#I'm not known for writing fanfic so I will not be surprised if this doesn't get many hits
danikatze · 1 year
a multi-chapter Saraiya Goyou fic
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[ID in alt text]
Chapter 1: What the Hell was the Hurry
Summary: The Five Leaves decide to leave Edo with Masa and Yaichi. Ume and Okinu are the first to arrive in their new home town, soon followed by Matsu. While Ume wants to give "opening up" a try, Matsu struggles with Feelings more than ever. An unexpected relationship develops between the two.
Read it on AO3 - or read it here:
Matsu arrived in town much, much sooner than Ume expected.
At the moment he and Okinu left Edo, heading for the place the Five Leaves had decided to try and make their new home, Matsu was still frantically running around (that is to say, walking everywhere much faster than a short guy like him should realistically be able to do) trying to get things done before his own departure.
The news that Matsu was closing up shop and moving someplace else must've spread like wildfire. The day after the Five Leaves agreed to leave Edo with Masa and Yaichi, there was a small, but undeniable queue of servants from rich families in front of his row house. Some he could please with the few hairpins or pipes that were still lying around and wanted to get rid of before moving anyway. The others placed more specific orders.
Otake, Ginta and Matsu still hung out at Ume's place while Ume and Okinu were preparing to leave, and every time Matsu was there he heartily complained about the orders. He hadn't declined any that Ume was aware of. Matsu was not good at refusing clientele.
Ume and Okinu were the first to start their trek to their potential new hometown, and, predictably, they were also the first to reach their destination. The two were planning to stay at an inn and explore the town from there. Miraculously, they found a vacant row house within mere hours of their arrival.
On her trip to the market the next day, at the end of the afternoon, Okinu spotted Matsu in the crowd. She was shocked to see him: not only did she not expect him to be there yet, he looked exhausted. As usual Matsu insisted that he was fine and asked her directions to the nearest inn. Okinu didn't believe it for one second, and dragged him home with her without completing her shopping.
As soon as Matsu stepped into the row house he collapsed. He was burning up and slept for nearly a full twenty-four hours.
Ume managed to get water and tiny amounts of porridge into Matsu in moments of sort of consciousness. Still, when Matsu finally woke up fully, he was craving food. His fever had gone down, but he looked pretty worse for wear still: he was very pale, his eyes were puffy and the fact that he hadn't shaved for almost two days didn't really help him. He was usually so presentable, which made this sight all the more concerning. It actually reminded Ume of the time Masa just rescued Matsu, after being held in the storage room of that candle maker for a few days. At the very least he didn't have any injuries this time.
Ume made him an elaborate meal, with a little help from his neighbours. They were already quite friendly to Ume, thanks to Okinu. He always let her introduce herself first, and made sure she mentioned he raised her on his own. Ume wasn't really comfortable taking the credit for that. She'd done so much of it herself, somehow. It was a really good ice-breaker, though. People were always much less scared of him when they knew that he'd single-handedly raised such a lovely girl.
"So hey," Ume stepped into the row house with a pot of tea that his elderly neighbour on the right made for them. Ume waited a moment for a sign of acknowledgement from Matsu. It did not come because he was too busy scarfing down the contents of one of many bowls Ume put in front of him ten minutes prior. It went in so fast Ume was unable to discern what exactly it was. Ume continued anyway: "did you do the impossible and say 'no' to your customers?"
Matsu put the empty bowl away and grabbed a grilled fish with his chopsticks. Before he himself seemed to realize it, he'd taken a big bite. He held up a hand, asking for Ume's patience. After a moment it appeared that he didn't have any patience himself, because he just moved the fish inside his cheeks so he could reply.
"Nah," Matsu said, then, realising his cheeks could not contain all the fish while talking, attempted to swallow a portion of his large bite and seemingly hurt himself in the process. With a strained expression he thumped his chest a few times, as if that would make the food go down easier, and continued with a tight voice, "I just kinda hid from people at some point, so I could finish everything in time."
"In time?" Ume placed two cups on the floor, and started to pour out the tea, but paused to squint suspiciously at Matsu. "For what?"
"Didn't wanna take longer than a week, or -- ow," Matsu now attempted to swallow a chunk of rice that apparently did not fit down his throat. Ume waited calmly - and judgmentally - for Matsu to get it down and start breathing normally again.
"- or I would've been stuck in Edo forever," Matsu finally finished his sentence.
Ume tried doing the maths in his head - this just obviously didn't add up. Admittedly, he and Okinu hadn't exactly rushed their journey, but they didn't make a leisurely trip of it either. The whole thing had taken them over two weeks.
If Matsu really did leave a week after them, that meant he'd done it in a week and a half.
Ume looked at Matsu, just woken up from sleeping pretty much twenty-four hours straight. He saw the bags under Matsu's eyes and the amount of food that he was currently consuming, and suddenly started to get very annoyed indeed. He sat up straight and crossed his arms. If Matsu noticed, he didn't show it: he only had eyes for the food before him.
"And you made the deadline?" Ume asked, hoping Matsu would say he finished everything sooner than he thought.
"By a hair," Matsu said, casually.
"What the hell was the hurry, you idiot?!" Ume failed miserably at staying calm. It was the indifference that really pissed him off. "Did you even sleep or eat?"
"Of course I did," Matsu's glower would almost be endearing if it hadn't been preceded by one of those infuriating eye rolls. To make matters worse Matsu decided to add, "I just didn't waste time on a bunch of hour long breaks in between, like you guys probably did."
"I'll have ya know that I didn't practically drop dead at our doorstep when we got here," Ume fumed, "and neither did my kid!"
"Good for you," grumbled Matsu, while stuffing some more rice in his face. "Anyway its none of your business how I travel."
"Oh yeah?" Ume laughed incredulously, "well then, in that case feeding you is none of my business either, lemme clear everything away for you."
"Don't --" Matsu practicality threw himself over the food that surrounded him, to shield it from Ume, "- touch anything."
His pale face flushed with embarrassment, although it didn't stop him from grabbing a bowl of miso and slurping it down as soon as Ume turned away in a huff.
Ume's blood was boiling, but he was really not in the mood for any of the bickering that he and Matsu normally liked to engage in. He was pretty tired from the trip himself, despite taking all the necessary rest stops at the roadside, in addition to the longer breaks they took for food and sleep. The first night they spent in their new place, it knocked both him and Okinu out for about two hours longer than usual.
Ume looked over at Matsu and narrowly avoided snorting at him. Matsu scowled so hard that his eyes almost vanished in his frown. A smile formed on Ume's face before he remembered that he was, in fact, still angry.
Well.. no, he wasn't in the mood for that either. And maybe it wasn't really fair to go all parental on a grown man who managed to run a successful business for a good while back in Edo.
He's so bad at taking care of himself though!
His anger subsided, but got the urge to make Matsu feel a bit self-conscious with a fun little snarky remark. Y'know, a little reward for not arguing.
"I'm impressed you still manage to get food in there, the way you're scrunching up your face," he said, with a self-satisfied grin.
"I'm impressed you- you're..," Matsu faltered, "Shut up, I'm exhausted.."
Ume's grin broadened. Matsu turned into such a pubescent teenager whenever Ume went into dad mode. He looked at the few signs of age on Matsu's face, and wondered how old he could be. In his thirties probably? None of the Five Leaves knew any of the other's ages, and they never asked. Ume didn't ask this time either. Instead, he collected some empty bowls to wash up, and left Matsu to simmer down a bit as well.
When Ume returned Matsu had cleared out all the dishes and was stretched out on the floor with his hands on his stuffed belly. At the sound of the door sliding open and Ume stepping in, Matsu lazily looked over, his head lolling to the side. After following Ume with his gaze for a bit, and Ume pretending he didn't notice while collecting more bowls, Matsu sighed.
"Thanks, Ume," he said.
"My pleasure. I like cooking," Ume presented the empty bowls, "and seeing people enjoy my food."
"I didn't mean the food," Matsu stared at the ceiling, and patted his belly, "although, thanks for that as well."
"Then what?" "Dunno,"
Matsu shrugged, "for worrying, I guess."
"Oh," this took Ume by surprise. He hadn't expected Matsu to cool down this much, "yeah, no problem. I have years of worrying experience, raising a sickly kid by myself and all." He laughed a bit and then added in a quasi stern tone, "She was never as damned reckless as you were, thank fuck."
"Hah," Matsu covered his eyes with his hands, groaning, "Masa used the same word to describe me ages ago. I should really do something about that."
It took Matsu a few more days to really get back on his feet again. If it were up to him he would've set out to find a place to stay for himself the very same day he woke up. Ume wouldn't hear of it, and made Matsu rest until he felt fit for at least one full day.
He didn't trust Matsu to be honest about that, but he was fairly good at evaluating someone's well-being. He'd been through too many instances of Okinu claiming she was better, and her falling ill again the next day. Once he started implementing his a-full-day-fit rule, she experienced much fewer relapses.
Matsu grumbled about it a lot and then, to Ume's great surprise and suspicion, put up a lot less resistance than he had prepared for. Ume kept an eye on Matsu as much as he could, and the only way to achieve that was to have Matsu take part in Ume's chores and other activities. As time went on it seemed that Ume didn't need to be distrustful of Matsu's compliance. In fact, if Ume hadn't known any better, he would have said Matsu enjoyed being forced into slowing down.
In the meantime Okinu used her charms to find a place for Matsu to live. In no time at all she managed to get half of her neighbourhood either keeping an eye out, or actively searching for a vacant row house. By the time Ume allowed Matsu to go free, he could move into one that was only a fifteen minute walk away from Ume's - or probably ten minutes at Matsu's pace.
Ume started looking for a building that would be suitable for an izakaya, because his little row house of course wouldn't do. That didn't stop him from providing his neighbours with home cooked snacks and (side) dishes. A bit of advertisement for his as of yet non-existent izakaya. He didn't have much luck yet though. Not that he expected to find something after being there for only a week or so, but he was a bit jealous of Matsu, as unlike him, he would easily be able to set up his business from a row house.
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w4w4lycsss · 2 months
summary: Morgie lets you use him as a test dummy for your new inventions or spells pairing: Morgie Le Fay x male!wizard!reader a/n: It's no secret to anyone that I'm obsessed with Hook, but I'm very offended that Morgie doesn't have fanfics! It's an experiment, if you like this kind of content I will upload more things
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Your greatest desire since you were a child had always been to be a recognized and talented wizard, when you entered Merlin Academy you were sure of yourself that things would turn out well. You were positive and had your eyes in front of you when it was necessary to face a problem with your magic. You liked the idea of sitting in the schoolyard with your book on your lap and memorizing as many spells as possible to be the best.
During one of your boring personal classes on 'how to undo a crush' one of the VKs caught your attention; Morgie Le Fay. There was something about him that made you laugh and have a good time when you watched him crack jokes with Hook and Maleficent.
You didn't expect him to come up to you so suddenly one random day to ask what you were reading about as if you had known each other all your life, which took you by surprise. Somehow you got out of your bubble and started talking to him about the basic spells you were trying to memorize, and he offered to help you just because 'he was bored.'
