#I'm not offended but I feel like I should be
ozzgin · 3 days
Its been 6 months😭😭 pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg😭
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too cliché of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone must’ve lifted the hologram blinds.
“My apologies, I hadn’t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.”
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose he’s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment. 
“A most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organ…”, he says as he quickly checks his wristwatch, “...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.”
“It’s just…most people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.”
He processes your words.
“Hmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.”
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans you’ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
“Listen, when is your next functional inspection?” you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. “Will they, uh…will they have access to all of your memories?”
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. It’s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldn’t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you don’t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers. 
“You may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.”
“Do you get to decide what is checked and what isn’t?”
“No, most data is sampled randomly.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Then how-”
“It is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.”
“What? I thought you’re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldn’t they open you up and take whatever they require?”
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
“Once an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).” He taps his temple, then continues: “I am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.”
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine. What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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juanarc-thethird · 3 days
It's good to feel desired
At Salem Castle
Salem is standing in front of a full-length mirror checking herself on her usual black dress.
Salem: *Staring at the back of her dress* Has my butt gotten...
She takes the fiber of her dress, lifts it, lifting her butt with it. She lets him go, and everything falls with a bit of a bounce.
Salem: ..bigger?
Jaune: *Crouched staring at Salem's butt* Big? I think it's perfect. God damn~
Salem: *Surprise, she moves away* Who the hell are you?!
Jaune: Me? I'm just a humble man of culture.
Salem: *Confuse* What?!
Jaune: *behind her* And let me tell you, that ass of yours is to be worshiped, Amen~💕
He says as he puts his hands together to pray.
Salem: What the hell?! How do you move so fast?!
Jaune: It's the power of love, beautiful. And sorry if I sound bold, but could you sit on my face for just a moment?
Suddenly the door to Salem's room explodes into a thousand pieces.
Cinder: I found you, you pervert!
Jaune: Shit, I thought I lost her. Well beautiful, see you later. But if you ever need me just give yourself a good spanking…
Salem: Oh!~
He spanks an unprepared Salem.
Jaune: And I'll be there~💕
He then winks at her and jumps out the window.
Cinder: *Follows him* Get back here!!
Salem stares at the window for a while and then at her mirror.
Salem: Maybe I should change my style of clothing…
The next day.
Tyrant: My lady, I got you the yoga pants you asked for. But could you tell me why you need them?
With a murderous look she says.
Salem: Do you want to die?
Tyrant: *Scare* I'm sorry my lady! I didn't mean to offend you!
Salem: Good... Now leave me alone.
Tyrant: Yes my queen! *Runs away*
Once the coast is clear, she smiles and warmly hugs her new pants.
Salem: I hope he comes when I try them on~
She says while giggling like a school girl.
-------------- Continuation of the "You called?" Au
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billwidoll · 9 hours
You hate me because I'm the love of your life
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Everyone knew you were the kook queen and Rafe was the king. And by logic, you and Rafe should love each other. But no, you hated Rafe's existence and Rafe didn't like you either. and no one ever understood this hatred you had for each other. But life continued as normal, until the day you went to the party for Topper.
"Hey Sarah, this party sucks! I think I'll go to the bathroom" you say and Sarah nods her head
You pass by the countless people who were at the party, and end up seeing Rafe Cameron... also known as your greatest Horror
"I think you want to die Y/N" Rafe says in that disgusting and sarcastic voice
"I didn't mean to fall into you Rafe! Now let me pass!" You say pushing him and going your way
"You'll regret it y/n" Rafe whispers quietly to himself .
Well, you go to the bathroom to breathe a little, the party was very busy. You wash your face and neck and touch up your makeup. But before you leave the bathroom, someone quickly enters, closing it The bathroom
"What's your problem Cameron? Did you drink a little too much?" You say, ready to leave, but he pushes you against the bathroom wall.
"Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I don't see the way you look at me when I'm shirtless?" Rafe says, approaching you and placing his hand on your thin neck.
"Rafe, what the fuck are you doing? Leave me alone!" You say trying to free yourself but Rafe learns more.
"I hate you so much girl... you don't know how much I hate you..." Rafe whispers impulsively getting close to your face
"Oh my God...I can't believe it...You hate me because I'm the love of your life"
You say with a smile widening on your face.
"No... are you crazy? I don't like you and I never will!" Rafe says this a little shyly?
"oh come on Rafe! You think I don't know about this obsession you have with me?"
When you say that, Rafe starts to remove his hand from your throat. He was feeling exposed somehow, you were managing to make Rafe small
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"that's not true...yours" Rafe tries to offend you more and faster
"What? Slut? Bitch? Rafe can talk... you love me, but your ego won't let you admit it"
You still continue talking with that satisfying smile and now approaching Rafe. But Rafe was going backwards, was he finally backing down?
"And if he loved you? Hun?" Rafe finally speaks, turning Lara around and looking, and that leaves you speechless.
"you and Rafe Cameron... I would never love anyone." You say now looking down
"To be lying... you can't think of me and you together, can you?" Rafe says, approaching you and blowing his hot breath on your face.
