking the photographs.
It was funny, very funny, especially when it came to raising a bare leg towards the table, or kneeling on it in a seductive pose, which made Donna have to clear her throat several times to focus.
After that dress, successive combinations of the clothes you brought to the village came: lace bras, negligees, your entire wardrobe being captured by the camera lens, as well as by the eye of Lady Beneviento, who seemed to enjoy that seductive vision, the provocative poses and the increasingly obvious lack of clothes.
“You like them?” The brunette asked after a fun and exciting time. You flipped through the photos and nodded in surprise. They were good, much better than you thought. Luckily, none of them would ever leave that house.
“Sure, it's a good job, Donna,” you said, hugging her waist from behind, making her laugh pleased. “Besides, they are all for you.”
“Yes, that's the best...” she sighed, looking carefully at the places of your naked skin, which you exposed on purpose.
“Wait, the best is yet to come,” you said amused, moving away from her and leaving the workshop.
“(Y/N)? Where are you going?” Donna asked, confused by your sudden escape.
You ran to the bedroom, eagerly looking for that piece of clothing you wanted to use on a crazy idea in your head, an idea that presented itself in the middle of that improvised session.
“Can I use it?” You asked, entering the workshop again and carrying Donna's black veil in your hand, that veil with which she covered her face long ago, and with which she continued to do so with anyone that wasn’t you.
“Um, yes, but... What do you want it for?” She asked confused, watching how you played with the black fabric in your hands.
“Well, I've thought that I would like a couple of photos with it on, if you don't mind, of course,” you explained, looking at that fabric, looking for the correct way to put it on.
“Fi, fine,” the lady in black murmured turning it over, and placing it on your head making you laugh with amusement.
“How can you see anything with this thing?” You joked, reaching out to touch her while you tried to make out something with your eyes. “Donna? Who turned off the light?”
“Stop fooling around and stand there, tesoro,” she said, amused, pushing you towards the table, which you prevented by digging your feet into the floor.
“Wait, wait... I'm not ready,” you whispered in her ear, moving away from her and pulling at the tie that kept one of your dresses stuck to your body. “I want you to take some photos of me with the veil on...”
“Yes, you already said that,” she said, confused, interrupted by a finger between her lips.
“Just with the veil on,” you whispered, slurring your words as the clothing covering you fell to the stone floor, leaving Donna in the same material, looking at you up and down, checking that during your escape to the bedroom, your underwear also disappeared.
“I think you like the idea, don't you?” You whispered again, biting her earlobe and running your hands over her body, caressing the incipient bulge in the black fabric of her dress.
She nodded nervously, closing her eyes at your fleeting touch, one that disappeared at the same time you walked away from her, leaning on the wooden table.
“Come on, move, Donna.  Shoot,” you said seductively, making Donna blink and shake her head, her entire body trembling from the view she had.
Her attitude was much more nervous than before, taking her time with each photograph. You played with your body, opening your legs slightly, moving the fabric away from your face to show how you were biting your lip. It was a vision too erotic for Donna, who could not bear more than a dozen photographs.
“Wait, (Y/N),” she said stuttering, making you laugh and get off the table where you were kneeling, pushing the veil away from your face again.
“I hope you captured these last ones well, Donna, I think they're going to be your favorites,” you joked, continuing with your sensual movements, moving your hips in an exaggerated way as you walked slowly towards her.
“They definitely are,” the lady said, her voice low, moving away from your naked body, only covered in that black cloth.
“Mm, this photo session has warmed me up,” you murmured, removing the veil from your face and playing with it in your hands, surrounding the neck of the brunette with it. Donna was receding more and more. “Where are you going, my love?”
“Um, I...” She stammered, unable to speak clearly, with a marked and suggestive accent as she was dragged by her own veil towards your naked body.
“You're hot too, huh?” You asked on her lips, touching them but without kissing them, taking advantage of that erotic moment that you were not going to lose. “Shall we take a break, Donna?”
She nodded, unable to resist the temptation of kissing you in a hot, wet way, bringing her body closer to yours, making her arousal more than evident, something that made you moan in anticipation.
“I want to take you, (Y/N),” she whispered in your ear, making your entire body tremble in satisfaction from that statement. You smiled and raised an eyebrow, holding her gaze and pulling the black fabric closer.
“Mm yes, it could be a good break,” you said, removing the veil from her neck and walking towards the table, opening your legs again, shiny with excitement, making the humidity between them more than evident, running a finger through your folds under her attentive gaze and slow steps.
“Wait,” she said, approaching, but with something in her eye that made her reveal a hidden intention. “Put it on again, please,” she whispered, taking the piece of black cloth that was still in your hands and putting it back on your head, to which you frowned and laughed amused.
“Oh, fine...” You whispered, pulling on her waist, with the black fabric clouding your vision, but not your senses, which were beginning to burn with the kisses that Donna began to place on your neck. “Wow, do you like that?”
Donna didn't speak, nor did she nod. She simply caressed your face beneath her veil, letting you know her response as she played with the buttons of her dress.
You gasped at her seductive, burning touch, at how her hands ran over your bare skin, at how they covered your breasts while her mouth traveled down your neck and her body rocked against yours.
You laughed, closing your eyes, noticing how her hand moved the fabric away so her lips could devour yours for a few moments while her fingers played with your nipples and her obvious erection rubbed against your body.
“Mm, Donna...” You murmured, opening her dress so her torso was revealed to you, so her pale skin would send shivers through your body.
“Shh, silenzio,” she whispered, laughing sinisterly, squeezing one of your breasts with subtle strength, which made you gasp with pleasure and move your hips against her body. “They are mine, you understand?” She asked. “Just nod.”
You obeyed, curious about that question, about that attitude so out of the ordinary for Donna.
“Only mine, (Y/N)...” She sighed again, joining the movements of your body as her own bra gave way in your skillful and mischievous hands, hands that she grabbed immediately. “No, no, tesoro…”
“I'm yours?” You asked, defying her order to keep you quiet, pushing aside her veil so you could shamelessly capture her lips, making her move away, placing her hands on your chest.
“Mine, (Y/N),” she responded, slowly turning you around and leaning over the wooden table, leaving you completely exposed to her desires, to her body's desire to dominate yours, to make it hers, again.
“Very well, then make me yours,” you said amused, separating your legs, making her gasp at the exciting vision she had before her. Your face was still covered by that black cloth, which she placed in such a way that it wouldn't move, before leaning down to your ear and pressing her shaft against your wetness, now free of her underwear.
“Don't take it off, (Y/N)...” Donna whispered softly as her hands ran down your back, down your legs, until one of her fingers ran through your wet folds, making you moan and nod, moving your legs.
Her caresses were slow, almost like a small warning of what was to come. The wetness that permeated her fingers was enough to make her moan as well. The position you were in and the veil prevented you from seeing her face. You knew she was smiling, you knew she had that smile.
“Shh, stay still,” she told you, lowering your back so it leaned on the table while her finger played with your entrance, with your clit, moving in circles so your hips demanded a little more contact, just a little more.
Her hot commands entered your ears like a current of warm air, causing your legs to spread even further and her finger to slide inside of you slowly, making your world spin, making you fervently desire more contact, more pleasure, more Donna.
“Stop playing with me,” you protested, amused, feeling her finger curl inside of you, exploring your body, getting your walls used to the contact.
“I like to play with you,” she hissed, raising your back so she could kiss you on your neck and continue dancing with your body.
“Donna, don't make me suffer,” you begged, clenching your fists on the table as her finger disappeared from your body and her hands roamed your chest from behind, squeezing your breasts, claiming them as hers.
“Okay...” She sighed, leaving that game aside and approaching you, placing her shaft at your entrance but just playing with it, running through your folds in a hot and wet caress.
You moaned at the contact, at her erection caressing your body, making you claim her to be inside of you with a few discreet movements of your hips.
“Donna,” you said with a more serious tone, hitting the table with one of your fists, looking at her through the sides of the veil. “Please…”
She sighed, but she didn't say anything. She simply complied with your wishes, slowly inserting the tip, letting your body adjust to hers. You moaned in pleasure, noticing how your walls stretched, hugging her body in a terribly exciting way.
“Am I hurting you?” She asked by surprise at your hisses of pleasure. Donna always will be the kind innocent woman in black. She couldn't be any other way.
“No, no, move, please,” you said, moaning with pleasure when she was completely in you, sliding along your wet and eager insides.
She obeyed your request slowly also beginning to moan at the sensation, gently grabbing your hips to maintain a stable rhythm, but it couldn't help but be anxious, desperate.
The wooden table creaked under your movements, adding to the wet sounds of your improvised lustful act, turning that sinister room into the warmest one ever, the most obscene ever.
“You're so wet, (Y/N)...” Donna whispered in an amused tone, panting as she moved inside of you, alternating strong thrusts with weaker, more intense ones. Just the way you liked it. That was just for you. “Did you like posing for me?”
You smiled, grabbing the edge of the table to keep from losing your balance, moving your hips to match her thrusts, to feel how your walls hugged her erection, how they made it slide inside and almost out of you.
“Mmm, yes, I love posing for you,” you said almost without thinking, overwhelmed by pleasure, by all the sensations you had experienced, by the relief you felt between your legs and by the excitement that wearing that veil caused you.
“I see...” She murmured, laughing amusedly as she leaned over you, reaffirming her control, reaffirming that you were hers, reaffirming that she was inside of you and you, even if you wanted to, couldn't get away. You didn't want to either.
“Donna, fuck... I'm, I'm close,” you moaned with a growl, noticing how your body tensed little by little, how the pleasure clouded your vision much more than the black veil.
“You're rude, (Y/N)” she said, amused, giving you a small spank on one of your buttocks, which was the spark your body needed to arch completely, letting yourself be carried away by the waves of pleasure from your orgasm. A scandalous one, probably the most scandalous one you had ever had.
Donna held you tightly so she could continue moving inside of you, this time much faster, affirming with her actions how close she was to possessing you again. It didn't take long to happen, causing the heat to accompany your orgasm with her wet caresses, making you full of her again.
The lady sighed, letting herself fall onto your back, staying very close to you, inside of you as her body relaxed, enjoying the obscene wetness that dripped between your legs.
Exhausted, you turned around, pushing the black fabric away with one hand while you kissed her, as long as you owed her that love that you used to give her in those situations. Although this time, she didn't seem to feel insecure at all.
“I love you,” she said, returning to her being, returning to being the shy and affectionate Donna that a lust caused by you had hidden for a moment.
You took off the veil, passing it back around her neck and pulling it, looking at her with a loving and satisfied expression at the same time.
“Me too...” You sighed, returning her affection with a slow, loving and tender kiss, far from the previous actions. “Hey, I've been thinking...”
“What?” She asked curiously, burying her head in your shoulder, letting herself be embraced by your protective arms.
“I would really like to take some photos of you with the veil on too, just with the veil on...”
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icarusredwings · 22 days
A snippet from a fic series im working on called
This comes after DOG TAGS. Scott finds Logan in the Professors old office and confronts him about it. Established Poolverine. For those who have read the Jean Grey one, this comes prior to that.
Warning: mentions of character death, cheating, emotional angst, no fluff, no happy ending, unconsentual kiss.
“Excuse me, you aren't supposed to be in here.” It was as if he had just woken from a dream, picking his head up as he quickly realized that the man he was once crying on was now gone. Vanished out of thin air.