From there a bond of friendship was formed that gradually grew in trust and affection to the point that the two of you seemed like a couple. He liked to lay his head on your shoulder, take your arm when you walked together or give you small gifts from time to time, he had even made a scene of jealousy when he saw that someone was harassing you.
Right now Morgie was in your laboratory (room) sitting in a chair with his hands tied with a rope and a strange apparatus on his head, but he was calm. Too quiet. Accustomed. It had reached a point where it was so common for him to have to carry strange objects on him in order to be with you that he had already gotten used to it, he only had to wait for you to finish to go out and make mischief with his friends.
"My dear, what am I supposed to have in my head now?" He frowned in confusion and followed youwith his eyes as you walked from place to place with a book in your hand.
"A lie detector! Or well, the prototype."
"And why do my hands tied?"
"The last time I put one of my machines on you, you took it off halfway through." You frowned and pouted angrily.
"It was scary."
You ignored his words and left the book on the table. You folded your arms, looking at him as you thought. "I already got it!"
You approached him, releasing the safety that surrounded his neck and removing the non-machine from his head, leaving it on the ground and releasing his hands. You excitedly approached him and gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek, quickly turning to your desk to jot down your new idea in your book.
Morgie froze, analyzing the situation and eventually smiling broadly as he processed what had just happened, putting his hand on the side of the kiss you gave him. It took him several seconds to stand up and go to your side, sitting on the table where you were standing.
"Do you remember you told me that when you saw me out of the corner of your eye for the first time you were reading 'how to undo a crush'?" He tilted his head towards you, although you did not notice it because he was immersed in your writings.
You let out a sound of affirmation. "I never had the opportunity to use it with practically anything."
"You can use it with me."
You lowered your pen and slowly raised your head at what he had just said. You slowly frowned in confusion, causing him to smile proudly.
"What do you mean?"
"What do you believe?" He smiled even more, getting off the table and coming closer to you. "I'm in love with you. Actually, I like to be."
The sudden way in which he confessed it to you did not give you time to react, when you least expected it he had already placed his hand on your cheek and approached to give you a shy kiss on the lips, waiting for an answer. When the two of you parted your lips you let out a long nervous laugh, tripping over your feet and almost spilling scientific and magical liquids from your lab/room.
Morgie laughed as you said so many inconsistencies in a row when some were not even words. The two of you clasped your hands and looked at each other with longing and love as the laughter of both of you ceased.
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mrsshabana · 1 month
Hey there, I've been kinda stalking your tumblr, and I just want to say I love your writing. And I wanted to make a small request (please don't feel pressured) of gyutaro from modern time finding out his straight A and shy S/O had a bit of a delinquent pass of stealing and lying to the point of boot camp. This is the first time I ever requested for a fanfic (or it can be a headcanon, whatever is easier). And honestly, I'm not gonna get my hopes up that you'll see this, but if you do loves and kisses ( =^ω^)
𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
꒦꒷‧₊ Content Gyutaro x GenderNeutral!Reader, Modern au, Fluff ꒦꒷‧₊ Note Tysm for the kind words!! You asked so nicely so I knew I had to write this up for you. I ended up changing things a bit so I hope you don't mind. (ˊᗜˋ) ♡
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Gyutaro gets sent to boot camp every summer. Either because his mom got tired of his antics or because it was mandated by his school. No matter where Gyutaro goes, he's always getting into trouble.
This year was the same as any other, sent to boot camp yet again. It never worked and he knew it wouldn't work this time. Why did the adults always bother sending him every year if it never made a difference? He doesn't know and he really doesn't care either.
But this year he saw a familiar face, a face he wasn't expecting to see. It was you. The straight-A brat that was known around school for being a goody two shoes.
"The fuck are you doin' here?" He said with wide eyes as he saw you walking onto the campgrounds.
You try to ignore him and walk away faster but he catches up to you and grabs your arm.
"Hey! I'm talkin' to you!" He growls, getting frustrated already. If you weren't so pathetic he probably would have picked a fight with you.
"It's none of your business," you snatch your arm away from him, "Just pretend you don't know me!"
"Just cough it up already, I won't tell anyone," he says with a smirk on his face. He's most definitely going to tell everyone.
"Ugh fine..." you sigh, blushing in embarrassment, "My mom sent me here because I kept stealing, lying, and sneaking out..."
His eyes widen in surprise, "You serious? YOU? The prissy little model student?" he begins to laugh, "Holy shit. This is amazing, I had no idea you were so cool."
"What? Cool...?" No one's ever called you cool before, you were always just that shy nerdy kid in school.
"Hell yeah, that's badass!" he shouts, genuinely excited.
To be honest, Gyutaro always thought you were cute. But he avoided you because your reputation put a sour taste in his mouth. He didn't want to be associated with someone like you. But now that he knows your secret he's more than happy to be your friend. Or maybe even more.
Throughout the first few days of camp, Gyutaro sticks by your side. The two of you bond through exercises and activities run by the teachers at the boot camp.
But things take a turn for the worse when you get reprimanded by the most strict teacher on the campgrounds, Mr. Shinazugawa.
You were snickering with Gyutaro when Mr. Shinazugawa was talking, and he did not like that. Not at all.
"HEY YOU!!" He yells, "What the hell is so funny?! Drop and give me 40! NOW!!" Veins pop out on his temples as he demands you and Gyutaro punishment.
Gyutaro hates Mr.Shinazugawa so he whispers to you, "Just do it so he'll leave us alone."
But Gyutaro didn't realize how hard this would be for you. 40 push-ups are easy for Gyutaro, but you struggle to even do 10. And Mr.Shinazugawa won't let up.
"I-I can't do it," you whimper as you try to hold yourself up.
You feel embarrassed as all of the other students stare at you, so embarrassed that you begin to cry. And that is the final straw for Gyutaro.
"FUCK YOU, MAN!" Gyutaro rasps as he pushes Mr.Shinazugawa, "Don't talk to them like that!! Pick on someone your own size!"
Mr.Shinazugawa is known for losing his temper, so what happens next isn't pretty. A fistfight breaks out between him and Gyutaro. Other teachers have to run in to put a stop to it.
Once Mr.Himejima, the coordinator of the boot camp, hears about the incident he decided it'd be best to suspend you and Gyutaro from the program in order to avoid any lawsuits. Especially since Mr.Shinazugawa got physical with Gyutaro, both of them getting a few good hits on each other.
The next morning the two of you are instructed to pack your things and leave camp, which you do very quickly since neither of you want to be there.
"Thanks for standing up for me, Gyutaro," you say as you walk with him to the train station.
"It was nothin'," he blushes, "I couldn't let him talk to you that way."
"You know," you stop and look up at him, "You're more of a gentleman than I thought."
Getting on your tip-toes you lean forward and give the tall delinquent boy a kiss.
His entire face goes red and he's left speechless, just watching as you smile back at him while walking towards the train.
"Are you coming? The train won't wait for you, silly!" You yell as you enter the train that's headed back to your hometown.
"Oh!" he finally snaps out of it, though his face is still as red as a tomato, "C-Comin'!"
Now that you don't have to go to boot camp anymore both of you will be free all summer. Maybe Gyutaro can take you on a date or two before the school year starts. And if he's lucky, maybe you'll become more than just friends.
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Broken - part 3
Summary: You find Bucky having a panic attack and do your best to help him.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Panic attack. Innocent and broken Bucky. I'd also like to say I never actually had a panic attack but did my best to write the whole process with the research I did. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.1K
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: I'll say it till the end of time: English isn't my first language and this is my first fanfic. I'm thinking of starting to write fanfics because I have so many different ideas and scenarios and I have NO idea where this one is going, so maybe let me know if you'd like to read more from me? Idk. If you find mistakes please feel free to point them out so I can correct them. I'd also love some feedback and constructive criticism Enjoy!
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As soon as you left the medbay, you immediately went to the floor where the guest rooms are, determined to check up on Bucky.
You find them all empty, so you decide to check around the tower in all the communal spaces: Living room, kitchen, training rooms, ecc.
At this point you're starting to wonder if he left the tower altogether. "Jarvis?" you decide to ask the AI.
"Yes, Miss Y/LN?" he answer.
"Do you happen to know where Bucky is?"
"He's locked himself in his room." Jarvis promptly answers, leaving you a little confused.
"But I checked the guest rooms, they were all empty."
"Mr Barnes has been assigned a permanent room, like every other Avenger."
"Oh." you say, a little surprised but happy about it "Could you tell me where it is?"
"It's on the 48th floor, room next to yours and in front of Mr. Wilson’s."
"Thank you, J." you say, making your way to the elevator.
"You're welcome, Miss." he says.
It made sense he would get assigned that room. It's one of the last ones left free as the team keeps growing, and it also happens to be the floor where Steve lives along with you and Sam.
You get to your floor and are thankful to see that it's empty, not wanting to confront anybody else today.
You make your way through the corridor and stop at the first bedroom on the left, Bucky's new room.
You gently knock on the door but don't get any type of answer, so you knock a little louder.
Again, nothing.
"Bucky, it's Y/N." you can't hear anything. "
I just wanted to make sure you were okay? Jarvis, are you sure he's in there?" you ask after not hearing a sound.
"Positive, miss Y/LN." you consider what to do for a few seconds.
He obviously doesn't want anyone's company. Or maybe he just doesn't want yours.
After all, you have known him less than a day, and he did left the medbay after you made eye contact and you saw him crying.
You hope he doesn't think you agree with what Tony said, even though you didn't even try to defend him after you learned about his past. But you were just shocked, whatever you expected, it definitely was not that.
Before you could decide to knock again or just leave him alone, you hear a very muffled sob coming from the other side of the door. As much as you do want to respect his privacy, you're getting a little worried.
You try opening the door but it's locked. "Jarvis, override lock on Bucky's room."
"Lock override successful." he says just as you hear the lock click.
You carefully open the door and look towards the bed, but see that it's empty.
You come in and close the door behind you, standing with your back against it and trying to adjust to the newfound darkness in the room without the light from the corridor.
You look around the room trying to locate Bucky when you hear another quiet sob coming from the furthest corner of the room.
You slowly make your way towards it and, as soon as you're close enough, you see Bucky curled up with his arms hugging his legs against his chest and his head buried in his legs.
"Bucky...?" you try to get his attention before getting any closer so as to not scare him, but you’re not sure if he can even hear you.
He's still visibly shaking like before and sobbing very quietly but uncontrollably. you get closer and kneel down right in front of him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder.
His head shoots up in surprise and the look on his face is that of pure fear as he moved back as close as he can against the wall and as far away from you as possible.
you feel bad for scaring him, and pull away a bit further from him, but still close enough so he can see who you are after the initial shock.
You can tell he recognizes you when his face and his shoulders drop some of the tension, although he makes no attempts to get closer to you.
You decide to try and get a little closer after a few moments, so you slowly get back to kneeling right in front of him while he watches your every move but doesn't try to get further away.
His eyes are wide open and his breathing is getting quicker by the second, tears still streaming down his face.
Then you realize he's having a panic attack.
You consider your options for a second. You've never had a panic attack yourself, but you know Tony gets them and, although you've happened to be there for a few of them over the years, you were never the one to calm him down. Getting him wasn't an option either, everything considered.