"Rafe... we hate each other... we can't... think about a future..." You say but Rafe interrupts you
"no! Don't run away, you said so: I hate you because you are the love of my life"
Rafe says taking your arms and holding them tight
"I...I don't understand...why do you treat me so bad?" You say looking at Rafe as if he were an abandoned puppy
"Always faulting each other, always talking about each other, but... it's all a farce"
Rafe says getting very close to your lips
"It will be?" You already speak with wobbly legs
"Yes..." Rafe speaks in a hoarse voice right next to your lips
"Kiss Me?" You say you can't take the torture anymore
Without expecting it for the second time, Rafe kisses you seriously. He looked like he was going to devour you. He kissed you like you never kissed before
"I hate you so much...." Rafe says between hot and wet kisses
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careful now, you just might make me blush talking like that.
don't think so low of my loyalty to you for I would burn the heavens if it mean saving the stars in your eyes,
Sometimes all I really want is to lay like this, with you in my arms forever.
When I look at you, I just think about how much things have changed since we first met.. my how time flies..,
When was the last time you ate??
Yandere lucifer Adamsapple please. also can you make sinner Adam have body dysmorphia for this cause it makes sense for Lucifer asking Adam how long has it been since he ate.
Lucifer and Adam were laying on the bed, just enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence. The king looked over to Adam and smiled. "Sometimes I just want to lay with you like this, in my arms forever."
Adam snorted. "That's so cheesy."
"I mean it, I love our time together." He pulled Adam closer to him.
Adam rolled his eyes. "Careful now, you just might make me blush talking like that." He bit back a grin.
Lucifer smirked, "then I guess I should use more actions." He kissed Adam, holding his jaw. His hand traveled down to Adams waist and was surprised when his hand was moved away. "Something wrong?"
Bull shit.
"Adam, I'm going to ask you something and I don't want you to get upset or offended." Adam eyes him warily. "When was the last time you ate something?"
"Oh for fuck sakes, Luci, I don't know this morning?" Adam hadn't been keeping track of when he was eating anymore, he didn't care he just wanted to feel good, look good. Since falling, he's hated how he looks. He didn't understand what Lucifer found so attractive about him anymore.......
"What's the matter dove?"
Adam sighed. "When I look at you, I just think about how much things have changed since we first met...... How time flys." He looked at him, more sad now. "I... I know I could look better, you deserve it, I just, I can't..."
Lucifer cupped Adams face with both of his hands. "Adam. Listen to me. I love you the way you are. I don't know who's putting those thoughts in your head or if it's you but there is nothing wrong with your body." He kissed him sweetly. "You have no idea what I would do to make you happy."
"Oh yeah, like what?" Adam wasn't sure he believed him.
"Don't think so low of my loyalty to you, I would burn the heavens if it meant saving the the stars in your eyes." Lucifer let his eyes glow so bright he could see them in Adam's golden eyes. "I would set all of heaven on fire if it meant you'd be happy for all eternity, anyone who dared stand on my way wouldn't stand a chance."
A darker, more evil side of Adam wanted to see that happen. "You really mean it?"
"Every word." Lucifer captured his lips in a heated kiss.
He'd do anything to make Adam happy.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 3 days
So hear me out, the first time Donna is close enough to reader while they sleep right? Well. Reader may have forgot to mention that they randomly stop breathing for a few seconds sometimes(it’s called sleep something that starts with an A) idk I think it’s kinda funny when I do that but yk. That or reader who had horrible depth perception and walks into things all the time so has bruises everywhere and forgets where exactly they come from
Yesss!!! Well, I chose the apnea option if you don't mind :))) Thank you for your request, I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
Sleeping problems
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, reader has sleep apnea, protective Donna
Word count: 2,686
Summary: You live with Donna now, but maybe you forgot about telling her something...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes, Donna requests are open!! My other account problems are solved, but I've decided to stay here definetely :))) I'm gonna make a master list and rules soon. I love you all!! :))))
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“Are you comfortable?” Donna asked, covering you with the sheets. Her hands trembled, revealing a more than obvious nervousness.
It wasn't like other times at the beginning of your relationship. This time you could say that her nerves were more than justified. After months of insisting, insisting and insisting, you finally decided to take the final step: abandon your old house in the village and live with her.
Donna was your first long-term relationship, and you had doubts too. If something went wrong, you didn't know what the consequences could be. She was still one of the lords of the place and if you hurt her, you would suffer her wrath, and probably Mother Miranda's as well.
But that absurd fear of discrepancies or disagreements disappeared as soon as you started to really get to know her. Donna would never hurt you, or at least it’s what your almost unhealthy heart made you think.
Donna Beneviento had many flaws…. Some of them were natural, others were caused by years and years of terrible loneliness. To get used to her fear of losing you or her completely unjustified jealousy didn't take you too long, although it's true that this obsession with possessing you was the hardest thing to adjust to. She was that way, and you could never change it.
“Yes, yes... I'm fine, Donna,” you replied amused, snuggling up next to her in bed. “Come on, calm down.”
“Okay, okay,” she sighed, freeing her black hair from the messy bun she always tied it in. “Forgive me, (Y/N), I'm just nervous.”
“Don't apologize,” you said, laughing, grabbing her hand tenderly making that tremor disappear. “By the way… What should we do now?” You asked, lowering your tone and purring very close to her ear.
“What do you want to do?” She asked back, avoiding one of your unexpected kisses.
“I don't know... You and me... A bed...” You said murmuring, running a finger along her waist.
She pulled away from you and shook her head, a tender smile on her face.