I found you
I found the door
Sitting up, he wiped his tears away, sniffling.
“Why do you care? Where'd the professor go?” He asks, genuinely concerned. It's not like the paralyzed fucker could just get up and walk away. And even if he could. He wouldn't just abandon him here, alone, would he?
The man now crossing his arms scoffed.
“What kind of idiotic question is that? Really, Logan, I thought you would have grown up by now. Stopped with the stupid tricks.”
Just looking at him both pissed him off and made him want to smile. The only one who hasn't a telepath who ever dared try to question him and put him in his place time and time again. Oh, how much he's grown. His stance alone screamed “Tightwad Principal” and it seemed as if Logan had just got himself some after-school detention.
So mature. Such a prick. So… Scott. Done up with a new set of visors, a pure white button up underneath a tacky sweater vest that somehow only ever looked good on him. A pair of ironed brown slacks, shiny black shoes, stupid checkered socks. He even had a school pen in his pocket and a yellow tie. So professional, it made him want to rip it all off of him with his bare teeth and then shred it all so he could never make him feel the way he felt in his stomach ever again.
“Look at you.. finally reached the top, haven't cha?” He muttered under his breath, standing as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“What?? Logan, are you drunk or something? You know there's no outside alcohol on school grounds.” he started but the man wasn't listening at all. God He even smelled like a nerd. Fresh dry cleaning, a cucumber lather shampoo, and a soft hint of Lavender linen.
“What me? No no, I uhm.. I'm sober now…So where is he?”
“Who?” He seemed frustrated.
“The old man. Chuck. Wheels.” He gestured to the chair, looking around the room. Man, maybe they should hire a maid. This place was so dusty.
Scott swallowed, looking away, to the picture up on the wall of multiple classes. “..Gone.”
“Hm. Well. You know what they say. When teach is away the students will play. Heh, right?” He nudged him with his elbow but he only looked at him with slight disgust.
“You dare come into a deadmans office just to joke about him? Tch. You didn't change a bit, did you?” He grumbled.
Logan's eyes widened, his frown returning, but didn't last long.
“Heh… Ha! Good one, Slim! Yeah real funny, I deserve it, but really. Where is he? I wasn't done talking to him.” He leaned on his shoulder, smirking, only to be pushed off.
“None of us were…”
It was at this moment, it hit him.
“What..? H-how!? I was just- He was just-”
Logan had just gotten Charles back, and now he was being told that he- what? Hallucinated his entire conversation with him? Saw a ghost?? No. That isn't right. He felt him touch him. He pet his head and told him he missed him...
But when I stepped through
There was no floor
“He's been gone for a little under a year now, Logan. If you would have shown up to the funeral you would have known that.”
“What? But I-” He's only been in this timeline for about 8 and a half months. “Oh- I… did Hank not tell you? I'm not from this timeline. So.. I thought..”
“You thought since your Professor was still alive, ours would be… Yeah.. I realize that now. Sorry.” The scent of Sand filled the air.
“Right.. except-" His charles was dead too. Perhaps he dreamt it? "Erm nevermind.… So.. How have things been? With the school? It's obvious someone got a big promotion. From teacher's pet to principal, Yeah?” He poked fun at him, something they've always done to each other.
Scott took a deep breath, smiling. Closing the door behind him as he stepped further in to observe the photos on the wall.
“Hard… But we're getting there. Baby steps. Every day we get another problem, another fight that we have to win. Another person trying to bring us down on the news.” Picking up one of the photos, he rubbed over it to expose young faces, blowing the dust away.
Logan smirked, staring at him for a moment.
“You sound just like him.”
“Tch. Yeah right. If I sounded at least half like him, I'd be a way better at convincing kids to stop breaking things or play the floor is lava with actual lava instead of just pretending….and stabbing each other for fun” This last part was trailed off, Glancing at him as if implying for a reason Logan was unaware, it was his fault.
“Oh man! That sounds rough.” He could only imagine trying to deal with a whole school of kids melting the furniture. He hoped the school nurse had a great healing power if he was implying what he thought he was implying. That Laura came here.
“Yeah… would be nice if we could get some extra help..someone…experienced.” Scott didn't move his head, but Logan could tell he was looking at him from the corner of his eyes.
“Like… me?” Logan asks, just now realizing how close they were. Close enough to-
Before he could even react, Scott kissed him. His hand coming behind his head, gripping the back of his head. Setting down the picture, his hand came to logans, about to rub over his knuckle, only to pull away when the claws came out.
Panting a bit, he stared at him, wiping his mouth off as he glared. “What the fuck did you do that for!?”
Holding his arm, Logan had scratched the button up just enough to make small holes in his arm. “What are YOU doing? Are you trying to stab me!?”
“No!- maybe? I-i don't know! Why did you do that?!” He asked again, almost whining. Why now? After all these years, a whole different timeline even, why now!? What was he going to tell Wade?
“Logan, You're coming back. After all these years you're finally coming home. There must be a reason. Right? It's like you said. You even jumped timelines to do it.”
You're coming back
And it's the end of the world
Staring at him in disbelief, Logan shook his head. “You really think…” Starting to chuckle, He put his head In his hand only to groan, looking at him as if he were the insane one.
“You really think.. that I jumped a whole timeline just so you could kiss me in a forbidden corridor? Again!? Summers, I just saved this entire universe! I'm the reason all of this is even still standing!” He growled, watching him step forward, calling his bluff.
Retracting the claws, it was like watching someone take a confident step towards an aggressive dog, only to watch its tail tuck and his ears flatten, licking its lips as it turns away.
“And I'm so proud of you for that.” He whispered.
If he had one, that tucked tail would start to wag at the bottom, a soft grin appearing, quickly shaken off as he turned around. “No- no. We've been through this before. A whole different you. It's just the same. Hell, I don't even know you!”
Moving to stand where his gaze was, Scott whispered. “Yes you do. We both do.”
Thick vanilla cream. A hint of fresh baked buns. The truth. A pure, filling truth.
Logan's eyes softened as he thought. He hated it but he was right. As much as he wanted to deny it, he would stink of gasoline if he said he wasn't thinking about him on the way up here. If he was okay, how much of a kiss ass he used to be (and still was). If this Timelines Wolverine had the same struggles that he did so long ago. And apparently this one was worse. He never even got a kiss from his own Scott.
“No.. I don't. I knew MY scott. I don't know you…I don't know THIS Scott summers.”
But this Scott? He seemed more than eager to see him again. How long has it been? What things were said? What promises were made? How many times did he lie to Jean just to sneak into his room at night? Oh man, Jean.. He couldn't do this again. Not to her, not to anyone. It wasn't fair for him. It wasn't fair period. For either of them. Scott always was the controlling type. Everything in their correct spots and perfectly aligned.
Unfortunately for Logan, relationships were nothing but messy. Always messy. But sometimes messy could be fun when loyalty was always put first. It seems Scott never got the memo.
Shaking his head again, Logan Pushed him away, as tempting as it was to show that man how a real kiss was done, he didn't want to give him any idea that there was hope for them.
“Well then let's start over.” Shifting his weight, he did that stupid little smirk that made Logan want to bite him. Putting his hand out for him to shake, the other went to his pocket.
“Hello. I'm Scott. Scott Summers.”
We're starting over
The cockiness in his voice made his knees want to buckle. To sit on that floor- perhaps even under the professor's desk and- No. No no no. Bad Logan! Bad!
Pulling his hand away. “Sorry Bub. Not happening… I'm getting married. And you-” He poked him in the chest quite hard. “Are already married.” He crossed his arms. “And you really should tell your wife. If I know Jean, she has already seen it and just doesn't want to believe it.”
“Don't talk about our marriage. You don't know anything about it. You don't know anything about real relationships to begin with! All you know is shutting people out and what the bottom of a bottle looks like.” He grumbled, fist tightening.
Logan almost wished he'd hit him just so he had a reason to claw him to pieces… though.. he did admire how rude he was to him.. Hopefully, it had something to do psychologically with pack hiarchy and not a weird sexual thing… but now that he thought about it.. he had quite the type.
“What do you see in him anyway?”
It was clear he touched a nerve. That easily? The man who used to be able to take a hundred insults without even blinking, insecure about his coverup of a marriage. Glaring, Logan gave him a glare that practically begged him to say something about Wade, tripple dog daring him to open his mouth just enough so he could shove a fist in it.
“...He makes me laugh…”
“I can do that-”
“No…No you can't. Not like him, you can't.”
But he continued. “b-Besides. It can be our little secret. Like old times. Remember? You used to love sneaking around.”
“No. I didn't…”
“But It was your idea!”
“We were kids, Scott. Kids! This is serious. Real life. You're married. I'm engaged. That's the end of it. God, you're just like him!” Logan began pacing in circles like a caged animal in the wild, being released only to come right back to the same enclosure.
“Everything revolves around you and your perfect reputation! Do you ever think- Just for A second that maybe that was the only way I knew I'd ever get to have you!? You just couldn't choose me over your made up bullshit, could you? I-” by now he was pointing at him, hurt and angry tears in his eyes. Swallowing, he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of a voice crack.
“It's not like you didn't hear me say ‘I love you’!.. and I swear I still do.. But it must have been so bad without me because it almost killed you! All of you! And yet you're not sorry. You'll never be sorry for how you treated me all those years!”
And I love you darling
And I am done here
“But I am-”
“No Scott!! You're not!” He growls, not needing his smell to know that this was a lie. He would do it all again if he let him.
“I should have known it wasn't like you to say sorry, But here I am! A fool! Waiting on a different story! I thought this timeline's you would be better but God was I mistaken!! Sorry that clawing out my own heart and handing it to you on a silver platter wasn't good enough for ya, Bub.”
He now pointed at himself. “And now… Now! All these years later. I finally found someone who WILL take care of it. Who will protect if from assholes like you who want to play with it. What am I huh? A toy? Well guess what Scott?!”
Scott sighed, waiting a second as he processed everything he said before shrugging his shoulders. “Are you going to tell me I'm a horrible person because I have feelings I can't understand?”
Logan scoffed, smirking as air blew out of his nose, beginning to chuckle. “No… No no no no, see because if it was just that you would have told your wife already. It's far more then that. You want both but you don't want to share either. Hate to tell ya buddy but i'm not gonna be a steak for you to chew on whenever you get tired of your cake.”
Again he shakes his head. But smiled, his eyes staring into his soul through the visors, inches away from his face. “Because you know what Scott? I do have something to thank you for.
“Thank me? For what?” His head didn't bother move, seeing how worked up he was, moving quickly was a death wish, but he wasn't afraid. Oh no, never. He could never be afraid of him.
“Thanks for reminding me of who I am! Go on! Ask what I mean by that, One-eye.” This word was venomous despite Wolverines having none, Logan made It work.
Another sigh, upset and disappointed, feeling miserable. “..And what is that, Logan?”
“A loyal husband!” He turned to leave. “I'm done here. Goodbye Scott. I was really hoping this time things would be different but you're just an oversized boyscout in this universe too, Aren't Cha? You don't love me. You never have. And after all this time. You haven't changed at all!”
“Wait! Logan I-”
“You don't deserve her! You never did. Probably never will.” He always did need the final word..
“But I love-!”
The door slammed shut.
“... you..”
You're in the house
And I am here in the car
Logan was angry. Hurt. Sad. Confused. Guilty. Was there a word that meant a swirling tornado of feelings that he couldn't control or handle?