You could try to get Steve, he might know what to do if this has happened to Bucky before, but seeing Bucky's breathing get quicker and quicker you guess there's not enough time to get him here.
Then suddenly you remembered something helpful, thank fuck.
"Bucky, look at me." you order him quietly so as to not make him panic even more.
He meets your eyes, meaning you have his attention, but shows no signs of calming down.
"Tell me five things you can see." You simply tell him.
He's confused for a moment, but seeing the determined look on your face you guess he decides that he indeed heard correctly what you asked of him and starts looking around.
"I can see..." He starts but seems to have trouble finishing his sentence.
"It's okay, just try to take a deep breath and concentrate on the things around you." You tell him in the softest voice you can while trying not to panic yourself.
"I-I can see a lamp," he starts, looking around. "the door... a bed, a chair, and... a desk?" he finishes, a little unsure of what he's even doing.
"Good. Now, tell me four things you can touch." you tell him, still surprisingly calm.
"I can touch the carpet" he says, slowly touching the fluffy carpet under him. "The dresser, the wall..." he says, touching the dresser at his right and the wall at his left that he was basically hiding between.
"And... Um..." he looks like he has a little trouble coming up with a fourth thing, until he reaches for you, puts his right hand on your shoulder and says "And you."
You chuckle, which seems to calm him just the slightest bit and you keep going. "Alright, tell me three things you can hear."
He stays quiet for a few seconds, listening for sounds you imagine, and then says "I can hear the AC, the rain and the elevator being used."
He then looks at you waiting for the next thing, but you take a second to realize what he said and you're impressed.
You hadn't even realized it's raining and the elevator was all the way across the floor. The hearing on this man. With a small 'damn' that you’re now sure he can hear, you keep going.
"Tell me two things you can smell." you tell him.
You can see his nose scrunch a little, which you find adorable, and he says "I can smell jasmine." looking at the flower vase on his bedside table filled with jasmines, your favorite flowers that Tony tends to leave here and there just for your enjoyment.
"And… strawberries?" he says, a little confused with his answer.
You're confused too until you realize what he's probably smelling. "Oh, it's probably just my shampoo" you say with a chuckle.
He gives you a nod with a smile smile and you say "Now, last thing, tell me one thing you can taste."
He thinks about your words for a second, a look of concentration on his face, then he looks back at you and says, very quietly. "I can taste my tears."
you give him a sad smile and say "That's heartbreaking... But on the bright side, you're not panicking anymore."
He gives you a sad smile of his own, but seems to suddenly realize everything that just happened.
His face drops and he bows his head, refusing to look you in the eye, clearly very embarrassed that you saw him in the middle of a panic attack.
"Are you okay?" you ask him softly, tears still running down his face and his body still trembling a little but visibly more calm.
"I should be the one asking you that..." he answers, his voice a little hoarse from all the crying.
You can't help the smile that makes its way on your face at his concern.
"I'm fine, thanks to you. Are you okay, though?" you ask again.
"You shouldn't be here..." he says quietly.
He's still avoiding your question, so instead you ask "Why not?"
"I could hurt you..." he says in a small, sad voice that breaks your heart.
"Would you hurt me?" you ask.
He frowns and almost immediately says "of course not" still very quietly.
You give him a reassuring smile and say "Then I'm not worried." he finally looks up at you and gives you a small smile.
After a few minutes of silence, you feel the need to ask him. "Was that the first time that happened to you?"
He shakes his head and, when you don't say anything else and just look at him expectantly, he elaborates.
"I've had a few in the last three months, since... You know..." He says with a quiet voice and avoided your gaze. "It was the first time someone helped me though... Steve tried to, but they wouldn't let him..." he finishes.
You know by 'they' he means the guards at the Raft, so you don't ask any more questions about it, knowing he probably wants to forget about that place in the first place.
So instead you get up, look down at him and, extending your arm for him to take, you ask. "Why don't you get some sleep? You look exhausted."
He just nods, slowly taking your hand and getting up with absolutely no help from you. Being a big and strong dude of course he doesn't need it.
You walk to his bed and he sits down, you turn and are about to walk to the door when he stops you, his hand still in yours.
You turn back towards him and see him looking down, which makes you think that maybe you imagined him pulling on your hand?
But then you hear him, barely because of how low his voice is, asking "Can you stay?"
You aren't sure you heard right, so you ask him "You want me to stay with you?"
But he seemed to take that as you thinking he was crazy for even suggesting something like that because he very quickly drops your hand and says "You don't have to, you probably have enough of me after the panic attack, it's alright you can go." and just lays down on the bed, turning his back on you.
You stand there for a moment, thinking of what to do before you decide that not only is it clear that Bucky was desperately reaching out, not wanting to be alone, but you don't want to be alone either.
And, right now, it feels like Bucky is your only friend left in the tower. The only one you aren't pissed at, at least.
You move closer to his bed and quietly say "Bucky... I can stay, if you want me to."
He turns around to face you, a little shocked so you give him a smile to let him know you're serious.
He scoots over to make space for you and, after taking off your shoes and without either one of you saying another word, you lay down on your back.
After several minutes of silence you hear him quietly say "Thank you." which makes you turn on your side so you're facing him, only to find him already facing you.
"Anytime." you whisper back with a smile, which he returns.
You stay like that for a little while, just looking at each other, and eventually you fall asleep, his beautiful, freakishly blue eyes being the last thing you see.
Bucky watches you sleep for a bit until he also falls into a quiet sleep, with you very unaware of the fact that this is the first time in years, if not decades, that Bucky actually gets a full night of peaceful sleep.
Part 4
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unhinged-waterlilly-2 · 5 months
"Do You Want to Dance too?"
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[Bucky Barnes x reader]
Summary: After a very rare date with your boyfriend, it starts to rain and you two find yourselves stuck in a cafe with no way to get home without being soaked wet.
Warnings: fluff
(A/n: First attempt at a fanfic. I thought about this when I was trying to sleep and I really wanted to write it down.)
I curse under my breath as James and I quickly run to the small cafe at the end of the empty street. The rain started just a few moments ago so it wasn't bad now but I had a feeling it was only going to get worse.
We finally making it through the door, only slightly wet.
" Nice end to the day," he mumbles, clearly not happy.
I sigh and take a seat at my usual table when Ella, a good friend of mine, pops up behind the counter.
"Well this is a surprise," the barista says, "Thought I was finally going to be able to go through the whole day without you showing up."
"Ha ha," I muse, "Get us some hot chocolate."
She rolls her eyes but goes to make the order nonetheless.
James takes a seat next to me, glaring out the window as if that would stop the rain. The rain didn't take kindly to that as it starts a downpour, confirming my earlier suspicion.
He grumbles and I take his hand in mine.
"Tonight was nice," I say gently.
"It could've been better."
I shake my head, " You can't control the weather, love."
But I could understand his frustration. We rarely got to spend much time together as it was.
We usually only see each other at night but by then are too exhausted to do anything other than eat and sleep.
James and I had started dating a few months but we had known each other for years before then. I used to be an Avenger but I quit after Steve left. First it had been out of grief from my best friends, then it changed to me not wanting that kind of life anymore.
James was still very much in it, he was a soldier first after all, and, as long as he didn't get himself killed, I was okay with that.
I unconsciously traced a small scar on his palm as Ella brings us the hot cocoas.
"Okay, here's the deal," she starts, "I have to close up in 45 minutes. You guys can stay to try to wait the rain out."
"Do you at least have an umbrella we can borrow?," I ask.
"Nope. I even gave mine to an old lady."
"And you can't let us stay?"
It was my turn to grumble, "Fine."
Ella shrugs, "I need to clean up," she says before making her leave.
James was still glaring out of the window when he suddenly turned his stare on me.
"This is why we should've taken the car," he concluded.
I was taken aback, "So it's my fault for suggesting that we walk for 20 minutes to the restaurant?"
"Guess so."
I scoff, "You are on very thin ice here, Barnes."
He raises an eyebrow, "Are you threatening me?"
"Guess so," I mimic.
"What are you going to do?" he asks, amused.
"Do you want to sleep on the couch?"
He scoffs at my threat but doesn't say anything else.
Smart man.
We sip our hot cocoas in silence.
Then, suddenly, I'm laughing. James looks at me with an amused grin.
"I can make you sleep on the couch," I say, still giggling.
I poke his chest and he starts laughing too.
"I know you can, dear. I know you can."
He grabbed my chin with his right hand, tilting my head so I looked him directly in the eye.
"What would I do without you?" He wonders out loud.
"It's too awful to think about," I joke.
He laughs again before pressing his lips against mine.
I sigh in the kiss. It's difficult to think I was once distrusting of the super soldier I had grown to love. Now I trusted him with everything I had and more.
It took a long time for me to see the ex-Winter Soldier's true nature. His gentle, shy yet annoyingly protective nature
Too long.
He broke off the kiss with a small smile.
"We should finish the hot cocoa before it gets cold," James suggests.
"Hot cocoa is more important than kissing your girlfriend?" I pout.
He shrugs, "It's good hot chocolate."
I don't deny his statement.
It's my turn to look out of the window. As rain banged on the roof and glass of the small cafe, it seems to play out a rather aggressive tune. I don't like when it rains. It brings back rather painful memories, but I've learned that countering the bad memories with good ones helps make peace with the pain caused in a moment.
That gives me an idea.
"Do you want to sprint for it now?" I ask randomly.
The super soldier nearly spits out his cocoa, "What?"
"It's probably only gonna get worst and we are going to have to eventually."
"Do you want to dance too?" he said sarcastically.
My eyes lit up at the idea, "Can we?"
James' eyes widened, "I meant it as a joke."
"But why not? It's as cliche as dancing in the apartment," I point out, "Besides it'll be fun."
He shook his head, "We are not dancing in the rain."
"It's way too cold and the last time you got sick, you couldn't get out of bed for a week."
I try to hide my wince by pouting, "Fine. No dancing."
He sighs, "But maybe we should go soon, It does look like it's going to get worst."
"So let's go then."
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"Wait up!"
James' voice was nearly lost in the rain. I kept running, knowing full well he could catch up with me within a minute.
Or maybe he couldn't. I was pretty fast.
I laughed into the wind, my mouth filling with water as the painfully large raindrops hit my face.
I sprint in the direction I think is my house and, try to calm the leather jacket that James gave me by wrapping it around my torso.
While doing so, I accidentally stumble on my feet and go flying forward.
Strong arms wrap around me within a moment, one made out of a now freezing metal.
"I got you," Bucky assures, "I got you."
I hear him loud and clear now despite his voice barely being above a whisper. The drumming of rain seemed like an irrelevant background noise.
I turn to him, grinning like an idiot. His hair was stuck to his face. He shakes his head at me but was unable to hide his own smile.
No words needed to be exchanged in the moment as his hands rested on my waist and my arms looped around his neck.
I look at James with possibly all the love I held and softly press my lips against his. It was easy to forget everything with him, even easier to forget the bad things.
He put his arm on my neck and pulls away. " You're going to get sick."