“No, tesoro... Not tonight,” she said in a soft voice, suppressing the shiver that your touch made her feel.
“Why?” You asked, disappointed.
“Tonight is a very special moment, I don't want to ruin it.”
“Ruin it? Hey…” You said, pretending to be offended.
“No, I'm not saying that because I don't like it, (Y/N)... I just... I just want our first night together to be special...”
“Oh, well, okay,” you said reluctantly, lying down again and forgetting the desire that had already begun to form inside you. “So?  We are going to just sleep?”
“Aren't you excited to sleep with me?” She asked, letting out her demons, the shadows that made her doubt your feelings.
“What? Of course, of course, darling,” you said, scared by her heavy breathing. It wasn't easy to deal with her problems. Sometimes you forgot how sensitive she could be.
“You don’t love me?” She asked, her eye shining, with an expression of genuine terror. Time to act.
“Well, of course I love you, Donna... Come on, relax, breathe, breathe with me,” you said, grabbing her hands, sitting on the bed and keeping your gaze on hers. “That's it… take a breath…”
She obeyed your instructions and finally relaxed.
“I'm sorry, (Y/N). I wish I didn't have these… Flaws,” she said, snuggling next to you under the covers.
“Don’t worry. We all have flaws,” you replied, caressing her body and kissing the palm of her hand.
“Not you,” she said with a hoarse voice.
“Oh, of course I have…”
Donna looked at you curiously, reaching out with her hand to turn off the light on the table and make darkness fall over your embraced bodies.
“Go to sleep, princess... The truth is that I'm very excited to wake up next to you,” you said softly, planting a soft and tender kiss on her cheek.
“Really?” She asked, excited again.
Moving the stuff you had in your house to the Beneviento estate was an exhausting work. You didn't really know why you were interested in doing anything different than sleeping. Tiredness made your eyelids close immediately and, with the heat of her body pressed against yours, you fell into a deep sleep.
Even though you weren't used to that bed (at least to sleeping on it), nothing could stop you from dreaming peacefully like every night.
“Mmm,” you murmured when the light on the table made you squeeze your eyes tightly.
“(Y/N)... You're awake,” Donna whispered, looking at you, sitting on the bed and running a hand over your cheek. You smiled when you felt her caresses and yawned lazily.
“Yes, now I am...” you murmured with your voice hoarse from sleep. “What time is it?”
“8 o'clock,” she responded, studying your gaze in a strange way.
“Oh my God, I’ve slept so well...” you said, sitting up and stretching comically.
“I don't think so, idiot... You...” Angie's squeaky voice made your ears tremble.
“Angie, shut up,” Donna said sharply, making her doll flee the room in terror.
“What is she talking about?” You asked, still with problems to open your eyes.
“Nothing, it doesn't matter,” Donna said, perhaps a bit abruptly. “Have you really rested well?”
“Of course, why do you ask?” You wanted to know, taking a sip of the glass of water on your table.
“Oh, it's nothing,” Donna responded, with that look that betrayed a filthy lie.
“Did you sleep well?” You asked, giving your girlfriend a quick kiss on the lips. She stood still for a moment, until she smiled softly and nodded.
“With you by my side, tesoro, I have rested better than ever," she whispered into your lips, kissing you again before getting up. There was something strange in her gaze, but you ignored it. “You want breakfast?”
“Of course, of course. I'm quite hungry,” you said happily, as she got out of bed.
That was the first day of many others. Living with her was the best decision of your life, without a doubt. Your relationship only got better and better. Although, it is true that strange things happened every night. Sometimes you had the feeling that you were waking up, or rather, that you were being woken up, by gently moving your body. You didn't give it the slightest importance.
One afternoon, as was customary, you rested on her chest while you took a hot bath. With the cold outside, it was an unimaginable pleasure.
Donna yawned loudly, making you turn your head in amusement.
“Are you sleepy?” You asked with a slightly mocking tone. The water moved when you wanted to turn around and face her.
“No, I... Well, maybe a bit,” she responded, cupping your face in her hands. “Come, I like to caress you.”
The doll maker turned you around again, making your head rest on her bare chest again, under the pleasant temperature of the hot water.
“It's 5 in the afternoon,”  you continued mocking.
“Oh, is it?” She asked, relaxing her breathing, gently grabbing your waist.
“Yes, that's what the clock says,” you said, amused.
Although everything was going perfectly well, Donna was weirder than usual.
“Oh, of course, the clock tells the time...” she said in a tired, almost delirious tone. You frowned and made another attempt to turn around, frustrated by her hands pressing you against her chest.
“Donna, honey… Are you okay?” You asked, joining your hands with his under the water.
“Yes, yes...” she sighed. You shrugged.
“Okay, then... Do you feel like taking a walk? I heard there is a meteor shower tonight,” you said, making her arm pass through your chest, surrounding it affectionately.
“Mm,” she murmured, taking advantage of the position of her arm to continue caressing you, slower and slower.
“I always liked to see how the stars fall from the sky... When I was little I always asked myself what would happen if they touched the ground...”
“I imagined that they would fall like diamonds, shining in the darkness of the night, and that I could take one home. How silly, don't you think?”
That time, not even a soft murmur left her lips. You moved, surprised. You always liked to talk too much and Donna always listened to you with her full attention.