Wiping his tears, Logan came down the stairs in a hurry, sniffling as he rushed past anyone who even tried to say his name. Here he was. Tucking and running. He promised he wouldn't but he needed it. He needed to hide. He needed something he could hit and scream at without hurting anyone.
Getting the keys out, he tugged on the door handle multiple times, cursing under his breath as hot tears flooded his face. Finally getting it open, he climbed into the front seat, turning on the radio high enough to drowned out the sound of a man sobbing.
I just need a quiet place
Where I can scream
Gripping the wheel between his hands, he grit his teeth, heaving as he began to hit the steering wheel of their old truck, shaking it as he screamed. Slowly, it died down into more of a whimper. A mewl of desperation as he laid his head on the wheel, letting his tears fall. He was so angry and yet.. had no rage.
Just saltiness in the air as it began to rain, the trickling noises of the rain hitting the top of the car making a symphony of water droplets to cover up the sound of those that were falling inside the car.
How much I love…
Still standing in that office, Alone, Scott looked at the picture again, remembering that day of when he and Logan first met. No.. he was never afraid that he'd hurt him. Not physically anyway.. never caring about his sharp remarks and their childish banter. A tear fell onto the glass, landing directly on his much younger but never clean shaven face.
The only thing he was ever afraid of…
Was losing him.
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kaledya · 13 days
HIIIII @marquisev first of all I'm so sorry for the late return!
And how are you? I hope you are well! And I heard that school is back in session and if you are still studying I wish you a good school year!
The Prince and the Spy
This episode was simply amazing I loved the way Serenity and Constantine's relationship was written Even I don't think I could write them that accurately Your description of the scenes and the writing of the dialogues are excellent. Also the description in the episode was very nice. And  Serenity's interpretation of the overlord meeting from her perspective, where she expressed her opinions about Alastor and how she found it strange that his act had changed so much, was also very well written.And I was really glad that we got a little glimpse of Hürrem.In one word it was great
Assistant and detective
Hurrem's dialogues are really fun to read.I've already warmed up to his personality.Hürrem has self-confidence and wants to achieve the glory that lies before her.Even though she is a little nervous on this path, she is someone who does not let herself be crushed and chooses her words well in a conversation.
I really liked the writing of the dialogues.And my god, you really write and describe Constantine wonderfully, every move and every speech is written wonderfully, it's just perfect!!He has an extremely calm demeanor, speaks with care and never tries to crush Hürrem, he shows her kindness and respect.
The part where Hurrem wanders around hell looking for the meeting point was nice, and her little dialogue with Gio already gives a nice preview of their dynamic!
It's really fun to read about Gio and Hurrem's relationship, they have a really great dynamic.I really liked the jokes in between, it makes the reader warm up to the characters quickly.its like A spin-off series like Helluva Boss , although the main series is more story-oriented, here we get to know Hell much better thanks to the characters.Seriously great write up
And I think that the duties of the two are well explained in the chapter and Hurrem's situation as Goetia is also well touched upon.You captured that serious and playful vibe perfectly.And I really liked Gio's inner thoughts too.In general, the way you wrote him is great. The Judy and Nick vibe between Hurrem is very nice!!
*It's so cute how Hürrem makes parrot sounds when 
she gets angry!
My eyes are blessed, Maid Verdelet is so beautiful
And congratulations on 200 kudos!!! Honestly you deserve so much more!!
And I don't know exactly what kudos is too, but I think it's something like ‘ like’, which means "thanks for writing this fanfic.”
And yes, the introduction of Baxter! It was really fun to watch that little animatic. I'm really curious about the impact Baxter will have on the story.
I think the interactions between Baxter and Lolica would be really interesting and I think they could be friends. Lolicia could be one of the people Baxter talks to the most at the hotel.
Before battle
The scene at the beginning of the episode where Alator was hallucinating was really nice. I think it added a great air of mystery to the episode, and as always, it was great to read Alastor's inner thoughts.I find the details you put in your dream really clever. It's nice to see such small details for both the future of the story and Alastor's own story.
I really like the way you portray Charlie, her interactions with Alastor are so beautiful to read.And I liked that she talked about the hotel's condition, so we can learn what the hotel is currently like.
The detail of Alastor not liking Precious really made me laugh.
Alastor's interpretation of Charlie's movements was really nice, and the dialogue that Charlie talked about caught my attention.
‘’I can understand that! she laughed heartily. I made mistakes for a long time and a lot of people don't want to see me again either’’
YAAY the part where Alastor remembered Serenity's memory was so cute!!
Alastor's advice to Charlie was also great!
The part where Alastor discusses his strategy with himself and thinks about his enemies and allies was really good.
I can't wait to see Charlie's reaction to him after this little massacre he's about to commit.
IS IT AN EPISODE FROM LOLICAN'S MEMORY??? WHAT IS HAPPENING???There were too many details, too many descriptions in that memory section?? That part was really well written.Who and what is coming for her!???
There are so many questions, I can't wait for this scene to be illuminated in the future!
First of all, it was great to read Alastor and Lolicia's conversation and planning as always. You really write their relationship wonderfully. 
And is Vittorio okay?? Please don't let anything happen to the little guy, there's no need to cause emotional damage to Lolica like this….
And yipppe they're finally heading towards the forest I'm already so excited for the chaos those two will cause.
Chapter 77 Fairy Ointment
It was really nice to get to know Lysander in this episode, I liked the parts about his childhood or the little fairy ointment story. And again, it was great to learn about Lysander's personality traits, his likes and dislikes, and to see his perspective on hell.The episode had a slightly mysterious and really nice atmosphere, the descriptions were good as always, I can picture all the scenes.
Chapter 78 nettle breeze
The action scenes in the episode are very clever, even though Lys is the weak than the two in the book he know How to use forest for himself, and I think it's very nice that poison and mushrooms come to the fore in the war.I really think the war scenes are  well described, it's really fun to read.The internal dialogues between Lolicia and Alastor as they interpret the events are also really nice.And despite Alastor killing sinners, they’re resurrected again and again.And the mushroom effect on them reminds me of Last of Us
 I Imagine the sinners turning into more mushroom zombies every time they die.It was a really good episode, action-wise.
OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING???????First of all, I am amazed by the general culture you have with each episode. I did not know that nettle had such an important place in Scandinavian mythology.And everything is so detailed, from the type of tree Leiv died on to the meaning of the braids he knitted for fishing. Just wow I seriously learn new things in every episode thanks to you.
And the scene where Lolicia finally recognizes Leiv and reveals her identity was so beautiful and the way s Leiv shed tears was SO BEAUTIFUL
I really liked the dialogues Lolicia used there 'You called yourself my guardian  but you died before me’
And for God's sake how did Leiv make enemies that they impaled him on a tree with a sword????
Also in the previous episodes Lolica was being chased by someone, what's going on?And why did they both go to hell, what did they do?
Overall, I really liked the emotional atmosphere of the episode. I think you did a great job of introducing the connection between Leiv and Lolicia.Seriously lolicia's confrontation with Leiv was so sweet
Yeeey finally Alastor's shadow brought news!!
And the water rising in the last scene AAAA I'M SO EXCITED
Popcorn: I think Leiv's design is simply amazing and very creative, he really has a great design.And it was really cool to read the details about the design!
chapter 81 The bear,Gold &heir saga 
This episode's atmosphere was very nice, it reminded me of old folklore animations.The animations and storytelling are made by the studio that made Wolfwalkers.
I really warmed up to Leiv as a character. Even though he made the people under him work like slaves, his interactions with Lolicia were really fun to read. It was sweet to see Leiv get embarrassed or excited in front of her. 
AND this episode left me with a lot of questions about Lolica having the Snow White passive 
And ‘'and the girl with the amber eyes and golden halo’’
Facts like the color of Lolicia's hair, the fact that animals don't attack her, and the fact that she came all the way from New Orleans without a boat make the event really interesting.
So was Lolica an Saint l before and then she fell? Or was she in New Orleans when she died or was she never human?What's going on right now?
The song between Lolicia and Leiv was really beautifully written lyrically, I really liked the song
And it makes a lot more sense why Leiv referred to Lolicia as an angel.
Seriously, I have so many questions in my mind and thanks to your writing style , I look at every detail again and everything can be related to the story.
The episode was great for both getting to know Leiv better and learning more about Lolicia!!
DAMN LEIV IS HANDSOME Seriously your design talent is amazing Leiv's design is really beautiful And it was so much fun reading the information you wrote about him.
I think you have really great drawing skills. 
Chapter 83 The calving of glaciers
I love everything about this episode so much
First of all, I've said this a few times, but I love the way you write Charlie,  she stands her ground and also worries about her friends and tries to protect those around her.But she also knows that she can show her power to take control of the situation if she wants to.
Charlie talking to Husk about Angel was really nice, I really liked the dialogue between them.And I love The way you write Husk, as the depressed old but wise bartender, even though he's had too much to drink, sometimes he gives the best advice.
The scene where Charlie notices the water on the ground and tries to call Vaggie but her voice doesn't come out was really nice.
And Constantine's warning to Charlie was really very logical, as a reader I said, okay, something must be going very wrong.
And I think the warning system is really creative and logical!
I really liked the confrontation between Charlie and Alastor. Charlie not giving in or retreating despite Alastor's objections really suited her character.
In general, I liked the episode very much. The descriptions are good, it is a preparation for the other episodes, the general atmosphere of tension and mystery is very good.
Episode 84 The Calving of Glaciers
I don't know where to begin praising this episode.
Lolicia's reactions to the events were SO good Fitzroy's betrayal was really effective in the story, and Lolicia being cornered for Vittorio  really increased the tension in the story.
I really loved the dialogue between Fitzroy and Lolica, there was great tension and I really wondered what Lolicia's next move would be.
Also, the scene where Fitzroy throws Vittorio's severed arm in front of Lolicia is very impressive.Also Fitzroy's purpose in entering the Maze actually made sense and Lolicia remembered Serenity's words where it was really nice.
I really liked how Charlie was so worried about Lolicia and it makes perfect sense that Alastor was trying to hold her back 'believe me my Dear , as someone who has experienced it, I advise you not to do this’
Every stage Lolicia goes to her demon form is so cool, you described it perfectly
NOOO LOLICIA HAS TRAPPED THEM IN A BUBBLE OF SILENCE CHARLIE DO SOMETHING GIRL!!…Your friend  losing her control a bit…But of course, as a reader, I wouldn't say no to cool scenes and I'm very excited right now.
I really liked Charlie asking if Alastor was manipulating Lolicia. The fact that She made a move with the information she had and questioned Alastor was really nice.
And I really love how you added Precious to Charlie's scenes, it's a nice reminder that she's there too.
It was nice that Alastor laughed and rejected the question 'who am I to manipulate her’
And Constantine gives another warning message 
things are getting worse.’
And Alastor says he's seen Lolicia like this before YIPPE FLASHBACK IS COMING!!
Chapter 85
YEEEY FLASHBACK I think Alastor made the mistake of his life by going after Lolicia, but we'll see.
I can understand Alastor's questions, why is Lolicia so powerful if she's not doing the things the Overlords do to gain power?
AWWW Alastor remembers him trying to comfort Serenity because of her fear of the dark.
The scene where Lolicia appears from the darkness is so cool!
+I liked her dress
The indifference and ego that Alastor showed before he was defeated by Lolica was really funny I mean, with all this arrogance, it's a great chance not to lose to anyone today, you know what they say, radio demon, arrogance and pride are the things that blind a person the most.