"I've accepted it," I confess quickly, chasing his lips.
He shakes his head again but lets me kiss him regardless.
I got sick for a week afterward but it was well worth it. Especially when I had James looking after me.
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klutzyroses · 1 year
Hii Im sorry if im late but i just wanted to ask if you can write a little story fanfic on Mc drunk but nothing very explicit just like maybe when she isn’t drunk she’s composed and stoic but when she is maybe trying to flirt with everyone. If thats to much can you do Sebastian,Mozart and Comte? Thank you.
The only late one here would be me, I'm afraid.
IkeVamp: Drunk Flirty SO
How do they handle a stoic s/o who is very flirtatious when drunk?
Suitors: Mozart, Comte, Sebastian
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Yes, because that is exactly what he needs in his life right now.
The pianist is a jealous man. That is a known fact, a fact that Y/N should know very well. And he never expects the solemn, often withdrawn young woman to be anything but.
That is why the man is completely blindsided when just a glass of wine in her system is enough to completely unwind her into the brazen minx she is hiding underneath.
And Jean seems to be the man on the receiving end of her temporary collapse in judgment.
The poor man in question is at a complete loss at how to deal with the seductive woman before him, cooing obscene things at him.
It isn't until she starts murmuring about kisses that the musician peels her off the soldier and handles her out into the hallway, quietly seething as he guides her to bed. He glares down at the beauty with her hair fallen around her like a halo as she lay on the bed, looking tempting as ever.
However, he summons all his will and instead leans into her ear, his voice like a lullaby, stern as his words may be.
"When you are sober, you and I are going to have a very serious discussion."
Oh dear...Oh cherie.
He is quite used to the quiet, reserved maiden who carried herself with such dignity and elegance.
So seeing that same maiden become a sloe eyed vixen currently leveling sultry looks towards Leonardo is quite the...surprise.
Not a particularly welcome one either, if he was being honest.
Especially since Leonardo himself isn't making much of an effort to rebuff the woman's scandalous advances. He seems to be having the time of his life actually, fully indulging the usually stoic woman's whims.
Well, at least he was until Comte's edged, layered smile has him chuckling and finally getting Y/N to settle down enough for Comte to take her without issue. He opts to keep her with him, if they are out in public, then she will not be leaving his side until they get home.
Even as they return to the mansion, he makes sure she gets to her room unharmed. As she meets his gaze with her own lascivious, suggestive look, he can't help but caress her cheek tenderly before resting his finger under her chin.
"Not tonight but perhaps soon, ma cherie. Very soon."
Sighhhh...he can feel a headache coming on...
Watching Y/N go from a quiet, composed young lady to...well, whatever this was.
Having had just a little too much to drink, she was now leaning flirtatiously on the arm of (The very amused) Arthur, her gleaming eyes glazed over and unfocused as she murmurs suggestive words to the mystery author.
The butler eventually has to pull her away because he fears she may start disrobing any moment now. And that is not something he believes he can stomach.
He steers her all the way to her room, ignoring her attempts to seduce him before he lays her down on the bed.
He makes sure she is laying down comfortably, lest she finds some way to hurt herself.
He tucks her in and takes it upon himself to remain at her side until she is asleep, having to withstand her bedroom eyes until she is out cold. Which thankfully for him doesn't take too long as she lulls into a deep slumber. A gloved hand gently moves the hair out of her pretty face as she remains asleep.
"You are such a handful. You're lucky I'm able to hold myself back as well as I do."
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lovenonymously · 5 months
My good people of Tumblr! You know when you love something so much, you just have to share it?
Niché fandom fanfic rant incoming, you've been warned:
Writing fanfics for a smaller fandom is 100% self indulgence, but despite how small it is an it's been since the show came out, the Love Like the Galaxy fandom is pretty active on AO3!
Recently, Infinity by the talented MoodyScorpio got completed. It's a fix-it sort of fic that enhances the canon in ways I didn't think were possible despite the many hours I've dwelled over LLTG. I was surprised in the best way!! Speaking of which, they started a new fic today called Splendid Stars which I'm very excited to read!
One of my all time favourite LLTG fics is Just a Dream by the amazing raileypink. This is probably my most favourite fic on AO3. It offers themes of time-travel and chances of do-overs yet doesn't make the story a repetition of canon. Instead, the sweet moments are sweeter, the tense moments are filled with twists. Every time this fic updates, I leave everything I'm doing to go read it!
Then we have KimberlyA's reimagining of LLTG called Reverse Love Like the Galaxy. Apart from the writer being one of the biggest supporters for anyone who writes for the LLTG fandom, they've crafted quite the intriguing story! It's not just a gender-swap, the characters are more than just put into gender-defying roles that would make a mess of the time period the show is set in. No, it offers a refreshing take with a "what if?" factor where the characters keep their strengths and depict their flaws; both known and original plots entwining quite well. I'm looking forward to seeing where this fic goes!
And lastly, if you're still here, I too am writing a fic that's a crossover between Love Like the Galaxy and Who Rules the World. Cheng Shaoshang and Bai Fengxi are two characters so brilliantly played by Zhao Lusi are two of my all-time favourite female leads. When the time called for it, Shaoshang chose to put herself before the volatile nature of Huo Buyi. Her saying "He is my most beloved person in the world. But I am still me." both surprised me and changed my perspective fundamentally. It explained so easily how selfish and self-preservation are not the same.
But I needed something more. I needed her to get a chance to grow up, to know what freedom tasted like, to know what it is like to love herself before she loves others or is loved by others.
And so, The Wind of Fire was born, where Cheng Shaoshang becomes Bai Fengxi. Shaoshang is certainly younger and more faminine than Bai Fengxi, who has a regal aura about her while holding up as one of the most powerful people in the Martial Arts World. But in essence, they're the same. They're both courageous and mischievous, stubborn and steadfast, both very capable young women.
It's ongoing and updating, you can find me on AO3 as aprilrayne. Below are some edits I made for the fic!
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Apart from the fics I've shared, which are all ongoing there are a hundred more fics to go through. Some with happy endings, some with characters going their own ways. Whatever your preference, there is something for everyone!
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cosmiclion · 8 days
Although I know I don't have the power to tell people what they can and can't write (and I certainly don't have the desire to engage with them), I'm allowed to complain about certain things in my own little corner of the internet (I'm actually very resentful of this sentiment in modern fandoms that we aren't allowed to criticize anything and how "don't like don't read/look", "let people enjoy things", or the infamous "fiction isn't reality" have become the automatic responses used to shut down any attempt at media discussion and criticism, even if it's unofficial/fan creations).
While I myself very (and I mean VERY) often enjoy playing around with headcanons and putting characters in all kinds of crazy scenarios, I admit that there are certain tropes some YOI fan creators use that honestly make me scratch my head. I won't go into the most questionable (I know that's an understatement but whatever) stuff like making the characters do such heinous things that they are beyond recognition ("dark Viktor" I'm looking at you) because it's pointless, but there are some less extreme things that still make me wonder if some people have actually watched the anime. Examples include:
-Turns out Viktor really was just a playboy who just wanted to have some fun with Yuuri and dumps him after a while because "he can't keep fooling around like this" (why do some of y'all want a canonically sweet guy to be a jerk so bad). -Yuuri breaks up with Viktor because he thinks Viktor should settle down with a woman and have a family and he's being selfish and stopping him from doing that (he wants to be known as the man who stole Viktor Nikiforov from the world (his words), do you really think he'd throw that away and suddenly be like "actually I think you should stop being gay with me, go knock up some chick"?) -Yuuri gets his own apartment upon moving to Russia becuse it doesn't even cross his mind that Viktor wants him to stay with him and even insists on living on his own when Viktor tells him they should live together (aren't these the two idiots that are practically always glued to each other? Did we watch the same show?) -Yuuri, Viktor, or both deny that they are romantically involved in interviews or similar situations (Yuuri declared his love for Viktor on live television and Viktor launched himself at Yuuri and KISSED HIM also on live television??? Hello?????)
And I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. To be fair I've seen most of these on doujins/fancomics and other types of visual media (I know, I know, insert "I don't know what I expected" meme here etc etc), mainly because I actually haven't read too man fanfics, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were common tropes in written media too. But yeah, tbh I think a lot of people would benefit from a few rewatches and analyses of the show :/
Ok I don't know how to close this, peace out ✌️
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
Watching the Show Fanfic FMAB
@anastasian-dreamer suggested writing a big rambling post about the FMAB watches the future Au to get it off my chest and for me to offer people to send asks. You want a scene/me to explain how i’d handle something? Send it it!
 So how would this go?
First the background: 
First: Edward is a trans man. He's known from childhood. We dont have transphobia in Amestris or in this world. Envy is genderfluid and Father is literal shadows in a human form. Gender makes zero sense to them and they don't allow bigotry they'd be affected by.
 We’re going to give them testosterone but Ed isn't on it because 1) he doesn't want to take it while Al is in the armour (and that is a frequent discussion) and 2) he's not sure if he wants to. He's a fairly androgynous person and he is small chested. He’s one of the lucky assholes who have very light periods (Winry hates him for it) and its alright. He doesn't want to take it also because a part of him wants kids and he’s nervous it will lower his chances. He also knows adoption is still there so he is a bit torn. I honestly just want to explore this concept.
Second: this is also a soulmate AU. I'm thinking there are multiple types of soulmates: paternal/child, platonic, romantic and enemies. 
 Now, you're born with the paternal ones (and the parent gets their when the child is born) but the others happen later. You are five when you get your platonic and romantic; then you’re ten when you get the enemy one.
 Ed and Al are both born with a red salamander on their shoulders and the flamel Izumi has on her chest. I've read a few ‘your own mark is on your chest’ so we’re going with that. These marks tend to be something that can define you. Edward has the alchemy sign for human on his chest and Al has the helmet of his armour. 
 Hohenheim tries not to let it play on his mind. 
When they turn five, Edward gets a sword and the ouroboros on his arm, while Al gets a kunai. 
 The boys both get a silver gear which is Winry for platonic to. (how can they tell? Vibes. Literal vibes)
 When they're ten, Ed is so confused why they get more ouroboros marks. But he's busy with the transmutation. So big deal. We all know how that ends.
 But Ed also is surprised when he gets a mark when he’s eleven.
( “It kind of looks like the head of a long-haired dog?” 
 “It does. Weird.”)
Ling gets the sign for human and the ouroboros. As well he gains a silver blade for a friend (Lan Fan), the child mark of a long haired dog, and the enemy tattoos of ouroboros along with some family. (he also gains the panda friend mark of the heiress to the Chang family) 
 Greed has a sword and the sign for human, along with markings for all his Chimera buddies and the long haired dog for a child. 
Three: Roy starts off being very nervous about the kids. He sees Al and knows its his soul son. He would keep it quiet if he didn't know that his soulmate Maes would spill the beans. He tells the boys. Edward is so angry that of course it's his fuck up that defines his brother. 
 Roy and Ed keep the antagonism but it’s just their thing. They're like that. Al gets to have a cat that stays with Roy. 