You turned slowly, removing her now motionless arm from your body.
Donna had her head resting on the bathtub, breathing deeply with her eye closed. You couldn't believe what you saw.
“Donna,” you said, amused. “Hey, Donna!” You screamed louder, splashing some water on her face.
“Mm? What?” she asked, shaking her head confused, making a face of disgust at the water you threw in her face. “Dove siamo?”
“What? You’re asking me where are we? Donna, honey, we're home... In the bathtub...” You said in disbelief, watching as she looked erratically to the sides, blinking repeatedly. “You have fallen asleep.”
“Have I?” She asked, sighing, sitting up. “Oh, well…”
“It's not the first time in several days that I see you falling asleep around the house, are you sure you're okay?” You asked, brushing the hair from her face. She nodded, once again giving away the lie.
“Oh, I... Well... Yes, I'm fine, just... You know, the heat of the steam... Being here with you... I've relaxed too much, I'm so sorry.”
“Don’t worry...” you said with a suspicious look, kissing his wounded cheek carefully.
As the days passed, her sudden naps became more and more frequent. You knew something was wrong with her, but she didn't want to tell you. You began to believe that it had something to do with you, and that it had a lot, a lot to do with a small detail about you that you had never told her about.
“Angie, where is Donna?” You asked, closing the book you were reading. The doll shrugged. You looked at the clock on the wall and frowned. “It's almost lunch time, normally at this time she is already cooking.”
“Hey, stupid (Y/N), you think my Donna is your slave?” The doll protested, climbing onto the couch next to you.
You rolled your eyes.
“No, Angie. If she let me cook I wouldn't be asking.”
“That's because your food is garbage, garbage!” The doll screeched irritatingly.
“It's funny that a porcelain doll without stomach or sense of taste tells me that,” you said mockingly, crossing your arms. “Anyway, I'm going to look for her, I'm sure she hasn't noticed the time.
After avoiding the throwing of objects that Angie usually protested with, you took the elevator down. It was quite common for time to fly by for her when she worked on her dolls.
“Donna? It's me, are you there?” You asked softly, knocking on the workshop the doors. “Donna?”
There was no response, which made you a bit nervous. You decided to leave education aside and open the door yourself. The sight before you was funny and strange at the same time.
Sure enough, Donna was there, sitting in one of the chairs. But she wasn’t focused like she usually was. No, this time her head was resting on the table, making soft sounds, suspiciously similar to the ones she made when she fell asleep.
“I don’t believe what I see,” you said, holding back your laughter, slowly approaching the woman. “Hey, Donna,” you said, moving her back slowly, caressing it so as not to startle her.
“(Y/N)?” The woman in black growled, raising her head from the table. On her cheek, she had stuck a color palette, which had smeared paint all over her face. Your desire to laugh only increased.
“Were you putting on makeup?” You joked, under her disoriented gaze.
“What? No, no... I was... I was painting a doll and...” She said in a hoarse voice, running her hands over her stained face. “Oh, not again…”
“You fell asleep again, huh?” You said, crossing your arms. “Look what you've made to your face. Come, let me help you.”
“Yes, yes I... Oh...” She murmured confusedly, letting you help her to stand up.
The two of you walked to the sink in the next room and carefully cleaned the paint stains from her face.
You ran the water over her face, removing most of the paint.
“Sit down, my love,” you said lovingly, grabbing a towel that was near the sink. She simply nodded, embarrassed.
While you passed the towel over her face, definitively cleaning it, you decided that it was time to talk about those naps.
“Donna,” you whispered, sighing and bending down, putting your hands on her shoulders so she could look at your face. “I’m worried about you.”
“About me? Why? I'm fine,” she said, pathetically looking away from her.
“You lie terribly,” you said, amused. “I've been living with you for two weeks and... I don't know, Donna, something's wrong with you, you're constantly exhausted.”
“I don't…”
“Come on, tell me what's happening. Look at you... It seems like you haven't slept in days,” you said, delicately lifting her chin. “You don’t sleep?”
She didn't respond. She simply shook her head slowly.
“Don’t you? Wow, am I moving too much?” You asked, sitting in a chair next to her.
Donna shook her head again.
“Okay...” You said to yourself, thoughtful.
“You... Sometimes you... No, you stop breathing,” Donna said, with trembling hands, as if the mere fact of saying something like that disturbed her. “Every night I hug you and… Suddenly, your chest stops moving, I can't hear your breathing. You always do it again but... I'm, I'm really afraid that one day...”
“Oh, that was it!” You said, with a tone perhaps too high. “Don't worry about that, Donna. It's normal, it's happened to me since I was little.”
“Don't worry? I'm saying that you stop breathing, (Y/N),” she said with a serious, stern tone.
“Yes, I know,” you whispered, amused, relieved to finally know the problem. “It's something that happens to many people. It's called sleep apnea.”
“I've never read anything about that,” Donna said, feeling ashamed of her ignorance.
“Well, it's nothing you have to worry about. Sometimes I stop breathing for a few seconds while I'm sleeping, but I always do it again. The doctor said there was nothing to worry about.”
“Why hadn't you told me before?” She asked, offended by what she believed was a lack of trust.
“Because I don't consider it something important...” You sighed, smiling in relief. “Wait, wait,” you said, frowning, when some revelations crossed your mind. “Haven't you slept all these nights?”
