#I've done over 40 within 4 days
superxstarzz · 5 months
iii don't care about spoiling nightveil anymore. I NEEEED TO POST ABOUT THEM HSGGSHDJRJRR
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 761: Reserve
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Pag 1
1: Please get ready the allen key, the allen key
Time is going by
4: You gotta calm down
Ye.... yessir, teh!!
You're frozen stiff
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Pag 2
1: Sugimoto-san, where do I put this
The supplies box is under the foil bag over there, so put it in there
2: Ah, here?
3: Whose shoulder bag is that?
4: (NdT.: the writing says “Kaburagi”)
7: This way, you won't have to look for it when you'll have to take it out
Oh... thank you so much!
Time is short when you have to hand it over, so you need to take your time with preparation beforehand
8: 40 minutes before the start!!
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Pag 3
1: Alright, let's get your heartbeat up one more time
Yessir, teh
Is he alright?
Soon my role as a reserve will be over
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Pag 4
1: Pfuui, it's hot
Together with the signal gun at the start....
3: No....
4: I guess it's already over?
6: These six people are already rock solid
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Pag 5
1: I'm sure they'll run a good race
2: How about you sit down? Sugimoto-kun
The preparations are almost done
3: And you've been standing on your feet working since this morning
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Pag 6
6: I feel.... disappointed
7: Even though I lost during training camp, I was still told I'd be the reserve
I guess I still “felt like I had a chance”
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Pag 7
1: Say, Sugimoto-kun
Ah, yes!?
2: Why did you start riding bikes?
4: Ah, yeah, I've never told you?
5: Yeah
Well.... it's a silly story
It's just an ordinary story that's not worth listening to- you still want to hear it?
7: My father used to ride a road bike
He suggested it to me but I was scared so I didn't
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Pag 8
1: But, one day.... ah... well, my father's family home is in Okayama
In the north of Okayama at the border with Shimane, there's a huge mountain called “Mt. Daisen”
2: One time, when he made me get on a rental bike and run, he said “let's go there”, and took me there even though I didn't want to
3: For some reason, I was deeply moved
That majestic mountain's scenery kept changing as I advanced
4: I thought it was really interesting
5: Even though I said I was scared of falling, I soon got absorbed in riding
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Pag 9
1: And I thought it was fun
2: I could ride this forever...
3: that's what I thought
4: After that I asked my father to take me to, like, Lake Kawaguch or Hakone on the weekends. We went to Hakone three times, three times (haha)
5: But still, the first time you see the scenery from a mountain is the best
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Pag 10
1: Maybe I wanted to see the scenery for the first time
3: When I became an high-school student, I met Naruko, Onoda, and Imaizumi
Well, I had already heard about Imaizumi in middle school races
Those three....
4: I saw them running in the Inter High giving their whole body and soul
5: I saw them from up close
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Pag 11
1: In my third year, I thought I wanted to see this Inter High's scenery
3: from inside the course
6: For sure
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Pag 12
1: It didn't come true though
3: No no
4: Hahaha!! Why am I talking about such gloomy things before the start!!
Sorry, sorry, forget what I said just now, forget it!! Let's be bright!!
5: I'm their support, after all
My role is to be their backup!! Yes!!
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Pag 13
2: The participants will be at the starting line soon
3: I give up....
4: Ah, ah
What's wrong?
5: Ah, every year we gather cyclists from each school who failed to enter the race in the “selected team”, right?
6: Yeah, the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!!
There's a vacancy there
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Pag 14
2: Give it your all!
Yes, senpai!!
3: Thirty minutes until the start!!
4: We were informed just now
Are you looking for someone to fill in?
Well... there are conditions... and there's probably no one....
5: who can be ready within fifteen minutes from now
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Pag 15
2: Oooii
3: Oh... it's Touji-san
He's in a hurry
Are there troubles? It's the first time I see Touji-san running
4: Sugimoto!!
5: Huh!?
6: Why are you in such a hurry.... everyone has finished getting ready, we're going soon
Huh? Me?
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Pag 16
1: Do you want to ride in the Inter High!?
2: Huh!?
3: Run!? In the Inter High!? Eh!?
You're saying this to me!?
I just got a call from the director
4: He's speaking with the main office right now
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Pag 17
1: But the the team's six people are rock solid...
2: It's not Sohoku!!
It's the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!! There's a vacancy there
3: They asked us to lend them a reserve!!
4: You only have fifteen minutes to get ready
Moreover, it comes with strict conditions!!
6: Still, will you run!?
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Pag 18
1: Sugimoto....!!
2: Sugimoto...!!
3: Sugimoto-kun!?
5: Sugimoto-san!!
6: Ehy ehy
No, no!!
7: Sadatoki, set the wheels on Sugimoto's frame!!
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Pag 19
2: Wa- wait please. This is the third Inter High and I've always been working for this team behind the scenes
And, I mean, supporting is also an important.... role
Ye-yes, that's it
3: The Inter…..
4: High!?
5: This is the important last Inter High, so I'll reliably support Imaizumi, Naruko and Onod-
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Pag 20
1: Is there anyone who would throw away their dreams for someone else?
2: My Colnago
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Pag 21
1: It's a great opportunity
Run!! Take....
2: This chance!!
4: That day was hectic for me
Until up twenty minutes before the starts I was frantically doing preparation for the race for everyone
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Pag 22
1: And after that, somehow, I wore a jersey I had never seen before
2: And, shaking, I was standing at the starting line of the Inter High
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.
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What’s the most worthwhile thing you’ve done in the last year? It's difficult to pinpoint just one thing. It was more like an accumulation of worthwhile things that eventually built up to where I am today (and will hopefully continue to build up to greater accomplishments in the future). Also, this didn't all take place within the last year, but I feel like going back to the "beginning" is important for setting the foundation. It kind of started back in March of 2023. I started making art again, and I actually managed to keep up with it. Not only did it activate my creative mind, but it gave me this sense that I really could stick with something if I just put my mind to it.
Then, around the end of May 2023, I took a chance and went back to volunteering at the animal shelter again. I used to have a really hard time managing my emotions/reactions in social situations, so I was terrified that something was going to set me off and I was going to ruin it. There were things that I found upsetting or hurtful, that struck at my core fears; however, I was determined to push past them and refused to let them get the best of me. At first, I was there 3-4 days a week from about 8am-10am, but around Oct/Nov, I started showing up even earlier, staying until morning cleaning was finished (so 11am give/take), and going 4-5 days a week.
Also, it was in Oct that I started learning how to drive again. I progressed pretty quickly and began driving to the shelter. Prior to that, my dad used to take me. He'd do their laundry or write while I worked back in cattery. Anyway, some days I would go alone; other days I would drive with or get a ride with him. Then, around the end of May of this year, he had some procedures done which took him out of shelter work for a while. I continued to drive alone. By then, I was at the point where I was there from around 7am-11am/5 days a week.
I maintained that for a while quite comfortably, but just recently, I started trying out full days. Basically, I'd get there between 7am-8am and stay until closing, which tends to be sometime between 5pm-6pm. Currently, I'm doing 3 full days and 2 half days a week. I'm still adjusting, as it was a huge jump and it is pretty exhausting, especially the last push before closing, but I feel like it's something I can sustain. I'm hoping to get to the point where I can manage 4 full days and 1 half day, which would put me at approximately 40-45 hrs.
In between all that, I continued to work hard in therapy, cultivate my daily routines, carve out restful moments just for me, etc. Oh, and I almost forgot - I got back in touch with my mom in June/July 2023. I think it's mainly due to the work I've done on myself that our relationship is working out in a positive way. I don't think things would have lasted if I was still in my pre…hmm. I'm not even sure what to call it. My pre-SOMETHING mindset. Idk, but there was just this huge shift in my thinking somewhere along the way that made it possible. And even after typing all of this out, I still don't think I've even scratched the surface of the changes that have been taking place within me. It's like…for the first time in a long, long time…I have hope that I'm not broken, that I really can have a relatively normal, functional, adult life.
What foods make you want to gag? Anything overly fishy. Or seaweed. I've tried it a few times now, thinking that I'll finally like it, but nope - I never do.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Maybe in a chaotic way. I try to be neat and organized, but I am such a forgetful scatterbrain.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yeah.
What time do you get sleepy? I'm almost always sleepy, especially these days.
What music do you listen to? I like classical, classic rock, grunge, metal, some country and indie/folk…the occasional pop song… My tastes are all over the place. If I like it, then I like it; it doesn't really matter what genre it is.
How old were you when you started to walk? I have no idea. I guess the usual/expected age.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My dad.
What cheers you up when you’re sad? Chatting with my dad, cuddling with my cats, making art, listening to my favorite YouTubers, trips to the Mountain Park, being at the animal shelter…and honestly, sometimes it just takes time. It's not any one thing specifically; it's just getting on with life and trusting that whatever is bothering me in the moment probably won't be bothering me in a few days, a few weeks, or whatever. I'll be bothered by something brand new by then. ;D
What do you sleep in? Sweats, a t-shirt, and a hoodie if it's cool enough.
Have you ever tanned topless? No.
Wear jewelry? I have lip piercings and I will sometimes wear several rings.
What’s something you’ve been told you’re good at? Cat whispering~*~~**~
How much can you eat? I can eat a whole lot, especially when I go out to eat, but it's not really in my best interest. I prefer to eat several small meals spaced throughout the day. It keeps my energy levels up, keeps my migraines at bay, etc.
What’s the furthest away you’ve ever traveled? East and west coasts of the USA.
Are you a cat or dog person? Definitely more of a cat person.
Have you ever done drugs? Eh.
What does your room look like? Spacious, somewhat minimal and whimsical, white/peach walls, teal carpets, lots of natural morning light… Really gives me vibes of safety, coziness, comfort…
Recommend a really amazing book. As far as relatively recent reads go, House of Suns. It's not "timelessly amazing" like some books, but I did greatly enjoy it.
Recommend a really amazing song. Idk.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Idk.
Who’s your favorite actor/actress? I don't have one.
Have you ever run away from home? Not seriously.
Do you exercise ever? Not specifically/intentionally, but I get a lot of exercise working at the shelter.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the color? I'm fine with it. Sometimes I think I might like to get it actually styled, but…I'm lazy.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? No.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I wouldn't classify myself as a fan, but I do like a handful of Disney movies.
Do you eat seafood? Not often.
When was the last time you cried? Oops, I had to redo this answer because I realized I was mistaken. The last time I cried was actually last Friday. I kind of already went over it in a previous survey, but it was just this defeated sense of doing my best and pushing myself so hard - really getting out of my comfort zone on a regular basis - but still feeling like a constant outsider. I don't want to get into the exact situation because it was probably just me overthinking things, but yeah.
Do you have good working habits? I mean, they're still developing, but I guess they're alright.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? At this point, all I'm asking for is a stable, quiet, and generally content existence. Nothing fancy, nothing flashy. Just the ability to provide for myself and survive.
What are your boundaries? That's…actually a really good question. Even though I'm very guarded and emotionally distant, I feel like I have pretty poor boundaries. I don't stick up for myself or speak my mind very well. I just let everything pass through me, feign ignorance or obliviousness, smile and nod, etc. I am a person without a form.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? Idk.
What are two quirky little things about you? I don't knoOoW. I'm just weird in general. Everything about me is quirky.
Are you claustrophobic? Not seriously.
Do you like getting wasted? Ooh, that's complicated. The thinking part of my brain knows better, but the drinking part feels an almost irresistible drive to continue until I'm incapacitated. I did manage to have a few sample beers at the fundraising event last Friday without issue (and was comfortably verging on tipsy), but afterward, I was like…oh man. This is why I don't really drink anymore…because I could feel that siren song to drink to oblivion.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Compassionate, good sense of humor, similar interests.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rihanna? Neither.
What religion are you, if any? N/a.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? Do my cats count as family? If not, I would save them; if yes, then I guess I would save…idk, maybe some clothes, my phone, and a few precious items.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc. Dark gray sweats, black t-shirt, and a dark blue hoodie.
Does caffeine make you hyper? No. It can help wake me up a bit, but it doesn't make me hyper.
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katarh-mest · 9 months
alcohol PSA for writers
If your characters are drinking alcohol, but you yourself have never had any alcohol, it can be very VERY obvious if you have them get drunk within the first few sips of a strong drink.
Continue below if you want some education from a professional lush.
Alcohol actually takes some time to absorb in the bloodstream and start impacting behavior. It's why it is such a dangerous drug, and SO easy to abuse.