 Also: three way bonds like Roy, Hughes and Gracia aren't uncommon. However due to the need for alchemists in the East Roy is based there. He has a house and makes trips bi weekly to see his soulmates. They also make trips bi weekly so they basically see each other each week.
Four: Various countries have different views on Soulmateds. Amestris believes that while there is a bond its a choice in the end. You don’t need to marry/befriend/whatever your bond is. While about 90% of the time it does happen, there's then 10% everyone knows. 
 Xing fully believes in them and soulmarks are a great honour. There's been a few times clans will join together as an heir will find their partner in another, making an iron clad bond. Soul children are precious and enemies are the utmost awfulness. 
Five: I’m tossing in a few OCs. One is named Amelia Cross. My original story for her is she is the brother’s elder sister from Hohenheim having a one night stand years ago. Theres a whole plot. But for here she's simply the Alchemist that helped make the soldiers into human chimeras before she quit the military. (and was let go because she did human transmutation)
 The other is Amelia’s soul daughter Elaine who is a chimera herself and Ishvalan. Its a whole thing. 
Lets go to the start.
 Now: I think this story would start right after Tucker makes Nina into a Chimera but before the boys see her. 
 And I kinda want to keep to my theme of ‘ah yes everyone sees it’ cause I can. How does this happen? Alchemy. A bunch of stones (some dropped by Hohenheim, some in the ground from Father) bonded together. An alchemist in the region was doing human transmutation to bring back their wife, the stones hijacked it (the alchemist lost their heart) and Truth went: you know why not. (does it make sense? No but I'm keeping it)
 So everyone in the world is watching now. And we don't start with the brothers.
 We start with Slave 23, speaking to the dwarf in the flask. We follow him as he walks to Xing, as he walks the world. We follow him to Trisha and the boys. We see him put pieces together and realize what happened to Xerxes will happen again. Of course we don't actually know YET. As far as anyone can tell he found signs of the Dwarf and went hunting.
 There's also the drama of Ling seeing the marks on Ed and Mei also seeing hers on Al. And like every other reaction to. (the Homunculi are fucking baffled that this kid somehow got a mark for one of them. Hohenheim is freaking out)
 We watch as he leaves. Then we cut to the boys fighting the Freezing Alchemist. 
Now 2003 FMA is really good at the build up so i'll probably borrow from them but I like the freezer beginning. So that's going on. And of course we learn Roy is the parental soulmate, and its all cute…
 And then we learn of the Taboo.
 I 100% think Bradley makes a bullshit claim he knew and decided since a CHILD was willing to join the military and all their trauma he let it slide. Its on the radio.
 Its all ‘aww poor little meow meows’ kind of stuff. Ed and Al hate it, go to Tucker and FUCK NINA?
 Course since Ed’s child mark is shown he claims its destiny. Ed kicks his ass, and then Nina gets to go to grandpa Roy’s place while Amelia gets contacted by one of the soldiers who is a chimera. 
 Which side note: when that happens on screen Ling is busy discussing how to murder Tucker with Lan Fan and Fu (and his clan cause that is their heir’s daughter) while Greed and the others are heading to kick some ass. 
But after the freezing alchemist we get more flashbacks to the boys in the first few years of military, and then so on.
Themes of the story: 
 -A theme there is the discussion of family. I really want the idea of family to play a huge part in this because Al and Ed’s story revolves around their relationship. So a lot of focus is on this. But also I would explore rejecting family. 
 Greed rejects his ‘siblings’. The boys reject Hohenheim because he isn't a bad person but he sure is a bad father (and yes he is. I saw one post defending it but lets be real, abandoning your family is abandoning them no matter what.) Ling rejects some of his siblings. 
 Family is important but it’s family of choice that matters. You can choose your family and many choose their blood family but they also reject it.
 -Romance is the next theme, and exploring what its like to have romantic soulmates. Like I really want some drama since Edward has been raised knowing he doesn't need to be with his romantics mixed with Greed ‘its all mine’ and Ling ‘destiny bound us’. Like they choose to be together of course but its a thing. 
 We have the themes of FMA though included.
Other notes:
 -I do know Ed keeps alchemy and both his automail parts. Not sure how but he does.
 -Mei throws herself into finding out how to free her soulmate. 
 -Mei and Xao Mei both arrive with Ling due to the alliance and that they are platonics.
 -I want to keep Ling being possessed but also I think Father actually is weirdly interested in the soul bond? I think his attempts at being perfect isn't just about like being a god but also being better then humans. And here is a being he's made having a soulmate. Two in fact. And a soul child! He's very invested. So he somehow has it that they can share the bond like they do in canon? I dunno. I'd need to work on it. 
 -Amelia is killed by Scar and it sparks a large subplot because her romantic is actually Kimblee. She visits him every year on his birthday and he's allowed out to her funeral where Elaine is. Amelia and Elaine had a falling out after some stuff but Elaine is pretty messed up. Elaine is also Kimblee’s soul child. Also Elaine is Winry’s romantic soulmate. Its a mess. 
 -I kinda think Ling having Ed as his soulmate puts him right at the top for heirs because ‘ah son of the Sage’ kind of thing mixed in with ‘the other soulmate is immortal’
 -Mrs. Bradley is actually in the know because Pride has her mark as a friend and Wrath couldn't lie to her. They never told Father until after the reveal of Greed’s soulmates but yeah she got told early on. She is subtly talking them away from the plans but it's slow going. (I kinda would want to set up Wrath in Greed’s place as a sacrifice)
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pascaloverx · 8 months
As It Was (S2)
Chapter Thirteen
previous chapter next chapter
Author's note: Dear readers, I will be writing this fanfic again. This second season will have shorter chapters and it will probably take me a little longer to update the fanfic but I hope you like it!
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS STORY, there may be adult content and verbal and physical violence.
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The day of my wedding with Bucky arrived faster than I had anticipated. The reality is that James Buchanan Barnes is both the only one not involved in the wedding and the groom. I simply couldn't get that stubborn head to change his mind. Okay, I didn't even try to get him to change his mind. Every new day in your life is another terrifying day in your head, not knowing if Killian or Steve will show up and end you or someone you love. So, this fake wedding is my last chance to end this nightmare. If Barnes doesn't see it that way, too bad for him.
"You look magnificent in that dress, Melisa. I'm sure Barnes would be the luckiest man in the universe if you two were really getting married. But my best friend is as much of an idiot as he is handsome, you know." Sam says, entering the bride's room that was specially prepared for me to get ready. To be poetic, I rented the hall where they killed my father and almost killed me. Here, they have a special wedding banquet hall. And it's a place I already know.
"Thank you, Sam, for the compliment and for being here. I can't believe this day has finally come, and that I may have spent money and time on something that will go wrong." I say breathlessly, thinking about the possibility of setting up an obvious trap and not being able to capture the criminals.
"Actually, that's exactly what I came to talk to you about. Yelena was talking to some of her contacts, and it seems Steve was seen around here yesterday. Dave is checking nearby cameras to confirm. But don't get discouraged just yet. This whole team is here to support you, even though it may seem dangerous. We won't let any of them hurt you." Sam says, hugging me gently. I'm relieved to know they're here with me. Whatever happens, we'll face it together.
"This time I'm prepared too. So, let's put the plan into action. The guests should already be in their places, waiting for the groom to arrive. The music for the bride's entrance will play in a few minutes. I'll walk in with Wanda as if everything is fine, and you guys put on a show pretending that Bucky is missing. I'll create a scene, cancel the wedding, and ask everyone to leave. It'll be the perfect moment for them to attack me. The rest is up to you guys." This plan was designed with every detail in mind. There are more cameras in this building than there were before; Dave is taking care of surveillance, Sam and Yelena are handling defense in case of a surprise attack, and Wanda will be nearby in case I need help if something goes wrong. Everything is carefully planned.
"Then I'll go there in case you need anything; remember, you have an earpiece. Just say 'red' in any way possible, and we'll come to your rescue. Good luck, bride." Sam touches my arm lightly and leaves, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I look at myself in the mirror, analyzing the wedding dress I'm repurposing. It's the same one from my first wedding, just adjusted. I thought this time a veil would be more of a hindrance than a help, and a long train would be an obstacle.I hear a noise behind me, almost like a step, and automatically grab the gun hidden on the vanity where I did my makeup. I point the gun at whoever is behind me not even five seconds after hearing the noise. Of course, I could have died because five seconds is a good amount of time for someone to kill another person. If I hadn't been distracted, I would have noticed someone entering this bridal room and known it was my ex-husband, the idiot.
"Great attack plan, but I suggest aiming the gun at the head next time. It would also be good not to get distracted, but your reflex was quick. By the way, you look beautiful. I like the changes to the dress." James Barnes says, smiling shamelessly at me. I'm torn between anger and surprise. What does he want here?
"Barnes, I don't remember inviting you in or asking you to be here in general. Before you ruin my plan, go away, and take that smug smile with you." I say, trying to sound serious. I lower the gun and turn around, ignoring the fact that Bucky hasn't budged despite my request for him to leave.
"Funny. I don't recall proposing to you or accepting one from you. Yet, everyone in this building came to see you and me getting married. I hope you liked the outfit of your future husband. I'm wearing the suit you gave me on our first anniversary." He looks handsome, but I don't want to give in. I wanted him by my side, and he abandoned me. Now that I made a plan without him, he shows up here. Son of a...
"Barnes, save my time. What do you want?" I don't have much patience on a regular day, let alone when I'm about to be bait to capture not one but two dangerous men.
"I want to marry you. I want to be by your side while you do the stupidest thing ever seen in the world, and most importantly, I want to apologize for being an idiot. I realized too late that loving you means accepting your plans that will undoubtedly cause unimaginable havoc." He speaks, getting closer and closer to me. Then he holds my waist firmly, looks into my eyes, and kisses me. It's a kiss full of passion and at the same time, longing. Truth be told, I missed him, and well... he certainly missed me too.
"I can offer you a second honeymoon filled with reconciliation sex, what do you say?" Barnes says in a playful tone, and I lightly smack his arm.
"Try not to ruin the plan. Figure out a way to leave me alone during the ceremony. They won't show up with you around, and I need to be the bait. Are we clear?" I know he won't like it, but whatever he wants. He's been married to me before; he should know that when I have something in mind, I do it my way. The problem is, he's the same way.
"Yes, ma'am. I'll let you do what you want without getting in your way," he says, giving me another light kiss. I smile, knowing he probably isn't entirely serious.
"Do you promise?" I ask in the middle of the kiss, my forehead resting against his. My god, how I love this man.
"No. Now get ready because I'm going to my groom's spot to wait for my beautiful bride." He gives me a peck on the lips and leaves before I can react. I then prepare to go to the hall to fake getting married.
"Nice pathetic plan, Melisa. Beautiful. You just forgot that I was a partner with all of you while you played the united little group. I smelled a setup since I knew you were going to marry Barnes again. Who in their right mind makes the same mistake more than once?" Steve speaks behind me as I head towards the hall where the guests are waiting. I smile because I did get what I wanted.
"You, you arrogant jerk." I turn around, plunging a sharp and likely lethal knife into his chest. Poor guy, he had no idea this time I would be prepared for him. The loud thud of him hitting the ground was startling. His look of desperation mixed with the anguish of pain, simply cinematic.