She shook her head, looking down again.
“I stay awake to watch you. If, if something happens to you while I'm sleeping I... I don't know what would happen to me.”
You couldn't help but burst into loud laughter.
“Does it seem funny to you?” She asked offended.
“No, no... It just, it just seems very cute to me, Donna... So that's why you fall asleep anywhere, because you're awake at night... Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“This is serious, (Y/N),” the woman scolded you, her gaze cold.
“No, no... You shouldn't worry so much, really... Do you trust me?”
“I do”
“Then forget about it, okay? Stop watching me at night. Nothing will happen to me, I promise. Not sleeping is very dangerous for your health.”
“Losing you would be even worse,” she stated sadly, looking for your hand to squeeze it tightly with hers.
“You're not gonna lose me”
After those sincere words, you leaned to kiss her tenderly, to say with a kiss how much you loved her, how much you were happy about the enormous love she felt for you.
“Now, honey, go to bed, get the rest you need. I'll make the food, even if Angie says it's garbage.”
“Oh, come on, she doesn't mean it,” Donna said, amused, getting up from the chair with your help.
“Shh, shut up and go to sleep, my beautiful Donna... I love you so much...” You sighed, not being able to avoid kissing her again.
“Me too, (Y/N), me too...”
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Another popular show I despise is Hazin Hotel, sorry!
Well, you remember my post on Fairly Odd Parents and discussing about Butch Hartman, or as I like to call him B*TCH FARTMAN, because he's one of the most punchable people who still work in the animation industry. But I recently heard about this woman called Vivziepop, and I gave her the name VIVZIEPOOP, because she's absolutely disgraceful.
I never watched Hazbin Hotel, I only heard a few songs from it and most of my information is from my friends, who have seen the show. As a religious Christian, I don't feel comfortable watching the show, and even my friends who like the show admit that it's okay that I don't feel comfortable watching it. My friend, Tal, was actually very chill when I told her that I find it offensive, and she only likes the songs. My friend Rae understood, too and she even left the fandom after she saw the Heaven episode and the episode with the r*pe scene. Also, I am aware that it's an adult show and I'm mostly into family friendly animated media, but even adult shows should be careful as well. The Heaven episode was bad enough, but showing an uncensored r*pe scene without a warning is too far! Plus the fact that they were romanticizing it which is utterly disgusting! I mean, even if you don't get offended at the religion part, there's no excuse for the r*pe scene! I shouldn't have to explain why it's bad. He wasn't in love with the guy, he was taking advantage of him for lust! And don't get me started on the songs... like recycled Disney songs! One song sounded more like an Encanto song than the songs from Encanto did. Almost like she's trying to get kids to watch it when it's supposed to be 18+
Another thing, I heard that Vivzie bodyshamed animators who worked for her... ANIMATORS! Who cares what someone's body looks like when they're animating for your show, it's not like they're the stars. I also seen some of the character designs in Hazbin Hotel and that one plus size girl looks very out of place... her chin and everything just looks... off, as if Vivzie doesn't want to actually draw plus size people At least in recent years, Disney added more plus size characters who looked good and I still we got a long way to go, but there should be more bodytype diversity!
Anyway, I'm sorry to people who like Hazbin Hotel but these are the reasons why I despise the show and Vivziepop. If you like the show, fine, but I hope you now understand why I hate it so much. It's the same thing with Fairy Odd Parents and why I despise that show too. If you have different opinion on Hazbin Hotel and FOP, that's fine! Let me know and understand your side, after knowing mine!
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Kayce dutton x reader
Reader surprises kayce with lunch at his office
You're a Darn good Wife
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Here's the first official request on the new All Yellowstone blog!!! 😁
Parking my red truck outside the Livestock department office I pushed the driver door open and closed after grabbing the lunch bag of burgers from the place down the street. Entering the building I stopped at the front desk seeing the familiar blonde sitting there named Amy. "What can I do for you, Mrs. Dutton?"
"Is my husband in his office by chance?" I asked her.
She shakes her head no with a half smile. "He's out with the sheriff right now. But he should be back before lunch is over."
"Alright. I'll wait in his office. But don't tell him I'm here." I told her, wanting it to be a surprise for when he comes back. She nodded in agreement, watching me head around the corner out of her line of sight.
Opening his office door, I sat down the bag on his desk, scanning my eyes over the disorderly pile of paperwork he had on it. Sitting out the sandwiches and fries before plopping down in the computer chair scrolling on my cell phone until I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. “Good afternoon, cowboy.” I chimed in seeing him walk inside the office with a bright smile on my face.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” He dropped his jacket on the hook by the door, opening his arms for me.
I rushed forward flinging my arms around his neck chucking into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist kissing my hair clearly suprised I was there during lunch. “I thought I’d suprised you with lunch from that burger place you like near Bozeman. Considering we barely see each other with you working here and me working on your father’s land since half of the cowboys are up at the Summer Camp.”
“Well I’m certainly not gonna complain about any visit that involves you.” Kayce barely broke the hug gently holding me with his hands on my waist.
My arms stayed around his neck where I sent him a grin. “You better not like my visits. I did agree to marry you even when you told me you had a kid with your ex wife.”
“Hey, you love Tate.” Kayce gasped slightly offended.