At a minimum, most people take at least 10 minutes before they start to get it circulating through the blood stream. That's on an empty stomach. You might have other effects besides the ethanol poisoning - strong liquor can make someone cough if they're not expecting it - but the euphoria and lowered inhibitions don't kick in for quite a while if you are drinking lower ABV stuff.
Most liquor is not drunk straight. Exceptions are things like whiskey and fortified wines like cognac. Mix the drinks with something non alcoholic, usually cut with sugar. Your characters are not going to down straight vodka (unless it's Mao Mao... then she totally would.)
Beer, wine, and ciders range in ABV from 3% (weaker beers) to 15% (stronger wines) compared to liquors which start at 20% ABV for the most part. The whiskey I drink straight is 35% ABV... and I drink it very slowly, very carefully, about 10 drams at a time (roughly 1.5 oz or so.) That is, one "standard" drink.
Other standard drinks: One 5% beer (12 oz can or bottle), one 5 oz pour of 15% wine, and 1.5-2 oz of a liquor that is 35%-40% (80 proof), vs a 0.75-1 oz pour of a 150 proof liquor. Proof maxes out at 190 and that's Everclear, aka 95% pure ethanol. 100 proof is 50% alcohol and you'll find that in things like vodka, gin, and tequila. These DO have flavors! But the flavors are buried underneath the ethanol, and need to be thinned out to be tasted, so they're almost always cut with something else to make the alcohol not be unpalatable.
If I'm drinking, here's about the levels of alcohol and how they affect me (I'm a 44 year old woman that has fairly high tolerance. Use this guide as a metric for your characters who can handle their liquor. Move everyone down a level if they are "lightweights" or have never had alcohol at all.)
1 standard drink makes me happy and pleasant, fun and giggly. I can still think, I can still drive as long as I've had something to eat and waited 30-45 minutes, and I get some of my best house cleaning done in this state
2 standard drinks make me slightly buzzed and approaching unsafe to drive (I hand over my keys at this point to the DD). Still fun and giggly, but also starting to lose my inhibitions. More likely to break something while cleaning.
3 standard drinks start to impair my ability to speak with my normal levels of clarity and articulation. I am not yet slurring my words, but my brain's CPU is now overheating.
4 standard drinks takes me out of the happy space and starts to make me sick. Its no longer fun. I cannot stand up straight. This is binge drinking.
5 standard drinks is going to have me vomiting if I drunk them too fast. I've got high tolerance so if I ate food I'll be okay, but if I don't drink enough water, I'll be hung over the next day.
If I'm beyond this, I'm probably passed out someplace. All but once that 1 time has been at home (that time I woke up on the couch of the fraternity whose party I was at. I was okay. I was lucky. Thank you, Alpha Kappa Psi bros, for putting me on the couch and giving me a glass of water. You were the MVPs.)
Alcohol is a poison. It is a poison. It's a delicious poison, and humans have the ability to process it, but it's still something that will make you very sick or kill you if you go too fast.
BONUS: High tolerance, low tolerance, and a tendency to alcoholism are all somewhat genetic. Our bodies need two enzymes to process alcohol, and if one processes fast and the other processes slow, the result is that some people "handle their liquor" naturally well, and others are going to be "lightweights" no matter how much they practice. Some folks actually get 0 of the happy euphoria from alcohol and go straight into the poison symptoms (this is known as "Asian Flush Syndrome" but it can impact people from any part of the world.) These folks will get sick from a single "standard" drink - but they are unlikely to ever get drunk, because they'll get sick long before they drink enough alcohol to reach that point. They make some of the best DDs out there, though, so if you know someone who experiences it, make them your best friend, offer to buy their coca colas and bar snacks, and hand them the keys after you have had drink #2.
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darkmaga-retard · 2 hours
10 headlines the media didn't report today.
The Vigilant Fox
Sep 25, 202
#10 - Hacker overrides voting machine within seconds using nothing more than a pre-programmed USB stick.
This was done during a live demonstration on PBD’s podcast.
"If this had been an election, I could have gone to the database and, for example, change the votes," the hacker said.
PBD: "How much of it could you have changed?"
HACKER: "Anything; add a new candidate who was not even on a ballot; it doesn't matter because if you have total control over the system, you can do anything you want."
H/T: https://x.com/BehizyTweets/status/1838988418715615595
#9 - DOJ Inspector General suggests there was “a number” of FBI spies involved in January 6th.
"I personally think this is the sleeper story of the day, so many lawmakers and pundits were decried as crazy for suggesting that there could be confidential human sources involved in January 6th, and it looks like there might just have been," @Kerri_Kupec remarked.
H/T: https://x.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1839022680877465811
#8 - Ex-CDC Director endorses Trump, admits RFK Jr. “got everything right.”
"This was breathtaking to me because this is the guy who's the head of the CDC that I've been criticizing for years, and then this afternoon he came over and had lunch with me," Kennedy said.
"And the first thing he said to me is: 'You got everything right.'"
H/T: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1838756867691954336?t=vTLHtFdqtGfKWPPkTtJvsg&s=19
While you’re here, don’t forget to follow this page for more daily news roundups every weeknight.Subscribe
#7 - Rep. Stacy Plaskett admits the DOJ and FBI are weaponized to go after people with opposing views.
The DOJ and FBI "serve as a check against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white fragility, fascists, and the twice impeached convicted felon, former president and would-be dictator Donald Trump."
Credit: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1839031174926315692?t=VkNHCfEiW1TlBSgS73s1tA&s=19
#6 - NYC’s Ex-Covid Czar who hosted drug-fueled sex parties reveals he was hired by a Siga Technologies to help sell the Monkeypox drug, ‘TPOXX’.
He added that the media is a “helpful” tool to “spin” studies that suggest the drug is ineffective.
“We also need to keep up the people’s belief that the [TPOXX] drug works. So, that’s why spinning it in the media is helpful.”
Credit: https://x.com/scrowder/status/1838911332403265916
#5 - A new Gallup report spells devastating news for Democrats.
It shows that Republicans now have the upper hand in several key areas that have historically influenced presidential elections.
It shows that Republicans now have the upper hand in several key areas that have historically influenced presidential elections.
According to the report, 48% of U.S. adults either identify as Republicans or lean that way, compared to 45% who align with Democrats.
On top of that, more Americans believe the Republican Party is better equipped to handle the country’s biggest problems. By a margin of 46% to 41%, people think the GOP has the edge on major issues like the economy, immigration, government, and inflation—topics that are front and center right now.
When it comes to national security, Republicans hold an even bigger lead. They’re up 14 points (54% to 40%) over Democrats, which is a larger gap than we’ve seen in previous election years.
But perhaps the most telling number is Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index, which sits at -28, reflecting widespread frustration with the state of the economy under the current Democratic administration. Only 22% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of the country, a number typically seen when the incumbent party faces major challenges in an election year.
READ MORE: https://news.gallup.com/poll/651092/2024-election-environment-favorable-gop.aspx
#4 - Suspected Pedo Speaks in Demonic Voice, Flees When Confronted
READ MORE: https://vigilantnews.com/post/shock-video-suspected-pedo-speaks-in-demonic-voice-flees-when-confronted/
#3 - Biden Tells ‘The View’ He’s Still In Complete Denial About Why He Was Pressured Off The Ticket
READ MORE: https://dailycaller.com/2024/09/25/joe-biden-abc-the-view-2024-election/
#2 - VICTORY! Fluoride in Water Poses “Unreasonable Risk” to Children, Federal Judge Rules
#1 - Secret Service was informed of Crooks 27 minutes before shots were fired in Butler, PA, never told Trump to get off stage
BONUS #1 - Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo calls for President Trump to be "extinguished for good” ten days after a deranged Harris supporter tried to assassinate him.
CREDIT: https://x.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1838932613269946669?t=za6SosrFNSY_pfTMX8XYSw&s=19
BONUS #2 - Medical doctor says ivermectin is so “extremely safe” that Dr. Bowden says she has a “harder time with patients” calling her “about side effects from antibiotics” than from ivermectin.
What we’re now learning about ivermectin is that not only does it bind to the spike protein, but it also has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties as well.
Dr. Bowden has successfully treated over 6,000 COVID patients, and ivermectin has been “one of the primary medications” that she has used.
BONUS #3 - Hot to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More
BONUS #4 - Former New York Judge Kills Himself as FBI Arrive to Arrest Him
BONUS #5 - MSNBC reporter stunned as Michigan union members don’t give a sh*t about January 6.
REPORTER: “Tell me about your level of interest in the criminal charges and so forth.”
UNION MEMBER: “February 6th?”
REPORTER: “January 6th.”
H/T: https://x.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1838755063235322207
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quackitysdrugdealer · 2 years
As some people may know i'm going to start writing one shots so i made a list of promts feel free to use these i can do other promts and things this is just ideas but there are some things i won't do like smut i will let you know if i'm uncomfortable with your request and explain that i'm uncomfortable with that and if you send in a request i'm a small account so i can pretty much guarantee that i'll get your request done within 27 hours lol but for now enjoy my promts!
1 "Aw, look at you!"
"Stop touching me."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to annoy you; you're just so cute."
2 "Do you even realize how cute you are?"
"Oh yes, I'm adorable. I'm a fucking delight."
3 "I just can't get over the fact that you said yes."
(while gazing at their ring) "Believe it, baby. I said yes over a year ago."
"I know... but still."
4"I've never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do."
"Yes but in the best possible way."
5"Stop touching me."
"But I wanna cuddle!"
"Oh, well then why didn't you just say so. C'mere."
6"Do you know who's the best person in the world?"
"No, me but only because you make me the best person."
7"I want to be better for you."
8 "I want to deserve you and I never will unless I become a better person."
9 "I still can't believe you love me."
"Better believe it, baby."
10 "I'm crazy about you."
"Yeah, you're crazy alright."
11"Kiss me!"
"Oh, I was kidding! Stop pouting like that."
12 "You're my favorite!"
"You married me, so I really hope I'm your favorite."
13 "Have you ever thought about leaving me?"
"I'd be a fool to ever want to leave you."
14 "You are the best."
"Not nearly as best as you!"
"That made no sense."
"Only because you don't understand how incredible you are."
"No, that just grammatically didn't make sense."
15 "Quit being a grammar junkie!"
"Why don't you come over here and make me?" (😘😉)
16 #11 “I’m tired” “I can see that babe” “Sleep with me?” “mhm”
17 “Kiss me?”
18 “You are my home, you have been since we met”
19 “Hi sweetheart” “Hi babe” “Is that my shirt?” “No”
20“Die” “Bet” “wait- babe no stop”
21“Hello lovely” “Hi <character name>”
22 “I've to go” “Noooo please” “Sorry love”
23“God I love you”
24 “Happy Birthday”
25: "i'm pregnant"
26: " you know i only let you touch me"
27: " there's no other person for me i swear"
28: dancing in the rain
29 "dance with me?"
30: person a shares persons Bs secrets with the there friends and they break up
31 They're drunk and you're carrying them to their room, when they unexpectedly say how much they love you, causing you to drop them on the floor
32 They end the phone call with an accidental ''love you'', leaving you flustered
33 Confessing before being separated for an uncertain period of time
34 Asking them how your name + their surname would sound like (or/and vice versa)
35 Accidentally confessing while laughing over something
36 Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
37 Always giving each other yellow roses for valentine's day, when one day you see that you've got red roses instead
38 Tears drench your cheeks as you confess. The last thing you hear before dying is them screaming your name
39 Confessing at the same place where they first met
40 Scolding them for doing something stupid, wondering "why did I have to fall for you" and not realising that you just said that out loud
41:“You saved me, let me save you”
42: “You can’t save me and then walk out”
43: “ Focus on me please”
44: “You deserve better” “And you need more”
45: “Babe it’s not what it looks like” “Yeah? then what is it?”
46: “How are you in the wrong if you’re the only one putting in the effort to make it work?”
47: “Sometimes giving up is easier my love”
48: “How many times do we have to hurt each other before realising we’re no good at this”
49: “So what that’s it?” “Yeah it is, this relationship is one sided and I’m tired okay”
50: “Can you hold me while I go?”
51:hot chocolate and cuddles
52: person b gets hypothermia
53: breakfast in bed
54: holding there child for the first time
55: walking in on person a cuddling there baby
56: person a and b break up and 3 year's later person a finds person b with a child there child
57: Braiding eachothers hair
58: dieing before you can admit there feelings
59:dancing in the light of the fridge
60: dyeing eachothers hair
61: person a has autism
62: doing face masks together
63: one of them getting shot and almost dieing
64: person b has adhd and person a notices that there fidgety so the grab there hand
65: person a being a Assassin and is supposed to kill person b but they can't and make it there lifes mission to protect person b
66: movie night!!