"Let me guess, you thought you would come here, and I would be frightened. You'd kidnap me, and I would cry in desperation. Then, it would be a remake of the last time we were together, but this time I wouldn't survive. That way, you and Killian would go unpunished. My question is, did you underestimate me so much that you didn't even bring a weapon to threaten me?" I say, watching him writhing in pain. Poor Steve, caught off guard. 
"If you think this is all, you're totally..." He tries to continue speaking, but I yank the knife out of his chest, and he's too busy feeling his blood leave his body to insult me. Oops...
"Dave, I think you can hear me. Ask Sam to come deal with Steve, near the bride's room. I'll continue with the plan." I compose myself, somewhat perplexed by what just happened, but the show must go on.
"Dave can't talk right now, but I'll pass the message to Sam. After all, Melisa... you were waiting for me, weren't you?" I get nervous hearing Killian's voice on the earpiece. Damn.
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kepnerandavery · 3 months
Yea I honestly don't care at this point, it's just annoying to me that these folk who claim Michael is horrible, and how much they hate his guts, keep on using his tags, it's like they wanna force feed us this new Michaela version of him claiming that she's soooo much better than he ever was, and if we don't like it then we're all most definitely staring, homophobic white women, who are bitter that we can't use Francesca/Michael as our self-interests. (Newsflash I'm a woc who's been bullied for being a woc, I have black friends and trans friends all of whom I love dearly, and would bitch slap anyone who's disrespectful towards them. Also the Irony that this horrible male character is the one who provided the blueprints for their beloved Michaela.
I actually hate Bridgerton from season 2 because of how dirty they did Kate, with making it look like she stole her sisters man or smth. I'm a fan of Polin too but I hate season 3 because with the amount of pointless subplots, they don't get enough focus as as main leads, and honestly Polin spent more time arguing and being mad than in love which again I hate. The Michael getting gender bent part is just the breaking point for me, because now this show is officially not an adaptation, they have zero respect for source material and are basically making the show into a cheep wattpad fanfic version of everything it was.
Exactly! How are we supposed to be fine with it when most of us have waited years to see him on screen? I can understand the new fandom's pov, because Bridgerton does lack representation and some people are happy to see it in somewhere, and might feel fear that the backlash that this choice has gotten would make the creators undo it, but that's not our fandom's fault is it? And who even knows if Fran will get a season? This is most likely a way for the writers to pacify people who have been upset about the lack of inclusivity in the show. If they really cared about it, there would already have been lgbtq main characters from the starting point in season one. Why does one fandom have to suffer for the sake of another? Why couldn't we all get what we wanted? Why didn't they announce this before season three was released so we could have known this was coming and not have gotten our hopes up about seeing Michael once John showed up? (cause which fandom wants to be surprised and mocked like this?) Why does Fran now suddenly seem like she would emotionally cheat on John? Why is her character so wishy-washy? Honestly, the questions don't end.
And yes, I agree about the whole self insert accusations too. I respect the lgbtq community, and see the value of representation of it in media, and commend it when it is done right, but that doesn't mean I'm not sad that Michael was used by the writers of this show.
I too hate season two for how horribly kanthony was written. What was supposed to be an enemies-to-friends-to-lovers story was reduced to a silly love triangle that took focus away from the main characters' journey and past trauma (mainly Kate's). Polin are the writers' favourite and therefore the best treated ship, but yes, I didn't like how the writing of them lacked depth in part two of season three. And don't even get me started on the whitewashing of Portia.
Yeah, I'm done with this show too. It's just taking me some time to come to terms with it especially when I see people attack the franchael fandom and one of my favourite fictional characters with vile accusations and sadistic language. Shondaland is known to ruin good things so it's really our fault for continuing to watch this show for this long tbh.
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litrumi · 4 months
(Main Story FINALE Spoilers) "A Drop of Light in the Night"
*(Note: These are VAGUE, ambiguous spoilers for my fanfic. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, so I absolutely just needed to write this down. Even if they might not be part of the final product, which is an EON from now. Only time will tell.)*
Any of these tracks fit: Machine in the Wall (Mausoleum) or Innocence Mangled (Depths)
Italics = Inner thoughts "Quotes" = Talking aloud
Even though we walk on and on, it almost feels like no progress is being made whatsoever.
I just can't shake the feeling we're in another one of those instances...
But the pup behind me doesn't seem all that worried.
"You're not even a little scared?" I ask as we keep going down the dark, cramped, and rocky path.
I hear a small chuckle from him. "We've gone through how many whacky and dangerous adventures now?" He replies. "Besides, we've known about this place for almost a year by this point. I'm surprised this is the first time we're exploring it."
"Only because that research-obsessed elephant wants to know what's down here..." I sigh. "Why didn't he tag along?"
"You could've asked that same question about literally every other time," the dog tells me with a sheepish grin. "Does this place really make you that anxious? It's not nearly as crazy as everything else. And we haven't even heard about a single thing happening around here until now."
"I just have a very intense sort of bad feeling about this place..." I admit, focusing on keeping Dogday's hand held in my own as we venture further, with me taking the lead.
And even though I look at these cave walls, no matter how they all look the same and formed as one would expect the innards of a rocky formation to be, some of these spots give off a familiarity to them.
"Well, when we get back, maybe we can just tell Bubba that we don't wanna go exploring anymore," Dogday suggests. "We'll make this our last expedition, if you want," He smiles at me. Then he looks at a pocket watch he holds in his hand. He examines it, and tilts his head when he notices something funny. "That's weird..."
"Hm?" I sound out, stopping us in our tracks and turning myself to look at him. "What've you got there, Pup?"
"Oh, didn't you hear that last part of the page he found?" He asks me directly.
I muse on the thought. "All I remember was him saying that the page hinted at 'letting reality guide us to our destiny' or something like that," I explain.
"Well, he also said something about wanting to know how long we've been in here once we got started, so I borrowed this from him before we left," he looks back at the watch, shaking it a bit. "But maybe this thing is just broken... I swear it's gotta have been at least thirty minutes by now."
"Let me see," I say, as he then gives the pocket watch over to me. Holding it in my other free hand, I look at it closely.
The canine rubs the back of his head with his other hand. "It's at the same time from when I checked, you know, as soon as we started walking around," he says.
But even as I look at the watch, I notice that not a single hand is moving. Not even the hand representing "seconds passing."
Then, my eyes widen.
Oh no...
Frantically, I look around us.
"Huh? What is it?" Dogday curiously asks.
With so many sudden and worrying thoughts running through my head...
This just can't be. This doesn't make any sense.
I don't see anything or anyone out of the ordinary, but I tense up because the atmosphere now feels so much more sinister than before.
I don't like this.
I really don't like any of this...
"Catnap, what's wrong?" He wants to know what I'm thinking.
It is another one of those times...
Where time means nothing.
"Dogday," I look at him instantly.
"W- What is it, Kitty?" He looks at me with a little concern.
"No matter what," I begin, my body shaking a little. "Stay close to me and don't let go of my hand. Never let go," I plead.
"Huh?" His eyes widen a little.
"And please, please promise me," I gulp, feeling a lump in my throat. "Promise me... that you'll watch your back."
"What?" He seems unsure yet saddened. His own brain is trying to comprehend my fluctuation in emotions. "Don't you mean 'our' backs?"
I shake my head vigorously. "No," I tell him. "No matter what, please, watch YOUR back."
He doesn't understand. He seems more perplexed and worried than anything else. We stand in silence as he tries to process my request.
But I mean exactly what I said.
And even though he would usually try to lighten the mood and calm the tension, I could tell he knew exactly what I was feeling. He could sense just how deathly terrified and serious I was.
"..." He blinks, looking at the ground only for a moment before letting our eyes meet again. "...G- Got it..." He nods.
I grip his hand even tighter in my own. "...Good," I nod in return, believing he understands the situation better.
Without another word, we press on. But now everything just feels heavier. And it's a mess we no longer can just leave behind so easily.
Please... I'm begging whoever's out there... If there's really anyone at all...
I hope and pray, marching on into the darkness with the one I care about most.
...Just let us get out of this, together, in one piece.
That's all I ask.
Anything's subject to change when I get to this point in the story. Just thought I'd leave that out there. I definitely wanna give this portion the vibe of "This is it, it's almost the end... There's just one last thing to do."
And all that. Yup! That's it! Take care~
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kianaflame23 · 2 years
Hidden Feelings ☆ FFXVI Clive Rosfield x f!reader ANGST
Summary: You are crying to yourself. You want Clive to be your only lover. Maybe you can be his wife. No.....he didn't say a word to your love confession. His silence kills you and you can't handle it anymore.... You just want to be happy with Clive....
Hi, my friends and mutuals! Decided to write a sad angst fanfic and hope everyone like this! I don't ship Clive and Jill. I see them as just friends or a siblings figure. I'm sorry! Have a nice morning/day/night! ✨️
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You feel numb, not wanting to see Clive nor the group anymore. You made a HUGE mistake on telling your romantic feelings to Clive.... You should've known that he wouldn't feel the same....
'I thought....I could tell him.......'
'He looked surprised....did I made him uncomfortable....?'
'He didn't say anything to me and just walked away......'
'He hates me now.....no......'
You sighs to yourself, tears were forming in your eyes. You wiped your tears with your delicate finger, not letting your friends know that you are being emotional right now. You are with your friends, sitting down from the ground. Waiting for Clive and Cidolfus to start with the fire as it was getting very dark and late. A campfire sound wonderful to you and everyone, however, you don't want to see Clive. You whispered to Jill that you'll be back and just need some alone time. There was a worried frown on her face, asking you if you are alright.
You smiled weakly and nodded at Jill, got up from the ground and started walking away. Ignoring Clive's voice as he calls for your name. The group can't see you with the huge trees getting in the way. Clive didn’t know what to do and looked confused until Cidolfus sighs angrily and starts talking to him.
"Clive! When are you going to stop being a coward and tell her that you love her?!", Cid spoked in annoyance as he shaked his head in disapproval. Jill nodded as she places her hands on her hips, disappointrd at Clive.
"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, CLIVE?! GO AFTER HER AND SAY SORRY OR DO SOMETHING TO CHEER HER UP!", Jill screamed at him, surprising Clive with her loud voice and immediately called Torgal to join him. Running towards the forest as Torgal signaling Clive on where you are. Making sure that he doesn't get injured or anything.
"(Y/N)! Please be safe! I'm going to protect you! Forgive me..."
*Back to you*
'......he hasn't look at me for days.... or even talk to me....'
'I should stop loving him.....'
'......maybe he thinks of me....as a sister....or a friend.....'
You roamed through the forest, not realizing that you could get killed as you continued walking until you see a beautiful river.
"Ah... this is a perfect place to cry....haha...."
You dropped your knees to the ground, your hands on the dirt and tears falling down from your face as you screamed. Hating yourself for being so nice and forgiving Clive. You questioning yourself if you should stay with him and the group or not....
"....I just want him to love me...."
"I don't want to be alone...."
"What should I do?"