I gave him a half smile tilting my head to the side reassuring what I had said minutes ago. “I’m just messing with you. I really do love Tate and treat him like he’s my own kid until we have our own of course.”
“You want to have kids with me.” Kayce’s face brightened at the words that had came out of my mouth.
I responded to my husband. “Of course. I told you on our fourth date that I wanted marriage and kids.”
“I was waiting to ask if we should start trying for a baby and now that I know that. I think we could start right now if you’re up for it.” He bends down on his knees quickly picking me up by my thighs and I wrap my arms around little tighter around hi neck even though he wouldn’t drop me.
I squealed when he carries me over to his desk and he slides some of the papers onto the floor without a real care in the world except me and him in that moment. “Kayce! What about the burgers?”
“Oh don’t worry we’ll be eating them when we’re done.” He smirked at me, moving his fingers down to the bottom of my shirt shrugging it upward and tossing it onto the floor with his own.
I scanned my eyes over his chest feeling my face turning red till I realized the door was still opened. “Wait a second. We have sex with the door wide open. I don’t think your coworkers would like that too much.”
“See we’ve got nothing to worry about. Especially when you’re a darn good wife who looks damn good to me right now.” Kayce ran slamming it closed and locking the door behind him before he rushed back over to me. He stands as close to me as he can possibly get cupping my face in his hands pressing his lips down onto mine.
Threading my fingers into the fabric of dark tan dress shirt seconds before I quickly began undoing the buttons on it and finally launched it across the office. “You better not waste those burgers. Dutton. Otherwise I will you regret your decisions later down the road.” I told before he gently pushed me down onto the desk and he sat the bag of food on the ground.
“Don’t you worry, baby. Once I get you pregnant you won’t be too worried about whether or not we wasted some burgers or not.” He smirked down at me, hovering above me till I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him back down for another kiss.
He moved one hand over my hip and his other was holding his body up a little so not all of his weight was on top of me. “I’ll hold you to that promise, Kayce.” I broke the kiss where he smiled down at me, reconnecting our lips together and we let ourselves get lost in the other person.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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dr-wormman · 8 months
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
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Thinking about how Nightmare has 4 mortals and 3 of them are so so bad at taking care of themselves
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
About those new masks..
So i saw this take a few times already and i have some thoughts. Obviously it's paraphrasing but you'll see these a lot similar to this if you scroll in ST spaces since yesterday:
"These new masks have too much personality, they said the people behind the music is uniportant but they now have this new personalized look instead of the uniform sleek minimalist one and it is the direct opposite of what they are saying. These new looks do not fit Sleep Token"
Let me preface this: I'm not going to explore specific reasons why people might hate on the masks because... No i refuse to go there, but i will talk about the issues i have around this a bit.
If you are hating on the new masks so much so as to cry about that "this is not what they supposed to be about" you are missing your own point. You are in fact shooting the opposite direction. You are no longer in it for "just the music" but you are very much caught upon the "everything else beside the music." You got distracted. You putting the blame on them instead on yourself for loosing your own point.
There is no moral highground in this whole ordeal. Please respect yourself enought to try not to look utterly stupid if you frothing about something you visibly misunderstood. Do not hide behind excuses. Do not put this on the artists. Own up to the fact that you simple don't like it.
Admit that it's your opinion purely; because ultimately the artist creating their own art will understand creative choices behind their creations more than you ever will. No matter how far you try to bend backwards.
The masks fit Sleep Token because it is Sleep Token who decided to have them. End of story. You can hate it all you want but it is still part of the shabang now. And don't try to mask your distaste over visuals with shouting about the artist not understanding their own ideology.
If you are so hung up on how they look like, more than what the music still is, than stop and think for a second please.. You have it backwards. If you really truly only care about the music, what it is about, what it gives you, than you are not going to give a shit what they are wearing on stage.
Maybe in a passing few sentences but otherwise you are not going to be worked up about it to the point you sent hatecomments to the artist who made them.. It is shameful.
Besides i hate to break it to people but they already had their personalities with their outfits just not this strongly. III had the random whacky shit. IV had the hint's of this comfy leisurly punk-ish techwear whatever going on besides the fancy stuff the past a months since the summer. II had a slightly sleeker but maybe sort of tech-ish look which is now reflected (in my opinion) much more strongly with this new look (which sorta reminds me of a stylized oni or something tbh and that is extremely in line with their older far-east inspired thematics visually, just saying).
They are not handing you the "we are unimportant" part anymore. They are not spoonfeeding it to you. Not in the way they had before at least. They presume you are mature and smart enough at this point to get it. To get to the conclusion that it is unimportant what they look like. And allow them to still have fun with it.
Or just they are being cheeky and went for something that would shake up the people. I don't know, i don't know them or anyone close to them. I don't have answers. But they are trying something new an it is perfectly fine.
Also which would have come off so much differently if Vessel is 100% btw. Be honest, if they would have been able to perform to their fullest abilities, far less people would be so loud over this.. This was just an unfortunate turn of events and when shit hits the fan it usually never just one dose. And my heart breaks for the boys for all this.
Besides, people were so loud about hating that "they looked the same" and "so hard to distinguish" and "easy to replace because of this" ... now they have personalized masks and looks and the same people cry about the exact opposite they did before..
Also it just occured to me that this is basically the same as the lightshow upgrade. It gives you something to look at at the rituals. The new looks are visually interesting, and with the lighting setup they have now they are gonna look like some seriously fun nightmare creatures btw. I love that already.