67: (requester chose's a song for the oneshot to be based off of)
68: person a thinks there house is haunted but it's just person b being annoying
69: meeting the parents for the first time
70: person a finding out they need glasses and realizing how long there visions been so blurry and they thought it was normal and freaking out beacuse they can finally see person b clearly and thinking there beautiful
71: photographer meets artists
72: " we've GOT to stop meeting like this"
"You kidnapped me idiot"
" but your not a kid?"
" oh my gosh you are a idiot"
73 " murder wasn't on today's agenda"
"It's not on anyones"
" no it's on mine, just not untill next Thursday"
74: " did you have to hit me with a corpses leg? Was that really necessary?"
"Necessary. No. Hilarious, yes"
Brother's best friend!au
enemies to lovers!au
Friends to lovers!au
Love letters!au
Famous brother!au
Time travel!au
Ghost and human!au
Suicidal x therapist!au(not romancing being Suicidal please if you feel this way talk to someone even if it's just a little or about your day it will help and dms always open)
Student x teacher!au(both of age)
Demigod x mortal!au
Beast friends brother!au
Transfer student!au
Dark academy!au
Different sides in a war!au
Polor opposites!au
I hate everyone in the world but you!au
Fake dating!au
Grumpy x sunshine!au
Cowarker romance!au
And again these are just ideas you can thinknof your own if you want to
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 7 months
Mildly annoyed at my body.
Probably venting. Mostly complaining. Some medical talk.
I kinda want to get a second shift job, but I just got a raise and starting this month, I will be making really good money. Like, double minimum wage money. I don't think I'll be finding that wage anywhere else with no college degree and only 5 years of office experience...
I want to put more of my books on the shelves, the ones still boxed in the living room and the basement. Go through the comics I probably have no real attachment to, maybe offer them up somewhere. Put the books I keep thinking about that somehow didn't get their boxes marked "FAVE" and thus weren't put upstairs when I moved. They're in the basement. I KNOW I have more books by my favorite author. I've been wanting to reread the ones I haven't unpacked.
But I just ate. I can't go up and down the stairs, let alone carrying 2+ boxes and unpacking them. Not to mention, some of them are practically buried in others' boxes... I can't exert myself by moving them around, either. I might be able to reach the ones by the shoe rack, but I don't remember. I can't stand up and bend over to look.
For my stomach AND my back reasons. Ever since I had the neurology appointment, during which they twisted me in ways that made my mostly-fine back start hurting at a Level of 5/10 Again, and when I said it started hurting they kept twisting and asked if it still hurt. Yes! Fuck yes, it hurt WORSE!
And it still hasn't entirely calmed down. The pain now is worse than it was before the appointment. Even two weeks later (or is it three?). Even with lidocaine patches and muscle relaxers. They want me to start steroid shots. (And do physical therapy again, but I already spent most of my PTO built up this year on Sisu's vet appointment and my teeth. I need to build up more hours for things in April, a concert road trip and taking the day of the solar eclipse off because I absolutely REFUSE to miss the eclipse, when I live conveniently RIGHT in the path of totality! I can't take 4 hours off work every week because the PT only has appointments during my work schedule.)
I need to do at-home physical therapy exercises more often anyways, but I can't lay down (let alone lay on my side for 10 minutes) after eating, and by the time my stomach's done making me uncomfortably aware of the food I've eaten, I need to go to sleep.
And tomorrow, I want to watch some panels at an online convention and go grocery shopping and clean the pet cages and shower. Maybe sweep my room and do dishes. I'm still debating if I want to wake up at 10am for a panel on something I've often wondered about (thanks in large part to the name of a roller coaster at Cedar Point), but that will sacrifice about 4 hours of sleep.
Precious sleep. Which is ALWAYS a struggle working first shift. When I worked 3pm to 11pm, I slept for 9 hours every night, no problem. (I was constantly exhausted for Other reasons, but sleep wasn't the problem.) But working first shift? I have to fight my body tooth, nail, and pharmaceuticals to get it asleep before 11pm. Half the time it doesn't happen. The meds make me sleepy, but won't KEEP me asleep.
I take melatonin, L-theanine, herbal supplements (valerian and lemon balm and passionflower and lavender), magnesium citrate, and an anti-depressant and muscle relaxer, all in the desperate hopes that I MIGHT be able to sleep for 8 hours a night. (I struggle with delayed circadian disorder. It's not insomnia, because I can easily fall asleep and stay asleep if it's within my body's natural circadian rhythm. Sleeping about 1-3am, waking about 10:am to noon.)
It isn't the ADHD meds that keep me awake because, once again, due to my stomach being a Little Bitch^tm, I can only take them when I'm having Really Good Days with my stomach. Which is, at most, about 1 in 5 days. It's rare that I CAN take them 2x a week. Let alone every day.
At the core of it, if I didn't work 40 hours a week and didn't have to ride a bus for an hour each way to and from work and didn't have to wake up at 7am every day, I'd have more time and more sleep to endure and work around my stomach's issue with Being Active After Eating, and work around Needing to Sleep or I feel Dead On My Feet.
....though with the raise, maybe I'll be able to get my temps again, and once I get my license, have the budget to start paying for gas and parking downtown...? I figure that's another $200/month, at least, but even if I break even with what my cashflow is NOW, I'd get about 80 minutes of my life back every day. That actually sounds really nice...
But currently, as it stands, my schedule is perpetually packed and my body is perpetually fighting me on doing Anything Ever. =_= Not to mention, the ADHD making it really hard to overcome that executive dysfunction...
It's just frustrating, wanting to do So Much but needing 2 weeks to recover my social battery after being at a wedding for 5 hours. I can't catch up on sleep when my duplex neighbors are massive inconsiderate assholes who blast music every Saturday morning. I want to wake up a little early to hear a really interesting topic discussion tomorrow, but it comes at the cost of spending the entire next week exhausted from sleep deprivation.
Where's the Quality of Life when the amount of life you can live is so small, you can't fit a lot of Doing Things in it anyways?
Worst of all, I've been too exhausted to write, whether that's roleplaying or fic. I'm lucky if I can come up with 5 words for my Pokemon character to tag on a blog post. I can't come up with New Things Happening very often. I really desperately want to continue some Old RPs with Dove, but my brain is fried mush. It's burnt on the outside and just a gooey mess on the inside. I can't jog it enough to Imagine New Things.
I'm not exactly depressive. I'm having fun at the convention this weekend! I'm glad for the 5 words I can scrouge up on the Pokemon RP blog! I'm eating good food and stealing every minute of personal time I can get! I'm watching Teen Titans and ATLA with my roommates once a week! I only have minor complaints with my actual job duties! It's not All bad.
I'm just frustrated that working 40 hours a week is so fucking much to work around that it's a chore all its own to try fitting my life around it without sacrificing sleep health.
Fuck capitalism.
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quantumvaudeville · 2 years
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It's been an age and a half since I updated my commission info, so here's the new prices and info for the new year!! More information and a transcription of the prices listed are under the cut.
Prices: Bust Sketch: $20 Waist-up Sketch: $25 Full-Body Sketch: $30
Bust Color: $40 Waist-up Color: $45 Full-Body Color: $50
Reference Sheet: $125 (Includes two figures and one detail shot OR three figures)
Additional Charges: Complex character designs, difficult poses, or major revisions: $5+ Simple backgrounds, complex props, or intricate patterns: $10+ Additional characters: Same as base price
I'm generally willing to draw
Humans, including portraits of real people
Non-sexual nudity
Clothed pin-ups
Mild injury and blood
I'm generally NOT willing to draw:
Real people in sexual or romantic contexts unless I have the explicit consent of the involved parties
Explicit sexual content
Please note that there are exceptions to both of the above categories. If you are unsure of where you stand, please feel free to email me and we can discuss the specifics, though I reserve the right to reject any commission for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.
How to Reach Out/What to Expect: If you're interested in a commission, please email me at [email protected], outlining the details of what you want. I'll look it over and quote you a price, which may be slightly higher than those listed above depending on how difficult or complex your request is. When you confirm that you're happy with my offer, I'll send you an invoice.
Once payment is received, I'll do my best to send you the first preliminary sketch within 3 business days, via email. After that, I'll try to send further updates within 4 business days of receiving feedback on the previous stage. If it looks like I won't be able to meet these deadlines, I'll let you know. Generally speaking I try to finish commissions within 30 days of receiving payment, but that's not always feasible depending on how many revision passes are required and how quick the commissioner is at responding.
By default I retain the right to post the finished commission, albeit resized and watermarked, to my social media, though I will credit you as the commissioner. You may opt out of this, and I will prompt you to either do so or give a means by which to credit you when the commission is completed.
Revision Policy: After we’ve decided on a price, I generally like to send over one very rough sketch to confirm that I’m on the right track with pose/composition/expression and so on, at which point extensive revisions can be made at no penalty to you. I’ll keep sending progress sketches after this, but at this point any revisions that require me to redraw more than half the piece will cost an extra $5, so make sure we’re on the same page before then.
Payment Policy: I only accept payment through PayPal - however, do not send me money directly. After we have discussed the details of your commission I will send you an invoice. Payment of half the cost of your commission is due up front, with the rest to be paid upon receiving the finished piece. If something prevents me from completing your commission or you change your mind before I've sent any sketches, I'll refund all but $5 of your payment.
You MAY:
Repost your commissioned piece to your social media or use it as an icon, as long as I'm credited as the artist in the post or somewhere on your profile.
Color sketches or pay other artists to color sketches you've commissioned from me, as long as I'm credited as having done the sketch.
Use my art to train AI art generators
Use my art as an NFT (Non-Fungible Token)
Resell my art in any form, including as prints or other merchandise, unless you've discussed it with me prior to paying.
Pay in any form of cryptocurrency
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roxtron · 1 year
Splatoon 3's game mechanics are absolute bullshit at this point. And I wasn't sure what other vague term to use, because that's the shortest way I can describe it. Yes, this is going to be a long post, ranging from discussing badges, matchmaking, weapon balancing.. etc. I've had a lot of issues with the game for a while now and while the fandom is a part of it, I already addressed part of that in one of my other posts, so I'll keep this one dedicated to the game itself. Keep in mind I may over-explain things so this post is as accessible as I can make it to people who don't play the game.
Salmon Run Issues.
I think I'll start with the badge issue, since it's one I have personal experience with. EVP 999, specifically.
(Context paragraph.) For those who don't know, EVP is a ranked badge you can get during one of the game's extra modes, Salmon Run. The gameplay itself isn't incredibly important to explain why this badge setup is awful, so I'll go over the context that is important. Every match is about 6-9 minutes (Depending on if you get the king salmonoid, which appears every couple of waves.) Each match has 3 waves, a wave 1 loss gets -20 points, wave 2 loss is -10, and a wave 3 loss results in no point change. If you win a match, whether or not it has a king salmonoid, you get 20 points. Keep in mind the name of the badge here with that information in mind. The game expects you to get from EVP 40 to EVP 999 within ONE SINGULAR ROTATION. Each rotation lasts a quarter over a day and a half, around 40 hours. As an example of the hours they give you, the current rotation as I type this started at 9 AM on the 17th, and ends at 1 AM tonight, which would be the 19th. With previous calculations done by the fandom (That are not 100% accurate, but the closest we can get.) To count for lobby-waiting time, inevitable disconnects from the lobby, even if you got 0 losses it can take anywhere from 6-7 hours. Due to splatoon's TERRIBLE matchmaking, unless you have a team of friends to do this challenge with, you're probably gonna get a decent amount of losses. Let's say you only lost 1/4 of your matches, depending on which wave you lost, you may have to do another full match to make up for that loss. If it takes roughly 50 matches of solid wins to get to EVP 999, and you lost 1/4, let's say all wave 1 losses, you'd be behind by about 12 losses. Which means you'd have to get 12 more wins just to undo those mistakes. That already adds roughly another 72 minutes to the amount of time it would take, nearly an hour from only 12 losses.  While we're at it, let's say you actually got a healthy amount of sleep, 8 hours each night. That could potentially mean you're skipping out on only part of the rotation, for example if you went to bed at 10 when the rotation ended at 1 AM, but for calculation's sake, since it's not fully two days, let's go for the amount of time the rotation lasts, a day and 3/4 worth of sleep. If you get a decent amount of sleep, that decreases the amount of time you have to play by 14 hours. Leaving you with only 26 hours to get EVP 999. But oh wait, you're a functioning human being, you're gonna need to take breaks to eat and go to the bathroom. According to google, "on average, we spend only 1 hour and 8 minutes of every weekday consuming food and drink.." Once again counting for a day and 3/4, that's nearly 2 hours spent eating and drinking. Which would leave you with 24 hours. But oh, yet again, the bathroom exists. Once again according to a google search, "the average person spends 30 minutes in the bathroom daily." Again, 3/4 of a day added, that's nearly an hour to add to the count. Which brings us to 23 hours. If all you do besides playing this video game is eat, sleep, and use the bathroom, you only have around 23 hours of the 40 hour window to play. So that's assuming you have that day and 3/4 free, and don't spend any extra time doing things like socializing or talking to your family or roommates. Oh wait.. you might have a job? Working 9-5.. Or school? About 6 hours in the day are lost, even if you have no homework. Forget even attempting this.