"Come with me and you wouldn't suffer again, (Y/N)", a voice that made your whole body shiver in fear as a dark blue armor hand appears in front of your face. Looking up as you gasped, you moved away from that mysterious person and called their name.
"King Barnabas?! What are you doing here?!"
"He's here because we want you to join us, sweetheart~", you recognized that voice..... you glared at Benedikta, using your magic to summon your weapon. Your body is no longer in the ground, ready to attack Barnabas and Benedikta. She sighed as she tries to explain on why they want you. Of course, you are stubborn to listen and clashed your weapon to Beneditka. Not giving a shit on what she is saying to you, even if she has good intentions. Praying to Eikons for Clive and the group to save you.....
'I need to SURVIVE! I AM NOT DYING TONIGHT!', you thought to yourself, still fighting with Benedikta. She is getting annoyed as she was about to use her Garuda abilities until your weapon is clashing with Barnabas' sword. However, he is much stronger than you, sending you to the ground. He looked at Benedikta and ordering her to use Garuda's claws to trap you. You screamed in agony as you felt one of the claws squeezing your body tightly, trying to escape as you looked up in the sky.
"I'M GOING TO KI-", you didn't finished your sentence as Barnabas grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him. Both you and Barnabas glared at each other, then he chuckled as he starts talking to you.
"I want you to be my wife, (Y/N)."
"If you don't, then your friends will die. You won't forgive yourself, seeing your dead friend dying in front of you. Am I wrong, (Y/N)?"
"..........", Your eyes widened in despair, imagining Barnabas slashing Clive and the group because of you....
"Marrying me...why....?"
"You're the most beautiful maiden and I have never seen any women like you. Yes, I know you don't believe me and I'll make you fall in love with me."
"I don't care if it will takes years for you to love me. You will be MINE!", Barnabas' voice was too much for you, wanting to puke and be gone.... You didn't say a word to Barnabas, annoyed at his flirting as you wait for Clive and the group to stop them. If it is only Clive, then you have no choice to marry King Barnabas.....
"Your love confession to Clive was so sweet. It is a shame that he doesn't feel the same."
"....how....? Were you there?!"
"Yes. How could he just walked away and didn't say anything to you? Do you honestly think that he will see you a friend after your sweet confession?"
"LET ME TELL YOU WHY? IT'S BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FIND 'THE DOMINANT' THAT HE IS SO OBSESSED TO KILL AND ONLY CARES ABOUT HIS DEAD LITTLE BROTHER!", you closed your eyes as you felt your heart drop, shaking your head rapidly and telling yourself that it is not true.
"Is it hilarious that he feels more comfortable with Jill Warrick? Clive Rosfield, able to use the Eikon Ifrit and Jill Warrick, Dominant of the Eikon Shiva? Fire and Ice? A perfect match. Who knows? They could be kissing at this moment. Perhaps, Clive doesn't want to tell you that he is in love with Jill and is relief that you're not with them.", Barnabas looked back towards Benedikta, signaling her to remove her Garuda's claws from you. You slowly dropped down to the ground, feeling yourself numb again....
"STOP! LIES! Jill.....will never...."
"Oh! You told Jill your feelings for Clive before he started ignoring you for days?! I feel terrible for you. Let me save you, (Y/N).", your empty eyes looked at him as you opened your mouth to say anything, however, you didn't expect to see Clive.... standing in front of you. Shielding you from Barnabas and Benedikta, Torgal leans his adorable head towards yours, rubbing gently as he sees any injuries. Clive looked at you for a few seconds, his voice interrupts your negative thoughts as he asks if you can still fight.
'.......Of course...... Clive wouldn't care about me.....'
'......Maybe King Barnabas is right.......Him and Jill are perfect for each other......'
You shakily use your hand, summoning a healing potion and drinking it as your whole body is no longer weak. Standing up, you didn't bother to look at Clive's confused face. Walking towards Barnabas as you stopped in front of him, you sighed and nodded.
"Yes, I.....will be your wife....Barnabas Tharmr...."
"Excellent. Your precious friends will not die tonight, my sweet (Y/N).", Barnabas smirks, enjoying the rage in Clive's blue eyes. Picking your hand as you felt Barnabas' lips kisses your forehand, pulling you closer to him. You felt disgusting, but you want to save Clive....and everyone.....even if Clive doesn't love you....at least he will be safe and he can focus on his revenge journey....
"We are leaving, Benedikta. Clive Rosfield, she will be safe with me. Don't worry about her and just focus on yourself."
"DIE, BARNABAS!", Clive yelled as he dashed to you and Barnabas, extending his hand. Attempting to get you away from Barnabas and escaping together.
"I would not be a bothersome to you.....Goodbye, my 'friend'....", you smiled weakly at Clive, crying in front of him as you looked at for a second before turning your head. You looked down as you saw black shadows appearing in front of your eyes, it is most likely Barnabas' powers.
"WAIT! (Y/N), I'M SORRY! FORGIVE M-", Clive desperately cries for your name. He has to tell you why he ignored you.....accepting that he IS a coward and wants forgiveness.
Suddenly, you are gone....Clive wasn't able to save you.....not even Torgal could've done anything to prevent this horrible situation......
"FUCK! I'M GOING TO SAVE YOU, MY LOVE! I PROMISE, (Y/N)!", Clive screamed to himself, vowing to find you and convince you to come back to him.....
"Let's go, Torgal....We need to tell Cid and Jill about what happened.....", a tear slipping down from his face as he tries to control his emotions. Walking away from the river and entering the forest. Preparing himself to get lecture by Cidolfus. Clive doesn't care if they hate him or not. He wants you to be safe in his arms, telling you that he loves you so very much. He'll give you anything you want. Clive just want to see your smile again.... seeing your happy face as you teases him. He loves your flirting and literally everything about you. As soon as he sees you again, he will make love to you and ONLY YOU. Finding a blacksmith, paying them to make a special ring for you. Yes, a beautiful wedding ring. He'll be so happy if you do accept him and be his lovely wife.
"Wait for me! I want you to be mine, (Y/N).... I will save you.... even at the cost of my own life!"
The end ❤️‍🔥
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fallen-gabrielle · 5 months
Presidential/White House AU Headcanons compilation
Hello KND fandom! With friends from the discord server, we expanded the fake future from Operation: W.H.I.T.E.H.O.U.S.E. and made it an actual alternate universe/future.
I also decided to write a fanfic about it based on the headcanons we came up with 👀: Wrath of The White House, title suggested by @scarlett-v-the-fox. She also came up with a lot of headcanons about Lizzie's alien specie.
Many things come from the fact that President Uno gives major "I cheat on my wife with my secretary" vibes and we all just rolled with the idea. So yes, in this AU and fic, Adults!Nigel/Kuki is a thing and things get cra-zy between them, so I'm warning you, there will be a lot of adult stuff under the cut, such as freaky physical intimacy. If you don't like it for any reason, don't go further.
There's also a few things I left out from the list, because it would be kind of spoilery for the fic, but with this list you already know where you're getting yourself into, so no big surprises.
I will probably reblog this post when we explore the other characters not so mentioned here, but this is a good base to start.
Ok, are you ready for it? Remember, the following might make you uncomfortable so if you don't want to read it, just keep scrolling.
The main things that can be hard to read are: kinks, torture, domestic and child abuse. All of this will be explored in some degrees in the fic.
We good? Okay, here it is then!
President Nigel Uno/Wrath -Won the elections through shady means: bribes, blackmail and other illegal stuff. -He made it possible for him to be President for life -He's in charge of the English mob, who he sent people to do the dirty work -He also has his personal army of demons as henchmen who helped him with the shady means to become president -He has powers, but he hides them very well in the face of the public. -The whole demon lineage is a family secret that he didn't even tell Lizzie. -He is known in the undergrounds as Wrath and you really don't want to piss him off. -His silhouette form is the classic pitch black suit, he has claws and a dragon tail, as well as straight horns on his forehead. His hair is messy in this form as well. -He's an asshole. He cares more about his hair than his heir (plz laugh at this) -He had many love affairs but only a few were consistant (a lot of one night stand). He only had one kid out of it with Rachel. -He uses a lot of hair gel. When he doesn't, his hair are messy just like his son's (they basically have the same haircut if not combed)
Nigel and Kuki (that's where the freaky bed stuff is, guys) -They fuck in secret but some people know what's going on. -They get crazy in the sack, with a shit tons of kinks. -Seriously, they try stuff in the bedroom, they're really creative. Tickling that Nigel actually enjoyed, Kuki liking having her hair pulled a little bit. They both bite and love it. -Their kinks involve leather, chains and extreme role plays (she has a collar with his name on it) -Technically they're switches, they take turns on who's the dominant one, but Nigel secretely likes being the sub in their relationship bc he gets a break from being in charge, and he gets praised. He can't hear "good boy" without blushing. -They can't go to specialized clubs because they can be regognized so they do it in private places -They have a code in little gestures to warn the other when they want each other. When she fixes his ties for exemple. -Their relationship is purely physical intimacy, there is no romantic emotion between them. -Outside of the bedroom, and off duty, they're just friends. -After the act, Nigel and Kuki share some fluff moment, where they simply like the presence of each other and like to snuggle. -She is serious, strict and stern as the secretary but in private with Nigel she loosens up and is a real tigress in bed. -"I will work late tonight honey" => is actually with Kuki -In the morning, Kuki likes to exchange her glasses with his just for fun, but one time they actually had to rush to get out and still had the wrong glasses on their faces. For those who didn't already know about them, that's how they learned what's going on -Kuki always travels with him on his trips
Nigel and Rachel (plus her family) -He had an affair with her during the early years of his marriage with Lizzie. -They're still in love even to this day -They had a daughter together named Lucy, 14 years old -Nigel loves his daughter very much, she's his little princess -He clearly has a favorite, and it's his daughter -They've been keeping their love affair a secret from everyone, mostly -Rachel is also hiding her daughter from most people's knolwedge -Rachel ended her relationship with Nigel and put an end to his secret visits to his daughter because things got sus and Nigel was also starting to change as he became greedier and lusted for more powers. He wasn't the man she fell in love with anymore. -Nigel sends her money to support their daughter but Rachel never accepted the money as it comes from corrupted/dirty money. -Rachel is the head of national security -She knows all the hacking tricks in the book. She can bypass a n y t h i n g -Harvey knows about the secret child and absolutely despises Nigel (and so does he)
Nigel and Lizzie -Lizzie is the same overbearing and annoying person as ever -Lizzie suspects that Nigel has an affair with Kuki Sanban. -She has no clue about Rachel and the illegitimate daughter. But when she learns that fact, all hell will break loose -She will especially be super mad that Nigel got a daughter with another woman and she didn't. -When she does get a confirmation about Kuki, she has to keep it down because the scandal would be too much to handle. Also, Nigel would be worse to her if she throws fits. -She doesn't know the extent of what Nigel is doing with Kuki, just that he's cheating on her with the secretary -When they do get intimate, it's the most boring stuff ever. -Nigel absolutely doesn't know she's an alien. When he finds out, he sends her to Area 51 -He will torture her to know why she was sent to earth
Nigel and his parents/relatives -Actually the only people he's not a complete douchbag to. -He really loves his parents and they love him too. He just never has the time to visit them as much as he would want to. -But they still never approved of Lizzie. They hate her. -Mrs Uno occasionally mentions divorce to her son so that Nigel would someday click and dump Lizzie -Nigel is also close to his uncle Benedict. He taught his nephew how to use his powers when he got them in his 20s.