Did he grab her chin? Alastor seriously where is the gentlemanliness in war? Tch tch tch
Okay, I loved Lolicia's cold and professional attitude in this war, it was very cool.It was also very good that she said 'you are too weak' to him specially when she had all the cards.
The poetic words that Lolicia said were really beautiful, I thought they were all very meaningful.
The last 3 warnings Lolicia gave to Alastor were really cool. In general, I really liked Lolicia's attitude in the episode. It was very fun to read.
She acts very noble and mysterious and You are very good at describing the environment and characters.
Then, the part where Alastor walks around injured and questions his actions and mistakes is really good.Then, in the part where Zestial comes to Alastor and gives a speech,It's always nice to read Alastor and Zestial's dialogues.And at the end of the episode it was nice to finally have an alastor who had suffered losses and probably learned from his mistakes.Because if he hides that ego, he won't be able to stay there for a long time.
In general, I really liked everything in this episode, the character dialogues, Lolicia's writing, Alastor's writing, the events, everything.
and I have gifts for you!!! and first of all I think you are a very good designer I really think your outfit designs and character designs are great please don't stop drawing you have a really great talent!
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fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55936840/chapters/142045639
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creedslove · 8 months
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Post outbreak!Ghost!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: besties, I put a Joel poster up my wall and I was in hopes of having filthy, dirty, obscene and explicit dreams of him, and yet, I had this sad dream about our favorite old man :( it was such an emotional and sad dream I woke up with my heart breaking for him 🥺💔
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"Baby girl, please, talk to me... Why don't you talk to me? Why won't you even look at me, tell what I've done, I apologize, please just forgive me and look at me"
• Joel begged you, he walked towards you but you turned away from him, as you shook your head and cried. He was so confused at everything that was happening, it was like one day he left for patrol and when he came back nothing was ever the same
• he didn't understand why people simply ignored him, why they didn't look at him nor talked to him, but it didn't actually bother Joel that much, not when it was everyone else, but the moment you also didn't pay attention to him? that concerned and hurt him
• to make things worse, what disturbed him the most was that you wouldn't stop crying and he couldn't find out why because you ignored him, he was so confused, it pained him to be treated like that, he wanted to hold you, kiss you, make love to you, but how could he approach you if you wouldn't let him to
• time also confused him, he remembered waking up one morning and went on patrol, then he was ambushed by a group of people and this girl hit him on the head, and for a moment, he thought he would die, but suddenly he opened his eyes, looked around and everything seemed the same, he ran his hand through his hair and there was no blood, his head didn't hurt, so he figured the attack wasn't even that bad or maybe, just maybe he'd hallucinated the whole thing?! Or he got way too drunk with Tommy to remember?
• he remembered getting up and walking back home, things seemed so different and yet so familiar and he wasn't really sure, it took him very long for him to reach home, but he wouldn't really be able to tell, only when he got home and saw you crying was that he began freaking out for real
• Joel was so angry with that situation, he hated being ignored, especially when he knew there was something wrong with you, he tried calling you, drawing your attention, but only when he raised his voice and screamed at you, a lightbulb exploded out of nowhere making you jump and look around startled
"if only you were still here..."
• he heard you whisper and another wave of tears came crashing down your face, breaking his heart once more; when he was about to try and get your attention one more time, he saw you got up, putting on your jacket and leaving home. He didn't think twice, he stood up immediately and followed you, frowning the moment he saw the snowflakes falling all around you, he didn't remember the weather being that cold, he was almost sure it was still fall when he left
• when you got into the graveyard he was taken by some kind of anxiety, a deep fear Joel couldn't necessarily explain, but the moment you stood in front of one tombstone, was that he was paralyzed with shock and pain
• that was what it said; the way you fell into your knees and cried in front of it, the way your fingertips traced the letters that formed his name as your body shook lightly from the cold and your cries and how Joel's tortured spirit watched you, how he still not believing what was happening and a part of him hoping it was just one sick twisted prank tried placing his hand on your shoulder, but you didn't even react to it
"please, look at me, I'm right here, this must be a mistake, a joke, a cruel prank... I'm here, your Joel, I'm fine, I'm not dead, please sweetheart, just look at me"
• he pleaded but his words were nothing more than just ghostly whispers, just like he was now. After a few minutes, you dried your tears, sniffing and taking a deep breath
"I love you, Joel, I always will, I love you very much"
• you professed your love once more, and knew it was time to go back, you didn't want to live a life without Joel anymore and yet, you couldn't give up, not when you had come so far
• your life without him was empty but as the weeks turned into months, you managed to pretend you were doing better in front of other people, and yet, every night before bed you spilled tears on your pillow and as for Joel, it took him a long time to accept he was gone and he was nothing more than just a ghost, and even if he saw the light and he could swear he heard Sarah's voice calling him, he still couldn't move on, not yet, so he would sit by your bed and touch you gently, in his ghostly touch, until he saw you had finally stopped crying and drifted off to sleep
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theangelcatalogue · 13 days
❝ Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn’t earned your fate? ❞ ― YANDERE X MEN X DREAM INTERPRETER!DARLING
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❝ Have you ever felt like Atlas, threw your back out on the axis... ❞
— ⠀Third person
A dream interpreter, that's what you were, basically, your mutation consisted of controlling, entering and experiencing other people dreams, you discovered when you accidentally transformed your neighbor's kid dream in a nightmare while babysitting them, silly you.
And that happened until you realized that you were the problem. You also could do that with your own dreams, well, that was bad because there was one little problem...
You could hurt yourself in your dreams, one day you dreamed you were drowning, just to wake up soaking wet, or like when you dreamed you were bitten by an animal, just to wake up with a bite mark, bleeding, in your arm.
It took a few time to Professor found you, asking you about your experience, it was hell for you, you could control your dreams? Yes. You knew how to do that? No. Did you almost die in these dreams and nightmares? Yes.
He also asked your father about this, talking about how the institute would be an amazing experience, where you would stay with teenagers like you, and help you control your abilities.
Your father was hesitant, his only kid, away from him? After hesitating, he agreed, not before talking about your problems to the Professor, warning him to have patience with you.
" Please just be patience with they... they have these hallucinations, and they can hurt themselves in these dreams, and- "
" There is no need to worry, sir, we will take care of them. They are in good hands. "
Well, technically, you were in good hands, all of them tried to do be your friends and thought your power as rather different (Kurt and Evan asked you to interpret the dumbest dreams ever.)
They were very patience with you, or tried to be, and they were very, very protectives. It could be suffocating, so you tried to not tell them what happened so they wouldn't worry.
Your power had another problems, sometimes, you can hallucinate with things and creatures from your dreams, but the most recent and common ones are from your nightmares. You aren't sure if they are real or your imagination, but how you were the only one that could see them...
And this made you pass for many problems and situations at all, some classmates would have patience with you, some would find you weird, and others would be... downright mean and bullies.
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" Come on, freak! Tell me what you're saying! It's another scary clown?, " Ram mocked, arms crossed, looking at you with like a total idiot. He is your main bully, he thought he was so funny, like this 'joke' wasn't made before.
" Yeah, it's a clown, the dumbest one i have ever seen in my entire life. " You responded him bluntly, you already were feed up of him at this point, why couldn't he just leave you alone? He has nothing better than to do? Like, smacking lunch trays? Or be a huge dick— Oh wait, he already is that.
It took him a while to understand you were talking about him, that he was a clown, that guy was really dumb. His face darkened with pure annoyance at you.
" Well, at least i'm not an insane freak! How did your parents didn't leave you when they had a chance? How do your friends even support your presence? " He scoffs.
" You are so right! But you know? I have to go. " You said, closing your locker, preparing to walk away, he really thinks he is offending you, sure it still hurts, but crying or fighting him wouldn't make this better, it would only make his ego get worse. So you just decided to agree and leave, hoping he wouldn't do anything.
However, you felt him grabbing you by your shoulders, making you look at him again, he was pissed off you were walking away, he grabs you by your jacket and press you in the lockers. Preparing to punch you.
" Who said you could just walk away from me? Your little piece of shit- "
" What's happening here? "
You hear a familiar voice, you and Ram turn your head to see a familiar figure, your hero... or your military general:
Scott Summers.
" Let them go. Before i do something you won't like. " Scott said to Ram, while crossing his arms, if looks could kill, Ram would be dead right now. I mean, you couldn't know because of the glasses, but you felt that he was giving him a death glare to Ram, you just knewn that.
Ram lets you go, not before sending you a " This isn't over. " look, he walks away, leaving you and Scott alone in the hallway.
You turn your head to look at Scott, the good thing is that you're safe from Ram... the bad? Having to listen to Scott giving you a whole speech about how you should ask them help in moments like this. This is the safiest option, actually.
" Who was that? "
" Ram Kelly. "
" Ram Kelly..., " He repeated, you could feel something weird in his tone, something that caused shivers in your spine. " And... he picks on you daily? "
You didn't know how to respond to that question, yes, Ram did that daily, it was part of your routine at this point. But if you tell Scott that, he will realize you are hiding things from him and the other X-mens.
" I will consider your silence as a yes., " He sighs, obviously disappointed with you. " Y/N, we already told you... if someone is messing with you, you need to tell us. " He advised you, he and the others have told you that many times.
" I know, i know! Sorry... i don't want you guys to worry, my problems, my deal. " You responded him, and it was truth, you already worry them enough with your nightmares, creams and bruises in the middle of the night, you don't want to bother them with some stupid school problems.
Before he could say anything to you, the bells rang, you rushed to your class, not wanting to be late, but also not wanting to hear Scott's possible scolding.
" We want to worry... " Scott mumbled to himself, observing you rush away, before going to his own class.
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" Ugh! This guy is so disgusting! Now i'm feeling weird because of that... " Rogue complained after touching Ram, making him faint.
" Don't worry, i will be worth it! " Kurt responds her, while Scott looks at Ram's body.
" It is. " Scott said, before taking his glasses off, in direction to Ram's head.
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★ I love x men evolution so much
★ How are u guys?? Hope you all doing well!
★ Silly Oona gif
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mtkay13 · 7 months
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The peach blossoms are blooming
Lol @the fancy title, haha. Yesterday I promised "two hoboxu's today!" but I'm an inconsistant liar so the second is today and not yesterday, HAH.
Anyway, another painting of my very beloved; more about this piece below!
So aside of the obvious joke, what I really wanted to work on and represent on this picture is, as the title makes it clearer, grief, and what it looks like for ZZS.
The idea came from imagining ZZS setting off, happy with his disguise, and passing by a peach tree orchards and seeing all the peach blossoms blooming, and what it would entail.
...So let's talk about what TYK is about again, shall we?
(usual caveat: those are my thoughts and interpretations etc etc)
Little is known of the four years that separate the end of QY and the beginning of TYK. Even less is obviously stated when it comes to the reasons why ZZS has put in the nails, besides the obvious "requirement to leave Tian Chuang" part.
So, trying to leave all headcanons and other suppositions aside, and looking at what the text gives us, one of the main "storylines" of ZZS' personal journey across both books seems to be: dealing with the loss of LJX, first of their relationship, and later, of LJX entirely.
>I'm going to boldly announce that (I think) TYK is in great parts a story about getting over grief, or rather, properly living with grief.