 Now here's the part where we get to my personal experience: I have gotten this badge. And I never want to do it again. Every time I complained about these circumstances or saw others doing so, the response was basically just "get good." And I'm one of the people lucky enough to not have had a job or school work when I attempted this. Now that I do have the badge, I can safely say: this response is bullshit. You're not "not good enough" to get the badge. The game simply doesn't give players enough time to get the badge without dedicating an unhealthy amount of hours playing it. The game really doesn't get much harder as the hazard level increases either: It's not a skill issue. It's a time issue, and if you have terrible teammates, a matchmaking issue too. When I got this badge, the rotation was the same. It started at 9 AM, and ended at 1 AM the next night. The first night I started playing around 7 PM, I had spent the entire day cleaning. According to the screenshots I saved, I finished playing around 3 AM and got to EVP 480. So in about 8 hours, I had only gotten about halfway there. Unfortunately for me, I was sick, and woke up at 9 AM the next day. I also had a hard time falling asleep, I remember only getting about 3 hours that night. I played the ENTIRE DAY. I don’t know how many breaks I took to eat or go to the bathroom, but I can tell you it wasn’t many. I was dedicated. Eating and using the bathroom were the only breaks I took. I was dead-tired, zoned out, and trying hard not to stay on autopilot. By the time I finished, my mind had melted so much it didn’t even feel like the same map anymore. Logically, I knew it was, but each jump felt like it was coming from a different place entirely. The time I finished? Around 12:40 AM if I remember correctly. I was nearly 15 minutes behind the cutoff, meaning if I had lost one or two matches: I would’ve just barely missed the count for the badge entirely, after all I went through. I got the badge but, my god, at the cost of my physical and mental health. That was at least 4 months ago and I still remember how drained I was so clearly. The worst part is this wasn’t even a rotation on a map I wasn’t good at, or completely random weapons that leave you forgetting what weapon you’re even holding: Nope. It was on my second favorite map, with me being good/decent at 3/4 weapons in the rotation, with 1 weapon randomized. It was a GOOD rotation, and I still came that close to failing. All the people that claim it’s easy: I am willing to bet money they did this with friends or other pro players. I didn’t have a team of four. The person I typically play with was unable to play beyond a few matches of the rotation. I was doing this completely alone, only with help from pools, which were still new at the time. And I’m good at this game too. This badge is COMPLETELY unattainable for a casual player. And I know it’s intended to be a pro-player badge.. But, I honestly struggle to decide whether or not it was worth it. I’m glad I got the badge, but I certainly went through a lot to get it. 
What makes this frustrating is that there’s such a simple solution: Checkpoints. Yeah, there is none. If you can’t get the points before the rotation ends, your number will be reset to 40. Even if you got to 990, you will still go back just like everyone else. What makes this even worse is that Splatoon 2, which introduced Salmon Run, did have checkpoints. Another point: Splatoon 2 didn’t have any sort of badges. No matter how high your score got in Salmon Run, you would not receive a reward for doing so. And yet, the game would give you a checkpoint every 100 points up until 400. I never got that far, but from old posts, it seems like 900 is the highest you could go. Even this would be so much better, if you got up to EVP 500 and the game would reset your points to 400, that means you’re already nearly halfway there AND you still have the full rotation to keep trying! It’s such an easy fix, by giving players checkpoints you’re giving them more time to achieve this goal, even if it got reset back to 400 that is WAY more attainable than getting reset to 40. Some people argue against this because “oh, what about the poor, poor sweaty players that got EVP 999 without checkpoints?” As one of them, y’know what I say? Fuck it. I don’t care if that makes my achievement less valuable, I can always tell people “I got the achievement before they added checkpoints.” It just feels like “I suffered, why shouldn’t they?” I didn’t expect to have written this long of a post solely on the EVP 999 badge requirements, so I’ll move on to the servers.
It’s no secret this game’s matchmaking is terrible. You can be a pro player and still get in lobbies with new players. And no, that’s not an exaggeration. Like I’ve mentioned, I’m a player with the EVP 999 badge, and I’ve gotten into X rank. Granted, I haven’t gotten good enough matchmaking to get near a badge for it, but that’s part of what we’re complaining about today, isn’t it? Unfortunately it’s hard to use any sort of stats to prove this, as now you can really only see the stats players choose to show off, so you don’t know what level they are or if they’re simply hiding higher rank badges because they prefer characters’ head badges. The simplest way to show this is to just.. Play the game, or watch videos of other players. I don’t think any way I write it could be more damning than.. Watching a clip of someone getting a wipeout, and yet your teammates still manage to lose the ranked match, despite the goal being wide open. Or watching a rank C player get matched with a X rank player.  Unfortunately this is just the category I’m not as good at writing about, though I planned to, I apologize. So I’ll link some videos that can explain or show this. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dYcdFs0Hojk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRZw3PZoU-E https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lh9TpiaFt0Y (This video is sarcastic, btw.) Other people have complained about matchmaking enough that I feel like if you’re involved in the community, you probably don’t need it to be explained to you anyway lol. It’s something the majority of players can agree on. Either way, I’ll move on to another somewhat-fandom related issue, though I do once again want to focus on the game itself, less than the way players influence it.
While Tricolor has had plenty of issues since the game’s release, I actually wanna start by focusing on one specific update that changed the point system we should be talking about. Here’s the chart for reference.
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(Before: Splatfest Sneak Peek 8p, Votes 10p, Open battle 12, Pro battle 12, Tricolor battle 15. After: Sneak peek 7p, Votes 8p, Open Battle 12, Pro battle 12, Tricolor battle 18.) Now, while this hasn’t affected the splatfest results yet due to the way points have been collected by the winning team: I want to make this very clear: it could, drastically. It doesn’t seem like a big change but it makes Tricolor such an important category, despite being a problematic game mode, it could single-handedly give you a win. Let me explain by going through hypothetical situations. Let’s say Team 1 got Sneak Peek, Votes, and Pro battles, Team 2 got Open Battles and Tricolor battles, and Team 3 got no points. Pre-update, Team 1 would’ve gotten 30 points, and Team 2 would’ve gotten 27 points, giving Team 1 the win. Post-update, Team 1 would’ve gotten 27, and Team 2 would’ve gotten 30, reversing the numbers completely. Post-update, even though both won a point on turf wars, and Team 1 had not only the votes but the playtime during sneak-peek.. Team 2 would’ve still won simply because they got Tricolor. I dunno about you, but this seems pretty broken to me. Sneak peek counts how much XP players get in the week before splatfest, basically how much you play. Winning the votes would literally mean the majority of players chose that category. They EACH get one turf war category, and yet the second team would win solely because they got a category that’s only available halfway through the splatfest? A category the lower votes actually have a better chance in due to less mirror matches? That’s prioritizing Tricolor WAY too much. If Team 1 gets 3/5 categories, Team 2 can win just by getting those remaining 2 categories. 
Some people praise this change because it makes it less likely for the popular team to win, and still gives others more of a chance, but honestly? I think it makes it more likely for unpopular teams to win, depending on how severe their lack of popularity is. As I mentioned before Tricolor is way more likely for less voted teams to win due to the lack of mirror matches. If a team has too many players, previously they may not get matched in Tricolor at all, instead matched into a regular turf war match, but at least now, a mirror match would result in them playing Tricolor against their own team. No point gain for anyone, just practice pretty much. You could have the possibility of playing for hours, and getting less points than someone who played half as much as you, simply because they didn’t get as many mirror matches, and got to play matches that actually count towards your team’s points. Plus, with the gamemode only being available during the second half of splatfest, it can kinda encourage players to only play Tricolor, and nothing else, since it’s worth that many points. And I can’t lie here and say I’m not one of those people, lol. Turf war is boring to me so I tend to mostly play Tricolor if I don’t care much about the splatfest theme and I’m not very dedicated to who wins. I don’t think that votes should be worth more than Tricolor, but I don’t think Tricolor should be worth as many points as it is. Worth votes and sneak peek combined, nearly 1 1/2 of the points the turf war categories are worth. I’m not sure what an ideal system would be, I’m not a huge fan of sneak peek as a category personally, I feel like it’s better the splatfest points are within the time of splatfest itself, and that having the snails to use on the machine is already enough to encourage players to play more during that time, if they want to. But, my point is, Tricolor is worth way too many points in comparison to the other categories. 
Especially when you consider Tricolor’s broken history.. When Splatoon 3 launched, it actually released a demo specifically for splatfest leading up to the release date. During the first half, it was just the typical turf war modes. But during the second half of the splatfest.. Whichever team had the most points was put in the lead. The leading team would be put on the Defending team for Tricolor mode. If there weren't enough players, you’ll be placed into a regular turf war match. But here’s the thing: You didn’t have a choice. If you were on the leading, defending team, you could ONLY play Tricolor. If you were on Attacking (Not in the lead) you could choose to play turf war or Tricolor. Which is why most people complaining about how unbalanced the gamemode was were met with: “Just don’t play it then.” Or any type of “get good” argument. This was only from players on attacking teams, too. Even worse, naturally after how unbalanced it was: The win shifted from Team Scissors to Team Rock. But if you complained about Team Rock winning due to Tricolor: Take a wild guess what would happen to you. This continued and only started to get recognized after youtubers made videos about it, and/or until the next splatfest came along, and people previously on the attacking team were left to defend and experienced how difficult it was. Like I mentioned in another post. And according to these polls: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/08/poll-what-did-you-think-of-tricolor-turf-war-in-splatoon-3 
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(What do you think of Tricolor Turf War? “It’s good (Team Scissors)” 12%, “Attacking team is best! (Team Rock and Paper)” 36%, “It’s easy” 6%, “Defending sucks, I hated it.” 46%) I think the results speak for themselves, as only 12% of those in the poll, team scissors, actually enjoyed defending. Whereas 46% hated it. 
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(Do you think Tricolor needs improving? “No, it’s perfect!” 5%, “Ultra Signals need to be changed, they’re too good” 17%, “The defending team needed some kind of boost” 26%, “The maps aren’t built for tricolor, they need to change.” 10%, “Weapons aren’t suited for a three-way match” 1%, “Results should be checked more often and defending team should change to match” 15%, “It should be 3-v-3-v-3” 18%, “I want old splatfests back!” 9%) NOBODY was fully happy with Tri-color. Only 5% of people actually said it was good as it is. I don’t think anyone would consider that good for a demo. Ironically people assumed the defending team would do best, since it was 4-v-2-v-2 instead of 3-v-3-v-3. But clearly that was a wrong guess. If you got the signal, you’d get an infinite sprinkler to give you free turf throughout the match, and if you got both? You’d get free turf in the middle of the map. Right where the defending team spawns. And god, there was a LOT of spawn-killing. For some added perspective, these were spawn points for the teams.
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And this is what a lot of maps looked like at the end.
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The attacking team’s spawn has a lot of high ground and multiple entrances to get to the middle. There were far too many opportunities for the attacking team to get to the middle, and far too little opportunities for the defending team to get in the attacking team’s spawn. (Which was the only way to get enough turf to overpower at least one of the other two teams.) Needless to say the first demo was an absolute wreck. But we’re not done yet. Somewhere around September, their temporary solution to splatfests was to make it less likely to even get into them. If I remember, the rate may have been around 2%. It was very unlikely, I played for a couple of hours and got LUCKY to get in 2-3 matches. Obviously people were upset with this too. They tried changing points and maps, but it was never enough, so they simply gave up and made it so that you could get into Tricolor on Defending or Attacking regardless of if your team was winning or losing. This change was mixed at the time but unfortunately I think it’s the best solution they could come up with, considering they were completely unwilling to change the mode’s gameplay. If all we have to work with is changing how players get into matches, so be it. Though players would get extra points if they got randomized onto the team responding to their points. For example if the winning team got placed into defending. Nearly every splatfest there’s been some sort of complaints about the map, though they largely stem from what a lot of people mutually agree on: The mode should have been 3 players on each team, so they could balance a third of the map for each team. Trying to squeeze 2-v-2-v-4 is just difficult to do without giving one team too much of an advantage, especially when one team spawns at mid. The fact that the original purpose of 2-v-2-v-4 has been rendered useless- With it originally being to give the other teams more of a chance to catch up. (Which was a bit unfair already, to be honest.) It doesn’t matter if they can be on any team now. It’s backtracking, really. Trying to appease the fandom while refusing to address the core issues because they’re too stubborn in what they’ve created. Speaking of being too stubborn to change core gameplay.. 