Nigel and Shirley -They have a very cold relationship -Nigel doesn't care much for his son's existence except when it comes to his own image -Nigel is more neglectful towards his son than he is verbally or physically abusive towards him -Nigel insists on his son being proper all the time. -He combs his son's hair whenever he thinks it's not perfect -When Shirley gets his alien genes activated and apparent, Nigel absolutely hates it and cuts them off violently. -He always scolds Shirley for being ‘too noisy/agitated’ when they visit his parents because they’re old people so therefore they mustn’t be rushed. But Monty and Margaret really don’t mind their grandson for doing what a kid is supposed to do. -Shirley doesn't know his dad has affairs and just thinks he's always busy on business trip and extended meetings. -Viggo finding dogs’ collars in his dad’s stuff: "wait, he secretly has a dog? And he always refused that I get one myself !!!" Poor boy doesn't know what this really means
Shirley/Viggo -He's part human/demon and uvinea (alien part) -He doesn't know his true lineage on either side (yet) -At some point, he will start having flowers growing on his head -His vines can be torn apart and it hurts, but they will grow back -He doesn't know anything about his father's infidelity drama, including his older half sister -He really despises his dad in general -He admires Numbuh 1, whom he doesn't actually know that's his dad -I let you imagine the shock when he'll find out the truth xD -Leopold Lincoln/Numbuh 5'000 is his best friend -Shirley spends some times at the Lincolns', because Leo's dad is so much nicer than his own and wishes to have a dad like Leo's -Despite how dysfunctional his family is, Shirley still hopes that one day they could be a "normal family". -He loves his grandparents a lot (who doesn't tbh) -Nigel and Lizzie fight a lot for small things as well as the bigger ones (Nigel’s cheating for exemple) and it’s too much for Shirley so he goes to his grandparents’ place to have some calm and wholesomeness or sometimes to the Lincolns' -He hates the cold
Fanny & Patton plus friends -They're married and have a daughter -Her name is Sheila and her codename is Numbuh 860, soopreme leader -Patton is in the army but doesn't have a high position -He has to put up with Wally's bs all the time -He's away from home a lot -Fanny, as head of Nigel's security guards, records the shenanigans between the President and his Secretary and keeps the tapes as off-brand for herself. -She's actually supposed to delete anything scandalous about the President but eh, she sometimes blackmails Nigel with it. -She sometimes watches it with her colleague Chad and her husband when he gets back home -They all treat it like it's a fictional tv drama show -Therefore, they know all the dirty little secrets the President Uno has in the sack -She gossips about everything going on in the White House with her colleagues but makes sure nothing get out really (her boss is Nigel, remember) -Fanny actually does know about the Nigel/Rachel affair, because she is friend with Rachel -Fanny talks Rachel into watching the tapes. Rachel reluctantly agrees, and she's speechless until she mutters over halfway in, "Why couldn't we do any of that stuff? Damn."
Abigail Lincoln -Married to Maurice, he took her last name. -She was arrested under false accusations/She tried to organize a coup against his administration and failed -Nigel tortures her to get info from her (mostly about the knd) -She lost her right eye during one torture session -She was never decomissioned as she was tasked as a teenager and later as an adult to look after Nigel. Obviously she failed. -She is constantly tormenting herself about the fact she wasn't able to save Nigel -She was also part of Nigel's administration and she refused to help him in his corruption
Leopold/Numbuh 5'000 -His dad is Maurice -He's Shirley's best friend and always calls him by his nickname Viggo -He doesn't freak out nor is scared of his friend when he gets his powers -He kinda fanboys about it, actually, which makes Viggo cringe a few times -He writes and collect letters from the family for his mom. -He sneaks into the prison to bring her the letters and pastries his dad baked for his wife -He has to make his visits more sparce to avoid getting caught -“Dad misses you” “Dad brought you this” “Dad is working on your case” -He failed to protect his mom from being jailed and feels really guilty about it -He's a brave kid, but he still cries late at night for his mother. -His aunt Cree also helped raising him while Abby is imprisoned
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avatarkv · 1 year
Hiiiiiii! I'm here again after reading the New chapter of Every Corner Of This House Is Haunted and I LOVE IT!!!! It was really worth it waiting a little while. When I saw the notification on my phone I was EUPHORIC!!! Thank you for coming back to us, dear author 😔😔🤙
Omg I was so broken reading Neteyam's part 😭 It seems like he's trying his best not to worry about his sister, but he's failing!! Like, after all the distance on their relationship, he feels like he shouldn't be worried, but he is 😟
THEIR FLASHBACK!!!!! It made me so happy reading a little about their sibling relationship :))
HE USED TO CALL HER TSMUKE 😭😭😭 WHY DID HE HAVE TO STOP?? Neteyam, pls, call reader "sis" back again 🙏
And it broke me so much the fact that the reader literally taught neteyam the concept of lie 😢 I mean, the navi language doesn't even have a word for lie, so it's normal to a navi not know the concept of it. But instead of him learning the word "lie" as something bad that hurts people, she taught him the good part of the lie, because she lied just to protect him 😭😭😭😭🙏
I kinda feel a little bad for Jake tho (not because of the situation with reader of course, he was wrong), but his whole life he's known as someone that brings chaos and destruction, and he feels he needs to be perfect to deserve to be happy, but he's so focused in it he doesn't even notice when he's being cruel and losing touch with his family. He somehow admits that he's responsible of the chaos the brought to the family and didn't even notice until it happened 😭😭😭
and I was so surprised by the end of the chapter when reader encountered the palulukan 😟 I can't wait to read the next chapter!!
I love your writing, the way that you work to describe both parts of the situation and not making it like "reader is right and jake is the villian". (Of course im a little biased on reader's side, but who cares 🤭)
It's literally the last thing I'm holding onto to stay on the fandom. Pls, pardon my English! I was so excited to comment on the fanfic that I didn't even have time to see if it makes sense.
Love you, bye!! 🩷💖🩷💖
AIKO MY WIFE HELLO thank you for mentioning the flashback! i actually thought of removing it from the chapter because i thought it wouldn't hold any significance whatsoever, but i'm glad i didn't! how you put it, with reader teaching neteyam the word lie is so heart-wrenching ;( yall are wise fr. to think that he knows that word as something soft and gentle because of reader is BEYOND me, i love you for that
i feel so bad for jake too bby: (( i genuinely think that he blames himself for every bad thing that has ever happened because he thinks he brought it to them himself. my man just wants to be happy
thank you for this! i really love exploring different perspectives and dynamics, it makes the story more in depth that way?? i'm really glad that i'm able to portray it well! (bby believe me, your english is good! ilysb, thank you for reading!)
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gumnut-logic · 7 months
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
::rolls up sleeves and brainstorms all over the keyboard::
If you want to do it, do it. Don't hide. Everyone had to start somewhere (wanna see my first ever fic? I was 18 and the internet did not exist, also, it was really badly written; you can find my second ever written fic here - its TOS Trek). We've all been there and we are all learning. Don't be scared, Thunderfam at least is here to support. For you fanartists out there, check out How I learnt Portraiture and then check out this post to prove that I can paint, honestly, really I can :D
If you do encounter negativity - block/ban. In fandom, if you can't say something nice, shut up and go away. Don't like, don't read, and mind your own business. I'm all for self curating your online experience. The only time constructive criticism is polite is when you know the person and they've asked. Like I have several members of Thunderfam I come screaming to while writing with the question, does this suck? These are my sanity checkers - Gavii, unfortunately you have taken on this mantle and suffer on a fairly regular basis. Nutty by name and nature.
Works in Progress - anyone who has known me here at all knows I leave a wake of WiPs behind me. Some I get back to, some, not so much (I promise to pull Alex out from under that building, I do!). WiPs are part of the way an artist works (I have so many in so many media, omigod). Because fanfic is published close to the leading edge of creation, its gonna happen. Fanfic is written for fun, after all. The key is to not let them beat you up in the head. Yes, there is unfinished stuff, but it doesn't mean you can't write something else in the meantime. Don't let it stop your muse. I am notorious for unfinished stuff and the real world hates it. But this isn't the real world, THIS IS FOR FUN. I know the marketing theories and the regularity of posting and popularity and what is at stake if either not enough is published regularly or if too much unfinished stuff disappoints the reader. But again, if you let the WiPs hang around your neck too much and badger you, they will drown you. It will become a job, a burden, something you hate. So don't pressure yourself. Work with your muse and see what you can wrangle out of it...at your own pace. You might be surprised what works.
The Terry Pratchett method - I don't know if it is true or not, but there is a post flying around Tumblr somewhere that claims Terry Pratchett, famous author, only aimed to write 400 words a day. This is something I have found extremely useful. If you want to write something, don't set the bar too high so you fail. Set it at a reachable level, even 200 words or 100 words. Honestly the hardest part is actually sitting down and starting. Before you know it you will have passed your low goal and blown it out of the water 3000 words later (my highest number of words in one day was 7000 - I tend to edit as I go, so it slows me down). Rarely do we have an entire day we can write, cos life keeps getting in the way. So do it in little bits. I'm doing this method with my crochet at the moment. Lots of little bits make big bits. This is how I've written many of my longer fics. Heh, I used to have fifteen minutes in the car before work, so I'd pull up on the side of the road and write as much as I could in that time. Sometimes having a limited time helps with that as well.
But the biggest thing you can do to improve your writing is to get to know yourself very well. I'm on the autism spectrum and likely have some forms of ADHD or Executive Dysfunction (I literally cried the day I found out it had a name as to why I couldn't finish things). It's taken me years to work out how to get work out of myself. How to avoid fighting myself (a fight I never win). To learn what works best for me and how I can herd the cats in my brain into them doing what I need them to do. Find out what makes you tick. Find out what sparks your muse, what way best enables you to write. Try different times of the day, different places, bribe yourself, time limit yourself, lock the family out of the room, go to the beach, write on paper, go mobile, write on your phone, scribble notes, anything that can get your brain doing what you want it to do. Sometimes reading fic can do it, showers and manual work are great for idea sparking - let the brain idle and it comes up with all sorts of interesting things. Very late night writing can be a doozy of a trip :D Find what works then do it - until it changes and you have to find it again because yes, my brain does that too, drat it.
And that is probably enough babbling from me :D I need to go find Virgil and a pick up with his name on it...or Gordon's...it's still gelling in my brain :D
I hope this helps someone, even just a tiny bit. Writing is hard work, don't let it drown you. Also, we all have up and down days, just because something sucks today, doesn't mean it will feel the same tomorrow. Never give up, never surrender, and if you do give up on one thing....ooh, look there's another one to play with.
Thank you for asking ::squishy hugs you lots::
(who despite this will still have days where the writing will not work...in which case, I'm gonna do something else for a bit until brain decides it wants to play....stupid brain, do it on demand, you pile of goop)
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