Needless to say that it is clear that ZZS has a bunch of issues he's dealing with, including "the void after meeting your goals; what's next?" and some form of burnout from completely over-exerting himself and going way beyond what he thought he could sustain mentally; but also. Four years after he lost LJX, ZZS is still deeply grieving. Still seeing him in crowds, still thinking about him frequently, still hallucinating him, dreaming of him. He couldn't resist taking in ZCL because ZCL reminded him of LJX. Nearly every single thought of his own past ends up rooting back to LJX.
The first time he mentions LJX's name out loud in TYK, chapter 41, is the first time he mentions it at all in four years, and to quote the text:
Speaking out his name hadn't been that big of a deal, in the end; it had only felt like something had been pulled out of his chest—like he was now missing a piece, like it left behind an empty void.
(TYK ch41, TL by me)
The next scene is when it hits ZZS that he's going to die; from that moment on, ZZS starts feeling stupid, ZZS slowly starts wanting to find a solution, influenced by WKX... and the story culminates with ZZS making the opposite decision that he made in QY: instead of risking never seeing WKX alive again, and against WKX's decision, he goes to meet him, unlike LJX whom he was too scared to go meet, and lost forever without even saying goodbye.
>I think that ZZS essentially took the nails because he couldn't manage to live with that grief, basically. (I know, I KNOW there are other reasons, but for the sake of analyzing this theme, I find interesting to look at it from this angle; how the narrative shifts towards ZZS putting in the efforts to stay alive at the exact same times he starts letting go of LJX literally.) And then, as he learns, as he rediscovers life differently, the story becomes about getting free from the nails, about actially living with that grief rather than dying because of it.
*coughs* so, hum, yes. This is what I wanted to represent. What grief looks like, at this stage of melancholic, happy, self-deprecating acceptance of freedom through death—freedom of the burden of grief and guilt. It's a bittersweet feeling, but the way I see it, he smiles out of what he thinks is inner peace, resignation, and once again, self-deprecation.
I would go even deeper, in that ZZS' relationship to death with regards to LJX is quite complex and difficult, given how he was told by LJX himself that he ought to die for what he's done (or misunderstood LJX saying so), but that's a whole other can of worms and I don't have the brain juice to go there again (since it wouldn't even be the first time iirc). SO YEAH, again, grief, but ZZS style: turned into a bit of a melancholic, silly, but gentle joke, and with a smile on the face. On brand with TYK as well.
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sparklingsjy · 2 years
enhypen's reaction to you being smaller than them but stronger
note: requested by anon!
contains: fluff :D and you threatening to beat sunghoon up because that's normal LMFAO
when you and hee first started dating he always thought you would be dependent on him
considering how tiny you were, he didn't expect to see you carrying your new tv to the living room all by yourself
"who is that!? y/n?!"
heeseung runs over to you and pokes your side to make sure he isn't hallucinating
"can you move the couch a bit to the left so i can get through?"
heeseung is still surprised by the fact that your 5'2 self can even lift a heavy tv but then again, he learns something new about you every day
as you're setting up the tv on the table, he admires you while sitting on the couch
"i really am lucky to have you y/n . . ."
knowing that you're stronger than him just made him love you even more <3
we all know jay LOVES going to the gym
you enjoy working out privately but jay invited you to join him as his gym buddy one day
you both did your usual routines and before he started working on his arms, he heard you call his name
"jay! can you come spot me?"
jay cluelessly looks around for you until you turn him around after waiting for 3 minutes
"oh hey!"
"you took too long! come!"
you took him over to your already set up bench press and got ready
"y/n . . is this a joke?"
"no! hurry and spot me! can you make sure it's on 120?"
jay knew you were full of surprises but THIS was on a whole other level
"120? as in one two zero?"
"yess now hurry!"
as surprised as he is, he hurries up and spots you while admiring how your arms work so easily carrying something so heavy
once you were done, he gave you your bottle of water and patted your back
"i guess you really are stronger than me y/n.. shouldn't you be the one protecting me then?"
"in your dreams . . ."
let's say the night ended off with jay asking you a series of questions on how you're so strong and to help him gain muscle LOL
you and jake love teasing each other and had a thing for piggy back rides
one day you decided to switch it up a bit with him
"jake! since you're always giving me piggy back rides, why don't i give you one?"
"you're so cute y/n! i don't want to crush your tiny body though :("
"this tiny body is very strong though!"
"hmm i'm not sure"
jake couldn't handle your whining because he always falls for your puppy eyes
he ends up giving in and his facial expression when you're able to carry him successfully on your back is PRICELESS
"are you a robot or something? how is this even possible?"
"i told you i'm strong!"
"y/n you should be my body guard"
"i'm being serious! you're like superman or hulk!"
"are you calling me big??"
"nonono that's not what i meant"
"i can just drop you right here right now"
dear lord someone save me from hoon's arms
anyways sunghoon is always challenging you to an arm wrestle whenever he cans
it's either to show off his biceps or to tease you
he will not be expecting you to beat him over and over again
"ARE YOU SURE THIS IS YOUR ARM? there's no way you're stronger than me . . . DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LIFT?"
"what you lift is a piece of cake hoonie!"
"who are you and what have you done to my little gremlin?"
the day goes on with you teasing hoon for losing and him trying to not let it hurt his pride <3
you and sunoo are so cautious with each other once you got together
he also loved spoiling you with food so it wasn't new of him to ask if you wanted something made by him
"y/n do you want a sandwich? i bought this new peanut butter spread!"
"ooh sure!"
10 minutes passed by and you got curious considering he should've finished the sandwich by now
you walked over to the kitchen to see a sweaty red-faced sunoo and an unopened jar of peanut butter
"sunoo? what's going on?"
"y/n . . . this jar does not want to open AT ALL"
you walked over to him, took the jar, and easily popped it open
"not that hard love~!"
"HUH? HOW IS THAT . . ."
"is my sunoo not capable of opening a jar?"
"i swear that jar was super glued or something . . ."
"noo you're just weak~"
"y/n . . . how do you have room to hide your strength in that small body of yours?!?"
when you and wonnie are on a movie marathon in the living room, he is always picking you up once the movie gets too boring
he usually just brought you two to bed for a cuddle session or deep talks but this time the movie you guys were watching was actually interesting to him
on the other hand, you were bored out of your mind
so . . . why not surprise him?
"wonnie . . sit up straight!"
"okayyy y/n~"
once he sat up straight, that's when you took your chance and picked him up
"i'm bored!"
you take him over to your shared room and plop him on the bed
"there is no way you just picked me up and dropped me in the same night . ."
"the movie was bad!"
"noo not really but . . . how did you carry me? don't i weigh a lot?"
"it's because i started working out more with jay and sunghoon!"
"you're so strong y/n . . . this isn't fair!"
"one day you'll be as strong as me . . . but right now i want to sleep!"
you guys get tucked in bed but jungwon is not able to fall asleep easily since he keeps thinking back on you carrying him
"stop working out with them . . . they're making you stronger than me" he says all pouty
"shh let's sleep"
"fine . . ."
you and niki love having small wrestling fights on the weekends
you always let him win to boost his ego until his teasing pushes your limits . . .
"you're so tiny y/n you can't even beat me if you tried!"
"yeah? rematch right now!"
"are you sure you'll be able to handle me again~"
"i should be saying that to you . . ."
of course you two ended up rematching and whew niki was shocked
when you overpowered him his ego SHATTERED
"you're cheating!"
"what? how can i cheat in this?"
"you drank something didn't you?!"
"noo i'm just stronger than you niki!"
"have you just been willingly letting me win?"
"would it be bad if i said yes?"
oh he was SAD
not in like a dramatic way but he always loved teasing you for how tiny you were
now that you showed him how strong you are, he's scared to tease you again in case you decide to beat him up LMFAOA
ending note: thank you for reading !
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k0fii · 10 months
『The moment the world was finished, the author had to descend from the position of creator.』
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They say that before you die, you live through the events of your entire life for 7 minutes.
Naturally, for writers, this meant the tear-jerker flashback scenes written to make a character's death hurt for the readers.
Han Sooyoung belatedly wondered if her death would be recorded as such. Well, she had written this very world but it had long left her hands by now.
The void rushed to take what was left of her, which wasn't much at all. She thought that it felt familiar. She couldn't seem to remember why though.
A small bit of her consciousness managed to survive.
She didn't know why, and could barely feel anything than the coldness of the void surrounding her.
The ghost of a body remained after her physical body crumbled away - it was something, but it wasn't anything, defined more by the fact that it wasn't the void, like white ink on a black page or stars in the dark night.
She curled into herself with barely any strength, eyes closing and her hand floating uselessly around her, as if trying to reach something.
Before she knew what she was reaching out for, she felt a grasp on her hand.
It was warm, unlike the desolate void around her. For some reason, she was afraid to open her eyes. Maybe it was because she recognized that hand holding hers, or that warmth, or maybe it was because she's scared that opening her eyes would reveal it all to be a dream.
She fought back tears and found it useless in the end. Silently, her grip tightened, unwilling to let go.
If this was her final moment, if this was a last-minute hallucination or dream conjured up by her mind, she decided that she wouldn't let this bastard leave before her again.
"You dumbass..!"
Her voice came out shaky. Anger, hurt, and relief all spilling out in multitudes. She kept her eyes tightly shut.
"I know. I'm sorry."
If she could punch him, she would - there were too many questions, too much grief between the two of them. God knows how many times she wanted to beat some sense into him.
"Why couldn't you just come back?"
"Do you know all we did just to get you back?!"
"We all tried to move on with our lives but no matter what I did, I couldn't."
"I couldn't even write anymore. I wanted to throw up at the sight of the subway."
"I hate you so damn much, do you know that?"
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Don't just say that!"
"What do you want me to say?"
What did she want him to say? What words could fix all the hurt he's caused? What words could repay her for all she did to get him back?
Her throat felt strangled now.
"What..what did you think of the story I wrote?"
"It was good."
Han Sooyoung didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She felt her heart bursting with joy at such half-baked praise.
"..That's it? That's 500 chapters of work!"
Banter that would've made the two of them laugh previously now felt like a parting gift. A last chat, a few jokes and the warmth of laughter before everything fades to nothing.
"It was perfect."
"Of course it is! The genius writer wrote it, so obviously."
Her voice was still shaky, but there was a smile to it now.
"You did good until now. Thank you, Sooyoung-ah."
Shaky laughter turned into teary sobs. Han Sooyoung didn't bother to wipe the tears sliding down her face.
She was content here, in her final moments, knowing that this story reached the person it was written for.
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beginnerblueglass · 5 months
I finished Titans S3 and it's everybody's problem!
No, I have not yet seen S4, I just felt that seasons 1-3 formed a perfect little three-part story, and I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS
About six years ago I was a staunch Marvel fan living in a Marvel household, and I was in deep. DC was not spoken of in my home, EXCEPT for a little annoying cartoon called Teen Titans GO! that my younger siblings were obsessed with. I never liked it very much, but I was forced to watch.. a lot of it. At the time I had a habit of going onto IMdB every day and watching all the new trailers. Imagine my surprise when I noticed a new trailer for a show called Titans. "Oh, they're making a live-action show about the Teen Titans? How interesting!" Then I watched it. I was horrified. Horrified. Why is it so dark? Why is it so violent? Why does it look so scary? Why is there so much blood? Why is Starfire killing someone? Did that grown man dressed as Robin, covered in blood, just say "f*ck Batman"? What is happening? I decided right then that I never wanted anything to do with this show, and for the next several years I heard nothing more about it. What happened since then? I don't know. I grew up and became interested in DC? After I saw it while browsing Netflix, I looked it up. Most of the reviews were meh to negative, but I decided to give it a try, just starting with a few episodes.