The Balancing. 
Yeah, Tricolor isn’t the only thing people have been upset with since launch. One of the new specials introduced, the crab tank, has absolutely been argued as an overpowered special. Even in pro tournaments there’d be teams with 3-4 crab tanks. Needless to say people were definitely choosing that special more often, and for a reason. On launch, the crab tank has 500 HP. In comparison to a normal squid, which only has 100 HP.. You can see why this thing is a pain in the ass to fight. If you’re a short range weapon, unless you get the opportunity to sneak up on the back, you’re dead. With extremely high range and damage, the thing’s like an overpowered Hydra Splatling, without the need to charge up. What makes this more of an issue is that: It’s barely been nerfed, at all. Its stats have barely changed since launch. They spent months slowly trying to make players happier, not by changing the tank, but by changing the effect other specific weapons have on it. Specifically by increasing the damage certain weapons deal to it, decreasing the amount of damage done to certain specials.. The tank was never actually made less powerful, and if you didn’t main a weapon that got any of these specific changes- It wouldn’t matter to you. The only stat change is that the duration changed from 9 seconds to 8 seconds. Yeah, what a big change, right? They made special power up more effective anyway (Which increases the duration) so you could very easily undo the tiny inconvenience this update created.  As a slightly less inconvenient change, tenta missiles got a lot more powerful from splatoon 2 to splatoon 3. I can’t find the exact stats for comparison, but back in splatoon 2 the targeting was much less effective and easier to dodge, in splatoon 3 its targeting is much more accurate, and for whatever reason, it’s generally a lot more dangerous to deal with than it used to be. Back in splatoon 2 dodging tenta missiles was pretty easy, yet in splatoon 3 it’s harder to do successfully. I don’t have the stats to know why, but I wish I did. Still, it’s a minor change, though it caused players to heavily spam them with weapons that can refill their specials quickly. So it definitely affected the game. And now we move on to what was my biggest sign this game was going downhill and the devs didn’t fucking care. When it was announced they were bringing a splatoon 1 special into splatoon 3, I think we all expected major changes for it, but somehow.. They didn’t. All the specials in splatoon 1 are infamously overpowered, and you’ll quickly see why. You thought a tank with 500 HP was bad enough to deal with? Try dealing with an INVINCIBLE SPECIAL. That’s right. You CANNOT damage this thing until the duration is over. (Which, by the way, was actually INCREASED from splatoon 1 to splatoon 3.) What made me the most shocked about this special being added was how little they seemed to care about the ways it can affect the game. On launch, if you went into the Kraken you would NOT lose any of your clams in clam blitz. Most specials you either lose your clams or you cannot fire them, and considering how quickly it was changed so you would lose clams, I’m willing to guess they just didn’t think about it. Unfortunately around that time I played ranked a lot, so you can imagine what an experience that was. Splat Zones? The Kraken can just run around the middle, and remember, you can’t kill it, and if you get close to it you’ll die, so if you don’t have a long ranged weapon, you can’t do anything about it. You just have to sit there and let them take the turf. Rainmaker? Not so bad, but it can basically be a shield for the rainmaker holder. Tower Control? OH MY GOD. I don’t know if they fixed it since, but at least back when I played more often, a kraken could just sit on top of the tower and keep getting points. The only way to retake the tower is to either push off or kill the person on top of it: Oh right, you can’t kill them. Needless to say I didn’t play tower control much after that. 
Now think about how all of these issues combined affect the game. You can’t have much fun playing the basic modes because of the balancing and matchmaking issues, you can’t have much fun during the special events like splatfests unless you’re on the winning team and it’s a good tricolor map.. So how do you still have fun? It’s why I stopped playing. I like playing video games competitively. I’m really good at them, and I know that, I have really rare achievements in other games I find more difficult. But I honestly gave up on this game for a while. After all these issues piling up, I couldn’t find a point anymore. With all the matchmaking and shit, I genuinely don’t think I can have much fun in this game again unless they somehow fix the many issues the game has right now, or unless I can get any friends into the game so I can get a team of 4 and not rely on random level 2 players. I’ve only been playing the special events so naturally I don’t have much recent experience. The game just isn’t fun anymore. The community, and the gameplay itself.. It’s been rough. I used to love this game a lot, and don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate it or anything, but I hate the way Nintendo and the fanbase are treating it. I’ve let this rant go on for a really long time at this point so I’m gonna cut it here. If I think of more I wanna say I’ll add it in reblogs or something but for now, I think I’m done lol. 
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okidenshi · 4 months
Saw your tags on the chronic condition post and I feel that so hard. I've been sick for the past month and haven't been able to eat much as a result. I've been able to do maybe 10 hours of work over 4 weeks and have only had a few days where I can sit and play video games for more than 30 minutes at a time because I've been nauseous and in pain every time I eat. I'm having an endoscopy done tomorrow and I hope they'll be able to figure out what's going on because lord knows the ER didn't do shit (to the point that the GI doc I went to was FURIOUS with how little they did. I literally got put in a corner of a room, alone, with a screen in front of me and the nurses forgot I was there (which wasn't even the worst part of it).) I have two more dr appointments this month after the procedure and I'm hoping that, between the three, they'll figure something out because I'm so bored and tired and sick of not being able to take care of myself (Plus I miss exercising :( ). Glad to hear you're feeling better!!!!! It also gives me hope that I'll wake up one day and not feel like garbage lol
Aw man i'm sorry you're going through all that anon :(( I've been/am in a similar boat of course, especially w/ GI stuff.
(lol ok i went on for a bit so read more it is)
GI isn't my main problem area currently (pelvic floor my detested), but since childhood my tum was/was been the BANE of my existence lol; and ohhhh I feel you about the ER man- one of the most acutely painful experiences of my life was at 1:00 AM where all of a sudden my upper stomach/chest was just. it felt like it was strangling itself to death- i could barely breathe, i threw up just because of the pain. Mom rushed me to the closest ER, a small baptist one 10 mins from the house. They rushed me back and took some blood/did an IV, but by that time the pain was passing. They kept me for 3-4 hours, but had no one on site that could do an ultrasound.... all they could offer me was an x-ray, which wouldn't show anything anyhow. Doctor I talked to said it could have been 1,000 things, was guessing it was some really bad food poisoning........ exactly a week later, same exact scenario ensued, Mom rushed me to a different ER.... they did an ultrasound and literally said my gallbladder was about to burst & was full of gallstones :))))
Unfortunately getting my gallbladder removed didn't really solve my GI health- if anything, it kind of harmed it... I developed heartburn, and later pretty sever constipation. I developed colitis, and then later proctituis. Doc put me on stool softeners & miralax, and now I literally cannot pass stool's w/o taking those regularly.
Though I will say, before getting my gallbladder out, I also had a LOT of trouble eating food- I lost like.... 40+ lbs without trying to. I also would get fairly lightheaded/dizzy/just not feel "right" a lot of the time. I'd defo suggest getting an ultrasound done if you can to rule out gallstones from the "list of 1,000 things that can cause GI issues" :'D
I also had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy done (which i hope yours went well btw!) within a few months from each other, even after the surgery cause I was still occasionally getting pains, some just as painful as before the surgery- I likely think I have stray gallstones just. fuckign shit up. in my body. lol. That or they're like. kinda stuck int he bile duct were my gallbladder used to be... at least thats what the sickos on reddit have said :'D
Anyway, this all to say is I FELL YOU ANON :(( And I also miss exercising!!! i literally developed such a great scheduel for morning walks when i lived/worked at home, and was so excited to continue doing that after i moved- but tbh walking/exercising was so triggering for me because it's usually my time to focus/relax and all I could think about when walking was how much pain i was in/how I couldn't focus on the music... now i'm unreasonably scared to start back up again :(((
Though on the brightside, even tho i still am in pain, I am defo in a way, way better place than I was a year ago. It was so scary being in an amount of pain where I just... thought about not being here anymore JUST because of the pain. That was scary for me, esp since I felt like I should have been ontop of the world after moving.
But yea, defo doing... better :'D I hope the trend towards a more painless future continues, and that you get some answers/relief of your own anon! You got this and you're not alone! :D
0 notes
optimus-prime-advice · 5 months
Blogmin (blog admin) motivation post!!
So I never speak directly here besides in my intro post, but I decided I'm gonna come out to talk for a change, because I want y'all to know:
It really does get better.
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That's me. I'm a disabled man who's autoimmune in at least 5 ways, possibly more than that, I can barely walk and I mostly limp, and I usually have to use a walking stick. I suffer from chronic pain, PTSD, and far more.
But today, I got my tax return. I decided I was going to treat myself, and visit the thrift store to see what all was there, maybe get a new shirt and a plushie or something.
Yet I found something FAR better than any of that combined.
I found an Xbox 360.
I'm 24 currently. When I was a young kid, the Xbox was THE console to have. I had nothing but a computer, and some disks with games. My parents were not wealthy at all. They struggled to get money for groceries. And all my friends, all my classmates, they had Xbox 360s left and right, my neighbor had 3 or 4 of them, my friend also had at least 3, and yet there I was with... nothing. Nothing at all. No Gamecube, no Wii, no Xbox, no Playstation, no PSP, no GBA, and so on.
Eventually, years later, my parents did save enough money to buy my siblings and I a Playstation 2 for Christmas, and we proceeded to play it so much that, within 3 years tops, it broke.
I was devastated. I had no way to play games yet again.
That year, for my birthday, my friend had a PS2 that he no longer used, and his brother had bought the PS3. Thus, for a present, I got my friend's old PS2. I was SUPER happy, and my eyes lit up like Christmas lights. I spent many hours after school for a long time playing Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.
As I grew into an adult, more consoles came out. However, I grew up mostly PC gaming, and after my little brother built himself a PC, I decided I would do the same. I worked overtime with more than 40 hours a week at a minimum wage job while in college, for many months straight, and got the parts I needed. To this day, it's my best gaming platform with top-of-the-line hardware including a 2070 super RTX graphics card, and 5TB of space, of which 3TB is on SSDs. I live for playing games on my PC, and have multiple triple A titles. I've got a dual monitor setup with one 32in monitor on the bottom, and a 24in curved monitor on top, a cheap camera, cheap soundbar that's surprisingly good quality for just $35, and a cheap standing mic.
This past winter, in December, my mother had to go in for open heart surgery. During November on Thanksgiving day, she suffered a heart attack. When she went in for the surgery, it was supposed to be a one and done situation. One "quick" surgery turned into 2 near death experiences, being airlifted to another hospital, another 2 surgeries, then 3 more, and over 40 nights of hospital stays across 4 months.
On the same day I nearly lost my mother last, I nearly lost my good friend to ending himself, and had to stay awake until well past 3am trying to get authorities to help him. That same day, too, I almost lost my sister to the same thing.
And the day after that? I lost my only job.
Weeks later, I lost my insurance coverage, and couldn't get medical help as my chronic pain flared to the absolute worst it's ever been, I began getting chronic intense migraines every morning I woke as well, and I only just got the insurance back recently.
Needless to say, I've been scraping by desperately for months now.
But today, I got my tax return. And I decided, to treat myself, I was going to go to the thrift store.
And there, sitting on the shelf amongst a bunch of printers, literally blending in to the white of the shelf itself, was an Xbox 360. I would not have known it was there had I not picked it up to see what its weird grey piece sticking out was.
Immediately, I snagged this. With the wires connected, the entire package was $14. I had a 360 compatible controller sitting around for my PC, but I never used it. So there, I had everything I needed. And I walked the store looking for anything else I might need or want, carrying that SUPER heavy console and chargers in my arms for dear life. It sincerely felt like a dream I'd wake from, only to find myself in my bed sad and empty and defeated. The impossible childhood dream coming true... Could it be?
As I checked out, the man at the line smiled and told me he played Xbox 360 himself growing up, and that I'd caught a GREAT find. I was happy. VERY happy.