So all in all i don't know, i don't really have a point here i guess, but the boys are in such a no win situation right now and i hate the fact that people are shitting on them just because they don't fit their idea of "an anonymous collective" anymore. Which is reddiculous and sad because nothign has changed.
It never was about being a blank page. It was about being human. It flies over so many peoples head but the anonymity part isn't about not being a person under there. It is being about that person not having a name. It doesn't matter if the person has a personality or not. What matter there is that no name.
There is no definitiveness. It gives an open invitation for anyone to step into that person but first you need to recognise that there is a person there. And there is no doing that if there are no traces of personality. Or humanity if you will because personalities makes us humans. Don't make me hold a philosophy lecture here on what it means being human please.
It does not matter who that individual it is by tagging a name on them. But it is extremely important that there is a person there. Otherwise there is no connection point. If there is no person there is nothing to understand. But it does not matter how that person looks like. It does not matter what the person wears. Or what that person is called. What matters is that it is a human being. And as such you can understand it. Our at least you should be able to.
Regardless of the design of a mask.
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pizzpizzapizzo · 1 year
but what if pizza = religion?
i'm going for it i'm doing the thing
this is the pizza antichrist post i threatened to make. Incoherent ramblings and pseudo-christian imagery under the cut
so pizza, the food, the round delicious thingy, is obviously pretty important to the Pizza Tower lore. Peppino makes it, Gustavo probably does too, almost all enemies are themed after it, etc. There has to be a reason for it, right? (ignore the fact that the reason is most likely a joke please)
so let's focus on two entities in particular: the priest (also the exorcist) and the pizzard
the priest can remove status effects from you, one of which is um DEATH?? dude can straight up resurrect you. Where does he get the power for his miracles? Well, if you look at his hat (and ignore the crosses they sometimes pull out as generic iconography), you can see a red pizza symbol. So what if, right, WHAT IF the main religion of this world is pizza based?
listen. Why else would there be sentient toppins running around. Not only are they deemed to be dangerous/important enough by the inhabitants of the Tower to get put into cages, but they also have an inherent monetary value. That or they all carry $10 on them idk. But i really think they're integral to the divine art of pizza making somehow
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Following from this, What if pizza making is less of a trade and more of a holy ritual that allows you to harness the godly powers of this dish? And what if - hear me out - Peppino himself is a rogue pizza priest who's cast away his robes in favour of serving the common folk. Kind of like a renegade paladin
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was this just an excuse to draw peppino as a priest? maybe
ok back to pizzards. These buggers are described as practicing "pizzamancy". Don't think we need to wonder too hard where this arcane art draws its powers from. But here's the thing - while priests are generally helpful to the player/Peppino and seem to be working against the Tower and its occupants, pizzards are your enemies. There are two warring sides to this divine power. And if the pizza priests can be assumed to ask the pizza god for miracles and be under the jurisdiction of the pizza pope, why would the same godly entity help pizzards? Well, what if there's also a pizza satan. No not the one with the super hot pizza. Altho wait. Maybe? idk. Let me sleep on it.
POINT IS. whoever they are, the devil is probably off in hell somewhere, but someone else might be on earth in their stead. Someone immensely and seemingly nonsensically powerful. So pizzards serve Pizzahead - he even rents one to Noise as a minion in the comics - and they appear to be coded as this world's equivalents of satanic cultists. Pizzahead has access to vast reality bending powers for no apparent reason but is still firmly rooted in this world. Conclusion? Pizzahead is the pizza antichrist
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thank you for coming to my TED talk
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alwaysbethewest · 3 months
Do you ever find yourself liking a character less because of their fandom? 😕
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ikpwecanfly · 2 months
7x05 more commonly known as the trials and tribulations of coming out in your early thirties
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
I don’t know if I’m just imagining things but I feel like Olli and Aleksi are actually so close 🥺 for example I feel like they post so many pics together and I know they post with others too and it’s not a big deal but e.g. Olli has posted 5 pics with someone else this year and 3 of them are with Aleksi.. so it must mean something right?? 🥺 and I feel like they spend a lot of time together yk even ”outside the band” when they’re having a day off and they still do music (the remix) etc. together 😭
Yeah I mean I for one am so deep in the Olli/Allu delulu land that it's VERY easy for me to agree and confirm all of this 😭 they're boyfriends secret lovers special friends and it shows 🥺
Here are all the pictures of the two of them I could find on Olli's IG, for reference 💞
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+ the group picture Olli posted when Aleksi first joined the band, with the caption 'so now there's six of us' 🥺