And oh my goodness?????
This show surprised me so hard.
Season one is rough. It's very dark and gritty and violent. Like the creators are saying, "Look at me!! I'm edgy!" The subject matter is extremely dark, there is minimal music and almost no soundtrack, the language is coarse, and the colour scale is ✨grey✨. At first, this was very offputting, especially since seasons two and three have a completely different tone. The Doylist explanation is just that the creators were doing the cliche "kid's media adapted for adults, and make it unmistakably for adults," thing. But the Watsonian explanation? Ooh boy, that's interesting.
One thing that I found so captivating about this show is how the audience's viewpoint is halfway inside the main character's head. So much of this show is Dick Grayson's internal mental landscape presenting itself onscreen. We see his dreams, visions, flashbacks, memories, and hallucinations. Whole episodes take place inside his head, and the things going on in his head regularly escape. This happens at times on some level with the other characters, but when Dick is onscreen it's like he pulls the audience in and we see things the way he sees them. This show does "immersive" very well.
Why is the first season so dark, Watsonian-ly speaking? (Watsonian-ly?) Because this is set during the darkest time in Dick's life. He's depressed and suffering from an identity crisis, he doesn't feel like a human being and has cut himself off from everyone who cares about him. Why is there no soundtrack? Because pop songs aren't really going through Dick's head right now. Why is there little to no humour? Well, Dick isn't really feeling the jokes at the moment. Why is there so little colour? He's seeing everything in bleak shades of grey (of course, Kori comes into his life in a pop of colour 🥰). He is completely immersed in a cycle of violence and bloodshed that he doesn't know how to get out of, and it's torturous. The tone of the season matches his mental state perfectly. It is easy to watch? No, but if we're looking at it this way, it shouldn't be easy.
Dick begins the healing process starting in season two, and the tone immediately shifts. There's colour and a soundtrack!! There's humour and even some happiness! The Doylist explanation, of course, is that audiences didn't want more seasons like S1, so they made the tone a little more friendly. But the Watsonian explanation is that Dick is in a better place, mentally and emotionally, so his surroundings respond in kind. This continues through season three.
Now, the action-centred plot lines in seasons 1-3 range from being really interesting, to really boring, to being absolutely riddled with plot holes. Don't watch this show for that reason. Watch it for the character-centred emotional arcs. They don't disappoint. Seasons one, two, and three form a three-act story, centred on Dick's emotional journey expressed in his relationships with Bruce Wayne on one side, and Jason Todd on the other. Dick's journey of blame, anger, running away, self-examination, and forgiveness is repeated in each season, but it doesn't feel repetitive, it feels symmetrical.
(I already made a post about how I feel that they dropped the ball right at the end of season two in this regard, so the "forgiveness" aspect of the cycle didn't really land, but that's why God gave me an imagination.)
In season one, Dick blames Bruce Wayne for making him into what he is (a killer, someone who is capable of terrible things, who has hurt people, and will continue hurting people, as he doesn't know any other way to live). He is so steeped in that anger that he has become someone he barely recognizes. A year ago, he ran away, cutting himself off from everyone and everything. After being thrust into a mission to protect a young girl who needs his help, Dick is forced to do some self-examination. In the end, he realizes that healing for himself will only begin if he takes some responsibility for his own actions and forgives Bruce.
In season two, since he is no longer blaming Bruce for all his problems, Dick is blaming himself. Again, the resulting anger causes problems, he tries to run away, and he ends up being forced to take a hard look at himself. He realizes that his running away is selfish and isn't fixing anything and that healing, both for himself and the people he's hurt, will only come once he takes responsibility for his actions and forgives himself.
In season three, there's a three-way system of blame between Dick, Bruce, and Jason. Jason blames Bruce and Dick for setting him up to be Robin and then (as he sees it, and he's not totally off-base) giving up on him and casting him aside. Bruce blames himself for failing first Dick, then Jason. And Dick, having learned to stop blaming either Bruce or himself, blames Jason for turning evil. Whew! The cycle I was talking about comes to a crescendo in this season, and the resolution is so satisfying. This time, it's Jason who lashes out in anger and it's Bruce who runs away. Dick still has to do the "self-examination" thing though. In the end, he comes to realize that (you guessed it) healing for all the people involved will only begin when each party takes responsibility for their actions and forgives each other. Dick begins with himself; he realizes that he is partly responsible for the way Jason turned out, so he is the first to extend his hand in both an apology and forgiveness, which begins the healing process, which literally cleanses Gotham City. It's beautiful, ok?
The themes of fatherhood and family trauma are so subtly interwoven throughout the story, but it's powerful. The show shines a spotlight on the effects of all the father/son relationships and makes them the beating heart of the storyline. It's actually beautiful how Dick's final internal battle ends with a vision of both his past and his future: he sees himself as a little boy with his birth father, who announces that he will always love Dick no matter what, and then he sees his own future daughter. Father/child relationships are a powerful force in this show. They are the source of great pain, harm, and damage, as well as great strength, hope, and love.
This show has changed my brain chemistry.
One more thing. Dick is portrayed by Brenton Thwaites. Do you know who he is? Let me now confess that he was my first celebrity crush. I saw him in The Giver and I was gone, but I don't think I'm biased when I say that he is such a good Dick Grayson it isn't funny. He plays "internally haunted" extremely well, as well as all the other things Dick Grayson needs to be. Now Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne really threw me at first, but I have to admit he has grown on me. He's an older Bruce Wayne, kind of the spiritual successor of Adam West, minus the campiness. Not the best Bruce Wayne in cinematic history, but give him a chance. His scenes with Dick and Jason are *chef's kiss.*
There's more to the show than Just Dick, Bruce, and Jason, but like I said, they're the beating heart of the show. I could go on, but I have to go eat dinner now, and get started on season four. Happy ending, here I come!!
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kisscara · 1 year
13. bumping into someone familiar [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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the day before was like a dream.
there's a change in your attitude and practically everyone notices it. you just can't believe you got to casually hang out with the scaramouche.
he was so cool and composed the whole time, it had you thinking that he's a hallucination, or rather a divine angel sent down by the archons themself!
you hum as you fidget with the cat charm attached to your phone, sitting atop the outdoor stage as you and the other members wrapped up another practice. ayaka takes note of this and approaches you.
"(name)? when did you get that?" she queries, placing her hands on her knees to meet your gaze. you slowly giggle with a pink face, "he won it for me at the arcade." ayaka turns red at your response. she seems to be more excited about this than you do.
she looks around before sitting next to you and whispering, "did he?" you eagerly nod with suppressed laughs. ayaka quietly squeals, "that's so cute, (name)! you should make a move on him already!... ah, i don't mean to rush you or anything-"
you chuckle, "no, it's fine, ayaka. but," you stretch your arms and lay down onto the stage with your hands behind your head. "i don't know. i still have a bad feeling about having to confess sooner or later."
ayaka hums in understanding. you sit back up and change the topic to lighten the mood. "did you know he has two sisters? his younger sister, fischl, is in her last year of middle school and he has a twin sister, who goes to our school!" you playfully nudge, "if he rejects me, i'll go for his sister."
ayaka's jaw drops and you laugh at her reaction, "i'm joking!"
hu tao comes out of nowhere and places a paperbag on top of your head. "food is here and just what are you guys giggling on and on about? me and yoimiya could hear you from the other side of the stage!" the brunette crouches down by ayaka as yoimiya sits next to you.
you tease hu tao with a lilting tone, "you'll have to guess." hu tao hands a sandwich to yoimiya and ayaka and saves you for the very last. "something something student council president," hu tao flatly says, taking a bite out of her own sandwich.
"how did you know?" you sarcastically ask, swaying your legs and hitting the heels of your shoes against the stage. "anyways, he's super sweet. people who hate him are just jealous like that," you state with a smile.
the sandwich began to taste even better when you spoke about him.
hu tao rolls her eyes, "okay, (name)~ now, about yun jin!" she leans in, "she hasn't texted us in days. do you think she's alright, handling the madam faruzan situation? what if she won't be able to sing when the day comes?"
ayaka frowns, "that's true. she hasn't practiced with us in forever. at this point, we might have to cancel on performing." all four of you fall silent at the thought of it.
"it's okay!" yoimiya widely grins, "we could fill in for her." the blonde takes out a notepad and hurriedly scribbles down the lyrics. "here, like this. ayaka can sing the first verse, then-"
ayaka cuts her off with a yelp, "me, sing!? i don't know about this plan, 'miya..."
you place a hand on ayaka's shoulder and smile, "it's okay if you don't want to, but you really are a great singer. your voice is very stable but soft, which contrasts really well with the song."
hu tao nods, "mhm! plus, we're all going to be there! only the archons know how many people are out there that love you like we do!" ayaka takes tiny nibbles from her sandwich, muttering, "what am i going to do with you guys?"
after planning out who's singing which verse and practicing like it was the real performance, the sun began to set, and everyone started packing up their instruments.
"see you tomorrow, hu tao, 'miya!" ayaka calls out with a smile and you and her head back into the school building.
you suddenly realize something and start feeling at all of the pockets you could possibly find on your outfit. "shit, i forgot my house keys in my locker! text me if ayato is here by the time i'm not back!" you exclaim, running up the stairwell to the second floor.
ayaka blinks and looks around her, "o... kay..."
you pant to catch your breath and in a rush, your shoulder hits someone in the arm. you look back and panic, "sorry, i-!" your pupils dilate at the sight of the girl before you.
"oh? aren't you the drummer from 5O5?" mona curiously tilts her head and places a hand on her hip, seemingly have forgotten the previous slip-up of yours.
you shyly nod, a little intimidated by how much she appeared and acted like scaramouche. the cold aura, the pretty face; just who is their mother?
she held up one of her hands to her mouth and your gaze instantly admired her gorgeous nails and rings. "ah, i see! i've heard a lot about you from my little brother." a sly smile curls at her lips and you anxiously swallow.
"don't worry, it's nothing bad. quite the opposite, actually." she adds, "i'm looking forward to your performance for our school's festival. i went to one of your live performances before, the one at the inazuma live house."
you gasp, "really?" mona titters, "yeah, kuni was there too." you look at her with a puzzled expression and she clarifies, "kunikuzushi is scaramouche's first name. he uses his second name for, i don't know what reason that boy has."
kunikuzushi? where have you heard that again?
thinking about it began to make your mind feel fuzzy, searching for a memory buried within others.
you mumble, "that's interesting..." you recall how he had mistook you to be the group leader, but if was at the live house, then he would have known yun jin was the leader. well, it's probably nothing. there's no point in going into depth, right?
"wait, um..."
"mona," she says, answering for you.
you sigh, "mona, why did you two go to the live house in the first place?" mona answers truthfully, "he asked me to drive him. practically pleaded, at that."