Carefully, I loaded the console into my car's trunk. I drive an old black car covered in bird poop and pollen regardless of how often I clean it, and most of the time, I can't even get said poop off at all. The front bumper is busted. At any given time, I have no more than half a tank of gas. There's no fancy features, just a radio and a CD port. I've jerryrigged bluetooth with a wired adapter that's always coming out of the socket, and plugged it to a cigarette lighter with a charger so the adapter never dies. I can only play audio from my phone, but I can't make calls or answer them while driving.
Nonetheless, with this console inside my car, I drove home, fearful that I was still dreaming, and would wake any moment.
But I made it home safely, and when I opened the trunk, the Xbox was still there.
I smiled. I smiled A LOT.
Tonight, I went ahead and plugged it in to my TV. With a deep breath, I turned it on, and...
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It works. The Xbox 360 works beautifully, minus the fact that it's currently black and white because I've hooked the adapters wrong. I'll fix that tomorrow since it's well past 3am now.
I'm not sure who brownie71985 is, but whoever they are, their old Xbox has now made a former poor kid, now disabled and struggling, depressed adult, VERY happy. They've made his life COMPLETE.
Though my mental health has taken many turns for the worst over the last few months, I kept telling myself it will get better. It will get better. It will get better... But when?
Today. That's when.
I lived long enough to see my childhood dreams come true. The impossible thing of all impossible things to me as a kid, is now achieved as an adult. :) And I lived to see it.
It's always worth it to make it. To keep going. Better days are ahead, and you'll keep asking yourself when they're going to come. But that day could be today! You don't know because you haven't lived to see it yet. So go. Live today. And tomorrow. And every day after that. You're going to find your better at some point if you keep living. I promise. :)
0 notes
damelucyjo · 6 months
I've felt like shit since Tuesday evening with it slowly getting worse, feeling like it reached its peak last night (checked my temperature around 4 this morning and it was 40) so thought maybe there's something wrong, and I should try and make an appointment with a GP today.
Try being the operative word here...
My doctor's surgery phone lines open at 8am. I call at exactly 8, am already 9th in the queue, only to finally get to speak to the receptionist and tell her I'd like to book an appointment to see a doctor and she says they have a new system to book appointments now. 'I'll send you a link where you'll fill out a short questionnaire, then a doctor should ring you back this morning.' That's fine. Only I click on the link she'd sent me and it says we have paused access to online queries as we have reached capacity for the day. It was only 8:20am by this point. Fucking ridiculous.
My mum suggested I ring 111 as I've done this in the past and they've managed to book me appointments to see other doctors and other surgeries or within the hospital. I speak to the woman on the phone, answer her various questions, and she suggests, as I said I thought it was a throat infection, that I go and see the pharmacist at our doctor's surgery. So I do.
I speak to him, tell him what's been going on, that I had a high temperature this morning but between using my migraine cap, forehead cooling gel things, and standing in front of my fan or out in the garden I'd managed to bring my temperature down... he said that wouldn't have brought my temperature down and as it was normal now it was unlikely to have been so high this morning... whatever, man.
He asks to look at my throat, tells me he can't see any indication of an infection, but can see that it looks sore. More than likely it's just a virus or a general sore throat. Take ibuprofen and sip warm water, use a throat spray if necessary. Then through further conversation, I mention I had my tonsils out when I was 8 and rarely get sore throats since. This man looks at me and seems shocked I just told him I had my tonsils out. Like... he just looked at my throat and apparently never noticed I don't have tonsils? WTF were you looking at then, my guy?! I-
I'm just going to carry on doing what I've been doing, try and sleep when I can because I haven't slept well since this all started, and hope it clears up on its own over the weekend.
0 notes
pastelwell · 2 years
I've done a little tomgreg 'microfic' project :) Well, microfic, drabble, mini fic, whatever you wanna call it. SMALL FICS!
It all started on Twitter. Essentially I’ve been filling simple prompts in as few words as possible. Each one is circa 1,000 words (as you can see I often get carried away 🙈)
Each chapter is a different prompt, and each prompt is standalone unless otherwise stated. I’ve rated this overall work E, but each chapter is individually rated.
I'm still accepting prompts (and have a handful left to do), so will continue to add to this! Feel free to send me an ask if you'd like one I haven't already done. If I like the idea, I will eventually get to it <3
For now, here's a list of each prompt by chapter so you can hopefully skip ahead to any that particularly whet your whistle (I'll update this as I add new ones)
Chapter 1: Tom & Greg in a corn maze
Chapter 2: Sickfic - Tom looks after Greg
Chapter 3: Greg is worried his new underlings don't respect him, he asks Tom to roleplay management scenarios
Chapter 4: Tom & Greg go wine tasting
Chapter 5: Tom & Greg on a mandatory teambuilding course, involving all the usual trust exercises
Chapter 6: Amnesia fic
Chapter 7: Tom & Greg go to a bachelorette party
Chapter 8: Tom/Greg goes ring shopping
Chapter 9: Tom & Greg Halloween
Chapter 10: Tom turns into a worm
Chapter 11: Bodyworship (Tom appreciating Greg's body)
Chapter 12: Tom is an undercover FBI agent sent in to destroy the Roys from within. He unwittingly falls in love with Greg
Chapter 13: Tom & Greg holding hands for the first time
Chapter 14: Greg brings Tom to a gay bar
Chapter 15: Shiv is pregnant and tells Greg before Tom as a mindfuck
Chapter 16: Tom & Greg at sunset
Chapter 17: Sleepy morning kisses
Chapter 18: Tom & Greg go to the Emmys and get caught kissing it up :3
Chapter 19: Tom & Greg making out in a pool at night
Chapter 20: Tom gets stuck somewhere and needs Greg to help him
Chapter 21: High truth or dare
Chapter 22: Tom sees how Mondale loves Greg and it makes him feel feelings.
Chapter 23: tomgreg reunion after 3 yrs no contact and unresolved romantic feelings.
Chapter 24: Tom finds Greg's spotify/soundcloud and it's basically just Nick's songs but all of them are about Tom.
Chapter 25: Tom & Greg as parents
Chapter 26: Tom is the kind of guy who can kiss for hours, turns out Greg is too.
Chapter 27: Awkward first kiss
Chapter 28: Greg is convinced he and Tom are having an emotional affair, and is desperate for Tom to take things to the next level. Tom invites himself over and Greg thinks it’s finally happening, only for Tom to be COMPLETELY oblivious.
Chapter 29: Greg calls Tom 'Nero' for the first time.
Chapter 30: Comfort, silence, and fluff
Chapter 31: Tom owns a Restaurant AU
Chapter 32: Tom thinks about his first time with Greg the day after it happens (less lust, more fluff)
Chapter 33: After throwing Nate out of his wedding, Tom is brimming with confidence, but still hurt by Shiv's proposal. He drags Greg off to make the most of the adrenaline...
Chapter 34: Greg takes Tom to a Christmas tree farm purely to watch him chop down a tree.
Chapter 35: After four failed attempts at making gingerbread cookies for Tom, Tom saves the day
Chapter 36: Christmas party kiss
Chapter 37: Snowed in at the airport at Christmas.
Chapter 38: Married, Tom's birthday
Chapter 39: Greg is an ice attendant. He meets Tom Wambsgans.
Chapter 40: Ewan's funeral, Greg is devastated.
Chapter 41: After meeting Greg's gay dad for the first time, Greg takes Tom to the park his father took him to as a kid and confesses his feelings for him.
Chapter 42: T&G wake up at 3am for spontaneous sex.
Chapter 43: Opera date fluff
Chapter 44: Night out where Greg is drunk and Tom is Naht having the best time but is enjoying looking after him
Chapter 45: Greg tops Tom for the first time but embarrasses himself but coming super fast
Chapter 46: Greg proposes to Tom, Tom is VERY surprised
Chapter 47: tomgreg wedding where the first chance they get to be alone together is at the reception
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
What your queue looking like?
(Another anon asked within the past couple days, the top 80ish are still basically the same so I've been delaying)
Queue posts are tagged [#the queue] so you can search the blog for the most recent one. Since I don't have nearly the amount of fic-writing time I did early in this endeavor (pandemic held my job up for a while but eventually it couldn't hold me up any further), the ones have the top have been here for ages; we're going mostly in order (though if one fic idea yells at me loudly enough at the time it might jump up out of order). The war on the ephemerality of time is real.
1. (requested by calligomiles) Flint/Leto
2. (requested by calligomiles) Absinthe/Zima
3. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Doctor gets TP’d to G&K
4. (requested by calligomiles) Rosa and Talulah, bonding over shared rejection of nobility
5. (requested by calligomiles) Swire/Rosa III
6. (requested by calligomiles) BP/Andreana
7. (requested by calligomiles) Saga/Archetto
8. (requested by calligomiles) Saga/Absinthe
9. (requested by calligomiles) Dusk/Deepcolor (“I’m not worried about collateral damage”)
10. (requested by calligomiles) Ifrit/Rosmontis/Eyjafjalla
11. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Ceobe walks around Dusk’s paintings freely
12. (requested by calligomiles) Skadi/Gummy 6: Someone’s Gonna Die From Sugar Overload
13. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Dusk burns Nian’s movie collection, Shaw is the most upset
14. (requested by mathmaticalknight; continuing from this) Archetto joins the group
15. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Franka gets Liskarm to help with her biggest prank ever
16. (requested by calligomiles; continuing from this) Rhine Labs Sandwich
17. (requested by calligomiles; prequel to this) Mayer and Magallan’s Meeting
18. (requested by mathmaticalknight) “Hey Dusk…Why don’t you fight like you did during your event?”
19. (requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Nearl III
20. (requested by mathmaticalknight) One of the gang [from Dusk’s event] learns Dusk has the worst physical results of any non-robot Operator
21. (requested by calligomiles) Horsebucket II: It’s All Coming Together
22. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Utage becomes the Great Chief
23. (requested by calligomiles) Swire/Rosa IV: Sweet as Honey
24. (requested by calligomiles) Swire/Talulah (in a world where Koschei doesn’t exist that fucking prick)
25. (requested by anonymous) Platinum in the Arknights equivalent of this scene [went with Plat because I realized just what this scene would be about]
26. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Someone starts worshipping Dusk or Nian (…probably the Doctor honestly)
27. (requested by calligomiles) FrostNova/Alina/Talulah, in an idyllic setting (similar world setup as Talulah/Swire imo)
28. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Ceobe and Saga, maybe a couple, maybe just being hungry doggos together, we’ll figure it out when we get there
29. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Iris returns something to Whisperain from before her last reset
30. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Dusk/Whisperain
31. (requested by mathmaticalknight) What If…Nian made Chen’s sword?
32. (inspired by this post) Vulcan/Sideroca
33. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Bagpipe/Reed [separated to make sure work gets done]
34. (requested by calligomiles) Zima/Gavial III (with Tomimi squeeze toy)
35. (requested by calligomiles) Zima/Ifrit
36. (requested by calligomiles) Scavenger/ShiraYuki III
37. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Doctor, Suzuran, and BP take a nap by the power of Soft Tails
38. (requested by calligomiles) Grani/Swire
39. (requested by anonymous) Pramanix, Cliffheart, Nearl, and Blemishine hanging out
40. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Suzuran braids Platinum’s hair
41. (requested by anonymous) Toddifons/Reed (because we always take the shipping option)
42. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Blemishine’s DND character is a Blackguard
43. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Shining becomes Blemishine’s teacher
44. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Skadi Harem II: As in there are two of them, would the Real Skadi please stand up (please stand up, please stand up)
45. (requested by greenone170b7) Nearl’s Alternate outfit getting applauded (and, later, ‘tested out’ by the wives)
46. (requested by anonymous) Mint and Heavyrain as BFFs
47. (requested by calligomiles) Plat/Gravel/Nearl II
48. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Gladiia gives Andreana the Abyss Hunter talk
49. (requested by lonewanderer2033) BP puts together a girls’ night
50. (requested by calligomiles) Zima/Leto in the angstline
51. (requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Istina in the angstline
52. (requested by coldgoldlazarus) Click/Conviction (EXP Record Producers)
53. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Red discovers Caprinae are fluffy too (Red, Eyja, Earthspirit)
54. (requested by calligomiles) Swire/Jackie II – I will give you diabetes
55. (requested by lonewanderer2033) BP/Suzie II
56. (requested by calligomiles) Mudrock/Gummy/BP. Maybe a date or smth?