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#i left out the one where he's pushing aleksi's and niko's heads in the water 😳#and one from balboa bts with tommi in the background#ngl the anon ask i got yesterday has given me MASSIVE headworms of 2 young guys having thought they had their life all figured out already#and then one day they realise they've fallen for their friend and bandmate 😭#friends to lovers but with troubles in between my most beloved trope in the world 💞💖💗💓💕💖💞#with truckloads of (mutual) pining and just general confusion about what they should do about their stupid (mutual) feelings#(i'd love to read/write something of this sort but i'm too anxious about everyone being all#'boohoo they'd never cheat also you're disrespecting their gfs'#like............first of all it's fiction second of all IT'S FUCKING FICTION third of all i ain't gonna tell 'em lol#obviously i wouldn’t include their actual gfs and OBVIOUSLY i wouldn’t show the fic to anyone who's in it??#i just don't understand how someone could be offended about something they don't know about lol#and OBBVVVIOUSSSLLYYYY i wouldn’t write either of the guys as somehow happy or confident about cheating like come on#there'd be SO MUCH guilt and shame and angst and they’d still love their gfs so much#but then there's also this guy who's their friend and whose stinky socks made them barf once on the tourbus#and who means the world to them. they didn’t mean for it to happen. it just did 😭#anyway sorry for rambling i swear i don't mean to make everything about my silly fic ideas#i just can't help myself and i need a way to let it all out somehow without bothering anyone in particular 😭😭😭)#ollixallu#anon asks#answered asks
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ricoka · 4 months
sometimes I wish you could post an opinion on a fandom blog without inviting a whole witch hunt or being accused of causing drama but alas
#I've not done anything and i won't do anything#it's just something that's annoying?? that you can't say anything without someone doing a bad faith interpretation of it#or projecting it on themselves or getting offended on behalf of a fictional character#the few times i saw someone actually say something slightly controversial all hell broke loose every time#like great that you're passionate but not everything is about you#not everything needs your opinion - especially if you can only give it like a lecture#not everything has malicious intentions#people disagreeing with you have a right to their opinions as well - as long as you respect theirs they should respect yours#the thing is - i don't think I've ever been in a fandom that didn't have to deal with like ship wars or someone doing hate campaigns#of a character or ship - i guess that's just the way it is??#but here it feels especially tiring because people don't usually disagree on ships#people are literally fighting and hating each other mainly over the same two characters!!! and their different interpretations of them#people disagree over what the right and moral way is to portray and ship those characters#and it creates so much tension because you can't associate with those people because they're doing it wrong#and are acting fucking awful about it#but those people are very exclusionary and if you don't agree with all of their points they don't want to talk to you either#you just float along hoping that you'll find some people who have a similar interpretation and will actually talk to you#it's so weird??? it's so isolating too??#and it feels like you entered a political landscape in your online fandom space#i will probably delete this and I'm not even sure my thoughts make sense#my thoughts spiralled a bit from thinking how some fan interpretations annoy me into disliking a character hahaha
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
kinda drives me up a wall when people go "hey i think x action in a war/combat scenario is inhumane and cruel and shitty" and someone responds with "oh but within the laws of war it's allowed or there's procedure for it etc etc". it doesn't have to be a war crime to be unforgivable man it's a shitty rulebook anyway
#like whether or not something's bad isn't determined by whether or not it adheres to arbitrary rules people made up and never obey#i thought we all knew that already. c'mon man. get a grip#obviously war crimes are bad but that's not where the badness potential ends y'know#this post is due to my dad talking about smth i sent him mentioning US troops firing on a bunch of guys in smth on deserters and he was lik#well they're not like citizens or refugees or deserters they're retreating enemy combattants. so it's different.#it IS different but isn't it still like. overly brutal? idk.#like would you want them to pursue Your ppl regardless? are they not allowed mercy just because you proved stronger? your positions could#be swapped easily and you'd think that as fellow combattants you would feel that deeply. idk maybe i'm just too soft or whatever but like.#seems stupid to me. war generally seems stupid to me but this specifically right now seems stupid to me#yes i know there are practical concerns and sacrifices in combat that make sense when you're actually there and me saying there should be n#wars and we should make it a fucking priority to not have wars doesn't mean ppl already in a decision-making role in the field should do#what i (an idealist) would do. they're responsible for minimizing loss and shit. whatever. doesn't mean it's not fucked up anyway.#and that's assuming the best case scenario for a leader in such a position. usually they just want to minimize Their side's losses. usually#by maximizing the other side's. or they just want to win and will sacrifice anyone for it if it's practical#which happens a Lot. usually it's a mix of the latter two to my understanding#as if americans' lives matter more than anyone else's and the other side doesn't have a right to mourn bc they offended us somehow#ugh that shit irks me so bad dude. there'll be like a terrorist attack in europe or smth and the news'll be like#ONE AMERICAN WAS KILLED. and twenty swiss. THE AMERICAN WAS VISITING FAMILY THERE ON SUNDAY MORNING WHEN TRAGEDY STRUCK etc etc#fucking hate that. i don't care if they're on 'my team' or whatever they're all equally human and equally dead#why the hell should i care if one of them was an american. just say 21 people died. like i get reporting on it briefly ig to like notify#ppl At Best but like. it's so grating. why can't you be normal about other people fucking goddamn you#why is this a controversial statement. why is giving a shit about people killing each other (often for like 10 ppl's financial gain) wrong#like. come on. i don't care if they 'deserve it' or whatever because i don't think they do. and even if they Did i don't think it's#America's Time To Step Up!!! every time smth like this happens (but only when it is financially beneficial to us to do so#such that we ignore atrocities all the fucking time bc it's inconvenient. we're not superheros. we're cops.)#not saying america shouldn't do anything bc like. idk. you screw everyone over to have all the power maybe you should use that influence fo#good. but my definition of 'good' is wayyyy way different from everybody who's ever held office here apparently so like. nuts to that#eugh. anyway im cutting myself off here rant over. for now
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