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @httpspatholvr @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @esquevl @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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juyomiao · 1 year
Only ONE - sung hanbin x gn!reader
09 ☆ (in)direct kiss
< prev | masterlist | next >
chapter warnings: joking implications of killing someone , written part isn't proof read n very dialogue heavy
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written part under the cut (749 words)
you're considering turning around and making a stop at chaehyun's house to make her regret whatever she planned – maybe include taerae in it too since he's clearly her accomplice in all of this. seriously, what on god's green earth were they thinking?
keyword, considering.
something is telling you this is an opportunity you can't pass on, it's now or never, and the way hanbin looks up from his phone and directly at you almost at the same time as you do is the confirmation you needed.
you don't know where all your insecurities about your feelings not being reciprocated went, but as you walk up to him you find out you it doesn't feel bad, being confident about hanbin feeling the same for once.
"hi," no, nevermind, there goes all your confidence, disappeared into thin air once you make eye contact with hanbin.
"hi, yn," he smiles, the same way he always does, but for some reason it feels different "so i guess we both got caught up in whatever our friends planned?"
"i guess, yeah," a few seconds of awkward silence pass. you have to save this conversation before it ends up where all the conversations between you two end up: nowhere. "so? what do you want to do?"
"well, i was supposed to meet up with hao, but we didn't really have any plans on what exactly to do�� i guess the same was with you and chaehyun?" you nod "that mother fucker, once i get her i'm going to- sorry, that's not the point, i always get sidetracked…"
"that's why i like you,"
your eyes widen. did you hear that right?
"what?" hanbin seems as confused as you "what?"
oh, so he didn't actually say that. you're hallucinating too, now? chaehyun gave you the number of that psychiatrist, maybe you should contact them…
"nothing, i thought you said something. do you want to get ice cream?" it's the first idea that comes to your mind, you don't even mentally beat yourself up for how lame it is, anything is fine as long as you stop standing there.
surprisingly, almost all the awkwardness between you two slowly goes away. spending time with hanbin outside of school and your student council duties is fun, time goes by quickly, and before you know it you've already bought your ice cream and sat down on a bench nearby.
"what flavor did you get?" hanbin asks.
"strawberry," it's pretty obvious, the vibrant (and a bit too artificial) pink of the ice cream should give it away easily, why would he even ask?
"can i try it?" you nod your head, standing up "i'll go ask if they have one of those stupid plastic spoons they have at ice cream places,"
"uh, i mean, unless you want us to indirectly kiss or something, that's our only option,"
"mh… right, we should probably avoid indirect kisses..." before you can start walking away, he grabs your wrist, making you sit down again. "hanbin what…?"
"how about a direct kiss instead?"
okay now you've completely gone insane. there's no way in hell sung hanbin, your lifelong crush sung hanbin just said he wants to kiss you. no way.
"yn?" then why is he looking at you like he's waiting for an answer?
you know what, fuck it. maybe you're delusional, maybe you're hallucinating, maybe it's a dream. you're still not missing the opportunity to kiss someone you've had a crush on since middle school.
"yeah, a direct kiss sounds great, actually."
all the times hanbin has taken your breath away metaphorically, with something he did or said, could never compare to this one.
"so you like me too?"
"no, i just kissed you for shits and giggles," you roll your eyes "of course! i've liked you since you gave me a pencil when we were twelve!"
"oh," well, now he's going to think you're some kind of creep, great job yn! "well, that's nice. since i did that because i liked you,"
"wait, you liked me before i liked you?"
"i mean, i didn't know you had feelings for me until… today, actually. on that note," he takes his phone out of his pocket "do you know why chaehyun told me, and i quote, 'if you keep up this search for yn's crush you're going to get your feelings hurt'?"
you make a mental note to still take that detour to chae's house on your way home.
☆ note: RAHHHHH THEY KISSED WE CHEERED . why does hanbin kind of have w rizz now what happened . btw this is almost as long as the ricky one shot but instead of taking me 3 weeks to write this took me 30 minutes . worms in the brain fr . btw yes i accidentally posted this while editing the draft🧍
☆ SYNOPSIS: sung hanbin is everyone's dream guy: perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect personality, he has it all. he's even class AND student council president! everyone loves him, and you, as his vice-president, are no exception to that. having been in love with him since you were 12, you try to tone down your feelings "for the sake of professionalism" and claim it's simple admiration for someone who objectively has no flaws. but there is one small detail you missed, in all these years admiring him: he has an even bigger crush on you.
☆ TAGLIST: (italics = couldn't tag)(had to remove even more ppl bc tumblr is being a bitch ,, sorry) @hananovi @soobeaniee @idkwatodoanymore @huipinkhair @homohoons @sunnyglower @lethalvenus @sunoksunny @tocupid @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @winteringdream @ikeryn @ilovechanhee @thesiriusmap @hee-lanat @baekstans @blaycke @vernonfernandez @8turning @yeolsbestie @asteroidchenle @hvnyujiq @hikyeom @r4innoms @enhypen-scholarship @sulkygyu @meowrinz @rikimylove @ridinhyuck @lumixen @neohyxn @ceanairy @beomibeom @cherriegyu @sunwcloud @k4hzuhas @annoyingbitch83 @stickersim @dreamyyn @anawesomeaquatic @softforjungwoo @utopiakys @247hrs @sunswoonie @minhui896 @chanhee-hee @nxurxn @peachysohn @garaaaaaaaaa @haesunflower
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter 23: Stelle
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
“You remember me,” Sampo says, smiling. “Gosh, that makes me feel so special.”
Pom jumps out of bed as Sampo walks to the kitchen. He flips open cupboards, looking for something to eat just as Pom skids to a stop at the doorway.
“What in the world are you doing here?”
“Gosh, Pom. We haven’t seen each other in so long. You aren’t even going to offer me a drink?” Sampo casually flips the cupboard shut. “How rude.” Just before he moves on to the next, Pom stops him. Then, Sampo sighs. “Take a wild guess. Why do you think I’m here?”
“Surely not for tea and cookies, that’s for sure.”
As Sampo walks into the living room, he says, “Don’t worry. I’m not here to take your souls or suck the life out of you and Cupid. I’m simply worried for my dear ‘ol friends.”
“Friends? We met by chance, but you never met Cupid.”
“Are you sure?” 
Pom crosses his arms. "Sure I'm sure! We met that time on the Astral."
When Sampo looks down and smiles, Pom starts rubbing his fingers against his palms. Why does it seem like Sampo knows something he doesn’t? But then again, Pom always had a… strange feeling about this man.
Sampo’s relationship with the gods is a business. He takes souls to the afterlife when it’s their time, and he has made a name for himself. Those who don’t personally know him  call him the Grim Reaper. Those who do call him Sampo, but even Pom has his suspicions that’s just an alias.
“Did we?”
“I am not going to play games with you,” Pom says. “I know that was the only time we met. And while I have no idea what the heck you’re doing here, leave us alone.”
Suddenly, Pom is held against the wall. Sampo’s hand is around his neck. Pom’s eyes widen as he desperately claws at Sampo’s gloved hand but the man’s grip is too strong.
“You were always so unwelcoming, Pom.” Sampo leans closer until he’s next to Pom’s ear. “Maybe if you'd behaved, the gods wouldn’t have given you that final verdict.” Pom gasps when Sampo gives him a rare opportunity to breathe. "The time is coming for you to start thinking about yourself." Sampo moves so he can look Pom in the eyes. "There are no lifelong friends."
Pom blinks, and as soon as he opens his eyes, he’s back on his bed, staring at the white ceiling. He immediately sits up and puts a hand around his neck. Was that a dream? A hallucination? Pom quickly gets out of bed and peeks into the kitchen and then the living room. Everything is the way he’d left it.
Maybe that was a bad dream. It had to be. Why would Sampo visit him out of all people? And what was with all the talk about gods and final verdicts? Sounds like fiction, a joke, nonsense that—
Pom freezes as soon as he sees his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He swallows as he slowly puts his hand around his bruised neck, proof that whatever happened was far from a dream. Pom slightly shakes his head. Okay. First things first. He needs to get in touch with you. Or, should he call for Lan? Nanook? Do they know Sampo is here? Do they know why? Or, better yet, will they know what Sampo’s talking about?
Suddenly, Pom’s phone goes off, startling him out of his thoughts. He walks over and picks up his phone off the counter.
“Stelle. What’s up?”
“Are you free tonight?” she asks. “Everyone’s coming over for Game Night. Was thinking if you’d like to drop by, too.”
“Yeah. Gepard, March, Dan Heng…” There’s a slight pause before she says your name. “You should come if you’re not busy.”
“I’ll be right over.”
Before Pom can hang up, Stelle suddenly asks, “...Can I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
“Cupid. Who… Who is she? Really.”
Pom opens his mouth but the words are caught in his throat. “I… What do you mean, Stelle?”
“...You’ve been friends for a long time. Right?”
“That’s right. But… she’s just a student. She’s—”
“No, she’s not.” Pom’s palms start to sweat. Where is Stelle getting this confidence from? “Look, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I saw her… I saw her with a woman who looked a lot like Dan Heng’s mother.”
“Wait, Stelle.” Pom tightens the grip on his phone. “Was this a dream? Why are you suddenly asking about Cupid?”
Earlier in the day, Stelle had just gotten off the phone with her father. She was walking into the living room when she sensed that she wasn’t alone. She turned and saw the curtains flutter from a breeze through the window. Perhaps she was overthinking. She just wanted company. When she turned back, her eyes went wide as a hand covered her mouth. But what frightened her to the core was that she couldn’t move. Couldn’t scream.
“Hello, dearie.” Sampo could see the fear in her eyes, and it made him smile.
Then, after a snap of his fingers, he removed his hand from her mouth, and Stelle suddenly asked, “Who the hell are you?” But she still couldn’t move.
“Well, some people call me the Grim Reaper… but that’s not how I’m going to introduce myself to a pretty woman like yourself.” Stelle went as pale as a sheet. “Call me Sampo.”
“What do you want? Why are you here?”
Sampo opened a cookie jar on the counter and reached inside. Then, he pulled one out. “Chocolate chip… my favourite.” After taking a bite, he said, “How much do you know about Cupid and Pom?”
“...You know them?”
“The three of us go a long way back.” Sampo smiled. “But not as long as you and Cupid.”
“...Me and Cupid? I’ve only known her for—”
Sampo gestured for her to stop talking, and while Stelle didn’t want to, she was forced to. “Oh, my dear Stelle, you've known her much longer than you think.” She blinked and Sampo was suddenly standing right in front of her. He put a hand behind her head and said, “Should I show you what I know?”
A sharp pain shot through her head. Sampo watched with amusement as he released her and she fell to her knees. When she closed her eyes, she suddenly saw you and a woman who looked a lot like Dan Heng’s mother. She had you pinned to the ground. One of her hands was around your throat. The other was holding a knife.
“Stelle heard the woman say: "I should’ve known better than to trust my son."
Stelle couldn’t see what you did from behind the large bush she was hiding in, but you somehow wrestled out of the woman’s grip and quickly got to your feet.
“I’m not your enemy,” you said with conviction.
“You’re supposed to be dead!”
The woman’s movements were so fast that Stelle couldn’t make out what was happening. One second the woman was standing a few feet away. The next, she stood behind you, except you’d used a knife to block her attempt to slit your throat. You were shaking. The blade was getting dangerously close to your neck. You pushed back, and the woman skidded across the ground.
“Why… Why would Jing Yuan choose to save you?”
You tightened the grip on your knife as you circled her. “...Choose to save me? Jing Yuan never saved me.”
“You were the one who was supposed to die that night!” Then, after a choked sob, she said, “Not… Not my son.”