57. (requested by foxgirlcock) Sussurro/Myrrh
58. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Blue/Astesia II: The frog has a great jacket
59. (requested by calligomiles) Botan/Polka on a first date [free trial]
60. (requested by princess-sheep) Bison on the way to Bidaughter (yes this is a terrible pun)
61. (requested by thewizardmus) Misha actually Defects to RI (at W’s request)
62. (requested by lonewanderer2033) W vs Ash (based off a scene in the new Suicide Squad movie I have not seen)
63. (requested by calligomiles) Gummy/Rosa/BP [BP’s two mutually-exclusive girlfriends]
64. (requested by calligomiles) Zima/Glaucus II
65. (requested by calligomiles) Rosa/BP II
66. (requested by calligomiles) Leto/Specter II
67. (requested by anonymous) Mint/FemDoc
68. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Amiya, Nearl, and Dobermann do a Destiny [Splendor 2.6…I legit have no idea what this is]
69. (requested by anonymous) Arknights [this…may not have been a request lol]
70. (requested by lonewanderer2033) BP and Suzie have dinner with Mudrock/Folinic
71. (requested by anonymous) Exu finds Tachanka at the shooting range
72. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Skadi gets Suzie a trinket
73. (requested by anonymous) Doctor dreams of Priestess, and the world bears the consequences
74. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Angelina/Utage III
75. (requested by u/Undividedbyzero) Doc will continue the Swire Bloodline
76. (requested by anonymous) Ash is asked to train RI’s younglings…which kinda sets her off
77. (requested by confronting-reflections) Beanstalk/Vanilla
78. (requested by anonymous) Blitz lends RI HR his linguist skillz
79. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Astesia takes Blue on a trip
80. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Skadi’s Harem III: Become Cop
81. (requested by anonymous) Blitz and Liskarm training session
82. (requested by lonewanderer2033) BP, Suzuran, and Astesia on a cold day in Terra
83. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Nian and Saria’s Wedding (likely gonna wait for Ling to do this one)
84. (requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Gavial III
85. (requested by anonymous) Jessica goes to Ash for tactical grenade advice
86. (requested by calligomiles) The Precious Few Double Date Saga: Zima/Glaucus//Leto/Specter
87. (requested by calligomiles) The Precious Few Double Date Saga: Zima/Glaucus//Gummy/Skadi
88. (requested by calligomiles) The Precious Few Double Date Saga: Gummy/Skadi//Rosa/Blue Poison
89. (requested by calligomiles) The Precious Few Double Date Saga: Leto/Specter//Rosa/Blue Poison
90. (requested by calligomiles) The Precious Few Double Date Saga: Zima/Glaucus//Istina/Deepcolor
91. (requested by anonymous) Tachanka’s Shumika is left unattended…and the Sanktas have it (God help Closure)
92. (requested by mathmaticalknight) Amiya must address the trainers’ need to train
93. (requested by lonewanderer2033) BP and Friends and the Jungle Pit
94. (requested by lonewanderer2033) Skadi and Grani but it’s This Video Here
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retphienix · 3 years
Alright, this is gonna be tough because I desperately want to say so much for the game's sake and my own, but it's just so much.
At least the playthrough as a whole exists to show a lot of those things, and there's no shame in some of the impacts the game had for myself going unsaid :)
CLICK 'J' ON YOUR KEYBOARD TO SKIP. (Sorry mobile users)
8:48 - Do you have any idea how good a step forward it felt to smash the repressing bulb?
9:50 - So I'll get ahead of myself because this fight shows a lot of the visuals that play into this: Something being the manifestation of guilt for Mari is so incredibly visualized.
Between the base 'Something' being extremely close to the shadow she cast and including the one visible eye that bore down on Sunny and Basil after the hanging, to the stairs incorporating into the design.
The seaweed and spider are more general anxieties though they do circle back to Mari since she saved Sunny, but those two forms don't feel as directly related as the stairs (heights) and base 'Something' forms and what they represent for his repressed guilt.
Could be wrong ;) Tell me what you saw in the forms of 'Something' if you'd like to expand on them :)
12:39 - Just to prove the point before you get to fully see the truth- Something morphs into the figure of Mari hanging. It doesn't fully demonstrate the "eye" aspect yet, but still I just wanted to say kudos on the way 'Something' is shown visually. Formless for a reason, and that form becomes more defined as you understand what it is, exceptional damn thing.
15:43 - Basil's part in all of this makes me so damn sad. Plenty to say later (obviously), but he harbors so much guilt, wants forgiveness so much, and is so (not shown yet) desperate to believe in Sunny's innocence while knowing but not comprehending the truth. The fact he harbors his own 'Something' due to the guilt of all this is heartbreaking, these kids endured a hell no one should. Losing someone so important to you and harboring the guilt and fault of it when nothing of the sort was intended. A childish fight with raised emotions got out of hand and all this came of it.
16:30 - I absolutely adore how the photo album is used for this reveal.
Absolutely incredible execution that's specific to this story and its characters and makes piecing (literally) this together tense and grim.
29:41 - Okay.
So this reveal as a whole is so unbelievably well paced and incredibly hard hitting.
All game long there's a weight of having lost Mari. Repeatedly it's told that she killed herself and no one can understand why and everyone (MYSELF THE PLAYER INCLUDED) is looking for meaning in little moments, seeking out hints that maybe she was suffering or depressed or this or that.
And while that has gone on FOR THE ENTIRE GAME there has also been this uneasy weight surrounding Sunny/Omori. Visions of Mari twisted and deformed into phantoms of horror.
For the most part I assumed it was just him coping with having lost his sister and maybe a dialogue on how when she was alive he was in her shadow (in his mind) and now that she's gone he remains there?
That was the best I could figure, more or less. But it continued to seem more and more malicious in design and MUCH more 'heavy' in how it's presented as a shadow behind Omori/Sunny throughout his adventure and life.
The weight and 'overshadowed' looks of the scenes felt more and more foreboding and less like a simpler "I'm living in her shadow" story, but I couldn't figure out what it was.
Then these pictures come out and piece things together.
The final result:
Sunny and Mari fighting. (Context appears to be his growing disdain towards playing. It's stated he loved playing, but it's also shown that he begins to dislike how much Mari is dragged away for classes and the like up to and including playing. So my read was that Sunny was upset that their fleeting time together was dedicated to the recital and broke his violin in an emotional blur and the fight occurred.
Alternatively it was accidentally broken and both of their emotions were running high as it happened)
Mari falling to her death.
Sunny and Basil carrying her upstairs and tending to her.
Sunny breaking down as it sinks in.
The visions having Basil say "It's going to be okay" by the bedside. (I perceive that as a memory of what Basil was saying as he tried to manage his emotions during the event)
Sunny and Basil carrying her back downstairs and to the backyard.
The makeshift noose.
And finally the sight that burned itself into Sunny's eyes of her hanging after it was all said and done.
Just holy shit to it all in how it's revealed and handled.
Stories have twists all the time, and I ain't gonna make some bold claim like "Most unpredictable!" "Best twist!" "What a twist!" or whatever, though that'd be funny.
I just want to say this twist worked BEFORE the reveal as a foreboding sense of unease and curiosity- it lent itself to intentionally vague and easily misconstrued explanations, basically- instead of it outright misleading you beyond the characters that believe the lie repeating the lie, it allowed you to mislead yourself.
It did the twist the right way! And well! YOU trick YOURSELF! The people repeating the lie are being lied to or have motivation to repeat the lie! The GAME isn't lying (as so many twists handle it) the game is giving the world reason to mislead and allowing you to be mislead!
Now am I yelling affirmations for the way things SHOULD ALWAYS BE! YES! BUT THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S NOT AS NORMAL AS IT SHOULD BE! lol
31:40 - All the "You will really miss them"s hurt :(
33:25 - Right out the gate, a spoiler for what isn't here:
I looked up the alternate endings of the neutral route and my heart hurts to know Sunny doesn't stick around and Basil dies :(
And it explains the name behind the 'Something'.
'Something' behind you did it. There's 'Something' behind you, isn't there.
'Something' all around us, that potentially being the truth comin' in.
When 'Something' ruined my photos, Basil repressing protecting Sunny by destroying the proof.
Just expertly done.
'Something' being repression of the memory and impending guilt. Dannnng.
36:26 - It's 24 hours after I beat the game as I type all this so here's a gag.
Here's the part where Basil beats some sense into his friend, because after this Sunny gets knocked out and wakes up 200% improved and ready to save Basil from his own guilt by releasing them both from the secret.
So basically Kel dragged us out of bed, then a couple days later Basil beats us up, and that's how Sunny gets better :^) Game Over.
38:46 - This fight made me feel utterly terrible, a highlight being the energy bar saying "Everything is going to be okay".
or at 40:17 - when Basil pokes out Sunny's eye and the screen does this? That's an underutilized but always awesome visual.
Because just before entering Basil's home on this night you see his Grandma's ghost here. So seeing Sunny here told me "WELL. YOU FUCKED UP!"
42:25 - Like I said, beat some sense into Sunny.
Here's the mental side of things where Basil's beatin' told Sunny to go remember the good times and confront his inner self and I'm being partially facetious because there's plenty to say about what's coming up.
43:15 - Goosebumps every time due to the sincerity and hope of this.
43:40 - Hug for anyone needing that.
51:11 - I could cry again and I just might before this post is done being put together.
This accident was never meant to be.
55:09 - Timestamp is arbitrary, I won't go over every flashback but I do want to say what a beautiful way to use these photos. To relive the memories? To find the strength to overcome and all that? After all these years of suppressing memories? DANNNG I love this game.
1:04:09 - I stepped in poop.
1:04:15 - Barefooted.
1:04:22 - I embraced my failure.
1:12:00 - The violin.
1:13:00 - "The anxious feeling-" "They believed in you" "No matter what you didn't want to disappoint them" I'm filled with love and gonna cry about it.
1:14:00 - So an important theme in the game, as if it has just one, is Sunny suppressing emotions and demonizing himself.
Obviously the ending shows him breaking free from both but I think it's important as hell to look at how he builds up to being able to.
After all the dark moments show him as a bloodied monster, demonstrate a perceived lack of remorse for what he's done (as in he sees himself so poorly that he says "I must not have felt bad about it, I'm a monster", not that he actually doesn't feel bad about it, that he thinks he shouldn't because he's bad), have him stab dream Basil to protect his repression of the memory, the build up to breaking free from that is him remembering the good in him through the lens of his friends.
Both in the real world and in revisiting the memories within the photos.
He hears about the good in himself that he has pretended isn't there and finds the power to overcome this deadened shell he's made.
He learns how to forgive himself by finally remembering he's worthy of forgiveness and is more than his mistake, that even the person he grievously harmed would want him to forgive himself and would understand the mistake didn't define him.
1:15:15 - Just because you did something bad doesn't make you bad, to put it more eloquently than my rambles. He had to learn that.
1:19:20 - I've done this fight 4 times.
You may be wondering why 4 times, it ain't like I replayed the game a ton or anything.
The short of it is:
1) For the good ending :)
2) To see what happens if you go "up" in the hospital- it's a dead end- I assumed it'd be a bad ending. So I got the good ending again :)
3) For the bad ending.
In doing so I did get one layer deeper on the BG of Omori in the fight, here it is:
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And I learned on the fourth run that the fight is simpler than I gave it credit lol, Cherish refills your juice, so there is no reason to use Encore. You can get to the end (and deeper more easily) by just using the triple attack and Cherish and Calm down when necessary.
1:29:00 - A summary of the fight is that it's extremely impactful emotionally, but very obviously isn't a "Fun fight". It's great mechanically and story wise for what it's trying to do :)
I'll just say it here: I'm surprised there wasn't an end-game "Omori" fight, you know, in dream world? Because combat is SO good in this. I am lead to believe that the Omori route where you never go outside in the real world has more bosses and zones and would fill what I just implied I wanted- but you're also railroaded into the Neutral endings which are both sad :(
And honestly? That makes sense and I applaud the decision :) Embracing the fantasy world for more 'fights' isn't exactly the path to recovery. Also and I know someone will be bothered I say this because *I'm* bothered I'm saying this- it makes sense since a big predecessor did the same thing lol.
Undertale Genocide has new bosses and a harder end game challenge (Sans) while being the worse ending, while the good ending has a flashy and story/emotionally impactful final fight that isn't as challenging because challenge isn't the point of the morals being explored.
I just bring it up because it's interesting, has a parallel, and after fighting Omori 4 times I really REALLY wanted to do an end-game fight in Dream World.
1:30:00 - forgive me as I cry again. goosebumps and more.