“Is that what Jing Yuan told you? Is that how he got you to cooperate?” When the woman held your gaze, you said, “You used black magic to conceal the entire execution. Even if Jing Yuan tricked you that he was going to kill me, why would you help him in the first place? He’s human.”
The woman scoffed. " That didn’t stop my son from getting involved with you.”
“We loved each other." Metal clashed against metal as Stelle watched with wide eyes that you stopped the knife inches from your stomach. “...And I still love him. I always will.” You pushed back and after multiple clashes, the woman’s blade fell to the ground. “Don't you see we have a common enemy?"
“I'll be damned if I work with someone like you." She watched you cautiously as she said, "Your parents… they ruined everything. They killed the man I loved… left me with nowhere to go. Humans are the real monsters.”
“...It’s going to get ugly, dearie.” Stelle’s eyes widened when she heard an unfamiliar voice behind her. “I suggest you get out now before you get yourself killed.”
Pom is almost shaking. Is that how you end up cursing Young's mother that night? But more importantly, what was Stelle and Sampo doing there that night? Did they cross paths with you? Pom goes pale as he considers another terrifying possibility.
Did you kill Stelle?
“...Pom.” Stelle’s voice drags him back to the present. “Help me understand what’s happening. I… I don’t know who to trust or what’s going on.”
“Don’t trust Sampo,” Pom says before he can stop himself. Is it possible Sampo made Stelle see something that never happened? No. He doesn’t have the power to do that. He’s just a mercenary whose job is to take lives. Well, so he says… “I don’t know what he’s after, but—”
“Before that,” Stelle interrupts. “I want to know about what I saw. Do you know what I'm talking about?”
Pom sighs. “I don’t know. I wish I could tell you. Believe me. I do. But… please. Whatever you do, I hope you’ll trust me. And Cupid… And…”
“...And Dan Heng.”
“Dan Heng? What does he have to do with this?”
Pom hears some muffled conversations on the other end. Then, he hears March ask, “Who are you talking to?”
“Pom,” Stelle answers.
Then, March’s voice becomes louder. “Pom! You’re coming over, right?”
Pom won’t miss this for the world… but now it’s for another reason entirely.
Nanook has his feet on a desk. He's flipping through the Grimoire of Black Magic when he hears footsteps behind him.
Without turning around, he asks, “Bored already, Sampo? Maybe you should go back to Hell where the weather is right up your alley even with the global warming.”
"Never thought I'd see the day where I'd see you pick up a book."
The God of Destruction looks over his shoulder and sees Sampo casually tossing a coin in his hand. "Fuck off."
Sampo stands beside him and looks at the Grimoire. “How much do you know about it?"
Nanook closes the book and puts it down. Then, he spins around. “And you're asking because...?”
"Because even though you're the owner now... it wasn't yours to begin with." Nanook narrows his eyes. "Did you know Cupid found it when she was human?” Sampo nods at the Grimoire. “Centuries ago, that went missing, and I was tasked to find it. Guess who it led me to?” He tosses the coin up. “She used it to create The Withering. She tricked Pom… not telling him everything she knows about the curse.” Then, Sampo smiles at Nanook as he catches the coin. “She was so interesting I had to watch it all happen.”
Nanook puts his hands together on his lap. "I know the Grimoire. Some curses are very similar, but nothing exactly like The Withering is in there."
Sampo gives the Grimoire a tap and shoots Nanook a look. "You might want to look again." The God of Destruction reluctantly opens it just as Sampo turns around. "The Grimoire holds curses from all kinds of different creatures." When Nanook finally finds the missing pages, Sampo spins back around. "I'd like to say that I'm a proud author myself."
Nanook looks closer and his fears have been realised. There it is. At the end of the book written in blood red ink. 
"I'd been thinking about finding a guinea pig to test my curse," Sampo says. "Never thought the Grimoire going missing and having it land in Cupid's hands would be so helpful. Her potential truly brought out its true horror."
Nanook slowly looks at the mercenary, his gaze cold and sharp. "You... You were the one who created The Withering?"
"Well, Cupid was the one who brought it to life. But, I guess you could say I was the brains behind it all." Sampo smiles. "Hell is a marvellous place for dark inspiration. You should visit sometime, Nanook. It'd be right up your alley." Nanook tosses the book aside. But before he can stand, Sampo puts his hands on the chair's armrests, forcing Nanook back. "I know how hard you’re trying to help her… You and Lan. It’s cute how fond you two are of the God of Love, and I know you've been searching for answers." He takes out a blade but Nanook doesn't flinch. "But if you want them… let's start with changing that attitude of yours.”
“Drop it, Sampo.”
Sampo rolls his eyes as he turns around. “You were interrupting a perfectly good bonding moment, Lan. Since when did you two become such good friends, hm?”
"It's not your job to threaten us." Lan steps forward just as Nanook appears beside him. “...It's also not your job to get involved with humans.”
“Why are you so interested in Sampo?” Himeko asked.
Lan stood in front of her as Himeko put her papers down to give Lan her full attention when he mentioned Sampo. “Because he never does anything if he’s not paid for it.” Lan put his hands on Himeko’s table and leaned forward. “Why is he here, Himeko? And, you’d better tell me the truth.”
“Is that a threat?”
“I just don’t want anyone to die.”
“That might not be up to you to decide,” Himeko said, standing. “Sampo wasn’t lying. He’s here to eventually carry out Cupid’s wishes.”
“Yet I saw him with Stelle,” Lan said, leaning upright. “He says he's standing idly by until he has to do whatever he has to do. Then, tell me. Why is he wasting time visiting a human who has nothing to do with him?"
“What he does in his off time is not my concern.”
Lan stopped Himeko from taking another step. “Then, tell me. What choice does Cupid have to make?”
Himeko looked Lan in the eyes and said, “To save herself… or someone else.”
“Gosh, I didn’t know the girlie had a stalker,” Sampo says. He tosses the coin, and it freezes in midair. “I was simply being a good person by returning some of her memories.” He slowly walks towards the gods. “It’s only fair, isn’t it? Cupid never cursed her."
"You're still just a plain Jane mercenary." Nanook scoffs. "How would you have the power to do that?" 
Sampo's eyes turn dark. "I'm a mercenary who created one of the most powerful curses in history. Surrounding yourself with the right people... it'll get you places."
"Pfft. People." Nanook rolls his eyes. "Demons, you mean."
“I was there… on the night Cupid killed a woman." Sampo leans against a table. “It was quite a show.”
Stelle couldn’t tell if you were shaking as you held the grip of the sword that had pierced through the woman’s stomach.
“...My parents were horrible people,” you said as the woman dropped to her knees. “But, you were the one who couldn’t take responsibility for your actions. Falling in love with a noble. Abandoning Jing Yuan to the humans and returning to the Middle Kingdom to start a new life and save face. That was all you.” Before the woman could drop to the ground, you grabbed her arm. She slowly looked up at you as blood trickled down from one corner of her mouth. “You may have thought you were protecting them, but you turned your sons against each other.”
"I loved both of them," the woman said quietly, glaring at you. "There was never a day where I didn't think about Jing Yuan."
“You may have tried to kill me, but Young is dead because of you.” When you pulled the sword out, you could see the life slowly leaving her eyes. You reached into your hanfu and pulled out a vial with black mist. “I don’t want you to die,” you said. With one hand, you opened the vial and grabbed her by the throat. “I want you to suffer.”
Stelle couldn’t keep watching as you forced the woman to ingest the black mist. Then, she heard a familiar voice behind her.
“Told you it was gonna get ugly.” She spun around and saw the man she’d met moments ago. “Do you believe me now?”
“...Who are you?” she asked quietly.
Sampo smiled. “Someone who’s been watching from the sidelines.”
Stelle blinked once, and the man was gone, but she sensed someone behind her. When she spun around, she was knocked far from the bush she was hiding in. Her back hit a large tree trunk, and as she struggled to get up, she felt a blade near her cheek. When she slowly looked up, she saw your cold, dead eyes.
“Should I continue?” Sampo asks. “Or, are you starting to get anxious?”
Lan holds up a hand to stop Nanook before stepping forward. “...How much does Stelle know?”
Sampo chuckles. “Are you afraid, Lan? Afraid that the more Stelle knows… the crazier she'll become?”
Nanook’s face pales. “Is that what you’re after? Are you fucking trying to start a bloodbath?”
“Now that’s going a little overboard,” Sampo says. “Cupid will eventually remember all of this. I’m just giving Stelle a small head start.”
“Why? So, Cupid can make her decision faster?” Lan asks. “Are you asking her to either sacrifice herself or kill Stelle all over again?”
“You forgot another possibility.”
Nanook scoffs. “You know a human can’t kill a god that easily. Stelle killing Cupid is out of the question.”
“Oh, but they can. Under the right circumstances that is.” The coin Sampo tossed suddenly shoots at Nanook who catches it with one hand. When he opens his palm, it's heads. “I’m always looking to make a little extra money.” With a little, sly smile, Sampo asks, “Should we make a bet?”
Pom will have given March a tighter hug if he isn’t in such a hurry to find you. Gepard comes out of the kitchen with two drinks.
“Hey, you’re right on time, Pom!”
Pom hurries inside and looks around. “Is Cupid and Dan Heng here yet?”
“They went to the nearby market with Stelle to grab some food.”
“What?” Pom looks at the clock. “How long have they been gone?”
March and Gepard look at each other. “Thirty minutes?” Gepard puts a cup on the counter. “When I got here, Stelle was already gone.”
Before either of them can say anything else, Pom is already out the door while taking out his phone.
Why aren’t you responding?
Dan Heng picks up some sauce off a shelf when he hears footsteps approaching him. He looks to the side and sees Stelle with a small smile.
“Hey.” Dan Heng puts the sauce in his basket just as Stells walks up to him. “Can I… ask you about Cupid?”
Unbeknownst to both of them, you’re directly on the other side, hearing everything that’s going on.
“What about her?” Dan Heng asks.
"Is she really a student?" Before he can answer, Stelle says, "...I saw her with your mother."
“...My mother?”
“She looked like her, at least,” Stelle says. “But just a little different… like a character from a fantasy novel. With horns and a tail.”
Your heart starts racing as does Dan Heng’s.
“Was this a dream?” Dan Heng asks.
“Sort of…” Then, quietly, “I’d like to think so.” Stelle looks Dan Heng in the eyes. “I actually asked Pom earlier. But he said something interesting.” A slight pause. “He said that he hopes I’ll trust him… and Cupid… and you.”
“But I don’t know what he’s talking about. Is something going on?”
“It’s a long story.”
Stelle frowns. “Well, why does it seem like I'm involved if I saw Cupid kilk a woman who looked like your mother?”
Dan Heng fully faces her. “...You saw Cupid kill her?”
“A knife to the stomach.” Stelle crosses her arms. “She… forced some black mist—”
“How did you see this?” Dan Heng interrupts.
Stelle stiffens. “Did that really happen? Is that why you’re asking me?” She steps toward him. “What did I see?”
Dan Heng looks past his friend while Stelle turns around and sees you.
“...Can we talk?” you ask.
Chapter 24
End notes: The climax is coming. There's also a plot twist coming in the next chapter. A small hint: Is it really Cupid who killed Stelle? 🤔🤔
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @tanspostsblog @theprinceofkhaos @nqctre @lunavixia @akwardbiscuit @sunsethw4 @hiqhkey @n8mareee @kplatzman (I cannot find your user anymore =()
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