So I use a cheap video editor and I use the free format of it which limits to 720p and I didn't think twice of it.
I recorded at max, but downgraded after editing.
At 720p you can't see the detail that made me break down crying!
At 1:31:55 Sunny's eyes go wider as he sees Mari as they finally get to experience the duet in this dream state (White Egret Orchid, this is real and happening, I'm taking this to my grave :'( ) he sees her smile and that smile made me break down, but in the 720 it's blurry :(
That's on me, I could have posted the scene raw in HQ but I didn't know it'd compress just enough to be invisible :(
still. that duet scene can make me cry on command. just because of that alone, but also the entire thing.
1:33:42 - Sunny breaks from his shell and feels his emotions again.
1:37:07 - I wish every game would end with a mirror to see yourself.
The 'Despite everything, it's still you' vibe just cements all the growth and experiences that have happened as so much more real when that happens. Bonus points because mirrors in Omori are a time bomb where you can be reminded of the guilt following you- and this one is safe. This one is pure and clean. You did it.
1:37:50 - As I said earlier, going up does nothing. Dead end.
1:39:00 - I have to tell you something.
Simple ending. And yet slams me like two trucks. I'm so proud.
1:41:00 - Post credits scene.
This is so heartwarming and their smiles are the purest thing in the entire world.
All I'll say on that is the bad ending made me feel terrible inside. Give up, live in your bubble, and subconsciously end it all so you never have to confront reality again.
My gut felt heavy to be honest.
And the fact that THAT is when Bo En Time is played is INCREDIBLE.
Having the sky shift like that gave goosebumps and cemented my dread.
Just seeing it now has me feeling very poorly.
Okay. Video done.
Now for general thoughts.
First off this White Space cycle has been going on for YEARS with Sunny only getting worse as he suppresses things more and more and the reason he found the strength to overcome is because of his friends and I'm gonna yell about it.
And I just think that is sweet as hell. The strength was inside himself, but the problem itself caused Sunny to demonize and not trust himself- he needed someone to break him free and help convince him that he's not irredeemable. And boom.
The way this game handles Denial and even gives it physical form with the 'Something's that both Sunny and Basil harbor is just awesome.
I touched on it but combat in Omori is very, very good.
I've said it here and there as I played and I feel like going at length in the finale post is pointless because this isn't a review but to put it concisely.
Types changing mid-combat, the character archetypes being so well defined, the follow up system, combat in Omori is some top notch turn based RPG stuff.
Like up there with the greats, the timeless masterpieces. This is GOOD fighting. So it was surprising the good ending didn't emphasize it- I explained why that makes sense, but even still! It'd probably be lesser for it (as explained previously) but it's interesting they practiced that restraint for the message they wanted to send.
Repeatin' that Mari's smile in the recital made me cry. Burned in my brain.
I'm still surprised I got the post credits scene because I DID water the plants a lot but when the game showed me them all dead I assumed that was the fail condition.
I genuinely do want to try the Omori route some time down the road. I hope I get around to it.
I am slightly dissuaded just because the Omori route only gets the neutral endings which are not Good To Be Blunt :(
But I want to see what dream content there is and I hear there are other bosses!
Other small bits from my notes:
Replacing denial (the black bulb) with hope (the white bulb) was good as heck.
The imagery of the 'Something' is so top notch- using the shadow of her body combined with the piercing gaze of her single eye- MY GOD.
The fragility of life being so present- between memories of near death experiences, to the way in which Mari dies, to the ease at which either Basil or Sunny can end the game. It's tense and heart-wrenching.
The way the 'Something' behind Sunny almost always shadows over him like an ever present weight.
Tearful, hopeful, pure, kids enduring a guilt metric tons heavier than their bodies could ever handle and finally, finally moving beyond it.
I said more in a personal post, and I'll reblog that.
Honestly, just timestamping through the video took it out of me and got the point across.
Omori is a wonderful game.
It's definitely a favorite for me, high up there on my list.
Between the themes, the gameplay, the humor, the ending.
This is a good one.
And now I get to end having experienced all the care and love in this title, that's such a sweet thing.
Now I know this finale post is a mess, illegible even. I have gotten sloppier as I've begun embracing just 'experiencing and rambling' and perhaps my formatting with change yet again until I find something more easily shared.
Despite that. I want to thank any who popped in on this playthrough.
This was a good one, a highlight of the blog for sure- and I'm always happy when I see some people enjoying the absolute mess I toss online when I do one of these :P
So thank you for your time, and thank you to any ridiculous enough to read my nonsense here.
Have a good one :)
And just as expected I feel I've said nothing and barely touched the surface as the post-game-head of mine does a poor job lol. Even still :P
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
91 Lucifer prompts
Some of my favorite quotes from my favorite devil. (Cut at 15 cause it’s long.)
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Lucifer Morningstar
1 “People don’t arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning until something comes along that disabuses them of those notions.”
2 “People don’t have power over us. We give it to them.” 
3 “The best thing to do is always to follow your greatest desire.”
4 “Sometimes we are what we are, and we should embrace that.”
5 “Desire shouldn’t be contained, it’s unnatural.” 
6 “Why do humans think they can rectify one evil with another?”
7 “Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
8 “Believe me, there is no winning when you play by a twisted tyrant’s rules.” 
9 “You shouldn’t have to change for anyone. And neither should I.” 
10 “I refuse to be a scapegoat for which something I bear no responsibility. It’s a theme in my life.”
11 “Trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time. I know evil.”
12 “If you desire something, just take it.”
13 “Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s desire.”
14 “What I hate more than anything is a liar, a charlatan, someone who doesn’t believe in what they say.”
15 “Hell truly hath no fury like a man/woman scorned.”
16 “No one gives us the right… we take it.”
17 “Mmm, dangerous. NAME likes.”
18 “There was immediate danger. He/she was about to leave this man/woman completely unsatisfied.”
19 “When in doubt, go with the classics. That’s what I always say.”
20 “Guilt is such a useless emotion”
21 “Take a swing and I’ll shove that so far up your ass, you’ll have splinters in your stool.”
22 “What makes us vulnerable is often right under our noses.”
23 “Now tell me, what is it that you truly desire?”
24 “Well, maybe it’s like butt stuff. Easier the second time around.”
25 “It’s always the ones you least suspect, the ones you trust the most, that hurt you. They wait until your guard is down and then wham! In my case, it was tequila.”
Chloe Decker
26 “It’s better to move forward than stay stuck in the past.” 
27 “We can’t control what happens to us only how it affects us and the choices we make.”
28 “You have to stop taking responsibility for things that you can’t control.” 
29 “Sometimes we get along best with the people we’re most different from.”
30 “Pull yourself together. You look like a homeless magician!”
31 “It’s really not a good day for… your… NAMEness”
32 “You don’t save a marriage by sleeping with other people.”
33 “If you go looking for loopholes, you’ll always find them.”
34 “NAME’s not another guy/gal. He’s/She’s a weirdo.”
35 “As any parent knows, the best time to get things done is when everyone else is asleep.”
36 “I wasn't afraid of you.”
37 “I don't want you to see me like this. I know it scares you.” “No, that's... that's what I was trying to tell you. I'm not... I'm not afraid of you anymore.” “You're not?” “You see, this is what I'm talking about. It's so sweet. I'm going to puke.”
38 “I miss him/her. I mean, he/she pisses me off all the time. And there are so many things about him/her that ... that I find hard to accept, but I just have to believe I can find a way. Because ... I'd rather have him/her in my life than not.” “Well, then... I think you know what you need to do.”
39 “You're different than me. You're stronger. You could have run, but you didn't. Why didn't you?”
40 “It's not like you haven't always told me the truth. You know? So ... I think, deep down, I just ... I always knew.”
41 “Let's pretend for one second that you're someone else. Someone nice, someone mature.” “Ooh, I love role-play.”
42 “What, you're just gonna leave me here? In this part of town?” “You said you wanted danger.”
43 “Please tell me I'm hallucinating.” “Well, I am dreamy, but try to contain yourself.”
44 “You step out of line one time …” “You can give me a right-good spanking, I promise.”
45 “This cannot be true. Can it? I mean ... if you knew this, why wouldn't you say something? I mean, I almost married him/her. I mean, I almost married him/her.” “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.”
46 “Oh, my God. Did the world just turn upside down? Did you just admit to being wrong?”
47 “You know, it can be scary sometimes, but ... being who you really are is never a bad idea.”
48 “I need you to stay here and watch your dad/mom.” “That's true. Without the two of us, he’s/she's defenseless.” “I don't know if I like what you're whispering about.”
49 “How long have I been out?” “Three years.” “What?!” [NAME starts laughing] “You’re such an ass.”
50 “I couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed up all night working, and, you know, I drank a lot of caffeine. Like, a lot.”
Mazikeen Smith
51 “If you go by someone else’s pace, it shows how much you really care.”
52 “Sometimes you have to accept when someone doesn’t feel the same way about you.” 
53 “Self-worth comes from within, bitches.” 
54 “I would never ask you to change. I like who you are.” 
55 “Hey! No one calls my skank a skank.” 
56 “Good. It's settled. Now, where do I put my knives.”
57 “Okay. One, I like to fight when I'm happy or ... horny. And, two, I really don't want to accidentally kill my best friend.”
58 “Maybe next time, I won't be around to save your ass.” “Mm! Well, that is a shame. 'Cause you and my backside used to get on very well. My front side, as well, actually.”
59 “And your name?” “NAME.” “How do you spell that?” “Surprise me.” [Later gets coffee with "WRONG NAME" on it]
60 “Everything that happened showed me exactly why I need to go back.” “I don't understand.”
Linda Martin
61 “Emotions are hard, but that’s why they make you strong.” 
62 “Goodness isn’t a toy.”
63 “Sometimes we need to lose something to understand its value.”
64 “Sometimes it’s easier to make intimate issues about something bigger than yourself.” 
65 “I find people who are rude usually feel powerless in their own lives. Terrified of not being in control.”
66 “Look... I know I'm not dad/mom, or partner or whatever. But I ...” “No. No, you're not. Come here. You are Uncle/Auntie NAME. And you will always ... be a member of this family.”
67 “Let's talk about what you're dealing with emotionally.” “Yeah, I really don't want to.”
68 “Why is he:she able to refuse my charms? I mean, is this thing on?” [points at him/herself] “Yes, yes. Definitely on.”
69 “How's that saying go? We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars.”
70 “Should've seen that one coming.”
71 “We need the most love when we’re being most unlovable.” 
72 “No matter how bad things get, the true test is how we choose to respond to the pain. We suffer, or inflict.”
73 “Cosmos are yummy.”
74 “If you really want to know if you’re a worthy romantic partner, ask yourself.”
75 “NAME. What are you doing here? Did you hurt NAME?” “Only when he/she asked me nicely.”
Ella Lopez
76 “Whenever I’m procrastinating on something, I make an appointment for myself to do it. That way, can’t back out.”
77 “You see what I'm dealing with?”
78 “Hey. No one insults my family, except for me.”
79 [high on "candy"] “I know I should be freaking out right now, but your hair is so shiny.”
80 I'm usually not into reality shows either. I prefer more, you know, scripted-content, documentaries, but... I've got a little extra time these days, so... sort of kind of watched, uh, 27 seasons in two weeks.
Dan Espinoza 
81 “We all need someone to have our backs every now and then.”
82 “Ooh, lemon bars. My favorite. Mmm. Oh, man, these are amazing. Who made 'em?” “Uh, NAME did. Would you believe that hunk bakes?” [spits out the bars] “On second thought, who needs the empty calories?”
83 “Say you fall in love with a man/woman who has a cat. What are you gonna do? You accept the cat.” 
84 “Are you sleeping with this idiot?” “He/She hasn't had the pleasure, unfortunately, no.”
85 “Dude, I cannot deal with your weirdness right now.”
Trixie Espinoza
86 “We’re wearing the same shirt!” [both] “Sushi shirt!” [from around the corner] “I don’t know what’s going on out there, but I hate it!”
87 “I ate it.” “Mm-hmm.” “But NAME said it was okay.” “Oh, really?” “He/She said, if you really want to do something, you should. And I really wanted to eat some chocolate cake.”
88 “Are you looking at a no-no site?” “No. Why would you think that?” “Because you put it away so fast, and you look really, really guilty.”
89 “NAME, sever their Achilles first. If they can't walk ...” “They can't betray you.”
90 “You need to get a thicker skin. Stand up for yourself, because the truth is, nobody’s gonna do it for you.” — Charlotte Richards
91 “Anybody worth dating should understand everything that makes you … you.” — Ev
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